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area oil refinery sending crews scrambling. it started around 5:0this 5:30 this morning. kiet do reports. >> reporter: the initial fireball at the evergreen foil refinery was several stories high and the heat could be felt from the industry. a spokesman says the so-called heat exchanger failed sometime after 5:30 this morning. >> oil released, the oil caught fire and the heat of the fire caused the fiberglass hydrochloric acid tank to fail. >> reporter: 1,000 gallons of hydrochloric acid leaked out but was contained in a berm. an employee injured his arm and went to the hospital. what's the danger to people who live down wind? >> i don't believe there is any. the fire is out. everything is contained. it's a stable situation now. >> reporter: do you believe them? >> no. absolutely not. >> reporter: lori lowe has lived nearby and has seen multiple incidents over the past 20 years. last may there was a three- alarm fire and the bay area air quality management district has recorded five odor release violations in the past five years. >> i bring me children in close my windows and i have been to the hospital over it. i have had excruciating headaches after the fact. >> reporter: the newark city manager says the city itself has recorded about a dozen violations and even fined evergreen oil thousands of dollars. are they a pretty good corporate citizen here in newark? >> they have been been a good corporate citizen. this situation with odor releases over the last number of months has been definitely problematic. >> reporter: state investigators are on scene and the plant will be closed at least for today while they try and figure out what caused this fire. in newark, kiet do, cbs 5. explodes in oakland. it happened at kennedy and frederick streets sparks fly overnight after a transformer explodes in oakland. it happened at kennedy and frederick streets there at 8 80. pg&e says a secondary line came down from a pole sparking a small explosion. a nearby ramp was closed for an hour while crews worked to restore power. nobody was hurt. within the past 20 minutes, a potentially dangerous situation ended in redwood city. residents have been told to stay indoors after a mountain lion was spotted in their neighborhood. first reports coming in about 8:00 this morning and chopper 5 was overhead as police located that animal. it was in a backyard near alameda de las pulgas. fish & game said there was no way to bring it out alive. it was a 90-pound animal. it was shot and carried out of the backyard there. have been numerous mountain lion sightings in san mateo county since the first of the year. the race is on right now to save a row of houses in hercules from a large landslide. take a look at this. you can see that mud, rocks and debris from the landslide reaches to the roofs of several homes on carson street. they will try to add a barricade to prevent them from slipping. at least four homes have been red-tagged another four in jeopardy from last week's rains. tonight the city council will consider declaring an emergency. from the intimate testimony of barry bonds' former mistress yesterday to scientific facts of a drug expert today the slugger's perjury trial continues with the giants former trainer and some major league ballplayers yet to take the stand. sharon chin reports. >> reporter: good afternoon. today's drama not with the witnesses but between the attorneys. apparently, the defense is trying to set the stage for a possible mistrial. the defense raised questions about the credibility of testimony yesterday from barry bonds' ex-mistress kimberly bell. the defense said she contradicted her 2003 grand jury testimony when she described the extent of his physical changes and the defense suggests the prosecution has withheld parts of bell's diary. it was 70 pages before the grand jury in 2003 but now pages are missing. and withholding evidence is grounds for a mistrial so the judge is looking into those allegations. the two witnesses this morning, a doctor from the lab that processes drug test samples for major league baseball and the man who took bonds' urine sample. the testimony showed the lab did not test for designer steroids that prosecutors allege bonds took. they also describe the integrity of the drug testing from watching bonds give his urine sample to preventing tampering. afterwards, former giants head trainer stan conte testified bonds appeared significantly more muscular in the 2000 season. next up, the first baseball stars to testify for the prosecution, brothers jason and jeremy giambi have arrived and they have admitted using performance-enhancing drugs that they got from barry bonds' personal traynor greg anderson in the past and prosecutors hope to bolster the case that bonds knowingly used steroids from anderson. we are expecting that sometime after the lunch break the giambis will testify. >> thank you. the state legislature convenes today even though there is still a lot of uncertainty over a budget proposal. so far, governor brown and his democratic allies have been unable to get republican support for a special election in june. it would ask voters to approve an extension of tax increases. democrats may try to approve the election by a simple majority even though legislation on taxes and ballot measures generally requires a two-thirds majority. millions of women taking a stand against wal-mart. they say they were underpaid and passed over for promotions. today the u.s. supreme court heard arguments. alexis christoforous on the bay area women behind the largest sex discrimination suit in u.s. history. >> reporter: the massive case against wal-mart has been moving through the courts for nearly 10 years. it started with california employee betty duke, who complained that wal-mart was giving men bet brother motions better promotions and bigger salaries. >> i believe there was a pattern of discrimination in wal-mart in my store and across the country. >> reporter: her complaint led to the class action suit accusing wal-mart of company- wide discrimination against women. the supreme court will not be ruling on whether wal-mart is guilty but whether one giant lawsuit can represent the experiences of hundreds of thousands of women. if the suit is allowed to continue, it could cost wal- mart billions. the company has fought the suit from the start saying it has a long history of promoting women. and it says there are plenty of female employees with positive stories. >> i joined the company in 1992 as a management trainee in california. and in less than four years, i was promoted to store manager. >> reporter: but other women have come forward with stories of being passed over for years, training men who were then promoted above them. >> i asked how i was supposed to do it and i never had a solid answer how i was supposed to get promoted. >> reporter: today a key justice says he is troubled with the case and questions what unlawful policy was involved. alexis christoforous, cbs news, new york. tightening the leash on dogs. one bay area city gets tough after a deadly accident in a park. what breaking the rules could cost you. and george clooney in court? the starring role he could play in a sex trial. and partly cloudy but mild today with significant warming on the way. we're talking about some record- breaking temperatures a good possibility. more on that coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, troops near muammar qaddafi's hometown. last night opposition forces suffered a setback. they in libya rebels fire rockets at government troops near moammar qaddafi's hometown. last night opposition forces suffered a setback losing ground, fleeing from the front lines but today they are regrouping. meanwhile, members of the rebel force traveled to london to meet with secretary of state hillary clinton this morning. >> and clinton is there with representatives from more than 40 nations to discuss the future of libya, the military mission being turned over to nato. diplomats are looking at options to end qaddafi's regime. >> now, we cannot and must not attempt to impose our will on the people of libya but we can and must stand with them as they determine their own destiny. >> several nations are behind a proposal to allow qaddafi to leave libya and avoid being tried for war crimes. u.s. officials said they would accept that plan if it would end the conflict quickly. >> qaddafi's son was here a couple of weeks ago. khamis qaddafi interned with a global engineering and design company in los angeles, traveled around to visit high- tech companies in san francisco, chicago and houston. he returned to libya on february 17 when the crisis broke out. a new starring role for george clooney, lawyers for italy's prime minister silvio berlusconi want the actor and his italian girlfriend to testify at the premier's upcoming sex trial. berlusconi is accused of paying for sex with a 17-year-old moroccan girl and then trying to cover it up. clooney and his girlfriend allegedly attended a party with that girl. clooney's girlfriend reportedly denied attending. no word from george clooney. it's now up to a judge to decide. so is 70 the new 40? the secret to looking younger at any age. >> and imagine owning your very own island. how much it will cost you to own a piece of bay area history. that big rock right there. sunshine and warmer temperatures on the way. this is about as bad as it will get for the rest of the week. your forecast coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, own your own island in the san francisco bay.. if you have 22- million dollars to spend. a one-of-a-kind real estate opportunity, a chance to own your own island in the san francisco bay. but there is a catch, you need $22 million. it's called red rock island, sits just south of the richmond/san rafael bridge near the richmond shoreline. it also touches three counties, marin, san francisco and contra costa. now, the bay area's only privately owned island is going on the market for the first time in 50 years. a bay area businessman bought the 6-acre piece of land in the '60s. he was hoping to develop a hotel and casino. but complex permit process limits the island's use. >> they get the island where -- we have been, you know, sort of with a smile on our face saying you get the island and the mineral rights and bragging rights. >> the real estate agent says he hopes red rock will be bought and donated to the east bay regional park system. it appears heavy winter storms will end california's three-year-old drought. governor jerry brown expected to make the official announcement after the season's last snow survey, which happens tomorrow. at last check, the sierra snowpack is at 159% of normal. and many state reservoirs are filled. >> squaw valley certainly is doing well. highest snowfall ever, nearly 58 feet of snow up there. they will be open until the end of may. >> won't that be nice for all the skiers and snowboarders. >> julie, we're enjoying some beautiful sunshine around here. >> great spring skiing. tomorrow is going to be great spring skiing day. take a look at ocean beach. hazy sunshine, high clouds, that's going to be the story throughout the day, a combination of sun and clouds. some spots a few more than others but mostly sunny to partly cloudy depending on how far north you are. take a look at your planner throughout the day. the coast 50s, 70 inland. mild temperatures and partly cloudy throughout the day today. we'll see more sunshine tomorrow. cool temperatures overnight, patchy fog inland and along the coast. all in all a pleasant evening and more pleasant tomorrow. we have a weather system moving into the pacific northwest bringing showers for them, just a few clouds for us. but notice this ridge offshore. high pressure building in and that means that we will increase temperatures and sunshine as we move on into the next couple of days. the temperatures today that are nice and mild are just the beginning. i think we're going to see some record or near record numbers for wednesday and thursday. today temperatures in fact 50s for the most part and 60s. 66 fremont, 67 today in milpitas. east bay temperatures similar range. 68 in brentwood, 67 antioch and 64 today in alameda, 36 for folks in richmond. north bay, i think you will see a few more clouds than the folks farther south. but mild temperatures nonetheless. 68 santa rosa, 69 in petaluma and 68 in sonoma, 55 today for folks in benicia. five-day forecast shows increasing sunshine as we move on throughout the week today. partly cloudy to mostly sunny skies today. low 80s wednesday and thursday for the warmest spots. cools down friday, chance of showers slight chance on saturday, and drying next week. >> looking forward to those 80s, thank you. san jose may shorten the leash on dogs. this afternoon, the city council will consider limiting dog leashes to six feet long on trails in the city's parks. right now leashes can be up to 20 feet long. fines could go as high as $200 for repeat offenders. dog owners agree that long leashes especially with people on bikes can be dangerous. [ indiscernible ] >> you can fall off a bike. >> that change was prompted by a freak accident in 2009. a woman got caught up in a dog's leash and died. so is 70 the new 40? might not believe your eyes when you see the man and the woman in this next story. >> they're fitter and happier than they have ever been. dr. kim mulvihill shows us their secret to staying young and healthy. reporter: this woman used to weigh 140 pounds. now she's at 115. the man trimmed his 38" waist to 30." they have something in common. they decided to start weightlifting more than 20 years ago. today, they defy stereotypes for senior citizens. >> i just made 70 january 8th. >> reporter: after a second divorce, she became a single mother two of with no job and was freed. that's when she decided getting healthy was a place to start. >> when i turned to the side my stomach came out further than my chest. and i thought, i have to do something. >> reporter: today she is a personal trainer motivational speaker and is working on a book. >> i have never felt better. i'm stronger. i'm happier. i am just, uhm, passionate about what i do more than i was even 10 years ago. >> reporter: bob gail is 73. he says his life changed when he started building muscle by weightlifting. >> weight dropped, i lost about 35 pounds. and my endurance -- i'm living now. living a good life because i feel healthy. >> reporter: studies show the commitment bob and emelina made to work out and eat a healthy diet will change their futures. the immune system will be stronger fighting off infections and even cancer cells. they will be less likely to fall, get osteoporosis, and even slow down arthritis and alzheimer's. >> less infections, less risk of pneumonia, less risk of urinary tract infections, less risk of depression. >> reporter: by the way, the name of her new book. >> it's entitled 70, the new 40. [ laughter ] >> where i do find it? >> wow. >> who can argue? >> if that doesn't convince you, nothing will. dr. kim, though, says she stopped sunbathing in high school, which that certainly helped her skin look much younger. >> note to self: going to the gym right after the show. [ laughter ] >> wow, they look great. they look great. well, they are not leaving anything to chance. a sneak peek at the royal undertaking to make sure, well, kate and will have a wedding fit for a prince or princess. >> if you have a consumer problem or question, call our hotline 1-888-5-helps-u. volunteers are standing bye right now. ,,,, ♪ have a good daisy ♪ eat well, live long ♪ have a good daisy, work out, get strong ♪ ♪ when you need a lift, just sing a song ♪ ♪ and have a good daisy ♪ have a good daisy with a natural treat ♪ ♪ have a good daisy, healthy foods to eat ♪ ♪ when you want some joy, dance to the beat ♪ ♪ and have a good daisy [ female announcer ] enjoy the fresh, 100% natural choice in cottage cheese. ♪ have a good daisy ♪ have a good daisy today's tip of the day is with juice oranges coming in from florida two or three, and you have a nice glass of orange juice. select and store them right. when you buy them, make sure they have a nice color all the way around. that is so important, nice and orange. you want to make sure that the skin is nice and smooth because if it's not, it's got too much skin, not a lot of juice, that you doesn't want. and heavy for their size. that means they are packed with juice. when you bring them home, always store the citrus on the counter. never in the refrigerator. now, juice oranges have a couple of seeds but when you squeeze them, let me tell you, their juice just keeps coming out. look at this right here. and the aroma is also beautiful. juice oranges from florida. not only do you make orange juice out of them but they are great out of hand. couple of seeds? big deal. i'm tony tantillo, your fresh grocer. and always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. oh, i love that smell. coming up tonight at 5:00, you may have it hidden in your wallet. see how one bay area man found out the hard way why it is so important to use your old credit cards. that and more at 5:00 the royal wedding just a month away now. >> it is. and we are getting a sneak peek at some of the preparations. a team of 21 chefs will make nearly 10,000 bite-sized canopies for the 600 guests at the reception. there will be 1200 varieties approved by prince william and kate middleton. they are using a measuring stick to make sure every glass is a certain distance from the edge of the table. >> do you think they are already setting t table? >> maybe. >> hopefully the hors d'oeuvres aren't made just yet. don't forget, eyewitness news is always available at our website, enjoy the sunshine. >> caption colorado, llc ,,

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