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he joins us now. trump started l day with an early morning twitter spree alleging the system is rigged against him. did he say more about that tonight? reporter: yes, he has, anderson. just the last few minutes, actually, donald trump went through these allegations again saying accusations of sexual assault that have surfaced in the news media the last week or so have been a part of what he calls a rigged conspiracy to throw the election to hillary clinton. in just the last few minutes he said these accusations, he called them events that never happened and he said i do think most people believe me. at one point, he said that the media is simply trying to put up nice, sexy headlines even though nothing ever happened. so donald trump once again denying that he ever sexually assaulted anyone at this rally here in green bay. and anderson, this rally is pretty fired up. people here, you know, i don t want to use language we shouldn t use on tv, but the crowd here has chanted cnn sucks about a half a dozen times. they also chanted tell the truth and before donald trump even came out here, sheriff david clarke from the milwaukee area said it s pitchforks and torches time. that basically describes the atmosphere and the mood here in green bay tonight, anderson. we should point out soon we re going to play the complete interview with did with melania trump earlier today. jim, the rally tonight in wisconsin, trump, what did he say about paul ryan on his home turf? reporter: so far, nothing to this crowd here about paul ryan, but we can tell you that there was somebody here holding a sign here that, it was a paul ryan campaign sign with the word traitor written across it. we should point out that the word traitor was spelled t-r-a-i-d-e-r. not t-r-a-i-t-o-r. misuse of the english language there. the crowd at one point chanted paul ryan sucks. we re in wisconsin, the speaker s home state, this crowd is so fired up and upset with the establishment in washington, they re willing to say that about somebody who is a native son at a donald trump rally. jim acosta, thanks very much. now melania trump, up to this point, she s been very quiet about the allegations surrounding her husband. she did put out a statement right after that tape surfaced ten days ago. until today, she s not spoken on camera about the video of him and billy bush on that bus 11 years ago and his remarks about grabbing women and being allowed to do that because he s famous. bear in mind, he was 59 years old at the time, recently married to melania trump who sat down with us today at trump tower. this has obviously been a difficult time. how are you holding up, how are you doing? i m great. i m very strong. i m very confident. and i live my life. i take care of myself and of our son and my husband and i m doing great. when you came down that escalator more than a year ago, the day your husband announced the campaign, did you ever expect all this stuff would come out? these allegations would be made that you would have to be sitting here defending him? you never thought about that but i m not surprised in one way because a lot of people, they re against my husband and his run for president, so nothing surprise me. is it it s got to be hard, though. it s got to be a difficult thing. in one way, it s hard because press, it s very dishonest and it s a lot of lies that they ve written also about me, my husband, and you need to defend yourself all the time. as you may heard, i file a few lawsuits and i m in the court now because they accuse me of doing stuff that i never did in my life and they wrote lies. and i will not allow that. i will fight until the end because i don t want them to damage my reputation and my name. it was ten days ago that access hollywood released that tape. i m wondering when you first saw it, when you first heard it, what did you think? i i said to my husband that, you know, the language is inappropriate, it s not acceptable, and i was surprised because that is not the man that i know. and as you can see from the tape, the cameras were not on. it was only a mike. and i wonder if they even knew that the mike was on because they were kind of boy talk and he was lead on, like, egg on from the host to say dirty and bad stuff. you feel the host, billy bush, was sort of egging him on? yes. yes. is that language you had heard him use before? no. no. that s why i was surprised because i said, like, i don t know that person that would talk that way and that he would say that kind of stuff. in private. i heard many different stuff, boys talk. the boys, the way they talk when they grow up and they want to sometimes show each other, oh, this and that and talking about the girls and, but, yeah, i was surprised, of course. but i was not surprised that the tape came out. i was not surprised about that. why? because as i said, many people from the opposite side that they want to damage the campaign, and why now? why after so many years? why three weeks before the election? your husband has said maybe that he felt the clintons had something to do with it or the media. what do you think? well, it was the media. it was nbc. it was access hollywood. it was left wing and left-wing media, and you could see that and the way it comes out is everything was organized. every friday, every friday something comes out. so they play, they play, they play, and it was hour after hour. i watched tv, was hour after hour bashing him because they want to influence the american people how to vote. and they re influencing in the wrong way. the information about your husband s 19 the95 taxes were released right before the debate, first debate. this came out days before the second debate. you re saying that s not a coincidence. no, that was all organized. yes. they planned that way. they don t want to talk the opposition doesn t want to talk about wikileaks and the e-mails and benghazi and all the rest of the stuff, they don t want to talk about it, so they said let s do something so we can hurt his campaign. the washington post leaked the tape, they released the tape. nbc had it for, they said they had it for several days and they were reviewing it. but you believe that it was that nbc could have released it, you think they knew about it long ago. yes. they knew long time ago and i m sure they did. and washington post, when did we hear or read any great stories from about my husband or about me? the true stuff, the facts, the real stuff. or new york times. we never read bashing, bashing, bashing. you feel they ve been very unfair? yes. your husband said that, he said he apologized to you after the tape and that you accepted the apology. what was that conversation like? can you talk about it? well, when we talk in private, i ll keep it private, and he apologized. i accept his apology. i hope the american people will accept it well. it was many, many years ago. he s not the man that i know, and many times said, and he s said it as well, it s very hard, especially for him, when he decided to run for presidency because he did so many stuff in his life. he was on so many tapes. so many shows. and we knew that. that, you know, tapes will come out. people will want to go against him. but my husband is real. he s raw. he tells it as it is. he s kind. he s a gentleman. he supports everybody. he supports women. he encourages them to go to the highest level. to achieve the dreams. to he employs many, many women and as you can see, it s also it s a lot of backlash on the media the way he treated him. he described it as locker room talk. to you, you alluded to that as well. is that what it is to you, just locker room talk? yeah, it s kind of two teenage boys, actually, they should behave better, right? he was 59. correct. and sometimes i said i have two boys at home. i have my young son and i have my husband. so, but, i know how some men talk and that s how i saw it, yes. michelle obama, who you i know have spoken positively of in the past, she said last week about what your husband said on that tape, she said, this was not just a lewd conversation. this wasn t just locker room banter. this was a powerful individual speaking freely and openly about sexually predatory behavior and actually bragging about kissing and groping women. in terms of what he actually said on the tape, no saying he did it, but what he said, the behavior described, to you, is that sexual assault? no. that s not sexual assault. he didn t say he did it, and i see many, many women coming to him and giving phone numbers and, you know, want to work for him or inappropriate stuff from women. and they know he s married, so you ve seen that? oh, yes, of course. it was in front of me. in front of you? in front of me. and i said, like, why you need to give your number to my husband? i m very strong. people, they don t really know me. people think and talk about me, the like, oh, melania, oh, poor melania. don t feel sorry for me. don t feel sorry for me. i can handle everything, and for this for people talking like that, i see in the press a lot almost, like, celebrities or people, they think they re celebrities, i would suggest to them to look themselves in the mirror and to look at their actions and to take care of their own families. in terms of what michelle obama was saying, she was saying that essentially any unwanted advance toward a woman, kissing a woman, touching a woman, without consent, that is sexual assault. that s the definition. yes, i agree with that, but every assault should be taken care of in a court of law. and to accuse no matter what it is, a man or woman, without evidence, it s damaging and it s unfair. she went on to say, michelle obama, she talked about that feeling of terror and violation that too many women have felt when someone has grabbed them or forced themselves on them and they said no but he didn t listen. who didn t listen? my husband didn t do anything. no, no, i think she was talking general about oh, i m not surprised. i m not surprised. i mean, she should also look maybe the people who supported her, what they re doing. so i m not surprised she said that. i know you want your voice to be heard on this. so a number of women have come forward. they made allegations against your husband. some of them go back more than 30 years. he s said they re lying. do you believe him? i believe my husband. i believe my husband. this was all organized from the opposition and with the details did they ever check the background of these women? they don t have any facts and even the story that came out in people magazine, the writer that she said that my husband took her to the room and start kissing her. she wrote in the same story about me that she saw me on 5th avenue and i said to her, natasha, how come we don t see you anymore? i was never friend with her. i would not recognize her. that never happened? never happened. that s why i send them the letter because it discredited the story. your lawyer has sent a letter to people magazine saying they have to retract. yes. because it was not true. so how we could believe her. that never happened. i was never friend with her. i saw her she interview us twice. she came to the wedding and for that story. that s it. i would not recognize her on the street or ask her why we don t see her anymore. so that was another thing, like, you know, people come out saying lies and not true stuff. has this whole campaign been harder than you ve expected? i mean, i know you said you came into this with your eyes open, but has it yeah, has it been tougher than you expected? melania will answer that question when we come back. and whether this campaign has made her marriage to donald trump stronger. all that ahead. hey, jesse. who are you? i m vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. over time, your money could multiply. hello, all of you. get organized at but my back pain was making it hard to sleep and open up on time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. now i m back. aleve pm for a better am. this clean was like pow! everything well? it added this other level of clean to it. 6x cleaning my teeth are glowing. they are so white. 6x whitening á i actually really like the 2 steps. step 1, cleans. step 2, whitens. every time i used this together, it felt like leaving the dentist office. crest hd. 6x cleaning , 6x whiteningá i would switch to crest hd over what i was using before. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. and now.i m in bristol, inia. tennessee. on this side of the road is virginia. and on this side it s tennessee. no matter which state in the country you live in, you could save hundreds on car insurance by switching to geico. look, i m in virginia. i m in tennessee. virginia. tennessee. and now i m in virginessee. see how much you could save on car insurance. or am i in tennaginia? hmmm. i talked to melania trump earl earl today at trump tower. she said it was boy talk egged on by billy bush. donald trump was 59 years old. she blames the left wing tape c blames the media overall for unfair coverage of her and her husband. it s a theme she picks up on in part two of our interview. has this whole campaign been harder than you ve expected? i mean, i know you said you came into this with your eyes open but has it yeah, has it been tougher than you expected? i didn t expect media would be so dison honest and so mean. i didn t expect that. also for me, from the beginning, i never had one correct story, one honest story. from new york post two days in a row, they put me on the cover with the pictures that i did many, many years ago as a model. i m very proud i did those pictures. i m not ashamed of my body. i feel very comfortable with myself and with my body. and they were taken for a european french magazine and in europe, we are proud of our bodies. no matter what size you are. and it was done as art, as a celebration of female body. so they put it twice in a row in that story, they put the date when pictures were taken wrong. they never called me when the pictures were taking. right, there were allegations that it was much earlier correct. and suddenly becomes i m here illegally, i was married before. i said, like, yeah, find me the husband that i was married before my husband. so there were a lot of, you know, a lot of dishonest stuff and that surprised me that they would not check the facts and that reporters will just write and surprised me also because every story, it s a female, it s a female reporter and that s why when they went too far in on the website, one of the websites and newspapers, and the blogger as well, i said, this is it, i will fight for myself, i will fight for my name. they cannot damage my name and my reputation because it s not true. and the names that they re calling me, they re calling my husband, they re calling my family, it s unacceptable. in defending himself, and your husband has, again, categorically said these allegations are all false. yes. he s made some comments about the way some of the women who are accusing him look. what do you think about that? well, that s him. he s raw. he will say it as he feels it. so, you know, i know he respects women, but he s defending himself because they re lies. you have a you have a young son. yes. is he aware of all this? how do you is that a conversation you have to have with your son? i i let him have a normal childhood as possible. we talk a lot. a lot about the campaign. we talk about the language because i don t allow that he uses bad language. he s in that age, and older boys are in that age, that, yeah, they say some bad words and it s very normal. they re growing up. but i tell him that, you know, there are consequences as well and he he needs to be careful the language he uses. i teach him. i tell him. that s why it was my decision not to be on the campaign trail. i don t listen anybody about what to do, what to say, when to say it, when to do interviews. if it would be, for example, for my husband or the campaign, they will have me on the trail all the time. they wish to have me there, but i made the decision, i will be a parent to our boy. to our child. your husband said last week that you two are stronger today than you ever were before. do you feel that way? we always have a great marriage and strong relationship and he said many times, you know, that i m a rock for the whole family and, yes, we are very strong. we are we are two independent people, thinking on their own, and have a very open conversation and i think that s very healthy for the relationship. the other thing that s been talked a lot about on the campaign trail, your husband is saying he believes the election is rigged, there are a lot of forces trying to rig it. do you feel that as well? well, i see it how the media is portraying. i see how they re reporting and what they want to say and what they don t want to say. they re going, just for example, he makes a speech 45 minutes long, they take a sentence out and they re going on and on and on about that sentence. nothing else. and he talks about the issues and that s what american people want to hear. it s about issues. about jobs. about the future of our country. and that s what he wants to do. he wants to secure the borders. he wants to secure america. he wants to bring jobs back. he wants to bring economy back. and he s very passionate about american people because he knows he can do that. he s a worker. he s a fighter. he is he s very passionate about it and he will not give up. he will fight until the end. and he will fight for american people as he s fighting now for himself. you have one more debate coming up. do you get nervous? no. you don t? no. no. i always say to him, be you. be yourself. be calm. be focused. stay on the issues because american people, they want to hear what you will do for them because we discuss many times at home and i know what is in his mind and the way he can lead the country. we re three weeks to the election. if you could let the american people know one thing about your husband, what would it be? because right now the late ef po est polls show more than 60% of people believe your husband made some sort of unwanted advances. what do you want those people to know? her answer to that question coming up and the panel reaction as well. cutting-edge wifi to 35,000 fans. or keeping a hotel s guests connected. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. she s noticing a real difference in her joint comfort. she s single. .and high levels of humiliation in her daughter. in just 7 days, your joint comfort can be your kid s discomfort. osteo bi-flex. made to move. heythere s a more enjoyabley! way to get your fiber. try these delicious phillips fiber good gummies, a good source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are great. my work here is done. phillips . the tasty side of fiber. 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[announcer] get 30 days free at upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at woman: how do we protect them from $4 billion in new cuts to california schools? man: vote yes on proposition 55. woman: prop 55 doesn t raise taxes on anyone. man: not on working californians, not small businesses. no one. woman: instead, prop 55 simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. man: so those who can most afford it continue paying their fair share. woman: .to prevent new education cuts. man: .and keep improving california s schools. woman: vote yes on prop 55 to help our children thrive. part three of my interview with melania trump, before the break you heard her say repeatedly she believes her husband, not the women who have come forward and accused him of touching them inappropriately. she says they are lying. a majority of the american public does not agree. i asked her about that. we re three weeks to the election. if you could let the american people know one thing about your husband, what would it be? because right now the latest polls show i think more than 60% of people believe your husband made unwanted advances. what would you say to them is. that my husband is kind and he s a gentleman and he would never do that. that everything was organized and put together to hurt him, to hurt his candidacy. organized by the the opposition, yes. the media, clinton. media, clintons, yes. you think they re working together? yes. of course. last time you and i spoke, you talked about what you would hope to do in the white house. have you given more thought to that? what where is your thinking right now? my passion is the same, helping children, and helping women. and also i see now in 21st century, the social media, it s very damaging for the children. we need to guide them and teach them about social media because i see a lot of negativity on it and we need to help them. it has some positive effect as well because this is the life that we live in now, but has a lot of negativity as well. and i see more and more children being hurt by it. there s a lot of bullying that kbogoes online. a lot of bullying. i stopped social media year and a half. you did. i did. for yourself. i m not an attention speaker. my life is not a photo op. i decided not to be on social media anymore because i see the negativity and it s not healthy. it s not healthy. do you tell mr. trump to not tweet so much? yes, but that s his decision. he s an adult. he knows the consequences. i give him many advices, but, you know, sometimes he listens, sometimes he doesn t. and he will do what he wants to do on the end as i will do what i want to do. thank you very much. thank you. lot to talk about with our panel tonight. joining me, clinton supporter, national move og spoerks person karine jean-pierre. paul begala. the new york times correspondent maggie haberman. alex stewart. and former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski. first of all, maggie, i give a lot of credit to melania trump for deciding to come out and do an interview, not an easy thing given all the allegations. i think she s a very effective spokesperson for a side of donald trump we may not see. were you surprised that she came forward? because she really has not been out on the campaign trail. i was surprised especially because there was an effort when this tape first emerged to do some kind of a joint interview and she really wasn t interested. she s very, very private. she had a rough outing at the republican national convention, but she s also she was pretty clear on that i think particularly at the end of the interview, she s very focused on their son. that is her main concern. she s not into the campaign. that s always been the case. i was surprised she did it. i thought she was effective. i don t know how hardened the views are out there in terms of her husband, and i think that will end up ultimately mattering, but i do think that she is able to reveal a side of him or talk about a side of him that most people don t see and the line she had about how she sometimes says she has two sons at home, i think for people who are just making up their mind for those undecideds who are especially, you know, suburban moderate women, they might find that appealing. alice, based on what you saw today, do you wish she had been out there earlier? again, i think she s a very effective spokesperson. i think she s a very credible spokesperson. she softens him up quite a bit. she s looking at that tape, you can see, she s very strong, yet she brings on a softer side to donald trump. she s able to put a face on this story that he s not able to do. i think one thing i think i would have cautioned her when she talks about it s boy talk and he says it s locker room talk. well, this was a grown man in a professional situation. i think the best thing that she said was saying that he has apologized to me, i accept his apology, i hope the american people will. this is not the man he is. i think ten days ago, they both should have come out and said that and pivoted onto other issues that helped him win the nomination, but i think this was a tremendous interview and i think it will help as maggie said to sway some people that are still on the fence. corey, do you think it will make a difference for donald trump is. look, i think so. i think melania trump has been an absolute rock for her family for this entire campaign cycle, 18 months or more. melania trump has been that rock that has held this family together and coalesced everybody. she s been at every major campaign event. she ll be at the campaign debate on wednesday. what you see with melania trump is a strong, smart, articulate woman who came here, knows four languages, but here s what happened to her. this is unfortunate. she didn t put herself in the media but we saw negative stories that were factually inaccurate about her in the new york post, associated press, daily mail saying she came here illegally. never fact checked. the only way to get a retraction, she had to file a lawsuit against these people. that s not what was signed up for, not what the american people deserve. she deserves better. do you wish she d come forward, you know, last week? because, i mean, again, i think anybody seeing this would say i think melania trump was very clear, her number one priority in this race has been and continues to be to be the rock for her family and rise her 11-year-old child. that is the most important job she has. i think everyone on this panel understand that that is the most important job she has is being a mother for her child, and that is what she felt was the most parent thing to do. paul? i think she s a very effective advocate for her husband. corey is right, it s pretty impressive, she came to this country, a certain tenth grader who shall go unnamed who should be doing his homework e-mailed me during the interview and said, gee, dad, her english is much better than donald trump s. and so i think she did a fine job. the problem is does your son work for your superpac? sounds like you re grooming him for this sort of oh, god, no. does he give you one liners? how is he not good with e-mails, either? some e-mails i do think she tried to scapegoat a little on to billy bush. billy bush before we went on the air, nbc announced they re separating from mr. bush. so he s no longer seen fit to host the third hour of the today show and do cooking segments with rachael ray and yet we re supposed to believe that the guy who said even worse things, and is accused of doing them, belongs in the oval office. it s a fine interview, but as you pointed out, 68% of the american people, not only believe her husband said these horrible things, because he did, they believe he committed assault against women. and i don t think it change i think she s terrific. one last thing, they should have had trump there with her. would have been much better to have donald trump sitting next to her. why do you think? alice and maggie are saying, she softens him. it would be good for trump. the town hall that trump did that was great. probably one of the best best thing they did this campaign and never did it again. i don t know why. karine, what did you think is. my issue that i have is the boy talk, right? it s not boy talk and it s not locker room talk. it s sexual assault, period. the tape clearly says that and states that. we hear him talking about groping women, kissing women without any con sent. which the department of justice says is sexual assault. my thing would be, i d ask any parent out there, would you want your boy or girl talking in that whey? if the answer is no, i don t think donald trump should be president of these united states. anderson, it was amazing we had a candidate in the incumbent party who ran against a republican president accused of the same thing. when ted kennedy was a u.s. senator, he was accused of and with senator dodd of connecticut of attacking a woman inside a washington restaurant, picking her up, throwing her on the table, making unwanted advances to her. you know what the obama campaign did? saul sought his endorsement was seeking the presidency of the united states. this was a well-documented case. no outrage back then. this is hypocrisy. melania trump is not on trial here. she came out, stood behind her husband which is the right thing to do. she was articulate. she s smart. she s a fighter for this country. what she said, what s her priority if she becomes the first lady? cyber bullying. that is something that no one is talking about. she has seen it firsthand. i think we should be giving her credit and praise for being forward thinking about the use of twitter and other mediums where kids every day are being cyber bullied. she is saying this will be my priority as first lady to make sure this doesn t continue. i think we should be praising her tonight. one of the things i think is problematic, i mean, trump, himself, has been accused of cyber bullying people. so i think the problem is that you asked her about that, i mean, she paints a picture that i think for people who are low-information voters who are not really paying attention to this who may not have listened to the tape, i think it will be very compelling. for people who have been watching the campaign and may have made up their own minds, that becomes a different issue. i think in terms of issue she talked about in terms of talking about her family, she s a compelling spokeswoman for her husband. the tape in the wall street journal poll was ranked as the fourth most followed news story in the history of the wall street journal poll. everybody knows about that tape. now, does this negate it? does it help trump? sure. i don t think it gets him out of the box of he said particular he said he committed particular acts in that tape. not realizing he was being recorded. and now women have corroborated those precise acts. i don t think i think mrs. trump is terrific, ought to put her on tv every night but i don t think it negates that connection in the eyes of most voters. alis s ce, does it change people s minds? i think the most compelling part of that interview was as i said, he apologized to her, she accepted his apology and hopes the american people would do as well. this is not the person that he is. he s not that person. i think in my view this should be have been done nine days ago and we d be talking about something else. she s a great, compelling, convincing argument for conveying to american people that this is not the kind of person that he is and get people back to what he did to win the nomination. how he came about to win over the republicans in the primary process. that s what they need to do as a campaign is get to focusing on those and also pivoting onto the vulnerabilities of hillary clinton and key issues she s not answering right now obviously wikileaks, the e-mails and other issues. that s what they need to be doing, not talking about what he said ten years ago but what is facing hillary clinton today. corey, paul brought up the idea of doing a joint interview, something which bill clinton, hillary clinton did in 99 92 on 60 minutes ? is that wise given the fact the town hall went well, when he s with others, it s gone well in the fast. i think melania trump can stand on her own, strong, independent, tough. she s a fighter, she s a rock. i don t think she needs to sit next to donald trump to do anything. i think she can stand on her own. i think he s saying trump is the one who can t stand on his own. i don t think that melania trump needs anybody to sit next to her to be there and i don t think donald trump wants to sit next to her. i think what he wanted and what she clearly articulated tonight was he apologized. she accepted that apology. she s moved on from this. she said she thought it was wrong. if that s what she said. now it s time to go forward. that s what the american people are doing. what we ve seen in the public polls which have been released today from cnn is donald trump is still winning in the state of ohio. it is a one-point race in north carolina, a two-point race in nevada. if you start breaking out those election numbers in nevada, hillary clinton is receiving 54% of the hispanic vote in nevada when barack obama got 71% of the hispanic vote four years ago. there are real problems in the clinton campaign. they don t want to talk about those problems. paul, i think it s a good point when you see those numbers, shouldn t given all that has come out about donald trump in the last several weeks, starting with the taxes in 9 9 5s is to these allegations on the tape, shouldn t the poll numbers not be so close? there are polls the national polls have her leading 9, 11, 12. she s not going to win this election by nine points. it s crazy. in fact, it s artificially high in the national polls, much closer in the battlegrounds. guess what, it s why we call them battlegrounds. i ve said from the beginning it will be a close race. trump is strongest in iowa and ohio of the battleground states, highest percentage of non college whites. he s weakest in north carolina, virginia, especially, and colorado where you have a higher college education rate. h hillary is doing better. by the way, corey, this is astonishing. poll came out from a republican firm in arizona, shows hillary leading by two in arizona, a state that s gone twice for a democrat since the second world war. she s only down one in alaska which has only gone once for a democrat since it became a state. she s only down four in texas which is, you know, the most conservative big state in america. and she s only down less than half a point in georgia. so the battlegrounds are shifting around in this state, in this country in a very interesting way. in terms of where the campaign goes, maggie, i mean, you know, there s been a lot of talk about what the strategies of the trump campaign, they want to depress democratic turnout while bolstering their base. i mean, is that the way you see the next three weeks playing out? is that i mean, is there an attempt to reach out to new voters, to independent voters, to minority groups? i don t see an attempt to add to his win column or to his vote column with what trump is talking about. he s talking about we ve never really seen this in modern presidential history of a candidate talking about sort of a vast conspiracy that s opposing him and trying to take him down. and so i think that he has an enormously ardent fan base for whom that will be an appeal, and who will be drawn by that. i don t know that you can actively depress the other side s turnout. i think there are people who will be motivated by trump. there are people who will not be motivated by trump. to corey s point, some of falpas point, there are a lot of republican looking for a reason to vote with their party this cycle. you re seeing clinton is not at 50. this is a four-way race in a lot of states. so i think you re going to see it sort of stay static. in terms of what happens i think we are going to have a potentially explosive third debate this week and then after that, i think that trump has made pretty clear he wants to run this race on his own terms. he s running very much a primary race in the general election. unshackled as he says. we re going to take a break. i want to thank everybody on the panel and also, of course, melania trump for the interview. with his poll numbers falling, donald trump is ramping up his attacks. do his supporters still believe he can win? gary tuchman talked to loyal trump supporters in wisconsin before tonight s rally began. we ll hear from them. coaching means making tough choices. jim! you re in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the only brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp. you recommend synthetic and can yover cedar?to me why super food ? is that a real thing? it s a great school, but is it the right the one for her? is this really any better than the one you got last year? if we consolidate suppliers what s the savings there? so should we go with the 467 horsepower? or is a 423 enough? good question. you ask a lot of good questions. i think we should move you into our new fund. ok. sure. but are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed? wealth management, at charles schwab. which is good for me 200-degree range of sight hey! and bad for the barkley twins. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. upgraded to our most d3 ever. well, as we ve said, donald trump s campaigning in wisconsin tonight, just wrapping up a rally in green bay. he s hit the themes we ve been seeing a lot of lately, including the allegation that this election is rigged against him. they even want to try to rig the election at the polling booths. believe me, this is a lot going on. ever hear these people? they say, there s nothing going on. people that have died ten years ago are still voting. illegal immigrants are voting. i mean, where are the street smarts of some of these politicians. they don t have any, is right. so many cities are corrupt and voter fraud is very, very common. the following information comes straight from pew research. quote, approximately 24 million people, one of every age, voter registrations in the united states, are no longer valid or significantly. one in eight. more than 1.8 million deceased individuals right now are listed as voters. that s wonderful. wisconsin, is of course, house speaker paul ryan s home state. he was not at the rally with trump. he s fund-raising in texas. this is donald trump s first visit to wisconsin as he called off their visit. speaker ryan said he would no longer the defend trump or campaign with him, as the backdrop for tonight s rally. gary tuchman talked to trump supporters, who stood on line, hours before tonight s event began. reporter: the presidential campaign season is winding down. but the enthusiasm level of people attending this donald trump rally in green bay, wisconsin, is definitely not. what do you got there? trump mask. so you re a big trump fan? i am. is the back of your shirt? back of your jersey, trump. trump mask. you like the guy? i love the guy. paul ryan, speaker of the house, republican congressman, doesn t like him so much anymore. what do you think about that? i don t like him either. paul ryan? paul ryan, yep. good to see you guys. there is much home state pride for speaker paul ryan here in wisconsin, but it s hard to find it in the line to get into this trump rally. he s a traitor to the gop. paul ryan s a traitor not only to the republican party, but a traitor to the united states american citizen. reporter: danell said she purposefully misspelled the word traitor on the sign to express sarcasm. why did you spell it like that? because i m an uneducated white american catholic deplorable hillbilly from wisconsin. that s why. so you did it to make a point? yes. reporter: the people here, for the most part, say they still believe donald trump will win. and very few seem to have a problem with his anger they see on tv and online. the other day, donald trump blasted saturday night live. do you think that s productive to do that? yeah, it is. reporter: i mean, it s a comedy show. they make fun of people. but the media and the clintons have been slamming him and telling lies about him. is that acceptable? but do you think he should be blasting a comedy show? see, that s the same thing. you re turning it around. he s very angry at them for making fun of him. does that bother you? give me a break, no. you keep saying he s an angry and dark person. it is dark right now for the american people. and everyone is angry. and that s why? and that s why you re going to see him in november and he s going to be president for eight years. gary joins us now from green bay. you said for the most part, people at this rally still feel donald trump will win. what about the others? what are they saying to you? reporter: there are quite a few people i ve talked to, anderson, who say it s unlikely that donald trump will win. for the most part, the reason they say that is because they hear donald trump talk about a rigged election. and the people here i take to who say he may not win say it s because it will be a rigged election. people erupted when he talked about the possible rigging of the election. and i can tell you, these supporters who are here today in this very packed ballroom, they re very loyal, and they re also, like donald trump, very angry. anderson? gary, thanks very much. in the next hour, hillary clinton entering the final stretch with an edge in momentum and money. and she s also facing new fallout in the fbi investigation into her e-mail server. we ll have addition on that. geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. whether it s connecting one of or bringing wifi to 65,000 fans. campuses. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling.) (don t fear my darling.) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling.) man snoring (don t fear my darling.) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. good evening. thanks for joining us for the second hour of a.c. 360. tonight, plmelania trump speaki out about the sexual abuse allegations against her husband, trying to explain his hot mike boasting, talking about trying to get away with groping women and how the media is reporting. some of her answers may surprise you and others may confirm everything you ever respected or admired in him. first, donald trump on the campaign trail and his claims that somehow the fix is in. more from cnn s sara murray. the election is being rigged by corrupt media, pushing completely false allegations and outright lies in an effort to elect her president. reporter: donald trump trailing in the polls and plagued by allegations of sexual misconduct is falling back on his favorite safety net. the election is rigged. it s rigged like you ve never seen before. the investigation of hillary clinton was rigged. it s all rigged. it s all rigged. the gop nominee now insisting there s a monumental conspiracy to rig the entire election against him. trump tweeting today, of course there is large-scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. why do republican leaders deny what is going on? so naive. but trump s claims aren t true. there s no evidence of widespread voter fraud. and the

New-york , United-states , Georgia , Nevada , North-carolina , Texas , Alaska , Washington , Town-hall , California , Virginia , Wisconsin

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walter reid medical center. president trump today choosing to spend this mother s day golfing while his aides scramble to defend mounting scandals. the white house staffer kelly sadler s insensitive comments about senator john mccain continue to make waves. and sadler said mccain s pick to be cia director didn t matter because, quote, he s dying anyway. that s according to three sources with direct knowledge of that remark. now the white house strategic communications director her smes shlap is responding. and sarah huckabee sanders is furious where the leaks surrounding the comments. these were leaked to the press. jeff is joining us with the strategy here. there is the comment, reprehensible, not to engage with that instead of focusing on the meeting first reported by axios, the at news service. it is whyhighly likely the leak occurred. why won t the white house apologize for the egregious remark? it may be smart to look at the week unveiling of melania trump of the be best campaign encouraging kouds ids to put kis first in their lives. and this comes after a crass remark was said about john mccain from the white house. and many are asking kelly sadler to say she s sorry, but many words from donald trump have been worse than what kelly sadler said. given the handling of the incident, take a look at the intersection between the white house deputy spokesperson hodeley gutly. listen to this interview on fox news. i didn t hear the comment. you heard it now. i can t say i was in the meeting. it sounds like she said it. was it kind? whether the comment was made, there are thing that is shouldn t be made public. reporter: we know, as you mentioned by the reporting from axios and our own reporting, that sarah huckabee sanders and like her smercedes said, megan her to apologize and sadler said she would. but she clearly hasn t. i reached out to megan mccain directly and she didn t want to share more than she said on the view. heading into this coming week, keep an eye out for an apology and staffing changes in the white house. since the white house staffers came out with this comment what is the reaction to what has played out the last few days? reporter: the reaction across the board is we clearly have crossed another threshold in the degradation of the public and political discourse. in the same time, what they talked to about every person on the staff. there is, across the board, a sense of distraction and disappointment about this. kelly sadler s are the latest from this circle. take a listen to what lindsey graham had to say this morning. it was a pretty disgusting thing to say, it was a joke, it was a terrible joke. i just wish somebody from the white house would tell the country that was inappropriate. that s not who we are. and the trump administration and john mccain can be criticized for any political decision he s ever made or any vote as a pruzer in of war. it doesn t hurt you to do the right thing and to be big. joining me is chief correspondent for bloomberg news. i through of the friendship, the long-standing friendship she has with what was said. what is the role of sucivil discourse in washington, d.c. today snch today? he would like for the trump administration to do better in situations like this. i know it is cliche that the fish starts rotting at this. after the charlottesville atrocity, he famously said that in the horde of nazis there were very fine people there. never apologized on it. during the campaign, he said as president he would want to ban muslims from entering this country until we figured out what was going on. never apologized for that. so when it comes to someone like k kelly sadler making a joke or however disapproval it is, it is d going to bring up crassness coming from the trump white house. to bet you earl earl. they got three hostages held for north korea, returned back to the united states. given that and given what we heard from senator graham, why is this white house unwilling to do what is pretty simple, pretty basic and easy to move on. i don t see much civility anymore in the washington political beat on either side of stories these days. look, the bottom line for this administration is that according to sources that i speak with inside and outside of the white house as well as folks who have worked on the marginally believes with some exceptions that winning means never having to say you re sorry. that has faced deep push-back from republicans and democrats this week on capitol hill. we heard from senator lindsey graham, a republican from south carolina, house speaker paul ryan also praising senator john mccain, who many praise. centrist democrat joe manchin is up for re-election in west virginia in 2018. senator john mccain has said he does not support her nomination because of her previous remarks in policy positions on or the i appreciate what you re saying there after john mccain issued his statement opposing that nomination. she said she was grateful for, i m summarizing here, the thought he put into her nomination. the way that he approached it. what does that say about how insulated this white house is? when you look at the response to all of this, do you think this really is sour grapes and what we re seeing is a reaction to john mccain not supporting the noti notion. many are saying the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet. as crass as the joke or whatever she wants to call it that she made, it was reflecting a political reality within the trump white house that a, they can t count on john mccain s vote on this to confirm gina haskell because of the red line he s drawn on torture and cia torture. and just the political capitalists within the west wing that john mccain may not be around much longer, even if they could count on him. and in terms of the comshop , te fighting in the post-hope hicks power vacuum people were trying to fill, you can expect more stuff like this in the weeks and years to come. i mention ed the white house and how it transmits to the administration in the legislative branch. here s a tweet from the president in the midst of all this, the senate should get funding done before break or not go home. wall and border included. also waiting for the approval of 300 nominations, worst in history. just as i read that, on the back of those comments, this is a hurdle to getting policy made and work done in washington. well, i think also what it does is it s president trump trying to separate himself from the republican-controlled coming in which the political map is a bit more up the air in the senate. so i think this would appear to be a maneuver of sorts to say, hey, congress, get your work done. as unpopular as lawmakers are now, if you look at the polling, congress remains deeply unpopular as well. june 12 is the meeting with kim jong-un. and it comes at a time with tensions mounting between israel and syria. a lot of back-and-forth. andest al let s also note the t r representatives. thank you for joining me. the commander in chief is denied a major merger. the rudy giuliani remix, the president s role in the doj system. as we go to break, saturday night live. michael cohen was paid by at&t. they could not be reached for comment because they use at&t. time for medicare, huh. i have no idea how we re going to get through this. follow me. unitedhealthcare has the people and tools to help guide you through the confusion. well that wasn t so bad at all. that s how we like it. unitedhealthcare. i m a fighter. always have been. when i found out i had age-related macular degeneration, amd, i wanted to fight back. my doctor and i came up with a plan. it includes preservision. only preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. that s why i fight. because it s my vision. preservision. try areds 2 + multivitamin. mr. elliot, what s your wiwifi?ssword? 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[ child offscreen ] hey! let s basement. and thanks to these xfi pods, the signal reaches down here, too. so sophie, i have an xfi password, and it s daditude . simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. well, president trump s lawyer rudy giuliani is doing his best to walk back a pair of comments that drew criticism. he s saying trump did not intervene in the nixing of at&t and time warner s merger. rudy giuliani contradicted comments earlier when he said the president had involvement in that. giuliani telling nbc news yesterday, i just want to be clear, the president did not intervene. he s also changing direction on the potential sit-down with special counsel robert mueller after originally saying the meeting was a distinct possibility. he s pulling back telling the associated press the interview with federal investigators would likely be delayed until after the june 12th summit in singapore because, in his words, i wouldn t want to take his concentration off something far, far more important. we turn now to a pair of reporters who covered this topic extensively and talked to rudy giuliani. we have a white house correspondent and jonathan lumere is from the white house press. jonathan, let s start with what rudy giuliani said to you and how he walked it back, in a sense. sure. initially, he said they want to make a decision on whether the president would sit down with the special counsel by may 17th, the one-year anniversary of mueller s appointment. the president is a loan voice among his adviser who is want to go through with the interview. most of his legal team suggests this is a mistake. they fear that this is a perjury trap. but there s concern. president trump is not the most disciplined speaker. as one long-time trump adviser said if he got to mueller, he would perjur himself three times. he would try to show off and wouldn t stick to the script. in my interview with former mayor giuliani, they are punting the timeline. they have saying there would be no interview or no interview before the june 12th meeting in singapore. but truthfully, they will not make a decision if there s an interview until the june 12th date. and giuliani suggested because the president s focus is elsewhere, mainly on north korea, they have done next to no preparation for the possible interview. and you would suspect they want to do a lot before arguably the most important moment of his presidency. your interview issued on the at&t/time warner merger. the president is not supposed to say whether or not a merger like this can go ahead. what dud he say to you about the role the president can play? and how did he try to walk that back since having the conversation with you? it s kind of amazing because i started out with the conversation on michael cohen and all the money he was getting and what he had done for the money and what sort of discussions he had with the president. and rudy giuliani made it sound like, cohen did not have any discussions with the president at all. and, as a matter of fact,ing will at what at&t wanted. and, in fact, the president stopped it, stopped the merger from happening. so i said, wait a minute here, because that is the exact opposite of what the white house, the administration had been saying before that. you know, oh, no, no, there s no contact. the president has nothing to do with the decisions. that s a doj thing. then rudy giuliani, when i followed up with him, he said, well, you know, the administration blocked the doj. but the implication here was, and not just the implication, but he flat out said the president was involved in stopping this thing. that was friday afternoon. jonathan s interview must have been later as he started the new version, but yeah, it s been interesting. and i think the mayor has become kind of an unreliable narrator in this, as much as the president himself. that s where i want to take this. we are fortunate to have you both here who spoke to him recently. jon, what is your sense of the role rudy giuliani is playing here? right out of the debate, he was especially careless and did the interview right out of the gate. and then the exchange with sarah huckabee sanders, she s supposed to be the point person on bob mueller s investigation. he s not supposed to be expounded on potential mergers but here we see him doing that again. the president was so excited when he brought on giuliani a few weeks ago. he was tired of the talk they couldn t bring on a big-name lawyer. he wanted someone out there on the cable channel or some who have been on this channel repeatedly. so let me be part of it all. that was his choice. he was very excited about that initially. that has faded some. he still likes giuliani out there and fighting with the media and so on. he likes a lot less how he s done it and how stuff has gone. he s muddied the water on a number of issues. what michael cohen did with the lobbying firm. whether trump knew about the stormy daniels. the president has grown in frustration with rudy giuliani as have many people in the white house. you see sarah sanders day after day at the podium being asked to clean up the things giuliani has said. certainly in our reporting, the president is not ready to make a move to discuss giuliani. but i think there is real hope that he could be ready. how much is rudy giuliani complicated the work for her by waiting on the other issues. i m not sure if that s helpful for the president. it s helpful for us to get a lot of great stories out of us. but i don t know in the end how much he knows. i know he does a lot of interviews. he s going to dallas for his housing development thing that he s doing. and he s going to on the other hand, the actual lawyer that seems to be handling a lot of legal stuff, has anyone talked to emmett, he s not come to any announcement and maybe that s design. maybe rudy giuliani is supposed to go out and say stuff. a lot of it being true? i don t know, it s hard to know what is true. but a time is going to come when the white house decides that it s more trouble than it s worth to keep cleaning up after the outside counsel than it is to have him take the questions that they don t want to answer. that s a question to you on that point. how close are we, how much patience does this have? you re in your job until you re not. you think about scott pruitt who had many west wing advisers out for weeks believing he lied to them repeatedly bringing in bad headline after headline. the president likes the job he s doing so for now scott pruitt has his job. for now, trump likes enough of what giuliani is doing that the former mayor will continue his post. but yes, you wouldn t bet it to be a long-term situation at any moment the president could say, enough is enough, you re out. two guys have been following this for us. thank you very much for the time. and three detainees from north korea are now back with their loved one. how this could affect the meeting with north korea next month in singapore. alice is living with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. she s also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. alice calls it her new normal because a lot has changed, but a lot hasn t. ask your doctor about ibrance. the #1 prescribed fda-approved oral combination treatment for hr+/her2- mbc. need a change of scenery? the kayak price forecast tool tells you whether to wait or book your flight now. so you can be confident you re getting the best price. giddyup! kayak. search one and done. i thought after sandy hook, where 20 six and seven year olds were slain, this would never happen again. it has happened more than 200 times in 5 years. dianne feinstein and a new generation are leading the fight to pass a new assault weapons ban. say no to the nra and yes to common-sense gun laws. california values senator dianne feinstein welcome back. the three americans freed from prison in north korea are finally back with their homes. the three were released from walter reid today after touching down on thursday. according to walter reed, all three were grateful in good spirits and coping well. in a statement released yesterday, north korea planned to dismantle the nuclear test site by may 25th. president trump called the move, quote, a very smart and gracious gesture. those comments come one month before president trump and kim jong-un are scheduled to meet for a highly-anticipated summit in singapore. joining me now, democratic congressman jared connolly, a member of the foreign affairs committee. he represents the 11th district. i have to start there, i understand one of the detainees is a resident of your district? i believe he s lived in fairfax county. we have not heard from him in a number of years. we re glad he s home. i want to ask you here about what you re watching for as we head to the summit in singapore. i want to play some tape with secretary of state mike pompeo talking about his meetings with kim jong-un. the conversations are professional. he knows his brief. he knows what he is trying to achieve for the north korean people and is able to deal with complexity when the conversation requires it. he does follow the western press. he ll probably watch this show at some point. he s paying attention to things that the world is saying. was there any mention of the exchange of insults back and forth? no, we didn t cover that, chris. secretary of state mike pompeo pausing there that kim jong-un is a regular news of fox news sunday. let me pause to react to what you heard about the meetings with his estimation of the leader president trump will meet with in a few weeks time. well, i was glad to hear that kim jong-un will be well briefed. i hope president trump is well-briefed. he doesn t read anything and doesn t have a poll team in place. we don t have an ambassador in seoul. we don t have the secretary for the region. we ve got a brand new secretary of state and a brand new national security adviser. so i m a little nervous about how well briefed our leader is going to be. having said that, i think we need to tone down the expectations for singapore. we have had denuclearization agreements in 1994, in 2005, and a bilateral in 2012. all them collapsed after agreeing because the north koreans renigged. and we need to look at denuclearization, absolutely verifiable through inspections. if we don t meet the simple standard, i believe this summit will be a failure. i think that is an important point. as i talk to experts on the korean peninsula, a number are worried about the president going to the summit and not having diplomats there. each leader needs to know what is on the table and what s not. let me ask you about the category there, what cannot be on the table as the president meets with kim jong-un? i certainly think that full diplomatic relations, full economic relations, lifting all sanctions, that can t be on the table until very clear milestones have been met. after all, it s this same president who ripped up the iran nuclear agreement arguing that money flowed back to iran through sanctions relief far too early before milestones were met. so let s not turn around and do the same, mr. trump, for north korea. i want to get your reaction to what the president has been saying about this summit and about the leader of north korea. i ll just read here from one of the tweets he s written recently. north korea announced they will dismantle nuclear test sites this month. ahead of the big summit meeting on june 12th, thank you. a very smart and grateful gesture. i ll ask you about the last call that represents a change in tone, a change in rhetoric this president has been using to the north korean regime. there s something arwelian about president trump s complete 180-degree turn on north korea and its leader. this is a brutal regime and oppressive regime. they have murdered people overseas and within their own country. this leader, he s talking about, you know, blew away his horrible uncle that is a senior military leader. and his half-brother is poisoned to death in the asian airport. this is not a nice guy. now, we maw want to and have to do business with him, but let s keep our eyes wide open. i think a lot of people think in this deal, he will think a lot about this deal. since the comments were reportedly made, i m going to read a tweet you made a short while alaska. our politics may be different but john mccain is an american hero. the vile and repugnant attacks we have seen from potus, white house staff and the far right are disgusting and show how small they are next to this f l honorable man. are we seeing a change here when it comes to comedy? with how members of the different parties get along with each other? when it comes to civility in the nation s capital, is this a turning point as you see it? i do. sadly, it is. i think it s a new low coming from a white house that has had a number of record lows. to really dismiss someone publicly who is very graduateful and to discuss him because he s dying anyway, that s something that aught to be beyond the pale of anyone s politics in our country. anyone s. and the white house should have run not walked only to apologize, but to hold that individual, kelly sadler saying this about john mccain, that says everything about this white house and lowers the bar in our political discourse. and i think that s most unfortunate. congressman, last question here about the gulf that seems to exist between the capital, it s a mile away from the white house, but it seems often the two places are worlds apart. what does this say? democrats colleagues of yours, republican cleeks of yours are joining for the white house to do something about this. the white house isn t doing it. how insulated is this white house as you see it. uh think it is very insulated and it is a house of horrors that he has no feel to the people who give him loyalty. anybody could be next as sort of the toxic mentality in the white house. and in that bubble of trying to survive, i think they lose contact with other parts of the world they need to function in, including capitol hill. at least on the subject of john mccain, we can agree in capitol hill there needs to be accountability for the ugly, vile words we heard from kelly. thank you very much for your time. and robert mueller is approaching what is a major milestone. the first survivor of alzheimer s disease is out there. and the alzheimer s association is going to make it happen. but we won t get there without you. visit to join the fight. - anncr: as you grow older, -your brain naturally begins to change which may cause trouble with recall. - learning from him is great. when i can keep up! - anncr: thankfully, prevagen helps your brain and improves memory. - dad s got all the answers. - anncr: prevagen is now the number-one-selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. - she outsmarts me every single time. - checkmate! you wanna play again? 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i think we re watching for two big indictments. the first one is going to be a conspiracy relating to the break-in at the national democratic committee where e-mails were stolen and used by the russians with the cambridge analytica, honing in on the clinton voters with all kinds of phony stories, fake news to keep the clinton voters from going to the polls. all it took were 60,000 voters and three states to turn that election. malcolm nance, we revisited the steele dossier yesterday. john mccain detailed his trip to nova scotia to a national security conference and talked about when he first received that document from a british official. he said to go to hell for handing that over to the fbi as he did. how sailant is that steele dossier approaching that today. members of congress who are just brutally attacking the validity of the steele document. now, coming from the intelligence community, if my opposition starts attacking a document that we are using as sort of a road map, you re almost validating the document in itself. there s a little joke that the russians are validating it by killing the suspected sources. in the steele dossier, that being said, the more they go after his document. john brennan made it clear, and james comey, they had independently verified at least two pages of bullet points in the things the on the steele dossier were not the two big points are what were the bullet points that we know for facts. what are you watching vis-a-vis the grand jury process? well, i think what we re watching now is the interplay with the subpoena that may ultimately be served on donald trump. and his so-called willingness to go in and give an interview. i mean, i think they are trying to delay the whole process. but you ve got kind of two messages from the administration. you have rudy giuliani say we re going to do this after the korean summit. and then you have the vice president pence who says, let s get this over with. you have a legal principle. once the indictments come down, it will be harder to subpoena donald trump. because you cannot use a grand jury subpoena to gather evidence to prove your case at trial. it s only to be used together with evidence and to provide a this information. it s probably going to slow things down a bit because of material to review there. this makes malcolm s report in regard to the steele investigative reports because you ve got in there information about michael cohen and the money used to hide the hackers that hacked into the democratic national committee. where else would you get that money but from a slush fund? and what did we learn over the last week? there s a slush fund being administered by cohen. so the question is, how many such slush funds were there? how many other lrkts lcs did co set up? i think what the government is holding on now. we have to leave it there because of time. malcolm nance, thank you for your time. and jared kushner is once again back in israel and the u.s. prepares to move its embassy. but has his role in the region been downgraded to simply ceremonial? this is bill s yard. and bill has a no-weeds, not in my yard policy. but with scotts turf builder weed & feed, bill has nothing to worry about. it kills weeds and greens grass, guaranteed. this is a scotts yard. with dell small businessout your technology advisors and greens grass, guaranteed. you get the one-on-one partnership you need to grow your business. the dell vostro 15 laptop. contact a dell advisor today. from only the thickest, juiciest heinz tomatoes. no one grows ketchup like heinz™. with expedia you could book a flight, hotel, car and activity all in one place. at ally, we offer low-cost trades and high-yield savings. but if that s not enough, we offer innovative investing tools to prepare you for the future. looks like you hooked it. and if that s not enough, we ll help your kid prepare for the future. don t hook it kid. and if that s still not enough, we ll help your kid s kid prepare for the future. looks like he hooked it. we ll do anything. takes after his grandad. seriously anything, to help you invest for the future. ally. do it right. u.s. delegation arrived in jerusalem, includes ivanka and jared kushner. the city is tense hours after a ceremony to relocation to jerusalem. it s a move that breaks with decades of u.s. policy that sparked heavy criticism. opponents say it will further complicate the conflict between the israel and palestinians and the chance of there being a two-state solution. joining me no is national security analyst john mclock lynn. let me start by asking if you re of the belief if you share the belief ee spoused that by doing this, by moving the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem you re clearing table and removing a nonstarter from the conversation and that will in effect accelerate the peace process by having that off the table? it s possible to make that case but i think if the palestinians are included in the argument, the case is weakened because we have always hesitated to move that embassy in order to suggest that we weren t prejudging in any way the conflicting claims of israel and palestinians to various sites and pieces of land in the jerusalem area. so by moving it, the ambassador does have a point but on the other side of that argument, i think we have to weigh just as equally the fact that the palestinians will now not view us as an honest broker in this dispute as they always have. john, i wonder what your take is on what this region looks like today. there have been parts of it that have changed rather radically here in recent months. there s now this relationship between israel and saudi arabia that didn t exist just some months ago. how much has it changed and do you agree with the characterization we see a tender box here, a lot at stake when it comes to the future of the middle east that s changed? there s a lot of dry tinder lying around in the middle east these days and it has changed dramatically over the last let s say ten years from the middle east i ve worked on 10, 15 years ago. just to run through some of the ways in which it s changed. the syria crisis has i think given russia and iran a dramatically greater role in the middle east than they ve ever had before. russian diplomacy in the middle east has been extraordinarily active. i think netanyahu most recently visited moscow. on top of that, the withdrawal of the united states from the iran nuclear agreement i think signals a big change in that it s a break with our allies on a vital piece of middle eastern policy. the fact that the saudis and ran yans have stepped up their proxy competition all over the region and syria and yemen and elsewhere. and all of these things come together and add to that mix the fact that turkey, a nato ally, traditionally someone we could embrace closely and still do but today nonetheless is very much against what we are trying to do in working with the kurds in syria. so all of these forces are conspireing i think to make the middle east much less predictable than it was five or ten years ago. very quickly, i want to ask you about north korea, the former secretary of energy said when you look at north korea it could make iran look easy. that s what he said to the new york times. in the 30 seconds we have left here, what you re watching for as we approach the summit in singapore? i m watching for two things the former secretary is probably correct here. the two things i m watching for are what do we learn about what the north koreans mean by due nuclearization? we know what we mean, get rid of those nuclear weapons. they probably mean among other things dilute or remove the nuclear umbrella of protection that we provide for south korea and other allies in that region and the second thing and second thing i d watch for is whether or not they are well prepared to respond to our request for other things. thank you very much for your time. of johns hopkins university. more news is coming up next on msnbc. and a baseball diamond. .a mythical castle .and a grand banquet hall. this is not just a yard. it s where memories are made. the john deere x350 select series with the exclusive one-touch mulchcontrol system. nothing runs like a deere™ save $300 on the x350 select series™ tractors with the purchase of a mulchcontrol™ kit. save $300 on the x350 select series™ you wouldn t accept from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? 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that s the big question and capitol crisis in jerusalem, israel is preparing for the opening of the u.s. embassy there and thousands of palestinians are expected to protest the decision. and officials say it was not a race issue. police are defending the choking of a black man in a north carolina waffle house. but after several similar incidents across the country, activists want to know how can it

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Opportunities to rule out the possibility of political violence, to tell his supporters not to go there. and he continues to take the position of notjust refusing to disavow that but continuing to disavow that but continuing to glorify it, to align himself with people charged in the attack on the capitol, to glorify them. that has the effect of telling his supporters that that kind of violence and criminality is ok when it s on his side. we have also had a when it s on his side. we have also had a lot when it s on his side. we have also had a lot of when it s on his side. we have also had a lot of rhetoric- when it s on his side. we have also had a lot of rhetoric from | also had a lot of rhetoric from former president trump about thejustice former president trump about the justice system itself. president biden warning today, saying it is dangerous for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don t like the verdict. is there a sense to you that donald trump s attacks on the justice system could harm the nation s confidence in it? again, it s earl , confidence in it? again, it s early. but confidence in it? again, it s early, but there s confidence in it? again, it s early, but there s a - confidence in it? again, it s early, but there s a parallelj early, but there s a parallel between the way he attacked the

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