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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20141218 00:00:00

they don t know yet how far with this. but people are were tired already of this not having a relationship with america and now they will see an opportunity to increase business and things will come from america that will create jobs. people in cuba believe that we have so much in common with america. and with americans. and so this is certainly good for both partners we believe. cuba plays a very important role and now they are expressing how happy they are and they see america with different eyes. so it opens a new market for american producers is good for the american business with the
congressman, your thoughts as alan gross comes home and the possibility of normalization with cuba. first of all, we re always elated when an american gets to come home, so i congratulate alan gross. he got his freedom, he got to spend hannukah with his family. that s wonderful news. what is not wonderful news is that the families of the brothers to the rescue shootdown, those four wonderful american patriots, they are spending yet one more christmas without their loved ones and they died at the hands of fidel and raul castro. what is sad is that tomorrow the cuban people will wake up and they will still have no political freedom. they will have no human rights to be expected. there are no political parties that exist in cuba, that has not changed. obama has given away the store. has given everything to the castro regime. of course the regime is happy. we got nothing in return. congressman-elect carbello,
you are a new generation of cuban american. your generation, does it feel in south florida, does it feel the same way as the older generation or are they looking forward to some sort of normalization? we all wanting the same thing for the cuban people. we all want the same thing for the united states and that s a strong america that leads and a free cuba. nothing that happened today gets us closer to those goals. the president of the united states has made every american serving abroad less safe today. he s provided a blueprint for dictators throughout the world. if you want to extract unilateral concessions from the united states, all you have to do is hold an american hostage and be patient. we have given cuba everything at the president s disposal for alan gross. we re happy that he s back. we re happy that he s back. but alan gross wins today, that s a good thing. the cuban government wins. but u.s. national security loses. freedom and democracy throughout
the world lose. congresswoman, was our foreign policy with cuba working? we have this 1996 act where we have this embargo and i guess the president is trying to sort of soften up some aspects of it. i m not even sure if the law allows him to do it but that s a wh whole other debate. was our foreign policy working? you bring up a good point about him possibly breaking the law. i believe he has broken the law. there are three laws that he has violated. we re going to do an investigation about the clarity of how he got the mission to do this. but what it shows, greta, when you ask a key question, has our policy been working. well, the policy of 190 other countries who have been wheeling and dealing and going to tourist trips and doing everything with castro, they have not brought cuba any closer to freedom or democracy. so it s not that the united states policy has not worked, the other policy of engagement
has not worked. and in fact what president obama has done today, normalizing relations, that will not bring the cuban people any closer to democracy either. the one that will not change is the cuban communist dictatorial regime. these guys are not going to change. congressman-elect, i started to ask you before about men and women ine. you re in your early 30s if i remember from the last time we talked. do they feel the same way you do about it or is that more of an older generation thing as we look towards cuba? yeah, greta, i told you our generation wants the same thing that all generations living in this country want. we want to see the cuban people free. my parents were born in cuba. they had to leave. my grandfather served a political sentence, prison sentence in cuba. so we feel it in our hearts. and today we are very sad because we feel that for the
first time in this 56-year-long drama that the cuban people have lived, for the first time the person in the white house is on the wrong side of history. we want the president of the united states to stand with the cuban people. we want the president of the united states to stand with those heroes that are sitting in castro s jail today, and we want the president of the united states to stand for a strong united states that leads with a clear voice and with moral authority, and that is not what happened today. and we shouldn t be surprised, greta, because this is the same president that s at the table with the iranians. this is the same president that draws red lines and ignores them. so what happened today is alarming, but it s not surprising. thank you to both of you for joining us. thank you, greta. thank you, carlos. congressman chris van hollen has more on the government plane that lifted alan gross out of cuba after a very tough five years in prison and landed back on u.s. soil.
he joins us. nice to see you, congressman. before i get to the question about how the flight was, what did we gain out of this? what we gained is a change in policy that might finally have a chance might finally. to enpower the cuban people. what we know the policy has been a failure. what was the failure at spent of it? the failure was that by isolating and punishing cuba, you were somehow going to get a change in regime from the castros or have an opening in cuba clearly failed. what it did help do is sustain the castro regime. the castro brothers have survived eight presidents. except that we re sort of getting to the end of this biological clock with the two castros. i mean they can t last forever. they re both getting to be pretty elderly gentlemen. and cuba isn t a threat to us in any way. but we now have an opportunity to empower the cuban
people because the one thing that they re probably most afraid of is more engagement, more travel from americans, more trade, more communication, opening up the world to the cuban people. no one is talking about the castro regime changing their mind, that s not the issue. they didn t change their mind with 54 years of the failed policy we have. more engagement with the cuban people, a little more taste of free market and free ideas will, i think, encourage more demand for change from the cuban people. what was that plane ride like? did alan gross when did you first see him? we first saw him when we walked off the plane and the tarmac into a build in havana. as you can see from the pictures he s lost a lot of weight, he s very fragile. where was his wife at that time? she was the first to come in the room. that s why his face lit up. judy has been fighting for five years to bring alan home. you see that picture?
it s a great picture. i can tell you he was in great spirits. obviously even greater spirits when he got on the plane and it lifted off. he s maintained some strength, even though he s wiry and gave everybody a big bear hug. this is not new to you. he campaigned for you years ago. alan was one of the people who helped go door to door in my first campaign. after he was taken prisoner, i worked very closely with his wife, judy, and his entire team to try and make this day come about. but there were lots of ups and lots of downs you got a good phone call the night before this election, i hear. one of the things that happened is as we got over the years we were ail to get alan more privileges, including calling. it used to be once a week and then he got to be on the phone so, yes, i got a call from him in october saying best wishes in the election. so he did bring me luck. it mm-hmm been amazing after you left cuba airspace.
when they leave that airspace and enter the u.s. airspace, what a thrill that is. it was. you can see a great weight lifted. did they announce that? and he kind of said yeah, you know. so it was a great moment. it s always great to have an american home who was held overseas. congressman, thank you. i imagine it was a great trip and lots of fun. it was fun, but everyone was very, you know, on edge until we actually got alan on the plane. i don t doubt that. congressman, nice to see you. thanks. thank you. while alan gross finally got his freedom today, so did three cubans. many republicans and some democrats are calling it prisoner swap. the white house denies it s a prisoner swap. ed henry joins us live. ed, what difference if we call this a prisoner swap or not? i know the white house denies it, but what s the big deal about this? well, the deal, greta, is the white house is saying getting alan gross out was separate from the swap. they don t want to be tied up and look like there was a trade there. they re saying that cuba on a
humanitarian basis let alan gross out, then the u.s. was able to make this swap of three cuban spies, as you say, let out of american prison and then there was an intelligence asset to the u.s. government, we believe a cuban man, who was helping the u.s. from cuba thrown he was caught by the cuban authorities at some point and thrown in prison, been there for some 20 years. so that was the swap. look, that might be a distinction without a difference. all of this was happening around the same time. it was a deal between the president of the united states, the dictator from cuba. i think the big question moving forward, you ve got democrats, not just republicans but democrats like bob menendez saying they think it was a direct swap and how that might matter moving forward. will someone like bob menendez go along with formally lifting the embargo with cuba. he s saying no. while there are republicans not normally aligned with the
president, congressman plake wants to see the embargo lifted so this is scrambling the parties a little bit. ed, thank you. while some are jumping for joy, some are blasting president obama for the plans to normalize economic and diplomatic things with cuba. lindsey graham said i will do all that i can to block the use of funts to open an embassy in cuba. even senator robert menendez is not wild about president obama s plan. he said trading mr. gross for three convicted criminals sets an extremely dangerous press denting. and joining us john, what did we get out of this? we got a chance, an opportunity to turn the page. for what, though? he s talked about this going
back to 2007-2008. he d wanted to say let s get rid of the old policy and start a new policy. that wasn t possible as long as alan gross was held captive. releasing him gives you the chance for the new page but there are limits to what he can do. senator graham is going to try to hold up funding. the idea of full normalization, a lot of lift has to happen and that s where the give and take has to happen with the castro regime. you wouldn t see that at all without these first steps. susan, i m all for making friends with everybody and i think it s important everybody be friends, but the fact is that this regime, they re monsters. i mean we re not talking about the human rights violations going on in cuba right now. i d love to have a great place and everything. but they have the worst record for freedom of the press, they lock people up for political opponents. so i m not quite sure is the idea that maybe if we re a little bit nicer they re going to release prisoners and they re going to stop locking people up and all of a sudden let newspapers flourish? i think the point congressman
van hollen made is a good one. no one is expecting the castro regime to change. but no rights are going to be added to people s lives because of what happened today. but they are getting near the end of their biological clock as you said and there may be an opening in the future where people will want freedom and a freer society will evolve. but the points made today by rubio and menendez and others who are opposed to this are that this is not going to change anything. people aren t going to get more rights. they re still going to be human rights violations. whatever freedoms are provided by the u.s., the internet or travel, the cuban government will control tightly. that s a really important thing to be aware of. so essentially, john, susan is saying we re trying to get our foot in the door for when the castros die. we re trying to get ahead of the game. that s the theory, but i mean what the people who support the embargo have always said is this is our last and always leverage
point for when they re gone. that is when we want to negotiate with their successors and say you want normalization, you want greater economic interaction, then give some more freedom to your people. let them speak freely, worship freely, move freely. you got none of those things today. i don t really see there s the theory if we engage a little more, they will be inspired. i hope that s right, i fear it s not and i fear the cuban people will be owe pressed longer than they would have. i think they think the cuban people themselves will force change in the government by having more exposure. we ve had some bad luck with the arab spring where we have the expectation. it s really hard to predict what people are going to do. panel, stay with us. straight ahead, former florida governor, jeb bush, and he s a potential presidential candidate. he says the obama administration s decision to restore diplomatic ties with cuba undermines america s credibility. you ll hear more from him. plus a long-time friend of governor bush goes on the record
next. also there s developing news. sony cancelling the release of the film the interview. that s coming up too. patented sonic technology with up to 27% more brush movements. get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. that s all i crave.e that s where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that s why i only choose nicorette. dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you re a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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governor coming out one day out of the gate and skewering the president? well, jeb bush just a few weeks ago said the problem with the restrictions on cuba is that they re not tight enough and we should be tightening the screws, not loosening them. with this, this goes back to a feeling he s had for a very long time that we cannot give an inch. we cannot give anything to cuba until castro gives freedom to the people of cuba. keep in mind jeb bush s background. he moved to south florida in the early 1980s, established connections, friendships, worked closely with cuban exiles who have very strong feelings about this. oppose the castro regime. later when he got into politics he worked very hard to bring them into the gop fold in florida and he s succeeded to great extent. this became a very important part of his political base and later the gop political machine
after he left office. that said, the political climate here in florida, polls do show a shift of opinion in favor, more people wanting to see us improve relations with cuba. but you have to keep in mind those who oppose the direction that we saw the president take today are very fervent and very passionate about this. they tend to be very loyal voters and often can be single issue voters when it comes to this. we only have 20 seconds left. what does this mean having if governor bush gets in, what does that mean for senator marco rubio? it s going to be a problem for marco rubio. if this debate advances to the senate, it can elevate his profile. but keep in mind they re very much aligned in terms of how they believe with respect to this issue and in terms of donors and support with jeb bush out front. this continues to be a problem for marco rubio if he chooses to run for president. craig, thanks. all eyes on florida, of course, as always as we approach 2016 in two years now. thank you, craig.
sure thing, thank you. our next guest is the chairman of the american conservative union and he has been friends with former governor jeb bush for decades. good evening, sir. greta, good to be with you. i noticed you ve told us about the fact that governor jeb bush might run for president. you said you have mixed feelings and you go on to say but he ll be a difference maker. what did you mean by that? a difference maker meaning, look, we live in an area of gridlock, less people turn out to vote than they ever did before. more people are registering no party affiliation. folks don t seem to be happy with either party. so jeb bush, who s a conservative problem solver, is coming and saying, look, it s time we get together, we heal our nation, we move forward with a positive vision, but we ve got things to do. we ve got energy policy to put together. we ve got tax reform. we ve got to balance our budget. we ve got to deal with our
entitlements. i m going to be the candidate with ideas. i m not going to go out there with a strategist telling me precisely how to win. i m going to share my vision and i hope the american people buy into it. i hope they do. if they don t, i ll go home in peace but i m not going to be led by a group of strategists who tell me what to say, what not to say and end up in a process where i m part of this toxic environment that politics is all about today. he s just not going to do that. i can tell you, i hear the consultants in these races all the time and so i get the frustration that candidates can have with the consultants but i m curious, there s a big difference from being a great governor or great president than being a great campaigner, which office. in iowa, you ve got to go door to door, you ve got to be in kitchens, you ve got to talk to the people. some people are better talking to audiences. is he the kind that can sit in a kitchen and is he willing to do that? i ve seen jeb bush walk down a street with me in the dark of
night and stop to see a homeless man and see how he was doing. this is a different kind of candidate. one of the most caring, one of the most compassionate candidates you re going to see in the trail in your lifetime. i m curious, what s the downside for him? what s going on in his mind why he might not? it sure looks like his toe is in the water, but why might he not run? well, look, he s proud of his family. he s got one son who just won statewide office in texas. he s got another son who s by his side every day in business. he loves his daughter, loves his wife. he travels a lot but is more at home than he was before. he s dangled a bit in business, he s done well there. he gets to play golf on sundays. he s going to give up a lot of this life to try to help america get back on its feet and to heal our country, and that s a major sacrifice and he s giving up a lot to do that. does he have the fire in the belly to do that? he s the most competitive guy i ve ever met.
i ve been with him and two campaigns for his dad, three campaigns for him, two campaigns for his brother and he s the most tireless worker, most compassionate and competitive guy i ve met in the process, so he ll be ready for anything and anyone if he decides to do it. we just saw a picture of the two of you and of course i hope you ll come back because if he does get in, we ll need to talk to you a lot and find out what s going on in the governor bush campaign. thank you, sir, for joining us. my pleasure, thanks, greta. and you can see our complete interview with al cardenas. executive orders by any other name. president obama finding another way to bypass congress. that s coming up. here at fidelity, we give you the most free research reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed 1-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price just $7.95. in fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions
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so tell me your thoughts on this. yeah, i think this is a big victory for the bad guys. i think that s the dangerous precedent in this. this was essentially a terrorist act and by sony now giving in after equivocating a little bit, you go back to the original making of this movie, if you re going to make the movie and not stand by it at the end. my colleague talked to president obama even today and the president s advice is go to the movie. obviously this was the intended effect was to squelch this movie, to make it not happen and it s worked. you know what, i ve told both of you during the break, i actually i ve been to north korea, as you know, three times. north korea looks at this they have nuclear weapons and they are so erratic, you can t even point at a picture of kim jong-un without risking going to some prison camp. i don t know why sony didn t make this a fictionalize movie about some make-believe country
because we re not dealing with normal people. we re not dealing with a normal situation. we re dealing with people who see us as complete enemies and we re trying to kill them every single day. i m noticing on social media people are joking can they make requests to producers about what kind of pictures sony can produce because it looks as though they re being dictated in terms of what they are going to put out there. i think that s the sad fact about all of this. we should not have a foreign country dictating the terms of what comes out, no matter who they are. of course we shouldn t, but we re not dealing with a full deck on this. i mean that s the problem is that, you know, this is a predictable response. if you ve ever been there, literally they think we are training seven days a week, all three of you and i m training every day to try to kill them when we re not doing any of that. but they see that and see this as such an insult, they re going to go nuts. but what does going nuts mean? this, this. are producers upset about the hacking.
it s a terrible thing to hack. look, they did a terrible if they re the ones that did it, it s a terrible thing to hack. it s a terrible thing for us to bow to the pressure. it s a terrible thing to have the terrorists act on the movie, but it s all going back to the judgment of making that movie, knowing that we were dealing with a situation that wasn t quite normal. i mean i think north korea is the most brutal regime in the world. it s run by a totalitarian psychopath. i think if hollywood had any decency, they would make a serious film detailing the brutality that is going on. that s a great idea. an i think right now i hope they re just delaying this. we don t know all the details. maybe there is some credible threat we don t know about. imagine if isis isis is actually carrying out terrorist attacks against americans. what if they threaten an american mall or football game? i know, it s terrible. they caved to pressure because they feared people would not show up on one of the most profitable days for movies.
i am not defending north korea. i m just saying it s a very dangerous situation sony got into without using good judgment to begin with. i am not defending north korea in any way. they made a movie they aren t prepared to stand behind. does it even look funny? what exactly is the joke in all of this? i think sony has a lot to explain to the american people and to the world community about the making of this movie and of course this halting and contradictory response. and all their embarrassing e-mails too. we didn t even get near their e-mails. anyway, panel, thank you. if you are outraged over president obama s use of executive action, brace yourselves for this. turn out it is not just executive orders. president obama also using something called the presidential memorandum to bypass congress. according to usa today, president obama has issued the memorandum more often than any other president. gregory courty joins us. nice to see you. we have presidential memorandums and executive orders. what s the difference?
the differences can be subtle. executive orders are what we re probably all familiar with. they re numbered. executive order 1033 or something like that. mem memorandums are called by scholars executive orders by another name. they re more regulatory in nature but very similar and both carry the same force of law. they re essentially the same then, right? they re used a little differently. but you could you could use them interchangeably? there are some areas where previous presidents have used an executive order. for example, nixon had an executive order on let s get rid of some of these federal properties we re not using and save some money. president obama did that by memorandum. so the fact is that all these things that they re doing by executive order or presidential memorandum, are there instances when they can only use one and not the other? they tend to only use
executive order but there is any restriction? if you re going to amend an executive order, you re going to use an executive order to do that. neither of these terms are defined anywhere in the law much less the constitution. so it s precedents. president obama says the truth is even with all the actions i ve taken this year, i m issuing executive orders at the lowest rate in over 100 years. he s not mentioning the presidential memorandums so i m wur wondering if that s a slippery quote. he said people didn t have a problem with george bush when he uses executive action. he uses the terms executive order and executive action somewhat interchangeably. so slippery, transparent and deceptive? i have no evidence to suggest this is a deliberate misdirection by the white house. he must know the difference between presidential memorandum and executive order. he s got to know the difference. he signs them. and when you add presidential
memorandums and executive orders together, is president obama on the low end or has he done more? he s certainly signed more presidential memoranda than others. when you call them both executive actions, he s on pace to take more than any president. the reason i ask this because as i read this, it seems that they re essentially the same thing. whether they have historically been used for different purposes or not. you can amend executive orders with executive orders. it seems when the president says i m issuing executive orders at the lowest rate in more than 100 years, he s being a little slippery because he s not mentioning the presidential memorandums which he does so much more than other presidents on the presidential memorandums. no. these are precise terms that even the president, even the president s press secretary sometimes slip up. josh earnest said he s issued an executive order on immigration. there was no such thing. the immigration executive action
that republicans are so upset about were not done by executive order, they were done by memorandum. last year when he took executive action on gun control, those were not executive orders, those are presidential memoranda. if he s going to tell the epa how to enforce the clean air act, that s done in a memorandum not an executive order. right now are democrats on a desperate search for a message for 2016? plus we re trying to solve a mystery that has to do with the release of alan gross and sergeant tahmooressi finally released from a mexican prison. celebrate what s new, the bigger, better menu at red lobster! with more of what you love! try our newest wood-grilled combination!
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it s one of those things i think that went away from that democrats didn t do a very good job of in the 2014 election. we talked about everything but the economy and that s still going to be it s still going to be a driving issue in 2016. there has to and change has to happen. we have a changing economy. there have got to be some new ideas out there about how to effect its impact on the american people. like what? how do you convince the middle class america that something good is happening? what s the message to them? it s about how we re going to adjust to it. kodak when kodak went bankrupt, it had 187,000 employees. when instagram sold itself to facebook for a billion dollars, it had 13 employees. both parties are not addressing the how technology and how fast paced we re moving forward into the future is actually
hollowing out jobs there. it s not just attacking wall street. like that s one of the things that is a go-to populist liberal you know, elizabeth warren attack wall street. wall street does need to be reformed. republicans may offer tax cuts. the tax system does need to be reformed but no one is addressing the economic consequences of where this tech economy is taking us and how do we get the american people to participate in it and whether that s job retraining, other things, but somebody has got to speak to it. but that requires a long vision. it seems to me the voters are looking more right now. can i put food on the table and pay the tuition, so that s the problem. that s right. and, you know, everybody is going to offer up really quick, simple solutions that no one believes anymore. or you ve got to take a step back and really talk to the american people with what we have to do to be competitive, to move forward and to get
people it s not the same old, same old. a lot of the ideas look, i was a ted kennedy liberal and, you know, there are a lot of populist liberal progressive economic ideas i believe in but a lot of the ideas on both sides are obsolete now. you need to take those principles but apply them to the issues that are for us right now economically and lead the american people there. joe, thanks. good to be with you. remember that outrageous convention government employees spending your tax dollars on themselves, face hotel suites and mismatched wine glasses? you didn t like that. you need to stick around for our next segment. soy buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it s out there somewhere spreading the word about america s favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes
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gsa s lavish las vegas convention, complete with photos of the gsa s regional commissioner that fancy bathtub on your dollar? well, after outrage was over the abuse of your tax dollars, omb issued stricter requirements for spending reports. makes sense, right? but listen to this. the cfo of hhs now says accurate spending reports won t help taxpayers. really? sarah westwood joins us. nice to see you. nice to be here. you wrote the article. why does hhs s cfo say that? well, what happened here is the hhs inspector general discovered millions of dollars in unreported conference funding, and in defense, pushing back on the inspector general s findings, the cfo ellen murray said the cost of. getting the right information? right would outweigh the
benefit to taxpayers. how does she figure that? how could it possibly be we don t want exact information? well, she cited difficulties in actually gathering the information and keeping track of it. and said, basically, you can either have an accurate report or a timely report, but you can t have both. okay. so why can t we at least change the time requirements a little bit? i think most taxpayers want to know whether or not they re partying on our dime again. right. it s essentially the bureaucratic answer of we can t get this data because we don t have it because these services are being provided by contractors. i read your story and it said that hhs had 140 conferences last year. that seems like a lot. i don t know why they re having all these conferences. go figure on that one. the ig, the inspector general, looked at only four of them. so out of 4 out of 140. and out of the four the ig looked at found hhs had failed to list $1.4 million. so is there a discrepancy in each of the four? yes. each conference had a discrepancy. and that 140 number that you just cited, those are just the
conferences that cost $100,000 or more. they actually have more conferences than that. and hhs actually spent $56 million on conferences alone in 2012. it s stunning, though. if you look at four conferences, if you sort of the inspector general looks at four of them and finds 100% mistakes, they have 136 more at over $100,000 a year a conference, and nobody is going to bother to look at those? right, exactly. you can only imagine that there is similar waste in all of the other conferences. and keep in mind that this was two years ago. so there was, you know, two years of additional conferences that we don t know where the money went. and the cfo at hhs doesn t see this as a problem? evidently not. it s just kind of evidence of the bureaucratic culture that leads to so much waste in our agencies today. but it s worse than bureaucratic culture. it s our money. la-di-da. why does she get to decide that? exactly. she cited the fact that there are already guidelines in place
to produce reports that have estimates. so she said that sufficient accurate reports aren t necessary. well, there is our government working for us. anyway, sarah, thank you. thank you. and coming up, after the release of american allen gross from cuba, i m not trying to solve a mystery. i ll tell you what i mean, off the record next. but here is a hint. it has to do with sergeant andrew tahmooressi. at 10:00 p.m., senators marco rubio and ted cruz talking about cuba. tonight 10:00 p.m. on hannity. people with type 2 diabetes
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you don t need to think about the energy that makes our lives possible. because we do. we re exxonmobil and powering the world responsibly is our job. because boiling an egg. isn t as simple as just boiling an egg. life takes energy. energy lives here. let s all go off the record for a minute. there is something that absolutely mystifies me. but before i tell you, let me say this. i am very happy alan gross is home. it s been five years too long. it was wrong that cuba held him in prison. so how did he get out? because president obama s administration held secret meetings in canada with cuban officials and cut a deal. then today president obama sent a government plane to pick him up. the obama administration packed that plane with members of congress. and as he landed at andrews air
force base, secretary of state john kerry was there to hug and meet mr. gross. but that s not all. president obama even placed a call to mr. gross on that plane as he flew back to the united states. and while i m absolutely thrilled he got that treatment, i m thrilled he is home where he belongs, i don t get it. i would love to know why didn t president obama help sergeant andrew tahmooressi when he was held in a mexican prison? i know a president can t help everybody. but a u.s. marine who got hit with an ied, did two tours for the u.s. in afghanistan and just made a wrong turn? not only did president obama not help, but he never called sergeant tahmooressi s mother, or even sergeant tahmooressi after he got home. maybe there is a reason, but i remain left in a big mystery. why didn t president obama help our marine? and that s my off the record comment tonight. thanks for being with us. we ll all see you again tomorrow night here at 7:00 p.m. eastern. and follow me on twitter at the handle @greta. and a reminder, go to greta check out our complete interview

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20141214 00:00:00

and putt against leaders of his own party like congressman nancy pelosi and senator warren. liberals are quick to condemn the spending bill calling it a broib for banks and donors. mike emmanuel is live on capitol hill with us. mike, the senate so manies stuck on the extension, they did do something successfully, right? reporter: no question about that. they passed a short- term government funding to buy senators more time. it was scheduled to be quiet today. and there are conversations taking place about cutting the deal on the government extension and we ll so if it pans out. earlier harry reid sounded aggravated. regrettably the republicans
pulled the legislation off. and now, we are regulated to watching the time tick away on the clocks. reporter: at this point the senators are in session seven hours and counting, julie? what have they done all day long. a voteramma. and look at the names. murphy to be surgeon general and car lincolman for social security commissioner. and this is getting the ball rolling on the nominees considered for file confirmation in the senate. and conservatives are not backing down. reporter: not at all. we heard from the conservatives slamming on the brakes on the senate. we are going to have a vote
in time, on this omnibus bill, but part of that vote critical in that vote should be a vote on president obama s illegal emnasty. the american people have grave concerns on the president s decision with regard to executive amnesty. this actions unprecedented and unsupported by the law. reporter: other republicans want to fight the president on immigration when they feel they have a chance to win when the republicans control the house and senate, julie? thank you, mike. thousands of protestors flooding the streets in new york city. the protestors held signs and chanted as they walked along
sixth avenue all to express the rage over the recent grand jury decisions not to indict the police in the deaths of michael brown and eric garner. day long. what was the protest like? julie, we are talking about tens of thousands of protestors and covering dozens of city blocks in manhattan. look at the march from the aerial shot. it started at 2:00 p.m. and went back north and then south. it is the head quarters for the police department. and the protestors shouting hands up don t shoot and black lives matter and racist cops have to go. today is called the national day of resistance specifically in new york. and they are demanding the
creation of a office. and firing of nypd police commissioner. and families of victims of unarmed black men killed including ron davis, 17-year-old shot and killed by a white man for playing loud music in a florida gas station. we don t want to lose our family members in vain. we come out and help them protest and make change to america. the nypd said there are no arrest or incidents and organizers planned protest in 50 cities today. this was not only eric guarder and michael brown. organizers say they want more than just reform? they want big reforms or changes to a criminal justice system that is systemically racist. and protestors were also out
there for kye gurley who was shot in brooklyn and ta mar rice shot by the officers while holding a toy gun. it body cams are band-aids and they want reform. we can t compete with the violence. we have to talk about changing system. there are good cops, right. but what does it mean that your goodness is in a system that is broken and needs to be fixed. protestors say it is the beginning of more protest yet to come. security in the afghan capitol was tightened as the rash of deadly military attacks grow. the latest assault was carried out by a suicide bomber on boary
there was holiday placed on the headstone. and the event is kicking off at a ceremonial wreath laying in the tom of the unknown soldier. right now new developments in the journalist ongoing fight. and will the justice government force james riven to give up a name. and violent storms that swept through the region in los angeles, next. that flexes ins for the perfect shave at any angle. go to to save up to $40. innovation and you. philips norelco. came out of the cupboard. literally.
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shooter and they believe he has ties to a gang. murphy was picked up after stopping his vehicle at 1 o clock a.m. they found a handgun inside. police are looking for two other suspects on the run and it the shooting took place outside of an alternative high school. and three people were seriously injured including a 16-year-old girl that remains in critical condition tonight. and a new york times reporter will not be forced to identify his source for a book. on the cia s effort to sabstage the nuclear program in iowa ran. the justice department is backing off. but risen could be subpeonaed. and here s more from washington. julie, a federal judge gave
the justice department until $ h face jail time. now eric holder decided against that option. risen insisted he would go to jail rather than to reveal his sources and said that the obama administration turned it as a show down. there is no way to conduct investigative reporting without a reporter s privilege and confidential sources and i don t believe you can have a democracy without aggressive reporting and freedom of the press. and justice department officers said jeffrey sterling
leaked it to risen in iran in the clinton administration and risen used that information in the 2006 book. sterling s lawyer said if the result of attorney general not issuing a subpoenas and compelling him to reveal the sources that his department of justice fought for all the way to the supreme court, then three year was mr. sterling s life is wasted. and so should journalist like james risen held more accountable or forced to reveal sources. would it put us in harm. tweet me and we ll read the answers in the show. america s best is pausing to remember a milestone in world
war ii. it was 70 years ago of the battle of the bulge. and that is from both sides of the atlantic gathered in belgium to honor thousands of heroes. and the ceremony took place in the town nearby where many shops and windows are decorated with american flags. it was 1944 when u.s. soldiers raised a horrific battle in germany. and when it was over 10000 americans were dead and 47000 wounded and led to the nazi surreppeder and the end of world war ii in europe. the battle of the bulge symbolizes the forces of america not to give up in face of adversity. and the international event
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brazil, a 26 year old killed for the fun of it. and mostly targeted woman and claimed that he killed a toddler because he feared that the child s cries would attract neighbors. police arrested him. so far his claims check out. and the gaza strip, an explosion rocked the french cultural city in the gaza city. it is one of few diplomatic outpost under hams control. a security guard suffered minor injuries in the crash. and violent clashes in the central region in chile. they are outraged over the amount of fish they can catch. officers responded with teargas
and rubber bullets. south africa. nelson mandela walk. the anti- apartheid leader decide december 5th at age 95 today. in the capitol and around the country, americans are marching against the police brutality after high profile grand jury decisions. and violent winds and flying debrie. a tornado touches down in the middle of the day in an unlikely day. we have the video next. glass the shattering and electrical cords popping. all of that in one. greenline do for you? just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional.
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hepatitis c is a serious disease. left untreated, it can lead to liver damage and potentially liver cancer. but you haven t been forgotten. there s never been a better time to rethink your hep c. go to to register for more information. then talk to your doctor about scientific advances that may help you move on from hepatitis c. this is the fox report and time for the top of the news. the senate approving a temporary spending bill to fund the bill through wednesday. law makers are grappling over a 1.1 trilliop spending package last night. and in afghanistan taliban attacks are increasing. two american soldiers among the casulties. a bombing on a bus carrying
troops. the taliban warning more violence lies ahead. and millions march here in new york city. a pieceful demonstration today. protestors expressing qh2léoutr over the grand jury decision not to indict the officers. family members of eric guarder calling for change. it started in freedom placea and walked down pennsylvania avenue and held a rally in the steps of the capitol. rich edson was in the thick of it. reporter: thousands, passionate and peaceful and gathered in protest in washington s pennsylvania avenue. the latest after the grand
jordeclined to indict police officers in the deaths of black men. they say that congress should take the power to investigate and charge police officer involving deaths from the local officials and grand it to the federal government. washington is going to be silent, they are not part of the solution. we need the laws to bring the change. marchers stopped a few hundred yards away from the capitol where they addressed crowds of thousands more than two hours including the widow of a woman whose husband died in a police choke hold. this follows smaller protest. in some cases they stopped traffic and some wondered why president obama failed to make an appearance.
he came to support the protestors. and more fallout for new york cityñm=1@5e=i in the wake of t eric garner case. the police union and urging from attending the officer s funeral. it would insult their sacrifice. and many of new york s finest feel that deblasio has not supporting them. the grand jury decided not to indict the officer. mayor deblasio called the funeral ban deeply disappointing. the first female firefighter killed in philadelphia. joyce craig is a 36-year-old mother of twochlt she died when she was trapped in the basement of a burning home on tuesday. hundreds of firefighters and
policemen and family and friends attended the funeral. craig will be promoted to lieutenant. and officials on hawaii are keeping an eye on the lava flow. it has widened 200 yards and advancing to a high. on the bright side, it is creeping through wet vegetation and there is little or low danger of brushfires. evacuation could happen in the nor future. the lavastarted to flow from the hawaii volcano. drought areas in california got what it needed over the past several years. the massive storm is gone, but it is leaving behind death and destruction and residents are
scrambling to recover before the next storm hits. will car joins us for the latest. and where is the worst damage? reporter: it was spread out all over in the west coast. two people died in oregon and damage in california. and the number of residents pulled out cell phones and captured breathering parts of the storm. a man videoed the tornado. it is so rare for tornados to be in the l.a. no one was hurt. but according to u.s., it is the first tornado in los angeles since 2004 and had winds of 65- 85 miles per hour. and check out the water spot. a tornado over the water. jason and his girlfriend nina
got a great shot south of la yesterday afternoon and saying you could so the funnel come out of the sky. there was right and debris. and mud pilled up ten foot high. and the process, dozens of homes were damaged and ten were red tagged. there was severe flooding and forcing firefighters to perform swift water rescues. will, thank you. and a plan ripped apart in a crash landing and all of the passengers are expected to be okay. our top story as we go across americaning. missouri, four people survive a plane crash yards from a college campus in springfield,
the small plane clipped a cell tower just missing rush hour traffic. several homes and a playground. two passengers rushed to the hospital with minor injuries and two others checked out at the scene. the fa an is investigating. illinois,a chaos in a college campus. state and local police responded to a fight at western illinois university. and firing pepper spray when crowds refused to break up. throw people were arrested and two ended up in the hospital. arizona. a rare sight every one of earth s national wonders and this happens when the warm air is trapped inside by the collar air. they have vow once every few
years. and in kansas, christmas came early. they went to pick up lay aways to find that their act accounts were paid in full by a secret sant a. he wanted to help out families and holidays. you know, somebody can step in and you not know it. the do gooder asked them to pay it forward with their own acts ofuw kindness. that s the fox watch in america. that is an amazing story. bipartisanship in our nation s capitol, former arrivals bringing the olympics games to washington in 2024. james rosen has more from dc. i am in. i am in. a bipartisan cast starred by
the promotional video. the nonprofit is working over time to secure the olympics games. you surely cannot know it. and that purposele strategy. u.s. olympics committee and boston and san francisco. it is a stigma that is associated with a partisanship that defines official washington. bipartisan spirit extends to the top ten. and bofth whom sat down with fox news to explain why they are donating talents to 2024. i don t think there is anything that jim and i agree on except for the dc olympics.
as far as partisanship goes. it is bringing everyone together in this town. we think the olympics. there is the most rockable city. and they point to president obama s first inaugural. and it is hosting the the event and benefit on the capitol. and well beyond what visitors spend. look at london in 2012. and they had the olympics as a hub and they can do that for the rest of the city. and if washington prevails in what was jokingly called the
primary. it was 2017. and the international olympics committee makes the final selection. in washington, james rosen fox news. warrors on the front line of bull ebola. and police nab a suspect in the disappearance of a texas woman. the experience that led to capture. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it gave me the power to overcome the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get
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equipments legally. there is new proposals for regulations and that has some fuming. reporter: 16 million american children can purchase e- cigarettes according to the estimates from the centers of disease control and prevention. ten states and washington d.c. have yet to ban sales to minors. the a erosolis showed harmful ingredients and the contention that the products emita harmless water vapor is not true. the food and drug administration extended a rule to cover ecigarettes and products have to undergo premarket approval.
john boehner sent a letter to(f the health and human secretary impose unnecessary regulatory burdens on the fda and regulated industries. the grandfather date is what will kill thousands of small and medium size businesses. many e- cigarette proponents support banning to minors and prove taps. but at odds over the science and what it said about the potential affects of the vapor. a 24-year-old man faces charges in the disappearance of a texas woman. she was charged for aggravated kidnapping. he was last seen with christina
morris. they were two friends from high school. they were spotted walking a parking garage together. the arrest comes as a result of dna samples. and suspect maintains he had nothing to do with her disappearance. ebola fighters are named 2014 person of the year and several gracing the cover of time magazine. and the magazine chose them for tireless acts of courage and mercy. the toll continues to rise. dr. mark seeingle sat down with the herroric that fight. the number of new ebola patients in liberia is down thanks to the coordinated work of the u.s. military and world health organization and cvc and
as doctors without borders. we see kids suffering from ebola don t feel well. the nurse from doctors without borders returned from sierra leon. you are wearing the ppu. can tear through your protective equipment. you are unable to carry them. one of the thousands of the directors. and the biggest challenge is that ebola is a moving target. they are in different forms. doctors without borders admitted more than six this happened patients and shipped 1200 tons of equipment to fight the disease. it is the coordination of
services that is essential and education and awareness. and virus hunter joseph has been on the front line for months. turning the corner on the epidemic, there are significant changes in awareness. we went from half of the population believing it was not a real disease to a hoax and everyone acknowledging that the disease is real and people are learning how it is transmitted. reporter: the special advisor to sierra leon s healthñ ministry, said the biggest outbreak of ebola taught us that the virus is more of a stomach bug. new knowledge will help to guide treatment. now in the act of shoplifting. but the elderly suspect is not going to jail. how the police officer brought comfort and joy to a family in
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you do with comcast business. and often even more. it s reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $89.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. you don t hear about this every day. an obama police officer buying food for a family when a dprand mother is caughtq@1sshoplifting instefd arresting her for stealing eggs. the officer bought them for her and sent her on her way. the video is going viral. he had been to johnson s home on a separate call and she needed to feed her family. it is not shoplifting tis about the kids. the kids needed food. [8 i am the most blessed pfrn in
the world to have people look after me. and not only to protect me but look after me and make sure my family was fed. the donations poured in and they delivered a truck load of food to helen and her family. and the recent years wall street garnered reputation of greedy and cut throat professionals. they are are trying to turn it around with a special problem. they want to change the lives of hundreds of minority kids. lauren green has the story. reporter: washington gets a bad rap. but many in high finance give back to the community with their money and a lot of them donate time and skills. look at xminus y.
reporter: by bay he work in the bank. and two evenings after work he helps jordan with math. he discovered something priceless. working with the kids here is a fantastic opportunity. reporter: he works with big financial companies and for a part of the tutoring program for the jewish child s association. kids falling behind in math and english, are paired. many of our kids are of the first+kz ones to gohq# on to co reporter: it is 80 percent of the organization they are not all jewish. it is a principle meaning heal the world. i am so proud of all of you
and i know it wouldn t happen without our tutors and so a big round of applause forever our tutors. reporter: v#m]svqq)s say it is about invest nothing the future. kids in new york need help and we have smartest people who work here and they have a lot to offer. reporter: wall street tutors put in long hours making money, the dividends can t be measured. a bank hoping to collect on an outstanding debt and owes one family big- time. bank of america is ordered to hand over $1 million. and the new york times reporter not forced to identify his source. should james risen be forced to
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navy victory overarmy final score of 17-1 )f÷ 10. extends navy s winning streak to 13 games. that is the longest in the history of the series that started in 1890. before the midshipmen launched their run. neither one had won more than five in a row. next year they have a middle ground. and headlines before we go. an office holiday party sends 25 people in the hospital. and the catered lunch may have been contaminated with sta ph. they became ill after eating the food. a florida couple wins big in the battle again bank of america. a judge akarded them a million. the couple received 700 calls in
a four year period. i wish i could sue the telemarketers. today is 12, 13, 14. i didn t either. no, you didn t. and it is it the subsequential calendar. next 1, 234. and they hope that today s special day will bring them luck. and should journalist james risen be held accountable? and our sisters right no. the leakers should be but it is not the journalist job to be the internal, fairs of the cia. if it saves american lives yes. and it is it a fine line, who

It , Senator , Spending-bill , Banks , Liberals , Donors , Broib , Warren , Reporter , Us- , Something , Extension

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20161006 00:00:00

hampshire which will be a town hall, same format as sunday s debate here on cnn. dana bash joins us with the details and political strategy behind this. this basically seems like an obvious dry run for sunday night. one source told me it was a scrimmage. they really want donald trump to kind of retain his muscle memory from town halls. he hasn t done as many town halls as chris christie or john mccain who basically lived in new hampshire where a town hall is part of the political tdna there. but the fact is they want him to be in an intimate settic just like on sunday night. they have chosen the place where chris christie had his first down hall when he announced for president in 2016. and chris christie is involved in trying to get donald trump ready stylistically for the idea
said, explicitly to me and others that what made him success flfl that debate. he had the practice. one texted me as it was going on last night, practice practice, it matter. i spoke to a source familiar with trump s debate strategy and i said are you going to fly some of pence s people into trump tower to help him and the answer was of course not. they could not be more different. what difference would it make? it couldn t matter. and hillary clinton is taking a liter schedule and focussing on debates. gre. she s doing what she did before the first debate. the debate team now has shifted back. i will say that trump s schedule is clear on friday. he s not going campaign and he s going to be prepping. stay with us. i want to brick in the rest of the panel.
the fact that trump is doing this, essentially run-through town hall for those who said he didn t prepare enough it will certainly i assume come as good news. i think so. look, i think inside the trump campaign there is a sense that donald trump needs the practice. and that the only way to get him to focus is to actually have this dry run or scrimmage, as dma is calling it. and i think it could really help him. however we re all going to be watching it. don t forget. so he s going to be judged on this town hall before he does the one on sunday night. and it doesn t work with donald trump to say be like mike. that is not going to work with for him. so he s going to be donald trump. how concerned are you that a town hall format might not be to his greatest strength? i think the moderator is going to be a concern on sunday night.
he s tough. bold. brash. anderson cooper is going to be there he s going to be tough on donald trump. he s going to be tough on anybody but think what people don t remember in the process is donald trump did a lot of town halls. in salem, some in london the day before the primary. won in rochester, new hampshire. in iowa. donald trump did one in virginia on monday with the veterans. this has been a consistent message. who most people are accustomed to are large scale rally wills donald trump talks for 40 minutes. and hopefully what you are going to see is donald trump at his best interacting in a small environment one on one with those people and really answering their questions and really hopefully getting a head start, if you will on what the questions are that will be asked on sunday night. hopefully the same concerns people have sunday night will be addressed tomorrow night in new hampshire. and as a trump supporter are you worried he s not taking enough time off in advance of
this debate? no i think friday is good to take that time in the mock town hall tomorrow is good. the veterans town hall. he just had that on monday. he does very well in this format. i think back to the commander ner chief town hall. where the consensus is donald trump did better. they were upset that hillary clinton, how she appeared in a town hall. he did well because of the simple fact he likes people. he s got at engaging with people. take hillary clinton. she seems to hold in contempt anyone who disagrees with her. so i think he likes people and engages with people in a real way and hillary clinton does not. is there consensus among republican there is a donald trump needs this debate? needs to do much better? yes. 100%. 110% if that is possible. amongst republican whose like donald trump, those who don t. those who are his nearest and dearest say he needs do better.
and that means saying on the message of what he wants to talk about as much as possible and don t get into a tit for tat with hillary clinton as much as he tries to go to him which is tlo question he ll try to do again. there is till zoing to be tit for tat. but whether it is on policy or. her terms or his. or her terms. how concerned are you ? the stakes are high for hillary clinton. she comes in with wind at her back but the pressure is on to keep that going. that is right. and i think expectations manage at this point. i agree with the first part of what she said. there is a format that works good for donald trump. he does engage people really well. i think hillary clinton depending on the person it can be hit or miss. so i m concerned there is a question that comes up and she comes across as guard order protected and that is normally when she comes across as not
likable. i will say i ve seen several videos where she s been in the town hall and gone very very well. essential things are on her side and that is all the more reason i think the clinton campaign and clinton supporters have a lot more to worry about. i would agree. and the clinton campaign and spoupporters across the board should always be concerned. that is how you win: the lead nationally in every battleground state now especially in ohio, i would say to clinton supporters, don t believe them. get out and vote and mobilize and make sure donald trump never gets to the white house that is basithe only way that will happen. and anything can happen. i actually agree with corey. i think this town hall format will be good for donald trump because it can keep him boxed him. he won t have a teleprompter or notes but he ll have the kind of parameters of the moderators,
the people in front of him that i think will keep him much more managed. or at least i think that is what the campaign hopes. if the king of town halls is john kasich. he did more than a hundred in new hampshire. he emotes and hugs people. he was great anyway in that format. i actually disagree with you guys. i think that donald trump has had some difficulty at town halls. and you have done them with him. he doesn t address the the person directly. he turbid and talked to you. didn t seem to embrace the person who asked the question or ask that person more questions about their question which hillary clinton does really well. and your town hall, one of the key moments so far for hillary clinton is when she said she s not a natural politician and said that at a town hall. donald trump has not sort of oured part of his personal self.
in any of these settings. even when people were asking for it. and i think that is a difficult part for him. doesn t want to share that way. we re going continue this conversation with the panel in just a moment throughout the evening. of course the two human resouou on. on sunday starting at 4:00 eastern time. as corey mentions it ll be ducking out for a bit to actually moderate. and our cnn live coverage duets under way at 4:00 eastern time. and just ahead eric trump on whether his dad pays federal income taxes. and the line from last night s debate that became a head line and what latino voters are saying about it when we continue.
federal income tax for ulta 18 years. we did talk with dana bash and here is the answer he gave. has your father paid federal income taxes. we pay a tremendous amount of income taxes. federal income taxes. yes. and beyond taxes we also employ tens and tens of thousand os people. eric my question now is he has paid federal income taxes over the last 15 years, yes or no. of course. absolutely. my father pays a tremendous amount of tax. we vas a company pay a tremendous amount of tax. if we ever see your father s federal income taxes it will show no question about it. he pays federal income taxes. for some this puts the answers to rest. few people have dug deeper than . i spoke to him earlier this evening.
when eric trump insists his father had paid federal income tax, based on your reporting over the years are you skeptical? well i m not really sure anderson what anything is that eric trump has sceeen. i think both of the trump boys tend to get their father in hot water whenever they speak up on these issues. i think the returns in question go back, you know, two decades. and eric trump is i think his early thirties. so i m not really i doubt that his father was showing him all the tax returns when he was a toddler. that being said, i think one of the interesting things that s dwo gone on in this debate off the new york times story is that there is a lot of focus on the legality of this massi ivive
deduction he took. in fact the writeoff represent an epic business failure. it is i think representative of about 9 hundr$9 hundred million of loans he guaranteed personally in the late 1980s and all of it, all of it ended up in a giant train wreck. he bought airlines, hotels. he overleveraged his casino business. and he ended up with a ton of debt he couldn t repay because he overpaid for properties. he didn t think far enough ahead about the prospects for the various businesses he was entering and classic donald trump decision making. he s actually a very undisciplined, short-term, non strategic thinker. and that writeoff is a big numeric emblem of that tendency
he has. you know, obviously trump could put all of these questions to rest by releasing his tax returns. he says he won t release them while he s under audit even though there is nothing preventing him from doing that. and by his lawyers own admission his returns from 2002-2008 are no longer under audit. and by the way anderson the trump campaign has not given any proof to anyone they are actually under audit. they could release the letter interest the irs showing that to be the case and they haven t. secondly, even if there were an audit and they haven t made that clear that would prevent him from releasing anything. that is just not all of the audit stuff a red herg. as somebody who was sued by
trump for writing that he wasn t as rich as he claimed he was a suit that was dismissed by the way how much does something like that actually bother him? i think it bothers him immensely. for all his bluster and bullying and bragging, he s immensely insecure about some very fundamental things. and one of them is his sense of himself. and he his net worth and how rich he is, and where he figures on the pecking order is much more important to him than it is to anyone else. no one cares about his wealth as much as donald trump himself carries about it. appreciate it you being on. thanks. still plenty of questions out there. back with the panel. dana you had that conversation with eric trump. does that settle anything? or does it raise more questions? no. i think questions that were out there remain. there was only so much time and
there were a wloft unanswered questions even as he was answering the questions. one of which frankly looking back i should have been specific. personal income taxes or income taxes or maybe the obvious is he said he d seen them. did you see the check, how do you actually know he paid the income taxes? it was his knee jerk reactions as the son of somebody who s under fire to try to put it to bed by saying yes because that was the only answer seemed like he could give. but we don t know. donald trump, even him not releasing the actual return, the full returns which are obviously very large has eric trump pointed out in the past. he could just ak a knowledge one way or the other whether he did or did not pate personal income tax as result of this writeoff. he did release a statement saying i paid hundreds of
millions in taxes. federal taxes was part of that. i think this whole new york times story is emblematic of the reason he shouldn t release his taxes. they put on a headline that says donald trump could have not paid income taxes for 18 years. since when do we have speculatery head lines with no basis to make that fact other than the fact there is a loss claim on a tax form. there is no proof me didn t pay taxes. why would you release hundreds of pages that could be misconstrued by the media. he could release his information. what he paid and made and charitable contributions without releasing all pages. i think it is irrelevant at this point. the issues that are affects american people today job,
immigration, their own personal tax, burden of washington d.c. regulations. look if people want to dwell on donald trump s taxes, they are welcome to do that. that does nothing to set the agenda moving forward. and what we do know is 11% of people think hillary clinton is honest and trust worthy. and 55 points in the wrong direction if you think the country is on the right track or the wrong track. the american people don t carolina they care about jobs and safety. they are so tone deaf when it comes to these issues poll after poll, multiple majorities of mesh people. trump supporters. believe wurm number one stacks are the civic duty and people should pay them. and above 70% believe he should release his taxes. and put legality aside. it is unseamly when you have a multi billionaire who touts his
business ak meyou men and how rh he is every 18 seconds and then there was a news article today how about back 1978 and 79 he did a lot of losses so not just he didn t pay taxes but his business acumen is. if you want to buy the argument he had a good accountant and he didn t have to pay taxes. a question is where are his investments? what potential conflicts of interest are there with foreign governments? particularly since he s said i m going the hand over my business to my kids. and they will still be running that business. these are the things that would be outlined in a tax return. not just the bottom line and not the charitable and all
these are serious foreign policy issues. i think the public deserves answers. on that point certainly. but there is at point and that is, this is the same person who s called for transparency from potential opponents from this opponent. he s asked for wall street transcripts. he s asked president obama whechbs just thinking about a run for a birth certificate. so why would not not meet the very staple standard. one of the famous lines is he s not even meeting the nixon standard. donald trump said in the first debate he ll release his full tax returns as soon as hillary clinton releases 33,000 e-mails. very clear. and more over he did call for hillary clinton to release her transcripts from those wall street speeches and she refused to do that as well. where she s made 10s of memos from executives. if you want to see donald
trump d holdings. go to elections and commissions and poult the piece of paper with the properties he owns and the there is a lot of totally different. not in those documents that would be in the tax returns. yes. no question about it. the federal the financial disclosure has some information. but not nearly as much as you would learn by what he pays or doesn t pay in taxes with with regard to hisregard to his company. if hillary clinton, if none of her tax information was out there, wouldn t the trump campaign or any opponent be raising lots of red flags about that. i think congress has put in place laws that suggest what we complaint expect of someone running for the highest office in the land. you fill out financial disclosure furm. donald trump did that. we have a law that required her
to keep the e-mails that she disobeyed. one candidate has violated transparency laws. and thaz hillary clinton. nub of that has been proven. it has been no no [inaudible]. by a continue to say there is no law that donald trump has got to release his taxes. but the fact of the matter is that again for 40 years this has been the standard. and the american people expect that. for all the reasons that we just talked about. the most important one i do believe is what gloria mentioned. when you have someone who we know has a very strong bromance with vladimir putin and you have somebody that we already know has connections with chinese banks who owe, who actually own the debt that he holds. and he is asking us to give him the position of commander in
chief when he would have the ability to pass laws and to be favorable [indiscernible]. [inaudible]. i know you ignore the fbi director when it is not convenient sure. [inaudible] we got take a break. more with our panel ahead. mike pence has been getting good reviews for his debate performance. also controversy about his comment about the mexican thing. and the deadly hurricane barrelling towards the u.s. tonight, where it s head and how bad the damage could be picking up for kyle.
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are rapist or criminalsful or john mccain is not a hero he s showing you who he is. senator. you whip t out that mix can thing again. can you defend it? aliens who have come into this country illegally and perpetrated violence and taking american lives. he also said and many of them are good people. you keep leaving that out of your quote. that mexican thing sparked a lot of discussion. joining me your reaction to what the governor said last night about whipping out that mexican thing again? well what can i tell you? i giggled a lit bit because i thought it was a weird phrase. for a while i thought maybe anthony weiner had gone crazy celebrating national taco day
which was yesterday. but when he was part of the republican conference he was a very compassionate man who supported and spoke up in immigration reform. so i give him the benefit of the doubt. but most of america doesn t know mike pence. and only knows him as donald trump s running mate. and whirn the running mate of a man who s spoken about mexicans and said some are rapists and said this things about mexicans for 16, 17 months now. somebody who s attacked a judge for being of mexican heritage. an indiana born judge. from the state that mike pence represents you don t get the benefit of the doubt from most americans and we ve seen it turned into a hashtag, a rallying call for a lot of latinos. do you think it is actually going to hurt him in the latino community? look at the latest national polling on the latino hispanic vote. donald trump winning 17% of likely hispanic voters.
and secretary clint 65%. that was before the debates. do you think this hurts? i ll be the first to concede we re not doing great among vote oefrs color and by the way the republican party hasn t finish me wlex cycles so this is hardly now donald trump. it has done better in years past. what matters to me as an hispanic is he went down to mexico and i thought acted very presidential when he met with president nieto down there and he said that the mexican american community is a treasure to the united states. e we need and we love legal immigration. and no one by the way is mored a versusly affected by legal immigration than legal immigrants. they are the ones most cheated when we say it is okay illegals
to hop the line and get in front of them to. we are going to get control of our border. we love immigration. he s the son of an immigrant. married to an immigrant. we know what immigration does to the united states in terms of culture, vitality. but we ve been right as a people to do it through legal means. and there are only key states with largely hispanic populations. it is not monolithic population by any means. is it possible the way governor pence handled donald trump s statements on undocumented immigrants how he pivoted away from trump s cross-talk about conservative deportation that might help some conservatives vote for trump. there are some conservative latino voters but they are the huge minority. the very small minority. i came to this country legally too. i came by plane. i did it legally. but i also understand and i think most latinos have the
empathy to understand that but for the grace of god there go i. i came as an eight-year-old girl. but could very well have been a dream ad girl. had not my parents not had the money to hire lawyers and make me legal the way they did. i could have been one of those girls who found out when they were 19 and going into college that i was illegal. but for the grace of god i realized that wasn t the case because i was a lucky and fortunate one. but because this campaign has preyed on latinos, has preyed on immigrants. has made it a pillar of their campaign to attack hispanics and attack immigrants and make it one of the things they stand on they don t get the benefit of the doubt. and [ inaudible ]. donald trump has made it so since june 16th when he first announced and called mexicans
rapist. it wasn t me, steve. it was donald trump who went on the attack against mexicans from day one of this campaign. steve go ahead. what you are doing is you are trying to make the illegal immigrants the victims. they are breaking the law. the victims are not illegals. people who break our immigration laws, people who come here in a way not allowed by our laws. the victims are the american people. steve, anna is talking about language that your candidate, the candidate you are supporting has used when you hear some of the lack she s used, do you have any problems with it? anderson i ll be the first to say particularly early in the campaign i didn t like the tone. and i think he alienated some hispanics unnecessarily. i think we re doing our very very best to win them over now and try to convince voters of color whether hispanics or african americans that the democratic party has taken you for granted and pandered to you whether it is illegal immigration or schools or
economic opportunity and what we are saying is we have a better way forward for you. and part of it by the way for legal hispanics is that illegal immigration is a non start are for us. okay. i got to go. and there is a reason why your hispanic advisory council has shrunk every day. they are ashamed of the words donald trump has used and you should begin by not calls us voters of color and understanding that african american, muslims, hispanics we are all different people with different priorities and mike pence and tim kaine will both be on new day tomorrow morning. a closer look at the impact gary johnson and jill stein can have, my conversation with ralph nader next. smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and hand-slice avocado. there s nothing or something about it.
ii d look her right in that fat wbr id= wbr25265 /> ugly face of hers.age. she s a slob. she ate like a pig. a person who s flat chested is very hard to be a 10. does she have a good body? no. does she wbr id= wbr25565 /> have a fat [expletive]? absolutely. do you treat women with respect? i can t say that either. (f ot steps) (crickets chirping) (jet engine) (heart beat) /b>
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[indiscernible] . are you supporting any particular candidate this president no because what i would like do is comment favorably or unfavorably on what they do or say. if as the choins between hillary clinton or donald trump do you see much difference? of course. but they both flunk. the country deserves a lot better. a failed gambling czar who became a corporate welfare king that s cheated his way to a billion dollars. and the secretary clinton. more wall street, more war. a hawk that scares the generals. the libya disaster. she over raid gait whose didn t want to top teple the regime in libya because of the chaos. what will you do on election day if you don t like any candidates? there are third parties and
there are write ins. you know the argument about spoilers. you have called the whole idea of a spoiler candidate as the politically bigoted word. the two major party candidates never call each other spoilers. it is only directed to a third party candidate who is considered someone who takes votes away. if you have equal right to run for election, then we are all trying to get votes or so we re trying to spoil one another or none of us are spoilers. there are some folks watching the polls and saying that hillary clinton is having a hard time getting some millennial voters who were you i peel to back then who are also went for president obama. if gary johnson or jill stein are taking votes from hillary clinton but don t have an actual chance of getting into the white house themselves, aren t they by defense spoilers. not at all. why don t major candidates take
away votes from johnson and stein. in the 190s, he took away some of his platform. so this idea of scapegoating. whining, constantly whining in instead of the democratic party looking at themselves in the mirror. they have been fiddling in the house of representatives trying to assemble all the bad republican votes they passed in the house. they still haven t come out with it. so if donald trump won on election day and it is a close election you don t think or hillary clinton won, that the third party candidates would have had anything to do with that. not when they are at one, two, three percent. and they are both going to shrink from the present polls. they will be lucky to get 1 or 2%. in. so states they are doing double digits. there are all kind of sine que non. like in florida. 300,000 registered democrats voted for bush. the secretary of state with her
shenanigans. the butterfly ballot misidentifying thousands as exfelons, taking away their vote. the supreme court decision selecting 5-4 george w. bush. there are a lot of seen sine que nones. and i would be surprised if by pushing gore he made critical comments on corporation, oil companies and stronger on the environment that he got far more votes than whatever would have you actually think by being in the race yes. when you are at that small level percentage that we were. just a surge of getting out the vote in wisconsin because they thought that the green party was nibble away at them, you know, ensured them gets wisconsin. do you think about how the world would be different had you not run in 2000. i think the result would have been george w. bush.
there was a poll right after the election. without me in it and he won it. but look how crazy it is, anderson. we have an election where gore won by 550,000 votes national and the electoral college took it a way from him, this crazy electoral it s scapegoating at its worst. the democrat party doesn t want to look itself in the mirror and ask itself, why isn t it land sliding the worst republican party in history and defending the country? they don t want to look at those. they re dialing for the same commercial dollars. thank you very much. you re welcome. coming up, breaking news. after battering the caribbean and killing ten people, hurricane matthew heads for florida. we ll get the latest. hrimp. and try as much as you want of flavors like new parmesan peppercorn shrimp. just come in before it ends.
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the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
southeast of west palm beach. it is getting closer and closer. this is the latest advisory. winds 115 miles an hour. gusts of 150. strong category 3 storm. moving to the northwest at 12 miles an hour. it is going to restrengthen. we are thinking that it is starting to get a little better organized and it will have time to strengthen into a possible category 4 storm just off the coast of say, miami-dade, broward counties. thursday afternoon. 130-mile-per-hour winds. and then either brush the coast of florida, move inland, or stay out to sea. see where this cone is of uncertainty. so all of these different scenarios will mean huge differences in the impacts that are felt. this storm jogs a little more to the west. it could mean much more
far-reaching impacts. it does look like it is going to loop back to the north and east by the time we get into the weekend. and then a lot of uncertainty from there. some of the models are showing this actually bending back around and impacting florida for a second time. as we get into the middle part of next week. a lot of uncertainty there. one thing we are certain of, this will have huge impacts for florida and the southeast coasts in the coming days. up next, our second hour of 3 360. more on how hillary clinton and donald trump are getting ready for the town hall debate. woah!
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Debate , Town-hall , Format , Sunday-night , Strategy , Sunday , Details , Dry-run , Cnn , Dana-bash , Donald-trump , Town-halls

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20161208 05:00:00

so outer space still remains almost impossibly far away. that s very sad. but that wasn t the only option. he also offered one other next best option for humankind. he called it, quote, much more realistic than space travel. he declared that what we humans must do at this point in human history is that we must move into the sea. we should become sea dwellers. quote, between cyber space and outer space lies the possibility of settling the oceans. we may have reached the stage at which it is economically feasible or where it will soon be economically feasible. it is a realistic risk. i eagerly support this. the idea was that we should basically build new teeny, tiny personal cities, city-states, unlike shipping containers that are floating in the ocean.
impossible and the only way that human sorry, humans can ever be free again is to move into space, presumably with no girls allowed. if we can t move into space, we have to move into the oceans. weird dude, right? that is why i thought it was weird when the republican party gave that dude a prime time speaking slot on the last night of the republican national convention this summer. i remember covering the convention at the time. and everybody else involved in covering the convention is like, oh, yeah, this is where the internet billionaire guy is going to be talking, this early trump supporter from silicon valley. okay, yes, those things are true, good to know those things about him. but also he really does want us all to form new countries on shipping containers floating in the ocean because democracy and freedom can t exist as long as women vote. he s the guy with the
anti-democracy manifesto. how can the republican party be showcasing somebody who thinks we vul have to abandon this country and move into the sea in how can they be doing this? sometimes in space no one can hear you scream. it s probably true in shipping containers on the open seas as well. but there he was at the rnc, which was freaking nuts, but there he was. and today we learn that, at his request, the trump folks have put two people from his hedge fund in charge of transition efforts at the department of treasury and the department of commerce. and beyond that the big one he s apparently going for in the new administration is the fda of all things, the food and drug administration, which is in charge of keeping our food safe and making sure that vaccines and drugs and stuff are not just safe but also effective. peter thiel, this eccentric silicon valley billionaire who
is convinced that women voting killed the country and we need to abolish democracy and move into the sea. he s suggested that one of the executives from his financial firms is the guy who the trump administration should appoint to run the fda. this guy is not a doctor. no medical background unlike every other fda director for the last half a century. but he does share two grand plans, at least two that we know of. he shares two grand plans with this billionaire eccentric who apparently has donald trump s ear. and who the rnc had speak at their convention. they apparently share at least two big ideas, two big plans. the first thing that we know they re on the same page about is moving into the sea. honestly, this guy is on the board of the let us live in shipping containers on the ocean group. he s on the board of the sea studding organization that wants to give everybody their own country in the form of a floating island on the ocean.
this is from the very start of peter thiel s manifesto. he published right after obama was inaugurated in 2009. quote, i stand against the ideology of the inevitability of the death of every individual. did you know that was an ideology? that s quite an ism. some people inevitably have to die, but according to peter thiel not everybody has to die. i stand against the ideology of the inevitability of the death of every individual. that is part of that s the prologue of peter thiel s manifesto why we shouldn t have democracy anymore, how women voting killed the country and how we have to move either into space or into the sea. it s something he s been working on as a secret plan for years.
we don t know exactly how peter thiel is doing it but there have been multiple reports that he s involved in some sort of regimen he believes will prevent his death forever. which makes me want to go mwah-ha-ha, make you say hide the bats. his colleague, this person he s now having the trump transition consider as the leading candidate to run the food and drug administration. here s that guy just two years ago giving a speech on immortality and how venture capitalists and investors need to change the way they re spending money and investing and stuff in order to get us there if we can only invent good new business models that will make us live forever. i ll play you a little clip. i ll warn you he s a very, very boring speaker, but immortality really is what this whole speech is about. what he calls rejuvenation and reversing aging. so at least the right people just don t have to die anymore.
rejuvenation and reversing aging does not fit the narrow definition of singularity. there s no business model. it s scientifically achievable. i think most of us believe that. scientifically achievable. most of us believe that. when he says rejuvenation and reversing aging, to be clear, he s not talking about better skin care that makes your wrinkles disappear as if you have reverse aged. he s literally reverse aging. so like you re 71. you re never going to be 72 and that s not because you re going to die because next year you ll be 68 or maybe 38, depends on how much you take. you can stay the same age forever or you can get even younger if you want to. the lucky ones who presumably can afford it or whatever can live forever with or without the vampiric feeding on others. so ahem, what do we make of this?
you can see why peter thiel is putting this guy forward for a high ranking influential position in the new administration, right? this guy is right out of his crazy billionaire wheelhouse moving into private floating islands in the sea for freedom. also eternal hif. life. but now here s bloomberg news reporting him as the first named candidate for the position of fda administrator in the new trump administration. incidentally, he said in that same speech, the sboring speech that i just showed you that clip from, he said that maybe when it comes to pharmaceuticals in this country we shouldn t have clinical trials for drugs anymore. we should just put drugs out on the open market, just sell them, let people use them. see what happens and the free market will sort it out. if anything got attention about this guy today, that proposal got attention. and i get that, i get that that would be a very intense change at the fda.
that would be sort of undoing the whole process of the fda. even as a person who kind of cares about the fda, i am a person who cares about the drug approval process, i find it hard to care about that statement from him. i find it hard to focus on that statement about the futility of clinical trials. when he made that statement in the context of a broader overall speech of how we really all can live forever, mwah-ha-ha. this is not part of you get right with god and you can live forever. this is you get to live in san leandro for the rest of your life. you get to be 1,000 years old and look 30. they re working on it. that s apparently who trump is considering to run the food and drug administration. that happened today. the incoming administration also announced today that linda mcmahon who is a wrestling
executive, also a very wealthy republican donor, she donated $6.5 million to the trump for president effort. she was announced today as the trump administration s nominee to lead the small business administration. transition also announced that the long serving republican governor of iowa, terry branstad will be the incoming administration s new choice to be the ambassador to china. the transition announced a name to head up the epa. that s an interesting one. we ll have more on him in just a moment. but the really big position that was announced today, not just floated like this epa guy but actually announced today was the designated nominee for the department of homeland security. the largest agency in government. in fact, i think, the largest organization of any kind in the world is the u.s. department of defense. the second largest agency after that in our government is veterans affairs and the third largest agency after that is department of homeland security. after 9/11, 22 different
agencies, everything from airport security to the coast guard to the secret service to the plum island animal disease center, all these different organizations and agencies from all these different parts of the government were all cobbled together into a giant, giant new mega agency. it was the biggest reorganization of government since right after world war ii when we created the defense department. we created homeland security, it created this sort of mega domestic security remit under one cabinet official. we never had something like this before as a country. something much more like having a home secretary in britain or in lots of other countries they call somebody in this position the minister of the interior. we ve never had something this overarching in terms of domestic security. but because this kind of job is specifically a domestic job focused on things that happen at home, focused on things that happen at homeland as we ve all learned to be comfortable saying.
one thing that you see around the world in democratic countries that have this kind of position is when you have a home secretary type position or you have a minister of the interior type position in democracies all around the world, one hallmark of that type of government position is that it is not held by somebody from the military. because democracies don t use their militaries on their own soil, right? democracies don t use their militaries to control their own people. they don t use military force for domestic security. in democracies you don t want the military becoming a political weapon used at home by the nation s leader. you don t want the military becoming a separate political actor on their own terms with their own designs on domestic power, like egypt or the military took over after democracy had picked a bad leader. for all those big picture civics reasons, military leaders all over the world are kept pretty deliberately separate and apart
from this specific piece of domestic governing. when you have mennisters of the interior, secretaries of the interior, they re not military officials, they re not military officer. around the world. despite that norm and the reasons for it, the incoming administration announced for the fist time in the history of having a department of homeland security, the person they want to hd it will be a general who has been out of the service for less than a year. a general who has a 45-year career in the armed services. and that does not speak at all to general john kelly s good reputation and the high esteem people have for him inside and outside the serve,t doesn t say anything about whether he personally will be good for this job, but it s just unprecedented to have three generals and counting in cabinet level leadership jobs in our civilian government.
i mean, we ve got a general as national security adviser, a general heading up the department of defense, a general heading up department of homeland security and counting. will there be more? it is unprecedented and even a little bit of an international shock wave for a democracy like ours to put a military leader into this specific job. because putting a military leader in charge of domestic security, that s something that nondemocracies do a lot of, but other democracies don t tend to do that. this is something that we ve certainly never done before. but when the going gets weird, the going tends to get really weird. and things are getting weird and none of this is weird enough that i think we should start planning on living forever on floating shipping containers until all the democracies die and we can be free again. but the people who are counting on that and see that as the kind of solution that we ought to be thinking about for our nation and our world right now, i m not
kidding, those folks are helping make decisions right at the top right now in our country. this is not a time to stop paying attention. we ll be right back.
that s why we re hiring 10,000 members of the military community by the end of 2017. i m very proud of him. male vo: comcast. lots of focus right now in the news on what s going on with the incoming administration. tonight i m here to tell you ere s also really interesting news on the states that are digging in their heels and planning on not going along with the new direction of the country. very interesting news on that front ahead. plus music. terrible, terrible music played by me straight ahead.
get involved in your schools because if our kids go down the tubes, we go with them. the more you know. and now to our off-brand cable news version of that called you know more now. [ laughter ] thank you, nick. so sometimes there s something in the news that ends in a bit of a cliff-hanger. we don t know how it s going to turn out. but then later we find out how it turned out. we find out more about how the whole situation resolved and the cliff-hanger is essentially solved. we learn how it all worked out. when that happens, we call it you know more now. so on monday, one of the more unexpected stories in politics was that former vice presint
al gore showed up at trump tower, and he was not lost. he was there to meet with the president-elect. it was a weird thing, right? the guy whose climate change documentary won an oscar, the guy who made it his life s work to convince people about climate change and get them to fight pit. there he is meeting with the guy who says climate change is a hoax invented by and for the chinese. so an interesting thing. kind of a conundrum, if donald trump is willing to meet with somebody like al gore, what does this mean that we should expect from him on environmental policy? well, you know more now. because today we learned who donald trump plans to nominate to lead the environmental protection agency. and it turns out it s the negative photo image of al gore. it s al gore backwards. it s erog la. backwards al gore, erog la.
it s scott pruitt. here s a taste of scott pruitt on climate change. global warming has inspired one of the major policy debates of our time. that debate is far from settled. scientists continue to disagree about the degree and extent of global warming and its connection to the actions of mankind. he wrote this in 2016. in 2011 an oil and gas company called devon, says epa letter draft. that s a three-page draft letter. and it s addressed to then epa administrator lisa jackson. and it complains that the epa vastly overstated how much air pollution is coming out of drilling for natural gas in the state of oklahoma. devon energy and this draft letter, they suggested letting the epa know how wrong they are about this issue. so devon energy drafted this
letter. but they did not send the letter to the epa. they sent that letter to the oklahoma attorney gp general s office. when scott pruitt got this, he selected select a, c copy, new document, control v, paste and then send. he forwarded the entire draft letter from devon energy directly to the epa. he only changed a couple words in the entire letter. he did take care to put it on his official attorney general masthead as if he had written it. but it was, in fact, a letter written by the oil industry, directly written by devon industry. mr. pruitt has also sued the environmental protection agency several times. one of those cases is still going through the courts. so if he is confirmed as the new administrator of the epa on day one of his new job scott pruitt will inherit a lawsuit against the epa that he brought against the epa.
and if you were not really sure about what he thinks about the epa, which is trump administration is going to put him in charge of, this is a line out of his official state bio. he brags, quote, scott pruitt is a leading advocate, scott pruitt is a leading advocate against the epa s activist agenda. a leading advocate. he ll now be in charge of the epa s activist agenda. you kind of have to admire the gumption on this one. but the cliff-hanger is over. your next epa administrator, not al gore. we ll be right back.
and if you provoke it and it weighs 1700 pounds, soon you will not have to play dead because yeah. grizzlies live in the u.s. now in parts of alaska, wyoming, montana, idaho and washington state. and there s one state that no longer has grizzly bears but they so identify with what a grizzly bear is like that they ve kept their variety of ursus horribilus as their state animal. they ve been provoked and right now just starting to growl and that very interesting provocative story is next.
some people got hurt that day. but that disaster of a rally in texas, in dallas, it did give us these guys. make texas mexico again. because texas is amazing. texas is amazing and pushy and creative and adorable. the official state tourism campaign in texas tells you straight up it s like a whole other country. and that s not just a slogan. a significant number of texans think of their membership in the union as a little provisional. this past summer when asked if they would like to secede if hillary clinton won the white house, 40% said, yes, if clinton wins they d like to secede. to that point you can find entertaining pockets of that sentiment all over the country whether seceding because of clinton or to go back to mexico. in northern california tea party and libertarian types that have
been pushing to secede from the rest of california. they want to break off and be in their own state called jefferson. they want to be jeffersonians. since donald trump was elected president, not hillary clinton, but donald trump, certain pockets of liberals in california have started to talk texas style by seceding. but they don t want to secede from california. they want california to secede from the united states. they re calling it calexit, like brexit but west coast lefty style. i don t think they actually would like to take the right wing jeffersonians when they seceded, but presumably that would be up for negotiation once the articles of confederacy are filed. the jeffersonians and everybody else in that huge state they are all lumped together in what is a definitely blue state, hillary clinton won california nearly 2-1.
california in that same election also just elected the nation s second ever african-american female u.s. senator in camilla harris. they won t supermajorities in the california legislature. californians voted to legalize recreational pot after having medical marijuana for years. they voted to ban plastic bags in stores and voted for new gun safety laws on top of ones that the governor already signed this year. california has been a real laboratory of progressive social policy for a while, no matter who is in charge 2500 miles away in washington, d.c. well now that the president is going to be donald trump, california has a lot to lose. if the federal government decides to come after california for its progressive governance, california will prove to be a rich target field for an activist federal government that wants to change california to be more like the trump administration wants it to be.
on the flip side, because of its size and its economic might and the sheer dominance of its democrats, california is also particularly well situated for a fight. if california democrats want one or if the trump administration wants one. turns out from the california side, they seem that they maybe do want to fight. this is from democratic leaders in the california statehouse the morning after the trump election, quote, we will maximize the time during the presidential transition to defend our accomplishments using every tool at our disposal. we will not be dragged back into the past. we ll lead the resistance to any effort that would shred our social fabric or our constitution. california was not part or this nation when its history began butty clearly now the keeper of its future. if that s the case, what california democrats want, what would that look like?
how would they do that? how does california plan to hold a president at bay? could they take a cue, say, from texas? that s the view from the l.a. times, the leading opponent of the administration was texas. texas sued the obama administration 40 times, epa, gender rights, affirmative action. you name it. frequently texas has lost those suits but sometimes they ve won. they stopped the administration from putting policies into effect. when they couldn t top the president they at least made his job that much harder and slower and make things cost more political capital than they would have. that s what texas did during the obama era. if there s a state from the trump era, it s unarguable that california would be that state. if california is going to fight
the trump white house in court, that might will be brought by the california attorney general. and the attorney general he just had just won a u.s. senate seat. nobody would say that camilla harris would shrink from any fight, but she s off to a whole new arena. if not her, then who will defend california and their progressive policies? who will fight this fight for california but also make this stand. if it will be may in court, who will make the stand for the nation s future that california democrats say they intend to make. we have a best guess about that. joining us now is democratic congressman. he s just been nominated for the california state attorney general. he has accepted. he told reporters, if you want to take on a forward leaning state that s prepared to defend its rights and issue, then come at us. congressman becerra, thank you
for being here. rachel, what a lead-in. does it strike you wrong? do you object at all to this idea that california might have a role vis-a-vis the trump administration something akin to what texas has done to the obama administration? we ll have a role because we re california. more often than not as goes california, so goes the nation. i don t think california is looking to pick a fight. we re just ready to fight if someone tries to stop us from moving forward some progressive values that have helped so many californians. nearly 39 million people strong. we re a growing economy. sixth economic power in the world. and we re not going to stop. we re not interested in having folks try to stop us. we ll look at the constitution of the united states and our california constitution and recognize that as any other state, we will do whatever the u.s. constitution allows us to do to protect our people and advance our interests.
one of the flashpoints already is clearly going to be the issue of immigration. this week democratic leaders in your state announced a bill that would ban state and local law enforcement from helping the ferg round up undocumented immigrants. another bill would require president trump to get approval from california voters before building a wall along the mexican border with california. if things like this get passed, if they get signed by the governor, if they become california law, do you expect you ll be defending these things in court? i would hope that the federal government would recognize that states have the purview to take on the protection of their people, the advancement of their economy. so long as we re not doing something that s against the u.s. constitution, we should have the right to move forward. if we don t want to see walls built along our southern border, we ll do everything we can to
make sure that our people understand that we have a good working relationship with mexico. we have a lot of folks that go back and forth. i m the son of mexican immigrants. we recognize about 40 years ago we went through this fight that so many people in this country are going through on immigration. we ve gone well beyond that. i remember pete wilson and prop 187 in 1994. at that point we were seen as a purple state, in some eyes a red state. today we re a blue state because of prop 87. i remember talking to you about the veepstakes when hillary clinton was considering vice presidential running mates. i talked to you what it might be to be the top ranking latino in the house of representatives. can you tell me about your decision to leave the house. many thought you were on track for bigger things. possibility of you being speaker of the house in the pooch.
why did you decide to leave washington and go back home to california? rachel, i think you ll recall at that stage what i said was i would like to be able to serve my country and my state wherever i can make the biggest dins. i worked very hard for the last 25 years as a member of congress, very fortunate privilege. i hoped that hillary clinton could be our president but we move forward and when they opportunity game from governor brown and i m thrilled that he d give me the confidence to be the next ag in california, i believe i can make a difference nor not just my state but the country. as goes california, so goes the nation. i hope you ll keep lines of communication with us. lots of people all over the country whether or not they have a stake in california are really thinking about california s leadership in the country and i hope you ll stay in touch with us about what s going on in the state and your state plans. stay tuned. javier becerra will be taking over as california ag.
one of the things to keep an eye on in terms of the california fight, one of the other bills that the democrats in the california legislature have proposed would be banning state agencies from helping the federal government compile a reggistry of muslims in this country. that s one thing that donald trump has threatened. if you see california go with things like that, expect to see other blow states all around the country join in with california in fights that become more collective than just one state even if california does take point on this stuff. superinteresting politics right now. aye. see ya next year.
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it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. yeahashtag stuffy nose. old. hashtag no sleep. i got it. hashtag mouthbreather. yep. we ve got a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip and . pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe . and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right. if you re keeping track at home. if you re keeping track for history, i can tell you that hillary clinton has extended her lead over donald trump in the presidential election. she now leads the president-elect by nearly 2.7 million votes. that means she is beating him in the popular vote by two full percentage points.
which would be mostly just a historic curiosity at this point if the trump folks didn t keep insisting that they won in a landslide. so we re at a point in american history, we re at a he was skin and bones. usually what you see in neglected dogs. it was one of those complete, meant-to-be moments. i totally fell in love with him. (avo) through the subaru share the love event, we ve helped the aspca save nearly thirty thousand animals so far. get a new subaru, and we ll donate another two hundred and fifty dollars to help those in need. put a little love in your heart.
literally in transition, even though it s hard, i think it s important to try to stay focused on what is important, on what is truly a big deal, and not just small and novel. the next story that we re going to do tonight, our final story tonight is what i think is the biggest deal that so far is being treated as a curiosity. the thing that i think needs a lot of very serious attention, even though it s so far being dismissed. and that s next.
have you now crossed any of those names off your list? well, i think i have in my own mind. i don t want to say which ones. but i think i have in my own mind. and there are other, great, great gentlemen, the boss over at exxon. and he has built a tremendous company over a period of years with great style. let me go back to mitt romney. is he still under consideration? yes. everybody wants to talk about mitt romney and these other political figures. but the president-elect himself goes out of the way to say actually you should ask me about this guy, who really is in consideration for secretary of state. this guy who runs exxon. here he is receiving the highest award that russia gives to nonrussian citizens. he ll be our new secretary of state? he is in the running for that? i know there is a lot to keep up with the transition. but i keep sticking a pin in this for a reason. if this is real, it s astonishing. here is part of why. you know how there is this huge possible deal between at&t and
time warner right now, one of the huge mega mergers that is running into static on capitol hill because in part, it would be such a huge deal. at&t-time warn worry be an $85 billion deal. that s an almost unphatbly large number. $85 billion. but if trump goes ahead with this exxon guy, it s not $85 billion. it s $500 billion. exxon for a long time was the biggest, richest company on earth. even when apple got bigger than them, they were still the biggest oil company on earth which lasted until putin started jailing the heads of the other oil companies in russia and taking over those companies. then and only then did exxon get beat as the largest oil company on earth when it was surpassed by the russian government s oil company, which is called rozneft. then what happened is those two giant companies, the mother of all oil companies and the mother of mother of all oil companies, those two giants got together to do a joint exploration deal. the biggest oil deal in the
history of deals. it was so big, it was expected to change the historical trajectory of russia. it was the deal that got the exxon ceo russia s highest award. that deal between exxon and rusnef was said to be a $500 billion deal. and that was before they discovered a new oil field. so $500 billion deal between two of the largest companies in modern history, the two largest oil companies ever, half trillion deal. and that was before they discovered a new billion barrels of oil they weren t expecting. and then the whole thing fell apart. right after they discovered the billion barrel field, the whole thing got stopped in its tracks because of sanctions. that messed with ukraine. the obama administration punched them in the face with sanctions. and the biggest deal anybody had ever heard of, one of the biggest commercial deals in the history of deals was stopped. you know who would be in an excellent position to undo those sanctions?
well, you would expect the american secretary of state to be in a good position to do that. rex tillerson, the ceo of exxon personally holds more than $150 million in exxon shares. you want to know what happened to those shares alone if the sanctions went aware and that $500 russia deal went back on? do you know what would happen to the value of exxon to the power of exxon if that got turned on right now? it would be great for exxon. it would be great for russia. it would not be so great for the united states. those sanctions are there for a reason. but hey, who is calling the shots around here anyway? exxon ceo rex tellerson has never worked anywhere else in his adult life. he joined exxon in 1975. he has never had another job. so obviously his next job should be secretary of state. for the united states. i wonder where he would take his first trip abroad. i wonder who would be the first world lead they re he would call after he was sworn in.

Quote , Outer-space , Option , Humankind , It , Wasn-t , One , Sea , Humans , Point-in-human-history , Cyber-space , Sea-dwellers

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Thomas Roberts 20161104 18:00:00

as we see this splits. yes, let me walk you through donald trump s strategy over the next three days to do the ten state splits. we are calling that hillary clinton s blue firewall, the states of wisconsin and pennsylvania. that s one region and then you know donald trump has to be able to win the must-win florida and north carolina. if he does not win any of those states, this race is over. he has to be able to hone onto that. he wants to be able to go out to the west and see if he could pick off a state like colorado, for example, that helps him out. just to kind of show you then, you know, hillary clinton s
holds. pennsylvania is critical to that. michigan is critical to that. that s a reliably blue state and she will be here later today. and campaigning later on tonight with jay z, she s adding a stop this weekend. the polls are all tied up. she s battling for every vote and not taking any vote for granted, thomas. kristen, standby, lets go to our katy tur. this rhetoric that trump is using that clinton is likely under an investigation for a long time, america deserves a president who can go to work on day one. is this red meat where the folks already supported? well, it is. it is aimed at those republicans that are out there that are uncomfortable with donald trump and trying to get them to get up and get out and go to the
polling booth and cast their ballots for trump and instead of somebody like a third party candidate or somebody they made perhaps write in and as we saw, some folks say they re going to write in a third party candidate including john kasich who wrote in john mccain when he was? ohio. what they are trying to do is paint hillary clinton as somebody that s so questionable and somebody who has so many issues in office and including an investigation and they within the to say it will end up with a criminal indictment even though they do not know that s going to happen. so they can scare those republicans into coming home. mit romney enjoyed a lot more republican support than donald trump has at the moment over 93% or 94% or 95%. in order for donald trump to be competitive or any democrats for that matter, he s going to slit f solidify all the republican votes as they can.
there is some indications that is working. i was talking to sources in new hampshire who tells me the polls are tightening in that state. republicans are coming home to donald trump in a way where they have not seen before this past week. they re still unsure that he will be able to pull it off in new hampshire but hopeful than they were a week ago and above anything else of what this is happening, of kellyanne conway and new hampshire and pennsylvania and others across the country including marco rubio and florida. they are going to don t do this and they hope that donald trump stays on message and we see him on the campaign trail and he acknowledges this and at oftentimes he can be his own wor words. we know that toomey you katie and kristen welker, has
team trump responded about upcoming indictment for clinton? reporter: no, the trump campaign has not responded to that. they have been using that and saying that just came out and hillary clinton is going to be criminally indicted and they use this fox news reporting but they have not commented since brett bearer have backed off of it. yesterday, he said this was artful terminology. today he s apologizing that it is not just artful but inaccurate. kristen what about how is team clinton responded of a false story? reporter: no reaction to that. you remember in the wake of
comey coming forward and announcing that he s looking into newly discovered e-mails, clinton campaign turning the pressure on comey, hey, if you are going to do this, release all the information. we saw that from her top surrogate. clinton is not talking about this issue anymore. she s trying to turn the page. you will hear some of her top circuit taking this on. it is friday, the e-mail from comey came out on friday, the access hollywood came out on a friday that hurt donald trump. what will happen this friday? anybody s guess. katy, and kristen and mark and jacob, everybody thank you very much, appreciate it. i want to follow on this case of chris christie. bill baroni, chris christie will be campaigning for trump.
he released this statement that reads in part. let me be clear, once again, i had no knowledge prior to or during these lane realignments and had no roles of authorizing them and anything said to the contrary over the past six weeks in court is simply untrue. i want to bring in our legal correnspo correnspondent, ari melber. well, we have been following two cases and this is a jury to your question decided that there were something rotten there that this is what this administration did and convicted to christie s aids. that s not good. nine counts and of wired fraud. the problem with chris christie is how that looks and if he had former aids singling him out.
the good news for chris christie is that this case is finally over. he was not ever charged to be fair and clear and thus in that sense, the legal chapter appears closed. all right, i have halie touched on this at the end of last hour of the rolling stone verdict and the fact that there is three people, defendants in the defamation trial and how this has moved forward. this is a story that ran rolling stone, alleging a rather graphic gang-rape at a fraternity on campus. the administrator from the school sued and said not only your story was false but you defamed me along with others in doing it so recklessly. people often say i am going to sue, i will sue for defamation and you lied about me. very rarely those cases go to
court and when they do, rarely you will get these major guilty verdict. with this jury found just in the last hour, no, there was recklessness and there were actual malice, these people did not just do their jobs poorly, they did their job incredibly recklessly, they did not get the basic fact-checking and the basic stories that a reporter is supposed to do. we are not talking about jail, we are talking about money damages up to $7 million. that chapter would come later. this is a huge blow to rolling stone which i should mention and people probably know at home has published a great number of issues and music and cultures and rights over the years. this story is a blemish for that. did rudy giuliani knows
about last friday s, of october s surprise two days before the story broke. i mean i am talking about some pretty big surprise. yeah, i heard you said that this morning. what did you mean? you will see. you are lucky because we got to go. i am out of town. we are not going to go down. we are not going to stop fighting. we got a couple of things off our sleeves that should turn us around. why agents reportedly are against hillary clinton and what these new claims could mean for the race going forward. first, a reminder our coverage begins tomorrow eastern with a live one hour show hosted by your own joanne reid and tuesday tuned in on our msnbc election beginning at 9:00 a.m. eastern. .
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investigation into hillary clinton s private server and making that information public. those reports suggesting that fbi agents have a highly in favorable view of hillary clinton. a fresh story that s out today. spencer, it is great to have you with me. you spoke to fbi agents that s serving into the organization. take us through your reporting and what you uncover. i want to see what fbi agents thought about comey s decision putting the fbi front and center days before people going to the polls. what i found was an extraordinary climate. some people were saying that no matter of the support for trump, some were serious and kind
of there is a tremendous towards hillary clinton. did you find folks wanted to speak out on this on background and give you the kind of insights and look at what the climate was like? it was extremely difficult. people were reluctant to criticize an agency that they feel they are personally attached to. has comey put himself in an in possible position? he s extremely in a difficult position. some point presuming that she s elected president. comey is going to have to find some way of working with with her and that may under mind the relationship between the white house and the fbi. we played this earlier of rudy giuliani raising eye brows of what he said last week about
this and what he said today. you are going to hear about it the next few days. i am talking about some pretty big surprise. oh yeah, i heard you said that this morning, what did you mean? we ll see. we got a couple of things up our sleeves that should turn this around. a couple of days before this broke and you looked and you said look out, something is coming down and certainly it did. what did you know and a lot of network pointed that out. i am not part of it at all. all i heard was former fbi agents telling me that there is a revolution going on inside the fbi and now is at a boiling point. so there are people in the fbi leaking information into trump s team. that s what it sounds like. rudy giuliani , he had a history of playing politics. i am a native new yorker.
it is going to be difficult to manage and put rank and file fbi agents trying to do their job with integrity in a difficult situation. spencer, great work. national security for the guardian. today our pulse question, reports say the u.s. government is concerned hackers from russian may try to under mine the election, are you worried your vote may be compromised? coming up in the case, the fight to finish, which gives us the best idea on what could happen when those ballots are all in and experts weigh on the other side of this break. my name is barbara and i make dog chow natural. now that i work there, i value the food even more. i feed it to yoshi because there are no artificial colors,
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it really is turning into a true fight. we got both nominees in the battleground with their running mates these final few days. hillary clinton has made campaign stops to florida 25 times to donald trump 37. she made 15 stops in ohio today. trump makes his 26th visit to that very posimportant state. trump travels there for his 24th time. clinton has made 15 stops in north carolina and donald trump of 21. the trump campaign relies on their nominee s star power out there, clinton has the power of the president and elizabeth warren and formal president, bill clinton on the trail for her. how is early voting coming out.
we got our democratic strategist and peter hart. gentlemen, it is good to have you with us. we have 36 million votes are being cast. is early voting a good predictor when we get to tuesday evening for the results. well, you cannot use early voting to predict how people are voting. the most poimportant thing is lk what we are seeing in the electorelec electorate. so peter, the pulse captures something that cannot be determined by early voting data. the early voting data as steve says is exactly right. it tells you about the organization and that s going to make a difference on election day. you will learn that.
the polls will cross section of americans. as we can see the election is very close and as you pointed out, thomas. you look at the states where hillary and trump are going and essentially what it shows you is michigan is going to account for a lot and they re closing out in pennsylvania. well, it is where they are going and going and seems to continue to make these trips to the same old spots. we are seeing wild fluctuations in polls. this is a good example of the washington post polls where we saw hillary clinton leading by 12 points and leading by two of the following week. what do you say of the volatility and what s driving? this is the strangest election cycle of our history and voters just kind of reacting to it. it is interesting though and i know peter knows this more than i do. i think that s important to keep in mind that we are fighting over four or faive states.
really, it has not moved since labor day. this does come down to which one of these campaigns going to grind it out in four or five states. peter, are we going to see a total redefined and folks like yourself are going to look at this and wonder of 2016, we just got this new free press michigan polls. this was done on the first and the third, the four point margin of error, that s a tie. the fracture is within the blue wall and the blue fortress and how this can all flip and redefine for 2016. you look ahead and it is changing and donald trump made it change. he reached out the voters. he lost the expanding l electorate. the news that you bring out of
the michigan poll is the best news that hillary clinton s campaign will hear today. and it will be maybe hopeful? the day is still young and we have seen a lot of friday s surprises. our strategists and our peter hart and steven shales. thank you gentlemen. the security that its plan to protect election day. says it won t let up for a while. the cadillac xt5. what should we do? .tailored to you. wait it out. equipped with apple carplay compatibility. now during season s best, get this low mileage lease on this cadillac xt5 from around $429 per month, or purchase with 0% apr financing.
i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you re totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit they re planning unprecedented security on this year s election. cynthia mcfadden. officials in the department of the homeland security, military and the intelligence community tell nbc news the u.s. government is gearing up for an unprecedented effort to protect
the country on election day. according to multiple intelligence sources, u.s. officials are deeply concerned about and preparing f some sort of cyber chaos next week. an attack on critical infrastructure including the u.s. power grid is one of three worse case concerned. so we have cynthia mcfadden, we should point out that there is no reus thomas hock the integrity of the vote itself. joining me is our executive director and an author of defeating isis. malcolm, thank you for joining us. how probable is this? well, it is a question of who s the actor that would want to do that or paralyze the
united states. i have another book called the plot to hack america. that was oriented to russian te intelligence. they can do that and slow down the united states. the fundamental vote will not be corrupted. that s calculated on a white board there is this chaos and the noise that goes around it and gets people undone. what does the cyber community and cyber security expert is being enhanced to make sure that this is plausible. v verified russian intelligence and their version of nsa and the department of homeland security and the director of national e
intelligence, all came together. almost all states and i believe 45 was the number of states have consulted with dhs which means national security agency is assisting as well and they are making secure that the computer switch actually tabulate the vote. the plot to do all of this. what security expert has to do to stay ahead of what could happen. that s what it is all about sfooch, we got to stay ahead of those of what cause the kay yochaos. we had this noise on the campaign trail saying that the russians may have something to do with it. you have to first believe that the enemy is out there and they re going to carry out some sort of a ferry s blood. if you don t believe that the russians have done this then you cannot make the offenses against the cyber weapon systems that they employ. that s what the states are doing
now. they believe that russia and other actors can come in and interfere with the electorate. to handle it or shut off if they are attack. that s the big game. malcolm stance, thank you. i want to give you an update of the pulse. are you worried that your vote maybe compromised? even though it cannot happen but fears are real. 60% say yes and 40% say no, check out tonight, who ll take the stage in cleveland to rock the boat for hillary clinton. the man on your left, jay z, will be there. what about beyonce? say no that it is not going to be beyonce. stranger things have happened
before. one person cons to rally voters for clinton is her former boss, president obama in the final stretch before election day. i was working in the yard, my chest started hurting
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that he s almost done for his former secretary clinton this time in fayetteville, in north carolina. the clint the enthusiasm people have for president obama. here is the president in one of his two stops for clinton on thursday. if you are registered, you can vote right now. [ cheers ] there is early voting location just ten minutes away. our ron allen is in fayettevil fayetteville, the president is giving a lot of attention in north carolina. is he trying to do what can do for clinton what he could not do for himself. reporter: exactly, he lost in 2012 but he won in 2008. every vote counts. that s what the president have been saying there is numerous
stops here. he s going to be back in north carolina, durham, on monday. debra ross is up, warming up the crowd. the president should be here in a moment. some of the people here have been waiting since 5:00 a.m. this morning outside in the rain for the president to get here. that s how popular he is here. you are right, at this point, the early voting figure, the african-american turn out is lower and the enthusiasm gap is that plclip that you just played, president obama gave the address of the early voting place. that s how intense it is and where they need to be. the other issue here is intense voting rights battle, there are thousands of people waiting for a federal judge s decision. 70,000 people have been purged.
they want to vote on tuesday and they re waiting to get that right. that s the issue here. we ll see the president coming out there shortly. just a programming note for you. we ll have a one on one sit down interview with the president tonight. that ll air in with chris hayes on msnbc. blacks are indeed fired up. it is read wrong even if there is a slight difference between the early vote then and the early vote now. don t let that fool you. blacks are going to turn out on election day in north carolina.
i can absolutely convince you, i hope i can of what i know and understand about the black community. not only the black community respect hillary clinton but believe in hillary clinton but they got a second incentive and that s we cannot tolerate donald trump. he s dangerous and we know that we got to stop him, we know that this country cannot be led by him. he s demonstrated who he is. and not only is he dangerous he has burglarized this campaign in the way that he has not only limited himself to a certain constituent. mariana had a chance to speak with running mate tim kaine about what perceived to be this slow start. take a look. well, it certainly started
slow and a lot of states have done things since 2012 to make it harder to vote. we are worried about that. we are also seeing while the participation at some areas started a little slow, it is picking up. when we heard ronald talking about what s going on in north carolina with voting rights and a decision that s coming down. do you think in a larger scalp picture that the clinton s campaign have taken the black votes some what for grant it or is that a myth? that he is are remarks on the other side who s trying to convince black that they should not be so supportive. that kind of generalization does not play well with most blacks who understand the difference. democrats and republicans and certainly donald trump and hillary clinton. i would not pay any attention to that. the fact that the matter is, if blacks go to the polls, if there
are any attempts from keep them voting. they ll get the ballot that ll allow them to vote so that decisions can be made on them later. i am not worried about that at all. what i feel in my heart is that blacks are goi to vote and they re going to vote in large numbers and they re going to get out in the polls and hillary clinton is going to win this election. all right, congresswoman, i want to get you on the record with this. the leak of the fbi, it under mind the clinton s candidacy. i think the disappointment in the fbi director is profound. i think that he made a mistake that he interfered with this election and he caused us to have a little bit of a pause and a little bit of a drop off that we have not recuperated from that. the leaks that have gone out and division appears to be in the
fbi is unprecedented. nobody expected that you would have false information coming out of the fbi. rudy giuliani needs to be investigated also because he had a role in this. congresswoman, maxine waters, thanks for your time. you are so welcome. could she turn the tie in georgia? our new polls is showing the dead heat, our chris jansing is talking to the people at the polls, next. on this side of the road is virginia. and on this side it s tennessee. no matter which state in the country you live in, you could save hundreds on car insurance by switching to geico. look, i m in virginia. i m in tennessee. virginia. tennessee. and now i m in virginessee. see how much you could save on car insurance. or am i in tennaginia? hmmm. [dance music playing]
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our nbc chris jansing is in georgia speaking to the man leading the soul to the polls effort. chris, what are they say happening this sunday? reporter: well, they got ambition and some one saying at the ebony church in atlanta, that s turning out 100% of its parishioners. that s about 4,000 votes. obviously, it makes a difference to hillary clinton who s looking up to black votes here in georgia. joining me now is our pastor here, rafael, you can get 100% of your people to show up. listen, welcome to georgia and witness the georgia miracles. i am a preacher, somebody has to bring in the water. these people behind me are bringing in the water, our congregation showed up in a powerful way over the last few weeks. yes.
this is ebeneezer s votes. i asked people who already voted to stand up on sunday and most of the congregation already voted. reporter: you think 90% so far? that s right, you are shaming the 10% that have been voting. i am shame lessly shaming people in the voting. it is that important. reporter: it is a one point race. what is it going to take in our mind for hillary clinton to pull it out which is what you want. we are in the margins of error. i think we can win, georgia is a blue state. we need people to believe and act on it. the signs so far are great. in 2012, we saw 1.6 million early voters. right now we are already at 2.1 million. we have not seen the full tally for today so i think the signs are good. we are seeing outstanding voter s registration and mobilization and education and
that s the recipe to turn georgia blue and that has broaden implications for our polls. reporter: they could make record here that would be extraordinary given the fact that in most of the country the clinton campaign said look, we do not expect to hit 2008 or 2012 record, we like to keep it close here. it maybe a different story whether enough to turn the state, we ll see. chris, thanks so much. looks to be a beautiful day in decatur, georgia. one last look at our pulse question. we have been asking you of concerned hackers from russia may try to under mine our election. are you worried that your vote is compromise. check out the it is time for your business of entrepreneurs of the week.
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Donald-trump , Hillary-clinton , Strategy , Yes , State-splits , Splits , Three , Ten , States , Pennsylvania , Firewall , Region