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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20160130

political impact of all this. first the story itself and our jim sciutto who joins us. there were just 1,000 or so e-mails released. it s the 22 e-mails the government won t release that are causing the biggest stir. seven e-mail chains. 37 total pages of e-mails which the state department says were upgraded to the top-secret level at the recommendation of the intelligence community. keep in mind we ve talked about classified information in e-mails before, this is the first time where we ve had that highest level of classification top secret involved. and that s what led the state department to refuse to release them tonight. hillary clinton is careful to say she never e-mailed material marked classified. the fact they weren t marked classified when she received or sent them, that doesn t necessarily absolve her of any responsibility, does it? the state department noted they were not marked as top secret at the time but two open questions. one, the state department looking into whether the information, even if it was not marked as classified, was classified information at the time that it was sent as opposed to retroactively. that s important. if you heard from clinton s surrogate. the intelligence community, they re always retroactive ly certifying stuff. it s something the state department is examining right now. but beyond that, even if it s not marked, the state department says employees officials have a positive obligation to protect that information, to look out for it. for instance, if you e-mailed me something, anderson it was not marked as classified, but i knew i recognize some classified information in it. it would be on me, my responsibility, to identify it as such and to take action. state department says that san obligation of state department employees. lastly, what is next for clinton and the e-mails. what s the timeline? is this going to continue all the way to election day or beyond? it s possible. tonight was supposed to be the night. tonight was the deadline to release all these e-mails. that isn t going to happen because several of them cannot be because of the top secret classification. that s one thing. you ll have more e-mails down the line. two, you have an ongoing state department investigation to answer that question we talked about earlier. was the information classified when it was sent, even if it was not marked as such. the big question is what does the fbi do? it may still recommend indictment for this. it s not certain. but that still is an open question out there. and you can imagine the political ramifications of that. do we know the timing of when the fbi might decide and these 1,000 e-mails that were released, we re going through those right now? we re going through those. we ve got a big team here at cnn looking. so far we ve seen interesting stuff but nothing that seems obviously damning at this point. we ll be distributing it out on and other programs. as far as the fbi s decision, that lies with the fbi director. it s up to him if and when he makes a recommendation. jim sciutto, long night ahead. just a short time ago, reaction from the candidate when asked about it by lester holt. why shouldn t people, as they weigh the electability question, worry about this hanging over your head as you march forward? because the facts have remained the same. there was never any information sent or received that was marked classified to me. for people who are watching this play out and know the republicans will come at you on this with an open investigation, shouldn t people have some concern? no, they shouldn t, lester. i just don t see it as anything that will in any way cause any voter to a voter with an open mind to have any concerns. today s development another wild card in a tight democratic rce. no shortage of wild cards in that or the republican race, including a blizzard that could hit on monday. let s talk first about the e-mails. john king who is reporting tonight joins us now. so does gloria borger, senior political reporter nia mallika henderson and kevin madden and maria cardona. he s a republican strategist. she s a democratic strategist. also with us, washington post opinion columnist and form speechwriter for president george w. bush, michael gersten. here we are talking about these e-mails. this drip, drip continues. and even if several months from now hillary clinton is completely exonerated, the issue is what does an iowa voter do on monday? and lester holt asked exactly the right question. hillary clinton started as the formidable front-runner. one reason bernie sanders has been able to get competitive. and he s run a good campaign. if you are an iowa voter looking for change, something new and thinking about electability, this is another clinton with a cloud over the head. so it raises a doubt. and the last thing you need in a tight race three days before the election is a doubt. and it raises tweets from donald trump. this one just tweeted, the new e-mail release is a disaster for hillary clinton. at a minimum how can someone with such bad judgment be our next president? certainly that s not surprising coming from donald trump. but, look, certainly the timing is not ideal. but i think what the campaign is going to continue to say is reflected in what she just said right there, which is that this really is nothing new from all of the other e-mails that have been released. they continue to say, and by the way, dianne feinstein, senator feinstein says she s seen these 22 e-mails and all of these e-mails are part of e-mail chains that were not originated by secretary clinton. they were originated inside the state department. and, yes, for the voter out there that s gobbly-di-gook. we d be having the same conversation if she never had the private server, which she s apologized for. she live in a world where she did use a private server and that s why there are these inquiries. one of the risks is the answers she gives continue to look for obtuse to the layman. and when they see her saying, you know, there s no classified information on these e-mails that were either sent or received, and meanwhile we hear a report after report about classified e-mails, it looks like she s out of touch. doesn t it get to the trust issue? the whole use of this server is not just a judgment issue. it s sort of just a basic trust issue. why was she doing this? i agree. if this remains at this level of specificity, this charge, it s another problem with honest and trustworthy. one more brick in her ethical baggage. but there is the possibility that the director of the fbi will raise this and recommend an indictment. it would go to the justice department. they d have to make a choice. if they did not pursue an indictment they might resign in that instance. this could be the biggest issue in this coming election or just a drip in this ethical charge. it s the not knowing at this point which to john s point about voters thinking on caucus night, what do they do? i think that s right. and even if bernie sanders isn t bringing this up, and he talked about sick and tired of your damn e-mails. his aides say he s not going to bring it up. marco rubio is running ads about this in iowa saying this is disqualifying. he was on television tonight saying the exact same thing. and you remember at this forum on monday that young voter stood up and said, listen. people i know don t trust you. i m a young voter. what do you say. all she could say was, well, it was essentially the vast right wing conspiracy answer, right, that s for years and years people have been going after her. you ve been talking to senator sanders. they say we don t care about your damn e-mails. they still say that? they still say that. bernie sanders is going to be asked about it. he s going to have to have an answer. will it matter? i m curious what that answer will be bernie sanders doesn t have to bring it up because it s already out there. can i just say that democratic primary voters overwhelmingly trust hillary clinton. yes. it s the rest of the country that has a little bit of a problem, okay? but they do trust sanders more. they do trust sanders more. it s like they trust him 73% and trust her 70%. and let s remember for a democratic primary, that s really all that matters. here s the oosh. later all she ll have that debate within the general election if she becomes the nominee. this is something that s her fault. she has admitted it. she says she made a mistake. now the explanation she said she was sorry. now it makes it look like she s a victim of bureaucratic wrangling. you can t have it both ways and say, wait a minute. it s my fault and oops, now i m i just think that she s lucky and blessed at the moment that bernie sanders doesn t want to go there. she is making the experience argument. what bernie sanders has effectively said about experience is, experience is great and dick cheney had plenty of experience and look at her judgment on the iraq war vote. if he wanted to say look at her judgment on the iraq war vote and here. her boss, the president of the united states recommended that people not do this. that they keep it internally. maria is right. we would be analyzing her e-mails if shy was secretary of state. if she put them on the government server, we would have been analyzing them months ago because they would have been available to the state department the whole time. the same thing would have been an issue. months ago. not three days before iowa votes. if she had used the government server, never used a private server and handed these e-mails over, the classification after the fact would still be an issue. the fact she chose to do this on her private server, again, to michael s point, it does get to this untrustworthiness that the rules don t apply. that s why she said she made a mistake. charges in this type of case always cut hardest when it fits a pre-existing narrative. and there s a narrative of the clintons. why go speak at goldman sachs for $600,000? is she so in need of money that she s she knows she s going to run for president. she knows this is going to be an issue. what s that about? i think also i mean no, i just don t understand. it just seems like a weird judgment. these 24 odd judgment calls on her part that seem that play directly into this untrustworthy narrative. if you look at the voters she s trying to reach which are primary democratic voters, they ll see this e-mail brouhaha as a partisan witch hunt and that s what the campaign is looking at. unless not a lot of democratic voters one at a time. but a partisan witchhunt, but unless the fbi comes forward and suggests well, i think we re getting way ahead of ourselves. the fbi is the fbi is a law enforcement inquiry on this. this is not i mean, you can make the argument until you are blue in the face about it being partisan. when every single time people start to get information about this, it s about a law enforcement inquiry or a judge ordering the release of the e-mails. the rules don t apply argument as well that i think works well with those sanders voters. that is what his argument is of vis-a-vis hillary clinton. hillary clinton and the elite can play by their own rules and get away with it. bernie sanders doesn t have to bring this up. it s happening on his own. he doesn t have to look like he s using it to his political advantage and alienating best of both worlds. by saying if your opponent is about to commit suicide, whatever you do, don t murder him. the partisan piece is not about because you re right. it is the state department, the obama administration. but it s the selective leaks coming from people on the hill who have seen these and who know that this will be damaging to her. the wall street point is a very good one, too. and that s because she didn t get back to represent arkansas in the senate. she went to new york and the business there like corn in iowa is financial services. that s her world. if she s fighting this primary on who is tougher on wall street, she can t win that fight. she has to to me, the speech is interesting. at cnn we have rules about who we can speak in front of. we would not be able to speak in front of goalsmldman sachs or a company in order to can i just but she s but journalists who might report on a financial company, she actually might oversee regulation for financial company but has no problem taking money from them? but hasn t kept her from regulating them and from trying to pass legislation that will actually protect consumers. we don t really know what impact in talking to a senior clinton adviser today, there was also this, we are blaming the inspector general of the intelligence community because this person is going after us. and it kind of brought back to me the old enemies thing. this is not ken starr. that s not going to work. this is a democrat somebody appointed by barack obama. they say he was part of an investigation into her when she was a senator and there was some fund-raising issues. so they feel that he is politically motivated. we ve got to take a break. we re going to continue the conversation. we re on for two hours tonight. a lot ahead. did donald trump s debate boycott pay off? he certainly thinks so. that s not all he s saying. later, my conversation with glenn beck who says donald trump is a threat to the country. evoking even osama bin laden to make his point. he s obviously endorsing ted cruz. take that in mind. that conversation when we continue as well. 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he flew in and did the one event in nashua and then flew back to iowa. i asked him right off the bat about ted cruz. take a listen. with you not there at the fox debate, your main rival in iowa, ted cruz, he was getting pummelled from left and right. was this by design? did you think about this all along? a lot of things have happened since then and you saw the result. he got very badly hurt. and he s going down. ted cruz is going down. plus the canada problem. a huge problem. that problem with canada. whether or not he can even run. i think he cannot run. we ll have to see what happens. it wasn t by design? i d like to tell you it was by design. maybe it was by instinct. it wasn t good for him and for a couple of the other folks. in the meantime, i had my forum and tremendous numbers of veterans and we raised $6 million and it was a good night for us. would you say in any way that fox news did win? megyn kelly was the moderator and they did not give you the $5 million for charity? i never asked that megyn be taken off. i don t care about megan kelley. i don t think she s very good at what she does, but i never asked for that p. i wanted $5 million for the vets. the vets have been mistreated. the networks have plenty of money. i said $5 million for the vets. when they didn t do it, i went out and raised $6 million for the vets. there s another republican debate here in eight days. are you going to be going to that debate? i think i will be. i look forward to the debates. as you know and as everybody is saying, i won every single debate. every online poll has me winning the debates. i do like doing the debates. and i will be here. i love this place. i have special friends. i m doing really well here. the polls just came out. i m doing really well here. i will be in new hampshire doing the debates. do you feel like you were mocked at all by ted cruz and some of your other rivals? no, i didn t even watch the whole debate. i m going to watch it later. but, no, not at all. look it was great for me. it was great for the vets that i didn t do it. we got more money than fox would have paid. there s a guy here, a tattoo artist. he s given away free tattoos for people that want your logo or photo on their body. his business is good from what i hear? he s a trump fan? he s maybe i ll have to have a tattoo for the first time in my life. maybe not, though. thank you, mr. trump. a couple of things. he admitted he asked fox news for that $5 million charity which he didn t do last night in that great interview brianna keilar did. he took every opportunity to mention the $6 million for the vets. and he said, yeah, i will be at that debate coming up eight nights from now in new hampshire. what do you think? i can t see donald trump getting a tattoo. i don t think that s going to happen. while you were asking that question, he was like, where is this going? oh, he s a trump fan. okay. good. but another thing he said that was really interesting about, maybe it wasn t by design but by instinct. i think and the wall street journal did a good job a couple of days ago showing how he makes decisions. it does seem i think his instincts are remarkably attune to certainly his supporters and what they want to hear and what they are willing to hear and where they are willing to go. trump may be the only gop candidate campaigning in new hampshire today. but come monday that s going to be a different story. it is. and that s interesting. john kasich will be here all weekend campaigning here. he ll be here on caucus day. also jeb bush n chris christie start monday in iowa. when iowans go to caucus, they ll be here. caucus and bush, it s about new hampshire, not iowa. paul, thank you. ted cruz makes his fif th campaign appearance of the day soon. sunlen serfaty joins us from des moines. the reviews of senator cruz s debate performance have not been great. has the campaign acknowledged that today on the trail? it s interesting. they are really trying to put a brave face on this. really trying to downplay the rough night that ted cruz had last night. trying to cast it aside. but it s very clear that he did have a rough night and he s trying to recover from that today and as part of that strategy to recovery, he really went on the offense on marco rubio. really went after him. much harder than we ve seen before on immigration. but the cruz campaign saying, no, this wasn t a rough night. saying that he had a solid debate performance and sticking to his trail rhetoric going after marco rubio. they are investing much more money going after marco rubio, redirecting him, from attacking donald trump to rubio. this is likely what we ll continue to see from him on the campaign trail. he s got an event coming up in an hour. do we know what to expect? he does. likely what we ll see from him is what his campaign manager told me today. all about this closing message. all about making contrast. we saw that today with marco rubio. with donald trump, trump being a big dominant part of his closing message to voters saying that, if you want to stop donald trump if you want to prevent him becoming this runaway train out there, then you have to vote here in iowa and stop him. that s a key part of the cruz campaign message going forward. something i suspect that we ll hear from him later tonight. donald trump called cruz today an anchor baby in canada. did the cruz campaign respond to that? they did. this was certainly an escalation in donald trump s rhetoric on this issue, of course, laying into ted cruz s eligibility issue to be president. the cruz campaign wasted no time responding. the campaign spokeswoman coming out with a statement saying, quote, the only anchor here is the one being dragged behind the ss new york values causing donald trump s campaign to stall out as they learn about his affinity for hillary clinton and the previous statement supporting abortion. we are seeing some signs that these attacks by donald trump over cruz s eligibility are working. a voter last week bringing this up directly to ted cruz at a town hall. also some polls indicating there is some message that s getting to voters and really influencing them there. so this sort of challenge by trump seems to be working with some here. anchor dragging behind the ss new york values ? i think they have to work on the wording of that. doesn t roll off the tongue. sunlen serfaty, thanks. some say it s been a tough 24 hours for ted cruz. marco rubio targeted him at last night s debate, and donald trump renewed those arguments today. will it make a difference in the final push to the iowa caucuses? the panel weighs in next. its intelligent drive is paradigm-shifting. its technology-filled cabin.jaw-dropping. its performance.breathtaking. its self-parking.and the all-new glc. mercedes-benz resets the bar for the luxury suv. starting at $38,950. thanks. 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(mandarin) cut it out. see you tomorrow. my name is jamir dixon and i m a locafor pg&e.rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new. it s an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don t hit them when you re digging. 811 is a free service. i m passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they re the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i ll drive it every day of the week. together, we re building a better california. donald trump made s right call boycotting the republican debate holding his own event to benefit veterans. he insists what he did is nothing like in 2011 when mr. trump cried foul. here s what he told cbs news. in 2011 you were going to participate in a newsmax debate and said of the republicans who weren t going to show, we report seeing a lot of courage here. these republicans are supposed to be brave. why can t that be said about you? they should have. there was no reason. i was doing the moderation. they asked me, the owner is a friend of mine. he said would you do it? i said i ve never done it before. what about the bravery charge. here s the difference. i was treated very unfairly by box. they weren t treated badly. i was treated very badly by fox. they issued a statement that was an inappropriate statement. since then they ve been nice and tried to get me to do it. by then my counterevent had taken off. it was amazing. what about this charge, though. it s a press release. if you you were offended, but isn t that aren t you being a little too politically correct? i went out and raised $6 million for vets. mr. trump released a list of 22 veterans groups that will share the money raised last night. he spent today campaigning in new hampshire slamming ted cruz s debate performance. back with our panel. it s interesting hearing donald trump being accused of being too politically correct essentially by dickerson there. this is the guy who prides himself on not being politically correct. and on being the strength in this campaign. the reason he s skyrocketed is we don t have an ideological republican primary. it s not who is going to cut taxes more, shrink government more. who is stronger, tougher, the anti-obama, if you will. no gray or nuance. i m going to make decisions and people are going to listen to me. this was a big turn-about. the tough guy walked away. he s saying he did it for the right reasons. his opponents are trying to say he s not so tough afterall. every time trump has done stuff we find contrarian, it s worked to his advantage. i think his instincts are pretty extraordinary. whether it was by design or instinct not to go to that thing but to have everybody ganging up on cruz essentially and effective in hurting cruz. often time you can judge the winners and losers on what the atomized found bites are that come out of it and what the headlines look like he next day. if you looked across iowa, the headlines were very bad for ted cruz at a crucial time. and donald trump had equal billing. he s sitting there on the front page of all the newspapers across iowa saying trump raises money for veterans. in that sense it really did play to his advantage. you are right, anderson. he is an instinctual guteral animal for these times. so far has been incredibly successful. the reason why i don t think the charge of his being afraid or his not wanting to go because he was afraid of tough questions is going to stick is because who has done more interviews with more media outlets? harder to land that punch. than anybody else. and also, i think he can also make the point that, look, fox news thinks that they can do whatever they want. they have now become part of the establishment because of what he s done? it s pretty incredible. supporters are responding to that. this is his superpower as a candidate. the ability to drill the exposed nerve on his opponents in a way that dominates the next news cycle. it s a tremendous talent. he s proposing a fundamental revision at the heart of the republican party. force the expulsion of 11 million people. the exclusion by religious belief. this is a major reorientation of the republican party in a way that would cause a crisis of identity. it can cause people to split off of the party. this has huge content to it. but he s doing that at the same time he s saying that ted cruz is an anchor baby. so there s this kind of great dichotomy because on the one hand, he is splitting up the republican party. he s dividing a republican party and a civil war in the republican party. he s leading one faction of on, we think, although i m not quite sure which one it is. and on the other hand, he s calling ted cruz names because he s a fighter and understands that cruz needs to win. i know which side it is. it s much more comparable to a european right wing anti-immigrant population. it does not come out of the republican so why all of you have worked with presidential candidates. michael, with president bush. i go back to this wall street journal article i found fascinating. the reporter spent three days with him watching him as he made decisions. she was with him and he decided in his plane sitting by himself, his adviser is in the other room after reading polls and looking at television coverage to, he said, you know, cruz has been cruz has been riding high in the polls too long in iowa. we re going to take him down and came up with this canada thing. it was this instinctual gut level thing. it wasn t after a big meeting. is that rare for a presidential candidate? it s incredibly rare. to make those decisions with the gut? it s rare and the question that the test that this is going to undergo is whether you can actually win the presidency with it. and can you be president doing that? john used the analogy last night. a scrambling quarterback every once in a while can make some amazing plays and shows up on espn the next day with the highlights. is that how you want to run a country? is that how you can run a party? particularly when parties at the heart of organizations. the organizations of that are designed around ideas. this is a candidacy that is only organized around an individual and his ego. and that is where i think as michael is right, the danger for the party is and the country lies. if he does become president, let s say, i mean, i don t know of any other candidate who watches as much television. you ll be doing an interview and he s tweeting about what s going on. don t care about megyn kelly and then tweet about her at 3:00 in the morning. he s constantly on top of this. if he wins this way, it will be an entirely new way to win the presidency. as president, can he be watching television and reading the polls and tweeting like this, or does lyndon johnson did. watched television and i don t know if it leads to you have to relearn you have to relearn he s rewritten the rules but i think these rules right now only apply to him. i don t think anybody that we know right now could get away with what he s done. and he talks about this in the deal. this is his way. you have to be fast and loose. you can t have a whole lot of structure. he doesn t pack his day with a lot of meetings. could he unlearn that as president or if he could be effective as president being this improvisational president. we ll have more from our panel. it s fascinating times. a very busy night. three campaign events under way or just wrapping up. jeb bush, marco rubio, the entire clinton family. donald trump has been lining up support from all corners of iowa. will his strategy bring people out on caucus night. how trump is rewriting the ground rules of the game, next. parking is hard to find. seems like everyone drives. and those who do should switch to geico because you could save hundreds on car insurance. ah, perfect. valet parking. evening, sir. hello! here s the keys. and, uh, go easy on my ride, mate. hm, wouldn t mind some of that beef wellington. to see how much you could save on car insurance, go to ah! (car alarm sounds) it s ok! a blade. many blades. tsharp blades.g. blades here, blades there. some more over there. whoa! that s not another blade. this is shielding. with lubrication here and here. the new gillette with proshield lubrication before and after the blades shields from irritation for a close, comfortable shave. the new proshield from gillette. the best a man can get. and one proshield refill gets you up to one month of shaves. the iowa caucuses are just three days away. turnout is key and the weather may not cooperate. generally only about 20% of registered voters actually show up on caucus night. this is already an election year like none other. now the question is will donald trump s ground swell of support in iowa turn into actual votes. john king reports. reporter: it is iowa s defining question. they ll wait hours in the cold to hear him speak. will they do what it takes to deliver victory monday night? any questions about the caucus? where to go to is everyone a registered republican already? reporter: these are the forms needed to register to vote or switch to republican on caucus night. if you are an independent, it s okay. we ll take you. reporter: donald trump is rewriting the iowa rule book. i m totally pro-ethanol. reporter: big rallies and a coalition that spans the ideological spectrum. christian conservatives, moderates, independents, and political newcomers by the dozens. people like shane bowman who not only plans to caucus for the first time but is organizing for trump in denver, iowa, and plans to deliver a speech at his local precinct. can t stop. can t quit. got to keep going, until the end. reporter: he s learned to filter the trump rhetoric his wife finds obnoxious. he s not like verbally correct on things, you know. banning all muslims from the united states. i read that between the lines and, i understand where you re coming from. i like your point. he didn t come across perfect, but i understand him. reporter: to drive iowa is to find trump support everywhere. i m actually volunteering for the marco rubio campaign. reporter: this is a marco rubio office in cedar rapids and this a jeb bush phone bank in des moines. both areas were mitt romney strongholds four years ago. as rubio and bush fight for supporters, they find plenty of trump supporters. steve grubs is rand paul s strategist this cycle. those who doubt trump s iowa team dont know them. trump s got good people in iowa working. so i trust that they are doing the ground work that they need to do. reporter: at marion avenue baptist church is in one of the rural areas vital to ted cruz. the cruz backer, pastor joseph brown, says he s exasperated at trump s success with conservative christians. donald trump has not had a life transformation moment. he has had an idea to become the president of the united states of america. reporter: proun leads a network of nearly 200 pastors imploring to do more to highlight trump s past scupport of abortion and gay rights. he s a wolf in sheep s clothing. reporter: it s too late to sway carter s family. loved the apprentice. reporter: his first vote will be for donald trump monday night. we need a president to run this country like a business. and who better than a very successful businessman. reporter: carter, high school basketball player, is the state leader of students for trump, another key piece of the trump iowa coalition. i m the caucus leader in my county. and there is a movement going on. we have many, many students coming to caucus for the first time. teachers say all the time that they ve never heard so many students talk about an election before. reporter: trump dominates the talk here. now the test. do the faces and feet that made this a caucus cam pawn like no other line up one more time monday night? was that a button saying hot chicks for trump? it was. okay. lots of variety. whatever you want, you can get. that is really the question. will those people who are lining up, will they go to caucus on monday night? this was my biggest question. they have every intention of coming. they have professionals, veterans of the steve forbes and rick santorum campaign. the guy running his campaign was santorum s director. kevin can tell you what that felt like caucus night. they have some trained professionals. then people like you saw in the piece who have never done this before. young kids, older people. never participated in a caucus. they love donald trump. they are organizing. can they put that together? it s unorthodox. a mix of data and newcomers. can they put it together? it will make the difference. if you look at this polling, and i ve been looking at this private polling. if you run a model with those new voters, donald trump is a little ahead of ted cruz. if you take those new voters out and get back into a traditional environment, somewhere in the ballpark of 130,000 people or so, then ted cruz wins quite handily and donald trump slips to 20% and in a traditional scenario, marco rubio is testing and challenging donald trump for second place. what time do we get an answer monday night or tuesday morning. if the results are late because the caucuses start late because you have so many people lined up. as long as they are in line by 7:00, they have to wait and get them in. if we know there s a lot of new voters and we re waiting a while, that may be a good sign for trump. republican caucuses tend to go pretty quickly. you don t have the rules the republicans have. 8:00 in the east. we ll start getting some results around 8:30 in the east. if you remember last time, romney was ahead. santorum came up. i m scheduled until 2:00 a.m. if it s longer than that. the next three days in iowa will not be dull. get the sharpest look from john on inside politics sunday morning, 8:00 a.m. on cnn. just ahead tonight, i m going to talk with donald trump s harshest critics, glenn beck. in his words, donald trump say wildly vindictive bully who is all about himself. also a theory about why trump has been so rough on megyn kelly. he s obviously a ted cruz supporter. the conversation with glenn beck when we come back. times and bad. through good for over 75 years, our clients have relied on us to bring our best thinking to their investments so in a variety of market conditions. you can feel confident. .in our experience. call a t. rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor .to see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. our cosmetics line was a hit. the orders were rushing in. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn t need a loan. we needed short-term funding fast. building 18 homes in 4 ½ months? 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what is it that makes that you think makes him different as a person, as a candidate? this is not about donald trump. this is something that you can easily see throughout history. and what i was on fox, i talked about a pendulum. i said barack obama has pulled this pendulum as far to the right as you possibly can and emboldened the executive power. and i said warning to both the democrats and the republicans. at some point that power swings back and it will swing back just as far and at some point, the farther you bring it back, somebody will grab it in a time of crisis and say just stay here. and you don t want that. and i warned there were people like father coughlin in the 1930s that was a very dangerous guy who spoke to the economic despair, spoke to the anger, spoke to the fear. these demagogues come along. unless they are rooted in the constitution, they can become very dangerous. you don t believe he is. you don t believe he s truly rooted in at the very least in the constitution. he s really rooted essentially have you ever heard in himself? he saul about himself. i went back and looked at his speeches. i wanted to be sure. he doesn t say we re going to make america great. he says i ll make america great. i ll fix this. nobody makes america great. it s the people that make america great. he also talks about how the problem isn t the government itself. he says it s the stupid people in it. he talks about executive orders. he says the problem is the president has just done dumb executive orders. i ll do smart ones. he never talks about the constitution and when he does, he says, oh, well, that land, you know, we can pull that land for a casino. it s no big deal. it s better than these people living like pigs. it s not his decision. you also write about his use of the media and his frankly, his skill at it. that essentially you kind of wrote, and i don t want to misquote you, but that he compliments first and then which sort of makes reporters feel gratified, but then if you ask something he doesn t like he attacks. he waits for you then to apologize. he gives you an opportunity to kind of be welcomed back into the fold. and if you don t, then you are banished and he goes after you like megyn kelly. right. he s wildly vindictive. going after megyn kelly. i think there are two really great news people. megyn kelly did a great job at the debate. you have done the best job of, i think, anybody on the debates. you are great at the debates. megyn kelly say seasoned journalist. she s not a clown by any stretch of the imagination. i think megyn kelly asked a fair question. look, you ve got some things that you have said about women that, you know, can you explain some of these things? how do you expect to be a guy that s going to be looked well by decent women when you ve said certain things? i m not going to repeat on cnn. so she asked that fair question. well, now it s been five months. he hasn t let that go. what s happening with megyn kelly is, if you watch fox, a lot of their hosts are kissing donald trump s butt. they re slobbering all over him. but megyn kelly is not. so it doesn t matter that he s got several people who slobber over him. some people who are neutral. and megyn who asks tough questions. he s making a point. all bullies do the same thing. they find the strongest of the pack. they find the megyn kelly of fox or anderson cooper of cnn and teach them a lesson because that means everybody else who is not as strong, if megyn kelly gets in trouble, if megyn kelly can t stand it, i certainly can t. he s teaching everyone a lesson. don t mess with me. i talked to glenn more about why he endorsed ted cruz. part two is coming up later in the broadcast. plus, the state department has released another big batch of hillary clinton s e-mails from her time as secretary of state. we re digging through them as we speak. what we re find, we ll let your know and what if anything, it could mean for her campaign. and what she s saying about the nearly two dozen other e-mails now deemed top secret. now the #1 selling brand for frequent heartburn. get complete protection with the new leader in frequent heartburn. that s nexium level protection. her long day as anne. hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when. hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol? 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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20160507

yes, she s gone. she s ahead of us. the woman who shot that video and posted on facebook, erica decker is safe tonight with her family. they have lost their home, though. we ll go live to that scene just ahead. we do begin with breaking news. donald trump has a new message for house speaker paul ryan. this is what the people want. this being trump. ryan s office announced today that he and trump will meet next thursday. that is after ryan dropped the bombshell saying he can t support trump, at least not yet. now trump has a new take on that. in an interview that just aired on abc news, george stephanopoulos asked trump about the ryan stalemate. talk about paul ryan. okay. he says you have to earn his support. i really think i earned the support from the people. we ve gotten more votes than anybody in this position that s ever run for the office. and you look at the republican primary votes. millions and millions of people came in that nobody expected and they voted for me. what are you going to tell him in that meeting? look, this is what the people want. jeb bush just said he s not going to vote for you. i understand jeb bush. i was rough with jeb bush. if i was jeb bush, i wouldn t vote for me either. trump is on the campaign trail at a rally in omaha. trump also had this to say about paul ryan. paul ryan, i don t know what happened. i don t know. he call me two, three weeks ago. a very nice conversation. he was congratulating me. this is before we had the ultimate victory. i figured routinely he d be behind it. and he the other day just those comments come as the rift gets deeper as more prominent republicans say they ll not vote for the presumptive nominee, much less endorse him or campaign for him. senator lindsey graham is the latest voice to join the heck no chorus saying he thinks the republican party has been in his word conned. jeff zeleny joins us now from omaha. what did trump have to say about lindsey graham s comments today? he really spared few words. he did, john. took him about 12 minutes to go after lindsey graham which is probably showing restraint for donald trump s usual sort of mean of speaking. remember that unity pledge all the other candidates signed hoping it would keep donald trump in the party? now the others who signed it are being called out for that. that was in donald trump s mind there. he went after lindsey graham aggressively for changing up his positions, his supporters throughout the race. let s listen to what trump said just a little bit ago. he fails with his campaign horribly. he then endorses somebody else and then endorses bush and endorses everybody. he s like bad luck. as soon as he endorses the people, they drop out. and then i see him on television knocking me. you re supposed to be coming together. and then in the next breath he also talked about jeb bush saying i m not going to say he s low energy but he s low energy. familiar refrains but also took a bit of a swipe at president george w. bush saying he s not surprised the bush family is not signing on with him because he s been so critical of what happened during the bush administration. he told george stephanopoulos, if i were jeb bush, i wouldn t vote for me either. this meeting next week between donald trump and paul ryan. what more can you tell us about that? one is going to be with speaker ryan and congressional lead irs and donald trump. and that s going to be a time for these congressional leaders to have their say. as we ve seen from what donald trump is talking about, he doesn t frankly care what they think. he believes he has the voters behind him. just hearing this one crowd here in conservative red nebraska, he s right about that. the crowd booed as loudly when he mentioned paul ryan s name as hillary clinton s name here. so he goes into that meeting with some support. of course he wants a unified party here but then he s having a private meeting with speaker ryan and reince priebus whose job is to keep this all together. donald trump has his voters on his side. the question is can he expand and bring in all republicans, never mind independents and moderates who he actually needs to win the election. jeff zeleny in omaha. thanks, jeff. joining us new york city councilman joseph boreli, tara setmayer and michael smerconish, host of smerconish which you can see this saturday on cnn. michael, these lines are being drawn now ever more, i think, solidly. we heard donald trump essentially say i m going to tell paul ryan listen to the voters. the voters picked me. so if he goes into that meeting with that message, how do they come out of that meeting with any agreement? it s gotten him this far. he s had more than 10.6 million individuals cast a ballot for him. it s about 40% of the votes cast thus far. but he loses unless he grows to 10. he s trailing hillary by 13 according to the latest cnn/orc poll. he s viewed disfavorably by a stunning number of republicans and it s time to put this team together. i think paul ryan has unintentionally done him a favor. he s given him the opportunity to come in, have a conversation, negotiate if you will because there are many who feel like ryan feels. they are unhappy about the fact that donald trump is their standard bearer, but he needs them. it s in both of their best interests if they can put it together. tara, why should he move? why should they move? he won, right? lindsey graham, jeb bush, along those same lines say they ll not vote for donald trump. they signed a pledge saying they would. they are the ones breaking the pledge. is this topsy-turvy? the pledge thing is silly actually but, yes, donald trump won 40%. y he won 10 million votes but 15 million people did not vote for him. close to 60% how this election works is you have to finish first. i understand that. donald trump says the people want me. the people want me. he s not winning a majority of the people. he s winning a plurality. a lot of people don t want him. a lot of people in the general electorate that do not want him. he keeps saying the people. he s not winning a landslide. ronald reagan was had a 70%, 80% approval 78% of people voting for him at this race. this is not an overwhelming mandate. he was the last man standing after 17 people. donald trump, when you run for office, you are a servant, right? you are supposed to be a public servant of the people. if there s a large swath of the party you claim to represent that have legitimate concerns about where you stand on issues that are gravely important to them, then it should be your job to earn their vote. you don t just say too bad. i m installing myself like some dictator and he ran against 16 other people and he beat them. but councilman, what about tara s point and michael s point. you can t win an election if you don t have your own party behind you. that includes like the actual leaders of that party, the speaker of the house. seems it s tough to win without him. i think tara has it backwards. the onus should be on the party establishment, the party elite, people like paul ryan to respect the will of the voters. we had a process. 17 people. everyone got to support their candidates and run their campaign as hard as they could. donald trump won. he s got more votes than any republican nominee has previously gotten. he s earned the support of the votes. he has a whole deck of cards to play in this negotiation with paul ryan. paul ryan has none. not a majority. i want to get to one other thing. one other candidate or noncandidate getting involved in this race. president obama today was asked about donald trump. listen to what he said. i just want to emphasize the degree to which we are in serious times and this is a really serious job. this is not entertainment. this is not a reality show. this is a contest for the presidency of the united states. and what that means is that every candidate, every nominee needs to be subject to exacting standards and genuine scrutiny. this is a fight the president is itching to have. you can just tell. is this a fight that donald trump, though, is itching to have? interestingly it will mobilize the base of donald trump, that core constituency. if president obama is out there taking on donald trump, that s like throwing meat into the water for the sharks, right? but it doesn t, again, help donald trump expand the tent because the president s approval numbers, you ve watched them as they are climbing. at the white house correspondents dinner as you anchored the post last week noting when donald trump and ted cruz are getting all the attention, what happens? president obama sees his numbers rise. so i think there s a role for him to play. he ll be the most important surrogate in this election. what s at stake is he believes his legacy. you can count on him to be an activist. stand by. a lot more to talk about with you after a quick break. what do you think about donald trump getting access to classified information? that will happen fairly soon. we ll have much more about when, why next. also speaking of intelligence operations, stay tuned for the 360 special that takes you inside the mission to get osama bin laden. this has details you ve never heard before with exclusive access to the white house. allergies. and i m doing just fine. claritin provides 24-hour relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 allergens. yeah, over 200 allergens! with claritin my allergies don t come between me and victory. live claritin clear. perfect driving record. perfect. no tickets. no accidents. that is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. yup. now, you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? 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well, i watch the shows. i really see a lot of great when you watch your show and all of the other shows and you have the generals and certain people that is there a go-to for you? probably there are two or three. every presidential candidate has a go-to. probably two or three. i like bolton. he s a tough cookie. jacobs. ambassador john bolton? yes. colonel jack jacobs? yes. he s a good guy and i see him on occasion. joining me now, jim sciutto. so, jim, when is donald trump going to be briefed, and what type of information is he expected to receive? these briefings, they take place after the nominating convention for both the republican and democratic nominee once it s clear that they are the nominee. and generally they ll get information about threats to national security. they ll get the information but they don t get what the intelligence community calls sources and methods and how that information was gathered. that tends to be the most secret intelligence reserved for the highest level security clearances. at that point neither nominee will have that level of security clearance. who will do the briefings? director of national intelligence james clapper. he doesn t do it himself but he has said he s already appointed a nonpolitical intelligence agent to do this. of course, the most senior intelligence directors, they are appointed by the president. of course a democratic president. he s chosen someone in the service, a civil servant who is not a political appointee. are politics at play? will both candidates receive exactly the same information? they say they have a commitment. clapper said this publicly. a commitment to getting both a democratic and republican nominee the same. now what will happen so they both get it after the nominating convention at a certain level once the election happens and you have a president elect. then a more intensive briefing. that s what happens because it s clear that person is going to be the next president. that s a whole different ball game. jim sciutto, thanks so much. back now with new york city councilman and co-chair of trump s new york campaign and tara setmyer and michael smerconish. do you think donald trump is prepared for what s coming next? absolutely not. honestly, i don t think donald trump would pass a security clearance if he were trying to get a top secret clearance given his history and reckless things he s said and a lot of his questionable financial dealings. i question whether he d even pass a security clearance. but this is a guy who repeats conspiracy theories. he talks about national enquirer stories as if they are fact. so we ll trust him with the secrecy and importance of intelligence briefings? this is something people need to consider. this is one of many how are we concerns of people like me in this position. how is she questioning the fitness of donald trump to receive classified information in a briefing given to every prezumptsive nominee when the presumptive democratic nominee is under federal investigation for not being responsible with classified information. he just repeated a conspiracy theory about john f. kennedy s assassination and a she leaked actual classified information via her e-mail which is far more worse. we re not we re talking about donald trump, not hillary clinton. i agree with you on her. on the hillary clinton thing, cnn has been talking to officials who say right now there s no evidence that hillary clinton willfully violated any law. but they will question her and that could change. right now that s where that situation stands. you know donald trump s son. is he capable of discretion? you hear the snickers out there saying he can t keep a secret. do you think he d be able to? i think the weight of the office is taking hold in him. he realizes he s in a position now he s never been in. he can t speak off the cuff as much as he d like to and has been beneficial to him in the primary season. the weight of the office is great. and we can t just assume that all these nominees can digest the weight of national intelligence. so not only they have experience. and that s not an elitist michael, the quiet man in the middle. the commander in chief test for any presidential candidate is a big deal, right? is it different for donald trump? this is what the peaceful transference of power looks like. and if this is what the protocol demands, then donald trump ought to get the briefing. it will probably make him a more intelligent candidate. perhaps we ll all benefit from the conversation that will result. he can definitely use the briefing. if anyone read the editorial interviews he did with the washington post, it was scary how completely incoherent his understanding of the world is and foreign policy. asked questions about how he would defeat isis or different questions about nuclear weapons in europe, he deflected and started telling one of the editorial board members about how nice you look today. these are things that he has up to this point demonstrated absolutely no ability to retain that information. and so, yes, i question whether he takes this seriously or not. the weight of the office is very serious. he s done nothing to demonstrate that thus far. bottom line, he s got to get the briefing. it s in everybody s best interest he be equipped because he could win this thing. guys, i appreciate it. a very spirited discussion on a friday night. an intelligence mission carried out by president obama and his team that happened five years ago now this week. the mission that killed osama bin laden. we ll take you behind the scenes. peter bergen got unprecedented access to the white house. this is a quick preview. once the s.e.a.l. team arrived, the president and his advisers crowded into a smaller room across the hall where they could watch a live drone feed of the raid. why did you come into this room? well, this is where we actually had a live view of what was happening. and so as you can see, it s a pretty small conference room. we were all jammed up in here. one of our key guys was sitting here. i was sitting here in my windbreaker. gates was there and hillary. and we were essentially watching what was happening in realtime. stay tuned for the ac 360 special we got him president obama, bin laden and the war on terror. that s coming up at 8:30. straight ahead the monster wildfire burning out of control in canada. the blaze is growing. thousands of people have fled their homes this week. they re now being forced farther south by these flames. this just got interesting. why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. whenever i m around you i go home a little bit there s just something about you where the pieces all fit there s a lightness that surrounds you and it guides me like a star oh i am, who i am because you are, who you are ugh! heartburn! no one burns on my watch! try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and don t taste chalky. mmm.amazing. i have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. went up the waterspout. down came the rain. .and clogged the gutter system creating a leak in the roof. luckily the spider recently had geico help him with homeowners insurance. water completely destroyed his swedish foam mattress. he got full replacement and now owns the sleep number bed. his sleep number setting is 25. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. a major wildfire is burning in the northwest. the images just apocalyptic like a war zone is the phrase we keep hearing over and over from those forced from their homes. tens of thousands now have fled. the city of ft. mcmurray devastates. tonight people have already fled the walls of fire are once again on the move. here s dan simon with the latest from alberta. reporter: flames and smoke filling the sky as the convoy of danger zone.sidents flee the - what have these last few days been like? hell on earth. just like hell. reporter: and the scenes are hellish. the fire that started five days ago is still out of control. and for the displaced, it s gone from bad to worse. because food and water is running low, canadian authorities moving some 25,000 people from camps. a double evacuation. what was it like being in the camp? hard. they rationed food. low water. people were upset because they don t know what s going on. reporter: the fire has burned nearly 250,000 acres, more than ten times the size of manhattan. in one of the more remarkable surveillance videos ever captured, a homeowner could watching his own house go down in flames only 20 minutes after evacuating. 1600 structures, including homes and businesses destroyed. the heaviest damage in ft. mcmurray. a resident films his burned out neighborhood after seeing it for the first time. this is my house. it was my house. ashes are cool now. nothing left. it s gone. oh, my god! our house is going to burn down. reporter: a woman s desperation as she drives by the flames destroying her community. residents are greeted by fuel trucks with gas stations either destroyed or down due to power outages. fuel is a precious commodity. makes a guy feel good to help these people because they ve been through so much loss and devastation. dan simon joins us now. all those cars you saw in that convoy, where are they going? well, john, first of all, take a look behind me. you can see this huge smoke cloud. the fire is continuing to roar. as for those people who were in that convoy, we re not only talking about those folks but all of the nearly 90,000 people who have had to evacuate. this is an unprecedented situation in canada. a lot of folks are staying with friends and family. if that s not an option, they re going to one of the many shelters that s open. also people are staying in hotels. it s impossible to get a hotel room in the area. in terms of the firefighting effort, the conditions remain terrible. windy conditions, low humidity. it s going to continue like this throughout the weekend. by the way, we talked to about the fuel situation and how precious things are. take a look at this. we had to bring our own fuel just in case we ran out. that s what we re dealing with. dan simon in alberta, thanks. stay safe. be sure to tune in sunday at d:00 p.m. for anthony b ow rdain parts unknown. the ac 360 special we got him starts right now. what are your future plans? a plane crashed into the world trade center.

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plans to tap for his running mate. let s speak to john rogers standing by live in spokane. great to see you. what is the latest? reporter: uma, good afternoon to you. a near capacity crowd. not quite full but close enough and as far as protesters go outside, fewer than 100 at this point and they seem to be behaving themselves quite well. as donald trump comes to washington, a couple of big questions. first of all, can he unify the republican party before the convention and certainly before november and does he have an effective counterattack against hillary clinton on the former point. donald trump very critical today about jeb bush and lindsey graham for earlier in the campaign, allegedipledging they support the nominee and now saying they will not support donald trump. remember when the two failed presidential candidates lindsey graham and jeb bush signed the binding plechblg, they broke the deal. no honor. trump mildly critical of paul ryan he is going to meet with on capitol hill to see if he can get his support. trump also amused by some of peemt who are critical of him earlier in the campaign season, now calling them up to say hey, can we come on board. here is trump from eugene, oregon last night. i have had more people calling me, who have said the worst things about me over the last six months on television and two days ago i get a call from this person, guy, and he said, mr. trump, i would love to join the train. i said let me ask you a question. how do you do that? how do you join the train. you said such bad stuff. how do you pivot out of that. he is a politician, he said mr. trump there, will be absolutely no problem. i just want to join. trump is still technically campaigning for the primaries, folks in was go to the polls on the 24th. he is pivoting toward the general election trying out themes in the campaign trail against hillary clinton, trying to find an effective way to hit back on the expected criticism she will launch against him on women. here is trump again from last night. just think of it. bill clinton was the worst in history and i have to listen to her talking about it? and just remember this. she was an unbelievably nasty mean enabler and what she did to a lot of those women is disgraceful. put that in her bonnet and let s see what happens, okay? reporter: trump has big endorsements from his establishment republicans but is trouting out untraditional endorsements. mike leech came out and said he is with donald trump. so, we ll see how things go in washington but he was not expected to do well here in the primaries with the other competitors. very interesting. looking at the big picture, how important is washington state for mr. trump? reporter: well, you know, they were telling the crowd from the stage here just a short time ago that it is important to get donald trump over the 1237 mark before the convention will is no question as to whether or not he will be the nominee. the 44 delegates up for grabs here, it is proportional with the minimum hold of 20% and in the nine congressional districts there, are another three per district that are available with the threshold of 50%. if you go above 50%, you get all of them. trump definitely trying to come out of here with as many delegates as he possibly can. we ll see, he wasn t expected to do that well here. this was a state favoring john kasich than anyone else. interesting. thank you very much for the update. appreciate it. well, donald trump is gearing up for a host of challenges within his party, but he is promising to make a big effort to unify the gop over his presumptive nomination. mr. trump may have his work cut out for him. there is a growing number of high profile current and former republican leaders who have already announced that they are withholding their support or may just sit out this election. all of the political drama is creating widespread concern for republicans who want to beal hillary clinton in the fall. i had a chance to catch up with newt gingrich who say many are divided because they didn t think mr. trump would win out as a presumptive nominee so soon. what happened was that senator cruz who very wisely dropped out tuesday night created a vacuum. there were a lot of people who thought they would negotiate with trump over the next two months as he tried to pull together enough delegates and suddenly on wednesday, they were faced with the reality that he is the nominee and a number of them panicked and decided they had to make a lot of noise to get his attention to negotiate, but he has, you know, he has the obligation as does the party nominee to find a path to get to bringing the party back together. he s got 60 days to do it in. i m pretty confident he will do it. and i think that is part of the it is a healthy part of the process. the speaker of the house has strong views, but the nominee has very strong views. i think they ll get together next week and republican national committee chairman reince priebus is working overtime to bring people together despite the natural tensions. this was a real shock to suddenly have him as nominee at least 30 and at least 60 days before anybody was ready for it. why couldn t the speaker just wait and say i haven t met with him yet. i m hoping to meet with him. we ll have some announcements at a later date rather than right away saying he could not support him at this point. look, i assume that speaker ryan was trying to send a signal. he is a sophisticated guy. i assume that he was trying to make enough noise to make sure trump paid attention to him. it is not what i would have done. i said i think it was a mistake. he has enormous laden power. he can say he is not going to schedule stuff and then the president has to work with the speaker to get his legislative program through, so i think he probably represents a fairly large block of people who are very anxiety ridden, who are not sure what trump is going to do, and who had planned over the next 30 to 60 days to revolve that and then literally found themselves suddenly faced with the reality that trump is the nominee. what would you like to see mr. trump do over the next 30 to 60 days going forward to try to relay fears about his candidacy? the key part of this is just getting in the room and listening to each other. he needs to listen to paul and understand what ryan s concerns are. ryan needs to listen to trump and understand what his concerns are. they re not going to agree on some things. that is the nature of our constitutional process and they ll have to figure out how to work out some agreements but as the guy who wrote the book a the art of the deal, i think trump is going to have more of a deal making attitude, not a dictating attitude and that requires he listen to the guys and learn the greatest concerns. and the party establishment has to remember that the voters have rejected so much of what the party elites have stood for up to this point and rejected many of their ideas and the platform for which they have been campaigning and using all along, so they have to also be open to listen to mr. trump as he puts his ideas forward. and not just listen to mr. trump but to the millions and millions of americans who have chosen somebody who is clearly an outsider and clearly a change agent. i was much more offended by presidents bush and governor romney because when those three were the nominees, they expected all of us to support them. they would have been deeply offended if we had said something like paul ryan said yesterday and i think it is a bit much for people who got to be president or the nominee because of the republican party to now turn around and decide that they re smarter than millions and millions of republican voters and that they re not going to be part of the team. i found that to be, frankly, very offensive. they didn t want to attend the convention or plan to support the presumptive nominee. i m very happy for them not to attend the convention because that means the convention can be entirely in the fire and not have an evening of looking back at the past. how do you see things moving forward over the course of the next few weeks. are you optimistic that things will calm down? well, we re dealing with the most amazing political phenomenon of the life time. nobody has ever done with trump has done. he came as an outsider, he never held public office. he has increased the vote in the republican primary. democrats are down 35%. i think it is very impressive and i think that we have to recognize that you have a unique phenomenon with donald trump and we ll see what he does next. he now has to think about the much bigger playing field of a general election. he has to decide how he is going to beat hillary clinton and i think that then we ll see how the whole process shapes up leading to the convention in cleveland as part of the process, he will have to spend a number of hours meeting with key republicans, listening to them and trying to work out agreements that make them comfortable that he can be the president. what are you hearing from the never trump folks out there? are you hearing much about whether or not they plan to continue with their efforts to try to work against him? the hard line, never trumped people are crazed. they re never reachable. i don t put them in the same league as speaker ryan. the inspector of hillary clinton getting enough to get rid of the right to bear arms, i think the idea of a hillary presidency is a general threat to everything we believe in so i can t imagine how any of these folks can seriously believe that blocking donald trump, now that he is the nominee, that having hillary is better for america than donald trump. well, with trump as the presumptive nominee there, is lots of buzz as to whether he should go public with who he would like to as his running mate. he is not showing his cards saying he wants to wait for the gop convention. he is in spokane washington holding a rally at convention center there and some say announcing a vp choice could further unify the party if that person is someone who has strong ties to the gop. joining us now with thoughts on this mike huckabee. welcome governor, great to see you today. thank you, uma, great to be with you again. there is pressure on trump to move fast and get the party on his side. would it be smart to go ahead and defy protocol as he is known to do, go ahead and stop the guessing game before this summer s convention and pick a vp choice? well, he can certainly do that. it might be helpful, but he may decide to wait until the convention, give him more time to vet through the candidates, determine who is really compatible with him. have opportunity to spend time with those people, you know, i don t know that there is any pressure on him to announce this early and i think those who say, well, it will bring the party together. people who are mad at donald trump are still going to be mad at donald trump. i don t care who he picks and i don t think he owes those people a thing. he owes them only to win the nomination, which he has done, and now to win the presidency over hillary clinton which i believe he will do. to placate everybody what that is very petty and acting with petulance saying i m not going to vote or i ll vote for hillary, i don t think he owes those people anything. we re showing pictures of the ral thaechl will take place in spokane, washington where mr. trump will be speaking in minutes. he has put former rival dr. ben carson in the position of heading up the search committee to offer up names for trump to consider. who do you think should be on the list? not for me to decide. if i had been the nominee, i would get to tell you that. i don t get to talk about it. it is not my decision. for people that would be likely contenders that you think would get rave reviews within the party. let s take a look at what trump himself has said. he has said he wants to pick someone who has government experience, who has been a governor, a senator, somebody who has some pedigree, a resumé in governing. i think that is smart but he didn t say whether it would be a man, a woman, a southerner, a westerner, a northeasterner. he left himself a lot of room and that is smart. the one thing he has shut down, i think ben carson floated, might even be a democrat and he shot that down and says that would be disastrous. speaking of outsiders, what impact do you think having an outsider on the ticket, what impact could that have on the gop if it is a name not familiar with the public. i don t know that it helps a whole lot. i think it could be a question he doesn t want to have to deal with over the next several months. he doesn t want to put somebody on the stage that can hurt him. the main job of the vp pick is to take the hypocratic oath seriously. do no harm. he needs someone that has been through the process well enough, vetted well enough there won t be a lot of big surprises about the candidate and that person is not likely to stumble and fumble, whether it is in an interview or on the debate stage. that is what he doesn t want is the distraction from his own candidacy. i asked speaker gingrich about this earlier and i want to get your opinion on this. do you expect that the divide that exists right now in the party establishment like with those with paul ryan and others will soon close over the next few weeks if mr. trump works hard enough to unify the party with meetings and listening more than anything else to their point of view? i think overwhelmingly the party is going to come together. i thought it was significant that dick cheney said he would support donald trump and bob dole. that says a lot of them as states man. every one of us on the stage, 17 of us and we all in the very first fox news debate were asked would we support the nominee regardless. we said yes. the only person who hesitated was donald trump who later was frog marched in front of the world to publicly sign his commitment to support the ticket. i think, really, the question is, are we going to be men of our word, women of our word, are we going to keep the promise that we made on national television objection this very network when we said we would support the no, ma am snee i was prepared to do that regardless of who it was, even if it was not my favorite person. i ve said very clearly. you bet i ll support donald trump. i think he can beat hillary and i said i would support the nominee. i m keeping my word. that is a promise, as you point out, that was witnessed by millions of viewers across this country. yes. who know first hand that he that everyone did make, take that pledge. we ll see how that all comes together. great to have you on board. thanks for joining us. thanks, uma. and now we want to hear from you. should the presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle select their vice presidential choices before or during the convention. we ll try to get some of your answers later on in the show. and this fox alert is from mexico. we have learned that the infamous el chappo, one of not notorious drug lords in the world who escaped from a mexican prison will have a new home. we ll tell you where that will be and just how close to the u.s. border it is. plus, complete devastation in canada and the wild forces tens of thousands of people to flee their homes. the latest on what is happening on the ground and if we can expect to see any relief in sight for these folks. the situation remains unpredictable and dangerous. the top priority is human safety. immediately, in the danger zone and also, of course, among the evacuees. you wouldn t hire an organist without hearing them first. charge! so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? 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[ cheering ] don t wait a whole year for xfinity watchathon week to return. upgrade now to add the premium channel of your choice so you can keep watching. call or go online today. a mexican security official confirming the notorious drug lord el chapo guzman has been transferred to another prison. officials are not giving a reason for the transfer. el chapo s attorney saying the defense team was not told about the switch before hand. now, make sure you catch a special fox news reporting beauty and the beast, when kate met chapo. jeraldo rivera spoke with the star who received text messages from el chapo while out on the run. now to canada where those devastating wildfires continue to force thousands of people to flee the homes. crews are saying that the ft. mcmurray fire could double in size by the end of the day. more than 80,000 people have already evacuated the city and at least 1,600 buildings have burned. it is making it much more difficult to put them out. we have the latest on the situation, brian? this wildfire is already about 17 times the size of manhattan, new york city, 390 square miles. an area so large, canadian officials are calling this a national emergency and they admit, significant rain fall is about the only thing, the only thing, that will stop this fire completely but until then, more than 1,400 firefighters are battling to contain the blaze in the round of providence of alberta, can department of corrections the fire has been unpredictable in the path and senior wildlife officials believe this fire could double in size because of a dangerous combination of high temperatures, strong winds, and low humidity. they say conditions may not change through the weekend. now, the majority of the damage happening in ft. mcmurray where 1,500 structures, mostly homes burned to the ground, look at this video. it was captured by a home surveillance camera james o reilly and his wife watched this happen in their home and their belongings destroyed in front of their eyes. unbelievable. most of ft. mcmurray s 80,000 residents and their pets have been evacuated to shelters a reevacuation effort is currently under way for the remainder of 25,000 residents who fled to oil industry work camps in the north of the city only to be forced back south because of the unpredictable fire. no one who is not a trained first responder with a specific job to do should be in ft. mcmurray. a mandatory evacuation order still applies everywhere in the city and it will be for some time to come. luckily there have been no fatalities directly linked to this infern no and no towns or cities are in the path. a quarter of the oil production has been put offline until this fire is contained. uma. all right, brian, thank you very much. no problem. a trail of deadly shootings at multiple locations leading to one suspect. what investigators are accusing him of doing. plus, a top republican senator saying he is willing to advise donald trump on foreign policy. so, what changes can we expect if any? i didn t want to do it. you know, i have this great company. it is an amazing company, and some of the greatest assets in the world, and i said to myself, we have to do it. you know, the country has been great to me and i m putting back, boy, i m putting back. i didn t know i was going to be doing this. roger that! see ya! we are outta here! woo! when you re living with diabetes. steady is exciting. oh this is living baby! only glucerna has carbsteady, to help minimize blood sugar spikes. that s what i m talking about! and try new glucerna hunger smart with 15 grams of protein to help you feel full. glucerna. steady ahead. sir, this alien life form at an alarming rate. growing fast, you say? we can t contain it any long. oh! you know, that reminds me of how geico s been the fastest-growing auto insurer for over 10 years straight. over ten years? mhm, geico s the company your friends and neighbors trust. and deservedly so. indeed. geico. expect great savings welcome back, everybody, here is a check of the headlines making news right now. a federal security officer suspected in the three deadly shootings in the washington d.c. area facing additional charges. the 62-year-old being charged today with two counts of first degree murder and two counts of attempted first degree murder. he had been charged for allegedly shooting and killing his estranged wife on thursday. that shooting took place in a high school parking lot and was the first in a string of attacks around the d.c. area. today s charges stem from two other shootings yesterday, one at a shopping mall. the other at a shopping a center five miles away. over seas, a historic moment taking place in london labor party. politician sadiq khan being sworn in as the mayor. he is the first muslim to lead that city. khan beat goldsmith by 300,000 votes. and back in this country and back to the presidential sweep stakes. hillary clinton s campaign looking to seize an opportunity. with republicans divided on whether to support donald trump, the democratic frontrunner is looking to gain the support of republican voters as well as party leaders. her nomination is no lock. bernie sanders still aiming to push clinton to a contested convention this summer. hillary clinton is criticizing and courting republicans. her campaign is reportedly assembling a republicans for hillary effort to convince republicans opposed to donald trump to vote for her. clinton is focusing on her speeches on her likely general election opponent speaking to a crowd in oakland, california, clinton barely mentioned bernie sanders. instead, she condemned trump and his proposals. donald trump has doubled down on his intention to deport 11 or 12 million americans. he is talking about what he calls a deportation force. can you imagine, can you imagine the police and military action inside our borders? after winning today s caucus in gaum, clinton secured 95% of the delegates she needs to clinch the democratic presidential nomination. sanders says he is continuing his campaign. there are nine states left. we think we have a good shot to win in west virginia on tuesday, kentucky and oregon the next week, and we think we can win in california so we re going to fight for every remaining vote in the next nine states. california votes with new jersey and others on june 7th. if clinton performs well then, she can clinch the nomination. the democrats next vote tuesday in west virginia, sanders leads in polling there. neither candidate is hosting a public campaign event today. sanders next campaign in new jersey at the rutgers athletic center. he will be back on the east coast. thanks, rich! well, top republican senator offering to help donald trump develop a foreign policy plan. bob corker is saying that trump s platform shows flexibility and signs of realism and that his campaign is starting to develop concrete policies. here is trump at a rally in oregon. i couldn t stand watching the iran deal. i couldn t stand us getting pushed around by isis. i couldn t stand when i look at our military. i couldn t stand looking at the worst trade deals. the dumbest people in the world are making the worst trade deals and you re a big beneficiary of the stupidity. all right, joining us now is sebastian gorka, marine corps university and the author of defeating jihad. it is great to have you on the program today. thanks for joining us great to be back, uma, thank you. i want to get to the news that senator corker is offering to help trump in the art of foreign poll saech. what do you think of this proposal and do you think mr. trump would be a willing student? well, full disclear, i m not on mr. trump s campaign but he did reach out to me last year before anybody took him seriously and we met a few times to discuss national security, so there is definitely interest there, but he has a long way to go. he has a lot to learn. he gave his first foreign policy speech ten days ago here in washington. it was very different from every other speech he gave. he actually read it off of a tell prompter which is teleprompter which is unusual for him. it showed signs of solidification of national security but it was all over the place. it had contradictory things in it about our allies and commitments to our friends and disturbing things about our possible friendships and shared interests with russia and china. i m glad he is looking to develop his policies. it is nice of senator corker to assist him but he has a long way to go, uma. in your reading with mr. trump, did you find him to be open to listening to different points of view? he was curious. he has his own opinion on issues. i think it sounds to me as if he would like to read historic military things, especially about the civil war, so he has an interest, but i also think he has certain ideas that are preconceived especially with regard to the middle east and to our allies and i think now that he has announced his team about two weeks ago with great names, walid farris, he is a middle east expert, now he has people around him that can help solidify his policies. you had concerns about some of the statements made in the foreign policy speech he gave about friendship and shared interest with russia and china. can you elaborate on that? yes. if you have a broad, historic sense, you will understand that even if putin says he is killing terrorists or even if china says they re fighting the nationalists. it didn t mean they re on our side. putin is a former kbg colonel, he is a thug, a vicious man, he runs a country where they get murdered if they disagree. china is the last great communist deictator ship. it is a one party state and to say that we have shared interests, no, mr. trump, we don t and we should really stick to the friends we already have. that is something that has been very, very negatively affected by the obama administration and that is something that mr. trump could fix if he ever became president. for our viewers, we re letting folks know we re awaiting remarks from donald trump at this rally that he is attending right now in spokane, washington and as i see, he is about to speak there. dr. gorka, really quickly in summing up, do you think his foreign policy approach would be markedly different than what we had the past seven and a half years? as i said before, if the white house chair were empty it would be a giant improvement. we have had a catastrophic foreign policy, airborna. africa the middle east, it is a disaster. anybody except hillary would be an improvement. do you expect to see or actually, immediate resolutions to our policy in syria? i think so. what do we know about donald trump? he likes to win. so he would go up against our enemies, especially isis to win. so i would expect he would have to work with congress, but i expect significant changes if he becomes commander-in-chief. sebastian gorka, always a pleasure. thanks, uma. let s listen in to donald trump as he addresses his supporters in spokane, washington. and we re going to win, folks, we re going to win. i can tell you. look at this crowd. a poll just came out, a poll just came out, a great poll, that we re leading hillary clinton. it is already happening. already happening. so, you know, this wasn t supposed to happen today. after we won, i figured, well, maybe i ll stay home and take it a little bit easy. who would have thought this. trump wins before clinton. you know why? she can t put the deal away. we can. we know how to close the deal. she can t put it away. she cannot put the deal away. you know, she makes that one speech away. she gets up. reads the teleprompter. she goes north and south, east and west, we all love what is happening to our country, but we don t love what is happening to our country. we don t love it. so, but it wasn t supposed to happen because after we won, which was a little unexpected to do it that quickly, but we had such great, incredible victories, the last victories, new york landslide, won everything. landslide. and that is with three candidates, almost 62%. but three candidates, these guy, see the press, world s most dishonest people, they re the worst. i wish they would take the cameras. look at the size of this place. show them the corner of the room, but this is a lot of people. i don t know how many people. this is a lot of people. they ll only show if we have a protester so i hope we have a couple of protesters today. you know, hillary, crooked hillary yesterday, had a protester and what she did is she cut her speech short. she cut it short. it was from 11 to 13 minutes depending on who is doing the counting. here is the thing. you stood in line. we had people standing in line today for eight hours. always. always. so they don t have that problem. they just walk up, whatever the time is and have fun and they have 250 people and we have close to 10,000 people today. all right. just a few remarks from donald trump right there, give you a flavor of the atmosphere that is taking place right now inside of that convention center in spokane, washington, at this hour where trump is addressing thousands of his supporters there. we ll keep our eye on it and bring you more news coming out of the speech as it happens. moving right along now, training run suddenly turns into a rescue mission. a helicopter crew saving a marine jet pilot from the icy waters of the atlantic ocean. the near death experience he will live to tell. the fbi questions hillary clinton top aide about the e-mail server. is the presidential hopeful going to be next? 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yes, i expect her to be questioned by the fbi for sure but then the cosecondary questi, dui thi do i think she will be charged with a crime? no, i don t. it is a political fire storm. there are arguments that she may have violated the statute but it is a political football beyond. what about the optics? even if she is not charged but is questioned, if you are defending mrs. clinton there, what do you advise her on how she conducts herself and how to manage the story? as a former prosecutor and now defense attorney, we know the most important part of the criminal justice system and that is do not offer your client up to give up any criminal testimony when there is a criminal investigation going on. when you represent high level clients like i, do they re stuck between a rock and a hard place. the exercising of the constitutional rights is to protect the guilty and the innocent puts a smear on her. she was going to cooperate, she has cooperated but i agree with doug. i have said since the beginning, this will never be charged as a crime. facts are not there. nobody is looking at the case law. it has difficult things for the prosecutors to show in light of the fact that you look at the statistic that 80% of the cases referred to the department of justice for crimes like this never get prosecuted. that is what we call prosecutorial discretion. because you can charge doesn t mean you should and i think with all of that said, there are not even any more sufficient facts that justify a criminal charge against secretary clinton. i know you think there is enough to justify. a lot itself comes from the rhetoric that was being thrown around. other secretaries of state have done this. wait a minute, none had a private, separate server, it went through a government server, that sber one, and then the other thing that is that is number one and then the other thing that is troubling is there is no independent to violate the law. ignorance of the law is not a defense, i didn t know it was illegal and much more importantly, as secretary of state she took an oath immediately upon office that i will know what is classified and what isn t. so knowledge is built in by virtue of that process of taking that oath. i disagree completely. a lot of those laws include independe intent, knowledge, purpose and require that what about the fact. not on this one. not in this one. what about the fact that she decided herself which e-mails to delete. let s say you and i are sitting in the conference room, you re my boss, you re the county prosecutor, we re investigating an individual over the e-mails but the defendant through all of them and said it was fine. that is embarrassing. the issue is that we know, and i ve said that since the beginning, those e-mails, 90% of them i think the statistic is, or 80, had made their way to government servers. what people don t understand about this case is that prosecutors don t take weak cases, difficult cases, the u.s. attorney s office is notorious for making sure they put a bow on the case. there is no way a person can get out of it before they bring charges against a high level official like this and they use the rule of reason. they re not going to prosecute someone for a mistake or something they did that was there are those who say she will not get charged because of the political optics. this is an electioneer that there is a lot riding on this. to charge someone who is the democratic nominee at this point, without heavy duty evidence to support it, will not stand. a prosecutor at this level, to robert s point. this has to be personally signed off by the attorney general of the united states. loretta lynch who i worked with as a prosecutor in brooklyn, i don t think that is going to happen in a million years. this tremendous political conflict of interest, obviously. not to be sin call. but she works for president obama and it is right in the middle of an election cycle. i disagree with that. i feel bad for her and i ll tell you why. for those who believe no explanation is necessary. for those who don t. no explanation will suffice. they all believe the fbi director will do the right thing, if he decides not to prosecute like they don t in most of these cases it will be seen as a political, you know, move and it is unfortunate for her because she is being dragged through the mud on something i don t think believe she has any the stakes remain high. great to have you here. thank you for the insights, i appreciate it. thank you. we re keeping a close eye on the rally in spokane washington at this hour. it is the first stop in the state as the campaign heads to the northwest, powerball mania back in full speed. how much is the jackpot this time around? 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americans are buying up powerball tickets with a vengeance with the jackpot climbing to $415 million. that s the biggest payout since january when the big prize grew to $1.6 billion. three people bought winning tickets for that drawing. the odds of winning this powerball? 1 in $ 2. 9 2 million. the birds had tiny l.e.d. lights attached to their legs. they flew for 30 minutes. the performance will be repeated every weekend through june 12th. quite a sight. earlier we asked you when the candidates should select their vice president choices, before or during the convention. j.p. duffy says sooner then better because many voters are on the sideline until they see trump s vp. jerry posted most candidates need to pick a vp for the news coverage. trump seems to make enough news on his home. richard tweets were he should start announcing cabinet members as well. cindy says during the convention. let him take his time on the vetting process. he needs to best. my thanks to all of you. that s going to be a wrap here for me. i hope that you make it a great day. and for all of the wonder mothers out there, including my own, i want to wish all of you a very happy mother s day. thanks for joining us. have a great weekend, everybody. see you next time. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. but i only had a salad. it was a buffalo chicken salad. salad. trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated? 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control of his cam paper message, laying out his position to defeat isis. we cannot let this evil continue. reporter: trump, looking to rebound from a rocky stretch and doubts about hillary clinton s foreign policy. with one episode of bad judgment after another, hillary clinton s policies launched isis on to the world stage. things turned out really to be not so hot for our world and our country. reporter: even questioning whether she s physically fit to be commander in chief. she also lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on isis and all of the many adversaries we face. reporter: the billionaire businessman calling on the u.s. to abandon the attempts at nation building, saying it s time to focus on fighting isis on all fronts. the gop nominee framing it as an id logical war going back to the day of george w. bush as he called on the u.s. to team up with any ally to battle isis. we cannot choose our friends, but we can never fail to recognize our enemies. reporter: flushing out the plan to block immigrants from countries he claims breed terrorism, proposing a test to whether immigrants hold extremist views that don t mesh with american ideals. i call it extreme, extreme vetting. our country has enough problems. we don t need more. and these are problems like we have never had before. reporter: such a screening comes with lodgist cal hurdles and trump offered few details on the test he laid out today. in addition to screening out all members of the sympathizers of terrorist groups, we must also screen out any of hostile attitudes toward our country or principles or who believe sharia law should support american law. those who do not believe in our constitution or support bigotry and hatred will not be admitted for immigration into our country. only those who we expect to flourish in our country and to embrace a tolerant american society should be issued visas. donald trump clearly on message. how much concern is there that he can stay on message? reporter: anderson, that s always a concern when it comes to donald trump. he has the pattern of one day showing up, read from the tell prompter, then 24 hours later, the traditional donald trump off the cuff message. in a sign of that frustration, the wall street journal editorial page has been friendly to republicans came out and went after donald trump saying he needs to stop blaming everybody else and turn the campaign around by labor day and suggesting if he can t, he should turn the nomination over to mike pence. closer look now, the meat of the speech. joining us is former trump campaign manager, and cnn manager clarissa ward and seth who served in iraq. two with david petraeus. in terms of this idea of extreme vetting, a tolerant, you know, a test of tolerance, how would that actually work? i mean, asking somebody when they are coming over the border, do you support women s rights, gay rights, they are all things trump mentioned. is that for real? what you have and what trump was alluding to, when you look at the san bernardino killer, she came in on a visa because she married a u.s. citizen. they didn t check her social media accounts. what he s talking about is extreme vetting, looking at social media vetting. they have accepted 8,000 syrian refugees which is more than all the eu combined. we need to make sure the people coming in don t perpetuate or have the same type of mind set the san bernardino killer had, which was come here and commit jihad against our country. they allowed migrants in as many as a million. i get your point. congressman, the idea of a tolerance test for people that come to the united states, does that make sense to you? first of all, there s already extensive screening. its s the toughest route possible to get to the united states as a refugee. literally the most strict screening process possible. we are already doing things to improve it. this doesn t change anything. it might be unconstitutional, but it s not going to make us safer. it doesn t address the fact of what isis is trying to do is radicalize people that are at home. they are using, as tools to do that, the rhetoric of people like donald trump who want to discriminate against people based on their religion. you know the concern with the syrian refugees t migrants going to germany. i was in greece on the shores with hundreds coming ashore and passports ripped up. how ease zy is it to vet them w you can t look at police records and who they are? it s hard to do it. that s why it takes two years for someone to go through the refugee process to come to america. it s not comparable to these refugees swimming ashore in europe. it s silly to compare the two. migrants are flowing across borders freely into europe. you mentioned 800,000 into germany alone. totally different when a refugee comes to the united states. they go through the strictist screening. it takes upwards of 18 months to get through the process. often almost two years. that is because we are so strict and scrutinizing. if an isis terrorist wants to get to the united states, coming as a refugee is the worst route possible. you have worked in iraq and the middle east. using nato to fight terror. how many are new ideas and things the u.s. is already doing? what is strikinging listening to the speech is a lot of it sounded like policies that are already being implemented by the obama administration. trump talked a lot about working closely with allies, supporting allies who will fight isis, cutting the source of isis funding. trying to put a stop to recruitment. his suggest was to shut down the internet, which i think is probably not only not feezasibf but challenging for security services who get a lot of intelligence from that. then he went one step further and almost seemed to put the entire arab spring at the feet of the obama administration as opposed to the feet of the brutal dictators who have been in charge in that region, those countries for many decades. it seemed he almost had a that stall ja. he talked about the president of egypt who does not aspire to american values and came to power in a coup. there were a lot of mixed messages. even in his power he was drawing, putting together syria and libya calling them disastrous and the obama administration was responsible. in libya, you had an intervention that had certain fairly disastrous consequences. in syria, no intervention and the consequences hugely disastrous. in fact, syria is the giant, festering wound that isis started to thrive in. in terms of what trump said about his record, a lot of people are pointing to inaccuracies and things he said. he talked about the catastrophic mistake of pulling troops out of iraq, it happened too quickly. that was something he called for in multiple interviews in 2006, 2007 and 2008 on larry king. get out, declare victory and get out like we did in vietnam. is it hypercritical and clarissa mentioned, libya, he attacked president obama for not going faster against gadhafi. there were multiple instances where he was critical of the obama administration and things he was supporting years ago. donald trump is a businessman and doesn t have access to the same type of information that this administration has access to or the previous administration. when you look at the things he was calling for like the congressman, you know, mr. trump said he was against the iraq war. the congressman was against it. he went to war to fight. on howard stern he said howard stern was, well, okay, maybe. that s not a ringing endorsement. that s not fair to say he s in favor of the war. the congressman wasn t in favor, but he served duty. we respect him for that. the best information he had availab available, get out. the problem became when the u.s. extracted itself. that created a power vacuum that allowed isis to grow to what it is today, the single biggest source of terror in our world. what trump said on larry king, there s going to be civil war no matter what, get out, declare victory. is it hypercritical to attack the obama administration? it s a valid issue, but counter to what he used to have. is that hypercritical? it is. donald trump is not running to be a businessman. he is running to be our commander in chief. we have to trust him to make the right judgment calls. they are tough calls. i have been a democrat that is critical of the obama add m administrati administration. trump is hypercritical when he criticizes others. he s not fit to be our commander in chief. he might be a great businessman. the record is shotty on that as well. but, he clearly does not have a temperment or judgment to make the tough calls about the national security. just by running for president and talking about things like banning muslims which inflames isis recruitment. he s putting national security at risk for the course of his campaign. congressman, stay with us. we are going have more in a second. next, what people thought of what he said and the way he said it. the panel joins us. later, we go to the louisiana flood zone where the danger remains of the pictures. the death toll, the water keeps rising. rescuers rising to the occasion to help. we ll show you incredible rescues. it s easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon. then quickly fell back to earth landing on the roof of a dutch colonial. luckily geico recently helped the residents with homeowners insurance. they were able to get the roof repaired like new. they later sold the cow because they had all become lactose intolerant. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. t-mobile s coverage is unstoppable. now get three countries for the price of one. talk, text and surf in canada and mexico, just like the u.s. calgary, cozumel, mexico city, montreal we got you covered, and we won t stop. thenot cold, but not hot.e, i can sleep the way that i sleep and he sleeps the way that he sleeps and we don t disrupt each other. it s just cool, it s great! to sleep happy guaranteed, and zero percent apr financing, visit mattress firm. america s number one tempur-pedic retailer. craso come dive into disheser like the new alaska bairdi crab dinner with sweet crab from the icy waters of alaska. or try crab lover s dream with tender snow and king crab legs. love crab? 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(avo) love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. get zero percent on select subaru models during the subaru a lot to love event, now through august thirty-first. we are talking donald trump s second campaign the last two weeks and the pressure he is under. today in ohio, he stuck to a script of those who wanted him to appear more presidential. last april, he told a crowd in pennsylvania he will be so presidential he will bore people and they will stop coming to his rallies. what did the crowd in ohio think of that? reporter: an invitation only crowd of donald trump supporters waiting in the rain, waiting to find out how he plans to keep them safe. this has to stop. we have to stop being victims. we have to stop being gentle. reporter: the says america has to do what america has to do. does that include water boarding and interrogation techniques? i m not opposed to it. reporter: then this quote from december. donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until our country s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. reporter: tell me specifically what you want to see. just the muslims, people, yeah, it has to stop. just until we get it ironed out. reporter: you want to hear donald trump say muslims should be banned? for the time being. only this way will we make america great again and safe again for everyone. thank you very much. god bless you. thank you. thank you chlgt. reporter: the reviews from the crowd were kind. he did not mention banning muslims but the plan of so-called extreme vetting. i thought it was inspiring. it s what the country needs. reporter: what about the declaration that a country that shares the goal of radical islam will be an ally of the u.s. would it trouble you if russia was fighting terrorism and then lithuania how could russia be a u.s. ally? that s a good point. there s room for negotiation. we have somebody willing to talk to all parties and do something in our interest. reporter: criticism of hillary clinton and president obama. i thought he was forceful in what he has to say to america because we are in terrible shape. our president is a muslim who hates america. what did you say? i said our president is a muslim who hates america. reporter: you think barack obama is a muslim? oh, yes. reporter: he s a christian. he s a christian. that wasn t a typical response to the speech. this was. i thought it was awesome. i loved his speech entirely. gary tuckman joins us. did anything else stand out about the speech? reporter: i spoke to a lot of people today, anderson. one of the more interesting conversations was a woman born in puerto rico, but lived in ohio many years. donald trump did not talk about his proposal to have a border wall on the border of the united states and mexico. she doesn t want to see a border wall. i told her, well, there s no indication donald trump abandoned the position to build a border wall. that s what he s best known for. she said it s very significant that on the speech, he did not mention that border wall. thank you very much. cnn political analyst, jackie. clinton supporter, christine quinn and cora is back with us. democratic strategist and former congressional black hawk director, angela. and last but not lease, trump supporter, joseph. let s start off with you, jackie. for the folks in that room, all trump supporters, it was very well received. donald trump needs to reach out to other people who haven t been receptive to him, yet. do you think he did that with his speech? it s starting to sound like it. yes, trump supporters would be very please zed by the speech. this isn t a speech that was meant to expand to other people or didn t sound that way. when talking about extreme immigration, talking about it already takes 18-24 months to allow refugees into this country, a lot of things didn t seem targeted to a broader audience. congressman, you have never been on the trump train. did this speech reach out to you? donald trump s problem is, does he appear presidential? that is an issue that s been exasperated from the prohibition and allowing people based on religious orientation to come into the country, which is completely antirepublican and anti-american. not what makes america great to the controversy with the cons through the convention. his struggle is to appear to be the commander and chief, confident enough to be knowledgeable enough and the ability to project american power appropriately. do you think he came out like that? i think he struggles with that. most americans would say, do you want to do enhanced background checks for immigrants? there s no right for immigration. it s a privilege to come into the country. every immigrant that comes in has a commitment to america and america s values. i m comfortable with that and most americans are. he s right about that. where he veers into the religious litmus test is where he loses people. he has fantastic critique against hillary clinton and barack obama in libya and egypt and allies in israel. former allies or so-so allies of ter cue and what s going on in syria where a half mill people have been slaughtered. that s a fantastic critique. get on message and talk about america s power. the other thing is the issue to criticize nation building. two of the most successful foreign policy interventions in the post world war ii period were nation building in germany and japan. if done correctly, if you can understand the capacity of the country and the ability to have leadership and where the values lend themselveses to knock si, there may be times to do that. what s wrong with vetting? why not know all you can about the people? a couple things. one is, i find it really challenges that he used the term extreme when talking combatting terrorism. i don t know if i m the only one that struggled with that wording. talking extreme vetting, the process that already exists not only under this current administration, but preceding administrations. what does extreme vetting look like? he supports water boarding and to tourture. i want to know what that means when you are talking states with the same sponsored policies and laws. the anti-lgbq. you said things that were hypercritical about muslim countries in your speech and they blind what s happening. to argue the flip side, if president obama said that they were going to have a litmus test for people coming into the country, they had to support gay rights or equal rights for women, there might be a lot of folks on the other side of the aisle saying that sounds like political correctness gone haywire. supporting gay rights and being out of the post in a sense where you are killing people and jailing them for participating. as far as what angela was saying about extreme vetting, i think a lot of times the democratic party loses the regular voters when they have a problem with someone saying we want to vet people extremely to make sure those coming into the country are not terrorists. we look across the ocean to europe. they have the gun control measures we like to talk about. now they are moving toward being stricter on who comes through border. they have realized the problems. what about that? for years, it may be on the immigration questionnaire. people asked to come into the country. have you been a member of the communist party? you want anyone coming into the country to be vetted appropriately, appropriately. that needs to be a standard that is the same for everyone. let s not forget president truman vetoed the rule. congress did override him. the provision that you have to fill that out. it s a mccarthyism. a terrible period of american history. when i was hearing the introduction, so to speak of trump s speech before he gave it, people were saying we are going to find out if the folk who is want to come in ascribe to american values. is that my american values? is that donald trump s america values? what does that mean? let me say one other thing, i find it hypercritical on a level i find it hard to describe they are going to keep anti-lgbtq people out of the country when last week donald trump went with marco rubio to an anti-lgbt event a stone s throw from the pulse nightclub and mike trump is one of the most anti-lgbt in the country. here is what it comes down to. donald trump s message has been and continues to be putting america first. what that means is making sure we have a full appreciation and an understanding of who is coming into our country. rick said it, coming to this country is a privilege. you have many, many more. there s a lot of people with a lot of different ideas. i have the privilege of going to ellis island and taking a tour. the ranger told us the questions asked. will you be a productive member of the country? what will you do to contribute to america? we have always been that. what we want to make sure we have the best people, not just anybody gets to come. it is a privilege to be a member of the united states. all four of my grandparents came through ellis island. one, a 16-year-old girl after surviving the titanic. let s not forget, more first class men got off than third class girls. they came from ireland. nobody asked them if they were republicans. were they supporters. no one asked them if they had family involved in supporting the republican cause. nobody asked them what their perspective was on the declaration from the post office in 1916. no one asked them that. sack lot of folks didn t want irish immigrants in the united states at that time. nonetheless, no one asked them that at ellis island. that s my point. no one said some irish, not others. the difference is they weren t at war with the united states. that was an internal domestic issue. it was horrible but you weren t having people threatening to come to the u.s. and attack. muslims are not muslims are not at war with this country, either. right. we start getting very treasure rouse when we talk about banning a religion. i know he s dialed that back. you heard supporters say that a muslim ban is what he wanted to hear. another supporter said the president is a muslim is what she called him. i can t you can t hold him accountable for his supporters. if that s the case, all hillary clinton supporters said i m not taking a random person. the father of the killer at the nightclub. tom foley was behind your candidate. he s a child molester. child molester. one of the other problematic parts of the plan is it was not only immigrants, it was their children, who could be american citizens. unconstitutional. i don t know how that could be even put into effect. that s a part i would love to ask a question about that. we have to take a quick break. when we come back, new polling. donald trump facing a challenge in battleground states. it boils down to battleground states. how do the numbers shape the map? hey, you re clarence! yes, sir. you know, at the model year end 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unqualified to be president. clinton said the trump loophole would only benefit people like him. he would end up paying a rate lower than millions of middle class families. that is assuming he pays any taxes at all. we really don t know since we haven t seen his tax return. clinton is leading trump by double digits. in four battleground states an up hill run for trump. the new battleground states, is it all bad news for trump? yes. in a word, it s all bad news. ten or 12 in the last week or so. these are six state that is are almost always traditional battleground states. florida, ohio, north carolina, new hampshire, virginia, colorado. why are they blou? hillary clinton leads in all six. these numbers are generous to donald trump. when i say clinton leading by three or four, that s an average in the last month. same with ohio. the average is plus two. recent polls show a bigger lead. look here, one, two, three, four, five, six. these are bigger leads in virginia, colorado, new hampshire. six states in a close election fought to the end. anderson, donald trump said okay, maybe i m not going to win the traditional battlegrounds, but turn traditionally blue states red. not at the moment. michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin and new york who ch he says he can flip. the average is 17 in new york, nine in new york, six in michigan. other polls have bigger clinton leads. trump cannot win unless he turns it blue red. not one of them that i can circle and say donald trump is turning this state, that state or that state. right nouw, he s in a ditch. the race for 270 electoral votes. if you go by remember, 85 days to go. a lot can change in 85 days. he s defied gravity many times. hillary clinton leading in ohio. michigan and wisconsin leaning her way. leading in ohio, pennsylvania, virginia, north carolina, florida and new hampshire. iowa and nevada are off the table for now. that gets her to 335. you only need 270 to win. if those states voted on election day where they are right now, she would win by a bigger margin than barack obama beat romney. i m not including iowa and nevada. if she s winning others she is winning those. 85 days, a lot can change. donald trump is in a ditch. what does trump need to do? is there a dynamic driving to clinton? there s no question, the democrats had a successful convention. that changed dynamics. you have been taking about it since the beginning of the program. questions about trump s discipline and whether or not he can stay on message. it s complicated. which candidate is best able to handle the economy? that s issue one. donald trump, for months in the polling had an advantage, a big advantage around the time of his convention. the most recent poll, hillary clinton. roughly even. it s not a great advantage for hillary clinton. trump s lead over the past several months, this is a big change. hillary clinton running even with trump on the economy. if that number doesn t change, given the advantage they have, another warning sign for trump. thanks. breaking it down by the numbers. trump s campaign chairman get million ofs dollars. we ll get the latest on what drew griffin found. that s next. and i quit smoking with i m chantix. i had a lot of doubts going in. i was a smoker. hands down, it was, that s who i was. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don t take chantix if you ve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right 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ukraine government. now, on those documents, we are told, 22 times between the years 2007 and 2012, paul manafort s name comes up. he was doing consulting work over there. correspondent to that name are $12.7 million in what they say designated payments. were the payments made? what do they represent? we don t have an answer to that. the cautionary note from the an anti-corruption bureau is there s no signature by paul manafort next to the payments so they believe there s a chance he didn t sign for the cash. it s part of a much, much bigger government corruption investigation going on in the ukraine. there he is. paul manafort in the middle of it. there s no secret he did work in ukraine. that s been known. is there anything that says what he did was illegal in any way? there were shell companies involved and cayman islands and places like that. well, paul manafort trashed the new york times and the reporter is going to talk about that. there are two separate issues. the issue of the payments. were the payments illegal? we don t know. were the payments made? we don t know. we don t know what the payments were about. if paul manafort is getting $12.7 million in ukrainian government funds under the table, ha is possibly illegal. we just don t know that yet. he had legitimate business there. it s wide open. everybody knew it. he had the right to work for the party of regions which he worked for many, many years. the person he was working for fled the country and is living in russia. what has manafort said about it? he responded harshly calling it silly. let me read you a part of his statement. he said the simplest answer is the truth, i am a campaign professional. it is well known i do work in the united states and have done work on overseas campaigns as well. i have never received a single off the books cash payment as falsely reported by the new york times nor have i done work for the governments of ukraine or russia. he goes on to say, the suggestion that i accepted cash payment is unfounded, silly and nonsensical. thank you very much. a reporter that broke the story and author of missing man. he joins me now. thanks for being with us. what do you make of what paul manafort said? the statement, the facts in the story are what they are. as drew mentioned, the ledger shows 22 payments over five-year period that are related to mr. manafort s name. who the money went to is not clear. it s the analogy of a bookmaker. they were calling a black ledger. it was found in one of the presidential offices, right? correct. basically, you know, they probably had two sets of books, one showed to the tax people and another with cash payments in it. so, the question is, did this money go to mr. manafort, to his firm, to his associates. he was helping the guy who became president get re-elected, organize the campaign election, stuff like that, which is why he said he never worked for the government itself. he was working for the campaign. is it possible, if the campaigns were made, they were legitimate payments for work done on a campaign? anything is possible. but, i mean, the question is, why were they cash payments? and how do those payments or that sum of money relate to the actual money that mr. manafort or his firm received for the services they provided to the party? we don t know what that sum is. right. it s only when you know the sum you can put these sums into context. manafort seems to take issue with the term off the books cash payment. what do you make of that? he says i never personally received it. he, mr. manafort. the question was, did his firm receive them? did associates resteve payments? he doesn t address that in the statement. we don t know the answer to that. the other question, is there linkage between his work for the guy, the president of ukraine and donald trump s positions toward russia? as i said, he s fled and living in russia. right. that makes this another aspect of the story. i have no idea. i have no idea what informed mr. trump on that subject nor do i know the imput mr. manafort has. what surprised you most? these books showing payment and there was money. either the money exists or doesn t exist and somebody got the money. hopefully in days and weeks to come, we ll know where the money went. the investigation continues. thank you very much. appreciate it. up next, historic flooding in louisiana. 20,000 people rescued, including woman and her dog trapped in a car. it was caught on video. a look at how they got out when 360 continues. you don t know this yet but in fifteen hundred miles, you ll see what you re really made of. after five hours of spinning and one unfortunate ride on the gravitron, your grandkids spot a 6 foot banana that you need to win. in that moment, you ll be happy you partnered with a humana care manager and got your health back on track. because that banana isn t coming home with you until that bell sings. great things are ahead of you when your health is 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responders, volunteers are helping those trapped in flood waters trying to get to dry land. take a look. reporter: rescues by boat, from the air, even from underneath the flood waters. get out! i m trying! give me a knife. reporter: this rescue crew in baton rouge found a car which was quickly sinking. the i hadriver was trapped insi. you hear her calling for help. we re coming. we re breaking the window. reporter: but with the car now almost completely under water, one of the rescuers jumps in the water. grabbing the driver s arm and pulling her out of the car up to safety. get my dog! get my dog! reporter: as soon as she s able to take a breath she pleads with him to save her dog, still trapped inside the car. i will get the dog. here, here. i can t get the dog. reporter: so he dives back down under the water. i got your dog! reporter: in the end, saving them both. officials and volunteers in louisiana are working around the clock to help those stranded by the devastating floods. those able to walk through the rushing water are given a helping hand to higher ground. those unable to make it on their own are carried to safety. as of right now, there have been more than 20,000 people rescued from their homes in and around southern louisiana. reporter: pets weren t left behind in these rescues. this military convoy made room for dogs as well as people. they fled the baton rouge area. the flood waters are not expected to recede for days, with many still trapped inside their homes rescue operations continue. images like these evoking memories of hurricane katrina which hit this region 11 years ago this month. over the weekend, more than 20 inches of rain fell in and around baton rouge and more is on the way. the water is not done rising in louisiana. our meteorologist jennifer gray joins us from baton rouge with more. almost two feet of rain in just a few days. how is the community coping? reporter: well, this is a one in 1,000 year flood. this comes just on the heels, six months ago, we had a historic flood across south louisiana and so now, we are seeing another one. you know the front cover of the newspaper said like katrina all over again. i think the images of people climbing out of their roofs to get to safety, to get on people s boats, to get out of their neighborhoods sha, was haunting for people across louisiana. you can see the scope of what we are talking about. water chest-high inside people s homes. it s going to be a long time before they are able to get back in. that s drone footage from the area you are in. is more rain expected? what s the forecast? reporter: well, we are looking at a little bit more rain each day. we are not going to see widespread all day rain but we will see popup showers. it shouldn t do too much as far as worsen the flood but a lot of the rivers have already crested. keep in mind this will be a very slow climb downward. we are talking about days, not hours. so some of these rivers could sit at where they crested for several days. we are talking about these houses behind me with water inside. it could be the end of the week before they are able to get in their front door. terrible. appreciate you being there. thank you. the next hour of 360 donald trump proposes what he calls extreme vetting of immigrants and other steps as he unveils his plan to defeat isis. s creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum-tum-tum-tum-tums smoothies, only from tums. the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon. then quickly fell back to earth landing on the roof of a dutch colonial. luckily geico recently helped the residents with homeowners insurance. they were able to get the roof repaired like new. they later sold the cow because they had all become lactose intolerant. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. but i only had a salad. it was a buffalo chicken salad. salad. what we learn opporon the track,cover doesn t stay on the track. it just finds more street legal form. for a limited time get some of the best offers of the year on our complete line of f sport performance vehicles at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. this is the pursuit of perfection. hhis stellar notebooks will last through june. get back to great. this week sharpie twelve-packs just three dollars. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. good evening. at the end of a big day in presidential politics, especially for donald trump, he s been having a hard time in the polls and with many republicans, some of whom are losing patience with the way he s running his campaign. they want him to stay on message unlike the way things happened last week after he laid out his economic plan. this afternoon he unveiled his plan for fighting isis including tougher scrutiny for immigrants with an eye towards stopping islamic extremism at the border. the time is overdue to develop a new screening test for the threats we face today. i call it extreme vetting. i call it extreme, extreme

Vietnam , Republic-of , Louisiana , United-states , Nevada , Passat , Odes-ka-oblast , Ukraine , Alaska , Mexico-city , Distrito-federal , Mexico

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20161004

gap. 50% of supporters are extremely or very enthusiastic of voting for her. that s up four points from early september. enthusiasm among trump supporters ticked down two points over that same period. another interesting finding in the wake of the record that donald trump had gone nearly two decades without paying federal tax. 50% of register voters believe paying tax is a civic duty. 12% say it is an unnecessary burden. the poll ended before the times published the record that trump took a $916 million loss on the 1995 tax. that may have avoided him from paying federal tax for 18 years. trump is calling that an act of genius. cnn s jason carroll is with the campaign in colorado and has the latest. reporter: donald trump wrapped up his debate here in loveland, colorado trying to turn the tables over the controversy involving his taxes. saying he used the tax laws as any smart person would do in his mind to turn his company around during what he called a real estate depression during the 90s. he said he did what he could to quote minimize the burden on himself and on his family. christine and john, he also readily admitted to the crowd here that he benefitted from knowing the tax system. the unfairness of the tax laws is unbelievable. it s something that i have been talking about for a long time. you heard me talking about it despite being a very big beneficiary. i must admit. i am. i am a big beneficiary. but you are more important. reporter: trump criticizing hillary clinton saying she is the candidate that focuses on quote small, petty things. he also called her the candidate of distraction which is unusual because donald trump himself has been accused by some in his party of being easily distracted. they want him to focus on the issues going forward heading into the debate now just a few days away. christine. jason, thank you. on the democratic side, hillary clinton will campaign in pennsylvania with her daughter chelsea. she is expected to escalate attacks on trump s effort to pay little or no taxes as she did on monday in ohio. let s go to cnn s jeff zeleny for the latest on that. reporter: john and christine, hillary clinton campaigning in pennsylvania today after spending monday in battleground ohio. the first time she visited the state in nearly a month. arriving as donald trump was leading five points in a quinnipiac poll in ohio. hillary clinton is hoping to close that gap by seizing on donald trump s tax returns. she is asking for months what is trump hiding? on monday, she told voters. in other words, trump was taking from america with both hands and leaving the rest of us with the bill. you know in the debate he said it was smart to avoid paying taxes. yesterday, his campaign was bragging it makes him a genius. here s my question. what kind of genius loses $1 billion in a single year. reporter: the clinton campaign seizing on that revelation of donald trump s returns. going after his business acumen in one sense and the fact he has not been contributing like most americans do to the military and other federal programs that taxes go to. now the clinton campaign realizes there are limit to the argument. donald trump supporters are loyal and locked in. it is the voters in the middle. moderate voters. college educated women voters they are most interested in. that s one of the reasons hillary clinton back in pennsylvania today as she watches that vice presidential debate tonight in virginia. john and christine. jeff zeleny, thanks. joining us now to discuss the presidential campaign and vice presidential debate which takes place in a few hours. analyst and best selling author is ellis henican. good morning. we saw something unusual. both candidates on the trail talking about the same thing. donald trump s taxes. they had slightly different views of why it s important and what it means. listen to what they said. as a businessman and real estate developer, i have legally used the tax laws to my benefit. and to the benefit of my company, my investors and my employees. i mean, honestly, i have brilliantly used those laws. back in the 1990s, trump apparently lost $1 billion in a single year on bad investments and failing casinos. now how anybody can lose $1, let alone $1 billion in the casino industry is kind of beyond me. right? what kind of genius loses $1 billion in a single year. so has trump sort of stopped the bleeding on this, ellis, or will we hear this for the next 38 days? i don t think hillary will get that many days out of it. maybe another day and a half. the trump argument would be stronger if he released his tax returns. maybe it is brilliant. maybe he just has a good accountant. it is better to say here is how i did it. that is not on the table yet. listen to what donald trump said yesterday. he was at a panel of retired american warriors pac in virginia. he was talking about the issue facing vets. post traumatic stress disorder and what vets face when they come home is a major issue. this is what donald trump said about it. when you talk about the mental health problems and when people come back from war and combat. they see things maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over and you are strong and can handle it, but a lot of people can t handle it. they see horror stories and events you could not see in a movie. nobody would believe it. maybe you could handle it. a lot of people can t handle it. it was taken out of context. my son was not weak. joe biden hitting back on this saying trump doesn t get it. he doesn t try to educate himself with what is happening with american vets. how big is this? it is obviously a sensitive area. i didn t hear donald trump saying he doesn t care about vets or he wants them to suffer. it was inartfully said. it won t go too long to me. i don t think anyone questions that donald trump and hillary clinton or any elected official in america right now is committed to the well being of our veterans. it shows a lack of sensitivity in the language surrounding an issue which is of great interest and concern to a lot of people. a lot of people devote their lives to ptsd. one thing they are devoted to it can happen to anyone. it is not about being strong or weak. it is about having traumatic stress. it is an incredibly difficult for anyone to deal with. that s what people are struggling with. that was the context there. let s turn to where i am now in farmville, virginia. the vice presidential debate. how big of a moment is this? look, we know it is the top of the ticket people care about. what can tonight do, ellis? it took a while to ramp up the enthusiasm, but i m finally there. these are the most conventional vp candidates in the least conventional year. pence has to show there is someone in there with serious policy chops who might actually influence what the trump administration could do. and kaine has to bring a human connection and some kind of normal comfort to the clinton campaign. both need it desperately. we have to watch tonight. we will watch no question. you look at the unfavorability. they are more popular than their bosses. thanks, ellis. john berman. don t go away. who will win the night? republican governor mike pence or democratic tim kaine? joe biden is back on the campaign trail for hillary clinton. that is coming up on new day. and the other big story. the people of haiti and cuba are bracing for a category 4 hurricane. we have a live update coming up. guess what guys, i switched to sprint. sprint? i m hearing good things about the network. all the networks are great now. we re talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn t you love more customers? i would definitely love some new customers. sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. switch your business to sprint and save 50% on most current 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waves and storm surge. it caused two deaths. two fishermen were caught up in the storm and certainly could cause more on the island that suffered from earthquakes and hurricanes in the past. in cuba, they are waking up here this morning. the rooster is starting to crow. people are waiting for the low moving and powerful storm. the storm is moving 8 miles per hour. it will dump a lot of rain. it is a mountainous region. this is where fidel castro had his regime. people could have roads washed out. officials are going door-to-door telling people to evacuate. of course, this is a communi communist-run island. the government is blasting messages telling people they need to seek shelter because of the potential deadly storm. very tense morning. thank you for that, patrick. big threat to haiti right now. what kind of threat to matthew pose for the eastern u.s.? we asked meteorologist pedram javaheri. john and christine, we are watching hurricane matthew across the peninsula. this storm impacting one of the poorest nations in the western hemisphere, but one of the poorest in the world. the concern is when you think of the island, the storm surge will be devastating. 7 to 11 feet high. you talk about the heavily deforested landscape in the region. a lot of the energy is coming in in people taking trees out and burning it and using charcoal for energy and that could lead to humanitarian crisis with the amount of water that comes down. all of that will be runoff and could lead to flash flooding. we have seen this with tropical features making landfall on haiti and leading to large scale fatalities. the storm system moves off the eastern coast of florida. the model consensus is different. the storm system offshore and the american system brings in remnant rainfall to the northeast and pushes it to southern canada next week. a lot to be seen with what happens. certainly interesting weather ahead of us across the eastern seaboard. a tense week. thank you, pedram. the majority of voters think donald trump should release his tax returns. 95% of democrats and 75% of independents think trump should reveal tax data. 49% of republicans agree. the survey asked why not? 57% say he is hiding something. 37% believe trump when he says he is audited. that doesn t legally prevent him from releasing them. as for the tax policy, 48% pick clinton when it comes to who better handles taxes. donald trump is within the margin of error. indiana governor mike pence is getting ready to come to farmville, virginia for the vice presidential debate at longwood university. on the way, he suffered a defeat in a federal court. find out what that is about next. k just say, show me cars with no accidents reported find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don t plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing i like it start your used car search at is it a professor who never stops being a student? is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own? or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions? your personal success takes a financial partner who values it as much as you do. learn more at good morning. 23 minutes past the hour right now. we are live at longwood university in farmville, virginia. the vice presidential candidates are making their way here. tim kaine and mike pence face-off tonight at 9:00 here on cnn. governor pence as leader of indiana, goes into the debate suffering a loss in a federal appears court. three-judge panel overruled the governor s attempt to block syrian families from resettling in indiana. he used tough language. the justices say there is no reason to believe that syrian refugees committed acts of terror in the united states. they called this suggestion nightmare speculation. governor pence argues his policy is not discriminatory. he aims to protect the citizens of indiana. north korea may plan an october surprise. the center for strategic studies say provocative action by pyongyang can be expected around the elections. it conducted a nuclear and missile test shortly after obama was elected. erratic behavior by north korea is one the biggest challenges the president will face. they are urging to team up with allies. hillary clinton waking up this morning with a lead over donald trump in a new national poll. find out which voters she has captured after the debate coming up. ess uys, switched t nt. sprint? i m hearing good things about the network. all the networks are great now. we re talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn t you love more customers? i would definitely love some new customers. sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. switch your business to sprint and save 50% on most current verizon, at&t and t-mobile rates. don t let a 1% difference cost you twice as much. whoooo! for people with hearing loss, visit the post debate bounce. hillary clinton pulls out in front of donald trump in a cnn poll. debate night for the number twos. tim kaine and mike pence. they get one shot to convince america that they can handle the job and what s more important, their bosses can do the job. hurricane matthew ready to strike. the eye of the storm right now nearing haiti. a live report straight ahead. we welcome back to early start. i m christine romans. i m john berman live in farmville, virginia live at longwood university where just a few hours from now they will hold the one and only vice presidential debate. the democrat senator tim kaine of virginia. the republican mike pence of indiana will meet on stage here and try to sell themselves, but this is about advocating for the top of the tickets. hillary clinton has bounced to a new lead. call it a debate bounce. in the latest cnn/orc poll, hillary clinton leads five points among voters. she trailed in our poll after labor day. increasing support for independents. secretary clinton has taken a new step toward closing the enthusiasm gap. 50% of supporters are extremely enthusiastic about vote are for her. enthusiasm among donald trump supporters ticked down two points over the same period. another interesting finding in the poll comes in the wake of the report that donald trump may have gone nearly two decades without paying federal income tax. our poll found that 86% of registered voters believe paying taxes a civic duty. just 12% said paying taxes are an unnecessary burden best avoided. the polling period ended before the times report published the $916 million loss on the 1996 taxes. that could determine him to avoid paying any federal income tax for the next 18 years. donald trump is calling that an act of genius. cnn s jason carroll has the latest from colorado. reporter: donald trump wrapped his rally in loveland, colorado trying to turn the tables over the controversy over the taxes. he said he used the tax laws as any smart person would do to turn his company around during what he called a real estate depression during the 90s. he said he did what he could to what he said quote minimize the burden on himself and on his family and christine and john, he readily admitted to the crowd here that he benefitted from knowing the tax system. the unfairness of the tax laws is unbelievable. it s something that i have been talking about for a long time. you heard me talking about it. despite being a very big beneficiary. i must admit. i am. i am. i m a big beneficiary. but you re more important than my being a beneficiary so we will straighten it out and make it fair for everybody. reporter: donald trump also criticizing hillary clinton saying she is the candidate that focuses on quote small, petty things. he called her the candidate of distraction which is unusual because donald trump himself has been accused by some in his own party of being easily distracted. they want him to focus on the issues going forward heading into the debate now just a few days away. christine. jason, thank you. hillary clinton will campaign today in eastern pennsylvania with her daughter chelsea. she is expected to escalate attacks on trump s effort to pay little or no taxes as she did in ohio on monday. let s go to cnn s jeff zeleny for the latest on that. reporter: john and christine, hillary clinton campaigning in pennsylvania today after spending monday in battleground ohio. the first time she visited the state in a month. arriving as donald trump was leading five points in the quinnipiac poll in ohio. she is seizing on trump s tax returns. she has been asking for months what is trump hiding. she told voters. in other words, trump was taking from america with both hands and leaving the rest of us with the bill. then you know in the debate he said it was smart to avoid paying taxes. yesterday his campaign was bragging it makes him a genius. here s my question. what kind of genius loses $1 billion in a single year. reporter: the clinton campaign seizing on that revelation of trump s tax returns and going after his business acumen and seizing on the other like the military and other federal programs your taxes go to. trump supporters are loyal and locked in. it is the voters in the middle. moderate voters. college educated women voters they are most interested in. that is a reason hillary clinton is back in pennsylvania today as she watches that vice presidential debate tonight in virginia. jeff zeleny, who is racking up the frequent flyer miles this year. joining us to discuss the political debate is ellis henican. let s start with whether you think trump was able to blunt the tax controversy and he may not have been able he may have been able to go 18 years without paying federal income tax. listen to what he told the crowd in colorado yesterday. listen to hillary clinton. as a businessman and real estate developer, i have legally used the tax laws to my benefit. and to the benefit of my company, my investors and my employees. i mean, honestly, i have brilliantly used those laws. back in the 1990s, donald trump apparently lost $1 billion in a single year on bad investments and failing casinos. now how anybody can lose $1 let alone $1 billion in the casino industry is kind of beyond me. right? what kind of genius loses $1 billion in a single year? this tax thing has more legs here. he is really trying hard to turn this around. you are right. you notice the clinton pivot. not on the failure to pay taxes, but what it means to lose nearly $1 billion in the casino business. she said it was worst than the casino. by the mid 90s, things were doing well. i made money on an apartment, christine. let s fwauk wheretalk about change. longwood university in farmville, virginia. the site of the vice presidential debate where the crowds are growing. one fan berkeley peterson has been out here all morning. christine, who will do a better job in the vp debate? tie. when we ask people about the favorability, tied. 31%. 31%. so, you know, going into this is like the definition of vanilla, but you think, ellis, it is a vanilla that could make or break the dessert of the campaign. i love the dessert analogies. thank you for that. i would go with cardboard. flat characters. conventional standard issues. tonight we have a chance to let them turn into human beings for most americans. there is really some opportunity for a bit of movement. what about mike pence? the story in usa today how he has to connect with women. when you look at the last week, the controversy from donald trump to beauty queens and no evidence of hillary clinton s fidelity. do you think he will try to appeal to women? yes. don t forget, before the election what we knew mike pence was for staunchly conservative views in the state of indiana. some of which in the last year have been slapped back in dramatic ways. his role in this case has been to bring a little bit of policy seriousness to a campaign that could use more of it. i think one of the interesting things you will see is the message the campaigns want to send on controversial message and can t. you will see mike pence give answers that kellyanne conway wants to give. and tim kaine, it is interesting how he answered questions on hillary clinton s private e-mail server. he might give the answer the clinton campaign wished they could have give. ellis henican, thank you for being with us. the question is who will emerge victorious and what difference will it make? mike pence and tim kaine face-off here tonight. 9:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. cnn will be here at the debate location all day long. meantime, the man who is the current vice president sat down with new day s chris cuomo to talk about what the race means to him. how protecting his legacy has him back on the campaign trail working hard for hillary clinton. joe biden thought about running for president himself. that interview in the 6:00 hour. time for an early start on your money. dow futures are higher. stocks in europe are rising. shares in asia finishing with gains overnight. oil is down but above $48 a barrel. gains in european stocks. one currency is plummeting. 1985. the year the british pound at the lowest level of the u.s. dollar since 1985. investors are worrying about the country s plans going forward. the prime minister said talks will begin by late march to exit europe. the sector is strengthening the u.s. dollar. since the brexit in late june, the pound is down 15%. one piece of good news here, u.s. travelers booking a trip are getting a great exchange rate on money. hurricane matthew bearing down on haiti and cuba right now. a live report ahead on that. also, win or go home. the bleacher report on the wild card tuesday straight ahead. hey, jesse. who are you? i m vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. vern from voya? yep, vern from voya. why are you orange? that s a little weird. really? that s the weird part in this scenario? look, orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. save a little here and there, and over time, your money could multiply. see? ah, ok. so, why are you orange? funny. see how voya can help you get organized at using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework. wire. and plants needed to give my shop. a face. no one will forget. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at this morning, right this moment, hurricane matthew is bearing down on haiti with heavy rain and 145-mile-an-hour winds. the u.s. hurricane center says matthew s eye is near the nation s southwest peninsula moving north slowly about 9 miles per hour. forecasters are fearing a catastrophic blow to haiti. the storm expected to hit cuba where hurricane warnings are posted. let s go to cuba and patrick oppmann. patrick, the eye of the center of the storm is close to haiti right now. reporter: that s absolutely right and on eastern cuba where i am now, the storm is continuing on the path that forecasters have it would cross guantanamo bay, cuba. that is the town next to the naval base. they evacuated there. 700 service members left the island. evacuations are continuing to happen across cuba. the cuban government expect up to 180,000 people to have to leave their homes and seek shelter and they are running out of time to do that. by this evening, christine, we expect to feel the effects. thank you, patrick. a big threat to haiti with the eye of the storm approaching. what kind of threat to matthew pose for the eastern seaboard of the united states and when? let s get the forecast from meteorologist pedram javaheri. john and christine, we are watching category 4 matthew south of haiti across the peninsula. this storm impacting the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, but one of the poorest in the world. the storm surge is devastating at 7 to 11 feet high. you talk about the deforested landscape and a lot of energy is coming in from people taking trees out and burning it and using the charcoal for energy. that could lead to a humanitarian crisis with the amount of water coming down across the terrain. all of that runoff could lead to flash flooding. we have seen it over and over with tropical features making landfall in haiti. the storm moves off the eastern coast of florida. the model consensus is different from the european and american model. the european model keeps the storm system offshore and the american one brings in remnant rainfall and pushing it to southern canada next week. a lot to be seen with what happens. certainly interesting weather ahead of us. guys. pedram, thank you. 48 minutes past the hour. vikings frustrated the giants all night long on monday night football. hines ward has more in the bleacher report. good morning. as a player, there s nothing like playing on monday night football. vikings randy moss was on hand to blow the big viking horn. a chance to showcase the new stadium and viking chamnt. minnesota is down to the third quarterback without their future hall of fame running back. the vikings defense dominated through the game. they got after odell beckham. frustrated all night. so bad his teammates had to calm him down. this was all vikings. they improve to 4-0. over the weekend, lebron james wrote an opinion piece endorsing hillary clinton for president. he spoke to reporters about why he is backing clinton. main thing is going back into the communities and giving our world a better future. our kids are our future and i believe barack started it. i believe hillary will continue it. i m all about community. it starts from the ground up. if we can continue to give back into the communities and do the things we need to get the kids understand they have a future and they have a helping hand, it makes the world a better place. playoff time. win or go home. american league wild card game. canada will root for blue jay as they host the baltimore orioles. you can watch it on tbs. the winner of that game will takes the texas rangers. tomorrow, the giants and the mets. winner of that game goes on to play chicago cubs in the following round. john, back to you. hines ward, thank you very much. i want to look at what is coming up on new day. alisyn camerota joins us. good morning, john. sometimes i come into the studio late for the tease and it forces them to scramble to get me ready for the tease. good morning. you have a very big show for you. we have new polls to show you the standing of donald trump and hillary clinton. we will preview the vp debate tonight. speaking of vps. we have, chris just finished a great interview with vice president joe biden. we will be showing you that. revealing it on new day. chris describes it in one word, christine. that is spicy. you can t argue with a spicy interview. we will show you that. spicy biden. delicious. sounds good. i ll have a hot dog with that. thank you very much. one stable in the u.s. economy could be running out of gas. we will tell you what that could be when we get an early start on your money next. just a few minutes before the hour right now. we are live at longwood university in farmville, virginia. tonight, 9:00 p.m. eastern. tim kaine and mike pence face-off for the debate. governor pence goes into the debate suffering a loss in a federal appeals court. three-judge panel overruled the governor s attempt to block syrian families from resettling in indiana. the judges say there is no evidence syrian terrorists are posing as refugees in the united states or syrian refugees committed acts of terror in the united states. the judges called it nightmare speculation. governor pence says it is not discriminatory and he aims to protect the citizens of indiana. dow futures are higher after a small drop to start the fourth quarter yesterday. stocks in europe are rising sharply. shares in asia fini finishing w gains. check out the british pound. sinking to the lowest level of the dollar since 1985. prime minister teresa may says brexit talks will begin in may. it could hurt trade and the region s big banks. it is proceeding. and six years of steady growth, auto sales are down. sales of new trucks and cars slipping in september. ford suffering the biggest loss of the three automakers. sales down 8%. fiat chrysler with sales down almost 1%. gm down 0.6%. labor day is typically one of the biggest weekends of the year. incentives hit a record high in september. $4,000 per vehicle in incentives. the previous record set back in december of 2008. this has been a steady performer for the u.s. economy over the past seven years. looks like a falter in september. call it a post-debate bounce. a clear leader in the race for president right now. new day picks up the story right now. i made my money following the law. hillary clinton made her money as a corrupt public official. trump was taking from america with both hands and leaving the rest of us with the bill. i legally used the tax laws to my benefit. i have brilliantly used those laws. this is trump to a t. it s trump first and everyone else last. when people come back from war, they see things a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over. you are strong and can handle it. this is an ignorant man. how can you be so out of touch and ask to lead the country? this is new day with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. good morning. welcome to new day. it is tuesday, october 4th. 6:00 in the east. hillary clinton retakes the lead in the cnn national poll after the first debate. clinton has a five-point lead over trump. 47% to trump s 42%. that is a four-way race. you saw the veep there. we have interview with joe biden ahead of the vp debate. he talks about the taxes and 2016 race and what he wants you to think his legacy is all about. we are hours away from the vp debate. the only chance they will have to get it on one-on-one. only 35 days until election day. just five days until the next presidential debate. we have it all covered for you. let s start with political director david chalian. a look inside the numbers. what does the poll mean to you? reporter: good morning, chris. we said labor day where donald trump had a slight lead that hillary clinton needed to do better with independents and get enthusiasm up among voters. she has done both. look at independents and the gender split. hillary clinton is beating trump by 20 points. in 2012, obama won this by one point. look at white with a college degree, white voters with a college degree, hillary clinton s got a 13-point advantage, 50% to 37%. obviously without a college degree, this is the core of support for donald trump. it s a 21-point lead here, but in our last poll, chris, that was a 44-point lead for donald trump. african-americans, this is also key to hillary clinton s coalition. wow, 95% for clinton, 5% for donald trump. all of that outreach he s been doing does not seem to be upping his number among african-americans in our poll. and finally, that enthusiasm gap that we were talking about, well, hillary clinton has narrowed the gap. remember back in september, donald trump had a 12-point lead among supporters that were extremely or very enthusiastic for

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