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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240612

more want to hear about her as a teacher send pictures as well. joe thought it was june 10th so he threw a party i thought biden was raised in a black church not without rhythm he was dougie fresh wasn t so great either you can were pink tie but can t drink with a straw while. that s all for tonight dvr the show hannity is next always remember them waters and this is my world. sean: welcome to hannity tonight complete hysteria on the west wacko conspiracy theorist rachel maddow claiming she might be put in the camp of donald trump is elected aoc saying trump would throw her in jail the left losing their collective minds but we are ready knew that maybe they never noticed it s only trump people they get charged harassed and put in jail and so on far left, merrick garland called trump s criticism of his weapon eyes department of justice dangerous for people s safety we will address this later in the show and the president to your great country the united states of america is fear mongering about the second amendment calling for new gun restrictions on the day his very own sun is convicted of 3 felony gun charges tonight don t get distracted pay close attention to what i m about to say if you are listening to the media mob and pundits and democratic tax they have no clue about what really happened in the hunter biting case at all. it is deep and profound what has happened the major story they are not talking about or telling you about from the trial is not the conviction on gun crimes it s important because that s a low hanging fruit the evidence was overwhelming uncontroverted and unlike donald trump he had a fair venue and trial judge with real charges not ones that were made up and you didn t even know about the critical development from this trial is a single piece of evidence entered into the official record by your u.s. government and that is hunter bidens laptop not only did the u.s. federal government confirm his laptop is a real they confirmed its contents are real and the contents have not been tampered with by anybody in other words you were lied to on a very high level just before an election by numerous people and entire institutions lied to by hunter biden himself by his father your president joe biden lied to by nbc, cnn msnbc premuch everybody in the media mob the list too long to mention you were lied to by the former intel experts the ones that signed off on a letter insinuating that the laptop was most likely at all the earmarks of russian disinformation meanwhile not a single 1 did anything to investigate the claim examine the contents of the laptop you were lied to by klapper and brennan and by your own government. what do they have in common they all want to joe biden win by any means necessary and it s worse than that according to a report the department of justice new that the laptop was real since before the 2020 election instead of doing the right honorable honest thing telling the american people the truth the federal government was out there debunking laptop story big tech executives in the months leading up to the 2020 election fbi was having weekly meetings warning big tech companies they could be victims of a foreign disinformation campaign about the election and that misinformation might be about joe biden and hunter biden it gets worse they knew his attorney had a copy of the very real laptop they knew the odds were very high it would happen before the election and knew it would likely destroy any chance joe biden had to win the election and they had to act after then your post broke the story on facebook and twitter asked the fbi specifically this is what they were warning about was the laptop misinformation they refused to confirm the truth leaving those companies free to censor very real laptop stories and that is what they did. you couldn t even send a private message with a link to the new york post. big tech, the media mob happily gobbled up there fbi doj pro biden contribution misinformation by the way if it was an alvin braggs district they probably wouldn t be charged in the used as a basis to censor the most important information in the final weeks before the 2020 presidential election all because they wanted their guy to win it s beyond egregious intellection interference and frankly if it s not criminal, it should be criminal tonight none of the is liars having an ounce of remorse none of any regret for them it was a means to an end wanting trump out joe biden protected by scandal little cost and you better believe the content so that laptop were and are today damning for joe biden as well as hunter biden with the salacious photos of drug use in prostitution the real scandal is around the biden brand for look at the laptop and other information by the house we means committee the judiciary committee house oversight committee look at texts and e-mails and other files. as their raking in cash from top geopolitical foes and dictators and despots around the world because of keen intellect instead the laptop appears to show it was likely selling access to the biden brand and the big guy was apparently eager to participate in spite of publicly claims and otherwise indicates his own father numerous times in the very real laptop. these people also debunked of the joel ayayi never once not 1 time ever spoke to his son or brother or anybody for that matter about foreign business dealings according to testimony from the house oversight committee he participated in meetings with his foreign partners by phone dying with others at a café and that s not all 2017 you might recall the west it whatsapp message published where hunter wrote to a chinese business associate with their energy and oil conglomerate i am sitting here with my father and i d like to understand why the commitment wasn t fulfilled. i will make certain between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows in my ability to hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction i am sitting here waiting for the call with my father. 2 days later magically according to committee $5 million way to a bank account associated with hunter biden and other texts and e-mails he allegedly talked about forking over half of his income to pops another e-mail talks about the big guy 10% for him allocating it as a cut in on 1 of his deals the hunter now convicted liars says he never intended to cut his father in on the deal according to a text uncovered by the new york post hunter paid for his dad s bills for more than a decade reportedly claiming his father was using it most lines of credit on his wells fargo account based on the contents of his real laptop it appears biden was participating in his son s business deals while also benefiting financially remember the testimony from his mane to business partner said joe biden participated in up to around 20 phone calls 40 never talk to business with hunter or his brother or anybody think about this donald trump was convicted on 34 felony charges of up charged misdemeanors passed the statute of limitations for mislabelling illegal for documents as illegal for expense trump ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars based on a far left new york judge unilaterally deciding in spite of evidence to the contrary that his estates only worth $4 million $20 million or 1 20th vacant lots go for $150 million and that s just dirt and yet nobody is above the law cult on the left they don t seem to care that joe biden now the president of our country was possibly selling access to the highest levels of the government and calyx in russia this is the reference they had for 4 years as according to neeson investigation he received $1.3 million from the wife of the former mayor of moscow former first lady of moscow if reports are true and evidence is accurate money went from russia to hunter to joe 1 way or another as devon archer saying they invested more than a real estate venture based on coverage fake news cnn the new york times washington post cbs they had no problem peddling the phony russian misinformation do dirty dossier they paid for to secure trump not 1 but 4 pfizer warrants where is their coverage of the events of the real laptop and the findings from the senate and house committees is joe biden about the law is hunter s current condition over a red herring 1 of his associates told him the gun trail was a distraction from the main event with their influence peddling he continued that i am convinced the entire justice system is an institution of people within agendas not in institutional flaws keep in mind the department of justice prosecutor tasked with investigating them let the statute of limitations ran out on the most serious allegations which could ve connected his business to the big guy himself sadly the department of justice isn t looking out for you. their primary concern revolves around protecting week democrats from scrutiny helping to elect joe biden while waging law fear against donald trump and needless to say massive reform and accountability as needed in washington and in the swamp by the weight starting in september early voting begins in 146 days election day only you can fix it reaction is jonathan turley we ve gone over the case evidence was overwhelming and incontrovertible about the real big story to me which is now we know they ve known from the beginning the laptop was real all these people why glide the intel agents the direction of antony blinken they all lied. joe biden light hunter biden lied and alvin bragg recall an ftc violation i think. has us what they gave the laptop at the trial date had it established by the fbi agent is real authentic and so the media said the evidence was now used they forget all the other files on the laptop the laptop is authentic at the files are real then you have these detailed accounts of a multimillion dollar influence peddling operation run by the biden family also being authentic but the media doesn t want to go there and that s part of the problem of what the house committees have faced when i testified in the biden impeachment hearing i said there was evidence to do up impeachment inquiry i didn t prejudge the evidence but at every stage democrats have opposed inquiries into the president s role or knowledge and allotted these files in the laptop that s not likely to change even after this trial. sean: merrick garland to scorching donald trump and his allies for attacks on the justice department sing it s dangerous for people safety. first of all we need to protect every government official let me be clear of said on numerous occasions on this show but criticism and freedom of speech are different in the idea that his department of justice and his fbi knew about the laptop being real and they investigated it for 4 years i ve a message for him he has a lot of explaining to do just like what does he think of james and bragg running on a platform to get 1 man 1 organization and 1 family i thank you might speak out against that but he hasn t. i think a garland has a unavoidable test of principal they sent him referrals of perjury by biden and his uncle before that those referrals are compelling i don t see others a case to be made that answers were anything but falls now they were a hairtrigger to identify indict trump officials the question is whether merrick garland will scuttle any prosecution for perjury so this is the other shoe dropping. yes the laptop was authenticated these files are real but after that hunter biden reviewing those files testified in congress in congress believes and has a good basis for the belief that he committed knowing perjury these are questions he knew were coming and he gave false answers according to the committees so what will merrick garland do about it it s time not time to write another op-ed it s time to show that. sean: he will do nothing. i haven t been around yet i hope you re right and i m wrong. i don t think he will lift a finger i think this is what weaponization a justice looks like. i hope you re wrong to. i hope so too but i m not. you can give me an ffm wrong. joining us now we have great jur and alan. john solomon and editor-in-chief as well john let me start with the news you broke a lot of this news when did they know it was a real laptop is that the big take away in the story not the conviction. is reported in 2020 which is now been confirmed the fbi corroborated its laptop in entirety by 2020. 8 months before the so-called intelligence analysts called it russian disinformation when they did that i called law enforcement and they said no, we corroborated so the fbi was telling people if you are willing to make a phone call in fall 2020 that the laptop was real and it s a shame 51 men and women sign their names trying to mislead the american people days before an election they all had serious click their security clearances the could recall the fbi they chose not to instead misleading american people in the most awful way. sean: why was the fbi why were they meeting weekly with a big check in the months leading up to the 2020 election and why when twitter and facebook requested an answer as to whether or not the story was real and what they were being warned about misinformation about hunter and joe biden went they tell them the truth that john solomon reported in march of 2020 and what you called. you call it fraud exactly what he charged trump with that is making false statements in an attempt to influence an election there only 2 choices if the constitution will survive. you can say okay there s been a conviction of biden in a conviction a trump let s stop this weaponization let s call if all these cases happening all over the country. drum people are going off to jail stays being denied let s call that off either that or let s have absolutely equal treatment go after people who have committed election fraud by denying the american public the right to know the truth about everything. would that include the 51 intel people and joe biden. sean: is it comparable that joe biden if he lied to the american people in these follow foreign business deals and he is being paid by hunter and he was calling in with his business partners any light levied that money and they continue to get paid millions for a job he had no experience at a time emit admits he was addicted to drugs tell me why that shouldn t be prosecuted and how is that lost their. that sounds like equal justice applied to him it doesn t sound like i made up try like the trump case. if you take seriously the charges that alvin bragg brought against trump 1 of which is that he tried to mislead the voting public by not telling them and about to an affair which probably wouldn t have had an effect on the election you take that to its logical extreme and then you have to look and see whether anybody among the 51 people among even the president of the united states may have written something on a form that we give rise to exactly the same allegations that a fraudulent statement was made in order to commit a crime. the crime would be according to break somehow to the fraud you making people to vote for somebody they otherwise wouldn t vote for you have to have a standard. sean: going to the issue of the money as he implicates his real father half the income goes to the pops of the big guy that s on the laptop which is very real now paying for his home repairs the hunter complained bitterly about seems like jonah only lied to the american people but benefited from the lie and also took action as vice president leveraging a billion dollars to ukraine in loan guarantees and as a net result he could continue to get paid for work he had no experience in by his own admission at a time he was addicted to drugs by his own admission. your right the biden s are still getting their way with the most serious suspected crimes corrupt foreign influence peddling thanks to the protection racket run by a biden s ga doj. it s revolting to watch them take a victory lap in front of cameras this is a guy who struck the sleazy deal to let hunter biden skate only when it imploded was he forced kicking and screaming to prosecuted but he still running interference charging him with evading taxes on tens of millions and oversee it schemes but not not the enrichment schemes themselves which are bigger crimes the selling out of america. it was weiss remember let statute of limitations expired many of those crimes while they secretly scuttled the investigation to shield joe biden i tell you he s not done yet don t be surprised if him and garland conjure up another sweetheart plea deal on the eve of the trial to avoid embarrassing evidence of joe s corruption coming to light right before the upcoming election it will happen. i agreed that. sean: they knew about the laptop 4 years they haven t lifted a finger. they knew july to the country they knew he benefited financially didn t think. yep and in 2016 they got 3.3 million documents from business partners. on monday you will see a whole bunch of the documents public the fbi had them in 2016. unbelievable thank you all and i appreciate it that s my big take away when we come back talking about bad timing he spoke to a gun safety group hours after his conviction we have reactions straight ahead. sean: talking about bad timing after the guilty verdict the white house canceled the daily press briefing adding there to be with family. not before joe had to give a speech to a gun-control group has read after they were convicted for gun crimes he said that he spent much of a speech going after law-abiding gun owners and donald trump in fact the only hunter joe mentioned was when he met campaigning in delaware decades ago may be an uncle bo s the moment the cannibal guy take a look as we aren t stopping there. it is time once again to do what i did when i was assigned to and senator he said what you mean i need that done i said if you need 12 to 100 bullets in a magazine you are the lousy a shot i ve ever heard we told the convention recently proud i did nothing on guns when i was president and that by doing nothing he made the situation considerably worse give me a break. i mean it seriously. and by the way there talking that they need at 15 they don t need a rifle folks this is crazy what they re talking about biden and obama did nothing about gun violence in chicago in big cities here with reaction to the big news the new york post and former attorney general pam bondi. the laptop from hell as you guys were right as the verdict it was the right verdict evidence overwhelming bigger story is introducing that laptop into evidence and all the other contents in that laptop are now meaningful as it relates to the law joe and hunter biden do you agree? absolutely in the fact joe biden, the biden campaign the cia the fbi those 51 former intelligence officials went to such lengths to lie about the back laptop as we wrote about the laptop and the contents of it it shows they were absolutely terrified of about the contents of the laptop as they knew it would be so damaging to joe biden that would wreck the campaign has it they managed to suppress the story and as you said earlier as that s why none of those they all refuse to admit they lied and they knew it wasn t russian information disinformation they had the laptop since december to 19 well-known within the intelligence community has that information was real if they admit they knew it wasn t disinformation it was a part of an election interference and acute to ensure the president donald trump didn t learn this when a second term. it came down to this now that we know all of this we also know that merrick garland the doj, the fbi they have all known this for about 4 years. a lot of information, a damning information on the laptop implicating joe hunter and the brother and all these other people they haven t done a thing if this evidence. but she reaction to this that s the bigger story for me here. i m glad they got a conviction on this because they can use the gun conviction and the tax charge. the only thing left against hunter biden because the case in 2014 and 2015 have the statute of limitations they let it run about dealing with foreign agents the case that could most likely implicate joe biden and the entire biden family they let those run. but now they are faced with the tax charges let s see what happens let s see if there is not a plea deal i think there will be at this point because of the conviction everyone now knows the laptop from hell as she said his real and everything on israel including an evidence that could be great for prosecutors. sean: what about garland as what about leveraging a billion dollars so his son continues to get paid what about the money they are getting from an oligarch and what about the millions of dollars the families raking and they have no experience in energy as i was he making the money well addicted to drugs? remember president trump had that single question as they impeach it over it of course right all along as it was the talk about weaponization at the fbi and cia and it all starts at the top with merrick garland having to respond to this being held accountable being way too important for the american people and the justice system is at stake. sean: maybe now yearbook a laptop from hell can be a bestseller and people look a little more deeply as they have confirmed way back when. thank you straight ahead merrick garland attacking republicans for daring to question the law fair against trump warned that straight ahead raising twins and as a single mother, presented, quite a few challenges. the financial aspects of oh my gosh, how am i going to provide for my family? i m going to have to get two jobs. thomas kennedy, he was a major in the u.s. army. tom loved hockey. he went to west point, to play hockey. and ended up falling in love with the army. he was a father. he was, a great husband, he would give you a shirt off of his back for you. in 2012, tom was deployed to afghanistan. he was on his way to a provincial governor s meeting, tom was killed by a suicide bomber. when the bomb went off, tom was in a group of four that were, killed in the incident. the morning i found out. our world has just been upended. you know, with not having tom around to be here in our everyday life, my sister moved in with us, and she helped me with the day to day life of raising, two year old twins. in 2018 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. kind of threw a wrench in to what we had established as our, our daily life and our new normal. my mother-in-law had told me about tunnel to towers. and when i found out that i was selected to have my mortgage paid off, you know, it seemed like i had won the lottery. today, we welcome the kennedy family into their mortgage free home. the timing was just incredible. with everything that i m going through with my treatments for metastatic breast cancer. having our biggest bill being taken care of by tunnel to towers, i m able to on my children and my health. people should give to tunnel to towers, because it really helps family members of fallen service members know, first responders who they wake up one day and it s a normal day and then their world can just be turned upside down. to know that there is an organization that can step in irreplaceable. please contribute $11 a month. to help families like mine please visit t2t dot org. my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. .look at her and i said, the pain is gone. and she said, i m glad it helped. i said, no, you don t understand. it s gone. you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now and get 35% off your first order. sean: last wasted no time spinning in the verdict with some saying the justice system is rigged against conservatives. they called out republicans for daring to question are blatantly weapon eyes department of justice going so far to say they are dangerous for people safety let us be clear as we are consistently on the program as freedom of speech exists. as they are not immune from having to answer questions do they think it was appropriate for the trump hating new york attorney general and running on this platform take a look. with the fundamental rights at stake. i leave the president of the united states can be indicted for criminal offences. you know my name for personally. we need to focus on donald trump and his abuses and follow the money we need to find ways laundered money find it whether he s engaged in conspiracy. it s important they understand the days of donald trump are coming to an end. i look forward to coming into the office of attorney general every day defending rights and then going home and apply for neglect or 1 man and 1 family or is merrick garland who thinks it was appropriate for alvin braggs to run on this campaign promise. people are wondering whoever has this job are they going to convict donald trump that he is the number 1 issue. the times calls bragg at talented prosecutors suit of the trump foundation could be invaluable experience for the investigation he will take over. the chief deputy attorney general i saw some of the office biggest cases from exposing illegal behavior from the trump foundation. we know there s an investigation i have investigated him and his children and held them accountable for misconduct with the trump foundation also suiting that more than 100 times we know the da investigating trump when i was in the ag office i sued him over 100 times for misconduct and brought a case against the trump foundation. sean: 1 more question according to whistleblower testimony fbi didn t know since late 2019 the laptop was real so why hasn t merrick garland weapon eyes politicize department of justice investigated the contents of the real laptop why was the fbi meeting with big tech companies warning them they would be targeted for misinformation campaigns and they might be about joe and hunter biden after the new york times story broke that was real why didn t the fbi confirm what they knew to be true that it was real as we have rnc cochair laura trump. they knew it was real garland knew it was real now that we all know it was real we know that joel lida at the highest level and he was involved in all these foreign business deals in the millions of dollars they raked in including taking direct action by withholding money so a prosecutor investigating the company s sun was in business with paying him millions with no experience continuing to pay them millions. all of this is true and garland hasn t lifted a finger with you or eric or what they would go after they go after all of you. when in doubt which is no model that they ve always had its credible as it complained as with a bias justice system. should be concerning because he s the attorney general of the united states we can t live in a country if we do not trust our foundational institutions like this as everybody knows what the trial of hunter biden was about it s about smoke and mirrors or red herring a distraction and as we need to know as american citizens as president of the united states is making decisions for the country as they made decisions based on what s best for the american people and not what s best for the bank account for the family as they should really question what s going on as of the whole thing is well for me to watch when they go back into a 6 seen as with real estate and golf courses around the world in international business originally what did we do when they won they wouldn t do any new international business deals the opposite happened when joe biden became vice president to the united states that s when the biden family got into international business we went so far as to pay back the u.s. treasury every penny that we got from any foreign dignitary that spent money at a trump property we got no credit for that we didn t want the faintest hint of impropriety and look at the way they ve gone after donald trump for anything they could find. they have a treasure trove with this laptop the american people are demanding transparency again it s about national security we deserve to know and i want to tell people out there how you can actually make a difference, how you can rectify this it comes november 5th of this year coming the first day of early voting in your state get out and vote in this election our country depends on it the future of america depends on it we can t allow those things to stand we need to get to the bottom of this we need to save the country but you have to get out and vote. sean: early voting starts in september. in september in some states i hope people keep that in mind get over your reluctance and resistance to voting early i know you re working hard on legal ballot harvesting to surpass democratic efforts but if you want to change it garland isn t going to change these weapon eyes that the department of justice and it will remain that way probably getting worse if it was reelected. thank you. will become back of the biden campaign flailing the left is resorting to scare tactics weight till you hear what aoc and rachel maddow had to say with their tinfoil hats. straight ahead men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there s a great “before and after”. then, there s the after the after that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that s why more men choose just for men®. weathertech products are designed and manufactured in america using only american raw materials. most competitors make things seven thousand miles away. and then wonder why they don t fit. with weathertech in your vehicle you may hear angels singing as you 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[sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. sean: with the biden campaign floundering there resorting to fear tactics over a possible trump second term during an interview with fake cnn with rachel maddow the conspiracy theorist made the claim that donald trump could try to put her in other left-wing media personalities into massive camps. aoc says she s worried trump would throw her in jail take a look. if donald trump wins we are looking at potential dissolution of democracy in the united states of america it sounds nuts but i wouldn t be surprised if the guy for me in jail. he s out of his mind. he did his whole first campaign around lock her up that was his motto. sean: pretty ironic coming from the left and those are the people who have no problem using law fair against trump and conservatives or republicans the same people had no problem keeping trump off the ballot joining us now kristi noem. honey and think he even knows who rachel maddow is how they lost their mind out of fear of the biden campaign is floundering these ladies are insane the things they are saying and it proves once again the left would use fear to control people they ll use it to promote their agenda been clear that is only revenge she will get november 5th is america s success all he wants is america to be great again and successful people to have more money in their pockets and families to be able to afford groceries and fill their cars with gas he s been clear he wants america to be all that it s ever been on its greatest days. for him to say that stuff is so completely responsible that i hope every american gets a chance to hear them say that when they know for a fact is not true and they are saying it just to scare them and they are saying it to control them as many as 8 people who might have isis ties captured at the border tens of thousands from russia iran syria afghanistan yemen kazakhstan on the economy, 2 thirds of the middle class say they are struggling financially gasping for air adding to the within 25% of americans admitting to skipping meals because of a skyrocketing grocery cost they are paying those are the things americans are caring about democrats lie and tell us everything is fine at the end of the day will that be what america votes on. that s what every american that i ve talked to in the last 6-7 months the only thing on their mind at the top of their mind how is my family being impacted by the biden administration they feel it every day just got back from a sconce and spent days there talking to folks independence in women talking to different groups we ll be in michigan as well these are states where people are making at their mind for donald trump because they know he makes our life better and they have personal responsibility for their families doesn t want to take more money out of their pockets he wants him to be more successful the economy and inflation are still big issues in the country and the biden administration attacking donald trump because that s the only thing the left has they have fears and attacks taxable weapon eyes to judicial system. 1 of the reasons the red wave didn t happen in 2022 is abortion rate. will americans biggest democrats will demagogue that will be successful? they will try to use that in every single stage and use it against donald trump and against his supporters what is important for us is to recognize that issue people know where they are at. as that s the way it is. people decide what their laws look like and we as leaders don t get to dictate that. no matter how may times they have lied about it they can t run on it. thank you. where hannity straight ahead there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology ( ) and goes the extra mile ( ) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we re the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it s the only way we go. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they re gonna need more space. (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life s doors open, we ll handle the house. sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left set it on dvr so you never ever miss the episode of hannity monday through friday 90 eastern let not your heart be troubled because greg gutfeld is standing by the idea to put a smile on your face next. [ cheers and applause

Joe-biden , Want , Teacher , Pictures , Party , June-10th , 10 , Hunter-biden , Dougie-fresh-wasn-t , Tie , Rhythm , Black-church

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240611

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[ ] dana: the news today is the jury and in the format gun try getting dismissed for the day a. deliberations wrapped up with no verdict. blackadder tomorrow morning at 9:00 am as they decide whether the first gets the first the joint 25 years in prison snubno the presidents and did not knowingly lie these said about his drug use from purchasing a handgun in 2018, but federalargu prosecutors arguing hunter hadr lost the power of self-control when you bought it. that the evidence back set up.wm hunter biden sent a drug dealer who had had tried to meet up with did they before, he lied on the gun form.e meanwhile the biden family is out in full force, rose joeen biden tht e president sister anh brother were among the several d family members present in courtu topp support hunter.wa president biden was not there and the democrats and media are giving him credit for that. of the president of united states has removed himself from this, explicitly, honorably, an. lots of the rule of law unfold. put yourself for a nanosecond in a position, for a parent a child coming through what hunter biden is going through, difficult,di complicated, painful. happy to see one of thehe w present was asked about this, confidence in the judicial system, not going to undermine it. dana: whatever happens the w hatrial hunter biden has made oe thing for sure. the laptop is real, after getting entered as evidence in the comeaux truck, fox newso digital reach out to all 51 intellect officials whoian dismissed the laptop is russian disinformation and eithert declined to retract or even doubled down. want to get to that at some point by let s talk about the prosecution in this case, they e moved forward, hunter has one oe the best lawyers, abbey law and the thing is i think the defensf just has a lot of bad facts ont, their side. you can hire a lot of great lawyers but have bad facts, might not go your way.eani judge jeanine: if you have, bad facts it won t go your way. but if you have a judge who moves the case along and i found it interesting, the sound you just had aired, that this guy says he led the rule of law unfold, hunter biden is, it wonderful. it s not the biden s, if anything the biden s are the ones who wanted to bring this plea deal before a judge, was all right through it. while any crime that he commits, it was the judge that says you know what, have you ever done this before the department of justice and they say there is no precedent for it. it s really about at the judge, this case moved quickly and we re so used to judge marchant who had everything he could do to extend that trial so that donald trump s trial when on for six weeks from memorial day celebrations and meeting with the parents, i mean it meetingg with your family members during the memorial day weekend, but in this case, what you have is a case that is rocksolid. of the question is, this can be proven beyond a reasonable the doubt, weatherby nullification? will there s a jury saddled with the biden family, it looks like such a unified family, with jill with, buying, with the solo blank back and forth to be with her husband, you got in jail, wife, sisters, in james and his wife, it s likthe the biden s ae saying we are a powerful familyi we are all in the front row looking at you. which is why the prosecution s partly said, that way there is not evidence. but it s there., the question i do thequy want to convict. richard: a thing that is likely chance they will get the verdict,hard with the prosecutie leap although detailys where f hunter admits he didro crack cocaine,wher testimony from bobi biden s wife, his former girlfriend, that she was on that through the gun into the trashcan. we will have to see what happened here, those 12 jurors. it s important to remember there isn t a single american that will vote for hunter biden t-shirt, is no hunter biden bumper sticker or your designs, hunter biden is not an employee of the democratic national committee, an employee of the c white house, biden he is a sun who we know wasou troubled at onble point in timei would still be troubled today. what we saw was a family saying once we had a troubled son andc want to support him in any wayl be alsont heard from the presidenta over thet weekend that he willd not pardono his son and i do believe that is very true. we know from both the obama white house and the biden white house at this point is the did not take part of their political allies, the obama pardons, thert was nobody they knew. and nd wi think we see the samee in the biden administration. i think we will see justic served no matter what.t wa dana: on saturday yeah,.au [ laughter ] it ran on saturday but i did not waited until today, was on politico it was about hunter biden and business dealings basically, how could he not have used his dad s name, basically that s what it was saying. if you watch jesse watters primetime you know this. jesse: they charged with violations, conveniently left those charges out. i don t know about richard s analysis, i would say but was guilty or not guilty, there wila be challenges for the biden campaign. if it allys guilty, partiallyde defends the line of attack that trump is a convicted felon it, partially because hunter is not e, ya running for president aboo just casually go and throw around that label against your opponent when the first son has the same label seems boneheadeda you get a nod to guilty, datai feeds into the trump i m running against the rig to system. the way the situation did in the summer of 2016 where it was thrown out, deals to hillary s party favors. ane pad let her off with a slapn her wrist and just showed thatt trump was the victim of a rigged system and would be getting intn dc into the clean house.s this proves it is an auditokin guilty, there was home cooking and both of these trials, new york, democratic jury, legal black magic invented a crime and then convicted.a and then you have a delawareth jury do the same thing? this is basically black-and-white. both juries would thenivel be actively interfering in an election. and we don t like that at all. this is the weirdest trial ever because he have a first son on trial in a state where the president hailed from, had first lady in the first family showing up with kleenex weeping in front of the jury, the cia back ane sugar brother in there throwing money around. you have the head of the and doubly a showing phase, a film o crew filming a documentary making money off of this trial. but i below gets up and he sup trying to say, this form, it s not english. the form clearly says, are you an unlawful user or addicted to r narcotics. albia saying that if you are aty user, the only meant are you using the day you filmed the form out. rbc that s not true. he saying it depends what the meaning of addicted as, theymeon have a summary testified, smoking crack every 20 minutes.. that of hunter biden shy autobiography saying, he was an attic it he hasab gone to rehab 10 times. i don t know how you canothe describe addicted in any other way. then you haven ye this message g the widow,e i m buying drugs fm mookieying and then today, i m h on crack passed out in a now abby is trying to say that he was lying on those text messages, it s a herculean effort we was he of the jury buys it. dana: greg, giving you the floor. if you alsflo want to comment on these. they had their jerseys on, are they taking them off. greg: might be a little person but i m a big picture guy and the big picture here is hunter s taking it for the team. this is his punishment, hishi amends for his misdeeds.heat the goal is to keep the heat ofp a joke at the kickbacks, the big guy. it s a small sacrifice for hunter to make to take the fall which is what you do in crime families when misdeeds are far d bigger and more lucrative so what he s doing is he s deflecting it onto him. it s now joe, it s hunter. that s the point, to keep it off of joe. but like the judge said, the cases crack rock solid teemacng but i have to say, i m startingh to really kind of like hunter. he makes me feel really goodi ha about myself. i had some wild nights in myo hu time, but i know hunter, maybe i might have petered my brother-in-law s shoes on his wedding night by didn t bank my brother s wife and got her hooked on crack. he puts everybody s shame in perspective, it s like when yout go to the gym when you re overweightn , you feel better if somebody else is there who is fatter than you are, that is why i train at sculptors jim.wh i want to get to the klopper sai thing, he said he had no regrets about a falsely labeling the laptop is rushing this information, and we know it s obvious. he has no regrets because he doesn t see it as a mistake. it s not what i thought it was fake and i m wrong good, he meant to do this. it was deliberate, he created a false narrative because he was fighting the thread called the donald trump which everybody was saying at the time saying he was worse than hitler be make any attempt to stop him is illegal and immoral, doesn t matter because history will look back at him as a hero for trying to stop hitler. jesse: talking about theated family?th dana: where is she?gal greg: she was surprisedtory like the laptop. tal dana: an amazing, we do not go over time. we were good today! you going to keep up!e pro hamas agitators chanting as they wreak havoc of president biden s a t door front door. 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-get a quote at [ ] [ bleep ].udge judge jeanine: pro hamas lunatics rating at biden s front door, thousands of anti- israel agitators chanting for jihad while wreaking havoc in front oh isthe white house this weekend. they set up smoke bombs, vandalized statues, road anti-rf somatic graffiti and pelted a park ranger during the chaos. one individual holding up a bloody facemask of joe biden. the jewish hatred playing out on the same d day as is reallyy defense forces heroically rescued four is really hostages who had been in hamas captivity since october 7th. senator tom cotton is calling onto the biden doj to investigate of the terror protests.e you have anti-american proma hamas lunatics defacins g andst desecrating the statueats of our great veterans, which is a plain a violation of law. joe biden s government allowed to happen and we will probably not se pe any arrests or prosecutions for violating that law.: judge jeanine: they nowi wi start with you, what tom cotton about is that dojag starting aain investigation against people who are pro- terror, pro hamas, one action wearing a hamas headbandba carrying around a bloodyw in facemask of joe biden. while waiting to the doj be involved in this kind of thing, death to america? dana: well, you can imagine somewhere else with a different type of people, it should have vebeen. people having some 2020 déjà vu. is only 71 at park police officers covering 890,000 persos protest, and they re not allowed to wear right gear? ano d wheat seed rated their, te police officer there, there throwing things at him, they arn assaulting him and nobody says anything, not a single person gets arrested? you basically have people waving terror flags, wearing masks, you cannot do that in the district of columbia. nobody does anything? the prosecutor, can rememberosec that guy s name, i can remember, the prosecutor much like alvin bragg, they re not prosecuting p the crimes happening at right there. there s isllin appalling a douba standard ow n basic questions of law and order. wit mentally have uaa situation whee people are very frustrated. i could not believe one charles cook said it, you went through all the different websites, newy websites, could not find any of this news. anywhere ns,. except for local nbc affiliates. no word, if some like this happens outside, one little tlthing.e it s on the news. one out this? the double standard makes my voice raised two octaves blood it s partly why think people are discussing this and it s a sign of things to come. if they can get away with this, what he think they can get away in chicago? judge jeanine: in addition saying biden should be arrestedl we got the guillotine, you know richard, these are people who are calling for a cease-fire and peace and yet they are with theg hamas headband and all the other thing is they are doing kind defacing statues. connecting to a revolutionary war, would help the u.s., help you as to feed the birds inwh 1781. when theerd y get off doing tha richard: allstate again,d, there s a clear bright line between people protesting andra throwing things at park rangers and defacing property period. it is unclear, we don t know ife the justice department isca involved becauseus it could bede investigations and we don t kno. that yet. i think that is a wonder think we have to point out. as it think while this iswe happening, on this protest is happening we also know under the ground in israel, benny gans ha, resigned from the war cabinetit which makes the situation a bit more tiny was, with benjamin netanyahu and th te reason why gantz resigned is because who s waiting on benjamin netanyahu to create a postwar plan and inh gaza andth he has not come up ws that plaitn which makes theha situation evenve more tenuous as you try to figure out how do we come to some sort of peaceful solution b. five d. think any of those protestersth know who ganz is?es richard: out argute e that is part of the problem, i want this conflict to come to an end it, or the hostages to be sent home and killing to stop in gaza. i think both of those things cas be true. a but it s less about what is happening and the united states and what is happening with the is really government and benjamin netanyahu. judge jeanine: greg, greg s before nobody cares about teemac got to the hostages gotso rescued, that s a story you came out with? judge jeanine: let me ask you the question, the captured seven hostages and eight months. 116 remaining. mea they think 41 are dead. 75 alive that we believe.ra didn t israel have the right to do what they need to to get toa those human beings back in a war that hamas started, and they are still holding out hostages with the is really hostages? richard: for my perspectives there s only one acceptable fact, once october 7th happened, it s none of your business. we can all agree that payback isbenc a badge believe me. he don t create of the terms, talked about it before, you can do all of these platitudes aboul never again, we stand with israel but if you do that in i good times, you will work less. it only matters ain t of the bad times, those outrage? were they killed 202 rescued four. have you ever come up with themr ideal number for that?ve have you y ever done to the mathematics teemacatic did youha maexpress outrage when hamasan killed over 1000 people? and everything you were told what hamas is true? t keeping hostagesru, in heavy populated areas? and still you don t care?yo u that tells you something about the protests. these are not organic. prthe a professional, they paid for and i find it interesting that nobody according to ourent president is above the law. a unless you m are in member of te left. somehow vandalism becomes s an expression of protest and speech. it s a weird, if you woke, words can be viewed as violence.on but then c violence and destruction can be defined as speech. you don t get arrested, wisey is want rage are permitted and any kind of mild protest isn t? think about go back one kid, all over the place. you couldn t find it anywhere. why did they do that? it s because they wanted sanctioned, in one is not. judge jeanine: the operation carried out makes it clear, one of the hostages, the female on the motorcycle. she said she was dressed in palestinian government so theym could removeon her from one houe to another which is so, if you haven t watched it. b but how does this rescueed operation, and showed it in any way impact the cease-fire discussions? b6 you will continue to have these ways to extract these hostagesex, but i m glad you brought over the history earlier. of the statute that was desecrated was a general low shampoo, theof french sent him here during the revolutionary war and he was commanding about 7000 french expeditionary forces. he joinsorce forces with washinn and they go again and they seize the new york town, and then he joins forces ands the force of the surrender.wall this man is a hero, first send the statue kind of get us to the roosevelts administration, in bailey in lafayette park and joe biden is there in france while this statute is being disagreed? you don t arrest a single person the. judge jeanine: and also he invaded pickle boxes or is. [ laughter ] and jesse: what does it tellhe you about a country that does not protecint the crown jewels f its cultural and military history? what doen s it say if you allow his stature to be defiled?cher you probably don t cherish this beard of the country, like joe biden is wanting this campaign on defending democracy. without lafayette, defending democracy, we would not have a country. judge jeanine: the interestingg thing about this is these ar se rebels who are simpe creating anarchy, they don t know what they re doing, they, are just haters.bu coming up, some serious buyers remorse about joe biden. 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[ cheering and applause ] jesse: richard before weul get to you i would like to apologize to everybody in nevada and they sorry about that. glitch in my brain. so perfect and so many other ways. [ laughter ] go ahead richard, was going on in there. richard: i could sell you wan in alaska. it s on a focus on james for a second, been a lot of times since i ve being talking with james cargo. he is a political operative thaf has been pretty unsuccessful inn the music history, in 2022 he picked a candidate in pennsylvania there was literall obliterated. 2020 he predicted that we would have the election by 10:00 in regard to those four days later. bur dat did me just say this. you know, when you really think about it.ha here s what we know to be true,n a quote that was about to the economy was stupid, that he dids get right.tud th other than that, you know, is political ability to protecti things is pretty awful.ay and i think when i say that i say this. c this aom come down to how peopla feel about the economy on election day when did they choose to vote or vote early. over the last couple of months we have seen record of job growth and the lowest and a plummet in history does not take away from the fact that we as a country are expanding record inflation.cords mo inflation numbers coming outthey this month, hopefully they will be take down. coming up with next month and the month after that before we have the election. that s howeopl i think people w vote ultimately. we ll have to wait to and see w that looks like. but if units are the biden campaign will have to talk about. making this economy work for the american people. jesse: heyear is not a perfe, nobody is. richard: he is awful. judge jeanine: come on! jesse: he talks for a lote bi of people because it and wanted joel waterman to be the nominee and thought he was too old for the job. judge jeanine: document van jones and the rest of them. t he ihes one of the top democratc operatives no, i think for more advanced. i won a fight with you richard. let me say what i want to say. truth is there has to be a reason that they keep propping up biden and the reason they keep robbing him up in spite of the fact that everybody is a naysayer about this fool. t the thichak of his lies, is a ft that they think joe biden, trump is going to beat him again. what they ignore is that joe biden in 2020 is a cognitive declined man it today. what they don t understand is in 2020 he had a basement campaign of what they don t understand is that the country is totally different. dif there is dissent in americaen while joe biden has been president. we have the ability to impair trump and biden and theng americans are saying i, ice to e able to buy eggs and gas and go on vacation or whatever when trump was president, and now it don t have any of those opportunities. and finally,nall if you listen o that sound on those hoteltr workers, donald trumump is as ya know whadat i m in nevada, whati want to do is i want to promote no tax on tips.d and yoyou know what the culinary union comes out with? c they comome out and they say basically, you know, they rather object to the tax-free tips and tell everybody to vote for biden and that trump is full of look, the democrats have t o nothing. you don t have p theol policy because they don t have anything. a sudden going to mountunt sinai, guarded the power to bein able to change immigration. the guy is just not a credible guy anymore. richard: gg. greg: like how the media calls eight tall tales, like joe is some village and valent storyteller entertaining the town folk of tales of fighting mysterious woodland creatures anood turnindlg cows milk into liquid gold. meanwhile trumps salesmao lin f- page is a existential threat. but joe uts tales unlike j trums are not harmless. trump, when he s talking aboutre something whether he exaggeratea or not or directionally true joe s are figment of a chaotic imagination. and adamant braiicn, it could be dismissed, like the town fool but not when it s the leader of the free world. i m reminded of how many times that the media democraticou complex woulldd often comparedta trump to a mob boss by the way he talks. you gotta ge t rid of these people. anyways, consider how biden s defenders portray joe. that he is a basketcase in public, but behind the scenes, oh, you watch, use as a tribe is attack. this is never happened into the history of the human world. is no human behavior like that. and those who they had a criminal familymac a mob boss evading arrest, or standing trial by pretending to be mentally ill in public. the chain figment mental illness for decades to avoid prison. he would chat with parking meters and urinate in public. does that not sound familiar? joe is truly sharp as a tack, may be be could listen to those takes, or maybe it s just an act richard: are you with her? dana: i wanted to make those t-shirts. i can t remember which headline it was but the talked about biden s yarns. greg: yes, yarns! dana: do member the new york times, they had a big thing where they had a big announcement that it is going to be, okay,, that trump is a liar. they put that on the front page of the paper but biden tells yawns, of course,, want to mention something about the age thing, human for last week the wall street journal said joe biden has been in private meetings as having a hard time connecting the dots. and the white house press office they just said every sort of reinforcement, and the reaction was so over-the-top, and they were so mad about this story, and you think where is the anger for people about like understanding of the border issue or inflation or immigration? where is that? that empathy? any don t see it. it s only when they think he will get nailed in the election because people think he is too old. after that story ran, i think i said, i believe i did, it was see the press hurting to this way and all of them will start writing it and people have permission now to say where they are thinking. in the atlantic back with his speech today about biden s decision to run at the age of 81. it warning if you print this article out he will have to bite toner because it s along. this is the paragraph that matters, the unwillingness or inability of democrats to stop by and remains in existentially risky cat potentially disastrous proposition. if biden loses in november, that is all anybody will remember him before. and that is how i ended. [ laughter ] jesse: telling me james cargill watching the shows as how many presidential elections as richard fowler one? [ laughter ] ahead, california getting up, taxpayer hotels with eight june, café and an art studio. [ ] let s get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. sup? -who are you? i m your inner child. get in. [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. 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( ) [ ] richard: critics in california giving way too many handouts, new taxpayer funded home lists high-rise shelter, scotland views. and getting a gym, and even a café. the whole thing caused $165 million and in san francisco that are opening to the first ever free food market where residents can leave without paying. judge jeanine? judge jeanine: you know what it sounds like where they are already doing. in san francisco whole foods they go into the and leave without paying. that s why whole foods left. by the way who thought it was a good idea to bed $165 million for houses for the homeless? were not so sure they really want houses, and if there aren t cameras in these places, i would suspect a lot of these homeless people would sublet and they can make money and get drugs and if you think that migrants are trashing hotels in new york city, think one of drug addicts will do in san francisco. richard: when are giving them a home address he? jesse: they will trash it richard. that s what it every time they do this the same thing happens. s been $25 billion on homeless populations increasing 30 percent. they spent $33 billion on 800 miles of high-speed rail in california, 15 years later richard, you know how many miles he put down? 1600 feet. there is no way the government can solve these problems, you cannot even exit gate. look at obama care, member how great that was supposed to be? 60 percent richard. 60 percent. how are the $7 billion an electric car charging stations? seven. richard. seven. you cannot expect the government to come in and solve homelessness, will never happen. richard: of the rent is too high in california, to hide across the country. i think we solve homelessness? dana: you build all sorts of houses, figure out of the permitting, clear out to the regulations on that are ridiculous. giving away free stuff we know how this ends, we know how it ends. it always ends the same away. it is not work. what works is a discipline, purpose, accountability and self-reliance. that is how you pull yourself up and start to succeed. look what is happening in california, $250,000 and woke kindergarten, than they were surprised that they leave kindergarten none of them can read or say the alphabet. we not doing a good and a job figuring out how to help people like that let alone, we don t want to raise a generation of people that are going to have to go to the free food market. that is preposterous decision for a society to make. greg: $600,000 for an apartment, 258 studio apartments, how would you feel hearing that if you were a hard-working blue-collar american in a white black, hispanic, male or female? you would feel you re being demoted. you matter less than you saw in this country, you not as valued as a citizen as of those people who do things the wrong way. of the people who get things for free without doing anything, people who take advantage of the hard-working citizens, will pay their rent, would save up for mortgages, pay your taxes. the message of the democratic party is that with the right away, you will be demoted. don t do it at the right way, we got you, whether you re a minority construction worker in a legal stream, whether you re an illegal immigrant waiting in line following the rules and get people cut in line or asylum, they are of criminals who control, horror loud breaks every time they are arrested. never in prison for mcafee moth-eaten who loses or is beaten by a man was as he is a girl. in every situation, that person is demoted. you vote democratic, they put the dam and demoted. dana: and demented. richard: coming up, out-of-control bullet jumps over the fence and into the crowd back the fastest! is up next. 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[ ] greg: and welcome back, this isn t your typical day at the radio. shocking video capturing the moment of wild bull goes rogue and leaps over the forest fence, watch. [ ] dana: wow! greg: 14 people were killed. judge jeanine: know they were not! richard: three injuries, they say music soothes the savage beast but i guess animals hate country music. dana: i think he was quite moved by the song they are, and decided to keep on going. i have not been to a lot of have been to a lot of rodeos, never seen anything like that in prison. it s remarkable everybody is okay. greg: his name is party bus and it s true! you know jesse this makes me think, when somebody is about to undertake a difficult task they would say it s on my first rodeo, they say that? what if you were in the rodeo, would you say this is not my first accounting job? jesse: i don t know but it looks like this was their first rodeo. who builds a wall that low? greg: build a wall you say? [ laughter ] dana: perley nobody builds a wall jesse. jesse: the wall is too low or this thing is like the michael jordan a bowls. greg: yes. greg: you have been to rodeo drive. what to say you about this rodeo? judge jeanine: advent a lot of rodeos as well greg, take it that. this bowl was a democrat. he identified as at gazelle. and as a party bus, that s his name? he picked up five people on the bus. get it,. greg: nicely done. richard, d. go to rodeos? richard: and no. greg: no? richard: that is why. [ laughter ] greg: always a small risk. richard: put me into those bleachers. greg: one more thing is up next. 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you re telling me you can of and you don t need a satellite dish? ohf , i used to love doingirect. my business on those things. one stick pigeon, theni d se dishes. kept the rain off our beaks. well priorities. all satellite, free direct tv. i never thought i d see the day. well, our life spans are quite short. extreme direct tv without a satellite dish. i m going to do this thing with my neck. just for a bit when critical news is. here is what we know at this hour. john roberts and sandra smith cover every development alive on america. reports that with trusted insight and analysis, there is a lot at stake. martha maccallum breaks down the big headlines live on the story weekdays on fox news channel. time now for one more thing. we did have a great celebration for peter s birthday and i want to thanksomn some amazing people that we had performing. kyle jenningennings, who is, wht singer songwriter from nashville and michigan , he waswere terrific warming up the crowd. and kirk and the band, they were great. i just want to say the brothers, rob grand and nickd, amazi grand and amazg and vanessa, that a cool name. y anna, even vanessa is her name. that s a good name. just like goin farg to go far wp that name. jesse. i like paul mora. he did a great job. he did a greatl maur job in thei speech. that s true. and don t miss my politics on on politicswingno with josh kraushaar is coasting right now. greg als wil right. tonight we got a great monday show. where did jimmy fallon, charlie arnold, kat timpf joe devito. watch it. gr this. greg hunter news. yeah. we have to leave s with some hunter i m so excited by this because this hunter is alsis tni nocturnal. check him out.s his name hunter. hunts he s eight years old. he just became a memberhe of the phoenix zoo. it s a fennec fox. his ears are 4 to 6 inchese r long and he doesn t do meth or heror cocaine orn t proc heroin, and he doesn t procure . he doesn t have to. he just feasts on insects, lizardinsects,s, fruits, plants and eggs. he usually lives in the desert, but he s juse desertt hy to be at the zoo in phoenix. does he have a laptop, though? no dana: d. well, he s got something, but it ain t a laptop. all right. jesse, did you know, dana, that it was illegal to get in your helicopter and shoot fireworks at your lamborghini? i had no idea. it is in nevad your laa. it is absolutely illegal. and now alex choi is doing donuts in the desert there as he gets pelted with fireworks intentionallyd ff is facing ten years in federal prison. what s he doing free alex choi? i mean, i don t know. i can t vouch for the guy, but it just seems like he was having a little good old, friendly old fun. this is what happens when you don t have a drug habit in you t havr rich. tonight, jesse watters, primetime. johnny went to the puerto rican day parade. he was a sneak peek. e biden says he s puerto rican. oh, renaissance. when no way he can be his best in this country. no way, jose. judge. okay, who knew a tri dana:p te eye doctor could be so adorable. check out these penguin who took time out of their busy days for their routine eye exams as penguins age cataracts and other eye conditions can affect their vision, just like humans. so it s important that these impo get checked. and i m on the ingram mangle tonight. all right. and, richard, thistonight. 100 and two-year-old, 102 year old vet world war ii vet is retiring fromfrom being a crossing guard. he s also a postal worker. his name is tom bessette. he lives in greensboro, northwate carolina, 3630, just across fromr day! and that s it for us. have a great night. welcome to jesse wattersni primetime tonight. what is deal here and comghte to think about joe biden s advantage. eep ]. whatever we do, the left says off with biden s head. son of

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Transcripts For CNN CNN News Central 20240611

deliberating a verdict could come this morning breaking this morning, a suspect arrested for stabbing for americans in china the video censored on chinese social media. new questions this morning about what happened and why health experts expressing concern that a bird flu outbreak in the united states could become a much bigger problem there are a assignor is out today. i m john berman with kate bolduan. this is cnn news central happening now alive, look at the federal court in wilmington, delaware, where everyone is waiting for work when the jury now they will be resuming deliberations in hunter biden s federal gun trial. they met for only about one our yesterday. so maybe they have hours of work ahead, but word could come any moment really, the jury is weighing three felony gun charges against the president s son. that together here gray maximum penalty of 25 years if convicted, cnn s evan perez is outside the court, and then it was a big day of closing arguments yesterday. what s expected today? okay. we have the jurors reconvening this morning. as you pointed out, they they had about an hour of deliberations before the and at the de and the judge said they would just come straight back into the jury deliberation deliberation room and reconvene this morning and go through these three charges they they have a form that tells them the standards, the different elements that they have to unanimously agree on in order to reach a verdict. and those include of course the idea that 100 knowingly violated the law when he bought a firearm in october of 2018, that he knew he was addicted to drugs when he filled out that form and according to process to curators, when he lied in, be in order to be able to get through a background check those are the elements that are at the center of this. we saw the jurors yesterday after about an hour. they seem to have started forming a bond at a couple of them, walked out arm in arm as they exited, smiling. these are jurors who have been very, very attentive. they ve been taking notes during this trial over five days over really not a lot in dispute in this case. in the end, they re going to have to reach a verdict on someone who is very well known in this community. you saw the biden family come out in force for them yesterday, 33 rows of seats it s were taken up by members of the community, including an african american church that is doing a prayer service for him every morning, kate talk to me about some of the high points they came out during closing arguments and some of the final things really that the jury heard before they started deliberating yeah. look, it was a very, very tough battle really between this that the lawyers involved here, we had abbe lowell who is 100 attorney, who used a a series of presentations to list what he says. we re holes in the case on the part of the prosecution. he said these were all reasons for reasonable doubt. he also accused prosecutors of rehearsing with witnesses and he accused prosecutors also have been to nail bit noisy. naomi biden, who is a hunter biden s daughter, who testified here, one of the last witnesses and asking her whether she did rugs, something that really caused a lot of emotion from her and from her father that day. on the part of the prosecution, they said, look, hunter biden new, he was addicted to drugs. anyone who puts a crackpipe to their mouth every 15 minutes knows he s an advocate evan perez thank, you so much, kevin, as always, johnson, would this now cnn legal analyst, jennifer rodgers, counselor, we heard from evan there that the prosecution in their closing arguments may direct reference to people in the gallery which included at some points that first lady hunter biden s why biden family members in did so some people who are watching said pretty aggressively, what s your takeaway there? yeah, i was surprised at that. actually, i m not surprised that they address that he had so many supporters there, but i would have done it differently because the risk to the prosecution is that people really sympathize with hundred for biden. there s a narrow pathway for them to find him not guilty, but i think it does require them to really have sympathy for him to get there. and so i would have done it by saying you see, he has a lot of support. we all know addiction is a terrible thing. you might find yourself sympathizing with him, but your job as jurors is to follow the law you have taken an oath that requires you to put aside your sympathy and to look at the facts here. that s what i would have done instead of kinda point, they are not evidence. ignore them. i think that s handling it the wrong way because if they aren t, we don t know for sure, but if they are sympathetic to the biden family you re sort of guilty the jurors are your sort of yelling at them about that? yeah. it s not the right take. i mean, listen in order to acquit or even to hang at least some of them have to find this whole thing about did he knowingly make the false statement? and when you look at all the evidence around his use, not in those two weeks necessarily, but around that time. that s hard to do. so i do feel like the judges have the jury had to do a little bit of nullifying here in order to find him not guilty and guilting them into the sympathy is not the way to avoid that. the judge and the jury instructions seem to make pretty clear that the prosecution version of the law is the one to follow here, which is to say, we don t have to prove that hunter biden knew he was addicted the minute the pen hit the paper right there at that moment or that he was using drugs the minute the pen hit the paper at that moment that s right. and prosecutors always emphasized to use your common sense, right? someone comes out of rehab. they described themselves for years later is an addict. he knows he s an addict. use your common sense but you should find jurors walking hand in hand, eyelid courtroom. that s a little unusual. yeah, i haven t seen that before. they often do get close. they spend a lot of time together sometimes they are at odds, sometimes they re not. it s not uncommon for them to form friendships in the arm in arm, i really haven t heard before. maybe this is a particularly close group, but listen, they need to be closer at least in agreement in order to reach a unanimous verdict. so i suppose that s a good sign for prosecutors know i know people who write lifetime movies. i mean, this could be a good plot. his strange plot for the beginning of something kinda lifetime romance there. the jury is in delaware, which is a very democratic state in wilmington, which is a very biden city that binds have been there for decades it s in decades and decades yeah. how much will that play in the jury room? well, prosecutors are trying to avoid that. this is why they re saying things like, you know, ignore the famous people in the audience and the like, and the judge has told them the same, listen, you have to put aside your preconceived notions about who he is, who the families, and just focus on the law and the facts. but we of course, don t know what they really do in their own heads. and when they re discussing among themselves in the jury room. so we ll see they ve been in there for an hour plus minutes, six minutes, probably at this point, a long deliberation typically benefits the defense. i mean, the longer it goes, the more likely that it s hong it s a simple case, not very many witnesses, if they don t have a verdict today, it s bad news for the prosecutors will stand by. it could come at any moment. jennifer rodgers, thanks so much for being with us. appreciate it. thanks happening now, you re sicker of state. antony blinken is in jordan putting new pressure on all parties to accept a ceasefire and hostage deal where the negotiation stand right now, this must stop what attorney general merrick garland says, republican lawmakers are doing. the he says, is dangerous for democracy d. and this why martha s vineyard is running out of pot altered james is cold calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies nuclear games. sunday at ten on cnn can the riva support your brain health? 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are they looking after one guy who may be for now safe, very i don t know ten storeys underground somewhere in gaza while the people that he purported it s represent continue to suffer and across fire of his own making or will he do what s necessary to actually move this to a better place? to help him, the suffering of people to help bring real security to israelis and palestinians alike that one guy that secretary blinken is referring to is hamas military leader yahya sinwar. and there is new reporting and the wall street journal about messages purportedly from sinwar to ceasefire negotiators. one message reading, we have the israelis, right where we want them joining us right now is retired lieutenant colonel jonathan cohen, rica. he was the spokesperson for the idf before and after the october 7 attack. can we say how him on many a time he s now a senior fellow with the foundation of defense of democracies. colonel, thank you so much for being here. i want to get to that reporting from the wall street journal with some additional contexts in just a second, but first on what we hear from secretary blinken meeting with netanyahu and he also not only said there was consensus, he said that netanyahu reaffirmed his commitment and support of this hostage and ceasefire deal, as it s laid out so far, do you think they are closer than ever before to an actual deal we ve seen steps forward and then how do you read this? i sadly don t. and i m not as positive towards the whole development. i would love to see our hostages home are 120 hostages home? and i would want to see israel defeat hamas and return safety to southern israel and improve the situation in gaza but i think that if you re sinwar is in his text messages, he he hits the nail on the head. sadly. and for months hamas has been manipulating global public opinion using international politics. the differences between washington and jerusalem, and they have basically been able to stay alive and stay out of jail using the hostages for about 345 months and that s something that i think is the core of hamas strategy to delay and delay as much as possible using the hostages and kind of try to derail israeli operations in gaza so that the war will end without israel defeating hamas. that s the zero-sum game. and i think that s sinwar doesn t really have a strong incentive they ve to go ahead and release hostages and basically end the war because that is his best tool to stay alive and to keep hamas empowering gaza. let me ask you about that. so the wall street journal reporting, cnn is not seeing the wall street journal message. the message is that the wall street journal s reporting cannot confirm the authenticity of them. still, i want to read some more of the reporting from the journal. we have the israelis right where we want them. we read. it was one message and these are messages to the negotiators of the sea, to the ceasefire negotiators is what and this is another one in one message two, hamas leaders in doha, sin more cited civilian losses and national liberation conflict thaksin places such as algeria, where hundreds of thousands of people died fighting for independence from france saying quote, these are necessary sacrifices here s the thing. if this is the case, if this is the zero sum game that you re talking about, if this is the strategy how does israel take on hamas take out hamas deal with sinwar without playing into his hands that s a good question, and i think that the israeli strategy has been so far to try to get to sinwar, get to the senior leadership of hamas so far not succeeding probably because he is hidden underground with lots of israeli hostages surrounding him as human shields and so far what israel said he hasn t been able to do is to advance fast enough and to get to sinwar and basically decide the battle it took israel many months of staging in order to finally get into rafah. there was tremendous outcry and there were protests that israel shouldn t and mustn t go into rafah. israel easing enough. and there s no humanitarian catastrophe and there s no mass casualty event which proves that is can and should do what it s doing. here is a humanitarian crisis throughout gaza now you ve definitely yes, but i m talking there s not a slaughter and not a catastrophe like people warned that there will you think some have thought hoped maybe conjectured that the rescue operation from the weekend could have changed the calculus. they re getting three men out, men that were not supposed to be in the first batch of any ceasefire negotiation can getting those hostages. do you think do you think that changes the calculations are discussing for hamas? do you think that could scare them to the table it s a very happy event, but eventually it only proves that i think it strengthens the case of getting hostages out via negotiations because i don t think that is what has the intelligence capacity or the otherwise military capacity to get more hostages out like this, because this was a top of the shelf special operations with weeks of preparation, intel tip of the spear israeli commando units i ve got in gaza job done, got the hostages out and i don t think that will sadly have the ability to do so over and over again. and i don t think that it changes the calculation and i think that iran hizballah or a much bigger threat, you know, we re focused on gaza and small details in gaza. the big deal and the big threat to regional stability is hizballah against this. well, and if you look at where alarms or sounding most in israel, it s in northern israel and its rockets and drones, et cetera. and sadly, when you re talking about where israel situated, all it s all big crisis. it s all big alarms that are sound from hamas in gaza to the neighbors around with funded and funded and supplied and supported by iran on in terms of the motivation and position of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, blinken says that he reaffirmed his support for today, but president biden told time magazine in a very recent interview, and here s how he put it. there is every reason for people to draw the conclusion that netanyahu is prolonging the war for his own political gain what s your reaction to them? as an israeli, as a father two children who will soon be serving in the military. i really, really hope that isn t true. and i would like to see evidence that states the otherwise from my elected leadership. i think it s very important and what we lacked now in israel is unity and trust. we are as you rightly said, surrounded by so many enemies that are challenging or very existence. and what s the israeli public now is going through. this battle fatigue, eight months of fighting, relentless alarms and sirens and 100,000 people are evacuated from their homes. in northern israel. and the war goes on. we had four casualties reported just this morning. lots of pressure on israeli society and what s desperately needed is unity is leadership. and to take, carry israel forward in what i think will be the coming years, not months, the coming years will be very challenging you don t think president biden was so off off-base to say that? i don t know, but i really hope that israeli leadership gets its act together unifies, gets all of the parties in israeli politics that are zionist israeli, and want to live here safely and respectfully get themselves together and focus on the most important thing, which isn t political sustainability, but it is winning the war, defending israeli civilians, and making sure that israelis can go back to their homes as they lived before october the seventh jonathan can rica, so general. thank you so much for your time. thank you for having me thank you at least for us college professors are wounded after what s being described as a brutal stabbing attack in china, one person has now been arrested. what we are, we are learning this morning about that suspect, plus the new the big news from apple and you partnership with chatgpt gpt creator, openai, how the company plans to integrate ai into its products. we ll be back devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in far away lands and it s easy to think. it can t happen here if one hits home, we d be ready silent birth would liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn. here s to getting better with age here s the beaten these two every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you don t. so here s two now let s get started no where s your mask? 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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president on stage are two very different visions for america s future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27, nine live on cnn and streaming on max well i knew this morning attorney general merrick garland is warning against what he calls the unfounded attacks on the department of justice that he says are putting his staff and democracy in danger. and a scathing washington post op-ed, he writes, quote, they come in the form of false claims that an apartment is politicizing its work to somehow influence the outcome of an election such claims are often made by those who are themselves attempting to politicize the department s work to influence the outcome of an election he has these attacks come in the form of threats to defund particular department investigations most recently, the special counsel s prosecution of the former president. this rare public rebuke comes as house republicans are preparing to take the next step today in charging the attorney general with contempt of congress. cnn s lauren fox is with us now from capitol hill or he doesn t mention republicans in this opposite, but it s pretty clear. are we talking about yeah, i think there is no mistake about who he is directing his frustration toward today house republicans are going to meet in the house rule host committee this afternoon to try and advance to proposals to move forward with this contempt of congress against garland. we expected the vote could come later this week. of course, speaker mike johnson can only afford to lose two republican members. that means of course that they are competent, that they have the support of their party moving ahead, but it is important to just point out what house republicans are asking for is the audio recording of span i shall counsel robert hur s interview with president joe biden. now the transcripts have been released, but this became a major topic of conversation last week when merrick garland and came before the committee, where many members brought up the fact that they want to check that transcript, that they want to hear the president in his own words. they want to see whether or not he had any pauses that was something that multiple house republicans brought up when merrick garland came before the house judiciary committee last week, we do expect back that if they can move ahead and pass this on the house floor, it would then put the power in speaker mike johnson to refer this to the attorney and washington, dc who would make a decision on whether or not to bring charges against merrick garland. we should just point out that this has been tried by several congresses in the past. nothing ever act actually came of it when it came to the attorney general, you had eric holder who was held in contempt of congress. william barr, who was held in contempt of congress but just some important contexts there as we move forward with this vote later this week, john important context to say the least, lauren fox, great to see you. thank you very much. learning new details about an attack on for americans and china. one of the victims has been identified as david zab nor p and three other instructors from iowa s cornell college were visiting a partner school when they were attacked video of the incident shows the victims on the ground after the attack. that s same video though, was quickly taken down in china right after it was posted, censored a chinese tourists was also injured in the attack and a suspect is now in custody. let s get over to mark stewart he s in the city where this attack happened. mark, what are you learning about this arrest now? right, kate? the arrest is made yesterday, but we only learn about adjust tonight. so obviously there was a gap. and the explanation from police as to what prompted the suspect the suspect simply said he somehow ran into this group of american educators and somehow this prompted this stabbings. so obviously there are a lot of gaps, a lot of holes, a lot of questions i want to show you the scene of the stabbing we were there just a few hours ago. it s about 15 you may hike from where we are right now when we arrived, any evidence of the violence had been literally washed away. there were some stains on the ground where perhaps that blood was a contrast from the images that we saw shortly after we saw these injured americans laying on the ground covered in blood. that s in addition to this, chinese tourists who stepped in to intervene to try, to try to help this park in the middle of the city is very much reminiscent of a large park you would see you in any american suburb, there are trails, there s a train that goes through it, there s a temple. we ve seen a lot of retirees. we ve seen a lot of families this appears to be a very safe place as investigators tried to fill in the gaps in all of this it also is important to look at the current environment, right now in china, for americans, there is this rise of nationalism. it s something that i ve heard in conversations with chinese folks. it s something that is on social media but yet at the same time, we are hearing these overtures for the chinese government from present fusion thing to increase these educational exchanges between universities and colleges in the united states, like that one in iowa with china. in fact, xi jinping set a goal of 50,000 american students that come study here. so this point will have to see what happened here today. the single incident of perhaps dampers that enthusiasm finally, kate, as you mentioned, a lot of these images have been scrubbed from social media. in fact, we just saw a group of people here tonight in this park, gap of it around a phone who were learning about what happened for the first time, about 24 hours after it happened, it s been away from the headlines, sensor from the headlines until very recently, case mark. thank you so much for your reporting especially given in light of that. thank you, john. right. what makes donald trump walk on eggshells or maybe who errantly is taylor swift the revealing and some say bizarre new interview. and why health officials are keeping a very close eye on the bird flu outbreak in the united states hey, mom, how many should i decorated? 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this is going to resonate with the biden campaign believes that tackling gun violence is an issue of importance to young voters, but also to voters in black and latino communities. and so part part of president biden s goal today is trying to promote was his administration has done to try to tackle gun violence, including touting the bipartisan gun safety bill that he signed into law just two years ago. biden, today s specifically will announce the justice department has charged more than 500 defendants with violating gun trafficking and illegal straw purchaser so it seemed provisions that were part of that gun safety legislation. he will be speaking to survivors of gun violence as well as volunteers and activists at everytown for gun safety is conference it s here in washington, dc. this is one of those groups that s really risen in prominence in the wake of mass shootings in this country. the president also is expected to tout the drop hop in violent crime. the fbi yesterday released some preliminary data that showed that violent crime in the first three months of the year is actually down 15%. if you take a look at the number of murders in the country those three months, that s down by 26%. president biden has praised this, saying it s good news for american families and also arguing that this isn t happening by accident, promoted voting a his own legislative and executive actions relating to this. he said, quote, my administration is putting more cops on the beat, holding violent criminals accountable, and getting illegal guns off the street. and we are doing it in partnership with communities. he added as a result, americans are safer today than when i took office. so part of what the biden can campaign, the white house are hoping the president can do today is really tried to lay out the steps that he has taken to try to address issues relating to crime and also gun violence. it tom s as he s not just looking to rally his own base on this, but you also have former president donald trump, who has sought to rally republicans around a gun initiatives. he has vowed to undo many of the efforts that biden has put into place while he is an office, while the biden campaign argues that trump would simply be beholden to the gun lobbies so both men, in their own ways really trying to use gun issues as a way to rally their basis heading into november s election. or let thank you. john so this morning, what makes donald trump nervous or who the answer might be? taylor swift? so asked about taylor swift for an upcoming book, trump says, quote, i think she s very beautiful, actually, unusually beautiful. that s according to a forthcoming book from variety coder and chief from institute with us now cnn political commentator, democratic strategist, public gala, and cnn political commentator and republican strategist. sure michael singleton and paul, there are people who look at that comment and note it s a little strange from a guy who is going to turn 78 later in the week that maybe those are the types of things that he shouldn t be observing right there. but another way of looking at it is for a guy who will say mean things about anybody. he seems to be really careful when it comes to taylor swift right? what both are true. it s an incredibly creepy, i m sorry, i know it s morning. i just threw up a little bit. my mouth. when you read those quotes today, it s just disgusting thing and mr. corruption mr. trump should pay himself hush money. you should just shut up about taylor swift and you can tell he is scared of her trump understand celebrity. he understands the power celebrity that s how he got where he is. ms swift is far more powerful as a celebrity than donald trump ever dreamed. a big and so he s clearly scared of her. and i find that wonderful and amusing, even though the comments about her appearance deeply creepy. sure. michael, i was trying to think if there was another figure who people have politicians have had to walk on eggshells around. you have to be really careful with no matter what you say or how they feel about you. and i was sick. maybe oprah when oprah went behind barak obama in 2007, 2008, everyone, hillary clinton s campaign and had to be really careful than john mccain s campaign had to be really careful. i can t really think of everyone else, anyone else that would make a politician so nervous. i mean, john, i can think of one other person and i think that would be bianna. and i have to say this because my girlfriend were kill me if i did not. one other the person that i think a lot of politicians out to be very, very careful with the lead. i think a lot of these celebrities and younger voters, attractiveness to them not only because of their music, but their lifestyles and also the way they live vicariously by the politics that they adopt is certainly a pervasive thing. if you re a politician right now, trying to win the left section, which we know will be very close and you want to galvanize young people you certainly don t want to anger them by attacking some of the individuals they look up to and i think this is the case. we re taylor swift who is an incredible songwriter. so here s someone who galvanized is not only young liberals, john, but she also galvanizes young conservatives be in a former country star who s now i want to pop music. so there s an interesting dichotomy here. but i think the former president is trying to thread the needle on. i know the biden campaign would love it to taylor swift came out in public and endorse the biden candidacy like she did in 2020. they are waiting for that to happen. i was looking at the calendar, paul, i still can t wrap my arms around the fact that there is a general election presidential debate in like two weeks and yes, it is right here on cnn. and i m not doing this to promote the debate which is, i should note right here on cnn but it just shatters everything i know about presidential campaigns in its drawings. i covered george bush in 2000 and he disappeared for days before the first debate for debate prep in it, we learn later that he d been preparing like a ton for months before should these candidates deep into debate prep for what could be the most important presidential debate any of us have ever seen oh yeah, debates do tend to freeze the campaign and our president has to go to europe for g7 meeting and if i were campaign strategies for him, i would be tearing the last three hairs out of my head. but you can use that time on air force one. so let s watch them manifest on air force one. if my old pal ron klain, president s former chief of staff is on that trip. i mean, they re doing to bake prep on the plane. no one i ve done all my adult life. no one is better at debate prep than the president s former chief of staff, ron klain. but they do need to do. and by the way, so does mr. trump and i know he doesn t like it i shouldn t say this because debates are about expectations joe biden is going to climb donald trump in that debate. incumbent presidents rarely, rarely when the first debate, because they re used to having their rings kissed, shall we say? but mr. trump has talent. he does, and he s great at these rallies but he s never won a national presidential general election debate. he had to three against hillary, two gets biden in the polling, one or two point race, he consistently loses those debates by nine to 12 points. so honest earnest, free advice to mr. trump you need to hunker down and prepare for this. mr. mr. trump and i promise you, joe biden is you just broke the major one rule of pre debate expectations, right there. you re gonna get a golf. i spoke the truth apartment. i try never to do that with you, but once in a while sure. michael, if you are the trump campaign, a. the likelihood that they follow paul s advice and donald trump goes into debate prep. if you are donald trump or if you are the trunk campaign, what kind of prep would you have him do i mean luck in 2016, he had chris christie helping them out. chris christie and entrepreneur longer friends, so i don t think you can call up chris and say, hey, come and help us but i agree with paul. presidents usually don t do well during the first debate. so this is a very unique opportunity for the former president. and i think donald trump is really effective. john, at being able to communicate very simply in a simple way rather on issues that people really care about. so if you can figure out a way to drive and hone in that skill and more focused way on actual issues. i think the former president could potentially surprise people, but you have to be disciplined in order to do so. so i was spent a couple of days, maybe a week or so practicing these things, maybe some of his best zynga s figuring out a way to be more surgical with them during that one hour debate. and let s see what happens. but this could be, and i ll say this quickly, john. i don t think trump should debate president for a second time because to pause zero point presidents don t do well during the first debate, but they usually come back and knock it out of the park during the second debate. so if i m trump, i would try to hammer this in with a victory and say, you know what, that s it. i m not interested in debating number two. paul, very quickly share michael said the issues one of the issues is crime usually is an issue every four years and these new numbers out from the fbi, violent crime, going down, murder rate dropping dramatically could be the biggest drop. on record in one year how should the buying campaign talk about this in a way that it will connect with people absolutely. and i think it all about mr. trump catering to the most extreme and joe biden, big part of the mainstream are, let s report is right. young people and people of color really support the biden gun safety genic. guess what? so do older white people in the suburbs where trump is very weak and it s a web issue. you always just talking about wedge issues. this is a web issue. it s stick stitches together the base where joe biden frankly needs a lot of help, and the suburban college-educated swing voters were biden is surprisingly strong. once a republican stronghold, biden is really strong with those suburban at college-educated voters. so it s a great issue for biden to be touting. and mr. trump by the way, who can no longer even own a gun because he s a felon. he went to the nra and he said, i will be your loyal friend and fearless champion. so that s, that s the way to posit trump is as he can own a get himself, but he is going to be owned by the nra public, alice or michel saying, great to see both you. thanks so much good to see you, jack so health experts increasingly concerned that the bird flu could turn into a much bigger problem and martha s vineyard martha s vineyard? all the vineyards off the coast of massachusetts, running out of marijuana chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta listen wherever you get your podcast check it out. six my work from anywhere cozy grab yourself a drink is this dog food in your fridge? 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or is it is it not, is it there s something else and what they think at this point is that it s doesn t necessarily appear to be more severe. it may be that they, the third person got infected in a different way. first two people may have touched the surface than touch their eyes, which is what often happens. this the third person who is a farm worker in michigan may have actually inhaled some of the virus. that s worth paying attention to what they have not seen. kate. and this is a big thing that they look out for. is there evidence then it spreads as a result of those respiratory symptoms to another human human, to human spread. and so far at this point, they have not seen that, but that s what they re looking for. in short of that, what are the other red flags that they re wanting four yeah. i think one thing is to see a look are there other mammals that are starting to get infected? there s lots of different mammals that have been infected so far. but are there other ones as well? because each time you get new mammals that are infected, especially ones that are closer and closer to humans you may, the virus may mutate into something that can more easily infect humans and they, and could potentially spread among humans. but one of the big ways to figure this out is tested sting. and kate, we talked about this a lot during the pandemic. are we doing enough testing? and the answer right now with h5n1 is that we re not, if you test a lot of people and you say, hey, there s a lot of people that are carrying the virus, but they re not getting sick that s an important message. it may mean that this is not as deadly or is making people sick as we thought testing is the key to sort of get an idea of just how widespread this is. i talked to rick bright, who s a virologist and immunologists about this specifically. and here s what he said. i really think that s a tip of the iceberg. we are not doing enough testing or the even the right kind of testing. to get a better answer to that question is really unusual that we would find just one or two cases with so much virus prevalent and so many places as such, close contact to the source, such as the infected cow or the milk supply every virologists that you ve talked to says we need to be doing more testing just like we said at the beginning of the covid pandemic. so that has to happen. and then again, looking for human to human transmission. that s where a lot of focuses it s good to see you, sanjay. thank you so much and a new episode of chasing life with sanjay gupta, the podcast available right now, jump. then there s this a dog ran for help after his owner crash to call our into a remote steep ravine and a national park in oregon. the man was traveling with his four dogs when he crashed. one of the dogs was able to get free and then walked slash, ran nearly four miles to the families camp site rescue crews, put up a pulley system to get the man who was airlifted to safety the three other dogs were found alive at the crash site. we are effort and comment kate, from them. he was waiting for that. i was like and where are we? it s really amazing how they pulled it off though in the dog. and you are giving the rescuers credit, the dog deserves all the grant dogs get credit to sorry about that, everyone. thank you so much for joining us today. this is theta do said darrell seeing a newsroom with you? the constant up next one, reading yeah, that s not good happen huge things happen happens with a3. learn more at from roger two, we there yet so many ways to save life ready, while it happy. that s 365 by whole foods market, they get it. they know how it works. and more importantly for them. i don t have any anxiety about money anymore. i don t have to work about a mortgage payment every month. it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments. if you re 62 or older and own your home, you could access your equity two approve your lifestyle, or reverse mortgage loan eliminates your monthly mortgage payments, inputs, tax-free cash in your pocket, call 808, 417880 with the best thing i ve ever done. and yes, without a doubt, just like these folks, he can show you our reverse mortgage loan uses your built-up home equity to give you a tax-free cash it s a good thing. why don t you get the facts like these folks did call right now to receive your free no obligation the asian nfo kid call 808 417880, 800 808, 417880 nothing dems my light like a migraine with nortech ott. i found relief only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent all-in-one to those with migraine. i see you for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults don t take if allergic to nortech odi team allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects are nausea indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time i am we all talk to a health care provider about no-tech ott from pfizer if is better with the credit god s on your side. rewards once available to the view, are now accessible to the many credit one bank get cashback or was it lives large? 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Suspect , Verdict , Stabbing , China , Americans , Social-media , Questions , Censored-on-chinese , Health-experts , Cnn-news-central , Kate-bolduan , Bird-flu-outbreak

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom 20240610

you are done with this? yeah, maybe, or maybe need some plastic surgery, who knows? you never know. it s usually settled by an arm wrestle. we should mention special guest on the tour is john wait is on first and then foreigner or stix depending on the night and who wins the coin toss. it is lot of hits on stage. i think there are four or five number ones and just a lot of great songs that you certainly will know. four hours of classic rock which is amazing to unfold over the course of 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. steve: we love both of you. the renegades and juke box hero tour kicks off tomorrow in grand rapids. kelly and lawrence, thank you very much and good luck to you. want to make sure everyone goes to live nation or ticketmaster. dana: and breaking news on the hunter biden gun trial. we re waiting to find out if the first son will take the stand. good morning. i m dana perino. bill is off today. good morning to you, john. john: good morning. i was surprised to see foreigner and stix. i will see them in hershey, pennsylvania in july. stix are good friends of ours. america s newsroom a live look at the delaware courthouse. this as the president s son tries to avoid conviction for allegedly lying on a gun application. dana: also in delaware president biden and first lady jill biden. they returned there after their visit to france for d-day and the first lady this morning is back in court to support her son. john: team fox coverage today. andy mccarthy is on deck but let s go to rich edson in wilmington, delaware with news out of the courtroom. we just got an update from the courtroom. what s going on now, the jury is not seated yet but there are some preliminary discussions underway right now. in it there has been an indication from the defense that hunter biden will not testify. that is not fully confirmed yet. we re still waiting to here if he will or will not testify. he arrived for his second week in court with his wife, melissa. jill biden is here and his aunt and uncle. james a business partner of hunter s. if hunter declines to testify it would have closing statements as early as this afternoon. if hunter biden testifies it will go deeper into the october. prosecutor allege in october of 2018 hunter was a drug user but he produced witnesses and passages from hunter s own audio book to try to prove their case. called hunter s ex-wife and ex-girlfriend and sister-in-law hallie who hunter had a relationship with after beau died in 2015. the defense has drawn testimony that none of the witnesses actually saw hunter use crack the week and a half he possessed the gun. if convicted the charges carry a maximum of prison and fine. hunter would be a first time non-violent offender. once this trial wraps it s september in los angeles. his court date on federal tax charges. we re waiting to see if he takes the stand here today. john, back to you. john: rich edson with the latest. the very latest coming out of the courtroom in delaware. thank you. dana: thank you, john. let s bring in andy mccarthy. you know if it s a monday we have more trials to talk about. today is hunter biden. with this decision it indicates that hunter biden will not take the stand. i don t think that would be a surprise to you. but his lawyers had really presented quite a bravado going into this case but it is unlikely he will testify. do you think that s a good decision? it is a good decision, dana. i think looking at his potential sentencing guidelines it looks to me like even if he gets convicted he has a good chance of avoiding a prison sentence. that calculation can change if a defendant takes the stand, gives a version of events that the jury obviously rejects, especially what we just heard is true, the government would come back with rebuttal witnesses. the consequences of that under the sentencing guidelines would be to add additional points to computing his offense level as it is called in the guidelines, which would lean closer toward a prison sentence. i think it is a smart move. john: they took the weekend to decide what to do. the way i looked at this on friday and turley and others have talked about jury nullification. members of the jury who know someone addicted to drugs or alcohol at one point. if hunter biden were to testify he could potentially present a very sympathetic character that the jury might look at and have sympathy for and say you know what? let s not convict him on this. what do you think the decision tree was over the weekend as to whether or not to have him testify? i don t disagree with that analysis, john. i think they may feel like they accomplished that with calling his daughter last week. i think factually in terms of the evidence in the case, that was not a great strategic decision but if what you are trying to do is gin up sympathy for hunter, i think his daughter s testimony may have done just that. my own view of it is, of course they are trying for a nullification decision from the jury but also tee up their appeal. the second amendment is a very live issue in the appellate courts on the federal level. and i think what they are trying to show is that his kind of cocaine use was more like alcohol abuse than mental illness because in this country, there is not much history for regulating drug use in terms of gun possession but there is a lot of history of taking rights away, including gun rights away, from people who are adjudicated to be incompetent. they are trying to set this up and why the stress on the fact that no one can say he was using crack with certainty in the days around the time that he purchased the gun. that s where they are going, i think. dana: listen to president biden last week. he did an interview with david of abc news and asked if he would pardon his son. as we sit here in normandy, your son, hunter, is on trial and i know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution. but let me ask you will you accept the jury s outcome, their verdict no matter what it is? yes. have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. dana: all right, give you a final word on that revelation. he says he is not going to pardon him. and i believe he won t right up until election day. there is nothing enforceable what he just said. that s about as enforceable as saying i can t do anything about the border because congress won t pass the legislation and then they don t pass the legislation and he issues this cockamamie order he did a week ago. it s the position he has to take in the run-up to the election. john: he also didn t say he would commute his sentence. dana: that s true. john: anti-israel agitators haar hasing police officers and defacing statues at president biden s front door calling on his administration to pull support from the top ally in the middle east. but one republican lawmaker is now pushing for an investigation into alleged crimes committed on lafayette square. they didn t get inside the fence to spray graffiti but did a lot of damage across the street. that s right. beyond yelling about a cease-fire in gaza there was also vandalism beyond the white house gates. statues outside the white house including one of andrew jackson were vandalized on saturday, desecrated by protestors, red paint hand prints and spray paint graffiti. national park service officials are assessing the extent and cost of the damage. arkansas republican senator tom cotton had photos of statues. free gaza sprayed on a number of the statute. it is a blatant violation of federal law and calling on the justice department to investigate. if not d.o.j. will next year. you have anti-american pro-hamas loon particulars desecrating the statues of our great veterans, which is a plain violation of federal law. but joe biden s government allowed it to happen and i bet we re not going to see any arrests or prosecutions for violating that law. saturday s protest was a combination of pro-palestinian and anti-war groups. protestors wearing red were forming a human red line around the white house with some saying they stand with hamas. white house spokesman andrew baits responded to that. president biden has been clear that every american has the right to peacefully express their views but he is also always been clear that anti-semitism, violent rhetoric and endorsing murderous terrorists organizations like hamas is repugnant, dangerous, and against everything we stand for as a country. his statement does not condemn the vandalism of those statues, john. john: all right, thanks very much, we ll see what happens across the street and whether or not the investigation results in any charges. a lot of people might think that s a foregone conclusion. thank you, now this. we re going to make our country great again and greater than ever before. it is going to be special. and the world is going to look up to us with respect. they aren t going to be laughing at us. they right now are laughing at us. dana: donald trump goes west on a campaign swing. it was hot out there. he made a major promise and hauls in a boatload of cash. we have that next. idf going deep behind enemy lines rescuing four hostages from the hands of hamas in gaza. retired four star general jack keane on how it all went down. and critics accusing usa basketball of shooting an air ball for leaving caitlin clark off the olympic team. i ll root them top win gold. hopefully in four years i can be there. and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. don t wait, use promo code 25now to save. book at today. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog s food to the farmer s dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there s no magic involved. 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[shouting] dana: a buck wild scene at an oklahoma rodeo when a bull leaps over the arena fence and into a group of spectators. you can see it right there. they immediately descended on the action and eventually able to restrain the bull and put it back in its pen. four people suffered just minor injuries in the process, which is amazing. thank god. they are expected to make a full recovery. john: that s something. former president donald trump wraps up a four-day campaign swing out west including fundraisers in donor-rich california where the cash tap was on full blast. trump also made a no tax pitch to millions of people who work off of tips. senior correspondent alicia acuna live in vegas with more. that had to go over well in sin city, alicia. the crowd really loved it, john. he had a big weekend here in las vegas. former president trump also made a much-anticipated endorsement ahead of the gop senate primary race in nevada. after he left las vegas he endorsed leading candidate retired army captain sam brown who was injured in an explosion while serving in afghanistan. trump writing on truth social i have gotten to know sam and his beautiful wife, amy, first lieutenant and i know in the next chapter of their life of service together they ll continue to make us all proud. sam has already proven his love for our country being horrifically wounded and making a comeback of a lifetime. tuesday s primary winner takes on democratic senator rosen in november. rosen said donald trump endorsed my extreme maga opponent sam brown. banning abortion, gutting healthcare and slashing social security is wrong for nevada. we ll defeat maga extremism in november. on sunday trump also made that campaign promise. for those hotel workers and people who get tips you ll be very happy. when i get to office we re going to not charge taxes on tips. people making tips. the culinary union that represents 60,000 hospitality workers responded, relief is needed for tip earners. nevada workers are smart enough to know the difference between real solutions and wild campaign promises from a convicted felon. congress has the power to change the tax law. a trump spokesperson later told fox president trump will ask congress to eliminate taxes on tips. biden has stepped up the i.r.s. going after tip workers. we ll see where this goes, john. john: i wonder who the culinary workers union is backing in this election? alicia, thank you. dana: want to bring in kevin o leary, chairman of owe leery ventures joining us on the five once in a while. it would be popular for people who make tips but economically i love lower taxes, so what do you think? it is a very interesting proposal. congress has to approve it. tips have been controversial at the taxation level for decades because some of the tips they still are coming in cash are never put onto your form. a tremendous amount of leakage in terms of what s really due to the i.r.s. why not abandon these small amounts? tips are ten to 20% of a bill, maybe 150 or less for a meal in las vegas and so instead of going after these small amounts which for a i.r.s. are really $20, give it up, put some relief on these people squeezed by inflation both in their costs and labor costs for restaurants causing a lot of them to shut down in states like california. politically i see the point. it works. obviously if you are helping them out. a lot of these jobs are transient. you don t want to be a waitress in a fast food location for the rest of your life or waiter. and it s kind of helping young generation move forward. i like it. dana: let me ask you this. you are right on the politics. president trump at 50%, biden at 45%. i have a friend in democratic politics tell me they re writing off nevada at this point and thinking that trump will win it. i also wanted to ask you this looking forward the way the economy is going, there are many more people putting together their income based on the gig economy. a lot of that is based on tips. you re right, that s true. uber drivers, etc. that is a big boost. a tax gift, a giveaway. it may be political. in terms of changing the outcome of the election, i don t think anybody can call this election now. i ve never seen it tighter. dana: no, i just meant for nevada itself because it s looking really good for trump. i don t write off any state for any candidate. the polling has been so volatile over the last two election cycles i don t believe any of it. you have to show me the actual data the night of the election and then i ll believe anything. i would say the biggest issue for both candidates one way or the other is inflation and definitely playing up nevada on home and protein on energy. it s than issue. calling a state now impossible. that s certainly as an investor i m not doing that. dana: it was just a chat with my friend about politics. okay. let me ask you about home and auto insurance. this is the wall street journal earlier today in its editorial saying a politically-made insurance panic. auto and home rates are soaring and the causes are inflation and lawsuit abuse. look at the rates of insurance. it increases in homeowner s insurance. arizona a battleground state. a lot of this has to do with outside influences. listen to senator elizabeth warren and why she is blaming the insurance company. the insurance companies have kind of been playing every part of this game and now when climate risks are rising, they are trying to hang american families out to dry here and demanding either higher premiums or get out of the market all together. so there is a lot going on that poses risk to our economy. dana: i wanted to ask you about that. i ve been watching the costs of car insurance and home insurance really hurting people. while they re dealing with inflation they see at the grocery store. 100% right. 100% right. let me say out of the gate my family grew up in massachusetts. we don t live there anymore. a lot of it is because of elizabeth warren. a great politician, very successful. i don t like her management style and policies. she is wrong on this. the actual facts why inflation has hit insurance so hard is not just weather. there is a tremendous amount of contingency litigation going on here where a lawyer can take down capital from a hedge fund and litigate until the cows come home and get winnings. that policy should be changed. if you lose you pay the legal costs. weather is a factor as well. one sector in our economy that benefits from a.i. this is one of the biggest. so much investment going on trying to write policies from data to a micro level of your street address that it could bring some relief to people in the next 24 months. i m in the insurance industry and consumer goods industry. we look at this like a hawk. i have to buy insurance for my restaurants. are costs are up higher than our food and labor. we want relief there. elizabeth warren is not being helpful bashing the insurance companies. that s never useful. you have to look at why the rates have gone up. there are multiple causes. dana: i feel vindicated. i am obsessed with this issue and wanting to talk more about it and glad we did. kevin o leary, thank you, have a great monday. this whole thing, this whole tragedy could be over. all the hostages could be home. there could be a cease-fire if hamas would step up and say yes to the deal. john: a celebration of freedom after israel rescues four hostages from the clutches of hamas. new details on the daring raid and why the anti-israel mob just won t give up coming up next. plus potential crunch time in hunter biden s federal gun trial. will the president s son take the stand? we re watching. customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! 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(laughing) call 1-800-977-3322 to schedule a free hearing evaluation and unlock our best deal of the year! dana: we re learning new details about israel s dramatic rescue of four hostages in gaza over the weekend. the raid in gaza bringing home one woman and three men. the largest hostage rescue operation since the war began last october. trey yengst live in tel aviv with the latest. this morning i listened to a podcast where they had wonderful detail about how all this happened. tell us more. good morning. it was certainly the happiest weekend in israel since the war began, four hostages were rescued from hamas captivity. tears erupted across the country from the streets to the beaches of tel aviv. at a hospital here the israeli civilians were reunited with loved wonder. embraced, laughed and cried. part of what the daring operation to save them looked like. israeli special forces engaged in intense gun battles with militants as they stormed two apartment buildings. they later took the hostages to safety. one mother describes what her reunion was like. very happy to see he is healthy. he looks himonty and happy. he is infinitely happy he is back home and very happy to see him. for israelis it was a day of hope, for palestinians a day of death and destruction. hamas-run palestinians health ministry stays nearly 300 people, mostly civilians, were killed during the operation. videos showed a hospital overflowing with injured and dead patients, as we gather new information about the raid over the weekend there is some political instability in israel. two members of the israeli war cabinet resigned from their positions in the emergency government. dana: also secretary blinken is heading to tel aviv this morning expected to meet with president netanyahu? absolutely. he just made some new remarks on the tarmac in cairo before heading to israel. there is a deal on the table and israelis have accepted the cease-fire deal and now up to hamas to sign on. dana. dana: trey yengst, thank you. john: let s bring in marc thiessen. former speech writer for president bush and fox news contributor. here is what the national security advisor jake sullivan said over the weekend to free the hostages. we should point out that they released the woman seen being taken away in the back of the motorcycle. literally without incident. the idf tried to free the other three hostages a gun fight ensued and all hell broke loose. here is what jake sullivan said about that. civilians were killed and it is tragic. the whole tragedy could be over. all the hostages could be home. there could be a cease-fire if hamas would step up and say yes to the deal that the israelis have accepted and that president biden elaborated a week ago. john: could be over if hamas would surrender and give up all the hostages. we don t hear the administration calling for that. i ve been stunned by the response to this hostage raid in the media and other places. if your response to heroic rescue of israeli hostages and the scenes of these hostages being reunited with their families after 245 days is to blame israel and be outraged an israel you may be an anti-semite. the reason why were civilians killed? because they were holding hostages in civilian areas. that s why civilians were killed. when you hear the news that israel carried out a raid to rescue hostages in a palestinian refugee camp the first question should be why were hostages being held in a refugee camp? that should be the outrage. one other thing. one of these this young lady was being held by a wealthy palestinian family who used her as a housekeeper. they would call her out of her room after family dinner and make her wash the dishes. i m sorry, in the 21st century the days of used being used as slave labor is over. israelis were right to rescue the hostage. wall street editorial said. haters of israel will blame and excuse hamas every time. media are manipulated to playing along. has the west loss lot the moral instinct for self-preservation to defend itself in a world of killers? hamas could not survive if not for its enablers around the world. experts say hamas will not unconditionally surrender or agree to any cease-fire where it would lose power is because it is holding out long enough for the outrage to grow against israel and the pressure from this administration on israel to accept the cease-fire is great and finally everybody caves and hamas stays in power. as a p.r. strategy it s working. keep in mind these civilian casualties here were intentional on the part of hamas. they are responsible for every one of them through their decision. it was hamas who made the decision to start this war and massacre and rape israeli civilians. it was their decision to take israeli civilians hostage and bring them into refugee camps and hide them among the civilian population using palestinian civilians at human shields. hamas s decision not to agree to a cease-fire and release the hostages and hamas s decision to take weapons into the palestinian refugee camp and when the israeli rescuers come, to open fire forcing the israelis to respond. people blame israel for the civilian what hamas understands is that there are millions of anti-semites out there who will give them a pass and blame israel for every action it takes to defend itself. unfortunately this administration cowering and the israelis aren t listening doing what they need to do to protect their country and not allow another holocaust to happen and their people to be massacreed. john: the video of the woman being kidnapped and taken away on the motorcycle and the look of terror on her face. for her to be back home is a miracle. dana reads sports. dana: two heroic plays in men s college baseball yesterday as the florida gators stun the clemson tigers 11-ten ending their season. clemson center fielder making an unreal over the head catch at the bottom of the 10th. the catch saved the game with a 9-nine. it was michael robertson who played hero for the gators punching a ball for the win at the top at the bottom of the 13th inning. and sending his team to the college world series that takes place in omaha. i felt i was on a high wire without a net with that read. john: the top is the first part of the inning the bottom the last part of the inning. the catch was amazing. dana: you don t see that every day. john: we ll talk next hour about my favorite topic, caitlin clark being snubbed from the u.s. owe ole owe limb particular team. patrol agents are being told something far different. what do you think of president biden? biden? i love biden. why do you love him? biden helped us. ild diagno sed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. it s awesome. [music playing] it s time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer s dog makes weight management easy with fresh food pre-portioned for your dog s needs. it s an idea whose time has come. our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges. who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple.with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. dana: a landslide causing part of a major highway at teton pass in wyoming to collapse. it forced the closure of a key transit route between idaho and the beautiful town of jackson, wyoming. state officials describe it as a catastrophic failure and it is not clear how long it will take to reopen the road. that s a tough one as we go into the summer. john: that s a big one. maybe the landslide will bring you down. not even a week into president biden s border action we capture migrants illegally pouring across the san diego border sector. border patrol agents getting word to let those people into the country. matt finn is live along the california border with the latest for us. matt. all weekend long we saw migrants illegally cross right here coming from places like china, india, egypt, africa and beyond and just last week president biden promised that his new executive order would suspend illegal migrants from being released into the united states. but now a new border patrol memo obtained by fox news seems to contradict what the president promised. that memo reads in part that agents here in the san diego sector should continue mass releasing single adult migrants into the united states from all but six countries in the eastern hemisphere including russia, moldova and bill: others are being released on the honor system. it reads border patrol agents are ordered to refer to ice single adults from hard or very hard to remove countries. all other migrants are processed and released with a notice to appear on their on recognizance. here in san diego we are talking to migrants coming from all over the world. many tell us they fly into mexico and are smuggled into the united states. did you pay anyone to help you get here? no, i just searched the internet and then follow those guy. can come here. what do you think of president biden? biden? i love biden. why do you love biden? because biden, we love. why do you love him? biden helped us. many of these migrants tell us that they pay $10,000 and beyond to find these cartel coyotes or human smugglers to help them get into the united states, john. john: wow, anybody who thought this executive order was going to change things is sadly mistaken. matt finn for us in california. thank you. dana: want to bring in retired border patrol chief chris clem. curious let s put up the memo again about releasing not releasing from those countries in the eastern hemisphere. why would they do that, chris? this is first of all it s a great topic, very telling about the administration. since day one they have been about catch and release. hard to remove or hard countries, those are mandatory referrals to ice. it doesn t mean it s a mandatory detention. border patrol is not going to release those themselves. it is ice that is supposed to put them in longer, sometimes indefinitely. but as we know and what we ve seen most likely they will be released if nothing has come up. i want to say it s very interesting that we are a week into this executive order, nothing has changed. the numbers continue to rise in san diego. it s another pull factor. if you are a single adult and not listed in those countries you ll be released. so guess what? they ll keep coming. dana: here is what mayorkas thinks about the timing of it all. what has the impact been? how many migrants have been turned away between those ports of entry? we re at a very early stage. implementation as you noted has just begun. our intent is to really change the risk calculus of individuals before they leave their countries of origin and incentivize them to use the lawful pathways that we have made available to them and keep them out of the hands of ex employ station smugglers. it s early. dana: he says it s early. the new york post says it s already failed. the headline, the border crack down has failed as illegals flood across. how do you see it and where do you fall? it s early and already failed. he uses fancy words that don t make sense. reality is this. they ve known since day one this has been a problem. they ve been working on catch and release and doing this the whole time. now they say it will take time. what have they been doing the last six months when mayorkas and blinken went to mexico and the foreign policy expert that sits in the white house who hasn t made arrangements. one last thing i ll say specific to the memo, it is not uncommon to have some specific efficiency directives in those correspondence going to the field. ice is not going to take certain people. let s not waste the time and process them. one particular pathway if it is not going to result in a detention. so there is some efficiency rules in that memo but at the end of the day what should be alarming to everybody is that single adults are being released if knee aren t from those six countries. who has been committing the crimes around the country have been single adults released out of border patrol and ice custody. we need to detain these folks. they have had years to plan for this. to sit there and say it will take time. how many more lives and migrants have to be exploited because this administration will not secure the border and hold people accountable? dana: chris clem, thank you for joining us today. we ll continue to watch it because the migrants continue to come. thank you. as i was turning, a shark grabbed ahold of my hand i looked down and there was a shark attached to my hand. i started punching it. john: a streak of shark attacks putting the florida panhandle on high alert. what authorities are telling swimmers. usa basketball under fire for leaving caitlin clark off the olympic team and how the superstar is responding. no disappointment something to work for. it s a dream. hopefully one day i can be there. they get it. they know how it works. more importantly, it works for them. i don t have any anxiety about money anymore. i don t have to worry about a mortgage payment every month. it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments. linda, dinah, joanne, very different people. but they do have a couple things in common. they love their home, and they know their stuff. they all talked about the counseling they got, so they knew how a reverse mortgage worked. and how it could be a real financial solution for their retirement. if you re 62 or older and own your home, find out how you could access your home s equity to give you cash now, and when you need it in the future. a reverse mortgage could put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly mortgage payments, paying off higher-interest credit cards and covering medical costs. a person like me needed to get a reverse mortgage it changed my life, it was the best thing i ve ever done. really? 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listen to your heart. repatha plus a statin dramatically lowers ldl-c by 63%, and significantly drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won t let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. john: fox news alert. firefighters in miami working to extinguish a three alarm fire at a multi-story apartment building after a person was found shot inside that building. police also investigating. more details as we get them. dana. dummies, for the first time in the history of basketball you have arguably a player the most popular player in the world. and you leave her off the olympics team? dana: basketball fans are slamming a decision by usa basketball to leave caitlin clark off the team for the paris olympics that takes place in eight weeks. mike tobin has more from chicago. what happened? the biggest name in women s basketball won t be on the u.s. team this olympics and indications that the decision to not include her on the roster didn t really have to do with who would play the best in the olympics. moment i million dollar sensation and name drawing eyes to the wnba caitlin clark is left off the olympic roster. she was excluded from team usa because there was concerns she would not play as much in the olympics as she does in the pros and concern her fans would have a negative reaction. they wrote it s an admission of tension that the old guard in women s basketball harbors for the rookie who has drawn worldwide attention to women s basketball. clark took the high road and took the disappointment in stride and says the snub from team usa gave her something to work for. the most competitive team in the world and it could have gone either way. i m excited for them. going to be rooting them on to win gold. i was a kid that grew up watching the olympics so yeah, it will be fun watching. the coach of the indiana fever for which clark plays says behind the scenes clark s reaction was more competitive. they just woke a monster. women have been dominant in basketball. they have won every gold in the olympics since 1996. dana: thanks. lots a chitchat on that today. appreciate it. john: weird changes coming up in europe. the european parliament swinging to the right as conservatives win elections in france, italy and germany. alex hogan in london has more on the shift. what s going on? we re starting to see these results roll in from the european unions parliamentary elections and results showing this right-leaning shift especially in countries that hold a large number of seats. let s look at france, for example. the right-leaning party is projected to get more than double the share of french president macron s pro-centrist europeans. m he called for a new election. they will take place at the end of this month set to take place before the country hosts the olympics. looking at germany, chancellor schultz social democrats saw their worst-ever result of 14% losing to the conservative opposition. and in austria, the right-leaning freedom party out performed the conservative party as well as the social democrats. meanwhile looking at italy, italian prime minister conservative brothers of italy s group doubled their seats in the e.u. assembly. why it all matters is the 720 seats will really determine the state of affairs of what takes place within the e.u. over the next five years and new data from today from the e.u. suggests those voters who made their way out voiced concerns, three main concerns at this point in time immigration, international conflicts and economy. definitely making those voices heard this weekend.

Hunter-biden , Defense , Jury , What-s-going-on , Indication , Discussions , Guest , Plastic-surgery , Arm-wrestle , John-wait , Lot , Stix

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports 20240607-2220

Cologne with his son. lee kept waiting and waiting, and it took 30 minutes. they eventually broke through the drywall in the back, and they managed to escape. they would later see near highway on foot, but without those bags of perfume. sandra, back to you. sandra: wow, what a story. steve harrigan on that for us. thank you. john? john: it took half an hour for a response? wow. a live look at the district court in delaware and our court will resume after lunch break. when it does, the president s brother, james, could be called to take the witness stand. let s bring in jonathan turley, fox news contributor and constitutional law professor. how do you think the prosecution did in proving its claims, this idea that the laptop is real, it helps prove that hunter biden was addicted to drugs at the time that he filled out that federal firearms transaction form? do you think they made a good case, or where there are holes in it?

Back , Son , Waiting-and , Drywall , Cologne , Lee , 30 , Sandra-smith , John-roberts , Look , Story , Us

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240607-1980

Why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can t trust anything else to do the job right. kayak. aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. harris: more biden family members pulling up to hunter s federal gun trial. a few minutes ago his brother, james and hunter s 30-year-old daughter naomi just arrived as the prosecution rested its case. hunter biden s ex-girlfriend hallie biden had a lot to stay on the stand. one of the main witnesses yesterday and gave emotional testimony about his drug use and how hunter got her hooked on crack after the death of her husband, who as you know was also hunter s brother, beau. she also told the jury about throwing out hunter s gun that she found when she rummaged through his truck to see if

Things , Job , Kayak , Anything , Hundreds-of-travel-sites , Aaaaaaaahhhh-kayak , Search-one , One , Harris-faulkner , Jill-biden , Hu-hunter , Family-members

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports 20240607-1020

sandra: thank you, jared. come back soon. meanwhile, dave 5 of hunter biden s gun trial is on lunch break after testimony from his daughter, naomi biden. when that resumes, jurors could hear from more members of the biden family, including hunter s uncle, james. lucas tomlinson is live outside the courtroom in wilmington, delaware, with more on that for us. hi, lucas. hi, sandra. that s right. just moments ago we saw the first lady and hunter biden s wife walking out together during this lunch break. earlier, some powerful testimony by hunter biden s eldest daughter, naomi. they were both seen crying, both hunter and naomi crying in court as naomi testified. that she had never seen her father in what she called the clearest, back in 2018, after her uncle died. her uncle, of course, being beau biden. used to prosecute gun and drug cases like this. naomi said she was proud of her father, hunter. under cross-examination by the prosecutor, he asked naomi about the truck where the gun was

Sandra-smith , Naomi , Jared , Lunch-break , Biden-family , Testimony , Jurors , Members , Including-hunter , Dave-5-of-hunter-biden-s-gun-trial , 5 , Crack-cocaine-from-hunter-biden

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240607-720

Even believe in the constitution, james. nice try though. the new york congressional candidate is insisting on a maga deprogramming project. even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we have gone through the maga nightmare and reeducating, basically, which that sounds like a rather, ha ha, a reeducation camp. i don t think we really want to call it that. i m sure we can find another way to phrase it. laura: this is why these people love china. we already have reeducation camps. they are called the public schools. joining me now vivek ramaswamy, former g.o.p. presidential candidate. vivek, that really does say it all. slanted conch and reeducation camps. that s it. this is orwellian. the best part of this, laura, they don t make it guessing. a guessing game as to what they

U-s- , New-york , Candidate , Constitution , Many , Blue-wave , Try , James , Maga-deprogramming-project , Nightmare , Reeducating , Rather

All In With Chris Hayes

Republican, a man who had his phone seized by the fbi, on the all-important house intelligence committee. national republicans seem to be acting on jackson s advice. they sent a criminal referral to the department of justice per president biden s brother, james, and hunter, both who are the targets of conspiracy theories for the better part of a decade. joe biden currently facing trial in federal court. in the senate, number of republicans, many who hold out hopes of being trump s vice president candidate. here is ohio senator jd vance. that is the only language that i think these people are going to understand is that if they do this, if they turn the american system of justice into banana republic garbage, they are going to suffer consequences. another vice presidential contender, senator from florida, marco rubio, top republican said lasted resident biden and apocalyptic terms on social media, saying our current president is a demented man propped up i wicked and deranged people willing to destroy our country or remain

Republicans , President , Joe-biden , Man , Referral , Phone , Advice , Per , Department-of-justice , Don-jackson , Brother , House-intelligence-committee

BBC News

Marin catherine. but there are so few now. i was saying a moment ago, when i first got here in 2004 on gold beachjust in when i first got here in 2004 on gold beach just in front of us, there must have been at least 40 just from one battalion. so there must have been at least 40 just from one battalion. 50 it there must have been at least 40 just from one battalion. just from one battalion. so it is a reminder that just from one battalion. so it is a reminder that they just from one battalion. so it is a reminder that they are just from one battalion. so it is a reminder that they are the - just from one battalion. so it is a reminder that they are the few i just from one battalion. so it is a l reminder that they are the few but the impact each one of them, you feel you want to hear them speak the whole afternoon. you feel you want to hear them speak the whole afternoon. whole afternoon. you ust want to sit and soak whole afternoon. you ust want to sit and soak it h whole afternoon. you ust want to sit and soak it up whole afternoon. you ust want to sit and soak it up and whole afternoon. you just want to sit and soak it up and listen - whole afternoon. you just want to sit and soak it up and listen to - whole afternoon. you just want to sit and soak it up and listen to all| sit and soak it up and listen to all of their words, these precious words of their words, these precious words of their words, these precious words of their memories because you know they are not going to be around for too much longer. too much longer. let s take a moment too much longer. let s take a moment to tell ou too much longer. let s take a moment to tell you that too much longer. let s take a moment to tell you that what too much longer. let s take a moment to tell you that what lies too much longer. let s take a moment to tell you that what lies ahead - too much longer. let s take a moment to tell you that what lies ahead is - to tell you that what lies ahead is a service, mixing the words of his majesty the king with those of surviving veterans of the type that james is reminding us about. it is the first time his majesty has seen this memorialfor the first time his majesty has seen this memorial for himself. the first time his majesty has seen this memorialfor himself. he did unveil it virtually in the last couple of years but this will be the first time that king has been here.

It , Battalion , Gold-beach , American , Beachjust , Front , Marin-catherine , 40 , 50 , 2004 , One , Words