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0 is spiralling out of control. >> it's very clear its experiment in democracy that started about two years ago with a lot of euphoria is dead. >> as president obama breaks his silence, does egypt really care what washington thinks? i'm brooke baldwin. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. -- captions by vitac -- a trainer murdered in the middle of a class. why his past may provide clues. plus, coffee's wake-up call. a new study shows how the brew could be deadly. and a paralympic committee tells a swimmer she can't compete because she's not disabled enough. we're on the case. and here we go. good to see you. i'm brooke baldwin. want to begin with the biggest story in the world right now. egypt. and as more blood spills on to the streets of egypt, the relationship between the united states and egypt's military government is on rocky ground. tethered by a $1.3 billion aid package. and just one word has the power to pull the plug on this u.s. cash flow to egypt. that one word is "coup." if the world is used for president mohamed morsi's dismissal, that would be this automatic trigger. it would force the u.s. to cut all foreign aid. and just this morning, president obama made a decision. >> while we want to sustain our relationship with egypt, our traditional cooperation cannot continue as usual when civilians are being killed in the streets and rights are being rolled back. as a result, this morning we notified the egyptian government that we are canceling our biannual joint military exercise which was scheduled for next month. going forward i've asked my national security team to assess the implications of the actions taken by the interim government and further steps that we may take as necessary with respect to the u.s./egyptian relationship. >> you heard the news from the president. canceling these joint military exercises, but keeping that cash flow, at least for now. before we get into the potential fallout for the u.s., i want to just talk about what started all of this. of course, the escalating violence happening right now in egypt. and just a warning, some of the pictures we are going to show you here are graphic. let me go straight to arwa damon, cnn senior international correspondent, who is live there in cairo. arwa, let's just begin with the sheer numbers as they obviously continue to rise. you have more than 500 dead. more than 3,000 injured. state of emergency declared. tell me how quiet things are on the street? what's the situation at this hour? >> reporter: you also have a curfew that's been put into place that was changed. it was 7:00 p.m. yesterday. now it's at 9:00 p.m. but really all day and even now at night, cairo's streets are oddly quiet when you would compare it to what should have been a normal day here. that casualty count is really quite staggering. this is among the bloodiest days of egypt's recent history. the country's still reeling from what took place yesterday, where not only did we see the security forces moving in to clear out those two main demonstration sites, but also dealing with numerous flare-ups. not just here in the capital, but throughout the entire country. we've also seen a number of police stations being attacked by angry morsi supporters. government buildings as well. the ministry of interior announcing that it had given its troops orders to use lethal force should anyone want to try to target the security forces or any other government institutions. and we have also had at least 30 churches being attacked throughout the entire country by angry mobs. going in, looting, and then torching them, brooke. >> arwa damon for us in cairo. as we mentioned, the president speaking today. he says further action can be taken. of course, in the coming days if the violence that arwa's reporting on continues there in cairo. really beyond. and there are really three options on the table here for the united states. first, we mentioned this word "coup." if we call it a coup, that would automatly trigg lically trigger cutting off that aid. call it a coup and issue a national security waiver to allow aid to continue. three, don't call it a coup, keep the money in place. cnn senior international correspondent ivan watson along with spider marks. ivan, i know you have done so much reporting through all of this, really. in cairo, when you look at the three options, which could have the most detrimental impact for the united states? >> reporter: well, i guess if you call it a coup, as it is, i believe, and cut off the aid, then you've lost substantial leverage with the generals that look to be very much ruling egypt right now. on the other hand, they made it very clear with their actions in the last 24 hours by sending in the security forces, knowing full well that there would be substantial loss of life, that they really don't care what washington thinks or says. that it was more important for them to crush these encampments, which i visited. i never saw weapons there beyond baseball bats and kind of makeshift weapons, basically, for them to protect themselves, the muslim brotherhood demonstrator. but i think that's the message we're very much getting from the junta in cairo. they don't care what their u.s. ally says. >> what about ivan's point that they don't care. let's take the aid off the table and go specifically to what the president said today. bright star, this joint military exercise, goes back to the 1980s. canceled. does egypt care? is this a big deal for them? >> well, frankly, i think the united states clearly has lost influence not only in the region, but elsewhere. i don't know how many people really care about what we say. now, we spend a lot of time parsing words that come from the administration. and certainly ourselves as well. it's more important what we do. i think the president was wise to cancel bright star. it's entirely too complicated right now. the focus in egypt has to be on trying to achieve some stability. and what we can do as a nation and as a member of the united nations to try to help facilitate that and the conduct of an exercise right now that, as you've indicated, has been in place for over three decades, probably is a good decision not to have that thing go off next month. which it has been almost uninterrupted for the last 30 years. >> ivan, let me take you back to the money issue. because, as you know, we all know the u.s. hands over a lot in foreign aid. egypt is our top five. our contribution when you really sort of look at how other contributions stack up, you see on the screen it's a fraction in comparison to the $10 billion to $15 billion in aid egypt gets from other countries in the region. really my question to you is, how much does the united states really need to continue? how much does the united states really need egypt as a friend? as part of the bigger picture in the region. >> reporter: of course, egypt has long been a pillar of u.s. middle eastern foreign policy. it's a neighbor of israel. of course, a very important american ally in the region. the question of the actual money, i think if the u.s. wanted to influence events and make it clear to the ruling generals that this kind of behavior is not tolerable, it should try to adopt some kind of multilateral approach. you can't do it unilaterally. but the one point, whatever billion dollars that the u.s. has been given annually to egypt is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount that the gulf arab states, who happen to be close american allies as well, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, qatar, it's a drop in the bucket compared to what they have offered, money that they've shovelled to the government in cairo in just the last six weeks. so if the u.s. wants to be heard, probably a good way to do that would be to convince close allies like saudi arabia and qatar and the uae to maybe not hand over more than $10 billion in aid in just six weeks to the government in cairo. >> general, given what ivan said, given our friendship with egypt, given the strategical, geographic importance of this country, what if the u.s. and egypt cut off ties altogether? what would happen then? >> if we did that, here's the likely scenario. you have a radical shia iran to the east. you've got a radical sunni egypt to the west. you've got israel right in the middle. the u.s. has very little -- at that point very little influence it can wield to try to alter the balance. i mean, it's a horrible outcome. it's terrible what's taking place in egypt right now. if we don't spend the time and money right now, the costs down the road will be exceptionally high. >> ivan watson, general spider marks, guys, thank you very much. to san diego. mayor bob filner, as you know, been staying out of the spotlight. but women who claim he sexually harassed them continue to come out of the woodwork. so today there is now a great grandmother, a senior citizen who works at city hall. she claims filner made, and i'm quoting her, continuous inappropriate sexual advances. at least 14 other women have made similar claims against him. and in another troubling development for this mayor, a memo from the san diego city attorney says the mayor can be legally removed from office if it's discovered he allowed unauthorized payments from the city treasury. now to one of the hottest stories in a flash, rapid fire. roll it. first up here, a car bomb exploded in lebanon's capital today. a new militant group is claiming responsibility, vowing to strike again. 14 people were killed and more than 200 injured in suburban beirut. you can see the smoke, the crowds, the fire. the bomb exploded in a stronghold area for hezbollah, a shiite militant group in lebanon. ambulances rushing to the scene, tending to children. the new militant fwrgroup poste youtube video taking responsibility and vowing more attacks on hezbollah. ntsb officials have now recovered those data recorders from that deadly u.p.s. cargo jet crash in birmingham, alabama. the recorder is now headed to washington for further examination and investigators hope they will solve the mystery of why this plane crashed yesterday. >> initial information that we have subject to verification is that there was no distress call from the -- from the pilots. >> both the pilot and the co-pilot, the only two people on board, were killed. on new york's coney island this kiddy roller coaster is shut down today after it proved a tad too frightening for one little guy. a 5-year-old boy apparently panicked last night, wiggled out of his restraint while the ride was still moving. >> he climbed out of the car at the top of the hill. and that's where he fell in between the cars. the preliminary reports were indicating he was wedged in between the car and the track. >> the boy was taken to the hospital with a broken leg and cuts. coming up next here, a popular trainer for the cross-fit, you know that workout program? he was murdered at his gym in the middle of class. but could his past provide clues to find his killer? plus, police in seattle handing out free doritos at a pot smokers festival. wait until you hear the message written on the bag of tck of th, coming up. hey linda! what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support regularity! i want some... 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