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blocked by road work heading into the city. the travel speed is 51 miles per hour, not bad, 13 minutes to get from the beltway to the 14th street bridge. and the outer look crossing over the american legion bridge, your delays continue to the dulles toll road. barbara, balk over to you. >> thanks, danella. we'll continue to follow this story. right now man accused of killing a tourist by attacking a hammer is awaiting his court hearing. the 19-year-old is also charged with two other hammer attacks in the petworth neighborhood in the district. news4's megan mcgrath is outside d.c. superior court with more. megan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, barb raxt the first of two court hearings was scheduled to get under way at around 9:30 this morning, but things have been pushed back a little bit. we're expecting all the parties to enter the courtroom pretty soon, probably sometime after 11:30. now michael davis is charged in the murder of tourist gary deed rick and is charged in two other hammer attacks and a suspect in other attacks, davis was due in court for a murder charge. later today he has a second appearance on an assault charge. he's accused of going on a violent rampage in the metworth neighborhood last month. police say davis beat gary ded rimpb ric everyone h in the head. there were several more attacks over the next few days, in the same petworth community. including one where a 19-year-old woman has witness had the head with hammer. police actually spotted davis running from that scene. as he ran, they say he tossed a bag. police picked it up. inside they found a bloody hammer. police were able to chase davis down on the scene. he was taken into custody. arrested and then later charged. now davis's mental state is being debated in all of this. we may learn more about that and an evaluation. again, michael davis, due in court, probably some time after 11:30. we'll continue to follow this and bring you the latest when it happens. reporting live from the d.c. courthouse, megan mcgrath. >> thank you, megan. a maryland state trooper who died in the line of duty will be honored this afternoon. state police will unveil a memorial highway sign in honor of trooper first class shaft hunter in the area where he died. he was killed in a crash on interstate 95 near the laurel rest area last may. police believe hunter was chasing a speeding motorcycle when his cruiser hit a tractor-trailer. for those of you who live in montgomery and prince george's counties, your water bill is going up. the country council has approved the 7.5% rate hike. so that will add $5 a month to the average water and sewer bill. wssc says the new revenue will go toward water and suer reconstruction and inspection. the new rate begins july 1st. taking a look outside now, the sun is shining, it's nice out there. a little cool, though. storm center 4 meteorologist tom kierein joins us with the first forecast. >> it is a gorgeous morning. i just was out walking around, sniffing the air. a wonderful, wonderful morning under way. it's not warming into the 60s, all of these areas in green are in the 60s it includes a huge area. all of virginia, maryland, the eastern shore, and into the shenandoah valley and the mountains, where this morning, temperatures dipped down to the upper 30s, we've had quite a warmup since then. the strong may sun, we can thank the strong may sun getting higher in the sky for warming things up. there's the view from space, a big area of high pressure pushing in, giving us this beautiful blue sky. for the rest of the day, for the afternoon hours, we'll have plenty of sunshine. a little bit of a light breeze out of the northwest gusting to around 10 to 20 miles per hour. by mid afternoon, highs should reach low to mid 70s. just a perfect spring day under way. and a cool night tonight. i'll have the latest on that, we'll look at the mother's day weekend and look in next week. that's all coming up in a few minutes with your seven-day outlook. barbara? >> thank you, tom. right now, some virginia lawmakers are touring a brac site to see how the military move is affecting traffic. congressman jim moran is leading the tour of the what's known as the brac facility on falls church. he wants to know how brac has been impacted. if there's alternatives for commuters and if there's a way to reduce noise and light pollution in the area. more than 3,000 federal employees began moving there last month. jts and more bad news for the second phase of metro's silver line. funding is in limbo and most virginians say they don't support the project. a "washington post" poll found only 32% of virginians think the project is extremely or very important. 64% say it's not. however, when you look at just northern virginia, those numbers are flip-flopped. two-thirds of northern virginians support the project and more than 40% say it is extremely important, the second phase lost significant funding when virginia's general assembly left $300 million for the project out of the budget. neighbors in prince george's county opposed to a controversial town center development are voicing their complaints today before the county council. hearings resumed at 120:00 on the proposal to build the development in riverdale park. it would include what would be the county's first whole foods store. many nearby residents fear the town center will lead to unbearable traffic. they're also concerned about the environmental impact the $226 million development would have on the area. the county council heard four hours of testimony on monday. u.s. stocks are down, the reason? a surprise announcement from jp morgan chase, the largest bank in the u.s. lost $2 billion in the past six weeks. the company says it lost the cash in a trading portfolio designed to hedge against risks the company takes with its own money. we'll have more on this story in a live report from cnbc coming up a little bit later on the show. our time right now is six minutes after 11:00. coming up on "news4 midday," mitt romney, a bully? what the family of one of the reported victims is saying this morning. plus, you've likely seen the picture, now the mom making headlines with this "time" cover is speaking out. and growing fallout over head injuries in the nfl. what former redskins legend is joining the fight for players' he [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to keep from driving all over for the best deals. you don't need to run around. safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. right now, a sweet price on honey nut cheerios, just $1.88. starbucks coffee is only $7.77. that's less than a quarter for a great cup of coffee. and fage greek yogurt is just a buck. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪ new today, a man wearing an afghan army uniform shot and killed a nato service member and injured two others. it happened in the kunar province onth eastern border near pakistan. a senior u.s. military official says the victim was an american service member. the taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. sources tell nbc news the al qaeda double agent who helped foil a bomb plot is british. u.s., british and saudi counterterrorism officials were involved in stopping the terror plot. the spy was sent by al qaeda to detonate a new, more sophisticated underwear bomb on a u.s. plane. security experts say al qaeda is now recruiting people with western passports so they can get past security checks more easily. mitt romney is facing criticism after reports surfaced that he was a bully in high school. the "washington post" reports romney was quite the prankster at his michigan prep school close to 50 years ago. according to the report, he led a group of classmates in pinning down another student against his will and cutting his hair. that student later came out as gay. romney says he didn't know anything about the reported victim's sexual orientation. >> you know, i don't remember that incident. and i'll tell you, i certainly don't believe that i or i can't speak for other people, of course, knew that fellow was homosexual, that was the furthest thing from my mind in 1960. that was not the case. but as to pranks that were played back then, i don't remember them all. but again you know, high school days that i did stupid things, why i'm afraid i got to say sorry for it. >> a family member of the victim released a statement on this incident, dr. elizabeth lauber said the family of john lauber would like to state that the portrayal of john is factually incorrect and we are aggrieved that john would be used to further a political agenda dlxt will be no further comments from the family. meanwhile, president obama has accepted vice president joe biden's apology for the comments he made last week about same-sex marriage. vice president biden endorsed same-sex marriage on nbc's "meet the press." his comments sparked a firestorm this past week, essentially forcing the president to comment on the issue. the president reportedly told biden that he knew he was speaking from his heart when talking about same-sex marriage. and president obama is heading west to nevada today. he's expected to discuss the struggling housing market in reno. that speech comes a day after his campaign raised a record $15 million in a single event. it helps when actor george clooney is the host of the fundraiser, supporters paid $40,000 each to attend. among those in attendance? barbra streisand and robert downey junior. mothers everywhere are talking about the controversial cover of "time" magazine. it shows an l.a. mom breast-feeding her almost 4-year-old son. there's also a caption "are you mom enough?" magazine editors say they ran the photo to go with the story about attachment parenting. the program calls for nursing children until they choose to stop. toting young kids in slings to be closer to their parents and to encourage them to sleep in bed with mom and dad. dr. bill sears wrote a book on the subject 20 years ago. the woman on the cover stopped by "the today show." she says she practices attachment parenting because she breastfed herself until she was six years old. >> you know, it's a big commitment and it's not, it's not right for everybody. and i think that that's the big thing is you need to do what's best for your baby. and for your own family. so if this, you know, you can take some of dr. sears' attachment parenting philosophies and maybe not others and it's okay. you're not a bad parent. your child will still be okay. >> dr. sears and other advocates of attachment parenting claim it has many psychological and physiological benefits. the "times" reporter on the story says there's no long-term study this proves the benefits. well baby week starts on monday on "news4 midday." tune in each day for an important bit of information we've got a lot coming for you. on monday we begin the week with planning for pregnancy. and how to deal with infertility. on tuesday, the do's and don't's for pregnant women from day one until due date. on wednesday, we're cooking healthy recipes for moms-to-be and baby. on thursday, what parents will need. and on friday, we wrap up the week with maternity fashions. baby week on "news4 midday." let's take a look outside right now. sunshine, beautiful start to the weekend. storm center 4 meteorologist tom kierein joins us with a look ahead to what we can expect this weekend, tom? >> it is such a beautiful morning now. after a very cold start. we were down in the upper 30s throughout much of the region, right around dawn. but there's the scene over the potomac river now. 66 degrees at reagan national. and a huge 787, the brand-new boeing airliner just took off from reagan national under this beautiful sunny day, beautiful view there i'm sure looking out over the monuments. right now we have a wind out of the north and west at about 10 miles per hour. look at this gorgeous rose sent in by stephanie mosely, mechanicsville, maryland. if you have an interesting nature or weather photo, send it to and later today, back yard pool, this was sent in to us, to make sure that you include your name and your location, paula nocolae, what a great back yard. around our region wlarks a great day to spend outside, we're in the 60s throughout the entire region from virginia into maryland. around the bay, the eastern shore, the bay is the deep blue color with the gorgeous blue sky. water is sparkling and off in the mountains, gorgeous there. everything is greened up. and great day for outdoor exercise or hiking or recreation, beautiful area of high pressure over us now. giving us this clear sky. and it will be in place for the rest of the afternoon. with plenty of sunshine. temperatures climbing into the low to mid 70s. that's right in the comfort zone. just a beautiful day. a little bit of a breeze out of the north and west. maybe gusting around 20 miles per hour. then overnight tonight for your friday evening plans. if you're heading out under a clear sky, it will get cool by mid to late evening, back down into the 50s. and it's going to get chilly again after midnight. probably begin to dip down into the 40s. and starting off saturday morning, probably not as cold as it was this morning. we like lie have our temperatures by dawn tomorrow into the mid 40s. much of the region. afternoon highs on saturday should make it into the upper 70s. another delightful day. average high this time of year is 74. the average low is 55. so the morning lows are certainly unusually chilly. this morning if felt more like a march morning than certainly getting into mid may. then on sunday, for mother's day, looking delightful, morning lows in the mid 50s. increasing clouds, afternoon highs should climb to around 80 degrees. great weather. and then on sunday, late afternoon into the evening, we'll have the clouds thickening up a bit. right now the timing looks like rain not arriving until after sunset sunday night. off and on on monday, passing showers are possible. probably into the 50s in the morning. then afternoon highs on monday, with a few passing showers around. they may climb back into the low 70s on monday afternoon. and then maybe some other passing showers as an area of low pressure does slowly move through. give us more showers maybe on tuesday. small chance of some thunder and lightning. going to be a lot of clouds around. highs again on tuesday, just the low 70s. and morning lows in the 50s. then by midweek next week, it looks like we'll begin to dry out. morning lows in the 50s. afternoon highs climbing into the mid and upper 70s. but what a wonderful day under way. great weekend coming up. enjoy, and the flowers are looking beautiful. and we're going to be talking flowers here pretty soon, too. can't wait to see that, barbara. >> beautiful flowers, great weekend for mom. going to check on the midday traffic now. danella sealock joins us with the latest. >> still watching as you're making your way right now, north capital street, the closure between g and h due to an accident involving a pedestrian. please use alternate roads, jump on new jersey avenue or massachusetts avenue. for now, this road is going to be shut down. thinking of traveling down south, heading out of town for mother's day weekend, slow trip. this is a live look right now at 123, traveling i-95 southbound, it's very slow. in fact on the beltway to quantico, you're driving at about 22 miles per hour, taking over an hour and your delays actually last all the way through to stafford. barbara, back over to you. >> thanks, danella. our time is 19 minutes after 11:00. still ahead on "news4 midday" -- now that the april showers are gone, how to bring some color to your garden with may flowers and some mother's day gift ideas, too. she lost both of her legs protecting her children from a tornado. this morning she talks about her remarkable recovery. first, a look at what's hot on [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two-year agreement. act now and we'll add a special bonus: $250 back. but hurry, this offer ends june 2nd. unlike cable, fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet plus the best tv picture quality. why keep paying so much for cable? switch to fios for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two-year agreement -- plus your special bonus: $250 back. save $600 in your first two years. but hurry. this incredible offer ends june 2nd. call 1.877.707.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.707.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. or visit us online to save even more. fios. a network ahead. are you looking to add color to your garden. are you a mom's gandenner yard for mother's day. right now is a great time to find beautiful blooming pants for roses and high draydrangeah. mother's day is this weekend, a lot of folks trying to figure out what candy or bloom. >> appliances. >> all kinds of things like that. you know and i know that that's not what mothers want to get. one great thing for them would be something for the garden or patio. >> absolutely. >> you talk about roses, always a good idea. are they a good idea for our area? >> it's come that roses have come a long way in terms of the propagation and breeding of them. it used to be a it was a little bit too hot and humid in d.c. for roses to last through the season. but there are a lot of roses that do well throughout the rest of the summer. >> tell us about the varieties. >> this is called a knockout rose, these have been on the market for ten years. they don't have any fragrance but they're really beautiful. they bloom all summer long. they're very disease- and pest-resistant. if you're looking for something for mom that she wants a beautiful rose, but she doesn't want to go through a lot of work and maintenance on it it's going to be a knockout rose. >> the next one is a drift rose, it's a small shrub rose, only two feet tall, two feet around. they bloom all summer long. the thing that's most important with roses when you have the ever-blooming varieties, to keep cutting off the spent blossoms when they're finished. and then that way, it will keep them blooming. the rule of thumb for roses is when you prune off the spent blossoms, you go down on the plant to a set of leaves that has five leaves on it. and if you do five leaves and cut above that. you'll continue to get blooms. if you cut above one that has three leaves, you'll only end up getting more leaves on them. >> these can be grown in either in the ground or in pots, right? >> yes, roses do really well in contain he is, what's most important for them is to make sure they get full sun. that means five hours of full sun a day. southern or western exposure is best. >> this is a beautiful rose here, this is scented rose. this is a florabunda rose, it will continue to bloom throughout the rest of the season. if you continue to maintain cutting off those blossoms, they'll do really well. >> you've got a pretty rose here. this pink. >> that's a beautiful rose, that's a david austin english rose, they've come on the market about five years ago here in the united states and if you smell that, barbara, that's a really beautiful lemony scent to that rose. they're known for their scent as well as for some of the beautiful colors and the differences in the blossoms. >> the ones over here, that's a drift rose, it's known as a peach drift, a little different color, that's one of the ones that will continue to bloom all season long, beautiful small blossoms. >> hydrangeas are among my favorite. but i really love them. they're just not that easy it take care of, are they? they're okay in the ground, but if you try to bring them in the house -- you got to remember to water, water, water. >> and if you want the ones that are going to do well inside, start out with one such as this. this is a hot house forced hydrangea. it's been grown indoors in the green house and a bloom has been forced on it you can plant this outside after its finished with its bloom and it will continue to bloom for you for years to come. >> run through some of the other gifts. >> i see you've brought -- >> happy mother's day, barbara, i brought you a bouquet. >> if anybody just wants to stop in and buy something in a grocery store, even, you're saying take it and put it together beautifully, wrap it nicely if you're going to give it to mom. >> they have nice pre-made bouquets that come from a lot of the floral growers that are great for gifts. >> hats, all kinds of things for the garden. >> mom likes to look good when she's in the garden and you have protection from the water and mud, these nice shoes and gloves. you have got gloves there. as far as hats, uv protection there. to protect from the sun. if mom's into birding, you can get her a little birdhouse to put that out so she can attract some wildlife. >> david martin, thank you for coming. it's 11:26. coming up in the next half hour. voters have said no once. a new effort to bring back an unpopular fee. not your average souvenir. how a drug ring worth millions went unnoticed. plus, the spring temperatures with back. tom's back with a look at right now on "news4 midday," the man accused of killing a tourist by attacking him with a hammer is awaiting his first possibly two court hearings. 19-year-old michael davis is charged with killing a gary detrich, the first hearing is to dperm if he's competent to stand trial if he's competent, he'll have a second hearing on all the charges, including murder. he's charged with two other hammer attacks in the petworth area in the district, both of those victims survived. the family of a student bullied by mitt romney back in high school has released a statement. the family of john lauber said the portrayal of him isn't correct and they're upset that he was used for political gain. romney reportedly held lauber down and cut his hair. lauber later came out as gay. romney has apologized for that incident. montgomery county is once again looking at imposing an ambulance fee. the county executive said it could bring millions in revenue. some in the county are upset about the proposed fee. news4's tracee wilkins has the story. >> reporter: it may feel a little bit like deja vu, but it really is happening. montgomery county voters may soon be asked to once again consider ambulance fees. this, after voting it down just a little more than a year ago. it's an issue that split montgomery county before and it may again. should people who have emergencies and call for an ambulance pay a fee of hundreds of dollars? the people of montgomery county voted no to the proposal. back in 20010. now county executive ike leggitt is introducing the amendment again. >> try and try and maybe you'll succeed, but hopefully they won't. >> if it's taking all it time and money to go through this effort again when it didn't work the first time, it seems they could be spending the time and money on more important issues. >> reporter: today the public safety committee took up the issue and said the county executive is beating a dead horse. >> the voters rejected the same bill or almost an identical bill just 18 months ago by decisive margin of 20,000 votes. so the problem is the county executive has not listened to the voters about this and wants a different result. >> the county executive said that this is different than 2010. when the voters did reject the ems transport fee. >> montgomery county career firefighters supported the amendment the last time and they're supporting it again. >> we have apparatus that we've not funded in four years. we have facilities owned by the county as well as volunteer corporations, that we just don't have enough funding to repair, replace, to fix, remodel and bring them up. some of those facilities are 50 years old. and the current budget stream is not adequate to keep up with that. >> but volunteer firefighters in the county are adamantly opposed to the fee. saying it may cause some to think twice about calling 911 and that county taxes are fee enough. >> we feel that people already paying for that service. and as i said before on top of that, we feel it's wrong to charge people, especially as volunteers. >> reporter: montgomery county's volunteer firefighters took this ad out in the gazette this morning to try to influence voters just in case the amendment is put on another referendum. the city council is going to be taking the issue up on tuesday and depending on how things go there, folks in montgomery county could once again be voting on ambulance fees. in montgomery county, i'm tracee wilkins, news4. today, some people living in virginia beach apartment complex there can move back home for the first time in over a month. they were forced out when a navy jet crashed into the apartments. crews restored utilities to the undamaged apartments earlier this week. the navy had to demolish 27 units that were beyond repair though. no one was injured in the crash, the cause of the crash is still under investigation. >> and about an hour, first lady michelle obama will give the commencement speech at virginia tech this is video of mrs. obama speaking to graduates of the university of virginia last year. she chose to speak at virginia tech because of the school's resilience in the face of campus violence. virginia governor bob mcdonald will be at today's graduation, too, to see his daughter get her diploma. the first lady plans to speak at north carolina a & t. >> we're working to learn more about what led to a shooting outside a rec center in prince george's county. in the 2700 block of firehouse road. [ inaudible ] [ inaudible ] >> what the man was doing at the park. his injuries were not life-threatening. police have not released any suspect information. fbi agents are trying to figure out how far an international cocaine smuggling operation spread here in the u.s. and it's all centered in fairfax county county. federal agents arrested 28 people and charged them with a cocaine smuggling operation that brought millions of dollars of drugs from honduras to northern virginia. the drugs were sold in north carolina, virginia, maryland and massachusetts. agents say they smuggled the drugs into the dulles airport by concealing them in picture frames and other trinkets. >> it was placed into suitcases and couriered up into the united states through our ports of entry. and distributed around northern virginia. fbi agents say this is just the beginning of the investigation and in addition to the drug charges, gun and money laundering charges could also be filed in this case. court records show many of those arrested were illegal immigrants living in northern virginia. well we now know how a maryland man kept a basement pot farm hidden. police arrested 30-year-old minaj uni for a massive marijuana-growing operation in laurel, howard county. the former baltimore police crime scene tech concealed the smell from neighbors by installing a ventilation system. officers discovered 341 mature plants worth a half a million dollars growing in the basement. police said a tip led them to the suspect. police are looking for others involved in the operation. well who has been cheering on the caps and nats from luxury suites controlled by the mayor's office? that's the focus of a new report. wtop is reporting that mayor vincent gray's adult children have been given thousands of dollars worth of tickets to concerts and sporting events at verizon center and nationals park. they've reportedly sat in luxury boxes the mayor's office controls. gray says his children often acts is city ambassadors. keep in mind, when he was on the city council, gray criticized then-mayor adrian fenty for keeping the tickets in the mayor's office and not giving them to council members. d.c. police chief kathy lynn ooer linear is dismissing several allegations about her. during her monthly skt chief segment, on wtop, she disputed the front-page report in the washington times, the story said her boyfriend earned $34,000 in overtime, suggesting favoritism. >> i think it's a cheap shot at my personal life. well all the benefits that every member of the department gets are codified in law and they all get the same benefits, it can't be manipulated. to suggest that i manipulated a particular sergeant's benefits, is just absolutely absurd. >> the article also suggested that the chief lives with her boyfriend in maryland. lanier says she owns a home in maryland, but her primary residence is in fort lincoln neighborhood is in northeast washington. by law she must live in the district. lanier tells news4 she's on call 24 hours a day, so it makes sense to live in the district. even if she didn't have to. well we're going to check in with tom kierein for the latest on the forecast now. hey, tom. >> a marvelous morning and temperatures are beginning to jump quickly with the strong may sun. and it's well into the 60s throughout most of the region now. and a little bit of a breeze coming in out of the north and west. just a delightful day under way. 66 now at reagan national. and it's climbing into the 60s for the mountains all the way to the atlantic beaches and around the bay. later today into the low to mid 70s, with lots of sunshine. just a wonderful afternoon. overnight tonight, clear, and we'll be down to the 50s by midnight. then to the low to mid 40s starting off saturday morning. maybe not quite as chilly as it was this morning. when we dipped down to the 30s in much of the region. then the rest of the day on saturday warming up nicely. should make it into the upper 70s tomorrow afternoon. for mother's day, sunday, looks like it may be a bit warmer, up around 80 during the afternoon with increasing clouds. and it does appear we could get some showers moving in maybe after sunset sunday is the latest timing on that. and passing off and on showers on monday, perhaps into monday evening and on tuesday as well. and a bit cooler with afternoon highs low 70s, then we dry out midweek next week. i'm back with another update in a few minutes, barbara? >> tom, thank you, let's head out to the roads to see how it's looking with danella sealock. >> we still have a few problems in the district. north capitol street still closed between g street and h street. police on the scene, accident involving a pedestrian being struck and they are still investigating. avoid the area, if possible. inner loop of the beltway past the little river turnpike. a crash blocking the right lane looks to be clear now. but you are jack jammed from braddock to the inner loop and head towards little river turnpike. i-95, very slow at the occoquan, delays start at the beltway, you're slow to stafford. you're at about 21 miles per hour making your way to quantico. back to you. and an indiana mother who survived a dawn with her two young children says it will be an incredible mother's day this year. in march, a tornado destroyed her home as she held her children wrapped in a blanket in her basement. she lost part of both of her legs in the storm. her children were not harmed. this morning, on the "today show," her husband called her his hero. >> everybody we've met has been so great to us. and everyone she's touched has called her an inspiration. and a hero. but she's my hero for saving our kids. and i love her greatly and one of the things she lost was her wedding ring, so last night, kind of quietly at the yankees game i got her her wedding ring back. took a while to come up with it. but we got her the wedding ring back. and i just want her to know that this is a special mother's day for all of us. and i'm just glad she's here and okay. >> two weeks ago, stephanie decker took her first steps with a prosthetic leg, she hopes to be up on two legs soon. stephanie also recently got a letter and phone call from president obama who congratulated her on her courage during the storm. former redskin great, art monk is suing the nfl. accusing the league of not doing more to protect players from concussions. the hall of famer is the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit filed by 63 former players, they're also going after helmet maker, riddell. they said the league told them not to be overly concerned and they returned to action minutes after their injuries. monk said he now suffers from headaches, speech difficulties and short-term memory loss, the lawsuit is based on nfl commissioner roger goodell's admission in 2007 that the league had been studying the effect of traumatic brain injuries for 14 years. but according to the suit, the league didn't acknowledge until 2010 that concussions can lead to dementia and memory loss. a health warning this morning -- one serious sunburn can double a person's risk of getting a deadly form of skin cancer. the information comes from a study by the centers for disease criminal and prevention. the authors of the study fear people, especially young people are not taking precautions. reform shows half of u.s. adults under 30 say they've had a sunburn at least once in the previous year. women in their 20s are going to tanning salons almost twice a month on average. 11:42 the time. still ahead on "news4 midday," a huge loss by one of america's largest banks has the stock market worried this morning. and new threads, but an old-school look. the throw-backs you'll see the t[ male announcer ] are youthe paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? 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he's struck out near lay third of the batters he's faced. he's allowed two earned runs or fewer in his 24 starts. one sports writer said it's not a stretch to think he'll end up in the hall of fame. the nationals in cincinnati tonight, taking on the reds at 7:10. well this season marks the 80th anniversary of the washington redskins and they're honoring the past with a special set of eun forms. the team unveiled their new throwback jerseys at redskins park. brian arapko and ryan carrigan modelled them. a version of the 1937 redskins uniform complete with the leather helmet look and a different shade of burgundy. the team will wear these throwback uniforms twice this coming season. the only uniform you'll see being rocked this weekend is bright red. the caps are taking on the rangers in the winner take all game seven tomorrow night. the capitals forced the decisive game with a 2-1 win on wednesday. the winner goes on to play the new jersey devils in the eastern conference finals. you can catch the game on nbc sports network. the puck drops at 7:30. well, no matter what happens, braden holtby will have something to celebrate. the 22-year-old rookie goaltender is a proud papa now. his fiancee gave birth to a baby boy. benjamin hunter holtby is his name. there has been some speculation that the middle name was inspired by head coach dale hunter who has turned the caps around. but yahoo sports report says hunter is holtby's mother's maiden name. whatever, congratulations to the new parents. great to have something to celebrate. hopefully another win coming along. our time right now, 11:50 and we coming up from a royal weather forecast to what moms really want for mother's day. 94.7 fresh fm's tommy mcfly joins us to talk about it. plus meteorologist tom kierein will be back with another check of the forecast. stay with us. [ female announcer ] with xfinity, you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪ never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles in 3 days is-- is huge. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. you just put one foot in front of the other, and you know that you're walking for such a great cause that you just keep going. (man) that you have all these people coming together for one common goal. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. (woman) and it has to end, but it starts with us. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. it is the most rewarding experience i have ever had in my entire life. we can do this. you can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. the weather done with a royal flair, tommy mcfly, from 94.7 fresh fm is here to explain. the future king of england decided he wanted to be a meteorologist. >> he popped into the bbc to give a weather report. >> it's an unsettled picture as we head towards the end of the week. this afternoon it will be cold, wet and windy across most of scotland. we're under the influence of low pressure, and this weather front pushes northwards is bringing cloud and outbreaks of rain. the rain of course will be heaviest over the borders. >> what do you think? >> i think he did a good job. because it can't be that easy to you know, look at the map and try to do -- when you do the weather you're supposed to look at the map and do things opposite. right is left, left iright. >> i thought it was a very distinguished weather. >> was that camilla parker-bowles? >> i thought so. >> i thought she did traffic. >> she wanted to do traffic. here's camilla with traffic on the 1's. >> let's move on to the lottery ticket winner. >> a strange story, a woman was down on her luck, so much so she would look through her trash to find out thrown-out lottery tickets and cash. sometimes people are -- >> she was lucky. >> she was on the "today show" this morning. >> the person whose ticket was actually thrown away. the one who through away her ticket. >> she wants the money and there's a court battle. >> i put the ticket in twice and i scanned it. and it said, sorry not a winner. i've always scanned my tickets two, three times. and it said, sorry, not a winner. >> do you feel bad for the woman who actually thought she had won, she said she went into the bin, and that she pulled out a ticket. and she suddenly she thought she was the winner. do you feel bad for her at all? what do you have to say about what she did? >> i don't feel bad for her, no. >> what do you think of that? >> i don't like her now. >> yeah, i know. why wouldn't she feel bad for it. she threw it away. >> absolutely. if the machine did in fact say it wasn't a winner, then the lottery owes them both the money, i think. >> i agree. sunday is mother's day. >> yes, a lot of talk -- mothers want flowers. we did this on the show and mother the want a lot of time with their kids, or they often don't want time with their kids. we did it on the tommy show on fresh fm. mom wants to do some alone spa time as well. >> i would take the spa. tommy mcfly, great to see you on friday. thanks for coming. we'll take a look at some stories we'll be following this afternoon. talk ba close call, a child falls out of a moving car in a busy intersection and it's caught on video. tonight at 5:00 in the mood for delicious indian food, "washington post" food critic weighs in on d.c.'s rothseca west end restaurant. and coming up, a new effort to prevent another carbon monoxide tragedy in our region. we'll tell you what's being done after five people became victims of that silent killer. time for a final check on the forecast with tom. >> what a wonderful morning we've had. after the chilly start when we were in the upper 30s and low 40s around the metro area. it was more like a march morning than a may morning. but since then all of those areas in green are well into the 60s. upper 60s now in washington now, 67 degrees. and it ought to climb about another seven, eight degrees by mid afternoon. out of the mountains it was near freezing and the areas in dark green in the 50s to just near 60 degrees. western maryland, much of central west virginia. later today, with the bright sunshine, that strong may sun will likely get us into the low and mid 70s. and then overnight tonight for your friday evening festivities, it should be clear. we'll have it down into the 50s by midnight. another chilly morning tomorrow, not as cold as this morning, but down into the 40s on saturday morning. saturday afternoon, a nice warmup. should have lots of sun. should make it into the upper 70s. and then sunday morning, starting off mother's day morning in the mid 50s, with some sunshine. clouding up in the afternoon. highs though, up around 80 degrees. then sunday evening, we may get some passing showers, greater chance looks like on monday. morning lows 50s. afternoon highs into the 70s. maybe more showers tuesday, but drying out midweek. that's the way it looks, have a great weekend, we'll see you monday morning. barbara? >> thank you, tom. that's "news4 midday" for today and for this week. we thank you for joining us, be sure to tune in for news at 4:00, 5:00, 6:00 and tonight at 11:00, we're going to be waiting for you monday morning at 11:00 a.m. we begin baby week, all kinds of great things. a birth you won't want to miss, coming up next week on "news4 midday" at 11:00. see you monday.

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