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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20171025

amnesty international three months ago they re accused of aiding terrorism this case is expected to test the already strained relations between the two countries. protests as kenya gears up to hold another presidential election the country has been gripped by unrest after an august poll was an old by the top court but can officials guarantee this vote will be free and fair. china unveils its new leadership lineup and president xi jinping leads the pack which includes many of his loyalists but no clear successor. and reports of sexual assault in europe s halls of power or revelations of abuse in hollywood the started with harvey weinstein trigger more reports this time stories of assault and harassment from people who work at the e.u. headquarters in brussels it s easy number four and a good night for honestly good teams in the season long german cup tournament for dortmund a seventeen year old lead the way as a club the bands and the fans of their title. i m brian thomas a very warm welcome to the show these. strained relations between germany and turkey will be tested further today as the trial begins for a german human rights activist arrested in istanbul in july. is one of eleven germans currently imprisoned in turkey says he had been wrongfully detained and has been campaigning strongly for his release now he was arrested more than three months ago while giving a workshop to other human rights activists in istanbul he s being tried along with the others including the director of amnesty international in turkey. start now stands accused of links to an armed terrorist group and of having ties to the man allegedly behind last year s failed coup that s the islamic cleric to a girl and now if convicted showing a faces up to fifteen years in prison this trial is putting relations between the two countries to the test and the german foreign minister gabriele has called the threat of a long prison sentence in comprehensible and unacceptable. for more on this we have with us now our correspondent dorian jones at the supreme court in aston ball . durian turkey s accusing him of having ties to the banned cleric who s now living in the united states and they say that he was behind the last year s failed coup what what evidence do they have that story was in fact tied to that coup or two two for. well very little in fact that s why there is so much outrage over this case prosecutors claim that along with eleven of the defendants were part of a conspiracy to create civic on breast across turkey that would aim to unseat the turkish president type further one but the evidence in the seventeen page indictment appears to be very little it relies heavily on publications made by amnesty international put into the public domain even they ve use a tweet which said enjoy the boat right to the island where this meeting was going to it was attending to enjoy their rights so there is outrage over this case because there is absolutely very little evidence although prosecutors can under emergency rule powers introduce new evidence in today s hearings so everyone is waiting whether the prosecutors have anything to add to it but for now at least there is very little ok well if the evidence proves to continue to be so flimsy does the defense have a good chance of getting this case dismissed. well if there was one or more judicial system than ult definitely yes but two turkeys under emergency rule there s a lot of criticism of the judicial system is very arbitrary increasingly linked to the political whims and wishes in her speaking to amnesty and fish oils their contacts with her officials doing the case that there possibly they could be some of those defendants released at least from pretrial detention but having said that the turkish president yesterday gave a very tough speech against europe accusing them of meddling in turkey s affairs and that could cause a shadow over those hopes ok what s the endgame for turkey with this trial what does it want to achieve with it. well that is a big question and there isn t growing suspicion to in particular that the tension of peter s story and the swedish i league are of the that they all become poles in congress negotiations with its european partners is calling for germany to extradite a number of people it claims were involved in last year s coup and there s a suspicion that story could be part of some bargain there is growing outrage particularly also in the us that turkey using turkey of using similar tactics with american citizens detained in turkey on christianly denies if they insist on the judiciary is independent but as the as that attention of story and it continues along with a number of other german citizens the suspicion is that they are pawns in this growing tension between. dorian jones following the story for us at turkey s supreme court in istanbul thanks very much for that door now for some of the other stories making the news this hour in bangkok the five day funeral ceremonies started working. tens of thousands of mourners have been filing into the historic order of thailand s capital to bid farewell to the monarch whose body has been lying in state since he died last october aged eighty eight. the kurdistan regional government in iraq has offered to an all the results of last month s independence referendum that in order to hold talks with baghdad iraqi forces have driven kurdish fighters from cities in the north outside their autonomous zone an overwhelming majority of iraqi kurds voted for independence but the central government has rejected the result. the u.s. ban on all refugees has now ended after one hundred twenty days nationals from eleven countries believed to pose a high risk to the u.s. will face tough scrutiny officials have not named those countries but say people will be judged on a case by case basis. well sexual harassment assault and rape accusations aimed at hollywood film producer harvey weinstein of triggered a flood of other similar reports around the world the news website politico has published disclose come play in spite of the seven women and six men working for example at the e.u. headquarters in brussels some women like going a hot and tweeted their stories of how men harassed them using the hash tag me too she says when it came to furthering my career in brussels but seeing and working for him every day i chose to leave other allegations include people being offered employment in exchange for sex young women being sent to bars to trade sexual favors for legislative outcomes and of men being bullied joining us now is terry ryan key member of the german parliament for the greens in straws burg where the european parliament is set to hold an emergency session thanks so much for being with us right now you know you yourself have reported an experience of sexual harassment not in the e.u. parliament but out on the streets of germany you reported it to the police also spoke about the incident in parliament now hearing the allegations coming out of straws berg. what are your feelings about that how do you see that. well i must say that it confirms my view that sexual harassment is still a widespread problem in our society and it also confirms my determination that we have to fight against this now don t you know society s but also very specifically here in the european parliament and today we are discussing what measures we have to take in order to prevent things like this happening in the future ok well the parliament has in fact taken steps to do that it s signed on to the convention it has its own in-house methods and even in office for dealing with sexual harassment why have these measures failed. well what we see is that we have an end to arrest men committee and harassment has been reported to this committee but not specifically sexual harassment because we live in a society where sexual harassment is still specifically stigmatized so we want to look at these mechanisms and see how we can improve them so that we have a climate of openness so that women who are affected by these kinds of cases that they can come up to committees of different bodies in this parliament get help and support and of course that there will be consequences for the perpetrator is ok you want to improve the mechanisms already in place you think would help to bring in an independent investigation into what exactly happened at the parliament strong. indeed because we would like to also get extra expertise about what are the things that we are doing at the moment and how could we improve this but we also believe that training for example of staff members is of great importance because many of the women who have reported in media outlets they said that they didn t even know that there were committees so there were bodies that they could have reported to in the european parliament so we also need to improve the knowledge about the existing mechanisms that are already in place ok what do you expect to come out of the debate on this issue in the e.u. parliament. what i hope that we will have a very determined cause for action in the parliament but i also hope that we will bring this from the european parliament to the parliaments and to other parts of society to fight against any form of sexual harassment and we believe that not only the full accession to the stumble convention is important for this but also a directive on the european level that goes against sexual harassment by against any form of finance against women because in hollywood but also in so many other parts of our societies this is still so common and so except that obviously we would also need legislative steps in order to fight against it ok terry ryan thanks so much for that member of the german parliament for the greens in strong s bridge hall that debate today thanks very much. thank you ok new supreme court is set to hear a last minute petition to delay thursday s presidential election now if the vote goes ahead it would be the second time kenyans voted last three months the first presidential election in august was an old by the supreme court due to regularities dozens of people have died in violence since that disputed vote catherine sent us this report. on musher day or heroes day kenya celebrates those who fought for independence people from far and wide came last friday to nairobi s main park to listen to president hu kenyatta s address the event is usually filled with pomp and color with children getting the most out of the entertainment but this year and easiness hangs of the canyons including james drug and his family. after the supreme court and all the elections there s been a lot of tension but we pray to god that we ll have an election and have peace on and thereafter. says that you can use electoral commission has faced numerous challenges since the announcement on september first the chairman of the commission has not quite conceded that he s under siege and still insists the commission can deliver an election on the twenty sixth the main opposition party insists the commission must get its house in order before it holds an election opposition supporters have taken to the streets demanding reforms within the commission but government supporters like james say the electoral commission is already capable of organizing a repeat poll. that we elect commission should stay as it is and shouldn t be changed it s independent and it will respect the democratic rights of kenyans i believe there will be voters in every polling station in the country where we walk in the water so i do think. as we approach the twenty sixth of october kenya remains a divided country on one hope you have a population that is willing to support incumbent president hu hu kenya or any of the really party and the other half of the population that the chords may be opposition leader right loud now according to this part of the population they claim that incumbent president kenyatta has a few of them from his government in three to. in two thousand and thirteen. an informal settlement in the capital is a perceived opposition stronghold supporters of right loading guests not this year s celebrations most stayed indoors mourning those killed during opposition protests with no i cannot vote with an order from i cannot vote i voted last time they came you have a short people and i watch i m not voting because i like to do what i m not into many of them don t know everything that happened and again i read my constitution and look at me constitution everywhere i go to them i don t have any to do but i want to understand what is fair and i understand so i m not going to box and i m going to predict other people like my mother who didn t go to school who doesn t understand in the content of doing what. the kenyan national human rights commission says police killed at least thirty three opposition supporters in protest during the election in august this number includes seven children. there are fears men will die both sides stand their ground. and those who know it you know it goes back to you you re born into trouble and i tremble for my i just mean you re born thinking the way appliance think politically even i should be going into this political thinking and and socialization of all other people with their tribe and parties don t represent me. to insist they lections must go ahead and has your dialogue with ryan who is the pool heavy police presence is expected on voting day as kenya s future hangs in the balance. while reports are just coming in that kenya s chief justice says the supreme court cannot proceed with hearing a petition to delay the election because there are not enough judges present to hear the case will update you as you receive more details on that story. this is deja vu news still to come on the show we turn our attention to german car bakshi where dortmund hoped a date with a lower league opposition would help them recover their mojo. something like cancer has done is presented some fantastic results and what are investors doing brian i don t quite get it because not on the shares down currently in front thirty despite those sterling results as brian mentioned the airline posted its best ever results in the history of the company for the first nine months of the year and a twelve percent increase in total revenue for the period now then the european aviation market is undergoing drastic changes from british low cost carrier monarch to germany s number two airline but air berlin all the way to italian flagship kariya alitalia they have all folded their demise there is look tons as fortune. germany s largest airline love to answer seems to have an insatiable appetite after buying a large chunk of bankrupt lin the carry a now wants parts of beleaguered italian rival al italia would love tons of most interested in the aircraft in the landing slots thousands could be laid off even so full of tons of expansion is the name of the game in twenty sixteen the carrier flu some one hundred ten million passengers nearly two percent more than in twenty fifteen that growth didn t come from its full service carry a look tons of but it s budget euro wings for the first time lufthansa s passenger figures were overtaken by ireland by its low cost carrier ryanair the sector remains very competitive times i m still grow and stay ahead without forking out huge amounts of money that s more than a survival strategy but antitrust authorities could spoil the party they ll be reviewing with a lot of times that is gaining a monopoly position on too many groups as its buying spree continues. well and another industry heavyweight presented is quoted a report today french car maker p s a situ and that is going by the numbers the company apparently had a pretty good third quarter revenue climbed to fifteen billion euros that s up more than thirty percent business group also thanks to the takeover of embattled rival opel p.s.a. acquired to the long time general motors in august for two point two billion euros making the french company europe s second largest car maker. and one will mark it actually let s cross over now to danielle correspondent at the frankfurt stock exchange daniel impressive earnings there for p.s.a. what s what s the main driver for growth and what s the future have in store for them. well from the investor s perspective certain the very impressive numbers moniker with this piece is even getting closer to the biggest competitor volkswagen read a statement a little bit earlier from the c.e.o. of of p.s.a. saying now with opel being part off the pier as a family those synergies is now allowing the company to grow faster and also to make more money the outlook of course big companies still the integration needs some time and also still going problems here in germany with worker union and worker councils ok then let s talk about something positive to get in because i believe the business sentiment in germany is looking pretty good right now. yeah the business climate index just came out a few moments ago actually indicating that after two rounds it s actually growing again and went up from one hundred fifteen to one hundred and sixteen points indicating that there s a pretty good mood among c.e.o. s here in germany also with a very positive outlook for the next coming six months ok then i hope that the outlook for the weather in frankfurt is also improving daniel cope there reporting for us thank you very much. well the european parliament has called for weed killer to life a sate to be phased out in the next five years the non-binding vote comes as representatives from the twenty eight member nations are to meet later today to discuss whether to extend the license for the controversial herbicide and if so for how long well europe has been debating the use of life aside for more than two years it s the most commonly used herbicide in the world in europe farmers spread life aside on around half of all fields used to raise commercial crops but the we kill is highly controversial due to concerns it could have an impact on human and environmental health today the e.u. will try once again to decide whether manufacturers can continue to sell the controversial product on european markets many critics demand a ban on life inside activists began applying pressure in brussels at the beginning of the week. the international agency for research on cancer of the world health organization has found that life was it causes cancer in animals and probably also in humans means that there s urgent need for action studies don t agree on with life aside is a long term cancer risk or not the world health organization has said it could pose a danger the food safety authority has proclaimed the chemicals harmless but has also been accused of basing that opinion on studies sponsored by clive for site manufacturer a month center greens in the european parliament say that s not acceptable. we need to look at independent studies not just ones carried out by the industry and we have to finally end this thing with life a site there is a standard farming methods that work fine without the heavy use of chemicals. by standard farming methods hoisting means organic agriculture but many families say those methods are too expensive and think it s enough to only ban the use of head the side directly before the harvest conservative m a p s disagree with the greens but blame member states for not reaching a decision i find it very regrettable that for more than two years the member states don t have a clear position they re always postponing there s no majority for any position if member states don t come to a conclusion today the european commission will make the decision in their place and these protesters want like it because it s almost certain to allow the continued use of glyphosate. thought i wonder how this kind of debate would play out in china because the leadership there is in a very strong position brize in such a strong position we re talking about china s most powerful leader since mouat chinese president xi jinping has been confirmed for a second term as the country s leader she was selected as secretary general of the communist party s ruling council now the other leaders alongside him are either loyalists or a lot threaten him the party didn t did not select clear successor now that is a break with president critics say the concentration of so much power in one person is a troubling development especially for human rights and the rule of law. talk about this more let s bring in mathias bollinger who joins us from beijing ts g. s hold on power now has been cemented is being called the most powerful man since mo where does he want to take china. he wants to make china more powerful that s what he has said from the beginning. and he wants to have the communist party even more powerful in china so i guess we will see here on repression we will see a tighter grip of the communist party not only on society but also on the economy and his foreign policy we will see a strengthening of foreign investment that s very clear he has not only managed to enshrined his own name in the party constitution but also one of his favorite projects the one belt one road project which tends at building an infrastructure a chinese dominated infrastructure and infrastructure in the world so more. more chinese investments and more chinese assertiveness in the on the world stage and that is the part of congress that just wrapped up so a real break with the communist party tradition it did not appoint a successor to the new confirmed leader what do you make of that it s. well this seems to be a clear sign that she jinping is hoping to get a third term as a as as a party general secretary he cannot stand third term as a president but anyway the party post is the most important one. talking about successes of course these successes that have been built within the second term usually of somebody. to term in office they have never been named successors but it was very clear from their position that they were going to be in the in a circle of candidates this time we can exclude this because all of the of the members of the standing committee of the party are two odes to the this excess of cd and being in two thousand and twenty two. he will probably try to get his two or term in office. in his village or from for us from beijing this morning thanks very much for that and yes some spores into the german cup now football fans were following the actions closely as top of the table dortmund travel to third division magda berg a team known though for upsets but dortmund came mentally prepared for that. magdeburg fans made every effort including that huge terrifying monster graphic in the stands to try to intimidate the big name club but the big name club was having none of it starting with skinny number fourteen in the middle seventeen year old alexander e-zine in his competitive debut for dortmund ease uk set up then salo castro for the opening goal a nice knock down header making it easy the swedish forward helped himself just after the break guiding the ball through goalkeeper alexander brown s slags to make it to no penalty made it three and then dortmund thanks to shinji kagawa added two more to complete the route the guy was cross to mark bartra made it a four goal difference. and then he added his own go off of a pass for maximillian philip. dortmund desert albeit against third division competition. well sometimes a small note can make a big difference a note from albert einstein describing the key to happiness as sold for about one point five million dollars at an auction drew slim einstein gave the piece of handwritten advice to japanese bellboy after the scientists found out he had no cash on hand to tip of now the auction note reads a calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness putting began at two thousand dollars at escalating quickly before the note went to a mystery buyer for a cool million and a half. a year mine are now of our top stories this hour the trial for the german human rights activist paper story set to begin today in turkey stuart was arrested in july in istanbul on terrorism related charges case has become a flashpoint in the already tense relations between germany and turkey and. that s all we have time for don t forget there s always more on these and. other stories on our web site. money can t buy you love. or can it. hundred forty million euros a year in search of a partner. and thirty percent of them now find their partner online. business so much of our special focus on me. and facing an uncertain future. everything. more than half a million. this muslim minority group is increasingly becoming. a film crew accompany the family as they fled. atrocities against the. progress but when they start to divide the country i do feel where they start to divide the language your blood will flow over. the soviet union is breaking up part. the members of the russian federation would have to find their own way politically and economically. with the local it was an incredibly difficult tough. election this democracy was a lie the elections were a fraud say privatization was robbery the soviet union s heritage where does russia stand today and moscow s empire our series starting november fifth on w. . bush.

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Transcripts For DW DW News 20230227

israel leased by a palestinian gunmen. we ll hear from our correspondents jerusalem. also coming up counting the votes for precedence in nigeria. top they say it is too slow, was the lecture volunteers go through ballots one by one in africa s largest democracy. and the search continues. first survivors of an overcrowded migrant vessel, smashed to pieces in rough seas. off of the italian coast. at least 80 have been rescued. dozens are known to be dead. and after the earthquake going home to war, ravaged, syria, we follow a man who built a new life in turkey, but lost his wife and 2 of his children as he returns the love of his family. ah, i m sorry, kelly. welcome to the program palestinian authority say that one person has died during a riot by israeli settlers in the west bank. they say a group of settlers set fire to cars and some 30 homes. that was just hours after a palestinian gunmen shot and killed 2 settlers on sunday. the attacks are a part of worsening violence in the region and happened as is rarely and palestinian officials met in jordan to de escalate. the tension calls the com did not last long in the we spank. just al is after to israeli. brothers was shot deed and the car scores of israeli settlers began rioting near the town of hoarder . apparently in response to the killings which is riley officials described as a palestinian terror attack. the rioters began bending palestinian homes, cars and businesses lived out about what s happening is the burning of an entire village for you. this is what they do. so up in dozens of shops and houses were broken and burned. these will save houses and they were destroyed by about 4 to 500 settlers, with people from the army for their protection. palestinian officials say one man was shot dead by his railey fire and for more wood badly injured. nearly 100 others were treated for t. a gas, inhalation o palestinian president mahmoud abbas condemned what he called terrorist acts carried out by settlers under the protection of the occupation forces. israel s prime minister has called for com. oh, i ask even when the blood is boiling not to take the law into one s hands. i ask that these really defense forces and the security forces be allowed to carry out their work. about 2900000 palestinians live in the west bank and around 475000 jewish settlers, many of whom hold hardline views. since the start of this year, the israeli palestinian conflict has claimed the lives of 63 palestinians, and 11 israeli civilians talks to stop the intensifying violence took place in jordan over the weekend while both sides made promises for peace. the meeting failed to calm tensions which are now higher than they ve been in years. and i spoke earlier with d. w correspondent, rebecca readers in jerusalem for more. this is really some of the worst settler violence, sir, that we ve seen here in many years. some saying since the end of the 2nd intifada on 2 decades ago, as we heard in that report in an apparent revenge attack for the killing of 2 israeli settlers yesterday in the west bank near the town of hawaii, there was a cold put out on social media for settlers to get out and avenge that killing. that call was responded to when we saw settlers then going into this town tomorrow . it is a bit of a flash point in the north and west bank and often the st of settler violence. we saw them going in their torching palestinian homes. businesses at one home had a family in at the idea of had to the israeli defense forces had to evacuate that family. out of the burning house, we ve seen dozens of cars burned and one. palestinian was also shot and killed during that attack. and the seas was so shocking. in fact, that one is ready. security official who wouldn t be name, told local media here he called the events of last night a pogrom. and that s the word that s being echoed here on local media. this is really gives you the indication of the scale and severity of this attack. and this comes on the backdrop of what has already been and one of the most violent years in recent decades. we ve seen some 60 palestinians this year alone, killed her, and also 13 israelis, 7 of which were killed in that synagogue shooting towards the end of last last month. so we re seeing the tensions really ratcheting up here very serious fears that things could well spiral out of control. and that was c w s rebecca writers in jerusalem. nigeria and political parties are criticizing the slow pace of vote counting after the weekend type presidential election. some early results have been announced by election volunteers around the country are methodically going through ballots one at a time. nearly 90000000 were eligible to vote with many hoping that a new leader can help overcome nigeria, security concerns and economic belief. legos, bureau chief, florida to cor rod joins us now from nigeria is on ambrose state. so flourish, what more can you tell us about the boat counter and, and the early results the results are already coming in. we ve seen 4 states out of, of $36.00 states are now on national tv. and we ve seen some other states also announced at the state level, but a lot of people are not receiving these well. many people are dissatisfied with the results that they are seen. because before the election, ionic or several locations promise to nigerians, that the results will be uploaded on the portal. and people will be able to track those results. so they re not just sitting at home and having a setting numbers read to them. but you can see if it was uploaded, correct results. but right now i nick is refusing to to show us those results that are being uploaded. and a lot of people are not happy about that. not just that in lagos, we are beginning to see pockets of violence because i m one of the major parties b, t, r o b of the liberal party, one to presidential election on the legos. and we are beginning to see attacks in markets because a setting candidate was not declared as a winner. and so things are on forwarding quite. you know, the picture is quite green. also, we are seen online people signing petitions asking that this current i neg, the independent, national, electro, are commission be dissolved because it is not credible. when can we expect to know who s going to be nigeria is next. president is very difficult to see at this point when we would have that information because like i said, the results are coming in very slowly. or we are hoping, or we ve been told by i neg, that s the results would be in record time. but then again, there s so many other things that i next that they were not able to keep up to. so it s difficult to hold the word of i, nick. however i m, we re all way seen there. is it up of anxiousness awnings? i on expectation in the end, that is what? obviously everybody s talking about the presidential election. i was waiting to hear when the results of ruby, the final results will be announced. flores to cora in nigeria as our number ca. thank you so much. let s take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. remote or environmental activists granted tune berg has joined demonstrators blocking access to norway s energy ministry. the activist suppose wind turbine is built on land used by the indigenous sa me who say that there reindeer are frightened by the giant power generators to wind farms have operated for 16 months despite a norwegian supreme court ruling against tens of thousands of people have gathered in mexico city to protest against electoral law reforms, arguing that the changes approved by congress threatened democracy president, andrea manuel lopez over adored denies the claims presidential elections are due next year united nations secretary general antonio de good ted hash, has warned that human rights are under assault around the world, speaking to the un human rights council. quotation said that russia s invasion of ukraine in particular, had unleashed widespread death is its destruction and displacement. he called for a renewed commitment to international human rights agreements. russian president vladimir putin has claimed that ukraine s allies are planning to dismantle russia. a claim western countries dismissed. in an interview on state tv aired on sunday, mister putin said that russia had no choice but to take into account nato s nuclear capabilities. he went on to accuse nato members of taking part in russia s conflict indirectly by supplying ukraine with arms with. meanwhile, russian forces say that they are making advances in ukraine s east. they have been mounting repeated attacks on the region around the city of bar moot, which has become the scene of some of the heaviest fighting in the war. ukraine s military is holding the lie then the russian offensive has failed to gain new territory. this is what the frontline of russia s war and ukraine looks like. according to russian state media. not a single civilian in sight in back what the battle for back motors the longest running and bloodiest in russia s war on ukraine. russia claims it s making headway. the defense ministry said that in the genetic area, over a 100 ukranian troops were destroyed in the last 24 hours. a rule of a little this is deal. meanwhile, this footage from the ukrainian military appears to show russian tanks being blown up as they tried to approach the dynette sk city of villa dar. despite the constant bombardment from russian forces, ukrainian soldiers are fighting to keep the land out of russian hands. on the food that they were fighting for our children who claimed for our fellow ukrainians for our nation allotted with good luck because i think what russia is doing now the sort of this genocide of ukrainian zone with us, it s easy enough and ukrainians don t have another option who can answer but to win the more global rec, that s why we will fight till the very end the we have been so looking for glory to ukraine. up and down the front line, cities and villages alike have been left in ruins. most civilians have left but in the small village at bah, heritage now for people remain bold for almost every house in building in the village bears traces of violent fighting, but they re here to stay where we go. but still regarding that is i was in shocker rice gower. just shock freeform. i didn t feel good both, but it had already happened frog will and i couldn t change it. oh, for, for younger blue on as long as it s ukraine, and as long as it belongs to ukraine will to her. i ll stay here yet. i miss you, sir. i m over the wanton is g o. a steely resolve, some one that s reflected in ukrainian civilians and trips alike all along the front line as they continue to defend themselves against russian offensives. d w corresponding mathias bollinger is in car cave. we spoke earlier about the conflicting reports of movement on the front lines. if you look at the map and i mean the map that has confirmed positions because every time one of the saw it takes a settlement, they post photos with landmarks, etc. and then people start verifying them, comparing them. if you look at the very 5 more or less verified positions that you see a lot of back and forth that throughout the past few days and weeks. and that is why these messages are conflicting because they keep changing all the time over. all russia has been able to make advances over the past few months. slow advances, but advances in the past few days. they have come, not close to and circling the city, but yeah, pretty much having a big advantage and a road may be open to and circling, your credit is resisting fiercely to these advances and it has been holding the town. i ve been, many experts have said it s a matter of a few days and that s already a few weeks ago. so it s very important for both sides to keep each other in check there or to advance. and that is why we are seeing this incredibly bloody way of fighting there. this incredible waste of human bodies and of military equipment. all this is because this is the place where, where these 2 armies trying to exhaust each other. and that s why these, we see these movements, but we cannot still, the battle seems not to be decided yet, but russia has an advantage now to w. correspond mathias ballinger there from car keith. at least $62.00 migrants have died after their overcrowded wooden boat smashed into the rocks off of eastern italy. more than 80 people were rescued or swam on shore near the city of katana. and many more still missing. and official said that the boat set out several days ago from western turkey. the un refugee agency says those on board were mainly from afghanistan, somalia and pakistan. treasured possessions will sure. dozens of migrant streams ended here. children are among the victims rescue workers faced strong winds, trying to bring survivors to safety. condolences came from europe s top officials. i am deeply saddened by the terrible shipwreck off the coast of calabria. the resulting loss of life of innocent migrants is a tragedy. it s a shocking accident, but one that s all too familiar on italy, southern coastline, and over my blanket wicker thou very. the also found 2 bodies on the beach where my parishes, your brother to but a life, bless them. but while i was blessing them, i asked myself, why do we always arrive after death? we should arrive before death gallery villamore. a new law introduced by italy s right wing government restricts rescue operations at sea video since it s an endless tragedy. it strengthens our conviction that the only useful way to stop these tragedies is to stop departures. opposition. politicians say that this only leads to more tragedies caught another another c, tragedy with dozens of deaths, including many children. we must cooperate to safe as many lights as possible without criminalizing those who to day are saving lives at sea. despite the obvious dangers, the number of migrants making the perilous journey by bait, italy from northern africa and turkey is steadily on the rise. and journalists in a good taste in rome, telling us more about the ongoing rescue efforts. well, what we do know is that the firefighters, the coast guard, they ve continued the search and rescue mission through the night, trying to find bodies at sea. but so far, the dead count still stands at 59. they concerned that because of the rough c conditions and the currents that the body may have been moved. as a result, what they do know is, as i mentioned, 59 did some 80 people so that have been recovered alive. 20 of them in hospital. but we don t know the exact number of people on board. it was an overcrowded vessel, a 20 meter long wooden boat that essentially crash broke to pieces and those desperate people trying to get to shore. we re hearing stories about families, whole families essentially lost and see, and perhaps only one survivor. we do know that those on board appeared to have identified one of the survivors as being an alleged people. smuggler report say, it is a turkish man. we do know that the boat left the coast of turkey some 3 to 4 days ago before making this journey. here to try to arrive to italian shores, the italian president said to martha rella yesterday making a very strong statement that understanding where these people have come from leading very difficult conditions. it s important that the european union work together to try and resolve this. my great re phenomena these manage it. the talent government led by a right wing prime minister, georgia bologna, putting the blame squarely on the traffic was believing that, as you mentioned, this has to be resolved at the point of departure that they re done. tunnel a sima go to there from rome. now the earthquakes that devastated parts of turkey and syria earlier this month have claimed more than $50000.00 lives and displaced millions to make it simpler for syrians living in turkey. to deal with the quakes, effects back home on kara has loosened immigration restrictions. our next report follows a man returning to syria. this time for good abdul hamid thought he d be able to settle in turkey. but the earthquake changed everything. he spent a week searching the rubble for his family and found the bodies of his wife, his daughter, and one son. his 2 other boys survived. after 9 years in turkey, he is now decided to return to his parents in had him in the north of syria. other model alicio nicholas. i crossed the border after i lost everything i had earned in my life 30 lavish, i lost my house, my furniture, and all my money. the loss of i slept in a tent until i had the will to start anew, to move on home. so then i was able to take my son who is 2 years old and my eldest son and come here to day go to live your dead there and you re dead here. but here you have your family or your relatives. and this is what prompted me to come back. but even here, his parents home was also destroyed. so he and his sons will have to stay with other relatives while for now love. he got the letter and not planning anything right now that i can t think i m waiting for the situation to change and forgot to send us relief at the bub al. how are border crossing? dozens of buses arrive from turkey, bringing syrians home. thousands have returned to visit relatives taking advantage of an offer from turkish authorities that allows them to spend up to 6 months in northwest syria without losing their chance to return to turkey. but abdul hammered and his sons will not be going back till attend to start over here at home, bearing the weight of their grief. ah, in sports, the big game of the bundle sake awaken was byron munich against onion berlin, with both sides tight on points in the 1st place. but the champions byron looked far ahead as they swatted the berliners aside. the noon could scarcely have picked a filthier evening on which to walk into the lion s den of the alley on serena, alongside the snow, and byrons parked his on legions. the pretenders from berlin had to deal with the swagger of serial champions that they managed for half an hour. and then the dumb burst. eric took a meting was given time and space to not in the opener. 9 minutes later kingsley come, all had similar freedom to run through and run, frederick little to make it to nil. lovely jolted the shoulder from the frenchman, and a fine finish from a tight angle. and then on the stroke of halftime jamal missy, allah killed the game as a contest. thomas miller, just managing to keep the ball in missoula, doing the rest when you did show some attacking threat and the 2nd half, but sure i ll do. becka was out of luck. his shot was deflected over that was the most the berliners could muster by him. so the game with ease the wind pitch them backward, their funds, believe they belong until the end is legal. and after the game, byron coach gilley, and now guzman had this to say about his team s performance against an yup. perfect game of my team. really brought today because british control against that opponent to which normally they could see that many chances i think were great. 2567 goals today. the patrol against their counter tech. a big focus or did i minutes? i m really happy today. elsewhere on sunday, there were 2 standing goals as fryeburg drew one all with labor, coups in fryeburg, when one now up in the 1st half through a free kick from intended refill. he took the claim, although the ball seemed to go in off labor truth and keeper lucas rabinski. now labor cruising replied in the 2nd half though is sweet volley from a dark moon $11.00, the final score. so look at the standings now byron, endorsement, our level on points at the top on your remain in 3rd, but are now 3 points behind the leaders like take move up to 4th in the bottom half hair to make the lead to 14th. that means that half and hi mm hm. and chalka now bring up the rear. and here s some other stories from the world of sport in tennis, cameron nori thought back from a set down to when the real open final the brit beat world number 2. carlos torres over 3 set, having lost another final to the same opponent one week earlier. its noise 1st atp title of the new year. in bask, bolden milwaukee bucks tramped over the phoenix suns. despite missing their star player yarn us onto the combo. due to injury, the victory extends the team s winning street to 14 games and hips their chances of finishing top of the n b a s eastern conference alive in ice hockey mean time carol caprice off was the hero. as the minnesota wild beat, the columbus blue jacket, his sport, all 3 of the wild falls as they came from behind to secure a 3 to victory. the russian pulled his side level before stealing his hat trick any dramatic overtime period. football fans and turkey used a league match on sunday to make a heart warming donation to children affected by the recent earthquake in the country, supporters through thousands of teddy bears and other stuff, toys on to the pitch. the event was organized by fan groups of the home side is stumble, base by chic tash. and we re also reports of supporter chance calling on the turkish government to resign. you re watching database in is coming up next on d, w, news, asia, taiwan, and the u. s. have been beefing up their military ties, but will the enhanced cooperation make the island safer from chinese depression? my colleague thrash, energy will bring you that story and a whole lot more after a short break. it s worth more on the website, d, w dot com. i m sarah kelly and berlin. thank you so much for joining me. take care with ah, with ah! a with a 2016 as like a bunch of the queen cousins wanted to see if germany was for me. the last few years have been quite a ride in burly in touch with averted on the home when it comes to germany is. and of course i always look in the eyes, birch is, but perhaps the biggest on the new hobby of mine, i m no longer approved. i love to be and then you d better repose americans. but when you re feeling multiple giving you a real life, which coaches just another way of living, are you ready to meet the driver and then join me, right? just do it on the w. mm. mm. should we? mm. how do we treat animals? and why hasn t anything changed in that? this is actually a clear violation of animal protection. well, why do we love some as companions while eating others? yeah, i never thought about how strange it was that i could pat my dog with one hand while i ate a pork chop with the other. what is the alternative and how does it taste? it s like the real thing, yes out. will we all be begin in 50 years? i literally think that like are the next generations? well, i ll look back and say, that s crazy that we ever use animals to get a documentary series about the future of food. and there were complex relationship with animals with the great meat debate this week on d. w. b . this, or did other news a shock coming up to date when increasing military cooperation with the united states make taiwan more safe or less. so. the island has an ambitious program of dreaming world, bresh with us forces. but for china, looking on disapprovingly, does this strategy.

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Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - DW - 20171025:08:23:00

Chinese president xi jinping has been confirmed for a second term as the country s leader she was selected as secretary general of the communist party s ruling council now the other leaders alongside him are either loyalists or a lot threaten him the party didn t did not select clear successor now that is a break with president critics say the concentration of so much power in one person is a troubling development especially for human rights and the rule of law. talk about this more let s bring in mathias bollinger who joins us from beijing ts g. s hold on power now has been cemented is being called the most powerful man since mo where does he want to take china. he wants to make china more powerful that s what he has said from the beginning. and he wants to have the communist party even more powerful in china so i guess we will see here on

Xi-jinping , Country , Communist-party , Term , Leader , Secretary-general , President , Council , Leaders , Lot , Power , Successor