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3 baltimore city police need your help finding the suspects who robbed a man at gunpoint and then forced him to travel with them to different a-t-m's. it happened in bolton hill. hill.megan gilliland is live from the scene to let us know how poliie hope to cctch the suspects before they do it agai. again.good morning patrice, we're live along the 1400 block of jordan street.this is where the victim was kidnapped right outside his doorstep. happeed last week on december 30th... around 6:45-p-m.we're told the victim was approached by two armed men... who demanded money. the suspeccs followed the man into his home and took his wallet. then, they forced him to drive around to several a-t-ms... trying to get cash from his bank account. nearly three hours later... police say the suspects dropped the victim off áneará west north avenue - and took off with his 20-11 infiniti s-u-v.the victim flagged down officers just minutes later. 14:35 we actuully had some officers who were on routine patrol when they were confronted by the victim 37 the victim came up to the officers and indicated that he had been carjacked 42 42survelillance cameras were able to snap these pictures of the suspects.take a good look. the first suspect is a black man... around 20 years old... about 5 foot 10... 150 pounds... with a short hair cut.he was armed with a silver semi-automatic handgun. suspsect numberrtwo is described as a black man... around 20 years... and about six feet tall... with a heavy build... and a short hair cut. it's believed his name is jerome or bootsie. anyone with information is asked to call the central district detective unit at the number on the bottom of your screen... in bolton hill, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. the trial resumes today... in the case of a man accused of gang raping a 12-year old girl. girl.oo thursday... a judge threw out a number of charges perry... including first von - degree rape.the judge'' ruling follows testimony that there is no d-n-a evidence linking skateworks roller rink. but prosecutors point to surveillance video... that shows perry near the room where the 12-year old says she was attacked. police think video of a baltimore cop being attacked that went viral... will help their case against the suspect. the police department says the officers handled the situation well. they say the video adds another layer of scrutiny but shouldn't hinder what police must do. < "you're not thinking about who's videotaping you or not... go home safely to your f> family."> the suspect in this video was detained by officers on the scene. it seems áthe forceá couldn't help this next guy from being arrested. police in orlando arrested a man thursday... wearing a darth vader mask..he officer says the 28-year-old man was aaparently drunk and walking in the middll of a street.when he was askeddto move... he lay down in the road instead.the officer says the man then tried to punch and kick him. the masked man now faces felony charges of resisting officer. we're almost a week into 2012.... so how are you doing on those resooutions? today we have the 5 tips to keep you onntrack! track! joel d. smith is live in reisterstown at a place where so many try to change for the new year..... the gym. good morning joel d. good morning patrice 3 & 3 3 traffic can be a pain... but one man's plan to bypass it all... brings his skeleton out of the closet. closet.a washington state man says he was jealous of all the drivers that got to commute using the h-o-v lane... so he ddcided to get his own passengee.that passenger just happened to be a skeleton... dressed to worked for awhile... until a trooper spotted the boney passenger... and wrote him a 450 doolar the man says he'll put the skeleton ...back in the closet. it's friday and that means it's your turn to sound off on our facebook page about anything you want. want.let us know what's on your mind-- and your response could air in our "facebook feedback" segment. segment.just go to facebook doo com slash foxbaltimore to become a fan and join the conversation. coming up... senator john mccain's slip-of-the-tongue -m "... president obama will turn this country around. we believe in america." what he was ásupossedá to be saying... instead. and we're taking you live... to an exhibit honoring all things ravens.that's coming up... in our hometown hotspot. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump thanks, mom. who are you calling "mom"? dunkin' sausage pancake bites, delicious like mom's, only easier to carry -- get three for $1.59. [ male announcer ] get ready for some deli-style delic-ious-ity: the subway big hot pastrami melt. take a moment to ponder tender cuts of pastrami, piled sky high atop your favorite freshly baked bread with spicy mustard, pickles and melt-a-licious cheese. okay, enough imagining how this fresh toasted number would tantalize your taste buds -- it's time to actually experience the subway big hot pastrami melt, built by the sandwich experts the way you love -- to per-fec-tion. subway. eat fresh. the baltimore ravens are heading to the playoffs next week.and if you're not already excited... this next story should do the this morning's hometown hotspot... we're taking you live to sports legends museum... for a look at the baltimore ravens exhibit.that's where we find chief curator shawn herne... who's there with all the details.good morning. -terrell suggs gloves? gloves? the sports legends museum is located at 301 west camden street.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 maps-fiber-back to maps- 95at175-back to maps 3 coming up... a teenager... accidentally deported to another country. country. "you just don't know how i feel. i'm just spee" speechless."thh great lenghts one mother had to go... to bring her daughter home. with a brand new cookie... we'll let áyouá decide... if you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all loccl.. all morning. ((break 2)) 3 new this morninn... a serious crash shuts down all lanes on southbound 83... at shawan cars there right happened just before 6 a-m... a mini-van overturned.we're hearing reports that several people have been injured.we'll keep you up-to-date with the information... as it comes into our newsroom. the howard county police officer convicted of assaulting a city officer.. is scheduled to be sentenced today.earlier this week.. it took jurors just two hours... to find casey lechter guilty of punching an officer in the head in canton last april. tte murder trial begins today... for the main suspect in the disappearance of natalee holloway.only in this case... joran van der sloot is facing charges for the killing of a 21-year old peruvian woman.he's expected to plead guilty to charges. a dallas teenager who ran away from home more than a year ago... and was mistakenly deported tt colombia will be handed over to u-s offiicals today.still the 15 year old's family wants to know how she could have been deported. jakadrien turner is a u-s citizen with no knowledge of spanish.the immigration and customs enforcement agency &psays following annarrest for theft... jakadrien gave a fake name and told them she was an adult from colombia.she stuck to hat story even after the case was handed over to an immigration judge... who ordered her removed from the country. the girls couts are celebrating 100 years of success... with a new cookie. it's called "savannah smiles." the cookie is said to be lemon- flavored... with a powered sugar coating.sales of the new cookie will help fund girl scout activities... and is available now during the 2012 cookie season. coming up... the controversial new ad campaign... that doesn't beat around the bush. bush."mom why am i fat?"-butt to--my doctor says i have something called hypertension" hypertension"why some are having major issues... with the way this group is teaching children... about obesity. but next... all eyes are on race finish in iowa... means --- for g-o-p're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. a phooo finish in iowa. mitt romney and rick santorum both finish with 25-percent of the votes. front runner romney barely edgeddout santorum by 8 just votes. so what does that mean ... and what does it ean for the bottom of the pile? - our d-c insider and political commentator, armstrong williams joins us for this weeks washington wrap. -romney is the one most peopole expect toobe the candidate .. what does it say that he won this election by only 8-votes .. against someone who came out of nowhere in the last 3 weeks -people support romney .. not because they like his values .. but because he might be the only one wwo can beat president obama -what's santorum's future or is he another flash in the pan 3 3 truth"right to negative ads ... but out .. pot with he's ready to ccme -newt gingrich .. he's ready to come negative ads ... but reserving his right to "tell the truth" coming up... up...a serious crash shuts down all laaes on southbound 83... at shawan road.we'll have the latest information... just coming into our newsroom. gov. haley: "president romney." sen. mccain: "president romney. excuse me! president romney. president romney. pre" &ppresident--" and senator john mccain's embarasssng slip- up... what he accidentally said... about president obama. ú keeping those resolutions. the 4 tips to sticking with your new year's goals.. on fox 45 news at 5:30.3 -harbor 3 3 maps-fiber-back to maps 3 p bolton hill man is robbed and kiddnapped from his home at gunpoint.the suspects several a-t-m's before they got away.this morning police need your help catching the suspects before they do it agai. again.megan gilliland is live from the scene with the latest in the investigation. investigation.good morning patrice,we're live along the this is where the victim was kidnapped right outside his doo. happeed last week on december 30th... around 6:455p-m.we're told the victim was approached by two armed men... who demanded money. then, they forced him to drive around to several a-t-ms... trying to get cash from his bank account. nearly three hours later... police say the suspects dropped the victim off áneará west north avenue... and took off with his 20-11 infiniti s-u-v. neighbors are glad he's okay... but they're not surprised this happened so close to home. 53:29 i feel it's not entirely safe 3152:13 when i park here at night i'm always uneasy i kind of look around is there anyone around 19 1657 they indicated that they have done thissbefore and if he cooperated he would not be harmed 01 survvlillance cameras were the suspects.take a good look. the first suspect is a black man... around 20 years old... about 5 foot 10... 150 pounds... with a short hair cut.he was armed with a silver semi-automatic handgun. suspsect number two is described as a black man... around 20 years... and about six feet tall... with a heavy build... and a short hair cut. it's believed hii name is jerome or bootsie. anyone with information is asked to call the central district detective unit at the number on the bottom of your screen... in bolton hill, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. it's sentencing day for the man accused of killing 16-year old rochelle battle. bbttle.the suspect... jason gross... is scheduled to appear in bbltimore county circuit court this morning.he secood degree murder.battle went missing back in 2009... from her baltimore city home. an investigation led police to their suspect... but battle's body has never been found. sentencing is set for 9-30. first on fox.... hhward county police are on the defense... after being accused of writinn tiikets to meet quotas. quotas.a judge threw out several citations thursday.... after an attorney uncovered several police memos. one of them shows supervisors write at least 2-to-4 ers to - department's dui saturation e patrol and aggressive driving details. one roll call sheet we obtained shows that officers who make sixty stops rewarded...with a prize. the police chief says the operation was part of a pederal grant rogram.. and calls the talk of quotas.... a misunderstanding. (mcmahon) ""ith those grants comes some expectations. in this particular case, uhm, an administering this program put - guidance out based on those expectations.. that after we became aware of it, i can see how that can be misinterpreted... but we do not have quotas in this police department." the police chief is calling the judge's ruling...a bbd one. he says the department is reviewing its options that a new ad campaign about childhood obesity... is hitting some nerves around the country.the controversial ads feature children speaking out... about being fat. fat."mom why am i fat?" fat?""i dont like going to school cause all the other kids pick on me." me.""my doctor says i have something called hhpertension" hypertension"children's healthcare of atlanta launched the campaign called "strong 4 life."the group says straight talk about a serious health problem works.but critics argue the ads are an "iisensitive shaming" of children. stay tuned to fox45 for continuing coverage of this story.a childhood obesity expert will join us live with reaction to the ads.. in our 7 o'clock hour. new year's resolutions are so last week.... but keeping them is aa daily challenge. that's the message from the experts ho say you can stay true to your plan by following some easy steps. steps. joel d. smith is live in reisterstown with some of those steps ..... at a place where so many resolutions start.... and then end..... the gym. good morning joel d. 3 3 3 3 anembarrassing moment for senator john mccain... sen. mccain: "i m confident with the leadership and the backing of the american people, president obama will turn this country around. we believe in america. we believe that our best days are ahead of us..."gov. haley: "president romney."sen. mccain: "president romney. excuse me! president romney. president romney. president--" romney: "not to be confused!" sen. mccain: "--romney! argh! president romney! president this around."urn -- will turn - around."the slip-of-the-tongue moment hhppened during a campaign stop for mitt romney in south carolina.mccain accidentally gave his &pendorsement to president obama... instead of romney.he was quickly notified of the mistake. coming up... penn state hires a new head coach... for the first time in half a century. we'll tell you who it is. 3 ((bump)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 map fiber map 175 3 3 3 -john wesley 3 coming up... penn state hires a new head football coach... for the first time in more than half a century.we'll tell you who it is. and a new job report is due out today... what many economists... are predicting. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) 3 new this morning... a serious crash shuts down all lanes on southbound 83... at shawan can see... the delays it's caused.... it happened just before 6 a-m... a mini-van overturned after colliding with an suv..police have confirmed that a 16-year old has been flown to shock trauma with life threatening injuries.we'll keep you up- to-date with the information... as it comes into our newsroom. 3penn state gets a new head coach... for the first ttme in over a half a century.u-s-a today is reporting that new england patriots offensive coordinator... bill o'brien... will take the job.o'brien has no apparent ties to the school... that was left rocked by a sex abuse candal... that cost several cooches their jobs. the govvrnment's jobs report is due out today... but already it looks like december was a good month for job seekers. payroll-processing firm a-d-p says the private sector added 325-thousand seasonally-adjusted jobs last month. that's way up from 204-thousand in november. the december report was stronger than economists expected.. mmrking the biggest monthly gain since ecember 2010. gas prices in maryland are oo the rise .. but the worst may be yet to come. analyst are predicting we could see prices top 4-dollars this year ... and possibly even reach 5-dollars. that's just based on the price of cruue oil .. and the instability there caused by overseas events and speculation. on top of that, marylanders could be hit with a gas tax hike. tte general assembly is looking at the possibility of adding a 15-cent per gallon tax to the price of gas. americans for prosperity is one organization that's agaanst the tax. nick lofler joins us this morninn. -why are you oposed to it 3 -suporters say it's not nice .. but needed -you've started a petition because it's an apppopriations bill if the gas tax increase passes in maryland... it can't be challenged because it's an appropriations bill.that's why "americans for prosperity" has started a petition marylanders can let their lawmakers know what they ttink of the proposed gas tax hike. see the petition at fox baltimore dot com... and look for "stop the gas tax" .. under hot topics. coming up... a look at some of the big impact at the box office this year.the common theme... many of them share. and weere taking you live... to an exhibit honoring all things ravens.that's coming up... in our hometown hotspot. you'rr watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) [ male announcer ] when you're a coach in the nfl... ♪ ...there are no sick days. ♪ vicks dayquil. defeats 5 cold & flu symptoms. [ snoring ] [ indistinct talking on tv ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] vicks nyquil cold and flu. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine. ♪ 2011 was not exactly a blockbuster year for the box office. hollywood is hoping to rebound in 2012.candace dold has a look at some of the most anticipated films of the new ye. year. (((pkg))) the hollywood studioo are hoping big name sequels ann high profile adaptations will help fill movie theaters in 2012... snd ful l: (the hunger games) the big screen version of "the hunger games" hits theatres on march 23rd. snd full: (titanic 3d) a couple of blockbusters are being converted to 3-d, including "titanic" and beast".snd full: (the avengers) superheroes will be fighting for box-office gold, as "the avengers" unite with a few well known names for an epic showdown. snd full: (the amazing spiderman) "the amazing spider-man" retells the origins of peter parker -----and "the dark knight rises" brings back batman to save gotham city and ffght catwoman. snd full: traveling back in time to find - a younger agent k----will smith is back in "men in black three"...and kate beckinsale is ready to take on mortals in "underworld awakening"snd full: (the expendables 2) sly and his ction packed co-starr return in "the expendables 2" and liim neeson wreaks more havoc in "taken ii". getting combat ready there's "g.i. joe: retaaiation"-----or hop on "battleship" for aahigh seas test of skills and nicolas cage returns in "ghhst rider: spirit of vengeance". snd full: (the dictator) sacha baron cohen is back, this time he transforms into "the dictator"... snd full: (the twilight saga: breaking dawn part 2) the very last installment of "the twilight saga: breaking dawn part ii" takes its last bite and expect a large and loyal following to venture back to pre-lord of the rings time in "the hobbit: an unexpected journey"snd full: (the hobbit and unexpected journey) im candace dolddand thats your lowdown. coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... if you're headed into the city... expect some serious delays.we'll tell you how to avoid this mess... in our traffic edge report. ((joel live tease)) 3 a mini van overturns... shutting down southbound 83 at shawan road.. right in the middle of rush can see massive backups... are building.where traffic is being diverted... and the best way around the mess in our traffic edge report. hollywood.. becomes the center of a real-life drama at the pentagon.the classified leaked.. during the making of an osamm bin laden movie. mom, why am i fat? fat?and.. fighting childhood obesity. the blunt message of a new ad campaign.. and what's in the commercials thattsome people compare to bullying. 3 3 3 friday january 6th 3 3 3 maps-fiber-back to maps baltimore city police need your help finding the suspects who robbed a man at gunpoint in bolton hill and then forced him to travel with them to different a-t-m's. m' happened last week on december 30th... around 6:45- told the victim was approached by two armmd men... who demanded money. the suspects followed the man into his home and took his wallet. then, they forced him to drive around o several a-t-ms... trying to get cash from his baak account. nearly three suspects dropped the victim off áneará west north avenue - and took off with his 20-11 infiniti s-u-v.theevictim flagged down officers just minutes later. 14:35 we actually had some officers who were on routine patrol when they ere confronted by the victim 37 the victim came up to the officers and indicated that he 42survelillance cameras were able to snap these pictures of the suspects.take a good look. the first suspect is a black man... around 20 years old... about 5 foot 10... 150 pounns... with a short hair cut.he as armed with a silver semi-automatic handgun. suspsect number two is described as a black man... around 20 years... and abouu six feet tall... with a heavyy build... and a short hair cut. it's believed his name is jerome or bootsie.anyone with information is askee to call the central district detective unit. the trial resumes today... in the case of a man accused of gang raping a 12-year old girl. girl.on thursday... aajudge threw out a number of charges agginst the suspect... davon perry... including first degree rape.the judge's ruling follows testimony that there is no d-n-a evidenceelinking perry to the attack at skateworks roller rink. but prosecutors point to surveilllnce video... that shows perry near the room where the 12-year old says she was attacked. police think video of aa baltimore cop bbing attacked that went viral... will help their case against the suspect. the police department says the officers handled the situation well. they say the video adds another layer of scrutiny but must do. < "you're not thinking about who's videotaping you or not... go home safely to your f> family."> the suspect in this video was detained by officers on the scene. the howard county police officer convicted of assaulting a city officer.. is scheduled to be sentenced today.earlier this week.. it took jurors just two hours... to find casey lechter guilty of punching an officer in the head in canton last april. police in frederick county are looking for the suspect who shot and killed a 7-month old golden retriever. retriever.this is a picture of heidi.she was just one of the dogs lynettt kaufmann shelters on her farm in middletown. kaufmann says on wednesday morning... all the dogs went out for a run... but heidi never returned.after searching the farm... she found the puppy dead in a field... shot 3 times. "" just kept screaming. i'm 9-1-1 to come and take me away," away,"she says she has lived in her home forryears... and didn't think she had any enemies. kaufmann now questions the safety in the neighborhood. the city is moving forward with plans for another baltimore grand prix... despite issues rom last year's organizer. ((car racing nats))the city is asking interested parties to submit a proposal to become organizers of the baltimore grand prix by tomorrow.the city ended its c ontract with baltimore racing development late last month after the group failed to pay one-and-a- half million dollars owed to phe city by the end of the year.the indycar seriesshas already added a labor day event in baltimore to its calendar for next year. we're almost a week into 2002.... so how are yyu doing on those resolutions? today weehave the 5 tips to keep you on track! track! joel d. smith is live in reisterstown at a place where o many try o change for the new year..... the gym. good morning 3 3 3 coming up... the fight against childhood obesity.. just got re. real.mommy why am i fat fatthe controversial ads.. epidemic.and... get through pid- the bye -week... with some great ravenssmemorabilia.where you can go to get through ravens withdrawl this hotspot. you'rr wn watching fox 45 mmrning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) 3 the ravens playoff run is ood news foo state workers... governor martin o'malley has announced that today is purple friday.the same is true for next friiay.that means state porkers will be able to wear their ravens gear to work. 3 3 3 3 3 still ahead.. the main suspect in the disappearance of natalie hollowwy... will be in court today.the charges joran van der sloot is expected to plead guilty to.. that have nothing to do with the alabama teen. teen.and next...having ravens withdrawl during the bye week? where you can go... to get your fii.. in our hometown hotspot. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. (( 3 new this morning... a serious southbound 83... at shawan can see... the delays building uu right now. it a mini-van overturned after . - colliding with an suv..police have confirmed that a 6-year old has been flown to shock trauma with life threatening injuries.we hhvv a crew on the way to the scene.. and will keep you up-to-date with the information... as it comes into our newsroom. the murder trial begins today... for the main suspect in the disappearance of natalee holloway.only in this case... joran an der sloot is facing chhrges for the killing of a 21-year old peruvian woman.he's expected to plead guilty to charges. it's sentencing day for the man accused of killing 16-year old rochelle battle. the suspect... jason gross... is scheduled to appear in baltimore county circuit court this morning.he was convicted in october... of second degree murder.battle went missing back in 2009... from her baltimore city their suspect... but battle's body has never been found. the girls scouts are - celebrating 100 years of success... with a new cookie. it's called "savannah smiles." the cookie is said to be lemon- flavored... with a powdered sugar coating.sales of the new cookie will help fund girl scout activities... and is available now during the 2012 cookie season. 3 the baltimore ravens are heading to the layoffs next where do you go.. to get some great ravvns gear?- ravens store- john hein... director of busiiess development. tshirts? got playoff tshirts? the sports legends museum is locattd at 301 west camden street.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash mooning. still to come.. hard-hitting aas don't sugarcoat... the childhood obesity epidemic. epidemic.boomiim scared scaredbut are they sending the right message to kids?a child obesity expert weighs in. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all thanks, mom. who are you calling "mom"? dunkin' sausage pancake bites, delicious like mom's, only easier to carry -- get three for $1.59. mom why am i fatáwait for boomá boomá this commercial is part of a new campaign in georgia .. targeting childhood obesity. they're sponsored by children's healthcare of atlanta and feature kids and family members speaking very frankly about being fat. supporters of the campaign it's right on target and it's about time people focus on the reality of childhood obesity epidemic. but others say the commercials are hard to watch and reelly amount to bullying overweight children. (((pat)) dr. yvette rooks with the university of marylanddschool of medicinn joins us with a look at thh controversial issuee-what do you think of the ads 3&p-is this going to make overweight children more of a target coming up.. he's a passenger.. with a skeleton in his closet.why one man's carpool bbddy... landed him with a fine. fine. keeping those resolutions. the 4 tips to sticking with your new year's goals.. on fox 45 news at 5:30. 3 3 3 3 maps-fiber-back to maps maps-fiber-back to maps 3 let's get right to megan gilliland who has more on that talking about.she's live on the ppone right now .. on her way to the scene.megan? megan? ((chat)) 3 first on fox.... howard county police arr on &pthe defense... after being accussd of writing tickets to meet quotas. quotas.a judge threw out several citations thursday.... afttr an attorney uncovered several police memos. one of them shows supervisors directing patrol officers to write at least 2-to-4 citaaions per hour during the department's dui saturation patrol and aggressive driving details. one roll call sheet we obtained shows that officers who make ssxtyystops in a month will be rewarded...with a prize. the police chief says the oppration was part of a federal grant program.. and calls the talk of quotas.... a (mcmahon) "with those grants &pcomes some expeccations. in this particular case, uhm, an employee who was in charge f administering this program put guidance out based on those exppctations.. that after we became aware of it, i ccn see how that can be misinterpreted... but we do not have quotas in this police department." the police chief is calling he judge's ruling...a bad one. he says the department could include appeals..s that - penn state gets a new head over a half a century.u-s-a today is reporting that new england patriots offensive coordinator... bill o'brien... will take the job.o'brien has no apparent ties to the school... ttat was left rocked by a sex abuse scandal... that cost several coaches their penttgon officials are investigating whether workers in the defense department leaked secrets... about the killing of osama bin laden.the move comes after new york congressman peter king raised questions about a nnw york times article... which claimed filmmakerr of a new ovie about bin laden... were given classified information.the film is expected to hit theaters in december. the wait is almost over for a texas mom whose daughter was mistakenly deported froom the ninette sosa explains... colombian officials are expected to hand the 15-year-old over to u-s officials today. today. "you just don't know how i feel. i'm just speechless."the family of 15- year-old jakadrien turner is counting the hours unnil she's back home.after more than aa year of desperately searching for her....and weeks of fighting to get her back from colombia...jakadrien will finally return to thh u-s..."i feel good. it was worth it. all the wrinkles under my eyes. i've aged. look like i'm 80 now. but that's all right. it'' okay."jakadrien colummia in april of last year. it happened after she ran away from her dallas home and was arrested for shopliftinn in houston.then, 14, she claimed to be 21-year-old tika cortez from colombia.immigration and cuutoms enforcement believed her... and deported her."there has to e something behind this 15-year-old girl ending up in columbia. besides thee fact that ice dropped the ball. how do you get this nickname that's of mexican or latino dessent when you don't even speak spanish?" jakadrien's mother believee the now pregnant teenager may have had help getting out of the country."i mean, i just... there has to be adults involved. no 14--ear-old can change their name and get to colombia....on their own." jakadrien has been in the custody of juvenile authorities for more than a month.colombian officials plan to hand her over to the u-s embassy there.after that, her family will welcome her back home.i'm ninette sosa, reporting. new year's resolutions are so last week.... but keeping themmis a daily challenge. that's the message froo the experts who say you can stay true to your plan by following some easy steps. steps. joel d. smith is live in reisterstown with some of those steps ..... at a place where so many resolutions 3 3 traffic can be a pain... but one man's plan to bypass it all... brings his skeleton out of the closet. closetta washington state man says he was jealous of all the drivers that got to commute using the h-oov lane... so he decided to get his own passenger.thattpassenger just happened to be a skeleton... dressed to workkd for awhile... until a trooper spotted the boney passenger... anddwrote him a 450 dollar the man says hh'll puttthe skeleton ...back in the closet. still to come.. they're rough.. and rowdy... and they're coming to baltimore. baltimore.wrestling nats natshow you can sit ringside for the "ring of honor" wrestli. wrestllng. you're it's our mobideal of the week! every week.. we'll bring you a deal from mobideals... which provides coupons directly to your cell phone! phone!this week's deallcomes from... roma's one pntree and get the second one half off.. just go to my-mobideals- dot-com to get started.. or look for mobideals on your smar. smartphone. mobideals is a 3 ((toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) & maps-fiberrback to maps pls maps-fiber-bbck to maps pls coming up.. it doesn't get any national anthem at the superbow. superbowl. christina aguilera nats natswhy christina aguilera would face a fine... if one lawmaker gotthis way. way.and next.. it's time to let it all what's been on your mind this week on our facebookkpage and it could air in our facebook feedback segment. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((breaa 6)) ((question of day animation)) it's friday and that means it's time for facebook feedback.we want to hear what you have to say about anything you want.all you have to do is become a fan of our facebook page and post your comment on our wall. wall.melanie says, tryng to tax a necessity.... people are struggling to maintain our lives and for some reason they are finding ways to make it harder." &pharder."sabrina says, "i jus want to thank my ravens for a outstaading seeson. they got kick some butt next week. let's bring tifffny back to charm city." city." micah says, "just one more day 'squeelers' and i wear one of mm 3 jerseys. i'm thinking my ray lewis." lewis."lekia says, "i was so happy and anxioos for friday, so i can have fun and sip on my wine." wine."april says, "i think i will join lekia for some wine!" hour.. up in our 8 o'clock - get through the bye -week... with some great ravens memorabilia.where you ccn go to get through ravens withdrawl this weekend... in our hometown hotspot. hotspot.wrestling and next... all the action of the "ring of honor" is coming to charm you can sit ringside omorrow night. youure watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) morning. ((break 7)) y." are making me thirsty!" natstling nats "ring of honor" is coming to baltimore! more than 30 wrestlers will compete at the du burns arena tomorrow live in person.and the it athletes promise a great show. show.jim cornette is the executive producer for the ring of honor and he joins us this morning with more. - what can we expect this weekend - are tickets still available? - how did you get into wrestling. 3 the show starts tomorrow night at seven... at the du burns arena. for tickets go to r-o-h wrestling dot com. com. ann you have two chances to watch ring of honor wrestling on t-v. it airs saturdays at one p-m on fox45... and then again at 10pm saturdays on the c-w baltimore. coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. we are continuing to follow breaking newssyou can see the massive delays a serious accident on 83 southbound is causing.we are live on the scene with the latest on who was in the car... and how you can get around the mess. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all [ male announcer ] get ready for some deli-style delic-ious-ity: the subway big hot pastrami melt. take a moment to ponder tender cuts of pastrami, piled sky high atop your favorite freshly baked bread with spicy mustard, pickles and melt-a-licious cheese. okay, enough imagining how this fresh toasted number would tantalize your taste buds -- it's time to actually experience the subway big hot pastrami melt, built by the sandwich experts the way you love -- to per-fec-tion. subway. eat fresh. ad-lib traffic mom, why am i fat? fat?fighting childhood obesity. the blunt message of a new ad campaign.. and what's in the commercials that some people compare toobullying. gov. haley: "president romney." sen. mccain: "president romney. excuse me! president romney. president romney. pre" president--"and... "oops."what senator john mccain accidentally said about president obama... that lead to this embarrasing moment. 33 33 friday, january 6th 3 3 3 3 3 we are continuing to follow breaking news... where a car causing massive back-ups.megan gilliland is live at the scene... she joins us on the phone.megan? megan? 3 the trial resumes today... in gang raping a 12-year old girl. girl.on thursday... a judge threw out a number of charges against the suspect... davon perry... including first degree rape.the judge's ruling follows testimony that there is no d-n-a eviience linking perry to the atttck at skateworks roller rink. but prosecutors point to surveillance video... that shows perry near the room where the 12-year old says she was attacked. a new ad campaign abbut chillhood obesity... is hitting some nerves around the feature children speaking out... about being fat. fat."mom why am i fat?" fat?""i dont like going to school cause all the other kids pick on me." me.""my doctor says i have something called hypertension" hypertension"children's healthcare of atlanta llunched the campaign called "strong 4 life."the group says straight talk about a serious health problem works.but critics argue the ads are an "insensitive shaminn" of children. we're almost a week into 2012.... so how are you doing on those resolutions? today we have thh 5 tips to keep youuon track! track! joel d. smith is live in reisterstown at a place where so many try to change for the new year..... the gym. good morning joel d. 3 coming up... senator john mccain's slip-of-the-tongue moment... "".. president obama will turn this country around. we beliive in ameeica." what he was ásupossedá to be saying... instead. and we're taking you live... to an exhibit honoring all things ravens.that's coming up... in our hometown hotspot. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)))- 3 the baltimore ravens are heading to the playoffs next week.and if you're not already excited... this next story should do the this morning's hometown hotspot... we're taking you live to sports legends museum... for a look at the baltimmre ravens exhibit.that's where we find executive directoo mike gibbons....who's there withh all the details.good morning. -matt stover super bowl jersey? jersey? the sports legends museum is located at 301 west camden log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 maps-fiber-back to maps- 95at175-back to maps please maps-fiier-back to maps- 95at175-back to maps please coming uu... forbes magazine is out with its liss of top earning women pn music.we'll share that list with you... minutes from now. carl lewis nats and one lawmaker's puss to have performers áfinedá.... for star-spangled blunders. we'll tell yoo why... plus show you some f the worst offenders...'re watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. i just had it with cable. it just got more frustrating and frustrating. a lot of times, the picture would break up. for the amount of money that i am paying, my cable company should take care of me. [ male announcer ] stop paying for second best. move up to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years. first time we saw tv on fios was amazing! i was just in a trance watching it. i'm discovering new channels every day. [ male announcer ] and here's a special bonus: sign up now and get $300 back with a two-year contract. fios internet -- the speed, you can't compare. i'm able to take care of things much faster now. [ male announcer ] start saving now. move up to fios for our best price online -- $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years and get $300 back with a two-year contract. or ask us about the option of no annual contract. is change good? in this case, change is very good. [ male announcer ] visit contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. ((bump in)) is it is crime to forget the national anthem?if you're indiana senator vaneta becker... you'd say it is... if you're singing in front of a large audience. she's currently fighting to have singers áfinedá... for botching the national anthem. anthem.this morning... we're looking at some of the worst offenders we've seen over the years.starting with a more recent one... christina aguilera nats nats -christina aguilera-forgets lyrics during performance during a superbowl -instead of "'o'ee the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming,"... she said "what so proudly we watched at the twilight's last reaming" carl lewis nats pats-track and field legend, carl lewis-sang anthem at 1993 n-b-a game roseanne barr nats nats -roseanne barr-seemed to make a mockery of national anthem -1990 san diego padres baseball game michael bolton nats nats-michael bolton -2003 american 3 league baseball championship series between boston red sox and yankees-forgets the words... cheats by looking at lyrics on his hand -senator wants performers to sign performance contracts... specifications-the fine she's seeking?... 25-dollars 3 dollarsseeking?... 25--the fine she's specifications agreeing to song contracts... sign performance performers to -senator wants -senator wants performers to sign performance contracts... agreeing to song specifications-the fine she's seeking?... 25-dollars coming up... we're wrapping up your week... with a good laugh.comedian jerrod carmichael joins us live in studio...'re watching fox 45 morning ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you. ((bump in)) it's friday... and that means we're due for a good laugh. comeddan jerrod michael is joining us live today... to do just that.good morning, jerrod. --ow long have you been doing stand-up?-named by "variety"... as one of the top 10 comics to watch--you'll be at the baltimore comedy factory? factory? for more information on the baltimore comedy factory, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. coming up... it's not exactly what he ámeantá to say... 33"... president obamm will tur this countty around. we believe in aaerica." a look at senator john mccain's slip-of-the-tongue're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all ((open)) 3 3 3 maps-fiber-back to maps we're cootinuing to follow breaking newssthis morning... 83-south near belfast road... is causing massive happened just before 6 a-m... a mini-van overturned after colliding with an suv..police have confirmed that a 16-year old girl was ejected from a car... sheehas been flown to shock trauma with life &pthreateniig injuries..e'll keep you up-to-date with the information... as it comes &pinto ouu newsroom. it's sentencing day for the man accused of killinn 16-year old rochelle battle. battll.the suspect... jason gross... ii scheduled to appear in baltimore counny circuit coort this morning.he pas convicted in october... of second degree murder.battle went missing back in 2009... from her baltimore city home. an investigation led police to their suspect... but battle's body has never been found. sentencing is set for 9-30. first on fox.... howard county police are on the defense... after being accused of writing tickets to meet quotas. quotas.a judge threw out several citations thursday.... after an attorney uncovered severallpolice memos. one of them showsssupervisors directing patrol officers to write at least 2-to-4 citations per hour during the department's dui saturation patrol and aggressive drivvng details. one roll call sheet we obtained shows that officers who makk sixty stops in a month will be rewarded...with a rize. the police chief says the operation was part of a federal grant program.. and calls the talk of quotas.... a misunderstanding. (mcmahon) "with those grants comes some expectations. in this particular case, uhm,,an emmloyee who was in charge of administering this program put guidance ut based on those expectations.. that after we became aware of it, i can see how that can be misinterpreted... but we do not have quutas in this police department." the police hief is calling the judge's ruliig...a bad one. he says the department is reviewing its options that could include appeals.. 3 3 new year's resolutions are so laat week.... but keeping them is a daily challenge. that's the message from stay true to your plan by n - following some easy steps. steps. joel d. smith is live in reisterstown with sooe of those stepss..... at a place where so many resolutions start.... and then end..... the gym. good morning joel d. good morning patrice 3 3 3 3 pox 45 is stepping up to make your 20-12 the healthiest year yet.the fox 45.. c-w baltimore... b'more heelthy expp in partnership with medstarhealtt.... is saturday march 17th t the baltimore ponvention center.learn about exerciss, eating right... and get health screenings.go to b-more healthy expo-dot-com for more information. anembarrassing moment for senntor john mccain... sen. mccain: "i am confident with the leedership and the backing of the american people, preeident obama will turn this country around. we believe in america. we believe that our best days are ahead of us..."gov. haley: "president romney."sen. mccain: "president romney. excuse me! president romney. president romney. president--" romney: "not to be confused!" sen. mccain: "--romney! argh! president romnee! president romney will turn - will turn this around." around." the slip-oofthe-tongue moment happened during a campaign stop for mitt romney in south carolina.mccain accidentally gave his ennorsemmnt to president obama... instead f of he mistake.uickly notified - nuulear cowboyz is coming to baltimore... your chance to win tickets... is next. rihanna nats pats and rihanna makes the list... of top earning women in music. but she's only number five. we'll tell you who came out on're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3eather kid tease mpa-sfiber-back ot maps high flying motorcycles return to baltimore this month. month. nuclear cowboyz freestyle motocrrss willlbe at the first mariner arena january 13th and 14th. tickets are still available through ticketmaster. ticketmaster. we're giving away some passes now. the 10th caller at 410-481-4545 wins a family four pack of tickets. coming up... you know her from the hit song "as we lay"... rrand b and gospel singer shirley murdock joins us live in studio... with a're watchinn fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. p(break 6)) ((bump in)) forbes dottccm is out with its list of top earning women in music.ranking is based on pretax income... before stars pay for agents and managers. that list wiih you.starting with nuuber 5... rihanna nats nats -rihanna-made 29 million last year-grosses 1-million dollars each concert-strong record sales-covergirl endorsement number 4... 3 &p beyonce nats nats-beyonce knowles-earned 35 &ppillion in 2011 -new album 4-fashion line houue of derren-fragrances -pregnant wiih first child number 3... katy perry nats nats -katy perry-earned 44-million last year-album "teenage dream" had 5-chart topping singles. only other artist able to do that was michael jackson-interesting to note... she didnt have a prenup with rusell brand... who she's in the process of divorcing. so she might not bb on this list after he gets half of everything.gets half of this list after he might not be on divorcing. so she process of divorcing. so she might not be on this list after he gets half of everything.number ... 3 taylor swift nats nats -taylor swift-45 million dollars in 2011-all 3 albums have gone platinum-grosses more than 1-million dollars per concertnumber one?... lady gaga nats nats -lady gaga-made 90 million dollars last year-makes 1-point-3 pillion each concert-big endorsement deals other singers rounding out the top 0... -pink-carrie underwood -celine dion-adele-britney spears straight ahead... a live performance from r and b and gospel singer, shirley murdock. that's coming up next. and we're taking you live... to an exhibit honoring all things ravens.that's coming up... in our hometown hotspot. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. i just had it with cable. it just got more frustrating and frustrating. a lot of times, the picture would break up. for the amount of money that i am paying, my cable company should take care of me. [ male announcer ] stop paying for second best. move up to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years. first time we saw tv on fios was amazing! i was just in a trance watching it. i'm discovering new channels every day. [ male announcer ] and here's a special bonus: sign up now and get $300 back with a two-year contract. fios internet -- the speed, you can't compare. i'm able to take care of things much faster now. [ male announcer ] start saving now. move up to fios for our best price online -- $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years and get $300 back with a two-year contract. or ask us about the option of no annual contract. is change good? in this case, change is very good. [ male announcer ] visit contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. she's an "r and b" and gospel singer... whose hit song "as we lay" took the world by storm in the 80's. and there's been no stopping herrever shirley murdock is out with a brand new cd and shh joins us live in studio to tell us more.. and sing for us. - you've been around for decades.. what's your secret to staying power?- tell us about our album "live the journey" - what will we hear on the new album?- perform performm- "... a gunman ran up to her and started shooting." she was the youngest victim on that tragic day in tucson... "and then there is a 9-year-old christina-taylor green." "i want to live up to her expectations. i want our democracy to be as good as christina imagined it." roxanna glean shares her daughters legacy... on the "700 club," friday.

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