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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140925 10:00:00

welcome back, everybody. let s get a check on the day ahead before we toss it to morning joe. president obama will deliver remarks on the ebola crisis that u.n. before returning to the white house this afternoon. and the man arrested in connection with the abduction of university of virginia student hannah graham is set to appear in a virginia court this morning. that s going to do it for way too early. morning joe starts right now. no reasoning, no negotiation with this brand of evil. the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. so, the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. those who have joined isol should leave the battlefield while they can. those who continue to fight for a hateful cause will find
they re increasingly alone. for we will not succumb to threats and we will demonstrate that the future belongs to those who build, not those who destroy. the president addressing the u.n. yesterday. good morning, it s thursday, september 25th, welcome to morning joe. my voice is not. no. she pulls it out of the closet every couple of weeks. i like it. jump in for me. you xwknow. morning joe economic analyst all right, very good. it s going to be a long morning. let me read these. the president at the u.n. vows to counter the extremist threat i ask the world to join. it talks about a muscular threat. we re going to be talking about that.
a lot to talk about with the president s speech. also willie geist bill simmons proving, once again, espn will buck tool the nfl whenever it suits them. i mean, what do you think? simmons obviously he was suspended for a lot longer than ray rice was. he was suspended a week longer for criticizing the nfl on how they re handling the domestic abuse policy and saying what a lot of sports fans believe. he s suspended longer than the guy who beats up and knocks out his fiancee. thank you, espn. couple things. my sister and brother-in-law work at espn, including bill simmons. i love everybody at espn. i love their management. i don t like this decision. that was just my disclaimer, but i will say that i think, espn has been very hard on the nfl. so, you know, from keith
olbermann has been destroying them. so, i think the bigger part of the suspension for bill simmons was the challenge he issued to his management that said, come and get me. i dare you to suspend me. i dare you to criticize me over that. it might be different. i don t think him criticizing the nfl alone was the problem because espn has been killing the nfl. and his language was ugly. he used some language that didn t help either. but it was the direct challenge. espn opened themselves up to this direct comparison. three weeks. are you kidding me? it appears they sided with the hugely unpopular commissioner over their hugely popular employee. they were saying that goodell, i mean, they were tough on goodell but bill simmons came out and said what we ve said. that he s lying. he called him a liar and, you know don t do it. don t do what?
i dare you to suspend me for i dare you to suspend me for three years, with pay, please. you get all these people like jesse ventura, he does one show and they pay him $2 million. please, please suspend me with pay for a long time. the u.s. presses for the world to act is our top story today. we re going to get to that. what joe is doing now is a deep tease and he is going way too deep. i am encouraging full and toetdal suspension. we will play the tape. one other thing, so, i m thinking about, i m excited about the prospect of getting suspended with pay. with pay, right? that s all i want. you ve been there, done that. do it, again. the president talking about this muscular response. it took me back to when i was growing up.
my dad was in every sport he and my brother were in he coached. he was a great football coach. he won more championships than i could count and trophies all over the place. when i went back and coaching high school football i asked my dad, what s the secret? and what he said was he never worried about filling the specific positions. he said, find talented kids who want to learn. inspire them and the positions are going to fill themselves. you ll find your shortstop and find your third baseman if you re coaching football, you ll find the safety. you know, this week, remember, we had eric schmidt on, they do the same thing at google. his strategy at google is you find good people. you don t freak out about, we need an engineer to fill this he said find good people. the slots will fill themselves. the projects will get done. magic will happen. it got me thinking. what applies to football and what applies to corporate culture also iapplies to nation
building. after spending trillions of dollars after hundreds of thousands of deaths, including thousands of americans, we find ourselves on the other side of epic failures in iraq and afghanistan. why? nobody was there to fill the positions. we didn t have jefferson and madison. we found out that america s sons and daughters were fighting and dying for karzai and malaki. this is tragic. it s also a teachable moment. we re talking about a muscular response moving forward and today the u.s. finds itself in another middle eaeast war and t are no heroes on the ground. listen to me, this is what we said in 2009 when we warned against tripling the number of troops in afghanistan for a guy named karzai. we all said it around this table. as we move forward today in september 2014, we have an ugly choice and it s between assad and isis. and any politician or diplomat who assures you there is a clean
third way in syria is lying. it s assad or isis. now, does that mean we bury our heads in the sand and we ignore terrorists who want to destroy american cities? no. but it does mean we go into this tragedy with our eyes wide open and with the high level of caution that this conflict requires and that the president is giving. so, take a deep breath before you start saying, we need to send even more troops into iraq, into syria. we have to be more sort of, we have to show caution because, you know what, as my dad would say or as eric schmidt would say, there are no good people to start this movement. and you talk about team building. it will be interesting to see how this coalition comes together. these 50 nations and what they really bring to the table because that could be the true test of the president s leadership. there is now no doubt president obama is fully committing the
nation to a new battle front in the long war against terrorism. as u.s. bombs rain down on syria, america s commander in chief spoke of the global threat posed by militants of the islamic state. well aware of the potential backlash from the muslim world, president obama was quick to highlight the help of the arab allies taking part in the fight. in this effort, we do not act alone. nor do we intend to send u.s. troops to occupy foreign lands. we will train and equip forces fighting against these terrorists on the ground, we will work to cut out their financing and to stop the flow of fighters into and out of the region and already over 40 nations have offered to join this coalition. today i ask the world to join in this effort. so, a big part of the money that they get, obviously, comes from oil refineries selling it on the black market. how does that work, steve? essentially isis captured syria s oil field and they
pumped out the crude and they have some crude refineries that we ve been bombing the last few days. that s how we really, if you re talking to the president and we want to cut off the money flow. because that s what concerns me the most. if they scatter into civilian areas, fine. i don t want them to sit there and make millions and millions of dollars to plant a bomb. they had two sources of revenue. and the other source of revenue they had, of course, was ransom money from the hostages they were taking. you saw france would not pay ransom in the case of the poor guy in algeria who got his head cut off. that s really what we have to do, mika. reports also this morning that missiles are striking, again. well, the reports are that they struck a lesser known group with ties to al qaeda that killed at least one of the group s leaders. the new military mission marks a
sharp turn from the administration s planned pivot away from a decade of war in the middle east. it is an exacting position for the president who s embracing a new conflict while trying to keep the country from being defined by it. it s time for a broader negotiation in the region in which major powers address their differences directly, honestly and peacefully across the table from one another rather than through gun wielding proxies. i can promise you, america will remain engaged in the region and we are prepared to engage in that effort. i have made it clear that america will not base our entire foreign policy on reacting to terrorism. instead, we waged a focus campaign against al qaeda and its associated forces taking out their leaders, denying them the safe havens they rely on. so the president is walking a
tight rope here. he is, but he s squeezing now the islamic state isis financially with the resolution that was passed to the united nations and all countries will stop their citizens trying to get there and this is a much more cuseeffort. this is a new departure for that region to sign up to backing american air strikes. it represents this is a monster they may have helped create but a monster nonetheless and it will come back and bite them. the question about this coalition, how long does it last? the president is talking about a struggle and the pentagon saying we re in this for the long haul. after these initial rounds of air strikes, against saudis, how long does this coalition hold up? interestingly enough we just got word i guess last night that the british parliament is now going to vote on whether or not to join this coalition, which would, obviously, be a big deal.
bring europe into it. only on the iraq question. also interesting to note just a year ago at the president s u.n. general assembly speech, he said the world has not been this safe in my five years as president. fast forward one year and look where we are now. let s go to nbc news chief correspondent richard engel. richard, can you hear us? good morning. what s going on there? i don t think we have richard. we ll come back. we ll come back to richard. he s there it was a very compelling. behind the scenes look. let s move on and talk about bill simmons. what do you say? you want to do that now? can we do that now? we can wait and get back to you. global reaction, they iliked it. we ll get to more on that and with richard in just a moment. but, first, of course, we heard all at the top of the show
about bill simmons of espn. he made some very controversial 4u1ujuj about roger goodell, called him a liar and also challenged his network to do something about what he was saying. take a look. goodell, if he didn t know what was on that tape, he s a liar. i m just saying it, he s lying. i think that dude s lying. if you put him up on a lie detector test, that guy would fail. for all the people that pretend they don t know [ bleep ], it really is, it s such [ bleep ]. for him to go into that press conference and pretend otherwise, i was so insulted. i m going to go home and put up his picture and put up two candles and going to build an alter and put a lot of beads down. bow to it every day. he said what everybody is thinking. goodell is a liar. he should not have used foul language. you should not use foul langbalan
language because you never use foul language, mika. he also said in a different way exactly what espn reporting said a couple days ago. they put this whole report together. did he use language that espn had to do? threatened. but we didn t play the part where he challenges his employer. i want to hear that. is he being suspended for the language that he used, specifically those two words that he used twice or i m glad you asked. here s the answer. this is espn s statement out last night. every employee must be accountable to espn and those engaged in the editorial operation must also operate within espn s journalistic standards. we have worked hard to ensure that our recent nfl coverage has met that criteria. bill simmons did not meet those obligations in a recent podcast
and as a result we have suspended him for three weeks. they are suspending him for three weeks because of what he said on the pod cast. by the way, they only made him more of a hero than he already i know. number one trending topic #freesimmons. not just here, in the world. we know, willie that when espn was going to do that series that showed the ugly side of the nfl, the nfl called them up and said, if you want to be a part of our organization, if you want highlights, if you want to do, you know, i guess it was monday night football. then you re going to kill that series. and espn said, okay. here, what happened? did you think the nfl called again and said, hey, they called him a liar, that s crossing the line. first of all, simmons is an opinion guy and this is a podcast. and they fine him for, they
suspend him for three weeks, a week longer than ray rice gets suspended for beating up his fiancee and knocking her out. i don t have any reporting on it, but i suspect the nfl called about this one because bill simmons is so popular and his words carry so much weight that him calling goodell a liar d didn t make them happy. if you go back and watch outside the lines. they have been destroying roger goodell. espn has a strong partnership with the nfl. hard to imagine that if he just said i don t believe roger goodell has been forthcoming or truthful, if the language was different. bill is a real guy. he talks the way we talk and he said what everyone is thinking. he said goodell was a liar. did we say goodell was a liar? no, but we said it sure seems that he s lying. sure seems like he s not telling the truth, but you suspend the
guy for a week longer than the guy that beat up his fiancee. three weeks versus two weeks help me understand this podcast. is this a loosy goosy conversation? it s like a radio show. it s like a radio show. have they used that kind of language before? i m sure he has. it s really not the language. it doesened sound from that statement the language, the words themselves there. i will say again the part we didn t play did not sit well with espn. where he said, bring it on, i dare you to do something about this. all i have to say to that is, phil, bring it on. suspend me for three years with pay. four years. stop. four, four and a half years. i dare you to suspend me for four and a half years with pay. how great would that be? so, what do you think bill
simmons is doing this morning? i ink the he s watching his popularity go through the roof. he s calling his agent, hey y want to do another book. i have a lot of people, thank you, espn. can i just say, i love these guys. i love espn. i always have. they love us. it s sort of a mutual love fest. they come in and we all pat each other on the back and we love them. they have some of the best they have the best broadcasters. they re amazing. this was just a bad mistake on their part. the management. i think we re going to play the other part before we judge, okay. no, judge first ask questions later. one other note. bill simmons has a very good relationship with the very, very top of espn. they probably got in a room if you want to hear the other part because then you ll find out how to get suspended. we ll play that, next. still ahead on morning joe one of the president s most
trusted foreign policy advisors, did you know she also juggled jumping up and down on one foot. that s right, u.s. ambassador to the united nations samantha power will be here on set. she doesn t do that, but i ll see if she does. we ll ask. also up next, reports behind the scenes of glitchy software updates from apple. bad news. just days away from the iphone 6 coming out. apparently it bends. and if you sit on it, it will bend more. that s just not good. plus, michael the situation sorentino pleads not guilty of tax fraud. could the jersey shore star be headed to prison. before we get to that, bill karins. all eyes on jeter tonight in yankee stadium. nor easter coming up to the coast and the question is, will they play the game or not? we re talking about 7:00 until 10:00 window. we need to get some dry weather in. rain from jersey and back through maryland and
pennsylvania including philadelphia. the rain is arriving in new york city over the next hour and be with us low most of the day. the worst of it will be new york city area around noon today and probably a one to two-hour delay and philadelphia minor delays this morning. as far as yankee stadium goes, let s time this out. we re starting at 7:00 a.m. the heavier rain is in the yellow and the reds. that moves up to the north. right around 7:00 p.m. or so, it should lighten up. so, in other words, a little soggy. the outfield grass will be wet, but i think they will get the game in. maybe starting a little bit later. but i do think they will play him. hopefully they will. ticket price 800 bucks and as much as 10,000 to sit behind the dugout. rest of the country, you re looking fabulous and all the great weather heads to the east coast as we go throughout the next couple days. more morning joe when we come back.
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so, willie you say bill simmons, he has good relationships with the guy he suspended. i think so. probably just a challenge. they didn t like the challenge. i guess you can understand that. you don t do that. you don t threaten people. he s like a hero now. puts them in a corner and makes them feel like they have to do something rash like suspend you. i dare you. i dare you, phil. i should dare you to supend me. how long would you like, again? be specific. phil, if you re a man, you will suspend me for at least three and a half to four years with pay. full benefits. can you imagine that? can you imagine being like jesse
ventura. okay, here s $2 million go back to minnesota. can you imagine that? it only happens to them. people get fired, right? and then they get to take their millions of dollars. pretty sweet deal. now he just runs around does he work? does jesse ventura work? i don t know. i don t know the answers to those questions. start with usa today apple users were up in arms wednesday when a faulty update disabled cell service and use of the touch i.d. fingerprint scan. i knew that wouldn t work. quickly pulled the update promising a major fix in the next few days, but the problems did not stop there. some blew up several users say both models of the iphone 6 actually bend when kept in their pants pockets. experts suspect the issue stems from the aluminum frame.
apple actually said, willie, this is not a problem for people who don t wear pants while using their iphone 6. it bends when you put it in your pants. haven t accounted for people who wear pants. don t wear pants. let s go eto the next story. some people are calling it benghazi gate. go ahead. let s move on to usa today the former south carolina state trooper who shot an unarmed man three weeks ago at a traffic stop will face criminal charges. the events as they unfolded, the video is disturbing. we ought to warn you, but the victim is expected to make a full recovery. can i see your license, please. get on the ground! get on the ground!
i just hand you my license. i grabbed my license right here. are you hit? i think so. i can t feel my leg. i don t know what happened. i just grabbed my license. why did you shoot me? well you dove head first back into your car. i m sorry. i m sorry. what the hell. oh, my gosh. the guy that got shot was apologizing. he was told to get his license. he goes to get his license. the officer has been charged with assault and battery of a highly aggravated nature. the victim lavar jones suffered an injury to his hip and is recovering, thank goodness, after a brief stay in the hospital. oh, my gosh. poor guy. the cop knew he messed up. he totally broke down and his
mind left him and he thought he was being attacked? that s crazy. he was completely wrong. new york daily news suspended cop killer eric matthew frein was spotted in the woods wednesday but leaving soiled diapers and cigarettes in his wake. tensions are high in the pocono mountains near the home of the suspect s family as a manhunt enters day 13. frein remains on the fbi s most wanted list after killing a state trooper and critically injuring another. a former cast member of the mtv series jersey shore could potentially be facing prison time. mike sorentino. he s the situation, right, willie? pleaded not guilty to tax evasion and federal prosecutors say he failed to properly pay taxes on $9 million. that happens. that is a lot of cash. but his brother, also charged with conspiracy and filing false
tax returns when the situation was asked about the case, he responded this situation will sort itself out. it s the the cover of time magazine this week. it s an in-depth interview of mary varra. it s on the run down of our top stories and it s sent directly to your e-mail before the show. it will change your life, children. sign up by visit i promise, if it will get me suspended, it will be laced with profanity and threats to phil griffin. coming up, he was in charge with keeping america s biggest city safe from terror and now ray kelly says isis is america s number one threat. he joins us next hour. and up next, reaction in the editorial pages.
he joins us for the must-read opinion pages and we have ambassador from the uae with us in about 15 minutes to talk about this alliance. we re back. aahhh- ahhhhhh. liberate your spine, ahhh-ahhhhhh aflac! and reach, toes blossoming. not that great at yoga. yeah, but when i slipped a disk he paid my claim in just four days. ahh! four days? yep. find out how fast aflac can pay you, at hi, are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. quick look at the weather. nice day, beautiful tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. driven to preserve the environment, csx moves a ton of freight nearly 450 miles
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the violent extremists who promote conflict by distorting fate who isolated themselves
offered destruction. our efforts to promote peace, however, cannot be limited to eliminating violent extremists. the most powerful weapon in our arsenal is the hope of human beings. the hope that the future belongs to those who will build and not destroy. the confidence can end and a new day can begin. there can be no reasoning, no negotiation with this brand of evil. the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. so the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. with us on set nbc news foreign affair correspondent and personal friend of george clooney you re here now. i dropped the name. you guys take the must reads. titled the evolution of a president. he writes, this was a president more grimly aware of the
difficulties of combatting terrorism than had been the new president who spoke in 2009. gone was the talk of moving beyond war in its place was talk of degrading and destroying the islamic terrorists. if his remarks on russia could have been uttered by president harry truman, this declaration could have been said by president george w. bush. this was a different president than spoke in cairo five years ago. less apologetic about america s role. we address our differences in the open space of democracy with respect for the rule of law. with the place of the people of every race and every religion. after nearly six years as president, obama said, i believe that this promise could help light the world. hz american exceptionalism. he has come a long way since
2009? in the cairo threat he talks about extremism, but much more reach out to the middle east and withdrawing of america s role in the region. you look at what he was saying america was back leading this region and we will lead the coalition and much more to countries in the region to make sure they get extremism under control themselves. a direct address to the clerics, to the young people to turn away from jihad. clearly, ahmanf the world closes in, a lot more effective than the world leads on it. how much will other countries really, truly in the end give or will we end up leading? that is still a concern. it is. unfortunately, a bit of credibility gap when it comes to the u.s. and middle east because of so many years of its involvement and its support to some of the autocrattic regimes. this may be one of the opportunities where the u.s. is speaking truthfully and really try to rally the countries.
people will have a hard time accepting it or believing it at face value. talk about the attack the other night and talk about the fascinating pilot who actually dropped bombs on isis targets. well, i think we re going to be hearing from the uae ambassador in a little bit. but it is apparent that one of the women who flew on that mission was a female pilot and that s extremely significant on many levels. one, in the region, in some countries like saudi arabia where women don t even drive. now you have women fighter pilots. that s extremely significant and extremely important. it sends a message across the arab world. the uae has been leading the world on this in terms of gender equality and women s rights in terms of the role they occupied public space and also now in the military. i think that s unprecedented for any arab country to be honest with you. ayman covers as closely as you do and you look at this alliance that president obama has pulled together. is it a real alliance?
is it something that can hold together? are these nations willing to be in it for the long haul or initial show of force, we re in it with you and will they be there one year from now, three years from now? i think time will tell. i think the issue is militarily this alliance is not significant. the u.s. could have done this militarily oniliti its own. a message, also, that is not being sent, which i think is also missing. there has to be pressure by the u.s. to get these countries to push towards good governance and that s something, again, you could ask the ambassador about. how do you ultimately change the, how do you get people to believe in hope back in the region that they can be a part of the society and a state that s functioning, not like what we see in the arab world. ayman, thank you so much. stay with us, if you can. still ahead, the president s isis plan finally gets the clinton stamp of approval. bill and hillary gets behind the
congress. parliament is being called back. right. that s exactly what the president needs to call congress back. and get them in the session and have them vote. congress needs to call itself back. up next, will more middle east nations sign on to the war the united arab emirates ambassador to the u.s. joins us, next. we ll be right back. hi! can i help you? i m looking for a phone plan. it has to be a great one, and i don t compromise. ok, how about 10 gigs of data to share, unlimited talk and text,
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it s very important. gloat about yesterday i was told that i m coming here to discuss the manchester city win yesterday. you are so not. here with us now united arab emirates yousef al otaiba. a local egyptian team. oh, really. all right, very good. so, ayman was just talking about the changing face of the middle east. you actually, the uae has not only changing face of fighter pilots. you guys have been out front from the very beginning here saying, hey, u.s., you don t have to go it alone. but, now, you have a female pilot that actually was dropping bombs on isis. it s funny. i got a lot of e-mails yesterday about the story and i finally got the approval. so, here it goes on morning joe i can officially confirm that the uae strike mission on monday night was led by fighter
pilot. she is fully qualified, highly trained combat ready pilot and she led the mission. actually, funny story is the u.s. tanker pilots called in for air refueling and asked for the uae mission and when they heard a female voice on the other side they paused for 20 seconds. there she eis. she s 35 years old. she actually has an undergraduate degree in english literatu literature, was among the first women to join the uae air force academy when it finally allowed female members. she graduated in 2008 and there she is. ayman, you were talking about how crazy this is. crazy in a good way. in a good way. yeah. saying in some countries women can t drive. you guys are like putting them in charge of fighting mission. as they should be. the whole campaign and coalition on isis and extremists in general boils down to ultimately this. do you want a model or a society
that allows women to become ministers in government, female fighter pilots, business executives, artists or do you want a society where if a woman doesn t cover up in public she is lashed or raped. this is ultimately what this breaks down to. as i watched the debate over the last few weeks over, you know, what arab states are going to step in. right. i think it s important for us moderate arabs, moderate muslims to step up and say this is a threat against us. this is more of a threat against us than it is against you. this is not just a threat to our countries. this is a threat to our way of life. willie? yousef, why is it so significant. you look at the uae on women s rights and then you talk about isis, but not just isis but saudi arabia and they can t drive as ayman points out. why has it taken so long to get there for other countries longer than it has for the uae?
i think some countries have different views and different societies and some of our friends in the region tend to be more conservative. we take a slightly more open minded pragmatic review and i am not trying to be derogatory. and, again, if i go back to isis, i think moderate arab countries need to step up and say more and do more. i heard a lot of comments. one of them was, there is no su such thing as moderate islam and moderate modera moderate. i find that argument offensive. there is a lot of us. we need to do more and we need to say more, but, if anything, the u.s. just joined our coalition against extremists. this is not the u.s. coalition. this is moderate arab coalition. it s about time, right? it s about time. and the fight against isis,
how much support do you think the arab countries, especially, are going to be able to bring to the table? we will bring whatever is necessary to defeat isis. i want to say something that i think very few people know. this campaign against isis is our sixth coalition of the united states. in the last 24 years, starting with desert storm in 1990, somalia, kosovo, libya and now isis. this is the uae sixth coalition with the united states. we are the only arab country to be in that position. so, i don t think it is a question of which, or which arab countries will step up. we will. but you can do this without us and we can do it without you. love it. always great to see you. thank you so much. thank you for coming and being such a good guest, i m going to leave you with ricearoni the san francisco treat and liverpool mug. i could get arrested if i
take this back home. yousef, great it see you. his most persuasive speech ever or full of contradictions? the critics weigh in here on morning joe. i thought it was great, what did you think? i thought it was great. from the latte salute to the white house fence jumper. the late-night comics have plenty of material. we have samantha power coming up. hey! i found a happy space. after-school snacking should be fun and nutritious that s why whole grain is first in every general mills big g cereal. what matters most should always come first. general mills. goodness first. if energy could come from anything?. or if power could go anywhere?
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joining us now senior editor for national review remesh and writer for dallas morning news todd robertson. todd, i ll start with you. you found the president s u.n. speech powerful and persuasive. pervasive. the language of this speech really, i felt, departed from lot of the kind of mundane normal speeches that you hear at the united nations and the speeches that the president gives all over the country and all over the world. this time he used a kind of imagery and a choice of words
that really spoke to people and i felt resonated. the heart of darkness calling isis evil or the extremists evil and the network of death and the cancer of extremism. that s tough talk. we were talking last segment about what a big departure this was from his 2009 cairo speech. this was a lot more muscular and some said more lecturing to the middle east saying, hey, you guys have to clean up your act. what was your take away? i was pretty positive about the speech. i thought that there was a moral clarity about some of the challenges we face that s very necessary and it s a break not only from what obama was saying in 2009, but, really, in some ways what he was saying as recently as a month ago. if you think back to that california fund-raiser in august, the world is doing better than it looks on the nightly news and on social media. i think yesterday he provided a much more real iic look at the
orders. he has been criticized from a lot of, you can say conservative circles, mainly neocon circles for not doing enough and going into syria a year or two ago. he certainly has followed public opinion, hasn t he? conservative with a small c? well, you know, i guess in this case, it s a matter of leading from behind public opinion. the danger there is that you end up with sort of a half hearted intervention. and where i would fault the president i m not sure that moral clarity he had in the speech is matched by a strategy that will achieve its goals because i keep hearing from experts whether they want us to do more or want us to do more, they re skeptical this is going to work. tod, that is the challenge, is it not, for this white house? we heard criticism from the
white house for years that there is no overarching strategy. we heard that from a lot of democratic strategists, as well. it s all ad hawk and oc and nev proactive. are we seeing a change here where the president is finally realizing that leading from behind, so to speak, is not a strategy for the united states of america moving forward? this really feels different to me. i think he s finally recognized that the world is crying for leadership. these are such uncertain times. you ve got ebola and you ve got russian aggression in the ukraine and just a general sense that things are falling apart and the world needs someone to step up and say, okay, now, here s what we re going to do. and there s no other person who can do that but the american president. so, ramesh, really briefly you have written at length, you know, i ranted and raved about it on this tv show, but you have written at length about the future of the conservative
movement. who is filling that void right now because most conservatives don t want it filled by john mccain and lindsey graham, i m not knocking those guys. i know them both, i like them both, but that is not the republican view moving forward. who lies at the center, at the heart of the conservative foreign policy? yeah. you know, i think you have to say the republican party sort of all over the map on this one right now. sometimes if you look at individual republicans, it s hard to say. i would say that senator rubio is kind of the next generation version of the mccain/graham wing of the party. you ve got, of course, rand paul arguing for a much more limited american role in the world and then you ve got the vast majority of republicans somewhere in the middle between those two. but not really having a defined foreign policy vision of their own. no doubt about it. all right ramesh and tod roberson, thank you so much. coming up at the top of the hour, he called roger goodell a liar and then challenged his
employer to do something about it. well, they did. we ll hear more from the podcast that got bill simmons suspended. also ambassador to the united nations samantha power joins us on set. we ll be right back. are we still on for tomorrow? of promis tomorrow. are we still on for tomorrow? of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way.
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fill their bowl with the meaty tastes they re looking for, with friskies grillers. tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. in delicious chicken, beef, turkey,
and garden veggie flavors. friskies grillers. whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts that s when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration. the white house posted an
instagram video because the president saluted two marines with cup of coffee in his hand. this is the video. he gets off the helicopter and you see there he does one of those. it s not the first time obama has done something like this. remember that time he said the pledge of allegiance while holding a hot pocket? when he visited that aircraft carrier with a $5 foot long. the man never learns. by the way, the worst part of the whole thing, can we zoom in on that. they got his name wrong on the cup. secret service has set up a three-foot fence in front of the white house. this, of course, comes a day after the white house announced they are going to start locking the door. here s some safety measures the white house is taking. one, approaching people as they enter the white house and say, you cool? that s a policy. they re also installing a gold
fish. finally having macaulay culkin create a cutout to make it look like someone is always at home. you like that. welcome back to morning joe. we get morning joe contributor editor john. i ll give you one of these. willie, we have so much to talk about here. bill simmons threatening his bosses. we re going to play it, finally. samantha power coming she s amazing. just say it. doesn t mince words. and you have some news from new york post. it s an amazing story. proving why it s america s most entertaining public. i wish i just had time to read the whole thing. they re calling it groundhog gate. what happens? there s a crime, first of all, and it s always the cover
up that gets you in trouble. always the cover up. remember on february 2nd, mayor bill deblasio dropped groundhog chuck on groundhog day. oh, well. just dropped him. we re just learning now in look, look. hazmat gloves. what are those gloves? what are the gloves? oh, my. the other guy has bare hands. the woman there with the bare hands and deblasio has hazmat gloves on. may i get to the story? it s explosive. i ll read this graph from the story. a week after his owner dropped staten isla staten island chuck in a front, died of internal injuries and then the cover up began. what? staten island zoo officials went to great lengths to hide the death from the public keep
secret that chuck was actually charlotte, a female. it died. this is a statement from the mayor s office. we were unaware that staten island chuck had passed, but we re sorry to hear of the loss. did they put the animal down? it wasn t chuck, it was charlotte, charlotte was found dead in her enclosure one week later and they determined she died from acute internal injuries. he killed charlotte. okay, this is not just a cover up, this is a conspiracy. there s a whole, there s a web of lies being exposed here. and the gloves. the gloves are the best part. that s the greatest tragedy in all. a grown man would feel like he has to wear hazmat gloves. so the president yesterday speaking before the united nations where, as we move beyond the new york post and
groundhog charlotte, who many thought was groundhog chuck. let s talk about the president. john, we ve all been commenting, such a long distance from 2009 in cairo and the nobel prize peace winner. yes. i say with a smile on my face. i thought it was a great speech. i didn t say it wasn t a great speech. i am just saying we ve come a long way, baby. you think about, first of all, the language. everyone comment on this, but network of death using the phrase evil. remember when george w. bush declared the axis of evil. that was a big thing. president obama using it unequivocal unequivocally. this is a speech. you closed your eyes, you could have heard george w. bush giving or even john mccain. that kind of language, not that familiar to the president and then part of the speech was so striking the way he went and made the argument to the muslim world. you mentioned the cairo speech. when he came into office to repair the damage that was done with america s relationship and
reputation in the muslim world. here he was giving this tough love speech saying to the islamic world, look, this is a problem in your backyard and you need to deal with it. the moderate elements must rise up and take care of the extremist elements. it s not just our job, it s your job, too. it s a kind of tone and a kind of substance that, as you say, would not have heard from him six years ago. at the united nations, again, soundi sounding, like you said, a lot more like george w. bush in 2008 than barack obama in 2009. in this effort we do not act alone nor do we intend to send u.s. troops to occupy foreign lands. we will train and equip forces fighting against these terrorists on the ground, we will work to cut off their financing and to stop the flow of fighters into and out of the region. and already over 40 nations have offered to join this coalition. today i ask the world to join in this effort. i don t think that sounds
like that one doesn t sound like george bush. there were other parts that don t sound like george bush. don t call our staff out, they do what they can do. i think the whole speech is not like george bush. if you listen to bush s second inaugural. america s role in promoting democracy around the world, particularly in the middle east. the line about people who live in terror. we will be there standing beside you. it s not exactly, you know, this is, the second inaugural at the top. but the doctrine of bush s years at that time is we will be ethe big democracy promoters around the world. we will stand there. 06, 07, 08. you have to do it. we have to rally coalitions. this is not america is going to impose these things by use of force on other areas of the world. other areas of the world will do and we will lead the coalition. second term bush, not first term bush. no reasoning, no negotiating with this brand of evil. the only language understood by
killers like this is the language of force. so the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. those who have joined isol should leave the battlefield while they can. those who continue to fight for a hateful cause will find they re increasingly alone. for we will not succumb to threats and we will demonstrate that the future belongs to those who build, not those who destroy. network of death, evil, find themselves destroyed. i apologize to the president. willie, that wasn t george w. bush, that was more dick cheney. yeah. cheney or bush second term. i think, i said it last hour, it s remarkable to listen to him, even one year ago. forget george bush in 2006, 2007, 2002008. ev talking about the world is a
safer place than it was a year ago. that s george bush by the first five years in his presidency, the realities where he overreach. this is barack obama, dare i say it, chasant by the realities of the first five or six years learning that maybe he overreacted to bush s reaction to 9/11. and dealing with the harsh realities of the situation he s been dealt. he understands now that this is a serious threat and the rhetoric of the last few years doesn t apply any more and now it s about american force. he said that pretty explicitly. he faces a complicated situation today than george w. bush did in 2000 three. many of his critics would say, though, to be fair, he made the situation more complicated. no, i actually in 2014 because what he did or did not do in 09, 10 11, 12. we had dexter filcons here.
and we need to look at 09, 10, 11, as well, to figure out how george w. bush and barack obama didn t play their hands perfectly. but this is a brave new world and a frightening world and presidents are going to overreact one way or the other sometimes. i ll say the other thing, it s natural to focus on the parts of the speech about isol because of what s going on in syria. but the part of the speech about russia. not fooling around. the stance, the tone of it and the substance of it tougher on putin than he has been in any circumstance i can remember since the ukrainian crisis broke out. it was a very, it was a pugnacious speech. notably. it has the credibility of all the very, very strong discipline he has put in place that some might have been kind of criticizing him over the past couple weeks or months, we have
to get in there. he has been very methodical and has worked to get other countries involved and he can come there and probably say, we re going to nail these guys. i think. i don t think it looks like any former president we ve seen. doesn t look like george bush. no, it didn t. i think it looked like president bush dealing with reality in a way that is very effective. you can put your rhetorical arms down and admit that because i ve certainly at the top of the show and for the past several weeks has been praising president obama for what he is doing right. you certainly can admit that george w. bush overreacted in some ways to the horrors of 9/11 and that barack obama in some ways overreacted to george w. bush s overreactions. i guess. but i think what i saw yesterday was a president doing exactly what he needs to do. facing reality. as george w. bush had to face in 07 and 08. but it is amazing, though, if you think about the way barack obama has been interpreted by the right and left.
either side wanted to acknowledge what he actually is. this continuation largely of bush policies whether it s been on drone strikes, dealing with the war on terror broadly defined has been a true line of the obama administration. the left doesn t want to admit that he s more bush-like than he is and the right doesn t want to admit he s more bush-like than he is. neither side wants to acknowledge. the right wants to call him a hippy pacifist and neither side sees the guy for what he really is. they re both wrong and it s absolute insane for the left to attack george w. bush for his policies and not look at how barack obama you re right. you re exactly right. for right wingers to say, oh, this guy is weak and he is this and he s a that. you look at the drone strikes and you look at he s made, willie, some tough decisions. some decisions where i think he s gone too far. no, you know what he s done. he s followed public opinion. you can criticize him for that
and praise him for that but he s followed public opinion. he has been on foreign policy where the american people have been. in this case, they have been way out in front of him if you look at the polls from a few weeks ago where 75% after the beheadings. that is the one time they darted way out in front of him. let s see what the next wave of polls look like. let s move on. we re going to talk to samantha power in just a few minutes about all of this. we were talking about bill simmons and bill simmons the wildly popular espn columnist, host of podcast, et cetera, suspended by espn after calling roger goodell a liar knowing what he knew about the ray rice elevator video. here s a bit of the podcast. if goodell didn t know what was on that tape, he s lying. i think he s lying. you put him up on a lie detector test, that guy would fail.
to pretend they didn t know is such [ bleep ], it really is. it s such [ bleep ], for him to go in that press conference and say otherwise, i was so insulted. i hope someone calls me and e-mails me and says i m in trouble. if one person says that to me, i m going public. you leave me alone. i can talk about that in my podcast. please, call me and say i m in trouble. i dare you. and they did. he s suspended for three weeks, not allowed to go on twitter. espn wrote on a statement, every employee must be accountable to espn and those engaged in our editorial operateerations must meet our journalistic standards. bill simmons did not meet those obligations in a recent podcast, as a result, we have suspended him for three weeks. willie, you said, in fact, what a lot of people over there are saying. whether it s keith olbermann who
said at one point the nfl is enabling assaults on women. what? are you not supposed to curse? is that it? the argument of bill simmons crossing the nfl is what led to the suspension doesn t really hold water because outside the lines on friday put the report of ray rice why did he get suspended? not because he called him a liar. is it the challenge? my suspension is it had more to do with the challenge to management. we can t have you calling us out and not do anything about it. are they going to call you after the show, joe, because you gave a challenge for management. for four and a half years if you re a man you would suspend me ewith pay for four and a half years. first is that bill simmons is the best i can tell. i really like bill simmons. we love bill simmons. best i can tell, he s a
pundit, opinioniator. if you re espn and hire somebody to do that. he s not a reporter, you know, you hire opinionators and the second thing and by the way, you go out there sometimes. sometimes we say things here where afterwards we go oh, i wish i hadn t said that. but that s what we get paid to do. what comes to mind, start a conversation, provoke a conversation. indeed. here s the second thing keep talking so your guests can t get a word in. because i m really good at that and if they don t like that, you guys can suspend me for four and a half years. here s the second thing, okay, here s the second thing, the worst part for espn, given that statement about their journalistic standard, it was after simmons did the podcast that they wrote something praising simmons for doing what he did.
last night after espn suspended him, they pulled the column down off say that again. espn wrote something praising simmons for taking on goodell in this way and last night after they suspended him they pulled the column. you can t do that. i ll say one of the great rules of journalism, if you re in a position where you have to pull your column down, you are probably on the wrong side of the issue. and that, i got to say, that s pretty much signed, sealed delivered. the only thing they cannot say is the f-bomb. but they didn t say that. the problem is simmons does that all the time and the podcasts have gone on for years with him saying all kinds of things and no one had a problem with it. now it s the strike me down, you only make me stronger. bill simmons is a greater hero than he ever was. the h the #freesimmons. they re brilliant over there.
they knew that. i m just wondering, willie, if they called him in and said, hey, buddy, we have to do this, you threatened us. they re brilliant at espn. they had to know they would turn him into a hero eand we would be talking about it and sell more books and more people would listen to his podcasts. the blog is back up now. they actually did him a favor. no question about it. they re smart enough to know that, too, right? most of them are pretty smart over there. he was already an incredibly popular guy and now i think he s popular beyond the scope of sports. i mean lena was tweeting about him last night. the blog was back up. they say it was tech issues. so, anyway, speaking my older boys like big star wars fans. jack 6 years old, we sat there, don t usually have time to do much, we sat there and watched empire strikes back this past
weekend which is extraordinary and yesterday afternoon i sat there and i watched return of the jeddi with him. it s so exciting for a 6-year-old to see this all again. like the ewalks. 5-year-old george loves it. 6 is good. 5 the emperor is a little scary for george. little early. but 6. a couple times he was covering his eyes. you say that strike me down. but my favorite line which i use around the office all the time. and we saw it yesterday at the end of return of the jedi so be it. so, the best line, harrison ford and he shoots up that controlled console where the guy is talking and says, boring conversation anyway. that s good. but the best conversation from the entire series is right before he s being frozen and he says the best line is when
harrison ford turns to princess leah and says, i love you and he says, i know. it s great stuff. we need to play this. you haven t seen any of them, have you? i tried and it s just, it s so horrifically in a bubble you are. mika is trying to force choke you right now to shut you up. is that what they do? dart can choke you without touching you. still ahead on morning joe you like star wars. we ll speak to the new president of the nation s largest teacher union it s going to be good. going to be really good. are we prepared for another terror attack on u.s. soil? ray kelly is our guest. a blue print to fight extremists militants?
samantha power next on morning joe. we ll ask her her favorite line from star wars. can you start tomorrow? tomorrow we re booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live. it s a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. csx. how tomorrow moves. (vo)solver of the teacher of the un-teachable. you lower handicaps. and raise hopes. and from national.
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the last hour i promised that samantha power would juggle on one foot and then last segment i promised she would give her favorite star wars line. i like some of the comments she made recently about vladimir putin. mika is such a big fan of yours. great to have you here samantha power. thank you for being with us. we were talking about the president s speech yesterday at the u.n. far different than cairo in 2009, but the world has changed pretty adramatically esince then, hasn t it?
the threats of today are totally meant for this institution in far as no one country can deal with them alone. but the countries that comprise this institution have to step up. there was a real challenge, wasn t there? yeah. come on. and talk about what s happened across the middle east and some of the countries that, obviously, frustrated americans and people in your position. turkey, qatar is there but there have been some concerns. do we think we re going to have a more unified front against isis as we move forward? well, the horrors of isol, i think, should unite all of those countries and should cause them to put some of the practices that have troubled us or concerned us behind them. the test of this moment is whether that threat is a uniter. is turkey moving closer? i think so. certainly. the message to us this week is now we have our hostages. talked to us, what are the
requirements, how can we contribute and, of course, they have more than a million people inside their border already. hundreds of thousands more who could follow because of isol s role in north syria. as you speak to the world and the president really tries to reach out and get collective action, but, also, try to get the country behind an engagement that i m sure weighs heavy on their mind, as much as it does his. what do you make of hamid karzai s bitter comments and how can we not look at that and say, why would we even ever bother to get engaged, again? why would we? i ve become a diplomat, i would say not ideal. very good. not ideal. but i think the larger point is we have interests. we have our national security that we need to look out for here. we rely on partners. it s horrible when somebody is as ungrateful as he revealed himself to be and has
successively now in the twilight of his presidency. we re moving on there. new leadership and we ehave the hope for a new beginning. but when it comes to the effort against isol, we have these national security imperatives for ourselves that are at stake here and i think you see from the overwhelming support, bipartisan support for the effort so far that that message is getting through. and because isol grows out of al qaeda, possesses the expansionist agenda, beheads americans and others including a french tourist, of course, yesterday just heartbreaking. i think the american people understand and also understand it is not just a military effort. that is what yesterday was about when the president convened all these countries. we had 104 co-sponsors for this resolution and that is people committing and they have to follow through to counterviolent extremism and stop in so many different ways you can look at the president s speech and just sense it s different from what s gone before. the french had the reaction to the kidnapping and such a
tragic, tragic story. but the french even breaking a tradition of paying the ransom and funding isis. they just refuse to do it. that s exactly what i was going to ask you, ambassador power. wh what is the response from europe? i know parliament is coming back tomorrow to hold a vote on whether to support the coalition in iraq, not necessarily syria. what are you hearing from france? what are you hearing from jurpany? will they be on board with this? well, when the president chaired this meeting yesterday on foreign terrorist fighters, more than 50 countries contributed and you heard an overwhelming support from the international community from all quarters for the effort against isol. it was a very dramatic moment because we had just learned of the killing of the french hostage and president obama was able right there before the world to pay his respects to president elan and what you heard was far from in the face of what isol had said.
remember, the tourist was killed because france didn t stop its air strikes in iraq allegedly. that was their claim. the president said we will not be deterred. we will not be deterred. we will step up. you feel like europe is with us on this? i feel france and the united kingdom are very eager to get there. contribution from denmark, germany and people are contributing in all kind of ways and yesterday s resolution, again, a reminder and the effort is a reminder that the financing is key, again, the dealing with the clerics and bringing the communities into this conversation so you spot people. you prevent them from becoming a terrorist before you actually have to take them out on the battlefield. prevented foreign terrorist fighter is more effective than allowing them to get to the battlefield and try to deal with them later. ayman. we heard from the leadership of this country that isis can t be defeated militarily, that you have to fight the ideeology.
what effort is the u.s. doing to try to defeat that ideology. there is a concern that you might be returning to supporting autocrattic regimes. but is that fair criticism? you heard president obama talk yesterday about how societies, where civil society can flourish. societies where people are able to express themselves are much harder for terrorist groups to get traction and to win adherence. so, president has made clear that expanded freedom is the better way to get the terrorist issue than repression. but you see governments, of course, invoking terrorism as a reason to do what they would have done otherwise. we have be very careful about that. that s certainly going to be a topic. ambassador samantha power, thank you so much. thank you. good luck. still ahead, long-time senator pat roberts is in the fight for his political life as he faces an unlikely independent challenger. his path to victory in our latest installment of state supply.
up next commissioner bill bretten says this is the most dangerous periods of time we ve seen since 9/11, we ll speak to his predecessor, ray kelly, next on morning joe. in a race, it s about getting to the finish line. in life, it s how you get there that matters most. like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. my doctor said that it could travel to my lungs and become an even bigger problem. so he talked to me about xarelto®. xarelto® is the first oral prescription blood thinner proven to treat and help prevent dvt and pe that doesn t require regular blood monitoring or changes to your diet. for a prior dvt i took warfarin, which required routine blood testing and dietary restrictions. not this time. while i was taking xarelto®, i still had to stop racing, but i didn t have to deal with that blood monitoring routine. don t stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop.
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what is now former new york
city commissioner and president of risk management services ssy kelly. great to have you here. great to be here. bill bratton said this is the most dangerous time since 9/11, would you agree? i would agree. isis is a game changer and they have resources and apparently with the beheading of the french touri tourist, it looks like it s metastasizing it other places. we thought they were basically consolidating in syria and iraq, but this might be a demonstration of their reach. what about concerns in the united states? is there a fear that may be home-grown terrorists that may do this in america? absolutely. we have to be concerned about someone acting as a sympathizer to isis. we had several of them plotting here in new york city, thank god it hasn t happened. but, it certainly is a possibility. now, new york is doing more than any other city probably in the
world to protect itself. but we re an open society. there s only so much that you can do. so, the risk is significant. i know you re not the commissioner any more, i understand that, but, surely, you talked to some of your old friends in the department. are there specific threats that they re aware of to new york city because the white house has stopped just short of describing anything specific, other than to say there may be american citizens traveling back with passports into the country? to the best of my knowledge, there are no specific threats. but there seldom are. you know, intelligence is confusing, it s contradictory. so, you don t get that nice, wrapped package of a threat. but it s just logical to assume that new york is a target. a lot of people see it as the capital of the world and 16 plots against new york city since 9/11. two successful major attacks against the city. so, anything here, of course, could be seen as a feather in their cap. so, it s just logical to assume
that new york is high on the target list. when you talk about the plots that have been caught, what perspective can you give us about how serious they were? there were 16 plots that were very serious. the fellow that was going to blow himself up on the subway. we have times square bomber who basically got under the radar screen. nobody knew him. he dumbed down his formula and that s the reason why the bomb didn t go off. so, these are serious threats. some of them were stings by the fbi that were very well done. but i think what s significant here is the number. 16, i think want to come here. we were lucky, no question about it. we were lucky on some of them. right now when you look at the threat assessment towards the united states. i had friends ask me if they should be afraid of isis here in the u.s. how do you reassure americans that life can go on at the same time protecting civil liberties
and making sure this threat is addressed adequately? this is a time of concern and i hope americans and new yorkers are reassured of everything that is being done here. as i said, there s no guarantees. we live in a dangerous world. and you can see someone acting in some sort of sympathetic fashion to support isis. i think the announcement of a caliphate has been the tremendous boom to recruitment. so, the people, the number is now estimated, i ve seen it estimated almost 50,000. you know, went from 10,000 all of a sudden to 31,500. now 50,000. something is happening there. people are being marshalled and it s cause for concern. ray kelly, thank you so much. good to have you on the show today. great to have you here. up next, a ballot brawl in high-stakes politics. he comes on even though we re competition with his son. that s true, we are. that s pretty good.
that s the kind of guy i am. do you watch morning joe ? yes. but i do dvr. let the record show. he is only a block away. nice of you to come over. we re going to check in with casey hunt for the latest on pat roberts bid for re-election getting complicated. then, has the obama administration failed our nation s school systems? we ll speak to the national l d leader education system. we ll be right back. she inspires you.
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ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. i am a fourth generation, i was born here, educated here, done my life s work here. don t tell me i m not from kansas.
the people of kansas elected me to go to the u.s. senate. do you understand it is in washington? my home is dodge city and i m proud of it. mr. orman. well, i suspect, senator, i ve been dodge city more this year than you have. how many times? and i ve been there four times. five? four. i ve been about seven, so, you re wrong on that. that was one to watch. little salty between those two gentlemen going back and forth. joining us now from independence, kansas, political correspondent casey hunt. so, casey, fill us in because this is going back and forth between roberts and orman. hey, we didn t expect to be in kansas during this mid-term election but suddenly control of the senate could hinge on senator pat roberts.
dodge city is my home and i m proud of it and i m a fourth generation cakansan. welcome to kansas. this week he s bringing in reinforcements, hosting john mccain and campaigning with bob dole, a home state legend. we need a steady hand because the world s on fire. roberts is trying to convince his neighbors that he hasn t gone washington as he fights an unexpected challenge from independent businessman greg orman. we have to change course because our country is headed for national socialism and that s not right. it s changing our culture. it s changing what we eare all about. reporter: roberts was first elected more than three decades ago. he has a home outside washington and it s been years since he faced a tough election back
home. this is the house where pat roberts says he lives when he s in kansas, but questions about how often he is actually here. roberts finds himself neck and neck with orman after chad taylor dropped out of the race. chris kobach tried to force taylor to stay on the ballot, but the kansas supreme court disagreed. the secretary of state is like the referee at the football game. it s a hotly contested election. if voters think i m not making the calls fairly, they can vote against me. reporter: orman is a danger to roberts because he s striking a cord with independence and with voters who are simply fed up. washington s broken. we eare sending the worst to both parties there. bitter partisans who care about than they do about their own problems. reporter: how do you feel about seeing senator roberts? are you a supporter? i was a supporter all along and at the present time i m looking at his opposition. reporter: roberts is trying to turn the race into a
traditional partisan fight painting orman as a democrat in disguise. you go down the issues. he s for obama care, all right. he s for amnesty, okay. and then you go down the second amendment. all of those issues indicate that he s democrat and not republican. reporter: national democrats are chairing orman on, but there are no guarantees. he refuses to say which party he ll support in the senate and says he might even switch sides if he s not happy. so, if they are running the senate for partisan gain, if they are running it like a dictatorship and i would agree with some of the criticism that s what we ve seen out of the senate today, we could change our allegiances and ultimately caucus with the other party. so, because the fight for control of the senate is so close, the ultimate outcome could come down to the political whims of greg orman who at this point is a political unknown. it s unbelievable. kasie, i m just curious. this is kind of a big surprise to the republican party. obviously, the national senate
committee has someone out there now trying to save pat roberts and traditional democrat. do they have enough time to do that or kind of actually fighting an uphill battle with this little time left on the calendar? you know, they really do have a serious time crunch. you re already seeing them try to roll out the sort of traditional steps that a campaign like this would take. that they probably would have preferred to start months ago. sort of digging into the opposition research files. orman is now having to deal with attacks on his business record. he is a very wealthy man and has ties to a former goldman sachs person who is now serving time for insider trading. all of that is just starting to come out now. whether it is enough for them to make a significant dent in this idea of voters and view orman as this sort of independent. i m not sure there is enough time for them to be able to make that definition before election day. all right, kasie hunt, thank you so much. still ahead, legendary musician quincy jones is here with the remarkable story of his
mentor clark terry. from cafeteria lunch lady to the president of one of the nation s most powerful labor unions. lily is standing by. i ll get her name even better after the break. we ll be right back. my foot was destroyed when my vehicle was hit by an ied. i lost my right eye; damaged my left eye. so many of these men and women have, have sacrificed so much. through soldiers to summits, wells fargo supports our veterans by working together to climb mount whitney, these heroes begin their journey of healing. the wounds that you can t see, being with a team helps. you know if they can do it you can do it. step by step, little by little, we can do a lot. because small is huge. wouldn t it be great if hiring plumbers, shopping online is as easy as it gets. carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple?
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here with us now, president of the national education association, lilly escleson garcia. thomas roberts, steve rattner. i got the phonics correct this time. you did. she s a school secretary and she s in salt lake and she s really excited she s on morning joe. she was hyperventilating. you had some harsh words for arne duncan, can i say it that way. harsh and also calling for his job. you said, quote, arne duncan is a very nice man. that does not excuse the fact he s wrong, wrong, wrong, on everything he believes on reform. i love when he talks about affordable college. it s not that he s in the pocket of the coke brothers and wants to destroy public school, but he has drunk the kool-aid and i
believe i will go down to my last breath telling people the most corrupting influence today is the high-stakes consequence for not cutting the cut score on a standardized test. i ll stop you when i disagree. because it is you re not going to meet a nicer person. he really wants to do the right thing. i don t know if he s ever been in front of 39 fifth graders the way i have. 20 years. and what we re seeing now is the corruption, what it means to teach them, what it means to learn. in school after school, they re being pressured. here s a standardized test of some size or another. if you don t get that cut score, you re fired, you get a bonus. obviously, the reason why we started to figure out how to have a better way to measure student s success and teacher s success and school s success is
because of the failure of public education wrong, wrong, wrong. you know, you can sit there and say that, let me just say, you look like a very nice person, i m sure. i m a very nice person when you talk about your sister, it makes me so happy and blah blah blah. but, that said, public schools have fallen behind the rest of the world. we can go one category after another. so do we agree it s the kool-aid that we re drinking. there s no kool-aid. go to harlem. go across the country. don t talk you can t just come on here and ignore the plight of working class americans and those in poverty that have horrific circumstances at their schools. you can t just wish that away magically with a smile. and nobody did that, nice drama. nobody did that. you re doing that right now. wait, okay. namasta. here s what we know works. what we know works is when you
eppower the people in that school. where i taught in my school i started in the 80s. who would have thought the reagan years were the golden years of education. they underfunded us but at least they let us do our jobs. say to my kids during current events, what are we going to do, should we write a letter to the editor, organize a blood drive. i was able to do project-based learning is arne not doing that now? what we re seeing is where s the test, where s the cut score, who gets punished. all in supposed service to better data and we re getting corrupted data. the point i was trying to get to, and don t say i m drinking the kool-aid because i think we all have an investment in making sure our public schools work. absolutely. if we don t measure by the scores, how do we measure? how do we move beyond the failures of the past 50 years. good question. is what do we measure. how do we measure what matters
and how do we use good data. the only thing folks haven t really taught, they say look at standardized tests. that s all they could come up with. we re going out there and seeing schools that have said, you know what, enough already with this standardized stuff. what we re going to do is measure how many of our minority kids are in an ap class. how many of them are taking gifted and talented classes. where s the gap there. are they in a pipeline to something better that will put them into higher education. because that cut score doesn t do it. people think it means something, but it doesn t. that s what we want to measure. how many kids got scholarships? how many kids are in that pipeline that will lead them to something better. on the other side of the debate, there are a lot of people that are school reformers that look at what happens in places like atlanta, where you actually have corruption. you have people so obsessed about the scores that you have people fixing the scores in their own school districts.
right, you re not i don t think you re going to ignore the fact that the u.s., as joe said earlier, has fallen further and further behind other developed countries. if you look at the psa test, you get an answer. i don t think you re blaming all that on the institution of common core. the standards are you re not blaming all that and arne duncan. i think what joe is trying to say is there are other problems in the school system. but i m glad you brought up psa because if you were to look at the stop if you were to look at the top countries, singapore, finland, they re not doing anything with privatization, standardization, deprofessionalization. there is no teach for finland. what they re doing makes sense. that s what i want to do. i want to do what they re doing. we used to be here on psa and now we re here on psa. actually, we re about the same. would moved? finland moved. now they re at the top. i want to do what they re doing.
steve, what right, finland moving is the same as saying we moved. the fact is, there is a gap between us and these other countries that didn t always exist. because of what they re doing. okay, so you re blaming arne duncan for the fact that we are falling further and further behind these other countries. i m saying people think something called reform is one more standardized test, hit your number or get punished. that s what s corrupting. finland doesn t do it. we need only about three hours with you. where you based? i m in d.c. now. so you can just when we re in d.c. i m serious, we need to have a conversation with this. and thank your sister for watching. coming up in our next hour, social media come, to the defense of bill simmons. after espn suspended the commentator for calling roger
goodell a liar. it s one of our top talkers. and new air strikes targeting isis in syria this morning just one day after president obama rallied the world to help dismantle what he called a network of death. musical chairs. fun, right? welllllllll, not when your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. that s their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it s time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase, you ll earn unlimited double miles. from now on, no one s taking your seat away. what s in your wallet?
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it is 8:00 on the east coast. he is handsome. look at him. with us on set, steve rattner
along with me. i ask the world to join, and a muscular threat. a lot to talk about with the president s speech. also, willie geist. bill simmons proving once again espn will buckle to the nfl whenever it suits them. i mean, what do you think. obviously he was suspended for a lot longer than ray rice was. a week longer for criticizing the nfl and how they re handling the domestic abuse policy. saying what a lot of sports fans believe. he s suspended longer than the guy who beats up and knocks out his fiance. thank you, espn. my sister and brother-in-law work at espn. i have a lot of friends at espn including bill simmens. we love i love everybody
at espn. their management, i love their management. i don t like this decision. that was just my disclaimer. i will say espn has been very hard on the nfl. right. keith olbermann has been destroying them. espn s been very hard on the nfl on this. so i think the bigger part of the suspension for bill simmons was the challenge he issued to his management that said come and get me. i dare you to suspend me. so we ll play some of that. it might be different. i don t think him criticizing the nfl alone was the problem because his language was ugly. he used some language that didn t help either. espn opened themselves up to this direct comparison. absolutely. it appears now to the outside are you kidding me? it appears they ve sided with the hugely unpopular commissioner over their hugely popular employee. they were saying that
goodell but you know what, bill simmons came out and said what well what we ve said. that he s lying. he called him a liar. and, you know what? don t do it. don t do what? i dare you to suspend me for three joe. no, i dare you to suspend me for three years. with pay, please. see, that s the thing. you get all these people like jesse ventura. you re not going to like my he does one show, they pay him $2 million. please, please, suspend me. with pay. for a long time. the u.s. presses for the world to act is our top story today. what joe is doing now is a deep tease. he s going way too deep. but i am encouraging full and total suspension for years. i m excited about the prospect of getting suspended with pay.
with pay, right? that s all i want. you ve been there, done that, stop. it was awesome, do it again. so anyway, the president. talking about this muscular respon response. it took me back to when i was growing up. my dad, he was every sport, my brother and i were in, he coached. and he was a great football coach. he won more championships than i can count. we had trophies all over the place. so when i went back and i was coaching high school football, i asked my dad, like, what s the secret. and what he said was he never worried about filling the specific positions. he said find talented kids who want to learn. inspire them. and the positions are going to fill themselves. you ll find your shortstop. if you re coaching football, you ll find the safety. and you know, this week, remember, we had eric schmidt on. he said they do the same thing at google. you find good people. you don t freak out about he said find good people. the slots will fill themselves.
the projects will get done. magic will happen. it got me thinking. football. what applies to corporate culture also applies to nation building. after spending trillion, of dollars, after hundreds of thousands of deaths, we find ourselves on the other side of epic failures in iraq and afghanistan. why? nobody was there to fill the positions. we didn t have jefferson and madison. we found out that america s sons and daughters were fighting and dying for karzai and maliki. it s also a teachable moment. we re talking about a muscular response moving forward. today, the u.s. finds itself in another mideast war. there are no heroes on the ground. listen to me because this is what we were saying in 2009 when we warned against tripling the
number of troops in afghanistan for a guy name karzai. we all said it around this table. as we move forward today in september 2014, we have an ugly choice. it s between assad and isis. and any politician or diplomat who assures you there s a clean third way in syria is lying. it s assad or isis. does that mean we bury our heads in the sand and we ignore terrorists who want to destroy american cities? no. but it does mean we go into that trj did i with our eyes wide open. with the high level that this conflict requires and that the president is giving. so take a deep breath. before you start saying we need to send more troops in, we need to be more assertive, no, we have to show caution. as my dad would say, or as eric schmidt would say. there are no good people. you talk about team building.
it will be interesting to see how this coalition comes together. these 50 nations. and what they really bring to the table. because that could be the true test of the president s leadership. there is now no doubt president obama s fully committing the nation to a new battle front in the long war against terrorism. as u.s. bombs rain down on syria. the global threat posed by militants of the islamic state. president obama was quick to highlight the help of the arab allies taking part in the fight. in this effort, we do not act alone. nor do we intend to send u.s. troops to occupy foreign lands. we will train and equip forces fighting against these terrorists on the ground. to stop the flow of fighters into and out of the region. already, over 40 nations have offered to join this coalition.
today, i ask the world to join in this effort. so a big part of the money that they get obviously comes from oil refinery, selling it on the black market. so essentially they captured syria s oil fields. they have some fairly crude, no pun intended, refineries. which we ve been bombing the last few days. if we want to cut off the money flow because that s what concerned me the most. if they scatter into civilian areas, fine. i don t want them to sit there and make millions and millions of dollars to go out and buy a nuclear bomb. one was the oil fields, and we re bombing them. trying to cut it off. the other source of revenue of course was ransom money from the hostages they were taking. you saw france would not pay ransom in the case of the poor guy who got his head cut off. so hopefully now europe will stop paying ransom and cut off
the receist of their money. there are reports that missiles are striking again. the reports are they struck a lesser known group that killed at least one of the group s leaders. marks a sharp turn from the administration s planned pivot away from a decade of war in the middle east. it is an exacting position for the president who s embracing a new conflict while trying to keep the country from being defined by it. a broader coalition in the region in which major powers address their differences honestly and peacefully across the table from one another. rather than through gun wielding proxies. i can promise you, america will remain engaged in the region.
i ve heard it that america s foreign policy will not be based on reacting to terrorism. instead, a campaign against al qaeda. taking out their leaders. so the president s walking a tight rope here. he is, but he s squeezing now the islamic state, isis, financially, with the flow of foreign fighters. the resolution that was passed at the united nations. all countries will now stop their citizens trying to get to that area. this is a much more concerted effort. the coalition he s built in the middle east could not have happened months ago. sign up to backing american air strikes. it represents the shift they ve gone through. the realization that it s a monster that they have helped create, but it s a monster nonetheless, and it will come back to bite them. the president is talking about a generational struggle. after these initial rounds of air strikes, if there are
retaliatory measures, how long does this coalition hold up. we just got word the british parliament is now going to vote on whether or not to join this coalition. which obviously would be a big deal to them. bring europe into it. but only on the iraq question. also interesting to note, at the u.n. speech, he said the world has not been this safe in my five years as president. fast forward and look where we are now. bill simmons of espn made some very controversial comments about roger goodell. called him a liar. he also challenged his network to do something about what he was saying. take a look. goodell, if he didn t know what was on that tape, he s a liar. if you put him up on a lie detector test, that guy would fail. and for all these people to
pretend they didn t know is such [ bleep ] it really is. for him to go into that press conference and pretend otherwise. i was so insulted. i love bill simmons. i m going to go home. i m going to put up his picture. i m going to put up two candles. going to build an altar and put a lot of little beads down. i m just going to bow to him every day. come on, he said what everybody s thinking. goodell s a liar. that s what everybody s thinking. he should not have used foul language. people are too polite. of course, you never use foul language, mika. he also said in a different way exactly what espn s reporting said a couple days ago. so did he use language that espn had to do something about? it was a podcast for good sake. but we didn t play the part where he challenged his employer, which i think is the problem. is he being suspended for the language that he used,
specifically those two words he used twice, or being i m glad you asked. see what you think. this is the statement. every employee must be accountable to espn and those engaged in our editorial operations must also operate with espn s journalistic standards. we ve worked hard to ensure our recent nfl coverage has met that criteria. bill simmons did not meet those obligations. as a result, we have suspended him for three weeks. a podcast. wrong reason. why don t they suspend him for a tweet. this is ridiculous. they re suspending their most popular guy for three weeks? what, really? by the way, they ve only made him more of a hero than he already he was the number one trending topic worldwide was #freesimmons. it s true. in the world. not just here, in the world. so we know, willie, that when
espn did that series that showed the ugly side of the nfl, the nfl called him up and said, if you want to be a part of our organization, if you want highlights, if you want to do i guess it was monday night football. then you re going to kill that series. and espn said okay. here what happened. do you think the nfl called again and said, hey, they called him a liar, that s crossing the line. simmons is an opinions guy and this is a podcast and they fine him for they suspend him for three weeks. a week longer than ray rice gets suspended for beating up his fiance and knocking her out? i don t have any reporting on it but i suspend the nfl called about this one because bill simmons is so popular and his words carry so much weight within the sports world that him explicitly calling goodell a liar probably didn t make them happy. if you go back and watch pti,
outside the lines, keith olbermann, all these espn shows, they have been destroying goodell. espn has a strong relationship with the nfl and they ve been doing that hard to imagine if he had just said i don t believe goodell had just been morth c e forthcoming and truthful. he said what everyone s thinking. he said goodell was a liar. did we say goodell was a liar? no. but we said you said you had doubts about no, we said it sure seems like he s lying. it seems like he s not telling the truth. but you suspend the guy for a week longer than the guy who beat up his fiance? seriously have said, look, three weeks versus two week, are you crazy? because that s the numbers that people are going to pick up. is this a lucy goosy conversation? yes, it s like a radio it s not like a it s like a radio show. so have they used that kind of language before? i m sure. yeah, man. so it s really not the
language the language, the words themselves. still ahead on morning joe, police close in on survivalist cop killer eric frein still hiding out in the pennsylvania woods. he s leaving behind strange clues for authorities. we re going to have the details on that next. plus, a traffic stop gone very wrong. a trooper is facing charges for opening fire on an unarmed man. all that ahead. first, bill karins with the forecast. it s been since april 25th, five months since they ve had measurabable rain at the san francisco airport. we re getting to the end of our dry season. we got drenched in the northwest yesterday. across the country, we have a mini nor easter off the jersey shore. providing good rain from
philadelphia to atlantic city. the rain just arriving in new york city. the airports themselves, i think only minor problems are going to occur. right now, it doesn t look too bad. on the west coast, we are seeing that rainfall right now. san francisco up to the medford area, scattered showers around portland and seattle. some pictures out of lubbock. this region yesterday picked up very fast rain in just a tiny bit of time. they re very prone to flooding. these pictures, pretty dramatic. they had about two inches of rain in just under an hour of time. a lot of vehicles and a lot of cars ended up getting soaked and drenched out in that area. there are some minor concerns today. a lot of people wondering are we going to get that yankee game in tonight. i think we will. i think the rain in new york city will taper off. some people paid up to $10,000 to sit near the dugout and now they re wondering if the game is going to be rained out or not. i do think they will get that rain in. remember, no umbrellas allowed. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back.
and just give them the basics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i m still working. he s retired. i hope he s saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we re owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you re just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we ll help you get there. are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world.
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so willie, you say that bill simmons he s got good relationships with the guys, right? most of them, i think so. it s probably just a challenge. i think they didn t like the challenge. you don t do that. you don t threaten people. it puts them in a corner and makes them feel like they have to do something rash like suspend you. i freakin dare you, phil.
how long would you like again? phil, if you re a man, if you re a man, you will suspend me for at least 3 1/2 to 4 years with pay. full benefits. could you imagine that? being like jesse ventura? i want a show. i suck on tv. okay, here s $2 million. go back to minnesota. can you imagine that? it only happens to him. like, people get fired, right. it s a pretty sweet deal. yeah, now he just runs around and he sues the widows of ten american heroes. okay, stop. does jesse ventura work? time now to take a look at the morning papers. y usa today. apriple users. a faulty update disabled touch service and use of the touch id
fingerprint scan. it pulled the update, promising a major fix. the problems did not stop there. some blew up and torched cities, what happened? several users say the models actually bend when kept in their pants pockets. experts suspect the issue stems from the aluminum frame. yeah, you know, apple actually said, willie, this is not a problem for people that actually don t wear pants while they re using their iphone 6, so all these people it bends when you put it in your pants. that s hilarious. don t wear pants. okay, let s go to the next story. some people are calling it ben-ghazi-gate. you have to be a real journalist to talk about bend-ghazi. recently released dash cam footage shows the events as they unfolded. the video is disturbing.
we ought to warn you the victim is expected to make a full recovery. your license please. get out of your car. get out of your car. get on the ground. get on the ground. i m just getting my license. you said get my license. i have my license. that s my license, right there. what did i do, sir? are you hit? i think so. i can t feel my legs. i don t know what happened. why did you why did you shoot me? well, you dove head first back into your car. i m sorry, i didn t hear two words, sir. what the hell? oh, my gosh. the guy that got shot was apologizing. he was told to get his license. yeah, he goes to get his answer. the officer has been charged with assault and battery of a
highly aggravated nature. the victim suffered an injury to his hip and is recovering, thank goodness, after a brief stay in the hospital. oh, my gosh. cameras on all cars. the cop knew he messed up. he totally broke down. completely, his mind left him and he thought he was being attacked. it s crazy. he was completely wrong. the new york daily news. authorities in pennsylvania say suspected cop killer eric matthew frein was spotted in the woods but managed to elude them again, leaving soiled diapers and cigarettes in his wake. tensions are high near the home of the suspect s family as the man hunt enters day 13. after allegedly ambushing two state troopers, killing one and critically injuring another. let s go to the star ledger. a former member of the mtv series jersey shore could
potentially face prison time. mike soren tino. he s the situation, right? he s pleaded not guilty to charges of tax evasion. they say he failed to pay taxes on nearly 9 million that s a lot of cash. his brother also charged with conspiracy in filing false tax returns. when the situation was asked about the case, he responded, quote, the situation will sort itself out. he s always on. it s the sit. maybe he can take the cover from time magazine. it s an in depth interview of gmc ceo mary berra. imagine a world where girls are sometimes so devalued that parents raise their girls as boys. the author of this new book joins us.
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welcome back to morning joe at 32 past the hour. here with us now, award-winning journalist jenny norburg who s the author of the underground girls of kabul, in search of the hidden resistance in afghanistan. incredible insight into the plight of young women and girls. and also some of the challenges they face, of which there are so many. but girls being raised as boys. i understand dressing as boys,
but let s go now to the concept of raising them as boys and why. this is a hidden practice in one of the most repressive societies on earth for women. it s a creaative way for parent to allow their daughters more freedom of movement. sometimes this actually allows them to get an education, to get to school. it also raises the family s status. because in afghanistan, sons are the only thing that counts. if you don t have a son, you only have daughters in a family, it s actually seen as better to make one up. how prevalent is this? it s not uncommon. every afghan will know of someone. they ll have someone in their extended family. a great-grandmother who did this. doctors will know about it because, you know, young boys are sometimes brought in and, you know, proved to be actually girls. so it s they re right under the surface. that s why i think of them as the underground girls. they re all over afghanistan. so this is a term jenny called basha pash?
it literally means dressed up as a boy. you say you have a son, a daughter or a basha pash which is almost like a third gender in afghanistan. when is there a tipping point for the age of a person being raised this way to take over their gender identity as a female? this comes to an abrupt end usually when girls reach pube y puberty. at that point, they re expected to take the trajectory of afghanistan afghan women, to be pure, to be proper, to go on and usually forcibly married to a husband of their family s choice and bear children, sons of course. from the pants and the shirt into the dress and the head scarf and the more demure behavior and all that. how is this so jarring? i mean, for these young women to then go into this where they ve been raised in a way to have a more progressive confidence in this society, to be put into more traditional
trajectories? it s jarring, disappointing, confusing more than anything. you have to consider this is a country at war with insecurity for decades. so many things are jarring in that sense. but certainly, it might be also an empowering experience, as you ve been able to live on the other side, so to speak, of afghan society, which is extremely segregated. you follow this story who is a girl or a boy? well, she s very much a girl and she s very aware she s actually a girl but she has grown up mostly as a boy and she behaves as a boy. she has a completely different body language than her older sister. she s the youngest in the family. she s the one who gets to go out and play, ride a bicycle, have a whole different behavior and hang around with other boys. i ve follows her now for five year since i first arrived in afghanistan in 2009. she s developed a very different personality. she s more outspoken. she s more she s very boyish
in her demeanor. and her mother before her actually grew up as a boy as well. the subtitle of your book, in search of a hidden resistance in afghanistan. what does that mean? i think in my research for the past five years, there s both, you know, tragedy and there s also an element of subversion to this. when you re in an impossible society, these mothers you could say they do something to their children but also maybe they do something for their daughters in a sense. they do allow them more freedom of movement. these girl, get out in a different way. even if it s for a short time. some do push it longer than that. for most of them, it s a limited time of living on the other side and seeing what life could be like in having rights that all humans should have. so it s something that is just under the surface that afghans have been doing for a long time in a very creative way. in the end when they go back to being what they actually, which is women this is obviously
a story of kind of patriarch al oppression. what happens over the course of their lives? most women do turn back to young girls before puberty. in those cases, in the women i ve interviewed, it can leave some empowering experience. some have gone on to sit in parliament, to become ministers, professional prominent women. for those who push it further, who go through puberty as another gender than their birth sex, it leaves a more permanent mark. they will describe it to me as though the male stuck with them. the male is what feels natural to them. and they will always keep this with them. it s an extremely frustrating experience and some of them describe it as though they ve been stuck in between two genders. the book is the underground girls of kabul. absolutely fascinating. thank you so much.
still ahead, the story of one of jazz s most influential musicians as told by two of his students, quincy jones and alex hicks join us next on morning joe. there was no question she was the one.
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in delicious chicken, beef, turkey, and garden veggie flavors. friskies grillers. are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. csx. how tomorrow moves. what a day. can t wait til tomorrow. i wish i knew all the lyrics to that. yeah, man. hey, it s a good tune. eye been thinking about this.
you know, there s masters and then there s amateurs. yeah, that s true. there s a lot more amateurs than there are masters. i m trying to think, what really makes the difference, you know. one thing is desire. desire. to excel. you gotta want to play better than everybody. you got to try hard. i want to play better. i m gonna do the best i can. that was a clip from the new documentary keep on keeping on. the story of the jazz legend clark terry. the film s direct, executive producer and write, allen hicks. also, legendary music producer kwib quincy jones. you watch the show a lot? this is when i go to bed, man. exactly. i watch your show. i m one of the biggest fans. rachel. i love rachel.
well, thank you so much. is she here? not right now, she s sleeping. she s beautiful. you guys are something else, man. i m addicted. you re addicted. thank you so much. i appreciate it. so this is a remarkable story. you see the opening scenes of the trailer and you see how a legend in failing health is still mentoring a great young student. talk about it. 67 years he taught me, 67 years ago. that s amazing. still doing it. even in failing health. greatest trumpet player that ever lived. really? oh, yeah. i saw him when i was 14. so talk about the film. i was a student of clark s. when i d been studying with him for a few years, i just got this sense that there needed to be a film made about clark terry. that s where we got the idea to
start filming. we just finished it up. a very compelling story about a great musician losing his sight while this process was taking place. and his legs. his relationship with one of his latest prodigies, a blind piano player. yeah, we got to follow them for years and years just to see how their relationship and friendship developed and how they helped each other through some of the hardest times of their life. but with positivity running through. it s amazing, watching him lying there in bed, singing notes. and watching his pupil sit there. he taught me when i was 12 or 13 in 47 in seattle. in 1959, he joined my band. my greatest honor i ve ever had in my life.
a great honor. incredible human being. he also taught a few other greats too, didn t he? taught miles. probably a hard student to teach. he was skinny like me though. what an amazing history, right? it s unbelievable. it s a miracle really. i cry every time i see it. you said clark terry is the greatest trumpeter. you also said he was a great human being. that s where it starts. talk about what made him a great teacher. passion. just passion. he had he had passion for the young people. my own reaction to it, somebody like clark and ray charles, mentally, when you re young, you can t help but do that with other young people. that s what happens.
it s funny because my mother left me at 7, his mother left him at 7 too. did he bring you technical skills? i would play high notes and put the trumpet here and it would bleed. he said, no, put it here. and that breathing. there s a lot of techniques you have to have. left and right brain, you know. and what an unlikely relationship he has with justin. right? unbelievable. you look at justin, like, from the very beginning, you go, wait a second. you know. it s sort of he traveled with us now. we have a group. and he travels with us now. it s in the movie. they talk about it. how did this unlikely friendship begin? well, clark had been losing his sight for some time. and that s when justin first met clark. justin lost his sight when he was 11. and so he was able to come into clark s life just at the right
moment to help him adjust to losing his sight due to diabetes. that s where their relationship started. it started to develop from there. one thing i noticed whilst filming, you think a student s going to get so much from studying with the great clark terry. but what i started to realize is that clark terry s actually getting a lot from having his students around. and it actually keeps him going. you know, it doesn t matter where it is, if it s at home or there in the hospital. he s singing and teaching and staying positive the whole way. how important is it? because he s a musician. everybody else around this project was a musician. how important do you think it was to really get this film running? well, i think it s so powerful. because i have i ve scored 40 movies in my career. i have never seen that much truth. nothing is fake. everything there is
absolutely you couldn t put it in the script you know. it s all real. the drama from australia. you know. australia. trying to get that. australia. brilliant. 415 hours of film they shot. we have another clip. on clark terry s jazz legacy. take a look. this man taught thousands of students who taught thousands of students who are going to teach thousands of students. it s almost like being pulled by a magnet. you feel this desire to excel from someone else. aside from the fact there are people all over the world who can teach anybody the square root of a b-flat chord, not too many instances where people encourage the people to give vent to their own feelings and
produce that which is within them. you got to inspire them, encourage them. most of the time, they don t even know what they can do until you get it out of them. keep on keeping on. i ve got to see the whole thing. this looks phenomenal. mind blowing. quincy jones and allen hick, thank you so much for coming on the show. thank you for playing this movie. it s life changing. we re going to enjoy it so much. i can t wait to see the whole thing. thank you very much, both of you. please give rachel my love. big fan of you three guys. well that is a good one. up next, late night has fun with president obama s latte salute. more morning joe when we come back.
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really? for instance, mitch mcconnell said, i m a turtle, get over it, i love it. he said it. god bless him. harry reid said, i m the guy in that american gothic painting, get over it, i love it. wow. holding the pitchfork. holding the pitchfork with his wife. oh, my god. finally, anthony weiner said, i m anthony weiner, get over here, i love you. wait, how does this work again? the white house posted a instagram video that had many people upset because the president, who s commander in chief, saluted two marines with a cup of coffee in his hand. this is the video. he gets off the helicopter and, you see there, he does one of those. it s not the first time obama s done something like this. you remember that time he said the pledge of allegiance while holding a hot pocket? or when he visited that aircraft carrier with a $5 foot long? the man never learns. by the way, the worst part of
the whole thing, can we zoom in on that, they got his name wrong on the cup. they got his name wrong. sunblock yo mama. it was barack obama. they didn t listen. hi, are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. quick look at the weather. nice day, beautiful tomorrow.
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what did you learn? i learned that i think i have no voice. it s gone. thomas. i learned about the fascinating book about the underground girls of kabul where parents choose to raise their young daughters as young boys. fascinating approach. what you learn? i learned that bill simmens is getting the shaft. it s derek jeter s last home game. if doesn t get rained out. a big moment. yankee fan. the tears of the did you learn anything? i learned there s a door over here. i m going to go on upstairs to the concourse level. take a picture. we ll see you guys tomorrow. it s time for morning joe. but now it s time for the daily rundown. we ll just close him up. physical comedy at its best. good stuff. good pratfall. can we tape this?
network of death. just hours after president obama makes his case at the u.n. and secures support for cutting off isis, oil refineries in syria were the target of the latest air strikes. and david cameron calls his colleagues back to work for a vote on joining the fight. an arrest made over 1,000 miles away in the search for missing college student hannah graham. we ll get the very latest on the ground in both virginia and texas. and also happening this hour, sarah palin, about to stump in kansas. as embattled senator pat roberts brings in a string of high-profile headliners to try to save his seat. a very good morning from washington. i m kristen welker. this is the daily rundown. we start this morning with the u.s. taking aim at one of the lifelines of islamic militants, oil. overnight, the u.s. military, along with arab partners, hit a dozen

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20160606 10:00:00

.and to get relief, anything is fair game. introducing rhinocort® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec®. powerful relief from your most frustrating nasal lergy symptom ,all day and all night. hasn t your nose bee through enough already? try new rhinocort® allergy spray. muddle no more® to divide us. now, just recently, we ve seen another example. this so-called trump university. it wasn t really a school.
it wasn t accredited. it was a scam! now, how does trump respond? he s trying to distract people by making a prejudiced, bigoted attack on the federal judge who s hearing the case here in california. he has said that this judge should be disqualified because, in trump s words, he has mexican heritage. judge curiel is as much of an american as i am, and he s as much of an american as donald trump is. and good morning. it is monday, june 6th. what a day in history. what a day in history. welcome to morning joe, everyone. with us on set, we have managing editor of bloomberg politics and coast of with all due respect, mark halperin. former communications director for president george w. bush,
nicole wallace. and the host of msnbc s politics nation, president of national action network, reverend al sharpton. we ll be talking about muhammad ali in just a few minutes. you know, you re right, talking about june 6th. first of all, the passing of one of the great american figures, political figures, bobby kennedy, june 6th, 1968, passed away. an extraordinary leader and a man who really symbolized the 60s as much as anybody else. also, d-day on this day. but a day every bit as important, this day in 1998. carlie was born. my daughter. my daughter. 18 today. congratulations. she turns 18 today. just my own little d-day. that is fantastic. some grim news. mark halperin, you texted me last night. i don t believe it. i don t believe it. is the era coming to an end up
the there? the most important starbucks on the planet is closing. no? the one on columbus and 68th. what?! that s my starbucks, too. that s my home base, too. all politics is local. why is it closing? high rents. too much to try to save it. why is it closing? i don t understand? rent s too high. i miss that guy. we ll get into muhammad ali a little bit, but judge sharpton, there s no way to explain what he not only exports, but more importantly, to culture and race and politics in the 1960s and 1970s. you really couldn t. muhammad ali changed the culture. aside from being a fantastic boxer, he changed the culture. he redefined what success was, because i remember when i was growing up, i was 12 years old, i had just joined the economic
arm with dr. king s organization and i was already a boy preacher. and he refused to go to the army. we started gauging who was a celebrity and a success based on who was relevant, because of muhammad ali. this guy took on a wall. whether you agreed with him or not, to give away all of the things we thought were big, you know, heavyweight title, and the perks that go with it. to stand for something, it changed the culture of how you no longer decided success and celebrity based on what you owned or what you had, but what you stood for. he literally did that in one stand. we ll get more to that a little bit later. but first, politics. if that s what you want to call it. there was widespread concern among republicans this weekend. they are shocked and stunned. they just can t believe and deeply saddened. seriously, paul ryan is in shock. paul ryan endorsed him last
week. he didn t expect this! how could he have ever expect this? yeah, that s what he said, out of left field. boom, what happened! donald trump said something that was racially insensitive. he didn t have to do the endorsement, but he did. donald trump continued to attack the federal judge over saying the trump university case for his ethnicity. take a listen. he s a mexican. we re building a wall between here and mexico. this judge is giving us unfair rulings. now i say, why? well, i m building a wall, okay? and it s a wall between mexico. not another country. but he s not from mexico. he s from indiana. in my opinion he has mexican heritage and he s very proud of it. if you are saying he can t do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism? no, i don t think so at all. no? no. he s proud of his heritage. i respect him for that. you re say he can t do his
job because of that. look, he s proud of his heritage, okay? i m building a wall. why why did you refer to his ethnicity, donald? because his heritage is mexican. so what? i want to build a wall. i m getting along great with hispanicses, but i want to build a wall. but some of the numbers don t indicate that. do you think you have to dial it back? look, i have to be what i have to be. if it was a muslim judge, do you think they wouldn t be able to treat you fairly because of that policy of yours? it s possible, yes. that would be possible. isn t there a tradition in america that we don t judge people by who their parents are? i m talking about common sense. he s proud of his heritage. i think that s great. but you re saying it s a barrier to him doing his job. but he s not treating me fairly. trump s insistence on using the judge s heritage as a sign of bias was not well received. wait, by members of the i don t understand!
nicole, how could they have seen this coming? wait, he said it last week before paul ryan endorsed him. can i do a poll, nicole? is that racism? yes. joe it s completely racist. here you have a guy that is from indiana. from indiana! i think his family, if i m not mistaken, had been in the country of america longer than trump s grandmother. reverend al, is that racism? oh, it s absolutely, unequivocally racism. just checking! so the republican party, my republican party now, is racing behind and endorsing a man who says that if you are mexican or not mexican. american. if you re born in america, if you re from indiana, but you may have a little bit of mexican heritage in you see, even i don t think he s even first generation or second generation. it doesn t matter. that you are incapable of being fair as a judge. he also said the same of
muslims. republicans! really good on you. good on you. you re endorsing this guy? seriously. the republicans are denouncing this because they think it s horrible politics, right? short-term and long-term. they also are morally outraged, as they should be, to say that a judge whose parents came from mexico, to say that a muslim judge and the stupidity of it is compounded by the fact that he s arguing something that has to do with a personal case. hold on a second. let me just. i want to be really clear here. please. no, they can t be morally outraged this week when they knew what he was doing last week. and by the way, i said it here on the tv box. and you can check it out on the tv box. i said, all the way back in december, i would never endorse donald trump so long as he supported banning 1.4 million
people for entering the last best hope for a dying world, the united states of america, simply because of the god they worship. simply because they were muslim. that has been out on the table while every republican has endorsed this man. and i said, and i have stuck to it, i will never endorse donald trump. so long as he supports a muslim ban. i ve said it clearly. listen, i predicted and mika predicted that the guy was going to win the nomination. they pissed a lot of people off because they were right and we were wrong. oh, you must be supporting him. no, i ve always been clear. said i would never support a man. i also said, what he said about david duke was disqualifying. wrote it in the washington post. so these republicans, this week, who were so shocked and stunned and deeply saddened and offended by this clear act of racism had all the evidence in the world before that he had done things that again stopped them from
endorsing him. how do you endorse paul ryan, a man that supports the banning of 1.4 billion muslims from ever entering the united states of america. you make him back down, actually. that s what i was hoping, perhaps we could put pressure on him to back down and change that policy. instead, al, he s doubled down. and now it s people that may have, what is it, 1/16th mexican blood. if you have 1/16th mexican blood, maybe you can t be a judge. this is unbelievable! he is getting worse, not better. the problem is, which is why your position was so responsible for the party, even though i m sure people in the republican party thought you were selling out, when you would say that, is that you re talking about nominating him to be the president who will appoint federal judges. not only are you dealing with his own bias, you re saying he
ought to be appointing judges. and senators that are running on his ticket, who vote on confirming judges. i mean, the ramifications of this, that now we have a racist litmus test for who can be judges, and you re endorsing this, and you re running for re-election, or are you running for the senate? this is amazing al, paul ryan has just put the house of representatives in play. that s right. he cannot say, oh, well, donald trump s donald trump. donald trump s donald trump, but the houses is no, now he endorses donald trump. he endorses his racism against muslims, paul ryan endorses his racism against mexicans. paul ryan endorses his racism against americans who may have, oh, i don t know, 1/16th mexican blood in there, saying they re disqualified to be judges. but, joe, here s paul ryan. now he s pretending to be, and
i m going to go there and just say it, he s pretending to be surprised about this, and then listen to mitch mcconnell when he s asked a simple question that i just asked on the set. is this racism? take a look. look, the comment about the judge the other day just was out of left field from my mind. it s reasoning i don t relate to. i completely disagree with the thinking behind that. and so, he clearly says and does things i don t agree with. and i ve had to speak up on time to time when that has occurred and i ll continue to do that if necessary. i hope it s not. this is one of the worst mistakes trump has made. i think it s inexcusable. this judge was born in indiana. he is an american, period. when you come to america, you get to become an american. and trump, who has grandparents who came to the u.s. should undetand this as much as anybody. if a liberal were to attack justice clarence thomas on the grounds that he s black, we
would all go crazy. every conservative would say it s wrong and it s racism. he has essentially said he cannot be impartial because he s hispanic. is that not a racist statement? i couldn t disagree more with a statement like that. is it a racist statement? i couldn t disagree more with what he had to say. okay, but, do you why do you think it s a racist statement to say? i don t agree with what he had to say. it s a racist statement. what s wrong with him? it s a racist statement. can t answer it here on the set or meet the press. what s wrong with him? newt gingrich came out and actually hammered a guy who wants to be on the ticket, publicly went out this is in the history of the country, it is one of the most un-american and bigoted things that anyone has said, and that is why he s being denounced by everyone. the wall street journal editorial page. newt gingrich, who has a history of saying divisive things. trump may say this is a brilliant way to triangulate or something, but it is so wrong that he is being condemned
across the board. i think these republicans hope that somehow when he became the presumptive nominee that he would change his ways and move more towards the center. to say these things about a judge, an actual judge, and then a hypothetical muslim judge, when there s no political upside to it whatsoever is it s astou astounding. and they re as upset by the political absurdity of it as they are by how horrible the things he s said are. it s un-american, for what he s said. and if he doesn t change it quick, i think a lot of the donors are going to give up on it. i think, also, paul ryan has to back up. just take it back. for instance, paul ryan said this was out of left field. no, it wasn t out of left field. paul ryan held a press conference saying how upset he was that donald trump was so bigoted towards muslims that he was going to ban 1.4 billion muslims from entering the united states of america. donald trump called this guy a mexican and said he might be
disqualified before paul ryan endorsed him! right. listen, donald trump has gone sort of beyond the line with a lot of groups. so, you know, he s called women fat pigs and blackballed megyn kelly for asking about it. he said muslims were a threat, ban them for you ll end up with very few groups of people that a president trump would deal with. you know, there are very few groups left to insult. or he can just go back and run over them again and have people like paul ryan just sit there and watch. donald trump s blunt manner of speaking raised a few eyebrows on the trail. we ve got to get to hillary clinton at some point. but he called out a supporter at his rally friday. take a look. we had a case where we had an african-american guy who was a fan of mine. great fan. great guy! in fact, i want to find out what s going on with him. you know what i m oh, look at my african-american over here!
look at him! nbc news whoa, whoa, whoa. just let that breathe for a second. i can t, i need too move on. i m nervous. i m uncomfortable. al sharpton. i m uncomfortable! al sharpton, what did donald trump just say? he said, look at my african-american over there. this is the guy the republican party says should be in charge of the government of the united states and the armed services. to appoint judges, supreme court this is the guy. look at my african-american over there. while the mexican judge, who is not mexican, he s indianan, can t be he s a hoosier, for god s sake! he s a hoosier! well, he can t be fair this is who you want to be in charge of the judiciary in terms of making nominations. i remember saying. i remember ross perot getting in trouble in 1992 for saying
the naacp, you people, you people, this is even worse! nbc news later spoke to the man in the audience, gregory cheadle, a candidate for congress, who said he didn t take any offense at all from trump. highlighting support for african-americans came up again, though, when he retweeted a supporter who posted a photo of an african-american family and the caption, american families for trump, but according to an interview with buzzfeed, the people in the photo are not trump supports and they are not happy. what s this all mean, mark halperin? all of this combined there s a google angle to this story that s all taken out. the notion that you can unite the party, let alone the country saying things like this, that are just fundamentally un-american. to say a judge can t be fair because of his heritage. to say a judge can t be fair because of his or her religion
is making him, as you said, someone who may not be able to win even close in this election. and the fact that newt gingrich, who wants to be on the ticket, and who has a history of statements like this can be amongst a chorus of republicans. not one person coming to his defense, is testament to the fact that the guy does not want to win. doesn t understand what it would take not just to win, but to be fit to be considered for the office. will lose this. hillary clinton and newt gingrich do not agree on much. if they agree that statements like this are well beyond out of bounds. and i think, as i said, anything he wants to build with donors, a coalition to support, and if he won, to governor, it s not even in play with statements like this. nicole what does it mean about our republican party? so, listen, our voters picked him, and it means our republican party and our leaders better go figure out why. what were the good pieces of him? what was the part of his message
that our voters responded to overwhelmingly? because he didn t win in a squeaker. he roared to the nomination. and he had revealed his colors. he had denigrated women, he had denigrated muslims, he had made racist comments. and that wasn t the reason he won, but they overlooked those things, because the power of the rest of the message captured their imaginations and spoke to my brother, who i ve been talking about all along. your brother has been obsessed with him. who s been the biggest supporter of him. so are my parents. they re disgusted. he s saying, i fought you all along, i don t understand what s happened over the past two weeks. he was going to be an alternate delegate up to the convention. he said no way. i m going to sit back and wait and see what happens. he is shocked. he feels betrayed and he wants to know. he wants to know what donald trump is doing. because you know what he s scared of more than anything? hillary. hillary clinton being president of the united states. my parents too.
and he s basically saying, if you didn t want to beat hillary, you shouldn t have won the nomination! right. right. my parents, i think like your brother and i think you ve got to give his supporters the benefit of the doubt. donald trump is running an ugly campaign, but his supporters were hoping for something better. and he is showing incredible disdain and disrespect for his base of support. he doesn t i mean, he cares more than he should about what we say, but it s never been about what we say, right? he roared to the nomination with people attacking his comments and temperament and lack of knowledge. his comments about getting his information about the military from the shows. we have pointed all these things out. his supporters were immune to that. what they are not immune to is his trajectory. which is that they ve gone to someone they can pin their hopes on to someone they re embarrassed of. i think one of the things they ve said, were ignored by some of his supporters. i think your brother is representative. i can t imagine an american who would agree with donald trump in saying, a judge from indiana,
who s got mexican heritage can t be trusted to judge fairly, in the best interests of the law? that got a lot of people. no matter where you sit, is that he is now the republican nominee. and you are looking at him now, not as a guy who s got a movement going for whatever reason, but you are offering him to be president. i mean, we started when we talked about ali and i was 12 to 13 years old. when i was 13, george wallace ran for president. but he never approached being president. you re talking about this guy, he s being held up by the senate majority leader and the speaker of the house, to be the president. so the ramifications of everything he says takes on a whole another kind of so i hope paul ryan, i hope mitch mcconnell, anybody who s endorsed him understands they ve just endorsed that. they ve just endorsed a person who has said those things. and believes those things.
and if you believe that person should be president, and you believe your endorsement should stand, good luck looking in the mirror this morning. if he s not besieged by people today telling him he needs to apologize and take it back, he doesn t have good advisers. and give him two hours, and if he doesn t take back the endorsement or you have no spine by the way, anybody that endorsed him, please, save your crocodile tears for somebody else. don t act shocked and stunned and deeply saddened. you knew what you were endorsing. you called out for it. and he ll give you nothing in return but more of this. you should have gotten something. that s called the art of the deal. unless you stand down. you ve been suckered. still ahead on morning joe, we ll go inside the trump campaign. katy tur joins us with more information about why some supporters are concerned trump isn t moving beyond the bare bones operation that won him that nomination.
and jeff flake who s hammering trump s comments as ignorant and offensive. and ron paul joins the conversation. and later, bob costas will be here to remember the life and legacy of muhammad ali. you re watching morning joe, we ll be right back. soon. i like the bride more than the groom. turquois dresses. so excited. did all her exes get invited? no one s got moves like uncle joe. should i stay or should i go? when it s go, book with choice hotels and get a free $50 gift card for staying just two times. book direct at you always have a choice.
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muhammad ali was one of the extraordinary people of our times. he was a man of extraordinary honesty and courage. to all of donald trump s supporter supporters who think it is appropriate to tell us that they love muhammad ali, but they hate muslims, understand understand that muhammad ali was a very devout muslim who took his religion very seriously. in one of the worst, actually, staging events of his entire campaign. it s becoming endearing,
though. president obama showed 30,000 empty seats behind him, while he had like 13,000 or 14,000 people in front of him. just put up a sign. it doesn t matter. it s what people love about him. it doesn t matter. in front of him were like 14,000 or 15,000 people. put up a sign. the money s going toward the revolution, not stage prep. the day hillary clinton gave her speech, her very well-received speech taking down trump, he gave an event simultaneously and it was like my 4-year-old had hung the drape. it was crooked and all scrunched. like, at some point it looks intentional. endearing. like, i m not that guy. but he gets such big crowds. so with elections in six states, including new jersey one day away, hillary clinton is that much closer to potentially clinching the nomination. she is the projected winner in puerto rico and so far nbc news has given her 30 pledged delegates of the 60 there. over the weekend, she also
easily won the u.s. virgin islands. all of that means clinton could be for clinton, it could be an early night tomorrow when she s expected to cross the threshold of 2,831 nominates needed to delegate. a fund-raising e-mail sent out says, any minute now, hillary clinton should become the first woman in the history of our country to win the nomination of any party. that wasn t fated or inevitable-it was because of people like you. clinton and her husband spent the night barnstorming the state. she will have done 19 events by the time her event is through. and while she sought to contrast her record with bernie sanders on issues like immigration, she was already looking ahead to her next opponent, donald trump. you know, earlier this week, i gave a speech in san diego, outline i
outlining outlining why i believe that donald trump is not qualified or temperamentally fit to be president or commander in chief. i didn t make these comments up, i think he s repeating the ones he made. i just went chapter and verse. we re going to have a very contentious campaign, because i m going to point out at every single moment i can why i believe the republican nominee should never get near the white house. elizabeth warren, whose support has been sought after, as it has been elusive, tweeted over the weekend, this is what democrats united to beat donald trump look like. get ready, donald. we re coming. meanwhile, the wall street journal reports the sanders
camp is split on what approach to take after tuesday. and the washington post reports that sanders is likely to fall short because of missed opportunities. a failure to connect with key voting blocs is being stubborn over certain strategy choices. senior strategist tad devine told the paper, i don t think anybody had figured out how to win when we got in. it was, how do we become credible. but if bernie sanders is going to come up short, someone forgot to tell him. on sunday, meeting people on the piers of santa monica, and on saturday, greeting crowds of 13,000 people in los angeles in front of the iconic memorial coliseum. now, there is a backdrop. now, there you go. look at that blue. sanders has spent nearly a month in california with nearly 34 events and made it clear he was not giving in yet, applying pressure until the end. in virtually every state poll, we do much better against trump than does secretary
clinton. in terms of the national polls, we are 10.4%, 10.4 points ahead of him. she is scarily, only 1.5 points. if you asked me about the wbr id wbr18745 clinton foundation, do i have a problem when a sitting secretary of state and a foundation run by her husband collects many millions of dollars from foreign governments, governments which are dictatorships. you don t have a lot of civil liberties with democratic rights in saudi arabia. you don t have a lot of respect there for opposition points of view, for gay rights, for women s rights. do i have a problem with that? yeah, i do. do you think it creates a position of conflict of interest? i do. /b
so still hammering away. still hammering away, and what s the impact? i think it could go either way. until a couple of days ago, i was for sure he wanted to go to the convention. and on principle, there s reasons for him to go. there s things at the convention he would like to use that platform for. and until super delegates cast their ballot, they haven t formally been for anybody. but the pressure on wbr-id wbr19405 him is going to be pretty strong, including some people around him, who are going to say, how do you plan to spend june and july. hillary within the to the convention, right? no, four days after the last contest, she got out. she gave a big speech, though, at the convention. there was a little tension going into the convention, but she wasn t contesting the nomination. and they had campaigned together. i think the pressure on him is going to be pretty high. and concluding from some people around him to get out. but i don t think it s a sure thing. as i said, there are reasons, there are principled reasons, he wants a progressive running mate, a progressive platform. he wants, business as usual within the party to change. the minute he gets out what do you make of elizabeth
warren s tweet? i think that it s very interesting. i think it s also interesting she never endorsed bernie sanders. and a lot of people are wondering, has she put herself in the position to be the one to broker uniting the party along with others? i think it s very interesting. i think there will also be pressure from many that are with sanders, saying, you ve got to go all the way. pressure that, and can he handle that pressure. and his own beliefs that he s done a great job in raising issues. can he throw in the towel? but at the same time, every statement made by donald trump puts more pressure to say, we need to unite and stop this guy, so even many that are progressive are going to say, wait a minute, all bets are off. it can cut the other way, though. the more he looks like he can t win, the less urgent it is that he endorse her. that could cut either why, you re right. but we ll see if the republican leadership looks today to make
sure like he can t win. they ve doubled down. they don t have a say, this is still about our voters, not about our leaders. and trump as recently as this weekend was echoing the sanders attack on clinton. voters are still hearing that, despiting what the gop leaders are doing. the must-read opinion pages are still ahead. and check out the morning joe newsletter for a complete wrap of our big guests and best moments. go to to subscribe. we ll be right back. usg 60,000 points from chase ink card i bought all the framework. and plants needed tgive my shop. a ce. no one will forget. see what the power of points can do for your business.
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that money is not god. and human dignity is very, very important. your integrity is way up there and as a single human being, if you carry yourself in a certain way, you can defy all evil that comes at us. that was nfl legend, jim brown, who was on nbc s meet the press on sunday morning, talking about the passing of his friend, muhammad ali. the boxer s death has been ruled septic shock due to unspecified natural causes. a public funeral will be held on friday, where former president bill clinton is expected to speak, along with bryant gumball and billy crystal.
reverend al, your thoughts? i think that this man is we will not see the likes of him again. you know, muhammad ali, as i said earlier, he redefined how we judged slsht and success. he made standing for something against all odds, you must remember, he didn t risk it all, he lost it all. he was the heavy weight champion of the world, and all the perks that went along with it. and he gave all of that up, because he wanted to take a stand on his religious beliefs. and he was stripped of his title, lost any possibilities of endorsements, lost wealth, and was convicted and sentenced to jail. he gave it all up. he had no way of knowing the supreme court was going to overturn that conviction. and ting that because he stood for something, even people that were pro-war at the time, and that were very right wing, they respected a guy that really stood by what he believed. and i think that that s why he s had the impact.
and to see him go from that, to lighting that torch, to being honored by george bush how about that, there you are, taking a punch at him. i got to know him until he died and he was the most genuinely nice guy, joe. he was a celebrity that never got caught up in it. he would actually run, looking for crowds and to be mobbed. he was a gentle guy, even to the end. i told the story the other night that i think gives you an idea. one of our national action network board members, who represents cam newton, and cam newton was a huge muhammad ali fan. even though he was a bowman when he was ali was chairman. he said, i want to get mrs. ali to wish him a happy birthday. i know the champ is sickly and doesn t speak well. and i called mrs. ali. she says, oh, yeah, we need who he is, i ll be glad to do that
on behalf of the chair. he gave me the time on the birthday to call her, and i called, connected cam newton and said, i have no idea. and i said, i have a surprise, mrs. muhammad ali is on the phone. and she said, champ, this is lonny ali, i want to wish you happy birthday. hold on a minute. and all of a sudden, you hear this voice say, man, you almost as pretty as me. and ali in a clear moment made the world to cam newton. this is just two years ago. that was the kind of guy he was. to know him was to a genuinely gentle guy when shook the world, but never, ever walked past an autograph or a lady that wanted a picture. he was a real humane kind of guy. that s a beautiful way to put it. thank you, reverend al. straight ahead, after the 2012 race, someone warned the republican party about their tone towards hispanics. this person said democrats, what they had going for them is that they weren t mean spirited about immigration. you won t believe who said that.
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correspondent, katy tur, who s covering the trump campaign. also with us, director of politics studies at stanford university, lon hi-chen. katy, you have new reporting this morning that dronald trump does not have a campaign. so explain that. that s a problem. it is essentially the title of the report. he doesn t have much of campaign. he hasn t grown since he got the nomination. the campaign says they are currently trying to grow the operation and they will be growing the operation. we are told that there should be some new hires this week and the new york times, of course, is reporting that they hired a replacement for rick wiley, jim murphy, but other than that, they don t really have a communications team. they have one person who deals
with the hundreds of media requests he s getting during the day and no rapid response. when hillary clinton comes out with a foreign policy speech that blasts him, they don t have a response to it. but is there a i ve heard there s growing internal dissent. there s growing internal dissent. on the inside that this kpab is just not taking off. absolutely. and for the first time, i m hearing inside the campaign, the same thing that i ve been hearing outside the campaign. especially with some of the more outrageous comments or controversial comments, you guys have been calling them racist comments earlier this morning, about judge curiel. i m hearing aides say that this is extraordinarily frustrating to them that they believe these are the sort of things that will end up sinking this campaign. the biggest hurdle right now is the candidate himself, because he says what he wants, no matter what they do behind the scenes. do they have any theory as to why he s been acting the way he has over the past couple of weeks? no. going to wisconsin, he had a horrible stretch, self-corrected, had a couple of
clean weeks. and won a lot of contests. and i m not sure what it is. what s going on in the past two weeks. people have been asking and have been trying to figure it out. it seems he has a shorter fuse in the past few weeks. he s been doing positive reinforcement of his veterans money that he raised. and the judge curiel comments are just, for a lot of people, a bridge too far. is it enough for them to quit and to find work elsewhere? no, not as of now. but they think at the same time they can hire all the people that they want. they can hire the best people, if they could get them. but it doesn t ultimately matter, because donald trump will say what he wants. you ve heard one of the things i ve heard, which is that they re having a hard time figuring out how to get him to learn. and this is a point where you have to start learning some new things about foreign policy. you have to start fleshing out a way to pass a commander in chief
test. what do they say the hurdles are to that? i m told by sources, the only two people that donald trump actually listens to are hope and cory. and that s his communications not director, officially, but essentially. and cory lewandowski, who is his manager. and they travel with him on the plane. and i m told that when he s out there, they have complete and total access to him. they re a firewall, in many ways. this is where a lack of campaign infrastructure is going to start to hurt him. there s no surrogates to back him up. maybe there wouldn t be a chorus of support anyway when he says crazy things. there s no communications team, there s no policy team. there s no standard infrastructure of a campaign. you have the pirate ship captain and the pirate ship, but that s it. the problem isn t the structure or lack thereof of the campaign, the problem is the candidate. but, i mean, that is the problem. but there is no infrastructure whatsoever. donald trump s not saying he s not going to target, he s going
to go and give big speeches at big rallies. and trump has specifically decided, this is how he wants it. i think he s absolutely exhausted to the point where he s almost delirious. no, i m that s probably part of it. i m serious and i don t mean it as a joke. i think a lot of the things that are coming out of his mouth are delirium. he s a guy who doesn t sleep. he s extremely high strung. he works 24 hours a day. this is not my this is what he ll tell you. and by the way, mika. he can t rein it in. and you ve said this before. actually, you ve said it on the air a good bit, that reading from a teleprompter is the easiest thing in the world. doing it the way every other candidate does it, that s easy. donald trump goes out, 69 years old, does a stand-up routine two, three, four times a day in the hot sun, he gets no sleep. he exhausts himself. probably dehydrated.
he has no support system, because he doesn t want a support system. no campaign. cory and hope. all this adds up. it s very obvious that at this point, he is absolutely exhausted. by his own choice. that s right. people don t realize how hard it is to run for president, physically. right? mitt was in great shape in 2008 and 2012. the guy worked out pretty much every day and, you know, he wasn t a young guy, but he was able to do it, because he conditioned himself to do it. part of the discipline for running for president. and with trump, it s pretty clear, he s just all over the place. and i think speaking of all over the place, after the 2012 election, donald trump spoke with news max, where he diagnosed romney s loss in part, quote, because of the party s mine spirited and unwelcoming attitude towards people of color, specifically latinos. he said in part mitt romney had a crazy policy of self-deportation, which was maniacal.
it sounded as bad as it was and he lost all the latino vote. he went on to say, he lost the asian vote. he lost everyone who s inspired to come into this country. he said the democrats didn t really have a policy in dealing with illegal immigration, but, quote, what they were is they were kind. isn t that something? it s surreal. and here we are, just four years ago, when everybody was trying to figure out why the republicans had lost, donald trump said what everyone else was saying. not only did we lose black americans in record rates, we lost hispanic americans in record rates, and asian americans, who tropically in the past had trended republican, we lost asian americans. and lost women by larger margins. bush had shrunk the gender gap, which is how he had his decisive victory in 04. everything s trump doing is reinforcing all of the things that lead to our defeats in 08 and 12. and the stunning thing about immigration is that he knows
better. the stunning thing to me about trump is that he you know, his impulses and his instincts are not toward the more divisive policies of the republican party in recent history. he s barely literate in the language of the social issues, which divide our movement more than any others. and yet, he s managing to be the most divisive figure our party has ever seen. this is a guy who met with dreamers just a few years ago. this is a guy who talked about a pathway to legalization of citizenship. and now he s out there, way on the other side of the issue. saying that if you have. why can t he find another candidate? saying if you have any mexican heritage. bill kristol keeps trying. mr. wrong. we have a guy who has said all of this, who now goes after a guy who was born if indiana. i think what you have here, which this is what a lot of people say behind the scenes, this is what a lot of the strategists worry about and what a lot of democrats even say, they believe that at his core, donald trump is an opportunist. if he saw this opening in the democratic party the way he saw
this in the republican party, he would have run as a democrat. all you have to do to understand donald trump, and i did this the other day, read the art of the deal everything is completely laid out. it s all about trusting his gut as opposed to trusting a pr machine or data machine. he does not fundamentally believe in them. he believes about walking into a room, not necessarily prepared, reading the room, and deciding where to go from there. that is what he has done this entire campaign. he does not have policy behind him, not because he doesn t have a staff, he doesn t want the policy behind him, because he s not hiring the staff. he goes into the room. this is why you re seeing the same campaign speech over and over, that essentially hasn t changed now for 11 months. build a wall, muslim ban, et cetera, because he reads the room and the room reacts and he keeps going with it. katy tur, thank you. we ll be right back with much more morning joe. (vo) on the, you learn what makes our heating and cooling systems so reliable. if there s a breaking point, we ll find it.
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coming up at the top of the hour, donald trump under fire from all sides, including members of his own party, after suggesting he s being treated unfairly in federal court because of the judge s mexican heritage. steve schmidt and harold ford jr. join the conversation. plus, the clinton campaign is keeping the so-called big dog on a short leash. but with the primaries winding down, could we see bill clinton go on the attack? nbc s kasie hunt has that reporting, ahead. (man) oh, lood most of the show. (woman) and there s noay to restart it. (jon bon jovi) with directv there is. you see, we ve got the power to turn back time
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you worry that mary goldwater would leave a stain on the party. do you worry that donald trump will leave a stain on the party the way goldwater did? i am concerned about the hispanic vote. america s changing. when ronald reagan was elected, 84% of the american electorate was white. this november, 70% will be. i think it s a big mistake for our party to write off latino americans. they re an important part of our country and soon to be, if not already, the largest minority group in the country. and soy i am concerned about tt and i hope he ll change his direction on that. so mitch mcconnell asked three times whether it was
racist to say that a guy how can you not answer a question like that, if i may ask, please? let me just start by saying it s june the 6th. happy birthday, carlie. sorry. 18! it s big. her daughter turns 18. i have no more kids. it s big! no, trust me what? anybody that has kids that are over 18, they will give you four words. it never ends? three words. big kids, big problems. harold knew that one. you ve heard that before, right. i ve heard it. she sleeps with the night-night she got when she was born. is that bad? my dad says it never ends. so cute. it never does. she s so cute. so a lot of things happened today. carlie s born. june 6th. yes! the passing of bobby kennedy, one of my political idols and the reason, along with ronald
reagan, as weird as it sounds, i got into politics because of bobby kennedy and ronald reagan. and bobby kennedy, inspired in large part the night martin luther king died in indianapolis. kills that speech. i think it s one of the greatest speeches in american history. and as jeff greenberg bitterly greenfeld, i mean, bitterly states, since he was probably a speechwriter, he goes, and the son of a bitch, he wrote it himself. hate it when that happens. but also the speech he gave in south africa two years before, on this very date, one of the great speeches. so and also, of course, d-day. we remember the men and women who scaled the cliffs of normandy in 1944. and it just the boys the boys of omaha beach, who liberated europe, liberated the world and kept this world free. along with nicole, we have msnbc political analyst and professor of the university of
michigan school of public policy, and former democratic congressman, harold ford jr. good morning. and former mccain senior campaign strategist, and msnbc political analyst, and professor at the university of michigan. wow! public policy. we re both a teaching harold ford jr., and mark halperin is here as well. so, steve schmidt, i m sure couldn t get that. i m sure those young men he s reading prompters. i m sure those boys were scaling the cliffs, the jagged cliffs at omaha beach and normdy that morning, so many years ago, for the opportunity for americans to go up and vote for a president that says that if you were born in america, but if your relatives were 1/16th or 1/8th mexican, that you were unqualified to be fair as a judge. one of the most beautiful places any american could ever visit is the american cemetery in normandy, which lies t s on
cliffs above omaha beach. and what you re struck by there in this place of beauty and serenity, is all of those graves face west towards home. an army at permanent, silent rest. and you think about that army at rest judging, back home, you know, the country that they left. most of them hadn t been 50 m e miles from their hometowns to save the world. what would they think? and that army of liberation was made up of all the people of the world. made up of germans and italians and poles, the sons of immigrants. and what brings us together as a country is the only country in the world that is formed on the basis of an idea, that all men are created equal. it s not where you were born, but buying into that idea. and this judge is not a mexican, he s an american. he s every bit as much an american as donald trump is. and someone who wants to be the republican nominee. someone who wants to be
president of the united states must understand that. must understand the nature of there shouldn t even be an argument. you see cross sz and you see stars of david and what you find, as you re at normandy, at the cemetery, that faces west and looks out over the english channel, and is just it is absolutely the most stunning, most moving place i ve ever been in my life. you also see that christians died on that battlefield. you see that jews died on that battlefield. you see that muslims died on that battlefield. and they all fought for freedom. to free the world from a tyrant that was actually separating people based on religion, based on creed. and it s staggering that here we are in 2016, and you have a presidential candidate going on tv yesterday saying if anybody in your family was mexican or if or muslim. or if anybody in your family
is muslim, you may not be qualified to be a judge in the united states of america. and true to form, to this republican party, many of them endorsing him and spineless and shallow. and i wonder how much of this is on us as the establishment figures, much hated by the base of o our party, but how much of this is on us, as the establishment class of the republican party? do we lose faith with our base, to the point we have no more credibility with our base. you ve been writing about this for years, that our base was crying out for more populist economic policies that our base saw an establishment that def d defended wall street for no reason. our base got nothing out of wall street. how much of is this is i read three books in 94 and 2009 and 2013 after the loss, all talking about the same thing. instead, we ve had this party taken over by a guy that speaks to those populist yearnings, but
mixes in racially intemperate remarks, whether it s about banning muslims, whether it s, again, something that we said back in december. i remember saying, is this what nazi germany is this what germany looked like in 1933. or pretending he doesn t know who david duke is. acting ignorant when it comes to the clan. and he s only getting worse. look, if you extend his argument out to its logical end, it basically means the that when you are being judged by the law or you re being examined by a group of your peers, they have to look just like you, come from the same have the exact same background as you do, as part of american therefore you re not fit to think. right, so in other words, i think steve said it better than i ve heard anyone say it here over the last few days. that would mean that blacks should only judge blacks, whites should only judge whites, asians should only judge asians and hispanics should only judge
hispanics. i think this is among the continuum of things he s said that have to make people stand back and wonder if this is the person you want in the white house. newt gingrich said it better than anybody. you re now the republican nominee. you re no longer running for the republican nomination, where some things can be said which is a terrible kpoo exco begin with. i agree, but as the nominee, you have a bigger responsibility. so these republicans who have endorsed him have gotten nothing from him. nothing. nothing at all. and quite frankly, paul ryan s productive conversations have gotten him nothing at all. i don t know what they were. he s actually gotten worse. here s donald trump on friday over the weekend, continuing to attack the federal judge over seeing the trump university case, which you ought to take a look at, for his ethnicity. take a look. he s a mexican. we re building a wall between here and mexico. this judge is giving us unfair rulings. now i say, why?
well, i m building a wall, okay? and it s a wall between mexico. not another country. but he s not from mexico. he s from indiana. he s mexican heritage. and he s very proud of it. if you are saying he can t do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism? though. i don t think so at all. no? no. he s proud of his heritage. but you re saying he can t do his job because of it. look, he s proud of his heritage, okay? i m building a wall. why why did you refer to his ethnicity, donald? because his heritage is mexican. so what? and i want to build a wall. and i m get along great, i think, with hispanics, and i want to build a wall. there are some people who don t like it. but some of the numbers don t indicate that. do you think you have to dial it back? look, i have to be what i have to be. if it were a muslim judge, would you also feel like they wouldn t be able to treat you fairly because of that policy of yours? it s possible, yes. that would be possible, absolutely. isn t there sort of a tradition in america that we don t judge people by who their
parents are and where they come from. i m talking about common sense, okay? he s proud of his heritage. i think that s great. but you re saying it s a barrier to him doing his job? well, he s not treating my fairly. he s not talking about common sense, he s talking about racism. he calls this guy mexican he says, the guy s a mexican. the guy s an indianan, he s a hoosier! he s every bit as much of an american as donald trump is. every bit as much. and he says, absolutely, a muslim judge couldn t be fair, as well. he s an american. stop! this has to stop. these racist comments. he s a mexican. by definition, he means that no judge who takes an oath is unable to live up to his or her oath, because at the end of the day, they will retreat to who they are no, he s what their bloodline is. are we talking about horses? what if he was adopted! this is so crazy!
do we need to go to! this is crazy. here s what s important. what makes you an american, if you re not from the country, if you re not a natural born citizen, is that you take an oath. but he is. he is, i want to be clear. but what makes you an american is swearing an oath of allegiance to the constitution of the united states. and that s it. then you re an american as much as the americans who came off do you know what happens after that? you re every bit as much american as you or you are we really having this conversation? that s what separates us from other countries where people move to those countries and don t become part of the social fabric for centuries. if donald trump becomes president of the united states, he ascends to the office of president with a 35-word oath that he swears to preserve, protect, and ee eed defend the constitution of the united states. and in that constitution, it makes very clear, we don t have
a religious test for public office in the united states. it s what separates us from the other countries of the world. and this federal judge, an american, born in indiana, every bit as much an american as donald trump is, he has sworn an oath to defend the constitution of the united states. and this is important. i m glad we ve spent 12 minutes explaining this to people. no, i cannot believe we have to explain this. and there are some republicans who apparently don t understand this. trump s insistence on using the judge s heritage as a sign of bias was not well received by leaders and supporters in his own party, sort of. look, the comment about the judge the other day just was out of left field from my mind. it s reasoning i don t relate to. i completely disagree with the thinking behind that. and so, he clearly says and does things i don t agree with and i ve had to speak up on time to time when that has occurred, and i will continue to do that if
necessary. i hope it s not. this is one of the worst mistakes the trump has made. and i think it s inexcusable. this judge was born if indiana. he is an american. period. when you come to america, you get to become an american. and trump, who has grandparents who came to the u.s. should understand this as much as anybody. if a liberal were to attack justice clarence thomas on the grounds that he s black, we would all go crazy. every conservative would say it was wrong and it was racism. he has essentially said he cannot be impartial because he s hispanic. that s a is that not a racist statement? i couldn t disagree more with a statement like this. is it a racist statement? i couldn t disagree more with what he had to say? okay. but do you why were you do you think it s a racist statement to say? i don t agree with what he had to say. mark halperin, is that a racist statement? why can t he tell the truth? this is a statement that goes to so many different things
about race, about national origin, heritage, the muslim comment about religion. and you know, i know, mika, one level, spending all this time on it is seemingly sort of like overkill. but this is the republican nominee. and it s not just the republican elites who have endorsed him now and are criticizing him, but still endorsing him, but the voters who voted for him, like joe s brother, who are asking the question, is this the kind of representation we want at the top of the ticket? and you see people like rob portman and kelly ayotte, who have tough senate re-election campaigns, denouncing him. i think this one will go on for a good, long while. it s not going to be like a trump comment that people kind of move on from. until and unless he apologizes. and even then, he can t unring the bell of what he said and what it represents about his view. as harold said, about what judiciary means. what it means to be an american. and you have again, newt gingrich offered some of the toughest, i thought, some of the
toughest then he made a comment about african-americans, it just went on and on and on with donald trump. he said, look at my african-american oh, we have that. that s what i was trying to get here. so this is donald trump, just pointing out someone who supports him. we had a case where we had an african-american guy, who was a fan of mine. great fan. great guy! in fact, i want to find out what s going on with him. do you know what i m oh, look at my african-american over here! look at him. no, no, no, don t. what? what was that? he s exhausted. he s delirious, he s out of his mind. that is what it is. what century is he from? stuff is spewing out of his mouth. he s not thinking. he didn t mean it. do you think he ll sound better when he s rested? you think trump at his best doesn t have any of these thoughts. these are his instincts. he reinforces some of the worst instincts people can have. it s almost like saying, if i go
to a doctor who happens to be not my race or she doesn t give me i don t know if i m getting the right advice because i don t look like him. or you re getting a taxi here in new york, they won t take me because they don t look he. it s a disgusting thing to watch. and what s more disgusting than me to is to watch people not in unisome con come out and denoun what he s done. no one around this table falls in that camp. but what has been done to make the people in the country want to look to him and be supportive of someone who makes the kind of un-american well, we certainly need leadership in washington. unless this is the road you want to go down. i don t have any problem with him attacking liberal philosophy. newt gingrich said it best, if he believes this judge is too liberal, that s fair game. but what he s attacking people on and the fact that we have people supporting him i think is more disconcerting than the
things he s saying. conservative commentator and trump on the, erick erickson is out with a blistering editorial, hitting the republican establishment and the media for not calling trump out for his attacks on judge curiel s mexican heritage. quote, the attacks are racist, mitch mcconnell, to claim that someone is unable to objectively and professionally perform his job, because of his race, is racism. and damn the gop for its unwillingness to speak up on this. the leaders of the party confronted by todd akin, abandoned ship for a stupid statements on rape and abortion, but the party of lincoln intends to circle the wagons around a racist? damn them for that. bless his heart. chuck todd read senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, that editorial yesterday, and this was his response. i think the party of lincoln wants to win the white house and the right of center world needs to respect the fact that the primary voters have spoken.
donald trump has won the nomination the old-fashioned way. he got more votes than anybody else. is he the perfect candidate for a lot of us? he isn t. but we have a two-party system here. nicole, you gasped, and said, oh, my god. because i think when you invoke lincoln in the defense of racism, it ties my brain in a knot i won t be able to untie for hours. he says we want to win no matter what. no, we re not a party that wins no matter what. john mccain would not want to win no matter what. mitt romney would not win at any expense. mitch mcconnell gave very unsfoirkt answers. do they want different things than what its leaders are giving them? our voters identify the right problem, right? the establishment is vastly out of touch with the base of the party on the question of economic security. it s out of step with the base of our party on national our base does not want to go to war in the middle east to solve problems that they don t
understand the connection to our national security. but our base has not become fundamentally racist. and steve schmidt, this is now, as i said, now that paul ryan s all in i wouldn t call it all in. you now have the house and the senate suddenly in play. this could be armageddon for the republicans in 2016. i would disagree that they re all in. i would say what they re trying to do is walk down the middle line in the middle of the highway, which is a great place to get run over from. the leader said, we have a two-party system. what i would say back to the leader is not for very much longer. what we talked about, d-day today. let me give an analogy. there s every possibility that the republican party looks like b berlin in may of 1945, by the time this election is over. having been krushd and losing
control of the senate, with our house majority down to less than ten seats. there is a political reckoning coming, unless and until republican leaders are able to speak truth to power, if you will, be able to communicate to the american people. you have a great moment during the mccarthy hearings. you had secretary welch say, finally, at long last, sir, do you have no sense of decency? where are the leaders who will put principle over politics? and as much as anything, with this election shows the american people yearning for is toughness, is guts, and courage. but courage not to speak to the darkest impulse, but what has always been true in american history, for leaders to reach out to the better angels of our nature. we talk about d-day. one of the great acts of heroism on that day, the son of a president of the united states, teddy roosevelt jr., brigadier general, the first man at his insistence off of the landing crafts at utah beach, looks
around and realizes immediately they had landed miles to the west. he said, it s fine. he goes, we start the war from here. and that man, the son of a president, buried next to his brother in that cemetery overlooking the beaches of omaha, in that army at rest there, was made of jews and christians and american indianas and poles and germans and all the peoples of the world who came to this place, to this free country. and for the republican nominee, the steward of the party of abraham lincoln, to be making these comments and for them to be accommodated, to excuse the way by the leadership of the party, including the senate majority leader, including the speaker of the house, it guarantees that that political party, the third oldest in the world, will not endure, as we know it today, long past this election in november. i m still hoping the that
endorsements will be revoked. that was beautifully put. i ve never seen it before, i don t think, but why not start now, paul ryan? and others. still ahead on morning joe, republican senator jeff flake of arizona, who has been, shall we say, hesitant to support donald trump. also ahead this morning i don t want to pick a fight, but if i were him, i would be screaming, too, because if you figure this out, they re toast for election day. bill clinton had a few words for bernie sanders supporters yesterday in california. the former president has largely stayed on message in the primaries, but will that change in the general election? kasie hunt spoke with bill clinton on the trail over the weekend and she joins us next with that reporting. hey there, hi. why do people have eyebrows? why do people put milk on cereal? oh, are you reading why people put milk on cereal? why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily ? why is it all (mimics a stomach grumble) no more questions for you!
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show me previously watched. what s recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. 26 past the hour. he is one of the most renowned retail politicians in history. he was barack obama s secretary of explaining stuff. but bill clinton s role with his wife s campaign has evolved from
eight years ago and joining us from los angeles, msnbc political correspondent, kasie hunt. with a look at his unique role. kasie? reporter: mika, good morning. it s been really all hands on deck for the clintons here in california in this final sprint. and it s actually put bill clinton out on the trail, even more frequently than his wife. and you guys remember, he caused her some headaches in 2008, and there s been a lot of focus internally on whether or not he could do a better job this time. so i spent some time on the trail this weekend to try to find out. once the big dog william jefferson clinton! getting comfortable on a smaller stage. look at this guy s t-shirt. it said, bill clinton for first lady. reporter: he s older now. i would like to be 25 years old, too. i was, a few years ago. reporter: and a little bit
wiser than he was in 2008, when he got himself in trouble criticizing barack obama. this whole thing is the biggest fairy tale i ve ever seen. reporter: this year, he s campaigned for his wife more than 400 times in 40 states. and he s kept it almost all about her. i hope you ll help her. reporter: his entourage is smaller and so are his events. unless you re reading the local paper, you d hardly know he jammed with a band in north dakota, tossed back some rum in puerto rico. whoa! reporter: and campaigned for just a couple hundred people in compton, bringing out those who remember the best of his presidency. he was the only white/black president in office. reporter: but clinton himself acknowledges the general election is set to be the nastiest in recent memory. what does this political moment remind you of more than any orr time in your political career? the contentious of it is the most extreme i ve seen, but when i ran in 92, i was also smashed
by the republicans for a year. reporter: this year, republicans want voters to remember bill clinton as slick willy. white water, impeachment, lies. he didn t have sex with that woman. reporter: so far, bill clinton has kept his cool. i think people are smart enough to figure this out. reporter: but five months are many life times in politics, and donald trump isn t about to let up. i know what donald trump is doing. he s trying to bait bill clinton. he wants this debate. bill clinton has the tendency of taking the bait. it will be interesting to see whether he can resist that temptation. and you saw earlier that bill clinton did say that he thinks bernie will be toast or at least that his supporters know he will be toast after election day. so clearly, it s right below the surface. the other thing i also talked to bill clinton about on the rope line was how democrats can unify after tuesday, and he was very careful to steer clear, but he made the point that he and hillary clinton both campaigned
hard for barack obama in 2008 after she lost, kind of suggests where he thinks bernie sanders should go from here, guys. thank you, kasie. and one thing that bernie sanders ought to keep in mind is that when hillary clinton and bill clinton campaigned for obama, they also negotiated a nice job for her. maybe they did. a deal. absolutely. they did. jonathan capehart, welcome to the show. you re wanting to continue the conversation about donald trump. yes, we, the only thing i wanted to add to everything that was said, and it s the condemnation of what donald trump said, i think is great to hear, but anybody who is surprised by what s happening now, by the trouble that are you talking about paul ryan? i m talking about the trouble that donald trump is in by saying well, paul ryan s surprised. quote, it s out of left
field. no, it s not. anybody who was watching donald trump s announcement on june 16th, 2016, when he said that mexico is sending over their rapists and this and that, and it went downhill from there. anyone who is surprised that he is lashing out at an american judge whose parents or whose lineage is from mexico, who says that muslim american judge would somehow be biased, would put heritage above the law, anyone who is surprised by this has not been paying attention for 355 day. and it s so interesting, paul ryan says it s out of left field, but paul ryan criticized him on the muslim ban, but still supports him, have been though he suggests banning muslims. how is the response to what newt gingrich has said about donald trump? we ve got the first reaction from trump on fox and friends this morning, was asked about gingrich s criticism and said what gingrich said was
inappropriate and talked a lot about the facts of his civil case on trump u. i think this is a big moment for this nomination fight. yes, as jonathan and others have said, this should not be a surprise. trump has said other things like this in the past. it s the moment where he s trying to consolidate the republican party. where a lot of republicans like paul ryan basically took a leap of faith and said, we have no choice but to endorse. we re hoping to influence him. and this shows people have no influence on him. he s been battered all weekend, when no one s come to his defense, he s criticizing newt gingrich by acknowledging an error. and acknowledging an error on this issue, it s too little for a lot of people. the republican party cannot afford to take a leap of faith on donald trump. what paul ryan should have done. they got nothing out of him.
they should revoke their endorsements or they are literally playing into this. and pretend to be surprised, is a joke. and as steve schmidt said, you now, harold ford, have the senate and the house at play. because you have their leaders supporting donald trump. and looking like complete fools. you ve said it over and over again and said it again this morning. when in defense of paul ryan, when paul was elected speaker, and and i was a friend of john boehner, but when he was elected speaker, it was a fresh of breath air. and i take him at his word, that perhaps he thought this guy would be different. you re right now, mika. he has a responsibility. and i hope that my friend, if he believes what he said and i happen to agree with that. he might have surprised after their conversation. i don t know what they talked about privately. after listening to trump, and what mark is saying, he doubled down this morning on those comments this morning on another network. i don t think there s any doubt the republican leadership has a response has to act! has a responsibility to act
consistent with what steve has talked about this morning as well. absolutely. jonathan, stay with us. coming up, he proved he was the greatest with his mouth and his fists. remembering muhammad ali with bob costas when morning joe continues. jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive when a moment rns romantic why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a throom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines,
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i know that my father, one of the things that he was afraid of was death and he definitely
didn t want to just move on. but we re not in control. obviously, god is in control and everything, pretty much, is written. and it was time for him to go. and i know he s in a better place now and he s talking again and moving again and doing all the things that he couldn t do in this body. and i m happy for that. even though i will miss him deeply. that was move muhammad ali s daughter, lila ali, moments ago on the today show. with us now is bob costas. bob, the greatest show on earth, possibly, the greatest heavyweight boxer ever. what are your thoughts and remembrances of muhammad ali? so many things have been said over the last 48 hours plus, some of them by me in other places. so, just to focus on give us the best of costas. i don t know if it s the best, but some points that haven t been hit as hard. we were just talking about it during the break. when first cashius clay and then
muhammad ali were the heavyweight champion of the world, boxing was mainstream. they were live, and if they were pay per view, muhammad ali would be sitting there, they would show you the whole fight. now, who s the best boxer in the world? maybe pound for pound, floyd y mayweather. most people have never seen him fight. the fights are on hbo or pay per view, whatever it may be. he wasn t just a unique person with a unique personality and extraordinary talent and all the charisma and everything everyone has talked about. he had the platform. and i was talking about how my entire family, it sounds like the 1930s, but the early 70s, fight of the century, we all sat around the radio listening. we listened when he fought norton. we listened to the i remember the thrilla in manilla, staying up late and listening to that. all of them. he was the greatest show on earth. and he was a hero to many, he was a villain to many. you were talking about the politics. he split it right down the middle, because of his position on vietnam.
when he fought joe frazier, especially the first one, the so-called fight of the century in 71 at madison square garden, people chose sides based on political preferences, not so much, i like this guy s boxing style as opposed to that guy s. and an unfortunate victim of that was joe frazier. joe frazier was an admirable man. was he as profound a man as muhammad ali? not even close. but he was a great fighter and an admirable man. and ali turned him into a foil, called him the white man s champion. and joe did not have the called him a gorilla. ridiculed him. right. actually made racial things that would be outrageous. that he actually let ali bother money, tried to be a friend, wanted to give him a second chance. and he said he didn t understand ali attacking him, it was part of the big show. when ali was in exile, joe
tried to befriend him and tried to support him. you know, i m thinking of a contemporary of ali s, like arthur ash. in many ways, arthur ash was the most impressive person that i ve met in sports. intellectually, principled, but arthur ash, while a great tennis player, was never the greatest tennis player. and tennis has never been to america what baseball was, especially in jackie robinson s time. what boxing was in muhammad ali s time. arthur ash had everything you d want in a human being. he didn t have the flamboyance of muhammad ali, but he had the integrity and the intellect. but he didn t have a platform. bob, speak to one moment, howard cosell and muhammad ali s relationship and interdependence and how they both used that platform to grow their own celebrity, but more importantly to grow what they did for the public space today. the terrific sports writer, david kindred wrote a book about the relationship between the two of them. and cosell, although the world, was fascinated by ali, cosell
gave him a television platform on a consistent basis. and they played off of each other perfectly. and it was obvious that there was affection and you have to give cosell tremendous credit. consensus formed after the fact. when ali was a poll-rising figure, cosell stood up for him and he took the flack and a lot of that flack was anti-semitic in nature, because of cosell s own background. so, you know, howard could be overbearing at times, but he was principled in a number of stands, especially that one. that s the proudest note on howard cosell s resume, is his relationship with muhammad ali. which was also humorous. ali would say, howard, every time you open your mouth, you should be prosecuted for air pollution! you could have been a boxer, but they couldn t find a mouthpiece big enough for your mouth, howard! howard, your name is phony and your hair comes from the tail of a pony! how can i follow that?
but one of the things in reading all of the stories about muhammad ali. as a kid, when there is a fight on television, that was a family moment. you gathered around and you watched the fight. but in reading the stories about muhammad ali and you know, his greatest line was, i m the greatest of all time. in reading the stories about his fighting style and especially the fight against sunny listin, all the sports writers said, he was toast. he was going down, he was going to go down to defeat, primarily because his fighting style was unlike anything anyone has ever seen. muhammad ali knew he was the greatest before he fought sunny listin. and with this unique fighting style. and then when it all finished, muhammad ali was proven rate. yeah, listin was such a fearsome figure. he was george foreman before george foreman, mike tyson before mike tyson. he had taken floyd patterson out in consecutive fights in first-round knockouts. then cashius clay was a 7-1
underdog. and even fighters who were thought to be defensive experts, they didn t fight with their hands to their sides. they bobbed and weaved. he leaned back. and the boxing expert said he ll lean back, listin will step in and knock him on his keister. didn t happen that way. never happened. we ve got to go, but really quickly, i m just curious, do you think the 75 fight in manila was the greatest boxing match ever? boy, it was a war of attrition and if you have 30 seconds, what summed it up, i think the relationship between the two of them, because they had given each other physical abuse and in the case of ali, toward frazier, verbal abuse. and they met in the middle of the ring, at some point during the fight, and a begrudging show of respect, ali said, old joe frazier, they told me you was all washed up. and frazier spat back, they told you wrong, pretty boy. and he proceeded to beat the crap out of each other some more. in the first fight, in the fight of the century, that amazing moment straight out of a
movie where frazier was hitting him, and ali said, don t you know, i am god. and frazier says back, well, god, you came to the wrong place tonight. thank you so much. greatly appreciate you being here. thank you, guys. we ll be right back. the call just came in. she s about to arrive. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account.of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t.
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if this doesn t change, we re in for big trouble. so do you think, that, like, party leaders who have endorsed him should perhaps revoke their endorsements at this point? no, party leaders are trying to mold him and brick him back but it s not working. it s clearly not working right now. it s gotten worse, in fact. statements this week on the judge, that s a new level. because it s not just, you know,
ill-informed or ignorant statements. but they suggest that when he s president, you know, after november, that, you know, perhaps he ought to go after that judge. that s a whole new level. so that s it s very disturbing. also, a guy that was born in america. a guy from the midwest like paul ryan, born in indiana. he s not even looking at his citizenship. he s not his place of birth. he s going in. this sounds like nuremberg. 132nd jewish. are you 1/16 black, 1/8 mexican. what standard is this? it s not american. the whole thing the republicans favor against this identity politics to say that if you are a certain gender or certain race that you have to vote that way. he s just trying to confirm that stereotype that s completely wrong. and it just it s offensive. it really is. and this week it was a whole new level. is there any reason why you
would think that he should be president? he was not my first choice nor my 17th choice. you had to have one. he s the nominee, and we ll have to deal with that. i hope that he changes. we haven t yet seen but you re not endorsing him? no. i it s uncomfortable not having endorsed the republican nominee. i have to say. do you think jeb bush staked out a reasonably principled position by saying he won t vote for donald trump or hillary clinton? do you see yourself in that position? i hope to be able to support the nominee. i certainly can t right now. is there any other candidate that you could support? no, i don t think there s time for a third party candidate at this point. i think we have what we have. and we re not in a good situation. let s face it. but we hope that he ll come
around. we hope that the muslim ban on this latest statement, i hope he walks it back. he seems to for a day or two, but you never know where he s going to be the next day. and so that s what you re going to be deal with? part of the conversation over the last several weeks has been about what this says about the base of the republican party. and the base is not where donald trump is, but the base in large part helped propel him to the nomination. what does this is a about the republican base in your estimation? this is not the arizona republican base but may be other bases around the country. what does this mean going forward? he won arizona. he did, but there s a big difference between winning a primary and winning a general election. he ll have trouble in arizona if he continues to stake out the positions that he staked out. i do think that the base will come around and realize, hey, we ve got to win a general election, and these views, it s fun during a primary to take it to the man, whatever, but in the
end, you have to win elections and you have to represent not just a few of the base of the party but the broader electorate. i hope he comes around. steve schmidt is with us. how worried are you about arizona? can you siee you scenario where there s a surge in latino voting and it tips into the democratic column? it s not just latino voters. latinos make up about 33% of the population. it s less of that in terms of registered voters and even less in terms of turnout. but it is significant. and i worry about that, but i worry more about the broader electorate. right thinking republicans want somebody who is serious, for example, on immigration reform. and saying that we re going to build a wall and make mexico pay for it is not a serious proposal. they want serious proposals on how to deal with this war on terrorism saying that you re going to wban muslims from
entering the country is not a serious propose pam it s not just hispanic voters. i am concerned about them, but it s the broader electorate, broader republicans. senator jeff flake, thank you. we appreciate your candor. very uncomfortable position. we ll have much more on this issue at the top of the hour. also, the fight for california coming down to the wire. but everything may be decided, but for the polls there, before they close, hillary clinton s campaign says she can win the nomination any minute now. but bernie sanders remains steadfast about a summer trip to philadelphia. and reverend al sharpton reflects on the life of his longtime friend and legendary boxer muhammad ali. morning joe will be right back.
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over the channel there was heavy cloud. already postpone the invasion 24 hours, but now the operation was under way. the invasion armada. 12,000 ships were headed south. good morning. it is monday, june 6th. what a day in history. what a day in history. welcome to morning joe, everyone. withous set, managing editor of bloomberg politics and co-host of with all due respect, mark halperin, former communications director for george w. bush, nicolle wallace, and the host of politics nation, president of the national action network, reverend al sharpton.
we ll be talking about muhammad ali in just a few minutes. talking about june 6th. first of all, the passing of one of the great american figures, political figures, bobby kennedy, june 6th, 1968, passed away. an extraordinary leader and a man who really symbolizes the 60s as much as anybody else. also d-day. also on this day. but a day every bit as important this day in 1998. carly was born. my daughter. 18th birthday today. today she turns 18 today. that is fantastic. some grim news. mark halperin, you texted me last night. i don t believe it. i don t believe it. is the era coming to an end up there? the most important starbucks on the planet closing. no. no. the one on columbus and 68th?
that s been my home base for a decade. what are you talking about? all politics is local. why is it closing? high rents. i don t understand. rent is too high. rent is too high. we re going to get into muhammad ali in a little bit. but al sharpton, there is really no way to explain what he meant not only to sports but more importantly to culture, to race, to politics. the 1960s, the 1970s. no, you really couldn t. muhammad ali changed the culture. aside from being a fantastic boxer, he changed the culture. he redefined what success was because i remember when i was growing up, i was 12 years old. i had just joined the economic arm of dr. king s organization, and i was already a boy preacher. and he refused to go into the
army. we started gauging who was a celebrity and success based on who was relevant because of muhammad ali. this guy took on a war. whether you agreed with him or not to give away all of the things that we thought were big, you know, heavyweight title and the perks that go with it to stand for something, it changed the culture of how you no longer decided success and celebrity based on what you owned or what you had. but what you stood for. he literally did that in one stand. we ll get more into that a little bit later. but first, politics. if that s what you want to call it. there was widespread concern among republicans this weekend. they are shocked and stunned. they just can t believe and deeply saddened. seriously paul ryan is in shock. he endorsed him last week. how could he have ever expected this to happen. it came out of left field. left field? my god.
a meteor. wait. whoa. boom. what happened? donald trump said something that was racially insensitive? he didn t see that coming? he didn t have to do the endorsement, but he did. caboom. donald trump continued to attack the federal judge overseeing the trump university coach for his ethnicity. take a listen. he s a mexican. we re building a wall between here and mexico. this judge is giving us unfair rulings. now i say why. i m building a wall, okay? and it s a wall between mexico. not another country. he s not from mexico. he s from indiana. mexican heritage. n he s very proud of it. if you are saying he can t do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism? no, i don t think so at all. he s proud of his heritage. i respect him for that. you re saying he can t do his job because of that. he s proud of his heritage. i m building a wall. why did you refer to his ethnicity, donald?
because his heritage is mexican. so what. because i want to build a wall. i m getting along great, i think, with hispanics. numbers don t indicate that. do you think you have to dial it back? i think i have to be what i have to be. if it were a muslim judge, do you think they wouldn t treat you fairly because of that policy of yours? that would be possible. isn t there a sngs in america that we don t judge people by who their parents are? i m talking about common sense. he s somebody he s proud of his heritage. you re saying it s a barrier to him doing his job. he s not treating me fairly. trump s insistence on using the judge s heritage as a sign of bias was not well received. really? wait. by members of the republican i don t understand. nicolle, how could they have seen it coming? oh, wait. he said it last week before paul ryan endorsed him. can i just do a poll. is that racism?
yes. joe? completely racist. here you have a guy that is from indiana. yeah. from indiana. i think his family, if i m not mistaken, had been in the country of america longer than trump s grandmother. reverend al is that racism? absolutely, unequivocally racist. so the republican party, my republican party now, is racing behind and endorsing a man that says if you were mexican or if not mexican. american. if you are born in america, if you are from indiana but you may have a little bit of mexican heritage in you i don t even think he s first generation. it doesn t matter. if you are incapable of being fair as a judge. he also said the same of muslims. republicans you re endorsing this guy?
seriously? the republicans are denouncing this because they think it s horrible politics, right? short term and long term. they are also morally outraged to say that a judge whose parents came from mexico, to say that a muslim judge. and the stupidity of it it is compounded by the fact he has something to do with a personal case. let me just be really clear here. they can t be morally outraged this week when they knew what he was doing last week. and by the way, i said it here on the tv box. and you can check it out to the tv box. i said all the way back in december, i would never endorse donald trump so long as he supported banning 1.4 million people from entering the last best hope for a dying world, the united states of america, simply because of the god they worship. simply because they were muslim.
that has been out on the table while every republican has endorsed this man. and i said, and i have stuck to it, i will never endorse donald trump so long as he supports a muslim ban. i ve said it clearly. i predicted and mika predicted that the guy was going to win the nomination. we were right, they were wrong. and they said you must be supporting him. no, i ve always been clear. said i would never support a man. i also said what he said about david duke was disqualifying. wrote it in the washington post. so these republicans this week who were so shocked and stunned and deeply saddened and offended by this clear act of racism had all the evidence in the world before that he had done things but the problem again stopped them from endorsing him. how do you endorse, paul ryan, a man that supports the banning of
1.4 billion muslims from ever entering the united states of america? you make him back down. that s what i was hoping that perhaps we could put pressure on him to back down and change that policy. instead, al, he s doubled down. and now it s people that may have, what is it, 1/16 mexican blood? 1/16 mexican blood that maybe you can t be a judge? what year is this? this is unbelievable. he is getting worse, not better. what the problem is, and which is why your position was so responsible for the party, even though i m sure people in the republican party thought you were selling out when you would say that is that you are talking about nominating him to be the president who will appoint federal judges. not only are you dealing with his own bias. but you re saying he ought to be appointing judges and senators running on his ticket who vote on confirming judges.
the ramifications of this, that now we have a racist litmus test for who can be judges, and you are endorsing this and you are running for re-election. or you re running for the senate. paul ryan has just put the house of representatives in play. that s right. he cannot say, oh, well donald trump is donald trump. donald trump s donald trump, but the house is us. no. now he endorses donald trump. he endorses his racism against muslims. paul ryan endorses his racism against mexicans. paul ryan endorses his racism against americans who may have oh, i don t know, 1/16 mexican blood in there, saying they re disqualified to be judges. here s paul ryan. now he s pretending to be, and i m going to go there and just say it. there s no other way to put it. he s pretending to be surprised by this and then listen to mitch mcconnell when he s asked a
simple question. is this racism. take a look. look, the comment about the judge the other day just was out of left field from my mind. it s reasoning i don t relate to. i completely disagree with the thinking behind that. and so he clearly says and does things i don t agree with. and i ve had to speak up on time to time when that s occurred and i ll continue to do that if that s necessary. i hope it s not. this is one of the worst mistakes trump has made. i think it s inexcusable. this judge was born in indiana. he is an american, period. you come to america, you get to become an american. and trump who has grandparents wocame to the u.s. should understand this. if a liberal was to attack justice clarence thomas on the grounds that he s black, we would all go crazy. every conservative would say it was wrong and racism. i think he has essentially said he cannot be impartial
because he s hispanic. that s a is that not a racist statement? i couldn t disagree more with a statement like that. is it a racist statement? i couldn t disagree more with what he had to say. but do you think it s a racist statement to say? i don t agree with what he had to say. it s a racist statement. what s wrong with him? that s a racist statement. can t answer anything on the set or on meet the press. what s wrong with him? the guy who wants to be on the ticket publicly went out this is one of the in the history of the country, one of the most un-american and bigoted things that s been said. he s being denounced by everybody. newt gingrich who has a history of saying divisive things. trump may think this is a brilliant way to triangulate, but it is so wrong that he is being condemned across the board. these republicans hope that somehow when he became the presumptive nominee he d change
his ways and move more toward the center. to say these things about a judge, an actual judge and a hypothetical muslim judge when there s no political up side to it is astounding. and they are as upset by the political absurdity of it as they are by how horrible the things he said are. still ahead, former congressman and presidential candidate ron paul joins the discussion. plus, bernie sanders has called california home for nearly a month. and yet, hillary clinton is within reach of winning the nomination. we ll talk about that. but first, here s bill karins with a check on the forecast. good morning. all eyes on tropical storm colin. our third named storm already this year. this is heading for florida. almost over the top of it already with the showers and thunderstorms. a disorganized system. winds around 50 miles an hour. not a lot of wind damage out of this. could still get flash flooding and isolated tornados. that will be the worst of it. here s the current position. tropical storm warnings from
indian pass toward sarasota, ft. meyer and even the east coast of florida. tropical storm warnings throughout the day and tomorrow. then it will be out of here. here s the forecast. we expect it to move over land. weak system. not like a landfall when you get like an eye of a storm. that will be occurring later on tonight. by 2:00 a.m., off the coast of georgia, then off the coast of north carolina racing out of here. even our friends along the south carolina/north carolina coast will get windy, choppy conditions and rainfall and floodings. here s the rainfall map. 3 to 5 inches possible around the tampa area. up along the coastal areas. watch out into charleston. possibility of five inches. headt and the isolated tornado threat. that would be one of the things. north florida, southern portions into georgia, we ll have to watch you for any potential weak tornadoes later on today. the rest of the country, the heat is still on in the west. unbelievably hot. the stormy weather in the mid-atlantic is now gone. we re replacing it with clear skies and lower humidity.
areas like new york city off to a good start. you re watching morning joe. kw we ll be back in a minute. ut. it comes when your insurance company says they ll only pay three arters of what it take to replace it. what are you supposed to d drive three quarrs of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you d get your whole car back. i guess they don t want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we ll replace the full value of your car. e car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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muhammad ali was one of the extraordinary people of our time. he was a man of extraordinary honesty and courage. to all of donald trump s support ers who think it is appropriate to tell us that they love muhammad ali but they hate muslim muslims understand that muhammad ali was a very devout muslim who took his religion very seriously. one of the worst actually
staging events of his entire campaign. 30,000 empty seats behind him while he had like 14,000 or 15,000 people in front of him. just put up a sign. it doesn t matter. it s what people love about him. look at that. doesn t matter. in front of him were like 14,000 or 15,000 people. put up a sign. money is going toward the revolution not stage prep. the day hillary clinton gave her speech, her very well received speech taking down trump, he gave an event simultaneously and it was like my 4-year-old had hung the drape. it was crooked and at some point it looks intentional like, i m not that guy. but he gets such big crowds. people love him. with elections in six states including california and new jersey one day away, hillary clinton is that much closer to potentially clinching the nomination. he s the projected winner in puerto rico and so far nbc news
has given her 30 pledged delegates of the 60 there. over the weekend she easily won the u.s. virgin islands. all of that means clinton could be for clinton, it could be an early night tomorrow when she s expected to cross the threshhold of 2,383 delegates needed. any minute now, hillary clinton should become the first woman in the history of our country to win the nomination of any major party. that wasn t fated or inevitable. it was because of people like you. clinton and her husband spent the weekend barnstorming the state from roundtables to crowds of hundreds. she ll have done 19 events by the time her swing is through. while she sought to contrast her record with that of bernie sanders on issues like immigration, she was already looking ahead to her next opponent, donald trump. earlier this week, i gave a speech in san diego outlining
outlining why i believe that donald trump is not qualified or temperamentally fit to be president and commander in chief. i didn t i didn t make these comments up. i just repeated the ones he s made. i just went chapter and verse. we re going to have a very contentious campaign because i m going to point out at every single moment that i can why i believe the republican nominee should never get near the white house. elizabeth warren whose support has been sought after as it has been elusive. tweet over the weekend. this is what democrats united to beat donald trump look like. get ready, donald.
we re coming. meanwhile, the wall street journal reports the sanders camp is split on what approach to take after tuesday. and the washington post reports that sanders is likely to fall short because of missed opportunities. a failure to combine with key voting blocs. senior strategist tad devine told the paper, i don t think anybody had figured out how to win when we got in. it was, how do we become credible. bernie sanders is going to come up short, somebody forgot to tell him. meeting people on the piers of santa monica and on saturday greeting crowds of 13,000 people in los angeles in front of the iconic memorial coliseum. now there is a backdrop. there you go. sanders has spent nearly a month in california with 34 events, and he made it clear he was not giving in yet, applying pressure until the end. in virtually every state poll, we do much better against
trump than does secretary clinton. in terms of the national polls, we are 10.4%. 10.4 points ahead of him. s she is only 1.5 points. if you ask me about the clinton foundation, do i have a problem when wbr id wbr86611 a sitting secretary of state and a foundation run by her husband collects many millions of dollars from foreign governments, governments which are dictatorships? you don t have a lot of civil liberties or democratic rights in saudi arabia. you don t have a lot of respect there for opposition points of view, for gay rights, women s rights. yeah, do i have a problem with that? yeah, i do. you think it creates a conflict of interest? /b
yeah, i do. so still hammering away. still hammering away. and what s the impact. it could go either way. i think until a couple of days ooh i thought for sure he wanted to go to the convention. on principle, there s reasons why. he s right. until superdelegates cast their ballot, they haven t formally been for anybody. but the pressure on him is going wbr-id wbr87271 to be strong, including some people around him who are going to say, how do you plan to spend june and july? coming up desperately seeking someone. ben sasse is still looking for a candidate. writer david french won t run, after all. so where will voters who are turned off by trump and clinton turn? we re joined by former congressman and presidential candidate ron paul to talk about whether the libertarian ticket can win, and much more next on morning joe.
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welcome back. 29 past the hour. donald trump s campaign has named jim murphy as its new national political director. murphy was a senior adviser to bob dole s 1988, 1996 presidential campaigns n managed floor operations at three republican conventions according to the new york times. the campaign only has one person. hope hicks currently overseeing
communications. a super pac has hired a former mitt romney adviser who was previously critical of the presumptive republican nominee. rebuilding america now has tapped strategist alex castellanos to work on advertisements and strategy. he had previously explored the possibility of creating a stop trump effort last fall and that super pac unveiled its first ad yesterday. i want to say one thing. we turned over everything. wbr id wbr90278 i want you to listen wbr id wbr90305 to me. i did not i did not send classified material. not a single time. and i did not receive never. any material that was marked or designated classified. i never told anybody to lie. that s all i can say. these allegations are false. i don t know how it works digitally at all. mark halperin? wbr id wbr90578 effective? i still think whichever /b
candidate wbr-id wbr90605 talks about the economy and the future will have the best chance to win and all these things relitigating the past certainly rally some people, but i would be surprised if they put a lot of money behind that. you re coming down to a small pool of persuadabe ablable vote handful of states. elections are always about the future, not the past. if you are mired talking about events from 20 years ago trying to make them relevant to the second decade of the 21st century, it s a really tough road. let s bring in former republican congressman and presidential candidate ron paul of texas. very good to have youn board, sir. is a third party option. is it worth talking about? well, i guess you re talking about the libertarian party maybe? yeah, maybe. what do you think? well, i m looking for a second party because i see the republicans and democrats and all the fighting and screaming at each other.
policies never change. the size and scope of the executive branch which is a big concern for me keeps growing no matter which candidate, whether it s hillary or trump. i think they believe in a strong executive and that s opposite of libertarianism. the libertarian principle of nonaggression, that is where government can t use force to mold a society or the economy or tell other people how to live around the world, i would say that s a great principle. i m not overly enthralled with the candidates but that principle is worthwile and the opposite of what we ve been live with and opposite of the ideas that have brought us to this point where we are now facing bankruptcy and nobody is talking about the seriousness of the economy and the bankruptcy we face. in fact, what they are talking about is they are both attacking each other and it s almost a race to how low things can go based on the trump side. i know you don t feel these candidates who are in gary johnson, bill weld, are really
more than a shrug. is there any possibility for anybody else at this point? not really. i think the people are left with very poor choices and no real contest. we send hundreds of thousands of people and spend trillions going overseas saying we re going to throw outior dictator and force you have to democracies and elections. this country we do not really have democracy. even if we were really, really super happy with the libertarian candidate, you think they d get into the debates in the debates are run by the republicans n s democrats. they d find a way of banning them. overall, foreign policy won t change with each party in a significant
spending is going to continue. the federal reserve is going to keep manipulating interest rates and never face up to the fact this country has lived way beyond its means and the debt is incomprehensible and all we know is it s going to grow and grow. and i think the personal fighting is a distraction from the real issue which is personal liberty and the bankruptcy of this country and the failure of our foreign policy. that s where the problem is. sir, you ran you were running against a rigged political establishment long before it was cool. what do you think about the fact that donald trump, having run against a rigged political system, a rigged economy that you ve just described, and bernie sanders is still in the race running a revolution which frankly might be something you would have called your movements over the time. they ve gone pretty far. do you think we re on the cusp of seeing things shaken up from what you describe? i think that s very good that
the independent candidates because sanders doesn t even admit he s a democrat. he s a socialist. and trump, nobody has accused him of being overly supportive of republicans. and the evidence is that he wasn t much of a republican in the past. he was whatever he wanted to be. so there s an independent. i don t think that s what the people are looking at. they re looking at the disgust of the current republican leadership and current democratic leadership, the economy, failure of the foreign policy, the way we treat our veterans. they look at all of this and yet it s drifted into this personal bickering back and forth. it s almost like, i think i put a little blame on the media. they like this bickering because it s good for ratings. they need to hit the important issues. what are you going to do about it. and i think that will come. i think maybe after the primaries are over, maybe they will get to the real questions that ought to be asked. they ve been asked. they just haven t been answered. right. that s true.
make them answer. they always made me answer and i always answered. former congressman ron paul, thank you. hispanic voters are poised to play a key role in california s democratic contest tomorrow. jacob soboroff went west to find out why there s the perception that hillary clinton has the majority of latino support. he joins us next with that. oh, look. .another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works.
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right debate in the democratic primary. i don t want to pick a fight but i d be screaming, too. if you figure this out, they re toast for election day. bill clinton in an exchange with bernie sanders protesters yesterday at a campaign stop in l.a. before we get to jacob. this is pretty stunning what you said on the air last friday when i was at the orphanage helping the kids. how are the kids? they are doing great. the family gets together. we have why are they all named joe. it s the kids. they figure they ll get bigger donations so friday, though, you made this amazing prediction which we re sitting here talking thinking it may be the case which was one of these great predictions if i turn out to be right. i think just my spidy sense is that one of the two presumptive nominees will not end up being the party nominee.
really? just a crazy year. something crazy. the conventions are six weeks away. it would be very hard, but at what point. somebody close to the trump organization told me, you have to remember, it s all about business. and at some point, i just wonder whether donald trump goes, i didn t sign up for this. i can see if he said that to megyn kelly in that special that if he loses it will have all been for naught which means he s not advance anything ideas. he s not advancing an ideology or doing this for the people that support him. the only thing that matters is winning. if he goes down in the polls and the campaigns are a roller coaster in the fall, i could see hum from the campaigning as vigoro vigorously. i could see him not keeping up we ve focused on his comments on the judge. but another thing is hillary
gives a speech on thursday. no one has defended him. she repudiated him a thousand different ways. punch, punch, punch. there s never been a situation like this. nobody is defending him and trump is singularly obsessed with trump university. singularly obsessed. it s got him so off of his game that he s now making racist comments about hoosiers. we go back to that primary night where he had lined up the trump water, the trump stakes because someone had dared to make a criticism of some of the by the way, those steaks were purchased from a local butcher shop in jupiter. they were not trump steaks. they were from a local butcher shop in jupiter, florida. from the same kind of animal. there you go. both beef. very similar animal. very similar. look, he has regressed over the
last five weeks. two finite commodities in a campaign, time and money. you have to use time wisely. he s been the presumptive nominee for five weeks. he has not brought the party together. he has not taken positive steps forward. in that hillary clinton speech, very significant. she eviscerated his capacity, his qualifications to be the commander in chief of a million-person military with athive at purse of active nuclear weapons. people i respect like peggy noonan, what will say they about a nominee who makes racist comments about a guy from indiana. where do they go? it s not where they go. they re going to speak out because i know them, n i know their character. peggy noonan spoke out against george w. bush when it was the hardest to do after his re-election in 2004. but what happens with peggy
noonan and charles crowdhammer and these other beacons, conservative thought leaders come out and say, come on. enough, republicans. enough, paul ryan. enough mitch mcconnell. speak out against this racism or the republican party will collapse. peggy framed it pretty harshly. she said we have a choice between a mad man and a criminal. peggy has had her finger on the pulse of this cycle and crowdhammer has been one of the skeptics at one of the places it s hard to be skeptical. a weakness that could haunt her in the general election. joining us now from los angeles is jacob soboroff who spent some time with bernie supporters. that s the soboroff lean right there. i know. exactly. he s so engaging. what did you find, jacob? mark halperin blowing minds
with predictions like that. if you look at what s going on out here in california, hillary clinton obviously wants to lock things up after california out here tomorrow night. she might even lock up that title of presumptive nominee after new jersey votes early in the evening. she wants to win california because she wants that momentum. she wants to go to philly. a united democratic party. there s a group here that may stop her and that is young latino voters that were once reliably in her corner. they went for her 2 to 1 over barack obama in 2008, but things may be changing as i saw when i went out canvassing with bernie sanders supporters in east l.a. time to canvas, guys? yes. nice to meet you. so where are we going? we re going to east l.a., about five minutes up the road. hillary coming out and saying she s got this, that it s done. what do you think. is it a done deal? no, it s not a done deal. we re going to go up to this house. you ll talk to somebody and see if they go for bernie. there s this perception that
hillary clinton has the mairjory of the latino support. they are looking at the older group of voters that have been voting throughout the elections and not considering the huge amount of young latino voters present in california, especially. and especially the ones that have just registered. we ve had 1.5 million new voter registrations in california since january. that s a huge number. hi. i m looking for eliza. he s at work right now. oh, well, we re volunteers for the bernie sanders campaign walking around neighborhoods trying to get the word out for bernie. are you feeling the bern? i ve heard it in the campaign. a hillary sign. that s the first one i ve seen in five weeks of canvassing. really? i m being serious. there s not a lot. i haven t seen may be here. i m here with the bernie
sanders campaign. have you decided who you re going to vote for yet? who is it? hillary. what about if all the young latinos turn out. i think a lot of the young latinos are going for sanders. they re going more for that. me being an older woman, i m going for hillary. it s time for a woman. you think it s time for a woman. who is going to win? the older folks or the younger folks? i think the older folks, of course. based on what you ve seen, how is bernie going to do on tuesday? he s going to do good. especially if the young latino voters come out. they ve been the majority of the registration. latina registrations surging here in california. it s up 123%. and bernie sanders is leading amongst, according to the los angeles times latinos under the age of 50, 58% to 31%. in large part, what happens heading out of this state depends on this group of young latino voters who could give a
huge boost to bernie sanders and hurt hillary clinton going forward. jacob soboroff. if there were a candidate that weren t a democrat that could take a shot at latino voters, they could win california. they could. too bad donald trump didn t listen to donald trump in 2012. coming up next, esquire magazine walked the desert along the u.s./mexico border for a full week to find out if people actually live there and how they feel about that wall going up. what the writers discovered, ahead. e agility to do one thing & another. only at&t has the twk, people, and partners to help companies be. local & global. open & secure. because no one knows & like at&t.
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donald trump esquire magazine sent a classic liberal reporter to the u.s./mexico border. now to explain, esquire the editor in chief. jay felding. it s so exciting. it s interesting. interesting what the reporter came back. so great to have you here. this is pretty shocking stuff. you send a liberal journalist down there. he comes back saying trump is right. that s right. they need to build a wall. no preconceived notions. just an empty notebook. go to my former home state and walk the border, drive the border 800 miles and talk to whoever you see and let them talk to us about what s really going on. instead of hearing it from the debate stage.
and the people say build the wall? they said build the wall. hispanic, anglo, democrat, republican, uncommitted, clueless, whatever. they said we want a wall and yet we want to be married with some compassion toward the people we re trying to keep from jumping over the wall. he said that hispanics were less sympathetic towards illegal immigrants than whites. so i think there s a lot of interesting things there. but one thing i think is that most of the hispanics are first generation and see it as unfair. they came over here the legal way, became citizens and now are having to compete for jobs with those coming across the border on a daily basis. they feel as one guy says, let them get in line, right? i think the anglos have most, for the most part, grown up in the tradition of the west which is a place of welcoming um grei immigrants and their attitude is that should be an honored thing. today they also think, oddly, that, you know, the more well
the well if the laws are enforced, compassion will prevail. what about the border agents. what are they saying? they say we need a wall but that s where you begin to realize the wall is a symbol for the solution. we need an acronym. partial wall. boots on the ground. radar, cooperation with the department of defense that has a lot of technology they won t share right now. worst acronym ever. it s got a name, though. it s called comprehensive immigration reform and two presidents of two parties have championed it and weren t able to get it through the congress. comprehensive government reform in mexico. that s part of it. a lot of the feeling is these people are having, you know, no choice but to come north. they don t get three square meals a day and they re looking for opportunity. so we need pressure on is their consepception of a l
trump s conception? no. it s not part of the political discourse before he brought it up, for better or for worse. the hyperbole he gave it, the real estate, i m a builder. i m going to build something. i m going to sell you an apartment and convince you the closet can be turned into a master bedroom. this is the same idea. exaggerating an idea in order for it to become talked about and halfway point for it to be found. we ve been talking about the wall. let s talk about the man who broke the rules and changed the world. he is living off the grid with his kids. with a flip phone. he s awesome. he s awesome. i just think he s truly a refreshing, you know, version of a guy who lives according to his own tune. and that kind of gets echoed throughout this day and age. whether it s trump or bernie or muhammad ali who died over the
weekend. one of the greatest cover boys ever of esquire. these people who decided to live life their own way and have the courage to do it and break the rules. very cool. amazing stuff. congratulations. do they give you free bagels? i m gluten free, man. you have to give me some gluten free stuff. everyone in new york is. thank you. the new issue of esquire is out now. great to have you. so everyone get ready because he s known in the building as the rage. rage against the machine. steve is coming up next. like the incredible hulk. he s the rage.
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usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. and good morning to you. i m steve kornacki. we are now 155 days away from election day. topping the agenda this morning, republicans on the spot. donald trump refusing to back down from that claim that a judge is biased against him because of the judge s ethnic heritage. now the party that trump is about to lead is struggling to figure out how to respond. isn t there sort of a tradition in america that we don t judge people by who their parents are. i m talking about common sense. this is one of the worst mistakes trump has made. i think it s inexcusable. also on the agenda, any minute now, hillary clinton getting

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Saturday 20160604 23:00:00

family for sure. we ll continue the coverage of the great loss of mohammed ali. with patty ann brown who is in on the fox report. for this fight i have wrestled with alligators and handcuffed lightning and you know i am bad. i murdered a rock and hospitalized a brick. i am so bad i make medicine sick. im so fast, man, i run through a hurricane and don t get wet. and i drown a drink of water and kill a dead tree. wait until you see mohammed ali. the world celebrating the life and legacy of the greatest mohammed ali. i am patty ann brown in for julie band p band. ali died in a phoenix hospital
surrounded by family days after being admitted with respiratory problems. he was 74 years old. and he called himself the greatest of all time. he was a ledge sxend moves that dazzled fans and bewildered opponents and outside of the ring a man larger than life, political and controversial. he will be remembered as a man of the world who spoke his mind and wasn t afraid to take a chance. and went out of his way to be a kind, benevolent individual, that really changed the world. i mean mohammed ali changed the way that people challenged
authority. [applause] ali s life was full of achievement and giving scombak acknowledged in 2005 when he was awarded the presidential medal of freedom by president bush. despite battling parkinson over 30 years he was dedicateed to humanitarian work. he was laid to rest in kentucky. we have fox team coverage at this hour and mike has more on the life and legacy and start with johnathon hunt live in los angeles. reporter: patty nan, he was a ledge sxend mourned across the globe. as strong in the long fight against parkinson syndrome as he was in the many fights in the ring and succumbing last night a day after admitted in a fixing hospital. the grief and loss most keenly
felt by his family and the spokesman sfoek the outpouring of love. they believe that mohammed was a side of the world and he was. and they know that the world grievous with them and they received tens of thousands of well wishes and support. reporter: ali s fights will not be forgotten with liston and thrilla in manila and make the greatest sports moments of the 20th century. but his impact was not just felt by those he hit. he shocked the america and world when he converted from christianity to islam and slaved cassius marcellus clay to
mohammed ali and did it in 1967 when he refused to be drafted in the vietnam war and standing by his principles. among those paying tribute to the champion, hillary clinton. he s wrong about what makes the country great. and on a day that we are mourning mohammed ali, it is worth remembering that we live in a country where people can break down barriers, they can worship their own god, they can choose their own name and lead and follow their dreams and their hard work and talent will take them. reporter: president obama paid tribute today. saying ali shook up the world and the world is better for it and ending that tweet as we end this report. with the words, rest in peace,
champ. well said live in los angeles. thank you you. mohammed ali s hometown louisville, kentucky is in mourning. flags at half staff to honor his life. his legacy goes far beyond the boxing ring. a li wanted to be be a man remembered to unight all humankind through faith and love. president obama remembered hem as a civil right s pioneer and stood with martin luther king and nelson mandela for what is right. mike has more on ali s legacy. reporter: althroughout the day. people came to the ali center and laid down flowers. you can step out of the way and see the items. and roses and signs and a band formed up and played here a while. and they are coming to mourn and
celebrating the life of mohammed ali. many had run ins. brous group down the street. he saw the heavy weight buy s cadillac. and the gold medal in the ohio river. and watch him refuse the draft and take a stand. he had courage. he stood up for what we believe in. and when you turn uncle sam down, you you turning down a lot of people. reporter: a public memorial will be known in the kfc young sister? louisville and a funeral procession for another public event and a funeral procession take the remains to cave hill cemetery for a private burial. and the mayor doesn t know how the tickets will be distributed. and people who want to get close
to the champ might have better luck on the route of the procession. mike, thank you. mohammed ali s career made him a household name. larry holmes was ali s sparing partner and competitor. holmes boat ali in the bought in las vegas. and he joins us pie phone and we are sorry for your loss. i am sorry, too. we look at mohammed ali and we look at mohammed ali way before he became great. we didn t know nothing about mohammed ali. we just watched a guy beating up people. and we found out this guy has potential to be one of the
greatest fighters of all time. he was much more than that. he saw you fighting as an amateur and invited to you training camp and you became his main sparring partner. tell us about those early years with ali. no one could believe i worked with mohammed ali in eastern pennsylvania. they thought maybe it was something or imagination. but it was true. ali picked me to be a sparring fighter and i was a young guy trying to get to the top. he got me and took me home and we worked out. longer than i thought we would work out. four years or more. yeah, as we all know in 1980,
you you fought your idol and said it was uncomfortable situation and after winning, you wept and went to his dressing rom and said you know i love you. what did jose? why did you beat me up like that? i was hitting him. and i would not to say it now because i was usually hitting him with gloves and not trying to hurt him. because this man is my friend and gave me a job when i didn t have a job. he paid me. and i worked for him. and my job was not to kill him, but my job wases to get him in shape. and i took advantage of that. and he know it. i used to go in the dressing room and we used to talk and i listen to him. he had a lot of things he said.
and a lot of people said and i listened to him and i learned a whole lot just by listening to him. and now when you think of ali, it is not the fighting you recall. but the great people. we so many to it have trouble with the audio. can you tell us something about him as a man? [inaudible] i knew a lot that don t like to give autograchlt he would sign for you to be happy. and a lot of people out there here today that will not sign autograph. and you can t build a legacy if you don t treat people right. that s what ali did, try to treat people right. that s why i give autographs if someone asks for one.
they buy the tickets. ali is one guy and i don t think we will find another mohammed ali like that again. that is a great lesson to end on. larry, i know you last saw him in october and he couldn t speak to you, but you said good bye with your eyes. thank you; bye. we have more coverage ahead on the death of the greatest mohammed ali including an in- depth look of his legacy with james rosen. donald trump working to make the case that he is the guy to handle the this as california works to prevent a upset by bernie sanders. we ll explain as the fox report rolls on. think you re taking what s best for your heartburn?
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[ park rides, music and crooooh!unds ] [ brakes screech ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. excuse me, try this. but just one aleve can last 12 hours. tylenol and advil can quit after 6.
[ cheering ] so live your whole day, not part. with 12 hour aleve. trump sdpruchl hillary clinton slugging it out over the past few days as california voters get ready to visit the polls. and trump responding to clinton s attack on him and criticizing her for not closing the deal with bernie sanders and said the country is heading in the wrong direct after the worst job s report and insists that clinton is not the one to fix. the report was like a bombshell. they expected 150,000 and it turned out to be 38000. they are bad jobs and leaders don t have a clue. hillary clinton is on the top of the list and incompetent.
let s face it. he called the protestors a bunch of thugs after the scuffle with the trump supporters. don t miss judge ja nine s interview tonight. and on the democratic side. hillary clinton and bernie sanders are in a locked race in the state of california. clinton looking to rally support in the golden state and hosting an event on women and families. she s been focusing her attention on donald trump and fending off attacks from sand s sanders. on today night, pledged delegates and super delegates are not accurate. pledged delegates are pledged to vote for their candidates, super
delegates make their final decision on july 25th. six long weeks from today. jennifer griffin is live with the latest for us. reporter: hillary clinton just arrived in jill s restaurant in sunny santa barbara. she will meet with 60 women. and she and sanders are criss-crossing the state and vying for the votes of latino voters. sanders empsideways issed his support of the $16 an hour wage. and she is hitting him on the vote against immigration reform. we got close twice. i was in the senate then and so was president obama. and so was senator sanders. and president obama and i voted for it.
and senator sanders voted against this and that included, including the farm worker s union that said it was the best chance we had. it was heart breaking. reporter: of note, california governor jerry brown who had a chilly relationship with the clintons. he endorseded her but not stumping for her. los angeles times endorsed clinton but the conle declined to endorse any. she was asked by a local radio take if she was and she responded there is no chance of indict. that i are.
trump in the past said barring you mutts limbs in the u.s. and attacking the judge in the trump university case. one of the great american heroes was mohammed ali and a very proud muslim. don t tell us how you love mohammed ali and you are prejudice against the muslims in the country. reporter: sanders said he will keep fighting for those super delegates even after the primary season ends. and suggest he will campaign right up until the convention. we heard that hillary clinton will be back in brooklyn where her campaign expects she would cross the finish line in new jersey on tuesday. patty ann? thank you. days of rain leaving people under water.
will carr climbs in a boat to show us the scene live. our continuing coverage of the death of mohammed ali. a closer look be at his legacy in and out of the boxing ring. he is a real part of this community and tremendous person. a worldwide legacy and presence is outstanding. canned cheer [dad] can i enter the kingdom of the two fairies? [daughter] you have to say the password. [dad] is it.giggling goldfish? [daughters] no! [dad] smelly jelly? [daughter] uh-uh. try r [dad] password s coming in! [daughters yelling] no! [vo] you work hard to protect what matters. that s why we re proactively advancing our security to develop strong authentication technologies that go beyond the password to protect your accounts. [dad] wait, wait, wait. what s the password? [daughter] stinky feet.
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tonight we ride, with bravecto!! ask your vet about 12-week protection with bravecto. a fox weather alert. half of the country facing severe weather this weekend. massive flooding in texas reaches crisis levels. the governor declaring a state
of disaster in 31 counties. and crews are working to save people trapped in their homes. and they have recovered the bodies of all nine missing soldiers killed after flood waters and swept away in a training exercise. it was an example of how dangerous this is. even trained soldiers can drive down the roadway and encounter water and swept away. and if that can happen to the trained soldiers, it can happen to untrained civilian. will car is live in rosenburg, texas. reporter: the good news is, the sun is coming out and the water is receeding and many residents are seeing what is left of their property. a nob of homes swamped by water. and the tahoe, water halfway up.
and tractor and truck. and if you pan to the left. that is a cattle field. cattle are doing area. it is it a lake right now. clint owns this property, and unfortunately he and his family don t have insurance. clint, what are you going to do moving forward? we are going to tear it down and start over. and try to figure out what to do. reporter: next to clint is his friend richard. captain richard. he s gone on his air boat and rescued 50 people over the past week. what is the last week been like for you? it is exhausting and tough and watching people and seeing what they are having to go through. it is it rough. reporter: as the country watches, what do you want them it to know? prayers for people and back
down to a normal schedule. reporter: this is when you realize who your true friends are. and they had an outlb. pouring of support with strangers all over the country. will carr, thank you. we ll have more on the top story, passing of the legend mohammed ali and ahead, how his life left a lasting impact on the world. when you say greatest of all time is in the world, everyone knows who you mean. it is quite a claim to make and as mohammed ali saids, it is not bragginging if you can back it up. the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said. symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes.
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she was born cassius marcellus clay in louisville, kentucky. and clay started to box at the age of 12 after winning a gold medal, he turned pro. but clay announced his affiliation with the nation of islam. and changed his name to mohammed ali. it is hard to be humble. he was one of the most popular men in sports history. he was drafted in u.s. army and refused to fight in vietnam stating religious differences. and he was stripped of his license and refused to box. he vowed to return and he would. october 1964 he got a chance against george foreman. ali was a throw- one underdog and not enough to silence the
greatest. i murdered a rock and i am so mean i make medicine sick. he allowed his mighty opponent dropped foreauthority man in the the eighth round and he would be the heavy weight champion of the world. they paved the way for the multimillion dollar contracts. and during ali s time they grew. as ali. and ali lost the title to another olympics gold medallist. he would win and relengthished it back to ali seven months later. he won it three times. and theroaring crowds fuelled him in 61 fights.
but the drive to please them got ali to ignore the drchlt it was not until losing his last fight in 1981. parkinson was the real enemy. and believing it didn t keep it him out of the public eye. and despite parkinson syndrome. ali s work would never stop. his work was lauded and then another high. mohammed ali was chosen to light the olympics flame in atlanta. he went to afghanistan as a messenger of peace and in kabul. and then he accepted the nation s highest civilian award. when you say the greatest of all time is in the room, everyone knows who you mean.
there was ceremonies in the white house. and ali was dedicateed to humanitarian effort. ali made a rare public appearance to show respect at joe fra zier. when you think of the greatest. you will always think mohammed ali. they are remembering mohammed ali for more than his boxing career. he was a needed voice in the civil right s movement. we lost a great one. just the strength and everything that we had to overcome and him being our voice. we lost a great one. joining us with more on ali s life and legacy. here is james rosen who wrote and published extensivey on the greatest.
great to be you. and you collected magazines and dvd s and you cried when he lost to holmes. you wrote a period in the new york post. what is his greatest legacy? it is hard to speak about him. he stood a strayed sports and race and religion and poll teches and international relations and he was a singleullar figure. if mohammed ali had going to say. the one point he would prefer to have supremacy. he was a thrilling athlete to watch and i don t know if younger people when you watch what you feel like on your hand held device can understand how
it was when he fought on television. and he got on the attack and flurry of punches. and howard would be springing at the crowds where he fight like and watch the old bawled raft of the it is incred believe. dpshgs there were controrse troversesy and talk p those. if you examined up close and examined his views on case and women in society and hemosexuality. those vows would have enthis
willed suspects. and he 19aekts cob verted to suffaro is almost and more tol are rant especially jup jup. you showed him your box moves. april 1999. who remembers? i do. and he and his phraster. howard bingam. and i started to do my prancing and the ali shuffle and i can turn out the lights can be in bed when it was dark. it was a thrilling thing for me. and i ve reet counted i got it
tell him the gen that is great that you had an tun james rosen, thank you so much. and again, he has a great article. don t miss that. don t miss the geraldo special dedicat dedicated mohammed ali. the state department deleted part of a video clip and donald trump on the campaign trail and war path in front of the primary in california. with my diabetes. i do my best to manage. but it s hard to keep up with it. your body and your diabetes change over time. your treatment plan may too. know your options. once-daily toujeo®
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hillary clinton and donald trump hammering each other ahead of next tuesday s primary. mr. trump off of the campaign. but not being quiet and lauren green has the latest from outside of trump tower in new york city. donald trump is operating on all cylinders in california. and presumpative nominee singled out one man in the audience. we had a case where there was a african-american guy that was a great fan of mine. i want to find out what is going on. i look at my african-american over here. and are you the greatest. you know what i am talking b.
but p trump is keeping the eye on the general scomplekz responding to her comments calling him unfit for office and he accused her of being dishonest. ha she said was so many lies. he upons japan to get nuclear weapons. i want them to pay money so we don t lose money protecting japan and germany and saudi arabia. and trump on the defense about the lawsuits on the trump university. and complaining that the interviews with cnn and that the judge has an inherent conflict of interest because of the mexican ethicity. the judge was born in indiana. trump is scheduled to meet monday with florida governor
scott. scott said yesterday he would not accept an offer to be v. the two are simply discussing campaign strategy. patty ann. and california voters are shattering records and more people are now registered before a primary lekdz than before. the state has gained more than throw- quarters of a million voters since the last presidential election. 18 million are registered in california and 650,000 seened up in a month and a half. about 20 percent went to the republican party. the white house is facing new accusations on selective editing. abc reporting that the administration omitted a nine from a may 9th transcript where they asked if any officials lied about the agreement. this is after the state department admitted deleting.
james rosen, asked about p whether parts of the nuclear talks were kept secret. kristin fisher is following this from washington. how is the white house explaining the recent emission. reporter: it was because you can t hear it. abc broke the story and the line was not included because it was inaudible. you be the judge. it is from this briefing on may ninety-ninth. kevin cork asked the white house spokesman josh earnest if any senior administration official lied about the nuclear deal. can you say that no senior official in this administration has ever lied publicly about anyat spect. no comment. and that is quite.
but he said. no kevin. and that answer never made it in the official white house transcript. and that is troubling given the admission that it omitted eight minutes of video from the briefing back in 2013. that involves a fox news correspondent asking if anyone lied about the iran deal. yesterday in paris, secretary of state kerry called it stupid and clumsy and inappropriate and trying to get to the bottom of it. and so is congress. house peek per paul ryan and republican chairman are demanding answers and they want an investigation and want secretary kerry to turn over any relevant documents about who ordered the video to be edited and deleted. patty ann? thank you. a murderous rampage described in chilling detail.
he was full of rage and didn t hook like he would stop. or anybody was going to stop him. gut- wrenching new footage when a man unleashes fury. and texas braces for more severe weather. what headache? advil makes pain a distant memory. nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as gunnery sergeant when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i m a usaa member for life.
usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. find fast relief behind the counter allergies with nasal congestion? with clari [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. live claritin clear, with claritin-d.
disturbing surveillance footage of a stabbing spree in massachusetts mall. the attacker punched a clerk at macy s and knock her to the ground moments after crashing his car in a store from and
violence spilled over in a restaurant. he had his hand on the the back shirt of the wait tress. and he had a stabbing motion and attacking her. authorities say he stabbed four people four fatally before being shot by a deputy. he was suffering from mental illness. a fox weather alert and more on the deadly flooding in texas. janice dean has the latest on the forecast. hi, patty ann. we are watching the potential for more rain as tropical moisture makes its way north ward and a potential of severe weather not only today but tomorrow and in the overnight. we have severe thunderstorm
warnings. and for texas as more rain works its way in the area. is theerated ground and we have seen 4 or 6 inches on top of record- setting rainfall amounts of two feet. and forecast for monday and tuesday and looking for heavy rain and moving in texas and mississippi. and florida, flood advisories and flash flooding occurring now. and severe weather not only tonight. but tomorrow for parts of the midatlantic and ohio valley and east. and that is in the areas shaded in the yellow, large hail and damaging wind and isolated tornados and tomorrow, a higher risk for severe storms for parts of the northeast and atlantic. millions of people living here
with tornados and large hail and wind. and trophecs, the next named storm system possibly by tomorrow. if it is named or not naming, we ll deal with a lot of heavy rainfall for parts of florida. we think a landfall monday or thursday of a depression or named storm. that is something we will watch and wrapping things up with excessive heat warnings. phoenix, a daytime record of 115. and earliest they have seen 115 in phoenix. that will continue tomorrow and new work week. phoenix 115 today. and we think tomorrow as well and then things cool off as we head in tuesday and wednesday. dangerous heat in the southwest. back to you. janice dean, thank you. worst flooding in decades and forcing the workers in the louve
in paris to remove iconic artwork. the city looks like a lake. homes and cars are submerged and four people have been killed and at the famous museum. workers raced to remove 250,000 pieces of art from the storage area to the museum upstairs. it is home to the monlisa. it could take weeks for things to return to normal. tribute pouring in from around the world. one man brought to tears recalling how the boxing legend comforted him in the hospital as his father was dying. mohammed ali came out of no
where and touched my head and said everything will be okay. my dad passed away. but mohammed gave me strength and spirit to keep on-going on. after a long day, jen stops working, but her aleve doesn t. hey mom! because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. what will you do with your aleve hours? jack knocked over a candlestick, onto the shag carpeting. .and his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. luckily jack recently had geico help him
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with trulicity, i click to activate what s within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a non-insulin option, click to activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. i am the greatest fighter of all times. and when i hit you with a hard
right hand, you will fall. mohammed ali, before we go, we wanted to show a couple of the touching tributes to ali. president obama tweeting out a picture of himself with a photo of ali on the wall behind him and saying he shook up the world and the world is better before it. rest in peace, champ. and michael fox. mohammed ali greatest of all time and giant and inspiration and a man of peace, a warrior for the cure, thank you. and that s how fox reports, i am patty ann brown. a geraldo special on the legacy of ali starts now.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20160604 10:00:00

good morning. it s saturday, june 4th, 2016. i m sandra smith. this is a fox news alert. the greatest of all time is dead. everybody stop talking now. attention. i told you, all of my critics. i told you all that i was the greatest of all time. boxing legend muhammed ali passing overnight. we will have the latest on his passing. the incredible reaction to that news. we will take a look back at the life and legacy of the champ. fox & friends starts right now.
good morning. as we just told you, muhammed ali, the greatest evey weight champion in boxing passed away at the age of 74. he struggled with parkison s disease since 1971. surrounded with children and his wife. he fought until the end. appearances as late as april of this year in public. a three-time heavyweight world champion hospital lied with respiratory and of course, exasperated by the park somebody s. take place in his home state of louisville, kentucky. half state at 10:00 a.m. the former cautious cash shut clay. he called himself the greatest of all time. boxer muhammed ali has died. he had parkison s for 30
years. he famously changed his name, of course, after becoming the world heavyweight champion to mohammed alli when he became a member of the black muslim organization. in his final days, he was admit to do a phoenix hospitals, that happening on thursday with a respiratory problem. alli s accomplishments are stunning. having won the world heavyweight title a record three times. winning 56 of 61 fights. 37 of them by knockout. his impact on the world will ever be felt beyond the ring as brian kilmeade shows us the fury that flew like a burt wing and stung like a be. he emerged the heavyweight champion of the world. muhammed ali was born
cassius clay. january 17th, 1942 clay started boxing at the age of 12. after winning a gold medal in the 1960 olympics. i turned pro. after the listen fight that he announced his affiliation with the nation of islam and changed his name to muhammed ali. it s hard to be humble as great as i am. in 1967, he was drafted into the u.s. army but refused to fight in vietnam, stating religious differences. he was immediately stripped of his title and license to box. alli s. he got his chance against george former. the fight billed as the rumble in the jungle. he wecht in as an underdog but that wasn t enough to silence the greatest. i injured a stone.
hospitalized a bring. i m so mean i make medicine sick. he spent the first fight punch himself out. he would drop foreman in the eighth round. he would once again be the heavyweight champion of the world. both ali and former took home a $5 million purse which many feel paved the way for today s multi-million-dollar contracts in any sport. before ali, pays were very minimal. during ali s time they grew. as ali they exploded. i lost the title again four years later to another gold olympic medalist against spinks. he relinquished the title back to ali seven months later. this made ali the only boxer in history to win the heavyweight title three times. [ applause ] the roaring crowds are what fueled him for 15 years and 61 fights. but his drive to please them kept ali from heeding
doctor s warnings. he was slowing down. his thyroid was blamed. medication was a daily routine. it wasn t until losing his last fight in 1981 ali admitted parkison s syndrome was the real enemy keeping him out of the ring for good. despite parkison s syndrome, ali s work with the community would never stop. his work around the globe applauded. then, 1996, another high. muhammed ali was chosen to light the olympic flame in atlanta. in 2002 ali went to afghanistan as the u.n. messenger of peace. he was in kabul for three day goodwill mission. three days later alis would woo accept the nation s highest civilian award. when you say the greatest of all time is in the room, everyone knows who you mean. president george w. bush presented ali with the presidential medal of freedom during ceremonies at the white house. even as he neared 70 years
of age, ali remained dedicated to the humanitarian evident despite his deteriorating health. he made a rare public appearance to show his respect at his greatest rival s funeral joe frazier. he could float like a butterfly and sting like a be. when we think the greatest, we will always think muhammed ali. brian kilmeade, fox news. we want to bring in tim shanahan as the author of running with the champ my 40 year friendship of muhammed ali. nice to see you this morning, tim. first, just your thoughts overnight of the passing of your friend? well, the first thing i thought of was what he told me years ago he looked at every day as a test. god tests me every day and i pass that test every day. he looked at life as god having a tabulation on
everyone s individual life by putting all the good deeds on one side and all the bad deeds on the other side. and he told me that he was ready to go to heaven because all of his good deeds outweigh all of his bad deeds. these how he looked at life. huh. so his wife was famously intertwined with his faith. he converted to islam as a young man in early 20 s and converted to another version of islam in the 70 s and still to a third later on. he was a man of faith. in private, was it often a topic of conversation. not he didn t talk a lot about it with friends and family, but he was a devout muslim for sure. and every day he read the quran. and one of his habits was picking out passages from the quran and then writing it longhand. and he would give those as gifts to family and friends. he had one passage that he really liked.
that he gave to everybody. and at the end of the passage it says to, the person is he going to give it to from muhammad ali. he loved passing pamphlets out with that as far as his faith he really was a devout muslim. he never smoked, never drank, never took drug. was always looking how he could please god. he did say god, you know, early on when he was a muslim he always said allah. but he said god is god for all people. and all religions. so, he always said god. and he always want to do please god every day. tim, his life was not without controversy, as someone who calls himself a close frebsd of muhammad ali. what do you know about how he wants to be remembered? amid-all the good times there were bad times and he
did face challenges in his life. how do you look back on those times? well, one of the comments he always made to me was my middle name is controversy. and he was always looking for an argument. somebody to talk to to have an opposite side of his. he always like to do defend his positions. as far as legacy. one time i asked him what do you think your legacy is going to be muhammad? and he said my children. and then i said well what about your fight? your career? is there any one moment in your career that you said this is the greatest moment of my boxing career? and he said it was the first liston fight when he was 22 years old and he won the heavyweight championship for the first time. he said this big, ugly bear. this ex-con convict was going to kill this 22-year-old kid in the ring. and he told me was scared. and he was scared before the
fight. but as soon as the first round was over and he was in the ring with liston, he got confidence. he said man, he didn t knock me out, i think i can win this fight. he got excited rather than scared. he said at that moment he realized he was going to be the heavyweight champion of the world. as far as legacy, i said what is the greatest moment in your career? and he always leaves with the greatest moment in my life was when my eldest daughter, meriam was born. and he always leads with that. and then he talks about the fight. but he has told me that the legacy that he wants to be known by is his children. and i can name all of them. how many did he have? hanna, hanna jr. kayleah and mea. they all love him all. as soon as they heard their father was i will they
were by his side. we will check back with you in alittle bit later. the book is called running with the champ my 40 year friendship with muhammad ali. that thing was the biggest thing to happen to maine. liston was a bruiser. nobody thought that was going to happen. the aftermath of that fight a lot of speculation maybe he threw the fight. people didn t believe it was on the level that it was legitimate. the euphoria that unfolded after that him on the microphone. that s when we got to see muhammad ali grabbing the microphone almost like a professional wrestling grabbing the microphone. that great relationship with him and howard cosell over the years. the back and forth he would touch howard cosell. you touch me again i m going to kill. you he may have meant that obviously very charming guy but a ferocious guy, too. joe frazier be and he had
this very contentious relationship that was never healed with frazier s death where he attacked frazier as a tool of the establishment and a sell out to his people and really got inside s frazier s head. it was bitter. i love how it all started. somebody stole his bike from the bike rack, so he want to do shape up and be able to take care of whoever stole his bike. nuclear reactor of rage that led to his success. other top story. war of worlds between hillary clinton and donald trump. a live report from the golden state next. our coverage of muhammad ali s death will continue. we are live outside the hospital where he passed away as we say good by to humid ali. want to go to heavy heaven so i i m the king of the world. i m a mad man. i took out the world. i took out the world. i took out the world. e #1) when returning home from deployment,
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hey, welcome back. just days away from the california primary, the battle between democrats heating up to clinch the golden state. meanwhile, hillary clinton looking ahead and taking aim at donald trump with the presumptive g.o.p. nominee firing back at her attack. the great mike emanuel joins us live from santa monica, california on the campaign trail. good morning to you. hillary clinton says donald trump constantly attacks so people get distracted looking at the shiny october. meanwhile clinton attacked donald trump on his economic ideas. when i hear donald trump talk about cutting taxes on billionaires. [crud booing] i say to myself, hey, wait a minute, fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on us. trump is also campaigning out here in the golden
state, wants to put california in play in the general election and fundraising off what is a huge source out here in california. last night in redding, trump blasted clinton saying if voters choose her, the country is going to die. hillary clinton is totally scripted. hillary clinton is a thief. and hillary clinton should be in jail. the only problem is i like to run against her. then there is bernie sanders who is going all out to win california on tuesday. he continues doing rallies and news conferences up and down the golden state. sanders says he has an excellent chance to win here and using his moment in the spotlight to push clinton on environment mental issues. we have a tax on carbon. [cheers and applause] and i would urge secretary clinton to change her view and support me. [cheers and applause] in demanding a tax on carbon.
despite the difficult delegate math for bernie sanders, make no mistake about it, is he hoping to embarrass hillary clinton out here in the golden state on tuesday night. back to you guys in new york. all right. thanks, mike. mike emanuel, that is just makes me laugh the idea that donald trump is in the pocket of moneyed interest. who is taking more money from wall street hillary clinton or donald trump? it s literally not even close. obviously it s one of hillary clinton s biggest sources of funding and has been for a long time. well, michelle obama in a rare public speech, rare political speech going after donald trump. she chose this university specifically. she chose ccny which is a public college, immigrant rich college in new york. over 150 different languages spoken. that s specifically why she want to do speak in front of that audience when she said this. watch. despite the lessons of our history and the truths of your experience here at city colleges, some folks out there today seem to have a very different
perspective. they seem to view our diversity as a threat to be contained rather than as a resource to be tapped. [cheers] they tell us to be afraid of those who are different, to be suspicious of those with whom we disagree. here in america, we don t give in to our fears. we don t build up walls to keep people out because we know that our greatness has always depended on contributions from people who were born elsewhere. [ applause ] but sought out this country and made it their home. what a demagogue. in other words, if you disagree with michelle obama mall you are a racist. that s what we have heard for quite some time. accuse other people bad wanting to build walls. a person living in a house in which walls are built to protect her. she never mentioned by name. she was talking directly about him building walls.
but she did, however, talk about colin powell, former secretary of state who went there and talked about him being the son of an imgrant. she drew those parallels. nobody is against immigrants, but this administration has let in twice the number of immigrants as the number of jobs that have been created during the obama administration. so like how does that work exactly? why is that good for anybody who lives here or anybody who comes here? coming up, the mainstream media celebrated hillary clinton s foreign policy speech. donald trump s ideas aren t just different, they are dangerously incoherent. what did the voters think of it? lee carter gives us the dial treatment next. and then our coverage of muhammad ali s death continues. we re live outside the hospital where the boxing champion passed away as we say good by to the greatest. i don t have a mark on my
face. and 22 years old. i must be the greatest. i told the world. in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it s good to be in, good hands. the call just came in. she s about to arrive. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account.of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable.
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we are working to confirm that information. family spokesperson a short while ago sent out an email
saying there will be a media briefing in a few hours. we expect to learn more about the funeral arrangements for muhammad ali. we do know he will be buried in his hometown of louisville, kentucky. a family spokesperson said after, quote, a 32 year battle with parkison s disease muhammad ali has passed away at the age of 74. the heavyweight boxer died this evening. then on thursday the day before ali s death, his daughter posted this status to facebook saying i love this photo of my father and my daughter sydney when she was a baby. thanks for all the love and well-wishes. i feel your love and appreciate. here in phoenix muhammad ali helped found the parkison s center in phoenix. that hospital aims to aid those also stricken with the same disease. parkinson s disease which muhammed ali suffered from. clayton? matt live for us in morning in scottsdale where muhammad ali passed away. thanks, manual. tucker, over to you.
the gloves are off this morning in the golden state with the press touting hillary clinton s attacks as a turning point for her as she moves upward in the general election. how do voters feel about it? that s the real question to. answer it pollster lee carter joins us. new dial tests. good morning, lee. good morning. so, this was the consensus in every paper in politico and all tuggers were convinced hillary clinton s speech attacking trump on foreign policy basically changed the race. did it? i don t think so. i really don t. i think it s not surprising to see the democrats loved it not surprising to say that republicans did not. but independents, it s real interesting to see how they tracked. we should take a look across these dials how they responded. okay. so here s the first bite we are going to play hillary on trump s temperament. making donald trump our commander in chief would be a historic mistake. and it would undo so much of the work that republicans and democrats alike have done. over many decades to make
america stronger and more secure. it boo set back our standing in the world more than anything in recent memory. and it would fuel an ugly narrative about who we are. and so you can see that the democrats across the top of the line a said she did a fantastic job. independents and republicans both gave her an f. this was the most interesting thing to me. one of the independents said she might be right but i m not sure that she is any better. so there is still this real trust gap that she has. she can put this out there and cause doubts about donald trump. independent voters they still have doubts about her. she can hurt him but doesn t necessarily help herself? that s right. interesting. here is hillary on national pride. watch this. imagine if he had not just his twitter account at his disposal when he is angry but america s entire arsenal. do we want him making those calls? someone thin-skinned and quick to anger who lashes out at the smallest
criticism. do we want his finger anywhere near the button? no. i have a lot of faith that the american people will make the right decision. this is a country with a deep reservoir of common sense and national pride. well, i m no hillary voter, i thought that was a pretty effective line though. you know what? i will agree. what we heard from voters, we said what is the most effective attack? what stands out to you? that idea that donald trump is thin-skinned. that is the one thing that she said people were repeating and really scares them because we can t afford to have a president who is thin skinned. independents and republicans here basically said this was a pretty good argument. independents even came back a little bit to the middle. they gave it more like a c. especially when she started saying i believe in the american people. we have deep sense of common sense. people really respond to do that they want us to show that we are great america. they want her talking about the positives more than the attacks. the attack when she went on
thin skin that s when it stuck. interesting. here is trump s response to what she said, watch. crooked hillary said oh, donald trump, his finger on the button. i m the one that didn t want to go into iraq, folks. and she is the one that stupidly raised her hand to go into iraq and destabilize the entire middle east. so that was a very typical donald trump tone and response and feedback and independents, republicans gave him a b. it wasn t the ever done. weighs a right to swing back. he made a good point. democrats not surprisingly gave it an f. still independents said if she is going to come at him for that he has every right to come back swinging. interesting he went after her on iraq. not just libby but on iraq. lee carter, thanks a lot for that. any time. great to be here. she is a convicted cop killer hiding out in cuba. is there a deal in the works to bring her back to america to face justifiable? we have details on that story coming up. and firemen called terrorists because they put
the american flag on their truck. it s a shocking story. we have a big update this morning. the fireman s union president joins us live just ahead.
rumble young man rumble. that s what we going to do. you heard it. i told you i was floating like a butterfly and stinging like a be. his hands can t hit what his eyes can t see. that s what happened.
one of the most iconic quotes from muhammad ali. the world is mourning the boxing legend this morning. muhammad passing away at the age of 74. passed away from respiratory complications. world reacting to the death of muhammad ali. i was so overwhelmed i couldn t believe that i met him when i was young. i met muhammad ali. him touching me, me shaking hands with muhammad ali. it made me want to go out there legend. a man that s going to be truly missed. a man that i loved. tributes pouring in on social media as well. our own adam housley has more from los angeles this morning on this story. good morning, adam. good morning, guys. all throughout the night we have been monitoring this. the #s, for or five gotten close to 1 million retweets or postst. penal posting their thoughts
on muhammad ali whether you knew him or didn t. people who had no thoughts leaving thoughts and people who knew the man. don king put out a statement like he will never die. he stood for the world. george foreman, muhammad ali is one of the greatest human beings i ever met. no doubt one of the greatest people who ever lived in this day and age. kareem abdul jabbar today we bow our heads at the loss of a man who did so much for america. tomorrow we will raise our heads again, remembering that his bravery, his outspokeness and his sacrifice for the sake of his community and country lives on in the best part of each of us. you heard from floyd mayweather a minute ago. but also bernice king, daughter of martin luther king, of course, says you were a champion in so many ways. you fought well. rest well. manny paquel says we lost a giant today. boxing benefited from
muhammad ali s talents but not as much as mankind benefited from his humanity. bob, the boxing promoter. he was the greatest fighter of all time. boxing career secondary to his contribution to the world. we are hearing from everyone those running for president and those who had no connection at all. other than knowing that muhammad ali was larger than life. we heard from lahia ali earlier. we know many in family at his side in phoenix. this wasn t the first time he had gone through something like this. in fact, jim gray who knew him well works for here at fox. this is the fourth time muhammad ali had been in a grave situation. unfortunately the first three, he won that battle as he fought and won so many throughout his lifetime and in so many ways. unfortunately this one he did not win. another small story i want to do pass along, here in southern california, muhammad ali went to a game a couple years ago at a school that i m familiar with pepperdine university a
small baseball stadium here for a college team doesn t get generally large crowds and muhammad ali went to see his grandson play from the university of louisville as they played a pepperdine team. not a lot of people in the stands that day. usually when someone like muhammad ali would come to an event, generally speaking, you will have a massive entourage. that s kind of the way people travel those days. he came basically with his family. no entourage. it s those thoughts coming through this morning. people who knew him. people who didn t know him. the energy he had, whether weather you met him or not, whether you are in the same room or not is something that continues to live on. we will have more thoughts and remembrances here on fox back to you in new york. thanks. questions we were asking earlier, tim shanahan, one of his close friends, how did he want to be remembered? he wrote about this from his own memoir he said i would like to be remembered as the man who won the heavy weight title three times. humorous. a man who never looked down on those who looked up to
him and helped as many people as he could. as a man who stood up for his beliefs no matter what. as a man who tried to unite all human kind through faith and love. if all that is too much, i guess i would settle to be remembered as a great boxer and leader and champion of his people. i wouldn t even mind if folks forgot how pretty i was. he was known for saying that a couple times. all right. well, the death toll climbing now to nine after search teams find the pose of four more soldiers swept away in those texas floods. only three of 12 men surviving the tragic accident in owl creek at fort hood. two and a half ton truck overturning during a training exercise. the three men who survived were released from the hospital friday. we re still waiting on the army to release the names of those who died. three men have now been found guilty of conspiring to join isis. the trio all from the state of minnesota. they re accused of planning
to go to syria and conspiring to commit murder. they all now face life in prison. they are among 10 young men accused in the conspiracy. a judge ordering the man who set up hillary clinton s controversial email server to prove he was immunity deal with the department of justice. brian pagliano planning to plead the fifth during a deposition by a watchdog group but now has to prove that he has rationale to do so. pagliano has been part of an fbi investigation into whether or not hillary clinton broke the law by sharing and storing classified information on her private home email server. rumor has it u.s. and cuban officials are in talks to exchange exiles. the trade would bring new jersey cop killer joanne chess march back to america. until exchange she has been
hiding out in havana since the mid 1980, those are your headlines this morning. rick reichmuth is standing by with a look at the forecast this morning. hey, rick. how many times have we talked about texas flooding and how many times have we talked about it. keep asking. it s getting metta. it really is been the case all week long. the rain today right here across kind of the center stripe of the country from minnesota and western great lakes down to the south. we still have rain falling around the houston area. one of the spots seeing so much flooding. it s almost done. however, this front is very slow to move out. i think by tomorrow evening it s gone. in the meantime we will see spots around houston, maybe 3 or 4 inches of rain and see more flooding. tropics, hurricane season started just a couple days ago and we are watching our third system of the year potentially going to develop maybe some time tomorrow evening here. all this moisture you see in the western caribbean, that is going to move up in the national hurricane center high chance of development here in the 48 to 72 hours.
right here across parts of the eastern gulf, and maybe some sort of a landfall monday night into tuesday across parts of florida. a lot of rain there. some spots maybe 7 to 10 inches of rain. we will see flooding in florida this week as well. that s a lot of rain. a lot of rain. thanks, rick. you bet. coming up on the show, remember how the state department admitted to delicately editing this briefing video to cut our james rosen it turns out they did it again. the new accusation being leveled against the obama administration. we we are live in washington with that story next. you have seen the shocking video. a trump supporter getting egged in the face by protesters who are waving mexican flags. shouldn t they protests? debate is next. hey, baby, there ain t no easy way out don t back down
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welcome back. remember when the state department admit to do editing this exchange between our james rosen and a states department spokesperson. it s happened again this time over a press briefing over the iran nuclear deal. garrett tenney with the latest on. this good morning, clayton. the selective editing again involves a fox news correspondent asking about the administration lying to the american public about the iran nuclear deal. back on may 9th, at the white house press briefing, our own kevin corke asked white house spokesperson josh earnst about that here is the exchange. you can state categorically that no senior official in this administration has ever lied publicly about any aspect of the iran nuclear deal? no. that initial response from ernest where he says no, kevin, never made it
into the white house s official transcript of that briefing though. a white house official told abc news, which first reported the omission that the line was left out because it was inaudible. though you could clearly hear it there in that video. this, of course, comes on the heels of a discovery that the state department official ordered 8 minute exchange between our own james rosen and then spokeswoman jen psaki over the iran nuclear deal to be deleted on the website and youtube channel. in paris yesterday, secretary of state john kerry called that decision stupid, clumsy and inappropriate. and said he intends to find out who is responsible, adding he did not want that kind of person working for him. congress is now getting involved as well on friday. he had royce, chairman of the house foreign affairs committee requested the state department s inspector general investigate the issue as well. and jason chaffetz, the chairman of the house oversight committee sent a letter to secretary kerry requesting documents and information regarding that incident as well.
so this story is not going away any time soon, clayton? i wonder how much other stuff is [inaudible]. inaudible. flags burned, donald trump supporters were assaulted in san jose thursday night. hillary clinton has condemned the violence but also blamed trump for it watch this. i condemn all violence in our political arena. i condemned it when donald trump was inciting it and congratulating people who were engaging in it. i condemn it by those who are taking violent protests to physical assault against donald trump. this has to end. he said a he set a very bad example. he created an environment in which it seemed to be acceptable for someone running for president to be inciting violence, to be encouraging his supporters. now we are seeing people who are against him responding in kind. it should all stop. okay. that s hillary s view.
some on the left have actually encouraged rioting. one vox editor tweeted this the other day quote. advice: if trump comes to your town, start a riot. that man was suspended but there wasn t much outrage about it. why? joining us now to discuss this is the mayor of miami beach florida and hillary clinton supporter and frequent guest on the show reporter lavigne. mr. mayor, it s great to see you. thank you. it s a little much to blame donald trump for the violence of people who support hillary clinton or bernie sanders, isn t it. absolutely. tucker, let me say. this as a mayor the most important thing is public safety. making sure your citizens or residents are safe. everyone needs to condemn violence. there is no place for this in our political discourse. obviously this is a very contentious election. i m sure we are going to see this all across the country. i call upon my fellow mayors and all contenders in this presidential race to condemn violence during all these political rallies and all these events. good for you. what you didn t hear anybody mention in the press for some reason is the nature of
these protests. they weren t just against trump. they were against america. burning american flags. waving mexican flags. make america mexico again. stop waving the flags of foreign countries? what is this. everyone has freedom of speech. no question about that freedom of speech doesn t mean that you cannot hurt anybody, that you can threaten anybody. that needs to be eliminated. i m not contesting their right to be anti-american. i m saying people in positions of authority ought to denounce it. why aren t they? no question about it. that s why donald trump really should denounce it. he denounces it all the time. i mean, listen. why waving mexican flags. tucker, let me ask you a question when is he saying something like beat the crap out of that protester, that s wrong. right. he shouldn t say that. he should condemn violence. i agree. senator sanders. that s an easy call. donald trump needs to do that. do you think the protesters at anti-trump should wave mexican flags. i think people should have freedom of speech.
hold on, slow down. what do you think of the waving mexican flags? do you find that appealing? what do you think that means. i think today is a sad day for america. muhammad ali passed away and being the mayor of miami beach greatest in the world when he knocked out sunny his ten. one of the things he stood for against violence. violence in the ring but outside the ring he was not for violence. like muhammad ali you are floating like a butterfly around my question. and stipulating like a be. thank you for being my guest. firearm called terrorists because they put flag on truck. speaking of anti-american. respond to that next.
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island town after a city official forces its firefighters to remove american flags from their trucks? his reason? it makes them look like terrorists. the official sparked this controversy by calling the flags on the back of the trucks, quote: like isis in syria going to take over a city. i don t think they need that big flag on the back of the truck. that s not america to me. those are a bunch of terrorists. the official has since walked back his remarks and firefighters now have permission to fly the american flag. joining us now is firefighter union president david gorman, he has been defending the firefighters in this fight with the city and is here surrounded by several members ever the central coventry fire department. thanks to all of you for being here. david, please make sense of this story for all of us. we are hearing that in a u.s. town that firefighters are being told they can t fly theme acan flag on
their trucks? is it the way it sounds? yeah. i mean, that s exactly how it sounds. you know, you asked me to make sense of it. i can t make no sense of that comment. it makes no sense whatsoever. so what is going on? what was his reasoning, this official, what was his reasoning on calling firefighters terrorists for flying american flag off the back of the truck? i don t know what a reasoning would be to call first responders terrorists at all. we can only assume that we have been in some entrenched battles over the last several years, and this is just another attempt to really belittle us and attack us. but, to resort to terrorists and isis and those comments, that was just despicable. how are the firefighters responding? our initial response was did that really happen? you know, what was just said? but we have been berated like this the last couple of years from this chairman. but my military vet and even
the guys standing behind me very upset. this is the american flag a lot of brave men and women laid their lives down for us to fly that flag. three chief were told to take down decals. two of them were veterans themselves. he has since walked back these remarks and now they will be allowed to fly the flag but they have to ask permission? well, we haven t been told that we re allow to do fly it. they have walked back their comments but issue asked privately by three fire chiefs in the current administration that the chairman wants the flag and vice merriman want the flags off the fire trucks. we also understand, by the way, that since this story broke the fire district board has hired a pr firm and you say that you have been getting a lot of support and the firefighters have been getting a lot of support for the community. so, david goshman, thanks for gorman, thanks for
joining us and good fight there with you all all the firefighters standing with you. thank you, appreciate it. greatest is gone. booking legend muhammad ali passing overnight. we remember him when our coverage it really opens the passages. waiter. water. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. this clean was like - pow. everything well? it felt like i had just gone to the dentist. my teeth are glowing. they are so white. 6x cleaning , 6x whiteningá in the certain spots that i get very sensitive. .i really notice a difference. and at two weeks superior sensitivity relief to sensodyne
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good morning. it s saturday, june 4th. 2016. i m sandra smith, and this is a fox news alert. the greatest of all time is dead. everybody stop talking now. attention. i told you all of my critics, i told you all that i was the greatest of all time. indeed he did. multiple times. boxing legend muhammad ali passing awayvernight. we ll have the very latest on his passing. the incredible reaction that we are seeing pouring in this morning to the news and we ll take a look back at the life and legacy of the champ. and then countdown to the california primary. with that race just days away, sparks are flying in the campaign trail. hillary clinton taking aim
at donald trump. but new poll numbers suggest she ought to be spending more time focused on bernie sanders. we ve got a live report from that state straight ahead. and another hollywood actor attacks donald trump. if there are multiple simulations, how come we have to be in one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president? can we like transfer to a different one? let me me say this to the bankers. actor matt damon turning a speech into a political won against the donald. he wasn t the only one. the first lady did it too. we will play that tape for you are too. fox & friends hour two starts right now. just waking up, it is saturday morning and muhammad ali the greatest heavyweight boxer in history of this country has died at the age of 74 in scottsdale, arizona. the three time
heavyweight champion had been hospitalized recently with respiratory complications. all exacerbated by parkison s disease he was battling for 32 years. he will be buried in his home state of louisville, kentucky. flags will be lowered to half-staff we are told this morning. the former cassius clay consciousness when he beat the champion sunny liston. we re diving into the history of this. because it was supposed to take place at the boston gardens. i didn t, it was. cancelled at the last minute and moved up to maine where you usually don t think of big sporting gleents hockey ring in the. history was made. he called himself the greatest of all of time and he proved it again and again. as we said he has passed away at the age of 74 last night. he did call himself the greate time. and anyone who challenged that, he would look right at them and say are you the greatest? i m the greatest. the accomplishment s there to back it up. they are stunning. having won the world heavyweight title a record
three times. matt joins us live from outside the hospital there in scottsdale, arizona where he had spent his last few days. hey, matt. good morning, everyone. of course it s very somber here right now. calm and quiet. we have seen people come and leave behind candles and mementos like boxing gloves. there was a very strong presence of security here at one point we saw almost a dozen police officers or what appeared to be security guards in front of the main entrance of the hospital. now the security preference has presence has diminished. we cannot confirm whether his body is in the hospital behind us. we do know the family released an email a short while ago saying that muhammad ali will be buried in his hometown of louisville, kentucky. there will be a briefing. the family is expected to release more information on fowrnl arrangements. on thursday, the day before he died, his daughter posted this status to facebook saying, quote: i love this
photo of my father and my daughter sydney when she was a baby. thanks for all the love and well wishes. i feel your love and appreciate it. as you guys have been saying, celebrities, athletes, world leaders have been posting tributes on social media mike tyson said, quote. came from his champion. floyd mayweather post to do instagram saying my heart goes out to a pioneer, a true legend and hero by all means. now, of course, muhammad ali has been described as kind and giving man. someone who tried to give back to the world through any means that he could. and here in phoenix, the boxing legend helped found the muhammad ali parkison s center at a neurological institute in phoenix. that hospital aims to help people struck with factor sons the disease he suffered from for so long. thanks, matt. muhammad ali was known for accomplishments in the ring but accomplishments around the world even greater. how muhammad ali floated
like a butterfly and stung like the be. the world pretty like me. he was pretty and he won the heavyweight championship three different times from 1964 to 1979. ali was still known as cassius clay when he came out of louisvilleville kentucky and took the championship from sonny liston. in february 1964. overnight, he became an international star with attitude. i walked in london, england. i jumped off the airplane. camera men anywhere i go. look in the gym. tv, cameraman, everybody follows me i m so great. in 1960 s he embraced muslim religion changed his name from cassius clay to muhammad ali. with the vietnam war raging, ali refused to be inducted into the army. as a consequence, he was stripped of his title and exiled from boxing for almost four years. he returned and won the title again from george foreman when he introduced his famous rope-a-dope
strategy in 1974. let s do it all. i hit them it will knock him back and out. he would literally stand there and wake up again. it was an aging ali who lost a title to toothless leon spinks in 1978. he came back 8 months later to regain the crown. ali s most memorable fights were with joe frazier. he won two of the three classic contests from 1971 to 1975. i told you today i m still the greatest of all time. never again defeat me. never again say that i m going to be defeated. never again make me the underdog until i m about 50 years old. then you might get me. in the 70 s, he came under the influence of boxing promoter dom king. he pounded out a lopsided decision over the unskilled chuck wetner in 1975. he
remained international celebrity long after his retirement 1981. symbolic of national status. he was chosen to light the olympic torch after the 1976 olympics in atlanta. even though he was severely inflicted with parkinson s disease. he attended the funeral of his greatist rival joe frazier. i told you i m the champ of the world. all of you bow. all of my critics. in new york, brian kilmeade, fox news. we want to bring in tim shanahan now author of running with the champ. my 40 year friendship with muhammad ali. we want to talk about your remembrances of muhammad ali. this morning, everyone bringing up the fact that he was a controversial figure. i think he offended just about everyone. he offended the naacp, he offended the establishment. everyone seemed to have a gripe at one time with muhammad ali. like i mentioned earlier, he said his middle name was
controversy. and whenever he was promoting his fights, he always said he wanted to insult the opponent and make people angry at him and at that way, 50% of the people will come to see him lose and the other 50% would come to see him win. so whenever he was promoting the fight, he said that was all an act. he said i was just pumping myself up to get into the mood to fight this opponent. and he had to make himself angry to get into that mood. he was a loving person. he loves all people. and somebody who loves all people can t be a terror in the ring unless he makes up something in his head. so he was controversial. he was. he became famous as you know in the 1960 s for coming out against racial integration. and as a black separatist and said so without apology and often. when did he change his view on that? and if so when and why? he really he believed
in elijah muhammad. so he was following him as a young age and believed anything and everything he said. when elijah muhammad died in 1975, wallace d. muhammad took over his son took over. he was more along the lines of muhammad s thinking that is that we can t be calling the white man devils. we have to learn how to get along with them. because they are in the business world. and we have to join them in the business world and do business with them. and we can t turn our backs on that. we have to make ourselves better and greater by cooperating and participating with the white world. and muhammad always believed that he never really believed that the white man was the devil. so that was a time when he started changing his thoughts. tim, as an athlete, obviously he had god-given talent. he won an olympic gold medal at the age of 18. as his friend for so long, what more did muhammad ali have that made him this
exceptional athlete beyond just talent? because athletes know it takes more than just that. i m going to tell you something probably everybody sees but don t bring up his spiritual side. he is the most spiritual person that i know. and he rises above the mortality that he is facing in fights and any type of controversy. he takes it from a higher level. people who deal with him on that spiritual level realize it. and i believe that the one thing that he had above all other athletes was the ability to rise above and faces the challenge at a spiritual level rather than a morality level. thanks for joining us this morning and for remembering your friend muhammad ali for us. thanks. thank you. good to have you here. headlines this morning
starting with a fox news alert. the death toll climbing to nine after search teams find the bodies of four more soldiers swept away in texas floods. only three of 12 men surviving the tragic accident in owl creek at fort hood. a two and a half ton truck overturning during a training exercise. the three men who survived were released from the hospital friday. we re still waiting for the army to release the names of those who died. police in massachusetts are on high alert after a man threatens to kill officers on twitter. the man posting a video of himself cursing and yelling at police. after getting frustrated by an ambulance on his way to work. the man believes the ambulance was sent by police to mess with him. he then threatened to kill the officers saying it s just a matter of time. the scariest part? the man considers all fire and e.m.s. personnel as police, creating a bigger danger for emergency responders. all right. well, a judge ordering the manual who set up hillary
clinton s controversial email server to prove he has an immunity deal with the justice department. brian pagliano planning to plead the fifth during a deposition by a watchdog group. now has to prove he has rationale to do so. pagliano has been part of an fbi investigation into whether or not hillary clinton broke the law by sharing and storing classified information on that home server. and those are your headlines on this saturday morning. thank you, sandra. well, the primary just days away sparks are flying on the campaign trail. hillary clinton taking aim at donald trump. new poll number suggests she should be spending more time focused on bernie. a live report from california is straight ahead. convicted cop killer hiding out in cuba. our new best friend. is a deal in the works to bring her back to america to face justice and why wasn t this deal done before? we have got details coming up. we ll have continued coverage continuing coverage of the passing of muhammad ali. arthur aidala and bo dietl will be here to share their
memories of the poxing legend. i make medicine sick. i m so fast, man, can i run through a hurricane and don t get wet. meet me will pay his debt. i can drown a drink of water and kill a dead tree. wait until you see muhammad ali. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident s unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. to be taken care of. in good hands? like finding new ways home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh.
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welcome back. the countdown to california is on just a few days now, the battle between democrats and as that is heating up to clinch the golden state. hillary clinton looking ahead and taking aim directly at donald trump with the presumptive g.o.p. nominee firing back at her attack. there is an awful lot going on. we bring in michael emanuel to explain what s happening. good morning, mike.
tucker, clayton, sandra, good morning to you. weighed in on the lowering the bar. she knows law enforcement has tough enough job knowing we can gather and talk issues. i condemn all violence in our political arena. i condemned it when donald trump was inciting it and congratulating people who were engaging in it. i condemn it by those who are taking violent protests to physical assault against donald trump. this has to end. he said he set a very bad example. he created an environment donald trump is also campaigning here in california, doing some critical fundraising for the general election. he is also hoping to put california in play in the fall in the general election. trump last night in redding fired back at clinton. i think that hillary clinton is unfit to lead our
country, certainly at this time. [cheers] i think she is unfit. then there is bernie sanders who is still campaigning relentlessly out here in california. sanders has been doing multiple rallies each day and daily news conferences with reporters. sanders sounds pleased that very tight polls have forced clinton to compete here. the media has decided that the campaign was over. she was supposed to be campaigning n new jersey but suddenly she and bill got a plane and here they are in california. sounds like the campaign is not quite over. [cheers] sanders has faced some questions in recent days about whether he is the one dividing the democratic party. sanders describes himself as an old fashioned guy who believes debate and democracy are great ideas. tucker, sandra, clayton? all right. thanks. thanks, mike. well we have that in common with him.
we believe debate and democracy are good ideas on fox & friends. violence unfolding in california and san jose and other rallies. chaos, you, of course, saw those anti-trump protesters throwing eggs at the trump supporter wearing the trump shirt. al pack of them surrounding this poor woman. screaming at her and intimidating her. imagine if she were a hillary supporter being surrounded by trump supporter. or transgendered right supporter being surrounded by red next. the justice department would be on this, right? she comes out and says she is condemning it. but then, of course, she is pointing the finger back at trump again. now we have this, which is an amazing tweet from emmet rensin. the editor of that publication tweeted this yesterday advice: if trump comes to your town start a rite. he has been suspended. he goes on to defend that
idea, basically saying, look, if you oppose donald trump, this idea, you should come out and start a riot. hillary clinton says she condemns it but the question is are democrats doing enough to denounce this type of activity. especially after something like that. what about the nature of the protests? they were not just against trump they were against america. they were waving american waving mexican flags is that okay take a foreign flag to a protested and say let s make the state mexico. what does hillary think about that? emmet comes out with tweets i oppose all violence. violence against human beings is immoral. violence when you burn down a store front that s negotiable. violence to cars and things like that. that s doable. let us know your thoughts on that. coming up on this show, remember this shocking photo of this dog with its mouth duct taped shut? we have update on this case you will want to hear it straight ahead. taking on donald trump, it appears.
multiple simulations. how come we have to be the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president? can we like transfer to a different one? let me just say this. it s on day monday vs. trump. wait, hold on, enter stuart varney into the picture. and i couldn t wait to get my pie chart. the most shocking result was that i m 26% native american. i had no idea. just to know this is what i m made of, this is where my ancestors came from. and i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. it s opened up a whole new world for me. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn t bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions
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welcome back. matt damon making his big return to mit. hasn t been there since they filmed goodwill hunting. he delivered that school s commencement speech yesterday. he used his time to take shots at donald trump and wall street. here is part of what he said. if there are multiple simulations, how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president? [ laughter ] can we like transfer to a different one? let me just say this to the bankers, specifically the ones who brought you the biggest heist in history, it was theft and you knew it.
it was fraud, and you knew it. and i don t know if justice is coming for you in this life or the next, but if justice does come for new this life, her name will be elizabeth warren. joining us now with his reaction stuart varney and company. stu varney. greetings all. theft and fraud, bankers. fraud and theft. what do you make of that? first of all, i find continue credible that you have a leftee celebrity invite to do a prestigious to nonsense. a conservative would be have been banned. up he gets, he hits the podium and all wall street s fault. it s all the bankers. he is flat out wrong. we are in difficult economic times. got nothing to do with what happened eight years ago. it s got nothing to do with wall street or the bankers. it s got everything to do with current economic policy. that s what s dragging us down. and that s what day monday will never admit. period. i wonder though if he realizes he is going to be
on the road for hillary clinton this fall. no doubt about it. he always is does he understand that she is taking multiples more money from wall street than donald trump is? does he even know that, i wonder? i think he is more on the side of bernie sanders. right. he is obedient leftee robot, they all are. they will all get in line, of course. they all are. go for it, tucker, why not? because it s true. it is true. hillary clinton has taken more money from wall street than any republican, period. thank you, stuart varney. $200,000 per speech. i don t know a republican who gets $200,000 per speech from wall street. much more than that in one goldman sak s speech. i tried but it s not working. look at jobs report. 38,000 jobs created in the last month in may. this was a dismal number when it came out. you were covering it, stu. why? what happened? i think that s another problem for hillary clinton. the economy is almost dead stopped, growing at less than 1% a year. that is pathetic. hardly creating any new
jobs. 38,000 that is dismal in the extreme. the middle class is still shrinking. and here s hillary clinton running for office on the back of president obama s economic policies. which are failing. but, remember, she says her husband is going to fix the economy. oh, that will work here is donald trump on this jobs report he tweeted out. terrible jobs report just reported. only 38,000 jobs added. bombshell. he is right. it is a bombshell. that came out of the blue yesterday. when that was announced, only 38,000 new jobs created in one month. that just came right out of the blue. nobody was really expecting it to be that bad. there were these predictions we have been talking about it over the last few months that the next president, it might be handed a real hurricane when they go into office. it could be. what needs to happen from either side to try to right these winds? you have two sides of the fence here. hillary clinton and bernie sanders would go into the election with a policy of tax the rich and spend more money. that s what we have had for eight years.
doesn t work. donald trump will go into the election with a tax plan. cut individual tax rates, cut corporate tax rates, give us growth. i think that s what we need. i think we need growth at all costs. a lot of problems would be at least alleviated if we had 4% growth for a couple of years. that wouldn t solve everything, but it would set us on the right track. government regulations have been a big obstacle as well. get rid of them, employees. obamacare is the biggest obstacle to prosperity for middle america. it s still with us. it s got to go. those people aren t voting anyway so they have got to go. watch the show. killing it. you are all right, you guys. great to see you. want you back every weekend. coming up here on the show, she was fired after 40 veterans died under her watch at the phoenix v.a. now there is a chance she could get her job back thanks to the doj. pete hegseth is fired up about this and he is
straight ahead. rememberth shocking photo of a dog? how could you forget it with its mouth duct taped shut. we have an update on this case and this story just ahead. and, tucker? we continue to observe the passing of one of the great boxers of all time pouring in from around the world. we will give you the latest on muhammad ali. bo dietl here to share next. allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right.
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rumble, young man, rumble. that s what we gonna do. you heard it. i told you i was floating like a butterfly and stinging like a be. his hands can t hit when what his eyes can t see. some of the most famous quotes of all time from boxer muhammad ali. he pass away last night at the age of 74. he battled parkison s disease for three decades. admitted to a phoenix hospital thursday suffering from respiratory problems. ali s accomplishments are stunning having won the heavyweight title a record three times. 56 of 61 fights. 37 of them by knockout. we want to bring in bo dealings, arthur aidala. both men here to share personal stories of muhammad ali. arthur, amazing at the garden the night muhammad
ali lost. well, muhammad ali and joe frazier household name literally in my house, in my office. in my law office. i have the hat that the officials were given. special commemorative hat. when you look at the pictures of that fight, the march 8th, 1971 fight. all the officials around are wearing that hat. i have it framed because it was my grandfather s hat. two judges and a referee. the referee was mccandy my grandfather was one of the judges. they were so afraid much corruption. greatest sporting event ever. it was the only sporting event. there wasn t 500 different sports. there were like three. and so people would know there was no cell phones so my grandfather and three of the judges had to sit at home and wait for the phone to ring and he got the call around 4:00 that day and one of the referees and they were guarded. my grandfather couldn t go. no one could talk to him or no one could be near him. he said to me what he did in that fight because as bo
will tell you every celebrity on the planet was there he watched the fight with his thumbs in his ears. he didn t want the crowd s reaction to influence his decision because the crowd can t see if a punch actually lands or doesn t land. he ruled nine rounds for joe frazier, six rounds for muhammad ali and muhammad ali lost that huge, huge fight right after the supreme court battle and all that in my house ali, frazier, march 8th is like a day of reverence. were you there, bo? i was there he touched my life twice. in 1917 i was a police trainee. i didn t become a cop yet. we had the gray uniform. i was working we had all time detective there he liked his begin. he gave me his detective badge. i took his detective badge. i knew about the fight. i said i m a detective. so i had illegal badge. i had his badge and i went back into where the locker rooms. i m walking around with a badge on me. i was a trainee at the time. i wasn t even a cop.
eventually got my own detective badge. frank sinatra was the greatest event of my lifetime there. all of a sudden there to be there on that day, the excitement of that fight. is that you there with muhammad ali. muhammad ali was honored by the congress of racial equality and we had a big affair at the hilton. i was in charge of all the security. i never left his side. wow. we went back stage together. he signed everything. he signed all the shield cases of all the detectives that i had working for me. he was such a warm person. he was would have been the person to bring this whole muslim negativity together because he was a loving man. he didn t drink. he didn t smoke like arthur says he liked the ladies, but the problem with him was that i don t think arthur said that actually. he did. he was thinking it. bo, you lived it. i was like 5 at the time. you know, you are talking about a later stage muhammad ali. when that ali frazier fight that first one in 1971 he
was divisive guy. the nation was very divided. he refused to go to vietnam. he, you know, he changed his name. he was calling joe frazier uncle tom. joe frazier who was financing him under the table when he boxing because he was not allow to do box. it was a crazy, crazy time. when bo talks about frank sinatra being there. do you know how he got there? frank sinatra was there because he went to life magazine and asked to get credentials as a photographer, so frank sinatra was ring side as the ring side photographer for life magazine. that s how big an event it was. some italian businessmen that i grew up with in the park. all the italian businessmen from the gambino, that s where they were at. the tickets for the 1971 fight was the hottest tickets in the world and was the greatest sporting event of my lifetime. lived up to the hype. it went 15 rounds.
it went to a decision. every imar badge hauler was there that night. i don t know about garbage. everyone. i tell you the truth. leading up to like what arthur was saying so much controversy. everyone want to do see ali lose and frazier beat him. ali comes back with the two fight thriller and that. rummible in the jungle. as the man got older, you could see he thought about so many things. peace was one of them. eevolved. he was for one thing peace around the world. in the 1970s, one thing i reflect upon he was the most recognized man in the world. i remember that in the 1970s. i could listen to your stories all day. hopefully we all evolve. thank you, gentlemen. bo, arthur, thank you. do you think bo is ever going to evolve? no, i don t. what you see is what you get. i m not changing. but i touched upon many things in my life, pal. all right, thanks.
what s the matter are you, are you crazy? i have got to get get to these headlines. ring the bell. all right. developing right now, we have got to get to this story. three men have now been found guilty of conspiring to join isis. the trio all from minnesota. they are accused ofto go to syrd conspiring to committed murder. they all now face life in prison. they are among 10 young men accused in the conspiracy. rumor has it u.s. and cuban officials are in talks to exchange exiles it would bring new jersey chesimard back to america. in exchange we would send a cuban spy back to the do you know ban nation. she escaped in 1979 after convicted of killing a new jersey state trooper. she has been hiding out in havana since the mid 1980s. remember this shocking picture of the north carolina woman who sparked outrage when she posted this photo was found guilty of animal abuse. but will not face jail time for it.
catherine lamanski was found guilty of animal cruelty on friday. she posted the picture on her facebook page last november with the caption this is what happens when you don t shut up. she was sentence to do a year of supervised probation but the sentence was suspended. all right. those are your headline this morning. let s get outside to rick reichmuth and follows extreme weather. there is a lot going on weather wise. all the flooding in texas. take a look at the weather maps. still more rain across areas of texas this morning. can you see where the rain is across the country today from areas of wisconsin all the way down the mississippi river valley. and again in across east texas, more heavy rain, more flooding possible. see some spots, four or five inches of rain today and tomorrow. mostly going to be the coast of texas. all right, some severe weather today across the ohio valley, tomorrow a bigger chance of severe weather, including some tornadoes, especially where you see that orange color from around philadelphia down to rally. we re also watching the tropics, hurricane season began just a couple of days ago.
we already have a system that s in the western caribbean. going to pull in across the eastern gulf and as it does, likely develop into some sort of a tropical system and nonetheless bring moisture, some spots 5 to 10 inches of rain across florida. maybe tornadoes and certainly some very rough seas. one last thing, take a look at this, incredible heat moving in across the desert southwest. 117 today in phoenix. and tomorrow another maybe 116. average is 100. you get the idea the heat is on. all right, guys, send it back to you. thanks, rick. 117, nice. coming up, michelle obama taking aim at donald trump and her commencement speech. and here in america, we don t give in to our fears. we don t build up walls to keep people out. is this just a preview of what trump should expect from the obamas going into the general election? and he has been called the most hated man in america. now, the farmabro is in more
trouble. more on his charges next. i got the change in my pocket. wasn t enough i m like forget you and forget him, too. if i was richer i d still be with ya. t hearin. t hearin. charge! so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. the sun ll come out for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, tomorrow. i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever.
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in this country, it s never been each person for themselves. no, we re all in this together. we always have been. and here in america we don t give in to our fears. we don t build up walls to keep people out. some folks out there today seem to have a very different perspective. they seem to view our diversity as a threat to be contained. they tell us to be afraid of those who are different, to be suspicious of those with whom we disagree. that s your first lady, michelle obama. you know who she is talking about, of course. she is talking about donald trump. that was during a commencement speech she gave in new york city yesterday. probably a preview of what
trump ought to expect going into the general election. here to confirm that or not is fox news contributor and author of black lash how obama and the left are driving americans to the government plantation, our friend dineen borelli. great to see you this morning. good morning, everyone. the message is you disagree with our program, you are a bigot. that s what the left does, clayton i mean tucker. i m happy to be clayton, that s an upgrade. it s what the left does. a scare tactic, a fear tactic try to get people to go out to the polls, especially black voters, injecting race is another way to do it. they play the race card. this is what we are witnessing. we will see more of that because the obamas know the clock is ticking. they will be out of the office soon. we will be seeing more and hearing more of these comments. she talks about the raising of these walls. listen to her comments about the white house and waking up in a house built by slaves every morning. listen. it s the story that i witness every single day. when i wake up in a house that was built by slaves,
and i watch my daughters, two beautiful black young women head off to school. [ applause ] waving goodbye to their father, the president of the united states. yeah, don t forget not too long ago she said she was proud of the country for the first time in her adult life and that was only because her husband became president of the united states. but for her to go back in time to bring up slavery, again is, a way to play on people s emotions. why not go back to the 1950s and 1960 s when the democrats were the ones responsible for wanting to keep blacks segregated and were involved in the kkk and other issues that they did not want black americans to have liberty and freedom in america? why not go back to the 1950s and 1960s and talk about that i see this as selective history for her on her part to make those comments. this is the last commencement address. right. as first lady.
and she used it primarily to attack donald trump. right. she never named him in that speech. right. but i mean most of it was targeting the g.o.p. nominee. sure. why not talk about america s exceptionalism. she went to prince ton. she went to law school. she is in the white house. the first lady. why not talk about how exceptional america is and that people, these graduates this is what they want to hear. a message of hope. a message of inspiration. and that you can achieve anything you set your mind to as long as you work hard and apply yourself. that is what america has to offer. so, deenen, even as we speak here on the couch, using our tax dollars erect ago higher fence around michelle obama s house. sure. given what she said yesterday tear down america s walls that s now how nerns live. we re not afraid of people. why is there a fence around the white house? that s the point. do as i say not as i do. there is nothing wrong with
securing our porous borders. these are criminal activities coming. in diseases coming. in t.b., measles, and lord knows what else. we need to keep america safe first and that should be most important. well, i lock forward to the day where all the syrian refugees are living on the white house lawn. yeah. i agree. deneen borelli, good to see you. coming up here. sorry. one of bernie sanders biggest supporters suzanne sarandon has a prediction for hillary clinton. watch this. nobody is even talking about this indictment? what happens with that? besides the trust issue of catching her in so many lies? when does that well, there has been no indictment. no, but there is going to be. the reporters defending hillary but sarandon won t take it she is going after hillary clinton. hillary clinton is now responding. you get to hear what she has to say, yex. remember how the state department admit to do deliberately editing this briefing video to cut out james rosen. turns out they did it again. we have the new accusations straight ahead. she was fired after 40
veterans died under her watch at the phoenix va. now there is a chance she could get her job back. thanks to the doj, pete hegseth is all fired up about this. is he going to join us next. on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed.
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welcome back. well, is the white house trying to undermine v.a. reform? that s what some lawmakers are saying in the wake of a justice department decision that could protect the job of a fired v.a. official. sharon hell man was terminated as the head of the v.a. facility after 40 veterans died on her watch much the doj, however, is giving her a chance to appeal the firing and congress is crying foul. so why is the administration doing this? here to help us break this all down is pete hesitation
hegseth. great to see you this morning. good morning. your thought on she could aheel to have her ousted at the phoenix v.a.? it s enraging. she is the director of the hospital where the scandal was exposed. sharon hellman is the poster child for what is wrong with the v.a. she continues to insist that somehow she was wrongfully removed. she actually didn t get fired technically for the wait time scandal. she got fired for illegal gifts, beyonce tickets and others that she took under the table for special benefits for others. she is corrupt across the board. if she gets another appeal, she has already had an appeal. another appeal and gets her job back, it will demonstrate exactly how corrupt the entire system is. people are arguing what s really going on here? are the unions at the heart of all of this, pete? of course they are. the unions, the white house is in bed with the government unions who want more and more protections. they don t want anyone that s even remotely close to at will employment. in this case they claim the
constitution. doj is claiming that it s unconstitutional to fire someone like sharon helman. this is the same white house who loves to shred the constitution. somehow when it comes to vets or directors who underserve them, now they are all up in arms about the constitution. and they are claiming that it s unconstitutional to fire them. tell them to every american whose been fired without cause at will employment. somehow government workers live in a special land where they can t be fired? it s absolutely enraging. the justice department is in bed with the unions who is in bed with the white house. and that s why nothing is changing. on the other side of this argument is well, doesn t she deserve an appeal or could she just be fired without any further appeal? she has had an appeal. she had an appeal. she wants an additional appeal on top of it to be and it to be overturned there was also an investigation. it s not as if she just walked in and she was fired. it was months and months and months of an expose. much more than anyone in a
private sector would get. that in most institutions would ever get. these government workers are coddled, they are protected, they get lawyered up. they get another appeal. they get evidence. all the d. law did that was passed was expedite an appeal. it didn t get rid of an appeal. expedites it so like someone at an organization like the v.a. can get fired. many lawyers out there, many which i am behind the v.a. accountability act that would give the secretary the ability to fire any employee at the v.a. for cause. still be appeal and process. and the white house is claiming that would be unconstitutional. let s have that fight. because there is nothing in the constitution that says if you are a corrupt worker at the v.a. you can t be fired. find me where it says that it doesn t exist. they want more regulatory pairiers between the employees and that could be fired. it s really unfortunate. great point. and the unions at the heart of it all. pete hegseth thank you so much this morning. thank you. coming up on the show, did you hear this ridiculous
story? firefighters called terrorists because they put an american flag on their truck. hear the response to the outrage straight ahead. our coverage of muhammad ali s death continues. juan williams interviewed the boxing great. he joins us at the top of the hour. time. that s why i choose nicoderm cq. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america.
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and when if i break down. .you must be gerry. hey. in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it s good to be in, good hands. good morning, everyone. it s saturday, june 4th, 2016. i m sandra smith this and this is a fox news alert. the greatest of all times has now passed. everybody stop talking now, attention. i told you, all of my critics, i told you all that i was the grittest of all time. boxing legend muhammad ali is dead at the age of 74. we will have the very latest on his passing. the incredible reaction to the news and we ll take a look back at the life and legacy of the champ. and then another entitled rich guy takes aim at donald trump. watch this. simulations. how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president.
[ laughter ] can we like transfer to a different one? if justice does come for you in this resolve,. giving a commencement peach at mit into a political rant. we will tell you what he said. stay tuned. speaking of hollywood. one of bernie sanders biggest supporters, susan sarandon has an opinion. no one is talking about this indictment. what s happened with that. besides the trust issue catching her in so many lies. there is no indictment. no. but there is going to be. there is going to be an indictment. hillary clinton this morning giving her own prediction on the email scandal. shouldn t she be worried about california? chris stirewalt will join us live to react. fox & friends how three starts right now. well, the world mourning the loss of a man who called himself the greatest of all time. muhammad ali passing away at
the age of 74 last night after battling parkison s disease for more than three decades. admit to do a phoenix hospital thursday with respiratory problems. he won three world heavyweight boxing titles. after boxing he became a voice around the world. one of the most famous men in sports. in 2005 he was awarded the highest civilian honor the medal of freedom by president george w. bush. it was a long road from growing up in louisville, kentucky as cassius clay to his later life as muhammad ali. our observe juan williams knew muhammad ali. interviewed him for npr years ago. he joins us now. you there, juan? i m right here, tucker. good morning. good morning. i mean, he a evolved or changed, became different or whatever happened to muhammad ali. he was not the same at least in the public eye at the end as he was 50 years ago. tell us about that journey incredible journey. what an athlete.
just a beautiful man. i don t know if have you ever seen pictures of him down in miami, ang lee dundee s gym. the beatles came to visit ali. people just loved them 18 olympic cold. phantom punch. he was so fast they didn t even see the punch. they wondered if there was some mob inspired fix in but there was a punch. but the political journey almost starts at the same time. you see, of course, cassius clay becomes as world champion under the influence of the black muslims and malcolm x and changed his name from cassius clay to muhammad ali. in the course of that become a defiant figure. scary figure black and white with regards to his religion. people didn t know or understand what the black muslims were about. and so ali becomes part of a counter culture, defiant moment in american life,
particularly with regard to civil rights. and that escalates then when he says he is not going to enlist in the military in 67 and loses his boxing license. it s four years later that supreme court ruled in his favor that he had a legitimate basis for saying that he was a conscientious objector. juan, you sat down and talked to him several years ago. and you know, he is such a famous iconic person that you watched, you know, your whole life and you had built a perception. what did you learn when you sat down with him? did any of your perceptions of him change when you met him in person? well, you know, sandra, it s a little bit like meeting someone larger than life. i mean he is muhammad ali. i think, i m not being i m not engaging in hyperbole when i say i think he is the most famous person on the planet. there is no place you can go. no hamlet in china, no tribe in south america where people did not know this man s name and so, you know,
i remember once with my daughter, you know, he invited me over and this was in washington, d.c. and he just starts playing. and you realize man, that s muhammad ali. another time when i interviewed him as you mentioned for radio in los angeles, it was he was out there for some espn awards. and he just starts doing magic tricks. he made himself into a very good magician. again, just so surprising. the way other people react to do him. holiday stars hollywood stars and other athletes held him in regard. i think it had to do with the idea that he had political voice, that i is h. sacrificed take a stand whether you agree with it or not. and secondly that he was so well known and so beloved by some. i think even in the boxing community, my dad was involved in the boxing community. people just thought, you know, is he different. i mean, he was not only fast and strong.
but he had the poetic nature that really made him a hero. even when he went after people like joe frazier. he was just cruel to joe frazier. i don t know if you know that story. he made him into a guy uncle tom, not proud of himself. ignorant. just terrible stuff. even then people, i think, were willing to forgive him because he represented something that was almost beyond boxing, beyond sport which was this poetic peter pan sort of figure. you never associate that with boxing, but muhammad ali somehow made that happen. it s amazing because you hear the tale of two muhammad alis. the frazier version you were just talking about but also other stories like three college kids broken down their car on the side of the road. he drives by in rolls royce and does a u-turn around comes back. gets the jumper cables out and helps these people. people just stopped all over the streets waving at him. they couldn t believe it. here is muhammad ali in his rolls royce jumping this car
for these college kids. that s the kind of guy he was, right? i think that s true. i remember i was in l.a. with him. i did the interview, and then we were going over to an aespn award ceremony. we went into the green room area and they gave him a separate room because everybody was just flocking around him. but here comes r. kelly, the r and b singer. and you know r kelly did a song i believe can i fly. he comes over and starts singing to ali and says, you know, you were the one who made me believe i can fly. i can do anything, you know. you think my gosh. this is muhammad ali. and he is just smiles and puts hermine in head locks, you know. i m going to jab you. everybody starts laughing. but it s the regard that he was held in that really set him apart. i think, you know, when i saw him, for example, in 96 trembling with the parkison s, marching up those steps to light the olympic torve in atlanta, you know, i don t get emotional about a whole lot in public life like that.
but, boy, that was a moment. because here was the outsider. here was the kid from segregated louisville who went through such internal crisis over this nation of islam, black identity thing, someone who, you know, lost so many years of his career and suddenly the whole country was embracing him and saying, you know what? you are the greatest athlete we have seen and certainly in the boxing ring. and we like to you represent the u.s.a. at this golden moment in atlanta. i think the whole stadium was just it was an emotional moment for the country? juan williams joining us. thanks, juan. thank you, juan. you are welcome. turning now to some headlines, starting with a fox news alert this morning. the death toll climbing to nine now after search teams find the bodies of four more soldiers swept away in those texas floods. only three of 12 men surviving the accident at owl creek in fort hood. a two and a half ton truck overturning during a training exercise. the they men who survived
were released from hospital friday. we are still waiting on the army to release the names of those who died. police in massachusetts are on high alert after a man threatens to kill officers on twitter. the man posting a video of himself cursing and yelling at police. after getting frustrated by ambulance on his way to work. the man believes the ambulance was sent by police to mess with him. he then threatens to kill officers saying it s just a matter of time. the scariest part? the man considers all fire and e.m.s. personnel as police, creating a greater danger charges keep coming for the most hated man in america. federal prosecutors accusing pharma bad boy martin shkreli defrauding investors. they say he stole assets to pay off his personal and professional debts. shkreli is expected to appear in federal court on monday. he faces up to 20 years in prison.
outrage in a small rhode island town after a city official forces firefighters to remove their american flags from their trucks. the officials saying it makes them look like terrorists. the firefighters union president joined us earlier this morning with this response. my military vets and even the guys standing behind me very upset. this is the american flag. a lot of brave men and women laid their lives down for us to fly that flag. tough to understand that story. the official later on ate his words and firefighters now have permission to fly the flag but they have to seek that permission by the way. those are your headlines this morning. dominicanive. rhode island the most democratic state in the country. just to point that out. remember how the state department admit to do editing this briefing video to cut out james rosen? turns out they did it again. new accusation straight ahead. bernie sanders is closing in like a heat seeking
missile on frontrunner hillary clinton in california. what happens if hillary actually loses the golden state and the prayers of the bernie people are sandy? chris stirewalt joins us in a minute. but, first, we continue to mourn the loss of the greatest, muhammad ali. rumble, young man, rumble. that s what we gonna do. you heard it. i told you i was floating like a butterfly and stinging like a be. his hands can t hit what his eyes can t see. so that s what happened.
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well, the california primaries are just a few days away. it s on tuesday. it s a big deal on the
democratic side where the race is still in full swing. new numbers show that hillary clinton is neck in neck with bernie sanders, within the margin of error. it s a big deal for her because he could win. what happens then were that to happen? wow. chris stirewalt joins us live from washington with the answer. he is fox news politics editor and our friend. good to see you this morning. i saw you on megyn kelly s show last night. you didn t sleep much. thanks for joining us. i saw you last night on kelly file. adderall. i know all the clinton people i spoke to recently two days ago they are worried that could happen. what would that mean. she should be worried. all likelihood she will clinch the nomination early on the evening with knowledge. puerto rico and new jersey should put her over the top and it s a win. but, like the battle of new orleans, the war of 1812 was already over but andrew jackson s victory there put the stink on it for the british. if, in fact, bernie sanders
wins in california, he has a great incentive to stay in the race, to hang around. washington s primary such as it is the following week and then can he go to the convention and complain about super delegates and make vociferous hand gestures. yes. and also make real demands of her like choosing her running mate. what do you think he asks for? his wife came out the other day and said we demand a progressive run with hillary clinton. do you think the senator from massachusetts, elizabeth warren could be the person he demands she runs with? or himself. he would actually be kind of an interesting running mate. the press doesn t take him seriously. they don t listen to what he is saying. they don t listen to his ideas. they like his hair and funny accent and they think he is adorable. i don t know, maybe it would be good. certainly for her, if she wins resoundingly in california, she has the freedom to pick somebody like cory booker. somebody who could help her ticket overall rather than
just going with the base of the base of the base. the base of the base of the base though does support at least the white liberals in the base support bernie sanders. i m sure you saw that clip from suzanne sarandon i want to play it anyway. so revogel how they feel in the closing moments of the democratic race. here is susan sarandon on hillary clinton. nobody is even talking about this indictment. what happens with that? besides the trust issue in catching her in so many lies. well, there has been no indictment. no, but there is gonna be. the reporter tries to defend hillary. susan sarandon having none of it hillary gave a statement saying that s not going to happen. but that reveals how a lot of bernie supporters feel. they don t like hillary. how many won t vote for her, do you think? obviously susan sarandon is wired inside the fbi. her deep functional knowledge of the fbi and department of justice has brought her her insight heretofore unseen. we should all wish to have such good reportage. people become willing to believe in things
unsupported by facts. in this case certainly hillary clinton has a problem. we don t know whether she is going to be indicted. people willing to believe these things, hatred drives belief more easily than love. in the case of hillary clinton, liberals hate her. they know that she is going to pivot to the center as soon as she gets the nomination she will kiss them off and say hey, remember all the times i was a neo conservative hawk? well, still am. how can she preside over a party that s at least 40% socialist? out of the closet socialist when she is the candidate of wall street taking more money from the banks than any other person in the race? how does that work? donald trump. yes. donald trump will help her with those. now, that s why his opportunity is to run left, left, left, left, left, left. get away from republicans who people hate. people hate the republican party. if he wants to have a chance to beat hillary clinton, it s going to be by running to her left on a series of issues and getting away from these republicans who are a toxic asset for him. my head is spinning.
you seem grounded amazingly enough. chris stirewalt from d.c. thanks a lot. you have a great day. you too. is it fair muhammad ali will be remembered for statements as he will for boxing skills. boxes historian steve farhood joins us next with a little perspective on the fighter s life. another pampered hollywood star weighs in on politics. if there are multiple simulations, how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president? [ laughter ] can we like transfer to a different one? let me just say this. out of touch rich guy vs. billionaire. the fight continues. stay tuned. can a toothpaste do everything well?
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welcome back a fox news alert this morning. we are remembering the life and career of poxing champ muhammad ali who passed away at the age of 74 last night. tributes pouring in this morning. poxing historian joins us now. he covered ali s last two fights. thanks for joining us this morning to give us perspective on the fighter. in his later years was he fighting pause he loved it? because he wanted the money? and how would you rate his performance? fame is a drug. i think he was definitely hooked on that he not take care of his money well either. there was that factor as well. he definitely fought too long for his own welfare and health but accomplished a lot even toward the end. describe his last two fights for us. well, for me i was in my early 20 s and i was surrounded by all these writers who ali had taken around the world. he took the term world heavyweight champion to a whole different level because he fought
everywhere. i felt very out of place, very uncomfortable because these writers had special access to ali. he gave them special access. the last fights specifically in nassau the bahamas, you knew it was the end. the word boxing the word retire is over until he boxes again. all the writers and especially the ones who had been around longer than me understood this was never going to happen again there was never going to be an athlete of any kind or for that matter of a public figure of any kind who was quite like muhammad ali. obviously a very controversial figure, the 60 s refusing to go to vietnam as far as his, later in life, how did he look back at those days? really, you know, i view ali as the protagonist in the great american novel. he changed with time. the ali of the 60 s was filled with rage and hatred.
he enraged us and shocked us. but, with time, he came to inspire us. and he came to really symbolize love and respect and sympathy. the change from the angry ali of the early and mid 60 s was remarkable. he did change and that s one of the reasons that he transcended boxing and was such a fascinating public figure. was there a specific pivot point? of course he was a racial segregationist and open about it. was there a moment when he said as malcolm x did i turn away from all that i m going back on what i thought before or did it just slowly evolve? well in the early and mid 60 s there was a tug-of-war between malcolm x and martin luther king with two very different philosophies. with time ali ended up rejecting malcolm x because malcolm x viewed the white man as the devil as he said. ali came to symbolize not just black america but the world entirely the whole
world. that was a beautiful thing as it under out. ali was famous for catching people off guard. when you there were as a reporter, did he ever catch you off guard? he was so playful. and i remember going on a bus ride, a media bus trip to deer lake in pennsylvania, his camp. and he would sit behind you and he would flick his finger on the back of your ear. and then sit back real quickly. he was just as quick doing that as he was throwing punches. you got hit by muhammad ali? i got flicked by muhammad ali. if he ever hit me i wouldn t be here now, believe me. it was fantastic to spend a day with him at deer lake because that was where he was really at home. and that was a day i will cherish forever. good stuff. steve firewood thank you for joining us this morning. thank you. coming up on the show, state department admit to do deliberately editing this video with james rosen. they have done it again. you have seen the trump
rallying outside in california. why aren t the police doing more to stop them? do these protesters have any rights? bo dietl and arthur aidala are back in studio. look at these two. they are here to weigh in just ahead. we will, we will rock you you are a young man it s a clear, taste-free daily supplement. .that s clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. benefiber® healthy shape. this, i can do. find us in the fiber aisle.
everybody stop talking now. attention. i told ya, all of my
critics, i told you all that i was the greatest of all time. that s muhammad ali, of course, probably the most famous athletic in the world. remembering him this morning. he has passed away. he died last night at the age of 74 after a long battle with parks parkison s disease. 30 years he suffered with that. now world class athletes are reacting to his death. i was so overwhelmed i couldn t believe that i met him when i was young. you know, i met muhammad ali. with him touching me, with me shaking hands with muhammad ali, it made me want to go out there and legend. a man that s going to be truly missed. man that i loved. adam housley has more this morning on the districts pouring in over social media good morning, adam. good morning, guys, yeah. for about 8 hours now we have been monitoring tributes consistent and ongoing. a lot of people on the east coast did not know of the news when they went to bed last night. you mentioned some of the athletes. just about every single major athlete seems like has weighed in, including all
the major sports leagues themselves have weighed in via social media there are a number of hash tags that are trending. some have been retweeted depending what site you are on more than a million times gote greatest of all time. cassius clay and muhammad ali himself. feedback mike tyson tweeted god came came for his champion so long great one. god bless muhammad ali. peace and love to all of his family. that from ringo starr. british prime minister david cameron muhammad ali was not just a chopper i don t know in the ring but champion for so many people. madonna this king, this hero, this human words cannot express he shook up the world. god bless him. he continues to come in from all over, lennox lewis the great heavyweight champion himself said a giant among men. ali disprad a greatness and talent and courage most of us will never be able to
truly comprehend; a legend who transcended sport and true champion for all. we also heard from roy jones jr. my heart is deeply saddened both appreciative and relieved the greatest is resting in the greatest place. daughter of coretta cot king thank you, you were a champion in so many ways. rest well. when you monitor social media tone and the statements coming in also officially, you can see the vast and wide area of people all over the world from leaders to sports greats, to people who had no idea what muhammad ali was like in person other than watching him on television. people that had, you know, ten followers for example, to people who had millions of followers. all weighing in on their thoughts about the loss of this great champion. he clearly touched livesry and across the world. imis, we continue to see the
statements come out. we have not heard from the white house. weave do expect to get a statement shortly as the morning moves on. back to you in new york. thanks, adam. turning to your headlines this morning. throw men have been found guilty of conspiring to join isis. the trio all from minnesota. they re accused of planning to go to syria and conspiring to commit murder. they all now face life in prison. they re among 10 young men accused in the conspiracy. an oil train derails. that s a growing story this morning as well as a murder confession. it could be coming soon. a former friend of o.j. simpson reportedly says he believes the juice is fighting demons and once he is released from a nevada jail he will tell the truth in the 1994 murders of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. former nfl star is serving time for an unrelated robbery conviction and could be released as early as next year. well, a beautiful moment captured forever. a little girl surprising
several police officers in cedar hill, texas, asking to hold hands and pray with them over their lunch. her father snapping this photo and it s now going viral. the officers posting it on social media saying her prayer was beautiful. and those are your headlines. nice to end on a good note there. certainly is. we will take it down a peg. let s talk about hollywood this morning. matt damon, of course, you know him from goodwill hunting where he won an academy award. he went back to mit for the first time since that movie to give a commencement speech and donald trump was his target. so let s say you are graduating from mit and you just spent four years studying electrical engineering and legitimately smart person trying to make the world a better place and for the commencement speech not hocking it s some actor lecture you about politics. that happened. here is what he said. if there are multiple simulations how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for
president? [ laughter ] can we transfer to a different one? let me say this to the bankers, specifically the ones who brought you the biggest heist in history. it was theft and you knew it. it was fraud, and you knew it. and i don t know if justice is coming for you in this life or the next, but if justice does come for you in this life, her name will be elizabeth warren. how honest do you want to be? a lot of these schools are way less impressive than we pretend they are, mit or yale, impressive. matt damon went to harvard and dropped out to pursue acting. background on him. that s not impressive. i think you could make a fair critique of wall street, actually. i make it sometimes. but i don t think that was a smart critique, a, and, b, matt damon? they hired him to speak because is he famous and liberal. those aren t relevant criteria. hollywood looks to woo these candidates. fly them in all make $200
dinners donate to campaigns who receive a ton of money from wall street. here was stu varney on our show earlier this morning. day monday is damon is not going to real problem. lefty celebrity invite to do a prestige just university to spout economic nonsense. a conservative would have been banned from the place in the first place. no, up he gets, he hits the podium and it s all wall street s fault. it s all the bankers. he is flat out wrong. we are in difficult economic times. got nothing to do with what happened eight years ago. it s got nothing to do with wall street or the bankers. it s got everything to do with current economic policy. that s what is dragging us down. and that s what damon will never admit. you feel so sorry for all these kids saddled with debt. do you know what i mean? search mad about the college debt that all these kids are carrying. they should be mad. no one ever says to the colleges wait a second why are you charging 60 grand a year for a half rate
education? i would love for him to say look i dropped out of college. exactly. so good and so true. you could save a lot of money and maybe get ahead. won t be saddled with all this debt. come up on the show we are remembering the life of the great muhammad ali. everybody stop talking now. attention. i told you, all of my critics, i told you all that i was the greatest of all time. geraldo rivera interviewed the boxing legend. look at that video. and he is live next to tell us about it. plus, you have seen the riots outside donald trump rallies in california. why aren t the cops doing anything to stop them? do the rioters have any rights? what about the spectators? do they have any rights? bo dietl and arthur aidala are back ahead. brothers closer than your next of kin the best of friends take a bullet for each other
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remember when the state department admitted to editing this exchange between our own james rosen and a state department spokesperson? well, it s happened again. this time with a press briefing over the iran nuclear deal. garrett tenney is in washington, d.c. with the latest on this story for us. good morning, garrett. sandra, good morning. this is quite the coincidence. this new revelation again involves a fox news correspondent asking the administration if it lied to the american public about the iran nuclear deal. at the may 9th white house press briefing our own kevin corke asked josh earnst if any senior administration official had lied publicly about the nuclear deal. here s that question and ernest s initial response. you can state categorically that no senior official in this administration has ever lied publicly about any aspect of the iran nuclear deal?
no. ernest went on to defend the nuclear deal. but, when you look at the white house s official transcript from that briefing, you can see that initial response where he says, no, kevin. is completely left out. a white house official told abc news, which first reported the omission that the line was left out because it was [inaudible]. though you can clearlier that in the video. this latest incident is just the second time in the last few weeks the obama administration has been found altering the public record regarding the iran nuclear deal. the state department admitted this week that an official ordered part of a 2013 press briefing to be deleted from the department s website and youtube channel. that deleted part included an admission by then spokeswoman jen psaki that the government had lied about its negotiations with iran and came in response from questions from our own james rosen. in paris yesterday, secretary of state john kerry called that decision to edit that video out
stupid, columnsy, and inappropriate. he said he didn t think that kind of person should be working for him. congress is now getting involved as well. several lawmakers are calling on the state department inspector general to investigate the incident. the inspector general s office have said they have not determined whether or not they will do that at this time. sandra? all right, garrett teny, thank you. all right, tucker over to you. thanks, san draft it s an ugly scene in northern california this week. hundreds of protesters caught on camera swarming donald trump supporters. rioters, throwing bottles, waving a mexican flag. one woman was cornered and egged. why does san jose welcome illegal immigrants famously but not trump supporters and more to the point why aren t police doing more? here to weigh in fox news contributor bo dietl and fox news legal analyst are arthur aidala one the most famous cop and defense attorney decide who is who.
great to see you both, gentlemen. good to be back. you are the cop. why aren t police jumping n the face of a riot? you know, watching this the other day when they were sucker punching kids walking there, we have a freedom of expression in america. you want to know something? that s the reason why donald trump is going to win because is he going to be democrats and republicans together. half of them were i will locally immigrants. burning the american flag. they are assaulting kids walking there because they have trump shirts on this. young lady with a trump shirt gets hit with eggs. the cops dom com out there. i m a big supporter blue lives matter. that chief of police says we didn t want to take any action because we didn t want to cause any more problems, well, shame on you. you should have stopped that from happening. there is no reason in the world people are expressing with the support of donald trump to get assaulted like that? damn you, they should have been arrested. they should get the videotapes and lock up those half of those illegal aliens anyway. lock them up for assault. isn t this an attack on
the idea of impartial justice? i mean, nobody can protester s right to protest. nobody can assault other people. other thing that people don t think of is the protesters. there is a large portion of them who are obeying the law. who are protesting legally. yeah. they want the person who punches someone in the face arrested. that makes them look bad. they don t want they want to protest peacefully. that s a large portion of them. and then there is a couple of schmucks, a couple of jerks. we don t want to be affiliated with these jerks. law enforcement serves at the pleasure of politicians. no, no, they serve at the pleasure of the people. in effect, they are controlled by politicians. new york city, big bird got elected because he said bill bratton is going to be my police commissioner before he was elected. that helped him. let the demonstrators close the streets down. people going home from work they couldn t. he did it once.
he opened up the environment for that punk from baltimore the new york city cop. when a politician says, look, i like this brand of protest, don t get in their way, what are they thinking. politicians should stay the hell out of it. when you break the law. when you got a guy that comes in with bag of rocks hits that man in the head. bleeding. why wasn t that guy arrested? you can t assault people. that mayor of san jose, should be you know what he should do? get the civil rights charges lawyer against him for why those people weren t able to demonstrate and let their free expression. why i say they serve the people is you know what won t happen? the electorate in san jose won t come out and vote that mayor out of office. they won t make their voices heard. they are not by it. doesn t society fall apart when political demagogues say you have to follow this law but not this law? 100 percent. and that is illegal, by the way. yes. the selective
prosecution. we are going to charge this person with this crime and this other person who does the same thing we are not going to charge with a crime. people who vote for me don t have to follow the law is basically what they are saying. point in case in new york city, we have this socialist mayor here that s going to be voted out because i tell you what, before he gets voted mayor, i will vote for [inaudible] [bell] listen to me, this mayor has destroyed this city and took the heart and soul out of our police officers. hard to say that when crime is still at his lowest rate. you are a statistician. no, i m a bill bratton guy. i like commissioner bratton. just made news. bo dietl is running for the mayor of new york. i will tell you what i would do. i would keep bill bratton but i would formulate him to come back to the real world of life instead of listening to this socialist mayor. we still have the safest city. going to be running your campaign speeches live here on fox. thank you for joining us as
always. i m safe in new york. coming up when madeleine albright said this about women, remember, women who don t back hillary clinton? remember, there s a special place in hell for women who don t help each other. [cheers and applause] that was albright the theologian. she has made news again for defending hillary. what she said top of the hour. plus you have seen this incredible video out of the state of texas. entire neighborhoods and cars left by devastating flodz there now cars being sold. they are hitting the market and you are buying them. tell you how to spot a car that s been under water before you purchase it. i believe it all is coming to an end well i guess we are going to pretend let s see how a & a financial we ve come let s see how far however we ve come.
. .
heavy rains this past week have led to devastating flooding in texas. take a look at this amateur video capturing the moments two people escaped from an suv. it was just moments before floodwater overtook the car carrying it away. but now flood damaged cars are flooding the market. so how do you spot a lemon? here with some tips is a personal editor for the international business times. good to have you here. this is a concern after all this rain and all the floodwaters, what if you go out to buy a used car and it has flood damage and you never know it? what can you do to avoid that some. it s a big purchase and we rely on our cars, so go through all the steps before you give them the money. so there is a way to identify whether or not it s had damage. what do you do. first thing is identify which type of car you want. you can research by consumer
reports, kelly blue book. so always a good idea to know what you want. some cars are better than others. so start there. but then make sure you re going to an authorized dealer. it s a nice idea to buy it from someone off the street, but you re much better off going to an actual car dealership. you will be more protected. so an authorized dealer is key. correct. so not a good idea to go to somebody s couch who has a information sale sign on the windshield? you re taking on a lot of the risk that way. if you buy from the dealer, you have the federal trade commission guide behind you. and you always want to take it for a test drive, right? yeah, when you take it for a test drive, it s not just taking a spin around the block. because you get in the car and you re like what do i do, i m kind of just driving. what are you looking for? and if someone is in the car with you, you might feel nervous taking it through all the paces.
but you want to slam on the brakes, accelerate quickly, take it for a true test drive. and you want to get the history report. it will cost but 40 bucks, if you have the vehicle identification number, you can look it up and make sure that it checks out. this is going to catch the history. and you suggest getting a mechanic to look under the hood before you make the purchase. yeah, if you know your own stuff, you can do it for yourself. if your grandfather or neighbor is really good, bring someone with you. but if you don t have the resources, take to a mechanic, make sure that everything checks out. that s the last stop in the process. and you recommend buying a new car? it s great financial decision. you save a lot of money. all right. good stuff. thanks for joining us. i ll pass it to you boys inside. coming up here on the show, media celebrated hillary clinton s foreign policy attack
on trump. his ideas aren t just different, they are dangerously incoherent. but what did voters think of it? lee carter gives us the dial treatment. and coverage of 9 dthe dad the most famous athlete passed away. geraldo rivera knew him. he ll join us with his memories in just a minute. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they re not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that s why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident s unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
to be taken care of. in good hands? like finding new ways home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh. but with added touches you can t get everywhere else, like claim free rewards. or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it s good to be in, good hands. good morning. it s saturday, june 4th. i m sandra smith. the greatest is gone. boxing legend muhammad ali passing away last night. everybody stop talk now. i told you all of my critics, i told you all that i was the greatest of all time.
we have reaction pouring in from all around the world including our own geraldo rivera, he will be here live along with boxing great evander holyfield. is there anyone geraldo doesn t know? and then count down to the california primary. it s heeating up in a big way. new poll numbers suggest hillary clinton should be worried about bernie sanders. a live report from california coming up. and another hollywood actor attacks donald trump. is there a multiple simulation, how come we have to be in the way where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president. can we like transfer to a different one? matt damon turning a commencement speech into a political one. and the first lady did it, too. we ll play the tape there. fox and friends hour four starts right now.
a sad day as the world says good-bye to the greatest of all-time, know ham hmohammauham boxer passing away last night at the hospital after being admitted with respiratory complications. the last 30 years or so, he battled against parkinson s disease. he was a record three-time heavyweight boxing champion of the world, he was 74 when he died in scottsdale, arizona. matt will be outside the hospital in scottsdale where he has spent the past few days. reporter: somber here in arizona in front of the hospital where the boxing great passed away. we saw people coming and going, people leaving behind mementos,
candles. there was a strong presence of security, almost a dozen security guards here. that has since diminished. we also ran into a long time friend of ali, knew him personally for 35 years. take a listen to what he told us a short while ago. he still had all the charisma, all the swagger up until the very he said. he really did. on top of what was going on. still very sharp. i just think this was something that was unexpected and for maybe the first time this his life, know he couldn t get off the mat. reporter: he will be buried in his hometown of louisville, kentucky. and there will be a briefing here in arizona where we expect to learn much more information about the funeral arrangements for muhammad ali. back to you in new york. thanks, matt.
geraldo rivera had a chance to sit down and interview muhammad ali. i want to play this clip and roll back the years. and we ll come out and get your sense of this. have you ever thought of politics? i ve made a few statements, but, no, i don t see no reason why i want to be president. too much headache, too much trouble. and i don t think that i would make it. what was it like interviewing him? he was self-aware. he was a brilliant man, no doubt about it. sad dnews day. the program called me and said hustled in. we didn t expect it. i m sorry, is that you? yeah that eat two of us. excuse the short shorts and the socks. but that s what i looked like back then. this was after the second
frazier fight just before the thriller in manila, the fight that ali and joe frazier went at in a way that was so intense, he said they both went in as champions, they came out at old men. it was a vicious, vicious fight. but he was so important particularly i mean spans the generations, but we re almost the same age. six months older than i. he was so important. he defined the 60s in many ways. he was the first of the crossover black power not black power in the militant sense, but of black is power, black is beautiful. he rejected christianity, adopted islam as his religion, changed his name from cassius
clay to muhammad ali. and took the title beating sonny liston in a way that he had a reputation of being undefeatable. how did he join islam, seamlessly transitioned from the outer fringes of american society to the center. how did he do that? remember, this was a period of great urban chaos. there was the worst race relations you could possibly imagine. not only the civil rights movement, but the anti-war movement and the collision of these great social forces. and here was this man, this intelligent man, this bold and flamboyant man, but the person who absolutely defied expectatio expectations. he s maybe the greatest athlete of the 20th century. and so people could relate to him even though he was convicted
for dodging the draft and ultimately the united states supreme court reversed that conviction, but he lost almost four years during his prime fighting, you know, period. but he came back and he lost to frazier in that ep epic bout in1 and then beat frazier in the second fight and then the third fight that absolutely wrecked them both, one of the greatest fights of all-thieime. but he was so approachable. everyone knew him. i kind of took over for howard cosell to whom ali went for promotional events. but the fact that he was with the nation of islam or changed his name became almost irrelevant to the fact that he was our friend, he was so conscientious, he was willing to
risk everything, to sacrifice so much. he was a secular saint in many ways. i really mean that. but he was not a perfect man. like me, had a checkered domestic history, nine children from three or four women, i forget home, but a wonderful deep hearted compassionate person who cared deeply for the youngsters. throughout the world, he was the most famous man on earth. i also like how you say like me, he had a checkered past. and we also want to get your take on politics because there is the chaos ensuing in california. protests getting violent. the question being asked are the democrats doing enough to denounce this violence. he set a very bad example. he created an environment in which it seemed to be acceptable for someone running for president to be inciting
violence, to be encouraging his supporters. now we re seeing people who are against him responding in kind. it should all stop. it is not acceptable. frankly, i honestly believe and i really believe this, i think that hillary clinton is unfit to lead our country certainly at this time. i don t like his temperament, i don t like his well, let me tell you, there is nobody with a better temperament than me. i have a temperament for winning. i ve won all my life and we re going to start winning for you. shoot democrats denounce this violence that we ve seen? i think a lot of things. and hear me out for a second because i ll kind of back into the most important question good b. quelli about quelling the violence. trump did a terrible thing by singling out the judge curiel as a mexican and refusing to admit he was born in indiana.
it s a dangerous precedent and provocation that is really inexcusable. and he should back off it right now. and i say that from a man who i love him will, i care deeply for trump and his family. his i predicted he would be the nominee way back in early july. i has to be far more responsible or he will divide the nation. these protestors in san jose yesterday and marking the trump campaign as he goes around the country are reckless, irresponsible and counter productive. they will bring about the end result that they protest to loath. they will elect donald trump with their violence, with their anarchy, with their selfish self indulgent violence. it is absolutely counterproductive and it will
achieve exactly the result they profess to resent. they must stand down. now, are the candidates on either side doing enough? absolutely tnot. this is unforgivable. i ll be covering cleveland for fox and friends and i anticipate disruption outside p. the democrats the next weekphil disruption outside. what these people really are seeking, and you remember back to the g7 and g-20 protests in seattle and so forth, it is disruption for the sake of anarchy and self-fulfillment. it is not tbringing about any just result. i rarely say this, but i agree with what you just said. all of it. we should call the presses. we have to turn now to some of the headlines this morning. it s 9:10 on the east coast.
let s start with the fox news alert. the death toll climbing to nine now after finding the bodies of four more soldiers swept away in texas floods. only three of 12 men surviving the tragic accident at ft. hood. a 2 1/2 ton truck overturning during a training exercise. the three men who survived were released from the lohospital on friday. we re still waiting for the army to release the names of those who died. police in massachusetts are on high alert after a man threatens to kill officers on twitter. the man posting a video of himself cursing and yelling at police after getting frustrated by an ambulance on his way to work. the man believes the ambulance was sent by police to mess with him and he threatened to kill officers saying it s just a matter of time. the scariest part of it all, the man considers all fire and ems personnel as police creating an even bigger danger. a judge ordering the man who set up hillary clinton s controversial e-mail servers to
prove he has an immunity deal with the justice department. bryan pagliano planning to plead the fifth during a dep circumstance but now has to prove he has rationale to do so. meanwhile madeleine albright making light of the e-mail scandal saying it never put american lives in danger. first of all, the e-mail, she said she made a mistake and nobody will die as a result of anything that happened on e-mail. albright says what does concern her is donald trump saying he admires putin. and those your headlines. coming up here, mainstream plead i can t celebrated hillary clinton s foreign policy speech. donald trump s ideas aren t just different. they are dangerously incoherent. what do the voters think? lee carter gives us the dial treatment next.
plus we continue our morning long coverage of the passing of muhammad ali with evander holyfield. he joins us just ahead. today i m still the greatest of all time. never again twedefeat me, never again make me the underdog until i m about 50 years old. then you might get me. before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn t bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away
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so hillary went after trump s temperament in probably the most widely replayed sound bite. in case you haven t seen it, here it is. donald trump as commander in chief would be a historic mistake and it would undo so much of the work that republicans and democrats alike have done over many decades to make america vostronger and mor secure. it would set back our standing in the world more anything in recent him other and it would fuel an ugly narrative about who we are. so what was the response to that? i think it s fascinating to watch because it s not surprising democrats loved it, it was off the charts. among democrats. among democrats. independents and republicans were turned off completely. they gave it an f. they said while it might be true, i m not sure hillary will be any better and she s almost
as uncertain as donald trump is. so when people on the fence, she s not credible. that s right. and donald trump responded of course and here s part of what he said. crooked hillary said, donald trump, his finger on the button i m the one that didn t want to go into iraq, folks. and she s the one that stupidly raised her hand to go into iraq and destabilize the entire middle east. interesting he s kind of hitting her for being the warmonger, i m not. it was really fascinating. this didn t get up as high as it often does when he goes on the attack. but what people said is he has permission to go back after her, it s actually quite a good argument when you think about it. if you re saying that he s the one that will be crazy, i don t want him in charge, but she was the one that supported something that a lot of people are against how. it made people reconsider him, but still not as good as some of the other attacks. do you ever get dials where
democrats and republicans agree on things? yes. it happens rarely, but it does happen. so then trump went on to call hillary a cynic. here it is. i think we do even better in november because we ll take a lot of people from the democrats. i mean, i watched hillary today, it was pathetic. supposed to be a foreign policy speech, it was a political speech. this was interesting because people agreed, you can see both republicans and independents agreed that he will take a lot of people from the independents and from the left. so that was something that they agreed with. but you could see the dip when he started to call her pathetic. just a little bit extreme. so this one b-aminus, republicans. f on the democrat side. we haven t seen this much direct combat between the two. on the occasion when trump takes time to rebut with specifics, how do those comments do? they generally do well.
when he comes back swinging, people are like that s who he is and they like it, they like that he s addressing the issues and not hiding from them. interesting. it is really interesting. thanks for joining us. well, coming up, michelle obama gave her final commencement address as first lady the other day and it was not surprisingly very political. we don t give into our fierce. we don t build up walls to keep people out. we don t build up walls except around the house i live in, the white house. it was a shot at donald trump. we ll tell you more about what she said, stay tuned for that. plus a story sparking outrage. firemen called terrorists because they dared to put an american flag on their truck in america. the brother of the next guest was killed saving lives on september 11th and he says the firefighters are not terrorists. you ll hear from him in just a second. this is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain and clearer skin.
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a rhode island city official sparking outrage forcing its firefighters to remove american flags from their fire trucks, claiming makes them look like terrorists. the official claims the trucks looked, quote, like isis in syria going to take over a city. i don t think they need that big flag on the back of the truck. that s not america to me, those are a bunch of terrorists. that city official later walked back those comments following some public backlash and firefighters now have permission to fly the flag from their truck. joining me now is chairman of the tunnel to towers foundation, his brother was killed while saving lives on 9/11. it s good to have you here, frank. we re continually sorry for the loss of your brother. how does this story make you
feel? well, you know, you see america upside down sometimes. it just drives me crazy that our first responders put their lives on the line for us every single day and they want to show their patrioti patriotism, that america is great and they want the flag flying to show the respect. hard to understand where they re coming in from this. we had david gorman speaking on behalf of the firefighters there this morning. here was his reaction to the comparison of those firemen to terrorists. listen. i don t know what a reason would be to call first responders terrorists at all. we ve been berated like this for the last couple years and this is just another attempt to attack us. but to resort to terrorist and isis and those comments, this t. makes military vets and the guys behind me very upset. there are a lot of brave men and women that laid their lives down for us to fly that flag.
not the only has the fire district chairman for called for the flags to be removed walked back but he s hired a pr spokesman, the community has spoken out against this. i think everyone listening to this story sits back and says i don t get it. i don t understand. how can this be happening in america some. it s crazy and it gets firefighters and police officers and military personnel who put their lives on the line outraged. a great artist goes around the country painting flags on the sides of building to let them know that they re not forgotten about. people have died so we can fly our flag. and to say that firefighters can t put it on their trucks, and the most iconic picture on 9/11, one of them, was the firefighters raising the american flag at ground zero. and that is displayed on one of the fire trucks in new york city. so, you know, we should wake up. the ones who want to display it,
we should not let people like this get away with it p. what does it mean to you, someone who lost someone directly in 9/11, a direct family member, who was putting his life on the line, what does it mean when you see the american flag flying on those american trucks? i love seeing it. i love this country. i love what my brother did on september 11, 2001 and all the over first responders that ran towards what was going on, they gave their lives. and to display it, they have the right to display it. they above everybody. we all do as americans, but they should be able to display wherever they want. we have to leave it there, but do you think the city official should be shown the door? absolutely. he should be thrown out and no questions asked. this guy is unamerican. good to get your reaction, frank. thank you. a fox news alert, breaking details just ahead. plus sparks are flying between
hillary clinton and donald trump on the campaign trail. new poll numbers suggest she should get focused on bernie sanders before she moves on to trump. we re live in california next. and our coverage of muhammad ali s passing continues with another boxing legend coming up next. don t let dust and allergies get between you and life s beautiful moments. with flonase allergy relief, they wont. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance. flonase controls six. flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. so you can seize those moments, wherever you find them. flonase. six is greater than one changes everything.
all-time is in the room, everyone knows who you mean. quite a claim to make. but as mohammuhammad ali once s it s not bragging if you can back it up. our viewers this morning reacting to the passing of muhammad ali who passed away last night he at the age of 74. an e-mail september in, was and he controversial figure? yes. was and he ledge endear boxer? yes. rest in place. that sums it up. he was a flawed person like everybody, but he was truly a great boxer. and he offended others. the list is extensive. and it appears that abe met him. he writes in i met mohammad al lid back in the late 70s, early 80s. he was the nicest most gentle man i ve ever met. i believe that.
he had that vibe. and john writes muhammad ali was the greatest, his passing is a sad loss. keep sending in your comments. we want to turn now to the campaign trail. we re only a few days away from the california primary, the battle between democrats heating up to clinch the golden state. p. and hillary clinton s looking ahead and taking aim at donald trump, but he s firing back at her attack. so what in the world is going on? we have mike emanuel here from santa monica to explain it. good morning. hillary clinton says donald trump constantly attacks trying to distract people, trying to get them to look at shiny objects. last night clinton the attacked trump on his economic ideas. when i hear donald trump talk about cutting taxes on billionaires, i say to myself, hey, wait a minute, fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on us.
trump is also actively campaigning out here in the golden state. he really wants to put the golden state into play in the general election in the fall. he s also doing some very critical fund raising. last night in redding he blasted clinton saying if voters choose her, this country will die. hillary clinton is totally scripted. hillary clinton is a thief. and hillary clinton should be in jail. only problem is i d like to run against her. and then there is bernie sanders who is going all out campaigning relentlessly here in california. he continues doing rallies and news conferences up and down the golden state. sanders says he has an excellent chance to win here and is using his moment in the spotlight to push clinton on environmental issues. a tax on carbon. and i would urge secretary clinton to change her view and
support me in demanding a tax on carbon. it promises to be another action packed day on the campaign trail in hillary clinton with time running short ahead tuesday night s primary. we have a foggy start here in santa monica. back to you in new york. and he s going to force her to back a tax on carbon. stuff like that, does it make it hard for her to win in the fall. and now to headlines. a warning for americans in south africa, terrorists are planning attacks on popular are areas there, particularly shopping centers and malls. congress is trying foul over the department of justice coming to the rescue of a v.a. official after at least 40 veterans died
on her watch. sharon helman after being terminated is being allowed to appeal the decision. she s the poster child for what is wrong with the v.a., yet she continues to insist that she was somehow wrongfully removed. this is the same white house that loves to shred the constitution. that was reaction earlier this morning. helman was originally fired for taking gifts like beyonce concert tickets while vets allegedly died while waiting for their treatment. first lady michelle obama and actor matt damon taking aim at donald trump during two different commencement speeches. and here in america, we don t give into our fears. we don t build up walls to keep people out. some folks out there today seem to have a very different perspective.
they seem to view our diversity as a threat to be contained fp. and damon got very political in his commencement address, as well, after his big return to m.i.t. since his good will hunting. he took shots at donald trump as well as wall street. if there are multiple simulations, how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president. can we like transfer to a different one? let me just say this to the bankers, specifically the ones who brought you the biggest heist in history, it was theft and you knew it. it was fraud and you knew it. and i don t know if justice is coming for you in this life or the next, but if justice does come for you in this life, her name will be elizabeth warren. for the record damon was the first hollywood star to give the commencement address at m.i.t. in 17 years. and enough is enough. one australian man is calling
foul on the use of guys to describe a group of people. when it comes to words that work, we ve all got to walk the talk. the diversity council australia says getting rid of the word in a working environment will help create more diverse thinking and help people become more productive and respected. because banning words increases gdp, we know that. this is a basic economic principle. if you publish people for using the wrong word, you become rich. rick became far more effective in covering the weather here when we stopped tossing to him. i would have a hard time with this because i would never be able to remember who is on the other side of the camera. you know what i mean? just guys back to you. guys back to you. like is sandra is in for anna b sometimes i forget.
you need a manual. exactly. hey, let s take a look at the weather going on this morning. we ll show you what is up. we have rain across the center stripe of the country. western great lakes down to the south including southeastern texas which has had way too much of it obviously and all the flooding. more rain today and tomorrow, but it will be isolated just to parse out the eastern texas and then we dry out for much of the coming week. severe weather ohio valley, a few tornados where you see the orange bull s-eye. hurricane season began this week, and you see that blob of moisture there across western caribbean, that will pull off towards the north into the eastern gulf and as it does, about an 80% chance that it will develop into some sort of a tropical system and impact florida monday and tuesday primarily bringing a lot of rain. so get ready for potential flooding there. one last story quickly, get ready for the heat across the
dez tsert southwest. 117 in death valley. that s why they call it death valley. can t say you weren t warned. wear a heat. it s a dry heat. coming up, the worst jobs report in six years the question is do the numbers spell trouble for hillary clinton. we ll be back to break them down in detail. coming up, the worst jobs what s it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways
to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh. but with added touches you can t get everywhere else, like claim free rewards. or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it s good to be in, good hands. some quick headlines now for you. love your crocs? turns out they may be bad for your health. one doctor says they can don t secure your heel correctly, so your toes could get tendonitis or even deformities from gripping the shoe. and that comes on the heels of the other story remember where
people were getting stuck is this escalators is this and how would you like a beer pipeline under your town. people inthis and how would you like a beer pipeline under your town. people in belgium soon will have their own favorite brew piped directly from their breweries to their bottling plant. the best part, residents who help pay for it get the beer delivered to their door every day. that s amazing, bruge. newest job report show as record low of just 38,000 jobs added in the month of may making it the softest month for hiring since september of 2010. it also marks the weakest pace since obama took office. do the numbers spell trouble for hillary clinton. joining us to break it down is professor and chairman of the program and business finance at the kings college right here in manhattan. brian, thanks for joining us. so give us some perspective on these numbers.
these are really, really wba numbers. it puts us into the darkest days of the aftermath of the recession. that s really not the feeling that president obama wants to be giving to hillary clinton as he hands it off to her. it will be a problem for her because you see a huge number of workers working part-time involuntarily, increase of people who drop out of the labor force. that s a real issue for the economy because people aren t getting the jobs they want and in some cases just say i m giving up. americans who can work but can t working is the slowest point since the carter administration. and you talk about why do people feel frustrated. president obama was talking about hey, the economy is better than we think, but when you see the numbers, you have to say really? will people are dropping out half a million dropped off the labor force. so many stuck in part-time jobs. that s really what people are experiencing.
and i think that s why they re frustrated with the economy. we have a bunch of economists together to figure out how to measure the unemployment rate, we would not use the same criteria. no, the number in the headlines is 4.7%. in fact the past month the unemployment rate falls. but the reason it falls is because people give up looking for work. so this is a phony measurement p. where do we continue to use this? we interpret it in a phony way. it shows you what it shows you, but it doesn t telling you how many people don t have jobs. if you want to get the real unemployment rate, you look at how many people don t have jobs, how many people are stuck this jobs that they don t want, and you look at people who have said i m giving up entirely. when you look at that number, it s a little closer to 10%. that gives and yof s auand you perspective and that full has not come down as much as we would like to. the unemployment rate, the official one leased by the executive branch of government
is an easy way for lazy hamath illiterate reporters to come up with a statement of. why don t we go with that? because i think the labor market is complicated. you have to look at a couple different measures to understand what is going on. the problem is you can t get that in in two minutes. and that sort of makes sense. what we have to do is dig beneath the numbers and talk about how many people are stuck in part time job, how many people have dropped out of the labor force. when we do that, people start to get the big picture and they say, aah, that headline is not right, now i understand why things don t feel well because the full set of data does actually tell me things aren t going as well as people are telling me. and they don t feel well as you ve put it. people are anxious about the economy. absolutely. and you can t tell people that you shouldn t feel so bad about the economy. they experience it, they see it in their paychecks, their bank accounts, their community, the jobs that are available to them. so the economy is something we experience. we feel it.
it s not a theory issue right now. it s an actual lived out problem and i think that is what the president is missing as he s out on the campaign trail telling people, hey, feel better, it s better than you think it is. meanwhile a small group of people has their own airplane and that causes resentment. some people have gten very rich. no question about that. brian, great to see you. always good to be here. still ahead, favorite memories of muhammad ali and some of your e-mails, as well. i m so fast i make medicine sick, i m so fast i can run through a hurricane and don t get wet. he ll pay his debt. i can drown a drink of water and kill a dead tree. wait until you see muhammad ali. i have asthma. .one of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo.
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nine kids. his real wealth. brian kilmeade spent a long time following muhammad ali. he joins us now. guys, just amazing. i am stunned to see, because for 10, 15 years we haven t seen much of the muhammad ali. just appearances because of parkinson s. as you see the footage and understand what the country went through in the 60s and 70s and you saw what he did in the ring. tucker, i thought about you. you are not a sports fan. this is so little about boxing and more about societal impact. he made everybody feel great about themselves. he was nonstop exploring religion, the meaning of life. and he probably was the most famous person on the planet through most of his adult life. it wasn t just because of was champion. brian, we haven t talked much about it at all this morning. his relationship with howard cosell. you as a broadcaster love of
sports and a sports broadcaster in your heart. talk about that relationship with him and howard cosell. i don t think we ll ever see something like that ever again. mutual respect number one. two, cosell was extremely talented and arrogant and ali was pretending to be arrogant and he was talented. these guys were self-perpetuating marketing machines. they would sell fights, sell issues. they would sell campaigns. they would get you so pumped up for an event or a fight, make it seem bigger than life. where celebrities had to be a part of it. where corporate america wanted to be a part of it, and they sold it. they sold it almost like an act. one would interview the other. the other would show outrage. together they would build a soap apra. i have never seen anything like that. every single league and every athlete owes their marketing
power to muhammad ali. he made it more than sports. brian, we have been talking to people who knew him and knew him well all morning. they had amazing things to say about his evolvement from the 60s through the decades that followed. when he was asked what he hopes his legacy will be, aside from jokingly saying that he hopes to be remembered as being pretty, and at the very least one of the best athletes that ever lived, he wanted to be remembered as being a good person and doing good for other people. and it s interesting we have heard a lot of that sentiment from people who knew him on the couch this morning. absolutely. the times i met him, he always had the bible with him and the cokoran with him. he was always trying to explore the meaning of life. he would have been the bridge, sadly, between islam and america. he would have been that bridge. he could explain it, understood the koran. sadly he lost his power of speech and persuasion. his last 20 years, on every
level, must have been a slow torture for him. all his gifts were being slowly taken away. in a way i am almost relieved that he no longer has to deal with this type of pain and frustration on a daily basis. you re going to see it. you ll really understand it the more we see the reflections back on his life. great point. in ten seconds as a sports guy, was he really the greatest fighter, do you think, of the 20th century? no question. he took light heavyweight quills and brought them to the heavyweight division. lost three years of his sports life when he was banned and was still great. unequivocally. thanks, brian. at more fox & friends in tw minutes. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now.
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20160605 10:00:00

good morning. it is sunday, june 5, 2015. i m abby huntsman. this is not the way to parallel park a cruise ship. look at this. [ bleep ]. whoa. well, find out how much damage that dock took thanks to celebrity cruises. then the countdown to california under way. bernie sanders says he will never surrender. now he s promising a contested convention and politicizing the death of muhammad ali to attack donald trump. watch this. don t tell us how much you love muhammad ali. and yet you re going to be
prejudiced against muslims in this country. well, he s not line. hillary did the same thing. stay tuned. and donald trump s make america great again hat is the must have item of the campaign season. one school is siding with the bullies who told this kid to take it off. they re banning it. that boy is here live to tell his story. see if he brought his hat. fox & friends starts right now. oh, at the tilapia farm. yes, we are raising the budget here on the show. trying to raise some money with tilapia. we are celebrating national fishing day and we are going to catch some of the massive brown trout can we eat it afterwards? fry it up.
do you know how to fillet a fish? and we re creating a backyard of your dreams. john deere riding mower out there. we have some fantastic stuff outside. we have a jam-packed show. doing it all with the great abby huntsman. great to see you. great to be invited back. what did i do to deserve that? you re a ray of sunshine in an otherwise rocky have you seen our crew? this show has the best crew around. so i m happy to be here. you stand out. you ve seen veto? you raise the bar around here. countdown to california, bernie sanders and hillary clinton battle for voters ahead of the primary. this as sanders vowed to continue his fight. mike emanuel has more in santa monica where it s very early but he has the latest. good morning. reporter: good morning to you. bernie sanders message to his loyal supporters it s not over on tuesday night. sanders is promising to take his fight to next month s democratic convention in philadelphia. at the end of the nominates
process, no candidate will have enough pledged delegates. to call the campaign a victory. the democratic national convention will be a contested convention. reporter: sanders held a very large rally last night in olympic plaza in loss an. 13,500 supporters turned out. he said his networks call clinton her the winner after polls closed in new jersey at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. his supporters out west here in california and other westen states may stay home thinking it s over. clinton is telling her supporters if all things go as she expects she will capture the
democratic nomination with the help of the super delegates. the clinton campaign said she rallied the supporters in fresno. she s asking the california voters to help her get there. i would be honored to have your support in this california primary. so here s what i would ask you to do if you ve got if you ve got a ballot sitting and at home, fill it out and send it in. or else be sure to come out and vote on tuesday. reporter: and we expect hillary clinton to campaign today in oakland and sacramento. bernie sanders will head south from los angeles to san diego for a big concert and rally as the two candidates make their final arguments to california voters. mike emanuel, just back from dinner in santa monica. it s 8:00 p.m. it could go to bernie sanders. do you think this could happen? he s got 46 pledged delegates right now.
she s got like 540 some. can he flip all the super delegates in general at the contested no, probably not. but he s making a point on principle. he said, voters ought to be able to decide. this is similar to the debate on the republican side during the primaries but there are more super delegates. the democratic system is way more rigged than the republican system was. his supporters are really mad about it. and regardless of whether you support sanders or not, i think people appreciate the fact he s saying that. this could be over though before polls close in california because of new jersey. if it s this close, you see 49-47 according to the wall street journal poll. yes, it could be over before the polls close in california because of new jersey. but bernie is saying only if you count the super delegates is it over. people are only there because they want to be ambassador to
belgium in the hillary administration. if you take those people out it s still in play. this convention, you guys, could be a nightmare for her. we re hearing what 20,000 potential protesters in philadelphia? awesome explosion of democracy. so bernie sanders supporters 20,000 strong to show up in philadelphia. i guess bring the chaos there. and also these super delegates promising to embarrass hillary clinton by trying to get them to switch sides. again, she has 547. he has 46. how many of those in this in the next few weeks would switch to the bernie sanders side? starting to make demands on her policy wise. they re demanding she support a higher minimum wage, $15 and above. and repudiate her associations with wall street. he s driven this entire narrative. you mentioned immigration and you we talked about trade. yeah. her flip flops on the trade policy. on and on this list has switched because of bernie sanders. it s going to get challenging for her to appeal to the middle
vote eventually. well, they all come home to roost in philadelphia. i have a feeling this just the beginning of this. we are learning more about the death of the legendary boxer muhammad ali who passed away friday night at the age of 74. laura ingraham has more on how ali s friends and friends are preparing to honor him one more time. reporter: good morning. he was known as the greatest and now the boxing friends and family are mourning a loss of a legend. doctors said it was septic shock that took his life, after he had been admitted into the phoenix area hospital earlier in the week with respiratored from par disease for 32 years. his daughter hana tweeted an instagram out, the account of his final moments saying this. all of his organs failed but his
heart wouldn t stop beating. for 30 minutes his heart kept beating. no one had ever seen anything like it. his daughter says it was a true testament to the strength of his spirit and will. the outpouring of support and memories only getting started from friends around the world and those in the boxing world who knew him best. friends for life. he brought me into fighting. he was a man of god who believed in god and with that faith and the confidence in himself nothing was impossible to him. don king of course. the eulogies will be will be given by former president clinton and bryant gumbel. laura ingle, thank you. amazing his heart kept beating for 30 minutes after his organs shut down. we want to get to some headlines now. and a police officer is killed,
run over by a suspected shooter. the unidentified man shot three people and then drove into 46-year-old officer verdell smith who was trying to get pedestrians out of the way. he was flying down the road. he hit several things down through there. the cops were chasing it. i guess that s where it was. two of the victims hospitalize and in critical condition. the suspect is in custody but has not been charged. officer smith was an 18-year-old veteran of the force and he leaves behind a fiancee and three children. well, a raging brushfire in california. that inferno is 200 acres and has been fueled by the extreme heat hitting that area. mandatory evacuations have been put in place. three water dropping helicopters and more than 500 firefighters have been working to put out that fire. the blaze is believed to have sparked after a truck crashed into a power pole knocking it
over. and brace for impact. this cruise ship is coming in hot. oh, god. [ bleep ]. brace yourself. whoa. that cruise ship slamming into the dock in alaska causing more than $3 million in damage. the cruise line says strong winds and waves caused the crash. thankfully though, no one was hurt. you guys, i used i have never been on a cruise, i have no desire to do one actually. that s a little dangerous. rick, just back from the cruise. nobody could get off at that port. nobody got off in alaska. did you go on a cruise? for my parent s 50th wedding anniversary for four days. how was it? it was not my favorite. i m not going to die. trapped for seven days on the
ledo deck. people love them. rain across parts of the east. we have kind been really hot. obviously guys you notice the humidity here yesterday. we ll continue to see this storm pull off to the east. today, some severe weather. we could be watching some big storms in the mid-atlantic and into the northeast. and i-95 corridor, i think we ll see a few tornados today. think of all the population, some tornadoes. could be really damaging. we re watching the tropics. four days into hurricane season. likely by tomorrow we ll have a third tropical storm of the season, it will be colin if it gets a name. impacting florida as early as tomorrow afternoon. some spots maybe four to six inches of rain, causing localized flooding. that s a big issue for florida. phoenix hit 115 degrees. earliest in the season they ever hit 115 degree and i think we ll see that again today. it will move in across parts of the southern plains this week. thinking of all the flooding we have had in texas for the last
number of day, now we ll have temperatures into the 90s. it s really humid because all the moisture is going to evaporate and it will stay like that for a number of days. an uncomfortable time across the south. 115 in phoenix we ll stay here. not a bad idea. thank you, rick. coming up on the show, democrats using muhammad ali s death to attack donald trump. don t tell us how much you love muhammad ali and yet you re going to be prejudiced against muslims in this country. is his death fair game? david webb is here to weigh in. good morning. a national anthem could be changed to make it gender neutral. o canada, our home and native land o canada. i have asthma.
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see if you re eligible for 12 months free at good morning. welcome back to fox & friends. well, the democrats are politicizing the death of muhammad ali, attacking donald trump. one of the great american heroes was muhammad ali. a very proud muslim. and don t tell us how much you love muhammad ali and yet you re going to be prejudiced against muslims in this country. on a day when we are mourning muhammad alit is worth remembering that we worth remembering that we live in a country where people can break down barriers, where they can worship their own god and choose their own name and where they can lead and follow their dreams as far as their hard work and talents will take them.
here is talk show host and contributor david webb. does everybody notice that hillary clinton has to look at her notes to say she recognizes muhammad ali s greatness? [ laughter ] for those of you that just watched that video, look, this is what gets me. it s one thing to recognize the historic figure. i m a boxing fan. he s an incredible boxer. he s a performer in the ring. look at what he did. but the democrats recognize him both sides of the aisle, but then to use him as a political pawn to throw a punch at someone else. that s what s wrong with this. well, look, i like muhammad ali but she says he has the right to change his name. did she realize he changed his name to join the nation of islam? at the time did she know that? no. look, this is a complex issue. he was against the vietnam war. but on the other side for the democrats out there, let me make
their head spin. he also endorsed ronald reagan in 1984 and campaigned for him. actually, went out and campaigned. there were billboards you can look them up on the web and it was because he said reagan was keeping god in schools. you know what? that being said, regardless of politic, muhammad ali just passed away. can we have 24 hours can we just have 24 hours that we can talk about the man s heart and the good he s done for this nation? you know, for those suffering from parkinson s disease, look at the work he did to bring attention. he did a lot of things quietly to help people in neighborhoods they never knew where a check was coming from. he was a very complex man. a very religious man as well. right after justice scalia s death, same thing. they politicized his death as well. far be it from democrats basically to use anyone to get any attention to paint republicans as someone to run away from him. unfortunately, no one is making a more serious point
no americans i don t think discriminating against people on the basis of their religion. look at europe. is anyone asking hillary clinton what do you make of norway, for example or germany? outright discrimination based on religion. here in america, i would say this. for the state department that stood out and said we processed 235 syrian refugees in one day, they have to do 60 a day in order to get obama s goal reached. in this country, you bring them in is there rampant discrimination, no. go to europe. see what s going on in some of the neighborhoods on both sides of the aisle. muslims against others and others against muslims. do they have an answer for that? no. i mean what is the plan to prevent that from happening here? radicals kill more muslims than any other group. you ask muslims in america do they want to be safe, they say yes they want to be safe. david webb. thank you so much for joining us this morning. i have very little to say on a sunday morning. at 6:20 in the morning. by the way, by the way, can i
say this really quick? democrats are now okay with women being assaulted in the streets, as that woman was in the video, eggs and other things thrown at her and also when it comes to protesters breaking parking lot signs is this okay with democrats, destruction of property? where there s the condemnation from bernie sanders or hillary clinton or obama or debbie wasserman schultz? you heard the spokesman say property destruction is okay. coming up, richard simmons is in the hospital this morning. the fitness star, what he was doing at his mansion that has police concerned. plus, it s a twist that not even shakespeare could have dreamt up. students at yale saying studying white authors creates a hostile author. we have a student from that course joining us next. i asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was
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very interesting. well, call it a shakespearean twist, yale university students are calling on the english department to abolish a course on t.s. eliot and chaucer. they say it creates a hostile environment. yeah, the course has been generally well received for years. but the anonymous petition has received over 160 signatures according to the yale daily news. joining us is a student who got done taking the course and sees this as an attention grab. thank you for coming in. thank you for having me. by the way i love this is an anonymous petition. people don t want to affix their name to it. i was outraged with it. major english poet sequence is beneficial to the englishmajor. i never heard anyone complain
about it being racist or sexist or misogynist, so it seemed ridiculous to me. what are they wanting to learn instead? who are they wanting to learn from instead? i read someone s facebook, they d rather be studying people like alice walker and toni morrison who have not been around nearly as long as jeffrey chaucer. what i m struck by, there was no critique included of the text themselves. if you don t like chaucer or shakespeare, tell us why. it was solely focus on the appearance of the people who wrote the poems. did you when you got to yale expect to find more impressive students than the people who would write that? exactly. i expected to meet great people who are studying english works and if they re worried about shakespeare being white then they re not engaged to begin with. one wrote it is unacceptable that a yale student considering
studying english literature might only read white authors. it s time for the english major to decolonize. that s silly. this is one of the most diverse courses in the college. and so if people are spending four years in english major only reading white authors they are going extremely out of their way to make that happen. well, clayton it goes on, the petition claims that the students are driven a way from the major. when students are made to feel so alienated they get up and leave the room or get up and leave the major, something is wrong. the english department loses out when talented students engage in library and cultural analysis. they re always driven away from the major. they re getting up and leaving the class, really? is that happening? no. i have been it s a two part
sequence. i have never once seen anyone to get up to leave other than do the restroom. sounds like they re having trouble with the text, the words are too long, too complex. the idea that the school needs to dumb down its course curriculum in order to make its students happy, is that what colleges should be doing? absolutely not. texts like the canterbury tales and paradise lost are not easy. by starting the course that way you re more prepared for the course. i hope you wind up working there. they could use you. thank you for having me. still ahead, donald trump coming under fire for attacking the judge in the trump university case based on his ethnicity, by this morning a former attorney general is defending him. sort of. plus, the v.a. has enough trouble taking care of the vets already. now they want to pay for transgender surgery. and that s not all, abby. kicking off national fishing and boating week. do you know the best time to cast your line? i don t, actually. well, we re going to find
out. is it high noon when nothing is biting? we ll show you the best time to land your biggest catch when we come back. (vo) if you have type 2 diabetes, you may know what it s like to deal with high. and low blood sugar. januvia (sitagliptin) is a once-daily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your body s own ability to lower blood sugar. plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). januvia should not be used in patients with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. tell your doctor if you have a history of pancreatitis. serious side effects can happen, including pancreatitis which may be severe and lead to death. stop taking januvia and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area which may be pancreatitis.
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fire for calling into question the fairs on of the judge presiding over the trump university case and one attorney is coming to his defense. garrett tenney has the latest in washington, d.c. reporter: good morning. this isn t just any attorney either. this is a former u.s. attorney general with mexican heritage who says that donald trump is right to challenge the fairness of the judge. trump received a lot of criticism from both political parties over the last couple of weeks for his attacks on u.s. district judge curiel, because he is of mexican descent he is against trump because of his plan to build a wall along the mexican border. here is what trump first said. i have a judge who is a hater of donald trump. a hater. he s a hater. the judge who happens to be we believe mexican, which is great. i think that s fine. they ought to look into judge curiel because what judge curiel is doing is a total disgrace. okay?
reporter: we should point out curiel was born in indiana. but in an editorial for the washington post, former u.s. attorney general under president george w. bush alberto gonzales said if judges and the trials over which they preside are not perceived as being impartial people will lose faith. ethics codes for the judges including the federal code of conduct governing curiel require not only that the judges be impartial, but they avoid the appearance of improprietary. hillary clinton has made it a focal point of her attacks over the last week. particularly in california which has a large hispanic population. and she s even used the issue to bring up donald trump s german heritage which some critics are saying is a veiled attempt to get her supporters to call him a
nazi. back to you y all. thank you, garrett tenney. well, later in the show we have alberto gonzales joining us. i hope you ll stay tuned for that. be interesting to hear what he as to say about this. a fox news alert, richard simmons reportedly rushed to the hospital. six, seven, double touch. five, six. and side and side. the icon is said to be getting medical help after someone called 191 911 called about his quote bizarre behavior. there was talk that he was being held by his housekeeper. and the parents of the toddler who fell into the gorilla exhibit could be criminally charged tomorrow. oh! authorities are set to announce whether or not they ll bring charges. the mother said she was temporarily distracted when he
climbed into the habitat. well, cincinnati zoo officials were forced to shoot the image to save the boy s life. well, police officers forced to smash a window to save a small puppy outside a mall in georgia. she was locked in for two hours before the police broke the windows. the dog is okay though and recovering at an animal shelter. well, we have heard these lyrics before. o canada our home and native land well, now canada s close to changing some of those lyrics to make it gender neutral. the bill will only change the english lyrics from and all thy sons command to all of us command. if it passes it would go to the senate and the change could be officially adopted as soon as this summer and those are your headlines.
rick on that note i m tossing it over to you. thank you very much. i m out here camping. we have a nice camp site set up. i ll come outside and do the weather every morning. a perfect plan from the national park maybe. look at the weather maps as you wake up. severe weather coming across the eastern seaboard, especially this afternoon. probably around 5:00 i think they ll be along the i-95 corridor and some could see a little tornado or two in there. so because of all the population, we certainly need to watch that. there you go. kind of a rainout for a lot of the day today, across the northeast. into the southeast, at least the southeastern part of this region here. looking at the rain showers. but look at that. dry across a lot of texas, get ready. it s going to heat up a lot. be back in the 90s. humidity levels will be incredibly high. warm temperatures, look at that
omaha 86 degrees and finally out across the west, it s baking. 115 in phoenix again today. look at that portland, oregon, 101. it is hot. all right. tucker? send it over to you. that s crazy. i m just talking to tom keenan from gander mountain, a professional fly fisherman as well as manager for them. if you re looking for a fun family activity, go to the water. it s national boat and fishing month. and tom keenan is here. and he has more on how to get your family on the water. good to see you. thank you. i think most are open to the idea of fishing, it s medicine, good for you physically and mentally, but getting your family out to do it is a challenge. what would you recommend? this is national boating and fishing week. i come from wisconsin, it s free fishing weekend. thank you for reminding us of the packers. and obviously safety comes
first. for boating one of the biggest things, this is from gander mountain, an inflatable life jacket. normal life jackets it s uncomfortable. that s a claim to fame, it s comfortable and lightweight. it does have an automatic or the manual switch. if you knew you have to get into the water, if you pull it inflates. if not, in three seconds it automatically inflates. people perish that way. true statement. everyone should wear a life jacket. about 100 bucks. these are completely and totally worth it. 100%. this is probably one of the biggest things that exist in the world as far as boating safety. pretty simple. hummingbird makes it. you can put a lake master chip in here. you can put a chip in here, it will provide you mass where you go. it s gps compatible, it s a fish locater. looks left and right of the boat. sells for $699. by far one of the best locaters at gander mountain.
that s fantastic. give us some fishing tips. i like to fish, you re a professional fisherman. this is a fly rod under $200 at gander mountain. i would tell people to come down to their level of their expertise. if you re going fishing, go to the gander mountain, we have guys who understand the business. who know it well. i have been doing this for 24 years. i want to see people go fishing. people say you can t catch a catch fish on a fly rod. if you re catching fish, you re pretty good. so right time of the day matters. not all times of the day are the same. today is a perfect day, overcast day, today is great day to be fishing. on the days when you think it s june, but not that nice out, go fishing is the answer. we make rain gear every single day. put it on and go out. thank you very much. still ahead, obamacare for illegals the feds promised it
wouldn t happen. the president swore it wouldn t and yet in one state it is happening and you re paying for it. we ll tell you more. and plus donald trump s make america great again hat, one schoolboy was pulled out because he dared to wear one. that boy is coming up live next. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america.
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we danced in a german dance group. i wore when i first got on ancestry i was really surprised that i wasn t finding all of these germans in my tree. i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. the big surprise was we re not german at all. 52% of my dna comes from scotland and ireland. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at
sweet, sweet st. thomas nice. so nice, so nice st. croix full of pure vibes. so nice, so nice. this summer, experience us virgin islands nice. book 4 nights at before july 16th to receive the fourth night free, plus 350 dollars in spending credits. well, good morning. some quick headlines for you. gender reassignment surgery may soon be covered by the veterans administration. a proposed bill would lift the ban. the v.a. covers other transition related issues like hormone replacement therapy and pre and
post surgical care. the administration says they ll make them better able to defend us. and illegal aliens would be allowed to get health care under obamacare with subsidies. if you remember back to 2009, president obama swore that obamacare would never extend to illegals. he promised it. and now it does. abby? well, americans identify as atheists, agnostic or no religion in particular. that s the fastest growing in country and thousands hoped to boost their political power. what does this mean for you? joining us is father jonathan morris. good morning. good morning. what do you make of this? well, the park looked rather empty there. to start off with. fishing you mean? no, the images there of the atheists rally. they call it a reason rally. i would be all in favor of rallying for a reason.
i don t believe that belief and reason are in contradiction whatsoever. what i do find incredible though is that a small group of people who don t affiliate themselves with any religion which is completely acceptable and understandable would be so oftentimes not always, but some of them so activist, trying to thwart other people s belief systems. i give you an example. i m in a school in steubenville, ohio. one of the activist, atheist groups were trying to get them to not pray at the commencement high school commencement activities. and the students stood up themselves, they led themselves in the our father. one thing not to believe, and another thing is to keep others from not expressing their believes. they don t want to believe in anything, and look at the
numbers. in 2007, you had 16% that didn t identify with the religious group. look at it today, or 2014 it jumped to 23%. that s a big shift. i mean what does that mean politically? why are we seeing this change so quickly. the nones, not like nuns, but 95% say i believe in god, but those numbers include the unaffiliated. there are people who go to church with me every week that are unaffiliated. without any label that i m catholic or i m evangelical or i m baptist. i think people are seeking. wanting to believe in something bigger than themselves? yeah. trying to decide, you know, what group they should be a part of it or what family church family they should be a part of. there s a lot of trust lost in religious leaders and lost in church institutions and i think
it s understandable there are people who are seeking. father jonathan morris, thank you. happy sunday to you. catch some fish for us. you saw the protesters attacking the trump supporters and now president obama blames republicans and their bad habit forts this. and one boy banned from wearing a make america great again hat banned from school because they said it makes the others feel bad. that story, next. before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn t bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer.
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if that s what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don t deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business.
presumptive nominee donald trump has made his make america
great again campaign hats a staple at his rallies. after one of young supporters got bullied for wearing the hat, the school told him to stop wearing it due to safety concerns. the supporter joins us now. he s nine-year-old logan autrey and his step mother an gentlemen angela. good morning. tell us what happened when you wore this hat to school. well, a lot of the kids, their parents are not trump supporters and they just listen to the wrong side of the social media and they did not like me wearing the hat well, it wasn t the hat.
it s my personality because even two months before the hat, they still didn t like me. i m sorry about that. they made fun of you for wearing the hat and what did the school say to you? what did your teacher say? well, the teacher let me wear the hat, but the vice principal said i couldn t wear the hat, and i thought she just meant not inside, so i still wore it, and then the principal told me to take it off and, well, i still didn t take it off, and, well, she said that it was against the directive to wear the hat but i looked in the dress code and it was not against it.
here s a statement from the school. our job as educators is to facilitate a safe learning environment, it s also a responsibility to take precautions when the discourse begins to disrupt our school climate and interrupt school operations. angela what do you make of that? i think there are a lot of loopholes in the actual dress code. it s very subjective where it gives the principal or the administration the right to intervene if it becomes an issue. like they said, there are exceptions to the rule. the hats cannot be worn indoors in the assembly rooms and in the cafeteria, in the classrooms, and they didn t have an issue with him wearing it when he came back to school on tuesday, but when he did wear the hat and the teacher actually encouraged him and let him tell his story to
the class and they were very excited to hear his story and they were very supportive of logan being able to meet mr. trump and getting his hat signed and he got to shake his hand. he decided to tell his story and everybody thought it was very cool, so the next couple of days he wore the hat to school and it didn t become an issue, i believe, until fifth or sixth grader made a comment out on the playground if i don t know if that s how it went. what they called it a disturbance on campus and they were afraid for his safety and they called me and asked me to speak with him about, maybe not wearing the hat to school. maybe keeping it at home and not trying to cause any conflict with the other students. it sounds like the other students wanted to cause the conflict and they should have spoken to them. we haven t spoken to them since the incident. when everything aired on the news, everything took a tumble
from there. you know, we ve been talked to by all different kinds of news media and text messages and social media and everyone is wanting to hear logan s story. i notice logan is not wearing the hat, your dog is who is a bernie supporter. he hate the hat. this is the hat. logan went to swim in the pool and took his hat off and set it up on the patio table and the dogs got ahold of it. this is what s letft of the hat. next time, wear a hillary hat and you ll be celebrated. sheriff david clark is here to react. watch what happens when this boy turns his back on a lion. we ll tell you what happens on
this one. my mom loves giving me advice. she even gives me advice.
.about my toothpaste and mouthwash. but she s a dentist so.i kind of have to listen. she said jen, go pro with crest pro-health advanced. advance to healthier gums. .and stronger teeth from day one. using crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my. .whole mouth feel awesome. and my teeth are stronger too. crest-pro health advanced. .is superior to colgate total. .in these 5 areas dentists check. this check up? so good. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. mom s right.again!
when they thought they should westart saving for retirement.le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren t prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can.
it s going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we ll all be better prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. good morning. it is sunday, june 5th, 2016. a massive ship with hundreds of people on door smashes into the docks. why that company now says the ship was forced off course and how the passengers are doing this morning. and countdown to the california primary two days away. bernie sanders says no matter what happens, he will never surrender. now he s promising a contested convention. at the same time he s politicizing the death of muhammad ali to attack donald trump. don t tell us that you love
muhammad ali and you are going to be prejudiced against muslims in this country. holy smokes, there s a lot going on in american politics and sheriff david clark is here to react to all of it. this going viral. what happens when you turn your back on a lion at the zoo. watch this. oh, man. we re going to show how it ends. mornings are better with friends. it is national fishing month and we re celebrating, needless to say, on the plaza with gander mountain. do you guys have a fire pit? we re going to show you the backyard of your dreams.
abby was casting her line and a random person was talking down the streets of new york city and she almost caught the person. she pulled a massive fish out of the pool we have at plaza. we ve gone into aqua culture. we ve got a jam packed show, including new details this morning about the death of boxer muhammad ali who passed away friday night at the age of 74. his daughter hana is providing more insight through social media on how her dad left this earth, loved, surrounded by family and certainly not without one last fight. her family held his hand,
whispered in his ear, you can go now. we ll be okay. all of his organs failed, but his heart wouldn t stop beating. for 30 minutes. his heart just kept beating. no one had seen anything like it. septic shock finally took muhammad ali after he had been admitted into a phoenix hospital with respiratory problems. his funeral will be in louisville, kentucky. the eulogies will be given by bill clinton and billy crystal. headlines for you this morning. a fox news alert. a memphis police officer killed and run over by a drunk driver.
he was trying to lead pedestrians to safety. he was flying down the road. he had done hit several thing coming down through there and the cops just chasing him. two victims are in critical condition. the suspect is in custody and is not yet charged. he lives behind a fiancee and three children. we re learning theoid of identity of nine soldiers. eight of the nine names have been released. an investigation into that accident is ongoing and one soldier had been in the military just nine months. a raging brush fire is
raging through the calabasas, california area. chasing away as many as 5,000 residents. 300 helicopters. the blaze is believe to have been sparked by a truck crashing into a utility pole, knocking it over. this cruiseship is coming in hot. brace yourselves. that does not look like fun. it slammed into the docks in alaska, causing more than 3 $billion in damage $3 million in damage. there were a lot of nauseous people on that boat.
rick loves cruises, doesn t he? rick was on a carnival cruise recently. on the shuffle board deck. not recently. we couldn t fish off of it but we ve got ben and phillip here. they have each caught two fish so far. while i m doing the weather, we ll see if one of you can break this tie. weather map, we have a lot going on. one of the things is severe weather we re going to be watching across the eastern seaboard. this line of storms moves through and i think it s around 5:00 or 6:00 that it develops across the i-95 corridor, at least into the mid atlantic and northeast. we could see a tornado or two and think about all that with the population. you have to watch out. we will definitely see some very strong winds and a lot of rain. we re watching the tropics. we are about four days into tropical season. we re watching our third tropical storm. it s going to bring rain across parts of florida as early as
tomorrow. phillip, you did it! phillip broke the tie. here you go. nicely done. tossing back to you. phillip is in the lead. when we were out there, the fish were looking at us. they ran away from us. he s got the touch. there s a lot going on in american politics this morning. to analyze and break it down, we re bringing in sheriff david clark of milwaukee, wisconsin. so you may have seen this. bernie sanders and hillary clinton weighing in on the death as many americans did, of muhammad ali. one of the great american heroes in recent history is muhammad ali. don t tell us how much you love muhammad ali and you are going to be prejudiced against muslims in this country. on a day we re mourning muhammad ali.
it s worth remembering we live in a country where people can break down barriers, worship their own god, choose their own name and where they can lead and follow their own dreams as far as their hardwork and talent will break them. bernie sanders is obviously use the death of an american icon to make a political point, which is ugly. he s also suggesting that the only reason that you would have concerns about muslims mass immigration. what donald trump is against, he s against radical islamic terrorist. he s not get muslims. bernie sanders knows better than that. i want to get your take on the riots we ve seen. we ve seen that horrible video of a woman being pelted.
president obama, here s what he said. that s not what our democracy is about. that s not what you do. there s no room for violence, there s no place for shouting. it s very important for us to remind ourselves of who we are and what is best about american democracy and not slip into bad habits that currently manifest themselves in the other party. this is nothing more than premeditated organized violence. you create chaos, you create dissenction. rite right out of the rules for radicals which was
dedicated to lucifer. look, trump supporters enjoy their first amendment protection to participate in these rallies just like anybody else and it shouldn t be done having to go through fear, intimidation and get bloodied and battered to participate in our democrat state and how we choose the next president of the united states. they realize, when i say they, president obama, the democrats, mrs. bill clinton, bernie sanders know that they benefit from this sort of thing and what it does is it distracts, it distracts away from what s really going on here, some of the internal strooif that the strife that the party has going on right now. nevada, they realize if these hood lumps or goons may show up at a bernie sanders or hillary clinton rally which they have done in the past and do this same sort of thing.
they are happy it s haepg over there. they want to keep it over there. these conventions could get nasty. it s not bernie sanders and president obama getting political. michelle obama getting political at a commencement speech. let s play that. in this country, it s never been each person for themselves. no, we re all in this together. we always have been. and here in america we don t give in to our fears, we don t build up walls to keep people out. some folks out there today seem to have a very different perspective. they seem to view our diversity as a threat to be contained. they tell us to be afraid of those who are different, to be suspicious of those with whom we disagree. sher live, there s a time and place to be political. we were talking about muhammad ali just passing away and it s already political.
commence many speeches as well, is this a place to get political? the best part, she said thank you for allowing me to share this final commencement speech with you. that means no other college graduating class will have to hear this racial and zwis dwis divisive speech by mrs. obama. they are the most powerful and affluent people on planet earth, if they are victims, who isn t a victim? they walk around with this chip on their shoulder. they support strife and division. it pains them to know when they go to sleep at night, they sleep
in the white house. they said yesterday it s a house that slaves built. that s the last time i believe this country has been that divided, was over the issue of slavery. great to see you this morning, sheriff. my pleasure. coming up here on the show. we are two days away from the california primary if you can believe that. bernie sanders says he will not surrender to hillary clinton. how far is he willing to go in this race? we re live in the golden state next. a frightening scene as a car bursts into flames and in the middle of the race. oh, big explosion! as our business is growing, and you re on the road all day long, it s exhausting. hi how are you? you re on the fourth floor. thank you so much.
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hillary clinton and bernie sanders battle for voters before the california primary. and bernie sanders vows for his fight for a contested convention. whoa, christmas is here. happy good morning to you. bernie sanders admits its an up hill climb for him but is saying in a very matter of fact way there will be a contested convention in philadelphia. sanders continues to attract huge crowds, including one last night getting an estimated 13,500 at olympic plaza in los angeles. voter registration in california is up 17.9 million and sanders is clearly hoping that is being driven by people enthusiastic
about voting for him. he s telling supporters it won t be over on tuesday night. for secretary clinton to get to the magic number of 2,383, she would have to win 2/3 of those pledged delegates. frankly, unless i m very, very mistaken, that is absolutely not going to happen. the democratic national convention will be a contested convention. hillary clinton continues her five-day campaign swing through california. her team estimates 1,500 people showed up for her get out the vote friday nie in fresno. she s hoping her endorsement by the governor will help her win. i was honored to be endorsed by jerry brown a few days ago. it meant a lot to me because he s a problem-solver. he gets good ideas wherever they
come from. he listens to all kinds of people. then he makes up his mind and he gets to work. that s what we have to do together. sanders fear is the networks calling clinton the nominee after the polls close in new jersey at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. his fear is that his supporters here in california and other western states will stay home demoralized so he s pressing the media to let it play out. 4:00 a.m. in california. just back from dinner. i ve been sending up my weekly emisscopalian prayers up for a year for this. they are vowing 20,000 bernie
sanders supporters to descend on the convention. will some of those super delegates actually flip flopped. which is so crazy. how long have we been talking about a contested republican convention? donald trump is under attack for attacking the nationality of the judge in the trump university case, or ethnicity. alberto gonzales will be to defend that. a child passing out on the bus because it s too hot. maya passed out on the bus. fan her. the alarms will go off. what happens if your car is locked into a car. you may have to break into a
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great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing s important. comcast business knows that. that s why you can schedule an installation
at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that s what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don t deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. about 25 minutes after the hour. quick headlines caught on camera. a heart-stopping moment between a child and a charging lion. the 400 pound cat and a japanese zoo charges when he sees the two-year-old boy turn his back only to be stopped by the glass. he gets excited whenever little kids get near. watch this.
whoa national record holder jack beckman was able to keep the car in his lane before pulling the chute. those are some of your headlines. clay, i m heading out to you where you are trying to break into some cars in the city. the big arms out here. imagine sending your kid on the school bus and they pass out from eat. watch heat. watch this. maya passed out on the bus. fan her. because the alarms will go off. students forced to ride home on a sweltering school bus in washington state last week. the little girl is okay. the truth is most parents think it s okay to leave their kids in a car for a few minutes. joining us now is susan aream.
parents i think that s okay. it s only a few minutes. oftentimes that s what they think and the reality is even when the windows ajar in a matter of of minutes the car can heat up the interior to 125 degrees. 80% of the heating takes place in the first ten minutes. if you leave a child for a few minutes, it can be fatal. is this a big problem? are there a lot of deaths from this every year? we see an average of about 37 children per year dying in a hot car and this year to date we ve already had nine compared to last year we only had three by this point. that s terrible. what is this down here? we want to talk about the fact that the baby should always be in the backseat and that s where you have that s where you are putting your baby. the problem is sometimes baby is out of sight, out of mind and we ve had parents that have a failure of the memory, where their auto pilot has taken over
and driven all the way to work and forgot to drop off the baby. when you are by a car and you see a baby in a hot car and no one is around. what should we do? we encourage passersby is call 911. if you feel the baby is in distress, lethargic, unresponsive, very red and sweaty, you may want to take matters in your own hands. we have a tool we want to demonstrate for you several states pass law that cover a passerby from any ramifications if they break a window to free a child. how do we want to do this? we want to cover our eyes, a pair of sunglasses works just as well. not everyone has these in
their back pocket. if you don t have gloves, you could take a t-shirt or another article of clothing to wrap your hand to protect your hand and we re going to be using a tool called the rescue-me tool. it s a spring loaded punch tool. it fits on your key chain. it can be used if you are trapped inside your vehicle and it also has a seat belt cutter. and it can be used if you see a child or pet who is in distressed in the vehicle. we want to make sure you go to the corners of the window and anyone can do this. you don t need to be a big strong guy. you are going to press it against there and give it a punch and you always wanted to do this in the window farthest away from the baby. what is that called again? this is called the rescue me tool. on our web, kids in, if
you make a donation, you win one of these. great to see you, this morning. thanks for having me. tucker, abby, what s coming up? stay away from my car. richard simmons is in the hospital this morning. what he was doing at his mansion that have police very concerned. and trump under fire for talking about the nationality of the judge deciding the trump u case. looking for an outdoor escape. we ll show you how to transform your backyard from a depressing dog run to the yard of your dreams. hi! hey! i ve made plans for later in case this date doesn t go well.
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or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don t take botox® if there s a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. don t take your chronic migraine lying down. stand up. prevent headaches and migraines. talk to a headache specialist today. back on the fox news alert, update on richard simmons and his condition. he s been reportedly rushed to the hospital. 4, 5, 6, 7, double touch. side and side. not walk up four. one, two, three. the 80s icon is said to be getting medical help after someone in his home called 911 concerned abouts his bizarre
behavior. there were rumors he was being held captive by his housekeeper. he hit back and said he was taking a break from being a celebrity. the parents of the toddler who fell into the gorilla exhibit could be criminally charged tomorrow. prosecutors are said to announce whether or not they will bring charges. the boy s mother claims she was temporarily distracted when he climbed into the gorilla has been i at that time over the weekend. cincinnati zoo official were forced to shoot and kill that animal to save the boy s life. and homeland security is quietly removing van loads of mexican immigrants without paperwork. this week, 35 were bought to a phoenix bus station without proper processing and it gets better, american taxpayers are
forced to foot the bill for the bull fare. planning the perfect wedding to make sure the guests are hitting the dance floor. we ve got you covered. love this song, highway hey ya by outkast. as for second place. oh, i want to dance with somebody everyone in the studio is saying whitney houston. don t believe me just watch and rounding out the top three, mark ronson and bruno mars, uptown funk. i have a feeling you are dancing
out there. what are you doing, rick? there s a tent there. i thought i would get inside the tent. there s no sleeping bags, there s no place to lie down. it s mostly like a storage tent at this point. these kids forced me into it. i got bullied by her. take a look at the weather map to show you what s going on this morning. if you are planning on camping across much of the northeast. we have a lot of rain and severe weather. you see that line of storms that comes through this evening. that s where the worst is coming through the evening. severe weather also down to the south. more strong winds with some of those storms. you ll notice a little bit of rain across far southeast texas, one last day of it and northern plains, a beautiful day, temperatures in the 80s, tons of sunshine, a little bit more cloud cover and western side, beautiful day. west, it s hot. breaking all kinds of record for
heat. you don t like to see that this early in the season. we ll be around 1:30 today in phoenix, portland, high of 101. is heat it on out west. cools down the next couple of days. abby and clayton back to you. if you are looking for a little outdoor get away or the perfect place to entertain why not transform your backyard into the get away of your dreams. here to tell us how is missy hendrickson with the national association of landscape professionals. she spends her whole career outside. i do. tell us about some of the things outdoor space. it looks like we re? a living room, something like ernest semg way would hemingway would sit in. people are discovering they can take their indoors and move it outside. it used to be to create our outdoor living spaces, we will take a picnic table and plop it out on the deck. how do you do that with the weather, i in-laws live in cam
pa florida, but the storms are outside are terrible. some of the storms are short lived. you can make a most of your outdor space with things like pergolas. some of these fabric are water resist tan as well. the way that designers are creating materials for us to enjoy outdoors today have come a long way. this equipment here, all this beautiful furniture was provided by ballard designs and this incredible greenery that we see, this is created for us by john mini s landscapes. the materials on the furniture is waterproof. this is furniture. it s made to withstand the elements, very low maintenance is required. other materials for wood that will also work the same way,
such as cypress and some of the red woods will also serve your purpose as well too. teak is like our own tucker carlson, very low maintenance. come over to the hard escaping. this is my favorite thing. everyone loves a fire. in the warm months, fire pits can still work. you can enjoy them 365 days a year. part of creating your-out joor living space is figuring out how you want to use that space. if you want to do a lot of cooking, it s beautiful, kitchens that you can create outside. outdoor theaters. it s really what you want to do with your space to make it personal. tell us about these custom rings as well. this material looks like natural rock but it s actually concrete. they are individual pavers. there s a lot you can do with concrete nowadays. i tried to do with brick one at one point. these rings will keep it
together. there s actually hard to hard ska ping professional. some things you want to leave to the pros. you ll be back. we ll talk about lawn care and how to create a beautiful landscape. donald trump coming under fire for attacking the national of a judge in the trump university case. this morning, a former attorney general is coming to his defense, perhaps. we ll get him to weigh in on this. there is alberto gonzales. he will join us live to explain next. fathers day is just two weeks away. you still need a gift. how about a personal system that turns any beer into the perfect craft. clayton s gift guide is just ahead. what s it like to be in good hands? man, it s like pure power at your finger tips.
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my m.about my toothpasteice. she eveand but she s a dentist so.i kind of have to listen. she said jen, go pro with crest pro-health advanced. advance to healthier gums. .and stronger teeth from day one. using crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my. .whole mouth feel awesome. and my teeth are stronger too. crest-pro health advanced. .is superior to colgate total. .in these 5 areas dentists check. this check up? so good. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. mom s right.again!
donald trump under fire this morning for asking u.s. district judge gonzales curio to recuse himself from the trump university trial due to conflict of interest. one person who may agree is alberto gonzales. i m absolutely willing to believe that this or any other judge may have biases. they have done or said thing that would make it improper for him to preside over the case. trump issic maing a different argument, because this judge s parents were born in mexico, he seems unfit to try this case. i did see in the piece i wrote that alone would not be enough, in my judgment, to disqualify the judge. you know, i wrote this piece not
to support donald trump s statements about the judge, but to support donald trump s rights. like any other american to have an impartial judge hear this case. that was the purpose for this for this piece that i wrote yesterday. that s, of course, an entirely legitimate point. all of us have the right to question people s motives but we understand people s motives by the things that they say or do. why would trump bring up the country of origin of this man s parents. aren t what your parents do and where they were born, isn t that by definition irrelevant? exactly. that is the point that i made in the piece that i wrote. to disqualify somebody based on that it would be inappropriate. it s perfectly legitimate to look at other reasons. you are a litigant, you want a fair trial. you want to win that case. that s true for anyone. it does not matter who the litigant is.
whether or not they are a terrorist, child molester, murderer, everyone is entitled to a trial before an impartial judge. to question whether or not donald trump can receive that in this case, i think it s perfectly legitimate. i would have done it differently, i said so in my piece. to question a judge like this, particularly someone who is running for president a year from now, that could be damaging to the judiciary. is there evidence that you think that this judge might be unsuited to preside over this trial? i don t know. and again it s perfectly legitimate to ask the question, and i think the judge, as every judge should do before every case, to consider all the facts, to consider the publicity about the case, what s being said publicly about the case and make a decision. it s not about being impartial, it s about the appearance of
impartiality, i am impropriety. that s the standard. what do you think with the legal group that the judge appears to be somehow affiliated? what do you think about them? i know very little about the group. i don t know whether or not there s a affiliation with the national group which has been very critical of donald trump s immigration policies. there may be a relationship or there may be not a relationship. that s the question. is there an appearance of impropriety. i understand there are very raw emotions about this. i m angry with anyone who dispara disparages a hispanic judge.
i work very hard to get some hispanic judges in the judiciary. you can believe in secure borders but have not regard to any parents or country of origin. i would have certainly taken a different approach and i think that s particularly true for someone who is running for president of the united states, because, again, whenever you say something, you know, about judges nationality, i think it demeans the office and it hurts the judiciary as a whole. alberto gonzales, great to see you this morning. thank for coming on. it s a pleasure. democrats use muhammad ali s death to attack.
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it s good to be in, good hands. good morning. it s sunday, june 5th. it s the countdown to the california primary. two days until primary day and bernie sanders says he will never surrender even if he loses. the national convention will be a contested convention. and now even the bernie supporters say they have or own plan to create convention chaos for hillary. we have details ahead. donald trump coming under fire from both sides politically for attacking the nationality of the judge in the trump university case. everyone in this country is entitled to a fair trial before an impartial judge. to question whether or not donald trump can receive that in this case is perfectly
legitimate. the big story now, we ll hear what trump said straight ahead. a little boy calls the cops on his own father. 911. what s your emergency. daddy went past a red light. so what did dad have to say once he found out about this? we ll ask him when the two join us live this hour. fox & friends hour three starts right now. have you ever called the police on your father? no. is that not the cutest thing? i think it s horrifying. i think your loyalty out to be to your family above all. a few weeks ago this woman in a parking lot was looking over and rear ended me. we went home. i didn t tell my wife. a day later my wife says it s interesting the kids said you got in an accident yesterday.
they sold me out. to their mom. that s okay. we re already in the third hour. we want to get to headlines. the world preparing to say a final good-bye to it the legendary muhammad ali. septic shock killed him at the age of 74. he battled parkinson s disease for 30 years. to a fox news alert, a memphis police officer is killed. the unidentified man shot three people and then drove into 46-year-old officer smith who was trying to lead pedestrians to safety. two victims hospitalized and are in critical condition. a suspect is now in custody but has not been charged. officer smith was an 18-year veteran of the force. leaves behind a fiance and three
children. the mayor of memphis saying i m angry at the unacceptable level of violence in our city and we must not accept this as our norm. a raging brush fire tearing through the suburban hills north of los angeles. it s been fueled by that extreme heat hitting the area. thousands of homes are in danger and mandatory evacuations have been put in place. three water dropping helicopters and more than 500 firefighters have been working to put out that fire. the blaze is believed to have sparked after a truck crashed into a power pole knocking it over. an ex-marine fired for doing his job for doing this on memorial day. all of you out there fighting for this country, that s what they think about you all. it s a beauty. happy memorial day you all. lowering the flag outside the charlotte, north carolina, time warner cable store to half-staff. the next day he was fired because of his passion for the
flag and political affiliation. he served in afghanistan and says he did it because the flag belongs to everyone. and those of your headlines. rick is outside for a report. rick? what s going on with our show? not the entirely natural world. we made it look like a natural world. we have john deere. we have hammocks. look at the weather maps. talk about what s going on. very nice temperatures across most of the country. look at that. 87 in phoenix. it s 5:00 a.m. you get the idea of what s going on out there. here s where all of the rain is. it s going to be across the east and severe weather this afternoon especially along the i-95 corridor. we ve seen a few tornadoes. we ve been talking about incredible record flooding across texas. more rain across southeast texas. for the most part things are looking a lot improved and the
west is very dry. here s temperatures. 116 in phoenix. cools down tomorrow. 113. that heat has to go somewhere and builds in across the south and in toward the southeast for much of this coming week. get ready. summer is here, guys. summer is here. back to you. thanks so much, rick. you heard a voice. we can t help it. donald trump on last night at the height of this controversy over the judge. what did he say? you know, it s interesting. i have known donald for decades. we re friends. i ve always been fully open about that. the i think the interview last night we touched on a lot of issues. trump university, the judge in that case and other issues that are kind of in the news right now. we have a clip of it we should play that. i have a judge who is truly unfair. i don t know the judge. he s truly unfair in san diego.
why did you refer to ethnicity, donald? his heritage is i want to build a wall. do you think you need to dial it back? i have to be what i have to be. i have to tell the truth. did he see that as a mistake? no, not at all. does he see anything as a mistake ever? he s the kind of guy that says what he thinks and he makes it clear. there s no agenda in terms of you re not going to really know what i m thinking and i m going to play you. he was very clear about it. he said i happen to agree with him. you have a judge appointed by barack obama. and that in itself is not enough. you also have a judge who released sealed records long before this trial is going to take place. the trial is scheduled to take place after the election. and, you know, every litigant as
judge gonzalez says has a right to a fair trial. every litigant has a right to ask a judge to recuse himself or herself. judges are not above the balaw. trump s argument i support him on most issues he s argued that this guy can t be fair because he s hispanic. that s not the only thing. it s one of the reasons. he said, look, i want to build a wall. this guy s parents are mexican immigrants. whether or not you can assume the judge isn t going to be fair, i don t know. when you put pieces together, you realize that, look, this guy is in a presidential race. i said in the interview a lot that will be played on justice tonight at 9:00, i said why didn t you just settle? why are you allowing them to do this? he said because i m not wrong here. it doesn t matter. the election is not about trump university or his irritation with the judge, it s
about destruction of middle class and our borders being secured. why is he going off in the weeds? he says we can focus on other stuff but he says i m not going to lose my rights. i m not going to be in a position where i m not going to get equal justice because i m running for president. this is what i believe. and in the interview, i mean, you get a real sense of the man. he s a man who not only believes in what he says but he believes in the american dream and when i was in san jose talking to a lot of the people at that rally, i spoke to people who had spanish accent, chinese, polish, i mean all these different ethnicityie who say we want this man. we spoke with albert gonzalez on the show. he said this about donald trump having a right to question this judge. to disqualify someone just on
that would be inappropriate. it s legitimate to look at other reasons. you are a litigant. you want a fair trial. you want to win that case. that s true for anyone. it does not matter who the litigant is and whether or not they re a terrorist or a child molester, a rapist, a murderer or a racist. everyone in this country is entitled to a fair trial before an impartial judge and so to question whether or not donald trump can receive that in this case, i think it s perfectly legitimate. i would have done it differently. i said so in my piece. to publicly question a judge like this particularly someone running for president, could be president a year from now, i think that could do damage to the judiciary. damage to the judiciary. i have never been from that school. i have never been there were years when no one said anything about judges. they were above the law. and then we started seeing decisions of judges that indicated that they were less than fair. no one is above the law. judges are not above the law. that s why a lot of them run for
office. a lot of them are appointed. these judges are accountable. judges are taken off the bench. i m not saying this judge is good or bad. i don t know. any litigant has a right to say i m not sure this guy will be fair to me based on x, y and z. he gave that. he didn t say one thing. there s a lot of talk being the general election he has to start moving his rhetoric a little bit more that appeals to the middle. tucker has been saying why not focus on the economy and some of these other issues. this makes you wonder. he may not change his rhetoric. he may not change much about what he s been talking about. what he says in the interview is i am who i am and that s why people are passionate about him. i think that he s an incredibly smart man. when you think about the fact that the guy never run for mayor and he beats out 17 people with a skeleton campaign. he has 70 people and hillary clinton has 732. you know, i think he kind of
knows how to dance. we ll see where it goes. speaking of hillary clinton and bernie sanders, neck and neck right now in the california primary two days away and they took yesterday to talk about muhammad ali and turned it into a political fight. watch this. one of the great american heroes in modern american history was muhammad ali. a very proud muslim. don t tell us you love muhammad ali and say you ll it s worth remembering that we live in a country where people can break down barriers, where they can worship their own god, where they can choose their own name and where they can lead and follow their dreams as far as their hard work and talent will take them. not even 24 hours since his passing. you know what s sad about that is we want to talk about this was inappropriate or that one is inappropriate.
muhammad ali, the guy was the greatest. but to use his death as leverage against donald trump shows you who they are. donald trump is a huge boxing fan who was friends with ali and for them to twist it into muslims, all muslims and donald is anti-muslim. donald says until we know what s going on, we have to stop who is coming in and vetting process is not there. your show tonight at 9:00 you ll watch the interview with donald trump. and a lot of other stuff. we ll be tuning in. thanks, judge. coming up on the show, bernie sanders refuses to surrender to hillary clinton in california. what does that mean for hillary if she loses the golden state? chris wallace is here next. kelly ripa back in the headlines after that messy split with michael strahan. why some are calling her queen kelly behind the scenes. we kick off national fishing and boating week. which bait to use or which fly.
we have tips for you to have a really good time. stay tuned to fox & friends. new bikes aren t selling guys.
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nah. what else? what if we hire more sales reps? nah. what else? what if we digitize the whole supply chain? so people can customize their bike before they buy it. that worked better than expected. i ll dial it back. yeah, dial it back. just a little. live business, powered by sap. when you run live, you run simple. at the end of the nominating process, no candidate will have enough pledged delegates to call the campaign a victory. the democratic national convention will be a contested
convention. contested convention. with less than two days until the california primary, bernie sanders says he s not dropping out any time soon. even predicting a contested convention. what does it mean for hillary? here to weigh in, chris wallace. if you said they would be neck and neck in california, would you believe it? no. i have to say i would have thought she would have put him away by now. i will say i m not sure this is clearly the argument bernie sanders needs to make two days before california and wants to get all of his supporters to the polls so he has to say that it means something in terms of who the eventual nominee will be. let s assume the whole day and not just california goes the way it does and she goes over the top between it the dwrincombina of her pledged delegates and millions of votes, i think the pressure over the course of that next seven weeks is going to be
enormous on him to get out and to let her run unimpeded against donald trump. now, look, he s not a loyal democrat. he in fact prior to this campaign was an independent. democratic socialist. wasn t even a member of the democratic party. so that may not work with him. but i got to think there s going to be an awful lot of pressure on him to get out of the race and let it become clinton/trump. would you think so. on the other hand, he ll have a lot of delegates. a lot of support. and a lot of potential to wreck the convention in philadelphia. do you have any idea what he s going to ask in return for an endorsement and calming words to his supporters? i don t know in the sense that bernie has told me but it s pretty obvious that in terms of the platform, he s going to ask for some of the things that he cares about in terms of trade and in terms of medicare for all. a variety of the issues. the democratic socialist agenda. now, clinton is going to have to
do a balancing act and how much can she give without it hurting her in the general election against donald trump in the fall. let s be honest here. there s a lot of talk at the convention about the platform and the day they leave the convention, the platform is promptly forgotten and never brought up again. i think a few things that may mean a lot to him but won t affect her a lot in the party platform, he s going to have to have a prime time speech. i would think that s going to be about it. i think it s probably all she can afford to do. and coming up everyone needs to tune into your show. you have hillary s campaign manager on, newt gingrich and a number of other guests. a great show. we ll tune into that. thank you. check your local listings. thanks, chris. great to see you. coming up on the show, matt damon gets political during his commencement speech. if there are multiple simulations, how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president.
can we transfer to a different one? he said that he wouldn t get a pass. the game show legend joins us next. plus, canada, a country north to here, is about to change its national anthem. you won t believe why. the most sensitive nation on earth.
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about 25 minutes after the hour. quick entertainment headlines to get to. kelly ripa is ruling with an iron fist after being blind-sided by strahan going to gma. she s been dubbed queen kelly
and the view is shaking up. michelle collins has been fired as co-host of the show. her hours were cut in january and the show s producers decided not to renew her contract. collins is expected to stay on the view through the end of the summer and don t believe the rumors jack black, he s alive. fans freaking out when the tweet went out that i m sad to announce the death of jack black at the age of 46. rest in peace, brother. it s unclear if the account was hacked. got to love twitter these days. that is the voice of chuck here to talk about big stories including matt damon. returned to the campus to deliver the commencement speech but used the moment at the podium to get political. if there are multiple
simulations, how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee to president? can we transfer to a different one. let s say it to the bankers, specifically the ones that brought you the biggest height in history. it was theft and you knew it. it was fraud and you knew it. i don t know if justice is coming for you in this life or the next, if justice does come for you in this life, her name will be elizabeth warren. joining us now with reaction is actor, legendary game show host, it s great to see you. i m not an actor. if you turn a commencement speech at m.i.t., this impressive school, into an infomercial for elizabeth warren here s matt damon. one of my favorite actors. i love him as an actor. it s flipped on its head. in the 50s in hollywood, if you
spoke against or for communism, you are black balled. but if you speak against communism, you re black balled. so everything is flipped upside down. with matt damon, he s been doing this for years. i actually have a youtube video that i put up maybe four years ago on matt damon about this very subject. if he is so troubled about making so much money, $76 million reported by the way, and paying so little in taxes and so upset with the rich and all this kind of thing and equity, he can go to parkersburg, west virginia, and give them as much money as he wants to. the federal government has a place for him. but they never do that. let me tell you why they don t. they don t do it because it inoculates them against the left. you make too much money. you don t do this right or that
right. i m perfect. i would do this. they never do it. they say i would do this. then they re inoculated. you have a new podcast out called blunt force truth. fantastic podcast. one of your most recent episodes you spent dissecting minimum wage and presidential race and $15 an hour proposed minimum wage and you deep dive this. what kind of consequences this would have on the economy. most people don t realize it s not a good thing. it s a bad thing. they don t put it in perspective. it s a liberals job to make simple and make it as complex as possible. it s the conservatives job to take the complex and make it as simple as possible. so we try to take these issues like the things that sound really good, knee-jerk reaction, my son is 20 years old. he would love to make $15 an hour. i would love for him to make $15 an hour. it hurts business.
business will react in a way like mcdonald s does it right now. wendy s is doing it right now. we ll have someone at the counter to take that person s job. it s cheaper to make it a robot than to pay people and they re 24 hours a day. they don t complain. there s no houstounion. businesses will find their way around it. you have to earn this way in this world. if it cost them 15 bucks an hour and you re a small business and it ruins a business, what good does it do? people don t think that through and don t reason it through. they have a knee-jerk reaction like 15 bucks an hour. great. minimum wage is these are people who are starting off. they re not people who have families by in large. it s like the numbers for unemployment. you and i both know these are so screwy. these numbers aren t real. totally fake. we all, fox included,
everybody says well the unemployment number is 4.5. of course it s not. we always put a huge asterisk next to it on this show. check out his podcast blunt force truth. a lot of truth but you can handle it. great to see you. thank you very much. coming up next, where is bernie sanders money come from? we ll have the numbers to break down ahead. we re kicking off national fishing and boating week. do you know which bait to use? we have tips to you to have a really good time. just catch it with your hands. he s an animal. what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable.
just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now.
man, it s like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. .want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car. i see you car! and i got the power to know who s coming and when if i break down. .you must be gerry. hey. in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it s good to be in, good hands. know how to pack uber flavor into ultra thin. sargento ultra thin slices, the same taste, just thinner
and 45 calories a slice. that s 45 reasons to layer, fold, mix, match, beg, stack, sneak, peek, tease, taunt, like, love. because real cheese people bite with abandon. hold the sacrifice, no compromise. sargento ultra thin slices, we re real cheese people. welcome back. we ve gone fishing on the plaza in honor of national fishing and boating week. here with the top gear you need to get on the water. we have tom keenan. great to see you. good to see you. we re blocking you out here.
we re raising the tent a little bit. so take us through some of these gadgets here that you have for us. you have to start with a rod and reel. gander mountain makes quite a few. we set it up so easy for you guys to fish with. we ll give this one to the expert. obviously if you re going to pick different gear out there, if you re going to use a spinning rod like this, a lot of people that fish, this gives accuracy and power. they make cool baits and lures now. they build a line like this. doesn t stretch at all. no matter what, zero stretch. and then if you team it up with something like this, that s your jerkbait. it s designed for walleyes, pike. it s designed when you put it in
the water you jerk it and it hovers. that s cool. what about the fish finder? these gps for fish? they make some pretty awesome technology. this is one of the greatest things ever made. it s capable of taking a lake master chip. if you put a chip in here, it will download the lake maps. this will allow you to look down and look left and right. if you re going down the lake, look this way and this way 240 feet. you can use that in lockness. what about inflatable device? it a lot of people want to take their life jacket off. this one designed where if you rip this cord, it inflates. once it hits the water after three seconds inflates automatically. this is not a joke. people get in deep trouble. you can get pulled under.
it will save your life. the other thing we promote at gander mountain is long sleeve fishing shirts. a goofy color. but the biggest thing is it s 50 spf to keep the sun off of you. when i fish tournaments, i wear it because skin cancer is serious. plus the laidies like it. these are not native to midtown. tips on how to cast properly. i would start with this. it s pretty easy stuff. you open it up like this. and a you can cast it. in and out like that. in a crowd like this i like to cast underhand so i don t hit the people behind me. tucker doesn t care. lets it rip through.
tucker wasn t watching. he got two different people. wonderful. does anybody have any idea how many fish we caught this morning? you re a brave man. that s on national tv there. i hope that your parents are recording that because that will haunt you forever. that s awesome. check out where can people go to lerp more about everything that gander mountain has to offer? we are at stop in any time. thank you so much. i do all the time. great store. god bless you. you guys look like such naturals in your suit and ties fishing out there. we want to get to headlines now. we re learning the identity of the ft. hood soldiers killed while out on a training mission in texas. these are the names of eight of the nine deceased soldiers just released. three others were rescued and
released from the hospital. an investigation into that accident is ongoing. one soldier had been in the military for just seven months. the ninth soldier s identity is being withheld until family is notified. richard simmons reportedly rushed to the hospital. five. six. seven. double touch. side. and side. walk up four. we all know simmons, the 80s icon is getting medical help after someone at his hollywood home called 911 concerned about his bizarre behavior earlier this year. there were rumors he was being held captive by his housekeeper. he said he was taking a break from being a celebrity. the 9-year-old trump supporter bullied at school for wearing his autographed make america great again hat gets told he can no longer wear it because of safety concerns over the other students feelings. logan told us his feelings about it moments ago. they did not like me wearing
the hat. she said that it was against the dress code wearing a hat. i looked in the dress code and it was not against it. despite the school s request, logan says he intends to keep wearing the controversial cap even after it was chewed up by his dog. you heard these lyrics before. o canada we all know that anthem. canada is close to changing some of the lyrics to make it gender neutral. the bill will change english lyrics to an all of us command. if it passes, the bill would go to the senate and change could be made official as soon as this summer. and those are some of your headlines. and coming up, where is bernie s money coming from? one you the of every $4 comes from someone out of work.
that s not only good for bernie. it s good for someone else, too. we ll explain next. a little boy calls the cops on his own dad. listen to this. 911. what s your emergency? daddy went past a red light. so what did dad say when we found out about this? we ll ask him. the two join us live ahead.
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immigrants to get health care under obamacare. in 2009, president obama said the law would not extend to illegal immigrants. he called a liar during the state of the union speech and that turned out to be true. the largest group of donors backing bernie sanders have one thing in common. one of every $4 donated to his campaign comes from someone out of the workforce. that s amazing. it s two days in a row that you are joining us on the curvy couch on a weekend. great to see you. thank you for having me. this number, 1 out of every $4 comes from someone out of the workforce who is donated to bernie sanders. what do you make of that number? for a start, it s a huge number. these people are unemployed, on disability or more likely retired. it s a very large number. now, let s suppose for a moment that bernie is not the nominee. it s hillary. where will that support go?
those people have contributed so much and these outsiders contributing so much to bernie, where will that support go? will it go to hillary? i think not. she s mrs. wall street. she s an insider. trump represents he gives voice to outsiders on his side of the aisle. i think it could pull in bernie voters. he s offering growth in the economy, jobs in this economy, i think he could obviously they want something different. donald trump is offering something different. they are the nonestablishment candidates. bernie and donald. if you don t get bernie as democratic nominee, where does his support go? you have to think it goes a large amount goes to donald trump. she promise mors more of the same. if you have unemployed and still giving money to a candidate,
you re not messing around. hillary would do more of the same that barack obama has done. that s no growth. not many jobs. a declining economy. these people who are outsiders don t want more of that. they want growth. they want jobs and that s what donald trump offers. our graphic designers worked hard. this is fascinating. these are percentage of sanders donations by occupations. 28.6% are unemployed. it breaks down from health care at 7%. education occupation, technology, arts and entertainment and construction. he s offering free health care and free education. but trump is not going to touch social security for retirees. i don t believe he says he ll touch medicare for those people doing that. there s a natural home for bernie sanders supporters to jump ship to donald trump. i don t know the proportions. i m told a recent poll 17% of
bernie voters would go for trump. i don t know the nature of that poll. it would be more than that. it tells you if one of the categories is construction, i think most people imagine bernie supporters are starbucks employees or poet writers. sarcasm. i mean, who is going to create new construction jobs? hillary or donald trump? who is it? who is going to create manufacturing jobs? is it hillary or is it donald trump? i mean, i do think that bernie sanders supporters ignore ideology and socialism for a second have a natural home across the hall. who has one of the fastest growing shows on cable news? thank you for the compliment.
we re doing okay. your show has exploded. you don t get a day off this week. don t need it. 9:00 a.m. to noon weekdays on fox business network. very kind of you. thank you very much. it s true. we re just reading the numbers. it s impressive. coming up, two days away from the california primary. the most populated state. bernie sanders says he will not surrender no matter what happens to hillary but she could lose. what happens then? then a little boy calls the cops on his own father. 911. what s your emergency? daddy went past a red light. sold him out. what did dad say when he found out about this. the two of them will join us live next. i can t wait. soon.
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911. what s your emergency? daddy went past a red light. he did? is he home right now? yeah. can i talk to him. yeah. your son said you ran a red light. oh no. i apologize. his little boy ratted him out and called 911. 6 year old calling the cops on his own father. joining us is robby and his dad, michael. nice to see you both on the show this morning. what did you think when you got a call from the police department? well, we didn t get a call. he called. he just came outside and said
somebody called. it was just shock at first. it s not something you expect. you come home and enjoying a saturday afternoon. what happened, robby, when you were in the car, what did your dad do at the red light? he was trying to go through the car wash but he stopped and took a turn. you thought he ran through a red light. you decided to get on the phone to call 911? uh-huh. michael, you didn t really run the red light. did have you to explain to police officers what actually happened? no. they didn t ask. they didn t ask? when the officer called, he said, when robby called he got on the phone and said he said you ran a red light. i laughed and apologized. did you think it was funny?
i did out of shock, you know. i didn t expect him to do that. you stopped at the red light and turned right and you had to explain to your son later that it s okay to do that? at some intersections. i told him that if there s a sign that i was at there s not a sign that says no turn on red. robby, i know that you may have a new fascination with television this morning looking into the camera having fun, i also know that you like police officers, right? you want to be a police officer when you grow up? yeah. so were you excited to get on the phone with them and have a conversation with them after your dad ran the red light? yeah. when did his fascination with police start? maybe about a year ago. year and a half ago. what does the rest of the family think about this? everybody got a big kick out
of it. ten minutes of laughter at our expense, you know. boston could use some humor, right? yep. guys, thanks so much for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. all right. thanks for having us. thanks. coming up here on the show, the world is remembering muhammad ali. lennox lewis said ali inspired him to pursue his dreams. whose message to voters want to hear? frank luntz is here and will break it all down. we asked a group of young people when they thought they should start saving for retirement. then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving.
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it s sunday, june 5th. it s the countdown to the california primary. two days until primary day and bernie sanders says he will never surrender even if he loses. the democratic national convention will be a contested convention. and now even bernie supporters say they have their own plan to create convention chaos for hillary. a live report from california in just a few moments. and then donald trump has a theory on why some voters still support hillary clinton. here it is. it s almost out of habit. why keep eating popcorn when it doesn t taste good? it s a habit. and the same thing with her. she s a habit. you know what? it s time now i think people are fed up with hillaries of the world. can voters break the hillary habit and go cold turkey? will they gain weight if they
do? frank luntz live with the answers this hour. hungry for hpopcorn. a ship with hundreds of passengers onboard crashes into the docks. [ bleep ]. good thing no one was sitting on the dock. why the company says that ship was forced off course and how the passengers are doing this morning. fox & friends hour four starts right now. wow. not looking at the wilds of manhattan. it s midtown manhattan but we have a pool full of fish. is this the first? in order to pay extra bills
here, we ve gone into tilapia farming. just kidding. it s national fishing and boating month and of course we re celebrating on the plaza. people are catching fish out there and building the backyards of their dreams. incredible. we have some sod and planters and raised beds. we ll show you how to make a great looking backyard. nice out there. not the same old sod but actual sod. and also abby huntsman. i almost hooked someone with my fishing pole. i m not sure i m going to be invited back. i m sure it s okay. nypd is looking for you. countdown to california, hillary clinton and bernie sanders battle for voters ahead of the primary. this as sanders vows to continue his fight with a contested convention.
good morning, mike. tucker, abby, clayton, good morning to you. nightmare scenario for democratic party leadership. he says there will be a contested convention in philadelphia and calling on the media to let tuesday night s primary play out. the other thing that bothers me, i have to say about that, is somebody who believes in doing everything possible to bring people into the political process, you make that announcement, bosses make that announcement, 8:00 new jersey time, eastern standard time, it will have an impact on voter turnout here in california. there are no signs of support for sanders fading. his rally in olympic plaza in los angeles last night drew an estimated 13,500 people. sanders is encouraged about voter registration in california being up 17.9 million hoping that s a sign people want to vote for him.
sanders said hillary clinton is only 1.5 percentage points ahead of donald trump in some polls. hillary clinton will visit churches this morning. her campaign said she rallied 1,500 supporters last night in fresno. clinton notes the historic nature of her campaign. we ve never had a woman president. that s why i want you to understand that i have spent eight years in the senate on the armed services committee. four years as secretary of state. i have spent a lot of hours in the situation room working to solve some of the hardest problems we face. something worth watching in the final hours before tuesday night s primaries, both hillary clinton and bernie sanders are working for latino support. obviously a huge factor here in california. back to you guys in new york. all right. bright and early in santa
monica. this is getting intense. do you think bernie sanders will go to philadelphia democratic convention and say just tweak the platform and i ll be satisfied? he ll say i want elizabeth warren to be your running mate. what happens then? chris wallace was on early. what about the seven weeks in between? everything is wrapped up on tuesday presumably in california, new jersey and other places. there s a lot of time in between and pressure hoisted on him to try to union itte the party and he hold strong and not do that? the poll in california, only two points apart. we re talking about hillary clinton already has this thing in the bag. it s pretty clear there s a huge chunk in the democratic party. they are just not sold yet. reports that maybe 20,000 protesters will show up at this convention in philadelphia. i went to school in philadelphia. i was born in philadelphia. this is not going to end nicely.
it s not because bernie sanders is not running a political campaign. he s running a moral crusade. they re not joking. why would you send money to bernie when it s clear he can t be the nominee. there s one reason. you believe in bernie sanders and not hillary clinton. this will not end until she gives him what he wants. interesting segment with stu breaking down the money given to bernie sanders. remarkable that many of those people, 28% of them, are unemployed who are donated money. they don t even have jobs and they re giving him money. that s how resonate his message is. i disagree but it doesn t make it any less powerful. this is a real force. she s going to have to deal with this. i want to get to this. we played in just a few minutes ago. it s quite hilarious. donald trump talking about hillary clinton being like popcorn. listen to this. hillary is incompetent. you know that by just looking at her past record. look at libya.
look at what happened with benghazi. look at what happened with so many different things that she s done. everything she s done. why do people support her? it s almost out of habit if you ask me. almost out of habit. it s like why do you keep eating popcorn when it doesn t taste good? it s like a habit. boom. boom. and the same thing with her. she s a habit. you know what? it s time now i think people are fed up with hillaries of the world. that s in response to a week of attacks from hillary clinton toward donald trump. for one, i like popcorn. it s delicious. there are healthy versions of popcorn. is it really a bad habit if you can find popcorn that s good for you? what he s saying is if you re chain smoking newports, you have to stop. you have to break the habit. and judge janine asked him,
will you change? he said i m not going to apol y apologi apologize. i ll hold firm. we asked former attorney general alberto gonzalez under george w. bush about this issue and whether or not it was right to go after this judge this way. here s what he had to say. to try to disqualify someone totally on that would be inappropriate. it s legitimate to look at other reasons. you are a litigant. you want a fair trial and want to win that case. that s true for anyone. it should not matter. it does not matter who the litigant is and whether or not they re a terrorist or a child molester, a rapist, a murderer or racist. everyone in this country is entitled to a fair trial before an impartial judge. to question whether or not donald trump can receive that in this case, i think it s perfectly legitimate. i would have done it differently. i said so in my piece. to publicly question a judge like this, particularly someone running for president, could be president a year from now, that could do damage to the
judiciary. that s all true. who would argue with that? everyone has a right to say what he thinks about the judge in this case. why is he making this an issue? we talked about in in the commercial break. i m supportive of the issues that trump is behind. he has the greatest campaign theme ever. the economy stacked against you, borders are porous, that s a disaster. why not run on that? why talk about trump university? ignore it. why talk about yourself at all? talk about the hurting middle class and you win. i m not sure we would talk about this lawsuit right now if he did not bring this up. why not talk about the economy? the issues that voters care about the most. we re getting to general election. he has to figure out how to move into that. we saw terrible jobs numbers this week. terrible jobs numbers this week. he could have been talking about that. you ll see more tonight at 9:00 p.m. judge says, look, saying what s politically correct, that s who he is. listen. but what he s saying is i m not going to lose my rights. i m not going to be in a
position where i m not going to get equal justice because i am running for president. this is what i believe. in the interview, you get a real sense of the man. he s a man who not only believes in what he says but he believes in the american dream and when i was in san jose talking to a lot of the people at that rally, i spoke to people who had spanish accent, chinese, polish. i mean, there were all these different ethnicities who said we want this man. it was stunning. he can win those voters. you have to talk about those voters and their concerns. talk about immigration. everyone is afraid to talk about immigration. be the guy brave enough to do it. it worked so far. he can be himself and do that. we want to get to headlines this morning. the world preparing to say a final good-bye to legendary muhammad ali. septic shock killed the three-time world boxing champion at age 74 on friday night. batt
for more than 30 years. ali will be played to rest in his hometown of louisville, kentucky, on friday and eulogies will be given by bill clinton, billy crystal and bryant gumbel. police say an unidentified man shot three people and then drove into 46-year-old officer smith who was trying to lead pedestrians to safety. two victims in critical condition. the suspect is now in custody but has not been charged. officer smith was an 18-year veteran of the force leaving behind a fiance and three children. the mayor of memphis releasing this statement saying i m angry at the unacceptable level of violence in our city. we must not accept this as our norm. brace yourself for impact this cruise ship is coming in. brace yourself.
that does not look fun. that cruise ship slamming into the docks in alaska causing more than $3 million in damage. the cruise line says strong winds and waves caused the crash. thankfully no one was hurt. another reason why i have no desire to take a cruise any time soon. water looked calm there. i thought you would want to go on a cruise. that s kind of exciting. we re here. take out the dock. rick is sitting on the dock of the bay. can we have this be a permanent fixture. yeah in the weather center. this would be fox & friends hammock. keep it here all the time. i like that idea. that s your best angle by the way. as i was doing this, i m, like, this isn t going to look good but it will feel good. let s talk weather, guys. take a look at the maps and show you what is going on this morning. we ve got severe weather across parts of the east coast today.
in fact, we don t see this too often along i-95 corridor from around raleigh up toward justice around the new york city area where we have chance to see even a few tornadoes today. definitely some very strong winds as a line of very strong storms is going to move through. watch how the storms time out. it s another warm, humid day. it s probably around 5:00 we start to see storms go through the d.c. area into philadelphia and new york and eventually exiting out through boston. we re also watching the tropics. talking about this for a couple of days. we ll see a storm that will develop. 90% chance this becomes a tropical storm collin and impacts florida as early as tomorrow morning bringing rain and in some cases maybe 4 to 6 inches of rain causing flooding. all right, guys. back to you inside. thanks a million, rick. we ll leave you on that hammock. remember how the state department admitted to deliberately editing this briefing video to cut out our james rosen. turns out it wasn t the only time. they did it again.
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that response never made it into the official transcript. the omission first reported by abc news was said to be left out because it was inaudible. you can clearly hear it in that video. all this comes on the heels in discovery that state department official ordered exchange between james rosen and then spokeswoman general psaki to be deleted. a florida congressman is demanding answers and joins us now. good to see you this morning. the first exchange, the deletion of james rosen s question raised the obvious specter of a pattern. do you suspect this happened on multiple occasions over at the state department and how to you plan to find out for sure? i do. before this thing started with iran said iran would be the obamacare of the second term. that s true in more ways than one. obamacare was sold to the american people on a number of deceptions and this iran deal is
rooted in a pattern of deception by this administration. we clearly know they edited this. when they claim it was a glitch, that s factually false. it was clearly edited out when james rosen asked that question and now they say we just don t know who ordered it. it s just a big mystery. we ll get to the bottom of it. they need to produce people involved. either they are now covering it up or they are so incompetent they can t piece something as simple as this together a couple years after it happened. this comes from administration and president obama that ran eight years ago on transparency and wanting to be something different than we ve seen in the past. we had the state department spokesman on fox & friends on thursday tipping james rosen for tipping them off about editing the footage. look at this. i want to thank james rosen. your correspondent, to bringing this to my attention.
if he hadn t a couple weeks ago, i would never have known. we took it seriously and we talked to the technician on duty that day and asked to make this cut. the call that came into her was a call from somebody else passing on a request from another official. that s why it s two removed. this comes as jen psaki gave out a statement saying she had no knowledge nor approved of any form of editing or cutting of the briefing transcript on any subject while at the state department. what s your reaction to their responses? when this came to light, they said it was a glitch in the system although if you look at it, that s the example when there s a white flash of something being edited out. they tried to get away with saying it s a glitch in the system. a huge coincidence if that was the case. that s not the case. only when it was clear that the
position was untenable, we don t know who asked for it, it s a mystery. when that s not something that the american people are going to buy for a second. did you do this or didn t you? they haven t answered yet. hope congress can. good to see you. let s say you don t want to vote for hillary or trump or bernie. frank luntz says it will be about none of the above voters. who they are and what they might do. that s next.
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explaining why it s against the rules. the thief didn t sign the note but based on the handwriting it was most likely written by a child or me. my handwriting looks just as bad. a student vetting his frustration about high textbook prices using comedy. this photo shared thousands of times of an unnamed student showing off his thousand dollar tv stand. made of poor chemistry textbooks which are way overpriced and old glory going up for auction. 48-star american flag expected to sell for $100,000 at auction. it was the first to land on the beaches of france during d-day. comes complete with bullet holes.
hillary clinton is a thief and should be in jail for what she did to our national security. donald trump s ideas aren t just different. they re dangerously incoherent. just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies. hillary clinton and donald trump haven t come to terms yet laying into one another just days before the california primary on tuesday. polls now show a dead heat between the two nationally. trump trails by less than two percentage points in the clear politics average of all polls. what does that mean about where voters are going as election day approaches? frank luntz joins us this morning for a clearer view of what s happening in america. great to see you. what does this mean? it means that this really is a dead heat and these conventions are going to matter and the debates are going to matter. people thought it would be a blowout. a run away election. that s not the case. i don t know if you can show behind me, i would love if you
can put up for viewers that view of hillary clinton speaking because it s one of her greatest challenges and one of the reasons why donald trump has gained ten points in the last 30 days. watch her eyes. she s incapable of delivering an authentic straight to the voters presentation. she s been in politics for 25 years, for a quarter century. she still has to use a teleprompter. not that one because that one is where she s delivering straight to the voters. so often her prepared speeches are not authentic and they don t connect to people. it s one of the reasons why bernie sanders is doing so well in california. so you make a really smart point which is they re neck and neck. that s not even close to where most people predicted we would be at this moment. they said if trump gets the nomination, it s over. no one will vote for him. is he doing better than expected because she s weaker than expected or he s better than expected? he s doing stronger than expected. i want to remind viewers that
what matters is not the popular vote. it s the key states. it s florida. ohio. virginia. north carolina. new hampshire. iowa. colorado. even nevada. in most of these states hillary clinton does have a 1% to 4% lead. he still is behind. this is now truly a battle that anybody can win and in a single day or two with speeches coming from both sides, this dynamic can switch. so not everybody is sold on trump or hillary. that s especially true on the democratic side where over 40% of her party is not on her side. there will be some people who won t support either candidate. what happens to them and do they have a meaningful role in the election? the most important voters. we heard about soccer moms and nascar dads and we ve heard it s the economy stupid. for 2016, it s going to be none of the above. it s the lead editorial in the los angeles times today so
viewers can take a look at it. 11% of the electorate. they should lean toward hillary clinton. two-thirds of women and a large percentage of under age 40. they should be with donald trump because they voted for mitt romney over barack obama by a narrow margin and feel better about the republican party than most voters. they are none of the above. negative toward both trump and clinton. these people say they absolutely will vote but they do not want to vote for any of these candidates. the reason why, number one issue, honesty, integrity, trustworthiness and they are challenged by both of these candidates. right now nobody has the advantage with them. interesting. i wonder if that will change in the next five months. frank luntz, great to see you. thanks for coming on. tucker, thank you. the world remembers muhammad ali.
and then obama care for illegals. president obama promised us repeatedly that would never happen but it s about to happen in one state and of course taxpayers are paying for it. we ll bring you details. want to make your neighbors green with envy? we ll show you how to turn your lawn into the yard of your greens. a garden of eden complete with a tree of knowledge of good and evil. stay tuned. constipated? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief
just a kid. so the dangerous zika virus we ve been talking about is scaring away its first olympian. american cyclist has pulled his name from consideration competing in the summer games. he says his wife is pregnant and he fears for his health and for his child. zika can cause deformity of a baby in the womb. the cheerleader effect. why more people are more beautiful in groups. it may sound like a frat movie but two researchers were given $1 million of your taxpayer money to study just that. the results having a few wing men or wing women may be a good dating strategy. one of the authors joked some of us need all of the help we can get. liberals are catering to illegal aliens using your tax dollars. a new bill about to become law in california that would allow
illegals to sign up for obamacare under the federal exchange. back in 2009, president obama said it would not extend to illegal immigrants. kelly ripa is making sure she s not left in the dark again on any further big decisions dubbing her queen kelly. those are your headlines. don t want that title. not a queen or a king, rick. rick is outside. good to see you. some other kind of title i m sure is fitting. we re having a garden party. that s the latest thing. nice out here. nice to see you. nice to see you as well. enjoying lemonade? i just made it for you. let s talk weather. as you wake up in arizona, get ready for this. it s going to be incredibly hot
again. yesterday hit 115 in phoenix. that s the earliest in the year it s ever hit 115. you don t like to see that. i lived in phoenix for six years. when you get these kind of temperatures, it s just going to be a long summer. hot again tomorrow. cools down a little bit this week. down toward 107 by middle part of the week. we re watching tropics. you see that blob there across western caribbean right around the yucatan peninsula of mexico. it will pull up toward the north and 90% chance it will develop into a tropical system. sometime maybe tonight or tomorrow and impact areas of florida bringing rain. one last story, severe weather as a front moves through. get ready for a lot of wind and potentially a tornado or two. we ll watch that throughout the afternoon. clayton, send it over to you. thanks so much, rick. the world this morning is mourning the loss of the man known as the greatest. muhammad ali. lennox lewis called him his hero. ali inspired him to chase his
dreams in and out of the ring. lennox lewis joins us now. great to see you. welcome to the show. thank you. your thoughts. obviously we ve been getting different stories about the champ and how he touched so many people. how did he touch you? you know, he touched me many times and i guess the first time was when you go to school and the teacher says can you write down your heroes? and i right down muhammad ali. and when he passed, that s what i thought about. he was my first hero. and the first person that that s who i want to be like and who i look up to and i admire this man and he speaks so well and says what he s going to do and he s such a great boxer in the ring. moves like a butterfly, stings like a bee and he s loved by so
many people and everybody knows him around the world and everywhere he goes, he s always talking and always happy and always puts smiles on people s faces. i thought that was great. when you became the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world what did he say to you? something that changed your life and stayed with you forever. yes. he whispered over to me, i used to be the best. now you re the best. and from the greatest muhammad ali is basically flattening when he says something like that. i couldn t believe it. i said to him back, you re still the greatest, muhammad. i don t think he should ever give that title away. he likely won t. i want to talk about the boxing aspect. for you, watching him growing up, studying him. what did his skill in the ring mean to you as you were a young man growing up and studying and
learning boxing? his skill was big to me. his mothto was float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. you can dance around the ring and try not to get hit and make sure you hit your opponent. i guess every boxer would think about that. float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. you get into a fight on the street or in the schoolyard. the kids are pretending their muhammad ali moving around doing the shuffle and throwing punches and that quick jab and showing how fast the jab is. fast as lightning, you know. i used to say about my punches, it s lightning and this is thunder. it all came from muhammad ali. you know, he s a remarkable man. i used to love watching him on tape and seeing all of the antics he used to do to the talk hosts and how they would feel. he would make jokes. even if his later age, he was
always playing tricks. he would talk with his eyes. the world has to remember he s had parkinson s and lived with it for over 30 years. so that s a great burden to carry around for 30 years. and once being muhammad ali. great lennox lewis, former heavyweight champion who leaned over who said i was the greatest and now you re the greatest. thanks for joining us. thanks for having me. the va has enough trouble taking care of our vets and now they want to pay for transgender surgery. wait until you hear this story. look out, hillary, tens of thousands of bernie supporters have plan to embarrass her at the democratic convention. maria bartiromo is here with details. first, she s riding a tractor. before i had the shooting,
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bernie sanders says he s not dropping out any time soon and says there will be a contested convention when democrats meet in philadelphia next month as hoards of supporters vow to wreak havoc and humiliate hillary at their convention. here to react is maria bartiromo. her show starts in 15 minutes here on the news channel. nice to see you. good morning. what do you think about this? this is going to be unbelievable. two weeks ago it was harry reid that said bernie sanders is going to be tested and this is going to be a test of his leadership. and that s really what it comes down to. what will bernie sanders say to his supporters who are promising chaos at the convention? 20,000 protesters potentially. we just had on last week the head of the unions for the nurses union and they said to
me, look, we re not just going to create havoc outside. we re going to do it inside. some of us are superdelegates and we ll be in there. i said to her, what does that mean? she says whatever it takes to be heard and make sure democratic national committee understands that there is nothing believable about hillary clinton having 400 delegates even before the first vote is cast. they need to pay bernie sanders off and give him what he wants. he won t call off the dogs. let s say he says to hillary you need to pick elizabeth warren as your runningma ning mate. they won t give money to an elizabeth warren ticket. let s look at what he s done to the party and how she s already moved. she was for the transpacific partnership. now she s against it. she s already changed her policies as a result of this push from the left. the party, you know, is much different than it was pre-barack
obama. because of barack obama, elizabeth warren, bernie sanders, the democratic party is much more left than it ever has been. hillary is there. we have seven weeks. could bernie in that amount of time call off the dogs and then will they fall in line or thank you for wanting to unite the party. we ll show up and wreak havoc. i think they show up and it s all about tuesday. in bernie sanders wins california, all bets are off. there s nothing to say that he won t feel even more empowered and stronger than ever to actually say, look, my ideas are resonating. it s crazy that she s the presumptive nominee. you cannot say that knowing that i just won california. i think tuesday is so critical in terms of what happens in the following several weeks ahead of the convention. there may be an opening for donald trump to say i have something that you supporters of bernie sanders might want. you know what hillary clinton has to offer. i am different. i m an outsider. i ll change things in washington. no doubt that if hillary is
not on the ticket, not the nominee, many of those supporters for clinton could go to trump. trump is a real disrupter here. we ll talk about this coming up in the show. paul ryan came around last week and endorsed trump and we ll talk about where common ground is and where are they in terms of the economy? horrible numbers on the jobs report on friday. 38,000 new jobs created. is hillary clinton running on an extension of obama policy? she wants to support dodd-frank and wants larger government. we know those policies have not worked as it relates to economic growth and job creation. we just saw terrible numbers on friday. we ll talk about that and about where the common ground is on the economy. is it tax reform? does he think tax reform happens in year one of a new president? is it trade? are they changing some positions. platform for donald trump we
know is trade and immigration. we know that it s against many of the tennants that ball ryan has talked about and ceo of american airlines with the mess at the tsa and now a lot of people try to go to europe over the summertime. that s not happening. people are afraid of terrorism. a shame. 12 minutes your show starts. great show every single sunday. thank you so much. coming up, a former marine lowers the american flag on memorial day and gets fired for doing it. you ll hear from him next. want to make your neighbors green with envy in we ll show you how to turn your lawn into the yard of your dreams. outdoor oasis is coming up next. i have asthma. .one of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms.
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we re ut here on the lawn. 70% of americans say their lawn can use improvement and 30% say they don t know how to grow a lawn. this country needs help. thankfully, here to help us is missy hendrickson with the lawn doctors. thank you for joining us. thank you for having me. this is important information. this is summertime. this is not astroturf. it is. what do we need to do to have a healthy lawn? people think you just need to mow it. you need aeration because the soil gets compacted so the nutrients can get in there. that s punching holes in it. that s right. we have a tractor you re
enjoying. if you have a large lawn, this is what you want, some kind of a tractor to save you some steps. it has an aerator on the back of it. if you have a small lawn, this will get the same aeration into the lawn. obviously, small children want to get out of the way. we have a lot of safety we want to follow when it comes to this. very easy to use. they have this lawn mower. once your soil is nice and healt healthy, you need to make sure your grass is healthy. if you re in the warmer grasses you always think longer grass, you don t want that. this is actually a battery-operated lawn mower, one you can plug in. lots of different types of
options. this battery operation you can get different extenders. you can go for much longer with the extra charges that go in there. almost limitless. they do with the weed whackers as well. that s what it s really all about, is enjoying your outdoor landscape. let s go to the garden. once you have your grass looking nice and healthy, it s time to give you pop. who has a green thumb among you. who are the gardeners. you can all give it a try if you d like to. we have some petunas. you can put gloves on. you gave me the dinky gloves. you want to look at a couple different things. they look very nice on you. what s key to planting these properly. it really begins before you bring your flowers home.
you want to select the right plant for your location. you have to understand if you have sun or shade within your lawn, and you want to make sure you re planting them because they re nice and fresh. the other thing we have going on here, we have the plants positioned in the triangle pattern. people put them in a nice, straight row. it doesn t give you aesthetics so put them in threes. as you re planting your flower bed, you want to allow growth. you have to take plastic you re the best. thank you. that s why we live in the city. poor mouth breather. allergies? stuffy nose? can t sleep? take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight,
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