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Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe Weekend 20240609

100%. judy s family says they can finally move on with their lives. there is one thing that brings them peace. you are religious. does that give you any comfort to know your mom and dad are now together? they are in a better place than we are. what would you say to judy? i will tell her that i love her and i would give her the biggest hug. that is all for this edition of dateline. thank you for watching. ank you this sunday edition of morning joe weekend. it was another fast-moving news week. here are more of the conversations you ekmight have missed. donald trump and his allies are ratcheting up their calls for revenge against democrats in response to trump s conviction in his new york city criminal trial. some examples. in a fox news interview on friday, former white house advisor stephen miller called le on republican secretary of state and attorneys general to quote, get in the game and use every facet of power to go toe to toe with democrats. florida senator marco rubio who is reportedly in the mix to be trump s running mate which would make sense given his behavior wrote on social media quote, it s time to fight fire with fire. in response to a new york times piece about recent calls for refry abuse, former white house chief strategist steve bannon echoed stephen miller telling the paper quote, there are dozens of ambitious backbencher state attorneys general and ne district attorneys who need to seize the day and own this moment in history. then there is trump himself. in s an interview earlier this week he suggested hillary clinton be jailed in response to his guilty verdict. and here s what he said at his florida home yesterday in a fox news interview last night with sean hannity where you see hannity trying to get him to the right answer but no. take a listen. you can t gag a nominee. can you imagine you re running for office and you gag. you re not allowed to talk. when that happens we are no longer a democracy. and we re not going to let that happen. and i know a lot of republicans who want retribution. they want to do that we re going to see what happens. people are claiming you want retribution. people are claiming you want u what has happened to you done to democrats. would you ondo that ever? look, what s happened to me has never happened in this country before. and it has to stop because wait a minute, i want to hear that again. it has to stop. we re not going to have a country. if you re elected awhat doe that mean? define that. what i ve gone through nobody s ever gone through. i m a very legitimate person. i built a great business. focus on those that want people to believe that you want retribution. that you will use the system of justice to go after your political enemies. number one, they re wrong. it onhas to stop. otherwise we re not going to have a country. look, when this election is over, based on what they ve done, i would have every right to go after them. it s easy because it s joe biden and you see all the criminality. will you pledge to restore equal justice? equal application of our laws? end this practice of weaponnization? is that a promise? you have to do it. but it s awful. look, i know you want i m asking. i don t want to look naive. what they ve done to the republican party, they want to arrest on no crime. i will do everything in my power not to let, but this tremendous criminality here. what they re doing to me if it s going to continue we re really not going to have much of a country left. okay, willie. help me out here. first of all, no criminality. this was not biden s justice department in the criminal trial in new york city. it was a yjury of donald trump peers, 12 people and alternates. just to fact check him right there. but also hannity, mr. softball, setting him up saying come on, come on, you wouldn t actually have retribution. you don t mean that. of course he s like yes, i do. just like what the documents. when hannity was like come on, you didn t actually take the documents. donald trump is kenot messing around. he promises retribution and as he even told hannity when hannity gave him a chance to semi cover it he will serve it up. so, with that, i mean i m not sure what more people need to know given a lot of things donald trump has promise have had come to pass. i m not smiling about the substance of what the president said, i m smiling with what you put your finger on which is this entire genre of interview where sean hannity embeds the answer into his question and tries to lead donald. i wish my oral exams in high school and college were like that where the teacher would just nod along and give you the answer. that s the way they do it. he said donald trump in the remarks we played before that clip he said a malot of people are saying they re going to want retribution. so he likes to separate himself but obviously he means himself and obviously sending cues to others about what should happen. again, he was charged, he was tried, he was convicted by a jury of his peers in new york. the fact that he took classified documents back to his beach club is not some imagined conspiracy against him. he did. hing we ll see what happens in that trial as it moves forward. he wants retribution against people, the justice department, the fbi who are actually bringing him to justice on things that he did or is alleged to have done. let s bring to the conversation yeah. one thing before we get to our guests. it s so interesting to me that n he says this has never happened before and that s why something needs to be done. in every case, well, i will say in the most clear cases because obviously we have to wait for the law to play out. but in the case of the documents you see the pictures. he says he took them. he says they re his. he admits to the crime. in the case of the hush money. criminal trial where 34 felony counts against donald trump came up guilty, there was evidence presented in court that backed it up. so yes, yes, mr. president, former president trump, this hasn t happened before. there hasn t been a former president who had sex with a porn star while his wife was pregnant and then years later before a campaign was to get into full swing paid off through hush money through a fixture breaking campaign finance laws and having fraudulent business records. i mean that is not happened before. he s right, otit hasn t happene before. but it s unfortunately what happened to him because of his own actions. right. and change the suspect from subject to some imagined conspiracy that suggests the government is out to get him. let s bring in ceo of the massina group jim massina. and ran obama s 2012 reelection campaign 20successfully, of course. jim, great to see you. you often are the guy who comes in and sort of tries to calm the nerves a bit of democrats b when they get panicky. not in some polly anish way, but looking at data, looking at normals. let s talk about the fundraising that scared a lot of democrats after donald trump was convicted last week on 34 felony counts. raised a boatload of money. put that into some perspective though as compared to how the biden campaign is doing. yeah, if you look at the overall numbers biden continues to have a very healthy fundraising lead. has way more money in eathe ban i know this sounds geeky, but the truth is joe biden s money is all small donors whereas donald trump s money is from m big donors who are giving to his super pacs. that ad buying later in the campaign is more expensive. they can t get the lowest unit rate. most importantly, the one thing you can t make more of in a presidential election is time. we re 152 days out and the biden campaign has over 150 field offices staffed with paid staffers in the battleground states. donald trump has zero. so every day these people are talking to voters both their own base and these swing voters and you just can t replicate that with money. we always knew that trump was going to catch up weafter he go the nomination. he clearly had an outstanding day after his criminal conviction. it s a little cynical they raised a bunch of money after he was found guilty of 34 felony counts. it y is what it is. overall the biden campaign is doing what they need to do which is build a massive army in these battleground states. the biden campaign looking forward to that first debate as a moment to change fra joke tour of the race. we re seeing polls shift a little bit towards the president. let s owget you to weight in yesterday. this wall street journal story about the president s age. we can set aside the marriage of the journalism. there were flaws in the story we covered at length yesterday. polls suggest some americans think the president is too old for office. we know donald trump just a couple years younger. if you were still in the white house, what would your communication strategy be to simply manage the issue. fair or not it s out there. how would you suggest the white house and campaign handle it? by doing exactly what they re doing. getting him out there as much e as they can. about getting an early debate. you re exactly right. it is an issue. people have questions about it. we all remember at the state of the union he did a master performance and looked on top of his game and the polls rose then. this debate moment is really, really big for them. i can t believe donald trump is letting them have it. people expect joe biden to not be as good as donald trump. trump has set all the expectations to the top activity moon. he s this great or tore. he s this great guy. joe s sleepy joe, et cetera. joe biden goes in there and has a good debate and it s going to significantly make people think about their perceptions of this race. i think it ll be a very big moment and i think biden was very smart to ask for a debate as early as he could get it. we ll be right back with much more morning joe. ore morn. sup? -who are you? i m your inner child. get in. listen. 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they were going to fight for democracy. all these years later, 80 years later, democracy is again in peril. that s a fact. that s a fact. listening to donald trump, that s a fact we have to live with. that s a fact that americans are going to have to make up their minds about. what kind after country do we want going forward? we may hear some of that theme from president biden tomorrow at normandy when he delivers the address. he ll be there all week as you reported yesterday. he ll be at bella woods later in the week the world war i site. talking about the young men who frankly saved the world in those days, weeks and months but also about bringing it to today and the threats of democracy here. it s hard not to be almost emotional thinking about this scene with eisenhower. we ll hear from the president several times this week. his remarks tomorrow will be relatively brief. it s the next day, the friday where he goes where ronald reagan delivered his famous speech. talking about yes, the sacrifices of 80 years ago that helped save the world. but connecting it to today. the battle we re seeing in ukraine. also just the need to affirm and rebuild democracies across the globe. i m told the odds are against him invoking donald trump by name. trump will shadow this. he will draw an implicit contrast to the future that trump will bring versus the one that he would. one with allies. one with defending democracy. we know donald trump will take a different approach to the ukraine war working to be returned to office. he almost pulled autoof nato on the eve of going to helsinki. we ll hear that in grand terms from president biden in what aides tell me will be one of the most important speeches he delivers this year. one that will not on the surface be a campaign speech. yeah. we just talk about the choices. mike talking about the choices. we hear what he said about hillary clinton. we re talking about nato. donald trump trying to undermine nato. said he wanted to undermine nato. said a couple months ago he encouraged vladimir putin to invade nato countries if they didn t have sort of defense structure that he wants them to have. of course he talked about putting hillary clinton in jail. throwing political opponents in jail. his people have talked about throwing us in jail. throwing people that run this show in jail. they ve talked about throwing media companies in jail that are insufficiently loyal. he talks about executing chairmans of the joint chiefs of staff who are insufficiently politically loyal to him. he talks about terminating the constitution. he talks about using seal team six to execute political opponents and says that he would be immune from that. he had his lawyers argue that in court. go through all of it and it is extraordinary. it s extraordinary that this man is talking like an autocrat. talking like putin and that right now this race is too close to call. i think it s really worth pointing out that the difference between trump in 2020 and trump in 2024 and trump in 2016 is this time around his team and campaign are much more focused on how they would do exactly the kinds of things you ve spoken about. they ve drawn up the policy papers. they ve dug in to the workings of the american government to see how they could effectively take control of the fcc. of the doj. use the irs against political opponents of theirs. they ve been very honest about the idea of using this second administration for retribution against those people who have counted donald trump. it s sometimes easy with donald trump because we hear so many things that are out of the norm they go well, it s just another thing donald trump says. behind donald trump in 2024 is a whole infrastructure of people putting in place the plans to follow up with the kinds of things that donald trump is saying out on the campaign trail. they didn t manage to do much of it in 2016 because they weren t prepared. this time around they re making sure they are prepared. so the group republican voters against trump is launching a new billboard ad campaign looking to persuade moderate republicans and republican leaning voters in four swing states. the billboards feature former trump voters who now say they won t vote for him in the wake of his conviction last week in his new york city criminal trial. let s bring in the executive director of republican voters against trump sarah longwell. she s also a publisher and host of the focus group podcast. thank you so much for joining us. to tell us more about this campaign and what you re hearing from republican voters. question after the conviction, the political question is will voters care? and from our perspective you have to help make them care. the republicans are out there right now and they are building their own narrative. building their own echo chamber. they are all singing from the same song sheet that this was rigged, that we have a two tier justice system. we have to go on offense right now and make sure voters understand how unique, how historically unique in a desperately dark way it is to have a convicted felon running for president. so our program republican voters against trump, it hick hinges on a key theory which is you need credible messengers to speak to these vote percent. we have hundreds of people who voted for trump in the past, many voted for him twice who are explaining and there s testimonials all over our website explaining why they won t vote for trump again. but after the conviction we wanted to make sure that it stuck with people. we have watched donald trump extraordinary things have happened. like his own vice president not endorsing him. and yet it kind of just rolls off voters minds. trump s been around for a long time. we have two functional incumbents and that create as dynamic where voters aren t as tuned in in ways they might have. you have to go on offense. you have to have strong affirmative messaging to make sure things stick in the mind of voters. you can t count on the idea that voters hear conviction and walk away. you have to help them understand why this is so extraordinary. why what he defense wrong and why he s too dangerous to be in the white house. to that point about the difficulty in making things stick to trump. we live in a world where it seems like everyone s attention span is a few fleeting moments. so it s not just there s a conviction. conviction happened at the end of may. here we are the first few days of june. we re still five months to the election. how do you get it to resinate to stay in the forefront of voters minds not just now but as they head into the ballot box? this is one of the ways democrats have to figure out how they re going to do their messaging strategy. i think that oftentimes they get really fractured around messaging and have a difficult time going on offense as opposed to playing defense. so part of this is to make sure that acknowledging donald trump s conviction is a regular feature in the way that democrats are talking about him. and not just joe biden. joe biden as a messenger has a particular role i think to explain to the country what he s going to do over the next four years. but democrats need an army of surrogates who are out there making an affirmative case. going on offense. going on attack against donald trump. making sure the countriens understands. and that he s a been convicted of sexual assault and that he s been convicted for, you know, the things he did with the trump org and reminding people of january 6th. it is really, this is going to be a choice about who is the the lesser of two evils and you have to have voters understand trump is the greater of evils. liable of sexual abuse, defamation and massive fraud. and then convicted felon who is openly hell bent on revenge. that s what voters have to consider. sarah longwell. thank you for being on this morning. coming up, new reporting on how closely europe is watching the upcoming u.s. election. we ll be right back. l be right. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i ll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. 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( ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. november s presidential election has implications well beyond our country s borders. in a new piece entitled what europe fears details how european leaders and nato are preparing for the potential reelection of donald trump and joining us now the author of that piece staff writer at the atlantic mckay coppins. tell us what these leaders are saying. i was struck by two things. they re watching the u.s. election very closely. the state secretary in germany told me that in a year when billions of people around the world will have the opportunity to vote the one election everyone in europe cares about and is paying attention to is the american presidential election. the other thing that struck me is almost every official i spoke to believed that donald trump was going to win again. and they say that with a sense of dread in some cases bordering on panic. the word that i heard most often in these interviews was existential. if donald trump comes back, we made it through the first trump term. and it took a toll on the transatlantic relationship. but they made it through. they said if he comes back given what he s been saying about nato, given what he s been saying about russia, the war in ukraine, they re really afraid that it will be the end of nato and the beginning of a new stage of russian aggression that europe frankly isn t prepared for without america s support. so mckay, let s dive into that more. there s been from president macron of france this effort to make europe less dependent on the u.s. in terms of our military and financial strength. what other steps are he and his fellow european leaders taking to try to if you will trump proof what they re doing right now ahead of his possible return? yeah, there have been a number of efforts recently proposed. one of them as you mentioned is, you know, developing defense autonomy in europe in a way that would potentially channel funds away from nato which really does rely on america and toward the european defense alliance. there s been talk of taking the responsibility for arming ukraine, literal logistical responsibility out of america s hands and putting that in nato s hands because they don t know if a future trump administration would abandon the war or not. really the biggest change has been that a lot of european allies are spending a lot more now on their own defense. and this is one thing that, you know, trump takes credit for and i have to say a lot of the european officials i spoke to grudgingly gave him some credit for. they said trump by kind of being so vociferous about this issue that european allies aren t spending enough on defense has sort of bullied a lot of these countries into spending more, but it s come at a cost. and that cost is that these european countries while they are now spending more on collective defense, contributing more to nato, also don t trust america as a long term ally the way they have for the last 75 years. when america becomes an unpredictable power or a transactional power, that changes the entire global order in ways that i don t think we can predict right now. sure does. and we heard back in i think it was 2018, 2019 angela merkel saying we can no longer depend on the united states basically with trump because he s so erratic. we ll have to defend ourselves. it s something macron said as well. if donald trump s making them spend more money on defense because they re spending more money on defense because they know they can t count on the united states in their minds if donald trump is president of the united states. mckay writes this also, that almost every official i spoke with believed that trump is going to win. i hear that an awful lot from europe and i hear from across the world. i think claire, we should probably tell our friends not to bet too many euros or pounds on that fact because what you see on tv may not be what ends up happening at the voting booths for swing voters in wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania. yeah, those three states particularly where really biden has never been more than a point or two behind and in polls has been ahead. those three states are incredibly important. mckay, i wanted to ask you about what s going on in europe domestically in terms of their politics. we have seen in the united states populism and anti- immigration that has really roiled our politics here. what is happening in that front in europe? it looks from a distance that they re having some of the same issues internally within the conservative parties there. the antiimmigration, the populism. is that something that europe is also worried about? oh, no question. the fear of trump s return in europe is of a piece with the fear of a broader rise of right wing populism and nationalism. we ve seen it in the uk. italy. in germany the afd party. the far right party. there was one recent poll that found 25% of germans now identify with that party. and that s a pretty extreme party. so there s no question that throughout western democracies and really in europe especially we have seen a lot of the same forces that contributed to trump s rise. in some ways the europeans understand trump through that prism. they re saying, you know, we get it, we have our own issues here. if some of our allies have elected leaders like donald trump. it s different when it happens in america. america is not only the lynch pin of the nato alliance. it is in a lot of ways seen as kind of the big brother. european countries rely on america for security, they rely on it for leadership. they rely on america to set an example to the world for what a well functioning western democracy should look like. a lot of the anxiety about this election in europe stems from the fact that they re seeing this chaos in american democracy and wondering if the city on a hill can still be looked to as an example. and that causes a lot of alarm among our friends in europe. the new piece is online now for the atlantic. staff writer mckay coppins, thank you for writing the piece and being on the show this morning. next, former capitol police officer harry dunn will be here to talk about why he is starting a new pac to support candidates running against pro- trump republicans. trump republicans. slowing my cancer from growing and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment. and with kisqali, i can have both. kisqali is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell 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you leave it all on the field. i m harry dunn and on january 6th the good guys won. they fellow officers and i fought as a team. we had each other s back. and we didn t do it for one person or one president. we did it for our country. to make sure everyone s vote counted. that s what democracy is. that no one person s voice is greater than another. when i ran for congress, hundreds of thousands of regular people stood with me and we broke records in fundraising. but our system still allows the wealthiest americans and their corrupt super pacs to support insurrectionsists and drown out our voices. our team has got to change that. we need to support candidates committed to getting money out of politics and defending our democracy from donald trump and maga extremists. nobody said it would be easy, but for our country, fur our team, we can t stop now. and former u.s. capitol police officer harry dunn joins us now. he s the author of the recent book standing my ground. thanks for being with us again this morning. you ran for congress in the state of maryland. fell a little short l but did have some money leftover from that campaign. tell us more about what you plan to do with it. thanks for having me on. always good to be on with you all. we did fall short, but the reason why i ran was to do everything i can to continue to fight for democracy. to fight to preserve our constitution. and to fight to stop maga extremists. at the very top of the ticket, donald trump. we did raise millions of dollars in a very short period of time and what that told me is that a lot of people across the country that message of our democracy, the threat of losing it. the threat of this being our potential last free and fair election resinates with a lot of people. it s at the top of peoples minds. what we ll do is continue to use that momentum to continue to go across the country. up and down the ballot. and elect democrats and stop maga republicans. also fight to continue to get big corporate money out of politics. and support those candidates that really want to do that. so harry, when you re out there, when you re out there running for congress and meeting a lot of people and talking to a lot of people. that aspect that you just mentioned the threat to democracy. when you would talk to people about the threat to democracy, how many of the people you spoke to thought it was like real? that it could happen? as opposed to no, it worries a lot of people. it worries a lot of people. because like i say, a lot of the issues that we talk about. common sense gun reform, lowering inflation. all of those things as important as they are, if we have a dictator in the white house, a dictator over democracy, what is the purpose? those issues really don t matter because the dictator gets what he wants. everybody is definitely worried. even people that voted against me tell me they are worried about our democracy. so i think it is very front and center with a lot of people. being out here on the campaign trail for president biden i m in pennsylvania right now, one of the things people are definitely worried about. it resinates with people and as people talked about, he s talking about retribution and imprisoning his political opponents. and people are really worried about that. next, actor bill pullman on his new life time movie that was ripped from the headlines as he plays alex murdaugh who was found guilty of murdering his wife and son. morning joe weekends will be right back. right back. of finding psoriasis can t filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it s like the feeling of finding you re so ready for your close-up. or finding you don t have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don t take if you re 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the family s demise alex murdaugh. once a successful lawyer from a team with a rich history in south carolina, his trial made headlines last year when he was convicted of murdering his wife and his son and stealing millions from his legal clients while blaming an addiction to painkillers for his crimes. join us now, bill pull nba who plays alex murdaugh. good to see you. you re kind of like i was with this trial which i didn t really know a ton about it and then i tuned in late and kind of couldn t get enough of it. so when you first heard about this role what were your impressions of this guy? yeah, i realized everybody else in the world in america knew about it. i think i, you know, i didn t know if i was going to do it. kind of had to be a fast decision. but my first thing was i don t know if i want. i don t know anything about it. then you start watching something and they ve got body cam and dash cam and of course the courtroom scene. so much there. and then i realized but as i first started into it i was nauseous. i was nauseated. i thought i can t do this part. then it tripped over into i m excited to do this part. that s what i was going to ask you at some point as an actor as repulsive as the man is there s something about getting into the character and playing it that s rich for you professionally, i think. yes, yes. really you re going to enter into you ve got to put on armor about your morality and everything else and you become, you know, a jedi knight of denial which we have a few of those these days. we do. seems to be going around. i remember talking to a friend connie who said yeah, that murdaugh guy it s like old satan looked at him and went whoa, dude. like you re bad. how did you prepare for the role? not just someone who satan would say that about but someone who is so timely. who is alive. who their developments in the case as we speak. how much did you study him? how do you decide on your performance? there s a lot to look at. you can go lateral, long time. researching and looking. i had to get moving pretty quick because production thing was so fast. i think there s certain amount of things you can make yourself similar to and then because there s other things you re just doing your own interpretation. so you re trying to, you know, channel those aspects as they would occur to you rather than just mimicking him. it was also really heard because he lost a lot of weight and there were those issues and i had to go with my weight and we don t have a lot of time to shoot this movie. you capture him well. let s take a look at another clip where alex confronts his son paul about the boating accident that killed his friend. besides a dead girl and our financial ruin. stop. i am not finished. talk to me. talk to me. she was my friend. huh? i didn t mean for it to happen. i didn t mean to hurt anyone. the hurt you cause that night hasn t even yet been felt. i m ashamed. and embarrassed of you. get out of my sight. in addition to having to capture the darkness of the man you have to capture a southern accent too, bill. if you get it wrong people will let you know. and there s a lot of different accents. south carolina, but even the low country they call it. there s a lot of different accents. you can always go check it out. tough scene. it s a tough scene. oh my god. they would let for years and years i did of pulling it off. could see him just on the stand his friends saying to say i had no idea but i do know he did it. they know he was capable of it and all caught up to him. both installments are streaming now on amazon prime video, as well as on my bill pullman, great to have you with us this morning. great to be here. we ll get you back into the new york city theater. putting out a call to directors. this man. don t go away. we have a second hour of morning joe on this sunday morning. coming up right after the break. after the break. chevy trucks advanced camera technology lets you see over, under, 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(fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we re clearly different. welcome back to morning joe weekend. it is now 7:00 a.m. this sunday morning. here s more of the stories we covered this week. writing about president biden s visit to normandy this week in your latest column for the washington post , with some reflections on history, not just the invasion in normandy on d-day 80 years ago but where america was on the precipice of world war ii in terms of the division we saw in this country, not unlike what we are seeing here now. we look back at world war ii and the d-day invasion and we see this incredible national unity. everyone was polling in the same direction in this great struggle that engulfed the entire world and american society was transformed and everyone had to pitch in and there was national purpose and national unity and we forget that in the years before the war, our country arguably was as divided as it is now. it was divided over a number of things. one way it was divided was racially segregated. that continued even during the war. the units that went ashore at d- day were all white and one all- black unit that morning. of course, once they got on the beaches, they were, there was no color and i write about one soldier, a medic in the one black battalion that landed that morning. there were others who came later. he was wounded as he landed with german shrapnel, pretty serious wounds but he was well enough to set up a medical aid station on the beach and he stood there and he treated the wounded four 30 hours before he collapsed and had to be taken to a hospital ship. he survived the war, came home to a racially divided nation and was a second-class citizen until the civil rights movement triumphed and he died in 2005. it was just this week awarded posthumously the second highest honor in the army. that wasn t the only division. there were bitter divisions about whether the united states should get involved in the war. isolationism, you think it is something no, isolationism was a major strain in our politics. there were bitter divisions over franklin d roosevelt s new deal policies, which were being described as totalitarianism and communism and socialism. the rhetoric we hear now, we have heard before. the difference is there cannot be another world war ii unite us. we can t have another one of those after hiroshima and nagasaki. we simply cannot have a world war like world war ii. so, we are going to have to find a different way to get past these divisions that beset us now. we have a barely functional political system but that is what we ve got and we are going to have to find some way to make it work so that we can, we can continue because there can t be another d-day like there one, the one there was 80 years ago. as you point out in the piece, america first, the term we hear from donald trump and his supporters, coined in the years leading up to one or two. i m so glad you are pointing to the heroism of so many black men who helped to liberate the beaches and treat the wounded on d-day. the military was desegregated by president truman three years after the end of world war ii largely because of the heroism we saw. president biden will meet with president volodymyr zelenskyy a short time from now before traveling back to normandy. meanwhile, the war in gaza rages on. the leader of hamas says he will only agree to the latest cease-fire proposal if israel commits to permanently ending the war in gaza. the statement made in response to the three phase plan president biden publicly until last week. under the proposal, phase two would be an end to the war. that is a sticking point for israel. far right drivers of israel s government say the conflict can only end once hamas is eradicated. dozens of people, meanwhile, including children, were killed in an israeli airstrike at a united nations school in gaza. it happened overnight thursday. the israeli military says it was targeting a hamas compound embedded in the school. the idf claims about 30 terrorists were using the classrooms at the base. the strike, however, drawing international criticism as gaza health officials say 40 people were killed. israel so far has only released the names of 9 terrorists it says died in the attack. meanwhile, the united states says it will wait and see what information israel releases about the strike before considering any action. the state department says it expects the idf to be fully transparent. this comes as the washington post reports a u.s. made bomb was used in the strike at that school. president biden addressed israel s war with hamas during an interview with abc news yesterday in normandy. the president says he believes pre-minister benjamin netanyahu has acknowledged concerns from the white house pointing to the way israel adjusted its strategy in russia. is benjamin netanyahu listening to you ? i think he s listening to me. they were going to go into rafah fullbore, invade all of rafah can go into the city, take it out, move with full force. they haven t done that. what they have done is they have agreed to a significant agreement that if, in fact, i must accept it, look, it is being backed by egypt, being backed by the saudis, being backed by almost of the home arab world. we will see. this is a very difficult time. richard hoss, he s right about who s backing it, everyone except the two parties involved in the war to have this cease-fire come about and perhaps an end to the war. hamas says it will not agree to the terms. israel says it will not agree to anything that does not include eradicating hamas as israel puts it. where does that leave us ? it was exactly a week ago today president biden went out and announced this three phase plan and the wait was represented a week ago that it was sent to the israel s plan and the idea was to get hamas to sign on. israel backed away from it, if they ever signed onto it to begin with. hamas, as you saw, has now said it won t accept a temporary cease-fire, which is phase one of the plan. it seems to have been stillborn. what we are looking at is the other part of the news this morning. you are going to have continued israeli military operations, inevitably, no matter how careful israel is, because of co-location of hamas with civilians, you will see this kind of stories you have for people, innocent people are going to be killed, along with hamas militants. my guess is we will see this for some time. this will go on, the israeli national security advisor said military operations will continue through the end of the year. i don t see any reason to doubt that. i think the real question is whether we see an escalation of fighting as things dial down somewhat in gaza in the north between israel and hezbollah. that has been the most recent news out of israel. the idea that we are on a precipice of peace somehow, actually, the opposite is more the reality. i hate to be so depressing this morning but i think we are looking at open ended but low level war in gaza with the danger of escalation in the north in southern lebanon. coming up, ed luce of the financial times, will tell us his new piece, titled biden respects the law, trump does not and what that could mean for the election. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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everything else pales in comparison. i think that is why wall street journal, article does when it was so frustrating because of the difference between these two candidates. the moral equivalence. we talked about you can look at that article versus donald trump for getting up world war ii existed, forgetting barack obama is not still president and then also you could just do, again, the false moral equivocation between january the sixth, the riot, trump s role in that and joe biden forgiving student loan debt. we get all these false comparisons. i ve got to say one of the most maddening has been donald trump stealing nuclear secrets versus hunter biden and whatever republicans decide at the time is a great risk to america s national security because of what hunter biden did. the key point here is america s system is working, it is intact. both donald trump last week and hunter biden in wilmington for the next couple of weeks are receiving trial by jury, due process, they will have the right of appeal. i ve no idea whether hunter biden will be convicted or acquitted but i do know that he has two cases against him. the second of which, the tax case starts on september the fifth at the beginning of the general election in california. biden could at any point to stop this from happening. he s not, he s not interfering. there is no rigging coming from this president. where it is coming from is the supreme court. we will get them later this month, presumably later this month. they might prevaricate even longer. later this month, finally coming down with their ruling on what should have been an open and shut case about whether the resident has immunity for whatever he does in office, thereby ensuring trump will not be held accountable for january 6th in court before november the fifth. that is the real story going on here. the trial is in wilmington. i have no great insight to what is going to happen there but the trial in wilmington is the rule of law taking its normal course, as was the case in new york last week. what is happening in the supreme court is judicial interference in the political process. so, ed, you have the gift of being able to look at america and american politics from the distance created by your birth. you are not from here. you weren t born here. so, when you look at it and you write about it, as you did today, and you mentioned the supreme court slowing things down, making it almost impossible for a trial in the january 6th or the papers kept at mar-a-lago, a trial for most things are happening prior to election and hunter biden on trial today in wilmington, what is your sense of what would happen to the system, and the rule of law if hunter biden is acquitted and what is your sense of what other countries, other nations think and view this when they look at what is happening in america? that is a great question. it is a remarkable moment that we are having. the first conviction of a former president and the first trial of a child of a sitting president happening in the space of a few days of each other. i have no doubt if hunter biden is convicted, there is not going to be an uproar on the democratic side, there isn t going to be accusations of bigoted justice, even though the judge is trump appointed, there s no reason to believe that judge is a hatchet job kind of charge. if, however, hunter biden is acquitted, all conspiratorial hell will break loose. you mentioned the other trump trial that isn t going to happen, the one in florida, the federal trial that judge aileen canon is in charge of. she is finding extraordinary time delaying tactics, once that nobody had ever thought of. the latest is whether the special prosecutor, smith, was unconstitutionally appointed and she s going to hear arguments about that. she is finding any and every excuse, including invented ones not to hear this case. it is an extraordinary example of justice delayed being justice denied. and, i think that is what foreigners are kind of gob smacked by when they watch this. it is, you bring up judge aileen canon in florida on the documents case, which is really one of the most serious cases against donald trump and resounding as well, given all the documents were hidden at mar-a-lago and he tried to hide them again as the government was trying to get them back. and, the, it is frustrating to see what is happening. it is also the judge that we got, the judge that is, in this case, the judge that was given this case. that is the way it goes. you will not hear, unlike on fox news, that this is a weapon based justice department. you will not hear, unlike on fox news, that somehow joe biden is up to this or donald trump is up to this and somehow he s polling the strings here. you will not hear that here because this is the judge we got and that is the way it goes with the rule of law. we have lots more to get to this hour. morning joe weekend continues after a short break. break. the only migraine medication that 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nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna. get it for dad, and together you can see which traits were inherited, the places where they started, and the people he shares them with. best of all, it s on sale for father s day. but get movin , this sale is only for a limited time. are 37 countries donald trump, as a convicted felon, is not allowed to visit and another impact of these many felony convictions is he loses his license to carry a concealed weapon, which, if you think about it, it s pretty crazy a guy who s not allowed to carry a concealed weapon would be allowed to carry a nuclear weapon. it s like your parents saying you can t have a puppy but if you get good grades, we will buy you a werewolf. the judge announced next month, steve bannon will start serving his time in prison. in prison? he looks like a guy who just got out of prison. steve bannon goes to prison on july 1st. it s too bad we will all miss out on something that summer beach body. former trump advisor steve bannon has been ordered to report to prison next month. the judge ruled yesterday steve bannon must begin his four month sentence on july 1st. a stay on bearman s sentence was lifted after his appeal in the case was denied. as nbc news reports, steve bannon could still appeal the ruling. he said yesterday his team plans to appeal all the way to the supreme court. we are going to go all the way to the supreme court if we have to. i want to say something specific about the justice department. merrick garland, lisa monaco, the entire justice department, they are not going to shut up trump, they are not going to shut up navarro, they are not going to shut up brandon and they are not going to shut up maga. steve bannon was found guilty in judge aileen canon force of defining subpoenas from the january 6th select committee. let s bring in nbc legal correspondent lisa rubin. this is always been, we will hear from president trump s on this interesting moment, as a personal attack, as president biden ordering his opponents to jail, except, when you don t answer a subpoena, no matter who you are in our society, just like if you cook the books at your organization to pay off an adult film star to stay quiet before the presidential election, there are consequences. there are indeed consequences. there is some connective tissue between this and the other case you mentioned, the recent conviction of former president trump. that can connective tissue is robert castillo, steve bannon s attorney and the attorney on whose advice he says he relied in ignoring that congressional subpoena. steve bannon wanted to argue, this was the crux of his appeal, that he was entitled to reasonably rely on bob castillo s advice that he should blow off the subpoena because trump was going to invoke executive privilege. the only problem with that is twofold. one, he was repeatedly advised by trump campaign lawyers that is not, in fact, what the former president intended to do for steve bannon, in part because steve bannon had been out of government for three years. the other problem is there is a 1961 case by the d.c. circuit this is where contempt charges are concerned, it is no defense to say i relied on the advice of counsel. it was that decision that a recent d.c. circuit panel reaffirmed and it is on that basis that yesterday, judge carl nichols of the d.c. district court said, you know, sir, vista longer presents substantial questions of law. i m going to the the state of your sentence and you need to report by july 1st. will come as no surprise to anyone that donald trump took to social media to really get this, calling it, a total and complete american tragedy that the duke joe biden department of justice is it is interesting. steve bannon has said he will appeal again and looking to push off the july 1st report date. tell us what mechanism that would be. is there a chance of success? or, is he going to go in july 1st ? steve bannon does not officially work for the trump campaign. he is an informal advisor and a large maga voice. if he goes in july 1st, he will be silenced for the stretch run of the collection. that is likely true when i think it is likely, if not highly probable he will go in july 1st. let s talk about his mechanisms for appeal. he can ask for a rehearing in the d.c. circuit. he has and june 24th to make that request. in all likelihood, they are not going to respond to that request before his july 1st reporting date. he can also file a petition with the supreme court but the deadline for him doing so comes after his july 1st date. either of those options, they could reimpose a state of his sentence. and i believe it is likely they are going to? i don t. i think steve bannon will, in all probability, serve that four month sentence and be silenced in the lead up to the election. that is particularly important because steve bannon was a huge voice for maga in the lead up to, and more importantly, after the 2020 election. there is still a phone call between donald trump and steve bannon on january 6th that no one has quite explained. up next, melinda french gates announces major donations for gender equality. our conversation with one of the recipients is straight ahead. ight ahead. curry from deep. that s caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don t think so! steph, one more thing. the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i ll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase, make more of what s yours. here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete 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( ) start to get yourself back, with bimzelx. ask your dermatologist about bimzelx today. philanthropist melinda french gates has announced she will be donating $1 million over the next two years to support women s rights. in a guest essay for the new york times , french gates writes, in nearly 20 years as an advocate for women and girls, i ve learned that there will always be people who say it is not the right time to talk about gender equality . it is frustrating and shortsighted. decades of research on economics, well-being, and governance make it clear that investing in women and girls benefits everyone. one of the recipients of the great was the american institute for boys and men. joining us now is that organizations president, richard reeves. also with us, repressor of marketing at the nyu stern school of business, scott galloway. good to have you both. richard, i will toss to you first and ask why this grant makes sense overall for women s rights. well, i think what melinda french gates has realized is that a world of floundering men is difficult to be a will to flourishing women. we do have to rise together. and, the young men and investing in education and mental health is going to be good for women. men and women will be raising children together. there s evidence that many young men are struggling in education and mental health, especially young men and men of color above all. i think it is a recognition that the gender equality movement has to expand to include boys and men as well. coming from figure with such prominence of melinda french gates was such a strong track record of leadership, i think it sends a strong signal that we do need to include boys and men in this conversation. to your point, scott galloway, you have been a great force on this on the state of young men in america right now. explain the challenges. equality doesn t necessarily mean that each side is the same. men and women have differences. what is happening to young men is equally, potentially as disturbing. could be with you and congratulations to my friend richard reeves. this is a great american story. unfortunately, young men are paying for the advantage that me and my father received. so, there is a lack of empathy. richard turned me onto this great quote, empathy is not a zero-sum game, civil rights didn t hurt white people. to richard s point, what he s always said he s who wants more economically and emotionally viable young men? women. women, of the tract, as they are doing, especially younger men, they are more prone to nationalist content, they are more prone to misogynistic content. you know, richard, it is so fascinating. maybe five years ago, when people like scott galloway three years ago were talking about this and a lot of people through their hands up, my god, how dare you talk about boys when men have been dominant through, you know, for thousands and thousands of years. you heard those complaints. on a very personal level but so much anecdotal evidence that i suspect a lot of people here in this are young women talking to mika and me going where are the men to date, where are the men that understand the basics? and, there s this horrible choice. on one side, you do have again, all anecdotal but you have, well, i m not going to wander into that minefield what i was about to say. let s just say younger women are understanding the costs of the mail crisis right now. they are living the cost. they are living the cost of it. what is interesting, these stories you say anecdotal but it is in the evidence, it is in the data. there is a big gender gap in college today than there was in the 70s. the biggest rise in suicide rates, tragically, has been among young men. we are losing 40,000 men a year to suicide. what i discovered is, among parents if you have a boy in the k-12 education system, you kind of get this immediately. if you have a doctor in the dating market, you kind of get this immediately too. and, realizing you just can t separate these things out and it is not a betrayal of the ideals of gender equality to start dealing with issues of boys and young men. it is the application of the ideals of gender equality. it is not a zero-sum game. i think that penny is dropping. the people are realizing we cannot neglect the problems of boys and men if we want a world that is better for all of us. i was particularly interested with what ms. gates has done. i salute her for it in terms of investing also in young boys and men and i think you or richard mentioned young boys and men of color. many of us in any study has shown disproportionately are raised by single mothers. i was one of them. to help those young boys and men that are buttressed by programs like yours, and to develop them, also helps the single mothers who are trying to balance life. talk about the challenge of that and how this could be helpful. reverend, you and i said that, we were raised by superheroes. my mother was an immigrant who lived and died a secretary, raced me on her own. what the research shows is the single point of failure, if you were to reverse engineer and why men are struggling is when they lose a male role model. the second most single-parent household, which is latin for a woman heading a household alone, just behind sweden. as richard s work has pointed out, the vast majority of people in primary school education are women. a boy is twice as likely to be suspended for the same behavior in school and five times as likely if he is black boy. would you have is an entire cohort of men being raised without male influence. what is equally interesting is girls have similar outcomes in single-parent households, same college attendance, same rates of self-harm. what richards research has shown is that while boys are physically stronger, they are mentally and emotionally weaker and we need to knowledge that. we need a group of thriving gunmen. how many times have we heard people say i know it time of young single women who are great and i can t find men for them. you can t find men for them, just not any man they want. we need to level up young people in general, specifically young men. coming up, historian doris kearns goodwin on how looking at america through a historical lens can help make sense of the issues facing our country today. try today. 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talk to your doctor about twice-yearly leqvio to help you lower your cholesterol. lower. longer. leqvio® with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose levels. no fingersticks needed. all with the world s smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at you famously said, regarding andrea clinton, lock her up. hillary clinton, i didn t say lock her up but the people said. the people said lock her up? that was your whole campaign. we remember, we were there. it is like if arby s said we never said we have the meats. the people said we have the meats. also, if you didn t say it, who is this ? they should lock her up. lock her up is right. lock up hillary. folks, i was talking about hilary swank. no baby is worth $1 million. donald trump did say lock her up many, many times. it is 6:00 a.m. as you wake up on the west coast, 9:00 a.m. here in the east, still with us, jonathan amir, joining us now, presidential historian, doris kearns goodwin. so good to have you with us. what a time. let s start with president biden making some of his most candid comments yet about former president trump s criminal conviction at a fundraiser in connecticut last night. the president called trump a convicted felon who stopped after the 2020 election. the president addressed the attacks trump and his allies have lobbed at the justice system. biden s of the former president, wants you to believe it is already. nothing could be further from the truth. it is reckless and dangerous for anyone to say it is rigged just because they don t like the outcome. biden added, the justice system is a core of american democracy and we should never allow anyone to tear it down. biden continued, here is what is becoming clearer and clearer every day. the threat trump poses in his second term would be greater than his first. this isn t the same trump that got elected in 2016. biden said, he is worse. doris, this is joe biden using the term convicted felon, a private fundraiser in connecticut, as john has been telling us, this is something we may hear more of from the biden campaign. they now officially are running against a man convicted of 34 felonies. how do you think that figures into the race ? every event affects the next event and i was going to think this project will affect how the conventions will happen. president trump has put out is we are a backward country, we are a country that is corrupt, we are a country that looks like a third world country and all of our systems are corrupt. i just don t think the american people are going to feel that way. one of the things i look at when i look at history is the backward look and the negative look as not working campaigns. i think biden understands that. when dragon was running against carter, carter talked about the malaise of the people, that it was a crisis of confidence in the people and we can comes along and says it s not the people, it s leadership that has failed and i am here to provide the leadership. the same thing happened when hoover talked about there s not much he could do about the depression because the government would weaken the people and he was going to hope we were getting through it somehow around the corner prosperity would come and fdr says it s not the people that is the problem, it is your leadership and i m going to do action. biden is on a good stand, in a certain sense, to talk about the rule of law, to talk about the country being a country that is not corrupt and to make that a contrast. i think this is going to be something, we don t know how. the debate could change everything, the conventions could change everything, events could change everything but right now, this will affect the tone of the campaign. this darkness, this dim view of the country presented by donald trump, this american carnage as he called it in his inauguration address way back. i guess it resonates with his base, it resonates with some people but the point you re making is you have to win more than your base to win an election. perhaps an optimistic message is the way to go for president biden. i think about the fact that when you are nominated, and he s about to be, you have to expand your base. i think back to 1964 in the republican convention and barry goldwater. what happens there is governor rockefeller, new york governor rockefeller, popular person in the party is trying to argue for a different platform, a civil rights platform. he gets shouted down and it all on television and it looks like the party has narrowed itself. they said in many ways, goldwater lost the election at that convention. when you do something like canceling larry hogan out, you need him, you need him in the senate and you are narrowing your party by saying you can t even say this verdict should be followed because it is a verdict that it is the rule of law. it hadn t even begun yet, he had said it before, it was a natural thing to say about our system. we have the moment you describe just from 1964. let s take a look. i would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. let me remind you also that moderation and the pursuit of justice is no virtue. doris, 1964 is really instructive. i will also say, obviously, fdr, a sense of optimism, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. the band play in happy days are here again. ronald reagan, it s morning in america. i truly believe america s greatest days lie ahead. it is always the optimism that rules the day. still ahead, legendary e street band guitarist steve van zandt on his remarkable life and career in music and show business. business. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. it s hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. start your journey with a free trial 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godfather. i heard it was really great. i don t remember a thing but that s what i heard. that was a look at the new documentary titled steve van zandt, disciple. the film follows the life of the musician and actor from his humble beginnings in new jersey to the apex of his one-of-a- kind career, performing along bruce pristine and james gandolfini in the sopranos. tuning is now, stevie van zandt, also the films director. i can t wait to see this. tell us why now, why did you decide this was the moment? he chased me for how long ? a long time, 2006 and years and years of trying to get, let me do this film. i m not comfortable being the center of attention. that is just a fact. i didn t even want to be in it at first. he s not in the early cut. you have to be in the movie. it would be hard to do without him in it. there s a lot of footage out there. anyway, they worked on it for two years before i agreed to be in it. i think, look, and and, we talked about what is the purpose of this thing and it is about the work. getting the work exposed as much as we can because, you know, that is one of the things i ve always had trouble balancing that art and commerce thing. can you explain how hard is it to explain the coordination of a band? you are in a big and, in a group of guys on stage in the synchronization of the shows always amaze me, you know what someone is going to do before they do it and you do your thing. well, we really have a long time. let s face it. that helps. a bit of esp goes on after a while. in the beginning, we had to be really good before we even got in the business. we had to be good life. that really, we had very high standards, growing up in the 60s. we had to compare ourselves to the beatles and the rolling stones and the who, very high standards. a lot of history, i think, bill got into it in the film. tell us exactly that. what are some of the things we will see, people who know stevie van zandt from the states or the screen, what are they going to see, what are they going to learn from this film ? telling them the whole breath and scope of the work and career and love of rock n roll is interesting. i think people may know him from television, from his acting, or they may know him for his music but they don t know he had the first branded satellite radio station, the first streaming television show. was a producer and writer and director. they may not know that the way, the things he does for education and they may not know his record label. there s so much to stevie van zandt beyond that music and we also get to expose the story of his amazing music, his friendship with bruce, his beautiful love story with his wife. he sees all thing. and then south africa. people may not know that silvio dante helped free nelson mandela and end apartheid. it is a pretty good resume. did you ever think from watertown, massachusetts to where you are today, the envelope you had to shoot through in terms of fate and lack is incredibly small. how often do you think about that ? about every hour. no doubt, we are the luckiest generation ever and i am the luckiest guy in the luckiest generation. i m so grateful, first of all that somebody would have an interest in making a movie about me. that is incredible already. i am honored that bill and the guys really spent their time doing that. destiny plays a role. if my mother hadn t remarried, my father adopted me and brought me from boston to new jersey, you know, i would have never gotten into the new jersey scene. if david chase hadn t happened to be clicking around, he wouldn t see me in dr. rascals and i want to get that guy on my new tv show the sopranos. there s a lot of detail in my book and i think bill, bill was, the conversations we had, i haven t seen the film myself at ceramic just to see what happens. you haven t seen it ? that is all the time we have this weekend. we will see you tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. eastern for more morning joe. until then, enjoy the rest of your sunday. your sunday. good morning. it s sunday, june 9. i m alicia menendez. with michael steele and symone sanders townsend. we are following president biden on his final day in france and the appearance of his message

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Transcripts for FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240608 02:12

Let him have it. and with kennedy don t want to weapon eyes anything you incentivize them as is a ping-pong thing is it possible to have mutually assured destruction to end the weaponization of the justice department and they think honestly that my issue is whether branches of government levels my issue in general as when so-and-so is there as doesn t demand much on who is and what position which i believe it was politicized but if we get my focus is on how

Kennedy-don-t , Anything , Department , Justice , Ping-pong-thing , Destruction , Weaponization , Issue , Government , Branches , General , Doesn-t

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240608 02:12:30

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240608 02:12:30 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

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Transcripts For CNN First of All With Victor Blackwell 20240608

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div class= gutr > preservation, age e1 works by making foundation on nutrition easy here combining vitamins probiotics, and whole foods source nutrients into one comprehensive formula multiple billion with a b we ve got this honor. you got this. i m dr. sanjay gupta. and this is cnn welcome to first of all, i m victor blackwell. we re going to start today with a breaking news out of israel. the idf says it has rescued four hostages who were taken from the nova music festival on october 7. now one of those freed hostages is no argument. she was seen being abducted by hamas and driven away on a motorcycle in the aftermath of the attack, cnn internet national correspondent paula hancocks is in jerusalem. paula tell us what you know about the operation well, victor, we understand from the israeli sayyed, but this was a joint mission. they say a very highly complex mission between the idf, the israeli military, the isa, the security agency, and the police. they say it happened at 11:00 this morning and it happened in central gaza, the area of nuseirat camp now, we know from the israeli side that they say that for israeli hostages have been released. and as you say, one of those hostages is noaa. money, a 25-year-old chinese israeli citizen, who, as you say, we did see on the back of a motorbike on october 7 being taken away by hamas militants. she was at the nova music festival this potentially one of the better known that hostages the that we have been hearing about over the last eight months we also know that andre kosla for 27-year-old, russian israeli citizen, has been rescued as well. he was working security at the music festival when he was taken hostage shlomi sieve, 40-year-old, who was also working security at that music festival where hundreds were killed on october 7 and i ll maga media johnny 20 one-year-old. so the four according to it, israeli officials, that we ve heard from our in good medical condition, they have been taken to a medical center to check them over. let s listen to what the idf spokesman had to say this was a high risk complex mission based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight in two separate buildings. deep inside gaza while under fire on fire, inside the buildings, under fire. on the way, on the way out from gaza, all forces rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks there are underwent intensive training they risk their lives to save the lives of all hostages but we also have to look at what is happening in gaza devastation left behind after this operation. we hear now from our producer on the ground, that at least 55 have been killed in the area that this operation happened is at the al-aqsa martyrs hospital and hundreds more have been injured hancocks with the reporting from jerusalem, paula, thank you. let s bring it back now, here state s sayyed and the 2024 race for president. now, 150 days until election day. but the election season starts far before that. first of all, this week, republicans can see the cracks in the coalition of black and latino voters that helped joe biden beat donald trump in 2020. but it s not clear that they have a seamless strategy to actually win those voters senator tim scott announced that he s giving it a shot this week. he s launching a multimillion-dollar effort to tor battleground states and recruit black and latino voters for trump and the gop here s the catch though, in the announcement a source told cnn the republican national committee, and the trump campaign are quote aware of the initiative and they plan to be resources where needed. but this was not a directive from the trump campaign. so it seemed like they know he s doing this, but nobody asked him to do this. and those no urgency to help him help them center is god s plan is expected to focus on michigan north carolina, georgia arizona, nevada, and pennsylvania. so let s go to philadelphia this past weekend trump campaign, they actually hosted a black americans for trump up prevent. this one is cognac and cigars because you know how much we love hennessy the philadelphia inquirer points out that the first event was in northeast philadelphia. one of the widest and most conservative parts of philly congressman byron donalds was the main speaker. and for the rest of the week, he had to clean up or explain or defend comments he made that day about black families being together during jim crow let s talk about this muddled messaging with michael harriet. he is a columnist for the grill and author of the black aif history, the and whitewash story of america. michael good to have you. thanks for having me. so let s start here with why is tim scott doing this? and is he the best? i guess ambassador for the gop to get black and latino voters. he s, he s expecting to get them for trump and the gop when he couldn t get them for his own campaign. well, no part of the reason tim scott is doing this is not like you said, trump didn t ask him to do it is part of like he has some leftover campaign money. any wants to be vice friend? so why not use this to by the vice presidency, he s best positioned out of all the candidates, like to be the black vice president. so that s part of it. and the other reason is, i mean, let s be honest, i d like you know, here black people talk about like, let s go to the tim scott party yeah, you don t want to go right out to the tilt kind of it. but tim scott is partially dorna s to kind of make a men s to his own black constituents in his own blackstone, which is also a part what i don t understand because the way tim scott speaks about race in racism in the country now and he says there is no structural racism, there is no institutional racism is not the way he has always spoken about. if this is tim scott in 2016 talking about racism and the scales of justice, watch this so while i thank god, i have not endured bodily harm i have, however, felt the pressure applied by the scales of justice when they are slanted i have felt the anger the frustration, sadness and the humiliation that comes with feeling like you re being targeted for nothing more. then being just yourself that was 2016 and he one on the same ballot is donald trump won reelection in 2022. what happened? there? donald trump happen right so i ve talked to tim scott about this issue about justice in policing. remember, for years tim scott was trying to push through police reform or the water scott notification act four years, but all that would away with donald trump, right? because this current republican party is not really a conservative party, is the party of fealty to one guy. and what one guy dictates is what you have to do or be on the outs with the entire republican base. and so tim scott has set aside all nest of this. he has been fighting for for his own self-preservation. and that is to serve donald trump, the lord and savior. here s what byron donalds said this week about black families and jim crow so one of the things is actually happening in our culture would your now starting to see in our politics is the re, in the region invigoration of black families with younger black men and black women that is also hoping so breed the revised hi have a black middle class in america. you see during jim crow going to go back to orange and grow back family wants together during more black people were not just conservative, but you always have 50 serving of my are more black people holy conservative leak and then hew, lyndon johnson. and you go down that road. and now we are where we are now he could. have made that point without invoking jim crow. why the frame work of american apartheid around families and families staying together? well, first of all, yeah, like you said, like, i don t even know why he spent the rest of the week defending stuff that he brought up. but i think that he was dog listening to a particular part of his base, white, not the black men, but there is a segment of black men who wish that they could return to the days when women didn t have all the rights that s one of the parts of that that we don t talk about that he s kind of dog whistling to like after the civil rights act women also got rights and that is why marriage rates in every race decline because they could have bank accounts, they could get jobs. and that s one of the things that he was dog whistling too. but the other thing is that he was dog whistling two part of his constituency because at those events, mostly white and at those events like those constituents who are gathered their they also are what to return to that jim crow time. that s the place that they want a return. that s what they re talking about, what they say make america great again. and that was also or not those people michael harriet. thank you for having us understand this outreach to black and latino voters. thanks so much for being with us. $130 billion. that s a lot of money according to the fearless fund. that s venture capital funding raised by us companies in 2018 the firm says that when they found out that only 2% of that financing with the companies founded by women. and less than 1% went to company started by women of color. it became their mission to close that gap with a grant program for black women entrepreneurs but their work is now on hold after a new federal well appeals court ruling fearless fund was soon on behalf of a group called the american alliance for equal rights. and they argue the program violates the law. and they say programs that excludes certain individuals because of their race, such as the ones that feel this fund has designed and implemented are unjust and polarizing. now, the aer is led by edward blum. now he s not a household name, but i m sure, you know, the fruits of his work recently he s the legal strategist who supreme court case dismantled affirmative action in college admissions. a blom is not trying to hide his continuing crew say this headline conservative activist who took down affirmative action is now going after law firms, diversity programs is featured on his groups website. his group is also going after a southwest airlines travel award program for hispanic students. the smithsonian institute, a national museum of american latino, in march blum touted as settlement that promised the museum s internship will now be open to all ethnicities but not just blum. it s taken up this cost since the affirmative action ruling conservative groups like here s have targeted a range of programs from those studying reparations to a program meant to help pregnant women of color now with that context, let s bring it now. ariane simone, she s the ceo and founding partner of fearless fund. thank you for being with me this morning. let me start here with i think is probably a pedestrian question, but i want to let you run a little bit with it. why socially, why culturally are these efforts successful, and why the fearless fund? i can t exactly tell you why the fearless fund, but what i can share is the impact that we have had prior to the fearless fund being in existence. black women had an average fund raise of $30,000 when the fearless fund was bounded, it came on the scene. we were cutting seven figure checks to black and brown women. our thesis is that a woman of color co-founder must be on the founding team and that is the impact that we have had. we ve raised somewhere over 60 million. we ve deployed investments at our investment vehicle and at our foundation, we have deployed grants as well as health education programs. i can t exactly say why we were targeted, but we this is the impact that we have and maybe some view it as a threat so among your list of investors, bank of america, jpmorgan, chase, mastercard, ally paypal does this ruling jeopardize that support that you then pass on to the women you award these grants well, there s two things going on. there s our foundation that s where grant programs are held. and there is our fund which is our investment vehicle, since the lawsuit, i can say that we have not had a closing on the funds sayyed, where we raise capital in order to invest in women of color since the lawsuit, we have had some corporate partners step up on the foundation sayyed, can continue those programs, but on the front side, we have not had a closing since the litigation has taken place. so there was a study from goldman sachs in 2020 that black business owners say that they were denied bank funding at a rate three times that of what we heard from are they heard from white business owners? what does this ruling practically mean for black women invest entrepreneurs and maybe other organizations that like yours target investment in this community that is at the front of the line when it comes to starting new businesses in this country it is very concerning. we only exist due to the racial disparities that exist as you stated, just recently, that there have been many times where people of color and black women and black people have been denied funding and financing there is no reason why black women are the most founded entrepreneur demographic, while receiving the least of the funding that takes place. there s no reason for that at all. these programs are at stake and they re at stake because this is a precedent case. this being used as a benchmark way to establish case law for what is either violating the law or accepted by the law. so yes, this is definitely very concerning and i hope everybody is taking note on simone ceo and co-founder of the fearless fund. thank you so much for your time this morning. well, he murdered a black lives matter protester in 2020. but daniel perry is now out of prison thanks to a pardon from the governor of texas, will speak to the district attorney who is now fighting to undo that. and the mother fighting for justice for her son, garrett foster plus id day medic, who s he wrote heroism, went unrecognized for decades because he was black we will show you the emotional tribute to corporate waverly woodson junior 80 years later the most anticipated moment of the selection and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president s one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27 the nine live and cnn and streaming on max now, at t professionally installs google nest products you re all set z, your home is safe and smarter. we re going to miss. you can check it on your home armed the system you should go manager system from virtually anywhere get intelligent alerts, like what a package has arrived are the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought you by adt. so how long have you lived here? 40 years. and how or the restaurants around here? are they good, bad man with the average household income? is there a mall? i don t know. a hair salon. where do you get your 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mockery of the laws of texas and the state constitution which give governor abbott this power well, travis county district attorney jose garza is with us now alongside sheila foster, garrett foster s mother thank you both for being with me. and let me start here with you, da garza, texas constitution, our region just a section of it. the governor shall have power on the written sine recommendation and advice of the board of pardons and paroles the majority thereof to grant reprise commutation of punishments and pardons. why is perry s attorney wrong? the governor s power to issue a pardon is not on limited and that s because the governor is not a king. he s not a monarch. keats still has to operate inside of our democracy and inside our democracy, there are rules that are laws that govern how pardons can be issued and what steps need to be taken before a pardon can be issued. in this instance. those laws were clearly violated. but texas also has defense council would read a little further in the constitution. he would also see that the texas this constitution has one of the strongest separation of powers clauses in the country. and as a result of that, it prohibits the governor from interfering in the role of the judiciary, which is exactly what he s done in this case. this pardon makes a mockery of our justice system. it has inserted politics above the law and above justice, and we intend to continue the fight. them to uphold this conviction or garrett and for his family ms foster, to you, you ve spoken about not just what this pardon means for you, your family, your son, but what this means potentially for other governors, for other offenders, the legal system it sets a precedent. it sends the wrong message it allows people to copycat what he did and how would everybody feel if that had been a trump rally? would he be pardoning this man if that had been a trump rally the garza, you say that this interferes with a judicial system if that is the threshold let me just give you some some room here to explain that. how does it interfere? i mean, the the guy oven or has the power after conviction on advice from the pardon and paroles board that happened here where did he interfere? let s let s talk about this from a couple of different perspectives. first of all this part is wholly unprecedented in many ways. the request for a pardon was issued less than 24 hours after the jury verdict the part in itself was granted after the appellate. i m sorry, before the appellate process even began it is the first time in the history of the state of texas that have governor has pardon someone before the appellate process has run its course. but the other piece of this is that the rules are clear. that in order for a pardon to be granted in the case defendant is asserting actual innocence. that the defendant has to either provide evidence from the district court or provide written letters from from two of the trial officials and in this case, none of that happened because all of this is political. let s remember that the governor old for this, pardon? i m after being bullied by tucker carlson and other right-wing voices on conservative media and so no one should be surprised that they circumvented all of the rules and all of the normal legal process to get to this political outcome. certainly the power of pardon is a strong one, but it is not an unlimited power. and it should be insulated from politics. that s not the case here sheila i having spoken with several parents in your position after losing a child, the conviction of the person who murdered that child is part of the healing not closure. i don t think there s ever closure, but healing how has this period since the pardon been for you i ve been sick ever since the governor announced his plans to pardon. i haven t been able to return to work because i am so sick because of the stress we waited nearly three years for a trial and when we finally got a guilty verdict, i was able to sleep fully for the whole night for the first time since my son s death. and then 18 hours after the jury verdict the governor announced his plans, departed it has wreaked havoc on my health and now that he s done it i don t i don t function normally anymore i m just honestly terrified how is weekend? i know saying yeah, i saw her last week and visited with her and she s she has struggling this is not right. there s nothing about this that is fair. there was nothing wrong done in that trial and they are just using this for political pandering. i should also say the documents show that perry texted in may of 2020 quote, i might go to dallas to shoot looters close. quote, and also shared racist messages, including white power memes, as well. now there are 14 attorney s general who are asking the department of justice to look into this see if there had been federal laws broken sheila foster, district attorney, jose garza. i thank you both for the conversation and we of course, will continue to follow this to see what happens next. a black d-day hero and his unit are finally getting the recognition their bravery deserves. will speak to the son of an army medic who treated the wounded on omaha beach and is being honored now, 80 years later this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results, follow the facts fall cnn nature you always know the right time to call when life plays dirty. water waves waterways pure, clean, healthy skin oh, no. running royal with chewy. always keep their bowl full, save 35% on your first auto ship order get the food they were delivered again and again sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep. so he takes z quell the world s number one sleep aid brand, and wakes up feeling like himself get the rest to be your best with non habit forming zeke. well, better days start with z equal nights and less time making cocktails and more time 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day, hurry. there ll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or shop today this weekend, june is an annual chance to remember the heroes that put their lives on the line for democracy on d-day even those who could not participate in that democracy fully themselves one of those heroes was corporal waverly woodson junior. he was an army medic, part of the 320th barrage balloon battalion that all-black unit landed on omaha beach june 6, 1944 and 80 years after spending hours treating wounded soldiers as he was injured himself. copa woodson was posthumously awarded the distinguished service cross that s the second highest military decoration that can be awarded to a member of the army. and on friday, the us army, the first army, honored woodson and his melody associated press took these photos of the ceremony and they described the metal being laid there on the sand and soldiers saluting it. the api described the metal being passed around among the soldiers delicately. and it was explained that we want to be able to say that this metal came from omaha beach and was at the site of woodson s actions corporate woodson son, steven is here also with this is shyam brown. she chronicled the stories of heroes like stevens dad in a new documentary a docuseries, in fact called erased world war 2s, heroes of color welcome to you both. and steven, let me start with you because i understand there was a reporter from the api who described to you over the phone what that ceremony was and what they did and as you heard it, what do you feel i was overwhelmed with emotion. victor, it was extremely well-done i actually did get to see portions of the video and on there s truly unbelievable and honored what does this mean for your family for your 90 mother? what does this honor, now, me it s a tremendous honor to our family. we ve been in pursuit for recognition for not only my dad, but just african american soldiers who participated in d-day invasion is 320th and by receiving this honor, it s just a little bit more of closure of recognition for all african american soldiers have participated in d-day. my dad s heroism was outstanding, but it s true honor, our family and shy. and do we know how many now black service members participated on that day in 1944? so with the free 20th, there were over 1,000 african american troops as a part of that barrage barrage balloon battalion and as well as the free 20th who were the only black combat unit to land on the beaches of d-day. there were also a lot of labor troops and so within our documentary series, we ve looked at combat unit combat units as well as people who would have been serviced troops at the time. so yeah, there s we re still discovering stories and it s just it s been an amazing journey to be a pole. according to the army, more than 1 million you in black people served during world war ii we know why they weren t recognized 80 years ago or even 50, 40 years ago. but why are they so under-recognized today, cheyenne oh, that s a tough question, but i think there s a way of rewriting history and what we mentioned in my film is that there are plenty or history books films, documentaries, which often leave out the black experience in world war two. but what we know is it was world war there were over 8 million people of color who served in world war two. and i think those stories need to be recognized and it s taken so long because i think it s hidden history and i think it s incredibly empowering and brave what these men and women do and had done there. so i think it s, i think it s who writes the history, what historians know, what archivists know. and another thing is a lot of the time to black troops what photograph, and they weren t recorded but in my film, you see black troops on in kettering in middle england. so we managed to discover that footage, but it was really, it s quite difficult to find a large array or photographs and footage steven, i understand that your family is now calling for your father to be honored with the medal of honor yes. matter of fact, we ve been in pursuit for this or with this for a number of years. my mom is really karatay, the torch or a majority of the time and with her being 95 now, she s doing great. but she has asked me to step up in and take her place in pursuit of my dad s recognition. so everything is going along fine senator chris van hollen from the state of maryland has been really instrumental and attempting to get recognition to him. well, i hope you are successful. steven woodson. thank you for your time. cheyenne brown. thank you as well. the d-day episode of erased world war ii, heroes of color is streaming. now alright, coming up we all recognize the regulatory and beat when we hear right but could a lawsuit over its origin bring down the entire genre will ask an expert? the athletes made you re pushing the limits of what is k before. ready to show the world how good i am. i train all over the globe. and that s what 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reggae tone with daddy yankee s smash hit gasoline up. but now more than 100 artists, including bad bunny and daddy yankee are being sued for copyright infringement the claim is that they are reggaeton songs derived from an instrumental by jamaican duo cleveland, cleaving brown. and white cliffs, steely johnson called fish market from 1989. listen to this three here. that beat is the beat you hear a lot in the genre s see, even just saying it because myself is moving. there were recent motions to dismiss this lawsuit, but a judge is allowing it now to move forward. wayne marshall is here. he s an ethnomusicologis t at berklee college of music and co editor of the book reggaeton weighing good to see you so this beat this dembo beat is everywhere. how foundational is it to the genre of reggaeton? oh, i mean that basic beat is absolutely foundational to reggaeton. a lot of people would say without that beat, that rhythm, it s not reggae tone. and you can find that beat propelling most reggae tone souls so this judge is now not determined whether the beat pattern is original work are warranted copyright protection you study this, does it first appear in fish market in 1989 or has it been around forever? well, yeah, it s a great question and perhaps a crucial question and one that will start to come out as the trial proceeds and it really depends on how you define it. obviously, steely and clearly or making the argument that they brought this rhythm into shape. and in an original and protectable way back back, then but it really is a question that basic beat that get to get, get to that we hear all the time and reggaeton. and that really define the sound of dancehall reggae in the late 80s and early 90s on the other hand, could be heard as a far, far older and more traditional rhythm these days we call it dembo pointing back to a dental rigueur record by sciubba ranks called dembo but 100 years ago, you would have heard somebody referring to that basic rhythm as the harb and anera because it was so closely linked to havana and in various other moments in time, it s been known as the tango. that s where tango gets its name. it s been known as bamboo law. according to robert farris thompson the great chronicler of afro diasporic culture in his work on tango he notes that back in congo, it was known as a mach-e new the call to dance. and so it s also not wrong for you to respond that way and apparently people have been responding that way to that rhythm for a very long time. one of the more than 100 artists who have been sued is, as i mentioned, bad bunny his album in 2023 was the most streamed album on spotify, 4.5 billion streams. what does this lawsuit mean in this moment of man? i save growth for reggaeton right? yeah, i mean, as you note reggaeton has been a massive growth sector in the music industry in general, bad bunny has been on top of the world more or less for several years. we had the story of days by sito back in 2017, making a record run up the anglo pop charts. so there s a lot of money, there s a lot of money, and reggaeton. and i think that s part of the backdrop here, is that jim making musical style has been a part of the global mainstream for quite awhile. and it has sort of defined the global mainstream through, through reggae tone for the last possibly 20 years, certainly the last decade or so. i think you ve got a lot of jamaican producers and artists looking around and seeing a lot of people who are not jamaican exploiting beats that they think really are from jamaica. and they re wondering what they ve been left out. yeah. and that is certainly the undertone of this now is reclaiming the origin of some of this music as so many around the world are profiting from it. wayne marshall ethnomusicologists. my first one on the show. thank you for being with me this morning to talk about reggae tone so he has are for sale paintings appearing exhibitions, a piece commissioned by the first lady of kanna. and he s not even 2-years-old yet meet the toddler who guinness world records just named the youngest male painter in the world. and artists like the assignments are going off and playing the tornado here. i m thinking i m going to die. and i thought that was it. marlin earth with liev schreiber tomorrow at nine on cnn homa glowed, just cleaned my entire house for $19. seriously, $19. they showed up right on time ended my dishes, my laundry they even cleaned my windows you just pick a date, pick a cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19. i love using glow and i think you will too i can via the windsor my daughter s mla she is 19 months old she is a little right of sunshine one of the happiest baby should probably ever made children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute mound looking at oregon, just looking in general here we are st. jude children s research hospital works day after day to find coors and save the lives of children with cancer. and other 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artists and ghana and doing interviews with international reporters, not bad for someone who in july will be 2-years-old. i met a slim and his mom after guinness world records named him the youngest male painter in the world. my name is chantel who am a visual act and full i gonna i am a mom of the current guinness world record holder as the youngest male he actually started painting at the age of six miles. i wanted to keep him busy while our supreme so i did put some on straight kind of us on the floor, gave you some pain. it was when he live in mind that when i introduced him to the traditional compass and easily brush and palette setup. but it might ahead. i thought i was going to now teach him how to do immediately. i put the set up in front of him. he took the rest. did they appear and started painting? i took out my phone and this is our old soul already knows what to do. i just have to be make sure that i m. opening the what s those core here you pled he couldn t do that. he as we speak, he had about 50 paintings so far, he has participated at just one wasn t. group is exhibition called sound out at an easier, more science and technology. people like lady of their public, of dana which keep committing a piece at some collective around the world. for me, i m very proud of him because having a child 8-year-old haven t such be liquidly, smith followed as good as the whole world recognizes came as judge not now okay the black one, the two canvases side-by-side that my favorite that is my favorite. so as liam is going to be part of another exhibition coming up next week for more information, check out his instagram page is run by his mother ace, underscore liam underscore paints thank you for joining me today. and every saturday at eight for first of all stay with us. we ll be back for a special our of cnn newsroom after a short break. you 19th cnn celebrates june with special performances by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work 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and macron s surveyed the troops. and laid a wreath under the arc at the tomb of the unknown soldier. at both leaders are expected to attend a working lunch following the ceremony before giving statements to the press in just a few hours from now, then macron will welcome the president and first lady for a state dinner. the close ties between the us and france are on full display de as the president, president biden continues to push his message of saving democracy and freedom after his d-day anniversary speech on friday let s go to paris now, a cnn senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche president s biden macron are expected to hold in talks today of this working lunch. hit the high points. what will they be addressing in the meetings well, they re going to be a few a topics of discussion that will figure prominently. first how they can strengthen the nato alliance, how they can continue supporting ukraine, and how they can secure the indo-pacific with president macron not willing to be quite as hawkish towards china as president biden has been thus far, but there will be some cooperation it s a maritime cooperation that the two countries are set to announce. present macron is also expected to share his thoughts on how president biden is handling this situation in gaza where he has broken with the president s position of seeking a negotiated peace process to reach a two-state solution. macron has said that he his ready to recognize a palestinian state. and there has been frustration here in france over that civilian casualties and the humanitarian toll that s been exacted in gaza as israel has prosecuted its war against hamas the administration has said that president biden expects a frank and open discussion, one that s candid and expects it. there may be some areas of disagreement there, but despite those areas of disagreement, both on the handling of the situation in gaza, as well as a high-profile break between the two allies a few years ago, over a submarine partnership that france was excluded from administration. aides say that the allies have never been closer, that their relations kinship has not been weakened in any ways by those fractures. remember, state visits are reserved for only the closest of allies and the white house has taken note that france is the us is oldest ally, and certainly those leaders standing shoulder to shoulder on those issues projecting this image of strength and partnership to the world is one of the main goals of this state visit, this happening today. so that will be really the scope of this state visit. you mentioned the press statements that will be happening later this afternoon. there has been some frustration that when president macron visited the us for a state visit at the white house, there was a press conference that was conducted tween the two democracies with two questions from members of each country s press corps. that is not happening this week. there will be a press conference at the g7, but there will not be one. this at this visit, which has been a source of frustration for some here and the preska that we will not have have an opportunity to ask questions of the leaders here, all that to say there will be pumped, there will be circumstances. there will be pumped. there will be just a lot of majesty and magnanimous things that you will see today if that arrival ceremony is any indication patient of what remains in the day to come, viktor and emmer? yeah. it continues to be one spectacular welcoming ceremony. kayla tausche. good to have you. thank you very much. let s talk with the cnn military analysts or tenants general mark hertling and see in an international diplomatic editor, nic robertson. and max boot, who was a senior fellow at the council on foreign relations and columnist for the washington post. max is the author of the new book reagan, his life and legend welcome to you all. max, let s start with you. and as a both leaders head eventually to this working lunch, talk to me about how you would characterize biden add macron s relationship? basically, there are political calculations at play as well. and then the bakr i should say, front of macron s mind he has to be thinking about the potential return of trump to the white house. i would say that presidents biden in macron have a very good relationship and as you say, i think a qur an is very happy to have joe biden in the white house rather than having to deal with placating donald trump, but i think the the anecdote that joe biden often tells us how that when he first came back into office and met with macron and he said, you know, america is back in macron and others said, but for how long and i think that s the shadow of trump hangs over all this. and of course, but even though biden and trump in macron do have a good the relationship they do have a lot of things that its costs including macron proposal to send french trainers into ukraine or is suggesting that they could be sent into ukraine, which is something that biden has expressed doubts about are or suggest that it s not a good idea. so i think there are things for them to hash over, but mainly i think this is just a wonderful moment of transatlantic unity to highlight how close the alliance is under biden angel greatly endangered or would be if trump were to come back into office? general hurtling as kayla mentioned, gaza and israel s war with hamas will certainly be something discuss today. there was the idf operation that. happened at a refugee camp that freed for israeli hostages some of the concerns here around the icc seeking an arrest warrant for netanyahu, while paris backs that washington called it outrageous the backing and supplying of weapons how significant are these differences on gaza, on support for israel between these two? well i ll try them with what max you said victor and that is they are certainly there are certainly a close relationship between president biden and president in a car but they do have some differences president macron has been very vocal in making pronouncements about different things. he is supported different things. then president biden has so well, their relationship is very close and they see democracy and the emotions of what is occurred over this last week as being similar, they do have some differences of opinion and i heard you earlier talking about the lunches and dinners. it will occur today, certainly, presidents and dignitaries du. a lot of eating and drinking further country but this is a time for them to hash out some of those disagreements, some of those differences of opinions, i think president biden has got to stay very succinctly what he believes should be happening in gaza and in ukraine, and how the nato-led clients should move forward. so that s what these dinners and lunches are all about outside the view of the kind of pomp and circumstances we saw this morning at the art to draw jennifer, i just want to follow up on that regarding these differences in and specifically on ukraine, we heard on friday, president biden apologize to velocity more zelenskyy about the delayed aid president biden obviously blamed for that but after mr. zelenskyy thanked the president for that decision to allow us arms to be used in a limited way to counter attacks inside russia. he added quote, there are some detail hells on the battlefield that you need to hear from us. i heard a bit of frustration there and zelensky s tone then, what do you think he s referring to? obviously he s referring to these restraints? well, what the presence, the once-key was likely talking about was the ukrainian targeting processes. amara president biden has specifically said that these long-range weapons should be used for an operational and tactical role. what does that mean? an operational or tactical deep strike using things like atacms and artillery pieces and potentially even jet fighters has to do with what can affect the front lines, what kinds of things are ready by russia to literally attack into the ukrainian defensive positions now, there s a difference of opinion in terms of military leaders saying what you have to do is not only du, deep strikes against those tactical targets, but what russia continues to do is push their forces further and further back from the front lines so that they are not under ukrainian attack capabilities. so that s what i think president zelenskyy is going hi to talk about how far inland can we hit? can we hit air bases that are launching some of the glide bombs? can we launch or can we attack missile launch sites so that some of our cities don t continue to come on your cat. the problem with all that is many of those russian launch sites and air bases are deep within russian territory and cause concerns from russia about attacks within their federation that could interfere with say, their nuclear defense strip, that they have put that forward saying, hey, our radars for nuclear and strategic defenses have been interfered with by ukraine. so we re saying that that is truly an attack on mother russia and this is what president biden wants to avoid primarily for the purpose of this war, not expanding into a greater european war with other nations involved you re watching the precession parade possession here along the song sally s a president s biden and macron are writing there together as indicated by the flags on the front of that vehicle we have max boot and lieutenant general hurtling with us mess. let me come to you and general hurtling says that this is the time to hash those things out. some of those differences. do you expect that there will be decisions that there will be resolutions to any of these differences today. or will they just be further discussions i m suspecting there will be further discussions, but i mean, i think these as mark hertling said, i mean, i think these kinds of discussions are very important because normally these discussions are conducted at the staff level or with foreign ministers. it s either good is very important to have the heads of state directly involved. and this is going to these kinds of occasions or the time when the heads of state have the most amount of time to spend with one another as mark hertling mentioned, there s gonna be a lot of lunches, a lot of dinners, a lot of ceremonial occasions. but while all that is going on, they can also have very substantive talks. and of course some of the stuff they re going to talk about is going to be the kind of stuff anybody talks about at lunch or dinner. it s going to be there s gonna be some polite chit chat, but i think they were also get to some of the nitty-gritty and try to hash these things out. but i think i think the big thing that a macron and other europeans are going to be looking for is something that biden really can t offer which is reassuring they want reassurance that the united states will stay committed in europe, that we will remain committed to the defense of europe. we will remain staunch and standing up for ukraine and opposing russian aggression. and of course, the best that biden can say is that s what i want to do, but i don t we have free and fair elections that america and if if i joe biden lose in november everybody knows that they could have we could have a very different policy come january 20 of next year. and so i think there is just there s gonna be a lot of hand-holding as well as a lot of hand-wringing about the outcome with the political process in the united states. and because president biden will not be able to give that reassurance that he will remain in office for another term. dig robertson to you standing by you to do expect president macron to be even more vocal, i guess more aggressive as the election, american election approaches as he has been pushing for the continent s self-reliance to take its own security collective defense more seriously absolutely. i think this is exactly the direction that europe is headed in now, because it recognizes that if not now, in the future, it may face those decisions are not every country has ready for it far from it. in fact, you have some real outliers in the european union right now, like viktor orban, the prime minister in hungry or robert fit. so the prime minister in slovakia who are both pro-putin, who are both against europe supporting or the european union financially militarily supporting ukraine this is sort of the headwinds in europe, at least that president macron faces course what he has been talking about in france has talked about for some time is a more united defense policy in europe where you become in the same way it s more similar to united states in terms of manufacturing armaments you only have a few fighter jets. you have the f 60 and you have the 15, you have the f35 in europe, there are many, many different arms manufacturers and they produce for their nations are a handful of nations within the european in union, a commonality of armament making, which is really the pressure that faces nato, right now. in terms of getting armaments in big enough quantities quickly to ukraine, that you can do this better by rationalizing a pan, europe p and defense industry. and of course, each country wants to have a big slice of that. but this is the direction that macron has encouraged european leaders to look at in the past. and one that would potentially where at the european union, which doesn t have a common defense minister, let said as ahead of foreign policy, your sip borrell at the moment, but it doesn t have a head of defense in the same way that that is something that nato does. but if united states didn t support nato in the way that it does today, then that would fall to the european union. so macron really has been a sort of a liter and a pusher for that within the within europe. and it s even his strongest partner, perhaps in the european union in this regard, would be germany, that their position is not the same as macrons. so it is an up hill struggle but it is something that absolutely they face and we heard this when president trump first came into office, if you go back those years, there was an emergency summit, european union leaders in mulcher, i believe it was and it was back then francois, along the french president and the german, the german chancellor, that then mac merkle, angular merkel, who were both saying, we need to sort ourselves out and be ready to be able to deal with an isolation is united states. so the conversations are well underway. all right. will lead the conversation. there are thanks to mark hertling max boot and nic robertson make sure to stay with us. we ll have more after this break simons are going off and playing the tornado here i m thinking, i m going to die and i thought that was it filing earth with liev schreiber tomorrow at nine on cnn homa glowed, just cleaned my entire house for $19 seriously, $19. they 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of the first hamas videos released of the massacre, she was seen being abducted on a motorcycle. we re joined now by cnn international correspondent paula hancocks and cnn international corresponded ben wiedemann, polo, first to you, what do you know about the operation? well, victor, what we re hearing is from the idf, the israeli military also, the security agency saying it was a joint operation that happened in central gaza in the area of nuseirat. it was a significant operation which at this point we understand has left at least 45 killed on the ground. and hundreds injured according to our cnn producer, on the ground. but what it has also meant is that for israeli hostages have been rescued and they have been brought back to israel. now, according to the statement they say that they are in good medical condition. they have been taken to a medical centre near tel aviv to receive a treatments at this point, we have already seen video of one of the hostages you were just mentioned they re no money receiving a phone call from the israeli president, hertz. but there are four that have been released, so no or argon money, who as we remember, we did see her on the back of a motorbike being taken at the nova musical festival on october 7, that also under aid caused law for 27-year-old is a russian israeli citizen who was working security at that musical festival also, shlomi cif 40-year-old, he was also working security and i ll mog mia jan 820, one-year-old. so for hostages, have been released at this point, we understand from the idf that they are all in medical condition. this was saturday morning that this was happening and it was described by the idf for the police and the isa is a common plex special daytime operation in nuseirat. it is the third successful operation that s the israeli military has carried out since october 7 to try and retrieve some of those, those hostages that were taken on october 7 by hamas, by other militant groups we understand there s one in october 1 in february, 3, released jointly during those operations there, but that s the latest that we have at this point from the israeli military, side, right? four, i was really hostages, rescued in that operation. paula, thank you. let s go to been we d have been now and ben, we were so get just a few minutes ago about this being the de that benny gantz, a key member of the prime minister s war cabinet, was expected to announce whether he would go through with his vow to leave the israeli government. that announcement has now been postponed is it directly connected to this operation that free these hostages we think so. i mean, a clearly does not want to steal the limelight with this one bit of good news for the israelis. his problems, his issues with prime minister netanyahu have not been resolved oh, they have fundamental differences. they were political rivals in the past. so that doesn t change. but i think for now, he s it s not canceling, probably not canceling his announcement, but he s certainly is going to postpone it while is rarely a digest. this news, i mean, keep been mining, is polo was mentioning back in what was it? october and february between those 23 hostages were released. today for them? that brings to seven 77 hostages released after eight months of intense warfare in the gaza strip keeping in mind, of course that what was much more successful at getting hostages released was that ceasefire in late november of last year where if i recall correctly, at least 40 hostages were released. so certainly what we ve seen since that very brief eight days cease fire that the military we operations have continued and have today had some success, but until now it hasn t really resulted in much other than, as i said, just seven hostages released. in the meantime, we ve had more than 36,000 palestinians have been killed we picked her. amara was showing you a video here of the two of the hostages that are coming off that helicopter and going on onto i believe that s a medical transport vehicle. one hand over his mouth, the other throwing his arms up in the air. we also saw a video so of celebration in the streets at the news of the rescue of four hostages from this refugee camp. as we get more pictures in this moment that so many families, those who are related to these hostages and those who are not have hoped for rallied for protested four to get these people who were now eight months, eight months since the october 7 attack good day almost to the de, have been held as hostages in gaza. what a moment to watch as these freed hostages walked off military helicopter are just incredible moments there we re going to leave it there. paula hancocks and ben wade. a man. thank you so much. we re going to take a quick break back after this the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one state to moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential 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somebody you can sign and make official start your will. i trust and we ll dot com and make it count five good things listen wherever you get your podcasts close captioning brought to you by rule or law. i kinda brands up to 70% off retail at rue la, at rubella you never faithful these the deals on top before there current jobs that s our breaking news now, the idf says it has rescued four hostages who were taken from the nova music festival on october 7. let s bring back cnn military and those lieutenant general mark hertling and max boot general first to you this successful rescue. and we ve learned that this is from two separate locations. this is what the idf says would this have had to have been on specific intelligence that led them to these locations to find these these hostages yes, absolutely. victor, there were the other thing i d comment on, the hostages were near the nest neutral refugee camp, which is in northwestern, more the center part of god, while the operations in rafah continue you, this, this makes it very clear that operations across the gap gaza strip in these specifically the underground, subterranean facilities the tunnels that hamas has built underneath different infrastructure as what s been critical. so yeah, the intelligence is what drove this. i m sure this wasn t just stumbling upon four different hostages in two different locations. this has to be an intelligence driven operation, which he israeli military has been trying to do since the start of this campaign and max sent to you and what what does this mean for the hostage and ceasefire negotiations that are on going? also, knowing that benny gantz, a cabinet minister we ll now he postponed his announcement of resignation apparently due to the release of the rescue of these hostages does this increased pressure on netanyahu to bring more of the hostages home well, obviously it s very good news to get these hostages out. i mean, i think netanyahu has actually been fairly receptive to the latest ceasefire plan, which is being pushed by the biden administration in a coalition of other nations. i think the holdup right now is hamas. they re not agreeing to that plan because basically the hamas leadership thinks that seems to think that it doesn t matter how many palestinians are killed or how much that people of gaza suffer because there s longer as the hamas leadership in some of the fighters are secured here are these underground tunnels they can still hold out and essentially come out after the israeli military retreats. and i think they i wouldn t be unfortunately, i wouldn t be not optimistic about an immediate ceasefire coming because these negotiations have been going on for many months you d have not gone anywhere and i think for israel, they still face some very difficult issues. namely what happens in the months ahead they don t want to occupy the gaza strip, but then the question is who is going to bring security to that area what is the day after look like? and that s something where netanyahu has still refused to provide any kind of vision because it would be two political difficult, politically difficult for him because his coalition partners don t want any role for the palestinian authority and at the same time, there s very little support for actually having the idf occupy the gaza strip and so this doesn t really solve israel s intractable problems. unfortunately, i m sorry to say it doesn t mean that the offensive was going to wind down anytime soon general didn t answer the questions. it doesn t resolve any of those issues, but i wonder as we look at this video of hostages who are free and the celebration in the streets politically how much time does this by netanyahu relief from pressure both domestically with the pending against resignation and the pressure from the us and other allies around the world well, i don t think it s going to gain a whole lot of time internationally. victor, it certainly will gain some time domestically from mr. netanyahu because he has a lot of supporters in the israeli government. i d like to point out though one thing that our great report are, then we amend mentioned he said the last big tranche of hostages occurred after the cetacean abbas still cities several months ago, and there hasn t been that kind of released since then. yeah, i d like to point out though that israel has made the opera to hamas on multiple occasions to have ceasefire in exchange for hostage yes. and hamas continues to play with them on this. they will bring them right up to the doorstep of a ceasefire with the potential for release of hostages from both the palestinian camps and israel, but also the ones that they took on october the seventh. and then at the very end, just when there s hope, hamas dashes those hope i think that s what max was describing so it means it s going to mean a continuation of the operation. and there is certainly a disconnect between the biden administration and the netanyahu government in terms of what they should do, in terms of a ceasefire. and the three-phase plan that president biden pointed out that he was offering allegedly with mr. netanyahu is approval a few days ago. but i think as long as the hostages are still in captivity and hamas shows no interest in releasing them. remember these four that were kept, were recovered this morning alive. we re not given up by hamas. they were driven by intelligence operations by the israeli military. so i think you re going to see a continuation of that kind of intelligence. and plus, i d add that these hostages will also be able to add to that intelligence in terms of their type of treatment where they d been moved from the number of moves they ve made what locations are they putting their fellow hostages in? they may be able to add a lot of information and intelligence for the israeli military to go after some morehouse. it really is remarkable that they were able to rescue these hostages eight months after the war started on tovar seven max. if and when benny gantz announces his withdrawal from the emergency war cabinet he is a centrist. what kind of impact do you see that happening on netanyahu s government? do you expect? to see more of a hard line approach that s very hard to say. i m not sure that that much is going to change. i mean, benny gantz can lead, but it s not going to bring down the government the issue that could actually bring down the government is question of conscripting ultra ultra-orthodox men into the israeli military because some of the ultra religious parties in the the cabinet are completely opposed to that. and if the israeli supreme court gives the go ahead to conscript the ultra-orthodox, that could actually be a crisis that could bring down the government. i don t think that the benny gantz departure will bring down the cabinet. i mean, i think my it s a little bit hard to know exactly what goes on behind the doors of the war cabinet. my sense is that benny gantz is certainly more open than netanyahu has to the idea of having the palestinian authority play a role in governing gaza after the war. but i think honor has also been pretty much of a hardliner on rooting out hamas fighters, even at the cost of substantial numbers of palestinian civilians, deaths i m not sure he s diametrically opposed to netanyahu on, on a lot of issues. i mean, i think he certainly has a perception as being more of a moderate but he he s not, he s certainly not a dove i believe the conversation there max boot and general mark hertling. thank you very much. liberate back hey, mom, how many should i decorate each have ran have blue. that s a really tough call. who are you if you look at the latest data? you re probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles. how this guy really knows his stuff i was just doing shift wednesday my always crying i was sad i was diagnosed with rob no miles should coma once we got the first initial hit, it was just 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game changing, flux path format, take courses on your own terms and apply the skills you learn right away. the assignment with audie cornish, listen wherever you get your podcasts we re now on the breaking news. the idf says it has rescued four hostages who were taken from the nova music festival on october 7. eight months ago. now, the chief spokesman for the idf described the dangerous mission watch this this was a high risk complex mission based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight in two separate buildings. deep inside gaza while under fire under fire inside the buildings, under fire on the way on the way out from gaza. our forces rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. there underwent intensive training. they reached their lives to save the lives of all hostages i just incredible to hear the details there. nic robertson is back with as you ve been covering, spent a lot of time covering these attacks on the war between israel and hamas. and just hearing those details about this, you know, the hostages were rescued from two separate locations in daylight while they were under fire. what do you make of all this? this is such a success story for the idf and for the families right now, this is the moment they ve been waiting for i was at the hospital just outside tel aviv earlier on this year. i think it was january, perhaps february when 23 hostages were were freed. that was a nighttime raid it meant laying down a lot of fire, a lot of palestinians in the neighborhood were killed just to get these hostages freed. but for those families and you could feel the euphoria at the hospital back then. so outside tel aviv. so i can only imagine and we re witnessing house some, and, some of their celebrations. but i can only imagine how it must feel for the doctors there who are real professionals in helping these hostages come out of this horrible environment that they ve been in. i mean, i m looking you look at no ag money now she was handed a telephone. the president of israel was congratulating or on the phone. but just look how pale shares go back and look at the video of when she was captured she was tanned she was clearly terrified in that video. so it s quite amazing to see her now having enjoyed more than 250 days of captivity surviving it. but you can just see the way, the way that she looks now, these hostages, it appears have just been kept either underground or completely out of sunlight for so long now, it s a big process as we know, we re talking to doctors back then earlier on in the year about the process of recovery for the hostages and it s going to take a lot of time. there s your emotion. noah got to meet with her father again. there were kisses. these these are huge moments, but it s an an intense trauma that they ve been through and it s going to take a long, long time if ever to begin to unwind that. but but the medical staff at the hospital that absolutely professionals in that know their job. but this is a moment of pure celebration. i think obviously for these families, but more broadly, and israel and a desperate sense for those other hostage families now, who, who, who desperately hope it s their loved ones next, you live pictures here of the celebrations as those for israeli hostages, as we said, located from rescued from two separate locations. all four taking from the nova music festival on october 7, they are now a free medical checks under happening right now. we ll continue to get you more on this breaking news. nic robertson. thank you for that. quick rate we ll be back hi sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is shared with your adversary he and his secret where it is betrayed itself, bullet to the back of the hand secrets and spies a nuclear game on cnn old spice gentleman who by hydration, body wash. now that is 24/7 moisture rotation with vitamin and be three are you noticing all the old spice u.s. bank, we know how good 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six points, cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso book if you or a loved one have mesothelial, not will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we ll come to you 808 to 14000 all right, back now to paris, where french president macron is hosting president biden. and the first lady on an official state visit. cnn senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche is in paris, the presidents are expected to hold talks today. we know they will be addressing a lot. i imagine gene that will hear from them on this news out of israel as well yes, it is hard to imagine that they would not address that news given how momentous it is for that situation and the fact that the war between israel and hamas and the current situation for civilians and humanitarian aid in gaza was one of the areas where the administration expected president macron to be very frank and very candid with his assessment of how the white house has been handling that situation. so certainly for the us, this is seen as a welcome development. it s something they have been pushing for for some time and certainly that is welcome news that president biden can bring to the table as part of that discussion. other topics that the two liters are expected to discuss are the strengthening of the nato alliance going forward and going into this summit celebrating the 75th anniversary of the alliance next month that need to continue supporting ukraine for the long-term. and what sorts of resources and assets can be deployed to ukraine at this stage of the war after president biden has just received a detailed assessment from president zelenskyy yesterday, and then there s going to be discussion around securing the indo-pacific with a new maritime cooperation deal expected to be announced between the two relations with china, in particular, had been one area where macron has been willing to be more open, more friendly toward china than the us has. certainly that is an area where the two could be in some disagreement, although there is this partnership that they will announce, we do expect those joint statements a little bit later on this afternoon when asked why there would not be a press conference between two democracies, the white house said that that was a discussion that was agreed between the two tides guys. all right. kayla tausche in paris where the us president in french president are about to head into a working lunch. thank you so much, kayla. and thank you so much for joining us this morning. first of all, starts after a break the increase in wildfires is exponential, unpredictable, uncontrollable rolling consequences. the need to do something is urgent slightly, earth would we have schreiber, tomorrow at nine on cnn not flossing well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows. listerine is five times more effective than plus ev reducing flats above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth. this three, feel the world. switch to 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom 20240608

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div class= gutr > budget vendor hall campaign smart as a judging by got it. got it, boss. honor you got this erin burnett outfront week nights at seven odd cnn good morning. welcome to cnn this morning it is saturday, june 8, if the officially, we re now into see you in a newsroom. i m victor blackwell. i m amara walker. this is a special edition of cnn newsroom is smerconish is off this week and michael will be back next. so week. we start with breaking news this morning, there is rejoicing in the streets of israel today after the idf announced that four hostages who have been in captivity the october 7 attacks have been rescued earlier, the idf spokesman offered these details into their rescue this was a high risk complex mission based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight in two separate buildings. deep inside gaza while under fire under fire inside the buildings, under fire on the way hat on the way out from gaza, all forces rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. there on the went intensive training. they reached their lives to save the lives of all hostages one of those freed noaa are good money would last been seen a being kidnapped by hamas fighters on a motorcycle. now the idf says the four are in good medical condition. they ve been transferred to a medical center with us now, a cnn senior international correspondent been wiedemann and see you in an international diplomatic editor, nic robertson, bend, let s start with you and tell us what you ve learned about the military option operation that led to the rescue well, this operation was focused victory in the nuseirat camp which is in central gaza and what we ve seen was intense military action on the ground and in the air by israeli forces starting around mid-morning. now according to the hospital sources, at the al aqsa martyrs hospital, indebted better nearby, at least 107 bodies have been brought to that hospital. there are apparently hundreds of injuries as well. this is the third operation in which israel has been hey, able to rescue hostages in gaza, a total of seven hostages have been released since 7 october it s worth noting that back at the end of november last year, during a weeks-long ceasefire, they were able rather than negotiations and the ceasefire that resulted founded 105 people were released in that instant. now among those released in addition to no autauga mani, who has been in touch with the prime minister and president israel. there s edmodo meter, john 21 recently released from from the army, and two security guards, all of them were at that nova music festival. the other two are andre kosla of 27 it s a russian, is rarely national and shlomo xiv, 40 also a security guard there. obviously in israel, this is being met with much jubilation but the scenes from the hospitals in gaza are really quite disturbing. blood on the floor of hospitals that are full to capacity city. the morgues full as well. now we ve heard from semi obvious about zadie speaking to reuters. he s a spokesman for hamas, saying that the freeing of the hostages is a sign of failure not an achievement. that this is all they could be achieved after nine months of war. victor all right, and let s go to nick now. and the reaction from the hostage and missing families forum has been obviously jew blend. they re calling this a miraculous, triumphant. it comes as a key official and the israeli government has now posted poland and announcement where he was expected to announce that he was drawing from the war cabinet. first, what does this rescue mean in terms of getting to a ceasefire deal, nick and two, do you think will hear from benny gantz anytime soon yeah, it was benny gantz who was expected to speak this afternoon a couple of days ago, is expected to announce it who withdraw from the war cabinet, which had the sort of implicit threat that because he was before october 7, principle opposition to prime minister netanyahu, that this could bring down the war cabinet and therefore you know, just sort of trigger over the near period elections in israel. but i think over the past 48 hours prior to the hostage release, it had become clear that he was shifting away from that position, perhaps under pressure from from us officials not to pull out of that cabinet. at this time, whatever is motivation not clear, but it does seem that the release of these four hostages is going to strengthen prime minister netanyahu s hand because his message has always been, we put the hostages first. we continue to fight. we go into release them. the only way to do it is through military pressure. so this reinforces the prime minister s his hand. so what does that do the hostage negotiations. i think it just pushes them further down the road because that s what we ve seen happen before. and i think when you look at it from the palestinian perspective inside gaza has been as saying that the death toll in the area where this whether it appears this rescue mission took place is high and we saw that in january this year when, when a couple of other hostages were released and the idf later explain the dynamic of that overnight rescue, and that was that they got on the location pretty quickly got into the room, got into a firefight with the gods. and then of course, hamas was alerted. and the way that the idf dealt, dealt with that to be to be able to extract themselves in the hostages was the laid down a huge amount of fire in the area, and that result salted and again, then back then, dozens upon dozens of civilian casualties in the vicinity as the idf sort of fought its way out of the situation. so from a palestinian perspective, the consequences of a hostage recovery mission, rescue and recovery mission like this is again, going to push the dynamic of hostage negotiations away from the table because it is going to inflame passions. so i think the short answer is it makes it harder to achieve a ceasefire deal right now, at least, yeah, that s an interesting element. and just as you were are talking, nick, i got an alert in from our team it said that at least 107 people have been killed as a result of the israeli military operation in central gaza, i near where this operation took place. according to a spokesperson at the al-aqsa but martyrs hospital i wonder as the secretary of state, antony blinken is headed back to the region in the next few days trying to push for this ceasefire deal what work can he do if in israel? netanyahu is emboldened because four hostages are home and hamas is now reacting to the more than 100 deaths as a result of the operation that freed those hostages? i think the ground reality is this was always a very, very difficult environment, diplomatic environment for secretary state antony blinken to engage in, and it s had very little traction with this israeli government, with all the things has been talking about, whether it s additional humanitarian aid, whether it s the pressure to get hostage negotiation and ceasefire is going sooner and we ve also seen the secretary postpone or delay because of events in the region and although there s no indication that is going to delay right now this will make his job harder. but the underlying reasons that he wants access to to get the hostages freed to end the war, to end the suffering of the palestinians to improve the situation, to keep onside, united states regional partners like saudi arabia, who say that they are ready to support a ceasefire if it leads to a two-state solution, if there s a concrete path of a two-state solution, of course, the united states need these needs, these allies and partners in the region because they will be part of the fabric, then supports a reconstruction effort inside of, inside of gaza which is gonna be hugely needed and may take more than a decade or even decades to complete so it s very complex and part of what secretary of state antony blinken needs to do is just try to keep everyone as close to the table as possible. the last thing he needs as one of his partners in all of this to just throw up their hands and say, okay, a line has been crossed that doesn t that s not on the cards, but this is what is playing against and bed wiedemann, let s bring you back in and let s stay on. this conversation about what this means for a potential ceasefire deal. as you heard, secretary of state antony thinking it will be traveling back to the region and he ll be meeting with officials in israel on monday. uh, what are you expecting in terms of the palestinian reaction and how this will all all play out, as, as us secretary of state is in the region trying to get some kind of deal done well, there seems to be so much confusion at this point about where each side stands on a hostage deal on some sort of deal to release the hostages, get a ceasefire. i think the bra hard lines. they re talking to both sides seem to agree that a 42 day or six-week period in which the elderly women the sec the injured, should be released, but it s really the endgame that seems to be the problem president prime minister netanyahu is insisting in his ultimate goal is the destruction of hamas. hamas, however, wants to make sure that when the fighting finally comes to an end, that they will still be able to exist and operate. so we have a basic contradiction between the two sides. however, obviously, i think the united states is eager just to bring this war to an end. it has cost president biden politically among his base. it is sort of an open wound i ve covered basically every war between israel and its neighbors. and those controls in the occupied territories. now, for decades, but this is by far the longest war, the war that is generated more anger, bitterness and division, and certainly for the united states. now that we are in the ninth month of this war with a huge death toll and disruption on in every sense really the united states needs to push as hard as possible to finally bring this war to an end. victor, amara. then we d have been in beirut. nic robertson in london. thank you very much. ian bremmer is president of the eurasia group group. he is with us now. e and good morning to you so let s start here with what this rescue operation means for benjamin netanyahu first on the ceasefire deal, because there was some reporting that the israelis agreed to it. but then there were reports that netanyahu said there were gaps between what biden had proposed and what he will agree to what now for the ceasefire deal, the proposal that s on the table. look, obviously it s a huge win when you ve had seven months plus of these hostages being held and no one knowing how many of them were alive, nobody knowing what kind of health conditions therein not just the visuals of seeing these four freed by israel, but also being able to talk to them, being able to hear their experiences. i mean, this is just a catharsis for trauma that the israeli people have collectively been through. and of course, not just not yeah, i hope that the entire war cabinet benefits from that. but negotiating with hamas, a breakthrough on this when you have two governments, one terrorist organization and the israeli government that completely disagree on outcomes has been incredibly hard two square. i mean, every other country in the world is looking for a ceasefire. it s looking for an end to the fighting and it s looking for all of the hostages to be released. hamas doesn t support that unless they find a way to continue to survive. and the israelis, and not just the prime minister, but the entire israeli population, wants to see hamas destroyed. there s really no way to square that. and especially if you re the israeli prime minister looking at american elections coming up in just a few months, looking at the ability to address a joint session of congress in just a few weeks, even though biden s nine i m very interested in that. he thinks he ll do much better if biden is out. and i suspect that s true. and so right now, if you re the israeli prime minister, you are playing for time and you re not particularly interested in coming to a short or a long-term deal with hamas and gun so just as do with speaking and we saw a president biden and president macron sitting down for what s been described as a working lunch, we were not expecting them to make any remarks. it looks like lunch hadn t even been served. they were sitting there placemats and utensils. so this was just a spray at the beginning of what we re told will be a discussion over a meal before the events this evening at the state dinner at the lu zai palace. here s that video again, we react really quickly. thank you. control room of the two men talking her, told we can t hear anything that they re talking about because of the distance but the meetings continue in paris and back to you and benny guns. he was expected to announce today at a news conference his departure because he gave netanyahu prime minister netanyahu and ultimatum that he wanted to hear a plan for the release of the hostages. he wanted a plan for gaza postwar, and he did not get those that was postponed because of the release today of these hostages are the rescue i should say. do you think that this puts off that departure for any more than to give these these people in these families, their moment or is it likely that it ll stay any longer? i don t think he s going to stay much longer we now have not yahoo pushing very hard and the far-right to open a second front in the north with hezbollah as hezbollah much more powerful than hamas continues to show rockets down on northern israel and 100,000 israeli citizens continue to be evacuated from their homes, from their schools. the equivalent of 4 million americans imagine if after 911, the entire state of connecticut or louisiana were evacuated, it would be all we re talking about. so that is a significant push gantz continues to have as a red line in the formation of some kind of plan for governance of the palestinians after the war is over in gaza, netanyahu has been completely uninterested in accepting that there are really some significant gaps between these two that are also pretty unbridgeable. i expect gantz s going to be out sooner later probably sooner, but that doesn t bring down the government in israel. the government is the likud party, not you and the far right allies. and there, what would bring down the government would be if there were a breakthrough deal as biden had announced with hamas, what would bring down the government would be accepting a two-state solution. what would bring down the government would, would be a willingness to engage on the terms that the rest of the world is trying to get the israelis to move towards, to have some peace and stability after months and months let s of war. that s not going to happen. so i fear, and by the way, since gantz has made this announcement, this ultimatum, we ve seen the first poll since october 7 that show that not in yahoo is once again more popular than gantz among the israeli population. so gantz can go and we ll see who replaces them and we ll see what the new war cabinet will look like. but i suspect it s not going to make much of a difference for this israeli government. and ultimately, they are the ones that call the shots for israel s future. and the bremmer. thank you very much. we ll continue to see happens the rescue of these four hostages. thanks for your time and we will of course, de, on breaking news and france and israel also this morning, some democrats are angry with president biden over policy shift on the southern border. still to come the crackdown on asylum seekers and how the white house is looking to mend fences with its allies 19th cnn celebrated juneteenth, with special performances by john legend, eddie lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do. juneteenth 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the senate last month. blocked by republican opposition and democratic divisions. the number of encounters has increased dramatically during the same time frame that just saw over 2 million during trump s presidency, during biden s, it rose to 7.8 million the proposed measure could be turned on and off asylum would be shut down when the average number of migrants illegally crossing the border reaches 2,500 the restriction would be lifted when the average of daily encounters falls below 1,500 for several consecutive days now the aclu has said it will file a lawsuit to stop the action from going into effect, joining me now is democratic congresswoman delouya ramirez of illinois who was on the homeland security committee. appreciate you joining us congresswoman. a first off, i want to make clear you opposed that sent a bipartisan border deal. and now you issued a statement this week saying you re disappointed in biden s executive order that the crisis is not at the border, but one of conscience, tell me what you meant by that? look, we re experiencing a global crisis and merely attempting to dress it with some truly unsustainable and in some ways disappointing and harsh policy at the border is not going to solve the issue there s a reason why people are crossing the darien 530,000 last year restricting asylum at our southern border is not when to stop people from going to the experience they re going through what they re going through in panama, what you re going to columbia and going to swell in haiti, in china. what i ve said is we have to ask ourselves if restricting asylum is going to stop people from wanting to seek a better life? the answer is no, the differences more people will die attempting between ports of entry. and you went to see more children experiencing some of the most traumatic experiences at our southern border on the mexican side. then congresswoman, what should happen at the border when tens of thousands because of migrants are trying to cross into this country illegally should there not be a limit at all, should border patrol just try to process all of them what s the solution? what look i ve been saying over and over and i m a vice ranking member and homeland security, we need more added support and staff at the border. without a doubt, and republicans continue to play all sorts of games to really make sure that they can drive this out in november, we need more staffing. we also have to create more legal pathways an io that is talking about creating in more legal pathways coming out and saying to state department of homeland security, i am going to work with congress to get more resources into panama. so that panama is not just like transit state, but also helping provide protections to people all of these other things that we should be doing that actually address the issue of number of people attempting to cross is what we should be doing it doing. and look, president biden four years ago when he when he was running, he said, i, unlike trump understand that this country is a country of immigrants, and i will not restrict someone s ability to seek asylum in our country attempting to restrict it today goes against who biden says he is at the same time, look at the immigration policy. we have 1986, we haven t done anything around immigration reform. so when you haven t done anything, you haven t expensive legal pathways, they ve climate refugees, these countries are in corruption and violence. there s so much to be he done merely saying, you cannot seek asylum after going through the most horrific things that our southern border goes against everything we say we are. but dan, it doesn t work. how would you characterize what s happening at the border? would you say it s it s it s chaos right now there s like humanitarian crisis. and look, i just came from panama six months ago. i saw thousands of people, many of them very, very sick with malaria desperately looking for help. and i also saw that we should be strengthening our relationship with panama to also help them except protections for people. but the reality pretty is that we don t have added staff at the border. we re not processing the resources with more supports. imagine having to seek attorney and you have four hours to do so. i don t even know if i can hire an attorney in less than four hours and then be able to be able to demonstrate the fear and the experience i just went through so some officer at the border can determine if i have credible fear or they re going to repatriate me immediately back to the country that obviously it doesn t. aclu has said it. there, so it s unacceptable. it goes against everything we say. should we be doing more to address the issues? should we increase legal passwords? should be building infrastructure at the ports of entry. you should be doing all of that merely restricting does not solve the problem. understood. well, obviously, more needs to be done. no one s holding their breath that congress will do anything about it, especially in this election year we ll leave it there. representative adelie ramirez. thank you for your time thank you for having all right. well, moments from now, we are expecting to hear from president biden and french president emmanuel macron more on the official state visit to paris is coming sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is shared with your adversary if his secret is betrayed itself, bullet to the back of our heads, secrets and spi nuclear game tomorrow at ten on cnn, its terms day but neutrogena ultra hsi or sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep, blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it s light, but it s working hard. have liked me neutrogena ultras year sunscreen okay. ready? one second. i got it. finished my laundry. it s gaslight. one second. i use rents was rents to the company that will pick up wash, fold, and deliver your laundry, dry cleaning at the touch but i do not trust other 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fighting for it and freedom following his d-day anniversary speech on friday cnn senior white house correspondent kayla tausche is live in pairs this morning. okay, so these statements are coming following a meeting between biden and my crawl what are we expecting him? and this wasn t scheduled? get older, was it the statements were scheduled. the statements have long been expected as part of this state visit to announce the joint agreements that the two countries have reached that have been in the works in the planning process for several weeks, if not months, leading up to this, we expect that they will deal with maritime cooperation in the indo-pacific, that some commitments to ukraine and to strengthen thank nato as well as some commitments on climate change, artificial intelligence, as well as several other topics. two, we know that that is essentially the bulk of the agenda today. hey, that the two leaders were expected to discuss and we know that they were discussing china in an unexpected opportunity for the pool to see the two presidents sitting down in what appeared to be a back garden or a back patio the conversation between the two leaders was not audible, but president biden was overheard by one radio reporting you re telling president macron are relaying to him something about his most recent conversation with president xi jinping of china. now, the two countries are expected to announce a marriage time cooperation in the indo-pacific to try to secure that territory, secure that region, amid increasing aggression from china and some economic coercion that seen both targeting the united states as well as targeting europe. europe had previously not necessarily braced the more hawkish position of the united states. but now they re studying tariffs against certain chinese products of their own. now they re starting to figure out exactly what they may need to do to adjust their posture toward china s. so that was interesting to hear president biden remark about that conversation with ci reporters will not get up an opportunity to ask questions in a formal state. but as is often the case in american press opportunities, that reporters in the room will try to shout questions at the leaders, unclear if they will answer, president biden in recent occurrences has not taken an opportunity to respond, but we ll see if that changes this afternoon. back to you, kayla tausche. thank you so much. and stay with cnn will bring you those remarks. sure. when they happen we re also following breaking news out of israel, four hostages held by hamas since october 7 have now been free. this was in an israeli military operation. what israeli officials are saying about the rescue the increase in wildfires is exponential on uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences the need to do something is urgent finally, burn with, we have schreiber tomorrow now on cnn i won t let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms defined emerge as you with trump via 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father after eight months apart. the hostages finally see their families at a local hospital where they were taken for examination. cnn senior international correspondent, then we d amid is joining us now. so the rescue operation was approved by the prime minister last week what else do you know well, we understand from daniel hagari, the spokesman for the israeli military that they were training for for this operation for weeks which took place in the central gaza strip, focused on the nuseirat refugee camp, where what we saw beginning in late morning was intense military activity on the ground and in the air with helicopters overhead, troops on the ground. it fairly intense bombardment at this point, we understand from officials at the al-aqsa martyrs brigade in nearby debt and bella that the death toll among palestinians is at least one 107. however, this operation did succeed in freeing these four hostages who are in two different locations and we can tell you they include noah outgo money, 25-years-old of viewers may recall that she was video you ve taped as she was being taken away on the back of a motorcycle on 7 october from the nova music festival. the other three hostages were also at that music festival, including two security guards. and we ve heard from the israeli authorities that despite at eight months of captivity in gaza they, they are all in good medical condition. we can t say the same for the situation in gaza itself where hospitals are struggling to deal with hundreds of wounded now, this brings to seven, the total number of israelis who have been freed, rescued by the israeli military. compare that to the approximately weeklong ceasefire at the end of november when as a result of negotiations, 105 hostages were released at one israelis and 24 for foreign nationals. now, there are efforts ongoing to bring about a ceasefire that would result in the release of more hostages. but they don t what seemed to be making any progress at the moment victor amara, ben, we d have been forced in beirut and just got an update from our team in london that it s really pulling police report that and there s really policemen from a special counter-terrorism unit was killed as well in this hostage rescue. his name are non amora. we re continuing to get updates of this rescue operation throughout the morning. of course, we ll bring those to you let s go to elisa, a palace. now, any moment, we are expecting to hear from president biden and french president emmanuel macron, the pre-planned press statements during this state visit there right now, wrapping up what s described as a working lunch, we ll bring you those remarks when they happen the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max. this is a freemium, hand selected bacon wrapped 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world to make it easy for you, call 800 630741 we are moments away from president biden and french president emmanuel macron addressing the press before their state dinner later today, we re joined again by cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson and environment president of the eraser group and g zero media. nick, let me start with you before we get to substance. typically, if these leaders are releasing a statement, it s on paper. if they re coming before cameras, they re answering questions why are they coming out to read statements and walk away and not take questions? do we know well, there s only one of them. is immediately facing an election. and that s president biden, and that would be my guess. they haven t said or they haven t made clear why they re taking this position but i think even though the french or the host here, i m a gemini setting the agenda. i think there ll be prepared to go along with the white house if the white house said they didn t want questions because they don t want that they don t want the possibility that the president will say something off the cuff as happens and then that has to get walked back potentially. okay. so what do you expect to hear? i mean obviously that the main topics are the attractable wars in ukraine and the israel-hamas war. what do the two leaders need to find? consensus on, if anything on ukraine specifically, they ve had a few good weeks. they re all looking forward to the most important international meeting that s going to happen before u.s. elections, which is the 75th nato anniversary in washington, dc. and just a few you weeks. and the efforts that have been made in recent weeks to get more weaponry to ukraine also, very soon to get more money to ukraine, guaranteed beyond just one year going forward. that is the coordination on the frozen assets of russia to be used and leveraged by the allies to help ukrainian defense. all of that has been happening. the new targeting all the rest with very close coordination by biden and macron. indeed, i think you could argue that these two leaders have been essential in expanding the support more than any other leaders and nato over the past weeks. and france is not always in at the position with the united states. so biden appreciates it. it may not be there for very long both leaders are in trouble domestically in different ways. of course, under a lot of pressure. but for now, they re going to want to take a bit have a victory lap and say, hey, this is the biggest threat that the nato alliance has faced over the last couple of years. and we are standing together, resolute to address it. that s that s i think the biggest message that you re going to hear from these two liters. it s fair nick, to expect that at the top they will knowledge the release of or i should stop saying released the rescue of the four hostages from gaza. hamas didn t release these the hostages the idf went and got them what do you expect beyond that, there were going to hear yeah, they both going to have commonality on that point in time. perhaps mentioned and paid tribute to the idf account of terrorism. commander who was fatally injured, mortally wounded during that raid and died. the both have commonality there. and i think just previous question, i think is one of the point. why do you not take questions in a scenario like this? because the president s have different positions on a variety of issues, whether it s the middle east whether it s ukraine, or whether it s china, taiwan, the indo-pacific, which undoubtedly part of the conversation and if you take questions, then the audience for journalists are going to want to explore those differences and that potentially is awkward. a neater, tidyr statement deals with that. so i think one of the things that we ve got two, hint of that listening to we saw president macron and president biden city down at a table outside before this meeting, having a quick conversation and just listening in, you could hear president biden talking about working together and he mentioned the last time that he saw president xi and thinking back here to president macros last visit to beijing, this was april last year. he talked about not wanting to get drawn in to a u.s china escalating wanting not wanting to get john drawn into that dynamic of tensions between the united states and china and france has different economic interests, if you will, in china and is willing to play them differently to the united states. so they do have different positions officials there, but we know from national security coordinator john kirby that one of the things that will come up will be improving maritime coordination between the united states and france in the indo-pacific region. so this is absolutely going to be about a common alliance that potentially could get drawn in to a conflict with china if china were to invade taiwan, something, something france is very much opposed to as well, of course. so there will be, perhaps we ll hear some announcement about that, about some kind of maritime police keeping force, border force, a tie up perhaps between the us coast guard and the french navy. there could be, we could get something on that i ll quickly you mentioned this us champion plan, which is going to be a top priority when the g7 liters meet an italy few days from now regarding this plan to leverage interests from seize russian assets and alone to ukraine macron is a keyhole doubt on this. we just have a few seconds, but could it do you expect that this is something that is a topic that the two leaders have discussed or will discuss today it is, it s complex, but i think they re getting there. i think it will be announced just a few months ago. everyone was the no but the harder this war goes against the ukrainians, the more urgency there is for the us and the europeans and ultimately, i think they re going to get to yes, biden and macron are closer, right now on most global issues that they d been in a very long time, nick is right. there are gaps distance, but right now, there s more alignment than we ve seen between the u.s. and france and a longtime, both leaders know that that may well be very fleeting. rubber, nic robertson. thank you very much. and thank you all for watching any moment now, we re going to get those statements from the president and president macron will bring you those live as they happen. first, while the show starts after break assignments are going off and playing, the tornado here i m thinking, i m going to die and i thought that was it. fallen earth with liev schreiber tomorrow at nine on cnn, i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks here, i ll take that ensure max protein 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic ga. the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration can irreversibly damage 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Israeli-military-operation , Nic-robertson-and-environment-president-of-the-eraser-group-g-zero-media , Bend , Military-option-operation , Victory , Editor , Led , Rescue-well , Nuseirat-camp , Let , It , 19th-cnn

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div class= gutr > and you, you can be next. well, it s time to make another connection. a game show legend return freak out here. leg warmers wine coolers and parachute pants for the ultimate eighties. pop trivia today eighties quiz show streaming now on fox nation america is streaming. all right. unfortunately, that is all thelh time we have left this evening. and if you haven t already, please check out my new series on fox nation, outlaws and lawman. all episodeson you can stream iv binge watch it. so to you nevers ever, ever, ever miss ans an episode of hannity monday ep 9 p.m..sday in the meantime, but not your heart trouble this fridayds night. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face put. a have a great night. yes, i m still not going homeknw with it s friday, so you knows. what that means. let s welcome tonight s t. like yes, she s like the show cops on tv s. it s the nineties ben often seen around half naked men joseph saves the world podcast be he creates more than a weight watchers meeting at raymond flanagan s backyard stand up comedian tyler fisher sees like hale small white and smashes windshields new york times bes t author fox news contributor got to work and his underwear can be by paragliders. new york times best selling author comedian, world championm tyruers now before we get too ne some new stories, let s do this . greg s leftovers. yeaheg slit , it s leftovers whi i read the jokes with the news this week. and as always , it s my first time reading them, so they . well, stuffed ground down joe mackie s pants and send him to the view packs formerly known as twitter has established new rules to allow users to post content. elon musk says that decision was made by his newest content s executive, new york governor kathy hochul, is ditching a plan for congestion pricing, which would charge driversg chai to enter the city s business district. she said the plan would only force new yorkers to move . unlike her face, i feel bad c to a newly transmitted fungal infection has been detected in new york city. al infecthe only thing you get r a visit to new york city is a fungal infection. s thyou re doing great? yeah. about fungal fungal, though. to help prevent shoplifting workers at tj, max and marshall s are wearing police like body cameras. customers are furious because this increases the likelihood of someone seeing them shopping at tj and marshall s remote tribe. finally connected to the internet, only to wind upon tri hooked on be in. unrelated news, pornhub will soon start accepting seashells as payment. i m off to the beach. the wall street journal reports that people are divided peop. jo whether it s okay to call someone without texting first. others report that they just wish someone would reach out at all and ask. very lonely friend of the show, alex hilaria baldwin are unveiling their new tl c t series for 2025 with the couple plus their seven children. it s like a modern day brady bunch, but with alice getting shot in the face, like, oh, on the electric front. ev fr senators are blasting the government for havinong three years and $7 billion to complete only seven ev charging stations. the government plans to build 500,000 stations and confidently predict that at their current pace it will be completed by the year 216,000 310. that s for real, by the way. paul krugman, a journalist, the new york times, asks the question, should joe biden downplay his success? that s like asking troy baker if she should downplay or looks back. i ll take it. jennifer lopez, her tour,ting citing a desire to be with her family. ws upon hearing the news, her husband, ben affleck, announced he s going tour. researchers are calling for on in-flight alcohol purchases to protect passengers health, but they added passengers on spirit are free to keep sniffing glu e. glue. related news after a british passengers were told to brace for landing, then spent hoursce on the tarmac. fellow passenger for james cordn entertained his fellow stuck travelerjames s. british airways thanked corden for getting the passengerss thet to actually look forward to dying in a crash. a new app tracks the price of a big mac at every mcdonald s across the united states to help users save money. it s such a great idea.y the apitp already has its firsts vip customer line item and finally, the world s loneliest man lives in an abandoned village, a mountain ls with just a horse. in fact, we have picture of him and his animal, which we don t even try to make it look like sa village, you know, and he ll just slap ite to people together. and now to the news where the dems rue the day they tried to put trump away. well, now that liberals weaponize the justice system against the once future president manipulating phony charges at trial the and ahe pao conviction that pandora s box is open and trumpers opy revenge. e after all, if democrat lawfare b is to blameinge, then two can py at that game. republicans from stephen miller to steve bannon and speaker mike johnson are expressing the need for f vengeance and not just the fun kind where you switch. maxine you wig with a family wak of ferrets. mike johnson s promising to use appropriations legislation and oversight to rein in the justice department. rrain inand course, the left wia has their gender neutral. in a twist over it. the washington post quote, trump wants retribution. this eye for an eye justicend d is real and dangerous. mother jones. trump anges obsession with reve, a big post-verdict danger. daily beast revenge would trump in the gop want moste what of all? well, boo hoo and the brain trust that is morning joe ismorn shakining g their boots. donald trump and his allies are ratcheting their calls for revenge against democrats. ahillary clinton be jaileds in response to his guilty verdict. donald trump is not messing around. he promises retribution and he serve it up.p an sd o with that, i mean, i m not sure what moreve people to know, given a lot of things that donald trump has promised trump have come to pas. great work there, mary.ther sorry to break the news, hon, but hillary still roamingy the streets in sweat stained pantsuits, menacing society. despite all trump s calls for jail. so it s good that mika admits a lot of trump s promises did come to pass, like building a healthy economse toy and bordc security, world peace. who else rememberso the good old days of 2019? not mika. when you re married to joe scarborough, you try not the to think of the past or the present day. thin thes the future either.i but the way i see it, trump s greatest revenge come november 5th. after that. enough with the revenge talk.s n instead, focus on incentives so this again, don t don t get vengeful, get maventud as in mutually assured destruction. let them know you re just as capable as they are in provino g that no one is above the law. it s not really about jailing people. it s about punishing crimes. because like mahatmapeople iingi famously said, don t start. none won t be none. kennedy, a should there be payback? and b, don t you think it s interesting that they re quakinn t yosting thg their booo they know they deserve it? they re the ones talking about reveng e, the time. no. it reminds me of hamas being angry at the response that israel had after they inflicted the worst massacre since the holocaust. so although a weaponized republican administration would be capable of retribution, i think it s horribl aadministen the country. i like what mike johnson is saying. i like that they wouldson is sds use and every other means to take stocapproprik in the jue department. and i want them to squeeze the justice department and make it smaller and more ethical. and i want them to do that with every othe r agency. you know, we talked about doing defund the police. d we re like defund everything. you know, that s what small minded conservativese police den libertarians wanted. so if they re using this momengt to make sure that these institutions cannot do that again, i m fine with that . i think vengeance is a horrible idea. and this administration, if there another trump administration, they should rise above it. i do, i disagree. rising above thingst. is overrated. e tyler if you were trump,u ge how would you get back at tould the dems for this sham conviction? i mean, you knoget baw i wasr to say everything kennedy said. i ve read word for word, but, you know, i think he he wants to wear this as a badge, right? he ll he can twist anything34 cu and make it good, right? 30 four counts. greg, nobody s i done it right. nobody s done it. el chapo couldn t do it. he do it. 22 counts. he did 22 counts. al capone a failure. nine days even. excuse me. even the zodiac killer. right? i call him the zodiac loser. i ll be out in the yard. catch me outside of the yard, greg. i ll be out there. it s going to say trump s yard. so i don t think.le yeah, i think. let hi the badm have the badge. you can t beat it. you can t beat it. let him have it anyway. and then what? she said that i do agree with kennedy that you don t want to weaponize anythingntiviz but how you incentivize them when they return to power. right? it becomes this ping pong. and i guess what i m saying is, do you think about is it possible to have mutually assured destruction to end the weaponization of the justice department? huh? i mean, that didn t happen. i think that s always implied. and i think, honestly that my issue you brought up kennedy like a lot of different branches of government, levels of governmenwhether rnmentt. my issue in general with this idea of one so-and-so s there or if so-and-so was there, i don t want to say this and that demands so much on whod is in what positio mn. and i think the fact that what happened to trump, i mean, i absolutely believe was weaponization of the justice system, absolutely was was obviously politicized. but i think that if we get my focus is on like, how did that happen? right. we should not let those positions of power to have that kind of power. not like, oh, when i want my guy in there. so he can do that to your . that s not i think that s not the answer. although i understand the impulse for people who are on one of the two teams. but i really do think that the n focus should not be on who s in power, but the amount of power those positions have, because it s really, really, truly a scary thing. it is. all right, tyrus, what dosometh you think? are you you need to do something. t stop they re never going to ask. i think it s funny when people people who spent the last six years with a coup and doing everything they possibly could, stretching the law, being martyrs and lying and committing crimes to findlyind crime, are worried about revenge. als mo it s not really revenge. it s like a bank robber steals his moneney and he s sitting in the house going off the bank, comes back for this. this is wrong. yeah. them like they went out of their way to get him out of officeffic. they commit i don t know how many different fake stories or in planning stories. a a team of hollywood directors come in to produce the january 6th thing. like they went above and beyond to go after hige m they had guys who ve just 34 counts of one crime that was expired and they did everything they could. he never did that when he was he n h. now he would say hillary deserves to be locked up, but he didn t have one of his guys in the doj resign and go hop on to where shet they lives and look for a crime on her. so what, they re afraid of what joe, with them all afraid of is that it s not revenge, it s accountabilitrebilityy. and that s the things like, oh, yeah, turn the other cheek . he gets in. you understand that last six years of work is out the window. yeah. so should be. there should be an accountability buddy waiting for you for those who spent this time. because here s the deal. if you were doing it right, you would stand it. t yeah, i d have to worryt about retribution because i follow the law. i seek d bashan the. i got the truth, so come get me. come g what saying. you w they re like, hey, it s all cool if you win. yeah. ohin no, that they re worried. > they ar thee worriey d, whh is why they re bringing up the r word for revenge. oh, not, ,kennedy. coming up later in the show, standup performance from comedian joe mackie. but first, possible vp s fi are sweating over 40 vibes, vetting if you ll be in the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld, go to com slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. bounty mega roll last longer so you can tackle something avocado, berries, butter, coffee, cream, drippy fingers, deviled eggs bo and empanadas, red and green bounty mega roll that you clean spills without runnin sug his glasses. it s been done bounty the quicker picker upper everybody wants super straight super white super straight super white teet smile new sensodyne clinical smile new sensodyne clinical awayink uct. and 24/7 sensitivity protection . i think it s a great product it s going to help a lot of patients when your home needs work. where do you go? 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what is does the whaouist do you think the president is contemplating he should dento what the democrats do, they love having the first, right? yeah. kamala, first black, the firstwa indian black woman, the first autistic. i it was so much the first down, the first one, the first and, you know, so we re going to have the first blind, bisexual, bipolar, biodegradable, nativef colo american chinese trans child of color. and it s going to be so great. but no, i he should think outside the box, you know, you know, have like a podcaster . someone s got to. ben shapiro would be a good vp. oh, yes. yeah. but i thin good but he dk he heg too ads too much. okay, everybody, my fellow americans, we are at war. bombs are going off because china got a hold of our nuclear codes. we did not protect our online data. that s why you have to use express bp, use code the bombe o for 10% off. or maybe bill burr,mb 10% he s funny. he s a comedian. yeah. open for him and everybody woul evee would tune in, right?w you know, my wife came home. she s watching the veep, right? we re makingomin illegal, right, on monday. it s called bills, right?it it s going to be five years in jail for every minute you watch the vide 5 io, that g, that s brutal. and then trump comes out i and think that. i think that would be his ideas. i likee cat. did you see who was not on the list? kristi noem looks like the dog got the last laugh. di, it s true. that s it s true. that s what did it she s was on the list. oh, of course she was on the list. but then she bragged about enjoying. bragg her dog. yes, probably a back story. not at all. do not take advice from corey lewandowski. yeah. where s oliver? yes. yeah. yeah. i think maybe he should do be someb speak, like to both sides of the aisle. like 50 cent? yeah. n wa have you been watching that? oh, my. like he, he was meeting with everybody and i just say, oh my gosh. wow. that salmy, trad, okay i m okay. and then he posted a photo with lauren boebert and then everyone went nuts only aboutt e that photo. so then he tweeted, wait, wait, guys, i took pictureso care with everyone. all you guys seem to care about is lauren. what did she do in a dark theater? hawhat ds been done. my god. hey, i don t have chlamydia, by the way. lol. that s my vice president at the very at the very least, he should do this show. oh, yeah, i think. sure watching, someone watching proby knows him. i ve asked him i haven t heard yet, but i m sure he de he loveo this show would well, mr. said yes, mr. said said 50 or 50 now i was going to do it. now what now. he s never going to do it because you just did he ve that. all right. no, vivek, no. nikki haley. no. ron desantis on this list. what stood out to you? i like byron donalds, doug burgum comes out of nowhere. tim scott. tim scott. there is tim scott. and here s the deal. you know what? no, no. haand no. doesn t need to be vetted. yeah, you know, she ll do what needs to be done. yeah. so there s no reason to vet her. she s at the top of the list. it s not like you re going l he to call her and be like, you re off the list. i m not doing that. aru know what happenedd be lik? you might mess around in the forest. you go, kennedy, do the sound. really? got it. oh, judgment oh, my god. oh, it makes me feel. ] makes me feel bad when i hear we you do that. how do you think kristi noem stanfield? oh, does it feel anything as dead? do you think this is a deflection, that these aren t the people that he s goingnt? to do something different? absolutely. yeah. i mean, he s going absol to dc some version of the apprentice, willo is going to crescend at the rnc in july. he s keeping us all guessing, waiting. he s real, releasing a little bit here and there. ang of thethe beginnin bachelor, you know, the chicks where he s making out with atthr beginning. they re never the ones he takes home to his familyver th. it s like you know that s interesting doug burgum is just a red herrineng he s been to the governor rodeo. yeah and it bit him in the, which kristi noem dog would have done that. but how about this? okay, if. if the person isn t s on the list, ideally. okay, so you don t want to pick somebodyo ideall. you don t want to necessarily pick the best person for the job. right. soa thbests in theersoan most votes, huh? what if he did do something i like totally wit different? like. like whom? somebody you know about white skin?. tatted. you mean harold ford jr close. close. i was going to say joe manchin . he s retiring and he just doubts his democrat party democratg anrenoun status. they need to decide to go independent. yes. he s no longer there. why do i make up these things? do you think maybe i haveagin a problem? but could you imagine him takinge hie be? somebody like that, just like cream in the out of the democratic party. in hewhat about fauci. he did a great job. can you do fauci? you know, you now, you know he d be on there being like you need your fifth shot every y. the first shot really was just to loosen up the vein to get it ready for the second.e dcoo we should have kristi noem go to his house, have dress up as a u dog, get him his vaccine, get him his booster shots. he means only in the most comical way. remember when he got really mad at jesse watters because jesse watters says somethinge go about shots and he was like, i m getting threatened by peopllike i me that can t dol feed. all right. do you feel that getting a calld overo a texyo t? 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i ate a carrot, so i ate half of yesterday. yeah, but. and this is what she ate in two days. days. one carrot sugar was elde. please pray for me. the international fellowshipneeu of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderlto jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgentlysu of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all one survival food box with all of the foods need for their diet for need for their diet for one month even people, when you call right nowy your gifts now, be doubled to help save lives. it breaks my heart to know that theref less are holocaustto survivors who suffer to this very dayornable. now with pensis of less than $2 per day,me. they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. but i believe in god. but i sometimes maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell story and i will find a match so people would understand. you know, brother, i face hunger again. please don t delay, call, cai scan or go online. noft s impw to help rush one sul food box to a holocaust t survivoro help. when you call right now, your gifts impact will jungry. this is what god wants from us. us. just if i you hear god s voice, nal o i m asking you to act nontw. do it when it s on your heart. i pray that they ll know in their final months more that they re not alone c. ideat we plan to offer retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea that they can sell their life insurance policy fovr ? 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obody dead a no, i just called to say hi,e you know, why are you callinge me? yeah. yeah, i hate when people call me without texting first. i it i look at my phone, i m like, is this person really going to force me to do improv right now? ye s yeah. like, what is. you re not going to meabout. what this is about. yeah. you know, it s like you re just going to call me. t it could be about anything. i ve had no time to prepare, but. okay, ifimare but the worst tha you can do, like, the actual worst thing you can dot is kyra s off calling you rightr now. yeah, you can see, i feel like. i feel like i ve done something wrong. yeah, no, i m just calling. i feel like hello. likee. t s lik nonju i m in trouble. i m always like, you don t know how to answer. depending on what it s about you to be likeo, hello? or like, how about we re like, hey, what s up? like, you don t know. you what, though? she just hung up on me. i got a text or. no. yeah, but guitars i want to about on the show. pirates. there s no need for. all right. yeah, we re okay. i just called times, but it s on voicemail. yeah. i don t need back. you re blue. i think your necklace could be a belt for me. you kno.ou arew what, pirate? i want?cklace i have an app for my necklace. give you a battery? or you. yeah, that s great. okay. is your. you all right? so this is the wall street journal . the title is called don r reg? t you dare call me without texting me first. can you guess whict he to gender this? don t you dare call me without texting. without te. al no, no. because here s the deal. if you cal l, i m probably not ans going to answer anyway. and then if you text me that you called me, then i m definitely not going to call you back. whose life is this complicatedul ? important to where? like, only call me if it s an emergency. kiss kiss my ass if my. if i feel like calling you, i m going to call you if i want to text you first. but that s what that is, is is it s a polite way of saying, i don t want to talk to you. exe please text me so i can lien to you and say, oh, i m so busy you g world problems right now behind closed doors, hit back later. this is kennedy. this is a just it s people who had landlines. they call more often i o without texting data. e they actually doo. call you to say hello. it s not like it s not like so young people assume that if you re calling in bits to break up with themk upha or actually o not true. you just do that by text or t would completely ignore the fact that they were never alive. yep, exactlyy welive yes, preciy that. i long for the good days where you just dump them in the bay. i don t know though. so i think the proper etiquette would still be to text someone before you murder them and dump them e ber in the bay. yeah, i think that s. that s. you don t want to get them a running start. a runninkatie. i feel like i don t, i don t run before i get on a bicycle. like, i m going to pick one form of locomotion, one form of communication. so the call, you re goineg callu you. i m not going. i m going to walk around and be like, hind beingikit s m, it s.s i m texting to ask you to zoom. am oal i goingl you ? greg: t that s the worst voice i ve ever heard. i know worst was, but that s tht the the person who wrote this article, that s the voichenend u they haven t yet read. and you know what this person does? and grading it at least once or twice a week, maybe three times a week on the wall street or wl, they do thesejourna complaining pieces and it s like, why this person does , ing this when you re flying, why does this person do that? it s the same personwh . ll you know what this person does. tyler? i ll tell you what this person does, okayt they d these are the people that text short texts. that s me. oh, my god. they tried to frame. , ,,,.e an what s up? just to say once that. yeah , yeah.n yo and it s like you re sitting there, you going like, okay, what s going on? you can put it in one text. that s the crime. that is the crime. and then what t itn crimi we re, overly consensual now. you know what i mean? consenat i meat to make eye con, i m overly consent. we are. i that s what this is about. i want to go one step further. i don t want someone textingt g without me knowing. first, i think there should be an app called cannk b i texth you get an alert a is going can i know you can t text me, you know, then you know you useo the oral legend. somebody has to tell legendl girlfriend that school. gh oh she was so cruel. but you think about this oral legend, right? t to somebody who has to tell time like, hey, kennedy, can you tell tyler that? i want to text him? tes, you re.l ta i ll talk to greg at home. just call a man. do it.were we weren t doing that back in the day. like, you know, i m going day d a carrier pigeonse to your house to let you know there s a handwritten letter that will arrive in 300 business days, you know, just call me my. pronouns are pick up kathy talking to my girl. what is the impression gre you justg: what would you call. that era old timey impression? yeah. ye timressios. time h this is every old timeessi impression ness that she goton t was coming on the corner. if she s not going one twice, can you do that as s awok? a woke person now. but that voice. well i m feeling a little bit l prettyd my pronouns are he they them who, what, when, wher e and skedaddle. oh, real quick, before we go, did you guys see greg s excited hand dancese? greg? greg gets a point. he does this all. all right, watch it back. watch the greg hand dance whenwh excited. he s so excited. his other hand can t catch up to clap. he jusd heo excis other hat. it s just. i can t. i can t defend myself on this. i all right.ons an coming up, questions and answers. and doug lima, what someone needs to customize and save hundreds in car insurance with liberty mutual lets fly chief doug.behind m oh wow. i thought you were right behind . me only pay for what you need. every delivery man we family. what is it about cindy crawford ? 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tyler i d probably finish the wall. it would be a nice lego portion of the wall right. now, why not? why not a lego wall? yeah, the woke people love like ,oh, it s so, it s so playfull and colorful. make it rainbow for pride. whatever trick them. i mean, you could do a contract with lego and that thing could get built. mirun s what would you do with a million legos? what would you build? what would i buildlllegos whbuia million legos? legos?a of me. hmm. to sit in this chair right here. you know, legos? yeah, they are leg lego. f you it up on ap wh stick in my pocket and slap you aroundin. wha kat, if you.u what would you build with a million legos wouldn t build. i would just step on them and then it would figh?tet withy husband about who s going to throw them away until he did it unt. build you could build an amazing house. amg housy some. what i was thinking. know what i would build with a million legos, a leg o machinead that made more legos. so it would accelerate and the machine would keep making legos, which would mak ine wee another lego making machine. and pretty soon it wouldbe sel be self-perpetuating. i would take over the world a lego makinrpetuatitake og mace back and killed lego hitler. yes. oh you could. you could. you could. um. n. ar. bricks and so forth. yeah . applaud, applause god. bullies bully, bully, bully all right, cosmetics. what is your main and how do you manage it? let me get tyler. you don t have any phobias. my name is tyrus perry s. d what did i say? tyler. milo. tyrusas tyler. er tyler. talk user into one person. yeahne. of a note, though. we ran off together. my son. you have to be on top of mye on shoulders. yeah. listen, one small part of myrver life is all i can handle. do you have any phobias? is because you you can be. it can t be snakes, spiders or any. oh, no, no, it s. nit s people that i don t likee talking to. talking to me is my phobia. coen somebody that you just comes upme you is like hi andd o then it it and they justi keep going and goingneve and i never know how to end it w without saying shut up and go away. soithoaming it s like, i get non i see i always see him coming. yeah. i just hate that i gre get gey every time that comes in the room, you know, i get upset. yeah. e watter, you know. you t yeah. have you talked to himald to hi who did you say it? waters? waters? t ta he does talk to anybody, though. he s pretty private to himselfo . it s the breath problem , cat phobia. but i used to have, like, actually a really bad phobia of, like, blood and guts. but then i got over it. yeah, you. you had say, was chapter five, a and it was i looked downnd and there wa s. yeah. once your blood went, you know, your own blood and guts i had choice but to get over itr i out. i wouldn t recommen d the way if you need one. tyler, do you have any phobia? i do have .a of needles, which is why i didn t get the covid vaccine. mostly because my pediatrician, i was too tiny. was togi mean, that thin have gone through my arm. yes. also, fear of feminism, for surer sure that fear, that is wn toxic masculinity up on a date,c my goes into my stomach. iul at just can i say that? i guess he did just said it.> i just said i just said kennedy. i really i really don t don t have any phobias. no fears. i not i don t have fear of heightsar i m not cla claustrophobic. i don t have a fear of snakes or spiders ohobic or fire or st i don t i really i wish i had a phobia sounds like a feminist. i mean, i had panic. yeah, you know, i do. i have i ve had a fear that if. can t get i can t open up my eye s underwater. is that weird? i thought 1,000%. yeah, it s weird. and no, it is do is open.t you know, it s weird because i don t like i don t like having things below me. i don t like open spaces. i get things. being below view is weird. i do get in your stature house. i don t know if that s agoraphobia, but like. like, like with goggles on her. with goggles on, it freaks me out. i can t eveneven look.. i can t even look. i can t even look at. that s what i wouldn t when i saw poseidon adventure, the original, i had to walk out. what happene i sdoventurd to yo. you were baptized, greg? yeah what , i don t remember the talk. the preacher down. all right, we to go.ot to go we got to go. up next, standup comedy from joe. .you. there are certain eras in american history that define us, where fortunes were made, rules were broken, and legends, they were born. this was an age of outlaws and, lawmen down county by businesses down here. some were heroes. some were villains. and where the fun begins. this dark tree and marsh grass this dark tree and marsh grass reads. d. this is outlaws and lawmen imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but insteadou remade over and over intod ou the things that keepr our food fresher, our families safer. us get there. america s plastianrecyclinc maks us get there. are investing billions of dollars to create innovative of dollars to create innovative products you pustions, technologies for sustainable change. because you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life insurance? do you know? 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and i m like, i don t know. loike an get a very good lookd o at him. yeah, yeaokh subway s just gotten really dangerous lately. ever since they got rid latelof consequence. d of it s like recently i had this rule where if you bringe tr a dog on the train, it has to be fully enclosed in one of those dog carry and getha bae . but people can break in that role left and right. recently i saw a guy bring an unleashe i sad on the train. w so i wrote the subway authorityt and i said, hey, if you don t rl start enforcing your dog rule, eaoner or later a babyer going to get eaten, you know, because because people s can be greal st dogs with a great owner, with a bad owner, sometimes they eat babies. we all we all know that well ,anyway, the subway authorityhoy never wrote back. tha and later on, i realize b that may have been my fault because when i phrase it. if you don t start enforcing your dog rules, a baby s going to get that. sounded like i was threatening to eat a baby. all nd that s not i meant at all. that s how rumorthat ss start. g i m just always having these weird interactions with government workers. knwas washindinteran with wg mye park, and i know that sounds weird, but where i live, where it s all apartments, no one has hoses. people wash their car there because they can fill up bucket theiind ons now. but on this day a parksr worker didn t care for it. he said, sir, you can thtctn 20 your car here. i ve already gotten 20 complaints. and i said well, if you ve already gotten 20 complaints, she s put up a sign so you can wash your car. if there was a sign, i wouldn t be doing it. it s the same reason i stopped selling drugs in all those high schools, and that should have been the end of it. but this guty was prettyd col stupid. that s why he can t succeed in the private sectodn ther. and he actually said this. he said there s no sign that says you can t murder someone. and not allowed either. i said, can you put a pind tt in that? i want to get my joke notebook. soy joke n i can write thisdoin conversation down to make fun of you behind your back in different citieies. and i said, first of all, it seems to me like murderingyour someone or washing your car is kin card of an apples to oras comparison in that it s coming from someone that hates the expression apples to oranges, because it always made sense to me to compare different popular fruit.rough. but back to the subject at hand, if there was a signmurr that said no murdering allowedin ,i would just get the out of there. because you got to figuret that s where most of the murders were happeningofm. but this is the best time in history to be crazy. they re practically giving out awards for it because of the internet. like recentl outs for y on on ft day last year, a friend posted a picture of her and her dad frn with the caption happy father s day to the world s greatest daed and dad was pretty old. schroeder i said, hey, is your dad even on instagram? pretty old. and she said, no. and i said, why would you tellwl him he s the world s greatest dad on a forumd s ? he s not even on he s walking around right now, doesn t even knowin he s world s greatest dad . then i answered my own question. it s because you re a malignant ,she said. how do you figure? i said, imagine doing something like that before social media. hey, phil? yeah? i just want to let. you know father s day. i told my dad s world s greatest dadd . that mak well, it makes sense, joe.s it s father s day. that s the day i tell hifatherm dad, i like one more thing, phil. i mean, you know, if you like that? yeah. the world haand the s to be a cy place, but luckily, beer companies have stepped in to make sense of it all, but itl an really backfired on bud light. people started boycotting that beer. imagine that one day. you re a fan of bud light beer,y and the next dayou you re denyir yourself the delicious tasteselo of flavored alcohol. and people say, joe, how do you know what tastes like?rinet fair question. 1 time one time i was stung in theng mouth by a jellyfish jellyfish . the worst part about having someone on your jellyfish.n sting is when you find out later that s not a real cure ou you were just bamboozled again. german tourists. hey, thank you, guys. so much. i really appreciate it. thank you. thank you. thank you. than k you. thank you. joe mackie. he s delightful. don t go away. we ll be right back if you ll be in the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. this bathrobe so musty everybody damp. everybody s damp. david s new fast acting drop in tab attracts and traps excess moisture eliminating, musty odors and body depth. we have a door that doesn t lift. so it went on and it took me just a handful of minutes. so vendors who were knowledgeable, they did high quality work. they wanted us to be happyso yoc with the work done as well. it is a beautiful garage. same g t started today at and, ecom bounty mega roll lastde so you can tackle candle tossing you can tackle candle tossing avocado berries, butter, coffe e cream, drippy fingers, deviled eggs and bananas, red and pick roll that you clean spills without running out and glasses. lessons been done bounty the quicker picker upper the best things in life come in to two scoops of ice cream two thumbs up and now by any phone when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free that s right two months free all with fast reliable nationwide coverage. make the switch today air modo inflate anything in minutes. the air modo is a portable air pump. that means you can inflate your tires wherever you are. bu gives you peace of mind at the gives you peace of mind at the push of a button. does it get air mode? 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It-s-time , Wine-coolers , Game-show-legend-return-freak-out , Connection , Leg-warmers , White , Text , Font , Black , Logo , Line , Product

The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell

In the world has never seen anything like it since. winston churchill called what happened here, quote, the greatest, most complicated operation ever. winston churchill wanted to be there. prime minister churchill, who was a combat veteran in his younger days, told the commander of the d-day invasion and future president of the united states, general dwight d eisenhower that he wanted the board and navy ship to get a closer view of the allied troops hitting the beach in normandy. general eisenhower told church hill that they could not take that risk. churchill told him, exasperated general eisenhower, that he would board a british navy ship and there is nothing the american general could do to stop him. and that was true. eisenhower couldn t stop church hill from ordering a british navy ship. but the king of england could. when king george heard that churchill was going to join the

World , Winston-churchill , Anything , Prime-minister , Quote , The-greatest , Ship , Dwight-d-eisenhower , Navy , Board , Commander , President-of-the-united-states

Erin Burnett OutFront

You know, briana with vladimir putin coming out and saying that russia could send weapons to the vicinity of countries that are supporting ukraine. will the cuban government tonight is coming out and saying they expect a group of russian warships to visit that island in the coming days, including a nuclear powered submarine. now the cuban as are saying, none of the russian ships are actually carrying nuclear weapons. we ve reached out to the russian government, but so far have not gotten any comment. brianna all right fred pleitgen. thank you for that report. and out front now, retired army lieutenant general mark hertling and general, you hear the president theories insisting that ukraine can only use us it s weapons for these limited strikes just inside of russia over the border from kharkiv. do you think though that the us might eventually need to allow ukraine to expand the use of those weapons it s possible briana, but what the president was talking about today was what we in the military would call either tactical or operational deep

Weapons , Ukraine , Countries , Vladimir-putin , Russia , Group , Government , Briana-keeler , Vicinity , Purposes , Warships , Cuban

CNN News Central

he just appointed the anticipate antithesis of that to house intel. scott perry and ronnie jackson being appointed to the committee peri played a major role in trump s efforts to overturn the 2020 election jackson has a series of ethical issues in his past, including a demotion from the pentagon over his conduct while serving as white house position does that concern you neither concerns honestly. scott perry, not only who served honorably in congress, but as also been a general in the united states army reserves. and so i think he brings an interesting and strong some background to the intel committee, ronny jackson also has served in the military and has that kind of background that would benefit the house intelligence committee. so i understand that they are not perfect. i understand that they have engaged in things with president trump that some of their rhetoric may look dangerous, but i think both of them have served the country

Trump , House-intelligence-committee , Issues , Role , Series , Scott-perry , Efforts , Election-jackson , Committee-peri , Ronnie-jackson , Antithesis , 2020