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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 20150330

i m carol costello. good morning. we begin with breaking news. a turkish airlines flight with 250 passengers on board has been diverted to an emergency landing after a note with the word bomb was found in the bathroom it was headed for san paulo and now in casablanca. we will continue to monitor the situation as we get it into cnn. turning now to the germanwings airliner and all those on board in chilling detail. according to the interrupt bild. the voice recorder has the pilot pleading to his co-pilot to unlock the damn door. and the passengers screams as they realize it s too late. we learn 150 investigators are fanning out across all aspects of this tragedy. most focused on identifying the victims and hundreds of body parts painstakingly collected from the site. and the unstable mountainside. we have fred in cologne, germany with more. hi fred. reporter: good morning, carol, certainly those new details from the crypt that transcript the bild newspaper put out. it started out normally about 20 minutes delayed and took off. it appears from that transcript that andreas lu bits,bitz the co-pilot from the very beginning was setting his captain to get out from the cockpit. let s look how it unfolded. reporter: over the weekend, disturbing new details from flight 9525 s mangled cockpit voice recorder published from german newspaper bild. the transcript was leaked way too early in the investigation. reporter: the leak transcript criticized as voyeurism by french investigators captures the steps 27-year-old andreas lubitz took to kill all 150 on board. around 10:00 a.m. the plane takes off from barcelona. the captain tells lubitz he didn t go to the bathroom in barcelona. lubitz replyies, go any time. around 10:27, the plane reaches 38,000 feet cruiseing altitude. the captain asks lubitz to prepare for the landing. and after the check, lubitz repeats, you can go now. then the captain is heard getting up and saying you can take over. lubitz now alone, with the door lock locked reprograms the auto-pilot from 38,000 feet to 100 feet sending the jetliner straight towards the alps dropping around 3,000 feet a minute. air traffic control tries to contact the plane but receives no answer. an alarm goes off inside the cockpit warning sink rate then a loud bankging on the door the captain screaming, for god s sake open the door. passengers are heard screaming, five minutes before impact more bangs can be heard, metallic noises as if someone was trying to knock the door down. 90 seconds later another alarm goes off warning terrain pull up. the captain screams open the damn door. two minutes before impact the paper reports, lubitz can be heard breatheing the plane only 13,000 feet from the ground. 10:40 a.m. investigators believe they hear the plane s right wing scrape a mountain and then screams once more from the 149 on board and lubitz apparently stays silent. again, carol, we can t verify this report s ahs the tis s theah authenticity. but it makes for a chilling read. the bba has come out and said it is dismayed any such information could have been leaked about the investigation, however, they didn t come out and question what they were reading was in fact authentic. carol. reporting live this morning, frederik pleitgen thank you. information about andreas lubitz this showing him smileing and light hardy in conflict with other depression concerns. it is not known when this video was snapped, but know it was about 10 years ago, showing lubitz as a teenager in a glide glider. members of that club said he was a fixture there and seemed like a normal teenager nurtureing his passion for flight. today, his family agonizes what went so terribly wrong. why would he intentionally fly an airliner into a mountainside. translator: he s a man in deep distress. i get the impression he s taken on his own shoulder es esresponsibility for this dangerous through his son who committed this action. can tell you this is a man who s life is totally broken. he had so much emotion in him. he went on his knees many times before the monument. it was unbearable for him. that was my feeling. he was carrying the disaster on his shoulders and in part responsibility. much of the investigation is focused on lubitz health both physical and mental. bit by bit a troubled history appears to be taking shape. elizabeth cohen, cnn s medical correspondent, she joins us live with that side of the story. good morning. good morning, carol, trouble indeed. we re learning from reports from a newspaper in france that he had been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and he had severe depressive symptoms. we re hearing that he took two drug one an antidepressant and one an injectable anti-psychotic drug. we don t know if he took these drugs once or over a period of years. it is really not clear. what is clear, what investigator investigators have found there was this note from a doctor say saying he was, you know, of medical excuse basically, he shouldn t be working. certainly, when a doctor writes that it gives great concern, also the fact he was taking the thought he was taking an anti-psychotic medication one wonders was he hallucinateing, was he delusional? is that why the doctor wrote the note? at this point we don t have those answers. as you said of great concern. could some of these drugs cause vision problems? we hear rumors he had a detached retina or vision problems for another reason. what do you say? one of these drugs in this country is an anti-psychotic that gets injected. if you look at the labeling it does say it can cause blurry vision problems. we were talking to an eye doctor and he said these drugs have a long list of possible side effects. typically, people don t have blurry vision and don t have vision problems take this drug one of the things that might possibly happen. this vision part is not not trying to make a pun here a little bit blurry not very clear and we don t know if that played a role but probably not as a result of this drug. elizabeth cohen, reporting live for us. thanks so much. let s dig a little deeper with cnn aviation pilot and mary former inspector general of the department of transportation transportation. thanks for joining us. i couldn t help but notice when fred s report was on air, you were shaking your head and had your head down looked really upset. this whole thing is in inconceivable to me that somebody i work with would want to commit mass murder and commit his own suicide. the op-ed piece i wrote very much it tugs at all our hearts. what i was really upset about was the fact that this sacred information, which is the cockpit voice recorder transcripts was released. in this country, it s such a private thing. i m trained in critical incident stress management. i had to debrief and individual who listened to that cockpit voice recorder knowing both crew members and he had to identify which was saying what. that was the worst case scenario of this gentleman to have to know the end game of this story and listen to this whole thing. it s very private. i don t think the families deserve to know every detail. does the public deserve to know know? at some point when the investigation is complete. at some point all the pieces have to come together to get to a certain degree of understanding and factual basis before you start releaseing this kind of information. let s talk about the very human angle of the story, because that s why you wrote the op-ed and titled it why i take this personally. why did you title it that? because i m losing the public trust. my customers are the most important things to me they re what pay my salaryies at the end of the game. you mean because of this pilot s actions, people are losing faith in pilots that s your fear? that s my fear. flying back from london the other day, one of the passengers took a flight attendant aside and asked if i had family problems. somebody has already vocalized this. some people say the wrong things because they re uncomfortable. he vocalized it and somebody else might have been thinking the same thing. i thought a lot and i thought about it. i thought i hope this pilot is having a good day, i really did. that s why i take it personally. take an profession i take great pride in and making customers doubt whether he has the ability to fly that airplane. at some point he was a proud and responsible flyer. everybody says that. something changed. is mindset in that cockpit as a pilot doesn t make sense to you. it makes no sense to me. i know how pilots think, he might have been contriveing this whole thing for a long time and this was the opportunity he chose to utilize it. it s inconceivable. do you think it was a spur-of-the-moment decision on his part or planned this? i think it was very much plan planned and he took the opportunity to do the horrific thing he did. mary do you agree? think he planned this or took the opportunity when it came upon him? i think at the very end, when they report from the transcript there was this controlled slow breatheing and the comment about go to the pilot, he could go to the facilitates any time i m not so sure. i think whatever was building up was building for a long time. when the pilot tells him to brief for the landing, it might have been spur-of-the-moment. some of the drugs, when taken in combination can gfr aive a false sense of calm. when the pilot left did he take additional medication or get a false sense to do this. i just got back from europe about a former girlfriend he had reported talking about going out with a big bang. i m not so sure and sure he must have thought about it some time and perhaps it was an opportunity when the pilot left he took advantage of. when he set the auto-pilot to 100 feet did he sit back and let the plane do what it could do? pretty much so. as les can tell you these plane planes are mig sent andagnificent and can fly themselves. he did not have to do a thing. i have worked other crashes where suicide was the motive egypt air and others. they talk. on egypt air they said god is great, god be with me et cetera. even in a non-suicide situation where people are in an accident emergency situation they know they re not going to recover from oftentimes they do say things like i love my spouse or things like that. that was very chilling to me he said not a word. les, you wanted to say something? yeah. this is speculation on my part. he dialed down a mode control panel associated with the auto-pilot. me may very well have been hand flying that plane because of the sync rate in the transcript. the auto-pilot wouldn t allow that to happen. i m think heing would flying he would fly that plane one last time in his life. that s my supposition. pilots plan things and this may have been that opportunity. hard to say. les and mary thanks to both of you. i appreciate it. still to come in this newsroom, indiana caught in a firestorm after the mayor signs a religious freedom law many say is discrimination against jaygays. reporter: good morning. business is speaking out in droves against this law. this is not the first state that passes such a measure. why the outrage now? why indiana? i ll let you know after the short break. feel a cold sore coming on? only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don t tough it out knock it out, fast. abreva. according accordingly. according the governor of indiana says he s protecting religious freedom. critics say he s protecting discrimination against gays and lesbian lesbians. now, the new law is causeing some businesses to rethink their business in indiana putting the governor and others on the offensive. a governmental entity may not substantially burden a person s exercise of religion adding those who feel burdened by this law can take to it court. it is that phrase that some say it will allow businesses to deny service to others based on religious beliefs. good morning. reporter: good morning, carol, lawmakers expected to talk to reporters in just a few minutes to explain what clarify clarifying this law actually means. let me tell you something. over the weekend, the governor made one thing very clear, he said clarifying this law does not mean that it would be clear cleared from the books. this is not about discrimination. yes or no? if a florist in indiana refuses to serve a gay couple at their wed wedding, is that legal now in indiana? george this is this is where this debate has gone. yes or no? well governor pence punting on the key question fueling debate over indiana s religious freedom restoration act. his insist stance the bill is pro religious freedom and not religious discrimination doing little to okay threat firestorm. thousands over the weekend outrage outraged. we will put this on hold because we have to go to the german prosecutor who s talking about that terrible plane crash that killed 150 people total. let s listen. who were investigated and so we have written documents of what they said. i have to ask you to accept that the public prosecutors office is not able to and isn t allowed to speculate on the motives of the co-pilot who died. the public prosecutors office has to find the facts and is only able to communicate facts. we have documents and data files that enable us to say this at this time. we have what we have told you in the past about what we have found out in our investigation stand stands as it is right now. there still is no evidence that the co-pilot told before that he ll do what we have to assume was done and we haven t found a letter or anything like that that contends a confession of that. added to that this we have not found anything in the surround surrounding, be it personal or his family or his professional surround surrounding, that is giveing us any hints that enable us to say anything about his motivation. we have found medical documentation that show no organic medical illness. the co-pilot has been before he got his pilot s license, being in psychotherapy psychotherapy. psychother putical. has been in a psychother pu putical with a doctor about that. he had been he had at that time been in treatment of a psychotherapist because of what is documented as being suicideal at that time. in the following time up to now, right until he took the plane there have been several visits at medical doctors and we have found, as we have already communicated evidence that his doctors documented him to be unable to work and tofly. but these documents don t show any hint of being suicideal or being aggressive against other people. that s what we have and can say right now. thank you. what about vision problems that s been reported? this is speculation and i told you we don t have any history about organic illness. what you asked me about having problems with his sight, there isn t anything regarding his sight that is organic. okay. but i tell you this is the only clarification i ll do right now. we don t have any documentation that says regarding his sight any problems that he might have had or might have assumed to have there isn t any documentation that says that this is caused by an organic illness, and that is anything i can and will tell you antbout this this. okay? thank you very much. we just heard from the german prosecutor. pamela brown standing right there beside him, helping him at times ss with his english. i m sure he was doing that in part for an english speak audience out there. you heard what he said. he cannot speculate on a motive in this case. he says right at this moment there is no letter that contains a confession of any sort. this man suffered from no organic illness. there were no hints of suicideal or aggressive behavior in his past. said that he had no organic illness. that s interesting. i think we have our medical correspondent, elizabeth cohen in atlanta? not yet. let me go to les then. frank frankly, what the german prosecutor says doesn t help us much understand anything further about what happened in the french alps. this man obviously had issues. as far as we know there was nothing tied to terrorism. obviously, this man had there was a six month time period or 18 month, i believe it was, in his training program, where he had to take a leave of absence. that would send up a red flag for anybody involved with this training process because this training process is very specific to germanwings and lufthansa. it it s a it s not typical in this states most people get experience on their own either through the civilian ranks. something was going on with this guy that indicated stress how about the stress on a pilot and the stress you undergo while you are a pilot. this is not an easy job. this is part of our livelihood. this is what we expect. we don t like to take check ride rides and don t like people watching us while we do our work. learning a new airplane and upgradeing to another seat in the airplane this is all part of our jobs. we deal with it in our own little way. some of us just get done with it and go have a beer. we compartmentalize we know we have a function to perform whether on the job or part of our training. we deal with it. pilots are very good even if they have problems at home because all professions have problems at home. we deal with it. here s what i m saying it takes a certain kind of person to become a pilot because you re responsible for hundreds of people every day. if something goes wrong with that plane, you know those people are back there. that in itself is incredibly stress stressful. we compartmentalize that too. it s our butts up there, too. and we re conscious of those folks behind us and those folks are important to us. at the same to ken, if we let that everyday of our flying lives affect us, we could go crazy, the same with a doctor or lawyer there are lives affected by that. yes, there s a stress level. other stressful parts, too, this kid flew for what what am i saying an airline that s below the low cost carrier. that means he probably wasn t paid very much. we often hear those kinds of pilots work long hours and don t get enough sleep. all of that is stressful as well. it depends upon the airline. that seems to be the typical case. 600 hours is not a lot of time. i was 19 years old and had 00 hours as a flight instructor. this man was funneled through the entire airline system. he was trained specifically to operate in that seat and eventually gained the experience. the problem with the low cost carrier carriers because you re paying inging the incentive of compensation is much lower you re not attracting as experienced pilot that goes in that seat. let s stand back. let s take a break, when we come back much more in the newsroom. hey, how s the college visit? you remembered. it s good. does it make the short 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can look more vivid & vibrant. why settle for a lens with just one mode? experience life well lit ®. speak with your eyecare professional to. .upgrade your lenses to transitions ® signature ™ . up to now, right until he took the plane, there have been several visits at medical doctors and we have found, as we have already communicated evidence that his doctors documented him to be unable to work and to fly. but these documents don t show any hint of being suicideal or being aggressive against other people. all right. of course, he s talking about the co-pilot andreas lubitz the man who supposedly crashed that plane in the french alps killing 149 people including, of course, himself. you saw pamela brown standing right behind the german prosecutor there, kriscrhistophe crhistophe kumpa. reporter: he said before andreas lubitz got his pilot s certification he had been suicide suicidal. after he got his pilot s license he continued to seek treatment. psychotherapy, psychotherapy alone is talking to doctors we ve been speaking with alone is not necessaryily medication. he continued to seek psychotherapy treatment that there were no signs of aggression that there was no indication of anything taken from his home this was premeditated. prosecutors saying there weren t any journal writings a diary, anything like that saying he wanted to crash a plane. that s really interesting to note here. i asked the prosecutor carol, whether he had vision problems. as we know it s been widely reported over the weekend, he suffered from some sort of vision problems. the prosecutor said there s nothing in writing, no document suggesting that he had eyesight problems. he said we don t know if it was psychosomatic as a result he was having these vision problems report reporting, prosecutor making it clear, there s no documentation they ve seen indicateing that he had vision problems. really carol, essentially, he basically gave no motive. said we can t speculate on a motive and can t give you a reason why andreas lubitz did this crashed his plane into the mountain. he made it clear he had been suicide suicidal. we know in 2008 he took several months off from training. we don t know if there was a connection there. wait a minute pamela. pamela pamela the prosecutor said there were indications this guy was at one point suicideal. is that what he said? reporter: that s right. he said before he got his pielot pilot s license, that he was suicide suicidal that there were indications he was suicideal. we know in 2013 he became a germanwings pilot. we know in 2008 he was going through training in phoenix, arizona, to become a pilot. we know in 2008 he took several months off. luff han lufthansa won t say why he took off. a german aviation source said he wasn t required to take this time off from training. that s not a requirement. if he took time off for personal health reasons there wouldn t have been a requirement to say anything. however, after that it was clear, the prosecutor said recently doctors gave him a note saying he was medically unfit to work. under the rules and procedures of lufthansa, he would have been required to share a doctor said he was medically unfit to work and we re being told he was trying to hide his illness from the company. carol. so les, i m going to turn to you, should this guy ever have become a pilot? if all these allegations are true absolutely not. you know a lot of us if we have some medical issues will seek out other professionals outside of our aviation medical examiner to get some confirmation on the problem we have. mostly it s physical. he went through this whole training process with lufthansa. i m not sure what the relationship was with this training program in the states in phoenix. if i was the airline, i would have said wait a second. what s the reason this man had issues. he was out six months which is a long time. it s a long time if you cannot deal with the training-type stress of your initial process becomeing an airline pilot, there s some problems there. let s go to the base of the french alps aaron mclaughlin was standing there where workers are trying to recover bodies and body parts. i can t imagine what s going through the minds of the families airerin. it s absolutely horrifying carol. today, that recovery process has been slowed down by the wind. they only have one chopper in the skyies today, driveing to the site off-roading and hikeing, a process that takes some 45 minutes. they re also trying to build a road to the site they hope in the next 24 hours will be accessible via foot traffic the hope being eventually the families will be able to use that road the families saying they want access to the site. after all, officials say when the plane hit the mountainside it was absolutely obliterated. they have this fear they will not be able to get all the human remains and lovedfamilies wanting to be as coclose to their loved one ones as possible. you see the memorial site put together by two policemen there and they re trying to give the families as much privacy as possible. one family who visited over the weekend was 28-year-old paul program programly, one of programly, bramley. one of the british victims. his father calling for a change for airlines and hopes the cloud will eventually lift one day from this area. he does not want it to be remembered for the actions of one man. erin mclaughlin reporting live from the base of the french alp alps. thank you so much. i don t know if you heard what the german prosecutor said in his press conference because you re busy with other things. he said they found no letter that contains any type of confession and they say there was no aggression in this co-pilot s background. you reported earlier how calm this co-pilot seemed as that plane went down. reporter: yeah. it is quite remarkable isn t it? it was interesting. i found that one of the key statements the prosecutor spokesperson made was the fact he said yes andreas lubitz had been in si logical consultation and had a sick note. and there was nothing to say he was at this point suicideal and aggressive towards other people soak that appears very significant. the other thing very significant, he did not suffer from any sort of organic illness. that with that he meant a physical illness. one of the things speculated if you remember the new york times report he suffered from vision issues there have been german publications indicateing he suffered from a detached retina and might have felt that physical condition could endanger his flying can ging career. it now turns out as far as the prosecutor is concerned he did not have physical illness as far as the press conference is concerned. there has been reporting that perhaps the vision issues he might have had could have been caused by psychological issues that clearly he was suffering from at the time he did all of this. it clearly shows he was trying to conceal his psychological condition. it s something germanwings said. they never saw any of these sick notes and then there s that troubleing information he did in fact have suicideal tendencyies before he got his pilot s license and clearly there were psychological issues date back to the past. thanks so much. let s go to atlanta and talk to elizabeth cohen talking about he was suicideal a long time ago. does that necessaryily mean he couldn t recover from those feelings? no. people recover from suicideal feelings frequently. it certainly wound be out of the question he was suicideal at one point and he recovered. the question is did he recover and to what extent did he recover and what medicines was he taking to help him deal with his mental health issues. we ve been talking about the report from the nench newspaperfrench newspaper he was taking a heavy duty anti-psychotic drug used for people with depression, schizophrenia, among other things. was he hallucinateing, was he having manic episodes. that s really the question here. elizabeth cohen. thanks to all of our cnn correspondents and analysts that participated in this conversation. we ll be back with much more in the newsroom. you know it can be a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine . what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it s the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that s used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here s how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in . and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it s not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may 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now, saudi arab coalition air strikes are hitting targets of yemen. and the government is going into retreat and air strikes hit a refugee camp killing at least 40 people and injuring 250. a ground invasion could be next. new video showing saudi military trucks les than 20 miles from yemen s border. joining me now to talk about this former ambassador to yemen. welcome, sir. thank you. good to be here. nice to have you here. have there been any efforts to seek some sort of diplomatic solution with these rebels? is that even possible? if there is anything going on it s behind the scenes at the moment. what s aes s front and center stage are the saudi air strike meant so soften up the houthis to draw them to the negotiations stage and not sure if that will have the desired effect and these civilians killed will go across the world and it shows lack of confidence in the american security blanket being able to protect them from tehran s match nations in the region. there are rumors it s about to get worse with suggestion of a ground war with saudi arabia would some of the people in yemen welcome that? presumably some would but yemen is a deeply divided country and i don t think they would in general look on this and in 2009 it left them reticent and rightly so because they didn t fare very well in an earlier incursion against the houthi houthis. they re not very well train and a very inhospitable environment. this is a lot of sabre rattling and psychology pressure more than i think a military possibility in the short term the houthi rebels are supposedly back bide iran. egypt and saudi arabia don t necessaryily like airiran. could this turn into an arab war? if these air strikes go on in indiscriminately in these areas, this could be seen as not effective determinant and some people say we have to do more and have to put troops in the equation. that s where we have a real danger introduceing ground forces. where does this end up at that point? i don t know how they do the outcome. the outcome is put the legitimate government of the president back in place. how you do that at the back of a gun is a mystery at the moment. given they re still pounding away at military installations and other sites in the other areas, resentment i think, is growing with it. the public has been supportive of saudi arabia good thing, bad thing, should the united states get involved more? we can t get involved any more. this has to be something the arabs can sort out on their own. we see this pressure in the military sense there are sincere efforts behind the scenes say saying houthis, we can stop this and sort out the issue of governance and they have earned a place at the table and clearly you have and can t have a juggernaut coup d etat against the government and have no plan either. i certainly hope that will happen because a military situation will be messy and bloody one with no real outcome no one will satisfied with. ambassador stephen seche, thank you. i appreciate it. my pleasure, carol. introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. new flonase outperforms the #1 allergy pill so you will inhale life. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. the leading allergy pill only controls one, flonase controls six. and 6 is greater than 1. so roll down your windows, hug your pet dust off some memories, make new ones. new flonase. 6 is greater than 1. this changes everything. hey mom, you want to live by the lake, right? yeah. there s here. did you just share a listing with me? look at this one. it s got a great view of the lake. it s really nice mom. your dad would ve loved this place. you re not just looking for a house. you re looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow down to the wire with just hours to go until a critical deadline major doubts that global powers will be able to strike a nuclear deal with iran. iranian officials rejecting a key component of a proposed deal saying they re not longer willing to ship out existing piles of enriched uranium to russia. this as a number of core issues remain unsolved. let s bring in cnn global affairs correspondent elise lab bit, we re also joined by jim sciutto in washington. elise, i want to start with you. set the scene for us. carol, on that issue you just mentioned, the u.s. pushing back saying iran never really agreed to ship out its uranium stockpile and if it doesn t there are a couple of other scientific ways they can make sure that iran doesn t use that enriched uranium to move towards a nuclear weapon. but diplomats here telling me that there are three key sticking points that are blocking a deal. number one, what happens in the end years of a deal? we re talking about 15 years of a deal. after 10 years, iran wants to go back doing what it wants. the international community wants to continue to put curbs and restrictions particularly advanced nuclear research. also talking about u.n. security council resolutions and sanctions. iran wants those sanctions lifted on day one, international community says iran could get some economic benefits from the u.s. and unilateral sections from europe but those u.n. sanctions are a lot trickier they have to do with iran s nuclear activity and they ll have to be phased out as iran shows its compliance with the deal. third of all, what happens if iran does violate the deal. international powers want to have what they call a snapback so those sanctions can be reimposed. iran is fighting that. carol, the parties, all of the p5 plus one ministers met with iran this morning. it s not looking good there could be a deal. a lot of meetings going on back and forth but they have not met with the iranian side. the british foreign minister says iran needs to take a deep breath and make hard decisions if it wants a deal carol. okay so let s play what if. if this deal goes through, jim sciutto, how is it expected to play with members of congress? well, the iranian side has given enormous ammunition now to opponents to this deal by saying drawing this line in the sand. and i was in touch with a senior iranian diplomat earlier today who says iran does not intend to ship its enriched uranium out of the country. this is a big deal carol, because iran has thousands of pounds of this stuff and the concern is can that be turned into something that could be made into a weapon? up until this point up until the last 24 hours, there was a lot of confidence that shipping that material out of the country, mainly to russia to be converted into nuclear fuel which can only be used really for nuclear fuel can t be turned into something for a weapon, that added a lot of confidence to extending this breakout time for iran to weaponize. that gives you enormous ammunition. taking that off the table right mow, whatever u.s. officials are saying that iran never agreed to it that was an expectation of many who had been following the talks closely. and if you listen to john boehner was speaking to dana bash yesterday about the possibility of new sanctions if they don t like the deal have a listen to what he had to say. if there is no agreement, how quickly will you move to further sanctions against iran in the house. very. days? minutes? hours? the sanctions were working. they would have never come to the table and, frankly, we should have kept the sanctions in place so that we could have got on the a real agreement. the sanctions are going to come and they re going to come quick. carol, the administration feeling this pressure from congress. there is now openness not to allow congress to okay a deal, to vote on it but to allow them to have a voice on the deal for instance to vote on something to say well if iran breaks the agreement, here s how the u.s. would react. here are the new sanctions that would come in. they re hearing that and, keep in mind that s not just from republicans like john boehner but many skeptical democrats as well. jim sciutto, elise labott thanks to both of you, i appreciate it. while the ramifications of a nuclear deal are serious, you can count on saturday night live to lighten things up a bit. i leave you with this the rock obama versus john boehner controversial invited israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to the united states. don t be alarmed. the rock obama, much like barack obama only larger and more violent. [ laughter ] now, where were we? you, orange man. [ laughter ] me? you invite netanyahu without asking? um i did you like israel? yes. oh maybe you should go visit israel. , i m carol costello. a new bombshell in flight 9525. a german prosecutor revealing andreas lubitz was far from the smiling light hearted man you see here. years before he became an airline pilot and steered his flight into a mountainside he struggled with thoughts of suicide. before he got his pilot s license, being in psychotherapy psychotherapy in contact with a doctor about that. he had at that time been in treatment of a psychotherapist because of what is documented as being

San-paulo , Sãpaulo , Brazil , New-york , United-states , Germany , Iran , Turkey , Indiana , Russia , As-iran , Az-arbayjan-e-sharqi

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20150506

to the texas cartoon contest attack. isis claiming responsibility for the shootings that left the two gunmen dead but did isis actually order the attack? or just inspire it? we have new information this morning as the united states puts a new bounty on four isis fighters. our team coverage begins now. good morning, everyone. welcome to early start i m john berman. i m christine romans. it is wednesday, may 6th. 5:00 a.m. in the east. new information about the two gunmen shot dead by police sunday as they tried to attack a contest in texas. a contest to draw a cartoon of the prophet mohammed. the white house saying the fbi is still investigating. it s too soon too soon to link isis to the attack. but, counterterror officials are probing the online activity of the gunmen. their names are nadir soofi and elton simpson to see if isis really did have a hand in the plot. cnn justice correspondent pamela brown has the latest for us this morning from phoenix. john and christine, officials we ve been speaking with say it appears isis is being opportunistic and claiming responsibility for this attack. what is clear here according to officials is that this was more than just aspirational. that this is really reflective of the concern among law enforcement of isis fighters reaching into the u.s. through social media. identifying targets. and finding people to recruit. in fact we know one of the gunmen elton simpson, had been in touch with terrorists overseas. in fact that is a big reason why the fbi reopened an investigation into him, and just weeks before the attack we ve learned that simpson was tweeting with a terrorist in somalia who was aligned with al qaeda. and in that tweet he said when will they ever learn, talking about the upcoming event in texas. and in response the terrorist said the brothers from charlie hebdo did their part. it is time for brothers in the u.s. to do theirs. we are also learning more about the investigation and the time line. we ve learned from law enforcement officials that there were two long guns and four handguns found in the suspects car. and it appears that those weapons were bought legally. also officials say that the suspects drove from here from their home in phoenix, to texas to carry out that attack. there s still a lot of unanswered questions here. but one of the big looming questions is how did someone who is under investigation by the fbi make it all the way to texas to carry out an attack. also officials want to know who their associates are. if there s anyone else in the united states who communicated with the gunmen who were in their group, and who may want to do something similar? pamela brown in phoenix for us thanks so much. the family of one of the gunmen in the texas attack is now speaking out. nadir soofi s grandmother says the other gunman soofi s roommate elton simpson, must have convinced soofi to participate in the attack. on his mother s side his grandmother says soofi was not discriminated against for his religion and he was, quote, a good boy, real responsible and respectful. did he have a problem with how things were going in the united states? did he feel like muslim people were persecuted? no i don t think so. because he wasn t persecuted. whoever he was with talked him into it. that s how you feel about it? yep. yes. there s no other way it would have happened. all right. so it s still simply unknown whether isis had direct involvement in the texas attack. but it only took a tweet from one of the gunmen pledging allegiance to isis leader for isis to claim responsibility for that attack. it s the same tactic isis has used to claim wins in tunisia, libya, and sydney. the u.s. putting a price tag on that success, if you will. the state department now offering multimillion dollar bounties for information on four top isis fighters. for the latest on that on those bounties i wan to bring in nick walsh in beirut. christine, we ve known about the $10 million reward for information about his whereabouts, some might use the phrase price on his head. there will now four more joining that list of individuals sought by the u.s. at the top, we learned yesterday is abu al qazuli. he is not a figure who is that often heard by name in public. but does have a long history in extremist ranks joining al qaeda in 2004. working al qaeda in iraq which subsequently morphed and went on to become isis. had links to pakistan as well and also below him, two men whose presence and whereabouts sought $5 million. and the man most often known as omar the chechen, effectively, a georgian national who joined extremist ranks in the syrian revolution at an early stage, and then morphed to come on a significant military leader in isis. abu mohammed al adnani quite often the public voice we hear from isis. he s also sought for $5 million. and finally the fourth individual $3 million for tariq al harzi who is considered to be a leader in the syria/iraq border region. these men put on the wanted list in the same 24 hours in which isis claimed to have been behind the attack in garland, texas. unclear if those two instances are related. but this is clearly the u.s. trying to shine a spotlight onto the isis hierarchy, perhaps with added pressure upon them. and it comes at a time when abu bakr baghdadi has been noticeably silent in the past. i should point out, obviously the investigation will be trying to work out that this key leadership had knowledge of garland because that is seminal in working out this is what we would have seen under al qaeda which is key leaders ordering an attack or a more troubling lone wolf scenario when individuals move on their own without necessarily having logistical or tactical support from isis loadersship outside of the u.s. christine? nick that s been the big concern of investigators, and terrorism officials here in the u.s. that very thought. nick thank you so much for that. seven minutes after the hour. senator republicans narrowly passed a budget plan that would eliminate the deficit by 2024. the nonbinding measure calls for the dismantling of obamacare. it also features deep cuts to education funding, infrastructure and domestic programs. the $5.3 trillion worth of cuts over the next ten years. the budget proposal will not be sent to the president. what it does is serves as a blueprint for republicans in their economic platform. they have to pass actual spending bills from their appropriations committee and the like and that s not going to happen any time soon. senators rand paul and ted cruz the only two republicans to vote against the blueprint, they said they voted against it because it didn t go far enough. some republicans want so fee infrastructure spending on the crumbling infrastructure. that will take government initiative when you talk about infrastructure cuts so hillary clinton taking a strong stand in favor of a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. the former secretary of state meeting at a high school in las vegas. she told them hard working i78 grants to contribute to the economy quote should not be thrown away. republican presidential hopeful i will fight for comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship for you and for your families across our country. i will fight to stop partisan attacks on the executive actions that would put dreamers including those with us today, at risk of deportation. and if congress continues to refuse to act, as president i would do everything possible under the law to go even further. now republican presidential hopeful carly fiorina is slamming secretary clinton s call for a full path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. the former head of hewlett-packard insists that it is not fair to immigrants who played by the rules. and she had this to say about the former secretary of state. unfortunately, i think she s pandering. i think we need to start with some basics. you know we need to secure the border. it hasn t been secured under george w. bush or barack obama. it needs to be secured. because the problem just keeps getting worse if we don t secure it by the way we should secure the northern border as well as the southern border. hillary clinton seems to be holding her own with voters when it comes to the issue of honesty and trustworthiness. but take a look at this new new york times /cbs poll. 48% believe the democratic front-runner has those traits honest and trustworthy. those numbers are up in the last six weeks despite what some consider a scandal over her use of private e-mail servers during her day as a secretary of state. marco rubio came out on top when voters were asked which republican candidate they were most open to. followed by jeb bush and mike huckabee. ferry service between florida and cuba one step closer to becoming reality. licenses were granted to several companies. the cuban government is not commenting and it is not clear when the ferries might become operational. ferries between the two countries ended back in fiftties during the cuban revolution. time for an early start on your money. stock futures are higher a reversal from yesterday stocks hammered yesterday the dow fell 142 points the nasdaq dropped 1.6% the u.s. trade deficit was at a six-year high plus oil prices rising those were the triggers. oil above $60 a barrel this morning. that hasn t happened since december. oil prices below $45 earlier this year. remember that speculation they could fall to $30 that never happened. prices have been moving up ever since. prices collapsed because of a supply glut and weak demand but that seems to be turning the corner. u.s. production falling better than expected economic growth in europe those things pushing oil prices a little bit higher. all right ten minutes past the hour. baltimore s police chief surprised when he heard the charges leveled against six of his officers in the death of freddie gray. he s opening up to cnn. we ll bring that to you next. the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. power, wi-fi and streaming entertainment. that s. seize the journey friendly. if you misplaced your discover card you can now use freeze it to prevent new purchases on your account in seconds. and once you find it you can switch it right on again. you re back! freeze it, only from discover. get it at after brushing listerine® total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it s an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. dear stranger, when i booked this trip, my friends said i was crazy. why would i stay in someone else s house? but this morning a city i ve never been to felt like one i already knew. i just wanted to thank you for sharing your world with me. it felt like home. airbnb. belong anywhere. you wouldn t buy a car without taking it for a spin and it s.well.just a car. test-drive our full lineup only at your local john deere dealer. so i m having birthday brunch with my family. when my husband hands me a present. a galaxy s6! so i call my mom. i have verizon! i don t. she couldn t really hear me. i tell her how much she means to me. but she thinks i said she was always mean to me. i could hear how happy she was. now she definitely loves my sister more. vo: mother s day is almost here. now get 200 dollars or more when you trade in your smartphone for a galaxy s6. but hurry, this offer ends may 10th. verizon. you forgot the milk! that s lactaid®. right. 100% real milk just without the lactose. so, no discomfort? exactly. try some. mmm, it is real milk. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. important comments this morning from a man in the middle of so much of the controversy surrounding baltimore. after the death of freddie gray and the unrest that engulfed that city baltimore police commissioner anthony batts tells cnn that police must acknowledge that they are, in his words, part of the problem. and he says he was surprised by the charges brought against the officers involved in gray s arrest. let s get more now from cnn s evan perez. john in his first interview since violent protests broke out here in baltimore and six of his officers were arrested baltimore police commissioner anthony batts said he learned of the charges just moments before we did. i found out that the state attorney was going on and what she was going to present probably about ten minutes before she went on. she gave me a phone call and told me what she was about to do. and that she was going on live. she told me what the charges were. what were your first words out of your mouth when you heard that? i don t want to get into that so much. i could say that i was probably surprised. you know by the information that i heard. i think that the state s attorney was very focused on being independent in this particular investigation. she didn t want to be seen connected to the police organization so the communication was limited as compared to what i m used to. and, john commissioner batts says that one of his trap priorities now is improving his relationship between his department and the community and the reputation of his officers. there is a lack of trust within this community. period bottom line. that s going to take healing. that s going to take us acknowledging as a police department not just here in baltimore, but law enforcement as a whole, that we ve been part of the problem. out of trying to be part of the solution we have become part of the problem. and when we acknowledge that and understand we can start to heal. the community needs to hear that. the community needs to hear from us that we see that we haven t been part of the solution and that we have to now evolve. and, john while it s clear that the commissioner has to rebuild trust with this community, it s left to be seen how the state prosecutor and the police rebuild the trust that they need to work together. all right, evan perez, thanks so much. one of the six baltimore police officers facing charges in the death of freddie gray is challenging the prosecutor in court. officer edward nero claims that the knife gray was carrying which was the cause of his arrest he claims it was illegal, contrary to what maryland s state s attorney marilyn mosby has said. officer nero s lawyers are demanding to see the knife. but marilyn mosby responded in a statement saying the evidence we have collected cannot ethically be disclosed, relayed or released to the public before trial. as i ve previously indicated i strongly condemn anyone in law enforcement with access to trial evidence who has or continues to leak information prior to the resolution of the case. these unethical disclosures are only damaging our ability to conduct a fair and impartial process for all parties involved. it should be noted, look first there was the leak that he was carrying a switchblade. then when marilyn mosby spoke last week she made clear it was she believes it was not a switchblade, it is a legal knife. it will be important, because they are charged with false imprisonment. that s right. the nation s new attorney general loretta lynch she met with members of the gray family as well as police leaders, community leaders, city officials, including mayor stephanie rawlings-blake who stressed the need for action. we cannot afford to fail. i believe that the relationship between the police and the community, it s like a marriage and separation is not an option. divorce is not an option. we have to figure out how we re going to to make this marriage work and make it healthy, and make it thrive so our city can thrive. what i ve heard here today is how all of the people of baltimore, every group that i ve mentioned, and certainly everyone with whom i was privileged to meet is committed to making that better. and by that i mean both community and police alike. i was able to meet with mr. gray s family this morning. it was really a privilege to do so and just to express my condolences to them, and for their loss. so and of course our hearts do go out to them. the justice department is investigating the arrest of freddie gray and his fatal injury while in police custody. all right. 19 minutes after the hour. a possible mayweather/pacquiao rematch. pay-per-view might never be the same again. imagine! how bad the service will be then. andy shoals with the bleacher report next. when it comes to trading in your frequent flyer miles for a ticket which airline makes it easiest? 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[ female announcer ] when you re serious about fighting wrinkles, turn to roc® retinol correxion®. one week fine lines appear to fade. one month deep wrinkles look smoother. after one year, skin looks ageless. high performance skincare™ only from roc®. music plays love you by the free design attendant: welcome back. man: thank you. it s not home. but with every well considered detail . . . it becomes one step closer. no wonder more people. . . choose delta than any other airline. what do you do when you make a few million dollars or 100 million dollars? you try to do it again. no surprise floyd mayweather and manny pacquiao say they are willing to do that. andy scholes has more in this morning s bleacher report. good morning. as soon as the news came out that pacquiao had an injured shoulder during the fight, i was thinking they re already trying to set up for rematch. now floyd mayweather in a text to espn says he would be open to fighting pacquiao again and pacquiao s says he s in for a rematch. he may be out for ten months with a rotator injury and he may be in some trouble for not properly disclosing his injured shoulder. also facing multiple class action lawsuits from fans they say the boxers duped them into thinking he was 100% and in effect cost them thousands of dollars in pay-per-view purchases and tickets. now mayweather has also been hit with a lawsuit by the mother of three of his children. she s asking for $20 million claiming he lied in a recent interview about her being on drugs the morning of a 2010 domestic violence incident. all right tiger woods is playing in this week s players championship at tpc sawgrass. after breaking up with lindsey vonn on the nine-year anniversary of his father s death tiger says he s going through a really hard time right now. it is tough, there s no doubt, i m not going to lie about that it is tough. and on top of that this time of year is really really hard on me. this three-day window is really hard. i ve i haven t slept. may 3rd through the 5th today, is brutal on me. steph curry receiving his mvp last night before game two. but mike conley spoiled the night for curry. he returned from multiple facial fractures to score 22 in the game. the grizzlies would hand them just their third home loss of the season. congratulations to turner sports host ernie johnson. last night he won the emmy for best studio host. but then he did something very special with the award. for this there s only one place it belongs, and that s on the mantel at stuart scott s house. so if the girls could come up, please. this is not for me. you may have cancer, but it doesn t have you. and you just fight. and you just lean in on people who love you. we love stuart scott. this is your emmy. guys such a classy move from ernie johnson right there. he s of course a cancer survivor and we lost stuart scott back in january. just such a nice thing for him to do for stuart scott s daughters right there. so much respect. so much respect in this business and beyond for both of those men. thanks, andy. 25 minutes after the hour right now. so just how involved was isis in the attack in texas on sunday night? we have new information about the gunmen and just who they may have been communicating with online. that s right after the break. normally people wear pants. yeah that s why i m hiding captain obvious. not very well. i found you immediately. you know what else is easy to find? a new hotel with the app. i don t need a new hotel room, i just need to get back into this one. gary? it s wednesday gary! i know that janet! is more helpful than janet. after brushing listerine® total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it s an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. i ve been the same shade of red for many years. it s time to change it up! hello, golden blonde. shift a shade with nice n easy. for natural looking color i don t know if blonde has more fun, but i plan to find out investigating isis and its connection to the texas terror attack. did isis order that shooting? or did these gunmen work alone? new information on the attack as the u.s. targets four key isis leaders. team coverage breaking down our big story starts right now. welcome back to early start i m christine romans. i m john berman. 30 minutes past the hour. developing this morning, new information about the two gunmen shot dead by police on sunday as they tried to attack a contest in texas a contest to draw cartoons of the prophet mohammed. the white house says the fbi is investigating and it is too soon to link isis directly to the attack. but counterterrorism officials are probing the online activity of the gunmen. nadir soofi and elton simpson, to see if isis really did have a hand in the planning. cnn justice correspondent pamela brown with the very latest from phoenix. pamela pamela? well john and christine, officials we ve been speaking with say it appears right now isis is being opportunistic in claiming responsibility for this attack. but what is clear here according to officials is that this was more than just aspirational. that this is really reflective of the concern among law enforcement of isis fighters reaching into the u.s. through social media. identifying targets. and finding people who recruit. in fact we know one of the gunmen elton simpson, had been in touch with terrorists overseas. in fact that is a big reason why the fbi reopened an investigation into him. and just weeks before the attack we ve learned that simpson was tweeting with a terrorist in somalia who was aligned with al qaeda. and in that tweet he said when will they ever learn, talking about the upcoming event in texas. and in response the terrorist said the brothers from charlie hebdo did their part. it is time for brothers in the u.s. to do theirs. we are also learning more about the investigation and the time line. we ve learned from law enforcement officials that there were two long guns and four handguns found in the suspects car. and it appears that those weapons were bought legally. also officials say that the suspects drove from here from their home in phoenix, to texas to carry out that attack. there s still a lot of unanswered questions here. but one of the big looming questions is how did someone who is under investigation by the fbi make it all the way to texas to carry out an attack? also officials want to know who their associates are. if there s anyone else in the united states who communicated with the gunmen who were in their group, and who play want to do something similar. john and christine? all right, thanks for that pamela in phoenix. now the family of one of the gunmen in the texas attack is talking. nadir soofi s grandmother says the other gunman soofi s roommate elton simpson, he must have convinced soofi to participate in the attack. soofi s pakistani father raised him as a muslim on his mother s side his grandmother says soofi was not discriminated against for his religion. and that he was, quote, a good boy responsible and respectful. did he have a problem with how things were going on in the united states? did he feel like muslim people were persecuted? no i don t think so. because he wasn t persecuted. whoever he was with talked him into it. that s how you feel about it? yes. there s no other way it would have happened. one of the gunmen pledged allegiance to the isis leader but there is a question whether isis did have a direct role in the attack or whether its claim of responsibility is some sort of opportunistic play for publicity. isis does have a record of doing that in tunisia, libya and sydney. while all that is going on there is a new development in the u.s. battle against isis. the state department is now offering multimillion dollar bounties for information on four top isis fighters. for the latest on that let s bring in nick paton walsh. good morning, nick. john we ve known about al baghdadi has a $10 million price on his head. information for his whereabouts. but yesterday just after isis claimed that they were involved in the garland, texas, attacks they put out four more individuals who they now have substantial rewards for information and whereabouts. top of that list for $7 million is a man who s not been heard of too much in public in the past abd al rahman mustafa al qaduli. he has a drong track record in al qaeda as early as 2004 as being to pakistan history in al qaeda and iraq which morphed into islamic state in iraq which morphed into isis. obviously a key leader in the eyes of the united states. below him at $5 million each well-known public figure abu mohammed al adnani the spokesperson from isis from whom we hear from very often and publicly. and a man called omar the chechen. but his real name is tarkhan batirashvili. he joined ranks early on rose through extremist circles and became a key public figure in the early days of isis. you d see him often more on social media videos with baghdadi at the beginning. and finally $3 million for tariq al harzi, leader in the border syria/iraq region. these now clearly lined up as key figures in the isis hierarchy. but of course investigators really to establish the older model we are familiar with of al qaeda as to whether they are linked to the garland, texas, attacks will be trying to work out if these key leaders somehow knew of that attack in advance or if we are looking at lone wolves inspired by isis ideology or isis supporters even on twitter. a very different model. john? how hierarchical is isis to begin with? a very real question right now. nick paton walsh for us. senate republicans narrowly passing a budget that would eliminate the deficit by the year 2024. the nonbinding measure calls dismantling of obamacare, deep cuts to education funding, infrastructure and other domestic programs. how big with those cuts? $5.3 trillion over the next ten years. the budget proposal will not be sent to the president. end stead it will serve as a blueprint for the gop s economic platform. rand paul and ted cruz the only two republicans to vet against it. the senate is one step closer to giving congress the power to review any nuclear deal with iran. some republicans called for a measure to approve new sanctions against iranians and marco rubio wants to require israel s right to exist. republican leader mitch mcconnell is using procedural measures to try to quash all these proposals. the vote expected on thursday. nuclear talks with iran resume next week in vienna. oil prices rising. u.s. crude oil back above $60 a barrel. highest price so far this year. you can see from the chart prices collapsed since last summer they fell below $45 a barrel. weak demand a glut of supply the u.s. is producing a whole lot of oil but that may be over. there s evidence production is slowing here in the u.s. so does that mean the end of cheap gas prices? the average gallon of regular is $2.64 a kwalen. now that is up a quarter from a month ago so yes if oil prices keep climbing so will gas prices. but compare that with a year ago it s still a lot cheaper than it was a year ago. the average american family has more money in its pocket right now because of these low oil prices. they re way up over the last few months. no one was paying attention. it was like oh, gas is cheap now. gas it is will not just go down it will not just go up. i think it will keep going up a little bit, but it will stay below last year s level for sure. baltimore s police chief says he is surprised, says he was left in the dark when six of his officers were charged in freddie gray s death. sat down for a really interesting interview with cnn. we ll show it to you next. [ jennifer garner ] why can t powerful sunscreen feel great? actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer®. its superior uva uvb protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer, all with the cleanest feel. it s the best for your skin. neutrogena® ultra sheer®. shopping online. .is as easy as it gets. wouldn t it be great. .if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie s list now it is. we ve made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog-walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. and you don t even have to be a member to start shopping today. angie s list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today. when broker chris hill stays at laquinta and fires up free wi-fi, with a network that s now up to 5 times faster than before you know what he can do? let s see if he s ready. he can swim with the sharks! book your next stay at! meet the world s newest energy superpower. surprised? 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i don t want to get into that so much. i could say that i was probably surprised. you know, by the information that i heard. i think that the state s attorney was very focused on being independent in this particular investigation. she didn t want to be seen connected to the police organization, so the communication was limited as compared to what i m used to. and, john, commissioner batts says that one of his trap priorities now is improving his relationship between his department and the community and the reputation of his officers. there is a lack of trust within this community. period, bottom line. that s going to take healing. that s going to take us acknowledging as a police department, not just here in baltimore, but law enforcement as a whole, that we ve been part of the problem. out of trying to be part of the solution, we have become part of the problem. and when we acknowledge that, and understand, we can start to heal. the community needs to hear that. the community needs to hear from us that we see that we haven t been part of the solution, and that we have to now evolve. and, john, while it s clear that the commissioner has to rebuild trust with this community, it s left to be seen how the state prosecutor and the police rebuild the trust that they need to work together. all right, evan perez for us this morning. one of the six baltimore police officers facing charges in the death of freddie gray is challenging the prosecutor in court. officer edward nero claims that the knife gray was carrying, when he was arrested was illegal, contrary to what maryland s state s attorney marilyn mosby has said. his lawyers are demanding to see that knife. mosby responded in a statement saying the evidence we have collected cannot ethically be disclosed, relayed or released to the public before trial. as i ve previously indicated i strongly condemn anyone in law enforcement with access to trial evidence who has or continues to leak information prior to the resolution of the case. these unethical disclosures are only damaging our ability to conduct a fair and impartial process for all parties involved. it s very important here because marilyn mosby says the knife was that a switchblade. a switchblade would be illegal. she says the knife was legal. that will be a point of contention absolutely. 44 minutes after the hour. the nation s new attorney general loretta lynch is now the highest level federal official to visit baltimore since the unrest. she met with members of freddie gray s family as well as police community leaders and city officials, including mayor stephanie rawlings-blake who stressed the need for action. we cannot afford to fail. i believe that the relationship between the police and the community, it s like a marriage, and separation is not an option. divorce is not an option. we have to figure out how we re going to to make this marriage work and make it healthy, and make it thrive so our city can thrive. what i ve heard here today is how all of the people of baltimore, every group that i ve mentioned, and certainly everyone with whom i was privileged to meet, is committed to making that better. and by that i mean both community and police alike. i was able to meet with mr. gray s family this morning. it was really a privilege to do so, and just to express my condolences to them, and for their loss. so, and of course our hearts do go out to them. the justice department is investigating the arrest of freddie gray and the injury he suffered while in police custody. the fbi reportedly flew surveillance planes over the scene of the baltimore riots. officials telling the washington post baltimore police requested these flights from the fbi for aerial support using infrared technology to monitor movements in the city. the aclu is questioning whether the surveillance operation was legal. the fbi, not commenting. so the artist currently known as prince plans to hold a mother s day concert in baltimore in honor of freddie gray. he is asking everyone attending the rally for peace show to wear the color gray. concert promoter live nation says that several other industry superstars will also appear. prince just recorded a protest song titled baltimore in response to the death of freddie gray and everything that followed. all right hillary clinton taking her strongest stand yet on immigration. a new position drawing criticism from republicans this morning. details next. if you misplaced your discover card you can now use freeze it to prevent new purchases on your account in seconds. and once you find it you can switch it right on again. you re back! freeze it, only from discover. get it at [ jennifer garner ] why can t powerful sunscreen feel great? actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer®. its superior uva uvb protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer, all with the cleanest feel. it s the best for your skin. neutrogena® ultra sheer®. the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. power, wi-fi and streaming entertainment. that s. seize the journey friendly. apples fall, but the apples of your cheeks don t have to. defy gravity. juvéderm voluma® is the only fda-approved injectable gel to instantly add volume to your cheek area. as you age, cheeks can lose volume. voluma adds volume creating contour and lift for a more youthful profile. for up to two years. temporary side effects include tenderness, swelling, firmness lumps, bumps, bruising, pain redness, discoloration and itching. ask your doctor. juvéderm voluma®. defy gravity. hillary clinton taking a stand in favor of a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. the former secretary of state met with young people at a high school in las vegas where 70% of the students are hispanic. she told them that hard-working immigrants who contribute to the economy, in her words, should not be thrown away. i will fight for comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship for you and for your families across our country. i will fight to stop partisan attacks on the executive actions that would put dreamers, including those with us today, at risk of deportation. and if congress continues to refuse to act, as president i would do everything possible under the law to go even further. the republican presidential hopeful carly fiorina is slamming clinton s call for a full path to citizenship. the former head of hewlett-packard insists that it is not fair to immigrants who quote, played by the rules. and she had some choice words for the former secretary of state. unfortunately, i think she s pandering. i think we need to start with some basics. you know, we need to secure the border. it hasn t been secured under george w. bush or barack obama. it needs to be secured. because the problem just keeps getting worse if we don t secure it, by the way we should secure the northern border as well as the southern border. new poll numbers for hillary clinton on the issue of honesty and trustworthiness. they come in a brand-new new york times /cbs poll. 48% believe that the democratic front-runner has those traits. and those numbers are up in the last six weeks, despite what some consider a scandal over her use of private e-mail servers during her days as secretary of state. senator marco rubio came out on top when voters were asked when republican candidate they were most open to. followed by jeb bush, and mike huckabee. the penalty phase of the dzhokhar tsarnaev trial resumes this morning in boston with the defense nearing the end of its case. in court tuesday the focus was on tsarnaev family s dysfunction. a psychiatrist testified the father suffered from post traumatic stress disorder. an expert on chechen culture told jurors about the power given to older brothers. defense lawyers are trying to spare the convicted marathon bomber from the death penalty by showing he was controlled by his older brother, tamerlan. unprecedented new water restrictions now in place in drought-stricken california. state officials have approved a measure that requires cities to cut water use by up to 36% while encouraging homeowners to just let their lawns die. a brown lawn they say, should be a status symbol. california s water control board lacks the staff to enforce these restrictions. it s not clear how they plan to punish offenders. california governor jerry brown is backing legislation that calls for fines of up to $10,000. a lot of people talking about how agriculture still really is the big consumer of water in the state. what about restrictions there? all right, 52 minutes past the hour. is retirement as we know it a thing of the past? does john berman have to work until he s 100? the harsh reality about how long we may have to work, next. so i m having birthday brunch with my family. when my husband hands me a present. a galaxy s6! so i call my mom. i have verizon! i don t. she couldn t really hear me. i tell her how much she means to me. but she thinks i said she was always mean to me. i could hear how happy she was. now she definitely loves my sister more. vo: mother s day is almost here. now get 200 dollars or more when you trade in your smartphone for a galaxy s6. but hurry, this offer ends may 10th. verizon. who. is this?! hi, i am heinz new mustard. hi na na na na she s just jealous because you have better taste. whatever. hey. keep your chin up. for years, heinz ketchup has been with the wrong mustard. well, not anymore. introducing heinz new better tasting yellow mustard. mmm! the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we re born. after all, healthier doesn t happen all by itself. it needs to be earned. every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care. by connecting every single part of it. for as the world keeps on searching for healthier. we re here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here. [ female announcer ] take skincare to the next level with roc® multi correxion® 5 in 1. proven to hydrate dryness illuminate dullness lift sagging diminish the look of dark spots and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. high performance skincare™ only from roc®. all right, welcome back. i m christine romans let s get an early start on your money. u.s. stock futures up right now. better than yesterday when the dow fell 142 points. the nasdaq lost 1.6%. the trade deficit six-year high because of a strong dollar. oil prices above $60 a barrel for the first time since december. oil prices collapsed because of oversupply. they ve been creeping up since march. sheryl sandberg posting a moving tribute to her husband on facebook. last night after a memorial service for her late husband the facebook executive called dave goldberg her rock. she said quote, we had 11 truly joyful years of the deepest love happiest marriage and truest partnership that i could imagine. the 47-year-old ceo of surveymonkey he died friday after falling on a treadmill while on vacation. our thoughts go to sheryl sandberg and her children. traditional retirement may be a thing of the past. according to a new study, 82% of people age 60 and older said they plan on working past the age of 65. 52%, deep sighs from john 52% say they plan to work while in retirement. one positive thing here millennials are saving for retirement? the study found 67% of workers in their 20s have stashed way some money already. and they have time on their side. so for them i m really happy that millennials are saving money and i m really sad you have to work so long. living in mom and dad s basement you can save some money. all right we have new information in the germanwings crash that killed 150 people back in march. new day starts right now. an attempted terrorist attack was foiled. this an attempted terrorist attack was foiled. this was more than just a lone wolf. we have individuals who have never been part of a group but just because of an ideology i m going to invest in a weapon and attack. baltimore s police commissioner was kept out of the loop by the prosecutor. i can say i was probably surprised by the information that i heard. the d.a. s office absolutely has no trust whatsoever with the police commissioner or its department. i will fight for comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship. i think she s pandering and we need to secure the border. welcome to our viewers here in the u.s. and around the world. you re watching new day. and we do have breaking news. the co-pilot who crashed germanwings flight into the alps rehearsed his suicide mission earlier in the day. this according to the german tabloid build quoting sources close to the investigation. we expect french investigators to release their interim report at any moment on that crash that killed 150 people in march. but we already have some stunning findings from that report. let s get right to cnn senior international correspondent frederik pleitgen live in london with the breaking details whachlt do we know fred? reporter: exactly how chris says. this is information we have according to the build newspaper in germany, which we know has had very good leads on this story as the investigation went on in the earlier part right after the crash. and they re now reporting that they ve had access to this b.e.a. report and have findings from it. one of the most interesting is that this pilot andreas lubitz might very well have practiced the decentscent he later conducted while on the outbound flight. this crash happened on the flight from barcelona to dusseldorf in germany. apparently during that flight there were several changes of altitude with no reason aero aeronaughtically he might very well have been practicing what he then later in the day did during that outbound flight. of course one of the things we ve been talking about as this investigation moved forward is how premeditated was all of this. we know that he had flight simulator on his laptop that he

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Transcripts For CNNW AC 360 Later 20140108

jeffrey toobin, and pamela brown, in the middle of a blizzard near buffalo. in minneapolis, stephanie elam. pame pamela, how cold is it? reporter: anderson, it s the kind of cold where your cheeks hurt, your teeth hurt. we re dealing with a trifecta of the cold and the whipping winds and of course, the snow. in fact, this blizzard warning has been effect here in buffalo since last night. it s expected to two through tomorrow morning. there hasn t been a blizzard warning here in buffalo since 1993. despite that, residents here, they re no strangers to winter weather. this is a lot, anderson, that it s a ghost town. you see here around me, there s no cars on the roads. all the businesses are closed. people are heeding those warnings and hunkering down, san diego inside. authorities are saying that s a big reason why they believe there haven t been any big injuries or they haven t seen many cases dealing with frostbite, hypothermia. so far, there haven t been any deaths. it is very dangerous. officials said on one highway, there were 50 stranded cars there, and they had to help rescue the passengers on snowmobiles. officials couldn t even be in their cars because it was too dangerous on the roads. the sabres hockey game was cancelled tonight. first time in 13 years. pamela, they re expecting i heard three feet, but chad myers said as much as five feet of snow. reporter: yes. we were expecting to see about three feet of snow here, anderson. right now, we re not really seeing those totals we thought we would see. there s about 10 inches. a big reason is lake erie, there s ice on the lake now, which is affecting the lake-effect snow. so the warmth of the water isn t creating the accumulation that we thought we would see. it feels like negative 21 degrees here. so i guess the best word is brutal. best way to sum it up. stephanie blew all of our minds last night on the program by turning hot water, which he threw from a cup, and made it into snow. that s her last night. i watched that on replay late into the night last night. just blew my mind. there it is again. we talked earlier tonight, it was too warm for that. so it s significantly warmer tonight? reporter: it s negative 1. and you know what? i never thought that negative 1 would feel so awesome, but it does. it feels a lot better. i m starting to get this whole psyche out here, it s not so bad, it s 20 degrees, i ll wear my wind breaker. just to show you how much we were trying to make you happy, anderson, it s just water. no flames. it s just fertilizer we brought from a retailer. but we re trying to make snow and it s just water. we sprayed this t-shirt. as you can see, it s nice and frozen in just a little bit of time. so still cold enough to freeze your shirt off of you if that s your thing. and how long is this bad expected there? reporter: it s starting to warm up. by thursday, it s supposed to be a whole 20 degrees. never thought that would sound hot. that sounds hot. so they re going to be fine by the end of the week, above freezing by the end of the week. now we turn to dennis rodman. we have to talk about him, unfortunately. alleged friend of north korea s dictator, kim jong-un. americans in jail, american citizen in jail, kenneth bay. dennis rodman, that s his friend apparently. the former nba great in north korea on a good will mission, was asked about one of those jailed americans, kenneth bay this morning. watch what happened. you do have a relationship with this man. you said it many times. we ve seen it demonstrated, for whatever reason. are you going to take an opportunity, if you get it, to speak up for the family of kenneth bay and to say, let us know why this man is being held? that this is wrong, he is sick. if you can help, will you take the opportunity? the one thing about politics, kenneth bay if you understand. if you understand what kenneth bay did, do you understand what he did? what did he do? you tell me, what did he do? no, you tell me! you tell me! why is he held captive? they haven t released any charges. they haven t released any reasons. listen let me do this. i would love to speak on this go ahead. you know, you ve got ten guys here, ten guys here that have left their families, left their families to help this country with a sports venture. all these guys here. do anyone understand that? we do. and we appreciate that, and we wish them well with no, no, i m just saying i don t believe a [ bleep ], i don t give a rat s what the hell you think. don t use them for the they came here you just basically were saying kenneth bay did something wrong. we don t know what the charges are. don t use these guys as a shield. listen, listen ain t no shield. let me do this! really, really? i m going to tell you one thing. people around the world, around the world, i m going to do one thing. you re a guy behind a mike right now. we re the guys here doing one thing. we re going to go back to america and take the abuse. do you have to take the abuse? well, we re going to take it. let me know, are you going to take it? we re going to get it. but guess what? one day, one day [ indiscernible ] the white house refused to dignify his remarks with a comment. he seemed drunk to me or on something. it was incoherent. i read the transcript multiple times. it makes no sense. i thought he made several interesting points. really? no, it was nuts, craziness. he s being used and he s part of a spectacle over there and they may be crazy enough in north korea to give him something for going over there. i hope they give him kenneth bay. that would be one thing if he was willing to say something to kim jong-un about kenneth bay, but he almost seems to be accusing kenneth bay of having done something wrong. he is. it s an absolute disgrace. this person is a disgrace to his country for going out there and selling out a fellow american to this disgusting dictator. at some point, this man is not well. there s something wrong there. and certainly the incoherence of what he was saying suggests that. but look, he s not being used. he s a grownup. he s choosing, choosing to support and associate with one of the most foulest, most disgusting people on the planet. he said it s not that bad there yesterday. he s talking about the abuse he s going to face. you know what abuse the north korean people will face daily? you didn t look at him like he s a diplomat. he totally looks drunk. real recognizes real and crazy recognizes crazy. i feel like kim chose him because they re both crazy, and he s there with this group those poor players in the background look like they want to disappear. i m sure they were going to come over, make a it wille m make e money and sneak out. two of the players were fired for drinking. the players kept saying and trying to interject saying this is something we ve done in taiwan and other places. there s a big difference playing a charity match in taiwan for typhoon victims. this is a birthday present for a dictator who americans should not be celebrating his birthday. the man who has killed untold numbers of people. what a crazy place to be a loose cannon. if you can execute your uncle it s also, the other basketball players said we played for typhoon victims elsewhere. it s not as if they re playing for prisoners in a concentration camps. they re playing to the elites. this is not something for the average person in north korea, that they have any access to. it just legitimizes this man s regime. it legitimizes it by this cult of celebrity which no one ever says no to. this man is a disgrace and he deserves abuse when he comes home. and yes, the people of north korea deserve better. he s obviously not rational or subject to the normal scrutiny of he doesn t care what we say. he s obviously crazy. and part of this process that he s enjoying the attention, look, i m a basketball fan. dennis rodman was crazy when he was a player ten years ago. he was a great player, though. it doesn t mean you re any less crazy. but the reason why he s over there is because he s a crazy person, not because like many basketball players we re going to continue this discussion. we re going to talk with laura ling, who was captured, tried and sentenced to north korea. we ll talk to her on the other side of the break. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 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look, he s a whacko, he s a nut. but i don t think anyone expects him to be this ambassador or to produce this diplomatic breakthrough. at least we shouldn t. it s like this bizarre reality show, you know, the celebrity and the dictator. i was very disappointed to hear his comments about kenneth bay. clearly, he didn t know what he was talking about. and that s really unfortunate. but with these basketball players being there under this so-called good will mission, i would hope that the north koreans could release kenneth bay as a compassionate gesture. how easy would it be for dennis rodman, it would be a great gesture. i spoke with kenneth bay s sister about rodman and her trip and i just want to play that. this isn t some game. this is about a person s life. father of three, a son and brother, and a husband. dennis rodman, he s not a diplomat, he says it himself, and he s not in a position to pass judgment on kenneth bay. laura, from personal experience, an outreach like this can have a big impact. you were able to get out by bill clinton going over there. absolutely. i think it was a huge opportunity missed, and this man s life is at stake. but what can you expect from somebody like dennis rodman, who is erratic, whose behavior is erratic i think you can expect the following of basic decency, which is you do not throw a fellow american under the bulls in front of a dictator. that teams to me to be self-evident. laura, we can all agree that dennis rodman is the wrong answer. what s the right answer? what can the united states do to try to get kenneth bay back? i think that part of our attention has been so focused on dennis rodman. and what s unfortunate is that our attention should be focused on the condition of the north korean people and the humanitarian crisis they ve been living in for decades. with regard to kenneth bay, it s a complicated situation, and it s so, you know, mired in politics, unfortunately, that it s, you know, it s it really is going to there s just no telling what it s going to take. but like i said, the north koreans have the ability to release him as a humanitarian gesture. they ve done it in the past. hopefully that is something that will happen soon. what was it like being detained and being held captive for so long in north korea? on a day-to-day basis, how much contact did you have with what was going on, with any efforts being made to get you out? i mean, i had no contact with anyone from the outside world except a few visits with the swedish ambassador. i did know what was going on to some extent from letters i was allowed to see. but there were glimmers of compassion and humanity exhibited towards me from some of my captors. i think a similar connection was felt by them. there s a deep curiosity about the west, and i was allowed to watch television. almost everything on television, it seems is like this anti-u.s. rhetoric and it paints the united states as the enemy. and so for speaking about this basketball diplomacy, for this so-called cultural exchange to happen, perhaps it can introduce the north koreans to a more positive side. and perhaps yield something fruitful. that s what i can hope. because this exchange is going to happen. the idea that the north koreans think the americans or dennis rodman is that s that s a caricature. also speaking out more coherently than dennis rodman is former defense secretary robert gates. he s written a scathing memoir about congress, hillary clinton, joe biden and president obama. we ll tell you about that ahead. talking about afghanistan, he writes, as i sate there, i thought the president doesn t trust his commander, doesn t believe in his own strategy and doesn t consider the war to be his. for him, gates writes, it is all about getting out. mr. obama s management style comes in for criticism. gates writes, his white house was by far the most controlling in national security of any i had seen since nixon and kissingkissing er ruled the roost. jim sciutto joins the panel now. jim, were you surprised he s writing a book already about a sitting president that s that scathing? i ve been talking to a lot of officials still inside the administration tonight in terms of their reaction. you get a sense many will say this is washington. ex-officials write sometimes critical about their bosses and former colleagues. but this goes far in his criticism. he said president obama sent troops to war in afghanistan knowing that the policy was a failure. that s an aggressive thing to say about a sitting commander in chief. he said that the vice president of the united states has gotten every, in his words, every major foreign policy and national security wrong over the last four decades. that s a very personal thing. so this is, as you look at it, it does not look like your typical political memoir. he writes that he was seething throughout much of the time. we always saw him as placid. he says he was seething at everything he was seeing behind the scenes. what do you make? it s not what i would expect from bob gates. i would expect it from some other people, but this man, who i think served his country extremely well and very ably, and seemed to get along with everybody around him and was a wonderful communicator to the public, the fact that he was enraged the entire time. i find it hard to understand. he says at a certain point that he agrees with most of the actual decisions that obama took in foreign policies, yet swings at him. to say that there was something wrong about obama trying to get out of afghanistan, when he was elected to get us out of afghanistan. that s the thing that struck me about the criticism of obama for being committed to getting people the troops out of afghanistan. first of all, obama, as andrew just said, promised to get us out of afghanistan. and second, most americans want us out of afghanistan. so why is that sort of politically inflammatory. isn t that praise? you saw in the book, as andrew said, he did say that the president got many of these calls right. he also praises the president s decision making in a number of places in the book, saying that he made decisions that were opposed by advisers and by the democratic base. he also calls the decision to launch the raid that killed osama bin laden in his words, the most courageous political decision he s seen during his time in the white house serving half a dozen presidents and a call that gates admits he wasn t willing to make. so there are contradictory parts of his story. he also recounts hillary clinton, a conversation he witnessed when hillary clinton and president obama in which hillary clinton said that her opposition to the surge in iraq was political, it was during the primary season and she was facing a tough primary challenge. and that he seems to indicate president obama kind of agreed with that. did that surprise you? do you think it does damage to hillary clinton? that struck me i read that part of the book. i bet hillary clinton would have a very different interpretation of that conversation. to stay that politics takes place in washington i don t think is a big scoop. but also the idea that the entire reason she opposed the surge was because of the campaign. i just find that sort of hard to believe. i bet she would have a different interpretation. it s brutal for biden saying biden has gotten everything wrong for the past three decades. four decades. i think that was the most scathing. the question is why the gratuitous insults? it s just not in his character. that s why it s so fascinating. we re seeing him in a whole other light. he talks about testifying in front of congress saying at one point he wanted to get up and throw his briefing book down and say that no american should talk to anybody like this. having covered a lot of congressional hearings, i m sorry he didn t do that, because congressional hearings are so awful. the posturing, the ignorance, the grand standing on the part of the congressman, and women, is so appalling. and the administration officials, democrat, republican, have to sit there and listen to this. you know, i have a lot of sympathy for that view. the one thing i found odd is he didn t like the fact that the president challenged the military chiefs. he thought they weren t respected. i want a president to talk to his military chiefs and disagree with them. there s people around the president, the way he says they spoke to the military chiefs, sort of belittling that s a subjective interpretation. we have to take a break. up next, the cake boss joins us. also ahead, florida state s football team the new national champs. one tweet about the quarterback s performance scored a lot of controversy. that s ahead. [ male announcer ] what if a small company became big business overnight? like, really big. then expanded? or their new product tanked? or not? what if they embrace new technology instead? imagine a company s future with the future of trading. company profile. a research tool on thinkorswim. from td ameritrade. . what s interesting, it didn t become racistñvñ÷ until she sa. when anyone says, if i offended anyone, it s code for, i m not apologizing. that s the great public official apology. i m sorry if i offended you. i was taken out of context, and if i offended anybody, i m sorry. she s a sore loser. if you watched every minute of the game, you saw what a dramatic finish it was. so you can see why auburn my mom recently said to me, i m going to get on twitter. i was like no, no, no. are you kidding me? my industry is in fashion. do not stop her from being on twitter. there was not only the game you get to a certain age itriol and just general nastiness. i the culture ist, the more the more it s so difficult to navigate. imagine being a woman of color, a muslim woman with a voice. the there should be many more women involved there should be many more men coming to their support. as far as, you know, when people stay online, people are tougher online because they ain t going to stair you in the face. they become any little geeky guy behind the computer and they don t say it to your face. i remember when cake boss first aired, i got i was reading the blogs, i was reading onlinet for 14 years. and we ve had polls of readers that say do you want comment? and 2-1 they say no comments. it s not face to face and it s anonymous. your picture is not there, so you you are an egg. if you look at people s twitter, it s just one vicious thing after another. the sexual violence is so intense. and when something is happening you, if you add, you know, if you re a transwoman, imagine what kind of comments you get. it gets deeper and thicker and harder. you have to deal with it, we have to fight back. we have to take a break they have to stand up publicly. i ve got a 10-year-old daughter who has a cell phone. she can go on twitter and there s all this stuff there. it s a shame. what do you tell your kids? stick around, everyone. after unu$e break, the visit th omaha union s police union posted on the web. it stars a doppler in a diaper exchanging curse words with adults. 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[ male announcer ] it s known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don t drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don t drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it s specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. welcome back. we are eating pastries with buddy here, and the rest of our panel. in nebraska, the police officers association is under fire over a video posted on its website that illustrates a cycle of thuggery in omaha s community. it shows a young child swearing back at adults. listen. [ indiscernible ] obviously, the video has upset a lot of people and the fact that the police put the video online. there was adults, i question that in listening to the people that are holding the camera. they do not sound like adults. they do not sound like they re stable. and the fact that he put that up as an example of what? to do what? i feel like shaming is never a good tactic. if you really are wanting to stop the cycle of violence, how does that do that? and for us, the word o÷jbr thug code for black. it s so riddled with it s so disturbing. like what s the point? honestly, i mean, my problem with the video is black, white or whatever. you ve got good black, good white, it doesn t matter what color you are. for me, when you see something like that, what chances does that child have in life? where are they going to go? it did sound like one of the people was the child s mother. why don t you think to call children s services or help rather than putting up it s exploitive. what s the end goal? i see your point, but what do we do as a society to fix that? i do a lot of work, you know, in inner cities, in newark, where now mayor booker, and you see some of these kids and you feel bad. i was at a toy drive in downtown jersey city and you feel like you want them, you know, and there s good and bad. it s not all black, it s not all spanish, it s a mix. but your inspiration was to help. i don t feel like that that was the inspiration for putting that up. you seem to be denying those people were abusing that child. that s why i said there was child services. to me they sounded like teen parents. but that is adults. not necessarily. do you hear them? i feel like this is about child abuse versus they re not 13, 14 years old. but they do not sound stable. a lot of poor families in difficult circumstances are not stable. exactly. i ve lived in a neighborhood for 20 years which had a huge amount of crime and still does to some extent. and i see young kids growing up, and you look at them and you see it harden over the years. all i do is i help fund a local after school arts and crafts thing to keep these kids off the street. part of the problem is keeping them from their parents. but you can t shame them into changing. you can t shame parents who abuse into changing. we have to acknowledge the stuff is happening. is that the right environment and the right presentation? is pretending that this bad things don t exist in families. the question here is, why is this video public? whose possible interest does that serve and what does it say about the people who released it? i agree. also, of course, you want to try to help this kid and have somebody who knows what they re doing interseed. let s take a quick break. up next, some stories you might have missed today. we ll be right back. 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[ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips . welcome back. time now for what s your story . andrew? the students are revolting in east side catholic middle school in washington, because the vice principal, very well liked guy, gay guy, actually got married. and the marriage, not being gay, it s the marriage that got him fired. he was fired because he got married? and he revealed today that in conversations with his boss, the catholic church advised him if he got a divorce, he might be able to be re-employed. but the kids, they re sitting in, they re protesting and it s spreading around schools. what s your story? i m a big kung fu movie fan. saturday mornings were soul train and fukung fu movies. that was my childhood. i read his name today. fun fun. and his brother was fun me. if it weren t for him, we wouldn t know bruce lee. was he a director? he was a producer and he had a huge production company, huge. he s a mogul in china. he did lots of community service. he would like walk into parties at 90 years old with chicks on his arm. but kung fu movies are such a part of american culture. i m still obsessed with bruce lee. all right. what s your story? we talked about it at 8:00. retro report, former reporter for the washington post told the story of the 1971 break-in of an fbi office in pennsylvania where the perpetrators have revealed themselves after 40 years. it s an amazing tale and it s a real sort of footnote to the history of the late 60s, early 70s and the exposure of j. edgar hoover s misdeeds. you still don t think it was right? i don t think it was right but it s an interesting story. and twitter, come after me. we re out of time. buddy, great to have you on the program. thank you. a pleasure. thank you guys so much. these are awesome. are you cooking every day? i bake all the time. that s what i do. you ve got to wake up early to bake. i m in between 6:00 and 7:00 every morning. just a great service to humanity. we love it. everybody loves cake. who doesn t love cake? buddy, thank you very much. our best to the panel. that does it for ago 360 later. we ll see you tomorrow night. next, president obama publicly bashed by a member of his own cabinet. new details of a shocking new memoir. plus, growing outrage after police shoot and kill a mentally ill teenager in front of his parents. i know it happened. i was there. i watched them shoot my son in cold blood in front of me. was it necessary force or murder? and a disturbing video of a boy in diapers being used to educate the people of nebraska?

New-york , United-states , Iraq , Nebraska , Afghanistan , China , Florida , Sweden , San-diego , California , Pennsylvania , North-korea

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow 20151220

just one thing i got to get off my chest. donald trump is a jerk. it was so sad to watch him, so sad. bush. no, it was just sad. i mean, it s like close to incompetent. it was terrible. for us to win, donald trump can t be the nominee. he s never going to beat hillary clinton. it s just not possible. here to talk about the growing bush-trump feud, cnn s political commentator. and thanks for coming on, guys. ben, we just heard the back and forth and it seems like they re really ratcheting up the rhetoric here. and this poll has bush at just 3% to trump s 39%. is this a smart strategy on jeb bush s part to possibly position himself as the best antitrump candidate? at this point, you do anything you possibly can to get your numbers up from 3%, because your campaign is pretty much over if you don t get it to move up quickly. the more you talk about trump, the more you re in the media, maybe that will help him. i think trash talking has shown to be pretty ineffective, especially if you re jeb bush. he s just not very good at it p a i also think, this is a smart political move for him because jeb bush is basically the establish candidate and if he can embarrass him in this way and say the establishment republicans, they tried to put this guy on us and we said no and look at what we re doing and they re ruined and we re successful. it fits right into that narrati narrative, us against the world, us against the republican establishment and from his perspective, i think it s pretty smart. i think people would say bosh is at 3%, why is trump waisting his energy. and jack a, bush for his part, it seems like he s coming out stronger against donald trump but some would say that he s not so comfortable in doing it. in fanct, i don t know if you sw the snl paradee. say out loud what you ve been quietly muttering to yourself. trump, i mean, this guy s the chaos candidate, i mean, really. is he for real? no, man. jeb, you re a very nice man but basically a little girl. folks, this is true. i got hold of his birth certificate. his real name is jebra. that s not true. yes it is. jebra, losers say what? all right, your take? i mean, that is it s obviously bigger than that but this has been going on for such a long time. remember, in one of the debates, i believe it was a cnn debate, he called on trufmp to apologiz to his wife and trump said no, and he just let it go. and now he s trying because ignoring him wasn t working and now he s got to take him on. the problem is that some of the numbers were baked in the cake. republicans who did not want another bush. so, he was trying to overcome that to begin with. this is not the race jeb bush thought he would be running coming into this. and it s what he s stuck with and hard for him to get out of it. there s personal things. trump just doesn t like jeb bush. i promise you this, you will not see them as president and vice president on a ticket, i think we ll all agree on that one. but jeb s biggest asset was his last name, which gave him a podium and his biggest negative was also his last name and they said we want somebody knew and he never really caught on. i think one of the things that hurt him is he s like this guy s beneath he. i can t believe my entire career, i ve come to a point i have to deal with donald trump. wake up you idiots out there? are you seeing this guy? why are we having this conversation and that s what sunk his campaign is that he didn t take him seriously enough early enough on and at some point it s over and he s done with with. and i think they were surprised to see how this has all unfolded with donald trump with such a strong lead. the candidates in the race, none of us could have predicted where trump is. look at ted cruz and alliance. it s just jeb let him get under his skin and he didn t take him seriously initially and that was his folly. thank you so much. we appreciate it. and moving on now to last night s democratic presidential debate, a debate that began with an apology for bernie sanders for a data breach and then move to attacks on gop frontrunner, donald trump of course. what were the highlights? with so much drama in had days before last night s debate t looked like sparks would fly between clinton and sanders. reporter: finally, a democratic debate with some potential for drama. after days of a smack talking among the clinton campaigns, the debate stage was set for the top democrats to throw down over a accusations used a software glitch to access clinton s voter information. and signaling clinton was ready to throw mud in saturday night s debate. i apologize. reporter: wait, what? not only do i apologize to secretary clinton and i hope we can work together on an investigation from day one. i very much appreciate that comment, bernie. i don t think the american people are all that interested in this. reporter: instead, she thought americans would want to hear about how she could take on the republicans, largely ignoring her two democratic rivals. and we need to make sure that the really discriminatory messages that trump is sending round the world don t fall on receptive ears. he is becoming isis s best recruiter. we now finally are where we need to be. we have a strategy and a commitment to go after isis, which is a danger to us as well as the region and we finally have a u.n. security counsel resolution bringing the world together to go after a political transition in syria. reporter: republicans pounce on that remark. jeb bush tweeting, no hillary clinton, we re not where we need to be in fight against isis. o mall o malley, we have security implications into his video. isis loan wolves are telling people the easiest way to buy a assault weapon in america is at a gun show and that s because of the flip-flopping of my fell oecandidates on the stage. sorry. so, none of the flash and bang some had hoped for. neither martin o malley nor bernie sanders landed any game changing punches and hillary clinton left the last debate of the year still solidly the frontrunner and she was so comfortable that she previewed her election message that republicans want to roll back all the progress that democrats have made under pooresident oba. why didn t clinton go on the attack against sanders? she heard her say it herself, she doesn t think americans are that interested in it. she wanted to stay on message about what she wants americans to know and that s mainly that she is best qualified to take on donald trump and punching down at bernie sanders after he already apologized, it could have been problematic for her in as much as it could have upset his followers and made her feel like she was a bit of a bully. so, her staying above the pay for, saying i take your apology, we ll move on, let s talk about issues that are big and people care boit, that was the best road for her to go politically. so, who watched last night s debate? early numbers so it was the least watched of the three democratic debates so far. many democrats, including bernie sanders argue the dmc is favoring the frontrunner by holding far too few debates and scheduling them at times when fewer people are expected to be watching p.. and coming up in the cnn newsroom. this video of baltimore police officers arresting freddy gray led to riots after he died in custody. well, now because of something that happened in the first trial, the whole case could be in jeopardy. more on that, stay with us. technology empowers us to achieve more. it pushes us to go further. special olympics has almost five million athletes in 170 countries. the microsoft cloud allows us to immediately be able to access information, wherever we are. information for an athlete s medical care, or information to track their personal best. with microsoft cloud, we save millions of man hours, and that s time that we can invest in our athletes and changing the world. with t-mobile and the incredible iphone 6s you can reach more people in more places than 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community. i m terrified. are we going to have five more mistrials? the evidence was there. what more do you need to know? reporter: cnn legal analyst is a closely watching the case. the mistrial is not necessarily a loss because they can convict him again. it s just a lot of strategy stuff that s going to play out. reporter: trying porter before the other officers is a crucial part of the state s strategy. giving a statement that implicated others and the state had said that it hoped to use him as a witness and that s why they had wanted to call him first. reporter: and they could grant porter immunity, forcing him to testify against his fellow officers but he said the likely option is a post ponement of the it rest of the trials and the final decision will have to be made by the judge. until then, the people of baltimore are left watching, waiting and worried that peace could be broken again. and so one of the big questions that s looming is whether or not there will be a change in venus for the other trials moving forward for the vi six other officers. we have to look back at the latest trial proceedings because the reality is the judge is very specific about making sure that the momentum continues with this case. over and over he s denied several requests for a change in venue. and again, we have to go back to how this judge has approached this case. he continues to keep them in the specific order and now the question is if they decide to move forward with retrying him, will he change his mind and will he revisit this whole change of venue request? lot of looming questions out there. and a community in east tennessee is mourning a teen hero this weekend who saved the lives of three of his friends. several young men who police say had gang ties, opened fire on young people attending a holiday party. zaevion dobson never hesitated. he saved the three but he ways hurt. a football player was struck and killed after he jumped on top of three girls to shield them sorry. to shield them from the shooters. gives you chills watching that. and earlier on cnn, dobson s football coach called him a fine young man. well, that was him, happy guy. he was an innocent kid with a bright smile and a fun kid. kind of a jokester type kid who had fun in the locker room and in class. i was talking to some of his p.e. teachers who were talking about he couldn t wait to get into gym classes to see what games were going to be playing and he had a radio class with coach maize where he was doing radio broadcasting and he s in there getting his ipad and taking selfies so when the teacher comes back, he finds his selfies on there. so, just that kind of guy, you know. and one of the gunman was later shot dead. police arrested two others in the case is still open at this hour. president obama is highlighting dobson s death to underscore his drive for gun control. on twitter he wrote and still to come in the newsroom, army sergeant bergdahl is to be arraigned on tuesday. 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report. reporter: by now you ve probably seen this video, a u.s. blackhawk helicopter lands in the middle of taliban controlled a afghanist afghanistan. with each passing seconds, army sergeant bergdahl is closer and he is finally going home. that s bergdahl describing his captivi captivity. it s serial one story told week by week. host sarah koenig chose bergdahl as the focus for the second season. a man who was discharged from the coast guard for psychological reasons only to be put in the army. all i was seeing was basically leadership failure to the point that the lives of the guys standing next to me were literally from what i could see in danger of something seriously going wrong and somebody being killed. reporter: shortly after bergdahl s release, president obama hosted bergdahl s parents in the rose garden and defended his decision to exchange five prisoners from guantanamo bay to bring bergdahl home. we also made an ironclad commitment to bring our prisoners of war home. that s who we are as americans. riit s a profound obligation of our military and at least in this instance we were able to keep. reporter: and this piled on to the controversy. bergdahl s father grew out his beard and learned to speak the language in hopes to connect with his son s capture. what awaited back home was anything but a homecoming. the celebration in his home town canceled amid controversy of bergdahl s release and questions asurrounding his disappearance. president obama wants claiming that the soldier was too sick to wait. then he needs to share his efrts evidence with the restf the country. we don t negotiate with terrorists. reporter: the frustration especially expressed by some of his platoon. if we would have found him, i think a lot of us would have shot him, if that tells you anything. reporter: despite a military investigator s recommendations that he not face jail time, the army said they will court martial him. i made the through the last five years it is just kind of the had seems stupid lose whatever it is that reporter: and people either see bergdahl as a hero or oo desserter. cnn, atlanta. and up next, right here in the newsroom, hillary clinton takes on trump with a stinging accusation. he is becoming isis s best recruiter. but is it true or just part of the politics of fear dominating the 2016 race? we re back with the facts in the cnn newsroom right after this quick break. stay with us. 20? nutrient-dense purina one true instinct with real salmon and tuna has 30% protein. support your active dog s whole body health with purina one. if you struggle you re certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. discover once-daily invokana®. it s the #1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c. invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 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sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it s time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there s only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. welcome back to cnn newsroom . i m pamela brown. and today the hillary clinton campaign is doubling down as an accusation she made at last night s debate. he is becoming isis s best recruiter. they are going to people showing videos of donald trump insulting islam and muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists. so, experts say there s no evidence that the videos exists and donald trump weighed in saying that hillary clinton lied. and joining me now former advisor to four president. david, great to have you on with us. thank you, pamela, good to talk to you. so, we hear republicans accuse democrats all the time of playing to politics of fear and when you hear hillary clinton make a claim like that, isn t that right out of the same play book? it is indeed. let s start with the proposition that hillary won that debate. but what struck me was that cnn s own reality check team did a thorough search of a lot of assertions made last night and on this particular assertion what they concluded was this. look, there is no question that donald trump s comments are probably helping isis and going to people and convincing them that america doesn t like muslims but when you come down to what she actually said and that is there is isis videos, cnn conclues there is no evidence of such videos and that the overall charge was false. she said donald trump is isis s best recruiting tool but then why did she take it a step further to make this assertion that doesn t have any evidence to support it? that s a really good question. that s what i wondered about because it seems to me that first notion, he s the best recruiting tool. she should have let that lay out there and let people makeup their own minds. that s what trump does all the time. but to make it more concrete, you went, wait, a minute, you stretch the truth and then trump can come back and say she i told you she lies all the time. he called her a snake. it was such a repulsive analogy. those are the kind of things that get him in trouble. as well as she did and she was an excellent debater last night and you couldn t think what s it going to be like with the debates in the fall with hillary clinlt clinton and donald trump but he s going to call her on her stuff just as she does him. and this poll shows a 60% disprove with how president obama is handling terrorism and that was before the shootings in san bernardino. so, how can hillary clinton avoid being weighed down by the way americans view president obama when it comes to terrorism? well, i do think she s beginning to separate herself out and arguing that basically she s tougher and she would have done things like arming the rebels in syria a long time ago and she s open to a larger special forces footprint on the ground in iraq and syria. so, she s trying to do that and her problem with this isis claim she made about how they re making videos is it feeds the narrative that she s not quite trustworthy and that is where she wants to be. to lead and lead ephffecteffect trust is really, really important. and let s talk about this interesting moment when clinton was asked about the roll of president spouses. with respect to my own husband, i am probably still going to pick the flowers and the china for state dinners and stuff like that but i will certainly turn to him as prior presidents have for special missions for advice and in particular how we re going to get the economy working again for everybody which he know as little bit about. so, what do you make of her response? i thought she did it with a certain warmth and charm in the beginning and then turned to the politics which was i ll send him on these missions but most importa importantly she reminded us, those were economic good times. 1992 to 2000, the bottom quin tile actually moved up faster than people above them did. and as people look back, the clinton economy was a strong economy. i think she gave us a taste of what s coming and how she s going to draw upon the strengths of the clinton years to sell herself. all right, great conversation with you. thank you so much. thank you, pamela. the force, it s calling to you. so, there s this little movie out this weekend, kind of hard to miss the excitement surrounding the new star wars. everyone expected it to do well at the box office and did it ever. some big numbers up next. i ve got nothing to fight for r called squamous non-small cell , previously treated with platinum-based chemotherapy, it s not every day something this big comes along. a chance to live longer with. opdivo, nivolumab. opdivo is the first and only immunotherapy fda approved based on a clinical trial demonstrating longer life. .for these patients. in fact, opdivo significantly increased the chance of living longer versus 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trial. how else do you think he gets around so fast? take the reins this holiday and get the mercedes-benz you ve always wanted during the winter event. hurry, offers end january 4th! . thank you, good night and may the force be with you. that was hillary clinton at last night s democratic debate, ending the night with a star wars reference as you heard there. world wide mania for the force awakens is at cosmic levels and the box office opening long predicted to be huge, did not disappoint. star wars awakens to the biggest box office openening in history, bringingen an estimated it $238 million this weekend in the u.s. and kenya. and the new st star wars film also has the biggest debut in 1977. it flew past current record holder, jurassic world. and fans were anticipating the movie well before its arrival, standing in line for hours and even days for tickets. i put in about 26 hours on friday. the three days now and got here at 5:00 a.m. this morning. reporter: one couple even marked it as their own special day. i now pronounce you husband and wife, may your love last longer than a silax digestion. reporter: and the white house got in on the action, sharing a stage with a storm trooper and president obama ended with this. i got to get to star wars s are reporter: it scored near perfect on rotten so, what will the director think about all this? the success for me is if people go and like the film and if kids go and see themselves in the movie and people feel better than when they got there and the numbers are the numbers. so, the force was definitely not with movie goers in hollywood of all places. they were watching when this happened. no. no. no. no. fans freak out as you see the cell phone video captured the out rage when the film suddenly stopped during a midnight showing of the force awakens the projector had a technical glitch and the film went to black and then jump to 20 minutes later and a refund was issued along with a voucher for a free movie. i hope that man is going to be okay. and still to come, right here in the newsroom, a passenger plane bound for paris forced to make an emergency landing. we ll tell you what was found in the plane s laboratory. often mixing traditional brewing tech neeniques with an emphasis on high quality blends. so, what goes on? turkish coffee is like flower. it s roasted for 90 degrees and then you put the coffee and then you pour the water and stir it once only. it s only coffee which is serve would the grind it sself in the coffee. shall we try it with the baklava? why not. it s a new tomato and baizal. and watch the full show at with t-mobile and the incredible iphone 6s you can reach more people in more places than before. whether you re at home in the basement on the open road or pulling the late shift at work. you re more connected now because t-mobile doubled its lte coverage in the past year. and our extended range lte goes two times farther than before and is four times better in buildings. get iphone 6s for zero upfront and just five bucks a month. a big scare on an air france flight, a boeing 777 was going to paris and a suspicious device with a timer was found on board. four people are being questioned. i m sure this is really frightening for passengers on board. what are you learning? reporter: in fact, the passengers didn t even know what was up when the plain suddenly diverted and made an emergency landing and soon after they would learn the news that a do d vice was found in the restrooms, behind a cupboard. that device was credible enough in terms of the captain moving the plane off course and landing. the kennian authorities pull it off to investigate. it turns out it was a nasty joke, as the air france ceo put it. it was a cardboard box with some sort of kitchen timer on top. and a credible enough threat to divert the plane. a third such incident of its kind in just over a month and certainly questions being asked what was the purpose of this and was it in fact aimed at causing terror, which it did in fact cause for many hours here in this region? pame pamela. especially in the wake of the downing of that russian jetliner in the sinai peninsula. and we understand they were all pasmpgers passengers on the flight. do we know anything about their back grounds? not at this stage. and the authorities have said because this device didn t contain any exploisives that there wasn t any security breach or issue at the airline. excuse me, a very popular tourist destination, because it wouldn t have been picked up by the scanners but they re tightening security just in case and it s unclear whether it was already there, or if it was brought on the plane or whether the many of the passengers he been taken back to paris. but it was clear the kenyan authorities were very quick to get on that plane, to take the device off it and investigate it. but it seems as this stage it was some kind of terrible joke or a way to sew terror on purpose. unclear at this stage, pamela. certainly did. that david mckenzie, thank you very much. coming up right here in newsroom, the city of detroit is coming back from the brink. we re actually building everything here, hand made. we don t have robots and machinery doing it for us. i don t see any robots in here. we are the robots. [ laughter ] we ll take you inside a new industry that s breathing new life into the old motor city. stay with us. withof my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. ordinary objects often seemed. intimidating. doing something simple. meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it s helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you re prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you re not getting the relief you need. ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. but it is not the device that is mobile, it is you. real madrid have about 450 million fans. we re trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. the microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the content that people want to see. it will help people connect to their passion of living real madrid. well, the u.s. economy is showing considerable strength as we head into 2016, interest rates are on the rise and the unemployment rate is down to 5%. two signs the economy is back on solid footing after the 2008 financial crisis. one city running on all cylinders, detroit. poppy harlow looks at the industry bringing jobs back to the motor city. reporter: in a city written off by far too many there are there are pockets of hope. more than you may think and people who remind us that what they and this city need is a shot. life long detrite residents willie holly and damon love got a chance just like the city they love. tannisha worked at walmart and damon made auto parts until 2008 amid the downtown you felt the decline of the the auto industry? yes, i felt it personally, my family, i was there for 15 years. today they work at shinola detroit. known best for its watches, shinola opened its doors in 2012. i think the dream is new manufacturing opportunity, to just do more do different things than the automowive industry. it s an just an opportunity for change. ironically, shinol s factory sits in a former general motors factory. a lot of the product we get, we get from overseas but we re building everything here, hand made. we don t have any robots or machinery doing it for us. i don t see any robots in here. we are the robots. what does it mean to see new industry in this city? it brings a vibe in your heart, like, okay, maybe it is hope for the city of detroit i was born here. this is all i know. i know we can do better. we have done better. but it s a big bet on the largest american city to ever go bankrupt. people knew it was on the brink. that s true. but that s why we came. we wanted to do watches in america and in a city where we could make a difference and create jobs and so what better city than detroit? watches made here, but the parts aren t from detroit or america. some still come from taiwan and switzerland. it s the hope that one day it could all be from here. we realized we re newcomers here and we don t try and stake claims we ve been here forever. we understand there s sensitivity around that, too. like who do you think you are coming in and taking over and putting your name on your products? have you felt some of that? a little bit definitely. there are some people who i understand are a little skeptical like, hang on, who are these guys? we re not saying we re saving detroit or honestly, detroit has done tremendous work for us and we are returning the favor. reporter: for a city that has lost well over half of its manufacturing jobs in population since the 1950s, this is not a panacea. just over 300 people work here at shinola in detroit. but from talking to the folks here, it becomes very clear that it is hope hope and a sign to other companies with a critical message. we re not dead. we are alive and we re coming back stronger than before. sometimes you have to be at the bottom in order to climb your way to the top. if we have the ability to say, hey, look, we ve come here, we ve done it, come on down, take part in what s happening here, contribute to this great american city. shinola expects to turn out 225,000 watch this is year. factory workers here make between $11.40 and $14 an hour. it s nothing like being proud of something you did or accomplished that people will tell you, oh, you re not going to be able to handle that, you re not going to be able to make it and you re standing strong saying i m still here, i m okay. what about people that say this city s best days are behind it? i think we have more best days to come. so what do you want to become here? i want to advance. i want to be one of the top wigs someday in shinola. the bigwig? yes. did you tell the bigwigs that? i tell them that all the time. [ laughter ] but it hasn t been without its challenges. the company has poured money into building shinola up and isn t yet profitable but so far they ve proven that detroit sells. what do you think detroit can teach us all? resilience. definitely. don t give up. keep getting back up. that s an american spirit, you know? and it just lives and breathes here. we can build anything. give it to us and give us time, we can build anything. is this detroit 2.0? definitely, detroit 2.0. we re moving in a whole different direction. what s your dream here? what do you want to become? i see myself with an office. i see myself able to just be in the big meetings where my opinion really matters. i want to be one of the greats. and they want you to see this instead of this when you think of detroit. poppy harlow, cnn, detrite. tomorrow marks just six weeks until the iowa caucuses and for the presidential candidates, time is running out on the gop side. it s getting personal with taunts from republican rivals. while the democrats have tried to keep it clean in their nomination race. but that was put to the test in last night s debate. you re in the cnn newsroom on this sunday. i m pamela brown in for poppy harlow. we re going to have more about the debate in just a moment. first, new video of a deadly police shooting is sparking outrage and once again raising questions about a huge police department. the incident involving two los angeles sheriff deputies was captured on this cell phone video right here and it s raising questions about whether the suspect was the victim of a coverup. cnn s nick valencia is sorting out the details. nick, what are you learning? reporter: the video was released by the victim s family s attorney. in its raw form, the video was part of the district attorney s investigative file. we have to warn you, the report you re watching to watch is graphic. the video picks up after a foot chase of the suspect following the traffic stop in long beach, california. bl

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow 20160409

orchestrate that crime. fast-forward, still on the run, unassumedly walking through brussels international airport. moments later, killing and maiming dozen. today we confessed to his presence as that crime scene admitting he threw away his suicide vest in a garbage bin and sold off his infamous hat to someone. for more on this, frederik pleitgen in brussels. fred what more can you tell us about this shocking confession? reporter: we got a lot of this information, pamela, firsthand from the federal prosecutor s office here in brussels and for them it was very important to make clear that it was abrini himself who made the confession, that he is, in fact, the so-called man in the hat. now, they say what they did is they used facial recognition software first and foremost and then confronted him with that evidence and at some point he said, yes, indeed, that is me. he not only made that convention but also in essence gave a lot of detail as to the route that he took after these attacks took place. of course, were she to remember there is that photo of him and these two other attackers, and then the police here, a couple of days ago, just puts together a series of pictures and videos that steam to sheem to show tha person leaving the airport, going to brussels. saying that s exactly what he did, jumped his jacket and sold his hat as well. the other big information we got today from brussels authorities, the second person at the other attack that took place on that same day at that metro station has also been identified as asama cryin, they positively i.d. d him as well. stay with us. a lot to discuss. i want to bring in bob baer, former cia operative and security ant lifalyst. this terror suspect was not hiding, hiding in plain sight in brussels. he was one of the most wanted men in europe and then managed to help carry out a second large-scale attack. is this another intelligence failure? well, pamela, i think it s worrisome that this guy was involved in the 13 november attack in paris and managed to allude belgian authorities for four months. and he was in brussels? right under their noses. right under their noses and carries out a second attack, is the information is right, making the bombs, getting everybody in putting people in taxes. in the open, belgian citizens, nowhere to go. how deep is the sympathy for the islamic state among the moroccan community, these imgrates that live in belgium? it s worrisome that they can operate in the open, with automatic weapons and what in effect explosives. hl. fred you mentioned before he confessed authorities confronted abrini with evidence of why they believed he was the man in the hat. do we know if there was anything else other than the facial recognition evidence, for example, anything salah abdeslam the paris suspect might have given authorities in terms of him being the man in the hat? reporter: it s not clear if salah abdeslam offered any information that would led the police to mohamed abrini as being the, that man in the hat. also one of the things we have to keep in mind is that after salah abdeslam was captured, first of all, his lawyer said he was actually cooperating with the authorities. right before the attack, a lawyer said he actually stopped cooperating with the authorities and was not saying anything anymore, and it was literally the day after that that the brussels attack then happened. it s unclear whether salah abdeslam had anything to do with it. we put that very question to the public prosecutor, though, and said, what was it that led you to believe or to believe that you know that this is indeed the man in the hat? they said, it was a series of things, but first and foremost, the most important thing they did say was facial recognition and when confronted with that finally he admitted, yes, this was him. right. because there were two other people prior to him that they thought was the man in the hat, and turns out that they weren t. so, bob, what do you make of the fact, speaking of the hat, that he sold it after the attacks according to him? that seems not only strange but brazen, considering he was one of the most wanted men in europe? pamela, exactly. taking from fred s comments. i mean, you know, it doesn t make any sense selling the hat. you throw this stuff away. the fact that he said he was the third suicide bomber, and disposed of the vest. i mean, these people are inherently unreliable. true believers, still believe in the cause and what they tell the police, very suspect. what i trust in all of this is the forensics that they dig up, fingerprints, dna, facial recognition. you know, especially the fingerminutes if a place where they re making the bombs. so the belgian police have to be very careful about these statements. they may seem to cooperate for a time but usually as these things go, they just lie flat out, usually to protect somebody else. you bring up the dna. he wasn t wearing gloves in that video. so, you know, presumably authorities might be able to get dna from the cart and the jacket, if they can recover it. are you skeptical, essentially, of his confession he was the man in the hat? you don t buy it? i think he was the man in the hat. i think the belgian police probably have more information than we know about. for them to go public, probably pretty certain that was him and may have a source or maybe dna, something else. aside from facial recognition, because the hat, the glasseses, facial hair, rest of it, big coat, looks to me intended to be a disguise. i would imagine that they have more information. yeah. he would have an incentive to be in coal neat oh. fred, we know abrini was the last named terror suspect, but do we know how many people the belgian authorities are still searching for trying to identify parts of this network? a good question. one of the numbers thrown away the past days, a dozen allegedly still out there. we haven t been able to corroborate that number. whether or not that is true. it appears belgian authorities believe there could at least be facilitators out there, people who helped these suspects along the way. abdeslam when apprehended was in an apartment with several other people. abrini when arrested with two other people subsequently released. over the course of today i spent the better part of the day in the etterbeek district of brussels and there was a major raid that was going on there where the police say in the end they went into an apartment, they didn t find explosives but believe it might have been used by these terror suspects as a safe house. certainly the police are not ruling out there could still be people behind all this as well, maybe involved in some way, shape or form and that investigation is very much ongoing. as a result, the threat level in europe remains high. thank you for sharing insight and reporting. now we turn to ted cruz speaking at the colorado gop convention. let s listen in. stagnating year after year after year. cost of living keeps going up. and yet somehow your paycheck doesn t seem to keep pace. i want to talk to all of the young people. coming out of school, you got student loans up to your eyeballs. and you re scared, am i going to get a job? what is the future holding for me? and the media tries to tell us, this is the new normal. this is as good as it gets. well, let me tell you, that is an utter lie. [ applause ] you know, it s easy to talk about making america great again. you can eve print thn print tha baseball cap, but the real question is, do you understand the principles and values that made america great in the first place? [ cheers and applause ] the heart of our economy isn t washington, d.c. the heart of our economy is small businesses all across the united states of america. [ applause ] and if want to see the economy take off, you lift the boot of the federal government off the back of the necks of small businesses! if i am elected president, we will repeal every word of obama care. we ll pass common sense health care reform that makes health insurance personal and portable and affordable, and keeps government from getting in between us and our doctors. all right. there we listened to ted cruz. he s speaking in colorado springs, colorado. so far he has won 21 delegates at that convention there in colorado. coming up, right here in the newsroom, we re standing up, standing by, rather, to get results from the wyoming democrat democrat caucuses. what a win for bernie sanders could mean for his momentum going into that it critical primary in new york. we ll discuss. retiring retired tires. and i never get tired of it. are you entirely prepared to retire? plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e trade. plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement type 2 diabetes doesn t care who you are. man. woman. or where you re from. city. country. we re just everyday people fighting high blood sugar. i am everyday people, yea, yea. farxiga may help in that fight every day. along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. one pill a day helps lower your a1c. and, although it s not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower systolic blood pressure when used with metformin. do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you have any of these symptoms stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, serious urinary tract infections, low blood sugar and kidney problems. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have signs of ketoacidosis, which can be serious or life threatening. farxiga. we are everyday people. i am everyday people, yea, yea. ask your doctor if farxiga is right for you and visit to learn how you can get it for free. right now the showdown between hillary clinton and bernie sanders is focused on one state that s wyoming. the all-important wyoming democratic caucus is wrapping up. results should be coming in soon and 14 pledge delegates are at stake here. democrat bernie sanders is looking to extend his big winning streak and if sanders emerges victorious in wyoming he would have won eight of the nine last state contests. clinton is try to put a stop to sanders growing mow mementum be the new york primary. and bring in washington correspondent ryan lizza. paul, start with you, what are you seeing and hearing on the ground there? reporter: pam, things are in a state of flux now. the numbers are just coming in. i ll bring someone in off camera in one second here. we can tell you that here in laramie county, cheyenne, wyoming, hillary clinton by she chew of a strong push from the surrogate or pre-cast ballots overtook bernie sanders some 731 raw votes to about 689. come in here, amy van cleave with the democratic party here in wyoming. what other results can you tell us? you ve just counted them? we re still getting results in across the state. working to figure out delegate math, count up our voters. here in laramie county, secretary clinton was the winner. however up in campbell county numbers are in and it was a big, big lead for senator sanders. reporter: can you tell me what the numbers are? 96-47. 96 total votes for sanders and 47 for senator clinton. reporter: again what county? campbell county, which is gillette, wyoming. reporter: other counties? numbers from hot springs county also went for senator sanders. 31-13. and so that s they armopolis. also numbers from sheridan. confirming. so far looks like most smaller counties across the state are going for senator sanders. reporter: thank you so much. record turnout? yeah, real close. reporter: they may break their all-time turnout record here in wyoming. a lot of enthusiasm. numbers starting to trickle in. back to you. thanks so much. sounds like a good day for bernie sanders. not quite a surprise, right? it s not. he s done very well in these western caucuses, basically states with a few characteristics, one, weak democratic parties, right, in the general election. wyoming hasn t gone for the democrats in a very long time, and demographically, they re mostly white. any state that is above about 20% african-american, bernie sanders has not been able to win. and this sort of states out west have a slightly more libertarian independent streak. that s bernie sanders country. so if expectations are that he win the caucus in wyoming, pick up another small batch of delegates, and continue a pretty a pretty decent winning stretch here. you know, continuing to show some weaknesses in the front-runner hillary clinton. right. so winning wyoming, clearly, is less about the delegates and more about momentum for sanders meaning he carried eight of the last ten contests. how does that frame the battle for new york s upcoming primary? certainly puts enormous amount of pressure on hillary clinton to not lose what is her home state, adopted home state. that would obviously be an earthquake, if bernie sanders beat hillary clinton in the mega state of new york where she served two terms as senator and still has her residency. so, you know, everyone s going to be watching the results in new york. it there s any chance that bernie sanders can be defeat her there, i think it would completely unsettle this race. as the sanders campaign has been pointing out recently it is very, very likely that hillary clinton will not have the pledged delegates to win the nomination going to the convention. if things play out the way they think they re going to play out from the here to the end. she will actually need the super delegates to put her over the top. he has a talking point, very powerful kshgcan go to the convention, it s not over. woo the super delegates and flip them. reality, we know very hard to win the super delegates for him, but that s a pretty powerful talking point that he has continued to exceed expectations. yeah. certainly putting up a good fight, for sure. ryan lizza, thank you very much. appreciate it. a special programming note. the next cnn democratic president s debate in brooklyn is next thursday. see hillary clinton and bernie sanders face-off april 14th at 9:00 p.m. eastern, just five days before the new york primary. right here on cnn. and coming up, it s one part presidential politics. one part speed dating. the wooing and courting okay with you or do you feel pressure? i m a lonely man and like to be wooed every now and then. inside the messy fight for colorado s gop delegates. it s not like anything you ve seen before. we ll be back. why do some cash back cards keep throwing obstacles at you? first - they limit where you earn bonus cash back. then - those places change every few months? i think i ll pass. quicksilver from capital one puts nothing in your way. you simply earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. you can t dodge the question. what s in your wallet? 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reporter: well, right now there are a lot of cheers for ted cruz who is speaking to this, this huge convention. some 6,000 party insiders from the state of colorado have shown up. they re going to be voting on those 13 remaining delegate spots. there are a total, we re told, of 600-plus people who are running for those 13 delegate spots, and each of those it candidates are going to get 10 seconds to speak to this crowd to try to make their final case. just 10 seconds. as you can imagine, a lot happening behind the scenes here in colorado in the weeks and months leading up to this to try to win over supporters. now, ted cruz definitely has the momentum here in colorado, as mentioned. he has picked up all of the delegates elected so far. he is the only candidate who is speaking at this state convention. donald trump and john kasich staying on the east coast. donald trump s campaign says if he wins any delegates here in colorado today, that will be a victory. they aren t counting on those. john kasich hoping to pick up may a few candidates as the 13 remaining delegates are elected here in colorado, but they said they ll continue to work on the delegates from colorado, even beyond today s state convention, because some of the delegates who have been elected while they have already said they plan to support cruz technically they are unpledged or unbound, meaning they could go into the national convention and pick somebody else. pam? ana, thank you so much for that report, and as ana mentioned, donald trump is not there in colorado, unlike ted cruz. in fact, trump has been off the campaign trail the last three days but hasn t stayed off twitter. this morning he sent out this message. take a look. isn t it a shame the person that will be by far the most delegates and many millions more votes than anyone else, me, still must fight. bringing in political commentator and trump supporter jeffrey lord as well as ron s nehring, for ted cruz. in light of what i said, a new strategy seeing from a quieter donald trump following a rough week? i think all of these campaigns pivot to some degree as they make progress, and i think with the hiring of paul manafort and concentration on delegates are you going to see in essence the next stage of the campaign. i m sure salutely different than before, but this is what happens in campaigns, they evolve. this is the evolution for the trump campaign. so why isn t trump in colorado, like ted cruz is? you would think he would be there wanting to pull in those delegates? in all candor, decided to put his focus on new york. a good thing. never take your home state for granted, as marco rubio found out the hard way. so i think he s probably intending to concentrate on new york and that s where his concentration should be at the moment. you mentioned paul manafort, the new convention manager. in fact, he said he is confident that there will be only one round of voting at the republican convention in july. let s take a listen to that. the reality is, ted cruz has seen his best day. the reality is, this convention process will be over with sometime in june. probably june 7th, and it will be apparent to the world that trump is over the 1,237 number. there s pennsylvania. there s new jersey. there s maryland. there s connecticut. these are his wheelhouse. and, yes, california s going to be important, but by the time we get to california, the momentum is going to be very clear, and ted cruz path to victory in shambling. sounds pretty confident there, ron. what s your response to manafort s comments? well, i sure hope he continues thinking that way, and i really hope that that is the dominant thinking within the trump campaign going forward. you guys keep doing that, and we ll see what ultimately happens at the end of the day. look, progress is important, and there s progress being made today. unfortunately for donald trump, no progress in colorado, producing good results for senator cruz. we expect good results here today in colorado. the fourth state in a row, colorado, north dakota, utah, wisconsin, all going in our direction. you know, in terms of momentum, that s you know that is clearly ours at the moment. look, we re in the bottom of the fifth inning. it s a nine inning game. we ll fight for every single state to the end. unlike donald trump not cancelling events. supposed to be here in california yesterday, cancelled. supposed to be in colorado, had confirmed being at the colorado convention. he s cancelled. i m not sure of the problems, internal problems that donald trump s campaign is trying to deal with with recent hires and suddenly cancelling these events. end of the day we re going all the way to the end. i m here in san diego now. organizing aggressively throughout california since august, we recognize the nature of the campaign, 50 states, 5 territories and district of columbia, working to support everywhere. you re laughing. what do you want to say? i laugh, what campaigns do. ron is doing it very, very well. we forget that senator cruz is in fact behind. he s losing. so there s reason for him to be working all that much harder, because he is behind. so this is the way it goes, and to be perfectly candid, every nominee that has been produced in either party since 1960 who has been far enough ahead as with donald trump has always won the nomination, even though they received stiff challenges along the way, and that s both parties. i m really not sure there s going to be any difference here with donald trump. let me ask you this, jeffrey, because as ron pointed out, ted cruz does have momentum right now on the heels of his win in wisconsin. is that why donald trump is so focused on new york? because he feels like a win in new york will put a stop to that momentum? sure. definitely concentrate on your home base. no question. and we ll see how much momentum senator cruz has after new york. and i m i m talking to you from here in pennsylvania. donald trump is doing very well here in pennsylvania as well as a matter of fact, one of his delegate candidates showed up at my door, working the neighborhood. they re pretty organized and getting things done. so, ron, if trump does go to the convention with a large delegate lead but senator cruz gets the nomination on a second or third ballot, hypothetically, is there concern that trump supporters will be so angry they won t back cruz in the general. well, the only candidate who would absolutely have no ability to unite the republican party is donald trump, because he s chosen to make everything so personal, and so divisive, and really do everything he can to try to break the party apart in order to maintain his, his minority stake within, you know, within the party that we ve seen rather consistently throughout. what we ve said will happen, has happened. that is, as the race narrowed from 17 candidates down to effectively a two-person contest in terms of delegates, our numbers have gone up and donald trump sumbers remained flat. the candidate way problem in terms of anything dealing with unity is donald trump. i m glad that his people look like they ve been keeping him off of twitter a little bit, but at the end of the day, donald trump is a captive of the brand that he has created, while senator cruz is moving forward. we announced yesterday we raised a record $12.5 million. tremendous come from behind victory in the state of wisconsin, down by 20 to winning by 13. everyone said that was a state donald trump should have won. he didn t. he did very, very badly there, and that show as dynamic nature of this race. when we engage, our numbers go up. donald trump numbers go down. jeff, final word. quickly. in terms of unity, wondering when senator cruz apologized to senator mcconnell for calling him a liar? i m looking for that apology from donald trump concerning his hate tweets towards senator cruz wife. we re still waiting for that apology. not getting it here. thank you both very much for that. appreciate it. thank you, pam. thank you. meantime, cnn s anderson cooper hosting a town hall with donald trump, his wife melania and daughter ivanka. you won t want to miss it. and the weeks after the brussels airport bombing police announcing a man questioniconfe being the man in the hat. the very latest from brussels. u. not now! i m cleaning the oven! yeah, i m cleaning the gutters! washing the dog! washing the cat! well i m learning snapchamp! chat. chat! changing the oil. (vo) it s surprising what people would rather do than deal with retirement. pressure-washing the. roses. aerating the lawn! (vo) but with nationwide it s no big deal. okay, your retirement plan is all set. nationwide? awesome. nice neighborhood. nationwide is on your side and we are back with our breaking news. a confession in belgium. federal prosecutors say this man, mohamed abrini, right here. the last remaining fugitive in the paris attacks harks just admitted to being the man in the hat. seen in the brussels airport with the two bombers just moments before explosions shook the terminal. they say he confessed after being confronted with facial recognition evidence. let s go live to cnn s fred pleitgen in brussels. fred what is he saying to authorities? reporter: well, it s interesting, because pamela, aside from saying, yes, he was, indeed, that so-called man in the hat, the third person in that surveillance picture, he also apparently told them all about the route that he took after he left the brussels airport saying that he went along towards the city center of brussels, that at some point along the way he threw away his jacket that he was wearing, and sold a hat that he d also been wearing to conceal his identity. now, the police say this is, of course, a major step forward and hope to get even more information from abrini, because they also fear that there could still be people out there that are part of this wider cell that could potentially be dangerous. earlier today, i was at a raid that took place in the etterbeek district of brussels, and the police raided that place for several hours, in the end say they didn t find any weapons or any sort of explosives but say they do believe that the apartment that they raided at some point in time was potentially used as a safe house by these terror suspects. pamela? a lot going on there in belgian. fred pleitgen, thank you so much for that. meantime, in afghanistan, there are explosions rocking kabul. secretary of state john kerry wraps ups up his surprise visit. kerry has been trying to diffuse a crisis in the unity government he helped build. it joining me now from kabul, nick payton walshe. where was secretary kerry when those explosions occurred? reporter: we don t know precisely but i did get a note from the pool forecatraveling w john kerry had had already made way to the airport and perhaps exiting the country. those four blasts seemed to come mostly from the diplomatic area. a lot of the sound we heard and reporting we ve seen sincen then seems to suggest we re talking about rockets. no initial reports of injuries and suggestions there was perhaps sporadic gunfire afterwards as police adjusted to the after effect of an explosion like that, but what a clear message, frankly, to the u.s. secretary of state how security is deteriorating here in the kaebt capital of kabul, frankly, the number one issue on the agenda. we know this meeting, this trip, was aimed at propping up the fractured unity government here that he helped create, putting the president alongside the man he fought in election against, abdullah, trying to keep a compromise and the keeping the country on track. it s faltering and trying to express american support for their project here but the key issue, of course, taliban on the offensive. southern province helmand, heavily under pressure. last year alone, 5.5 thousand afghans losing their lives. more than nato lost in their entire campaign here and of course this fighting season imminently ahead, many deeply concerned the taliban won t talk peace like john kerry asked them to again today and focusing on the battlefield, which they re doing pretty well at this stage. 11,000 casualties dead and injured amongst them alone. not getting better and blast it s like that with all security put in place for the u.s. secretary of state could not prevent this, the home, how fragile security is here and how awful this year ahead, the summer fighting season ahead could be in afghanistan. pame pamela? you put it in perspective. nick payton walshe, thank you for your reporting in kabul. coming up on this saturday, former president bill clinton expressing regret? sort of. i did something yesterday in philadelphia, i almost want to apologize for. no. wait, wait. an angry exchange with protestors. will it affect his wife s campaign? t-mobile does data differently. so it can do more for your business. when work takes you across the globe, your unlimited data travels with you to 140 plus countries and destinations at no extra charge. and that s not all. because with t-mobile there s no overages. ever. switch your business to t-mobile at work. and get four lines. with 10gb of 4g lte data each for just $35 per line. nobody does business data like t-mobile. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. that s never really been possible. but along comes a radically new way to buy a car, called truecar. now it is. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. now you re an expert in less than a minute. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. the democratic candidates are still in a nasty back and forth over kwvqualifications to president. sanders wouldn t have questioned his wife s kwvqualifications if hillary was a plan. i appreciate bill clinton being my psychoanalysts. it s always nice. but the reality is that ever since wisconsin when that became the six out of seven states we have won in either caucuses or primaries, i think the clinton campaign mate it public, basically told the media, here in new york they re about to become very negative, about to beat us up, and i just want them to understand we have tried to run an issue-oriented campaign but they are not going to be attacked every single day. our record is not going to be distorted. we are going to fight back. so joining me now to discuss is political strategist and sanders supporter jonathan tassini and hillary clinton supporter maria cardona. first, jonathan what do you make of the attack from bill clinton, questioning his wife s qualifications had hints of sexism? i think it was rubbish, actually. the last person you could accuse of sexism is bernie sanders. he stood up for women s rights his whole career. i understand why bill clinton lashed out. i understand it psychologically, but bill clinton has a habit of not liking to hear criticism. those of us in the progressive movement know when we took him on the issue pushing through nafta, obliterated glass steel at the behest of his friends at citibank, like robert rubinance for the death penalty, pushed through welfaree form, all policies hillary clinton supported, devastated communities of color, bill clinton lashes out. that s the way he operates. it s unfortunate, though. what do you think, maria? is it rubbish, as he said? i think that bill clinton appreciates jonathan s psychoanalysis as well. so, thank you, jonathan. i think has that more to do with how ridiculous bernie sanders comment was when he said that he didn t think that hillary clinton was qualified to be president. i think his campaign and the candidate himself were reeling from a disastrous and horrendous interview that had just come out in the new york daily news which really uncovered the real lack of depth of knowledge on the core issues that bernie sanders talks about at every rally and importantly as a new yorker, uncovered and continued to underscore the lack of depth and knowledge and expertise on foreign policy and keeping us safe. and so i think that was part of the reaction from the bernie sanders campaign. there were also false reports about how the clinton campaign was going to come out and attack bernie sanders when, in fact, that has not happened. she does not need to do that. she is winning. she is winning in new york. she s going to win new york, and so you know, i m not surprised that the washington post today qualified this week as the worst week that bernie sanders has had. jonathan? i like maria very much. we actually hang out way too often. i like you, too, jonathan. hopefully when the election is over we ll hang out and have a beer, but i don t agree with her at all. the clinton campaign, i have to admire them. they are experts at the dark art of politics and kneecapping people and it s what they actually did to barack obama in 2008. remember, they in south carolina, bill clinton attacked barack obama. so did hillary clinton. the same thing they ve done to bernie sanders throughout the campaign. i want to show you this little sheet, pam. this is a sheet that rates chelsea clinton s characterization of bernie sanders health care plan as mostly false, and that was exactly the same characterization that hillary clinton made of bernie sanders health care plan. the reason i bring up health care, every single plan, every single issue that bernie sanders has put forth for changing america, for having a political revolution, the clinton campaign repeatedly lied about his positions and mischaracterized them, because they can t win on the issues. bernie sanders has completely captured this primary, define what this primary is about. so the only way hillary clinton can win is for her to go for moderate corporatists, what she is, to try to be a progressive. that s what this whole debate is about and i d like us to get back to debate the real issues. i would love for it to get back to the issues. again, bernie sanders was the one who hit below the belt and hillary clinton did not take the bait. she does not need to take the bait. that s not true. she s going to continue to focus on the issues, and if you want to talk about records let s talk about the iraq war. jonathan, i you guys don t interrupt me. i want to squeeze in this question, though, and then let you guys get your response and discussion about the bill clinton role in the campaign and whether it s helping or hurting his wife, because earlier this week the former president stole the spotlight again with this response to black lives matter protestors. i don t know how you characterize the gang leaders who got 13-year-old kids hopped up on crack and sent them out on the street to murder other african-american children. maybe you thought they were good citizens. she didn t. she didn t. you are defending the people who kill the lives you say matter! all right. quickly, maria, what do you think about this? a distraction? i think i think it will be a distraction that will go away pretty quickly. look, when you bring out the big dog what he s known as in democratic circle, sometimes he s going to bark. having said that, i think he is much more of an asset than a liability. he is beloved in many of the communities democrats are going to need to mobilize for hillary clinton. in the democratic primary process as well as for democrats in the general election. he was part and parcel and critical and president obama will tell you this, in president obama s re-election. he will continue to focus on the issues. the challenge for what he said this time around is that it takes away from what hillary clinton s proposals are when it comes to banning racial profiling, getting rid of the injustices in the criminal justice system. banning and ending the school to from the cradle to career which is swha she s going to be talking about. the only reason he is a distraction reminds people that bill clinton is a moderate corporatist for the death penalty, for nafta, for welfare reform, hillary clinton has supported all of those policies. and to the extent that bill clinton and people remember those issues and reminded of those issues people need to remember those are the policies that hillary clinton has supported, bad trade agreements that destroyed jobs, the death penalty. they were both against marriage equality, all of those issues get even more hyped up if you will when bill clinton comes out on the campaign trail. i do hope you dguys grab tha drink. i m going to invite him to the inaugural for hillary clinton when she becomes president. whoa. now those are fighting words. all right. thanks so much. really appreciate it. bernie sanders and hillary clinton by the way, will be jake tapper s guest on state of the union. watch it tomorrow morning at 9:00 eastern. i want to give you our first look at the results rolling in from today s wyoming democratic caucuses. when cnn is ready for a prediction i ll have that. this is what we have as of now. we set out to re-invent investing. hoplenty fast.? 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