Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 2

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20150712

>> one republican rival says it's time for the party to reject trump, or the party's candidates will lose. we break it down with our political panel. plus a car caught on camera driving in reverse on a winding l.a. road. the question who's behind the wheel? you're live in the cnn newsroom. hello, everyone thanks for joining us. i'm fredricka whitfield. a developing story. a massive manhunt is on right now for one of the world's most notorious drug loaders, joaquin guzman better known as el chapo, escaped from a maximum security federal prison just west of mexico city. during a routine check, guards noticed he was missing and found a hole in his cell. the hole led to a mile-long tunnel that was lit and ventilated. guzman is the head of the sinaloa cartel considered one of the most powerful and violent in mexico. it is also known for being a major heroin supplier to the u.s. guzman is wanted on american soil on multiple federal drug trafficking and organized crime charges, and there is a $5 million bounty on him. cnn's juan carlos lopez is following the story from washington for us. what more do we know about the escape? >> reporter: fredricka, it's pretty safe to say that many in the law enforcement community in the u.s. are shocked and upset that one of the world's most wanted criminals did it again. this is how the mexican government confirmed the escape of joaquin "chapo" guzman. according to the head of mexico's national security commission guzman received his nightly medication at 8:00 p.m. local time. prison guards noticed later through the video monitoring system that followed his every move that he wasn't in his cell. guards then rushed to the cell and discovered a rectangular hole in the cell shower that led to a vertical tunnel with stairs and from there to the escape tunnel. anna maria salazar is an analyst based in mexico and a former pentagon official. >> question apparently this particular prison is considered to be the secure -- one of the most if not the most secure prison in mexico and it had been evaluated by international authorities and gotten a very good evaluation. it was considered to be very secure. >> reporter: guzman's sinaloa cartel is known for its expertise in tunnel building along the border for drug trafficking. the tunnel at the maximum security prison 55 miles west of mexico city reflects that knowledge. 1500 meters or almost a mile long from point a to point b, ventilation through plastic piping electricity, lighting and even a motorcycle-powered buggy and a very detailed work of engineering. the tunnel ended at a construction site in a neighborhood adjacent to the prison. ape 18 guards were detained and taken for interrogation and the international airport was shut down. it's guzman's second escape from a maximum security prison. facilities designed with drug loaders such as him in mind. >> one would have assumed that he would have been the most watched-over criminal in the world. apparently that just didn't happen. this is a huge embarrassment for the mexican government obviously, and of course it's going to raise a lot of questions as to what's happening with the mexican criminal justice system. >> reporter: on january 19th 2001 chapo guzman escaped from the maximum security prison in western mexico. back then his plan was simpler. he escaped in a laundry cart and remained on the lam for 13 years until february 2nd 2014 when he was captured in sinaloa apparently with intelligence provided by the dea and the u.s. marshal service. and attorney general loretta lynch issued a statement related to the chapo guzman escape and this is what she said. the u.s. government and i quote, stands ready to work with our mexican partners to provide any assistance that may help support his swift recapture. that is the official reaction or the unofficial reaction obviously, and much harsher terms, 13 years is what it took to find one of the most wanted men in the world and now he's escaped again. >> so el chapo is known for being the -- one of the most violent and brutal of mexico's drug kingpins but he was also known for his robin hood reputation in his hometown. sara ganim joins me now with more on that. what more can you tell us about this man known as el chapo and the reputation that he's had? >> reporter: good afternoon, fred. quite the reputation. here in the united states the reason that this is so important, we talk about illicit drugs here heroin cocaine. it's likely that those drugs, if you encounter them in the united states have come from his cartel one of the largest in the world, by some accounts the largest in the world, and it's not the first time that he escaped from behind bars of a mexican jail. take a listen. >> they call him el chapo, or shorty for his small 5'6" frame, but his legend is enormous. and now the world's most powerful and deadly drug trafficking kingpin has broken out of prison in mexico again. joaquin guzman is the notorious drug boss who runs the sinaloa cartel widely believed to be the biggest supplier of heroin and cocaine in the united states. authorities say this time he escaped through a hole in the shower area of the altiplano prison. >> translator: the tunnel had a ladder and stairs. it has pvp tubing ventilation and lighting. >> reporter: his latest escape adding to his legend in mexico he's a towering figure of intrigue the subject of books, songs and folklore. and he's wanted on both sides of the border. in the u.s. on federal trafficking and organized crime charges. in fact u.s. officials wanted him extradited fearing exactly what happened that he'd pull off another escape. >> el chapo guzman escaped captivity, prison in 2001. he has 12 years left to his sentence. but i'm concerned about that happening again in mexico. >> reporter: born into a poor family in the sinaloa state when the drug trade was evolving guzman amassed a powerful empire one that he continued running from behind bars after his first arrest in 1993. his reputation only grew as he spent 13 years on the run after escaping from prison in 2001. sneaking out in a laundry cart in a plot that allegedly cost him $2.5 million in bribes. he was caught and rearrested just last year at this resort in his home state of sinaloa. now a massive manhunt for the cartel leader is under way, yet again. now, obviously u.s. officials not happen about this escape. it's clear that he was able to control his cartel from behind bars but being outside and having and enjoying that freedom and protection from the people who work for him obviously gives him a lot more power and gives the cartel a lot more power. u.s. officials had wanted to extradite him, to bring him back here on charges and hold him here out of fear that this would happen again, fred and then it did. >> thanks so much sara ganim. we'll talk more about this with former fbi assistant director tom fuentes and award-winning staff writer for "the new yorker" patrick keefe who has written extensively about el chapo. patrick, you first. who is el chapo in terms of the enormity and the influence of the whole drug cartel trafficking business and how is it he became so powerful even behind bars? >> he's an amazing character. i mean this is a guy who grew up basically a farm boy, who by most accounts is more or less illiterate even today. he never really got much of an education. but he became during the 1970s a pretty formidable drug trafficker and escaped from prison once as we head. then when he was on the run, on the lam, really developed the sinaloa cartel into the biggest drug cartel i would say in history and became responsible for a huge portion of the drugs that crossed the border into the united states every year. >> and is there, i guess, a singular way to explain how it is he rose to the top as the most powerful of cartel leaders? what was it about him, his influence, the way he conducted business especially after the way you mentioned he's still illiterate he didn't have much education. what is the secret? >> he's a very canny businessman. he's been very violent and serb certainly hasn't shied away from using violence. his organization is probably responsible for tens of thousands of murders over the last decade or so. he's also a smart guy who put together an intricate -- chapo guzman actually invented the border tunnel. he's the guy that 25 years ago thought to burrow underneath the border and so it's not surprising when you think about it in that respect that he would use a tunnel to escape this maximum security prison. >> and that's what makes this so remarkable because it would seem the common knowledge of the tunnelling this engineering firm associated with him for creating all of these tunnels, that the mexican government this prison even though this is the maximum security the most maximum security of their federal prisons, they would know that and have him in a place where perhaps it couldn't be penetrated. that anyone working on the outside for him wouldn't be able to build a tunnel like this. >> exactly. look this has been a huge fight since his capture between the united states and mexico with the u.s. saying basically you guys aren't competent to hold this guy. you need to extradite him to us so we can try him. mexico is saying it's a matter of sovereignty. we can hold on and try him here. the thing with chapo guzman it's also about bribes. this is a guy who has probably paid hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes all up and down the mexican government. last time he broke out of prison it came out afterwards that he had actually had -- there were 71 people who had worked at the prison including the warden who ended up being charged in his escape so i think it's very likely we'll find out in the coming weeks, months maybe years that there was a high degree of collusion in the government for his escape. >> tom, maybe you can touch on this even more extensively, because we already have learned that 18 guards are being interrogated now. we heard that at the top of our show here. so talk to me about the likelihood of the manipulation that he may have presented that really helped facilitate his escape. >> well i think what we see in mexico compared to the united states is when we talk about bribery or other reasons for corruption of police officers corrections officers other government officials, it's on a scale that we just can't imagine. for example, we have two guys escape from new york prison because they seduced a female employee and made friends with a couple of corrections officers. that's one thing. but in mexico what happens is that they threaten these officers a guy like guzman will say we're going to dip your kids in acid. we're going to dismember them. we're going to peel their skin off while they're alive, and they do it. as mentioned, being responsible for tens of thousands of murders, that's nothing for them. at every level of their government they do that. >> oh gosh. >> so even a police officer that wants to be honest or a corrections officer that has integrity, suddenly when they're faced with their entire family their children spouse parents, cousins, everybody that knows them being horribly tortured and murdered it becomes a little bit different for them to take on and maintain their integrity. >> wow, remarkable. tom fuentes, patrick keefe, thanks to both of you gentlemen. i appreciate it. we'll talk more about this case later on. also later this hour an amazing inside look of the safe house used by "el chapo." >> we're at a secret tunnel entrance used by "el chapo" guzman. we're in just one of five safe houses that he operated here and it really enabled him to stay on the run for so long. if you take a look down into this space here you'll see the tunnel begins and goes on for another three kilometers until the nearest other safe house. >> and next donald trump is getting some pushback from one of his opponents for the republican presidential nomination. we'll have the latest on that. >> reporter: one of trump's republican opponents called him a wrecking ball for the written party, but trump is not backing down from those controversial comments on immigration. i'll have the latest coming up next. thanks for calling angie's list. how may i help you? i heard i could call angie's list if i needed work done around my house at a fair price. you heard right, just tell us what you need done and we'll find a top rated provider to take care of it. so i could get a faulty light switch fixed? yup! or have a guy refinish my floors? absolutely! or send someone out to groom my pookie? pookie's what you call your? my dog. yes, we can do that. real help from real people. come see what the new angie's list can do for you. developing some of the highest quality nutrition isn't easy so at gnc, why do we do it? why do we work to deliver clinically studied products to fill the world's nutrition gaps? why do we insist on the most stringent quality checks period? well, here's why... ♪ ♪ celebrating 80 years of quality life and quality products. and we're just getting started. gnc. donald trump is refusing to tone down his rhetoric and back down from his comments on immigration. before a crowd of 5,000 in phoenix, arizona, last night the republican presidential candidate said the united states should charge mexico $100,000 for every, quote, illegal immigrant they send across the border end quote. this morning one of trump's republican rivals issued a stern warning to the gop about trump. cnn's sunlan has more on that. >> reporter: no sign whatsoever that donald trump has the intention to tone down his rhetoric and he did seem defiant last night at the event in phoenix in the face of all this criticism, almost relishing in the size of the crowd last night. as you said 5,000 people came out showing that at some level his approach and his message seems to be resonating among some voters who do view illegal immigration as a serious problem in our country. but at the event in phoenix there was a moment about 20 minutes into trump's speech where some protesters unfurled a banner interrupting his speech. here's how trump responded. >> i wonder -- i wonder if the mexican government sent them over here. i think so. [ applause ] because i'm telling you, i tell about the bad deals that this country is making. mexico i respect the country, they're taking our jobs they're taking our manufacturing, they're taking our money, they're taking everything and they're killing us on the border. >> and this talk continues. after the barrage of criticism that trump has received from many republicans, also from arizona state establishment republicans, many who snubbed that event and didn't show up today one of his opponents, lindsey graham called him a wrecking ball for the republican party, what this potentially does with their outreach to hispanics. here's what lindsey graham said on "state of the union." >> this is a defining moment for the republican party. we need to reject this. to all the candidates who think that donald trump is telling the truth, i think you've lost your way. as to the republican party, if we do not reject this way of thinking clearly, without any ambiguity, we'll have lost our way, we'll have lost the moral authority in my view to govern this great nation and i hope we will reject this kind of thinking. >> and graham called for others within the republican party and those candidates running for president to step up and to continue to reject even stronger this rhetoric from trump. fred. >> all right, thank you so much. we're going to talk more about this now with my political panel. joining me from new york columnist, democrat and the co-author of "the party's over" and brian morganstern. brian, how about you first. what is at stake for the republican party if it does what graham suggests or if it doesn't do what he suggests reject donald trump? >> well i think the party is going to reject donald trump without rejecting the proposition that we should enforce immigration laws. and the voters will do that once they realize donald trump has been trolling them. after the 2012 election he came out and called mitt romney maniacal for his language on immigration and said that the party was insensitive to people who are inspired to come to this country. now he thinks it's okay to come out and call them op rapists and murderers. furthermore the voters will reject him because he's not conservative. this is a guy who has advocated for single payer government run health care and massive tax increases. he's not really a republican. he had hillary clinton at the front row of his wedding. donated to her senate campaign called her a great senator. so this is a blip until the voters catch up. again, the party will distance themselves from trump while still embracing the idea that we should embrace immigration laws and deport criminals who commit violence in our country. >> ellis, it was reported that reince priebus called him and said tone it down but then donald trump said it was more of a congratulatory call. if the party were to try to rein him in or silence trump, what does that say about the entire democratic process of being able to encourage anyone who wants to to run? >> well it says that his poenlts are opponents are a bunch of wimps, isn't it? it's only the lindsey grahams and the george patakis, frankly the nobodies in the race that have spoken up in any serious way yet. they're in a jam these guys are. you know the passion in the party, the real enthusiasm is in that anti-immigration social conservative wing of the party. so while they don't like donald's rhetoric they can't really disagree with his policies because they all pretty much embrace them so they're having trouble navigating that. someone will have the guts to stand up and poke their finger in his eyes but nobody has done it in a serious way. >> donald trump in center stage, according to some polls he and jeb bush are neck in neck but trump couldn't contain himself when talking about jeb bush in this way. listen. >> the poll just came out and i'm tied with jeb bush and i said oh that's too bad. how could i be tied in this guy. he's terrible. he's terrible. he's weak on immigration. >> so brian, we haven't heard from jeb bush in response to that don't know if we ever will. donald trump is not making any friends among his fellow contenders. he is essentially insulting everybody, you know while also pushing his own, i guess, point of view. but how are the other candidates to handle him? they can't ignore him. then it seems like commenting means they're going to get engaged in the same kind of fight. >> sure. well if i were jeb bush i would respond with donald trump's own words in donald trump's own book when he called jeb bush exactly the kind of political leader this country needs now and very much will need in the future. >> so you're saying and jeb bush will be saying at that he's a hypocrite? >> yeah. because donald trump has been -- i won't filibuster it and keep talking, but i just said several examples of where donald trump has made 180-degree turns. and so once the voters learn this i think it will shake itself out. >> ellis, last word on that? >> donald doesn't care. yeah so what i might have said that. i'll say something different tomorrow. this is not a nuance guy, this is a guy putting his finger on the pressure point and having a lot of reaction. it's working. >> and he's having fun seemingly. >> he's a troll. he's the best troll we've seen since, i don't know al sharpton. >> stay in donald stay in. >> ellis, brian, we'll see you again later on and find some other things to talk about. we'll talk trump but there are other things to talk about on the run for 2016. so remember all the latest news on the race for 2016 go to also coming up an explosion from under the sand at a popular beach in rhode island sending one woman to the hospital. what happened? what could have caused a blast? the latest on the investigation next. let's celebrate these moments... this woman... this cancer patient... christine... living her life... loving her family. moments made possible in part by the breakthrough science of advanced genomic 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popular rhode island beach reopens after an explosion from under the sand sends a woman to the hospital. it happened at salty brine beach and the blast was so strong that it threw the 50-year-old woman from her chair onto the nearby jetty. here's cnn's christi paul. >> reporter: rhode island authorities have removed sand from the area looking for clues after reports of a small explosion and injury of a 50-year-old woman, but the exact cause is a mystery. >> explosion is the word that came during the initial reports. there's a -- i can tell you from personally witnessing the site that there appears to have been some ground disturbance there. >> reporter: the woman was sitting in a chair at the tide line. witnesses reported a boom. the force pushed her up against nearby rocks and then she fell into the sand. >> there are fractures in this wet sand. the gaps that occur are something like when lightning hits a beach. there's definitely something that happened there. >> reporter: the state bomb squad and the state fire marshal's office are investigating, along with the atf. >> we have no indication that there's anything beyond o'there was some type of noise and there was some type of energy transfer. we have no evidence or indication that there was a device. this could be natural, it could be man made. at this point it's still under investigation. >> reporter: nobody else was reported hurt but the beach was declared off limits for the rest of the day. >> i literally just stood up and walked away from there, but it blew her right out of the chair. i mean i've never heard of anything like that. we're at the beach all the time. >> all right, christi paul thanks so much for that. the notorious mexican drug lord known as "el chapo" on the loose again. next details on the manhunt. plus we'll take you inside one of the infamous safe houses full of hidden tunnels. hello again, everyone. thanks for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield. one of the world's most notorious drug kingpins is on the run after escaping from a mexican prison. joaquin guzman better known at "el chapo" escaped from a maximum security federal prison this morning just west of mexico city. guards noticed he was missing after discovering a hole in his cell leading to a mile-long tunnel with lighting and ventilation. guzman is the head of the sinaloa cartel considered one of the most powerful and violent in mexico. it is also known for being a major heroin supplier to the u.s. guzman who replaced notorious gangster al capone as chicago's public enemy number one is wanted in the u.s. on multiple federal drug trafficking and organized crime charges. and this isn't the first time "el chapo" has used tunnels elude authorities. his cartel is believed to be responsible for a network of tunnels leading to different safe houses. last year our nick parker got a rare glimpse inside the drug lord's safe houses in mexico where he did hide after escaping prison in 2001. >> reporter: on this quiet residential street in the sinaloa state capital with a school just across the street is one of five chapo guzman safe houses. we're going inside to take a look. before entering cameras and reinforced steel doors reveal the priority of security. i think one of the first things that hits you when you come in is how modest and basic it is. a small little kitchen. some of the bedrooms here are pretty dingy. the marines tell us that's part of his strategy to have very modest accommodations so he can hide in plain sight. in almost every bedroom of the house, there are two tv screens. one for security and one for tv. when you go into the bathroom the picture of a normal house really does transform. beneath this bathtub, a secret tunnel. so if you climb down the steps, you find yourself in the tunnel itself and you can see it's been quite carefully instructed out of wood. you have to crouch a little bit but you're quite mobile. and there's an electricity system running throughout it. the nearest other safe house from here is three kilometers in this direction. the constructed part of the tunnel ends here and if you go through this door you find yourself in the sewage system an ideal escape route. and the tunnel system comes out right here in another safe house just down the road. as you can see, it is a very similar setup to the previous one. in all the houses evidence of life suddenly suspended. the minutia is often interesting. a child slide, christmas decorations and a fondness for mayonnaise. this safe house is perhaps the most significant of all of them. this is where chapo guzman escaped from while being pursued by mexican marines. they broke down this door and found out they had missed minimum by eight minutes. this is where he fled to through this bedroom and into this bathroom where as you can see, there is another escape hatch underneath this bathtub. mexican marines tell us they discovered this entire network of underground tunnels and safe houses when they arrested the head of chapo guzman's security and he gave them this information. it underlines the intelligence in the arrest of one of the world's most wanted men. >> wow, fascinating detail. now let's talk about this person "el chapo" and his ability. cnn contributor casey jordan with us now. criminologist, behaviorist and an attorney. good to see you. >> great to be here. >> we see as a result of the escape the number is about 18 guards are now being interrogated because perhaps there may have been a relationship built between "el chapo" while in prison and any of these guards to help facilitate this escape. talk to me now about how manipulative "el chapo" is known to be and how bribely may have lyry may have been part of his currency. >> in mexico and worldwide globy,globe y ally guzman is the stuff of legends, he's iconic. it's not just a matter of manipulation he has the money to bribe people who you'd think are unbribable. his fortune is worth millions of dollars. before when he escaped in 2001 people all the way up to the warden were on his payroll. so for a man of his financial stature and socially everybody either fears him or admires him. the idea of getting out within a year of being recaptured isn't that astonishing. >> what do you think that kind of conversation was like between he and any of the people in the prison who may have facilitated in his escape? of course we don't know how yet. we're waiting for those details. but if indeed it's the case that any of the people who work at the prison were complicit, how do you suppose he went about convincing requesting demanding anything? >> yeah i think demanding might be the issue. i don't think that anyone wants to actually take money just to look the other way while a tunnel is being dug from the outside in. but in the last hour you've had several guests who really did confirm the fact that his power mostly depends on coercion. if you're not going to take the money that he offers you to look the other way while a tunnel is being dug to his cell then he will threaten your family and promise to hang your loved ones from the bridges and dis'em bowel them. this is not made up stuff, this happens all the time. if you are between a rock and a hard place as a lowly paid corrections officer in mexico your choice of doing the right thing, especially if you don't know if your colleagues are on his payroll or not, turning him in or reporting the fact that he tried to bribe you is probably not going to go anywhere if the boss you're reporting to is also on the briebery list. so it's a thankless, impossible situation for somebody who works in that prison. >> all right, thank you so much. appreciate it. of course we'll have more on guzman's escape coming up in the next hour and we will be right back after this. so you're a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i've got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible 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number one ranking. if it happens, it happens and it's only going to happen if you play your best tennis. >> if she wins her fourth straight u.s. open later this summer serena will complete her first-ever calendar slam. it will be the first time a women's player has won all four majors in the same year since steffi graf in 1988. all right. the last day of pope francis' south american tour is dedicated to the poor and to the young. this morning the pope visited a poor neighborhood in paraguay and this comes a day after he delivered a speech about how the poor saying they are often sacrificed on the, quote, altar of money. cnn international correspondent shasta darlington is in paraguay. shasta the pope has really put a lot of focus on the need to end poverty and at least address poverty. overall how successful was this visit? >> reporter: well you know this morning, fredricka, we really saw him what i keep saying is walking the walk. he literally waded into this sprawling, very muddy shantytown in paraguay. they were thousands of residents there chanting his name reaching out trying to touch him. he had a lot of uplifting words for them. he said he had been looking forward to visiting them personally since the day he left rome. he also said that he was really happy to be there on their land. and those two words he emphasized. they're important because these are squatters. like many shantytowns, these are people who come from the countryside trying to get jobs in the city. they don't own the titles to the land but they're trying to get the titles. for him to call it their land that elifted lots of cheers. he then went on to celebrate a huge mass in a nearby also very muddy field. about a million people were there. lots of argentines. even the argentine president crossed the border to see him. as you mentioned, there has been a lot of controversial language. the pope has not been pulling any punches here. so in that speech yesterday he talked about the need to have economic growth without sacrificing human lives on the altar of money and profit. these words you can imagine are going -- not going to go down easy in the united states where they're waiting for him in september, fredricka. >> and highly anticipated journey that will be as well. thank you so much shasta darlington. the miss usa pageant, well it's tonight, but the show's co-owner donald trump, guess what he's not going to be there, we hear. our athena jones is in baton rouge, louisiana, where the competition will be taking place. >> reporter: hi fredricka, that's right. this competition will get under way in just a few hours from now. we thought that donald trump would be here because he said he was coming. we'll tell you why he says he's not. all right. donald trump will not be attending the miss usa pageant tonight. instead, he is back in new york. earlier in the week the pageant was on his schedule but then yesterday he tweeted this saying quote, i will not be able to attend the miss usa pageant tomorrow night because i am campaigning in phoenix. wishing all well. end quote on the tweet. so cnn political correspondent athena jones is in baton rouge, louisiana, where the pageant will be held. what's going on here really and who knew that donald trump is a tweeter? >> reporter: oh he's quite a tweeter. he's been very very active on twitter, fredricka. we've seen that over the last several weeks. i can tell you this you mentioned donald trump said more than once as recently as the end of the month that he was planning to be here to support these contestants. but last night as you mentioned he tweeted that he wasn't going to be able to come because he was campaigning in phoenix. i reached out to his campaign and asked what events he has today. i was told he has no official events today, traveling back to new york. yet we found out from our other political correspondent who was covering trump yesterday, she says that through flight aware, it shows that his plane actually left phoenix yesterday and landed in new york. now, we're reaching out to the campaign to learn more about when exactly trump returned to new york. but the bottom line is here he's been to this pageant, this miss usa pageant which he is part owner of often. he's only missed a couple of pang pageants but he's not going to be here tonight. >> i know the contestants, the last thing they want to be involved in sizis politics but how much of the discussion have you heard from any of the contestants about whether they want to make comment about or whether they welcome the fact that he is not there because of the comments that he has made? what's the sentiment? >> reporter: well the focus here from the organizers and the contestants has really been about the pageant itself. we have not spoken to contestants or yesterday they spent yesterday and today on the stage. in fact you can hear when the door open you can hear them dancing and singing as they continue their dress rehearsals ahead of tonight. but the pageant organizers are very happy to reelz has picked up the event. they did so within a couple of days after nbc and univision dropped the pageant. it's a family-owned company so they were able to make that decision quickly. but they are only paying about $100,000 to air the event and it's only available in about 67 million homes, so not nearly as broad of a potential audience as you would have seen on nbc and on univision. organizers say that reelz has done a very good job of promoting the pageant, much more than what they have seen in the past so it's somewhat of a mixed blessing. >> athena jones, thank you very much in baton rouge. coming up in the next hour we'll be talking to a former miss usa contestant but first look at this. yes, the car driving in reverse. cruising down this winding road in los angeles, narrowly missing a number of cars. the big question who is behind the wheel and why are they doing this? want bladder leak underwear that moves like 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[ music plays ] don't settle for u-verse. xfinity is perfect for people who want more entertainment for their money. all right, yes, it's enough to make you do a double take. police in los angeles are now looking for a driver who put people in danger by doing this by driving in reverse for miles on some of l.a.'s busiest roads. peter dot of kcal reports. >> amazing. amazing, guys. >> reporter: you're looking at what the lapd is calling some of the most reckless driving investigators have ever seen. >> wow, dude. >> reporter: cell phone video showing a car going backwards all the way down laurel canyon boulevard. listen to reaction from a stunned witness who recorded what he could barely believe was happening. >> this guy is going backwards on oncoming traffic. amazing. >> reporter: the driver of the audi staying in reverse for several minutes and along windy turns. >> unbelievable. >> reporter: at one point the car appears to almost hit a pedestrian. several times the audi crosses the double yellow lines, narrowly missing on coming traffic. >> only in l.a. >> reporter: watch what happens when the car eventually approaches busy hollywood boulevard. >> wow, look what he's doing! look what he's doing! >> reporter: still in reverse, the driver moves around other vehicles and into the left turn lane. >> definitely was a shocker for me. >> reporter: kevin recorded the video on his cell phone. the realtor first noticed the audi around 4:45 around mulholland. he said there were two people in the car, a man behind the wheel and a woman in the passenger seat. >> it was definitely like a movie. i think either this individual had an argument or a fight or something or possibly just wanted to be a cool guy. >> reporter: we showed the video to lapd investigators who say the driver could be arrested for numerous charges. >> reckless driving, unsafe speed, crossing double yellow lines, failing to drive on the right half of the roadway. >> reporter: and given the numerous close calls, police say it's incredible no one was hurt. >> you can imagine if it was your family member driving and being struck by someone doing something irresponsible. >> wow, that was peter dot of kcal reporting. we've got so much more straight ahead in the newsroom, and it all starts right now. happening now in the newsroom he's done it again. one of the most notorious drug kingpins in the world on the run after escaping from a mexican prison a second time. the jaw-dropping details on how the cartel leader known as "el chapo" got out. then donald trump triples down with another plan to tackle illegal immigration. >> so i had an idea. i think it's good. every time mexico really

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