Transcripts For RT News 20210312 :

RT News March 12, 2021

after 6 pm here in the russian capital this is the international a very warm welcome to you. tensions within the e.u. over its. chancellor is claiming that some states have made backroom deals for jobs supply breaking rules let's get some more details on this right now because all of the e.u. is not exactly. this what more can you tell us. well the e.u. vaccine procurement programs come under fire again this time it's a busty and could the austrian chancellor who's not very happy he says that it's amounted to when it comes to excess doses inside the group it's amounted to little more than a trading bazaar he's also unhappy at the way the vaccines have been distributed throughout the block saying that some member states could be able to vaccinate their entire populations by may while others may have to wait as long as until the autumn yep the idea i'm front of all i have together with other heads of government showed the information and compared our own statistics on that distribution among e.u. member states and when you do that you notice that their mounts do of the do not correspond to the respective population numbers it appears then that there are up once with this approach to be intensified and the differences between member states will become larger and larger. could to start to claim that multi has received 3 times as many doses in reference to its per capita population then bull garia has the e.u. commission say that it was made very clear exactly how vaccine distribution would be carried out all member states were privy to those talks polluting austria. the starting point of the commission is to distribute doses based on population but member states can ask for less all more of a particular vaccine in this context and following talks between member states is possible that a new distribution plan is agreed with the company. well some e.u. member states of looked elsewhere for vaccines and that's caused problems in slovakia for the well now former slovak health minister he was forced to resign after he ordered 200000 doses of russia's sputnik v. job 2 out of the 4 parties that make up the ruling coalition in slovakia said that wasn't the way it was going to be done and he had to go so the prime minister accepted his resignation there's a similar but different situation developing in the czech republic is well there the president of the czech republic camilla has said that the health minister on syria and senior figures in the health authority they need to be sacked or need to resign if they don't get the russian sputnik the vaccine into the country v. is currently undergoing review by the european medicines agency the e m a currently only hungry out of e.u. member states is using sputnik v as part of their vaccination program once it gets a.m.a. approval though it's expected to be used in many more. are his part of all of us joining us live here on r.t. thank you very much. more than 50 performers and employees have turned squatters occupying 3 of francis ford national theaters in a cry for help they warn the industry can no longer survive the pandemic shutdown of cultural sites forcing the country's health minister to negotiate with them our correspondent shala dubin ski went to visit one of the occupied venues. i know i was. was. the chorus of calls demanding the reopening of cultural venue's is growing allow day in france but with no clear end date in sight to the closure of theaters concert hall cinema museums are taking more drastic measures over the last week 3 of france's 4 national theatres including this one behind me have been occupied by protesters it is true that every day several times a day we take another place a new theatre a new national stage is occupied in this way with multiply in the case of resistance to make a claims hood so we've all hit by the o.t. now for a week and for that it serves as a place of residence the odeon is a symbolic place it was occupied in the $968.00 process there are already struggles that have been expressed in this place in fact it was the base to signal the alarm of the cultural catastrophe which is taking place protesters who set up shop here at the boat in fear to say they won't leave until their demands are met them not knowing the details now we're determined to hold on until we're satisfied we do not claim the reopening at all costs it is not part of our main slogan contrary to what some media mean we want things to be reopened with social rights for all and massive plan for culture and above all the total reform of the unemployment insurance and the right to unemployment benefits guaranteed for all. the issue has even reached the government with the cultural minister paying a visit to the squatters. i went to the occupied theater audio on i understand the concerns in particular ball the aftermath of the whites here they know it why objective is to continue to protect artistic employment as much as necessary we will continue our discussions days later though and nothing has changed if the sector already hit badly by the 1st wave of the covert pandemic with performers taking to the streets to make their plight no thank you thank you. thank you who the earth 6. there isn't going to go to that while small private galleries have been allowed to stay open larger places such as they serve hot to remain shut protesters say that it is possible to open up cultural venues and ensure the people remain socially distance is in order the louvre museum the also a museum the big museums in paris these a vos places where social distancing would be respected but they are closed. so these are the decisions which are purely political through this there is a very clear choice of society that emerges what is the central to the market and what is not essential concerns culture it concerns all the things that nourish hope nourish reflection this is what power has in science through its political choices frontispiece conceded to her one of the most generous support systems of artists in the world but that system has been strained as a result of kobe 19 and many claim that they have fall in through the cracks those hey say that this protest is just the start as more and more regions in france will see similar action charlotte even ski azzi paris. pressure is mounting on the governor of new york cuomo to step down its over sexual misconduct allegations and an alleged cover up of. deaths i think we've seen so many. so many troubling things that have come out just in a matter of weeks starting with the fact that thousands of people died in the nursing homes and we still don't have the truth about that and their families need and deserve the truth and we know one thing there was a purposeful cover up and that alone is unacceptable and disqualifying the state's health department had initially reported around $8000.00 fatalities in care homes but those who were transferred to hospital and died there were excluded from the figures in something deliberately to make the number of casualties seem lower if these victims are added to the real death toll is almost double that reported and victims' relatives question the counting and most apparent dismissal of its importance. who years 3328 died in a hospital died in a nursing home. they don't write my father was in a nursing home station in the nursing home for 23. when he. there were at least in theory ended my family he could no longer stand. the nursing home. system ways not prepared for any kind of health care or emergency and i know my father is still in county but their governors attitude of who cares where they die it does matter because it points to one where where where you know errors in their policies into why afraid of having those numbers revealed. the sky bill comes at the worst possible time for the state governor a 6th report of sexual misconduct against cuomo has been published now pushing more than 50 state legislators from his own party to demand his resignation. at a time of extreme. console culture reading appears to be a dangerous thing you could even cost you your korea a member of a well known british is being called a fascist for mentioning he had read a book criticizing left wing activist group. oxys constantine or looks at the growing chorus of criticism for those who question progressive narratives. just think about it you read a book you like it you say publicly no harm done you would hope well that's what winston marshall did he was the banjo player in a british band called mumford and sons and he dared to enjoy the wrong literature over the last few days i've come to better understand the pain caused by the book i endorsed as a result of my acts and some taken time away from the bonds to examine my blinds posts so like in the band's hit single they'll just have to wait for him but what was the evil book he read you might ask something so bad it wasn't enough to say sorry he had to quit the band had been playing and for many years was a mind com or an isis manual on how to make bombs no much worse winston marshall was called out by social justice worriers for publicly recommending in newly published book criticize an n.t. for well you remember n.t. for right. that was in the since deleted twit the poor guy barely mentioned that he read the book about it but that one twit started this tsunami of rage and calls to boycott marshall's bam it dumbfounds an endorsement to flush shay i really like that one song a while ago winston mossel and his prove to us just be me and suck dress and i hope the rest of the band kicks him to the curb otherwise i'm out. your banjo player is a fascist what do you think this is going to do to your public image you guys screwed up fire the fascist the book was written by the wrong guy and they know a journalist who's been beating the drum about violent left wing groups in the us for years for is bad it was often attacked beaten and even milkshakes of even harassed a random asian man in portland because he looked like him a group of those who because they read my were. the. was is not only the willingness to support me being given them terrorism but those of the girls curious minds from and the new thoughts anyway and now writes a book that big surprise lashes out at and t. for and that grasps the attention of poor winston marshall who is already on the world greater in 2018 he posed with jordan peterson i say colleges who doesn't share transgender youth oreo or feminism that was strike number one and now endorsing the wrong book that strike number 2 game over your band. but it's not just who you endorse it's also who you failed to endorse like these 2 public school administrators in the state of pennsylvania they lost their jobs because they dared to criticize black lives matter and facebook posts or this guy senator josh holy facebook contract was polled after he question joe biden's election victory. a conservative publisher picked it up though saying they refused to how were before the woke mob but across most of the media and cultural landscape towering is the new name of the game. lawyer. says it's not right to attack a post and just for reading and commenting on a book. there are issues with the. integrity and the quality of the book but nonetheless merely reading it and praising a book should no be the subject of apology the idea that you should apologize for reading and praising any book. as extreme connotations for freedom of speech you know we are seeing it more and more. praising that to kill all those who particularize can enjoy up an extremely hope. tweeted an indorsement of the ideas in mind cam and yes i think that would be entirely different than dean goes but he's not mine camp and i think what's really interesting is that we get drawn into these comparisons very very easily you know it's very easy to fly around the term trash nowadays and right wing fascism is a very remote ideology in today's context and the enjoy whatever you think of in the certainly not a 'd right wing fascist so the comparison is completely ill founded. back to our top story for you here on see the chancellor of austria. has accused some e.u. states of making backroom deals to secure more covert vaccine supplies and other members european commission has denied any such secret agreements which would of course be in violation of e.u. rules will live now to foreign affairs analyst. joining us live from london here on the program good to see you today sir thanks for joining us. chancellor says the vaccines are being distributed unfairly do you think perhaps this calls into question the e use joint approach to vaccines. well as we know thank you very much for 1st of all for having me on your show but going back to your question i do believe even though the. european union is broke and is perceived. to be perceived as a journalist we know that the pandemic. the worst demons from all of us or all the governments around the world we know about the facts in nationalism and we know that in this race for our citizens' lives no one is really taking into account what the e.u. is saying for instance we can look to hungary which is a member of the european union but. citizens well being and lives 1st before any commitment to being in the economic bloc which we know as a european union so i do agree with the. saying certain countries just pushing. for securing more vaccines and this internationalism is well documented mr comes on to let's just give some specifics here the chancellor of austria curtsey gave a specific example he said that multi is getting 3 times as many vaccines per capita as ball garia now why would such a thing happened do you think is it an era or is there some favoritism going on here. well it might it might be true of these factors we know the multiverse but dissipating was participating before breaks in the studying the possible. u.k. citizens who are well off and going to secure having a dual citizenship and for instance. we can also put the blame on the e.u. and this is the 1st time the. european union has faced such a great obstacle threat the current pandemic. 19 virus so i think it is their response to this question is quite mixed 1st of all e.u. is. learning on the job so they are somehow making of mistakes on the way to go while they are trying to read this tribute the vaccines. over the different member states and also maybe. for it is a misplaying certain role in this but i'll put much greater emphasis on being unprepared for this and that make an apparent. possibly there's some potential politicking going on here as well with the jabs shortages in europe there are now disputes in the czech republic and slovakia about whether or not they should start using russia's sputnik shot could this be a potential solution to what's being called a covert crisis now. well as we know. 19 doesn't you know distinguish between race gender and the city or nationality i think. it is a common thread and that this is a global threat which all of us are facing so i wouldn't you know put my so i wouldn't like to put myself in this shoes or any government official who is trying to discriminate against i dispute that 5 which is a russian vaccine and it has been confirmed by the lancet medical journal last month that its efficiency scope in 1000 is 91 slash 6 percent. effectiveness so i think we should all the governments around the world and especially in central europe this rise of the. cases has reason from as we notice from the last week we should use all the available equipment all the available vaccines which can speed up vaccination programs in particular countries and you know get out from this global misery called. the 19. well because that you talk about you talk about using all available vaccines here we understand certainly just in the past 24 hours i had a couple of german m.p.'s in the studio they were saying that the possible potential use of the russian vaccine in germany or europe is being politicized at this point and as one would like to imagine you're talking about a pandemic here you're talking about vaccines here we're not talking about big business we're not talking about politicking we're talking about people's health. obviously i agree with that but as we know big pharma astra zeneca. which is a bone of contention between united kingdom which is a former member of the european union and european union itself plays a key role also the fact that the baucus foreign minister said that. russia is weaponize ing vax sputnik 5 vaccine and using it as a tool in the hybrid war against the west tells us a lot the about this political motives in this post communist countries all in europe in general so as we are speaking and we are talking about the human lives which should be a letter or pick and it should be. politicized unfortunately just said true and the set reality of the european politics is that in deep. in our run to save our lives everything has been politicized isn't. vaccinations programs and using a credible and i will put an emphasis on this particular word credible vaccines as sputnik 5 banks in east and it has been concerned by the legitimate organs and bodies who can confront up it is ready to be used in order to vaccinate people and frankly saying astra zeneca with collaboration with oxford university. effectiveness is you know lower than the. effectiveness of sputnik 5 vaccine but nevertheless still a certain governments you know playing a porsche and political theatrical in order to show or pledge allegiance to call engines to the west in they attempt to. the geopolitical gains as a real cause on to foreign affairs analyst on commentator joining us live here in our international many thanks for your time today thank you thank you very much. the head of an american data privacy for the question of whether the personal health information encoded possible warts can be stored securely among those considering the introduction of such documents as that of the european union but rope shovel of warm this could lead to discrimination and i've seen the efforts from the european union and the green you know the green initiative and while this idea that they can guarantee. that the data is is safe and anonymized is just wrong it's incorrect and. i think it's a real problem when governments are claiming that just like it's a problem when companies claim that your data is anonymous and will never be lost stolen or as what we're concerned about is if vaccine and then execute are combined with travel data starts to leak out and get going combined with these data broker profiles that anyone can buy any business can buy them any individual can buy them there are available very cheap so for example an insurance company might or might not want to insure a server give us an offer if it's a certain amount of that if we fall into a certain category based on that data. the company whose c.e.o. you just heard from held a poll which found that less than the hof of americans want digital health possible it's rob again says if they are brought in only essential information should be used. what i believe is a good so usually to the problem of am hard to neo vaccine of course is janaki is a shared database is alaska knowledge used diggers and you used things that don't replicate our data across every country we travel to or every sports venue if we want to watch a football game i mean all of the data in it now sounds great and it sounds convenient but ultimately there is a lot of risks to our privacy in the future if we keep creating more data especially how. you tube content creators have reacted with fury over plans by the online giant to take an even greater slice of their potential earnings haven't already moved to pocket half of all the revenue the video platform now plans for a big tax grab their creator outside of the u.s. you may begin to have taxes the ducted from your u.s. earnin

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