Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 201503

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 20150330

>> let's those duszseldorf. pamela brown, we saw you behind that gentleman. tell us more. >> reporter: well if anything carol, the prosecutor here, the dusseldorf prosecutor deepened the mystery of exactly what caused andreas lubitz to crash that plane into the mountains, according to authorities. he said before he received his pilot's license that he was suicidal. we know in 2008 he took time rauf from training but after that he came back finished training and got his pilot's license. the prosecutor today said he continued to get psychotherapy treatment after that but that there was no evidence that he was suicidal or was acting aggressively or wanted to be aggressive toward anyone else leading up to the crash just a few days ago. he also said that investigators have taken a lot of different evidence paperwork from his apartment, and that there was no confession no journal, diary, anything of him saying that he wanted to do this that he wanted to crash the plane or commit suicide. he said there was nothing indicating that this was premedicated. the prosecutor did say, though he had made several visits to the doctor leading up to the crash. we know a couple times in february and in march specifically that the doctor deemed him unable to work or fly but that in his trash bin he had ripped up those notes and put them the trash bin. the prosecutor said he was trying to hide his illness from lufthansa and germanwings. the company says they never received any indication he had any mental health issues or anything else. interesting to note, the medical test pilots have to go through every year to be certified is only physical not mental carol. >> all right, pamela brown reporting lye inging live from dusseldorf. i want to bring in peter goelzlz and psychologist jeff gardere. jeff let's talk about his suicidal tendencies. he went to see a psychotherapist. that mean he is had serious thoughts of killing himself, doesn't it? >> and i thought i heard and i may be wrong here we'll have to listen to that again, i thought that prosecutor said or that spokesperson said actually made suicide attempts which is even much more severe than just being suicidal. suicidal means that you may be thinking about suicide. either way, this is going to see a psychotherapist tells me he had mental health issues. >> and i ask that way because a lot of people -- not a lot, but many people have suicidal thoughts in their lives. >> and many people are depressed and they manage it. so even if you're an airline pilot and you have a depression as long as you're getting treatment and you're not suicidal that's okay. certainly it's different than you or i, god forbid having suicidal thoughts because we're not responsible for the lives so many people. so to have suicidal ideation or perhaps to have made suicide attempts is a red flag and something that i don't think should be allowed for anyone in that kind of position of responsibility because you don't know when those suicidal thought cans come up again if you here in the cockpit of a plane. >> peter, what do you make of this? >> well i think it's pretty shocking. what you have is a system that is tilted so far in favor of the protection of privacy that it may put passengers in jeopardy. and it's a very vexing problem. i think it's clear that this was a guy -- or it's becoming clearer that that this was a guy who probably should haven't chosen aviation as his career and something that the company and government officials need to review and say "how do we screen for these people and how do we keep them out of the cockpit?" >> peter, had this young man told the airline that he was taking six months off because he was having suicidal thoughts he would have never become a pilot, right? >> that probably would have been a knockout, yes. that's the problem with aviation. a lot of pilots have dreamed about being in the cockpit. this is their goal. they work at it from their earliest years, it's a hard slog to get into the cockpit and to be a commercial pilot and there are a number of things that are knockouts. certain drugs are knockouts and? you're terrified, particularly at the early stages of your career you don't want to do anything that's going to prevent you from fulfilling your life's dream. that's a very challenging issue for air carriers and government regulatory agencies to deal with. but i think they have to look at it aggressively again right now. >> dr. jeff just in light of what peter said, this young man did dream to become a pilot from when he was a young boy, we have pictures of him on a glider when he was a young teenager so he really wanted this. you know there are many prejudices against people who suffer even from depression so it kind of makes sense he wouldn't want anyone to know about his problems. >> absolutely. this is a cyclical thing that just kept building up against him and resulted in the death of 149 other people. this is a person who wanted to fly so badly, to be a pilot so badly. but he had a very unstable personality. he was emotionally in many ways unstable. we're talking about generalized anxiety disorder depression, possible psychosis, ocd, psychosomatic. all of that dream and the position he put on himself not to be a pilot but to not reveal his mental health issues all coalesced and became something that was horrific. >> do you think that he planned to crash the plane or did he just take the opportunity when it arose? >> it's very hard to tell. i'm only using my instinct fear working with so many people who've had varying issues. again, let's be very clear, you can live with mental illness and have a very productive life and should not be diskrim named against. in this particular case i believe this was a person in his own mind who just -- his mind just kept churning on and on in a very negative way. in a very psychotic way, very depressed way and built himself into this emotional tizzy, if you will where he felt that if he could not have his dream then he was going to take out everyone else. that is the immensity of what he was thinking about. let's be aware, it's mass murder. >> and a final question to you, peter, so is there -- you know, you've investigated lots of crashes, right? is there any way to really know whether he had planned this over a long period of time or just took the opportunity? >> well i think the police investigators will pick up a pattern of his behavior. but from what we've learned from the voice recording, from the leaksover the voice reporter it was pretty clear that on this flight that he was determined to accomplish that terrible terrible mission that he was on because he encouraged the pilot to leave the cockpit and then had to take a number of steps to put the plane into that horrific dive. so in this case i think you can say he was planning this from the beginning of the flight at least. >> peter goelz, dr. jeff gardere, thanks to both of you. i appreciate it. also this morning, the final moments of the airliner and all aboard are revealed in chilling detail. the flight voice recorder captured the captain frantically pleading with his co-pilot to unlock the door. fred pleitgen has the latest. >> reporter: over the weekend, disturbing new details from flight 9525 reported by a german newspaper. >> the transcript was leaked way too early in the investigation. >> reporter: the leaked transcript criticized by voyeurism captures the steps 27-year-old andreas lubitz took to kill all 150 on board. around 10:00 a.m. the plane takes off from barcelona. the captain then tells lubitz he didn't go to the bathroom in barcelona and lubitz replays "go any time." around 10:27 the plane reaches 38,000 feet cruising altitude. the captain asks lubitz to prepare for the landing and after the check lubitz repeats "you can go now." then the captain is heard getting up and saying "you can take over." lubitz now alone with the door locked reprograms the autopilot from 38,000 feet to 100 feet sending the jetliner straight toward the alps dropping around 3,000 feet a minute. air traffic control tries to contact the plane but receives no answer. an alarm goes off inside the cockpit warning "sync rate." then a loud bang on the door. the captain screaming "for god's sake open the door." passengers are also heard screaming. five minutes before impact more bangs can be heard, metallic noises as if someone is trying to knock the door down. 90 seconds later, another alarm goes off warning "terrain pull up." the captain again screams "open the damn door." two minutes before lubitz can be heard breathing. the plane now only 13,000 feet from the ground. 10:40 a.m. investigators believe they hear the plane's right wing scrape a mountain top, then screams once more from the 149 on board. lubitz apparently stays silent. so carol, it seems from this transcript that possibly andreas lubitz, the co-pilot was trying to set up his captain from even before that flight took off to leave the cockpit at some point in time and as we just saw, once the plane reached cruising altitude that's what the captain did. now the bae has criticized the leaking of this information. they say they are in dismay this information would have become public. but one of the things they didn't do is they did not question its authenticity. carol? >> frederik pleitgen reporting live for us this morning. all right, we don't have much information about this but it certainly seems disturbing. you're looking at live pictures from fort nee off the bw parkway near washington, d.c. this is where the nsa is located, that's the spy agency as you know all of this is coming from our local affiliate in washington wjla. police are investigating this incident at fort meade. this is from news chopper 7. it shows police officers and damaged vehicles but the exact cause of the police investigation is still unclear. there was a tweet from county police that initially reference add report of a shooting. cnn cannot confirm that at this time and no further details about this incident have been released. but, of course you can see this is a very serious incident. it's the nation's spy agency. it's well fortified there. usually cars -- there's an exit off the bw parkway that leads to fort meade and the nsa. it's heavily guarded there as you can see from those security booths so this is a disturbing incident. when we get more information, of course we'll pass it along to you. i'll be back with much more in the newsroom. if a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher brighter denture every day. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu. mayo? 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>> carol, i've reached out to the nsa a number of times. the nsa is not commenting yet. but based on those pictures there, clearly an alarming incident right at that security gate. these facilities very secure. they keep the security cordon quite far from the building so you will have a gate like this hundreds of yards from the facility. but still the fact that a car and it looks like got this close, shots were fired, you hear this from the county police in maryland saying according to those police one dead one critical and one officer, one security officer in transit to a medical facility that again, coming from a tweet from police in the area there. but, again, the nsa not commenting regardless based on the pictures based on what police are saying at a minimum a serious security incident outside one of the most secure government facilities in the washington area as you'd expect. this is the nsa, one of the most secretive, the big five intelligence agencies and great concern in all these agencies that they are the target potentially for attacks. you might remember carol, a number of years ago there was a shooting outside the cia headquarters. this is a real concern. security has been very severe in light of that concern, that threat. and today you -- it appears to see -- it appears there's been something there but the nsa not commenting or confirming at this point. >> just to describe the building for people not familiar with this area the nsa building is enormous. it has -- as i recall it's glass covered. you can't see into the building but it's huge and i would assume that there are thousands and thousands of employees working inside that building? >> there are. and it's similar to other intelligence facilities such as the cia and other of the most secure intelligence agencies and they have security like this for a reason. they have a big setback from public roads and public access areas. you will have a gate many hundreds of yards, perhaps, from wrez where those buildings are so that if something like this were to happen assuming this was an attack, that that could be kept a quite a safe distance from the facility. that said keep in mind there are people coming in and out of the gate all the time employees, security officers posted at that gate they certainly face a risk. and even in those pictures we're showing right now on the air it appears earlier you could see what appeared to be a body under a white sheet. again, no confirmation from the nsa but certainly just based on those pictures based on comments from county police in maryland which i know you know well carol, from being from this area that there was a shooting, that there was one dead one injured, one critical and an officer transported to a medical facility. >> i can tell you, i visited the nsa building many times for stories and security is very tight. they keep a close eye on you. and that means just as you exit the highway they know you're coming and you can see by the condition of those cars that it looks to me they tried to ram the gates and that police vehicle tried to stop them but you also said and i just want to make this clear for our viewers, you saw tweets from police personnel in maryland and arun dell county police. one person dead one injured? >> that's right, that's coming from the -- an air rendell county police. our viewers might not know carol, that this is quite close to the district of columbia it says fire department units taking up so a lot of services called into action. but speaking to the nsa, the nsa is not confirming an incident at that time. >> it will take them some time to say something publicly. anne arundel county is home to annapolis, about a half hour from washington, d.c. and a half hour from baltimore. when we get more information on this breaking story we'll pass it along. i have to take a break. we'll be back with much more in the newsroom. . most of the products we all buy are transported on container ships. before a truck delivers it to your store, a container ship delivered it to that truck. here in san diego, we're building the first one ever to run on natural gas. ships this big running this clean will be much better for the environment. we're proud to be a part of that. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you wouldn't ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you're not ignoring them in your body? 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>> carol, still seeking comment from the nsa. the nsa is not commenting yet on this to cnn. but the latest information coming from police in an arendellaren arundel county maryland just about a half hour from downtown washington, d.c. anne arundel county police are saying one person killed one injured. they say a security officer is being transferred. you hear from the fire department in the area who say they responded to this incident right now. as i'm speaking you can see the pictures there of what clearly was an incident. you see a police suv there that looks like it has been rammed. you see another civilian vehicle in the foreground that looks to have tried to run the security cordon there and, again, this is hard to say but as we zoom in you see what could be a body under a white sheet there. that is not confirmed, though by the nsa. but certainly a security incident there as you look at all the debris spread around it looks like there was an impact, a collision between that that police vehicles and that civilian vehicle. as we've been speaking carol, just to make clear, an enormous facility, the nsa, that both you and i have visited and that security cordon, that initial gate there, is a number of yards, hundreds of yards away from the main building. that's on purpose. that's the way many facilities around the d.c. area are. particularly the intelligence agencies like the nsa, the cia. they keep those gates far from the main buildings to prevent the possibility of what appears to be a security incident like this. but, again, you see the security force there is reacting around the question now is what is the nsa going to say about this? and they have yet to react to cnn. >> i'm sure they're going to take their time too, jim, because so much conflicting information is coming into us right now. not only is the nsa located behind those security gate bus fort meade is also back there and there's 10,000 military personnel and tens of thousands of civilian workers that work in those facilities, too. that's another reason why security is so tight here. >> that's absolutely right. keep in mind, in the current threat environment, the security level, the security alert level at facilities like this is very high. they are concerned, they know they're a target the nsa has been in the news and intelligence agencies government agencies know that for the kinds of people who may carry out attacks like this, that this would be a prime target assuming that is the circumstances of this case. it is far too early to say. but we do know that this kind of thing is something they're very much on alert for. we have to allow for the possibility that this was another kind of incident, that it was not tied to terrorism but keep in mind the nsa, like other government agencies very aware of the current threat level and they have kept their security high and tight as a result of that. and, in fact, that's the way they designed these facilities. they've been designed this way for a number of years to keep public access a safe distance from the main buildings. in this case the ensay, fort meade and the other facilities there, and the thousands of workers who work there as well. >> and we do have reports from our affiliate wjna that there was a tweet from anne arundel county police that shots were fired. we don't know who was doing the shooting. we probably won't find that out for quite some time because i don't think the enslay come out quickly. i wanted to go to our security analyst and fbi guy tom fuentes. he's on the phone. can you tell anything from this scene at all, tom. >> carol, without seeing the big picture i can't tell how far away. there are several security perimeters around nsa headquarters. as you mentioned having been there, i've been there many many times also, the idea that somebody could drive any kind of a vehicle, i don't care if it's a bulldozer, through those security checkpoints [ inaudible ] >> oh our connection died with tom fuentes. we're going to try to get tom back he was just about to say something quite interesting. jim, we'll expound on that because you've been to the nsa building yourself and security is quite tight. they know when you come off the highway on that exit ramp to the nsa. in fact i used to drive to work to washington early the morning and my cell phone signal would always go out when i passed the nsa. it's very eerie, actually. >> i have noticed that as well sometimes and i don't know if it's imagined but i think it makes sense when i pass other intelligence facilities. listen they are concerned about the threat and you see similar security facilities such as the cia where, remember you had a shooting like this a number of years ago where someone drove up to the public access road and fired an automatic weapon at the cia headquarters. so there's a history here. they know that they could be a target. again, we don't know the circumstances of this incident. was it intentional, was someone just driving their car, ramming? did someone from the car fire? is it something else? we have to allow for that possibility as always in incidents like this. but we also know that the current terror threat is one where government facilities particularly intelligence facilities military facilities are very much on alert for the possibility of attacks like this one. so right now all the information coming from emergency services, the an arendellne arundel county police you know as well as i carol that probably the last organization we'll hear from will be the nsa itself but i've been making a lot of calls from them to get that coming. >> i have tom fuentes back on the phone. you were saying tom? >> i was saying that the perimeter security at the very outer most perimeters would still be within police jurisdiction jurisdiction. nsa has its own security if you had somebody break through the outer perimeter then try to drive through the inner perimeter then other perimeters the idea of driving a vehicle anywhere close to that building is absurd. we very probably could just have a mental illness issue with somebody that has something against nsa and wants to make a statement. as far as the security they will shoot you if you try to ram your way through these outer perimeters and this happens at andrews air force base and i think it's about 10 or 15 years ago now and it turned out to be a teenaged boy who just refused toston at the checkpoint drove through the barricade and they shot and killed him. it turned out knob to be a terrorist, so we don't know the motive but we know if somebody tries to go through those perimeters forcibly they will get shot. >> i'm seeing fbi agents on the scene right now and you mentioned all of the police agencies who would be in charge of this investigation but who ultimately would have the upper hand? >> carol, the agency in charge of this attack on nsa was an attack on a federal government preservation. the fbi will be in charge of this completely. but the the whole incident occurred right at the outer perimeter, then you would have possibly local police that intercepted or maybe the nsa's police calling for help with the local police but we don't know exactly how the local police ended up there, maybe this was a high-speed pursuit that ended up there or some other situation. but the actual attempt to penetrate nsa headquarters would be an fbi matter. >> you know i'm just thinking of the incidents we've had at the white house recently people not in their right minds trying to do nefarious things on the white house grounds. does it seem that there are more incidents like this to you or are they just happening in quick succession and it seems that way? >> that's a good question. i think that you know possibly there's just more people also realizing that any attempt on the white house or on another federal a facility as high profile as nsa headquarters or cia headquarters will also guarantee their 15 minutes of fame if it's a mental situation. if they were some kind of a trained terrorist group, this is a really feeble unprofessional attempt if it was terrorists. >> because it's -- i don't know. i can't remember. it's not marked off the highway that the nsa is back there, is it? >> i think nsa, if it still is is the largest employer in the state of maryland and that facility is obviously known far and wide off of highway 32. and i believe there are signs that mark that. there's no hiding it. and when you're driving on the outer perimeter and the sidewalk you can see the massive array of gigantic disk monitoring satellites from the sky so this is in no way a secret or covert fromacility from the public. >> and you can see the security gates from the highway, from the bw parkway because i've seen them many times. people know there's a secured facility behind there. we'll try to gather more information and i'll be back on the other side of the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if you want a paint with no harsh fumes. if you want a paint without harmful chemicals. if you want a paint that's safer for your family, and the environment... only this can. natura from benjamin moore. paint like no other. shopping online... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great... ...if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? 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>> carol, new information, now. again, the nsa still not commenting on there but a law enforcement source speaking to evan perez saying that two men tried to ram the gate at then say in a vehicle that nsa security officers at that gate fired at them shot one dead and seriously injured a second. that coming from law enforcement sources now so again, the detail two men tried to ram that security gate that you're seeing there on our air now in a vehicle, possibly that vehicle in the foreground there, that nsa security officers responded with gunfire. they killed one, seriously injured a second one. and that lining up with the reports we'd heard from local police earlier about one dead and one injured. again, the nsa still not commenting but law enforcement commenting to our own evan perez. so this appears to look like an attack an attempted attack but no motive determined at this point. no nexus to terrorism determined at this point. just that the security officers at the scene made a judgment that that vehicle was attempting to ram the gate and they fired, they were able to kill one, injure the other, and, of course stop the threat that they perceived at the time. >> it's interesting that two men were inside of that vehicle. i wish we could see the license plate so we know where that vehicle was from but we don't know much else about the suspects other than one is dead and one injured? >> that's exactly right. and, again, this gets to -- and tom fuentez raised this question before as well. what is the most separation? you have -- you know this is a security incident. security officers judged them a threat. you don't know what their motivation is, it could be terrorism, it could be something else it could be mental illness. but when we have two people present that raises more questions because for two people to act, that implies that there may be something more intentional than one person but, again, we don't know. law enforcement not commenting on this, the nsa not -- not commenting on motivation i should say, and the nsa not commenting at all. >> jim sciutto, many thanks i appreciate it. in other news anger at indianapolis's religious freedom law prompting travel bans to the state from city employees from two major cities. in san francisco, the mayor says no public funds can be spent for employee travel unless "essential to public health and safety." seattle's mayor agrees and will also inspect city contracts to see if there are any businesses located in located in indiana. rosa flores is in indianapolis this morning with more. she joins me on the phone. hi rosa. >> hi carol. i hope you can hear me clearly, i'm having a little trouble hearing you but we just finished two different press conferences, one on the republican side and another on the democrat side. let me tell you something, republicans, they are saying that this law is definitely not discriminating against anyone not discriminating against the lgbt community, the democrats saying they're asking for a repeal of the religious law and so they're saying you know that this is the time to correct this. this is the time to take action and both sides very adamant about their position. carol? >> what are the republicans saying? are they going to clarify the law? >> yes. they said that they are working on language. i specifically asked them what language they would be adding to clarify this. they said that their lawyers are still working on the actual language and so they don't have specifics. i'm actually going to be interviewing the speaker of the house at about 12:15 today. i plan to ask him that question specifically, what is it that you would add to this law to make sure that it ees's clear enough that people don't think it's okay to discriminate. and they know that they have a real perceptions but issue right now. as you mentioned, that some mayors from other cities seattle and san francisco, saying they don't want to spent taxpayer money in indiana at all. so they know they have a perceptions but issue and they say that now they're going to have to correct it and they said at that this press conference is the first step in doing that. >> rosa flores. i'll let you get right back to it. i want to bring in joey jackson now, hln legal analyst and criminal defense attorney. welcome. i want to go through this law to find out why it's so confusing to many people. here's the key part of the law that is kind of vague. it says "a governmental entity may not substantially burden a person's exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability." what does that mean? >> that's a great question which is why there's an underlying concern. let's talk about the general then go into the specific. in general concerns, that's politics above my pay grade but i think there's a concern that of course, this state attempted to ban gay marriage was unsuccessful at that so there's an inherent distrust in passing this legislation. that's the one general thing we have to talk about. the second thing, carol, is that sexual orientation as a protected class is not a protected class in this state. so, for example, when the governor came out and said barack obama, he voted on this issue and he voted the same way on the reformation in illinois, that's true. but illinois has a protection that bans discrimination predicated upon sexual orientation. indianapolis -- indiana does not. that's a major distinction because you would not otherwise have that protection. >> so let's simplify further. this is what george stephanopoulos asked the mayor of indiana over the weekend. could a gay couple go into a florist florist's shop and could the florist say "i don't sell flowers to gay people." >> let's talk about the bill itself. >> because the governor did not answer that. >> i saw that interview. he didn't answer it. let's talk about a couple provisions. we have to look to the legislation itself. look at section v. what does it say? "exercise of religion includes any exercise of religion whether or not compelled or central to a central religious belief." it says "includes." it doesn't say religion means and generally statute prose ride is specific example of what religion means. so if this is a friend's religious belief it doesn't have to be central, if it's on the outskirts, that's enough. specifically your question about the florist. the other concern i think that people are very concerned about, if you look at section vii, that section vii talks about what a person means. an individual an organization religious society, it defines "person" very broadly. so unlike what appears the governor is saying that governmental action would be what this bill gets to it seems like a private individual 0 so if i'm that florist owner, it's not central to my religious belief as a result of that i may or may choose to serve or not serve. so i think that's a very compelling concern this legislation has. >> that's how indiana's legislation differs from the religious freedom restoration act signed by president clinton in 1993. it's much more broad than that federal statute. >> exactly. it's broader than that federal statute. i should point out, carol, that that federal statute in 1993 does not apply to the states. states in and of themselves have to make their own recognition bypassing legislation like this. not only does it differ from the federal statute in that way, but in addition to that it differs from the 19 other states viewers should know 19 other states have these laws. so why aren't we supreming about those other laws? because this is much more expansive than those laws in addition to again, the issue about sexual orientation. indiana does not protect that as a protected class. people are there are concerned about the applicability of this statute. >> republican lawmakers in the state of indiana would respectfully disagree. >> of course. but politics is out of my realm. just from a pure legal perspective, i'm focussing in on this issue. >> okay joey. well hear's what the senate president said david long. let's listen. >> we don't believe anyone should be discriminated against. we would haven't supported the this law if we thought that was the extent of it. to the extent we need to clarify that by adding something to the law to make that clear, we're more than willing to do it, we plan to do that. but we don't support discrimination against anyone and that law doesn't do that. >> so it's difficult for me to believe that in order to clarify the law that gop lawmakers would put in specifically "you cannot discriminate against gay and lesbians." i don't think they'll do that: so what other language can they put in that law to clarify things? >> what ultimately they do is up to them not getting in the realm of politics but as it's written now, the major concern is how is this going to be asflied and i just talked to you about section 7-which defines "person" so broadly. so if i'm an individual and it's the against the norms of my religious belief doesn't have to be central to my belief system but if it's against the norms or on the fringes, i could deny. so perhaps they can add language that suggests that you cannot deny but that would be dragging them back into the issue of adding sexual orientation as a protected class, something the governor was also asked and said he was not prepared at this point to do. >> joey jackson, thanks for clarifying. >> pleasure and privilege. still to come in the news room. startling new details about the final moments of that germanwings flight revealed as relatives push to get a closer view of the wreckage. that's next. e used to think by now. the stock market was down but the dow is up 269 points almost. that's amazing. so we'll wait to see what happens later in the day. let's talk about something else that's amazing. just as oil prices were beginning to creep up after plummeting in recent months, they could be set to drop again. it's amazing in a bad way. even as unrest in the middle east threatens to push prices up, a key issue here in the united states may push them down and get this this is the reason why, we are running out of places to store all of our surplus oil. chief business correspondent christine romans joins me now. who'd have thunk it? >> our cup runneth over literally. they're producing so much oil in this country they're running out of places to put it. that could cause pressure on prices down the road. so three story lines. we're producing 1. 5 million barrels a day, more crude than the world is using so you've got this big supply issue. two, the iran nuclear deal. e if a deal is done iran could be exporting more oil, that's more supply on top of more supply. let me pull it back a little bit. what about yemen? yemen and saudi arabia leading potentially more ground offense into yemen. instability in the middle east could cause oil prices to pop. remember there are a lot of different levers being moved in the oil market at any given time. >> you hear politicians all the time saying america wants to become oil independent but if we don't have enough storage facilities in the united states that's a problem. >> if the u.s. can start to -- if the u.s. economy starts to grow more strongly that would help. the world economy would start to grow more strongly that would help as well. but you're absolutely right. it's a sign of the success of the american energy miracle that there's all this oil sitting around this is what poll tugss have been promising for decades, right? that we didn't want to be behold on the middle east politics and other countries, that the u.s. needed energy independence. >> it would have been nice if they were ready. christine romans thanks so much. thank you for joining me today. 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