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inland temps. upper 70s and low to mid 80s. here is sal. gorks if you are driving -- good morning, if you are driving in marin county southbound 101 looks pretty good. southbound traffic also looks good there. this mornings commute is looking pretty good getting into the silicon valley. no major problems getting to san jose or from oakland to fremont all the way down. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you. years ago she was arrested for child abduction. now she is running for on the fairfield school board. ktvu kraig debro is here now. he's in fairfield to talk about candidates troubling past. >> reporter: we are here at the head quarters here in fairfield. the woman who filed her papers to run for a seat on the board filed about a month ago. the one line identifier under her name registered with the county says retired teacher. but another part of her past is getting all the aattention. alive that shyly spent more than a year in a psychiatric hospital to pay for what she did. but because she made a deal with prosecutors and her public defender she wasn't actually convicted of anything. she admitted to it and that's what is allowing her to run for the seat. if you are convicted you can't run, but since she wasn't convicted she can run. we are trying to get ahold of her and other school board members for comment. reporting livend -- reporting live kraig debro. more controversy over bart. this time it's less about the patrol test itself but the pr campaign involved. claudine wong joins us from the powell street station in san francisco to explain. >> reporter: over and over again bart has had to deal with protestors here at the powell street station and the civic street station right in the heart of the community. as protestors push their message, bart did the same. how far is too far when you are talking about a public relations spin? this morning fallout over what some call media manipulation. in the wake of protests like the one you are watching now, bart held multiple press conferences. according to the bay citizen bart not only recruited loyal writers but prepared a script for them to read and hired a car service at the cost of $900 to get them to and from a press conference. here's what the script said. my name is blank. i take bart from bank to downtown san francisco. i depend on bart to get me to my destination safely and on time. whatever your message is it is completely lost on my because you are putting my life at risk. further more you are making me late. or miss my job interview. we writers demand an immediate end to this illegal access. one rider actually ended up participating. what is unclear is what approval process this all went through. we will try to get a handle on that. we will talk to riders and check back in with you later on this afternoon. time now 5:03. a fremont company will be the focus of a congressional hearing today. the issue the bankruptcy filing of solyndra. president obama visited solyndra last year calling the company a shining example of a green technology company bolstered by a $500 million stimulus loan. coming up we'll is a live report from washington, d.c. on what lawmakers want to know about solyndra and that federal loan. a key federal report may come out today on the cause of last years bp oil spill. this follows a yearlong investigative hearing. testimony has already revealed that bp made critical mistakes on the deep horizon oil well and never told the government or its partners about the mistakes. >> richmond city council criticized the operator of its water treatment plant but stopped short of counseling the companies contract. operations at the plant were partially shut down after a chemical release. but viola water is still allowed to transport waste to another facility. they have complained that the plant is making them sick and they want to shut down entirely. last night richmond city council say they are displeased with the company and will revisit the issue in september. police are investigating a shooting at 580 in richmond. officers received an emergency call at 12:45 this morning. now when police arrived, they found a man who had been shot. he was taken to john mere medical center in serious condition. there are no suspects at this time. time now 5:05. this morning at 9:00 a woman accused of break into the san francisco hotel room of jeopardy host alex tribec will be back in court. she's accused of stealing cash, a wallet, and a photo. but her lawyer claims she did not steal anything and was at the hotel as a prostitute. if she is convicted she could be eligible for california's three strikes law. officials at travis air force base now helping nevada police determine how a 15-year- old boy got his hands on a rocket propelled grenade launcher. that teenager had been pulled over by police for blaring music from his car. that's when officers spotted the grenade launcher in the backseat. a very busy boulevard was shut down. nearby billings were evacuated. a bomb squad sent in this robot to get the weapon. no grenades were found but the grenade launcher was fully functional. >> i heard helicopters, all kinds of sirens. i went downstairs and tried to look. an officer came up and told me what was going on. and i was very surprised. >> now this youtube video gives you a demonstration of the destructive power of the rtg. that weapon is now at travis air force bank. the teenager was booked into juvenile hall on felony charges. police are also investigating reports he has a brother that served or still in the military. fogging is scheduled for tonight in south san jose after mosquitoes tested positive for west nile virus. weather permitting crews plan to spray in the area of intersections of highway 85 and 87. 1-3% of miskeys in the area are said to be covering the virus. if bitten people can experience flu like symptoms and in some severe cases it can lead to neurological damage or death. let's quickly go to sal. see if anything is happening on the roads. >> things are doing pretty well. there are spots out there where you will see slow traffic already. that is because of road work. this is a look at 80 just a little while ago. we had a little bit of a trouble spot here. and then they picked up all the cones. you can still see some flashing lights however on 80 near golden gate field. give yourself plenty of time. also this mornings looking good at the bay bridge toll plaza. getting into san francisco with no problems there. no problems on the richmond bridge and no problems on the san mateo bridge. and this mornings drive on northbound 280 looks very nice getting up to highway 17. some of the road work there has been picked up in the south bay and most of the lanes are coming open. 5:08 let's go to steve. thank you very much, sal. very good morning. bless you pamela. more low clouds cool or cold if you are in that fog. layers today. coast and bay will drop pretty significantly. they didn't warm up that much. inland temps did. more in the way of clouds it will be cooler anuresesy. there is a fog bank on the coast. cooler inland temps and windy at times through the west to east gap there is from the golden gate and san pablo bay. cooling trend will tyke us into friday. a little rebound on the weekend although forecast models have backed off on the warming for next sunday and monday. still warmer but not as warm. i'm not surprised. really big time thunderstorms associated with an upper low which was off of southern california but now it's moving and it just fired up big-time thunderstorms. that will collapse today. no more threat to us for higher clouds. but things are winding down. 50s and 60s the key is fairfield. west, southwest now 23. yesterday at this time i think it was 9. that is a huge difference. southwest at vacaville. they will drop ten degrees easily. thunderstorms will wind down. a few high clouds. system right there moving into the pacific northwest. we'll keep things going along. that will lift that fog bank. low clouds and fog. then sun. it will be cooler. if you're away from the coast it will be nice. if you're by the coast it could be rather chilly with 50s and 60s inland. the five-day forecast here does have a cooler pattern wednesday, thursday, and friday. with your week in view a little warmer saturday not much. i think you will notice it more on sunday. >> thank you, steve. 5:10 is the time right now. a slow start in wine country. why much of this years crop is still on the vine. optimism may be turning into more disappointment for the two uc berkeley graduates still imprisoned in iran. good morning, if you are driving in san rafael. what a nice picture this is. we'll tell you more about the morning commute. a super long time. ther, what, true. and at first it was all business, you know, i'd take him here, i'd take him there. everywhere. and over the years, we've really bonded. sure. why else would you always buy me chevron with techron? 'cause we need gas. i think it's more than that. i think that you care about me. you're a good friend. best friends? um, uh, yes, best friends. yeah. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you. care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car. ow. welcome back to the morning news. time now 5:13. a new and potentially disappointing development in the case of two uc berkeley graduates ohm prisoned in iran. they declared they are still reviewing details of a bail proposal for josh fattal and shane bauer. the two americans could be freed in days on a half million dollars bail each. but iran's ruling claireics court rulings. a pakistan -- insurgents fired rockets. it took allied forces 20 hours before snuffing out the attack. the assailants killed four police officers and three civilians. no americans were injured but the terrorist group has links to al qaeda and taliban. 5:14. top executives from the fremont base solar company solyndra which is under a federal investigation was supposed to testify at a congressional hearing this morning in washington. as ktvu alison burns reports it looks like they are taking a pass. at least for now. >> that is right, dave. the house investigations committee is taking a tough look here at the financial collapse of solyndra and why the obama administration was try so hard to keep the company afloat. as you mentioned we have learned two solyndra executives will not testify this morning. they say they need to stay in california to deal with a potential buyer of the company's assets. congressional republicans have been highly critical of the obama administration for playing such a big role in promoting the company. and giving a half a billion dollars in loan guarantees despite warnings. the company was in trouble. >> many of us think he was trying to get the money quickly out the door. perhaps for political reasons and in the end taxpayers lost over half a billion dollars. >> reporter: president obama visited the company last year touting the green energy jobs henned by his stimulus plan. now some white house e-mails have reportedly emerged. showing the obama administration was trying to rush the loan guarantees to solyndra. i'll have more on that in my next update in an hour. for now we are live in washington, d.c. alison burns. 5:15. today president obama will be selling his jobs creation plan to north carolina. yesterday he was pitching the idea to voters in columbus, ohio. now he's urging voters to pressure congress to pass the bill and send it to his desk. it includes tax cuts and tax credits. designed to encourage businesses to hire people. however, the president is proposing tax hikes to pay for the jobs plan. that is not sitting well with congressional republicans. the search continues in contra costa county for the remaining teenager that walked away from a youth rehabilitation facility. the sheriffs department says two 15 and two 14-year-olds sneaked out of the facility in byron monday night. two of the boys were arrested at a walmart in antioch yesterday but 15-year-old spencer thomas brown has not been found. oakland police have released the mug shots of two men attempting to rob an office depot store monday night. prosecutors charged 50-year-old christian tell and store employee richard killin with several counts of robbery. they have surveillance video showing killin helping cantrell rob the store. both were arrested after an overnight police stappedoff. time now 5:17. grape harvest is starting off slow. only 2% of the counties crop can has been harvested. the summers cooler weather has delayed ripening. the 2011 crop is expected to be a lot smaller this year. it's not alibied bad news. the quality of this years harvest will be good because of the mild weather. well we'll just have to taste and find out, sal, and let people know. >> i think i can volunteer for that, pam. [ laughter ] good morning, everybody and dave. good morning, everyone and dave. it didn't come out right. let's take a look at the commute now. traffic on north and southbound 880 is moving along nicely. until major problems this morning if you are driving past the coliseum. let's move along and take a look at westbound bay bridge. it's nice. no major problems here. all right we will take a look at spots here. this is a look at interstate 880 in hayward. grow can see -- you can see traffic is moving along nicely with no major problems. look agent the livermore valley commute that traffic looks good on westbound 580 as you drive up to the area. we do have one traffic trouble spot that will be westbound 24 before pleasant hill road. a disabled vehicle reported in the center divider. and we also do have a look at san jose where northbound 101 traffic looks good. 5:18 let's go to steve. >> thank you. and i was just tweeting and saying bigger cooler trend today. bigger fog bank and a sea breeze that is picking up. it equals a cooler pattern today. the warming didn't take place coast and bay. maybe vacaville up to clear lake and stuff like that. for 95% of my forecast area it will be cooler today. really impressive thunderstorms prosecute sierra nevada. maybe a few wrap around today. the system responsible for it was moving. there was big time thunderstorms in river county. and funnel cloud and paris that is paris in river side county. up in the sierra things a lot quieter today. a lot of the higher clouds which were flirting with us they made it one day and didn't after that. they will start to move off toward the east. 5050s -- 50s and 60s. west, southwest 23. flow master on that sea breeze right there. it's howling. it will continue all the way out to the delta. if you are up in high country you will have to deal with thunderstorms. but for us we are on the drier side, but we are also on the side of the increase in the fog bank. that will really get enhanced by that system move into the pacific northwest. fog, and sun cooler inland. it will be windy at times. but fog will be hanging out by the coast. 50s and 60s coast and bay. instead of 90s now it's a lot of upper 70 ann low 80s. on the extended outlook wednesday, thursday, and friday means of cooling trend in view. just a little bit warmer on sat. more so inland on sunday. international markets are rebounding a bit this morning with the hope that a new bailout will come for greece. the leaders of greece, germany and france will discuss options. right now most of your european indexes are up. although two major french banks have been downgraded analysts fear the ratings would be worse. most to the asian markets overnight showed modest gains. south korea dropped 3.5% after a two-day holiday. checking in on our numbers. does look like a slightly higher opening in the u.s.. that followed gains yesterday. a popular and educational children's toy is getting a makeover. the makers of the easy bake oven is dumping the 100-watt bulb a redesigned heating element will be more emergency efficient. the easy bake oven has been cooking up tiny treats for half a century. they say they wanted the easy bake to resemble a real appliance. not just a plastic toy. >> i remember my big sister baking me cookies. >> they were not bad. a bay area man gets a second chance. how he is saying thank you to the young girl who's death gave him the chance to live. >> it's just amazing to see what people will do when they see someone in trouble. it gives us it gives humanity hope. >> new details about the dramatic rescue. good morning, this mornings commute is moving along very nicely on northbound 280. there are already some traffic trouble spots out there. >> good morning, low clouds and fog are moving locally inland. they are getting helped along by a stronger sea breeze. 50s and 60s by the beaches today. 60s and 70s by the bay. right now we are hearing from the man that filmed that amazing rescue of a trapped motorcyclist in utah. now the victim got stuck under the car after the accident. a group of people rushed to help. they lifted up the car and pulled that man to safety. all of this happened while the motorcycle and the car were inn flames. man who filmed this rescue was a college student. he said that first he had no idea what was going on. >> first i did not realize there was someone trapped underneath the car. it wasn't until people started gathering around the vehicle. >> the motorcyclist says he's very thankful to everyone who saved his life. he suffered broken bones, some road rash, doctors say his condition is already improving. >> wow. the story you will only see here on channel 2. a bay area man continues the mission of a nine-year-old girl who's death gave him another chance at life. now after five years waiting on the kidney transplant list. mark received a car in july that a kidney was available. it came from a young girl taken off life support after being hurt in a car crash in belvieu, washington. the donors name was confidential until mark read an article about rachel beckwith. she had been raising money to provide clean water for kids in africa. >> i had my life returned to me. as a payment i will carry her charitable torch throughout my life. >> he attached a thank you note to her family. since that note was posted that site has raised more than $1 million. before she died little rachel's goal goal was to raise $300. an explosion at a palo alto apartment complex. the chemical reaction that blew the door off a building and displaced a handful of people. we are live in gilroy where some students could be kicked out of class if they don't get their proper shots. we will tell you which vaccination is causing the most trouble. and more questions this morning about whether the tack ticket -- tactic bart used to sway protestors went too far. 680 traffic looks good heading south. we'll tell you more about the morning commute. good morning, to you. welcome back. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news middle of the week. wednesday, september 14th i'm dave clark. >> and i'm pam cook. let's check in with steve paulson for a little weather forecast. >> thank you dave and pam. we have a bigger fog bank today. that means cooler temps. coast and bay did not get in on the warmup. we'll drop those to about 5-10 degrees. over by the coast a lot of fog to deal with. now here is sal. steve, good morning. westbound highway 4 traffic looks good if you are driving up to the bay point area. already slow traffic in antioch. this mornings commute looks good if you are driving on interstate 880 north and southbound here. let's go back to dave and pam. we are learning about an aggressive public relations campaign launched by bart to try to sway public opinion. claudine wong joins us now with the tack tickets bart used some people say went too far. >> reporter: we have been talking to riders this morning coming in and out of the civic center station. everyone has been asking the same question is there another protest today? no protest planned today but it's public relations and the public relations spin that is causing the controversy this morning. this comes out of the protest like you are watching now. it was then when bart was holding multiple press conferences. according to the bay citizen, bart not only tried to recruit riders for one of the press conferences but prepared a script for the riders to read. they also hired a cost for a car service. we spoke to one man that opposes the protestors but wouldn't have stepped up. >> i wouldn't go. >> even as strong as you feel? >> not to a press conference. no. >> reporter: what if they handed you a script? >> no, that don't sound right. they wouldn't need to do that. >> reporter: here's a look at what the script said. my name is blank. i take bart from blank downtown san francisco i depend on bart to get my my destination safely and on time. whatever your message is lost on me because you are putting my life on risk and making me late. they are told to e plain a hardship child care, doctors appointment, or missed my job interview. and we demand an end to these illegal acts. whether or not this is approved at the higher levels and whether it worked because apparently only one rider agreed to do this and showed up. live in san francisco claudine wong ktvu channel 2 news. time now 5:32. at least six people are in temporary housing after an explosion at an apartment complex in palo alto. residence of the midtown apartments hear a loud boom at 7:20 last night. it was coming from a room that contained the pool equipment. no one was hurt. some residence reported mild irritation in their throats. a man that created an hour long bomb scare in his neighborhood is under arrest. mark sedlock is a convicted felon that is not allowed to have weapons or ammunition. ten neighboring homes had to be evacuated and the bomb squad was call the in. police dug a hole in sedlocks front yard where they detonated the explosives. neighbors were allowed back into their homes at 11:00 last night. police are still looking into why sedlock had so many weapons and explosives. 5:34. really coming down to the wire for 700 students in gilroy to prove they have been properly vaccinated for the school year. tara moriarty has the latest on this looming deadline. good morning, tara. >> reporter: good morning. we are here at south valley middle school where in nine days it could get chaotic. students will get sent hem if they -- home if they don't have their whooping cough vaccination. more than 700 still haven't received their shots. seventh through 12th graders are required to do so under a state law passed this summer. school officials are worried students that are forced to leave will be caught behind in their school work. whopping cough can be deadly especially in infants that are too young to get their shots. once you get it there is no cure. just to give you an idea of the state-wide statistics. so far this year there have been more than 2100 cases reported with 134 hospitalizations. but last year there were more than 9,000 cases almost 500 of them right here in santa clara county. there were also 850 hospitalization and ten deaths in 2010. the last time we saw those kind of numbers were back in 1947. so why are people not getting this vaccination shot? welcoming up we will try to answer that later in our show. we are live in gilroy i'm tara moriarty. some parents and teachers at clayton valley high school are disappointed this morning after the mount diablo school board only gave partial approval. the board approved the charter petition but with conditions. district analysts say there are some problems with accountability and the academic plan. a lot of parents and teachers disagreed. >> it was a sound petition. i'm very disappointed. i had higher hopes for the board. i think the approving with conditions is a stalling tactic. >> supporters have to address a list of concerns in a new plan they will present it to the school board in early february. the board will probably take another vote. a school board candidate in fairfield has acknowledged she was once arrested for abducting children. she pleaded guilty by insanity and ordered to spend more than a year in psychiatric hospital. at the time sheeley was trying to gain custody of a child she knew through relatives. she was trying to take the girls to california but says she meant no harm. the san jose city council voted to limit the number of marijuana clubs in the city to ten. there are currently about 130 medical marijuana dispensaries within the city limits. yesterday's decision will likely force more than 100 medical marijuana clubs to shut down or relocate. all of the clubs will have to reapply for new permits which are expected to be issued on a first come first serve basis next month. time now 5:37. vallejo police are on alert. thieves vandalized electric call boxes three times in one week. it happened at intersection of redwood and columbus parkways. all eight electrical boxes were stripped of their signal wiring in the past six months metal thieves have stolen street light wiring in 40 different parts of the city. the high price of copper is to blame. air support has been helping thousands of firefighters get the upper hand on a string of wild fires in kern county. at least 110 square miles have burned since lightning sparked about eight fires saturday. so far no homes have been damaged, but an evacuation order is still in place for residence in the breckenridge area. yesterday four air tankers and 21 helicopters came in to help the firefighters on the ground. the crews are expecting full containment by the end of this week. the world's largest ray tailer will announce today a campaign to help women. walmart plans to spend $20 billion over the next five years on products and services from businesses owned by women. coming up at 5:30 some of the other ways walmart hopes to reach out to women around the world. the san francisco board of supervisors approved a deal mayor ed lee reached with police and firefighters unions. it lets police and firefighters to keep raises in exchange for paying more into their pension funds. it saves the city there are 30 million. hey sal you ready to take everybody where they need to go? >> yes, we are. we are looking at different places. we will see traffic is getting busier on highway 4 coming up to bay point. pittsburgh traffic looks good. already slowing in parts of antioch. this mornings commute also looks pretty good if you are driving on interstate 880 here in oakland. some of the earlier lane closures for road work have been picked up. if you are driving in san jose, northbound 17 traffic looks good. northbound 101 traffic moving along nicely. we don't have too many trouble spots in the south bay. traffic is also looking good on the freeways if you are in hayward 880 southbound between union city and fremont looks nice. and livermore 580 westbound driving through 680 is a nice drive. 5:39 let's go to steve. >> thank you kindly. a very good morning, to you all. we have a cooler pattern today. probably all the way into friday as the fog bank is getting enhanced by a system come into the authority. cooler more fog. it will be sunny inland but not the 90s. cooling trend continues tomorrow. as i said into friday. the weekend looks a little warmer. more so on sunday than saturday. there is a bigger fog bank out there. the delta breeze has no problem picking up in intensity. with that area in mind temperatures will head right on down. looks like we will bottom out friday and start to rebound over the weekend. big-time thunderstorms continue to erupt over the sierra and southern california. big boomers down in river side county. the low responsible for it is finally moving the system to the north. and bumping it along. we should see a decrease rapidly in the thunderstorms. although on the lee side you could get a few. 50s or 60s. temperatures relatively close. there is not much of a difference coast bay or inland. what has ramped up the southwest wind. yesterday it was nine. southwest at vacaville. low clouds over san jose. everything is in place for a cooler pattern. that will be a big-time player that low right there as it moves across the country. for us we open the door to the cooler breeze. fog and sun cooler for everyone. windy at times through the usual places. foggy on the coast though. there will be a few locations that get the fog. 50s and 60s around the bay. fog sun breezy and cooler all the way into friday. with your weekend in view a little warmer saturday. i think you will notice it more on sunday. >> i will look forward to that. 5:41 is the time. trash hot spots. bait area water ways environmentalists are in need of serious cleanup. plus the body of a man found buried in a novato backyard. we'll tell you more about that commute and the rest of the bay area coming up. good morning. a lot more low clouds and fog. they have lifted a little bit. it will be cooler for many areas that were hot yesterday. not today. 70s and 80s inland. 50s and 60s closer toes beach -- closer to the beaches. here is a look at the top stories. a school board candidate in fairfield acknowledges she was arrested in 1998 for abducting four girls from a bus stop. alvina sheeley says she was trying to gain custody of a child she knew through relatives. she was ordered to spend more than a year in a psychiatric hospital. a campaign to sway bart protestors. they prepared a script for bart riders to read condemning the demonstrations. a congressional hearing today will focus on the bankruptcy filing of fremont based solyndra. lawmakers have questions about solyndra's $500 million stimulus loan. a surprising upset in new york city. bob turner won the special election. weiner resigned following a sexting scandal. turner says his win sends a loud and clear message to president obama. >> we have had it with an irresponsible fiscal policy which endangers the entire economy and every one of our social safety networks. we have had it with your treatment of israel. [ cheering and applause ] >> it's the first time that this new york congressional seat has been held by a republican in 90 years. 5:46. arkansas courthouse will stay closed today after a gunman opened fire inside. police say the man had two handguns and an assault rifle when he went into the courthouse yesterday. the gunshots sent court workers scrambling for cover. two people were hurt including a court secretary. both of the victims are said to recover. that gunman later died during a shootout with police. the motive for that rampage is still being investigated. a woman from nevada will not face charges after her husband's remains were found buried in her backyard. the body of 74-year-old dale smith was found buried under a barbecue pit back in february. an autopsy found no signs of violent injury but a coroner could not determine the cause of smith's death. there is no evidence to charge smith's wife or anyone this this case. sex trafficking on oakland is looking for help. the east bay asian center is trying to raise $2,000 to keep billboardsens up like this. time now 5:47. the environmental group save the bay has identified five bay area water ways they call trash hot spots. on the list the guadalupe river in san jose, damon shrew in oakland, and baxter creek in richmond. they are polluted by plastic and other river. you can help by volunteering for the california coastal cleanup. pam cook will be leading the way. >> we like to go out and do that. it's fun to make a difference. >> oh yes. >> wear your gloves though. >> you meet a lot of other people. >> yes. let's take a look at what we have now at 237 westbound we will see slow traffic here as you drive through the area. no major problems. the morning commute looks pretty good. interstate 880 the traffic also looks good here near the oakland coliseum. north and southbound passing there. let's take a look at antioch, pittsburgh, and bay point. we have a trouble spot eastbound highway 4. there is a crash there. they are clearing it. not causing a big traffic jam yet. we are watching it for you as you move over to the east shore freeway. and also marin county and nevada to san rafael northbound 101 traffic is still looking good. let's go to steve. thank you. big fog bank out there. and it's making a move inland. it will be cooler and breezy to windy at times. especially out from the delta as the sea breeze is picking up. it lookalikes it sold out from the coast right now. bigger fog bank means a lot more wind and west, southwest wind. it will be cooler inlapped as temperatures yesterday. cooling trend started for some yesterday. it will be for everyone today. it will take us all the way into friday and start to rebound over the weekend. impressive thunderstorm complex is firing up around the big old low. it's heading into arizona and the four corners. any flight delays down there you may have delays as a big thunderstorm complex. yesterday numerous reports of flooding and funnel clouds. a lot of energy and a little bit of that rotated back into the sierra. for us, we are just looking not looking for any high clouds or anything. we are looking far lot of low clouds and they are there. 50s and 60s on the temps. west, southwest 23 sustained at fairfield. a south or southwest wind this time of year for napa and santa rosa means a cooler direction and overcast conditions. a lot of fog and monterey. by the way, if you didn't hear yesterday i tweeted that monterey had their coolest summer ever. june, july, and august hit only 57.4 degrees. while some in the middle of the country baked had their hottest we had our coolest. thunderstorms are gone. they are moving out. the thunderstorm in the pacific northwest is moving up. so low clouds, fog it will be sunny. it will be cooler inland today. temperatures 70s and 80s away from the coast. ha lot of 50s and 60s by it. 70s and upper 70s for inland areas. wednesday, thursday, and friday will cool. saturday will be a little warmer but more so on sun. time now 5:50. walmart plans to be more women friendly. the world ears large -- the world's largest retailer will spend $20 million on products owned by women. analysts say it's a smart move since most of its 200 million weekly shoppers are women. facebook users should expect to see changes on their profiles today. the social networking site will automatically group friends into smart lists based on a common workplace, school, city, or family. users will be encouraged to list friends as close or acquaintance. that way users will receive fewer updates from people they are close to. google already has a similar feature on google plus. and google is making it easier to search for the best airline deals online. the world's most popular search engine has a new feature entitled flights. it comes from googles purchase of airlines fare tracker. speaking of airlines there are plans for a kid size upgrade at the airport. new ideas for making it less of a hassle to get a kid through airport security. protesting what they call wrongful eviction from a board in san francisco. [ male announcer ] some people say... good things come to those who wait. truth is... good things come to those who work. ♪ this is l.a. and this is what we do. ♪ [ male announcer ] now lease the all-new 2011 chrysler 300 for $339 a month for well-qualified lessees. who should get it? i really love jennifer. yeah, she's great. yeah. yeah. kyle's got that thick head of hair. and that should be rewarded. ok, moment of truth. on "three," say which kid you love the most. oh, fun, yeah. 1...2...3... jennifer. jennifer. whoa. wow. ha! she's so pretty. yeah. or, we give it to kyle. it's really all he's got. [ male announcer ] switch to at&t u-verse and record four shows all at the same time. just $29 a month for 6 months. at&t. welcome back to the morning news. time now 5:54. traveling with children could get easier in the coming weeks. homeland security is looking at implementing some changes for children younger than 13. they include letting kids keep their shoes on at check points. allowing them to go through body scanners or metal detectors instead of a pat down. the changes come after outrage over some of the videos showing children being screened. 5:55. in sports this morning the ncaa put boise state on three years probation. punishment for ncaa violations include a public reprimand. also reductions in scholarships. boise state highly ranked football team will have fewer practices than other schools. the violations involve more than 75 recruits and players in five sports. line drive. off the glove. game over. >> just like that the winning feeling is back at at & t park. mark derosa came off the bench last night. got the game inning hit against the padres. giants won 3-2. they won three straight games. the giants will be looking for the sweep. all star pitcher tim lincecum takes the mound this afternoon. san francisco mayor ed lee has called a special meeting this friday with the fire marshal and other city agencies. he hopes to prevent pier 38 businesses from being forced to move. you high remember we first told you last week that city inspectors red tagged about 20 office buildings at pier 38. office workers put down their laptops and picked up protest signs yesterday. they are demanding the city board of supervisors stop the evictions. most city offices belong to tech startups. they have until the end of the month to move. 5:56. sal, you are working now, but will you make it to the official sal seat at at & t park? >> there is a rumor i may be there, dave. but i'm not confirming it. let's take a look at what we have now. no major problems so far if you are driving in san jose along northbound 280. we are looking at it any way. 17, 101 the traffic in the south bay looks pretty good. if that is your commute you should be in pretty good shape. let's move along and take a look at 680 southbound that traffic is moving well through the sunol grade. on highway four we've had some nice traffic. now back to the desk. thanks, sal. topping our news coming up at 6:00. she admits she once kidnapped four girls. now she wants a job in the school system. a live report on the school board candidate and the bay area community she is campaigning in. hundreds of students in one bay area school district is asked to stay away. good morning, we have a bigger fog bank today. temperatures will be coming down. we'll have the cooler temps in two minutes. úgúñ?#??;

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