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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News 20121104 23:30:00

on this sunday night, the final 48 hours in the race for president. a frantic final push on the campaign trail, obama and romney making a mad dash through the swing states. meantime, tempers flare. tonight a final poll on where this race stands and how sandy could impact the election. plus the new big storm closing in threatening to disrupt a massive recovery operation. and making a difference, the marathon may be off, but the race is on to help some of the hardest hit victims of the storm. from our election home, nightly news begins now.
good evening. in just over 48 from now, the first polling places here on the east coast will close in the presidential election. the final countdown is on and the gut check moment has arrived for president obama and governor romney as they make the crucial decisions as to where and how to marshall their resources into places they can still make a difference. and tonight, we re about to release the results of our time poll in this race, a last-minute snapshot that could give both camps a reason for hope and anxiety. and how the hurricane sandy disaster has affected this race. let s start with our political director and chief white house correspondent chuck todd who s just below me here on democracy plaza. let s get right to the numbers, the president with a very narrow lead, 48% to 47%.
this is almost last close presidential election we had which is when president bush also had a 48% to 47% lead. among early voters, president obama with a seven-point advantage here. four in ten voters may vote early this year. and in the battle ground states, the president s got a four-point lead and that s within the margin of error. in the northea let me show you where there may be a sandy effect, and that is the idea of which candidate has better leadership qualities. a week earlier, governor romney led the polls, but now you see
president obama leads. in the middle class, the president leads by n k11, value versus the economy. and watching the exhausting travel schedule has been like watching a pair of prize fighters in the 12th round. let s get right out on to the campaign trail, along with kristen welker with the president in cincinnati. reporter: good evening to you lester. president obama campaigns here in must-win ohio tonight with music legend stevy wonder kicking thing off. with this race too close to call, president obama is enlisting his biggest su egest s and supporters to help him close this deal. president obama in the final sprint of this deadlocked race, stopping first in concord, new hampshire today. let s go get them, new hampshire. and then to hollywood, florida. are you fired up?
reporter: mr. obama will travel several thousand miles, stopping in ohio, colorado, wisconsin. today the president enlisted one of the most high profile democrats to fire up voters. former president bill clinton. president obama even borrowing president clinton s campaign song. president clinton slammed romney. he s tying himself into knots saying he didn t oppose what he didn t oppose. reporter: and obama we know what change looks like and he ain t it. reporter: and president obama
confused the former presidents. that ad th that. that ad that you have seen that president clinton bankrupted the auto industry so that china could buy it. we re in commanding position, but our big challenge new is to make sure that we execute and get our vote out. reporter: michelle obama will join the president in iowa for his final event tomorrow night. kristen welker, nbc news, traveling with the president in cincinnati, ohio. meantime tonight mitt romney is barrelling through a few states of his own. reporter: anticipating a dramatic finale two more days. two more days and we can get to work rebuilding our country. reporter: mitt romney this weekend is racing through eight
events in seven states. we have got to change course because unless we do, we may be looking at another recession. let s make sure we get everyone out to vote on tuesday. reporter: governor romney s carefully crafted final pitch that he would be a bipartisan leader. and he has this new line don t boo, vote. voting is the best revenge. they asked their supporters to vote for revenge. for revenge. instead i ask the american people to vote for love of country. reporter: and while upbeat, mr. romney made this acknowledgement. if the president were to be re-elected. boo! it s possible. but not likely. reporter: this afternoon, new jersey governor chris christie
who praised president obama s leadership in the aftermath of hurricane sandy, said he s still voting for mitt romney. i am voting for mitt romney, but that doesn t mean that i can t turn to president obama and say thank you. reporter: romney advisors are projecting confidence and claiming a more enthusiastic base. there s a gap on the side of republicans. reporter: late saturday mrs. romney rallied supporters in cleveland. i m feeling it r you feeling it? reporter: i m peter alexander
traveling with governor romney in pennsylvania. i want to first talk to you about those numbers, about the leadership question, saying that president obama may have gotten a sandy bounce. is there anything that romney can do in that case or does he have to be on the sidelines? he is on the sidelineses, there s no question about it. in talking to the president today, they maintain that their zeta is unchanged. he would win bagsd on the reality is chris christie is now having to go out of his way to say he s still voting for mitt romney. he did provide him a boost. mitt romney needs to lead, let s face it the country is starved for it at the moment which is why i think it resonates. they both really have reason to be confident now, don t they?
they have reason to be confident because you saw our poll, it s deadlocked, neck and neck. now it s whether they get their supporters to the polls, this very sophisticated report that the president has had years to vote on. building for mitt romney, perhaps stalled a bit when attention was taken off of him during sandy and during the recovery, whether that passion can be reignited and in his closing message, reaching out to moderates, reaching out to bipartisanship whether that ignites people and gets them to the polls. and your thoughts quickly on president clinton s appearance on the campaign trail. having covered bill and hillary clinton, this is the anniversary of bill clinton s 92 race. you can see him absolutely energized and igniting these
crowds, he s the closer for barack obama. they have got to get young people and might norities out t vote. in florida, anger and frustration today in miami where voters lined up to cast absentee ballots after being cut off from the early voting deadline yesterday. what happened there and other potential election problems. reporter: frustrated voters juice the miami-dade election office this afternoon. they had come after the county announced it would open its doors to provide an accept absentee ballots today. but so many voters showed up that election officials were overwhelmed. they shut their doors and then decided to reopen.
the democratic party ensued to extend early voters after some voters were stuck on line for hours. i have waited five hours now. reporter: election officials are bracing for lots of potential voting problems on tuesday, especiallily in the key battleground states n ohio, experts say because of confusion over new absentee ballot rules, more than 200,000 voters may be forced to cast provisional ballots that won t be counted until ten days after election day. there s a realistic chance that we will not know which candidate won the election in ohio. reporter: citizen groups like tea to vote, a tea party offshoot who says it s trained more than a million poll watchers to look out for voter fraud. liberal activist groups are saying they re employing their own poll watchers. we will be watching the poll
watchers to make sure they are not acting as bullies. reporter: meanwhile hurricane sandy s devastation has swamped election plans in the northeast. officials are faced with flooded buildings and power outages are besieged. actually the timing of the storm was horrible for us respecting people s ability to get to the polls. reporter: this weekend the state announced it will let voters displaced by sandy e-mail or fax their ballots in. and military trucks may be deployed as backup polling stations. all these issues could lead to an election storm that leads to confusion and even chaos at the polls on tuesday. we want to let you know that brian williams and our entire political team will be with you every step of the way on election night. our coverage begins at 7:00, 6 central on tuesday night. amid the long lines for gas
and the long wait for power, a new crisis emerges after sandy, where will people live during the long recovery. and another storm, taking aim at some of the hardest hit areas. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away
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we re back now with a long road to recovery facing thousands of families hit hard by superstorm sandy. in addition to the immediate needs of food and gas, there s a new emerging crisis. where are they all going to live in the weeks and months ahead? nbc s michelle franzen is on the jersey shore tonight. reporter: good evening, lester, aside from our light this neighborhood is in darkness. an hour earlier thanks to the time change and also an early cold night for residents hunkering down in their homes, those still without power. now tonight, new jersey s governor says fema has extended public assistance for all 21 counties in the state a big step as officials here and in new york try to overcome a challenge. in the blue collar fishing towns
of highlands, new jersey amber moskowitz is surrounded by debris. we re safe, but it killed us, we lost all our pictures and memories. what we re worried about right now is that it s so cold they can t stay? their homes. the reality of not know what s next has set in. look at that, i don t know how that s going to be repaired. reporter: today homeland security secretary janet napolitano toured neighborhoods. our goal is to get people out of the shelters now as quickly as possible into something more stable, more satisfying. reporter: meanwhile the crisis at the pump continues, with drivers lining up at the
pump to fill up and rationing in place in new jersey until supply can catch up with demand. part of the gas thing is that people are worried it s going to run out, it s not going to run out. in new york city, ferry sciee back online for tomorrow s commute. but for thousands still without power a crisis is emerging. one of the great fears we have with cold weather coming we have to make sure that people can stay warm and among the hardest hit, the rockaways in staten island. governmetonight the first ma donation from pepsico and walmart. reporter: in staten island, victims waited five days before help arrived. please start going door to door and ask some of the owners
if they need anything. reporter: in queens more than 100 homes burned to the ground in a raging file fueled by sandy, a church service offered comforting words and a new determination. we don t have any crystal balls that will tell us how breezy point will be rebuilt. do not abandon your hope because only hope sustains us. reporter: volunteers and military teams continue to travel across the country to help in the recovery effort. the latest, 400 marines helping out in staten island. there is another big storm headed toward the region. we re joined tonight by w channel meteorologist kelly cass. this is the last thing we need in the northeast, and remember all those protective dunes have been washed away by
sandy so obviously we have some store fronts and residential areas that could be hit with another storm. we ll be dealing with a lot of rain and very windy conditions. it s going to start off on the southeast coast, affecting basically election day. that nor easter co-moves up the coast, very strong winds traveling up the northeast and those winds will be sustained between 25 and 30 miles an hour, but gusting as high as 50 miles an hour. we could be looking at two to three inches of rainfall. coastal flooding is a huge concern. right now it looks like ohio will be clear, back to you, lester. kelly, thank you and we re back in a moment with some of the other day s news.

we re back now with some of the day s other news. in pittsburgh, a boy was killed
when he fell about 14 feet into an enclosure at a zoo and was mauled by a pack of wild dogs. zoo officials entered the enclosure and used tranquilizer darts, but it was too late to save the boy. there was a big blast right in the heart of damascus, a car bomb went off near one of the city s largest hotels. when we come back here on this sunday night, the marathon is off, but that doesn t stop thousands from putting on their running shoes today making a difference on the path to recovery. that s why dentures require special care. make polident® part of your daily routine. polident s unique microclean formula cleanses gently. it releases antimicrobial agents, including active oxygen,
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the view here in democracy pla plaza, finally when they cancelled the new york marathon, many found themselves with nothing to do after the storm. many felt they could make a difference in the lives of those hardest hit. reporter: after the staten island ferry, it felt like the marathon. 600 garbage bags, if everybody can take a garbage bag. 1,000 runners suddenly with time on their hands were ready to deliver supplies.
this is the boat that could have taken them over to the starting line this morning. instead they re going to statten island to help, they re man thonners, they have a lot of energy. the father-daughter team from the west coast, they were relieved when the race was cancelled. i didn t think could have felt good about it knowing that all these people were cold and carrying all they own on their backs. so they were running. baby wipes, batteries. flashlights whatever people need. there was anger in this community last week when michael bloomberg said the race would go on, especially with food, water and generators were piled up for the race, not the residents.
now the runners delivered those same supplies and lended a has been where it was needed. i m glad the run was cancelled and they re just able to lend a helping hand. in some ways canceling it did the same thing. that s nbc nightly news for this sunday. up next, football night in america, followed by sunday night football, the cowboys take on the falcons. i m lester holt reporting from democracy plaza here in new york. for all of us here at nbc news, good night.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140723 10:00:00

students ment we asked is this fair or foul? james says what is going to happen when these kids grow up and meets a team who grew up without restrictions. why don t we wrap them up in bubble wrap and let them play? foul. goom. it good morning. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. it is july 23. a major victory in the georgia senate race. david perdue tops a longtime congressman. a big scare for obamacare and even liberals are concerned. the landmark ruling that could delete the president s greatest achievement. super bowl winning coach tony did you know dungee
being ridiculed for saying michael sam would be a distraction to his team. what is wrong with speaking your mind these days? think about that as we roll animation because mornings are better with friends. it s fox & friends. live from studio e here in the heart of midtown manhattan on this 23rd day of july. welcome aboard, folks. heather nauert is here with headlines. a lot happening through the night. we ve got news coming out of israel affecting travelers there. moments ago secretary of state john kerry touching down in tel aviv, israel, despite the f.a.a. s new ban on u.s. airlines from flying into that airport. this after a rocket landed in a neighborhood about a mile from that airport. the 24-hour ban expires at noon today but the f.a.a. is reevaluating and will announce later this morning if it will extend that ban
or not. certainly other countries have also suspended flights to israel. more on that. moments ago the downed malaysian plane s black boxes have arrived in england. experts now downloading data from the recorders following a request by authorities in the netherlands who are now leading that investigation. also earlier this morning the first plane carrying the remains of some of the 298 victims left the airport in ukraine for the nght lands. it is trd it is considered a national day of mourning in the netherlands. in the meantime the united states said it found no link of direct russian involvement. but says vladimir putin base some responsibility for the attack. they provided the training and support for the rebels who most likely shot down the plane. here at home it could be one of the most watched senate races in the entire
nation. in georgia, david perdue defeating jack kingston in the republican run-off. it will be key to the republicans gaining six more seats to win control of the senate in november. more debt, higher taxes, a disaster that s called imoam, this is the agenda that michelle nun and her party support. would he can t allow that to stand. david perdue will join us live on fox & friends. the piano man is set to receive one of music s greatest honors. the library of congress is awarding billy joel the ber gershwin prize for
popular song, the second major award for joel in two years. it comes on the heels of the kennedy center honors back in december. congratulations billy joel. those are your headlines. why did you chows to play uptown girl ? she is an uptown girl. hello. it s all about her. it is a tribute to christie brinkley and they aren t married anymore. a big scare for obamacare. yesterday the d.c. court of appeals, the second highest court in the land, said the subsidies are illegal in 36 states. the law as written said that credits, these subsidies can only flow through, quote, an exchange established by the state. a bunch of states didn t establish them, so the federal government came in.
and in 2012 the i.r.s. pumped out a rule giving subsidies to everybody, and that s what prompted this lawsuit. simultaneously the white house felt a little lucky because the fourth circuit in virginia said they re legal. now it could be headed to the supreme court. in the meantime the white house said it is going to continue handing out billions of taxpayer dollars in the subsidies until this gets figured out and works its way up the court system. could be years. three judges decided this. it seems to be a major blow when it comes to obamacare and the money that s being handed out, in this case determined here in these three courts. they said it is illegal. a constitutional scholar said this is a bloody mess. it will be a bloody mess. the problem is the president, it was found by the d.c. circuit, to have exceeded his authority, to have violated again the
separation of powers. but m this case that violation led to the commitment of hundreds of billions of dollars in the past, future years. and that is a serious problem. i don t see how the a.c.a. can survive without this system, at least in the form it was originally designed to have. does that mean it will collapse? it would collapse unless congress would be willing to make massive changes and massive subsidies to back those up. the panel found the president spent billions in taxpayer dollars he had no authority to spend, subjected millions of employers and individuals to mandates he had no authority to impose. game on at the highest level. here we go again. and all indications are they knew all along how much in jeopardy this ruling would be. it s not so much the law that passed. it s the one that kept changing. if it goes back to the original form, can anyone afford obamacare without the subsidies? that will be one of the keys.
the other thing we ve got to think about too is when everyone signed up, the 5.4 million people who signed up for obamacare, did they do it the right way? was anyone verified the information they were giving. the g.a.o. wondered that and set up a sting operation. the government accountability office made up fake applications, 12 on phone or on-line, 6 in person, all completely false. nothing true: income, counterfeit documentation false. 11 out of 12 of them, of these fake applications got through. they actually got government subsidized health insurance. they got through the verification process and their bogus beneficiaries are still covered. that s the extraordinary thing. it begs the question, so this was just a controlled situation where 11 of the 12 failed and the one had a
failed, the one that failed, the one they noted simply because that person did not cough up a social security number. how many people have applied for obamacare and gotten subsidies even though they completely perhaps misrepresented their income or lied about their situation? right now we don t know because right now nobody is looking into it. the president doesn t have time because he s flying back and forth raising cash for democrats. it s exhausting. exactly. but there is a critique that he is not paying enough attention to what s going on in the world, he s not doing the right thing. he s forcing his attention on fund-raising, causing the taxpayers $3 million for a recent trip alone. josh earnest at the white house, press secretary, said he can focus on a couple of things at the same time. the president, like most professionals, has the capability to deal with more than one priority at a time, particularly somebody who has the trappings of
the presidency alongside him. he has his own airplane, dedicated phone lines, senior advisors who will be accompanying him every step of the way. then he brought up out of the five work days he s spending three of them on funding. he s got the phone and the pen. he was in seattle last night and they were talking about cynicism, and the president said i don t really watch much of the news because i generally already know what they re talking about. wait a minute, i don t really watch much of the news because i know what they re already talking about? how many times have we heard the president say i learned about this situation by watching the news. a lot of people are going which way is it, mr. president? you can t have it both ways. if he didn t watch the news, he probably doesn t know that tony dungee, although he s not coaching anymore, he s a spofts
sportscaster got himself into controversy when he answered the question, would you have taken michael sam, the defensive player who came out and say, by the way, i am quote, he said, quote, tony dungee did, i wouldn t have taken him not because i don t think michael sam shouldn t have a chance to play. i don t want to deal with all that. he s saying when you have somebody in a locker room that s different it becomes a major story. if you want to look at an example look at tim tebow. tim tebow was bigger than the sport for awhile. is there x factor going to take away from what s going on on the field. keep in mind, tony dungee didn t say i wouldn t sign him because he s gay. he said he would be a distraction. there are many players like tim tebow who in the mind
of many coaches thought this guy is going to take away from the team aspect here. listen to this. if you are in a professional sports locker room and you happen to be gay, there are people in an nfl locker room or any kind of locker room for a professional sports team, there are people who are going to have a problem with it. if somebody is sitting there in a locker room and they re minding their own business but it is just not something they agree with, they shouldn t be excoriated either. you have the right to feel what you feel so long as you re not trying to inflict any kind of harm figuratively or literally upon another human being. it s that simple. so tony dungee, whether it is from a religious perspective or whether it is just taking his quote verbatim, he happens to be right. but he is getting
slammed. he s getting abused in the media. it is a fact that this story is a big deal in the media. michael sam, did he make it a big deal? who knows? did tony dungee make it a big deal? it is a big deal because the media latched on to this earlier on. the twitter verse is aflame and they re calling tony dungee every imaginable word and name, but here s the thepg. he has the right to express his opinion. in his have been a distraction? to tony dungee, yes. to other people? maybe not. but they weren t asked. on twitter they re saying he s a hypocrite. michael vick, he completely repackaged himself. tonydunjihad tony
dunjihad the chance to say no. there is no right or wrong answer. we respect your opinion unlike the rest of the media. we ll put your opinion up there. hopefully you ll get on facebook and twitter and we ll read them. coming up straight ahead, a plan to fix the border crisis. instead of giving aid to the illegals home countries, cut them off. a veteran gets trapped inside a v.a. clinic. what is your emergency? hi. i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility and the alarm has been going how in the world did that happen? we re going to hear from that vet straight ahead. woooo.
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welcome back. this week president obama will mote with leaders from central america to address the border crisis. even though u.s. taxpayers are footing the bill for children fleeing those countries, their leaders are still asking for more
money. our next guest says the solution to this crisis is to cut off those countries bit by bit. maryland congressman michael burgess joins us now. good morning, sir. thank you for being with us this morning. thanks for having me on. i wouldn t say it s cutting them off. it is billing them for the services we re providing for their citizens. i estimated, i saw a report in the papers, it was $500 per child per day. each child is staying about 34 days in a facility. the round number comes out to about $15,000, and that seemed like a reasonable amount to bill back to the presidents of those countries for taking care of their children. congressman, there you are in texas, and the reaction by many upon hearing this will say that s harsh, that s heartless. you want to know harsh? harsh is putting an 8-year-old on top of a freight train and sending him across mexico. that s harsh. harsh is taking children to the middle of the rio
grande, leaving them and calling it a high-water rescue which is what a constable told me he had seen there when i was there earlier this month. that s harsh. this is a problem that the president created, in my opinion, two years ago when the president created this special program of adjudication. that lit the fuse. the president may say that wasn t what i really said or wasn t my intention but it is how it was interpreted, how it was marketed by child traffickers on the border. they are using the deferred adjudication of childhood arrivals as a means to tell people if we can get you there, you get a free pass. that is what has created the pressure on the border. the numbers have doubled each year for the past two years. when you go down and ask people on the border when did this change? when did it become different? they will tell you november, december of last year. the administration saw this coming. they knew it was coming. in no way is this an emergency appropriation. in fact, you send more money, you re probably
going to get more problem. congressman, why hasn t the president been there? who is secure with the border the way it is? no one. our men and women who work for customs patrol, the social workers who work at h.h.s., the people who work for fema who are doing all the jobs we task them for, they re working their hearts out but the fact of the matter is they re being overwhelmed. the process has to include stopping the flow. the president could do that by going to the border and making that statement. congressman burgess, thank you for joining us from the lone star state of texas this morning. thank you. coming up, it s happening all over the country. our next guest thought she had a decent deem under obamacare until she discovered no doctor would take it. this cat may only have eight lives now. how he miraculously survived the massive wildfire in washington state. strong kitty there.
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quick headlines. a deadly standoff in texas ends in a shootout with police. two officers were wounded while trying to serve a warrant on a murder suspect in the rio grande valley. the 29-year-old suspect was killed in a gun fight. jury deliberations resume in a separate story in jesse ventura s defamation
suit. ventura says chris kyle lied in his 2012 bestseller called american sniper about punching ventura in a bar, in 2006 remarks he made insulting navy seals. in a videotape before his death last year kyle says the story is true. he has passed away. it is a major blow to obamacare. the d.c. circuit court of appeals concluded yesterday the i.r.s. went too far in extending subsidies to those buying insurance through the federal run exchanges at you can only do them through state exchanges. the fate of obamacare may be in jeopardy but personal troubles with the exchange are still piling up across the country. our next guest says she was forced to get a policy under obamacare. but now what problems is she facing? charlene lake joins us live. good morning to you, charlene. good morning. how are you? okay. you thought you got a pretty good deal through
the affordable care act, an h.m.o. that included a family doctor, not too many miles from your home. then when it was time to actually see a doctor, you started getting paper work. what happened to you? basically what happened, steve, is i found a wonderful doctor. i did go in to see him for a medical situation in may. i was thrilled. i thought this is great. this is working. and he was a mile and a half from my home. i received then a letter in early july july 3 stating that they were now removing me from that p.c.p. and will be reassigning me it a new provider. needless to say, i was very upset because i was happy with this doctor. i felt i was established with him. i went in, i filed all the paper work. you reveal a lot of personal information about yourself. i confirmed with humana. they first told me they thought it was an error.
they claimed it was because of patient overload they were no longer accepting any more patients. but you weren t a new patient. no, i was not a new patient. he said confirm with your doctor. i did and immediately they knew whiefs what i was talking about. she double checked and said you ve been removed from the system. here s a quote from your cancellation letter. we sent you an i.d. card with a primary care physician. however the doctor who was assigned to you is unavailable to accept additional patients. you explained that. that s the deal. now you ve got this policy, and who s your doctor? my doctor is questionable. i called to ask who i was being reassigned to. i spoke with a series of humana agents. i was on the phone literally for hours. i called j.s.a. medical group, the medical group who basically has a
monopoly in many areas of florida. they are the main provider for p.c.p. s with humana, the plan i signed up for. i didn t know when i saw this doctor by name that he was part of a corporation and i risked being dropped. they refused to reinstate me. they were very unsympathetic. the agent was actually very cold and wouldn t let me speak to anybody else. i asked can i speak to a supervisor? he said no, i m it. as far as you get. i called humana back and they called j.s.a. medical group, and she got a different agent. he went on to say i thought this was very interesting that i could keep my physician if i selected a different health care plan, a more expensive one. she said yes, it would be more expensive. if it s a patient overload, how come i can keep my doctor? i also asked my doctor can i continue to see you if i pay out of pocket? they said yes. we didn t select to lose
you as a patient. but you shouldn t have to do that. that is not what you signed up for. what are you going to do? no. i have gotten my new humana card. i ve been assigned to a clinic. this clinic is basically the equivalent of a low-income free clinic, and i m sure they can offer some good service, but that s not what i signed up for. i want to keep my physician. and i wouldn t this premium is over $400 a month through a silver plan. i didn t think i would end up going to a clinic. it s heartbreaking because that s not what you signed up for. you thought you had that doctor down the street and you wound up with the free clinic which is not part of the deal. charlene, thank you very much for telling your story and we hope this all works out for you. thank you for having me. i appreciate it. too bad. 29 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, a veteran gets trapped inside a v.a.
clinic. what is your emergency? hi. i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. how does that happen? you re going to hear from that vet straight ahead. then white flags replace the american flag at the brooklyn bridge in the middle of the night, and still nobody knows who did this or why. how in the world does this massive security breach happen in new york city? but first, happy birthday to guitarist flash originally from guns and roses. roses. he is 49 today. celebrate your love of crab with gthis year s largest variety!.
cause it s crabfest at red lobster! dig into a succulent selection of crab entrées. like new crab lover s trio! with sweet snow crab legs, split king crab, and jumbo lump crab over savory shrimp. crab three ways! all on one plate. or try new jumbo lump crab over wood-grilled salmon. experience crabfest at red lobster today. only for a limited time. come in and sea food differently! the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we ll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours.
a judge in virginia wrote an opinion today in favor, in favor of obamacare, saying getting health care from the state or federal government is the same as ordering from pizza versus dominoes. i m not sure if i agree. their websites always work. it s so true. private businesses, when they go in business to sell stuff on-line, why do they always work? the big comparison was how big even shoe sales companies like zappos went through. one thing about michael bloomberg, when he wanted to get stuff done, it actually worked a lot of times in new york city and certainly at bloomberg tv. he is actually the head of your news today because he hopped on a flight. that s right. he got on a flight to go to tel aviv to prove that it s safe to fly there despite a new f.a.a. ban. he is ignoring that f.a.a.
ban, landing in tel aviv just moments ago. bloomberg flying on israel s el al airline which doesn t have to follow the ban. bloomberg says that ban simply gives hamas a victory. he urged the f.a.a. to lift the 24-hour ban that ends at noon today and that resulted in part from a rocket that landed about a mile away from that airport. new developments. in the case of a missing marine s pregnant wife in california. newly released court papers reveal that aaron corwin may have been having an affair with her neighbor when she disappeared three weeks ago and the baby might have been his. that neighbor, christopher lee, was reportedly worried that his wife would find out that he got corwin pregnant and would divorce him. the desert sun reporting cops believe corwin was shot. the two were on a hunting trip. lee was recently discharged as a marine. he was arrested on suspicion of possession of
a destructive device but was released on bail on july 6. cops will not say if the case is connected to the search but say he was brought in regarding an ongoing investigation. that is a story we ll continue to watch. this next story will leave you shaking your head. listen to the 911 call made after a veteran realized that he was all alone and locked inside a v.a. clinic in florida. 911. what is your emergency? hi. i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. nice, huh? that is the voice of jeffrey dock. he said he went to his doctor for a prescription refill but ended up waiting three hours. he then figured out he was the only person inside that building. fortunately he had his phone on him. he whipped out that phone, recorded video walking around the lobby. here i am around the
v.a. and everybody has gone home. can you imagine? the v.a. has since issued an apology. dock says he s not angry. he s just disappointed. keep that straight, how are they going to keep the more important things straight? it s just an indication that there s still a lot more for them to do. the v.a. says it s working to make changes. a cat proving she really does have nine lives. this feline was found in washington state badly burned by the devastating wildfires we have been telling you about. the cat is now on the road to recovery. definitely burned. all of her pads are going to must have. the eyelids were crisp. the owners can t take care of her so she is now
going home with the woman who ended up rescuing her. such terrible wildfires taking place there. wildfire funding was proposed yesterday in the senate. how about the story of the guy left at the v.a.? how many times have you been waiting, you ve been waiting for a doctor and you say to yourself, i think they forgot me? they forgot about me. he s right there. we didn t forget about maria molina. she s at 48th and 6th avenue with a preview of today s weather. good morning. here in the northeast we have a risk for some severe storms, especially across parts of northeastern pennsylvania up into portions of new england, including the state of maine. pretty widespread area across our region for the possibility of damaging winds from some of these storms. they are forecast to fire up late in the day. late afternoon, evening hours. here in new york city, we don t think storms are going to be rolling through
until late tonight. again, severe weather possible. temperature-wise, ahead of that storm system, 90 degrees for your high in new york city. you could reach the middle the 0 s 90 s in washington, d.c. across the plains, triple digits forecast for many areas across oklahoma and texas. factor in the humidity and it will feel even hotter not only across the plains, but take a look at new york city. what it s going to feel like when you head out the door, 93 degrees and upper the 90 s possible, maybe even 1 00 degrees in d.c. brian, over to you. thanks, maria. 21 minutes before the top of the hour. here s what s happening in sports. two lawsuits just enough for the disgraced los angeles clippers owner donald sterling. he is now filing a fraud
lawsuit against the nba and his he is stranged wife. he is suing the wife over the sale of the former team to steve balmer and the nba over the antitrust laws. doc rivers says he will quit if sterling remains with the clippers. that franchise could fall apart again all because of donald sterling. the seattle seahawks top a new poll as the team to beat because they re young, good and strong. they round out the rest of the top five. the 49ers are up there, broncos remain there, the patriots are there. the new orleans saints. the raiders came in dead last. lebron james return to cleveland did not do his neighbors any favors. hundreds packed the streets around his hometown of akron and his mansion. lebron sent them all a personal apology with
cupcakes. he says he s sorry for the chaos and hopes they enjoy the cherry cola flavored treats. that should make it better. cherry cola makes a cupcake? that changes everything. you ever seen that? way overdue. sounds delicious. meanwhile, 19 minutes before the top of the hour. then white flags replace american flags at the brooklyn bridge and nobody knows why or who did it. how in the world does this massive security breach happen? we are live at the bridge next. looks like a bleached american flag. one democrat says being in a union should be a civil right. really? do you agree with that? that debate coming up.
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a mystery surrounding one of the most famous landmarks in the country. who scaled the brooklyn bridge? took down the american flags and put up the white flags you see here instead? robert moses joins us live. good morning. everyone has a lot of questions when it comes to the flag swap here. reporter: elisabeth, good morning to you. a lot of questions and a lot of security concerns as well. the it would american flags are back in their rightful positions atop the towers here on the brooklyn bridge. police say the group responsible for this stunt planned it and may have had climbing experience. new yorkers did a double take yesterday when they saw those bleached flags that had replaced the usual ones. police say they have video showing a dpriewp of people walking a group of people walking across the bridge about 3:10 yesterday morning and then ten minutes later the light
illuminating the flag on the brooklyn flag went out. then the same thing happened to the flag on the manhattan tower. police say the perpetrators used aluminum pan to flash the lights. this morning police are still looking for the suspects. that is the latest live from manhattan tower. robert moses, thank you for that update. brian? 14 minutes before the top of the hour. should unionizing be a basic right? that is what one democrat is proposing in congress. keith ellison is introducing a bill making it easier for workers to sue companies who will not organize. you shouldn t be fired for expressing intent to support union activity.
here to discuss what this means for the worker, republican pete snider. do you believe congressman ellison is on the right track? this is ridiculous. the world is far from tranquil. our southern border is being overrun, and the democrats in congress want to make unionizing a civil right and gut our right it work laws? it s absolutely ridiculous. it will trash our economy. it s already illegal to fire workers if they say they want to unionize. the facts tell a different story. if you look what happened in michigan when they became a right to work state, they went up 21 places in the american economics institute ranging of business friendly areas, also the highest salaries, nonunion workers. that s spot on. study after study shows right to work states like my home state of virginia have lower unemployment, more manufacturing jobs. this is something that the left really would love to do. they would love to make
unionizing mandatory everywhere you go, bake it into our civil liberties instead of protecting the ones that are being trampled on by the obama administration. this all happened at net roots nation where all the progressives get together. they were talking about rand paul s effort to sue the n.s.a. and protect our privacy. they were talking about hoisting federal mandatory laws on us to unionize. you re not also saying if there is a group of people that want to unionize, they should do it and not get fired; right? you agree with that? i do. but i think our economy does better in right to work states, period. the facts so far back you up. about half the states are right to work states now. pete snider, good job. thanks. up next, isis terrorists giving christians an ultimatum. convert to islam. leave or die. father jonathan here live with a message straight from the pope.
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killed. the threat forcing thousands of christians to clear iraq s second largest city.
the numbers are dwindling. in 2003, mosul had 60,000 christians. by june of this year, there were 35,000. now there are reportedly zero. zero christians in that city. so what happens now? here with insider perspective is the patriarch of the syrian catholic church and father jonathan morris, fox news religion correspondent. good morning to both of you. good morning. thank you for having us. this deadline over the weekend, horrendous. horrific. following this, the pope reached out to you. what did he say? he just wanted to reassure me that he is praying for us, thinking of us. he really bears our life in his heart and he do whatever he can
to follow the situation and help christians in iraq, mostly in mosul you just mentioned because it s really tragic plight what we are going through. no kidding. father jonathan, over the weekend on fox & friends, you talked about this story. a lot of people hadn t heard about it, that if you re christian in iraq, you either got to pay a fine, get killed, or convert. and where is the outrage? it s incredible what s going on. they re going to the houses and putting an end, standing for nazarene, saying if you re here, you better get out because you re going to be killed. you have all of these christians, catholics and other christians who are leaving with nothing. they re ripping up the deeds of your house, they re taking any family jewels or anything you have on you, leaving you with
nothing, saying you have nothing to do in a place where christians have been for 1700 years. and the international community right now, it s silent. absolutely. that s why it s such a blessing to have the him here saying he was here in iraq, in the beginning of july and saw it firsthand. yes. i was that weekend of 28, 29, 30 of june when i heard about the exodus of our christians from a town 15 miles southeast of mosul being threatened and told that they will be invaded like mosul was. so they just fled. everyone took what they could and they fled to the neighboring area. is your heart full of fear? out of fear because they
thought that the army that was on the border between them and mosul would be so they will invade their city and will do those atrocities as they did in syria, neighboring syria. father jonathan, our president talks about a lot of stuff. we haven t heard him talk about this. we haven t. he s been silent. there are people who are suffering tremendously. i m going to put on my facebook and twitter people who want to help the christians fleeing with nothing and we re going to give an opportunity for them to help practically as well. if i may so, we have to pray to wake up our master, the lord jesus, who has been sleeping in the back of the boat as with the apostles who were drowning and they woke him up saying master,
don t care about us? that s a nice way to start the day with that message. father, thank you very much. thank you. may god bless you. god bless david purdue from georgia next feet.splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you re trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. xeljz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. seris, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don t start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low bod cell counts and higher liver tes and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tts before you start and while taking xeljanz,
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good morning. today is wednesday, july 23. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we start with a fox news alert. a major outsider victory in a georgia senate race. david purdue tops long-time republican congressman jack kingston. what this means for the balance of power in washington. purdue joins us live in just minutes. then michael bloomberg just flew there and this morning, secretary of state john kerry touched down there. i m talking about tel aviv. this after the faa had banned all flights to israel from the u.s. we have a live report from the war zone and what that ban could mean to the israeli economy in moments. and here is some advice, if
you re out kayaking, try not to paddle onto the back of a whale. what were those people thinking? we re going to tell you the back story to that and so much more. we got a busy wednesday, hour two starts right now. it s time for fox & friends a big show coming your way. local politic, big primary win. we re about to talk to that candidate, as well as the latest of what s happening in the ukraine and israel. this morning we have a fox news alert. secretary of state john kerry touching down in tel aviv as the faa bans all flights to israel from the united states. john huddy is live in israel, along the gaza border with the very latest. good morning, john. reporter: good morning. along with the ban on flights, that continues.
there has been a lot of rocket attacks on israel. we saw some of those rocket launches earlier today as we were driving to a location. also coming out of gaza, speaking of rockets, i found this in the open area where we are. this is the back of a rocket that was fired at israel. we found it on the ground here. this is the artillery as the firing continues. this is where all the smoke is that, is east gaza. there has been an intense, fierce fighting over the course of the last six days. really the 16 days we saw this started. but particularly since the ground offensive started. east gaza now artillery fire is being fired. there is a section of east gaza. went in that area a couple days ago. israeli officials say it s been hamas stronghold, and in particular there is a hospital there. saw that hospital. it s getting targeted now. it s been evacuated. but military officials here in israel say that it s been used
as not only for rocket storage and launches, but antitank missiles have been coming out of there. fired at ground troops. by the way, overnight, two more israeli soldiers were killed in the fighting, bringing that total to 29. i want to show you something as well. if you can come back to me live here, there are troops on the ground in the distance. it looks like there is some kind of vehicle searching for tunnels at this point. that s been the primary objective throughout this ground offensive is to find hamas extensive network of tunnels. some of which have stretched well into israel in this area here. so right now troops are on the ground looking for those tunnels. let s talk about diplomatic efforts. u.s. secretary of state john kerry is on the ground in israel. he s meeting with u.n. secretary general and later netanyahu. kerry released a statement saying some progress, quote, unquote, has been made, talking about the cease fire efforts,
though no details and there wasn t any elaboration about what kind of progress they re talking about. so at this point, again, that faa ban remains in effect and in the distance, the fighting in east gaza and gaza continues to rage on. back to you. john huddy live in gaza, thank you very much. it s an faa ban. it does not apply to israel s state airline el al. that is why mayor bloomberg, former of new york city, flew over there to show it s safe. fox news alert now, the runoff election for the republican senate nomination. david per do you narrowly defeating jack kingston. what does that mean for the general election because it could decide the balance of power in the senate. let s talk to him right now. he joins us live from georgia. congratulations, sir. thank you, good morning. how did you do it? well, i think our message resonated around the state that
the debt, the jobs and the economy right now are the critical issues around the state. we talked about alternatives to that. my opponent served this state very well for three decades and now we re going to be shoulder to shoulder to take our policies out to the voters of georgia this fall. the question out there, too, we saw in the last presidential election mitt romney getting hammered for being a successful businessman. do we see your opponent getting ready to use those arguments against your success. how are we going to see that? we ve seen that this spring in the primary. my mom and dad were school teachers. we were raised in middle georgia and we worked on a farm. i ve been blessed in my career. but the people of georgia want to talk about the critical issues of how to get this economy going and break gridlock in washington. so far we understand your opponent on the democratic side, of course, daughter of sam nun has got $9 million in the bank.
last month in a head to head x
that s what we plan to do this fall. republican party needs to take the senate back and take this debate forward to get an alternative on the table to replace and repeal obamacare. we ll see how that goes. senator chambliss did not vote for it. now, when you look at michelle opponent, she ran the points of life foundation for george bush, sam nun is somebody that s been a friend to many republicans. do you feel as though you have to position yourself as if you re running against something that s almost extinct, and that s a conservative democrat?
not at all. people in the state are very clear, this is 2014. we ve got a crisis on our hands. the people of georgia know that and they want something done about it. that s why i m sitting here. i was the outsider in the republican primary. now you re going to have two outside voices in michelle nun and myself. we ll be able to talk about the failed policies of this administration and talk about smaller government, lower taxes, and how to get this economy going again. that s what people of georgia want to talk about and we ll be able to do that this fall. jack kingston did call you last night, did he not? he did. yes. he was very gracious. we ve been tough competitors in this runoff. but we ve agreed to one thing. that is, look, we re going to be shoulder to shoulder to present the republican values of economic opportunity, fiscal responsibility and limited government to the voters of georgia this fall. we re very confident when they see that alternative, they ll respond positively. he beat three sitting congress people to get this
nomination. a very happy man. congratulations and the hard work is straight ahead. thanks so much. thank you guys. next up, first tuesday in november. that s right. our next up is heather nauert is here with some headlines. good morning. i ve got news from overseas.
he s had enough. it flips the father and daughter over in the kayak. those are your headlines. argentina. i guess a lot of people would like to swim with whales.
right. i m not one of them. let me tell you what s happening in sports in real life. super bowl winning coach tony dungee is getting hammered today because he came out and answered a question. the question was by the tampa bay tribune, would you have drafted michael sam, because he s the first openly gay athlete. would you have drafted him on your team? he says no. it would have been a distraction. he says he wouldn t have picked him. so he has gotten backlash because he said this. there is an attack against him for holding that opinion. we asked you what you thought. e-mails are pouring in. facebook, twitter is on fire. this is one person saying the press should give him credit for speak the truth. each player brings assets and liabilities to the team. if the celebrity of one player, regardless of circumstances
distracts from the mission, it s a liability. david tweeted out, i believe the media frenzied reaction confirms that he would have been a distraction. we re going to see how they react in the locker room. keep those opinions coming. he s entitled to his opinion, as are you. coming up, crises across the globe and here at home, so where is america s leadership and are we creating a void for our enemies to grow? captain pete hegseth reporting for duty on that. blowing the whistle on sports in america. is this woosification of america or something that s long overdue? woooo.
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with the chaos around the globe, questions are being raised about president obama s lack of leadership, from the malaysian plane disaster to the violence in gaza where secretary of state kerry is right now, to isis where they ve told the christians get out or be killed. is the white house creating a power void that s allowing our enemies to grow or are we just helpless to the volume of controversy?
pete hegseth is the ceo of concerned veterans for america
maybe in aruba. yes, brian. that tranquility of this global community, it is as if we are not on the field. this president doesn t it seems he doesn t even believe that there is sort of a geopolitical game going on of forces of good and evil, freedom and tyranny in which america has been the lynch pin. he seems disinterested. i want a president who is doing
whatever he can to maintain american advantage and defend our interest and our allies. you got israel under siege. we re playing arbiter. as we try to get money into the military, that would send a big message that we re starting to bulk up instead of scale back. captain hegseth, thanks so much. thank you. next up, food stamps paid for by taxpayers going up in smoke. food stamps being used for weed and it s perfectly legal? meet a sheriff who says orange is the new problem. why he s putting inmates back in stripes. when do we get outfits like everybody? maybe tomorrow.
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time for news by the numbers. first, more than 1,000. that s how many customer accounts on stub hub were hacked. cyber thieves then bought tickets for events all around the world. look at that. next, 300. that s how many jobs maryland governor just drove out of his state. the reason? gun maker baretta is moving its whole operation out of maryland thanks to the democrats new gun control laws. finally, 259. that s how many times ebt and welfare cards have been used to purchase weed in colorado. food stamps buying weed. they spent $25,000 in money that should go to needy families. instead it went to weedy
families. when do we get outfits? maybe tomorrow. shut your mouth. well, all the inmates at one michigan jail are getting new outfits thanks to that show, orange is the new black. the hit show. the sheriff says pop culture made orange jump suits cool and says black and white stripes are here to explain, sheriff william. good morning to you, sheriff. good morning. okay. so what were you noticing that caused you to get rid of the orange jump suits in lieu of those black and white stripes that your prisoners now wear? well, we regularly see citizens in public wearing orange pants and orange shirts that resembles our jump suits. also noticed health care workers, professionals in the hospitals that wear scrubs in different colors and we found a few of them wearing orange as well. predominantly people in the public wearing it, coming by the
courthouse, being out by our work crews and we didn t want there to be any guessing about whether it s an inmate of the saginaw county jail, so we changed the uniforms. what s been the reaction from the inmates? the reaction of the inmates, they don t like it. i had a few inmates tell me it makes them look like criminals. i said well, actually you don t want to label them. that s funny. well, i m not trying to demean them. it s to identify them to provide good safety and security for the citizens. in the big picture, do you worry that prison will begin to look kind of cool? well, sometimes i worry about that. i know that there are individuals in certain cultural crazes go on where people wear the orange as a badge of honor and as you know, life sometimes imitates art and this is an instance that i don t like it and so again, we moved in that direction from a security standpoint. it was also a cost saving standpoint. what s your message to anyone who doesn t want to wear the
stripes? well, if you don t like the clothing i provide, don t come back. it s when they complain about the food or clothes, don t commit crimes and you won t have to wear black and white horizontal stripes. it s an easy thing to do. it s a choice. we re not trying to demean the prisoners, but we must identify them for our citizens. so if you don t want to wear it, don t come in. in other words, don t break the law. don t go to jail. don t break the law. exactly. simple message. all right. sheriff, thank you very much for joining us today. you re welcome. thank you. they feel it makes them look like convicts. boo hoo. all right. coming up straight ahead, one state blowing the whistle on full contact football in high school. is this the woosification of america or the right thing to do? and lights out at brooklyn bridge as american flags are white washed or bleached and authorities have no clue who did it. how in the world does this
massive security breach happen? we re going to discuss that as we roll on live from new york city, the home of that bridge with the white flag.
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[ cat meows ] da-da-da-da-da, bum-da, bum-da bum-da, bum-da the animals went in two by two the sheep and the frog and the kangaroo and they all went marching, marching in two by two [ male announcer ] the nissan pathfinder, with intuitive four-wheel drive. an adventure worth sharing. nissan. innovation that excites. walking on not sunshine, but jello. it s your shot of the morning. a woman walking on what looks like floating sod in her yard. lot ofxçm?mxneihn4la&2&kmhe xqñ
. natural symbols of surrender and as you can see it right here, it flew on top of the anotherly 300-foot high towers for hours and hours yesterday. surveillance video shows four to five people crossing the bridge about 3:00 o clock in the morning and then a short time later, the lights went out and the waving american flag disappeared. police found aluminum pans and those were used to cover the bridge lights. at a closer look, the flags were really the american flag but bleached white. the nypd says whoever is responsible for this had training in climbing or construction. they do not believe that it s terror related or any kind of political statement. that s from the nypd.
in washington, the irs commissioner, john koskinen is back on capitol hill facing questions about the disappearance of two years worth of lois lerner s e-mails. it is the first hearing since testimony by irs attorney where he revealed he s not sure back up tapes containing lost e-mails exist or not. now the irs tech experts claim her hard drives were not destroyed and only crashed. the big question for investigators was that the crash, was it accidental or was it deliberate? more on that. a trip to florida turns into a nightmare for one family from indiana. their eight-year-old son, aidan, was playing in the ocean when he felt something on his right knee. it turns out it was a shark. i felt it, my eyes opened and then about a second later i started screaming cause it hurt so much.
i could see the teeth marks. it was pretty big. i heard him scream and i turn around and he was within arm s reach and i pulled him up out of the water. that poor little guy. aidan was rushed to the hospital. doctors say he suffered a six to seven-inch long cut on his leg. it was more than an inch deep. he will fully recover, it will take a couple months. california now limiting full contact practices at middle schools and high school youth football games. the reason? parents say they re worried about concussions. under the new rules, there will be no full contact in the offseason and teams are limited to 90 minute sessions twice a week for the rest of the year. this goes into effect january january 2015. no full contact in the kitchen. yeah. it s stormy in all places. thank you.
you guys feel the tingling? what are you chris matthews? i m just saying there is a tingling on the couch on wednesday because it s trivia day. that s right. it s wednesday. hello, everybody. good morning. it s science trivia day. today s question, by the way, has to do with the urban heat island effect and it s basically the fact that pavement and concrete can keep temperatures a little bit hotter than what the thermometer reads everywhere else. roof, pavement and concrete can raise night temperatures in cities by how much? three degrees, eight degrees, 15 degrees or 22 degrees? how much warmer will the temperature be at night in a city versus somewhere else? i m thinking b. i think it s more than 15. you do? yeah. we ll go with d. you re going to go with d? i ll go with steve.
i think it s around 20 degrees. i heard that once in a science lecture. steve, you are correct. it s 22 degrees. isn t that incredible? that a city can make nighttime temperatures 22 degrees warmer than elsewhere just because of the pavement and the concrete up here. you got a lot of cats on hot tin roofs on this town. it feels that way for sure. thanks, maria. thank you. that was your science trivia for the day. it was good. parents, are you sick of yelling at your kids from the driver s seat. toyota is unveiling a mega phone-like system in their new mini van. it s a reminder to our next guest on why he chose not to have children and why he[s9>(ñoo many laughs even talking about it. joining us is standup comedian and the host of fox tv s new show, [ laughter ] the hecklers toyota has a
solution for the parents. what do you think about it and what would be your tip? my tip is not to have them. kids? yeah. i don t have any kids. people keep saying the same thing to us because we have dogs. so they say, oh, well you re practicing for children. to them i say you re probably a bad parent. dogs are much smarter than kids. we don t let the kids drink out of the toilets at our house. i own a home and i don t own any outlet covers. there has never been a moment when my dog was like, duh, like this never happened. exactly. and he s home right now, right? yeah, and i don t care. child services can knock down my door. you don t have the app to look at him and make sure he s okay? i m sure he s okay. tv is not even on. if you have a kid, you can
brag to him and say, you should be so proud of dad, he has a new tv series and it s about laughs. yeah, but i can post that on social media. my ex-girlfriends will see anyway. making them know what they missed. exactly. i m happy. it all worked out. i love my wife and they re nowhere to be seen. it s august 2 premiere, fox stations. tell us about it. laughs is a highlight reel for standup comedy. it s the best comics in the country. we go around every week, we find the best comics and show the homeruns, the slam dunks, the best part for their act and give information on how people can see more of them. so if they re somebody you like, then you want to go see them live, we tell what you club they re playing, where you can find out more, what their twitter is, and we help people discover some of the best comics in the country. there are a lot of them in this country. tons. many in washington. you re actually looking for comedians to be on the show, right? we re looking all over the
place. we re traveling to eight different cities in the first 13 weeks that we re doing it. we ve already done tapings in louisville, indianapolis, new york, and l.a. and we re looking for more. it s fantastic. do they know you re there, or are you saying hey, if you re good, i m going to put you on the show or you trio sneak in? i hope they know we re there. otherwise we ll have rating issues. yeah. they absolutely know that we re there live. and this is a thing where once we get picked up not if, once once we get picked up, then we re going to have the opportunity to introduce america to 400 new comedians a year, which is absolutely incredible. so if people enjoy comedy at all, they really have the opportunity to see it. people love laughs. good luck to you. we ll see you saturday nights? saturday nights on fox stations and then again on sundays on my net. good job. entrepreneur and very funny guy
giving comedians a great chance. good luck with the dogs. it s making national headlines, a man dies while being arrested in new york city by the police. [ bleep ] a community is outraged, but are we jumping to conclusions too quickly? peter johnson, jr. weighs in on that coming up next. and things get heated up during a live tv show. what sparked this brawl? you have to see the video. you re seeing some of it. it s next.
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the country. this on the heels of the reported shootdown of a malaysian passenger jet last week. the united states hasn t found proof of the wrecked russian government involvement in the attack, but senior intelligence officials blamed moscow for supplying the missiles to rebels. steve? thanks, elisabeth. two new york city police officers are on desk duty after the arrest of eric gardner who died after this altercation with police. he can be heard yelling, quote, i can t breathe, a couple of times while an officer had him in what some are calling a choke hold. the facts of the incident being figured out, although many insist the altercation was racially motivated. bill bratten shot that theory down yesterday. i personally don t think that race was a factor in the incident involving this tragic death. okay. has there been a rush to judgment and what are the very latest developments?
joining us now is life long new yorker and fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. good morning, steve. this is a controversy that s consuming new york and the streets of new york at this time. f.b.i. is involved. the staten island district attorney is involved and even spike lee has gotten involved, noted film maker. he said on a tweet, the gentle giant watched the video, what he did is take a piece his movie do the right thing and confuse it with a video that was at the scene where mr. gardner was arrested and his subsequent unconsciousness and brought them together in an inflammatory way. what do we know happened for sure? that s an image from the cell phone. we know mr. gardner was allegedly selling what s called lucys, cigarettes, untaxed cigarettes at 75 cents apiece. allegedly he had broken up a fight on the street previous to that. police came on the scene. they decided to arrest him.
the video apparently shows that he resisted arrest and one police officer, along with other police officers, uniformed and nonuniformed, came up behind him. i ll show you exactly what he did. we ll talk about what the controversy is. the allegation is that he performed a choke hold with his hand behind him in an attempt to bring him down. you can t have the arm right there. a choke hold is something that will crush the wind wipe and can cause you to die. the issue, is it a choke hold? the second issue, which is illegal under new york police department patrol regulations, did the choke hold cause his death? cause he did die later. he did die. an autopsy is going on now. as i said, the d.a. and staten island is looking at it, the f.b.i. has gotten involved. even al sharpton has gotten involved with the national action network, calling for robust investigations, arrests
and indictment of the police officer who was involved in this incident. so it s caused a fire storm in new york city. we ve had similar incidents in the past involving the use of the choke hold which as i said is prohibited by the nypd. it s all going to come down to the medical examiner s report because they will determine did the choke hold cause the death or was there some inherent instability in mr. garner s medical history? did he have an arrhythmia? did he have a heartbeat that beat too fast? did he have asthma or some other condition? we know he had asthma. there is also an issue with regard to the conduct of the emergency medical technicians and paramedics on the scene who, according to one report, did nothing for six or seven minutes, except feel the carotid artery to see if there was a pulse and he was breathing. a lot of questions. i m sure it will go on for a long, long time in new york city and there will be a lot of controversy of the race card has
already been played on this issue. it has been. although there is no proof at this point of any racial discrimination. i think your advice is good. we wait for the medical examiner, and then we ll see what happened. thank you very much. be well. coming up, a mom uses her iphone to track her teenage daughter s every move. is that normal or is that nuts? dr. keith ablow is in charge of that department. he joins us. first on this date in 1980, it s still rock n roll to me by billy joel was the number one song in america. i think before he wrote uptown girl. !hs. they re irresistabowl. completely unbelievabowl. totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she s been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies,
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here is a quick headline i want to share. tensions high in the ukraine parliament. understandably so. a fight just erupted following a vote that called up more reserves to defend the country against the increasing russian troops on the nation s border. a brawl breaking out during a tv interview after a guest threw a bottle of water at his rival before trying to attack him with a chair. how do they act in the green room? two months ago on this same show, guests started violently shoving the interview desk on the set. that s a cheap desk. until it collapsed. looks frankly familiar. one day junior said, you stole my format. that s what s happening in the who is normal and who is nuts? it s a question we ask dr. keith ablow every week and he joins us now. hey there, doctor. hey there. how are you? so we ve got some e-mails coming in.
first one says, i have a divorced friend who won t go to certain restaurants he frequented with his ex in order to keep his memory tarnished. she has remarried and moved on. is that normal or nuts? sad but normal. here is the thing, complicated grief reaction, yes. but listen, he loved this woman. maybe he still loves her. he s raw. this is more of a love story than it is a story of pathology. does he need some therapy? sure, maybe he does. does he need a new girlfriend? probably. but i m not going to call him out. what if they live in a town where there is only one restaurant? suddenly your choices for takeout is limbed. i hop. that would be a problem, i agree. then there is the next town over and he s likely to meet somebody very kind. number two, whenever i witness someone being injured, either in person or on tv, i often experience a slightly
painful sensation in the center of my chest or tingling up my arm. is this normal or nuts? it s better than normal. that s not nuts. normal. but super normal. it s great. what are you describing here? you re describing human empathy. this person feels for other people. instead of calling it pathological, why not call it a gift, see if you can develop it. maybe you re very connected to people. our final query of you is my sister tracks her 14-year-old daughter and her friends anywhere the teen-agers go with an iphone tracker. normal or nuts? i knew we d get one. nuts! that s crazy. what if she s worried about the safety of her kid? here is the delusion involved. you can t tell whether your daughter is safe by her location. secondly, instill trust in her. don t try to track her. that s no answer. or you could say this, hey, where were you this afternoon?
i was at the supermarket. no you want. you were at the high school. exactly. then you know you can trust that person. there you go. cross-examining is a good way to raise your kid. no, i m kidding. dr. keith ablow, two in a row. if you ve got questions for dr. keith, e-mail them to us. who knows what tomorrow holds. fox news alert. moments ago, two fighter jets were shot down in ukraine. a live report from the ground straight ahead. and a veteran gets trapped inside a v.a. clinic. how in the world does this happen? 911, what s your emergency? hi, i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. big meeting.
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good morning. it s wednesday, july 23. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. while you were sleeping, a major victory in the georgia senate race, outsider david purdue tops long-time congressman. hear from the candidate and his first interview since getting the win. they stumbled across the border illegally. now they need your help. what s your emergency? yes, somebody speak spanish? (speaking spanish). a small texas town forced to answer 911 calls from stranded illegals in spanish. one of those sheriff s deputies joins us live today. most veterans beg to go get inside the v.a. but this one is begging to get out? 911, where is your emergency? n hi. well, i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a.
facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. incredible. veteran locked in the waiting room and the staff went home. mornings are better with friends. it s time for fox & friends well, it was six days ago that the rebels shot that jet liner out of the sky and this morning we ve got a fox news alert out of ukraine. moments ago, ukraine s military revealing pro-russian rebels just shot down two of their fighter jets as fighting flared up again in the east. steve harrigan is on the ground with the breaking details from ukraine. all right, tell us the latest. reporter: these two f jets went down a few hours ago. they are soviet made fighter jets, single piloted jets from about 1970s used by the
ukrainian government against the rebels. all this is happening not far from the crash site, 40 miles from where i m standing. it looks like they were shot down with advanced surface to air missiles. that s with it would take to bring down a fighter jet of this nature. so six days after this tragedy when people thought perhaps there would be a pullback, the reverse is happening, going ahead, knocking more jets out of the sky. rebels apparently using similar or the same surface to air missiles to knock down two single piloted government jets not far from this crash site where any hopes of carrying out a careful investigation in a hot war zone is very challenging. steve? all right. steve harrigan live in ukraine with the very latest. what we learned in the last one was we ve got the technology, the satellite technology to figure out where those particular surface to air missiles were shot off, if they re in rebel areas, this should be easy. doesn t look like the rebels learned their lessons. they didn t. they re in a war. we told the russians you better
scale back and called for a cease fire. told them to stop doing this, stop supplying the russians. we re not supplying the ukrainians, those russian separatists who are basically russians. what do they do? shoot down two more planes. so want the threat of an embargo or the sanctions from western europe? i don t even think so. you think vladimir putin is shaking? obviously not or else that wouldn t have taken place. france yesterday not only did not offer sanction, they off the record to continue their sale of warships to the russians. european foreign ministers met yesterday and they re looking to speed up the would be sanctions on russia, whatever they determine them to be. does that sound like a scary statement? in britain were appalled that the project was continuing in terms of construction there. incredible. we were also asking yesterday, does the president s word matter when he says cease fire, when he asks potato ton make things more peaceful? is it being heard? today with this happening, it doesn t seem like it s falling
on ears that are listening. you know, before they shot the jet liner out of the sky, they had already shot a couple of other military planes. we probably wouldn t even have noticed it, unfortunately, had they not killed all those people on that particular jet liner. now they re just back to the same monkey business they were at seven days ago. the new anti-airplane missiles are relatively new. they shot down three cargo planes overall. that shows the russians are giving them more technology instead of telling them to back out. instead, essentially saying we re doubling down. putin s rebels, putin s equipment. you be the judge. five minutes after the top of the hour. heather nauert has a whole bunch of other news. let s go to gaza. good morning. i ve got another story about airplanes. this morning, secretary of state john kerry touching down in tel aviv as the faa bans u.s. airliners from flying into that airport following a rocket attack in a neighborhood that was about a mile away from the
airport. it is a 24-hour ban and expires at noon today. the faa is reevaluating and will announce this morning if they will extend that ban or not. several other countries have also suspended flights to israel because of the escalating violence there in the past two weeks, more than 2,000 rockets have been fired, killing nearly 700 people. could be one of the most watched senate races in the entire united states. in georgia, this david purdue defeated a long time incumbent in a runoff. he will face michelle nun in the general election. it s to replace retiring senator sax bee chambliss. he said this about his strategy early or on fox & friends. you run against harry reid and barak obama and nancy pelosi and the failed policies of the last six years. people in this state are very upset about the performance in washington right now. that s exactly what we re going to do. this candidate, michelle nun, i have a lot of respect for her, for her work and her family.
but she s going to have to defend the failed policies of the last six years. republicans holding that seat will be key to getting six more seats. they need that in order to control the senate in november. a warning out before you eat breakfast. popular summer fruit is apparently contaminated with listeria. it s now being recalled as a result. merona packaging company sells fruit. they re being pulled from shelves across the country. they ve been sold at stores including costco, trader joe s and wal-mart and kroger. no reports of anyone getting sick so far. this story is unbelievable. it s really going to leave you shaking your head. listen to a 911 call made after a veteran realized that he was all alone and he was locked inside a v.a. clinic in florida. 911, where is your emergency? i apparently got left in a
v.a. facility, medical facility and the alarm has been going off. jeffrey duck said he went to see his doctor for a prescription refill for his pain medication. he ended up waiting three hours. he then figured out he was the only person inside the building, so he whipped out his cell phone and recorded the video walking around the lobby. look at this. here i am inside the v.a. and everybody has gone home. can you imagine? the v.a. has since issued an apology. duck saying he s not angry. just disappointed. if they can t keep that straight, then how are they going to keep the more important things straight? it s just an indication that there is still a lot more for them to do. the v.a. says it s working to make changes and make sure this does not happen again. he walked in about 1:00 o clock. three hours later, they locked the doors. so 4:00 o clock, nobody is around.
not quite sure why. that guy is going to be on our show tomorrow. we promise not to keep him waiting. we won t lock him in either. and we will not leave him alone. thank you very much. let s talk about the big fox news alert from yesterday. the dc circuit court of appeals, the number court in this land said the obamacare subsidy attention being used in 36 states through the federal exchanges are illegal because the way the law was crafted by democrats and only democrats, it said you can only get the subsidy money through an exchange established by the state. 36 states didn t sign up, so they won t on the federal exchanges, which were invented by the federal government. that court says that s illegal. however, there was another, the 4th circuit, almost simultaneously, they came out and said we don t have a problem with it. that was probably heading for the supreme court. that s exactly what the forecast is looking like, it will travel up there. the government says they re going to continue to pay out
those subsidies until that final ruling comes through. of course. so here is jonathan turley on are we are right now. it will be a bloody mess. the problem is that the president was found by the dc circuit to have exceeded his authority, to have violated again the separation of powers. but in this case, their violation led to the commitment of hundreds of billions of dollars in the past and future years and that is a serious problem. i don t see how the aca can survive without this system, at least in the form it was originally designed to have. does that mean it will collapse? it would collapse unless congress would be willing to make massive changes and massive subsidies to back those up. the first ruling says the taxpayer dollars, the president had no authority to spend them. he has no authority to subject millions of employers, individuals to taxes, that he had no authority to impose.
game on, supreme court. so now they re going to take these two cases and come up with an overall ruling. again, we ll have the drama at the supreme court that could have this bill live or die. when you have a constitutional lawyer say what he just said, this could be just the end of it entirely. he had eyebrows raised across the nation. sure, because he has been talk being how this administration has done all this executive overreach. in this case, the democrats in congress passed one thing, but then the administration through the irs, interpreted it another way. now at least one court says not illegal. there s a real good possibility before it gets to the supreme court the administration could actually ask for a review by the entire dc circuit, which this administration has done their best to pack with left-leaning judges. 544 million people, especially listening very
closely to this talking point we re going through cause they ve signed up for obamacare. 87% of them receiving subsidies to have their insurance. so they re going to get paid for in some way, shape or form. the gao thought, i have an idea. let s just make sure this thing is on the up and up. so let s run a sting operation with 18 people. yeah. so 18 people, sole applications were created here. 12 of them applied on line and by telephone. six started looking for in person help. they had all false information, documentation was bogus. guess what? 11 out of the 12 of those false applications for subsidies went through. and their sole beneficiaries are still receiving the subsidies. people that don t exist. people that do not exist on information that was false. 11 out of 12 is what they found in the sting. so that was in the sting. how many people in real life are getting subsidies paid for by all of us through the generosity of the federal government?
how many of those people simply are not entitled to them but are going to take them because is anybody really looking out for our cash? doesn t look like it. 12 minutes after the hour. here is what s straight ahead. they crossed the border illegally. now they need your help. 911, where s your emergency? yes. somebody speak spanish? speaking spanish). wow. one of the sheriff s deputies from the small texas town that s being forced to answer those type calls from people who don t belong there. and you never know what s lurking under your kayak. it could be a whale. take a look at this. bad place to park.
huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what.? jesse don t go!! i m sorry daisy, but i m a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww!
geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse?
small town 270 miles south of houston, illegal immigrant are learning the hard way there is a deadly cost to crossing the border. listen. 911, what s your emergency? somebody speak spanish? (speaking spanish).
wow. just one example of the 911 calls bombarding the brooks county police department. not only are they understaffed and lack resources, now they ve got to deal with illegal immigrants who have no business being here. martinez is the county chief deputy. chief deputy of brooks county. we appreciate you joining us, sheriff. first off, when you re hearing that call, how unique are calls like that to you? those calls are they have a crisis. we need to respond to them. those are pretty regular calls on a daily basis. so those calls, you have to respond to, even though for the most part when you get there, you realize they re not even american citizens?
that s correct. but they re on u.s. soil and due process comes into play and that s the way we re taking them as. you have 129 a couple years ago. you re heading this year on average, if it continues, with another 87 who have lost their lives by the time you get to them. they re dead. so far you ve recovered 43 corpses. to date. here is another example of the 911 call that came in to your people. 91 s state your emergency. hello? (speaking spanish) sheriff, they re coming across the borrowedder and haven t had anything to drink in
three days. what do you do? well, basically what you try to do when the call comes in, it s not as easy as one, two, three step procedure. all you do is kind of get an idea to where they might be at. our brush area is vast. it s thick. vegetation is good. it s difficult. we can just maybe get within 500-meters of that particular call. so sheriff, the thing is, a lot of these men and women sneaking across the border illegally coming here are going off the main paths and that s how they re being led by their so-called escorts, coyotes, because they don t want to get caught. there is also no people around to help them, which makes things twice as hard for you when you have to get there quickly. absolutely. this is why we also realize the local border patrol office that we work closely is, as a result of the border not being secure,
developed on our frontan crisis step. deputy, real quick, you chronicle harrows situations where you have hundreds of these tapes. what do you want the message to be to washington and everybody else watching? they need to have a sincere dialogue. forget about the republican or democrat side. sit down and have a sincere dialogue where we can actually resolve this issue. it has to be resolved. as long as they keep stalling it, this is going to continue. it s going to continue to where our funds are going to be depleted. thank you so much. thank you. coming up straight ahead, we change gears. food stamps paid for by taxpayers going up in smoke. welfare being used for pot and it s perfectly legal? we ll examine. atheists aren t giving up the fight to get rid of the steel beam from the world trade
center that were found in the shape of a cross. will the atheists win this one? where the case stands next. really. so our business can be on at&t s network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there s unlimited talk and text. we re working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues. great terms.
let s close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans. .with our best-ever pricing for business. we ve always been] at the forefrontumman, of advanced electronics. providing technology to get more detail. detect hiddethreats. see the whole picture. process critical information, and put it in the has of our defenders. reaching constantly evolving threatbefore they reach us. that s the value of performance. northrop grumman.
we got quick headlines for you. a deadly stand-off in texas ends in a shootout with police. two officers were wounded while serving a warrant on a murder suspect in the rio grande valley of la joya. 29-year-old suspect was killed in the gun fight. new develops in the case of a marine s missing pregnant wife in california just released
court papers reveal aaron corwin may have been having an affair with her married neighbor when she disappeared three weeks ago. and the baby could have been his. cops believe she was shot while the two were on a hunting trip. that s the news. it was a symbol of hope on america s darkest day. two intersecting steel beams in the shape of a cross found in the rubble of the world trade center. rescue workers use it to pray. but atheists say there is no way this cross should be allowed inside the 9-11 museum. my next guest has promised a fight the latest lawsuit. thanks for being with us this morning. american atheist group had this to say. christianity deserves no special treatment just because it demands it or because the world trade center was made from cross beams. they re looking to get that
cross out of this memorial. do they have a case? not at all. as you mentioned, the cross is not in the museum as a station of worship. it s not there to honor christians. it s will as part of the story of ground zero. it s displayed in a section of the museum dealing with how rescue workers dealt with the tragedy of 9-11. it s a story of how americans turned to god, family, country, community to find hope, to find inspiration and to overcome this horrible tragedy. and just because some people were inspired by god doesn t mean we have to hang up a plaque that says atheists died here, too, which is what they re asking for from the courts. eric, i have a question here. so the american atheists are making strong allegations here that just reading newspaper articles about the display of this cross caused them stress, headaches, and indigestion. some would make the argument that that pales in comparison to all that was suffered and lost that day by 9-11 families and
first responders. why in the world would they have a right to take away a symbol of hope that exists there today? that s right. the constitution is not your mother. it s not there to make sure that every boo boo you experience in the real world gets kissed better. and even your mother sometimes says okay. so you bumped into a cross, into the museum. stop crying, brush yourself off. move on to the next exhibit. this is not a constitutional crisis. and it trivializes the sacrifices that thousands of people made over this issue. should those that have already suffered and lost so much be faced with this challenge here? angst that it s causing to the families of 9-11 perhaps and those first responders would also be a case, no? that s what we are trying to tell the court, thatu:hñp4 loos case never should have been brought in the first place. the museum spent three years fighting this. not every community, not every organization that has some
mention of god or some mention of religion can afford to pay for that kind of a fight. the court should be clearing these kind of cases up. this is a playground fight. we live if a pluralistic society. the court should be saying, look, learn to work this out, respect each other s differences. and really be respectful of those people who died in 9-11 and the many rescue workers and others who paid a great sacrifice in an effort to in the course of the recovery effort in 9-11. sure. many of those, if not all, say it s a symbol of their hope. the atheists filed their brief and we re waiting for the court to respond. thank you for being with us this morning. thank you. coming up, terrorists in iraq giving christians three option. convert, pay up or die. why aren t you hearing about this? we re going to tell you. then white flags replace american flags overt brooklyn bridge and still no one knows why or who did it.
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it s your shot of the morning. kayakers got way too close to two whales in argentina. the boat lingered on top of the whale for a while before the massive mammal says they ve had enough, flipping the father and the daughter over. yeah. i heard about this story. they saw this one whale and then saw a whole bunch of them. if you spot a whale, you would think, well, i ll point to it. i won t go up to it.
i give these people, whoever they are, tremendous credit. they re lucky to be alive. you don t want to get on the wrong side of that blow hole. tell me about it. we ve all been there. we have some headlines. we have breaking news. ukrainian military revealing pro-russian rebels have just shot down two of its fighter jets as fighting has once again flared up in the eastern part of that country. in the meantime, the planes carrying the first bodies of the victims of the malaysia airlines crash are set to arrive in the netherlands at any moment now. this while british investigators are starting to look at a pair of the black boxes to try to retrieve data on the flight s last minutes. we ll watch that story out of there this morning. back here at home, who scaled the brooklyn bridge and replaced the american flag with these flags, these white flags? we all know it s the symbol of
surrender. they flew on top of the nearly 300-foot high tower for hours yesterday. surveillance video shows four to five people crossing the bridge about 3:00 o clock in the morning and then a short time later, the lights go out and the waving american flag disappears. aluminum pans were actually used to cover the light and then at a closer look, the flags were really american flags that were bleached white. the nypd says they believe those behind this have some training in climbing or construction. they don t believe it s terror related and don t believe it s any kind of political statement. in iraq, isis is issuing an evil ultimatum to christians in iraq. convert, pay a tax, leave or be killed. christians in mosul are now fleeing with just the clothes on their backs. it is one of the oldest christian communities in the entire world. it dates back nearly 2,000 years. now that community faces
extinction. earlier today the patriarch of the syrian catholic church and father jonathan morris joined us with an insider perspective. listen to this. it s really tragic plight what we are going through. they re ripping up the deeds of your house, they re taking any family jewels or anything you have on you, leaving you with nothing. saying you have nothing to do in a place where christians have been for 1700 years. recent data showing christians face the highest rate of religious harassment in the middle east and north africa. hundreds of marijuana users are buying weed on your dime. the national review report said welfare recipients in colorado are using their ebt cards as marijuana retailers. the cards have been used more than 250 times in the past six months, total withdrawals of $25,000 in welfare benefits. some are saying it could be buying pot, it could be buying groceries. but those are your headlines.
now colorado starting to restrict it. this is the moment retired army staff sergeant and his military dog were reuniteed. they are battle buddies who put their lives on the line for one another. you know what? this morning they are joining other human k-9 teams and heading to capitol hill. peter doocy is with them in our nation s capitol and joins us live. peter? reporter: we ve got four american heros right here. we ve got jason boss, army veteran who you just saw, and marine corps vet sergeant dino miller and their two dogs, both seven years old. here is sela and that is thor. you saw the video with sela. you were four years as her handlers. you came back with back problems four years ago and retired.
you didn t know if you would see her again. no, i didn t. i was really surprised and thankful i was given the opportunity to get her back. i ve had a lot of help from family friends. this organization has done a really good job of helping us get our dogs back. reporter: sela is so calm here. what does she help you with? she would do active searches. pretty much just trying to keep the soldiers safe there. reporter: tell me about how it was that you got reunited. i was in contact with her previous handleer and they told me when it was time to retire her out, they would contact me and they did. reporter: can you tell me about how thor was the only dog
that was listed to you in the marines. how about now? i got three dogs back home. they all listen perfectly fine. but when we went to the corps, they ran three or four dogs separately and he was one i wrote down. reporter: how were you reunited with him? as soon as i got out, i went through the senator s office and she got me in touch with all the right people and i put in adoption paperwork in 2011 and i finally found out he was available in april of this year. reporter: you said that you used facebook to get in touch with the dogs. a dog? definitely. facebook really helps out when you have people around the world, other soldiers. facebook definitely saved us. reporter: what are these dogs like at home? how are they different than when you re out on a patrol? now she gets to lay on the
couch and eat all kind of goodies and be retired. reporter: what is really amazing about these dogs, the american humane association who will be on capitol hill a little bit later on today says that each dog like these two saved between 150 and 200 servicemen and women when they are deployed. it is an amazing statistic and we re so lucky to have them here with us in washington. back to you in new york. very well behaved. all right. peter doocy with four heros. thank you. thank you all for your service. dogs were behaved and so was peter, as well as the veterans. i love to see those battle buddies reunited. great story. coming up, thousands of apple geniuses staging a revolt. what? find out about that. and they dedicate their lives to fighting for our country and the government s giving them pink slips. the military families and the price they are paying for washington s problems coming up
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fox news alert now. a few hours from now, the faa will reevaluate its ban on flights into tel aviv. the current 24 hour ban expires at noon. secretary of state john kerry is currently in israel pushing for a cease fire. and celebrations resume jesse ventura says chris kyle lied in his book. in testimony videotaped before he was killed last year, kyle says that story was indeed true. apple facing off with 20,000 of its current and former geniuses. they filed a class action lawsuit claiming the company did not offer timely meal breaks, rest breaks, and final paychecks.
steve? all right. the pentagon handing out thousands of pink slips to military officers all across the country and around the world. it s supposed to save money, but at what cost? our next guests have two sons devoting their lives to the u.s. military. as americans, they re proud to be parents, but as parents as well, they re also afraid of the direction our country is heading because of their children. greg hancock and his wife join us now from harrisburg, pennsylvania. good morning to both of you. good morning. vicky, let s start with you. the news came out that over 1,000 u.s. captains in the army are getting pink slips. the same day that news came out, what happened at your house? our son was sworn in to the united states army. that s kind of scary for you as a mother to think about his future then if people who have decided to make the military their career suddenly are looking for jobs.
right. and our son is looking to do that and it s very scary, very. yeah. greg, your older son, keegan, is in the marines. he s been there for a while. what are you worried about regarding him? well, both of our boys are really looking forward to make the military their life, their career. both of them actually forewent college. we have a strong military history in our family. our younger boy, cameron, he s looking to make a career in the mp ranks and like to get into the officer ranks. when you start to see these things happening where officers with ten, 12 years getting their hispanic slips, it s disheartening for him and for me as a father. sure. and as well, greg, just the fact that your son, who is a marine proudly serving his nation, he s looking to the future, but
currently, what is he, at the poverty line now or below the poverty line? well, he, like a lot of them, when you re in the lower ranks of the military, the e.-1 through e.-4 and 5, all those troops are below the poverty line. i don t think a lot of people in this country understand that. yeah. that s a sacrifice. absolutely is. so vicky, as your youngest, cameron, is thinking about the military, he s now pledged to become part of our military, are you thinking in your heart, maybe this isn t such a good idea. maybe he should think about something else? yes, i am. up until this show right now, he didn t know that. we support him 100%, but it s very scary. i mean, you have people getting pink slips that are still in combat and i saw an interview of a military wife worried about where they re going to live because they had planned on
making this their career, their life. here is my son wanting to do that and is like, women. is this how we repay our military? no. we need to take care of them. and our vets, steve. one of the things that really upsets us is what s happening with the vets and the veterans administration. when you see secret lists, lies, mail being shredded and people getting bonuses, bonus pay, gift cards, incentive pay and my son who is 17 joins the united states regular army, you know what he got? he was given a t-shirt and a water bottle. some things in this country are pretty upside down right now. you wonder where our priorities are sometimes. exactly. vicky and greg and greg, a proud u.s. military vet, we thank you very much for joining us today from harrisburg. good luck to cameron, who has got a big baseball project this summer trying to raise money for the wounded warrior project. thank you both.
steve, if i could, if your viewers could check out his web site, charity softball a lot of information on that regarding the wounded warrior project that my son put together. you re a good father, getting a plug in for your boy. i appreciate that. thank you. straight ahead, rent a house and refuse to leave? thanks to government regulations, you might have the right. that s coming up next. right now let s check in with martha mccallum who is joining us today with a show at 9:00 o clock eastern. good morning. turns out lois lerner s hard drive was crashed, but not erased. what is really going on here? the cat and mouse game may be just about over for the irs. a new study says it s fairly easy to get obamacare subsidies, even if you don t exist. we ll tell you about that and new information about the american flags that were mysteriously replaced with plain white ones on the brooklyn
bridge. weird story. bill and i are here with you at the top of the hour when sales rep steve hatfield books at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that s how you ll increase market share. any questions? can i get an a , steve? yes! three a s! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you ll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at!
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thanks to our local and national leaders, we ve got more than 100 million pages of rules and regulations on the books. and it s not always a good thing. time for an example of a case out in california where a guest rented and home and now refuses to leave. they say they have the legal right as squatters. joining us is legal expert and author of the rule of nobody, philip howard. good morning to you. good morning. the rule of nobody, what does that mean? it means is we ve replaced authority with lots of millions and millions of words. so no one has authority to
balance the budget. nobody has the authority to pull pull the teacher doesn t have the authority to run a classroom. how bad is it now? you talk about laws being laws and there is no end to these laws. yes. it s like a progressive disease. over the last 50 years mainly, detailed regulations and lawsuits, piling up like sediment. now people can t do anything, talk to any mayor, any governor, all these mandates prevent them from making sense of their daily chores. they re preventing people from doing their job and enticing people to take advantage of those words and pages of this law, to go after someone for a lot of money. how do we simplify the laws? we see this, doesn t seem like an easy solution. it s actually easy conceptually, but we have to change our public debate from arguing about policy to arguing about putting humans back in charge again and having a big clean-up program. where do you start? do you start up top or small
towns? in counties and states? you can start at any level. school bureaucracy, for example, is a complete nightmare. you can start there. but ultimately federal law which kind of drives the train here. federal law needs to be recodified. you need to go area by area and radically simplify it so people can understand it, number one. and secondly, that it gives people flexibility to actually make sense of daily choices. law is not supposed to replace freedom. it s supposed to be a framework for freedom. let s hope congress is listening because they are responsible for a lot of laws that have gummed up the works and now they have the responsibility, you say, to change it. they do. but they don t have the idea. it s going to require movement, an outside movement. the name of the book is requesting the rule of nobody.
thank you. coming up, according to a new study, kids no longer want to win when they play sports. they just want to try. is that good? i got fifth place, dad! nexium®,is now available, without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection.
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here is some good news for you as we have one for the road for you on this wednesday. you know how often do you hear you got to get eight hours sleep? there is a new study out of arizona state university where they say it s not eight hours. it turns out you should get seven hours is actually best. it helps with cognitive performance and 20 minutes less can impair your memory. if you got between 6 1/2 and 7
1/2 hours sleep each night, you actually lived longer. wow. okay. the media circus surrounding lebron james to cleveland did not do his neighbors any favors. thousands packed around the streets of his mansion. what did lebron do? he send them all a personal apology with cupcakes. he says he s sorry for the chaos and hope they enjoy the cherry cola treat. it s still a good story when you go home. meanwhile, according to a new study published with the journal for activity and health, they asked the question, why are 70% of kids quitting sports before the age of 13? here is what they came up with. it s not about winning or losing. it s about having fun. yep. 81 specific states, some of the reason they played, because of the positions, because they can learn from making mistakes. they can like being around friends. those are the reasons they play sports. it s not to win. so cindy lauper is saying girls just want to have fun.
you re saying kids just want to have fun. i think that s good. cindy lauper is a great philosopher. turns out girls do just like to have fun. thanks very much for joining us today. see you back here tomorrow. breaking news. test test test test that is the same area where nay have been blocked and good morning. i am bill hemmer and welcome back martha. good to be back. i am martha maccallum. there is no word on

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140731 23:00:00

into your home tonight. that is special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. greta goes on the record right now. listen to what president obama thinks the real problem is. stop being mad all the time stopping this hating all the time. come on, let s get some work done together. west joins us. good evening, sir. we need to stop being mad all the time and hating all the time because we need to get some work done. that s way apparently. what the most important thing the president needs to start to understand it s all about the rule of law when you look what is happening on our border all you have to go is back to the coon substitution article 1 section 8 it talks about the congress having authority over nationalization. he does not. look at article 4 section 4 where it talks about the federal government is
supposed to protect the states from invasion. any time you have people illegally coming across your border that s what you have. now you have political football trying to make the best hay day out of this situation instead of getting control of it very early on and making sure that we backed up the united states border patrol agents, got the national guard down there, established a process and procedures to quickly identify these individuals and return them back to their homes and change that 2008 law. but now everyone is about to vacate washington, d.c. and what s going to happen here while they are on vacation, all of these illegals are going to show up in schools all across the country and hard working middle income families are going to have to pay for that. you know, when i hear the president say stop being mad, stop hating, do you know what i think of? how about everybody start working? start keeping your promises, how about start sticking around town and doing your job and keeping the border secure if that s what everybody wants and tax reform if that s what
everybody wants. i have a whole list. stop being mad and hating. people are mad and hating because none of this is getting done. well, see, one of the things you have is a president that is still out there on a campaign trail and having these rallies with, i will be very honest, vladimir lennon idiots populist type of phrases about stop being mad, stop hating. that s not the type of cloakialisms we need to have. we need to have leadership and someone to govern. look at what is happening in the ukraine and israel and hamas, rise of isis and that calafate. i just read today that now in eastern libya the ansar al sharia the forces that the president decided to work with and provide them resource and now they have claimed an islamic calafate in eastern libya. we have so many problems going on. we don t need a president out there still conducting rallies and try to build up his own popularity. you know, it s the whole idea. his numbers are going down,
you know, and if he thinks. that s the reason why. i know. i know exactly. but when he came into office he had high numbers. people were inspired. a lot of the people who made up those numbers are the ones that are now quite angry because the things he said he was going to accomplish he didn t do. and now, of course, he is he blaming it on political opposition. every president has political opposition. you are absolutely right. i think what we are seeing in the case of barack hussein obama and talk is cheap. he is not able to come through with awful these promises and cause recede and all of these other things he talked about. but he is going about the fundamental transformation of america. and many people are starting to understand what that means. just yesterday when you heard the president talk about the 4% g.d.p. increase. reali when you look at the aggregate of the past six months we have only had 1.9% g.d.p. even worse, 74% of that g.d.p. is our debt. that s the debt to g.d.p.
ratio that we have. that s very alarming. congressman, thank you, sir. thank you so much, greta. and today a stunner. lawmakers packed and ready to head off on vacation and just as soon as they vote on a border bill they were going to get out of town. then chaos. all went off the rails. big change in plans. fox news congressional correspondent mike emanuel on capitol hill with the latest. mike, what happened? a lot of vacation plans ruined tonight. that s right, greta it was really a roller coaster day on capitol hill. had you house republican leaders searching for a way to get to 218 votes to pass their 659 border security bill. nancy pelosi turned up the pressure saying her side was not going to help the republicans get to that number. so it looked like it was off, that they were not going to have a vote. lawmakers started heading for the airports and then they started calling the folks saying come back, there may be votes still possible. now they are looking at, perhaps, tweaking the bill tonight and they are going
to meet tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. to see if, perhaps, waiting overnight has built some pressure. some minds have changed. but bottom line at a time when the house is going to sue president obama for doing too much, executive overreach, a number of members that i have talked to say they cannot see leaving for five weeks of recess without doing anything on immigration and so that is where we are tonight. greta? mike, thank you. and joining us now is congressman how are you doing, sir. steve king from iowa. thank you very much for joining us. the thought of leaving before this is done is not just sort of an immigration bill. this has been described by the president, by republicans and democrats as a humanitarian crisis. can you in good conscience leave town without this being settled? well, i would say i don t think so. in fact, i don t think we will need to. i m optimistic that we are going to reach an agreement. i went to the border last weekend and we went through two days of intensely on the
ground and then another day to start it up again. and we have seen a lot of this. and the look of some of these children in the eyes and mothers in the eyes and border patrol officers down there. you have looked your colleagues in the eyes? you have looked at the president in the ice and democrats in the eyes? you have looked the american people in the eyes? because we are all waiting. i have looked more colleagues in the eye in the last day than i have in the week procedure prior. and there have been many of those kind of discussions. we have been in conference today. once there was a realization that votes were not there to pass the bill. then it went into the meltdown mode. and we had a family discussion that started out with some humor and it got intense in there. but i stepped up to the microphone and i said here is what i am willing to do. i had offered an amendment last night before the rules committee that would have fixed this bill that needed help. it was turned down by the rules committee. then, therefore, the votes weren t there to pass the bill. and we have just come from the negotiation meeting now i break out of there. i think we get an amendment
to the bill the otm language that was problematic. otm meaning. what other than mexican language. other than mexican children the same way we treat mexican children. 2008 law. fixing a 2008 law. i had written that fix about 8 weeks ago. i didn t want to introduce it because i didn t want a vehicle for the gang of 8 in the senate. language very close to that is agreed to. we re going to call it the carter attarhotl amendment. silence language is going to be too difficult to get that done. even with the language in it you can vote for it tomorrow? i think if the amendments that we agreed to as i got up from the table are written and drafted in the fashion that i understand, i think i will be able to stand up and publicly say, i will support the amendments that are offered and i will support the final passage of the bill. so you need 218 votes, at least the republicans do to pass. this in the event there aren t 218 votes tomorrow, will you stick around town until we finally can resolve this? you know, i don t know if we get this thing done on
the senate side. for me, i will either stay here or come back. whatever it takes. if everybody leaves. one of the good things, bad things, however you look at it. deadline is the only thing they can oftentimes get any sort of legislation done in this city. and you have got almost sort of this one is particularly troublesome because humanitarian crisis. we hear that there is a background. we hear everybody goes to the airport. now everybody came back. who in his right behind thought it was a good idea to go to the airport in any idea with this problem looming. i don t think the american people like that. we didn t have to wait for very many republicans to come back. did i see one in blue jeans in conference. i don t mind the blue jeans. as long as you show up, i don t care how you dress. you can wear jeans in here most republicans stayed because we want a solution. we went into that room and hammered out something. fix the otm language. i wanted to fix the asylum language and fix a loophole on that ban on funding. that s the most powerful message to address it. because the president is
waiving ink pen. legalize 5 to it 6 million people. probably as soon as the house or as congress leaves town. we have got to send a message that we re not going to just simply go silent on the president s unconstitutional actions. we have 10 seconds left. do you think speaker boehner will close up the house without a a vote on this? without a passage? i think we have a vote tomorrow morning. and i think that we re likely then to gavel out and go back for august and hope the senate does something. all right. we ll be watching very closely. nice to see you, sir. this is a fox news alert. on the board dhs says now it is the border patrol workers getting diseases like scab buys, lies and chicken paulks. very latest bill joins us. bill, what s the latest? yeah, greta. that s right. this is a brand new report from dhs that just came out yesterday from the office of
the inspector general. giving us a pretty general overview specifically of what s going on in texas with these illegal immigrant and some the health concerns coming about from it. it s reporting back in del rio, texas, sort of south central texas, that some border agents have been infected with scabies, lies and chicken pox and even worse than that, it says that two border agents are reporting that their children have now been infected with chicken pox just a few days after they had come in contact. 20 to 30 minutes late from el paso. we are getting reports that at those stations two agents believe they have been infected, possibly with tuberculosis. we did get some new numbers, he is telling us 153 unaccompanied children, adults have been treated at
el paso hospital for things like lice, scabies, chicken pox. since july, 43 border patrol agents have filed some type of paperwork believing they have been infected with some type of communicable disease. two agents have confirmed they have been treated for getting scabies. thank you. thank you, greta. tonight refurbished detention center north of the rio grande valley will house women and children. the facility just got major renovations but get, this each disawld suite will be furnished with flat screen tvs and phones. also a soccer field, basketball courts, ping-pong tables and a weight room. how much do you think that bum obamacare web site cost you? 50 50 million? 200 million? no, try $840 million. that s how much the glitch
plagued web site has cost you the taxpayers. the government accountability office releasing a scathing review of the mismanaged web site before today s hearing. the administration couldn t meet deadlines and didn t have the organizational skills to manage this massive overtaking. clear this was a more complex project and needed a lot more work than people expected. we still do not know if the administration has a system in place capable of handling consistencies, web security, or the cms will ever put in place a functioning payment system. i don t understand why my colleagues across the aisle continue to defend this thing. how much should have cost? that s a really good question. i m not sure i know the taxpayer dollars are paying for this and the people don t like it. there are absolutely inefficiencies and waste. joining us or political panel washington examiner susan ferrechio, a.b.
stoddard and john mccormick. $840 million. 150 of it was overruns just for the web site. wow, we are in the wrong business. it s incredibly embarrassing they spent that much money and had how many years to build this thing and didn t work. clearly embarrassing. bigger problems coming out are beyond this web site. it s a political problem. if you look at the polls right now by a two to one margin people say they are hurt rather than helped by the law. i think this thing is going to continue to drag them down even though you have other scandals a huge issue. bigger issue is this illegal question. right now in the courts there is a lawsuit working its way through that says the irs illegally provided healthcare subsidies to residents in 36 states because of the way they wrote the law. is f. this is upheld by the supreme court we don t know if it will get there. entire law. the u.s. court of appeals the d.c. circuit made that decision. a couple hours later the fourth circuit. the u.s. court of appeals made the opposite decision. this end up in the municipal court. a.b. the official today testifying said expect for bumps during the 2015
obamacare enrollment period. is that after the midterm election or before? i think it s it around the same time or slightly earlier. but i think he did his job to lower expectations. one thing they have learned is not to say that is going to function effectively and all going to be smooth sailing for anyone trying to enroll. they cannot do that ever again. i think years from now they will be telling us that living with technical glitches is part of the process. that said, they admit web site did not perform requirements. not ready. still unfixed, still unfinished and it will cause a headache for people who have been convinced that when they come back it s going to be better. it s going to go smoothly they will indeed, if they pay will be ensured. they might get their subsidies if they are due them i think john is right with this possible news that insurance companies are going to raise rates late this summer, early this fall
that is going to make the enrollment problem look like small pie people finding out those that are enrolled their rates are skyrocketing. susan, 150 million overrun. how can can they do that to the taxpayers? first of all, they say it s going to cost a fortune. then $150 million more. the cost of the border bill everyone is fighting over 869. this is 840 million gone. what does this poor tend for people s healthcare going over? if it s just a mess getting technology and getting it set up. what is it going to mean for people going forward. if you get sick. go to the doctor oh, sorry, you you are not really covered. or you have to pay taxes you didn t think you were going to owe. all these things together, i think the most important element of this is how it s going to effect people personally. people hear 850 million. well, i m not really paying that, am i? you are really suffering
when you can t get the treatment you need. and if the incompetency at this level is bad right now. what is that going to mean for everybody s healthcare going forward? in other words, fasten your seat belt for what we may run into? absolutely. panel, stay with us. jay carney may be the former white house press secretary but is he taking on the white house press corps again. you have to see this exin. also developing now. ebola virus is heading to the united states. the latest coming up. oooh discover the fearless protection of tena. so absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. nothing s missed with tenatwist thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice.
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former press secretary jay carney may have left the white house but is he still taking on the white house press corps, at least on late night tv. it s very interesting to seat difference between the briefing in the white house fully televised, carried
live online tweeted about as it happens and the offcamera but on the record briefings that i would do on air force one with the traveling press corps on the plane. the difference is like night and day. in terms of the tenor the seriousness of the questions is the same. in some cases more serious off camera. but the kind of posing and histrionics and, you know, foe indignation that you get sometimes. look, i have a lot of respect for my former colleagues in the press. they are doing a good job. i think when you are on tv, you tend to play to the cameras. putting on a show for the company and the folks back home. and our panel is back. john, he sounds a little raw, bitter, and maybe the press corps got a little annoyed when he didn t give them the answers. jay carney s whole job was to not answer their questions. it makes sense if you are a reporter for a tv channel you will want to press him on that multiple times when he is there so you can show the whole world jay carney
won t answer your questions. is it show biz? not entirely. it s important when a politician won t answer a question. show they didn t have a chance to get in the a word. stonewall you and trying to withhold information. since that was jay carney s primary job to stonewall the press and keep information from them. i completely understand why people were down there working for news organizations want to show everyone that jay carney is either they catch him in an untruth or pressing him to show the whole world. a.b., i thought he didn t answer a lot of questions. i thought he spun the media a lot. maybe that is his job. i would have been pretty annoyed if i were sitting in that room. i agree with john it s his job not to reveal more than they want revealed. and that s the case with every press secretary. is that doing his job? it s to answer questions as much as they can. but. transparently well, it s their job is to answer questions and look like they are answering questions and giving out some facts. they are not going to say everybody that they are talking about in private briefings, the press is going to continue to ask for that information.
that s always gone on and it always will. there is no question in the age of tv that if you break news in the briefing in an exchange with the white house press secretary it makes your boss very happy as well as your mom back home. and, in addition to that, there is a level of shaming that the press engages in that behind closed doors, john could scream at a white house press secretary and say you haven t answered cause carney to yell back. on tv carney might just sort of break and break down. that s why white house reporters do it. see, i actually think it flips the other way, susan, in private if i didn t think the the cameras were around i might blast them more than with the cameras. more respectful with the cameras than behind closed doors if i thought someone wasn t giving the information. i think what a.b. is saying is true. the shaming issue. i think that the press has felt pressured to put more pressure on the press secretary because they are not getting information. and that s a story in itself
out there. and that s why you see the more animated in these press briefings. they don t want to look like they are laying down and not getting answers and information. that s as much a part of it. it s true that these animated exchanges between reporter and press secretary make the evening news and they can be very helpful to a reporter s career. aside from that, i think it has nothing to do with the relevancy of the questions i hear asked. and the degree to which people are very animated. because they are not getting answers. and they are being very persistent with the press secretary luckily. i think that s important. i would be much more toned down with the cameras on than i might be be. sometimes that s the only way you can get them to answer when you know the camera is on you, you may be more likely to get something because the pressure is on him. perhaps. anyway, panel, thank you. developing now news in israel and hamas have just agreed to another humanitarian cease-fire. how long a live report from gaza is next.
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this is a fox news alert. israel and hamas agreeing to unconditional cease-fire starting tomorrow. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu vowing to destroy the hamas tunnel network with or without a cease-fire. and israel s military calling up another 16,000 reservists, fox news correspondent conor powell live in gaza city with the latest. conor. we have seen previous
cease-fires crumble before they got underway. we think this one might be different. what we know is the uts and the u.n. point out a joint statement tonight saying both hamas and israel have agreed to a 72 hour cease-fire starting tomorrow morning and that crucially both sides have agreed to stay in the current location during this cease-fire. that was sort of a necessity for an agreement really for both sides. we also know that israel has said they would not agree to a cease-fire until they were done destroying all of these cross order tunnels between gaza into israel that hamas has used for these attacks. we also know that israel is getting very close to finishing, destroying the 32 tunnels that they had located. so it seems as if this cease-fire may have come at a time when israel is very close or has finished up knocking out these cross border tunnels. hamas at both the national sort of local leader here in gaza has agreed to it. we also know that the international leader in qatar has also agreed to it
we also know that israel and all palestinian organizations have sent delegates to cairo to further negotiations. another sign that this cease-fire may actually hold. but we have seen so many cease-fires, greta, that have crumbled really before they have even gotten started. it s way too early so far to say that this is the cease-fire that s going to end this conflict. right now in gaza, it is very quiet. we can hear drones flying over. we heard a couple and seen a couple of explosions. for the most part gaza is very quiet. very, very dark tonight. and there is hope, obviously, that this is the cease-fire that s going to bring about sort of a lasting continued violence of the violence here right now, greta. conor, thank you. joining us israeli prime minister netanyahu s chief spokesperson mark, good evening, sir. good evening to you. now, i understand from listening to the prime minister many times that the goal is to destroy all those tunnels that hamas has been using to smuggle weapons
into gaza and then fire, of course, rockets into israel. can you tell me how extensive this whole tunnel system is? or was, i should say? well, it was i-they were building an extensive network of underground tunnels through which they could infiltrate. literally hundreds of terrorists into israel. they would pop up at points around the border area but on our side of the frontier, with automatic weapons, with explosives, with rocket propelled grenades and they would cause mayhem and murder on our side of the frontier. and that s why we are dealing now with this network of tunnels, because this was a strategic threat to our country. we just can t allow this to continue. it s like having a knife at your throat. we have to remove that knife. how long have they had these tunnels? i realize it s an operation to build them. when did they sort of get going in ernest? we believe they have beenwore
tunnels for 2, 3, 4 years now. what they have done is taken money donated to the palestinian people in gaza to build schools and health clinics and hospitals. and they stole that money and they invested it in these terror tunnels. cement that was meant, as i say, to build a hospital was put into these tunnels. it s a very elaborate system. a network of terror tunnels that spread out like fingers under the ground. people in southern israel are concerned. we have got a border fence and we have got lights there and we have got security, but the fear is that someone just pops out of a hole in your backyard, armed to the teeth, comes to kill you. it s a threat that we take very seriously and we have to neutralize that threat. are you surprised by what you re seeing or has israeli intelligence known exactly where these tunnels were, how extensive they were or
is this a big surprise to you as you go along? i have known about this for a while. for months now. i have seen it in meetings. but not just the existence of them, but where they are, where they have been? well, that is right. we knew that they were working on tunnels. we knew that this was their way of trying to infiltrate into israel to kill our people. and we are aware of the threat. did we know the exact number? and exactly where they are? the answer is not. and that s why it s so important that we re there on the ground now. on their side of the border of the gaza strip because only by being there only by boots on the ground to possibly locate and destroy all these tunnels. that s why my prime minister said a few hours ago, benjamin netanyahu said we will continue the operation against the tunnels with a cease-fire or without, because we can t allow this threat to remain because
it s a real threat. it s a present and real danger to the people of israel. do you have any idea tonight about what percentage of the tunnels have been degraded or are destroyed? we have taken out dozens of tunnels, but we are still searching for more. we believe that will take a while longer. i can t be specific on how long that will take. but that operation is ongoing, and we will get most of them will get the overwhelming majority. we can t guarantee 100% success, but we will get pretty close. and can you see more of our interview with the israeli prime minister chief spokesperson. just go to and the israel/hamas war sparking a waive of anti-semitism across europe. ambassador john bolton is here now. the ebola virus about to be transferred back to the united states. the latest coming up. super pole
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france nether lands to germany. sense of semitism sparked by the israel/hamas war. former u.n. ambassador john bolton joins us. this adds a whole another ugly dimension to this story. it does. i must say that the anti-smem particular sentiment has been growing in europe in the past couple of decades. reflected not in the old fashioned way of the jews control the international financial markets, the jews control the media the jews controls what whatever it is you don t like today. it s a little more subtle and dangerous. it focuses on the legitimacy of israel itself. the zionism itself is a form of racism. you see people afraid to say anything about islamic extremism yet they have no problem going out and protesting the jews, which is just astounding to me. well, in part it s because the jewish people have exactly one country in the world, israel. so it s very easy to focus on the anti-semitism.
you know, when we repealed the u.n. general assembly resolution that equated with zionism, with racism in 1991, actually thought the problem was going to go away. it hasn t. can you see it now in the activity of the u.n. human rights council, the u.n. commissioner for high commissioner for human rights. and a lot of the european attitudes towards israel i think reflect very poorly disguised anti-semitism. it s one thing to to have catalyst like a war and people take sides, even without the war, you said this has been going on for decades. unfortunately you can t legislate against. it s really hard to make someone who is a bigot not a bigot. especially in countries like germany, they would be poo particularly sensitive to this issue: they would work to try to put the lid on it. i have to say chancellor merkel has spoken out against it i think she is to be commended. what i worry about is that our government has not spoken to the question. not the president. and even worse the secretary of state has seidelled up
the anti-semitism i want to be very careful here. i m not saying they are anti-semitic. some months back in israel, secretary kerry said if the israelis don t make concessions to the palestinians who would be surprised if efforts in europe to delegitimize israel to the so-called boycotts, divesture didn t grow? i think in effect giving them a green light. that s a very dangerous approach. look, people have poor choice of words and sometimes are sloppy in what they this comes across being perceived as something never intended. big difference of being sloppy and clumsy what you say and taking to the streets and marching up and down with the poster. well, the question is who is giving the attitude that they will be receptive to the notion actions are legitimate. some in this country like to say that recall vaps mere presence on the west bank is somehow illegitimate as if winning a war doesn t count for something.
there is a whole background to this that has allowed an amount of anti-semitism in europe to manifest itself through apparently being opposed to specific israeli policies. which is anti-semitism. bigotry is just horrendous and. going to get worse unfortunately. ambassador, thank you. and the cdc sending urgent new warnings to americans about the spread of ebola. up next ebola victim says her husband almost brought the virus to the united states. that s next. for over a decade,
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this is a fox news alert. a patient with the ebola virus is heading to the united states. emery university hospital in
atlanta say there are plans to transfer an infected patient to the facility in the in connection with few days. no word hot patient is and when the patient will arrive in the u.s. the medevac pain with the cdc biological containment systems on board is headed to liberia. two american aid workers in west africa are battling it has killed another u.s. citizen. patrick sawyer died after getting on a flight from liberia to nigeria. weeks away from getting on flight to the u.s. his family lives in minnesota. his wife says he was headed there soon. good evening, i m terribly sorry to hear about your husband. yes. thank you and good evening to you, too. good evening. did you know that he was sick? did you know that he was coming in contact with people with ebola? i found out that he was sick on thursday of last week. thursday afternoon.
and then friday morning at 3:00 a.m. in the morning, i found out that he died. he was working for the the liberian government. he was working and he was in nigeria ebola. and he was quarantined in nigeria. ebola. what kind of work was he doing or caring for someone? yes. well he was caring for his sister. it was. i had found out that his sister was sick about a week prior. and and she died.
what it was. but i do know he helped care for his sister while she was sick. but then it was after she died that her body was tested positive for ebola. and so and now and more trouble is you have young children, he was coming to the united states soon for birthday for your children. and you are unable to even get his death certificate or take care of the remains. i understand there is a problem with that. yes. yes. it s a problem with that. patrick was definitely coming to the united states after he was through with nigeria. he was coming to the united states for the girls birthday party. having their birthday party august 16th for our two older girls, ava and me a they re turning 6 and a and i shared the date with patrick and nothing would have stopped patrick from coming to his girls
birthday party. he loved those girls so much he wanted to be here for them. so, yeah. he definitely was coming. and now that he is dead,nough ts going on. what is even worse now is that i am unable to get his remains. they i haven t heard anything back from the liberian government for quite a few days now. i was in communication with them immediately after it happened. and i was assured that they were going to bring back his, you know, send it to me. and i needed asap, you know, i need we re planning a memorial, and it s been hard i m not getting there is no communication now between them and me. so i have taken the next step in trying to get his remains back. patrick is a u.s. citizen. you know, is he a u.s. citizen and he was very proud of that when he got
his citizenship and got to vote for the first time in the last presidential election. he was very proud to be able to vote. so, you know, i m reaching out to my government to help me get my husband s remains back and actually senator al franken s office has been able to intercede and ask we speak i have gotten the word back from them and they are working on that for me. so i want to thank them for stepping in. thank you very much. i m terribly sorry for you and also for your children who lost their father. i m sorry. thank you and god bless you. and today cdc warning americans not to travel to countries hit by the ebola outbreak. how great is the risk. president obama declined to alter plans after the summit. many african-american leaders are heading to washington. u.s.a. administrator raja will take part in the
summit. this is a big event coming up next week. now i assume ebola will be a big topic? ebola has been an existing partnership that we have with west african countries a response including making the safety of american citizens their first and highest priority. but our hearts are,our sympathies and prayers go out to patrick and those kids and other victims and their families. are these other countries receptive to us? i mean, are we able and i don t want necessarily us to big foot other countries, but we certainly may have a lot more resources than others. are they receptive to have us go in there and try to help out? they are. they are very receptive. in fact, we have technical advisors and centers for disease control expert personnel providing support to help these countries. in fact, we have long standing large scale help partnerships with countries
throughout africa. it s less known to the american public but with the small amount of foreign aid and assistance, we are actually able to save hundreds of thousands of children lives every year by helping to distribute vaccines and malaria and other efforts that are helping to turn the tide in africa and build more vibrant, safer and more prosperous economies. probably worried coming here? is this i mean, the cdc just says there is low risk. with you, what is the risk? the cdc says it s safe and they re leading this effort. there are passengers screening protocols in the place on both sides of these flights managed by the cdc and so we are confident that that protocol is robust. let me turn to this big event next week. what else is on the agenda? well, this event is really an extraordinary first of its kind moment to demonstrate that america s partnership with africa has the potential to be a driver of growth and opportunity
for both countries, continents and all of the partners and participants. we will see major participation from american businesses with billions of dollars of new announcements of business partnerships. partnerships designed to build african capacity and help countries fight poverty and ill health and be more robust. have more opportunity for hundreds of millions of africans. it should be an upbeat positive story that s made possible really because we have pursued this new model of engagement for african partners for many years now. i have heard that the sierra leone president won t be making it because of the outbreak. we don t have confirmation of what she will be doing. she is busy? we do know there were l. be more than 40 heads of state. on a strong bipartisan basis over the course of years, we have been able to really help make a difference in africa. raj, nice to see you, thank you. coming up, cia confesses to
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and breaking news democratic senator mark udall calling for cia director john brennan s resignation. today, the cia admitting to spying on the u.s. senate. the agency s inspector general concluding cia officials improperly hacked the senate intelligence committee computers. senator udall intelligence committee members saying the report shows john brennan mislead the public. mislead is a pretty way to say lied, maybe? let s all go off-the-record for a minute. i agree with senator mark udall, cia director john brennan should resign. that s not all. there is a lot more. i smell a ratted and a squishy apology from the cia director should not push this matter under the rug. earlier today, cia director john brennan apologized toot senate intelligence committee leaders for spying on them. that s not a mistake. that is a crime and a big
one. on the cia s own web site, it says domestic spying by the cia is a crime. and the only way it is not a crime and this is where i get a bit suspicious, is if the attorney general of the united states authorizes domestic spying. that, of course, would be eric holder. so, did the attorney general authorize domestic spying? if he did, he needs to tell us why. he owes the american people those answers. and if eric holder didn t authorize the spying, he needs to do his job and prosecute, convene a grand jury immediately. i don t buy for one second the department of justice previous statement that there is not enough evidence for a a criminal investigation. that statement is a lie. testimony t. smells like a coverup to me. there could not be more evidence the cia director just admitted it happened. that s called a confession. how much more evidence does the attorney general need? smell a rat? that s my off-the-record comment tonight. thank you for being with us. we will see you all again tomorrow.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20140727 23:00:00

this is the fox report. i am molly line, in for harris faulkner. the crisis in the middle east reaches the three week mark with no sign of end to the violence. hopes for a long time ceasefire in gaza dashed. israel and hamas resuming full scale attacks that reportedly left more than 1,000 dead. ban ki-moon is urging the rivals to accept a 24 hour truce. it appears both sides are holding out. hamas has broken five ceasefires.
they rejected all of them, violate all of them, including two humanitarian ceasefires in the last 24 hours. the ceasefire is something we wanted, we have a government of national accord. we asked for ceasefires. we need a ceasefire that will bring out also end to the conditions that are creating and generating all this violence. meantime, president obama and prime minister netanyahu spoke by phone today. the president once again condemned attacks by hamas and reiterated israel s right to defend itself. he also expressed growing concern about loss of life on both sides. steve centanni has more. reporter: with terms of ceasefire being disputed, it triggered a war of words on the sunday talk shows today. on the israeli side, prime minister netanyahu accused palestinians of violating their own ceasefire and he acknowledged that international
public opinion may be turning against israel because so many palestinian civilians have been killed, but for this, netanyahu blames the palestinians themselves. any of these regrettable tragic civilian casualties should be placed at the responsibility of hamas. hamas is a terrorist organization, ruthless terrorist organization that not only wants to kill our people, it wants to sacrifice its own people. it uses them as human shields. netanyahu says the israelis have done all they can to avoid casualties. u.s. secretary of state john kerry returned home after getting a long term ceasefire. but diplomatic efforts continue. the palestinians claim the first step is for israel to end the siege of gaza. the violence is generated by a very abnormal condition called israeli military occupation. they value our lives and rights, they persist on bombing and
shelling people, civilians, and then blame the victims. palestinians also say they re surprised to hear netanyahu talk about protecting civilians when more than 1,000 have been killed in gaza in the past three weeks, most of them civilians. molly? steve, thank you very much. more than three years after the down fall of moammar gadhafi, libya is having one of the worst bouts of violence and lawlessness. death and destruction as they battle for control of the country s eastern regions. today alone, more than 40 report killed, including civilians. many more wounded from rockets crashing into homes. the fiercest around tripoli airport and benghazi. foreigners and locals now fleeing their homes as the situation becomes increasingly dangerous. earlier, the british embassy and convoy was attacked, wounded no
one. the growing threat prompted us to shut down the u.s. embassy. they were evacuated to tunesia under tight military guard. secretary of state john kerry says the embassy isn t being shut down permanently, but diplomatic activities are suspended for now. tourists are also advised to steer clear of libya. turning to the growing crisis in ukraine, government forces launching a major campaign against pro-russian militants, troops close in on a key rebel strong hold, in hopes of gaining control of an area where malaysia airlines flight 17 was shot down, killing all 298 on board. increasing fighting forces dutch and australian police to search the crash site, which investigators complain has already been compromised. steve harrigan, live from ukraine. what progress did investigators
make today? reporter: it was the first day for 30 dutch unarmed police to reach the scene and hopefully begin to provide some security for the international investigators. instead, on route to the scene because of heavy fighting, they had to turn around. more than 220 bodies from the crash site have been taken out of eastern ukraine to the netherlands where identification process has begun. for the few experts that have reached the site and done some research, they say there are more remains and body parts to be found. still has a long way to go and no progress today because of fighting, molly. steve, what s the latest on what u.s. officials are doing about russia s involvement in the fighting? reporter: a phone call today from u.s. secretary of state john kerry to sergei lavrov. he asked the russians to stop sending heavy military equipment, tanks and carriers
over the border to russian back rebels. he urged the russian toss stop. mr. lavrov denied that was taking place, mr. kerry didn t accept that denial. diplomatic pressure to stop the russians. the state department releasing satellite images of what it says is evidence of russian military forces firing on ukrainian positions from within russian territory. russian officials deny they re doing so. they say the pictures and attempt is a smear campaign against russia by the west. molly, back to you. thank you, steve, from the ukraine. appreciate you keeping us up on the conflict and diplomatic efforts as well. the first relatives to visit the crash site are coming from australia. this couple placing a wreath of flowers for their 25-year-old daughter who was on board and whose remains weren t yet recovered. we cried a lot. that s why we promised her the first thing when we heard this,
we said how could she survive this. we promised our daughter we will come here. actually as soon as possible, there was a time factor, yeah. we should have come here the minute it happened. the next day. those parents also went to the netherlands, providing dna samples for those investigating the remains. the immigration crisis continues on the southern border as washington is divided on how to solve this complex problem. democrats and republicans say something must be done soon, but when it comes to strategy and how much money to spend, our nation s leaders cannot find common ground, this as congress s summer recess looms. leland vitter has more from washington. reporter: it seems the only thing republicans and democrats agree on is that this is a problem. what needs to be done, much less how to do it or how to pay for it is a continuing battle. there has been much discussion
about president obama s handling things with an executive order or drastically changing policy unilaterally when it comes to immigration. republicans of congress don t like that idea in the least. even in congress. there are competing bills about various solution. the democrats are willing to give him most of what he wants. house republicans say they can solve the problem of thousands of minors coming across the border for much less. not writing a blank check but solve the problem. the american public wants us to have an orderly border. right now they see chaos at the border, number one. number two, keep in mind that president obama on june 30th sent a letter asking for money and a policy change. while the debate makes for fodder on sunday shows, there s been precious little progress toward the deal, much less the grand bargain on immigration
reform that president obama wants. house recesses summer vacation later this week. now it is crunch time, for there to be progress rather than motion. only time will tell if that happens. molly? right now, firefighters are battling raging wildfires that are destroying homes, forcing hundreds of evacuations. the latest on fires burning in several states. is the crisis on the border growing bigger as congress is about to go on a five week break, even though there seems to be no solution in sight. fox news political insiders are here and we want to hear from you. should congress stay in session until they hammer out some sort of deal? post responses by tweeting @mollylinefnc.
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tornado warnings in several states. meteorologist janice dean is live in the fox extreme weather center with the latest on this. molly, a dangerous situation for folks across the ohio river vall valley, tennessee river valley. conditions are favorable for tornadoes, 8:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m., 1:00 a.m. storms are going to continue to fire well into the overnight. i want to insist if you have noaa radios, put them on. you might be asleep and need to be woken up if there s a tornado warning. we have several tornado warnings in the state of tennessee, heading towards knoxville, tennessee. all the areas you see here shaded in pink, those are tornado warnings. we are seeing strong rotation. all these cells not only in portions of central tennessee but towards virginia and the border of north carolina. so very dangerous situation. several tornadic super cells are
moving into some big cities. in the great lakes, we have several severe thunderstorm warnings as the front continues to press eastward, a very strong cold front interacting with warm, unstable air, and that s giving us the threat for severe weather. for all of the big cities into the overnight tonight, including d.c., up to new york and boston, hail, damagingwinds, and yes, tornadoes. really, the state of tennessee needs to be on alert for the next several hours. then as we go into monday, the threat diminishes. but overnight tonight, if you live in those areas shaded in yellow, as i pointed out, across the ohio river valley, tennessee river valley, pay very close attention to your weather authorities. your current temperatures, extremely warm across the southern and central u.s. 103 in phoenix as well. you can see where cooler, dryer air is interacting with that.
potential super cells for the evening. ahead of the front, memphis is 104. behind that, cool, dry air. that s one of the ingredients needed for severe weather. through the evening, ohio river valley, tennessee river valley, the state of tennessee now into portions of virginia and north carolina on alert for tornadoes. back to you. thank you, important warnings. this just in in california. they tell us eight people have been struck by lightning on a popular venice boardwalk on santa monica bay. at the same time, we get a report a ninth person was hit by lightning on catalina island, 22 miles off the l.a. coast. the conditions of people hurt in venice we don t yet know. the victim on catalina, a 57-year-old man is said to be in stable condition. the lightning strikes happened
during a series of thunderstorms. rare for southern california this time of year. and this is also a fox news alert. out of control wildfires, burning out west, forcing people from homes and scorching several states. dominic de-natale has more. reporter: hey there. been quite a weekend for wildfires. let s show you a map of where the main concern is in california. the sierra, nevada hills. we have the sand fire. it consumed ten homes, six square miles of land consumed by the flames so far. that doesn t sound large, but this is a tough one. it is also effecting california s wine growing region. canyons of eldorado burning since friday. an area hit in 2009. people panic how it could effect california s precious wine
industry. listen. vineyards are going to be lost, and that s devastating to a.m. door and eldorado county. we can t afford it, nobody can. we are challenged by mother nature every day. 35% of the sand fire contained so far. they expected it to grow in size today. we will have data on that shortly. we have triple digit heat. this has been so far one of the hottest years on record for california. mother nature, firefighters saying, is not to be on california s side. this is going to be happening all over. i don t think it is specific to the area, this is what we are going to see across northern california until we get significant rain. reporter: and one of the other fires going on at the moment is 400 firefighters battling a 2100 acre fire in yosemite national park. the second time in a year
yosemite was hit by flames. 45 homes under evacuation. most of those housing for workers in the park itself. good news in washington state, the carlton complex fire. two-thirds of that now contained. and should be wet weather and cooler temperatures helping fan the flames there, that s the only bit of good news we re having as we gear up for the main firefighter season this fall. back to you. thank you for keeping us up to date on the fires. we are getting reports that two americans, one a doctor, have been infected with one of the world s deadliest diseases. plus, two years after a disaster at sea, the costa concordia making its final journey.
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two american health workers in liberia are reportedly being treated for one of the world s deadliest diseases, ebola. you can see him on the right. he was treating victims of the largest ebola outbreak on record, responsible for nearly 700 deaths in west africa. health workers face enormous risk of contracting the virus. yesterday it killed one of the country s most high profile doctors and a doctor from uganda died earlier this month. the ill fated costa concordia struck a reef in 2012, capsized, killing 32 people. today after a slow five day voyage, they pulled the massive vessel into port. that s where it first set sail in 2007 and where it will eventually be scrapped.
it ends a grueling salvage operation that involved pulling it upright without hurting the environment. the ship s captain, blamed for sailing too close to shore, is now being tried for manslaughter. he is also accused of abandoning his ship while hundreds of passengers fought for their lives. and now a bitter family feud is spoiling business at a popular super market chain in the northeast. began decades ago. two cousins whose family owns the market basket. the dispute spilled into stores with employees and delivery workers calling for a boycott. now once loyal customers are listening, they re taking their business elsewhere. brian yennis is here with the latest on this. very unusual. they have been battling over control of the market basket
chain for nearly 30 years. last month, long time ceo arthur t was fired. a decision supported by his rival cousin and opposing family members. well, that ousting led to protests and boycotts at many of the 71 stores over the last week. hundreds, even thousands of loyal customers and employees demanding he be reinstated as ceo. store shelves empty, drivers refusing to deliver groceries. loyal customers taking their business elsewhere, taping receipts from competitors to market basket windows. the super market is reportedly losing millions of dollars in sales. we re going to keep protesting until we have artie t back. whenever he comes back we start working again. he is credited for keeping prices low, creating a family atmosphere, and paying employees well above the industry standard. other than my father, i have no more respect for a man that
walks on this earth than arthur for how he has treated me and all of you. he offered to buy it from arthur s. the board will seriously consider his proposal, and the company is asking employees to come back friday, please end the strike. there will be no penalty or discipline for any associate who joins in what will be a significant effort to return to the unpar elderly level of performance and customer service that have been hallmarks of the brand. employees say they won t stand down until arthur t is reinstated, saying quote, we will work for no other ceo. i tell you, i live in massachusetts. fly back and forth here to new york. pictures of this have been incredible, aerial shots, the amount of people involved in this. it galvanized people. a lot of them worked for
decades, have been brought into the family feud. they believe if the company is given to arthur s, he will sell to outside suitors and it will no longer be the family member they had for decades, part of who they are. it is personal for hundreds of thousands in the communities. thank you for the inside look. a massachusetts town is flooding with mail to wish a sick boy a happy 6th birthday. he was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. he asked for cards because he loves to get mail. boy did his wish come true. how many people across the world can come together and care about one child. with all the sadness we have in our lives now, it is amazing to see him so happy.
danny wasted no time, dug right in. some 100,000 cards and packages from all around the globe. after a break for cake, he got right back to work. he even received a special birthday message from marines in afghanistan. well, israel and hamas are resuming their fighting, as hopes for a ceasefire are shattered once again. we have a live report from gaza on the latest developments. that s one of the foreign crises facing the obama administration. the white house also trying to deal with russian president vladimir putin and the conflict in ukraine. the fox news political insiders are here to weigh in. join the conversation by tweeting me @mollylinefnc, #frw. here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we ll match it
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for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don t take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. i am molly line, in for harris faulkner. this is the fox report. it is bottom of the hour, in case you re joining us. hopes for a temporary truce between israel and hamas shattered. israel responds with attacks in the air and on the ground. each blaming the other. palestinian officials say more than a thousand have been killed in the conflict, mostly civilians. 46 have been killed in israel, mostly soldiers.
conner powell, live from gaza city, what will it take to get to a ceasefire? reporter: we spent the last 24 hours or so trying to see if the humanitarian ceasefire that lasted 12 hours yesterday could be extended. israel offered ex-tentension of that, hamas said no. we saw heavy fighting today but not like the past four, five days. we saw about a dozen or so hamas rockets fired from gaza to israel. we also heard and saw israeli artill parts here. for the last sort of two or three hours, it has been very quiet here now. of course, israel is expanding military operations, focusing mainly on tunnels and launch sites in areas where they already are in gaza now. they have not expanded to gaza city or some other areas. israel is continuing to conduct
military operations here, focusing on tunnels. hamas said we would reject a ceasefire where the israelis are allowed to continue to operate here. looks like both sides settled into a semi permanent ceasefire. the question is will it hold until tomorrow. both sides are under a lot of pressure to approve some long term ceasefire, and there seems to be support for it now in gaza. i was going to ask, you have been there on the ground, had a chance to talk with people. how much support is there for possible ceasefire? is it moving that direction? that s what s not really clear. there are a lot of people we have spoken to today, during the week, particularly during heavy fighting, when they were saying doesn t matter how bad fighting gets, they supported hamas, they feel the blockade around gaza was so intolerable, they wanted
the fighting continued, wanted the blockade lifted. there were many people here saying that. whether or not they re saying that now that they had a chance to see damage, had a chance to breathe, it is not clear. there s still a lot of support for hamas and any efforts to stop the blockade. whether they want to see the fighting as the holy month of ramadan is coming to an end, it is supposed to be celebration. a lot of people are buying supplies for the holidays and celebration. whether or not there s after this quiet period support for fighting is not clear. israel says they want fighting and rockets to stop. they re going to continue military operations to remove tunnels, want sustainable quiet. both hold to the ceasefire, is in question. we will continue to watch it. thank you for that insight. we appreciate it. the fighting in the middle east, one of the crises facing
the obama administration. washington is at odds about how to address all of them. as some analysts say u.s. is losing standing in the political community. tweet us. joining me, former republican congressman, pat goodell, and doug shown, fox news contributor as well. thank you for being here to talk about this. there s a tremendous amount going on. we begin with the on-going conflict in israel and gaza. the israeli prime minister netanyahu blaming hamas for breaking ceasefire agreements and saying he will do whatever is necessary to achieve the goal of sustainable quiet, security. dozens of soldiers killed, more
than a thousand reportedly killed in gaza, and international opposition is growing. as we move forward, are we doing enough in the u.s.? clearly we are not, molly. if you go around the world, in israel clearly we have not succeeded in doing anything but getting the most temporary of ceasefires, certainly no long term resolution. ukraine and russia, again, fighting is getting worse. we are tentatively talking about maybe providing technical assistance to the ukrainians to monitor russian advance weapon systems. libya blew up over the weekend. afghanistan, the taliban is making gains, the vote counting is now in question. and iraq is devolving into sectarian strife. president obama is not leading. we are a country that s weaker, less involved, less potent, and
the american people are angry. do you think we are being too tentative? i think the american government is not leading, not just the president but the republicans that control the house of representatives, the republican party itself is equally vak u us. there s nothing coming forward from them, other than their knee jerk reaction to bomb and invade people. why is a positive agenda? for instance on the gaza a thing, we have the iranians supporting hamas, giving them the rockets, encouraging this thing. why isn t the united states going to the arab states like saudi arabia and the uae and saying you guys have to come in here with your money and pay for the palestinians to disarm, to get modern, to give up this ridiculous notion of wiping out israel. why aren t we leading stuff like that instead of criticizing israel. there are so many players, the u.s., iran, qatar. so many involved.
you look at the map of the middle east, of the mediterranean, the area, europe, it looks like a map of world war i. you know, tomorrow is the 100th anniversary of beginning of world war i. a disaster brought on by miscalculation, lack of leadership from world leaders, particularly super powers, britain and it was a war of unnecessary disaster. millions and millions died. this is after 100 years of peace in europe. what do we have? we have a president today as doug said, yesterday we evacuated the embassy in libya, the country we quote, say, got rid of gadhafi, and the president was on the golf course playing golf with cnn anchors. this imagery of our leadership, of a president that doesn t lead and a world exploding, this kind of stuff has consequences. world war i is an example of those consequences and we are
playing with fire right now. interesting you bring up such historical context, there s always historical context when we talk about russia. there s so much going on with president vladimir putin there, the he escalating situation betn russia and ukraine. president obama is criticized as being awal, for lack of strength. two polls show an interesting juxtaposition. the first poll regarding the situation in ukraine, and who has the upper hand? a big, big majority believed vladimir putin has the upper hand. 75%. then another poll. should the u.s. be more involved in ukraine. when that poll comes up, americans say no. we should not be more involved, at least 61%. it is really tough. where do you go from there, when people believe that putin has the upper hand, but the u.s. should not draw deeper into this. first thing to say, molly,
despite the tragic downing of the malaysian jet, there s still a consensus by 60 points or more that putin has the upper hand. to that end, he is doubling down now. there s no suing for peace from vladimir putin. he upped the delivery of weapons systems to the separatists. he massed 15,000 or more troops on the ukrainian border, and is now firing with impunity into ukraine. the trend saying to be involved is up seven or eight points. to be sure, many don t want us to. but you can help, provide technical assistance, financial assistance. arms. give arms to the ukrainian military. meals. gave them old meals. but you can also do, if you were leading, if you weren t leading from behind, the european community, world outrage, what was lost the last
ten days by obama and leadership, this vacuum, we will pay a price for this vacuum in any one of these hot spots, iran with a bomb, isis, starting to kill christians if they don t convert perhaps. tremendous amount of things going on around the world and here. why doesn t the president go to europe and get all of the western leaders together in a room and lead. because he doesn t care enough about it, all right? he doesn t care about his job. some interesting things to talk about when it comes to congress, how much congress cares about things. they don t care about their jobs either. you guys are ready. we are going to get to it in a moment. we are seeing these crises overseas, but we re also dealing at home with illegal immigrants streaming into the u.s. on the southern border, and lawmakers are trying to come to a deal. are they trying? they re also preparing for a five week break. what do you think. should congress postpone that summer recess if a solution
isn t reached by the end of this week? tweet us @mollylinefnc. fox report weekend. movie night. i get 2x the points on streaming movies and takeout from restaurants with my citi thankyou card. everyone wins. you mean you win. yes i do. the citi thankyou preferred card earn two times the thankyou points with no annual fee. to apply, go to
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our nations leaders at odds over the southern border. there s talk of an executive order to move forward on immigration reform as congress is set to take a five week vacation in days. our political insiders are back. thanks for being here. let s get to it. we are talking about immigration. this has been on everyone s mind. can t get away from it. today chris wallace spent a lot of time on this on fox news sunday trying to get an answer from the house majority whip elect as to whether the gop will
stay around to resolve to do something on this pressing issue of immigration. chris asked a question. basically trying to get to the bottom of this. will they stick around. take a listen. we re not even on recess, chris, we are here and ready to work. we re going to do our job this week. if the president wants to sit back, continue to point fingers at other people, he s the president of the united states. he could solve this problem today. i doesn t want to solve this problem but we do. we re going to stay and work and get our job done. do you think they ll stay? do you think it is important that they do? what bothers me about that answer is rather than the process question of staying or not, why doesn t he use this time on national tv to spell out what our republican plan is to fix the immigration and border security problem. i didn t hear a word about the substance of the issue, which is number one, people are still
streaming in down there, nothing is being done to stop it. border guards are 40 miles inland from the border. and john, the president announced a plan to begin a pilot program to take people from honduras to bring them in without them even having to get to the border. fly them in. we are divided. there is no consensus. i think it is a pretty obvious answer, congress should stay in session, period, no ifs, ands, or buts. the president is saying he will take action, the president and congress are being criticized. neither plan, the democrats, the president, the democrats, the house, care about getting a deal. if they did, they would be in a room getting one. this isn t that hard to solve. they re into the politics of it. president obama has changed his position about changing the 2008 law, which was a mistake. and encouraging people to come.
you know, he changed his mind because he s under pressure from voting groups he cares about, immigration supporters, the republicans are talking about deporting, the only thing they seem to be able to speak about. meanwhile, all they want to do is spend money. nothing is going to happen this week. nothing is going to happen. there s frustration. we are getting tweets, equal opportunity barbers, this one from rose bud. this congress is the greatest disgrace, no congress working, are you kidding. let me answer that by asking a question. what do sarah palin, ted cruz, nancy pelosi and barack obama have in common? they re talking not about this, they re talking about impeaching the president. this is the answer to serious problems. let s impeach obama, all doing it to raise money.
great bridge to talking about impeachment, a tweet from josh earnest that tweeted house gop s wrong priorities. new whip scalise won t rule in border vote this week, won t rule out impeachment. in the last 72 hours, i have 13 messages pushing impeachment and send money which is so much more than i ever received, even during the shut down. on the republican side, we have the same. people that make money on this, get people to read their blogs, extremists. this is insane. the democrats think this is august, excuse me, christmas in august. this is their greatest dream is to have this happen because in 98 they know majorities of americans who thought the president had done wrong on managing in terms of how he has tried to rule in a one-man show. yet the republicans go
immediately into can we go off the cliff? the elections of 98 didn t turn out particularly well. exactly. our slogan in the clinton white how was progress not partisanship. and we talked about fixing social security and keeping the economy going. john was alluding to it, has a positive agenda to deal with the economy, the border crisis to, the issue with taxation, moving overseas. no one is dealing with it. it is a crisis of confidence, a crisis of democracy. where is the republican alternative to obamacare? we were told it was coming and it never happened. they don t want to say you were mad about obama, you want to impeach him. it s not going to listen to whau elect us. that s the program. and they won t do it. the american people largely or the majority
vast majority this is as i said, this is we have to go to break, guys. a lot of things coming up. more with the political insiders coming up next. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you re like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal. until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody s perfect.
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your thoughts? that is a legitimate criticism as is suing to have the courts a s adjudicate as to whether the executor, obama, has gone too far. that s legit stuff. that s not crazy to do, all right? but speaking as a political person, we re three months from an election. republicans should win the senate this year. the thing that s lacking is they have yet to put forth their prescription for health care. what doug said, pro-growth program. they re afraid to say to the country, elect us. all they want to do is say obama is terrible. the democrats are which they are. both sides want to win senate seats. this comes down to the issues, winning the issues when it comes down to foreign policy, immigration, health care and everything else. what you re saying is the way
ordinary american voters think. tell me what you re going to do about the issues i care about. as pat and john are saying, very clearly, neither party is willing to do that. both parties play politics, attack, go to fund-raisers, send out incendiary e-mails. neither side governs from the perspective of getting results. we have a chance this week in the congress to get results on the va, immigration. we re not going to get it. we all lose as a result. super quick last word from pat? all i have to ask the american people is if you have no interest about what this is about. this is all about them. they don t care. the entire country the world is on fire. in a flame. and we are doing nothing at home or abroad to do what people want. it s all about us, the political class, and the corrupt media. and people are watching. that is for certain. we will see what happens in these elections that are looming 100 days from now. thank you so much, our political
insiders. it s been a real pleasure. that is how fox reports this sunday, july 27th, 2014. thank you for watching. have a great week. huckabee is next. nexium®,is now available, without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. because the best moments in life aren t experienced from the sidelines. now there s nothing holding you back. this is nexium level protection™.
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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140917 10:00:00

[ music playing ] that s rihanna. the song goes on the, say, baby, please come back, baby, it was me. we will get to one of her hit songs that young girls love. good morning, it s twens wednesday, september 17th. we have the chairman of deutsche, incorporated, donny
deutsche and columbia university school of public affairs dorian warren is back. in washington where there is a lot going on, we have reporter for the new york time jeremy peters with us covering capitol hill. we have so much going on. we ll start in washington just to give you a sense of water going on there. developing news in washington, concerning america s war on isis. for weeks, president obama has claimed he won t be deploying ground troops in iraq. we all heard that, right? yesterday the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff testified it could be a possibility. now the white house is trying to clarify that. we will get every angle of this, this hour just ahead, but we want to start with news from the nfl and why we may be witnessing a turning point in our society. we can only hope something definitely is happening. first the latest. star running back adrian peterson is being told to stay away from the minnesota vikings, while facing child abuse.
he is accused of spanking his 4-year-old son with a wooden switch. they kept peterson off the field and announced he would be reinstated. that changed after the team and league came under heavy criticism. the state s governor mark dayton released a statement calling for peterson s suspension. he wrote, in part, this, it s an awful situation, yes, mr. peterson is entitled to do you process and should be innocent until proven guilty, however, he is a public figure, and his actions, as described, are a public embarrassment to mens mince strikes and we will have more ob that. sponsors are beginning to make clear statements about how they at least feel about this and they re asking for at least some sort of explain stiegs what is being done. the headline this morning is the vikings have reversed field. adrian peterson has to stay away
from the team until this situation legally is resolved. he was put on the, water kaushlgsd i haven t herd before the exception exemption rule t. vikings can t keep him away from the team. clearly under the pressure you described i describe, the minnesota vikings and the league said they have to find a way to get him off the field, we don t throw him off the team else inially, we keep him away from football until this plays itself out. it could be a long time. by the way go donny deutsche, right call or does it look like they are scrambling? here s the turning point that happened yesterday a. company out of toulous budweiser spoke up finally, it spends a billion or two on nfl. it was not dramatic. it was right. it says we cannot be behind this. this is unacceptable. pepsi, which spend $100 million. i said this yesterday. this is where the action stops.
this is where the zpom inos starts to fall. this is what happens to every ceo, letters show up on their desk. i annual not going to provide wour toilet paper anymore, i will not drink your beers. they turn to the ceos, the corporate people. we node to do something about this. this is what is going to change today, starting at 2:00 oom am this morning when the first press release came out. this is when the fuse starts to change. i think so. there will be news every hour on this. we will get to a complete look at exactly who the sponsors are, along with willie and me and what s in here. just how this paper is covering the nfl and this controversy is a way to look at it as well. you just wonder, is this a moment or is it not? are the fans still going to go? is this all going to go away? i m not sure. i want to say, a couple months ago, michael sam, everyone said, not everyone, culture players will be a distraction, right.
the first only gay player, what s a distraction now? this is a distraction. here s the other big controversy involving a star player. running back ray rice is appealing his indefinite suspension. the league s player s association, in a statement, the union write, in part, supporting facts reveal a lack of a fair and impartial process, including the role of the in addition i commissioner. commissioner roger goodell handed rice org untilly a two-game suspension for assaults his wife t. league then increased the penalty after another video showed the extent of the violence or confirm it. players cannot be punished twice for the same action. rice, dropped by the baltimore ravens has been accepted into a rehab program and can apply to be reinstated by the league at the discretion of the front office. the nfl is a billion dollar business and the companies that help foot the bill are clearly worried about what s happening.
we covered this yesterday, it was radisson hotel, which earlier pulled the sponsorship of the minnesota vikings now. another huge name is raising its concerns, beer giant anheuser-busch. we are disappointed and encryingly concerned about the recent incidents that have overshadowed this nfl season. we are not yet satisfied with the leak s handling of the behaviors that so clearly go against our own company and moral code. god just spoke. visa, who is this, visa says domestic violence in any form is unacceptable. it has for the place in the nfl or our society more broadly. our expectation remains all of visas partners remain high ethical standards and operate with full transparency. go ahead, willie. i want to say to your point and donny s point, budweiser,
$1.2 billion bore sponsor puts the heat on the nfl. last call bud. follow the money. that s what i have been tweeting. there is a lot of sponsors making comments. now the ones that don t, so it s a domino effect. here it comes, there s more. several sponsors spoke out against domestic violence, reiterating their support for the lead, bridgestone, fedex, verizon, taking a wait and see approach. fike stores in the twin cities have pulled peterson s jerseys from the shelves. the runningback is an atmosphere light. his product remains for purchase. they can pull it if they want. none of the sponsors are leaving the nfl. they have no choice. there is very few ways to get eyeballs of men, sports on television is about the only way. they re not going anywhere. having said that tow, they can certainly wield their bats to change the math.
are you surprised, donny, as a brand guy, that the nfl didn t act more quickly and decisively. i said this last week. i said they re protecting them to protect the shield. this is not protecting the shield. this is destroying your brand. i hate to say it one or two players are disposable in the nfl at the expense of your brand. this is the tip of what s been an iceberg that s been freezing for a long time. whether it s punching out a pregnant women. whether it s aaron hernandez allegedly killing people. item number 56. to me, i m not going to give these companies applause right now. let remember we watched the guy track her out of an el vamplt it was clear what happened. we watched. nothing happened. the companies do have the power. you will see it foul. i will give them a one-handed applause, to your point, where were they six weeks ago, 8g weeks ago? there are so many facets to this. you got the players, the nfl the
sponsors and the nfl working on such a moosive financial scale you can t get your arms around the numbers. you got the fans who love their teams and they love their teams. you got the tv networks who have a stake in this. you have the sports page was have a stake in this. there is one article in here about the nfl. there is about ten others page after page after page about the teams. here s where i have to fault the owners and the nfl, they could have tossed every one of these players as it happened and not one viewer is going. so it was only time. same thing with goodell. nobody was going to point a finger atful he suspended a guy for a year. there was no downside morally, commercially, so it tons me from a both moral and a dollars point of view where they would not
have taken a harder stance. i think society we are shocked we are here, that we when you are coordinating a football event, you book rihanna and you don t even think. i wouldn t have thought about it. i wouldn t v. so let s get to that part of the story. that brings us to the situation of cbs sports and pop sing erie hannah what may or may not be connected to her own past which is domestic abuse. in 2009, the seven time grammy winner was assaulted by boyfriend chris brown inside the lamborghini. the image of her injuries were online and seen everywhere especially by her fans and there are millions around the world that believe on twitter, she has 37 million followers. like willie. exactly. brown pled guilty to a felony assault and avoided prison time. he received five years probation and the two entertainers were
ordered to stay away from each other. three weeks after the assault, they reunited in miami. they have since split up. during an interview with abc, rihanna discussed the assault and her decision to go back to her abuseers. i realized that my selfish decision for love could result into some young girl getting killed. i could not be easy with that part i couldn t be held responsible for telling them, go back. christians, even if chris never hit me again, who s to say that their boyfriend won t? i just didn t realize how much of an impact i had on these girls lives until that happened, until that happened,
it was a wake-up call for me, big time. so since then, a lot of her songs have not reflected those combhents in a video with eminem rihanna speaks about an abusive relationship. just going to stand there and watch me burn? well, that s all right because i like the way it hurts. now cbs has abandoned its plan to use a different rihanna song run this town as part of its open for nfl football. that song contains the lyrics, hear the screams from every, where i m addicted to the thrill. it s a dangerous love affair. it goes on. last week, after the ray rice controversy hit, cbs dropped a song with the chairman of the sports division saying, in part, we to the journalistically and from a tone standpoint, we needed to have the appropriate tone and coverage.
rihanna wrote back, cbs, you pulled my song this week, now you want to slide it back in this thursday? no, f you, she added quote audacity. cbs sports pulled the song for the rest of the season saying we will be moving in a different direction with some elements of our thursday night football open. we will be using our fewly created thursday night football theme music to open our game broadcast. i can t believe i have something in common which are hasnrihanna sean mcmanus saying we have moved on. i actually agree which are hannah, why should she be penalized for being a survivor? chris brown s career is doing just fine. he hasn t been penalized economically in the same way. why are women often the ones that have to suffer the consequences economically? i agree with you. i actually disagree, by the
way, i m not saying she deserves to be penalized, but if you are cbs the reality is you are covering football. don t invite ler in the first place. once again, the new world changed in the past weeks. it s a commercial reality. they were saying the horrific picture we just saw there, they were setting themselves up for people to be thai saying is this the face of nfl football? they actually had no choice. it s a sad commentary. i would have done the same thing. the big point of view is why are we running lyrics like that in the first place? why are we booking? i like the decisions that cbs, i think they re doing what they have to do. i think we all are police it with why that booking seemed okay. it was okay to all of us. to your point if i could just argue, if she did that interview and she went on a campaign to help people understand domestic violence, to help people understand why they shouldn t go back, why it s so hard not to
and she didn t sing songs that say she likes the way it hurts, i would agree with you. yes, but it s the most violent professional sport we have. my car, we watch every sunday. i want to call my good people at the view. i love rosie and onepy. i was stunned how two days ago, rosie was saying i like chris brown s music, i will continue to listen to his music. even rosie, they were not outraged. they were like well explaining and i think the women have to get more outrage. these are victims in crimes f. the victims will not say yes. they cannot go back. we have to, too. when you have a platform like the view or like morning joe or like the today show, we have to take a stand even if it hurts our sponsorships, forget it. take a frisking stand. do what cs says, you are done.
we ent don t want to equivocate on domestic violence. i wouldn t have equivocated an their statement saying we are going in a different direction. no, domestic violence. we don t support it. we don t want anything to do with it. i m convinced. i think there is a double standard for male artists and female artists. erie hannah, let s remember, was a victim a. victim of abuse, when she sings those songs, these not endorsing that lifestyle, sometimes people ty sing about the way they were or felt in a different moment in time. so i don t think cbs putting rihanna on a pre-game show was an endorsement of her viewpoint. but it would have surfaced it. right. but i think we have to be careful walking the line. she a victim. rihanna is a victim. i know she s a victim. but her responsibility as a public person. yes. she s come out and talked about domestic abuse. a woman is singing the song. you can call it art or an
expression of a different time. i think it s eminem if she tries to f-ing leave again, i m attired to set the bed on fire, i m just going rihanna said i m going to stand there and watch me burn because that s all right. i loo tick way it hurts. well, there is some art i think if you know who you are appealing to, that s young, my girls listen to rihanna. my 11-year-old loves her. i just want to say i have the same standards around eminem and chris brown as which are hannah. i want to have the same standard because those men don t get penalized for the same lyrics. by the way. i m not saying that excuses rihanna. it s a bad message. in terms of chris brown, we should be criticizing them as well. you want to go into language, snoop, all the songs, that s a whole other discussion look, you know, we haven t talked much about peter zorub either and
we re going to get there. there is so much. and bloody scrotums and on and on and on. i do think it s a moment in time. i think the advertisers have spoken. the players will only understand one ting, if they don t get to play. that s i. they re not going to understand penalized for two games. you take away anybody s livelihood, people pay attention. that s what s got to happen. actor vigo mortonsen will be here. senator claire mccaskill in an op-ed, she wrote and sent it to me, i think she ruffled a lot of feathers. she will tell us the story live in our 8:00 hour with brand marketing inno straighter steve stout. up federal government, a dramatic robbery on video. plus a new study ranks the nations with the best well being. is it the u.s.? it s got to be sweden.
okay. apparently, we re not near the top. apparently, we re actually very far down the list. first. bill kierans has a check on the forecast. hi, meika. yesterday, we talked about the people stranded in the cabo san lucas area t. military is taking them out by helicopter and airplane. this is how people are ending their vacations. the only people coming in and out is the military. they re taking them to tijuana, mexico. imagine that, that s the end of your vacation. the problems are just starting in the desert southwest t. heavy rains have now moved into arizona and soon will be all through new mexico. that s where the heart of the flooding will be. this is the second time in ten days this area lab hit by a tropical system. that s never happened in our recorded human history.
potentially three to six inches of rain, life-threatening rain from albuquerque to phoenix, tucson, flack staff and possibly as far north as las vegas. the rain is already falling. the rest of the country isn t too bad. all the problems we will associate with this tropical system will be isolated. you are watching morning joe. we ll be right back. you can eat that on weight watchers? looks amazing. looks like my next dinner party. that s only 4 points? with weight watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. dine out on favorites. or cook up something new. i can do this every day. join for free and start losing weight now.
learn how to eat healthier, while enjoying the foods you love. get inspired at meetings, online, or both. weight watchers because it works. when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! a selling machine! ready for you alert, only at to roll out a perfectly flaky crust that s made from scratch. or mix vegetables with all white meat chicken and homemade gravy. but marie callender s does. just sit down and savor. marie callender s. it s time to savor.
all right. 23 past. let take a look at the morning papers. the new york times the fate of nascar driver tony stewart is in the grand jury s hands, an upstate prosecutor says he will let the grand jury review the evidence in the kevin ward, jr., death to determine in stewart
should be charged. he hit and killed the driver during the race last month. ward had gotten out of the car after he spun out. stewart said it was a tragic accident and in a statement promised to cooperate fully. the guardian bill clinton is urging scotland to send a part of the message of unity. he was hesitant to speak but hoens his comments will be received in the spirit of friend scholarship scotts are set to vote tomorrow to end their union with the united king dom. that s tight, actually. thomas, take usa today. a few poll says that panama ramplgs first on the list of global well being. the index is considering how citizens feel about different aspects of their lives, including finances, social connections and whether they feel a sense of purpose,
rounding out the top five are, costa rica. what? we have denmark, and brazil. i can t believe sweden. it s 8th. united state ranks 12ings right behind trinidad and tobego. the baltimore sun the orioles beat the blue jays. listen to this song [ music playing ] magic, magic, magic did you see, he opened his show danceing and sing tag song? a little back story on the song. it s way too early these days. are those jazz hands? it s a very different show. it s a good show. you know, i m done, mcmanus says, we are going in a different direction. he says it so swiftly. this was a song they produced back in the 80s. listen to this thing. my daughter is excited,
actually. she wants to go to a game with you. you won one. so, the blue jays 8-2. the first baseman steps on the bag, they celebrate their first a. l. east title until 1997. confetti flies over camden yards, the fireworks, check out the baltimore outfielder sharon jones, if only i could be so lucky to get a pie in the face. oh, i got a friend in baltimore, jim hance. he can take us to the game. we can make this video. there is a video? that s in all the papers. the washington post in atlanta, speaking of baseball. the national city, 3-0. how about this d.c., baltimore, it s all hang, washington wraps up its second nl east title in the last three years. that s a little celebrating on the feel. they take it back to the clubhouse, they drench each
other in beer and champagne. that s what you do when you win the division title. is billy ripkin in the video? billy. he might have been. that s still okay. let go. a motorcycle rider from russia lucky to be alive after a shocking accident. caught on tape in this dash cam footage of cars seen approaching a traffic light t. cars prepare to go across, riding, he flips off the bike and lands in the middle of the two cars and prevents him from being run over. prevents him from being run over, survives on the hood and survives the accident. okay. there s a look at the paper itself. that was very diverse. was that in a newspaper? that s not papers, that s cellatious video that makes people watch. coming up, we will dive deep in the hearing on capitol hill the fight against isis the huge
story, for tim kaine is our news maker guest. we are hearing the term boots on the ground. first the beltway blame game. why frank rooney says it s time to stop pointing the finger at the bush administration t. must read opinion pages. we ll be back on morning joe.
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. welcome back to morning joe. we have john meacham with us we are getting a lot of conversation about our conversations. where were the sponsors when the nfl was hiding because of the injury stats and dangers for children. we put the gladiators up as role models and dan write, rihanna song the hip-hop genre is filled with songs like this. wow. they keep coming in. so if you have opinions on
this,@mick mica. we will hear from meredith viera. let s get to our must read. before that let s set the steam on what happened in washington yesterday especially containing to the concept of boots on the ground. jeremy peters break down what went on, on capitol hill for us. what you had was general dempsey, the president s top military commander saying he could not rule out going back to the president and asking for the authority to put more troops on the ground. of course, this is something president obama has flatly rejeblthed saying american ground forces will not be involved in combat operations. this set off an interesting scramble on capitol hill. because what it did is lay bare all of the deep, deep misgifl givings members of congress have. they are supposed to vote this afternoon in the house on whether or not to authorize the president s request to arm the syrian army and train the syrian
rebels. it looks like that vote could pass. it could be a real squeaker. i don t think you should ever underestimate this congress s ability for something that would initially be straight forward. was to the white house aware of what demp city was going to say the. these came in a q & a. they were not in his prepared texts. judging by the way the white house immediately pushed back on it, my sense is they did not see this coming. mm-hmm. all right. let go now. it is a perfect segue to apples and hurricanes, by frank roonfully. the slippery slope begins by the new york times. frank, whenever barak obama seems if danger of falling, do we have to hear that george wind chill bush made the cliff? i hear so much about bush s failings and bush s sins that
you d think he were still huddled over desk in washington. it isn t exactly reason for a parade. not being as bad as someone else is hardly the same as being good and then to the point that we heard on capitol hill yesterday the new york times, itself the slippery slope begins, there is no way to read this other than as a reversal from the firm commitment that mr. obama made not to immaniers the country in another endless ground war, even though general dempsey s remarks were conditional, the obama administration opened the door to diner more costly involvement even before the strategy is fully sketched out. what do you go, richard? two things. one is relitigating the first decade of the century is interesting to political types. it certainly plays, it s understandable in terms of the white house wanting to explain why they re in situations that they re in.
it s not particularly savthto satisfactory as a leadership. we are six years in. president obama sought the office twice. trying to push forward it seems to me is the most effective thing. blaming combush is a matter for history to work it out. politically. here we are. so this was a very quick about face. it was one week ago today, if today is wednesday, it is wednesday the president came out and talked about there won t be troops on the ground. six days later, general devoncy says there might be boots on the ground. as the time s points out, this is the slippery slope. as i said last week, we need congress to ask the right questions of the president and the administration one about the authorization to go to war. two, what the strategy is. three how much it will cost. we ve spent already close to 5 trillion or more in iraq
andiastic afghanistan. we should be learning the lessons. and moving forward. i think hammering often the bush administration at this point sounds kind of tin. still ahead, jane harmon will debate whether boots on the ground are, indeed, necessary to defeat isis. plus, senator tim kaine on the matter, more morning joe. next.
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lat i rally authorize a military attack to stopping an actual ongoing or imminent threat against the nation. i understood the president s comments last week and other comments to suggest that isil is a significant threat, a serious threat, a growing threat. in terms of an imminent threat to attack the united states that would trig ter article ii defense powers, it does not seem to suggest at this point. the virginia democrat serves on both the armed services and foreign relations committees. he joins us now from capitol hill. tim good to have you on board. good to be here. you where in the new york time s the president as head of our armed forces, must defend the nation, when it shifts from defense to offense, it s approval. what would change that equation? look. if there was credible evidence that isil had plans to attack
the united states or there was a imminent threat against the u.s. embassy, the president can always act to defend the nation or defend american personnel. but right now even the head of the national counterterrorists center said there is no credible intel suggesting isil attacks on the u.s. that s where it s so important and i believe constitutionally mandatory the president get the blessings of congress. how much support for your position is there on capitol hill? well, it s been a little challenging, mica. i tell you. a number of folks think the president might have the power so there are some debates about it. other folks are concerned about timing and all of that. but i will say this last week, after the president spoke, the head of the foreign relations committee, senator menen dez says, okay, i heard the president talk about this mission. it s not limited. it s long term in nature. congress is authorized.
i might like it a little sooner than we re going to have it, but at least it s a question of now when will we have it not whether and we have to weighing? i want to ask you about what general martin devoncy sa demps said we may have boots on the ground. is the white house equivocateing on a fundamental thing to this nation? two things. i was at that same hearing. i heard that same testimony. what general dempsey is saying i am the military guys, i maim i make recommendations, i don t dictate policy. ly always keep open the ability to make recommendations, but the president sets the policy. mica, that s one reason why today i am introducing a draft authorization for use of military force that supports the four-point mission the president outlined last week, that includes four critical limitations, no boots on the
ground, a sunset within a year, to examine the mission. an appeal of the 2002 iraq authorization still floating out around there, a pharaoh definition of associated forces. if we re going after isil we shouldn t say we can go after everybody that talked to isil. i want to bring in jeremy perters into this conversation. i don t understand why strategically you would make the commitment jeremy to put no boots on the ground or other conditions. is it political that this promise needs to be made or what do you think goes behind actually setting preconditions to something we can t predict the outcome of? i think you hit it on the head why this resolution is running into so much trouble on capitol hill. on the one hand, have you team e people who are war wary and are saying we see this going towards groups on the ground.
it s inevitable. on the other hand, have you more hawkish republicans saying, of course, there are going to be boots on the ground. that s exactly what we want. right now the president is ruling that out. so why would we support this? you have this unusual alignment between hawkish republicans and more dovish democrats. it s really complicated things. senator, i don t know how that promise can be made. first, it s what the president said last wednesday night. we not have boots on the ground. there is precedent for that in earlier authorizations. but second, in the description of the mission that general dempsey and secretary hagel were doing yesterday. they indicated the can t be the u.s. fight against isil. this has to be a region that s willing to police itself. because we can t police a region that won t. so supporting ground troops of other nations, whether it s the kurd itself, or syrian moderates is important to show the region is policing itself. we re a partner.
we re not carrying it on our shoulders. if we do it all, we won t accomplish the mission of destroying isil. senator cane, always good to see you. coming up, dan senor and jane harman have different takes on iraq and syria. plus, as the controversies mount, everything changes for the nfl and maybe the rest of the society. we can only hope. we ll take a look at how the nation responding to the breaking developments overnight. then pop music and high school announcements collide on the tonight p tonight show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. tonight sh music is still ahead. we ll be right back. tonight sho music is still ahead. we ll be right back. onight show music is still ahead. we ll be right back. night show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. ight show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. ght show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. ht show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. t show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. i m 16 and just got my first car feeling. presenting the buypower card from capital one.
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we will not be sending u.s. troops back into combat in iraq. there is not an announcement about u.s. grund troops. this is not the equivalent of the iraq war. i want the american people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars if iraq and afghanistan. it will not involve american combat troops fighting on foreign soil. the best way to coast a group like isil isn t sending a large number of american combat forces to wage a ground war in the heart of the middle east.
that wouldn t serve our interests. he s pretty much made that clear. joining us foreign policy adviser to the bush administration dan senor and the director and president and ceo scholarship. jane harman. i think he should say no on boots on the ground. no american bother. i do think bother on the ground are necessary to achieve the mission. what we re doing with air power is clearing or hopefully clearing, or at least degrading isil. but we have to hold the ground. someone las to hold the ground. if the iraq state holds together, the new government, those are the folks that will do it. in syria, it s much dicier. that s why we are training 5,000 people in saudi arabia and perhaps jordan to do that mission. there will be u.s. special forces and maybe local special forces on the ground. but i think that in this case, given our history, those, the
bother the face of the boots on the ground ought to be a muslim face from the region. dan senor, i see you shaking your head. i do prep work here, it says what jane s positions are, senor supports boots on the ground always, dan senor? not always. not always. but in this particular case i do. i think it s inevitable regardless of what the president has been saying that there will be eventually troops on the ground for the following reason. jane and i probably agree that given the population dense areas where our air operations have to be conducted right now are such that we will need on the ground intelligence. if which don t have on the ground intelligent, we will be bombing indiscriminately and scores of incidents will be killed by us. we have to cross other countries to get that? yes, we can. who, jane, let s talk specifically about who you trust to be on the ground providing
intelligence to american air operations and who, by the way, you would also trust when isis seeks retribution against iraqis working with us? who are those iraqis going to trust to protect them? during the surge it was us, u.s. forces that protected sunnis willing to cooperate with us. jane. i understand, dan, i m saying the countries under threat are muslims in the region. who would i trust? i would trust uae. i would trust saudi arabia. i would trust certainly jordan. there are countries in the region under direct threat from isil who happen to be muslim. isil is anti muslim. let s get that. more than anti-western. i would trust them on the ground. john allen is an inspired choice to lead this coalition. that s what his mission is i understand why dempsey said what he said yesterday. military officers are supposed to speak truth to power.
what he said is speculative. if the mission needs it, then he ll recommend it. but i think our policy should be a coalition of not american bother on the ground. i think the saudis can play, make an important contribution. they have agreed train thousands of moderate opposition forces in syria. i think that s important. but the moment we have emaradi troops, gosh, turkish troops i can imagine on the ground in iraq, we ll have a hel of a time organizeing them, integrating them into the small unit of the iraqi army which is highly sectarianized. most importantly, how is iran going to respond? ask them how they will respond to saudis, to sunni gulf countries have been troops on the ground in iraq. it will invite ethnic division and sectarian division that it will complicate things. i have to leave it there. jane harman i have to believe are you right. dan i worry are you not wrong. your father agrees with me.
i know he does. we will have him being and both of you back as well. thank you have been much. coming up, banned from the nfl a day after the palestinians mince vikings reinstated their star running back. the team halls now taken him off the roster. what changed overnight? tweet me at morning mica. plus we will bring you up to speed about rihanna s fascinating part in the sag georgia this is controversial. definitely tweet met about that as well. we will read your tweets on the air. jimmy fallon channels his saturday night live roots. news you can use next.
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all right. it s been a heavy morning. we will give you a little break here with jimny fallon. i love jimmy. his guest last night juliana margolies. together they play a principal and vice principal trying to be cool. watch this. there is principal davidson. i m vice principal mcmillan gunkel. it s time for the morning announcement. for starters, be wet. this thursday tpn marks the first meeting of the debate club and the first day of mr. truman home ec class fall bake sale. [ music playing ] bake bake bake bakers going to bake bake bake baking up the bake is off. i just want to issue a reminder, there will be severe
punishment for any student who is caught sect sexting during class. why you got to text so nude don t know your students do why you got to text those nudes so there you go. my god. that s fun. i love him. he s awesome. it s nice to lighten things up a bit. we have a lot to talk about today t. isis and i m sorry he might be corrupt with this debate. also, out this hour, experience in an abusive relationship using
the hashtag to why i saved and why i left. talk show host meredith viera is joining the conversation. i would say i was in an abusive relationship many, many years ago. i talked a little ability this. it started out we would have a fight. he sort of grabbed my arm. you know, i didn t think a lot about i. and then it turned into pushing me against the wall. ten it went beyond that to actually taking his hand and grabbing my face saying, i could ruin your career if i want to and no one would want to. i m a part is women, somebody would say maybe somebody doesn t have the wherewithal all to get out t. means to get out. i had that, i had a job at the time and i kept in this relationship and i ve done a lot of thinking ability why and i think part of it was fear.
i was scared of him and scared if i tried to leave something worse could happen to me. part of it was guilt because every time we d have a fight he would then start crying and promise i won t do it again and i felt like i contributed somehow to this. then there was the night that i shared an apartment and he threw me into a shower naked in scalding water and then he threw me outside into the hallway. we lived in an apartment building and i hid in a stairwell for two hours until he came again crying and said i promise i won t do this again and i continued to stay in that relationship until i was offered a job in another state and that s where i felt i have the ability to get away. so when people talk about domestic violence, it is really, really a complicated issue. wow. wow. that s really important she told that story. so people understand, it s educated people. it s white people it s
sophisticated people it can happen to. this is not a problem that s limited to one demographic or one age group or one part of the country. she s amazing. and you know to and se didn t go into detail about the psychology and the relationship and why she stayed other than fear and you just hear that story. because she s just an incredible woman, of such strength and passion. joining us now the editor-in-chief of essence magazine, thank you for joaning the table for this conversation. i was looking you up. the bottom line is you are responsible for the vision of what is the brand at the magazine for black women. so i m really interested in your insights, especially on some of the angles that have bubbled up over the past 24 hours. let s get the latest developments, though, first in the nfl story. star running back adrian peterson is told to stay away from the minnesota vikings, while facing child abuse.
the pro bowler is accused of spanking his son with a wooden switch. they kept him off the field for sunday s game. they announced on monday, he would be reinstated that changeled early this morning after the team and league came under heavy criminal. the state s governor, mark dayton released a statement yesterday calling for peterson s suspension. he wrote in part this, it s an awful situation, yes, mr. peterson is entitled to due process and should be innocent until proven guilty. however, she a public figure and his actions, as described, are a public embarrassment to the vikings and the state of minnesota. the league is coming under mounting criticism from its sponsors. we have a lot more on that in just a moment. van fess sa. in terms of how long this has played out, what do you think the message has been so far from all sides of there, the nfl, the sponsors, ten ultimately to the readtaries you appeal to? well, i mean, i think what s
fascinating to me is this whole conversation is around domestic abuse, right. matt: we re not really hearing a lot of women s voices, it s almost as if they are silent. we did hear from meredith viera to thankfully come out and share her experience, i am thinking ability the whole rihanna controversy and the fact that they pulled her song. when you think about the fact that she was a victim of domestic abuse as well, wouldn t it have been interesting if they had engaged her beforehand, not yanked the song, but engaged her in the conversation beforeland and asking her, is this the opportunity that you want to use your platform to talk about domestic abuse? is this an opportunity for you to really come forward with your personal story in a way that will affect millions and millions of women? really. that would have been more powerful. phenomenal. of course the nfl were not going to take the launch of tear cbs thursday night franchise and make it about this. wait a minute.
that s exactly what they have been doing. all o of their competenttators are coming out, making men, most of them, emotional pleas against, am i wrong? on national television? they took the first 25 minute of the broadcast and it was only about that. you are talking about james brown. who would make you think differently? the first 25 minutes they spoke with goodell, right, what if they had that conversation with the woman? let s take each one of these women i m not sitting in judgment. in the case of ray rice s then fiancee, now wife. we know at the time she took him back and said leave us alone. we hear time and time and time again and rihanna another example, it s got to start with the women. you know, for us, white guys to sit on the sideline or us guys to sit on the sideline and say there is horrific. what s wrong with this? if the victims are going to make themselves victimless at the end of the day and stay nit and not
stand up, it s not going to change. so it can t just be the media people. it can t just be the league. it can t just be the sponsors. it can t be the pundits. it s the women, i know it s uneasy for me to say. i i don t have financial independence, so on, so forth, at the end of the day, you can applaud rihanna, if she comes out with songs and still is not going to be a spokesperson, it s hard for anybody else to align up. i totally agree. ultimately, you can t look at her abc interview and have her talk about how she left and she can never be with him again. she sings i like the way it hurts. if she wanted to make it a moment and stand with the nfl and with cbs and say i m not going to sing ability this anymore him i m not going to make it cool anymore. it s not and this is the moment we all feed to come together and cut this out. that would have been amazing. that would have been amazing. i m just wondering if it was
ever considered. the way it was handled. she is victimized yet again because they re assuming that the, you know, experience that she had the music that she s making makes her incapable of making another leap into a totally different conversation. i tell you somebody i know him personally he s a fantastic guy, a guy like jay-z can make a difference here, he bridges music and sports who everybody looks up to, every demographic and who can basically send out a signal to the hip-hop community, guys with egot to start with this. we got to fix this. this is where moments where guys like that, i m not challenging him. he has never been accused of anything, she a delightful man, these are the kind of people that have to step up. let s get the latest from ray rice. willie has all of what s happening with the sponsors, which i think might be the biggest shift potentially coming in this story. ray rice is now appealing his indefinite suspension by the
nfl. the leak s association is demanding the punishment be overturned. supports facts reveal a lack of a fair and impartial process, including the role of the office of the commissioner. commissioner roger goodell initially handed ray rice two game suspension and the leak increased the penalty after another video confirm the extent of the violence that we already saw. the union says, players cannot be punished twice for the same action. rice who was dropped by the baltimore ravens has been accepted into a rehab program and can apply to be reinstated by the league at the discretion of the front office but the front office, willie, i think is beginning to feel the heat. absolutely. let s talk about money is a multi-billion dollar business. the companies that foot the bill are clearly worried of what they ve watched over the last couple of weeks. radisson hotels, which earlier pulled its sponsorship of the minnesota vikings on a local
level. now another huge name raising its concerns. the beer giant anheuser-busch says we are disappointed and increasingly concerned over the incidents that overshadowed this season. we are not yet satisfied with the league s handling of behaviors that so clearly go against our company culture and moral code. that s anheuser-busch. visa says, domestic violence in en any form is unacceptable. our expectation remains that all of visa s partners, including the nfl, maintain high ethical standards. several sponsors spoke out against violence reiterating their support for the lead, bridgestone, fedex and verizon are taking a wait and see approach on this according to a.p., nike stores in the twin cities in minneapolis, st. paul have pulled adrian peterson s jerseys from the shelves a. company spokesperson said the running back quote remains a nike athlete. his product continues to be
available for purchase. donny, i ll give you a couple numbers, $1.2 billion over six lesion over six years, that s how much anheuser-busch deal is worth to the leak. in advertising, anheuser-busch spent $185.3 million last season alone with the nfl. i tell you what will change, if you thattic the top 20 sponsors and we named two of them. 20 individuals, sponsors are companies, companies are run by individuals. if those 20 ceos got together, this would be great for our nation and their brand and said, you know what, it stops now. we want to understand that there is going to be a new type of punitive system set up where this is going to stop or we are not going to partner with you anymore. if the coca-colas and anheuser bushes and federal expresses, individuals, companies are run by people. those people say, you know what, we love football. we love this country. when want to protect women and
we want to protect children and we have the power to change it, more than anything, more than you, more than me, more than you, more than president obama. those 20 individuals somewhere the power to make this change and not in the soap box kind of way, but in a real way and say, we want to protect the women in this country. we want to protect the moral fiber of this country and we collectively have tens of billions of dollars. withoutous, there is for the revenue sharing. there is no cbs football. there is no monday night football. we can make the change. i call out those 20 ceos. what fascinates me are the numbers we are focusing on is number of billions of dollars. what about the numbers of one in four victim i women impacted by domestic abuse. that s is sad truth. we got to fix that. when the money starts to get in the way. when the money starts to be affected. that s when people pay attention. that s right. that is what is outrageous.
that s the deal. i m going to read a couple tweets. vanessa, i d like to you comment. i am being accused on twitter of not understanding them fully. so i don t know if you can help me out. the first one here just struck my eye. i m dying. i think i m dying. i agree with donny deutsche. there you go. that s got to be somebody from some how about the music industry. they re all culpable. that s from dennee thomas. sally albright. how do your daughter s interpret in it would be interesting to hear. my daughters do listen to rihanna and have listened to her. i heard the song loudly driving full of kid. am i misinterpreting that it seems, it s cool, it s hot to get beat up and to hurt. well, there certainly is artistic license. i know you talked ability that earlier in the show. that s one thing. also, let s think about this
song came out four or five years ago. she was in a different place then. maybe she s in a different place now. i don t think we re allowing people the opportunity to evolve. it s assumeing that you know what, am i not seeing that evolution in this latest development in i would love to see her, if there is an evolution, unfortunately, take the stand with the power she has, 37 million followers on twitter. young girls all around the world. i absolutely agree. i think that what she was trying to do by saying she objected to the way it was handled. the way that her song was snatched. i think she is trying to let people know she wasn t invited into the conversation. that is my opinion. we are running out of time. why doesn t she write a song for the more, no more, if he does it kick him in the nuts an run out
the door. they have the power to do that. are you writing that? that s out of my head. the women and sponsors together. i would love to, i know, she may not want to. she has wanted to share other aspects-ore life that were extremely artful and her art respects under healthy relationships. whether she was given an opportunity to work on this with nfl and cbs. clearly, she was not. it sounds like she was blindsided. i don t know. ly have to ask. as vanessa eluded to, i don t view those lyrics as an endorsement. i view her singing ability a person in that kind of relationship and explaining why they stay and what happens. i don t think she s saying i went through this with chris brown, i kind of like it, i m proud of it. i think she is pla singing
ability a place she was close to. the nfl can t be proud of that. meredith viera was saying earlier, you are going through a lot of deep emotional and psychological trauma and working through that is something that you may not necessarily want to do in the public eye. that s true. so where make it even harder for women to even say that they re in this kind of a relationship when you see how it played out. it hasn t played out the last couple of weeks. the woman is, ray rice s wife is attacked on twitter for you know attacked by other people in media. so what is the motivation? what is in it people of rape come forward. the victim continues to be a victim. isn t it then kind of uns understood to us, to sponsors and fans. especially fans wearing women, wearing ray rice jer what do you make of that? what is that? i can t even.
it is beyond my understanding of embracing, embracing someone, violence against women is wrong period. violence against children is wrong. it s wrong. we have a real problem in this country with it. no one is talking about. we re talking about the fact that the phone was pulled, endorsements are pulled. we are not talking about what these women go through. from our culture. in our culture. it s weirdly celebrated. essence magazine, please come back. still ahead on morning joe, actor vigo mortensen and senator claire mccaskill talking about issues that face professional sports and senator jeff flake, first the so-called king fire spreads closing down a california highway threatening more homes plus leonardo dicaprio messenger of peace?
we ll explain the actor s new role ahead on morning joe. new york state is jump-starting business with startup-ny. an unprecedented program that partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo. startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at
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. let s take a look at the morning papers, sal we? this is the philadelphia enquirer. a man lunt is under way for a man accused of killing a pennsylvania state trooper and critically injuring a second. they identified him based on documents left behind in an abandoned jeep. he is described as survivors will, authorities consider him armed and extremely dangerous. the trump plaza became the latest atlantic city to close on tuesday. the trump taj mahal has plans to close later this fall. atlantic city began with 12 and a third have since shut their
doors. look at the san francisco chronicle. nearly 6,000 firefighters are battling wildfires in california. the large and fast moving king fire has torn through 150 homes and structures outside of sacramento it is threatening ability 500 more. officials say the record breaking drought and hot conditions are exasperating the problems there. leonardo dicaprio has been named messenger of peace. he has a long standing commitment to environmental causes. he joins 11 other celebrities, including stevie wonder, michael douglas and george clooney. let s go to buzz gopro shows a man attempting to pull a gun and demands a backpack t. biker tries to flee
on foot and eventually the would be robber retreats the footage was turned over to authorities who was able to catch the offender. i don t understand, interesting? the guy where the guy flipping over the car is much better. much better. that was something, especially since he was okay. all right. maybe i ll share that next hour. coming up, milestones out of reach. what is to blame for millennials missing out on some of life s biggest moments, like marriage? like, seriously, marriage, they re missing out on it. first. they haven t found the right one. who would want to police out on marriage? in there. says donny deutsche. have you ever been married? twice. look at him. he s on his phone. i m working hard, trying to find my third wife on websiteles. it s just not working. how is that going? okay. first, awkward, senator jeff blake went to a deserted island for the sake of bipartisanship.
he will join us in a few minutes. morning joe will be right back
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. welcome back to morning joe. new just this morning, isis has released a new propaganda video that warns of attacks against american forces. the 1rdz titled flames of war features slow motion explosion. there is tejt that claims quote fighting has just begun. it comes as lawmakers plan to vote on the plan of o tack. there are new questions about the mission s direction. joint chiefs chairman general martin dempsey raised eyebrows by suggesting the possibility that ground troops could be introduced, contradicting what president obama has said repeatedly. my view at this point is that this coalition is the appropriate way forward. i believe that will prove true.
but if it fails to be true and if there are threats to the united states, then i, of course, would go back to the president and make a recommendation that may include the use of u.s. military ground forces. so a couple hours after that white house press secretary jack ernest says the policy has not changed and general dempsey referred to a hypothetical senatorio. nbc news has learned president obama and other officials are making a series of calls about the plan to arm syrian rebels. party leaders are optimistic, many rank and file members are undecided. that includes democratic senator joe manchin. one thing that i know we are sure of that training and those weapons will probably be used against us at some time in the future if everything has happened in the past. we took out saddam. iraq is in worse shape. we took out gadhafi. we got so bad if libya.
we lad to pull out our own people in the embassy. i am not thinking asaul saudi should be govenl as long as he is able to to remain there, he is fighting the same people we are asking the people to train to fight to pay $500 million. it makes no sense. you can t sell this stuff. senator joe manchin there. meanwhile this video allegedly shows the wreckage of the certain warplane shot down by islamic state militants. islamic confirms isis shot the video, they are working to verify it is the same plane. a man in rochester chester new york is indicted for allegedly trying to support isis and tried to kill members of the u.s. military returning home from iraq. wow. against that backdrop, joining us from capitol hill, senator jeff flake of arizona, senator flake, it s good to have you with us on this important day this, mo. what is your take about all this? it s a lot for the american
people to digest right now in terms of the vote coming out about authorization of force. i hear my colleagues and the concerns they are expressing. all of those share those. we have no good options. i m anxious to hear what john kerry has to say before our committee today. i m inclined to support the president s plan. what do you know about the syrian army that we re hoping to be able to prop up this work for us? is there anything that makes you feel confident that this could work? well, this is going to be a tough job. i mean, obviously, it s been revealed that we already having as in that regard trying to prep some fighters. this will expand that effort. like i said, there are no good options. this is going to be a long haul. it s going to be a tough thing. but i don t know that it s not
our best option out there right now. so i m inclined to support it. john meacham. senator, where do you stand on what appears to be not a difference of opinion, at least a difference in terms of discussing options between general dempsey and the white house? i think anybody who has studied this situation in any depth realizes you can t take boots on the ground or ground forces off the table and i think general dempsey was simply expressing that. so i mean the president may not want to admit it publicly, but obviously they ve considered and that that is an option and we may likely get to that. so i don t think it is any surprise to anybody who has been following this situation? we had a conversation earlier with jane harman and dan sen interestor, jane harman said there cob boots on the ground just not ours, dan sen interestinteresor, if
it s not our boots on the ground? we have to some extent some boots on the ground already. they just aren t on the front lines and whether there are other coalition partners that are willing to put boots closer to the front line is another matter. i think they have to be assured we will being them up and most of all,itative got to be assured that they ve got to be assured we are in this to win this and the signals said over the past couple of years have not been good in that regard some it s going to be more difficult to put together a coalition that will actually fight than it would have been a couple years ago. all right. senator jeff flake. thank you so much. we look forward to hearing what happens later today. still ahead, she has her sights on climbing one of the highest money tain, it s nearly an impossible feat, the sister of our own peter sal alexander, she joins with us her incredible story. up next as wall street
soars, are millennials left behind and what are they not doing? the washington post will explain next all that and more when morning joe. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman,
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it s time for chip to spread his wings. wow. well, this is very unexpected. we re going to blow out the east wall of my bedroom, enlarge the bathroom, basically turn the entire upstairs into a secondary master suite so there is room for the beth of us and the both of you under the same roof. what do you say?
that s a funny scene. the scene from the romantic comedy failure to launch. still at home. you didn t understand him. we do now. he s quite crazy in a good way. anyone here still living at home? no. define home. i live in my own home. a brand-new column looks at the reason why more and more millennials are not moving out. how they are missing out on many of life s milestones, joining us the author. good to havef to have you. already so many things they are not doing. yes, there are many milestones my generation are missing out as with previous cohorts. we are getting married less fwreektly compared to people ten years ago, 15 years ago. millennials it s a fuzzy term generally speaking it s
shorthand 18 to 45, 18 to 39 people in their 20s. there is no hard and fast cutoff. a third are living with the parents right now. that s only a quarter are married, in that same age range 18 to 35-ish were married in 2000. so we re definitely having somewhat they re not getting jo bs. not getting jobs. unemployment rates are very high. not getting married, not getting homes, not getting jobs. obviously, we know the answer here. this isn t a moral societal shift. this is the economy. right. as a somewhat i don t know i m a millenia again-y er yes, guess i call into that age range, i hear my generation as being lazy, sort of loose when it comes to family values, morally adrift. there are all sorts of slurs you can hurl at us and they are
often attributed to the fact that we don t care about settling down. we don t want to work. we don t want to have a ohio we don t want things a part of the american dream for generation past, if you look at survey data, that s absolutely not true t. vast majority say they are either married or those who are not married say they want to be married, only like in the single digit itself and percentage terms do you see that people never want to get married. has this been up on my smarten phone, i see this starting with even careers. you have so many young people who think i will start an act. i will be able to do it from my home. i think that s a very small share of my generation. they get a lot of press. i also see what i learn helplessness, they read in the maine papers, when i was 24, it was unacceptable to have a job.
today. i think those kind of accusations are made against every youth that enters the lego market. oh, they don t want to work. it s not stigmatizeing. they accept it. i always say to young people, there are jobs. it may not be the one you want or are qualified. if we line up ten people. you showed me the most aggressive to the least aggressive. that most aggressive will somehow find a job. so it s harder, it s more difficult. i almost sound like a grumpy old man. we all see it. tenacious kids, they can make it happen for themselves. you see a lot of young people that require skills below what their actual level of training is. you see a lot of unemployment in addition to high unemployment. mean tack kids who went. i say kids, they re adults, depending on what terminology
you want, who have gone to college, working at starbucks wlorks are working in retail they have taken on a lot of debt in order to obtain. so what are the implications then for society if have you this huge generation, a clunk of people who have come up sort of disillusioned not able to find the job they want or live the life they want to live. what does that mean culturally or for the country? you see a lot of disaffection politically when you look at statistics about trust government institutions and other institutions, you know, whether it s churches or schools or police or whatever, you see very low levels of trust, which could potentially turn into lower voter turnout rates and we already have relatively low voter turn jut rates but junl young people generally do. they don t vote in high numbers. but that could translate to all
sorts of belativiors later in life that are related to this feeling of isolation and the world has given on us, they re blaming me for not having a job for not being able to afford a home when actually i want all of those things. so katherine, when you first came on this show a few years ago, i remember you saying you leak it a lot. what s on your hand? i don t think this story is of you young lady this does not apply to you. i got married two weeks ago. wow! so i am one of the exceptions to my generation. what s the secret? what s the secret? how do you make it work? have a job. have a job, that really helps, it s truer for men than women. people who have the biggest dropoff in marriage rates tend to be less educated men with fewer job opportunities. that s why i think in some ways. it s outlook. it s about a lot of other factors in your life that make
it easier or harder for to you develop other relationships. to have those milestones, congratulations. thank you. i m so happy for you. okay. still ahead, we ll take a look at some of the brightest young minds shaping the world of tomorrow. first at the age of 12, she learns she would be robbed of her hearing and sight. rebecca alexander s inspireing story of overcoming adversity is next. it s not being peter s sister, she s dealt with more than that. that s a tough one. we ll be right back with more morning joe. when fixed income experts work with equity experts who work with regional experts that s when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration.
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and zero words per manwich. hold on. it s manwich.
. welcome back to morning joe request itself national koerntd beter alexander and his sister rebecca alexander the co-author of the new book not fade away. a memoir of sents lost and found. peter is here to share her story. it s a very personal one. good to see you guys. it s a great day. definitelifies to be here. definitely nice to be here. i am happy to share becky s story, he is one of the funniest, caring people, her world is changing rapidly.
she is lost losing her vision and hearing. she has little left. becky is the face of courage as you will see to me. don t stop, rebeck car, let s go. this is my sister rebecca. she is 35 now and the most impressive person i know. faster! looking at her, you have no ideas every idea shy has a disability. can you see my hand right here? yes. can i see my hand right here? no. when becky was 13 she was diagnosed with a rare disorder usher syndrome 3. it finally hit you i will go blind and deaf in college. what does that feel like? i felt as soon as i got that diagnosis, i need to do everything i can to make up for my loss. it was like my way of fighting back. becky is fearless, a tornado of energy, she s an extreme athlete leaving the rest of us in her dust. pick up your speed. with her hearing almost gone,
last year, becky received a cochlear implant, a surgically implanted device that gives ler a sense of sound. only becky passes the time before surgery like this. i came to see her the day before she got the implant. as you like to joke to me, i m getting a hole in my head. as i come to terms with this, even as a brother, this is the last time i ll ever look at you without a device on you. you know what i mean. yeah. which for me is shard too. does that worry you, in the way people view you? i m sorry, i m crying, i love you so much. it s okay. it s nice to know the people around you do care and they do have an emotional response to it. now, becky hears much better but her vision is limited to this. like she s looking through a star strau. and that window is closing. still, my sister remains upbeat and undeterred. it s incredible how in the last, you know, 15 years, how much my life has changed.
and it s actually better. i mean, it s funny that i could have a lot less vision and a lot less hearing and be a lot happier. wow. that s my sister becky. wow. becky. so we have to keep watching now after watching that. well, i m struck, becky, if i can call you becky, by your strength and your support for her, peter. do you remember how you first learned about this? at 12 or 13 when you get any type of news about when you for all intents and purposes are just fully sighted and hearing, it s hard to understand what it would mean to be deaf and blind so, don t thingk i really processed it. i just had difficulty seeing at night because that s the way it affected me most at the time. i accepted the diagnosis as it
progressed as i got older. your family s been incredibly supportive. i ve seen you talk about your sister. i know you re in awe of her. how has this journey from your standpoint built you as a person? i better call her rebecca because if i call her becky, i m going to hear it for the rest of the day. easy to be frustrated with something you re dealing with and being upset about nothing. and it just gives me ander would homes becky, rebecca, a sense of perspective. because it s hard to complain about a thing when you realize the experience she s having right now. i said that the day that my daughter was born was the happiest day of my life. this time right now is the proudest time of my life. she s still my kid sister right now. sharing her story so openly wither. that s a tough process. and not just sharing it, but inspiring people. everywhere, go, and i have the
blessing of being on tv, nobody asks me about anything i m doing. they say, how s rebecca? how s your sister? there s no one i d rather be associated with than her. rebecca, how are you? what is the status of your prognosis? a normally sighted person sees 180 degree. i have just about 10 degrees of my central vision. i have a very small sliver of vision in my periphery. so i have strong central vision but it s quite limited. and the hearing loss, i have profound hearing loss. i was very lucky that when i learned about having usher syndrome in college, i learned sign language. and i, you know, joined, really, the deaf community and learned sign language, win has been very, very hap felpful.
i had the implant a year ago. that has been helpful. that s the medical side of things. and then how are you how are you through the challenging moments of this? how do you describe them? well, it s interesting, because i think that we live in a little bit of a culture of focusing on all the things that we don t have or all the things that we re not as opposed to focusing on all the things that we do have and the things that we can do. it seems to me it s always worked for me that when i focus on the things that i still have, that i still can do, especially after being told i would not have inwas told i would be completely blind by 30 and i m 35 so to even have 10 degrees of vision is, you know, pretty remarkable and lucky and i don t take that for granted. see what you re saying. she s not messing around. no. rebecca s an extreme athlete. what the heck? i know, i mean it s ridiculous. she wrote this book, not fade away, and we call it a memoir
of losses sense and found. as much about the things you can find as it is about the things you have lost. it s far more important to focus on what there is to embrace than it is to the things you no lo longer experience. i want, before her window closes, for all those image, to be plastered inside her mind. for the rest of her life, when she hears me, that thoser erth go away. this book is literally for r forrer. because we all can peter s crying. it doesn t have to be nearly as bad as rebecca s. yes, thank you. the book is not fade away. rebecca alexander, thank you, so much. peter, thank you. can we talk about allison next at some point? yes. we ll talk. yes, my wife. we ll talk. she s great.
she s perfect actually. up next, a crisis of leadership. how the nfl is just one example of the lack decency in professional sports. senator claire mccaskill join us with an incredible story that showcases the root of the problem. along with marketing guru steve stout with his take on the seminal moment for the nfl. who s going to do it? who s going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who s going to take the leap? who s going to write the code? who s going to do it? engineers. that s who. that s what i want to do. be an engineer. join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america s future engineers. energy lives here.
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all right, just about the top of the hour. welcome back to morning joe. joining us now, brand marketing innovator steve stout, author of the best selling book, the tanning of america. also with us, senator claire mccaskill of missouri. donny deutsch still with us. willie and me. we ll get to the whole sponsorship issue. you represent some of them? yeah. okay. today, we are not talking about washington with claire mccaskill. senator claire mccaskill is a former sex crimes prosecutor. she has a problem in today s usa today about a case involving a former university of missouri football story. the story crystalizes how victory is put over decency. can you please tell us about dgb as he s called?
well, he was a big star coming out of high school. the number one recruit coming out of the country as a receiver. unfortunately, he had a lot of problems. most serious occurred in april we he broke in his girlfriend s apartment and pushed her roommate down the stairs with two hands to chest, drug her out of the apartment by her hair and her neck. the girlfriend then 16 different times by text message begged her roommate not to press charges. no charges were pressed against this player. but university of missouri, in a proud moment for me, kicked him off the team. just a few months later, he was picked up by the university of oklahoma. and with a straight face, they asked the ncaa to waive his eligibility limitation because he was run off, the run off exception in the ncaa rules, through no fault of his own. the ncaa denied that request,
thankfully. but what really brought this toem for me was over the weekend, i noticed there had been a poll of division 1 coaches. would who would you like your son to play for in college football. i couldn t believe it when i read that bob stoops, the coach, at the university of oklahoma, was the top choice. along with the coach from georgia. all the division 1 coaches. i said wait a minute, you want your son to go play for a coach who looked the other way, put this player on his team, and then tried to pretend he was kicked off the team at missouri through no fault of his own? to me, that is really the essence of the problem. that we are putting victory and winning or one-loss record over the conduct of these players and that reflects in every level of sports and every sport. lots of teams. i don t want to pick on university of oklahoma because
this occurs all the time. it s a story that s close to you. you ve got two major teams in your state. you re a big fan and you follow the college teams as well. claire, it s not just over sort of right and wrong, it s over the law in some cases, these choices are being made. it is. but what a lot of people have done is they hide behind the fig leaf. well, there was no criminal charges. you know, you judge the conduct of every case on its merits. regardless of whether or not women cooperate in prosecutions. regardless whether a woman is willing to come forward out of the shadows. there s a lot of pressure on women not to do that. but you look at the conduct and isolation. i want to mention another case, which has really got me. there s a federal judge in alabama that beat his wife in a ritz-carlton and was arrested in august and he sits on the bench today. and that is just as outrageous. we re spending a lot of time on the nfl, but there s no excuse
for that federal judge to be sit ing with that kind of power after he acknowledged his conduct in terms of beating his wife. hlaceratio lacerations, in front of her children, all of that. it takes people like you to have a unified front on this. i m still waiting if we ve heard from the governor of california. other governors have spoken out. let me bring everybody up to date. we re going to be talking about sponsors as well. running back ray rice is now appealing his indefinite suspension by the nfl. the league s players association is demanding the punishment be overturned. in a statement, the union writes, in part, quote, supporting facts reveal a lack of a fair and impartial process, including the role of the office of the commissioner. commissioner roger goodell initially handed rice a two-game suspension for assaulting his future wife. then the league increased the
penalty after another video could be irm firmed the violence that occurred. rice, who was dropped by the ravens, has been accepted by a rehab program and can be accepted by the league at the discretion of the front office. the nfl, and this is honestly what it s all about in terms of driving decisions, it s a $1 billion business. the companies that help foot the bill are clearly worried. one of the first to speak out was radisson hotels which earlier this week polled its sponsorship of the nfl vikings. now another huge name is raising concerns. the beer giant anheuser-busch says we re disappointed and increasingly concerned by the recent incidents that have overshadowed this nfl season. we are not yet satisfied with the league s handling of behaviors that so clearly go against our own company culture and moral code. that s a st. louis company, claire, by the way. visa says domestic violence in
any form, unacceptable. has no place in the nfl or our society more broadly. all of visa s partners, including the nfl, maintain high ethical standards and operate with full transparency. several sponsors spoke out against domestic violence while reiterating their support for the league. many are taking a wait and see approach. according to the ap, nike stores and the twin cities have pulled adrian peterson s jerseys from the shelves. a company ek sspokesperson says that s as far as they know. and his product continues to be available for public. you represent some? yeah, i work with anheuser-busch specifically. it s a shame what s taken place. . lack of leadership at the top of this is what really let this whole thing get carried away. what s the strategy for
sponsors? i ll tell you what i see. it feels liker s scrambling to catch up with the obvious. how does a major sponsor really make a stand on something and make clear it s eradicated, because it is wrong. the sponsors did it with the nba. i think the wait and see approach is goodell. is goodell going to keep his job and you know what the it s not about goodell. by the way. it s about i said this earlier. you and i brooth know, 99% of cs are good people. i think in this case, the ceos, budweiser and visa, have an opportunity now. they control the league. roger goodell does not control it. 20 to 40 ceos control the future of that league. you re talking about the
sponsors? but the tv money is so big in the nfl. of course, from the sponsors. we will be back in a second. nor do i expect the sponsors to leave football. but they have the opportunity to say, look, we want to change the rules. the punishment is different. we are behind this league. we love this league. we re also behind treating women in a certain way. they have an opportunity to not only do the right thing but it s good for business. why are you saying it s not about goodell? there s no diversity in the c sweet period. there s no women there to look at this video and say this is wrong, we can t give this guy a two-game suspension. but the sponsors were okay with the suspension. the sponsors did not know at the time there was video footage in the elevator okay, hold that thought. i think the point that s being made about the lack of women by the way, goodell has
worked to bring women in now to work on this problem, but none of the women are african-american and the league is 70% african-american so, you know, i think they re really this is a moment in our country for those of us who have toiled in these fields for decades in terms of domestic violence, whether it s judge mark fuller in alabama, ray rice or dgb, it is time for the sports world in general and every other part of our country to say, you know, we can foot turn a blind eye to this. now this has to be a priority in terms of recognizing this. the women are a big part of anheuser-bus anheuser-busch s market. they re a big part of the nfl market. the other things the nfl needs to look at. but the notion that this is all on goodell or all on the sponsors, it s on all of us. it s on women to begin to vote with their pocketbook about how they have been objectified and, frankly, how this problem has not been taken seriously enough. go ahead, willie.
i was going to ask steve, just obviously the core issue is domestic abuse, but your business is branding. strictly branding question. we ve been saying for last week, if they re so concerned with protecting the brand of the nfl, why would they protect the two players who, i hate to say this, but are disposabldisposable? why would they go out of their way to protect two guys? i think there s a long list of it. i think there s a long list of issues that happen all the time with these athletes and they tray to protect the league, protect the shield. they figure out ways going to get out away what s not going t out. then all of a sudden, social media and everybody came out rallying. the commissioner gets things like this across his desk, constantly. the senator, really fast, it
does fall on the sponsors. they re the ones that have the switches. i m a problem solver. it s great to say women need to stand up. what i m saying is the quickest fix, once again, to get where we need to get to, which is new rules and new penalties, are for the people who are paying the bill to change the game. that s just a harsh reality. but that s the networks. you want to talk about who pays it s not the networkings. it it s still the sponsors paying the networks they re paying 20 million why couldn t they do that? the networks could black out the game, they don t have to play the games that s not going to happen. claire, i ve got a totally different question for you, and then we re going to hit the musical angle of this and the television facet of this. the musical angle? it s not like a broadway musical. claire? yes. where are your counterparts in california on this? we have a san francisco 49er charged with beating his pregnant wife.
obviously he hasn t been convicted mcdonald but he is definitely someone who should be benched. where s jerry brown, where s barbara boxer? where are your counterparts in the state of california? i m sure that they are in agreement with me. i m sure that dianne feinstein and barbara boxer, i m sure they are firmly in the camp of this is a good time to say. by the way, all these players e deserve due process. we re talking about not allowing the system to make the decision. the player in california, the judge in alabama, the player in minnesota, all need to be held accountable for their conduct. need they say, enough is enough. one loss. we can win without having people on our team we can win without
people who have decided it is okay to not have moral character. i think they should speak out. these are women s rights advocates, are they not? are they penople who care about their constituents? like claire, that actually involve some moral conviction? we should point out both senators, boxer and feinstein, were on the letter that was sent to goodell ripping his decision. i would love to see more. handled correctly, so in new england, when ash hernandez came up for questioning, bob kraft, nfl owner, new england patriots, he made that decision to get rid of hernandez before law enforcement got involved. that s where he understood the ethics and he didn t care about the comments. i think that s what the nfl issue is is that rub between ethics and commerce. they re picking commerce. that s ways behat s been happen
in terms of the major sponsor here, but another element, the situation involving cbs sports and it the pop singer rihanna a what may or may not have been connected to her own past. the seven-time grammy winner was assaulted by singer chris brown. an image of her injuries was published all over the place. brown felt guilty to felony assault and avoided prison time. he received five years of probation as part of the plea deal. the two entertainers were ordered to stay 50 yards away from each other. just three weeks after, they reunited. they have since split up. during an interview, which we don t need to run right now, i ll just say, she discussed her decision to go back and talked about why it would be wrong to stay with him because it sends a bad message to other people. she went on to perform and sing. in a video with eminem, rihanna sings about an abuse nt
relationship. lines like this, just going to stand there and watch me burn. that s all right because i lake t like the way it hurts. now cbs has abandoned its plan to choose a different song for its open for college football. it contains the lyrics, i m addicted to the thrill, it s a dangerous love affair. last week, cbs dropped the song. with the chairman of the sports division saying, we thought journalistically and from a tone standpoint, we needed to have the appropriate tone and coverage been rihanna hit back, on twitter, writing, cbs, you pulled my song last week, now you wanna slide it back this thursday? no. you all are said for penalizing me for this. the audacity. cbs pulled the song for the season, saying we will be moving in a different direction. we will be using our newly created thursday night football theme music to open our game.
pat boone will be okay, so rihanna got got it completely taken what, what s wrong? i m laughing at donnie. a lot response on twitter pretty critical to my concern that perhaps her songs don t help any platform she would have to combat domestic violence. i haven t seen her really do that. go ahead, john tower, what are they saying? you wanted rihanna to step up. can educate the listener about what may be going on in a victim s mind about her lyrics. nicky wrote, you re still blaming the women. it s not the abused women s job to step up and put a stop to her abuser. steve is there any way they could have continued having cbs sports, rihanna in the open? i mean, thing there s a lot of it was music they picked
in the beginning. they obviously liked the song. when you read the lyrics of that song, it makes you ask, wihy di you pick it any way for thursday night football? along those lines, i brought up jay z earlier, who would be a great guy to champion this cause. he s a good friend of yours. don t we have to go i don t want to sound like a cranky old white guy. the lyrics of so many of these songs that glorifies violence, glorifies a certain type of thuggish behavior. don t we kind of have to start this is your business. you have to look at the lyrics of the song. look, my point is, i don t know why cbs chose to use that song. you look at the lyrics of the song. i think pulling rihanna s song at that point because of the ray rice situation or because of the nfl was overreacting. you didn t have to pull that song. the song was a popular song. totally disagree.
but why did they choose do you disagree with them using it in the beginning? i think it s stunning we re here right now, that that is think about all the things that were let go over the course of the past few months by fans, by viewers, by people who are supposed to be observers of culture, even us. everything just didn t connect. now it s all connected and it makes no sense to me that a woman who s the subject of domestic violence went back and still sings songs about it and does not have a platform against it should be opening nfl thursday night football. it makes no sense. i will tell you, that wasn t an eminem song. it was an eminem song she was on. okay, so what does that mean? you re calling it it s like it s okay? no, you just keep calling it a rihanna song, i want to correct you. rihanna is singing the song. that s the inappropriate connection. between thursday night football, in the middle of a domestic violence scandal, okay, that is
having far-reaching ko consequences you re telling me they re waiting for roger goodell to go, this is so bad. yeah. so how could they open their thursday night i don t know why they would ever pick that sock in the beginning. that s my point. was it that i don t know if it was that song. it wasn t that song. no, but the symbolism wait if it wasn t that song, why did they pull the song? the song itself also has lyrics. she herself and her story doesn t really work for them right now. they re going in a different direction. vanessa bush of es sense magazine on last hour brings up the point it might have been a great idea to approach her, rihanna, to see if she d like to join their coverage on thursday and talk about the issue. that would have been amazing. of course, we could all pontificate, but i want to say it again, you re a guy, you wrote a book, the the tanning
of america, bridges the corporate world and the african-american community in a meaningful way. isn t it time for the jay zs of the world, again, great man, people follow us, our lyrics inspire, challenge. people mimic. i think for any hip-hop artist at this point to be in any way in the song talking about violence against women and talking about hos and what not to be othver and i m starting i. we just pontificate. people have to start doing stuff. it s the jay zs of the world. not the pundits, unfortunately and not even the great senators like claire mccaskill. i would argue that jay z has done that over the last ten years. he s helped hip-hop grow up a lot more. he s led the way in that keep going. if i were the nfl, i would invite rihanna to do a brief to
camera monologue at the beginning of the game on thursday and point out to women across america that there are domestic violence shelters that can help them in their community. i think we need to remember there are thousands of women today in this country that will be too afraid to do anything. that feel helpless about doing anything. that are worried about the safety of their children. and we need to keep emphasizing every we re talking about this a lot. we re not spending enough time talking to the women that need to have the strength to get help and support in every major community in america. we now have a great network that can provide that assistance to women in the situation that rihanna was in. she did walk away from that relationship eventually. she did. and that is hard for these women. for a lot of complicated reasons. so i would hope, rihanna and i would think the nfl would ask her to do a public service
announcement. totally. saying reach out, get help. i agree with the senator. steve, and then we have to go. for the sponsor anheuser-busch, is it a matter of goodell staying or going? i think it s a matter of seeing an action that what s action? because you started out by saying it s all about what happens with goodell. i m saying the leadership. goodell, the leadership of the nfl, has to take action against all these cases and show all of their sponsors, whether it s anheuser-busch, visa, mcdonald s, that they re going to course correct so these things never happen again. it just seems like a lot of things are we even close to where we need to be we re not even might they pull their sponsership? i think if they don t see a quick change, they will pull their sponsorship. they re going to affect the change. senator mccaskill, thank you so much. great piece in usa today. coming up on morning joe, actor viggo mortensen join us.
first, apple s solution to its security flaw. then, nearly three years later, one lucky dog owner finds his missing pup thousands of miles away from home. are you serious? we ll be right back. what if a photo were more than a memory?
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from the washington post, as we take a look at the papers, nasa has awarded new space contracts to boeing and space x at the cost of nearly $7
billion. u.s. astronauts have been riding russian rockets since nasa retired its shuttle program three years ago. the agency hopes to resume launches from u.s. soil in 2017. nasa says its goal is pro dues an american-made spaceship that s less expensive and more reliable. let s look at apple is stepping up its security for i-cloud accounts. the tech giant has added two-step security verification for its cloud storage. users are going to be able to activate the new feature that alerts them via phone when suspicious activity is detected. the los angeles times . audi along with mercedes and google became the first company to test self-driving cars on california roads. joining michigan, florida and nevada with laws permitting autonomous vehicles. the times reports that
globally there may be more than 200,000 self-driving cars on the road by 2025. from our new york affiliate w nbc, after more than 2 1/2 years, a lucky dog owner will be reunited with his pooch that was found thousands of miles from home. this is a fantastic story. he assumed his toy fox terrier ni ka, not mika, but nika, was stolen from his yard in upstate new york. this week, he received a call from a florida shelter saying a microchip plan had turned up his information. he hopes that he will be reunited with his dog by thanksgiving. what? why thanksgiving? how did he get 3,000 miles away? get the dog home. poor nika. i take it it s a female dog. it s not as heart warming as i thought. i ll see you in a couple months. ask nicole wallace. she named the female dog in the
white house mika. who s better than nicole wallace? no one. even though she did that. the organizers of a pop-up restaurant under fire for offering the last meals of death row inmates on its menu. the website featured a series of photos with inmates with menus around their necks. the so-called death row dinners were going for 50 pounds or $81 a pop. after facing backlash, okay organizer, released a statement saying we re shocked and saddened by the response to death row dinners and are very sorry for any offense caused. the pop-up is every time you say it can t get any stupider in this world. and they re really shocked? they re saddened. could they be shocked? want to be in the room where the guy says, i got it, i got the next big idea. here it is. taunls, what do we have next? so, we want to show you this motorcycle rider.
it s from russia. incredible video that has no value but it s kind of cool. this person is so lucky to be alive. shocking accident. all caught on tape. a car can be seen approaching a traffic light. as the car preps to cross the intersection, a biker can be seen rubbing the red light and the driver of the two vehicles. the driver flipping off and landing in between the two cars and sliding down the center. preventing him from being hit by either of the vehicles. amazingly, he survives that accident. i mean, this could have been so much worse just by a split second. that s the morning joe action cam from leningrad? yes, something like that. apparently so many people in russia because of accidents and insurance claims have dash cams in their car to prove who s at fault in accidents. so there s a lot of very interesting russian video.
all right. coming up. getting an eblg on fight against cancer and uncovering the secrets of dinosaurs. those are just a few of the projects from the brilliant award winners. that s ahead. first, a look at the markets with cnbc s sara eason. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings?
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joining us now for business before the bell, cnbc s sara icen. we just got earnings out of general mills, which makes cheerios and wheaties. they are struggling. profit down. sales came in short estimates. it goes to this theme. you really see the winners and losers in some of these giant food companies. americans are shifting their habits. they re not eating breakfast cereal like they used to. remember, i told you, just a little while ago, a few weeks ago, general mills paid $820 million to buy annie s which makes the cheddar bunnies and mac and cheese. they re trying to get into these organic foods. so general mills has an uphill battle. the other big market story is going to be the federal reserve.
janet yelling will be taking the podium. they re out with their big interest rate decision at 2:00 p.m. it s always a market mover. today, everybody wants to know, is she going to change her tune on the economy which has shown improvement and when are they going to start thinking about getting back to a normal world where they would raise interest rates, get out of that crisis style policy. so that s going to be big to watch. i know you guys were all over the apple releases. the reviews for the iphone 6 and plus are out. how are they? they re pretty positive. i ll just point to ross because he s the tech critic. he calls it a winner. a lot of things he likes. i ll just point out one. because it matters a lot to me. the battery life. 14 to 15 hours. that s a huge improvement. wow. okay. that s something. now, that is something. and they re unbreakable? well, he actually said that
he dropped his, but and it actually crashicked, but it jus shows you you do have to have a case on it. he was impressed with the larger screen. how much is the case? some of these cases are 100 bucks. come on. you can pay anything for a case. you can get a caissse on the stt for ten bucks. those don t work. he dropped it and it cracked. the iphone 6 plus is big. so i wonder who s going to buy that. it s not exactly like the phone you put in your pocket. it s kind like a pmini computer all right, sara eison, thank you. give me those glasses so i can read the tease here. all right. here we go. how we doing. from a 50 cents paper microscope to a computer program that helps
people track what personal information they ve shared, one of popular science s brilliant mines. actor viggo mortensen in his challenging new role in his film the two faces of january. (vo) get ready! fancy feast broths. they re irresistabowl. completely unbelievabowl. totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she s been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood,
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factories will work with the cloud. one day. is today. 41 past the hourt. executive editor of popular science. the magazine is out with its brilliant awards. we also have one of those brilliant minds. who i guess is number one on the list, and i just have to say, you two are changing the face of science in the minds of many for so many reasons. you re on the top of the brilliant ten and you had an
incredible idea that protects us. tell us about it. right. so my work focuses on building tools to increase control and transparency over what happens to our data online. right now, a lot of web services, a lot of mobile applications, are collecting a lot of information about us. and we have no idea what they re doing with it. so my tools try to tell users a little bit of what s happening to their data online. i can t stand, thomas, that if you log on a certain e-mail system or you buy something, all of a sudden your private information is going elsewhere. it makes me not want to have an account on well, you re being mined and people are learning about you and learning about your habits. so your idea was for this system and for like the cloud for example to almost have demench sha, to forget about you. i know apple has come out with
its news today about adding layers of protection. how do you create the system to forget the information we re trying to get it to remember? one of the problems today is with this data collection, you know, the internet never forgets. these web services ha s hardly remooed information they ve learned about you. that s a big problem because if you write a sensitive e-mail and you want to delete it, you cannot do it. our tool is called vanish. what it does, it lets users create e-mails that are configured to self-destruct after a preset period of time. wow. okay. i love that. how did you how does she get chosen? every year, popular science looks for the ten people, the ten young scientists and engineers who are working in the united states who are incredibly impressive in that they re making ground-breaking changes in their field already and
making the world a better place. she s tackling a really big issue which is what happens to your data when you put it online and through this software she s creating, she s approaching the problem in really innovative ways. people looking at big challenges and then looking at them creatively. did she grab your attention because of, say, our conversations about edward snowden and celebrities in the i-cloud and really i think it s even more personal than that. when you go online and you re at a commerce site and you plug in your personal data and your credit card. a lot of these sites wants to know your age and your sex and you don t know what happens to your information. this is a pervasive problem let s look at the others. half of the people in the top ten are women, which is nice.
nicole abad, she studied bats to make drones smarter. yes, so she s lots of people tend to work at the intersection of different fields. nicole looks at how bads swarm and how to communicate with each other to not, for instance, bang into each other as they exit a cave. so to make robots smarter and help us create drones that can perhaps swarm. jordan green shows the immune system how to fight cancer. love that. yeah. creates censors for the internet i don t understand what that is. censors that can communicate with each other and can run indefinitely because they scavenge energy from their environment in order to power. it s a way to gather tons of data from the environment.
and katerina is making an alternative to antibiotics. that could be earth shattering. especially the overprescription of antibiotics and the development of immunity in children, especially, who take too many antibioticings. yes, she s doing it in such an innovate imway in that she s looking at the body s defense system, the mukess your body creates. she s applying it to an artificial substance that could one day potentially do the same thing. i love the cover, the future of the car. it s not just a car anymore. i love this. i m about to get my driver s license he s obsessed. yeah. we re going to be checking out the latest issue of popular science. thank you so much. visit the afternoon mo joe
session our website. afterno what s he doing there? viggo mortensen joins us next to tell us about his latest role and why fans of the movie the talented mr. ripley should take note of this new film. we ll be right back. what is that? machines will be sprayed to be made. and making something stronger. will mean making it lighter. one day, factories will work with the cloud. one day. is today.
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you reimburse my clients, we ll leave you and your love loy wife alone. my wife has nothing to do with this. look, see if we can come to an arrangement. unfortunately, i m not authorized to negotiate with you. i m just here for the money. yeah, okay, let me go get it. chester. that was a scene from the new movie the two faces of january.
the co-star of the film joins us now. what a scene. it s a really good movie. it s a wild ride and old-fashioned, very intelligently written story. we shot in beautiful places too. we were in greece, crete, istanbul. what are the two faces of january ? it s from mythology. it has to do with being partly in the past and partly in the future and it also means in mythology it s like a doorway or a passageway and the labyrinth, you know, the mist of the labyrinth, getting lost. patricia highsmith. we all know, talented mr. ripley. so this is very sexy, sleek. filmed in the same kind of vision as that film. my mom is happy for once.
i don t play a scruffy character. i m cleaned up. it s 1962 so it s kind of but you re a touch flawed. well, he s a con man. yeah, but even con men were dapper back then. kennedy was president. there was still the good will, the afterflow from world war ii. so americans were still, you know it was well before vietnam really got going and waterga watergate. you have an excellent co-star in kirsten dunst. as a couple, you guys are predatory in how you operate and play off each other, correct? we, she s not totally innocent. she sort of knows but turns a blind eye, like, i don t want to know. i know we have a lot of money and i m not sure how you got
this money. he s pretty charming. i mean, he s someone who just seems like a well off bit of a clumsy tourist. and then you realize. he s a younger con man, sort of starting out, and he sees this couple and thinks, i can take them for money and take advantage of him. and she s nice to look at so maybe take her from him as well. what he doesn t realize is i m just like him only i ve had more experience. so there s a real battle. it looks absolutely fascinating. the two faces of january is available on demand and on itunes and in theaters friday october 26th. we saw you holding up a flag in the tease. i realize now you have a present for joe. i know he s a soccer, football fan. he s a liverpool fan. this is the pope s team. my team. since childhood. i wrote a little phrase for
liverpool fans. you ll never walk alone. i m doing a panel with him tonight in detroit so i ll deliver that to him. do you like it? it s wrong what i m doing? they re not happy with this? if viggo s all right with it. it s very comfortable, thank you so much. the movie looks amazing. up next, what, if anything, did we learn today. take and. aflac! and a gentle wavelike motion. aahhh- ahhhhhh. liberate your spine, ahhh-ahhhhhh aflac! and reach, toes blossoming. not that great at yoga. yeah, but when i slipped a disk he paid my claim in just four days. ahh! four days? yep. find out how fast aflac can pay you, at
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la quinta! time to talk about what we learned today. i learned that willie geist, our colleague and friend, is really rising to the top. he s becoming the honorary captain of the vanderbilt commodores this saturday. oh, very nice. it s pretty big. that is huge. willie is a member of the student media hall of fame at vanderbilt. this is a big next step. so sort of a stepping stone to get there? i think so, i m running the campaign so thomas? this popular science magazine and how they pick the ten rising stars. we re going to talk about this in afternoon mo joe. so very cool how women scientists are leading the way. not fade away. get this book. it s a big for everybody. peter alexander was really
truly he s a big softy, that peter alexander. sharing his sister rebecca with us. rebecca alexander wrote this book. it will make you appreciate life in a way perhaps you never have before. we re going to go to the daily rundown which is hosted by rebecca alexander s brother. have a great day. very proud brother today, mika, thank you for those words. hill of problems. a very busy morning for congress with a vote expected on arming syrian rebels. speaking about terrorism. an ebola survivor. the plan to save thousands in african. benghazi review. a whole lot more. mounting pressure and outrage over abuse allegations. the vikings reverse course. barring adrian peterson, their star, from all

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