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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Happening Now 20170821

significant statements until we knew what the strategy was, what was the commitment going in. in that regard, the president has made a decision. as he said, he wants to be the one to announce head to the american people. so i will stand silent until then. until that point. melissa: boy, that is a good tease. we know it s going to be good news based on that. john roberts is alive with more. john. good morning to you. live from fort meyer, we will find out what the president is going to do about afghanistan. the decision was made for the most part in that friday national security council meeting up in camp david where all the president s top advisors gathered. if he follows the people like james mattis, h.r. mcmaster, it s likely that we will see a significant troop increase in afghanistan. about 8400 u.s. troops there right now. the talk has been about putting another 5000 men there to try to get the country more under control to bolster afghanistan forces so that they can take over security in the future. the president basically has three options. he can either increase troop levels in afghanistan, draw down and eventually leave afghanistan or another plan that has been floated he can replace u.s. troops in afghanistan with private contractors. if you drew down and pulled out, there is a good chance according to the mls that the taliban and other bad actors would be in control of afghanistan within a number of months putting us in a similar situation prior to 9/11. listen to what newt gingrich said on fox conference. we are in a long-term struggle with islamic supremacists. we know that the last time we allowed afghanistan to be an empty space it was filled with the taliban and al qaeda, , and 9/11 plans were done in afghanistan. we know if we pull out and the government collapses, you re going to have some combination of crisis, al qaeda, and the taliban and running the country. that is a long-term threat to the united states and all of our allies. speak i m told that private contractors to replace u.s. troops as an idea that will not fly, but i am also told that they will increase the involvement of the cia and special operators to keep the bad guys check. no secret that the president has been frustrated with the afghanistan policies as it stands now. he says it is the longest war that we have ever been in. he mentions 16 years. and he does not see anything or has not seen anything that resembles a winning strategy. a council back in the middle of july, the president was said to be very upset by the fact that he had not been presented with anything that he thought to be a winning policy, nothing that he could sign onto. this is all a very close hole, nobody is willing to divulge any of what has been decided that we may be in fact what has been decided was something that was recommended before. but we will find out one way or another tonight at 9:00, but i always secure the white house to hold the background briefings, on an embargo basis so that we as a journalist can understand the situation that the president has come to. melissa: you have more time to digest it and presented clearly. it is very true. that is a very good point you make, melissa. melissa: i understand that there are also leakers, so it goes both ways. jon: i don t think anybody will leak this one. melissa: thank you. jon: senator tim kaine weighing in this weekend on the president s big announcement. and reports that the administration plans to send more troops to afghanistan. i have a high degree of regard for the president s national security team, especially secretary mattis, general dunford, general mcmaster, but i will say this, could troops bring to question a cart before the horse, the real question is what is the strategy? and then when you lay out the strategy, then the troop strength question can kind of answer itself. jon: let s bring in jeff mason, white house correspondent for reuters, you just heard john roberts say that he does not think the answer is going to leak. but it does not sound like the president is thinking of pulling troops out of afghanistan. it does not sound like that, no. and i think that john is worried. if they are trying to keep a close hold on the information. it sounds like they are still working on president trump s remarks, so we know from watching his style over the last several months that he can change his mind up to the last minute. my suspicion is as john was saying, he will probably talk about his strategy, probably about afghanistan, but we look to or foreshadow an increase in troops, and that s what the generals who he has hired have been recommending. jon: one of the examples in which campaigning is very different from the governing, because canada tantrum said, let s get out of afghanistan, it has cost us lots of money and lives, let s build america first, but now he is thinking of increasing the number of troops. that s right. one other thing we will listen to is how he sells that, because you are right. as a candidate, and generally since becoming president he has been skeptical, but now it now it is his. this is his decision. this is his administration. he will have to own image. and how he protrudes that org presents that had spoke to his base and the american people will be key for how he continues his presidency and for his own reelection campaign. jon: it is my understanding that he authorize the secretary of defense to send more than 4000 troops back in june, but that is not been done yet, why? the word authorize is key, you may hear him repeat that tonight is a way of giving the responsibility or sharing the responsibility with his defense secretary and with the generals. that is part of president trump s governing strategy, but maybe even the sales pitch to said that this was not my call, this is a call that i ve delegated to secretary mattis. jon: let s talk about the politics of the spread of the president has not addressed the nation since what? last tuesday. it has been a week. a very different topic, but important for him, right? yes, but if you are right, the first time he will be speaking in front of the nation since the controversial q and a add to the trump tower focused almost entirely on charlottesville. he has received a lot of criticism for that. this will be a chance to reset his own tone with the nation as he talks about a completely different subject but has a lot of eyeballs on him. jon: and he will have to i guess answer some of the skeptics about a guy who as i mentioned was elected saying he wanted to get out of afghanistan and focus on america first, if there is in fact going to be a plan for a troop increase, that is something that his critics are going to jump on, right? i m sure that they will, but there are also some polls showing that supporters are president trump also support a troop increase. i expect that the polls have made their way around the west wing, but this is a decision he has delegated largely to his subordinates, to secretary mattis in particular, but in the end it is a presidential decision. it is something he will have to own and that he will have to sell both to the base and the rest of the country. jon: john roberts talked about the notion of sending american contractors in and using them to fight the battle. that is said to have been an idea that was introduced with stephen bannon. he is no longer in the white house, is that part of the reason or might it be the reason that that idea apparently according to john roberts reporting is not going to be put forward? i think you are absolutely right, steve bannon left on friday, and as a result of not present in the meeting at camp david. that idea was not taken very seriously by the generals and the others who were advancing the suggestion of increasing troops. my understanding is as well, that s not what we will hear about tonight. jon: jeff mason from reuters, joining us from the white house press room. thank you. my pleasure. melissa: a multinational search is underway for ten u.s. sailors missing after a collision involving the uss john s mccain. the navy says that the destroyer hit a tank near singapore they are 6:00 a.m. local time. five sailors injured, singapore and malaysia enforcers are assisting in the search for others. the ship suffered significant damage. it arrived at based in singapore under its own power. it is named after senator john mccain s father and grandfather who are both admirals and the u.s. navy. this is the second collision involving a navy destroyer in the asia-pacific region in the last three months. spent a lot of navy people are shaking their heads at that. the new debates with terrorism, on official reports that the van driver has been captured. we will talk to a former cia officer, again, those reports are unconfirmed. plus the trump team noticeably absent from the sunday shows after one of the toughest weeks yet for the white house. are the president s aides hiding from the media or just regrouping? the media panel weighs in. and remembering a comic legend, a look back at the remarkable life and career of jerry lewis. do you have any regrets? any regrets? in life? none. if i did it all again, i would not change anything! your brain changes as you get older. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. your insurance on time. tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? news flash: nobody s perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. jon: right now new information on some crime stories we are following. two men accused in a brutal murder making their first appearances in court. former northwestern professor and andrew gorham charged with first-degree murder in the stabbing death of those 26-year-old man found in the department. the fbi reportedly has accepted new evidence in the series cooper case. a piece of phone discovered in the mountains that may be linked to cooper s parachute. the hijacker vanished out the back door of a boeing 727 wearing a business suit, a parachute, and a pack or $200,000 cash back in 1971. and a 45-year-old teacher at an elite private school in l.a. is accused of having sexual relationship with a 16-year-old student. teaching biology at the brentwood school now charged with dedicatory rape. melissa: fox news alert, and reports in spain that the van driver behind the barcelona terror attack has been captured. the police right now are not conforming this. but those are the reports. there is a news conference by the interior minister. it is just getting underway. and we will bring you all of its when we get information. but in the meantime, spanish officials meet with political representatives on the attacks that left 15 people dead. a former cia covert operations officer, and he is the president of diligence of global intelligence and security firm. mike, thank you for joining us paid what do you make of the latest development? we do not know much about it. a news conference getting underway, we are monitoring it. what do you think? i think the reports are picking up on what is described as a police operation. about 30 miles outside of barcelona. there is some speculation that the police operation that is ongoing may involve the driver of the van. there is also more concerns at the same time that you may have crossed over into france. so this is still a fast-moving situation situation. they have 800 plus checkpoints set up around that area and barcelona, and along the border, crossing, they have concern that he could make his way into france. melissa: are you surprised that it is taken this long? or he has been out of this dates since this attack? it is pretty unusual? i m not surprised, no, in the fact that this individual, from what we can tell when the operation unfolds, there were a number of people in evolved. directly involved in planning and attempting to carry out what appears to be a much larger operation or attack. and you have to imagine people are aware in some fashion or sympathizers and supporters providing some assistance in some fashion. so it s not a surprise. it is a very difficult thing. people tend to want to believe, like the feature films or beach books where you have somebody, bang, you pick them up off the street in a couple of hours. it is a difficult process. melissa: meanwhile, the spanish ap is reporting that regional police report to shooting a man wearing possible explosive belts in a town outside of barcelona. this is just coming across on the wires from the associated press. we have not independently confirm this. i just want to let the audience in on what is going by on the wires here as the case continues to develop. let me turn into the other big significant event of the day, the presidents had to address the nation on the strategy going forward in afghanistan. this is a very tough problem, obviously. goes without saying, but you have the report that earlier he heard the options that were out there. very frustrated, none of them were acceptable. now he is ready to announce something, what does that tell you? i think that he is taking what is collectively they determine to be the least worst of the bad options. we need a bigger conversation here, which is the taliban s resurgence, who could not have seen that coming? the taliban has nowhere else to go. you can go back to the vietnam era and understand that, at some point they will outweigh to us, so we need to have a conversation at a higher level about what is the objective? what is the end game here? trying to sell them some pseudo-federal democracy, which quite frankly, they do not understand what we have been trying to put together out ther there. so can we add may be up to 50% more troops than we already have? 8400 troops there? sure, will that assist in the training of the afghan forces? of course we will provide some security, but to what end? what is the final objective here? and there was this other idea is a scenario there may be we would turn it over to private contractors which i think is a completely wrong, boneheaded move, in part being put forward by no surprise, private contractors including eric prince melissa: mike, let me ask you, you hit on it right there, that is the essential question, what is the end game? in your mind, what should the goal be right now in afghanista afghanistan? well, obviously at the outside it was, we do not want them to turn afghanistan again once again into a safe haven for terrorists who would use that safe haven to plot and plan and attack the west. and our allies. that is a noble cause, but it is morphed into the idea of nation building, and again in a country that is primarily tribal and really does not understand what we are trying to sell them. so i suppose at the end of the day, maybe i m cynical and i ve seen it for too long, but i feel like it is an important for us to build another road or improve the literacy rate by another percentage point? no, frankly, we have been plagued by corruption in that government and things that exist trying to piece together something, but this is the same problem. we are reliving history prior to the same problem that the soviets had when they were occupying afghanistan. they spent the first handful of years trying to bring it under control in their spirit, than they spend the next four, five years figuring out how to get out, they were facing the same issues that we are. unable to control the countryside, government that was corrupt through and through, and an inability to create stability. so i don t know, my feeling is, i don t want to say that we cut and run, but i think that we are in a position where if we continued the drip, drip, drip of the stalemate solution melissa: they have to take action one way or the other. mike baker, thank you so much for your input today. sure, thank you. jon: the man who is making the decision on afghanistan, president trump is back in washington taking on a familiar target, the media. the media panel weighs in at head. and a spectacular show in the sky, now just hours away. the final preparations for the great american solar eclipse. we heard the frenzy of getting a hold of the eclipse glasses, we figured, what the heck, we will give it a shot, pull up, and the line is zigzagging out here, just decided to give it a shot, and we forced something. i love you, basement guest bathroom. your privacy makes you my number 1 place to go number 2. i love you, but sometimes you stink. febreze air effects doesn t just mask, it cleans away odors. because the things you love the most can stink. and try febreze small spaces to clean away odors for up to 30 days. breathe happy with febreze. live-streat the airport.e sport binge dvr d shows while painting your toes. on demand laughs during long bubble baths. tv on every screen is awesome. the xfinity stream app. all your tv at home. the most on demand your entire dvr. top networks. and live sports on the go. included with xfinity tv. xfinity, the future of awesome. melissa: millions of americans are watching the skies today as the great american solar eclipse is about to make its way across the country. starting in oregon where a total eclipse is expected at the pacific coast around 1:17:00 p.m. eastern time. from there the eclipse will race across the country and over 200e rockies and into the midwest before eventually reaching south carolina. we will have a live report from oregon coming up. jon: president trump calling out the media as he returns to the white house from his working vacation in new jersey. the president tweeting this. heading back to washington after working hard and watching some of the worst and most dishonest fake news reporting i have ever seen! we will get some thoughts on that from judith miller, the investigator, author, and fox news contributor. and white house correspondent for mcclatchy newspapers. thank you for being here. judy, the sunday shows, people who watch at home may not realize all the deliberate dance that goes into putting them together, but typically if you have something you want to get out there, something that you want to say of the news of the week coming to send somebody out onto those sunday show. the sunday morning chat show to get your message across. the white house did not do that this week. why? because they could not find anyone in the republican party or a senior member of the ceo council, most of whom have quit before they were fired by mr. mr. trump to defend the president. they had to go outside to the head of liberty university who made gave it the good college try, but the fact of the matter is, this president has become toxic for many people in his own party. and that is a new development after the 17 day working vacation . his faith by the way in the six months that he has been president. jon: the president feels that he is his own best spokesman. can he overcome that shortage of surrogates either by twitter or by using the bully pulpit himself? well, certainly he is using the bully pulpit by twitter, to judy s point, i agree, such a tough week. it is toxic. but let s also remember that this is something that is been on the administrations agenda. it was one of anthony scaramucci s big points to come and try to create the circuit operation that you mention. to try to bring in groups of allies and other administrations have done this. they have had the allies come out and speak for them, you can totally understand why this particular week nobody wanted to be on the opposite end of the administration, but if you look back to the bush years, ari fleischer would look to use the sunday shows to try to move the discussion forward. and try not as best could to try to talk about the past week. jon: it is a week that i m sure that the white house would like to go back and relive if they could, i was interested in something that speaker paul ryan put out this morning. in referring to the events in charlottesville. the speaker wrote this there is no confusion about right and wrong here, there are no sides, there is no other argument. we will not tolerate the hateful ideology in our society, so this is not a legislative issue, and certainly not a political one. let s not just redo this to one of the partisan squabbles of the day. it is so much bigger than all that. he does not mention, judy, the president by name, but when he says there are no sides, he seems to be referring to something that the president had to say. he does not have to mention the president, everybody alive on the planet who is not watching the eclipse today knows what paul ryan was referring to. you do not have to look very far to the senate side to find senator bob corker, no flaming liberal he, who finally came out and said after the charlottesville disaster and the president s ill considered remarks that he wondered whether or not the president had the competence and the stability to govern. you are beginning to hear the eye word, not talking about impeachment, but charges that the president is ignorant, his own program and platform, that e is unconfident and unstable. that is very harsh talk from from fellow republicans. he can lash out at a fake news all he wants, but having lash out at people in his own party, every democrat he needs to pass the agenda, ceos, who is going to be left to assault? maybe the sun, because that is going to take attention away from him. jon: we are going to be hearing from the president tonight in the national franco, on afghanistan, is that an opportunity to do the ari fleischer kind of thing, turn the page, maybe look forward to? it is certainly possible, i do not want to put myself in the administration view, but certainly it s going to put some more focus on a policy issue, that they are kind of interested in. it is very interesting that he keeps tweeting the tweets of disdain from the media, it distracts from what they are trying to accomplish and focus on, issues that they want to have addressed. you have obviously afghanistan, monuments, national monuments, not confederate monuments under consideration of being taken down. you have the big deadline where millions of undocumented immigrant youths are possibly going to be put on a path to deportation. a lot of issues going on that you would think that trump would want more focus on. you have to wonder about why he is tweeting like this. it is very likely that tonight s conversation about afghanistan is something that is going to be an effort to take more concentrated effort to get focused on that instead. jon: it is august, the month when stuff usually does not happen in washington. it will be interesting to see what the president has to say. franco ordonez, judy millie miller, thank you very much. speak to the countdown to the first total eclipse in nearly 40 years, the chief at stroman astronomer joins us live. i don t know why i didn t get screened a long time ago. i kept putting it off. what was i thinking? 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without the moon and the way? it is a challenge, well, actually, you cannot do that, jon, unless you have the moon blocking the sun, that s the only time that the corona really is directly available for study. they do have a device called the corona-graph that does block the light of the sun, but they are not everywhere paired with a total solar eclipse, other people, other scientists that are not at the professional observatory have a opportunity to map out how the corona appears. so it is a great opportunity for a lot of people to do a lot of study of the sun at one time. jon: looking at some live pictures right now, coming to us from madras, oregon, where the eclipse is going to start. west-east march across the country. so we have a couple of hours to go. once again, you cannot look at it with regular old sunglasses, right? no, not regular sunglasses. you must have the special solar eclipse viewers, they reduce the lights by 99.98%. so there is hardly any lights visible through these at all, but perfect for the sun coming into these will protect your vision. it is very important to remember that. people are having trouble getting the glasses, jon, you can use an indirect method. to use something from your kitchen at home, your colander, your spaghetti strainer can be used. what you do with this coming you hold it with your back to the sun and use the shadow of the strainer on the ground underneath. look in that direction, not towards the sun, and every one of those holes is a projector showing the crescent shape of the sun as it is being covered by the moon. jon: that s what i will do, because i did not get the glasses. derek pitts! thank you very much! thank you very much, jon. melissa: i have a parrot, i can share it with you. we can go outside. i have one pair, i gave it to my kids, but that will be perfect. president trump s approval numbers going the wrong way in three states that helped him win the white house. our panel on what this means for the presidency and how he can turn those numbers around. plus remembering legendary comedian, the tributes pouring in for jerry lewis who passed away yesterday. i was at the age of 91. we realized after about six months that we were touching the hearts of the audience. when a fire is going on, you re not thinking clearly, so they called the fire department for us. i could hear crackling in the walls. my mind went totally blank. all i remember saying was, my boyfriend s beating me and she took it from there. and all of this occurred in four minutes or less. i am grateful we all made it out safely. people you don t know care about you. it s kind of one of those things where you can t even thank somebody. to protect what you love, call 1-800-adt-cares melissa: new numbers showing president trump s approval ratings below 40% in three he states that put them in the office. in michigan 36 voters approve of their performance compared to 35% in pennsylvania, 34% in wisconsin. joining us now is close to spinning capitalist, author of the american politics research and political science at fordham university. also political science professor at iona college. thank you for joining us. and i will start with you, i always wonder why we care about these polls right now, because nobody is voting on anything. despite the derision to pulling, they can be very accurate. you can trust these numbers, and you can trust that trajectory or the patterns over time. over the course of the presidency, the pattern has only been in one direction, down. so that is something that you can trust, it makes things challenging for the president. melissa: i did not say that i did not believe the numbers, but i said i don t know why we care? when the day comes when they vote, that s the only day that it matters, so what is your political science professor, so what do you read into it? and a poster as well, so why do they matter, i could not agree more, because look at just what happened last week. president trump had a very difficult week, this was taken after that. and of course the numbers will be lower. he gives a good speech tonight on afghanistan, and to those numbers will switch completely. so i think we have to put it to context. a lot a lot of this are people s gut reaction. and showing that more people want to democrat sent to be in control of congress. these are statewide polls, what matters when it comes to the house are the district levels and republicans have the advantage there. we have to put them into context. yes, but part of the context is what is happening nationally, the same thing happening nationally with the approval ratings command the reason they are important is because what happens in congressional races and 20 team is going to depend on the president s approval rating. melissa: that is a long way off, but i hear what you re saying. one of the things that swings these the most? in terms, for example a lot of people my specialty is economics and business in the market, all that kind of stuff, so i feel like people s big issues has to do with their wallet, what are the things that sway people s minds the most as you seem polling? jobs and to the economy, also what is going on in the few days in which they are asked to respond to the pole coming into this was a bad week for the president, so that matters. and i think also, a state like wisconsin, president trump won, but only by 1%. so the idea that he is in the 35% range in a state like wisconsin, it is lower than once to be, but not entirely shocking. the real issue is what is the administration going to do to pull the states up? president trump is the only republican in two decades to win and sweep wisconsin, pennsylvania, and michigan played a huge, huge win for the president. now they have to do the work on the ground to make sure issues like jobs in those states are addressed. if they have legislative winds you will see the numbers turn around. but if they don t, you can continue to go in the wrong direction. melissa: what would be the number one issue to take on if you want to change the numbers right now? the issue is that people are having concerns about his ability to govern the country. it is about style as it is about substance. i think the president needs to do more to convey to people that he is in control of the administration. i think back to the point at a moment ago about winning in the states, the president one man 30 states in the 2016 national election. according to gallup melissa: what would you want him to focus on? get in the economy? give me an issue? the economy is always a top issue in an election, but it makes a really hard when your approval is below 40% to do anything. he has lost a lot of republican states as well. melissa: thanks to both of you. interesting discussion, jon. jon: millions of americans are in for a spectacular show, the total solar eclipse stretching from coast to coast turning data night in a couple of minutes. we will show you the prime spot next pair i will never see a total eclipse again. i will not live long enough. it is an opportunity to understand how the universe works and what explains that. chances are, the last time you got a home loan, you got robbed. i know i got a loan 20 years ago, and i got robbed. that s why i started lendingtree the only place you can compare up to 5 real offers side by side, for free. it s like shopping for hotels online, but our average customer can save twenty thousand dollars. at lendingtree, you know you re getting the best deal. so take the power back and come to, because at lendingtree when banks compete, you win. coming up on outnumbered, president trump making his security addressed to the nation tonight prior to laying out the strategy of her board and afghanistan, what it will mean for the war on terror and the political reaction might be. happy monday, by the way. millions of eyes are on the sky, the improved glasses have to be on, the solar eclipse passing over the entire nation today. at the very first glimpse begins in the noon eastern hour, shepard smith will kick it off for us. all that plus #oneluckyguy, outnumbered at the top of the hour. jon: the world mourns a legendary american comedian today after jerry lewis passed away at home on sunday surrounded by his family. his career spanned decades on stage and screen, raising to fame with dean martin and went on to make movies including the bellboy and the nutty professor known for his telethon for muscular dystrophy which raised more than $2 billion in the 30 plus years that he hosted it. jerry lewis was 91 years old. melissa: the moment millions have been waiting for is almost here, a total solar eclipse that will cross the country from oregon to south carolina. dan springer is live in oregon i where as many as 100,000 people have gathered to witness histor history. yes, hello, melissa, in the partial solar eclipse will start here and just about 11 minutes from now, and then the total eclipse happens at 10:17 on the pacific coast, we are in solar passed in the middle of what has become solar town. we have a drone shot that can show you just a scene here at the campgrounds in madras, oregon, where they rolled out the red carpet for science buffs and anybody interested. we have something we want to talk to, because he has been preparing since he was six years old. matt henry, you have been looking forward to this for a long time. i am taking pictures for google for the eclipse movie project, and so we will be shooting all the way partial through totality, and uploading totality pictures to google. they will disk them together to create a movie. the movie will be posted on the website about 2:00 p.m. pacific, and all the images will be used by scientists to study this on corona. have a good time. matt is one of many people across the country who will be watching this closely and doing scientific work. and hoping to learn a lot about the solar eclipse and the workings of the sun. it will be a fun day here and across the country as people really gear up for history. what we are seeing. 99 years was the last one. melissa: soquel, dan springer, thanks. jon: on the next hour of happening now, u.s. and south korea troops starting prep here. intentions were as on the korean peninsula. jon: we are back in an hour. melissa is ready. outnumbered starts right now. harris: we will begin with a fox news alert. president trump announcing a new strategy for afghanistan. in a primetime address to the nation, this is a outnumbered. i m harris faulkner, sandra smith here today, republican strategist lisa boothe pray to the host of kennedy kennedy, and #oneluckyguy, brian kilmeade, and host of the syndicated show on fox news radio. you are outnumbered, great daddy back. i m glad to be heard, on the day of the eclipse. i do not forget that i would be the lucky guy of the last eclipse, so to be here this time is fantastic.

Malaysia , Afghanistan , United-states , Missouri , Washington , Liberty-university , Virginia , Wisconsin , Togo , Oregon , Canada , Michigan

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Happening Now 20170828

night, with the voice activated system that notifies people that if they do call 911 that their call is being processed. that is significant, because with the system we were experience earlier, the constant rain in thinking that the system was down. it is the long awaited calls, so stay on the line. we are encouraging citizens that if they ever receive any calls from relatives that they have contacted 911 previously, do not follow up with that. do not test 911, we are experiencing an abundance of calls. we do have a good grasp on that, we are encouraging people that if they need 911, dial the line, you will process the call. what about the status report? extreme emergencies, life-threatening situations. the status report is not life-threatening, so we discourage those types of calls, and we really want to keep the lines open for life-threatening situations. do not follow up with it. we are receiving all types of messages from all around the region. we are processing them. we are putting them on the line, this is an extreme emergency. we understand where everyone is coming from, but we hope that the citizens understand that we are processing the calls, and hopefully help will be on their way. we want to go ahead and get the right information from the callers, to provide the right resources. but right now we are doing a tremendous job with the first responders. we are processing those calls when we were just asking for patients. we do a huge amount on a regular basis, about 9000 calls, we are about 75,000 calls by this morning. process and then serve. a big emphasis on 911, we want to assure people that we will respond to them. do not hang up, if you hang up, you go back to the bottom. do not hang up. we will get to you. the calls are coming in from 911, whatever staffing we need to do to make sure that we are operating at full capacity, we want to do that. once they are in, they are in the queue, and then they will be forwarded to the fire department, police department, whatever the department is to deal with them, and then we will work through that. and again, on the rescue portion, the emphasis again, rescue people, especially seniors, those with disabilities, those in life-threatening situations. okay? that is the focus. and the goal is to get to them before the day is out. i want to also talk about let me talk about the barker situation, because i have started to release water from the addicts, and they are releasing as of an hour ago, about 26,000 cubic feet per second from addicts, and 2500 from barker, about 5000 cubic feet. that was about an hour, they are going to gradually increase that to about 8000 cubic feet, which would go up till about 12:00, and the reason is, the amount of water that is behind barker and addicts, if they do not release it, then it will go around. specifically it will go around and it will create even a major problem, when that water is released, it is going to come downstream, it is going to add water to the buffalo bayou, but for right now, the flood level is to study for right now. but as they increase the water and it comes down, the water level alone buffalo bayou and all probability will increase, when i asked this morning from harris county, quantifying what that means, how much water will that increase in buffalo bayou? they were still doing the modeling, they could not specify at that time. but the water is, so water in the buffalo bayou, not going to be going down, it is steady even with the release, but the more that they released, it could go up. and it could create even additional problem, additional flooding. i m asking them to quantified to give me some additional information on that. we are scheduled to talk again somewhere around noon or little bit after noon, so i do want to highlight that situation, they are releasing water, but it is a gradual release, and if they don t do it, they say they hold back the water and it builds up, and then it will be forced, it will go around and the situation would be exponentially worse. this is a gradual release, and do you want to speak to it more? steve costello. thank you, mayor, we were advised yesterday by the core that they were going to start deists charging out of barker before the flood, what happens is that the gates are closed so that they can contain the water that is coming from upstream, so that downstream flooding can continue, so the issue here has to be the fact that they are getting a lot of water in the watershed upstream of the dams, and today are concerned about the water level rising quickly, so what they are doing now is a controlled release rate, and at the same time while they are releasing the water out of the reservoir, they are real time monitoring the water in buffalo bayou. they are going to try to maintain what is happening there, so you will not see a decrease in buffalo bayou, you will see the current level as it is today. if we get more rain downstream or if they get more water upstream, then that will probably change, but we are not anticipating any increase in flooding downstream buffalo bayou. there was a comment that some of the residents don t know where they live next to wild bayou, but if you live between i ten and west herman, that is buffalo bayou. those will be the neighborhood s challenge in the next couple of days. thank you, mayor. let me just say to you that this is a dynamic situation, and things could change, they could change by the hour, they could change literally by the day, this very dynamic, but as we get information, but i will tell you is that we will provide that information to you. i ve asked them to quantify it. they do their modeling, and if at 12:00 there is a need to increase more, i want them to tell me that they are going to increase more. if they increase more, i want them to tell me if they are going to raise the level and buffalo bayou and get something whether or not there will be more flooding, homes in the area. so this is what we know at this time, but this is a very dynamic situation. things literally change day by day. then i want to talk about the northeast water plant. because as of 6:00 p.m. on yesterday you have triple tories that are flowing into lake houston. and as you know, the water continues to rise, more is flowing into lake houston, more than can exit out of lake houston into the gulf. and as of 6:00 p.m. on yesterday, the northeast water plant was completely submerged. and what that means is that we are trying to pump it out, we are working on pumping it out. and i will have a better sense over the next couple of hours. i know that public works is working on it. working with others to try to pump it out so that it does not cause the northeast water plant to go down. but as of 6:00 p.m. on yesterday, because of water flowing into lake houston, then we can get out the northeast water plants was submerged. and we are working to get that out. if we can get it out, or not get the pumps in, it will have an impact on our system. but i can speak to that a lot better in the next couple of hours. is there anything else? i think you have covered it all. that is a good example of how dynamic the situation is. because the water is continuing to rise, we will impact the route of the entire region, not just the city of houston, but the entire region. no problems with respect to the other plants, the southeast plant is still working at about 25% production, but the northeast plant yesterday was fine, but as of 6:00 p.m. it was submerged. we are working to see if we can get it out so it does not have to shut down. i will know we will not know that until a couple of hours, then i will let you know what the impact can be. with respect to a number of people in our shelters, as of now as of the time before i came out, that number was about 5500 in all of the shelters. all of our shelters. and i suspect that that number is going to rise. so we have been talking with the red cross, our partners, where s my red cross partner? i don t see him, he is not here. he is working. he is working, okay. he is getting more cots. if that is what the mayor of boston ascending and, more cots. by the number right now is 5500, i suspect by the end of the day that number will rise exponentially. some people just need to come in from there homes for the night, for example. to some that came in from the area for the nights, and they are getting back to their homes. some other places with relatives, but 5500 for now, expected to rise, we are working with red cross and other partners to make sure that we have the supplies, the food, people are needing clothing. people are coming in and they are, and wet. they are needing clothing, clothing, we have asked some of the business partners for things like diapers. baby formula. things of that nature. we have kids, babies, we have all the way up to senior citizens, and they are needing everything. they are needing clothing, food, medical supplies. and we have a number of partners. we are needing volunteers, whether it is ml campbell, we are needing that. but things are dynamic, people who may not have been in a crisis state yesterday may find themselves in a crisis state today. so what we want to do is to make the shelters available for them so that they can come out of their crisis situation as they transition through this particular crisis. i think i have covered all that i needed to cover for this morning. if you have any questions, yes? mayor, can you talk about the harvey relief i m sorry, the relief fund? their hurricane harvey disaster relief fund, that is available, you know similar when we had the storm last year, we set up a houston relief fund, we have now set that up, though hurricane harbor relief on that will be needed as people after the storm has passed, the need for people and families will continue. certainly they are going to be making requests, but what we have discovered last year is that you have to have some immediate concerns, whether it is in housing, clothing, transportation, you name it. people have stepped up in a major way less time, so that fund has been established, people have started to contribute. that will be a tremendous need. i want to think people like clay walker and others who have reached out to me and said, look, we are available. i want to think people like kevin hart who is indicating an effort for people to give. whether it is exxon child, all of them have contributed to red cross, that is a tremendous need. some will be contributing to their hurricane disaster relief fund which is houston and that area, so that is set up. mayor, we want to know i know we have a lot of people stranded, and then, spanish-speaking people calling 911, will we have enough translators? because had this is about diversity, we think more than 100 languages, do we have all the personnel that are needed to respond to the individuals that can probably not communicate in english as well? let me just say that we always need assistance, i m going to be calling on many of the elected officials, we have a meeting with them on a regular basis and asking them to speak to people and their respective districts or the city council district, the legislative district, but i am hesitant to say that you have enough. especially when you re dealing with a dynamic situation that literally can change by the hour, by the day. but let me just say, let me ask, and i hope they do not mind, my spanish is pretty good, but every now and then i have to call on somebody for added assistance. so let me ask. thank you, mayor. [speaking spanish] this brings up a very important point for the challenges that the rescuers and police are facing in houston, so many spanish language speakers in houston, big question when people call 911, was there enough spanish language 911 operators to be able to figure out where these folks were who needed rescue, now we see the houston police chief after addressing the media in english, now in spanish, for those watching down in houston do not speak english. we were just listening to the mayor there, who talked about today are dynamic and ongoing situation that they are facing, that the water continues to rise, there are over 5000 people in shelters right now, some 2000 individuals have already been rescued, and right now there are 185 or so rescue requests pending, and ongoing situation as far as just bringing people to safety and making sure that they have what they need. mayor turner saying that they need is great for clothing, diapers, formula, medical supplies. for anything that you can imagine. as they finally find a safe place to stand with none of their belongings and far from their homes. 10:15:00 a.m., the houston rescue continues, and probably the most concerning part, the most immediate risk that we have heard is that the water continus to rise, more water coming down from the skies and also being released by the army corps of engineers. with that, new evacuations ordered in houston this morning amid that epic flooding. as tropical storm harvey has dumped torrential rain that is now being measured in feet, not inches, it has been feet for a couple of days now. i m leland vittert, the statistic that struck me was 11 trillion gallons of water have fallen from the sky. we could see another 50 inches they were estimating before this was over. i m molly line, the devastation in texas is staggering. estimates already in the billions of dollars, and it looks like things will only get worse with the nonstop downpour in the forecast. some areas seeing a year s worth worth of rain in just days, roads in houston looking more like rivers with chest to deep high river water boiling. the first responders overwhelming as are the emotions among those who have been rescued. i don t know, i m from adelman, i see these people come in, and this little girl was just frozen. is that your biking? you gave her your blanket? i did. i have my two kids over there sleeping right now. safe, sound, comfortable. these kids need help. they are sold to the bone. they are completely soaked. i mean i don t know what to say, they are not my kids, but i tell you what, i love them like they are my own. i don t know them from adam, like i said. and their parents and grandparents came in. yes, the mom is right there. leland: the worst of times sometimes bringing out the best in people, many of those evacuees are heading to the houston convention center which has been opened up as a shelter, that s where we find caroline shively, hello. hello, time and time again across the city at this hour, what is laying out, the high water vehicles, the helicopters, the flat bottom boats, people going in and plugging people off of roofs, getting them from their houses and dropping them a dry land. we were asked over and over again, what do i do now? here s the answer, the convention center, 2500 people have artie walked through those doors, room for another 2500. we just saw a school bus dump off a bunch of folks, and getting patted down, no weapons are allowed, then if you walk this way, this is the registration where you check in. we have seen people barefoot. we have seen them with just what they have on, may be a garbage bag full of clothes, may be a coat, i want to introduce you to your own no more, a national guard truck, she is worried your daughter and your grandchild still out there, where are they? what is going on? my daughter, we have been calling ever since yesterday to get her and her family out. if they refuse to come to the residence. she is stranded at 8006 at the u-haul place, they have been there all night long, and i was calling for them before i called her myself. i have a new granddaughter, a granddaughter and a son-in-law, and where i am from, people have guard parents over there, i wants over there, somebody really needs to get over there and tried to save some of the other people, because we are all up on roofs, and people saying that they cannot come. they are giving us all these numbers to call, and nobody is picking up and nobody is responding. so literally folks on the roof unable to be rescued. good luck, we will put you in touch with some folks that can hopefully help you. i will take you over here. she is on her way to the shelter area, we have some video that we shot there. they have cartoons, hot meals, blankets, covers, things that you will need. you are allowed to bring your dogs and your pets, but still, an awful day here. some smiles coming out today, some things being done. room for 2500 more, they will see if this is at max capacity what will happen next if they need to open more shelters. back to you. leland: later in the show we will check out with some people on the front line for her and her family, thank you. speak to another top story that we are following, new reaction to the president s pardon of former sheriff joe and some saying that trump s decision could be making lawmakers the tropical storm harvey as he continues to visit texas, and fema calling on communities to come together and help as resources are thin. we are live on the ground. this is a landmark event, we have not seen a event like this, you could not draw the forecast upcoming you cannot dream this forecast up. d. frog leg, for my baby brother don t frogs have like, two legs? 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not so sure that the attorney general can hear us at this moment, so we will work on getting his earpiece centered, we can begin the conversation again. right now we are just keeping an eye on everything happening in houston. across the greater texas area as the waters continued to rise. we know that things could get worse very quickly before they get better, and we want to try and reach out and to see if we have the attorney general back in. we do not. we will work on getting him, in the meantime, all hands on deck in houston. emergency management officials say that the resources are stretched very thin there. they are calling on the public to help. we see those everyday heroes coming in from states away. many people answering the call with the threat of even more rain. we will also be speaking with a former navy meteorologist about just what lies ahead for the houston area. it is overwhelming the amount of rain. it is too much for the first responders. they need help. leland: former president and mrs. george h.w. bush reaching out to their fellow texans by the tropical storm. barbara and i are a main, but our hearts are in houston. we are praying for all of our estonians and texans affected by harvey and inspired by the flotilla of volunteers, points of light, all who are helping their call with their neighbors. the local of elected officials for their grit and determination in the face of this extraordinary storm. this we know, houston and texas will come together and rebuild, obviously we are seeing that. molly: and to this, a fox news alert with an update on what we know about tropical storm harvey, the numbers are staggering. the governor of texas claiming 54 counties as disaster to area areas. and harvey is expected to dump a couple more feet of rain on the city by the end of the week. houston officials holding a news conference this morning saying that there have been 75,000 calls to 911 and 2000 rescues. the national guard has been helping to rescue some people by helicopter. fema estimating 30,000 texans are expected to stay in shelters after the storm, more than 300,000 have lost power. meanwhile, analysts are estimating the costs could reach 30 billion or $40 billion. leland: the rain continues to fall, that means that there is a need for more and more rescues. they are happening quite literally by the minute by one calculation, houston four times the minute. people on their cars, as you can see, on the roofs as well. the national weather service saying that the threats from this storm into the rain and the rising water will continue. as i noted, houston is in a lull right now, but moderate and heavy rains later today. and into tomorrow, we will see how long that lasts. it all depends on the track. and it is about a 15-20-inch rainfall still forecast associating with the mass. and noticing the shift towards the east, southwest louisiana and going into northeast texas is included. we have to watch that area very carefully. leland: going live in texas south of houston. we saw a literal navy that came out yesterday to help rescue folks. are they still needed there? or have they move on? everywhere you look, you see people at work, it does not matter what direction you look in. the boats are running. they have been running. we were out here at 4:00 this morning, but you could hear the roar of fan boats, believe it or not, in the darkness as they were going around through all of these flooded neighborhoods trying to find anyone that is still trapped inside their homes. but again, a lot of the people that you are seeing here, not first responders so much, but these are the volunteers. these are the people who again have answer the calls for help. they have come out here and launched their boats. they are trying to do what they can to get people out of here. this is still very much an active search and rescue. now, my photojournalist went out on one of those boats, and we want to show you video. because where they are going, you cannot even access it by car. it is only on the boats. and when you drive through these neighborhoods, i set it last hour, i will say it again, it is just like a neighborhood that you are probably living and watching at home. imagine if you looked out your window in angier street was gone and it looked more like a river. so it is really powerful when you see the images of people going up and down spruce street, main street in boats. what they are doing is bringing people out coming into than they are dropping them off and sort of central locations. then they are being shuttled out of here. we have seen people shuttled out by a school bus, charter bus, even dump trucks. there is just an urgent need to get people out. and we have literally seen people loaded up in dump trucks. look at this live, that is a fan boats, not the everglades, that is going down spruce street here in dickinson. this is a community of about 20,000 people or so, a little bit quiet sleepy town just south of houston. follow me over this way, if we can show this. i was sitting here this morning, and i thought to myself, it is monday. a lot of people probably would be headed to work at this time. i visualize this intersection, you see the road signs there. interstate 45 north, ironically the sign on top of it, evacuation routes. while, you cannot go much further north on interstate 45 because it is shut down. and i thought that this would normally be on monday busy with people heading to work and dropping the kids off at school. and now, this is what it looks like. leland: worth noting the personal danger, so many of those rescuers are taking by being out in these waters as well. casey stegall on the ground in dickinson, thank you. molly has more. molly: joining us now, ken paxton, texas attorney general, thank you for being here. we are fortunate to chat with you today. i know you have a lot of work to do and are very busy. yes, crazy couple of days, thank you for having me on. speak to our hearts are with you and all the people struggling, we know that there are been thousands of rescues already, that there are hundreds 185 rescues that they are working on in the houston area command more perhaps that we do not know about. a lot of people coming in from other states, bring in their own boats. we have seen jet skis. what is being done in the state level to work with the city and the federal government to find those people and bring them to safety? this is being coordinated through governor abbott s office, they have updates all the time. they are being contacted with the federal government. continuing contact with the mayor. it is a coordinated effort, one like i ve never seen before. i think it is the best coordinated effort that has ever happened in texas. that is despite the fact that we have a storm that is unprecedented. we are used to dealing with the storms, but nothing like this in our history. molly: you talk about unprecedented, the people of the volunteers coming in from different states and bringing their own equipment, flood waters can be. a lot of danger, cars underneath, they may not know what is there, what would you say that those people that are coming in from states away using their own resources and trying to find people in very desperate situations? you are right about being insidious, because floodwaters after the rain stops are going to rise, but i would tell them to work with the first responders, work through the organized structure that we have going, because we need their help. we definitely need volunteers. we are grateful for the help, but we need them to work with the organized structure that we have in place. molly: so many everyday heroes, even if you can t get to texas, we know there is a great need. we heard the mayor talk about the need for clothing, diapers, supplies, for really everything that her going to be for the people in shelters. tens of thousands, who knows for how long, so what would you say to the nation watching this unfolding? i would first of all say thank you for contributing, please continue through the red cross, organizations like minutemen that are working on the ground, i ve been in touch with other attorney generals, sean reyes who is providing supplies for some of these people. and i ve gotten calls from all over the nation. it is humbling to know that people are behind us and that they are coming to our aid during a difficult time for the state. molly: it is not over yet. we know that more water is on the way, ken paxton, thank you so much for joining us for the few minutes today. thank you, keep us in your prayers. leland: well, harvey had the world s eyes on texas, president trump made his very first pardon, and a controversial one at that. an in-depth look at the media coverage of the pardoning of sheriff joe arpaio when we come back. that was a very unique and personal decision that the president took. he made that decision on friday night. i don t think that that took more than a minute of his time on friday night. duncan just protected his family with a $500,000 life insurance policy. how much do you think it cost him? 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unfortunately, yes, such a perfect example of that, everybody saying that the president is lying. the media is not getting away, and then heading away from the speech, so this perfect illustration. the other networks kept him on, but the perfect illustration of what we are talking about. criticizing the media harshly, and then the media makes him look right. that is obviously a problem, people need to take a breath and be more rational. molly: just this weekend as harvey bore down on texas, the friday news dump when president trump granted his first official pardon. joe concho for the media hill, and judy miller, prized author, writer, and news contributor. we appreciate you being here. kicking things off, we talked about on friday, the president putting out the pardon, he has not seen the legislative victory that he wanted, and yet the big action takes place, is a controversial with the storm brewing? book, i think that the president should have woke up an opportunity to have god to change the story and the headline, because all the news had been bad for him. the pardon was not good news of a law enforcement officer who ignored the rights of latino americans. this is the latest in a string of bad news. but it took a category 4 hurricane to blow donald trump off the front pages of every newspaper in the country. so i think at this point he would welcome an opportunity to show that his government is prepared, that fema is prepared, and that he is following the storm. not anymore correct in terms of the press being so vitriolic towards the president that it plays into the argument. i have said before, i will say again, the line between straight news and editorial has been obliterated. and what people see the grandstanding and hear the editorializing, they are at me at a rock concert when talking about politics, shut up, sing. shut up, bringing the news. but to the point, to criticize the president, you brought up the lack of major legislative victories before, but when the press starts becoming psychological experts without to the degree coming in because they they read a 152nd wikipedia editor on dementia, says that this is personal and has nothing to do with policy analysis. molly: you touched on the storm coming into the town that this could be a moment for the president, how is he doing so far? most people see this as a test of an administration, staffing shake-ups, the major legislation did not get through, tax reform has yet to get done, but how can you look at it when a american state he is on the line? he has to do two things that george w. bush did not do with hurricane katrina in 2005. first of all, he needs to appear concerned, interested, not do a flyover. and second of all, his administration has to show that the emergency management people are ready to spring into action, they are saving lives, and that he is working with the state of florida gives to save lives coming in so far he has done that. molly: do you feel like he is reacting in that way? at the beginning of the storming and hear the president saying, we are working together, on this, on this, and then in the aftermath, the look back, you want to avoid the moment that a heck of a job, brownie type of moment. i would say that most everybody would say that the administration has been appropriate in terms of actions. the problem is he has been tweeting out other things, modeling the message. he watched the sunday morning talk shows yesterday and saw a massive amount of attention to arpaio, his reflexes to say that i have to fight back. there is a time and a place for all of that coming into this ain t it. molly: your thoughts on that, judy, he has been tweeting. whenever we look at the stream of tweets, it does seem a stream of mind. a lot of things that he is covering, and supporters will argue that he can chew gum, talk at the same time, but at the same time what about other folks that say, every tweet, every message should be about the storm? i agree with joe, it is modeling the message when he interrupts his observations about what is going on in texas with a promotion for himself and a political appearance in missouri, or an attack on the democratic s head into her of that state. that looks small, petty, and it looks a.d.d. and distraction. the optics are that he looks insensitive when he is talking about arpaio, antifa protesters at berkeley, these are legitimate things that i would normally have no problem him pushing back on, but to do it right now gives all the critics the ammunition that they need to say he is insensitive. even though the actions have been good. molly: what will matter in the end is the recovery after the storm and what matters and those people s lives as they are coming back from that. joe concha, judy miller, thank you for being here. molly: molly, as you point out to, there is much to recover from, there is the flooding in houston, but this is rock port texas, where the hurricane came ashore as a category 4, the destruction of 140-mile-an-hour winds, drone coverage coming here. each one of these homes destroyed is a story. there is nothing left in these places here, and you can see that these were apartment buildings, this one completely decimated. not much left. and we first responders going door to door, kicking in doors making sure that there was no one trapped inside of these communities, but the recovery effort begins with trying to clear the roads. as you can see, the roads are flooded, first clear the roads, then all of the sudden you need to bring power back in. you need to bring cellular communications back in. only then, can the rebuilding process take place. they are talking about to the rebuilding process in houston, rockport, taking years. and when you see the totality of the devastation coming you understand why. and of the rain continues to come down in texas. when we come back, a little bit more on the forecast. for just how long it will continue raining. com? 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well, mostly bad news, although there is some that will get out of the heavy rain, wednesday, not like in the current radar trends, looks like we will be getting a lot of shots of 1-2-inch rainfall rates across the area and probably through tonight. while not extreme like the big rain on saturday night, but that piles up and aggravates a flood situation. the load that is causing this should move across the general area on tuesday and exit the area on wednesday, the river flooding depending on the stream, some of it will last more than a week. leland: as we know, even after it stops raining, the waters keep rising, you have a unique perspective. and now retired, you are listening to them, do you feel as though officials in texas took these warnings seriously enough? if so, is this storm just simply overwhelming them? or are there not enough resources even if you called up everybody to be able to deal with it? i think you are closer on the latter point, as a society we have allowed 6.5 million people to live in a very whether prone area for floods and hurricanes. we accept the 100 year event as a safe place to build if we are just outside of it. it is not but a lot of the flooding you will see from this is and what would be a 500 year or greater event. almost flooded here at the house, and i m not even near what they say is a 500 year event. you can t evacuate everybody in advance. it is not feasible. and as he said, the responders, when everybody is impacted in the responders are themselves, it is a very challenging job. leland: challenging to say the least, bringing out the best in folks. her roadwork at every turn, build, we appreciate your time, and godspeed. thank you very much. molly: we are continuing to watch harvey, it has already put roads, highways underwater as it stalls out over houston, how much worse will things get? we outfox coverage coming up. part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. and right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. molly: thank you for watching, and a number right no now. harris: we begin with a fox news alert, rv devastating impact, life loss, neighborhoods underwater, highways as well. the head of fema calling the catastrophic flooding a landmark event. it is hardly over. this is outnumbered, i am harris faulkner coming here today sandra smith, host of kennedy kennedy. also dagen mcdowell, and #oneluckyguy, dennis dyer on fire, and chris stirewalt, he is outnumbered. you have so much going on.

Mexico , Berkeley , California , United-states , Rockport , Texas , Houston , Lake-houston , Spain , Texans , Spanish , Judy-miller

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20170906

children but they are really young adults. i have a love for these people and hopefully congress will be able to help them and do it properly. i can tell you in speaking to members of congress, they want to be able to do something and do it right. really, we have to be able to do something and i think it s going to work out very well and long term, it s going to be the right solution. dana: within the last half hour, president tweeted out. joining us now with details, chief national correspondent ed henry. ed. dana, shut shout out to greg gutfeld. he is facing political minefield from the left to the right. basically some republicans warning that the president can lose control. republican control if this issue is not handled well. they are hopeful they can get a compromise where they show the president is moving to the middle. trying to be humane towards the dreamers and in exchange, wants democrats to compromise as well and get tough on illegal immigration. either on the wall or other measures to go after illegal immigration. the attacks, fast and furious. you see former president barack obama breaking with recent tradition of formers of not blasting the current decisions because he believes this is a matter of conscience. saying ultimately, this is about basic decency. this is about whether we are a people who kick hopeful young strivers out of america or rather we treat them the way we want our own children to be treated. who we are as people and who we want to be. the former president did not codify this into law when he had a chance to do that. one of the many problems he handed off to president trump president trump. president trump now taking flak from the right. give hard liners against illegal immigration seen the commander in chief should have ended daca altogether, not given congress a six-month window to try and codify. he sang the president may cause a great big civil war among the republicans. jeff sessions who took the lead on the issue today consisted compromise can be found. watch. we are people of compassion and we are people of law. there is nothing compassionate about the failure to enforce immigration laws. even senator lindsey graham, a republican who is not a reliable supporter of the president and said all republicans like him on the hill believe the president stepped up and put the issue right where it belongs on capitol hill. here s the key, president obama said much of the same in june of 2012 when he issued this executive order on daca. he said look, this is and executive action. a temporary stop measure. it clearly president obama was saying he wanted to move forward but eventually, congress would have to try to codify this into law. kennedy: ed henry, thank you so much. there s been a lot of hysteria which we are going to talk about. maybe by the end when president trump tweets tonight, we realize that he just wants to get the status quo and have congress codified. greg: did i miss something here? where s the panic coming from? all donald trump is doing is moving a box from one room to the other. when someone leaves a bunch of trophies and diplomas in the living room, you say let s move it to the den. president obama left, another stink bomb he leaves. president obama is really good at this. turning people into reverse santas. he give something away, realizing no one wants to be a reverse santa. donald trump is amos has to be fixed. you yourself said it with a makeshift stop gap to help noncitizens. i just want to clean up this mess. i just wanted done. that s all he s doing. it s amazing how the good guy in this is the guy that created this faulty band-aid and the bad guy is the one looking out for american interests and seeking to fix this band-aid. it should be the opposite. thank you, dana. and ed henry. i want four more minutes of ed henry ed henry. dana: we will try to get that to you in the next block. jesse watters. can congress get it done in six blocks? jesse: six months? six years? no. this is like president obama for christmas gives you a stolen car. and then you are riding around in a stolen car real happy but you are looking over your shoulder. all of a sudden, sheriff trump sees a hot car insist we are not going to arrest you but we are going to drive you to the dealership and get you some good numbers on a new lease. there you go. everyone s mad at trump. it doesn t make any sense. [laughter] jesse: this is a law and order played done in a caring way. it causes this mad rush of people from central america, causing humanitarian crisis at the border. all of these states are suing the executive, trump says let s kick it to congress. they will hammer out a place for this as long as these people are protected, that s fine. now he s the bad guy? doesn t make any sense. dana: kennedy, one of the states there s commentary about president trump could have done what president obama did on gay marriage. wait for the lawsuit to come in. take it to supreme court and announce we are not going to defend that. making it a de facto law. kennedy: he shifted it to congress. the difference between same-sex marriage and immigration, you can hammer out the immigration policy in this country. what the president did, president obama it was very cool, he talked about cruelty and morality. he knows how easy it is to undo an executive order. he knows how easy it is to underwrite a memo like that. he was toying with 800,000 lives. 800,000 people who are brought here, essentially against their will. most of the the people, a vast majority, they ve done nothing wrong. the original, if it s such a mess that it is, the president back in 2009 at the moral obligation to take care of immigration instead of screwing up the health care system like he did with the implicit failure that is obamacare. greg: bravo. kennedy: thank you, darling. dana: there s a compassionate argument to be made, the hundred thousand who may not see it the way we do from a perspective of just looking at this logically. if you are worried and you have anxieties that you might have to start packing things up, you don t know where you re going to go, there s something to be said about that. they could have done that in a nicer way. juan: in a nicer way? dana: i think that jeff sessions announcement immediately followed by an announcement in the rose garden, something to ease intentions. the tweet tonight saying i want them to get to this so i can sign it, that would have basically turned the temperature down. juan: if you are trying to dress up with is a brutal, mean act, this is not even a political divide. this program should remain in place. at 70%. dana: will it be able to pass congress? juan: remember, it got held up in the senate. republican opposition with the overall immigration reform in this country, we know that going back to the bush administration, your years. let me finish up. my feeling is very strongly that what you re talking about here is playing politics with young people, people s lives. greg: who did that? a man named obama. juan: they are having anxieties. you re potentially breaking up families saying the kids have to go. these are people who served in our military, in school, i think it s overwhelming they have no criminal record. what you are talking about is president trump saying this is about law and order. i must have forgotten about joe arpaio. it only goes one way, it only goes against little kids but it doesn t go against sheriff joe arpaio. i said it was mean. listen more carefully. greg: does not was happening. it hasn t happened. juan: the anxiety is happening right now. greg: he s kicking it back to congress so it will be ratified. juan: congress can t even get immigration reform. president trump will not stay tonight that he would support this bill separate and apart from the larger immigration reform. dana: but wait, what about his tweet tonight? juan: no, i do not. he has not set i will support this as a separate bill. jesse: he says if congress doesn t get their act together, i will handle it. juan: a minute ago you said this was all about kicking it into s court. greg: i said that. juan: you said that as well. so is not going to kick it back? jesse: he s going to try to get it done in a merit-based system. make it better, get it done. kennedy: juan, we are going to talk about it. there s a lot to talk about. with everything going on in north korea, with the seeming inability to pass legislation that should be layups for the republican party, how on earth are they going to tackle all of this stuff? juan: this is my point, i don t see that they have any real prospects of getting this done within six months. jesse: i bet republicans in congress can pass this quicker than they can pass tax cuts. look at paul ryan. i think you would sign it if it came in a larger bill. dana: i want to come back to something. juan: your point dana: and let you finish earlier. it s not fair to say it s playing politics with immigration only, just the right. it s been both parties for sure for sure. kennedy: amen. dana: the first ever domestic policy it address on immigration reform, very close to getting it done. people on the right were frustrated. the votes were there. guess who it back? read and barack obama barack obama. barack obama wanted to run on the issue in 2009. juan: i don t believe that. who pulled it back? president bush, it was right wing talk radio that built a wall. what? kennedy: right wing talk radio is not constitutionally bound. if we saw that it did not go through under president bush, i understand, it s interestingly always a bipartisan effort. when it makes its way through it was so critically important. if you needed these voters so badly to bolster the democratic party, if these people were an absolute get me to make sure that democrats had the presidency from president obama, why wasn t that at the top of your agenda? why did you give americans horrible, horrible health care plans? dana: and his meeting with obama in that transition period, he did immigration before health care. it was obviously important to president bush. juan: dealing with the economic crisis. you don t get health care reform until like, 2010. initially, we are dealing with all the economic issues. then we come to health care. and then the democratic majority. 2012 dana: economic issues. last word, greg. greg: president obama started the fire and now he is hassling the fire department tonight. the reason you have donald trump s because of president obama. he created the antidote to himself by sloughing the laws. there are so many examples of this. and now we are dealing with it. kennedy: and he surprised that another president is using an executive order to undo what she did so easily like an emperor. greg: he has galvanized perception. if he had done this, it would be a problem. dana: if president trump signs it, who is going to actually be more mad? greg: they won t be. dana: president trump can do anything right now. he s got plenty of capital with his base. some of the most outrageous statements ever from the left about president trump s announcement today. we will play the tape. who knew that phones would start doing everything? entertaining us, getting us back on track, and finding us dates. phones really have changed. so why hasn t the way we pay for them? introducing xfinity mobile. you only pay for data and can easily switch between pay per gig and unlimited. no one else lets you do that. see how much you can save. choose by the gig or unlimited. xfinity mobile. a new kind of network designed to save you money. call, visit or go to jesse: welcome back, president trump s decision to nick s daca. [speaking spanish] none of these kids are from sweden or norway. they are all from these so-called brown countries. brown people, nonwhite people. there is racism involved here. why don t they just admit it? the statue of liberty would be shedding a tear. it s a dark day for our country. jesse: greg gutfeld, she said it s about brown people. if canadians were smuggling their kids over the northern border and a 70% of those people were voting republican, she would be out there ticketing daca. greg: he said it was a dark day, how is that not racist? kennedy: [laughs] greg: if you believe in law, why is it okay to break one law and not another? where can i violate some laws? i sit here and i go okay, the suspending immigration law and then what, president obama walks away. he leaves president trump as the bad guy. he says we are going to do with the right way. maybe it will be there, may be eligible be better. i bet you, juan, $100 that this will happen. it s a lot of money for me. jesse: not for juan. greg: it will survive and it will be better in the media won t know what to do. their brains will melt and blow out of their eyeballs and i will enjoy watching it as i collect my $100 from juan, which i will spend at chick-fil-a. dana: we were talking about who gets the blame. who gets the credit when there s actual somewhat comprehensive immigration reform? if that happens under a republican administration, who gets credit for it? jesse: i know who gets blamed. dana, i want to ask you this is an actual thing on cnn. devastated over ending the dream act. now harvey victims, illegal aliens. the media is going crazy. dana: i would not underestimate the power of those headlines. give the one volunteer who was found dead because he was out there trying to save lives at harvey. he was a dreamer. i think that the democrats should do is instead of a hysterical reaction, chuck schumer, nancy pelosi greg: they should chuck schumer. dana: we will vote on the dreamer s bill. and say the president just that he wants it. let s do it. let s not wait six months. it was just do it and see what happens. jesse: you would get a third of republicans to vote for it and all of the democrats could sail right through. juan, i want to play a little sound of your friend dianne feinstein he was asked about the legality of daca. roll it. was daca legal? daca was executive order. legal is what is the law, the passage of something. there are attorney general s that are prepared to sue. i don t want to get into that. the point is, daca is here and we have 800,000 young people your answer indicates it s on shaky legal ground. it is. that s why we need to pass a law. jesse: oh! so feinstein agrees with mr. president that s on shaky legal ground. juan: nobody has taken it up. they failed to deal with this issue and now you guys sit around and say oh, this is about media hysteria. how about media reflecting 70% of americans and an immigrant community that feels absolutely abused. jesse: the american public believed sanctuary cities should be defunded. juan: i m talking about what we re talking about tonight. it s an outrage. does this president trump playing to the most basic aspect of our society. dana: juan, to your point, they all do that. that s exactly what president obama did. it was purely a political move. there is no way he was going to get immigration past. he knew by the time he was out of office, it wouldn t matter. because the consequences of this were beyond his watch. he couldn t juan: he couldn t get it done. the republicans kennedy: maybe he should done that first. juan: we were a nation about to fall in beyond recession. he deals with the economic crisis, a major crisis. you disagree with health care but that s what we did. okay. now we are talking about republican majorities that are not dealing with the issue as it stands. you get people talking about what jesse is saying. you can bring up at discharge position. republicans are saying they will go to paul ryan who supported and get it discharged so they can get it going immediately. even in that circumstance, what you were going to have its history of donald trump saying this is not about the law when it comes to my friend joe arpaio. it is about the law when greg: referred that comparison over and over again. a juan: i m going to keep bringing it up. greg: it steers the argument away from this. juan: i thought it was about the law? jesse: at the president is to pardon and if possible to take care of the dreamers. greg: who is not job taken from? a white person or a black person? does anyone ever think about that? juan: yeah, i think about it. greg: i see it as americans, you see it as a race. juan: i see donald trump talking about mexicans, seeing 70% of the dreamers thinking they are rapists and thieves. greg: i m talking about if there was a job juan: you don t like talking about race because it makes you feel guilty. greg: i can talk about race until i m blue in the face and i can be blue. juan: if you do away with the immigrants who came greg: i know, you are calling me a racist. juan: i m not calling you a racist. that would be easy for you. jesse: juan wants to protect them, i want to protect them and so does donald trump. the trump administration is putting north korea unnoticed with a stark warning for military retaliation. as the hermit kingdom keeping it up with a nuclear mission? that story is up next. people would ask me in different countries that we traveled, what is your nationality and i would always answer hispanic. so when i got my ancestry dna results it was a shocker. i m everything. i m from all nations. i would look at forms now and wonder what do i mark? 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would we use a massive military response? jesse: i would not want to make mad dog any more bad than he already is. that s a dangerous game that north korea is playing. even nikki haley looks like she wants to hop into a g52 and fly over. they are messing with fire and fury. to use the president s language. it turns out we want to make sure the chinese enact some sort of energy embargo against north korea. oil and fuel. it s about time. i don t even believe they are going to do it. i think 90% of the trade from north korea comes through china. they have extreme leverage. i think it s time to call their bluff and start messing around with the chinese and stop some tariffs on these guys. i d rather have a trade war. i don t like what s going on right now. i m really nervous about it, for the first time. it seems like it s getting higher and higher and higher and at them before the north korean dictator was crazy but now i think pretty crazy. kennedy: i think if he wants more, he s going to get war. there is a dearth of information in north korea and we assume north koreans as citizens are the only ones that are victims of that. they don t even have that in china. that s why so many americans give away their trade secrets in order to do business there and make billions of dollars. they compromise their selves. american companies have stopped doing that and we have to stand up against intellectual property theft. that s critically important but also, i think that batman may be behind you with pudgy baby hands greg: hey. oh, you mean him. kennedy: hey, greg. jesse: the camera adds 10 pounds. kennedy: he also suffers from a lack of information. he only has people around him telling him exactly what he wants to hear. unfortunately, it s disconnected from reality. it s not the truth. but his truth, frighteningly enough is that he may be on a pretty fat march to war. jesse: i don t think the president is the kind of guy to kick the can down the road to his successor. obviously. he s there to take action and do business and i think a small miscalculation could have horrible consequences. juan: we are coming up on the anniversary of the founding of north korea. people are fearful that that s the day they are going to do something. president trump then response to the south koreans saying they are guilty of appeasement. you ve got to imagine that they are most likely victim if the north koreans start firing missiles. greg: juan, juan, juan, why do you hate the asians? it s disgusting how much you hate the asians. juan: i know. greg: i m not that panicked about this. you cook an egg, you ve got to boil the water. what we re doing right now it s boiling the water. the egg is going to be a deal. this is a bunch of negotiations and you are right, he is a rational person who s operating on a limited amount of information. how do you get him the information? sit down and say we don t want a war with you. you don t want a war with us. if you point those missiles, it alarms us and bothers us. don t point the missiles anymore. you are a cruel, heartless leader but you know what? that s life. leave us alone and leave our allies alone. the thing is, these are rational actors. there s not going to be a war. all this is is building up. maybe he sees something in trump, and ability to deal that he did not see before. because you are right come jesse: no one is talking right now. dana: president obama s decision was basically to not talk to them and ignore them. that was a mistake, people also might say that george bush s attempt was a mistake, the six party talks. by going back over all of that ground, it gets you to the point that president trump today has to make. it s not just north korea. it s iran as well. juan: someone is not rational. coming up, the media at its petty guest. greg, mr. greg gutfeld will tell you about it when the five returns. greg: after days of hurricane footage depicting countless examples of human bravery and compassion, you probably need something really petty to balance it out. like morning joe. my hands are too big. yeah, for like a 9-year-old. the front window saying yeah, yeah. you have to take it because the president is putting it in the wrong place, here s you ve got a hole, like back there, the flatbed part. it s where you have bags, you are carrying stuff. greg: they really are america s sweethearts, if by sweethearts, you mean hemorrhoids. i see this as a positive. they can t call him racist or hitler or unstable, mocking a photo op is all they ve got. the response is this people. it s petering out. after seeing how the president reacted to harvey, it s dawning that america ain t so bad and it s getting better, perhaps even under president trump. case in point, and not just dianne feinstein but nancy pelosi has defended president trump saying we should give the guy a chance. then there s the rise in the media fall of antifa. has any violent mob had a whole shorter honeymoon then that pile of dung? dems realize it s a losing proposition in the street and in their own party. maybe harvey had an effect beyond the obvious damage. it rewound toxic perspectives. what we saw was good stuff from bad morality and motion. the hurricane took the wind out of the whiners, leaving only a few chortling chuckle buckets, laughter cohost wishing for a better gig. hurricane harvey has moved on and so with that, so has america. morning joe hasn t. it s easy, jesse, to make fun of a photo op. they are always clumsy and stupid. i guess he was holding cement for the guy. oh, my god. what low low-hanging fruit, evr those low-hanging fruit pickers. jesse: he didn t accidentally call himself muslim or go golfing after an american was beheaded. did not do the wave in cuba after a terrorist attack or fly to a fund-raiser after benghazi. i m going to give this president a pass on that. maybe he shouldn t have handed it right through their but you really don t know what you re doing. maybe he wanted to say high to the driver. greg: and he wanted to get the guy in the picture. act like the president has never seen a pickup truck before. the guys doing all of the business around construction sites and his whole life. he s a real estate developer. mika, i don t know about joe but mika grew up in georgetown and manhattan. to act like she s down with pickup trucks is crazy. i mean, i m not really, the last time i drove a pickup truck, there is a lot of damage. she has no legs to stand on. greg: we thought and uplifting. back. as much of a tragedy as it was, we saw the america we knew was real, and must drive morning joe crazy. dana: instead of making fun of him, there s plenty of news to cover. it is not like we are hurting for coverage. and i think that what they are doing also is they are feeding the crowd on policy. they are basically not arguing for the issues they care about. i also thought about your list was great. jesse: i could go on. dana: photo ops in disaster areas are always difficult. but they fail to remember is that they are in the comfort of new york, washington, d.c. the president was with the people. in the people there loved it. republican or democrat. i m sure they were happy to see him. greg: was morning joe just being petty, juan? juan: i think they are making fun of him. yeah. i don t know where it came from, in the midst of this, he has an opportunity to try to make up for what happened and i think he did pretty well. in the picture, which is what you want pictures that convey to the american people that you do have empathy in your heart. you can stand in travel to a place of disaster and act as the comforting comforting in chief. kennedy: he is learning how to be a politician in the test of the steps but it s interesting because the democrats are constantly failing the politics. you can actually defeat your opponent if you have a contrasting series of opinions. if you constantly bash him and one time he does something right you say oh, he actually did something right and then he fails on policy you could say oh, man, you did so good. dana: if they don t come through with the money for texas, you can go back and replay that. kennedy: now, they have weakened their position and they are the party that cried wolf. juan: is that part of the budget or not? we will see with the president. we ve got, don t forget, hurricane irma coming up on florida. greg: president trump called hillary clinton cricket throughout the campaign, so why is she kennedy: as you probably remember, president trump had a favorite nickname hillary clinton. you know that crooked hillary clinton wants to raise your taxes, bigley. she does know where to begin. almost every single poll had us winning the debates against crooked hillary clinton, bigley. she s as crooked as they come. kennedy: hillary clinton is point blaming bernie sanders rating in her new book that she blames the opponent for paving the way for charles monica. how many people she going to blame on the road to oblivion? jesse: crooked was called crooked hillary because she was crooked, not because of bernie. it was trump who cooked up the moniker because of the clinton foundation and the emails. she s also acting like she s the only one who s come out of a bruising primary campaign. i think ted cruz come kennedy: 16 opponents! jesse: i don t know who is going to buy this book. kennedy: juan, don t you want her to just go away so the party can move on? juan: i don t have any distaste for her but i think it s off-line. bernie sanders had every right to try to claim the nomination. and he didn t, as jesse pointed out, go after what i think it s total nonsense the email thing. you know, here in the book, she says he is not a democrat. this guy is not an lbj, fdr. boo, who. kennedy: may become authentic canada. dana: what she thought about bernie sanders, i think we are not going to really get to find out. she doesn t have real feelings. no, because she doesn t think it s a good idea because bernie fever has not burned out. kennedy: it is, it s on fire. greg: the second or third time she s done this. i wanted to say expert people said i shouldn t. remembers she said she s going to tell trump to back off. that tells you that she is a liar. she never was going to say those things. now she s looking and going like well, i wanted to say this but bill said no. president obama s that i shouldn t do this. it s combined with the blaming. thank god she wasn t the first female president. she would have been a terrible role model for women. imagine having that person is a role model. a liar and a blame her. dana: they are not lies. basically she was taking advice from everyone else and authenticity is what helped president trump win the presidency. kennedy: as they often dana: time now for one more thing. unfortunately, hurricanes are not the only national disasters america is dealing with. wildfires are burning in montana, california, oregon, and washington state. 50 active wildfires. one is bringing over 100,000 acres. one fire destroyed the ferry chalet, it was built in 1914. it was only accessible by trail at the glacier national park. there s a silver lining, like in houston, volunteer firefighters are working to protect the park. thinking those volunteer firefighters today. they are helping people that were forced from their homes. we are following this story and we have you in our thoughts and prayers. we encourage people to help out if they can. greg. greg: well done. greg s vacuum news. equal part dog and equal part vacuum. we have a golden retriever mix, being massaged. when you are doing this, make sure the dog enjoys it. as you can tell by the dock space, just remember always get the dog s consent. that s enough. dana: a good way to make sure you not have for all of your caps. juan. juan: walter becker, cofounder of steely dan, died. they cofounded the band in the late 60s. they produced iconic hits such as do it again and deacon blues their lyrics i really love them or about life, love, drugs. i think it s the best soundtrack of the 70s aunt 80s and always incorporated jazz. walter becker, steely dan. dana: wow, you like songs about drugs? jesse: houston, texas, started raising money for harvey. set a goal for $200,000. he has now raised you ready? $20 million through all generous support of everybody donating. just an incredible story. hats off to j.j. watt. dana: kennedy. kennedy: william and duchess of cambridge are expecting their third child. the duchess suffering from what sounds like a spell at hogwarts but in fact, it is a cute sickness. she s had a problem with her other two pregnancies. that s why the cat escape the bad. dana: i said she would announce that she was pregnant with her third child.

Norway , New-york , United-states , Pyongyang , P-yongyang-si , North-korea , Texas , Iran , Washington , China , California , Togo

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20171103

it began as far back as 2015. this is outnumbered. i am harris faulkner. today hosted committee on fox business, kennedy herself or to form a national security staff or under president bush and obama, gillian turner. former deputy spokesperson for the state department, marie harf. and today s #oneluckyguy, fox news contributor and nationally syndicated radio talk show host, kevin jackson. his resume gets so long it runs off the prompter. good to have you. kevin: they say you never get better than your resume. harris: you re on the way. it needs its own block. let s do bruno mars. we are going to move on. happy friday. new revelations could mean big trouble for the democratic party. an excerpt from foreign stomach former interim dnc chairman donna brazile s new book is published in political. claims hillary clinton stage of secret takeover of the fundraising arm of the party, the dnc. and in her book, there was word of funding arrangement between the clinton campaign in the dnc of 20. that would ve been long before clinton succeeded bernie sanders to win the nomination. she calls the agreement on ethical thing it was meant to keep the party financially viable and she writes of the primary fight had been fair, one campaign would not have controlled the party before the nominee was chosen. both former dnc chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz and the current chair tom perez are brushing it all off saying it s time to move forward. but the president is all over i it. i want to tell you, that is a big story which he is saying. it s illegal number one, and it s really very unfair to bernie sanders. i m not a bernie sanders fan although i ve got a lot of his votes when he was thrown out. many of those people voted for me because i agreed with him in trade which is doing more about it than he can do. we are doing a lot about it. i thought that was terrible. harris: he does not mince words. the president tweeted this period of the real on collusion is in donna bea s new book, cook and hillary brought the dnc and then stole the democratic primary from crazy bernie and pocahontas just stated that the democrats led by the legendary cricket hillary clinton rig the primaries. let s go, fbi and justice department. that second suite was referring to this interview with elizabeth warren. do you agree with the notion that it was rigged? yes. this is a real problem. what we ve got to do with democrats is we ve got to hold this party accountable. harris: i can t wait to get your thoughts. everybody is giggling. i don t know what the joke is. kevin: i love this. first of all, i love the language that donald trump uses. he is not trying to be all obama asked when he is describing this. he describes as for what it is and when you re out in general pop. harris: we know jen pop, we re cool like that. gillian: i just leaned over to marie and i said let me get this straight, was both worn as pocahontas in the scenario? kevin: we call her that. at the end of the day among he is exactly right. it s comical to the rest of america because they are revealing what we already know. there are tweets that are out there were people are talking about what hillary is doing is crooked in all of this is bizarre and you shouldn t be doing that and then what we find out? it s not like it s a conspiracy amongst republicans. it s donna brazile revealing. harris: we happen to have a former member of the obama state department on our couch. what do you think? you were giggling to. marie: i think that the dnc needs to be very clear in 2020 that it does not take sides in primaries. it s very important. but i also want to make clear to other things, this is not why bernie sanders lost the primary but it is to look good and i don t think was right to do necessarily but if bernie sanders had got more votes, he would ve been the nominee. bernie sanders also had one of those financial arrangements at the dnc in 2015, both of the campaigns had one end of bernie had won the primary, he would ve benefited from hillary clinton financially. harris: kennedy s tipping over off the end of the couch. i always try and look, what are people s motivation? what are we really seeing here because donna brazile is saying that the campaign that you worked on in 2012, that s the dnc in such debt. they were so desperate that they needed a new sponsor and hillary clinton was flush with cash because she had been raising money. any other regime that in the wall that punishes and kills and women and she was flush with cash from all sorts of sources and she basically bought the soul of the democratic party. data brazil realized that when she became interim chair. obama left it in, hillary saw that, felt the need. i m not being sarcastic at all. then she came in and she had the ability to hire and fire at will who was going to run the dnc. marie: that s not why bernie lost. bernie lost because of the money that politico said in that may may 2016 article, that became essentially a money laundering operation through the states into the dnc for hillary clinton. i m bernie sanders did not have that sort of an operation. donna brazile is essentially writing. gillian: i don t have a dog in this fight and i think that this has a sketch city written on both of those that have been on both sides of the aisle. all i can do is call things as i see it and one inconsistency i would like to highlight for everyone here today is that the current administration spent the last six months of the presidential election touting how corrupt and unreliable donna brazile was, trashing her for sharing questions ahead of a presidential debate with hillary clinton s people. so you can t now turn around and hold up her book and say here s the ground truth? we believe everything. harris: that s not how the flow of things happen sometimes. if information is coming out, let me jump in here with some facts. you need to dial up congresswoman of hawaii chelsea gabbert a little that she has put on tape. it s not pretty. it is not just donna brazile that is touting this as the facts. kevin: another thing. it s a very simple question. if donald trump s campaign had done anything close to this, what would they be saying? what with the left be saying? everybody would be talking about how he colluded. i m talking a complete double standard. marie: i will tell you this, donna brazile who once worked for a bernie sanders and that s why she is trashing obama and hillary. she knows exactly. harris: better never give her a debate question. marie: elizabeth warren is much more problematic for her. by the time elizabeth warren went on a stump for hillary clinton, she was much more philosophically aligned with bernie sanders. she completely sold out knowing what hillary clinton was doing with the dnc. still went along with it. her voice no longer has power. gillian: how come now the president and others are touting her book? they are touting the relief experts have heard book as ground truth. i thought we were not supposed to believe that now. kevin: because we disagreed with her one time. it has nothing to do with that. [all talking at once] harris: somebody has been fired at the dnc and what we know is that it doesn t have anything to do with what is going on with in terms of a one-on-one match but as our producers so i will quickly put it before the show, it opaque we as part of the obliquely. either one of the means is not quite clear. let s take a look at the numbers here. the dnc is having some problems raising funds so they recently fired their finance director like 24 hours ago. after five months on the job. it is no one-on-one match up of what is coming out of donna brazile and the information that we are cleaning, but is just interesting how much trouble now the dnc is having. kevin: it speaks to the problem of the dnc of period and the democratic party. at the lack of credibility that has been going on that people or families seeing underlies the very problems that you re seein seeing. marie: as a democrat, i will say the dnc clearly is in trouble. they are trying to regain trust. harris: why are they in trouble? marie: for reasons like this, for reasons like tom perez. there s a very important thing i talk about a lot. individual democratic candidates are out raising their democratic opponents. let me finish please. so our democratic congressional campaign committee. there is a lot of enthusiasm to support democratic candidates. it is not going to the dnc, you are right, and they need to get their house in order. i will be the first to say that. it would be wrong to discount that. kennedy: is that good news for state and national ranges in 2018? gillian: 2018, congressional races rely less on the dnc and that has had a record fundraising, so have individual candidates. we are already study to look at 2020 and if the dnc cannot get out of this rut, we are going to be in trouble. harris: yes or no question because julian assange that the facts are out on this. do you believe donna brazile? gillian: i believe that donna brazile accurately believes what she wrote. i don t think it s the whole story. i don t think it s a whole story. it s one person s view of it. harris: we will move on. gillian: i don t really care that much. i care about the future, not the past. harris: with a tax reform bill in hand, no time to sell it. of the work ahead for republicans as they rally support for their new tax plan and the potential holdouts could do meant. and dealing with north korea. president trump is headed to a show for a 12 day trip. you can bet on the agenda at north korea s newest threats. the next debate, what the president must do as he makes a big return to the world stage. we will talk about it, stay close. happy friday. patrick woke up with back pain. but he has work to do. so he took aleve. if he d taken tylenol, he d be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. let s get the lady of the house back on her feet. and help her feel more strength and energy in just two weeks. yaaay! the complete balanced nutrition of ensure with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. always be you. hi. so i just got off the phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight. four weeks without the car. okay, yep. good night. with accident forgiveness, your rates won t go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. your insurance on time. tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? news flash: nobody s perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. kennedy: this is a fox news alert. no let up intentions with north korea and president trump makes his way to asia for 12 day trip. the president s time in the region following the signs of active data also respond in u.s. military exercises. in its usual fiery language saying that gangster like u.s. imperialists are responding to their nuclear threat and blackmail. they let a again to stage a surprise nuclear strike drill. all of this at the state department faces a criticisms for missing a deadline to determine whether north korea is a state sponsor of terrorism. the chair of the house foreign affairs committee says there is no reason for the delay. shannon bream, why the u.s. must keep up the pressure. watch. now is the time to cut off the ability for them to have the billions of additional dollars they need to build out the program to miniaturize the weapon put it on their icbms. this is our last. according to our defector, our minister who testified, we listen to him, he said they are on the cusp. i think he s right. they are very close made kennedy: meantime, national security advisor h.r. mcmaster had this answer when asked of the president would be toning down his language on north korea during the trip. i don t think the president really modulates his language. he has been very clear the been very clear about it. i ve been aware of the discussions about this is inflammatory. what inflammatory is the north korean regime and what they are doing to threaten the world. kennedy: so the president has dons presently well on his foreign trips and many of his detractors are waiting for him to make missteps. they are staying ahead of the asia trip that there s so much data nontraditional s like our president is destined to fumble. what do you think? kevin: he s going to fumble that s part of his mystique. i hope he brushes up on his language so he can detect a tone they use with gangster and a lot of the other bigger words were talking about earlier. i love to listen to the koreans when they come back at us. it s the worst possible thing. gangster nation will be destroyed. kennedy: we should take a moment to commend kennedy s reading. he did an excellent job. kennedy: i was inspired by you. and when that fails, i just read loudly. kevin: trump is going to screw it up, it s going to be fun to watch in terms of language but in terms of what he is doing and when i look at the way that he negotiates things, i love to watch his political negotiations. kennedy: obvious to the president has to visit this part of the world. it s critical for trade and for the global balance of power and stability. so what is the appropriate response if north korea does in fact have a more accelerated nuclear missile test while the president is they are? marie: i think standing side-by-side with our allies will send a strong signal paired with the south koreans, he will be in seoul, with the japanese and with the chinese. this is a key visit where he is going to be talking to the chinese about north korea. but you re right. trade obviously after he withdrew from the trans-pacific partnership, that s at the top of the agenda. this is an 11 or 12 day trip. these are very grueling for anyone. these are hard, they are tiring, so there s a lot on the agenda. it s going to be really packed trip. harris: along those lines of this is the longest official trip since 1992 by any sitting u.s. president. when george w. bush was there. he was there 12 days in asia as well. the president will be 30 miles from the dmz console, and i think that s important to note because there has been some discussion, would he even go close? would he go there? but he is going and he is talking as you said and doing a lot of things on trade. but clearly, i have to put the focus of north korea. if they do something with that he shouldn t do while he s there or not. gillian: a visit to the dmz is the million-dollar question in my mind. harris: but you know how president trump is. he s not going to forecast that necessarily. gillian: i think he s going to do what he ultimately wants to do. i just want to quickly point out regardless of the rhetoric you see on this trip, i don t think the and ministrations policy on north korea has changed since the beginning, since the campaign. they have maintained this platform of pushing the gas pedal as hard as i can on diplomatic options, including sanctions, but they are making sure taking extra special care to point out that they ve got a full monopoly of military operations. from that perspective, the other stuff is a little tactical. the rhetoric is tactical and i think they re singing about this strategically. kennedy: technical rhetoric. we will see what happens. lawmakers on capitol hill one attorney general jeff sessions to clarify his previous testimony on russia after some new revelations. what could that mean for the attorney general and the president? plus, president trump slamming hillary clinton s campaign over its decision to fund a controversial dossier. he said he would love to send the justice department and the fbi after her in these frustrated camps. whether the clinton campaign should face consequent is refunding the dossier. the big question, we will debate from the couch in a moment. a real babysitter instead of your brother. hey. oh. that s my robe. is it? you could save seven hundred eighty two dollars when liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance. spread a little love today spread a little love my-y way spread a little something to remember philadelphia cream cheese. made with fresh milk and real cream makes your recipes their holiday favourites. the holidays are made with philly. their holiday favourites. i wanti did my ancestrydna and where i came from. and i couldn t wait to get my pie chart. the most shocking result was that i m 26% native american. i had no idea. just to know this is what i m made of, this is where my ancestors came from. and i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. it s opened up a whole new world for me. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at today, a focus on innovation in the southern tier is helping build the new new york. starting with advanced manufacturing that brings big ideas to life. and cutting-edge transportation development to connect those ideas to the world. along with urban redevelopment projects worthy of the world s top talent. all across new york state, we re building the new new york. to grow your business with us in new york state visit to grow your business with us in new york state my friend susie cracks and hello sensitive bladder. ring a bell? then you have to try always discreet. i didn t think protection this thin could work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. for incredible protection. .that s surprisingly thin. so it s out of sight. .and out of mind. always discreet. for bladder leaks. also in liners. harris: developing at this hour, attorney general jeff sessions under crew scrutiny again on capitol hill. lawmakers want him to clarify his previous testimony on russia. they want to know why he did not disclose he was at a meeting attended by george papadopoulos back in 2016. remember, papadopoulos is the only person to plead guilty in the special counsel russians investigation so far. the meeting is in question the meeting in question was revealed this week in court documents and according to those, it s when papadopoulos offered to set up a meeting between president trump and russian president vladimir putin. resident trump says that meeting isn t even memorable. i don t remember much about that meeting. it was a very unimportant meeting. don t remember much about it. all i can tell you is this, there was no collusion, no nothing. it s a disgrace that they continue. harris: former trump former policy advisor carter page privately testified at the house until committee yesterday. paige told him he had mentioned to sessions that he was going to moscow. pages downplaying the whole thing, telling cnn i mentioned in passing that i happen to be planning to give a speech at a university in moscow. completely unrelated to my limited volunteer role with the campaign. it was as irrelevant then as it is now. if it weren t for the dodgy dossier and all of the chaos that those complete lies had created, my passing comments complete lack of relevance should go without saying. lawmakers want to hear from attorney general sessions now but is not clear whether they want him to testify again or submit clarification in writing. jillian, who loves the word dossier, take it away. gillian: can t get enough. i too would like to hear from the attorney general. harris: what would you ask? gillian: out ask him to clarify his statements before the house in the senate earlier this year. i would like to know why there is so much misremembering about george papadopoulos. they think an important i m not saying that george papadopoulos matter to the campaign or didn t. i didn t work for them. i don t know. somebody needs to provide some clarity about what his role was. i don t think the fact that he was a volunteer really matters because the chairman himself was not paid to run the campaign, so that s an excuse. i think part of the problem here is that in all presidential campaigns, you generate these hangers on. and if you are not very disciplined about the structure of the campaign and what everybody s roles are. i think that maybe is what happen here. i don t know. that would be generous assessment. kevin: that is a generous assessment. they ran a campaign, maybe he requested a meeting. big deal. he s a presidential campaign, and if he did request a meeting with the foreign governor, papadopoulos, not at low level or the president said, getting in a meeting with the candidate. harris: i would be very different. kevin: my only point is it s much ado about nothing and when america is sick of is the hunt that s going on where they come up with absolutely nothing and then we got actual evidence of collusion between the clinton foundation and these other things. you put them on balance and you say why should we be chasing them? harris: even the former defense secretary under obama has said they need to look into the situation with hillary clinton and the dossier and so on and so forth. if that can happen simultaneously but it does not wipe away the low level volunteer member of the campaign wanted to set up a meeting. that was a problem with the fact that he lied about it. marie: the meeting is not the biggest problem for bob mueller i don t think. the thread that bob mueller is pulling on is the thread that the russian government sent people to tell papadopoulos that they had hillary clinton s emails. that s incentive. my point is, the trump campaign new at the russian government had hillary clinton s emails before the public did. that s what bob mueller s team is looking at. nothing may come from it. there may be no collusion. kennedy: there is also a lot of information on the email that clinton tried to withhold that the state department was more concerned over. information is information. if are going to go after george papadopoulos for lying to the fbi, that s understandable. we got supposed to do that. any rational adult knows that. you can t do that. so john podesta went before the senate intelligence committee and said that he had no idea how the dossier was funded while mark elias was sitting next to him. was he lying? [all talking at once] gillian: the key question is what was his role on the campaign? there has to be a ground truth somewhere. was he a hanger on, volunteer, or was he a foreign policy advisor? someone needs to be able to answer that question. kennedy: there were russian missives that were caught up in the section 702 law and there were americans that george papadopoulos happen to be on board one of those email change and that s how intelligence. harris: what you want to know is what was his job. why would he have been in the picture? gillian: why can anyone answer that question? harris: i believe was back in may of 2016 that he was announced that he was part of this. gillian: the russian thought he wasn t reached out to him. that s a fact. it s an fbi filing. you can shake your head but it s a fact. [all talking at once] gillian: that will answer a lot of the questions. harris: not enough to say he was a volunteer low level? kennedy: he said volunteer volunteer it s a huge distraction. we don t know yet. gillian: it s not that is not enough for me. is that the president said things to contradict that like when he cited to the washington post that he was a foreign policy advisor. and moeller needs to clarify. harris: that s how he put it. kennedy: let us make a shift. president trump taking aim at conclude clinton and her campaign and the democrats for funding that infamous dossier, incendiary allegations against him. watch. the dossier which is totally fake and made up, it s like a novel, that dossier is a disgrace and it should not have been allowed to be used. when i hear the kind of money they spent. 9 million. is inconceivable. it s absolutely inconceivable. it s horrible. we don t know who was authorized payment. they are trying to find out and we will find out but really, i think it s a disgrace that anything like that can take place. kennedy: the president and a radio interview also says he s frustrated that he can t force the justice department to investigate clinton and democrats. remarks he echoed earlier today. watch this. i m not involved with the justice department bread i like to let it run itself. but honestly, they should be looking at the democrats where they should be looking at podesta and all of that and dishonesty. they should be looking at a lot of things, a lot of people that have disappointed in the justice department including me. kennedy: and the president this morning tweeting everybody is asking why the justice department and fbi isn t looking into all of the dishonesty going on with crooked hillary and the dems knew donna brazile book shows he paid for and stole the primary. people are angry. at some point the justice department and the fbi must do what is right and proper. the american public deserves it. going to ask a few people and going to get two different reactions. can you say the dossier was a disgrace three times fast? kennedy: what is proper and right here? kevin: proper and right. everybody knows. i always do this. this is a little thought experiment i played. what if this were donald trump? i know what marie would say print should be all over it. let s look into it, got to find out the details. and what most people are saying now is they didn t influence this or had no real outcome in the election. fact of the matter is it points to everything in politics that people are sick of in this country. so there s no defending it. i don t know what can come out of somebody s mouth and say that was okay to do. it was a dossier where there was a reporter whatever that the next excuses the republicans started it. big deal. you took it and you took it to a whole other level and everything involved in it points back to the dnc, the democrats, clinton s, and even probably ties to obama. that s what people want to know about. we can chuckle about it all we want. marie: that s a crazy assertion. kennedy: what is proper and right from your perspective? marie: that donald trump dream this morning is like a fever dream of right-wing paranoia about hillary clinton. it s like every buzzword he could get in that tweet, he did. when you re talking about the doj and fbi, we can talk about what s improper or what s politics. this is a question about legality. sure, we may not like the hillary clinton had a dossier, parts of which have been proven untrue, parts of which i think are still open to interpretatio interpretation. but this is not kennedy: that s where we ve gotten in politics when both sides go to eastern europe to get searched. space is i don t disagree with you that they are at discussing business. when donald trump the president is calling for legal action by the government against a former political opponent, that s another thing. kevin: using a document to go look at people. marie: when you get evidence at that, i m happy to look at it with you. the intelligent community did not rely one iota on that dossier. i know it for a fact. he says it on the record. kevin: so we should believe them because i said it. marie: the fbi can answer for itself. i m talking about the intelligence community assessment of russian meddling. kennedy: they now unmask. gillian: what about a more equitable assessment of this dossier which tells us that both sides of the aisle dirty their hands here. kennedy was saying the very worst of politics is not exclusive to hillary clinton, it s nonexclusive to the democrats in this scenario because we know could it establishment politics and we can all coalesce around the idea that it s gross and dirty and everybody loses with this kind of thing in circulation. this is where we are with their presidential politics. congratulations, america. harris: i think it is interesting that if you look at the trails, the clinton campaign didn t even circulate as much among themselves. they give it to the media. kevin: that s pretty. marie: everyone does it. it doesn t make it okay and i think now is a wonderful time. i m not saying it s okay, i m guessing is not unique to her. harris: how much of it was just about being dirty. we don t know that. that s what you get. kennedy: writing the bill may have been the easy part. now republicans have to whip up the votes to pass their tax plan. why they are confident, less some potential stumbling blocks as a key senator issues a warning. we are live on the hill. stay with us. your brain changes as you get older. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. when heartburn hits fight back fast with tums chewy bites. fast relief in every bite. crunchy outside. chewy inside. tum tum tum tum tums chewy bites. what s going on? oh hey! that s it? yeah. everybody two seconds! dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald s helps more people go to college. it s part of our commitment to being america s best first job. harris: get out the red pen to write now on capitol hill, some fixes to the republican tax bill expected to come ahead of the monday markup. the g.o.p. is trying to provoke the momentum and rally support for their plane. president trump says he wants to sign tax reform into law by the end of the year. earlier on fox & friends, house majority leader kevin mccarthy brushed aside criticism that the plan will actually raise taxes. watch. we are cutting taxes. we are not raising rates. we are lowering the rates. we treat every american and fairly. if you re a single american today, and the old system, you can only make the first of $6,000 tax-free. we doubled up to 12. a family, $24,000 tax-free, doubling it to start out. you decide where your money should be spent, not government. harris: obviously, that is kevin mccarthy. please forgive the error there. two congressional correspondent mike emanuel joins us live from the hill to break it down and i m certain this is mike. good afternoon to you. much of the focus right now is on talking to house republicans and rounding out votes. and g.o.p. said they want to get tax reform done in the house this month. and part of the pitch is businesses will be able to bring back trillions of dollars back this country. whether it s on main street, around the world, they will know they can bring those stranded dollars back to the united states from overseas. more important, when they can win going forward. tax rate to bring it back and reinvest to zero. we expect it very strong response from our local businesses. here is what some key house conservatives asked the white house to include in this tax package. a corporate tax rate, no higher than 20%. the small business tax rate no higher than 25%. the reduction of personal income rates the middle class and doubling of the standard deduction. a repatriation of foreign earnings, permanent elimination of the estate tax, and a new territorial tax system that gives multinational companies tax parity with foreign competition. this morning, the chairman of the house freedom caucus said he would like to see a change involving wall street. that. the entrance for hedge fund managers need to go away and really, we can use that money for the middle income hard-working american taxpayers to make sure that they get the relief that they need. as for democrats, house democratic leader nancy pelosi is blasting the tax proposal. the republicans want you to believe they are cutting taxes on the middle class, but republicans are floundering the middle class and middle class families to give trillions of dollars in tax cuts to corporations. some shipping jobs overseas. we are checking to see some tweaks to this bill ahead of the ways and means committee working on it next week. harris: mike emanuel, thank you very much. as mike to set, the big task at hand is getting the from the g.o.p. rollout. there are some house nose and the g.o.p. and some people on the fence but house leaders say they are confident they will come around on the senate republican bob corker says won t support a plan that adds a penny to the deficit and they were a host of other republicans who can think any tax bill in the upper chamber. and there is zero sign of support so far from democrats. i still don t think that s exactly news. so far, republicans may be no margin for error. they ve got to stick together. kennedy: let me take off my tin had that they accuse me of having on. it s a great tax bill and the things that we debate, we debate. hit 80% to 90% of these people come as a to raise it for these? we won, it s time for president trumped emblem and a tax bill that he wants. we took the raising of the taxes under democratic presidents. we ve seen with that resulted in. over $20 trillion in almost $20 trillion of time of debt and high deficits. so why not try something different? we had a community organizer versus a billionaire who understands tax policy and how it relates to business and the left looks at this guy as if he s an idiot. he s awarded a grant that knows what he s doing, has great people in place to look these policies and americans looking for something different. harris: bob corker says it s a know if it raises the deficit. what plan on the planet wouldn t have some sort of reverberation, which we didn t do what the president said, look for spending cuts. kennedy: you re absolutely right. why are we just relying on taxes here? they are not tax cuts. it s a shift. some people will get some relief and others will be completely punished. i think the republicans, if they do have the kind of power that you re talking about stand up to the democrats and say you re going to cut the top rate on the highest income earners as well. why is that staying at 9:30 9.5% back cut spending. be bold, cut spending in all areas. get creative. have a contest. he could a nice bottle of crystal, whichever period they don t need a contest. they won, they are in office. we have those contests. so cut spending. that was the vision that we heard about from the president. and the devil here is really going to be in the details. this is not a slam dunk politically. you have today things like people already asking why are they getting rid of deductions for student loans for medical expenses? one of the small business association represent the number of small businesses around the country today came out against the tax plan as written. so the republicans have quite a bit of work to do. it s a mixed bag for the middle class an end it explodes the deficit. this is going to be a challenge by the end. gillian: a quick piggyback, what s in this bill outline. but they have problems already roadblocks up ahead with the timing. they re trying to jam this through. they want this to be considered and marked up as next week they wanted out of the house. where they already setting artificial deadlines that will shoot yourself in the foot exactly the way health care did? i don t understand. harris: will move on. happy friday. president trump is hammering the diversity visa program to the new york city terror suspects used to enter the united states. the president also went after chain migration, which allows some immigrants to bring family members to the u.s. he said any daca deal would do away with that. are these winning issues for them or could they backfire? 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or could any possible misstep increased tensions in that part of the world? all that and more top of the hour, now back to kennedy. kennedy: thank you, harris. gillian: president from saying he wants to terminate the diversity visa lottery here in the united states. the program that lets the new york city terror suspects enter the country back in 2010. take a look. is a disaster for our countr country. this program grants visas not on the basis of merit but simply because applicants are randomly selected an annual lottery. it s a very unsafe program for our country, and we are not going to allow it to happen. kennedy: president trump also slammed a so-called chain migration telling fox news laura ingraham that any deal to protect legal immigrants brought to the united states as children would include legislation necessarily to end system. the deferred action for childhood arrivals. will you require that if any amnesty talks will require chain migration? i don t think any republican would vote for anything having to do with leaving chain migration. chain migration is a disaster. for this country, and it is horrible. kennedy: president trump and the administration have made it clear that the big kahuna in this diversity lottery system is national security implications. i want you to lay that out for us. what is he talking about here? kevin: in the old days, we brought people a real lottery based on merits when people came over here, they fought to get over here. they fought within their own country to be the best and come over. now it s become such a lottery system that just really goes at random. we have seen how that vetting process has worked out. the national security implications are things that happen just recently in new york and other places where we get a guy who was part of that lottery system, the diversity visa system, and he comes over and commits crimes and we ve been following him, we followed his mosque and the whole thing. so you try that back into everything that we talked about with the president s travel ban, and you see what people are concerned about. most of america is looking at the death of american citizens and in this case, foreigners that have visited new york and saying this is a tragedy. so something that we should hav have. gillian: some of the lottery itself isn t the big kahuna but as part of a bigger package about decisions about immigration that the president feels the government are making that are not smart. spaces is also not fair to say that just because of the lottery and it s random that these people aren t vetted. if there s better ways to vet people, i am absolutely open to that. but these folks go through a lot of vetting to get your, less than 1% of people who applied for this visa actually got it. it s not just like the doors are open. we worked on this with the state department a lot. it s two years plus. there s a problem if people come here or if they are american citizens and their radicalized here. let s look at what happens online, let s look at how ice is recruit people online which is a huge problem. facebook and twitter are looking at right now. we need to look at how people are radicalized, not just how they get there. kennedy: i think you re absolutely right and there is an important point when someone goes from being a faithful muslim to being a radical jihadist. who is able to commit murder. in that act of agitation and radicalization is so woefully misunderstood. i don t have a problem with the merit-based system. i don t think merit-based necessarily means that you have to lead and only people who are phds, but letting people who are good and hard-working, who want to fight for the american dream, who want to make our country a better place, and actively participate in what that greatness means. kevin: i want to go back to this radicalized here or wherever. it doesn t matter. if you come here and you radicalized, this guy brought 23 additional people here. where will they radicalized? marie: we don t know that they are all radical. kennedy: we don t know that they re not. we ve got 23 people that a radical muslim has now brought over, and we know nothing about them. we don t have a system in place that says are they like him or are they not? he planned this for over a year. kennedy: and we don t have a good system. marie: the program does have some benefits. gillian: the president and you fairly point out this link between the visa lottery and chain migration, but if you get rid of the lottery, how does that in and of itself if you reform the lottery kennedy: this may be the most important point of all. more outnumbered in just a moment. they right here. you interfering imbecile! give us one good reason we shouldn t vanquish you to another dimension! ok, guys, hear me out. switching to geico could save you. hundreds on car insurance. huh, he does make a point. i do like to save money. catch you on the flip, suckas! geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance is always a great answer. ththe next energyngs toto power our dreams,re will be american energy. but he hasoke up wwork to so he took aleve. if he d taken tylenol, he d be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. i just want to find a used car without getting ripped off. you could start your search at the all-new that might help. show me the carfax. now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20171026

deal. and it s was telling fox news the order to lift it came right from president trump himself. this is outnumbered. i m sandra smith in here today, harris faulkner. republican strategist and fox news contributor lisa boothe. ghost of kennedy on the fox business network kennedy. and today s hashtag #oneluckyguy, former secret service officer, dan bongino is here and he is we 22 always good to have him. dan: i ve had a couple of cups of coffee. sandra: your levitating. dan: serious energy levels. sandra: let s get right into it. and obama undercover fbi informant cleared by the justice department from a confidentiality agreement. allowing him to speak through three congressional committees about whether he witnessed any russian efforts to win favor with hillary clinton while she was secretary of state at the time of the deal. it put a russian backed company and control of 20% of u.s. uranium. raising questions about the quid pro quo russian money going to the clinton foundation. half-million dollar payday to bill clinton even for one speech to russian banking officials. just dig through this for us because a lot of details are coming our way, but the latest big news is that gag order has been lifted. we will now hear from that fbi informant. dan: this guy is a more incredible or woman, we don t know who it is at this point. this source is more than credible. this was a person who sought. this is going to be ugly. if you were writing a script for potential corruption for a book for some thriller, so you have a presidential nominee, you have the sale of nuclear fuel to a hostile foreign actor, nobody disputes that at this point. we have the husband of the secretary of state who works for the administration collecting five times the amount of the facebook ads you will lead to change the course of the election and a speaking fee and we are all supposed to sit back and pretend nothing happened? i think this informant could be explosive. sandra: i had a conversation with pete p and earlier, the congressman. he s a member of the intel committee. in looking at these investigations and there is, i m sure you ve brought this up with many of your guests. he s asking the question looking back, why was this deal ever approved to begin with? harris: why was it approved and who are the people in those nine agencies who helped the approval process along the way, where are they now? the gag order is important to mention. there was some back-and-forth about how about how that was going to be lifted. we now know the resource, fox news has learned that it was the president himself who lifted that gag order, for that question to be there. he requested for the doj. that actually puts him in the game a little bit differently because it was just a couple of days ago that he said this is the story of the decade. it s not getting any attention and we need to know what happened. there you have the president of the united states saying to the doj go ahead, do you got to do. we threw the first logical questionnaires from trump is honestly not going to have him release information that would be in any way temperamental to him or anyone else. he must know something and read it where y elsewhere who would he do that? it is a make sense especially with all those other stuff going on from a practical perspective. kennedy: under eric holder and the writer lynch into signing the mba and then being threatened if if you came forwd as a whistleblower and talk to congress or any other investigatory body. was very interesting here, even if you take the clintons out of it because there s a long shady stuff that doesn t make sense. hillary calls a bologna, but none of it adds up. to your question, why did we do this? of his criminal informant has gleaned some truth as to why these agencies rushed this along, it goes much deeper than the clintons and then we are talking about those deep stators who are government for decades who were just trying to protect their power. harris: every time you say that word deep state, people look at you like your conspiracy theorists but that s how we describe the sort of behavior. we could call it something else but it doesn t change the facts. lisa: you look at the fact that robert mueller was in charge of the fbi at this time now and he is running a special counsel investigation against russia this time. i do think these are a lot of questions about the fbi, why was congress left in the dark about this? and also, how are we just finding out about this? he look at the amount of coverage that has been given to russia and russia s role in the united states election and how was this just surfacing now? how did reporters not pick up on this through the mountains and mountains of coverage about russia over the past few months? kennedy: may be part of that has to do with the president s challenge. he has been aggressive toward the media and i don t necessarily agree with him when he makes attacks on the basic rights billed in the first amendment but maybe journalists are internalizing that and thinking you think that we are not doing our job, you think this is fake news, we are going do actual journalism which is terribly inconvenient for people who have held onto power for so long and just assume that they re going to get a pass because people like hillary clinton didn t win the election, therefore any past wrongdoing are not worthy of accountability. harris: of the things i ve wondered and i don t know how much we know about this, when you talk about criminality and accountability in all of that, what is the chain to follow on that? dan: i find the most disturbing portion of this whole story on the criminality end of this is a former federal law enforcement agent, i have the utmost respect for the fbi. let me get that out of the way. the men and women who work there are fantastic. where s the fbi for four years on this case? you slow rolled the case for four years when the russians bought off of fifth? sandra: based on you saying that, can you give us details on this informant? what is happening with him right now? is he sitting in front of the fbi being questioned at the moment? and then will we ever see him, will his identity be revealed, will he answer questions publicly or behind closed doors? dan: is probably going to give a classified briefing. i m sure the information he holds, you don t want to reveal sources that could implicate others that were involved in this set of potentially still working. in other words, we don t know that this fbi investigation is even done. and they have splintered off into other directions. he s not a law enforcement officer. he may not be familiar when he talks that he s actually giving up information. harris: does he lawyer up? kennedy: he has. i ve spoken with fox business network but to your point, does he talk to the house and senate judiciary committees? chuck grassley has called for special counsel to be appointed here because to your point, robert mueller was in charge of the fbi in 2009. there were two plea deals who resulted from this under the fbi investigation. however, they were very soft. these were cream puff plea deals that ended up the money laundering. it followed from a state sanctioned person, one of vladimir putin s operatives and basically giving money and arresting people in those tiny plea deals. this cannot be wrapped up in his investigation. jeff sessions has to recuse himself from meetings that he had last summer. robert mueller oversaw the fbi for all of this is going on 2009, how can he possibly be objective in this? lisa: we are also simultaneously talking about the dossier as well. and the role that that played an fbi investigation as well as the special counsel investigation with molar. sandra: it is hard to keep the two separate. but when we are dealing with the uranian deal itself, the president has made it very clear how serious he thinks this is, so interesting that we just learned that harris just pointed out, we just learned he specifically went to the doj when said lift this gag order, we need to hear from him. harris: i want to follow on something that you said just in terms of the type of attorney that this informant would have. i know that none of us here work for the doj, but i m just curious at that point when you re representing someone who has a gag order, the game has changed. is it going to look differently at this point? dan: he picked a very good lawyer. he was smart to do that because again, you want to be very careful that what he says fell under an immunity agreement that he may have signed. we have these king for a day deals, you want to be sure that he has fallen within the lines. kennedy: she has said it was wrong for the department of justice to threaten him with criminal prosecution for violating an mba good those completely separate issues and like chuck grassley, the senator from iowa for an independent counsel in this regard because they were so many questions that require oversight. it goes back to your point, why did we make this deal in the first place? no one has satisfactorily answered that or even close. sandra: we will have much more on this developing story, former house oversight committee chairman will be joining you next hour on outnumbered over time. be sure to catch that. house republicans nearly passing a $4 trillion budget paving the way for tax reform. what happens next and will the party and the white house get a big actually to win back that they badly need. and the clintons whether team clinton broke election laws him on how much did or did not know about the payments to a research firm behind that dossier. i was a good soldier. i had purpose and i loved it. you never told me you were a hero. i m not. i m only human you all right? i make mistakes no, i m not all right. i m alive because of you. we re brothers. we look after each other. thank you for your service. rated r. it s ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it s fine, cause i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident-free. and i don t share it with mom. right, mom? right. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it. harris: a bit today on capitol hill. fox news alert, the house has passed a budget by a 216-212 vote. it was close as expected. 20 republicans voted no good the budget approval pave the way for congress to take up tax reform now. but a win is a win. a win for president trump and republicans. lawmakers wasting no time, just announcing that the bill will be available on november 1st markets beginning november 6th. today, we passed a budget that is fiscally responsible, it strengthens our national defense, and it is really good for taxpayers. most importantly, this budget that we just pass in the house today brings us one step closer to historic tax reform. that means more jobs, they were taxes, bigger paychecks for americans. harris: no democrats voted for the budget. the sender been carted of marilyn says he does not think though get it to a tax bill just yet. i don t think it s very likely that will get it done this year. we need to have democrats and republicans working together. we will not support a program that s going to blow a hole in the deficit. in their plan is scheduled to be a $1.5 trillion additional debt, probably will be much larger than that. as you ve already pointed out, we ve always supported tax proposal that helps the middle class. the majority, overwhelming majority of pay here go to the highest income people. harris: president trump a celebrating grade he tweeted big news, but it just past. the house ways and means committee chairman within seconds put this out in its own longer form letter. today is a historic day and we are ready to deliver tax relief on november 1st, we will introduce our tax reform bill that will deliver more jobs, there are taxes, and bigger paychecks to people across the country. dan: first, was that a comedy act? is a very nice guy might just get that out of the way. but it seems seriously as a democrat talking about blowing a hole in the deficit? i get it, republicans are blowing holes in the deficit two. that s why i call myself the renegade republican. i am not aligned with the g.o.p. in any way at this point. but barack obama blew a hole, a black hole in the budget. he sucked in the whole budget universe, and now the democrats are worried about budgets? that was almost hysterical. and now we are all about the tax cuts for the middle class so now the world have been reversed. the democrats now care about debt and deficits and tax relief for the middle class. this is like a joke. all they want to do is tax the heck out of the middle class and obama. harris: lisa want to give you a high five and then some. lisa: you look like things like the stimulus and is a little bit comical. it s a comedy routine right there. to the president s point, what is important is the fact that this budget passes now that it pave the way for the republicans to be able to use the reconciliation process which is probably the only way that they are going to get tax reform done because that allows them to do it on a party line basis. this is big news for republicans and allowing them to do that much and quite frankly to get something done that they desperately need heading into the midterm election. harris: i m going to pop this up and then come right back out. it s important because you want to know how frustrated are you at home watching or wherever you have to pay in taxes the amount. i don t even want to say is a bipartisan issue. this is just an american issue. north of 50% for both democrats and republicans by quite a bit. sandra: this is supposed to be about the american people. that s who he is doing this for and he is targeting the middle class. the american public watches all of this play out and they just want to know will i have more money in my pocket at the end of the day and will my country be better off? while the country prosper and grow faster as a result of this? sandra: the democrats lie about taxes all the time and i wish they would tell the truth. one of the talking points to hear all the time his tax cuts are going to lead to a decrease in government revenue. i say to all of the millions of viewers right now, show me where that happens. two he does, email me. i ll give you my email. email me where that happens. kennedy, coolidge, reagan. harris: not this kennedy. kennedy: would have to go hand-in-hand with with that in your right about the coolidge model. i hope at some point. harris: a song is great. kennedy: you have to cut spending. we are spending more money than we can possibly afford that s why we are trying to borrow our way out of this conundrum and they re just shifting the tax burden from one to the other. punishing middle income workers by talking about decimating that 401(k) ability. will let me jump in here because i want to get to something that really does affect a lot of people. middle class, upper-middle-class, lower middle class, most people have some sort of retirement plan. the 401(k) situation is really important. the president about to hop on marine one on air force one yesterday on his word to dallas had this to say. president trump: 4o1 kays to me are very important and they are important because that s one of the great benefits to the middle class. i didn t want that to go too far. it s why ended it very quickly. chairman of the house ways and means committee said this morning it could be on the table. maybe it is and maybe we ll use that as negotiating but trust me, that s one of the great things. there are certain elements of deals he don t want to negotiate with. and kevin knows it and i think kevin brady is fantastic, but he knows how important 4o1 kays ar. harris: i think kevin brady is fantastic. that s not the only issue though. hand-in-hand with that is your ability to deduct your local and state taxes on your federal income tax. so now you got lawmakers in new jersey and new york where people are going to be broken economically if they cannot deduct those along with severely cutting the amount that you can put pretax into your retirement 401(k). lisa: the point that you re making and we just all play out between chairman kevin brady and the president is the fluidity of the situation that we are facing right now. harris: those are untouchable. we are seeing this replicate among republicans and democrats. that hurts people. i don t care about the offset of the word thousand dollars. lisa: i don t know what s untouchable or not to be honest. i think republican s are just going to try to get something done on this. i think the point that i m making an the fluidity of this is the fact that we still don t have this in legislative form. we are still talking in broad strokes and saying this on the show. we will know soon what is untouchable or not when the proof is in the pudding and we actually see the legislative details. harris: so the fact that these things are still on the table at the president had said, they are hearing from lawmakers across the country. speaker of the president and kevin brady have had opposite messages particularly on salt, which is the state mobile taxes. and that really could hurt people. that s why you saw 20 republicans defect. harris: only 22. kennedy: and they almost did. this is a key point of negotiation from lawmakers in places like new york, new jersey, and california where taxes are sky-high and people need those deductions in order to survive and make it bearable. harris: you said it was fluid. how about this? litter clinton facing new questions about the dirt. her campaign trying to dig up on president trump and that controversial dossier. whether any laws were broken in that process and what is setting a new says about it all. and get on the trump train or else. why the president and his allies feel emboldened by the departures of two republican critics. will this shakeup help or hurt the white house? we will talk about it. how much money do you think you ll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we ll keep oooooohhh! you stopped! you re gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. let s plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. prudential. bring your challenges. sandra: hillary clinton facing heat about what she knew about the dossier on president trump is a new complaint alleges that her campaign and the dnc broke the election by hiding payments to an earth dirt on the president. hillary s former spokesman says that while she may have known, he adds what she said. the new york times reported that clinton didn t know about the dossier until the source was broken january. president trump not buying it. watch this. president trump: don t forget, hillary clinton totally designed this. she didn t know anything. all of a sudden, found out. what i was amazed it is almost $6 million that they paid and totally discredited, a total phony. i called it fake news. it s disgraceful. kennedy: president had a great sit down with lou dobbs on the fox business network. at the top democrat on house intelligence defending what he sees as a routine research and believes all the fuss is just an effort to hide the truth. i would certainly want to know that. i think everyone would want to know if their opponent was getting illegal assistance from the russian government. i think doing that opposition research, finding out if indeed your opponent is violating the law by working with hostile power is certainly something that you would want to undertake. i think this is a bit of an effort to discredit christopher steele, discredit the dossier. ignore how much it has been corroborated already. kennedy: they re getting illegal help from the russians as someone is getting illegal help from the russians. the congressman mentioned as a former british intelligence officer who but the dossier together. lawmakers want to hear from him. what would you as christopher steele if you are in a alone with him and wanted to get to the bottom of this? dan: how is this not by any objective view of the scandal of the century? you are two takeaways for me as a former federal agent that are devastating. how in the world did a fake russian intelligence information make it to the presidential daily brief to president barack obama which is then used as a pretext for the media to cover a dossier many people knew was false. number two, god forbid any of this information shows up in an fbi warrant that s on file, pfizer warrant to wiretap americans in this investigation. kennedy: what if it does? then what happens? dan: and i are going to have to backtrack and reverse engineer this case and say let me get this straight, you took fake russian intel. and decided to warned on wiretap some of his associates based on totally noncorroborated information? when i was a secret service agent, you couldn t work at treasury check investigation on information. harris: americans were scooped up in that. the point is, they were unmasked just to finish the chain there. kennedy: that s the problem with section seven oh two of the flies act as americans can be swept up if they use one keyword or one name and email transition, than all of their emails are now fair game. this is the second time the show we heard about something with the fbi. what i find is truly remarkable about this because if you look at the endless amount of coverage of the russia-trump a narrative has gotten, you look at the fact that there s an fbi probe, special counsel investigation and it turns out it is seemingly likely that hillary clinton and the democrats were probably tearing this entire thing from a dossier that paid russian officials basically for disinformation, and they ve been lying to us and lying to reporters about it the entire time. this is truly remarkable to me. kennedy: and they also didn t fully disclose what the money was used for and by law, they have to do that. talking about hillary s campaign and the dnc. she denied knowing about the contents of this dossier. harris: put a spokesperson say she may have known. kennedy: the only person who s being honest here. sandra: what about the dnc s response? they said it wasn t us. then debbie watson schultz asked on camera with a microphone i didn t know anything about it. harris: how does that make her look? she s been in the dnc and she doesn t know where the monies going? kennedy: was at $6 million for that they paid for the law firm? lisa: i mention this yesterday and the show, but the book shattered goes back and looks of the fact that 24 hours after she gave her concession speech, teaming clinton came together to come up with a narrative for why she lost and the russia part was the centerpiece of that. we have seen the media basically just take their talking points on this russian narrative. i think that this is going to be like an onion. we re just going to keep peeling to get to the bottom of it. [all talking at once] the middle of that onion and flees to russia and all of these cases about russia, it s about power, it s about chaos. harris: take this from the hillary clinton, spokesperson just to give you an idea of how they might have been thinking. he tweeted this out. i regret i didn t know about christopher steele s hiring pre-election. if i had, i would ve volunteered to go to europe and try to help them. speaker had the most unfortunate experience of working with the clintons for a long time. them in their organization of the most minute of the people on earth. if you believe that for a second, i ve got a bridge down in ponseti florida where i live off now so you very significant. kennedy: a question for you very quickly. if meeting with a shady russian lawyer about adoption and perhaps getting opposition research, fed s collusion, then what is this? dan: this is a potential criminal conspiracy is what it is. if, in fact, that information was paid for. harris: will there be a criminal investigation? dan: i can t say they re not being one at this point. sandra: the day is young. a new report has present them from trying to purchase mna s and the g.o.p. and reshape the party. so is this a good move or could the rise of conservative populists but republican majorities? nearly a year after her stunning collection loss, what happened? hillary clinton says republicans are headed into the abyss. slamming the parties direction under president trump. reaction, debate, all of it ahead. because there were a lot of things that i worry about. this is on my list of what i worry about. the republican party is imploding. harris: are republicans under pressure to support president trump? yes, according to politico. they are reporting the president and his allies in bold and events are looking to squeeze out his enemies. and diminish the power of the g.o.p. establishment to reshape the party. this report comes after two g.o.p. critics of the president, senators bob corker and jeff flake announced they would not seek reelection. and his three longtime house republicans who oppose the president also dropped plans to run next year. when the president was asked about corker and flake yesterday, he brushed it off saying republicans are coming together to act on his agenda. watch. president trump: that s okay. they have to do their thing. i will say this, i think the republican party has a pretty good unity. we are really unified on what we want to do. we want tax cuts for the middle class, we want tax cuts for businesses that produce jobs. harris: unity and dtf during the slump. dan: is from states of the right of the broken party, i hate to say this, this clear kills me because i have run for the broken party. he has no use for them as long as you stay so the right of them with judges on taxes and on fiscal policy. what is the republican party? serious question for america. what lasting victories have they had in 30 years? don t tell me about a policy, the reagan tax cuts didn t last. we are back up to 39.6 tax rates. giving one lasting victory the republican party has given you over the last 40 years. they ve done nothing. kennedy: medicare part d. dan: a bunch of foreign interventions, still involved in that we can get out of. it is the republican party done? where s the beef? member the commercial. harris: what you have to replace that apparatus? dan: you have it in the white house right now as long as he runs to the right. he doesn t need their money. harris: do you see the majorities in the house and senate then staying but with different republican players that look more like this president? dan: i hope so because i find it awfully convenient that mitch mcconnell keeps pointing to the races in the where in missouri but never points to rand paul and ted cruz, three principal conservatives who won back in the tea party revolution in a folder republican party. lisa: i disagree with you because in the 2016 election, president trump heavily relied on the rnc in their ground again and the rnc as an infrastructure in the various components as part of the opposition research, communication among ground data, fundraising great he did rely heavily that the purpose of the rnc to serve. i would also say that i think that this rift with steve bannon and president trump and republicans. harris: you think it s a war between those two men? lisa: i think it s all overrated. it has long been divided. freedom works born with establishment candidates. senate conservatives fund, this is been going on for really long time, and the media loves to report on it because it s to se see. sandra: is the president s strategy a good one then? lisa: if he can get tax reform done, the economy keeps booming, he s in solid shape for 2020. if he wins in 2020, than his gamble paid off for him. i just don t think at this current juncture, we can really tell. kennedy: there s a connection and i want to go back to what you re saying. $100 million of the republican party has been able to raise will the democratic party is in the red. they are still in debt. they can t raise money, they don t have passion. there is civil wars in both parties but the republican party is doing something more effectively. part of that is the way the president has reenergized his base. a group of forgotten people who now have someone to look up to. can he deliver? that s the ultimate question. i think that he is better served to work with the party, but i understand he wants to reshape those squeaky wheels. hopefully he doesn t do it with a bunch of squares. sandra: here s what hillary clinton has to say. she s attacking the revoking party after two senators decided to retire. clinton says the g.o.p. is headed in a dangerous direction under president trump s leadership. there are a lot of things that i worry about. this is actually on my list of what i worry about. the republican party is imploding. it is becoming a far right captive party to ideological religious and commercial interests. it is at the mercy of its financial backers and a cabal of leaders who are doing things like stringing the electorate, gerrymandering, and taking every step they can to maintain power on behalf of themselves and those who are like-minded. sandra: clinton urging the media to ask republican lawmakers how they really feel about president trump. meantime, despite clinton s claims that the g.o.p. is in disarray, the washington free beacon noting that republicans retained all their congressional seats and special elections this year. there s something odd about hearing hillary clinton talk about how concerned and worried she is about the republican party. dan: this is a clownish party that has invested the last 30 years of their lives calling america s. misogynist, racist, homophobes, they ve had nothing else other than calling america deplorable names. get the popcorn for this virginia gubernatorial election because if gillespie pulls out the us wow upset, watch twitter the next day. it s going to be an explosion of liberal tears. sandra: i went to get you in on this because well hillary clinton says the g.o.p. is imploding, the fundraising tells a completely different story. in september alone of 2017, they took in more than $10.8 million. year to date so far this year, $104.1 million, cash on hand 44 million, and no debt at all. lisa: the dnc, they are getting crushed in fundraising right now and it s really going to hurt them facing some really tough reelection battles that their democratic senators have 2018. not to mention the fact that dan pointed out, zero in special elections. this is coming from a candidate who embarrassed herself who was protected to have over 90% chance of winning and continues to embarrass herself to this day. what is also very hilarious of the fact that she s talking about people who were bought in. four. look at the clinton foundation. not only that, look at people criticizing wall street when her campaign coffers with her money. sandra: that was always a point of hypocrisy during the campaign but donald trump himself answering to these concerns, if you will and just a couple of hours go on twitter he tweeted this. do not underestimate the unity within the republican party. kennedy: something is going on because they are out fundraising democrats and hillary clinton is very disingenuous. i would be much more worried about the legal troubles that have once again creeped up like lacrimal with uranium one, her email server, the dossier ties now. she s got a lot on her plate. she shouldn t be flapping her claptrap about republicans because she s a set in the debate who were enemy was. she said republicans. if your enemy is imploding, she should delight in that. it just goes to show that she has no intuition and she s not a good strategist and she doesn t know how to capitalize on that. sandra: and figure out what the message should be. dan: they don t have a message. they lost middle-class american. you can t run around and call people racist and deplorable and expect to turn around and walk in the booth and vote for you. this is typical to understand? i went to grad school for psychology. you don t need any of that academic training i know that was a ridiculous major you don t need a degree in psychology to figure this out. harris: you could argue that she does have a message. the message is that such a hot mess standard in her view across the aisle, don t focus on what s happening over here among democrats trying to get a message in trying to keep nancy pelosi and those who have been around for so many terms, don t focus in on that, focus in on that, focusing on the other guys. kennedy: isn t that misdirection? harris: that s third grade. that s really old material. kennedy: she s accusing the publicans of misdirection bringing up the russian dossier and whatever else, but that s what she s doing. harris: it doesn t matter because she s not running. dan: totally wired right now. sandra: a harsh rebuke of president trump, not enough for some members of the mainstream media. they pushed him to go for full impeachment. big bias or fair game? we will debate grade do you think congress should be pursuing every avenue to get president trump out of office? sandra: so much more coming up right here on outnumbered but first, we will go up to harris faulkner to find out what s up on ot. harris: thanks a lot, sandra. the justice department has clear the way for the former fbi informant to tell congress exactly what he knows about the obama era uranium deal. congressman darrell ices oversight committee will get to talk with him. and representative will join me. and a big deadline for president trump s proposed border is today. the eight prototypes that they ve been building out have to be finished by today. we will have a live look at that and more atop the hour. back to you guys. i love looking down. sandra: looking forward to it, here is. thank you. lisa: lots of reaction to arizona senator just like announcing he will not seek reelection bread he criticized the president on the senate floor and media outlets. for some anchors, he did not go far enough. he really, really wanted him to say that president trump should be removed from office. listen to this. there is a way that congress can change this. do you think congress should be pursuing every avenue to get president from out of office? is there a difference in your mind between a president who, these are your words, undermines our democratic ideals and has a flagrant disregard for the truth and decency and a president who was unfit to hold the office? you seem to be trying to ignite a movement. you write it is time to take a stand against trump. if he is dangerous to democracy as you say, should he be removed from office? are words enough? what should you and your colleagues be doing? harris: [laughs] lisa: where do you go from there? we were talking in the brief before this. what is your take on saying some of that coverage jeff flake s announcement and the floor speech as well? dan: his floor speech was his bid for another network contributor spot, not here because you probably would be laughed out of the room by conservative viewers but i ran in the same cycle as jeff flake. i have zero respect for jeff flake and that s a tough thing for me to say because he took money from conservative groups running on conservative principles to run in a state that s been ravaged by illegal immigration and turned around and stabbed them right in the back on the gang of it. jeff flake is not a conservative and it takes zero guts, zero to have a 30% approval rating, potentially lose your reelection and then go on the floor and bash the president of the united states. lisa: without mentioning the fact that he was facing over the uphill battle for reelectio reelection. i get the media, it was pretty sounding the criticism from senator flake. the media wanted to cover that, how did they get from that to impeachment talk? sandra: the native republican to open that door. right now, they are hoping to get enough people elected and republicans on board to get him out of office which is insane. flake had any cuts and believes what he said, why not just come out and say i m for impeachment, why not? speaks lisa: i want you to ln to this bit from matt lauer and see your response. i know you disagree with her on just about every major policy issue facing this country, but in terms of protecting our democracy, protecting spect for the office of the presidency and protecting our image abroad, is it possible in your mind to consider that it would ve been better if hillary clinton had won the selection? i would love to have a republican president but not any cost. i didn t vote for this president last november. i didn t vote for president clinton either for secretary clinton either. sandra: i didn t either. i didn t vote for either of the them. i respect jeff flake s moxie, i really do. i think that he is a conservative. i think he s a cost cutter and want to limit the size of government. we talked about mike lee, rand paul, ted cruz, we don t have enough voices like that in congress right now. what you teach your kids? when you have an opponent, when things are difficult, just quit. no. if my girls are going to a gymnastics meet and they were going to compete against homeschool girls are trained twice as much as they did, what i say stay in the car, let s go to mcdonald s and get make flurries because you re never going to win so let s just quit? absolutely not. that s the issue that i take with that. sandra: is in their reason to take issue with the media that in that line of questionin questioning, you just thought it didn t bring up the fact that he was looking at incredibly low approval ratings and suggesting that possibly there was some other reason why he chose to retire? lisa: a tough primary and a tough general election as well. i ve seen people be critical of him and pointing to people like rob portman are pointing to people like senator john mccain who were able to win their reelection battles in 2016 without being the president s biggest cheerleaders during the election as evidence of it is sort of a copout for them to make this excuse is the reason why he s dropping out when in reality, the likelihood is the fact that he probably just wouldn t have gotten reelected. kennedy: he doesn t have the financial backing and when the president is endorsing your opponent is early in the race, it s beyond an uphill battle. that s an icy steep mountain. dan: they agree with you 100%. he want to fight on, stick in the race, go out there and knock on the doors and get it done. if not, i don t want to hear from you. lisa: winning does feel better. dan: i wouldn t know. sandra: more outnumbered in just a moment. it s not just a car, it s your daily treat. go ahead, spoil yourself. the es and es hybrid. experience amazing. do i use .one that sthat wgood for my teeth? 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let s go outnumbered overtime, i m harris faulkner. for years republicans have demanded answers about an obama era uranium deal. they have wanted to know all along of russian donations to the clinton foundation played a role in the green light. and now they may finally get their answer. the president himself, according to the white house, ordered the lifting of that gag order that florida former fbi informant from testifying. congressman peter king was spearheading the investigation, here he is. if any of these allegations are true, we are talking about a very serious matter. first of all, was

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