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Transcripts For DW The Bundesliga - Your Team Your League Your Show. 20171119 13:15:00

ends as sharp as his new haircut when by munich to conk out work in the bavarian derby stay tuned to find out. a quick reminder of our top story zimbabwe s ruling party has removed president robert mugabe as a leader tens of thousands of zimbabwe and have demanded his immediate resignation he is showing little sign of being prepared to step down. you re watching d.w. news coming to you from berlin we re back again at the top of the hour with an update and there in evanston from all of us here in berlin thanks for watching. how do you find tens of thousands of fans for their mega life sets flows of mood it s just a really beautiful moment when you re able to share with people a little. bit of
a cloak of more air miles than some pilots. like congress are every time a house nobody any more than. three german d.j. superstars can t get any more bombastic moves the music didn t exist we have no idea what we want to do here and how to do it ourselves on the bird flu between backstage rooms so disciplined and a twenty four seven social media presence. superstar deejays starting november twenty fifth on d w. with the international break over and done with the bundesliga show is back here on my stage twelve side champions a current leaders fire and have been on a roll seven wins in the seven games since you congress took over in october.
munich are they favorites now to win this season s title or can they be stopped. by and faced a tough home clash against an outboard side whose defense has proven difficult to crack this season. in form leipzig face a real test against an improving leverkusen a win was a must for the bulls if they re to stay in the race for leeds success. welcome to the bundesliga on d w i m pablo phoney and yes after a shaky start to the season a biron have found their form and look quite simply unstoppable since you re crying because returned for a fourth stint in charge of the club despite several key injuries the solid team was available to take on and i would sprigs side simply has been respectable so far to date this season but their solid back line and decent offense would have to be
leipsic a club very much focused on lifting bundesliga silverware for the first time in the club s history the bulls have relied this season on the talents of their youthful attack headed by german international team of vanna and much like their opponents their defense has been a little leaky at times a mouth watering clash was in store. after the last international break leipzig picked up a window or could they do it again in labor because in the twelfth minute maybe caused a stir in the box but at the wrong end team over an hour fed. and maybe brought down the austrian band then making it one nil with his only shot on target in the match. laver because and then won the possession battle and it paid off shortly before the break dominic core nicely setting up bailey keeper peter good luck with no chance hear one all. after the restart benyamin
a coach martin schmidt was desperate to see his side win for the first time since he took over the reins at the club back in september now the wolves went into their clash against freiburg who have been struggling of light on the back of seven back to back draws in the bundesliga convulse for it finally pick up a win mediocre minds hosted and under pressure cologne on saturday the visitors have the worst offensive record in the bundesliga and went into their. clash without even one league win this season is there an end in sight to pay to a nightmare come pain at the helm let s take a look. paid to cologne trying to pick up their first win this season at monk s pittel team just before the break decided this one month s pablo de glasses with down in front of goal. the ref awarded this penalty which was a controversial decision. might stand you brzezinski converted for the leave the kids to his former club minds have converted their last nineteen penalties.
the billy goes couldn t level the score mines one meal over winless cologne. as we are in mourning. we all are unhappy but we haven t reached the point where we are comfortable with losing. so there s still hope. for this about some of them. our next match so will squirm get off to a quick start against freiburg in the third minute then you ll be doubly found yani gary hart his first goal this season. davi picked up his lead high six assists next this time to eunice mali in the twenty ninth minute giving the wolves a two goal lead before the half mile the scored another in the second giving him a brace for the day wolfsburg win three one after a string of seven straight draws and still no road wins for freiburg.
well that s all from us here on the bonus they get here on d w we re going to leave you with so many images from saturday s auction and to make sure to tune in for more action on sunday so for me and the rest of the team here in berlin and i ll be does if. you max this week titled. the man the shoes the cakes a blogger combines fashion and food in an entertaining way. iceman a film on how the alpine many lived and died. and i m going to fall in love with
sweetness in the end and it s multifaceted. the romex. w. . when cities are engulfed by the sea. then all the. long. and costly protective measures would be an. what s challenging the future in forty five minutes on d w. story so that people of the world over t.w. on facebook and twitter. to date and in touch. follow us. when i m traveling to be comfortable. but i also want to stay up to

Berlin , Watching , Thanks , People , Life , Tens-of-thousands , Fans , Little , Mood , Sets , Didn-t , Superstars

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180801 20:00:00

verifying the vote was more complicated than expected the commission chairwoman said the unusually high number of candidates was causing delays in the verification process. but a spokesman for the opposition said the situation was unacceptable and suggested that something unusual was going on it is everyone citizens right to demand that the results are produced in reasonable time ok the fact that the results far right is central that it s just next door to zach had not been released by off by by midday today is inappropriate and suggests that something wrong is opening we ve been here before. as tensions remain high in the country the international community is becoming increasingly concerned with governments calling for restraint on all sides. well for more tonight i m joined by eddie cross he is a member of zimbabwe s opposition party the movement for democratic change and he is a former parliamentarian mr cross it s good to have you on the program tonight the
opposition your party is claiming that this long delay in releasing the presidential results is a sign of fraud has this election been rigged. the city being manipulated. whether it s been rigged in a traditional way isn t is a moot point i think it s been running very intelligent and and i think they re going to get away with it but as a consequence is a great deal of suspicion and cross and anger at the results that have either he said or from mr cross that s as quite a statement there they re going to get away with it so in other words the ruling zanny party with mr manning gone as president is going to get away with an unfair election result well they ve done that five times in the last twenty years every election i ve participated in this country since independence has been wreaked to some extent and it s become the norm and it
is the norm in many african states. we re struggling to get back to a democratic environment and it is just a struggle this is this is not something it s going to just happen because people are going to suffer in in terms of getting back to a democratic country and this is just another step in that direction we were struck today by how quickly the military was called out to deal with protests relating to the election i mean that is an extreme measure for any government to undertake soldiers firing shots at their own citizens is that for you proof that the president has no intention of going anywhere. no i don t think so and we had live ammunition used in the food riots in this country along a long time just just before in b.c.
for refugees or authorities want to hold asylum seekers there while their applications a process which can take up to eighteen months they will deport anyone who s rejected critics say that this system will get a why new arrivals. for many refugees arriving in germany in future this is what home will look like this reception facility in a former u.s. army barracks in the bavarian city of bam bag is the model for the new refugee centers to be known as sentences the acronym stands for a rival decision and return the key idea various departments which look at asylum applications will be together in one place migration agency labor office well federal authority even the cools the claim is that will mean applications of more quickly as high as the us those with these centers the migration agency will in most cases be able to issue documents in three or three and
a half months when the people are to be granted refugee status rejected them. this new approach is the latest chapter in germany s effort to deal with migration since the increase in the numbers fleeing to europe and the government s decision in twenty fifteen to open the borders the challenge of making migration on this scale work has become clear in many cases it has taken too long for people to find out whether they have a chance of staying in germany and that in turn has held up any chance of them finding a job or integrating into society. the residents of the anchor facilities will be able to leave to go shopping or for other reasons despite that critics say they have tantamount to deportation centers. the plan is to open these facilities all across germany but in most parts of the country that will lead to a massive worsening of conditions for asylum seekers. currently holds around
turn germany takes a lot of time or will they become holding sentence for those who are rejected for the long term and that is not a good idea because that was in very oblique way attention if i if i hear you correctly i mean that means you have some doubt about whether or not they re working it sounds like and this is just a political tool used by the country s interior minister who of course zahle for he was from the very is that what we re talking about here is just a political to to to make his constituency happy and nor what he can be against accelerating inside of procedures least of all the people who want protection and get protection they have a decision to better but if these centers are presented as the solution to the problem of returning those who are rejected then it s a bluff because the real problem the returning people who have rejected for asylum is their relations with the countries of origin and not just read no it s really not france nor germany has solved this problem without cooperation by countries of
origin. return is impossible right and the sentence will not change that all right stand by we want to talk about many of the migrants that we are now seeing come into europe are coming via a new route they re using spain as a gateway to europe now they re travelling the short distance by book through the strait of gibraltar from morocco spanish coast guard rescued nearly a thousand migrants last weekend alone the refugees there choosing this route as other countries such as italy crackdown on iran. rescue teams have just pulled another twenty one people from the strait of gibraltar off southern spain they consider this a slow day compared to most but these twenty one arrivals present a problem for spain the maritime rescue service wants to take these migrants to the nearest port but the port refused permission a common occurrence forty. of them are. over the
course of the entire past year we ve rescued sixteen thousand people but this year after just seven months the number has already climbed to twenty two thousand. or so. the ship carrying the rescued migrants docked at the nearby port of august the rest instead but the situation there is no better the migrants had been stuck on the ship for days now they re on land looking for shady places to rest. a few kilometers away jose antonio gomez is waiting for the daily food delivery more than six hundred rescued people were brought to this gym over the weekend. they called us on saturday and then the people came they were simply too many of them. local authorities are responsible for looking after those arriving the church has prepared food volunteers are helping out but people are getting
impatient. when we aren t eating well we don t have a proper place to sleep to aren t enough clothes and we can t call our families to reassure them that we re still alive. spanish authorities are overwhelmed after talking to migrants it s clear that the strait of gibraltar is gaining in popularity as a crossing point. i was going from ivory coast to libya but they told me that morocco would be a better idea. refugees want to go to say now before they chose libya or italy but that was just thirteen kilometers lie between africa and europe that spain southern most tip the country once again has become the gateway to europe for thousands of migrants. i missed you see we ve got a new way for migrants to get into europe are we going to have to come up with a new dio the way we did with turkey i mean how does your deal with this new form
of migration. well it would be incredibly helpful if the european union would have or would not do the things it s been talking about for three years we need two things to solve a crisis like this the ability to quickly decide who of the people who arrive need protection in europe and who doesn t if it takes like in italy in recent years four years until a final decision is made it basically we don t need insight into something anybody arrives stace you need speed so we need speed and we need to organize this in the way the dutch have put it beside in six weeks including appeal but in spain or italy or molto and this requires a european effort so that s the first thing secondly once we have a decision and then a lot of the people who are now coming to spain who came to italy out from countries with out high recognition rates senegal southern nigeria ivory coast these are not countries where a lot of refugees come from if we would then decide quickly dead one in ten gets
refugee status the others don t and then we need agreements with those countries of origin they dined interest of those countries to work with us and that meet requires them to take back their citizens after a fixed date so it s a limited number if they do that less people will come and in return we should offer them legal migration quote us that want to be done in a relatively short amount of time but i m sure we ll be talking about that again but i hope this chance is an opportunity to do it because spain once and needs a solution that is humane and works mr joe canal s director of the european stability initiative we appreciate your insights tonight thank you you thank. are you going to go over to helena now and she is that the leaders from the u.s. fed and i think we re talking about interest rates we sure are brant the u.s. federal reserve desiring to leave its key lending rate on hold for now now after its regular policy meeting the fed was upbeat about the economy citing strong
consumer spending and business investment a strong jobs market and inflation near its two percent target that probably puts the fed of course for a september rate hike off to its next meeting now fed chair german powell said at the start of the year that interest rates would continue to be raised in small order it steps they now stand in a range of one point seven five to two percent off a small hike in june president donald trump has warned against further hikes fearing it could slow economic growth. let s go straight over to our financial correspondent so fisherman skiis on wall street for us sophie trump seemingly intervening there in central bank policy is there any sense that the fed actually listened to him took his concerns on board. i wouldn t say so first of all monetary policy in anything concerning the fed is usually not anything
for the president to comment on the independency off the fed has been has high and last years and decades so it could be freed from the whims of politics now trumbull once again is breaking the rules and surveys show investors disapprove larry summers who last served as president obama s top economic adviser told c.n.n. money that nothing of this kind have happened in the past twenty five years one concern might be that the fed will now be reluctant to slow the pace of rate hikes even if it is thinking that this is the best thing to do right now it will look like they are responding to political pressure that is what summers said i think the fed is going to do what the fed has to do and the thing that they now raise didn t raise these rates is just a sign that they keep doing what they were planning to do anyway it doesn t imply that they actually listen listen to the president let s face it the trump the fed
rather has rather a lot on its plate right now the fed warning against steps towards a full blown trade war for example rule so hearing rumors at the same time the trial will raise further tariffs against china so what is what are investors making of that. well markets were slightly negative on wednesday but movements also came from more earnings as investors are focusing on how companies have been performing that being said it seems to me that this new round of terror groups would be a part of a negotiating strategy that tramp administration is trying to force officials to back to the negotiating table through these threats of even higher tariffs but china fed on wednesday that blackmail wouldn t work and that they would retaliate on their side. it s a vision for us in new york good as ever to talk to thanks i think.
the european commission says us so we being important to the e.u. have almost quadrupled commission presidential go to youngcare held it up as a sign that the e.u. is in their promises made soon us president donald trump last week in an apparent effort to dodge a trade war between the two sides donald trump has certainly disrupted global trade flows especially when it comes to soybeans u.s. soybean firmus of seen prices for their produce plunged by twenty percent after their prime export market china imposed high tariffs in retaliation for u.s. tariffs on chinese goods the trade has almost ceased the e.u. was quick to take advantage of the cheap the u.s. crop something that must have been clear to commission president john claude younger last week when he promised trump the e.u. would step up u.s. soybean imports the latest figures show that that process was already well underway . today that you can commit commission has published the latest figures on e.u.
imports of soybeans showing an increase of two hundred eighty three percent in imports of slayer beans from the u.s. bringing that used to a sheriff in parts of u.s. soybeans to thirty seven percent from nine percent just one year ago washington had already promised twelve billion dollars to compensate farmers hurt by the dispute with china but with harvest time approaching many of the most still uncertain i think there s maybe just a little bit of comfort there knowing the administration is backing farmers but you no longer weren t looking for any kind of an aid package we want markets to work and markets to be in china was us soybean farmers main market and it s doubtful increased e.u. imports can make up for the loss soybeans made up sixty percent of u.s. agricultural exports to the country. beijing meantime has ramped up domestic production and lowered import tariffs on other producers and one side effect of the
dispute is that countries like brazil are emerging as the winners brazilian soybean exports to china soared twenty five percent in june. today the first of august is earth overshoot day now is the day that humanity has used up all natural resources that the earth can regenerate revive to stain a plea for this entire year from now on we re moving into well what is essentially deep debt current estimates suggest we would need one point seven earths to satisfy our needs for one year now in one thousand nine hundred seventy while consumption much the renewable resources available since then well consumption has risen continuously consuming the equivalent of five earths worth of resources in one year alone the united states uses the lion s share germany while it uses three planets when it comes to china you can see there two point two that is phenomenal when you
compare it to a country with a population the size of india which only uses zero point six all the planet in the same period now the planetary overload can only be slowed by a drastic cutting consumption by rich countries when we talk about energy food and other resources we need to cut back on all of them and we need to combine that with a massive global increase in sustainable production as well are that some food for thought for you back over to brant now what are we doing to ourselves thank you. well swedish police are hunting the. jewels in a daring daylight robbery of the thieves took the royal regalia from a cathedral near stockholm and then they made a getaway by boat or jet ski on a lake police are now appealing to the public for their help these are what the robbers got away with two crowns and then orb dating back to the seventeenth
century during the rule of king karl the ninth and queen christina they were taken from the historic hilltop strong us cathedral around midday on tuesday where they had been on display that cathedral about an hour s drive from the capital stockholm was reportedly open to visitors at the time with an event being held in a site chapel the jewels were in a locked display cabinet connected to an alarm system reportedly the theft was only noticed after an eyewitness saw two suspects fleeing the scene and alerted authorities the robbers are suspected of fleeing on bicycles to the nearby dock of lake mullard where they then used either a boat or jet skis for their final getaway the bikes have since been recovered. reports say forensic technicians have completed their investigations police are now turning to the public for more leads a police spokesperson said the objects are national treasures and would probably be very difficult to sell interpol is also on the case. well
the olympic committee has announced that it will be to host the winter olympics in twenty twenty six a joint bid will be launched between. all three locations. previously hosted the competition. for. the bundesliga mode by offering young fans free entry to almost all of their home games this season. five thousand capacity olympic stadium. but we re the only club in the league last season not to sell out a single home game they re hoping that this will convince young fans to adopt as their team but even. they still have to pay to see how to take on germany s big to munich. of the top stories we re following
at least three people between security forces and protesters. but the opposition says the poll was marred by fraud the result.
the people of the world over t.w. on facebook and twitter was up to date and in touch from the us. and gemini live. at any time by going any place names in the n.f.l. as you have at the back of the crowd. to sing along to you as it is to combine the two from super fun seats. for. interactive exercises. everything is online via an interactive benjamin to frame fifty w. . must have enough of. the fucking open air festival in northern germany. fucking medal double will show just dozens of newcomers from.

Opposition , Commission , Candidates , Number , Situation , Verification-process , Chairwoman , Delays , Spokesman , Vote , Something , Results

Transcripts For DW Conflict Zone 20190831 16:30:00

harmful kids sugar and how should i enjoy food without any for. good shape in 60 minutes on d w. coming. from the adventures of the famous naturalist and explorer. to celebrate clicks on the from box 250. remarking on the for you to discovery. expedition homeboys on don t. you never stand up for your what of course we step up for europe just seem to live in a parallel universe you know like the old well let s not be silly please the north atlantic treaty organization nato has just had its 70th birthday but it wasn t a happy one constant carping by donald trump about defense spending has caused bitter resentment here in europe i guess this week here at nato headquarters is rose gottemoeller the organizations deputy secretary general will she now
acknowledge that nato has serious splits in its unity. rose gottemoeller welcome to conflicts and we thank you great to be here your boss young stoltenberg reminded the world recently that nato his mission was to provide credible to terence and defense the fact is that terence is no longer credible and hasn t been for a long time has said so why do you say that we don t say that we re not in the midst of war when i say that because just 5 months ago america s national defense strategy commission painted a pretty dismal picture of the us his ability to protect both itself and his allies the security and well being of the us it said are at greater risk today that at any time in decades america s superiority has a road into to. dangerous degree in its ability to defend its allies its partners
and its own vital interests is increasingly in doubt that s that s dismal isn t it there are many different fees of how deterrence and defense are conducted today and i think for nato the emphasis truly has to be on what we now call the hybrid challenges that are coming out us many of them associated with emergence of new technologies and accelerated by new technology let s look at defense commission fact to its report and its other go to the u.s. military could suffer and acceptably high casualties and the loss of major capital assets in its next conflict it might struggle to win a war against russia or china that s got that s not good news is it well what i have to tell you if you ask me the question about whether deterrence is working or not i have to say yes because we do in fact here at nato work together as $29.00 nations with the united states to provide for the deterrence and defense of all $29.00 allies and we do have challenges i don t want to sugarcoat the challenges
that we face and particularly the challenges emanating from new technology but i m not ready to cry that we re in the midst of disaster the sexual pointed out that for the 1st time nato has combat ready battle groups in the eastern part of the alliance for battle groups in the baltic states and poland plus additional forces amounting to a brigade the authority of the rand corporation doesn t think much of it says nato forces are not nearly sufficient to defend a contiguous line and delay a large scale conventional advance by a mechanized adversary such as russia again hardly a vote of confidence in the measures that lead to is taken is that the 4 battle groups in the baltic states and poland are not meant to hold the line for long they are precisely that they are going to be credible they are and they are credible as a deterrence and defense tripwire because they bring together forces from across the alliance units from every single nato. ally practically are serving in those
battle groups and some of that but you and all the russian knows russian knows that if they step across the line they will face the entire nato alliance but that is why nowadays we are placing our emphasis on reinforcement and readiness and being able to rapidly move troops in behind those battleground isn t impressed by that either it says that given the current posture and capability including the european battalions and rotational u.s. omid brigade combat team russia still enjoys a substantial time distance advantage in the initial days and weeks of a conventional ground campaign in the baltic states that s the reality of geo geography and the fact that russia does in fact sit as the great land power in eurasia that s a fact of history yeah but i do forces are not providing the tenants that you promised i don t know why you keep saying that tim you re sorry i m not sorry yes i m going to work to give sorting some reports that have come about and i m
terribly amused by those around reports you know i work for random the 1980 s. they said exactly the same thing during the cold war so the fact of the matter is that it gave up there s just no no they don t make it up but they are repeating you know what is based on a reality of the geopolitics and the geography of eurasia what we can do is ensure that russia knows all $29.00 allies are prepared to act and are prepared to reinforce and that has proven during the cold war an effective deterrent and i believe it proves an effective deterrent today the impression of an alliance that is no longer credible has been assisted if you like by years of war games played out on computers by the paint a good range of defense experts major consistently loses against what it considers to be its main adversary doesn t it well i think the best thing you can say about exercises of all kinds is that they are meant to stress test stress. until we
understand where our weaknesses lie and what we have to do better i was present this fall when we had our big trident juncture exercise which was not a computer exercise it was a big combined arms exercise in norway and it showed that it had been a long time since the alliance had reinforced across the north atlantic there were problems that emerged in the battle for bor well we saw the end of the soviet union and everyone decided and it was a good thing the last tank of the united states left europe in 2013 we saw that as a good thing but then after 2014 and the aggression against crimea the seizure of crimea the destabilization of the donbass we had to think again about deterrence and defense that must be the agency must in there because last month give you an example a senior research at the center for a new america s security david out monica you probably know i know he said other graphically that when the simulations were run against russia and china america get
its backside gets its backside handed to it to put it slightly differently i ve just adjusted it we usually fail he added to achieve our objective of preventing aggression by the adversary do you think moscow has noticed that as well well i do think it s important as i said to train an exercise without taking our eye off the ball and when we learn that we have problems then we have to rectify them and that means a lot of hard work but we re in the midst of it it s extraordinary that you do have these problems because the staggering amount by which nato countries outspend russia on defense and still lose the war games it s surprising isn t it really. when you think that the alliances combines economic strength in 2016 was about 31 times that of russians. what you re doing with the money if you re not getting value for money you know you i m asking the question as to whether the problems you describe are actually the problems that you have i d be very interested to see how
the russian general staff trains and exercises i m sure they also train to stress themselves until they fail and then they have to work on their problems so i think we have to consider what the challenges on both sides are and in the case of nato and its allies the united states and its allies i see capable forces that are adjusting to the modern warfare and are moving rather i would say flexibly and with speed to do so i m not always sure i see that in the russian armed forces. despite a nato advantage of more than 3 quarters of a trillion dollars spent by the alliance s combined military forces in a single year i m talking about 2015 you would struggle to win a conflict with russia how is that possible when you outspend them to this enormous degree well again i m not accepting the basis of your hypothesis i m not sure that
we would actually lose because again we have a great deal of flexibility and adaptability that s why nato has succeeded all these years we have been able to adapt to new challenges when they come out us you think is succeeding with 2008 the russians took a bite out of georgia after a lightning strike i know wasn t a nato member of it was a nato partner in 2014 in crimea you mentioned they move to cities that since 2014 russian forces either regular or contract troops have been operating with pretty near impunity in eastern ukraine 10000 people have died so there s a claim that it s being keeping the peace isn t quite true is that i think it is important to point out that article 5 of the washington treaty applies to allies that s the famous all for one and one for all. part of the washington treaty that is the core of our defense alliance where georgia s concern in 2008 that was an
enormous wake up call and 2014 represented a sea change for the alliance not even see it coming not only in terms of a wake up call in ukraine but also the fact that the rise of eisel the establishment of the caliphate in mosul that brought the fight against terrorism and violent extremism into sharper focus as well so we did have a wake up call in that period and i think it has led to huge change in the alliance not least of which was a huge change in our defense spending and a look at why. we really need today to counter both of these kinds of challenges but despite the fact that you provide ukraine with what you installed and called strong political and practical support it makes no difference to what russia s moves in the military field in that area has it it s strengthened its naval forces it s built up its tanks according to the chief of staff ukrainian general staff
last year they built up tanks along the border they re not being deterred by your strong support political or otherwise for ukraine other i think they ve taken notice we have put a quite a bit into training but i want to give credit to the ukrainian armed forces themselves they have been doing a lot to professionalize and develop their capability and capacity over the last 6 years that has really been impressive and so they working together with us and also with individual nato allies have been making a difference to hold the line but you continue to dangle nato membership as a carrot in front of them without giving them a timetable for it without a timetable it s meaningless as. well let s have a moment to talk about that in 2008 at the bucharest summit 4 countries spoke about their aspirations and nato agreed that they would be in the line to have nato
membership those countries included ukraine and georgia but we have been very clear that both of those countries are still on the path of reform we have to ensure that when countries are ready to enter nato store they are ready to contribute to security and defense in the alliance but also to come up to certain standards of democratic principle so what are you waiting for to moscow s taking another bite out of eastern ukraine no what we are waiting for is to see them come up to a certain level of readiness for nato membership. major allies have reiterated the decision we made some years ago that ukraine will become a member of nato that s the bucharest summit the 2nd that still stands at some point at some time it s up to ukraine to decide who their security relationships will be with that s an important principle from our perspective i have to say though it s also very important that all nato allies be ready to accept
them and that means seeing a level of of reform and development in their not only armed forces but also in their democratic practice let s talk about nato 70th birthday which is just come and go and it wasn t the happiest one downgraded to foreign minister level instead of the usual heads of government. you disagree on many issues you know secretary general hardly ideal in an alliance that claims its strength rests on unity as is the secretary general had a wonderful speech before a joint session of congress the 1st time any leader of an international organization has had that honor it was a great day but we haven t finished with our celebrations tim there will be a leaders meeting at the end of the year in london in december heads of state and government will celebrate nato 70th anniversary let me put it bluntly the problem is that many member states don t trust donald trump do this and his commitment to
nato why should there i mean he s done everything he could to undermine trust that he s 100 percent behind it you know i haven t seen that clearly donald trump has shaken things up there s no question about it he s gotten off a bit more than that is not molly allies to sit up and take notice because he was very concerned about the lack of of fair burden sharing inside the alliance and he wanted allies to pay more in his inimitable way he got everybody to pay attention to the necessity of putting more money into their defense budgets that was not a thing that will come out the government to fund the government but i want to just say that $10.00 days ago it fell to william burns former state department advisor to 5 u.s. presidents and one of the most respected u.s. diplomats over the last 30 years to point out that terms unilateralism is doing putin s work for him by widening the gap between the u.s. and europe over climate change iran cracks it and nato that s
a serious charge from a serious highly placed person of liberalism indeed you re in serious serious but what s your question why don t you take that seriously you re telling me everything s fine you tell you everything s 5 but i say elephant in every room listen to he s the one they talk about he keeps casting ballots. tical 5 nato whether it s obsolete or not you ve heard the statements and you ve read them or courts well look in this headquarters we have important work to do every single day that s why trust is so important exactly trust is broken and that we re in trouble we are in trouble we are working hard to do what we need to do in terms of running our operations in afghanistan and iraq in terms of continuing to run our operations in k. 4 in the western balkans in terms of providing for both deterrence and defense and fighting against terrorism in the salon so every day we keep our heads down and
keep working yes of course there are differences among nato allies and as i ve said mr trump has gotten everybody to sit up and take notice but this is more the true this is the more just this is more than just differences that loot former u.s. ambassador to nato said earlier this month this is unprecedented we re at the 70th anniversary but it s the 1st time allies have doubted the commitment of the american president nato allies he said see trump as the alliances most urgent and often most difficult problem well again highly placed influential well informed indeed indeed doug lute does as well but i don t need to agree with all my friends and colleagues on the outside what i see as how nato is working day in day out to make a difference to our deterrence and defense and that includes fighting terrorism you seem to live in a parallel universe you know i don t i don t how do you say paralleled look over the house of representatives they had so little confidence in chumps intentions
toward nato that last year they had to pass a law with bipartisan support stating that is u.s. policy to remain a member of nato prohibiting funds to be used to withdraw from the alliance so little punk didn t do they have in their president s commitment to nato her a i saw that as a great expression in washington of bipartisan support. art for nato and i saw it when we were there 10 days ago for the 70th anniversary nato is well supported across both sides of the aisle that s a great thing why are you going to i think and not by the president well i don t know about that because you know actions speak louder than words since the president has come into office the united states is spending $40000000000.00 more on the european reassurance initiative putting more cup capability and capacity into eastern europe to help in our deterrence and defense tests against russia so. i see the reality and this is at the same time as senior administration officials
told the new york times of several occasions last year that the president had said privately he wanted to withdraw from nato a move let s face it that would destroy the alliance wouldn t it do you think reports like that shedding doubt on america s america s commitment to damage the alliance they do that corrosive. well what i would say to you is that it s perfectly natural for all kinds of issues to be discussed and debated in the white house as elsewhere but what we see is the reality and the practicality of u.s. support to nato going to mark or said europe can no longer rely on the united states and must take destiny into its own hands so they re not convinced so that the whole idea is to spread confidence in nato and it s some solidity it s not happening is it well you know uncle or merkel on the other european leaders step up
and provide more funding and more capability for the alliance that s all too a good thing this gets at this debate about european defense capability and european spending on their own defense her a i say that s a great idea it contributes to what nato needs to do it doesn t compete with that let s just talk about the funding issue because. this round of defense spending is going on and on who donald trump s endlessly repeated complaint that his nato allies haven t spent enough on defense and oh the us a lot of money for the shortfall which of course is false isn t it because they don t do the us any money today it s clear that up now show we were having a bit of truth about this as well from our perspective it s really good that sense we face that watershed year of 2014 every single ally turned around and stop the cuts in defense spending they don t do us any money to let s look at
exactly when we look at france was going to let s look at what the allies are doing which is spending around are there is truth. what i have to tell you is the way we look at this question is each ally should be spending 2 percent of g.d.p. on defense and 20 percent of that amount on acquiring new capability and capacity when you refuse to answer the question also the feds investment pledge you never correct these force winds to you there are forces which donald trump has put on the record which they really that west european european allies over the u.s. a lot of money for the shortfall the fact is they don t evolve down the former u.s. ambassador to nato said no one owes the u.s. any money nor is the u.s. spending more because allies are spending less u.s. defense spending is a national decision and is determined by u.s. national security and defense needs true or false well i think it s true for every
country across the alliance that they need to spend what it is in their interests to spend and that is on adequate sufficient capability and capacity they need to get rid of obsolescent equipment they need to modernize they need to pay to train their troops they need to do what is in their interest for their defense and that s the most important thing this is all true of this country. the important thing and you would think that would be valued a little more in an alliance a military alliance which might take 29 countries to war sometime particularly when the commander in chief of the largest force says many country is in nato oh us a tremendous amount of money for many years back that simply is not true if we can t even acknowledge that then nato is seriously trouble isn t it i think we have perhaps different views of what the truth is the truth to me is when the allies are acquiring real capability and capacity to contribute to our mutual defense well on
the subject of these contributions it was left to germany s defense minister was 11 the lion to rebuke chump i reminded him point in terms it s not just about cash decency and dependability are also valuable contributions the clear implication being that germany hasn t seen enough of those contributions elsewhere in. decency and dependability i would out on a state of sin since you re allowing so many false hoops to stay on the record here oh let s not be silly please but let me say that in fact the defense investment pledge is the knowledge to be made up of several different components cash yes indeed but also contributions and capabilities and those come in many many forms and in fact germany is a very good example of where they are putting new new facilities on the table we need to do a lot more on military mobility on our ability to reinforce and they are putting in place a new mobility command in ormonde germany great example of how they are contributing
to the alliance yes so it s not the one way street that donald trump likes to claim it is europe contributes enormously to america s own war fighting capabilities doesn t it providing bases transport systems that allow it to project force in other regions where it wouldn t be able to without those nato facilities but that again is never ignore. and you never stand up for your. what of course we stand up for europe because europe is always out trumps false words to stay on the record well i think we have been clear about is my amends are clear restaurant telling really doesn t in telling it like it is. in the time we have left i d like to talk to you about the values of this alliance intimately in native s relations with the middle eastern gulf countries you have been conducting dialogues with them for many years now it turns out for providing assistance as to participating countries in the areas of security institution building civil military relations this is
a very warm nato embrace for several brutal and autocratic countries isn t it i m talking about egypt or a new way with very questionable human rights records to discuss the clear evidence of human rights abuses in those countries are your dialogues human rights free. well by no means because in fact when we work with all of those countries they have . the opportunity if somewhat to pick and choose what we talk about but we always bring our values to the table whether we re talking about is i mean criticising the building integrity fighting against corruption ensuring that everything they do in terms of women peace and security as on the highest standard we always bring our basic values to the table when we talk to any partner and when we work with any ally and does that mean criticizing their human rights records it means working with them effectively that s not the same thing is it i mean would you discuss with
bahrain for instance their continued use of civilian and military courts to convict and imprison peaceful dissenters who are from the usa which is accused of maintaining a sustained assault on freedom of expression association i ask because they re frequently here they frequently visit nato headquarters there wined and dined presumably but you don t ask any of these unpleasant questions while you re. if i called so and the organization that purports to have. a lot about what takes place for tell me i m wrong for one thing i m wrong that wining and dining is rather rare and how we interact with our partners but so much on tact what in fact does happen is that we portray the core values around which this alliance is built and everything we do with in a day in day out basis is meant to build build the recognition and the acceptance of those values in a kind of organic way so of course the discussion can take account of everything that is happening day in day out in those countries but it does focus on building
integrity good to have you on the program i was crossing thank you very much. thanks.
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Wasn-t , Donald-trump , Eastern-europe , Defense-spending , Rose-gottemoeller , Resentment , Nato-headquarters , One , Nato , Splits , Unity , World

Transcripts for DW Conflict Zone 20190831 16:58:00

Digital world let s start to do that as a simple clear shift. d.w. need. to be in good shape. through temptation. addictive poison sugar asked. why. the customer takes on the why should i eat all sugar and how harmful kids sugar and how should i enjoy food without any shirt in good shape in 30 minutes on d w. story so that people of the world over t.w. on facebook and twitter are up to date and in touch.

Shape , Need , Shift , Temptation , Dw , Sugar , Kids , Customer , Poison-sugar , Food , Shirt , Pew-story

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - DW - 20190613:08:59:00

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People , Overtw- , World , On-facebook , Twitter , Museum-center , Mum , Prussian-cultural-heritage-foundation , Tv , Things , Part , Researchers