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and macron s surveyed the troops. and laid a wreath under the arc at the tomb of the unknown soldier. at both leaders are expected to attend a working lunch following the ceremony before giving statements to the press in just a few hours from now, then macron will welcome the president and first lady for a state dinner. the close ties between the us and france are on full display de as the president, president biden continues to push his message of saving democracy and freedom after his d-day anniversary speech on friday let s go to paris now, a cnn senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche president s biden macron are expected to hold in talks today of this working lunch. hit the high points. what will they be addressing in the meetings well, they re going to be a few a topics of discussion that will figure prominently. first how they can strengthen the nato alliance, how they can continue supporting ukraine, and how they can secure the indo-pacific with president macron not willing to be quite as hawkish towards china as president biden has been thus far, but there will be some cooperation it s a maritime cooperation that the two countries are set to announce. present macron is also expected to share his thoughts on how president biden is handling this situation in gaza where he has broken with the president s position of seeking a negotiated peace process to reach a two-state solution. macron has said that he his ready to recognize a palestinian state. and there has been frustration here in france over that civilian casualties and the humanitarian toll that s been exacted in gaza as israel has prosecuted its war against hamas the administration has said that president biden expects a frank and open discussion, one that s candid and expects it. there may be some areas of disagreement there, but despite those areas of disagreement, both on the handling of the situation in gaza, as well as a high-profile break between the two allies a few years ago, over a submarine partnership that france was excluded from administration. aides say that the allies have never been closer, that their relations kinship has not been weakened in any ways by those fractures. remember, state visits are reserved for only the closest of allies and the white house has taken note that france is the us is oldest ally, and certainly those leaders standing shoulder to shoulder on those issues projecting this image of strength and partnership to the world is one of the main goals of this state visit, this happening today. so that will be really the scope of this state visit. you mentioned the press statements that will be happening later this afternoon. there has been some frustration that when president macron visited the us for a state visit at the white house, there was a press conference that was conducted tween the two democracies with two questions from members of each country s press corps. that is not happening this week. there will be a press conference at the g7, but there will not be one. this at this visit, which has been a source of frustration for some here and the preska that we will not have have an opportunity to ask questions of the leaders here, all that to say there will be pumped, there will be circumstances. there will be pumped. there will be just a lot of majesty and magnanimous things that you will see today if that arrival ceremony is any indication patient of what remains in the day to come, viktor and emmer? yeah. it continues to be one spectacular welcoming ceremony. kayla tausche. good to have you. thank you very much. let s talk with the cnn military analysts or tenants general mark hertling and see in an international diplomatic editor, nic robertson. and max boot, who was a senior fellow at the council on foreign relations and columnist for the washington post. max is the author of the new book reagan, his life and legend welcome to you all. max, let s start with you. and as a both leaders head eventually to this working lunch, talk to me about how you would characterize biden add macron s relationship? basically, there are political calculations at play as well. and then the bakr i should say, front of macron s mind he has to be thinking about the potential return of trump to the white house. i would say that presidents biden in macron have a very good relationship and as you say, i think a qur an is very happy to have joe biden in the white house rather than having to deal with placating donald trump, but i think the the anecdote that joe biden often tells us how that when he first came back into office and met with macron and he said, you know, america is back in macron and others said, but for how long and i think that s the shadow of trump hangs over all this. and of course, but even though biden and trump in macron do have a good the relationship they do have a lot of things that its costs including macron proposal to send french trainers into ukraine or is suggesting that they could be sent into ukraine, which is something that biden has expressed doubts about are or suggest that it s not a good idea. so i think there are things for them to hash over, but mainly i think this is just a wonderful moment of transatlantic unity to highlight how close the alliance is under biden angel greatly endangered or would be if trump were to come back into office? general hurtling as kayla mentioned, gaza and israel s war with hamas will certainly be something discuss today. there was the idf operation that. happened at a refugee camp that freed for israeli hostages some of the concerns here around the icc seeking an arrest warrant for netanyahu, while paris backs that washington called it outrageous the backing and supplying of weapons how significant are these differences on gaza, on support for israel between these two? well i ll try them with what max you said victor and that is they are certainly there are certainly a close relationship between president biden and president in a car but they do have some differences president macron has been very vocal in making pronouncements about different things. he is supported different things. then president biden has so well, their relationship is very close and they see democracy and the emotions of what is occurred over this last week as being similar, they do have some differences of opinion and i heard you earlier talking about the lunches and dinners. it will occur today, certainly, presidents and dignitaries du. a lot of eating and drinking further country but this is a time for them to hash out some of those disagreements, some of those differences of opinions, i think president biden has got to stay very succinctly what he believes should be happening in gaza and in ukraine, and how the nato-led clients should move forward. so that s what these dinners and lunches are all about outside the view of the kind of pomp and circumstances we saw this morning at the art to draw jennifer, i just want to follow up on that regarding these differences in and specifically on ukraine, we heard on friday, president biden apologize to velocity more zelenskyy about the delayed aid president biden obviously blamed for that but after mr. zelenskyy thanked the president for that decision to allow us arms to be used in a limited way to counter attacks inside russia. he added quote, there are some detail hells on the battlefield that you need to hear from us. i heard a bit of frustration there and zelensky s tone then, what do you think he s referring to? obviously he s referring to these restraints? well, what the presence, the once-key was likely talking about was the ukrainian targeting processes. amara president biden has specifically said that these long-range weapons should be used for an operational and tactical role. what does that mean? an operational or tactical deep strike using things like atacms and artillery pieces and potentially even jet fighters has to do with what can affect the front lines, what kinds of things are ready by russia to literally attack into the ukrainian defensive positions now, there s a difference of opinion in terms of military leaders saying what you have to do is not only du, deep strikes against those tactical targets, but what russia continues to do is push their forces further and further back from the front lines so that they are not under ukrainian attack capabilities. so that s what i think president zelenskyy is going hi to talk about how far inland can we hit? can we hit air bases that are launching some of the glide bombs? can we launch or can we attack missile launch sites so that some of our cities don t continue to come on your cat. the problem with all that is many of those russian launch sites and air bases are deep within russian territory and cause concerns from russia about attacks within their federation that could interfere with say, their nuclear defense strip, that they have put that forward saying, hey, our radars for nuclear and strategic defenses have been interfered with by ukraine. so we re saying that that is truly an attack on mother russia and this is what president biden wants to avoid primarily for the purpose of this war, not expanding into a greater european war with other nations involved you re watching the precession parade possession here along the song sally s a president s biden and macron are writing there together as indicated by the flags on the front of that vehicle we have max boot and lieutenant general hurtling with us mess. let me come to you and general hurtling says that this is the time to hash those things out. some of those differences. do you expect that there will be decisions that there will be resolutions to any of these differences today. or will they just be further discussions i m suspecting there will be further discussions, but i mean, i think these as mark hertling said, i mean, i think these kinds of discussions are very important because normally these discussions are conducted at the staff level or with foreign ministers. it s either good is very important to have the heads of state directly involved. and this is going to these kinds of occasions or the time when the heads of state have the most amount of time to spend with one another as mark hertling mentioned, there s gonna be a lot of lunches, a lot of dinners, a lot of ceremonial occasions. but while all that is going on, they can also have very substantive talks. and of course some of the stuff they re going to talk about is going to be the kind of stuff anybody talks about at lunch or dinner. it s going to be there s gonna be some polite chit chat, but i think they were also get to some of the nitty-gritty and try to hash these things out. but i think i think the big thing that a macron and other europeans are going to be looking for is something that biden really can t offer which is reassuring they want reassurance that the united states will stay committed in europe, that we will remain committed to the defense of europe. we will remain staunch and standing up for ukraine and opposing russian aggression. and of course, the best that biden can say is that s what i want to do, but i don t we have free and fair elections that america and if if i joe biden lose in november everybody knows that they could have we could have a very different policy come january 20 of next year. and so i think there is just there s gonna be a lot of hand-holding as well as a lot of hand-wringing about the outcome with the political process in the united states. and because president biden will not be able to give that reassurance that he will remain in office for another term. dig robertson to you standing by you to do expect president macron to be even more vocal, i guess more aggressive as the election, american election approaches as he has been pushing for the continent s self-reliance to take its own security collective defense more seriously absolutely. i think this is exactly the direction that europe is headed in now, because it recognizes that if not now, in the future, it may face those decisions are not every country has ready for it far from it. in fact, you have some real outliers in the european union right now, like viktor orban, the prime minister in hungry or robert fit. so the prime minister in slovakia who are both pro-putin, who are both against europe supporting or the european union financially militarily supporting ukraine this is sort of the headwinds in europe, at least that president macron faces course what he has been talking about in france has talked about for some time is a more united defense policy in europe where you become in the same way it s more similar to united states in terms of manufacturing armaments you only have a few fighter jets. you have the f 60 and you have the 15, you have the f35 in europe, there are many, many different arms manufacturers and they produce for their nations are a handful of nations within the european in union, a commonality of armament making, which is really the pressure that faces nato, right now. in terms of getting armaments in big enough quantities quickly to ukraine, that you can do this better by rationalizing a pan, europe p and defense industry. and of course, each country wants to have a big slice of that. but this is the direction that macron has encouraged european leaders to look at in the past. and one that would potentially where at the european union, which doesn t have a common defense minister, let said as ahead of foreign policy, your sip borrell at the moment, but it doesn t have a head of defense in the same way that that is something that nato does. but if united states didn t support nato in the way that it does today, then that would fall to the european union. so macron really has been a sort of a liter and a pusher for that within the within europe. and it s even his strongest partner, perhaps in the european union in this regard, would be germany, that their position is not the same as macrons. so it is an up hill struggle but it is something that absolutely they face and we heard this when president trump first came into office, if you go back those years, there was an emergency summit, european union leaders in mulcher, i believe it was and it was back then francois, along the french president and the german, the german chancellor, that then mac merkle, angular merkel, who were both saying, we need to sort ourselves out and be ready to be able to deal with an isolation is united states. so the conversations are well underway. all right. will lead the conversation. there are thanks to mark hertling max boot and nic robertson make sure to stay with us. we ll have more after this break simons are going off and playing the tornado here i m thinking, i m going to die and i thought that was it filing earth with liev schreiber tomorrow at nine on cnn homa glowed, just cleaned my entire house for $19 seriously, $19. they 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of the first hamas videos released of the massacre, she was seen being abducted on a motorcycle. we re joined now by cnn international correspondent paula hancocks and cnn international corresponded ben wiedemann, polo, first to you, what do you know about the operation? well, victor, what we re hearing is from the idf, the israeli military also, the security agency saying it was a joint operation that happened in central gaza in the area of nuseirat. it was a significant operation which at this point we understand has left at least 45 killed on the ground. and hundreds injured according to our cnn producer, on the ground. but what it has also meant is that for israeli hostages have been rescued and they have been brought back to israel. now, according to the statement they say that they are in good medical condition. they have been taken to a medical centre near tel aviv to receive a treatments at this point, we have already seen video of one of the hostages you were just mentioned they re no money receiving a phone call from the israeli president, hertz. but there are four that have been released, so no or argon money, who as we remember, we did see her on the back of a motorbike being taken at the nova musical festival on october 7, that also under aid caused law for 27-year-old is a russian israeli citizen who was working security at that musical festival also, shlomi cif 40-year-old, he was also working security and i ll mog mia jan 820, one-year-old. so for hostages, have been released at this point, we understand from the idf that they are all in medical condition. this was saturday morning that this was happening and it was described by the idf for the police and the isa is a common plex special daytime operation in nuseirat. it is the third successful operation that s the israeli military has carried out since october 7 to try and retrieve some of those, those hostages that were taken on october 7 by hamas, by other militant groups we understand there s one in october 1 in february, 3, released jointly during those operations there, but that s the latest that we have at this point from the israeli military, side, right? four, i was really hostages, rescued in that operation. paula, thank you. let s go to been we d have been now and ben, we were so get just a few minutes ago about this being the de that benny gantz, a key member of the prime minister s war cabinet, was expected to announce whether he would go through with his vow to leave the israeli government. that announcement has now been postponed is it directly connected to this operation that free these hostages we think so. i mean, a clearly does not want to steal the limelight with this one bit of good news for the israelis. his problems, his issues with prime minister netanyahu have not been resolved oh, they have fundamental differences. they were political rivals in the past. so that doesn t change. but i think for now, he s it s not canceling, probably not canceling his announcement, but he s certainly is going to postpone it while is rarely a digest. this news, i mean, keep been mining, is polo was mentioning back in what was it? october and february between those 23 hostages were released. today for them? that brings to seven 77 hostages released after eight months of intense warfare in the gaza strip keeping in mind, of course that what was much more successful at getting hostages released was that ceasefire in late november of last year where if i recall correctly, at least 40 hostages were released. so certainly what we ve seen since that very brief eight days cease fire that the military we operations have continued and have today had some success, but until now it hasn t really resulted in much other than, as i said, just seven hostages released. in the meantime, we ve had more than 36,000 palestinians have been killed we picked her. amara was showing you a video here of the two of the hostages that are coming off that helicopter and going on onto i believe that s a medical transport vehicle. one hand over his mouth, the other throwing his arms up in the air. we also saw a video so of celebration in the streets at the news of the rescue of four hostages from this refugee camp. as we get more pictures in this moment that so many families, those who are related to these hostages and those who are not have hoped for rallied for protested four to get these people who were now eight months, eight months since the october 7 attack good day almost to the de, have been held as hostages in gaza. what a moment to watch as these freed hostages walked off military helicopter are just incredible moments there we re going to leave it there. paula hancocks and ben wade. a man. thank you so much. we re going to take a quick break back after this the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one state to moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential 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somebody you can sign and make official start your will. i trust and we ll dot com and make it count five good things listen wherever you get your podcasts close captioning brought to you by rule or law. i kinda brands up to 70% off retail at rue la, at rubella you never faithful these the deals on top before there current jobs that s our breaking news now, the idf says it has rescued four hostages who were taken from the nova music festival on october 7. let s bring back cnn military and those lieutenant general mark hertling and max boot general first to you this successful rescue. and we ve learned that this is from two separate locations. this is what the idf says would this have had to have been on specific intelligence that led them to these locations to find these these hostages yes, absolutely. victor, there were the other thing i d comment on, the hostages were near the nest neutral refugee camp, which is in northwestern, more the center part of god, while the operations in rafah continue you, this, this makes it very clear that operations across the gap gaza strip in these specifically the underground, subterranean facilities the tunnels that hamas has built underneath different infrastructure as what s been critical. so yeah, the intelligence is what drove this. i m sure this wasn t just stumbling upon four different hostages in two different locations. this has to be an intelligence driven operation, which he israeli military has been trying to do since the start of this campaign and max sent to you and what what does this mean for the hostage and ceasefire negotiations that are on going? also, knowing that benny gantz, a cabinet minister we ll now he postponed his announcement of resignation apparently due to the release of the rescue of these hostages does this increased pressure on netanyahu to bring more of the hostages home well, obviously it s very good news to get these hostages out. i mean, i think netanyahu has actually been fairly receptive to the latest ceasefire plan, which is being pushed by the biden administration in a coalition of other nations. i think the holdup right now is hamas. they re not agreeing to that plan because basically the hamas leadership thinks that seems to think that it doesn t matter how many palestinians are killed or how much that people of gaza suffer because there s longer as the hamas leadership in some of the fighters are secured here are these underground tunnels they can still hold out and essentially come out after the israeli military retreats. and i think they i wouldn t be unfortunately, i wouldn t be not optimistic about an immediate ceasefire coming because these negotiations have been going on for many months you d have not gone anywhere and i think for israel, they still face some very difficult issues. namely what happens in the months ahead they don t want to occupy the gaza strip, but then the question is who is going to bring security to that area what is the day after look like? and that s something where netanyahu has still refused to provide any kind of vision because it would be two political difficult, politically difficult for him because his coalition partners don t want any role for the palestinian authority and at the same time, there s very little support for actually having the idf occupy the gaza strip and so this doesn t really solve israel s intractable problems. unfortunately, i m sorry to say it doesn t mean that the offensive was going to wind down anytime soon general didn t answer the questions. it doesn t resolve any of those issues, but i wonder as we look at this video of hostages who are free and the celebration in the streets politically how much time does this by netanyahu relief from pressure both domestically with the pending against resignation and the pressure from the us and other allies around the world well, i don t think it s going to gain a whole lot of time internationally. victor, it certainly will gain some time domestically from mr. netanyahu because he has a lot of supporters in the israeli government. i d like to point out though one thing that our great report are, then we amend mentioned he said the last big tranche of hostages occurred after the cetacean abbas still cities several months ago, and there hasn t been that kind of released since then. yeah, i d like to point out though that israel has made the opera to hamas on multiple occasions to have ceasefire in exchange for hostage yes. and hamas continues to play with them on this. they will bring them right up to the doorstep of a ceasefire with the potential for release of hostages from both the palestinian camps and israel, but also the ones that they took on october the seventh. and then at the very end, just when there s hope, hamas dashes those hope i think that s what max was describing so it means it s going to mean a continuation of the operation. and there is certainly a disconnect between the biden administration and the netanyahu government in terms of what they should do, in terms of a ceasefire. and the three-phase plan that president biden pointed out that he was offering allegedly with mr. netanyahu is approval a few days ago. but i think as long as the hostages are still in captivity and hamas shows no interest in releasing them. remember these four that were kept, were recovered this morning alive. we re not given up by hamas. they were driven by intelligence operations by the israeli military. so i think you re going to see a continuation of that kind of intelligence. and plus, i d add that these hostages will also be able to add to that intelligence in terms of their type of treatment where they d been moved from the number of moves they ve made what locations are they putting their fellow hostages in? they may be able to add a lot of information and intelligence for the israeli military to go after some morehouse. it really is remarkable that they were able to rescue these hostages eight months after the war started on tovar seven max. if and when benny gantz announces his withdrawal from the emergency war cabinet he is a centrist. what kind of impact do you see that happening on netanyahu s government? do you expect? to see more of a hard line approach that s very hard to say. i m not sure that that much is going to change. i mean, benny gantz can lead, but it s not going to bring down the government the issue that could actually bring down the government is question of conscripting ultra ultra-orthodox men into the israeli military because some of the ultra religious parties in the the cabinet are completely opposed to that. and if the israeli supreme court gives the go ahead to conscript the ultra-orthodox, that could actually be a crisis that could bring down the government. i don t think that the benny gantz departure will bring down the cabinet. i mean, i think my it s a little bit hard to know exactly what goes on behind the doors of the war cabinet. my sense is that benny gantz is certainly more open than netanyahu has to the idea of having the palestinian authority play a role in governing gaza after the war. but i think honor has also been pretty much of a hardliner on rooting out hamas fighters, even at the cost of substantial numbers of palestinian civilians, deaths i m not sure he s diametrically opposed to netanyahu on, on a lot of issues. i mean, i think he certainly has a perception as being more of a moderate but he he s not, he s certainly not a dove i believe the conversation there max boot and general mark hertling. thank you very much. liberate back hey, mom, how many should i decorate each have ran have blue. that s a really tough call. who are you if you look at the latest data? you re probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles. how this guy really knows his stuff i was just doing shift wednesday my always crying i was sad i was diagnosed with rob no miles should coma once we got the first initial hit, it was just 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game changing, flux path format, take courses on your own terms and apply the skills you learn right away. the assignment with audie cornish, listen wherever you get your podcasts we re now on the breaking news. the idf says it has rescued four hostages who were taken from the nova music festival on october 7. eight months ago. now, the chief spokesman for the idf described the dangerous mission watch this this was a high risk complex mission based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight in two separate buildings. deep inside gaza while under fire under fire inside the buildings, under fire on the way on the way out from gaza. our forces rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. there underwent intensive training. they reached their lives to save the lives of all hostages i just incredible to hear the details there. nic robertson is back with as you ve been covering, spent a lot of time covering these attacks on the war between israel and hamas. and just hearing those details about this, you know, the hostages were rescued from two separate locations in daylight while they were under fire. what do you make of all this? this is such a success story for the idf and for the families right now, this is the moment they ve been waiting for i was at the hospital just outside tel aviv earlier on this year. i think it was january, perhaps february when 23 hostages were were freed. that was a nighttime raid it meant laying down a lot of fire, a lot of palestinians in the neighborhood were killed just to get these hostages freed. but for those families and you could feel the euphoria at the hospital back then. so outside tel aviv. so i can only imagine and we re witnessing house some, and, some of their celebrations. but i can only imagine how it must feel for the doctors there who are real professionals in helping these hostages come out of this horrible environment that they ve been in. i mean, i m looking you look at no ag money now she was handed a telephone. the president of israel was congratulating or on the phone. but just look how pale shares go back and look at the video of when she was captured she was tanned she was clearly terrified in that video. so it s quite amazing to see her now having enjoyed more than 250 days of captivity surviving it. but you can just see the way, the way that she looks now, these hostages, it appears have just been kept either underground or completely out of sunlight for so long now, it s a big process as we know, we re talking to doctors back then earlier on in the year about the process of recovery for the hostages and it s going to take a lot of time. there s your emotion. noah got to meet with her father again. there were kisses. these these are huge moments, but it s an an intense trauma that they ve been through and it s going to take a long, long time if ever to begin to unwind that. but but the medical staff at the hospital that absolutely professionals in that know their job. but this is a moment of pure celebration. i think obviously for these families, but more broadly, and israel and a desperate sense for those other hostage families now, who, who, who desperately hope it s their loved ones next, you live pictures here of the celebrations as those for israeli hostages, as we said, located from rescued from two separate locations. all four taking from the nova music festival on october 7, they are now a free medical checks under happening right now. we ll continue to get you more on this breaking news. nic robertson. thank you for that. quick rate we ll be back hi sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is shared with your adversary he and his secret where it is betrayed itself, bullet to the back of the hand secrets and spies a nuclear game on cnn old spice gentleman who by hydration, body wash. now that is 24/7 moisture rotation with vitamin and be three are you noticing all the old spice u.s. bank, we know how good 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six points, cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso book if you or a loved one have mesothelial, not will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we ll come to you 808 to 14000 all right, back now to paris, where french president macron is hosting president biden. and the first lady on an official state visit. cnn senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche is in paris, the presidents are expected to hold talks today. we know they will be addressing a lot. i imagine gene that will hear from them on this news out of israel as well yes, it is hard to imagine that they would not address that news given how momentous it is for that situation and the fact that the war between israel and hamas and the current situation for civilians and humanitarian aid in gaza was one of the areas where the administration expected president macron to be very frank and very candid with his assessment of how the white house has been handling that situation. so certainly for the us, this is seen as a welcome development. it s something they have been pushing for for some time and certainly that is welcome news that president biden can bring to the table as part of that discussion. other topics that the two liters are expected to discuss are the strengthening of the nato alliance going forward and going into this summit celebrating the 75th anniversary of the alliance next month that need to continue supporting ukraine for the long-term. and what sorts of resources and assets can be deployed to ukraine at this stage of the war after president biden has just received a detailed assessment from president zelenskyy yesterday, and then there s going to be discussion around securing the indo-pacific with a new maritime cooperation deal expected to be announced between the two relations with china, in particular, had been one area where macron has been willing to be more open, more friendly toward china than the us has. certainly that is an area where the two could be in some disagreement, although there is this partnership that they will announce, we do expect those joint statements a little bit later on this afternoon when asked why there would not be a press conference between two democracies, the white house said that that was a discussion that was agreed between the two tides guys. all right. kayla tausche in paris where the us president in french president are about to head into a working lunch. thank you so much, kayla. and thank you so much for joining us this morning. first of all, starts after a break the increase in wildfires is exponential, unpredictable, uncontrollable rolling consequences. the need to do something is urgent slightly, earth would we have schreiber, tomorrow at nine on cnn not flossing well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows. listerine is five times more effective than plus ev reducing flats above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth. this three, feel the world. switch to 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Emmanuel-macron , Trump , Mind , Thinking , White-house , Front , Play , Return , Bakr , Calculations , Deal , No-ag-money

CNN This Morning

Doc? break. that s lea 321321 the ceo is about to take there s no one that does the things i do. we are personal limits what for wrestling can be we wednesday night dynamited aid on tbs all right. welcome back. former officers who were at the us capitol during the january 6 attack booed by pennsylvania state lawmakers. officer harry dunn and sergeant aquilino gonell were both thrust into the spotlight after testifying to the january 6 committee about their harrowing experiences on that day. you can see gonell here in his riot gear while the capital was being overrun by rioters they both visited the pennsylvania state house this week where their introduction caused some republican state representatives to walk out in protest they are traveling the nation and sharing their

One , Things , Doc , Ceo , Break , Lea , 321321 , Night-dynamited-aid-on-tbs-all-right , U-s , Capitol , Attack , Officers

BBC News

The dead on the way # the path in the rain, in the sun, won t gleam # and the ground is made with death and decay # and an echo of the ones who ve walked before me # and joy for the ones who ve walked beside me, hmm # and the beech is lifting me # ash is reaching me # wind is holding me # time is folding me # under the trees # down through the lea

Way , Death , Ground , The-path-in-rain , Won-t-gleam- , Dead , Decay , In-the-sun , Ones , Joy , Echo , Wind

Transcripts for CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240604 21:19:00

Case was a it was a novel theory the way it was applied. and even people who do like trump aren t necessarily fans of what was done. do you have any concerns about that? no, i don t. i also think we have a president who has a ton of respect for the rule of law just the way he s handling the hunter case right now shows you that he s trying not to politicize that he s been very, very clear about. he is a father and being supportive. so i just i just think it s different in the contrast. i just we ve got wisconsin, we ve got arizona, we ve gotten nevada, we ve got georgia, we ve got all these states, battleground states that elected to wait 3.5, three years to file charges are talking about the fake electors scheme. absolutely. now, is there there there probably. but why would you wait three years? why would you wait to the two election season? and in every case it s a battleground state and it s a democratic prosecutor. but i respectfully disagree that democrats are already taking to be continued. your both great. thank you for being here. i appreciate it. we do have some breaking news. it s a busy afternoon, a breaking news on the lea law

Donald-trump , People , Way , It , Concerns , Respect , Theory , Hunter-case , Trump-aren-t , Don-t , Fans , Ton

Transcripts for BBCNEWS Newscast 20240604 21:33:00

Temper tunnel lots of people. he was so humble, so genuine, loved to laugh. he wasjust so humble, so genuine, loved to laugh. he was just a really likeable character. and his story resonated so many people, and hejust won t character. and his story resonated so many people, and he just won t be forgotten, and his legacy will live on for a long time. you forgotten, and his legacy will live on for a long time. forgotten, and his legacy will live on for a long time. you talk about his lea on for a long time. you talk about his legacy there. on for a long time. you talk about his legacy there. what on for a long time. you talk about his legacy there. what will - on for a long time. you talk about his legacy there. what will his - his legacy there. what will his legacy beef, both on and off the pitch? i legacy beef, both on and off the itch? ~ , . pitch? i think in rugby league he will be remembered pitch? i think in rugby league he will be remembered as - pitch? i think in rugby league he will be remembered as one - pitch? i think in rugby league he will be remembered as one of i pitch? i think in rugby league he. will be remembered as one of the greatest players to have had the game. he achieved everything possible. he is the player of the match in the grand final, and the there what has been named after. you would be forgotten for what you did in the field, but has wider impact will be around mnd and the courage that him and his family face in fighting it, and letting people know about it and trying to find a cure. and i think what you started will continue on, and hopefully one day we will have a cure for this horrific disease.

People , Legacy , Story , Hejust , Character , Temper-tunnel , Won-t-character , Rugby-league , Pitch , Players , Lea , Itch

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Hannity 20240604 06:43:00

Okay. i a happy with, you know,are yo a weaponized departmentjustic of justice, happy with joe biden, aiding and abetting our toe,pyp foes unvetted in the country. you re happy with biden nomics? are you happy with defund, dismantle, no bailyoed . you happy with america surrendering in the war on terror, abdicatinle, u happgs as the leader of the free world? vote for joe. and i don t think americans like his recorthe lea we hate his record. listen, there s an old faithor saying that says what the enemy meant for evil. the good lord can use it for good. and i believe that that simple statemenand i bet sit is going t in our country over the next few months. ryr i believe we will see a continuing rise of support of president trump. why? because americans want. a fair system. we want, frankly, low inflation . we want a border that secure. we want peace in our streetscur what we ve had under joe bidenjo is a rigged trial.

Joe-biden , Country , Justice , Ia-situat , Foes , Toe , Weaponized-departmentjustic , Are-yo , Aiding-and-abetting , Tpyp , Biden-nomics , No-bailyoed

Judge rejects defense motions in former Regis AD case

EAU CLAIRE — A former teacher at Regis Middle School, and the former athletic director for the high school, was in court Thursday for a hearing as prosecutors pursue serious

Jonathan-jarocki , Regis-middle-school , Prosecutor , Rime , Omplaint , Otion-legal- , Lea , Common-law , Issues-in-ethics , Public-law , Isconduct , Riminal-law

Southbound traffic reopened on Highway 231 after police chase ends in fiery crash

UPDATED: Both southbound lanes of Highway 231 have been cleared according to ALEA. HOUSTON COUNTY, Ala. (WDHN) — Both southbound lanes of U.S. 231 are currently closed near Alabama 109 after a two-car crash. According to ALEA, the crash was a result of a police chase. Dothan Police tells WDHN that the chase began as […]

Alabama , United-states , Florida , Leon-county , Houston-county , Dothan-police , South-oates , Police-chase , Highway-231 , Idhn , Outhbound-lanes