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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20170201

fast. after republicans refused to even consider president obama s nominee for the seat. merrick garland. the republicans wouldn t even hold hearings for nearly a year. some democrats calling it a stolen seat. both the president and judge gorsuch know they are in for a tough fight. as this process now moves to the senate, i look forward with speaking with members from both sides of the aisle. to answering their questions and to hearing their concerns. i only hope that both democrats and republicans can come together, for once, for the good of the country. and you hear him say for once, now that he s president now, it s not president s nominee being discussed. so a different set of standards democrats would say there. nevertheless, the first courtesy call from judge gorsuch with senators begin in just hours. let s bring in laura jarrett live from the white house. the white house did a very good keeping this a secret. and the theatrics surrounding it very well orchestrated. that s right, john. as the president announced last night, neil gorsuch has an impressive academy background. he s got degrees from columbia, harvard law school, oxford. he spent his teenage years in washington, d.c. incidentally, his mom was the first woman to head the environmental protection agency. he clerked on the supreme court for justice kennedy. and his judicial philosophy isn t a secret. he s described as predictively and socially conservative, much like in the mold of the late justice scalia. he believes in following an original interpretation of the constitution. now, on some of his more notable cases he was one of the original judges in the hobby lobby decision where the 10th circuit ruled that corporations can refuse to cover birth control under their employees health insurance plans. that ruling was later uphold by the supreme court. he was somewhat of a sleeper choice up until recently. he wasn t even on trump s original list put out in last may. but in the past several days we heard he was rising to the top. and republicans are just thrilled with the choice. the senate majority leader mcconnell came out last night saying this is an outstanding choice. but chuck schumer was more measured, the senate minority leader. he came out and said, look, we need to see how this goes. and we need someone who is going to stand up to president trump. we ll see what happens. more democrats at least does seem they re going to have hearings on judge gorsuch which is much different than what happened with merrick garland. lawyer remarks thanks so much. let s discuss with former prosecutor for the middle district of georgia. michael moore is back with us live from atlanta this morning. good morning. good morning. so what we re hearing about judge he has a really solid legal pedigree. no one is questioning the legal mind of judge gorsuch. but you hear from the right, he s an outstanding choice. what you hear from the left, nancy pelosi, the democrats, he s outside the mainstream. which is it? well, i think you re right, nobody can question his credentials. he has a great academy pedigree. he s developing a reputation on the bench for writing well-reasoned opinions. they re scholarly. he s an audit textural. in other words, he believes that the words mean something. he believes we ought to look at the intent as we interpret the constitution but he also gives great deference to the legislative branch. he s been known to say in the past, really the liberals are counting too much on judges and courts to affect their social policy as opposed to the ballot box. in other words, liberals maybe ought to look at how they win elections, let the legislators write the laws and let the judges interpret them. it s interesting, though, he s also known to say he doesn t think judges should pigeonhole themselves. and for one ideological group or another. he thinks that s a bad thing. he thinks that an ideologue misses what we call the gray areas of the law. i think we have to nominate who is clearly aegdly qualified to sit on the bench. at the same time, we ve got somebody who says i don t want to be pigeonholed. but my opinions seem in line with a conservative judge. i want to listen to something judge gorsuch said. he s a man known as a great writer. if you can get that title, a conservative thinker. but he s talking about what he see as the importance of the supreme court and why his work is so important. the supreme court s work is vital not only to a region of the country but to the whole. vital to the protection of people s liberties under the law. and continuity of our constitution. the greatest charter of human liberty the world has ever known. it s interesting if he is confirmed it will mean that all nine justices, again, went to ivy league schools which is interesting. he ll be the only episcopalian on the bench. the others are christian or jews. and he ll be western. he comes from the ooeft i think kennedy is from sacramento but the rest of the justices come mostly from the east. so there will be some geographic diversity at least. it s interesting to see that. do you think that there will be hearings, we think. democrats will allow hearings. and this is a man good with words. is he likely to impress given answer questions in public? i think rightly so. even the rollout last night. and i give judge gorsuch in the remarks that he made. i think he s clearly an impressive nominee. and he is a wordsmith. he has a way getting his word across and make a compelling comparison nor the cases he s writing or and his own story. there s no question as we look back i think anyone would say merrick garlands were mistreated. he often didn t even get meetings with the senators. hopefully, going forward the senate will meet with judge gorsuch, and i think ultimately, his nomination will advance. i think the democrats need to weigh that out very carefully as we think about the nuclear option. whether or not that s a rule change in the senate that would affect the ultimate vote required for him to move through and receive confirmation. but i think he s an impressive candidate. i m not sure he s the one that the democrats need to pick a fight over at this point. thanks for stopping by. facebook s chief operating officer cheryl sandburg is condemning president trump s travel ban as, quote, particularly unforgiving to woman. in a facebook post sandburg wrote the executive orders written over the past week defy the heart and values that define the belt of our nation. families have been separated. frightened children have been detained and separated without their parents. people seeking receive few have been turned away. we heard tim cook telling wall street journal in an interview, the apple ceo, he s going to ask and has asked the highest reaches of the government to revoke that travel ban. it s been difficult for his employees. hundreds of employees affected and it s just wrong. you wrote a piece on which i recommend to you which discusses the fact that ceo in businesses weighing in on values more than we have seen in the past. that s shareholder values but moral values suddenly, you hear business leaders talking about dignity and business culture. and this, of course, all follows at least more recently the fallout over the travel ban. the white house trying to get out ahead of the optics of this now. and also trying to sort of shift the language, saying that the ban is not in fact a ban. what do they want to call it now? 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(echo) with quicksilver from capital one you ve always earned unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. welcome to unlimited. what s in your wallet? listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs. this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth. just ask listerine® users. the very people we studied in the study of bold. people who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. do a yoga handstand. and be in a magician s act. listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs so you can feel 100% in life. bring out the bold™. also try listerine® pocketpaks for fresh breath on the go. this morning rng the trump administration is defending the rollout of its travel and refugee ban which they now say is not a ban. but that s a whole other story. cnn has learned the department only got to see the final draft of the ban the day it was signed. i want to bring in cnn politics ror dan merica live from washington. i do think it was notable, dan, the administration really trying to get out in front of this story. the press conference along with the department of homeland security, several officials one after another coming to the microphone saying everything is under control here, we ve got this. yeah it seems like kelly and department of homeland security are trying to help him out here. members of his own party are acknowledged this is a bungledout. it caused chaos at airports. and led to massive protests. and this all caught when the white house seems to be focused on whether or not we should even call it a ban our not. take a list ton sean spicer s exchange with reporters yesterday at the press briefing. you say it s not a been this was president trump s tweet yesterday if the ban were announced he says it s a ban, right? he s using the words that the media is using. we didn t hold on. john, thanks, i ll let kristin talk. it can t be a ban if you re letting 1 million people in. 325,000 people from another country can t come in, it s by nature, not a ban. it s extreme vetting. so you re confused? i m not confused. i think the words being used to describe it derive from what the media has been calling it. he s been very clear it s extreme vetting. sean spicer not exactly on solid footing here. donald trump tweeted calling it a ban. and sean spicer himself said in multiple events that it was a ban. we ll see sean spicer and the president later today. i imagine this will come out. no doubt. dan merica for us. dan doing reporting. the president appears to have cancelled a trip scheduled for wisconsin to visit harley davidson. there are reports of a protest there. now the president will not be going. i would think that harley-davidson is a good photo op for the president. it s made until america. robust. wisconsin, swing state. wisconsin don t say wisconsin like that. that s a north dakota accent. also, we go to washington. good morning. good morning. i thought that rollout, i ve got to say, before we get to a ban, when is a ban not a ban or the three little letters. i ve got to say that the judge gorsuch rollout was really sort of the movie presidential such a meticulous rollout in prime time, 8:00 p.m. he s getting high marks for this, isn t he? yeah, you know, it was interesting the way he pushed it into prime time. a lot of people thought it it was going to end up being a reality show style of thing. it was very presidential, despite the hour. before you get to the ban if you compare the rollout of the supreme court nominee to the rollout of the travel ban, it s pretty stark the difference there. one, you know, was done in secret. and they didn t consult with anybody in the federal government. or within their own party. and here with gorsuch, they clearly had a methodical process where they went through and found a justice that was going to make a lot of people in their party happy. i think that s an interesting contrast. and i think people will say the unity that this will create within the party. there s been chaos and people critical over the ban, they were always going to come together and support this pick, as long has he gets it right. as far as they re concerned he did get it very, very right. the democrats with a way different view. listen to nancy pelosi. she doesn t have a vote on his. but she s clearly influential. she was part of the cnn town hall with jake tapper, let s listen. it s a very hostile appointment. the family, well meant, i m sure. if you drink food, take medicine or in any other way interact with the courts this is a very bad decision. well outside of the mainstream the american legal thought. do we know how hard democrats will fight on this? i just want to say about nancy pelosi, that was interesting, this was less than an hour. there was secrecy. they didn t officially know, it was clear that democrats were ready for this, ready for this particular pick to say as much as they possibly could about him. we ve already seen i think this is pretty remarkable we ve already seen democrats share ground and some others say theyological oppose him without even met with him. a lot of this i think is going to be carryover from merrick garland, president obama s pick who republicans filibustered essentially for a year and denied even a hearing and wouldn t meet with the guy. there might be sour grapes that carry over too. can we talk quickly about the talking points, with the white house, a ban is not really a ban, where do we go with that story line today? clearly, sean spicer is going to be asked again about that. absolutely, i think at some point, the word ban is going to become a semantic thing. there are people out there who used to be able to come to this country not abe to come to this country. you can call it swhafr you want. i think sometimes, we may get lost in the words here. words that were presented many ties by the white house and administration over time. but that aside. zach wolf, great to have you with us. you, too. tom brady, he got emotional revealing that he s dealing with a family crisis. hasn t for a long time, leading up to his seventh super bowl appearance. andy scholes has the morning bleacher report. how to win at business. step one: point decisively with the arm of your glasses. abracadabra. the stage is yours. step two: choose la quinta. the only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free night-instantly and win at business. everything your family touches sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don t stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. because no one kills germs better than clorox. you may be muddling through allergies.oned with. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. we your most extraordinarybut withmoments happenses when you feel small. when you re completely outnumbered, overshadowed, and outshined. so what if you dared to explore this great big beautiful pond. what if you dared to feel small. celebrate our princess anniversary sale with award winning itineraries. 7 day fares from $799. visit your travel agent or princess cruises. come back new. pain from a headache whecan make this.d, feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol® when you have a cold, pain from chest congestion can make this. feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol® she makes the and the tough times easier. the ever us collection. one diamond for your best friend. one diamond for your true love. for the one woman.who s both. ever us. available at jared, kay and zales. (vo) nutritional needs.og s all in one. purina one. healthy energy, all in one. strong muscles, all in one. highly digestible, and a taste he loves, all in one. purina one smartblend is expertly blended. with 100% nutrition, 0% fillers, always real meat #1. lifelong smart nutrition. it s all in one. purina one. patriots quarterback tom brady may look it easy. by that, i mean, pefeverything. andy scholes has the the blecher report. brady said not just because of the deflate gate trauma but brady s mom has been dealing with a health issue for the past 18 months. brady said his mom hasn t made it to a game for 18 months. and his dad has only been to one. to have them back is going to make it extra special. you just have different things that your family goes through in the course of your life. it s been a challenging year for, you know, my family. just for personal reasons. it will be nice having everyone here watching us this weekend. and the last time the falcons were in the super bowl atlanta nature miff vic beasley jr. was 6 years old. on sunday, the linebacker won t have his dad game at the game. vic beasley sr. passed away at the age of 53. the younger beasley has dedicated this season to his dad. he would be so proud right now and say get out there on the field. i m already proud of him. and the players. after your dad passed away, is winning the super bowl even more important to you now? well, you know, i know my dad s proud of me. proud of the man he helped me become. and finally, here s one way to stay loose before the biggest game of your life, ping-pong. the falcons have three ping-pong tables in their locker room. players and coaches say it helps the team bond and improve hand/eye coordination. matt ryan says the game before the game is just as important. i ve got my title. it gets pretty intense in our locker room. so, we had some fun with that last night after media night. we played a little bit of ping-pong and had a good time. the guys, of course, then walking around the super bowl here in houston all week doing interviews. the common theme with the patriots, christine, ironically, they keep talking about the excitement of waiting for their number one fan to arrive in houston. i think thursday night is the big arrival. they keep going on and on about it. we ll have live cameras at the airport for the arrival. i ll be there friday with you, andy. i will tell you, if one of the falcons pulled a muscle playing ping-pong in the locker room, you know, just saying, got to be careful. you have to be broken up about it, huh? it went be so bad. andy scholes, thank you. 26 minutes past the hour. the political battle is shiftinging. now with donald trump naming a supreme court nominee. can that shift the focus from the travel ban rollout. 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[ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] first, the pick. now the politics. new reaction overnight for the president s nominee for the supreme court. republicans rejoice. democrats, ready for battle. three little letters and one very big politically charged word when a travel ban is not a ban. the new talking points the administration is using to smooth over a messy rollout. welcome back to early start, everyone. i m christine romans. i m john berman. about 30 minutes after the hour. great to see you. in the season of political showdowns this could be the biggest one yet, in terms of generational impact and heat it s generated. overnight, president trump figured a choice for the supreme court vacancy, neil gorsuch. republicans on capitol hill and nearly across the nation are nearly ecstatic with this. gorsuch is a texturalist. democrats are seething over president obama s nominee merrick garland calling this nomination a nomination to a stolen seat. democrats were quick to pounce on gorsuch, although they did not commit to blocking him with filibuster. gorsuch acknowledged the tough confirmation ahead. as this process moves to the. i look forward to speaking with members from both sides of the aisle to answering their questions and hearing their concerns. i honl hope that both democrats and republicans can come together, for once, for the good of the country. the judge s first courtesy calls to senators begin in just hours. the latest, let s bring in cnn justice reporter laura jarrett live from washington for us this morning. good morning. good morning, christine. well, agency the president emphasized his remarks last night, this is a choice of neil gorsuch who has a really impressive background and resume. he s got degrees from columbia, harvard law school, oxford. he spent his teenage years in washington, d.c. incidentally, his mom was the first woman to head the environmental protection agency. he clerked on the supreme court for justice kennedy. and his judicial philosophy isn t a secret. he s described as predictively socially conservative, much like in the mold of the late justice scalia. he believes in original interpretation of the constitution. so, in terms of some of his more notable cases, he was one of the original judges in the hobby lobby decision, where the 10th circuit rules that corporations were refuse to cover birth control understand their employees health insurance plan. and that ruling was later upheld by the supreme court. he was somewhat of a sleeper choice up until recently. he wasn t even on the original list that trump put out last may. but in the past several days, we heard he was rising to the top and republicans are thrilled. late last night, mitch mcconnell came out last night saying this was an outstanding choice that the president has made. but chuck schumer, the senate minority leader had measured comments saying you need someone on the court that s going to push back. on the president. so we ll have to see what happens, christine. and we will. laura jarrett, nice to see you bright and early. because this is all just beginning for now. really, it s again going phone for months. we want to discuss it with a former prosecutor for the middle district of georgia, michael moore. thanks for being with us. we ve been talking abe the fact that no one questions the academic credentials. he s a well-known judge. a very thoughtful writer. and he himself yesterday talked about how he thinks that judges should apply the law. i want you to listen to that. i respect, too, the fact that in our legal order it is for congress and not the courts to write new laws. it is the role of judges to apply, not alter the work of the people s representatives. a judge who likes every outcome he reaches is very likely a bad judge. stretching for results he prefers, rather than those the law demands. he s known as a constitutionalist, a texturalis. i think his comments last night were interesting. he s been known before to say that he thinks liberals may rely too much on the courts and judges to effect their social change. and there should probably be a line on the ballot box to let lettingers enact law that they think are in line with their beliefs. i don t think there s any question he s going to a solid conservative vote. the opinions he s written have indicated that. he believes in religious expression. he s known for the hobby lobby case. he wrote a concurring opinion in that, supporting religious expression. it s no secret he s written a book talking about the sanctity of life and acivilitied suicide. i think you marry that, and compare that with the idea that he s also typically a supporter of the application of the death penalty. so, he s an interesting judge. but i don t think there s any question that he ll be a conservative vote in the mold of scalia. and that really is what the president and republican senators are looking for. legal pedigree is pretty exemplary, when you look at his back ground, that he wants to be a judge. his supporters said he could have gone anywhere, made any amount of money for any law firm, but he wants to be a judge. is there a risk here i guess for democrats? he clerked for justice kennedy, right? you know, he may be looking at some point at retirement. is there a risk here for future picks if the democrats are too tough on him? well, i think he comes in with a great academic record. and he s written well-reasoned opinions wlrn opinions whether or not you agree with his judicial argument is another opinion. so something certainly the democrats have to think about as they move forward. it s interesting to note, in his 2006 confirmation hearing, i think senator graham was the only member of the senate judiciary committee to attend that hearing. there were some questions submitted by two other senators. i don t think he s going to have the same experience this go-around. i think he s probably looking at significant questions and a lengthy confirmation process. he did say back then he didn t want to be pigeonholed into one group or another. didn t wand to be an ideologue. and i think that was good for judges to be ideologue, that they were gray areas that you need to consider. i think it will be interesting. all in all, the president put up a strong candidate and they ll have to decide, the democrats how much of a fight they want to put up to this seat as opposed to a seat in the future. michael moore, now on the early start hall of fame. after lawsuits protesters pushed back after that travel ban. the white house say it s it s not a ban, after all. hear why next. america s beverage companies have come together to bring you more ways to help reduce calories from sugar. with more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all, smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels, and signs reminding everyone to think balance before choosing their beverages. we know you care about reducing the sugar in your family s diet, and we re working to support your efforts. more beverage choices. smaller portions. less sugar. this morning, the trump administration is defending the rollout of its controversial travel and refugee ban which they are now saying is not a ban. more on that in a moment. the new secretary of homeland security john kelly has suggested he and his staff, they were involved in drafting the measure. but cnn has learned they only got to see the final draft the day it was signed. we want to bring in dan merica now. dan it seems that the administration is trying to turn this story around. that s right. it seems like the department of homeland security, general john kelly now with the trump administration trying to say we were in on this, we did understand it was coming. but our report says it was something different. and members on capitol hill even say it was a bungled rollout. this is coming at the same time the administration is quibbling over whether they call this a ban or not a ban. take a list ton what sean spicer said yesterday at the press briefing. you say it was not a ban. this were president trump s ban yesterday, if the ban were announced with a one week notice, the bad would rush into our country during last week. he s we ll let kristin talk. if 325,000 from other country can t come in, it s by nature not a been. i understand. it s extreme vetting. are you confused? no i m not confused i think the words being used to describe it derive from what the media has been calling it. it s been very clear it s extreme vetting. that s just not accurate. donald trump tweeted it was a ban. sean spicer himself, the man you see there, said multiple times in interviews and events that this was a ban. trump nominated a supreme court justice last night, i can almost guarantee that this will come up at some point today, whether we see trump or spicer. it will be interesting to see. dan merica, great to have you. let s discusses with cnn politics zach wolf. the rollout was so methodic and presidential. compare that with the rollout of this particular ban or extreme vetting or temporary moratorium, whatever you want to call it in the semantics fight, very different events. that s right. you know, on the one hand, you had something done both of them were done somewhat in secret. but on the one hand you had the white house resulting republicans really going through methodical process to interview all of the justices. on the other hand, you have them sort of crafting this policy that was going to be hugely controversial in how they did it and in secret, in a lot of ways that the government, the u.s. government, the whole apparatus and then dropping it in a way that caused mass confusion for a bunch of people trying to come into the country. yeah, it s a striking difference that these two events could have come from the same white house. let s listen 0 what house minority leader nancy pelosi said, minutes after the announcement of judge gorsuch as the nominee came up she was in a town hall with jake tapper. it s a very hostile appointment. the fellow, well meant, family. but if you eat food, take medicine or in any other way interact with the courts this is a very bad decision. well outside the mainstream of american legal thought. democrats, no doubt, will fight this, and we ll see how hard over the coming days and week, zach. but i m struck by the fact over the last 12 days people have lot sight how unifying this will be for republicans. the president has ruffled feathers but they will all be with him on this. they will. and donald trump needed that. he needed a way to unify the party. he s doing things to frustrate people on capitol hill. how is he going to pay for the wall? having the wall itself. these are things that are going to divide the party. neil gorsuch is going to unify it because of, we presume, his stance on life issues, et cetera. it s something that ke rally around. and with the hobby lobby ruling, that s a touchstone for conservatives, quite frankly, legal conservatives, yeah? yeah, not only does it have to do with the issue of life but obamacare which unifies republicans for the most part very easily. zach wolf for us in washington. a busy week. we have the supreme court nomination now on the heels of the white house trying to move beyond the travel ban which they re not calling a ban. we will see how it plays out over the next few hours. let s see what s coming up on new day. alisyn camerota joins us. hi, guys. sometimes, things run late around here. by things i mean me. so, i m still getting ready. but i do know what s coming up on new day. we have a lot to talk about. is it a travel ban, is it not a travel ban. is it a muslim ban. obviously there hasn t a lot of messages coming out of the white house. the big question is who is steve bannon, some people have suggested that he is actually running the white house, and we have a longtime close friend of steve bannon who has had a bitter falling out with him who will tell us exactly what makes stephen bannon tick. we ll have that at the top of the hour. more information. there you go. talk to you soon. she s running late. cuomo s not even there yet. cuomo comes in like two seconds till. in fact, he s probably not even in the building. and confirmation votes for two of president trump s nominees. we ll tell you how. pain from a headache can when make this.old, feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol® more doing chores for dad per roll more earning something you love per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more life per roll. bounty, the quicker picker upper people confuse but they re different. nice tells you what you want to hear. but kind is honest. this bar is made with cranberries and almonds. so, guess what? we call it cranberry almond. give kind a try. this is one gorgeous truck. 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(laughter) come home with me! trade up to the silverado 2500hd all star edition and get an average total value over $11,000 when you find your tag. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. you may be muddling through allergies.oned with. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. two of president trump s key cabinet picks are being blocked by democratic boycott. and republicans in an uproar this morning. finance committee votes for tom price and steve mnuchin, now on hold after democrats refused to show up for the hearings. committee chairman orrin hatch called that tactic as pathetic and amazingly stupid. he called the democrats involved idiots. rules require at least one democrat could be present to be able to move forward. the nomination of senator jeff sessions to the attorney general has also been slowed down by democrats. they used a procedural move to delay the move on tuesday. that pick will happen later today. senator sessions coming under intense scrutiny in the wake of the president s travel and refugee ban. he denies that negotiations may have had a role in crafting. some former staffers seem to have been involved. and then also at the time, the nomination of rex tillerson, after the back and forth amid the controversy, it does seem that he will be confirmed even though it s narrow. stunning opposition to the president s travel and refugee ban from inside the state department. a member of dissent disclosing the executive order has been signed by 900 diplomats using the so-called dissent channel. this is allows employees to offer what will they call constructive criticism of foreign policy that protects them from retaliation. when white house press secretary sean spicer was asked yesterday about the memo, he said diplomats could either get with the program or go. the city of san francisco is suing the defense department for the legal challenge to that appeals. the white house has said sanctuary cities that limit cooperation between federal immigration agents and local law enforcement. san francisco s city attorney calls the order unconstitutional and un-american. let s get a check on cnn money stream. file this under what goes up. the s&p 500 is down. four days in a row now. the longet slump since president trump was elected. a quick check shows stock futures higher. markets up. gold prices higher. for a second day i m mentioning gold here because there was a rush into safety. the safety of gold bonds and high-yielding stocks yesterday. gold is still glittering this morning. shares of under armour down 25%. the biggest one-day loss ever. sales and profits badly missed forecast. and plus, its chief financial officer stepped down for personal reasons. and under armour spent big money signing big athletes. tom brady. look at him. he looks ready. investors have cheered big endorsement deals like this, but that excitement doesn t seem to be translating into sales. which excitement are you talking about? tom brady. let s talk about profit of apple shares slumped after the past three quarters apparently over thanks to a huge rebound in iphone sales. the ceo tim cook says there s really strong demand for the iphone 7, plus, that s the larger model. in other cook news he tells the wall street journal that apple is considering legal action against the president s travel ban. he doesn t provide details on how the company would push that but he says it s affected hundreds of apple employee. apple has not responded to our request for comment. finally this, tearses for super bowl ads are starting to hit the internet. this one from budweiser has some asking if the company is making a political statement. you don t look like you re from around here. welcome to america. you re not wanted here! this is the story of beer s founder busch as he immigrates from germany to the united states in the 1800s. he sails through storms, he faces discrimination because of his german heritage. he eventually a arrives in st. louis, missouri, where he would create the brewing giants. the ad comes after widespread question over trump s presidential travel ban. budweiser said the timing is a colt coincidence. he said the ad was created before the travel ban. it s meant to express entrepreneurial spirit and the american dream. and also beer. it s also meant to promote beer which some people like drinking. so there s a game or something this weekend? there is in fact a game this sunday night. the patriots will be there. i m going not to the game. i m going to houston. he s been pinching himself all day. i m going to be in the same city as tom brady. i m christine romans. i m john berman, new day starts right now. the qualifications of judge gorsuch are beyond dispute. he may be coming with an agenda that s out of the mainstream. this is one that is not a place that people should fight over. democrats are delaying confirmation votes for president trump s cabinets. the white house has been untruthful. and at times, un-american. we also make it very clear this is not a muslim ban. we have a very, very strict ban. 900 diplomats sent him a letter saying you re making a mistake. the rollout was confusing. chaos we have is because of senate democrats. announcer: this is new day with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states around around the world. this is new day. wednesday, 6:00. president trump many introducing his pick for the supreme court. colorado judge neil gorsuch in a prime time event. republicans applauding the 49-year-old conservative. democrats vow doing challenge mr. gorsuch, calling this choice hostile. he d be the youngest, on the court, by the way, since clarence thomas. the prime time event was hoped to distract from the travel ban debacle but it won t now hundreds of state department diplomats are calling it wrong headed as well insisting the highly charged executive order will make america less safe. we re entering day 13 of donald trump s presidency. we have every angle covered. good morning, chris. there are fewer bigger decisions a president can make than appointing justice to the supreme court. well this judge, neil gorsuch will be on capitol hill this morning meeting with mitch mcconnell. he will be escorted by the former new hampshire senator. and chris, this confirmation battle will be

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The OReilly Factor 20170126

criticize him? we ll take a look at that. bill: caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. bill: hi, i amll bill o reilly. thanks for watching tonight. big crackdown on illegal immigration. that is the subject of this evening s talking points memoa fulfilling a campaign promise, president trump has ordered the immediate construction of a wall on the southern border. and not only that. our order also does the following. ends the policy of catch and release at the border. requires other countries to take back their criminals. they will take them back. cracks down on sanctuary cities. empowers i.c.e. officers to target and remove those who pose a threat to public safety. bill: mr. trump signing two executive orders earlier today which send a signal, a strong signal, that illegal immigration is going to be dealt with in a very aggressive way. to explain further, catch and release is a policy reinstituted by president obama wherere those sneaking across the southern border could ask for asylum and almost immediately be set free. sometimes handed a bus ticket that you and i paid for to an address anywhere in the usa. few of those released have ever returned for their court that policy was a scandal. now, it is finished. secondly, the sanctuary cities, as you know, have openly defied federal law for decades. now, federal funds may be denied to those places. so on day three of president trump s first week in office, he sent shock waves through the liberal communities. also, mr. trump is calling for a federal investigation into voter fraud, where he alleges that millions of illegal aliens arera voting. that s a good thing, the investigation. we should know if fraud on election day is real or not. also, the president has informed the city of chicago that if the murder epidemic there doesn t stop, federal authorities will intervene. another good thing. and that intrusion is likely to happen as illinois governor bruce rauner and chicago mayor rahm emanuel will not stop the brutal gang killings. they just won t do it. which have taken thousands of innocent lives. how that situation has been allowed to go on for years is another scandal and perhaps the most vivid illustration of racism talking points has ever seen. so, president trump is acting quickly and according to a rasmus daly presidential tracking poll, americans are taking notice. today, the poll has 57% of likely u.s. voters approving of donald trump s job opponents, 43% disapproval. it remains to be seen, however, whether a border wall will be effective, whether stationary cities will finally obey the law, and whether ending the catch and release program will slow down illegal border crossings. but at this point, strong federal action is being taken. no question about it. that is the memo. now for the top story tonight. is it kate s law next?in as you may know, the factor was instrumental in proposing a law that would impose tough, mandatory, federal criminals who defy deportation. kate s law was sabotaged by the villain senator harry reid but will now be introduced. joining us from philadelphia, congressman steve king, who is promoting the law in the house. senator ted cruz doing the same thing in the senate. where are we on the kate s law, senator cruz? good evening, bill. it is good to join you. kate s law, as you noted, the last congress put it up for a vote, the house of representatives passed it, and the senate democrats filibustered it. we got three votes in the senate the last time around. y i hope and believe we will bring it up for a vote again, but this time we will have a president unlike barack obama, a president who supports kate s law, supports a mandatory minimum sentence of at least five years in prison for aggravated felons who illegally reenter this country.y. it was named as you know, it was named after kate steinle, who you shined the light on so powerfully, the terrible story where she was murdered by a career criminal, who kept coming into this country over and over and over again. kate steinle should never have been killed. the laws made sense. bill: seven this low-level drug dealer came back seven times after being deported six times. why do you think, senator cruz, that barack obama, president obama, didn t get behind the law? well, unfortunately, president obama and an awful lot of congressional democrats support illegal immigrants. bill: this is violence. this isn t illegal immigration. but they don t distinguish among them. so the obama administration repeatedly released violent criminal illegal aliens. they released rapists. bill, i was down at the border at mcallen a couple years ago and i was visiting with border patrols and sheriffs and law enforcement and it was right after the presidential election. and the degree of relief of these men and women who risk their lives trying to keep this country safe, because in a border patrol, for eight years, they have had political leadership telling them, don t do your job, you will be punished for doing your job. and i think that changed onob january 20th. i think today s orders were an example of strong leadership from president trump. bill: all right, now, congressman king, you are a hero, too, along with senator cruz, because you are driving this law in the house. it won t have any problem in the house, it is the senate where they are going to have to get al few democrats over, which i senator agree with senator cruz, it will happen. joe manchin will come over, a few others will come over. where is your bill, congressman king and senator cruz s bill and senator grassley is a hero, too, is it compatible, have you guys reconciled it? it is. we are reconciled on the language. it has happened before that senator cruz and i have matched up on legislation that just by, i will say proper instinct, rather than planning it. we came together on this in that fashion. the last congress retired it, i picked it up verbatim and introduced it into the congress. we are gathering signatures now. i didn t check the numbers, butr they are just growing and it s early. i serve on the judiciary committee, it is natural for me to take it up. and it passed the congress 241-179. and we have a president who is calling for it. so i m confident it will pass the house and probably fairly early in this congress. bill: i was going to say, senator cruz, what is ther time frame on this? i hope sooner rather than later. bill: are we talking weeks, months? what are we talking? you know, that is going to be a decision for mitch mcconnell. i am certainly a pressing for te vote as soon as possible. we have got ten red state a democrats who are up for election in states in 2018 that donald trump carried. and i got to say, if you are a red state democrat, you can t be thrilled about the prospect of a voting in favor of letting in career criminals, especially when you have a president of the united states who is going to be shining of course bill: just think about it. think about it. you have got a violent, convicted criminal,, convicted here in the united states, not in bolivia, all right, and you deport tm at our expense, ande he comes back, and you don t want to put him in jail for five years? what? why? it s insane! it is exactly right. but, you know, bill, the last congress, the head of the immigration enforcement unit under obama was testifying at the senate judiciary committee, and i asked her a simple question, i said, how many murderers, illegal aliens with homicide convictions, did dhs, did the obama administration, release this week. she said, i don t know. i asked, how many rapists? she said, i don t know. i said, how many people committed an aggravated assault and she said, i don t know. that is crazy, the answer should be zero, zero, zero. i hope and believe with this new president, with this new administration, they are not allowing violent criminals bill: congressman king, i just hope the democratic party and the reps in the house wouldg join with the republicans. you know, just put up and say, look, enough of this madness. we are going to do the right thing. we are going to come together and pass kate s law. and the steinle family at least would have that. last word, congressman king. jim and liz steinle deserve our prayers and they deserve the action of united states congress, the house and the senate. i know that when jim testified before the house judiciary committee, it was heartbreaking, and the courage that brought him to that congress to deliver that story of his daughter being shot in the back and dying in his arms. when i saw that happen in the news the first day, i sent out a tweet that said this will make you cry. thinking of it even this many months past, that is what it does. we have got to step up and serve this. it is not 124 families or so that are grieving here. it is thousands of families altogether over the years. bill: and americans who are grieving with them. and i hope that congress hears that plea and answers us. bill: okay. all right, guys. you are doing great work and we really appreciate you coming on next on the rundown, rivera and bolling will respond to the executive orders today on illegal immigration. then a college professor said the vicious, hateful campaign against president trump should stop.y the factor is coming right back. t z282uz zwtz y282uy ywty new girl, huh? yeah, i m i couldn t help but notice you checking out my name your price tool. yeah, this bad boy gives you coverage options based on your budget. -oh -oh, not so fast, tadpole. you have to learn to swim first. claire, here s your name your price tool. -oh, thanks, flo. -mm-hmm. jamie, don t forget to clean the fridge when you re done. she seems nice. she seems nice. [ door closes ] she s actually pretty nice. oh. yeah. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that s why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. which adds fuel to my bottom line. what s in your wallet? bill: continuing now, to the lead story, president trump signing two tough executive orders on illegal immigration. here in new york city, you both support kate s law, right? i have no problem, generally speaking, with mandatory minimums. my objection is that when you conflate the murder epidemic in chicago with what happened to kate steinle, that is, it s young black men killing young black men, that is ck bill: but this bill has the undocumented immigrants get all the garbage thrown on them. and they are portrayed as this violent population when they are not. bill: if you were a senator, would you vote for kate s law, yes or no? it would be i would have to say no.ld i will tell you why.av bill: why? i mean, it s brutal. if you would not vote during the crack epidemic, we passed mandatory minimums for people who used crack as opposed to powder cocaine. what we ended up doing was decimating the minority population and filling the federal prisons. bill: boy, i will tell you what. this guy should have been in jail though.s this is not bill: he should have been in a federal prison. doing 30. s he s a seven-time offender. he should have been in jail. bill: if they had kate s law, he would have been. let s go to sanctuary cities. all right? executive order signed. no specificity on what funds will be denied, san francisco and other places. and you are going to have to get congress involved because they have the purse strings. what do you think? well, maybe you have to get involved because there are ways to hold back. look, there are funds that are sent to cities, states and cities, for protection, for border protection, to assist the removal of illegals from their cities and municipalities. they can pull some of that back if they choose. but there are other funds that they can pull back as well. they don t have to cut off there is law enforcement bill: you think the cities and counties that are doing that are going to get punished and punished fast. i think trump was the first one who is going to step up and do it. even prior to that, it has basically been, look away, yeah. not only do i think that this will start a tidal wave of lawsuits, every jurisdiction of the 300 u.s. cities, there is a reason 300 u.s. cities are sanctuary a federal judge in chicago, and i have told this to bolling before, has said the federal detainer in other words, what is wrong with sanchez, the killer of kate? w the problem is, they didn t send an arrest warrant to the sheriff of san francisco. they sent to it to the detainer. the federal judge in chicago said that detainers are illegal. why? a because the federal government cannot order a local jurisdiction to enforce immigration. bill: sessions is going to get in there and be tougher than trump on sanctuary cities. my question is you, not whether it is right or wrong, do you think of the funds are going to be withheld from these places? i think i m a legallyes speaking, there are two supreme court decisions. legally speaking, as eric alludes to, the only funds you can withhold in other words, you can t withhold highway fundf or school funds for a city like this, gets billions of dollars. you can withhold federal grants to law enforcement because arguably, this is about law enforcement. but they need that. of course they need that. bill: we both agree, at least something needs to be done. but in some places like california, jerry brown, the governor, has already said we are going to litigatee everything. on the second front, the wall. i support the wall, not because i think it is going to stop people. it will. bill: it will cut them back. but drugs. it is going to make it much harder for the cartels to get heavyweight drugs into the united states. and therefore, it is worthy for that reason. bolling. i agree with you 100%. i know geraldo will push back. i have seen him in drug tunnels looking for el chapo before. here s the point. you put a barrier up, you make it more difficult.ou just by law of physics, you will restrict some of it. not all of it. but a percentage of it and the bigger the wall, the higher the wall, the deeper the wall, the more you ll restrict. you say i have been in el chapo s tunnels. it is not going to stop the pros.. it s gonna stop juan and maria. the avocado pickers. okay, geraldo. bill: it will make it harder. i m going to shock you. i am withdrawing my opposition to the wall. bill: oh! listen, elections have consequences, this was his signature issue, and if the people want the wall, it is a waste of money can i make a point? we almost walked outside on a show once over the wall. we can pick it up right now. bill: geraldo is down with the wall now. i think you should have a peaceful wall sponsor. wall, sponsored by geraldo. you could have your picture there. a billion-dollar wall and a $25 billion ladder and the ladder will triumph. bill: we ll see. the guy can t carry over a ton of drugs on a ladder. wouldn t you rather bridges, tunnels, public schools, highways? bill: we tried everything we could and it hasn t worked. so let s try this. gentlemen, thank you very much. we appreciate it. directly ahead, no question, there is a movement to delegitimize the trump presidency. now one college professor says that is wrong. also, mary tyler moore has died. we will salute her incredible career. how old are you? 30. no hedging. now, how old do i look? why hedge? how old do i look?ld [laughter] 30. [laughter] bill: upcoming. i m a tinkerer.momomomom i mess around in the garage. i want to pay more to file my taxes. i want my tax software to charge me at the last second. paying $60 to file my taxes was the highlight of my day. and you just saw footage of me flipping burgers. want to charge me extra to itemize my deductions? no problem. i literally have too much money. said no one ever. file for free with credit karma tax. free to start, free to finish. a big tax company needs that $50 way more than me. bill: impact segment tonight, giving president trump a fair hearing. as you know, some on the left are not doing that, claiming his presidency is illegitimate. joining us now from washington, jonathan turley teaches law at george washington university. you have been critical of the delegitimizers. why? well, i think that there ishi an effort, a concerted effort to create political mythology to suggest that president trump is some type of pretender in office. and i think it is a dangerous thing. my house was filled with friends and family that came to protest the inauguration and i didn t join them, nor did my kids. cause i taught them that the k fourth of july is an important holiday but it was basically a declaration to a foreign leader. the inauguration day is far more important. that is where we keep a promiseo to each other. that even when we are divisive, even when we are hateful in elections, we come together on that day every four years and we affirm what is really a leap of faith under our system. and to see all of those members of congress boycotting this inauguration, i thought was shameful. bill: what do you think is driving i ve named it now the trump derangement syndrome. what is driving that? [laughs] well, i think part of it is that there are a lot of folks in this town that want to redirect a lot of this anger. you know, the democrats helped bring about this election is much as donald trump did. they didn t look at polls that said that people wanted an antiestablishment figure. they didn t look at polls showing that hillary clinton had record negatives.n they pushed through her like she was the anointed candidate for the democratic party. they steamrolled sanders.e the results should not surprise many people. but there are a lot of folks that want to suggest, look, it wasn t us. it wasn t our message, it wasn t our choices. much of that same leadership is still in place. instead they want to suggest that somehow he stole thee election or that putin gave him the office, which is, of course, ridiculous.e bill: those are all devices to generate a real hatred of donald trump. so he evokes this powerful support for his people who lovee him, okay, but also, this hatred for people who loathe him. and i am wondering, what drives the loathing?e is it any one thing? is it his personality? is it a stance on an issue? what you think it is? i think that is what is so dangerous about this. there is this disconnect from reality as people create this mythology of just total hate. you know, i had one relative at my house who was talking about trump supporters, very negative comments. i said, you know, there are very nice trump supporters. about 47% of people voted for him. you do realize that there are lots of nice trump supporters. and she wouldn t accept that. i think that is part of this mythology. bill: why wouldn t she accept it though? you are a logical man. she wouldn t accept that 47% of the voting public isn t evil? she wouldn t accept that? that s irrational. i think that there is this rhetoric that is pushing everyone to extremes on both sides. it is dangerous for a government like ours. we have to get along. we have problems to solve. sometimes, when you have a bigig change, like the trump administration, it can bring positive things. you can re-look at issues. if trump is willing to work with congress, we can come up with some innovative solutions. bill: well, if he is successful, that is going to make the haters hate them even more. you know that. i don t think you will win over a certain segment of the population. what can trump do himself, from your vantage point, to try to assuage some of this anger toward him? is there anything he can do? in some ways, he benefits. i always tell my wife that the success of our marriage is due to the fact that i lowered her expectations so much that i surpass them every day. trump may have that advantage. the expectations are so low.he if he does anything but a nuclear strike in the first three weeks, a lot of predictions will be wrong. i think that he could show that it is possible to come up with new ideas. i thought it was interestingt when he talked about inner cities and said, you know, i know that these are democratic strongholds. but it hasn t really worked out. bill: no, it hasn t. if he sends the troops into chicago, by the troops, i mean federal agents and federal attorneys, that may go a long way in showing people that he does care about it. also i think he needs to look at more innovative solutions, new ways of looking at those problems. bill: he is certainly taking a lot of action. i don t how innovative it is. it is certainly definite. professor, we appreciate your point of view. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. lou dobbs as to whether, as supporter of trump, he can cover the president fairly. martha maccallum on the latest of the bowe bergdahl desertion trial. we hope you stay with us for the latest details. my bladder wake me up from my sweet dreams? 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what about americans who support him no matter what? here now, fox business network star lou dobbs, who is in that category. at least, so far. so far, so good. bill: you are an unabashed supporter of donald trump. correct? without question. without reservation. bill: so if he screws up, you, lou dobbs, going to comment?, what are you going to do? well, let s look at the reality. five days in, he has had an historic performance. he is fulfilling in that time, he has fulfilled more campaign promises than barack obama in eight years. look at what has happened with george w. bush. this is a president who is historic in his energy, his animation, and his commitment to his promises to the american people. t bill: you can t argue with any of that. he comes in like a tornado, he has done what he told hisis supporters he would do, at least partially, and you expect him to continue on that. exactly. bill: all right. but what if all of these things don t work? let me give you an example. you are an economic genius, or so your staff tells me. so he pulls us out of a trade agreement in asia, right? now, the folks don t know whether this is going towh help their lives are not. i don t even know. it s a crapshoot. can i help you? bill: no. because we don t know yet. [laughs]] bill: we don t know yet. but a year from now, we probably will know a little bit more. and let s say it wasn t a good deal. let s say china and america aree in a trade war. that is not helping either side. are you, lou dobbs, flag pin and all, going to criticize donald trump? or is your rooting interest too intense? my track record first. i have been blackballed by two consecutive administrations. first george w. bush, than barack obama. bill: why? because i insisted that you name the enemy. call the enemy radical islamists. bill: that was obama. no, that was 2002. it was bush. number two, why was i blackballed by the obama administration? because i called him on his immigration policies, his border security policies, as well as the fight against terrorists. bill: so those two guys. now, so much emotion invested in trump, if you have that, can you, if it doesn t work, say it hasn t worked? absolutely. i do it every day and have done in almost every day of myk, career. bill: when was the last timeh you criticized trump? the last time i criticized trump? early on, at one point, i thought he had exceeded himself in terms of some of his conduct. and i said so on the air. one time. bill: can you give me anof example? no, i can t recall what the example was. you are pressing me. bill: look, i am not disparaging you. you are. but it s okay. bill: no, i m not. if you, in your heart, believe that he is the best leader for this country i know it rationally,el objectively, as well as in my heart. i bill: i don t have any problem with that.l. any problem at all. but if it doesn t work, he is a bold guy he is a bold guy. and i am milquetoast. i would never, ever suggest that power is making a mistake. let me say on the trade we ve got 40 years of consecutive trade deficits in this country. every one of those reduces economic growth for this country, reduces jobs.ry more money is going out than is coming in. it is time to change that. we know that about so-called free trade. secondly, you cannot name one free-trade deal, quote-unquote,, that is free trade. that is not impaired by some sort of tariff or tax on those goods in those reciprocal agreements. bill: you know what, i tend to agree with this. in terms of national security bill: i tend to agree that all the stuff that we havena doe in the past vis-a-vis trade with foreign nations doesn t really help the folks. it doesn t help the middle class, which has been shrinking for 30 years. precisely. who is the one who has attacked the orthodoxies, the establishment? bill:ru me. donald trump. donald trump and bill o reilly. bill: lou dobbs, everybody, there he is. when we come back, it is talking points. the d-man has some thoughts on the super bowl, including lady gaga on the field to play. and mary tyler moore passes. we will have a salute to her in just a moment. why is there neverite, enough of it? a john deere 1 family tractor with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love. so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they re not making any more land. but there s plenty of time if you know where to look. now you can own a 1e sub-compact tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. i wanti did my ancestrydna and where i came from. and i couldn t wait to get my pie chart. the most shocking result was that i m 26% native american. i had no idea. just to know this is what i m made of, this is where my ancestors came from. and i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. it s opened up a whole new world for me. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at announcer: the o reilly fact announcer: the o reilly factor, the number one cable news show for 16 years and counting. bill: thanks for staying with us, i am bill o reilly. in the miller time segment, on sunday, february 5th, the atlanta falcons will play the new england patriots at houston for the super bowl trophy and a load of cash. two hours before game time, i will interview donald trump at the white house. it will be a big day. joining us now from santa barbara, the sage of southern california, dennis miller. m you like the match-up, falcons-patriots? yeah, first off, billy, i had lunch with my dear friend nipper von wiesenberger today. he told me a great super bowl w joke. can i tell it to you? bill: i hope so. what is the difference between chuck schumer and tom brady? bill: uh-oh. what? tom brady is a patriot and a winner. bill: [laughs] all right. bill: nipper wrote that. nipper von wiesenberger. a local hawaiian kid. i heard today announced, the only thing about the super bowl so far, at halftime, they have now added ashley judd to recreate that poem of hers because he wants to show what will get you placed in the nfl protocol for concussions. so they will show ashley judd out there with the poem. that will show you what they are looking for in the way of being dinged. also i had another thought the other day when i was watching the woman s march. i think madonna is onto something with that hat, whatever they call the hat. that looked like a very safe helmet thing. you can fill those up with clay, billy, those two little prongs there, and the football players could run into each other. it would cushion the blow. you could call them cuddy hats. now, listen, as far as the game itself, bill belichick, you give him two weeks to prepare, it is like giving two weeks to einstein to get ready for celebrity jeopardy. i think atlanta is a great team. but i just this is how good the patriots and brady are. i can t imagine them not winning. they very well could lose. but i can t imagine it now. that is how good they are. bill: the only way they could lose, the patriots could lose, is if somehow the balls get underinflated. and then they are like you can t even throw them at all and they have to run the ball every play. that is the only way. billy, we don t live in thaty time anymore. things are happening like this, the balls are overinflated. listen, sometimes, it s the team s time. i will go with unless, and i put this in as a caveat, unless pooty putin hacks the scoreboard. putin is all over this. he wants to get in there and hack the scoreboard. you never know. and ruin the count. but say this about brady, he is two eli manning passes, a miracle pass, and the manning pass, which was as beautiful as it gets, like a ben hogan 7 iron or something. bill: he s the best quarterback in the history of the league, tomm brady. have to say so. bill: i will tell you why, matt ryan, he is a fantastic quarterback. this guy, he is fantastic. i think it is going to be a great game. but i just can t imagine they just told matt ryan he has to face brady. that is the reaction right there. bill: lady gaga is picking the seattle seahawks to win again. billy, now that you bring up gaga again, maybe tony bennett s toupee could be a good safety helmet. would that be something that could cushion the blow? what were they called, the tribbles on star trek, the episode when the furballs took over the t ship. bill: i don t believe tony bennett has a toupee. no, me neither. of course not.. that is solid hair. it has been solid and shatner too. no one has a toupee. we are fair and balanced here. bill: we give the benefit of the doubt. dennis miller, everybody. martha maccallum on deck. we will have an update on the bowe bergdahl desertion trial. also, will those violent protesters in d.c. actually be punished? martha, moments away. ir car insurance. any questions? -yeah. -how do you go to the bathroom? great. any insurance-related questions? -mm-hmm. -do you have a girlfriend? uh, i m actually focusing on my career right now, saving people nearly $600 when they switch, so. where s your belly button? 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[sirens wailing] here now to explain what may happen to them, martha maccallum, the anchor of the the first 100 days, seen immediately before the factor. so the d.c. authorities talked tough after they arrested theaf 230. any of them going to get punished, do you think? 217 were arrested on charges of riot felony felony rioting, which is more than five people involvedwh and more than $100,000 damaged. that is what they did more than $20,000. their damage was over $100,000, starbucks window, two banks, they set a limousine on fire, rode on the side of it, that thing was blazing up and down the street. they caused a lot of damage, bill, they will appear in court. many have them already. they have a court date for most of them that will be in february. a they were released on their own recognizance. many of them pleaded not guilty. but they will get their date in court in february. bill: but i don t know, thesg kinds of things always start out, yeah, we are going to getry them. then they plea bargain down, a lot of them not going to show up. if you are released on your own recognizance, a lot of people don t live in washington. i mean, they are back, they re not going to show. yeah, there will be warrants for their arrests. but right now, all 217 there were 230 arrested, but i guess 13 they let go or something? all are still charged with felonies? they are all charged with felonies at this point. bill: we want you to track to see how many of the 212 actually get punished. you kwow, it is just, this stuff doesn t even happen. under these charges, they could have to pay $25,000 in fines and up to 25 years in jail. the penalty, the potential penalties are steep. some people say they got swept up in the group unjustly. in some cases, that may be true. but there is a lot of video of these people. a lot of their faces were covered. so we will see if they can nail them down. bill: it s against the d.c. law too. you re not allowed to have your. face covered in washington. that s right. bill: you are charged for that. all right, president trump on the campaign trail made some comments about bowe bergdahl. roll it. we have guys like bergdahl who get caught i mean, he left. he was a deserter. he was a deserter. he was a dirty, rotten deserter. and we knew he deserted when we made the deal. now, why would you make a deal for a deserter? what would we do with sergeant bergdahl 50 years ago? that s right. boom. boom. bill: all right, so now his attorney is doing what? the attorneys put together a 28-minute tape, strung together all of these instances where donald trump called out bowe bergdahl, called him a traitor. you saw the rest on that tape. now they are saying that because he is a commander in chief, he has something called unlawful command influence, meaning that in a military court, he willet basically taint the jury. that they will all say, whether they voted for donald trump or not, that they are under his command and that they will be swayed by his opinion about this case.. bill: they want the casend dismissed. they want the case dismissed. bill: based on se but he didn t say those things while he was commander in chief. that is gonna be histh he will say that he said those things before president, hasn t said them since. perhaps if he made some new remarks that said that he wants everyone to be fair and just, perhaps they would be clear. bill: what is the next hearing in this trial?ex april at fort bragg is the next appearance for bowe bergdahl. as you said, trying toed get pardoned by former president obama. bill: that didn t work. that didn t work. he will face these charges. he has a desk job right now, he is not under arrest right now. bill: is he in north carolina too? so he is still in the army, a sergeant. a clerk. bill: he s got his uniform every day, living and meals. in april, this thing has been going on forever. i mean, it s amazing how long it has been going on. let s have the trial, let s find out what is going on. we are not going to convict hims here, but we should have the trial. martha maccallum, everybody. thanks for leading into me with your fine show. i appreciate it. thank you, sir. bill: the factor tip of the day, mary tyler moore passes and we will have a al interview, as well. as the factor continues all across the usa and all around the world. all aroununununun like a human fingerprint, no two whale flukes are the same. because your needs are unique, pacific life has been delivering flexible retirement and life insurance solutions for more than 145 years. ask a financial advisor how you can tailor solutions from pacific life to help you reach your financial goals. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn s, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. if other treatments haven t worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn s. entyvio works by focusing right in the gi-tract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. while not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn s medication isn t working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. bill: back to tip of the day. the glorious life of mary tyler moore in a moment but barnes & noble, a nice book. now. well, some women believe republicans want to reduce abortion so that becomes a rights issue. tough with your belief system? w that is your right. well, maybe we should all see what he does. does that sound logical and fair? quite a stat. there is no question about it. because it is mostly impoverished black people being killed, the political establishment, mostly democrats in chicago but a republican governor in illinois, doesn tpl engage. nor does black lives matter. not everybody, dave, not everybody. but unfettered abortion in those precincts, they notice hillary clinton succumbed to it. what do you think? do we need to take a poll on this? no, we don t. old school: life in the sane lane out march 28th. ruler and all. same thing in china and korea. it was a brutal time. finally tonight, the tip of the day . she was 80 years old, mary tyler moore passed away. direct cause of death not yet known. as i said before on the factor, miss moore was an extraordinary presence. tell us what happened. it s hard to tell where to start. start from the beginning. well, i got there and they asked me if who gave me the documents. i said i can tell them that. he asked me why i wouldn t tell. i said that as a news man i felt i couldn t reveal a source.ld what d the judge say? he was a very nice man. he said he respected my opinion and if you had a daughter, he would like her to be just like me. did he say anything else? yeah, he said if i didn t change my mind by monday, he is sending me to jail. oh, mary, honey. can i ask you a question? did anyone say any thing about my mileage? did you keep in touch with mary tyler moore? not in the past couple years, she s been very sick and not in l.a., where i am based. and i don t get to new york. you get along with her pretty well though? that whole cast. she was a great start. the most generous star you could ever be with. bill: that s what everyone said. mary tyler moore, a true american icon. we hope she is long remembered. factor tip of thean day. that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor web site, different from also, we would like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. if you wish to opine, name and town. word of the day, we want you to be pertinacious. you want a positive word? we would like you to be pertinacious. president obama is giving an interview to abc news and we will analyze that interview whether it was fair, whether mr. trump is that president obama, whether president trump was fair with abc news. president obama is out there putting somewhere. i am bill o reilly, please remember that the spin stops right here. we will definitely be looking out for you. tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. president trump announced an inauguration crackdown. but is it enough? someone says he s already betraying his promises campaign promises. one of obamacare s chief architects is going to join us to discuss its decline and fall and to defend but first, a wall street journal report reveals that the tenacious but unverified 35 page dossier published by buzzfeed news. it had been co-opted by russian intelligence and hardly proves the documents liability to have its claims come from a businessman instead of intelligent sources. h

New-york , United-states , Fort-bragg , California , North-carolina , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Bolivia , Washington , China , Illinois , Houston

Transcripts For MSNBCW First Look 20170123

good morning, everyone. it is monday, january 23rd. i m alex widtt alongside louis burgdorf. severe storms hit along georgia and the south after 18 are dead and 23 are injured. several counties were trying to recover after being hit by a previous round of tornadoes. in a small town called adel is where they were hit the hardest. i stood behind the door and the debris was just coming through the front window. and he went to her, she was screaming for him, and he was hollering for her. she was right there in the kitchen. because when he came out to get her, everything on the back of the house, all the patio doors just went through the house. those powerful storms in georgia left a trail of destruction in mississippi. on saturday at least four people were killed and dozens more injured when a tornado touched down in the southern part of that state. and there were similar scenes in texas where several homes were damaged after possible tornados. powerful storm dumped rain and hail in louisiana over the weekend and forecasters say the threat of severe weather is not over yet. meteorologist bill karins is busy and will have a check on the forecast in a couple minutes for us, louis. and on the first day for the trump administration, he s going to set the record straight on how many people attended the inauguration. with photos like these making their way around social media compared to the obama inaugural in 2009. the president addressed it while speaking at the armed services inaugural ball as well as the cia headquarters. and it was the topic of sean spicer s press statement flanked by visual aids. even the media said the crowd was massive. so finally, that was a big that was all the way back down to the washington monument. that was that was what was supposed to be rain turned out not to be rain. it was beautiful. it was beautiful. as you know, i have a running war with the media. they are among the most dishonest human beings on earth. [ applause ] right? did they really like the speech? they had to laugh. we had a massive field of people, you saw it, packed. i get up this morning and i see one of the networks showing an empty field. i say, wait a minute, i made a speech and i looked out. the field looked like a million, million and a half people. they showed a field where there were practically nobody standing. and they said, donald trump did not draw i said, it was almost raining. the rain should have scared them away, but god looked down and said, we re not going to let it rain on your speech. we had 250,000 people literally around in the little mall that we constructed. that was 250,000 people. the rest of the 20-block area all the way back to the washington monument was packed. so we caught them. and we caught them and i think they are going to pay a big prize. photographs of the inaugural proceedings were intentionally frame in a way in one particular tweet to minimize the enormous support that had gathered on the national mall. this was the first time in our nation s history that floor coverings have been used to protect the grass on the mall. that had the effect of highlighting any areas where people were not standing while in years past the grass eliminated this visual. this is also the first time that fencing and magnetometers went as far back on the wall preventing hundreds of thousands of people being able to access the mall as quickly as they had in inaugurations past. inaccurate numbers involving crowd size were also tweeted. no one had numbers. because the national park service, which controls the national mall, does not put any out. the press secretary also claimed massive numbers of public transit ridership, but according to the authority in d.c. and the washington post, the ridership was lower than during obama s second inaugural and lower than some weekdays. trump also tweeted about tv viewership, wow, television ratings just out. 31 million people watched the inauguration, 11 million more than the inauguration four years ago. according to viewership numbers, his numbers were better than four years ago. kellyanne conway was on meet the press to address this. you did not answer the question. why did the press secretary come out to utter a falsehood. it undermines the press office on day one. no it doesn t. you re saying it s a falsehood and they are giving sean spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts to that. but the point is that there wait a minute, alternative facts? alternative facts for the five facts he uttered. four of the five facts he uttered were just not true. alternative facts are not facts, they re falsehoods. the crowd at the president s inauguration stood in contrast to the thousands of men and women who filled the streets a day later to protest. in countries around the world, streets were filled with peaceful demonstrators. organizers estimate about 3 million people worldwide took part in the women s marches on saturday. a trump administration official responded to the demonstrations yesterday condemning the alleged banning of anti-abortion groups writing in part, it s a shame that the march for life will not get anywhere near the same amount of coverage that this march got. and those pro-life members were not welcome at the women s march. the official also condemned madonna, one of the celebrities who spoke at the march, for saying she had thought about blowing up the white house writing, comments like these are absolutely unacceptable and had they been said about president obama, the mainstream media would be in an uproar. donald trump weigh in on the march sunday morning tweeting, watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election! why didn t these people vote? celebs hurt cause badly. then in another later tweet a couple hours later he said, peaceful protests are a hallmark of our democracy. even if i don t always agree, i recognize the ability for people to express their views. hillary clinton weighed in on social media tweeting, scrolling through images of the womensmarch is awe-inspiring. hope it brought joy to others as it did to me. thanks for standing, speaking and marching for our values @womensmarch. important as ever. i truly believe we are always standing tother. and trump visits with the intelligence nacommunity. and he said that there is a controversy created by the media. i want to say there is nobody that supports the cia more than me, nobody. the wall behind me is very special. and i want you to know, i am so behind you. and i know sometimes you have not gotten the backing that you ve wanted, and you re going to get so much backing and say, please don t give us so much backing. mr. president, please, we don t need that much backing. the military gave us tremendous percentages of votes. we were unbelievably successful in the election with getting the vote of the military, probably almost everybody in this room voted for me. but i will not ask you to raise your hands if you did. but i would guarantee a big portion, because we re all in the same wavelength, folks. we re all in the same wavelength. as you know, i have a running war with the media. they are among the most dishonest human beings on earth. [ applause ] right? and they sort of made it sound like i had a feud with the intelligence community. and i just want to let you know, the reason you re the number one stop is exactly the opposite. exactly. and they understand that, too. president trump has criticized intelligence agencies on multiple occasions, less than two weeks ago comparing leaks about his relationship with russia with the tactics of nazi germany. and the nature of the president s political tone at the memorial for fallen intelligence officers drew rebukes from former agency leaders. a spokesperson for a former cia director john brennan said, the veteran agency is deeply saddened at donald trump s despicable display of self-aggrandizement. he should be ashamed of himself. and michael harden said he was heartened that the president gave a speech at cia. this as senate democrats stole the confirmation of trump s nominee for cia director mike pom p pompeo which the administration hoped for today demanding a debate first. pompeo accompanied trump to the headquarters where the president spoke about missed opportunities and future ones. the old expression to the victor belong the spoils, you remember, they used to say keep the oil. i wasn t a fan of iraq, i didn t want to go into iraq, but i will tell you, when we were in, we got out wrong. and i always said, in addition to that, keep the oil. now, i said it for economic reasons. but if you think about it, mike, if we kept the oil, you probably wouldn t have isis because that s where they made their money in the first place. but okay, maybe we ll have another chance. as he begins his first workweek, president trump is flushing out foreign policy to put american first. the president spoke with canadian prime minister justin trudeau and mexico s president on the phone on saturday and plans to meet with them soon. he added that renegotiating the north american free trade agreement will be a top priority. both leaders said they would be willing to discuss the terms of the deal. meanwhile, the president will welcome the first foreign leader to the white house on friday when prime minister teresa may arrives. she plans to talk about the u.k. relations post-brexit saying she won t be afraid to challenge him. i ll be talking to donald trump about the issues that we share about how we can build on the special relationship. yes, it s a special relationship, but also enables us to say, when we do find things unacceptable. and you will say that, too? whenever there is something i find up acceptable, up won t be afraid to say that to donald trump. i ve already said some of the comments donald trump has made to women are unacceptable. some of them he has apologized for. when i sit down, i think the biggest statement that will be made about the role of women is the fact that i ll be there as a female prime minister, prime minister of the united kingdom. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has extended an invitation to meet at the white house next month. he said the discussions have been very warm. and the white house says that the president confirmed his unprecedented commitment to israel s security. and the peace between israel and the palestinians can only be achieved through direct negotiation. not on the agenda, trump s promise to move the embassy in tel aviv to jerusalem. the white house spokesman scene spicer says we re at the beginning stages of disdcussing this subject. mahmoud abbas says this would cross a red line. and turning to the update on the united airlines computer glitch after grounding all domestic flights around 5:30 p.m. yesterday. flights resumed just after 9:00 p.m. last night. united said the glitch affected the airlines ability to get details that allowed planes to depart such as weight and balance information. they couldn t get that to the pilots causing 500 delays. the technology-related delay is one of several in major airlines from last summer. delta and southwest resulted in thousands of flight cancellations. still ahead, remembrances are pouring in this morning for kansas city royals pitch er deante ventura after he was killed in a plane crash. and bill karins is checking on the weather as soon as we come back. want longer lasting heartburn relief? try.duo fusion duo fusion goes to work in seconds and lasts up to 12 hours. tums only lasts up to 3. for longer lasting one chewable tablet try duo fusion from the makers of zantac and we re partnering with cigna to help save lives. we are the tv doctors of america. by getting you to a real doctor for an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. doctor poses. learn your key health numbers, and take control today. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that s over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. welcome back, everyone. what a weekend, bill karins. we have to get right to the weather, there s a lot to talk about. two mornings in a row. these overnight tornadoes, they re scary, you re in bed and you hear the sirens. we woke up saturday morning in hattiesburg and had fatalities with that one. and then albany, georgia, adel, georgia, those areas were hit sunday morning. two mornings in a row devastating tornadoing. in all, 18 fatalities. we were petrified that the atmosphere was prime for more additional nasty tornadoes last night. thankfully, we only had five or six tornadoes, most of them were misses and no fatalities last night. it was good to make it through yesterday, but what a weekend in the south. that storm is still with us, but the severe part is over with. we had strong storms in miami to keep people up for two hours as we had tornado warnings for downtown miami. thankfully, no tornado reported. so now it s a big huge wind maker and rainmaker moving up the coast. this means more travel delays and wind damage on the coast from here on out. this is one to two inches of rain, so a good soaking rain late tonight and early tomorrow morning through all of new england. flood watches for boston and new york. and again, with the windy conditions and the rain, major airport delays during the day today. d.c., philadelphia, tonight in areas of new york city, then tomorrow morning possibly around boston. so the current wind gusts, it s still very windy in the southeast, but the severe threat is over with. we won t see much additional wind damage. now we ll watch the high winds coming up to the coastal areas. already 45-mile-per-hour winds. this is a nor easter situation blowing right into the coast. so large waves at the beaches. we ll have a little bit of a beach erosion problem at the high tide cycles. and then what we ll watch throughout the night tonight as the winds really pick up, especially in the coastal areas, 43 and 45. and late tonight, 50 in montauk by 8:00 p.m. heading to cape cod, they get wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour. alex, we re not going to see more destruction from tornadoes or severe weather, but it s going to be like a raw nor easter with a lot of rain and wind in new england. okay. thank you for the heads-up on that bill, appreciate it. let s get to this, one person is dead and five more injured after what authorities are calling an absolutely senseless shooting at a mall in san antonio. police say that two bystanders confronted two robbers as they fled a jewelry store in that mall. one of the suspects then opened fire killing one of the bystanders. now the other individual who has a conceal and carry license then shot and injured that suspect in critical condition. the other suspect was able to get away but captured last night. they both face multiple charges including capital murder. that is senseless. definitely senseless. another tragic story out of the sports world. nearly four months after the shocking death of marlins jose fernandez, major league baseball is mourning the loss of another rising star. the news coming yesterday morning, kansas city royals pitcher yordano ventura die in a car wreck in his home country of the dominican republic. no further details surrounding the accident have been divulged. outside of an official statement from the royals confirming ventura s death. the four-year veteran spent his entire professional career in kansas city, first appearing on an mlb mound in 2013. ventura made nine post-season starts, pitched in two world series and helped the royals to a championship title in 2015. he was just 25 years old. and former major league infielder andy marte was also kill in a separate car accident in the dominican republic early sunday morning. the 33-year-old marte appeared for the braves and the indians and the diamondbacks from 2005 to 2014. both way before their time, so tragic. our hearts go out to their families. and when we come back, we ll have much more on this news. yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! voila! 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ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. welcome back. time for sports in a final round of nfl playoffs before the super bowl. the teams with squaring off in a championship match-up to new england in a battle for the afc crown. trouble early for pittsburgh losing production for levian bell after a groin injury in the first quarter. perhaps the difference maker in this one. meanwhile, the pats quarterback tom brady continuing his comeback after beginning his season on a four-game suspension for his involvement in a so-called deflategate scandal. chris hogan caught nine balls for 190 yards and two scores. first a 16 yard reception in the opening quarter for a 10-0 new england lead. and then a 34 yard connection on a flee-flicker. the classic patriots there in the second quarter to put the pats up 17-6. brady threw for a team playoff best of 384 yards and tied the great joe montana s season with three td pass performances. the third throw here bringing new england out to a 33-9 lead. the patriots win 36-17. now super bowl-bound, this will be the franchise s record ninth appearance in the title game. and coach bill belichick s seventh appearance in a super bowl will be a record for a head coach. pretty incredible there. and if you thought that was a blowout, yesterday s nfc championship in atlanta was not even a contest. the magic has run out for aaron rodgers and the packers after a statement for mvp candidate matt ryan and the falcons. ryan who threw for 392 yards there and four touchdowns in the game got the scoring start with the 2 yard pass here to set the tone after taking the ball 14 yards across the goal line in the second quarter for his first rushing score since 2012. ryan also had a lot of help from star receiver julio jones who haul in a pair of tds in the game. first a toe-dragging catch for a 5 yard score with three seconds left in the first half. and then helping finish off the packers with a 73-yard catch in the third quarter to put atlanta ahead 31-0. the falcons never looked back, the final 44-21. and a new champion will be crowned two weeks from now in super bowl li in houston, alex. they were blow-out games but very exciting. it s going to be fun two weeks from now. thanks a lot. still ahead, samsung finally reveals why the galaxy note 7 kept catching fire. and a group of lawyers is planning to file an ethics lawsuit against donald trump. we ll be right back. that ride share? you actually rode here on the cloud. did not feel like a cloud. that driverless car? i have seen it all. intel s driving.the future! traffic lights, street lamps. business runs on the cloud. and the cloud runs on intel. i wonder what the other 2% runs on.(car horn) my advice for looking get your beauty sleep. and use aveeno® absolutely ageless® night cream with active naturals® blackberry complex. younger looking skin can start today. absolutely ageless® from aveeno®. for patients like lynn, advanced genomic testing may lead to other treatment options that can work. learn how genomic testing is changing the way we fight cancer at welcome back, everyone. i m alex witt alongside louis burgdorf. we are starting off with the top stories. a severe storm is blamed for 18 deaths and now is headed up the east coast. tornadoes killed 14 people in georgia, 4 in mississippi, with dozens injured across both states. we re also following a historic rainstorm moving through california bringing flooding and concerns of mudslides. yesterday long beach had its rainiest day ever reported. and united airlines is back in the air over the u.s. after a computer glitch grounded domestic flights yesterday. that groundstop lasted for two-and-a-half hours. officials tell nbc news that a communication system was having issues with low bandwidth. and president donald trump begins his first full weekday as commander in chief. the white house says he ll sign more executive orders this morning and hold separate meetings with business and union leaders. later this evening he s expected to meet with house speaker paul ryan at the white house. and louis, the president s cabinet got off to a slow confirmation start with only two members being confirmed. secretaries of defense and homeland security, retired general james mattis and john kelly. but yesterday the administration got a boost when senators john mccain and lindsey graham, republican skeptics of former exxon mobil rex tillerson, they said they would vote him in as secretary of state. i will vote in favor rex tillerson. and again, my concern has been with the relations with russia and his past relations. he talked to me a lot about his views about russia, about the events that have taken place, about the fact of what his duties were as the head of one of the world s largest corporations. listen, this wasn t an easy call. but i also believe that when there s doubt, the president, the incoming president gets the benefit of the doubt. and that s the way i have treated every president. now, the foreign relations committee will vote on the nomination this afternoon. but still unknown is whether tillerson will get the support of senator marco rubio whose withering question at his confirmation hearing cast doubt on the nominee s approach to russia. the washington post says rubio held an unannounced meeting with tillerson last week that lasted 19 minutes including vice president mike pence and reince priebus. the report says tillerson responded to marco rubio s additional 100 questions. and chuck chschumer says that president trump needs to get congressional approval. i think if they would vote on additional sanctions against russia would get over 75 votes in the senate. my hope is that president trump s team will convince vladimir putin that if you forgive putin and forget about what he did, that screams weakness to putin. beware of the teddy bear, president trump. and the wall street journal is reporting that u.s. counter intelligence agents have investigated the communications of national security adviser michael flynn, what he had with russian officials. the report says it is unclear when the inquiry began on what it uncovered. the white house told the journal last night we have absolutely no knowledge of any investigation or even a basis for such an investigation. and president trump wasted no time following up on his promise to begin dismantling obamacare once in office. signing an executive order on the matter within hours of being sworn in. the president signed the one-page order on friday during a belief ceremony in the oval office that directed government agencies to scale back as many aspects of the health law as possible without giving specifics about which aspects to focus on. this could result in a weakening of one of the law s key features, the individual mandate, which requires americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. now speaking yesterday, counselor to the president, kellyanne conway said the president may no longer restrict that rule. he wants to get rid of the obamacare almost immediately because that is something really strangling a lot of americans to have to pay a penalty for not so he ll stop enforcing that mandate? he may. and president trump struck a softer more measured tone in his second day in office yesterday, evidence in his remarks before the ceremony to swear in two dozen senior white house aides. the newly-elected president began by holding up a personal note left him by his predecessor, president barack obama. i just went to the oval office and found this beautiful letter from president obama. it was really very nice of him to do that. and we will cherish that, we will keep that. trump also offered his condolences to those affected by the deadly weather in the south over the weekend, announcing he had already spoken to the governor of georgia . and he was scheduled to meet with florida s governor scott as well. trump also spoke about the work ahead for both himself and his senior staff. this is not about party. this is not about ideology. this is about country, our country. and it s about serving the american people. we re not here to help ourselves. we re here to devote ourselves to the national good. you will recall throughout the election president trump said he couldn t release his tax returns because of an ongoing audit. now his administration says they simply won t release them at all. the white house response is that he s not going to release his tax returns. we litigated this all through the election. people didn t care, they voted for him. and let me make this very clear, most americans are very focused on what their tax returns will look like while president trump is in office, not what his look like. recent polling like this abc news and washington post poll shows overwhelmingly demand, 74% of americans believe he should hand over his taxes. and today a watchdog group and a team of well-known constitutional scholars plan to file a lawsuit alleging that the president is breaking the law by allowing his businesses to accept payments from foreign governments. at issue, the clause over whether president trump is accepting gifts from foreign governments without the necessary safeguards. the trump administration disputed the complaints saying there are no conflicts referring back to a news conference earlier this month. the constitution says the officials may not accept gifts, titles of nobility or emoluments from foreign governments with respect to their office. and that no benefit should be derived by holding an office. the so-called emoluments clause has never been interpreted, however, to apply to fair value exchanges that have absolutely nothing to do with an office holder. no one would have thought when the constitution was written that paying your hotel bill was an emolument. instead, it would have been thought of as a value for value exchange, not a gift, not a title, and not an emolument. she went on to say that the then president-elect wants to go beyond what the constitution requires adding that he ll voluntarily donate all profits and foreign government payments made to his hotels to the united states treasury. when the u.s. intelligencecy agencies concluded that russia meddled in the election to help donald trump win, they decided to sit down with the network s chief editor. reporter: here in russia president trump s inauguration was cause for celebration. that s no surprise to u.s. intelligence agencies who claim moscow put in incredible efforts to help him win the election and to allege that the chief editor of russia today or r.t. played a key role. most of that criticism makes us laugh, really. reporter: intelligence officials have said that r.t. worked hand and glove with hackers and the government to change the impact of u.s. elections on putin s orders. did you read that report? reporter: yes. it is as much sad as laughable. reporter: the specific 25-page report she s talking about was released by the u.s. director of national intelligence. it mentioned by name 27 times. it described rt as part of a triangle moscow set up to discredit hillary clinton and help donald trump. with hackers stealing information, wikileaks spreading it around and rt fanning the flames with negative coverage of clinton. no serious person who knows anything about the world really, who knows how it works and who has real information, real data, who can use internet for god sake would ever believe that, seriously? reporter: although rt is not watched widely in the united states, its reports are picked up by other news agencies and spread by social media where she s taking the allegations against her as a badge of honor, starring in a tongue and cheek viral video living up to all she s accused of and more. u.s. intelligence has released no proof that russia s tactics helped the president win. but in russia, many here are celebrating the outcome. our thanks to richard engel for that report. the fbi is currently conducting an investigation into russia s attempts to influence the election. and now we ll turn to business where samsung released the findings into the smartphones that erupted in fire pulling them to be pulled from the market last year. we are joined live by louisa with more on this. what are the findings in the galaxy note 7 s saga continuing? well, they are desperate for it not to happen again and to ensure customers it won t happen again. they held this briefing at an event at their seoul office. they apologized and announced steps to avoid repeats, but it s been a real disaster for the company. they are the largest smartphone maker. keep in mind, it costs the company billions already. they also had to manage the whole media aspect of this. and a lot of people have been criticizing them on how they handle this recall as well. but again, this event, they definitely offered an apology. yahoo! is saying that the fcc is investigating recent data breaches according to the wall street journal. the fcc is now looking into two particular data breaches and whether or not they should have been reported to investors sooner. one was the 2014 cyber attack, approximately a half billion e-mail accounts were compromised. and the other was the attack in august 2013 which involved data of more than a billion different users. louis, back to you. louisa bojesen live from london. thank you so much. and former gorge h.w. bush and barbara bush remain in a houston hospital this morning. we ll have an update on their conditions. and much more on the severe weather coast to coast that killed more than a dozen in the south is now moving up the east coast. dozens are bracing for rain and snow in the mountains. plus, madonna takes a moment to clarify her remarks over the weekend about, quote, blowing up the white house, end quote. we ll have the latest. 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yeah, it was an insane amount of rain. and people in los angeles now know what seattle is like. meantime, a former spokesman for president george h.w. bush continues to imfrooprove in his health and could be moved out of intensive care today. mrs. bush was also admitted as a precaution after experiencing fatigue and coughing. the spokesman says mrs. bush was cleared to go home yesterday but chose to stay to continue her recovery and be closer to her husband. glad they are both doing better. madonna is clarifying her remarks she made over the weekend at the women s march. yes, i am angry. yes, i am outraged. yes, i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. but i know that this won t change anything. we cannot fall into despair. of course, the white house pushed back with trump s senior adviser kellyanne conway calling the remarks destructive. there are also reports that her comments have gotten the attention of the secret service. yesterday madonna took to instagram to say the remarks were taken out of context and that she does not promote violence. and benjamin netanyahu has agreed to come to the white house next month. and the u.s. embassy could be moved from tel aviv to jerusalem. we ll get a report from the israeli capital next. to get my pie chart. the most shocking result was that i m 26% native american. i had no idea. just to know this is what i m made of, this is where my ancestors came from. and i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. it s opened up a whole new world for me. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at [phone buzzing] some things are simply impossible to ignore. the strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility. this is the pursuit of perfection. how to win at business. step one: point decisively with the arm of your glasses. abracadabra. the stage is yours. step two: choose la quinta. the only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free night-instantly and win at business. i provide for my family. i will use my education to help my community. i will inspire our next generation of leaders. i am a college student, but i am only 1%. only 1% of college students are american indian. donate now, and help our numbers grow. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that s over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. and now a paid message from the russian federation. yesterday we all made donald trump the 45th president of the united states. hooray! we did it! devel donald, let s talk as friends. you re not off to a great start, man. however, i m glad to see so many people show up to your inauguration. oh, wait, that s the women s march. here s inauguration. and today you went to the cia to say 1 million people came to see you in washington, d.c.? if you re going to lie, don t make it so obvious. say you are friends with lebron james, not that you are lebron james. okay. welcome back. in one of his first conversations with the foreign leaders since taking office, president trump spoke to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. reportedly not discussed is moving the u.s. embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. that s where we find nbc correspondent matt bradley. talk about big implications with that move. there are potential issues there, matt. reporter: the embassy move was not discussed but there are signs that the netanyahu administration has been emboldened by the current president. it s a holy city, a focal point for three major religions and the declared capital for israelis and the palestinians. but the u.s. doesn t recognize jerusalem as a capital for either people. and no country has an embassy there. under president donald trump that may be about to change. we will move the american embassy to the eternal capital of the jewish people, jerusalem. reporter: moving from tel aviv would be a symbolic gesture with several real world consequences. it s been more than 20 years since the u.s. congress passed a law relocating the u.s. embassy here to jerusalem. a few presidents have pledged to follow through, but so far each one has deferred the move. both bill clinton and george w. bush promised to move the embassy during their campaigns before backing away. mr. trump s comments have sparked protest. if he follows through, palestinian officials will withdraw their recognition of israel. palestinians say jerusalem is their capital, too. the city contains some of the most important pilgrimage sites in christianity and islam. my message to president trump, please don t do it. because it is not going to have nice consequences on the political track. reporter: but israelis say jerusalem has been the capital for thousands of years and fear of violence won t change that. it is a symbol to follow-up with a reality that we live in and it s history. so for me, it s just do what we need to do. reporter: moving the embassy could set peace talks back decades. many fear it would enflame an already volatile situation. that s right, alex, trump and yet an ya hugh are scheduled to meet next month. and we ll hear more about the u.s. embassy issue then. i m sure you re right. matt bradley, thank you for that. when we come back, we ll look at the stories in the day ahead. by simply enjoying it. boost® simply complete. it s intelligent nutrition made with only 9 ingredients, plus 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. and look where life can take you! boost®. be up for it.™ when it comes toor hospital romances, the more complicated, the better. i love you. but i love him. i love him, too. so do i. they also know you should get your annual check-up. it could save your life. it s a new year. schedule your check-up today to learn your four health numbers and start the year off right. cigna. together, all the way. explore your treatment options with specialists who treat only cancer. every stage. every day.. at cancer treatment centers of america. learn more at watry.duo fusiong heartburn relief? duo fusion goes to work in seconds and lasts up to 12 hours. tums only lasts up to 3. for longer lasting one chewable tablet try duo fusion from the makers of zantac start your party prep with venus embrac.touch of aloe a. because the best bit of the party is the pre-party party and venus snap for those last minute invites the perfect party prep before we toss it over to morning joe, we ll check on the stories in the day ahead. president trump set to begin his first full weekday as commander in chief. this morning he s expected to meet with business leaders. people are signing off on more executive orders. and later in the day she s scheduled for what the white house schedules a union meeting with workers and leaders before meeting with paul ryan this evening. and the senate is expected to vote on the secretary of state rex tillerson. he s expected to receive the 55 votes needed to confirm despite lawmakers from both parties raising concerns about russia and vladimir putin. that will make three cabinet appointments there. that does it for this monday. i m alex witt alongside louis burgdorf. morning joe starts right now. what it is ain t exactly clear there s a man with a gun over there telling me i got to beware i think it s time we stop children watch that sound everything look what is going down bad lines being drawn nobody is right if everybody is wrong young people speaking their mind

Jerusalem , Israel-general- , Israel , Louisiana , United-states , Tel-aviv , Binghamton , New-york , California , Russia , Mexico , Montauk

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20170201

side and we want to make him look as good as possible. at the press can be very demeaning too. i really think he s a very dignified man. i would like to see him go through a dignified process. i think he deserves that. hopefully it will go quickly and it will see what happens. what we might do, we might ask for the folks in the room to give yourselves a quick name and introduction. wayne, i would say they know you better than they know me now. [laughter] i doubt that. i m with american values. thank you mr. president for his nomination. u.s. chamber of commerce. americans tax reform. leadership institute. with that, i ll ask you all to hit the road. as you pointed out last nigh night, a member of democrats say what would you say to those democrats and would you encourage senator mcconnell to vote the nuclear option? i think there s a certain dishonesty. he did get a unanimous adjustment. he ll be a great justice. i feel that it s very dishonest if they go back to that. yes, if we end up with a gridlock that they ve had in washington for the last, longer than eight years. if we end up with a gridlock, i will say it if you can, mitch, go nuclear. that would be an absolute shame if a man of this quality was caught up in the web. i would say it s up to mitch, but i would say go for it. thank you. thank you. jenna: there you have the president of the united states at the white house, meeting with supreme court groups. many influential conservative groups like the nra he was meeting with, u.s. chamber of commerce, american values, guttural society, national right to life, leadership institute among others. you heard some of them congratulating him on the nomination of the neil gorsuch last night. donald trump just said was the most important thing he can do. about gorsuch, he said he is almost perfect in every way. he has an exceptional blade qualified candidate appeared about the nominating process, he said that he hopes that the gorsuch is going to see a dignified process. that was donald trump live from the white house meeting with supreme court groups. in the meantime, reaction pouring into president donald trump s choice of conservative rural pills judge neil gorsuch. vice president mike pence troubles with neil gorsuch to the capital to meet with mitch mcconnell. this is outnumbered. i m sandra smith here today, harris faulkner, meghan mccain meghan mccain, eboni williams, and today s one lucky guy. eric bolling. he is outnumbered. it good to you. speed eric: great to be here. sandra: i saw you weeding out this morning you are excited to be here. 49-year-old neil gorsuch tapped by president trump to succeed the late justice on spring cour court. i took the task of his nomination very seriously. i have selected an individual whose qualities define, and i mean closely define, what we are looking for. judge gorsuch has outstanding legal skills, a brilliant mind, tremendous discipline, and has earned bipartisan support. sandra: and the man of the moment, giving a glimpse into his philosophy. and our legal order, it is the right of the congress and not the courts to write laws. a judge, who likes every outcome he reaches is very likely a bad judge. stretching for results he prefers rather than those the law demands. sandra: chief national correspondent joins us live from the steps of supreme court. good to see you. it there s a lot of work and service to cheer with this nomination. it neil gorsuch, 40 for nine years old could be confirmed on the court for a long time. he s from colorado, he s a hunter, he s a fisherman. remember that his mother served as the head of the environmental protection agency under ronald reagan and his own is kind of a conservative fire branch. he is very much in the mold of the man he hopes to replace on the court, antonin scalia. he believes that you don t make the law, you don t legislate from the bench, you apply the law. that is very important for conservatives to hear. in fact, and a big speech last year, the judge said and focusing on scalia s legacy, you don t focus on your own moral convictions or your desire to change the world and reshape the law. what that means in plain english is, he is a solid conservative on a juice like gorsuch opposed strongly the obamacare mandate that religious groups had to provide contraceptive coverage. gorsuch was vindicated on that. on abortion, it s important to note that he is a little bit of a wild card he has never written a decision on abortion. conservatives believe that since he is someone who wrote an entire book, he is someone who will protect life. the bottom line is, conservatives feel good about this. they took extraordinary measures to get this under wraps. at one point, we are told, he was hiding out at a starbucks and a safeway shopping center in colorado to make sure the press didn t see he was meeting with white house officials to get here. sandra: live from the steps of the supreme court. a lot going on there. thank you, sir. meghan: democrats are running to filibuster the nominees. chuck schumer saying judges gorsuch has her pedal he corporations he makes me skeptical that he can be a strong independent justice on the court. an extreme ideologue will threaten privacy rights include women s health care, worker and consumer protections and public health and safety . nancy pelosi weighing in at a town hall. elections have ramifications and here is a leaving, breathing example. it is a very hostile appointmen appointment. as far as your family is concerned, if you breathe air, drink water, take medicine, or in any other way interact with the court, this is a very bad decision. meghan: republicans now closing the door on the nuclear option. mitch mcconnell. are you going to use the nuclear option? are you going to change the rules? i m not going to answer that. let me tell you, we are going to get this judge confirmed. is not answering that? we re going to get the judge confirmed. it donald trump won the election. that s why he s making this appointment and some of hillary clinton. there s nothing wrong with having a fight, but we intend to win the fight. meghan: president trump moments ago saying he encourages that nuke option if necessary. i m going to go to you first, eric. do you think you will get to that point where they need the nuclear option? eric: i think mitch mcconnell needs to do it now. i think it should go ahead and convene a senate and all he needs is a majority to change i it. bret baier insinuated what could happen. the theory is, they ll go to the hearing, democrats will filibuster, they ll play the tactics that they ll play and mitch mcconnell will invoke the nuclear option. do it now, and do it in front of that, don t let it get to that. chuck schumer basic leasing we re going to filibuster. they re telling you in advance that they re going to do it. do it now. there s no more filibuster on supreme court nominees and you ve got your nominee. it may be don t want to do it right now because you think you re going to get this one through, but the next one will be certainly a dog fight. why not do it now? they re going to tell you in advance that they re going to be obstructionists. what the american judicial system work. what you re saying makes a lot of political sense for both political parties because you don t want your candidate politically bloodied on the way into supreme court. or however you want to put it. you don t want that. you also don t want a situation for democrats where they put all the powder in this fight and this person is replacing a conservative justice. what happens when we need to replace a liberal justice with a conservative? eric: or a liberal like kennedy? it may be the hats off to candy saying i m 80 years old, and you may write her anyway. it would be a good opportunity now. kennedy is of the most liberal of the conservative judges. that s where the democrats have a fight. meghan: i m just happy this is such a home run and this is the first really big win for donald trump when it comes to support with all facets of the party. people who have been critical of donald trump in the past saying this is the rightful heir to antonin scalia. he couldn t be a younger, cuter version of him, if i do say so myself. he will really hold up the values. harris: he has his own political module behind this. he is taking some of the heat away from senator mcconnell by saying nuclear option, letting the words come out of his mouth. sandra: i m looking at ebony. they just want to seem to fight about everything. eboni: if you re a democrat, you re not going to be happy around this, but ultimately, we know as an attorney, this is right. this makes sense, politically speaking. this will make conservatives very happy. he will strike down things about affirmative action, things of this nature. sandra, if you re a democrat in the senate, you had to push bac back. really, eric, you re actually right. people have to do what they have to do for their political interests. i do not expect anything short of a complete filibuster from the democrats. if we know that. eric: to renew the charade? do we need the right beating up the left? do we need to hear al franken go on and on and on on everything? including taking shots at ted cruz that had nothing to do with anything. eboni: no democrat how reasonably minded is going to sam going to vote to confirm this person based on the strength of how good of a justice he will be. it would be suicide. meghan: it s a lot of political theater. they re reaching out in the face anyway they can. we have to move on, lots more to discuss about the presence picked to sit on the highest court in the land. a big support coming and support of gorsuch. how could it force them to forgo a filibuster? democrats refusing to show up for hearings and republicans have had enough. what they did and what they will do to stop the delays. there s no excuse for they did yesterday and there s no excuse for them not coming today. we notified them and they just plain they followed a cheap political ploy. they should be ashamed. with new car replacement™, we ll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance. the search for relief often leads here.s, today there s drug-free aleve direct therapy. a high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source. aleve direct therapy. the harris: more developing news today. it president trump s cabinet choices now, republicans are fighting back to get mr. trump s nominees approved. this morning, the senate finance committee enforced a rule to allow g.o.p. numbers to vote on the hhs nominee price. without any democrats present. both nominees go to the full senate. democrats boycotted a panel vote to scott pruitt. despite a delay on the vote for jeff sessions, he advanced in committee just a while ago and now that will go to the full senate for confirmation. meanwhile, a full senate vote is expected this afternoon on secretary of state nominee rex tillerson. here s whitehouse resentment of the president continues to take action. i know i repeated this every day, but honestly is getting a bit ridiculous. the idea of these highly qualified nominees cannot get a full vote are being solved because democrats are boycotting the vote is outrageous. meghan: eric, the only thing that this is missing is some music and dance moves. it eric: to not show up, really show up and speak her mind, that s how the democratic process works, but not even to show up is despicable and a disservice to the american people. i m happy they ve said we don t need them anymore, we change the rules. i just think that s what we should be doing on this supreme court nomination level as well. you see where they re going to do. it they re telling every one they re going to do, they re going to be obstructionists. stop wasting everyone s time, cory s the vote. meghan: this election in november, ebony, i don t know what is about. wouldn t the american people want to be heard? was in the country ready to say we are ready to speak up? do the democrats risk being silenced at the ballot box agai again? eboni: i think we have to look at how we interpret tone-deaf. he is right, consequences of this election are playing out before our very eyes. i disagree with the fact that they should be open minded. this is 2008 all over again. we saw barack obama and it democrats from the table, politically speaking. the g.o.p. got really smart and they came together as a party and they strategized to make sure that didn t happen again. the democrats are have served r base. they have come up with a plan to effectively combat this. i value because after four years as we were obstructionists, that s not enough for the american people. meghan: also, do not make it personal what i m hearing from democrats, not that necessarily that plan, maybe i m hearing it incorrectly. meghan: just from a political optics angle, they are in trouble mob mentality and hysteria. all the ramifications of donald trump becoming president are true. i don t know if they thought he would be more moderate when they got to office, clearly is not the case. democrats need to do a lot of soul-searching. we talk about that at length on this couch almost every day. it s amazing to me that they will continue making the same mistakes, look like their bullying their way through. and not even show up for is complete and utter disrespect for president trump. i don t want to hear about anything president trump is doing while you re still behaving like a child. eboni: i understand there is a greater respect. there are people deep inside the party, they have very, very hurt feelings and are upset about this. they don t want them to talk to america. eric: it s like a football game. if you are likely going to lose the football game, you still show up and play the game and may become do something good. someone says we can expand on that and be a better team only play the team again next time. sandra: we have to leave it there. he said just to show up! meghan: by the way, eboni, if they re such great fighters, how come they re not in the roo room? anyway, the campaign blitz is getting in the way. the states, where they are pushing that campaign the hardest and what it could mean for some democratic senators seeking reelection. and a lot of celebrities weighing in on puzzle presidens supreme court choice. is below the belt fair game? when tv wraps up, we pop up online. fox tap on the overtime tab or go to where we are facebook lighting with you. or you can tweet us anytime you want. you don t let anything keep you sidelined. that s why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing. .what you love. ensure. always be you. audi pilotless vehicles have conquered highways, mountains, and racetracks. and now much of that same advanced technology is found in the audi a4. with one notable difference. the highly advanced audi a4, with available traffic jam assist. sandra: a conservative group trying to get ahead of any fight. judicial crisis network launching a $10 million multimedia ad campaign in support of judge neil gorsuch. at the group will begin by spending at least $2 million on tv and online ads in washington, d.c., indiana, missouri, north dakota, and montana. were democratic senators are up for reelection in 20182018 for it in addition to a half-dozen more senators. a fox news exit poll shows the supreme court played a big role for voters. 56% of trump voters say the super import nominations for the most important factor in their vote, while 41% said it was the most important. eric: i ve been a trump supporter since day one. towards the end, i was trying to get this point home. at the last may be months of the election that even if you re on the fence, if you re not sure whether you want to vote for donald trump or not vote, think about the ramifications of not voting for trump. this supreme court justice was going to be appointed within days of the election. i feel very good about that, because i love neil gorsuch. i love the extreme the conservative pick. a lot of them sit on this couch, national review, weekly standard, people who were anti-trump said you can t vote for trump because he s not conservative enough. he is your opportunity to say i was wrong, you are right, this guy is conservative, he is appointing a conservative supreme court, which by the way, would be his legacy. it is not going to be immigration, is not going to be jobs, his legacy, when he leaves office, will be he appointed the most conservative supreme court for many, many years. sandra: you heard him say the top of the hour, this the most important thing i can do. it eboni: anyone with common sense would say this is true for almost any president who has privileged with the ability to fight the court in this way. because democrats didn t didn t clearly appreciate this in the way, 56% saying they voted for trump. that difference in statistics really tells us why hillary clinton lost a selection. there are many, many people who are dissatisfied with her for a plethora of reasons. ultimately, they should have come to the same conclusion that you re talking about. for them, it is so important that court reflect what they wanted to look like, that they will hold their nose and vote for a candidate as flattish she was. sandra: what change with us have? what will we see as a result of this multimillion dollar ad hashtag meghan: we look at people like joe mansion, their people the democrats need right now. it will be interesting if the democrat party continues because donald trump is showing himself at least on conservatives and these red states to be making several choices. the problem is, we are trying with the last segment, democrats haven t done any reflection, no soul-searching. quite rightly, i don t know what mass appeal have in the middle of the country. if those the horses want to bet on, that s well and good. eric: can i add one group also? the republicans who weren t on board with donald trump during the general election who said will push back. meghan: eric, we know you re talking about me. eric: republican senators right now embracing trump s nominees across the board. there is a war hero who i respect immensely who hasn t embraced every single one of the nominees. my point is this, the people of the world who were. harris: i m going to yield my time to megan to respond to you. eric: here s your supreme court. meghan: i m on this show every day. i can respond later, it s fine. late-night host, stephen colbert tweeting. also on twitter from the executive producer of the ellen show, this is trump s nominee, he knows what s best for your of regina s this tweet from chelsea handler, like all conservatives, i assume gorsuch will be celebrating tonight on grinder. eboni: at the lesser first time that word has been uttered. meghan: keep a classy, hollywood. there another mob mentality and complete hysteria. harris, you re the ultimate lady to make uncomfortable. harris: i don t think you are to be a lady to know that that s on appropriate, but thank you. this is what the president was talking about just a few minutes ago when we started our show and he said he wants to see this process go forth with integrity. i m paraphrasing what he was talking about, but he wants this to be streamlined to the point where we take the high road. both on capitol hill and in the nation about this supreme court pick in particular. i don t know if everybody is hearing that message, but he said it today and he also mentioned nuclear option. eboni: i agree with him wholeheartedly. i think there are men in this country who feel that they would have liked to assume that same respect and taken at high road. people have got a hearing on that premise. these men represent the law to their utmost ability. harris: the problem with that as you had an open concert of the seat. mayor garland was never going to be what the g.o.p. wanted. eboni: they have an opportunity to wait for the next fight. meghan: i think it s celebrities in hollywood also. i think under president obama, was this feeling of entitlement. celebrities helped get president obama elected. i think people just started caring about the bottom line more than what s cool and hip. sandra: twinkled back to that quote you just read? that was a male producer of the ellen show. he knows what s best for the ladies. eric: i gave my time. if they have a problem with neil gorsuch, they are going to have a massive problem with the next justice whether it s kennedy or ginsberg. then you can really sway the court. sandra: i just made a snarky comment about andy lassiter, he has 100,000 twitter followers. i get it. eric: i m agreeing with you you. meghan: she doesn t have conservative candidates on her show. i remember having an experience backstage with ellen where she reluctantly said that she was forced to have the war hero that you mentioned earlier on. it s interesting that hollywood celebrities who have done everything and anything possible to make that donald trump was vilified. poor jimmy fallon had donald trump on his still getting about it from liberals in hollywood. harris: that backlash around trump surprised me because i understand liberal and hollywood go together like peanut butter and jelly. eboni: he was a celebrity. i thought he might have been given a little more leeway. harris: president trump is facing a legal battle over his executive order to cut funding. who will prevail in a fight over immigration legislation? we debate next. exercise more. i know that. try laxatives. i know. believe me. it s like i ve. tried. everything! my chronic constipation keeps coming back. i know that. tell me something i don t know. 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(vo) do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. do not go gentle into that good night. harris: we have been reporting and talk about century cities and maybe now a sanctuary state. california is trying to pass a bill that would make them the first sanctuary state. also, san francisco was the first century city to sue president donald trump over his executive order, threatening to cut funding for cities who don t fully cooperate. the attorney said the executive order is not only unconstitutional. you can t put ahead to the san francisco is working stanley was murdered eric: i assume there are at least four or five conservatives california watching. instead of continuing all along the southern border of california, cut north rate along that and let california become a century state and also secede from the union? they seem to want to be a part of mexico anyway. they have an open border policy, they want to be a century state. harris: there are probably some people in orange county who might have an issue with that. eric: do know how much money we get to the state of california? hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. they should at least be at risk for if they want to be a sanctuary state. eboni: what s interesting about that as i m someone that believes in every state in the union should follow federal law. i have an interpretation that you just back that up. what s interesting, eric, on twitter, lots of conservatives who don t like this sanctuary concept, they challenge me because they are very much states rights people. i am forecasting a very complex and interesting debate on both sides of this. people have an ideological opposition and also a states rights. eric: if you and make that your law, you want to harbor illegals, knock yourself out. don t confuse my taxpayer money from new york to finance that idea. harris: a few minutes ago only first to try looking facts about sanctuary cities statistics bloomed from 200 to 300, it was more accessible to say where they are. we have gotten into an area where they have are more official. sandra: what do you want the president to do? you made your point very clear and we know in his intention is, but how should he work better? eric: you can apply that to the century city status, but to marijuana laws as well. states choose to say we re going to push back. it then they should be i agree with that. that s bringing everything to the state level, the more the better, but if that s the case, then stop relying on federal funding for police groups for highways and roads. harris: megan, you and i have part-time homes in arizona. it does come up every now and then. we ve had some protesting on the border. this is a big issue. it meghan: it you re right on the border, i grew up in phoenix. nothing had more protesting or emotional response than anything having to do with immigration. when you hear stories like kate steinle it s very difficult for the most liberal person to not realize that there s a real problem with sanctuary cities. if there s a problem with letting illegal rim immigrants with illegal records back into our country where they could possibly murder an innocent young woman. a century cities, i m 100% against them, you can t say this illegal behavior is okay, but this one isn t. harris: if they have nowhere to go, you do with them at the border. once they found out, it s more difficult to do that. super bowl li right around the corner. tom brady could win his fifth ring. if the media, laser focused on the support of president trump. some say he has a responsibility to talk about it. what is that about? 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eric: politics of come celebrity, pop culture. donald trump has brought politics. last night at 8:00 to announce your supreme court nominee. here s what i would like. i think there s a time in a place for politics in the super bowl, it happens or before the super bowl when bill o reilly is going to interview donald trump. that will be the time and it should end when the ball is kicked in the air. let s focus on that. sandra: there was time for politics on opening night when reporters get to throw a bunch of questions at the players and a lot of those questions were about donald trump and roger caddell. the nfl post of the transcript from those interviews with members of teams. in the transcript provided, 26 of the patriots players and coaches where trump does not appear in any of them, we know it was brought up many, many times. they scrubbed the transcripts. what are they doing? are they building a wall around it tom brady? meghan: they wanted politicized. people have been protesting donald trump in different ways. it this is a cultural problem in general. if there a lot of people that don t feel comfortable voicing their political views. if you re not 100% in the tank for trump right now, you will get harassment. if you re not 100% supportive of nancy pelosi and the left, you will get harassed. i don t blame tom brady for not wanting to talk about it right now, because maybe he and his family don t want to feel the abuse that the media is already aiming at him, even though he hasn t said anything. i think he was exposed because he had a make america great again hat in his locker. we can t yell at celebrities for saying things about politics and then blame other celebrities were not wanting to talk about it because they don t want to feel the backlash. eboni: that s where we are with it. people in my opinion have the right to engage in a political discussion to the extent they want to. i also feel like if you want to have that type of protest, he has that right. i also think brady has the right to opt out. that is something that he s uncomfortable with. i think the nfl appreciates him opting out because their stance has been very dismal. it s been a bad year for the nfl from a financial standpoint. i m certainly don t want sandra: can we have a little fun? eric: we can talk about what an amazing quarterback tom brady and matt ryan are. i take atlanta. i m going to the underdog. eboni: that atlanta offense this year, harris. meghan: as someone who doesn t care about football, i m looking forward to lady gaga. cr without getting ripped off. you could start your search at the all-new that might help. show me the carfax. now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. 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New-york , United-states , Montana , Missouri , Washington , Whitehouse , District-of-columbia , California , Indiana , San-francisco , Mexico , Arizona

Transcripts For CNNW New Day 20170123

may on friday. after setting up meetings with mexico s president, israel s prime minister and canada s prime minister. i ve never seen anyone work harder. but the president and his staff distracting by fixating on the size of his inauguration crowd. side by side comparisons upsetting the new administration. in his signature campaign style the president blasting the media. i have a running war with the media. they are among the most dishonest human beings on earth. former cia director john brennan and congressional democrats criticizing the president over his visit to the spy agency s headquaters saturday. at issue, his political comments made while standing in front of the cia s memorial wall honoring those killed in the line of service. i made speech. the looked out and the field, it looked like a million, million and a half people. they showed a field where there was practically nobody standing there. continuing the fight, trump s press secretary grossly exaggerating the inauguration crowd in a combative statement to the press. this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration period. his claim, totally false. answer the question of why the president asked the white house press secretary to come out in front of the podium for the first time and utter a falsehood. the president s counselor kellyanne conway defending the fabrication. don t be so overly dramatic about it. you re saying it s a falsehood and they re giving our press secretary alternative facts to that. alternative facts. conway also saying trump will never release his tax returns. he s not going to release his tax returns. we litigated this all through the election. people didn t care. late sunday walking back her comment asserting the president is still under audit and has been advised not to release his taxes but still did not clarify whether they will ever be released. this as a prominent ethics group says they re going to sue the president. the conflict of interest lawsuit alleges mr. trump is violating the constitution by receiving illegal payments from foreign governments. now trump also addressed massive protests across the country on saturday but sent mixed messages. first tweeting watched protests yesterday but was under the impression we just had an election. why didn t these people vote. celebs hurt cause badly. then saying peaceful protests are a hall mark of our democracy. i recognize the rights of people to express their views. we ll be watching to see what he tweets today. thank you for all of that. we have a lot to discuss. let s bring in our panel. senior congressional correspondent and from bloomberg politics, jennifer jacobs. david gregory, i want to start with you if this weekend s press conference at the white house, what are we to imagine for the next four years about the relationship between the press core and the white house? it s going to be rocky because the press is going to be tough and the press is going to call out credibility problems. undermining his credibility as white house press secretary he s going to have a hard time because credibility counts. credibility counts for the president as well. president trump needs to think about leading the country and solving the problems that he outlined. a focus on crowd size is small ball. it s small insignificant issues and it s a shiny object that he s allowing himself to be distracted by instead of focussing what he s got to do. and getting talked about an on going war with the press as misguided if not offensive and these are the kind of things that are going to undermine his effectiveness because they betray a complete lack of focus as president and i ll say something else. the press got a job to do. the media should be held accountable by the government and by the people and that happens every single day because people make decisions about what they re going to watch. what they re going to read. what they re going to listen to but i wonder what president trump means when he said publicly that the media is going to pay a tremendous price. is that a threat? and again it s going to underline how the media is going to be covering this trump administration. and also you get into the issue about what the president needs from the people around him. yes he s the most powerful man in the world. yes he is the boss but we all know that great men and great women help them be great and didn t interview with david axelrod and the issue of what would you do if you were told to lie as press secretary to the president came up? here s what he said. you have your integrity. i can t comment on something or i m not able to discuss it but i never lied and i don t intend i would argue that anybody that s an aspiring communique to adhere to that because if you lose the respect and trust of the press core you got nothing. our reporting at cnn is that that is exactly what happens. if the president said go out there and talk about crowd size. i don t like what this perception is. he went out there and made stuff up. what is your take? well, the rule i have with press secretaries and people that work with politicians is i expect you to make the most favorable case you can for your boss. just don t lie to me because i ll look like an idiot. when we are talking about a press secretary. it s not somebody that is a free agent. they re speaking on behalf of the president and the way the west wing works is they have been talking with senior staff about what are we going to do. so i think in some ways a lot of this is falling on him and it s not fair in the sense that he din decide to do this on his own. this came directly from the top because that s how the white house works and i think what the white house has to decide is how much what worked on the campaign trail and that is keeping everybody guessing about the press and using our lack of credibility so that they re never wrong because if there aren t any real facts then there are no facts and they can decide what s right. and they work in the campaign and it may not work the same way now that he is the respect but they feel like they will. i don t think this is about crowd size. it s the idea that if the press is never credible then when we re dealing with more important things we ll be more on the defensive and more on offense and looking less on the defensive when we re being questioned over much bigger things. so there are facts and there are apparently alternative facts. that is the phrase that took hold this weekend. let me play for you and our viewers and the genesis of what kellyanne conway said this week. the president asked the white house press secretary to come out in front of the podium for the first time and utter a falsehood. why did he do that? it undermines the credibility of the entire white house press office. don t be so overly dramatic about it chuck. you re saying it s a falsehood and they re giving our press secretary gave alternative facts to that. alternative facts? maybe those are what you use in alternative universe. how do you see what that exchange says? well, listen, donald trump has been sensitive about his crowd sizes for years. he has attacked the media, me included, for what he says is underestimating his crowd sizes so, you know, it could have made this very simple by just making that point. listen, the d.c. area is very democratic. it s always going to attract more democrats, more liberals to inauguration ceremonies than for any republican and also, you know, he did his best to make his boss happy. he was trying to make the point that around the globe there were more people that were witnessing this inauguration and how do we know how many people around the globe are witnessing this. he did his best on something that trump is very, very sensitive about. let me just say he made a decision, perhaps got dictated by the president that he was going to come out there and make a series of statements that were not true and then not take questions, okay? his job as press secretary is to be responsive to the press. answer questions to the press. they are working in the people s house. that is the purpose of his job. so not a great way to get started and not a great way for the president to set up his press secretary but here s a larger point. there is not a war on the media. the media is going to do its job and if the president is going to be guided by and thrown off by the idea that he wants to be at war. come out and argued about the press reported certain things and he is not getting a particularly rough ride. he is getting plenty of push back on things he said and things he does. they say watch what he does. that s what we ll do is watch what he does and watch what he says and kellyanne conway that wants good relationship with the press and you do have fights between the press and the administration. any administration. she had no defense in the interview i heard. and the press should move on too. and back on forth on stuff that doesn t matter. crowd size doesn t matter. much bigger issues. we talk about what works with his base. chuck was really exercised about it and a got you moment. sometimes a reporter gets super excited in a moment like that. don t overly drama tiez it. and it s coming clean. people dismiss it and say it s just politics in play. but let s remember why these lawsuits are really possible. it s foreign business and hotel payments. and it s lack of transparency and she eventually came back to say our position hasn t changed on this but even the initial position we re under audit. no proof of audit. we can t put out the taxes because we re under audit. not what lawyers will always say i don t want you to talk to anybody but there is no legal responsibility to keep it quite. this is about our vail of mystery around his affairs and now it seems that these taxes aren t going to come out and is that a big deal or not? i think the price of admission has been built in for trump in that people see him as somebody that isn t necessarily transparent that has a lot of business dealings and didn t do things most politicians do when they ran for office and while most americans prefer he release his tax returns, i think that at the end of the day it s going to come down to whether or not he produces for them. whether they feel he has made their life better. i wish he was more transparent and maybe say one thing about his tax returns and then do another but my life is better. people will look at his business ties and how his family is still involved in his business and how his hotel is making money off of his presidency and he ll decide it s a problem and then he ll have to figure out what to do. thank you. stick around. we ll have more questions. president trump is hoping to get two more senior members of his administration today. they get voted in by the senate. we do know that the senate is set to vote later today on the confirmation of secretary of state nominee rex tillerson and cia nominee mike pompeo. with only two cabinet members confirmed so far it s about timing. when will the president get his full team. live on capitol hill with more. just got a big boost from mccain and graham saying that they will vote for tillerson. and the key senators, and making some progress on the key nominations but they certainly have a lot more work to do. first trump cia director nominee will get a full vote in the senate tonight. six hours of debate which was important to democrats and then he is expected to pass tonight but the big question certainly still is rex tillerson on trump s nominee for secretary of state. today the senate foreign relations committee will vote on that and the big question is how senator marco rubio will vote. he has not indicated one side or the other whether he will vote for or against him but regardless of if he does leaders have already indicated that regardless of how rubio votes or the committee votes they will bring tillerson before a full senate vote later on and as you said senator mccain and graham indicated over the weekend that they will support rex tillerson so that likely paved the way for him to be approved by a full senate going forward. thank you very much. meanwhile, president trump s foreign policy agenda already stirring controversy in the middle east. our panel will discuss mr. trump s plan in israel, next. the newly advanced gle can see in your blind spot. onboard cameras and radar detect danger all around you. driver assist systems pull you back into your lane if drifting. and will even help you brake, if necessary. it makes driving less of a production. lease the gle350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. she is going to head to washington to meet with the president on friday. this comes as the president the setting up a series of meetings to start work on his foreign policy agenda up at the top of the list renegotiating nafta. let s bring back our panel. theresa may. common ground. the u.k., a huge u.s. ally traditionally at the top of the list of meetings with presidents right off the bat. that s a big deal. the trump administration has been taking that really seriously. the transition team was starting to meet weeks ago, months ago with her top staff defenseman and foreign ministers so they think they can begin to lay the ground work for a trade agreement between the u.s. and the u.k. after the u.k. leaves the european union and they re focused on that and they can get a lot of work done on that this week. the canadian prime minister as well as mexico s to renegotiate nafta. they re going to be a bit tough. this is where the new administration was going to lay down markers about what they think a new renegotiated treaty looks like between canada and mexico. those things are particularly important and gauge what that reaction is and there will be a lot of people that are even free traders that think the president may be on to something. why not renegotiate on more favorable terms. it has got to have the capitols of both countries very nervous. the thing about the prime minister is its going to take awhile for britain to leave the european union and figure out what that deal looks like before the united states can look out when a trade deal would ultimately emerge between the two countries. this is a long-term enterprise. david drucker. gregory s analysis applies to everything. that s part of the problem. you want quick wins out of the box. how long did it take george h.w. bush to negotiate nafta in the first place. what do you think the state of play is within his own party about how quickly and how extremely he can renegotiate. it s very interesting obviously that donald trump is having different ideas on trade in the rest of the world as do most members of his own party in capitol hill and what they re trying to do is come up with policies that could give him what he wants. that s what this is going to be in the public tax reform plan. it s a way to say here s how you can renegotiate our relationship with other countries and create a more favorable environment for american manufacturers without actually going forward with tariffs and getting involved in those fights and i think that s what republicans are intent on doing. finding a way to give trump what he wants without really giving him what he wants because there s a huge concern on the right outside of trump s circles that you get involved in a trade war with other countries. prices of goods in america go up and exports don t actually increase and the economy ends uptaking a big hit so that s what i m really watching for here is how does his relationship with congress as it relates to these negotiations around the world, how do they translate on the hill. let s talk about israel. president trump announced he ll be meeting with the prime minister of israel netanyahu next month and they re interested in moving the embassy to jerusalem. how is all of this going to work. there s so much speculation about that and it does seem like trump is interested in moving that to jerusalem and it s very controversial. how soon is that going to happen? trump wouldn t answer that question about that yesterday. there s a lot of speculation about that creating some tension. it goes hand in hand with israel s announcement is putting more settlements in east jerusalem. obviously people understand this issue have to do some homework. you have to understand why jerusalem doesn t matter to muslims, jews and christians but different varieties of christians. but the politics here have evolved over time and that this is more than just putting a building in a different place. right and as a matter of foreign policy the incoming trump administration is going to do a lot to strengthen prime minister netanyahu s hand and the conservative elements of the israeli government that could be talking about the very end of the peace process as we have known it which has been more for a long time but in strengthening his hand a couple of things are going to happen. the idea may completely fade away and there may be ramifications about that in the region and the president is going to deal with the fact that i can tell you firsthand that the jewish community in america is very polarized. it s polarized over israel. and the president will have to become involved with. and reflect that polarization. it negates the possibility of the u.s. s interest in a two state solution. there isn t any talk about a peace plan that doesn t involve the two state solution from over a decade. the new ambassador also has some controversial thoughts on that. let s talk about this 600 pound gorilla in the room. i knew you were going to work in ava nilla gorilla reference. slid putin. we re all waiting to see what kind of a line president trump takes toward russia and putin. you have teen the last two presidents trying to create a friendly relationship with vladimir putin. believing they can create it on national security and economic issues and vladimir putin hasn t been interested in any of that and george w. bush and barrack obama. and he was in a sense believing that he could do with vladimir putin what his predecessors could not accomplish so let s see what he does. does he try another russian reset or take a harder line than his predecessors and try to put putin in the box and reassert influence in the middle east. would b people be thrown if putin comes to america and doesn t have a shirt on just like the saturday night live guy? we are being bombarded with that image. we will see. we have to be watching that all the time. we ll see if he likes it or doesn t like it. thank you very much. right now there are deadly tornadoes carving a path of death and destruction in the southern part of the u.s. the threat continues today so we have a live report for you in your forecast next. did you know slow 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and mobile home park that saw much of the devastation as incredible as some of the pictures are we re hearing the remarkable stories of survival including the 24-year-old father that road out the storm in the bathtub with his wife and infant daughter. not long after he road out the storm he went out to survey the damage and joint rescue efforts. today he is likely to return to the neighborhood hoping he could finally be able to see what if anything is left. you see many people have not been allowed to ener the region here and they offer a pretty reasonable explanation. with at least five people still missing and very little to no hope of any more rescues then the concern is if people start going through the debris they could find more than just their damaged belongings and that is the reality for many people here in southern georgia. we know you ll stay on it. also let us know about the need so we can get out word about how people can help. thank you and stay safe my friend. how long is this threat going to last? let s bring in chad meyers. what do you see? i see wind going from 60 to 70 miles per hour, chris. i see big snow in upstate new york. now the severe weather and the tornado threat is over but 41 tornadoes over the weekend killed more people in that weekend than the entire year last year of 2016. we only had 16, less than 2016. so this is a deadly weekend with tornadoes on the ground. large wedge tornadoes on the ground and whether you re in a mobile home or a real home those are going to do a lot of damage there. the storm has moved up to the northeast. the good news is its not far enough off the coast. it s close. it s going to make snow for new york and new england and atlantic canada but this could be a foot maker or more if it was farther offshore. it s through the buildings of new york city today and the winds could gust at 70 miles per hour. it s a strong wind already started and thank you for keeping an eye on all of that. women s marches drew millions of protestors around the globe but what did they accomplish? we discuss that next. ery dollar. that s why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. which adds fuel to my bottom line. what s in your wallet? what makesheart healthysalad the becalifornia walnuts.r? the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at hundreds of thousands of people packing the streets of downtown los angeles as well as other cities and the march on washington drew at least 600,000 people according to metro ridership numbers there were more than a million rides. our next guest started marching on the nation s capitol and ended at her home state of michigan. that s a long walk. she joins us now. wow, i don t know who wrote that correctly. i might have flown but it was incredible. do you know we had 20,000 people on saturday afternoon. i was so glad that i went home because i just, i can t tell you how emotional it was. let s talk about the message because i was in washington d.c. covering part of this and i saw lots of signs. lots of creative signs. some of them not appropriate for morning television but it seemed to be a different message. everybody had their own agenda. what was the message of the march. i would actually say that everybody is so busy trying to analyze this and put everybody into factions. what i said in ann arbor is we re here. we re united. and our voices are going to be heard. i think what people want and are saying is that they re for fairness and they re for inclusion and they re for quality. and everybody i think people will remark, different women were there for different reasons but they were all there to make sure that their core american values are going to be protected and i think many people like me were there for positive reasons. some of trump s advisors said if women are dissatisfied that s on the previous watch. we have only been in office for an hour. we haven t been in office and these antitrump marches. some people may have been there for antitrump but if you lead with the organizers their mission, they framed it in a positive way and i was there marching for what i stand for and how i m going to stand as one united community. one of the things that struck me on saturday a lot of people were trying to talk about, you know, pit women against each other was the younger generation versus the older. i saw women marching for the first time and women that marched for their entire life. stay at home moms and working moms. it was a diverse group coming together united to protect people for fairness and quality and inclusion. watch protest. watch protest yesterday and under the impression that we just had an election. why didn t these people vote. what s your response. another twitter later in the day. in the interest of complete fairness this is an hour and a half later and peaceful protests even i don t always agree it s harder to know which one. i went to the inaugural on friday because it s one of the most visible signs of our democracy. the peaceful transfer of government and i think saturday was also one of the visible signs. freedom of speech and you read all of those signs and there were a lot of different signs but women were coming together united and i m going to focus on how we are united. you can t put a million women all into one same box but i think you did see people united and wanting to fight for progress in this country not going back. what are you afraid you re going to lose? i think we ve got, you know, i m one of the speakers on saturday said she met a woman in her 60s that marched in the 60s. when i interviewed for my job at general m general motors i was asked why would a woman want to work for general motors and now a woman is ceo. we want to make sure that we do keep moving forward. we worked hard to get where we are and i am where i am because of the women that went before me and opened those doors and we have to make sure that we are continuing to support each other and to make those doors wider. congressman thank you for sharing your experience with us. great to see you. thank you. thanks allison. so we got our big match upcoming for the super bowl number 51. do you know who it is? you better. the falcons and the patriots. they have written here in the teleprompter. please the bleacher report is next. are you ready?? you gotta be ready. oh, i m ready i mean, really ready. are you ready to open? ready to compete? ready to welcome? the floors, mats-spotless. the uniforms, clean and crisp. do your people have the right safety gear? are they protected? i m ready! you think your customers can t tell the difference between who s ready and who s not? of course they do. i m ready for you everybody wants a piece of ready. cintas, ready for the workday. it s my decision ito make beauty last. roc® retinol, started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use it, the better it works. retinol correxion® from roc. methods, not miracles.™ th.oh, baked-on alfredo?e. .gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. cascade platinum powers through. your toughest stuck-on food. nice. cascade. super bowl li is set. former falcon wearing his nonpartisan sports journalist suit for this morning s bleacher report. i could hear your girlish screams all the way. how about the bet we made earlier in the season. don t you have to shave off those curls now. this super bowl is going to be anything like yesterday s conference championship game we re in for points and a quarterback battle of the ages. falcons, matt ryan, never been to a super bowl that has the league s leading offense and then tom brady he will have played in more super bowls than any player in nfl history this is a top ten defense making them just look so-so. 384 yards. three touchdowns. two of them go to this guy. patriots dominate 36-17. going to a record ninth super bowl. hines ward caught up with the unlikely hero of the game. everyone buys in. this locker room. defense, offense, special teams, and we want to win so bad and we do everything we can throughout the week just to win. and earlier in the day the falcons would rise up and beat down green bay matt ryan showing why he s the front runner for the league mvp award. five touchdowns in total and what a special day for the city of atlanta. i got to play there. this is the final game ever played in the georgia dome. it s the only facility in the world to have hosted olympics, final four and a super bowl and it ends with an nfc championship and super bowl birth. i got to catch up with some of my teammates after the game. we smashed the playoffs and we re going to the super bowl. whoever, man. falcons going back to the super bowl for the first time in 18 years. they never won one. hopefully this will be different. thanks for that. the war between president trump and the press over what mr. trump s advisors call alternative facts we discuss the battle of facts versus falsehoods. when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums what makesheart healthysalad the becalifornia walnuts.r? the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at a new hashtag has emerged. alternative facts to explain the way the white house press secretary was giving false comments on the size of trump s inauguration. let s listen to her first. answer the question of why the president asked the white house press secretary to come out in front of the podium for the first time and utter a falsehood. why did he do that? it undermines the credibility of the white house press conference on day one. don t be so overly dramatic about it chuck. you re saying it s a falsehood and our press secretary gave alternative facts to that. wait a minute, alternative facts. chuck todd giggle. you got one there. always a pleasure. we know kellyanne conway. very intelligent and very good at her job. she knows there are facts and everything else but she was in defense mode and with good reason here s what she was trying to defend. no one had numbers because the national park service that controls the national mall does not put any out. this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration period. both in person and around the globe. all right. this is an example of what we call strong and wrong when it comes to the media. his numbers were off. they are now getting attribution from it. wrong numbers from this one. there trying to make it so that it wasn t that he made it up. that he did it on purpose to be wrong but that he got bad information. well, they need to do that because otherwise his first presentation comes out as completely false and you don t want the press immediately to say well i can t trust this guy. you have people comparing him to baghdad bob the first day in office. it s just really bad for the press secretary because eventually he s going to say something to the press and say trust me on this. it really is bad for him and for the administration. this is a tough one because aren t all press secretaries. they do the bidding of their boss that s what he was doing. where does that leave the press. he was doing something more. yes everyone spends and would admit that he would omit impacts. that s what they do. he used the wrong title for a leader of another country. the inauguration set up and let s reason it was sunny when in fact it was cloudy at the inauguration. there s a pattern from the top from the president. and listen he may have had information from the wrong people. that s a legitimate issue but it s hard when you get started. here s the problem. they have some issues. created by the press and not the comments literally put out by him but this administration is undersiege right now from the media. and he didn t take questions from the media and the american people and it s about accountability and this also just isn t a debate. a picture tells a thousand words in this one and they re all true. here s the picture. these are the pictures. there is no conspiracy. just let your eyes tell you the truth. by the way, this was an asteriks to our coverage. we showed the pictures for a second. this was never going to be our headline. this was never going to be something that we devoted time to. some of our viewers thought cnn was too generous. we heard it. she did a great job and one of the things she was influencing early on was factual. people were being called protestors but they weren t. a lot of them were criminals and lighting fires and we said here s this one pocket of activity at one corner but look at these miles behind us where all of these people are out for good reason. we were loudly yelled at by some of mr. trump s supporters calling us names and that s our new normal and we can deal with that but my point to you originally was what is the press and donald trump s version of events. what we re doing is to state the facts because even more loudly than he misstated the facts. we talk about delegitimizing the press, a thing trump was doing during the campaign and now we re seeing what that means. it s a word that gets thrown around. don t cheapen it. hit him when it matters, okay. the alternative facts and here s where you were wrong but there is a point to be made about how much attention. crowd size was never our story but even if he is dead wrong on it how much attention. kellyanne makes good points. how come you never mention that we won more women. these are fair points as well. the media has to remember just because she got him wrong on something does that mean that s all you talk about. when he tweets accurate information we should point that out too. we make a big deal out of the falsehoods he posts on twitter. when he gets it right we need to point out everything he is saying. when you constantly put out things he s 42%. vaccines caused autism. you have to check them. you can t just let that go. levity. a little snl. let s play a clip. yesterday we all made donald trump the 45th president of the united states. who ray we did it. today many of you are scared and marching in the streets. you are worried that your country is in the hands of this unpredictable man but don t worry. it s not. it s so creepy. it s creepy and it s become now the thing. he has to have no shirt. he has to have no shirt. he makes an interesting point though about what we covered. they were historic and the people that came together all over this country and all over this world that has to get attention as well. underpromised and overdelivered specifically because the crowds were bigger than expected that there was even more press. they had one of the biggest fair monitoring events ever in terms of people that went there. it s partly because some people went in the streets. and there s an interesting moment like that. international viewers thank you for watching us. cnn newsroom is going to begin for you in moments for our u.s. viewers. new day continues. let s get after it right now. there is an obsession by the media to delegitimize this president. looked like a million, million and a half people. they showed a field where there was nobody standing there. he went on to say trump s swearing in was the largest audience to witness an inauguration period. that is not true. he gave alternative facts to that. you have somebody coming on that is extraordinary. even the cia. people watching us don t be weak when it comes to russia. he s not going to release his

New-york , United-states , Jerusalem , Israel-general- , Israel , Georgia , Canada , Ann-arbor , Michigan , Washington , Atlanta , California