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Transcripts For DW Conflict Zone - Guest Mikheil Saakashvili 20180124 21:30:00

blockage as i said thirty four percent in this poll are supporting my canvas for prime minister and basically people main thing is people are supporting our agenda that s more important the course will you say than you insisted to a magazine called as you said ukrainians would never forgive you if you just gave up the fight against corruption will never forgive you that is if you are the last best savior of this country while some people people believe like that so i don t i don t think the two percent who gave you a very favorable rating so you have thousands never seen my dad ever anybody had mobilize such large crowds in the streets of kiev as we did this december and this is. all all about me but i helped to do it with brew group of people lots of good people lots of new places but its value because you told of my dizziness to go see if i gave up that would mean i m just like everybody else and all my life i ve tried not to be just like soldiers all about you know absolutely it s not going to
like this look this kind of politicians talk about their vision you talk about you in this you. know i talk i just made a film which is all about ukraine s future you create how you can crank and make talk about new political system new colony new energy system new. tourist industry if you crank it s all about you crack my legacy in short it s all about results i would like to come on to the. let s talk about your time as governor yes in twenty fifteen must go off your job governor region and you went with a reformist zeal absolutely like that you said people expected with a real revolution comes real change but we have the revolution of basically didn t produce real change now is the time to resolve this and then eighteen months later you say you ve been sabotaged nearly cost that s their part of life you don t and you didn t expect that this is known as well one of the most of the tourist areas of corruption exact in ukraine a very corrupt. in ukraine and you just gave it eighteen months and then gave up
exactly because when i went there we all believed. that i brought with me we will believe that poroshenko would have interest in supporting us that it would have stayed and support you so they would be that easy no no i thought that they had you know it s all started nicely and well it all started beautiful people brought this government oppression fifty four percent we had my dad and we d all the criticisms we had of them and with all the scalps that we had of them we still thought they ll make this time it will be different why because it was after my dad because that s the european choice because it s you know how entrenched corruption. you start somewhere only get one thousand that s all you were prepared you know given. the u.k. ukrainian civil rights advocates said last year he knew he quit early just blaming everything and everyone else for not achieving anything you hearing that people that s not exactly right with the benefits we built the road that had been built for forty years we had built we brought a lot of new people for the customs of the first time in history of the city of
odessa customs police and prosecutors were not corrupt that s quite an achievement we re now i would have prepared to prepare to build this new singapore they re already the new but it didn t exactly work that needs another level of support but we showed the people different and i think that s some kind of legacy even if i m not i m totally unhappy with it and i m not satisfied with my performance but we could achieve as much as we could let me put it this way the trouble was the job wasn t high profile enough wasn t big enough didn t have enough power and you re still hungry for power rather look at the job offer there s a governor was very high profile in ukraine because it was the front line of fighting for the for basically for against corruption and for unity of ukraine told a western journalist in december last december that you had your eyes on a role in the future government ideally as problem and. social you re hungry of power let me let me put it put very plain went off or twice to become prime minister i declined i declined because i thought it. bindo dressing i declined
because he wanted me to use my popularity at that moment to kind of do this p.r. stunt for him but i thought that it would not when i asked him would i be allowed to have my ministers would i be allowed to have one day allowed to have call for new elections together with him if we wanted a real change he said absolutely not then i said i cannot take the job but of course if we have new elections you have changeability you have new people and if people want me to serve as prime minister and for percent at the put according to this poll so short they supported you know why not i. think you are going to make progress in this country by making serious allegations constantly against powerful people you think after you ve called everyone else a crook and everybody says you re a crook and you call them liars you think you re going to be the last man standing here it becomes a joke is that you said poroshenko is a thief who is mega corrupt and he s plundering the whole of europe we will go to parliament and call for his impeachment serious charges but you laid not one shred
of evidence while there is more like more than there is well there s plenty of evidence would you you say this year but you don t do the hard look we don t do the analysis you don t know we didn t say sions you know you haven t we did you haven t pointed out that we in the public domain everybody says this about we just had a bunch of big scandals very well documented about president abusing his power about a president taking part in money laundering reinforcing the oligarchs having direct conflict is the proof that you could take to court to prove to which court the court that they will record full course that fully controlled by the way we have courts look we have lots of lawsuits against them in every court but as a rule we are losing the legal system in this country does work orders control political power media prosecutors courts police system and every time you make a major allegation like justin you don t provide the evidence you devalue no i think i think we are getting more and more support of the. people people are
getting awareness i think we saw in romania what had happened when the situations that failed people i think ukrainian started were no worse than romanians i think they will as well as they will eventually for a peaceful protests force institutions to work to perform their duty and to get rid of the corrupt oligarchs you know using these allegations the way a lot of politicians use slogans you somehow don t feel the need to prove them but you just don t call them crooks you prince case call them or. fortune almost entirely so mr bennett plays that s almost a cliche but let s face it you think that gets rid of the need to actually provide good solid evidence. in this but the worst voted out their biggest biggest business ukraine as ukraine is not growing economies in ukraine has ukraine has become the poorest per capita g.d.p. per capita country in europe and on the strength of that you tell them they re all crooks and there s a reason this is a result of these corrupt at least i wouldn t stand up and then of course the enormous you have president owning becoming part and to because all the guys on the
monopoly then he raises prices and that s because it s not in there and you knew this before you did on the job so look no new this you know but you know he was an oligarchy you knew he hadn t sold you a chocolate business good even though he promised to do this well you had no illusions or you should have had no illusions about what you were getting into you gave in eighteen months and you call the movie wrong you throw up your hands and then you walk out and nothing that when we started we both believe that he had the unique chance to become somebody else yes he had all these corrupt backgrounds of connections but on the other hand people came to mend it and we believe in this that he started quite well he brought some quite some young people he allowed us to have some autonomy he allowed us to create an enchanter corruption bureau he loved to have transparent purchases there are certain he allowed us to create a national to corruption bureau and also to create a new police force. so there are a good number of steps taken in the right direction not that everything was so bad but at certain moment. this all came into conflict with his personal interest and
personal all of course and then he had a choice and unfortunately made absolutely wrong choice to decide well if i had been in his place i would never have opted for forbes list of billionaires i would have become historic figure he would rather be in porcelain billionaires than be a philosophical difference of view you claimed in december that a presidential emissary visited you said all your problems would go away current accusations and saving illegal funds although if you would simply criticize the opposition politician julia to michelle and stop criticizing him i was told my troubles would be over if i agreed to these things i would get my passport back in five minutes but when you were asked for the name of the emissary you wouldn t give it the one detail that would have substantiated your story you couldn t provide well but that s because that s basically the person that i wanted because my money was that because he wasn t to blame for it if you want i mean it does it gives you credibility and if you don t give the name of credibility with the story every
action to prove that he was right after that everything good then management would happen how does anyone know that you didn t just make up a report they told me we will go after you will create so-called compromise don t you we ll put it on television we will we will but you re still here we will still yes we will be right under arrest we will arrest you and we ll throw you out of the country you re always saying the coalition likes to hear the courts actually refused to put you on i think this was so we did that. exceptional judge who said that all the evidence against me is fake that it s all empty that they should be let free and justice in ukraine there s one person and she was immediately dismissed right now she s fair and you re free to talk you re free to walk around here she says you are but you re free to be here i have to put you on a plane to georgia because they could because i still have off they couldn t they did it with my some of my people but them something else they point to several groups of georgian back on their head and with. flight. separately it s
a special flight they sent people away and i m somebody else when i was in prison in k.g.b. prison here fifty pounds and people took to the streets and went to my prison that was quite a message to the government that s why i think it s also interesting judge it really showed that i m not alone and people are standing but that s what matters let s let let s talk about georgia john you re the first and i m sent here convicted you of abuse of power gave you a three year jail term. they say that in two thousand and eight you misused your presidential pardon for police officers convicted of the murder of a banker sandra give clearly and the pardons were part of a deal to cover up evidence surrounding the killing yes well you say that s a lie no nobody has ever used their presence for pardon you remember bill clinton. you know pardoning it s not just about partly it s about whether you covered up evidence surrounding him to kill nobody has ever. shorter makes it absolutely
limited right for president to pardon that first second. term and they were pardoned together with hundred thirty three military officers potential holes yes yes huge holes in a case heard in two thousand and eleven the european court of human rights just slammed the entire investigation and implicated you in the cover up didn t they not if you look at it said it was struck by how the different branches of state power the ministry of interior the public prosecutor s office the prisons department the domestic courts and the president of georgia all acted in concert in preventing justice from being down that s a huge allegation against you at the same time european court of human rights just last december it sat on the case against my former prime minister who is in prison that he is the only he is basically hostage to the fact that they were looking for some kind of evidence against me and because they refused to provide it it was a purely political case the government of georgia have hired hand best world investing. it is like
a retard when the president of israel is. this government of georgia that s controlled by because private shareholder but this is two thousand you have a little bit older but what you always take you will still because of the exactly but let me tell you what s happening now i know but let s not get away from what happened there in europe there was a huge outcry in georgia in about the european court. but on the other hand president unlimited right to pardon this case is purely political and the suggestion was to let mr saakashvili the only was murdered on the orders of one of your senior colleagues and the four policemen were persuaded to take the hit in return for bill money and only so-called byrd who got it to him on this massive order he said they were convicted and served big part of it were convicted in a trial where the judge didn t even ask about their motives but you know the same a trial was faulty you know where you know that a big no that s james this very same judge has been used in cases against my
government members already by this government so just learn the mother of the victim was threatened and told to stay silent offered money if she stayed silent and told she would be silenced she opened her love this case was dirty through and through wasn t it mischievous look country i took at the georgia water filled country with way back you wouldn t expect to turn pale country with no budget we d not function constitutions turned. into very performing really and case of success and reforms but it couldn t have been turned into absolute perfectly so that was an excuse very very very familiar as a liberal democracy that s an excuse for venting justice relating the. judicial system our judicial system had been failing this is true i would admitted the accusation is that you prevent this from being but that s just not true our duty easy to our judicial system was we and our judicial system is it worse now but your human rights. record wasn t that good because of the time of the year once it was
what you would need to go back down on the press look you for instance of the immediate t.v. station that your security forces raided in two thousand and seven physically abusing journalists destroying their equipment so it went back to the er so that s let me point out there but if you put your own car. in the station it also idea is still there well there are plenty of other stations they made a result of my work in the region where nobody quits on their own where they had full power much more to have here i quit on my own through elections i came as you shall have done absolutely i was you should have got through to you claim you click credit simply for doing what you make an old president in a normal country should not you know region you look around you know richard nobody does that jeopardy your former foreign minister said it was clear by the end of your first term you were using your thirty to create an unshakable power fiefdom
your style of ruling ultimately or thora terry and it was what it was working for because private shareholder of course from your own issue that doesn t mean it was wrong there are plenty of other people you said called any of other people who said the same thing clued in the human rights organization we including them look at we move toward or from one of them to what would the worst place of doing business in one of the best quite sound position position we will endure spied on your own people it comprehensively you have a so-called dirty archive full of sex tapes featuring politicians activists and well known george stockpiled to use a new language he has ever struck by both repeat the russian propaganda nobody has ever produced it they all joined also to tell the twenty dollars from the governmental authority one hundred forty five of them nobody has ever produced in front of the press no it s not nobody has ever produced evidence of it it was all made up it was made up first by russian propaganda and repeated by brick is private . hold up i presume this is specifically prohibited to put any together any
evidence of private life this is very important for me personally because that s exactly what they ve been using against me and the previous government that s what they re trying to use against me and i just hate those enjoy your little ga system was far from ideal but georgia had the best reforms in terms of corruption in this region georgia had the best four promises to short of that of course the judicial system which wasn t there georgia had georgia s government when they re talking about give them take care that they had best investigate in the world so we re looking for my old shorts for my account for my something they couldn t find anyone who really believe in jesus of the so called years revelation rose revolution nino bush and there s a sense in two thousand and twelve ga had become like the bolshevik system you know for sure sign you re an enemy of the people she is the biggest admirer of putin she or she is the biggest friend that s all and that s a smear isn t noble not just because she said no question no answer about no more
with russia in two thousand and eight you get back you know said people who say the time for questions will come on traitors and russian spies know that this is not about you this is no my internal this me it is about my terminology they were called people like that traitorous but traitors is not my point but in her case she accepts she after a war in georgia after russian invasion into georgia she went to putin and. basically was to the front of russian military parade troops that killed her compatriots she was a woman she doesn t deny that she talked to the to she stood person as a russian she was somebody the russians somebody without any proof what that they re supportive calls her role model says what putin wants to do you know what else is what else is not what you said well i m a role model you never should it never consider that it s an insult to compare it to put in pursuit was going to only one criticizing. the right person she wasn t the only worked. he you criticized your handling of the war well they said that
they did evidence damning indictment of you accusing your administration of effectively starting the war no that s not what they said they said they said sure partial and they said acting in the notes of the moment no that s what they. were in two thousand and no that s what not what they said they said that russian troops were the first to enter georgian territory but the peak action was started by our response and you know i would see any other president in the world not responding to foreign army entering their territory and they said we ll eventually be a tional decided that both sides bore responsibility for the conflict that they did look that look which flatly contradicts your version you know their fingers that small country georgia was invaded by a hundred times bigger country with russia at every time they want to go to war and then they said there is a there is a trend to blame of the weak team because then international community had to do something about it but despite the fact what to ukraine that happened after that we have so many of much evidence gathered up there that it s obvious what was an international community did help you know you re looking here you are in ukraine
yes looking for help from the international community of course i always tell you and i say little fight to the end fight for what stay out of jail no no i. could take plan tonight including stay out of the jail i can go to when you can so why don t you want to because i hope you re enjoying having the time you know because because you have different from everybody made me come back to what you said i don t want to be the source of all evil we always oligarchs are winning in georgia in moldova in ukraine all around the place and we cannot give them such a easy right we cannot give in to make such an easy we ve got these guys are humiliating people they are corrupt they are killing the prospects and future for this country ultimately they ll blow up this country because the country will disintegrate and actually exist somewhere in netherlands and look at it quietly i just can t do it because it s really good to have you on the program for his wife much indeed thank you you thank.
live. the be.
the buy absorbent show like say the biggest favorite seems to go all the best goals we ve got all the action w. is the home of german football shared experience every match the bundesliga three weekends here w. o a truck bombs on planes. fortunately the situation escalates is no longer enough for schools. ruthless calculation military leaders were gopi extent of the massive. technological progress comes with a conflagration such massacres cut her coming to get to her starting february third on g.w.
. circle of fear. correspondent you re in russia joe is in chechnya. islamic state has recruited more young people here than anywhere else. and more and more changing fighters are now returning home they re both respected and feared. how will this affect chechen society. circlets fear today and d w names such as. to speed on the latest technology. know when it may be time for an upgrade this becoming part of the future. become a cyborg i m a cyborg so i have created a new sense and a new are going in a design my perception of reality implants that make every day life easier. i use my income tax on a daily basis that optimize the human body and connect people more effectively.
i hope that this would make us more ethical persons what would life be like as a cyborg. most folks who at the end of the day these technologies can be used against us and what effect will it have been society does this human race movement need upgrade i think it s only the beginning of this cyber wars human machines starting february first on t w. the so-called islamic state group has said it was behind a deadly attack on the offices of the save the children aid agency in afghanistan. security forces around the building but the militants broke through killing two and injuring twenty more. hindu groups in india have stepped up their

People , Prime-minister , Course , Thing , Poll , Agenda , Canvas , Thirty-four , Country , Corruption , Fight , Ukrainians

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180810 14:00:00

the studio with. this man has been convicted of being an accessory in the nine eleven attacks is he not considered dangerous and when the killing still is he s also described as somebody who didn t move an inch from his extremist islamist convictions even during more than a decade behind prison walls here in germany here in germany he s known pretty much as the face of terrorism when this cell was detected here in germany that of course was a big shock also to the germans here who really didn t believe that this was possible and this is a bit more about what rules. played in in the nine eleven attacks where you studied engineering in hamburg he also actually stay with a german family you ve been completely shocked to learn that he became a terrorists was seen as somebody who directly helped those pilots that crashed into the world trade center and that s also what in the end led to his conviction
for those murders of those people who were on board the plane there was no legal link at least established between victims of the nine eleven attacks and why have german prosecutors decided to release him ahead office full sentence for serving his full sentence of fifteen years is coming to a close. because behave behave pretty well in prison that would have been. november this is being pushed forward under the condition that she would then be deported directly to morocco. so we don t seem to want to see is him actually being set free in germany and leaving the german justice system to then potentially enter the german social security system that would also of course spark political debate here and many so a keen interest to get rid of him the big question now is whether iraq will actually take him back and what are the chances that moral code will take him back well it would be rather surprising for demo parties to come forward if they didn t
feel they have established enough of a report where they will start to actually make this happen. the arabic service here of deutsche about it has been able to really get an official statement to that effect so this is not a done deal as far as we ve heard from moroccan officials and this could still get interesting and certainly would be a signal to other people in germany who are potentially criminals but also the question of what to do with people who potentially endangered security in germany when they can be sent back that always depends on the state would have to take them back right. political editor thank you for a shift with eighty seven refugees on board has docked in spain off to being turned away by italy and malta a spanish aid group big to the migrants of the coast of libya for those on board the most has a despotic degeneracy is over but is
a correspondent norman siegel reports from the town of leper of refugees life in spain is often precarious. nothing is left of i.p.c. baby s heart ache or fine journey nine days living in this much of. in twenty fourteen sipek came to spain from ivory coast to find work he ended up in this slum near the town of libya on the loose along with up to one thousand dollars fires occur frequently due to the flammable building materials gas canisters and forty degree celsius heat. you know. many. long or be looking for a. dream of a better life in europe has become a nightmare he has no residence permit and now he has no home. he can only work
illegally on one of the many fruit and vegetable plantations. you know you don t have no money. you know. his friend. is in the same position except he s a newcomer in spain having recently arrived from senegal. he lives in this hot. he says the routes taken by refugees to europe are always changing currently entering europe via the western mediterranean seems to be the safest. route from libya to italy has lots of problems it s almost like a war you can get killed so now many of us are coming to spain through morocco. but spain s new government is taking a lenient stance with migrants but the conservative opposition is in disagreement
and the spaniards are worried. because how many immigrants could cause us problems that s just how it is. spain is a country with high unemployment. there s just not enough jobs for so many people. but one of the spaniards see things differently until you know how bad volunteers for an aid organization and supports migrants like i do any way he can. he helps up to plant vegetables and takes care of red tape antonio sees the refugees as an economic factor the plantations in the region couldn t get by without them. thanks to these people many others are getting rich. the immigrants live off what little money they can earn so they re cheap labor. but. they re not going to work the problem and they have to
put up with everything and never complain. i do see the bay wants people to know what s really happening in europe. but he s not ready to give up on his dream of a better life. a move. now i m living it sometimes gets. offered to help myself. you know. what my future art will be to go. eventually once he saved enough money to be intends to return to ivory coast my son needs me he says all of africa needs us but that s in the future right now he s got to figure out where he can sleep tonight christophe joins me now and if you want to
travel or drive as possibly not the want to take it is a friday of travel misery and ryanair pilots have begun a coordinated twenty four as they demand higher salaries and better working conditions that s led to the cancellation of four hundred out of twenty four hundred scheduled flights affecting more than seventy thousand passengers tensions between turkey and the united states are set to increase after the u.s. president donald trump used his favorite medium tweeting that tariffs on turkish elite aluminum and steel imports will be doubled to twenty and fifty percent respectively you know instant send the lira plummeting against the dollar and the euro with turkey s currency hitting an all time low ties between ankara and washington have been strained of the jailing of an american pastor a turkish president out of one having for a long time relied on impressive growth figures said today his country would not lose this economic war turkey s economic boom was fueled by government
spending but the upswing has come to an end for president at a one the fault lies with western countries which he says are waging an economic war against. relations with the us or especially. that s why he s determined to forge better economic ties with countries such as china or russia. what s riding to the problem is that even many turks are fleeing the lira for the relative safety of dollars or euros. despite one s desperate plea for them to exchange other currencies into lira to try and stabilize the national currency markets are losing patience and that s taking its toll the lira has been sliding since the beginning of the year losing thirty nine percent of its value since january that stoking inflation which recently hit sixteen percent and the crisis also reveals turkey s underlying shortcomings. it s the lack of production nothing else
these things wouldn t work without imports we need to carefully discuss an agriculture policy that will pave the way for exporting goods we can t do anything with industry or industries not well developed. this type of fluctuation caused this crisis in countries without a solid economy i lived in europe i didn t see anything like this i lived in germany for twelve years. as turkey s people try to come to grips with the crisis the government has no easy options when it comes to regaining the confidence the financial markets. or for the latest on this crisis let s bring in our markets man conrad who is in and frankfurt and correspondent daryn jones in istanbul daryn let me start with you have there been any reactions to donald trump s tweeting on doubling tariffs for turkish steel and aluminum. well know nothing yet but it certainly phil phil fits in with the
narrative we ve been hearing from the turkish president today he s been talking about what he describes as a western conspiracies to undermine turkey for the exchange rate he talks is all of these foreign enemies which he promised to defeat and this announcement by the u.s. donald trump of new sanctions tariffs against turkey will fit in to walk the earth one claimed his is a conspiracy by western powers to oust him from power he said that two years ago a military coup failed to remove him now he says that the same powers are trying to remove him through the exchange right now conrad in frankfurt over do you target the turkish currency the lira hits an all time low today against the dollar and the euro markets across the board are down now the lira we have to understand is not one of the leading turn seas of the world why are investors so worried. investors are worried that the european banks will be drawn into this you know banks from spain france and italy have given out loans to turkish businesses for up to one
hundred thirty five billion euros the exposure of german banks in turkey is twenty one billion and of course with the ongoing depreciation of the concerns are rising that many of those loans will not be paid back and of course with ed once government one never knows there s a lot of talk about potential capital controls here and also it s very unlikely that the government would be willing to cooperate with the international monetary fund eventually that s why the european central bank which is the major supervisor of the banking system in the eurozone is on high alert and investors all over europe are pulling out their investors investments out of turkey but also out of investments in european banks not dorrian back to you turkey s finance minister who is also president i want to add one son in law had a press conference earlier today explaining what he calls turkey s new economic model what does that entail. well that s
right and in fact it was a long power point presentation where he did seem to reach out to investors he talked about the importance of reining in relation he also talked about the importance of fiscal discipline and went home to develop the idea of developing human capital going forward and all of these things of what the investors have been wanting but the problem for the for the finance minister is there was very little detail those very little meters one analyst said it s all of talk and no content and the problem is that the situation better say is so critical they need action they need details of how these goals will be achieved and on top of that the message from the finance minister was undermined by foreign or who promised to continue rampant big spending more make a point checks and this totally undermined the message that the finance minister was giving the problem and the result is a plummeting currency or enjoins in istanbul and conrad burns and in frankfurt
thanks to both of you. severe weather has been hitting parts of france and read a story thank you very much christophe indeed in southern france about sixteen hundred people have been evacuated to escape flash floods caused by heavy rain the hardest hit region is where helicopters had seven hundred fifty people to safety yes more. flash floods reduced campsites to mud. it s something it became so it was here so the river swept right through it. rescue workers were supported by helicopters and evacuating campus in southern france. search teams including divers combed waters for german man who still reported missing it s feared he may have been swept away in his caravan the man was accompanying children at a campsite and they got the region which was hardest hit by the flooding. more than
one hundred children were evacuated from the site. it started raining when suddenly a flash flood came down from the hills everything s flooded a catastrophe. several people were hospitalized with hypothermia and minor injuries. as their suitcases we just have what we re wearing but the main thing is we re ok. the storms and heavy rains that caused the torrents erupted after weeks of blazing temperatures. german cycling great has been arrested in frankfurt on suspicion of sorting a sex it comes off the former tour de france winner appeared in court on the spanish island of majorca he was charged with breaking and entering the home office famous neighbor the german actor and director. orishas cycling achievements from
modern two thousand and twelve but it was found guilty of doping. now for more on this story i m joined by chris harrington from. chris thank you so have you hear that you know it was the golden boy of joe cycling and things have just been going wrong for him lately. tell us about his latest episode well he s definitely on a downward spiral and this is his second arrest within a month and he was in germany in frankfurt specifically for one reason to attend rehab because this arrest you had mentioned with two is fica this assault on his neighbor he admitted to the press he had an issue with alcohol and was going to germany to seek help therapy and there was a clinic actually that has already had a reservation for him there was waiting for him a check in will he made a stop at this luxury hotel in frankfurt and according to all the reports it looks like there is a potentially will be some charges in the future as of right now he was only
arrested and he had to stay overnight in a holding cell because he was really intoxicated and drunk but one thing is for certain that there was a victim involved an escort that he allegedly choked until she blacked out so that s what we know now and it s being investigated as we speak so it just doesn t look good for a young old rich i mean can you do this from the tour de france back in one thousand nine hundred seventy he was such an he would stop then and beat the competition and as an underdog when did this. thing we had just a touch base on that you re right he was only twenty three years old when he won the tour de france ok in ninety seven he was a fourth youngest person to do so and he was responsible for the cycling boom here in germany you know but this also the year after he won one thousand nine hundred eight this tour was coined the tour of dope it so it was during this doping scandal area he had it picked up in two thousand and two where he tested positive for ecstasy a recreational drug you know and then in two thousand and six he was banned altogether
for doping which later we found out was doping in two thousand and seven he retired from the sport but you know all that all it s starting potentially his rival lance armstrong was a big rival of him and we all know what happened with lance armstrong so it looked like the doping in conjunction with recreational drugs it looks like he has an issue with substance abuse i think that s clear because he made it clear to the press. also it looks like he s a long way away from recovery at this point now you said he was in frankfurt to get some help for his problems but obviously things haven t gone to plan so what s next for him chris you know i think he s going to have to do some one would say soul searching you know look for those close to him because when you factor in the he s twenty three years old he has the entire country admiring him he is as inflated ego and it just looks like he had problems moving from the limelight you know some would suggest that maybe he looks for outside influence to give him this feeling
but one thing is odd it also find out he s a father and he had see these children since easter so this was a condition for him to be allowed to see his children attending rehab so it looks like he s taking steps back in that area he s going to need some real friends close personal friends who care about him is that get him back on track after i m pulling for him yeah i hope says very similar the best of course chris huntington from us post as thank you so much for me on that story you re watching the deputy is coming up ahead. a ukrainian film director is near death on a hunger strike the russians really a phone call from the french president of. make a difference. that s of all coming up shortly a was indeed of the news from but they.
just couldn t get this song out of his head. musicologist began searching for the source of the captivating sound. deep in the central africa. because the culture of. the prize winning documentary from the forest. it s hard slaps. them from people make fun about their own social economic and political problems. in mozambique we say that you have to ask so you don t write it s how people call me dated april. as
a journalist i often talk of all the stocks in the bag by the let s look at you know. i like to stack may day by checking all all those jokes finding out what people are talking about what is moving them. my father told me how to ask uncomfortable questions about my country and about to book that describes i keep going to this date my name s not diesel and i work at the that please. his reputation. arsonist. rich. roman emperor nero. to be just get crushed. renowned historians or reexamining use case rethinking the world as history be known figure to be influenced him. towards aug fourteenth on t.w.
. this is. great to have. stories the united nations is calling for an inquiry into the abstract that school bus and kids trying to drive students in northern given the led coalition said it was targeting rebels of the tide and its action was legitimate. and took its currency believe has crashed to the record those off to donard prompt announcing a doubling of patents on ankara tensions between the u.s. and to actually have escalated over the arrest of an american pop into by turkey. and news just coming in authorities in baghdad who said freed correspondent detained on suspicion of gaining an authorized access to the computer systems of the stakes run news agency. by called ski off of russian service was one of
a number of journalists taken into custody this week in what critics said was a crackdown on press freedom his apartment was also assessed on the journalists have also been freed but the editor of a popular new sides has reportedly been charged with criminal negligence. not the case of ukrainian filmmaker and kremlin critic sense all he s been. in on a hunger strike for almost three months in a russian prison and they are now concerned he may be yet his death french president in london mccraw discussed his feet with russia s vladimir putin on the phone today putin is said to have promised to respond to proposals by mcchrystal to find a humanitarian solution to the situation earlier russia released photos of cents all suggesting he was fine social media posts by send sounds family and lawyer
quotes the filmmaker as saying the end is now since all of this is the charges against him up on the ticket in two thousand and fifteen a russian court sentenced him to twenty years for planting terrorist attacks on the crimean peninsula. for more on accent and his imprisonment in russia joining me now from the ukrainian capital kiev is correspondent david stern and promotes go by the. welcome to both of you your litany start with you what can you tell us about sense of health we re getting conflicting reports with some reports even saying you re not live that long . how america yes our colleagues from the w. s russian service spoke to all the x. insults lawyer dmitri didn t say who met since off since all for the last time three days ago mr dss objects in software uses a mix of drugs just to maintain consciousness even though he says cents off wasn t
a good physical condition was critical since off is currently imprisoned in the lobby. a place near the north pole and as the weather conditions of there have been a very hot he d have had has obviously been very bad for us and solves chronic heart disease as well as for his kidney and liver and david what are you hearing in ukraine sense of condition. well obviously we re getting different reports on one hand we do have these photos that have been published recently or just in the last twenty four hours these were posted on the facebook page of the human rights all been so and it shows him standing up obviously that s a good sign but there are great concerns we re hearing from his lawyers from his family as you just said they say the end is near what i can say is there is a great deal of concern about his condition here he is very much a symbol of ukraine s ongoing struggle against what they say is russian aggression
here the annexation of crimea and the russian backed separatists in the east of the country and david he s serving as i mentioned a twenty year sentence for alleged terrorist attacks in crimea phil phil says his imprisonment is politically motivated send solve a political threat to the kremlin in any way. well that s obviously a question that can only answered within the crowd the walls of the kremlin the view here is that the kremlin does see him as a threat he has been he is very outspoken he s a ukrainian who kept the citizenship after the annexation but he s also one of the ukrainians and he and others say sixty four other people who are have been imprisoned for political reasons. many of them from crimea and are in fact crimean tars. and you need there s been a lot of high profile support for send some scores including celebrities and western governments say the french president in london mccrone with again but not
to me putin will that pressure have any bearing on this case do you think. well look at it as we re just heard from a david finch office demanding the liberation of all ukrainian political prisoners in russia and since often tends to take it to the bitter end if i have to die thing i have and i have to die she says but despite of the international pressure i don t think i don t think moscow would ever make such a huge concession to mr since off and in russia there are plenty of other petitions asking for a pardon less than the one percent of the titians are actually concede that the russian clemency commission works very very practically which means officials usually find formal reasons to refuse almost every plea for pardon on the other hand the issue is now being discussed on a very very high level so other experts assume that the telephone call with of the french president tomorrow later today could help one possible outcome it could be
the extradition of lexan saw from russia to france into a french prison which is what improves and solves conditions of detention but that is just speculation at this point we have to wait and see what is the result of the phone call between putin and mccrone will be today later. the euro shatter in moscow and david stern in kiev thank you both very much for your reporting and that interview was recorded early on as you heard you talk about a telephone conversation between mccraw and putin that has taken place and mccraw asked him for for humanitarian solution to the problem and putin said he would respond to those proposals ok moving on now and a bit of contradictory news from israel and the gaza strip this week has seen more escalation in the region with hamas firing dockets into israel and israel attacking hamas positions at the same time secret and long term cease fire negotiations have also been taking place alongside the recent violence war and peace seem to be close
at hand at the same time. as people run in a panic iraq at launch from gaza lands. right next to a children s playground in israel these are mobile videos from step out this week israeli city is one of the main targets of rockets from gaza the likes of which israel hasn t experienced for a long time. yet at their most wednesday night it was really crazy there were more than one hundred fifty rockets were in the bunker i was shaking with fear. one hundred. at six o clock in the evening the first rockets are launched from gaza there are. the projectiles are met by israeli s military targeting hamas positions in the gaza strip and intercepting the rockets mid-air. on the israeli side several are injured
. in gaza three people die. this violence is happening in the middle of sensitive negotiations for weeks the u.n. and egypt have been trying to broker a deal a must as leadership were meeting this week to discuss the negotiations. how to promise has discussed its proposals such as a national unification a ceasefire and how the people of gaza can live in peace and security with its delegation from kyra. the goal a permanent truce hamas which runs gaza would cease its attacks on israel and return israel would ease the blockade that is strip people in gaza of livelihoods. the proposed agreement would encourage the building of infrastructure creating more jobs and allowing for the freedom of movement until recently unthinkable. and israeli security expert confirms that the government is participating in talks but
he s skeptical. yes it s actually being negotiated but only if hamas feels it s in danger then they are ready to stop the fire for a certain amount of time that. on thursday hamas declared the attacks to be over but rockets continue to fly targeting israel. and the israeli air force one several hamas locations it s quite a different picture to the proposed peace being tentatively talked about on the sidelines. for many vets few g. s and migrants the dream of a better future in europe remains just that a dream and when they end up being deported back to their home countries their problems a fall from nova that s their agenda initiative comes and its aims to have pretending refugees get back on their feet financially and professionally. the hunter
sure district of dakar is known as the fisherman s quarter my son the fall is one of them he grew up here together with his seven brothers and three sisters four of them now live in europe he s also been there in two thousand and six he travelled to spain in a boat. with a life is hard here everything s a struggle i was hungry and thirsty my family is poor that s why i risked my life to get to europe to help my family out of poverty in senegal it s just not possible one more before. but now some bo was deported now he s come to get some support at a migration center in dakar run by a german development agency known as g.r.i.z. it s part of a german government initiative to help returning migrants find work. but what somebody needs is money to start his own business. model or i m a fisherman but i have to borrow my care from my father in exchange he keeps
a lot of my cash leaving me with too little if i had my own fishing gear i d be able to get somewhere. else that would go the g.r.i.z. has been running the migration center since january in cooperation with senegal the youth employment agency thousands have already come here for advice the center offers support for starting a new business including finding sources of financing it also explains which pathways to germany are legal and which are not the g.i.c. has many other programs aimed at providing people with opportunities in their own country ok tional training and jobs in cooperation with senegal communes government agencies and chambers of commerce for money for cover if someone wants to succeed the first thought is i m leaving and that s precisely where this center comes in and what we want to achieve the opportunities which. sure available here locally
are made visible because most of the people seeking advice are simply unaware of these opportunities and. senegal has a long tradition of migration some seventy percent of all families have relatives abroad and there s success is a motivator and it s at that is the high rate of unemployment in senegal so many decide to leave can migration centers make a difference the difference would be what kind of services that you make and how closely they are built within the national system so for example what kind of what kind of relationship you have with employment services with the states was it all done moving with. the training possibilities the closer the cooperation the greater the chance of six cents from a somebody prepares his net for the following morning the advisers at the migration center will recommend that he starts a co-operative together with his friends they will then refer them to sources of financial support. so. when i have the photo build
a house for my wife and children and then i ll be able to help my siblings because i know exactly how it feels to be dependent on others. you know somebody hopes that he ll then finally stand on his own two feet and in his own country. joins me now and many investors today were eyeing growth figures coming out of japan crystal that s right on radar the world s third largest economy posted solid growth in the second quarter it expanded by half a percent that s more than added lists had expected after a contraction at the beginning of the year and i while the economic outlook has improved u.s. japanese trade talks made little headway this week japan is hoping to win concessions on threatened us all of terrorists which could be detrimental to the industry if they came about. it looks like japan s economy has bounced back after a worrying dip in the first quarter of this year consumers are more confident and
are spending more in an atmosphere of strong job growth providing a boost to gross domestic product from my pull to june g.d.p. showed a half percent expansion that was significantly better than had been expected the external environment however could be troublesome for japan s economy. i m a little boy our g.d.p. can be widely influenced by various external environments such as trade hostilities between the united states and china there are unstable and unsure factors so i cannot say for sure it will continue to grow. for good. deals so you know. u.s. president donald trump is pushing tokyo to sign a bilateral free trade agreement and threaten to impose higher tariffs on auto imports including those from japan that would hit the export sector of the world s third largest economy. now in the wave of china s billion dollar investments in
africa many small traders have come to the continent to set up shop low income households are hungry for cheap goods made in china but what looks like a win win proposition has its challenges yaquis reports. flashing fairy lights toys and electronic gadgets galore do you want to shop has it all for the last five years she and her husband have been running their store in cape ten s china town shopping center her business model is simple but effective me before but maybe shopping for men. is fine if i have been this is a thought i really fear. daisy one is one of an estimated one million chinese traders who ve arrived in africa over the last decade. the influx was triggered by
growing chinese investment paired with unemployment back home. showing louis daisy s landlord of the co owner of the mall eve recognized the demand among cape town consumers i did talk with one local people can for this it. doesn t lie. to the oh you know something i got history chart. i ve got the words i could buy one char one close i can come to china town so much prize. money i get really close to success speaks for itself since twenty ten with his partners opened three malls and cape town with a total of one hundred fifty independent stores. but the demand for cheap goods made in china is not limited to the big cities a four hour drive away from cape town is the small community of ladysmith its
population numbers just seven thousand but like many villages these days it has its very own china store. forty four year old chang young young manages the store a strategic partnership between south africa and china airlines wholesalers to import a range of goods from china tax free retailers like young can then offer their customers cheaper products his customer base mostly low to medium income households appreciate the savings. prices way better the quality isn t great but it s pretty ok and for us to shop offers the cheapest products cost about. it sounds like a win win situation but the week south african rand crime says expert ross antony posed challenges for many chinese traders.
chang young young invested in c.c.t.v. cameras for security for him like many chinese traders the promise of good business in south africa still outweighs the risk. of. american director spike lee is back with a shock comedy about the white supremacist group the ku klux klan the film school black klansman and it takes place in the one nine hundred seventy s. but references to days in artist states are hard to miss here s a scene portraying former king. david. we are privileged. to be among white men. and white women. such as yourselves
real warriors for the real america the america that our and sisters fought and died for you know the true white american race the backbone from whence came our great southern heritage. and i want to thank you. oh thank you so much for never putting your country second. america first for america as an expert an excerpt from spike lee s latest film david let us walk us through this is him to talk about the fence america first that sounds familiar david i wonder why i think i think a lot of people associate that now with donald trump this is of course spike lee reminding us that the k.k.k. was using that slogan a long time before trump picked it up and it s also no mistake that this movie is coming out this weekend it s the one year anniversary of the unite the right racist
rallies in charlottesville virginia that ended in horrible violence and that trump basically refused to condemn the king on this latest film the color of black klansman is actually based on true story it is based on the memoirs of ron stallworth s he is a black to tech tip who in the one nine hundred seventy s. infiltrated the k.k.k. by pretending to be a white racist on the telephone now in face to face meetings with the klan of course he had to send a white officer in his stead here s another look at black klansman. this is wrong stahl called who am i speaking of is david duke grand wizard of the ku klux klan that they do god last time i checked what i do for well since you asked i hate blacks i hate jews mexicans and irish italians and chinese
but my mouth to god s ears i really hate those black brats and anyone else really that doesn t have pure white area and blood running through their veins i m not even talking to their white american blessed white america for the real ron stallworth this film is highly relevant today. you ve been subjugated to me very similar to what was happening with. this activity never goes underground. a lot of people say that the plane was did they play is not relevant the claim is always relevant always has and always will be and whether you call yourself by claiming the nazis is to live you have you seen my share an ideology or beliefs about race and these guys will decide the poor for right now in part because of who we have long felt. for director spike lee that relevance was a very deliberate choice. we now want to be period piece we want people to walk out of the theater understand that history teaches so and we. will see
in a very difficult time not only america but the world but he could have the film also makes a strong plea against complacency by contrasting the initial attitudes of the two undercover cops i m risking my life to prevent someone that s from money a couple six hundred far this is the job for a problem that s my problem for you it s a crusade for me it s a job. it s not personal no should it be why haven t you bought into this why should i because you re jewish brother the so-called chosen people you ve been passing for a wasp white anglo-saxon protestant cherry pie hot white boy. it s what some light skinned black folks do they pass for white doesn t that hatred you ve been hearing the klan say does not piss you off course it does and why you act like you ain t got skin in the game brother ricky that s my business to business. some great actors there you ve got tougher grace nailing the part of
david duke the smiling modern face of the clan adam driver as the jewish detective and john david washington as the lead he by the way is the son of denzel washington and this is not his first spike lee joint he actually was in malcolm x. as a little boy with his dad in the lead ok so even the film seems to have an element of comedy but the subject is they see it is so what is spike lee s message in the film i think his message is the same one that the real life officer ron stallworth wrote in his memoirs which basically he says i m going to paraphrase if he has a black guy with the help of some decent white folks and some decent jewish folks managed to show white racists for the idiots that they are and triumph over them in that way then what could the country do if everyone can begetter but the talking about trying to divisions within american society in fit my lowest fear is talking about his latest documentary what s that about right like spike lee michael moore
is of course a very political filmmaker whose movies are meant as a wake up call his new film is called fahrenheit eleven nine it s his attack on donald trump and how he got elected now along the way michael moore looks at hate groups at this he meets with victims of the school shooting this february and parklands florida and more continues to do what he does best which is painting broad polemical strong as acts of violence in this country like never seen. in the trailer moore says that trump will be the last president of the us i don t think he quite believes that himself but he definitely knows what he has to say to get people s blood boiling and to sell movie tickets this is an extreme look at an extreme situation and it s a movie that the american liberal america should say is going to eat up and the rest of the world i mean joe exactly and let s thank you very much david let s vania website absolutely that s a d w dot com slash culture thank you and it s over this is spike lee i d love to
see the post isn t things of black klansman thank you for bringing that story to us and see you again soon thank you. you re watching the news here a recap of the top stories that we re funding feel the united nations calling for an inquiry. and can t even enjoy the. coalition says it was. the time. has crashed to. donald trump announced and doubling of talent some. tensions between the u.s. and turkey have escalated over the invest of an american. message from the undercut she became has just begun. if you can have more news coming up shortly for me and from david a bad. mood
sorry i just couldn t get this song out of his head. the musicologist began searching for the source of these captivating south. and central africa. to fight their culture. the prize winning documentary songs from the forest. to nashville and i think one day this war will be considered a cruel and unjust war uber. and certainly all citizens of ukraine every man woman
and child the only friend their homeland of the enemy invades. no one wants russia here it is this. rebel against the mighty google news that matters. d.w. made for mines. sunday to. his work. as for tonight. the maestro and feed. the children twenty team. rock n. roll up. sinful school condemned by the church. i know that. feeling that you feel when you fight. your past loads of music.
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