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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Saturday 20180311 00:00:00

on that part of the country. i m coming to you from steel city, so this is very important here. i ve always supported the steel industry and i support our steelworkers and our steelworkers can compete with anybody in the world, as long as the playing field is level but that playing field has been slanted. president trump s just trying to restore some balance to the playing field here and i want to help him. i m ready to go down there and be his wing man and help i m implement that agenda. julie: molly is in moon township, pennsylvania where the president is about to speak minutes from now. molly, i can tell the crowd is getting pretty excited. reporter: there are a lot of great america great hats here, julie. this is the 20th rally in pennsylvania, his fifth outside of the pittsburgh area since he started driving toward the white house in june of 2015. this is a pretty special appearance specifically for a
reasons why. one, his opponent has been so anti-union since he s been in office. we ve tried to talk to hi him. every time we do, you have to corner him to get him to talk to you. reporter: pennsylvania s steelworkers went to the white house to back president trump s new tariffs on steel and aluminum earlier this week, the united steelworkers union is not backing his choice for congress, the usw rallied for democrat lamb on friday afternoon, part of a final get out the vote push before voters head to the polls on tuesday. this election may test the strength of organized union as well as the influence that the president has in the district, especially in the state as a whole. he won the district by 20 points back in 2016. julie. julie: i understand 18th district, molly, may not be long for this world any. reporter: anyway. reporter: that s a fascinating political issue underlying a lot of the contests
later on this year in pennsylvania. it doesn t affect this particular special election exactly but the state supreme court has released a new map after they ruled the previous district lines were the result of improper gop gerrymandering that violated the state s contusion. republicans are mounting a legal challenge. they argued the court overstepped, infringing on legislative power and they were urged by the president to take the challenge all the way to the supreme court. i believe the president is stepping out now, so i ll send it back to you. julie: president trump there arriving in moon township, pennsylvania. he tweeted moments ago, for everybody to take a look, he has a lot to say as he is campaigning for the republican congressional candidate, rick ciccone, who is in a tight race against his democratic contender, conor lamb, and the president coming out, hoping to make a very big footprint on this very important election as of course the mid-terms come
i love this place. hello, pittsburgh. hello, pittsburgh. [ cheering and applause ] you know what? do me a favor, get out on tuesday, vote for rick ciccone and we can leave right now. come on. we don t have to spend any time. great guy. i m thrilled to be back in pennsylvania. [ cheering and applause ] where i went to school, went to college with so many hard working american patriots. you re great people. great. [ cheering and applause ] pennsylvania is the state that gave us american independence, american freedom, and what else? american steel. [ cheering and applause ] american steel.
we ve been talking a little about steel over the last little while, haven t they and we re cabbing thsaving the steel and f steel mills are now opening up because of what i did. [ cheering and applause ] not all of my friends on wall street love it but we love it because we know what it does. many plants have just announced over the last few days that they re expanding, opening. steel is back. it s going to be back too. steel is back and aluminum is back. it s going to be back. [ cheering and applause ] and on november 8th pennsylvania is the state that gave us the 45th president of the united states. [ cheering and applause ]
un and it s very positive, no. after the meeting you may do that but now we have to be very nice. let s see what happens. let s see what happens. so the south korean top people, top representatives, they walked out the white house to a throng of these characters. big group. and everybody wanted to find out what happened. they just left north korea. look, north korea s tough. they re testing nuclear weapons. they re doing a lot of things. this should have been handled, by the way, over the last 30 years. not now. that s when it should have been handled. [ cheering and applause ] this should have been handled an everybody will say it too. but that s okay. because that s what we do. we handle things. and these guys came out and they
said that your president has done a great job, i might say, but well, i ll tell you we did a great job in the olympics. president moon of south korea said without donald trump olympics would have been a total failure. it s true. it s true. might as well say it. nobody else is going to say it, right? might as well say it. [ cheering and applause ] it s a little hard to sell tickets when you think you re going to be nuked. when north korea called and they said we would like to be in the olympics, everybody said let s buy tickets, let s go. i wouli have would have gone. south korea did a great job. it was great to see north korea going and participating and there was a nice unity. it was really a nice thing. [ cheering and applause ] but when the south korean
representatives who just left north korea, came outside, a big throng of press, they announced that north korea, kim jong un would like to meet with president trump. this doesn t happen. you know, they re saying obama could have done that. trust me, he count have done that. he wouldn t have done that. he would not have done it. by the way, neither would bush and neither would clinton and they had their shot and all they did was nothing. well, clinton gave away billions and billions of dollars and as soon as they made the deal, the following day they started working on making more nukes. so that s not the great deal. did you ever see the story where it s 1999, i m on meet the press, a show now headed by sleepy eyes chuck todd. he s a sleeping son of a witch, i l, i llgun,i ll tell you.
they showed it this morning, 1999, i m talking about north korea. you ve got to take him out now. and then they have clinton saying we are pleased to announce that we have made a deal with north korea. well, you know how that deal turned out? we gave billions and billions of dollars and lots of other things. and we got nothing. but they show me young, handsome, i said why couldn t i look like that today? i should have run back then, right? [ cheering and applause ] i should have run back then. which have done this a i would have done this earlier. [ cheering and applause ] but they had me literally saying, i don t know if anybody saw it because they play it a lot, but literally saying, a very good guy, actually, but saying that we ve got to do
something about north korea. that s when it wasn t in vogue. then they have clinton giving everything away and here we are today with a man who has nuked up all over the place. we ve been very strong and very vigilant and now lots of good things i think are going to happen but we ll see. but the funny thing, so they announce that he s not going to send missiles up anymore until we re through the meetings. think of that. we were losing we were getting a lot of missiles sent. i wouldn t say japan was thrilled, missiles flying over japan. they re very happy with what i m doing. and who else could do it? honestly, when you think. they re not going to send missiles up. they re not sending missiles up and i believe that. i really do. i think they want to do something. i think they want to make peace. i think it s time and i think we ve shown great strength. i think that s also important. [ cheering and applause ] right?
and must tell you, president shi of china has really helped us a lot. they ve really helped us. because 93% of the goods come in through china, going into korea, north korea. 93%. so that s pretty powerful. and they ve been very good. they could have done more, but that s okay. i say to them you ve been great. you could do more, but they ve done a lot. china has done more for us than they have ever done for any other president or ever done for this country and i respect that. [ cheering and applause ] i respect that. because you need that. stopping the flow of goods, very important. and we put sanctions on. so they come out, white house, many of these same characters that i see those faces, i see those faces. [booing] and for the first two hours it was unbelieve aable. this is a amazing.
this is incredible. i can t believe this is happening. we go from a lot of people thought we were going to war and all of a sudden they come in and say we re going to have a meeting and there s no more missiles going off and they want to denuclearize. nobody heard that. nobody thought they said they are thinking about that. who knows what s going to happen. who knows, if it happens, if it doesn t happen, i may leave fast or we may sit down and make the greatest deal for the world and for all of these countries including, frankly, north korea. that s what i hope happens. but the press for two hours is going this is fantastic. this is amazing. a certain anchor on cnn, fake as hell, cnn, the worst [yelling] so fake. fake news.
[yelling] their ratings are lousy, by the way and compared to fox, their ratings [yelling] and a certain anchor, female, said this is really something. he would go down as a truly great president if this happened. okay. but all of them are saying this is amazing, this is incredible, did you hear what they just said, they just said denuke, they just said no more missiles, they said they want to meet with president trump. they couldn t believe it. the worst of them, cnn, msnbc which is worse than i think i have a new msnbc, third rate, and nbc, which is horrible,
their newscast by the way is not doing well on nbc network. they re heading down the tubes. but listen to this. i did the apprentice on nbc for 14 seasons. i made a lot of money for them. we had a big, successful show. arnold schwart schwarzenegger fd when he did the apprentice and he s a movie star. martha stewart failed when i did the apprentice. i kept chugging along, every year it was a big hit. i made them a lot of money, gave them good ratings when they were absolutely dying and they did nothing but kill me. nbc is perhaps worse than cnn. i have to tell you. msnbc is horrible. so here they are, they re outside. these wonderful representatives, very high level from south korea are saying all these things, denuke and all of the things that they can t believe because it s like five years ahead of schedule. before this, they would say that will never happen and this will never happen and you ll never
get them to stop with the missiles. they re saying all of this. now they say they want to stop the missiles, they want to denuclearize. they want to do all of these things and all of these people are like they can t believe it. it s unbelievable. i said to my wife, i said you know it s amazing, they re really nice tonight. it s amazing. they re all saying this is an incredible achievement. okay. then i get up in the morning, some time goes by. [ laughter ] same people, they re saying it s not that big a deal. anybody could have done it. obama could have done it. obama had a chance [booing] they re saying obama, obama. obama. obama was driving you down. you take a look at those numbers before we took over. they were heading down. so just let me say, so i wake up, so it s so nice and i m looking forward to watching in the morning and i go, i mean
literally they re saying clinton could have met. clinton gave away the house and got nothing. and bush, bush, bush, another great republican. he got us into the middle east. that was a great we spent $7 trillion in the middle east over a 17-year period. $7 trillion as of three months ago. okay? you know what they did? that was like taking a big stone and throwing it into a hornet s nest. but we re bringing it back. isis, we have 98% of the land back. 98. [ cheering and applause ] so i woke up and i saw all these reports that anybody could have done it. oh, yeah, sure, anybody could have gotten president shi, president for life, that was another one. so he s president for life. it happens two days ago.
and i was joking. i was at a roast, actually, but i was joking and i sai said ha, president for life, that sounds good. maybe we re going to have to try it. president for life. but i m joking. but i m joking. and they knew i was joking. everybody in the room was laughing, everybody s having a great time, i m joking about being president for life. a couple of them went back, donald trump with his dictator attitude now wants to be president for life. fake news. fake. [yelling] fake. horrible. but you know what s going to happen? did you see the other day, 96% of what they do all i do is good stuff. the economy is the best it s ever been. your coal [ cheering and applause ] by the way, folks, some of
you are in the coal world. coal is coming back, big, big, big. your steel is coming back. your steel is coming back. [ cheering and applause ] those plants are going to be opening and what we ve done with the 25% tariffs for those guys that come in and dump their steel all over the place, and by the way, it s not good steel. you guys know what i mean. it s crap. but your steel is coming back. it s all coming back. at six months prior to the election in 2020, every one of those guys, we really endorse donald trump. we think he has something. you know why? because if i don t win the election, their ratings are going to go so far down. they re going to be out of business, every one of them. can you imagine? can you imagine covering bernie or pocahontas. pocahontas, how about that?
pocahontas [yelling] can you imagine these guys, some of them are actually smiling, but some of them just can t stand it. honestly. some of them, they can t take it. can you imagine having to cover elizabeth warren for four years? [booing] i was watching during the campaign and hillary was sitting right there and pocahontas was up and she was so angry, look, we love each other, the women, the men, we love each other, everybody loves she was so angry. i said you know, i think she s losing the entire male audience and many of the women. she was going at it and hillary was sitting there saying what did i do? can you imagine if they had to cover some of these people that are running, i think any of them, to be honest with you. i would love oprah to run. i would love to beat oprah. i know her weakness.
i know her very well. i was on her last show or one of the last the last week. she had donald trump and donald trump s family. my, my, my, we ve come down a long way, haven t we. i m now president and probably but think of it, i know her weakness. wouldn t we love to run against owe? pray? i oprah? i would love it. it would be a painful experience for he. her. so we created 3 million thank you, darling. that s always the problem. we have a room that s packed. if we have one person, and that s actually a fan by the way, that s a fan over there. but if we have one person that speaks out, it s like a big deal the next day. so we ve created 3 million jobs since election day. nobody thought that was possible. [ cheering and applause ] we patched the large
passed the large evidence tax cuts and reform in american history. [ cheering and applause ] we ve created more than 300,000 new jobs alone last month. [ cheering and applause ] and you saw the numbers yesterday. yesterday s numbers, job report, was among the best numbers ever produced in the history of our country, in the history of our country. [ cheering and applause ] in fact, my guys usa! usa! usa! usa! usa! usa! my guys came into my office and they gave me the number. because if you add the previous month which was adjusted upward by 52,000 jobs, they were low last month, it adjusted upward.
so we re like over 360,000 jobs and i said let me ask you, is that a mistake. if you get 160 it s good. we were at 360. so i looked at my guys, i said is that a typographical error? what is that? but you saw it, it was one of the best reports. you know the amedicationing ama? wages went up a little bit. you haven t had wages in 19 years many wages are starting to go up. think of it. wages. [ cheering and applause ] how good is that? wages starting to go up. african american unemployment has reached the lowest level in history. [ cheering and applause ] the lowest. you know, african american i m very proud of that. african american unemployment two months ago reached the lowest level in history and last month it went up a little bit, right? and i made the mistake, because i didn t know it went up, and it wasn t quite as good but it
wasn t historic. so i was in a different month and i said african unemployment is the lowest level in history. they killed me. because it was the previous month. but here s the good news. the new month brought it down to the lowest level. so now it s the lowest level. [ cheering and applause ] hispanic unemployment is the lowest level, think of that, hispanic unemployment is the lowest level in history. women, we love you, we love you. [ cheering and applause ] didn t we surprise them with women during the election? remember? women won t like donald trump. i said have i really had that kind of a problem? i don t think so. but women won t like donald trump. it will be a rough night for donald trump. because the women won t come
out. we got 52 52%, right, 52, right? [ cheering and applause ] and i m running against a woman. you know, it s not that easy. 155 million people are now employed. that is that came out this morning. that is the highest level of employment in the history of our country, 155 million. think of that. [ cheering and applause ] while the obama administration in its final year was losing 1,000 manufacturing jobs a month. we ve created almost 300,000 new manufacturing jobs. think of that. [ cheering and applause ] the task for all of us, for
everyone here tonight, is to make sure that this great american comeback continues, full speed ahead. we are doing things that are amazing. you know, make america great again, right, make america great again, right, so you know what the new slogan s going to be? i won t tell you. we ve got to keep it secret except did you ever see so much press? wow. you know what the new slogan will be? because i can t use it in three years from now. i can t say very good. i can t use it i can t go like in four years and say here s my slogan, which is now two and-a-half years, we ll have to start thinking. it s getting close. we can t say make america great again because i already did that. right? [ cheering and applause ] right? [ cheering and applause ] so right?
[ cheering and applause ] so our not my slogan, our slogan, this is a team, our new slogan will be, and this is on the assumption it happens, which i m almost positive, can never be 100% sure, i never like to go too far in advance but let s assume it s going like it s going. by the way, if we coasted for two and-a-half years, we did a hell of a job. you know that. [ cheering and applause ] in fact, i was telling some of the guys, let s just coast because the stock market is up almost 40% since election day. think about that. think of that. [ cheering and applause ] by the way, that s not rich people. that s for everybody. you have your 401-ks, which are up 42%, 38%. i tell it all the time. i take pictures back with the policemen. i love the policemen. i love the firemen. they re great. and they re always coming up and saying sir, thank you very much. my 401-k is up 41%.
my wife thinks i m a genius. that think they re great investors. but they re up. that s really good. that s what we want. that s what we want. that s what we have to have. we re so proud of this country. but our new slogan, when we start running in, can you believe it, two years from now, is going to be: keep america great, exclamation point. keep america great. [ cheering and applause ] but we can only do that if we elect people who are going to back our agenda and fight for our values and that is why we have to defeat nancy pelosi. [booing] and maxine waters, a very low
i.q. individual. ever see her? did you ever see her? we will impeach him. we will impeach the president. but he hasn t done anything wrong. it doesn t matter. we will impeach him. she s a low i.q. individual. you can t help it. she really is. we will impeach him. but you have maxine waters and you have plenty of others. and i mean, nancy pelosi, you can t have that. and conor lamb, lamb the sham, lamb the sham, he s trying to act like a republican so he gets he won t give me one vote. i don t know him. looks like a nice guy. i hear he s nice looking. i think i m better looking than him. i do. i do. i do. and he s slightly younger than me. slightly. no, i heard that, then i saw,
he s okay. he s all right. personally, i like rick ciccone. i think he s handsome. [ cheering and applause ] and you did a great job on television today. i watched you, rick. that was a great interview. that was a great interview. i appreciate it too. he s really good. here s the thing. we re dealing with people that want to obstruct. they want to stop us from doing things. we put an infrastructure bill in for $1.7 billion and i hear they want to stop it. they want to stop daca. daca is there issue. i m willing to go along. get it done. we ve got to get it done, right. get it done. besides that, honestly, we need good, great workers in our country because i m bringing a lot of companies into this country. we re not going to have workers for it. we have to bring them in. but daca, they re here, they re good people and the democrats are trying to not do i
offered a deal that was so good you can t refuse, right, like the mob pictures, i ll give you a deal that s so good, you can t refuse. i gave them a deal so good they could not refuse. i did it because i thought they were going to refuse and they did and they re getting killed now by the daca recipients. they re getting killed. but somebody like lamb, he s not going to vote for us. i appreciate his nice words about me. this is trump country, so he has to say nice things. he s smart. so he s saying nice things. here s the problem, as soon as he gets in he s not going to vote for us. he s going to vote the party line. he s going to vote the party line. he doesn t care about us. but for getting your votes, he s talking about how much he likes tariffs, which is my baby and i took a lot of heat over that.
let me tell you, all the countries are calling up, we don t want the tariffs, what do we have to do. the european union, they kill us. a lot of us came from the european union, different countries, right. sounds nice. they kill us on trade. so we put on tariffs an the european union s out there, well we re going to put i said you can t go higher than you are anyway and they have trade barriers. we can t sell our farming goods in there. they totally restrict us. they say we want the tariffs taken off. i said good, open up the barriers and get rid of the tariffs. if you don t do that, we re going to tax b bmws and we rg to tax bmws and mercedes-benz. the cars are the big item. that s the big money item. so when i said that, it s like whoa, let s stop talking with this guy. with the european union, we re
like $100 billion down because we had stupid politicians doing stupid things. think of $100 billion. by the way, we re really i ve always said $71 billion. but mentio mexico, we re $130 m. mexico charges a 16% vat tax. nobody ever talks about that. they do it. that deal was bad the day they made it because they had a tax and we didn t. so they have a 16% vat tax. nobody ever talks about it. but i talk about it. we re either going to renegotiate nafta, and i said we won t put the tariffs on mexico and canada and canada s brutal. canada s really tough. we have a big deficit with canada too. they send in timber, they send in steel, they send in a lot of things but our farmers in wisconsin are not treated well when we want to send things to
them. hey, and i don t blame them. why should i blame them? because they just outsmarted our politicians for decades. and i don t mean obama. i mean all of them. since bush the first, and that includes that includes a lot of people. frankly, ronald reagan. you remember. i didn t love his i thought he was great. i loved his style, his attitude. he was a great cheerleader for the country but not great on the trade. for many, many years they ve been outsmarting. we used to be a nation of tariffs. when other countries would come to the united states, they had to pay for the privilege of taking our product, of taking our jobs. they had to pay. they wanted to come in and sell their product n had t product, . today in china they sell a car to us, they pay 2. 22 22 2.5.
we sell a car in china, it s 25%. why is that 25 and we re 2.5? that s why we have a trade deficit with china of $500 billion a year. it s no good. but we re changing it and it takes a little while. i m there a year, a little more than a year, we re changing it. [ cheering and applause ] we have to. we have a trade deficit, we have a trade deficit with all countries of the world. listen to this number. if there s any children in the room, please close your ears. we have a trade deficit of almost $800 billion a year. who makes these deals? so with mexico he says obama. honestly, in all fairness to obama, it s more than obama. it s plenty of people, believe me. plenty of presidents allowed that to happen. and people that worked for the president. so we re going to get a lot of
straightened away, nafta is under work right now and i think they re going to be very good. you saw what i did with the tariffs. they said we don t want to pay tariffs. i said let s make a deal on nafta. and if you make a decent deal, a fair deal for the american worker, the american people, we will you ll have no problem with the tariff. i said the same thing to the european union. i said look, you re killing us. we re losing $100 billion a year. you re not accepting our product. they re not accepting our farm product. i want to help the farmers. and they don t accept it. [ cheering and applause ] and i said open up your countries. they banded together. why did they band together to screw the united states on trade? that s okay. they re allowed, you know. actually, here it would be called a monopoly, wouldn t be allowed. but those countries got together in order to do well on trade with the united states. people don t know that.
you hear european union, sounds so innocent. it s not innocent. they re very tough. they re very smart. we lose $100 billion a year. they sell stuff into us. we charge them practically nothing. we sell things into them, number one, you can t get it through the barriers. they have artificial barriers. that s not a monetary barrier, that s other things, environmental, they come up with things you wouldn t even believe. we can t get our product in there. so i said open up your barriers, get rid of your tariffs, and we ll do this. we ll have a nice, fair open and if you don t do that, that s okay and that s where the cards come in. we have a lot of work to do. but i need people that can help me and this guy can really help me. this guy can really help me. [ cheering and applause ] rick ciccone and he s got a tough race. i think we won by 22 points and rick, you know, look, it s a
crazy time out there. it s crazy. but i think the republicans you never hear this. so i ve been in fact, i think she s here, karen handle? where is karen? where is she? did i do a good job in atlanta? so karen, is this sort of like a karen was down, she started off with a whole group of people, it s a little different voting. she had running for congress in atlanta, the atlanta area, right? so they had a guy, a young guy who spent $34 million, that s still the all-time world record, running to be a congressman, they make $150,000 a year. he spent $34 million. there s something going on, right? i didn t know you were here. somebody said you may be here many that s so great, karen. so karen was running with many republicans. it was like 14 13 republicans, which is crazy. and karen was the one i wanted. but that s a lot of republicans. so karen ended up with about 14 or 15. this guy ended up he was
58th, 58th which meant he would have won the he ll e elec, there was no more runoff. we came after that guy and we found out couple of minor things. he didn t live in the district. they said he doesn t live in the district but nobody cares about that. i said really, let s try it on the voter. you have to get 50, in which case the election is over. if you get less than 50 you have a runoff and take the top two. karen was fantastic. she was with so many republicans and he was essentially the only democrat. i brought him down in a period of four days. i got no credit for this from these guys. i brought him down to 48. now he s in a runoff with karen. he s at 48. she s at 15. by the time karen and i finish with this guy, $32 million he spent and she spent slightly less than that, she spent like
$29 million less, right? she spent $29 million less. but by the time we finished, the winner easily by 5 points was karen handle. [ cheering and applause ] and they love the job she s doing and i think you re going to have a good victory now. the people have gotten to know you and they love you in the area. i hope i don t have to make speeches like i did last time. but we need karen and we need our congressman ciccone. we have to have him. [ cheering and applause ] we have to have him. nancy pelosi, maxine waters, the only chance she s got to become speaker is electing democrats. we don t have a big margin. it s just a very small i mean, they re doing a number in your state. you see what they re doing with the congressional districts. they re doing a number and hopefully the united states
supreme court will take that case because this is horrible what they ve done. they had state judges that are democrats change your voting districts. what kind of stuff is that? what kind of stuff? [booing] it s going to make it very hard for republicans that are great republicans that would easily win and now it s all changed. and it s very unfair. let s see what happens. it s litigation, it s in court. let s see what happens. but it s very unfair. the people of pittsburgh cannot be conned by this guy lamb. you just can t do it. because he s, again, he s never going to vote for us. he can say i love president trump. i agree with everything he says. you know what? i don t want to meet him. because anybody that says that, i might like him and then rick is going to be very angry at me, right? no, he s going around saying but he s not going to do that stuff. he s not going to do it. there s no way he s going for
the things that his party i said he s not going to vote for pelosi. that could be possible. but most people are. most people are. but he says he s not going to do that. he s going to do this for steel, he s going to do that. the democrats are opposed to those things. he s weak on crime. he s weak on the border. he s weak on the second amendment. but all of a sudden he got strong. by the way, in terms of abortion, take a look at his record. take a look. it s amazing. he s come back. take a look at his record. because where his record is, that s where he s going. so pelosi s party in congress is full of people who tell their voters one thing during the election and they go to washington and vote lock step. you know, the one thing i noticed about them and i ve been there now for 14 months, 14 months, can you have we done a lot? [ cheering and applause ]
we have done more than any first term administration in the history of our country. we have. you take a look at what we ve done. [ cheering and applause ] regulation, tax cuts, federal judges, a great, great supreme court justice gor gorsich, grea. we passed the biggest tax cut in the history of our country. didn t get one democrat vote. didn t get one. by the way, how good is that kicking in? remember? remember? we passed it we didn t get one democrat vote. think of that, notice one. and now they re not one. they re all getting a little nervous. that s okay. we didn t get one. what helped when at&t and the big companies came, they paid thousands and thousands of dollars in bonuses to millions of people. i think it s up to 5 million
people now. and that was not in the schedule. but they re paying the money out and the people are getting the money and i ll tell you what, we re so proud of that. but we also got rid of the individual mandate from obamacare which basically guts out obamacare. that will be next. that will be next. [ cheering and applause ] that s where you pay a lot of money for the privilege of not getting health care. okay? how do you like that one? how that one made it through court i will not made it through twice. you pay a lot of money for the privilege. we got rid of the individual mandate. nobody talks about it. the tax bill is so massive, biggest one ever done and we re calling it tax reform. this is where a nonpolitician like me is good. because they had a name and for 40 years they couldn t pass anything. i kept saying how is it possible not to pass tax cuts? sir, i don t know, we just can t
pass, reagan was the last one that did a big bill and we just can t pass. i said what s the problem? sir, the tax reform is not easy. i said wait a minute, do you call it tax reform? or do you call it tax cuts? and he said [ cheering and applause ] right? and he said no, sir, we call it tax reform because we re doing a lot of reform. i said look, people don t know what reform means. neither do i. people want tax cuts. they don t know. they don t know. they want tax cuts! [ cheering and applause ] they want tax cuts and honestly the word reform it could mean you re going to triple your taxes. we re going to reform taxes and triple. i said nobody knows what it means. it could be really bad. so they said you know, we never thought of this, this after 40 years, nobody ever thought of
it. they said could you come up with a name and i did. you know what it s called? the tax cut, cut, cut, cut bill. i must tell you on this i think they were right. the politicians thought this was hokey. so we call it the u.s. tax cut and jobs bill. which is nice. which is nice. [ cheering and applause ] and we got it passed. we had unanimous in the republican party and unanimous for the democrats. and by the way, you re going to have a great man running as a republican for the senate. while we re here, rick, we should say it, right? sweet lou, right? he s going to be great. he s got a chance. he s with you all the way. he loves the state. he loves the people and we ll be out fighting for him very, very hard. okay? you know who that is. you know. but he s going to be running. he s running already. he s going to be fantastic. we passed the tax cuts. we didn t have one democrat
vote. think of that. so i think they have a problem. historically, after a presidential election, the other side like always wins. and i ve told you, you heard the story. because people become come play sent. yocomplascent you like me? i like you to. i love you. [ cheering and applause ] i love you. [ cheering and applause ] so is there any more fun than at a trump rally? [ cheering and applause ] you know, a lot of times i have to do like readings, we ll pass an environmental bill and they want me to go to a i m spoiled. if i go to a small place and they have 2,000 people i m like
why don t we open a stadium. other guys go out and get 50 people, we re satisfied. we need crowds like this. the fire marshal is fantastic. they had a lot of people out. i don t want to get him in trouble but he opened up the doors and he s got guys there and he let most of the people that were they were sent away. hlook at the corners. the cameras are never going to cover the corners. they re never going to cover the corners. they re never going to cover they never show the crowds. they never like to show the crowds, ever. you know, the only thing is the noise. because you can t it sounds like a penn state football game. it sounds like an ohio state football game. right? you can t [ cheering and applause ] i ll say to friends, i ll say to friends did you see my speech last night? yes. i have to say, how good was i? how good?
and they say good. i said did they show the crowd? no, they didn t. he said but you know what? i could tell by the noise that the crowd was really big. you can t hide that. [ cheering and applause ] you can t hide that. [ cheering and applause ] can t do it. [ cheering and applause ] so the democrats are the party of sanctuary cities. explain that one, right? [booing] they like to protect criminals. they like to protect ms13. these are the this is the party of how about that? how about that? how about i.c.e., the i.c.e. guys are tough. they go in and they re not playing games. the only thing i hate to say this, not so politically correct, but the only thing these gang members understand is
toughness. i hate to say it. they re not interested in genius. they re not interested in they re interested in somebody that s tougher than them. and we have the toughest people you ve ever seen and they went out to long island and they grabbed them by the neck and they threw them into the paddy wagon. we re cleaning out. we re doing that. build that wall! billebuild that wall! build that wall! build that wall! build that wall! we are building the wall, 100%. [ cheering and applause ] 100%. the president of mexico, who i think is a really nice guy, because it s been build a wall and i can t get through a speech without somebody i was all set to say build a wall and these guys start screaming, build a wall. the president of mexico calls. we re in the midst of
negotiating nafta. so we have a little sticking point. he called up and respectfully, because he s a high quality guy, and he called up, he goes mr. president, we would like you to make a statement that mexico will not pay for the wall. i said are you crazy? you think i m going to i m not making that statement. he said well, have you to. i said is it a deal breaker? he said yes. i said bye-bye without making a deal. there s no way i make it. what i will say and what i told him is president, don t worry, it all comes out in the wash. we re going to put it into the nafta agreement. nobody s going to be talking too much about it we re going to make a better nafta deal. we have to. when we lose $130 billion with mexico, i think we can do a little better than that. right? the wall, you know what the wall is, it s this, you don t even notice it. it s like a little asterisk on the bottom. okay.
so he said to me that and i said we can t do that. we actually broke it up. he was going to come to washington. no way i m going to say anything like that. but i will say we will build a wall. we have to build a wall. we have to build a wall and the democrats are holding it back. we had a deal, $25 billion and if i get $25 billion for the wall, you re going to have a lot of change. you re going to have a lot of change. i ve got all the big builders, the best ones in the wolfed. world.i know the best builders. we save a lot of money on air force 1, $1.4 billion we save. 1 poin1.4. it s still too expensive. it s crazy. we saved a lot of money. we saved $1.4 billion. that s worth a 10 minute meeting. i don t care how big the united states is. but we re going to build the
wall and we have to build the wall. for people, for gangs, for drugs, the drugs has never been a problem like we have right now. and by the way, like the world has with drugs. and you know what? we fill up these councils. they all want to be on councils. they call them blue ribbon councils where we take melania, great first lady, we take cheese great. [ cheering and applausshe s gre. [ cheering and applause ] she is great. you think her life is so easy, folks? not so easy. she s a great first lady. we put melania and other people on this blue ribbon committee. you think the drug dealers that kill thousands of people during their lifetime, do you think they care who s on a blue ribbon committee? the only way to solve the drug problem is through toughness. when you catch a drug dealer,
you got to put him away for a long time. when i was in china, and other places, by the way, i said mr. president, do you have a drug problem? no, no, no, we do not. i said huh, big country, 1.4 billion people, right, not much of a drug problem. i said what do you attribute that to? well, the death penalty. hey, if you re a drug dealer and you know you re going to get caught and you know that you re going to kill people, you re killing our kids, they re killing our kids, they re killing our kids. they re killing our families. they re killing our workers. you know, we have a hard time, of the 100 million people, that special group of people, they want to work, we have a hard time. a lot of them can t qualify to work at the countries. chrysler is coming from mexico to michigan. we have companies coming back into the united states.
you haven t seen that. i used to tell you that was going to happen. but now it s happening. but a problem, a lot of people can t qualify because of drugs. what i said to the president, i said so you don t have much of a problem? no. and they had a problem. if you go back 200 years if you go back 200 years ago, they know about drugs. ed the opium was defend taughting to china. it dose troyed china. and i m not going to let it destroy us. i don t even know. you don t know that the united states is ready for it. but you have to give long, tough sentences. if you go to singapore, i said, mr. president what happens with your drugs. no, we don t have a problem.

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20180730 06:00:00

in on them. listen. i left and went to town. my wife called me, she said, we can see the fire way over there. you need to come and get me. i said i m on my way. so i just throwed down everything, took off over there. i got on quartz hill and there s two or three or four lanes of traffic coming up, wouldn t let me down in in. so i just dropped everything and i took off running down there and i helped some guy that got burnt and was trying to get out of there. i got him and helped him out of there. and when i got back down there, the fire was just intense. but i still tried to get down in there and they come and stopped me, wouldn t let me down in there. i got my car and took off and passed everybody in the dirt and went all the way around to the other end of quartz hill and come up keswick, and my son was in there. he was up there, but i didn t see him. he was up there and then gary, my son, was on the other side of the house. and gary opened the door to go
what he was trying to do, and hit by the reality of what happened. the story of ed bledsoe and so many stories. bledsoe said that no one told him anything about evacuating. he said that his wife had called 911 and they told her someone would come get her. for more now, dan simon has been following this story. he has the latest from one of the worst-hit neighborhoods in california. reporter: for the first time we re now beginning to hear fire officials express optimism about the overall effort. they indicated that the containment number is going to go up. that means that the resources that they put into this fire now seem to be working. you have about 3,500 firefighters on the front lines, and obviously a lot of aircraft dumping water on the hot spots. in the meantime we are in the lake redding estates subdivision, and you can see this is one of the homes that has been destroyed. you can see this is a two-car garage. you see the two vehicles right here. and underscoring the random nature of it all, you can see next door, you see this house
The latest news from around the world.
really heard a good answer for that unless they evacuate large swaths of the population days in advance. and that creates chaos as well. so it s tough. brianna sacks, i m sure you heard that story just a few minutes ago of ed bledsoe talking about the fact his wife called 911 and they told her that someone would get her. so certainly the evacuation word getting that out very important. thank you for your time today. we ll keep in touch with you. no problem. thank you, brianna. brianna and our other reporters, pedram is here now, saying this fire just moved ahead of all the officials and the firefighters and the police. it was taking the lead, and that s where they are. yeah. an incredible fire. when you think about the month of july across the western if you re watching us from there you know it s absolutely among the hottest we ve ever observed. in place like seattle, washington second hottest july going to be wrapping up here soon on record across that region. but really the northwestern
corner of the u.s. and in particular northern portions of california, you look from space, from regd points southward, the smoke, the haze, all of this really seen from space. many, many miles up into space looking down toward the surface because of the vast nature and how expansive the flames have been over the last several days in this region. in fact, when you do the math it s about 140 square miles of land that have been consumed because of the carr fire. you take, say, the island of manhattan, that s about 22 square miles of land. that s about six times the amount of land of manhattan encompassed there and consumes in a matter of a few days. kind of puts a perspective on the scale of this fire. 5% contained. but again you heard firefighters and officials saying that will be expected to be increased in the next couple of days. of course we have the ferguson fire farther toward the east and the cranston fire farther toward the south. but upwards of nearly 90 large-scale fires, almost every single one of them related to at least some drought that s been in place. we know the carr fire associated with a vehicle that had broken down, pulled to the side of the
road, and ignited the flames on the dry grass across that region of northern california. and unfortunately in this part of the state if you have been here you know the lay of the land. very mountainous, very hilly terrain. and the thermal signature of these fires shows you the landscape they re atop of. when you have a landscape as such, when you have sloped land like this, it often allows the fire to pick up speed and tremendous speed as it travels uphill. i use the analogy frequently of taking a match lighting it and holding it straight out. and you see that burn slowly toward your finger. but if you give it a slope it burns very rapidly toward your hand and that s what s happening on these hillsides and these communities. that s an easy way to understand it. pedram, thank you so much. thank you, pedram. still ahead here on cnn newsroom, the u.s. president attacks the russia investigation as an illegal scam as he calls it, and that s just the beginning. why he claims the special counsel, who is a republican, he claims he has numerous conflicts of interest. we ll look into that. also ahead, president trump is threatening to shut down the
government over his border wall. but a shutdown could make the midterm elections even more challenging for republicans. we ll delve into that. you re watching cnn newsroom. come on dad! higher! higher! parents aren t perfect, but then they make us kraft mac & cheese and everything s good again. i wok(harmonica interrupts)ld. .and told people about geico. (harmonica interrupts)
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an image of the u.s. president there arriving back to washington after a weekend at his new jersey golf club. mr. trump arrived at the white house with his granddaughter on sunday. the president did not make any public comments during his weekend away but he did go on another twitter tirade on sunday. this time he called out special counsel robert mueller by name, alleging he has conflicts of interest, that his investigation is rigged, and that he s leading a team of angry democrats. it is worth reiterating, robert mueller is a registered republican and he has the justice department stamp of approval to oversee the russia investigation. our boris sanchez takes a closer look now at the president s twitter rampage. reporter: cnn has reached out to the white house to get clarity on specifically what president trump was referencing when he mentioned business conflicts with the special counsel robert mueller. we have yet to hear back. but previous reporting may indicate what the president was
talking about here. earlier this year the washington post and the new york times separately reported that the president had privately expressed frustration with what he sees as conflicts of interest with robert mueller rooted in what he believes are unpaid dues that robert mueller owed his golf club in virginia. a spokesperson for the special counsel at the time responded to the washington post saying that those claims being made by president trump were inaccurate. of course the broader context here is that reporting came out when the new york times published that four sources had told them that president trump tried to fire robert mueller last year and that in that process he expressed his frustration to don mcgahn, the white house counsel. don mcgahn refused to carry out that order to fire mueller. in fact, he threatened to resign according to sources. at that point president trump backed off of his decision to try to fire mueller. now he s obviously frustrated again, tweeting out some of his
most direct attacks on the special counsel. the backdrop of that of course is this bombshell reporting. sources close to michael cohen, the president s former attorney, saying he is prepared to testify to the special counsel that president trump approved that june 2016 meeting between his son donald trump jr., other members of his campaign, and russian nationals, promising dirt on hillary clinton. it also comes on the heels of the release of that secret recording made by michael cohen of a conversation that he had with president trump. rudy giuliani, the president s relatively new attorney, talked about those recordings this weekend, suggesting that they had been tampered with or doctored. listen to this. he abruptly ended that recording as soon as the president said the word check. we are now what we re investigating is why did how did that happen? what actually did happen? what was eliminated? and then he s got to raise that question with every one of these tapes, how many of them did he play around with.
we have determined the fact that he tampered with the fact in the sense that he abruptly mid-conversation turned it off. now, we know he didn t do that for a good reason. reporter: the president and his legal team strategy here is clear. they want to question the credibility not only of michael cohen, who just a few months ago they referred to as an honorable man, but also the veracity of the recordings that he made. boris sanchez, cnn, traveling with the president just outside bedminster, new jersey. let s bring in freddie gray. he s the deputy editor at the spectator, a weekly british magazine, to talk more about what s going on here on this side of the pond. freddie, thank you for talking with us. we just heard that story from our reporter about what the white house is trying to do to debunk the mueller investigation, something they ve done over and over again. the question is is it working? well, i think that every time trump goes on one of these
twitter tirades, i think there were 17 yesterday, which is pretty spectacular even by his standards, everybody assumes that it s a sort of venting of frustration. he has obviously the cohen thing hanging over him. he has paul manafort coming up this week, the paul manafort trial. so he must be very tense and anxious. and everybody assumes that this is an unconscious, unwilling venting of rage and anger. i m not sure it is. i think perhaps he s trying to hype up the sense of drama to a certain extent. and in fact, often when he goes on these tirades about mueller or about the mueller inquiry, i admit yesterday was spectacular, it s really a diversion tactic because he s preparing to do something more significant on foreign policy. perhaps it will be iran. we ll see. that s true. well, the president continues to paint the free press as the enemy of the country every step of the way. yeah. as this mueller investigation ticks on. saying don t believe anything
you see or hear. the question is how many of his supporters believe him? apparently a lot. how does he continue to get that support do you think? well, i think it saddens me to say it as a journalist but i think unfortunately the media are a lot more hated than we d like to admit. and while we may all agree, and i think you know, even news channels that are usually very opposed to cnn have been supportive of cnn over trump s war with cnn, but i think that the truth is a lot of people don t trust the media. a lot of people think of the media as bad if not worse than the politicians. so it is quite an effective tactic among the base, although i think the vee mens with which he s now doing it is perhaps alienating rather a lot of people who fundamentally believe in free speech, thank goodness. yeah. and you talk about that vehemence. the new york times met with him recently to talk about that and they wrote about it. if we have that.
about the meeting. mr. trump expressed pride in popularizing the phrase fake news when he met with the new york times and said other countries had begun banning it. so the publisher of the new york times responded that those countries were dictatorships that that they were not banning fake news but rather independent scrutiny of their actions. it seems, though, the meeting with the new york times nothing to cause mr. trump to back down. sorry. we lost mr. gray yeah. thank you so much for joining us. we lost you there for a moment. can you hear me now? i can. sorry. you re back. oh, yes. so sorry about that. my point was as we have to go here, though, that this president just will not back down no matter how the media tries to respond to his continuous attacks. no. he will not back down in the war on the media because he senses he s going to win it. well, thank you so much. we ll wait and see about that, won t we? those of us in the media.
freddie gray, thank you, from the spectator. thanks for joining us. we just keep reporting the news. yep. that s all we can do. the u.s. president is now 19 months in office and is returning to a central campaign issue that fired up his base in 2016, a promise to build a border wall. but a change in who s paying for it. let s listen. we are going to build a great border wall! we will build a great, great wall. we re going to build a wall. don t worry about it. oh, we re building it. i promise, we will build the wall. and who s going to pay for the wall? [ crowd shouts mexico ] how about no? mexico s not going to pay for that wall. in fact, president trump apparently expects congress to foot the bill for his border wall. and he s again threatening a government shutdown if he doesn t get his way, tweeting, i would be willing to shut down government if the democrats do
not give us the votes for border security which includes the wall. meantime, more than 700 children separated from their parents at the border still have not been reunited with their families after the court-ordered reunification deadline passed on friday. cnn s kaley hartung has more for us from mcallen, texas. reporter: as we ve reported on the impact of president trump s zero tolerance policy, we ve learned no two family stories are the same. but there have been some common threads among them. that of confusion and frustration. at times chaos and incredible challenges in communication. the story that best encapsulates where we are today, though, is that of a woman we ll call alejandra. about a month and a half ago she and her 6-year-old daughter crossed the u.s. border. they had fled their home country of honduras because of the gang violence there. when they crossed the border, they were detained and separated. 11 days ago alejandra was told that she would be reunited with her daughter later that day, given her paperwork for release. but that never happened.
as of today she continues to sit in a detention facility in texas. her daughter remains in new york. and as alejandra asks questions, as she sits in limbo, here s what she says she s told. translator: the first thing that i ask is always, do you know when will be, my girl will be brought here so she can be reunified with me? and they tell me, no, i don t know anything, they say to me. reporter: alejandra s daughter s attorney has been told a red flag has been raised in the child s case. hhs says they will not comment on specific cases. but a spokesperson tells cnn that any family who hasn t been reunited yet is because of specific concerns they have for that family. as i said no, two stories are alike, but frustration remains for so many. kailee hartung, cnn, mcallen, texas. kaylee, thank you. california is not the only region with wildfires ravaging that part of the world. europe also has them. and a devastating heat wave.
we ll hear from a client a climate expert, i should say, about rising temperatures ahead. also ahead here, president trump will be campaigning is this week as the countdown to the u.s. midterm elections begin. more about it as we push on. sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. stadium announcer: all military members stand and be recognized. no matter where or when you served, t-mobile stands ready to serve you. that s why we re providing half off family lines to all military.
does your business internet provider promise a lot? let s see who delivers more. comcast business gives you gig-speed in more places. the others don t. we offer up to 6 hours of 4g wireless network backup. everyone else, no way. we let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. them, not so much. we let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. the others? nope! get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call or go online today. live from coast to coast across the united states and for our viewers around the world this hour you re watching cnn newsroom. thank you for being with us. i m george howell. i m natalie allen. let s update you on our top stories. u.s. president donald trump fired off a number of tweets sunday, slamming the special counsel robert mueller.
he claims mueller has a conflict of interest because they once had a contentious business relationship, though the president did not elaborate on what he was talking about there. and mr. trump once again railed against the russia investigation, calling it an illegal scam. the publisher of the new york times says he warned president trump that his attacks on the media are divisive and dangerous. the two met earlier this no. in a tweet on sunday mr. trump called that meeting interesting and went on to blast the media. voters in zimbabwe are heading to the polls in their first election since former president robert mugabe was ousted under military threat. mr. mugabe ruled the country for 37 years and now he says he will not vote for his former party. instead he is suggesting he supports the opposition leader. in the u.s. state of california firefighters there making some progress, containing a wildfire that has killed at least six people.
the carr fire, as it s called, is now 17% contained after exploding to 95,000 acres, or about 38,000 hectares on sunday. at least seven people are still missing there. the carr fire is just one of 17 fires burning up and down california. and another deadly fire, the so-called ferguson fire, that s happening in the yosemite national park area. a second firefighter died battling those flames on sunday. since starting two weeks ago, it has torched 22,000 hectares, about 54,000 acres. it is 30% contained right now. the u.s. certainly isn t alone in dealing with deadly wildfires. europe has fired of its own. in greece and sweden. and it s in the middle of a heat wave. satellite images from the european space agency show just how bad it is. this is denmark in the center. in less than a month you can see the vegetation has been gutted by extreme temperatures.
and it happens so quickly, doesn t it? you just see how quickly it happens. it s not just europe. in the u.s. there s also a deadly heat wave in japan. dozens of people there have been killed and thousands more hospitalized. around the world 2018 is on pace to be the fourth hottest year on record. the heat isn t the only problem. japan also has been hit by deadly flooding in recent weeks, and it s been lashed by another typhoon. at the same time severe flooding is striking india. there too dozens of people have reportedly been killed. let s talk more about this with andrew revkinds. he s a strategic, environmental, and science journalist with the national geographic society and the author of weather: an illustrated history from cloud atlases to climate change. andrew, thank you so much for joining us and talking with us. it s a pleasure. we just referenced a rundown of the heat-related issues going on around the world right now.
from japan to england, canada, california where there are 17 wildfires raging. is global warming the common thread here? do we know? it s a common thread. the problem is we live in a world where so many things are changing. when the houston floods happened, i interviewed a jeeg rafr named steven straiter. i was at pro publica at the time. not national geographic society. for a big story on development of disasters. what s happened is almost a fast forward. actually, faster than climate is changing, which is happening, we are building our way into these blood and fire zones all around the world at a speed that s remarkable. steve straider, this villanova university gee og rafr calls it an expanding bullseye. it s as if we re painting a bullseye in the way of these hot zones. building our way in.
explain that. if you just look at areas like redding, california where they ve had this horrible most recent fire tragedy in northern california, central california, just anyone can go on google earth. they have this google earth engine. you can go back in time. go back 30 years and look at the satellite view of the houses. you can zoom and see all these little areas in the woods just being built into so fast that the exposure to fire is happening the risk is being driven just by that at a super fast rate. and i ve written about this year after year after year in different parts of the country in different like flood zones on the gulf coast, fire zones in colorado, california. the rate of development of these areas is so fast that when you see a new fire if you take a footprint of that fire you look back 40 years ago you see wow, there were hardly any people there 40 years ago. sought thing that s building exposure to hazard fastest is
us. and that kind of gets lost. and that doesn t mean climate change isn t happening also. it just means we have to pay attention to more than one thing at i atime. right. we re putting ourselves into pockets where there are situations, especially california, where fires have become so prevalent. in fact, just this weekend the governor of california said this is the new normal where there s been a fire every month since 2012 where it used to be a fire season would settle down, there wouldn t be any in the fall and winter. so what we re seeing around the world, we ve got new normal meets we re not really paying attention, are we, to the new normal? well, again, whether it s the news, whether it s us, or whether it s policy makers, the governor, jerry brown has been very quick to focus californians and the rest of the world on climate change. he s been a very powerful spokesman on that. but it s very rare to see him or other california politicians in these areas of rapid growth
saying we need to slow down. we need to change our zoning. we need to have tighter standards on how we build. that kind of cuts against the message in the west of the possibility of everyone being able to do what they want. and that really has to be part of the conversation also, especially because even if the world got serious about global warming, even if china and india and we all kimt igss and greenhouse gases, the climate system doesn t notice that for decades. this is a big system. it s in motion. like a bus that s already rolling down a hill. you can t just sort of magically change that. the vulnerability is building right now. you know, in ways that can be changed even as we work on the bigger issue of cutting emissions of greenhouse gases. he why, which we haven t done. is this accurate? the world remains more than 85% reliant on fossil fuels. yeah. this is my 30th year writing about global warming. i am getting a gray beard.
and i look back at the story i wrote in 1988. it was a big cover story in discover magazine. and it s essentially the same story. we were talking earlier, when you were with the weather channel you were on this beat too in the 2006-ish. and that was shortly after katrina and florida was hammered by a bunch of hurricanes. and then we headed like a hurricane drought for ten years. everyone kind of goes to sleep. in my new book one of the chapters is back then actually around 2006 all these climate scientists were arguing about hurricanes in a warming world. some were saying, we don t really know the things about hurricanes is they could get weaker in a warming world, blah, blah, blah. but the one thing they all agreed on, they wrote this one letter that s in this book, where they said you know the thing we re really worried about, all of us, is we re building way too fast in hurricane danger zones. and that s the thing that that s the message that gets lost too often. right. it s a complex issue and every
time these things pop up we try to visit it and check it. but we appreciate so much you taking the time. andrew revkin, environmentalist and science writer with national geographic society. great to be with you. just around the corner, the u.s. midterm elections three months away, and president trump is making a big push for republican candidates this week. he ll attend rallies in the u.s. state of florida and pennsylvania. two states in which he won the presidential election two years ago. what is at stake? control of the house and senate. cnn s john king has been analyzing the numbers and explains how the powerful in congress could shift. 100 days now to the midterm elections. new cnn rankings, brand new rankings give the democrats even more reason to feel bullish about their odds of retaking the big prize, control of the house of representatives. to the campaign trail in a second. first, though, a reminder of the current state of play. let s look at the house as we speak today.
235 republicans. that s the majority. you see the red seats down here. democrats in the minority with 193. but that s the state of play here in washington. let s take a look at our new rankings out on the campaign trail and you will see 235 republican seats. we rank only 158 of them as solid republican going into the final stretch of the campaign. 29 likely 3718 lean republicans. you see the yellow, the gold. that s 27 tossup seats. strong number for the democrats, 182 solid, 9 likely, 12 leaning democratic seats. how will the democrats get to the majority? here is their dream scenario. wnt likelies, win the leans. if they could sweep these tossups, that s the gold down there, 230. if the democrats essentially run the board. 230. well in excess of what they need to be the majority. again, that s a dream vision but it does show you how this is well within their reach heading into the final stretch. one of the reasons they re so bullish, let s take a closer look at the tossup seats. see the red on top? of the 27 tossup seats 25 are
currently held by republicans. 25 of the 27 tossups are currently republican-held seats. only two held by the democrats. again, with the wind at your back a reason the democrats are optimistic. more republican seats moving from the red into the competitive side of our map here. another reason the democrats are optimistic heading into the final 100 days, their standing today is even better than it was at the beginning of the year. they were optimistic then. look at the republican numbers. 177 solid to begin the year. down to 158 solid now. more seats have moved from dark red, solid republican, this way, toward the democrats. the democratic numbers are up. 182 solid now. up from the beginning of the year. so this map looks good for the democrats now at 100 days ow out. even better than it was in january. a lot can happen between now and then, but heading into this final stretch democrats believe their odds are quite good of retaking the biggest prize this november, kroeflt house. john king, thank you. for the first time in 37
years the ousted president of zimbabwe robert mugabe is not running for re-election, but he made a surprise intervention. turning his back on the party he helped to create. we ll explain. i don t keep track of regrets. and i don t add up the years. but what i do count on is boost®. delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink now has 33% more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals boost® high protein. be up for life. boost® high protein. with tripadvisor, finding your perfect hotel at the lowest price. is as easy as dates, deals, done! simply enter your destination and dates. and see all the hotels for your stay! tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. to show you the lowest prices.
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people s television screens simply by calling a press conference. now, bear in mind that the last day of campaigning was saturday, this weekend that s gone by. on sunday he called a press conference and he said some astounding things. he basically mainly complained about the lowness of his pension, that the blue roof mansion in which he s living is falling apart and has not been maintained. but the shocker was him then saying that of all the 23 candidates in this historic election never has there been that number of candidates. he cannot support the people that have given him such misery and have denied him all his rights. of course he s referring to the incumbent president mr. emmerman menungawa. he said of the 22 candidates, chemisa perhaps. that is an astounding claim for the founder of zanu-pf. he s the man who has led this
party and this country for 37 years and it sounds like rancor and a great deal of anger. but not many people see him as being that relevant and in fact this morning all the papers are leading with the same story. the state newspaper says hang on a second, is there chemisa in bed with mr. mugabe? and they re using it to score points. meanwhile the independent newspapers are saying things like this. it s my day, chamisa is telth people of zimbabwe and to try and vote for him. it s been a very interesting last weekend of campaigning. i have to till, everyone is looking forward to see just who is going to win. many people are calling it very close. of course the main candidates are claiming victory. it will be a significant changing of the guard. and at the same time mr. mugabe finding a way to claim relevance, as you say, holding a press conference and saying that he will not back the party that he created.
we ll see how this plays out. far yi sechbdso live for us in harare. gun control advocates are sounding the alarm in the united states. they say the blueprints going online this week pose a serious security threat. we ll tell you about that coming up. higher! higher! parents aren t perfect, but then they make us kraft mac & cheese and everything s good again. my digestive system used to make me feel sluggish. but those days are over. now, i take metamucil every day. it naturally traps and removes the waste that weighs me down. so i feel. lighter.
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welcome back to cnn newsroom. in a couple of days there will be an entirely new angle to the debate over guns in america. and it comes down to ghost guns and 3-d firearms like the one you see here. what it means is anyone with access to the internet, they will be able to make their own guns like this one with a 3-d printer. the blueprints for them are set to go online. as cnn s athena jones reports, gun control advocates say it is a threat to public safety and national security. reporter: it could be the dawn of a new era in gun manufacturing. starting as soon as wednesday, people will be able to use 3-d printers to make their own weapons and weapon parts. no background check required. this after the government settled a lawsuit last month with a non-profit group defense
distributed that will allow the posting of 3-d printable gun plans online, a move that s triggering a debate about public safety and national security. the group s founder, coe wilson, has built a website where people will be able to download plans for a handgun he dubs the liberator as well as digital files for a complete baretta m-9 handgun and other firearms. wilson s legal battle began after he posted handgun blueprints online in 2013, leading to a demand from the state department to take them down because they could violate a law regulating the export of defense materials, services and technical data like blueprints. wilson explained his goal in a 2013 interview. i m putting guns one is just an exercise in, i don t know, experimentalism. can you print a gun? but really for me it s important as like a symbolic political statement. reporter: he described a future in which people could access unregulated guns. in this future people will be able to make guns for themselves. that was already true but now it s been demonstrated in yet another technology. reporter: the june 29th settlement will also allow wilson s site to post online plans for an ar-15 lower
receiver, a key component of the gun. gun control advocates fear these firearms made almost entirely of plastic would be untraceable and impossible to regulate. the co-president of the brady campaign to prevent gun violence says these hard to detect guns would be a national security threat, making it easier for terrorists and people who can t pass criminal background checks to get their hands on dangerous weapons, adding i think everybody in america ought to be terrified about that. but experts like lawrence keen, senior vice president for the national shooting sports foundation, the firearm industry s trade association, says 3-d printed guns would have to include metal components to function. and because federal law requires it. federal law since the mid 1980s under the undetectible fiernlz act requires a certain amount of metals so they are not undetectible and can t go through metal detectors undetected or through x-ray machines. reporter: even with those metal components the guns would not work well. the truth is that they don t.
many times they fail after a single shot being fired, they break. they re not very durable. and they really don t work. reporter: he said the sort of high-end printer that would be needed to make a gun costs as much as a quarter a million dollars and the resulting weapons unreliability means the country is unlikely to see a rush of people trying to print their own guns. new york senator chuck schumer expressed similar concerns back in 2013. a felon, a terrorist can make a gun in the comfort of their own home, not even leaving their home, and do terrible damage with it. and so the question is what we do about it. reporter: last week he demanded the state department and the department of justice reverse the decision or postpone finalizing it and said if they don t he would use emergency congressional actions to block ghost gun websites. so we re here to sound the ala alarm. we re here to plead with the administration not to allow these types of websites to go
forward with which they re planning to on august 1st, and we re here to say we ll pass legislation, do our best to pass it, if such a website is allowed. reporter: athena jones, cnn, new york. thanks for being with us for cnn newsroom. i m george howell. and i m natalie allen. we ll be right back with another hour of news for you. please stay with us. sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. stadium announcer: all military members stand and be recognized. no matter where or when you served, t-mobile stands ready to serve you. that s why we re providing half off family lines to all military. whoooo. you rely on tripadvisor so you don t miss out on the perfect hotel. but did you know you can also use tripadvisor so you don t miss out on the best price? tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the hotel you want for the lowest price. saving you up to 30%! so you can spend less time missing out.
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20180803 10:00:00

A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts casual and spontaneous.
steve: you mean reverse psychology? brian: right. steve: watch this. we re fighting a war. and we are fighting a war on drugs. they are bringing in drugs. they re bringing in lots of bad people. and we re going to start to get very nasty over the wall. you know, the democrats, anything i want, they want to oppose. you know, i just figured out how to do the wall i will say i don t want to build a wall and they will insist on building it. [laughter] i just figured that out right now. we will be taking some very tough actions. we need more republicans but they are friends of mine they say sir, we are better off until wait until after. it s better before. we are either getting it or we are closing down government. we need border security. steve: the president was very clear about that as he has been. that s one of the issues that got him the keys th to the 747. he said we need more like-minded republicans. keep in mind there are a lot of republicans that don t want the wall in washington, d.c. they have jobs. they have hatched out a deal, mitch and paul the
president, last week, where the president would not force a shutdown before the election. they are going to go ahead and they are going to fund as many programs in the government as they can before the election. and then they will pass a little patch that s going to have the homeland security money. that s the stuff that s really up for debate right now that would get the democrats blood pressure up high because that is where the 5 billion or 20 billion would come from to build the wall. brian: the strategy is this. the president goes my numbers are really good on the economy. republicans could feel good about running about that. and then you have got brett kavanaugh who wants to be the next supreme court justice and they want that. the president session listen, i don t want really want as much as i want the border security. i don t think we want to distract from the big two big trophies that i have leading up to november. ainsley: you mentioned jobs. unemployment has fallen, 18 year low. record number of job openings. the hourly rate rose at 2.7% yearly rate. that s unbelievable. that s what people are saying that they care about
most. steve: that s right. i m surprised lou barletta didn t work that into his little advertisement. anyway. we have a busy friday. thank you very much for joining us. we have lots more coming up regarding the breaking news of the day. we have the big thing. we have the barbecue. we have singers and we have got some headlines. jillian: that s right. we are following a number of stories this morning. fox news alert right now. five year veteran of the colorado springs police force is fighting for his life after being shot in the head. the suspect is due in court this morning. officer jim responding to a call when a suspect opened fire. he also was shot but will be okay. he was already out on bond for a weapons charge. the fbi issuing an amber alert for a girl who may have been abducted. investigators safe jing jing was taking at reagan international airport in washington, d.c. by this woman that you see on your screen in the surveillance video. the 12-year-old from china was traveling with a group
touring american disools. police say she is in extreme danger. we believe there is evidence to suggest that while the child was walking with the woman, the child may have put on another piece of clothing. we are attempting to get in touch with the chinese embassy. because of the age of the child, this is a very serious incident. political science think move left the airport in this white screen you see now with the woman and unknown man. a newcomer claims victory in the g.o.p. primary for tennessee governor. businessman bill lee beating out three republicans to get the nod. one of them congresswoman diane black was favored to win. lee will face democrat karl dean in november. current congresswoman marsha blackburn winning the g.o.p. nod for senate. she will face tennessee s former governor democrat phil bredesen who also won by a land slide. u.s. remains from north korea. jewels look, can you see
hell melts, canteens, buttons, boots, gloves, and socks all from the korean war. dog tag will be given to the fallen shoulders. in arlington, virginia. that s a look at your headline. too think that all all these years we have them now. steve: certainty. brian: sincerity. you didn t know what they were going to get. on the transfer they were sincere they were going to preserve the remains as best they could and information exchanged. the next thing is would you allow our people to scour the countryside because we know where these people were last seen. where the battles took place. where the planes crashed. where the people were shot. if you don t want us to do it, have the u.n. do it. steve: they are not going to do it. brian: no one thought we would see this. steve: no. absolutely. we do not know the identity of the name on the dog tag but that family has been notified and as jillian jewels said they are going to be at arlington very
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oh! oh! oh! ozempic®! (vo) ask your healthcare provider if ozempic® is right for you. steve: this is a fox news alert. a brand new clue in the search for mollie tints, a red shirt reportedly found near a hog farm. investigators has been combing through over the last couple of days. ainsley: i think she had to wear red shirts to work. that s why it s significant. this is the family of the missing iowa college student not giving up hope. they are pleading at a press conference yesterday for her safe return. brian: ted williams has been on the scene. he met with mollie s mom yesterday and he joins us right now with the latest. ted is a former homicide detective. fox news contributor. ted, we are moving along with this investigation. what do you think unfolds today? well, they are going to have a press conference and they are very well deep in the investigation. they are looking at various suspects. yesterday i got a chance to
interview mollie s mother. take a listen. i was quietly sitting in the grinnell public library and approximately 5:15 my youngest son scott called me and said mollie didn t go to work today. at that moment adrenaline shot through my body i thought something is terribly wrong. law enforcement has been essential, crucial. i can t even find the words to say what has happened. can you just tell us who is mollie? tell us something about mollie. she was vivacious. she loved life. was passionate. she was not afraid. how are you holding up? through some kind of internal strength that is just there. the other night i walked outside to a star lit sky and i saw a shooting star and i was like somehow, somewhere, she is remaining with me.
guys, you know, your heart just go out to that mother. you can tell that she is just dedicated to one proposition, and this bringing her child home. steve: right. just being able to hug her child again. this is so heart breaking. ainsley: have they given you any details we know the boyfriend got a snapchat from her 10:00 p.m. the night before she went missing. red shirt and has to wear a red shirt. are they thinking if something happened she was taken it was that morning on her way to work? well, law enforcement is holding that close to their vest. hopefully at the preference we wilpressconference we will be to get more of an idea. i can tell you they are now ainsley looking at suspects
in this case. and that s a good sign. ainsley: is that the big farmer? it may be close at the pig farm and other places. > steve: the police have not been forthcoming in telling us who the suspects are ted, yesterday, there was a press conference. we had it right here on the channel through crime stoppers of central iowa. they have announced a fine in bringing mollie tibbets home safely fund. in listening to the family members, it s very clear they believe she has been abducted and they believe she is alive. they think somebody knows something that could get her released. absolutely. there is $172,000 reward that was announced yesterday at a press conference. the family soling out hope. they are very optimistic that someone knows and has mollie somewhere. and they are hoping that that person or persons will
release mollie. and collect this reward. brian: thank you so much. ainsley: thanks, ted. steve: if smokes have information you can see the tip line at the bottom of the screen the phone number is 641-623-5679. ainsley: the reward $127,000. steve: and growing. brian: federal judge slamming prosecutors yesterday for focusing on paul manafort s wealth and expensive fashion choices instead of any possible crime. mark levin calls their case a total abomination. i talk to him about it next. steve: plus, what happens when a democratic socialist goes to hollywood? you are about to find out. hollywood nights [ engine rev] what s that, girl? [ engine revving ] flo needs help?!
[ engine revving ] take me to her! coming, flo! why aren t we taking roads?! flo. [ horn honking ] -oh. you made it. do you have change for a dollar? -this was the emergency? [ engine revving ] yes, i was busy! -24-hour roadside assistance. from america s number-one motorcycle insurer. -you know, i think you re my best friend. you don t have to say i m your best friend. that s okay. you don t have to say i m your best friend. ito take care of anyct messy situations.. and put irritation in its place. and if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected. you can get comfortable doing the same with yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it.
ainsley: we have quick headlines for you. democratic darling alexandria ocasio-cortez hits hollywood. the socialist star may be too far left. the new york congressional candidate won t be meeting with any entertainment. she showed up to occupy ice lunch. another democrat wants to abolish ice. this one has an obama endorsement. new mexico congressional candidate debra holland says ice promotes terror and violence. one of 81 candidates the president formally endorsed this week. brian: thanks, ainsley. sarah huckabee sanders faced blistering attacks from the media yesterday but she was prepared for it yesterday. i sat down with mark levin
to get his reaction to the media vs. the administration if the press were respectful but tough. if the pretty objective and not partisan they would be treated with respect. their problem isn t donald trump. the problem is the american people, over 60 million of us who voted for donald trump they know what they are doing. we know what they are doing. brian: what is it about trump that stallworth regular conservatives numbers are high. they are irrelevant. what we are doing in this country now is very troublesome to me. this attempt to sabotage this president this coup taking place make no mistake it is. the democrats want the president out by hook or crook. i see this nation like this right now. i see the status progressives upset. they didn t control the left s next election. they thought they would get four more years of obama through hillary. and they thought they would
control the executive branch for the next 30 or 40 years. they failed and they have been resistant ever since. they have been on stucketting ever since. if you don t see that as a conservative you are blind. if you don t see many of the good things this president is doing as a conservative, you are also blind. brian: paul manafort had a trial. everyone should understanding unrelated to anything to do with donald trump he has a trial. the way this started with the 78-year-old judge coming out stop rolling your eyes. stop using the term oligarch. it s not a crime to be rich. the tone he is setting. i m wondering how nervous mueller should be his first high profile case could blow up in his face. if you have if you think you have manafort on tax evasion, on conspiracy for tax evasion. on branch fraud, on embezzlement and all the rest of it, why do you have to talk about the rich. why do you have to take pictures of his suits? the reason is. this he thinks this jury is stupid. what he wants to do is pile on. he wants them to be jealous.
he wants them to go after guys in the top 1%. this is exactly what a prosecutor shouldn t do. this prosecutor mueller and his banged of merry liberal democrats have been way over the top in the manafort case. here s the bottom line man ford case has nothing to do with trump. nothing to do with trump world. nothing to do with the campaign u nothing to do with anything that a regular united states attorney couldn t handle which is an abomination. if you are part of donald trump s legal team, does mark levin say sit down, keep negotiating, walk away? well, in my little dream world if i were leading the trump legal team and gave me the mind to do what i wanted to i do would walk in to mr. mueller and say let me tell you something, buddy. you have been violating the constitution for a year and a half. you know what the rules are at the department of justice and the two memos that they have. you can t indict a sitting president. we know you are trying to set up our president. you are trying to take down one branch of the federal government in violation of the constitution.
i will see you in court. brian: great close except i would like to find out what is going to be on life, liberty and levin. we will have rick harrison of the show pawn stars. is he quite a brill cents gentleman. he is a very successful businessman. there is a lot that he has beehasdone in his life very compelling for our viewers. brian: is he mark levin. very compelling on sundays. don t miss him on fox & friends. thank you very much. brian: radio talk show host. still ahead. want to get off food stamps? president trump has a message for you, get a job. mothers parenting in the age of fear. that according to a new op-ed criminal to leave your children alone even for one second. our panel of moms is here to discuss next. i m lying on the cold hard ground
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don t you ever leave me don t you ever go. i know how it goes even when you are angry don t you ever leave me don t leave me alone. ainsley: moms are parenting in the age of fear. that s according to a new op-ed that says, quote: we now live in a country where it is seen as abnormal or even criminal for children to be away from direct adult supervision for even a second. the author is kim brooks and she shares her own personal story of a legal fallout after leaving her 4-year-old child unattended in a car on a cool, cloudy day in march while she ran in to a store for a quicker rand. she was soon then, after notified that there was a warrant out for her arrest. we are getting reaction from our panel of moms. evangeline gomez is in the back on the top left, an attorney specializing in family and matrimonial law.
i will start with you. i think it s extreme. as some point as a parent, you have to rely on common sense. and if you see your child under a are just stepping a few steps away. i mean, how many of us have gone to drop mail in a mailbox and park the car. get out. the child is in there and you run right back to your car. this isn t a situation where it was 90 degrees, she was leaving her child out for a lock period oalong period of ti. instead of someone reporting and calling the police, why don t you just look after the child or ask the mother hey, do you need my help? i can spot you while you go on in and run yourer rand a will be here. weave need to have more communication that way instead of let s report this to the authorities. cathy barnett on the front row radio show host and a mother. cathy, you bring your children to work. yes. ainsley: you are a great mother. your children are so well-mannered and well behaved. thank you. this is a fear of yours.
big brother is watching. this is a person watching this mother. recorded the license plate. called the cops. and then the coming. she is in virginia visiting her parents. she lands in chicago and they say we need to talk to you there is a warrant out for your arrest. i posed this question to a group of my fellow home schooling mommas yesterday. and there were no clear answers from them. because i think we all recognize that parenting can be exhausting sometimes. sometimes we don t want to bundle all five kids up and rush over just to grab something out of the store real quickly. and, yet, at the same time, i think we can walk and chew gum at the same time on their. as a society, we have a vested interest in making sure we have certain societal norms, right, that allows to us create an environment that allows us to thrive in raising our children. no one wants to see a bunch of 4-year-olds walking up and down the street unattended. there is a reason why we
don t allow 4-year-olds or older to enter into some binding contracts or to get married or to drink, because we recognize that they are not ready for to deal with the consequences of their choices. and likewise, for 4-year-old sitting in a car unattended. can we really trust that if a stranger danger approaches them that they would have the wherewithal to know that they re being manipulated to know that they shouldn t go. i think it s a little bit of both and take that into consideration. ainsley: erin is sitting behind you and she wrote a book called being there why prioritizing motherhood in the first three years matters. erica, my child is two and a half. i read that title. my child is two and a half. i only have a few more months. when we were bureauing up, our parents did. this they wrengt in the grocery store. mom, we don t want to go in. we want to do our homework. three kids. roll the windows down a little bit. lock the doors, don t open the door for strangers.
we were all fine. i know things have changed. you wrote the book. what are the rules now? this mom said she was trying to avoid her child having what we are all very aware of, the meltdown. the problem we don t know the rules. we don t want to shame rules. most people don t know it s illegal to leave a child in a car unattended. ainsley: it s actually not in that state of virginia. we need to know what the rules are so we don t blame mothers. i m of two minds about it children do need adult supervision. and they don t just need adult supervision for environmental dangers. for a stranger coming up to the car or the heat which is sort of environmental. they need protection in other ways. meaning when you leave a child alone who is 4, they are frightened. so mothers are buffers to stress as i talk about in my book we deal with things like impulse control or poor judgment. these are things we help to regulate as mothers. when we leave a child
unattended, particularly a very young child, we are not regulating those emotions that they have. ainsley: darby sitting next to you is a child and adolescent therapist. what would you tell moms that come in and sit on your sofa. i would tend to agree with erika, while we don t want to shame any mom. it s irresponsible to leave a 4-year-old alone in a car. a 4-year-old doesn t have the cognitive ability to say, to make a sound decision and they are very much nut moment. so they could just get up and leave. they could do whatever. they are not really thinking about that we don t need to shame her. i think, i wish the mom had said you know what? i did kind of a dumb thing because we all do that i don t think we need to go as far as legality of how we treat people. but, you do need supervision. and the way to build a resilient kid is to say okay, i know you don t love to do errands but we have got to do it. i don t love doing them either. let s come back quickly. ainsley: can we bribe them get you a prize? probably not allowed to do
that, right? two i want to talk to quickly founder of accessories expert and mother of two. what did you think when you read this op-ed? thank you so much for having me. ainsley: you are welcome. as somebody who shares her life with such a big audience i m used to getting backlash and judgment. you feed your kids too much sugar. you are using the wrong car seat. i have realized that there is no winning when it comes to motherhood and other people s opinions. so, it s about looking in the mirror and asking yourself am i making a choice that i feel is safest for my child and not thinking so much about what other people are going to think. and, of course, there are societal norms that we have to subscribe to. i know my parents put me on an airplane by myself when i was 5 to go visit my bab sitter to texas to indiana. i don t think i would ever put my 5-year-old child on a plane by herself although she would definitely be fine
and even ask me why she can t go visit her grandparents by herself. it s just not done today. so, i think it s a question of maybe what has happened in the past 25, 30 years that has made us change and become so much more stringent with parenting. ainsley: right. right. i want to get to you dr. havese. neuropsychologist. thank you for having me. ainsley: where do you draw the line. times have changed but at the same time you wants to give your children freedom and autonomy. i m single mom of twins who are 3 years old. i think parent shaming has become a national past time. if you are not worried your doctor or teacher or neighbor or school mates. parents judging you, you are worried about social media judging you. so i think parents are awfully aware of this constants, you know, eye on them. but i think that, you know,
you should never leave your child unattended in a public situation. but i also think that parents don t always know the rules. that s a wi big support of it. two prong thing. parents should be made more aware of what the lays are in their state. education in schools, pediatrician offices. postings everywhere. you don t hear about what the laws are. i didn t know what the law was in virginia. ainsley: laws for kids in your state? there should be something. on the flip side there should be more education on the law enforcement and child protective side. treating a good parent like a criminal, i think, is actually harmful and counter productive. ainsley: that s what she said she felt so embarrassed and ashamed: all right, ladies, we will have you back another panel towards the end of the show. stick around. happy friday to awful you. thank you for your perspective. ainsley: we will hand it over to jillian now. jillian: good morning, ainsley. do you want food stamps? get a job.
president trump urging lawmakers to work together to put that rule in the new farm bill. the president tweeting, quote: when the house and senate meet on the very important farm bill, we love our farmers, hopefully they will be able to leave the work requirement for food stamp provision that the house approved. senate should go to 51 votes. the current farm bill ends next month. an illegal immigrant facing criminal gun charges thinks he should be protected by our constitution. police say javier perez from mexico fired shots into the air in new york city to scare off rival gang members. his lawyer claims he has the right to bear arms because the constitution doesn t specify that it only applies to citizens. perez faces up to 10 years in prison and deportation if he is convicted. political science and good samaritans, put their lives on the line to pull a man from a burning car. vehicle bursts into flames. pulling the unconscious driver out through the sun
roof. no word on his condition. that video is incredible. that s a look at your headlines. send it back to you guys. janice: hi, it s me, jillian. steve: hey, janice. brian: janice, that was so rude we were about to toss to you. you jumped the toss. how dare you. japan january so excited to be outside for summer concert series keurig king and country coming up. keep the rain out of the concert. take a look at the weather maps real quick it is humid. see my hair expand throughout the morning. 76 in new york city. feels warmer than that all of this moisture streaming in from the east coast upwards and i don t know why my maps are working. they should. stand by. you know what? i guess they are not working right now. i will tell you we are going to seat potential for rain up and down the east coast. and heat and dry conditions across the west. so the fire danger is going to be ongoing. all right. we have our summer concert
series coming up. the lineup by the way is down 48th street and down into sixth avenue. ainsley: they are so popular. janice: very exciting. ainsley: lots of friends texted me said they are coming to see it that s awesome. steve: the van duren kids are coming. ainsley: sounds very regel. brian: sounds like a game show. steve: children of todd the car guy. brian: what was that game show scandal again to tell the truth? steve: quiz show. brian: van durens? ainsley: why don t you think about that while we take a break. steve: welcome back to random. ainsley: random thoughts of brian. steve: thousands marching the streets of chicago demanding an end to violence and rahm emanuel s resignation. chicago native giano caldwell was there for it. he joins us live next. when my hot water heater failed,
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steve: chicago protesters taking to the streets in a peaceful antiviolence march demanding mayor rahm emanuel step down amid the city s escalating crime crisis. chicago native and fox news political analyst giano caldwell was at the protest. he joins us live now from the second city. good morning. good morning, steve. there was a lot of pain i saw on the ground in chicago. there was one surprising moment from a politician. please take a look. we put this march together because in chicago there is too much blood shed in the african-american community. do you think mayor rahm emanuel has failed chicago. rahm emanuel, first of all is, a con man. his whole job is to keep black folks divided. no, he doesn t care about anybody but the people in his neighborhood and his family. the city is in financial
calamity. you know, the organization in the city of chicago is in complete disarray no matter which angle you want to audit or look at. chicago is a meet mess. you say he cares more about the illegal immigrants that are in this. he cares more about non-citizens, african-americans with citizens tharlg ancestors who built this country. i think he going to step up and come to the people where the crime is you know what i m saying? the crime is on the south and west side. we have to make sure that president trump recognize that not everyone believes that chicago is a trump-free zone. if is he serious about helping the people in chicago, especially on the west side of chicago, i accept his help. we can t turny help away. we have to make sure that people understanding that criminals cannot have their way with our streets. we have to protect our youth. we have to protect our seniors. people have to have safe
places to walk. so, you know, one murder is too many. and so if chicago police department and all the other do it we should seek other help. giano, it sounds like chicagoens want president trump to do what rahm emanuel is not doing. that last person you just saw senior democrat in the illinois legislature: legislator in hard hit area in chicago. he told me would love for president trump to come in. he thinks that the national guard should be part of the solution as well as the state police. he believes that there is some economic benefits to having the president there to talk about programs and other things. for me, that was the story out of yesterday. there is a senior democrat within illinois who says this is chicago isn t a trump-free zone.
he wants to speak with the president about his people u. steve: let s see if the president picks up the phone. giano, thanks for going out on the streets and reporting that story. that s terrific. thank you. steve: we did reach out to the mayor immanuel for a statement. he has not called back. can trumpism beat socialism in a op-ed buckley says yes. he joins us next however. new method to win over voters mid terms. text messages. is that going to bother you or are you going to read it we will talk with kurt the cyberguy coming up next. trout. alright. you don t think i need both? why does he have that axe? make summer go right with ford, america s best-selling brand. now get 0% financing for 72 months plus $1,000 ford credit bonus cash
on a great selection of suvs. during the ford summer sales event, get our best offer of the season: 0% financing for 72 months plus $1,000 ford credit bonus cash. omar, check this out. uh, yeah, i was calling to see if you do laser hair removal. for men. notice that my hips are off the ground. [ engine revving ] and then, i m gonna pike my hips back into downward dog. [ rhythmic tapping ] hey, the rain stopped. -a bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. -tell me about that dental procedure again! -i can still taste it in my mouth! -progressive helps keep you out there.
steve: ahead of the mid terms candidates are hoping to send out text messages. ainsley: number of messages you are going to get this year. brian: i will take it from here steve and ainsley. here with details is kurt the cyber guy. every time you have that tickle moment where you catch us off guard. brian: right. good morning to you. you are talking about your phone is about to just fire up with a bunch of text messages coming at you. already happening around the country? now up until november elections. all using very sophisticated text message campaigns to reach us because they found out that it s highly, highly effective. steve: because we always read our texts. where are they getting our phone numbers? well, there are a couple big source us one is a data house that can you buy this information from that essentially says that ainsley is wearing a green dress today and i mean, really just keeps so much information on us. steve: specific. very specific. name, location and our phone number. you will get a message and
be like hey, steve. you will be like who is this. the fact is they bought that other source would be you have already provided information to a political campaign in the past. they will use that again. ainsley: can you opt out of it if you don t want these messages? there you go? how do you not get these very effective for the campaigns. people say it s less annoying than getting a phone call nobody really wants to receive these calls so yes, there is i just posted an article two things you can do. one, if have you iphone or android phone when you get that message tap the i android three little dots. steve: block this caller. forward the message to spam. which is 7726. it alerts the carriers that hey, this is somebody spamming and that person is eventually going to end up on blocked list. brian: we backed off email because so much of it we don t need, want, or subscribe to.
text messages are things where people who know us. yes. brian: now getting more strangers text us. they act like they are very familiar. they act like they know you. and you get fooled. it s very brilliant. get trapped right into it. ainsley: this might be an old friend that is trying to get in touch with me. they are honest about it way getting around loopholes in the law prevents campaigns from sending giant spam messages from machines. instead of volunteers getting on the phone banks to call individually, they have volunteers in a room that are sending individual text messages which are permitted. steve: if you would like more information on how to stop it, go to kurt just posted that. thank you. ainsley: hey, brian. brian: goodbye, get rid of her. steve: straight ahead on this friday, the economy is booming under president trump. just how bad is that for democrats in the mid terms? a debate is coming up in the next hour. brian: plus, geraldo rivera will be here. and then we will bring in stuart varney separately
because they have had a rivalry that goes back decades. [laughter] boys of summer have gone olay total effects. the power of 7 benefits all in one bottle. without costing $100, $200 or $400. enriched with vitamin b3 complex, for beautiful skin. olay.
we are fixing walls all over the border. we will start to get very nasty over the wall. steve: brand new clue for the search of mollie tibbets. a red shirt found near a hog farm investigators have been combing through. ainsley: family of the missing iowa college student not giving up hope. we believe mollie is still alive. if someone has abducted her, we are pleading with her to please release her. illegal immigrants, should theyable allowed to vote? i don t believe that people are illegal. everyone has a right to vote, illegal or not. the jobs numbers are going to come out. they are expecting a good one. if you don t see many of the good things this president is doing as a conservative. you are blind. we are going to keep on winning. we are going to win so much, perhaps some of you, but not
all will get tired of winning anybody going to get tired of winning? no. no turning back. steve: no turning back. look at that line. ainsley: you cannot go back. steve: folks are heading. in sixth avenue. feature performer at the all-american summer concert series for king and country. we have barbecue as well. all being brought to you by our friends from kissinger. the k-cup pod folk. ainsley: this band is so awesome. thank you for doing that for us. barbecue is so good. this band is so good. the line is around the corner for king and country they sing wonderful songs. their sister is rebecca saint james. steve: they were her back up
singers. ainsley: were they is that how they became famous? steve: i think. so they moved from down south. ainsley: from nashville. they were australian and moved to nashville. steve: exactly. ainsley: rebecca saint james i used to see her all the time when i was working on sean hannity s show. we were eating lunch here in new york. she said my husband is going to be on saturday night live tonight when they had that famous big hit. really neat. such a neat family. i think you will enjoy getting to know them. steve: for king and country. brian: we will be talking to them shortly in about 30 minutes. ainsley: looking forward to that. brian: meanwhile we have a lot to discuss today. i think there is going to be good news for the country in 90 minutes where we will get the jobs report for july. ainsley: we got it last friday 4.1. what are they expecting? are we heard any numbers? it s going to probably the unemployment rate will probably right now it s a 4. sounds like it s going to go down to 3.9.
the question is how many jobs are being created. rick lesson that you will is not far from where the president lives on the weekends. and he joins us live from jersey. ainsley: hey, rick. rick: not tired of winning, either. not tired of winning. brian: no, we re not. rick: good morning, steve, ainsley and brian. the president begins 10-day vacation ought bedminster golf club. you remember last night he was stumping for lou bar let attachment he hit a lot of points but did focus on the economy. the economy is soaring. our jobs are booming. factories are pouring back into our country. they are coming from all over the world. we re defending our workers. the president blasted what he called fake news for criticizing his helsinki summit with putin and his meeting with the queen of england. he talked about winning pennsylvania and how the
polls were wrong. he called them suppression polls designed to keep people from voting. he talked about border security. building a wall. upcoming mid terms and those who might challenge him. he called bob casey overrated and sleeping bob. elizabeth warren he called her pocahontas and maxine waters low iq. biggest cheers again for the state of the american worker. since out election we have added a number that nobody would have believed 3.7 million new jobs. [cheers] including close to 400,000 jobs in the manufacturing world. in june, the u.s. economy added 213,000 jobs and unemployment was right at 4% even. we are expecting new numbers to come out sometime in the next 90 minutes or so, guys. brian: all right. the economic story is a good story for the president so far. and that s what h what he wantse
to build on. i have never seen so you dressed up. are you going to dress down for other shows. know will keep the suit on all day long. brian: i like it steve and ainsley doesn t want to talk about it on camera. steve: unusual to talk about that. talk about the outfit. we like it allot. meanwhile, it does sound like the jobs number will be good for the administration. meanwhile, a lot of conversation has been about wages and over the last couple of quarters, the wage growth has gone up. a little north of 2.5%. they would like a little more than that, nonetheless, it s not flat it is going in the right direction. it needs a little more liftoff. brian: on top of that the reason why more competition for workers. more competition you need to make the people happier. to do that you usually give more money and benefits. the thing is they are looking for 190,000 jobs
happy with. unemployment dropping to 3.9. atlanta fed projects next quarter we could have even greater growth with the g.d.p. which would be unbelievable because 4.1 was thought to be unattainable. ainsley: unemployment down so much. it s wonderful. 18-year low. pretty phenomenal. brian: meanwhile, mark levin does an interview with us every thursday. one of the things that we had a chance to talk about is the high number of republicans that support the president. yet, high profile republicans never will. the bill kristols of the world. the george wills of the world. senator jeff flake. what is it about some republicans can t get on board for mark levin he thinks it all makes sense. they are irrelevant. what we re doing in this country now is very troublesome to me. this attempt to sabotage this president. this coup that is taking place and make no mistake it is. the democrats want the president out by hook or by crook. i see this nation like this right now.
i see the status progressives who are upset. they didn t control the left next election. they thought they would get four more years of obama through hillary and thought they would control the executive branch for the next 30 or 40 years and run the tables with their agenda and they failed. and they have been resistant ever since. they have been obstructing ever since. and if you don t see that as a conservative, then you are blind. and if you don t see many of the good things this president is doing as a conservative, you are also blind. brian: mark levin i don t think he looked at that stage and said i want donald trump as a huge impactful conservative voice he, sean and rush just can really control the dialogue. he watched to see who emerged. and when trump emerged he looked, he listened and he evaluated. is he pretty much on board evident he is wondering why victor davis is hanson.
steve: a number of high profile republicans say we want immigration and build the wall. behind the scenes they say that s not a good idea. poor investment. the president last night big rally in wicks burry, pennsylvania. he made it very clear. is he out to get more republicans. that would help him in the senate and in the congress as well. but, he is willing to use immigration as a campaign issue. people in that room were fired up about it. take a poll, probably 99% want a wall built. but, nonetheless, the president said you know, they have talked me in to waiting. i m not going to shut down the government over it before the mid terms but he could. we re fighting a war. and we are fighting a war on drugs. they are bringing in drugs. they are bringing in lots of bad people. we are going to start to get very nasty over the wall. the democrats, anything i want, they want to oppose.
you know, i just figured out how to do the wall. i sal i don t want to build a wall and they will insist on building it. [laughter] we will be taking some very tough action. we need more republicans but friends of mine they say president, you know, and some of them are really tough guys and they said, sir, we are better off if we wait until after. i say it s better before. we are either getting it or we are closing down government. we need border security. steve: that s why it s going to be an issue. ainsley: i think the people agree with him. a lot of people went to vote for that very issue. for the economy. he is not a typical politician. he said he wanted to drain the swamp. the swamp is not allowing him to build that wall. brian: people want to know the future of the democratic party. is it socialist? is it abolish ice like gillibrand wants. this candidate from new york? former president obama released a list of 80 plus candidates that he is going to support. one of which anti-ice, abolish ice candidate.
steve: that s right. debra haaland. she is from new mexico. there is her image right there. she did email a quote to us regarding this. she said i have called for abolishing ice because it s not living up to its mission. the violence and terror ice promotes must stop. we need to hold this out of control agency accountable. ainsley: not holding up to its mission they are doing what the law says. if you don t like what they are doing change the law. it s up to washington. steve: up to corning indeed. brian: a number of socialists in their 20 s suspect 280%. you have the abolish ice crowd from some very prominent democrats. and you have even eric holder comes out and says, excuse me, jeh johnson came out a couple weeks ago and says you don t abolish ice. former homeland security secretary under president obama. we need ice. for former president obama to be part of that anti-ice
movement, i can t believe that someone briefed him on that and he still got behind this candidate. steve: former president put out this list of a couple of dozen names cortez not on the list. she is being promoted as the future of the democratic party. that s kind of curious. brian: company line is i only put people on the list in tough races. she will waltz right to that spot that joe crowley had. ainsley: hand it over to jillian who has headlines for us. jillian: good friday morning and following a story captivate you had the nation. brand new information, a new clue in the desperate search for missing college student mollie tibbets. combing through a pig farm in iowa after a red shirt was reportedly found nearby. that s the same color shirt that mollie wears to work. the fbi questioned the owner of the farm who has a history of stalking. earlier we spoke to former homicide detective ted williams who is in iowa
following the case. the family is holding out hope. they are very optimistic that someone knows mollie is somewhere and they are hoping that that person or persons will release mollie. this is just so heart breaking. jillian: there is now $170,000 reward for information. to another fox news alert swat teams searched the home oof a neighbor thought they saw him there is he charged with shooting and killing cardiologist on his bike two weeks ago. he may have been seeking revenge after his mom died on the doctor s operating table in 1997. he is believed to be armed and dangerous. secretary of state mike pompeo meeting with his turkish counterpart overnight demanding an american pastor held captive be set free. the two speaking privately at the forum in singapore. while new deal is set.
pompeo says he is hopeful something will get done. pastor andrew brunson is under house arrest and facing terror relate you had charges. the white house is thought budges on economic sanctions placed on turningy after the tue government refused to release him. louisiana supermarket offering job to autistic teen to went viral after he helped him stock the shelves. he noticed jack edwards interested in his job. he guided him refilling the coolers. mark s family recorded the action. the go fund me set up by his family now raising over $90,000 to help send jordan to college. isn t that incredible? steve: got to decide do i go to college or i do take the job? ains. jillian: you know what? good decisions though. steve: no kidding. jillian: proves how great people can be. brian: let s stay in touch. jillian: let s do that. brian: video is crazy you have a tourist hunt ago by son at national park.
how did that work out? buy son could not be reached for comment. steve: bernie sanders to the rise of alexandria ocasio-cortez is socialism really our future? no. why next guest says trump the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body. unblocking your system naturally. miralax. now available in convenient single-serve mix-in pax. my mom washes the dishes. .before she puts them in the dishwasher. so what does the dishwasher do? new cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuck-on foods, the first time. wow, that s clean! new cascade platinum. when you barely clip a tpassing car. minor accident - no big deal, right? wrong. your insurance company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different insurance company. for drivers with accident forgiveness
liberty mutual won t raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty
achings ainsley new democratic darling alexandria ocasio-cortez s primary victory has been seen as a revolution in american politics but, before cortez there was another political revolution from president donald trump. in a new op-ed our next guest says there are some similarities between the two, believe it or not, like being to the left of their parties. one major difference trump s nationalism is and sense of fraternity with all americans. here to explain this is frank buckley. he also is the author of the new book the republican workers party thank you for being with us. thank you for having me. ainsley: you are welcome. i remember when bernie sanders said he was a socialist everyone was just does he wonder what socialism is? now have you dozens of them running on this ticket. ocasio-cortez will disappear in 15 seconds. she is not bright enough. the point i was making was well, they are not the same people but both are to the left of their parties
and the key to all of that for trump is nationalism trump is a nationalist. that s how you understand his wall. he wants to make a distinction between americans and non-americans. what that means is got to take what you from people who aren t americans to americans. that will put him to the libertarian right. other people want to talk about getting rid of entitlements. that wasn t trump. so, you know, trump s nationalism say something about healthcare and the like, but the difference between him and ocasio-cortez he actually cares about americans. the democrats used to be like that. way back when they were the honorable people tipp o neal and so on. then they invested in identity politics. that s by way of saying we really don t like about half of you americans, right? i mean, it was sort of a
reverse sally fields. they don t like us, they really don t like us. ainsley: frank, what s wrong with that? what s wrong with him because they will make you feel guilty with supporting him. what s wrong with loving america? exactly right. well,s that the point. that s the dividing line of the identity politics of left and donald trump. you look at what trump is saying, he does not distinguish between different types of people between races or anything like that. is he solidly pro-american all the way through that s how you understand his idea about healthcare. he said i want row peel it and replace iting with beautiful. and then congress got in the way. frank, thank you so much for being with us great op-ed. thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. the economy is booming under president trump. our next guest says is he not worried it will help democrats. really? stick around for that plus, for king and country, hanging out in the kissinger corner.
they are gearing up to perform live for our all-american summer concert series up on the stage. now it s as easy as pie. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? for all-day, all-night protection. happy anniversary dinner, darlin . can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of three bottles of this other liquid. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. (burke) so we know how to cover almost anything.en almost everything even vengeful vermin.
not so cute when they re angry. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum
it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. brian: now time for news by the numbers. please wake the kids. 280% increase of young democrat socialist of america chapters at america colleges over the last two years. 250 new campuses have registered for chapters this fall. all right. let s move. next, up to $500. that s how much you get fined for texting and crossing the street in monclaire, california. the new rule is meant to keep people alert so they don t get hit by cars because if you get hit by a car a lot of times according to reports it hurts.
finally, $1,000. that s the tip a couple left for a waitress on their $32 bill. the woman is a single mom working three jobs to make ends meet in indiana. she donated the money so her community can bailed skate park for kids. here s steve who cannot skate but talk. steve: i can skate. brian: can you skate? steve: absolutely. brian: i want to see the video. steve: thanks so much, brian. president trump taking message to voters in wicks barry, pennsylvania. america is winning again. last week we announced that the u.s. economy grew at 4.1% last quarter. nobody thought that was possible. and if the democrats got in, that number would be 1.2, it would even turn negative it was going to go down job report being released 65 minutes from now. could trump s economy be bad news for democrats in the midterm election.
here to weigh in strategist advising missouri attorney general josh howie s campaign for senate gail and antwon seawright a democratic strategist and founder and ceo of blueprint strategy. good morning to both of you. good morning. good morning. steve: gail, let s start with you up in boston today. this is good news for republicans and you think that s going to help you in the mid terms. yeah. this is good news for republicans. it s great news for president trump. it gives him a really good story to tell. the g rpsd numbers from last friday combined with a series of good jobs numbers that we have seen over the last couple of months and maybe another one today it, gives the president an opportunity to take his message on the road and go campaign just like we saw last night in pennsylvania. go campaign in these competitive states in districts and talk about these positive economic achievements. steve: okay. it s not just good for the president. it s also good for these republicans running in these competitive states and districts. especially those republicans who are running against
democrats who are opposed to these positive economic accomplishments like the tax cuts. steve: sure. antwon, you know, i can t tell you how many ads i have heard about where nancy pelosi is in the ad and she is talking about the thousands of dollars that the family is going to wind up through the years through this tax cut as crumbs. that s not helpful. you know, of course that s what the republican also use as a distraction away from their failures over the past several months. especially during this presidency. the bottom line is while the economy is good for some. it s not add as good for others. ask the worker bmw factory no long have jobs because of tariffs by this president. farmers who now will receive a bailout for no fault of their own because of this president and his reckless policies implemented in this country. just because g.d.p. numbers are high, that does not translate or trickle down to middle class working families. you made a reference, i think, steve, to the tax scam that was passed several
months. steve: tax scam? [laughter] what we do know is majority of americans by many polls i have seen that middle class families have not benefited from the tax scam. and while corporations were handing out one-time bonuses wages were stag nantz in a lot of places and in fact companies laying off at the same time. steve: we were talking a little earlier at the top of the program about how wages are growing slowly, just a little south of 3% they would like a higher number. but, gail, when you look at the jobs number, when comes out in an hour. one of the things we have been talking about is the fact that right now because the economy is, according to the administration, booming, there are actually more jobs than there are people to take them. so, if you want a job, it s out there for you. yeah. you know, i think the democrats have to be savvy enough to know two things. number one, they are not going to say anything good or positive about the president s accomplishments when it comes to the economy because they know that there they are going to be creeing ground on one of the most
important issues to voters and that s the economy. number two they can t say anything derogatory because voters in these states are actually feeling the economic progress. this message of a powerful economy is powerfully unifying and really good for republicans. gail, i would just tell you this. 4.1 g.d.p. that we saw a few days ago from the president, that ranks fifth highest as obama presidency. keep in mind we had 5.1% g.d.p. during the obama presidency. but the economy would not be the only issue on the ballot. what america knows that we are in a battle for america s soul and what most americans know we can t afford to lose. there will be things on the ballot that may not be measured from a policy standpoint like how do we protect our democracy? how do we make sure our children can effectively compete in ever changing global society simple things like affordable housing. access to this thing called the american experiment. in a lot of cases this president and this congress have failed the american people. steve: okay ladies and
gentlemen, i think we have just seen a preview of the campaign for mid terms 2018. we thank you both for joining us live u. thank you. thank you. steve: all right. 7:30 here in new york city. now that jobs number comes out one hour from right now. meanwhile a police officer now fighting for his life after being shot in the head. the latest in the attack on war the latest attack on the war on cops coming up. how do you end the violence? that s a big question. and the show last man standing perhaps booted over its conservative voice but tim allen is coming back. and his character will not be silenced. he is still standing i m still standing after all this time picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind i m still standing
why does he have that axe? make summer go right with ford, america s best-selling brand. now get 0% financing for 72 months plus $1,000 ford credit bonus cash on a great selection of suvs. during the ford summer sales event, get our best offer of the season: 0% financing for 72 months plus $1,000 ford credit bonus cash. -we re in a small room. what?! -welcome. -[ gasps ] a bigger room?! -how many of you use car insurance? -oh. -well, what if i showed you this? -[ laughing ] ho-ho-ho! -wow. -it s a computer. -we compare rates to help you get the price and coverage that s right for you. -that s amazing! the only thing that would make this better is if my mom were here. what?! an unexpected ending!
i fought the law and the law won ainsley: oh, that s awesome. that s your shot of the morning. you have the right to remain cute. steve: ing. ainsley: that 1-year-old pulled over for driving without a license. the massachusetts officer let him off with a cuteness warning. brian: it s grace you know him spot driving a red mercedes toy car when police stopped him. steve: must have been bad because the cop jumped the curb there. toddler wearing a t-shirt that read i have literal no idea what you are saying. congratulations. ainsley: that s great. brian: let s go up to jillian now. she has never been pulled over in a toy car. jillian: not a toy car. brian: right. but other cars. jillian: yes. guilty as charged. multiple times. get you caught up on headlines starting with this
a as anti-trump rhetoric. eric trump is shining a light on how his family has been targeted. don maybe threatened. august of us. we have had white powder show up at our house. there is no moral outrage about that. when it happens to them. when they are offended by a message all of a sudden. jillian: back in february vanessa trump was hospitalized in new york after opening a suspicious letter with a white powdery substance addressed to now ex-husband donald trump jr. hand sanitizer could be back firing. particular species is becoming resistant to the alcohols in the sanitizers. that bacteria is linked to sepsis a potentially deadly blood infection. every day use of the sanitizers outside of hospital settings shouldn t be an issue. a tourist taunts a wild by son at yellow stone national park. as you can imagine it doesn t go well. no, no, no. no. oh no.
oh no. oh, god. oh, god, no. no. i can t watch. oh, no, no. jillian: the by son charging at the men after he beats his chest as you can see there. take a look at this video here. bile standers obviously surprised at what s going on. the guy doesn t learn his lesson and confronts the by son again, by the way by son injure people more than any other animal at yellow stone. don t do that anywhere. that s a look at your headlines. time to go outside hot, humid and sticky, who cirs, janice with our college associate isabel. good morning. janice: hello, good morning. are you guys excited? for king and country coming up. we have great summer concert series this is isabel our college associate. isabel, where are you from? philly. janice: tell me your school. nyu. janice: what do you want to do? this. janice: are you ready to do the weather. i am ready. janice: are you ready to
hear isabel do the weather? oh my gosh, take it away. all right. another wet day for much of the east coast. flood advisories are posted from the southeast to the northeast west coast it is still warm and dry with more hot temperatures for the forecast next week. and we have a chance of rain for this morning. now back to you in the studio. [cheers and applause] janice: how was she guys? good job. janice: what about the teacher? the best teacher. brian: in front of a live audience. janice: she is beautiful. ainsley: we will miss you will be back, right? how many interns have done here. three. brian: play the drums with the band. i m ready. steve: speak of the band. this grammy award-winning duo took the industry by storm with to chart topping christian hits. brian: new album joy instand
hit. passing 1 million views in just days. they are brothers joel and luke of for king and country. [cheers and applause] congratulations on all your success. [cheers and applause] brian. steve: hey, guys, congratulations this is one of the biggest crowds we have have to date? did you tell people you were coming? we would never do that of course we did. for king and country going to come and do fox & friends. we want to bring a party. it s good. ainsley: tell us about your family. i know rebecca saint james she is a friend of fox news. your dad. tell us how you ended up. two of seven kids, five boys, two girls. our eldest sister rebecca james was a gospel singer for many years. the joke was dad manages her, manages us. needed cheap labor. looked around five sons put together a road crew. we learned the art of shomanship and here we are.
steve: what did you do on the road crew. i was the lighting director. blifnt. joel the stage manager. the funny thing was we were promoted at the age of 15. we couldn t afford to have real people. steve: when you were traveling do you tell the lighting director listen, buddy. i will tell you i do enjoy the fact we get to do this. and i have done every win of the jobs of any any of the crew we have. you can sympathize with everybody. that s a cool thing. brian: how did your christian theme fit n nashville? stay one more time? brian: how does the christian theme fit in nashville. nashville is a story town. it s about us writing. we love jesus. we love our wives and love our families. all of that into music. and man, it s been a real great place for us to land. ainsley: such a role model and not easy to be an easy christian role model in this society today. you didn t kiss your wife until your wedding night. that was her choice not mine. ainsley: pretty amazing. what s your advice for kids that are watching.
brian: don t kiss your wife. don t kiss my wife that s a good one. we speak about a woman s worth a lot. about men being chivalrous in how they love. i would say this. i would say it s easy to kind of go with the flow. it s easy to fit in. the courageous thing is to step out and take a stand. the courageous thing is to say i m going to honor a woman. i m going to respect a woman. and so that s what we have tried to muddled as men, husbands musicians. ainsley: any of the boys single for all of those single ladies? you have a remarkable family. steve: you do, indeed. it s just about 20 minutes until they take the stage for the all-american summer concert series. [cheers] brian: you are going to be performing at the top of the hour for a full hour. be catching that on the stream. also, you don t have to wait. download your music right now. am i right, guys? just launched the new tour. new album coming out october 1st. that s why we get to be with you here today.
ainsley: download shoulders great song. steve: and joy. brian: guys, stick around because they haven t played yet. coming up straight ahead. san francisco wants to let non-citizens vote in elections. what could be wrong with that? how do people feel about it. do you want to ask me another question? i don t know to exact the topic. i haven t paid taxes since 2014 and i still vote. brian: fantastic. the men behind those videos. ainsley: geraldo is here at the top of the hour. happy friday. [cheers and applause] but meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. while meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b.
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pickup trucks from model years 2015 through 20156789 brook stone closing all of its mall locations after filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy. blaming customers going online instead of the mall. no bank card? no problem. chase is expanding cardless access to all 16,000 atms nationwide u customers will be able to get cash through their phone s mobile wallet without actually needing a physical debit card or access code. brian? brian: all right. thanks, jillian. police across the country under fire. this time a colorado springs officer critically injured after being shot this time in the head and now fighting for his life. this year has been one of the most violent on record for police officers with 34 officers shot and killed in the line of duty. so far this year. it is just august. surpassing the number at this point from the last two years. so why the increase in violence in the escalation of the war? here to weigh in is nassau
county police commissioner who has been studying patrick rider. commissioner, again, we are talking about this. any common denominator from colorado to california to new york that transcends all of these incidents? the biggest problem that we see is the violence, that s the common denominator. we are the face of those that want to act out. it s an easy target and they have come after law enforcement around the country. brian: why now? 2016 we had one of the highest records for line of duty shootings against police officers. i think it was 67. we re on pace now to get to that number and break it hopefully we don t get there. it s just the rhetoric that goes on in social media. and, you know, again, we become that easy target to take it out against. brian: do you think there is a hesitancy among officers to take action because they don t want to be the next they don t want to be on trial themselves. they don t want to be the cause of any type of riot we saw in ferguson or other places? law enforcement gets seven month academy.
after seven months 80 hours on deescalation. we teach them to deescalate and not use the deadly physical force. use the taser before you use the gun. those officers are trained and then professionals, they are not reluck tantaros to use that force but they always in the back of their mind they think of their families. they think of their kids at home that if they are that cop that gets dragged into the court next. and you see what the outcite from the public is. brian: how does it change? how can you change quickly because you certainly have somebody from the oval office who is in support of law enforcement. so you can t say well, we are getting the wrong message from the top. no, we need to keep the dialogue alive. we need to speak to our communities. we need to speak to our community leaders to bring the rhetoric down. again, it becomes an easy target for those that want to act out. we re the ones that go out we are delivering babies, we are being the psychologist. we re the marriage counselor. we do a lot of different functions as a cop.
to be targeted against the public, the public that we re entrusted to protect and serve, it s kind of disheartening. brian: do you need the death penalty for shooting and killing an officer? would that be the deterrent? without a doubt the deterrent should be the fact that if you shoot and kill the officer there should be a death penalty for that. brian: seems overall a fearlessness to doing it so did i it and what? it s becoming too wrote for people to act out like. this we see a lot of violence coming from our gang members. a lot of violence from the lone wolves that want to act out. it s got to stop and bring the rhetoric down. we have got to have the conversation. we have got to keep the dialogue alive. brian: i guess officers have to start being looked up to on a massive schedule the way they used to be and that would certainly help. we deserving the respect. we give the respect we deserve the respect back. brian: commissioner good to see you. thank you very much. mollie tibbets family not giving up hope as they
search for new clue missing student. we re in iowa next. want to let non-citizens vote in elections how stupid is that? the man behind this video joins us next. do you want to ask me another question. i don t know exact the top ping. i haven t paid taxes since 2014 and i still vote so yes. because he hid his customers gold in a different box. and the bandits, well, they got rocks. we protected your money then and we re dedicated to helping protect it today. like alerting you to certain card activity we find suspicious. if it s not your purchase, we ll help you resolve it. it s a new day at wells fargo. but it s a lot like our first day.
are you ready to take your then you need xfinity xfi.? a more powerful way to stay connected. it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. steve: the city of san francisco will now be allowing non-citizens, including illegal immigrants, to register to vote for the city s school board election. ainsley: but what do residents think about that? our next guest hit the streets to find out. do you think that people who aren t citizens of this country should be allowed to vote?
hold on. do you want to ask me another question? i don t know to exact the topic, but i do feel like everyone has the right to vote. you think it s fair even if they don t pay into the system, the tax system, they should be allowed to vote. i haven t paid taxes since 2014 and i still vote so, yes. steve: there you go. wit created that video for bragger u and joins us with the latest. will, are you surprised at the responses? i m not surprised at all, actually if you go to prager and see my responses the people in california are destroying this state, homelessness, infrastructure is bad keep voting for liberal policies start with the school board elections allowing illegals to vote and only goes up from there. ainsley: are they misinformed? do you do they say why people who are in this country illegally should be able to weigh in on this election? i think they are completely misinformed. the one girl talking about
illegals says she doesn t think that anybody is illegal which is so funny to me. i wish if people were to go to mexico illegally they don t treat their immigrants as well as we treat them in america. mainstream media has totally blown these people s minds. steve: the way this story has evolved they announced out in san francisco area that if you live in the country, you can be in the country legally or illegally. as long as you are a resident of the san francisco area, you can be able to register to vote in local elections and the theory is you are paying in local taxes, but at the same time, they should have the ability to weigh in on their children s education because it s for school board and things like that. what do you think of that? yeah. it s still unconstitutional, you know, to be able to have a legal to be able to vote in this country. in terms of paying into a lot of federal taxes, they just haven t done that. they use public services as
well. ainsley: do you think a lot of illegals will actually vote? do they have to sign up? do they have to sign their name and addresses and where does that information go? i guess it doesn t go to ice because sanctuary state. are they worried about that? do they fear putting all that pen to paper and giving out their personal information? part-time in san francisco are not afraid at all. california has become a sanctuary state for illegals to go. in california half of the illegal immigrants are there. i don t think people are worried about that at all. steve: right now this only impacts people in the san francisco area for local elections. it does not involve federal elections and that would be against the law. so, is your worry that if they allow people to vote local loy eventually it would be federally? yes. i think it starts out small and then it goes up. it s a slippery slope. you know, you let one thing happen and then it keeps on going from there. steve: they would have to change the law then.
ainsley: what s the next video? do you have another one lined up? the next one we are working on is actually going to santa barbara and talking to the people about the plastic straw ban here in california as well. government overreach. steve: that s going on here. people would like to keep the plastic straw. just saying. the paper one dissolves. i know they chap my lips. steve: okay. good to know will witt from prager university. ainsley: president trump says he is going to shut down the president to get his border wall. steve: geraldo rivera says the president is absolutely correct. geraldo joins us next. all you can eat is back, baby. applebee s.
a red shirt reportedly found near a hog farm. investigators are combing through it. ainsley: family is not giving up hope. we believe mollie is still alive. if someone abducted her, we are pleading with you to please release her. brian: former president obama releases a list of 80 candidates he will support, one a is a anti-i.c.e. candidate. steve: she said she calls to abolish i.c.e. because they are not living up to its mission. job numbers are coming out. good news for president to take his message on the road. we are going to keep on winning. we are going to win so much, perhaps some of you, but not all of you will get tired of winning. anybody going to get tired of winning?
always searching home sick, but nobody heading home soon so keep on moving on, keeping on almost felt right, love sick but no one to go home to so keep on, keeping on, sing along, sing along
keep on keeping on, once you feel it brian: finally playing, king and country. their playing the song, dreamers. they bought two drums. if that isn t enough we had them show up on the pod. ainsley: king and country, vocal about their faith. they clearly have great vocals. their sister is rebecca st. james. that s right. they are featured performers at all american summer concert series from our friends at keurig, with the k-cup pod. they are performing, dreamers, and one of our famous dreamers. looking to get citizenship. i was hoping that is not just coincidence. i am for the dreamers. i am for the dreamers. steve: president of the united states was out in pennsylvania. he made it clear he wants immigration. he wants the wall. you know how washington works. it doesn t.
listen. we re fighting a war, we re fighting a war on drugs. they re bringing in drugs. the everything i want they want to oppose. i figured out how to do the wall. i say i don t want to build the wall, and they will insist on building it. [cheering] i just figured that out right now. so we re going to be taking some very tough actions. we need more republicans but they are trends of mine, they say, president, you know, some of them are really tough guys, they said, sir, we re better off if we wait after. better before. we re either getting it or we re closing down government. we need border security. brian: that is the president last night talking about immigration, getting a huge round of applause. his numbers, hispanic support has grown for this president.
usually that is the third rail, people misinterpret what immigration enforcement is. let me take a bigger approach to that. president is correct anything he proposes opposed by the democrats. even the wall. even the wall the most incendiary of the president s proposals. in parentheses, he undermined his position with separation of families six weeks ago. that really hurt the president s moral high ground on the issue of undocumented immigrants. the bigger picture is, that anything the president is for, the democrats are against. that is true. the wall is a classic example. i know for a fact that schumer, the minority leader of the senate, luis gutierrez, most articulate fiery, latino congressman, will be retiring. both said in exchange for the dreamers, going back to the dreamers being given some kind of a normalization and
protection, that the $25 billion to build the president s wall would be forthcoming. it would be a compromise. both sides not really happy with it, but compromises are by their very nature painful to both sides. what happened though going forward i think the positions have hardened. now the president is very frustrated. the democrats are militant in their opposition to the wall. any chance for a compromise to explode. brian: they have already given money to border security for bush. steve: the thing between schumer and president was, schumer is offering the 25 billion, the president thought he could get more. president fast forwarded now, he made it very clear, if they were to try to shut down the government before the my terms, that would inflict maximum leverage, but at the same time maximum damage perhaps on the republican. i have never, maybe someone can give me an example, maybe i haven t studied issue deeply enough i can not remember a
single instance where the person who was the shut downer, the shut earlier, receive a political boost as a result of the shutting down. everybody who has shut down the government, led the evident to shut down the government, ted cruz, during the run-up, destroyed his candidacy. i don t think the american people want the government to be shut down. they want as much as there is opposition and as much that conflict is necessary for a constitutional government, they want the two side to peaceally get along. steve: you re in a dream world. that is not possible right now. people say that about me, it may very well be true, i still believe, i remember our late great boss roger ailes used to say only thing in the middle of the road is road kill. maybe i am vulnerable to being road kill i maintain there is plenty of room for compromise. look what ivanka said today, he said it last night, ivanka
talking about her dad. there is no firmer supporter of president trump than ivanka trump. she said that the president wept too far with the separation of families. he did, it caused him endless heartache and heart burn, undermined moral high ground on the issue. now as a result of this and other things, we can find a common ground. in terms of undocumented immigrants, let s, you can not see the pictures of i.c.e. going to the homes of otherwise law-abiding, undocumented immigrants, many of whom who have been here for decades, many of whom have citizen children in the middle of night, ramming in the door and taking the person out to be deported. steve: if they re criminals. if they re criminals, that s different. i think i.c.e. has to be reformulated. brian: no. ainsley: they said the only reason they go to these houses they re not allowed to talk to them at detention centers. they don t like to go to the houses because it puts them at
risk too. they changed laws. don t want to come face-to-face with the illegal criminals locked up behind bars it, would be much easier, so many i.c.e. directors on recently, they say so much easier for us to fill out paperwork at detention center. we re forced to go to their houses because they changed the law. i think what has to happen is absolute separation of the two functions. i.c.e. is an honorable, honored law enforcement agency that is, that is given the job, the very difficult job of blowing up transnational criminal organizations, gangbangers, drug dealers, drug cartels, i.c.e. investigations they are heroes in the ice of fellow law enforcement and the people. ones, enforce mane and removal people, that is very, very difficult not fair to them. brian: is it okay to overstay a visa? is it okay to not show up in court?
is it okay to come here illegally? should we forget about it? no. brian: how does anybody enforce this? you do it, first of all you do it a lot smarter, if you want the wall, the wall i think will cut down on the juan and maria, the fruit picker, the babysitter, the lawn nower, the dishwasher, those immigrants will be, i think, kept out by the wall. but the transnational dopers won t be. i mean you see, i made this joke, in madison square garden, when they shoot the t-shirts into the crowd, man that was just 10-pounds of cocaine. you could shoot it over a 30-foot wall. catapult. united states, psychologically we need the wall on the southern border, it was squared that the demographic makeup the country is changing. brian: one thing about you, you go to the story. you ve been to the border. tell me, i don t know your answer to this, when we go there
and talk to these people, on or off-camara, they want a barrier. sometimes there is cliffs, sometimes there is rivers. other times a solid wall, other times a fence. they want the barrier, helps funnel people. i have no problem with it. brian: but poem do this for a living want it. lots of people want it, brian. other people think it is a big, screw you, to all of latin america. my problem is with the humanity, the compassion and the tone. i think just like the president now is fighting with all the media, and the tone has become so harsh, all of us are horrified by it. ainsley: what about the tone on the left, abolish i.c.e., abolish i.c.e. brian: you like that tone? i do not like it. where did abolish i.c.e., come from, ainsley? you have to be fair. it didn t really get the momentum until you started seeing 6-year-olds and 4-year-olds separated from the parents. when you saw the church leaders. you saw democrats seizing this as a potential weakness in president trump.
look at this bad man. he is is taking children from their parents. i think that we have to be smart about it. we have to be compassionate about it. we have to be sensible about it. i want ms-13 out. i don t care about juan and maria, 10 years 20 years. brian: they would tell you they re not focusing on juan and maria. i see so much of it, brian. they go for the low-hanging fruit. their job is enforcement and removal. that is their job. just imagine someone been your neighbor. get a knock on the door. 2:00 in the morning. come on, pop, you re going, the kids are crying. the mother is bereft. i think there is compassionate way to do it. donald trump knows how to do it. the more he puts onus on schuler and democrats for their intransigence, their inability to to do anything, the absolute pledge they have made to do nothing to cooperate with this president, the more you put own
us on them being inflexible. brian: we have video of harry reid saying lottery is bad. they are bad. brian: but they have, schumer is saying the law enforcement during the bush era. now all of sudden he doesn t want the wall. he doesn t care about the lottery. steve: geraldo, we look in the passion, last 12 minutes and seven seconds, this is why a campaign issue in the run-up to the midterms. thank you very much. brian: pick up the geraldo show. pick up the book for sale, why it is selling so well. steve: mollie tibbetts family in iowa not giving up hope. fox news alert fine a new clue in the search for a the missing student. we re live in iowa next. brian: the look on this guy s face says he it is all busted, he is busted. caught on camera robbing a house. ainsley: a look down in the
plaza, where our friend greg gutfeld signing copies after new book. gutfeld monologues. that is very nice of him. steve: don t get barbecue on it. learn more at they work togetherf doing important stuff. the hitch? like you, your cells get hungry. feed them. with centrum micronutrients. restoring your awesome, daily. centrum. feed your cells. a hotel can make or break a trip. and at expedia, we don t think you should be rushed into booking one. that s why we created expedia s add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave.
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brian: fox news alert. brand new clues in the search for mollie tibbetts. a red shirt reportedly found near a pig farm. investigators are combing through the pig farm. ainsley: this as the family of the missing iowa college student, they are not giving up, pleading for their safe return. ted williams met with mollie s mother yesterday. he joins us with the latest. ted is a former homicide detective and fox news contributor. ted, thanks for being with us. yeah, my pleasure. ainsley: tell us about the red shirt and the pig farmer. well, the pig farmer was someone whose property they had searched early on. they went back. it is my understanding they found a red shirt and trying to show a nexus between the red shirt and mollie. brian: that will be good. any type of clue. meanwhile you talked to mollie s mom and here s how, here is a bit of that interview. i was quietly sitting in the
public library. my youngest son scott called me and said mollie didn t go to work today. at that moment adrenaline shot through my body. something is terribly wrong. law enforcement is essential, crucial. i can t even find the words to say what has happened. just tell us who is mollie. tell us something about mollie. she was vivacious. she loves life. she was passionate. she was not afraid. how are you holding up? like i said through, through some kind of internal strength that is just there. the other night i walked outside to star lit sky i saw a shooting star. that was a, somehow, somewhere she is remaining with me. that mother is dedicated as well as the rest of the family and as well as the whole town of
brooklyn, iowa. they are dedicated on bringing molly home. ainsley: will they have another press conference today? is there any new information they re sharing with us? because we re all so anxious to find her. we re certainly hopeful. they are having a press conference this morning. as you know there was reward out. the reward was for $172,000 for mollie to be returned, no questions answered, they re willing to give the person, the abductor, who knows where mollie is, that reward. brian: they are using that term abduction though, right? yeah. they have used that on several occasions, the word abduction. they are certainly open-minded though, clearly they don t know where or what has happened to mollie. ainsley: is there reason to believe, i heard reports earlier, they do believe she is alive, and maybe being held
hostage somewhere? the family is optimistic. the family clearly believes, and rightfully so, that she is a live. they are going on that premise. that she is being held somewhere. that is the reason they offered this reward that was announced yesterday. brian: ted williams, thanks, stay on it. if you know anything, call the sheriff s office, 641-623-5679. ainsley: with any tips. protests erupted nationwide since president trump s election. how do you discuss politics with your kids, and teach them to be respectful? brian: don t do what they re doing. ainsley: a panel of mothers coming up next. brian: here is king&country. the song, not over yet. i need to take a selfie with this young lady here. carry on, little brother.
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republican baseball practice. he was shot in the hip. amber alert issued for a girl who may have been abducted. look at this. she was taken at reagan national airport in d.c. by the woman in the surveillance photo. the 12-year-old was traveling with a group touring american schools. they think she is in extreme danger. think she left the airport in this car. if you see anything, call police. ainsley: thank you, jillian. since president trump s election the left has not let up on the angry protests. [shouting] abolish i.c.e. abolish i.c.e. [shouting] ainsley: how do you calmly discuss politics with your children, being respectful of other s views?
elizabeth in the front. she is founder of accessories, mother of two. you were telling me during the break he recently had to have a conversation with your children. tell your folks at home about that? i try to find ways to talk to my two daughters four and five years old what is going on in the world, what is important with our family. i grew up in fort worth, texas, where the politics could not be more different than they are here in new york city. it is important for me to expose my daughters to both worlds i want them to know not everyone in our great country of america believes the same things. and we can have different viewpoints and be respectful of each other. when they encounter situations of controversy. recently we were at the israel day parade, saw protesters, i explained to them not everyone has the same perspective. we don t have to. but it is our job to do our homework and do our research and find out the truth for ourselves. and then take a stance. at the end of the day i just want my children to care and not
be passive. that would be a victory for me. ainsley: that sounds great. darby fox, is behind you, adolescent and family therapist. do you give melissa an a? did she handle that well? yes, she did. ainsley: how do we have conversations with our children? it is important to have conversations around politics and topics, what might their opinion be, explain the issue is, let them develop their own ideas. that is a more important way especially with younger kids to start talk about politics. ainsley: cathy on the front row, radio show host, fox news contributor, how do you talk about it with your children? we talk about regularly. we talk about topics, hot potato topics, kneeling during the national anthem. why people are saying they re kneeling and what the real reasons are. we talk about politics. talking about the birds and bees to your children. we want them to get the facts at
home, versus going out into the culture which they can get a lot of misleading, salacious, hyper billionic kind of information we have the black community voting in a large, blind bloc, for failed democratic policies, from my perspective almost decimated the black community. i think as a black mother i have an obligation to talk to my children specifically about policies of abolishing i.c.e., rushing to the border, trying to take in more illegals, things such of that nature. being very intentional about them. ainsley: erica is behind you, author of the book, book there, why prioritizing motherhood in the first three years matters. if you have a one-year-old, two-year-old, three-year-old, in the book, probably too early to talk specifically about politics. a little bit early. ainsley: what age? what age do we start talking about the specifics? by school age they re starting to ask questions.
you always want to answer the questions the children have. the children are exposed to a great deal because of tv, what they see, what they hear from other adults. talking politics with your children that are school-age and above is a great way to teach things like critical thinking and to teach your value system, as long as you do it in a non-judgmental open-minded way to allow them to have their open views. it is an interesting way to develop their minds. ainsley: in the back row, dr. aziz, schneur row psychologist, mother of twins, three-year-old boys, what are your feelings, your thoughts about this experience? if you keep the developmental and cognitive state of a child in mind having political and social discussions can be very enlighten and important for children to develop viewpoints, problem-solving skills, challenge them to see a the world from a different point of
view. for the election, even from adults, it was eye-opening in new york, we live in a bubble, we had no idea in new york, i had no idea how the rest of the country felt very differently. people i knew felt very differently. people it is important to have these discussions and your children to be compassionate with the strife of the people who feel differently than you. i think, i think, from a developmental standpoint i think the social developmental discussions are very important to developing your viewpoint and just growing. ainsley: if you live in new york, you have to realize there is a whole other country out there. elizabeth and i know that growing up in the south. the views are very different. it is nice to have an open mind. listen to other people and not be so angry. ladies, thank y all so much. have a great weekend. fox news alert, the july numbers report. it is out now. we ll bring you the numbers. stuart varney standing by for all the analysis coming up next. here is king&country with a
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157,000 jobs were added last month. that is less than economists were predicting earlier. unemployment rate dropped to 3.9%. that is down from last month s 4%. steve: stuart varney joins us. good news, bad news, right? i wouldn t say that the 157,000 new jobs is bad news. i think it s a little disappointing. we wanted to keep up a pace of 200,000 new jobs created each month but we ve fallen short of that. the other side of the coin is, you have a return to 3.9% unemployment. that is the rate. that is very close to a generational low. a couple much months ago it was 3.8%. now we re at 3.9. that is still extremely low. one other piece of good news, if you look the revision to previous jobs report, it has gone up, up 59,000 new jobs, more new jobs created the previous month. brian: wanted 195 we thought we projected. i frankly wanted more than 200,000.
brian: the experts were projecting just under 200. second quarter of the year, april through june, in that quarter we achieved a 4.1% annual growth rate for the overall economy. we got july s employment numbers. economy s performance in the third quarter. a little disappointing. i was hoping for better. ainsley: what are the factors here. people are not really hiring around christmastimes in christmas shopping. is it the same for summer? that is very hard one to go after, actually. travel and tourism does well in the summer. brian: sorry about ainsley s question if it was too hard. i want to sounds like you re bailing on the question. i never saw anything like it. ainsley: i just wonder what the factors are. is that normal for jobs numbers? wait a minute. you re interjection. brian: you re right, i should have stayed out of it. steve: good news, unemployment rate went to 3.9%.
the reason it went up to 4% because of all new people coming in looking for a job. that is correct. right now you have more jobs open and available than you ve got open and available than people to fill them. there is a skills gap. a lot of jobs on offer, can t be met by employees who have the skills for that job. you are climbing a little bit after wall. brian: not talking about people that are hurt. people that can work. people on the sideline are getting out. 600,000 got back into the workforce. we need people back in the workforce. for a while it didn t pay to work. they were getting food stamps and welfare, unemployment that lasted forever. what you have now a record number of people quitting the job that they have, because it is a great labor market can, they feel that they can quit what they got, move up to the food chain to something better. steve: trait up. ainsley: don t ever quit without another job, right? no, i wouldn t do that. i have long experience of not
doing that. steve: we know you will get nor data in, analyze it and talk about it 9:00 at fox business. you got it. brian: that is what you are wearing, right? i promise, brian. brian: good. you don t have jillian, do you. shall i toss to jillian? brian: go ahead. give us the news. jillian: wow. brian: right to the point. jillian: good morning to you. we do have serious news we re following. get right to the fox news alert. the police officer is fighting for his life after being shot in the head. officer jim duzel was responding to a call in colorado springs, when police say a man opened fire. he is due in court today. we spoke to nassau county police commissioner, patrick ryder about the dangers facing officers. we do a lot of different functions as a cop. to be targeted against the public, the public that we re entrusted.
[no audio. jillian: a christian pastor, james mccdonald s walk in the word, makes apple s top 25 list. it vanished from apple s itune charts. the drop happening within the 24 hours after pastor encouraging listeners to pay for the president on. cops say he swiped 1hundred dollars worth of stuff from a i recall childhood education. program they are still looking for him but with a face look that, and a clear image like that, chances are, they won t be looking for him that long. tim allen s character keeps his conservative viewpoint when his sitcom, last manned standing returns. i know what microaggressions is, ebb latest liberal attack on free speech. funny in you do them right.
the executive producer said i don t think we ll comment specifically on trump. mike backser is conservative, a republican, he holds those ideals. last manned standing was canceled by abc after six seasons. the reboot premiers september 2th on fox. a lot of people are looking forward to that. brian: very funny show. don t be surprised if tim allen turns up on our couch. steve: earlier this week we had greg gutfeld on the couch. he is with janice. what are you doing here. raining books and raining greg. you have a new book out. yes, called the gutfeld monologues. why would i be out here. i don t even know where i am. are you guys excited greg is here? you better be. are you doing weather? 70% of you a someness and 30% chance of more awesomeness. why don t you do this every
morning? i will stay up all night. a lot of drinking. buy this book, fantastic. the best book you will ever read since the last book you read. fantastic. greg gutfeld, everybody. back inside. steve: absolutely right, 70% chance of you a someness today. brian: he just walked off camera. i thought i was a professional. ainsley: he thought he was finished. brian: unbelievable. what comes up next, thousands in the streets in chicago. demanding an end to the violence. the mayor was not welcome to attend. rahm emanuel is a con man. he does not care about anybody but people in his neighborhood and his family. brian: gianno caldwell was there. he is there next. steve: here is king and country with, priceless.
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good morning, welcome back for quick headlines. do you remember when madonna said this? yes. i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house jillian: well she is not doing that, but she just moved her family to portugal to escape president trump. in an interview with italian vogue, she says in part, quote, i wanted to get out of america for a minute. as you know this is not america s finest hour. he is famous for being the wwe wrestler kane. glen jacobs has a new job. the republican winning mayoral bid in knox county, tennessee, beating list opponent by double the votes. steve: steve chicago protesters taking to the streets demanding mayor rahm emanuel quit because of escalating crime in that city. chicago native, fox news political analyst gianno
caldwell was at the protest. he joins us live from the second city. good morning. steve: why was everybody called out to take to the streets to get some attention? honestly the residents of chicago are fed up with rahm emanuel s inaction. in addition they re fed up with the violence. they don t see any change. there was a surprise mess on it of that march yesterday from senior illinois legislator who is democrat. let s take a look. when we put this march together because in chicago there is too much blood shed in the african-american community. do you think mayor rahm emanuel failed chicago? rahm emanuel, first of all, is a con man. his whole job is to keep black folks divided. no, he doesn t care about anybody. but the people in his neighborhood and his family. city is in financial calamity. the organization, city of chicago, complete disarray, no matter which angle you want to audit or look at. chicago is a complete mess. you say he cares more about
the illegal immigrants than african-americans? i said exactly that. he cares more about non-citizens, african-americans than citizens, us that built this country. has done some good things, if don t step up and come to the people where the crime is. you know what i m saying? the crime is on the south side and the west side. we have to make sure that president trump recognized that not everyone believes that chicago is a trump-free zone. if he is serious about helping the people in chicago, especially on the west side of chicago, i accept his help. we can t turn any help away. we have to make sure that people understand that criminals can not have their way with our streets. we have to protect our youth. we have to protect the seniors. people have to have safe places to walk. so you know, one murder is too many. and so if chicago police department and all the other law enforsments can t do it, we
should seek other help. steve: very damning to hear the people on streets of chicago saying our mayor cares more about people who are in this country illegally than them. yes. absolutely is, and i think that s a concern they share throughout the black community here in chicago. i found it to be particularly interesting that that there are leaders within the democratic party in illinois who are seeking the help of outside resources such as president trump. as you saw in that last interview with lashown ford, famously in 2010 requested the national guard come in. with that being the case, i think there are changes that can be made. i think there are outside resources that are necessities. so i m hopeful there will be changes here very soon. steve: we ll see if the feds get involved. it s a desperate situation. gianno. we reached out to the mayor for
a statement, rahm emanuel. have not heard back. up next for king&country take the concert stage. that is coming up next. first sandra smith with a preview what happens on the channel 9:00 eastern. steve, good morning a news conference we re waiting that could reveal new information about the case of mollie tibbetts. the unemployment rate from july is out. reaction from the white house in moments. protesters filling the streets of chicago, calling for rahm emanuel the mayor, to resign. his challenger, former superintendent of police gary mccarthy will join us this morning. join us for america s newsroom, top of the hour. keeping this tookus safe and protected. you can get comfortable doing the same with yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. capital one and are giving venture cardholders 10 miles on every dollar they spend at thousands of hotels. brrrr! i have the chills. because of all those miles?
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[cheering] watching the nightly news, don t seem to find the rhythm. brian: just wanna sing the blues. feels like a song that never stops, feels like it s never gonna got to get that fire, fire back in my bones, before my heart, heart turns into stone, so somebody please pass the megaknown. i ll shout it on the count of three. one, two three. oh hear my prayer tonight, cause this is do-or-die, the time has come to make a choice. and i choose joy
and i choose joy yeah, back when i was young, my eyes were full of life, but now that i am older i live at speed of light feels like the cycle never, stops feels like it s never gonna got to get that fire, fire, back in my bones, before my heart, heart turns into stone so somebody please pass the megaphone, i ll shut it on the count of three one, two, three. oh hear my prayer tonight, cause this is do-or-die, the time hastom to make a choice, and i choose joy
yeah, i choose joy i need that joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart, down in my heart toasty i need that joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart down in my heart to stay i need that joy, joy, joy, down in my heart, down in my heart to stay i need the joy, joy, joy, down
in my heart, down in my heart to stay fox & friends, i want to see everybody go crazy out in the audience. i want to see some dancing in new york city. can you do that for me? joy joy joy, joy, joy, down in my heart, down in my heart
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Ainsley , Brian , Advil-steve , Something , Everyone , Point , Reason , Sunny-side , Mood , Ainsley-doesn-t , Things , Why-don-t

Transcripts For MSNBCW Andrea Mitchell Reports 20181107 17:00:00

known. this election marks the largest senate gains for a president s party in a first midterm election since at least president kennedy s in 1962. there have been only four midterm elections since 1934 in which a president s party has gained even a single senate seat. as of now, we picked up it looks like three, and could be four, and perhaps two, but we picked up a lot. most like ly the number is thre, and you people probably know that better than i do at this point, because you looked at the more recent numbers. 55 is the largest number of republican senators in the last 100 years. in years a president s party has only
acquired eight cumulative seats averaging one per decade, and so if we picked up two, three, four, that is a big percentage of that number. so in the last 80 years, you think of that. only eight seats. in president obama s first midterm election, he lost six senate seats, include ing ing i deep blue state of massachusetts. republicans captured at least four senate seats held by democrat incumbents and these are tremendously talented hard working people that did this the. indiana, north dakota, florida, missouri, and we also won two open senate seats in tennessee. i want to congratulate our great champion who did such a great
job in tennessee, marsha, and in utah. and arizona is looking very good. really very good. she has done a terrific job, and that is a tough race, and she has done a fantastic job, and in each of the open seats, the democrats are recruited strong candidates with substantial fund-raising and media support. we were getting bombbarded with money on the other side. in the house, republicans dramatically outperformed the historical precedence and overcame a historic number of retirements and the most house republican house retirements in 88 years. 43 house republicans retired, and now i will say this that in many cases, they were chairmen of committees, and they left because they were not chairmen and the republicans have a role for six year, and what that does is wonderful in one way and lets people come through the system,
and become chairmen and in other ways it drives people out. because when they are the chairmen, they don t want to go to not be the chairmen and you are the chairmen and a big deal and now all of the sudden, you not doing that, and so we had them leave, and lot of them leave. and so you can flip a coin as to which system is better. the democrats do other, andle is of their folk folks have been chairmen for a long time. and in obama s first term he lost 63 seat, and by contrast, the most current count around 27 house seats or r something, and we will figure that out pretty soon. we also had a slew of historic wins in the governor s races, and the governor s races were incredible against very well funded and talent and skilled democrat candidates and people that worked very, very hard respectfully for those
candidates like oprah winfrey who i like, and i don t know if she likes me anymore, but that is okay, she used to. but she worked very hard in georgia, and very, very hard. and if you are looking at them with four governor s races crucial to 2020 and the presidential race, florida, iowa, ohio, and georgia. the big ones. florida, iowa, ohio and georgia. you can t get much more important than that. they were incredible campaigns, too. incredible. as of right now, the republicans will control the majority of governorships across the country. including three great women who worked very hard, the governors of alabama, south dakota and iowa. they worked very, very hard and very talented. by expanding the senate majority
the voters have also clearly rebuked the senate democrats for their handling of the kavanaugh hearing and that is a factor and maybe a very big factor of the way it was handled was tremendous energy given to the republican party by the way they treated then judge kavanaugh and now justice kavanaugh. and expressed the support for confirming more great pro constitution judges. candidates who embraced our message of low taxes, low regulations, low crimes and strong borders and great judges excelled last night. they excelled. they really, and i mean, we have a list of people that were fantastic. i am just going to point them out. mike bost, rodney davis, andie
barr was fantastic who i went to kentucky for the most part and i did not campaign for the house, but i did make a special trip for andy barr, because he was in a very tough race in kentucky, and he won. that is a tough race, and the polls were all showing that he was down and down substantially, and he won, and that is one that i did do, pete stauber of minnesota, and great guy, and he is new and ran a fantastic race. on the other hand, you had some who decided to let s stay away. let s stay away. they did very poorly. i am not sure that i should be happy or sad, but i feel just fine about it. carlos cuebela, mike kauffman, and too bad, mike. mia love. i saw mia love, and she called me all of the time to help her with a hostage situation.
being held hostage in venezuela, but mia love gave me no love, and she lost. too bad. sorry about that, mia. and barbara comstock is another one and i think that she could have won that race, but she did go on and not have any embrace for that, and for that i don t blame her. but she lost substantially, and substantially lost. peter roskam did not want the embrace, and eric paulson did not want the embrace, and in new jersey, i think that he could have done well, but it did not work out too well, bob hugin, and i feel badly, because i think that is something that could have been won, and that is a race that could have been won, and john fasso and those are some people who decided for their own reason not the embrace whether it is me or what we
stand for, but what we stand for meant a lot to most people. and we have had tremendous support and tremendous support on the republican par the ti among the biggest support in the h history of the party. i have actually heard at 93%, it is a record, but i won t say that, because who knows. but we have a had tremendous support. america is booming like never before. doing fantastic. and we have larry kudlow here, and he says that the numbers are as good as he has ever seen in numbers at a any time for our country, and he is a young man, and so he as not seen that many numbers. where is larry? you are a young man, right, larry, and you have not been doing this too long, but they are as good as you have ever seen. and we may have, if you have a question for larry, we will do that, but i want to send my warmest appreciation and regards to majority leader mitch
mcconnell. we really worked very well together. and we e have been working really well together, and we have actually a great relationship, and people just don t understand that, which is fine. and also, to perhaps looks like i would think the speaker nancy pelosi. and i give her a lot of credit. she works very hard and she has worked long and hard. i give her a great deal of credit for what she has done and what she has accomplish and hopefully we can all work together next year to continue delivering for the american people. and including on economic growth, infrastructure and trade and lowering the cost of prescription drugs, and these are some of the things that the democrats do want to work on and i really believe that we with will be able to do that. i believe that we will have a lot of reason to do it. and i will say, just as a matter of business, i was with some very successful people last night, and we we were watching
the returns, and so if the are republicans won, and say we held on by two or one or three, it would have been very hard having that many republicans to ever even get support among the republicans, because there is always one or two or three people that for good reason or bad reason or for grandstanding, and we have that, too, and you have seen that. you have seen that. plenty of grandstanding but for certain reasons with that many people, you will have a kocoupl of people who won t do that and so that going to put us at a bad position. and in other words, had we kept and i am saying this for a very b basic reason, and it is common sense, it puts us in a tough position, we win by one or two or three, and you ll have one or two or three or four or five even come over to say, look, we won t go along with this, and we want this, this, this, and all of the sudden, we wouldn t even be able to get it in many cases out of the republicans hands before we sent it on to the
senate. and now we have a much easier path, because the democrats will come to us with a plan for in a infrastructure and plan for health care or a plan or whatever they are looking at and we will negotiate. as you nknow it is very hard in the senate, because we need essentially ten votes from the democrats, and we don t get the vote, because the democrats really do stick together well. i don t agree with them on a lot of policy, but i agree with them sticking together, and they stick together great. so we go into the senate and we don t have the ten votes, and what happens? it does not get passed and even if it is out of the house, it is not going to be passed. so under the new concept of what we are doing, i say, come on, let me see what you have, and they want to do things, and i keep hearing about investigations fatigue like from the time of almost from the time
i announced that i would run. they have been giving us this the investigation fatigue. it has been a long time. they got nothing. zero. you know why? because there is nothing. but they can play that game, but we can play it better, because we have a thing called the united states senate, and a lot of very questionable things were done between leaks of classified information and many other elements that should not have taken place, and all you are going to do is to end up in back and forth and back and forth and two years is going to go up, and we won t have done a thing. i really think that, and i really respected with what nancy said last night about bipartisanship and getting together and uniting. she used the word uniting and the bi-partisanship statement which is so important, because that is what we should be doing.
so we can look at us, and we can look at us and they can look at them, and it will be back and forth and probably very good for me politically, and i can see it extremely good politically, because i think that i am better at that game than they are actually, but we will find out. and we will find out or we can work together. and you cannot do them simultaneously, and somebody said you can do them both, and no, if they are doing that, we are not doing the other so you understand. so we won t be doing that. and so what happens now is that we send it to the senate and we will have 100% democratic support and some republican s support, and if it is good, we will have republicans who will help with the approval process and they will really help with the approval process, and so it is really could be a beautiful bipartisan type the of situation. if we won by one or two or three or four or five and the closer
it is, the worse it is. this way, they come to me, and negotiate and maybe we will make a deal and maybe we won t, and that is possible, but we have a lot of things in common on infrastructure and we want to do something on health care and they do, and so there are a lot of great things that we can do together, and we will send it up, and get the democrats and thep republicans or some of the republicans and i ll make sure that we send something up that the republicans can support, and they are going to want to send something up that the democrats can support. so our great country is boom in like never before, and we are thriving on every single level both in terms of the economic and the military strength, in terms of development and in terms of gdp where we are doing unbelievably. i will tell you that the trade deals are coming along fantastically, and the usmca and south korea is finished. usmca has gotten rave reviews and we won t lose companies
anymore to other countries, and we won t do that because they have a tremendous economic incentive and meaning that it is prohibitive for them to do that. so it is not going to be like nafta which is one of the worst deals that i have ever seen, and al though, we have made some other pretty bad ones, too, and now is the time for both parties to join together, put partisanship aside and keep the american economic miracle going strong. it is a miracle. we are doing so well. and i have said it at a lot of the rallies and some of you have heard it so much that you don t want to hear it again, but when people come to my office, presidents and prime ministers and they all congratulate me, and almost the first thing on what we have done economically. because it is amazing. the steel industry is back, and the aluminum industry is starting the do well, and these are industries s thes that were. our miners are working again. we must all work together to
protect the military. i have to do that. to support the law enforcement and secure our borders and advance really great policies including the environmental policy, and we want crystal clean water. we want beautiful perfect air. air and water has to be perfect. at the same time, we don t want to put ourselves at a disadvantage to other countries who are very competitive with us and who don t abide by the rules at a all. we don t want to hurt our jobs. we don t want to hurt our factories, and we don t want companies leaving. we want to be totally competitive and we are. right now, we have just about the cleanest air and the cleanest water that we have ever had and we insist on it. and so the environmental is important to me, and with they will take a few questions if you d like. whoa! i didn t know what happened. all right. go ahead, john.
that is a lot of hands shooting up so quickly. there is a lot the talk to about. there is a lot the talk about. and mr. president, you talked at length about the bipartisanship, and the presumed speaker of the house of the house nancy pelosi talked about it last night, and that is encouraging for american people, but do you really believe that given what the relationship is like between this white house and the democratic party that it will happen? i think that ta thehere is a chance that it will happen. and do you to compromise on issues that could hurt you in 2020 and do you expect when the democrats take control of the committees that you will be blitzed with issues from the subpoenas of the cell phone use and then and if you do have that happen, then we will do the same thing and government comes to a halt, because we will be coming one policy, the majority in the
hou house, and i expect that they will come up with some fantastic ideas that i can support on the environment, on so many different things, including prescription drug prices which we have made a big dent in already including some of the things that we are work on for the vets. we have gotten choice approve and lot of things approved, but they have other element s ths te want. and there are many things that we can get along on without a lot of trouble that we agree very much with them, and they agree with us. i would like to see bipartisanship. i d like to see unity, and i think that we have a good chance of and maybe not on everything, but we have a good chance of seeing that. go ahead. one question on the lame duck, sir, and one on the cabinet. you toyed with the idea during the shutdown of the midterms in order to secure border policy,
and is this the last best chance to secure that? look, i speak to the democrats all of the time. and they agree that a wall is necessary. a wall is necessary, and as you know, we have started, but we should build it at one time, and not in chunks. but you need more money. and one wall and not pieces all over ax and now we have the military and other elements of a wall that are pretty nasty to be honest, honest, but it is hard to get through it. no, i would like to see the wall, but many of the people that we are dealing with in 2006, they have approved the wall essentially. it was a strong border fence, but it is the same thing, and they all approved it and i have statements from every one of them and i have them saying we need the wall. they sound like me, and we do need it, because we have people coming in, and i am not talking about just the caravans, but we have people coming through the border that you cannot physically put that many people, and it is a 2,000-mile stretch and you can t put that many
people along that stretch to guard it. and even if you did, tremendous fighting would ensue. and so we need the wall, and many democrats know that we need the wall, and we are just going to have to see what happens, and we will be fighting for it. they have done everything in their power to make sure, and i got the military $700 billion and $716 billion and the wall is the tiny fraction of that, but the whole agenda has been to try not the give me anything for the wall. i really believe politically they are hurting themselves and i actually believe that is politically a good thing for me, but i want to get the wall up. and no shutdown scenario for the lame duck i can t commit to that, but it is possible. and can you give us clarity of your thinking now after the midterms about the deputy the attorney general and the do they have long term security. i would rather answer that at a different time. we are looking at a lot of
things, including the cabinet. i am very happy with most of the cabin cabinet. we are looking at different people for different position, and it is common after the midterms. i did not want to do anything before the midterms, but i will tell you that for the most part, i am extremely happy with my cabinet. i think that mike pompeo has fit in beautifully and he has done an extraordinary job. and what about the interior secretary? i am looking at that and study at what is being said is he in jeopardy? i think that he is doing an excellent job, but we will look at that very strong and have an idea about that in a week. thank you, mr. president. wow, this is go ahead, jim. he gave me a fair interview the other day, and so i might as have him ask me a question. and picking up, you told me the other day, that you are an open book. i think that i am an open book. and point blank, the democrats go after your tax returns and will you try to block that or allow them to have
that? well, look, as i have told you, they are under audit and they have been for a long time and extremely complex, and people would not understand them, and done by the biggest and the best law firms in the country and the same thing with the accounting firms and the accountants are a very large and powerful firm from the standpoint of respect and highly respected. big firm. a great law firm that you know it very well. they do these things, and they put them in and people don t understand tax returns, and did a filing of over 100 pages of the office and with when people went to see the filing and the magnitude of it, and they were disappointed, and they saw the detail. you get far more from that, and i guess that we filed it now three times, but you get far more from that than you could get from the tax are return, but when you are under audit, and i am on a continuous audit, because there are so many companies, and it is a very big company, and far bigger than you
would even understand, but it is a great company, but it is big it is complex and probably feet high. it is a complex instrument, and i think that people wouldn t understand it, but if i were finished with the audit, i would have an open mind to it, and i would say that, but i don t want to do it in the audit, and really, no lawyer even from the other side they say often and not always, but when you are under a audit, you don t have, and you don t subject it to that. you get it done and then you release it. so, when that happens, if that happens, i would certainly have an open mind to it. and is so that means if the audit is still on, you won t turn over the tax re tuturns or fightt to block it. nobody would. nobody turns over a return when it is under audit. go ahead, please. i was tempted to ask why you like oprah so much, and i am tempted to go on why i like oprah?
what kind of question is that? that is not the question. he is a real comedian here, and i do like oprah. and a person that i know well with and came to my place in palm beach often and i have respect for her, and unfortunately, she did not do the trick. and the question is up here, and you just said from that podium that, are you offering and a my way or the highway scenario to democrats no, negotiation. not at all. and if they start to investing you that you can play that game and you can investigate them better than them. and compartmentalize that and i know more than they do. and benefit the rest of the country no. or are all bets off? no, if nay do if they do that, then it is a war-like posture. and i will follow up. go, ahead, jim. since it is jim, i will let it go. and i want to ask about one
of the statements that you made at the tail end of the campaign in the midterms. here we go. and if you don t mind, mr. president and come on. okay. and the caravan is an invasion. it is not an invasion. and the group of migrants moving up from central america to the u.s. thank you for that information. and why did you characterize it that much. and it is considered an invasion and you and i have a different opinion. and with do you think that y have demonized immigrants no, i want them to come into the country, and do it legally. i want them to come in through the process and i want people to come in and we need the people. and your campaign and wait, wait, you know why we need the people? because we have hundreds of companies moving in, and we need the people. and your campaign ad showed migrants climbing over walls and so on. and that is true. they were not actors.
they were not actors and it is true. do you think they were actors? they did not come from hollywood. these were people, and this is an actual, you know, it happened a few days ago and the they are hundreds of ms away and that is not an invasion. and honestly, i think that i should run the company and you run cnn and if you did it well, your ratings would be much better. that is enough. and if i could have one more and that is enough. and if i could ask, one of the other folks, and pardon me, ma am. that is enough. let s go. and if i i could ask on the russian investigation, are you concerned that you may i am not concerned about anything with the russian investigation, because it is a hoax, and that is enough. put down the mike. and mr. president, are you worried about the indictments coming down in this investigation come on, move on. i will tell you that cnn should be ashamed of itself having you working for them. and you are a rude and terrible person and you should not be
working for cnn. go ahead. i think that is unfair. you are a rude person, and the way you treat sarah huckabee is horrible and other people is horrible and you should not treat people that way. and in jim s defense and i have travelled with him and watched him and he is diligent and busts his butt. well, i am not a big fan of you, either. well, okay. and you are not the best. and just sit down, please. and i want to just when you report the fake news, and when you are report the fake news which cnn does a lot, and you are the enemy of the people. go ahead. mr. president, over the course of the several days of the campaign sir, at the end of the campaign, you said that americans need to fear democrats and you said that democrats would unleash a wave of crime that endangers families everywhere, why? because they are weak on crime. peter. pet
peter, what are you trying to be him? no, i am asking the question. very simplem because they are weak on crime. and because they have often suggested members and people within the democratic party at a high level have suggested getting rid of i.c.e. and getting rid of law enforcement, and that is not going to happen, all right. we want to be strong on the borders and strong on law enforcement, and i want to cherish i.c.e., because they do a fantastic. and what they do for us is so really so unrecognized how good of a job they do. and so we want to take care of them and we want to hold them very close, because they do a good job. and to be clear. thank you very much. sit down, please. and you did not answer my question, and simply, why are you pitting americans against one another, sir. i am not. is that how you view the citizens look, we won a lot of elections last night, and i sthit going to have a positive impact. i nbc this morning and they did not report it correctly, but
that is the fact with nbc and nothing i can do about that, but i want this country to have protection. we want security in our country, a and i want security, peter. i mean, you maybe don t think it is so important and i think that when you don t have it, you are indeed unleashing crime. i feel that. yes. and you said that you would sign an executive order on the birthright citizenship, and will you you will ask me that question later. okay. sure. thank you, mr. president. the investigation by the special counsel robert mueller has been going on since last spring, and it has been over a year. a long time. over your head and republicans heads in the midterms as well, a san diego this an opportunity for you, mr. president, to end that investigation and would you consider removing mr. moouler from the position? i could have ended it any time i wanted, and i didn t, and there is no collusion. there was no anything. i didn t. and they went after hackers and
m moscow, and i don t know about, that and they went after people with tax problems from years ago, and they went after people with loans and other things, and nothing to do with my campaign. this is a investigation where many, many millions of dollars has been spent, and there is no collusion. it was supposed to be on collusion. there is no collusion. and i think that it is very bad for our country, and i will tell you. i think it is a shame. and a poll came out today and by the way, from nbc or at least i saw it on nbc where a mar jjori of the people don t agree with the mueller investigation and they have approval and disapproval and they had a much higher disapproval. it should end. because it is very bad for our country. it is bad, and i am not just talking about the tremendous expense and the other thing is that they should look at the other side also. they are only look at one side, and not looking at all of the
things that came up in this investigation. they don t do that. they should also get people that can be fair and not 13 or 14 or 17 i call them the angry democrats. and they are angry people. and it is a very unfair thing for this country, and it is a very, very, a forget about unfair to me, but it is bad for the country. and so mr. president, if it is unfair and just one moment, if it is unfair to the country and it is costing millions of dollars and just end it. give him the mic, and i have answered that question. and i will give you, and i will give you voter suppression. you just have to sit down, please. sit down, and i did not call you. i did not call you. i will give you voter suppression. take a look at the cnn polls how inaccurate they were. and that is called voter suppression. go ahead. thank you. mr. president and can you i am not responding to you excuse me. i am not responding to you but i am talking to this gentleman and
would you please sit down. excuse me, would you please sit down, and please, go ahead. thank you, mr. president, and now that the house of it is such a hostile media and it is so sad that you asked me, and no, you rudely interrupted him. you rudely interrupted him. go ahead. thank you, mr. president, and do you or your demands remain the same to the united states congress on immigration and exchange for a daca fix or any of the demands that you gave to congress earlier. i think that we can do something with daca and what happened and we could have done some good work on it, because judge ruled that the daca was okay, and if the judge had not ruled that way, we could have made a deal, and once the judge ruled that way, the democrats did not want to talk that way, so we will see how it works ow at the supreme court.
go ahead. from where? okay. yeah, go ahead. go ahead. which group? where do you want me to take a question from. ma am, go ahead. either one. okay. or both. are you together? go ahead? we are not together. mr. president, how do you respond to the critics who say that your message on the campaign towards minorities have been polarizing. i don t believe it has been at all. and the election of two muslim women, and one is to the house, and that is making history and that is a rebuke of the i don t understand what you are saying? is this more e buking of the multi cultural or multi ethnic america. you look at the unemployment numbers for african-american, and asian americans and hispanic asians are at the historic high
and a poll came out recently where my numbers with hispanics and with african-americans are the highest and the best they have ever been. that took place two to three days ago the poll, and i have the best numbers with african-american and hispanic american that i have ever had before, and you saw the same poll. so i can t say that. i can say this, that you are looking at the median income and all of the employment and unemployment numbers, and they are are doing the best they have ever done. and it reflects, and it is reflective in the polls. yes go, ahead. mr. president, i m from brooklyn so you will understand me. i understand you very well. my question isp on the health care and how is that possible to keep the premiums down and cover the pre-existing conditions without the individual mandate to fund it? well, first of all, what we are doing, and if you are look at the department of labor also s secretary separately, and secretary azoar what they have done, they have come up with
inkr incredible health care plans which is causing great competition and driving the prices right down, but we are getting rid of the individual mandate, because it is unfair to a lot of people, but at the same time we are covering the people who need it, but the individual mandate was a di ssaster, becau people that couldn t necessarily afford it were having to pay for the privilege of not having to pay for health care, and it was bad health care at that. so we are working many plans for health care and creating tremendous competition. we had obama care repeal and replaced and unfortunately one person changed his mind at the last moment, and we had no democrat support and i have to say that. we did not have one vote. and we would have repealed it and replaced it. and we have a large scale very good health care plan and now we are doing it in a different way. a different way, but getting rid of the individual mandate is a very, very pop ular thing and very, very important thing, and people very much appreciate it. go ahead. no, no, that is enough. go ahead, please. and two questions, sir.
i know that you went through the results and you studied them late last night and what lesson did you learn most from looking at the results and one thing that as you are reviewed them that you will be changing your strategy and not just for congress but going forward a follow-up question. the results that i have learned and i think confirmed that people like me and they like the job that i am doing frankly, because if you are looking at every place that i went to the rally, and i could not do it with everybody, and it was very hard to do it with people in congress, because it would be too many stops, but i did wit with the senate and i dd it with andy barr as you know, and he won. and he won a very tough race against mcgrath. and that is a very, very tough race in kentucky and he was down quite a bit and i went there and we had a tremendous and very successful and is some of you were at that rally, and he won that race. but i could only do that so much, because there are so many players involved. but i did focus on the senate.
and we had tremendous success with the senate. and can i ask you one more question, mr. president, if i can, sir, because it is a rare opportunity. and lot of people are going to be rushing to iowa and new hampshire and the democrats are looking ahead to 2020 and do you want to lock down your ticket now, and will the vice president be your running mate in 2020, and i have not asked him, but i hope so. and let me ask him. mike, will you be my running mate, and stand up, mike and raise your right hand, and will you? okay. good. and the answer is yes. okay. that is unexpected, but i feel very fine. yeah, please. thank you, mr. president, and going back to the russia investigation and potential investigation from the now democratically majority in congress, and some say that you could stop all of this by declassifying. i could, i could fire everybody right now, but i don t
want to stop it right now, because politically i don t want to stop it. it is a disgrace. and it should have never been started, because there was no crime. and it is everybody has conflict s a nd they a all have conflict over there that are beyond anything that anybody has ever seen in terms of conflicts from the fact that people ask for jobs from the fact that they have very good friends on the other side like really good friends like comey who by the way lied and leaked and also leaked classified information and nothing happened there. it might perhaps and maybe something is happening that i don t know. but you know what i do? i let them go on and i know they are wasting a lot of money, but i let it go on, because i don t want to do that and i could end it right now and i could say that investigation is over. but, it is really, it is a disgrace, frankly, and it is an
embarrassment to the country, and it is an embarrassment for the people of country, and too bad. what about the declassification of the documents and some say that would clear it up. we are looking at that. and you are considering that. and we are looking at that. and can i ask one more question. it is amaze thoug other people on the other side just don t want those documents declassified, but i am looking in that and i wanted to certainly wait for after the midterms. and may i ask you one more question, mr. president. go ahead, don. you have defended the righs s of unborn children. that is right. very tough issues. and so how are you going to push forward the pro life agenda. i have been pushing and i have done a very good job, too. and it is a tough issue for the two sides and no question about it. there is great what are you going to do about it? i won t be able to explain it to you, because it is an issue that is a very divisive and p
polarizing issue, but there is a solution, i think that i have the solution, and nobody else does. we are going to be working on that. yes, go ahead, please. she took your place, but that is okay. mr. president, just a quick question on rural america in states like indiana, and north dakota, and the folks turned out for the republican candidates and can you talk about wa what this means for your agenda nerms the of the trade and the farm bi bill. the farm bill is working really well. i mean, we could have had it approve nid time, a approve nid time. and we are looking for the work rules approve and this is great and the democrats are not giving tus ten votes that we want. and everybody wants it. the farmers want it, and the democrats are not approving the farm bill with work rules. a and with could have it very fast with oout the work rules, but we want the work rules in. and the democrats just don t want to vote for that. so it is at some point they will have to pay a price maybe. jeff, go ahead.
thank you very much, mr. president. have you seen any evidence that are russia or china intervened in yesterday s election? well, we are going to be making a full report and unlike the previous administration, we have done a lot of work on that issue, and if you are looking and speaking with the fbi and the department of justice, speak to homeland security, and we have spent a lot of time, and it is little coverage in the pap aers and in the papers and you cover the nonsense part, but this is very important, and we are working hard on china and russia and everybody else looking into the elections or meddling with the elections, but people tend not the write about it, but we have worked very hard as you is heard. what do you intend to say to president xi and putin when you meet with them later in the month? well, i have a good relationship with both. i know president xi better. but i think that i have a very good relationship with both. i actually had a very good meeting in russia that you did
not agree and it does not matter much obviously. and in helsinki. and the fact is that i had a very, very good meeting, a very, very good meeting with president putin and a lot was discussed about security, about syria, and about ukraine, and about the fact that president obama allowed a very large part of ukraine to be taken and right now you have submarines off of that particular parcel that we are talking about, and you know what i am talking ab. a talking about. and that is president putin who annexed cry knee imea. and that is president obama who did that. and that is the putin who annexed no, that is president obama and nothing to do with me. go ahead. go ahead. thank you, mr. president. connie from sky news. you are a man who likes to win,
but last night was not an absolute victory for you. i will be honest, i thought that it was a very close to complete victory. when you are looking at it from the standpoint of the negotiation. when you are looking at it from the standpoint of deal making, because it is all about dealmaking, and again, if we had the majority and one or two or three votes to play with, we would never and we would have been at a standstill. i really believe that we have a chance to get along very well with the democrats, and if that is the case, we can do a tremendous amount of legislation and get it approved by both parties. and look, i won georgia and president obama campaigned very hard in georgia, and oprah winfrey campaigned very, very hard all over the television, and i said, this is going to be tough. i only had me and i didn t have anybody else and i wasnent to georgia and we had one of the largest crowds that anybody has
ever seen ever at a political rally and you know what, he won. and he won actually by a pretty good margin, he won, and then we went to florida, and they had celebrities all over the place. and a man who happens to be a very smart person was running, ron desantis, and people did not give him a chance. and i went and we had, and we did some great work, and they are going to have a great governor for the state of florida and then we talked about the senate. and a lot of money was pouring in for the democrat, and this is a man who has been in office for 44 years or something, and man who is like a professional at getti getting lekted and being in office and so he is not, and bill nelson is not easy to beat, okay. and so they had at lot of the celebrities coming out for nelson and everybody coming out for nelson and rick scott won, and i helped him, and i think that we have done an amazing job. you can look at many other pl e
place, and you look at some of the other places, and we just got the word that in iowa you have a governor extended, andy kim, who was extend and num row pla number of places, and to be honest, i think it is a great victory. and some of the news is that it was a great victory, but looking at it from the standpoint of gridlock, and i really believe there is going to be much less gridlock because of the way in is going than any other. and a quick follow up on that. sit down, please. go ahead. thank you, mr. president, let me ask you about one of the campaign promises down the stretch which is a 10% tax cut for middle-class and you talked about the gridlock and the democrats are run the house ways and means committee and if it means a tax cut for the middle-class but raising rates on corpse corporations of the wealthiest, and is that a tradeoff
well, you have to know that if we did it now, we would not have the votes, and we need ten democrat votes, and if we could, we could pass it easily in the house, but no reason to waist the time, because you don t have the votes in the senate, but as an example f the democrats come up with an idea for the tax cuts which i am a big believer in tax cuts, and i would pursue something even if it means some adjustment. on which side, the corporate or the individual yes, to make it possible, but i want to see a tax cut for middle-class. that is their decision now, and they will have to make that decision. as you know if we bring it up to the senate we need ten democratic votes and we don t have them. and just because the markets would want to the know and some adjustment is one or two or three percent on either side? well, i am not telling you that, but some little adjustment, yes. and mr. president, thank you very much. two questions, one is that you had been talking about the
leaders who had called to congratulate, and did president putin called to congratulate you and will you in fact meet him for lunch this coming weekend. as i understand it, and lot of you are going over and we will have a lunch with numerous countries and i will be there and i believe president putin is going to be there. i don t believe we have anything scheduled in paris, a i am coming back very quickly. i am going over and this is a great event, and important, really, this is going to be an important and beautiful ceremony and i am looking forward to going. we are representing the incredible hero ofs of the world and the heroes of our country from world war i, and so i will be going there, and i am very proud to go there. did he call you? i don t think that we have time set aside for that meeting and with that being said, we are sho shortly meeting at the g20 where he is going to be there and i will be there and that is where we are actually looking forward to meeting. and we will have a lunch, but i think that there are many people there.
and did he call to congratulate you and if i could also invite you, since this is a quite a gathering here to go ahead to talk about the staff changes that you expect in the white house while we are here and eager to the hear about them, and is general kelly going to stay on well, as we make the changes we will sit down to talk to you about it. and no great secret. a lot of the administrationses make the changes after the midterms, and i will say that for the most part, i am very, very a happy with this cabinet. we are doing a great job. and what about in the white house, sir? you have white house staff and some of them have been talking about leaving and general kelly are rumored to leave. people leave. is that going to happen, sir? i have not heard about john kelly, but no, people leave. they come in, and they are here and it is a very exhausting job. although i love doing it i must tell you, but it is exhausting for a lot of people. i am surprised at a lot of people, they start out as young people and at the end of two
years they are old when they leave. and it is excite exhausting, but i love doing it, and i will tell you that there are going to be changes, but nothing monumental and nothing different from most administrations, and we have i mean we have many people lined up for every single position. any position, and everybody wants to work in this white house. we rare a hot country, and this is a hot white house, and a white house that people want to work with. no, no. pleads. behind you please, behind you. this has been a challenging campaign. yes, it has been a very challenging campaign. and it has involved a little bit of abuse and violence and people have died in the course of the campaign, and any way in which you think that the temperature could be lower and perhaps peace could break out with the media and perhaps your bipartisan relationships across the house and the senate may produce some change or are we
having more of the same. and it is a very fair question. look, i would love to see the unity and the peace and love and any other word that you want to see. and obviously, i think that we had to especially at this particular juncture, we had to are over. now they re over. if they would cover me fairly, which they don t, which they don t. i m not saying that in a hostile way. i get extremely inaccurate coverage. i can do something that s fantastic and they ll make it look like not good. and i don t mind having bad i make a mistake, cover it. i d like you to cover it fairly, but cover it. but when you do something terrific, look how little the economy is talked about. a poll came out talking about how little the three networks i don t think they included cnn, but how little the three networks talk about how good the economy is. almost not at all. if president obama had this
economy, and by the way, if administration through somebody else kept going, you would have had negative 4.2 instead of positive 4.2% growth. you would have had negative. it was heading down. the point is this. excuse me. i would love to see unity. including with the media. because i think the media i ll be honest, i think it s a very divisive thing for our country. and you would be amazed at how smart people are seeing your stories and reading your stories and watching. you d be amazed at how p perceptive and smart they are. it brings disunity. excuse me. you you are you are not called on. go ahead. go ahead. reporter: thank you, president trump. shortly after your victory speech on the historic night back in november of 2016 i asked you to what single factor are
you most attributed the victor to. speak up? reporter: on the night of your victory i asked you after your speech to what you would attribute your victory. you pointed up to the ceiling and said it was god. based off of that, how would you say over the last two years, what kind of he plays in the day today factor of your god plays a big factor in my life and many people i know very well in this room like your vice president. god plays a big role in my life. and one more quick followup. which loss last night surprised you the most and which of these unsuccessful candidates are you most likely to consider for the administration? nothing surprises me in politics. there were losses and victories last night that were incredible. there were victories last night that nobody would believe, especially based on the suppression polls. there were victories last night
that were very surprising. i m not going to pick out special people. reporter: would you consider any for an administration post moving forward? what? reporter: would you consider any of the people who lost last night for a post in the administration in the near future? i know a couple of very good ones yeah, i would, actually. go ahead. reporter: mr. president, i asked you on monday if there was anything that you regret in your first two years. and you said that at times you could have and should have used a quote, softer tone. your critics, they say they re not holding their breath on that happening. will you, indeed, have to change your tone if you re to get things passed through congress after losing the house? and you also said you might extend an olive branch. what would that look like? i d be very good at a low tone, but when things are done not correctly about you, written about you, said about you on television on wherever it is,
you have to defend yourself. i would love to do very even toned. much easier than what i have to do. i have to go around. going around is much easier than facing somebody and being treated fairly. when you re not treated fairly, you have no choice. i would love to have a very even, modest, boring tone. i would be very honored by that. you know what? when you have to fight all the time because you re being misrepresented by the media, you really can t do that. but not about the media. sir, quickly, not about the media but what about with congress? mr. president. reporter: where are you from, please? reporter: japan. say hello to shinzo. i m sure he s happy about tariffs on his cars. go ahead. reporter: how you focus on the trade issue with japan. do you ask japan to do more?
i don t i really don t understand you. reporter: how would you focus on trade trade with japan? we re dealing with japan on trade. japan has t a great country. you have a great prime minister. we had a very successful election. he s a very good friend of mine. he s one of the people i m closest with, and but i tell him all the time japan does not treat the united states fairly on trade. they send in millions of cars at a very low tax. they don t take our cars. and if they do, they have a massive tax on the cars. i m not blaming japan. i m blaming the people that were in charge of the united states for a allowing that to happen. we have close to a $100 million trade deficit with japan. don t feel lonely. you weren t the only one. reporter: thank you, mr. president. first one, secretary pompeo s
talks about with north korea have been postponed. what is happening there and are your meetings happen no. we re going to change it because of trips being made. we re going to make it another date. but we re very happy how it s going with north korea. we think it s going fine. we re in no hurry. the sanctions are on. reporter: you re still expecting to meet kim jong-un excuse me. the sanctions on are. the missiles and rockets have stopped. the hostages are home. the great heros have been coming home. mi mike pence was in hawaii where one of the most beautiful ceremonies that anyone has ever seen for the fallen these are great heros. very important when i was running, a lot of people as many years ago as it was, in many cases grandchildren, but they were asking about that, they re coming home. and they re being provided to us as we speak.
i m in no rush. the sanctions are on. i read a couple of times and i ve seen a few times where they said he s done so much. what have i done? i met no. i d love to take the sanctions off. but they have to be responsive, too. it s a two-way street, but we re not in any rush at all. there s no rush whatsoever. before i got here, they were dealing with this for over 70 years. and i guess on a nuclear front for 25 years. that s a long time. i ve been there. i probably left singapore four or five months ago, and we made more progress in that four or five months than they ve made in 70 years and nobody else could have done what i ve done. but i ll say this. i ll say this very simply. we re in no rush. the sanctions are on. and whenever it is, but that meeting is going to be rescheduled. that meeting? reporter: your meeting with kim jong-un, sir? will it happen in the next
month? sometime next year. sometime early next year. reporter: a quick question under u.s. nca. have you repaired your relationship with prime minister trudeau. yes, i have. we have a very good relationship. reporter: thank you very much, mr. president. we ve been talking a lot about division and the division that exists in the country right now. and some of the statistics are disturbing to just about everyone. anti semitic incidents have increased by 57% since 2016. hate crimes are on the rise. why do you think that is and what will you do about it? it s very sad to see it. i hate to see it. i ve done more. in fact, if you were with us the last time we met, prime minister netanyahu said that this president has done more for israel than any other president. those words. those exact words. jerusalem, protection, working together. so many different things. but the big thing is jerusalem. many, many presidents have said
they are going to build the embassy in jerusalem. never happened. making it the capital of israel, never happened, but it happened with me. and quickly, and not only did it happen. we built the embassy. that would have taken another 15 or 20 years and cost probably billions of dollars. and we did it for a tiny amount of money. it s already done. it s open. nobody has done more for israel than donald trump. and the nice part is that s not me saying it. the prime minister netanyahu. reporter: mr. president, what about the divides in this country? what about healing the divides in this country? well, we want to see it heal, and one of the things i think that can help heal is the success of our country. we are really successful now. we ve gone up $11.7 trillion in worth. china has come down

Known , President , Party , Number , Senators , Republican , 100 , 55 , Seats , Percentage , Three , Two