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Transcripts For CNNW At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20181114

this white house. sources tell cnn that blind sided officials in the white house. add to that that there is more drama over who is working in the white house. according to cnn s jeff zeleny you are looking at the only two people with job security, ivanka trump and jared kushner. it is hard to fire family. the washington post described it five days of fury and describes the president fuming in the wake of the mid term elections. according to the president, everyone is looking to get in on the action. everybody wants to work in this white house. we are a hot country. this is a hot white house. hot. sarah, is mira ricardel in or is she out? reporter: there is potentially big staffing shakeups on the horizon. mira ricardel is here at the white house today according to press secretary sarah sanders. she is working despite the stunning statement from the first lady s office calling for her removal. sources say there have been tensions between the east wing and mira ricardel for weeks now. mira ricardel clashing with people where she was deputy national security adviser. it is unclear if she will be leaving the national security adviser. looking are questions over whether chief of staff john kelly will be here for long. the president is considering a number of potential replacements for kelly including vice president mike pence s chief of staff and a handful of others inside the administration and maybe some outsiders. kelly s fate has been seen as closely tied to that of yet another embattled senior administration official and that is homeland secretary neilsen. she has drawn theire for president trump for not being tough enough on his two signature issues, immigration and border security. trump has come to view her as ineffective given that the border wall hasn t been built, border crossings are up and the president has considered removing her in the weeks ahead. neilsen said she expects to be asked for resignation. the president has been known to change his mind on big decisions in general. as with anything when it comes to staffing with this president, nothing is certain until it is in writen. stand by to stand by is the only way we can live at this moment. thank you so much. joining me now, cnn chief political correspondent dana bash. why would the first lady ever feel the need to put out a statement to say anything to the president of the united states like this? i don t understand. well, so i don t have a degree in marriage counseling, but all of us do have some expertise in political gamesmanship. look, anybody who has spent any time talking to the people around the president know that melania trump is incredibly strategic. she knows what she is doing. she is one of the president s most important political advisers when it comes to a lot of things. on this issue, the question is, why wasn t she able to if she has such influence on the president on such issues, why wasn t she able to just do what nancy reagan and other first ladies have done since the beginning of time and that is go to her husband and say this person needs to go? so the answer to that we don t know or whether that was irrelevant because she so wanted to make a statement that she wanted to have this public shaming because she is in the words of one person in trump world to me this morning, a killer. this source meant that in a loving and positive way for the way that mrs. trump approaching her political skills. so that is the short way. but it certainly adds to the drama that we heard sarah talk about. i m also told by trump sources to remember that it is all related to the chaos, the dysfunction much of which the president thrives on. we have been talking about that for over two years, some of which is related to the president s very sour mood that began on election night and has gotten worse in the past week. chris, i am now wondering when it comes to the first lady, is this now a new line that has now been drawn, don t cross melania trump or else? or is it not since the reporting this morning, ricardel is still in the office. ricardel is still at the office now. maybe she lasts. sarah mentioned donald trump s p mercurialness. he changes his mind. i don t think it crosses a new line because i think melania trump is someone who behind the scenes exerts considerable influence on her husband. he doesn t listen to virtually anyone. we know that. when he does listen he usually does his own thing. she along and jared kushner and ivanka trump are probably the people he does listen to the most and people we are sure will be there throughout his tenure as president. i think this was a public airing. i don t totally know why that was done other than maybe a show of force, but this was a public airing of something that i think does happen privately which is she has said before there are members of my husband s staff i don t trust who still work th e there. it is really amazing stuff. as you are talking about, kind of the rest of the shakeup that is thought to be coming this round, you have a dhs secretary neilsen who is likely out. you have a lot of people wondering about john kelly. maybe even defense secretary james mattis. politico reports one former trump aid on kind of the last 24 hours as like an episode of maury. the only thing missing is a paternity test. i don t want to touch that. but in fairness, we are seeing everything going on behind the scenes. in most white houses even in properly functioning white houses, there are changes after two years. it is a very tense and intense job. but in this white house we are seeing it play out in public. we have since day one. neilsen is a perfect example of that. the president had a problem with her since the day that she got that job. she got the job because she is close to john kelly. john kelly had a lot of positive things to say about her abilities to do that job. it is an impossible job for anybody no matter who you are because of the president s promises on the campaign trail and expectations which neilsen has said privately more than one time to the president his expectations are not in touch with reality. that doesn t fly when you are the president and you are talking about an issue like immigration. she has been on borrowed time since day one. what i m hearing from people in and around the president and on capitol hill is who are you going to replace her with inwho would want that job? it is an impossible task with this president on that issue of immigration. i think that is a really important point not just related to neilsen but related to any other openings that come up. you have two problems. one is for all of donald trump saying it is a hot white house and everyone wants to work there, there is no question that in some of these jobs including communications director which was vacant for a long time, donald trump is having trouble recruiting top end republican talent because they look at what is happening. do you want to be the next jeff sessions? do you want to be the next neilsen? they weren t expecting anybody to come in who ever said anything against the president. that eliminated a lot of folks from what went on in the election. i want to ask you in the context of kind of focus over here and focus not right here, what the president has not tweeted about since the election if the election is in right now is the migrant caravan in mexico right now. he moved troops to the border because of it. is this all that folks need it see which is that there aren t tweets post election to know if this was a politically motivated stunt and nothing more? this was a bold political move. if you doubted it then, you should not doubt it anymore. between october 16 when donald trump seized on the caravan, donald trump sent 45 tweets mentioning the word border. he sent one since then on november 9 which was essentially a presidential proclamation on what he had done in sending troops to the border. carav caravan, he mentioned that nine times, many times suggesting there were untoured elements in it. you know how many times he mentioned the caravan on twitter since then? zero. this from its start looked like a political ploy. at this point it seems that this was just to get his base energized. there is no question in retrospect that this was an issue that he seized on and put it in the high profile and he is on to other thick things. . it s really important for us to point this out. it was transparent at the time. we were trying to call him out on it at the time. now all of our observations are showing to be 100% right because of the fact that it s silence since then. it s not just what is important what is said or what is there. it is also really important what is missing and what is not there. it s great to see you guys. matt whittaker had a lot to say before he was at the justice department. you see him right there speaking live now publically for the first time as acting attorney general as the battle for his appointment rages on. the race to recount votes in florida heating up. we mean literally heating up. the recount machine malfunctioned putting election workers in a tough spot. what does it mean for the recount? 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it is a 20-page memo, a lengthy discussion of all the constitutional issues, the past precedent and how they all overlap. in recent days this has come to a head since his appointment as various scholars have raised constitutional questions. the state of maryland raised a legal challenge to the justice department about this yesterday. it centered on the fact that whittaker was not senate confirmed. the question is if he wasn t senate confirmed is that constitutional under the appointments clause? the justice department today answering definitively yes it is constitutional for two main reasons. there is a federal statute from the 90s that says if you have served at the justice department as a senior official for at least 90 days at a certaineenier level of pay you can come in in an acting capacity. the justice department is saying that is how whittaker was appointed here. they are also pointing to the fact that this is only temporary. he hasn t been confirmed by the senate. they acknowledged that the last time this happened smwas over a century ago in 1866. they say even in that ace it was valid as it is today. they offer several justifications unlikely to quell some of the lingering issues from the critics. there is now ablthictive litiga going on. it does not mention the recusal given his past writings and criticism of the mueller probe. it doesn t get into any of that. that is fascinating. also happening, top house democrats making moves in promising that they are clearly interested in investigating whittaker s involvement in a company that the fbi is now investigating that has been described as a scam company. what are you learning about that? we are really seeing the opening from some of the top democrats in the house and a preview of what is likely to come in january. they have issued seven letters on this issue. world patent, this company tried to help consumers get patents, at least that was how it was pitched. the ftc shut it down. whittaker was on the advisory board. he served several years ago, issuing some of his own correspondents with consumers. democrats are raising questions about what was his involve. they are saying we didn t get a chance to vet this guy. we need to understand his role. this is just the first of many, many letters like this to come. a lot of letters. thank you. i really appreciate it. joining me now a discuss this republican congressman. democrats are challenging whittaker s appointment. critics are challenging it. they don t think it is constitutional. do you have concerns over his appointment with that regard that he hasn t been confirmed by the senate? i do not. this is a temporary appointment. you need somebody to fill the role. i think the most effective way to deal with this is have the senate agree. let s take up the nomination and not bog it down into legislative tactics and we get someone appointed to this position forth right. there is obviously a lot of focus, one of the big focuses is recusing or not of overseeing the mueller investigation because of past things he has said. with that in mind, do you think that congress needs to act to protect the mueller investigation? i appreciate the question mptd i think we are missing maybe the substantive issue here. mueller needs to come to a conclusion. this is two years of an open investigation that needs to come to a conclusion. why would we need to protect mueller if he is coming to the end of his investigation like he should. we need to know the evidence he is finding and the issues if any? i m confident there will not be a conclusion of collusion. we can get political talking points that seem to be running around washington, d.c. if it came up i m seeing some senators commenting about it again. if it was a simple legislation to protect mueller from being fired so he can complete his investigation would you support it? i have said and i continue to support the completion of the investigation. it needs to come to a conclusion. i just don t think we need to do that because this investigation needs to come to a conclusion. it is time. two years and millions of taxpayer dollars, it needs to come to an end. in the grand scheme of things it s not necessarily over time in terms of how long this has been going on when you talk about lengthy investigations like this. let s talk about something else. you were elected to the house of representatives in the republican wave of 2010. you never served in the minority of the house. what are you most looking forward to come january? my hope is that we can get things done for the american people. that is why i m so proud of the work we are doing in the problem solvers caucus. my democratic co-chair leading the charge to reform rules of the house and let members be members and let us legislate. that to me is a critical piece. as you watch these negotiations with nancy pelosi i think we are in a position to get these reforms done, to get the institution working again rather than facing this grid lock that we see day in and day out. i read you would consider voting for democrat speaker if they would sign on to the reforms. are you saying you would support nancy pelosi if he would sign on to reforms to reward bipartisanship? this is the bizarre world i m trying to go into because i care so deeply about the american people being left behind in the grid lock of washington, d.c. that i would be willing to consider that and others have reached out to us for our support. so long as you are reforming the institution for the american people to get it working again so members can get rewarded for consensus, i m hopopen for that type of vote. maybe that is more of a statement of how unlikely it is that anyone would sign on to losing their power. if they need to become speaker of the house don t lose sight. you are the problem solver s caucus. you lost some of your members this election. i want to play what he said to cnn about you all. i just hope that people don t give up on that approach to politics. i hope that the tom reeds and the stephanie murphys and brian fitzpatricks of the congress, these centrist members, they want to shake things up in washington. they want to get big things done. they come from both parties. i hope that they win the day, not the hard core partisans who have put us in the political rut we are in. your numbers are dwindling because folks lost or are retired. are you an endangered species now? i don t think so. on the republican side there has been a growing appetite. members are frustrated with this grid lock here. i appreciate carlos s sentiment and comments. that is exactly the kind of governing we need. we can go into the theater of politics of division or govern for the american people. i choose to side with the american people. let s see how far that gets. let s go to a quick policy question. you on weigh rrs and means. have you heard anything about the ten percent middle class tax cut that the president promised? we have been working on that in tandem with the white house. i think there is an opportunity to put the legislation on the floor. itdon t know a democrat advocating for raising taxes on individuals. i think there is an opportunity to lock this in and maybe bridge this come the next session. let us see. i will ask you about that many more times. i appreciate you coming in. always a pleasure. one florida county racing to recount votes hits a major snag, recount machines overheating. can they get the ballots counted in time now? 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the last 16 years is about 300 votes. so the results here aren t going to change. i think it s important to note that miami dade county wrapped up its recount of over 800,000 votes yesterday. so they spent 74 hours straight working through the night and got their count done. even brenda snipes in broward county who has been otherwise incompetent, she prepared for this recount by ordering new voting machines in august. i believe has the equipment necessary to get this all processed before the 3:00 p.m. deadline tomorrow. it appears right now that palm beach county is the only one who can t get its act together. it seems to change minute by minute. you have been involved in recounts before. i do wonder as somebody who has been part of this process before, if you were representing bill nelson or this was the republican candidate, would you be doing anything different? i think mark is an excellent attorney. he started out by coming to florida saying he was going to do anything he could to ensure thatner nelson was able to overturn the results and win the election. this is not about counting every vote and fairness or transparency. for him, it is about finding some way to change the rules. they are fighting in three different fronts trying to change deadlines, the standards for what counts as voter intent with an under vote. they are also trying to change the mismatched signature standard. this is all trying to change the rules after the fact. it kind of goes back to the famous bush v. gore supreme court case where the key issue was fairness across the board having pre-established rules that everybody follows. that is what florida did. they passed new laws after the recount and put standards in place. now they want to change the rules after the fact. even if they win in court, there are not enough votes to change the results. on that exact point many people have said it is a big gap they would need to overcome. it s a big hill to climb for the nelson campaign. you have rick scott and other republicans who are accusing the nelson campaign of straight up election fraud. i have heard it over and over again from folks. there has been no evidence of that. the secretary of state has said that. when you already think that they have the lead, rick scott does, do you think it is dangerous, wrong, misguided to go down the route of accusing the other side of fraud when you think as you do that they have it in the bag? i think the concern that people have expressed was especially in broward and palm beach counties where the officials running the election wouldn t allow observers and didn t follow the basic rules for transparency and were supposed to be following florida law and every 45 minutes providing updates on the numbers. so when crow don t have that basic information that allows monitors to see how many votes are out there, that s where the concern comes in. concern i hear you. accusing them of straight up fraud and trying to steal the election is just a different level. still, we will stand by and see where the counts land. i appreciate your time. thank you. of course. my pleasure. thank you. the justice department responding to cnn s lawsuit over jim acosta s press pass being revoked as fox news and more than a dozen other media outlets come to cnn s defense. the news coming in next. dishes. .before she puts them in the dishwasher. so what does the dishwasher do? cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuck-on foods, the first time. wow, that s clean! cascade platinum. i ve always been amazed and still going for my best, even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there s a better treatment than warfarin. i want that too. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. what s next? reeling in a nice one. don t stop taking eliquis 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veteran deserves. go to or call 1-855-371-7304 the trump administration responding in court to cnn lawsuit. cnn sued the trump administration yesterday over its pulling the press credentials of chief white house correspondent jim acosta. now the president is responding. the administration as filed a response in court ahead of the 3:30 p.m. hearing. cnn is asking for a temporary restraining order to get the press pass back. the white house is saying president trump has quote broad discretion to decide who gets in and out of the white house. the president is saying he gets to choose and limit who is at the white house which reporters are able to attend presidential events. here is a part of the response that we can share on screen to quote from the response. it is a lengthy brief filed. it says that the president has broad discretion. it says the white house has the same broad discretion to regulate access to the white house for journalists and other members of the public that other past administrations have. that is the claim from the president s lawyers defending the move to revoke acosta s press credentials. the reason why this is interesting is secret service regulations says something different. unless you are a threat to the president s life press passes are not revoked. this is the legal battle that unfolds. and the evolving reason why his credential was pulled is a big question of what that means in the grand scheme of things. this new brief, there is no mention of that claim that he had placed his hands on a white house intern. the white house is not making that claim anymore. it is only saying that acosta wouldn t give up the microphone. lots of reporters try to ask follow up questions. and also happening today, a bunch of media organizations are coming to cnn s defense. 13 different news outlets have issued a joint statement saying they are joining friend of the court briefs. our news organization support the fundamental constitutional right to question the president or any president. thus we are filing friend of the court briefs to support cnn and jim acosta s lawsuit based on these principles. this is nbc, the new york times, the washington post. these are not outlets that usually agree on anything. they are agreeing on the basic first amendment values. i think it is note worthy that fox news is represented in this group. a lot of commentators have been criticizing jim acosta. some have said his credentials should have been evoked. the news side is saying they stand for first amendment rights. this is bigger than jim acosta. absolutely. today it is acosta, but it might be a reporter at the new york times or fox news next week. coming up, new members of congress posing for the freshman class photo. it s not all smiles. there is mounting pressure from many democrats to pick a side when it comes to nancy pelosi. with my hepatitis c, i felt i couldn t be at my best for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured and left those 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old democrats facing tough questions as to whether nancy pelosi should be the next speaker. it all comes down to the votes. let s go to the hill. what are democrats telling you right now with this? reporter: well, there is an effort afoot by a hand. of detractors of nancy pelosi to try to get enough votes to deny her the majority on the house floor in order to be elected speaker. what they re doing is they are circulating a letter trying to get enough signatures about people who say they will vote against her on the floor and they hope at that point the writing will be on the wall and they will make a decision and she will decide to step aside. there is one problem, they don t have enough signatures yet. behind the scenes, they are reaching out to those particular incoming freshmen, including those who dead said they can rate is against her in the caucus. kate, i caught up with some of the key incoming freshmen democrats just moments ago asking if they would stick to that pledge and vote no on the floor and some weren t clear about their intentions. not at this time nancy pelosi does not have my support. we re waiting to see if somebody else is going to emerge to challenge her. and i m focused on delivering for michigan s 11th district. on the floor of the house. will you vote no? i m waiting to see who emerges at this time. i m not making a voting commitment. i m looking for a new generation of leadership. are you concerned about voting against her this could hurt you in et going committee assignmentes? i guess, to be totally objective, i would have to say yes. however, i am very hopeful we all rise above that and this is america and we re pay loued to have different viewpoints and still move forward. reporter: jeff andrew was more firm about his no, intention to vote no on the house floor of noeancy pelosi. he says he stands by voters and he would oppose pelosi. but other candidates, incoming freshmen, would not go that far, including mikey sheryl of new jersey. right now, kate, no candidate yet. thanks to see you. thanks, so much. we bring in senior correspondent dana bash for more on this. nancy pelosi has faced the leadership challenge before the thing this time there are no democrats that say she wants the job. she is currently running unopposed, what reality do you see that? reporter: just that, you can t replace someone with no one. the speaker to the house is second if line to the pretty. there is no small election. not just that the reality also is that a lot of these freshmen members, incoming members and some who have been there a while and have been outwardly talking about the need for change in the leadership, it s one thing to say that. it s one thing to campaign on it for these incoming memberles. it s another thing to look nancy pelosi in the eye and say, i m not going to do this. because for a lot of reasons. not the least of which is that she has proven that she can get things done legislatively. she s proven she can get things done politically. she s raised more money than anybody in history for her members. so those are no small things. kate, you covered her. i covered her. we know when it comes to pelosi, this may be the toughest fight she s had, but she shouldn t be under estimated. she also knows how to vote. that s for sure. you talked to her about this in your latest series of women in washington. i want to play for everybody part of that interview. i have a broad base of support in the country, financially, politically and otherwise, which is valuable to our caucus. none of us is indispensable. some of us are just better at our jobs than others. for most women, frankly, myself included, it is hard to say those words, i am uniquely qualified. i earned this. i can do the better than anyone else. can you say that. you know why i do that, dana? i do it because i want women to see that you do not get pushed around. that you don t run away from the fight. i thought that was really an interesting part of your interview. it made me kind of wonder, does this new wave of women joining the house of representatives, looking at her as her role as a leader differently? reporter: i think so you know, for the reason that she just talked about. i mean, she probably has less of a responsibility to show women how it s done, because women are volunteering and raising their hands in bigger numbers than ever before. but that i just, you never hear her talk about her role as a woman, because are you so used to asking her newsy questions. the other thing that was noteworthy you have trouble wrapping your mind around, kate, was when she ran for leadership in 2000, 18 years ago, she was told by the men in the democratic party, why do you want to run? give us a list of the things the bill want in the party. we ll try to get that done. that was only 18 years ago. things have changed dramatically. it s in large part because you know she s had a seat at the table and you know picture after pick, it s nancy pelosi with all men. all men. that s right. dana, great to see you. thanks, for this. and a reminder for everybody, you can catch dana s series. bad ass in washington. now out today, she focuses on out republican kathy morris rogers, the only congresswoman to give birth three times while serving. great to see you again. coming up a top security aid working at the white house after the first lady in a stunning move called for her to be fired. so will she keep her job? details on that next. plaque psoriasis can be relentless. tremfya® is for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. with tremfya®, you can get clearer. and stay clearer. in fact, most patients who saw 90% clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin, and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. before treatment, your doctor should check 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[ neighing ] [ neighing ] [ sigh ] it s bring your own phone, not pony. so i could ve taken the bus? yeah. bring your phone. switch your carrier. save hundreds a year with xfinity mobile. call, click or visit a store today. welcome to inside politics. i m john king. thank you for spending your day with us. the deputy security adviser is on job. why is that news? the first lady called foreher to be fired. the president so far isn t listening. that s one part of the west wing chaos. plus, turmoil on capitol hill as house republicans prepare to be the minority party. the president intervenes, pushing to elevate two of his loyal pitbulls in anticipation of democratic aggressive investigations and democrats have their own family feud. nancy pelosi s critics say

Mexico , United-states , Miami-dade-county , Florida , Washington , Whitehouse , District-of-columbia , Maryland , Capitol-hill , Michigan , American , John-kelly

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20190121

student was slammed for a now viralen county. viral encounter. fox & friends first starts right now. heather: lots of people across the country not exacting kissing the skies this morning. they re dealing with a wintery blast. we have some really strong winds here in new york city good morning to everyone. a live shot of new york city for you there to start your day. you re watching fox & friends first on this martin luther king day. i m heather childress. it s great to be back after a week off and we always appreciate you joining us. let s begin with this, though. things haven t changed in a week. democrats refusing to provide a counter offer to president trump s new proposal he made over the weekend to reopen the government. garrett tenney is live in washington with more on the administration s attempt to restart negotiations. they didn t get very far, at least not yet. reporter: not yet, heather. good morning to you. the challenge for the white house is that in order to get the plan passed, it needs to pick up democratic support while holding onto all republicans. at this point, neither of those seems like it s a sure thing. to try to win over democrats, the president is giving them several immigration items, daca and tps. in exchange for $5.7 billion for his wall, his proposal gives temporary legal status to 700,000 dreamers who were brought to the country illegally as children and to 300,000 refugees who are facing deportation once the temporary status protection expires. both groups would be pro protecd from deportation for three years. those concessions are causing some issues for those that view them as a form of amnesty. mike pence tried to ease those concerns. this is not amnesty. there s no pathway to citizenship. there s no permanent status here at all which is what amnesty contemplates. what this is a good faith effort to address th issue, bring relief to dabbin did ca daca re. reporter: on sunday, chuck schumer shot down any notion that democratic leaders will negotiate with the white house over the president s plan while the government remains closed. if he opens up the government, we ll discuss whatever he offers. hostage taking should not work. the american people are overwhelmingly against it. the president s poll ratings are plummeting because even his own supporters agree this is a bad tactic. it s very hard to negotiate when a gun is held to your head. reporter: the president s proposal is expected to get a vote in the senate tomorrow. lawmakers from both parties are expected to offer amendments to get changes into it. so despite a republican majority there, there s still no sure thing that it will pass. heather: we re going to talk much more about this coming up. garrett, thank you so much for breaking it down for us. we appreciate it. some of the democrats at this point do appear to be breaking with party ranks in favor of building the wall. one of them, freshman congressman, jeff andrew. he said it s time to end the bickering and come to the table. i think there is a part of the party that is beginning to really push this because it s been taking so long, without question, and i think you will see more and you will hear more. p doesn t mean we re fractured and everybody is split apart. it just means that we need to get this done and, you know, real quickly, i think that there s ways to do that. we are a nation of the rule of law and we do need some type of barriers and as we ve all said, ad nauseam, in some places it may be electronic, some places it may be a drone, some places it may be an actual wall. we need to ensure security. i think there s a great number of democrat as well that really believe that is accurate. do you think $5.7 billion seems reasoseems reasonable. if it s spent in an appropriate and reasonable way. that s we have to negotiate. heather: it s not the first time he broke with democrats. he also opposed nancy pelosi s speaker bid. thousands of immigrants are accepting asylum in mexico as thousands more push toward the u.s. border. griff jenkins explains that more could be on the way. reporter: it s over 90 degrees in southern mexico, 2400 miles up that road towards at this watijuana. you can see these migrants taking refuge in much-needed shade. many of these are part of the 2,000 plus that crossed from guatemala into mexico illegally on thursday, that is in ad digs to the 3,691 that accepted mexico s offer for a temporary work work visa. 50 miles north of the guatemala, mexico border we saw seven, eight busses provided by the local government to come and pick some of them up. these folks obviously did not get that. what we re ultimately talking about is a numbers game where you have 2,000 of these migrants on the road, 3 yo 3,691 who tooe work visa, free to travel possibly to the u.s./mexico border. we re learning about a new caravan that left hon di hondurs many as 1,000 or more, that is the place where this originated. we met a man who made the journey in the last caravan. he was deported after he got to san diego. he s in this group, marching again. heather: griff is hard at work following all those caravans for us. some other stories we re following. this fox news alert we told you about at the top of the show, a suspect accused of shooting and killing a police officer is charged with capital murder. police say march h marco perez d down officer shawn tudor as he tried to arrest the 19-year-old in mobile, alabama. perez was wanted for faking his own kidnapping. officer tudor was with the police department for three years. he leaves behind a wife. he is the fourth police officer shot and killed on the job this year and the second alabama police officer killed in a week. it s only january 21st. well, turkey offering condolences to the four american heros killed by isis in syria. turkey s president expressing sorrow over their death in a call with president trump. the four americans were among 19 killed in a suicide bombing in syria last week. the commander in chief was at the dover air force base as their bodies returned to the u.s. on saturday. and apologies rolling in after some new video emerges or at least the whole video showing the confrontation between that group of catholic students wearing maga hats and a native american man at a rally in d.c. well, the media and critics rushing to condemn the boys for harassing that man you see there. but the new video shows the man approaching the teenagers and some who were quick to judge are now apologizing. megan mccain tweeting in part i like many may have reacted too quickly, apologize for being part of the media pile-on. the national review took down its story. the editor writing in part it s best not to make snap judgments and to wait for all sides of the controversy to have a chance to be heard. the native american man said he stepped in between the students and a group of african american protesters to diffuse tension. phillips said he felt threatened. and if you have the chance, you watcyoushould watch the entire . temperatures across the northeast dropping to life-threatening lows, some areas dipping down to 35 below r zero. boston expected to fall to 20 below zero after seeing up to 1n in upstate new york, more than 20 inches of snow fell. he vermont, they re dealing with at least a foot of snow. since friday, more than 4500 flights have been canceled across the u.s. but a different problem in baltimore. a baltimore airport security checkpoint is closed until further notice. the tsa blaming it on a shortage of screeners due to excessive call-outs. agents have not been paid in weeks because of the government shutdown. 8% of tsa employees missed work all across the country on saturday. that is up just 3% on the same day one year ago. how about some football for you? the super bowl is set after a double dose of overtime on championship sunday. to the end zone! hello, super bowl, new england. heather: tom brady marching the patriots down the field again, beating the chiefs 37-31 in the afc title game. president trump didn t take him too long to praise him on twitter, for making it to the third straight super bowl tweeting congratulations to the entire new england patriots team on a great game and season. will be a fantastic super bowl. and it should be if the playoffs were any indication. they will face the l.a. rams who beat the saints with this, 57-yard field goal in overtime, to earn the nfc title. they win 26-23. the saints think they were robbed of a touchdown late in the fourth. did you see that play right there? after the refs admit missing this pass interference call against the rams. so a little bit of controversy there. what do you think? let us know. the time now is 11 minutes after the top of the hour. the senate is gearing up to vote on president trump s latest proposal to protect dreamers and end the shutdown ment what makes what makes this deal different and does it stand a chance. we will talk about it, up next plus, a watch company has p an epic response to this gillette ad that has been ticking a lot of people off. get it? it was disappointing to see speaker pelosi reject the offer before the president gave his speech. i mean, look, the president is offering a solution. and what we have from democrat leadership so far is just sound bites. heather: vice president mike pence blasting democrats for refusing to consider the president s plan to open the government. majority leader mitch mcconnell says he will bring this to the floor this week. can the president count on moderate democrats to give him the votes he needs. joining me now to discuss is rnc spokeswoman kayleigh mcenany. we appreciate you joining us this morning. thanks, heather. heather: listening to the vice president there, i was out of town, it was really crazy to see that nancy pelosi comes forward even before the president had anything to say, saying that doesn t matter what he says basically, we re not going to negotiate with him. and this isn t the first time that they ve said they re not going to negotiate, right? tha. that s exactly right. before the president announced d his plan, which contains $800 million in humanitarian funding, billions of dollars in funding for detention beds, contains of course the daca temporary extension and the temporary relief for refugees. it contains so much that would help illegal immigrants coming to our borders and helps american citizens who are plagued by drugs on an everyday basis. heather: this is inside the fourth time the president seems to have reached out with some sort of compromise to democrats and we can pull that up for people at home,, his first offer was $12 billion with three in the first year, solid concrete wall, no daca in that one. then he had the second offer which was january of 2018, he offered $25 billion for border wall, solid concrete wall, restricting chain migration and an extension of daca. his third offer, january of 2019, $5.7 billion for the border wall, steel slats, additional funds for border security. and then this latest offer that he made over the weekend, again, $5.7 billion for the border wall in priority locations but again steel slats versus the concrete border that he had been talking about before, additional funding for border security and aid, daca protections and three year extension for tps. he s definitely reaching out and offering as you said things that in the past democrats have said they wanted. that s exactly right. those are the undenyal facts that you laid out that the president has consistent pro miffed. compromised. he s come toward the middle. he s taken little steps towards the democrats. i ve asked over and over again and i haven t gotten an answer from a single democrat, what have the democrats given. they sat on the $1.3 billion number. they have not moved an inch. nancy pelosi went to hawaii. democrats went to puerto rico. they were going to go on the congressional delegation. they have offered nothing. so this shutdown is on them. come to the middle, compromise, secure the border and get the federal workers paid. heather: will moderate democrats move across the aisle on this? i think there s a very good chance in the senate. we ve seen joe manchin, democrat in the senate, saying i think this could end the shutdown. you have the new york times saying doug jones, this could cost you your political seat. we may have cracks in the wall. heather: let s talk about the buzz feed article, this trump russia report that was declared inaccurate by the special counsel. remember, the deep state frenzy that was caused by the phony dossier story as well, also published by buzz feed. whicwill the anti-trump media er be held accountable for this type of reporting? i don t think so. when you fail to do your job, you usually lose your job, especially if it s repeated. this reporter has repeatedly gotten the stories wrong. nevertheless, he still has a job. we ve seen this when bloomburg, when the washington post, whenever outlet retracts story. it s very rare to see. so unfortunately i don t think the media will be held accountable. this was a despicable move buzz feed. heather: buzz feed saying they don t understand what part of it was not correct and asking the special counsel to lay out for them what part they have a problem with. exactly. when the horse s mouth, when the firsthand person with knowledge of the matter comes out and rebikes you, that s all the evidence you need. you don t have to go further than that. make no mistake, the firsthand is the special counsel, very rare move by robert mueller and to stand by your reporting, it really just calls into question buzz feed as an outlet. heather: thank you for getting up so early and for joining us. we appreciate you at this hour. thank you. welcome back. heather: thanks. the time now is 20 minutes after the top of the hour. and he is wanted for four murders and now police say this teenager may be in the country illegally. what we re learning about the chilling charges against him. and bon jovi is stepping up to help workers impacted by the shutdown. the rock star s act of kindness that now has the internet singing. oh, we re halfway there. oh, oh, living on a prayer. - in a crossfit gym, we re really engaged with who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. ordering custom ink t-shirts has been a really smart decision for our business. i love the custom ink design lab because it s really easy to use. they have customer service that you can reach anytime. t-shirts help us immediately get a sense of who we are as a group. from the moment clients walk in, they re able to feel like part of the family. - [spokesman] custom ink has hundreds of products for your business and free shipping. upload your logo or start your design today for your business and free shipping. and the army taught me a lot about commitment. which i apply to my life and my work. at comcast we re commited to delivering the best experience possible, by being on time everytime. and if we are ever late, we ll give you a automatic twenty dollar credit. my name is antonio and i m a technician at comcast. we re working to make things simple, easy and awesome. heather: welcome back. you re watching fox & friends first. president trump is calling speaker pelosi s bluff. the president tweeting, quote, nancy, i m still thinking about the state of the union speech. there s so many options including doing it as per your written offer made during the shutdown. security is no problem and my written acceptance, while a contract is a contract, i ll get back to you soon. pelosi sent a letter to president trump last week, trying to delay the speech. she claims security could not be properly provided because of the shutdown. well, democratic socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez slamming a liberal hollywood director after he calls out new young leaders. i really like the new crop of young people who were just elected to congress. they now need to stop acting like young people. i think there s a great opportunity here. now more than ever, for democrats to be the non-stupid party. heather: aoc tweeting in response, news flash, medicare for all and equal rights aren t trends when people complain about low turnout in some demos, it s not because communities are apathetic, it s because they don t feel you fight for them. if you don t show up, why should you feel entitled to their vote. today is martin luther king, junior day, the day to honor the famous civil rights leader. at least six potential and confirmed 2020 candidates will mark the holiday all around the country. former vice president joe biden and michael bloomburg expected to speak at a breakfast in d.c. kirstin jil gilibrand will speat her home state. elizabeth warren will speak in boston. two dozen candidates there, possible. well, the next story, a breakthrough, it could be on the r horizon maybe as the los angeles teachers strike enters its second week. they are meeting today after nonstop negotiation talks this weekend. teachers demanding things like smaller classes and higher pay and now a new strike could be about to start. [crowd chanting] heather: teachers in denver are set to hold a strike vote tomorrow as they demand higher pay. well, the time is now about 26 minutes after the top of the hour and today americans come together to honor dr. martin luther king, junior. how can we as a country keep his legacy alive? we re asking his niece who joins us live up next. we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it s ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. fly me to the moon. let me play among the stars. let me see what spring is like on jupiter and mars. heather: and and amazing show in the sky, turning the moon red. look at that. beautiful shot there. did you by the way see this, this super blood moon last night? nasa explaining that the lunar eclipse turned the moon this reddish hue you see there and that it was so big because it was closest to earth in its orbit during a full moon. the next super blood moon, by the way if you missed it, not until 2037. so just take a look at all the pictures online. amazing, though, right? israel now, lawn offing air strikes on iranian targets in syria overnight. the israeli military releasing this video, confirming the attack while warning syrian forces against retaliation. the air raids come just hours after israel intercepted an iranian missile launched from syria in broad daylight. the prime minister says he refuses to allow iran to establish itself in syria. well, vice president mike pence offering some insight into the upcoming nuclear summit between president trump and kim jong un. we ll be laying out our expectation for north korea to take concrete steps to begin to make real the denuclearization that kim jong un committed to and the president s very optimistic. heather: well, the two leaders have agreed to a second summit at the end of february. u.s. officials say that the rogue nation has not taken any significant steps to get rid of its nuclear weapons, despite promising to do so during last year s summit in singapore. well, a buzz feed reporter can t seem to explain discrepancies in the exclusive story that claimed president trump directed his former lawyer to lie to congress. kayleigh mcenany had a comment on this earlier in the show. todd pyro joins us with how buzz feed is defending itself. reporter: no clarity on the buzz feed story claiming the president ordered michael cohen to lie to congress, this after the reporter who wrote it failed to explain whether his co-reporter saw documents forming the basis of the story. take a listen. i can t get into the details there. we can t go any further at all in order not to jeopardize the sources. the same sources we used in the story are standing behind it, as are we. reporter: the special counsel s office refuting the report, asserting it was not accurate and was almost entirely incorrect. rudy giuliani says this is another example of a media out to get his client. they should be sued. they should be under investigation. you ve got hysteria going on in the media that interprets everything against president trump. reporter: even the vice president saying the problem is bigger than buzz feed. i think what it says more about is the obsession of many in the national media to attack this president for any reason, for any allegation, for any report in the media. reporter: congressman john ratcliffe with an interesting take on the unprecedented rebike of the article by mueller s team. is that just a coincidence or does it having to do with the fact that that happened two days after an attorney general nominee said for the first time, i m going to grade the special counsel s homework and i m going to get to the bottom of all this and bring a fair and expeditious conclusion to this matter. reporter: heather, nevertheless, adam schiff said democrats will absolutely investigate the report. heather: much more to come on that for sure. reporter: we haven t even scratched the surface. heather: thank you so much, todd. today would have marked the 90th birthday of reverend dr. martin luther king, junior. a symbol of passifism. on this very important day, we remember his legacy. joining us now to reflect on this great man, is his niece, a great lady, dr. alveda king. thank you for joining us so early this morning. it is an early morning but still good morning to everyone. heather: it s an early morning and it is a great day because this is a day on, not a day off. explain to everyone at home if they p don t know what exactly that is, the meaning behind it in relation to dr. king. well, with the martin luther king legacy, the message, and impart of that legacy, actually, my daddie dad is martin s broo a day on, not a day off. and one thing that we re doing, i know at my church yesterday we took up an offering for those who perhaps have been impacted by the shutdown. they may need some gas. they may need groceries or something like that. so we wonder what we, a people of goodwill are going to do, not politically arguing and fussing about who should build a wall and who shouldn t but really helping people and so that s what martin luther king would like for us to do. you know, talk to young people, clean up the communities, talk about not bullying children, those are the kinds of things that need to be happening. heather: a day of service, working together. you mentioned all the back and forth that we hear going on in this day and time. what would dr. king s response be to all of that? a quote that s a favorite for me, i decided to stick with love, hate is too great a burden to bear. it kind of dishonors the prophet, the man of god who is seeking to divide to turn it into a political circus to me. i know we ve got candidates that will announce they re running and that will be their day on politically, i get that. we need to deal with crimes against humanity. he would say that today, oppression of the poor, putting people in jail that don t belong in jail, abortion, human trafficking, sex trafficking, crimes against humanity. he would ask us to come together as brothers and sisters and live together as one blood, one human race, not that 20th century race card information on skin color but to come together as brothers and sisters. heather: you mentioned the 2020 democrats who are hitting the campaign trail today on mlk day. we can have a map of some of those. everybody s going to be busy across the nation. what do you think about them using this day to get out and campaign some of them rumored to be announcing their campaigns for presidency officially. people forget that martin luther king, junior was a prophet, a man of god, and very concerned about the whole human community, the whole human race. he didn t see us as separate races. he saw us as the human race. and so i believe even a church service that i ll probably attend today and it will be full of political speeches, but martin luther king, junior did not serve politics. martin luther king, junior did not serve government. martin luther king, junior served god. and i think that s what people should try to mention or try to remember on his birthday as we are serving humanity, not politics. heather: you bring up politics in the matter. both sides of the aisle using different quotes from dr. king to support their issue when it comes to immigration and building the wall, the vice president did so and one of the sunday shows yesterday. what are your thoughts on that? well, actually the wall will not be the solution. of course, this is going to help our border security people manage the activity, keep the immigrants themselves safe as they re trying to come into the country. if the wall will help to do that, and i believe it will, the wall is okay. but it just should not make such a really big battle. heather: let s use today a day of service and work together and better our communities. dr. king, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. thank you. heather: and we ll be right back. heather: president trump presenting democrats with a deal to end the government shutdown, an extension for dabbin daca res in exchange for wall money amongst a whole lot of other things they asked for. nancy pelosi and chuck schumer rejecting the deal, calling it unacceptable and hostage taking. is this a bad deal? here to debate is a former georgia state legislator and democratic strategist and chris nywane, a gop strategist and iraq war veteran. thank you for joining us. dee, i will start with you. dee, what is going on with democrats? it does seem like there are a lot of things being offered here in this deal that could at least begin negotiations but you hear nancy pelosi saying nope, we re not going to negotiate even before the president officially made his offer. that s because these deals are old deals. these are things that could have been accomplished in the past two years and they were not. basically, he s trying to put the onus on the democrats when he said this is his shutdown. this is the trump shutdown which means a trump remedy. the way he can do that is to open the government. heather: he s trying to remedy it by making this offer. many of the things of which democrats asked for in the past. this goes way beyond the shutdown. this is for decades, no president wanted to touch this, he s the only one that s doing it. the democrats have been in favor of doing border security, the same thing over and over. if nancy pelosi dropped her purse, we could pay for five border walls. okay? it s very simple. they know what they need to do, they need to get the job done. heather: this is a three year extension for protection of immigrants under temporary protected status, tps, three years of legal relief for protection for daca recipients, also includes $805 million for a new drug detection technology, new border agents included in this, $800 million in humanitarian aid. what part of that is a nonstarter for democrats? the non-starting point is the government should have never shut down. let s look at this. they had two years to get this under control. what happened and as we saw in the white house with with martin luther king s bust behind it, needless to say, he said he would own the shutdown. he said that he wanted to make sure he had the border wall. you should make sure you own it now. this has been going on for he had two years. heather: let me let chris talk about that. chris, it s not just two years, this is decades and many other administrations. it s been going on for decades. this is the first president that s taken on the issue and taken it seriously. the border, there s been it s not fair for anybody, not fair for taxpayers, for people coming over here, it s a dangerous trek many of them are making. he s the first president to take it on. the democrats are playing kids game. in 2015, schumer wanted this exact plan. they need to talk. federal workers don t deserve this anxiety. this has been going on for decades. heather: he de heather: dee and chris, we appreciate you both joining us. supposedly this will be brought to the floor for a vote this week. we ll see if there s any type of negotiation that happens and if some those moderate democrats come across the aisle. thank you for joining us. good to be with you. thank you. heather: the time now is about 15 minutes until the top of the hour. second lady karen pence slammed for her new job at a christian school. when did a christian education become a bad thing? allie betts stucky joins us with her take, up next. i m a veteran and the army taught me a lot about commitment. which i apply to my life and my work. at comcast we re commited to delivering the best experience possible, by being on time everytime. and if we are ever late, we ll give you a automatic twenty dollar credit. my name is antonio and i m a technician at comcast. we re working to make things simple, easy and awesome. we are back with a fox business alert for you. china reporting slowest economic growth in nearly three decades. tracy carasco joins us to explain how president trump s tariffs are taking a toll. reporter: this is very important economic data from china. china s economy cooled in the fourth quarter under pressure from slowing domestic demand, also those damaging u.s. tariffs dragging 2018 s growth to its lowest in he three decades. a 6.6%, that is china s economic growth in 2018. the lowest since 1990. that s the pace that china has reported for the fourth quarter. gdp was about 6.4%. all of this as the two countries, the u.s. and china, trying to work out those trade demands which also could be weighing on u.s. companies like apple and other automakers. that could be weighing on their profits as well. so as we are looking ahead, this is also affecting china s jobless rate. china reporting a jobless rate for the month of december at 4.9%. that is up from 4.8%. so something that the chinese take very seriously as far as jobs go. they ve even resorted to slowing down their investing, their hiring, even some layoffs with the chinese as many other countries of course take very seriously. heather: interesting. thank you so much, tracy. great to have you with us as always. here s the topic that is causing controversy. christian education under attack following news of second lady karen pence teaching at a private school. the main stream media is going over the long-held views on same sex marriage, the school s views, that is. joining us now to talk about it is allie beth stuckey. thank you for joining us. thanks for having me. heather: so kind of summarize what the controversy is here. it specifically deals with the school that karen pence is taking a job as an art teach where she has taught in the past. she s working there part-time and the school holds traditional biblical views on marriage and not only marriage between a man and a woman do they believe but they also believe sex outside of marriage is wrong and so they have very strong principles and views on that they have made public in thpublic. and the mainstream media and people on the left have taken issue with karen pence working there. these are founded in the bible. you can disagree with the interpretation of it. you don t have to go to a christian school. karen pence should be he free to work there if she wants to. heather: applicants have to sign a moral misconduct clause that bodiethat woulddisqualify s that engage in these activities. this is what the vice president said to defend his wife. to see major publications attacking christian is offensive to us. heather: there s a hashtag, expose christian schools, and i was reading some of the tweets including the hashtag last night and they are running the gamut. what do you think about that? i went to a christian school, kindergarten through 12th grade. i m thankful for the education i got. people can disagree with the morals that christian schools hold. when they attack them for being bigoted or discrime that that dt appropriate for young students, they are attacking chris economian at this. what we christianity. what we see over and over again from the mainstream, it s okay if you re a christian, if you re a person of faith, as long as you don t believe anything that the bible holds. that s what vice president pence is getting to. heather: also, the director of communications issued a statement saying it s absurd that her decision to teach art to children in a christian school and the school s religious beliefs are under attack. we ll see what develops from this story. thank you, allie beth stuckey live for us. thank you. heather: the time now is about 8 minutes until the top of the hour. we told you about the new video that s shedding some new light on this now viral confrontation between a high school student and native american protesters. your comments are pouring in and we ll share some of those, up next. 12 hours? 20 dogs? where s your belly rubs? after a day of chasing dogs you shouldn t have to chase down payments. (vo) send invoices and accept payments to get paid twice as fast. (danny) it s time to get yours! (vo) quickbooks. backing you. heather: welcome back. a suspected illegal immigrant may also be a serial killer. police say that 19-year-old wilbur martinez gusan is the main suspect in four murders across nevada. all four victims were found shot and killed in their home earlier this month. immigration officials told the sheriff that guzman is likely in the u.s. illegally. he s held on separate immigration charges. police are looking to a possible connection between this man and an unsolved murder of two indiana teenagers after charles eldrige was arrested. he mug shot was compared to the sketch of the killer. he was arrested 200 miles from where two teenage girls were killed in 2017. at this point he s not officially a suspect in the murdemurder.apologies are floode internet after new video reveals what happened during a protest. several high school students wearing maga hats allegedly attacked a protester. mike on twitter says too late, the damage is done, apologies get bad reporting. megan mccain said she may have reabilitied too quick reacted too quickly. time now for the good, the bad, and the ugly. up first as always the good, bon jovi offering a helping hand during the government shutdown. his new jersey restaurant offering free meals to federal workers and their families today. and now the bad, more fallout forgey let and the razor for gillette and the razor maker s attack on toxic masculinity. what is a man? is a man brave? a hero? heather: they are dedicating this video to the men who sacrificed everything to make the world safer and better. the ugly, a german tennis star destroying his racket during his match in the australian open after several whacks and right there a little more frustration, he would go out by losing in straight sets after that. well, that wraps up this hour of fox & friends first. it was great to be back with you. fox & friends first continues right now. have a great day and stay warm. bye-bye. president trump said bring me all the ideas from both sides. now it s time for the senate and the house to start voting to secure our border. jillian: it is monday, january 21st. putting it all on the table. the president setting his terms in another proposal to reopen the government. rob: any chance the democrats will play ball? we re live in washington where all eyes shift to the senate. apologies flooding the internet after new video shows a very different side to a viral confrontation. jillian: what the high school student at the center of it is now saying this morning. and it was a mic drop heard around the world, the reason behind jimmy buffet i bizarre anthem stunt. rob: fox & friends first continues right now. put my hands up, they re playing my song. the butterflies fly away. nodding my head like yeah. moving my hips like yeah. hands up, they re playing my so,

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the police releasing two australian brothers they previously question and the attack against smollett. chicago police now say the trajectory of the investigation has shifted. mike tobin is live in chicago with the latest. i have just got a statement from smollett s team. let me read it to you verbatim. there are no plans of jussie smollett to me was chicago police today. any news reports suggesting otherwise is inaccurate. that is in reference to a report that ran to the chicago sun-times today. this morning, saying that he might submit to what they are suggesting. they will keep an active dialogue when with chicago police on his behalf. we have no further comment today. smollett s team has been saying that he is further victimized by the claims that he staged his own attack. over the weekend, police told me that smollett is no longer considered a victim in this case. they stopped short of saying that he is a suspect, but what police did say that they have new information and want to bring him in for more questioning. this follows police detaining and interrogating two brothers from nigeria. officials say the two men cooperated. evidence came out of those interrogations that s of the brothers should go free. the anonymous police sources said the two men are paid by smollett to stage the attack. they even rehearsed it. police have things according to the anonymous sources, like a receipt for the rope that was put around his neck. as far away as los angeles, people have reached the conclusion that smollett made all this up and they are angry. for smollett say that he was a victim of racism and hate crimes and we believe it is a lie, certainly it s an injustice to those true victims of racism and hate crimes. there has been some discussion that this case will go to the grand jury when a when i pressed police about this, they have gone to a familiar refrain. they want to bring him in for a follow-up interview. after that, the question about the grand jury can be answered. melissa: mike tobin, thank you. in the meantime, reaction to the initial case. some even thought to blame president trump. here is democratic congressman maxine waters reacting on the day of the alleged incident. we have to understand, this is happening for a reason. it is coming from the president of the united states. he is dog whistling every day. he is separating into fighting. he is emboldening those folks who feel this way. melissa: house speaker nancy pelosi and this now deleted tweet wrote, the racist homophobic attack on smollett is an affront to our humanity. no one should be attacked for who they are or who whom they . . kamala harris tweeted that the attack was an attempted modern-day lynching. fellow tron 20 candidate senator cory booker use the same term to describe the attack. but here s what he is saying now. the information is still coming up. i will withhold until the information comes out. since 9/11, majority of terrorist attacks on our soil have been right wing terrorist attacks. melissa: chris, jumping to conclusions. you take someone at their word when they say they ve been a victim of a crime. that seems logical enough. but then go to the next extent when you re blaming the president? your thoughts on sort of the hyper pile-on? chris: what blew me away about this attack is that it didn t seem very believable. to begin with and it shows you the form of mind that a lot of these folks are in in the media and politics. they actually think it s likely that there are bands of white rednecks from chicago to 2:00 a.m. with nooses and bleach yelling this is mag country. nobody would watch that cop drama. it s a hokey television show. they all jumped on and said, of course, that sounds right! melissa: moving out to where you blame the president for having created the environment where they can happen, kennedy. somebody comes out and say they were victim of something. to come out and make us human, first you are going to believe the men look into it. and that sort of thing. treat them with respect out of the gate no matter what. and you don t blame anyone for doing that in this case, for sure. but that next level where you have maxine waters, for example, saying, this is the attitude that starts the top. he is dividing us. look what happened. kennedy: the new look at her and say, what are you doing to bring us together and bridge the divide? because there is a divide in this country, and real racism. but when something like this happens, it s absolutely true. it diminishes the claim of other people who come forward and people who are victims of legitimate, horrific acts and intentions. but you have to go back to the beginning and say, what motivated it? if this was, in fact, a total fraud and he paid this pair of brothers that he met on the set of his show to perpetrate this for crime, what is the motivation? it s to get people riled up. but he didn t think a few steps down the road, that the chicago pd might actually have detectives and investigators who can go out and investigate his claims and take them very seriously. and really start to parse them. the other thing there was some talk that he was being written off of empire and wanted to make a big splash. he said the men that attacked him were clearly white even though they were vague face max. if that s the case, then these nigerian brothers are that convincing of actors, they should replace jussie smollett on the show. chris: [laughs] melissa: carley, earlier today it was said that this age that we are in, it s so much easier to be stupid faster. you have social media, you have instant reaction. people can put things out. they feel the need to dive into the divide. carley: i think now we are getting that instant reaction on the other side, where a lot of conservatives on twitter are sort of pointing and laughing at democrats. i don t think it s wrong for democratic politicians to condemn what they thought was a hate crime at the time. i just re-watched the interview that he did with robin roberts, and he said, you do such a disservice when you live out things like this. he said that. if this turned out to be false, how the heck was anybody supposed to know? you sorta have to to let people be people and believe certain things like this. we won may be it s up to the media to be more responsible. for average people, who are going to pile on april ryan, for example, treating this attack on jussie smollett as a hate crime and should be treated as such. we ve been through the mill before, should show a little bit more strange. carley: i think you re right about that. there s a difference between a politician, somebody asking a politician for their feedback on a story, and a journalist jumping to a conclusion when it s their responsibility to respect the fact. morgan: picking up on what you said, i agree that the instinct to call out something that is perceived to be evil is a good and noble instinct. the problem is and i think the difference here in the situation instead of just calling out something that was evil, people jumped to directing it at president trump. i think that is the difference coming here. i do think when we all see evil, and we may see racism and things that are unconscionable, we should call it out. as chris said earlier, that you alluded to i think everybody needs to take a deep breath. from directly licking these things to a president or to the democratic party, whatever political party. i think that s the main thing we are all learning as it relates to the covington case, as well. as it relates to everything we are seeing go on the virginia on a daily basis. with the top three elected officials they are. you have to sort of take a deep breath and say, if this happen, it s terrible, but let s not attribute things when we don t have the effect of the case. chris: you see things that are evil. you see men dragged behind trucks come people attacked or denied jobs or place to live. we don t see our donald trump supporters and red thoughts saying this is mag a country. that would ve been a batman comic. it s a cartoon villain. for people to jump on board and say, that s exactly what is going on, this is a modern-day lynching, they should have stepped back and said it seemed a little outlandish. carley: true. but the big takeaways that we can t judge a situation to have all the facts on the table. and we still don t have all the facts. kennedy: and journalists covering it after we use words like alleged. kennedy: you re right about nancy pelosi. the second part of her statement is true. nobody should be attacked for who they are who they love. it s a universal truth especially now. the health of the world is getting better and not worse. we have to stop acting like this is the absolute worst time in american history. morgan: i think you are right, kennedy. the instinct to demonize each other and think the worst of each other is something that i think is just vitriolic in today s politics. everybody is guilty of doing it. instead of thinking the worst of people who support the president or the worse of people who support nancy pelosi, can we all get back to the point of remembering that we are americans? we may have a fundamental disagreement on policy and how we get to where america needs to be, but that doesn t mean we are inherently evil. melissa: either way i have compassion for someone, and i know that this annoys people but if you did make it up i feel really sorry for you. speeches of rings of easily going on. carley: it said both ways. if it s true, it s sad. if it s not true, it said. kennedy: but it comes down to the individual. it s not about groups and being activated. it s one person made a series apparently come at this point, we are learning a series of really bad choices. that s what it goes back to. it speak to his character. sure, we may be in a time where the political tenor is so loud and it feels so mean and on the sustainable, but that still goek to the individual and his reaction. melissa: maybe you could suppress the urge to say, see, that s exactly what you were telling about x that and goes to the larger part they were trying to make. you see them live aside. on the right that they are piling on. that we will blame the president for everything fit in the end, the police will tell us what actually happened. then we will know. but maybe we can morgan: i think perpetrators in this case is where this has happened in the past tend to think they are bringing sympathy to the larger cause. actually, when this happens, the perpetrators are looking for attention for themselves. i m not saying that s what s going on, we don t know. melissa: they do the opposite. morgan: this is not a new phenomenon in law enforcement. the one new calls for the democratic chairman of the house intelligence committee to recuse himself from his committee s russia investigation as questions are raised over his meeting with one of the man behind the steele dossier. we will debate that. we are watching new protests outside the white house against the president s declaration of a national emergency as there is growing legal and political challenges to the plan. what is the way forward for president trump and the country? 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[applause] kennedy: new protests outside the white house against the president s national emergency declaration amid escalating legal talent challeo his efforts to help secure funding for a wall on the southern border. senior advisor to the president stephen miller on fox news sunday predicting a huge portion of the wall will be built. what the president was saying is, like past presidents, he can choose to ignore this crisis, choose to ignore this emergency as others have, but that s not what to do. you will see probably a couple hundred miles in time. i would say by the end of the next a preparations cycle. by the end of this year? the next fiscal year. one more after this. so by september of 2020 question required in the middle of the presidential campaign? melissa: what timing! kennedy: in the meantime, challenging the emergency declaration has been filed by a liberal advocacy group, public citizens, and california attorney general javier becerra. he has been prepared to file another challenge imminently. a number of states and certainly americans will be harmed. we will all be prepared. he himself said it, he did not need to announce or declare a crisis. he did not have to call this an emergency. he has also said he knows he s going to lose in court. kennedy: even multiple republicans in the house and senate object the national emergency declaration. among them come aboard a state republican congressman will hurd. of government was designed for the most ultimate power, the power of the purse, to reside within congress. we shouldn t have an executive i don t care if it s publican or democrat the dress to get around congress with this national emergency. i m always open to making sure that congress takes back some of its power as a coequal branch of government. kennedy: a man, what a wonderful time for that discussion. revisiting the constitution, will hurd also brought up some great points, chris, about eminent domain in texas. and how thousands of renters have plots of land that will indeed be read before a government taking. and they will fight the government in court over that. republicans of karma s a kind of funny on this. that was pushing back and saying that congress needs to assert itself against it executive. but every time they come at a park of the first thing the cut is around congressional budgets. they cut congress budget and said we will deal with the executive leader. it s no surprise that everybody in their congress come in their mid-20s may be the first or second job, your fighting career employees and you will be the most of the time. president trump s use of learned his lesson on the ear of the immigration ban rollouts and things like that. kevin daly said that by focusing on building walls in texas first and using congressional money it s already been appropriated, using money from the treasury that s already been seized, he s going to severely limit the kind of people who have the ability to earn a lawsuit against them. to the fifth circuit a review to washington, d.c., s more moderate circuit. if they have standing to sue him, he s going to actually build like stephen miller said, a lot of this wall. kennedy: hawaii is jumping income as well. they have tremendous issues with their porous border. [laughter] imagine them being lumped in with oregon and california. you get on! morgan: this is being compared a lot to president obama s move as it comes to daca. i m not a lawyer but i talked to a few people trying to get a better understanding of the difference between when president obama made the daca move versus president trump s national emergency move. one of the points that was made is that daca, it was an abuse of prosecutorial discretion. that s a long word for monday. essentially, they could say, i m not going to prosecute you, melissa, because you re here illegally. i will not use my resources to do that. there s a difference between saying, not only a manic way to prosecute you, i will confer legal status on you. so the president and his team could point to many things that will have a national emergency. that s where they will parse the difference between what president obama did and what president trump has done. kennedy: is interesting because so much power screen shifted the supreme court. if it does make its way to the supreme court, that will become critical for liberals and conservatives. because conservatives will see that the sky is falling for the next president has to be a democrat in order to rebound the court. because the present is saying no matter what the legal challenges are, it ll go to the ninth circuit and the appellate court will lose. it will lose, then it will go to the supreme court because it will win because there is a conservative majority. melissa: i m not totally sure he is right about that. he has done a bunch of things along the way to undermine his own case. when he stood there and said, i don t really need to do this, yikes. kennedy: it sort of lesson three emergency part of it. melissa: it does make it tough. legal experts say it matter so much more what he writes versus what he says. in that very long press conference he did say almost everything. so you can kind of put something into every little basket there. but i d don t know that has confidence of is that the supreme court level. again, i m not a lawyer, either. it doesn t necessarily seem to me like that is for sure the case. he had a bunch of avenues to go. it was that one piece of money he wanted for those billions he was getting, that depended on it calling don mike being called a national emergency. carley: speaking of the legality, and something that cavity brought up with will hurd talking about the 1,000 farmers that could stand to lose land, there are still people in court over the 2006 secure fence act that are trying to figure out money that they are owed. kennedy: you re right, this eminent domain case will take a long time. carley: absolutely. so the legality of this will take a long time. that wall is there, so you can still build a wall on land even when you are still working at the money aspect of it. i just don t think president trump needed to do this. the proposal was bad, and he signed a bad plan. but he could still he s the ultimate spin master. he could have spun it into a win. new miles of fencing, 120 miles of fencing that we are going to make it better. morgan: more money for judges. carley: exactly. money that he could have used kennedy: of congress wants to take their power back, what he figure with the holes are in this theoretical immigration sense and fix those? and figure out how many people need to come into this country and work legally. and make the system better so they don t have to count as his poor hands by tearing the fence on himself. chris: they have no interest in solving this problem. if he gets a button issue that won t they are willing to solve the dreamer is she like what president trump suggested that last. they re certainly not willing to provide more funding for this wall. so he s dealing with a congress that has zero interest in zero motivation to try and fix it. melissa: but they want to see spectra power, like he said. that ll be great. do your job. kennedy: and some complained about! or not. democrats divided over amazon scuffling plans to build a second headquarters in new york city taking thousands of jobs with them. can the dems united on this issue heading into 2020, or do they hate money? plus, president trump accusing andrew mccabe and deputy ag rod rosenstein of pursuing an illegal and treasonous plot against his presence he. this after the explosive 60 minutes in interview. we ve got all the details i had. we talked about why the president had insisted on firing the director. in the context of that conversation, the deputy attorney general offered to wear a wire into the white house. you might take something for your heart. or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. need money for your family, call newday usa. a newday va home loan lets you refinance your home and take out 54,000 dollars or more to pay credit card debt, or just put money in the bank. it even lowers your payments by over 600 dollars a month. as a veteran, you ve earned the powerful va home loan benefit that lets you refinance up to 100 percent of your home s value. and with home values rising, that can mean a lot more money for you and your family. and because newday usa has been granted automatic authority by the va, they can say yes when banks say no. and they ll do all the va paperwork for you. we all know some of life s most important financial decisions are made right here at the kitchen table. so, if you re a veteran and need cash, calling newday usa could be one of the best decisions you ll ever make. go to or call 1-855-newdayusa melissa: new reaction to explosive new claims from former acting fbi director andrew mccabe. mccabe sang the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein was serious about secretly recording president trump and discussed removing the president from office. watch this. the deputy attorney general offered to wear a wire into the white house. he said, i never get searched on the go to the white house. i could easily wear a recording device. they would know it was there. now, he was not joking. he was absolutely serious. in fact, he brought it up in the next meeting we had. melissa: today, president trump tweeting, wow it, so lies by disgraced acting director andrew mccabe. he was fired for lying, nice story gets even more deranged. can rod rosenstein, who was hired by jeff sessions and other beauty it looked like they were planning a very illegal act and got caught. lindsey graham spoke before the mccabe interview aired. graham saying that he plans to subpoena mccabe and rosenstein unless they voluntarily agree to testify, and i m sure they will. watch this. democracy, people enforcing the law can t take it into their own hands. was this an attempted bureaucratic coup? i don t know. i don t know who is telling the truth. i know rosenstein has vehemently denied it, but we will get to the bottom of it. melissa: so, chris, just focusing in on what new we learned by watching interview last night versus the stuff we knew before. i was shocked by the way he really categorize the whole thing, that it was all rod rosenstein s idea. like he was sort of do you notice that, too? morgan: somebody s getting thrown under the bus. melissa: he s like, i walked into this room and he brings up this idea. even when he said, what were you thinking? and he was thinking, how do they get here? like he was a passive person, a fly on the wall, while rod rosenstein was cooking up this scheme to go record the president to get them out of office. you are thinking don t like figuring similar thoughts? morgan: at the same thought when i was watching last night. it almost distracted from the book because it was clearly such a premeditated effort, for whatever reason. i don t know why. mccabe was thinking he wanted to go after rosenstein. rosenstein came out and said they mischaracterized the meeting, and said there was a lot of fighting between the two of them. so we don t know who is the telling truth. but here you have the number to the fbi, who was of course fired and has been accused of from the ig, within the fbi, of having perhaps told mistruths. having not told the truth about his leaks to the media. then have the number two at the doj essentially giving opposite stories, and accusing each other for lying. that s what s going on here. number two doj saying that guy is lying. that s a bad situation for our fbi and our department of justice to be in. we can t sugarcoat that. melissa: one of the other things that was really interesting was that he kept not being specific about why they wanted to remove the president. what was the problem. kennedy: he is a key! chris: he tweets! melissa: his capacity, his don mike is intense. not that he was colluding with russia, he just kept saying, here we were in this white-ranging conversation about removing the president. but not really why the 25th amendment, why he needed to be removed. she noticed that? kennedy: the whole thing is insane. it s really scary that that is how people who are really high up in these critical departments are operating, surreptitiously. it s awful. it s not okay, and there has to be some accountability. accountability just can t be that you have two guys were really mad at each other now so they are saying mean things and try to contradict the other and ruin their reputation. that is not accountability. this cannot happen. i know everyone makes fun of limited government libertarianism, they want to pare down the scope of the surveillance. but this is why. people have so much power. it s concentrated in so few humans that they really feel emboldened to operate this way. it is wrong. it s not how this country should operate. regardless of who the president chris: if this wasn t a tv show, could have been written by smollett. it s a hoagie script again. where do fbi agents learn how to act, where they say come up with it let s play or a wire into the white house. let s say it true. none of them have the power to remove the president. their plan was to get mike pence to remove president trump if they were a wire. if this is true at all, it shows you that our fbi at the top is not as smart as our fbi rank and file. melissa: do you think the acting fbi director should have, at that point, been so outraged by the idea, the suggestion melissa: sessions? kennedy: no, i m talking about mccabe. the fbi director. mccabe was the acting fbi director. but he should have gone, no we are not going to remove the president! he does things that we think are on toward an gross and wrong, but that is not grounds for us just a few guys in the room are moving in. morgan: don t forget, this went to the general counsel, as well. that s what rosenstein said last night. it wasn t just the people in the room, that one person says it s a joke. rosenstein apparently went and told the general council. so a lot of people that was in on it. carley: my antennas went up twice during this conversation paid one time when he was asked when the 25th of them in conversation came up, and he said he couldn t remember. you can t remember when that happens? that s like a flash forward to when the hearings are going to start. i m sure that ll be his answer for a lot of things. also, when he started the obstruction of justice charge. he said it was because he was going to get fired, he wanted to make sure that none of these things went away. but that s not how this works, as i m sure you can attest to. investigations don t just go away because somebody gets fired. he knows that, so for him to try and sell that to the american people is a big question, as well. ethic we need some clarification on that point. melissa: and that begs the question, will we get clarification? that s how we started this segment, talking about the idea that they wanted to have a hearing and they wanted these gifts come and testify. i m not sure we will get any movement on the road when we do that. kennedy: if rod rosenstein is such a compromised person, he was the one who launched the special counsel investigation. this was that all a sham as well, based on andy mccabe s logic? melissa: all right come the failed amazon deal to bring a new headquarters to new york city now driving a wedge between democrats. what this is about the party s position on jobs and big business, and the impact it could have on the 2020 campaign. we will debate that, next. we are going to have to make a decision, in all seriousness, as a nation. republicans and democrats. are we in entrepreneurial capitalist nation? do we want jobs and do we want to succeed? mom! he s blinking too loud. sorry, is that too loud? you don t need any more hormones in your house. that s why you chose kraft natural cheese. made with fresh milk without the added hormone rbst. it s cheese as it should be. and i don t add trup the years.s. but what i do count on. is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. boost® high protein. be up for life. okay, i never thought i d say this, but i found bladder leak underwear that s actually pretty. surprised? 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morgan: a new debate over the direction of the democratic party, as some of the party s top 2020 contenders had the campaign trail today. you see new jersey senator cory booker in new hampshire, back in the senator s home state and around the country democrats are dealing with fallout after, in the face of protests from progressives, amazon scuttled a deal to build a new york headquarters. a few days ago, 2020 hopeful senator elizabeth warren treated in part, how long will be allowed giant corporations to hold our democracy hostage? the new jersey democratic congressman jeff andrew saying he supports a and was not opening up in his state. this is the world we live in now. i know some people don t like incorporations or incentivizing corporations, but i think we have to compete and we have to make sure we create jobs. and newark s only democratic congresswoman, carolyn maloney, here. it used to be viewed protest wars. there we are protesting jobs? if this has gone through, it would have made overnight new york city the high-tech capital of the east coast. i m a progressive, too, but i m pragmatic. if somebody brings a jump to my district, to my city, and billions of dollars in tax revenue morgan: she s one of many congresswoman in new york the politics behind this are fascinating to me. as we saw these clips here, the mayor of new york city they know they can t attack alexandria ocasio-cortez and other liberals. melissa: build a boss who has. he went after her. morgan: well, he went after amazon today and elizabeth warren did, as well. politically, the easier thing for them to do is to attack amazon as opposed to others. chris: at the battle of the corporate democrats want to give billions of dollars to one of the biggest companies in the entire planet, and the democratic socialists who want to tear that down and say that taxpayer money should go to corporations. melissa: have to stop you re there, they are not giving billions of dollars to amazon. they are being allowed to keep the money that it s made as opposed to having the government confiscate it and waste it. chris: but that s different than any of your company the area. kennedy: but there are subsidies they re going after. a lot of these big corporations go after it. you re right about that. the welfare aspect that s the one area i agree with alexandra costa cortez. that s not okay. we don t have to give billions of dollars in dollars in incentives to corporations like amazon who already have billions and billions of dollars. they can go ahead and build wherever they want. she is wrong, though, when she says they should bring headquarters to new york city where it s not just the people who would go and work for amazon. this is not just a child labor factory. these are good paying jobs. think about the vendors. think about the restaurants. think about the dry cleaners. all the other industries that would pop up around the big, beautiful melissa: but the answer is not the take away from amazon. when you say corporate welfare, the answer is to lower the burden that you are putting on the other businesses. chris: i agree. melissa: is not to say, no, amazon, you go away. it s to my government smaller. stop spending so much money and trigger selves. morgan: carly, do you see this as being a big break between democrats? as you said, they are pro-jobs versus the ones who are pro- or anti-any sort of corporation. carley: it s a huge split. its establishment democrats. at alexandria ocasio-cortez on lonely island again. i understand what you re saying about the incentives. $3 billion is crazy. but everybody, every state that wanted amazon in their district and their state, was giving them the kind of money. or offering it. kennedy: yeah, marilyn offered three and a half billion dollars. carley: it s not like they are like a beauty queen and that walks into a bar. there needs to having people play hardball with them. so they said, check with you newer, i m out of here. you can t blame a big company like that. melissa: one thing i think it s funny is that alexandria ocasio-cortez once again accidentally became a huge elitist. much like with the green energy where she was going to make energy more expensive for everyone. and that was only a plan for the rich. with this she said new workers deserve dignified jobs and they shouldn t be settling for scraps. since when is the average job of $150,000 a scrap? she wasn t even pointing out the corporate welfare aspect. she was talking about how we don t want these crummy jobs and what jobs those are good jobs! carley: if you don t think this is actually affecting new yorkers lives, you re absolutely wrong. when you think about people, i read an article about a business owner and pumped over $1 million into his apartment building because he thought people were going to be there and he wanted to make it better. and now nobody is coming and he doesn t know what to do anymore. kennedy: the good news is that there are real estate bargains in long island city. the bad news is there is no subtlety here. these lawmakers to understand it s not just black or white or us versus them. amazon good, amazon evil. there are subtleties in there. when you can have revenue generators and jobs, you can t turn your back on that wholesal wholesale. morgan: i will just say, it s good to be a beauty queen who walks into a bar. [laughter] like this one right here! the democratic chair of the house intel committee, adam schiff, sending firm in his plans to further investigate the come campaign and russia. but how stupid leader kevin mccarthy says that adam schiff should follow his own standards and stuff aside from the probe. we will dig into that all that next. my constipation. stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. and it doesn t cause harsh side effects. that s why i choose miralax. look for the pink cap. reach her health goals! i m in! but first. shelfie! the great-tasting nutrition of ensure. with up to 30 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals! ensure. for strength and energy. kennedy: more outnumbered and for just a moment. first, let s touch base with melissa. she s in for harris on outnumbered overtime. what s up, melissa? melissa: thanks, kennedy. president trump lashing out after former fbi director andrew mccabe s explosive 60 minutes interview about a ledger talks to remove the president from office. republican andy biggs of the house judiciary committee joins me on what former fbi attorney james baker told the committee about all this last fall. that should be interesting. plus, joe biden and bernie sanders both appeared to be getting closer to jumping into the 2020 race. do two old white men have a chance in an already crowded and diverse democratic field customer cannot come out a lot more. outnumbered overtime at the top of the hour. kennedy? kennedy: new calls from top republicans for democrat intelligence committee chairman adam schiff to recuse himself from his investigation. just yesterday, chairmanships doubling down on his and decisions of the term can be an organization. he also disagreed with the assessment of the top of public the senate committee that they have not found any evidence of collusion with the term campaign and russia. watch. you can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence. there is a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt. kennedy: collusion is not a crime. meanwhile, minority leader kevin mccarthy urging chairman schiff to aside after revolutions revelations that schiff met with the research firm by the unverified steele dossier. here is leader mccarthy. why doesn t he hold himself to the same standard that he asks jeff sessions and devin nunes customer he should recuse himself based upon meeting with an individual that is under that we are looking at. he should recuse himself from any future investigation or being the chairman. sp2 interesting. does this call for chairmanships recusal? chris: by schiff s own standards, it certainly does. because the meeting with simpson somebody has been disgraced, who has worked with for agents to compile it could put the unverified dossier on present term. another one of those laughable story line dossiers on president trump. he had inappropriate contact with bruce ohr, department of justice. he appears to flood about that to congress saying he only had conversations after the election with bruce ohr. and now he s talking to this person who has been discredited, who could easily have been a part of this investigation. so by adam shifts appearance of bias standards, then yes, he should. will he? of course not. democrats are in charge. kennedy: it feels like we will never get to the truth. the truth the soap subjective. you got the russian intelligence saying that we found no collusion, but on the house side the democrats are saying, absolutely, it s right there in plain sight. but it s a big leap to prove he couldn t tell my criminal conspiracy. morgan: it seems like people will only believe that merely report if it fits whatever their narrative is. the tragedy of all this is that we ve talked several times during the show today, kennedy it s not just the house intelligence committee. it s the fbi, it s the doj. these institutions that were revered, that i faced a lot of reform after some pretty nester history and the fbi. some of the things i used to go on. these are institutions that americans trusted. there are so many institutions that have been politicized. things like the house until committee, something that is a bipartisan nature. people took it quite seriously, working on this together. not running out the television camera to politicize everything that came their way. we have people like former cia director john brennan, who is unprecedented in american history for excuse me, as cia director, to be this political. he is saying the things that he is alleging should be taken very, very seriously. i just concur with you that i think people are only going to believe the merely report if it fits the political narrative. if not, they will keep searching for a crime. kennedy: you are absolutely right. he took down mike tucker at the former heads of the fbi and cia, and other coming out with saliva throated political endorsements for anyone running against the president. there something around that. they are already jockeying. if the narrative of the report doesn t fit theirs, they are discrediting it. bob knew he didn t look enough at the kids and the finances! carley: how it will play out is that they will believe certain aspects. or they are going to highlight in bold certain things that fit their narrative. what that means is that this may be a huge waste of time and money. chris: a national rorschach test. carley: [laughs] exactly. kennedy: which, you know, they administered here. i m wearing one now. [laughter] how exciting. we have more outnumbered in just a moment. you stay right here. newday usa helps veteran homeowners get cash by using the powerful va home loan benefit we ve earned with our service. the newday va cash out loan can help you get over 50,000 dollars to pay off the credit card debt, put cash in the bank, and reduce your payments by over 500 dollars a month. and since newday s been granted automatic authority by the va, they can say yes when banks say no. get the financial security you ve earned and deserve. go to, or call 1-855-newdayusa. kennedy: thanks so much to the one and only chris bedford. he braved the storm of your own maladies. to be here on the couch, rocking presidents day. chris: no cold is going to bring me down. looking for to the democratic primary this year. i m looking for to spring time and to a after the show. kennedy: you! great long and short-term goals. carley: i m so happy to be here! this was a lot of fun. kennedy: now we rejoice in an hour well spent. we will be back here at noon eastern tomorrow. here s melissa francis in for harris. melissa: fox news alert, political and legal battles mounting in the wake of president trump s national emergency declaration setting up for a fierce fight ahead. this is outnumbered overtime, i m in today for harris faulkner. democrats slamming the president s use of executive power and california and other states announcing plans to sue over the declaration. but the white house is strongly defending the decision. here is director of strategic communications, mercedes schlapp, this morning. we feel that we are on strong legal grounds in pushing forward to declare this national emergency. it is the obligation of this president

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Story With Martha MacCallum 20190924

of office, betrayal of our national security and betrayal of the integrity of our elections. the president must be held accountable, no one is above the law. martha: s of the president of course responding many times on twitter today. he called this, in all caps, presidential harassment. tweeted they never even saw the transcript of his call with ukrainian president. he says when that happens, all will see that it was totally appropriate. more reaction as i said from the white house in just a moment. republican senator john kennedy and former acting attorney general matthew whitaker both standing by the way in this evening on all of this, but first, democratic congress man eric swalwell, he was in a closed-door meeting with speaker pelosi just before she made this very big announcement and he sits on the house judiciary and intelligence committees. i was meant, thank you very much for being here. of course, good evening, martha. martha: the president authorized the full release of the transcript of his conversation. did you want to see that may be before going this. what we want to see, martha, is the whistle-blower complaint where the inspector general said it s urgent and it s credible. martha: the ideas going to testify, the dni incorrect. incorrect. no, not true. not true. that s not true. they have so far said they are not going to give that to us. we are going to get testimony from a director of national intelligence, they have not produced the whistle-blower, so the law says there s no discretion here when you have an urgent and credible complaint, congress has to hear about it but again, but that aside, you have the president s own words saying he had a phone call where he invited help actually directed help to the ukrainians on his opponent, martha: absolutely he said that. when you ask a foreign government for help, you owe them something, which means one day you may have to put another country s interests ahead of america s interests, which to me as betrayal, some our founders martha: i hear you, compliment, but are you putting the cart before the horse just a tiny bit here? why not just take a deep breath and wait until you can see the phone call and you re absolutely right, the president said that he did discuss the biden investigation we are going to talk to the white house about that and ask them about that in just a moment, but just this do you have any hesitation given the gravity of this and given the fact that if you go down this road and the president said keep climbing up that ladder, because it s going to be a little embarrassing when you get a look at it. if that turns out to be the case after the mueller investigation felt kind of flat, wouldn t that be a little bit of a difficult bill to swallow? we are to have the president s admission. he s copped to the crime so we don t limit the whistle-blower report. i think it will add color to the investigation, but when you have a president tells dominic telling george stuff annapolis i would still take dirt from a foreign government and then saying admitting that he asked a foreign government to help them, that s urgent and credible in and of itself and when the president s own inspector general appointed by the president says that this is a five-alarm fire essentially martha: he says it was incredible he didn t say five-alarm fire, he said it was a credible claim. he found a credible and i absolutely agree with you, that means that you need to follow through with it. do you think it s odd that the whistle-blower who wrote that report did not hear it firsthand? did that probably would all? i don t know if that s the case. the inspector general, who we interviewed, said he could not tell us anything about it because the president a posthumous director of national intelligence told him. martha: there are several reports that it was not he wasn t on the call, but didn t it firsthand. if that is the case and we will find out, will that be troublesome to you and what you want to recheck the effort to sort of jumped the gun here? so what i can tell you from inspector general s testimony to the intelligence committee is when they have an investigation like this, they seek to corroborate with the whistle-blower said. i can t speak to this particular investigation, but the inspector general said he would not have told the director of national intelligence to send this to congress and was heated a 14 day long thorough investigation and after his investigation he still found the complaint urgent and credible. martha: and you feel that that is enough. what about the argument that divulging these conversations cuts into the president s ability to talk to foreign leaders. are you concerned about that and the precedent that could set moving forward under a democratic president or anyone else down the line? absolutely, but this president has a prior in the sense that if you let him off the hook, give him the benefit of the doubt that this is a businessman running for president, he didn t understand the gravity of embracing the help from the russians are asking them to hack he should have learned his lesson from the debacle that we went through with the mueller investigation and what that revealed. now he still doing it and so what is a whistle-blower martha: that report revealed no collusion. revealed that he hadn t done anything wrong. it also revealed that we have never written laws because we never imagined that a president would draw themselves a candidate would draw themselves so close to an investigation, but again, if that had never happened, if he had never worked with the russians or embraced their help or instructed justice or took money from a foreign national, this act alone would be impeachable. martha: would be enough. okay, i hear what you re saying. what if there s no way to prove that there was any quid pro quo? because i say again, you haven t seen the transcript yet and nancy pelosi marched out in front of the cameras and made this enormous announcement today, so you guys are out there. you re out there on the limb so if there s no quid pro quo, if you can t prove in the investigation that anything of value was traded for that knowledge to do that investigation, how will that sit with you? quid pro quo is not needed. when you listen to the president s own words, by asking the ukrainians to do this when you ask somebody to do something, you owe them something in the future. that s enough and our founders, they imagine that foreign governments would seek to work in our elections and they did everything they could to try and stop that from happening, but again, when you re dealing with ukrainians, you need to know this, they depend on us economically, militarily and for our credibility. so even if you re just talking around dilatory aid, telling them to do something, they know what s going on there. martha: all right. the campaign, the trump campaign has said they think this is going to be helpful to them in the end because they think you guys are barking up the wrong tree and people are tired of all the impeachment talks. are you concerned about that, before i let you go? i m not looking at the politics of this. in fact, doing nothing would only bring worse behavior from the president and doing nothing would reduce the standard of conduct for future presidents and so we can think about that. martha: congressman, thank you very much, there to see you tonight. as we mentioned, president trump announcing that he will release the complete fully declassified and unredacted transcript of his july phone call with the ukrainian president tomorrow. fox news has learned that the doj lawyers as well as lawyers in the white house have advised the white house officials that they should do that. you re now exclusively is one of those officials, white house principal deputy chap secretar. thanks for having me. martha: there s a lot of scuttlebutt that will not be complete, will it be complete and unredacted? can you verify that your tonigh tonight? absolutely. that s what the president said and that s what he has the authority to do. he s going to release it unredacted in totality. we want the american people to see this. if we want the american people to understand that the media and democrats pushed a russian hoax for three years with no evidence and they re doing it all over again. if the has done nothing wrong, but remember, the media and the democrats, and let s be fair, that s kind of synonymous, they want this to be true so badly. you saw it tonight with nancy pelosi, they didn t even wait for any of the evidence that they ve been clamoring for now for days. martha: he said the president has already admitted to something that he says is an impeachable offense. when you ask a foreign leader to give you a little help with some capital research on one of your political rivals, that is an impeachable offense. he is absolutely putting a little bit more meat on the boat compared to what donald trump actually said. he mentioned that in the call and you will see that tomorrow. martha: have you seen the transcript? i have seen the transcript. martha: you read the entire thing? absolutely, and is entirely buried the information is classified until we declassify it sometime tomorrow. martha: let me ask you this, will there be any mention of the call that the money that was withheld from ukraine was dangled in return for help with investigating hunter and joe biden? i can t get into what s into the document yet. it will be declassified. what the world will see tomorrow is what donald trump said today in his tweet, there was no pressure, there was no quid pro quo and remember, this has moved all over the place. first they wanted to see the transcript, now they are saying know we said we will release the transcript, we want everyone to see exactly what s in this document to understand the president of foster s conversation was. there was nothing wrong with it. martha: wasn t joking? was all really lighthearted? again, i m not going to characterize it, you will see it tomorrow, i m not going to get ahead of that but now they are saying we don t want that, we just want with a whistle-blower had to say, so they don t want the actual evidence of the phone call, they want someone a pastor characterization who may or may not have seen this in person and heard it third hand. martha: you are nancy pelosi and you heard the congressman, they both said it doesn t matter. it doesn t matter if there s no quid pro quo because everybody understands that ukraine needs support from the united states, hundreds of millions of dollars was being withheld, then the president had this phone call and then a couple weeks later that money was released. they are saying it doesn t need to be spelled out, nobody expects anybody to be that dumb, but everybody understands the broader context here and that is enough. what is interesting for me is to watch democrats say all of these things about how ukraine needs aid when barack obama, all he did was give them blankets and pillows. this president is the one who actually gave them eight, lethal aid, in fact, to fight back against russia, which is way more than barack obama martha: withheld the aid and then had the conversation and then afterwards it was released. that s the important part here. it is, but let s be very clear about what the president is doing as president and what he ran on an won on this topic, which was making sure every dollar that taxpayers paid into the government was spent wisely. he wants other countries to pay their fair share. he did that it made of martha: s they are saying that s the reason that he was withholding it? are not saying anything about the reason of this. you will see it tomorrow in the world can decide but the fact is he has done nothing wrong, this will be proven again and the democrats in the media, who are complacent and compliant with everything the democrats want, are going to be made fools of yet again. martha: you feel very confident that when because i think that with all of these things, everything is open to interpretation. are you saying that this transcript, which you bred, is just absolutely beyond anybody s ability to twist it one way or the other? perfectly clear? what i m saying is it baffles the mind how many times democrats are going to go down this road and keep walking into these massive left hooks from donald trump. they keep setting themselves up with no evidence, pushing lies on the american people, only to be proven wrong time and time again. and look, speech and prove them wrong, the hours of testimony prove them wrong. attorney general barr, corey lewandowski prove them wrong. everyone prove them wrong. they re still pushing these lies without evidence. martha: understood. there is some reporting today that there was a debate in the white house whether or not they should be released, but secretary pompeo and mr. mulvaney were both on the side of no, this should not be released and that bill barr, the attorney general, wanted it to be released. why were those two significant players saying i wouldn t let this go? are not going to speak on behalf of attorney general barr, i m not going to speak on behalf of secretary pompeo and i m definitely not going to speak about internal deliberations we have in the white house. the fact is that people didn t vote for our cabinet, they voted for donald trump. he s the one who make these calls when he is so sick and tired of watching his reputation attacked and people trying to destroy him without any evidence whatsoever and this is going to prove yet again is indicated in yet again democrats have overreached and completely ruined what could be some actual good things to accomplish for the american people. look, these attacks, they don t hurt donald trump. he continues to win and continues to do things in a positive way for the american people. it hurts average americans out there want something done on guns. this is going to be very difficult now to move forward on this matter. martha: no doubt. it will take up all the oxygen in the room for anything that was going to be getting done. in a state of the year and he given the option, is this going to be about impeachment or is this going to be about legislation that have completely chosen the path. martha: i got one last question for you. why, one day after the mueller albatross is lifted off the president s back and he s free to move on with the rest of his presidency, does he get on the phone with the president of ukraine and start talking about biden, about the next election, why? why would he do that? it just seems to fly in the face of any good sense whatsoever. again, i feel like when you see this transcript, the president is going to be vindicated, it s going to be proven he does nothing wrong. i can t talk about what s in it yet martha: is he saying the mueller is over and what should i go ask you, why don t you go look into buying? we all understand what s going on here. joe biden has some serious issues in his past, the media have completely ignored it. they are not talking about it at all, except for trying to jump off of joe biden to attack donald trump, joe biden is the one who s done things wrong, he s bragged about it on national television. the president has done nothing wrong and you re going to see that tomorrow. martha: i think there s no doubt that all the focus on this and impeachment proceeding will shine more light on the biden issue and in a rudy giuliani said tomorrow starts, from his perspective, the introduction of the china side of the question, where it comes to joe biden and we will cover it all, we covered it all all the way through. it s about time someone looks into it. martha: thanks for being here and answer questions, we appreciate you being here. let s turn now to john kennedy, senator, good to have you with us tonight. you ve been listening to this conversation. where do you think this whole thing is going? a couple of points, martha. number one, i m not sure what speaker pelosi said today. i was under the impression that mr. nadler was already conducting an impeachment investigation martha: that s a good point. i don t think is been playing candy crush over there for the last year. number two, my good friend congressman had his 19th nervous breakdown on your show. i just got to wait and see what the transcript shows. i will say this. i think they re going to to be two investigations. this clearly going to be an investigation of president trump s conversation with president zelensky. but there s also going to be an investigation if not by the republicans, by vice president biden s fellow candidates of mr. hunter biden, who i don t know. but what we do know is that a ukrainian oligarch hired young mr. biden, paid him $600,000 a year, gave his law firm a boatload of money and i don t think the american people believe that the oligarch got young mr. biden s name off ziprecruiter. i think you can believe that. you need a check up the neck up. martha: there have been some digging around into this, there hasn t been any wrongdoing found thus far but the question is obviously still open and joe biden says he never discussed any of this with his son. i look at it this way. if a guy robs a bank and on the way to jail the cops beat the living hades out of him, should you investigate the cops? sure, but you re also going to go back and investigate the bank robbery. i m not accusing anybody of robbing a bank or beating up anybody, i m just saying i think there s going to be two investigations here. final point, i think some of my democratic friends are in good faith. i don t have enough facts to agree with them, and i don t at this point, but i think other of my democratic friends just can t accept the fact that the american people chose donald trump to be president. it s called democracy. and my advice to them, i say this gently, fill out a hurt feelings report and let s move on. as you pointed out, we got a lot of issues that are at least as important as who said what to whom, and final point, i hope the white house has contacted resident zelensky to get his permission martha: they have. to release this transcript, because i don t want my conversations with world leaders to be transcribed and released to the public. do you know why? because world leaders are going to talk to me anymore. martha: apparently secretary pompeo, the state department has cleared this release with the leader of ukraine, mr. zelensky, and he is okay with it, which may tell us a little bit more about that as well. in terms of the process here, and the way that it works, you have a whistle-blower goes to the inspector general of the intelligence agencies. he is concerned about apparently about what someone told me was said and told him, excuse me, was set on the conversation. there s reports that it s secondhand, we will see. then he s alarmed enough by it to pass it up to the dni and begin the process, which is that after a certain number of days, seven, after the first 14, it has to be turned over to congress. nancy pelosi says that in and of itself is egregious and is a breakdown of policy and the way that they should happen. can i stop you a second? you left out one salient fact. yes we have a whistle-blower, yes he wasn t there, it s secondhand, but the whistle-blower, or someone on his behalf leaked it to the press. what does that remind you of? that reminds me of the russian investigation. i m not saying there s nothing here, we are going to get the transcript tomorrow and we will find out, but this is we are starting to see a pattern here and all i m saying is to the congressman, who i have great respect for, before you get all lubed up, let s wait and see with the transcript says, number one, and number two, i think i can say pretty confidently we are going to two investigations. we are going to have one of the vice president. i don t know whether that will be by the fbi, by republicans in the senate, or by vice president biden s fellow candidates, but that part is not going away. martha: senator kennedy, thank you, great to have you here tonight. thanks, martha. martha: you bet. if president trump insists he has nothing to hide on this phone call and that it will be released in totality, unredacted tomorrow and that the american people will see it when it comes out, the phone call with the ukrainian president, speaker pelosi today insisted that he is in violation of the constitution and here she is talking about what i just mentioned. the actions taken to date by the president have seriously violated the constitution, especially when the president says article two says i can do whatever i want. martha: here is the former acting attorney general, matt whitaker, good to have you here. as we were just coming to you, there s a report out of politico that says that the whistle-blower report will also be released by the end of the week. we heard congressman say he doesn t care so much about the actual transcript but he definitely wanted to see the whistle-blowers reports. now it sounds like both are going to come out. what do you think you might i heard him say that and as a former prosecutor, obviously i wouldn t allege a crime or say somebody committed a crime or violated the constitution, especially if i hadn t seen the facts and the underlying evidence to even start. martha: general that s the way it goes, right? speak of house democrats appear just want an impeachment so deaf and dumb i could disbelieve that they are willing to ignore what the facts could be in order to satisfy their breathless desire for an impeachment. it s really extraordinary and the president does have broad destruction to discretion under article two of the constitution and i can t see anywhere where the president can t have a broad discussion with a foreign leade leader. those international relations martha: even if it s a request to investigate your political opponent in the next presidential election? martha, i think what we are going to see tomorrow is the desire of this president to stamp out political corruption across the world, including in the former soviet satellite states like the ukraine, the balkans, and other places where political corruption is rampant. things need to be investigated in these allegations of joe biden joe biden i think should be investigated. for corruption. i think it s kind of lost on a lot of people what we re really talking talking about here. martha: okay, your signal was breaking up a little bit, so we lost a little bit of what you said, but just one last thought in terms of how this moves forward, the department of justice apparently, the attorney general was behind or was supportive of releasing this transcript. yeah, i think bill barr is always going to be for transparency, especially coming out of what they did with the whole russia investigation, so i would expect we will see full transparency in bill barr standing for that and really all these investigations. martha: just one more time, if there was that question about help, election help or getting information out about joe biden, as a former ag, would that be troublesome to you in terms of the bar that we need to be met for impeachment? one of the things i learned is acting attorney general, you don t speculate about facts you don t know. but in this situation i think the president was probably talking about making sure that ukraine stamps out political corruption that came out of their prior administration. martha: we will see. we will see when it all comes out, thank you very much, good to see you tonight. tonight, another breaking story at this hour, iran now firing back after president trump uses the global stage to put the blood lust regime on notice. general jack keane her to give us an update on all of that from the u.n. very busy day there today in new york city. next. story? vo: my car is more than four wheels. it s my after-work decompression zone. so when my windshield broke. woman: what?! vo: .i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. woman: hi! vo: with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield. then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! woman: safelite has service i can trust. singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn s, your plans can change in minutes. your head wants to do one thing, but your gut says, not today. if your current treatment isn t working, ask your doctor about entyvio. entyvio acts specifically in the gi tract to prevent an excess of white blood cells from entering and causing damaging inflammation. entyvio has helped many patients achieve long-term relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. ask your doctor about the only gi-focused biologic just for ulcerative colitis and crohn s. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. you ever wish you weren t a motaur? 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[deep inhale] breathe happy with febreze plug. no responsible government should subsidize iran s blood lust. as long as iran s menacing behavior continues, sanctions will not be lifted. they will be tightened. iran s leaders will have turned a proud nation into just another cautionary tale of what happens when a ruling class abandons its people and embarks on a crusade for personal power and riches. martha: so is the impeachment battle rages on tonight in washington and all across the country, there is another big story breaking a short time ago, iran s president hassan rouhani now firing back in an exclusive interview with fox news chris wallace tonight hours after president trump slammed the islamic public as one of the greatest threats facing peace-loving nations. watch. the country that is present and flying over the airspace of and bombarding the soil of the country of syria without permission of the government is the united states of america and today america unfortunately is the supporter of terrorism in our region and forever america has gone, terrorism has expanded in their wake. martha: joining me now, general jack keane, fox news senior strategic analyst. general keane, always good to have you with us, especially on a day like today when there was so much happening at the u.n. he flipped the script. he said everybody says we are the leading sponsors of terror but that s not the way we see it from where we sit in iran. what he has in common with other authoritarian repressive regimes is how consistently and persistently they lie in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary and they never, ever give up on it and this guy is lying right through his teeth and has been lying just about every day has been in office and that s part of what we are really dealing with here. a fundamentally authoritarian regime who wants to control his people but has huge ambitions to dominate and control the middle east. they have largely succeeded at accomplishing a portion of that. martha: so is the president is trying to rally the allies around an effort to stick with us in this brunt in terms of the sanctions on iran and new pressure and perhaps reopening a kind of agreement that is a better agreement, president rouhani says he wants the persian gulf to control the persian gulf, he wants the countries that are around the persian gulf to be in charge of it. that s a boldfaced lie again. he wants to control it all himself. what s really happening is we are on really different parallel paths. here we have the united states as escalating sanctions, crippling the economy of iran as its intermediate goal to eventually force them into better negotiation of the nuclear deal, that s kind of the path the united states is on. the iranians have not accepted that. today they have not negotiated that. if they believe their path is better. so what s their path? of their path is out of their old playbook, it always has bee been, to escalate kinetic actions and that s what they ve been doing. three drones they ve shot down. now one of the largest oil fields in the world. all escalating tensions to get the world community to pressure the united states to reduce sanctions and it actually is backfiring on them because i think they re somewhat brain-dead. can you imagine doing this ten days before the u.n. national assembly is meeting with most of the president far less of the world coming here and they are all going together and in comes the united states with absolute bona fide declassified evidence of the iranians pulled the trigger on the strikes and now as opposed to isolating the president of the united states and what he s trying to accomplish, the nations of the world martha: pushing everyone together against him. here s iran being for the politically, diplomatic become economically isolated, and that is a good thing. martha: one of the interesting messages the president had today. sort of a big picture look at how to help people in the country. how to be a good country. this is what he said about that, watch. if you want freedom, take pride in your country. if you want democracy, hold onto your sovereignty, and if you want peace, love. martha: to me, when i heard that, i thought this is a message to these dictators who have treated their own people horribly. all of the power in iran lies within his leadership. jcpoa agreement. there are no they are being taken to the cleanest, most of them, right? they actually hold signs, stop spending money in syria and in yemen. the iranian people know what is happening. martha: are they going to overthrow? is there any hope? we would hope that s the case, but i think world pressure on iranians is what is actually needed and what they have in common with china, with north korea, even with russia, is repression of the societies and it s the thing that s the weakest about the country. it is their achilles heel and the president knows that an previous presidents have known that as well to trigger that achilles heel and make sure the people haven t given up hope. that there s a world out there that understands the suffering that has taken place there and then i think u.s. policy is trying to do everything it can to bring other countries in the world to put pressure, confront the iranians, stop the advance of the middle east and let s get back to the table and negotiate a deal that makes some sense, that has ballistic missiles are not going to be developed and if you re going to have nuclear power, not weapons, we were not going to put up with his aggressive malign behavior doing in the region as well. martha: interesting they are talking in the president is right in the center now this negotiation and where this goes from here it feels like general, thank you. good talking to you. martha: good talking to you you. when we can back a lab report of the next apps in congress after today s impeachment inquiry begins and how it plays out in a republican-controlled senate with florida senator marco rubio, next. r, you re a broker. what do you charge for online equity trades? 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sure, i don t think you should have done that and i ve said that. that s different from saying that s not what they re saying. what i m hearing voices out there saying is not only did he bring it up, but there s a quid pro quo. if there is of that, maybe there will be, but right now there isn t and i think it s importan important. this is not something you throw around lately and i m not saying we will see what the facts are. i m not taking a position where the other. the position i m taking right now is we want to know facts. we want to see the transcript of the call, we will wait until we get more facts, individuals coming in the intelligence committee that i sit on and that s what they should be based on. martha: i want to ask you about hong kong because i know that it s an important subject to you. what we ve been watching unfold there. here s the president talking about hong kong today at the u.n. watch. we are also carefully monitoring the situation in hong kong. the world fully expects that the chinese government will honor its binding treaty made with the british and registered with the united nations in which china commits to protect hong kong s freedom, legal system, and democratic ways of life. martha: some observers wish the president they want him to be stronger on this issue of china and hong kong. what did you think about that statement, was that enough for you? those are pretty strong words and that happens to be the correct position. the chinese were an hour trying to do a trade deal, an agreement with united states. they are going over the world talking about how they are the defenders of the international system. what hong kong proves is the chinese communist party is not someone you can trust in any deal. you can find the best deal in the world, they proven, not just on hong kong, but how they treat the illegitimate claims to the south china sea and other measures that they easily violate these deals when it s convenient upon them. the second point that i would make is the reason why the united states treats hong kong differently, meaning we don t put tariffs on stuff out of hong kong, we don t subject them to the same scrutiny, is because hong kong is supposed to be autonomous. it hong kong is no longer autonomous, then it and china should no longer receive the benefits of that autonomy and i have the bill that will require and i believe will pass the senate and the house of the president will sign, that deprives the department of states to go every year and certify whether or not hong kong remains autonomous. martha: it we will watch that bill as it moves through. before i let you go quickly, this is a picture of the venezuelan delegate at the u.n. today reading and basically snubbing the president as he spoke today with regards to venezuela, what do you think about that? that s par for the course, but that s a representative of a crime family, the maduro regime, a legitimate government of venezuela, some that we and 50 some odd countries recognize and by the way, yesterday, a major development, 16 countries in the western hemisphere invokes the real treaty, which means they now have a legal framework for them to impose the same sanctions that america has imposed on that regime, so that regime is more isolated and in more trouble than ever. martha: the president definitely put a hand up to the people of venezuela today in support and we will see where that goes as well. senator, thank you, always good to see you, thank you for being here. thanks. martha: you bet. this part of the story breaking tonight, now the wall street journal is also confirming this evening that the white house will release the whistle-blower complaint. the whistle-blower report, by the end of the week. if you heard swalwell earlier in the show saying that is what he wanted to see and now indeed that will be released and he and everybody else will get a look at it. coming up next, while the opening of the inquiry backfire politically for democrats in 2020? and if she does that, they all say that s a positive for me from the election. could also say who needs it, it s bad for the country. martha: was asked these guys, chris stirewalt and marc theissen, what a tangled web today, right? how that will affect 2020 when we come back. dr. cochrin, we need your help! we re getting ready for a competition. how do you know my name? we looked through your wallet after we wrestled your pants off. is this hell? alright, i m gonna help you. matthew mcconni-snake, you re gonna need to puff out your chest like you re ready to mate. don t do that. we have a chance to do something amazing and he is a part of that! no matter how low, or hated, or despised. okay, okay. you ve made your point. thank you. mhmm martha: so president trump will soon release the transcript of the big phone call that we ve been talking about all day with the ukrainian president and tonight, 406 days from election day, the rnc is calling him joe biden to release his calls with foreign leaders so that the american people will have answers on his sun s business dealings in most countries. here is the former vice president, who s been quite fired up about all of this earlier today, watch. the president does not comply with such a request to the congress. continues to obstruct congress and flout the law. donald trump will leave congress, in my view, no choice but to initiate impeachment. that would be a tragedy. but a tragedy of his own making. martha: here now, chris stirewalt, fox s politics editor and marc theissen, american enterprise institute scholar. fox news contributor. chris, about four months out from the iowa caucuses and this is going to be the story for really all through that period, no doubt. very much so, and this is also, you see, the trump campaign, the president himself wanting a sort of redo of 2016. looking for dirt on biden overseas, trying to say that he and his family are crooked, trying to turn his very negative story for the president overall into a positive by at least pointing out the stuff on biden. the question is do the democrats do they dig in on this too? to biden s rivals say even though its ill-gotten gains, but we still want to take advantage of it and raise these questions about this sort of ethically obtuse, shady-looking business activity of joe biden s son. martha: that s a good question. i think that s interesting. that s a good question, chris. here s beto o rourke, who like all the candidates doesn t want to miss an opportunity to get some attention. here he is. to those who are holding out, i just want them to know that history will judge all of us and our accountability for how we acquit ourselves at this defining moment of truth could not be more important. martha: so mark, classic, right? it s classic and it s not just beto, it s everybody. everybody has taken off all the defenders are off of the race here. this is going to do more damage to joe biden than it does to donald trump. donald trump is at least flexing like is pretty confident releasing these transcripts and releasing martha: it will see, right? we will see. but i will tell you was going to be earning the most is joe biden. just on your show a few moments ago that senator kennedy said there s going to be an investigation of the president and end of an investigation of the vice president because he had a clear conflict of interest in having his son hunter working for a natural gas company at the same time he was urging ukraine to produce more natural gas, so it s going to happen is republicans are going to call a punter biden to testify in the going to call up all the obama administration aids who warned dashboard quoted in e new yorker assaying the warrant that vice president hunter biden because the vice president a conflict of interest and they will call up a nonpartisan ethics expert were going to say that with the vice president it was a conflict of interest under federal ethics where the that s going to be very bad for joe biden. martha: it clearly stirred the hornets nest on this whole hunter biden story, which i think we all knew was going to come out eventually in terms of some kind of scrutiny into these issues. maybe it accelerates them, maybe get them to that earlier in the cycle maybe it helps to move past it, is that possible? i think democrats are very leery about using a trump story line against joe biden. i think it would love to. i think it is a little if elizabeth warren thought there was a way she could take maximum advantage of this without looking like she was doing trump s bidding, i think she absolutely would, but unfortunately for her and unfortunately for the rest of the democrats this actually puts sort of a protective cone around joe biden for a little bit because the harder trump goes after biden, you don t want to appear to be piling on and is actually gives them a little cushion from his fellow democrats. martha: with the campaign manager said today, he was elated about all of this. so they re trying to turn on joe biden s candle into a drum problem, the misguided democrat impeachment strategy is meant to appease the rabid extreme leftist base and create a landslide victory for the president. quick thought on that? that s pretty strong language, but this is going to backfire more for the democrats than it does for republicans. martha: ten seconds, chris? who knows? who can say? who would try to say what s going to happen, so we just get to tune in every night and watch it all unfold. martha: thanks, guys, good to see you. more of the story coming up next. oh delicious. or delicious. . . which you can spend on things you really want to buy, like ah well i don t know what you d wanna buy cause i m just a guy on your tv. esurance. it s surprisingly painless. have you lost weight? of course i have- ever since i started renting from national. because national lets me lose the wait at the counter. .and choose any car in the aisle. and i don t wait when i return, thanks to drop & go. at national, i can lose the wait.and keep it off. looking good, patrick. i know. 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Capitol-hill , New-jersey , United-states , Chad , Hong-kong , Texas , Iran , Washington , China , Yemen , As-iran ,

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20190727

begin with breaking news on immigration and a win for the president s efforts to build the border wall with military funds. trace gallagher is on the case tonight. a couple of big victories for donald trump but not without pushback, the president announced guatemala is signing an agreement to restrict central american asylum-seekers coming to the us, the deal being called the safe third country agreement says migrants from el salvador and honduras who cross into guatemala on their way to the us have to apply for protection in guatemala. in return agriculture workers from guatemala get wider access to temporary us visas. the hope is the new deal will ease the crush of migrant caravans coming north. we are sending a clear message to human smugglers and traffickers that your day is over and we are investing in the future of guatemala, the safety of migrants and their families. the group says the agreement is cruel and inhumane because guatemala is not a safe country for refugees. congresswoman torres who immigrated from guatemala as a child says if guatemala is so safe why do its people flee to our southern border to escape corruption, violence and poverty. the trip north to the us border is also riddled with danger. the supreme court just handed the president a major victory paving the way for him to use $2.5 million from the military budget to build an extra 100 miles of border wall. the 5-4 vote lift orders from the federal judge in oakland as well as the ninth circuit court of appeal, the president tweeted big victory on the wall, the united states supreme court overturns lower court injunction, allows southern border wall to proceed, big win for border security and the rule of law, the department of justice issued a statement saying it was pleased with the decision. the aclu not so please, quote, border communities, the environment and our constitutional separation of powers will be permanently harmed should trump get away with pillaging military funds for a scene of phobic former wall congress denied. the sierra club sued to block the wall saying it would hurt wildlife and the environment. determined to fight on. thank you very much. democrats on the house judiciary committee are pushing ahead with investigating the president. chairman jerry nadler laying out that plan despite the largely anticlimactic mueller hearings. that story tonight. reporter: we are hearing at least one democrat sound the alarm bells on impeachment, not that it must happen or the president is a threat to the idea of america but impeachment is a threat to the democratic majority in the house, listen to congressman jeff andrew of new jersey, one of the freshman congressman who flipped a red district blue back in 2018. seats like yours are in danger if democrats move toward impeachment? absolutely. i don t i was i won by a good number more votes than many of the other ones did but folks have to realize it was middle of the road democrats that created the majority. reporter: and pr points out of 99 democrats in congress favoring impeachment, 92 of them come from solidly blue district and not a single one from a tossup district. since the mueller hearing a total of 6 democratic members of flipped towards favoring impeachment but not one is a member of democratic leadership. jerry nadler now says impeachment investigation going on but not and impeachment inquiry. if you are confused we will let him explain. too much has been made of the phrase impeachment inquiry. what we are doing is what our court filings as we are doing which is to say we are using our full article 1 powers to investigate the conduct of the president and to consider what remedies there are. reporter: house speaker nancy pelosi sends her caucus on a 46 day recess with no clear direction on the issue, the judiciary committee wants secret materials from the mueller investigation. i am willing to take whatever heat there is to say when the decision will be made in a timely fashion. this isn t endless. when we have the best strong as possible case and that is not endless either. reporter: the president says the democrats are, quote, clowns but all in all it might not be a bad thing for the president politically, majority of americans against impeachment and many of the president s support is a privately the more democrats talk about it the better it is for republicans. we saw at the top at least one democrat. shannon: good to see you. democratic party leaders are publicly saying they are in now. toward impeachment yet this lawsuit filed by the house judiciary committee may suggest otherwise, did chairman jerry nadler tipped his hat on that? two former justice department attorneys join us. great to have you both. here is what they are doing. and filing in federal court hearing, they are saying we want all the grand jury information underlying the mueller report. doug collins is a ranking republican on house judiciary committee, the dc circuit said earlier this year you can t get this information, democrats want to convince their base they are wedded to impeachment even after this we tearing but a baseless legal claim is a nod way to show that. is it baseless? i don t think it is baseless. of the judiciary committee wants to investigate donald trump it has got to do it under the guise of impeachment power. it is only basis in the sense that they don t have grand jury information. under the rules that protect the grand jury secrecy combined with congressional subpoenas not one of the exception so that doesn t prevent the house judiciary committee from getting the same information it wants, the same way the mueller investigation called for and asking the same questions. shannon: a lot of people see this filing by jerry nadler and the committee, they have to represent the process in the same way of investigating or watching potential impeachment investigation or don t have the strongest argument to put their hands on this stuff. washington post perspective piece, under the headline the house is opened and impeachment investigation, when we look at what the judiciary a matter of raw legislative power. to let them proceed in the court and moderate dems, at the top, nancy pelosi wants to protect them. the dc circuit ruling from earlier this year, in a court to give it over. preliminary to judicial proceeding, impeachment counts as a digital proceeding whether it was an inquiry or not but in any event they will prevail. it might take sometime but you are right about this schizophrenic political shannon: leadership says we are not going there. i want to get a comment about this decision on the supreme court lifting this lower court s decision blocking use of military funds for certain sections of building the border wall. the aclu saying this is not over. and the separation of powers will be permanently harmed should trump get away with pillaging military funds for a xena phobic border wall. will they win ultimately this case on the merits? glad you brought that up. a lot of the press seems to think this is a definitive ruling. it is not. it is just saying the trump administration continuous plans but the litigation is still going to go forward. this is not a binding decision on whether trump will be able to do it. the president does have legal authority to transfer the money once there is a national emergency declared to building the border wall but that is going to have to be decided by the supreme court. they tried to block the transfer, and in the supreme court, the issue. the ninth circuit for an expedited consideration. in the middle of the 2020 election. they will get expedited consideration. i agree with john. the supreme court decision, the court will rule for the administration but not on the argument john made. they find the sierra club has the power to sue under this law, and in the supreme court, somewhere next to her. the president a busy week with this win for the supreme court. good to have you. who is running the show over house democrats? david fund is here to tell us what happened during the big meeting between the house leader and the squad leader. when nancy pelosi sees a problem she refers to deal with it in person. alexandria ocasio cortez usually sends out a tweet. they met face-to-face in both say they are working to bring their caucus together. like you are a family and you have your differences but still family. reporter: nancy pelosi, her family, house democrats must be united. some personality issues and the rest, we have a big schism between what is happening, could happen in this congress and what is happening in the white house. reporter: 70 pelosi and alexandria ocasio cortez met early friday morning to hash out differences, one being the need for impeachment. the speaker respects but we are coming together as a party and i m looking forward. it may mean a reset of tensions, four freshman congresswomen who publicly called out pelosi earlier this month. ocasio cortez is part of the squad and told the washington post, quote, the persistent singling out got to a point where it was outright disrespectful. the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color, a newly member of the squad, ilhan omar will travel to ghana with pelosi as part of a delegation. republicans push a narrative of infighting. this is a war and a few. socialist democrats inside that party are taking the party over. reporter: nancy posey wants her caucus to be unified. that is not the case when it comes to impeachment. will the number in favor of impeachment grow? the house is back on monday, september 9th. shannon: we are going to debate this with the political panel. growing out of kentucky tnf lawsuit, falsely labeling him a racist. after an encounter with a man at the lincoln memorial. nicholas sandman sued the newspaper for $250 million. there may be erroneous opinions published by the post-but they are protected, separate information lawsuit by sandman against cnn and nbc are pending in federal court. on the foreign policy front, iran sending a defined message about missile test. what is the next move for donald trump? we will discuss. bloom, there it is! bloom, there it is! this bloom-ified menu starts at $13.99. and it s gonna blow your bloomin mind! this bloom-ified menu starts at $13.99. can t see what it is what is that? that s a blazer? that s a chevy blazer? aww, this is dope. this thing is beautiful. i love the lights. oh man, it s got a mean face on it. it looks like a piece of candy. look at the interior. this is nice. this is my sexy mom car. i would feel like a cool dad. it s just really chic. i love this thing. it s gorgeous. i would pull up in this in a heartbeat. i want one of these. that is sharp. the all-new chevy blazer. speaks for itself. i don t know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. a cockroach can survive submergede guy. underwater for 30 minutes. wow. yeah, wow. not getting in today. not on my watch. pests never stop trying to get in. we never stop working to keep them out. terminix. defenders of home. .. hey! i m bill slowsky jr., i live on my own now! i ve got xfinity, because i like to live life in the fast lane. unlike my parents. you rambling about xfinity again? you re so cute when you get excited. anyways. i ve got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. i can schedule a time for them to call me back, it s great! you have our number programmed in? ya i don t even know your phone anymore. excuse me?! what? i don t know your phone number. aw well. he doesn t know our phone number! you have our fax number, obviously. today s xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i ll pass. shannon: several presidential contenders in indianapolis, a warm-up for the second round of debates. kamala harris is hoping to build on the first round. peter doocy has more from the trail. this is how much the world has changed, joe biden saw kamala harris on the train in february. he was polite. in july he says he won t be polite. that doesn t mean harris will change her approach. harris hit the stage at the national urban league conference to argue from qualifying the criminal justice system despite a career as a prosecutor. why do we have to be on the outside. shouldn t we have a role on the inside. reporter: harris and everyone else trail biden by double digits so donald trump s focus is on the top of the polls. really good thing about mueller is it made joe biden look like a dynamo. reporter: there something trump back with a 4 to 5 writing the latest from fox, biden 49%, trump 39, you are losing by 10. have a nice day. working with the democratic speech coach after his ebay debut but it is clear he s not the only candidate testing out new lines. the first day i become president after i clorox the oval office. reporter: another candidate hoping to break out of the bottom tier, andrew yang who would like to signal to the press that i will be attacking michael bennett at next week s debate. sorry, michael bennett, but you know what you did. joe biden is trying to raise the bar after that first debate where he admitted he was not prepared for an attack from one contender on stage but next week there will be nine contenders who just saw a potential for a big boost. good alliteration, thank you. live in the same room after the second round of democratic primary debates. tune into special coverage next week, tuesday and wednesday. iran and north korea conducting the missile tests, firing within hours of each other. what is the message and will it work? in the national security council under donald trump and many years at the cia. let s start with iran. iran poses a challenge with new ballistic missile tests. iran does not plan to yield to us demands to curtail its missile program and is determined to maintain a robust missile capability. how do you read this? the reaction has been overrated. iran ever stopped testing missiles after the july 2015 attempt. and the agreement was agreed to in 2015. this is a fairly unsophisticated, inaccurate missile. i don t think it indicates iran, not a plea for negotiations, an act of defiance. i don t think we should read too much into it. shannon: the other signatories were out obviously, and to talk released from the sanctions. european patients is almost run out by seizing these british ships. they are on the verge of backing out of the agreement and there is some desperation to stay in but iran s moves have been stupid and driving towards the united states, don t think it will be around much longer. shannon: the taking of the british tanker shooting down the road, all these things, what do they hope to accomplish? in the mind of the iranian s they think western states will give them what they want and that has worked in the past. it will not work with donald trump and the iranian s have gone so far it is not going to work with european leaders. the wall street journal, reporting on this, trump and kim talk, north korea expand its nuclear arsenal. analysts at the defense intelligence agency think north korean scientists may have produced 12 nuclear weapons since the first trump kim meeting in singapore last year and what do you make of the message they are trying to send this time around? dia is the best, don t disregard what they have to say. are difficult to analyze them, they now we are watching. they engage in deception. don t know the context of this. there is talk in the trump administration to ask for a freeze of nuclear and missile production programs. that has to be at the top. how do we verify that? the north koreans are good at deception. we don t have an agreement right now. we need to get at the negotiating table. shannon: nuclear crocodiles. they really exist. what a power plant in florida has to do with it next. geico for your boat. enjoy the water, enjoy the savings. more? he has asked for. what? well he did say please (all boys): thank you, thank you, thank you. all across america are building a life in recovery from mental and substance use disorders. helping themselves, and helping each other. with friends, family and community lending their strength and support. join the voices for recovery. together, we are stronger. for 24-hour, free and confidential information and treatment referral for mental and substance use disorders, for you or someone you know, call 1-800-662-help. shannon: brand new gdp shannon: new gdp numbers show a slowdown but meeting expectations. the president has plenty to say on that front. blake berman has the story. reporter: donald trump continued hitting one of his favorite punching bag blaming the federal reserve for a pullback in second-quarter gdp. the reading coming in at 2.1%. the federal reserve raised the rates too fast and too soon, they should have done quantitative which they did. if they didn t do that, we would be at 4.5%. instead of 2.1. reporter: house speaker nancy pelosi used that metric as a told you so moment. the tax scam they put out has not produced what the president woods boasting would happen and hasn t produced the revenue to lift the debt ceiling earlier than people expected. that didn t work. it didn t pay for itself. reporter: the president has been calling for the fed to cut rates and the markets believe it is a near certainty to occur next week. the president s top economic adviser larry kudlow suggested with jerry baker that three rate cuts might be needed. i will say the market, 23 basis point rate cuts. my personal view. the fed is independent, the sooner the better. donald trump is threatening a tariff against french wine. france s digital tax, the president saying of france it is the wrong thing to do. shannon: thank you. florida known for its alligators but tonight the state s crocodile population crawling back to the brink of extinction living in canals near of all places a nuclear plant. phil keating earning hazard pay on this. reporter: sort of power and light turkey point nuclear power plant serves 1 million people with electricity but it s other customers are getting all the extra special attention as they are hashing out something new. baby florida american crocodiles received treatment, measuring their length at birth, weighing them and implantable microchip into their tail to track them over their lives. american crocodiles only live in south florida, were want to the brink of extinction. today there are 2000 of them, 25% call this nuclear power plant, 170 deathlike miles, home. and they are not radioactive. wanted an endangered species, they are listed as threatened. that is thanks in a great measure to the fpl croc program. crucial for the environment and so interesting. seeing the fruits of your labor with this moment, waiting for those babies to hatch and collecting them and setting them back in the wild, the ultimate satisfaction. reporter: every july and august, the croc the exact up and down looking for nests, each with 30 to 50 bags. the crocodiles thrive in this unlikely nuclear location because of the canals between them and primarily minimal human encounters since it is a high security facility. once the hatchlings emerge and the world, they are taken back to the lab and gently returns them back to the wild and from there you little crocs are ready for the world, cute at least for the moment. they have the ability to hunt, eat and swim the truth be known, most will not end up surviving is birds and fish and even other crocs will all find them to be delicious. shannon: thank you very much. bet midler facing backlash over tweets about african-american trump supporters topping the real news roundup. the actress taking heat from the hollywood actors for tweeting a photo of african americans trump supporters asking how much the president paid for them to be in the blackground. cheers keirsey alley saying this is one of the most racist degrading jokes i have seen on twitter that is saying a lot. we get it, you hate trump and that is your right but to imply black men have to be paid to celebrate their own political views is pure and real racism. new york city police department the rest of the fourth person in connection with a string of water dousing incidents against uniformed officers in the bronx earlier this week. police are searching for additional suspects involving a separate incident in harlem in which a person through a bucket, hitting an officer in a head. lawyers for kim jong un jussie smollett plan to represent the director seeking to block the appointment of a special prosecutor. despite claims they are not licensed to practice law in illinois, alleging jussie smollett s lawyers have filed the necessary paperwork to represent him in a special prosecutor case. police releasing brand-new surveillance video from saskatchewan, canada showing two suspects in the killing of an american woman and another man. canadian police are not disclosing a motive but they are asking the public to be vigilant as their search continues. nancy pelosi says there was never a hatchet to bury with aoc but who is really running the show for the democratic party? we debate that next. this is the story of john smith. not this john smith or this john smith. or any of the other hundreds of john smiths that are humana medicare advantage members. no, it s this john smith, who met with humana to create a personalized care plan. at humana, we have more ways to care for your health, and we find one that works just for you. no matter what your name is. she is the face of the democrat party whether she is going around with her squad on the front pages of newspapers, many of your websites or magazines. her leftist radical agenda is in the 4 of the democrat party, there is no doubt about that, she s running the show. shannon: as the white house calls congresswoman alexandria ocasio cortez the democrats really the speaker of the house says she doesn t think she and the freshman have any real differences. let s talk about it with kevin molly and heritage foundation, great to have you with us. they had this meeting today. i heard one report described as they both looked like they had guns to their back. what was your impression and who s really in charge? didn t look like the most authentic photo i had ever seen. this was a pr attempt to stop the feud or have the appearance of stopping the feud but nancy pelosi said this bubbles down to personality issues. it is not personality, it is policy issues, serious policy differences between moderate democrats and the so-called squad, where they want to take the party and unless nancy pelosi all of a sudden wants to support open borders, abolishing ice, the green new deal, i don t think this feud is coming to a end. shannon: so much of the field of democrats are on that progressive stretch, legalizing prostitution, marijuana and other things and it is interesting to hear them and see them jockeying for this endorsement they want for aoc. more so than we see them going after the approval of the speaker. no question, aoc and the squatter superstars. i think nancy pelosi is having the time of her life, 200 days into her speakership, when you look at her previous republican counterpart, john been are and paul ryan who were taken out by their own party members and their caucus, you are seeing a lot of strength coming from nancy pelosi 200 days in and she will wrangle her party. i was listening to we are family today as they were talking about in the press conference, she has the caucus under control and i think she s doing a great job. shannon: a constant gives credit to donald trump, no one was capable of unifying our party more than the president. he is saying these constant attacks, the president s tweets are helping democrats get together at a time a lot of people are looking to see if there is a real schism. donald trump has taken attention away from this feud and put it onto himself and that is a mistake looking at it but this is a bigger problem for the left beyond nancy pelosi and aoc. socialism is a trend we are seeing become more popular particularly among young americans. i recently attended a social conference where they are not talking about democratic socialism, they are talking full-fledged marxist socialism. nancy pelosi knows that and this is the beginning of a movement democrats have to deal with with the party being pulled further to the left of the point they will leave a lot of voters shannon: that is what the president is hoping for and the white house hoping for. so nice for the leader of the democratic party takes time out of her busy schedule to meet with nancy pelosi. they want to pin this on aoc, the squad and progressives. nancy pelosi is running the show. it is taking strides but the excellent reading of her caucus on the impeachment front, 100 democrats have said they want to push for impeachment, she knows where her caucus is. she s pulling the rains back. you saw a bipartisan deal, on the 6-week at the peak of her power. shannon: they say it is not vacation. the speaker sent an email called owning caucused about what they will focus on. lowering healthcare and prescription drug costs, increasing paychecks by rebuilding america and cleaning up corruption in washington. she says they are on a roll and what they respond to. in control of the caucus. and the 2020 campaign trail among aoc and the squad, decriminalizing the border, providing free healthcare for illegal immigrants, mandating 15 or $20 minimum wage so these are far left policies that are dominating the national conversation and dominating the conversation on the left. shannon: this is among democrats, the opinion about nancy pelosi and aoc, the speaker, most favorable and unfavorable but on the plus side, because of this point she s the more well-known. she s the most well-known democrat on the stage right now. also note she has higher ratings than mitch mcconnell, 39% nationwide, mitch mcconnell a 25%. more underwater than she is on the national stage. shannon: we will see you have this comes up in detroit. night court is next. a homeowner told a virgin mary statue in his yard had to go. he calls it religious discrimination. you are the jury. and ask their boss later. 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[definitely breakfast.] how good is that? be a booker at it is time for n shannon: time for night court. virgin mary statue in his yard got to go, it violates the rules, the homeowner joseph shalala called it religious discrimination. night court is in session with former baltimore prosecutor debbie heinz and kabul defense attorney bob byandci. we start with exhibit a. the homeowner said he got the liturgy in 27th, the governing documents were established to provide all co-owners with a community that provides a safe environment for all, maintains property values to the maximum, is visually appealing and unbiased in its treatment of co-owners while respectful individual jewel differences, you got to get permission for the statues and he never did. here is why the homeowners are going to lose this case. in 2005 they went after the same family for having an activity. there was a backlash and they apologized and said you can keep it up there. that is in violation of their very own little. in 2009 the very statute, they complained about then, they didn t take it down and did nothing about it and here we are in 2019, i estimated 5840 days since they had the virgin mary statue and they come back again and said now we want you to take it down where they don t ask other homeowners to take down other stuff. all he needs is a camera and the rulebook to see these rules are not followed and they re only doing it against me because they don t like the expression of the virgin mary is exposed to the well-being of the community. the homeowner, these are the quotes he made. there is no doubt this is an attack on our religion. no matter what your faith is, catholicism or islam or judaism don t let anyone tell you you have to back down from that. he says his parents came to the us from iraq suffering religious persecution because of catholicism in iraq and he will keep fighting because it is a free country and they are trying to take down his statue because of religious discrimination. he is right that this is a free country but he is in violation of the homeowners association regulations. in the past the homeowner association has looked the other way and waved it in the past doesn t mean they have to waive it going forward. the contract says just because we looked the other way in the past, does not mean we will do that going forward. the letter in june says you need to seek permission to do it. the fact that it hasn t been done in the past doesn t matter. he is not being singled out any more than a police officer stops one of the speeders on the highway and doesn t stop the other one. shannon: exhibit c, the bylaw in question that got him in trouble, no statute will be placed on any lot without prior approval which may be held for purely aesthetic reasons. sound like they have a lot of room to play around with this. it is unbelievable, listen to what they are saying. the only way they can withhold that permission is for as fedex reasons. this virgin mary statue which is very tiny, very tastefully placed, they are saying by giving him this notice there is something is that ugly not pleasing about it and the facts of this case are there are many other homeowners with things that violate that policy and very interesting because in this country catholicism has always been under attack and that is what they are going to say. i disagree with my colleague respectfully. there is a doctrine that says, if you don t execute a lot in a particular period of time a court can say you waved that law. they never used it before and now they decide to do it, that is a problem for the association. shannon: back to the bar exam, what about the fact they haven t enforced this for 16 years? each and every violation is a new violation. they are not going after what happened 15 years ago but going forward with what happened in june once the homeowner was given the letter, we need you to seek permission to go forward. from june to may that is what they are going forward on. there is no statute of limitations so as far as the aesthetic argument, the homeowner has a difficult case to go against the association. shannon: we will take this, our legal eagles to the jury at home. thank you very much. let s us know what you think. how would you vote? an important attribute to our vietnam veterans next. we get it. it s just the way things are. when you re under pressure to get the job done, it seems you have to accept the fact that some equipment will sit idle, or underutilized. but it doesn t have to be that way. that s why united rentals is combining equipment, data, safety and expertise to help your worksite perform better. united rentals. a better worksite is here. termites, we re on the move.24/7. roger. hey rick, all good? 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