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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The OReilly Factor 20140726

get out. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. right now. hi, i m bill o reilly. thanks for watching the special watters world edition of the factor. we test the knowledge of everyday americans on the history of this country, our founding faernls, representatives in congress today. we begin it all in boston, massachusetts. pin head or patriot? pin head. he s the pr president. pin head. nothing changed. you don t like the president? no. guy s weak. one of the best versions of jimmy carter and bill clinton. oh, my god. patriot. patriot. why is he a patriot? he is the president. you can t disrespect the president. i demand respect. you re a poet, or just english? yeah, baby. how is obamacare working out so far? good, great. pin head or patriot? that s mitt romney, right? do you want to be in his binder full of women? i don t think so. i think i would get squished. pin head or patriot? give me a break. who is kerry running against? wasn t it like hillary clinton? patriot. why do you say that? i believe he knows business. patriot. patriot. you voted for him? yeah. his heart is in the right place, i just don t think his mouth is. you know who this is? is it guild? yes, mitt romney. why did he run for presidency? i do not know. i love scotch. i love scotch. so pin head or patriot? you look like you can filibuster for about ten straight hours. that s never happened to me before. i must be tired. you re right. i think he s a patriot. you do? he s standing up for what he believes in. not related tom cruise. not related to tom cruise. i do like the tea party stand for. so i m going patriot. ted cruz? ted cruz. he is looking chubbier. i m a big fan of white castle burgers. do you know who this is? who do you think it is? i m not sure. i don t know. i need a couple of good stiff drinks. how about you? pin head or patriot? patriot. who is it? i have no idea. i m from california i m sorry it hear that. pin head. no argument from me on that. patriot. patriot. never seen her before? no. that hard one. wasn t so hard. he is the house minority leader. word. any politician should have to read a bill before they vote on it. go, go ahead! patriot. if i said anything else, she would probably come hunt me. act like a man. what s wrong with you? wait, what do you mean? for. pin head. one, she s a republican. she is actually a democrat. is she? are you serious? pin head or patriot? i like him. you like him? you like him. you want to have a beer with this guy? yeah, i would like to have a beer with joe biden. have a beer. doesn t cost nothing. number two. what exactly do you do, mr. number two? you don t know who the vice president of the united states is? no, but i know the president, though. you should be proud. oh, pin head. pin head? why do you say that? because you never know what s going to come out of his mouth. he looks like a pin head. sorry, mike. why does everything i do sound like a leprechaun? pin head or patriot. he has a nice smile. you like the chompers. yeah. he is definitely what a patriot should be. that s an old picture. he has gained some weight. i will see you guys in a big what do you do if he is not the probably the speaker of the state or something like that. that s genius. pin head or patriot? half and half. one goes one way and the other goes the other way. half and half? i don t know how much support he had within the party. you going with patriot? i m going with patriot. treasury or something? look at those eyes. oh, yeah. could be evil the new jr ewing. look deep into his eyes. microphones cutting out. he looks a little like george clooney. ted nugent called. he wants his shirt back. what about his eyes? that your dad? who is your daddy? and what does he do? harry reid. nailed it. pin head or patriot? i don t know. you have some confidence in yourself. harry reid. what do you think he does? reads. he reads? i like it. one tiny little comment. pin head. pin head. why is this guy a pin head? he is so ultimately a party line guy. you look like a pin head. harry? harry pch. . truman. you ve got to stop thinking about it. last one. there s our man right there. bill o reilly. watch him every night. this is my personal favorite. pin head or patriot? oh, jesus oh, what? what? you said what. patriot or pin head? definitely a pin head. look at him. that s a very seductive look. seductive look? absolutely. oh, patriot. yeah? he s a bin head. is this the bill o reilly show? i love him. it s go it s good. next, finding out what folks think about the chief executive. speak softly and carry a big stick. who said that? oh, my god. i for get his name. teddy roosevelt. watters, it s next. avo: waves don t care what age you are. take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men s 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. presbecause just one can help200mg celebrex a day in, can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. and it s not a narcotic you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, like celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions, or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don t take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. americans not knowing very> about their country because we are celebrating president s day. we commission a special watters world. jesse posed some questions based on famous presidential quote. we re doing something for president s day, asking people about famous slogans. the buck stops here. trump. no. franklin roosevelt. the buck stops here. not the bus. the buck. i ll turn this damn bus around. harry? truman. truman? harry truman. yes, that s what i just said, i swear. who said that, the buck stops here. who? [ inaudible ] who? i don t know. oh. truman. i don t know. nixon. what did he do? he was the president. oh, he was? i feel stupid. this certainly comes as a shock to me. who did harry truman bomb, you remember that? russia. no? japan. speak softly and carry a big i won t be around here much longer. speak softly and carry a big frame. speak softly but carry a big stick. excellent. who said that? roosevelt. which one? teddy. very good. exactly who i mean. carry a big stick. put a quarter in the swear jar. i don t remember. teddy roosevelt. what are you so mad about? there s nothing to fear but fear itself. who said that? i just did. fdr. very good. a house divided against itself cannot stand. lincoln? lincoln, i don t know. you got it. i haven t heard that one. never heard that? no. rub it in. who did lincoln free? the slaves. you sure? not sure. come on, man. ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your can country. thank you, anyway. i think i hear my mother calling me. ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. very good. what you can do for your country. very good. who said that. john f. kennedy. excellent. kennedy? you got it. ask not what your country can do for you, but what your country can do for you. that s what i said. ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country? i didn t come up with that one. who said this? bill clinton. kennedy. you know something, he s right. you re with t the o reilly f he wasn t nervous about what we were going to say. do you ever watch the o reilly factor ? yeah. i m not a fan. my husband is addicted to it. i did read one of his books to have an open mind, though. that s nice. what do you think you re doing? ben stops here. how many people would you say you queerried out there? about a dozen. maybe more. if you were to give them a collective grade, what would it be. a c minus. i think everybody knows the jfk quote. but other than that, it was very difficult. and we don t just scrape the bottom of the barrel here. two of the p em that bombed the jfk quote, which was pretty easy, one went to fordham and one went to nyu. which are great schools. so before you shove the mic in their face, you ask a little about them. when he bombed, i said, where do you go to school? he said, nyu. i said oh, boy, how much does that cost? he must be in arts. you do talk to them a little bit before you start the interview? a little bit. i get a lot of mail like, you re looking for morons. no, not that hard in penn station, if anyone has ever been there. no. one woman had a fur coat, that must have cost a lot of money. one was homeless. the dark-skinned woman with the hood, i think she was hanging out at penn station. maybe she was undercover. she could have been a new york city detective. right. it was a sting. don t generalize watters. jesse watters, everybody. watters world on deck. jesse? earth day. can t wait. how do you personally help the environment? i recycle. i grow a lot of plants. you grow lantz? yes. what kinds? tomatoes. big tomatoes. pretty big. juicy? can i try one of your tomatoes sometime? if you come over. get complete protection. because the best moments in life aren t experienced from the sidelines. now there s nothing holding you back. this is nexium level protection™. the #1 prescribed acid-blocking brand. now without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™. if energy could come from anything?. or if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark? what would happen if that happens? anything. 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i don t know that. you re asking me nonsense, kid. what s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this? south america. south america is an country. china. china. because the coal they use right now in their production. don t be an idiot. don t be a moron. what is global warming? i don t real e know what it is. but i just believe in global warming. people say the earth is getting warmer. why do they say that? over the last 15 years, how much has the earth s temperature increased? global warming is not caused by mother nature. it is god bringing judgment, okay? how much do you think the earth has warmed over the last 15 years? 35 3.75 degrees. 16 degrees. something degrees. that would cook you here on the sidewalk. 1. .11. i thought there was global warming. what happened? cat got your tongue? or did it eat that for breakfast, too? oh, no, you okay? you looking for your friend. i think i found her. stranger danger! stranger danger! what is worse for the environment? cars or cows? i m going to say cars. but in a weird way, i think cows. cars. cars. cows, did you believe that? no, i can t believe that. it s true. the u.n. said so. that explains it. do you believe the u.n.? yeah. i feel like it is give and take. we get to eat them but you can t eat a cow. cows because they fart. extreme relaxation. how do you personally help the environment? i recycle. i drive a really efficient car. i don t litter. that s very green of you. yeah. you re like al gore. al gore? the vice president, big green guy. i m wearing magical crystals. i love the earth. can you hear me? i can. this is the amethyst. soak it in. oh, my god. i grow a lot of plants. plants? yes. what kind of plants? tomatoes. big? pretty good size. juicy? can i try one of your tomatoes one time? if you come over. dream weaver i have a headache. i m a whacky chicken. but i believe in love. can you give bill advice on how to be a green guy? i want to invite bill to take a few moments to tap right into here. tap in, bill. what do you think he should do to help the environment? where s the beef? solar panels. tell people to recycle. do you of watch watters world? i do not. i m watters. and you re in my world right now. fabulous. i m so happy to be here. i don t buy that. what should americans do to combat climate change? recycling programs and solar energy. maybe biking. taking the bus. fairly loaded question. turn off the lights. stop driving so much. what s going on? seems like guys would like to misrepresent our organization, like it is some kind of hippie thing. thanks for interrupting. this conversation is over. what happens to solar energy when there s no sun outside? it stores the energy from the days where there is sun light and then enough to power when there isn t. energy is coming along in the states, faster than solar power. what happens when the wind stops blowing? restores it. it just builds up energy. come again? so did you drive or did you walk? i actually drove. i drove. uh-oh. i m sorry? this isn t about us taking a trip across the country. this is about young people standing up for our future. how did you get here? i drove. so you don t have any shoes on, what s that all about? i didn t want it wear them tonight. what i m going to do when i get home is plant trees. you re going to plant trees when you go home? i love anybody who loves trees. they happen to be a great passion of mine. gas prices are astronomical right now. what would you do to ease them? stop driving. what is this? prius. if everyone does it, then it works. you don t want to get rid of cars, do you? it might not hurt. do you even know what you just said? how would people get around if there s no gas? change the way cars are run. algae potentially. algae run cars? yeah. what? al gore, are you a fan? i think that al gore is a good leader. i think he is not the answer, though. me and the oreilly man will probably disagree about gore. i assume he does. you must be the change. you ve got everything it takes to do it. come on and let s get this done. so what did you think of the gore speech? we didn t go to the gore speech. yeah. we just got back from the bar. just finishing breakfast. you a friend of ann jones? i don t know who that is. i m back. you ever watch the o reilly factor ? no. what s that? that s the funniest damn thing i ve ever heard. yeah, sometimes i watch fox news. what s your favorite show? doh! i m not in a relationship. really? are you the affiliate of fox news? no. this is for bill o reilly. oh, it is? yeah. love him. i m asking folks military questions on memorial day. don t miss a step. nothing s missed with tenatwist don t miss a beat. nothing s missed with tenatwist oooh discover the fearless protection of tena. so absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. nothing s missed with tenatwist weit s not justt we d be fabuilding jobs here,. it s helping our community. siemens location here has just received a major order of wind turbines. it puts a huge smile on my face. cause i m like, this is what we do. the fact that iowa is leading the way in wind energy, i m so proud, like, it s just amazing. watters world, a memori memorial day edition, second jesse out to long island. roll it. you know why you re off today? why? america. america. now, fallen soldiers. who did the americans fight in the revolutionary war? the french? good question. i don t know. countries. countries? yes. china. china? wow. i feel really dumb. was it the french? who did america fight? revolutionary war? ourselves. whoa. north versus south. confederate versus the union. that was the civil war. oh. britain. britain? right across there. mm-hm. that great britain. really? what was george washington s job? george washington was one of the presidents. what president? second after lincoln. he was a general or something. he didn t work with horses, did he? god bless you. thanks, you too. who won the civil war? not the confederates. the northeast. great britain. wasn t it the french? what was the civil war about? couldn t tell you. no idea? of course not. you should know. i know, right? do you remember what the civil war was about? civilization. the north. you sure? no, the south. i believe the north won the civil war. abraham lincoln. what did he do? was he in the north or south? south. he was in the north. but did he live in the south? world war ii. if my teacher watches, she will probably be mad. that was the last question. germany and japan. good question. yeah? china. china? i don t know. close. korea, right? not korea. no? russia? not russia. wow. koreans? am i close? very, very good. who won the cold war? i m not the best historian here. you don t say. no one. just like agree to disagree. america and russia came out together after world war ii. kind of shaky, kind of frenemies. i feel bad, i m blaming everything on the french. our goal was to stop communism to spread. who did we fight against? usr. ussr? usssr. why do they call it the cold war? it was cold in russia. no one was making advances. it wasn t actual fighting. which dictator does the u.s. topple in iraq? what do you mean topple? osama bin laden. osama bin laden. you know, we kill everybody. you man we bring them to justice. yeah, we bring them to justice. saddam hussein. which president took him out? that would be barack obama. obama. obama. no, no. it was bush. george bush. which one? w. i feel stupid. this is terrible. it was warm out there. might have been the sun. the best answer was, the cold war because it is cold in russia. right. makes sense to me. my favorite, who do we play in world war ii? the south. in germany, there were u.s. troops. people always say that you go out and spotlight the dumbest people you can find. come on, i want out and looked for girls who were attra attractive. looks for guy that were drinking. typical guy at the beach. but they weren t intoxicated. no, i got there at 11:00. people weren t drinking much yet. but these were average college kid. this could have been ten minutes long. we have much more where this came from. was anybody smart? one the girls was four for five. she was in the green bathing suit. yes. we ding, ding, dinged her a lot. there were brothers that were 0 for 5. they were in trouble. next time, ask where they went to college or high school. some told me where they went to college. i don t want it name names. why? should si? yeah. maryland. the terrapins. you are just select them at random. not, if you re dumb, talk to me. i do attract it. jesse on spring break to talk about liberals on campus. i guess there are liberals there. watters world is next. in new york state, we re changing the way we do business, with startup ny. we ve created tax free zones throughout the state. and startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. . . . . . (vo) you know that dream. where you re the hero? hey. you guys mind warming this fella up for me? i m gonna go back down, i saw some recyclables. make it happen with verizon xlte. find a car service. we ve doubled our 4g lte bandwidth in cities coast to coast. thanks! sure. we ve got a spike in temperature. so save the day. don t worry, i got this. oh yeah, i see your spaceship s broken. with xlte on largest, most reliable network. get 50% off all new smartphones like the lg g3. watters world tonight. jesse watters reluctant to go to spring break. but we convince him that it is a must to go to panama city. what is obama s grade? d. d minus. he is filling. failing out of college. i know that. i remember when they were 9 the cents. when, 1940s? those are historical babes. gas prices are irrelevant to me because i didn t bring my car to college. how did you get down here? i drove. i m driving. beer prices have gone up. give obama a a grade on the economy. he doesn t have that much to do with it. we will give him a d plus. why are you looking at me? this isn t about you. i don t know anything about the economy. what would you do? even if you were jeffrey dahmer, we would love you. what s the unemployment> now? do you know what unemployment rate is right now? 99%. adam smith, an economist in the 1800s. he said laez fair. what? lais fair. grade obama on the national debt. f. strtegery. do you know what the debt is right now? no, inform me. about $16 trillion. oh, [ bleep ]. you kiss your mom with that mouth? i wish we didn t know it back then. it doesn t make any difference. how did you say that. what do you think about the corruption in the karzai regime? what? there s no reason to be in afghanistan. grade the president on overall presidential leadership. he is such a wuss with the republicans. just pushing him around in congress. took care of osama bin laden. a plus. he ain t the best but not the worst. you can still change your mind. you guys ever watch the o reilly factor ? my dad does every night. my dad is going to watch this and be really embarrassed. watch your dreams an hopes go right out the window. bill clinton or bill o reilly? bill clinton. bill o reilly. i love you bill. i love bill. how did i get chosen for this interview? you messing with me right now? where do you go to school? florida state. florida state. florida state. united states air force academy and this sweetheart goes to !2%q denver university. university of alabama. roll tide. roll tide. roll tide. roll tide. akron university. what s the mascot there? a zip. the zipper? how did you get the zip toert top? mit, massachusetts institute of technology. i know what that stands for. college is overrated. what is your major? machine technology. what are you going to work on? machinist. you re a machinist? yeah. what is the school s reputation? where you go when you don t want to go to a real school school. you ever find a profession changes your mind about politics? in the air force academy there are still very much liberal individuals. you re kidding? they get offended when you re conservative. it is like, hey, that just the way i m made. what does liberal mean? that s really dumb. freshman, the most raging liberal you will ever meet. how do you absorb that? he doesn t care. if you don t like it, get out. everyone has their own opinion. you still have to grade fairly. you ever encounter a situation where you think the professor is going over the line. my criminology class and religion class and most teachers were very, very liberal. he spoke and she ripped him apart and said he doesn t fund public education. i just want to learn about my major. i don t feel like learning about their project. they tried to convert the entire class to muslim religion. they said islam and christianity worship the same god. do you think you were given a worse grade because you were challenging the teacher? i got a b plus instead of an a. why don t you cry about it? do you ever change your answers according to his political bias? absolutely. who do they bash? mitt romney, aiken. we had kids that got up and left. passing around registration cards. and had everyone register. does he work for acorn on the side? what your major? fashion merchandising. how is my collar? it s go. let s get this model on the way. awful. what do you mean? put it down. not cool. i thought i was hip. no, you re not hip at all. you sure about that? i m positive. do people like fox news at the school there? oh, dude, their favorite. yeah? yeah. i m the dude. that s what you call me. you ever watch bill o reilly? no. have you ever heard of bill o reilly? you ever heard of bill cosby? bill, i love you, man. i appreciate that. what s your favorite part of the show? watters world. i don t know what that is. i m watters. okay. and you re in my world right now. i like it then. i love it. i love it. jesse watters on how much americans know or care about the folks who gave us freedom. who is your favorite founding father? abraham lincoln. abraham lincoln. he is not a founding father. first president. i want this with a tape recorder because no one will believe me. provocative watters world ahead. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve. .for all day relief. start your engines add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance. .and we ll replace destroyed or stolen items with brand-new versions. we put members first. join the nation. nationwide is on your side could help your business didavoid hours of delaynd test caused by slow internet from the phone company? 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i don t know. you don t? oh, [ bleep ]. from the king. king who? i haven t the slightest. great britain. you know what year? 1600s, i don t know. what s the basis of july fourth? looking across the pond and saying,england, you lost. you re right. you re absolutely right. who s your favorite founding father? abraham lincoln. abraham lincoln. well, he s not a founding father, is he? first president? i want to get this on tape recorder because nobody s going to believe me. george washington. what s a founding father? hi, i m earth. have we met. what is ben franklin famous for? hundredth president. anybody ask you for an idea must be an idiot. i like fran lin better. he s on the hundred, washington s on the single. thomas jefferson. what did he do? he signed it. he actually wrote it. oh. what is the matter with all you? what about sam adams? what about him? good beer. you had a few of those already? no, i have not. give me some more punch. do you know who patrick henry was? i ve heard of him before, but i don t know what he did. give me liberty or give me freedom. freedom? justice and the american way. why were we fighting the british? taxation without representation. no taxation without representation. can t be taxed if you re not represented as like an individual. now, who s famous for that line? john smith. no, that s not it. sam adams. you guys are learning something every day. life, liberty and freedom of speech. that s good enough for me. me too. i ll sign. what s the best part about this country? our rights. everybody can be a go-getter and everybody can do what they want. are you a go-get sner. yeah. all right. go get em. do you guys ever watch bill o reilly? sometimes. kind of it s on but i m not paying attention. i m too hurt. what have you heard of him? not to watch him. [ laughter ] i like it. it s informative. anything you want to say to him on july 4th? hope you have an awesome day. you re at jones beach, right? yeah. out in the state park. right. now, we always you know, you re obviously looking for a few laughs, looking for the dopey what percentage of people knew what the revolution was all about, the declaration of independence? what percent? we interviewed 27 people, 55% had no clue about the founding of this country. now, did you pick them out from any reason, appearance wise? i mean, we were looking at a young lady in a bathing suit there. yeah, i go by the bathing suit. it s all about the bikini no, i look for young people that are attractive or have a very distinct look. so you re looking at under 40 people to see what the educational process is. when you go out, anybody mad at you when you ask them these questions? that one girl looked steamed who didn t know anything. right. i try not to tell them exactly what i m asking about. i m kind of vague at first. so you mislead them? i don t mislead them. not at all, bill. i m never, never like that. but we say we like to talk to you about july 4th. right. and then you hit them with the sam adams second question. they all knew it was a beer. oh, of course. they had a few at that point. jesse watters surveying the folks. who s the greatest american president? abraham lincoln. george w. bill clinton. [ male announcer ] if you can t stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you ve been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offers end july 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. legs, for crossing. feet.splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you re trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. xeljz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. seris, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don t start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low bod cell counts and higher liver tes and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tts before you start and while taking xeljanz, and roinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b oc, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. watters world segment tonight, it is to our benefit to get jesse watters out of the building as much as possible. for a variety of reasons i can t really get into. his latest assignment, asking the folks about leadership. so who s the greatest american president? abraham lincoln, definitely. lincoln, yeah. that is a huge monument. oh, take your foot off the gas. george w. thomas jefferson. bill clinton. bill clinton. i thought he was a terrific speaker. in lincoln s leadership, what exactly did he do? i literally have no idea. i can t believe it, how about you guys? i can t believe it. i m going to show you a few pictures of other presidents and we ll just going ding, ding, ding, ding. bing, bing, bing, bing. peanut farmer. you re not helping at all. that s jimmy carter. nixon. not carter. no, definitely not. i don t know. it s carter. i think it was a serious mistake. they said his name weird. jimmy carter. mr. carter. you seem like a carter fan. i m not a carter fan. just by looking at you. what are you looking at popeye? who s that right there? jfk. that s jfk. what s that stand for? idiot. who s that? hoover. dwight eisenhower. who are you, one of the mental patients? fdr. do you know what that stands for? franklin roosevelt. no, i honestly did not know that. what s he most famous for? isn t there a famous building named after him? that s lincoln. my boy. my favorite president. if you were a president, you d be beabraham lincoln. who s that? taft. taft. theodore roosevelt. who s that? bush sr. oh, that hurts, man. there you go again. this is ronald reagan. he was wonderful. what s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear ronald reagan? wasn t he an actor? he cared about this country. what s his most famous line? the broccoli. no, that s george bush. i do not like broccoli. is that nixon? is she right? oh, my god, that is so embarrassing. my parents, if they see this off with her head. you ever watch the o reilly factor ? all the time. anything you want to say to bill? just keep speaking the truth. what up. i love o reilly. he s a liar. but he gave you a speaking part, nobody cares. what s o reilly lied about? it s not that he lies, but he holds back on some truths. are you a ron paul guy? i like ron paul. i knew it. i didn t know you wanted to get involved with the discussion mr. halper. do you ever watch watters world? no. the only electronic equipment i have is a record player. are you like going back in time? we need to get back to 1985. how are you doing, bill? i m a patriot today. all right. now, there is actually a poll taken about who was the best american president. who took it and how did it turn out? it was a gallup poll and americans think ronald reagan is the greatest united states president. second, lincoln. third, bill clinton. and then fourth and fifth we have jfk and washington. so washington comes in fifth? he came in fifth. now, i think that s probably an editorial comment from me the lack of history. well, they probably haven t all read killing lincoln. they should. when you re in school you should know of the achievements of a guy like lincoln, jefferson. right. franklin delano roosevelt. i m not going to get into the best and who s the best, i don t think people know what they re talking about. i think that piece you put on illustrates, kind of like that. jesse watters everybody. again, thanks for watching us tonight. i am bill o reilly. please always remember the spin stops right here. we re definitely looking out for you. good evening everyone. i m megyn kelly. welcome to our kelly file special on bill, a man who admits to bombing this country repeatedly. the state department, the pentagon, the u.s. capital among other crimes during the 1970s. and he got away scot free. because this is america he wound up as a college professor who even helped a president launch his political career. over the years he managed to redefine himself not as a domestic terrorist but as a revolutionary, a kid who merely vandalized, not one who inspired murder. he is a man who took chances with other people s lives. and took every chance to

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20190321

restaurant and coffee shop counters but not everyone is amused. one cafe owner saying it seems like a photo op that wasn t necessary. his feet are right by the cops. another breeze to saying we major the counter was clean. this time we used bleach because his feet were on it. joe biden who was yet to announce is reportedly mulling the idea of choosing stacey abrams as his running mate right out of the gate. greg, i go to you. there was one fatal flaw. kirsten gillibrand street about the video, the workout video. the tweet said here i am doing my work out. do you like my t-shirt? you don t need that part because, like, oh, ha ha ha. greg: by the way, that s not how you do squats. [laughter] here s the problem with these politicians. they have lived in the entire persona that has to be perfect has to have this veneer where there is nothing wrong which means they have to rediscover what it s like to be human because they ve been so phony for so long. the political world demands that you are phony all the time. even your sincerity is fake. they have to somehow create a human facade so right now you have a candidate working out. you have one going to the dentist, one drinking a beer. then there s one attempting to have a normal relationship finally. it s like a child pretending to be an adult. i think this is the adage that trump has over them in that he wasn t a politician. he s always been him, for 71 years. he doesn t have to be anyone else. whether it grosses you out or not, even his fibs are real. a politician look-see right rightly idolized you but trump looks you in the eye and he winks. you know that he s playing a game. it s a salesman lie. he s real and they are not. dana: i don t know if everyone would agree on the salesman part but he did have a chance to be on the apprentice for so many years. some of the people knew him. these people are not known. there is no name i.d. they re trying to find a way to break out find a creative way to be different. jesse: it s not working. it reeks of desperation. you can t manufacture a movement. you have game or you don t. kirsten gillibrand or however you say her name. she has announced her residency twice and no one has noticed. she s trying to get eyeballs with the dumbbells and did you see the guns? i thought she was for gun control. those things look pretty big. the ranch thing, she was famous one someone was ignoring her. i predict she will be the first one to drop out of the race. she reminds me of a wafer. it s odorless, colorless and you think what did i just eat? there is no there there. beto needs to stop jumping on countertops. he s already 6 4 . he s already 6 4 and you don t put the soles of your feet where people eat. it s disgusting. the other thing is he has a massive sweating problem he needs to take care of. that capital has for very much longer. rush limbaugh said george conway is out there diagnosing donald trump for being crazy. he should take a look at beto o rourke because he s eating dirt and he is see serving hise poop. that seems crazy. biden seems like he s pandering and he looks insecure. he s going to have her go out on the campaign trail, stacey abrams as his vp. who says she s going to say yes? she s probably on the short-list for a lot of things. seems like a fake trial balloon. i love the vp sweepstakes. they jockey for position. the unveiling. you are missing all that earned media when you pick someone already. dana: got a lot of content in there, jesse. jesse: i am a content guide. dana: juan, which would you like to take first? juan: the problem i have with this is the premise because it seems to me that the way you campaigned in 2019 is not the way you campaign in 2016, let s say or 1976. for younger crowd versus an older, mostly white, even somewhat retired crowd that you can reach through cable or the new york times, the crowd that the democrats are after is a younger crowd and you ve got to reach them in innovative ways through social media, through radio programs and i bet a lot of folks who are trump supporter s wouldn t even know. we ve got a get out there and hold rallies and do things that will break through for american americans. greg: when you try, it looks bad. juan: it might look bad to some people but to other people, it s like hey, i didn t know about her. what did jesse say? she looks great. forget the message. dana: in you might remember that. juan: you think about music. you think about the gym, fashion, podcast, coffee shops. this is popular culture eats politics and i think a lot of older people are just put off by it but leave me, this is the future. greg: aren t younger people just as skeptical when they see someone is pandering? juan: it s not pandering to go on a radio show that reaches let s say a morning black young audience or to go to a gym. you and i both go to jim s. that s way to reach. the five let s get emily in here. emily: authenticity speaks for itself. we can spot a faker. i don t think you can force or fake your own moment because this is a formula worked before. i think what some of these guys are missing is that if they are just themselves, it s either going to work or it s not but trying to be charming are trying to be awesome are trying to cater to millennials in a certain way in that way trying to create these different moments, and my opinion, let them fall over themselves doing it. there going to drop like flies. it s good to harness different mediums of communication. you don t have to tweet out something that is so fake and contrived. dana: that was my point. she didn t need to say that in the tweet about that t-shirt. juan: the t-shirt should have been self-evident. but when trump goes down the gold escalator dana: how did we get to juan: we knew that he was a rich guy but he comes down on the gold escalator and goes after the mexicans. dana: timeout on that. jesse: to emily s point when you re talking about manufacturing it, it seems corny because it s consultant-driven. you have someone come you go to a laboratory for viral videos and you try to cook up something. doesn t look real to people. the whole rosario dawson-cory booker thing. he unveils and confirms his relationship to a star who s also an activist? greg: maybe they will get married at the white house. jesse: seems a little contrived. dana: another question for greg, remember when president obama went on to talk about obamacare. he was out there. it reached a lot of people. greg: they indulged him because they liked him. when you re looking at this field, it s like ocean s eleven without george clooney. it s like a love boat circa 79 with a bunch of recognizable mainly bit players. biden is the biggest name but biden is like i m an old white male but look at my date. dana: can i ask you one of the thing. two of the very most unknown are pete buttigieg and they went on the joe rogan podcast. it wasn t manufactured. greg: you goan it s a risk. he has you on for three hours. you might get high. dana: there s a podcast. this is an innovative type of reaching out to people versus conservatives listening to afternoon talk radio. greg: not true. the overwhelming fan base for a lot of these podcasts, including rogan, our conservatives and libertarians. juan: i m telling you right now it s a rage among the left. greg: bad podcast. dana: we have the best podcast. new details on the crumbling caliphate when we return. i can t tell you who i am or what i witnessed, but i can tell you liberty mutual customized my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. you might or joints.hing for your heart. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. 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[cheers and applause] very good. that s pretty good, right? greg: pretty good, pretty good, right? apparently it is. no one likes to say mission accomplished but fox news has learned that the last isis stronghold has been liberated, the repugnant empire that was terrorized over 8 million people is left with 800 yards of turf for now. i am old enough to know that with terrorism, nothing is really ever over. al qaeda attacked us. we destroy them. then isis popped up. we finally destroy them. now al qaeda seems to be resurfacing. in time i m sure there will be something worse than both. marrying technology to terror, creating a spectacle of horror that will remind us how evil evil can be. as for trump, may be the guy deserves some credit. he said he was going to do it and for now it looks like he kind of did. you can get angry about all the mean stuff he says but all you re going to be as angry. when you should take a moment and remember five years ago and every week there was a new video of a terrified person in an orange jumpsuit about to die. those were bad, bad times. they have stopped partly because an orange billionaire tried to fulfill a promise. yeah, he says mean things of their own time but if stopping terror means putting a guy in charge who doesn t care who he offends, sign me up. i ve said it before. trump is a two hour drive for one hour at the beach. you get to the beach and it s great we ve got to put up with the drive. this news on isis is that day the beach that made the drive worthwhile. day now, we know mission accomplished, not a good thing to say. dana: we should take a moment to celebrate this because think about, you had it in your monologue 8 million people. 8 million people had to live under this. it was allowed to grow. it was allowed to fester. it was not stopped when it should ve been. remember, every single week on this show. all of the news was covering the fact of these hostages were about to be beheaded live, don t watch the videos, folks. don t do it. they were not jv. they turned out to be the horrible horrible monster. we had help. we had coalition partners, the good guys can get together but it was mental president trump that were changing the rules of engagement. though president obama did a little bit too. president trump as he did, stepped on the gas. you re also correct that isis lives online. so marrying that terror to technologies that we have, that s a problem. this is a real moment and we should help to make sure and i guess were going to make sure it doesn t grow again. greg: it s why you can hold these ideas in your head that you should be thankful this is happening but know that in time it will come back. it always does. juan: i wanted to give credit to president trump because that s right he puts his foot on the accelerator. the key thing you have to understand is that they are going to exist as a terror network and it s not just a matter of land. it s not a matter of them occupying land. your fighting a war on old terms which as i pushed you off this piece of land so that you are beaten. i m not sure. remember we ve got i think 20,000 isis type people in jail in iraq and another 20,000 under our control in syria. this people, we have to deal with them. we are pushing the europeans to take some of them back or deal with it. we don t know how are going to do with them. for me when you listen to this, and president trump has been saying that we ve defeated isis for a month, for months now, but you get u.s. central command today saying that fighting continues. the pentagon says no comments. john bolton says isis remains a threat. mike pompeo says the threat from radical islam remains. even if i say let s give credit, trump has push these guys. i just don t think the threat is over. greg: i agree completely with you, juan. and it s hard for me to say that. juan: i know. greg: jesse, here s something that s interesting to me and i haven t really heard people talk about but i know that with your brain you might know the answer. we ve seen emotional footage of what s going on. we saw footage of the persian gulf war. we saw footage of iraq. we saw people surrendering. we have seen nothing, and is because whatever we are doing is like experimental or advanced and we are not showing it? because it s all drones or it s something so like isn t it weird we are not seeing anything? jesse: there s two things. i don t think there s a lot of mainstream media interest in sending embedded teams to the ground in syria under donald trump. a lot of not a lot of interest under barack obama. plus a lot of the strategy was through the air so it s not as easy to embed upon. and finally i just think they were doing some tough stuff. let s put it that way. if we did have a football, i would spike it right here at the table. in times like this, you have to take a moment, as dana said, step back and thanked people. think donald trump are having a strategy which was about defeating isis instead of containing it. dana: also because they think we are weak. you have to tell terrorists we are not week. jesse: we obliterated them and that s a good thing. general mattis deserves a lot of credit. so do the kurds, our partners commence under the british and the french. like you said, we do have to win the peace because what happened under barack obama is that he retreated from iraq i did not win the peace there when he pulled out all the troops and then isis rose up. he underestimated them, called them jv, didn t really have a strategy. he dillydallying. i wish the media would give donald trump credit, not try to spin it or couch it. this is a moment democrats and republicans can say we have now defeated evil in that part of the world where they had land the size of great britain and now it s gone. greg: emily, thoughts on this. emily: we should celebrate and savor any victory along with gratitude for everyone, especially those men and women in service. 100%. we have known i think for decades that just pushing back or mowing the lawn, as my friends in the military say, or even defeating the organized control of those groups doesn t work in the long term. to speak to the point about yes there s also a road ahead. i think with those with those groups, doesn t address the international community of support and the spreading of id, especially in the recent hyper local focus these groups have taken. moving forward, how do we exit this war and without falling into nation-building while at the same time making sure that there is no resurrection of them, that would require a specific detailed plan that i think we haven t heard yet. i look forward to hearing that from our military leaders. i like that our president gives them latitude. i look forward to hearing that making potentially the hard part might be ahead of us but 100% in the moment, i have only gratitude and celebration. juan: the fact is, this is what jesse said about obama pulling back to early, what do we see from trump? i m going to get us out of syria. no i m leaving thousands they are in thousands the south. jesse: you have to keep some footprint. juan: i think we need to keep our foot on isis. greg: up next, president trump hitting back against liberals trying to silence free speech on campus. choosing my car insurance was the easiest decision ever. i switched to geico and saved hundreds. that s a win. but it s not the only reason i switched. geico s a company i can trust, with over 75 years of great savings and service. now that s a win-win. switch to geico. it s a win-win. where he actually asked meon i be mommy what s wrongr, with your teeth? switch to geico. if i would ve known that i was gonna be 50 times happier. i would ve gone into aspen dental much sooner. it was a very life changing experience. and it felt like i was me again. that s when i realized i hadn t been for three years. at aspen dental we re all about yes. like yes to flexible hours and payment options. yes to free exam and x-rays for new patients without insurance. and yes whenever you re ready to get started, we are too. call now at 1-800-aspendental. or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it s a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don t use if you re allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you re pregnant or planning to be. ready to treat differently with a pill? otezla. show more of you. jesse: president trump fighting back against liberal efforts to stifle free speech on college campuses. he s challenging the snowflake mentality by threatening to withhold federal funds from universities that don t respect the first amendment. we are here to take historic action to defend american students and american values. they have been under siege. under the guise of speech codes and safe spaces and trigger warnings, these universities have tried to restrict free thought impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young americans like those here today. have a college or university doesn t allow you to speak, we will not give them money. jesse: greg, we know, we ve seen it happen before at berkeley especially. would you like to apologize for them? greg: berkeley was the home of the free speech movement and then it went a bit over. i think it s a great mood because if you come out against it, you are against free speech, what s your problem? don t you think it s under threat? it s nice for him to do in the problem of what we are seeing on campuses, it s no longer about countering ideas but silencing them. they silence them by saying they your words are hurtful. they are hateful. therefore they shouldn t be here. the right isn t accusing the left of this. the left is proudly saying this is their plan. jordan peterson predicted this stuff. right now there s a woman in england being investigated by authorities for miss miss-engendering. using the wrong pronoun for a transgender daughter of a parent. this is beyond orwell orwellian. you can go to jail for doing this. jordan peterson said this would happen he s been disinvited, cambridge university has rescinded his offer. dana: cambridge? greg: this stuff is happening. jesse: jordan peterson, charlie kirk, ben shapiro. to call ben shapiro the biggest threat to civilization, people run away from him. cops being called. it s crazy. dana: i know. what s interesting is that the president in doing this eo has flipped the script on the speech police. now he s the speech police but he s the commander in chief. and he s the protector of our constitution. what does the first amendment say? [laughs] jesse: free speech, assembly, and religion. greg: he s dana: what s the leverage the federal government has? money. schools don t like this, they cannot take the money and they can exercise their right that way. juan: let me pick up on this because i think dana is exactly right about the first amendment. government is not supposed to be involved in determining what s good speech and bad speech or free speech. in other words, speech, americans to americans, it s supposed to be allowed. you don t want hateful vitriol spewing white nationalist hatred. greg: they aren t defining it that way. juan: i don t know the particulars of any one of those gentlemen but if you re making hateful speech that creates hostility, you can understand why an academic space the treasures free speech would say we don t want that. trump is going to be the arbiter of what s good speech? does that mean you have the same amount of liberals and conservatives jesse: all speech. juan: that i don t understand. he shouldn t be involved. he s the government. jesse: the reason he s getting involved is that they play games, emily. when a conservative speaker is invited, they throw up all these roadblocks and say you have to pay an extra $40,000 for security and you can only speak at this particular building at this particular time. sometimes they won t even let you speak because they are too divisive. not even offensive. divisive. juan: that s conservative speech? that s hateful speech. greg: on my hateful speaker, juan. jesse: ben shapiro was banned for being divisive to the community. dana: it happened to katie pavlich too. emily: what breaks my heart so much, i was president of a society in law school in san francisco over 15 years ago and we were dedicated to bringing both sides to the debate. it s hideous to see what s been a complete deevolution of the prior commitment to free speech because it s not what s happening and it s not hate speech being censored. it simply the full spectrum. i want to say that the obama administration put out a broader effort doing the same thing, getting data transparency from these programs and schools at the whatever of the federal funding basically. the risk of federal funding. as always, it s only about the money to these universities. it s not even about the free speech because university of california is $15 billion behind their pension liabilities that they own. every year, they spend $4 million of tuition purchase the top ten pensioners and frankly tuition, students bailing out of totally broken fiscal system. i could go on forever about the data but the bottom line is that the pension system there has straitjacketed everything. all of this has to do something with funding and covering the fiscal crisis. juan: my fear is that then if i m the president of the university and i say we don t want to lose that federal funding, we just won t have speakers. we ll have the safest, stupidest greg: they are doing it now. emily: the campus jesse: juan, you are misconstruing the issue. people protesting greg gutfeld. not anybody that threatening. your material is a little edgy. emily: they spent $4 million on security for that. juan: saying that we don t want the expense and even betsy devos says government muscle should not be involved with free speech. greg: there is no muscle. jesse: there is no muscle. kellyanne conway slamming her husband s attacks on president trump. the saga continues next on the five . -guys, i want you to meet someone. this is jamie. you re going to be seeing a lot more of him now. -i m not calling him dad. -oh, n-no. -look, [sighs] i get it. some new guy comes in helping your mom bundle and save with progressive, but hey, we re all in this together. right, champ? -i m getting more nuggets. -how about some carrots? you don t want to ruin your dinner. -you re not my dad! -that s fair. overstepped. juan: if you thought the twitter feud between president trump and kellyanne conway s husband was going away anytime soon, think again. george conway re-tweeting all kinds of new attacks against the president today, including suggesting that trump is mentally unstable. this comes as kellyanne conway is once again siding with her boss over her husband. my husband also has been very critical of the president publicly which is none like him just because he s traditionally been a very private person. in 2016, year of the tweet, george conway sent zero tweets. this is new. what also is new is not supporting the agenda of the president and my work there. i was raised in a household of strong italian catholic woman who taught me that you air grievances like that in private. it s very surprising to see it be so public. greg: [laughs] juan: it s so interesting to me. we should start a show. use of this yesterday, called the conways. it s unbelievable. if it s real, what kellyanne said to maria bartiromo was she s never really address this with her husband. they ve only talked about in passing. meanwhile, george conway says he gets to tweeting so he doesn t have to scream at his wife. emily: in my notes for this block, i drew a dumpster fire. i think it would probably be best if someone doesn t want the topic to be covered that they refrain from speaking about it. the more content put out by all three of those parties is unfortunate and it s distracting from larger issues at hand and also their credibility. juan: jesse come he s has some really strong things about the president. whack job. he s a narcissist. antisocial. he puts out all kinds of psychiatric diagnoses for people to read about the president. and i just wonder how does this impact people who are trump fans. what do they think? jesse: he should look in the mirror. talk about psychological imbalance. i don t know what this guy is up to. i like your new head movements this week, very beta-esque. never seen you. greg: i think it s called milking the goat. [laughter] jesse: like emily, i don t have a lot to say about their mate their marriage. it s a private matter. i would say kellyanne conway is handling it gracefully. i hate to see you re embarrassed by this. it looks like george might have trumped derangement syndrome and maybe he s angling for a cnn contributor ship. i don t know what s going on. i kind of don t want to know what s going on and i hope we can all move on. juan: dana, as this is taking place, the president s feud with the republican party over john mccain continues and it s almost like people are saying well, we don t like that. dana: i think the president s feud is with john mccain and there have been i don t think other people in the republican party and not feuding with the president about that. some of them like congressman dan crenshaw are saying please, mr. president, stop it. he s not europe local enemy. move on. on the conway stuff, one thing i think about this is i agree, i kind of wish we didn t know but here s the thing. george conway wants us to know this. he is poking the bear. i don t understand to what desired outcome. what do you want to happen. you re not the first to say the president has narcissistic personality disorder. what do you think you re going to accomplish that you re going to be able to do that no one else is able to do by saying the same thing? what do you want? do you want to make life harder for your wife at the white house? do you think it doesn t affect her at the white house? do you want president trump to paint you as a worse husband than he? it s an incredible situation. i wish we could just not talk about it. juan: i think he said he would like her to stop, to leave the job. dana: i must ve missed that. greg: i disagree with you. i love every minute of it. dana: i know you do. greg: was interesting, we talk about it being like a reality show. trump has been able to combine a whole bunch of different shows. it s like a soap opera with a lot of subplots. sica version of falcon crest. first trump is jr ewing. but then pence is ned flanders. matlock. kellyanne and her husband could be like from threes company but he is more like newman and brian stelter s cousin is can stands. this was going on for a while. it s kind of moving towards a resolution and i m i can t wait to see what it is. how it s going to end. it s like who shot jr. we are getting to a climax. jesse: season finale. greg: we need more of these. dana: may be as a finale will wake up and find out it was a dream. greg: it was a dream. we are all in the shower. juan: that is dallas. our snacks, brand-new development in the college admissions scandal. we are now hearing from lori loughlin s daughter. what is she saying now about her own parents? next on the five . so.your student loans are holding you back? it s time to refinance with sofi. with lower monthly payments, you could save big. see your rate in two minutes. sorry, is that too loud? you don t need any more hormones in your house. that s why you chose kraft natural cheese. made with fresh milk without the added hormone rbst. it s cheese as it should be. named park in the u.s. ninety-six hundred roads it s america s most popular street name. but no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. now that you know the truth, are you in good hands? emily: another twist in the college admissions scandal. lori loughlin s daughter olivia data s are is reportedly furious with her parents and think they ruin her career. she s been dropped by major brands including theresa may. according to sources, her parents forced her to. she admits these developments, there s a new term for this type of parents, they are being dubbed snowplow parents because they tried to clear obstacles out of the way of their kids, even as adults. dana: i have a theory that this is planned. they had a family meeting and said okay you should go out and say that you re really mad that you never really wanted to go to college and when the dust blows over, when it all gets resolved, they re going to have a reality show and it s going to be something where they get a lot of money to talk about their dysfunctional family and how rich they are and how they didn t really want to go to college. i think there s going to be a show. emily: what s interesting is given the trouble the parents are in, there will be such a disgorgement of funds and finances and wage garnishment from the feds if this continues down that line and whatever money they make from that. greg: whoa, whoa, whoa. it is disgorgement a word? i ve never heard that word. emily: yes. you re welcome. greg: i learned a word. emily: what would you do if your girls came home and said dad, we just want to be social media influencers. jesse: i would change the world right there and then. that s what this younger girl is running up against. if you try to emancipate yourself or try to badmouth your mom and dad in the press, that will gets changed in a heartbeat. i would be very careful because she s going to be in the poorhouse if she disrespects her parents like that. my parents were the opposite of snowplow parents. i talked about at the other day how they made me do these outdoor wilderness adventure survival schools. i had to sleep in lightning storms. we carried a kid out on a stretcher made from tree branches because he shattered his knee. i went through so much hell and heartbreak. they put me out there. they gave me three matches and set i will see you in three days and i survived by myself. i had severe sunburn. we had ice picks that we would climb up the mountain with. we had a 10-mile fun run at the end of the trip. it was horrible. emily: i think you are saying that boy scouts was hell. jesse: it was boy scouts on steroids. it was a lot more than that. emily: greg, i m sure you feel strongly. greg: i m not sure if the story is true because it begins with sources say. but if true, the two greatest words in journalism history, the daughter is absolutely right. she figured out that she didn t need college and she looked around and she saw that she could pursue a career in social media. this was my kid, i would ve been so grateful that i didn t have to pay $100,000 a year and that this kid is already making a living off other dumb kids on social media. i think she s absolutely right that she have the right way and her parents were forcing an old idea on her but she knew better. she knew maybe i don t need college. maybe i m not smart enough to go to college. maybe i could just fleece people on instagram and become super rich. i am thinking i want to have a kid like that. jesse: you want your kid to fleece people. greg: yes. [laughter] emily: your kids are so accomplished. greg: the republicans, you mean? emily: do you agree with what greg is saying or do you feel like a degree is valuable no matter what? juan: i love education. i think it teaches critical thinking, teaches you how to debate. we were talking about speech in the previous segment. i think you should hear people of different opinions and different experiences. i think that s the world we live in and it s good for you. but i will see in this case, i think these are candy cane kids. they are melting in the rain. i think they are spoiled rich kids to no end and their parents, the parents have their own reason for wanting them to get into college which i think his status. but even if let s say you said you know, kid, i want you to go to college because i believe in college, why weren t they satisfied with letting their kid go to college that they could have merit earned admission two. that wasn t good enough for them because of the social status or whatever. to me it s a corruption of values and morals and i don t approve of it. i think the kid is vacuous and self-serving. greg: she knows that. that s what s great. she knows that she s vacuous. juan: wouldn t you want to cure that? wouldn t you want to help your kid? jesse: no. we want to fleece people on instagram. [laughter] emily: all right, one more thing is next. ug look limu. a civilian buying a new car. let s go. limu s right. liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh. yeah, i ve been a customer for years. huh. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we ve created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it s a few years old or dinosaur old, we want to buy your car. s value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you re ready, we ll come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. that s it. so ditch the old way of selling your car and say hello to the new way. at carvana. billions of problems. sore gums? bleeding gums? painful flossing? there s a therabreath for you. therabreath healthy gums oral rinse fights gingivitis and plaque and prevents gum disease for 24 hours. so you can. breathe easy, there s therabreath at walmart. dana: time number one more thing. juan? juan: the cheers didn t stop last night in tokyo. each euro suzuki still the biggest star played his last game beating the athletics 5-4, watch as ichiro opened the gamen the fifth inning. after the game ended, the fans stayed to chair ichiro after he signed autographs waving away. between us, put a call into cooperstown, folks. ichiro is going to be an mvp, 3,000 hits, also 1 of 7 players with 3,000 hits and 500 stolen bases. fair to say, tokyo or new york, he s a legend. what a career. i should also say seattle. dana: what accomplishments! greg: you don t even know what he s talking about! dana: i know who he is because i read the new york post. meet chance call, he s working on his eagle scout project to build 150 dog beds for his local animal shelter. he has a soft spot for animals, and that made the eagle scout project an easy one. listen. i would always watch tv and see those, like, ads that say you can adopt a pet and make their life better. i want to do that on a bigger scale and help the animals that can get adopted. dana: he did that. he raised more than $3500 in donations and purchase peas ev pipe and fabric for the beds and all the dogs will have that. plans to deliver that by april 1st and that s no full for you. also happy birthday to my sister angie perino. a big space fan. jesse? jesse: dunkin donuts teamed up with a shoe company to create the best years ever for the boston marathon. you know, america runs on dunkin dunkin? they ve got the colors, coffee cup, boston. how about that? how about that. they are called greg: they make your feet smell like doughnuts. [laughter] jesse: which smells really good. buy them you know, only $120. $55 for kids by the boston marathon is on the 15th next month. dana: those dishes don t make smell delicious greg? greg: let s do this. animals are great animals are great animals are great soon to be a tv show. in my dreams, anyway. check out this dog, his name is norman. he likes to stay fit by mastering the hula-hoop, but as you can tell, norman really doesn t understand how the hula-hoop works. but it s still fun to watch and stumble around over and over again, getting very dizzy. emily: he might be left-handed. he always turns to the left. greg: you are a bigot! and that s why. animals are great animals are great animals are great you hate left-handed people! dana: emily, your next. juan: you talk about it all the time. emily: we need your help to catch this brazen dog thief, stole this york shire terrier off the families porch. her name is coco and last seen outside of it down make convenience store in reseda california. if anybody outside in the san fernando valley have seen coco, contact the authorities. i m terrified i know that she is a 100-pound government and so. greg: you have a doberman name justice? emily: yes! jesse: speaking of dobermans, we have a special treat tomorrow. greg: what are we eating? dana: never miss an episode of the five. special report is up next. bret lek bret: president trump makes his boldest move yet to strengthen ties in israel and scores of civilian deat. he s the first of the democratic contenders. this hour, 2020 2020 presidentl candidate john delaney joins us live with his pitch for the nomination. this is the special report. good evening, i am bret baier. we are following to go big for them positive stories this hour. first, president trump promised victory over isis and on the ground in syria, some they are saying it s official.

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