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Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Jose Diaz-Balart 20160111

extraditing joaquin el chapo guzman. mexican authorities say one of the keys to finding el chapo, a seven hour meeting between him, the actor sean penn and a mexican actress. it seems he would only tell his story to del castillo, who had been in touch with him since 2012. he even agreed to an on-camera interview. although it doesn t appear penn or del castillo told police about the meeting, authorities say the intercepted phone conversations of the actors helped them track el chapo down. let me start with jacob rascon. jacob, el chapo is back in prison, the prison behind you from which he tunnelled in july. how are authorities handling him differently this time around? we know that inside they ve done a bit of remodelling. they say it is more secure than it was before, though we tend to think now that they have admitted that it s hard to guard against bribing your way out of the prison. a couple of years ago when he was here when the u.s. wanted to extradite him, the then u.s. attorney here said that he would not send him to mexico. he said maybe in 300 or 400 years when he s done. i ll continue to talk and tell you this is his third time here at this prison. he was here in 1993 when initially arrested and then he was transferred to another prison where he escaped and then he was back in 2014 and then that daring escape just last year and now he s back. so only thing that s actually happened at the prison that s different is they ve done a bit of remodelling. we re not sure about the details inside the prison. they re saying it more secure and it and has always been mexico s top prison. there are three maximum security prisons in mexico, two of which el chapo has escaped from. let hope they didn t put him on the ground floor of this prison. ari mel bourne, good morning. good morning. there s a talk here in mexico about talking to these two actors, sean penn and kate del castillo. it appears they were in some way the ones that tipped oof authorities, even though they tried not to, about where el chapo was. let s talk about what legal ramifications they face. there s plenty of controversy and heat around this interview. el chapo hadn t done a formal interview in decades but the idea that journalists or actors who want to be journalists can t talk to some of the most dramatic interviews occur because who they re going to get. there wasn t an expectation that the interview should then go hope the authorities find them, though obviously the government puts a premium on that. down in mexico i m not sure whether that would be different based on their different views of free speed. there s always the question of whether you aided and abetted a fugitive in any country. but there s no end case they did anything like that, jose. so there is no difference between a journalist interviewing a source and an actor playing a journalist interviewing someone, even though even though in this case in the rolling stone article, penn says they flew on el chapo s airplanes and they drove in his cars and they were never covered up. and you re putting your finger on two things. one, what kind of help occurred. you just cited examples of el chapo helping them, not the other way around. number two, does your status matter? the first amendment in the united states does protect everyone. it gives under some precedence a higher level to journalists. it is not illegal as long as they don t cross over to aiding and abetting. journalists say i m not going to cooperate, not going to let me work and research be turned a regular citizen might not feel that ethical boundary. but again, those are distinctions in how people choose to engage. and all of that who thought the sean penn article was poorly written and silly and somehow gave aide to el chapo. this is how el chapo talks about addiction. take a listen. it s very good news about how el chapo is back behind bars. i was appalled about an epidemic sweeping this country on heroin addiction. i was appalled by his brag about that he moves more heroin anyone. a person responsible for violence, for drugs, incredible human suffering whose attitude seem to be this is great. if you ever want to see what el chappo does to a state, you should come to mexico and see day in and day out the people that die and are killed and core there was a process that was already submitted before he escaped in july. what s that facing now? u.s. authorities tried to extradite hymn in the summer. . el chappo will have the capacity to fight extradition. as long as capital punishment is taken off the table on the u.s. side, they could have him transferred to the u.s. where he awaits trials in arizona, california, texas and right in brooklyn, new york where loretta lynch used to be a prosecutor. ari mel bourne, it s good to be with you this morning. senior editor for video and digital content, cal perry. let start with case del castillo. she started this with a tweet, right? yes, she said wouldn t it be straight if you started trafficking with love, feeding the home leless it is very strange, jose. the whole thing is ve weird. it almost comes off like she s flirting with him. she clearly led sean penn to el chappo. she s a mexican actress and people here in the she s been in the movie the 33. she was in jane the environmentalin. we were now learning a lot more about her because of this interview, this potential infatuation. one of the big questions people are asking online, is she now fearing for her safety? she was jose? she s a really renowned actress in you playing a tell so two threads people are pulling on online. one you went through, this ethical question about journalism. it s much, much more difficult in this case because this a man who traffics in human misery. this is not a political story. this is not interviewing from a militant group that has nationalistic goals. then there s the straight journalism side of it, giving someone the final cut on any interview and it says on top of the interview they agree he would be able to approve the article. it does say he doesn t want any changes but that is ago problem when you re talking about journalism. sean penn is subbing as a journalist here, he s an actor, but that is something people online have a real issue with. thank you very much. we ll bring ul and with the next republican debate just three days away, a wall street journal mayorist polls shows the numbers tightening in iowa. steve kornacki has the numbers. let s start in iowa. this new nbc mayorist poll, ted cruz is leading this. probably this a good news poll for donald trump. the question is how far ahead would he get? we re seeing that the cruz surge, maybe it stabilized a bit in iowa. the idea that he s been passed by ted crews and am bam a and can we talk about how important they are. on the reb side they make up more than half of the electorate. ted p ted cruz has pulled ahead there, donald trump still. if his slide continues and his standing drops more, the question is which one of these two, cruz or trump will be the big beneficiary? that could be the difference if carson slides in terms of figuring out who wins iowa. other numbers in new york, he is could chris christie, that s an establishment candidate, jeb bush, establishment, kasich, if the vote could ever consolidate behind the four candidate, it would give donald trump the lead. she only ahead by 3 points. hillary clinton would very much like to win that first state. if sanders can win iowa, could he roll it to new hampshire? a note of cause here. 51% of bernie s supporters in iowa, they have never par t tis relying on those first-ti first-time, if bernie clinton were to win iowa. the next poll, already that is the treatment scenario for sanders and the dread new hampshire where the question is what would happen for hillary clinton? it would be pan being time. we certainly know that, jose. steve kornacki, thank you very much. reaction is pouring in right now as the world mourns the loss of music icon david bowie. a stunning announcement was made by his business manager overnight, revealing bowie had been balt willing cancer the last year and a half. raging in the sky, he liked to come and he does but he thinks he blew our mind there s a star man waiting in the sky he reeleased his last album just last friday, which was also his friday. his son posted on twitter very sorry and sad to say it s true. i ll offline for a while. love to all. david cameron tweeted i grew up listening to and watch being the pop genius david bowie. he was a master of reinvention who kept getting it right. a huge loss. much more ahead this hour. from mexico city after the break, can mexico actually hold on to el chapo before possibly extraditing him back to the united states? i ll talk with someone who has been studying this for some time. plus donald trump focuses on new hampshire. the first in the nation primary where he holds a big lead. our own katy tur is traveling with trump. she ll join me next. my men driven nearly mad from starvation and frostbite. today we make history. bienvenidos! welcome to the south pole! if you re dora the explorer, you explore. it s what you do. what took you so long? 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is he going to be extradited? is there a possibility that extradition could occur in short order? yeah, it looks like he will be extradited but now mexican officials say it could take at least a year. it s not going to be happening in short order. it s a long, slow, bureaucratic judicial process, according to mexico. you know, he s got lawyers and they re going to be trying to delay this every step of the way because it s his worst nightmare to go to the united states where it s unlikely he ll be able to escape prison. so they re trying to do everything they can to keep him in mexico. but the plan is now that they will extradite him at some point. josh barlow, thanks for being with me. we showed you polling on the presidential race. ted cruz remains out front in iowa, though his lead is within the margin of error. but it s much different in new hampshire. donald trump healed 16-point lead over his closest rival marco rubio. katy tur joins us this morning. he s still doing really well here in new hampshire, up by quite a few points. he s going to be here every monday until the vote. and this weekend bringing up his birter im, his canadian birth to kroulds crowds over the weekend in reno. he was feeling comfortable enough to do it in front of a crowd. he got the response that he was hoping to get. the crowd cheered along with him and boo d ted cruz. also attacking hillary clinton this weekend saying that bill s past is fair game. take a listen. it is a threat? of course. i can call it a nicer name. she was saying he has tendencies towards being sexist. talking about who? you? talking about me. i said, wait a minute, she s married to an abuser, a woman claimed rape and all sorts of things, horrible things. you read the book reporter: so publicly that is a threat against hillary clinton, don t bring up anything bad about me, don t call me a sexist because i m going to bring your husband into this and if you do, that s how i m going to play it. privately he tells nbc news that essentially they re trying to get bill clinton off the campaign trail. why is that? experts will tell you bill clinton has all the charisma that hillary does not have. donald trump wants to neutralize him so if he wins this nomination for the general election, he ll be able to take her down and win the presidency. jose? katy tur, thank you so much. polling shows a statistic al dead heat in iowa between hillary clinton and bernie sanders. regularly. 83% try to eat healthy. .yet up to. 90% of us fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let s do more, together. add one a day. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus, for women, bone health support with calcium and vitamin d. .and for men, it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. take one a day multivitamins. this is a body of proof. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it s proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing humira for 10 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been toreas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. want more proof? 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i am not. this is what iowans do, we look at the candidates and we vet them and talk about it in our living rooms and small cafes. i really expected it to be competitive and it is. what is it about bernie sanders that is resonating mock the folks in iowa? you know what i see is all the candidates are resonating throughout iowa. they have great organizations, all three of them. they re really turning out our democrats. i thing they re talking about is what resonates with iowa families, talking about college debt, about income, and these are the issues that resonate with iowans. that s why they re catching on. let s talk about electability. in a head-to-head matchup, hillary clinton beats ted cr cruz beats hillary clinton by 4 point but bernie sanders beats ted cruz by 5 points. i think our candidates would beat any of the republican candidates, who i think talk about old policies and hateful rhetoric. so what do we need to know about iowa and the folks in iowa as we re less than three weeks away? we have a lot of enthusiasm, we want it to be as inclusive for, say, military people out of the state or out of the country or students who are studying abroad. and mostly we re just trying to make sure our message gets out to everybody so they all come out and caucus on february 1st. andy mcguire, thanks for being with us this morning. appreciate your time. still ahead after weeks on the run, police say they have this woman in custody, accused of stealing $6 million. and we ll take about latina in hollywood. . neither one of us are rose aria dawson. well said, selma. thank you, charo. lot of wor. to run this business. but i really love it. i m on the move all day long. and sometimes, i just don t eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i m missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don t plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost®. you have to feel healthy. on the outside .at your core. trubiotics a probiotic from one a day naturally helps support both your digestive and immune health by combining. . two types of good bacteria. trubiotics. be true to your health. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like reunions equal blatant lying. the company is actually doing really well on, on social media. oh that s interesting. i - i started social media. oh! it was with only two weeks o go until new hampshire, the candidates are attacking each other. jeb bush is continuing his assaults on donald trump. if he s aspiring to the presidency, the dude ought to try to figure out what the nuclear triad is. the fact that we could have a president that doesn t know how to a couple of days after the north koreans did that test, trump s response was let the chinese handle it. i say to marco, what happened to the guy who stood on the stage and lectured jeb bush that said just because we re running against each other, saying someone bad against someone else helps you and apparently that someone else is helping. are any of the candidates gaining traction by attacking fellow remembers? it s become something of a pile-up on what we ve been referring to as the establishment lane. among them they have more support than trump does but they re spending all of their time and energy attacking each other. some of your focus is coming as one candidate seems to be rising. chris christie is who campaigns are starting to focus on. he flew under the radar. some had written him off as a result of the bridge scandal but his town halls have been getting some traction. i. our new poll out of new hampshire. trump remains well in front but four weeks to go until new hampshire. does it look like anybody can break out and challenge trump? that s the question. we ll get a little clarity on that maybe post iowa. new hampshire is a finicky, particularly among that quartet of more establishment candidates, who if you add up their support, they re beating trump which double digits. i think that is going to be an intention competition among those four. and chris christie has laid the groundwork for a breakout moment. he s had some momentum but has yet to fully break out. he s got a lot of backing up there and that could change in the next couple weeks. and, matt, someone who you rarely nowadays talk about gaining in that poll, and we can go back to those numbers, is jeb bush, essentially in second and third place with kasich in new hampshire. is that surprising? you know, a little bit but, you know, jeb bush has sort of rerouted his campaign completely to new hampshire and the electorate there tends to, you know, support those who spend time up there. and jeb bush has been spending an incredibility amount of time there. it s not paid off with respect to the amount of time he spent, though. he s still not surging necessarily butch he is back in the game in a way that six weeks ago he was sort of starting to get out of the game. now that chris christie is climbing in the poll, what kind of attacks is he facing? there s been a lot of traction on why many thought christie was incapable of winning the nomination? he did win in a blue state, new jersey, and took position during some of those lk trat is the ones. he was asked about it on one of the sunday shows and he said he doesn t want to give his presidency over to one special interest group. that s going to be a red frag for those who are support of of the n up also have this question of this planned parenthood bone donation. he said flat out over the weekend that he had not done that. just taken together, it s a growing list where conservatives might have some concern. you haven t seen those issues pop up we re seeing them become potential problems for christie. kasie hunt and matt, thank you both for your time. now to a major loss for the music world today. rock oo on david bowie died at age 69. he died after a courageous 18-month battle with cancer. reaction from around the world is coming in. bill, what s the reaction there today? reporter: good morning, jose. david bowie dead at 69. it seems hard to believe, especially as he released what turned out to be his last album just last need you see the famous ziggy stardust face behind me. fans all around me here, flowers being laid. this area of south london is of course where david bowie grew up, where he went and had his first gigs in pubs and like so much in his life and career, the death of david bowie is surprising, shocking. his facebook page announcing he died peacefully surrounded by his his father tweeting very sorry and sad to say it true. this is ground control to major tom with space odyssey, a hit in the year of the moon landing that started bowie s ascent to stardom. star man and the iconic ziggy star dust album confirmed his genius and he created, acted and sang for six decades, moving across genres, pop, rock, soul. fame, bringing him his first u.s. number one co-written with john lennon. by then he had the world dancing. and he could always surprise. embracingen racials of song. his golden years were the 70s and 08s but he never stopped, producing 25 albums. i just went on and on and on. suddenly i have 56. i have to write from this unique perspective. i m someone who neff stopped being plenty. reporter: david bowie showed creative artists how to live a career, how to make your art your life. he released his fanl album black star david bowie will live on, in a body of music without equal, a hero to generations of fans. it is being said that david bowie was a bit like a chameleon. i don t agree. a chameleon changes its color to blend in with the landscape. david bowie never blended in with anything. he stood out, probably rebel rebel sums up his life, his career and his music. owe say. i last thursday, he dropped his last album, unexpected by many. are you a big fan, bill? yes, i was a big fan. i bought my first album was hunky dorp so when david bowie sang of star man and space odyssey, it really was with the time. but the extraordinary thing in some of the tribute that are being made is that, you know, he really did, the rolling stone saying he was a wonderful and kind man, from the british prime minister and even from the german government today saying you are now among heros, thanking for helping to bring down the berlin wall. o , a singer and as long writer, a cultural icon that changed fashion and art. thank you so much. and police question the friend of an american dead. the coroner says the preliminary cause of death is strangulation. officials say he is not a suspect at the moment. and police now say they have this woman in custody, 24-year-old abigail lee kemp, due in federal court this morning in atlanta. she was arrested over the weekend in georgia. federal officials say kemp was part of a jewelry ring and would hold up stores in broad. it estimated she old taught $4 million worth of jewelry the lake effect snow could see as much as 2 to 3 feet of snow. we ll spread either with hi. the golden gloves were awarded last night and they were hosted by the ever crass comedian ricky gervais. the revenant took home awards and the martian won two globes, including best comedy or musical, which generated a lot of buzz because it s not really funny and i don t remember a lot of music on there unless the martians were dancing. and sylvester stallone accepted for his role in creed. most of all, i want to thank my imagery friend rocky balboa for being the best friend i ever had! on the tv side, mad men don ham and lady gaga wins for her role as a fierce countess. and the candidates are speaking out about the arrest of this drug king pin. and sean penn s visit, nearly seven hours for a nice dinner party at el chapo s hideout some months ago. it s time for yourbusiness entrepreneur of the week. mark has totally reshaped his father s business. after digital killed film, lots of camera stores went bust. but not paul s. he rebuilt the business with hands-on workshops that the camera geek community cannot resist. plaque psoriasis. .isn t it time to let the. .real you shine. .through? 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it was a big deal. since the escape in july, mexican authorities are just putting a finger on one task, and that was to recapture joaquin el chapo guzman. it was a big deal and now the mexican government, it s really interesting. the mexican government is putting him again at the same jail, same cell, same number, same prison number which he escaped from a tunnel that was a mile long and officials said that the cartel could have paid up to a million dollars just to get the tunnel built. what s different now in that prison? i ve got it tell you, folks, this is one of the most seasoned correspondents and he s been there for years. not inside but outside reporting. how do they feel confident that the guy won t tunnel out or helicopter out like he did before he escaped this last time in a laundry cart? absolutely. what changed in that prison? first of all, the security. they reinforced the security not only outside the perimeter but inside. they put more vigilance. you are seeing this video. this cell has only two surveillance camera. one is outside and one is inside the cell. now they have much number of cameras inside, surveillance video, 24 hours a day, audio 24 hours a day connected to a system that means he s going to be seen and heard 24 hours year long. your article in today s paper says this arrest is a distraction from mexico s real problems. here s a quote. i want to read. both the capture and publication of the interview have fed the persistent international vicious tides of a drug war which comes bad news to those remaking mexico in the midst of reforms with a more responsive government and a growing center of culture and tourism. what is the point? there is very much a war going on here between the drug cartels. does el chapo s arrest change that in any way, do you think? no. when you talk to people, it symbolically matters. here s a guy who kind of epitomizes the head of the biggest drug organization ever. and yet when you talk to people, his arrest isn t going to change much in the nature of how the sinaloa cartel runs. it s not going to change the amount of drugs that come to america or the guns coming out of mexico. people think him leaving once more is potentially going to create more violence. it s the nature of the drug war here that s bigger than one person. so this focus of capturing one guy and his unbelievably compelling story, it does kind of distract from the 20% last year. violence numbers are up. all of this continued to happen. none of that changed because the government captured el chapo. just symbolically it looks good. talk to me about the reality because the overwhelming majority of mexicans that were polled said that they think there is no prison many mexico that could hold him and no government and they can guarantee he will remain here in prison. what does that say about people s belief in their own government and the system here? you know, i want to be careful about characterizing all mexicans. but from my observations, there seems to be a deep abiding cynicism in the public about both their government and the nature of what is or is not possible. there is not a lot of faith it was interesting, initially after his escape, there was a huge percentage of the population that thought he was actually let go, that the tunnel was just a and the government let him go. they gave tours of his prison cell and the tunnel to fight that perception precisely. even in the way that like the second they captured el chapo and jokes started appearing online. it s a coping mechanism almost, this belief that we have to laugh in the face of what is sad. so i think that is a mainstay of the mentality. i have to agree with the perception from the population. it s exactly that. the minute they were captured, people outside on the streets, they were just expecting the time for him to reescape. really? so it s like he was recaptured and he s going to escape immediately. that s the attitude? yep. thank you both for being with me today. appreciate your time. thanks. i want to bring in msnbc s chief correspondent ari melber. where could el chapo be taken? he could be taken to brooklyn. loretta lynch is presiding over the indictments. and there is strong evidence, including allegedly tape recorded conversations and he could be taken to california, arizona, mention ktexas. all of these places the drug trade has impacted the united states which gives legal prosecutors a nexus, a hook to get him. and sean penn had an eight-hour dinner party with him in his hideout in october. is mexican officials say they want to talk to penn and de castillo. could he be in trouble? based on what we know, largely according to sean penn s writings, there s no indication that he did anything to cross the line from interaction and reporting, whatever we think of its quality, into aiding and abetting a fugitive. indeed, i know tempers are hot on this one and people saw a lot wrong with the contents in that rolling stone piece and as a magazine critic, i can tell you, there were holes in it. but as a legal matter, you could interact with a fugitive, a bad guy and we could put up examples, such as julian assuage, osama bin laden, edward snowden. all of those interviews brought out information to the public and were seen as journalistic even though, at the same time, authorities wanted to badly find and in some cases potentially kill those various interview subjects. jose? let s talk about kate del castillo. she s a huge star in the latino community. she got this ball rolling vis-a-vis el chapo guzman, right? right. she s played for a long time on a mexican soap opera, the girlfriend of a drug cartel leader who starts taking over and on the show weeds, she plays a crime boss. but it s these tweets from january of 2012 and we can throw those on the screen, that seems to have sparked this whole discussion between her and el chapo. she says, wouldn t it be great if he stopped basically doing what he s doing and changed his ways and it seems like that s when the communications started. she said, wouldn t it be cool if you cared with love, worked with homeless children instead of being a drug dealer. so this is something that as we backtrack on it and look at the digital forensics, this is where the trail began. they also communicated when he was in prison, once he was recaptured. authorities are looking at reviewing those documents as well, jose. yeah. kate del castillo is a supremely talented actress. i know her. she was on telemundo. that s what got el chapo interested in talking to her because she did such a good job representing what the cartel drug world is like. there s a weird narcissism thing here. he wanted to make a film and, in the end, is that what got him? that s certainly what people online are discussing about a lot today. and kate was very interested in maybe doing that. ari, kell, thank you. one with a tie and one without a tie. appreciate your attention to detail. thank you very much. ari, stay with us for breaking news from baltimore. today, the second trial was supposed to get started in connection with the death of freddie gray while in police custody. just after the judge declared session, he asked for a recess and then postponed indefinitely. what is going on? that s right. we ve been following this. what s basically going on is something very simple. officer porter s first trial ended in a mistrial. that means he can face another wholly new trial. they are trying to get him to testify here in officer goodson s trial and he s saying something that i think is very reasonable. he doesn t want to be compelled to testify when he s going to have his own defense that he s got to remake later down the road. now, they tried to say they would give him immunity, saying, hey, you can say whatever you want, we won t use it against you in your later trial, which he s skeptical of. he appealed that. the judge is saying, you just heard that all back and forth what i just described and the judge said, we re not going to do anything until that is decide by an appeals court. trial number one ended in mistrial and trial number two is delayed to get a ruling on whether he has to testify in number two. all right. ari melber, thank you very much. you bet into the political clock is kicking down. the 2016 race is 21 days until iowa and 29 days until new hampshire. there s a tight race in those two early states. but before all of that, we ve got another republican debate on thursday this week in south carolina. and if you think the field of candidates will be getting smaller, you d probably be wrong. you know there s a running conventional wisdom about you with some in the establishment to say, if he doesn t win iowa, he ll leave. he ll leave the race? no. i m not leaving. you and i had this discussion two months ago where you said would you leave? i ve been in front since june 16th. we ve had a lot of fun. but you asked me that question and i started talking about, well, maybe here, maybe there. there s no maybes? there s no maybes. you re going straight to the convention? all the way. win or no win. let s get to our political team, katy tur and steve kornacki in new york. steve, let me start with you. you ve got the new poll numbers. let s take a look at them, jose. this is a marist poll in those two key early states. in iowa, donald trump is not leading but this is probably a pretty good news poll for him. ted cruz is out there in first place at 28%. trump in second at 24%. ted cruz has been surging in iowa for the last month, for the last six weeks or so now. there was some thought before christmas that cruz mighting polling away for good, a double-digit lead, something like that. it looks like he s stabilized a bit and trump is only four points away and so he s within striking distance in iowa. white evangelical christians make up 60% of the republican electorate. six out of every ten votes cast in the caucus are from white evangelical christians. trump is continuing to hold his own, something to keep an eye on is this 14%. ben carson s 14%. we ve seen carson sliding over the last couple of months. if that slide continues, is it cruz or trump? who picks up those votes? that could be the key story in iowa. and then the next state on the map is new hampshire. donald trump is dominating there. a 2-to-1 lead over marco rubio. and the story here to understand why trump is out in front, 30% is not bad in a crowded field but, look at this, rubio is an establishment candidate. four establishment candidates between 9 and 14%. if you add all of those up together, you get 44%. 44% would be the 30 that donald trump has. the problem is, it s divided among four candidates so this has been the story and continues to be a story there in new hampshire. if one of these candidates, one of these establishment candidates wants to knock up and knock off donald trump, still with a month to go, less than a month to go, they are not in a position to do that right now, jose. yeah. and let s talk a little bit about democrats as well. peter, the clinton strategy so far has been to ignore the narrative push by trump about bill clinton s past with women and not getting pulled into this. is that working? well, people are deciding for themselves if that s working. hillary clinton s allies are noticing these new numbers. there are two tight races, not just in iowa but also in new hampshire. and not just in new hampshire but in iowa, i should say between bernie sanders and clinton. sanders continues to grow and that is a real concern. here s what hillary clinton specifically said about donald trump and his repeated efforts to go after not just her but her husband, the former president. well, if he wants to engage in personal attacks from the past, that s his prerogative. so be it. it s been fair game going back to the republicans for some years. they can do it again if they want to. that can be their choice as to how to run in this campaign. didn t work before. won t work again. clinton described it as a dead end blind ally. she and her colleagues, her aides would much rather be focused on distinctions between she and donald trump, not she s personal attacks. she d much rather talk about equal pay. it s bogged her down at bernie sanders moves forward. katy, donald trump and ted cruz, where do they stand on this whole citizenship controversy? reporter: well, as we know, donald trump has been trying to see how that attack would play, first trying it out on members of the media and interviews, laying the ground work, if you will, for people to start questioning cruz s position, bring up the issue. that way he could bring it out according to the campaign at a rally. that s what he did over the weekend for the first time, really attacking cruz in front of a crowd saying that he doesn t know whether or not he ll be eligible to run for president. also using what i like to call the mean girls style of attacks, saying nobody likes ted cruz but i like him, which is passive aggressive. take a listen to what he said yesterday in reno. there s some controversy within the party. i like ted cruz. he s been very nice to me. here s the problem. it s called uncertainty. you just don t know. what s going to happen is the other side will bring a suit. now, is he a natural-born citizen? some people i don t foe. honestly, we don t know. who the hell knows? but you can t be running it s sort of like hillary s got a problem, too. she doesn t know whether or not she s going to be indicted. okay? she doesn t show. reporter: now, most experts are saying that he s a natural-born citizen. there are constitution fall scholars questioning it. now there are other politicians questioning it, including john mccain. no love lost between john mccain and ted cruz. but donald trump is certainly doing this because he is tied neck-and-neck with him in iowa and we certainly expected him to do this the closer we got to the caucus there and if he didn t break away in any of the polls. it s a risk to make because there s a lot of cross-over there and it s not clear if he will bring ted cruz support to his camp. people are assuming that ted cruz will take iowa, especially with his strong evangelical support there. donald trump is trying to take him down, even talking about ethanol, saying that he flip-flops on the renewable standard and he s controlled my oil interest. the taunt that they had seems to have gone out the window. jose? katy tur, peter alexander and steve kornacki, thank you to you all. much more ahead from mexico city and on if el chapo guzman is extradited, where will he stand trial? plus, remembering rock legend david bowie. staying in rhythm. it s how i try to live. how i stay active. so i need nutrition. that won t weigh me down. for the nutrition you want without the calories you don t. try boost® 100 calories. each delicious snack size drink gives you. 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. so it s big in nutrition and small in calories. i m not about to swim in the slow lane. stay strong. stay active with boost®. her long day as anne. hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when. hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol? give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol? no thanks. for me. it s aleve. beth, i hear you calling. .s but i can t come home right now. me and the boys are playing. . and we just can t find the sound. just a few more hours. and i ll be right home to you. . i think i hear them calling. oh, beth, what can i do. beth, what can i do. text beth, what can i do. [siri:] message. pick up milk. oh, right. milk. introducing the newly redesigned passat. from volkswagen. beth, what can i do. on wall street, stock also try to recover after the worst week of trading ever. how bad was last week? take a look. the s&p 500 lost $1 trillion in value. but today they are up about 40 points. let me bring in cnbc s dominic chu. dominic, it was a bad week to look at our retirement accounts. so what are we expecting for this week? i mean, it was a very, very rough start. like you said, jose, stocks are up today but a little air has come out of the sales here. markets are trying to hold on to the fractional gains and we re trying to break what has been a three-day losing streak entering today s trading and we ve been down four of the last five days for what has been, jose, to put in your perspective, the worst start to a new year in u.s. stock market history, at least for the dow and s&p. some were expecting a weaker day-to-day because we saw losses in the chinese stock markets. one of their sort indices fell 5% over concerns about the chinese economy which is the world s second largest. are they really slowing down? that s driving skeptacism in world markets right now. remember, still a lot of tension in the middle east as has been the case for the better part of last year or so. energy stocks has been a big focus here. they have been getting hit hard and continue to get hit, jose, in today s trading. how is oil doing today? oil is now going for its sixth day of losses and prices are still falling right now. all of that selling has put prices now near 12-year lows for crude oil and some oil analysts think that the downward pressure can t continue given all of that massive amount of oil being produced all over the world, even here in the u.s. as well. there s also fears of that economic slow down which means that people, countries, use less oil and that s causing pain in the oil and gas business but it s helping keep a lid on gasoline prices. that s perhaps a silver lining, jose. it s $1.97 on regular gasoline here in the united states. it was $2.14 the same time a year ago, jose. back over to you. dominic chu, good to see you. thank you very much. the notorious druglord el chapo guzman held in the same prison he escaped from last year. the moves to extradite him to the united states, next. doers. they don t worry if something s possible. they just do it. at sears optical, we re committed to bringing them eyewear that works as hard as they do. right now, buy one pair and get another free. quality eyewear for doers. sears optical terry bradshaw? what a surprise! you know what else is a surprise? shingles. and how it can hit you out of nowhere. i know. i had it. that s why i m here. c mon let s sit down and talk about it. and did you know that one in three people will get shingles? i didn t know that. i did. he s on tv saying it. but have you done anything? 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reporter: right. they say it s more secure. these are security experts who have knowledge of what they are doing inside and you re seeing some construction going on. of course, we wouldn t see what is going on on the inside but on the inside they have done something, we hope, to get rid of the possibility that a tunnel could be dug and we know that there s a second floor. so maybe they will choose to put him on the second floor this time. but back in 2014, this is mexico s and still is the most secured facility. this is the best that they can do and they feel confident enough in bringing him here. you have to wonder, how confident they feel since back in 2014 they were not ready to extradite el chapo. when he s been here 3, 400 years. but now they are ready to extradite. maybe that s a vote on their confidence in this prison or on the power of bribing whatever it might be. el chapo has been at this prison three times. he scaped once in 20 last year, last july. the first time he was transferred somewhere else and escaped there. he s a master at this and they know this. and so now, for the first time really, they are ready to extradite. yeah. and as you were speaking, we were hearing those guards, military singing as they ran past you in their training. but jacob, there are so many things in this prison that went wrong and the video of them escaping is just amazing. they have a camera on them and it took 30 minutes for anybody to go in that cell after he had disappeared from view of that camera. there was supposed to be steel mesh underneath the floor. apparently they forgot to put steel mesh under that prison cell. they have done that since then. but he s back in the same prison cell, i m told. is it something that the authorities are making a big effort to show us in the media, for example, and the mexican people that this time the prison is really not a joke as far as security is concerned? reporter: we haven t seen that. but you ll remember last time it took a while and they let the media inside after he escaped. we have constantly reached out to officials asking them for more information about the specifics. but you have to think as well that if they are doing a lot more than they are telling us, they won t want to tell us, tell the media, partly because, of course, in that information is out there. security experts simply say they have done construction on the inside and they are actively doing construction. we just don t know what that is and you have to think maybe that s because they don t want that out in the public. you ll remember that in his escape in 2001, we learned later that it s estimated that el chapo spent some $2.5 million in bribes to get himself out of there. and that s the big question here, how do you protect against bribes, however secure you make this, there s always that possibility, jose. yeah. and then let s not forget that el chapo and his people have the plans to the prison. they still have those. but anyway, jacob, thank you so much. good to see you. assuming the druglord known as el chapo is extradited to the united states, he would head to one of six u.s. states where he s indicted. that includes chicago and new york. managing direct and general counsel, a global consulting firm, a former federal prosecutor who worked in the attorney s office for the eastern district of new york. good to see you. thank you. good to be here. let s talk about from the u.s. side what extradition means and what processes the united states has gone through or would go through in order to get him to the united states. well, what it means is that the united states under its treaty with mexico is required to submit a rather detailed t extradition. each one would have its own package and the government of the united states, the state department would formally request extradition from the government of mexico. after that, the process would have to go through the mexican courts and it would have to be the mexican court who would ultimately decide whether or not to send guzman back to the united states. and because there are a number of different federal extradition processes under way from the united states to mexico, would it matter where el chapo would be held if he s brought to the united states? would it have been a super max prison? he s pretty good at getting away from things. of course it matters if he s a guy escaped twice, he would be considered a high-risk prisoner and if he s ultimately sentenced, he would go to a super max prison. remember, he d have to have court proceedings near the courthouse where he s going to be prosecuted first and obviously those are around the country. i can tell you that in the courthouses in new york and the eastern district of new york where he s under indictment where i once worked, as you mentioned, they are very used to dealing with high-risk prisoners. there have been terrorists and mafia lords and incredibly dangerous and high-risk prisoners held there. so the marshal service in new york city is very, very well-versed in taking care of prisoners that are at a high risk of escape. i don t think we have to worry about a laundry cart here in new york. and how concerned about a laundry cart or a new laundry cart version in mexico are you? well, you know, one would hope that this guy has made the government redoubled their efforts. certainly there s a new attorney general who seems to have a more serious resolve to send guzman to the united states, assuming the courts approve it. different than the previous attorney general. so obviously i can t speak for the mexican government. i m not a mexican lawyer but one would think that they are highly motivated to avoid his escape one more time. thank you very much for being with me this morning. appreciate your time. you re welcome. good to see you. coming up, new video coming in from the men who captured el chapo. take a look at this. they had cameras on their helmets when they went in to capture the guy. i ll have that for you after the break. fight it! with jublia. jublia is a prescription medicine. .used to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. jublia is workin it! most common side effects include. .ingrown toenail, application site redness,. .itching, swelling, burning. .or stinging, blisters, and pain. oh!! fight it! with jublia! now that s a red carpet moment! ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. visit our website for savings on larger size. our cosmetics line was a hit. the orders were rushing in. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn t need a loan. we needed short-term funding fast. building 18 homes in 4 ½ months? 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uh-huh. look at this video. this is a lot of lead that flew. absolutely. fortunately, for the government authorities, it was only one marine that was just hurt. but it was five el chapo guards that got killed. right there. and six more were detained. including el chapo. yes. let s talk about this. it s very clear that guzman s people had prepared this safe house well in advance because, as you say, there were actual tunnels back to the tunnel issue, el chapo used tunnels to get out of that house and get into the city sewage system. and part of the investigation is not only that they already have that tunnel from that property, they were already building more tunnels. they were talking about five more tunnels from five different properties. so this safe house was one of at least five that el chapo s engineers had already built out of? exactly. and they went to the tunnels and they inspected them like 100 or 200 feet from that property but they decided to walk the underground for half a mile and then try to escape. they actually came up from the sewage system in the middle of the streets there in l los mochis. that s why when he was arrested he had a dirty t-shirt on and that s because he had gone through the city s sewer system to get out? and the smells are i can imagine the smells were not nice. and this video, which is extraordinary, is just coming in to us and it shows the moment apparently that they were going into the safe house and el chapo s men went to the roof of the house and started shooting from there to attract the officials at the same time el chapo and his head of security were going underground. this el chapo likes tunnels, doesn t he? he has a trademark. tunnels. exactly. the news anchor from telemundo, thank you. fans from around the world are mourning the loss of david bowie. he s been battling cancer for the last 18 months. he just released his last album black star on friday. fans are leaving candles at this mural in the district of london where bowie grew up. david bowie wasn t as much an artist as he was a musician. he was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 1996. thank you for this terrible spot. i know. i know. it s tough because sometimes fiction is even more strange than reality but what a tragedy that david bowie, who really i mean, he was much more than just a singer, a songwriter. he really transcended the label of rock star, right? well, you know, i just looked at my notorious interview with him, which is sort of all over youtube. and it had quite a reaction because, of course, people loved to say, hey, i never saw anybody sniffle so much on the air. he was on a wave of coke, end of quote, by one article. and it was awkward at first, very. but it got better and i really got to like him and i think he gave me one thing that he seemed to like, he said, what do you think of me and i said, i see you as a good, working actor. and he said, i like that. that s good. but this was during the height of his well, let s just say there were things coursing in his veins that night other than blood. but he beat that and got off drugs and continued to do his art. one of the amazing things about you is just how you were able and are able to keep a conversation going, make it interesting even when there are what some called them unusual circumstances, as one would as you talk about. but that s what has made you who you are and the great interviewer that you are. do you think that david bowie understood his impact, not only on music but on culture, on art? i mean, this is a guy who really single handedly, because he was never part of a band, it was him, really changed the way a lot of culture was and continues to have an impact? reporter: yeah, you never know with an artist like him, i don t know how they could, the worldwide impact they have from doing their art. he was just a charismatic figure and when he performed on my show, he did three songs. the audience was just ecstatic. i think one thing that helped get the interview off of its awkwardness, somebody said cavett continued with artful skill in the face of danger. boy, do i remember that. but i made him laugh the first time. he showed that bizarre picture from the album diamond dogs where he looks like some slinky creature coming out of the earth or space or both. and i said, i m sure that s the picture you sent to the draft board. and he never liked that. dick, it s a real pleasure to chat with you. i thank you so much for being with me. i have the honor of seeing david bowie in concert and it was extraordinary. he really has left an extraordinary legacy of work and not only music but in art and so much more. dick cavett, an honor to have you with me. i enjoyed it and, you re right, he was a shockingly good performer. erve pain. shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don t suffer in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. tell em cedric sent you. i drive to the hoop. i drive a racecar. i have a driver. his name is carl. but that s not what we all have in common. we talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto® is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. you know, taking warfarin, i had to deal with that blood testing routine. i couldn t have a healthy salad whenever i wanted. i found another way. yeah, treatment with xarelto®. hey, safety first. like all blood thinners, don t stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® is the number one prescribed blood thinner in its class. well that calls for a round of kevin nealons. make mine an arnold palmer. same here. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. with three weeks to go until iowa, hillary clinton could have a problem on her hands, according to our new nbc wall street journal marist poll. senator bernie sanders is within three points of hillary clinton and holds a four-point lead over her in new hampshire. joining me is casey. what is going on with these two early states? it s potentially tricky, jose. as we saw last time when she ran in 2008, what happens in iowa and new hampshire could potentially derail things for her. and if you look at the perils in some ways to what is going on with the republican side, it s anecdotal but sometimes when i ve been to the donald trump rallies, you talk to people and say, who is your second choice and they say it s bernie sanders. if you look at what has played out between donald trump and jeb bush, everyone assumed that this was going to come down to bush versus clinton, there wasn t going to be any question about that. i think this is, in many ways, a warning for the clinton campaign and if jeb bush had this kind of trouble, there s no telling what kind of trouble could be down the road for mrs. clinton, either in this primary or down the line in the general should she actually get through this. interesting. jackie, let s go with the scenario that she does lose the first two states. it seems as though after those two states, from south carolina and nevada onward, it seems as though it s a different game for her, isn t it? sure. but the panic that it will happen if she loses those two states, which, as casey said, is not beyond the realm of possibility, it s real. so, yes, she does have a southern firewall, if you will. she polls very well in south carolina. she s very strong with the african-american community in south carolina and in a way that bernie sanders is not. but still, i can t stress enough how much panic there will be going to the democratic party if hillary clinton is not able to win one of those two first states. or at least within the clinton campaign, right? well, both. jackie and casey, thank you very much. appreciate your time. thank you. more ahead from mexico city when we come back. we ll be back with more on el chapo and more. hey! this is lloyd. to prove to you that the better choice for him is aleve. he s agreed to give it up. ok, but i have 30 acres to cover by sundown. we ll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. yeah, i was ok, but after lunch my knee started hurting again so. more pills. yep. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? 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New-york , United-states , Utica , South-carolina , Valley-ranch , Nevada , Canada , Alabama , New-hampshire , Germany , Texas , Atlanta

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow 20160807

clinton. unstable, hillary clinton. and you saw that. you saw that where she basically short circuited the people of this country. they don t want somebody who is going to short circuit up here. okay? not as your president. remember, isis is looking, folks. this stuff is so amazing. it amazes me actually. honestly, i don t think she is all there. all right, well trump talk talks about hillary clinton and tries to appeal to some republicans, there is one republican in particular that he has not won over. that is ohio governor john kasich. john kasich sending shock waves through his own party when he skipped the gop convention, even though it was in his own home state of ohio. he sat down, he spoke in a fascinating exclusive interview with our jake tapper about that and a lot more. paul manafort said you were embarrassing your state of ohio when you skipped the convention in cleveland. you talked about the pressure that you felt people telling you that you needed to go and you needed to endorse. were there back channel efforts to get you to come to the convention? no, not really who put the pressure on you? no, no, people would call who were longtime friends and say you need to do this, well, they would do a couple of things saying you need to support the party. and secondly don t give the impression you re a clinton supporter. that s just kind of this thing. well, let me be clear. i m not, i see four years of gridlock with her, total gridlock and meltdown and economics. okay, so that is one thing. what do you see now? well, i see gridlock there too. were you surprised when donald trump declined to endorse speaker ryan, senator mccain and senator ayotte? well, yeah, i thought it was a little bizarre. your nominee for president, the republican presidential nominee said john mccain was not a hero and prefers people who were not captured. well, i don t agree with that. i don t agree, i think john mccain is a hero. look, jake, all throughout this anybody can say you know, trump said this, you say that. why don t you slug him over the head. look, my actions have spoken louder than any words. your refusal to endorse him. and think about this. i want to know when anybody had a convention in their state when they were the governor who didn t go in the convention hall i mean, some people are really furious with me about that. but i did what i thought i needed to do. and you know what, i never went in that hall to promote myself. and i wanted believe it or not i wanted to show respect to the nominee. and my going up there and disrupting his deal was not my what i intended to do. can trump win ohio? he is going win parts of ohio where people are really hurting. there will be sections where he is winning because people are frustrated and haven t heard answers. but i still think it s difficult if you are dividing to be able to win in ohio. all right, to talk about that and a lot more with me now washington correspondent and trump supporter, scotty hughes, also with us, clinton supporter maria cardona. thank you for joining us. yeah, he says it s going to be difficult for him to win ohio. look at trump, he says he is the best deal-maker out there. why can he not seal john kasich on board? because even you admitted he needs this. oh, he does, every republican needs the state of ohio. the question i think jake probably asked governor john kasich, what can donald trump do to win your support? or at the very least stop being the worst torpedos that are coming from the campaign are the same ones with r s by their name. you can sit down with interviews with john mccain, lindsey graham, and they will be the worst sticks of dynamite that will implode the donald trump campaign. what are they risking right now against the other republican supporters who may not be thrilled with donald trump but by god he knows he is a lot better than hillary clinton. you don t see one democratic governor sitting down and knocking hillary clinton. and it s not that they re agreeing with her. until they give us a solution for the problem why are you continues to do these interviews? yeah, but you also see some republican lawmakers, members of congress, senators walking away from donald trump. all right, stand by, i want you guys to listen to one more thing that john kasich said in this interview with jake, confirming it seems the new york times reports that donald trump jr., trump s son, floated the vp offer to a john kasich aide. donald trump jr. called you and tried to flesh out your feelings and interests in being the vp and said you would be able to run domestic and foreign policy. is that report true? i never got a call. apparently my aides did. donald trump jr. did call one of your aides and had had that conversation that is what the reports are. but your aides said that was accurate? that is what one of them told me, yeah. and you said i believe you said donald trump jr. said what do you think i am, a meat head to do something like that? there is either a conversation, the denial is what they offered john kasich, how wide his portfolio would be. and you know, he has obviously confirmed that something happened. you know, just possibly going back to and kudos for getting john kasich on the record for confirming that because there was a bit of mystery there what could trump do to win over some of the holdouts? i think john kasich is vague about that. i don t know exactly what he wants. another republican who has been very tough on donald trump is jeffrey flake of arizona. and he spelled out in detail, repeatedly what he wants and it s the big issues that are separating trump from the establishment of his party. it s a more serious immigration plan from this wing of the party. not just build a wall and make mexico pay for it. it s a more specific backing away of the ban on muslims. that is a big problem for a lot of republicans. you know it comes down to it, the more political things just running a more disciplined campaign. those are big policy disagreements and a big political ask. so i do think that trump, if he wants to be president he needs to reach out to some of the important players especially the governor of ohio. but he will have to give a little. just look at bernie sanders, to get hillary clinton, look how much she had to give bernie sanders to get his full endorsement, right? and that is what trump has to do as leader of the party he has to give ground on some policy and some politics. and a point on that i want to get maria cardona in here, because you heard, he said i think hillary clinton would be a disaster for the country. he was in no way leaning towards her whatsoever. when you talk about hillary clinton she is somebody who has been on the main stage for 25 years. people know everything they think they need to know about her, or at least they think they know everything they need to know about her. who was she trying to convince to come on board. what is the play here for the undecided because she is so well known on the national stage? well, i think two things. we saw this play out in the convention. yes, people do think they know a lot about her. but i think what they still don t know perhaps are her motivations in terms of why does she do what she has done for more than 30 or 40 years. and that is what you saw at the convention, too, give light as to we know her resume but who is the woman behind the resume. that is why i think she has gotten a bump out of the convention because people saw a more personal side of hillary clinton. her motivations, her commitment. her commitment to working families and children. and so that is i think going to be the message going forward, plus, though, she will also continue to contrast her commitment of 40 years. and her experience and temperament to be president versus donald trump who we have seen even republicans in his own party can t support him have come out to support her. scotty, before we go i do want to get your take on what we played at the top of the show and that was donald trump last night in new hampshire talking about hillary clinton saying i don t think she is all there. what does he mean? i mean, you can hate your opponent, but it s another thing i think to question their mental capacity. but isn t that what she has done to him for the past few weeks. it s funny, one thing mentioning that people talk about republicans coming over and people can trust her, they know her. she is one of them that can sit there and smile and laugh and you would not think the woman you see on the stage is accountable and responsible for all the corruption and distrust and lives we hear because she is not. i m not asking about trustworthy, i m asking about the specific words she is not all there. she certainly has questioned his testament, but are you saying she also has questioned his mental capacity? absolutely, democrats have questioned his mental capacity. scotty, what are they getting out of there like i said you can sit there and smile all you want, what is her actions? well, you can sit there and smile while you re putting arsenic in the sweet tea. the question is who do you learn weird image. remind me never to have sweet tea at scotty s house. last night it was throwing vases, tonight it s arsenic and sweet tea. it s a desperate move by the trump campaign. thank you all, you will be back with me. coming up, hillary clinton seizes on a positive jobs report to make her case on the economy. donald trump, though, says these numbers are not a bright spot that we need. we will sort it out, duke it out with two economists, including one just named to trump s economic team. also you could call colorado purple, a key swing state this go-around, so why isn t trump spending more to beat clinton there? we ll break down the numbers. and a story that seems pulled straight out of the spy novel. a nuclear scientist put to death in iran for spilling secrets to the united states. the details ahead. the sun ll come out tomorrow. for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, tomorrow. i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever. entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don t take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you ve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don t take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure. .kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow. ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. you re only a day away when you cook with incredible thingredients.ato. you make incredible meals. fresh ingredients, step-by-step recipies, delivered to your door for less than $9 a meal. get $30 off your first delivery moms know their kids need love, encouragement and milk. with 8 grams of protein, and 8 other nutrients. 9 out of 10 u.s. olympians grew up drinking milk. moms know kids grow strong when they milk life. when this busy family. .got a cracked windshield. .their dad went to the new safelite-dot-com. .and scheduled a replacement. .in just a few clicks. with safelite you don t have to miss a thing. y all did wonderful! thank you. (girls sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. i am going to be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. i will tell you that. in my first 100 days we will work with both parties to pass the biggest investment in new good paying jobs since world war ii. all right, this election, like so many before comes down to the economy and jobs for so many americans. donald trump, set tomorrow in detroit to unveil his economic plan. hillary clinton will give a major speech on the economy thursday in detroit. when you look at the jobs numbers we found out 255 jobs were created last month, unemployment still below at 4.9%. the clinton camp says the nation is out of the ditch and needs to build on progress. the trump campaign says that the clinton machine is describing an economy that doesn t exist by most americans, that it s an economy enjoyed by most of her donors and supporters. the managing director of economic policy joins me. peter navarro is with us, an economic adviser to donald trump and just told me all the footnotes are done on the speech tomorrow in detroit for mr. trump. when you look at the analysis of trump s jobs plan previously, they figured it s going to cost 3.5 million jobs, unemployment will hit 7%, home prices will fall and the rich will just get richer. and let me note that the head economist are you just to be clear, poppy, are you referring to the study done by that let me finish and mark zandy s statistics. let me finish my question to you. well, that was a hit right off the bat. let me finish what i was going to say, mark zandy contributed to her campaign and also advised john mccain. and it s not just him. it s a team of economists at moody. so given that will the plan we hear from trump be different tomorrow? let s focus on the plan. this is in the spirit of the olympics. it s a gold medal plan that is going to knock it out of the park. it will announce the most biggest revolution since the reagan revolution in the 80s. it will cover energy, regulatory reform, taxes and trade. and the whole port of this is to get us back to double our growth rate, which we enjoyed prior to the major trade deals that hillary clinton helped enter into in terms of nafta, and china, and south korea and the fta. so this will be a comprehensive plan creating millions of jobs for american workers. it will create trillions of dollars over decades so that we can pay for infrastructure, medicare, social security and our national defense. and it s really truly visionary and goes back to the expert of ronald reagan. and i think people will be really pleased when they hear all the things that are in there for the american people and worker and manufacturers. andy, jump in here. because look, the jobs numbers were strong but you still have wage growth that is improving. but it s at 2.6%. and the fed always notes you need at least 3.5% wage growth to really have a strong economy so a lot of americans are feeling this. they see the economy growing at 1.2% and they want more. absolutely, i think the economy, the track record that president obama has is a strong one. there are 14 million jobs created, but clearly a lot more needs to be done. secretary clinton has a plan to reduce the economy and grow profits but it will be different from president obama s track? i think the question is will secretary clinton have the support of republicans in congress? this is half of the john boehner and paul ryan economy that president obama has gone against senator clinton will push really hard to make progress on that front. and if i could just add about everything i have seen and i have not seen the actual trump plan tomorrow, but when i hear deregulation and i hear things like regulatory reform and i think they re all talking about tax repatriation, this goes back to the economy that gives billions to the corporations that don t need them, stashing their money offshore and ships jobs overseas and contributed to deregulation. so poppy peter let me ask you about this. trump has said that he will if necessary slap a 35% tariff on goods imported from mexico and china. when you look at that, do you think that will help as an economist? does that not spark a trade war, actually bring the manufacturing jobs back here, because a lot of these were frankly jobs of the past for this country. how does that tariff help? follow me here, bill clinton shoe horning china into the trade organization, in the last 15 years our growth has been cut in half. we lost over 750 factories and have 20 million americans who can t find a good job at a good wage. china doesn t abide by any of the current rules. the tariff that trump proposes is not an end game. and the purpose is not just to put tariffs on, it s to use it as a negotiating tool to stop china s cheating. but if trump is the on one that says don t show your cards don t tell them what you re going to do. you don t show your cards but you darn well show your negotiating tools. ronald reagan was a free trader, back in the 80s when japan treated he slapped a tariff on the semiconductors. it was a defensive move. this was a battle between philosophies. let me just say this poppy, real quick, we have obama/clinton using the standard policies. peter, i got to let andy respond. yeah, i mean i got to let andy respond. if anybody thinks that the way that my colleague here is proposing is the way to deal with china, has never dealt with china. look, we have to be very targeted and look at the things that will raise labor standards and raise environmental standards, reduce the amount of subsidies. we ll need a lot stronger trade enforcement. and secretary clinton has a plan to bring manufacturing and targeting investments here in the u.s. i think there is a lot more to be done. i think frankly paul ryan and john boehner need to own what they re doing. here is the problem, poppy. peter, it s also important for both candidates to be very honest to the american people about the way the global economy has changed and what manufacturing jobs canould come back and which technology has changed. peter, you have just been named to donald trump s economic team of advisers, let me pull up that team. 13 people, five of them named steve. not one woman or not one african-american. why? why not one woman or one african-american? look, i see this again as a typical media bias. what? the how is that trump puts together a brilliant team to help bargain on behalf of the american people. and instead we wallow in this muck of political correctness. peter, it s not about being discriminate against people named steve? it s not about being politically correct. study after studies show the diversity of thought in corporate boards, study after studies show the diversity of thought in corporate boards, diversity of thought and representation in the corner office makes a business difference, when you look at a 2011 study by catalyst, it showed that companies with a high representation of women on boards significantly out-perform companies with no female directors. when you look at a mckenzie study poppy, you re filibustering when you have a guest here. let me respond to all of these things. again, i m telling you what the american people are going to get with the trump team and it will have women in it. it will get as tough smart negotiators who will finally negotiate on behalf of the american worker. american domestic manufacturers, rather than doing what hillary and bill clinton have been doing for 23 years, negotiating on the part of the multi-national corporations, which have been off-shoring our productions to china and mexico and the rest of the world at the loss of all of our jobs. one thing on my bucket list, i want one election only to be about economies and jobs so that this country can be great again. and i m hoping that we can do that rather than wallow in this politicly correct muck, this will be a team that gets better and better. no question about the smarts of this team, but the lack of diversity. this team represents what donald trump is, you really want to wonder why women are paid $79 on the dollar for what men are. donald trump has oil company owners, banks who are seeking deregulation. a bank that negotiated to make billions going short on the housing market in 2008. this is a group of investors and you know, i want to put my colleague here aside. but this is a group of investors who are making money betting against the american economy. i don t think you can categorize all 13 of them that way. you need some business leaders, but guys, i have to go. you fought the good fight against china trying to save steel workers jobs in ohio. women will be watching. i guarantee it. coming up, iran, executing a nuclear scientist. was he spilling secrets to the united states? what exactly happened? also the timing of this is critical. we ll discuss it. what happened next. a nuclear scientist in iran is dead, just executed there on charges of spying for the united states. take a look at this. this is previous footage of shahram amiri, he was charged with being the great satan, he was charged with helping the united states. we have a career american diplomat with us, you previously worked with the state department under both president obama and president george w. bush. briefly, if you can, walk us through the significance of a retire amiri. amiri was, depending on what story comes to light, a defector, a scientist, a spy, he was in the nuclear program and at some point came in touch with the officials of the united states. and he kind of represents the shadow world of the long cold war. the long covert cold war between the united states and iran. but again, as we looked at this video of the plane when he went back to tehran in 2010, he was really greeted with this hero s welcome, so what transpired between that and now being in prison and then executed in tehran? well, there could have been facts that came to light, revelations recently that came up in e-mails. also there was the possibility that the iranian government continued to create a narrative that this person had a public persona of somebody who was coming back to the fold. however, in the background they never really trusted him again. so the timing of this, of his execution is very critical? right, i mean, this comes on the heels of the developments this week, the $400 million coming in cash on the plane to tehran, the day that the four americans were released and the optics of all that. and the optics, you have to remember the optics in tehran are that this government has made a deal with their longtime enemy, trading for cash the national security of iran. all the people that were released were accused of spying and treason on behalf of the united states. so they had traded cash for iranian national security and they needed now to restore their authority and restore the fact they re vigilant. the hard liners in iran. and especially the hard li r liners in the presidential election. the world choice, calling the united states the great satan, also telling. and that is just a return to some very hard line language of enemy, great satan, that had kind of fallen out of favor under president rouhani. but now it s important to know, poppy, this was a press conference held by the judiciary purpose. this was not a leak or comment for a reporter in the newspaper. they wanted this story out and they wanted this story to have a message, primarily at home. but abroad as well to the united states. do you think that message was effective? i think the message out there is that cross us and we will hold you accountable. we re still here. you know, the friendly smiling face that rouhani and the foreign minister were trying to portray abroad, those are not these people. we re still here and we still continue the united states a number one enemy. reasserting power in the number one country who they feel they sold out to in this deal? right, the basis of the support for the nuclear agreement is weakening. the supreme leader has taken some pretty hard positions against it, against the united states trustworthiness, and now they re piling on trying to push the point. thank you. all right, coming up, we ll take you to colorado, a key battleground state that could help hillary clinton or donald trump win the white house. so why is the clinton camp really pulling back on spending ads in the state, next. where we explore. protecting biodiversity. everywhere we work. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas. my job? my job at exxonmobil? turning algae into biofuels. reducing energy poverty in the developing world. making cars go further with less. fueling the global economy. and you thought we just made the gas. energy lives here. w.i was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i had it covered. then i realized managing was all i was doing. when i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,. but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn s disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. .and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. .including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,. including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,. .and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb,. .hepatitis b, are prone to infections, .or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. if you re still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. one thing we know about this election is that if you live in a swing state, your vote really s really matters. so if you re in colorado right now, listen up, that is a place where more than one third of the electorate considers themselves independent. hillary clinton and donald trump using very different strategies in colorado trying to engage people on the ground. our kyung lah reports. reporter: in the battleground state of colorado, the ground war. i m getting people registered to vote. reporter: taking a look at retail and augmented politics, looking at pokemon and other attention-getting draws. a cello, for real? a cello, you have to be real in battleground states. reporter: battleground colorado twice elected bush, and then gave colorado back to barack obama. this shows signs of leading democratic. some recent polls give hillary clinton a double digit lead. since 2012, democrats have registered more voters than republicans. and the ranks of latino voters continues to grow up to 15.3% higher than the national average. 14 clinton campaign offices are up and running in the state. hundreds of workers are on the payroll, the operation expected to triple by october. we re not going to take anything for granted. reporter: democrats have spent $5.6 million on ads. the clinton camp now pulling tv ads, saying trump is not on the air waves or frankly on the pavement. are you seeing the trump operation out there? no, i haven t. reporter: the trump plan in colorado is far different, yes, there are some workers knocking on doors but only a handful are on the payroll. most are volunteers. the trump campaign has just five offices, relying instead on an extensive republican national state and local network in place since 2013. the campaign, not worried about being out-gunned in the traditional ground game. her game plan is the same old tired worn out paradigm we ve seen for years and years and years. trump brings a brand-new level of energy. colorado will be decided in large by a group of people in the middle of america. reporter: in colorado, more than a third of voters are registered independents, like mark sabin. he supports trump. i will do it as an independent, so i will contribute directly to donald trump. i do not contribute to the gop. reporter: loyalty to trump, not party, an x factor not lost on both sides. and with both candidates having high unfavorability numbers, it s leaving voters uncertain which way they will go in november. i m not sure, i want both of them as president. so how will you decide? i don t know, the lesser of two evils. and that is something we heard from a number of independents in the state, especially those leaning towards clinton, they already now know what they don t like, they now want something to like. kyung lah, in denver. indeed, kyung lah, thank you. and coming up, donald trump s way to win over female voters, he may be enlisting his daughter, ivanka. he is color-blind and gender neutral. he wants the best person for the job. get $30 off your first delivery i thodid the ancestrydna toian. find out i m only 16% italian. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn t know about. much has been made of hillary clinton breaking a glass ceiling. certainly the glass ceiling of presidential politics. so what do female voters make of this political milestone? if you look at the polling it shows that hillary clinton has a pretty commanding lead of female voters, 49% support her versus the 39% to donald trump. ivanka trump, donald trump s daughter, has been one of his key supporters. she introduced him at the convention. but how can she bring in more voters? my colleague, fredricka whitfield, sat down with me. well, it s very interesting, to give you an idea who made up the panel we had a culture writer, an economic correspondence supporter, and a journalist, all of them with a keen view of what is on the campaign trails. they are sizing up the issues from equal pay and being invited to the table. on the issue of ivanka trump, since you asked, they used words like poised, confident, having the ear of her father. but whether she has a certain sensitivity to her father, or support on all the issues, that sparked conversation. i think women don t want to be viewed through the prism of gender, when donald trump talks about a woman, that helps me, he is speaking to me as a person, not as a woman. to talk as though there is some sort of utopia, that one day the light switch came on and it s equal for everybody, for women, muslims, black people. so to talk as speak to me like a person, perhaps if i was a privileged person i could take that positioning. right? but because i m coming from the position of knowing that we re working from a deficit we have to act as if we re in today. we are not equal. and while they love the notion of measuring a man or woman, you know, father or mother in matter by the character or behavior of their kids, some really frowned that the idea of any candidates kids being in the position of doing cleanup duty or offering clarification for their mom or dad wanting to be the president of the united states. it s a fascinating panel, fred, i know we saw a lot more of it today and on cnn as well. thank you. fred. sure thing. all right, coming up next, to a child of poverty to unbelievable power and riches, to that, heading to a mexican prison. we take you inside to the infamous escape and capture of the drug lord known as el chapo. i m hillary clinton, and i approve this message. michael hayden: if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. gillian turner: he s been talking about the option of using a nuclear weapon against our western european allies. max boot: this is not somebody who should be handed the nuclear codes. charles krauthammer: you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament controlling the nuclear codes? and as of now, i d have to say no. [bill o reilly sighs] some very sad news to share with you just in to cnn. a young boy has died on the world s tallest water slide in kansas. police are investigating what is being called an accidental death at the schletterbahn water park in kansas city, kansas. the death is on the zurik, which is about 160 feet tall, according to the park department. the thoughts and prayers of everyone there are with the family. the former drug lord known as el chapo was sitting in a prison waiting to find out if he would be extradited to the u.s. to stand trial. the story about his life, about the drugs that he and his cartel imported, also deals with his power and his greed, and cnn premiers a fascinating new film, a look inside all of it. it s about el chapo s drug kingdom and how he was finally taken down. here s a look. reporter: before dawn, in the northern mexican city of lo los moches, 15 elite mexican marines bust into what seems like a normal middle class home, looking for one of the world s most wanted criminals. the drug lord they call el chapo for short. a man with an uncanny ability to evade capture and a loyal army of heavily armed thugs. it s bullets flying everywhere, so the team has to split in half. half go down where there is a bedroom this way. the other half has the difficult task of trying to make it up these stairs. in this bathroom, they came to and they just bashed it open. they find a woman in here. there is another woman back there. but el chapo is not anywhere on this floor. downstairs the other team moves through the hallway. you re now in the bedroom that the men are most fiercely defending. they did not want the teams to get in here. when the marines do get in, they find two men armed with semiautomatics. suddenly the men change their tune and no longer want to fight. they want to surrender. in the closet they find two more men who also surrender. marines don t know it yet, but those men are buying time for the kingpin to escape. searching, marines find machine guns, rocket-propelled grenade launchers and grenades. there are five dead guards and six others to arrest. but no el chapo. where is he? here s your answer. it looks like an ordinary closet, but it isn t. you see this up here? it says hood on it like from an old car? when you pull on it, this door pops open to reveal a signature el chapo move. a tunnel connected to the city s sewer system and to freedom. once again, chapo, aka harry hue de houdini escapes. el chapo slips through the escape hatch behind the mirror and runs about half a mile through the sewer, popping up in a manhole in the middle of the street. the billionaire and his guard carjack the first ride they can find. this blurry video shows it happening. they flee, realize they ve been spotted, ditch it, steal another, head out of town and don t make it. one of the most wanted, wealthiest men in the world is found wet and filthy in a red ford focus by officers looking for the stolen vehicle, not him. all right, be sure to tune in tonight to chris cuomo s special report got shorty; inside the chase for el chapo. john kasich addresses the rumor that s been floating for months. did trump s camp float a vp offer by him? you ll get the answer next and much more with an exclusive interview with governor kasich, next. [ hip hop beat throughout ] [ fans cheering ] olympics 2016, let me get you on my level. so you never miss a moment, miss a minute, miss a medal. why settle when you can have it all? soccer to wrestling. track and field to basketball. fencing to cycling. diving to balance beam. all you have to say is, show me, and boom it s on the screen. from the bottom of the mat, to the couch where you at? show me the latest medal count? xfinity s where it s at. welcome to it all. comcast nbcuniversal is proud to bring you coverage of the rio olympic games. top of the hour. i m poppy harlow in new york. we begin with presidential politics and brand new polling in the race for the white house that finds hillary clinton ahead of donald trump. not just ahead but doubling her margin. the washington post abc news survey has clinton with an eight-point lead among registered voters. when you factor in third-party candidates, clinton still pulls out eight points ahead. the poll comes at the end of what has been quite a tumultuous week for donald trump, endorsing paul ryan, kelly ayotte and john mccain. there is one republican he has not won over yet and that is former candidate john kasich. he skipped entirely the gop convention despite it being held in his home state. he sat down for a fascinating one-on-one interview with our jake tapper. reporter: governor kasich, thanks so much for doing this. thanks for coming here. the last time i saw ywas at republican convention which you did not attend. it was the oneon

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thanks for watching fox news saturday night with jimmy failla. set your dvr to 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday on fox news and don t forget on social media and i everybody calm down to her, hey girl. parks across and listen to my radio show weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. good night from new york city. it can be they republican, you can be a democrat, just don t be a [bleep]. there is. yes i agree. yes i m still not going home with you though. it s friday you know what that means. let s welcome tonight s guests. she s like the show cops on tv since the nineties often seen around half naked men kennedy! he creates more impressions then away or are others does a weight watchers meeting in flanagan s. tyler fischer. she s like hail, small white and smashes windshields. fox news contributor kat timpf. and his underwear can be used by paragliders new york times best-selling author and former nwa world heavyweight champion tyrus. greg: before we get to new stories let s do this. greg slit leftovers. greg: it s leftovers where i read the jokes we didn t use this weekend is always it s my first time reading them. if they suck we stuffed ground beef down joe machi and send them to the view asked mac has established rules to users deposed x-rated content the decision was made by his newest content executive. new york governor kathy hotel is pitching a plan for congestion driving charging drivers to enter the business district only forcing new yorkers to move unlike her face. transmitted fungal infection detected in nyc if that s the only thing it you get after visiting nyc you are doing great. to prevent shoplifting workers at tj maxx and marshalls ones are wearing body can shoppers are disappointed because it makes people find out a remote amazon tribe hooked on porn in unrelated news seashells are now accepted as payment for porn hub. the wall street journals says people are divided over whether it s okay to call without texting others report wanting people to reach out at all. very lonely alec baldwin unveiling a new tlc reality series for 2025 with the couple and their 7 children a modern-day brady bunch with alice getting shot in the face on the ev front senators blasted the governor meant for having 3 years and 7 billion dollars to make just 5 stations they plan to build 500,000 stations and at their current place it would be done by the year 16,310. a journalist for the ny times asked if joe biden should downplay his own success like asking joy behar to downplay her looks. i will take it. jennifer lopez canceled her to her citing a desire to be with her family on the news ben affleck announced he is going on tour researchers calling for limits on in-flight alcohol purchases for health those who fly spirit are free to keep sniffing glue. after british airways passengers were told to brace for landing spending hours on the tarmac james cord and interior taint his travelers they thanked the travelers for making them look forward to diana crash a new app tracks big mac prices across the u.s. to save money it has its first a vip customer. worlds loneliest man lives in a village with just a horrors a picture of him and his animal. [ cheers and applause ] we don t even try to make it look like a village just slap the 2 people together now to the news with the democrats rooted the day they tried to put trump away that liberals with a nice digestive system against the ones in future president manipulating phony charges and a conviction the pandora s box is open and trump people are thirsty for revenge a democrat law fair being to blame they can also play at that game republicans from stephen miller to steve bannon and speaker mike johnson are expressing a need for vengeance not just a fun kind where you switch mac seam waters wake with family of ferrets mike johnson promised use appropriation legislation and oversight terrain in the justice department they have gender-neutral panties in a twist over it as trump ones retribution decipher and i just just as real and dangerous mother jones trump s obsession with revenge a big poster verdict danger daily beast revenge what trump and the gop want most of all the brain trust morning joe donald trump and his alleys are looking to do this he s just hillary clinton be jailed in response and he says he will serve it up and so with that i m not sure what more people need to know given a lot of things donald trump as promised have come to pass. great work there still sorry to break the news but hillary is roaming the streets and sweat stained pantsuits menacing societies displayed all trump calls for jail a lot of his promises came to pass like building a healthy economy in border security world peace who else remember the good old days of 2019 when you re married to joe scarborough you train at the think of the past or present and perhaps the future either way i see it the greatest revenge comes november 5th after that so they focus on incentives so losers don t get eventually get mad as in mutually assured destruction let them know you are just as capable as they are improving that no 1 is above the law is not really about jailing people it s about punishing crime because like gandhi famously said don t start none won t be none. kennedy don t you think it s interesting they are quaking in their boots because they know what they deserve it they are the ones talking about revenge all the time. you reminds me of hamas being angry at the response israel had after they inflicted the worst massacres since the holocaust with an administration be incapable of retribution it s horrible for the country i like what mike johnson is saying like that they would use appropriations in every means to take stock in the justice system as they want him to make it more ethical and do that with every agency they talk about defund the police defund everything that s what small minded conservatives and libertarians wanted so they re using this moment with that i can be fine if that. i disagree rising about things overrated if you are trump out you get back how would you get back at the democrats for the several convictions. everything i did word for word. as they which was anything to make a good. 34 counts nobody is done it and they couldn t do a 22 counts as even the zodiac killer right zodiac loser the out catch me outside the yard so let them have the badge. let him have it. and with kennedy don t want to weapon eyes anything you incentivize them as is a ping-pong thing is it possible to have mutually assured destruction to end the weaponization of the justice department and they think honestly that my issue is whether branches of government levels my issue in general as when so-and-so is there as doesn t demand much on who is and what position which i believe it was politicized but if we get my focus is on how that happened. as they had that kind of power as i think that s not the answer as as should not be owned was empower the parts have just gary all right way you need to do something you need to do something or they don t stop this and the last 6 years with the coup doing what they should have a flying committing crimes or finding the crime as the bank robber steals money as they went out of their way to get them out of office that a team of hollywood directors come in to produce the january 6th thing they went above and beyond to go after them had guys that 34 counts on a crime expire did everything they could. he never did that when he was in office he went them in the doj resign and what they are afraid not revenge is count ability it s turn the other cheek and if you re doing write that would stand by you not to worry about richard bashan because i follow the law and seek the truth so come get me that that what they were saying. it s all cool if you win. [ bleeps ] that. they are worried which is why they re bringing up that word. for revenge not retarded. dang it kennedy. later in the show and first a possible vp sweating over 40 fives vetting. here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i m riding, i m not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn t ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don t have to worry about anything when you re protected by america s number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren t related, so. ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain. (avo) kate made progress with her mental health. .but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr a once-daily td treatment for adults. as you go with austedo austedo xr significantly reduced kate s td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don t take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. as you go with austedo ask your doctor for austedo xr. austedo xr a story in 5 words. trump vp named for vetting they are vetting can fit what are your thoughts about this what he thing the presidents contemplating. democrats love having first. will harass the first indian black woman, first autistic hyena the first 1 we left the first blind bisexual bipolar, a biodegradable native american chinese trans- child of color someone like ben shapiro would be good but he d be cutting to adds everyone. hello everybody my fellow americans we are at war bonds are going off and they didn t yet to use express vp use ghost the bomb for 10% off or maybe bill burr he is funny a comedian open for him and everyone would tune in my wife is coming home where watching the view we are making it illegal for right on monday it s called bills or bills it will be 5 years in jail for every minute you watch the view i like these ideas did you see who is not on the list, kristi gnome likes like the dog got the last live that s what did it she was on the list. but then she bragged about enjoying shooting her dog do not take advice from corey lewandowski. words to live by. maybe somebody who can like maybe someday can speak to both sides of the aisle like 50-cent have you been watching all that. he was meeting with everybody that a sale my gosh i m so trad. he posted a photo of lauren bo bert and people went nuts about the photo so that he tweeted wait wait guys i took pictures of everyone all you seem to care about is lauren what did she do in a dark theater that hasn t been done i don t have chlamydia by the way lol. that s my vice president at the very least he should do the show if somebody watching knows him. greg: i m sure he d love to do the show. mr sent is that 50 or for 80. now he s never gonna do it because you did that. no no rhonda santos no nikki haley no vbac. there s no reason to vet her she s at the top of the list you not? to call her and be like you are off the list you might mess around in the forest and kennedy do the sound, please. [ cheers and applause ] make me feel that when you hear you do that as if you think this is a deflection as the people they d assign different? absolutely will do some version of the apprentice which will crescendo at the rnc in july and they re releasing a little here and there is like the beginning of the bachelor as they re never the ones he takes him to his family. interesting he s been to the governor rodeo and it bit him in the ass which is docketed on that so ideally you don t want to pick you want to pick that an soa the best person for the job you want the person brings in the most votes with he did do something like totally different somebody you know? lights quinn does light-skinned added to think harold ford junior? los. i was going to say joe mansion he s retiring and renounces the democrats static didn t he decide to go independent? he is no longer a democrat. greg: why do a make up these things to think avenue a problem could you imagine him taking some be like that like just cream in hell out of the democrat party. what about anthony if ouchi do that job. he would be on their be like you need your 50 year shot every day first shot it was really to loosen up the vein and get it ready for the second. they should have kristi gnome go to his house and dress up as a dog get them as vaccines get them as booster shots he means that only in the most comical way. remember we got mad at jesse watters because jesse watters is saying about shots and it was like i m getting threatened by people political theater. greg: do you feel vexed getting a call over a text you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don t know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you re a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i m proud of it! [ryan laughs] that colonoscopy for getting screened is why i m delaying i heard i had a choice i know the name, that s what i m saying -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! -actually, he s a box. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that s effective and non-invasive. it s for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. i did it my way do you want your kids to eat healthier? but they just want sweets. force factor kids super chews can help. created by the number one superfoods brand in america. force factor kids super chews are packed with healthy vitamins and are absolutely delicious. find force factor kids at the walmart vitamin aisle today. hi. i m gina. i was really upset at the way i had let myself go. my cravings were out of control. i had to do something. we all know it s important to take care of our health but it seems the trend is looking for a quick fix. and as a nurse it s really important to me what i put in my body. the main difference with golo is the way i felt. i wasn t jittery, my cravings went away. i felt satisfied and healthy and had tons of energy. give golo a shot you won t be sorry. psoriatic arthritis is tough. symptoms can be unpredictable. one day, your joints hurt. hi grandpa. next, it s on your skin. it s painful. i couldn t move like i used to. i got cosentyx. feels good to move. cosentyx helps real people move and feel better. it treats multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis for less joint pain, swelling, and tenderness back pain and clearer skin. and cosentyx can even help stop further joint damage. don t use if you re allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur; some were fatal. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms like fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough, had a vaccine or plan to or if inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions and severe eczema-like skin reactions may occur. i feel better. check out these moves. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. [ cheers and applause ] some are suggesting not calling before texting tonight s gutfeld debate should you text before you call our friends at the wall street journal row another fascinating piece asking the question and there are 2 camps of those who don t mind a random phone call and those who prefer a heads up text of letting you know they are going to call you. they found that while some love to get a surprise phone call others found nothing ruder it s panic inducing like there is an emergency and they are mad it s not an emergency it s my got a somebody did i just called to say high it s like then why are you calling me. yes. i hate when people call me without texting first ellicott my phone and i m like is this person going to force me to do improv right now like you re not going to tell me what this is about. it s like you call me a could be about anything at had no time to prepare but okay the worst thing you can do the actual worst thing you can do like oh tyrus is calling me right now. greg: you kids. ci feel like i ve done something wrong. nonjust kind of check and you. like hello you don t have to answer otherwise you like hello or, hey, it what s up you don t know. she hung up on me i have to text are now about it. never leave a voicemail. i called tyrus but it s on voicemail call me back. you are blocks. i think your necklace could be a belt for me. i think my necklace could be a belt for you. your question greg? greg: from the wall street journal it s a don t do you dare call me without texting first can you guess which gender wrote this don t you dare to call me without texting me what amanda write this? no because here s the deal if you call me i m probably not going to answer and if you text me you called me that i m not going to call you back at all whose life is this complicated or important to where only call me if it s an emergency. kiss my ass if i feel like calling you i will call you. that s what it is it s a polite way of saying i don t want to talk to you. please text me so i can lie to you and say i m so busy solving world problem is behind closed doors. kennedy this is ageist its older people who had land lines they call more often without texting and they should call you to stay hello. they re calling them it s to break up with them that sexy not true done so by text. like they were never alive. it s precisely that it s for the good old days done dumping them in the bay. being quick on that is to take some but he before you murder them and dump them in the bag as its a running start getting on a bicycle with 1 locomotion there for going to call you i can call you going around being like high it s me i m texting to ask if it s okay if i call you please. greg: that is the worst was ever heard. i know but that s the person who wrote this article that s the voice they have in my head. greg: and you know what this person does at least what s or twice a week maybe 3 times a week on the wall street journal they do these complaining pieces and it s why this person does this when you were flying why do they do this it s the same person you know what this person does i ll tell you what they do. these are the people who text short texts it drives me crazy like what s up what are you doing justice and 1 sentence and you go okay what s going on you can put it in 1 text that s the crime. it is a crime and we are like overly consensual now you know what i mean consented to make i can t kennedy that s what they want to do i want to go 1 step further a don t want some of me without my knowing first i think there should be in effect at called can i text right you get an alert of tyrus going know you can t text me. you use the oral legend somebody has to tell you. he went to high school first she was so cool. yes to tell somebody who has to tell like hate kennedy can you tell tyler that i want to text him 3 greg says you re a legally. thank you i will talk to greg at home. just be a man in do it we weren t doing that back in the day like i m going to send the carrier pigeon to your house to let you know there s a handwritten letter that will arrive in 300 business days just call me my pronouns are pick up. kathy? greg: what s the impression you just did what would you call that. the old time he impression this is every old-time he impression that the done here she s going around the corner. and you do that as awoke person now with that voice? i feel pretty good triggered my opponents or he who what when where and skedaddle. all right. before we go did you see craig s excited hand that. when gray gets appointee does this. watch the greg and the dance when he s excited he so excited his other hand can t catch up the clap. i want to defend myself but i can t. coming up questions and answers. [ cheers and applause you are watching mailing it in. greg: a fun question what would you build with a million legos kennedy equally maximum-security condo to house all the people he play of lego so they can t get out. greg: tyler? i would finish of the wall and nice lego portion of the wall. [ cheers and applause ] greg: why not a lego wall? it s so playful and colorful make it rainbow for pride or whatever. you could do a contract with a lego in a could get build. tyrus what would you do if a million legos what would you build? what would i build with a million legos? a statue of me. to sit in this chair right here. may be of just your leg. you keep this up while sticky in my pocket and slap you around. greg: kat what would you build with a million legos? i would step up them and get in the with my husband about who will throw them away until he did it. greg: you could build an amazing house by some land. what i would build with a million legos a lego making machine that made more legos. that way i could accelerate in the machine we keep making legos which would make another lego meet making machine and it would be self-perpetuating and i would take over the world. making a machine oh my gosh. so. go back and kill lego hitler. you can break it make bricks and stuff. greg: up flawed, applaud. bully, a bully, bully. another asked what is your main phobia and how do you manage it. let me guess tyler you don t have any phobias? my name is tyrus. greg: what did i say? tyler. i guess were 1 personnel. we did run off together. yet to be on top of a shoulders i guess. listen 1 small pervert in my life is all i can handle. you have any phobias? the campy snakes or spiders anything. no people who i don t like talking to talking to me as my phobia when somebody you just comes up to you and is like high and they keep going and going and going i never know how to end it without just screaming shut up and going away. i always see them coming. greg: i get dizzy when that happens. any time jesse watters comes into the room you know. have you talked to him. greg: who did you say i missed it? waters. greg: he doesn t talk to anybody thankfully. it s the breath problem. kat? phobia? i used to have a bad phobia of blood and guts but then i got over it. because it was chapter 5 and i looked down and there was. greg: once you can only see your blood you have to get over i wouldn t recommend. tyler any phobia? i have a fear of needles i didn t get the covid-19 vaccine because my pediatrician said i was too tiny that thing would have gone for my arm also fear of feminism for sure. when toxic massey limit masculinity comes on a date my penis goes into my stomach can i say to that great. you just did. greg: kennedy? i don t. greg: no fears? i don t have a fear of heights am not claustrophobic a fear of snakes or spiders or fire or sharks. i was at a phobia. sounds like a feminist. greg: you know i had a fear that i can t get rid of. i can t open up my eyes underwater. is that weird? 1000 percent yes. all you have to do is open them. it s weird because i don t like having because i don t like open spaces. being below the was probably weird for someone of your stature. with goggles on it freaks me out i can t even look. when i saw poseidon adventure the original i had to walk out of the theater. what happened to you when you are baptized? well, i don t remember. they talked to the preacher down. greg: we ve got to go. standup comedy from joe machi next. stay ahead of your child s moderate-to-severe eczema. and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child s skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don t change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child s eczema specialist about dupixent. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. it s laughter you came to find he s come here to blow your mind remember he s just a scared of you as you are of him. welcome comedian joe machi. hello everybody, hey, everybody, thank you, thank you well. it is great to be here i was riding the subway late at night a guy got on the train and said if you look at me again i will kill you. my friend is like what did they look like and i was like well i didn t get a good look at oh. the subway got dangerous lately ever since they got rid of consequences. like recently i had a rule where if you bring a dog on the train a has to be fully enclosed a dog carrying bags of people broke that rule i saw a guy bring in unleashed pitbull on the train so i wrote the subway authority and said if you don t start enforcing your dog rule sooner or later a baby is going to get eaten because pitbull s can be great dogs with a bad owner sometimes they eat babies. anyways the subway authority didn t write back and later on i realized that might have been my fault because i phrased it like that. it sounded like i was threatening down the baby eaten and that s not what i meant that all that s how rumors start. and that doing this weird interaction with workers watching my car at the park i know that sounds weird where he live it s all that people wash their car there filling up buckets and on this day they didn t care for the can watch the car here party gotten 20 complaints and if you ve already gotten 20 complaints putting up assigned to wash the car as it s the same reason i sold drugs at all those high schools and that should have been the end of it has that guy stupid couldn t succeed in the private sector and the the can t murder someone and that s not allowed either. and could you put a pin and that we get my joke notebook doing it in different cities and first of all it seems like i m murdering someone washing your car as an apples to oranges comparison. and breaking the apple storage comparison because it made sense to me the different popular round through. and that the subject at hand with no murdering allowed they would get the hell out of there. because you have to figure that s where most of them murderers were happening it s the best time in history to be crazy giving out awards for it for the internet recently on instagram on father s day last year a friend posted a picture of your and her dad the caption happy day the world s greatest dad they were and it was crazy pretty old. and they said no so i said why would you tell him he is the world s greatest dad on a forum he s not even on he s walking around right now doesn t even know he is the world s greatest dad. then i answer my own question it s because you are a malignant narcissist. how do you figure imagine doing something like that before social media. hey, phil i wanted to let you know it s father s day told my daddy s the world s greatest dad. that makes sense joe it s father s day that s when you tell him that. 1 more thing phil i don t even know if you like that. and the world becoming a crazy place stepping in to make sense of it all and that really backfired on bud light boycotting that beer 1 day you are a fan of bud light beer and next you deny yourself delicious taste of urine flavored alcohol. and people say how do you know what urine tastes like. and 1 time i was stung in the mouth by a jellyfish. the worst part of having somebody peon your jellyfish sting is when you find out later that s not a real cure. being bamboozled again by german tourists. thank you guys i really appreciate it. thank you all. [ cheers and applause ] thank you joe machi delightful. don t go away we will be right back. [ cheers and applause ] here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don t know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you re a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i m proud of it! [ryan laughs] [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you ll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children s research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out. and they were like, this is what we re going to do. this is how long it s going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can t say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. we have received no bills since being at st. jude. we have paid for nothing. marlo thomas: thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you ll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment that these kids need now and in the future. join with your credit or debit card right now, and we ll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it s a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people s lives. and that s a big deal. [music playing] (avo) kate made progress with her mental health. .but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr a once-daily td treatment for adults. as you go with austedo austedo xr significantly reduced kate s td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don t take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. as you go with austedo ask your doctor for austedo xr. austedo xr greg: we are out of time, thank you to our guests and our studio aud

Don-t-be-a , Parks , Revenge-a-democrat , Radio-show-weekdays , Bleep , New-york-city , Hey-girl , 3 , 00 , Kennedy-don-t , Everybody , Social-media

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240608 02:24

July and they re releasing a little here and there is like the beginning of the bachelor as they re never the ones he takes him to his family. interesting he s been to the governor rodeo and it bit him in the ass which is docketed on that so ideally you don t want to pick you want to pick that an soa the best person for the job you want the person brings in the most votes with he did do something like totally different somebody you know? lights quinn does light-skinned added to think harold ford junior? los. i was going to say joe mansion he s retiring and renounces the democrats static didn t he decide to go independent?

Ones , Family , Beginning , Bachelor , Little , Governor , Ass , Rodeo , Person , Something , Somebody , Job

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240608 02:24:45

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240608 02:24:45 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Harold-ford , Democrats-static-didn-t , Lights-quinn , Los , Joe-mansion-he-s-retiring ,