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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20171230 18:00:00

a gun attack. the so-called islamic state has claimed responsibility for the attack. alleged abduction of this vietnamese business. has soured relations between berlin. plus some usually low temperatures are making life difficult in many parts of the united states and forcing some to put their new year s plans. i met her thanks for joining us the iranian government is warning people not to take part in what it calls illegal rallies the move comes as anti-government protesters take to the streets for the third day in a row. in
a gunfight when an attacker attempted to break through security outside a church in cairo suburb the so-called islamic state has claimed responsibility in the past year it has killed dozens of christians in church bombings and shootings. i had least eight coptic christians were killed in friday s gonna tax. i a joint funeral was held i was later attended by hundreds of people i queuing to enter the church mourners expressed grief and anger at yet another attack on the christian minority this time a week ahead of orthodox christmas. i know nothing thirty of them i knew you know i m during our christmas every holiday they send us these gifts card you are vengeful was. the attack happened at the mom in a church in
a cairo suburb a gunman on a motorcycle opened fire on worshippers leaving a service at least one police officer was also killed. only quick thinking prevented more deaths. here there were crowds inside we closed the doors and we heard the shooting god saved us i don t know. authours he s have given conflicting reports on whether the assailant was killed or arrested and on whether a second gunman was involved the so-called islamic state has claimed responsibility the shooting comes just a month after militants affiliated to i.s.i. attacked a soofi mosque in north sinai killing over three hundred people. egypt remains under a state of emergency. as more families grieve it is clear that security services are struggling to contain a brutal insurgency. now on to some other stories making news around the
world authorities in russia are reported to have arrested a man in connection with a bomb attack at a supermarket in st petersburg last week at least thirteen people were hurt in that bombing some severely so-called islamic state said it carried out the attack but provided no evidence to back up its claim. russia s supreme court has upheld a ban on opposition leader alexina volley from running in the country s twenty eight thousand election the court rejected his appeal to a prior ruling that barred him from registering as a candidate and well they responded on twitter calling on russians to boycott the vote. morrison have held a funeral for a palestinian killed in clashes with israeli troops a israeli spokesperson said soldiers shot at the ensues instigators of what it called a violent protest original tension spiked after u.s.
president donald trump recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel. has been held in new york city to honor the victims of an apartment fire in the bronx that killed twelve people including four children it was the city s deadliest fire in decades officials say the blaze was started by a preschooler who had been playing with the stove. for beatle radio star has been on with it a night when it was new years honors list drummer is one of many names featured on the list honoring service to the nation media s co-founder and singer barry give also tonight may. be we even see you. it means business bad who germany says was abducted here in berlin and then smuggle back to hanoi by the vietnamese security services may face the death penalty the businessman trencher on tan is
accused of corruption in vietnam annoyed denies kidnapping him but the case has caused a diplomatic rift between germany and vietnam. german diplomats had both expected and feared vietnam s top news headline it is now become a matter of life and death cringe one ton is public enemy number one in vietnam but germany sees him as the victim of an unprecedented abduction police say that while walking in the central tear garden park in august turn was seized by vietnamese agents he was overpowered in broad daylight dragged into a car and flown to viet nam as a supposedly medical case next week he could face the death penalty turns kidnapping has seriously damaged relations between lin and hanoi.
the vietnamese know what they have to do to restore good relations between us and revive our strategic partnership germany s foreign ministry blames the vietnamese embassy for abducting tan the ambassador was subsequently summoned diplomats suspected of involvement were expelled and german economic aid was cut back the vietnamese government not only rejects the german accusations but claims that tan gave himself up voluntarily to police in vietnam after being accused of corruption. that s a bare faced lie we know what happened the german police know what happened and of course the vietnamese themselves know best of all. perlin is pursuing several different channels to secure the release every day counts.
serena williams returned to tennis today four months after giving birth to her first child she put a fight but she ended up losing to french open what are you lagos to penco at an exhibition tournaments in abu dhabi where you most looked a little rusty losing the first set six two g. did hit back to claim the second set and set a dream comeback win but also bank a wasn t on that plan dispatching the seven time wimbledon champion in a match deciding tie break she s probably the best ever but williams will still have to work hard to get back to the top. germany s all conquering football team are currently world cup champions confederations cup champions and number one in the fever rankings the team is now preparing to defend its world cup title in twenty eighteen in russia and coach your nerve believes germany has all the ingredients needed to win the competition for a fifth time. for germany s coach joachim the upcoming world cup is the burning
issue his reputation could suffer if germany to defend its title. the best the world is probably saying that germany are favorites and logically every team that plays against those will want to take it from the second round to the quarterfinals and semifinals. the pressure will be greater for us than it was in brazil we have to deal with that. on the i m still nervous keeping his cool after all he has several established stocks that he can still count on and a host of emerging on the confederate scot and would like nothing more than to go to the world cup two of. the coaches spoilt for choice when it comes to squash selection and. we re keeping track of our players to see what shape they re in for their club s form and to gauge their health and levels of confidence and saves their club formal play a big role over the next six months. it gives germany plays
a more tactically very game keeping the opposition on its toes in the face sweden and nightsticks starting mean for prosperity here in south korea who feature former naval coups and play us one point man. and mexico who lost heavily to the world champions at the country to ration scott. mexico mexico is a team that can clear the high technical and tactical level at the taj we did not tell you to lead to qualify for the world cup so shouldn t be underestimated the group will be exciting about an. eighty one thousand fans at moscow s luzhniki stadium will await the world champions in their match against mexico or should germany to cook up a storm in the group race they could face heavyweights brazil in the second round germany fans can rest assured that you hakim live has the recipe for success to keep his team on track for another title. a deep freeze taken hold
across much of the united states record breaking snowfall and subzero temperatures have hit communities hard across the northeast and the midwest cold spell the start of this new year a rough one for those at risk. a safe haven away from the life threatening cold the rescue misson in milwaukee is bursting with people in need of a hot lunch and most importantly a place to warm up car to navigate outside you know standing you know. our in the sun and pretty quickly in the deep freeze continues across much of the country and authorities are urging the public to help those in need. the extreme weather is not only a threat to humans even fish are freezing to death these sharks were found dead on the coast of massachusetts experts say cold shock may have led to their demise.
and this place made the news earlier this week with a new record of its own erie pennsylvania had one point five meters of snow in two days some residents are still digging their way out and even more snow is underway . experts say the weather is linked to climate change from his private resort in florida prison trump tweeted that the u.s. could use a little bit of global warming the u.s. leader publicly denies the existence of climate change. those who can are trying to make the best of the unusual weather an illinois family turned their backyard into an ice rink to the delight of their children and forecasts indicate they won t lose it any time soon. thanks for joining us here at v.w. news in berlin if you think our studio looks snazzy at the moment just wait till we

Life , Parts , Temperatures , United-states , Plans , Some , People , Government , Thanks , Part , Warning , Rallies

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20180507 16:00:00

bit, i m feeling fine now. happy to have you back. the looking good. oh, thank you. you re outnumbered. i am. thank you very much. good to be here. president trump s legal team taking on tougher tone to deal with special counsel robert mueller, his new attorney rudy giuliani explaining why he doesn t want the president to sit down for an interview with robert mueller. because they are trying to trap, you couldn t put a lawyer on the show who wants to keep his law license to tell you to testify. they don t have a case on collusion or obstruction, they are asking all kind of questions about what do you feel and think. i will walk him into prosecution for perjury? giuliani was asked if he believes the president could be forced to testify before a grand jury, watch what he said. we don t have to, he s the president of the united states. we can assert the same privilege as other presidents have. are you confident the president will not take the fifth in this case?
how could i be confident of that? short time ago our own judge andrew weighed in on the legal argument, watch. i don t blame him for making that argumenta, that s his job to make it, he s been making it extensively over the weekend, but history shows that presidents, when subpoenaed by grand jurys, one way or another, do comply. charlie hunt, what say you? charlie: you know, this rudy giuliani thing, i keep referring as the shock in all legal strategy. you have no idea what, i mean, he is all over the place, but the bottom line is, you know, he is right about one thing, he needs to prevent the president from testifying. if he walks in and sits down under oath with mueller and his team, it absolutely will be perjury trap and i m sure the president would be delighted to go and talk to them and because the president always
fraud case against paul manafort, judge ellis telling mueller, you don t care about mr. manafort s bank fraud, but what information mr. manafort can give you that would reflect on mr. trump or lead to prosecution or impeachment or whatever, that is what you are really interested in. here is reaction to former from a former federal attorney joe digenova, part of the president s legal team at one time and rudy giuliani. watch. i do, i believe that after judge ellis remarks last night, there is no question that the amount of government misconduct is accumulating. it is greater than anybody realizes. this investigation reached level of bad faith, no longer a good faith investigation. all right, so is this no longer good faith investigation and was that federal judge right to call manafort s team out not manafort, mueller s team out, rather?
charlie: i from the beginning don t believe this was good-faith investigation. clearly it wasn t when we started to see the charges coming out. not all charges against paul manafort have nothing to do with donald trump or his actions with the campaign. it has to do with things from the past that okay, i m in favor of prosecuting somebody for anything, breaking laws. so, you know, you didn t need a political investigation, special prosecutor in order to go after these things, these things should have been gone after a long time ago by regular white collar crime prosecutors. best lin from t.s. ellis iii, he said, he is asking for more evidence from the memo, right? the actual memo. he went back to d.o.j. saying i need evidence from the mueller team. they are saying, we have it. he said, let me be the judge of that. he may end up being a big player in this entire thing. what he s saying, what evidence
look at rod rosenstein, he s the guy who laid out the case for firing james comey and the one that appoints special counsel to give mueller broad authority to look at things like obstruction of justice, for instance. again, he laid out the case to fire james comey. look at the fact we know that james clapper wanted comey to sit down and brief president trump about the dossier and that meeting is leaked to the press, right? we know james comey himself was one that said the was looking for a news hook to publish the dossier. nobody could verify the dossier, including own intelligence, as well, could not verify the dossier. then the run with the dossier and from there on it has been rampant in the media about russia collusion. how can you look at some of these things and not be concerned objectively regardless what your position on the president is, that should be deeply concerning. like a movie trailer for what is going on. but it is true. where is rod rosenstein?
do we know enough about the parameters of this investigation? no, we don t. i mean, i think that is why judge ellis wants to see the memo, and understand the scope of the investigation. and it is the political critics of the president are actually waiting in the wings, hoping the manafort investigation can yield impeachment, what happens when it doesn t? right. no accountability for the wasted taxpayer money and all of this time and all of the damage that it has done to potentially the office by becoming that shiny object that the media likes so much like to focus on. then the political fall-out from going after paul manafort, he wasn t a good guy. he wasn t a good guy. he may be compromised, but is it worse this obsession, this constant obsession that really does he broke the law, separately, as they are doing with michael cohen and others, separately go after him. why keep one case and not the
other? that is a very fair question. yeah, where is rod rosenstein, charlie, in this he he kroeted this memo that led to the investigation. charlie: last week he went aggressively and said they will not be extorted, basically accusing his bosses, in the white house and congress of trying to extort the department of justice, which i think is a crime, but i think extortion in general charlie: exactly. amazing thing to think about. to your point, charlie, it doesn t exactly boost confidence in the d.o.j. or the f.b.i. charlie: no. that is severely lack nothing contentuous confirmation. i watch your show 8 p.m. eastern and i sometimes will hear you say about, you know, where this investigation is. why do you think it is that we are at a point now where people aren t necessarily waiting or looking at the evidence, but waiting to be told? is it because there has been so
much focus on this? apparently, yes, so problematic and out of hand and so all-consuming and i hope everyone steps back and asks themselves, is this the function of an investigative counsel? is this what we put so much faith and money and time, endless time and money into special counsel? charlie: the clock is ticking, we get closer to mid-term, mueller is about to pull a comey and wind up being in the middle of an election doing this i don t know which part, leak or which part of comey? charlie: having a huge major high-profile investigation in the middle of an election. you don t want that. trying to get people to flip flop and it will not happen. president trump throwing full support behind his pick to head the c.i.a. talking about that ahead of her confirmation hearing that is happening wednesday. the white house says gina haspel is victim to bring down one of
the president s nominees. plus, president trump accusing former secretary of state john kerry of potentially breaking the law, after reports mr. kerry was meeting secretly with the iranians in an effort to save that iran nuke deal. former secretary kerry responding. john kerry. [booing] president trump: not the best negotiator we ve ever seen. never walked away from the table, except to be in that bicycle race. this program is brought to you by lear capital.
the signal reaches down here, too. so sophie, i have an xfi password, and it s daditude . simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. harris: we are back with the fox news alert, 48 hours ahead of critical confirmation hearing, president trump has come out swing og behalf of his pick to head the c.i.a., gina haspel. the president tweeting this, my highly respected nominee gina haspel has come under fire because she was too tough on terrorists. think of that in these dangerous times. we have the most qualified person, a woman, who democrats want out because she s too tough on terror. win gina. this comes after reports mrs. haspel considered withdrawing on friday. short time ago, white house source weigh nothing on that report saying haspel did discuss withdrawing, but was bouncing her concern off white house officials, who are guiding her
through the process. haspel faces stiff criticism from democrats and some republicans, even in her role in enhanced interrogation procedure. love your take, kennedy, i know you have something to say about this. democracy, president trump won the election, should pick the people he wants in top positions. kennedy: absolutely, that is what the hearings are for, vet these people, get a sense of who they are and challenge them on past and present positions. certainly her personal history. and hiding behind the fact that much of her work histories classified is not enough. there are some very serious questions that need to be raised about those sites, particularly the ones she oversaw in thailand and two senators, whom i think are good on civil liberty, white and rand paul raised concerns about her and i hope senators take careful time and deliberation. we have, as we were just talking
about, such erosion of trust and law enforcement and with the c.i.a. we can t just say, you know, she s a woman, she s been there a long time and that is enough. that is not enough. it doesn t matter who the candidate is. if there are questions about their past, those need to be raised and thoroughly answered. and be taken to that hearing, this comes charlie, after admiral ronny jackson was dragged through the mud publicly. what does it say about where we are that you have a lot of public servants that want to withdraw their names before being put up before a hearing. it is sad. charlie: kennedy, you are right and i would like answers to the questions, as well. sadly, you could probably count on one hand the number of democrats or republicans in the senate who actually care about those things and want the answers to those questions. the real thing, they don t like her because donald trump nominated her and want to do anything they can to undermine him by stopping her.
obviously they are not doing haven t yet gone into any of the personal stuff the way we saw with ronny jackson, but i think politically speaking, again, setting aside the good questions you raised, the politically speaking, this is a great fight for trump to have. especially when he s in the middle of negotiating with north korea, talking about iran. major things going on. this is a great i would say that it is okay for him in your argument, to have that, but for the democracy itself, maybe not so much. charlie: agreed. kennedy: we ve got open seats of more than 100, i was at the going away event for the german ambassador, what rick ranel. kennedy: he was thanking people for support, he waited so long to get confirmed. i agree with kennedy, we need a venue to ask about the black sites and a venue to get thoughtful questions. i don t know if a hearing will
get us further than other public hearings have. we need vetting and do it expeditiously. what granel wants to do. he will be pretty busy with germany and iran and korea and all that, pretty busy with that, but when he can, he wants to fight against a can sept everything has to go through the senate and congress for confirmation. can there be some jobs where you have thoughtful review and not have it be a political fight. i thought it was interesting. he would know, he s been through it. lisa, sarah sanders did say this, everyone fighting for women empowerment are hypocrites saying gina haspel can t go up. it makes me laugh, using democrats against them. anything sexist, if they disagree, they label you something horrific and you are likely not. i think it is kind of funny to use that against the democrats. if you are not going to support the first female c.i.a.
director, you are sexist or don t believe in women s empowerment. the trump administration has a strong case to be made here. look, gina haspel has been part of the c.i.a. since 1985, as long as i ve been alive and on this earth. she s had the endorsement charlie, we feel old. [laughter] she also has support of every individual who served in the intelligence committee, former directors, deputy directors, as well, and i do think if democrats vote against her largely for political reasons, not like kennedy laid out and having real concerns and questions for her. it is political. we saw that play out with mike pompeo when democrats voted for him for c.i.a. director and didn t support him as secretary of state. come on. at least have the hearing. great point. it is on wednesday, we ll see what happens there. coming up on the show, final push by supporters and critics of the iran nuclear deal ahead of political dead let line coming this saturday. top diplomat is making official during a two-day stop in
washington, plus amid the good vibes ahead of historic summit between president trump and the north korean dictator, rogue nation is lashing out at the u.s., what is this about and does it put that meet nothing jeopardy? reid lamberty i won t use the rhetoric then, i m trying to calm it down a little bit. i will not use the rhetoric.
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with new creations like savory crab-topped shrimp, and parmesan truffle shrimp scampi you better hurry in before shrimp trios is gone. harris: fox news alert now. last ditch effort by u.s. allies to influence president trump before the deadline to keep the u.s. in the iran nuclear deal. a short time ago boris johnson met with new secretary of state mike pompeo. earlier making his case for the agreement this morning on fox and friends. watch. the president has a legitimate point, he set a challenge for the world. we think that what you can do is be tougher on iran, address the
concerns of the president and not throw the baby out with the bath water. not junk the deal. as i say, plan b does not seem to me to be particularly well developed at this stage. the visit by the u.k. top diplomat ahead of the may 12 deadline for the president to decide whether he will keep the u.s. in the deal. meanwhile, a top republican is urging the president to stick with the agreement, congressman thornberry chairs the armed services committee. watch. the key question is, okay, now we are where we are, what happens next if the u.s. pulls out? maybe the best thing is for the president to delay a bit more, his deadline of this month, and put the french and the british up to the test about whether it is possible to get this other sort of agreement. harris: okay, one side, charlie, delay things and work on a contingency plan and bring more people and europe onboard.
what do you think about the reports of shadow diplomacy with the former secretary of state, john kelly? i mean, does that help our government? help our cause to have him in the back wings saying no, no, no, keep the deal and no. charlie: no, it is breathtaking, the idea, john kerry wants to put oar in the water on this, not because he hasn t already, he came up with a crappy deal to begin with, call up the secretary of state and lobby him. the idea that john kerry would go behind secretly negotiate with the leader of a country that wants to annihilate us, remove us from the map of the world, and secretly negotiate with them to undermine u.s. foreign policy, which is being set by the president and unlike john kerry, who tried and failed, donald trump ran for president and got elected president and gets to set the policy. you know what makes sense, makes him the jane fonda of the
middle east, not kidding about that. charlie: it is true. something unethical and underheadd and put politics aside, foreign policy and diplomacy is straight from domestic politics. put that aside and go ahead it is a little back and forth. charlie: donald trump won the election run og this issue, that is another important thing to remember, as well. harris: the president tweeted, he likes to do that. he did. the united states does not need john kerry s possibly illegal shadow diplomacy on the badly negotiated iran deal. he was the one that created this mess in the first place, exclamation point. back and forth and then john kerry spokesperson, very busy, i think every american would want every voice possible to urge iran to remain in compliance with the agreement that prevented a war. all right, i want to get my head around the spokesperson s response, though, lisa, it is saying two different things. it is not saying stay in the
deal, it is not just saying that, but it averted a war. talk to me. lisa: based on recent intelligent from israel that came to light, the intelligence community has known about for a while that the entire deal was basically predicated on a bunch of lies, right? built on a bunch of lies from iran itself. to charlie s point real quick regarding john kerry. it is a little hypocritical going back and looking at some accusations on michael flynn when he was part of an income administration talking about sanctions with the russian ambassador, pretty much standard operating procedure considering the fact he is part of an incoming administration, hypocrisy but for president trump, three main concerns with the iran deal, ballistic missile, verification, what they have on the ground and the sunset clauses, as well. we know that even president macron share the concerns. the question is what do we do and can we strengthen the deal.
harris: i don t know if concerns from macron and certainly not from the actual german chancellor, angela merkel, we know she wouldn t see it this way, if the concerns were sincere enough to drive a new deal. sure, they are there. i would add a fourth, we don t know the side deal. that is absolutely right. you don t know. when it comes to iran, there are no good options and talking about john kerry, this is his legacy, the iran deal is his entire baby. look back on his tenure of secretary of state, biggest thing he left behind. for him, a lot of this is personal. he s nervous the president is going to end the deal that is all he can during that time in office. it is ego. dealing with iran is more than ego. iran is the biggest threat to the united states for a number of reasons and no good options are on the table. either change the deal and if the president says he is negotiator and chief to practice negotiating skills. harris: how about everybody
else, like republicans, like thornberry, you can t step away from this deal. how about doing shadow deal building? plan b, i don t know. the same thing about the kind that is legal and patriotic within the walls of the congress in the united states. some other ideas. i know we re about to talk about north korea, but there are a lot of similarities here and the biggest issue with iran is not them having a nuclear weapon, it is having hedge moany and having a relationship with north korea, having stake in syria, absolutely, it is also funding hezbollah and human rights violations, among other things. you know, those elements were completely sidelined in crafting of this deal to the detriment of not only middle east, but you have people like rice who said it wouldn t be the end of the world if we did pull out. some people are pushing president trump to stay in it. it wouldn t be the end of the world.
that is different information, he wants to do what he wants to do. dream big. north korean lashing out at u.s. ahead of a planned summit between president trump and kim jong-un. the news agency says washington is misleading public opinion by claiming u.s.-led sanctions pressured the regime to make denuclearization pledge, and it warns the u.s. not to deliberately provoke the north by deploying strategic assets in south korea and raising human rights issues. just days ago president trump said he s taking steps to reduce tension with the regime. watch. president trump: we re really doing well with north korea. we re really doing well. [applause] president trump: remember, they said, it s going to be terrible, they were actually saying, three months ago when the rhetoric was rather sharp. do we agree? i won t use the rhetoric, i m trying to calm it down a little bit. i will not use the rhetoric. no rhetoric. harris: let s talk about this, kim jong-un is essentially
a sociopath, throwing a fit about the big wheel, the big gun, his nuclear program. it is not a surprise they are pushing back in this way through the state-run news agency, but does it actually, is this sort of volley that we should expect leading up to the summit or is this problematic? charlie: the fact there hasn t been more quite frankly, surprises me. because of course, you would expect this and you re exactly right, kim jong-un is a tyrant and you can t trust a word he says. that is why, i said, anybody in negotiations with lunatic like this, good to have like somebody like donald trump, i have more faith in him than i would say john kerry going into the negotiations. the reason is because as we saw with iran, he didn t address things we care most about, he gave them bundles and bundles of money and billions literally. not even metaphorically. charlie: funding terror
efforts around the world. i do believe donald trump will walk away if he doesn t get what he wants and i believe that he will go in there and genuinely try to drive a real good bargain. can i ask you a question? you have diplomacy in your family. i ve lived in those neck of the woods. and through your dad, the ambassador. when you look at what has been accomplished so far, it still far ahead of anything we have seen. kennedy: historic. we should all take a step back and realize where we are at this moment. the fact that north and south korea, kim jong-un stepped foot on south korean soil, first time in decades, that is a huge deal. you have to remember what is going on in the head of kim jong-un, right? in his mind, of course he s not wanting to give president trump credit for this happening, in his mind, he s accomplished what his dad and granddad have been pushing for years and years, developing nuclear program, right? now he says we can hang with the big guys, as nuclear country, so we
are now able to open up to the west, they still want to remain that strong voice and strong power, so the president has to be careful. harris: can you do both? kennedy: i think you can. does it really matter if it was sanctions and the pressure and harris: it does to him. it does to kim jong-un. charlie: and to donald trump. kennedy: say we give him that one, kim, you can have it on your terms. burger king all the way. it is optics for kim jong-un, the political optics for him, he has to save faith heading into the conversation with the president. harris: can we just give them this one? it is interesting. kennedy: you did it because you are so smart and logical and love swiss cheese and obviously that is nobody likes swiss cheese. president trump weigh nothing on three senate primaries tomorrow, could determine the balance of power in washington. candidates in those races aligning themselves with the president and his agenda. will that strategy work in the
general election? discussed in moments. stay right here. i m just worried about the house and taking care of the boys. zach! talk to me. it s for the house. i got a job. it s okay. dad took care of us.
represent the g.o.p. s best hopes of unseeding incumbent democrats. charlie, i m hearing don blankenship is up by two in west virginia right now. karl rove says republicans can kiss west virginia goodbye if don blankenship wins, is he right? charlie: i don t know if he s right about that. a lot of people predicting don blankenship wasn t wane west virginia, have been wrong about a lot of things. also not forget in 2012, it was a convicted felon who was in prison who won 40% of the vote in west virginia, while in prison, against in democratic primary against barack obama. west virginia, predicting how west virginia will vote is not an easy thing. there is a real problem that republicans are having drafting off of the trump off of trump s coattails. the big problem is that, you
know, the anti-washington sentiment that got trump into the white house is still out there. so in place like west virginia, they wind up going behind guy like blankenship. west virginia is an interesting state, since about 2000, it s really been trending more and more red. the only reason joe manchin has been the main democrat there, he is very much in the middle. he didn t support tax cuts, he didn t support repealing obamacare. interesting to see how that plays in the general. i think he s still a very popular, he was governor of the state, if he were to lose as democrat of west virginia, i think that could be the beginning of west virginia completely being red. i ve interviewed joe manchin and he is a strong candidate. don blankenship been to jail, probably not the best to have candidate who spent time in jail. did you see his campaign ad? cocaine mitch, i don t care, man, he looks like he s nervous about something. do you agree with charlie s assessment that perhaps it
doesn t matter who wins the primary in the state? i think it does matter. i think unfortunately for republicans, there are still going to be very independent-minded voters in a place like west virginia. it s different than every other state and, you know, they deserve to put their own candidates and nominees forth, i get that. still, don blankenship looks nuts. harris: just for a second, revisit what we saw in pa-18, district 18 with connor lamb. if joe manchin decides to even just a little bit further right, republicans are going to have a mess on their hands potentially, right? yeah. harris: you can say it doesn t matter who he goes up against, you got to be looking at who can beat joe manchin, regardless of whose coattails, whose tweets, looking that way. the attorney general, i don t know, maybe. these other men in the race benefited from the president s tweet potentially, maybe. who can really beat joe manchin
who might go a little bit right like connor lamb. that candidate might not be real down the road, but real in this race. spot on. harris: some counties in illinois are taking tip from liberal declaring sanctuarys for gun ors, will it work? is it the right way to handle this issue? stay tuned. simple goodness
harris: welcome back. a controversial move by some county necessary southern illinois declaring themselves sanctuary counties for gun rights. they are pushing back against threats to target their second amendment right. taking cue from sanctuary city policies that refused to enforce federal immigration laws. authors behind the resolution admit their move is largely symbolic, but they are making a point. this is interesting, charlie, you have republicans who are basically sending a message to democratic lawmakers pushing for more gun control in illinois. question is, is this hypocritical for republicans who have been so negative, so anti-sanctuary city and state to say we ll do the same thing about laws we don t want to abide by. charlie: sure, it is hypocritical. do this with immigration laws
and claiming duly-passed, enacted immigration laws that are on the books and have been for a long time, we re not going to obey the laws, why don t you do it for everything. you could do it for gun laws, for, i don t know, whatever. and, it is a terrible thing. harris: should we do away with sanctuary cities? charlie: that would be a start. kennedy: we have to find a difference between constitutional right. this is enshrined in the bill of rights for a very good reason and it s very important issue for many americans who feel it is their duty in order to protect themselves and their families and self-defense is critical, especially in places like illinois, where parts of illinois have been, you know, riddled with the type of crime that you really don t see, except for once in a generation and they want this phased path and do it by protecting themselves and that is the
difference. immigration policy is screwed up, it is up endd and republicans and democrats have to figure out way to have comprehensive immigration so you don t have willie nilly policies in states, countys and cities. harris: i m understanding this is happen nothing rural counties in the state? this underscores a point i ve been making, gun control is not right versus left, it is rural verse urban. breaking down of course your thoughts, which is true, more rural individuals have guns than those that live in urban areas, but the fact you have the bulk of the rural individual have owned a gun before the age of 18 and that break down is so different than individuals living in urban areas, as well. i think it underscores this deep divide on the gun divide based on what area you live in. harris: when you look at the vice chairman of the board and this is a rural area effingham
county. what he is saying, they are turning the wording on its head because it provides you such a rich talking point, at that point. the word is already out there. sanctuary and it does flip it. what kennedy is saying, do you need a sanctuary for something that is constitutionally protected and do you go down a dicey road if you treat it like that? charlie: what really should happen, these laws should be challenged on the grounds of constitutionality and the supreme court has been very vocal that there are very, very few limits that you can ever put on this stuff because as i you say, it is constitutional right. you can protect yourself, your family and your neighbors. yeah. i think there is a difference talking sanctuary city and gun rights? charlie: absolutely. see how this plays out. harris: especially for people that say they have a right to be here, illegally or not and want sanctuary cities, like what they are doing in chicago, with rob
emmanual. that is not a constitutional right. i get the talking points with words and hash tagable, issues are different. see how that plays out in illinois. more outnumbered in just a moment, stick with us. at ally, we re doing digital financial services right. but if that s not enough, we have more than 8000 allys looking out for one thing: you. call in the next ten minutes. and if that s not enough, . grab your wallet. (beeping sound) (computer voice) access denied. and if that s still not enough to help you save. oh the new one! we ll bring out the dogs. mush! (dogs barking) the old one s just fine! we ll do anything, seriously anything, to help our customers. thanks. ally. do it right. my dai need my blood sugar i to stay in control.en. so i asked about tresiba®. tresiba® ready tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i need to shave my a1c. tresiba® ready
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Donald-trump , Bit , Team-taking , Rudy-giuliani , Robert-mueller , Trap , Couldn-t , Interview , Show , Lawyer , Tone , His-new

Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181205 13:15:00

most of culture encampments in eastern germany the works included a copy of caspar daveed feebly swans are up of the sea of fog and work by a god to go. commanding study at the university of fine arts in malaga. he has a small studio in the old town where he prepares his works. he s never painted his own originals because he s been obsessed with painters from bygone centuries since his childhood. he was sent to a fine arts academy for children at the age of six one of the teachers particularly impressed him. he gave you a present and on the wrapping paper he wrote colors or sounds that can t be heard and sounds are colors that can t be seen clearly you have to make music with your colors i still lived by this rule today.
recreating great works of art you know the usual place and. now before we take a look at today s installment of our series sweet delights it s time to get up to date on what s happening around europe we start off today s express in austria. not far from the austrian city of god no fines are being are going on hoover s christmas panorama around one hundred inflatable figures decorate the family garden which is open to visitors the owners claim it s the largest collection of its kind in europe most of the figures have been imported from the us and the largest tower is around nine metres in height it s a fun hobby the go in who was say but also an expensive one there are electronic bill for december generally adds up to around two thousand euros.
giant stop by the hamburger bahnhof museum in berlin the german capital on monday the figure which was created by two brazilian artists wasn t there just to play around it was there to promote berlin based urban dance troupe flying steps which is planning a new show at the museum in the coming months break dancers who performs the pictures at an exhibition by russian composer of modest mussorgsky the from it will take place in the spring of twenty nineteen. trading company pru our room has put up europe s most expensive christmas tree in the atrium of its headquarters in munich in total the two thousand and eighteen gold coins that decorate the three meter tree a worth a whopping two point three million euros there s one major logistical drawback to the extravagant display the tree has to be done in round the clock.
you eat with your eyes at least that s what my ts without my a believes his creations are real eye candy as a child he was fascinated by his aunt s decorated cakes and the german food designer went on to perfect his craft all over europe in france germany and spain working in several renowned three star restaurants now he runs a school for must of protests is in the southern german state of area we met him for this week series sweet delights where he revealed that perfection and passion don t always mix. these cakes are tiny works of art. their own created by food design a much. mittermeier. i got
a job that isn t actually needed in this world nobody needs chocolate all praise lin s all cake if so the question is how do i get customers to come to me for my luxury products i think by stirring emotions. in what sort of. mathias mr meyer is head of a bavarian pettis or reschooling he teaches professionals and hobby chefs the art of making exquisite treats anyone can learn the tricks of the trade but much he says it s not about being passionate about baking. it like shock of passion might help a coke or will improvise with a pinch of this or a pinch of that but that doesn t help with the participation if you must follow the recipe to the latter especially with things like the clothes the cream could end up rock solid or running fast fizzy it s too much he is baking is like science
his favorite ingredient is liquid nitrogen he combines cream white chocolate and red white and then chills everything to minus one hundred ninety six degrees celsius using the nitrogen to make a crunchy popcorn like substance. he also creates a short cake base in a few seconds with the help of a cream dispenser and a microwave. then he answered raspberries and the ice cold popcorn and why not it s done but he says anyone can make this kind of cake. this isn t the right place for a good old sack of daughter pound cake or marble cake where aiming for a real high end baking into. a case in point is a shiny icing made from pureed fruit sugar condensed milk and gelatin. this tiny treatise fluffy and soft smooth but also firm and features chocolate and fruity
aroma. the elaborate decorations are all handmade and upscale treat through and through. but mathias is never satisfied . no never any honest professional would say the same that s ok it might sound shocking at times but it s a good thing because nothing is ever perfect it s perfect if perfection exist they will be no progress a knife a toy so it is a good thing this is so. much he has worked hard he wants others to be wowed by his creations to him that s the icing on the case. while staying with sugary delights is a reminder of this week s prize draw we d like you to tell us what your favorite
sweet treat is just visit our website did that lead up com slash lifestyle and by answering the question or you ll be in with a chance of winning an exclusive euro max wristwatch. now it s time for another one of our rankings in our ongoing series farve today we re focusing on dogs or rather dog lovers there are many different ways people show their passion for man s best friend so. find european artists who find canines doggone cool. our four legged friends have probably had more exciting times but for one photographer from munich their most interesting when they re bored on a leash waiting for their owner. is number five on our list of artists who find canines inspiring and she publishes her favorites on her blog volunteer window or waiting dogs. that way the whole world gets to experience these moments of peace
treaty. these guys aren t cuddly in the least quite the opposite in fact they re sculptures of dogs from famous oil paintings and they re made from shards of glass. they re fourth on our list of top dog the works of art from. their polished creators sculpture must have one off scott gives a new take on dogs that made their first appearance in the works of old masters. this takes a pretty hard hard to trick a dog like this first there s a delicious treat then it s gone finished magician jose alan and is pretty good at sleight of hand but what makes the show worth watching is the doggy reaction to the mystery of the disappearing biscuit his work takes third place on our list of

Most , Colors , Wrapping-paper , Rule , Sounds , Music , Art , Place , Works , Series , Look , Installment

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190323 23:00:00

it is really true from the forest start first w. . lead. player. lead. player. this is d.w. news live from berlin rescue agencies evacuated cruise ship after it loses power in bad weather off norway s coast dramatic footage shows conditions on board the viking sky which is now anchored two kilometers offshore crews are air lifting some thirteen hundred people to safety also coming out to give us another people s vote
hundreds of thousands of protesters filled the streets of london calling on lawmakers to hold a second referendum on the u.k. s departure from the big easy and. down the self-proclaimed caliphate crumbles in syria rebel forces boys are flooding back good news out there expelling the so called the common state the last breath of territory it s still held in the country. thanks for joining us i marry an f. in spain. an operation is underway off the coast of norway to evacuated thirteen hundred people from a cruise ship that lost engine power in stormy conditions one passenger has shared these dramatic pictures from the ship while she and her fellow travelers were waiting to be evacuated the viking sky ship managed to anchor about two kilometers
off the coast near the city of malta norwegian emergency services are using helicopters to airlift passengers and crew to safety weather services reported rough seas and winds of up to seventy kilometers an hour. the rescue operation will continue through the night a spokesman for the southern norway rescue coordinator center explained the cult and of course it will show in the league this is clearly a serious situation a cruise ship with thirteen hundred passengers on board is stuck in one of northern europe worst stretches of water it s got said with reefs. so this is a serious situations. where something is so they have managed to get the ship so it has been studied. to stop the and they also managed to start one engine the ship has four engines and now they re trying to get the other engine started so the ship can start moving. so the full total towboats are close to the shift they ve tried
to connect to the ship but they haven t managed because of the bad weather. there are six to eight metre high waves and gale force winds we also know that eight people have been brought ashore with slight injuries but we don t know if the injuries are as a result of this incidents they re being taken care of by health professional so well you don t i ll tell them i m supposed to. now hundreds of thousands of people have marched through london to call for a second referendum on bragg s it the u.k. was supposed to quit the european union next friday but there is still a great deal of uncertainty after parliament twice rejected the prime minister s breaks of plan and the e.u. extended the deadline to leave running britain s now one lawmaker s to back and new public vote on whether or not britain should exit the e.u. at all. central london packed with protesters their message to the
government give people another say on drugs that. waterway was. widely watched. with britain s intended departure from the e.u. just weeks away politicians and the country remain divided demonstrators think there needs to be a second referendum to settle the issue i just think that we didn t make an informed decision we were both on voice sides we were given enough information we went to walk breaks it would actually look like the country is in a mess brought on by our government their incompetence. london mayor suttle kahn says it should be up to the voters to undo the brags that chaos is. the british people a final say young. people. for the government to gumbo. the british people didn t vote for the not sure none of this crazy. parliament is due to resume debate next week and must
still give its approval to extending the march twenty ninth brags that dudley britain would then leave the e.u. on april twelfth without a deal unless m.p. s approve prime minister may s plan or propose a different way forward that would mean having to ask the e.u. for another extension and to taking part in european elections. if parliament approves mase deal london would have until may twenty second to finalize its brags of preparations then there s also the nuclear option of revoking article fifty and cancelling brags that millions have already signed an online petition demanding just that. piling on more pressure as lawmakers piece a week of high stakes decisions. and now a look at some of the other stories making news around the world thousands of people have marched in berlin and many other european cities to protest planned reforms to e.u. copyright laws the european parliament is set to adopt the controversial
legislation next week it would require companies to take steps to stop internet users from uploading copyrighted material. french authorities have banned yellow vest demonstrations in a large area of paris including around the architrave this comes in response to a whooping rampage in the show and you last week the anti-government protests are continuing for a nineteenth weekend across france. officials in somalia say a gun battle between security forces and al-shabaab fighters in mogadishu has ended leaving at least fifteen people dead and the islamist militants set off a car bomb for attempting to storm a government building a deputy labor minister is reportedly among the dead. to washington now where house democrats are awaiting details from the justice department of want special counsel robert muller has found in his probe into russian interference in
the twenty six thousand presidential election miller spent almost two years investigating that and possible collusion with president donald trump s campaign team trump has repeatedly condemned the mother inquiry as baseless which. let s go straight to washington where the w. s helena humphrey joins us now so helena as we know the u.s. attorney general is now reviewing the moeller report a lot of people have been waiting with a great deal of suspense for a very long time to find out what s in it so when can we expect to hear. the short answer is not today we ve just heard from the department of justice who says that william barr will not be handing over his principal conclusions to congress today one would imagine of course that he has got a big task ahead of him reading through that investigation of course it took two years to complete but once he has finished that summary he will hand it over to congress and then it is expected to be
a public document that said i wouldn t call that the motor reports that essentially is the bar report because those are his conclusions through the prism of the attorney general and as such there are many calls including from the house democrats for the entire miller report to be made public they ve just been on a conference call in fact and they have raised the possibility of using subpoena power including on robert mueller himself if that report is not made public there will be issues with that as well of course for example when it comes to sensitive intelligence information which perhaps potentially should not be made public not to mention the fact that if there is no criminal conduct but there are misdemeanors which have been committed should those be made public and potentially solly the names of those who are concerned well what we are hearing about the miller report is that apparently miller is not recommending any more indictments so is this good
news for donald trump does that mean he is in effect off the hook. not by any stretch i would like to think the rationale raised by jerry nadler the chairman of the house judiciary committee who says that something that s a crime may not necessarily be grounds for impeachment and something that is grounds for impeachment may not be a crime of course we know that the process of removing a president in fact is not something that is impeachment and rather you know that the department of justice does not recommend indicting a president so the fact that there is there are no further indictments doesn t necessarily mean much at this stage we have to wait and see what more we learn in that report but certainly the president does have further legal woes of course further investigations are underway into all sorts of other issues when it whether it s campaign financing for example also allegations of an alleged hush money payment scheme in relation to stormy daniels remember of course that the molar
investigation was limited in its scope it was looking at russia and commission and potentially the obstruction of the course of justice so there are many more avenues in the months and well potentially years ahead well how not have we heard from donald trump himself in connection to this mall report being completed he s been uncharacteristically quiet i would say we haven t heard a tweet from the president we know that he s in florida that he was seen heading to his gold course there in the back of the vehicle reading the newspaper so presumably tracking all the media coverage of this but not a tweet yet i think what we can say is that when we hear from barr or for example when there s a leak from balls findings then we can probably expect to hear from the president likely on his platform of choice of course which is twitter helen humphrey in
washington thank you very much for your reporting. u.s. backed syrian fighters are claiming victory over the so-called islamic state they say they expel the self-proclaimed caliphate from the last remaining territory controlled in syria rebels from the syrian democratic forces fought for weeks to retake the village of bug. back. what remains of the caliphate now just a torn up field littered with clothes and twisted metal. on this small patch of land the diehards of these state made their last stand. but they were forced to surrender. after years of war the syrian democratic forces a kurdish led to group backed by the us celebrate their hard won victory.
today the syrian democratic forces officially announced the end of all battles and a victory against the group calling itself islamic state that name is now wiped off the map here in northeastern syria. the so-called islamic states territory one stretched across vast parts of iraq and syria years of military efforts by iraqi and syrian fighters backed by the u.s. force the caliphates retreat by guus was its last stronghold the syrian democratic forces have called this the end of the caliphate at least in its physical form but stressed the so-called islamic state remains an insurgent threat in both syria and iraq the message is echoed by u.s. allies. our mission mission there has achieved we go to work with you to make sure that the roads along with terrorism doesn t continue to grow thank you all very much i mean it s just take me seriously. i mean the celebrations in by guus
syrian fighters have the u.s. to keep troops in syria at least for now they warn if the u.s. pulls out it will only be a matter of time until the i-s. threats grows again. germany s national soccer team begins its euro two thousand and twenty qualification this weekend and they don t come much tougher than an away match against the dutch coach is hoping a shake up will cast off the gloom that us or rather the team since the world cup the showdown might shed first light of whether they re on the right path or the road to nowhere germany s national team took a break from their training pitch in wolfsburg to visit the towns of volkswagen assembly line germany have been far from a well oiled machine lately they need to click into gear ahead of their tough euro two thousand and twenty qualifying class. against another lin s coach you he love his under pressure he s tried to remedy dismal performances in the world cup and nations lead by dropping mainstays thomas. and mats hummels but their recent one
one draw with serbia showed his new young teen need some fine tuning the experience of manuel neuer marco rice and midfielder tony cross will be needed against the dutch. some of course we know that everything doesn t happen overnight but we re all ambitious we want to win every game whoever is on the pitch. and to concede that soon sunday s match will be germany s third against the netherlands in seven months with a dutch victory and a draw in the other two games you know it s from them it s always an interesting jewel when germany plays against the netherlands and will show the according level of mights of asian. as a child i used to go to the netherlands on holiday i mean you could say i ve grown up with that rivalry. so it s going to be a spicy encounter with as much of. the focus now for germany is on
exploiting their strengths and finding the winning formula to beat their dutch neighbors only a victory will give the new look squad a much needed boost to their confidence. you re watching news don t forget you can always get the latest news and information on our website just visit us at d w dot com stay tuned for reporter that s coming up next after a short break omarion and stan and the entire team here in berlin thanks for watching. every journey begins with the first step and every language but the first word published in the. rico is in germany to learn german why not. with that simple line on your. learning course. german made easy.

Referendum , Uk , Departure , Boys , Caliphate-crumbles-in-syria-rebel , The-big-easy , Islamic-state , News , Country , Territory , Breath , Common

Transcripts For DW Close Up 20190716 12:30:00

forests and money. tragic reality behind the exploitation. starts july 24th. july 15th 26 staying tanks occupy the bosphorus bridge in istanbul. military jets find a parliamentary buildings in ankara. president obama calls on the turkish population to resist the tanks. it is in me to look at the assemble on the squares and at the airport just then let this little group come at
us with their tanks and grenade launchers i know no power stronger than that of the people some of the closer that. a state of emergency is declared followed by large scale arrests thousands of people are accused of being terrorists and planning the attempted coup. the one threatens to hunt them down across the globe. we will penetrate their caves. they will be purged. kuala lumpur malaysia may 20. 17. the surveillance camera of
a multistory car park records the kidnapping of a turkish citizen. christina kossovo march 28th in a surveillance camera films turkish teaches being dragged off in the middle of the street. she now republican all day via september 28th in a film on a mobile phone shows a turkish citizen being funneled into a car. 2 ankara the turkish capital. is the older one regime pursuing a global kidnapping policy for several months research network a corrective and frontal 21 have conducted research based on this suspicion speaking to victims and witnesses everyone is afraid few people talk. one who does is told it s not his real name he tells us that he was also abducted.
i was on the street and suddenly someone appeared in front of me waving his arms 2 or 3 people came from behind grabbed me and dragged me into a van. they shoved a sack over my head and threw me to the ground. then they started pummeling me with their fists. they tied my hands and feet with cable straps. my left ankle was injured you soon realize how serious it is. i thought they were going to kill me. i thought they were going to take me to a place i d never return from i didn t think i d ever see my loved ones again. says that in the building he was brought to there were 5 cells in
a row and separate interrogation rooms. we made another man who tells us how he was kidnapped we call him ali. people in my circle were being arrested because the rule of law had been abolished i was forced into hiding i was hiding for about a year the kidnapping took place in a matter of seconds a group of men suddenly grabbed me on the street and forced me into a van. they put a sack over my head i could barely breathe they were yelling insults at me you re a terrorist you re a traitor then they punched me i was incredibly frightened during the kidnapping when we arrived they pulled me out of the van and stripped me down to my underwear ali tells us how he was then tormented in prison. there was a microphone and they could hear every sound in the cell. there was also
a camera watching you 247. that you had to obey were shouted through the loudspeaker there was unbearably loud music. after a while you can t take it any more thirsty entire you can t stand up any longer you . may come into your cell and 2 or 3 people beat you up saying didn t we tell you not to fall over. that was punched and kicked especially kicked in the cell imagine how that is what happens every day your feet swell up your whole body swells up. the torture methods they used in the cell or hunger and thirst isolation and insults they only gave me food when they felt like it just enough to keep me alive
the same with water i lost over 20 kilos. couldn t imagine i would ever get out alive. really thought i would die in there and started mentally preparing myself for death i just hope that if they killed me they dumped my body somewhere my family would find it so they wouldn t have to look for me for years. i told her and a supporters of the good men movement since the attempted coup in the summer of 2016 the turkish government has declared them enemies of the state for a long time the muslim glenn movement was a partner. but now tens of thousands of soldiers teaches scientists and civil servants are being arrested as the alleged rebels behind the attempted coup we will punish them so hard that they will beg us to slaughter them to stop their suffering we ll have them begging for death so. there s 2 to one
runs the human rights organization i.h.t. in ankara he s documented up to 15 kidnapping so far only a few families did to talk to him about the disappearance of their relatives. these are the actions of the secret service. most of the families of the disappeared tell us that the victims were abducted from the street into a black van with darkened windows of. many victims who were held captive for a long time and later released sadly do not talk about it. their families told us that they were subjected to very serious torture. and. the families also told us that some of the victims could not handle the situation and committed suicide. he. also speaks of torture. they put an object in my
hand and asked me what it was it was a dildo a sex toy. then they said you know what we re going to do with it they stripped me below the waist and forced me into a stress position on the floor. then they pinned me down as if they were going to use the sex toy on me and any minute. they threaten me with it constantly. they slapped me so hard in the face that one of my teeth broke. my lips were bleeding i was in such pain i could barely stand my face was beaten black and blue then they threaten me will bring your family in here to do the same to your wife your mother your father as we re doing to you will make your children watch i was mentally and physically tortured so i would confess to a crime or denounce acquaintances. describes the abuse that he
suffered. sometimes they put me in a kind of box they call it the coffin put a sack over my head and handcuffed me you lose all sense of orientation you can t breathe properly you can t tell if you ve been inside for a minute or several hours then they take you out and continue torturing you. if you don t answer their questions they give you electric shocks on your back your feet your arms in other places the longer it lasts the worse the pain. to show reports to vince only counts director of the organization human rights watch. i have to assume that this is systematic we have documented individual cases which are very typical. we know about many more cases but we have not made them public partly because people are afraid to talk about it but. a confidential report from the german foreign office in 2017
verified the human rights violations in turkey after the attempted coup quote as part of the investigations against those involved in the attempted coup allegations of torture have been made against the turkish police and judiciary according to human rights organizations there are indications that violence and abuse another longer occurring in police stations but elsewhere including public areas. ukraine journalist and blogger yunus who has been living with his family here for 35 years however he no longer feel safe since has been openly threatening opposition. news this is not just ignored. quite frankly it s very dangerous for me here the turkish secret service is present here in ukraine and is able to act freely. ducted a turkish correspondent you know i m from ukraine and. then you should know the
correspondent was a nuisance to the erdogan system and the turkish secret service were able to kidnap him from here because the ukrainian and turkish authorities made a deal. no grounds were given for the arrest of the journalist this man had lived in ukraine for 3 years and was simply deported to turkey without reason. conditional based petition on that. do fears for his family along with 9 other turkish citizens his name is on the list of people who ukraine is supposed to deport he stands accused of writing for a terror organization on social media yeah. yeah so i saw it in the turkish media and immediately spotted my name on the list of everyone s enemies most of the people whose names were also on the list have already fled to the european union. just a few like me have stayed here but i don t know how it should go on i have decided
to stay here and i ve already written my will i will stay here and die here yes this are still you right now. because it is afraid of being arrested on the street by ukrainian police the family mostly stays at home in their flat. to see me used bases or evolution there are lots of turks walking around in ukraine because they don t need a visa and most of them are followers of arda want. so. great even though they know about me through social media my website and my blog. media so send me made the i.e. more site. i write with the news and that s why they re against me i get a lot of threats on social media. that s why it s dangerous for me to live here sort of i ve been at home for 5 months now i don t go out on the streets anymore.
kuala lumpur malaysia december 26th saying police arrest a man who fled to his son in malaysia after the attempted coup in turkey. his name is. a physics teacher his son. had hoped that his parents is met and had a child would be safe in malaysia but malaysian security forces helped to enforce the will. to. the police showed us a document from the turkish embassy saying that my father was a member of a terrorist organization. and his passport had been an old on august 21st 2016 supporting. the family managed to film the arrest.
of the son is released after 16 days but his father is detained in malaysia for $51.00 days. son in shock. the conditions in there were inhumane called they did all kinds of brutal things to us in prison we were stripped naked and searched the heads were shaped. by our clothing was taken away to put us if. we didn t have any. ups or cutlery. we couldn t even fill our most basic human needs to 1000000 sunny hostin love the modem block. finally the father is released yet soon afterwards on may 2nd 2017 malaysian police break down the door of his home to rest isn t it is too late once again he s not there.
2 days lined up the father and son stop at a gas station plainclothes officers are waiting for them. doesn t slow suddenly get a leak just as soon as we drove into the gas station 4 or 5 cars surrounded us. $25.00 maybe 30 men got out. of them looked like a policeman with the insults some of them had long hair or were wearing shorts. short. almost at the same time 2 more turks are arrested by undercover police in kuala lumpur surveillance cameras film one of them being abducted in an underground carriage. the malaysian police then hand over his mic is chile and 2 other men to the turkish secret police. keep in mind stuck. on may 12th my father was flown to turkey along with 2 other men who had been arrested on
may 2nd. you were not informed of this at all. since then they have only had contacts through letters it takes one and a half years from his a wrist for the trial to begin. with. one thing is clear my husband has a heart condition he s not that young and has diabetes they ve refused to medicine for a long time. and his mother has moved to sweden as they no longer feel safe in malaysia. i m worried because turkey uses mafia methods but sweden would never do what they did to us in malaysia but here there is democracy and justice. turkish citizens kidnapped worldwide one announces that he will hunt down his political opponents. who followers have fled and believe they are now safe will be brought back here one by
one we will hand them over to the judicial system we will pursue the fight against the supporters who have caused our country so much social political and economic damage until we have wiped them out. in more than $700.00 turkey civil servants have applied for asylum in germany since the attempted coup they say from the regime here one thing is certain the turkish secret service is also looking for them here the german government confirms this in their answer to an inquiry from the free democratic party quote the core activities of the turkish secret service mit in germany consist of investigating the opposition the mit has been closely following the movement behind the islamic preacher. since attempted coup in the summer of 26 dating. in september 29th this it had germany according to turkish media he demanded the extradition of
regime opponents which the german government denies. that the german chancellor addressed the issue of human rights abuses in turkey but would tolerate no criticism. i do not have the right to interfere with the german legal system any more than you have the right to criticize the turkish judiciary. our justice system is independent and its verdict have to be respected so you do. the chancellor reacts diplomatically with silence. as a member of the united nations turkey has signed the general declaration of human rights. dost it states that people cannot just disappear and that torture is not allowed. is the late greatly violating these in very clearly defined human rights violations for. tot
a journalist demonstration in the chancery for freedom of the press is a school should out by german police and one is clearly pleased. while visiting berlin so-called plane spotters discovered this chat. thursday 27th of september 28th payne 10 to 11 am. k.l. challenges 6 o 5 descending towards berlin tagle this is no ordinary aircraft. christian are on the morning of march 29th 2018 challenger t.c.k. el landed in the capital of kosovo. just a few minutes beforehand this surveillance camera filmed an abduction. a police car stops the turkish carabiner family s car on a main road and drags the occupants out.
yes i mean carabiner was one of them. she s a teacher and pushed her and tried to prevent her husband being kidnapped. that s when all of that of the little one of the policeman grabbed my son by the next and dragged him outside. rattled him until he lost consciousness i saw him sit on my son and then a scuffle broke out. with. the other people these men dragged my husband out of the car and cuffed him from behind and put him in a police car that. eyewitnesses saw the kidnapping. ever the policeman grabbed the boy and forced him out of the car but i missed the man and the plain clothes person aboard your ground. they arrested the man saying that they had a warrant for his arrest. your daughter got out with his wife and was handcuffed.
by the language i tried to stop a car that was passing and told them to go in and form the school so that they could help us i asked the passing motorist for help. welcome more this remark i saw him that s me on the road. along with the use of carob enough 5 more men are abducted on the same day 5 of the kidnapped a teaches a private schools of the glen movement such as the memmott a key college back was their downfall this woman s husband is one of the kidnapped she does not wish to be recognized her husband was summoned to the police station in pristina. using military lives in there about 100 meters in front of the police station plainclothes policemen were waiting for and they had a photo of him. they put him in a car allegedly to take him to police headquarters human. but he was taken directly to pristina airport my husband was tied up with cable straps last character.
christian or airport while their relatives search for them the men are taken straight security controls and handed over to the turkish secret service their hands are bound. they are forced to get on the turkish plane. to kimmie to shoot out the police mit staff were waiting on the plane. the men were subjected to verbal abuse and anyhow quite one of them was violently forced onto the plane. he fought back to be mimicked until august. they probably gave him an electric shock when shipped off. the plane takes off at 10 o clock the official destination is the military airport of ankara. the idea to
he was lying on the floor the whole flight and apparently was still unconscious when he arrived in turkey. the challenger t.c.k. ali is registered with the tourism company in ankara. the company address is directly next to the residential campus of the turkish secret service the mit. got lariam go cited that in the 1st 24 to 48 hours the lawyers had no contact with our men. first we didn t believe that our men had already been deported to turkey because we had no reliable source of information though we didn t want to believe that the course of our authority supported this illegal action. kosovo is dependent on investments from turkey one example the firm lemak which operates the airport of prishtina is owned by a turkish businessman with close links to. this is where the kidnapping plane took
off the opposition parliamentarian jealous chairs the parliamentary investigations committee he s convinced that kosovar authorities assisted the regime with the kidnapping. i just say the documents point towards the kidnappings being the greatest violation of the sovereignty of kosovo since our declaration of independence has fought on it. and kosovo s own authority is are responsible for this violation. of astarte is an accessory to a crime of the turkish state during his visit to pristina the turkish foreign minister demanded that costs about should extradite more teachers who work in the golan schools. said there s these terrorists are fired on people from military helicopters. they could do the
same things in kosovo. that s why we must not allow these terrorists to penetrate kosovar authorities by abusing their educational institutions of course we don t want our neighbor across the border harboring these rebels. the most and that is that is. at least the relatives of the abducted know where their men are incarcerated. here in this a livery prison in istanbul. on the streets of istanbul there is a show of hatred for those who allegedly attempted the coup followers of the preacher for 2 local lin here hanged in effigy thousands of his followers assiduous spent years behind bars false testimonies by the kidnapped a supposed to help our witnesses report they wanted me to betray my friends they used force to try to make me cooperate work for the state gather information for us and then we ll give you back your freedom it was their goal to use me as
a spy within the movement as a witness i was supposed to confirm made up crimes and trials i was tortured so i would denounce acquaintances. because they appeared to agree to the offer. was set free they would then i will to fly. lawyer aaron kreskin was present at trials against rebels she confirms that anonymous witnesses were used in court. what do you mean a lot you anonymous witnesses were used to strengthen the court s position because there is hardly any evidence. that s why the courts use this method yes it s a 90 dimmock credit procedure which does not exist in a country operating under the rule of law you know my own.
videos and documents verify that the turkey secret service abductors political opponents abroad witnesses report kidnappings from public streets that end in secret prisons they talk of torture and face witness accounts. turkey is an important partner for the german government what do they say about the serious allegations in their reply to an inquiry from the left party about abductions perpetrated by the turkey secret service there is no mention of kidnapping and torture quote in the vast majority of cases as far as the german federal government is aware the forced deportations are official measures of the respective host countries. although they were initiated by turkey they were not independently carried out by ticky on foreign territory. list and i thought that it was given the severity of these cases i do not have the
impression that the german government is publicly or vehemently standing up for these people to stop such things from happening. germany s reluctance to seek clarification on the matter leaves opponents of the earth a woman at the ministry of his regime wherever they live. the people of the war also for information they provide the peons want to express t.w. on facebook and twitter up to date and in touch follow us which to.
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Forests , People , One , Coup , Terrorists , Arrests , Globe , Caves , Malaysia , Surveillance-camera , Kuala-lumpur , 20