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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Studio B With Shepard Smith 20130822

die today. first from fox at 3:00 in new york city, the case of the ex-nfl star and currents murder suspect aaron hernandez took a big step forward when a grand jury indicted him on several counts including murder in the first degree. prosecutors say he shot his friend not far from his million dollar mansion. remember, jogger found the body of odin lloyd. another friend told prosecutors he heard hernandez admit he pulled the trigger. and footage shows hernandez holding a gun. this particular shooting may be just one of his now mounting worries. mollie line is live outside the courthouse in attleborough, massachusetts. reporter: aaron hernandez entered court today before a packed house full of journalists, also with the family members of the man that he s allegedly accused of killing odin lloyd after the prosecution announced the price told county grand jury came down with this multicount indictment. the defense raised a number of concerns keeg in on two issue, motions related to serious prosecutorial misconduct and status of a gag order put in place by the initial judge. odin family members have a strong showing in court. they were wearing ppis saying legends never die rest easy big o with his bitter date being this year. the arraignment date for this indictment that was happeneded down as yet to be officially set. the lawyers will conference and they are still working on that. what s the defense saying here? reporter: well, the defense did come out. they made a statement following this. the attorney for aaron hernandez speaking very briefly saying they were disappointed with the way things went in court. they were hoping to hear more about evidence. things are moving in a direct now with this indictment coming down. they say aaron is presumed innocent and we re one step closer to a trial where the evidence will be tested. they believe the commonwealth has the evidence they need to carry a burden of proof in this case and their client aaron hernandez is doing as best as can be expected and holding up and committed to clearing his name. mollie, thanks very much. they are claiming it s circumstantial evidence and of course the truth is circumstantial evidence is just fine. especially if it piles up the way it has in this case. the problem is there s no direct evidence. they haven t found the gun. they dredge ad lake out there near attleborough. they have enough circumstantial evidence that the judge commented on it. this isn t over for him obviously. this will continue. another grand jury meeting right now. grand juries are secret. one is going on with regard to the 2012 slaying in boston which may have led to this murder. the belief is lloyd was speaking to some people who may have had information about t2012 murder which made hernandez mad. defense attorneys seem confident. they are acting confident but that s part of their role here. them saying it s circumstantial he, if you have enough circumstantial evidence it s definitely enough to indict and overcome the burden of proof here. you wonder if they aren t trying to get somebody to flip. absolutely. cousyou coulcousin was indicted was afraid to testify at the grand jury. there are a lot of people involved in this, shepard. the fiancee will have more investigation after her because maybe she helped to get rid of the gun. a lot of people can be involved and a lot of people afraid of him. anybody following this closely the security system inside his house, he gets back and we re led to believe he s seen holding a gun after the shooting and then all the video goes dark and i don t know like somebody shut it all off. it seems pretty clear that s what happened. somebody destroyed the video in the home surveillance. before then there was a video of her greeting them when they came home. there were three of them along at the time and if you were able as prosecutors to get one of them to give anything that s what happened. ortiz who has not been indicted, in your piece you said that somebody said that hernandez pulled the trigger. ortiz said wallace told him that hernandez pulled the trigger. they will claim on the defense side he s a drug user and doesn t have a lot of credibility. those things are true except, you know, he could be a powerful voice in court because he was there. take all of that with the evidence that we do have, the circumstantial evidence. the timeline they have with that home surveillance they are going to be able to create a timeline for this jury that s pretty hard to contravene. egypt s former dictator, hosni mubarak the man accused of murdering his own people have been let out of prison. he s not entirely free. according to egyptian media this helicopter transported to hosni mubarak to a hospital in cairo under what s called house arrest. we don t know what that means. yesterday a court ordered his arrest as he awaits retrial. more than two years later there is still bloodshed in the streets. more than 900 people reported dead in little more than a week after the military cleared out two protest camps and supporters of the deposed president, mohamed morsi the one duly elected president he s from the muslim brotherhood his supporters fought back. now with mubarek out from behind bars the violence they tell us may be far from over. muslim brotherhood leaders have called for more demonstration, the day they are calling friday of martyrs. reporter: that friday of martyrs is to honor those who have been killed over the past ten days of violence. as of late the muslim brotherhood has had a very hard time mobilizing people out on the street. one of the reasons is that a number of their top leadership has been arrested, ironically held in the very same prison that mubarek left from today. his helicopter took off just about 10:00 a.m. local time headed to a military hospital where he s under guard. he is out on bond pending retrial and he was convicted of ordering the killing of his own people back in 2011. he appealed his conviction. that was thrown out. that retrial could come as early as sometime next week. the military hunta that runs egypt is taking a big gamble by letting mubarek out of jail. so far it s paying off. there s no mass protest or anger on the streets. there s a lot of people who supported mubarek all along. said over 30 years as a dictator he did a lot of bad things but kept the country safe. made it a u.s. ally and having a close relationship with israel. so far there are two groups planning protests against mubarek. the muslim brotherhood has a protest tomorrow. 15 hours from now noon prayers end and that s what we should get an idea what egypt will look like once mubarek is out of jail. big troubles in wall street in the digital streetless world that s nasdaq. it s due to come back online this hour. it grounded to a halt in the afternoon. couple of hours or more ago. no buy, no selling and what traders are calling the great flash freeze. no trading on the nasdaq. ahead what this means for our 401(k)s. president obama is back on the campaign bus pushing his plans for the economy and how to teal with rising college costs. we ll take you aboard the bus for details and republican reaction. that s coming up on this thursday at studio b. my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as uneected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and meditions. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarg or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about e only underarm low t treatment, axiron. his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when. [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the all-day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what s the catch? there s no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve. and now there s a new way to do the same for your dog. introducing new purina dog chow light & healthy. it s a no-sacrifices, calorie-light way to help keep him trim. .with a deliciously tender and crunchy kibble blend he ll love. .and 20% fewer calories than dog chow. discover the lighter side of strong. new purina dog chow light & healthy. stocks holding steady on the notion. they are frozen because they tell us there was a technical glitch that stopped trading. quite a while ago. happened just after noon here on the east coast and word is the exchange will be back online by the bottom of the hour. so in about 18 minutes from now. not the first glitch in recent history or memory. it s once again raising questions about the dangers of the long trading and just how safe our money really is. let s get to the fox business network. looks quiet in the newsroom and quiet on the nasdaq. reporter: quiet and we re working the phones shortly after noon eastern, the nasdaq came to a standstill after nasdaq found a problem with the system used to distribute stock quotes to human investors exact cause of the problem is still not immediately clear. the flash freeze lasted until about 2:45 eastern when partial trade regular resumed. full trade is to start at 3:25. more than the two hour outage, $5.7 trillion was stopped up. for long term investors who have 401(k)s and mutual funds there s little to worry about. the market has come to expect glitches like these, trading networks have become more and more interconnected. but if you re buying or selling today and taking out a lot of money this could be an issue. technical problems have frequently occurred in recent years, facebook s ipo on the nasdaq was marred with technical glitches. the flash crash of 2010 caused the dow to lose 1,000 points. thank you, ma am. more americans filed for unemployment benefits last week with the latest figures show not all bad news. the labor department reports jobless claims went up by 13,000 last week. but the average over the past four weeks is down for the sixth straight time. and at its lowest point since november of 2007 just before the great recession began. economists consider the four week average more reliable than weekly numbers because it smooths out all the inconsistencies. president obama is talking up his plan important the economy today, launching a two day bus tour with a focus on rising college costs. our ed henry is traveling with the president. he s live on the bus somewhere around syracuse and bury with the digit breakup. the president saying he wants to shake up the system? reporter: that s right. he wants to put in a new ranking system for colleges and universities. he hopes it will drive down costs. we re rolling literally right now towards syracuse, the president s second stop. he ll be at a high school talking about this. more broadly what he s trying to do is revive his base a bit, the young people that helped elect him twice and restart his second term agenda which is stalled right now. he needs these young people to sign up for those health insurance exchanges that get going, they ve sign up by october 1st and there s new gallup poll that s got some bad news saying those young people are the least familiar with the new health law only 10% of 18 to 34-year-olds saying they are familiar. 34-54 and 18% of 55-year-olds and plus saying they are very familiar. he needs to get them educated in,000 sign up. the president talked a little bit about health care in the case of beating up on republicans he alleges they want to shut down the government over his new law. take a listen. we ve seen a faction of republicans in congress suggest that maybe america shouldn t pay its bills that have already been run up, that we should shut down government if they can t shut down obama care. you know, that won t grow our economy. reporter: a reminder once the president gets back to washington in addition to those international crisis there s some big budget battles looming. what are we getting from republicans on this, ed? reporter: well, what he specifically, the president talked about on higher education was that ranking system i mentioned for colleges and universities. tie federal financial aid payments to these colleges based on whether they lower tuition costs and other performance measures. republican john klein of minnesota he chairs the house education committee said there were some good parts of this speech but went on the say i remain concerned that imposing an arbitrary college ranking system could cure until the very innovation we hope to encourage, and even lead to federal price control. he almost made it. blurry guy now frozen much like the nasdaq. you never looked so good, ed. that face you got to work on that. nice to see you pal or some of you. anyway the accused fort hoodsho like his defense, nothing. moments ago the jurors got the case. a live report coming up. jury deliberations began in the trial of the accused gunman in the fort hood massacre. nidal hasan gave up what may have been his final opportunity defend himself telling the judge he will not make a closing statement. major hasan has been acting as his attorney. yesterday he rested his case without calling any witnesses or testifying on his own behalf. lawyers on stand by to help the army psychiatrist claims he s seeking the death penalty an accusation that he denies. records show mental health staffers were told exactly that by major hasan. he s accused of killing 13 people and bounding more than 30 others in the texas army post back in 2009 p.m. major hasan has remained mostly silent during the trial. in his opening statement he said the evidence would show he switched sides. i mentioned the deliberations began. do we know anything more than that? reporter: no other than they just started. they got to work at about 1:45 p.m. texas time, 2:45. many people believe this is an open and shut case. they go through all the charges. there s 45 total. a little confusing but hasan charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder. and then 32 counts of attempted predemeditated murder. both sides agreed to the less near clueded offense, unpremeditated murder, attempted unpremeditated murder and two variations of aggravated assault. these lesser included offensives under the premeditated murder umbrella we should point out a unanimous decision by the 13 member package is not required for a guilty verdict in a court martial rather a two-thirds majority, in other words, shepard, nine of the 13 panel members. what did the prosecution cover in its closing? reporter: it lasted about an hour and a half. they kept reiterating out of the more than 700 pieces of evidence they introduced in the last three weeks and nearly 90 witnesses or so that this showed a very well thought out and a very well calculated attack. they played several videos, again, inside that courtroom today including a dash cam video from one of the responding police officers who shot the gunman. and then an fbi video, shot by a special agent of the crime scene. and the clip is extremely graphic. it shows the bodies of soldiers covered in blood, lying dead on the floor, some tears were absolutely shed in the courtroom today, shepard, by some of the family members who were present just a terrible thing for them to see. so, we wait now. the waiting begins at the courthouse there. thanks. jeffrey king with us now, former judge advocate general or jag and current criminal military defense attorney. nice to see you. a lot to go through here i suppose but it seems if there is a case that might be kind of open and shut many level analysts say this is it. right. i mean, normally a case that lasts this long like 11 or 12 days of evidence, all government evidence, you would expect the jury to go back and deliberate for days at a time. but in a case like this where virtually really absolutely none of the government evidence, as i understand it was challenged by the defense. so they really have nothing to discuss as far as what the government is saying and what the defense is saying here. they just have to go down each element of each offense and see if the government reached its burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. what happens next for major hasan if we get a verdict today? if they reach a guilty verdict, my one caveat to what the reporter said as far as the two-thirds finding for a fining of guilty, if they are going for the death penalty here it s required it be a unanimous fi finding of guilty. once there s a finding of guilty the judge will set the sentencing portion of the case which typically in military cases it would start right after the finding of guilt and some instructions are read to the jury. so there s going to be a sentencing portion of this case and what that tells us is that the drama and the emotion of this case is far from over because what happens then is the government puts on evidence on aggravation, they will call witnesses, these same witnesses that testified on the merits to talk about the victim impact, how this affected them emotionally, physically, financially. and then the defense has the opportunity then to put on evidence, what s called evidence in mitigation and sort of explaining, you know, why he did what he did and i guess we re all going wait and see what he says for that. explaining why he shouldn t die. in this case if we re to believe the army psychiatrist and his stand by attorneys he may want to. that s troublesome. it is. it s real troublesome for the military judge. and the appellate court that will review this case because if we know that military personnel cannot plead guilty, they can t say i did it and can t ask for the death penalty. they don t allow him to plead guilty. he pled not guilty but then fell on his sword away and said i did it i m the shooter. this entire time he s been agreeing with the prosecution. so the judge will have her hands full. i do not envy her. i don t think anybody does. jeffrey king from dallas. thanks very much. thank you, shepard. the u.s. soldier who pleaded guilty to murdering 16 villagers in afghanistan last year, apologized today and added sorry isn t good enough. he s staff sergeant robert bales pleaded guilty back in june as part of a deal to avoid the death penalty. today during his sentencing hearing the staff sergeant called those shootings an act of cowardice and said he was operating behind a mask of fear. he faces life in prison and now a jury is deciding whether he deserves any chance of parole. the state department just announced it still cannot determine whether the syrian regime launched a deadly chemical attack on its own people this time. they already determined that they did it last time back in june, which was, of course, a crossing of a red line which would bring about big consequences which in this case was the expansion of our aid. now from inside syria there are new claims of more attacks. bradley manning sentenced to prison for leak of classified. he wants to be known as chelsea manning. he claims he s a woman and plans to live as woman while he lives in prison. the details from the lawyer coming up as we approach the bottom of the hour and the top of the news. i am today by luck. i put in the hours and built a strong reputation in the industry. i set goals and worked hard to meet them. i ve made my success happen. so when it comes to my investments, i m supposed to just hand it over to a broker and back away? 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[ female announcer ] call an allstate agent and get a quote now. some dramatic courtroom testimony from one of the teenagers charged with shooting and killing a baby in georgia as that baby s mother pushed him in a stroller. the 15-year-old star witness said he and demarcus barely knew each other. they were both walking down the street when elkins tried to rob the mother. elkins threatened the baby. gave a countdown for the mother to hand over her purse. elkins again demand the purse and finally pointed the gun at the mother and the child. where was he pointed at? at the baby. where was the baby at this point? in the stroller here. did you hear a third shot? yes, ma am. what happened after that. i took off running. prosecutors say elkins shot the baby in the head, a single bullet between the eyes. john roberts is covering the proceedings in marietta this afternoon and today s testimony left the defense scrambling? reporter: left the defense scrambling. in response they are doing pretty. dominic lang s testimony was devastating to the defendant. defense is trying to blow holes. lang admitted he lied to investigators at least 15 times in interviews immediately following the murder. would you agree that right before you say i m telling the truth, sir, i m not fixing to lie to you, the investigator tells you this is your last opportunity to tell me the exact truth? that s another example of where you lied during this interview. reporter: the defense is trying to portray lang as a young man who tells nothing but lies. he said at the end i lied, i lied and hoping the jury won t believe a thing he said. the defense suggesting there are other suspects. who? reporter: they are directly pointing to dominic lang s third you could sirngs a fellow named joe lang. he was with the suspect immediately after the killing of the baby and he changed previous testimony that he gave about where he was prior to that murder, even suggesting that court testimony was incorrect. and he was openly contemptuous, diminishinging at the prosecutor. is this amusing mr. lang. will you continue? not until you answer the question, mr. lang. yes or no? no. why did you smile. you re a funny dude. so it is amusing then, mr. lang. you re amusing. the defense today told the court they believe joe lang should be a suspect in this murder and took the opportunity to point out that joe lang as mother is in prison for murder. john roberts at the courthouse in marietta. one day after syrian rebels claim the president bashir al assad s regime launched a deadly chemical weapons attack there s word that the military is bombing the same area. amateur video shows syrian rebels firing on a rebel held be neighborhood east of the capital stiff damascus. we can t confirm this or confirm the death toll from yesterday s purported gas attacks. there are quivering people and dying people. no blood. no wounds. yet they are dying. experts say classic chemical weapons attack or looks like it. again we can t confirm. some news agencies now say 100 the dead. more than 1,000 wounded. one activist told reuters agency we re being exterminated. bashir al assad s people deny the allegations. the chief fox correspondent jonathan hunt is with us. they can t be sure. they are waiting for the united nations to get in there. the united nations put out the weakest statement possible for the united nations yesterday. it s doing nothing. reporter: united nations officials say they are doing everything they can which amounts at the moment to very little because they cannot get to the area of yesterday s attack without the help of the syrian government. u.s. officials meantime say that simply has to be a detailed investigation. president obama has directed the intelligence community to look at the pictures that came out of the attack yesterday where we saw what appeared to be the bodies of young children and others with, as you said, no signs of physical trauma. all of this according to state department spokeswoman has to be thoroughly investigated first. listen. we re unable to conclusively determine the use but we re focused every minute of every day since these events happened yesterday on doing everything possible within our power to nail down the facts. reporter: she also pointed out that the red line president obama has previously talked about has already been crossed and she said if it has been crossed again as the administration eventually determined then there are various options for further action. confident there are various options. the french steam think that the time has come. reporter: the french leading the charge internationally on this. remember it was the french who actually led the nato action in libya more than two years ago. french foreign minister saying today and i quote here, we need a reaction by the international community, a reaction of force. i spoke to a noted middle east expert from the university of south carolina about this today. he said that assad may be desperate trying to create a new balance of fear with the rebels by what he called the indiscriminate news of gas and chemical weapons. he said the only way that will change is from a strong american reaction but it seems we ll be waiting some time for that. have to wait for the u.n. to get in there and decide if this happened and if the red line was crossed. of course, the red line was already crossed. the president said if the red line was crossed there would be serious consequences. that statement was reiterated yesterday and said there have been serious consequences. we have increased our aid. 100,000 dead people. now what appears to be a chemical weapons attack or a c.w. use. with us from d.c. is a fox news contributor, author of the book the coming revolution, struggle for freedom in the middle east. one activist said today we re being exterminated and unless the video is some sort of widely trumped up piece of nothing, which we do not believe, that s the truth. they are being exterminated. look, the opposition of syria is under a greater threat. that s the potential use of chemical weapons. we ve seen in the past year and a half instances of use, we didn t determine what it was. today with the incident of the footage and reports and soon to be even with individuals who will be able to go to jordan and other place, this will be determined as a large scale attack using chemical weapons. what we don t know is the chain of command, what unit, who gave the order. i think this is the most important matter of the demonstration to determine legally this was indeed an attack not an incident or an accident. we do know 100,000 people are dead over there or more. the whole world knows it. you just wonder what this is doing to our credibility. we re talking about a government which suddenly does not know the definition of the word coup. which suddenly says if you cross this red line, if you use c.w.s, if you use chemical weapons and we determine they did there will be serious consequences and we have done nothing, nothing, after we told them if you do this the lesson we learned with our children very simple. tell them you can t do it you have to not let them do it or they will do it you re absolutely right. the problem is much bigger. what should we have done. we were there. we were in iraq in 2011 along the borders with syria. we had all the equipment, all we needed to do with the turkeys, with the jordanians. we failed in 2011. we were busy with elections in 2012 and now in 2013, 100,000 people have died. the price now to engage is much higher than two or three years ago. i was watching on an international channel today where the syrians are flooding across the border into iraq for safety. and they set up these tent cities, tens of thousands of people living in the sand and in tents. they are worried about disease and the winter coming. crisis of unimaginable proportions is upon us. 100,000 plus people are dead and no one has any solutions and that man keeps murdering his own people. it s hard to believe we ve gotten to this place. it s very difficult to believe knowing that no current mechanism short of a real action led by the united states not by new zealand at this point in time can do any difference. now the problem we have hezbollah fighting in sir area iranian units fighting with the syrian regime. we have some help coming from iraq. now the price is much higher because if we engage against mr. assad we ll be fighting against four regimes and this is something the administration has not planned for. the leading voice is from france. thank you very much. thank you. now here s a crazy story. a man had been dead, according to the hospital for 45 minutes. detective towards gave up trying to revive him. but just as his son told him, it s not time for you to die yet, dad. his heart came back. what doctors say about the man who came back from the dead. kind of. hang on. too big. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso s new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection. new creamy alfredo soup. (vo) purina cat chow. 50 years of feeding great relationship bradley manning the man behind the biggest leak of chafd information says inside he s a woman and wants to look like one outside. that word came just one day after a judge sentenced bradley manning to 35 years in prison. bradley manning made the announcement in a statement today on nbc today show. he sign chelsea manning. that s the name he would like to use from now on. during his trial an army psychologist said bradley manning struggled with his gender identity. they released this picture of him in a wig. he said he hopes officials accommodate manning s request for a hormone treatment. the military does not provide the treatment and does not provide sex reassignment surgery. rescue crews say dozens of people are hurt after a tour bus flipped over near los angeles. look at this. this is along the 210 freeway in southern california. the bus wound on its side between the freeway and some train tracks. at least 50 people reported hurt. emergency workers airlifted some of them to nearby hospitals. a remarkable story now involving the father who reportedly came back to life after his son ran to his bedside at the hospital and said quote, dad, you re not going to die today. the family said it started early this month when the wife woke up and realized tony s breathing wasn t right. emergency crews brought him to the hospital where the family said his heart stopped for 45 minutes. but when the son learned his father of dead he ran down the hall and refused to let his father go. tony and his wife melissa join us now live. good to see you both. thank you. hello. how are you. never spoke to anyone who has been dead for 45 minutes. nice to talk to you. what was that like honestly i don t have any memory of it. i fell asleep sunday night and i don t remember until i woke up in the hospital five days later. my understanding the doctors were able to keep your blood flowing by aretificial means bu then they gave up on you. yeah. they gave up. they went to my family and declared me dead and everything was unhooked for me except for the heart monitor and the nurse that was working on me actually said for some reason she felt she should leave the heart monitor on. i don t know how are you son got back down the hall so quick. what happened with your son as the story goes? actually he met a little resistance going down the hall. that s what he said. you re not going to keep me from seeing my dying dad. they let him back there. he was back there and the pastor of our church was back there. he s the one that said, you re not dying today, dad. he stood there for a moment two and started to walk out and my pastor saw the heart monitor start moving. melissa, it s unthinkable that you would hear from doctors, your spouse is dead. i can t even imagine. and then minutes later, this other revelation, i must have been just man, other wordily or something. how do you describe it? it was very devastating in that room when they pronounced him gone. but there were so many people praying, including my son, myself, multiple pastors from multiple faiths and churches came and when my son went back in that room he was not dead, it was because god had laid it on his heart to speak to his father that he was not dead. our pastor was praying and, you know, god answered our prayer. that s the only explanation. well, you got another chance. good luck, make the best of it and god bless. thank you both for coming here and tell that son hello for us, all right? we will. thank you. all right. pretty cool, right? kanye west, he s at the wrong end a lawsuit after a dustup with a photographer. come on now, kanye. let s see what happened. we ll get the legal breakdown in just a second. it works, simple as that. it s a natural source of fiber and five essential vitamins. it s the smart choice for me. stay fit on the inside with sunsweet s amazing juices. seven minutes to cavuto. kanye west gets in trouble with a photog. it happened last month at los angeles international airport. photog claims kanye assaulted him, so he s all i had done was ask him a question. i was terrified when cankanye started coming at me. i backed up because i felt from the look in his eyes, that he was going to attack me. and there was gloria at your side. he claim there s kardashian put him in crutches and that he has to walk with a cane now. no word on a lawsuit from kanye, the famous father of northwest it s important to know the l.a. county district attorney s office declined to file charges against him and referred the issue to the city. with us now, monica lindstrom. i don t know where to begin here. you know, seeing him there, tearfully reading the paper with gloria allred dutifully at his side, really almost made me cry crocodile tears. the poor photographer. it was so overly dramatic, it was ridiculous. if he truly is a paparazzo, this should not have been a surprise to him at all. i can see kanye push this as far as he can to make a statement. s you know, the legislation is being created and is out there to protect the celebrities from paparazzi and instances such as this and that legislation would be good to protect both sides of the coin here. so i could definitely see kanye pushing it further. probably not a really strong case, the county attorney s office or district attorney s office didn t go forward with it but there s probably enough there that he may be able to get money from kanye. we saw what happened. that was it. that was it. that s all of it. i don t know what kanye could have done in that moment. i felt threatened. to make him walk with a cane and on crutches but an assault can be simply scaring somebody, not actually touching them. this seems overdramatic. a little bit ridiculous. how about gloria allred. she picks some great cases, interesting cases. she s always there in the spotlight and she s a smart lady. all true stories. all right. thank you. thank you. cavuto, next. [ male announcer ] this is claira. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her, she s agreed to give it up. that s today? [ male announcer ] we ll be with her all day to see how it goes. [ claira ] after the deliveries, i was okay. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. more pills? seriously? seriously. [ groans ] all these stops to take more pills can be a pain. can i get my aleve back? for my pain, i want my aleve. [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. [ female announcer ] when your swapportunity comes, take it. what? what? what? [ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so good. what? what? you need a girls weekend and you need it now. ladies, let s goo vegas. cute! waiter! girls weekend here! priceline savings without the bidding. putting a button on it in studio b for today. they have about 25 seconds left on wall street. the dow is up 70 points or so. the nasdaq had a technical glitch today and shut down trading for two hours or better. it all got back up and running, it s my understanding, half past the hour. right now, according to my handy dandy phone, the nasdaq is up at 39 points. so things could be worse. you could be mr. kardashian. one of the largest stock exchanges in the world knocked for a loop. investors left in a multitrillion dollar trading twilight zone, all frozen all frozen out and even now, everyone still trying to figure out what happened? and why does stuff like this keep happening? a glitch, technical difficulties. and now, the exchange flat lining just after noon, 12:14 to

New-york , United-states , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , Texas , Iran , Afghanistan , Boston , Massachusetts , Minnesota , California

Maricopa County asks court to sanction Lake, Finchem over election suit

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is asking a court to sanction Kari Lake, Mark Finchem and their lawyers for filing an election lawsuit they say is frivolous.

Phoenix , Arizona , United-states , Maricopa-county , Mark-finchem , Monica-lindstrom , Us-district-court , Maricopa-county-board , Kari-lake , Phoenix-and-arizona-breaking-news-headlines-home , Ome

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20190815:04:24:00

Girlfriend and alleged predator and supplier of girls, ghislaine maxwell. monica lindstrom is a former prosecutor and defense attorney, and she joins us now. first of all, on the criminal business, monica, do you think any of these any potential criminal cases against ghislaine maxwell or anybody else are actually going to go anywhere, or is that just all going to fade away now? i think with law enforcement being so zeroed in and focused on this epstein investigation, that it s very possible that criminal charges could come out against the coconspirators and others involved. there has been talk about the 2007 plea agreement that epstein signed that allegedly, basically gave immunity to his coconspirators. that plea agreement has a lot of issues, and it might end up getting thrown out, so that might be the only hurdle that

Prosecutor , Girlfriend , Monica-lindstrom , Girls , Supplier , Predator , Defense-attorney , Ghislaine-maxwell , Al-l , Cases , Anybody , Us

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20130823:15:36:00

Two west memphis police officers during a routine traffic stop. the other one were in the ditch. these guys shot a police officer. jon: monica lindstrom, is a criminal defense attorney. fred tecce, a former federal prosecutor. talk about the case. the las vegas case in particular. it almost sounds like a comedy until you see that footage from memphis, for instance. that s awful. it extremely sad. not even close to being a comedy. this is so incredibly sad. the first thing i would do is look at these two s competency and where they re coming from. we might think it is all good because they had an elaborate plan for a long time. something has to be broken inside their head when we look at something like this. jon: are we looking potential of insanity defense, fred. no they have a better chance to go to the moon. bottom line, these are knuckleheads. don t like plan to can kill

Jon-scott , One , The-good-guys , Police-officers , Police-officer , Traffic-stop , Ditch , West-memphis , Monica-lindstrom , Two , Trayvon-martin-case , Instance