Transcripts For WBAL 11 News At 5AM 20110106 :

Transcripts For WBAL 11 News At 5AM 20110106

on the eastern shore. a high between 35 and 39 degrees today. 41 is the benchmark for today. a little bit colder than normal. tonight, partly cloudy and 18 to 25 degrees. it is going to be cold tonight. we will see the clouds increase. tomorrow morning, we will possibly be dealing with some light snow. no more than an inch of accumulation. it will be a nuisance for the committee tomorrow. >> good morning. we have one incident. it was a serious one, a fatal accident at the city council line. it had shut down a road for the time being and. that might go through the morning rush. that is something you might want to avoid. we're looking pretty good. the major roadways are checking out ok. 11 on the other the topside. no delays around the area. very light volume. this is 70 near 29. east and westbound traffic moving freely. not too much company out there just yet. this is providence road of all the topside. no problems at all. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. back over to. >> there is still no sign of phylicia barnes. she disappeared last week. >> there was suspicious activity yesterday afternoon. george lettis is live in south baltimore where police are taking a new approach to locate the teenager. >> police are in hopes of getting some good information on this case. police are now using billboards across baltimore city. we are in front of one and it is an electronic billboard that switches every 10 seconds or so. hopefully you can get a look at it. on wednesday, suspicious activity spotted by an fbi helicopter and prompted a search of it thomas -- of a dumpster. investigators found nothing. the shopping area is closed where 16-year-old phylicia barnes was last seen and were investigators spent hours going door to doors and passing out fliers with the missing teenager's picture. she was in baltimore visiting her sisters over the holidays. >> my daughter is fine and she will be found safe. that is the main thing that people can do. keep on praying and understand this should not happen to any child in this country. >> back live, but we will keep an eye on this billboard. barnes has not used her phone or credit card since she was last seen. police are resorting to a media blitz to see if anyone has any good information on this case. give this a few seconds. we want to show the billboard. it gives a number people can call. there it is. phylicia barnes. her picture there. you can call that number. we're live in south baltimore. george lettis, wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. never seen anything like that. a woman is recovering after being struck in northwest baltimore by a car. this was in the 4200 block of patterson ave. it is reported the woman suffered severe head trauma. no word on who is at fault because maryland officials continue to investigate a large fish kill. the department of the environment says an estimated 2 million fish have died south of the bay bridge. a spokeswoman said the water appears acceptable. several biologist suggest stress is the cause. unk totemperature s about 38 degrees. >> the ceremonies have been oven r. kate amara is in washington with the first moves will see in the republican-controlled house. >> good morning. the u.s. constitution will be read aloud from the house floor. >> i now passed this gavel and the sacred trust that goes with it to the new speaker. >> the gavel has been passed, the new republican leadership is in place. now the house of representatives gets down to work. >> the people voted to end it business as usual. we begin to carry out their instructions. >> treehouse takes its first vote today, a 5% vote to their own budget. the constitution will be read. also, a vote to begin repealing president obama 's health-care overhaul. >> this is symbolic. they understand this is not going to win on the president's desk. it is not likely to pass the senate. this is a bit of a huff and puff. >> the health care repeal is facing a roadblock in the senate. >> do you solemnly swear to defend -- >> democrats are racing to defend their accomplishments, stressing the importance of compromise. >> we must stand ready to find common ground to solve problems and to build a more secure future for all americans. >> democrats claim repealing health care reform will only add to the deficit, running counter to promises to cut spending. kate amara, wbal-tv 11 news. >> barbara mikulski was honored on the senate floor yesterday as she became the longest serving female senator in u.s. history. she was sworn in for her fifth term in office. she incurs all women to make a difference. >> getting jobs in your own community, that is how i got started. working to build a better community when the wanted to run a highway for that community, i ran my mouth. >> she was sworn in as senator in 1987 when there were just one other female senator. she is the second senator to have served in the house and the senate. deborah weiner sat down and talk to her. if you would like to watch that interview, it is posted on our website, >> a mark twain scholar is accused of messing with a masterpiece. he is working with a publisher to release new editions in the combined volume. the n word is being replaced with "slave." he hopes his version will change that. the new volume is due out next month. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. what do you think of one scholar's decision to replace offensive racial terms for more politically correct ones in mark twain's "the adventures of huckleberry finn"? you can share your response at, and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to >> 24 degrees on tv hill. a student gunman opens up at a nebraska a high school. we will tell you how the shooting spree ended. shooting spree ended. add french's to your marinade. it's a surprising way to add a little fun to your food and a whole lot of happy to your family. for recipes and valuable coupons, go to to add a little happy to almost any meal. french's. happy starts here. experts from a leading consumer publication recently tested automatic dishwashing detergents. they rated finish quantum number one, beating the competition ! try finish quantum for amazing clean and shine. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. >> it is 30 degrees downtown. we look at the hd doppler. there is precipitation to our south. nothing much over baltimore. that trend will continue. a clipper will die down from canada and the great lakes region and affect us with maybe some light snow. in the meantime, we will be mostly cloudy, 35 to 39 is forecast high. tonight, mostly cloudy and 25 to 28 the overnight lows. snow developing, it could be laid. snow early tomorrow morning. then we will start to clear out and we will be windy. tomorrow only in the mid 30's for a daytime high. i will break that system down further in a little bit. >> thank you. a school vice principal was killed and a principal injured in a school shooting in nebraska. robert alter -- robert bullard came into the high school and started shooting. balder was later found dead in a car about a mile from the scene. police believe he shot himself. no word on why he opened fire. coming up, the morning's financial news in the bloomberg business report. >> we have picked up a few more accidents in the eastern part of >> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> welcome. we do this on purpose. national red show on the morning show. >> we did not plan this. tomorrow will be purple friday. not intentional. first traffic. we do have traffic to talk about. we have a situation on the city council line. -- the city line. there is an accident. the cleanup is expected to go on throughout the morning rush. the alternate is going to be liberty road. in dundalk, a road is closed because of a crash. some fire activity was possible lane blockages at hospital drive and philadelphia. a few live spots to watch for. when things are moving just fine with no problems at all. this is the topside at providence road. things are looking fine. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. now let's get the latest on the buses and the trains. for that we go to kurt kronke of the mta system. good morning. >> we're looking at a commute with a few delays on the buses. the 10, 35, and 46 busses are 20-minutes late. the 23 bus is 20-minutes late. and there is a diversion at washington. on the rails, looking months later. no delays on the penn, camden, and brunswick lines so far. metro subway is on schedule. now back to sandra shaw. >> good morning. look at hd doppler. there is a disturbance over the carolinas and parts of virginia. that will stay to our south. we are not going to be dealing with anything from this system other than increasing clouds today. gray skies from baltimore today. it remains cold. let's find out what you need to dress for today. cold. it is january. 22 at the airport. 21 in westminster. look over the bay bridge, low 20s near easton and st. michaels. that is the actual temperature out there. we are not dealing with very gusty winds. 25 in the mountains of western maryland today. in baltimore, a high of 36 degrees today. that is below the norm of 41. light winds. tomorrow, we will be about 40 degrees as well. tonight, some light snow developing after midnight. we will be mostly cloudy. a bit better as far as the overnight lows because of the clouds. snow developing late. it will be light in nature. a clipper system will come through tonight. we will see an extra shot of potential precipitation tomorrow morning. there will be some moisture to work with tomorrow morning. maybe an inch of the accumulation. closer to the state line, maybe some more. it doesn't look very impressive. some light snow by 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., and then it clears on out. mabel -- may be partial cleared by tomorrow afternoon. it is looking like we will be unsettled weather wise for the game on sunday. 24 to 26 degrees at game conditions. we cannot rule out some snow. wind chill in the teens. it will be a frigid game. we remain in the 30's and very cold here on saturday with a high below freezing, 31. on sunday, very windy and pour the cloudy. -- and partly cloudy. >> it is not the economy but the weather that is causing concerns over food prices. prices will continue to rise on cereal, dairy, meat, and sugar. prices of some fruits and vegetables already reflect recent cold spells in florida. the price hikes could spark food riots in poor countries. a different logo is coming to a starbucks. the logo no longer shows the name starbucks or the word coffee. starbucks plans to debut the new logo in march. >> delta at outlines its financial fallout from the recent snowstorms. bank of america is going feet happy -- fee happy for its customers. >> bank of america may have done away with some overdraft charges. it is still talking on some fees for customers. customers may have to pay fees of $6 to $9 a month, unless you take a vantage of on-line services. this is happening in three states. bankamerica plans to move all customers to those accounts. when 2000 post offices will start testing gift cards in may . look at the markets this morning. stock futures are a little bit higher. we had an up day yesterday. elsewhere, microsoft executive steve ballmer said the connect unit --- deeming gaming unit has made 2009 the biggest year for microsoft. delta air lines said the fourth quarter profit will drop as much as $45 million just because of the reasons in northeast storm. they had to cancel 3000 flights with about 250,000 passengers affected. i'm jane king reporting for wbal-tv 11 news. back to you. >> did you get caught up in the snowstorms? >> i got so lucky. we flew out on christmas eve. we were back the thursday after the snowstorm. i missed it. i was in indiana watching all the chaos on television. it was tough for people here. we have to wait about an hour for a taxicab when we come back. i will take them. >> and then all the shuffling was done for you. that is a good thing -- all of the shoveling was done for you. >> it is 24 degrees on tv hill. coming up, we'll get another look at your morning commute with traffic and weather together. >> don't forget to e-mail us your response to our water cooler question of the day. what do you think of one scholar's decision to replace offensive racial terms for more politically correct ones in mark twain's "the adventures of huckleberry finn"? you can share your response at, and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to how new is the new edge with myford touch? well you could never do this before. or this. or this. you definitely couldn't do this. play kate's mix. or this. temperature, 72 degrees. say hello to the new edge with myford touch.™ quite possibly the world's smartest crossover. >> we are learning more about the big wedding day of the royal couple. >> we now know where the reception will be held. >> the bride will be taken her wedding like this, not like this. lady diana spencer road to her wedding in the royal carriage. the want to try to play it down. the arrival in a car is quite a good thing because it is seen as a modern princess arriving. >> this couple will still have a stylish wedding. westminster abbey will provide a grand setting. the archbishop of canterbury will marry the couple. >> i, diana francis -- >> the queen will pay for reception at buckingham palace. prince charles will have dinner and dancing later. >> there are some unanswered questions about the big day. 2000 people will be packed into westminster abbey when william and kate are married here at the high altar. we do not know who is on the list and who is not. some things will not change. william and kate will go back to the palace through the crowded streets of london in a carriage procession. >> i am sure it will be quite an event. >> 24 degrees on tv hill. coming up -- >> i am a george lettis. police on an all out media blitz to find a missing teenager. >> we have an active hd doppler. i will let you know if any precipitation to our south will affect you. >> a few hot spots on the road this morning. yeah, dirt? do you think the two of us will ever find the one? well, we've been left behind by so many mops and brooms... aw, man! ...but we have got... see ya! ...each other. ♪ what about love?! [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. the 2 in 1 swiffer sweeper uses electrostatic dry cloths to trap and lock more dirt than a broom and uses dirt dissolving wet cloths to clean better than a mop. you're quite the pickup artist! [ male announcer ] 2 in 1 swiffer sweeper gives cleaning a whole new meaning. 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some troubles on the road. >> if it snows tomorrow morning, it is going to be rough. school delays. it usually is pretty bad if it snows. not seeing anything of that magnitude. we do have a few incidents to talk about. city county line is closed. the alternate is liberty. dundalk, a closure the beltway because of an accident. also some fire activity in rosedale. hospital drive and philadelphia road. a few things to watch out for. this is the west side at liberty road. things, moving just fine. we switch over to north point boulevard. this is mere were that accident is taking place. north point and the beltway. things are looking good on the beltway on the east side so far. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. back over to you. >> police response to reports of suspicious activity in baltimore city, hoping to find the whereabouts of a missing 16- year-old girl. >> george lettis will tell us about the new approach the police are taking to find her. this is innovator of. >> in the hopes of getting some good tips or some awareness on this case, police are using billboards across baltimore. we are in front of one along 295. it is one of these electronic ones that switches every 10 seconds or so. hopefully it will switch to that billboard on the air. it shows her picture and gives a number for people to call if they know of anything. we will tell you the latest on the investigation. late wednesday, suspicious activity spotted by fbi helicopter prompted a search of a dumpster, but investigators found nothing. 16-year-old phylicia barnes was last seen here. investigators spent hours searching and passing out fliers with the missing teenager's picture. she is from north carolina. she was in baltimore visiting her half sisters over the holidays. family members said they thought she was going to get something to eat before she disappeared. >> there are people of interest, but there is no one person that is of more interest than others at this point. >> per mother spoke about her last conversation with her daughter on christmas day. >> i said, you are not going anywhere because i miss you. i am here by myself. she smiled. she said mommy, i miss you, too. >> back live in south baltimore. police are now using a billboard to get some good tips on this case. it is an electronic billboard. this one is right along 295 in south baltimore. here is the number. phylicia barnes. you'll see per billboards all over town for the next few weeks or so. hopefully that will help bring this teenager home. we are live in south baltimore. george lettis, wbal-tv 11 news. >> a retired priest is facing child sex abuse charges this morning. the rev. donald belcher has been indicted by a maryland grand jury. the 82-year-old was a vicar of the church. details of the church -- details of the abuse were not immediately available. nine families are forced to look for a new place to call home. there was a fire yesterday in northeast baltimore. more than two dozen people have to be evacuated, including some who had to jump out of windows. >> she had her back turned. she fell to the ground. >> i came back and i opened the door. i saw all this smoke. it was burning. the radiator. everything was burning. >> no one was seriously hurt. the cause of this fire remains under investigation. >> 5 maryland schools make a list of the top 100 best values in public colleges. the university of maryland at college park made the top five. other colleges include towson university as well as st. mary's college and the university of maryland maryland county. colleges were ranked based on graduation rates as well as cost and financial aid. school systems have been on a crusade for healthier choices for students for breakfast and lunch. >> anne arundel county is committed to counting calories and fat grams. tim tooten has that story. >> it is lunch time at annapolis elementary school. and nutritious. >> milk and sandwich. >> many of the students who buy their lunches already know what to expect. >> each lunch -- we approaching, fruits, vegetables, and milk. we have this typically in all of our meals. we always have a salad. this year, we of broccoli and cauliflower. we added cucumbers. >> this is part of a fact- finding a visit. late last year, she was asked for an update on the nutritional value of school meals. >> this is what we have for school lunch today. this is a meatball sub. students are allowed to take unlimited fruits and vegetables. >> they serve great healthy meals. what you think about serving carrots? >> i eat broccoli and green beans. >> de you think these lunches are healthy? >> yes. they have vegetables and milk. >> do you tell your parents how great lunch was? >> yes. >> they have made the connection between what students are eating at lunch and how they're performing in the classroom. >> when children have enough protein and fruits and vegetables, that helps prepare them for school and keeps them going in the afternoon. >> tim tooten, wbal-tv 11 news. >> i am hungry now. >> have some carrots 6. >> coming up, researchers believed dancing committee significant difference in parkinson's patients. o-phobe?ou a germ of faux pa >> ♪ i may be mud, but i have standards. mops? please. some of them have bacteria. ♪ and they try to pick me up? ew. i'm really hard to get. uh! ♪ what about love?! [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. used mops can grow bacteria. swiffer wetjet's antibacterial solution eliminates 99.9% of bacteria that mops can spread around. i like your pad! [ male announcer ] swiffer cleans better than a mop or your money back. >> it is 30 degrees downtown this morning. we have a high of 36 to reach today with mostly cloudy skies. we look at the hd doppler. clouds are increasing. precipitation will stay to our south today. it will be a gray skies day today in baltimore. 35 to 39 degrees, mostly cloudy with light wind. tonight, mostly cloudy skies, 25 to 28. snow will likely develop after midnight. light intermittent snow is in the forecast for tomorrow morning. i will break that down for you coming up in a little bit. >> it turns out the best therapy for parkinson's patients may be on the dance floor. one form of dance, the tango, improved mobility and patience. the idea that dance is even more beneficial than other exercises is fairly new. some believe dance involves movement that is easier, which could be beneficial to patients. >> staying germ-free while on a flight. experts say the problem comes when you touch a tray table or luggage bin that has been sneezed or cough ed on. it is best to wash your hands. wipe down your tray tables and windows before touching them. >> those magazines that everybody touches. and the head rest. >> the votes have been counted for the hall of fame inductees >> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> good morning. kim dacey checking on your morning commute. we have a few hot spots we want to mention. the first is on the city county line in baltimore. there is a closure because of an accident and a clean up. that is expected closed throughout the morning rush. take liberty road instead if you want to avoid that. cleanup continues at north point and the beltway. there is an accident that caused a fire in hospital drive and philadelphia road in rosedale. police are on the scene with the fire. cleanup will continue there, as well. live drive times are looking good. 95 north between 32 and the beltway is looking good. this is the west side of the beltway at liberty road. the inner and outer loops are moving just fine. at the east side, things are looking just fine there, as well. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. now let's get the latest on the buses and the trains. for that we go to kurt kronke of the mta system. good morning. >> looking good on the rails right now. no delays on the penn, camden, and brunswick lines so far. metro subway on schedule. the 10, 35, of 46 buses are running about 10 to 20 minutes late. look for the 15 bus diverting it edmundson and arlington. the five bus is diverting at preston and chester. now back to sandra shaw. >> thank you. it is going to be a winter day around baltimore. you can see on the satellite imagery that there are showers to our south over the carolinas and virginia this morning. that system will stay to our south. we will see those clouds filtering in. our next weather maker is over the great lakes. it will come through here tomorrow morning and it could produce some light snow. temperatures between 30 downtown to only 21 at westminster. generally we are in the 27 to 28-degree range at the eastern shore. the good news about these temperatures, these are how it feels outside. we are not dealing with any wind chill factor outside. the wind is calm. 25 degrees high in the mountains of western maryland. we will be colder than yesterday in baltimore because of the cloud cover. we are off the norm for the time of year this year. not a bad day on the eastern shore. we will see more clouds than sunshine today. between 25 and 28 degrees is the overnight temperature range. snow will likely develop way. this will not generate too much. the reinforcing shot will hit us friday morning. it is over the great lakes right now. it will die of doubt and the rapid pace. the other to our west will do the same thing. off the coast of new income, there will be a strong coastal storm. they may get more out of the system. we are expecting some light snow tomorrow morning, maybe about an inch or so. it will clear out by tomorrow afternoon. we will be left with some bitter cold. it will also be cold in kansas city for the playoff game on sunday. we're hoping the third time is the charm. 24 to 26 is the game forecast and a slight chance for some flurries. 14 to 16 is the real-feel temperature. it will be much more comfortable in baltimore and kansas city. it will be called on saturday, a high of 31. windy and 36 on sunday. >> thank you. day three of the preliminary hearing for dr. conrad murray. >> yesterday, a security guard and a paramedic testify. parentsel jackson's arrived at court. security guard was the first to take the stand. he made the 91 call that fateful day back in 2009. -- he made the 911 call. he rushed jackson paused children out of the bedroom crying. he made the call for help. asked if anybody knew cpr. >> the emotion on the stand was authentic. >> the defense points to doubt that alvarez never told police any of the incriminating details now coming out in court. >> in fact, he did not tell the story to the police when they first question tim. >> a paramedic took the stand. the 27-year-old veteran said he arrived at 12:26 p.m. to find a jackson. tpale jackson appeared to be dead more than 20 minutes. the doctor initially said that jackson was not taking any medication. >> he failed to tell the paramedic that propofol was involved. >> the doctor has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter. >> it is 24 degrees on tv hill. much more to come. >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers. good luck. 3q chicken in need of cheering up? add french's to your marinade. it's a surprising way to add a little fun to your food and a whole lot of happy to your family. for recipes and valuable coupons, go to to add a little happy to almost any meal. french's. happy starts here. experts from a leading consumer publication recently tested automatic dishwashing detergents. they rated finish quantum number one, beating the competition ! try finish quantum for amazing clean and shine. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. 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