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Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180522 00:02:00

just weeks before the tournament kicks off in russia. it s a dangerous assumption yet to be tested the u.s. policy of maximum pressure on north korea trump believes that he can force the regime to change its ways for good which the day the u.s. secretary of state announced what he calls a new plan on iran using the same old assumption and tonight the one assumption that has proven true tehran s rejection of the plan i m broke off in berlin this is the day. gretl be forced to make a choice either fight to keep its economy off life support at home looking squandering precious whopping fights abroad it will not have the resources to do both. kish right all you posit a good job. today all major european union member countries.
along with russia with china and own major countries of the world considered trumps decision to be against the lol. any agreement will make sure iran never acquires a nuclear weapon we will not repeat the mistakes of passing we. want out about foreign policy we have been successful against conspiracies. but the team we re open to new steps with not only our allies and partners but with a rock as well but. the us administration wanted to isolate iran. but the a cheap the opposite result pushed the iranian regime should know that this is just the beginning these will indeed end up being the strongest sanctions in history. also coming up on the day we travel to mexico where an ancient cultures traditions
are still practiced and celebrated among all three genders men women and the. every year the mushi are rife from all over the region to celebrate their identity in the festival of candles we dress up as women at ten twelve thirteen years of age but we can no longer access a concrete school dressed as women so we leave school and devote ourselves to informal trades such as embroideries stylists six workers. or we begin the day with a promise by the u.s. to slap iran with the toughest sanctions ever it comes to weeks after u.s. president trump was drew his country from the iran nuclear deal trump called that deal insane or the day us secretary of state on paper announced the new u.s. plan on iran its twelve points threaten economic destruction if tehran does not end
its nuclear program and its foreign policy of proxy wars now while the iran s nuclear plan addresses solely tehran s nuclear weapons ambitions the neutron proposal demands a stop to iranian support for hamas hezbollah and hooty rebels but peo says the u.s. will ask its allies to help but at today s meeting of g twenty foreign ministers germany france and the u.k. reiterated their plans to keep the iranians below live later this week the three countries plan to meet again in vienna with iranian officials to discuss provisions to fill in the us gap. where here is part of what secretary of state pompei zero said today about the plan and the people in iraq were open to new steps with not only our allies and partners but with iran is well but only if iran is willing to make major changes. as president trump said two weeks ago he is ready willing
and able to negotiate a new deal once this is achieved we re we re prepared to end the principal components of every one of our sanctions against the regime we re happy at that point to reestablish full diplomatic uncursed commercial relationships with iran and we re prepared to admit iran to have advanced technology our willingness to meet with kim jong il underscores the trumpet ministrations commitment to diplomacy to help solve the greatest challenges even with our starches adversaries but that willingness that willingness has been accompanied by a painful pressure campaign that reflects our commitment to resolve this challenge forever the i told to president rouhani and to other remaining leaders understand that your current activities will be met with steely resolve. and that was he was secretary of state from paying out brian hook is
a senior policy advisor to mr pompei o today he spoke with our washington bureau chief for fun not so mr hu the announcements today and the sanctions do you really believe if that stay can bring about change you expect from iraq well it certainly will bring about more change than we ve had in to the jay c.p.o. way since adoption of the iran nuclear deal iran has actually increased its destabilizing behavior across the middle east and it also has not deterred iran s intent to acquire a nuclear weapon and so we re putting in place a new security architecture that we think is going to actually achieve our national security objectives not just for the united states but for the world. however many experts are skeptical saying that you are telling huron to stop being iran and its rival on the on the realistic that the iran iranian regime is going to comply with the stigma and so are they on the realistic well if it won if iran wants to be
treated like a normal nation it has to start behaving like a normal nation and this is a still there is no country in the world that sponsors more terrorism than iran and so much of its terrorism and sectarian violence that it has been fueling across the middle east has occurred during the iran nuclear deal and so we don t think that this is a framework that has achieved the goals that are needed around nonproliferation and also counterterrorism. we have already seen some reactions from iran iranian officials saying that that you goal is a regime change in iran so is it your goal no our goal in these of iran is for them to and their nuclear weapons program and their nuclear program which has the intent to become to achieve a nuclear weapon we also want them to stop the terrorism in the violence across the middle east we want them to stop violating the human rights of their own people and these are all reasonable demands so i think that we ve become desensitized to
france and the united kingdom will continue consulting with allies in europe and also in the gulf the middle east other parts of the world this speech today he asked countries around the world who care about the halting the spread of nuclear weapons who care about fighting terrorism to join the united states in this historic effort to promote peace. and you come in on that the attempts by the europeans in germany trying to sell that steve you are iran nuclear deal secretary pompei oh said today that the united states has it made its decision to leave the iran nuclear deal other nations who are part of the iran nuclear deal have to make their own decision but the united states has made ours today the secretary presented a very positive vision that was addressed to the iranian people that would give them a brighter future and would certainly help reduce the violence in the terrorism that iran is engaging in through its foreign wars around the middle east. all right that
was brian hooks there at the u.s. state department we want to go now from foreign policy to economic policy to do that i m joined by my colleague from business daniel winter daniel let s take a look at this assertion today from pompei where he says that u.s. economic sanctions will be the toughest ever imposed on iran is that true well there was a lot of fire and fury in his speech but they didn t know he didn t outline any specific new measures which would come into place so the plan is as might pompei or says to really introduce the sanctions which were lifted off of the twenty fifteen nuclear deal and throwing some more on top of that so we re talking financial sanctions you re not allowed to fund directly in businesses you know how to do business or otherwise help iranian companies but what extra will happen to that we don t know there s no evidence for that yeah i mean a lot of people have been saying today that the really the big hitting things were always the ones that came in combination with the europeans and with the you win so
we ll have to see the u.s. secretary of state today also attacked again the way the iran nuclear deal for allowing iran to use what he said western money to fund proxy wars in the middle east take a listen what he said. every country is going to have to understand that we cannot continue to create wealth for custom solomonic. that s what this is at the end of the day this money has has flowed to him the economics of permitted them to run roughshod across the middle east our effort is to strangle his economic capacity to do harm to the middle east into the world. so my pump highlighting kassim sali money now he s the iranian army chief who s responsible for extraterritorial campaigns so what like pump a zero here is doing is he s accusing western companies and western governments of putting money into the pocket of the iranian military and that s why he says
sanctions a so important to cut off that supply which is helping iran to cause trouble in its neighbor i mean that s quite an indictment to make and apparently the europeans they don t agree with them because they are fighting to use an elven see if the iran s nuclear deal that s right i mean they see that if this deal doesn t stick then that gives more leverage to the people who were anti american anti western in the first place in iran now of course the europeans have plenty of business opportunities in here we ve seen the likes of tal all of the women s mask and so on invest billions all they ve they ve laid out their plans they ve started pouring that money into iran now because of the united states that s suddenly going to be at least they re facing the threat of having to just throw those deals in the bin and of course they re not happy. said once today in his speech just ones that
the u.s. will work with its allies to make this new plan work i mean what can the e.u. afford at this moment. to do i mean what can it afford to do i mean can it afford to you know be in a conflict course with the u.s. and protect the plant and shield these small and medium sized businesses that maybe are already in iran doing business or of course the e.u. u.s. trade relationship is vitally important talking about seven hundred billion dollars worth of trade so i can t imagine that the e.u. is going to stand in the way of that but of course the security aspect with iran is so vitally important and you know that they re worried that this. it s going to send out the wrong signals and be a chilling effect to development because if you get an economic foothold in iran that s when you can start influencing what the regime does that s that s the european union s policy and they re sticking by and can the u.s. plan can it work without the cooperation of europe and asia it would be extremely
difficult because the u.s. has the leverage here that s where it s very interesting to see how the e.u. is standing firm and they ve introduced what they ve called a blocking statute so that in and they re making it illegal for e.u. companies to comply with u.s. sanctions that s a bold statement it s difficult to enforce but they are clearly getting out their biggest political message against the u.s. sanctions as early as possible then not giving in and trying now what it will definitely be interesting to see where things are especially after the north korea deal that s a separate issue there your winter from our business death as always thank you. for tonight italy is edging closer to a new government eleven weeks after the election the country s populist coalition today nominated separate conte as prime minister conti is a relative newcomer to italian politics and
a compromise pick from two very uncomfortable political bedfellows as the antiestablishment five star movement and the far right only. this trophy he made to pick the close relationship between luigi de marco and mateo salvini but they certainly weren t allies during the election campaign now the populace leaders of the far right the and the five star movement have asked president sergio martha rela to approve their new alliance. today we can say we are faced with a historic moment i also say this to our international partners let us begin then you will criticize but at least let us begin first this is perhaps an unexpected government but it has been elected. me nobody has anything to fear. we want a government that puts national interests first and foremost as we proposed to italians during our election campaign. we will respect everybody who put italy in
the center. the league from the north and the five star movement from the south spent two weeks hammering out a programme it calls for the deportation of half a million asylum seekers costly campaign promises such as tax cuts early retirement and a basic income are to be paid for with more debt. this contract is the heart of the government of change i see many people concerned about the international and european context they have nothing to fear the contract is the will of the italian people who want change. italy s european partners are alarmed the euro zone s third largest economy is already among the world s most indebted countries but the coalition hopes a political novice to separate content will ease the concerns of italy s partners the law professor has been proposed as prime minister the two party leaders agreed
on the unknown technocrat as a compromise for the top post now president search. has to approve the new coalition s choice. well just weeks before the world cup soccer tournament begins in moscow there are new accusations of russian being german journalists have revealed evidence suggesting that russian authorities covered up doping test results for soccer players in the country s world cup squad of the german investigative reporter. uncovered a state run doping program in russian athletics he says russian soccer now has some questions to answer. the russian doping scandal may also extend to the national football team russian officials are suspected of covering up test results making samples disappear which had the potential to implicate footballers some of whom have been selected for the hosts world cup squad german t.v. channel a r d has obtained a list containing player names and code numbers of doping samples the list is based
on information from investigators and intelligence gathered from a twenty fourteen raid on the moscow doping control board in that raid the world anti-doping agency wada seized samples with atypical test results that had not been investigated further by russian authorities samples from players in the current world cup squad were among them what we labeled the disappearing positive methodology. which is the lab s mechanism by which they falsely reported results d. says water also obtained a separate database with atypical test results from almost one hundred russian footballers this information was also passed on to fee for following a request for comment fee for said investigations are under way and they are hoping to report new developments in the coming weeks we asked how these latest revelations could impact the world cup just weeks away. we will know in
a couple of weeks i guess the moment it looks like that if you really investigating at least on. outcome of the results of a doctor base which has been given from a whistleblower to wada last year in two thousand and seventeen sixty three thousand samples from different sports nine talk nine thousand of them have been suspicious and i guess. almost hundred of them are now under investigation and coming from football so we don t know what would be the outcome what we can say we just talk about a presumptive screening which might be doping must not necessarily be doping it cannot also have other reasons but it needs to be. scrutinized that these to be checked. nicolas maduro has won but it s whalers presidential election in a landslide victory he called his win a triumph over the imperialism but opposition parties boycotted the election and
say it was not fair or today the u.s. added its voice to the international condemnation of the minutes while an election vice president pence calling it a sham. for nicolas maduro and his supporters it s a celebration with few surprises another six year term for the venezuelan president who won over two thirds of the vote. thank you. thank you for overcoming so much aggression so many lies. thanks for joining me in so many battles and thanks for making me president. of victory but a weak one venezuela s electoral authority say turnout was forty six percent with the opposition claiming it was even lower my door and faced a few challengers because the main opposition boycotted the election saying it was
rigged some of their most popular candidates had been banned from running. we don t recognize this electoral process as valid as having taken place. for us there were no elections no new elections in venezuela need to take place. oil rich venezuela has been in economic meltdown for most of the doors time in power catastrophic shortages in food medicine and other essentials led to months of street protests last year which resulted in more than one hundred twenty five dead inflation is at fourteen thousand percent. all the while madore has tightened his grip on power but doris says he s defending venezuela from imperialism the election has been broadly condemned by the international community the u.s. is considering additional sanctions against the state which would likely further damage venezuela s economy.
who am i to judge five years ago those words from pope francis regarding homosexuality triggered a small earthquake in the world well now a chilean survivor of sexual abuse says that he was the witness of remarkable words from the pontiff also regarding being gay juan carlos cruz says that he spoke to francis about homosexuality during a recent meeting at the vatican he told me one carlos that you are gay does not matter and god made you like this and loves you like this and i don t care the pope loves you this you have to be happy with who you are where the vatican has neither confirmed nor denied that the pope made the comments and they ve drawn a mixed response from theologians still church watchers say that it s clear that
the pope is doing all he can to make gay people feel welcomed and loved in the catholic church. these were remarkably affirming words of the pope to on carlos and in we can stay stuck contrast to some of the official language we ve seen from the vatican and rome of the as about gay people but what the pope has done is given what we would call a very postural warm affirming words to one coddles which moves from those famous that famous phrase from the pope to judge to saying to god loves you and i believe he did really believe that he had to say god loves you and i love you the way you are as well. well sexuality gender and gender roles they have been controversial topics not only in catholicism but there are places where gender norms are different from what you were i you may know in fact so different and
they ve been so different for so long that they are considered normal themselves and that brings us to our next story tonight in southern mexico it is there where for centuries a group of people known as i have lived now they are born with male bodies but take on feminine roles as they grow older they do not identify as men or women and they do not describe themselves as transgender either they have been called the third gender. it s friday in santiago neal to pack and diana ross is getting ready to go for a drink with her friends. both people born with male bodies but here. at home they often take on traditional female roles but they re not viewed as women either new share often confused as transgender but their identity is unique to the region and cities to be more in other communities move said to be less accepted and
more discriminated against and it s said that this region is the new ship paradise when it really isn t there s a lot of discrimination and violence it s still necessary to work hard to change the way people treat us. it s the application of. the iron inseparable part of this appetite culture life here revolves around family social events and keeping the men company despite their long history mexican lore doesn t yet recognize them . back in society generally except the new share say there s still much progress to be made. from a very early age we identify with our feminine side we dress up as women at ten twelve thirteen years of age but we can no longer access secondary school dressed as women so we leave school and devote ourselves to informal trades such as embroideries stylists six workers and cooks. there s a kind of
a glass ceiling over our heads where society won t allow us to advance at all. every year the right from all over the region to celebrate their identity in the festival of candles they wear traditional dress and dance to compete for the title of festival queen. hacker is an example for the rest of next. if acceptance and tolerance of gender diversity may still be a lot of work to do for the people here the existence of a third gender is a way of life for. all the day s nearly done but as always the conversation continues online or find us on twitter either at the news or you can write to me brant golf t.v. don t forget to use the hash tag the day every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we ll see the.
a. lifestyle during. a country on the brink of economic collapse. but on the cusp of political change venezuela again and again violent protests erupt demonstrators time australia s eric campbell reports undercover from a country on the edge of ruin. it is a way. to suck you know forty five minutes on t w. global inequalities. what does inequality mean in a global economic did well on. the road to the media. join the discussion and how to. media forum times eighty.
earth home to millions of species the home worth saving. googling to us tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like to use the protect the climate boost green energy solutions and reforestation. losing interactive content to inspire people to take action google ideas for the new series of global three thousand on t.w. and online. i want to welcome to another week of euro max i m your host meghan lee from royal weddings to regal roses we have lots in store here s a look at what s coming up. love and marriage in the highlights of saturday for

Home , European-union , Economy , Both , Life-support , Member , Fights , Resources , Job , Akish , World , Iran

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181025 19:00:00

the sustainable future. into context for your. eco starts october twenty seventh on t.w. . this is the only news live from berlin the us of us gators race to track down suspects behind a string of mill bombs intercepted across the country ten explosive devices were addressed to a well known democrats and c n n the latest two former vice president joe biden and actor robert de niro a vocal trump critic were in new york city with the latest ukranian
a filmmaker only accept some proceeds in this year s sackhoff prize for human rights awarded annually by european lawmakers who describe him as a prisoner of conscience he is in a prison in russia after being convicted on terror charges. only a hawk it s great to have you along everyone we begin with the growing a package probe in the u.s. were a nationwide search is underway for a suspected serial mail bomber parcel bombs have been sent to a string of president trump s opponents over the past few days more suspicious packages have been discovered today and that makes a total of at least ten intercepted across the country so far here s a look at where the investigation has taken authorities starting in new york.
early morning in manhattan the n.y.p.d. responding to yet another pipe bomb. the target owner of this restaurant actor robert de niro an outspoken critic of president donald trump. new york s mayor confirmed it matched all the packages across the country this is clearly an effort to terrorize people politically to choose people for political purposes and attack them because of their beliefs. later in the day the secret service says intercepted two more packages postal centers and delaware address to former vice president joe biden. other targets include accept the tree of state hillary clinton and former president barack obama. the devices were all mailed in padded envelopes with six stamps the bombs described as crude by experts.
that s a rally in wisconsin on wednesday trump pointed the finger of blame at the media. the media also has a responsibility to set a civil tone had to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and oftentimes false attacks and stories have to do it. but almost cia director john brennan who was also centered on said trump s rhetoric is to blame. unfortunately i think all trump too often has helped to incite some of these feelings of anger not violence when he points to acts of violence or also talks about you know swinging at somebody from the press the media. with the political climate charged ahead of men time elections security services are racing to find the mail bomb. didn t use
abbi who had a son is in new york city right outside de niro s restaurant in a try back which is also been targeted today abbi what more have you learned. well as you mention in that report showed us as well there is a nationwide manhunt underway not attention just for one serial bomber but more because of law enforcement officials are just not sure if this is the work of a single individual or group of people as you mentioned i m standing outside the trifecta girl this is the restaurant that s cole owned by actor robert deniro the building is also home to the offices of his production company early this morning a security guard saw fact that you recognize the package based on the one on television yesterday it looked very similar to the one that had been sent to the c.n.n. offices and one he says covered this he called the local police officials right away a bomb squad on it was sent here to extract the device and it has now been taken to a secure facility in the bronx and they will now look at the device and try to
figure out how was built how it was packaged they ll look for things also like genetic materials people that do things like this could have potentially left behind some things such as a stray strand of hair skin cells sweat and all of these could potentially be indicators as to who was behind this alas what law enforcement officials are looking at right now and there is a great sense of urgency because two other packages two new packages were intercepted they were addressed to former vice president joe biden in delaware and so there is definitely a great sense of urgency in terms of finding the people who are behind this as you know so far there have been ten devices that are in the mail and officials have warned there could be more right time of the essence here the operative word being now robert de niro the actor is a vocal trump crittur critic do federal investigators believe that s the reason why his restaurant was targeted. well federal investigators are not going to make that
link right now they don t have a motive they don t have a suspect or suspects and if they do they haven t told us about it so we re not going to hear about any linkages like that but of course the pattern that emerging here with the jets that this has something to do with the fact that robertson you re always an actor as a vocally critical of the president before he even became president in a pre-campaign video two thousand and sixteen you pointed out the fact that you were very angry with trump he suggested that you wanted to punch him in the face so there have been comments like that that have been made by mr de niro and the other intended recipients include democratic heavyweights like the clintons and the obama and so this would suggest that the people or the person who is behind all of this is targeting people that trump has squared off with sort of say not only democratic officials but also press organizations such as c.n.n. . had a son of reporting from new york or a city thank you abbi for you continued coverage. of the european
union has awarded its top human rights prize to a ukrainian filmmaker imprisoned in russia since twenty fifteen all expense off was jailed for conspiring to commit acts of terrorism charges he denies russia has described the decision to give him the award as absolutely politicized own legs and so one of the most vocal critics of russia s involvement in ukraine and it s an extension of his native crimea the ukrainian filmmaker has been awarded the prize for freedom of thought. the forty two year old was on hunger strike until just recently refusing food for one hundred forty five days his protest was to demand the release of all ukrainian prisoners in russia and then saying six of us they award recipient the hands of the european parliament praised his courage and determination. by awarding him this prize the european
parliament is expressing its solidarity with him and his cause we demand that all the exam solve he was arrested in twenty fourteen and sentenced to twenty years in prison be immediately released. russia s annexation of the ukrainian territory of crimea in twenty fourteen triggered sanctions from the e.u. moscow was skeptical about the decision to give sense of this awards opening it is saying if. the decision was absolutely politicized and i don t know what it was based on or motivated by. needles. but she don t even need to understand the mechanism of how this decision was made to see that it was based on a political approach their option being in others like me kind of keeping at it or dishing human rights groups in russia are still feeling optimistic. because it s going to look so very he s really sense.
does not belong in jail and has not the fate of a car it s one of the key cases of political manipulation of justices in russia to t.v. he does nor do more behind the ball. the. sense of family and supporters hope the prize will lift his spirits and raise awareness of all political prisoners in russia and around the worlds. and i d like to welcome marion a during she is the director of the european film academy here in berlin which has been helping to fund. legal expenses so good to have you here with us mr hu what does winning the sachar off prize mean for the campaign to release all ag. attention first of all but it s also
a very important recognition of what he has done of the fight alone some five that he has been fighting for so many weeks and months with his hunger strike which he did not do for himself which he did for his fellow prisoners from ukraine there were sixty five with him. so it s a recognition of a strength of courage. of. of expression of fighting for the the importance of of millman rights and the artistic expression why is all accents off such a controversial personality why start so controversial i think he is the first of all he was a young filmmaker when he came into prison when he was arrested. and he senses there he has shown that he s a really very courageous brave young artist not only thinking of himself but
also thinking of other prisoners he s a father of two kids who are now with his mother in the crimea and he s working now on the film which he will shoot from the prison so he is somebody who is really strong and will not give up why the russians why do the russians consider him controversial when the russians not the russians we can say they re russians i mean why are your forty s why is the unjust origin they claim that he has planned terroristic acts which is not true but there are many many it s . portas in russia especially among the filmmaking colleagues who are believing that he is just fighting for the freedom of expression i can tell that you are in contact with mr sense of cousin who s also taking care of his children who you just alluded to was the latest that you ve heard of him how is he dealing what s not the cousin himself or herself was the technique of it was the sister living in crimea
and the mother his mother well we know that is given the circumstances after such a long hunger strike he is kind of ok he is regaining his strength and as a society is working on a new film so something you can never kill with this man is his belief in arts and his spirit yes mariana during director of the european film academy here in berlin thank you so much for coming to the studio. and next we re going to head to east africa where is the obvious parliament has sworn in the country s first woman president it comes just days after lawmakers approved one of the world s few gender balance cabinets reformers are hoping that changes at the top will be an important step toward building a more equal and prosperous society. ethiopia s first female president gets an enthusiastic welcome from members of parliament works out
days an experienced diplomat she s expected to serve two six year terms as head of state for the east african country home to the continent s second biggest population it s a largely ceremonial post but the new president wants to use it to champion gender equality she believes it s the key to the country s future prosperity one thing that you would fit with your in my presidency my main focus will be to maintain peace by mobilizing the women of. peace loving men and all the peaceful peoples of the world. earlier this month ethiopia s prime minister ahmed appointed a new cabinet half its members are women female ministers now oversee the crucial defense trade and industry portfolios it s a fundamental change for impoverished ethiopia where domestic violence remains widespread and polygamy persists in some areas and activists say will take more
than just changes at the top to bring about a more equal society women s political participation to me as well as beyond a cabinet positions its participation at all levels and the participation of women who have never been in politics before women as voters women as candidates women as members of civil society and opinion makers women in media all of this works towards women s meaningful women s political participation ethiopians are hoping their new look leaders like newly sworn in president south day can lay the foundations for political reform and a brighter future. and before i let you go want to remind you of our main headlines this hour u.s. investigators are hunting for a suspected serial mail bomb or more suspicious packages have been intercepted one addressed to actor robert de niro and another to former vice president joe biden parcel bombs have been sent to

Russia , Lawmakers , Sachar-off-prize , Human-rights , Prison , Prisoner , Terror-charges , Conscience , European , Everyone , Hawk-it , Robert-de-niro-the-actor-isa-vocal-trump-crittur

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20181222 01:30:00

and for michael finney and all ever af us here, we appreciate yll tonight chaos in the capitol. as we come on in the west. the government shutdown hours away. president trump digging in on his demands to fund the bonder wall. can republicans and democrats strike a deal to keep the government running? the holiday slam. dangerous driving. flood and wind alerts from florida all the way to maine. the new series of storms about to hit the west. also tonight, the abc news exclusive. the major break in the case of that missing mother. h fiar ounce.ramere taking him away in handcuffs. plus, the alleged poison plot at a college. the chemistry major accused of slowing trying t room mat.kitaisto forcing a high school wrestler to either cut his dreadlocks or forfeit the matc the new cancer scare for
supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg. undergoing surgery.-mute stribl the new deals on games and clothes just coming out no plus, the stunning crash. a car going airborne into a tunnel. the driver somehow surviving. and good evening. as we come on in the west on this busy fridaynight. i m tom llamas in for david. several major stories as we come on tonight. we begin with the chaos in the capitol. the last ditch effort to avoid a government shutdown.lln in taxp the border wall. the house agreeing last night. tonight, the pressure on the senate. republican leader mitch mcconnell huddling at the white house, then back to the capitol. so far, the votes are not there. last week, the president said he would gladly take the mantle of a government shutdown for that wall. but tonight, he s blaming democrats, saying it could last
a very long time. without a deal, parts of the government shut down at midnight. and hundreds of thousands of workers head into the holidays worried about their paychecks. correspondent mary bruce starts us off. reporter: tonight president trump is digging in on a last ditch effort to get his border wall. we are totally prepared for a very long shutdown. this is our only chance we ll ever have. reporter: he s demanding leaditch mcconnell to the blican white house. mr. leader, are we heading for a shutdown? senator shelby and i, and some others who were invited down to the white some good conversation aboutho , wa hy forward. reporter: but democrats are holding firm. you are not getting the wall today. next week. or on january 3rd when democrats take control of the house. reporter: jusentwt seemysdae fund the government without insisting on money for his wall. but then, a revolt from the right. it looks like a lot of people s worst fears may be
realized. it s becoming clearer and clearer that all we re getting is words, words, words. reporter: the president was listening and changed course. let s face it, i mean we have o r sw hos who basically influe ted president. and we re in a shutdown mode. it s just, i mean, that s tyranny, isn t it? reporter: now, with just hours to go and hundreds of thousands of workers in limbo, a mad scramble on the hill to come up with a plan b. what s the next step? next s keetep me pp?osted. reporter: last week, trump proudly declared he would own a shutdown. i will take the mantle. i will be the one to shut it down. i m not going to blame you for it. reporter: but now. it s really up to the democrats, totally up to the democrats as to whether or not we have a shutdown. reporter: the president says if there is a shutdown, democrats now own it. that s a complete lie. you know, shutdown 101 is you blame the other party at all times. and he accepted the blame.
so, it s, uopleecognize that. mary bruce joins us from capitol hill. and mary, president trump was very clear on the campaign trail. wall. now some of that language seems to be changing. reporter: yeah, tom, the wall seems to have a new name. the president just tweeting rrier, which is totally effective, but at the same time, beautiful. calling it a different name or e government is not likely to bring the president dany clowoser to get what he s demanding. mary bruce, monitoring all the developments tonight. all right, mary, thank you. and that kay use over funding the wall not the only problem playing out tonight. the bombshell resignation of of secretary jimatter bsi shakg la the president is pushing back. here s abc s chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz.ckimti at the white house today in a seemingly deliberate display of solidarity with fellow marine corps general john kelly, who is, himself, days away from departing the administonti it s been less than 24 hours
since mattis resigned in protest of president trump s policies. and e bala aga t president has becken profound. it s beyond scary. it is evidence of further chaos. reporter: majority leader mitch mcconnell, normally hesitant to criticize trump, pa distressed that mattis was resigning due to sharp differences with the president on key aspects of america s global leadership. abdoning america s partners in the fight against isis. trump s withdrawal of u.s. troosyria, the last ps f straw. even hosts of trump s favorite program, fox & friends blasted the president s judgment on the pullout from syria. he just refounded isis. there.e they ve got 30,000 men and they are already striking back with our would-be evacuation. reporter: trump himself had nothing to say about mattis today only tweeting, i ve done
more damage to isis than all recent presidents, notn close! e but those claims come as the u.s. is about to reduce the number of u.s. troops in n at where isis is a continuing threat. a move mattis has also been fi alystin and martha raddatz joins us now from washington. and martha, we know the president said all u.s. troops would be out of syria in 30 days. you mentioned a drawdown in afghanistan, as well. is there a timeline for atth reporter: yeah, theree re aw. the goal is to drop down to 7,000 by the end of spring of senator lindsey graham says pulling out troops would be disastrous. it will be tough to change trump s mind on this one. tom? 7,000 troops possibly coming oft all right, martha, thank you. > thmounng tublein washington weighing down the markets. the dow falling 414 points. the third straight day of significant losses for the week. it s down nearly 7%.
this was the worst week in ten years. we do want to turn now to the other major story we re following tonight. the two storms we have been tracking all week are merging in the east right now, on a major holiday travel day. take a look at this. a flooded underpass. this is jfk airport here in new york. blinding rain for drivers in brockton, massachusetts. and coming in behi storm, you can see this. tnd icy some snow like we re seeing here in north carolina. tonight, wind and flood alerts stretch from florida all the way to maine. a long night ahead for travelers. gio benitez is here in new york city. reporter: ttorrentialonig rainstorms turning highways into waterways as millions head out for the holidays. oh, my reporter: waves lapping at s. sie s of cars barely making it through this flooded underpass. high winds bringing down trees from the bronx to boston. and at airportfrom miami, to charlotte, to new york s laguardia, delays piling up on the busiest day of the season. i can t believe how lon line is.isg an s
christmas eve. reporter: abc s david kerley at the faa s air traffic control center in virgin. twindn he northeast already causing obpr the national command center trying to keep planes on schedule. reporter: temporary ground stops at all three new york airports. these travelers forc the last stretch to jfk. and gio joins us live from laguardia. so manflhts oday.canced and this problem may spill over into tomorrow? reporter: yeah, that s right, across t t and as you said, we re already seeing the delaygoo ntat s becaurrmose this storm is still moving through. tom? all right. let s get an update on that storm now. gio, thank you. meteorologist rob marciano. and, rob, there are troubling storms on both coasts right now. yeah, and the one here in the we re really only about halfway through it. a tremendous heat flux. temperatures in the 60s in the northeast. now some embedded thunderstorms
across pennsylvania. you see it on the radar scope. a dry slot from new york to d.c. up thor level pawi crt ale tesrn into the deep south again. we look for temperatures to turn much cooler once we get through tomorrow. we ll see some snow showers. some accumulations, especially in the mountains. you mentioned the storms out west. the pacific lighting up for an active pattern, getting right through the christmas week. tom? rob marciano, thank you. we move on to a major development in the case of the missing colorado mother last seen on thanksgiving day. her fiance, the father of her child, was the last to see her. investigators searching his ranch ov t morheng, a they arrested him in connection with her murder. clayton sandell was there. he witnessed that arrest. and has the exclusive video. reporter: you see him? he s in cuffs. vanished, the clock ran out today for patrick frazee. police and fbi agents swarming his home early this mo
resting him at gunpoint.arput ow in custody. frazee, who, a day earlier, refused to speak to us why deunarreyou spoken out about ic? murdering kelsey berreth, the 29-year-old mother of his child, last seen thanksgiving day. sadly, we do not believe kelsey is still alive. reporter: police also charging frazee with solicitation, hinting he did not act alone. it is a crime to solicit somebody to commit another crime. reporter: is it fair to say then that patrick had somebody ? again, we ll be filing formal charges. reporter: investigators believe berreth was killed in her ton hownerni.ght carrying out bags of evidence. three daysd a ser her ce vll phoanne was detected idaho, 700 miles away. her phone did end up in idaho. and we are looking to try to recover that. reporter: frazee was in court this afternoon. he s now being represented by a public defender.
who did not return our calls. as for the cplou1-s -oar daughter, officials say shnds i tonight. tom? clayton sandell with th ayton, thaexnk youivus.devi next to a story that s getting attention from all over the country tonight. a referee at a high school wrestling match in new jersey told a wrestler he had to cut sor o with eirfthe cle thock t wrestler, a teenager, chose to let the team trainer cut his hair. that video is now sparking outrage and questions about that ref s decision. re s abc s linsey davis. over this video now circulating the internet of this moment of humiliation. new jersey high school wrestler andrew johnson having his dreadlocks cut by a trainer before a match. he was fced htohie irha cut by a referee in order to compete, or forfeit the match. it is standard for wrestlers with long hair to have the option to cover their heads. but the referee, alan maloney, his hair has always been like
that, so for them to now bring it up is out of line. reporter: the buena superintendent of schools releasing this statement today. the referee will no longer be permitted to officiate any rey angionala en school district athletes. te to ctorwin propelling his but with a split lip, and reluctant raise of his hand, he walks off the mat looking as if he d just been defeated. demands are growing for maloney to be fired or punished. responded to our requests for comment. tonight. linsey, thank you. next, a former student at lehigh university is under arrest tonight. swly poisoning roommate by lacing his milk and his mouthwash with a dangerous chemical. the two had been roommates for years. victim saying he thought they were friends. x pere s not thenlbc
reporter: a lehigh university student is behind bars tonight after police say he had been trying to kill his roommate for several months. prosecutors say 22-year-old yukai yang from china faces several charges including a aggravated assault. authorities say the chemistry major carried out the attempted murder plot inside his dorm slowly and discreetly. putting a poisonous metal known as thallium and possiblyerth chemicals in his roommate juwan royal s milk and mouthwash. mr. royal experienced extreme pain in his lower extremities, as well as severe burning and numbness. reporter: royal, who had been roommates with yang for several friends, first reported his symptoms to police back in march. dizziness, shaking, and vomiting. that s when his blood tested positive for thallium. back in april yang was arrested and released on bail for damaging royal s television, bed, and desk, and writing nk marker .
tom, according to police, yang told them he bought the poisonous chemical but planned to use it on himself if he didn t do well on exams. royal is said to be recovering, but still suffering from side effects. tom? alex perez on that disturbing case tonight. thank you. next, we turn to a new heal justice ruth bader ginsburg. she s already a cancer survivor. now we learn that the 85-year-old has had two malignant nodures d ve omt, jus said to be resting comfortably in the hospital. but how serious is it? re s terry moran. reporter: justice ginsburg at 85 undergoing surgery today at memorial sloan kettering cancer doctors removing a section of ginsburg s left lung, after finding two nodules that turned out to be malignant. lung cancer. discovered by coincidence, after the justice fell, breaking her ribs last month. today, doctors saying they found no evidence of any remaining disease and no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body.
no further treatment is planned. it is ginsburg s thicancer.rdt h the fact that she has survived two cancers. one in the colorectal region and one in the pancreas suggests she is as ironilled as many people believe she is and makes me fully believe she will recover. reporter: a liberal lion on the court for a quarter centuryr against the possibility of yet another justice appointed by rn. esid 24, 23. reporter: she works out twice a week with a person trainer. and has vowed to stay on the court until she s 90. at least. as long as i can do the job, full steam, i will be here. reporter: tonight, court officials tell us she ll stay in respveri fal fro f am this d sat procedure. experts say she was lucky. because she was being treated for the broken ribs,octorser saw this, caught it, and
operated on it before it could get any worse. able to get to it in time. terry, thank you. much more ahead on world news tonight this friday. the major water main break. mes flooded. angeles. the sinkhole swallowing vehicles. also tonight, your one of the busiest shopping days of the year. the new deals coming out now. and the driver who went fly. take a look at that. somehow surviving that crash. what police are saying tonight. , every day. not just airline purchases . think about all the double miles you could be earning. (loud) holy moley that s a lot of miles!!! hhhh what s in your wallet? shhhhh!
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the stunning crash into a tunnel in slovakia. video shows a car hitting a barrier and launching into the air. the driver somehow survived this accint. thlipoe wheel. when we come back, an incredible story. the mosoa tinexpecting to be separated at christmas for the first time ever. and then the big surprise. it s america strong. stay with us. t easy. 12 hours? 20 dogs? where s yourubs? bel after a day of chasing yo du shousldn t have to chase down payments. (vo) send invoices to get paid twice as fast. (danny) it s time to get yours!
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right here. right now. hu. ta to ur rumat finally tonight, america strong. the rirpom hinom a mother with a son in the air force expecting to be alone over the holidays. and then getting the one thing she wanted for christmas getting ready to wrap up the workweek, dallas nurse teresa melton strader wasn t exactly looking forward to christmas. her son matthew just joined the air force. and for the first time they were going to be apart on that special day. i had talked to my mom. i had told her how sad i was.yer have been rough for teresa. her father passed away in 2015. seven months later, cancer would
take her husband. and six months after that, a tornado wiped out their home. took everything we had, and we ve just recovered from that over the last year. reporter: but now a surprise that would bring tears of joy. her son matthew was going to make it home nor for christmas, and he decided to go big. getting mom s co-workers at bayl baylor, scott, and white in on the plan to surprise her at the hospital. she had no idea until she heard this. hey, mom. oh! [ laughter ] oh, my gosh. oh, my god, are you really here? yes. y all, this is my son from the air force. [ laughter ] reporter: and after those hugs came the tears, and this lesson. you don t know when you re going to get another christmas, you don t know when you re going to have those special times. when you lose people you love,ah
people you do love are. so true. and we thank teresa and matthew for their story. we thank you for watching on a friday night. i m tom llamas. we hope to see you back here tomorrow. for david and all of us here, good night.
you might want to shop small. i m spencer christian. i will give you a roo at the week end if a. mo. as the stock market plunges, see how local tech companies are doing. live where you live, this is abc 7 news . where else are you going to get, you know, anything before christmas, right? it is christmas crunch time, which could actually pay off for our local stores. good evening. thank you for joining us. i m ama daetz. i m dan ashley. the window is rapidly closing to get gifts and have them arrive in time for christmas. yes, about a quarter of shoppers are still buying presents the weekend according to the national retail federation, but online may not be an option because shipping time. yeah, that s right. abc 7 news reporter david louie is live from san jose with the advantage this gives local stores. david. reporter: well, dan and ama, we are talking about an estimated 134 million people going out to do their

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240612

the more i want to hearou more about judge judges a, teacher and send picks bill from virginia joe thought it was junee 10th, so he thre10w a party. aaron from mendon louisianagh . i thought biden was raised in a black churchn with that rhythm. he was dug it fresh, wasn t great either. john from louisiana you can wear a pink tie but can t drinka with a straw. wowtraw whi, you got me. that s all for tonight. dvr the show. hannity is up next. and always remember, i m waters and this is world i. and welcome to hannity tonight, total, complete history on the lef hysteri theto left-wing conspiracy theorist rachel maddow. she is now claiming she may be put in a camp if donald she c trump is elected. aoc saying trump will throw in jail. the left is losing their minds, but we thei already knew that. they maybe never noticeonly that it s only trump people that get charged, harassed and actually put in jai te th getarged hal and s. anyway, far left back, merrick garland is calling trump s criticism of his weaponized department of justice, quote,say dangerous for people s safety. we will address us tonight later in the show. and the president of your great country, the united states of america, our great country is fear mongering about ther ne second amendment and calling for new gun restrictions jusguna on very day. his very own son iy his convicted of three felony gun charges. but tonight, don t get distracted. please, please pay very close tot i m aboutwha to say, because if you re listening to the media and the pundits and democratic hacks, they havendits no clue about what really happened in this hunter biden. none at all. it s deep. it is profound. what has.s happened. the major story that they are not talking or tellingyou ab you about from hunter biden s trial is not the conviction on gun crimes. now, it s important. s that s low hanging fruit. the evidence in this case was overwhelminglow hang, was incontrovertible. and unlike donald trump, he had refaird venue trial judge with real charges, not onesal wered o made up that you didn t even know about. the critical development even km this trial is one huge single pie of evidence entered into the official record byr u. your government, and that s hunter biden s very reals.. not only did the u.s. federal dd government confirmop i that hunter s laptop is real, they confirmed that its contents are real and the contents have not been tamperedi with by anybody. in other words, you weren to, on a very high level just before an election by numerous people and entire institutions . you were lied to by hunter biden himself. you were lied to by his father, your president, joe biden. you were lied to bliy nbc. fake news, cnn, npr. well, let s just say prettyb th much everybody in the media mob, the list is far too long to mention l. you were lied to by america s 51 former intel so-called experts, the ones that signey d off on a letter insinuating that the laptop was most likelst all the earmarks of russian disinformation. meanwhile, notrks single one of them ever did anything to investigate that claim,f examined the contents of the laptop. t you were lied to by clapper,bren you lied to by brennanna. nt you were lied to by your own government. what do they all have in common? they all wanted joe biden to win by any means necessary. and it s worse than a rep that according to a report, john solomon, the fbori, the doj knew that the laptop was reawl since before the 2020 election. but instead of doing the right, honorable and honest thing and telling the american people the truth, the federal amer there was out t the pre bunking the laptop story with big tech executives. ding remember, in the months leading up to the 2020 election,o theeke the fbi was having weekly meetings. they were warning big tech companies they may all be victims of a foreign disinformation compani campaign about the election and that misinform asia may be aboutn an joe biden and hunter biden and gets worse. they knew rudy giuliani s attorney had a copy of hunter s very real laptop. they kne thew odds were very high that it would leak beforewo the electionul, and they knew it eould likely destroy any chanc that biden had to win the election. and then they had to actin the t the new york post broke the story. when faceboohek and asked the fe specifically id f this is what you were warning us about, was the laptop misinformation? n should they refuse to confirmo the truth, leavingco those companies free to then censor very real the very real laptopsn story. and that s what they did i mean, you couldn t even send a private message with a link to the send new york post . big tech, the media mob,yoe gobbhappily gobbled up their fbi. doj probe. led upbiden contribution misinformation. by the way, if who was involveda bragg s district, they probably would be charged with a traffic violatiolvinstrictn. and ultimately, they use this as the basis to censor the most important information in the final weeks before the 2020ks presidential election, all because they wanted their guy to win. this is beyond ty wa egregious election interference. and frankly, iterferenf it s cr, it should be criminal. but tonight, none of these liars have an ounce of remorse. none of them have ann y regretoc for them, it was all a meansm ae to an end. they wantes tod trump out. n prt they wanted joe biden protected from scandal at all costecs. be and you better believe the contents of that laptop wereve sthat lap and are today r joe biden as well as hunter biden. forget the salacious photos of drug use in, the in theostiu firearms, the real scandaltil is surrounds the so-called biden brand. ar the bw, if you look at the lr and then other information acquired by the house waysinform and means committee, the judiciary committee,he the house oversight committee, you look at texts and emails, other fileus s, zero experience. hunter wasn t raking in cash from some of our top geopolitical foes and dictators and despots around the world becaus d die of his keen intellect. instead, the laptop appears to show that hinstead e was liky selling access to the biden brand and the big was apparently eager to participate in spite of publicly eager othe. now hunter implicates his own father numerous times in that very real laptop. remember devon archer? tony bobulinski also debunked joe s that he never once, not one time ever spoke to his son,t brother or anybody for that matter, about their foreign business dealings. ut businesaccording to testimone the house oversight committee, from thehe participated in meets with hunter s foreign partners by phone. he dined with others at cafe milano. and that s not in 2017, you might recalll th the whatsapp message published by the i house ways and means committee. hunter, allegedly writing to a chinese e associate with their oil and energy conglomerate. i am sitting here with my father and i d like to understand whyt that commitment has not been fulfilled. i will make certain betweelledne the man sitting next to me snd the every person he know and ability to hold a grudge that you will regret not followinlg my direction.i am i am sitting here waiting for the call with my father a few days later, magically, according to the committee l. $5 million wired to a bankllio account associated with hunter biden and other texts. other emails hunter allegedly talked about forking over half of his income to pops. another email talks about the big guy, 10% for him, you know,s allocating 10% as a cut in of 1 to 1 of hunter s deals. but hunter, now a convictedun liar, says he never intendedteon to cut his father in on the deal. meanwhile, accordinge deal to ae text from the laptop uncovered by the new york post d york ,r even paid for his dad s bills for more than a decade. g his hunter even reportedly claimed that his father was using up, wae most of the lines of credit on his wells fargo accounn hit. d and based on the contents of hunter s very real laptopon t it appears that biden was participating in his son s business bidenwas pa deals whily benefiting financially. remember the from hunter s main business partner, devon archer, who saidartner joe participatedp to 20 phone calls with hunter and his foreign business associates? oh, i thought he d never talk business with hunter orbrothe his brother or anybody. think about thisr hink. donald trump was convicted onp 34 so-called felony charges. upcharge misdemeanors pass the statute of limitation fines for allegedly mislabeling a legal document as a legal expense. trump ordered to pay hundreds millions of dollars because of a far left new york judged on unilaterally deciding in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, that mar a lago is only worth $18 million. this, despite you have little lock lots. oh, 1/10, 1/20 the size of martn a lago. they gtso for $150 millionst and that s just dirt. and yet the no. one is above the law culte left on the left. they don t seem to care that joe biden, now the president of our countryha,b possibly selling access to the highest levels of our government, to people in china and kazakhstan and ukraine and russiax in rus. this is all evidence the fbi and garland s doj had for over four years and never, ever investigated any of it. and they knew all of it was true. this is what a weaponized and politicized department of justice looks like.o nees according to the johnson grassley senate investigation, quoteonigatio hur biden received $3.5 million fro in a wire transfer from illinois, a battalioe win of the wife of the former mayor of moscow. she was the former first lady of moscow. if the reports are true and the evidence is accurate, money went from russia to hunter to joe. r hunteone way or another. so where s the russia russia hysteria? on the left, devon archer claiming she invested over 100 million more dollars than a real estate venture. whernvested thae the frenzied e on most dnc fake news and thesht new york times , washington post, abc, nbc, cbons. they had no problem peddling the phony russian misinformation and dirty dossier that hillary paid for to smear trump andd fo secure nt one but four pfizer warrants. where p s their of the contents of hunter s very real laptop and the findings the senate and house committees? or is joe biden above the law? is hunter s gun convictiong a red herring? one of hunter biden s ex-business associates1 of, fox news digital that the gun trial was, quote, a distraction from the main event with their influence peddling. he continuededdlinhe , i am convincedthe en the entire justice system is just an institution of people with agendas, not anfw institution of laws. keep in mind the doj prosecutord tasked with investigating hunter david weiss w, he letimio the statute of limitations run out on the most serious allegation hes, which could have connected hunter s business to thconnectee big guy himself. sadly, the doj is not looking out for you. their primary concern seems to revolve around protecting weak democrats from scrutiny, helping to elect joe biden while waging lawfare against donald trump. and needless to say, massive reform and accountability massym is needed in washington and in the swamp. and by the way, starting in september, early voting begins in 146 days. it s election day. only you 146s can fix it. here with reaction, fox news contributor jonathan turlean tuh we got over the case. to me, the evidence was overwhelming incontrovertible. what about this real big storyhs to me, which is now we that they ve known from the beginning that the laptop begias rea. all these people lied. the 50 t one intel agents. you know what i guess at the direction of wink and tony blinken, you know, out there, they knew nothing about the laptop. t hu they all lied. joe biden lied. hunter lied. everybody liediden. the media lied. big tech lied. they censored the story. and that helped joe in 2016. i think i m sorry. ndin 2020. i think alvin bragg would r call that an fec violation. eco jonathan. oh, well, you know, i think that is the interesting takeaway with this strange shrug that the media gave the introduction of the laptop in the trial. the laptophas us wha establishel fbi agent as reaisl and authentc . and so the media said, okay, well, that evidence was now usede wa. he they forget all of the other files on their laptop. if the laptoon thep is authentif those files are real, then you have these detailed accounts of a multimillion dollar influence peddlingn operation run by the biden family. ruthose would also be authentic. but the media justt simply doesn t want to go there. and that s part of the problem of the what the house committees have faced. you know, when i testified ittees h, aring the biden impeachment hearing, i said that there was ample evidence theence to do an impeat inquiry. evdidn t prejudge the evidence . but at every stage,age the democrats have opposed inquiriedemos into the presidend role, the president s knowledge and a lot of these files on the laptop. and that s not likely to change after this trial. merrick garland is scorching trump and his allies for h attacks on the justicein department. he says it s dangerous for people s safety. wellit sfor peopafety., first ot to protect every government official. let me be very clear. and i veevery government said ts occasions on this show. however, criticism and of speech are very different. and the idea that his dot inj and his fbi knew aboutju the laptop being reasticl and ty have an investigator for four years, i think he s got andy investand we ll go into ml later. and i have a message for him. he s got a lot of explaining to do. just like what does he think wha a letitia james and alvin bragg running on oonn a platform to gt one man, one organization, one family? i wouln d think he might speak out against that, but he hasn t. . well well, i think that garland s an unavoidable test of principle. ey sen the three house committees sent him referrals of perjuryals by hunter biden and his uncle before congress. those referrals are verye re compelling. i don t seeferral how there h a case to be made that those answers were anythin g than false. now, the department of justice was on aw hair trigger due to indict trump officials. the question is whether merrickn garland, as people expect, a will scuttle any prosecution for perjury. pros so this is that other shoe dropping? yes. this laptop was authenticated. yes. th. e files are real but after that, hunter biden, coter they review those those files, he testified in congress and they rnge chart there,s the congress believes and there s a good basis for that belie f that he committed, knowing perjury. these were questions that he knew were coming and he gave false answers according to these committees. so what is merrick garland going to d wilo about it? it s not time to write another op ed. it s time to show that he s t going to do nothing. e anothehe s judge engoron is a merchan, is b and merrick garland is c, and i haven t been wrong yet. i hope you re right and i m wrong. i don t think he ll lift a fingerthin. i think this is what thi weaponization of hope. you re wrong, too. yeah, me too. but i m not. i m just. i d bet everything i have. no, i m not, professor. you c ayou give me an f if iw all right. joining us now. thank you, professor. joining us now, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, harvard law professo gr alan dershowitz, just the news founder, .com asunder john solomon, editor in chief as well. john, let me start with the news. you brokl jo me e a of this new. when did the fbi know that thise was a very real laptop?bi and isn t that the big takeaway in this story, not the conviction e stor? um, yeah. as i reported in 2020 on your show and as the irs whistleblowers later confirmed ,the fbi corroboratedhe the laptop in its entirety by march of 2020 to 2026, eight months before the 51 so-called intelligence analystsn it russian disinformation, when they called it russian disinformationceian disi, i cale law enforcement and they told me no, we corroboratedw it so the fbi was telling people, if you re willing to make a phoneel call back in the fall of 2020 that this laptop was rea l. and it s a shame that 51 men and women signed their name to a letter knowingly trying to mislead the american people days before an election when a single phone call, they allhey d had security cardh they could have called the fbi. they chose not to. they chose to mislead not the american people in the most awful waeay. and why was the fbi, professor dershowitz, why were they meeting weekly with biga tech in the months leading up to the 2020 election? and why when twitter and facebook requested an answer as to whether or not this new york post story was real or what they wereg being warned about, misinformation about hunter and about joe biderned abon n, why didn t they tell them the truth that john solomon rightly reported in march of 2020 that they fully knew about? and by the way, what do you call that? well, you call it fraud. you call it exactly. d trum alvin bragg charged trump with a that is making false statements in an attempt to influenceg fa n election. look, there are only two choices. th the american constitution is going to survive, either we need a ceasefire now and say, n look, all right, there s been a conviction of a biden there s been a conviction of anvictionn. let s stop this weaponization. let s call off all these caseshn that are now pending all overovt the countrhey. trump people are going off to jail, stays are being denied bannon and others. let s call that off. either f either that or. let s have absolutely equal treatment. let s go after people wholectio have committed election fraud by denyingn american publicno the right to know the truth about. wait a minute. yeah, what would that include? the 51 intel people? would that include joe biden? would that include what is it really comparable to say that joe biden, if he lied the american people about being involved in these foreign business dealse ollo and he wasd being paid by hunter and he was calling into meeting bs, hunters foreign business partners, and he leveraged the billion dollarpas burisma, so his son cn continue to get paid millions for a job in which he had no admirience at a time he admits he was addicted to drugs. tell me why that shouldn t be prosecutes ad d and how is that law fair? that seems like that sounds like equal justice. apply to him j to that doesn t sound like a made up crime, like the trump case. well, if you take seriously the charges that brad brought against trump, one of whic brah is that he tried to mislead the voting public by not telling them about an affair which would have had ng tho effl on the election whatsoever. if you take that to its logical, extremeec t, then you e to look to see whether anybody among the 51 people, among even the president of the united states, may have written something on a for hm that would give rise to exactly the same allegation that a fraudulent a statement was made in order to commit another crime. the other crime would be, according to bragg.d , to somehw defraud the american people to voting for somebod yy they would otherwise not vote for. you have to have a single standard you hav . let s go, greg, to the issue of the money. hunter implicates in this very real laptop, his own father. half my income goes to pops. pp 10% for the big guy. that s all in the laptop. that is very rea bl. f now, paying for pops home repairs that thahot complained bitterly about. it seems like joe not only lied to the american people but benefited from the lietion a and then also took action as vice president by leveragingl $1,000,000,000 to ukraine and loan guaranteela s. and the net result of that is son continue to get paid for rworkesul that he had no expere in. by his own admission, at a time whenhad nos ow was addicted to . by his own admission. you re right, the bidens are still getting away. sean with their most serious in crimes, corrupt foreign influence peddling thanks to the protection racket run by joe biden s doj. so it was so revolting today- do to watch david weiss take a victory lap in fronth of camerasthem this is the guy who struck this sleazy deal tor let hunter biden skate and only when it imploded was weiss whee forced kicking and screaming to prosecute it. running but he s still running interference. he charged hunter with evading taxes on tens of millions in overseass pay to play schemes, but not the enrichment schemes themselves, which are far greater crimes. the sellingment schves out os don t forget it was weiss who let the statute of limitations expire and manytr of those crimes, while he and the doj secretly scuttled the investigation to shield joe biden, i tell you, is not yu done yet. and t be surprised i he f and garland conjure up another sweetheart plea deal for hunte r on the eve of the trial to avoid embarrassing evidenceo of joe s corruption coming to light right before the upcomingto election. agreed it ll happen, i think. and last question. some the real country with that, john, they knew about this laptop for four years and they haven t lifted a finger. liger.they knew that joe lied te country. they knew that he benefited, didn t they? yep. yeah. .and in 2016, they got 3.39 million documents from hunter biden, his business partners. they knew everything, including more than is on the laptop . on monday, you re going to see a whole bunch of new documents. we re going to make public bu di them in 2016. oh, wow. unbelievable. y thank you all. appreciate it. that s the big takeaway. big takethe media won t talk abk when we come back. talk about bad timing. earlieabout bar today, biden spr gun safety group only hourous after hunter s conviction for gun crimes. we ve got the lowlights and devine pam bondi react straight ahead. four, five star backyards, yellow with brand pressure treated pine. if it doesn t have this yellow tag, you don t it to dog food in the fridge. it s not dog food. it s freshpet. real meat, real veggies, real real meat, real veggies, real weird. it was bad luck anyway. sleepy headaches, dry skin. you re probably dehydratedand wa liquid labs, rapid hydration. bsit s packed with all five essential electrolytes. take amazing and way less sugar sports drinks. rehydrate and feel better with liquid laughs. gab liquid labs in the walmart vitamin aisle today nail fungus is nasty up to now starts improving the appearance of fungus damaged toenails in just two days. it s clinically proven formula penetrates the nail for results you can see quickly opti nail give fungus toenails a makeover, a heart attack. do they have life insurance ? 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maybe an uncle buzzy moment.t th the cannibal guy. take a look. i mean, yes and no. it s hard because i ve gotten those phon ae calls to saying i lost a son or daughter, a wife. i know what it s like. we rs wee not stopping there.ncg it s time once againai to do. ie i did when i was a senator. ban assault weapons. he said, what do you mean i need that done? i said. guess what? if you need 12 to 100 bullets in a gun in a magazine, you re the lousiest shot i ve ever heard. our traditions told the nraet convention recently he s proud that, quote, i did nothing i on guns when i was president. and by doing nothing, he mad e the situation considerably worse. how much you hear this phrase? the blood of liberty. wash it. don t give me a break. so, i mean, seriously. and by the way, if they want to think that is to take on government, if we get out of line, which they re talking again about, well, guess what?le they need f-150s. they don t need a rifle. folks, look, this is crazywht what we re talkinghe about. and president obama, then vice president biden, they did nothing to stop violence, gun violence in chicago and other big citiesgu. anyway, here with reaction to the day s news. miranda devine of the new york post and former florida attorney general pam formi. t well, the laptop from you our emma joe morris. you guys were right the whole time. the verd and to me, the verdict is it was the right verdict. the evidence was overwhelming. rdicelmingthe bigger story is te government introducing that laptop into evidence. and that means all the other contents in that laptop are now meaningful as it relates to the law. and joe and hunter biden, would you agree? absolutely. and the fact that thutely ine joe biden, the biden campaign, the cia the fbi, those 51 former intelligence officialoss went to such lengtht to lie about the laptop. big tech sense that the new york post , when we wrote about the laptop and, the contents of it. what that shows you is that they were abso absolutely terrified about the contents of the laptop becausse knew that it would be so damaging to joe biden that it would wreck his campaign and they successfully managed to suppress the story. and as you sait theyd earlier, that amounted to election interference. and that is why none of those 51 you saw james clapper the other day, you ve seen others of them, they all refused to admit that they lied, that if they were wrong, that they had zero evidence that it was russian disinformation, they knew it wasn t russian disinformation. the fbi had had the laptop-known since december 2019. it was well known within intelligence community that that information was realty . and yet, if they admit that they knew it wasn t russian disinformationw it, then they are admitting that they were part of an election interference, a coup, really, to ensure that president donald wp didn t win a second term. it really comes down to that, doesn t now that we know all of this, pam bondi, we also the merrick garland doj, the fbi, they ve all known thiss for four years. there s a lot of othertion information damning information on that laptop. imeimplicates joe, it implicatp hunter, it implicates the brother, it implicates all these othed e other people. they ve had this evidence. they haven t done a thing with thiy haven s evidence. what s your reaction to that? which to me is the much bigger story here? it sure is, sean.. and i m glad i am glad they got a conviction on this, because now they caney use the gunthe t conviction in the tax charges. the only charges that aret ag currently left against hunter biden because the case is in 2014 and 2015. of course, 14 and 2 the statuteof limit of limitations had run. they let it run about dealiny gt with agents. the cases that could most likely implicate cou james biden, joe biden, the entire biden family. they those run. but now they re faced with the tax chargebut s. e if let s see what happens. let s see if there s not a plea deal. i think there probably will beaa at this point because of this conviction. but yeah, thanks to miranda, thanks to great reporting, everyone now knows that the laptopryon from, as she says,ng is real and everything on it is real, including all the her garland evidence that. could be great for prosecutors. well, what about garland? he s had this information, this damning information. they all knew that joe lied about. i never talk to my son, my brother or anybody about the foreign business deals. and what about leveraging $1,000,000,000? so a son continues to get paid. s soontinueswhat about the moneh they re getting from a former russian oligarch. what about meeting that oligarch in café milano? what about calling into all the meetings? what about the millions of dollars the family s raking n in? ponta has no experience in energy. oil, gas, coal. ukrainenergye or china. how does he make it all that money while he s addicted to drugsoney? that s exactly right. pnd remember, president trum asked that simple question of president zelenskyy and look what happened. o they tried to impeach him over it. and president trump was, ril alon right all along. yeah. merrick garland is our chief law enforcement officer in this entire country. you know, we talk about the weaponization of the fbi,an the cia, atf, now the irs. well it all starts at the top with merrick garland. he has to respond to this. he has to be held accountable. this is way too important. the american people and our justice system is at stake e . well, miranda, maybe now maybe you re book laptop from will litt bestseller agaik n, and people can now look a little more deeply now that finally the government four years later has confirmed that which have you and emma jo and others reported way back whey back wn. all right, thank you. straight ahead, merrick garland attacking republicans for daring to question the left s lawfare against trump. we re going to tell you what he said. lara trump reacts straight ahead. stay with us. do you have too much body fat? 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take a look. a look.i will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate h president when our fundamental rights are at stake. i believe that the president of thesghts e united states can be indicted for criminal offenses. you feel embarrassed to my namen personally? yes. we need to focusam. ed t on donald trump and his abuses. we need to follow his mone dy. n we need to find out wherela he s laundered money. we neeundemoned to find out wher not he s engaged in conspiracy. it s important that everyone that the daysare of donald trump are coming to an end. i look forward to goingnd ine the office of attorney general every daey gy defending your rit and then going home. there s a platform. go after one man,d ap one organization, one family. or doeplrs merrick garland. think it was appropriate for the manhattan district attorney album brag to run on this campaign promise. i know a lot of peoplear are wondering, whoever has this joe wondthis jobb. are they going to convict the donald trump? but that is the number one issue the times calls brag s a talented prosecutor whose successful suit of the trump foundation couldnted pro b be invaluable experience for the investigation. he ll take over valu as the chief deputy attorney general in new york state. i oversaweputy atey some ofia the office s biggest cases from exposing illegal behavio or by the trump foundation. we know there s a trump investigation. i have investigated trump andint his children and held them accountable for their misconductchildren with te trump foundation. i also sued the trump administration more thanimes 100 times. we know that the d.a.ting is investigating when i was the ag s office, i sue trump over 100 times forsc his administration s misconducot and brought a case against the trump foundation that held foe. ntablgainst t one more question. according to a whistleblower testimony the fbi they ve known since late 2019 on his laptop was real. so why? sohow has merrick garlandnd weaponized, politicized weapetment of justic investigated the contents of this very real laptop? s ofwhy was garland s fbi meetii with big tech companies warning themig that they may be targetel for misinformation campaigns and they may be about joe and hunter biden? and when askedjoe d by twitter and facebook after the new york post story broke, if the laptoph story was real, why didn t the fbi confirm what thehey knew to be true that it was real? here was reaction. rnc co-chair lara trump. a lot of questions they kneump.w it was real. all garland knew it was real. now that we all know it s realke . we know that joe lied at the highest level and joe was involved. all these foreign business deals and the millions of dollars they rake id in, including taking direct action by withholding moneyin. so a prosecutor investigating the company is seen as a business worth and millionsm mil with no experience continues to pay in millions. h noso all of that s true. laura and garland hasn t liftedo a finger. if it was your father in law. or you our eric or don, wou i m pretty sure they d go afterh all ofey you. yeah, i was going to say, just go after donald trump. when in doubt, that sort of they re their motto that they, of course, always have. it is reall whichy incredibl sean, to see what has gone on and the fact that you have merrick actually complaining about the american citizens voicing, their concerns for a very clearly biased justice shoulde c be concerning to him because he s the attorney generaer l of the united states. we can t live in a country if we do not trusunited se ttions our foundational institutions like this. and peopleli are terrified right now. everybody knows what this triay knl with biden was about. this is about smoke and mirrors. this is the red herrinit s abou this is a distraction from what you ve talked about the entire show which is that it s not just criminality we re worried about with the biden. it s national security. we re concerned about we need to know as american citizens that when joe biden, as president of, the unitedt of states is making decisions for this country, he s madethey m decisions based on what s best for the american people and noat what s best for the bank account of the biden family. and by the waythe bank, sean, bd on how the last three and a half years have been going, we should really question what has been going on there. and as a family member of the trump family, it is it the whole thing is kind of wild for me to watch. if you think back, sean, to when donald trump won 6 the election in 2016, think about what our family business was. we were a private company that had real estate and golfe n courses around the world. we were in international business originally, yet w what did we do? we said, you know what? when he won, we re not going the to do any new international business deals. the opposite of that happened internat biden became vice vic president of the united states. that s when the bideidenn familo got into international business. we went so far ainternational so as to pay back the united states treasury every penn be u.y that we got from any foreign dignitary that spent money at a trump property. of course, we got no credit for that, but we didn t even want the faintest of impropriety. and yet look at the way they have gone after donald trump for literally anything they could find. for trovean peoplrep with this laptop. the american people are demand transparency. again, it s about our national security aga. want we deserve to know. but i want to tell people out there how you caon actually mak, a difference, how you can rectify this. it comes on novemberu can rect h of this year. it comes the first day of early votingfirs in your state. get out and vote in thisn election. this eioour country depends on . the future of america certainly depends on iict. hing we cannot allow these things to stand. we need to get to the bottom of this stand . save we need to save our country. but you got to get out and vote. to gei agree. ean: e and early voting, by the way, starts in septembear r. some in september, in some states. i hope people keep that in min dget ov and get over your reluctance and resistance to voting early d . i know you re working hard on legal ballot harvesting knowg hard wanully surpass democratic efforts, but if you want to change it, garland s not going to changngen he s weaponized the department of justice. it will remain that wa e theyino and probably get worse if, god forbid, he was reelected. all righrs it. trump thank you. when we come back, with biden s campaign flailin g, the leftto sca is once again resorting to scare tactics. anere do you hearer? oh, aoc and conspiracy theorist nick straw and their rachel maddow with their tinfoil hats are saying. straight ahead. we ll tell you about four five star backyards, yellow wood, brand pressure treated pine. if it doesn t have this yellow tag, you don t want it. why should every man try ageless mail, max? because it has ksm 66 ashwagandha shown to help increase testosterone improve results at the gym, reduce the dad bod and fight the effects of stress. and it has knox perform to boost nitric oxide production. and that could be handy in the gym and in the bedroom. no wonder it s a best selling testosterone booster. get to walmart to try ageless male max and be the man you want to be. tens of millions of rooms across america are failing wearing out decades early and leaking oftentimes without you knowing about it, causing tremendous damage. here s how you know you have a problem with your roof black streaking. your roof looks rough or granules shedding off any of your gutters or showing up in your driveway. your roof is wearing out too fast and it s going to cost you a bundle. roof match makes your roof like new by and rejuvenating it. so give us a call and we ll give you a free assessment to see if your roof qualifies. there are certain areas in american history that define us where fortunes were made. rules were broken, and legends they were born. this was an age of outlaws and lawmen. howdy, bob. and businesses can hear some. some are heroes, some are villains. and that s where the fun begins. let s trainer lewis marsh says this is outlaws and lawmen now streaming on fox nation. check it out is my work from cozy. grab yourself a or is this dog food in your fridge? 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yeah, it s crazy talk. i mean, these ladies are insane with the things that they re saying. and it proves once again are that the left will use fear to control people. they will use fearpeople, promoe their agenda. donald trump has been very clear that his onln y revenge that he will get on november 5th is america s success. shelall wants is america to be great again and to be successful. and people have more money in their pocketsn an and families to be able to affordo able their groceries and fill their cars with ga ts. he wa so he s been very clear that he just wants america to be all itat it nts ever been on its greatest days. and for them to say that kind of stuff is sos st days. compley irresponsible that i hope that every single american getse the chance to hear them say that because they know for a fact the that not true.e sa and they re saying it just to scare them and they re saying it to controlyi them. now we have as many as eight people that might have isis ties captured at the border, tens of thousands from china, russia ured, iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan, yemen, kazakhstan . on the economy, two thirds of the middle class. fox businessds o reporting saynl of americans say they re struggling financially and financial gasping for air. add to that more than 25% of americans admit to skipping meals due to a skyrocketing grocery costs that they reare pi paying. those are the things that americans now are caring about thatingsare ca you know, s lie and tell us everything s fine. at the end of the day, isn t going to be what america votesaa on. that s what every single american that i ve talked to in the laswhat eve at i vt 6 to 7 months. that s the only thing on their mind at the top of their min7 nd is how is my family i being impacted by joe biden s administration? they feel it every day. just got back from wisconsin, spent a couple of days there talkink from dayg a lot of folks, a lot of independents, a lot of women, and talking to differentto groups and will be in michigan as well. these are states where people are making up their mind for donald trump because they know that he makes their life better and he lets rs make decisions and have personal responsibility for d the omilies and doesn t to take more money out of their pockets. he wants to help them be more successful. so he wantso be the economy and int are still big issues in this countrily. that s what families are feeling and they recognize that the biden administration is just attacking donald trump because that s the only that the left has, is they have fear and attacks and they ll even weaponizevefea our judicial system in order to do their agenda. i would argue the reason the red wave didn t occur in 22 is, is abortion will americansoa . because democrats will demagogue it? will its emagoguewillt be successful? they re going to try to use that in every single state and they ll try to use it against donald trump, againstt his supporters. i think what is important for us is for us to recognizisfor uy is that that that issue, people want to know where we re at. we talk all the time about the fact that this decision is at the state level. every state will look different and that s the way it is. the people will decide what their laws look likeir law and that we as leaders don t get to dictate that that s not our jos b. and the states will decide and abortion will be legal in the united states no matter how many times they lie about it, which is what they re going to do, because that s about all they got. they can t run on on. are you better off than you were four years ago? governor, thank you. more. more. hanay usa at we believe,ng a at new day, usa. loa we have a noble purpose. we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing alone. we want to do whatever is we want to do whatever is best for the individuaca s person. we want to be knownd they and we want to be knownd they and as america s t veterans and active duty service people. service people. we re the ones that are there to help them. there to help them. people are doing giving difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now. their lives right now. toda that we have here in this country. they re willing to do for you, for me and for our family. so for us at new day to the so for us at new day to the opportunity to turn around snd help those people at thi point in time, it s a labor of love. it s a noble service. and that s what we re all about. no one takes care of veterans a men tell us when they use just four menld to eliminate gray. there s a great before there s a great before and afteest. then there sts the after the after that boost you get when you look and feel your best. your best. and that s why more men choosea. for men. after 30 years of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factors that can cause mental declini e memory issues. i m trying to get a thought across, and ing likei can t find the right way to say it. i noticed as i ve gottene braint fifties, i started feeling like i was like a little more forgetfulti actil, more brain f introducing neuro cue. the breakthroughbr ingredientoq multi action brain care supplement developedthresearch e of the world s leading brain doctors, dr. dale bredeson. doctors, dr. dale bredeson. cue is the result of yearsedient of research studying the precise nutrients your brain needs to perform better. better. neural cue clinically shown to influence clinically shown to influence brain performancroe as littlen. as seven days. and within just two months, a combination of ingredients found in neural cue has been found in neural cue has been shown to help improve memorycus focus and concentration. we ve all seen otheoq is dirf supplements that only focus on one or two factors,ue and pr but neuro cue is different. it s a multi ingredient, multi action for mo formula that helpl boost, renew and protect your. for more comprehensive brain sas abl in an internal study four oue t of five neuro cue users saw significant improvement in just 30 days. first thi would say within a we. first thi would say within a we. time i was able to think the first thing. i can see that there is anomn i can see that there is anomn improvemeng to do around the house. once i starteabd taking her out, i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly, and i was really excited about that. i feel like it helps with my mental online clarity and focus and getting things done as well as my memory and recall ll als call or go online now to find out how you can try to find out how you can try neural q four 4995 plus g at now and you ll also receive neuro cues fast dissolving sleep now oral strips to boost brain recovery while you sleep. go to dry income or call 1-800- 4750898. that s 1-800- 4750898. order now our military has been infested by a woke revolution in the military. i think we grew up and you left your politics at the door. it s difficult to overstate the vision that is being sown into our military. it s about our sovereignty. it s about our liberty. it s about our constitution. these veterans are putting the record straight. pete hegseth hosts the war on warrior s streaming now only on fox nation. if you re an active duty military or military veteran, sign up now and get your first year free. well, it s time to make another connection. a game show legend return. break out your leg warmers, wine and parachute pants for the ultimate eighties. pop culture trivia 83 show streaming now on fox nation, america is streaming. all right. unfortunately, that is all the time wly that e have left this . please set your dvr. why? so you never, everse, ever misss an episode of hannity monday through fridaye of, nine easter. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. why because greg.feld gutfeld well, actually sitting by with the idea to put a smile on your face, he s next. have a great night. ye

Rachel-maddow , Hannity-tonight , Lef-hysteri , Theto , Virginia-juneteenth-th-joe , Forgetfulti-actil , Teacher , Judges-a , Aaron , Party , Judge , Picks

Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 14:17:00

As qaanitah mentioned there will be keen following of developments here by south africa s economic and political partners around the world, as to the direction of the next government here in south africa. catherine byaruhanga, our correspondent injohannesburg. looking ahead to the champions league final tonight, looking ahead to the champions league finaltonight, real looking ahead to the champions league final tonight, real madrid face borussia dortmund at wembley in a few hours time. the spaniards are 14 time winners and start as favourites against the german side. let sjoin olly favourites against the german side. let s join olly foster, our sports correspondent at wembley. the? let s join olly foster, our sports correspondent at wembley. they are hu . e correspondent at wembley. they are huge favourites. correspondent at wembley. they are huge favourites. and correspondent at wembley. they are huge favourites. and there correspondent at wembley. they are huge favourites. and there are - correspondent at wembley. they are huge favourites. and there are still. huge favourites. and there are still a long huge favourites. and there are still a long time huge favourites. and there are still a long time until kick off, but it is so a long time until kick off, but it is so busy a long time until kick off, but it is so busy on wembley way. we visited is so busy on wembley way. we visited the is so busy on wembley way. we visited the stadium three or four times visited the stadium three or four times this visited the stadium three or four times this season and you forget what times this season and you forget what kind times this season and you forget what kind of iconic global venue it is for what kind of iconic global venue it is for football. there are thousands upon is for football. there are thousands upon thousands of real madrid and dortmund

Government , South-africa , World , Partners , Direction , Following , Developments , Qaanitah-hunter , Catherine-byaruhanga , Real-madrid , Wembley-stadium , Champions-league