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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240614

made missiles and the fleet s headquarters in sebastopol was struck by missiles last year, the repeated humiliations pushing russian ships further and further away from ukraine and eventually leading to the dismissal of russia s navy chief in march, not so long ago, russian state media would celebrate the navy s single aircraft carrier, the admiral, cuz nets off the jewel in the crown. but the ship has long been plagued by mechanical problems and has been in dark for years and more months, some western analysts predict it will never set sail again despite putin s glorification of russia s naval prowess, many of its warships here are vulnerable to both air and sea attacks and lack the technology to compete with western navies. or even cheap maritime drones made and ukraine an air in the ukrainian say that while the russians might be gaining ground in other areas, they feel that they ve really hurt. moscow is black sea fleet and essentially rendered it ineffective and the ukrainian say they will continue to develop those sea drones to hurt vladimir putin s naval forces even more. aaron. all right. thank you very much tonight and thanks so much to all all of you. it s time now for ac30, 60 tonight on through 60, the former president goes to washington to formalize his almost total takeover of the republican party. what he told lawmakers behind and closed doors when it signals about his plans, if we elect it. also time, cnn s donie o sullivan and talking with trump s supporters about what they think will happen to the country if he loses and to appeal its are prize-winning historian. but what she thinks might happen if you wins. also breaking news on supreme court justice clarence thomas already under scrutiny for setting millions of dollars in gifts and travel over the years. now, the senate judiciary committee reveals three more trips he took did not disclose. good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight. keep them honest with the former president s de in washington with his party, and that use the possessive to describe the republican senators and house members he met with today in separate closed-door sessions, each just steps from the capital is no accident because if he s done nothing else over the last three-and-a-half years. of insurrection and search warrants and indictments and trials and felony convictions. it has been to remake the party of ronald reagan in his own image at the house meeting, he made a point of reminding members that nearly every republican who voted to impeach him as either been voted out of office or retired? not that by this point, there s survivors really needed reminding listen to speaker of the house mike johnson was basking in the afterglow and majority whip tom emmer, a self-proclaimed tough on crime law maker, attacking the criminal justice system he said very complimentary things about all of us we had sustained applause. he said, i m doing a very good job. i mean, we re grateful for that. i m going to add anybody who thought that this president was going to be down after the sham trial after that crooked trial that we saw in new york i think again more than more than one member of congress and the house meeting told cnn that the former president has spent most of his time airing grievances about his felony conviction. afterwards that a house judiciary committee hearing democratic members were all too happy to bring it up. just a show of hands for anyone in the room who hung out with a felon today hey, guys. i everyone get your hands up i want to begin by quoting the jury in the manhattan hush money payment trial guilty guilty guilty. guilty now, it s remarkable because whatever you think it congressional decorum or for that matter, x presidential criminality. this is where we are, but we are a convicted felon leads the self-proclaimed party of law and order in his post-conviction visit, just a few blocks away from the place that his supporters attacked into filed is just another headline. and so is what one lawmaker in the rooms, as he told house members about former democratic house speaker nancy pelosi, after calling one of his daughters a quote, wacko he reportedly claimed that one of her daughters wants told him that he and speaker pelosi would have had a quote, great romance in another life. daughter christine, today responded tweeting quote, speaking for all four pelosi daughters, this is ally he also called milwaukee side of the republican national convention, quote, horrible, according to a source in the room, another lawmaker later saying he was only talking about crime. all from a single meeting. at this other meeting, his republic republican senator is also close to the capital. he spoke with minority leader mitch mcconnell for the first time since december 2020. the photo prompting this reaction from liz cheney, the staunchly conservative former republican congresswoman, who was drummed out while first out of the party leadership and then out of office for co-chair and the january 6 committee she tweeted and quoted words mitch mcconnell made on the senate floor in february 13, 2021. cheney wrote, mitch mcconnell knows trump provoked the violent attack and our capital, and then quote watch television happily unquote as his mob brutally beat police officers and hunted the vice president he knows trump reviews for hours to tell his mob to leave and quote, even then with police officers bleeding, he kept repeating his election leinz and praising the criminals she went on to say again, quoting mcconnell, he knows that trump committed a quote disgraceful dereliction of duty unquote, and is a danger to our republic here are some more of what mcconnell said on that day there s no question nod. their president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day those are tough words for mitch mcconnell, but just 12 days later, after he said that on the 25th, senator mcconnell, eight, those words telling fox is brett baer, he would support the man he so recently criticized if he s nominated in 2024 talk, it seems is cheap. join his now with more cnn s meloni s and ohno. what else went on behind closed doors today with trump will anderson heading into these meetings, lawmakers are really hopeful that trump was going to be talking about a campaign strategy or laying out his vision for a policy agenda. and now there was some of that. one of the more substantive moments was on trump brought up the topic of abortion and any counseled republicans about how he thinks they should talk about this issue. and he said they shouldn t be afraid of it. they should frame it as a state s issue. and you also encouraged republicans to voice support for exceptions not come across as too extreme on the issue, but for the most part, according to all the lawmakers that i spoke to, these meetings were more of an airing of grievance it says it was a gripe session at particularly in the house meeting this morning, i m told that trump, of course, brought up the legal challenges against them, calling all the charges against him, quote, bogus he also referred for to the department of justice as quote, dirty, no-good according to some of the lawmakers that i talked to, he even at one point, complained about taylor swift, were endorsing his rival president joe biden. and he also gloated about how most of the house republicans who voted to impeach him over the january 6 insurrection are no lines hunger in congress. so it was very wide ranging speech, very freewheeling that member ce felt more like a pep rally or even a roast than a serious policy discussion. morning and taylor swift has not endorsed joe biden. do you have any more details on the trump mcconnell counter well, with trump and mcconnell, there was a very serious effort. i m told by both parties he s to really bury the hatchet after years of feuding and years of frost newness right before the meeting, trump and mcconnell shook hands, which was captured on a phone photograph during the meeting. trump credited mcconnell with helping to elect more republican senators, and then after the meeting, mcconnell praised trump and said the mean eating was very, very positive. so just a remarkable inflection point. i think anderson, we re going to look back on this moment similar to kevin mccarthy trekking down to mar-a-lago in the weeks after january 6 and really just captures how much the party, including some of trump s former critics like mcconnell, have really fallen in line in the years after january 6 and despite these criminal convictions, anderson, millions and thanks so much, jonasson. i was new york democratic congressman daniel goldman, congressman. any surprises for you today in the visit by trump not really. he didn t come to the capital, which was good good thing because this is where he fomented a massive riot and insurrection to try to keep him installed in office. he didn t talk much about policy because he doesn t really care much about policy. what he cares about is himself and what he cares about is his conviction 34 times for being a felon and what he cares about her as three other cases and getting revenge. and he wants to do that by tearing down our democracy and what he was effectively doing today is greases the wheels, trying to play nice with republicans who support he needs in order to become president. so that he can take his fat let s just authoritarian views into office if he were to win. and it is just a very telling i think that mitch mcconnell has now bowed down to the ring of donald trump someone who, you quoted what he said on january 25, where he helped donald trump responsible for the january 6 riot. and has resisted donald trump. but now he has clearly demonstrated graded that donald trump owns the republican party. there is no other faction of the republican party that has any influence other than donald trump his maga supporters, obviously, none of us, there s privilege privy to the inner thoughts and mitch mcconnell. but why do you think center mcconnell made this choice? i mean, after, you know the strong comments he made criticizing trump theta, the racist attacks trump made against me kennels own wife. i mean, what is mitch mcconnell get out of this anderson, what do any of these people who have i know good mccaul s running. i mean, it he could he could go out on i d like liz cheney, who at least, has taken a very strong stand ultimately mixed for the same reason since that mitch mcconnell refuse to give merrick garland a vote for the supreme court and then rammed any amy coney barrett through under the same circumstances, two weeks before the election? that s what connell has a very focused and narrowly tailored view of what he wants to accomplish. and at the end of the day i m sure mitch mcconnell views donald trump as the only possibility to get these type of conservative judges who have now overturned roe v. wade paid back into more into the our judiciary and into the supreme court and push forward a clearly minority favored agenda that mitch mcconnell has been pushing for decades. it was seeing melodies and i was reporting is that trump was telling lawmakers counseling them on how to run about and talk about abortion and to talk about states rights and to not seem too extreme do you have any belief that that s how he would be if he got into office? absolutely none. donald trump does not care. donald trump used to be pro-choice. he used to be a democrat. now, he s out there promoting and celebrating his own work and getting roe versus wade overturned he will do whatever he needs to do to secure the support for his fascist anti-democratic attacks on the rule of law to undermine our democratic institutions. and if that means that he ll give over supreme court nominations to mitch mcconnell or someone else on the far right who wants to roll back our individual freedoms, even more than the supreme court has done. he will do that in a minute. and if there here s a national abortion ban that the republicans pass donald trump will sign that in two seconds. do not believe donald trump whenever he says that he will stand up for abortion rights, he has completely flip-flopped in his career. he will do whatever benefits himself. speaker johnson was asked yesterday, the former president attempt the outcome of the election. i just want to play that for years really for the first time republican house and senate meeting with him since the january 6 attack on the capitol are you committed or have you spoken to him about basically not not doing anything like that again, in committing to respecting the sort of american tradition of peaceful transfer of course, he respects that and we all do and we ve all talked about it at nauseum i mean i mean yeah. i mean, i can anyone say with a straight face is donald trump respects the peaceful transfer of power that i want you to take that clip and run it over and over and over. that is everything you need to know. oh about mike johnson and the maga republican party. they will look you in the eye and they will lie directly to your face over and over and over. there is no question that donald trump does not respect the peaceful transfer of power he has made it a litmus test for his vice president that whoever that will be willing not accept the results. and that s why you have every single vice presidential candidates. so far refusing to concede or acknowledged that they will accept them the results. donald trump, it will not accept the peaceful a trap power. you don t have to ask me or trust me, he already did it so for speaker johnson to look in the camera and to say that of course he respects the peaceful transfer of power. put that on every bulletin board around the country. it is total bogus and it shows you what knowing liars the republicans are. congressman, i appreciate your time. thank you thank you. president biden met today with ukraine s president zelenskyy of the g7 summit in italy. the two signing a new tenure security agreement at the press conference afterwards, frozen biden spoke briefly when asked about his son, hunter i m extremely proud of my son hunter. he is overcome and addiction. he is he s one of the brightest, most decent man i know and i am satisfied that i m not going to do anything. i sat i said i advise by the jury decision. i will do that no i m not pardon him the present-day also ruled out commuting his one-sentence seen as mj lee is traveling with the president joins us now from from very italy. so mj, earlier in the week, the white house appeared to leave open the possibility of a commutation or that flee not commenting at essentially overturning the sentence, not a conviction. what specifically did the president say about that yeah. when the president was walking away from that press conference, some reporters yell loud. would you commute your sons sentence and he answered directly. he said no that was after he had more broadly addressed the conviction of his son, hunter, as you just play they re standing by his son, standing by the judicial system, and also reiterating his previously stated position pardoning his son. he said, i will not pardon him. anderson white house officials had suspected that it was likely he would get asked about the hunter issue at this news conference, given that it happened just two days ago, he had not publicly commented on in yet on it yeah they knew that the specific issue of the commutation was one that could come up if you ll recall yesterday, white house press secretary karine jean-pierre was asked by a reporter whether she would rule out that possibility and she wouldn t say yes or no. and that exchange, the white house, new had taken on a life of its own when in reality, i m told the issue was really that some senior aides hadn t had a chance yet to speak to the president about the commutation issue. corinne john p, or said yesterday to reporters, i haven t talked to him about this yet. i m not just i m not going to have anything more to say on this, but it certainly was a really remarkable moment. the president speaking on this kind of a stage. on the other side of the world about an issue that has been so deeply sensitive for his entire family, mj lee, thanks more in prison, biden s trip later in the program next though cnn s donie o sullivan talking to trump supporters as well as a historian of dictatorships and autocracies about donald trump and democracy. and later there s breaking news turns out there are even more undisclosed it s trips supreme court justice clarence thomas took paid for by republican megadonor ave heart failure with unresolved symptoms. it may be time to see the bigger picture heart failure and seemingly unrelated he did symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath an irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious cold, eight ttr cm a rare under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time 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democracy? she is actually not as good as you think it is but for centuries, america has celebrated its democracy democracy is worth dying for democracy remains the definition of political legitimacy, but some republicans and pro-trump media are pushing the idea that america is not a democracy. united states of america kirk is not a democracy. we are constitutional republic. those things were america is not a democracy. you don t want to be in a democracy. we are not a democracy. we are a republic. is america a democracy america is a democracy. it was founded as a democracy. i ve heard a lot of conspiracy theories. i hear a lot of things out on the road but to hear americans, people who would describe themselves as patriots say that america is not a democracy that stopped me in my tracks. you are hearing people say america is not a democracy because there are people around trump who want them to be saying that who ve been planting that narrative? his america democracy i don t i think we ll never know, but yeah, we re republic. what s the difference i feel like democracy what do we think this through its government i don t see freedom in democracy freedom in the republic honestly, the word democracy and the word republic have often been used interchangeably. there isn t a meaningful difference between them. so much of the warnings and criticism about trump is that he is a threat to democracy, that he has anti-democratic. absolutely. if they can convince people that we don t have a democracy, then it s okay that trump is attacking democracy because it doesn t really matter that s why, like why has democracy become a bad word? because it s been used in a way to change the flavor of our country, which is a republic these words were used in different ways in the 18th century and it s true the founders didn t want direct democracy by which they meant people gathering on the town square. they wanted representative democracy. but i think the reason why does conversation about language has so now is because there is a part of the republican party that would like to rule as a minority and they need an excuse for why that s okay. and so they ve begun to say, we re not a democracy. were, are public and it s not 100% clear what that means. but i think they mean we want donald trump to be able to do whatever he wants some people i ve been seeing debt trump events recently. yes. have been saying american is not a democracy. it s a republic and we ve always been my pros. first of all we have sleek. we re use that freedom of speech and freedom of religion. we used to have that two. now they re picking on the christians and the jewish people i mean, how much more can we are you concerned if trump loses yeah. that there ll be another january 6. no. i think there will be a civil war that s what i think will happen during this whole democracy republican is fascinating. this is the first i ve, i ve heard of that new thing that there are now pushing those. it looks like folks on fox are pushing it. is there a reason the people you spoke with think that country isn t a democracy now, i mean, yeah, look, i mean, i understand some of those folks. no doubt genuinely believed that i might have believed for a long time, this isn t necessarily a new talking point. however, we have seen it just revive over the past few months and they re really the reason we did this piece was over the over the past few months, just unprompted. as i was speaking to a lot of trump s supporters, they would bring this very specific lineup i love this real, it s not a debase right about the former government here. it s not a debate about democracy really why this is happening. and you saw it there in that piece, some fox news and elsewhere on conservative and right-wing media people are trying to convince trump s supporters, others that america is not a democracy in the first place. and we actually saw i haven t noticed that this seem to pick up a bit after president biden speech in philadelphia, where he described trump as a threat to democracy. this is how they seem to be trying to twist language to try and neutralize describing trump as a threat to democracy. because if america is not a democracy in the first place, then there s nothing to worry about your winning a solvent. thank you very much. one of the pillars of a democracy is the rule of law and laws of course are enforced by courts and the highest court in the land supreme court is once again under fire tonight. over new ethics concerns, specifically the behaviors surrounding justice clarence thomas. late this afternoon, senate judiciary chairman dick durbin released new information from a major republican donor about more undisclosed trips provided to justice thomas. it follows previous reporting about numerous undisclosed gifts from that conservative billionaire harlan crow, which include private school tuition for a relative of thomases and decade s worth of luxury vacations. last week after the release of his 2023 disclosures, thomas said certain disclosures had been, quote inadvertently omitted wherever last month in a speech, who railed against the quote, nastiness and quote lies directed toward him. draw now by our justice correspondent, just cash snyder, also a former federal district judge, johnny jones, the third and former federal prosecutor elie honig. so jessica, what do we know about these additional trips now that thomas took on harlan crow plane? yeah. the details just being released tonight for i m senator dick durbin. the details are several new trips happened in 2017, 2019, and 2021. so first and may 20, he 17 justice thomas took harlan crows jet from st. louis to montana and then to dallas. then there was a march 2019 flight where he flew roundtrip between washington, dc and savannah and then in june 2021, he flu round trip between washington, dc and san jose, california. all of this on crows jet and really intersect. i mean, these newly revealed flights, it only adds to what we know were other luxury trips that justice thomas enjoyed, bankrolled by harlan crow. there was also but 2019 trip to indonesia where justice thomas stayed on crows mega yacht. so there have been a lot of previously undisclosed travel that s been gifted by harlan crow is a gop megadonor. he s active and conservative causes. justice thomas, though, i ll note anderson has always it s described him as just a dear friend and says they ve never had any discussions about cases before the court. they ve wow, i mean, that that s you you re hanging out with justice supreme court. that s kind of amazing to think. has justice thomas explained why he did not disclose these these trips? because he talks about his love of staying in for vrb travel and drawing ran on a bus yeah. so he hasn t directly answered about these recent disclosures, but his attorney just released a statement tonight. it says this. it says the formation that harlan crow provided to the senate judiciary committee fell under the personal hospitality exemption and was not required to be disclosed by justice thomas the judicial conference change this provision last year, and justice thomas has fully complied with the new disclosure requirement. so i ll expand upon this to really explain it up until last year there was in fact this personal hospitality exemption. so justices, in the way they read it, didn t have to disclose certain benefits, maybe from there wealthy friends, things like when they stayed at their friends properties or traveled on jets. it was just last year, anderson that exemption was removed. so justices now have to disclose these perks, but there s some question as to whether the disclosures need to be retroactive. there s nothing specifically saying justices have to go back now and disclosed year s worth of trips. but it is still coming out and it came out tonight from the senate judiciary committee, judge jones, does this make sense you why wouldn t justice thomas just come clean about everything harlan crow has given him or paid for. why go through this kind of drip, drip, drip? you know, anderson, i have no idea but this has all the allure of a slow motion car accident. it doesn t look good. i toiled in the federal judiciary for 20 years and i love it. i respect it, but this tears that the fabric the code of ethics that the justices are subject to, which is, by the way, not enforceable says in the first canon that it is there to basically preserve the integrity and the independence of the judiciary now, under the circumstances to the point that was just made he amended his is 2023 ethic statement and he added a couple of his trips when you go to the question of retroactivity, i agree it s less than clear so why would you do that? and not include the other trips they re just revealed there s there s no good answer to that elie. i mean, do you agree with the statement from thomas s attorneys saying that because the personal hospitality exemption, he didn t need to not at all, the spirit of these rules is disclosure and these are not just a small gifts, these are gifts and not donations, but gifts worth tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. and the whole explanation that this is just a friend doing something for me. i mean, i gotta get better friends that this is something more than just a friend paying for his friend. hundreds of thousands dollars over that here for private school tuition for flights, for hotels violates every cannon in this ethics code. and if you remember anderson about a year ago, the supreme court for the first time ever adopted an ethics code. the criticism we made was it s toothless and i think now we re seeing that judge jones i mean, go ahead, judge. while i was going to say it s interesting to ellie s point about having a friend. here s the acid test, and this is not hard and it s not in the statement of ethics at all if you are making a friend because you re on the supreme court of the united states. if that s why this guy is friends with you, then i would suggest to you that if he s providing hospitality, that s just wrong. it just shouldn t happen. and i don t think that s a hard a hard test for any justice or judge observe if i had done this as a district judge, us district judge, i would have been absolutely subject to judicial discipline of the the most pronounced kind, and i would have deserved it. and so to me, there s if clarence thomas was sitting on this circuit court or was the head of the eoc. do you think that harlan crow would afford him this kind of hospitality? of course, he would judge jones. thank you. elie honig, jessica schneider, as well, just ahead. present. biden, promoting democracy on the world stage with ukraine and making a campaign issued home former us ambassador to the un, susan rice it s joins us next welcome to the waiver hood with wave. finding your style is fine when the music stops grabbing it, doesn t matter if you re outdoors hello. i m sorry, carl. this is me and chair form. i don t see you. just perfect for you but you love it. i told you we should have done opinion data i explained how many died they re not sending you need to sit down every style, every home at fisher investments. we may look like other money managers, but were different. and how so we re a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client s best interests. so we don t sell any commission-based products, then how do you make money? we have a simple management fee structured, so we do better when our clients do the clients really come first then yes, we make them a top priority by getting to know their finances, family, health lifestyle, and more. wow maybe we are different at fisher investments were clearly different. let s get started no. where s your mask? 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if it s not binding on the next administration well, anderson, let s step back a second and thank you for having me on and take a look at what president biden is doing at the g7 in europe he is going back to his third g7 with, our alliances restored and rebuilt stronger than ever with the united states leadership embraced in respected and he has rallied the world to defend ukraine, including with a $50,000,000,000 loan that the united states led and negotiating this week using the interest off of the russian frozen assets. he s negotiated this bilateral agreement, which is very valuable in that there is always a cost for the united states when it reneges on its commitments, when it walks back its agreements and while it s not a legally binding treaty, it s a powerful statement of us support and intentions in addition, he s just this week led and imposing tough new sanctions on russia and china. so with joe biden, we have strong leadership that is strengthened our leinz is not only in europe, but in asia and around the world, which makes america more secure and we have a leader who s trusted and respected we contrast that as you did in your opening with donald trump who is so profoundly dangerous, he has not committed to democracy at home or abroad. he embraces dictators he is the president, former president whose own vice president? national security advisors, secretary of state secretaries of defense. yeah, pretty much everybody on the cabinets of staff. all have set are unfit. and what does that say when the people closest to you say you re unfit to lead, that s very, very concerning when you hear from say that vladimir putin would release wall street journal reporter it just adjust if he asked, what i mean, does that make sense to you like, why wouldn t he then just ask now for that to happen? well, that s a good question. i understand. no, of course it doesn t make sense. it s bluster. it s, it s all dishonest and every day we hear something dishonest out of donald trump s mouth. that is inherently self-serving and not anything we can rely on its. you don t just get to wave a magic wand and have a dictator who s hell-bent on not only taking over ukraine but western europe and more if we allow him. and what is donald trump s say? donald i m trump calls putin a genius. donald trump tells putin that he can do whatever he wants. the hell he wants with our nato allies. i mean, it s the height of recklessness self-interest, and danger, and it s not a future that we can be confident in at all, it would undermine our security profoundly at a time when the world is a complicated place, when you are us ambassador to the un, you obviously dealt with nations whose leaders disregard laws, carry out vendettas against their political opponents when you hear don trump talking about getting revenge or retribution does that seem i mean that seem realistic to you? do you believe he would do that? i do believe he would do it. i believe we have if we have learned anything we should listen to what he says and what he does is often exactly what he says and sometimes worse we have in donald trump a leader who is not running to be the president of the american people he s running for his own self-interest to try to stay out of jail and that is incredibly worrying. and when he says that on day one, he intends to be a dictator, that he will come after his political opponents and anybody who has rubbed i m tim the wrong way. i take that very seriously and i think we all should susan rice. thank you for your time thank you. anderson. way up next to cnn exclusive. been wiedemann talks with hamas spokesman in beirut about the remaining hostages they are holding captive in gaza he asked them how many are still alive and why hamas is yet to agree to ceasefire. his responses coming up this is country is corrupt. we ve got to save it do some terrible things for the greater good we need you build. for the soup, start rounding this up and dumping us off in kansas show me, wrap that doesn t sound good. ashley? 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you seem that count star from the beginning. let s start from beijing on. but one why to talk about the base of 7 october what about the israeli came after good luck to 7 october. it was a reaction against the occupation. what camps after that? it shows the real face of israel. it shows how israeli the cube buying the policy and lands demolishing the situation of the palestinians, killing the civilians. it s not the first time they are getting the civilians hamas is, is an organization. does it regret what it did on 7 october, given what happened afterwards? we are living with this for the last 75 years as palestine s yes now, cnn spoke to one of the doctors who treated the for israelis who were freed on saturday. and he said that they suffered mental and physical abuse. and what do you say when he is an israeli has to say what does lay authorities are asking him to say if you compare the images of both before and after releasing, you will find that they were better than before. i believe they have mental problem. this is because of what israel have done in gaza. but in addition to what has been said about the four recent hostages freed there have been also claims about the dire conditions others faced while in captivity. the fate of the remaining hostages hangs in the balance at the g7 summit in italy, us secretary of state antony blinken said, hoping hamas would agree to the latest us backed ceasefire proposal. response we got was unfortunately not the yes that we were looking for a yes that virtually the entire world has given. okay. mr. hamdan simple question. why hasn t hamas yet agreed officially to the us backed posel for a ceasefire who said it s a positive step but we need to see the facts on the ground. we need to know what exactly that president means by saying a ceasefire, i withdraw while what is left, what do you need we need an israeli ideally, a clear position from israel to accept the ceasefire, a complete withdrawal from gaza, and let the palestinians to determine their future by themselves are you optimistic at this point in time that you will reach some sort of agreement well, i think if the united states administration acted in the positive way, seeing the situation not only in the eyes of israel we can reach soon an agreement. and in the absence of an agreement, this war goes on with know site then i mean, this hamas leader justifies the october 7 attack by hamas. and as long as she had an others, which was a violation of an ongoing ceasefire, claimed, no one knows how many hostages are still alive. obviously there are people who know in hamas, any claims that the released, that the hostages who were freed just recently, the four hostages that they are actually better off than they were before they were taken into captivity. i mean, that s just absurd well, that s what he said, but you need to look at it through the lens of how it s been seen in the region anderson there lot of pictures circulating for before and after pictures circulating on social media of palestinian prisoners who d been freed from israeli jails hills the pictures show healthy people going in gaunt, sickly people looking out. no. mr. hamdan, like millions of other in this region are seeing the pictures of these for israelis who were recently freed from gaza, who on the surf base surface superficially looked to be okay. so that seems to be why he s saying this and we re hearing it from many other people as well. keep in mind also that osama hamdan is a political figure in hamas. he is involved in and then negotiating process, but he s not part of the military wing that holds the hostages in gaza, so he s probably not complete the up on the situation in there. and i think what you re hearing in that interview is more a reflection, perhaps social media then his knowledge of the specifics of the hostages themselves anderson, where she refuses even call hostages, but been wiedemann. thank you. appreciate it. we ll be right back three body serie a. city client uses city s financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving some more pet parents can get everything they need, right when they need it keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward, for the love of progress grass whether you re moving across town or across the country now, you can count on pods to deliver when we say we will, which is why we were voted america s number one container moving company. hook your move today at, introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with four powerful pain fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source for up to eight hours of powerful relief new abdo targeted relief all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof. think about this blue jays cardinals orioles. what s missing? 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let s tsunami afghanistan, iraq. so many places we ve been all those stories we ve told, interviews and live shots and folders, endless days and sleepless nights, boring car rides and bad flights all those airports we ve rushed to getting, there, getting out how many hours have we waited? how many calls have you made how much could cajoling and talking? how did you come to know me so well time passes and memories fade but i hope i never forget all that we ve shared and all that you ve been and will forever be to me. charlie and i spend more than a month reporting from new orleans and the gulf coast in the difficult days after hurricane katrina. the last show we did was from a badly damaged street and it was all deserted and it was charlie and meeting maybe seven or eight others cameraman and engineers and satellite truck operators we ve finished around midnight. we broke down the equipment, we wrapped up the cables are other people did neal halls worth one of my cameraman two dozen years from the cooler on his truck and pass them around and we lingered there for time talking remembering the things we d all just lived through, not wanting that feeling we had to

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240612

delay tactic. if hope at best they might get an evidencey hearing. how the boxes were organized this way. whether or not there is something of allegations of bias and improper storage. on on the merits, it doesn t absolve trump of the idea that he willfully retained the documents. he knew he had them in 2022. when he turned stuff over to the archives. he is talking with his lawyers they are telling him to turn it over. we keep finding stuff. it will not ultimately change anything. but it will quite possibly the way judge cannon handles things but it will drag things out a little more. we are at the first anniversary of the mar-a-lago case. anyone s guess whether we get to the second anniversary. bradley moss, thank you for your time tonight. have a good night. that is our show. now it is time for the last word with jonathan who is in for lawrence o donnell. good evening. i would love to know if we are going to have a classified documents case but who knows. prepare a sheet cake with the number not on the cake and eat it or not. let s just eat it anyway. have a good show. today, a jury convicted hunter biden, the only surviving son of president joe biden, oh three federal gun felonies. after a little less than three hours of deliberations, 12 jurors many president biden s home state of delaware agreed with prosecutors that hunter biden lied on a mandatory gun purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs at a time when he was. president joe biden responded with this statement. as i said last week, i m the president. i am also a dad. jill and i love our son. and we are so proud of the man he is today. i will accept the outcome of this case and continue to respect 2 judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. joe and i will also be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. he didn t attack the verdict. he didn t say it was rigged. no. all the wild and irresponsible reaction to the verdict today came from republicans. some of whom have embraced the conspiracy myth that the justice department charged and convicted hunter biden of these felony to misdirect from other crimes. bigly crimes. unnamed. unspecified. imagined biden crimes that are much bigger and badder than all the actual crimes donald trump is charged with. steven miller posted the hunter biden verdict was proof that doj is joe s election protection racket. the trump campaign called it a distraction from the real crimes. one right wing commenter thinks it was cover for the trump prosecution? you go after donald trump and hunter biden. okay. in republican s defense, you might go a little crazy, too, if you had to defend backing a known fraudster, sexual abuser and now 34-time convicted felon for president. in a new op ed, merrick garland denounced the republican attacks on the justice department. quote, they are baseless, personal, and dangerous. today the doj sent a let tore jim jordan to confirm there were no emails between any justice department officials and the office of manhattan district attorney alvin bragg. quote, the department has no control over the district attorney. the committee knows this. despite that, district attorney bragg has agreed to testify before the house on july 12th the day after donald trump s sentencing. a spokesperson for the manhattan da s office said it undermines the rule of law to spread dangerous misinformation following the full count felony conviction in people v trump. nonetheless, we respect our government institutions and plan to appear voluntarily before the subcommittee after sentencing. joining us now, neil, argued more than 50 cases before the supreme court. he is a professor at georgetown law, an msnbc legal analyst and host of the podcast court side. thank you so much for being here. so now, some republicans are pushing the hunter biden jury verdict as proof of a doj conspiracy. this is some kerry matheson red yarn over a cork board stuff. did you have that on your bingo card? it is almost impossible. the verdict today makes these conservative claims look ridiculous. for years these conservatives have been crowing about a politicized justice department. what happened today, the justice department convicted the president s own son. his only living son. imagine what that would take. the president gave you that job. you have the power as every attorney general does to end the prosecution. with the stroke of a pen. and you didn t do it. that s what the rule of law is all about. and, similarly, the constitution gives the president the power to pull the plug on any prosecution. that is part of article two. so biden, president biden could have absolutely ended this prosecution once and for all. he didn t do it. that s the test about someone who has convictions in the system. and when it is over, you didn t hear joe biden wining about a trump judge though the judge here is literally a trump judge appointed by trump. rather you heard the president saying he would accept the outcome of the case. i know no other word for that but presidential. he even went so far as to say he wouldn t pardon his son. we saw this with judge merchan and it is merrick garland s way too, trying to lower the temperature in the wake of these overthe top trump republican attacks. do you think he is responding proportionally to the trumpian all-out war on our justice system? i was really glad to see the attorney general s op ed today in the washington post saying look, what the department does is justify the rule of law and we do so fairly and impartially. that s the justice department that i saw jonathan when i worked there in two different administrations. and it is like why people respect this country so much. this morning i had the privilege of speaking at a naturalization ceremony for 150 new citizens from 54 countries and what do they respect about america? they respect exactly a verdict like this. even the president s own son could be convicted by the president s justice department and the president s prosecution arm because this president respects the constitution and respects the rule of law. unlike some of these republicans who spit on this every chance they can. what do you expect to see when mat hat tan da alvin bragg testifies? i expect to see a big nothing. all sorts of innuendo related to how joe biden helped orchestrate the felony conviction of his own son though it was overseen by a trump appointed special council. and adjudicated by a trump judge. i m sure we will hear cray-cray like that. the justice department said today there was no communication between the prosecutor who is the centerpiece of these crazy conspiracy theories and the justice department. zero. none. so have the hearing by all means. that is part of congress responsibilities. but it would be nice to have some facts in these hearings. be nice to have some. but i m not expecting any. thank you for coming to the last word. thank you. so, here is how you know trump knows it could get much worse for him. he is a dumb son of a [bleep] convicted felon trump indicted for his unsuccessful attempt to overturn the 2020 election praised the january 6th rioters who attacked the capitol calling them warriors. those j6 warriors were warriors but they were victims of what happened. all they were doing is protesting a rigged election. that s what they were doing. while trump was ranting in las vegas sunday, president biden was returning from france after commemorating the 80th anniversary of d-day. the biden campaign has released this ad slamming former president trump for being a draft dodger. a good commander-in-chief is somebody who gives a [bleep]. i served in the united states marine corp. i m ed mccabe. i served from the 1990s until 2014. i m matthew mclaughlin. it is the first time i m shaking the hands of a president of the united states. it was pretty impactful to me to see an individual that supports troops not just on the battlefield but when we return home. i see a man in joe biden who accepts accountability and responsibility and when i see his predecessor donald trump, i see a man who is only in this for himself. who criticizes veterans. who doesn t see it important for him to go to the funerals. donald trump has zero accountability in his life. he is a draft dodger. simple as that. yesterday, draft dodger donald trump sat for his first probation hearing as a convicted felon. a mandatory requirement before his sentencing july 11th. meanwhile, president biden held a white house event commemorating juneteenth. a federal holiday he established in 2021 to recognize the emancipation of enslaved african americans after the civil war. in his remarks, president biden reminded the audience why black history is still so important. let s be clear. they are all ghosts trying to take us back. taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote. closing doors of opportunity. attacking the values of diversity. equity and inclusion. banning books about black experiences. trying to erase and rewrite history. it is not just about the past. it s about our present and our future. it is whether that future is a future all of us, not just for some of us. folks, black history is american history. black history is american history. joining us now, former assistant democratic leader in the house of representatives, congressman james cleiburn. a cochair of the biden harris 2024 campaign. congressman, always great to see you. welcome back to the show. i was at the juneteenth event last night and president biden has touted the inflation reduction act. lowering drug prices. but listen to how roy wood jr. talked about that achievement. we have legislation for cheaper prescription drugs. insulin is down to $35 if you are a senior. i don t know if anybody here has paid for insulin before. but that is like the bottle service of prescription drugs so we appreciate that $35 right there. i love the relatable roy wood jr. used to break it down. it is funny, but telling a policy success story. does the campaign need to do more of that? well thank you very much for having me. absolutely. we have to get this out there. this administration has a record that is unequal even cannot be imagined. by a lot of people who thought about these things as we went into the last election. this administration with this rescue plan has brought young children out of poverty. with this infrastructure bill is put in $65 billion for internet when we had no money for infrastructure in the previous administration. the chipping science act. it is inflation reduction act. all of these things people said could not be done. joe biden did them. and i get a little irritated when i hear people telling me well, he isn t talking loud enough. he didn t show the kind of energy we want. we are about substance. substance. not style. that is what will move this country forward. that is what will leave for our children and grandchildren a country to be proud of. real substance. you can talk loud. you can misrepresent. you can prance around. but, the question is, what are you doing? i used to listen to my dad s sermons and one of the things i learned early, it is their deeds that get them. not their words. if you get caught up on the words, they will pay any attention to the deeds, you might believe in donald trump. but if you are all about deeds, you will be supporting this president. this administration. biden and harris. let s talk about, some more deeds. because today, the biden administration announced that medical debt can no longer be considered in credit scores. president biden has made debt elimination one of his pitches on the campaign. but new polling shows americans are split on student loan forgiveness. three in ten adults approve while four in ten disapprove. how concerned are you about those polling numbers we see on the screen right there? i think it is because people have misrepresented this whole thing about student loan debt elimination. joe biden, if you look at the program, he made it very clear. we are talking about eliminating this compounded interest. and all these things that have accumulated beyond what the original debt was. i have a constituent. not a black constituent. a constituent in north charleston who wrote a letter to the president with a copy to me. his original loan was $60,000. over the years he has paid back nearly $200,000 because of compounded interest. and paying for it for more than 20 years. and still owed money. so when he eliminated that debt, it was on the compounded interest. not the original loan. and people need to look at that. when i hear senator romney says that this was a bad deal, how can it be a bad deal? the principle is paid back a long, long, long time ago. these people are paying compounded interest that has been put out there by people who are making money when the original principle was paid back a long time ago. so that is what is going on here. so nobody is paying anybody s debt. they paid off the debt. the compound interest people are collecting and putting people in the poor house as we say down south. let me get you on one more thing. let s talk comments that entertainment 50-cent made on capitol hill last week. listen to this. i said i m identifying with trump. why do you say that? because they got rico charges. congressman, your reaction, black men are moving to trump because they have rico charges? look. he should have been with me last saturday night at this south carolina naacp freedom fund dinner. 100% support for joe biden. not one single person in there, male or female, for donald trump. should have been with me at greater target memorial ame church on sunday morning. 100% for joe biden. not a single person there. for donald trump. i don t know where 50-cent is hanging out. but i hang out with the naacp. i hang out with the black community. back faith community, and i don t see any support for donald trump. these people are not worried about rico, they are worried about their children s student loan debt. they are worried about the cost of insulin when it comes to their health care. they are worried about affordable housing. they are worried about broad band deployment. that s what they are getting from this president and they are not thinking about whatever it is 50-cent is talking about in rico. it is down in georgia. that is what donald trump violated. and so, we are upset because he is being called to account for violateing the rico statute? come on 50-cent. that is worth a dollar to know better. congressman, always great to see you. thank you for comeing to the last word. thank you very much for having me. all right, 50 cents. coming up, we are 11 days into pride month and there is one person i know who isn t celebrating. justice samuel alito s wife has been caught on tape sharing her exasperation at seeing pride flags from her house. and that s not the only reason we should be worried about what s on those secret recordings. that s next. those secret recordings. that s next. i have moderate to severe crohn s disease. now, there s skyrizi. things are looking up, i ve got symptom relief. control of my crohn s means everything to me. control is everything to me. feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn s disease. now s the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn s with skyrizi. control is everything to me. learn how abbvie could help you save. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i ll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. ( ) it s never a good time for migraine, especially when i m on camera. that s why my go-to is nurtec odt. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it s the only migraine medication that helps treat & prevent, all in one. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. people depend on me. without a migraine, i can be there for them. talk to your doctor about nurtec odt today. my wife is fond of flying flags. that is what supreme court justice samuel alito said when he blamed his wife for flying two different flags at their home associated with the stop the steal movement and carried by rioters at the january 6th insurrection. new secret recordings of his wife martha anne alito are revealing more about what motivates her to fly flags. you know what i want? i want is a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. and he is like oh, please don t put up a flag. i won t do it because i m deferring to you, but when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send them a message every day. maybe every week. i made a flag in my head. this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag, it is white. and it is yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the world vergogna. vergogna in italian means shame. that is the wife of a supreme court justice being openly hostile to a complete stranger about the pride flag. a symbol of freedom and equality for the lgbtq plus community during pride month. people. like me, being proud of who they are makes her mad. it makes her want to send them a message. it makes her want to fly a flag that says shame. this is not a woman who is unclear about the message of the flags that she is flying. and for what it s worth, i don t think anyone would care if they looked across the potomac and saw a jesus flag flying. there are lots of martha annes in america who also harbor this kind of grievance. but this is martha anne alito. she is not just any random person. she is married to a supreme court justice for life. one of the most powerful people in the country who is actively rolling back americans constitutional rights. justice alito authored the majority opinion revoking nearly 50 years of rights for women when the court overturned roe v. wade. and that laid the foundation for another right wing justice with a right wing wife. clarence thomas, to target the lgbtq plus community by saying the supreme court should reconsider two cases that affirm the rights of same sex couples including same sex marriage. martha anne alito longs for the day when 74-year-old justice alito is quote free of all this nonsense. she is thinking about who will replace him on the court. are you? joining me now, kelly robinson, president of the human rights campaign. your reaction to what we heard. shocking but not shocking in the same sense. what she is saying about flags, it is not about flags. it s a dog whistle to maga bullies across the board. what she wants to do is use the flag as a symbol to talk about how they want to push us back into the closet. when i talk about what it represents, tomorrow represents eight years since the pulse mass shooting where 49 members of our community s lives were stolen forever. this kind of violent action and political rhetoric leads to real world outcomes so anyone that is listening to her, anyone that is watching what she says, should be very, very concerned. not only about her words but what it means in terms of the actions of people that are listening to her. uh-huh. this audio, new audio from justice alito tonight. listen. justice alito tonight. listen. kelly, does this sound ominous given the two abortion cases and january 6th cases to be decided? to me it sounds hypocrital. i remember when barack obama wore a tan suit and people acted like it was the end of democracy. and now, we are talking about a whole supreme court justice whose wife is saying things like this who is espousing these belief that s are concerning for someone on the highest court of the land. so i do think that anyone that is listening to the words that are coming out of justice alito s mouth, you should be concerned. but i also know if you are a person of color, if you are an lgbtq plus person, a woman, someone who is nonbinary, we don t have the luxury of putting our fear into a state of analysis. it is more critical than ever that we get out and we vote this november. our lives are quite literally at stake. uh-huh. trump is out there giving comfort to anti-abortion groups promising to defend life. these also sound like rights this ideological supreme court has no interest in protecting. they don t. they have said the quiet part out loud already. we have to remember that when roe v. wade was overturned and justice thomas concurrence, he said out loud, the next the court should revisit lawrence. they should revisit griswold. they asserted our basic rights as lgbtq plus people in this country and our right to contraception so any time they say that these things are not on the table, look at what they are doing. we should be very concerned about what we are seeing and take it as a call to action. at the end of the day, we still live in a democracy. our votes still count. and there is something that we can do right now about how this court has gotten so far disconnected from its actual mission in our democracy. as i mentioned before, i was at the juneteenth event where i met your beautiful wife last night. but that s not the point why i m bringing that up. i want to play something that vice president harris said last night. watch. across our nation, we witnessed a full-on attack on hard fought hard won freedoms and rights. including the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body, the freedom to be who you are and love who you love openly and with pride. the freedom from fear of bigotry and hate. the freedom to learn and acknowledge our nation s true and full history. and the freedom that unlocks all others, the freedom the vote. how important is it to stress to voters that the supreme court is on the ballot in november. what is at stake is more samuel alitos or more ketanji brown jackson. exactly. what i saw from kamala harris, that is leadership. at the end of the day when we think about this election coming up, it is not just about two candidates, it is two fundamentally different visions for our country. when you talk to people, a lot of our fears are the same. worried your kids will have a better life than you do. concerns about inflation. making sure schools are good and welcoming and safe. but i want to make sure that whoever we elect that their solutions are about moving us forward and not pulling us back. what the supreme court has shown that they are willing to do from the overturn of roe v. wade to all they have said and done in the last year, they are willing to roll back the rights not only of the last ten years or last 40 years but the last 100. we have got to do something about it for the sake of all of our communities and especially for the sake of our kids. kelly robinson, thank you very much for comeing to the last word. thank you. coming up, it s election night in nevada. a must win state for joe biden and kamala harris and a muster win seat for democrat ifs they hope to hold onto the senate. nevada senator jack see rosen joins us next. rosen joins us next. clogged gutters can cause big problems fast. until now. call 833-leaffilter today for your free gutter inspection. i ve had terrible flooding problems on my porch. now i understand why. right now leaffilter is offering a free inspection, on your schedule. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again. call us today and schedule your free inspection. to schedule your free inspection, call 833.leaf.filter today or visit -cologuard®? 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i can tell you latino voters in nevada, they are the decisive vote. and my team in nevada, so many of them born and raised in nevada, i myself lived here the last 50 years just about. we are in the community all the time. we are listening and we are responding. i sit on the small business and entrepreneurship committee. we talk about all the latino small businesses. so many entrepreneurs. we want to be sure they have all the tools that they need to keep and start their small business and thrive. it is really important. and we talk about education. and our environment. we are connecting with our latino voters. the same issues that matter to everybody else. senator rosen, the late long time nevada senator harry reid built a famous statewide democratic organization in nevada. is the reid machine still in effect in nevada? what that means around nevada state. we work together to make sure we do our field program. we are talking about the issues. we coordinate. being sure we are communicating. working together. nevada families, they really matter. listening to them and delivering for them really matters. we will have the new va hospital. they are searching for their 50- acre site now. it will be a game changer fir the veterans in northern nevada. whether it is seniors, veterans, students, or a tourism economy. we are listening and delivering. senator jackie rosen of nevada. thank you very much for coming to the last word. thank you for having me. coming up, biden is beating trump in a new election forecast and one of the big reasons is biden s strength in the key swing state of wisconsin and particularly, with a group of voters who make up the bulk of the trump base. that s next. the trump base. that s next. yself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue. and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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the issues they care about our kitchen table issues that a lot of us talk about. affordable healthcare. women s reproductive rights, voting rights, saving our democracy, good education and childcare. basically kitchen table issues. what do you say back to them? we talked about some of the issues that president biden and harris put forward. the jobs that have been created. money that has come into green county for various rings such as our ymca and county seats in the city of monroe. basic issues like that. we try to point out to people what is being done. on the flipside on the ground, what do you hear from voters about trump if anything? that they really do not want him back in office. it is as simple as that. been, how voters get their information has changed, much more now on social media then with traditional advertising. how has that changed voter outreach? the first thing we have to assume is there is no silver bullet. you may get something on the local news that reaches some voters. some are reading the weekly newspaper that comes in. maybe they pick it up at the grocery store. we have to be everywhere. social media platforms, foreign science, door to door organizing, phone calls and text messages. show up at parades and county fairs, we build a surroundsound environment. we assume just because you said something somewhere does not mean anybody heard it. you have to say it everywhere and over and over. that is what it takes. trump is trying to confuse people. we need to bring people s focus back to what affects them directly. their freedom to make decisions about their own body and living in a democracy. who is fighting for them. trump promising wealthy donors whatever they want. that contrast does resonate for people but you have to go to where the voters are. sandy you have been nodding in agreement. my last question is, if biden were to come to green county and ask your advice on what he should say to voters, what would you tell him? that is a good question. i would guess to just be honest with them on what he plans to do for the voters, listening to them and what their issues are is the most important. being able to address those. if biden could come to green county, they would be ecstatic. we have 90 seconds left, same question been, what would you say team biden needs to work on or watch out for? we love biden coming to the state because he does listen to people. when they hear from him they moved toward him and when they hear from trump they move away. we have 97-99 assembly district covered. anybody that wants to help us organize you can volunteer at the website. biden really digs into what he is delivering. he announced a $3 billion investment by microsoft in a community where trump showed up and promised the sun, moon and stars and never did anything. that contrast really lance. for people that wonder what jobs they will have in 10 years, when biden shows up and does something it clicks. we want him to keep coming and we think we can draw a contrast with trump who talks big and delivers nothing and uses power to exact revenge instead of serving the people. i think it is guaranteed that biden and harris will be back in wisconsin multiple times before election day. thank you both very much for coming to the last word. we will be right back. ht back. that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. citi s industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. i wanna hold you forever hey little bear bear. i m gonna love you forever c mon, bear. you don don t have to worry. be by your side. i ll be there. with my arms wrapped around. craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. 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Way , Whether , Delay-tactic , Evidencey-hearing , Hope , Boxes , Person , Suit , Eyewear , Tie , Official , Speech

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240612

destruction of evidence, and it doesn t absolve trump of the idea that he willfully retained the documents. he knew he had them in 2022, when he turned stuff over to the archives. they told him, hey, there s classified documents in this stuff. they knew he had them over the course of the next year, talking to his lawyers telling him, turn them over. and the fbi kept funding stuff in what you are turning over. it will ultimately not change anything, but quite possibly with the way judge cannon handles things, it could drag it out just a little bit more. just a little bit more. we are now at the first anniversary of the mar-a-lago case, the grand jury and bob dikeman came down on june 8th, 2023. anyone s guess if we get to the second anniversary. bradley moss, thank you, sir, for your time tonight. have a good night. that is our show for this evening. now, it is time for the last word , with jonathan k part. lawrence o donnell come in for jonathan. i would love to see if we get the classified documents case, but who knows? she take, with the number not on the cake, and eat it depending or not, if it happens. if it is sheet cake, let s just eat it, anyway. have a good show. thank you. today, a jury convicted hunter biden, the only surviving son of president joe biden, of three federal gun felonies. after a little less than three hours of deliberations, 12 jurors in president biden s home state of delaware agreed with prosecutors that hunter biden lied on a mandatory gun purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs at a time when he was. president joe biden responded with this statement. as i said last week, i am the president, but i am also a dad. jill and i love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today. i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter, and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. she didn t attack the verdict. he didn t say it was rigged. he didn t attack the judge, the prosecutors, or the jury. no, all the while, an irresponsible reaction to the hunter biden verdict today came from republicans. some of whom have embraced the conspiracy myth that the justice department charged and convicted hunter biden of these felonies to misdirect from other crimes, big-league crimes, unnamed, unspecified, imagined, biden crimes that are much bigger and better than all of the actual crimes donald trump is charged with. x trump adviser, steve miller, posted, the hunter biden verdict is proof that doj is the democrat protection racket. he called the verdict a distraction from the real crimes. one right-wing commentator things hunter biden was prosecuted as cover for the trump prosecution? i don t know if this is fair, you go after donald trump and you go after hunter biden. okay, in republicans defense, you might go a little crazy, too, if you had to defend backing a known fraudster, sexual abuser, and now 34 times convicted felon for president. in a new op-ed, attorney general merrick garland denounced the attacks on the the justice department. they are baseless, personal, and dangerous. today, the doj sent a letter to jim jordan to confirm that there were no emails between any justice department officials and the office of manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg. the department has no control over the district attorney, just as the district attorney has no control over the department. the committee knows this. despite that, district attorney bragg has agreed to testify before the house on july 12th, the day after donald trump s sentencing. a spokesperson for the manhattan d.a.s office said, it undermines the rule of law to spread dangerous misinformation, baseless claims, and conspiracy theories following the jury s return of a full count felony conviction in people be trump. nonetheless, we respect our government institutions and plan to appear voluntarily before the subcommittee after sentencing. joining us now, former acting solicitor general of the united states, who has argued more than 50 cases before the supreme court. he is a professor at georgetown law and msnbc legal analyst and host of the podcast courtside with neil cocktail. neil, thank you much as always for being here. so, now, some republicans are pushing the hunter biden jury verdict as proof of a doj conspiracy. this is some carrie matheson red yarn over a corkboard stuff. eight you have that on your bingo card? it is almost impossible. i mean, jonathan, the verdict today makes these conservative claims look ridiculous. i m i mean, for years, these conservatives have been pulling about a politicized justice department and so on. what happened today, this justice department convicted the president s own son, his only living son. i mean, imagine what that would take. imagine you are the attorney general and the president gave you that job, jonathan, one of the most important jobs in the country, in the world, and you have the power as every attorney general does, as merrick garland does, to end the prosecution with the stroke of a pen and you didn t do it. garland didn t do it. that is what the rule of law is all about, and similarly, the constitution gives the power to the president to pull the plug on any in the constitution, that is article two. so, president biden could have absolutely ended this prosecution once and for all. he didn t do it. that is the test about someone who has convictions in the system. and when it is over, you didn t hear joe biden whining about a trump judge even though the judge here is literally a trump judge appointed by trump, rather you heard the president say, he would accept the outcome of the case. i know no other word for that, but presidential. even went so far as to say he wouldn t pardon his son, that is how much respect he has for the system. so, neal, we saw this with judge merchan, and it seems to be merrick garland s way, too, trying to lower the temperature in the wake of these over the top trump republican attacks. do you think he is responding proportionately to the trump be an all out war on our justice system? i was really glad to see the attorney general s op-ed today in the washington post basically saying, look, what the department does is just apply the rule of law, we do so fairly and impartially. that is the justice department that i saw, jonathan, when i worked there in two different administrations. it is why people respect this country so much. this morning, i had the privilege of speaking at a naturalization ceremony for 150 new citizens from 54 countries, and what did they respect about america? they respect exactly a verdict like this, that even the president s own son can be convicted by the president s justice department and the president s prosecution arm, because this president, as almost every president in our history does, respects the constitution and respects the rule of law, unlike some of these republicans, like stephen miller, who spit on this every chance they can. what do you expect to see when manhattan d.a. alvin bragg testifies before jim jordan subcommittee? do you think you made the right decision? i expect to see a big nothing. i expect to see all sorts of innuendo, akin to the kind of innuendo we are hearing today about how joe biden helped orchestrate the felony conviction of his own son even though it was overseen by trump appointed national council and adjudicated by trump judge i am sure we will hear craig cray like that, but there will be no fax, because as the justice department even said today, literally, there was no communication between the prosecutor, matthew, angelo, the centerpiece of these crazy conspiracy theories, and the justice department, zero, none. so, have the hearing. by all means, of course, that is part of congress responsibilities and oversight. , it would be nice to have some facts in those hearings. yeah, it would be nice to have some. i am not expecting any, though. neal, neal katyal, thank you very much for coming to the last word . thank you. so, here s how you know can pick the convicted felon, trump, knows it can get much, much, much worse for him. you have a deranged individual named jack smith, he is a deranged, john dumb guy, he is a dumb son of a convicted felon, trump, indicted by special prosecutor jack smith on multiple criminal charges for his unsuccessful attempt to overturn the 2020 election, also praised that january 6th writers that attacked the capital calling them warriors. those january 6th warriors, they were warriors, but more than anything else, they were victims of what happened. all they were doing was protesting a rigged election, that is all they were doing. while trump was landing in las vegas sunday, president biden was returning from france after commemorating the 80th anniversary of d-day. the biden campaign has released this ad, featuring three american veterans slamming former president trump for being a draft dodger. a good commander in chief is somebody who gives a [ bleep ]. i registered, i served in the united states marine corps point my name is ed mccabe. i served from the 1990s until 2014. my name is matthew mclaughlin. i was a navy pilot for eight years. it is the first time i m shaking the hands of a president of the united states. it was pretty impactful to me to see an individual that supports troops not just on the battlefield, but when we return home. i see a man in joe biden who accepts accountability and responsibility, and when i see his predecessor, donald trump, i see a man who is only in this for himself. who criticizes veterans, who doesn t see it important to go to the funerals. donald trump has zero accountability in his life. is a draft dodger, simple as that. yesterday, draft dodger donald trump sat for his first probation hearing as a convicted felon, a mandatory requirement before his sentencing on july 11th. meanwhile, president biden held a white house event commemorating juneteenth, a federal holiday he established in 2021 to recognize the emancipation of enslaved african americans after the civil war. in his remarks, president biden reminded the audience why black history is still so important. but, let s be clear, they are all ghosts, and they are trying to take this back. they are taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote. well, i will have your vote counted. closing doors of opportunity, attacking diversity, equity, and inclusion. if you can believe it, banning books about black experiences, trying to erase and rewrite history. or, this is not just about the past, this is about our present and our future. it is whether or not that future is the future for all of us, not just some of us. folks, black history is american history. black history is american history. joining us now, former democratic leader of the house of representatives, james clyburn of north carolina, he is a co-chair of the biden- harris campaign, congressman clyburn, always good to see you, welcome back to the show. i was at the juneteenth event last night and president biden has touted the inflation reduction act, and lowering drug prices, but listen to how the events host, comedian roy wood junior, talked about that achievement. we have legislation now for cheaper prescription drugs because of this administration. insulin is down to $35, if you are a senior. and i don t know if anybody here has paid for insulin before, but that is like the bottle service of prescription drugs. so, we appreciate that $35 right there. [ laughter ] congressman clyburn, i love the relate ability roy wood jr. used to break it down. it is funny, but it is telling a policy success story. does the campaign need to do more of that? well, thank you very much for having me, jonathan. absolutely. we have got to get this out there. this administration has a record that is unequaled, even cannot be imagined by a lot of people who have thought about these kinds of things as we went into the last election. this administration, with this rescue plan, has brought young children out of poverty with this infrastructure bill. it has put in $65 billion for internet when we had no money for infrastructure in the previous administration. it is chips and signs act, it is packed act, it is inflation reduction act. all of these things people said could not be done, joe biden did them. and i get a little irritated when i hear people telling me, well, he isn t talking loud enough. he isn t showing the kind of energy we want. we are about substance. substance, not style. that is what will move this country forward. that is what we will leave for our children and grandchildren, to be proud of. real substance. you can talk loud, you can misrepresent, you can prance around. but, the question is, what are you doing? i grew up in the prostitute and i used to listen to my dad s sermons. one of the things i learned early, it is their deeds that make them, not their words. and if you get caught up on the words, and don t pay any attention to the deeds, you might believe in donald trump. but, if you are all about deeds, you will be supporting this president, this administration, biden and harris. well, let s talk about so, more deeds, congressman clyburn. today, the biden administration announced that medical get that can no longer be considered in credit scores and president biden has made debt elimination one of his major pitches on the campaign, but new polling shows that voters are split on student loan forgiveness. three out of 10 approve and four out of 10 disapprove. how concerned are you about the polling numbers we see on the screen there? i think it is because people have misrepresented this whole thing about student loan debt elimination. joe biden, if you look at the program, he made it very clear, we are talking about eliminating this compound it is interest and all of the things that have accumulated beyond what the original debt was. i have got a constituent not a black constituent, but still a constituent in north charleston who wrote to the president and copied to me. his original loan was $60,000. over the years, she has paid back nearly $200,000 because of compounded interest, and paying for it for more than 20 years and still owed money. so, when he eliminated that debt, it was on the compounded interest, not the original loan. and people need to look at that. when i hear senator romney saying that this is a bad deal, how can this be a bad deal? the principal is paid back a long, long, long time ago. these people are paying compounded interest that has been put out there about people who are making money when the original principal was paid back a long time ago. so, that is what is going on here. so, nobody is paying anybody s debt. they paid off the debt. it is a compounded interest that people are electing and that is putting people in the poorhouse, as we say down south. congressman, let me get you on one more thing before we have to go in a couple of minutes. let s talk about comments that entertainer, $.50, meanwhile on capitol hill last week. listen to this. what do you think appears as significant to african-american men this election? i see them identify with trump. why do you say that? because they got rico charges. congressman clyburn, your reaction, black men are moving to trump because they ve got rico charges? [ laughter ] look, he should ve been with me last saturday night at the south carolina naacp freedom fund dinner. 100% support for joe biden. not one single person in their, male or female, for donald trump. he should have been with me at greater target memorial miami church on sunday morning, 100% for joe biden. not a single person there for donald trump. i don t know where $.50 is hanging out, but i hang out with naacp. i hang out with the black community, black faith community, and i don t see any support for donald trump. these people aren t worried about rico statutes, they are worried about their children s student loan debt. they are worried about the cost of insulin, when it comes to their healthcare. they are worried about affordable housing. they are worried about broadband deployment. that is what they are getting from this president and they are thinking whatever it is, what they will talk about in rico statutes. the rico statutes down in georgia, that is what donald trump violated. and so, we are upset because he is being called to account for violating the rico statutes? come on, 50 cent. that is worth a dollar to know better. [ laughter ] congressman james clyburn, always great to see you. thanks for coming to the last word . thank you very much for having me. [ laughter ] all right. $.50. we are 11 days into pride month and there is one person i know who is in celebrating justice samuel alito s wife has been caught on tape sharing her exasperation in seeing pride flags from her house. and that is not the only reason we should be worried about what is on those secret recordings. that is next. at is next. that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. summer. it s the hungriest time of year for kids across america. kids whose hardworking families are struggling to make ends meet. whether it s working the crazy hours so you can have enough money for food or, you know, just giving up things for your personal self, and it s just yeah, gotta feed your kids. far too many kids are missing the meals they need this summer. that s why i m here now asking you to join me in helping end child hunger in america for just $0.63 a day. that s only $19 a month. you can help provide healthy meals to power kids through their days. they re growing at this age, and they need the best diet they can have. so please, call now or go online to right now give $19 a month, only $0.63 a day. and when you use your credit card, you ll get this special team t-shirt to show that you re helping kids build a brighter future for themselves and for the world. we want to ensure that all of our kids have healthy meals every day, and many of our parents and many of our communities are still suffering. it s very difficult to, you know, have a good family setting when we are worrying about having enough food for your family. you can help kids get healthy meals this summer and all year long. please join me in supporting no kid hungry today. for just $0.63 a day, only $19 a month. you can help provide healthy meals to kids across america and in your local community. thank you for giving. thank you for giving. thank you! families are struggling to make ends meet. these are hard times. so please call now or go online to give. my wife is fond of flying flags. that is what supreme court justice samuel alito said when he blamed his wife for flying two different flags at their homes that are associated with the stop the steel movement and carried by writers at the january 6th insurrection. new secret recordings of his wife, martha and alito are revealing more about flying flags. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flags next month and he is like, please don t put up a flag. and i said, i want to do it because i am referring to you. but, when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send them a message every day, maybe every week i will be changing the flags. they will be all kind, this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag. it s white and it is yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the word vergona, which means shame in italian. that is the wife of a supreme court justice being openly hostile to a complete stranger about the pride flag. a symbol of freedom and equality for the lgbtq+ community during pride month. people, like me, being proud of who they are makes her mad. it makes her want to send them a message. it makes her want to fly a flag that says shame. this is not a woman who is unclear about the message of the flags she is fine. and for what it is worth, i don t think anyone would care if they looked across the potomac and saw a jesus flag flying. there are lots of martha-ann s in america who also harbor this kind of grievance. but, this is martha-ann alito. she is not just any random person, she is married to a supreme court justice, for life. one of the most powerful people in the country, who is actively rolling back americans constitutional rights. justice alito authored the majority opinion revoking nearly 50 years of rights for women when the court overturned roe v wade. that laid the foundation for another right-wing justice with a right-wing wife, clarence thomas, to target the lgbtq+ community by saying the supreme court should reconsider two cases that reaffirmed the rights of same-sex, including same-sex marriage. so, martha-ann alito longs for the day when samuel alito is free of all this nonsense. she is thinking about who will replace him on the court. are you? joining me now, kelly robinson, president of the human rights campaign. kelly, thank you for coming back to the last word . your reaction to what we heard from mrs. alito? shocking, and also not shocking in the same sense. what she is saying about flags, it is not about flags, it is a dog whistle to maga bullies across the board. what she wants to do is use the flag as a simple to talk about how they want to erase us from public life, to push us back into the closet. and when i think about what today represents, not only is it pride month, but tomorrow represents eight years since the pulse mass shooting, were 49 members of our communities lives were stolen forever. this type of violent action and political rhetoric leads to real-world outcomes. so, anyone that is listening to her, anyone who is watching what she says should be very, very concerned. not only about her words, but what it means in terms of the actions of the people that are listening to her. this new audio from justice alito tonight, listen. i just wanted to ask you, why do you think the supreme court is so is being so attacked and being so targeted by the media these days? well, i think it s a simple reason. they don t like our decisions and they don t like how they anticipate we may decide some cases that are coming up. that s that s the beginning and the end of it. kelly, does the sound often is, given the two abortion cases and two january 6th cases yet to be decided this term? to me, it sounds hypocritical. i mean, i remember when barack obama wore a tan suit and people acted like it was the end of democracy. those lines! right! now, we are talking about a whole supreme court justice whose wife is saying things like this, who is espousing these beliefs that are concerning for someone who is on the highest court of the land. so, i do think anyone who is listening to the words that are coming out of justice alito s mouth, you should be concerned. but, i also know if you are a person of color, if you are an lgbtq+ person, a woman, or someone who is non-binary, we don t have the luxury of letting our concern and fear put us into a state of paralysis. we have to understand that this is why it is more critical than ever that we get out and vote this november. our lives are quite literally at stake. you know, trump is out there giving comfort to antiabortion groups, promising to defend life, while republicans are not voting to protect conception. today, a federal judge struck down a florida ban on transgender care for minors. these all sound like rights this ideological supreme court has no interest in protecting. they don t. they have said the quiet part out loud already. i mean, we have to remember that when roe v wade was overturned, justice clarence thomas concurrence, he said out loud, the next court should revisit lawrence, they should revisit griswold, these are cases that fundamentally asserted our basic rights as lgbtq+ people in this country, and our right to contraception. so, anytime they say that these things aren t on the table, that these rights aren t at risk, look at what they are doing. we should all, again, be very concerned with what we are seeing, but also take it as a call to action, because at the end of the day, we still live in a democracy. our votes still count, and there is something we can do right now about how this course has gotten so far disconnected from this actual mission and our democracy. you know, as i mentioned before, i was at the juneteenth event where i met your beautiful wife last night, but that is not the point why i m bringing that up. i want to play something that vice president harris said last night. watch. across our nation, we witnessed a full on attack on hard-fought, hard won freedoms and rights, including the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body, the freedom to be who you are and love who you love openly and with pride, the freedom from fear of bigotry and hate, the freedom to learn and acknowledge our nation s true and full history, and the freedom that unlocks all others the freedom to vote. how important is it to stress to voters that the supreme court is on the ballot in november? what is at stake is more samuel alito, or marco tonya brown jackson? exactly. what i saw from kamala harris right now, that is leadership. and at the end of the day when we think about this election that is coming up, it is not just about two candidates, it is about two fundamentally different visions for our country, two fundamentally different visions for our future, and our children. when you talk to people regardless of where they are on the political spectrum, a lot of our fears are the same, worry that your kids will have a better life than you do today, worries about inflation, making sure schools are good, and welcoming, and safe. but, i want to make sure that whoever we elect, the solutions are about moving us forward and not pulling us back. what the supreme court has shown that they are willing to do from the overturn of roe v wade, to all that they have said and done in the last year, they are willing to roll back the rights, not even the last 10 years or last 40 years, but the last 100. we have got to do something about it, for the sake of all of our communities, and especially for the sake of our kids. kelly robinson, president of the human rights campaign, thank you very much for coming to the last word . thank you. coming up, it is election night in nevada. it is a must win state for joe biden and kamala harris, and a must win seat for democrats if they hope to hold onto the senate. nevada senator jacky rosen joins us next. ins us next. and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain. rising costs. selective coverage. for countless americans, the complex specialty care they need has always felt. just out of reach. at evernorth, we give members unrivaled access to the most complex therapies at the best prices. while providing enhanced support like in home nursing at no additional cost. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i m free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? 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well, i can tell you latino voters in nevada, they are the decisive vote. i can also tell you that my team in nevada, so many of them born and raised in nevada, i, myself, lived there for the last 50 years, just about. so, we are in the community all the time, we are listening, we are responding. i can tell you, i sit on the small business and entrepreneurship committee, and when i talk to our latin chamber of congress, we talked to all of our latino small businesses, so many entrepreneurs, we want to be sure that they have all the tools they need to keep their small business and thrive. we talk about affordable healthcare, it is really, really important that we talk about education, our environment, we are connecting with our latino voters every day on the issues that matter to them. kitchen table issues, the same issues that matter to everybody else. senator rosen, the late longtime nevada senator, harry reid, built a famous statewide democratic organization in nevada. is the reid machine still in effect in nevada? well, what senator reid did is really build a coordinated campaign. so, what that means for the nevada state democratic party, all of the candidates, the incumbents and candidates who are running, we work together to be sure we knock on doors, we do our field program, we are talking about the issues, we coordinate. that is really what is the magic. being sure that we are communicating, working together, bringing people together, because nevada families really matter. listening to them and delivering for them really matters, like delivering for our seniors. i can tell you for our veterans, we passed the pact act in northern nevada in reno, we will have that va hospital, they are searching for that 50 acre site now. it will be a game changer for the veterans in northern nevada. whether it is our seniors, our veterans, our students, our tours economy, we are listening, and we are delivering. senator jacky rosen of nevada, thank you very much for coming to the last word . thank you for having me. coming up, biden is beating trump in a new election forecast, and one of the big reasons is biden s strength in the key swing state of wisconsin, and particularly with a group of voters who make up the bulk of the trump base. that is next. that is next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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the fundamentals favored biden, and according to 538, biden currently has a better chance of winning pennsylvania and all of the blue wall states of michigan, minnesota, and wisconsin. my newest favorite, the washington post has a new report about president biden s success so far in wisconsin, where republicans will officially renominate a convicted felon donald trump after a national convention next month. particularly, with white, noncollege voters who make up the trump base. the post reports wisconsin democrats attribute part of biden s relative strength with white voters without degrees to a real progressive tradition that has faded but not disappeared and part of it to tenacious organizing, including in rural areas where many of those voters live. biden s campaign is investing in an unprecedented field operation in wisconsin with 47 coordinated campaign offices across the state, more offices than biden has in any other battleground state, and far more than republicans have in wisconsin, staffed by more than 100 full-time campaign workers. even ousted republican governor scott walker admitted to the post, the organization is on the side of the left, so joining us now, ben worker, wisconsin democratic republican chair, and sandy wendy, the greene county democratic party chair. thank you for coming to the last word . you worked tirelessly to defeat the scott walker gop machine in wisconsin, but it must still feel good to have walker praise the democratic organization. it does feel good. it is the result of a huge amount of work by thousands of people in the most rural parts of our state. in suburbs, big towns, small towns, and cities. our motto is we work statewide and year-round. we don t take anyone for granted and we don t write anyone off. that is what it takes to win in a state like wisconsin. you can see the result in the numbers and it is an exciting moment. if we win wisconsin we win the white house. sandy, tell us about the green county voters you are reaching out to. is this 2020 biden voters who might be going software a true undecided voter? what issues do they care about? i think the issues they care about are the real, kitchen table issues that a lot of us have been talking about. affordable care, healthcare. women s reproductive rights. voting rights. saving our democracy. good education and childcare. basically kitchen table issues, that is what we are hearing about. what do you say back to them when you hear about kitchen table economic issues? we talked to them about some of the issues president biden and kamala harris have already put forward. unemployment, the jobs that have been created. money that has come into greene county for various things such as our ymca in our county seat, in the city of munro. we have received funding for that. basic issues like that. we try to point out to people what is being done. on the flipside on the ground, what do you hear from voters about donald trump, if anything? that they really don t want to have him back in office. simple as that. simple as that. so, ben, how do voters how voters get their information has changed, much more in social media or add then newspaper editorials, which breaks my heart as an opinion writer. how has that changed voter outreach? the first thing we have to assume is that there is no silver bullet. you might get something on the evening news that reaches some voters. some voters are reading the weekly newspaper that comes in. maybe they pick it up in the grocery store. we have to really be everywhere. social media platforms. on any screen. billboards, yard signs, door to door organizing, phone calls, text messages. show up at parades. show up at county fairs. we try to build a surroundsound environment so people here from trusted messengers and we assume that just because you say something similar doesn t mean everyone has heard it. on you have to say it over and over and that is what it will take. we have to cut through the noise. trump is trying to confuse people. he s trying to throw people off. we need to bring people s focus back to what affects them directly. their freedom. to make their own decisions about their own body. living in a democracy and who is fighting for them, fighting special interests and bringing down costs. trump promising wealthy voters whatever they want. that contrast does resonate with people, but you have to go where the voters are and not expect them to come to you. you have been nodding in agreement. my last question to you is if president biden were to come to greene county and ask your advice on what he should say to voters, what would you tell him? that is a good question. i guess just to be honest with him and what he plans to do with the voters. listening to them, the most important thing, listening to the voters and what their issues are and being able to address those. i know if president biden were to come to greene county, they would be ecstatic. i can t tell time, so we actually have about 90 seconds l left. same weston to you. what would you say to team biden? what would you say they need to work on or watch out for? we love president biden w coming to our state because he does listen to people and they move toward him. we also have local candidates. 97 out of 99 assembly districts covered with local candidates. we are organizing everywhere. our website, if anyone wants to help us organize, volunteer, chip in. i love what president biden does which is really dig into what he is doing and wants to do. he announced a $3.3 billion investment by microsoft in a community where trump showed up and promised the sun, moon, and stars with a golden shovel and never did anything. that contrast early lands for people wondering what job they will be working over the next 10 years. when president biden does something it clicks. we love the president s visit, we hope they keep coming and we think we can draw a real contrast with trump who talks big, delivers nothing and tries to ward it all for himself instead of serving the people. i think it is guaranteed president biden and vice president harris will be back in wisconsin multiple times before election day. thank you both very time very much for coming to the e last word. we will be right back. when i was diagnosed with h-i-v, i didn t know who i would be. but here i am. being me. keep being you. and ask your healthcare provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you re 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable and stay there whether you re just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your healthcare provider. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. no matter where life takes you, biktarvy can go with you. talk to your healthcare provider today. citi s industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. that is tonight s last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, hunter bide

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240612

if you re an active duty military or military veteran, sign up now and get your first year free. well, it s time to make another connection. a game show legend return. break out your leg warmers, wine and parachute pants for the ultimate eighties. pop culture trivia 83 show streaming now on fox nation, america is streaming. all right. unfortunately, that is all the time wly that e have left this . please set your dvr. why? so you never, everse, ever misss an episode of hannity monday through fridaye of, nine easter. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. why because greg.feld gutfeld well, actually sitting by with the idea to put a smile on your face, he s next. have a great night. yes. yes. yeah. i expect nothing less. happy tuesday, everyone. so today was a historic day. for the first time ever, hunter evf to hunter get of was found guilty of three felonies in his gun trial and faces to 25 years behindyear bars. the good news, if he goes bes prison lawyers say his family visits and his conjugal visits could be done at the same time ,but it s unlikely he ll get the maximum since it s his first conviction. community services likelconvicte he s already shown an interest in working with unwed mothers, just not the kids. n president bideotn froze for nearly 30 seconds at a white house event. bifroze his white house press tm hailed it as the longest he s gone without saying something stupid. he finally did out of it and exchanged a slight fist bump. doctors say his hand should heal in 4 to 6 months. riders from snl have beenn meeting with the4-6 mo biden top them reach young voters. meanwhile, writers, the biden campaign have been meeting with snl to help them write comedy. this week aoc and rachel maddow both claimed if donald trump is reelected, he ll lock them up even more terrified members of the view who fear trump will send them to fat camp mor researchers using a i have determined that elephants call each other by names in their ownelephant language. but i thought we already knew that. apolog the canadian cancer society has apologized for using the word for instead of thehe te more trans friendlndy front hole . not to be confused with the word. . south dakota governor kristi noem says trump choosing a woman vp would help him win. especially if someone needs to shoot a . and a texas court has ruled that books mentioning and cannot banned in schools and public libraries. it s great news for me and my new book, having 1,000% real. you know, it s you know, it s comin.g. you know it s coming. all right. so prior to, a jury finding bid hunter biden guilty in his gun gu, it unlikelyfound ally. the second amendment. you know, the thinany g that democrats hate more than they hate soap. last week in a last effort, hunter asked that charges be dropped because the questionnaire he filled out violated his second amendment rights. hunter s legal team argued that the question asking if he was a druggieargued t was adc unconstitutional and the state had no right to infringe on hiscause second amendment rights just because he did a little dopehe t and buy a little dope. i don ti mean george stephanopoulos. o i mean so much coke even scarred, would have recommendede rehab. still, the defense has a point. so why it unconstitutional? well, they argued that intoxication statutes cannot stretch far enough to justify disarming a sober citizeten based exclusivelyug on past drug use. and that use. sorry, makes sense. is it constitutional, ment t the government, to remove the second amendment rights of a person baseo condmentd on n interpretation of a subjective standard? an addicrpretation of t is subj moreover, you don t losefirst am the first amendment right because you do drugs. so why wouldghts lose the secont it s a precondition. all right. a higher authority of lawws whe that displaces lower laws whenever they come into conflictne com. same so let s forget about hunter. the same law would bar a wounded velat who uses cannabs for pain from exercisingro his right to self-defense.e imagine a person in recoveryn re who now owns guns. ve should he go to jail? never mind that this ruling dissuades people fromind the frh to treatment or seeking mental health help. i neededea just reading that nok did you break the law. sure. but it s an unjust law. sow you can disagree with me,wh but you re really disagreeing with the second amendment. the shall not be infringed. period. but if that sounds familiat if t you. then you must be paying attention to our very own kat timpenr veryf. ro the flashback. flashback, dude. you can make the argument instead that this isn t constitution at all becauseexce the second amendment doesn t have an exception in it. foptior if you re addictedyou to something real. yes. so you could makcan make the ae that his second amendment rights are being violated, whicriing violh it would be fune joe biden essentially asking the cour joet. to make that argument. yes, ma am. . ts next book the rules say you only applaud for me during the monologue. oud haha, but cat s next book should be called i try to keepat hunter out of jail. but imagine that the son ofpn a democrat president suddenly puts on an nra at. they say politics make strange bedfellows. well par, for the second amendmt sake, i hope hunter wore a . but i don t want the secondn amendment getting genital warts . so while the verdict might be bad news for hunter,d it s also bad news for the second amendment. he was found guilt fory of being in possession of a firearm as aa drug user or addict.t but there are many, many americans who fall into this amorphouns whos, but it offers trump a golden opportunity to condemn it and put the democrats in a boxity to c.e if trump calls this unconstitutional and the dems agree, suddenly they re on the the side of the second amendment. but if they don t, that forcesee them to applaud the guilty verdict of the president sguiltd i ll bet his dad would love that. so what of the commander in soiled briefs? no, he claimed he wouldn t. pardon hunter, but the odds of joe remembering he said that are slimmer. im the odds of michael loftus wearing underweathe oddsr. i td say it s just another ider it s just another headache for joe. but that assumes he hast feelings above the neck line. here s joe at a juneteenththsuma nighstt. i don t know if that was o that joe or a statue of joe. if it was any more frozen hamase protesters wouldrs spray painted intifada on his face. at this point, the best they can do for him is unplug him, wait 5 minutes, then reboot before calling tech support. you want hear some words?a gu here s joe today at a gunn summit. a gusurol summitn control summi. he s talking about you gun owners by the way if they want to think, to take on government, if we get outou of line, which they re talking about, well, guess what? they neetalkind f-150s. they don t need a rifle. what did he just say?i kind i kind of know what he said, l, it s not about what you need, dude. it s your right to have a rifld it so havee. and yet, this is the guy who believed january 6 was an insurrection. apparently we shouldn t worry because he has succeeds. or if 50 means he s effed upo . and so joe s h approvaisl ratins are dropping faster than jerry nadler s when his comes off. even liberal election forecaster nate silver is suggesting the unthinkable. biden drop out just like he did in 88 when dems went with a8 deo more marketable candidate, michael dukakis. silver says biden just hit an all time in approval, 37%. dropping out would be ak big risk, but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a biggercr risk. dems would have been better servedwould ve b. biden had decided a year ago not to seek a second term and give voterk s say. among the many popularg th democrats across the country. yeah, but many popular democrats. e what i hope nate doesn t fill out a gun application soon because apparently he s high too. who do they have? this guy we. he looks like. he looks like the tennis pro who gave the entire country club chlamydia this chuckle monster. i ve seen whoopee cushions more depth. this guy. as transportation secretary. the only thing he transportedgam illegal immigrants on midnight flights. talkmiht fl about shallow bench. they make fox and friends look like this. a prim court mak. so what s joe think? na na na na. like looking? ywhere no. nobody steps down. not going anywhere. that s not way you do it. you r if you re going to be me, you got to run againste t me. nobody wants to do it, right.t oh, they got the californiwha gy with the hair and the teeth. come on.the te etonly one who likes him is him and we got a vp lady laughing. t kathy, good luckha with that jud the mayor guy. judge . pete. he can t be medgpete. nobody respects him. and it s not because he s . because he s not a real judge. h but we ve goe t to guess she can do handstands. rosie grant stands co-host about number two on yo he puts down ha ha and ha ha i m homeless founder of the largest party dog on mike i love the bumper sticker says food is for losers york times best selling author and fox news contributor catch com. he doesn t wear hawaiian shirts . he wears hawaii as a shirt. new york times best selling author and comedian, former nwa world guy. so i ll go to you first,ut even though you re not a lawyer, but i m interested vei in what you thought of this verdict, givenctverdic your fees on the second amendment. well, you know how i feel. actually, we about it this mornin.w hoauseg. yes. yeah. and you also know that i agreet with everything in your monologue. i think that, you know, is something i write about a lot. my new book is the way that partisanship can divided us and actually convince us to argue in favor of giving up our owin fn rights. and i think this is a perfect example of that, because everybody who wantexampl becaus the biden family kind of go down. i understandfa and wherertainl that comes from, i certainly think that they ve been involvedey in i don t think that this is the thing to toammi slam them on because based on the data we do have o basedn drug use and on gun ownership, tens of millions of americans could be guilty of felonies and be facing decades in prison over this exact thin andg wherei there was i mean, would i argue that he was a responsible wae or here? no, i wouldn t. but there was no victim here. also, the law doesn t designate based on sentences, wh obviously you of someone who uses marijuana, who is a veteran, who is a wounded veteran foo n ored r pain, could fall thi under this. and i think that what you need neo to avoid and i write havin about this back to to avoid having partisanship kind cloud tak your thought is just take him out of it. take the biden s out of it. your, is it dowith you agree with and is it constitutional to have your second amendment rights, which it simply says shall not be infringednot ? u no.wa t but do you want that to be uhap to the subjective standardha of what does and does not qualify as an addict and then have the government quas at beik that are somehow allowed to make that determination? and if the answendr is no, as ii is for me, is i m a strong supportefor of the first amendment, then you have to be against this. and alsoe agt , even if you like the law, if you love the law, you think it s a great law, you haveeau have to say that you can t really argue that it s constitutional. there s a difference between a statutorty law and a constitutional law. and you can t argue that this is constitutional regardless of how you feee itl about.el abo so, emily, in theut green room, you said you hope hunter biden, frye reading my thoughts. yeah. do would you agree with kat ort do you think that this is is this a different how do you look at itho youk? it s such a great point. and then let s let s have that is the foundatiot n over which let s put historical statutory application. so bottom line, in 1968, the gun control act was passed where congress you can t own, you can t possess a gun if y you re under the influence right, if you re addicted to these controlled substances. enter 1970, the controlled substances act substances act, which defined what thathe contt i m going to go through the whole decade here. oh, no, no. but i m making a good point.he d gutfeld stop it. so since then, you know,it the reason that tens of millions of americans are vulnerable and als. theo o thousands of our brothers and sisters and parents and uncles have been i incarcerated is because of those laws going back all those decadeshoses. so currently right now, almosty 157,000 people are incarcerated federally. that s this is a federal prosecutore a and 10% of them. the second most is for firearmso offensesnd. es so number one is drug offenses. so i also feel that whenen jurym when they were polled in the beginning and they said over half of themd , that they have direct family members with drug use, problems with firearms, brushes with the law, etc., that theythey saw ths being one more person where just because of your last name, you re not going to get away with it. because i saw my family get incarcerated, too, and i saw thw my, you know, get the g, get taken away also. soay als the end of the day, whn the president released the statement, we love our son, you know, we re goinreleasayingl his family in court looks so angry. i feel famil welcome to the rear world because there eas 157,000 american families who are going through the same thing right now that hsthe just went through today. hmm. c. can i just, like, say something super fast? some thingyou to be?this a i would love i would love to see this actually get overturnedt overtuappeal on appd it can strengthen the second amendment rights for all oitf u. it would have to be the supreme court. yeah, they neede supreme d to circuit you l courts, you know, so all right. right. you two little legal ladies, pipe down. i got to get i got to getless g the guy in here. hey, do you wishuy you could t go to prison so you could have a roof over your head? i guessu coul i. do as a as a homeless. and i realized i realized noww t that i have a i ve developedd an a cardboard and shellfish allergy. s shellfiso no more sitting aroune beaten clams out of a box. i got a free tomato juice. i want to talk about joe locking up the day. you got to keep him away from bright light ls. t ligh yeah, it s like they re calling him home. that s where he wenty are. he was just standing there. uncle boosie. is that you. everybody in heaven on green threw. you can t even clap at that point as to the gun thing. it s, you know, it s a veryt good point. in iand true. and this isn t what i want hunter to go to jail. that s kinand isd how it feels . what about the rest of the laptop? yeaht th, right. sweet, i m tired. these crimes. where? well, in an excel spreadsheet, you got to be carefu likl about pulling that down. and how does that look when trump ha hiss his do something that s 34 felonies? yes, but you re slinging guns around high school dumpstersd and doing drugs like that s just three like that makes zero sense. the only thing good about this is it gively abouts hunter a ber story when he meets his fellowyn inmates. right? because if he s like, well, i opened up several shell companieif he severals and i wr money from the ukraine and then putting that in the shell thats and 10% would go to my father. you might as well just it, dude. right therea du. kyra s finish his finish his house. nailed it. yeah. he wouldn t have got that far. but it s all right. look, i really disagree with you and cat, but i just feel like your examples are flawedbut ife your. like when you talked about, oh, the veteran wait is legal prescription week is legal, so he s not an addict. he could say he can fill it. this guy lied about it being an addict. he s taking legal, illegal, controlled crack. okay. you have to commit the crime to get ie tt. and then he now he has a gun. and what do you how do you think that s going to go? there s a reason why that s in place. mplyanybods who lives in inner city, goes deal with drug dealers and that there s a reasonthso he was sohe dangerous. he s just lucky when he left the gun in then hen in it was se in his family who got it right. he left it there and someone tell it or he goes to pay. he doesn t have his money. there s a reason why when we put these things in place, if crack was legal, he wouldn t be an addict. alcohol he woul. unfor alcohol. unfortunately, alcohol is legal because it was firsttuly alcohs it s ten times worse than most drugs, 1,000%. but you can drink all the beerba you want and say, i m not an alcoholic and you re not lying. he went in thereen t lyihe aske are you an addict? said, i didn t check the box and then hadas h addict litera. 7000 people testify that he lied. so him sit in jail like the rest of ussend h who commit. crimes. you not smoke. crack is illegal. cr you go to jail. g we if you get arrested for a felony, you can t vote legal t . you get arrested for a felony, you can t vote. you can t own a gun is a reason for it ownn there a reason. all right. yeah, well, that was a spirited discussion spirited. all right, up next, pelosi admits some fault in the january 6 assault. if you ll be in the new york area and lake tickets to gutfeld, go to slash gutfeld and click on link to join our studio audience for five star backyards. yellow wood brand pressure treated pine. treated pine. if it doesn ntists hed the kacts you don t want it. an brain, scientists have discovered the key factors righ and memory issues. i m trying to get a thought across and ii startere forge ca the right way to say it. i noticed as i ve gottenbrbreakt my fifties, i started feeling like i was like a little more like i was like a little more forgetfuhrient, fog. introducing neuro cue the breakthroughne of the worl t multi action brain care by one of the world s leading brain 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breached the inaugural stuff. should call the capitol police. i mean, the national guard. ben why was the national guard there to begin with? they thought that they had sufficient. i question how far they haveow been. they don t know. they clearly know. and i take responsibility foron not havingsibili to prepare for because it s stupid to be in a situation that they thought they hadt they. they thought these people would act civilized. though athey thought these peope a . oh, wow. even with the mask. even with a mask, she sounds hideous. all right. emily, what is going on here? wh iy is this out now? what could be? why is she taking, like responsibility for this? there s something going on here. well ig , her daughter is making h a documentary. so this was part of all the fileer daughtey that s thatt after everyone found out about it. but the irondy y is that after we all saw this video, pelosi s spokesperson released statement saying that three years later, house republicans are still trying to whitewas ph january 6h . it s shameful, unpatriotic and pathetic. what i think is pathetic is the findings from the gop january 6 committee that returned ten key findings among the house democrats like speaker pelosi, were too concerned with optics after the summer of love. and so they didn t want to deploy the national guard. they were too afraid of having ready any form of lawf la enforcement because they didn t want it to look bad while the streets were being burneforn det down. so that it s all her fault, not trump s. yeah, she dis ar down sod it vi, vindicate trump who said that he called for ? e national guard yeah, i think it vindicateses trump and they should releas tr all of the joy sixersary right now. yeah. yeah. it s ridiculou6th people rightsr you it s like why are we seeingo thisw. now? ad becau nancy was must she must have really felt bad because both were going. yeah. like she was she was scared so sober that both hands had the ability to tald thk. i can grab that back of that t and talk to you. ,carrie, we hahat dad a responsibility. i don t know how i m going to buy stocks. do insider trading. if i hadnow., it felt likenc a performance. it s like she knew. like it i don t know. so let me get this straight. itew te knew they were going ine building. yeah. and she did nothing about it lr lock her up. 20 years. 20 years. u get.o yot yo. mm. o 20 years. cap. what do you make of. i see a conspiracy. i m wondering why this, why we saw this now and her. like you said, i m like her daughter filming this.trucky that s what i m struck by. her daughter film that she s making a documentary. what is going on in this family? yeah, yeah lik, yeah. i want to like the i would give anything. bravo reality show the pelosis . it s also creepy. it s so and by the way,g: it the jurys committee that why isn t that like eight it s likee that should be in there but it wasn t because the two republicans were republican. yeah what s that gold greg they saw something. they say if this keeps going on, it get gold ths we we got hm another hope. they put people lives at riskp y to get rid of trump. yeah, they could have made the call and they did it because thdn te this is how we m and that s what it is. yeah, it s anothet it is.rt s they re right. up next, rachel maddow declared trump makes her scared. our military has been infested by a woke revolution the military i think we grew up and you left your politics at the door. it s difficult to overstate the division that is being into our military. it s about our sovereignty. it s about our liberty. it s about our constitution. these veterans are putting the record straight. pete hegseth hosts the war pete hegseth hosts the war on warriors streaming only on fox nation. if you re an active duty if you re an active duty military or military veteranon p now and get your first year free. i look back with great i look back with great satisfactionle d. i look back with great satisfactionle my 32 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stupid as i am the 1% club mondays on fox and any time on prime with over 75 million multitude of viewers, more people to be than visit old faithful every year which means to me is more than spewing boiling hot water all over the place several times a day. to me, it s more popular than old faithful. a story in five words i will. trump send maddow camping. so, michae l. d when asked if she worriedtr trump could target her, rachel maddocould w told the ree sources newsletter, quote, i m worried about the country broad about d. enly o if we put someone in powerf who is openly vowing to build camp ts, hold millions of peopl, what convinces you that these massive camps he s planning are only for migrants? sog ar i m worried about me, but only as much as i m worried about all of us. so, mike, you live in these makeshift homeless camps. do you think she s. she has every right to be worried. she well, she should be worried about any kind of camp like rachel maddow. going camping is a show i would watch. yeah, because she would talkto d about how to build a fire and the history of fire all day long. and then she d starvedeath. to death. she s most boring. my goodness. i m serious, though. i wouly god. a show rachel maddow goes to camps. but but but no one no one soo going to go to a camp becauseset like conservatives don t want to waste the money on it. iv te ofright you d have to hiry counselors and then brainwashing y people of all different colors and spectrums. and then like gavin newsom can t buy a tent for a homeless guy for under 500. k yeah. so like rachel maddow, now, if d she wants to do an episode of naked and afraid, i d watchws it, where are my clothes? ram rachel maddow. ch i m naked and afraid. kat i love how think that if trump wins, like their career is in jeopardyeopard, their cars will explode if he s in power becaus h e, he ll give them soit much material, it will reinvigorate their careers . do you remember the show? like the tax returns? and they were like drying it out fo wholenothinr that time and nothi and it was like nothing. i rememberg that watching. thi yeah, i don t remember how much fun she had with that. yeah. i also just i can t if shes really believes it or not, that s what i can t decide. i can t decidere not lit. she really actually is afraid. or if she s just saying that ori it s even thinking about it. cause i don t. i don t. i don t know how you could really believe that. hod i think there s a lotratche of ratcheting up of rhetoric that happens, and it s alreadyet been ratcheted up so high that there s you have to just keep going and theep goingn you re maybe not even really thinking about it like you have to be. well, i m scared about this, but i think a lot of therump people that i talked to who support trump, this is likeus at the top of the list of why? because they re just like, oh, this that. this is why i shouldn t. and it s this thing that s objectively ridiculous, that it s self-important, it s importance. it s the kind of self-importanta air that these people have. it s such a turnoff to the average person where it s like you reallygen wh tohink that he s going to take time, that you re so dangerous that he s going to put you i t fson a shut up. : it s true. it s an ego thing. you always i it ego thisto - with entertainers. they go like, oh, they re going to come for me next. no, nobody- enul about any of these idiots. no everyone, barely own nobody who watch them except their own echo chamber. do you thinkoamber do going to e time to give that? and here s the thing, they re not going to have this. i disagree. you it worked the first time because people thought there might be some trut the fbecaus up w this russia thing. we put up with it for eight years now. yeah. now, wheh this[ bleeps r 8 yearn she comes in not to be like, what are you going to say now? liar. what else you got? because did it is past that. they overplayed their hand. now they re worried consequences. everybody who bought and tried to get away with stuff and lied and pushed false narratives are now afraidfa now a going tot their come up beings and they call it revenge. you re going to stick me in a camp. e what is that? no, but you shouldn t be allowed to call yourself a journalist when you peddle in lie aournalisen yous and narrative. so if anything, people, once he wins, you your whole thing,gn you ve got what are you going to do now? because no matter what you do, he s going to finish his four years and he wins. and they jus finisht can t have l so yeah, he s going to lock meoc up. you know, the celtics don t wipn the championship. jayson tatum, jaylen brown are going to come to my house and beat mtaand e. by the way, what she how does she think he s going to lock lock her up like what could up i m like jeanette and she check out leaps from he becomes president i go to she leaves out all the stuff in between and that s what i was asking you guys like on what? like, is it because she is a journalist? is she er whatever is. kno i couldn t.e i didn t know because it is so preposterous. and if it is being a journalist, then look to your pal obama. h vo you want to see the high volumem of journalists that were in prisoprn. but to your point, too, it s like they re in a space capsulpsule and they haven t evolved. it is so outdated. it s like listening to robert de niro when he was rantingting and raving on the new york corner, the stuff that was coming rly the t out of his mou, you know, trump s not going to accept the results and the fascisesultsm and he s still wes a mask. and it was lik le watching someone from 2016 or even earlier and you re like, we re so past that. so i don t know who listens to her, but ittt know me sad to. i have to say this as maybe liam is this sounds that there i are camps with millions of people in them and they re in china. so i f i were her. tim i would steward her time and her platform a little better because the trum a lp derangement syndromeme is so old and i wish she wouldso use it for some actual good. well points. well put. maybe msnbc will bring in a bunch of republicans and they ll go on tv and say shy would go ae to go, yeah, oh coming up, a coach did a slam dunk, a question that stunk on your period. sutton gushes happen. thy goodbye gush beers thanks u to always ultrathin with rapidsn drive that absorbs two times faster. faster. hello clean and comfortable. always fear no gush. let s get the rest of these let s get the rest of these plants organic from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i ever had. good soil and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. what is it about cindy crawford? the secret to cindy? surprisingly ageless skin is meaningful beauty supreme created by french anti-aging specialist dr. zhang lewis. of all his youth, preserving formulas come from a genetically unique melon found only in the south of france with an astonishing youth 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head coaches. given the plight, sometimes of black coaches in the nba, do you think this is a significant moment that yok it s su pride i? how do you view this or do you not see it at all? i wonder how many of those are being christian coaches? i haven t heard an awkward ta silence like that since i showed up at larry kudlow ncs house and clothes and clothes. makes, what do you what was the what was the point that journalist was trying to make and what was the point? the athlett wapoine trying to ma well, the journalist that ske that come on that, you just stop using that term and it s yeah, that s more watered down . than racist. yeah. stop. what? what, joe? cam like i said, i used when joe came in, i thought he was too young. he didn t have experience as a lifelong celtic fan and then he pulls a stunt like this and you heard the proverbial race baiting pin just drop and nobody had a follow up question because they re all full. they were trying to get him br a gotcha moment to . and i m glad to see a brother s stand up and say, my skin has nothing to dayso with my coachig ability or anything like that. it was my work ethic and mit s y faith that got me where i was at. and so and it just ended it. forget the fact we re up to,. well, forget the fact that we re going to probably sweep forget the fact that will cain has to probably where i love tara s shirt for a whole week at tv for the bet. yeah, i invaded his i invaded his podcast and dropping the bet and the went for it.r li my kids have been prank calling him all week bin. but again, it just goeser back to the point, like most of us, where i m so of, hey, is is the funny black on my skin color light skin. d this has nothing to do with my character and my jokes. chd jokes. i m glad to see thate prominent black athletes are tied. a lot of times they takes the oh, i guess is cool and i m glad to find enough of this. and he puts he s done this before d t. he did it with the royal family. like, what was it like sitting next to prince? singe, was theres only because that s the only king i serve. so he just murdersg all the time. kat as a devout christian and sports lover, how do these comments how do these comments make you feel ho like i could be a sportswriter. yeah. yahoo! becau no, i m completely serious because i could have known he would have answered this way. and there are few things i follow less than basketball. okay?w because you know what i diwhatd i googled him. you know, to think that you rere goin goingg to go into an interw and not go, this is the same person when he was asked about you meeting with the royal family, he answered something along lines of, oh,, mary and joseph. right. this is a this is h thisa chrisr this is a man who prioritizes his faith, talks about his answhis faveuth. you could have known he would have answered this way if you bothered to google. so gle so sportswriters don t need to know sports. yeah, yeah. or even pretend or google it. so i m just saying like, you know, if i if things don t work out here on espn.go there you go. s. michael, do they do sy putting basketball game on at the shelter? no, they do not. no, don t do that. no. but they do throw chicken wings from a distance. they try to catch it very exciting. are they cooked or are they just not sure? from chicken brought to you, you re in a rural shelter where you actually had to fight to kill the chicken. you. yes. and you have to ride the rails out of town. yeah. with when you re in feathers, out of your teeth with your single can of pork, ca n be with all my belongings in a bandana segment i ve had. the question was crazy. likesports was like, for the first time since 1975. okay, so this was settled in 75. like, what are we are we lariously going to argue about lack of diversity in the nba? let ity inh, let s let s have tt fight. coralyzes ou trans people havent even coached one team yet. and that s what i want to see. i want to say let s get in there and fighet. like when you are single and help me change my dress. loe, you are insane. you are insane tonight. do off this you have taken special, outright outrageous pills. all right? laughs to you, emily, but goneye because them. what do you think? yeah, i love your point. do your research. do your research on the person that they are covering. but the problem is we live in an anti christian anti society so that s why harrison but but but thank you i always think about chris and i know that with right nowsi on why he was vilified for speaking up for his faith at aah catholic college. i had a note that the nfl had no problem having pray for tomorrow b their twitter handle all 32 teams when he tragicallyc droppeallyd on the field like oa prayer is only okay when everyone else does it. sone else i applaud thisoach coach irrespective of sports team skin colorsespectiv for bea bastion and a beacon forbe being a christian man in this social environment, right. wow. all right. up next, a texas court over rules banning books on ina, schoolth. hink o f i tried to put my arm aroud any event that i can absolutely at new day, usa. that s what we re doing. we put our arm around the veterans. it sn ani, the veteran out there that he needs to refi his home. he may want to purchas g feeline. we can help them and provide that financial solution for themompany, and families. it s a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference no o respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. no one takes care of veterans like new day, usa. this is keratin debris where a nail fungus grows neonics, nail gel cleans out fungus by removing keratin debris using neonics. 90% of nails improve, get clinically proven results. so effective it s money back guaranteed. why is it so hard to find a good pro to work on your house? what i look for is someone who is reliable, who is true to their word and skillful. that s where angie comes in with angie finds top rated pros in your 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the events the story martha maccallum breaks down every angle. here s w with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. absolutely free. that s been 82 215215. good value watching it s side by yeah nobody s watching guys it s almost 11 on the east coast apb you probably pass out on your mypillow so let ass talk about and . a texas district court hast let ruled that houston area. schools and libraries can no longer banned books that mentionhouston schoo and quote, i brokebu my and larry the leprechaun. tyrus is art. these books are a gateway to. shakespeare and chaucer know because i read shakespeare and chaucer. i didn t read these. thi i think this is a gateway for g your new tv show where you travel to librarieatews checking to make sure they have things about parts and . that is a great emily. come on.s a i as agrean adolescent boy, i kw in my past. not noinw. i love books about , but yeah, look i, i. if this is what gets i a little boy to read, then i love it. s i m all for it. i think it s funny that this whole article was filed under and is hysterical, that there s, like, columns of that. but at the end the day, the ruling said that you can t be on a book because you don t want people to see o the messagy ,but you can ban it ifout want t it s unpopular. so i feel like for thoselar so f communities that don t want their kids to read about and t then you can say, well, it s just unpopular. cat my dream is to be numberm one on amazon and the parazt category. i don t even know if there is a ine category, but i, i want to be the trailblazer. no, i m just i m really glad that this ruling has finallyse made because everyone on staff i know i speak for all of us. so we ve been really sick of pick it up your slack while you ve been away lobbying for that. it was tough. it was tough being a homeless guy. you come into a lot of contact with smelly and terrible. yeah. how? i know i m alive. yesterda contah smely is. but it really is a universal phenomenon that unites people rather than divides flat are always funny. are always funn are y and no r one wants as long as they re not teaching like little kids stuffteaching. right? those are. those are the only books you want out of the library. here ss seosare th i want to kns who s writing the these books. right? because like, when you write a book and you guys have written bote e a boh, i wre a book, neither stunning nor brave, doing well at you don t you don t tell people about your book because then you ve got to do the follow up. this don mcmillan, that s like her whole thing. it s dshe s written like five bs exclusively about . what sthing all that about? and they all have, like, these pseudo titles. i brokd theye my so noisy. i need a second. but oh, all my. it s like, hey, lady, slowy, down. we get it ladie. i need a second. but it s a good. i glued my . i glued my . yes. wow. all right. we ll talk about that after the show, michael. reg: wil back after i look for star backyardsd cavi yellow with brand pressure treated pine. ifti doesn t have this yellow tag, you don t want your best defense againstainst erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. vities.d prone animal active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defendit r against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. no works. backin. we talk about cash back it we about cash r back. we talking about cash back in. back in. we re not talking about brana g! no, we re talking about cashg back. we re talking about cash back. we talked cash back.t a game now, the game we ve been talking about practice for too long. word go practice. word go practice. we talk about cash back.k? you talking about cash back? i mean, not talking about a get cash back like a pro would chase. n scie 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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240611

that is tonight s the last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, donald trump met his probation officer. we will look at a key step as sentencing approaches. the fate of hunter biden is in the hands of a delaware jury. nba legend steve kerr is here and why he speaking out about the stakes in the election as the 11th hour gets underway. good evening once again. we are 148 days away from election. today, one of the leading candidates for president met with his probation officer. donald trump brush off his guilty verdict set for a standard presentencing interview this afternoon, there was nothing standard about how this interview was held. trump got special permission to attend virtually from florida and to have his attorney todd blanche present. he s been complaining for months about it two tiered system of justice and he is right. is new public defenders pointed out today, most people do not get to login remotely from a resort in florida to talk to their probation officers. as for is what happens in these interviews, probation officers generally ask about financial resources, mental health, and any links to other convicted criminals. they also have to ask if you feel remorse for the crime you were convicted of. meanwhile, in delaware, the hunter biden firearms case went to the jury after both sides made closing arguments. hunter biden chose not to take the stand. here is ryan nobles with more. reporter: tonight, it s in the hands of the jury. six men and six women deliberating the fate of hunter biden, the first child of a sitting american president to be charged with a crime. many members of the first family in the courtroom throughout the trial. all of this is not evidence. gesturing around the courtroom and in the direction of first lady jill biden in the first row. people sitting in the gallery are not evidence he said adding no one is above the law. the special counsel s office use the president s son of lying on a federal back on check by checking the box claiming he was not an active drug user to purchase a gun. prosecutors used evidence from his laptop and called 10 witnesses, many describing hunter biden s frequent drug use including around the time he filled out the background check in october 2018. hunter biden s ex-wife testified she found drug paraphernalia inside his car in october 2018. his ex-girlfriend who was dating him at the same time singing hunter was smoking crack every 20 minutes or so. the evidence was personal. it was ugly. it was overwhelming he told the jury today. it was also absolutely necessary. defense attorney abbe lowell argued they focus too much on his drug abuse over a four year period and saying no one witnessed actual drug use during the window of time he purchased the gun. with that, let s do smarter with the help of our leadoff panel. pulitzer prize for investigative reporter with the washington post sam stein acerra veteran federal journalist and white house editor for political and a neighbor of carol. former new york prosecutor and civil rights attorney charles coleman jr. is here. you know it s a big night so you get first crack. donald trump met with his probation officer. help us understand the purpose of these interviews and how do they go and what do we know about what was asked in this one? when your probation officer will ask you questions, what they re trying to understand is what your setup is around your life. how do you live. what your financial resources are and what would be the impact of a particular sentence of a judge decides to send you to jail. are there people who depend on you? are you associating with other criminals which we know in the case of donald trump, he is. we could go down the long list. steve bannon, roger stone, michael flynn, the list goes on and on. one of the things a probation officer is looking to ascertain, and you talked about this, is whether you have any understanding and/or appreciation for the crime you re actually committed up. i think donald trump has a difficult tightrope when it comes to everything he said in the public around this persecution rather than what he knows is actually in the prosecution by the das office, and that will be something that will be hard to get around. the probation report is going to be something the judge takes into account when they make their decision around what sentence they ultimate ultimately oppose. they will make the recommendation and trump s attorneys will argue for as lenient of a sentence as possible. sam, donald trump has been arguing for months and months that there s a two cheered data tiered justice system and its benefiting him. he got to meet virtually with his probation officer. his lawyer was there and when he speaks at his rallies he s always saying i am doing this for you. i am standing here for you. but any trump supporters were in his position, they would not get the special privileges. why do they keep buying this? you are right. when you think back to the gag order that was imposed on trump at various points in the criminal case, that was almost done with reluctance compared to what it would ve been for any other person in the justice system. obviously, donald trump is a unique person in the justice system that he s running for president currently. it makes sense that some leeway is given to him. the justice system works in his favor and i would argue the second story, hunter biden s story, it is not a justice system. the presidents own department of justice is bringing a case against his son. if there was a thumb on the scale of the justice system on the part of president biden, one thing he would do it to alleviate the burdens on his son and maybe let it go away and the president sat back and watched this progress to the point where we will probably get a verdict in the next day or so. carol, get it s been a crazy last eight years and people have become desensitized. it is not even remotely normal for the presumptive gop nominee to be meeting with his probation officer. what is your reaction to this extraordinary moment in american history? i ve thought a lot about that and how numb the country has become to everything that we have watched in the last eight years. nobody can forget and yet we almost act like it was no big deal when then republican nominee for president, donald trump, was caught on live tape talking about grabbing women in the using a course word and saying he could get away with it because he was a celebrity. starting then and continuing on, it was like a starting gun of every other week, every other two weeks, revelations about donald trump as candidate and as president that made us all gasp and wonder, can he survive this? donald trump is the republican nominee for president again. he is the front runner in this race by many polls, and he is a felon who has been convicted of 34 counts of crimes in the state of new york. the city and the town, where he once ruled. all of us are like, oh, yeah, that s how it is. that s sort of the standard now for the last eight years. it s important for us all to step back and remember that no president and no former president has ever been charged with a crime and now we have one who has been convicted and is seeking to return to the white house. charles, an appellate lawyer wrote that donald trump s chances of winning an appeal are pretty slim. what do you think? i think so. when you talk about what it is to appeal a jury verdict, the first thing people need to understand its an rare occurrence that the system will look at the decision that is made by our constitution where you get a chance to have your case heard in front of a jury of your peers, which donald trump did, and override that decision absent some extreme miscalculation by the judge or extreme actions by one of the attorneys. judge merchan does not get enough credit for the way he ran this trial. i think he was aware that all eyes needed to be dotted and all his teas needed to be crossed and that s why he did on such a run such a tight ship to make sure there were as few issues for appeal as possible. that doesn t mean donald trump s attorneys won t seek to find an issue but the likelihood of being successful is slim to none. sam, dal bragg says he will testify before the house about the trump case but most likely not until after donald trump gets sentenced. he knows what he is going to face with house republicans. how do you think he will handle this? i mean, we knew the house republicans were going to do this. they signaled they want to protect donald trump and want to go after the prosecution. there has been overtures they want to defund jack smith for instance. bringing alvin bragg to the hill is something we should ve expected a long time ago. i m surprised they didn t push harder prior to this. i would point to the fact that a jury trumps peers made the determination he was guilty of 34 counts. that s the aspect of the american justice system that trump was right to defense and he was given defense. there will be questions about, who was on his team and funding them? what it comes down to is this is how the american justice system is designed to work. trump at his day in court and had his defense. that is that. the decision was made by a jury of 12 and you have to live with it that s what we do. charles, let s shift to what sam was talking about. the hunter biden case. what did you make of both sides, closing arguments, and hunter not taking the stand? it didn t surprise me that hunter biden did not take the stand for a number of reasons. number 1 comments difficult for hunter biden to give testimony in any way that will try to exonerate him or at least defend against those charges without either incriminating him or at least admitting publicly about his substance abuse. i think that is something he wanted to avoid. i think his team wanted to avoid that and if you are looking at this, it s something that would not of been well for the biden administration to have in the headlines. not that that has an impact on hunter s actual case or charges per se, but i think it was part of the calculus here. with respect to what you heard from the prosecution, this was straightforward. many legal experts myself included understand that when the special prosecutor on the case that joe biden allowed to stay on the case brought the charges, that is, if anything that we ve seen recently is a mass political prosecution we have seen. i say that because for these federal charges to be brought, you typically don t see that absent some additional violent events involving the actual handgun or the weapon that is in question. that s not the case here. hunter biden is not charged with that because we don t have those facts. robert hur decided to bring the charges against hunter biden and the case for the prosecution is relatively straightforward. none of this surprises me. what the defense did a closing argument is you work with the facts you have. they don t have gray facts so they have to call into question the time line. i don t know if that will be enough for a jury to either acquit him or result in a mistrial. sam, the president has already said he will not pardon his son. if he is found guilty, he could be taken into custody . how is the administration, campaign, going to react to this? they have been hands-off about a. they are not hiding the fact this is taking an emotional cole, mental pool, on the president. he is a there. when you ask about present enough, they are hands off. there s discomfort in the white house to even talk about the issue with the president himself. he does not want to discuss it. it s not that he doesn t think it s a political fallout but it s too raw for him. the question, will republicans tried to capitalize on a guilty verdict, and if so, what manifestation? we have a debate coming up. it s not beyond the realm that donald trump will not try to use something during the debate and what we ve been surprised to see is how little republicans are talking about the hunter biden trial including trump himself. it doesn t come up that much. it used to be a topic of discussion but not recently. you wonder if that s because they don t want to draw attention to trump s own legal mishaps or tested it out and realize there might be boomerang effect where people are sympathetic or empathetic to joe biden if you go after his son, part of what the issue is, issue of addiction. carol, no topic. your paper, the washington post , has this story out over the weekend about the trump ally with a quote post constitutional vision for a second term. the man s name is russell, what can you tell us about this? beth reinhard on our national investigative team for this great reporting that presages the future and right donald trump presidency. the kinds of people he is entrusting to make the plans for his new administration. he was a deputy omb director and had been in congress as a staffer for a long time and other federal agencies. he knows his way around the legislative and the executive parts of our government. he is using that knowledge to broadly expand the powers of the executive, if trump takes office. to the point of saying he will find a way for the justice department to prosecute and imprison those who he feels is wrongly gone after the president in the past including journalists. that includes political figures think the biden family members. he has said rather he is said to confidantes that he would work very hard to loosen the military s ability to take action at the president s command to stop protests that are against the president. to interfere perhaps in elections. the military would be an entity the president could send it to domestic situations and something we have avoided ever since the horrors of kent state for example. it s a person who believes in the unitarian executive theory but is proposing things behind closed doors. he may end up being the chief of staff for the president. he is proposing things that send a chill up the spine of those who really study democracy and its norms. here s my head scratcher. there s a lot of conservatives who say they do not like trump what they like his policies. these are the same people who are all about small government with limited power. this, this man and this plan. isn t that the complete opposite of small government, limited power? this is big government with ultimate power. well, i think one thing you have highlighted on your program consistently, if i can give you a hat tip, is the idea of the hypocrisy. the republican party for as long as i have been a reporter which i m embarrassed to tell you how long it has been, has always been about criminal justice and serious tough law enforcement. it s been the party of being concerned about foreign adversaries, rough it russia chief among them but that s all out the window now with trump as president. putin is a great guy and the new republican party. he is a fan of donald trump therefore he is awesome. getting tough on criminals? not important anymore because we really want to support certain criminals who have been unfairly, and to use this in quotation marks, unfairly persecuted. that is the line the republican party is pushing. again, this notion of big government as being anathema to the government party is out the window as well. if it suits donald trump. that s the litmus test for republicans who want to stay in power. people can vote how they like but it s our job to shine a light so people understand exactly who and what they are voting for. carol, was great to see you. sam, charles thank you. nine months into the war and five americans are still being held hostage by hamas. why the white house is considering a new strategy for negotiations. after months in a dead heat in the polls with trump, president biden is revving up his engines and maybe even changing lanes. the 11th hour just getting underway on a monday night. da. with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? 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the most effective way to achieve that, get them home, is through the proposal on the table. let s see if we get an answer from hamas. for more, peter baker white house chief correspondent for the new york times . is this a sign the white house is frustrated with the pace of negotiations between israel and hamas? obviously, it s been nine months and these american hostages have been there the entire time. the american government has deferred to the israeli government when it comes to dealing with the hostages. they have dual citizenship and israel is on the ground and united states is not. it suggests an in patients with the biden administration that its own hostage, american hostages, remain in limbo while netanyahu and hamas remain at odds over the cease-fire proposal. you heard secretary blank and say that it s hamas that has yet to accept this proposal. i think that s important point they want to make that israel has agreed to this despite the public ambiguity. right now, they re frustrated it s taking so long and seems to not be heading toward a conclusion and they seem to be willing to think of ways to get the americans at this point out if there s a way to do it. president biden is not the only one expressing frustration. benny gantz just resigned from israel s work cabinet saying it s a prime minister and he is standing in the way a real victory. what does that signal to you about the state of the war effort and prospects for new elections over there? it s a big deal and it s been remarkable to work cabinet has hung together as long as it did. benny gantz has run against netanyahu multiple times and the idea they sat together in this work cabinet is a remarkable situation. it s hard to imagine joe biden and donald trump sitting together in a unity government. at this point, he s decided enough is enough and it s not working. the prime minister netanyahu is an obstacle toward a resolution to the conflict rather than a leader. that puts netanyahu in an awkward position but it may require him to rely even more so on his far right-wing coalition to stay in power. he has to appeal to the parts of his coalition that he himself might affect comfortable in order to keep his majority they can avoid further elections. we will have to see where it leads. there s not much chance or at least not a lot of optimism for prime minister netanyahu they could win another election but he s been an enduring figure for a long time and israeli politics. let s stick with the right wing and change locations. you were just in france and when president biden was there, he spent a lot of time trying to reassure nato allies who are nervous about a second trump term. i want to know how his message was received and we keep hearing about our european allies, worried about trump, but there were a bunch of elections that took place last week in europe and they were big winds for the far right. it s not just a u.s. issue but it s happening over there as well. it s not just a u.s. issue. the european elections on sunday were a remarkable shift in power toward the right. you saw macron of france who host a president biden the night before at the state dinner where they held hands and effect in favor of establishment politics, and also rock that he s calling new elections in france himself to see if he cannot win over his own public where he is not very popular re-there. these guys will get together in italy at a g7 meeting and they will talk about these issues like gaza, ukraine, do. president biden has a low approval rating, his at home is higher than some of the other leaders who will be at the summit. there s a time when the establishment politicians of the major industrial powers are on their back heels a little bit amid this right-wing populism we are seeing in europe and the united states. peter, you always make a smarter. thank you for being here. when we come back, stubborn polls and has the biden campaign getting a read data revving up the race in the 11th hour. hour. if you re one of the millions of people with diabetes who suffer from low and high blood sugar, dexcom g7 is one of the easiest ways to take better control of your diabetes. my blood sugar would suddenly spike or really go low out of nowhere. it was really scary. 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(announcer) dexcom g7 helps protect against highs and lows. call now! the biden campaign is making big changes after listening to months of public and private concerns from democrats. their switching up the style and launching major policy initiatives both to lockdown voters already on board while trying to pull new ones in. i want to bring it msnbc contributor brian tyler: and former adviser to george w. bush and john mccain. were not talking one or two small changes. the president is revamping his policy portfolio and will refer to trump is a convicted felon and he sitting for interviews beyond traditional media. you to sit down with vice president harris. what do you make of these changes? i think it is smart. reach people where they are. people are getting their news from less traditional outlets and people are watching the news less frequently anyway and people are checking out. it s smart to reach these people where they are and find them where they are not paying attention to the more traditional issues. the biden campaign recognizes whatever it has to do as we head toward crunch time. this is not just about his base. it s nikki haley voters, independence, and never trumper s. the people who could make or break the election which is currently by a lot of polls in a dead heat while press former president trump is not looking beyond his base. will this work for biden? well, yeah, he has to look beyond the base. that s where the election will be decided. i remember when the bush campaign was in trouble in 2000. we had to do a reset and we got pushed into it. we didn t want to do it and ultimately we decided we needed to because we had to. part of it was making changes but a big part is doing a reset for the press and the larger public to say, we heard the message. we are doing things differently. it makes sense practically speaking and make sense of the speaking that you are sending a message that you heard the message and we are doing things differently. in this campaign, it s so razor thin that biden has to do everything right and this is one of them. this is good. one of the things he needs to do is turn up the volume on the things donald trump is saying. they are seizing on some of the comments that trump made it his nevada rally this weekend. i will share a bit. you feel that? i don t want anybody going we need every vote. i just want your vote. i don t care about you. what i just heard him say, i don t care about you. i just want your vote. did the rally attendees here this? what? did they hear that? they have selective hearing. donald trump can say anything on god s green earth and they will cheer on cue. it s important that americans more broadly here it because that s him giving the game away. he doesn t care about anybody. trump s only goal is to keep himself out of prison. to make prosecutions against them go away. he has brought forward no plans to lower costs. nothing to lower health care costs. nothing to increase the amount of jobs. he has no plans for housing or inflation. his campaign is predicated on keeping himself out of prison, out of the courtrooms, and making the cases go away. and a revenge tour against the people who deign to hold him accountable for his crimes. it s a rare instance, less rare these days because he has a proclivity to see the quiet part out loud. he is saying it. if you want an example of someone who treats supporters with nothing but contempt, it someone like donald trump standing there on that stage and basically telling them what he thinks about them. what i like to hear about is the truth mark and billions of dollars in infrastructure funding has made its way across the country thanks to president biden s massive infrastructure bill now law. suddenly, we are seeing some house republicans taking credit for these jobs that were created but for facts say, the same republicans voted against the bill. to their constituents who might not pay attention to traditional politics or watch the news, do they know the new truth? these guys are taking credit for things they voted against. they are not going to hear the truth. let me make another point on the las vegas speech and the ad. there is another ad i think the biden campaign which is the best of the campaign which is donald trump in his voice talking about veterans. i think they should leave that up through election day. it s spectacularly good and impactful. trump has been complaining about it and we call that as hit dogs barking. you know he s feeling the pain so it is working. as a former ad guy, the most effective thing you can do is not say what you think the person said but let them say what they said themselves. it is great. brian, i want to go back to the infrastructure point. if you the biden campaign are running and local elections, what do you do about the fact that you have some house republicans patting themselves on the back, taking credit for passing things they voted against? i think they done an effective job at exposing these people. biden said it out loud when he was in lauren boebert s district that she tried to take credit for the infrastructure plan. it s getting into these districts and doing the side-by- side. the media has been great about showing side by sides where it s donald trump railing against toilets not flushing and trying to keep himself out of prison and biden talking about $35 inhalers. $35 insulin and $2000 a month health care plans and things that will impact regular people. they been good about that side- by-side but it s getting out there and hammering the message over and over and over again. they often say what is the one thing that a politician did to change your life or help you in some way? you got to show people. thank you both for being here. stay up for this. coach steve kerr when he talks, everybody listens. the nine time nba champion is here next. is being endorsement in the selection and is taking caitlin clark s first month in the pros. pros. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. are you still struggling with your bra? it s time for you to try knix. makers of the world s comfiest wireless bras. for revolutionary support without underwires, and sizes up to a g-cup, find your new favorite bra today at hi, i m jason. i ve lost 228 pounds on golo. and sizes up to a g-cup, changing your habits is the only way that gets you to lose the weight. and golo is the plan that s going to help you do that. just take the first step, go to in the last 10 days, we have had elderly black people killed in a supermarket in buffalo. asian churchgoers killed in southern california and now we have children murdered at school. when are we going to do something? ! i am tired. i am so tired of getting up here and offering condolences to the devastated families out there. i am so tired of the excuse i m sorry, i m tired of the moments of silence. enough. steve kerr is best known as an nba champion player and coach. most sports fans know him as a fantastic communicator and every postgame press conference where he broke through and spoke to america was when he spoke from the heart after the mass shooting in uvalde, texas. last week, steve kerr announced he will be endorsing joe biden for president and we will find out why. he joins us now. it s a pleasure to see you. tell us why this endorsement and why now? it s clear that president biden is interested in implementing gun safety measures. common sense gun violence prevention measures. i have been doing a lot of work the last 10 years with a lot of different gun safety prevention people like brady, giffords, sandy hook promise, march for our lives. i have learned so much and i know we can prevent lives. president biden is adamant that he is going to push for commonsense laws that can do that. i know trump will not do that, and so it s a simple choice for me. are you voting for joe biden against donald trump? i am voting for joe biden. i think the biggest thing for me, everybody needs to vote their conscience. i am voting on a few issues, but this is the main one. i lost my father to gun violence when i was 18 years old so i know how much pain people go through every single day in this country. i know gun violence is the number 1 killer of children in america. i know there is so much we can do about this. i think most people out there agree with me whether you are republican or democrat. 80% of people in this country want universal background checks , doesn t matter your political affiliation. we can do this but we have to steer the cruise ship. it will take time. we need to implement laws that the vast majority of our country want and president biden is willing to do the work to try to get those changes. you have said in the past that before you lost your father, as you said when you were only 18, you felt her life was impenetrable. nothing could get you down and bad things did not happen to you. what do you say to the folks out there who thinks gun violence is a problem but it will not affect their life so they don t make it a voting priority. you just don t know. it s such a common occurrence. the chances are likely that you will not be impacted, but there s a good chance that you will also. that is a scary thought. i have a granddaughter who is 18 months old. i am thinking about when she goes to kindergarten and she will have to go through mass shooting drills, and the trauma the kids all across america go through just from those drills and the possibility of facing that kind of situation. it is so traumatizing, and it s a terrible thought that all our children are feeling this way. again, we know that comm laws save lies. they absolutely do. there s so much we can do and it s my civic project that i like to work on is trying to help get, as i said, the ship moving. it will take a lot of work. it s up to us as private citizens to insist the government take the necessary moves to make that happen. there s a lot of public figures who share your views. many did endorse president biden in 2020, but many are staying quiet now. expressing public views right now is getting more and more difficult. the backlash is real. this is not going to be easy for you and you will get heat by all sorts of people. why did you decide to speak out? it s too important to save lives and it s important to do something that s important for our country. not that i can do anything by myself, but i do have a platform. if i can get the message out there, it is so important for families to talk about this issue. neighbors, friends, this is not an attack on the second amendment. this is about implementing things that can save lives. again, it could be your own child. your own mother or father, could be you. we have to understand the gravity of gun violence in our country and not just pass it off as this is the price of freedom. that s what a lot of people say. we have to have the freedom that the second amendment provides us, but it should be kids able to go to school and not being afraid. there are ways to do this. we can protect the second amendment and protects citizens with simple laws. we just have to get everybody on board. it is such a political hot button but it s not a common thought in our country that this is a controversial issue. it is not. 80% of people want universal background checks. we should have that, and that alone would save hundreds if not thousands of lives every year in america. you said it right there. it s a political hot button but not when you go in people s homes and use it other tables and talk about what matters to them. i do want to talk about something else that matters to you that you know a lot about and that s obviously basketball. you played with michael jordan. you know how this superstar was treated early, and the attention he got. given your first-hand knowledge, what do you think of caitlin clark s treatment so far in the wnba? i think it is a rite of passage for young players whether the wnba or nba. other players will test you. she reminds me a lot of steph curry. a lot of people may not remember this but in his first couple of years he was not a superstar. he is not who he is now. he had to get stronger and had to understand people were coming after him. that is what is happening with caitlin right now . it s all in the name of competition. she is handling herself beautifully. she is an amazing player but like every college player who comes in, it takes time and they ve got to get stronger and more used to the contact, physicality and athleticism. she will be fine and everything she s going through now is part of being a pro. what do you think of the fact she won t be at the olympics? i am so excited. i am sorry that she won t be there but she ll have a great chance in four years. when you put these teams together, all you care about is winning. it s probably going to take caitlin a couple of years to be at the top echelon. the women s team is taking the 12 players they think can help bring home the gold and that s with the men s team did. that is the name of the game so no politics in the olympics. we just want to win. and i sure hope you do this year. nobody remembers when steph curry was not an absolute superstar. it s always great to see you and thank you for joining us tonight. we will have more of the 11th hour. 11th hour. rt working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. hi, i m jason. i ve lost 228 pounds on golo. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. i don t ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. so i m committed to golo for life. thank you for watching. we were just talking about the summer olympics, it s worth noting, that minutes from now, we will officially be two years out from the 2026 world cup that will take place right here in the u.s. after 30 years, and you can stream all the action live on telemundo and peacock so get your countdown clock started now. on that note, i wish you a very good night. from all our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late with me. okay, there is a lot going on tonight.

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