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Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20170103 01:00:00

revealing anything privileged tomorrow or wednesday. and then spicer was deflecting on russia s role by arguing that maybe election interference is more of an issue for hillary clinton than vladimir putin. why aren t we talking about the influence other influences on the election? why aren t we talking about hillary clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? that s a valid attempt to influence an election. spicer is citing an e-mail there that showed a democratic operative on cnn appear to share debate questions in advance with clinton, an e-mail revealed by the underlying russian hack. now trump s aides would apparently prefer to take shots at hillary clinton than address the foreign policy dilemmas they re facing right now. it s easy to see why. it s pretty easy to blame your competitor for everything. that is, of course, what 2016 was a about. but 2016s over. this is 2017. it s not a test. it s about to get much more difficult for donald trump. joining me now former cia
operations officer and a 2016 independent presidential candidate, evan mcmullen. what do you think of what we re seeing here and this bizarre inability to deal with what might be negative information about srussia separate from wha you do about it by the trump administration incoming? well, i think we have to ask ourselves, the entire country, why is donald trump and his team working so hard to protect russia in the situation? it s clear russia worked to undermine our democracy, to influence our election. the intel community came out unanimously in october and said this is what russia is doing. but you don t need to be an intelligence officer to know that. russia is doing the same thing here in our country it s done in europe and is still doing in europe and germany, for example. that is funding groups like white supremacist groups, white nationalist groups, using internet trolls that they employ in russia, supporting their
skeptical that s true. i think it s not true. you have a nice way of saying he s full of bs. what do you think your former colleagues in the intelligence agencies are thinking when donald trump seems to use every time this issue arises to sort of get into their biggest embarrassment on iraq and sort of cast doubt about the entire integrity or the competence of the entire operation. of course they re unhappy about that, but i think that speaks to a much deeper source of tension between the intelligence community and donald trump. that is that donald trump wants to align our country, his administration, with the very country that is attacking our democracy, the intelligence community and the national security community in general warned against him, warned against this policy approach during the election, and that s not going to change. there s a very deep source of tension there. but donald trump continues to
it. and so he denies it, says we should move on. and ultimately he says because there s no other way i ve got information that you don t have. but i m not going to tell you for a few days. so what happens? then we in the media talk about it for a few days, repeating his claim to know things that no one else does, half of america believes it. half of us don t. but to his audience, they believe it. and we ve carried that message in the media. so he has won, a on playing us by doing this. we have to call him out when he knows what other people don t know allegedly, we have to ask where did that information come from. you said half of america, we have to fact check that, i believe 46%. evan mcmullin, thank you for joining us. up next former u.s. ambassador to russia. first, mr. ambassador, your response to what i was just discussing with evan and your view of where intelligence and
diplomacy meet here. well, intelligence is a major part of diplomacy, a major part of our developing a foreign policy. in a few weeks president trump is going to be working with these very people that he s saying very distrustful things about. i want to remind your viewers that the vast majority of the people that work in the intelligence community are not political appointees. they re professionals that will be there january 20th working for president trump. mr. ambassador, when we look at the sanctions that are currently being deployed against russia, when trump comes in, do they just continue automatically? what does it take for him to change them? yes, they do continue. it will be incumbent on him to be proactive to change them. if he chooses to do so. and in doing so i think he ll have to explain to the american people and to his own a
administration i want to keep emphasizing that these people will be working for him come january 20th, why he is reversing it. maybe there will be an argument. i look forward to the new intelligence he allegedly has. maybe there s some reason for it but right now i think that would be a very difficult thing for him to do without explaining his actions. you mentioned the intelligence he claims to have. what would he have? either he has something that is from the intelligence community and we spend about $17 billion a year trying to get the best possible, or he has it from some other nonpublic source, would that be a russian source, or what other source would there be for special intel that is not within the cache of what they already have within our 17 agencies? you know, to be honest, i have no idea. i hear that. it disappoints me. i wish he would spend a little more time learning about our intelligence and learning do
a deep dive in counter espionage and maybe understand these things better. maybe he has some source from somebody who provided wikileaks with the data. that s a conspiracy floating out there on twitter and facebook, but i guess we ll just have to wait until tuesday to find out. what do you think about his wider habit here of saying we don t know, quote/unquote, things we as a government or a country do know? why is that so important to him and does it remind you of anything you ve seen abroad in the way some leaders sometimes seem to prefer the conspiracy theories of the street to what s actually knowable? well, he s denying it because he worries it affects the legitimacy of his election. of course if more people believed that the russians influenced our election, that would delegitimate his electoral
victory. he s been elected. the electoral college has spoken. everybody is preparing for him to be sworn in. i think it actually would help him to put this behind us if he acknowledged the facts. i think we need a bipartisan independent commission so we get all the facts and all the facts, by the way, of how the obama administration handled this intelligence challenge during the election. and so that it could be wrapped up. everybody knows the facts. and then we get on with doing the things we need to do to prepare for the next election cycle. the russians have tremendous capability. it will be better in 2020. other actors will have capabilities in 2020. not pretending we weren t attacked. right. the other big nuclear story here is north korea as an aspirational power. here is what donald trump wrote on twitter. north korea just stated it s in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the u.s.
it won t happen! end quote. how does that declare tiff statement compare to the actual bipartisan process over two administrations to have some kind of constraint of their ambition? i work here at stanford with george schultz, the former secretary of state for ronald reagan, and he always talks about never make a threat unless you re ready to deliver on it. and what troubles me about that tweet is he s now made a declaratory statement about policy. i don t know if he s done the homework to know he could implement the threat he s just put out. wow. well put and thank you for your time, a.m. bmbassador michael m. as always, appreciate it. thanks for having me. still ahead, donald trump it continuing to conduct business as usual. his private resort selling hundreds of thousands of dollars in tickets this weekend. that was for the new year s eve party with the president-elect. we ll explain what s wrong with that after the break. grid every day.
and we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression, including preservision areds 2. my doctor said preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula the national eye institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd after 15 years of clinical studies. preservision areds 2. because my eyes are everything. what are you doing? getting your quarter back. fountains don t earn interest, david. you know i work at ally. i was being romantic. you know what i find romantic? a robust annual percentage yield that s what i find romantic. this is literally throwing your money away. i think it s over there. that way? yeah, a little further up. what year was that quarter? what year is that one? 98 that s the one. you got it! nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. ally. do it right. let s get out of that water.
throughout the bush years vice president dick cheney was repeatedly accused of conflicts of interest over halliburton oil which got lucrative contracts in iraq. imagine if cheney had not stepped down from his job as hal burton ceo before taking office. it would have been technically legal. they are not formally required to commit a day job. that has many people literally long i longing for dick cheney s method. donald trump is not even stepping back from business activities that would literally be really easy to skip. take a look at this weekend, for example, when trump headlined the new year s eve party at his
mar-a-lago resort. this is not just his raycation home. this is a business. it charges $100,000 for annual membership fees excuse me, a one-time membership and another $14,000 in annual dues. hard to keep track of because it s so expensive. some of the value comes from selling tickets to the big events like new year s eve festivities. tickets for the mar-a-lago party started at $500. a spokesman told reporters the event was sold out, 800 attendees. those tickets alone would land somewhere north of $400,000 in revenue for mar-a-lago. there is something abnormal here many people want to normalize. that $400,000 trump banked in one night is the amount the
president earns in a year. it s not chump change. it s real money. as trump tweets and tries to distract his way through this transition, it s the money he s making in this basic situation, m mixing his roles as president-elect and as head of a private company, at the very least he risks the appearance of mixing government work meant to be in the public interest with his family business. now according to reports attendees at the new year s eve party included quincy jones, actor sylvester stallone, and fabio. who needs no introduction. did any foreign government officials buy their way into the party or any lobbyists? we just don t know because this was a private event on private property. the most secret event the president can even attend. if the money were going to the rnc instead of the trump organization, every attendee s name would be public under federal law. if this were even a white house reception it would be public under federal law. we do know trump s business partner from dubai attended the
party. cell phone video showed trump giving him a shoutout during his speech and a spokesman for the transition said they had no formal meetings or professional discussions. their interactions were social. that may be true. there may have been only one business partner in attendance. or it may not be true. as long as donald trump keeps spending time generating revenue for his companies, he will continue raising questions and conflicts that could cast a cloud over his presidency and, more importantly, over the independence of his administration. for more, i m joined by the chief investigative reporter for politico who has been on the story, ken vogel. ken, the money here. why does it matter if the president-elect is at this event generating this revenue? well, it certainly creates the appearance, ari, that what he is doing is essentially selling access to himself. sure, this club mar-a-lago has
had these types of events before at major holidays, on new year s, on christmas, on thanksgiving. what it hasn t had is a featured guest who, by the way, is the president-elect of the united states of america. so the way that they explain this is just business as usual. this is the way mar-a-lago conducts business. and forget about the money that trump receives from this. and would have received whether he was president-elect or not. the specter he is essentially allowing anyone who has the money to either buy a member ship or the access to someone who has a membership who can pay for a ticket to something like this creates the appearance of forget about the possible business partners who were in there or the celebrities. it s the people who want to get access to trump . it s an amazing deal for any potential business person. or a person who wants to do business with the united states government, special interests, lobbyists. you could just imagine going
down t lhe line for those this would be an amazing deal. look at the contrast here. he ran a campaign saying because he has money and a business he won t be beholden to these interests. that was a big selling point for him. a lot of people believed it, naively or not. he will fundraise less. and there s a truth to that. but that truth seems to be dwarfed by what was on display this weekend which is the business actually makes him more beholden than campaign money and, as we ve been saying, is less traceable, less transparent. and it s also much trick iie for him to extricate himself or there to be transparency around. let s say given the benefit of the doubt and saying he goes to the extreme end of divestiture, he s still going to vacation at mar-a-lago, even if he has mar-a-lago in a blind trust or he doesn t really know whether his businesses or portfolio includes mar-a-lago he knows someone is paying money to this entity that is so closely associated with him that may or
may not be in his portfolio, that may or may not be in the blind trust that his kids may or may not oversee and here they are sitting on the couch or the patio with the president of the united states. it s a complicated situation. can t easily extricate himself from it. let s stipulate that s what people who care about good governance, ethics reformers, journalists and people who think about these issues, that s what they re concerned about. let s put that to the side then and then look at the actual trump team s response. what are we learning about where they re at? this is a guy who said he was going to hold a big announcement to clean this up. things were going to change. the kids would be in charge. said all this stuff. when you looked at his actions, not the announcements, the announcements he never game, hey, what s the matter? this is just business as usual. does that tell you there s something wrong if they think business as usual is okay when he s the president-elect? i mean, it s a little bit of a sign of where their head is at
as they try to grapple with this incredibly complicated situation where they try to put to rest these concerns about conflicts of interest and try to find a sustainable system going forward for separating himself from his business. in a way i cannot for the life of me figure out how it can be done in a way that will satisfy sort of the good government concerns that i think are validly being raised in this and other situations. and complexity has become a little bit of a dodge for them. there are parts that are complex, in other words you can t just legally force someone into having a fire sale, right, and potentially costing them a lot of money. that s not typically how a disillusion would work. that is actually complex. what s not complex is making the decision to not sell yourself for $500 access and tickets. that s not complex. that s simple. if you want ed ed to skip the p, you could skip the party. if you wanted to donate the funds that new year s to charity you could donate the funds. there s a million simple ways to
do that. they chose none of those and counterattacked and told people, hey, don t be mad. it s business as usual. that s my final thought. ken vogel, i appreciate you giving us yours. it s not just the excuse that this is the way it s always been done. they went further in our story where we reveal the tickets were sold for members. ken, thank you very much for your time and happy to hear your last thought while we look at the eagle. no better image. coming up, we showed you the clip, and maybe you noticed guy holding the eagle statue. if you re wondering what it s about we have the answer. anything meant to stand needs a stable foundation.
we re going to get rid of obamacare. that footage of president-elect donald trump s new year s eve party at mar-a-lago, who was the enthusiastic person to his right and what is the deal with that eagle statue being held by another gentleman to trump s left and don t they have something they could put this thing on so that poor guy doesn t have to just cradle it the whole time? when someone is giving a stump speech, you don t know how long. courtesy after facebook post from hospitality sciences is, the man at the right is joseph, the president of the american academy of hospitality sciences and the eagle is bronze, a bronze eagle awarded by the academy. and there is more. trump has been honored before by this same academy and its president. he was the presumptive republican nominee and the hospitality academy gave an
award to trump s scottish golf course as the best golf course worldwide. which prompted this yahoo! news headline. quote, how a convicted felon nicknamed joey no socks covered him in stars. the article explained trump has received many similar awards from that same man including five and six-star ratings from trump properties. the organization is run by joseph cinque, a long time trump aquantance who goes by the nickname joey no socks and has a conviction for stolen property. perhaps this eagle was far more cooperative than this eagle, you may remember, from that time magazine shoot in 2015. it s a live eagle. what do you expect? look at him go. america. up next, david kay johnson is here on the president-elect and his evolving relationship with corporate welfare. know how to ct anything. even a rodent ride-along.
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sprint was bringing back to the u.s. are new. they are not. they are part of a holistic deal announced by soft bank. american corporations are now facing pressure to go along with donald trump s jobs claims. the new york times slamming it in an editorial, why corporations are helping donald trump lie about jobs. the piece explains why it s so messy for the government through president-elect trump in this manner. quote, it s easy to see were soft bank and sprint might want to help mr. trump take credit for creating jobs. soft bank s chief executive wants the department of justices antitrust and the federal communications commission to allow a merger between sprint and t-mobile. mr. son see as deal between himself and trump with people who sided with large communications companies and regulatory debates and argued against tough antitrust enforcement. the times explains why this
should be croney capitalism with devastating consequences. pull iitzer prize winning journi have had david cay johnson. i d like to start by just walking through how this works. it appears that donald trump will have some private communication with a company and then he will take the lead and the announcement separately, whether that s to the public or to shareholders would be some formal business announcement. explain how it works. this is a con job. plain and simple, ari, this is a con job and the numbers we re talking about are inconsequential. in the terms of sprint, the wealthiest man in japan has had a plan in place for some time and he is going to want something from donald trump.
he tried to merge sprint with t-mobile and the justice department said no for antitrust reasons. you can agree or disagree with that but he wants to do that and other actions in the future. he s buttering up donald trump. another variation we re seeing with people manipulating trump as we ve seen with vladimir putin. if you re the ceo of a big company you re going to do everything you can to let donald trump take credit because you don t want him to use his enormous powers. you essentially have a duty to kiss the president s ring. when you say fiduciary duty you are referring to the legal obligation these corporate executives have to maximize profits to shareholders. their legal duty is to the company but to the shareholders. they re not going to do anything
to put in jeopardy their position, the company s position, and donald trump is in a position to extract from these people things that may or may not be good judgment. ari, i m old enough to remember when republicans thought business should make its own governments. wait a minute, that was six months ago. you used the word extraction. at a certain point the outlines of what you re describing sound like a shakedown but instead of getting something very valuable for the country it s pr valuable for donald trump. absolutely. these are in donald trumpian terms small potatoes. we re about to get the announcement on jobs. it will probably show 82 consecutive months of jobs growth, the old record was 52. we re close to 16 million private sector jobs under this
administration. very few americans know that but everybody has heard about the 730 jobs that trump inflated to 1,1000 hiohio and very few peop know that was a deal that violated trump s own position in the campaign when he said corporate welfare, interest-free loans and other tax favors didn t create jobs, now he s the champion of them. donald is an absolute corporate chameleon and whatever makes trump look good no matter what it costs companies, companies better line up and pay attention. corporate camillians. say that ten times fast. david cay hnston, thank you for joining us. who are they targeting coming up. and tonight s thing 1 and thing 2 starts right after this break. ,
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thing 1 tonight. 36 years ago in tempe, arizona, bruce springsteen made what are believed to be his first publicly recorded comments about politics. now it was november 5th, 1980. in other words, one day after ronald reagan was elected president. i don t know what you think about happened last night, but i think it s pretty frightening. there will be a lot of people depending on you coming up. now decades later springsteen would become an advocate for president obama campaigning both in 2008 and 2012, and he campaigned for hillary clinton this year. but if he was frightened by reagan s election all the way back in 1980, how is the boss feeling about donald trump s victory? those brand-new comments thing 2 in 60 seconds.
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can look back on 2016 and say we stood with hillary clinton on the right side of history. that s why i m standing here with you tonight for the dream of a better america. that was bruce springsteen campaigning for hillary clinton on the eve of the election. in a new interview for the wtf podcast with comedian mark marin out today springsteen spoke candidly about why trump and this new era scares him. are you scared now? yeah. yeah. of course. how could you not be. right. have you felt this fear before? no. right. i ve felt disgust before. right. but never the kind of fear that you feel now. right. it s as sim am as the fear of is someone xe it tent enough to do this particular job. right. forget about where they are ideologically. right. do they have the pure competence to be put in a
position of such responsibility. and what s your biggest fear of it as we enter it? i suppose would be that a lot of the worst things and the worst aspects of what he appealed to comes to fruition. when you let that genie out of the bottle bigotry, racism when you let those things out of the bottle intolerance. intolerance. they don t go back in the bottle that easily, if they go back in at all. right. whether it s a rise in hate crimes, people feeling they have license to speak and behave in ways that previously were considered un-american and are un-american. that s what he s appealing to. kellogg s special k.
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it s no secret donald trump didn t get along that well with paul ryan or mitch mcconnell back during the election. a new report from the new york post has some fresh ideas into just how deep that divide could remain. the post reporting president-elect trump told senate minority leader chuck schumer he actually likes him, a democrat, more than mcconnell and ryan because the two republican leaders, quote, wanted him to lose. the post cites a source close to them for the quote. democrats don t dispute the quote. schumer and trump are both born and raised new yorkers. trump s even donated to schumer s campaign in the past. that s about as far as it goes. the washington post report says that senate democrats led by schumer are planning to contest at least eight of trump s nominees and want to stretch their confirmation hearings all the way into march. those eight targeted nominees include exxon ceo rex tillerson for secretary of state as well as senator jeff sessions, trump s controversial pick for
attorney general. those two battles in early skirmishes already under way. reportedly saying they re outraged tillerson will not release his full tax returns from the last three years as many cabinet nominees do though not always the secretary of state nominee. now democrats on the senate judiciary committee as well as progressive groups are accusing senator sessions of omitting decades worth of his career from the information he did provide pursuant to the confirmation hearings. given the fact republicans control the senate, how much can senate democrats really do to stifle the nominations to the trump cabinet and what does the opposition look like in both houses of congress once trump takes office? i will ask some very special guests about that. boost
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and open up on time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. now i m back. aleve pm for a better am. welcome back. earlier in the broadcast we stated that music producer quincy jones attended trump s new year s eve party at mar-a-lago. while donald trump s spokesman, sean icer, said jones would attend, we want to correct the record. jones spent new year s in los angeles. back in capitol hill, a fight brewing over a trump nominee who has been in this position before. mr. sessions is a throwback to a shameful era which i know both black and white americans thought was in our past. it s inconceivable to me that a person of this attitude is qualified to be a u.s. attorney let alone a united states
federal judge. he is i belve a disgrace to the justice department and he should withdraw his nomination and resign his position. that was the late senator ted kennedy speaking during the 1986 hearing for jeff sessions, this one a nominee for federal judgeship. sessions was ultimately denied that position by the senate judiciary committee, a 10-8 vote. senate democrats are now looking to block up to eight of donald trump s nominees, senator sessions widely considered one of the most controversial. joining me tonight is sarah florez, a spokesperson for jeff session, howard dean, former chair of the dnc, and christina greer, associate professor of political science at fordham. welcome, everyone. christina, the sessions nomination is controversial. it also as a matter of the historical record is unusual because he is the only nominee who has been previously basically passed on by the senate for a different position.
your thoughts on him this time? keep in mind, his own colleagues and his own members of his party deemed him to be too racist in reagan s 1980s. and so when you have someone like the late senator ted kennedy essentially saying he s not only an embarrassment to the professional and he should not be elevated to attorney general or to even a judge, the writings of senator sessions are so deplorable, it s not just about black americans in this country. it s about how he feels about the history but also the future of this country. so the fact that donald trump, in the 21st century, in 2016, chose this particular individual to me and to many others, black and white and other, sends a very distinct message about the dog bark, not even a dog whistle, but a dog bark he s trying to send about his racial platform. senator sessions is a horrible
choice for this particular tion, especily as an attorney general who is supposed to uphold some of the most important ideals of the constitution. sarah, what is your response and how does the senator address that history from the first confirmation hearing? well, i mean, i think it s pretty clear that the lefteist playbook at this point is smear. i didn t hear a lot of facts. 30 years ago, the democrats practiced their playbook they would use against bork. we now have a verb for it, borking someone, that means smearing them without any basis. the person who was a witness for jeff sessions under oath later had to recant his testimony because the conversations he remembered were disprovable later. this idea that ted kennedy somehow in his statement should hold now, ted kennedy worked with jeff sessions, passed
legislation with jeff sessions, so did dick durbin. we ll have had senators, democrats and republicans, who have worked with jeff sessions, 20 years in the senate. democrats are going to do what they re going to do, say what they re always going to say. it didn t work in 2016 for hillary clinton. it s not going to work now. jeff sessions will uphold the rule of law, something our previous attorney generals under this administration have been sorely lacking. by the way, jeff sessions voted to confirm eric holder. senator sessions in 30 years made a good choice in upholding eric holder, but this is straight out of the republican playbook. donald trump is pulling out a bunch of has-beens and never-wanever-wa never-wases. we know these people believe in
segregationist tactics. where are the facts? excuse me, that is a lie. no facts. if we read, we know that this particular individual has gone out of his way, the majority of his career, to make sure that black americans specifically are disenfranchised. that s not true. sarah, you can respond, then governor dean is waiting for his turn. i don t know how to respond when there s no facts there. no, he hasn t. governor dean? there are some facts there in terms of the quotes that you can actually get that jeff sessions has actually said. i m more interested in the process here. if manchin has said that he s going to support sessions, then you need four republican four excuse me, four republican votes against him. and this is they ve targeted eight, the democrats in the senate have targeted eight people. they re going to have to get at least three republican vote in
this case four. and the way to do that is to target the senators, the republican senators who have to run for reelection in 2018. and you re not going to get all of these eight. so i don t want to make any predictions about which ones you are going to get, but you re going to have to show to a significant number of these senators constituents there s going to be a penalty for voting for some of the people they want to target. i think they will get one or two but i don t think they ll get all eight of them. senator, what do you think about rex tillerson who seems to be the one where there is so much controversy and questions about russia and he has some links there that the trump folks argue is positive, because he s been a businessman in the region, other folks question his impartiality. i know very little about rex tillerson so i don t have a particular comment about whether he should be the secretary of state or not. there will be an incredibly thorough vetting of these vocation, there always is, no
matter which side is doing the vetting. the senate is badly divided, it didn t used to be a body like the house but it is now. i can t predict what s going to happen. somebody is going to find something or they won t find something in rex tillerson s resume that is going to be condemning. if he doesn t give documents like his full tax returns, that s going to be a problem. again, the only way to stop the confirmations of any of these folks is to find a constituency in the state of some senator, some republican senator. sarah, i have 20 seconds for each of you. nobody watching the show right now thinks the democrats actually will stop these confirmations. this is about delay. this is about playing politics with this. and nobody believes that if hillary clinton had won this election, that the democrats would be trying to delay these confirmations until march. i don t know why, i don t think it will help them in 2018. i think republicans will win more seats. if hillary clinton had won, she would nominate people who were legitimate and didn t seek to dismantle the very offices

Election , Anything , Interference , Russia , Hillary-clinton , Issue , Arent-we-talking , Role , Influence , Influences , Sean-spicer , Vladimir-putin

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20161021 02:00:00

just kidding. just kidding. and hillary was very gracious. she said if somehow she gets elected, she wants me to be without question either her ambassador to iraq or afghanist afghanistan. it s my choice. donald, if at any time you don t like what i m saying, feel free to stand up and shout wrong while i m talking. you know, come to think of it, it s amazing i m up here after donald. i didn t think he d be okay with a peaceful transition of power. and donald, after listening to your speech, i will also enjoy
listening to mike pence deny that you ever gave it. so jim acosta, how did they do? i think both candidates delivered some funny lines tonight, but, don, honestly, i think it was hard for people in that room to laugh because this has been such an awful campaign, and you know, we were standing outside this event but i feel like i m getting frost bite from the ice in the room inside the event. you know, we were talking to a couple of people over hearing just the reactions from some of the attendees at tonight s al smith dinner. i overheard one man who getting into his car, said they must not like the event, this was supposed to delivering some sel self-depricating jokes, perhaps a little bit riveting at the candidate, but these were biting attacks by hillary clinton and donald trump. it was a misreading of the event and a lot of the material fell
flat because they despise each other. it s supposed to be tongue in cheek, and maybe not so political. there was also a moment trump s jokes didn t land, as well. how did that go over in the room? from all accounts inside the roo room, there was booing and groaning when donald trump said hillary clinton was pretending not to hate catholics. there wasn t even any laughter at that point. it was sort of this uncomfortable silence broken by boos and groaning. i can t recall having reported on some of these dinners over the years, you know, this kind of reaction happening inside one of these al smith dinners and i think it is another example how vicious this am capain seascamps become on a night they re supposed to kick back, enjoy themselves, perhaps lighten up a little bit. they went for the jugular. both candidates did and frankly
it s kind of shameful. i remember covering the al smith dinner since the 90s, and i don t remember anyone ever getting booed. but they did shake they did shake hands at the end, right? that s right. they did shake hands, although somebody s going to have to rerack the video on this, because it was a little bit difficult to make out, although al smith iv did report cardinal dolan was able to get both of these candidates to shake hands so something that did not happen at last night s debate, there were people joking on twitter that perhaps he should win some sort of peace prize for making this happen, don. it s kind of amazing, you know, this campaign, tonight with these rich new yorkers, going in with their top hats and tails, and crystallize the ugliness of
what has been an ugly campaign season. but jim was right. that room was the hillary clinton room. new york, manhattan is she s the senator here, too. liberal. new york city is not a republican haven. there are some. i ve been hearing from a lot of trump supporters on the streets. i want to play this. this is something that stood out to brianna keiler. people look at the statue of liberty and they see a proud symbol of a beacon of hope for people around the world. donald looks at the statue of liberty and seeing a four. maybe a 5 if she loses the torch and tablet and changes her hair.
come to think of it, do you know what would be a good number for a woman? 45. but i digress. so brianna? i thought it was a good joke. it was probably the most clever jock becau joke because it had that sort of after burn, where she said that s right, she kind of looks like a four so that connects to you donald trump rating women, which is something that is in one of hillary clinton s ads. but it s also really stinging. you know, and if this had sort of been one joke, positioned among many, then maybe it would have been more appropriate for the evening, but i think when you look overall at what we saw, it s a little this is a dinner that is supposed to happen at a point in time in this election, this hard-fought election. it s supposed to be a little bit of a little bit of levity.
they re self-depricat busineing. it s like this giant wet blanket, even on this night, which is to benefit children through a religious charity, it gets kind of weighed down. mark, let s play more and i ll get to you weigh in. one of the things i noticed tonight, and i ve known hillary for a long time, is this is the first time ever ever, that hillary is sitting down and speaking to major corporate leaders and not getting paid for it. it s true. it s true. true. you know, last night, i called hillary a nasty woman, but this stuff is all relative after listening to hillary rattle on, and on, and on.
i don t think so badly of rosie o donnell anymore. in fact, i m actually starting to like rosie a lot. what did you think of their timing? i actually thought the president and mitt romney had better comedic timing than they did. to brianna s point, the first part of that joke worked. the second part was very, very biting. hillary clinton eye can i can believe i m saying this but hillary clinton did a very good job in laughing and knowing the camera was going to be on her throughout the whole speech. he read directly off a paper, as she did, but she looked up and worked the room and looked more engaged but her stuff was very political, was very super plit ka political. she talked about climate change, about building bridges, not
walls. she said the greatest monument is not about what we build, but who we touch. she weaved that all throughout her speech. is it so political or just the delivery of it? it s supposed to be i think you were supposed to start and be as self-depricating, and then you sort of draw them in. i think brianna said it best, when 2016 is ruining everything in its wake, you know, we have the al smith dinner that is supposed to be about colleaguity, and charity, and they left a chill in the room and that was why it didn t go over so well, and you know, these things like we shouldn t make too much of these because these are essentially political junk food for us, you know, we can eat it and have fun right now, but we can t really live on it. i think the good thing for donald trump is that not many people watch this lie.
they didn t see the entire thing. they won t hear the boos and see how awkward it was in real time, and instead they will see these sound bites where he did deliver a guideline or two. but overall, i think so many people in that room were probably really let down by i could the performance that he delivered tonight. yeah, this was tonight. bom-bom, bom. debbie downer. you said people won t see it live and hear the boos. we ll play that next. be right back.
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if somebody you haven t noticed, hillary isn t laughing as much, and to all of the jokes, were given to her in advance of the dinner by donna brazil, which is everyone knows, of course so kevin, that was painful. and the reason we re talking about this, this was at 2012, this was your candidate, mitt romney, and president barack obama look at them laughing at each other. that was not the spirit of the dinner tonight and the boos that wasn t a good moment. right, i think the first one about hating catholics, that was a failure to read the room. people enjoy comedy, but they don t they know there s line and with that joke, it stepped over the line and it was no longer gracious or self-deputy
dep deprecating. this was a big part why donald trump was getting some boos tonight. on poor performance, he didn t have a sense of humor, and governor romney, in 2012, you may not know this, but he was a very funny guy. he was funny. he loved working on the jokes, some of them were too corny but a lot of them umbrere brought out the type of sense of humor. donald trump doesn t look like he has much of a sense of humor. no. and the room felt it. brianna keilar is so in love with the statue of liberty. i am. i had to explain it actually, there was a four, do you see, the torch, the arm, it s actually physically a four. and she puts it down, she s a five. that s cleaver. the downgrading of her taking the torch and the coutrimon away. it s funny at first and has
an after burn, that s why i like it. you did like this joke about melania trump, watch this. michelle obama gives a speech and everyone loves it, it s fantastic. they think she s absolutely great. my wife melania, gives the exact same speech and people get on her case. and i don t get it. i don t know why. [ applause ] and it wasn t her fault. stand up, melania, come on. now, that was funny. that s what it should have been like, right? i yeah. yes it was, and there s human side to it and she was laughing and quite frankly, it was trying to close the chapter on a book by the way that had been put on the bookshelf a long time ago,
but she was put in a very bad position. moving on, let s talk about the last time they were on stage together. a key moment was donald trump refused say whether he ll accept the election results telling everyone he wants to keep people in suspense. trump addressed that today, watch this. i would like to promise and pledge to all of my voters and supporters, and to all of the people of the united states that i will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election if i win. so mark is he digging himself a deeper hole? yes. yes, i mean yes. we have republicans coming out and condemning him for saying this and talking about the sanctity of our democracy. he was given ample time to come
out and say, yes, i will, and he couldn t do it, and this morning, as we saw in in this rally, he doubles down on it. and he jokes about it, which may have been a better joke than he delivered tonight, but president barack obama saying that s nothing to joke about. he had his surrogates trying to clean up for him, and he finally said i ll accept it as long as there are no problems. of course there are problems everybody want would want to investigate it. donald trump is being donald trump, and that s why donald trump is losing. kevin madden, did donald trump hand democrats a gift on this one? he did. he took something that was probably his worst moment in last night s debate and all he did was shine a bigger light on it it. in that crucial 48 hours it gives you a chance to clean up some of the worst parts it and he lost those 48 hours now because here we are talking about it once again about undermine potentially undermining democracy and now
sending house and senate candidates across the country are now forced to litigate it that. becomes extremely problematic, especially, don, when you have 18 days left. every day is precious, so to spend that much time talking about something that is not key to his message to voters, is extremely problematic. i want to and you about this, because i asked you if he s giving democrats a gift. some republicans are trying to distance themselves on this. you said we could see more republicans distance themselves from trump y , why is that? if you re running for senate and this is a very close race and you have a potential to win, the last thing you want for that race to be undermined by charges that it was rigged, particularly if you win or if you come out ahead. so many of these candidates right now that have broken away from the top of the ticket, and are trying to personalize and localize their race across the
country, they ve done so and they are actually running ahead of donald trump right now. so, that s going to be come something that could potentially be a flash point for a lot of these races across the country. brianna, i have to and you about this swipe at hillary clinton, a nasty woman, how is that playing out today? i would like to see the polls. also, she was talking about taxes and she talked about how he was trying to evade them, but it wasn t a personal jab so it wascapsulating. thank you, i appreciate it. when we come back, first lady michelle obama blistering takedown on donald trump, and why she says he threatens the very idea of america. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine.
the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
the author of electile disfunction, for unaroused voters. and cnn presidential historical, thank you guys, how are you? did you get any rest after the debate? raring to go. it s really coming down to the wire. so donald trump defended his rigged election stance today, listen to this. if al gore or george bushed agreed three weeks before the election to concede the results and waive their right to a legal challenge, or a recount, then there would be no supreme court case and no bore, bush versus gore and gore versus bush. i m being asked to waive centuries of legal precedent designed to protect the voters. allen, you would know a lot about that because you re
involved in bush v. gore. that s right. so is trump on solid ground here? of course not. clearly what happened there is that it was a recount. bush versus gore, not gore versus bush. there were lawsuits filed by both of them. that s a legitimate challenge, everybody understands that. trump is talking to two audiences. to his audience, to his group, he s saying i will not accept the election because don lemon, it s rigged. he says to the media, i wasn t talking about that only if there s legal challenge. he s talking to two different constituencies. and watching this last night and this morning, and the surrogates and the campaign people and they re like doing cartwheels and back flips, i m like what are they talking about. that s a whole lot of spinning going on, douglas brinkley. a lot of people are comparing this to the bush episode.
absolutely not. it s crazy for donald trump to be talking like that. i mean, al gore did something you know, actually al gore conceded to george w. bush then found out the florida problem, held back a little and then there was a recount, and he very graciously didn t really ball game heroic al gore the way he accepted the supreme court decision. so trump s mixing apples and oranges here and i have no idea why he thinks this rigged argument is going to help him win the presidency, but he s embarrassing our country internationally. free and fair electionins are o bread and butter and donald trump is saying we don t know how to do them. mr. gergin why are they saying this? donald trump is not trying to win the election, he s trying to not lose and he s trying to set up an excuse for when he loses. i think his campaign feels
he s preparing the ground to tell people it s illjitima texas she ought to be in the jailhouse interview, not the white house, and that creates conditions where it makes it very difficult for republicans to cooperate across the aisle, you re cooperating with this criminal-type figure and encourages people to think maybe we ought to take her out and we ve heard that from trump supporters. that s an extraordinarily dangerous situation and it is debasing our democracy and institutions in which we don t need any of this. all of our institutions are in trouble already and if you think elections are all rigged then we re not a nation any more at that point. we re just a group of people fighting with each other. i m sitting here listening to you guys who have been around.
i m an older person, i m a man of a certain age, but you guys have been around longer than i have, and listening to the severity of what you re saying, david gergen. we have a historian, an attorney. every single person is saying there is no merit to any of this. i don t understand why his supporters believe it and why he continues to do it, and then he pushes back and says, it s the liberal media. no, it s not. it s the truth. uh-huh. and at the same time, in the debate debate, he says she shouldn t be allowed to run and the al smith dinner he jokes about pardoning her. he was at the verge himself being indicted over trump university and there s case where he might very well if he weren t running for president end up being indicted and he s trying to challenge the president of the united states, when she becomes president, he will do to her what he tried to do to barack obama, when he
tried to challenge obama s legitimacy for not having been born in the united states. speaking of the obamas, let me play this because i want you to respond. first douglas, this is the first lady on donald trump. we are fortune to live in a country where the voters decide our elections. the voters decide who wins and loses, period, end of story, and when a presidential candidate threatens to ignore our voices and reject the outcome of this election, he is threatening the very idea of america itself. douglas, the very idea of america itself? i agree with her completely. i just think the first lady had to endure donald trump saying that her husband is an illegitimate president, that he wasn t born in the united states. she had to live through all the birther b.s. and now they re having to deal with the fact that hillary clinton wins, donald trump s going to say she s a phony president, too.
hillary clinton is very blessed to have surrogates like barack obama and michelle obama. michelle went to arizona. the president went to florida today. she could take part of the day off, prepare for the al smith dinner and they hit it out of the park. two of their best political speeches and endorsement of hillary clinton i ve heard and they both happened this afternoon. there are other republicans who are speaking out, as well, including john mccain, david gergen will weigh in after the break and the rest of the panel. we ll be back. repeat! everyone back to bed! my new snoozapalooza is in full effect! that means late breakfast! checkout til noon! so sleep in baby!!! haha! snoozapalooza is gonna be great! definitely! what?! definitely! definitely! high fives all around! you re eating, okay. late breakfast & checkout til noon. just what your weekend needs.
elected by who went through an election and that would set up a tradition we ve had ever since. if you want to hold the society, one of the virtues of a transfer of power after an election, and people move on and donald trump is coming along and trying to over throw that tradition or at least threatening that trade skpi tradeition. i have to work at it and keep working at it and when someone says burn the whole thing down i think it s going to be pence. if trump says anything that stem ladi stimulates their base, pence is going to disassociate himself, and say this was a legitimate man, because he seeing his future is not being associated with donald trump s effort to stimulate and stir up the masses
against the elected president. do you remember john mccain was on the losing side of this issue and here s what he had to say today. he said i didn t like the outcome of the 2008 election but i had a duty to concede and i did so without reluctance. a concession isn t an exercise of graciousness, it is an act of will for the american people s. that what we re talking about, the disrespecting the american people? absolutely and david ger gwen said it very eloquently, that s what we admire about george washington, the ability to step down. we have to hand the baton to the next president. we put the party squabels behind us. a man named charles johnson was the secretary of the continental congress and it got so vicious between jefferson and adams he deeply worried that our democracy couldn t survive if we couldn t pull together and legitimatize the president, otherwise we would just be in
constant war mode, and was in deep distraught when you have party systems. we ve done a good job at pulling together. franklin roosevelt could run in the middle of world war ii, with his opponent, and work together. we can go all along through history. this is different what donald trump is doing, it s sinister, it reeks of joe mccarthy and it can t be stamped out enough by people that have access to the public airways like we all do. but we re paying a lot of attention to this. are we putting too much attention on it or is it as the president said, this is not to be joked about? this is not to be joked about, because people can get out on the streets and he can t control his base, once he lets that tiger out the tank, he can t put it back in. i want to read this . this is a note from george hw bush. here s what it says. it says you will be our president when you read this note.
i wish you well, i wish your family well. your success now is our country s success, i am rooting hard for you. this account be any more different than what we re seeing right now, and this is the way it s supposed to be, correct? now, we we and are they even going to shake hands? it s like a news story when they shake hands, are you kid something. and when you re saying this is so different, i think brianna keilar and mark preston said it s the wet blanket of the 2016 campaign. this is both candidates jokes that kind of did not go over so well. they say donald has no policies, he has no policies, i keep hearing that. i d like to defend him on this. donald has issues, serious issues, really, really serious issues. i m told hillary went to confession before tonight s event, but the priest was having
a hard time when he asked her about her sins and she said she couldn t remember 39 times. meh. hillary is so corrupt she got kicked off the watergate commission [ audience booing ] how corrupt do you have to be to get kicked off the watergate commission? okay. so i take that back, the issue seemed less funny. the second part, let s just be honest, douglas, was that funny? no, it was just not that fell flat there. it just wasn t a well-written speech and donald trump isn t that particularly good at delivering those kind of speeches. he should some good zingers, some fair play tonight and there was the handshake this evening. yeah. but the lack of civility and the kind of sharky feel one had,
it s just is a kind of a wet blanket and you feel the public is saying let s put the get rid of this 2016 election, pull the plug as far as we can, how much more of this do we have to endure. yeah, and i was watching them when they were laughing, i said, finally they re laughing. they re being sort of comrades because they know at the end of the day, one of them s going to be president and they re going to have to accept it. but then he says this thing that tonight she s pretending not to hate catholics, that wasn t funny at all and he has a catholic running mate that she has a catholic running mate that trump has been mexicans and catholics, it just was a wrong tone for this kind of event and brought on the worst in him and he got appropriately booed. perhaps i m just showing my biases but i thought there was a real difference. i did not think there was equivalence. donald trump was booed for the
first time in anybody s memory at one of these dinners because of the harshness of his jokes. that we can remember. it could have happened before. everyone we ve talked to for the last 15 years doesn t remember booing. he came in and didn t seem to be the difference between being light-hearted and heavy handed and he kept being heavy handed and i think it was like we were continuing in the spirit of the debate last night as opposed to coming in a different event. i thought some of her jokes didn t work very well, she was flat, but some of her jokes were more appealing. the reason of this matter is these events give you an insight into the character and the penal personality of the person who may be president. if you can do it well as kennedy did, as reagan did, and lincoln did, it makes a big difference in your capacity. i m glad you re being honest, especially when you talk about the false equivalency. if donald trump did really poorly tonight you have to point
out i thought she was funnier, and at least more in the spirit of what the begdinne was about. and she soluted the al smith, who was the happy warrior. you heard what they said at last night s debate, but their body language tells you what it really meant, annen expert weighs in next. th, time is life. we have 18,000 people around the world. the microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and work together in real time to help those that need it. the ability to collaborate changes how we work. what we do together changes how we live. there goes my sensitive bladder. sound familiar? then you ll love this. incredible protection in a pad this thin. i didn t think it would work, but it does. it s called always discreet
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donald trump and hillary clinton s final debate was definitely no holds bar, but their body language tells you what they were really thinking, so here to tell you is chris erlich, lead instructor at the body language institute. this means you re ready to go, you re in a sprinter s pose. before we talk about last night on the debate stage, let s talk about tonight and the al smith dinner because there were some uncomfortable moments, some awkward moments. what did you make of their body language? even when they come into the room, a lot of times weren t even facing each other. a lot of times they were giving each other their backs most of the time and were kind of buffeted by cardinal dolan a lot so they were able to engage the room without having to deal with each other, but in a very awkward stance they danced around each other for the encounter. let s look at hillary clinton as she was speaking.
what do you think? with hillary, when she s watching here, when trump was up there, there were moments he said some stuff where he he says some stuff which people laugh. at times she keeps putting her head up. this is a dominance move, people will let you know whatever you re saying is rolling right o off, at not affecting me. do we have her speaking? do we have video of hillary clinton speaking so we can look at that? okay this is her reaction. right. all right. so what about trump? in terms of him watching or in terms of him watching. he never really faces her. he knows the cameras are on him so he s also smiling at times and loose and relaxing. and at some parts with his arms folded. when he crossings his arms this can be read as we re shutting down or closing down, it also can be that we re thinking something through or look at that. he s smiling. right. why can t he both of them
smile more instead of being so this is a great point. we were just chatting. we have a mirror neurons. there is a nice donald trump smiling, right? yes. so when he s up there making jokes and some of his jokes like the melania joke, we all laugh or start to relax, but then some of hillary s more cutting jokes we saw actually flash surprise and get tense. mirror neurons from people watching we start to behave and the tension goes up. because everyone is there for them in this moment, right, when she s smiling and he s smiling the audience relaxes. they re watching them and they think it s funny. also cardinal dolan it s a much more relaxed setting. what about when he s intense and serious? when he gets intense, that tension fills the room and it s a very tense setting where the watchers, as well as the people delivering the lines are both feeling that anxiety. look at the guy there s
guy behind him on the right. he s the one i saw. i remember it. he flashes at a certain point in one of these jokes there he s laughing back, but there s one point in here where we see him where when mr. trump delivers a little more of a serious joke, he does his eyebrows go up in this sort of serious tone here. okay. let s go to last night. let s get back to last night when they both walk in. yes. what s happening at that moment, because there s no handshake? you know, what we see here it s not what we don t see, if you take it from the first debate, they re both meeting each other but not here. they won t get near each and other they keep a public distance, lack of any kind of acknowledgement of each other period. we ve gone from cordial, civility, to nothing. her campaign put out a statement or said something eye heard brianna keilar saying earlier they didn t shake hands because her campaign said enough is enough. could be. but the perception is what we re
talking about. so when we look at them and we see that perception, it comes across as ewe, it feeds the narrative, they re at that point of disgust, destain. this is what donald trump had to say about mosul. we ll take mosul. much tougher than they thought. much more tougher, going to be more deaths than we thought but the leaders we wanted to get are all gone because they re all smart. they said what do we need this for, so mosul is going to be a wonderful thing and iran should write us a letter of thank you, just like the really stupid the stupidest deal of all time. yes. has to be a body language to read her eyes. she was just watching. he s keeping a very tight poker face, just like destain and shock. she knows cameras are on her. what is her her eyes are giving? we can read from it, the
perception, and the thing is she s not following or digging anything that he s saying. we see less of a smile. this is not one of those moments she breaks a smile. she keeps a stone face, because it s a serious matter. this is one moment last night according to social media that defined the night, watch this. my social security payroll contribution will go up, as well donald s, assuming he can t figure out how to get out of it, but what we want to do is to replenish such a nasty woman the social skurecurity trus fund by making sure we have sufficient resources. what s interesting to me, the comment came out of nowhere, but she did not even flinch. no no, on top of it, a lot of times he would interrupt over the series of these debates she never stopped. for him in that particular moment coming out and using that line, she s definitely under his skin in that moment. . he gave up his power?
she keeps the power because she doesn t stop and listen to it but he gets more serious and leans forward and uses that expression. he rolls his eyes, illustrator of disgust. more from tonight s al smith dinner at new york s waldor waldorf astoria.
when a moment turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card.

Kidding , Donald-trump , Question , Ambassador , Choice , Afghanist , Afghanistan , It , Power , Speech , Listening , Transition

Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20161215 00:00:00

rebels and government. and assad will control the four major cities. alep aleppo and others. but he doesn t control the whole country. he says he wants it back. certainly in the days ahead, we can expect many more. hours of fighting. and an increasing death toll, sadly. i m joined now by bob corker of tennessee. senator corker, if you had to give advice on an intimate basis with the colonel president, or the incoming president, what would you tell him to do to try to stop this horror? well, look. we ve been giving advice for four or five years, chris. this was said to be on the front end of the conflict. it is a blight on human kind.
at this point, the story as it relates to western syria is mostly written. and what will happen will be determined by russia who stepped in, and iran. and certainly assad. so this is a disaster we ve known he is torturing his own people. you ve seen the holocaust museum of caesar who was documenting this. cutting people s genitals off. it has been going on for a long time. it is as if people are beginning to wake up to what s occurred. as far as advice goes, russia will determine the outcome and the western part. so the real decision is on the eastern part. where isis is. are we going to team one the turks? with the arabs? who are in conjunction the
kurds? or do we do something in coordination with russia? the real what s left is the isis component. we unfortunately led these rebels on. we told them what we were going to do. we cheered them on. we held their coats. and this is what is left. what would you have done in? it was what was done with secretary clinton. that was to attempt to really give the moderate rebels, when there was a moderate rebel group, what they needed to push back. when the kept weapons were used, the free syrian army was on the move. they had momentum. when we decided not to carry out
that operation to push back, it depleted their montum. it left them in many ways lifeless. that we would not do what women. so there has been a series of efforts. we had the opportunity to create a no-fly zone along the southern border of turkey and aleppo. it doesn t do any good. it is a shame. russia is in there. russia is not going away. how do we move russia to bring down assad? you re not going to. it won t happen. the thing can happen is we can hope that we can bring the arabs to the table. they re concerned about iranian influence. and we can hope to negotiate over time.
after years and years and years, but at this point, russia controls what will happen in that area. the next president let s look at the next president. he is not sullied by the lack of decisions that have been made. knew exfocus on the isis on it. he has advocated during the campaign a stronger role from vladimir putin and even bashar assad. let s watch trump in action. if putin wants to go, i can t understand how anybody would be against it. i ve been looking at the different players and i ve been watching and i ve been pretty good with this over the years.
deals are people. i m looking at assad and saying maybe he is better than the kind of people we re supposed to be backing. your reaction? well, look. russia is hitting the folk that we have been supporting for years. in some cases, they re mixed in. but their focus has not been on isis. so the real decision will be, as i mentioned earlier, how do we go forward? do we try to do something? do we try to do so with the kurd era? the coalition has been put together. that s the decision that he has to make. would you support john bolton in
a top position in the new government? john bolton? i have made no comments on nominees until they re actually nominated. so let s see what happens. i understand. look. it is a nomination that has been controversial in the past. i ve never really sat down and talking to john bolton one-on-one. until someone is nominated, i don t like to weigh in. how about the proposal to move the capital to jerusalem? it s always been talked about but never been done. candidly, i ve talk to the israelis about it. and i think there is a way to communicate the moving of the embassy. what we have is a kons hat now that only works on the palestinian side. i think there s a way of doing it if you communicate that you re still hoping and working toward a two-state solution. so i know he campaigned on it.
i think it would be something at this point that could not be negative and could be very positive moving things along. so my guess is they will move in that direction. i disagree but that s your right. yesterday, the ambassador said they are responsible. to the assad regime, russia and iran, three member states, behind the conquest of and carnage in aleppo, you bear responsibility for these atrocities. when one day there is a full accounting of the horrors committed in this aassault of aleppo, and that day will come sooner rather than later, you will not be able to say you did not know what was happening or you were not involved. we all know what was happening and we all know you were involved. it should shame you.
instead, by all appearances, it is emboldening you. are you truly incapable of shame? is there no act of barbarism against civilians? no execution of a child that gets unltd your skin, that creeps you out a little bit? is there nothing you will not lie about or justify? that s the u.s. ambassador to the united nations. i m joined by bob casey, democrat from pennsylvania. i was not getting a lot of response from your chairman, senator corker, about what we can do right now. we see the pictures coming from aleppo. can we leverage it? to petition the country? what can we do to stop the fighting. certainly, we can be continuing to make the efforts. that i know the administration has made and secretary kerry has
worked to get more humanitarian aid on the ground and deliver it. and i know that s an ongoing effort. i don t know how to place a metric on that in terms of success or failure but i know they re trying very hard. and certainly the russians have been, most of the time, have not been cooperative. other times they have been cooperative. lately i think samantha powers is right. not just aleppo but all throughout syria. but right now, the most important thing is to focus on getting that humanitarian aid and to focus on, as i will, the new congress. marco rubio and i, the far from florida, we have legislation that we ve introduced that focuses on sanctioning. but also, focusing intensively on getting humanitarian aid
there. here s what a form he energy minister told engel about the incoming administration. let s watch this. the trump election and the new administration the way it is being shaped. it is a gift. he couldn t have dreamed about that a few months ago. so trump and his team are a gift. how do you react to that in. it is a reality that i think concerns not only me but a lot of the american people. you have this fascination that the president-elect seems to have with vladimir putin. i hope that when he is president, after he takes oath of office, i hope he makes it very clear to the american people that he will be very tough with russia. hold them accountable when they everybody gauge in the kind of
activity they ve engaged in in syria. and i think the way he should view vladimir putin is the way i view him. as close to a 24-hour bad guy as you go get in the world stage. constantly intervening. even in our elections as we know now from good reporting. i hope the president-elect will have a different approach. two tough questions. john bolton for any top position. would you support him? the man, one of the top hawks in the iraq war. your thoughts. it would be very difficult for me to support him. i don t know what will happen in terms of the nomination. what about the idea, not the idea but the reality of moving our embassy to jerusalem. is that something that would be good for our relations over there? i would hope that we could but i don t think that s likely to happen. we ll see what the incoming administration does.
i hope it doesn t happen. it would be cataclysmic. it seems like paul ryan and donald trump are pals now. he said he is like a fine wine. it gets better with time. that s ahead. plus, the hardball round table. can the stars of the movie, the true story of three african-american women, math ma additions. and they composed the film s amazing sound track. finally let me finish with one of my sources. a political guy from boston who saw the election result coming. this is hardball. a place for politics. my business was built with passion.
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choices for the top four positions in the incoming trump cabinet. the real plum jobs are all going to white men. the first time that s happen, on this has happened since 1989. [burke] at farmers, we ve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don t forget anything! [kid] i won t, dad. [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it s pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is
literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum
i ve come the appreciate them of speaker paul ryan. where is he? he has been terrific. and honestly, he is like a fine wine. every day goes by. i get to appreciate his genius more and more. if he ever goes against me, i won t say that. okay? we have some amazing things in store. we re going to work on taxes and obamacare and he will lead the way. we re going to work on the wall, paul. see? the old favorites. the golden oldies. the wall. while trump appeared to put ryan on notice last night with their newly forged friendship, it produced big results.
and jeremy peters is with the new york times. let s talk about this. it really gets to the heart of what will get done. he said, well, he won t approve a spending bill. will paul ryan grew he some grand economic deal? or will nothing get done? he has to. let s be honest. paul ryan at some point made calculated risk that trump won t win. what ryan has said since then, he has spoken to people that we haven t been. the key from that footage that you showed, you have to understand. a lot of trump supporters are not necessarily republican supporters. they re trump supporters. and ryan needs them. at the same time, president-elect needs ryan. it is an arranged marriage that you i think it will work.
they re hoping to get the country rolling again. big economic opportunities for everybody. if they don t pass a bill, road building, bridge building, spending money, hiring people, it is all bs if he doesn t do that. will everything along with it? ryan is governance. that s what he is in place to do. building bridges. the nation needs infrastructure. we have crumbling roads and bridges and buildings. but at the same time, donald trump said this on the campaign trail. and to make him successful, these two frenemies have to work. and paul ryan is the one to help find the ways and means to make it happen. will he force trump in every case, pay for this. pay for this. raise taxes to pay for this. it is a very hard thing to do. if you stip hate the economy. trump wants to cut a lot of taxes and spend money.
will they try conduct a scheme like they did? with the gas tax and call it a highway user fee? there will be a way to pay for this. yes. it will have to be done in a way that will be palatable to the grover norquists of the world. what s wrong with borrowing the money? trump bonds. get them to go out and sell trump bonds. this is where the cabinet secretaries will play a key role. his labor secretary. they are going to be deeply involved. elaine chao? the wife of ? mitch mcconnell. this was all very well thought of. do you think he got the spouse to get the spouse? do you think trump has figured this out? let s point out that she does have experience. i just saw her last night. i m saying, was he thinking of this marital connection?
it was her ability to shepherd it through congress. it is a different story. his politics is business and he knows, that s what you do. you final common ground. politico reported that donald trump s son, donald jr., sat in on the interviews and made calls to candidates according to sources familiar with the process. montana congressman ryan zinke was offered the post tuesday. it was an outdoor. he said the only job in government i would want is department of the interior. ends the issues. it is something i will be passionate about. no one gets him more than us. that s the kid talking.
the transition team has been very transparent that donald trump jr. is on the transition team. he is someone who is helping us form this. it only makes expense the transition team member was active in the process. well, you know, trump does listen to other people for advice. it took him a while to pick the new secretary of state designate. but he uses his kids. can he get away as using his kids in the midst of a presidency? i think he will do it and try to figure it out later. i don t think that it matters to him. this is what he has always done. it speaks to how trump doesn t really change. will he stop tweeting now that he s become president? of course not. will he stop going after his
rivals? of course not. how does that affect our operation in india in any time he is talking about indiana, he is talking about indian tribes or anything. how does that affect the operation? donald trump is falling back on who he is. it is about business. his children very strategic for him. we saw it today when he had a tech meeting. all three were in the meeting. and trump falls back on that. he is trying on final business solutions to our everyday problems. can you put your children in a blind trust? the stocks have to be in a blind trust. the children cannot be in charge of a blind trust. they can t be in one either. if you look through campaign, every time the kids got involved, they help make better decisions. not worse.
so he could put up with bad press. you would say risk taking is heat for conflict. governance will win out. what happens when all those trump buildings become targets for the bad guys? here s a way to hit america. the hardball roundtable is staying with us. and always, the star studded this is great stuff. the new about to come out movie. hidden figures. they re all coming to hardball to talk about three african-american mathematicians who worked behind the scenes to get space program off the ground. it really happened. we should have known about it 50 years ago. world ugly and messy.
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bill clinton was a investigatoration reader. george w. bush had people come in and give them, and now president obama read as well as takes the briefings. so we understand donald trump does not like to read much. so we are expecting it will be catered to him. senior sources on capitol hill. it seems like rex tillerson will be fine. fine doesn t mean the process will be pleasant or not bumpy. if i don t see you again, merry christmas. still ahead interesting stars of the movie, hidden figures. stick around. this is great stuff. octavius spencer, kevin costner.
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vladimir putin was personally involved in the campaign to interfere in the election. and yahoo! is disclosing a 2015 breach that allowed hackers to steal personal information from more than a million users. in semi, yahoo! revealed another hacking affecting 500 million accounts. we re coming back with the stars of hidden figures who help launch america s space program. and here is a clip from the film. you re at nasa. that s pretty heavy stuff. yes, it is. they let women handle that s not what i mean. what do you mean? i m just surprised something
so taxing mr. johnson, if i were you, i would quit talking right now. i mean no disrespect. i will have you know, i was the first female negro student at west vf graduate school on any given day, i analyze friction and velocity. and compute over 10,000 calculations by hand. so yes. they let women do some things at nasa, mr. johnson, and it is not because we wear skirts. it is because we wear glasses. the stars behind this great movie are coming here next. it will be great to watchful this is hardball, the place for politics.
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even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don t forget anything! [kid] i won t, dad. [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it s pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum what s the status on that computer? she s right behind you, mr. harrison. can she handle geometry? absolutely. and she speaks. yes, sir. i do. which one? both. geometry and speaking. ruth, get me the do you
think you can find me the frame for this data using the algorithim, yes, sir. i prefer it over euclidian coordinates. welcome back. that was the scene from the upcoming flil, hidden figures. the true story of three african-american mathematicians and the key role they played at nasa to launch the first american into orbit. it sets the struggle of equal rights against the space race. even at nasa, african-americans were segregated from their white counter parts. this is a film about women who broke barriers in more ways than one. here s a clip for the trailer. katherine! we re all going to get unemployed. i ll sit in the back of the bus. you have identification? we were just on our way to work at nasa, sir. i had no idea they hired. quite a few women working in the space program.
that s john glenn. what do you women do for nasa? calculate your landing, sir. and i m proud. it s equal rights. i have a right to see fine in every color. would you wish to be an engineer? i wouldn t have to. i would already be one. hidden figures is out in select theaters at christmas time. christmas day and a wider following on january 6. i am joined by those people who made the movie come to life including the stars of the film. taraji p. henson. she is the superstar. and octavia spencer, i ve been in love with her for a long time. and you all look very glamorous. you re dressed like bureaucrats. the great kevin costner is here and of course, singer-songwriter, and the director, thank you. i love st. vincent with bill
murray. you just dominate movie. i had to say that. and putting one jim crow and putting one jim crow in a federal institution. what grabbed me in the beginning was, the cop who stopped you guys in your 57 chevy i love those. he stops you in a car and he has the usual color mentality going. on black/white thing going on. and all of a sudden he says you re in the space program. and his patriotism kicks in. yes. tell me about that. well, i think that s the overall message of the story. when we put our differences aside as humans, we re able to move the human race forward. at the end of the day, we re all humans. a mind doesn t have a color. when it comes to calculating numbers, i don t care what color you are. i don t care who you sleep with at night. can you find the math? i love the score.
this person that taraji is playing, everybody has to go to the bathroom and everybody knows the experience of having to go to the bathroom now. and then she has, it is like a bad dream. i have to go to a building where there s a colored women s bathroom. and you got this great music. tell me abo the music you put in there. man, the music was largely just led by it is called running. yes, sir. that song was just based on a story. when we got the script, okay. these women are living in the matrix of the 1960s where the physics and the gravity for african-americans was much heavier. and it was twice as hoef a woman. so having to run to the bathroom, not only the other side of the building but the other side of the campus. and there were campus bikes. but for women, we forget as men, you know, long skirts, long dresses. so they had to run rain or shine, 30 on 45 minutes round trip to the other side of the campus just to use the bathroom.
so ted and the other ladies here, high leels a big part of this for some reasons. maybe it is the photography. the women look great but you re always shooting the legs and the shoes. and one time they get caught. and you almost get killed. it is a wind tunnel. you look great by the way. the guy says, the shoe ain t worth it. when you re running to the bathroom, it is high heels. so women in high heels being african-american in a jim crow setting. we did it all like we do every day. what is so inspiring, they did not allow the obstacles to deter them and stop them from the dreams.
yes, we were dealing with classism and racism. when nasa put all those isms to bed, that s when they achieved the extraordinary together. at the end of the day, we all bleed the same color. i think of you all the time in a movie. i think i ve seen 13 days a hundred times. and in the middle of a cuban crisis, you have that same time period. it is 62. this movie includes the reality of american high of much better. you can give some of that a pass. how many stories can you possibly tell? if you look beneath the surface, you will final the story. if you are going to tell original story about john glenn.
not the women working off to the side. if you re going to tell that story, there is a moment when he would go or not going. so it would be like telling a joke and maybe leaving out a punch line. there was a moment where he was going to go or not go and it huck on the balance of a young woman who would have to do math by hand. in great story telling, you don t leave out that bit. if we don t learn about these human computers, i can see that story. hmmm, i would have liked to know about that a long time ago. but not knowing about that moment, that should have been a part of what we knew about for a long time. he was a good guy, octavia. he was a good guy, period. i learned something about him that i didn t know and it made him that much more of an american hero to me. he did something unpopular. he put his hands in the life of
this african-american woman. if her numbers didn t match up, he wouldn t go. he wanted to know he was going to land. that s key information. they have to get to it. with th ship. but you were in the help. i was in the help. i always remember that meal you cooked up for that white lady. we will always remember that. this tastes interesting. so you ve gotten at the jim crow thing from a couple ways now. jim crow is a very difficult time to immerse yourself in, but when you re doing a period film, we have agency as contemporary women that african-american women did not have in the jim crow era. so there s something wonderful to be said about the solidarity that we felt on the set, very insulated, ted created a safe place for us to work and have fun. i like the way, taraji, you look up at that sign as you go out of the room, colored computers. they still designate you by your
ethnicity. let s take another look at the movie. go find your way over there. that colonel jim is a tall glass of water. that he is. tall, strong, commanding. and i bet he s like that day and night. mary, it s sunday. please have some shame. i will not. he s coming over. now, why would he be doing that? because mary s waving at him. no. ladies. fix your hair. i m dorothy vaughn, that s ms. jackson. and mrs. katherine. she s not married. she s a widow, with three beautiful little girls. so well behaved. angels on earth is like we like to call her. dorothy, slice of pie? excuse me. you already have a slice of pie. so it s so great you re doing this. i m so glad you took this project. i m so glad you took this podge. everybody took it.
because hollywood needs it. it s not a redo, but it s something. we need to see this story. we need little girls to see this story. we need little boys to see this story. we need people to know that history wasn t a bunch of white guys in a room. nasa was very diverse. nasa celebrates these women. these women are not hidden from nasa. nasa has been honoring these women for a long time. great to tell the general public that. guys, honor to meet you all. thank you. pharrell, the music gets to even me. we can keep the mugs? you can keep the mugs, we can get you hats. politics and culture are together. they re the same thing. this collection, whatever you think of it, culture and politics are together. we got to put it all together. merry christmas to everybody. thank you so much. i was just going to say, you re not mr. straight hour. we ve been watching you for years. yes. and your interviews is and the way that you keep people straight is amazing, and when
people veer off and they don t answer the question there s no one that slices through it better than you. thank you. that s not in the script. we ll be right back. thank you. see ya next year. this season, start a new tradition.
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people that gives me the benefit of their thinking even when i m not smart enough to accept it. i ve known edward jess per, our political expert from boston since we worked together at the white house in the 1970s. we ve been friends ever since. he s been in presidential campaigns from george mcgovern, sargent shriver, paul songs a. as a democrat by nurture and an independent by nature. he thinks for himself. he doesn t run with the pack. he spent the good part of the past presidential election giving me the benefit of his thinking. and his thinking would be that donald trump would be the winner. he was writing to me when the pundits were predicting a hillary clinton landslide. he e-mailed me the morning after the election he said that trump would get the nomination because he was the only performer, think about that word, performer out there in the field then. on st. patrick s day, he maled me this, we are awash in donald trump. he may be the best political operative in the modern era.
a mix of lee atwater and bill clinton, yet he s only beginning to be treated by the political insiders. who else was in trump s league during the primaries? on august 21th ed ream e-mailed me that hillary clinton has little improvement room. her image, her being is pretty much set in stone in the people s minds. not much is good for her outside the area of her supporters. trump is no longer la raza but his political raison d etre, they ll still hammer him but not with the percentage or turnout she is expecting today. for hillary s gang, it will be much like the french generals defending the line. well, ten days before the election, ed wrote that he thought that trump could still win because all the public polling to the contrary, hillary clinton was not running away with it. even in the best of times when trump was saying the worst of
his stuff, killing himself, she was not opening up a significant lead. in his e-mail to me on october 27 was after an obscenely successful nonstrop run on trump by the national forces of morality he called them, i m running into those who can t vote for hillary. also in that october 27 e-mail a proposal, could you secure, say, a half hour more of your show for a serious discussion of polling? when november 4th, the friday before the election ed wrote me hillary has to get enough black votes in the lock box before the old fashioned vote next tuesday and it appears she ll fail. she s not going to match obama s vote among blacks. why on earth did the clinton people ever think she would? every indication i get is everything is breaking for trump and has been from before the comey letter. if so, it s been my experience that late breaking waves are virtually immutable. everyone wants change, sad to say it may be as simple as that.

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Transcripts For CNNW The Lead With Jake Tapper 20141212 21:00:00

of an at-risk high school. three victims so far. the suspect or suspects still at large. the school there is on lockdown. we ll hand it over to jake tapper with more of this coverage. jake? welcome to the lead. i m jake tapper. you re looking at live pictures from kptv in portland, oregon. we re beginning today with breaking news in our national lead. you re looking right now at live pictures, as i said, about a school shooting in north portland at rosemary anderson high school, where at least three victims have been shot, three people shot according to the fire department. it is unknown if the people shot are dead or alive. portland police say the suspects have fled. they would not say if they were still believed to be armed or if
they clashed with police. nearby jefferson high school and portland community college in lockdown, we re told. media have been told to set up at north killingsworth street and kirby avenue. that s the staging area. we ll update more on that story as soon as we know more. but to recap, there has been a school shooting in north portland, oregon, at rosemary anderson high school. as of right now, we know of at least three individuals who were shot. and we are waiting for more information as we learn it. we ll bring to it you as soon as we get it. now let s turn to our money lead. a not-so-happy friday for wall street. stocks tanking today. the dow tumbling 110 points this morning before sliding further and ending the day down about 300 points. cnn money correspondent alison kosik is live at the new york stock exchange. alison, another day, another day of bad news.
why do the markets keep falling? reporter: it s all about oil, jake. plunging oil prices taking a toll on investors today yet again. oil falling almost 4%, settling below 58 a barrel. the international energy agency saying global demand for oil is going to fall next year as supply is growing. what s rattling wall street is the question of what s really behind this drop in oil prices? the concern is because economies in europe and asia are slowing down. and you look at the plunge in oil over the past six months. it s happened really fast making investors very nervous. if you drive, you love the lower gas prices. in oklahoma city, you can fill up for $1.89 a gallon. that s just one city across the country that s enjoying these lower gas prices. it s like a tax cut putting an
extra $100 a month into your pocket. and that extra money is going towards spending because retail sales numbers for november came in better than expected. but wall street sees the extra spending as a plus but today it s about worries that lower demand for oil is a symptom of slower growth for the rest of the world. jake? alison kosik in new york, thanks. our national lead right now is that monster storm slamming the west coast. the weather responsible for two deaths, both in portland, oregon, a young boy killed when a tree fell on the car in which he was traveling. another tree fell on the tent of a homeless man, killing him. the same system that washed this house into the ocean in washington state is still lashing the west coast. in california, some people ended up trapped inside their own homes. mud slides and houses crushed by big boulders. paul vercammen is live in that neighborhood in camarillo
springs. it s a mess there and amazing that anyone survived. reporter: it s astonishing. these houses absolutely swallowed up by all these rocks, tons and tons of rock that is came down over the hill. you see utility workers trying to make sure everything is turned off in terms of the power and the gas. and down the street, we have ten houses around this part of camarillo springs that have been red-tagged. that means they re uninhabitable. they re swallowed up and surrounded by rocks. a harrowing story out of this house here. when the rocks came and surrounded the house, a couple was pinned inside along with their caregiver. and the fire department had to come in and pull them out. we talked to their son and he was so glad to hear that the caregiver and his 86-year-old parents survived this. when you think about what you
see over there, these rocks and your parents at the age of 86 going through this, what does that say about them? that s pretty darn amazing. i heard about the rocks but until i looked at the sides of the houses and heard from some of the cameramen that went to the back and saw how expentensi the damage was, it catches you by surprise. reporter: why did this happen? because there was a major fire that roared through here about a year and a half ago. it stripped the vegetation from these hills. and then overnight, the weather service telling us in just three hours, they got an inch and a half to two inches of rain in an already saturated hillside. that s what the mud but mostly rock, as you can see, came roaring down here and engulfed these houses, jake. paul vercammen in camarillo springs, california, thank you so much. another amazing situation, the rescue of two people clinging to trees in the swollen los angeles
river. at one point, the rushing water swept a rescuer downstream. luckily everyone survived. the threat of these intense waters bringing more mud slides is the biggest fear in california right now. areas once scorched by wildfires have nothing to hold back the debris. let s bring in mark gillalducci from berkeley, california. what is the main concern right now? how are you getting people out of harm s way from the potential mud slides? the most important factor right now is the ongoing consistent rain. at times, the rain is going to be very heavy. we ve identified those areas that could potentially be impacted by mud flows. we know where the burn scars are from this past summer. we have done mandatory evacuations in all of those areas where they potentially
could result in mud flows. that s given us the ability to get folks out of harm s way and get the area closed off to potentially other people who may be impacted by that. up north, flooding was the big problem. you have crews racing to reopen roads and get power restored. we re heading into the weekend where more people could be leaving their homes. how long do you see this clean-up process lasting? well, given the fact that it is still raining and we ll be between two storms. another storm will be coming behind this one in the next day or so. the crews have been out. they were out before the storm hit and being prepared to respond. and they worked all through the storm to keep the drains open and keep the highways clear. but we anticipate it will take a few weeks to be able to get through the clean-up process throughout the state. you had as of now, knock on
wood, no deaths reported in california. we ve heard of two in oregon. you say preplanning is responsible for a lot of that, right? well, absolutely. we had really the great opportunity of seeing the storm coming towards us, which gave us the ability to do a lot of outreach to the citizens of california and to our public safety agencies, to our emergency managers throughout the state of california. to get the word out about winterizing your home, what to do when it started to rain hard, how to drive through water. and all of those were great messages that we were able to put forth. and i think it really did play out well for us. we are blessed. at this point we have nod had any reports of fatalities. mark, thank you so much. turning to our world lead, anarchy in the skies today. heathrow airport in london had
to divert flight after flight when its computers failed, saddling one of the world s busiest hubs. an hour ago, a spokesman told cnn they have ruled out a cyberattack. and they say it was a hiccup in their state-of-the-art computers. cnn aviation correspondent rene marsh joins us now. even if it wasn t a cyberattack, this does expose just how easily our way of managing airplanes in this computerized world can easily implode. you re absolutely right. it truly is a vulnerable that makes a lot of people uncomfortable. if you re flying through london, one thing is certain today, you can expect delays for hours to come. about 100 flights in and out of heathrow, a major international hub, canceled. and even more delays. and then there s the ripple effect. it s all because of this computer failure, a real-life demonstration of just how a
downed computer system can cripple air travel for thousand and thousands of travelers. this is what traffic in the skies over london looks like on a normal day. this is what it looks like today after a major disruption from what officials call a computer failure at a british control center. we ll obviously work to make sure it never happens again. it s a complex system. failures do occur and we plan for those failures and have a plan in place for those failures. reporter: london heathrow airport, one of the busiest airports in the world, at a standstill today. no flights going in or out. we ve been waiting on the plane for an hour. reporter: the airspace closed after the system that helps coordinate flights in the crowded airspace went down. many planes, diverted. an hour and 20 minutes later, the problem at the air traffic control center was fixed. but the damage had been done. the ripple effect felt at
airports across the uk. heathrow saying the flight disruptions could continue to saturday. delays also in paris. u.s. carriers also experiencing some delays. the question now, what caused the system failure? british officials have ruled out a hack and aviation security analysts agree. there s been a lot of attempts. but there have not been any through the firewall to take control of any kind of control in any way. so unless this is a first time, i don t think that s what happened here. reporter: there are back-up systems, but as we saw in chicago this september, when wires were cut and a fire ignited inside an faa facility disrupting thousands of flights for days, those redundancies, may not be enough to prevent disrupted travel on a major scale. the majority of problems we are seeing are with international carriers like british airways and some of the other british
carriers. we know the u.s. carriers, some of them, experiencing just a handful of delays. what you really want to do is make sure you call your carrier if you re headed in that direction to make sure you won t be impacted. more evidence of the vulnerability in this new computer age of what can happen because of a glitch. exactly. one glitch and so many people, their flight plans disrupted. rene marsh, thank you so much. let s go back to the breaking news out of portland, oregon. we are looking right now at some live pictures from kptv of rosemary anderson high school where there s been a school shooting. let s go over what we know so far. at least three victims, all students, have been shot. police say the students were transported from the scene, they were conscious and breathing when they left the scene and they ve been taken to nearby emmanuel medical center, we re told. portland, oregon, police say the suspect or suspects have fled. police would not say if the
individuals, the suspects, were still armed or if they clashed with police. we re also told nearby jefferson high school and portland community college in portland, oregon, are on lockdown. rosemary anderson high school is an alternative high school that opened in 1983. it has just under 200 students. let s go now to rich tyler on the phone with the portland fire department. rich, are you there? are you still looking for the shooter? yes. portland police is looking for the shooter. we as a fire department provided the emergency medical services to the students that were transported. what can you tell us about the students? three students, all wounded. what kinds of wounds were they, how serious? i do not know the extent of the wounds. all i know is they were all three shot and transported to emmanuel hospital. we re just learning about this. can you tell us what time it happened? approximately 30 minutes ago.
just about 30 minutes ago you got the call and you went there. and do you have any idea how serious the wounds are? we heard one report that somebody was shot in the back. are they considered to be life-threatening injuries? do you have any idea? at this point, we re treating all of them as life-threatening injuries. the physicians there at emmanuel hospital will do an excellent job of taking care of them to the best of their ability. portland police is on scene, not only investigating the shooting here but also out looking for the shooter. it s about 1:15 portland time. you re saying it happened about half an hour ago, so about 12:45. were the students outside the school or inside the school? do you know? they were inside the school. and what other details can you tell us? is the shooter or shooters thought to be students? is it more than one shooter? we don t know that at this time. and what kind of capability
do you have there at the scene right now? how many fire trucks are there? how many police cars are there? i don t know exactly how many. we pulled a full multi-patient incident for the fire department. and the police bureau brought everybody in, including their task force to help assist. what message do you have for the parents who are learning about this right now? i would imagine if it only happened about half an hour ago, is there a staging area for parents to meet up with their students? are the students inside the school in lockdown? yes. the students inside the school are in lockdown. we re asking all parents who are coming to pick up their students to come to north kirby and north killingsworth court. there we have police officers who will help reunify the parents with the students. we re told by the portland police this is not an active shooter situation.
police are beginning to investigate the incident. translate that for us. that means that the shooter is not inside the school itself or thought to be near the school but he or she is still at large, i believe, correct? correct. but no longer actively shooting anyone. they have left the scene and are no longer here at the school. we re told that nearby jefferson high school and portland community college are also in lockdown. are there any other businesses or schools that are in lockdown? is that just because they re close by? correct. yeah, that s standard protocol to lock those down. keep those students safe as we as the portland police looks for the shooter or shooters. what can you tell us about rosemary anderson high school? we re told it s an alternative high school, has fewer than 200 students. that s about the extent of what i know. it s a high school that started
here a few years back and has a small student population. this is an area of north portland, is that right? that s correct. what can you tell us about north portland? is this an area that has a lot of shootings in the neighborhood? is it an area that is high crime or is this obviously school shootings are horrific whenever they happen. but is this unusual for there to be a shooting in this neighborhood? it s unusual to have a shooting at a school anywhere. unfortunately it s becoming more and more usual these days, it seems. lieutenant tyler, i do appreciate your time. hopefully we can come back to you and get more information about this school shooting. we re all thinking about the three students who were wounded in this attack. thank you so much, lieutenant rich tyler. no problem. in our world lead, he is one of the few people connected to
the cia torture scandal who is in prison right now. the operative who claims to have blown the whistle on the whole program. what does he think about the shocking details in the new senate torture report? we ll go to that prison interview next. [ male announcer ] this man has an accomplished research and analytical group at his disposal. but even more impressive is how he puts it to work for his clients. morning. morning. thanks for meeting so early. oh, it s not a big deal at all. come on in. [ male announcer ] it s how edward jones makes sense of investing. and our big idaho potato truck is still missing.
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welcome back to the lead. we continue to follow breaking news in our national lead. you re looking at pictures of rosemary anderson high school in north portland, oregon. police say there s been a school shooting. let s go over what we know so far. there are at least three victims, all students. they have been shot. police say they were shot we just heard from portland fire department which said that the students were shot inside the school. police say the three were transported from the scene, conscious and breathing and taken to nearby emmanuel medical center. portland police say it is not an active shooter situation, meaning the shooter is not on the scene or inside the school. but the suspect or suspects have fled, according to police. police will not say if the
individuals or individual was still armed or if that person clashed with police. rosemary anderson high school has been it s a place where there are under 200 students. it s an alternative school. it has been declared safe. police have nearby jefferson high school and portland community college in lockdown because they are close by. that is standard operating procedure, we re told, from a member of portland, oregon s emergency management services. let s go to cnn justice reporter, evan perez, who has new details about this school shooting. evan, what can you tell us? as often happens in these situations, there s a lot of conflicting information early on in this case, as well. the police are indicating that they believe the shooting actually happened outside of the school. i know you just said, i think
the fire department said they transported three people from the scene. and they believe that the shooting they were shot inside the school. we ll have to wait a little while for these details to be clarified by the police. we know that the suspect the person who was believed to carry out the shooting has fled the scene and the police are now preparing to provide a little more detail on who they re looking for. we know that they have now alerted the federal authorities who are now heading to the scene. i ve talked to people who say the atf is heading to the scene and i expect that the fbi is as well because as they that tends to happen in these cases. the feds come in to try to provide any assistance that the local police may need, including trying to figure out where the gun might have come from from the suspect, the suspect used in this shooting. right now, we know that there were three victims and we know that the suspect is no longer there.
so we expect that the police are going to provide an update in a little while. there s not a lot more that we know from how this went down. it s one of those situations where it always triggers a lot of response from federal and local authorities. the feds come in typically to try to do gun trace, to try to see if they can help, perhaps get some of the background on who the shooter was, if there was any information in their computers or in any of their background that indicated why this might have happened. again, it s still very early. and we don t know exactly what precipitated, what caused this shooting, whether or not there was a disagreement or whether it was something that was premeditated. that s right. always a good reminder that information coming in so soon after an incident like this can often be conflicting.
we re tole the incident happened roughly 12:45 portland time, 3:45 eastern time. all three students were wounded but were conscious and breathing. the fire department spokesman said they were treating the injuries as if they were life-threatening, not that they are. but they are treating them with urgency. evan perez, thank you for that. we re going to come back to you as you learn more information. i have on the phone now, parker bouldin, who lives in the neighbor. parker, you were on the scene just after the shooting, i m told. tell us what you saw. well, i heard a siren. i was in the apartment complex right on the corner. and i heard a siren. then i heard a couple more. they all seemed to be coming our direction. so i walked outside and there was a very small gathering of people just a few cops at the time that i got there. and they were starting to take the victims out on stretchers.
and you were in your apartment building when you were watching this? no. i was on the street right outside of the school that it happened at. and can you tell us anything in terms of the urgency with which these students were being taken onto the ambulance and rushed off? i just ask because it might say something about the seriousness of the wounds. it was very quickly. they were out of the school, they were on stretchers. they actually came by where i was standing next to a couple of people who knew the victim. and he was responsive, talking back to them. he seemed sort of i don t know, he wasn t going in and out of consciousness but he was not very in clear mind, you know. he was definitely in a bad situation. and they were quickly put on and taken to emmanuel hospital right
around the corner. that s what we were told. did you see all three shooting victims or one of them. i did. i saw all three of them. were they three males, do you know? two males they were from what i could i saw two males. i didn t see the other victim very clearly. i saw two males who had bandages, around the midsection. you describe one of the victims as having been talking, which is great news. what about the other two? were they speaking at all, could you tell? the other one that i saw clearly, his eyes were open. he was definitely alert. he wasn t talking to anybody. nobody was really shouting at him like the other victim. and he was alert but i just saw it for a short amount of time. is there anything you can
tell us about anything anyone may have said about why this happened or anything about the shooter or shooters? i didn t hear anything about the shooter or the shooters. it is sort of the conversation on the scene that there s a lot of gang activity in that area, specifically in that school because it s an alternative school. this stuff doesn t happen all the time, but that there s definitely murmurs of gang violence. what do you mean by it s an alternative school? we ve heard that description of rosemary anderson high school. what do you mean by that? just from what i overheard, i didn t know much about the school. i don t want to say it because it might sound offensive. it was an alternative school for people who maybe have some troubles or difficulties with their upbringing. fair enough. we re told also that jefferson
high school and portland community college which are nearby are also in lockdown, rosemary anderson high school no longer in lockdown, although it was at one point. how far away are jefferson high school and portland community college? jefferson high school is right behind kirby is the street that that school is on. and jefferson high school is right behind that. and then in the other direction, northeast is p.c.c. and it s just a block away. both of them are about a block away. parker boulden, appreciate your sharing with us what you saw just minutes after this shooting took place. thank you so much. appreciate it. on the phone right now, we have andrew theen, a reporter with the oregonian, which is the daily newspaper in the city of portland. thank you for joining us. what can you tell us?
we know just some very basic preliminary information. anything you could tell us would be great. sure. i think you probably know as much as we do at this point, jake. when my colleague and i arrived on scene about 12:35 or so, 20 minutes after the shooting, i spoke with a neighbor, tamara king, who lives on the other side of north albina to the west of the school. she reported hearing five shots in rapid succession and saw kids running in the street, including some kids diving under a car near north killingsworth court and albina, which is right next to this storefront school. she was one of the folks who called 911 and that s as much as i can tell you from witnesses that i ve spoken to. i was just listening to the police spokesman as he gave updates to the media here.
your information is that the shooting took place at about 12:15 portland time on the west coast a little before that, yeah. what can you tell us about rosemary anderson high school? the previous caller, guest, witness not a witness to the shooting but witness to after the shooting was saying that people on the street were talking about how there is gang activity in this area. is that accurate? well, that s something that tamara king, the neighbor i spoke to, mentioned as well, that she wasn t surprised that this happened in the neighborhood. she s lived here since 2007. i want to say last summer, there was a shooting on albina as well, north of here a little bit at a bus stop. and police are saying that initial reports are they
believe the shooter was gang affiliated. they stressed they can t say that for the victims. so we re just kind of waiting until we know a little bit more about who these two young boys and one girl who were injured in the shooting. but that s really all i can say at this point. i think it s a misperception among people when they hear about gang shootings. they think the victims of gang shootings are fellow members and that s absolutely not the case. many times the victims of gang shootings are completely innocent people in the wrong place at the wrong time or individuals who were certainly doing nothing to merit a shooting. the police said that the three individuals were shot and then when they left the school, all were conscious and breathing. the fire department spokesman with whom we spoke said they were treating their injuries as if they were life-threatening
but that didn t necessarily mean that s what they were. what s your understanding? the police spokesman, sergeant pete simpson, said they were all conscious and breathing. anytime you have a gunshot vick and you can say that, that s a good thing. i was listening to the witness say this area is close to portland community college and jefferson high school. it s also relatively close to legacy emmanuel hospital, which is a trauma hospital. so that s a good thing in terms of proximity. but beyond that, i can t really say because we don t really know. andrew theen, hold on one second. i want to bring in evan perez, our justice correspondent, who has some new information. evan, what can you tell us? we just got an update from the portland police. they clarify that the shooting occurred outside of the school, that the three victims, the three shooting victims, actually
went to the school after they were shot. they say they ve not identified the victims but they say they were two males and one female and that they ran to the high school after the shooting. the shooter fled the scene. so now we have a manhunt looking for this shooter to try to figure out what happened here, jake. so the latest from the police is that the shooting occurred outside of the school nearby and that the two males and one female who were shot ran to the school after they were shot, jake. that would explain why the fire department thought that the shooting might have been inside the school. right, and why they were transported from there. right. andrew theen, what can you tell us about north portland, the area in which this school is and if you know anything more about rosemary anderson high school, we re told is an alternative school of fewer than 200 students. what can you tell us about that? well, i can t tell you too
much about the school itself. i wasn t familiar with the school. i m familiar with the area. it s inner north portland. it s a gentrifying part of town, i guess you could say. as many larger urban areas of the u.s. like i said, portland community college is right here. they have one of their branches, jefferson high school, one of the portland public schools, is within spitting distance. it s an active area of town. there s coffeeshops, there are restaurants. people are out and about trying to see what s going on. it s close to interstate 5. andrew, i would think that it s not an active shooter situation because the shooter s not there.
but there is somebody on the loose, at least one individual who shot three young people, three teenagers, two boys and a girl. how big is the police presence when it comes to the manhunt? did sergeant pete simpson of the portland police department shed any light on how intense this search is right now? he didn t. and i can t really speak to that. i m not aware of any other details as far as a manhunt. but i can tell you that people are do not look concerned for their safety in the immediate area where i am. people are going about their day. if the shooting, just to recap for individuals who may just be tuning in right now. shortly before 12:15 portland, oregon, time, there s 3:15 east coast time, there was a shooting at a school at rosemary
anderson high school outside the school. three individuals, two boys and a girl, were shot. they were wounded. they left the scene, according to portland police, conscious and breathing, we re told anecdotally from some witnesses that at least one of them was still talking and the police told andrew theen with the portland oregonian that anytime after a shooting you have people talking, that is obviously a good sign. those individuals were rushed to the hospital, nearby emmanuel medical center, which has a trauma unit, which is very, very close. we are monitoring the situation. there is not an active shooting situation because the shooter is no longer inside or outside the school. but the individual or individuals are still wanted and on the loose. portland police are trying to find out who he or she or they are. we re going to take a very quick break.
when we come back, we ll have more news about this shooting at rosemary anderson high school in portland, oregon. don t settle for 4g lte coverage that s smaller or less reliable when only one network is america s largest and most reliable 4g lte network: verizon. with xlte, our 4g lte bandwidth has doubled in over 400 cities. and now, save without settling. get 2 lines with 10gb of data for just $110.
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welcome back to the lead. we re continuing to follow breaking news in our national lead. a shooter or shooters are on the loose after wounding three students outside rosemary anderson high school in north portland, oregon. let s go back and reset what we know so far. there are at least three victims, all of them students, teenagers. they have been shot. a witness tells us he saw two males and a female being loaded into ambulances. police say the victims were transported from the scene. they were conscious and breathing, at least one of them speaking, according to a witness with whom we spoke. they were taken to nearby emmanuel medical center which does have a trauma unit. the fire department told us they are treating these injuries as if they are life-threatening, although that doesn t necessarily mean that they are life-threatening. the hospital isn t indicating
what condition the students are in. as i said, the fire department saying they are being treated as if the injuries are life-threatening. police telling us that rosemary anderson high school is no longer an active shooter situation, meaning the shooter isn t on the premises or nearby. but we are told the portland police department is engaging in a manhunt or menhunt for the shooter. that s under way. we re told this began shortly after 12:15 or so, portland, oregon, time. there s 3:15 east coast time, obviously. and that it began outside the school, although after they were shot, the students went inside the school. pamela brown is in new york with more information. pamela, what can you tell us? reporter: we re learning at this hour as we speak that atf agents are en route to the scene right now.
what they re going to be doing is running ballistics, try to recover the weapon that was used in this shooting and then trace that weapon, find out where it came from. so atf agents are en route. we typically know in these situations, that fbi agents are usually deployed as well to help with the local authorities. as we still try to learn exactly who is behind this shooting and all of the details, what we can tell you is that the fbi did a recent active shooter study because there have been so many of these types of incidents, especially in the past few years. what we learned from that study, jake, is that all but six of the 160 shootings involved male shooters and only two of those, only two of the 160 involved more than one shooter. so oftentimes in these situations, we see a male acting alone, someone who is disillusioned in some way. once they figure out who is
behind this like you point out earlier, it could be more than one person but more than likely it is just one person. they re going to look at indicators, locker room through their social media and try to figure out what s behind this. three victims taken to the hospital right now and this is a very serious situation. of course, caused a lot of panic among the parents there when initially it was reported there was a school shooting, a shooting on the premises. that was the initial understanding. we learn now that this happened just off the school campus. it happened about an hour and a half ago outside rosemary anderson high school, two boys and a girl, teenagers shot, wounded, taken from the scene we re going to go right now, pamela, stay with us. i want to go to evan perez, our justice correspondent, who has a little bit more information about the shooting. evan, what are you being told? this is partly adding a little bit more context to what pamela was saying as well. this feels a little different
from a lot of these other shootings that we ve seen in schools, again, this one happened outside of it. for that reason, i m being told by authorities that it just seems perhaps a little bit different. typically in most of these shootings that we ve seen, by the time the police get there, the shooter has already shot himself or the situation is over. in this case, this person tried to get away or has gotten away. so in some ways, thfls seems like according to the authorities looking at this, it s more of a criminal situation. it s very early in the process, very early in this case to know exactly happened, especially since they re still looking for the suspect. but it does feel like it s a little bit different. as pamela pointed out, looking at all the history of all these shootings, you typically see a certain pattern. and this one just falls out of that pattern.
we re told, by the way, if there are any parents of students at rosemary anderson high school, locatil police are saying the staging for parent reunification for the students, the school is no longer in lockdown. the parent reunification area is being held at killingsworth court and kirby, near the jefferson high school football field, jefferson high school, along with portland community college, we re told, were still in lockdown, which is standard operating procedure, police protocol, after a school shooting situation. pamela brown, in a situation like this, obviously the federal government trying to do whatever it can to help. but as evan noted, usually in these situations, the school shooter, at least in the ones that we ve covered in the last couple of years, the school shooter has been shot by police or has taken his own life. in this situation, we have a manhunt under way. i imagine that it s something
that federal law enforcement could be helping with as well. absolutely. like we mentioned earlier, atf agents are on their way to help out. we presume the fbi is on its way to help out and provide the assistance. but i want to point out what i think is key here. they re saying this is not an active shooter situation and that the perimeter is secure. so i think that does provide us some clues that it appears that at least that area where the school is is secure. and if there s a gunman on the loose, then i would be surprised if they would say this is not an active shooter situation. so, again, we re still trying to learn more details, whether this shooter or shooters are even still alive. as we ve seen in so many other school shootings, just the one recently in washington state, we ve seen that the gunman dies from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. and that really is there s a pattern to these school shootings.
unfortunately they happen far too often. and a lot of times it s a male acting alone. again, we re waiting to learn more details on this. but that s what studies have shown, as i pointed out earlier, the fbi study. all but six of 160 incidents over the past several years involved male shooters and only two involved more than one shooter. just to put it in perspective as we await more details on the specifics of this particular shooting, jake. in fact, we are waiting for the portland police to give an update on the information about the suspect in this school shooting in north portland, oregon. evan perez, you have new information? we know that the fbi has now arrived at the scene. they re still calling this a local investigation as they typically do. obviously they want to give the local police a chance to figure out what exactly happened here before they get involved, if there s anything that needs to be done from a federal
standpoint. we know they say they re still looking for a shooter and they haven t provided any update as to who they re looking for or what that suspect description is. but the fbi is there to provide any assistance. atf is already there, as we mentioned already. typically, they re just there to lend assistance to the local authorities as they are trying to figure out exactly what happened here. again, this happened outside of the school. so it s a little different from some of the other shootings that we ve seen, which typically have been inside. you typically don t see a suspect try to make a getaway as the police have reported here. evan perez and pamela brown, stick around. when we come back, we ll have more information about this school shooting in portland, oregon. [ male announcer ] you wouldn t ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you re not ignoring them in your body? even if you re treating your crohn s disease or ulcerative colitis,
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a shooter, we believe, possibly shoote shooters, on the loose after shooting and wounding three students outside rosemary anderson high school. this is what we know. at least three victims, all students, teenagers, have been shot, we are told. it was roughly at 12:15 or just shortly before then portland time, just before 3:15 east coast time. we are told two males and a female are the victims, they were loaded into ambulances and police say the victims were transported immediately from the scene conscious and breathing to nearby emmanuel medical center. we re told from a witness who we spoke with earlier that at least one of those students was talking, which is always a good sign. we re told the hospital has received all three patients by now and they re treating them. the hospital at this point is not indicating what condition any of these three students are
in. lieutenant rich tyler from the portland fire department told us earlier in this hour that the injuries are being treated as if they re life-threatening, though it doesn t necessarily mean they are. police tell us that rosemary anderson is no longer an active shooter situation. that means the suspect or the suspects are no longer suspected to be on the premises or nearby. there is a manhunt for the shooter under way, we are told. let s go straight to portland police spokesman, sergeant pete simpson. sergeant simpson, thank you for joining us. first of all, can you tell us, is it one suspect or more? and what should people in the area be looking for? well, preliminary information is one suspect. there may have been others with him when they fled the scene. we have investigative resources focusing exclusively on that piece right now as we continue this investigation.
we re obviously very early on. what we do know at this time and want to reassure people this is not an active shooter situation or an active shooting season. this is now a static environment, it s safe. and we are beginning the investigative phase. is there any indication that the police have gotten into a shootout with the suspect? is there any indication the suspect might have taken his own life? no. no officers were involved in any kind of shooting or shootout. we responded after the fact, after the report of the shooting, very quickly. no indications about the shooter taking his own life or anything like that. it appears that the shooter how are the three victims, sir? well, right now, all three are at legacy emmanuel medical center. all three are receiving emergency treatment for gunshot wounds. they all were conscious and talking at the scene, which is always a good sign. certainly with gunshot wounds, they can be unpredictable once

People , Portland , Shot , Victims , Suspects , Portland-police , Fire-department , Three , Lockdown , Jefferson-high-school , Portland-community-college , Staging-area

Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20161207 00:00:00

secretary of defense here tonight. we know last week he made a surprise announcement at his first thank you rally saying yes he s indeed choosing general james mattis for defense secretary. but the fact that two will be up on stage together, certainly notable, especially given that is the military friendly town. so donald trump hoping to cash in on the energy here almost to validate his pick for secretary of defense. and we know trump has many thank you tours and rallies ahead. just two this week alone and thursday he ll be in iowa and friday in michigan. you heard him taking credit for what he said is a $50 billion investment by softbank. what are you learning about this? reporter: i have to say not a lot of detail coming from the trump transition team or the company tonight. but certainly a little
showmanship on the part of the president elect today really trotting out on the ceo of the company and trump towers there before cameras gathered. contours of the deal are $50 billion investment in the u.s. by this tech firm, softbank, saying that could create about 50,000 jobs, new jobs here in the u.s. but the timing of the detail, how it was brokered, when it was formally brokered still very unclear tonight. it is notable that in october this company announced plans with the backing of saudi arabia for a hundred billion in new investments across the world in tech companies so is still very unclear if that is part of this or a separate deal. thank you very much sunland. the money already raised so far and the fast vast majority is from saudi arabia. outfront now retired u.s. army major general. and some other great people.
phillip, let me start with you. it is a very significant event tonight. this is obviously going to be big for donald trump. but to have general mattis by his side, a very significant. so far he s announced several cabinet picks. none has he given this star power of appearing side by side with him. michael flynn is going to be his proposal for national security advisor. i was with him on the campaign trail with some regularity. but first time we ve seen one of the the cabinet picks do. this mattis is generally seen as one of the more obvious acceptable candidates for the party as well. so this is not someone that needs to be bolstered. donald trump is incredible
right guy who s in charge of the defense department. i find this very reassuring. for those critical of trump for the right or left concerned about how he would be as commander in chief this we should all be behind this waiver. we should all be encouraging the senate to give this waiver. base want competent, serious people in this administration. and donald trump has chosen an exceptionally competent and serious person. jim mattis, is one of the most revered generals of his generation. a big thought leader. an amazing following in the pentagon and with the military. and he has some views that differ with trump. so the fact that donald trump is willing to put this leader out, side by side with him. i don t think he s building him up. i think he s making a statement that these are the sorts of people that are going to populate my national security team. different than him on water boarding. general mattis doesn t support it. different on russia. multiple, multiple places. tonight donald trump is going to walk out.
saying he s not going to vote for this waiver. this issue is a very important point in american politician zo and so o you are going to have obviously him trumpeting general mattis. general mat sis going to speak and it will be interesting to see how how long he speaks for. and then trump is no doubt going to talk about this $50 billion investment. it is not an investment yet was a they don t even necessarily have the money raised so it is very unclear. what we understand is that $50 billion softbank says they are going to invest in the united states. trump tweeted masa, softbank in japan is willing to invest. masa said he would never do this if we had not won the election. as the stunning number. what we re going to see. donald trump as we all know by
now is unconventional. this is going to be an unconventional presidency with an unconventional president. he s the only one in of the 45 presidents 44 people. grover cleveland twice. that has a business background. all the others were politicians to some degree. or generals. this is the first person to go directly from the private sector without any stops in politics before that. so you are going to see a lot of this kind of thing as we go through here. and his businessman s mind working. now sure is he going to use it to political advantage? yes. but it is going to help him without doubt. so here is my question about this. when i saw the $50 billion. i said i don t get it. and i still don t get it. because there is a a lot of questions here. not all of it s been raised. the part that has been raised, comes from saudi arabia. which historically trump wouldn t want a let me stop you. you are trying to take several
months later said well they weren t as shovel ready as we thought. at least he said something. let s see if donald trump said well that 50 billion is only 3 billion and we weren t able to invest it there. what if they are 2u8 able to get it done. i don t think the media will no i m sure of that. there are a couple of things that concern me. the first i worked under commerce secretary ron brown and he announced deals likes this all the time. first of all they were american companies, to announce these deals where they would bring american jobs. it is fine that and it is good for him from a marketing perspective is this is really going greet 50,000 jobs. we don t know that yeet. whether it is true are but the reason the commerce ask or the president announced these deals is because they actually had something do with
it. did trump have anything to do with this deal? and is he going make any money off this deal? is he invested at all through a business partnership or anything in this company? we have no clue. that is what concerns me. we can all agree, this isn t a bad thing. it is probably at the min questidebate how much but is cannot be the seoul focus of the economic strategy. he s going to have to deal with le loopholes and the others. without that announce it is deals is not sufficient. but announcing the deals isn t a bad thing. not a bad thing per se but as the it is a bad thing if it is not more than shoemenship.
i. the leader here of this company joust everyone understands he says i m go doing raise a hundred billion, biggest fund every. and in the process of raidsing it. and 40 billion comes from saudi arabia. that actually is highly relevant in this country. when you look at the merger and whether it is going to be approved. if you are a chinese company bag in you generally don t get this approved. saudi arabia, i think a lot of people would be critical of. this is so nebulous that donald trump is getting up and saying more jobs and we ll see what happens. i think it is worth noting that on softbank s part there is showmanship as well. but this is a company that owns a stake in sprint that was trying to figure out how to do this merger earlier this year. and seems very likely, wall street journal reporting seems likely they are going to try this again under the trump
administration. there are politics all over the place here. we ll see how it shakes out in terms of money in terms of jobs but this is not a benif sent gentlemen coming to the united states saying here i give you all these jobs for no reason. up next, donald trump live with general mat i both going to speak and then trump and his battle today with boeing. he came out and slammed frankly america s biggest exporter over air force one. and trump s choice for national security advisor under fire for spreading wild conspiracy theories. should trump dump michael flynn? and the breaking news. live pictures of the protesters gathering at texas a&m campus this hour. you see them. a white supremacist is speaking there tonight and we ll go there live.
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donald trump demanding the defense department cancel a contract with boieing for the nw presidential planes. it is out of control. it is going to be over $4 billion for the air force one program. and i think it is ridiculous. i think boeing is doing a bit of a number. we want fwoeng make a lot of money but not that much money. boeing releasing a statement which reads in part. we re not sure where he s getting that number from. right now boeing only has a contract for design and development of the new air force one. boeing is at the mercy of donald trump in a lot of ways here. that is part of the reality. however they are the biggest exporter from the united states. the second biggest defense contractor in this fight. who wins? well i think they are to some respect to the mercy of the donald trump. but there is a whole procuring process that exists in the pentagon. you can t just sign a way a
massive contract. and also major repercussions for the u.s. economy if another defense contractor replaced a lot of the foreign business or u.s. business boeing would get. obviously this is probably not a good idea. i think tonight trump being up there with mattis, very good. fantastic image. trump and pence meeting with the congressional leaders, pooirn and mitch mcconnelling talk about this things day want to get past, good images. tweets like this not a great image. i would stronger recommend the ladder not the former. let s go through the time line here because i think this is very interesting. look, the chicago tribune today wrote up some comments that the boeing ceo said about donald trump. the ceo said these on friday but a appeared this morning for the first time in print. the chicago tribune. about the ceo of boeing, he s
suggesting the trump teen and congress back off the 2016 anti-trade rhetoric and perceived threats to punish other countries with higher tariffs tariffs fes. that was 7:30 a.m. at 8:52 trump tweets boeing is building a brand new 747 air force one for future presidents. cancel order. we saw last week he had this random out of blue tweet about flag burning. turned out he had been watching fox news and kids burning flags on fox news. he as a history of responding to things he s engaged with in the media through twitter. the problem is this causes boeing s stock price to plummet $2 before markets opened it. recovered by the end of the day and actually closed a little higher.
but now cnbc is reporting there are people who are trying to figure out a algorithm to buy or sell stock based on donald trump tweets. these are if he s doing it because something he didn t like the chicago tribune, that s iffy. not the first time he s taken on an american company. ford. verizon. not the first time he s done this. the issue we have to decide is whou everybody responds. he s clearly going to continue to do this. it is not reasonable for us to believe that suddenly on january 20th, this is going stop. we have to decide how we look at this. and people have to decide what to take on board and how to deal but if i take a step back and i said how would someone at that rally see this? they might say if the costs are out of control with $4 billion. cancel that order. this is exactly the kind of cost
control i want in washington. the folks in that crowd will respond exactly that way. and they will also respond and say i ve been on air force one. it is a wonderful aircraft. 20 people can take a shower at once. twenty i m being facetious. my point is it can can withstand electromagnetic pulses. this is a phenomenal piece of . but there are cost. 4 billion i think the president elect is probably correct. let s put some green eye shades on and look into that. but that crowd is going to respond very favorable. and he s also not the first president elect that when he opens his mouth there are going to be markets that move accordingly. so it is going to happen. if problem that millions of americans have with washington d.c. and the government is that this kind of situation where we re overpaying air force i
mean is terribly symbolic. but i mean we could i used to work on the house budget committee. and we could watts through thousands of pages of things where there are cost overruns galore. this is part of the problem. so they are looking at this and saying yes. this is exactly what i want the president they also say it is dated. i needs to be updated. the greatest country in the world with a plane that reflects that. absolutely true. but there was a story in the post yesterday how the defense department sought out places they could cut money and then buried the report and said they didn t want to make the cuts. donald trump could have tweeted about that this morning. the question is why is donald trump tweeting about boeing? we don t know. it effected boeing. it effects boeing stockeds and yes spin will be good as we all know donald trump fights back. and i think one of the the problems with the bush 4 administration.
so you are saying he did do it well it wouldn t surprise me in the least. one of the problems was all these opponents were out there with bush live and all this thing and the white house didn t fight back because apparently the president felt it was beneath him to get in all of this stuff etc. donald trump isn t going to do that. he s not going to sit there and let somebody attack his trade policies and just be quiet. and jeffrey is right. history supporters will eat this up. but this is the problem that donald trump has not yet understood. he s not just the president now of the people who supported him who got him i elected. he s the president who even now the 2.5 million people that hillary clinton is winning by the popular vote. he has to prove he wants to be the president for everybody. they eat this up at this rally but from the standpoint of those people who were terrified of electing him. this underscores where the terror exists, because he s lashing out. he s taking issue with the
american people. his supports are. to everybody should have been gotten behind that because that was atrocious. all with me next. waiting for donald trump on stage for the first time with s pick for defense secretary. that is going start any moment in now. the motorcade arriving in fayetteville and calls for trump to dump his choice for national security advisor. he and his son who his is chief of staff and . and students at a texas university this hour banning together protesting a neo-nazi who was speaking tonight on the campus just around the corner where they were. we ll be there life. we ll be back. ! as close as two friends trying to annihilate each other can be. ahh, interception! that s because with we can shop over 700,000 items from brand names like samsung, keurig and sony. go to to get low monthly payments and the credit you deserve. and get great stuff like this awesome flat screen tv. [doorbell rings] fingerhut man s here! oooh! maybe he brought you some defense.
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controversy is here. some of these tweets proving to be so controversial and damaging for both michael flynn and his son. and these tweets are not isolated. part of a series from both father and son that have pushed conspiracy theory, islam phobia, anti-semitic retweets but let s look at the couple of them. fist the son, michael flynn jr. one he tweeted on sunday about a false news story about a d.c. pizzeria and on sunday. the left seems to forget podesta e-mails and the many coincides tied to it. this is just outright b.s. for lack of a better term. i had my son s birthday party in this pizzeria. and yet he stuck to it. let s go to the father, michael flynn who s the nominee to be
national security advisor. that is tweet he sent out one week before election day. you decide. nypd blows whistle on new hillary e-mails money laundering, sex crimes with children etc. must read. tweeting out a fake story about the democrat nominee one week to election day. so serious allegations and to be clear part of a pattern, erin. so that is what is causing this controversy. but now what about the role of michael flynn s son. earlier today they said he had no role with the transition. but clearly that is not the case. right. he s now been removed. we know he had a rolle because he s been removed from that role. the way it is described and vice president pence described it this way and others i ve speaken
with is he was basically a scheduler and did administrative work for his father. enough where they requested a security clearance for him, which implies serious work. but that process now stopped and he s no longer in that role. to be clear michael flynn senior, something to interrupt him at this point becoming the closest national security advisor to the president. thank you jim. is it time for donald trump to say all right, forget it. first of all he want. these with positions to the executive office of the president and there is really no way to force his hand on this. i think it is important here by the way these tweets are atrocious so i m not going defend the tweets. it is important to separate michael flynn from his son. his son was doing the stuff and it looks as if michael flynn was doing, senior, pushing the bad tweets was in the con attention
of the chain. campaign things get pretty emotional. get heated. may make sense for michael flynn senior to address that at some point and say he s turning off his twitter account and move on but in terms of saying there be some kind of mechanism to force the commander in chief s hand in choosing security advisor i don t care that is going happen. and he worked with michael flynn. you know him very well. he s going the man next to donald trump. the first voice donald trump here s on national security. he s promoted these false news stories as if they were true. you say during the campaign but he still did those things. how much does this concern you? is he the right man for the job? the concern really is one of judgment and contextually how are you going to perform. i know mike flynn were well.
he s a tremendous asset. the president has a personal relationship with his national security advisor. that guy can do what he wants him to do. and we can t be captured by what previous national security advisors have done. if you look at others, that is about necessarily the model this president would have in store for mike flynn. he might want him to be a bomb thrower. he may say mike, i don t want you to bring all this together. i m going to get jim mattis do that. for example. what i want you to do is poke holes in all of these good ideas. because you can speak to menessly, you are a provocative guy and i want you to kick this stuff around before it gets to me. if he had that kind of strategy i would feel a tiny bit better. i don t think he puts that kind
of thought into the people he has around him. and that is why this is so freakin scary. because this is the guy who will have donald trump ears ear. donald trump has proven he acts out a lot of times based on who the last person he had in his ear was. and the fact that this guy, michael flynn and himself tweeted and retweeted flagrant outright conspiracy theories and lies about hillary clinton, about the obamas. is this someone who can t tell truth from a lie? or is he ideology that whacko that he actually believe this is stuff. either way it is very terrifying. i agree with a lot of what you are saying but when you say who s this guy going to be around him? who s going to be advising him. like mike pompeo. leader in congress on national security issues leading the cia. jim mattis. leading the pentagon. those guys are the last one s
whispering in donald trump s ear. clearly that is how he acts. we re going take a brief break. live picture as we re awaiting donald trump just a couple of moments away from this big rally where he ll be speaking to voters across the country. and more breaking news. we re going to texas. protesters gathering on the campus of the texas a&m. there is a white supremacist speaking there tonight and protesters gathers en masse.
find new roads at your local chevy dealer. standing by for donald trump. president elect speaking at a rally. his pick for secretary of defense jamie mattis going to be with him. they are there now. so any moment biel we ll be going to fayetteville where they will be speaking. trump will introduce general mattis and then donald trump. we ll bring it all to you live. at this hour in the meantime, outrage over a white supremacist speaking on campus in texas, half a country away. live pictures of protesters gathering. rich spencer, he s been cheering trump s victory saying it s emboldened him and empowered him and he s done so using anti-semitic language. hail trump, hail our people.
hail victory. chau [ cheers and applause ] sa sara ganim outfront right now. obviously a lot of protesters out to protest in this evening. reporter: that s right. these are aggie students. texas a&m students who are upset that richard spencer is here. they call his rhetoric hate speech and you can see there are several hundred of them out here protesting and the president of the universities greaagrees wit hem. but felt like he couldn t stomp on the first amendment and kick him out. he was invited here by a private citizen. it is a private event. even still these people are very upset. they are angry and i have to tell you erin, after sitting
down with richard spencer myself today it is easy to understand why. would you describe yourself as a white supremacist. i m not a white supremacist, no. but there is really no mistaking his racist message. hail trump, hail our people. hail victory. reporter: no matter how much he tries to talk around it. the fact is only white people can support what we call western civilization. reporter: richard suspensor is the self professed leader of what we call the alt-right movement. he comes across as polished and steams to be trying to dial back the neo nazi imagery he s been recognized for. so how would you go through a process of removing people who are not white is this. they have come here and therefore they could go home. you can go home again. there are ways of whether it is a direct payment.
what would you say though if mexican americans or african americans said hey we re going pay all the white people to leave and go back to europe? interesting prospect. item very flexible. obviously that is not like toy to happen. and spencer is even banned from traveling to most european countries because of his views. reporter: you studied history, right? a lot of of people the reason they don t like you is because they have studied history too and they see a lot of the things that you say as being very similar to hitler and other leaders who were responsible for mass genocide. i find this all very amusing. and this is the social justice so i hav so voyeur who will say literally hitler. no i think hitler in a way now is history. he did many things that are absolutely terrible that i would never support.
reporter: we re told there are only a couple dozen people inside the event space where he s going begin speaking in a few minutes and some of those are probably protester, students inside the event space. so it is hard to see how many people he actually drew in. but it is never more apparent than when you were out here koufring a story like this how divided feelings are right now. is a remarks thank you very much. my gapanel is back. jeff what is your reaction when you hear some of of nose comments from that young man and hear him say donald trump has made him feel emboldened to come out and say this things. the head of the . that didn t make hillary clinton a communist or the heir to joseph stalin. this guy is a racist. tloz other way to say this. and to be perfectly candid i think the media is giving him
way more attention than he deserves. the rally that was shown at the begin, i think there was something at the washington post somebody said like there were like 235 people in the room. this guy is so far on the fringe of american politics. he has nothing do with donald trump i don t care how much he talks about it. and donald trump doesn t want anything do with him. or should. i think the challenge here is not that there is a racist speaking to college campus and college students are upset. when i was in college that happened all the time. the collage is it is happening in the condition text of what is going on in 2016. skmi recognize you are a big donald trump supporter but i think a lot of people who oppose donald trump particularly people of color who do not see what he s done before and after the election as reassuring that he s distancing himself from people like spencer. the reason why, whenever he s pressed on it he seems to grudgingly. and spencer is not alone.
this is not one guy. but trump s response has not been normally we might expect a president or president elect say something like what s happening there is abhorrent and repulsive and i wish this guy would shut his mouth but donald trump s tendency is to it has to be dragged out of him. that is the point. he read it off the teleprompter and we all need paying way too much attention to these kind of things. that is the conundrum here though. jeffrey. do you pay attention to them and therefore shine the spotlight of awfulness or on it? do you ignore them with the potential that it festers and y grows? which is it? it is not going to fester and grow. we re paying attention but people of color who take a different there are no people of color in this country phillip. there are only americans and therein lies the problem. are you truly saying we need to divide people by race in this country. i think the people of the
target have a very different perpetrative. what this guy is about expect things from the president. what this is about is identity politics which i have said repeatedly a is racist. and you have hillary clinton and others separating people by race and there is jeffrey, the reality is the following. you as a white american have had a very different experience in this country than me as a latina. i am sure people do not come up to you to say you should be deported. your children should be deported because they re anchor babies. they did to my other ancestors. this president has an obligation. the fact of the matter is he campaigned with a wink and a nudge to them because he never ever said and has yet to say your party [ inaudible ].
apologize for slavery yet. can we get on with this? he s yet to say in the international speech which is what he should do which is what a real leader would do or at least if a op ed to say definitively the white supremacists and everybody else who felt i was speaking to in the campaign is absolutely wrong. he should say it proactively and strongly ever moment he has the opportunity to do that. until he does that you will have latino, african american, muslims, everybody who felt degraded by his campaign. that don t want to view themselves as americans but want to divide themselves by color or race and it is wrong. i feel like i am as american as you jeffrey. exactly. that is the point. but i am not treated as ones by the people who feel emboldened by your president elect. but there are always people like this in american life. and there should be lead who
are speak against it. and donald trump has not done us. he denounced david duke in 2000. during this campaign he did it begrurjingly after tour fiems. [indiscernible]. half the population. he was asked to say no to david duke. he refused until the fourth time he was asked to. he did it decades ago. although when is the last time hillary clinton denounced the ku klux klan in the last four hours? my point is we re playing a game here. this is not a game. it is not a dumb game. donald trump eats goal and his goal as it should be would be to be the president of the united states of america. half of the country didn t vote for him. a lot of people would point out he lost the popular vote as well. people of color a v a different perspective on the president elect than you and i do. yes they are americans as well. do you think ben carson has a different opinion because he s black? that is true.
how about the majority of people of color. the president elect if he wants to stul lead a unified united states where everybody feels confident in the decisions he s making he needs to do better than what he s doing now. no question. and what he s done is ben carson is now going to be the secretary of housing and urban development. that is his nomination. he s putting ben carson in there. the things he s doing. the actions he s take i think you will see other names emerging. different cabinet subcabinet. that will be it will be diverse. look i m listening to this debate and i sort of agree with both sides. i agree with you that more needs to be done by the leaders of our country, including donald trump to speak out against this. to make a point that the leadership of this country does not stand or traffic in that stuff. i m not we should but donald trump is not a racist. we shouldn t create these characters of im. he s not a racist.
in pursuit of the presidency he s probably trafficked in some of this stuff. but he s not a racist. and in that sense i think we all should right now take a deep breath and not give so much coverage to these nut cases are that sucking up so much nut kus cases. the president elect who gives any oxygen to racists is not something that people who are the target of the race s actions are going to be comfortable. al sharpton who s been in the obama white house according to your paper 72 times. hello. is that not trafficking to the racists. al sharpton is he s anti-semiite. we were talk about the president elect donald trump. that s ule. we were talk about the richard spencer. donald trump has just arrived here at this rally. he s going to be going on stage at the moment. donald trump is going to come out. going to speak and then he s going to introduce general jim mat i his nominee for secretary
of defense. general mattis will speak for a few minutes we re not sure how long and actually that could be one of the the most interesting things of the night is lounge he speaks for. and then donald trump is going to speak to voters. thousands of them are there. people who vote forward donald trump to give him that resounding victory in north carolina. and general marks this is a crucial evening for donald trump because he s doing this thank you tour. all americans are going to be listening to him. this is the second one of these but the first one where he s appeared with someone else. and he s appearing with someone else who s seen as respected in a bipartisan manner. seen as a real leader among generals in the country. someone whose not controversial. which is significant. i think with president elect donald trump and jim mattis together on the stage they both will be able to bolster themselves in a very positive way by being in the presence of the other. mr. trump gets as much out of
this as jim mattis does. this is not singularly a spotlight on jim mattis. this is an opportunity to put the president elect next to a highly regarded warrior that has done some immense heavy lifting for us in the course of an entire lifetime but most recently during these wars in iraq and afghanistan. and as we wait sunland is there. what is the mood like there? thousands of people there who are waiting to hang on he and general mattis s every word. that s right erin. well people are certainly anxious given this rally is starting over an hour late. but we do know the president elect has just arrived and he ll appear on stage with general mat n is in a few minutes. so the mood here is all the trap, of a campaign rally we would have seen during the campaign. you also have some homemade
signs notable that we just saw one sign in the crowd that said expose the pizza gate scandal, that being a big story in washington d.c. this week about a washington pizzeria being the subject of many conspiracy theory, fake news stories. interesting that is trickling its way here into the trump rally. but people certainly anxious to hear him speak. we know this could turn into a pep rally of sorts for his nominee of secretary of defense jamie mattis appearing together on stage in a few minutes. and other thing i think you are going to have here is safe to assume. is we know trump will be taking a victory lap for saying he s got another 50,000 jobs on his tab. counting them up. carrier first and now this another 50,000. and let s wait to see if they actually arrive or not. and i m trying not to be cynical or skeptical nor expressing
disbelief. i m merely saying realistically, where is this 50 billion coming from sno when is it goin to be invested and which jobs will be created. and donald trump has the political momentum. he understands the showmanship. you announce carrier and then the next thing. it is steady drum beat now. he s very good at getting attention on the things he would like to have attention on. and quite frankly the carrier issue in this prospect of having 50,000 more jobs that is something he deserves to get some attention on. these are the sorts of things a lot of voters were looking are when they vote forward donald trump. and the fact he s doing this a month after he won the election i think is sort of the impressive thing it is warranted for him to come out and talk about even though the jobs don t yet exist. and can e he take the spotlight away from general flynn? absolutely. thinks he can sail through controversy on general flynn s
peddling fake news and then just move? he s a mars master of this. and tonight he deserves credit for what s doing. because by featuring general mattis it takes the spotlight off his other problems. and generally mattis is worthy of that kind of praise. bipartisan support. supports across the military. the military veterans community. has taken different positions from donald trump. and he s an impressive individualem and the fact he s giving him this kind of air time is something. and when you see general mattis come out and one would presume he s going to be very straight in terms of what he talked about. and then tonight donald trump take two. another opportunity to reach out for the people who did not vote for him. i do actually and i agree about what was said here about general mattis s background and service to the country. he s a kind of person i hope donald trump actually listens to, more than the others donald
trump has around him. especially michael flynn. moving forward i think the question is what is he going to do with these folks? is he going to take their advice? and more importantly tonight we ve seen situations where you think the focus is going to be on, for example, tonight general mattis but that the focus becomes donald trump and the focus becomes something completely different than what it was supposed to be. so we ll see. if he doesn t cake the counsel and the input from these guys mar yarks they will be gone. they will walk. good. no no. these are some incredibly gifted focus. and zblern. your point. this is unusual in the sense. secretary of defense state and attorneys general are generally not taken out to political rallies of this nature. by doing it donald trump being introduced as you see waving to the crowd getting ready to walk out. as i said we anticipate he ll

General-mattis , Secretary , Defense , Fact , Together-for-the-first-time , Defense-secretary , Surprise-announcement , Two , Elect-donald-trump , Cheering-trump , Pick , Secretary-of-defense