Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20131006 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20131006

no way to tell whether that played any role in this and what was happening there. it's severely affecting traffic here. southbound lanes remain closed. the northbound lanes are open to traffic. so we had to access the scene from the northbound side. for anyone trying to get to the southern end of prince georges county, charles county area, you're going to have to take some detours, because this road will remain closed for some time. we haven't been given a time frame yet, but it will continue to remain closed as police continue this investigation. reporting live from brandywine, darcy spencer. we have new details about the accident that killed a contractor inside a metro tunnel early this morning. fire is not what killed that worker. two others were ginjured this morning. >>reporter: a 41 year old metro contractor was killed and two metro employees were seriously injured after they were hit by a 40 foot section of track that shifted. the contractor and the two employees were replacing sections of rail when the accident happened. there was a fire and what's being described as a loud noise when this happened. it's still upclear what caused that section of rail to violently shift. the contractor who died was working for the holland company, he's identified as harold ingram from new jersey. >> they are going all over the system to get it in the state of repair that customers deserve. >> reporter: it was a fire that was extinguished by metro employees. a spokesperson tells us that the injured were not burned. the contractor who was killed was working for the holland company. an investigation has already begun. the section of track was already closed for weekend track work. >> it's going to take all of us across the whole region to make the i have substantial investments to make the the the repairs that the system needs to be safe and grow. >> metro tells us the red line will be open in time for tomorrow's commute. day six of the government shut down. no action tonight with both houses adjourned. john boehner says there are not enough votes to class a clean spending bill. the white house was quick to react with two advisers asking him to call for a vote and see. 21 republicans have come out no favor of a clean bill in the last few days. meanwhile, republicans continue to put pressure on the white house to negotiate. >> if he doesn't get 100% of his way, his way or the highway, then they won't do any spending bills that don't include everything three wants. that's him unwilling to negotiate. >> a shut down is harming people every day. i think we're seeing that in the kind of ironic actions of those who chose to shut the government down, item by item, trying to reopen the government for things as they discover there's real pain out there. >> 300,000 furloughed government workers will return back to work thom thomas secretary hagel determined themnecessary. 21 year old devon austin, and a 23 year old died at the scene. another passenger was taken to the hospital with life threatening injuries. spied m speed may have been a factor. a louden county man is in jail after a crash this morning. mark anthony garlotta crashed. a man and woman were thrown from a bike and taken to the hospital. the oneida indian nation comes to convince people to change the team name. a protest of nfl league meetings in georgetown. speakers will include elinor holmes and the director of the smithsonian museum of the american indian. fans we spoke to today had mixed opinions. >> i've always loved the name that will be hard to call them something else, but, you know, it's a bigger issue than that. >> i just think they should leave it. i really do. and i think the majority of the people would not want the name changed. >> yesterday president obama said if he owned the team he would consider changing the name. the redskins continue to say they have no plans for a name change. a massive rainstorm dumped 6 inches of rain in folks in louisville, kentucky. dozens of people have been evacuated from low-lying areas. so far, there are no reports of any injuries, but more rain is expected there overnight. we could have some heavy rain of our own to deal with tomorrow. our meteorologist joins us from the storm center. how much are we talking about? >> well, in our area we're talking about a quarter of an inch to an inch and a half of rain. and that rain you were talking about in kentucky, same system headed our way. cold front moving through the area will bring an end to our dry spell, not tonight, but tomorrow when there are some severe risk potentials with this k0e8d front. i'm mainly concerned about flash floods. heavy rain likely as the front moves through. also a moderate threat of straight-line wind damage. a loy risk that we'll see any hail as this front moves through. exactly what time can you expect rain? i'll have the answer coming up in about four minutes. a 4,000 mile bike ride that was supposed to end here in the district relocated because of the government shut down. we'll tell you what this couple was riding for. plus security questions after a child managed to fly cross country without a boarding pass. and scary moments today a developing story right now out of dallas. a korean air force flight was forced to make an emergency landing just minutes after takeoff due to engine problems. a passenger reported seeing a flash come from the engine. the plane circled the airport several times to dump fuel as you sigh. airport officials found no hazards. tonight federal agents and one of the nation's largest airlines are trying to figure out how a nine year old run away managed to fly to las vegas without a boarding pass. he made it past security gate agents and wasn't questioned by the flight crew until after that delta flight took off. the crew did hand the boy over to authorities when the plane landed. he's now bax in minnesota in the care of child protective services. another summer-like fall day. but just you wait. some big changes coming our way tomorrow. tomorrow. amelia's back with the timing february, 2013. a landmark transportation bill is up for consideration. even though it's backed by republican governor mcdonnell... ken cuccinelli joins tea party republicans to block the plan. but terry mcauliffe believes it's time to break through the gridlock in richmond. mcauliffe presses democrats to support the bill. and the bill passes. terry mcauliffe. putting virginia first. "i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad." even a group of bicyclists who traveled all the way from washington state to the nation's capitol bumped into barriers from the government shut down after riding nearly 4,000 miles. the warrior ride was supposed to end on the national mall but the shutdown caused them to find an ending point at the very last moment. they called it un-american. >> we rode all across america 10 miles an hour, and we really saw who america is, what is happening in washington right now doesn't represent america. >> organizers minnished the finish line to a park. this did lower their turnout significantly. the majority of the court attended a ceremony here at st. matthews cathedral. the sermon criticized the current political climate. the supreme court will begin hearing oral arguments tomorrow despite the government shut down. amelia joins us now. you were out with a 4 by 4. >> it hit 88 degrees. the record to beat in dulles was 86. reagan hit a temperature of 91. i had the privilege of being at fall for fairfax again with the storm truck. a lot of people there interested in exactly how to works, showing our werth station there. julie carey was also out there too. you see science expeerments being done, the mentos with the coke. not very october like. feeling more august-like outside. but nonetheless, it was a great family event. temperatures across the area right now, they are still hot for this time of year. 83 in washington. all the temperatures for the most part in the low 80s right now. and here is how we're going to fall throughout the evening. it's a mild evening. 10:00 we're still in the mid-70s, getting into the overnight hours, low 70s. for exactly how cool it will be in your neighborhood you can head to my facebook or twitter pages. let's talk about the rain moving into the area tomorrow. i think it has a pretty good handle on the arrival of the rein. here at 5:00 in the morning we can't rule out an isolated shower. what this means for your morning commute, the weather should not be impacting that morning commute for the most part. 9:00 we start to see the cold front moving into the mountainous areas, like cumberland and petersburg. we're stopping future weather at 11:00. moving into that shenandoah valley. now as we get into 1:00, this stts to enter the dc metro area. you can see areas in montgomery county, starting to enter into fairfax where at that point, frederick, culpepper, seeing some embedded thunderstorms. this moves through washington from noon until about 7:00. here you see that line moving through the district. arlington, old town. beginning to enter southern maryland and prince georges county. i think future weather want does bring this rain out of our area a little bit too quickly. i think we'll see rain for that evening commute. and that could make for a slow go. we're picking up about a quarter of an inch to just over an inch of rain from this flonts. here's your planner, 6:00, mainly dry with fog. high tomorrow, 78 degrees. so pretty mild. it's breezy tomorrow, too. 3:00 to 7:00. some rain, downpours as well as thunderstorms. looking to thursday, it's drier, cooler. maybe a shower on thursday. we're going to continue to keep an eye on that shower chance on thursday. maybe from a coastal storm. looking cooler after this front. more october-like 70s. >> we got to go hunt down the umbrella. >> you'll definitely need them. coming up in sports, ely people go to a mattress store, and essentially they just get sold something. we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. before you invest in a mattress, discover the bed clinically proven to improve sleep quality. when we actually lower the sleep number setting to get the sleep number bed to conform to them, it's amazing the transition that you see with people. - oh, that feels really good. it's hugging my body. they just look at you like you cured all the problems they've ever had. we hear it all the time: "i didn't know a bed could feel like this." oh yeah. you can have comfort and you can be in the same bed. i can adjust mine to my liking and she can do the same. the sleep number bed is more than just a mattress. you sleep on it, you'll understand. during the sleep number columbus day event, save $500 to $700 on the final closeout of our performance series mattress sets. but hurry - ends soon! only at one of our 425 sleep number stores nationwide, where queen mattresses start at just $699.99. sleep number. comfort individualized. all right, jason, the beauty of the week, we get to sit back and watch everybody tear each other up. >> redskins fans can't kickback and relax today with their team off on the by week. it's all about watching the rest of the nfc east take the field. the cowboys are in action too. no matter what happens today, the skips' match up fnext week will have early implications. first new york possession, things looking up. on second and three from the philly five, the former hokey punches this win for the touch down check out the celebration, guys. a double back flip. there you go. wilson had to leave the game earlier, a neck injury, not related to that back flip, though. 13-7, michael vick takes off running. he's going to tweak his ham strip here. his left hamstring. he will leave the game a few plays later, scheduled for an mri tomorrow. fourth quarter, giants down by one. manning gets hit. he's going to throw an interception. here he gets picked off by michael kendricks who returns it to the giants, the first of three fourth quarter intersepgss for ely. nick foals in for michaechael v. eagles, they win 36-21. they improved to 2-3 on the year. giants drop to 0-5 for the first time since 1987. got to love the ely manning face. the face of disappointment. elsewhere, the ravens looks to get back on track after an embarrassing loss to buffalo. joe flacco had one of his worst games ever as a raven. he redeemed himself to a huge win over miami. let's get to the fourth quarter. ravens up 3. hand off to rice and i walks off untouched. baltimore's up by 10. later, miami within 7. flacco gets picked off by rashad jones. the dolphins tie it up at 23 all. a 44-yard field goal gave the ravens a 3-point lied, but here comes the dolphins again. watch ryan tannehill scramble and find brandon gibson. that is a 46-yard hookup there and it gave caleb it sturgis a point to be the hero. this 57 yard attempt is off the mark. ravens hold on to win it 26-23. super sophomore quarterbacks not named rg3 matching up. seattle down but not for long. wilson is going to find germane kurz. the colts came fighting back. down eight in the fourth quarter. he also had two touch duno you know -- downs. it was colts running back brown. indy goes on to win it handing seattle their first loss of the season. moving on from football. a very scary ending to the indy car race in houston. 13 people injured when debris from the crash flew into the grandstand. you can see how close the spectators were. one of the drivers involved, three time indy 500 winner, dare yoi frankie tee. he was expected to be okay. also kevin harvick went on to win. it's a long night. we're ready for it. hope you are too. nightly news is heading your way next. have a great night. we'll see you after sunday night football. on this sunday night, tear terror targets. the surprise u.s. raid this weekend. the fate of another in somalia uncertain. tonight, new details of the american coman doe operation. separate days for some people caught in the government shutdown. potential lifesaving treatments on hold with lives in the balance. what is being done to edge the stalemate? without warning. flash flooding traps dozens in dangerous waters forcing rescue missions in the middle of the night. and a step forward almost six months after the tragic day in boston. the inspiring program that's helping some of the victims move on.

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