Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News 20160110 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News 20160110

is from witnesses because police have yet to tell us any new information about what happened. we're waiting for the public information officer for bart to get here, but we know the man killed another man on the train, and as soon as he pulled the trigger he jumped out if door, over -- the door, over the turnstile, and ran away. the doneman still on the loose. it was chaotic, but people did try and save the young man, but unfortunately they were not able to do that. >> shock is still setting in, and i'm still trying to process it because i was less than ten feet away from, you know, the victim who was shot, and to think that, you know, he's dead, it's just the fragility of life. >> reporter: we want to tell you about the suspect, the man police are looking for right now. he's six-three, african american man. he's wearing a green hood with red boxers and jeans. if you know anyone that fits the description call bart police. this all happened in west oakland. more excitement happened just a little over an hour ago where the bart police and a police officer canine tracked down a man not too far from here, we're not sure whether or not he was involved in this case, but we do know he was put into the back of a cop car and taken away. if anyone is trying to get to west oakland trains are single tracking through, so make the transfer at the 12th street station because again this bart station is closed. there's a man hunt going on, and a murder investigation as well. emily turner, kpix 5. thank you, tonight a bizarre twist in the arrest of a mexican drug kingpin that escaped from prison. el chapo did a secret interview with actor sean penn for rolling stone magazine, and that helped lead to his capture. as carter evans tells us he could be extradited to the united states, but not to fulfill his hollywood dreams. >> reporter: he's in the same supermax prison he escaped from six months ago now. military tanks and guards are standing outside. he was brought here last night after he was paraded in front of news cameras. ultimately it may have been his big ego that led to his capture according to the mexico attorney general. >> he had the intention of making a film he said, so he reached out to producers. >> reporter: today investigators were back at the home where he was holed up trying to expose others in the cartel believed to be responsible for half of the illegal drugs that enter the us from mexico. >> as long as he's in mexico he can operate at some level, and he always has the hope of escaping. >> reporter: the senior advisor to the mexico institute said it's in the country's best interest to turn him over to the us. >> they don't want to go through this embarrassment again, and he's said in the past his worst fear is being extradited to the united states. >> reporter: late today his lawyers met with reporters outside the prison, and said he's in a state of anxiety and plans to fight his extradition, meaning he won't be back in the us any time soon. carter evans. >> while talking to penn he reportedly said he supplies more meth, cocaine, marijuana, and heroine than anyone else in the world. and a white mercedes belonging to a berkeley student was found early this morning near a lighthouse. a massive search began once the car was located. so far no sign of the 22-year- old woman last seen early thursday morning in berkeley. she might have been headed to bodega bay. she's five-two, and wearing glasses. she may have been depressed. he was supposed to be on a plane to china yesterday morning but didn't make the flight. >> and we just learned no one hit the power ball jackpot tonight. maori >> reporter: do you hear that sound? it's the sound of me crying because i didn't win. the jackpot now a historic $1.3 billion. that's billion because nobody won today, but a lot of people earlier today were hoping to win today's jackpot, and here's the numbers announced just a few hours ago. 16, 19, 32, 34, 57, power ball number 13. but again no one went home a winner today. the odds may be slim. >> can i have one ticket? >> reporter: but that didn't stop the lines from forming at stores that sold lottery tickets, like here in santa clara. >> i know this is a lucky store. >> we sold a million twice in 2011. >> reporter: this is the store owner and proudly displays the winning ticket, including ones that have come really, really close to the jackpot. >> we had one that was a hundred million jackpot. >> reporter: do you have a good feeling you'll win? >> i do. >> reporter: it's the same reason billy came here, in fact he traveled all over the bay area to stores that sold winning tickets. >> >. isotoped about -- i stopped about ten different places. >> reporter: any other stops? >> yes. >> reporter: as of yesterday people in california brought more power ball tickets than any other participating state, and the winner would get the largest jackpot in lottery history. what would be the first big purchase? >> a car. >> a house. >> pay all my bills. >> reporter: you can't win unless you play. >> i'm going to win! >> reporter: all right, so sadly here is my losing ticket, but we did hear six people in california matched five out of six number, so not all went home complete losers. live in santa clara, kpix 5. >> you can't lose if you don't play as you found out. a gas station robber on the loose tonight. he struck again last night. we have video of the suspect who's gotten more bolled with each stick up. >> reporter: police say their serial gags station robber could have struck again last night, this time as a shell station on marina boulevard. >> he showed up and pulled the trigger on him, telling him to give him all his money. >> reporter: the gas station manager is grateful her employee just starting his graveyard shift, was not shot. >> reporter: how much money did they take? >> i believe $260. >> reporter: police say this man, always seen in a black hooded sweatshirt is wanted for nine other gas station robberies in the past few weeks. two in walnut creek, one in redwood city, and six in san leandro. neighbors are getting worried. >> they have to look for him. he'll continue to do it and do it. >> reporter: the suspect simply vanished. they have no description of the vehicle. >> very surprised. >> reporter: but the biggest surprise of all could come for the suspect. if convicted he'll likely face separate charges in each county he committed a crime. mark kelly, kpix 5. several police departments in the east bay set up a task force to try and find that robber. and a live look outside now. mostly cloudy skies for much of the bay area. we have fog on the transamerica camera high atop the city, and the high definition doppler is picking up next to nothing. just the lightest of light showers around the bay area. north bay, south bay not much. and what we have, such as it is, will clear up overnight, so just a few showers. wet again for monday and wednesday, but not very wet. there's just not much rain on the way. drying out thursday through saturday, so more rain of the nuisance variety, but it was enough to stop the roads into yosemite. one road is reopened after a massive rock slide made it impassable. the road was completely covered thursday. nobody was hurt, but drivers trying to visit the park had to turn around. crews worked day and night to clear that road, and it opened just a few hours ago. a huge rally today in los angeles as fans made a push to bring the nfl back to their city. >> bring it back, bay bay! >> hundreds of rams fans gathered outside the la coliseum. the rams are one of the teams that could be allowed to move. the nfl is set to hold a vote early next week. the rams have a history in los angeles playing there from 1946 to 1994. >> the rams never should have left. i'm sorry they did, but we want them back, and we need them back. >> the rams want to play in englewood. the los angeles times reporting though that the commissioner has called the plan inadequate, the same language described the proposals from st. louis and san diego, but there have been reports that the nfl would like a slice of the coliseum project if it moves forward. onto the campaign trail, donald trump taunted fellow candidate ted cruz today, challenging his eligibility to run. >> if you're born in canada it's immediately a little bit of a problem. if he ever got the nomination you know the democrats are going to bring a major suit. >> cruz was born in canada, but a us citizen by birth because his mother was an american. in iowa yesterday he told reporters he refuses to engage negatively with trump. >> when we do a media gaggle every other question please say something nasty about donald trump, and you know what i'm not interested in throwing rocks at donald trump or any other republican running for president. [ applause ] >> >. those comments come as the presidential election kick into high gear. the iowa caucuses just weeks away. it was a new years prank that nearly turned deadly. >> coming up, the newly released 911 calls in a ding dong ditch that went terribly wrong. plus crowds of people at this bay area gun show, how president obama's latest gun control measures will effect our state. ♪ a high school freshman was after playing "ding-dong-di on his neighbor. tonight we're hearing (sot - cole a new years prank gone horribly wrong. a high school freshman shot after playing ding dong ditch on his neighbor. tonight we're hearing the 911 call. >> i wasn't trying to break into your house. [ inaudible ] >> the neighbor claim that is he thought the teen had weapon, the teen's mother said he just made a mistake. >> i think he made a bad decision to go outside on new years eve at that time, but i don't think he's at fault for being shot. i'm a gun owner myself, and i've never reached for my gun. >> the boy was shot in the stomach and forearm. his mother plans to move out of the oklahoma neighborhood. the gunman that ambushed a philadelphia police officer claiming allegiance to isis was charged today with attempted murder. the shooting was caught on video and has staken the city. >> reporter: it's chilling video. a man seen shooting directly into this philadelphia police department thursday night. the man confessed to the shooting that involved a 9- millimeter pistol stolen from an officer's home in 2013. archer told authorities he ambushed the officer in the name of isis. >> a police officer has been shot! >> reporter: the officer shot three times could have easily been killed. the commissioner along with fbi officials are looking into the suspect's alleged motives. >> is this in fact connected to a terrorist organization. >> he wouldn't say, and we don't know, but he doesn't strike me as a guy that's not intelligent. >> reporter: the fbi is investigating two overseas trips he made to cairo in 2011, and saudi arabia in 2012. his arrest record includes aggravated assault, weapons charge, and terroristic threats in 20e 12, accused of pointing a gun at a man. and in 2012 he was arrested again on an illegal gun possession large. at the home -- charge. at the home where he lives with his mother, no one answered the door. as a result of the shooting, officers here are no longer patrolling alone like the officer was. the officer remains in the hospital, recover frog a broken arm and -- recovering from a broken arm and nerve damage. a large crowd today at the cal palace for the annual gun control. they expect twice as many people compared to last year. the main reason, the recent executive actions taken by president obama. cross roads of the west puts on this gun show. the company owner says the changes really don't effect california, and create more business. >> nothing he proposed would change anything regard to background checks in california. there are no guns sold here at the show or in stores without a background check or waiting period, so every time he goes on tv it increases the level of activity. >> this means anybody that buys a gun at the show will have to wait to get their hands on a gun. well uber is slashing prices to combat sluggish january sales. riders in san francisco get a 10 percent discount starting today. but come the superbowl it could be a much different story. >> it's dynamic. the way we do research is through al go rhythms. >> if you don't feel like paying surge prices to get to the superbowl, you can always watch the big game with us on kpix 5. well, a student in the -- students in the east bay got a chance to create their own app, day one of the congressional app-a-thon. a winning app will be chosen tomorrow, and displayed at the us capitol, and on the house of representatives website. how cool is that? >> very cool. it's also very wet out there. >> there's an app for that. >> yes, showers, but not much. few slick streets, but that's about it. looking over to sfo, numbers in the mostly upper 40, low 50s. 51 in oakland, 50 in san francisco and san jose, and 48 in santa rosa. here's what it looks like from high atop the west coast. there's just one little low pressure system after another heading toward the west, and as a result unsettled weather, and no big rain makers out there. show you on the futurecast. tomorrow afternoon, there's a chance of a few more showers coming in, and again, it's just kind of nuisance rain. very light stuff, and not much in the way of sunshine. fairy persistent overcast, and the sun could break through from time to time. monday another system, overcast skies monday, and by tuesday the suggestion at least is that we begin to see some sun by tuesday, but between now and then it will be in short supply. so will the rain. on the futurecast between now and tuesday afternoon we only pick up about a quartier of an inch in santa rosa, 900ths in sows, and as you can see, even of we get a little light shower activity tomorrow, it doesn't amount to much more than a hill of beans. looking out from the transamerica pyramid, and the back to back section of the twin suspension bridge, we'll have partly sunny sky, a shower or two for tomorrow. showers on monday morning as well. break on tuesday, and more rain coming in on wednesday, but not much. travel weather forecast heading out, treacherous on 5 or 99 in the central valley with a lot of fog out there. tis the season and the moisture in the air contributed. light winds don't help either. temperatures will be 50s if you headways of the sear i can't, and up in the sierra. overnight lows tonight in the 40s. 41 for napa. sun up 7:35. numbers tomorrow, overcast skies with a peek or two at the sun. and the extended forecast, a chance of a few showers coming in tomorrow afternoon, but not much. monday more showers coming in, but not much. and for tuesday a break. wednesday more robust system, but compared to anemiaic it won't be much. and thursday, friday saturday partly cloudy conditions and drying out for awhile. in the meantime not a lot of sunshine, or rain. but there are a lot of sports. >> the numbers i care about, football scores. the moreovers started off -- the nfl play offs start offed slow, but they heated up. we'll have highlights up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cbs had the healiner today...right nfl up top, there's nothing like the nfl playoffs. cbs kpix 5 had the headliner today right here. steelers, bengal, and these two teams don't like each other. steelers, assistant coach pulling the dreds of nelson. come on man! up 13-0 in the third. ben taken down hard. big ben had to leave the game. bad shoulder. would he return? more on this later. under two minutes to play. bengals down 15-10. mccarron to greene. it's 16-15. after a steeler interception, bengals in position to win, and may have if hill didn't fumble the football. recovered, now the steelers had a chance to win. big ben is back! rally the team and the bengals helped. ben to brown, hit in the head by a blow. this was 20 seconds to play. personal foul. then jones called for another personal foul. 30 yards of penalties moving the ball all the way to the bengal 17, and allowed boswell to get a chip shot field goal to win it. the steelers move on to face denver. smith and the chiefs, focused at houston? i'll say. looking for their first playoff win since 1993. kick off, davis, and he's gone. 106 yards. 11 seconds into the game it's 7- 0, and the route was on. chiefs defense forced five turnovers, chiefs took advantage. 4th quarter strike. chiefs shut out the texans, first playoff win since 1993. at new england next week. i'm just getting started. i got more. look what happened when curry and his show traveled up i-80 to the shakings. ,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ life... is unpredictable. life is deaths. and births. sickness and health. love and heartbreak. and covered california is there for it all. not just to help keep you well. but to make sure the cost of being unwell doesn't ruin this whole life thing. because it's more than just health care. it's life care. y...rocking the nba and the warriors raging machine kept on going tonight in sacramento. curry, we all know he can pass. this to barnes. over cousins, bucket, foul, bye bye cousins. broke a 54-year-old tie. rondo and greene got a piece of it. got the dunk at the other end of it too. greene scored 25. warriors up 10. end of the third, nine-point game. curry, throw it up, splash. 4th quarter, watch the ball movement. textbook basketball. curry goes to the corner. splash. curry had eight threes, warriors won 128-116. is record -- the record is 35 and 2. gary peyton watching oregon state host cal. minute to go. matthews got the friendly bounce to cut the deficit to two, but here came the beaver, and gary peyton the second. yeah, baby boy did the thing for oregon state as they won by a final of 77-71. bears now one and five in games outside of berkeley. drop the puck for mike, yeah, his night at the shark tank. sharks put on a show against the toronto maple leafs. number 17 for burns. later in the second, san jose's other all star joe in front, forget it. sharks erupted for a season high 7 goals. shut out the leafs 7-0. did you know california has a state program that offers free specialized phones. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, announcer: it's time to make room for the new mattress models-- during sleep train's huge year end clearance sale. for a limited time, save hundreds on tempur-pedic mattresses. get the most highly recommended bed in america at closeout prices. plus, get interest-free financing and same-day delivery. why wait for the new models? sleep train's year end clearance sale is on now! superior service, best selection, lowest price-- guaranteed! ♪ sleep train [train horn] ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ watching. our next newscast is tomorrow morning at seve thirty. a 30 year vet an of sports -- veteran of sports reporting, if someone said you have to pick, who's going to be matched up in the superbowl? >> i would say patriots and i don't know. >> we'll be back tomorrow. ,,,, this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first bowl today. and driving me to work. i owe you one. you owed me one when i didn't smother you in your crib. well, then, i owe you two. my car'll be out of the shop in a couple of days. there was a-a terrible knock in the engine. like a... like a... (imitating knocking) i kept saying, "come in," but nobody did. (chuckling) ooh, carpool lane-- that's us. we could... shut up. right. i know, right? i-i deal with that every day. it's very frustrating. and sometimes i dream about buying a cabin in the woods and just getting away... i said shut up. yes, you did. the people going that way should just switch jobs

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