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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20190214

what i ve been telling audiences for a very long time and unfortunately you ve had to hear me talk about time and time again how one party gets elected, they overreach and then it actually helps the party that has just been defeated. donald trump obviously did well because he had a lot of the country s eyes and ears during the state of the union address, even though it was a rambling as though the wall street journal said, this jig-jag sort of thing, but he had his closing argument, just like in el paso, he had a closing argument and the closing argue monment was mp of mistakes, unforced errors the democrats already made, you can talk about the botched forecast for the green deal, can you talk about what s going on in virginia, the blackface controversies there, the late-term abortion celebrations, the new york legislature. you can talk about a lot of these different things that, give again, a reason to say don t look at the mistakes i ve made, i m here to protect you from the extreme democrats. i know of what i speak because bill clinton got elected in 1992 with 43% of the vote. people like me got elected in 1994. we immediately went too far right and what did we do? we re-elected bill clinton. and i ve said time and time again bush won in 2004, they talked about a permanent republican majority, two years later, nancy pelosi elected speaker of the house. it was supposed to be an ascendent majority. people said you overreached. the tea party. the tea party overreached, barack obama was reelected, two years later, donald trump was elected. democrats get elected, have only been there for two months and they ve already given donald trump his closing argument for the 2020 campaign. now, listen, i m not telling democrats to be what they are not, mika. i am just going to repeat what i said before yesterday and that is before you hold a press conference, before you put your talking points up on your office thing, before you say anything that you think is going to be controversial, ask yourself a question, wwnd what would nancy do? because she has already proven she knows how to defeat donald trump. there are a lot of young democrats that haven t even been in congress for two months, and they are offering donald trump way too much fodder. yes, he s a hypocrite. yes, he s a racist. yes, he is all the things that we say he is every single day, but unlike us and 94 republicans, we had newt to go to and his ideas were crazier than ours. they have somebody who knows how to went and put to the the largest majority since watergate and somebody who knows how to beat donald trump. democrats can t afford any more unforced errors because all they are doing is making the once unthinkable now possible and that is the election of donald trump in 2020. they ve got to play smarter. and with that analysis, we now follow the news. there are two tracks here. a federal court ruling last night finds that paul manafort intentionally lied to the mueller investigation about contacts with an operative linked to russian intelligence, who manafort had an in-person meeting with while he was still serving as donald trump s campaign chairman in august of 2016. district judge amy berman jackson ruled that manafort meant to lie on at least three issues and that federal prosecutors are no longer bound by their deal to recommend a lighter sentence for the 69-year-old manafort. the judge s written order states that manafort made multiple false statements about his interactions and communications with constantine kilimnik, who the fbi has linked to russian intelligence. the judge also ruled that manafort lied to the fbi, the special counsel s office and the mueller grand jury regarding payments made by an identified firm, firm a, to a law firm that, the matter was material to their investigation, along with false statements in october of last year that were material to another d.o.j. investigation. the judge said prosecutors failed to show that manafort lied in two other instances. this new rule cog affect the severity of punishment for paul manafort. he is scheduled to be sentenced on march 13th. the level of stupidity is unbelievable, but this is a big, big step in the mueller probe, a big win for bob mueller. a big step in the probe. jeremy, i just have to ask you and i m not being facetious here or not trying to be funny in the least, but how in the world can these people be so stupid? how can they be so dumb? rick gates proffers, makes a deal, proffers, lies, gets caught. paul manafort makes a deal, proffers, lies. i mean, all of these people lie. they all lie to bob mueller and they all get caught. i feel like singing where have all the flowers gone? when will they ever learn? you re not going to be able to slip anything past this guy. what s it mean for the overall case? when you have an enormous secret, joe, you may engage in extreme stupidity to cover it up. that s what appears to be going on here. manafort had a chance to really reduce his sentence after he was convicted and pled guilty. there are only two tickets out of prison when you ve pled getty, one is to work with cooperators and be truthful and the other path is a pardon. in some respects manafort was digging in here, hopefully telegraphing to the commander in chief, the president, his buddy, the fact that he s holding firm and a pardon should be coming his way. the big question is why were they covering up this along between constantine kilimnik and the trumpcampaign. what is it that would make them engage not just in stupidity but reckless conduct? so why did they? i think they were covering up the ties to the russian federation. and they didn t want it exposed to bob mueller. there s no other explanation. and those ties, katty kay, why would the conclusion necessarily be a focus of donald trump? i think for donald trump it always comes down to money. could it be that this was all about money and nothing about anything else that mueller is looking into? well, we know that he s had business dealings and was trying to get trump tower off the ground in 2016. there was one specific business negotiation with the russians that was going on. investigations are also looking into reports of whether he had money that was lent him by the russians at a time when he couldn t get money from other u.s. bangs ks in order to fund businesses. that s all under investigation. the key is why in august of 2016 did paul manafort and rk gatick santorum rick gates sit down with kilimnik? and that would start to fit the pieces of a quid pro quo. we don t know exactly what was discussed at that august meeting. you ve just come out of the convention, the republican convention has softened the platform when it came to russia over ukraine and then you have this meeting with a russian operative talking potentially about ukraine and lifting sanctions and some sort of peace deal. the pits of tbits of the puzzle fitting together. weep just don t have a we just don t have all the pieces yet. it s very interesting where donald trump and the republican party have added $2 trillion to the national debt. this news from usa today with all the forfeitiefeitureforfeitr probe may be turning a profit. every bit will help to get us back to some sort of fiscal sanity. i think what katty was talking about seems to be the most logical respiration of what was going on here. and the inappropriateness of manafort in the middle of the came in 2016 off trying to do either his own business with the ukraine or somebody else s business, who knows, but it s obviously just another example of the tawdry behavior that went on in the trump campaign even before he was elected. manafort did owe a lot of money to individuals in ukraine and it s possible all of this was to get himself off the hook. by the way, happy valentine s day. thank you, joe. the red sox probably had the worst opening day of pitchers and catchers reporting that we ve ever had. obviously it s the second day of the title defense. i ve already panic stricken. you have to be a red sox fan near death to get a happy valentine s day, i guess. i m very panicked. but donald trump not as panicked this week, not only because of his poll numbers but also chairman burr came out and said he didn t see collusion. you have to weigh this with the manafort news. what is the current environment inside the white house regarding the investigation, manafort, mueller, collusion. i know the president has been upset obviously over the past several months and hard to control. what about now? first of all, the special counsel is an unlikely growth industry that we re seeing for the american economy. so i think that is very interesting and amusing. but the president, look, he is of course manafort remains a concern. and paul manafort s commitment is to be applauded. this is far from the first time he has been reprimanded by judges for misrepresenting himself and violating his plea deal. the president obviously took burr s statement and he s tweeted about it repeatedly and bob mueller continues and there s been no conclusion reached there, though we all should note there may not be a final report we re all going to be able to pore over, that s certainly that we need to recognize, there may not be a conclusion to the investigation one way or the other that i think the public is expecting. in the white house, there is the sense that the birthing is good news. he really took a beating during the shutdown and as unhappy he is this week with this new deal and he s told people he s been upset at republican neg ootiato and feels like he has been able to get in there and done better, but there is a begrudging sense that he needs to sign it. he is the president, donald trump, who changes his mind all the time. so we certainly wouldn t bet our mortgages on that but the sense is the white house is telegraphing that he will unhappily sign it but he will. he ll move using executive actions to appropriate more money to continue to finance the wall project and that he ll take that as some sort of win and try to change the subject. he has to sign it. he has no political option not to sign it. sign it, move some money toward his wall and say i won, even though he caved and he lost. he knows he got beat and his poll numbers took a real hit during the last shutdown and he acknowledges he candidate aff f have that happen again. a last-minute motion from republicans to formally condemn anti-semitism and, quote, all attempts to delegitimize and deny israel s right to exist. the motion passed 424-0. about the motion, qg magazine tweeted i really wished this happened back in 2016 when the president s reporters were sending death threats to jewish reporter or trump told the jewish coalition i don t want your money or when he lied about tweeting a star of david plastered over money or when house minority leader kevin mccarthy tweeted an anti-semitic tweet implying prominent jews were buying the midterm elections. andrea mitchell asked vice president mike pence about the hypocrisy while she was in warsaw with him yesterday. take a look. it s important that the leaders in the congress take a firm stand against anti-semitism rhetoric. and i think it requires consequences in this case. and what the president said about banning all muslims in 2015? look, the president instituted a travel ban for the security of the united states of america. yeah. the hypocrisy of the republicans is beyond breathtaking. we can do this in sequential order. in early december 2015 donald trump talked about a muslim ban, banning offer 1.5 billion people from entering this country pause of the god they worship, pure bigotry, unconstitutional, a rank violation of the first amendment. then he talked about a muslim registry. republicans said nothing. then he claimed that he didn t know who david duke was or who the ku klux klan were or what they did on the sunday before super tuesday. republicans said nothing. then he attacked an indiana judge born in america because his parents were born in mexico and he actually said that that american judge couldn t be fair and do his job fairly because there was hispanic blood in him. republicans said nothing. then he starts putting star of davids over dollars and hillary clinton s image. republicans say nothing. kevin mccarthy suggesting that jews are buying the midterm elections by putting up pictures of george soros. then during the caravans, republican congressmen saying that jews like george soros were funding the caravan in hopes of stirring up their base. the anti-semitism, i mean, i haven t even touched, mika, on charlottesville! there are so many examples of how this republican majority and the house of representatives and this republican president have used racism and bigotry and of course the original sin was donald trump s birtherism and yet they shamelessly attack one horrible anti-semitic tweet, which should be condemned but they are the last people to throw stones because they don t live in a glass house, they live in a glass tower that has the words trump etched in crystal all over it. fake gold. because the racism and the bigotry, 24 karat fake gold. the racism and bigotry they ve shown over the past few years and they ve put up with, i guess best way if you want to just boil it down, mika, you just look at how you had paul ryan calling donald trump a racist and a couple days later paul ryan endorsing donald trump, which is why what i said off the top is so critical. america cannot afford for these democrats to blow their opportunity, to return sanity to washington, d.c. i totally agree. we re going to have claire mccaskill on at 7:00. she s warned about that democratic overreach. to put a period on what you re saying, if you re a leader and you don t stand up to it, then how are you not a part it haof ? more on that tweet from kevin mccarthy. just before midterms he tweeted we cannot allow soros, steyer and bloomberg to buy this election, the word buy in all caps. here s what the congressman said about that yesterday. you put out a tweet about 3 billionaires trying to buy the midterms. what did you bhmean by that? that was about democrats versus republicans. all i was pointing out was money that republicans and democrats were spending to defeat one another. mika, the billionaires, he picked out three jews. he said let s put the tweet back up again. i mean, the tweet is saying with a picture of george soros, an ominous looking picture of george soros, kevin mccarthy said don t let three jews buy the election. could we have a house resolution condemning that? could we have a senate resolution condemning that tweet, that now the person running the republican party in the house of representatives put out a tweet don t let jews buy the midterm election. because that s what he said. and it s beyond hypocrisy on a whole new level driven by hate. heidi, the tweet that mccarthy deleted the next day so he must have finally realized something was wrong with it came as tom steyer, george soros and other prominent democrats were being targeted by pipe bombs. remember that? it was asked why it was deleted if the congressman believed there was nothing wrong and the paper was directed to a statement issued at the time referencing the sensitivity of the political climate, aka, they did think it was wrong and took it down. heidi, you spend a lot of time on capitol hill, you talk to these republicans off camera, off record, how do they bring this together, the fact that they will be, you know, staunch live defen staunchly defensive about a tweet by a democratic congresswoman and yet stand by this president s racism. reporter: well, they don t, is the answer. the parallel is striking. it s not just anti-semitic trope but it s the exact same anti-semitic trope in terms of tying jews to money, in terms of the tweet that the president himself put out with the star of david and clinton sitting atop a pile of cash. if you talk to members of congress, democrats, they say the big difference here is that representative omar actually apologized and apologized immediately for this. but this should be a red light to some of these freshmen democrats, frankly, because this is the second time in almost as many weeks that we ve seen one of them be piled on for misstatements or controversial statements and that they now instead of nancy pelosi are going to be the bulls eye for the republicans who really want to use some of these cultural issues to stir up their base. and this will not be the last time unless some of these members realize that they are now serving in congress and they need to be careful of what they put out into social media and into the twitters sphere because that will be used against them and be used against their entire party. the base doesn t frankly care. i don t know how aware they are of the hypocrisy and the statements that have come from those on their side of the aisle, but it can be used to great effect against the democrats. and jeremy bash, let s talk about the bill this was actually attached to, which was to end all u.s. military assistance for saudi arabia s war in yemen. what are the implications of that? this is a rebuke, mika, of the way saudi arabia and the uae have waged war against the houthi rebels. it will try to reign in what it sees as massive overreach of the trump policy. with just hours left before another government shutdown, what the president and his shadow counselors on tv are saying about it. plus, a headline that caught a lot of attention, smaller tax refunds surprise those expecting more relief. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. where have all the flowers gone long time passing [indistinct conversation] [friend] i ve never seen that before. i have. man 1: this is my body of proof. woman 1: proof of less joint pain. woman 2: .and clearer skin. woman 3: this is my body of 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they were bla were blaming donald trump saying i m not going to vote for him again and then they re saying, no, you re not paying more taxes. can you clear it up for us? people are disupappointed wi what they re getting. we knew the tax bill was going to be small dollars for people, it was going to be regressive, favoring the rich. i wanted to con scentrate on wh we call salt, the saturday and local tax. these are organized by what percentage of residents used the local deductions in the past years. maryland, they were the most frequent users of it. you can see disproportionately the states in which the tax deduction was historically used were blue states. the states in which the deductions were not used are historically red states. when the republicans took aim at this provision, nobody should be confused about elections having consequences. now we can see the consequences. let s take a look at house prices. can you see in these city, the nationwide in black but then phoenix, new york, los angeles, you can see there was a pretty steady increase both in house prices and in the rate of growth of house prices right up until where the bill was passed. and then after the bill was passed, you can see that new york and los angeles, house prices, the rate of growth of house prices immediately turned down, l.a. was particularly bad and then you can see old phoenix up here where house price increases actually accelerated. we ve all heard anecdotal evidence about how tough the housing market is in the northeast, here s actually evidence of the impact on people in terms of the value of their houses. and then the question is are people leaving? anecdotal evidence is pretty high. there s a 3.2 budget shortfall in new york. new jersey famously even before this law lost its single highest paying taxpayer left for florida. what are the states at risk? what are the states where the raelt wealthy use the tax deduction and pay the highest marginal rates and not surprisingly, they are all blue states in the northeast. the republicans won the election, they needed represent knew to pay for their corporate and individual tax cuts to wealthy people and they took a lot of it by removing this deduction, which hurt an awful lot of people in the northeast and company. and, steve, also, we predicted when it happened that it hurt a lot of republicans running in california in the house races and hurt a lot of republicans running in new york state in the house races. you heard people in california talking about it. my gosh, that s where a lot of those seats were picked up at the end of the day. in all of those close races, it had to make a big difference. i m just curious, what s your response to the wall street journal editorial yesterday that a lot of those blue states have extraordinarily high tax rates because they ve been pursuing liberal policies for years and years and it s not the federal government s job to bail them out? what s the response to that? i understand the argument. they are high-tax states. governor cuomo said you can t just keep taxing wealthy people over and over again. there s something like 1% of the residents of new york pay something like 45% of the income taxes. so you run that risk. but there s a couple other points to be made. first, you could argue that the state without the state and local tax deduction, it s kind of a form of double taxation. you re taxed once by the government, once by the state and you don t get any credit for having paid to the state. and the second argument is the most prosperous states, especially in the north, are disproportionate losers to how much money is allocated. so there s still a big transfer of federal income in effect from new york to places like mississippi or alabama and places look that. so there s a lot of puts and takes in our fiscal policy and in our tax code and i m not sure that i m not sure that this is particularly fair. and remember one other thing, this was done, one, to punish the blue says who hadn t voted for republicans and, two, to find revenue to pay for those individual tax cults you referred to at the beginning, which go disproportionately to the rich. jonathan lemire, this is part of another underlying problem for democrats, and it has to do with, again, how geographically divided the country is. the democrats obviously very strong on the coast but for the most part weak once you go west of the hudson river all the way out to, you know, nevada. it seems, again, while everybody is focusing on donald trump, democrats have got to figure out how to start winning senate races again in the middle of america because until they do that, everybody judge that is appointed to the supreme court is going to be a conservative. again, we ve got claire mccaskill on at 7:00 to talk about this. this is a party, don t you think that, desperately needs to figure out how to start winning in the middle of america again. i think that s exactly right. we see how divided this country is geographically, how polarized it is and democrats do run a risk of becoming simply the party of the coastal states, where the big population centers are. there are a few exception in the midwest, chicago, making illinois a blue state. that s why for democrats there is some heat and interest in some of the more midwest candidates for president, amy klobuchar and she very specifically made her pitch over the weekend as she stood there in the snow saying i m going to be the midwest candidate, this election in 2016 was lost in these states, it was lost in pennsylvania, it was lost in michigan, it was lost in wisconsin and she even made a joke saying how she would campaign in wisconsin, which of course hillary clinton famously did not in the stretch run of the campaign. i think there is some recognition at least in certain quarters of the party that they win more local races in states like these, win senate races so they have the ability to help shape the judiciary, which right now of course mitch mcconnell and donald trump is arguably their most biggest accomplishment is bringing in conservative judge after conservative judge after conservative judge on to the court. we ll talk 2020. next up, axios is lock toking ae phenom who is not aoc. we ll tell how that is next. aoc. we ll tell how that is next. whee sugar in your family s diet, coke, dr pepper and pepsi hear you. we re working together to do just that. bringing you more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all. smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels and reminders to think balance. because we know mom wants what s best. more beverage choices, smaller portions, less sugar. a cfp professional is trained, knowledgeable, and committed to financial planning in your best interest. find your certified financial planner™ professional at it s a revolution in sleep. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now, from $899, during the ultimate sleep number event. it senses your 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roll-out and she s had a following she s starting to grow on social media. we re seeing her pick up more followers on those platforms than others. viewers will say who cares? why does he that matter? it matters profoundly. it the cheapest way of communicating with voters on scale. there s something about her message that s resonating more than the other candidates. think she has a big advantage. she s new, she s different. i think there s a penalty sometimes in politics than having done it before. i think that s going to be a challenge for warren and sanders in particular. interesting. that leads to the next question, what exactly is she doing? is it something other candidates can emulate or is it something that has more to do with her own personal brand? i think it has to do with her personal brand. the thing about social media, you can t fake it. one of the things that candidates should and could learn from donald trump is authenticity is what works on social media. if you re no different when you re communicating on these platforms than you are when you re in private, that s when it s magic, that s when it works. when you re all stilted and someone is trying to craft your message and you re being all careful, you got what hillary clinton got, which was to seem inauthentic and social media was as good for you. money doesn t matter with social media because it s free. beto o rourke, he s quite good on social media, very authentic if you look at the way he icuse the different platforms. it s a great indicator and it loops into what joe was saying at the top of the show, democrats need to be aware of how much the green deal and socialism are playing early on. it s sort of catching fire with the base and all these candidates are endorsing it. and there s a consequence to it. i think that might be one of the reasons trump s numbers are starting to tick back up, it s the juxtaposition of him versus socialism and there s a lot of things in the green deal that will scare moderate voters and freak out some democratic voters. i feel like jim nailed something that i talk about a lot in know your value, and that is your and you awe then t authenticity factor. like gayle king is the same person. i ve known her for 30 years and she is the same person everywhere she is. a lot of these candidates are women. i think it s a challenge that hillary clinton struggled with, being overprepared instead of confidently present. kamala harris brings some of her personal life into her twitter feeds, her husband has tweets all about her events, he s super supportive. you get a sense there s a whole life beyond just the policy prescriptions she s putting out there. i think that helps add to the authenticity and then opening the curtains a bit. brou beto o rourke is a good example of the other case. do we really want to see his dentist treatment? is that too much of a thing? i don t want to see it and i don t want to hear about his pondering thoughts. don t want to hear about the road trip trying to find myself. you have to use it carefully where you re not going too far the other way where it sic icky. mika, don t overshare. sometimes you overshare. you and beto have that in common. i have never seen mika s teeth. but you ve seen some yup. wait a minute. joe makes a good point. there you go. heidi, you know what s so funny, there used to be a saying around washington d.c. that it s hard to be president of the united states when there s 535 members of congress who think they re secretary of state. now you can say it s hard for nancy pelosi to run a political party when you ve got like 230 people who think they re, like, you know, their own best press secretary, the democratic party s best press secretary. there s the art of doing it the right way and the wrong way. looks like kamala harris is doing it the right way. actually, joe, there s also quite a deep well of social scientific data that shows even though it may be a double standard, the public expects female candidates to be even more open and accessible than males. it s called the virtue advantage. men have a competence advantage that people just assume when they come into the position this they re competent. women tend to have to prove themselves a little more on that. when it comes to the virtue advantage, people expect women to be more open and accessible. there s scientific data that proves that. i wanted to ask you a question about these numbers coming in on social media. it does seem that the missing puzzle piece that the democratic party is looking for here is someone who can also appeal to middle america and, kamala harris, for all her advantages is in that social bracket of senators who are running. i wonder if you have any deeper data to tell us how she s resonating in middle america. it does seem the challenge for the democratic party is they could find a transformational figure who could unite the working class, which right now is divided frankly along racial lines. the data is not broken down geographical but the one this evening i might argue with is maybe in washington people are saying, hey, we need somebody who could win in middle america. at least what i m seeing is the stories taking off, it s not necessarily designed for the debate. so much of the debate has been is it about medicare for all, issues that go at the heart of democrats wanting to take a much more sort of aggressive stance against trump. they re sick of being clinton or clinton-like in their policy. and it early. the question is do you have a biden or someone else come in who tries to play that role of the centrist. everything we re hearing from the bloombergs and bidens and others, i think they re scared about the trends that are seeing early on and it might keep some of these candidates out, might keep mcauliffe out. thank you. and stul ahead, the senate is expected to vote on the nomination of torng nattorney g william barr today. and they expect him to be held to the richardson standard. we ll explain what that means next. we ll explain what that means next i think it will fit. want a performance car that actually fits your life? introducing the new 2019 ford edge st. capability meets power. in the first suv from the ford performance team. the new 2019 ford edge st later today the senate will hold its confirmation vote for president trump s attorney general nominee william barr. joining us now, tim baker and ron lieberman, who were federal prosecutors in the u.s. attorney s office in maryland during the 1970s investigation of vice president spiroing agne. they write when newspapers began to report that he was under criminal investigation in the summer of 1973, agnew aroused his base by screaming witch hunt and launching a vicious assault on the lying press and the partisan justice department and the biased and liberal democrat prosecutors in baltimore. if agnew and nixon had succeeded in derailing our investigation, the most corrupt man ever to sit a heartbeat away might have become the president, but our investigation was protected by the man who had become the new u.s. attorney general that sprin spring, elliotl. richardson. tell us what that has to do with richard barr. richard was the gold standard of what we should demand from our attorney general. most importantly as the senate considers barr s nominations richardson promised the senate he would flully disclose the final report that the special prosecutor produced. william barr has refused to make that commitment to the senate. that s a very serious failure to live up to the very high standard that elliott richardson created when he performed in that office. so since you blelieve, tim, e doesn t meet the richardson standard, what could be the consequences if barr does he become the next attorney general? well, his confirmation seems to be a done deal, but the senate could make it very clear to him that it expects and if necessary will require that robert mueller s final report be fully disclosed to the congress and even more importantly to the american people so that we know exactly what mueller found out. jonathan lemire. we know the president has said he views the attorney general as his own defender, his own personal lawyer rather than the top law enforcement officer for the nation. what have you seen from william barr? do you feel that bar shares that view? or are you assured what he ll do with the impending mueller report? the attorney general is not the personal attorney for the president, he is the attorney general of the united states and represents the people of the united states. i think it s too early to see and to tell how mr. barr will be. he has a reputation, a good reputation. he may not, as we write in our piece, be elliott richardson yet, if at all, but he has a decent representation. having said that, he is not the president s lawyer and when it comes to mr. mueller s investigation, it is critically important, in my view, that the attorney general keep his hands off of that. steve rattner. but the horse has already left the barn. three democrats joined the republicans to confirm him. how or is there any way we could actually get the ideas you ve espoused into action, to become part of how the attorney general operates going forward or is it too late? well, i don t think it s too late. it seems quite clear that mr. barr will become the next attorney general of the united states. however, the congress has a lot of power. and as we write in our piece, one of the porpg things that they need to do is to make it very clear that mueller s report, when it comes out, will be made public. this is what happened to us in the agnew case. when we were negotiating for a plea deal with vice president, one of the things that his lawyers insist sd on was that the facts of the case not be made public. and the attorney general of the united states, elliott richardson, backed us up when we said that was nonnegotiable. we wrote a 40-page of what happened, the entire case, all of facts and it was imprinted in many of the newspapers of the united states. congress should make it clear that they will see to it that this report will be made public in full. all right, tim baker and ron li liebman, thank you both for being on the show this morning. the president says there was no collusion, but the question remains why have so many of his aides been caught lying about their contacts with russians? his former campaign manager paul manafort being the latest. plus we ll set the stage for today s vote to prevent a government shutdown and the ways in which the president could still get money for his border wall. and claire mccaskill will be joining us. morning joe is back if a moment. joe is back if a moment okay. okay? discover has no annual fee on any of our cards. so it wasn t my tough guy act? no. we just don t have any annual fees. that s a relief. i ve been working on that for a long time. if we had talked a 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address and it was senator ted cruz every time. in 2015 ted cruz said he was, quote, beyond honored to receive congressman steve kung s ing s endorsement for president. and last year vice president mike pence attended an event in iowa alongside congressman steve king, saying in part, quote, he just made an incredible difference and i couldn t be more proud to have served with him in congress. apparently both money were less concerned at that time than king s history of racist congress than they are today with tweets from a democratic congresswoman. welcome back to morning joe. it s thursday, february 14th. we have katty kay, jonathan lemire, steve ratner and joining the conversation, senior writer at politico and an msnbc political contributor jake sherman and kimberly atkins is with us and former u.s. senator, an msnbc news political analyst, claire mccaskill back on the show. good to have you, claire. joe, it s an interesting time to be ra. well, i mean yeah. it s time for members in the media to look at just how hypocritical republicans are. tha they re embracing steve king when he has a long history of making race yally insensitive remarks. so offended by an anty semitic tweet, which was a very deeply offensive tweet and say nothing about donald trump s anti-semitic jokes during the campaign wit campaign, where he names three jews and basically says we can t let this jew money win the le election. i never heard within republican condemn him for the anti-semitic remark. in 2015, the muslim ban. the muslim registry. i said it last hour saying he didn t know who david duke was before super tuesday, saying that he didn t nope about the klan, he wasn t going to criticize the klan because he didn t even really know what they did. you could go on and on about him attacking an indiana judge saying he couldn t be fair because he had mexican blood in him and it goes on and on and on. if republicans want to get on board and start condemning her, you know what, they need to look in the mirror and need to start holding their own members to account. claire, though, let s make some people angry this morning. oh. i m gla i m game. that s why we have you on. if you look at the crazy el paso speech, he a pretty strong argument that basically he s trotting out some themes of 2020 but it s what we republicans did when we got elected in 94. we thought we were going to be bill clinton who only had 43% of the vote a couple years before and we jeoverreached, one mista after another, one pd p stupid press conference after another, and i was in the forefront of that extremism and all we did was reflect for someone who just ran as a democrat heartland, america tell me how concerned you are that these democrats that are running around talking about socialism and making so many unforced errors, how concerned were you that they re turning off heartland democrats and actually help. well, i have to believe that the candidate who inspires but who also reassures the country that we are going to get back to a more normal place in the world, that we were going to have dignity in the oval office, that there s going to be character, have i to believe they also are going to have sell the american people that they re not going to push extreme ideas but rather push hard for important change that is possible. that we can actually get done. and i really think there s a number of candidates in the field that have that potential. we just have to see how they perform under pressure and it s way too early to know who frank bruni had a congratula congratulate if a freshman law make why don t you read it? why don t you come out with your own idea in maybe because the new green deal isn t nip solid proposals at this point. candidly, i keep asking as far as i can tell, there s no there there at this point. maybe that s why they re doing it. i do think that they re going to have to figure out a way to distinguishes themselves from the rest of the people reason he got elected president because hooves the republican nominee. we re going to see some of that on the democratic side. he distinguished himself in that crowd. he was def any thely crowd. he was def any thely who is going to seem more thoughtful, step back from the group and try to carve a different path? of course everybody focuses on the presidency and i ve be been if democrats doesn t want to see a nine-prn conservative spror. they re going to have to start winning senate seats in the heart lan again bass you what do democrats need to do so start winning senate seats in the heartland given? first of all, think we ve got to be careful about our identity politics. think sherrod brown gets this part, theand we want the latina support and african-american support but we really want everyone s support, no matter where at the live, no matter where they work. and we ve got to be sure that we ve got our central entree is an economic message about opportunity and about the fact that we can do better than what this guy is doing. i mean, look at our deficit, look at the tax cut, the disaster it s been. we ve got so much to work with. i feel confident that one of these candidates is going to figure this out. we can hope. is it gree new or new green? everyone s mixing it up. the bill to avert. and later tonight as funding expir expires announced around 12 p.m. that the report was final oozed, the 22.5 billion is going to security under the description they did not use concrete or trump prototypes. hundreds of millions more with fund hiring, 600 new customs officers, 75 additional immigration judge teams and over half a billion dollars will go to assistance to central american countries. while the deal has major domestic provisions, including a 1.9% pay increase for federal workers, it does not include an, tense of t extension of the violence again women s act. joe, that s a lot but it looks like there s a lot in there that people can work with that s constructive. there is a lot in there. also, jonathan, it s plain that donald trump has no battle. this ends with him signing the bill, looking at his poll numbers and saying i picked up 6, 7 point, so why not let it go through. that is the sense we re getting from the white house. let remember what happened in december. looked like he was going to sign that as well and helessened to the voice of the of the those two names are still opposed, sean hi hill as well, that he should take a wing, saying obviously some sort of executive action, repurpose government funds. there s a recognition from the president and people around him that he cannot afford to go through another shutdown, cannot afford another costly defeat. it was a def fate stating gol you ll expect to hear in the last day or so before this becomes law he will try to paint it as a democratic mistake and he ll still rally forward. there s a recognition he s resigned, not heart about it, but he ll sign it. jake sherman, is that what your reporting shows you, that this is going to be signed whether donald trump likes it or not? at this point, yes. and with the caveat that the president is very fickle in his thinking andmer curial based on a few other things that we know. number one, this bill is not appreciably different than anything he would have got i don t know before the 35-day shut down, which perfect the econom economy. in march, he said i will never do this again. no within had time to read it. this is huge. i will never do dpn nat is going to vote on this this afternoon and the house. he s going to do the same this evening he probably. if he had just struck a deal with you and democrats a year, year and a half ago, whatever that was, i guess it was a year ago, he could have gotten $20 billion for the wall. 25 billion. there was a deal on the table, $25 billion in exchange for allowing young people who came tho-to-this country because their parents brought them to come out of the shadows and have some kind of a legal status. 1. million young people. that was on the table. he rejected it. then later last year what he asked for was $1.6 billion. that was on the table. then in december the 1.375 was on the table. he shut down the government and guess what he s getting? at that-da, 1.375. nows that so kimberly, atkins, how it is. info inform. without question the president will try to take a victory lap, lake he does he in no money towards his wall has been allotted so that is not true. he s going to say he s going to get the money elsewhere. democrats are certainly going to fight him on that as well and there might be an executive action which certainly would spur lawsuit and other challenges, too. this is a fight that will be ongoing. but the president will continue to what he could have gone, i think this sets a the blo and she s not going to budge on issues when she said there s not going to. she said in an express point that 9 money is for border security and cannot be spent on a wall. every fight moving forward will show donald trump all the thing he couldn t manage to get done with a fully republican congress. steve. what s remarkable from where i was sitting was the extent to which the reins on the hill turned on drft and essentially pounced it included they and vote on it and basically box the president out to the point of which he were to voty, then i thit the and he s already doing that yesterday in a pool spray in the cabinet room. he said we have $23 billion for bored are security, pi he says we have more ways to understand nachbl i understand process pretty well and there are ways he could get $2 billion $3 billion more that and further flame roo loop. in you cannot talk montana. he is a winner in this deal. frankly, the democrat are going to think they won. their base is going to say you won and the prds s base is going to sick can him, nancy pelosi came, the facts, the reality that any in couldn t have gotten at any point oaf the last year and as senator mccaskill got actually fares will. when republicans ond the house and the senate, drpt was offered 25 billion dollar and he swatted it away. he kwated it did 4 and now each says he wants more grass legal immigration, now he hayes he wants tons of it. clrs we re seeing the emergence of i think a large m you have donald trump being boxed out of these negotiations. you have the sense of a the last government sun sfchl he was going to keep the government on. that will be even fachl you re going to have rab and kate luke pfgt you saw the same thing, overwhelm vote pros and this is rahal is this begin of you know, when donald trump was elected, we all talked about the guardrails that surround the american presidency. the fact is he would have these guardrails and therefore there were limits to how much ak he could take. in the f two years of he is pri is, thos and with the mid it were lks,s and democrats doing well thavgs another chip away in his could have had that dot so the president giving you then as we head into 2020, yes, inpublicly he s back up there again, he goes out to el pass organization energized given. thos people as ever who is the threw. and that s what republicans continue to be nervous about. i guess the challenge for democrats and claire mccaskill can answer this, how do you run against that? do you run as trump or trump like or do you have find a totally different way to do it? well, i don t think america wants someone else to follow donald trump that doesn t have a presence, a dignified presence on the world stage. ia. i mean, look what s going on right now. i mean, we ve got major world leaders that are not showing up to a meeting that the united states has called. this is unprecedented over in warsaw. so i think you re going to have a candidate who is going to be willing to stand up to trump but is to the going we have to reassure america that the press is somebody they can be proud of. and not to mistake the i keep for geing that we ve got to make sure we re tack become presidential candidates that could be either a woman or a man. there you go. absolutely right. i think while we are watching the democrats hash things out in terms of policies, things like the green new deal, i think it s kwaully important in what vote are looking for is somebody who ultimately can beat donald trump on the democratic side. i think that s going to be a key role. you re seeing people already showing people who can jab with the president. we don t want to see a fight that dissolves into nasty back fighting but democrats are looking for someone who can stand up and trade barbs with the president and discuss policy at the same time. it s a tough job but that s ultimately what democrats are looking for. kimberly atkins and shake shae jake sherman, thank you very much. - jake sherman, thank you very much experience awards. #1 in video streaming according to nielsen. .and #1 in network quality according to j.d. power. we re proud to be the only network to win in 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where you stand. would you say you re more liberal, less liberal than aoc, nancy pelosi? i consider myself a pretty strong progressive but i don t consider the left center spectrum the best way to look at our politics right now. do you consider yourself more of a centrist? again, i don t care much for labels but i actually don t believe the best way to reach independents today is through ideological centrism. voters, especially voters in the heartland where i come from don t necessarily make their decisions by lining everybody up on an ideological spectrum and looking for the dot that s closest to where they are. push come to shove, i m going to come at most of these policy questions from a progressive ain angle. donald trump s been pushing, as have republicans, the line that democrats want to turn america into a socialist country. do you have think moving towards so ism socialism is a positi step for the democratic party? i think it s a word in american politics that has basically lost all meaning. that began when a conservative proposal, the affordable care act, developed in the heritage foundation, began to be described as socialist by conservatives who are opposing it. i know for years socialism has been used as a kill switch to stop an idea from being talked about. if you re from my generation, is an idea good or not? we don t care whether it reads to some conservatives as more socialists or not, we care about whether it it works. so does he capitalism work? yeah, american capitalism is the most productive economic force known to man but we know it can create massive inequality and it can destroy itself if you don t have the wise constraints that make people free. there s a generation of people who grew up at a time when up had communism and socialism. do you care about capitalism more than democracy or democracy more about capitalism? do you support late-term abortion legislation that was passed in the new york state legislature as well as in virginia? i don t think we need more restrictions right now. what i ve learned in indiana, being at a place where a lot of my friends, a lot of my supporters even come from a different place than i do, being pro-choice, i believe when a woman is in that situation and when we re talking about some of those situations covered by that law extremely difficult, painful, often medically serious situations where life or health of the mother is at stake, the involvement of a male government official like me is not helpful. should states have a right to ban abortion at 20 weeks? that sounds like constitutional question. i m not a legal scholar. i know these questions ought to be resolved by women in consultation with their doctors, not by the intervention of male politicians putting politically motivated restrictions on health care. are you done, joe? i am, micah. micah here. by the way, he s got a very calming presence. you re like the mr. rodgers of the democratic field. i think it was intended as a compliment. jacket off. we ve got an incredible field of candidates, they re all exciting. nobody screams foreign policy expert to me. so i just want to ask you a random question. besides sanctioning, what other steps should the united states take to get north korea to halt its missile program? unfortunately we moved in exactly the wrong direction by legitimatizing their leadership. in soft power terms through a sum that didnmit that didn t ha right kind of preconditions. so getting that back on the right track. sanctions belong in our national security portfolio i think will be a lot more effective than holding a summit, weirdly declaring the nuclear threat is not a problem and being embarrassingly contradicted by your own chiefs in congress. claire, you have the next question. mayor pete, you ve been crushing it out there. thank you. i ve been paying attention. you are somebody who i think has good ideas, somebody who has executed on a local level. i think one of the most interesting things about you that i m sure people do not know, how many languages do you speak speak? depends what you mean by speak. i ve gotten pretty rusty on my arabic and bly dari. i can still read a newspaper in norwegian but only slowly. you speak spanish? you speak you are someone who clearly has been interested in learning more and being intellectually curious. how important do you think that is for a president of the united states? i think curiosity is a really important quality for leadership, being motivated to peel back the layers and see the story behind the story. it frightens me that we have such an incurious president right now. i don t think he s inclined to ask questions, obviously he doesn t read a lot. how could you be in that office and not use the fact you could have lunch with a nasa regulator and then also one of america s great qualities is we ve always been a curious country. it s part of what america s p r entrepreneurianship is built on. how do you tell the people when you govern a city that has the population not even a quarter of staten island? that question is fair game. i would say a mayor of a city at any level has the kind of executive experience that is most relevant to that job. when you re a mayor, especially in a strong mayor system like ours where we don t have a city manager, for example, you get the call. it could be anything about a multi-million dollar in an industrial park or deciding whether to operate the emergency management system for a weather emergency. i would argue that work, being mayor of a city of any size is arguably more relevant. i don t mean any disrespect of senator mccaskill s former colleagues doing very good work in congress right now. i think it shows right now that we have a president who does he not have government experience and it may be a little cheeky for me to say this as the youngest gee in the and. i love mayors. they always say there are not republicans streetlights and potholes. you mentioned you ve had to compromise with republicans in order to get things done in south bend. can you give us an example where you compromised with republicans that was hard in order to improve the lives of people in your city. one thing i had to do they decided to do the right thing and adjust the gas tax so we would have more funds to fill in potholes and but i knew it was the root thing from the infrastructure structure. when you re a mayor, you have to work with anybody who is in a position to help your state. needless to say, i have some very strong opinions about meek pence, so does he my house, but. all right. but let s go back to some of the things that you said at the beginning. whether you want to be defined along a political spectrum or not, people are going to try to define you. you re for the green new deal, you re for medicare for all with a few asterisks, it sounds like you re going to get defined pretty star over on the progressive spectrum. i think we have to decide are we going to keep being defined where these fence posts are or do what the right very successfully did and redefine them? aca, which was a confirm tiff proposal, what is medicare for all? it s a, the true left-wing position and the compromise is a single system where you have private doctors but a public pair. we have to stop moving the goalpost respectfully it s not the right that s moving at the moment. it s the democrats. we have 15 candidates who are trying to figure out. naturally it s not surprising. are you making that sound dirty, steve? no, i wasn t trying to. you were saying it so accusingly. there s this cycle we re in the middle of but there s the bigger project of making sure the center of gravity of american pop tiks is lined up with the people. today on the anniversary of the parkland shootings, you have universal background check, for example, something that most gun and the right did a mast areful job pulling the right further to the right of the spectrum than where most people already are. most people get that wages are too low and we have to do something about that. i don t think it s a crazy idea that we have to have a sense of urgency or emergency even, that we have to do something about climate change that acknowledges if as an emergency that really is in its destructive power on par with something like the great depression or world war ii. of course we have to have something off on the skam scale of a new. good luck to you. come back. claire mccaskill, thank you as well. great to see you. you bet. it s been nearly a year since form now he s speaking out about his time leading the bureau and his time spent investigating the president. that s next on morning joe. it s time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. and now, save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 36-month financing. ends monday. when your flight gets in late, it s 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started talking about his see-through slats. i think the president is going to sign this deal, which is worse than the deal he could have had before the shutdown and then then he s going to try to my idea katty, he s still going to say he s not buying this. is there an opportunity here or does he it have could mor done by democrats to get more on immigration? no, i think this is where it comes out, with some bored are security, improving the ports of entry considerably. we ve had various initiatives that included republicans putting ideas forward to tackle a broader immigration bill, to tackle the dreamers. i found little republican support for taking on the horrific conduct treating migrant children a political strategy based on traumatizing, injuring children. it s horrific it s unethical. it s from a dark place. we have to end it. are you running for president? oh. well, i m going to decide by the end of the quarter and i ll stick with that for now. let me ask you a follow krup. where do you stand on the new deal proposal? yes, i support the vision of the green new deal and i support the vision. we have to greatly accelerate the transition to renewable energy. it s the cheapest form of energy and we can do it in a fashion that brings jobs to communities that have been left behind, a front line community. so this is a win-win on many levels. all right. senator jeff merkley. let us know when you decide. this field is not enough. we need a few more. maybe one more a day. former acting fbi director who was routinely attacked by president trump on twitter and later fired just hours before he became eligible for a full pension benefits is speaking out in a new interview with cbs this morning. mccabe stood firm that the decisions of rod rosenstein wearing a wire to the white house was not a joke, that it came up more than once and he tyke it to fbi lawyers to discuss it. in this clip, mccabe talks about the steps he took to protect the fbi s investigation into trump and russia and the fear he had that someone would stop it. i was speaking for the man who had just run for the presidency and won the election for the presidency, and who might have done so with the aide of the government of russia, our most formidable adversary on the world stage and that was something that troubled me greatly. how long was it after that that you decided to start the obstruction of justice and counter intelligence investigations involving the president? i think the next day i met with the team investigating the russia cases and i asked the team to go back and conduct an assessment to determine where are we with these efforts and what steps do we need to take going forward? i was very concerned that i was able to put the russia case on absolutely solid ground in an indelible fashion that were i removed quickly or reassigned or fired, that the case could not be closed or vanish in the night without a trace. i wanted to make sure that our case was on solid ground and if somebody came in behind me and closed it and tried to walk away from it they would not be able to do that without creating a record of why they made that decision. you wanted a documentary record that those investigations had become because you feared that they would be made to go away? that s exactly right. andrew mccabe will be our guest on morning joe next week. what do you think? i think it s quite stunning that he s coming out and saying straight away he knew there was a problem and that he was going to go in. but the way that he handled it i think going in talking making those jokes and saying he was going to wear a wire in i think it s tricky for his credibility. he s saying now the discussions were not a joke. this is something they were considering and that obviously dealt with a thunder clap in the white house. we know what shaky ground rosenstein has been on throughout although the attorney general is expected to be leaving soon anyway, but it goes to show how serious the matter was handled right from the beginning. it defies the president s attempts to label it as a witch hunt. we look forward to asking him more questions about this next week. still ahead, bob mueller is already hot on paul manafort s trail. now a judge ruled that mueller no longer has to honor his deal with manafort because paul manafort lied. we ll explain why that is significant. also, this announcement for years now i ve been helping women advocate for themselves to get what they deserve. in all aspects of their lives to know their value. knowing your value and its release. women facing pressure in their 20s and 30s. i teamed up with a contributor who has an amazing story and we coauthored this exciting new guide book for women who are just starting out. it s called earn it. it s packed with all the tools that young professionals need to know from the get-go, like how to negotiate, how to nail the interview. earn it. we ll be right back with much more morning joe. right back more 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price. comcast business. beyond fast. good morning and welcome to morning joe. it is thursday, february 14th. with us, we have washington anchor for bbc world news america, white house reporter for the associated press, former treasury official and morning joe economic analyst is with us and nbc news national political reporter, and former chief of staff at the cia and department of defense now on nbc news national security analyst, jeremy bash is with us and joe, there s major news in the mueller probe this morning, but politically, frame it out for us. trump is faring well politically. yeah, let s look at the latest gallop poll that has just come out. of course donald trump got really beaten up badly during the government shutdown, but the latest gallup poll shows he s up to 44% now. his disapproval rating down from 58, 59% in mid january now to 52%. that s a heck of a turn around and mika, it just unfortunately this goes back to what i ve been telling audiences for a very long time and unfortunately you ve had to hear me talk about time and time again how one party gets elected, they overreach, and then it actually helps the party that had just been defeated. i mean, donald trump obviously did well because he had a lot of the country s eyes and ears during the state of the union address even though it was a rambling as the wall street journal said sort of a zigzag sort of thing. but he had a closing argument. and the closing argument was made up in large part of mistakes, unforced errors that the democrats have already made. you can talk about the botched rollout for the green new deal, you can talk about the anti sematic statements that one member said. you can talk about what s going on in virginia, the blackface controversies there. you can talk about the late term abortion celebrations in the new york legislature. you can talk about a lot of these different things that again, give donald trump a reason to say, don t don t look at the mistakes that i ve made. look at these extremists. i m here to protect you from the extreme democrats. i know of what i speak because bill clinton got elected in 1992 with 43% of the vote. people like me got elected in 1994. we immediately went too far right and we what did we do? rere-elected bill clinton and i ve said time and time again bush won in 2004, they talked about a permanent republican majority, two years later nancy pelosi was in place. two years later americans said you overreached. they elected the tea party, the tea party overreached two years later, barack obama was reelected and then donald trump. democrats get elected, they ve only been there for two months and they ve already given donald trump his closing argument for the 2020 campaign. now, listen, i m not telling democrats to be what they are not, mika. i am just going to repeat what i said before yesterday. and that is, before you hold a press conference, before you put your talking points up on on on your office before you say anything that you think is going to be controversial, ask yourself a question. wwnd? what would nancy do? because she has already proven she knows how to defeat donald trump. there are a lot of young democrats that haven t even been in congress for two months and they are offering donald trump way too much fodder. yes, he s a hypocrite. yes, he s a racist. yes, he is all the things that we say he is every single day but unlike us in 94 republicans, we had newt to go to and his ideas were crazier than ours. they ve got somebody who knows how to win, who knows how to put together the largest majority, the largest victory since water gate and also again, i will say it again, somebody that knows how to beat donald trump. democrats can t afford any more unforced errors because all they are doing is making the once unthinkable now possible and that is the election of donald trump in 2020. they ve got to play smarter. and with that analysis we now follow the news. there are two tracks here, a federal court ruling last night finds that paul manafort intentionally lied to the mueller investigation about contacts with an operative li g linked to russian intelligence who manafort had an in-person meeting with while he was serving as donald trump s campaign chairman in august of 2016. district judge jackson ruled that manafort meant to lie on at least three issues and that federal bros cue to feder federal prosecutors are no longer bound to suggest a lighter sentence for manafort. he made multiple false statements about his interactions and communications with a man who has linked to russian intelligence. manafort ruled to the fbi. the special council s office and the mueller grand jury with payments to a law firm, that the matter was material to their investigation along with false statements in october of last year that were material to another doj investigation. the judge said prosecutors failed to show that manafort lied in two other instances. this new ruling could affect the severity of punishment for paul manafort. he is scheduled to be sentenced on march 13th. i the level of stupidity is unbelievable but this is a big step in the mueller probe. a big win for bob mueller. a big step in the probe, jeremy, i have to ask you and i m not being facetious here or not trying to be funny in the least, but how in the world can these people be so stupid? how can they be so dumb? rick gates proffers, makes a deal, proffers lies, gets caught. paul manafort makes a deal, proffers, lies. all these people lie. they all lie to bob mueller and they all get caught. i feel like singing where have all the flowers gone? when will they ever learn? you re not going to be able to slip anything past this guy. so what s it mean for the overall case. when you have an enormous secret you may engage in extreme sue pidty to cover it up. manafort had an opportunity to reduce his sentence after he was convicted, after he pled guilty. there are only two tickets out of prison when you have pled guilty. one is to cooperate, to be truthful, to basically open the books on everything you know, but the other path is a pardon and i think in some respects manafort was digging in here hoping to telegraph to the president that he s holding firm, kind of like roger stone and that a pardon should be coming his way. but the big question looming over all of this is why were they covering up this link between the ties to russian intelligence and the campaign. what was it about that that made all these people engage in not just stupidity but reckless conduct. so what makes the sense to you? i think they were covering up the ties between the trump organization and the russia federation. they haven t wanted that exposed to bob mueller and his investigators. and those ties, i just you know, wondering why and you know, why would the collusion necessarily be a focus of donald trump? i think for donald trump it always comes down to money. and it could it be that this was all about money and nothing about anything else that mueller is looking into? well, we know that he s had business dealings and was trying to get trump tower off again in moscow. all through 2016 so there was one specific business dealings going on. reports looking into whether he had money lent him in order to fund his businesses and that s all under investigation as well. the key is why in august of 2016 did paul manafort and rick gates, number one and two on the campaign, sit down with him and were they discussing some kind of peace deal for ukraine which was broadly seen as a prelude to america lifting sanctions against ukraine and that would start the pieces of a quid proquo. we don t know what was discussed. you ve just come out of the convention, the republican convention that softened the platform when it came to russia over ukraine and then you have this meeting with a russian operative talking about lifting sanctions and some sort of peace deal. the bits of the puzzle are fitting together. we just don t have all of the pieces yet. joe. let s talk about usa today headline regarding the mueller investigation. very interesting. donald trump and the republican party have added $2 trillion to the national debt. this news from the usa today. with all the forfeitures, with all the guilty pleas, with all the penalties, the mueller inquiry may actually be turning a profit. well, we can certainly use a profit. we re heading for a deficit of $2 trillion so every bit will help us to get back to some kind of fiscal sanity but it s not going to be enough to make much of a difference. the most logical explanation for all that s going on here and of course the inappropriateness, the manafort in the middle of the campaign in 2016 off trying to do either his own business for the ukraine with the russians or somebody else s business with the russians for the ukraines, who knows, but it s obviously another example of the kind of behavior that went on in the trump campaign. manafort did owe a lot of money to individuals in ukraine and russia. it s possible this was entirely to try and get himself off the hook. still ahead on morning joe, twitter likes don t necessarily translate to votes but that s not stopping the 2020 candidates. jim is taking a closer look at which presidential contenders are making their mark on social media. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. right back. i think it will fit. want a performance car that actually fits your life? right back. introducing the new 2019 ford edge st. capability meets power. in the first suv from the ford performance team. the new 2019 ford edge st .that s why i ve got the power of 1-2-3 medicines with trelegy. the only fda-approved 3-in-1 copd treatment. trelegy. the power of 1-2-3 trelegy 1-2-3 trelegy with trelegy and the power of 1-2-3, i m breathing better. trelegy works 3 ways to. .open airways,. .keep them open. .and reduce inflammation. .for 24 hours of better breathing. trelegy won t replace a rescue 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compared to the other candidates. other than facebook where sanders does quite well, she is being searched more, she s doing better on instagram and twitter, better on these platforms which i think speaks to why so many democrats you talk to who are in the race now think that she s doing better than anyone else and she s had bigger crowds and a better rollout, that she has this following that she s starting to grow on social media. we re seeing her pick up more followers on all those platforms than others. and who cares? why does that matter? it matters profoundly because this is the cheapest way to communicate with voters at scale and it s showing there s something about her message that s resonating more with the grass roots, in particular those on social media than the other candidates and i think she has a big advantage and it s one the aoc has which is she s new, she s different. i think there s a penalty sometimes in politics for having done it before and i think that s going to be a challenge for warren and sanders in particular. that leads to the next question. what exactly is she doing? is it something other candidates can emulate or is it just something that has more to do with her own personal brand? i think it has a lot more to do with her personal brand. the thing about social media, you can t fake it. one of the things that candidates should learn is authenticity matters. if you re no different communicating on these platforms than you are in private. that s when it works. if someone is trying to craft your message you end up getting what hillary clinton got to seem so authentic that social media isn t as great a vehicle for you. in this era we say money and politics, money doesn t matter as much if you re really good on social media because it s free. i would keep an eye on her. beto o rourke, if he gets in, he s got on social media. it also shows where the energy is and it loops back to what joe was saying which is democrats need to be very aware how much sort of the green deal and socialism are playing early on. there s definitely a catching fire with the base and all these candidates are endorsing it and there s a consequence to it. i think that might be one of the reasons why trump s reasons is starting to pick back up. it s the juxtathposition versus socialism. there s a lot of things in that green deal that are going to scare voters and even some democratic voters and to to me is the trend in the first three months of this campaign. jim nailed something i talk about a lot, that is that authenticity factor, you are the same way you are when you re presenting yourself on social media. it s like gayle king. i ve known her for 30 years and she is the same person everywhere she is and a lot of these candidates are women. i think it s a challenge, a challenge that hillary clinton struggled with. i think what kamala harris does quite well is she brings some of her personal life into her twitter feeds. her husband tweets and he s super supportive and you get a sense there s somebody, a whole life beyond just the policy prescriptions she s putting out there. i think that adds to the authenticity and letting you see the person kind of opening the curtains a bit. beto o rourke is shows you on the occasion it can go on the other direction. oh, too personal. do we want to see his dentist treatment? no. you have to use it carefully where you re not going too far the other way. real. mika, i mean, we can talk about beto, we can always talk about you. don t overshare. sometimes you overshare. you and beto have that in common. i have never seen mika s teeth. but wait a minute. joe makes a good point. coming up on morning joe, congress has hammered out a budget agreement but it s not yet a done deal. we ll break down what s in the border compromise and whether president trump will sign it. morning joe is coming right back. orning joe is coming righ back fidelity is redefining value. introducing zero account fees for 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security and humanitarian needs including about a half a billion dollars each for both new equipment at the ports of entry and humanitarian aid at the border. hundreds of millions more will fund hiring 600 new customs officers, 75 additional judge teams and over half a billion dollars will go to assistance to central american countries. while the deal has major domestic provisions including a 1.9% pay increase for federal workers it does not include an extension of the violence against women act due to an agreement over ex- tendsing back pay to federal law workers. it looks like there s a lot in there that people can work with that s constructive. well, there is a lot in there. it also is plainly obvious that donald trump has lost this battle, but he s got no choice. right? i mean, this ends by him signing the bill and you know, looking at his poll numbers and saying well, you know what? i picked up 6, 7 points, so why not? let it go through. that is the sense we re getting from the white house. let s remember what happened in december. it looked like he was going to sign that as well and listen to the voices in the media and then he backed away. the conservative media is still split on this. others seem more inclined to give him some cover, that he should take a win, say you got more than democrats originally offering and then go with it and try to redefine other money through other ways. some sort of executive action, repurpose other government funds but there s a recognition from the president and people around him that he cannot afford to go through another shutdown. setting aside the real world consequences including federal workers not getting paid. looking at it through a political lens, it was a devastating blow to the president. the last time when the government was shut down for more than a month, his poll numbers are starting to creep back up again. you expect to hear in the last day or so before this comes law that he will, you know, try to paint it as a democratic mistake. he ll try to paint them as soft on border security. but it s a recognition, he s not happy about it but he ll sign it. is that what your reporting shows you this is going to be signed whether donald trump likes it or not? at this point yes. a few things worth pointing out here, number one, this bill is not appreciably different than anything he would have gotten before the 35-day shut down which hurt the economy, put a lot of individuals at extreme financial risk and so on and so forth. this is a deal he could have gotten in december or the last six months. number two, in march of last year he signed a big spending bill and said i will never do this again. no one had time to read it. this is huge. this doesn t have all of my priorities i will never do it again. an 1100-page bill was released last night and the senate is going to vote on it and the house will vote on it tonight. he s going to do the same thing he promised he wouldn t do last time. so just another couple of examples of governing in the era of trump which is incredibly it s a roller coaster ride is the only real way to put it and there s no consistency and no real pattern that we could draw from to make conclusions. coming up on morning joe i am shook to my core. i can t bring her back but these amazing kids and this amazing community, i can only say people messed with the wrong people. we re not letting this go. our children need to be able to go to school. all i did on valentine s day, a day of love, my wife s favorite holiday, all that i did is i sent my kid to school. that s fred guttenberg who joined us eight days after his daughter jamie and 16 others were murdered at their school. that massive shooting in florida happened one year ago today. we ll look at what has change and what hasn t next on morning joe. d what hasn t next on morg joe. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not a cream. it s a pill 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movement. i was waiting for him to open the door because all you had to do is reach your hand and i could see the door from where i was crouched with the kids and he could have easily opened the door. i was thinking to myself, what am i going to do? i m going to say something. i was going to stand up and i didn t know if i d get the chance, but my first reaction was i m going to stand up and i m going to say, we love you because i thought, how can you shoot people that love you? that was a look at the new documentary entitled parkland inside building 12 which is available on digital and am von. the film pairs footage from students along with more than 40 exclusive interviews with survivors to recount the evens of the deadliest school shooting in u.s. history that took place one year ago today. the judiciary committee approved two bills that would expand federal background checks for firearm purchases. the move makes good on democrats promise to swiftly combat gun violence since taking control of the house but the legislation is unlikely to pass in the senate. joining us now, a member of the house judiciary committee, debbie powell of florida. she s also been personally affected begun violence. thank you for being on the show this morning. good morning. thank you for having me on. tell me about your personal the impact gun violence has had on your life personally. when i was 24 years old i got a phone call that my father had been shot and killed by a criminal with a gun. and i can tell you, mika, that at that moment, there is so much trauma involved when you lose someone in that manner. my life changed forever. my father never got a chance to meet my husband, or my kids and every single time that i hear about those massacres and these shootings, every time that pain and the frustration of inaction really really is felt very deeply and i have been for many years not just now, but for many years a very strong advocate that we have to pass common sense gun reform laws when we experienced a year ago the shooting in parkland, it was such a difficult moment. i went and i met with parkland families about a woke afteek af shooting. i met a mother who lost her daughter who was for hours waiting to see if she was alive or not. no one could give her that information. i met some of the young students who were in the classroom whose best friends were shot and killed right next to them and we really lost a part of our soul in florida that day. and now being a member of the house judiciary committee, yesterday was such an important day for us. for me and for lucy mcbeth who lost her son to gun violence as well. this bill on expanding background checks, it s moving forward, but expected not to make it. why? well, i i wouldn t say that. i i am known to be a little bit of an idealist and that s fine, and i m very optimistic that we can move it along. it will pass on the house floor. i can tell you, mika, that yesterday we were there for hours. i mean, we were there for almost 11 hours trying to pass this bill through committee and the republicans, i mean, it was shameful to watch. they were using every delay tactic in the book for us to not be able to pass this bill through committee. i am very confident we re going to introduce and bring the bill to the floor for a vote in about two to three weeks, and we ve been talking to senators who are seriously considering voting for the bill. it s going to be close. i m not giving up and we are not going to give up until we pass this bill. congresswoman, obviously in the aftermath of this shooting a year ago x the students in parkland became real symbols and inspired a lot of people. they organized marches, they did a lot of interviews and so on and there was a lot of energy around the issue. those demonstrations, a lot of those marches have faded away. but what do you think the legacy of those students will be? oh, i am here in congress because of their activism and because they ve used that pain and channelled it through political actions, standing up, speaking truth to power. that energy is not going anywhere. while i m in congress, ted deutsch who represents parkland and many others, jason crow from colorado, they are teaching us what it s like to have political courage to stand up for what it s like. to not give up. yesterday there were many they sat with us for hours. my son actually is with me this week, my 13-year-old son and what i m teaching him because i want him to learn from the students standing up and they need to hold all of us accountable. democrats, republicans, it doesn t matter. their legacy is going to be felt forever and it starts with hr 8. i can tell you that. we ll keep up hope with you. we also want to get your take on what former acting fbi director andrew mccabe said in a new interview with cbs news. mccabe stood firm that the discussions of rod rosenstein wearing a wire to the white house was not a joke, that if it came up more than once, and he took it to fbi lawyers to discuss it actually. take a listen to this. mccabe talks about the steps that he took to protect the fbi s investigation into trump and russia and the fear that he had that someone would try and stop it. i was speaking to the man who had just run for the presidency and won the election for the presidency. and who might have done so with the aid of the government of russia, our most formidable adversary on the world stage and that was something that troubled me greatly. how long was it after that that you decided to start the obstruction of justice and counter intelligence investigations involving the president? i think the next day i met with the team investigating the russia cases and i asked the team to go back and conduct an assessment to determine where are we with these efforts and what steps do we need to take going forward? i was very concerned that i was able to put the russia case on absolutely solid ground in an indelible fashion that were i removed quickly or reassigned or fired, that the case could not be closed or vanish in the night without a trace. i wanted to make sure that our case was on solid ground and if somebody came in behind me and closed it and walked away from it they would not be able to do that without a record of why they made that decision. you want add documentary record that those investigations had begun because you feared they would be made to go away. exactly right. and scott who conducted the interview also reported that mccabe said that during the eight days from jim comey s firing to robert mueller s appoint appointment to special counsel there were meetings to see whether the majority of the cabinet could be brought together to remove the president under the amendment. just your thoughts on the mccabe interview and your thoughts. that s a lot. i woke up to the news. here s what i can tell you. as a member of the judiciary committee, i am taking my role very seriously and i can tell you that many of my colleagues are as well that we are now in charge of oversight. that is our constitutional duty. it is our job. we have hired two of the leading attorneys who really are very well respected in investigating cases of corruption, obstruction. we are getting ready. it s very troubling and i don t have to remind all of the lis n listeners this morning that we have had 35 indictments that we have an administration that is under investigation, that our job right now is to make sure we protect that investigation and get all the facts and then follow those facts where they may lead us but we saw what happened over the past two years when we had republicans control the house. we had no oversight. no checks and balances. we re here now and we re ready to do whatever we need to do to protect our democracy. thank you very much for being on the show this morning. come back. thank you, mika. andrew mccabe will be a guest next wednesday. a small riot broke out yesterday in a mexican shelter where hundreds of migrants are being held while they wait for a chance to apply for refuge in the united states. some were yelling, we re hungry, let us out. we ve been covering the crisis at the border. we ll be right back. r. we ll be right back. news for an- uh uh - i m the one who delivers the news around here. liberty mutual has just announced that they can customize your car insurance so that you only pay for what you need. this is phoebe buckley, on location. uh. thanks, phoebe. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. -it s our confident forever plan. -welcome to our complete freedom plan. -it s all possible with a cfp professional. -find your certified financial planner™ professional at to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it s best to make you everybody else. means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. does this sound dismal? it isn t. it s the most wonderful life on earth. cancer, epilepsy, mental health, 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she says she wishes donald trump would not refer to them in a racist way, they re human beings. they want to provide for their kids. we are human beings. that is her message. i spoke to organizations on the ground here who told me this could be a first glimpse into donald trump s main mexico policy. migrants don t have to be fenced in while they wait but these families are made to wait while they process asylum. msnbc s mariana atencio, thank you very much. a special look at what s really happening with the border. tonight at 8:00 eastern. joining us, william barber, president of repairer of the breach and co-chair of poor people s campaign. thank you for being here. it s hard not to look at what is happening in the border. you hear the stories of the sep rae separations of children. what is the part we re not seeing? i ve been to the border. one family who had not seen her husband or children for 16 years. i touched the hand of a child. this is a sin of the highest order. i m a christian evangelical. i grew up in the christian faith. one of the most clear policy alies is immigrants. this a tattack on children. we know it s brown children. white supremacy, wihite nationalism, right in front of our faces. the second fear, i ll pass it to catty, it feels it s stepped in, just as the reverend says, racism. issues like this, about the children being separateled at the border, is there any sympathy for policies of trying to keep them out of the country? are people mobilized around these issues in the christian church? too often what we hear, those who call themselves religious right, theological malpractice. orthodox religion is clear. you re supposed to be on the side of the poor, the stranger, the sick, the least of thee. people are hurt. they re crying. know what is happening. they say it s so wrong for a country of immigrants to be hating on immigrants. their own grand mothers and grandfathers couldn t go here. a lot offe the reasons people a fleeing is because of our own bad policies. this is about white nationalism. this is about the changing democrats of mark. this is somebody who is showing us what racist policy look it is like. that s one of the things i want to talk more about, mika, is policy. racism, leakike a picture or wo but what we re seeing is policy. this is the 260th day that the congress has refused to fix. we call storm thurmond a racist and he only fila bustered the civil rights act for one day. mcconnell, ryan, boehner, have blocked fix being ting the votis act. we have less protections today. policy racism. when you cut health caring. and you know it s going to have an impact on brown people, that s policy racism. when you know voter suppression is happening in 26 states. as ginsburg said, when they cut section 5, that s like putting up your umbrella in the middle of a rain storm just because you re not getting wet. here s the irony of all of this. where we have to make the connection. the same people pushing these policies of racialized voter suppression turn around and use the power they receive by dividing people. dividing black and brown people who have the opportunity to make a change and hurt mostly worst white people. the majority of the poor people, 140 million people poor in this country, the majority of them are white. they fool people to vote for them because i hate immigrants and immigrants are the problem. this they get votes and they turn right around, every one of these states, for instance, are also states that have low health carry accession and most of the people not being helped are white. not as cultural only and pictures and word als but polic racism. we ve had the governor and other officials admitting to using blackface in the past. you write about repenting. repenting, when he wanted basically jesus said okay, restore. what you ve done. some people said earlier resign. i step back and say wait. if you reseign, it s somebody wo is involved in voter racism. they were found guilty in the courts of surgical racism. let s step back. the repentance could be northam doing a major speech on racism. then immediately laying out policy. for instance, he could say the union african-american community where environmental racism is happening because of that atlantic pipeline, i m no longer going to support that pipeline. i m going to look at the issue of public education and mass incarceration. not just look at it but now. just having an apology is not enough. and just only talking about it. i challenge the media. if we only talk about racism when somebody talks about a pit off picture 30 years ago, we re not dealing with real racism. we need to look at what s happening with the federal jgs on the courts. 62 million persons make less than a living wage. we need to look at voter suppression happening across the country. we need a real serious focus on racism and how that tie als to economic policy. and the false moral narrative. part of that is because of our history. we recognize black history month. told you wanted to talk about martin luther keing jr. and his speech in montgomery. tell us more. you have to get past i have a dream. we got to montgomery under the threat of death. dr. king gave one of his most brilliant sermons. he said something about he did a diagnose that help us today. he said every time there s the posability for poor whites and poor blacks to join together and build a more just society he said the bourbon class or the ariei aerostock sews division. it doesn t have to be. those states are not rich states. they re unorganized states. they need a moral infusion dr. king talked about where black people and white people understand. if you re poor and you can t. so we need to get together. against extremism. reverend, thank you. please come back. thank you. talk more about this. it s been quite a show today. that does it for us this morning. stephanie ruhle picks up the coverage. this morning, we ve got to start with crimes and lies. a judge finds president trump s former campaign manager intentionally misled prosecuteers. the fbi and a grand jury about his russian contacts. potentially adding year, to his prison sentence. and listenering question this morning, why repeatedly lie about rash? it s going to be devastating to manafort. he would lose his chance of a pardon. a bipartisan border deal to avoid another partial government shutdown. a deal that brings the president s border

New-york , United-states , Montana , Alabama , Nevada , Eagle-pass , Texas , Washington , Hudson-river , Florida , Indiana , Yemen

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240612

kamala was a good darner, she tried a little bit. it is not good to be around people who are good dancers and you are rocking in an awkward. jimmy: doug should have froze. this whole administration america s got issues, whole video, just look at it. laura: i knew we would get in trouble with this. jimmy will be in new jersey next weekend, follow me on social media. i have rose growing trouble. jesse next. todd: a packed city bus hijacked by a convicted felon with a gun leading to one of the wildest police chases caught on camera. we ll show you the pursuit and takedown that brought at lant on to a slow down. carley: hunter biden found guilty on all charges and media making this about trump. politically, this is a big blow to trump. one could argue hunter biden is being treated worse than the average citizen. carley: really? walk you through hunter s next steps. todd: the story no one saw coming, joey chestnut banned from the nathan s hot dog eating contests. he is breaking his silence. carley: you have to eat nathan s hot dogs. we will bring you details. todd: there are details. you are watching fox and friends first, i m todd piro. carley: i m carley shimkus. we have that coming up, first this fox news alert. president biden returns to the world stage itself leaving for italy in two hours from now. todd: at home, group of icu linked terrorist suspects arrested after walking right into our country across the border. lucas tomlinson, what do we know? lucas: eight terror suspects entered the united states illegally through the southern border and received full vetting, according to bill melugin. they are from central asia, borderers afghanistan and china. the fbi and dhs said in a statement to fox, the individuals are detained in ice custody. fbi and dhs described in public bulletin, the u.s. been in heightened threat environment. the fbi and dhs will work to identify and disrupt protential threats to national security. the suspected terrorists were arrested in recent days days. according to new york post, part of the investigation featured a wiretap, which includes one of the now arrested individuals were talking about bombs. remember the boston marathon bombing, i believe something like that or worse may happen. described as increased threat of coordinated attack in the u.s. the suspects were also from tagikistan. carley: bring in john elliot to talk about this story. one of the most concerning things about this, these eight were not gotaways, they received full vetting by cbp. they were welcomed into our country. given millions treated the same way, where does this leave us? you are right, carley, it is a disaster here. one aide used the app, you could go in and get prevetted. we are having terrorists use the ape. this is an open border and the terrorists know it. whether it is isis-k who killed 1000 people in moscow, a similar thing could happen now. look at the white house, over the weekend, what there was, you had people putting defacing one of the statue and throwing bricks at the park police there. this is something not a single person got arrested there. we have people that can come that close to the white house and known terrorists, just since biden has been in office, you have had 320 known terrorists stopped at the border and that is just the ones we ve stopped. if you use the app and you re a t terrorist, it is a disgrace. todd: just a matter of time before our intel services fail to catch one of the terror cells before it is too late. the fbi director expressed fear a few weeks ago. listen. we ve seen the threat rise to another level, on top of that, is potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, not unlike the isis-k attack we saw in march. todd: if elected, can he eliminate as much of this threat as possible or john, is it too late? it is not too late at all. we will start with criminals and put everybody coming here illegally under biden and earlier, trickle there compared to the wave going on now, he will deport these terrorists. what president trump said, police know where the guys are and with intelligence, resources we have, kudos to the fbi for finding these guys. good on them. what president trump will do is close the border and those here, he will make sure they are deported or arrested and p prosecuted and deported after that. we need these guys in jail. carley: without question. everything in afghanistan, isis-k has been on the rise since we left there. given our catastrophic our withdrawal was, does not seem like sending troops back now is on the table. given the fact terror organizations, would it be safer if we did have a presence there? you are right, under biden, we gave up the bagram air force base. the withdrawal from afghanistan was to keep bagram, who is contr controlling bagram air force base? the chinese. we have over the horizon capability. it biden not given away bagram, we would have been safer and could have attacked isis-k where we are. todd: president biden will be heading to italy for the g-7 summit as israel and hamas ceasefire looms large. what deliverables must biden walk away with in order to be considered a success, john? one thing for certain, after what happened with hunter biden, he will not be giving parenting tips and will not be giving them any talk on gun control. what he is going to do is going in and these are globalists who are afraid of president trump coming in. i think laura s program talked about how so many of these leaders are worried about what has happened in terms of more centrist forces coming in, right of center voices coming in. he has to push back on them and he has to show that somehow he is able to make it across the finish line. they are ready to bail on him right now and they are asking for more money for ukraine, they are ready to bail on him. they are telling him that hate to break it to you, biden, there is a steep discount on hunter biden s art. carley: israelis medias hamas rejected key parts of the ceasefire deal. thank you for joining us. todd: hunter biden awaiting sen sentencing date after he was found guilty on all counts in his gun trial. carley: brooke singman has details this morning. brooke: jury found the first son guilty for lying about drug use to buy a gun. sentences is yet to be scheduled, hunter is facing fine of $750,000 and maximum of 25 years in prison, although he is unlikely to coany prison time. hunter said, i m more grateful today for the love and experience i experienced from melissa, my friends, my family and community than i am di disappointed by the outcome. the president has defended his son for years. peter: yes, yes, yes, god love you, man, you re a one-horse pony. my justice department will be on its own making determination how to proceed. do you think your son did nothing wrong? president biden: i m conf confident. peter: have you spoken to your son? president biden: i m proud of my son. brooke: one juror said naomi s testimony hurt hunter s defense. that was heartwrenching and i think all jurors felt the same thing. another juror speaking out. he was like anybody else, nobody is above the law no matter who you are, politics played no part m this. brooke: americans reacting to the verdict. anybody, whether famous or not, answers to whatever the jury decides. i m happy, justice is served. he needs to suffer consequences. if guilty, he should be brought to justice. i agree, do the crime, do the time. brooke: he is facing another trial over allegedly fairlying to pay over million dollars in taxes. those taxes have since been paid and he pleaded not guilty. carley: few weeks before the election in november. todd: that has a paper trail showing documents and where the money is. carley: todd, are you sick of winning? todd: tired of winning. carley: students in one state learning how to win at cap capitalism and it is seeing huge success. todd: the woman who created the program and a student join us next, you won t want to miss it. sup? -who are you? i m your inner child. get in. [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. [ engine revving ] oh now we re torquin ! the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. (vo) you were diagnosed with thyroid eye disease a long time ago. and year after year, you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. carley: listen to this, trump-backed sam brown winning the senate primary last night with 60% of the vote, we will challenge senator jackie rosen in november. brown speaking with fox news after the big win. this is a clear signal that republicans here in the state are united behind president trump and me to take on joe biden and jackie rosen this november. americans need hope. nevadans have been crushed and this is resounding victory. carley: nancy mace defeating both her challenges and picks up 56% of the vote. in north dakota, kelly armstrong will take over for burgum as republican candidate in the state s gubernatorial election this november. also in north dakota, voters impose age limit on members of congress from l state and set maximum age limit of 81 on those representing the state. it will likely face legal challenges. and this, jamaal bowman, polls show him behind challenger l lattimore. he is a westchest er executive. 65% of voters have favorable view of lattimore and 51 pvrs for bowman. early voting begins on saturday and primary election is june 25th. todd: winning at cap tap pis. high school reimagining business. dr. shade is founder of total experience learning and patel is a success story from the program. todd: how do you teach kids to win at cap capitalism? good morning, thank you for having us on the show this morning. capitalism means private industry and entrepreneurism. we need to find italent in our students and support and engage them in inventing and changing our school system thought to that entrepreneurial mindset. todd: you have been engrossed in this learning program since seventh grade and you are now at polytech institute, one of the best schools for senate and math in our it nurtured my entrepreneurial ial spirit. i discovered blasted particles and invented needleless new type of patch that uses nano technology to provide extended release of medication, providing more comfortable form of chemmytherapy and for parkinson s disease and patientses and can deliver medications. i patented the device and created patch life. this taught me how to find a problem and figure out how to create a solution. todd: what year are you in college? i m a junior. todd: wow, junior year. i was not invented anything, i don t want to get into my college experience. focus on how you stack up against your peers because of this program. you are in a tough school with a lot of smart students who excel in math and science. how has this program differentiated you from your peers? anyone can do research in a lab, this program teaches you skills that you need to get yourself outside of the lab. how you present yourself is what is going to make you successful. so this has helped me in a variety of competitions and helps you present to your peer says. todd: and helps you win at cap italism, best of luck to both of you, i think you are going to places. send it to senior meteorologist janice dean. jfk janice: we will hear from her in the future. round of aspplause. heat for west and southwest and spreading across central u.s. and east coast. here is forecast highs, 80s and 90s and extreme heat for california and southwest, d dangerous heat for this time of year. average high in phoenix issen it4, when you deal with 112, that could set up a big risk. take a look at heat as it spreads across ohio valley and parts of the northeast friday and to the weekend. people are excited about this, first real taste of summer extended since last summer. make mention of the potential of severe storms and florida is getting heavy rain over next couple of days. tropical moisture moving into the sunshine state. jfk we have been warned. see you. todd: stay there, watch this. deer smashing through the windshield of a bus and caught on camera. more of the video next. carley: friends and family of general hospital actor johnny wactorare demanding action on violent crimes and misdemeanors. johnny s brother is here next. can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years with increasing effect over time. it s the only fda-approved treatment to slow ga in as few as 6 doses per year. don t take syfovre if you have an infection, or active swelling in or around your eye that may include pain and redness. syfovre can cause serious side effects, such as eye infection and retinal detachments, severe inflammation of vessels in the retina which may result in severe vision loss, wet amd, eye inflammation, and an increase in eye pressure. most common side effects are eye discomfort, wet amd, small specks floating in vision, and blood in the white of the eye. tell your doctor right away if you have any side effects. every moment counts act now to slow ga with syfovre. ask your retina specialist about syfovre. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like a craft cocktail connoisseur at the cambria hotel bar. uh-huh. uh-huh. or mr. tackled the inbox so it s room service time at a radisson hotel! ohh, effervescent. uh, excuse me! sorry, can i just uh. oh, selfie? 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(birds chirping) well this isn t gonna work. try this. (celebratory choir sings) this. will work. scooore! pick up score! at walmart. todd: some absolutely wild video coming out of georgia. a passenger shot and killed after a gunman hijacked a commuter bus with 17 people onboard and held a gun to the driver s head. panicked drivers tried to get out of the way. the suspect is a convicted felon with 19 prior arrests. the mayor placing it on availability of guns. too many guns. crime is down overall, this day is not indicative of all days of the city of atlanta. todd: the suspect was taken into custody, charges pending. carley: family and friends have organize sd a march in hon of johnny wactor. march participants are calling for officials to prioritize public safety. johnny s broth er mark, and michael parker, a friend of johnny, join me now. thank you for joining us. know grant, the loss of your brother is so tragic and se senseless, tell us about this march and what you hope will come of it today. i don t live here, i can t vote here. main thing is keep happened previously before and it sucks it had to be him for it to be a c catalyst to put this in the forefont. carley: michael, what is your message this morning? yeah, it is what grant said. killers are still on the loose. we want to bring awareness to this. a second parts, we want city leaders of l.a. to hear our frustration and understand we are crying out for hymn. carley: i think we lost them, unfo unfortunate time to do it. they need action and change in los angeles and the loss of this actor is just one other horrific and sad example of crime that can, feels like, impact anybody. one thing iun waed to ask grant, we hope to bring them back, the moment before johnny died, he was with a co-worker. saw his car getting broke into, he thought it was being towed and he noticed something was wrong and he stepped in front of his female co-worker. todd: one thing we are not hearing enough about, this to their point, it could happen to anybody. this area in los angeles is basically right at what was formerly the staple center. carley: we have them back, we lost you for just a moment. pick up where we left off, i believe micah talking about your message. we want our city leaders to hear us, you hear secretive conversations in l.a., people whispering about how bad crime is and how dangerous it is. then this happens and it is so close to home. we want to give people an opportunity to stop having the conversations in secret and step out in public and let their voice be heard. enough is enough. we re walking around with fear and anxiety. carley: grant, how many people do you expect at the march? do you have hope this could change things for the better down the road. i have no idea how many people are going to be out there, micah organized it all. i know johnny touched a lot of people. i think there will be plenty people, people that didn t know johnny. i think a big number. i hope it will help, even af after catch the guys that did it, i want it to continue. carley: micah, you met johnny in acting school 10 years ago, you have a great relationship. give us information about the page. we do, we have been raising money with the family for since day one. we just launched www.ju www.justiceforjohnny you will have information about johnny and we ll continue to update information that comes out, news articles and things of that nature. we invite anyone to donate, there will be expenses down the road, it is a long road. carley: thank you for joining us this morning ahead of this march, 10:00 a.m. pacific standard time. thank you for joining us. it will be a long day, hopefully light at the end of the tunnel and hope the people who did this are found. todd: if they can do something to make that grath city safe again. president biden did address gun violence yesterday, did not mention his son s felony gun conviction which came down hours earlier. white house cancelling the press briefing, that did not stop the media from making this about donald trump. watch. mrith cally, this is a big blow to trump. he s trying so hard to create this weaponization. you have a president of the united states who is living embodiment of the rule of law, even with respect to his only living son. know ares have struggled to make it line of attack stick. most people see this and feel sympathy. carley: joe concha joins us now. this is a big blow to donald trump. what do you think about that news coverage yesterday, joe? joe: wow. i have not seen chuck todd on tv in i don t know how long, he is still there, i forgot about that. the other todd is making a gesture. that is what i thought. this is not apples to apples comparison. the hunter biden case was open and shut. he got caught. same will be said after the tax trial in november, he did not file taxes, that is documented on paper. with trump trial, ask 100 people on the street, what was the crime donald trump committed and no one can explain or define it. a bookkeeping error? if that is the case, that is misdemeanor at best, not a felony or jailable event. we have judge merchan deciding donald trump s fate. one comparing to the other, no. the cases are two different things and hunter biden, every analyst said would be found guilty if the jury was not swayed because it was in booides backyard and they were not. carley: hunter biden was going to get a plea deal and then got the irs whistleblowers that were getting blocked at every blow. todd: no precedence for get out of jail free card. there is narrative of whether joe biden s mental psyche is okay. that was a theme for a lot of coverage yesterday. washington post says hunter biden s guilty verdict resurfaced dark moments in the family s history. notice lack of similar concern for trump s psyche. watch the comparison. one could argue hunter biden is being treated worse than an average system. as a parent, worst nightmare come true. donald trump is waking up today facing different reality, first morning as convicted felon in new york. donald trump, first american president convicted of a crime and seconds later, two felonies, and kept breaking his brand new old record. todd: i didn t see a lot of tears discussing donald trump, did i miss something? joe: tears of joy, if anything, after that verdict came down. good to see raf itch / mad rachel maddow on tv. those are msnbc clips, we know where they come from. you have folks on there that gave oorther point of view and w what happened to ronna mcdaniel who was milquetoast in terms of making an argument positive for americans and donald trump and she was pulled from the air after one appearance because the inmates run the asylum over there. this is what donald trump will deal with up until election day, since the messenger is so m mistrusted, the media, not sure what impact it has on public psyche. before 2016 election, 59 newspapers we looked at the hill, gave endorsement of the two candidates. 57 to hillary clinton and 2 to donald trump and that got clinton a set of steak knives and concession speech. todd: only real takeaway from the hunter biden case, it would have been swept under the rug, if not for one federal judge. we appreciate it. carley: major day for the economy, we are awaiting new inflation report. cheryl casone will explain why you should pay attention to this. todd: and teen usa doubling drown to leave caitlin clark off the olympic squad, we ll bring you the answer. carley did not like that joke. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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[cheering] brian: they are up early, i hope you are up early. it is on your own pace, i ask you to gradually get dressed and stay within yourself. we are back in nine minutes. do something. throw up a wide shot. dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna. get it for dad, and together you can see which traits were inherited, the places where they started, and the people he shares them with. best of all, it s on sale for father s day. but get movin , this sale is only for a limited time. (relaxing music) ( ) ( ) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. feeling drained and run down. that s because modern diets lack the superfoods our ancestors thrived on. new primal origins, from forced back harnesses rich nutrients from colostrum and beef organs to provide superfood nutrition your body craves. find primal origins at walmart today. ( ) when life spells heartburn. how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. boy the beef and i continued in that commercial charlie. after being banned from the hot dog eating contest. the 16-time reigning champ said i was to learn i m banned from the nathan s july 4th hot dog eating contest. to say set the record straight i do not have a contract with major league eating or nathan s they are looking change the rules past years as it relates to other partners can i work with. the basis i m being banned and it doesn t impact the july 4th event. carley: the host of the don t at me on dan dock kitchen outcast and he joins me now the point he wanted to eat impossible nathan s hot dog eating contest. nathan says if you want to be a part of this you got eat nathan s hot dogs. what do you think about this? i think they are right they are write if you want to be part of the nathan hot dog eating competition eat hot dogs. i m ambassador for nike but i m going to wear adidas. you cannot have a 4th of july hot dog eating contest without joey chestnut major league eating needs to figure this out. hot dog eating contest is absurd to me although i watch every year. i got to he will it you if you want to be part of it eat the damn dogs sponsoring the event it s simple. carley: i couldn t agree more. todd: when you were playing basketball and honing the craft in dusty gimenez did you ever imagine you would be on national tv talking about hot dogs? no. no, i didn t. you know, but i got to tell you, if i can t watch it live, i do tape it. i m a big nathan s hot dog fan. todd: dakich. i don t know if you were such a fan. people saying without joey chestnut they are going to lose a lot of viewers. brings us to next story about caitlin clark being left off team u.s.a. women s basketball team. they are now speaking out saying the team selection committee chair put out this statement saying it be irresponsible for us to talk about her in a way other than how she would impact the play of the team it wasn t the purview of our committee to decide how many people would watch. it was to create the best team. so i guess they are saying that she just didn t make the cut for skill-based reasons. is that true? yeah. you know, i can see where they are saying that i m not so well-versed on the wnba s players top to bottom. you can make that case. here s the thing. the wnba and its leadership have complained for years and years and years pay attention to us. grow the game. we need more. we need. this and well now they have it and they have it in caitlin clark. you are telling me the second best betting favorite is belgium. the three of us, two retired players and my wife could beat belgium for crying out loud. it s not like you bring caitlin clark on the team and this is some charity case. are you kidding me? caitlin clark on that team brings more eyeballs the wnba has been begging for more eyeballs and they haven t gotten them and they got it wrong in case. todd: fox & friends begins right now. they could use you. steve: thank you very much, todd and carley. it is 6:00 here in new york city. it s 5:00 in dallas and this is the fox & friends

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240611

ideals and we don t know fully what american soil is. sean: mumbling, fumbling, stumbling at an incoherent. no inverness this was around 9:00 pm eastern which is well past his bedtime i m sure he will sleep well tonight after that vigourous showing. that all the time we have left this evening. please that your dvr so you never ever ever ever this episode of hannity and in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is terry brekka but a smile on your face. have a great night. [cheering and applause] greg: yes! yes! [cheering] greg: eyed cloud for me too. happy monday, everyone. san francisco has opened the first three food market where shoppers can leave without paying. residents are reportedly confused how this is different from any other store in the city. [laughter] and ellie in your taxpayer-funded high-rise for homeless people now open a quick talking luxury apartments. there s a jim kayla caffey skyline views their academic the residents feel like home each unit featuring two coats of fresh urine. [laughter] according to a new pole, my favorite kind of secret 55 sens say then there well 34 cents monthly a person can change their gender later in life. while 10% of the men pulled after closing time said i swear to god i thought that was a check. [laughter] we ve all been there. [applause] is the man uploading heavily. he knows what i m talking about. chicago s progressive mayor billie johnson spent $30,000 in campaign contributions on his own private makeup artist during his first year in office. but you have to admit the artist did an amazing job. [laughter] my god. [applause] greg: during a rodeo in oregon on saturday, for people were injured after a boredom over a fence and injured for people in the crowd. the same thing happened at the view once when joe behar sato in the audience holding a plate of built bacon. [laughter] c4 this weekend donald trump told him about her crowd he would eliminate taxes on ti tips. what s after, asked one man. very cheap. very cheap individual. in his gun trial hunter biden decided not to take the stand in his own defense. really wanted to be sworn in with his hand on a stripper s ass. [laughter] the x. account, twitter, for boston celtic legends the russell tweeted, let s go celtics last night. turns out those were written by his wife because he s been that were two years. sounds like he has a lot of common with joe biden. [laughter] by the way weight, did you know that joe also won 11 championships with the celtics? [laughter] yeah. now you feel differently. [laughter] and finally i think is finally got one of the world s oldest penguins at age 30 successfully made it without 4-year-old male. the couple cancel their plans to marry saying the mail got cold feet. [laughter] that request for your grandmother. so in vegas over the weekend conference planned electric mandates for both after telling the crowd about a chat he had with a bookmaker. wondered if he asked what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? and you re in the boat? and have determined is a powerful battery? mr. trump: what would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is no underwater and there s a shark that s approximately ten euros over there. by the way alight of shark attacks real lately, you notice that? hold on, there s a shark, 10 yards away from the board do i get electrocuted? so there s mr. trump: well there s a shark 10 yards away from the boat of 10 yards over here. like electric you didn t? if the board is thinking, water goes over the battery on the boat is sinking, you know, stay on top of the board and get electrocuted or do i come over by the shark cannot get electrocuted because i will tell you computer no answer he said, you know, nobody had ever asked me that question. [laughter] sean: it is like much before it is a quick question. electrocution or eaten by a shark? we should get a give death row inmates the choice. [cheering and applause] i like the way you guys think. about trump also said, i think it s a good question. mr. trump: i said i think it s a good question, i think there s auto electric current coming drill water but you know what i would do there was a shark or you d get electrocuted? uptake execution everything open. not kidding i m getting and i getting near the shark. [laughter] greg: i don t blame him. i m sure biden agrees. that s how they restart his heart every day. two zaps to the post on his neck. speaking of joey s hemorrhaging voters like jesse sheds follicles. [laughter] sabally escandon who looks like he can unite the cou country. and is a scary scaring the crap out of the dams. their multi- no lectures face in direct sunlight coming over the weekend los angeles times have this headline, in cilic and ballymore support for trump is trickling in there isn t a big threat to biden? we ll consider the tickets to a recent trump fundraiser reportedly went for 300 grand each in the event was sold out. apparently trump raise 12 million in one night. the same amount i offer taylor swift to stop calling me. [laughter] now the big, money may still go democrat but cracks are starting to form in there deeper then the ones influencing s face. it s no secret that the black and hispanic vote, mostly men, is shifting towards trump. was as smart national figures are now willing to come up about publicly for trump references robber 50-cent says he sees black men identifying with trump in the upcoming election because they ve got week-old charges. which means finally what is. [applause] focused recall partition of trump maybe the biggest backfire since joe forgot his lactose bills after a fight of heloise. [laughter] but don t take it for me. biggest arts have trump, the favorite to win their work and as a favorite to start in the walking dead. [laughter] meanwhile talking lizard james carville had the right he said this right before devouring a plate of sautéed worms. so if all the smart money and people are shifting to trump, who are the holdouts? meaning the people in our public life were well-informed enough to know better but still insist on backing a brain-dead biden? i ll tell you. is the rich and famous paralyzed by their own egos who look at trump with and b be. think about it. imagine being robert de niro or stephen king or howard stern or jimmy kimmel and you just got the memo that you aren t the center of the universe. and that memo is on donald trump letterhead mechanism of the working class being ignored is this elitist bozos. is this performance essential in their own right but trump makes them feel small. if you ve noticed, trump s largest credit are successful people who sent their own insignificance in this new world of trump limited feel like i do when taking a picture with iris. [laughter] it s also why has-beens like liz cheney, michael cohen and anthony carlucci are obsessed with taking trump down. there players in this movie hoping that seems dealing moments will come. but the most obvious example, like i closest to trump in temperament and personality, howard stern, as trump elevated, stern retreated, becoming a believer in the gospel of the six-foot distancing rule there can use covid to justify turning himself into glorious swanson the hold his 47 square-foot mention dictating to everyone how stupid and murderous they were for not having what he had. and what does stern have in common with jimmy kimmel? is the sense of the motion them if they realize the world does not revolve around them. a crushing realization if your ego is everything. right now, trump is more important than all of them combined and it s killing them. meanwhile, the smart but ego satisfied person whether it s elon musk or vivek ramaswamy or me [laughter] , we don t take it personally that trump maybe the most consequential human ally. of course, but it s because these people can think larger know the selection and, in fact, this nation are about more than just them. which is why they got their next out for trump and their middle fingers out to the media. meanwhile the ego tests have become extras in the film of their lives. and those who they once consider the extras have taken starring roles. that is the electorate. they can t believe that the great unwashed or not listening to them but instead this new leading man. and so they see trump and they ask, they ask, why could that be me one thing narcissists can t stand. being ignored on the world stage. [applause] announcer: let s welcome tonight s guests! know, you don t have dementia. ingested that forgettable. ryan joe devito! plus she is an expert in mma, making men agitated, course of particular morning on, charlie arnold! [cheering and applause] s sense of humor comes from his god. is great big disgusting got. the fox news saturday night, jimmy failla! [cheering and applause] and she is the only reason your grandpa has instagram. new york times by selling author and fox news interpreter, kat timpf! [cheering and applause] greg: joe, what you think of my theory because when you look at people successful across-the-board, there are sum that are totally fine some of them aren t and i have to believe it is this realization that after three or four code decades in the limelight after finding out that they re not the center of the universe. yeah. trump had an immediate ability to soak up all the air in any room. is incredible. is pretty funny when you have someone like james carville who looks like nosferatu coming out and saying i think biden is passed his prime, we have to move on but you have to admit at this point it for for joe biden is a vote for kabbalah. rose lemay get to the debates [applause] watching the normandy things. you don t look good. [cheering and applause] they can hard right it. they tried to get him his fancy hotels, they got him his footwork because why he was falling over. s 20 or because his body singling me by one to die this year. [laughter] so you. i think trump if you compare them, jill balser anything this is not good to watch. but trump comes out, it s not like someone asked a question about sharks and electric boats. but you had an answer ready. greg: exactly. here and answer ready! i don t know but i never look at the movie jaws and thought what if they had an extension cord. but i thought that s what is so hilarious what kind is getting stronger and he s getting more vital and he s got that energy. now i would like if there was some younger people that may be a freshfaced, 60-year-old. but i will would like if someone centimeter did your president i just would probably in th that. [laughter] greg: is 20 of the it s like no one really has thought about the choice between electrocution and being eaten by a short. the second person that i would like to have in the white house as opposed to somebody who creates fantasies about their uncle being eaten by cannibals. but what you think about the fact that, like, a lot of these people look at trump and they go okay i could ve done that in a can of mad that they didn t do it. think about that with mark even grandma and mark even had a problem with trump actually being not just a billionaire but also president and he still a billionaire. look at mark even and he won so many different hats. he went from being just a businessman to a sports team owner to really just being somebody that i think a lot of people at one point were able to relate to know if i completely different. myself included, i used to love mark even until now he s just inserted himself in to a different political conversation that he has no business in the best thing about also has 170 hats. and he was a businessman, is been a real estate investor. he has single to the point that it is today. it was, you know, on the apprentice, is a reality show star. is now, you know, the former president of the united states, hopefully so to be, you know, getting his second term here. but people just don t like that. they don t like the fact that you can say whatever is on his mind, that he does have a bit of an ego but you has a point in everything that he saying. if people understanding that and people are seeing the way to his being treated with this sham trial come all the convictions and people are now starting to relate to him and he is getting i think a lot of votes or at least people getting on board with him that maybe wouldn t have been at another point in time for latino votes of the blackbirds of the youngest, the silicon valley crew, and you see people turning out and drugs in the blue states are not even organize ral rallies. before deciding, you know, so we support trump in there to leave the support trump which is authenticity the democrats reactions is the best part about our because recalling a course master terrorist and things like that because they don t know what to do with themselves and especially the rally was assigned because this past weekend as a people showed up there like equities people must be hired on craigslist. is like, no, democrats, where they want to have to higher influencers to support you, not the conservatives. greg: jimmy, you have no shame. stop it. and even push back on because i look like you fact cowboy today. [laughter] i thought i look cool when i left my office then i got unsaid look at the monitors, i look like clean clint feast would. people do have egos. you know, annexing but trump has no sense of embarrassment. so he can actually you can control his ego. you can actually take risks. is this different kind of ego that i don t know what it is but it s not they cannot bear that he s doing this and they aren t. 1000% because in the quality they he is a fighter you know what i mean humor and is not the motorized by someone. and forget his whole entry into politics really started in 2012 when obama was looking at the white house correspondents dinner he got all the shots and got off the map ended on howard, okay,, wanted to be in politics. he ran for governor in new york. greg: that s right, i forgot stick with me. he was the guy whose ego batted himself the king of all media. but you has become so much less omnipotent than trump and he conveys a everything from howard stern is not the the prince harry of law okay but imagine that does kill him and this is the biggest thing and this is what s nuclear trump movement. because trump is garnering major support in the black community. and he went to the box permanently familiar financial by that black streak right thing matters okay 50 cents matters. he is a guy with a lot of influence, okay? you got shot nine times and did something more dangerous like sheep with chelsea handler, okay? but before but you had his shots. but that s not managed remotely time howard kimmel had black support is when they painted it onto their face. greg: that s true. greg: kat, why do celebrities in his general struggle s popularity? using bc poplar to allocate a finite pike? noah nelson it so i guess i have to. greg: what? it is funny to see you call out other people for having a big ego. [laughter] [cheering and applause] greg: thank you. greg: there was a chinese ego. and you would do that. you give pictures of yourself to other people for christmas. greg: that is a joke about my ego. okay. i honestly i don t think it really is i read about this in my new book limit people thank elaine and can be really hard for people to get out of that lane or even consider anything from any you don t want to listen to anybody else or any other opinions. but i think thing about stuff that s unprecedented like what happened here in new york with a conviction, and president elisa moore and precedented. i think when something because people do pension more but i feel people have also made a lot of money i think of him saying these things. and is this, trump s lack. people have families and expect them to see those things in my getting can also lead to people not wanting to consider something else than what they found has made a successful. greg: i do think some of them drive is also definitely true in some instances. greg: we ve got to move on. up next, no one is above the law unless it s hamas dribble you draw. [applause] announcer: if you ll be in the new york area and would like free tickets to go see gutfeld!, go to and click on the link to join our studio audience. so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. i m still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. i did not want a dramatic change. i wanted something subtle. and i m really, really happy with the results. it s still me, but with fewer lines. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow s feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at is coming your way. hey, hey. it s video of the day! [cheering and applause] greg: it s okay to break a statue but mess with pride and they ll come right at y you. there was a nice rhyme or a radio that he comes to us from america s capital/arm pit, washington dc were hundreds of anti- israel them as traitors refilled outside white house the facings that suit and harassing cops. remember though is dc so half of the more robbed and murdered leader that day. roll it! everyone: [chanting] greg: shocking to see. imagine trashing america and destroying property without receiving any course credit. [laughter] they also chanted deeply f. joe biden so it makes sense that this attack the statue because it s less only thing less mobile then the president. bedene for this event going on since october 7th. regular yard riots there were no repercussions, no arrests. but we have no as punishment gold out or withheld based on viewpoint. meanwhile the insane case in spokane, three teens riding writings koopers led left skid marks on her painted a sidewalk mural and they were arrested and charged with first-degree malicious mischief. sure what does that tell you? well there is when the museum vandalism the media condemns an vandalism that they protect. so you can t deface a problem pride mural but feel free to draw a hitler mustache on jesse mark jesse watters fa face. by the way, that is not a comparison is actually an order. [laughter] [applause] all right. i think what upsets me most is the harassment of the park ranger, jimmy. yeah. greg: park rangers are like the most likable people on the planet. they there like eagle scouts with a salary. if you harass if you harass a park ranger that you should get the death penalty by their. by bear. [applause] dave plotted two jokes about the death penalty. this audience what do you make about i know it s in our comparison because kids get charged for writing riding scores over up yard mural but you can destroy property i m surprised engoron did not do more than a century because he went to start went to high school most of those guys. [laughter] greg: socially. in the near that guy - s personal. that such events move, bitch wu derek cease my language, to go after an unarmed garlic that. i wonder if this is protection but there s this other thing that you know is true when we think talk about the right arrest in spokane. certain kondas have as righteous and okay. and when it comes to the pride thing that is why they went to jail and got arrested him and the reason these guys are in because the left has cosign this movement that s the double standard thing that speaks to a collective lack of civic pride okay everyone should be mad if our sacred monuments are being defiled because there is a middle finger to all of us. so i don t know. beat your kids, i don t know what else to say. [laughter] the one violence. greg: is not just capital punishment is corporal punishment dealing. you know, an interesting thing about the pride mural i think it s like, vandalism is bad that i think the facing a pride mural bad. think it s interesting that nobody had pointed out that these are teenagers being charged with a felony for this. and facing ten years for this? which i thought we were becoming more progressive on criminal justice reform and having concerns about over criminalization of this is to me a very clear example of an overcoming elaboration i would say, for having that to be a panel felony for teenagers facing ten years so i hope it doesn t go there. i hope you actually don t serve ten years for that because that s how people become more radicalized too. is how people become radicalized. yeah, when you overdo in the punishment area. it gives me an idea though, charlie. arm going to start putting christ but because the nine oh one ben alistair macgregor to pay my entire house a giant rainbow and then when there s okay and he was right of my house will remain standing. here s the thing, you would have to s before oh thank you. [laughter] it is pride months. you had her colorful gucci back in there and all the different colors you carry all times of the days before no one will steal that. you are ahead of but that s the thing about these anti- israel protesters is they just have i mean the biggest balls of them all because they know nothing is going to happen. is middle of the day of the facing history family know the people are filming them on their phones and they just don t care because they know nothing is going to be done. they are completely safe from anything meanwhile you have the scooter writers who cited to commit the crime i 130 clock in the morning because at least, you know, if he ever do something wrong and we in the middle of the night where you might not get hot. with the democrats have a rule. no one is allowed to live! leave skid marks but biden. [laughter] [cheering and applause] greg: poop joke! during! poop joke! everybody gets if we drink. here s another comparison between protests. for life parade in dc mark one kid everywhere because it seemed like he had offended other minority group and turnout was a reverse. this is lower in the news, you can find the story of the potus anywhere. first of all minutes on the case case with e-scooters i was outraged because it was in people having fun and i just made me angry. i m old and bitter. but i think were kind of anything to hate mark if you read the over the they re saying this file vile act of hatred. look at other things the work that at the israel protesters had to do, had to climb up the statue, that you delete a mobile. meanwhile these kids left scarred something was on the road? and they re looking at jail? it s insane because look, i understand what the purpose of pride had been. you had a group of people who were told to be ashamed of themselves and they said we don t want to live that way. and everybody was on board with that. and want to hear people say what about straight pride? because you want to know about straight pride kill take a look at my browser history and will never ask what straight people to be brought up again, okay? [laughter] by is the unfair application, like, returned were going to talk about equality applicable two crimes mechanic grammar is so much more so much worse and no one is doing anything that you have a little bit pleasing that a municipal supreme court and that is not a quantity of equity and it s not sustainable because like kat said people will start to push back. greg: exactly and i think you re going to push back on november fifth. [cheering and applause] greg: thank you. stop at. all right. he spends spent as much on looks as he does free and crux. [coughing] i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! 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[applause] announcer: a story in five words. greg: mayor spends 30 k. on makeup. charlie, chicago s altar progressive mayor brandon johnson spent $30,000 on hair and makeup during the first his first year in office! this is insane. campaign he spent 30 grand on makeup. this guy, that s like $100 a day. i just came up with that. this isn t as insane? it s insane. i m obsessed with cosmetology. and the highest level of spending at sephora. greg: what s your favorite planet? mactier planet? i don t get it. astrology. greg: no less cosmologies before i get a. $30,000 in the year is impossible. so hard to do. i can only imagine his donors are okay thank you so much for using our money towards areas whilst only spent $2000 the year prior. i was okay you should have spent way more. form was not italian. [laughter] greg: my husband is italian mlk you have and i do. [laughter] i you think is just banging the makeup lady? what? did you hear photos? woefully well maybe he is. greg: so maybe he s not. what to be the reason. want to know the reason. i think went to get into it it s like! immediately think i needed anything. it can be okay his spiraling and skincare. greg: of her the happening. you get used to the sensation of it. i sleep in the top of let s go connor i say. is a corruption? right, is a corruption or is it merely an? we don t know. and said she needed to get a haircut because she needs to look good. i mean, now okay i think people said whatever you need to spend, the sky s the limit. [laughter] i said good for him. but in chicago most makeup expenses like that are reserved for open caskets. [laughter] we ll resume at local the reason the locals are upset is because chicago he normally steal because manner, you know what i mean? does justice that reality. greg: but you don t like my open casket joke? i mean i mean all of us is i a lot of money in dc as a kid and this is better than what marianne and barry mark i guess i have to give them that. mary and barry able to come back from being caught on crack okay there is this guy made hunter biden look like richie cunningham. whether that pop in my head? you got to move on grandma coming up, she s a star on the fever but the that team u.s.a. said leave her. 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[laughter] greg: nobody knew that it was next month. nobody knew that. [laughter] okay. this i don t know why she wasn t on the team. i know a lot i don t get it. it if it makes you feel any better because i don t recognize the names of anyone else on the team except for brittney griner. and that s not because she s good at basketball so much as okay backpacking. [laughter] good job. greg: all right. charlie, you re gonna like this portly the year. there be a legit reason for this omission or is it political or social or cultural? is social. they re just jealous of caitlin clark and all the eyeballs she had on her. nobody cares about the wnba. there they care about caitlin clark but with that being said caitlin clark is able to bring somebody only eyeballs to the wnba, she would bring manual millions more viewers to the women s basketball games in the earth olympics carolyn it s really sad. caitlin clark certainly deserves to be the. it s not unheard her back by any stretch to have an exceptional rookie player neolithic team. greg: she s iraqi, that s why. it s not wise before a string to see what their excuse might be, you know what i m saying? i think one of their season has been made was that she missed one of the workouts because she was in the championship tournament when she was still in iowa. maybe there maybe there could have been white but yellow say or she might be an alternate on the team but we know the alternates aren t going to place before she could if she would have been outgunned and the team if she had a penis. [laughter] i think it went like is partly to blame because she made a controversial decision to be pleasant. [laughter] i don t want to hear any and i like women s sports, i want to your anymore complaining from the wnba as they tried to drive away any potential move new viewers because if i want to watch up with on the new star wars show. [laughter] [applause] greg: all right, jimmy, did you know the limbic for coming up? i did not. greg: narrated i! i had no idea. greg: i m in my own little world. he very tiny world. i care about this story. my wife is actually was actually a very good basketball player. greg: has she graduated yet? [laughter] i love that they re clapping. i ve told that joke on the show five times. greg: overweight, was that wear you were going? i ve tried to tell this joke twice in different episodes but he drove in front of it by accident wants. three weeks ago the topic came up and all of a sudden i stop and go you bleep you did it again. [laughter] we finally completed the joke, today matters! we did it! anyway, know that i do, i care about women s basketball. micah way what way wife would ve been in the wnba but she is pretty. [laughter] stop at, that s a joke. probably a joke. i m surprised he merely didn t do this just because of the jersey sales because you know how much money her jersey sale compared to everyone is on the wnba? were not exactly rolling in doing this and supremely the statute of liberty is selling pictures of her feet on only fans right now. it s bad. as the money. that s all. greg: all right. up next, get engrossed with your favorite local news host. announcer: if you ll be in the new york area and would like tickets to go see gutfeld!, go to and click on the link to join our studio audience. get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don t stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it s right for you. 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[cheering and applause] s. is a local news where every guest at the surest way from wherever there from prematurely that he will first. from indianapolis here and it is one everyone from either calendars. we ve got a big event coming up, august 8, 30:00 pm at the indiana state clear. yahoo s he and the wheels will be there abenaki and we was the actor it will begin with the musician with whom you that he was in a band called dog star. is a basis. jon anik just got even har harder. and i will also say that went back and fully convinced that the reason i have not had any serious illnesses going up or even up to this day is because at one point i dropped my corndog on the ground at the indiana state fair and i still ate it. greg: nice! so the every germer could possibly in my my body [applause] are you going to go? i would love to go to the indiana state fair. i can make it on august 8th. you have a day off albot? absolutely. jamaica while you go? give it up for i m getting. sorry. that s timely. bruce blakeman this was introduced a bill that would ban biological men from competing in the women s sports. which anyone who [applause] thank you. anybody trying to protect women sports i think we owe and that of gratitude because there s no voices speaking out. when a woman s woman woman swimmer dies in the pool, she shouldn t also be battling shrinkage, you know what i mean? regard i m bringing this back to my wife because she was a good high school athlete and she takes think of them will be a league of their own. there was not supposed to that was supposed to be about the whole female woman just want to bruce, this is for you, baby. [applause] you don t grade, you go next. greg: i m going to cover this california homeless high-rise. it s amazing. it cost 50 plus million dollars, 2028 studio apartments, 51 bedroom apartments that each place cost about 600 grand and this is for the homeless but you know what s interesting about this other than it makes me wonder throughout? it s in skid row. anybody been to la skid row? the assumption that people that live on skid row are going to take care of it high-rise, you have to be as mentally ill as they are. this idea of just oh, you know, you know how to solve the homeless crisis? give them houses. they don t want your house! their wholeness so they can due drugs! suit up shrek shootout, do whatever they want. how long do you think before this poop in the pool? greg: well if i m there. [laughter] here in new york city, new york governor kathy hogle suspended the plan for wrench congestion you have to pay your fees. it s not nuclear plan to punish the law-abiding and i m glad that they held it off but it was amazing. it was in conversations with david patterson, our former governor. so he just so goes to show you when you re taking traffic advice a blind guy you re not doing a great job. on that note, don t go away, will be right back. 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240609

presidential daily brief before andropov can act, the able archer operation wraps up on schedule andropov is finally persuaded he that this really was just an exercise. this time life contribution was explained that this is dangerous you ll playing with fire the liver simply daughter the stands and intelligence. old russian leaders they able archer exercise world came very close to nuclear war the united states didn t know the ratchet down the tension when it really matter that is an indicator of just the lack of understanding that the united states and the soviet union headed each other. but in a nuclear confrontation, lack of understanding can have catastrophic consequences when adversaries have nuclear weapons pointed at each other and don t understand each hello, and welcome to our viewers, watching around the world. i m in a car part in hong kong, a hit on scene and user in high risk rescue. the idf rescues four hostages during a raid in central gaza. but as israel celebrates the reunions palestinians mourn the lives of those killed during the operations. details on how the mission unfolded ahead president joe biden commenting on the rescue during a state visit to france, what he had to today and the role the us played and trash talk between north and south korea were alive at the demilitarized zone with a look at how the latest tension are unfolding and israeli military raid on a palestinian refugee camp lead to emotional reunions for for newly freed hostages. and their families. but now there are questions about the deadly toll of the rescue mission well, this was the scene at a hospital in israel where the four hostages met with family and friends for the first time in eight months. the israeli military released this video showing some of the reunions. the idf says the rescued hostages are in good medical condition, but were taken to hospital for medical examination israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu met with the former hostages and their families. he told one of them, quote, we didn t give up on you for a moment. cnn spoke with a doctor who examined the four about what they need to recover from the experience they don t need politicians visits for pr purposes. they need some quiet they need to be able to recover to think, to regroup to get more into some kind of routine. it s personal, it s dependent on the people and, you know, i just was in the hospital. when are more visitors is friends visited him and it was important for him too. thanks is france to wear for him for the last eight months, walking to listen. but still they need comfort. they need what we call a tender love and care and examine all the medical conditions. but try to get them back to life. try to get them more independent because they didn t have any control what despite the rescue, we are seeing new protests calling on the government to secure a deal to free the remaining hostages in gaza. many of the demonstrators are also calling for new elections to remove prime minister benjamin netanyahu civilians in gaza describing the scenes of horror they witnessed as israel carried out its operation to rescue the four hostages. cnn has been wiedemann has the details hello, on earth is how one palestinian in gaza describe the situation in the nuseirat camp saturday to cnn as his israeli forces carried out their operation to successfully free four hostages and indeed the scene in the sedaghat and the nearby al-aqsa martyrs hospital. can only be described as held israeli operation killed at least two 230 people and wounded more than 400 according to doctors in gaza, who spoke to see and then the hospital was overwhelmed by the injured many of them women and children the corridors jammed with staff trying trying to treat the wounded with desperate relatives begging for attention for those awaiting care. the morgue is full the dead, some shrouded in white sheets, others still in their blood soaked clothing were laid out on the ground surrounded by weeping and praying, loved ones. the rescue operation is being lauded by israel s friends with little if any reference to the palestinian death toll. but the reaction elsewhere was one of anger, palestinian authority president mahmoud up best called for an emergency meeting of the un security council and the eu eu s top diplomat, josep borrell, described your ports of what he called another massacre of civilians as appalling i m ben wiedemann, cnn reporting from beirut would generalists still here go can join us now, more on the rescue and the aftermath. elliott, tell us what more you learning about this operation? from what we understand this was an operation that was weeks in the planning. in fact, they d aborted plans to carry out this rescue mission. a couple of times previously, but this time it got the green light it went ahead around about 11:00 in the morning local time, israel taking the view that hamas would be unlikely to be expecting some kind of death hey, time operation. and that would give them an additional element of surprise. so under cover of airstrikes, they knew that noa argamani, who became the face of the october 7 terrorist attacks or she was sped away on a back of a motorbike, pleading for her life. she was in one building and then 200 meters away, where the three male hostages so the rescue operation was carried out simultaneously in both apartments. they went in there, they the israeli defense forces say that they rescued know where they took her captors by surprise and rescued her without too much fast, but an intense gunfight ensued with those who were guarding the three male hostages they managed to extricate them from the building. and as they left with the hostages, israel says they came under intense fire, including from rocket-propelled grenade. they were given further cover by airstrikes and managed to get the hostages to the waiting helicopters by the beach and then flown back to israel for emotional reunions with their friends and family elliott prime minister netanyahu, who as we saw, has met with the hostages, release hostages. he has faced enormous pressure from all sides to secure the release of those hostages this obviously is a win for him. does it in bold in him, does it by him time it may embolden him. i don t think it necessarily by so many time because one of the first things the families of the hostages who were rescued when they met with the prime minister yesterday, was, we re very, very grateful that israel and the armed forces together with the shin bet and the counterterrorism unit of the police, rescued their loved ones but let s not forget that it is imperative that israel get back the remaining hundred and 60 hostages who were kidnapped on october the seventh, around a third of whom are believed to be dead. so there s no let up in terms of the pressure. i don t think it buys netanyahu time. it may buy him a few points in the opinion polls, which have repeatedly and consistently shown that were an election to be held tomorrow, that he would lose it. and i think it would also give him an other members of his governing coalition perhaps a bit of vindication from their perspective that as they ve been saying all along, it is military pressure on hamas that will ultimately lead to the release of the hostages rather than solely negotiation that said, the deal that president biden announced that he said was a israel s proposal for a hostage deal and a ceasefire that would ultimately lead to a full cessation of hostilities. hostilities that remains on the table, but there are still very large gaps between israel and hamas and they seem to be the same gaps that have been there for months, namely, that israel wants to be able to return to fighting after a temporary ceasefire. hamas wants guarantees of a complete end to the war. and unless they can square that circle and there is not going to be a hostage deal. it go can we appreciate the update? thank you we re us president joe biden is hailing the rescue of the four israeli hostages and vowing to help secure the release of the remaining ones. cnn s priscilla alvarez has more the united states on saturday commending israel for its rescue of four hostages with president biden welcoming the use alongside the french president. i don t want to echo president macron comments welcoming the safe rescue of four hostages we re returned to their families. it is you won t stop working until all the hostages come home and a ceasefire is reached. that is essential to happen. a us official tells cnn that an american cell in israel supported the rescue efforts, working with israeli forces. that and reference to a team that has been assisting israel since october 7, to information gather on hostages. but a source also confirming to cnn that there were no us boots on the ground in this mission. now, of course, the u.s. has it s been pushing for a hostage deal that would also include a ceasefire in gaza. president biden himself outlining that three-phase proposal that again would include the release of all hostages and a temporary ceasefire and potentially a permanent ceasefire in gaza. in fact, just this week u.s. and 16 other countries urged hamas to close, quote, close the deal. just another example of the ongoing pressure by the united states. so your us officials have also been back to the region to try to give more traction to those talks. and while it s still unclear where those talks will lead us at the very least, on saturday, committing ending israel and applauding what they called a successful operation priscilla alvarez, cnn, washington meantime, pro-palestinian protesters are keeping up the pressure around the world. this was the scene outside a museum in spain on saturday as hundreds of demonstrators lay on the ground to mimic casualties in gaza tens of thousands of protesters also marched through central london. the scenes were similar in the us as thousands of demonstrators gathered outside the white house demanding a ceasefire in gaza. cnn s bryan todd has the details it s been a day of high emotion and heavy symbolism here on the grounds of the white house on the south lawn here at the ellipse, and on the north sayyed at lafayette square park. what s going on here behind me is a symbolic court of justice, the palestinian, the pro-palestinian protesters here have prepared what they call an indictment of aged war criminals from the us and israel. they re reading some charges here. they have judges sitting behind them on the dais, their again, as symbolic court of justice for what they believe are war crimes committed in israel and gaza earlier. what they did was they unfurled a huge red banner symbolizing what they call a red line. they called it the people s red line, symbolizing what they believe is president biden not sticking enough to a red line that he drew with the israelis regarding the incursion of rafah, this red banner was two miles long and 100 foot sections. it was unfurled and protesters ring the entire white house complex earlier with that banner. that banner is now on the ground here late in rows, but it had a lot of writing on it, messages, signatures that was part of the visual earlier today. you ve got crowds here watching now the mock trial at the ellipse here on the south side of the white house earlier, we did witness two statues in lafayette park with graffiti written on them by protesters. so that was part of the kind of a dustup that happened earlier with police moving in and trying to get protesters off of the statue, but that didn t last very long. but two statues in lafayette park were the did have graffiti written on them these protests leaders tell us they hope to come out of this is a growth of this anti, anti israel and pro-palestinian movement and a lessening of us military and other aid to israel. bryan todd, cnn, washington well, there s much more to come here on cnn newsroom after the break. a strong show of unity between the u.s. and france during president biden s visit to paris plus mr. biden s rival for the white house, donald trump, is set to hold his first rally as a convicted felon in the punishing nevada. his that story much more tell me what you want from this. want to be a star cool to be normal? i d like this is waiting for who knows where it i promise you, i will not let you down hi. well, you know, i had to stopped talking you ve. waited, all week for this, mr. saturday morning. so rise and shy, your chariot awaits you didn t get a green works just to hurt your windshield gas mower, feelings you got it because greenwood s perfected lawn care on the world let s most powerful commercial platform and use that innovation to develop the ultimate platform for home maximise. see all in one utilities hero from greenwood s with more power, more runtime, and all the versatility of one battery powers over 75 products. you ll forget all about yeah. long have you been out here? no. 45 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the same symmetry, former president donald trump reportedly said was quote, filled with losers or french president emmanuel macron on mr. biden with a state dinner on saturday during his toast, biden called this visit. the most remarkable trip and stress the close bond shared between the us and france we stand at an inflection point in history the decisions we make now will determine the course of our future for decades to come. we have a lot of opportunity, but a lot of responsibility. and it gives me hope to know france, the united states stand together now and always cnn s kayla tausche joins us now, live from paris and kayla obviously this triple an incredibly important one for president biden. what has he achieved? well, the main goal of this trip was to send a signal to the world and to voters and citizens of the united states that the relations didn t kinship between america and france and america and europe more broadly, remains iron clad in the face of conflicts around the world, as well as a rising surge of populism on both sides of the atlantic. if that was the goal, then the trip by that measure was a success when the two liters delivered statements together, those statements reflected the closeness of the alliance, the closeness of that bond, and the areas of alignment on policies like the continued need to support ukraine. the need to contribute to more collective defenses at nato as well as the need for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. all of those were part of the part of the statements that the president s made, as well as the 13 page roadmap app that they released a following that so by that measure on it, it is safe to say that this trip was a success for both presidents. now, the hard work is what happens now. the leaders are going to be going to the g7 then taking some of those discussions on the road and figuring out what they can get other allies to agree to as well yeah, obviously the optics have been incredibly good for, for president biden whilst he s been in france, how is this trip been received back in the us, considering there were plenty of messages aimed at here he s domestic audience messages aimed as well as imagery aimed at the former president and now opponent on the campaign trail for president biden, of course course, former president donald trump. that was one of the main through leinz of this trip was that president trying to strike a contrast with what his predecessor did when he made a similar visit to normandy for the 75th anniversary and two other visits to france, where he has you mentioned did not visit that ceremony that sarah cemetery where world war one dead are buried and reportedly called the american war heroes, buried their losers and sucker s something he has denied, but something that cnn has reported on extensively it takes a few weeks for anything like what happened in this week to be reflected in the psyches and the mindsets of voters back home and to show up and pulls to really see whether it made a difference right now, the race is really at dead heat. it s been an a tie for a very long time with a small share of voters expected to decide the election. by that measure, most independence. recent polls show that independence favor trump by about 12 points. but certainly there s still about six months to go before the election on a those reported comments from trump truly unforgivable. kayla tausche in paris. we thank you. the world s largest multi-country election is underway for the next european parliament today, spain, france, germany, and several others open the polls on the final day of voting. millions of people in 27 nations are deciding what the next five years will look like for the european union. italy voted on saturday and like some people on the small island of lampedusa, many europeans are grappling with issues like immigration and the war in ukraine what i meant as what i mean, there s certainly expect to europe, there s more inclined to think about the conflicts in the world when that seeks not to arm, but to disarm with words using words have peace misleading words liberty thousand stuff. i was very undecided whether or not to go and vo actually, i was thinking of not going to vote because europe is not felt here. but in the end, out of sense of civic duty, i will go and vote. i don t expect a huge change, but some new faces might be there massive grounds protested in berlin on saturday, slamming germany s right-wing party demonstrators carried eu flags and signs urging people to vote polls a suggesting right-wing parties in a number of european countries. we ll see big gains in this election will south korea says it will resume broadcasting propaganda messages on loudspeakers over it s heavily armed border with the north today. well, that s after north korea, once again started sending hundreds of balloons carrying trash to the south, the mood by the north comes days after south korean activists sent hundreds of thousands of leaflets condemning kim jong own over the border. well along with 5,000 usb sticks loaded with k-pop music and k-dramas well, say in as mike valeriia joins us now, live for, for more on this season. south korea, near the korean military zone demon demilitarized zone. micah, great to see you and it would appear the south koreans not deterred by all that trash that fell across the country right? and it was striking to see those images, which we ll get to in a couple of seconds. so if the latest balloons falling into the middle of seoul, i would say that the south korean government is not deterred from having some sort of a response here. it s going to be delicate, is what we re expecting, but there are so many people like farmers. we talked to you on thursday after your new nana, who want this back-and-forth to stop, they want things to go back to where they were like in 2018, for example, the last military agreement between north and south korea when both sides somewhat pulled back their military presence from the dmc. so in terms of why we re here and what we re waiting for, it s exactly what you described the top of our segment, we re waiting for new loudspeaker broadcasts from south korea to the other side pointed towards the north with propaganda announcements, but we ll be talked about propaganda announcements, these are loudspeaker broadcasts of k-pop music albums and also news reports of human rights abuses perpetrated by kim jong-un un s regime. again, pointed in the direction of the north in some instances, audible for about 20 kilometers. so to sound the message loud and clear. but what exactly precipitated this latest at heightening of tensions are the the photos that we have new this morning of at trash balloons reaching the soul area, the heart of soul, one balloon. there s an image floating in the middle of the hunt areas in the middle of this megalopolis. so south korea is saying, okay, well, now that you ve had this response we re going to go back to where we were in 2018 before the last military agreement, which since has been technically abandoned as a few as of a few two days ago. so we re here at the gateway unification bridge and poggio, south korea. this is one of the last spots ana, you can get where you can. travel to get to north korea before you are restricted from going any further. all of these cars have civilian permits to work in the restricted zone. so we re gonna be waiting to see what we can hear from these latest loudspeaker broadcasts. and we ll be back in the next hour with a checkup on that front like you enjoy that k-pop music macular the demilitarized zone. thank you well, us supreme court justice clarence thomas is finally acknowledging that two trips he and his wife took back in 2019 we paid for by republican megadonor harlan crow one trip to bali on crows private plane was the focus of reporting by pro propublica last year, there are about 20 years of lavish vacations funded by the billionaire until now, thomas had never previously disclosed the 2019 trips and didn t place a value on them either. our ira enten crunched the data and found that thomas has received many, many more gifts than others. supreme court justices look at this amount of gifts accepted by a supreme court justice clarence thomas, 103 gifts over the last 20 years amount greater than 2 million. now, you ll see there are other justices on that list too. of course, have received gift amounts. samuel alito, north of 100,000, 170,000 but the fact is the amount that clarence thomas, not just the number of gifts, but the amount of money that he has received. i think these numbers will do nothing to quell the idea that supreme court justices have to be much more transparent with the gifts that they ve received. perhaps have to step back from issuing or taking part in certain opinions. and more than that, we ll do nothing i think the quell the thoughts from a lot of liberals who think that clarence thomas should not be on the united states supreme court. now, of course, he s probably not going to listen to them, right? he hasn t listened to them all along. but these types of numbers are something that just puts the political pressure on the united states supreme court. and that low approval rating that we ve seen, that historic low approval rating from the american public. i think this super charges that and it s just something that i think a lot of folks wouldn t necessarily have expected, but a lot of watchdogs on the court s certainly did. and these numbers definitely bear that out israel as sha daring and deadly hostage rescue in gaza will, let s take some of the pressure off israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will ask an expert and have a report from jerusalem i hate seen in user russia. we re trying to spy on us. we were spying on them this is a secret war. secrets and spies tonight at ten on cnn it s hard to run a business on your own make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you have 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call today! montgomery and tokyo and this is cnn well four israeli hostages are now free after an israeli military raid on a refugee camp in gaza. the idea says the rescued hostages are in good medical condition, but were taken to hospital for medical examination israel says the right happened in civilian areas because that s where hamas was holding the hostages but the rescue mission appears to have had a deadly toll. hospital officials in gaza say at least 236 palestinians were killed. and more than 400 injured the idf says the number killed was less than 100. cnn cannot verify the numbers from either side cnn s paula hancocks has more on the risk rescue mission the first video, cool, in eight months friends of former hostage almog meir jan. welcome the 22-year-old homo his night, right the hi hallelujah child, get each other. yeah. yeah we re so happy to see me. john raised his hands in the air in celebration as he touched down on israeli soil. one of four hostages rescued in what was called a high risk complex mission saturday morning in nuiseirat, central gaza the idf says all four were taken captive by hamas militants at the nova music festival on october 7, where hundreds more were killed. noa argamani has become a symbol of israel s hostages being held in gaza, filmed on the back of a motorbike being taken into gaza by hamas militants from the first civil used and hamas propaganda videos while in captivity. today, she is free, hugging her father, waiting to visit her terminally ill mother in a separate i d hospital. andrey kozlov and shlomi ziv were working as security at the music festival when they too were taken hostage. all four were brought for medical checkups once back on home soil, or four are said to be stable and in good medical condition in this hospital just outside tel aviv now israel s military security agency and police say that this mission had been planned for weeks israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu given the green light on thursday this was a high risk complex mission based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight in two separate buildings. deep inside gaza israel s prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited the rescued hostages we re committed to getting the reuse of all the hostages. and we expect hamas do reach them all out if they don t, i ll do whatever it takes. we ll get them all back. the hostage and missing families forum says 120 more captives remaining gaza. the way to rescue them is with a ceasefire deal. that s not the way we can win 100 hostages back home. we must all of us together the word follow president biden speech. and go with the deep that the price paid in gaza for these rescues that has been unquestionably high more than 200 killed, more than 400 injured according to the enclave s government media office there is no clarity on the breakdown of civilian and military casualties and got bone on this man says, there are children torn apart and scattered in the streets. they wiped out nuseirat. it is hell on earth an endless cycle of dead and wounded rushed into al-aqsa martyrs hospital saturday a medical center already well over capacity and dangerously understaffed and under supplied it is a jarring view of two clashing impacts of one rescue mission. pull hancocks, cnn, tel aviv joining me now from london is gideon at levy column is for haaretz and israeli newspaper. he was also an advisor to former israeli prime minister shimon peres. great to see you get in the jubilation with within israel clearly shared by the prime minister who has been under a normal this pressure from all sides to secure the release of hostages does this rescue alleviate that pressure and perhaps by him some time no buys him only short time. israel is now in euphoria. but this euphoria will pass very quickly. i mean, it s so human soul nature so happy about really the release of four people getting united with their families. nobody can remain in indifferent. allow me just to remind our viewers that 230 palestinians at least hey, in their lives for this brave operation. and they shouldn t be forgotten. it s one thing to have the hostages released, but the price was almost unacceptable. in any case, in ateneo, israel will face the reality few days again because most of the programs were not solved. we are still stuck in gaza. we are most of the hostages are not released and the war goes on without having any clear goals. gideon, does this embolden netanyahu s government? will it make them less likely to come to some sort of deal where they would have to give concessions to hamas so far, i don t see them getting to again, i don t think they wanted deal because this government wants to continue the war in any price. and if this is the priority, then there is no deal this has nothing to do with the dramatic events of yesterday any guns might leave this government and still this government is quite solid and say i think that there s a lot of wishful thinking about this government to see them fall very, very soon. they might stay quiet as you say, the fallout of this rescue incredibly high. some would say too high. the idf claims that killed less than 100 gaza health officials say it s more than 200 dead and more than 400 wounded. i mean, i cannot imagine that this death toll, whatever it is collateral damage is some may see it for saving these, these four hostages will help any peace deal. us secretary of state antony blinken, he s flying to the region this week, you would have to assume he s meetings will be unsuccessful losses ford about it this does it really matter if it s 100 or 200 look at the scenes in the hospitals of gaza. lucky the scenes in the streets. it s horrifying by the way, i believe more to the palestinian figure because they know how many for this were brought there. i m not sure there are me these very aminos exactly how many they actually but any case this leads us only for another deadlock, not the de changed much. we will not close to the red for sure you mentioned piece pieces beyond horizons. now, nobody even mentioned species but a deal was quite far before this operation and is still very far after this ration, as long as the united states will not be decisive enough. and put some conditions to the aid of two israel as long as this continues to flow in an unconditioned way, israel is free to do whatever it wants gideon, despite the rescue of these for israelis protest is still took to the streets and we know that the families of some of those rescued hostages, they implored the prime minister to save the other hostages in gaza. do you see this, this pressure remaining, i mean, how, how is this going to play out as you say, this is this is momentary temporary. the relief and jubilation that israelis are feeling exactly and throughout the last month, those demonstrations were very impressive. and had very, very little influence. we have to face it my heart goes to all those demonstrators but they don t touch the core issue in the core issue is stopping the war the core issue must be stopping the war. it s not the case. they want to see that and you fall and they want to see the hostages being released. both are very important goals, but they don t call to stop the crimes, to stop the killing hearings, to stop the war. now, unfortunately, this camp of demonstrators is not the political base of this government and not the political base of netanyahu and therefore, from their point of view, this pressure is not a real pressure on them because they are much more concerned with their political base. and let s remember there is a majority of israelis who wants to see this. wo continue and there is a growing number, again, growing number of israelis who support netanyahu and his government so it will not be easy gideon, just before you go, benny gantz, the former defense minister, he appeared to have postponed his decision to quit the war cabinet, canceling his press conference at the very last minute after the news of the rescues what do you think he will do? and how will that affect the prime minister? and his government i might surprise you or not, but i think it s quite marginal and not important. benny gantz was in the government the last months and had very little influence if at all he justified joining this government by believing that he can moderate this government and have some influence you see what these government had done. you see the outcome in gaza. you see the killed you see everything. benny gantz wasn t there. he didn t have any influence and the fact that he might leave. now is not a very dramatic question because this government has still a solid, solid, the majority, as long as the right-wing us are salt leaving and it s always aiming everything to the right fingers, those extreme racist, nationalistic here, right wing partners and as long as de stay and they have no reason to leave, this government will continue, will benny gantz and also without him gideon lavy, we always appreciate hearing your perspective. thank you so much for joining us. thank you well, one tragic note to what is otherwise a joyous occasion in israel the father of one of those rescued hostages, almog meir jan died in his on saturday. that is according to israel s emergency services authorities found you ll see me unconscious when they went to notify him of his sons rescue and he was later declared dead in his home stay with cnn we ll be right back the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max why is no vihj perfect for allergies? people who have allergies will have lots of problems if someone s exposed to allergens, they can get rid of those immediately by washing out the notes have hush works by pulling saline in one nostril through the nose and out 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because they work in a place where they can grow where they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as that. they we build giant. because it takes to veterans go to de somehow in the northern hemisphere is still more than a week away, but things are already heating up. some cities in the southwest is saying temperatures above 38 degrees celsius, or 100 degrees it s fahrenheit. and there s not much relief in sight or cnn meteorologist, at elisa rafah has over the last couple of days, we just wrapped up some of the season s first and record earliest 110 degree temperatures for places like las vegas and phoenix. now that extreme heat is easing summit as we go into the weekend, were a little bit closer to average for those temperatures in palm springs, i want 102 degrees, about five degrees above average in las vegas. temperatures at 103 by tuesday, we re going to start to find those temperatures, get back up to that 110 degree mark from phoenix to las vegas and palm springs is some of that more extreme heat continues to build until then. again, we re on the warm side of things above average still in the 90s. and salt lake city triple-digits in las vegas, overnight lows still above average as well, not quite giving you too much relief where those overnight temperatures in the upper 70s and low 80s, just again, getting a little relief at night. now we do know that the summer season is warming since 1970 in las vegas, it has a 5.6 degree fever summer is literally hotter than it used to be. and what that looks like is more warm and above average days, we have 39 more d s that are warming above average since 1970 as the these and it s just more extreme and longer that heat starts earlier and last later as we go through the summer months. now on the overnight temperatures, we actually find some of the biggest fever s since 1970 overnight temperatures are nearly ten degrees hotter than they used to be on average. now that s bad news because we just don t get that relief at night after the extreme heat during the de it would be nice to cool off and get some of that relief so we can cure themselves from some of that heat sickness at night. but with trends like this, that s just not happening. and for a lot of cities across the us, the overnight temperatures are warming faster than the daytime temperatures two people remain hospitalized in florida after separate shark attacks, neighboring beaches. one incident lift a 45-year-old woman with significant injuries that caused her to lose part of her arm another attack kill a little later in involved two teenage girls cnn s rafael romo, has a story it happened in an area that is very popular with tourists especially in the summer water sound beach and secrets beach are located in an area between destine and panama city beach, florida officials are trying to determine the cause of the two separate shark attacks friday afternoon that happened the span of less than two hours and only about four miles apart, according to authorities are 45-year-old woman who was attacked just after 1:15 p.m. suffered significant trauma to her midsection and pelvic area, as well as the amputation of her left lower arm and then a 2:56 p.m. two girls between the ages of 15 and 17 teen were also attacked. the first victim suffered what officials described a significant injuries to one upper and one lower extremity, both requiring the application of turning gets the second victim has minor wounds to her right foot. walton county official said, what happened is both tragic and terrifying, but historically, shark attacks are exceeded eating the rare. they re highly unusual and it s extremely unusual for two to happen in the same afternoon when four miles of one another is the sheriff mentioned we re reaching out to to speak to subject matter experts as to what may what may be causing that what the golf temperatures, the steering current, whatever that is it is rare. it s exceedingly rare to have three victims in one day du walden county sheriff s office marine unit was monitoring the shoreline early on saturday deputy spotted a 14th food hammer head and santa rosa beach that morning from their boat. but they say this is not uncommon. officials said that before those two attacks on friday in walton county to last one in the area occurred in 2021 and 14-year-old boy was swimming near the fishing line 40 yards from the shore, and he survived. and then you would have to go back to 2005 when a 14-year-old girl was attacked on a boogie board 250 yards from the shore and died they re being bold under by the shark, while the risk of being bitten by a shark is extremely low, florida tops global charts for the number of shark bites according to the florida museum of natural history s annual shark attack report rafael romo, cnn atlanta spacebar off sad a lot to be revved up about this week. still ahead, one space docks with the international space station for the first time while another picks up samples from the part of the moon, we can never see were you stationed working or living at campbell as yoon between 1953 and 1987, if you he loved one have suffered from a severe illness, you may be eligible for a settlement offer ranging from 100,000 to $550,000 without a court filing morgan and morgan is already helping over 15,000 veterans and their families and the fight towards justice. for more information, call the number on your screen or visit www. dot capital is you when i can sue or cellular, we pride ourselves on giving you fast reliable, nationwide coverage and up to half the cause, the leading carriers, but don t worry we ve got more than that going for us. you name it. we probably got it. we have the top smartphones from all the major companies. and new customers who buy any phone get two months of service free when you sign up by july 31st, call 1888 f frec dom or visit consumers to switch today she knows what she s talking about. pick up the phone pain means pause 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space flight for the boeing starliner successfully docked at the iss on thursday and is now part of a shortlist of u.s. spacecraft like mercury, gemini, apollo, the space shuttle, and the space x dragon to successfully carry nasa astronauts into space. the mission had its glitches. there were helium leaks and a temporary loss of thrusters, which delayed its arrival to the iss clock stopped at p minus three minutes, 50 seconds, and two previously planned launches we re scrubbed. nasa says it was historic deck. i m really looking forward to seeing two u.s vehicles at the international space station. i know butch and suni, you ll probably get a kick out of that if they get a chance to look out the windows and cia a dragon there, cia starliner there. it s something that i think all of us it should be proud of spacex starship also reaching new heights. its fourth test flight was a thrilling success for the first time completing its journey from liftoff splashdown spacex says the uncrewed two-stage rocket system achieved several milestones and gathered critical data needed for the ultimate goal of returning asteroid knox to the moon. and nasa is planned artemis missions and that s generating a lot of excitement from people following its progress. or i can feel it vibrating my clothing, which i wasn t expecting i don t have any pointer reference are allowed. it was going to be sounds really exciting, but it wasn t exciting time for china to its uncrewed total is six lunar probe, which landed on the far side of the moon about a week ago, successfully transferred samples from the lunar surface into the lunar orbit. last week, from there, they will travel back to earth s later this month hopefully providing new insight into uncharted territory at a time when technological gains are being achieved to better explore it when for space exploration all around sienna thank you so much for joining us. amount of current in hong kong and we ll be back shortly with more seen in 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Tension , Look , Demilitarized-zone , Trash-talk , North-and-south-korea , Andropov-can-act , Archer , Schedule-andropov , Airplane , Aviation , Aircraft , Air-travel


Afford on the weekends because she couldn t afford to on the weekends because she couldn t afford to turn on the weekends because she couldn t afford to turn her on the weekends because she couldn t afford to turn her off on the weekends because she couldn t afford to turn her off and on the weekends because she couldn t afford to turn her off and on. - on the weekends because she couldn t afford to turn her off and on. what - afford to turn her off and on. what they are afford to turn her off and on. what they are using afford to turn her off and on. what they are using those afford to turn her off and on. what they are using those back - afford to turn her off and on. what they are using those back stories i they are using those back stories to do is they are using those back stories to do is to they are using those back stories to do is to show they are using those back stories to do is to show empathy. they are using those back stories to do is to show empathy. i they are using those back stories to do is to show empathy. i don t - they are using those back stories to| do is to show empathy. i don t know how weti do is to show empathy. i don t know how well it do is to show empathy. i don t know how well it came do is to show empathy. i don t know how well it came across, do is to show empathy. i don t know how well it came across, if - do is to show empathy. i don t know how well it came across, if i m - how well it came across, if i m hohest~ how well it came across, if i m hohest~ that how well it came across, if i m honest. that is how well it came across, if i m honest. that is clearly- how well it came across, if i m honest. that is clearly an - how well it came across, if i m . honest. that is clearly an attempt to do honest. that is clearly an attempt to do it honest. that is clearly an attempt to do it i honest. that is clearly an attempt to do it icah honest. that is clearly an attempt to do it. i can relate honest. that is clearly an attempt to do it. i can relate as honest. that is clearly an attempt to do it. i can relate as much- honest. that is clearly an attempt to do it. i can relate as much as l to do it. i can relate as much as the other to do it. i can relate as much as the other guy to do it. i can relate as much as the other guy 0f to do it. i can relate as much as the other guy. of course, - to do it. i can relate as much as the other guy. of course, the l the other guy. of course, the particular the other guy. of course, the particular issue the other guy. of course, the particular issue i the other guy. of course, the particular issue i would - the other guy. of course, the particular issue i would say . the other guy. of course, thei particular issue i would say for rishi particular issue i would say for rishi sunak particular issue i would say for rishi sunak because particular issue i would say for rishi sunak because it s - particular issue i would say for rishi sunak because it s an- particular issue i would say for. rishi sunak because it s an attack line from rishi sunak because it s an attack line from labour rishi sunak because it s an attack line from labour against - rishi sunak because it s an attack line from labour against him, - rishi sunak because it s an attack line from labour against him, hei line from labour against him, he doesn t line from labour against him, he doesn t get line from labour against him, he doesn t get it line from labour against him, he doesn t get it. that s line from labour against him, he doesn t get it. that s why - line from labour against him, he doesn t get it. that s why you i line from labour against him, he . doesn t get it. that s why you heard from doesn t get it. that s why you heard from rishi doesn t get it. that s why you heard from rishi sunak doesn t get it. that s why you heard from rishi sunak when doesn t get it. that s why you heard from rishi sunak when he doesn t get it. that s why you heard i from rishi sunak when he references his past from rishi sunak when he references his past irr from rishi sunak when he references his past in that from rishi sunak when he references his past in that capacity from rishi sunak when he references his past in that capacity tonight, - his past in that capacity tonight, in attempt his past in that capacity tonight, in attempt to his past in that capacity tonight, in attempt to neutralise - his past in that capacity tonight, in attempt to neutralise that. i in attempt to neutralise that. whether in attempt to neutralise that. whether they in attempt to neutralise that. whether they get in attempt to neutralise that. whether they get it, - in attempt to neutralise that. whether they get it, who - in attempt to neutralise that. - whether they get it, who knows? iiusit whether they get it, who knows? just auoin whether they get it, who knows? going into the mix, as with opinion bolts. going into the mix, as with opinion bolts. you going into the mix, as with opinion polls. you a going into the mix, as with opinion polls, you a pinch of salt but you -ot polls, you a pinch of salt but you got the polls, you a pinch of salt but you got the polling company putting out some got the polling company putting out some snap polling from people who watching some snap polling from people who watching the debate and crucially about watching the debate and crucially about reformed uk and the nervousness on the conservative side about nervousness on the conservative side about what s happening to their broad about what s happening to their

It , Attempt , Stories , Show , Do , She , On , She-couldn-t , Honest , Hohest , Empathy , Breaking-point