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Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News At 9 On KOFY 20110305

tonight from vick lee. we have already had 2 cases that were dismissed. here s the third. reporter: public defender jeff says this security video shows the third drug bust in which some of the same officers raided another residential hotel room. he says the officers failed to properly identify themselves and searched the room without the correct warrant. district attorney dropped this case yesterday. he says these cases deserve an fbi investigation. when the federal government becomes involved, they are i wanted in looking at how is this police department operating? was there a practice of routinely violating people s constitutional rights. the fbi initiated the probe after he released security video showing drug bust conducted by 6 narcotics officers at a south of market hotel. this video shows one officer putting his hand over the camera before they rushed into the room. arrest were mid and drugs confiscated in both raids. he says some officers even lied about the circumstances on police report. district attorney george cast is investigating whether same officers may have tainted other cases. even though he was police chief during that time, he sees no conflict of interest in launching the probe. this office will conduct a thorough unbiased investigation. if there were acts of misconduct or criminal misconduct that took place, then we ll prosecute accordin accordingly. reporter: interim police chief announced that while the investigation continue, he is shutting down the entire plain clothes unit at southern station. where the 6 officers work. i ll look at everything. look at supervision.i ll look at plain clothes operation. look at the training. look at everything. we are going to audit the entire plain clothes operation on this department in wrench to anything involving plain clothes operation. reporter: the 6 officers have been assigned to desk duty and they make up most of the plain clothes unit at southern station. chief says he will assign other plain clothes officers to work that district which includes sixth street known hot spot for drug trafficking. this is abc 7 news. richmond police are investigating the shooting death of man sitting in his car near high school. happened at 3:30 in the afternoon behind kennedy high on south 45 street. school had not yet let out. no students injured but some of them may have seen what happened. which is say a 26-year-old man died when someone walk up and fired several rounds into his what it cadillac. police believe he was likely targeted. intrude interrichmond got the sprays of his life when he broke that the home of senior citizen. she pulled out a gun. she had inherited and for the first time ever fired it. wayne has the rest of the stor story. almost every call i urgent in the dispatch center but few as memorable as this one from last sunday night. i need the police are here. what is going on there. call somebody broke into my house. and i have got up. call came from the home of 84-year-old woman who lives alone. that intruder kicked down her door and made directly ford her bedroom but there mrs mrs. harvey had a surprise for him. vin tan.38 caliber police special. straight direction that he was standing fired one time bullet struck the wall at chest level so he was very lucky not to be injured or killed by that. reporter: it took just that one shot for the intruder to leave and in a hurry. mrs. harvey and son did not want to relive the experience today. but their friends are talking. she was scared. that somebody would come in there into her home. as a homeowner and citizen you are allowed to possess a weapon and you are allowed to defend yourself and your property. so these are all things she was well within her right the do it police didn t confiscate the weapon. suspect at large and neighborhood quite proud of the frightened 84-year-old woman who found the strength to not back down. if she probably not the only one that has something to protect their homes. i m glad she did use it. because otherwise she would have been a victim. reporter: we do have one final note. it was late and it was dark and because of that m mrs. harvey whatnot able to give a good description of her attacker. she did have one telling detail however. she told police that when he left the scene his pants were soile soiled. from richmond, wayne friedman abc 7 news. well people are still lasting their homes in california. today a group of them held a rally on the courthouse steps. at the same time as investors trying to buy up foreclosed properties. laura has the story from oakland. this is trustee sale number ca 1000. about with whistle and chant they drown out the auctioneer protestors gather to decry all that leads up to the process. selling of foreclosed home on the courthouse steps. they guys are pwiping these houses. big them up and approximately destroying families and people s lives. no auction block for me. reporter: this is a group called w a.m. u home owns meaning washington mutual now owned by j p morgan chase. we are tired of the illegal unlawful foreclosure. we are sick of the fraud. the banks have been perpetrating on homeowners from the day the loan was made until the day it seized rate here on the courthouse steps. reporter: chase spokesman told us that we have helped 4 25,000 homeowners avoid foreclosure so far. and we will continue to work with borrower on modification, short sale and other alternative so that foreclosure is the last resort. chase claims they now modify twice as many loans as they foreclose on. 52 percent high reached in february 2009 foreclosure sales still make up a third of all home sales in california. larry young wasn t here to buy a four closed property. he s trying to sell a condo in short sale. he think the banks are in a tough spot. which way do you go? do i modify and later end up being back in default again or do we allow entire market to refinance the loan. we have lost our home. reporter: the coward family says they are victims of unscrupulous bank. we tried to work with the bank. they told us one thing. we did what they asked us to do when we finished they changed their mind again. reporter: it appears there will be no let up in the auction sales any time soon. one credit reporting agency predicts it will take more than 4 years to clear the current pipeline of all the distressed and foreclosed properties. in oakland, abc 7 news. l former oakland raider quarterback russell may be yet another victim of foreclosure. web site tmz reports foreclosure proceedings have fun on russell 2.4 million dollar 6 bedroom oakland hills mansion. he purchased the home after signing with the raiders in 2007. tmz says he s 19 195,000 dollar behind in the mortgage payment and if he doesn t come up with the money in the next three months the bank will put the home up on the auction block. job picture is turning brighter across the country and here in california. new numbers show the national unemployment rate in february dipped tenth of a point to the lowest level in nearly two years. 8.9 percent. employers added 1 naacp,000 jobs and in california the jobless rate also dropped 1/10th of a point. san mateo county has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the state. there is still celebration when new jobs are created there. more now from terri. 1, 2, 3. [applause]. reporter: with that the new jcpenney opened the doors. long line of customers poured in. state senator yee who also was running for mayor of san francisco couldn t help but show at envy. i had to make sure that once i become mayor we ll take this back. it means 150 people who did not have work now do. vickie was tearing up as she told us her journey from unemployed to employed. it took me 11 months to find numb job here and i was driving around the mall and i saw the sign that jcpenney washington come soon and i hit the brake and i took a breath and i went home and i went on line. reporter: jobs jobs jobs has been the mantra of the new congress but also the mantra of state county and daily dash daly city leaders as well. that means revenue in our resident pocket. in addition the sales tax revenue which the city will generate in these lean economic times is what extraordinarily helpful in terms of providing services that our resident desire. things are getting better but not as fast as we would like it. reporter: at the county employment center there are smiles but not exactly jubilation. there are still many people who have been out of work for a year or more and many of the ones going back to work are doing so at a reduced rate. occupation that were 15 to 20 dollars an hour 5 years ago are now paying only 11 dollars or even 10 dollars an hour. but at least there is more jobs out there today. so i m thankful for that. reporter: maybe something we can all take away from vickie the woman we met in the piece right there. after 35 years in the grocery industry she couldn t find work there any longer. but during those 11 months she was unemployed she took a step back. took a look around and reentered the work force in a new business. in daly city, abc 7 news. still ahead tonight at 9:0 9:00. governor brings his campaign for a vote on taxes to bay area business leaders. parents say city officials are ignoring calls to fix a dangerous sidewalk in berkeley. drama on new york high-rise. find out how this man was rescued from a broken scaffold. accu-weather forecast cente center, weekend won t be complete wash-out but it will be partly wet. show you which part in my accu-weather 7 day forecast. also tonight. what bird watchers call the events of a [ male announcer ] the network. a living, breathing intelligence that is helping business rethink how to do business. in here, inventory can be taught to learn. so products get routed to where they re needed most. in here, machines have a voice. so they can tell headquarters when they need refilling. in here, money works smarter. so financial institutions can turn dreams into realities. in here, medical history is brought to life. so doctors can see a patient s medical records even if they re away from home. it s more than advanced technology. it s the at&t network a network of possibilities, creating and integrating solutions, helping business, and the rethink possible. shouldn t be hard work shopping with nutrition in mind or cost more money. now there s simple nutrition, only at safeway. green tags throughout the store call out what matters most to you. there are 22 different nutritional benefits highlighted. and with our low prices, now safeway makes bringing home the right choices easier than ever. that s simple nutrition. that s ingredients for life. what a predicament. 2 workers in yonkers new york dangle from safety rope after the scaffolding collapse. pair trapped 12 stories up for about an hour. firefighters rappel down from the roof to save the them. one at a time. parent in berkeley say they worry for their children safety every day they walk to school. they can t understand why the city still hasn t fixed a dangerous crosswalk where man washington killed and child injured two years ago. lee ann had a the story. if you stand on the corner of ashby avenue and ellis street in berkeley you will soon understand why neighbors are scared of this intersectio intersection. this car doesn t even wait for the pedestrians to reach the sidewalk and listen to what this man says to our camera. that s what you see all the time. in 2003 a 58-year-old man was killed while crossing. two years ago a five year old malcolm x student was severely injured. this just scary out here. the traffic is going from the hills down to the freeway. they are not local people. they have a desire to get from here to there and they go. she s apparent. she pointed out some of the safety issues here. school crossing painted on the street has faded. there is no pedestrians crossing signal or any other safety device. and because the school is not visible from the road, drivers often go over the 25 miles an hour speed limit. when the little girl was injured, city officials promised changes. two years and month now. and well they trimmed a tre tree. and couple signs went up a month ago. reporter: student are told to use this other crosswalk with a stoplight. crossing guard and pedestrians crossing signal. but it s a block away from the school main entrance. so parents are fighting for some kind of pedestrians beacon like this one. berkeley transportation division admits there is money to install these did he vases. thanks to the safe route to school program. but the issue has been finding the time to do it. we have a number of grant projects that we are working on and engineering division is quite busy. reporter: still project like this one on add line street across from the bart station have been completed. but ashby avenue is also highway 13 which means it is maintained by cal-trans. because of the state highway this is unthe jurisdiction of cal-trans and they need to seek special permit in order to get the work done here. reporter: but the recent community pressure has been enough to convince the city to finally expedite its request to cal-trans. just this week we submitted that encroachment permit to get the beacon installed. reporter: really the only thing cal-trans has to do now is approve it and supervisor the construction of the plan. city of berkeley says hopefully it will be completed by september. the cost 54,000 dollars. in the newsroom, abc 7 news. wide load tractor-trailer carrying a satellite caused major traffic back up this morning when it had to make a u turn right in the middle of highway 101 and san jose. take a look at this truck was trying to exit on tuls road to lockheed martin but it was too tall to make it under the freeway so the chp shut down all lanes on 101 8 this morning at the height of morning rush hour. also that truck pulled a u.and got off the highway. that created a traffic back up that lasted more than an hour. governor brown picked up much-needed support for budget plan today. bay area council group of local business leaders announced its endorsement of brown plan. governor has just 6 days to get enough votes to put his proposed tax extension on the june ballot. mark matthews with the strategy. governor brown came to meet the bay area council because the organization represent most of the biggest and best known businesses in northern california. this afternoon after a 30 minute closed door gathering with the council executive committee the organization president and ceo made the announcement. on behalf of the bay area council standing behind us governor brown can count on our support. reporter: jim admitted his membership doesn t like the governor s proposed tax extensions on income, sales, and vehicle registration. the governor says there s very little choice. well the fact is california is 25 bill i don t know in the red. it has been living to some degree in fantasy. at least the people in sack toyshtion governor brown plan calls for 12 and a half billion dollars in spending cuts and 12 and half million dollars in revenue by extending taxes that were due to expire. brown wants to put the tax extensions before the voters in june. he has until just next thursday to get the legislature to agree. i think we have a good chance but i m not ready to call predict victory yet. reporter: last weak the governor met with the la chamber of commerce and got their qualified support. they have looked at the plan. they endorse it. the general outlines. reporter: but yesterday republican assemblyman donnelly told abc he s a definite no. what i am seeing is the governor who is the governor of no no no, no new jobs, no new idea, nothing but taxes. reporter: republicans say that tax extensions amount to tax increase and they have all pledged not to raise taxes. doing so could cost them conservative voters and if the govern moves too far towards courting the republicans, could lose support among democrat. that s the art of politic the. to find the middle zone that will attract enough votes that we reach two-thirds. reporter: governor brown says it is about it to take the tough medicine now and get the state back on balanced footing. we can all expect a big dose of politics next week. senate and assembly take up the governor s proposals. in the newsroom, abc 7 news. all right from the art of politic to the art of forecas forecasting. spencer is here now with what could be a wet wean. it could be. art and science we mate add. yes here we good. partly wet weekend but won t start off that way. here s live view from the high definition sutro camera looking at the golden gate bridge and all the gloyvrment nice pleasant mild evening around the bay area. we have thin high clouds. a little bit thicker as they continue to do tomorrow and right now we look at temperature readings in the 50 s for the most part although half moon bay dropped down to 48 degrees. these are the highlights. clouds continue thickening tomorrow. rain arrives in the evening hours. we have scattered showers on sunday so again partly wet weekend but start off dry. here s our satellite radar come positive it image. cloud are moving in. increasing clouds through the day on saturday then rain arrives saturday night as this batch of moisture gets agent bit closer app once it starts, it will be wet for awhile. start our forecast animation 11:00 o clock tonight. notice just clouds continuing to mav through until tomorrow evening. 7:00 o clock or so tomorrow evening we see the first bit of rainfall arriving in the north bay and as we progress further in the time line here we see it getting weather wetter and we wetter until 11:00 o clock tomorrow tonight then overnight tomorrow night into sunday morning rain and that gives way to showers early sunday and taper off to almost nothing by late sunday night around 11:00 o clock or so. by that time we are lacking at rainfall total up to about an inch in the wettest spots in the north bay mountains. maybe up to 3 quarters inch in the santa cruz mountains and remainder in the north bay quarter of an inch in the peninsula east bay and south bay not much at all. maybe up to continueth of an inch and that s bit. low pressure tonight under increasingly cloudy skies will be not very chilly. we see mainly low to mid 40 s. upper 40 s get closer to the bay and 50 will be the low in san francisco. then tomorrow high pressure on the mild side again in the south bay even with clouds increasing. high mainly in the mid 60 s. 66 degrees cupertino campbell and san jos jose. mid 60 s also on the pen la. 64 redwood city. palo alto and mountain view but only upper 50 s on the coast which is agent bit cooler. in and around san francisco lack for high 60 in the sun set distric district, north bay high mainly in the mid 60 s, 65 at santa rosa 65 at napa 64 sonoma. nearest bay high also mid 60. 64 at oakland. hayward. 65 at newark and fremont. pardon me my voice. tries to run away from me. inland east bay high also mid 60 s. 65 at pleasanton livermore and danville. near the bay mildest of all upper 60 s near the bay and intersee if in fact inland location holster here s the 7 day forecast. clouds giving way to rain tomorrow night. showers on sunday. showers tapering off monday morning and we get partial clearing at least monday afternoon then 2 dry day on tuesday an wednesday and warm on wednesday with high near any in the inland area. slate chance of rain on thursday and dry again on friday. so tomorrow good day for little league baseball. that s right. thank goodness. thanks spencer. fish and chips tonight in monterey bay. how monitoring the marine life there can help detect signs of climate change. and food fight. republicans recycle an old idea and bring and food fight. republicans recyclwe are fourteenth ining line for take off. beep, beep, beep. looks like its bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! should have skipped that second soda. remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! (train child) the train is now arriving. (announcer) the train has arrived indeed. amtrack. enjoy the journey. [ male announcer ] why do so many car companies compare themselves to toyota? maybe it s because toyota has more hybrids on the road than all other automakers combined. like the 50-mpg-rated prius, the best selling hybrid in america. and prius was also named a best overall value of the year. plus, every new toyota comes with toyotacare, a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance. we re #1 for a reason. come see for yourself. hurry in for the best selection. about jo marine mammal off our coast are giving scientist how to make our life bet on land. we have a new clan ration that will make the most of marine tagging project. reporter: this is what the scientific community refers to the as fish and chips. putting high tech sen or or computer chip on marine mammal. tag collect valuable information from the ocean. ranging from water temperature to where species live and eat. we learn where the corridor are. hot spots are. finding out where the places we need to protect. reporter: researchers have developed tag for some 200 species. the fish offer a free ride for collecting data from unmineed locations. they go where satellite, ship and buoy don t travel. the national ocean atmosphere association say the tag can provide critical input to track long-term climate change and short-term weather forecast. all this information plays out in improving our knowledge of though storms. both the intensity and the track coming on to the coast. scientist now taking their research to the next level by mentaling information in various computer model to create an explosive picture that has never been seen befor before. group gathered in pacific grove representing academic and government agencies announce a partnership called the u.s. integrated ocean observing system or i use led by noaa. collaboration will lift a veil of secret off the ocean. working in a vacuum is personally unsatisfying and professionally unsatisfying and all of a sudden to have 100 times more information overnight is really revolutionize the way we are doing our science. researchers say working together they can get a better picture of the ocean health and create policies to protect it. in pacific grove, abc 7 news. scientist have discovered a new sea bird. first knew species of sea bird found in 55 years. the sparrow size black and white storm petrol discovered last month in a coastal area off chile. the bird was lakely missed by darwin when he sailed the same area a haven t century ago. how big a deal is this? if we had won the lottery we could not feel better. when we continue tonight. high school star makes the winning play then collapses and die. we learn what happened to had heart. fat deposit a check in his daughter account and the money goes missing. i m michael. coming up on 7 on your side. a bank horror story. same sex marriage. top republican in the house of representatives say he will do what the obama administration won t. and ungreening the capitol. why foam coffee cup and plastic hey marcel, watch this! hey marcel, watch this! hey marcel, watch this! yeah, marcel! - marcel! - hey marcel! are you listening to me? marcel! [ male announcer ] only at&t u-verse lets you follow your favorite channels on one screen. just $29 a month for the first 6 months. dvr included. in the network there are no hard choices.  . good evening once again. headlines we are following tonight. the entire plain clothes unit at san francisco southern police station is now shut down. the fbi is looking into possible civil violation. it all stems from allegations that narcotics officers have been conducting illegal drug operation. 911 what is your emergency? i need the police. 84-year-old woman in richmond shot and missed but she scared off an intrawder. police say she won t face any charges for firing that weapon. about group of people protested a foreclosure auction in oakland today. they want state wide moratorium on all foreclosure. mandatory loan modification and prosecution of the bank behind fraudulent loans. the sudden death of high school basketball star has small town in michigan reeling. it happened last night when the perfect end to a perfect season suddenly took a terrible turn. here s. reporter: end to the perfect season. wes leonard junior in michigan made the winning basket in overtime. but the fans rushed the court to celebrate, their joy turned to despair. wes collapsed on the gym floor. his friends and fan stood by in disbelief. leonard later died at the hospital. doctors said it was sudden cardiac arrest due to an inlargeed heart. in an inlargeed heart the electrical signal can short circuit. stopping the heart from beatin beating. the condition often goes undetected. while leonard suffered from a relatively rare disorder, it is estimateds as many as 1 in 350 kids may have dangerous underlying heart conditions. doctors say athletes are the most vulnerable to sudden cardiac arrest due to heavy stress on their bodies. it is about once every three three days in the u.s. that a high school or college age athlete may die on the playing in field typically from a heart condition. reporter: experts say the solution is to screen children as early as middle school. giving them ekg. equipping school gym with defibrolator. wes coaches and team mates struggle to make sense of this loss. i can t put into words because it is just tearing me up. because he was just a special kid with a passion that you just don t get to see all the time. just having him around is he was always like a happy person. like 97 sad. never mad. about just happy happy happy happy happy. reporter: young man whose dream cut short. abc news. over sea now to libya where it has been nearly 3 weeks since the vocal opposition to leader gadhafi began. today s prayers and protest turned to bloody battle with gadhafi forces launching furious attac attacks on opponent. miguel reports. reporter: the today military unleashed with full force. about west of tripoli in the contested town here chaos. protestors take cover as government forces open fire with leif ammunition. report of dozens dead. about just east of tripoli this was the scene. government forces firing tear gas rubber bullet on small group of protestors brave enough to speak out. they fought back with rocks. tonight the capitol tripoli remains under tight control of gadhafi. rebel hold eastern libya including the all important oil fields. reality gadhafi government doesn t acknowledge to proof their point they took us to the oil refinery near the town attacked today. to get there it was all back roads steering clear of anti-gadhafi area. once 0out of the town signs of gadhafi support seem to come out of nowhere. we are on the way back to tripoli an just come across a rally right in the milt of the road. they stopped the bus we are on. pro gadhafi rally. the signal they want to send. government is very much in control here. reporter: finally on return to tripoli well after midnight we saw clear signs this government is nervous and taking no chances. tank on every corner. along every street. and at every spweshin spweshing. the government here pulling out all stops to protect the capitol. now willing to use any force necessary to end the rebellion. fighting here could do go on for weeks if not months. ka dave has large loyal base of support but unless something happens to change the balance something like tens of thousands of protestors on the streets here in tripoli willing to die, colonel gadhafi could still come out on top. this is abc news tripoli. to politic here. republican house speaker boehner says president obama won t do it he will take legal action to fight for the defense of marriage act. the president recently said he would not defen the measure in court. it defines marriage as only between a man and woman. boehner says the cons stawtion at of this law should be determined by the courts and not by the president unilaterally. boehner says that he and other house leaders plan to appoint a lawyer to defend it in court. staying in washington. fight is under way between democrats and republicans this time the battle ground is the capitol hill cafeteria. jonathan karl reports. when nancy pelosi speak they are was her pet project. sheree placed greasey french fries or freedom fries the republicans called them bringing in locally grown organic food and lots of recycling. she made everything about this cafeteria more environmen environmentally friendly. everything recycle. compost. no more plastic. the fork and knives are made out of a corn base material now. the problem is it doesn t always work so well. you see the spoons well, they tend to melt after awhile when they have been in your supervisor. now republicans say enough is enough. they have had it with the flimsy utensil. recycling bin and 4 75,000 of buck a year it cost to truck it out to composting facility in virginia. one of the things didn t work. let s not perpetuate this. takes more energy. cost tax marries more money doesn t work. who wants fork that dissolve when eating them. reporter: earl a democrat who rides to the capitol on his basic ellis fighting back. up set to see this go. we won t good quietly that the night. ultimately this is what america will do. this is what progressive employers are doing if congress wants to set an example by taking a step backward so be it. reporter: not just the cafeteria pelosi set out to make it a beek con of environmentism with energy efficient lights and plans to install solar panel. republicans are cutting all of it. this. this is abc fuss washington. michael is coming up next with a story of a man whose money disappeared after he put it into his daughter s account. at least he thought he can. i didn t know why they would think it was fraud length. they cancelled the account and didn t want to see her again. also. set back for nasa. [ female announcer ] shopping with nutrition in mind shouldn t be hard work or cost more money. now there s simple nutrition, only at safeway. green tags throughout the store call out what matters most to you. there are 22 different nutritional benefits highlighted. and with our low prices, now safeway makes bringing home the right choices easier than ever. that s simple nutrition. that s ingredients for life. safeway. driver talking on cell phone slammed into a power pole tonight knocking out power to an entire neighborhood in richmond. it happened open rancho road at the worst of its 600 customers in the dark. right now 150 are still without power. pg&e says they won t get it back until tomorrow. chp says the driver admit to being distracted from looking at had cell phone. common banking practice making a simple deposit turned into a 10,000 dollar nightmare for a bay area man an his daughter. the money disappeared. michael has their disturbing story. reporter: myron of petaluma a helped support his daughter ann while she studies film making down at usc. here she is direct ago class production. she s struggling in graduate school. she needed to make a represent payment. reporter: ann was low on cash so myron deposited a 10,000 dollar check into ann s account at wells fargo bank. however what happened after that came as a complete shock. they thought the check was fraud license. they cancelled the account and they didn t want to see her again. reporter: wells fargo bank refused to give ann the 10,000 dollars. instead the bank abruptly closed her account and told her to go away. the only explanation the bank claimed the check was a fraud. i didn t necessity what to think. i didn t know why they would think it was fraudulent. reporter: indeed it made no sense. the check had already been cashed by wells fargo bank and money had been taken out of myron s account. these documents prove it. here s the cancelled check with the wells fargo stamp on the back. wells fargo deposit slip shows myron deposited the 10,000 dollar into his daughter s account the very same day. and here? myron bank account show the 10,000 dollars came right out of had checking account at west america bank in petaluma. they had the money. it s the strangest thing i have ever seen. you couldn t find anybody to talk to. reporter: wells fargo wouldn t even speak with myron about what happened citing privacy laws. the bank also would not speak with saying her account no longer existed. it was catch 22. i can t get the money because i don t have an account with them and my daughter can t get the money because she closed her account. reporter: he said the money had been stolen so he reported this to the federal comptroller currency which make sure bank obey the law. surely the federal would make this right. that didn t work either. wells fargo got out of the complaint by saying this gentleman doesn t have an account with us and so there s nothing we can do for him. reporter: federal agency closed the case. no one would listen. this is 10,000 dollars that we are out here. so that s when i had the idea to call 7 on your side. reporter: he did contact us. we showed all these documents to wells fargo bank. and requested the bank deliver a check to myron s daughter in los angeles right away. she went into the bank and said she wasn t going to leave until she had the 10,000 dolla dollar. reporter: myron says his daughter sat in the bank for 2 hours until finally the check was in her hands. wells fargo tells us it only needed a letter of indemnity from west america bank stating the check was valid. once myron provided that letter, the bank returned the money to the family. wells fargo did not explain why the check was deemed fraudulent in the first place. 7 on your side finally solved it. we were just happy to get the money back. i thank you very much. reporter: wells fargo still can t explain to receive on your side how it can take 10,000 dollars out of myron s account nearly a year ago and yet still question the validity of the check. the bank claimed it has been holding the money in a separate account all this time the which was news to myron. comptroller of the currency did he children to comment about the role in closing the case. this is 7 on your side. quite a story. speaking of. that alien ab bucks. flying saucer sightings. even et autopsy. british government releases biggest treasure trove of secret uso files ever. revelation news at treasure trove of secret uso files ever. revelation news at 9 continues x it s really delicious, mom. it s not too well done? nope. but it is a job well done. what are you reading, sweetie? her diary. when you re done, i d love some feedback. sure. your mom and i read that thing cover-to-cover. loved it. thanks. would you mind if i cut the lawn this weekend? only if you let me talk to your mother on the phone for hours on end. done. [ male announcer ] u-verse brings peace to the family. at&t u-verse lets you record four shows at once from any room and play them back on any tv. get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months. in the network, everyone can get along.  if. it seemed promising at first but they aborted satellite launch 3 minute in the flight. lifted off from the air force base on the california coast this morning but protective shell failed to separate and it was unable to get up enough speed to the reach orbit. sthit was supposed 0to spend 3 years annual eyeing the earth climate but instead dumped in the pacific ocean. now a peak into relevant life x files. british government just released for the first time more than 8500 pages of secret documents about uf o. decades of sightings. mystery. investigationings compiled by their ministry of defense. here s nick. tl. reporter: these are britain x files. sinister sightings. trembling testimony. photographs. sketches. official agenda is i have been told on beth sides of the atlantic is that gradual disclosure has to be the way. reporter: now we knee in the 60 s and 70 s the un, the cia, the world took the alien threat seriously. september 1967. 6 playing in saucers were found across southern england. this was taken extremely seriously. one of these thing was taken away for analysis. another one blown up in controlled explosion. reporter: britain on alien invasion alert. it turned out in the end to be a student prank. reporter: but 5 percent of cases remain unsolved and missing from the vault. details the britain 1980 of u.s. airmen saw strange light. damaged trees in a forest. no doubt about it this is weird. reporter: vanished. i don t think the ministry has revealed everything by any means. the facts are too disturbing for the majority of the pop la. some of them actually have bases and have had bases on planet earth for maybe thousands of years. reporter: that was nick watt reporting. by the way every time a big sci-fi blockbuster hits the movie theaters the sightings of uf o go through the roof. let s get another check on the forecast. good nature to watch our spots uf o. i don t think so. clouds thicken. my forecast is out of this world but one we would wish for out of this world. rain coming our way tomorrow morning 8:00 o clock. thickening clouds but dry tomorrow. temperatures in the morning generally in the 50 s. by midday we see kbs warming up to about 60 or 64 degrees or so and late afternoon we see high pressure climbing in the mid to upper 60 s so pleasant day even with the increasing clouds but rain is on its way and here is the accu-weather 7 day forecast. tonight tomorrow night the rain arrives and continue thes overnight into sunday. giving way to showers which taper off on monday morning so partly wet weekend. then dry weather for the second half of monday for tuesday and wednesday. mild on wednesday with high pressure up near 70 degrees in the inland location just a slate chance for next thursday. once through the weekend rainfall we have a good we can coming. spring is almost here. be here on march 20. thank you spencer. the we have sports. they say no news is good news, right? talking nfl. yes. let s stick with that. another extension of the collective bargaining agreement but for how long? in the nba ellis doing it all in boston tonight but wasn t in the nba ellis doing it all in boston tonight but wasn t enough to get a win. sports hello sunshine sweet as you can be i love waking up [ chuckles ] to your morning melody i can tell it s gonna be a sweet day [ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey for a yummy sweet taste that s just right. and the 100% natural whole grain oats treat your heart sweet. because they can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. you re sweet to me bee happy. bee healthy.  s fichlt coming up tonight on 7 news at 11:00. this is unacceptable. the neighborhood that has been turned into a bay area dump. officials say picking up the trash doesn t solve the problem. also a scared student 911 call put peninsula teacher on leave. but did the district go too far? all coming up tonight in 1 hour on 7 news over on channel 7. right now though collin is here with sports and very latest on the nfl negotiations. yes. things are moving in the right direction that s a positive sign. when we actually get that decision remains to be seen but outside of an agreement between league owner and player union this is about as good as it gets rate now. 2 sides sentenced current collective b 7 days. resumen labor negotiations on monday with new deadline of next friday. both sides are of the feeling extension is a sign that progress being made in layman terms. 4 point how to divide the league 9 billion dollars in revenue. rookie wage scale, expanding season from 16 games to 18, and benefits for retired players. here s commissioner roger response early today. again i have repeated over and over again this is going to get resolved through negotiations. not through litigation. so talk talking is better than litigating. former cal bear alexander 5 year nfl veteran. back up player rep for the redskins i asked him when he think an agreement will be reached. i think we ll probably get something done early april. i think they are going to have another extension and get something done. i think both sides finally realizing that this is bigger than us and need to get something done. fans turn their nose up all the billionaire fighting and we are in a recession and you are fighting over this. we are trying to figure out how to pay our rent. pay our mortgage. pay our child health care or whatever you are fighting over extra billion somewhere so you definitely don t want to turn the fans off. both sides realize that. reporter: a wealth of knowledge in this situation. 10 days ago murphy traded new jersey to golden state. contract bought out by the warriors and subsequently signed with boston. happy man. his first game in the celtic yawn form tonight again. you got it. former team the warrior lee right hand jump book impressive because he s a lefty. that s not easy. lead. ellis high degree of difficulty for you annie. not for him. start of huge night for monty. wild sequence in the second quarter. like the basketball hot the potato. find the hands of kevin garnet. percent to allen down to green. for the dunk. allen first shot 4 free and boston a many a 18 at one point. warriors would rally behind monty in the fourth. rhondo. takes it in for 2. doves down 9. later in the fourth. hustle play from david lee. step 3. monty. open 3. ellis had 41 warriors get as close as 1. couldn t get over the hump. paul pierce jumper and he fouls. celtic hold on. 10 107-103. knicks and cavaliers from madison square garden. barren davis from the penthouse in la to the outhouse in cleveland. sorry fans. late 3. carmello anthony driving for the tie. the charge t.cavs 26 game road losing streak ends 119-115. true story here. this afternoon sports department. we wondered where the giant world series trophy was at. was it even in this state? apparently it is not. item been everywhere since they won it all. if you are one of the 7 people who hadn t seen it the tour continued today in scott dale. giants brewers with his name he just had to play baseball. that s 2 run home interthe first. now hitting 375 in cactus league play. 5 nothing giants after 1. jeff on the hill. pitched well. miguel some range behind him. 3 scoreless innings of 1 hit ball. sanchez shoulder looks fine. giants beall milwaukee 7-2. if down the dodgers 5-3. barry works and in phoenix rangers fall 6-3 and kevin a 3 run homer for oakland. these cranes have the balance of my 15 month old son. struggling. second round honda classic in florida. jeff overton par 4 11th this is second shot. ski skip. skip. bounce. roll. approximately in the eagle. i like it. stanley who that s what i say. whoever he is he can putt. birdie stanley a 66 today at minus 6 one stroke lead on tm rory let s hope the nfl season does happen. we have time. another deadline. 7 day. we are moving in the right direction. they can get it didn t. that s terrific thanks. that s this edition of 7 news at 9:00. we ll see you on 

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Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20110209

i m dave clark. i m tori campbell. two schools in the mount diablo school district will close next year following at following a late-night vote. but some parents and students are learning shocking news about the future of a third school. claudine wong join us with more to explain. good morning. reporter: good morning. talk about emotional and shocking. we re at the elementary school and you can imagine, they are all feeling a little blindsided. the principal would not come out of her office. the woman who did talk to us got so choked up, she left the room and the two teachers she tracked down, no one here was expecting this. they were expecting to hear the state of holbrook and glenbrook and they did, 4-1. the board voted to shut those down. but then came the talk of where to go from here and that s when the board president talked about closing west wood. he, tood a he too new this could blind side neighbors. reporter: so will this too be closed as an elementary school? for now, we just don t know. we know they are gonna take a lot of museum anybody in community input the next couple of weeks and school starts here you can see the flag being raised. we do expect the parents to arrive the next 45 minute ors 45 minutes or so. live in concord, claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. there is a major new development in the investigation of the fatal police shooting of an unarmed man in oakland last november. today s oakland tribune reports the district attorney will not file charges against the two police officers who shot and killed derrick jones. the d.a. did not say what was behind that decision. the 37-year-old barbershop owner and father was killed during a foot chase that followed a domestic dispute. the two police officers told investigators, jones kept reaching towards his waistband. officers say at one point, they saw a shining object that turned out to be a scale. in other news, oakland police are warning women in city s chinatown area be very careful of your surroundings. that s following a sexual assault that happened outside of a outside of an apartment house on jackson street. police say a man brutally beat and sexually assaulted the woman in her 50s. now,s the victim is chinese. she doesn t speak english very well. she was only able to give police a vague and general description of her attacker. gonna be terrifying for anyone. if you don t speak the language, you have to communicate. investigators are going to interview the victim again. they say this attack does not appear to be related to any other assaults that have occurred in the area. we re following news of an oil taker tanker headed to the u.s. u.s. gulf coast hijacked by pirates. no americans are on board. there s been no contact with the ship. in egypt today, the protest protests continue, despite a new warning from the company s vice president who says the demonstrations cannot continue. the number of protesters who turned out yesterday was perhaps the biggest yet. many are living in cairo cairo s main square. they say they won t leave until mew mubarak steps down. there s reports that hp will unveil their tablet computers in a few hours. others say they will also show off a smartphone. the only clue we re getting comes in the press invitation which means, think big, bink small, think beyond. there is also a new rumor that apple s ipad is in production. they say it will happen at least one camera on the front but the display resolution will be similar to the first ipad. it should be available through at&t and verizon. so far apple is make nothing comment. a major wireless company may be headed to the bay area. nokia is rumored to be considering moving the executive center to the silicon valley. the company is currently headquartered in finland. an internal memo shows some concern about the company s future. reports also suggest it could be a possible alliance with microsoft to create a rival. nasa has more than 17 partners working on a new proposed site and this will allow more companies and educational educational institutions to share ideas and knowledge in the areas of clean technology. b.a.r.t. riders opinions have gone down since higher fares went into effect. the survey found about 64% agree that b.a.r.t. is a good value. that s down 7% from 2008. 24% strongry a 24% strongly agree b.a.r.t. is worth the money. speaking of b.a.r.t. and the commute, let s check in with sal to find out what s happening in the road on the roads and rails. all right. this morning we have slow traffic in some areas. we re gonna start off by looking at marin county. southbound 101 getting busier coming down from the marinwood area at the sen to central san rafael. across the bay, contra costa county, 242, highway 4 westbound, slow in antioch an pittsburg. dublin traffic, 580 looks good. let s get to the bay bridge toll plaza, one of the fast frack lanes, one of the metering lights is not working. i m not sure if they will be able to fix it during the commute. it look like a ten-minute or twelve-minute delay there. northbound 101 looks okay coming into theian town area. here s steve. thank you, sal. clear skies. chilly, cold, still high elevations over 25, 30 at the surface. not so bad. it will be still be sunny and is breezy today. high pressure still says i think i ll hang around. it s losing some of its grip. nothing in sight yet. and then we ll start to see increasing clouds. today, chilly morning, sunny, breezy, we won t lose the breeze. cold tomorrow morning and then sunshine, mind. maybe a little warmer. by the weekend for those of you who have plans or want to make plans saturday and sunday look okay. saturday looks to be the best. rain returns next week. it sure looks like tuesday. very bullish for a colder pattern. and a wetter pattern. today, sunny, breezy, a gust to about 20, 25 unless you are up in the higher elevations. some cold lows for some but not for all. concord, though, 39. livermore has finally dipped to the upper 30s. sanrafael has been there all morning long along with santa rosa. calm san jose, calm santa rosa. a little northerly wind. there s still enough of a breeze we don t have to worry about clouds coming in, maybe a few high clouds but overall, a shot of a lot of sunshine. cool, cold, breezy. 48, 58, subny, breezy and then sunny and breezy we ll keep the theme going. these highs are about where they should be. it doesn t matter if it s stinson beach to sonoma, napa. it s not that big of a spread on the temperatures. 62 berkeley, oakland, alameda, they are all right there. 61, 62. sanjose, saratoga, we ll go santa rosa. 63 menlo park, redwood city andwood side and woodside. friday, mostly sunny and then mostly sunny to partly sunny on saturday and then increasing clouds on sunday. thank you,. a groundbreaking new study could mean less invasive survey for breast cancer patients. doctors usually recommend removal of lymph nodes if the cancer has spread but the study shows there was no difference in survival rates between women who did have their lymph nodes removed a those who did not. have you been feeling a little under the weather lately? you re not aloin. a new gallup poll says the 2010 cold season is worse than past years. 7:11. a city on the brink of a serious crisis. i would very much love to keep my seat until my term is up. the mayor of hercules facing a recall explains why the financial can ter there is not her disaster there is not her fault. clear skies. temperatures, 30s, 40s. sunny, breezy. highs upper 50s, low to mid- 60s. all right, steve. thank you. 7:14. right now the head of the federal reserve is on capitol hill to give a major update on the economy. alison burns joins us from our washington, d.c. bure rewith why fireworks could fly at this hearing. alison? reporter: dave, it is ben bernanke s first appearance before congress since republicans took control of the house. let s get right to a live look at the house budget committee. chairman bernanke just began his opening statement. he just said that it does appear that a self-sustaining economic recovery in the u.s. is taking hold. but gop lawmakers have been vocally critical with his approach to the economy. here s how the chairman of the committee opened the hearing a few moments ago. this country continues to sufficient from slow growth and unemployment is still very high. washington is creating much of this uncertainty. reporter: would now, we do now, we do expect that lawmakers will be pressing bernanke on how he thinks the government should reduce the record federal deficit. we ll have more live coverage in my update next hour. back to you. thank you. 7:15. a top u.s. commander is warning of more bloodshed to come in afghanistan. general david petraeus says combat will likely increase during the spring as taliban insurgents try to return to areas recently cleared by international forces. over the past few months, nato has gained control of several safe haitians havens. former secretary of defense, donald rumsfeld, is revealing for the first time that saddam hussein had targeted his daughters. rumsfeld is doing interviews to promote his new book. of says in a national security he says in a national security meeting in we, he was told that saddam hussein had a $60 million bounty on his two daughters and the twin daughters of president bush. rumsfeld said he was especially concerned for his children because they did not have secret service protection, which was provided to the president and his entire family. back here at home, a labor dispute involving nuss nurses at two stanford hospitals has reached the boiling point. union leaders say they want to impose a contract the fact that he want to impose a contract is not right. in the east bay, city of hercules, organizers have of a recall drive against two city officials say they ve got enough signatures to put the measure on the june ballot. at last night s city council meeting 6,000 signatures were presented from voters city nils say they were deceived by a former city manager. we didn t know it was happening either. we got the impression working with our city manager and his staff that we were doing fine. and until he got sick and we got an interim city manager in there, we didn t get the real story. now, the former mayor of hercules resigned a couple of weeks ago. if all of the petitions are verified, voters will decide whether or not to recall the two officials in the june election. 7:18. a uc davis chemist may have put a cork on terrorism with the development of a new scanner. the inventer is adapting technology to detect liquid explosives at airport checkpoints. with this kind of scanner - different compounds bring about different rare yos. taco bell s legal fight over the quality of the meet that it uses could mean you get a free taco. taco bell is offering a coupon for a for a free taco to the first 10 million people who like it on facebook. the restaurant says it uses 88% usda quality beef. 7:19. captain sully sullenberger may be headed to court. the lawsuit he s filed, straight ahead. right now, northbound 101 is recovering from earlier problems. how does the rest of 101 look and what is the rest of the commute like? we ll tell you straight ahead. captain sully sullenberger is facing real estate troubles. they purchased a property that was overvalued. they were duped. the agent says sullenberger is misusing his notoriety. the danville pilot first came into the spotlight a year ago after landing the plain to safety in the hudson river. the santa clara health department is under fire. they issued a controversial flier about the drug ecstasy. the fliers were made after the after someone overdosed at a party last year. the flier says too take in small doses. that is against policy and the health department says this will change the flier to make it clear the illegal drug is dangerous. former enron boss jeffrey skilling is mourning his son s death after he was denied permission to atend the funeral. skill something four years into a 24-year prison sentence for his skilling is four years into a 24-year prison and was denied to attend his son s funeral. the examination of conscience does not replace a confessional. they say it s a way to keep track of what you would like to atone for. don t worry. we re told it s password protected. that will be pretty important to make sure of that. yes. let s check in with sal castanedo. let s see what s happening on the roads this morning with the commute. i have to ask my catholic priest about that one. i m not sure. i m feeling guilty already. good morning, everybody. you asked me how the roads are. they are okay. there are some slow spots out there. this is 280 northbound as you get up to highway 17 getting up to 17 is going to be slow. we don t have any major crashes but it s been slow on 101. people may have been avoiding 101 earlier because of a four- car crash blocking the left lane at 680. that s been gob. 280 is slow. this is a look at 880 northbound past the coliseum. traffic will be okay here. there is a crash at the westbound toll plaza. a limo and another car, a couple of vehicles here. traffic is already slow. it s about a 15-minute delay here. hopefully that will clear up. 15, maybe 20 if you are at the very end of the line. 7:24. let s go to steve. we have sunshine today. that s not a problem. breezy. but nothing compared to yesterday. we have great visibility, maybe a few high clouds. and the high-pressure system really won t break down until probably sunday. until then everything looks okay. 30s, 40s to almost 50 santa rosa is in there. sanrafael, to name just a few. but we have more 40s with any puff of a breeze. another system, trying, trying but it will lose out to the high. sunny and breezy. windy up in the higher elevations, a chilly morning for some. highs are near average. there s really not much of a big spread coast bay or inland. i don t see much of a change through friday. sunday we ll start to see clouds and cooler weather which w illed which will lead to rain next week. at any moment, a very unusual protest will start outside of a bay area courthouse. it s a show of support for a plan accused of attacking a priest. the frequently controversial berkeley city council may extend an invitation to some guantanamo bay detainees but the federal roadblock hey quash that plan. and wig de big decisions tomorrow at uc berkeley proposes cutbacks in cal sports programs can lead to more cuts. can at this hour, an unusual protest is set to get underway outside a san jose courthouse. jade hernandez is there and joins us why these demonstrators are supporting a man accused of attacking a priest. reporter: good morning. we re leave in front of the santa clara county superior court this morning. you can see this rally is getting ready to begin. it s being held in san jose because of a preliminary hearing expected to get underway in an hour and a half. now, both events are happening because of this man, william lynch. we just spoke with lynch s man peggy. she said she wants to support her son. but first, her son has already pleaded not guilty to attacking retired jesuit priest, lidner. he is facing a tellny asaturday charge. 43-year-old lynch isic aud is accused of tracking down a is accused of tracking down the man and beating him. now, the 65-year-old former priest has denied abusing lynch but 13 years ago, the catholic church paid the lynch brothers $625,000 to settle a lawsuit in regards to the allegations. lindner has been in a retirement home for years now. but recently, others have have come forward accusing him of abuse of. we spoke to his mother. let s listen. we re here to protest well and how the church handles these perpetrators. laws need to be changed. we re live in san jose this morning where the preliminary hear something expected to begin in an hour hearing is expected to begin in an hour ago, at 9:00 a.m. and the protest is expected to begin momentarily. reporting live, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. okay, jade. thank you. 7:31. sanfrancisco police meet today. they will consider some new options for dealing with the mentally ill. now, this is this is in response to three recent shootings, including one in december when police shot a man in a wheelchair outside of a mental health facility. one program setting up a program. meantime, b.a.r.t. police are taking steps to improve the relationship between the police force and b.a.r.t. riders. b.a.r.t. will gund why will undergo training today, that starts taught at 11:00. pg&e says it s closely inspecting its gas lines all across northern california. so far, they ve not found any faulty welds. but they vow to continue to make sure all of their pipelines are safe. we have an update of the investigation into the death of anor rin dah man after a half marathon on sunday. the people who tried to recess the tate the man say resuscitate the man say no one identified themselves to help him. an ambulance stationed at the finish line was sentenced was sent to help another runner in distress. supporters of cal sports are waiting for the big announcement. uc berkeley will tell us whether they will be able to save cal s baseball teams and two other programs. two women s programs are in jeopardy, gymnastic and la crosse. in the meantime, supporters have raised $15 million now trying to save all of those sports programs. berkeley city council is set to vote next week on a resolution that 0 would invite two guantanamo bay employees to come live in berkeley. one is a russian ballet dancer, the other is an algerian man who was a top-rated chef. the proposal may be a violation of u.s. law that prohibits the united states from funding the relocation of clear detainees. this morning, a fare ceremony will be farewell ceremony will be held to those going to iraq to help injured soldiers. this will be first overseas deployment for the group. now, the ceremony begins at 10:00 a.m. at the san mateo county fairgrounds. twin brothers from tracy, they are among the finalist to have a nascar race renamed in their honor. mathew and daniel hansen were nominated by their godmother to rename a 400-mile race after a military hero. now, daniel, he s the one on the right, he was killed in afghanistan in 2009 by a roadside bomb. his brother mathew says if he wins, the race will be named the hansen brothers 400. the vacation rental company home away is pulling a super bowl ad from its website that shows a baby smashing into a glass wall. baby. this shows what s when the family does not have enough space. the company issued an apology on their facebook page. 7:35. let s check in with sal. i know the toll plaza, i know you are watching that. yeah. we had a crash there dave and tori, westbound coming up into one of the gates. we also had one of the metering lights not working properly. the backup is still kind of deep here. 15 to 20 minutes waiting at the toll plaza before you make it on the bridge and on the bridge, it s a little crowded. 280 northbound, some crowded conditions. 101 has been slow because of earlierish as because of earlier issues. now there s a crash on 85, northbound 85, coming up blossom hill road. two-car crash. looks like minor injuries are in the middle lane. a very good morning. cool, cold for some. for others it s upper 40s, somewhat of a breeze, a pretty good wind in the you higher elevations. high pressure still here until probably saturday and then it will topple over and move out and then it look like a big change for next week. monday clouds come in, it looks like rain tuesday. this week part of a change is taking place and that s in the form of cooler weather. and also some of that wind, we had the very warm conditions on the weekend, well, now it s sunny, it s breezy, and temperatures are where that he should be on the high side. 36 la fayette. mill valley at 38. losaltos, 39. saratoga 39. some cold readings but a lot of 40s. oakland is at 44. now we re starting to see a little in some of these. concord upper 30s. santarosa has been on the cool side. redwood city, 38. north at 17 fairfield. north at 12 at vacaville. south-southeast sfo. still somewhat of a breeze. yesterday it was about 25 to 30. don t look for much in the way of change, i think until sunday. chilly mornings, cold mornings, windy up in the hills. sunny today, crisp, clear for many. 60s, almost for everybody. 60 to 64, probably abover cover about 95% of the forecast. temperature temperatures will rebound and settle in. not much warmer other than 62 for others. a few upper 60s. the five-day looks rety really quiet really quiet. saturday should be fine and decreasing clouds. certainly a nice forecast especially when you consider eight other states are bracing for another winter storm and some airlines are already canceling flights. we re live in oklahoma city where up to 10 inches of fresh snow is expect. good morning, ed. is the city prepared for this storm? reporter: you know, they are prepared to a certain extent. for this amount of snow that they ve gotten this winter, they ve received already twice the number of snow this winter season. you can see some pills. we ve gotten close to five inches here in oklahoma city. it s not as bad as last week. how far, north of where we are has really been the hardest hit areas in terms of the amount of snowfall. some 12 inches of snow have fallen. it s really a really the story of temperatures here. temperatures in the single digits, the wind chill have the with the heavy gusts, making it feel about minus 15 degrees below zero. it doesn t take long to be out here where you feel your face trying to freeze up and title and tighten up. this is causing a lot of headaches for families around texas, arkansas, oklahoma and kansas. some airports are starting to open up and operate og a on a operate on a small basis. but other airports are closed as storm barrels through. we keep thinking this can t go going but we keep hearing about all of these terrible storms. how does this stack up in the record books? reporter: well, it s been an absolute-record breaker. take into account 245 your normal winter in oklahoma gets but 6 inches of snow. so more than double what they normally except to see. it s been quite the winter. the other thing, in a couple of days it will be around 50, 60. i heard one report from a state emergency official saying early next week it s gonna be the warmer temperatures, that they will put the state on fire alert possibly. so there you go. the two extremes. and punxsutawney phil said it would be an early spring. so i m sure they are keeping their fingers crossed. oakland s mayor is getting a paycut. find out how much money she s losing and her reaction to this move. a special bond between this college baseball player and his coach who literally saved his life. this morning california governor, jerry brown will hold his first news conference since taking office last month. he s maintaining his reputation as a man of mystery. he refused to tell everyone last night what he was going to discuss. it s a good bet the governor will update his plan to tackle california s huge budget. jean quan is voluntarily giving back 25% of her salary. she will make $44,000 a year less than ron dellums. she does not want to ask other people to do what she is not willing to do herself. ron dellums said he would be willing to take a cut in may but changed his mind. caltrain s ceo is the highest paid transit boss in california, earning more than $400,000 a year. well, the district says his base salary is around $246,000, and that he actually has three jobs. cal caltrain contributes about $44,000 and samtran pays most of the rest. 7:45. here is an interesting idea, food vouchers in exchange for bottles and cans. that could become a reality for recyclers in san francisco. kraig debro is live with more on what people are saying about this idea. reporter: good morning. it s right now a long way off. if will take an act of the legislature. there is a law that says you have to have a recycling center near a grocery store. well, the new supervisor elected in november wants to give people recycled food vouchers instead of cash because some of the people would are alcoholic and drug addicts. the idea was still launched and what they want to do, give them food vouchers instead of cash. basically, they are say saying they need that money for more than just food. it serves a lot of purposes beyond just that. with cash you can pay your rent, you can buy clothes, you can, you know you can do whatever you want. i haven t noticed any bad behavior. i know a lot of the people who come here depend og the depend on the cash de it s not the most compassionate idea. because it s a state law it would take an act of the legislature could change the law because right now you have to give money for recyclele. so what the new supervisor wants to do is ask them for a change in the law. reporting live in san francisco, kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. thank you, kraig. 7:46. sanfrancisco is also trying to crack down on grease being dumped in the city s sewage system. supervisors approved an ordinance yesterday allowing the city to inspect restaurants to make sure they are not dumping grease down the grain. about 4 million gallons of grease flow in and that costs the city millions to clean up. we now know the result of a federal of the federal study about eggs. the cholesterol content of eggs is lower than it was a decade ago, it s report. back then, a large egg had about 215 milligrams of cholesterol. now about 185. the researchers say that could be due to a better diet for the hands hands. the company that owns folgers and dunkin donuts says it s raising prices by 10% on most products they products they sell. 7:48. a controversial theory about college has suggested alternatives. last year james alter said sending your kids to college was a bad idea in response from the uproar to parents. he s come up with eight alternatives. they include starting a business, working for a charity and he also suggests writing a book or making people laugh. 7:48. the head baseball coach at wake forest university helped save a freshman s outfielder s life by donating his kidney. tom walter and kevin jordan are both recovering from transplant surgery in atlanta. walter recruited jordan last year but before school began jordan was diagnosed with an immune system disease that attacked his kidneys. his rare good type make it tough to match. i would do it again. doctors say with medication, jordan should be just nine and walter plans to be ready for the first game next witness. we understand that that guy is a pretty good player. the yankees contacted him. really? yeah. a daring robbery in the middle of the day. it s all caught on tape. the reason police say this was not a random act. you have to see this innerveddible incredible act of bravely. look at the red. grandma became a hero because of what she did with her purse. san francisco police are looking for this man shown in the video robbing a woman in broad daylight. this is home video taken by a concerned citizen. you saw the robber throwing the woman to the ground in an alley and running off with her wallet. police say that man and that woman met earlier in the day, they spent time together before you can see the woman is attacked. new details about the facts that juliani cardenas was kidnapped from his grandmother s arms. police say jose esteban rodriguez forced his way into her home, and grabbed the boy from her arms. the boy s body was found in the canal. rodriquez is also believed to be dead but his body has not been found. new trouble for lindsay lohan. the actress is due to be arraigned this afternoon on charges of grand theft. she s accused of stealing a $2500 necklace from a jewelry store last month. she claims the necklace was a loan which is sa common practice for celebrities but the store denies that. a new case would represent the most serious charge for the actress. she was arrested twice in 2007 on drunken differenting and drug charges but those are both misdemeanors. the government found the cases of seven cases were not caused by software problems but by sticky floor mats. since 2009, toyota has recalled 12 million vehicles to fix the pedals or other devices. first lady michelle obama says her daughters, ages 9 and 12, are not on the social networking site because they have secret service restrictions that the other students don t have. michelle obama may allow them on the networking site once they are over. aened go a grandma in britain is being called the called a hero. suddenly look at the woman in red. that s ann tenson racing to the scene of the crime. the man ran away. one of them fell on the ground. and then other men got around gathered around and held them and he was arrested because of her. you have 0 it s kind of interesting because they don t try to defend themselves. let s check in with sal. i was waiting for the benny hill music to start. let s take a look at the commute now. the traffic is going to be slow, although it s improving here at the toll plaza. we had an accident with a limo and regular sedan. they got into a crash but they were pulled off already and the chp is clearing the lanes for us. westbound traffic is just a little better. it s about an eight-minute delay. also, the morning commute northbound and southbound 101 is awful in san francisco. avoid 101 right now and use 280. if you are just going a short distance, why don t you use city streets because you don t want to be on the 101. look at southbound 101 there is obviously something going on there. and this morning s commute here in san jose is slow. northbound 280 traffic is going to be busy as you head up to the up to the 17 area. the 101 thing i was talking about, there is an accident, southbound 101, i really hope that slowdown in san francisco does not lead all the way down to candlestick park. that would be heinous. let s go to steve. that s not good, sal. skies are clear. not too bad at the surface. there you go. sunshine, future s so bright. i m tell you i m telling you today. we start off with 30s and 40s. sanfrancisco 48. i did see a couple of near 50. upper 40s. another dying system but the high-pressure system is a lot of systems are taking aim at it. over the next three days it will start to weaken. cool, breezy, up towards, mendocino kook and lake county there are upper 20s. sunny, breezy, but nice and then 58 to 4. a lot of sunshine. plenty to go around. upper 50s to low 50s. there s really not much of a spread here and we ll continue this tomorrow. maybe warmer as we head into friday, saturday mostly sunny and then clouds start to come in and cooler which will lead to rain next week, you two. 7:57. the fate of two mount diablo schools has been decided. they just shut down one neighborhood, all at once. one snap. didn t even matter. reaction this morning to a late-night vote and the new twist that could affect more students. a battle of bay area sports ear rows down at the links of pebble beach. the da has made a decision in the shooting of an unarmed mon on streets of oakland last year. reporter: we just talked to some emotional parents here at the school saying and they say they will fight to keep the school open. reporter: and a rally has already begun. the supporters are here for a man accused of beating up a retired priest that they say was justified. the big announcement from silicon valley is just hours away. the second hour of mornings on 2 starts now. good morning. welcome back. i m tori campbell. i m dave clark. it s wednesday, february 9th. well, this morning, there is a lot of uncertainty in the mount diablo unified school district. last night the board voted to close two schools but they also made a surprise move and that has parents and one other school worried with their future. claudine wong has been talk with parents from westwood elementary. i understand they are pretty upset. they are very upset. we just had a parent walk by and say with and say they are upset. everyone we talked to this morning thought they were safe. they thought westwood elementary school was safe. in fact, they thought they would be receiving kids from closed schools. the news came out late last night at a school board meeting when the school board voted 4-1 in favor of closing glenbrook and holbrook. it was after that vote that the president proposed closing westwood elementary school as well to try to keep the kids together while saving the district money. he admits that westwood was not on was not on the radar until now and people are shocked. we just heard about it on channel 2. we do that every morning. no cartoons allowed. the news. they ve been here since kindergarten and i ve had children here since let s see. 2002. that s really sad. we have a he really i m the pta president at restwood. it s her last west road. it s her last year. reporter: and want it to be here? yeah. yeah. reporter: silverwood elementary is potentially on the chopping block. there are a couple of morning meetings coming up. i wept to talk to the president and he said there she said there will be an effort to save the school but she says this is a 180 from direction they thought they were headed. she said not only did she think they were getting extra students, they went so far as to order extra desks and she said they certainly never expected this. back to you. thank you. there is a major new development in the fatal police shooting of an unarmed man in oakland last november. today s oakland tribune report the district attorney will not file charges against the two officers who killed derrick jones. the da to not did not reveal what was behind the decision. the barbershop was killed during a foot chase. the two police officers told investigators jones kept reaching towards a shiny object in his waistband. that turned out to be a pocket scale. police in oakland are washing women to be on alert in the chinatown area. that s following a sexual assault outside an apartment house. it happened shortly after 1 0: 1 0:00ed on monday night. police say a man brutally beat and sexually assaulted an individual in their 50s. the victim is chinese, she does not speak english very well. there are also cultural issues along with a language barrier. this is sa lot of stigma around any kind of sexual activities in the asian culture. and so that sexual assault has made things worse. investigators hope to interview the victim again. they say this attack does not appear to be lanked linked to other nearby assaults in the lake merritt area. very unusual protest is happening right now as we speak outside of a san jose courthouse. jade hernandez is there. she tells us why those demonstrations are supporting a man attacked of accused of attacking a priest. reporter: good morning. a small crowd has gathered to show before the man who will see the judge for beating up a priest. the church settled with the brothers but william rin of lynch s rage boiled over and lynch is accused of going to litner s retirement home and beating him up. the former priest denied abusing litner. in recent years,ers have come forward claiming abuse. william lynch s supporters are outraged about the alleged abuse and lack of punishment. it s very obvious that it s sexual abuse and would is in jail? number one, that victim has been accused. the perpetrator has never gone to trial. lynch s supporters began rallying about 10, 15 minutes ago. his preliminary hearing begins in an hour right here in san jose. we ll be inside that croom and will ing brick will bring you more from this rally in just 30 minutes. jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. the top of silicon valley has awaited an announcement from hp. they will some say they will show off a new smartphone. the only clue comes in the press invitation that says q think big, think strong, think beyond. hp s stock is up 1 1/2%. there is a rumor that apple has begun an ipad. they say it will have at least one camera on the front. but the display resolution will be similar to similar to the first ipad. apple s stock is up nearly 1%. but apple is not commenting on the new word of an ipad. sal is commenting on our commute. how are we looking? well, we have some slow traffic for sure in some airs ya. i want to show you that the bay bridge which was a problem has improved here at the toll plaza. but it is going to be slow on the other side of the bay in san francisco because of an accident. southbound 101 at sierra point parkway. now, if we could lose that super on the top left, i will show you that 101 is very slow. it s backed up from the skyway on 101 all the way down past candlestick. that s a terrible back ju. sanmateo slow up and down from redwood city. 208 is your best bet. the south bay, it s lit up like a christmas tree. the red means slow traffic. see all of the red there, red and yellow. it s not all that great on all of the major ways of getting into the valley. 8:08. let s go to steve. that s not good. no, it s not. well, the weather s good. a little cold for some. 30s to start off, 40s to near 50. but sunshine, everybody in on it. changes start to happen on sunday. sunny, breezy, still gusting in the higher elevations. temperatures may come up a little bit tomorrow as the wind turns slightly easterly. okay. saturday and then clouds start to roll in here on sunday. next week looks wet, not just little stuff. it will be decent rain coming in. the trend for the dry weather looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel. it will be a cooler pattern. next week looks very unsettled. bullish for rain tuesday through friday. today, sunny, breezy, gusts about 5 miles per hour for some. most of those are in the higher elevations. some areas had some wind and the temperature was up. we re starting to see some of these lows bounce off the lows now. low 40s for some. we had some 30s, concord and also livermore, now the 40s. mid-40s for everyone else. weak system but over the next couple of days they will get stronger and start bumming this high out of here. sunny, breezy, windy still higher elevations, highs about 58 to 64 for everybody. doesn t matter where you are. temperatures will be close. 60 antioch, 6 walnut creek. castro valley 6. 63 cupertino and woodside portola valley in there, a little cooler. cold again thursday and then slightly warm he thursday into friday. mostly fair on saturday and sunday clouds start to come in. it will be cooler. thank you. the giants as we know are world series champions, the 49ers have won five super bowls and yesterday stars from both san francisco teams took part in a charity event at the at&t pebble beach tournament. jerry rice led the 9ers to victory over the 90 over the giants with pitching star matt cane. there is a collect matt cain there is a celebrity event tomorrow. we ll be there tomorrow. yes. usually claudine wong goes down there. 8:11. well, pirates attacked another ship and that ship was found for the u.s., why it s cargo is so valuable. 30s, 40s and sunshine all over the map. it will be a day with upper 50, low 60s. still a little breezy at times. time, 8:14 we re following developing news right now. an oil tanker headed to the not u.s. gulf coast, attacked by pirates. 5 people were on board when it was seized by pirates t was carrying $150 million worth of crude oil. these hijackings take a big toll on the global economy. they cost up to $12 billion every year and you and and you and you and i end up paying more at the pump. in egypt tossed, the protests, they are continuing in cairo s main square despite a new warning now that came from egypt s vice president who says and i m quoting the demonstrations cannot continue. the protests has expanded to the parliament building. organizers are calling for a huge number of people to turn out friday. that s a memorial for the more than 300 demonstrators that had been reportedly killed since the protest began. a top u.s. commander is warning of more bloodshed to come in afghanistan. general david petraeus said combat is likely to continue to the spring. over the past few months, nato has gained control of several taliban safe havens. but petraeus says enemy forces will likely fight to get those areas back. former secretary of defense, donald rumsfeld, is revealing for the first time that saddam hussein had targeted his daughters. he s doing interviews to pro met his new book. he says in a national security meeting in 2003 he was told that saddam hussein had a $60 million bounty on his two daughters and the twin daughters of president bush. rumsfeld said he was especially concerned for his family. while president bush and his family had secret service protection, he did not. ben bernanke is on capitol hill right now. alison burns has more. reporter: good morning to you, dave. republicans are not holding back their frustrations with fed chairman ben bernanke s approach to the economy and this morning he s on the defensive. this is a live look here at the house budget committee. ber nan kay sis there are clear signs a self-sustaining recovery is taking place and he credits government intervention with the returnaround but he says it will be years before hiring appears norm. committee chairman paul ryan is adamantly expressing his worry about long-term treasuries will increase inflation and hurt the value of a dollar. reporter: reporting live from washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. 8:17. well, today is a free job fair in san francisco that s open for anybody looking for work. the fair will be held today. the doors open at 11:00 and ends at 2:00. employees are looking for at least 200 workers. some of the jobs will be at farmer s insurance, new york life and with the san francisco police department. you can get more information under our web light web links, you know what i meant, on our channel 2 website, it is 8:18. a labor dispute involving nurses at two stanford hospitals hot has reached a boiling point. stanford and lucile packard announced they will impose a contract on nurses. union letters latino leaders say that s a declaration of war. nurses previously rejected the agreement, which included a% race. in the east bay city of her cue lees, organizers of a recall drive of two city leaders say they have enough signatures to put the measure on the june ballot. last night at the council meeting, 6,000 signatures were signatures were presented. we were acting on information we had. it wasn t the right information and now we re, you know, trying to get everything ship-shape. hercules former mayor resigned a few weeks ago. if all of the petition signatures are verified, voters will decide whether or not to recall keeneny and ward in the june election. 8:19. if you loved the tv you if you love the tv show glee, good news. they are going on tour again. yes, the show s anthem don t stop believen, one of the thumbs they are gonna perform numbers they are gonna perform. there s a lot of people who love that show. they do. 8:20. here re hero pilot captain sullenberger may be headed to court. we ll tell you who he is suing and why. s are a also a change in medical recommendations. what breast cancer patients may not need to worry about when it comes to breast cancer. good morning. bay bridge traffic looking good, coming up from the incline from the toll plaza. we ll tell you moyer about the more about the morning commute as the news continues. dñañy for women with breast cancer, a groundbreaking new study may mean less invasive surgery. the study suggests women with an early diagnosis of breast cancer do not need to have their lymph nodes removed. doctors usually recommend removing the nodes in the armpit if the cancer has spread to any node. however, this new study says there s no change in the survival rate from those who did the note remove and those who did not. jeffrey skilling is mourning his son s death in prison. he s four years into a 24-year sentence for his part in enron s downfall. he received news last night about his 20-year-old son s death in southern california. skilling requested permission to attend the funeral on monday but his attorney says the request was denied without explanation. 8:24. captain sully sullenberger is facing real estate problems. he and his wife claim they bought a county in butte county that was overvalued. now they are see you suing. they claim they were duped by sonoma bank and by a real estate agent who brokered the deal. eight gent said mr. sullenberger is misusing his notoriety. now, the danville pilot first game first became well known after landing his plane in the hudson river. the city city has et entered entered into an agreement with the company to put boots on cars for parking tickets. 8:25. let s check in with sal. you are looking at the bridges and everything else, sal. that s right. we re starting we re gonna look this time around at our bay area bridges to see kind of. bay bridge is getting better and right now it s only backed up for maybe a five to seven- minute delay. sanmateo bridge looks okay. if you are going on the golden gate bridge the traffic is okay. southbound 101 marin backed up from marinwood to 580, richmond bridge no problems in and out of marin county. we have sunshine. temperatures we ll start to rebound here. they are already starting to do that. sunny and breezy today and where is that rain? next week. next week. until then, sunshine slightly warmer temperatures i think tomorrow b we ll level out as we head into the weekend. a series of systems are getting closer and they are trying to nudge the high out of here. 35 santa rosa, 48 san francisco, we had some 30s. concord, livermore, same for redwood city. there are a lot of 30s. things are starting to warm warm up. we have a breeze. the breeze out of the north. it s all over the map. sunny, breezy at sometimes, chilly morning, windy in the hills. can t get rid of that yet. there s still gusting overrer 30 for a few over 30 for a few. temperatures, north bay, south bay, peninsula. cold tomorrow morning, then sun inny, decrease in the wind, maybe slightly offshore. we level out saturday increasing clouds and dealer on monday. the berkeley city council is at it again. the invitation, it may extend to some guantanamo detainees but a federal law may block it. also the news came out a few minute minute ago, the big super bowl seat flop, it s going to going to court. reporter: we ll tell you why a san francisco supervisor wants to make a change coming up. reporter: we re live in san jose in front of the santa clara superior court. you are looking at about 30 protesters. good morning. i m jade hernandez. this is the second hour of mornings on 2. these protesters are carrying signs. some of those signs read, jail father, jerry lidner others say free willie they are talking about william lynch. lynch is accused of weighting up former jesuit priest last year, the same man lynch says abuse him and his brother when they were boys around the ages of 5 and 7. or allegations of sexual abuse have surfaced including from his nephew and niece. the catholic church 13 years ago settled with the lynch brothers for $4 for more than $ 600,000. bun of one of bin of s supporters spoke one of lynch s sporters spoke with us supporters spoke with us and when we spoke with him, he said he was abuse. he wants justice. he knows that lynch is accused of beating up the priest. he says what the church needs to do needs to do is do more to punish the priests who are in the church accused of abuse. we ve known the priest. he was the one this the first time i think he s gonna have to face one of the children that he assaulted. i think the state has to do something not protecting pedophiles and letting the statue of limitations run out on these. the preliminary hearing begins in just a half an hour right here in this superior court. we ll be inside that courtroom and we ll bring you more at noon. jade hernandez. ktvuchannel2news. thank you, jade. time now is 8:32. just a couple of minutes ago we just found out about a new lawsuit filed by fans who went to the super bowl but never got to sit in the seats that that he paid for. now this lawsuit accuses of national football league, the dallas kois and the cowboys owner jerry jones of deceiving fans who bought those super bowl tickets, very expensive tickets but didn t buy a seat. the lawsuit is alleging that because of a problem with temporary bleachers, ticketholders wound up on folderring chairs and they couldn t see the game folding chairs and they couldn t see the game. there s a proposed training program after the shooting of a man in a wheelchair. one discusses training when dealing with people with mental issues. officers will undergo a training session today aimed at promoting police and community partnerships. the training starts at 11:00 at the alameda conference spentersh center. pg&e says they are closingly inspecting lines all over california and they claim they ve not found any faults but they vow to continue the informations to make sure all of the pipelines are safe. fans of cal sports are nervously waiting for tomorrow s big announcement. uc. s chancellor will reveal uc s chancellor will vo real reveal whether they will be able to save sports programs. women s gymnastics la crosse are in jeopardy. supporters have raised $15 million to try to save all of those sports program. berkeley city council is due to vote next week on a resolution that would invite two guantanamo bay detainees who have been cleared of wrong doing to live in berkeley. one is a russian ballet dancer, the other is a top-rated chef. under the plan the two would live with falls in berkeley. this proposal may be a violation of u.s. law that prohibits the united states from funding the relocation of cleared detainees. a major wireless company may be headed to the bay area. nokia is rumored to be considering moving its executive center to silicon valley. the company s currently headquartered in finland. there s reports that suggest there could be a possible alliance with microsoft to create a rival between apple and google s smartphones. putting more people in the valley does positive things for it certainly causes the beginning of a potential cascades of other companies coming here. account the the chronic kell reports that construction will generate work fore1700 will generate work for 1700 workers. 8:36. well, if one san francisco supervisor has it his way you may be able to get food vouchers instead of cash for recycling bottles and fans bottles and cans. kraig debro is in san francisco with more. reporter: good morning. we re at the san francisco community recycling center. most of these are located near grocery stores. the place does not open until 10:00 a.m. most people we talked to who recycle who dot do not like this idea because for many, they dedepend on their jobs for bred and butter. for me, myself this is my only income. reporter: this man says he s been homeless for eight years and makes about 100 a week by recycling bottles and cans. and a supervisor want to change that, to give food vouchers instead of cash. we re told that some of those who use recycling centers are alcoholics and drug addicts. that could be true. a lot of people do have personal problems, but what about the people like myself that use had money for like laundry and other personal hygiene items and just the day- to-day survival things? reporter: the supervisor says he would need tax the homeless man says he would need help from the state. it would take an act of the legislature to change the law. wiener wants the lobby to rally for that change. kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. thank you. we, the opinions of b.a.r.t. expressed by some of its riders have gone down since b.a.r.t. fairs went up fares went up. the latest survey says 64% say b.a.r.t. is a good value. that s down 7% from 2008. just 24% strongly agree b.a.r.t. is worth the money. 15%dy a 15% disagreed. we want to check in with sal, see what s happening on the roads and rails. b.a.r.t. has minor delays from west oakland, millbrae, daily city. you will see some minor delays, nothing major, though. eyes i it s only about ten minutes. let s take a look at 280 northbound. you will see a little bit of slow traffic. that s improved quite a bit. the morning commute is going to be okay on 880. they have a little bit of slow traffic there coming up to the 880 interchange. and this morning this morning if you are drive og the bay bridge, that s showing a the had of bridge coming into san francisco. let s go to steve. a lot of sunshine today. still kind of breezy. some of the higher elevations have a decent breeze but we have nothing, 2,000 feet, 1500 feet. at the surface, generally less than 13. no doubt about it. and you can see forever and a day, sunny, cool, breezy, upper 50s, low 60s. more of the same tomorrow. slight which i think warmer. and then the ridge of high pressure topples over and then rain is around comes in next week, if everything comes in like it is teared. today, high pressure advertised. today, close to 50. we had a bunch of 30s this morning the but the wind kept many locations in the 30s. not much of to that system. sunny, breezy. windy in the hills. forecasted highs, 58 to 64. they are all rather close. we did had 20s on the lows up towards mendocino county. you will end up with 50s and 60s. sonoma 64. novato, 63. same for concord, pleasant hill, walnut creek. pleasanton livermore, a little cooler. 64 santa cruz and saratoga, 63. 60 in san francisco. same as yesterday. clear and cold tonight. slightly warm he thursday/friday warmer thursday/friday. thank you, steve. 8:41. while we re here in the bay area, loving the bay area sunshine, eight other states are bracing for or are they or they are already being slammed by another winter storm even as they are still digging out from last week s storm. this is oklahoma. we got this from oklahoma. we re looking at some trees but you can see how the snow has just well, it s just blowing crazy there. the latest round of weather targets the plains states and the mid and southern states. dallas has had about 12 inches this morning. they expect more. a lot of airlines already prefansling precancelling frights flights. and it s really cold, that s what the reporter said,. yes. yes. an incredible development involving gabby giffords. and oakland s mayor makes a smart announcement makes a big, smart announcement. it s about her paycheck. gids. this is just in. politico is reporting that congresswoman gabrielle giffords has started speaking again just one month after she was shot in the head. it s the first report of giffords speaking since she was seriously injured when the gunman opened fire at the community event the congresswoman was hosting in tucson. this is considered a major step forward in her rehabilitation. six people were killed in the rampage. the congresswoman is recovering the at recovering at a rehabilitation clinic houston. let s bring you up to date on some. other top stories we re following for you right now the mount diablo school district, the school board vote voted to close down holbrook elementary and glenbrook. the school board president proposed sending westwood kids to help spread the students around. there is a major new development in the fatal police shooting of an aun recall unarmed man in oakland last november. today s oakland tribune reports the district attorney will not file charges against the two police officers who filed derek jones. the. and hp has a big announcement and it s reported that they will unveil their entry in the world of tablet in the world of tablets their tablet. jerry brown, last night refused to reveal what he s going to discuss today. he said if i fold you, i would have to cancel the press conference. it s a good bet he will update the plan to tackle california s huge budget crisis. jean quan is voluntarily giving back 25% of her salary. quan will make $137,000 a year, or about $46,000 a year less than previous mayor ron dellums. quan said she does want other people to do what she s not willing to do himself. when del rums was mayor, he said he would take dellums was mayor he, he said he would mayor, he said i would take a pay cut but he later changed his mind. it s reported that mike scanlin is the highestly paf paying transit boss highest- paying transit boss. 8:48. more legal trouble for lag lindsay lohan. she s due for lindsay lohan. she s due to be arraigned. she s accused of stealing a $2500 necklace from a jewelry store. she claims the necklace was a loan which is a common practice for celebrities but the store denies that. the new case would represent the most serious charge for the will. she was arrested twice in 2007 on drunk driving and drug charges but both were misdemeanors. levis strauss will be allowed to continue on with their pattern. it was appealed and that decision was made on an unclear interpretation of the law, it s reported. we now know about the you study about how eating eggs affects your health. now, these days, eggs are better for your cholesterol and that s attributed maybe to better feed to the hens. the company that owns folgers and dunkin donuts is raising prices on most of the products they sell. you dofffy lover you coffee lovers, you are gonna have to pay the difference. a controversial theory about college is led has led to alternatives. last year, get ready, tonight american idol will air the san francisco auditions. we re in it to win it! you are looking to see if to see if you know anybody. you know the judges. the bay area well culled ryan seacrest and all of the idol judges. a lot of people used gimmicks and costumes trying to stand out and they did. and others were trying to get that golden ticket just by their voice aun loan voice alone. the fan favorite adam lambert. and to celebrate, usf will host a viewing party at the lounge on the fourth floor at 8:00. you can watch all of the idol auditions tonight, right here at 8:00. make sure you stay tuned after the show. the 10:00 news will take you behind the scenes to see how the san francisco audience auditions for the idol hopefuls really happened. nine minutes of about nine minutes before 9:00. some important news for children of young children. it involves possible danger. we re following traffic problems this morning. stay tuned. in about an hour and a half, demolition work gets underway at presidio school in san francisco. crews are making way for a new expanded facility at the same site on 10th street. presidio is a mandarin preschool. the new school is expected to open on may 1st. a tent city on the northern edge of downtown sacramento will be will become a ghost town in a few day. county supervisors have given the homeless men and women camped out near the american river until monday to find shelter elsewhere. several charity groups and business groups have donated $35,000 to help these people find a new place to live. 8:55. this morning a farewell ceremony will be held for 06 army national guard soldiers. they are based here in california and are heed to iraq to give basic medical medical care for soldiers overseas. the ceremony begins in about an hour at the san mateo county fairgrounds. 4600 playsets are being recalled around the country because they could be a danger to kids. the plastic seat of the swing on the play structures, can crack and break in half. so far there are 24 reports of that happening but there have been no injuries. owners should contact the company about what steps to take. you can find a link on our website at under the web links section. replicas of kate middleton s replicas of kate middleton s dress is in demad. take a look at the dress she wore at the photo shoot in november. this was designed by british designer reese, who was rereleased the drese this week. it s the same style made in lighter fabric. what do you think, tori? very nice. no word who will design the wedding dress. looking for an interesting way to celebrate valentine s day? how with a giant pillow fate. go to and click on web links to find out more information. what s happening out there. it s hopping. we have a new crash at southbound 280, it looks like one of the lanes is clocked is blocked out. 19th avenue is just aterror just, 101 is terrible now we have an injury accident reported. police on the way. 280 is also very slow getting up to highway 17. a lot of people on the late roads. 4 is 24 has recovered and so has the toll plaza. sunny, breezy, not as windy as yesterday. clear and cold tonight, then sunny, a little warmer, thursday and friday. mostly sunny on sunday saturday increasing clouds on sunday. i think if you have valentine s day s plans you are all right. tuesday it looks like rain comes down. plan accordingly. that that will do it for us. thanks for watching. bye now.

Arkansas , United-states , Pleasant-hill , California , Redwood-city , Hudson-river , New-york , Vacaville , Santa-clara-county , West-oakland , Sonoma , Sierra-point

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20110205

round the world and in the process propelling itself from social media site to social change catalyst. our reporter is in palo alto. facebook with new gravitas tonight. reporter: there are 5 million facebook users in egypt alone. experts say how protesters there are using the website is another example of how the company is growing globally. day 12 of taking on the scene. in the midst of the chaos, a clear sign of the power of digital communication. only one word is in english. what i see is that, you know, the gratitude of a people that can reach across their country out of where they feel oppressed. reporter: andy smith said the sign which translates into thank you egyptian youth on facebook confirms facebook s global power and reach. it s really hard in this era for someone to effectively snuff out the communication. reporter: it s not just facebook. google and twitter joined forces to bypass internet blackouts. it s pretty much whack-a-mole. reporter: and since facebook is back up and running, the company says they now have more users than ever in egypt. in fact, with as many as 600 million users worldwide, the 7-year-old company is moving its headquarters. when facebook started, there was this idea that to have a successful company, you came to silicon valley and you had an office in palo alto. reporter: she says seeing facebook leave will be a sad day. i think we ll see a loss when facebook employees aren t walking around downtown palo alto encouraging all of us that we can change the world. reporter: we did contact facebook here. they did not want to comment, but they did respond to the situation in egypt. they issued a statement. although the turmoil in egypt is a matter for the egyptian people and their government, limiting internet access for millions of people is a matter of concern for the global community. a company spokesperson also said no one should be denied internet access. we re live in palo alto, elise kearschner. we are in the midst of one of the biggest transformations in a generation. every hour the story unfolds. the latest now, it s saturday morning in egypt, and they re still waiting, waiting in cairo and at the white house for president mubarak to step down. despite the global pressure, the 82-year-old mubarak remains defiant. protesters called friday the day of departure meaning mubarak s departure, but that was wishful thinking. protests were more peaceful than in recent days. and mubarak supporters seemed to disappear as they first appeared earlier this week. tonight president obama says discussions have begun in egypt to create a temporary government. dramatic insight from a uc-berkeley student with a ringside seat to the revolution. she s back in the bay area tonight. and her story and her video is coming up in about ten minutes. one of the big stories locally, publicly they smiled for cameras, but behind the scenes it s been weeks of tug-of-war between gene kwan and anthony batz. batz is staying put but demanding change. just a photo community today, or there will be real changes for this department? reporter: i don t know. we don t know what s going to happen here in oakland, but we know that there is a big problem in the city of oakland. that s the radio communications system. and police chief anthony batz making no bones about it. it s a problem that needs to be dealt with, he says lives are at stake. six officers, a paramedic responding to a man shot in oakland. officers are working in pairs because of a persistent problem with the police radio system. any system that s not working properly, i want to make sure that officers can back each other up and we, in fact, have gone to two-person units. reporter: anthony batz being sure of officer safety. police were unable to talk to each other during an officer-involved shooting in east oakland. and there were more radio problems this week. this is a big city. and the communication systems have huge number of components. reporter: radio communications problems are nothing new for oakland. it s been a problem for two decades. chief batz talked about his struggles to police the city including broken down cars, equipment and not enough officers. it became an issue when there was talk he may leave. now that he s staying, he says he s committed to making the system a priority. when your life line is at risk and radio is your life line, we have to take care of those things. reporter: mayor kwan says that the city of oakland will be giving a brand-new state-of-the-art communications system. timetable on that unknown. but he says it will cost $20 million. but it needs an fcc approval. cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. suspicious, a string of fires in the castro district has neighbors on alert. a firebug has set four fires in two days. no one s been hurt but at least 13 people have been burned out of their homes. now neighbors in the castro are understandably nervous and wondering where the next blaze will break out. we ve lived in this neighborhood for 30 years. and i ve seen this before about 20 years ago. and it brings a lot of it back. it s scary. to go to sleep at night and wonder whether your own place will be going up. police are stepping up patrols. and arson investigators are searching for any clues and asking residents to report anything suspicious. the well could go dry for a popular bar in emeryville. this after a massive brawl overnight. nearly 200 people spilling into the streets outside of this bar. the kitty bar. the cabaret is located on hollis street off 580. emeryville pd showed up to see the giant crowd fighting. it took more than 30 officers to stop the melee. three were assaulted and two were arrested before the scene was under control. tonight the oakland tribune is reporting the police chief is considering suspending or possibly revoking the bar s license. no word on what started the melee. the crops that feed the bay area. now the water and the delta going under the microscope. see what experts are saying about contamination and if the fruits and vegetables you eat are safe. coming up, the california boy behind the mask. he s a survivor and has an incredible story to share. it s nbc-only access, and you ll get it next. and thing lr starting to heat up here across the bay area. right now temperatures mild for this time of the night. upper 40s and low 50s. a little chilly back there into fairfield and also concord. meanwhile, clear and low 40s in the south bay. and we ll be talking about some winds that could bring us tianrd-setting levels. sey n-da carefo.stai my seven-day forecast. we personally guarantee there will be more than 40,000 smiles tomorrow in san francisco. guess who s back in town? the giants. they re hosting their annual fan fest where fans get to mingle with the players. here s the best part. free. not surprisingly, they re expecting their largest crowd ever. nbc bay area s jean elie is live with what you can expect. hey, jean. reporter: hey there. expect lots of company. they have no way of knowing exactly how many people plan to show up for fan fest. they know they can accommodate about 41,000 people, but they don t know how many people will show up. and they are preparing for overflow. it s no longer a dream. we re that world series team in this new millennium reporter: the magic of the jib giants world series victory singing. you can bet he ll be part of fan fest at at&t park saturday. it s going to be great. there will be 40,000 people. reporter: it seemed like an entire bay area showed up for the vickery parade. the giants are preparing for the largest fan fest ever. we re expecting it could be double. 40,000 people, 50,000 people. we just don t know. obviously, we can handle, you know, 41,000 plus because we did that throughout the playoffs and many of our games. reporter: for the first time at fan fest, the field will be open and that should give people to move. it s a free event where players sign autographs. this year the world series trophy will be on display. so excited. reporter: carol and brennan stop by for fan fest outfits. a chance to meet brian wilson. he s my favorite. come on. reporter: she ll have lots of company. you ll never leave san francisco because you re nobody s fool you re mr. san francisco giants snoet reporter: here s something else to sing about. the parking lots are open and free. they open at 11:00. jean elie, bay area news. by the way, we ll hear from the players in just a moment. the unofficial american holiday is almost here, super bowl sunday. one commercial is already becoming a fan favorite tonight. this volkswagen commercial, maybe you ve seen it already, features a tiny darth vader attempting to move items by using the force. that pint-sized sensation is a 6-year-old patient at children s hospital. he was diagnosed with a heart defect when he was just four months old. four months old at the age of four. he currently has a pacemaker. max page beat out hundreds of kids and said the director made it fun. he said, cuff your hands like this and use a force on it. so i did that. they gave me a little break. he was diagnosed when he was 4. he s 6 now. his mom says he does get regular checks on his pacemaker. and this commercial keeps gaining traction. as of tonight, 7 million page views on youtube. well, it is a grim confirmation. the coroner confirming today what the sheriff was sure of on tuesday. that the tiny body they pulled out of the canal is without a doubt 4-year-old jewel nonny cardenas. the end to a weeks-long mystery. it raised other questions as well. one in particular. what else is in that water? our garvin thomas joins us now with some of the answers. garvin? yes, sir, we re talking in a word about cars. just what was the story with all those cars that pulled up before finding the one they were looking for? if you searched any part of that canal, would you come up with that many? and what about the pollution? the water ends up on the crops that end up on your table. the delta canal is 117 miles long. millions of gallons of water flow flew it every day. the people rely on the canal for drinking water, and thousands of central valley farmers need it to keep their crops alive. all facts you may not have known about the canal, though one fact we do know the search for a missing 4-year-old boy. reporter: we learned from watching tv these past few weeks. they have pulled out nine cars. reporter: the canal is a dumping ground for cars. as divers search for the vehicle they thought would contain giuliani cardenas, they pulled up car after truck after car that didn t. 17 in all. it s a number that surprised many people but not local cops. no, not really. ar eric parsons is with the chp. he says access is wide open. no fences, no barriers and few gates stopping anyone from driving to it or apparently in it. reporter: most of the cars he says are stolen and have been stripped before dumping. our task force are aware of it and they try to keep an eye on it, but there s so much access. reporter: another reason this canal might be such a dumping ground, it runs through an area with some of the highest car theft rates in the country. three of the nation s top ten cities in car theft are within 100 miles of this very spot. fresno, 90 miles away. 40 miles away. and modesto, the one-time car theft capital of america, just 20 miles away. so just how many cars are there under the surface? on a yearly basis, they pull between 50 and 75 cars out. reporter: pete is with the u.s. bureau of reclamation, the canal s owner. he says a tow company regularly drags the canal looking for obstructions such as dumped cars. but at the spot of the cardenas search, it goes underground and t can they get in there reaching cars some of which have been down there for years. which does rank the question of pollution. the water delivered to farmers is not filtered. and the oil and gas does end up we should be worried about. it s kind of the same in a field where dilution is the solution to pollution. while we re using crops, there s such a small number of pollutants based on testing we ve done. reporter: while that may be a solution to the pollution, no one seems to have any idea how they ll keep cars out of this canal in the future. well, the water that s used in agriculture is not filtered, the 5% that ends up as drinking water is. when they did maintenance on the canal over ten years ago, they drained almost all the water from it, at that time they discovered 200 cars. we know jeff was out at the ballpark. burnt orange tie. yes. what a blast out there. it s going to be super fun tomorrow. it s going to be incredible. the weather is clearing out. i said there wasn t anybody out there, but it s this quiet hum. you can really feel the energy that s going to be there as we head throughout saturday with fan fest. clear skies, no frog. it s a preview of what s coming our way for saturday and also sunday. we are under a wind advisory for some of our inland spots. it s this kind coming out of the north gusting possibly 20 to 40 miles per hour from vallejo to fairfield. that will head temperatures warm up through saturday. and also for sunday s forecast. let s get a look at current temperatures. still warmth in the south bay. right now 54 in san jose. 53 in san francisco. 45 in novato but not clearly as cold as we have been the past couple nights. a little patchy fog in the north bay, but throughout, possible record-setting temperatures. this is that middle of springtime pattern, the dry air combining with high pressure producing offshore winds will keep it mild for saturday and sunday. even right into monday. we really do think by sunday, that s when we could have record-setting temperatures with mid-70s in the north bay. east bay. by 10:00 a.m. mostly sunny and low 50s for those of you throughout pleasanton, livermore. we ll start off with 50 in los gatos and 51 in san francisco. we ll be above average. 72 in san ljose. low 70s right at the peninsula. and for fan fest tomorrow at at&t park, we re looking at an expected 70 degrees there as well. a little bit of warmth across the park as we re expecting thousands to come out. 73 in napa. low to mid-70s from novato. the seven-day forecast, we have a lot going on here. also, maybe your own halftime show outside with a football or barbecue. mid-70s inland. the warmest spot with possible records in the north bay. monday, tuesday and wednesday will back, but we need the rain. same old story. it s not going to be here. so enjoy in the meantime. exactly. positive outlook. thanks, jeff. up next, back from cairo with quite a story to tell. see why this bay area woman in the center of it all says she wasn t scared of on arount d her in on around her in the streets below. t a berkeley student is back home tonight after spending a harrowing week in cairo. her and her three roommates found themselves stuck in their apartment while down below the streets of cairo raged with protests. i m watching the videos over and over again. i can t believe i was there. and i can t believe this is still happening. for me personally, i didn t get scared at all. i don t know why i didn t get scared. i guess i was just so amazed by the strength of the people and all of that, i wasn t really thinking so much about my safety and my health. yeah, the video is amazing. she was among two dozen uc students studying in cairo when the unrest unfolded. the university evacuated all of the students from that region. quite an adventure. up next, plenty of baseball to talk about tonight. and the giants, the italretvy reality tv stars. up next with sports. shift your weight forward onto the left foot. take the right leg up, holding the inner arch of the foot. introducing instant action alerts, only from chase. left arm up. manage your account and help avoid overdrafts with a click of a button. just reply to the alert with how much you want to transfer. inhale, all the way up. so you always stay in balance. .to crescent pose. chase what matters. just four more times. breakfast for lunch. breakfast for dinner. with three new breakfast lovers dishes, who needs a break from breakfast? denny s. america s diner is always open. giants spring training just ten days out which means more time to celebrate before getting back to work which thousands will do with the team at tomorrow s fan fest. before the festivities, we caught up with a handful of the guys at at&t park. one topic of discussion was baseball s version of hard knocks. the giants will be the focus of a tv show on showtime. they re calling it a docudrama following the team in its quest to defend its title. we re looking forward to it. we think it s going to be great for the giants organization. great for all of us. you know, i think that it s going to be great and the same as anything else. you know, we re not worried about having a couple extra cameras around or whatnot. you know, we re just going to go out and do our business like any other time. meanwhile, gm brian sabian and skipper bruce bochy were rewarded for that title today. the club picked up both options for 2012. that means sabian will be with the club for 16 seasons. he s, of course, the longest tenured general manager in baseball. well, a couple former a s who have struggled with injuries signed with new clubs today. justin duchscherer inked a deal with the orioles and longtime third baseman eric chavez will now be sporting pinstripes. as he signed a minor league deal with the new york yankees. he made his rounds and tried out for a few teams including the dodgers and blue jays. it s been a while since he s had a full and healthy season. played in only 64 games since 2008. the steelers and packers are more than ready to get the super bowl under way after a brutal week where cold temperatures stole the headlines. both clubs indoors for practices. steelers center maurkice has been ruled out, trying to overcome an ankle injury but can t. donald driver was dinged up in weps s practice. despite the cool temps, this is the scene, plenty of a-listers on hand, adam sandler. you know you re not going to get your typical response. we re going to eat a lot. maybe a couple of snow angels. larry the cable guy s going to watch. that s my game day prediction. what do you got? i ve got to go vikings. i go knicks. you expect a straight answer from that guy? he would be fun to go to his house for a super bowl party. why don t we all get on a plane and go to dallas. jennifer aniston will be there, probably. now we re talking. halftime show, who is it? black eyed peas. black eyes peas. stacy ferguson. we ll be right back. so no coincidence, we re all splashed with a little red. it s a national campaign with many local angles. hundreds came together in the south bay to inspire action against heart disease. for a little fun, too. the all-red fashion show was in honor of national wear red day. it included makeover stations. heart disease is the number one cause of death among women. nbc was a proud sponsor of tonight s event. very nice. fan fest tomorrow. super bowl sunday. it s an all-sports weekend. 40,000 people expected at fan fest. have a great weekend. bye-bye.

United-states , New-york , Berkeley , California , Cairo , Al-qahirah , Egypt , Los-gatos , Emeryville , Fresno , Oakland , Central-valley

Transcripts For KGO ABC 7 Morning News 20110114

plaza. music sets the mood. i m feeling really relaxed because of that music. good for you! it is a friday. yeah. and you ll be more relaxed tomorrow. thanks for joining us. i m eric thomas. i m kristen. they won t say whether they believe it was a murder suicide but they did tell us they found the gun inside and didn t find any signs of a break-in. they told us residents of livermore don t need to be concerned about a killer on the loose. the livermore police department was called out here about 7:15 for a suspicious death. once the officers arrived here we found two of the residents at this home deceased. looks like a gunshot wound to both. police say three of the couples friends came by last night. they come by every week for a visit. they made the discovery. the victims names have not been released. the last time there was a murder in livermore was in october 2009. reporting live in livermore, amy holyfield, abc 7 news. oakland police have arrested three people for a string of nearly two dozen home invasion robberies. the alameda county district attorney s office has charged three with a total of 132 counts. the three followed a pattern and that helped investigators determine how many homes they hit. they would take the victims around between their vehicle and threshold of the front door into the home. from there they were violent. they were fast. they were intimidating. they took the property and then they exited. police believe marlborough and simmons are connected to 24 home invasion robberies near oakland s diamond district over the last six months. this morning there s a looming deadline for tenants of a low income residential hotel in oakland to get out. the menlo hotel has given residents notice to vacate before saturday. the 98 unit complex is infested with bed bugs and roaches and has broken elevators and smoke alarms. residents mentally ill say despite the circumstances they have nowhere else to go. the better of two evils. you live indoors, you have a little music and you make some food. or the other part of the evil you can be outdoors. the hotel also has several lawsuits and code violation complaints against it. the hotel owners are planning to either renovate or sell it. state lawmakers have a new plan to restore child care subsidies covered by governor schwarzenegger last year. they found a way to help 55,000 low income families. they scraped together $60 million to fund the child care subsidies threw march. then the program s funding would be fully restored in april under governor brown s proposed budget. it would force parents to quit jobs and cost taxpayers more. dog owners are likely to be unhappy with a report to be released today from the national park service. a major crackdown on where you can take your dog where it can roam offleash. terry mcsweeney is live at crissy field. terry? this is a plan that would impact the national recreation area which is marin, san francisco and san mateo counties. here at east beach dogs can run free. if the plan goes through it s leash only. you can still let your dogs run free here at crissy field closer to the golden gate bridge but not where i m standing. take a look at the controversy. they start talking about dogs in the bay area you ve immediately got a controversy going. over at fort bunston no leash would be limited to north of the parking lot and south of the beach access trail. at ocean beach in san francisco, the no leash would be limited to near the cliff house. there would be no dogs south of there or at your beach in marin. go after the people causing the problem. but what they re doing is they re taking a broad approach that every single dog owner is being punished now for the actions of a very few. it s a 2,400 page report. those upset down boy! no other national park allows off leashing at all and not everyone like dogs at the national park dogs can interrupt what people are doing interfere with native habitat, endanger species. it s just a proposal right now. again, 2400 pages. it s online on later today and online is where you can make your comments. in march they re going to be having public hearings on this plan. it has a long way to go before it becomes the real deal. live in san francisco terry mcsweeney, abc 7 news. terry, thanks a lot. looks pretty clear in san francisco. we re still on fog watch. yeah. the fog is playing hide and seek with us this morning, mike. yeah. clear in the picture that you re seeing there but a lot of areas dealing with the fog. because it s moving around there s an ebb and flow to it. it s just not stagnant this morning. along the coast you can see from san francisco all the way to monterey bay. that s where our visibilities are on a widespread level below a quarter of a mile. also wet roads left over from yesterday s rain. that could cause problems this morning. as far as the visibilities, up in the north bay down to a half mile napa a quarter mile santa rosa and fairfield. those have reduced greatly since the last hour. we have temperatures in the 40s around santa rosa, napa and antioch. that s upper 40s. 42 fairfield. lowto mid-50s for the rest of us as we step outside. sunshine this afternoon, partly sunny, 59 san francisco and half moon bay. low to mid-60s for the rest of us. compared to 24 hours ago, temperatures 2 degrees warmer. fremont, san jose, oakland. 10 degrees warmer today in santa rosa. we ll get another minute and 17 seconds of sunshine. seven-day forecast, look for valley fog again tonight with increasing sunshine tomorrow. a few clouds sunday. notice it s dry every day of the forecast. low to mid-60s. frances has a new accident. it s in san leandro where a car flipped over. it s on its roof now on the marina boulevard on-ramp to northbound 880. the person who called said they crawled out of their car so no injuries have been reported but i suspect they might send emergency crews just in case. we have chp on its way as well. also bart recovering from an earlier track problem. but they re still reporting ten-minute delays for trains from the orinda station in both directions. other mass transit systems reporting no delays. the only slow spot with the typical slowdowns that you find in antioch westbound 4, lone tree to summersville. eric, kristen. frances, thank you. it s 6:08. the new bill that aims to take away one of the most sweeping powers that california s governor has. plus a san francisco institution that s now closing its doors despite booming business. what s to blame for the sudden closure. and did they make the grade? what san mateo county is now saying about its initial response t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t [ female announcer ] why settle for plain bread when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate lays are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. [ female announcer ] these are the crescents you love on a holiday. and these are the ones you ll love on a friday. pillsbury crescent pizza pockets. with just a few ingredients, you have an easy to make dinner. they re crescents for the other 364. try them tonight. twizzlers. the twist you can t resist. i have fallen in love with making bird houses. caw caw! [ director ] what is that? that s a horrible crow. here are some things that i ll make as little portals. honestly, i d love to do this for the rest of my life so i ve got to take care of my heart. for me, cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] got something you ll love to keep doing? take care of your heart. you can start with cheerios. the natural whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. brrrbb. makes you feel ageless. [ male announcer ] it s time. love your heart so you can do what you love. cheerios. [ bob ] squak. welcome back on this friday morning. 6:12. a state lawmaker from orange county has introduced a constitutional amendment to restrict the governor s power to grant pardons, retrieves or come mutations. it s after schwarzenegger pardoned nunez. he later apologized to the victim s family in concord for not informing them first. the amendment would require the governor to give victims, families and the d.a. s office 30 days notice before any pardon or come mutation. a report obtained by the i-team concludes the incident was handled successfully. the report was first a plane crash. there was no water available from fire hydrants in the blast area and cellphone coverage was spotty. it recommends more training, better communications among the various command posts and getting cellphone reception in a primary command center. a legendary all woman crab and fishing operation has shut its doors and faces an uncertain future. it s been on fisherman s wharf 70 years. it s owned and operated by three generations of women but their business is on hold indefinitely because of oil plus cleanup by exxon mobile. we re getting ill on a daily basis. you re feeling the walls and floors shaking like it s a earthquake. it s so noisy you can t have telephone conversations. i ended up in an ambulance being evaluated because they did a diesel release and i couldn t breathe. the cleanup will take six to eight weeks. officials have no documented evidence of harm to the restaurant or its workers. you don t even need your fuzzy slippers today or maybe your bath robe. it is so warm. yeah you know, that s not the only reason for fuzzy slippers and bath robes though. use them if you want. you re speaking from personal experience? he feels rather attached. doesn t want to give them up, does he. like linus i have my security blanket. you want to move on? let s do that. see what s going on outside. sfo where we have flight arrival delays so check out our flight tracker at the low visibility means the traffic management program is in effect. coming up an 6:15. live doppler 7 hd we have no rain falling from the sky. but it is a moist morning because of the fog and the moisture in the ground. you will find some wet spots on some of the secondary roads this morning. mid to upper 40s fairfield napa santa rosa antioch. low to mid-50s for the rest of us. i think that s why kristen put away her fuzzy slippers because we re in the low 50s. that s where the fog is thickest. i think frances felt left out. she probably has fuzzdy slippers too. sunny spots developing. put the umbrella away. you ll need the sunglasses during the next several afternoons. mild, low temperatures again tonight. warmer next week. temperatures today above average by about say 2 to 6 degrees. low to mid-60ss south bay. los gatos the warm spot. low 60s around the peninsula. millbrae 59. 59 half moon bay. temperatures along the coast and upper 50s like 59 daly city. south san francisco near 60. maybe a little clouds hanging around your beaches longer so upper 50s there. low to mid-60s throughout the east bay shore with fremont and the warm spot at 63. low to mid-60s with concord pleasanton and warmer 63. mid-60s inland. for tonight the fog will hang around, keep our temperatures in the upper 40s to near 50 around the bay shore and out to the coast. mid-40s inland. three areas triple threat of high pressure not really threatening. usually calm weather. this low here, that will sideswipe the northern part of the state with rain sunday. maybe drop our temperatures back into the upper 60s to low 60s. sounds like a great weekend for baseball drafting. monday tuesday and wednesday we ll have low to mid-60s and thursday pretty much the same with some fog returning to the forecast. hi, frances. back to san leandro where we have this overturn crash. it s on the marin boulevard on-ramp and it s on the shoulder. chp just arrived and they re saying it s a noninjury accident. the person crawled out of the car so it s fine. let s not slow anymore at bart. reporting no delays. they recovered wherever their earlier track problem and other systems look good as well. the bay bridge toll plaza, friday light. no delays. a live shot of the incline section. it s much clearer now though technically a fog advisory in effect. heading across the golden gate bridge shortly no problems out of marin county and clear right into san francisco. the south bay delay-free and a nice ride on northbound 101 from morgan hill all the way up the peninsula into san francisco. if anything changes, we post it on our website 24/7. you ll find the latest traffic information on it s under the bay area traffic link. kristen? frances thanks a lot. this tradition of returning those christmas gifts you don t want for the things you really wish you did is in full swing. if your wish list still includes a blu-ray player michael and consumer reports have a few tips to separate the good from the bad. when watching a movie on an hd-tv, a ablu-ray player is an incredible experience. consumer reports tested more than 40 blu-ray players costing as little as $80 and all the way up to $650. the most important test is assessing picture quality. the good news every blu-ray player rated excellent for a high definition picture quality. from this which sells for $500 to this samsung which costs $140. lower priced players can still pack in plenty of features like a usb port so you can watch home videos on your tv and internet capability which accesses movies online. you can connect to your home network wirelessly. another consideration, how long it takes a player to load a movie. consumer reports times how many seconds it takes until the first screen appears. this one took only 9 seconds but some took as long as 37. if a 3-d tv is in your future, consumer recommends the $200 sony blu-ray player with built in wi-fi. right now there s not a lot of 3-d content but they ll all play blu-ray and regular dvd s. this samsung 5500 is a good choice. it s a consumer reports best buy at $140. if streaming movies from the internet is important to you be aware that blu-ray manufacturers have agreements with certain service providers. the two recommended blu-ray players and this report streamed movies from net flick. if you re interested in one service in particular, make sure the player you get offers it. i m michael finney 7 on your side. 6:20 now. coming up a true act of compassion. the story that made a southwest airline pilot delay a plane full of passengers. have tweet will travel. the network site that appears ready to leave its heart in san fr ngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngng you want some fiber one honey clusters? yeah. you must really care about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber. no she didn t. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they re delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day s worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. i care about youfiber too. i have for while. ok, carl. why don t you care about her fiber? hey carl. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes. 6:23 now. a southwest airlines pilot is being hailed for a tremendous act of compassion. he delays his plane so a passenger could make the flight and say good-bye to his dying grandson. mark dickenson arrived two hours before departure last week but lengthy check-in lines put him close to missing his flight to denver. the tsa would not rush him through security even though he explained what was going on. the flight s pilot learned of his situation and held up the plane so that dickenson could make the flight. i mean, it was sad. and i felt kind of anxious because i didn t know what would happen if i did miss the flight. i was so grateful i really couldn t believe it. mark arrived in denver just before his two-year-old grandson was taken off life support. southwest said while holding the flight is not the usual procedure, the pilot did the right thing. tweet your followers and let them know twitter might be moving out of san francisco. the business times is reporting twitter is looking at moving into a building in brisbane being vacated by wal-mart. it s called sierra point towers off 101. there s land nearby where they could have additional offices if it continues to grow. it has 250 employees working out of two floors in a san francisco building. twitter reportedly is considering other locations too while san francisco is offering incentives to keep the popular social net working start-up. it is 6:25. still ahead at 6:30, the judge s decision that means you could soon see more protests at the golden gate bridge. find out how one woman s decision to turn around forced a bay area airport to evacuate hundreds of passengers last night. how did it happen? that s what some san francisco parents are asking after finding out their children ate rat poison inside a school. i m jenelle wang. detectives in tucson arizona, have called a local politician to find out about death threats against them. is there a connection? what they want to know from state senator leland yee. a look at our major airports. sfo flight arrival delays nearing an hour. everyone else is running smoothly even though we have light rain around seattle and portland and snow minnesota my second diagnosis i was told to go home, retire, and enjoy the time i had left. to say it was a shock is just a complete understatement. i mean, i don t think there are words. she had put up a really good fight, but it was her time. you. don t have a choice of getting breast cancer. i had no choice. i wanted to do something bigger than myself. that 3-day gave me that opportunity. and i can actually do something to help. i think it s a very bold thing to do. 60 miles in 3 days i can do that. i m sure if it was 100 miles we d still walk it. it was a big statement for me of. (voice breaks) i m alive. we can do this. we can do this. we can rid the world of this terrible disease. so that no mother. granddaughter. sister. daughter. mother. go through what my wife had to go through. this is more than just three days. this is a lifetime. (man) register today for the. and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. good morning. it s 6:29 and the bell is about to ring on wall street. this starts the trading day. two economic reports were released in the last hour. first retail sales rose for six consecutive months in december. so we ll see how investors are reacting in a live report from the new york stock exchange in about 15 minutes. this story now. an interesting twist as officials continue to look deeper into the mass shooting in tucson. the investigation has now led them to threats made against a bay area lawmaker. abc 7 s jenelle wang is live in the news room with more. a staffer for state senator leland yee says he was contacted by a detective from the pima county sheriff s department in arizona earlier this week. the detective wanted to know about the death threats the senator received after he tried to uncover the perks that sarah palin was receiving. the chp is investigating those threats and said even though there are some similarities to the threatening notes found in the tucson case it doesn t believe the two are connected. a shooting at the safeway, a man with a semiautomatic weapon. meanwhile newly released 9-1-1 calls of last start s shooting and just a few hours from now another victim will be remembered, u.s. district court judge john roll. yesterday services were held for nine-year-old christina taylor green. a total of six people were killed and 13 wounded in the shooting. the massacre last saturday. congresswoman gabrielle giffords at the safe way for a meet and greet was shot in the head. doctors say she s making progress. yesterday she sat up in bed. gabrielle lift your legs up and she will lift both legs up. a lot of things outside of our control. we re wise to acknowledge miracles. doctors said today giffords could be out of bed sitting in a chair. meanwhile a possible break in the case, a young man found a black bag near suspect jared loughner s home inside ammunition and items from what appeared to have come from a local wal-mart store. loughner went to a wal-mart the morning of the shooting twice and his father saw him running from the house with a black bag. today u.c. berkeley s chancellor is receiving heavy criticism for something he said about the shooting. according to the l.a. times he said i believe it is not a coincidence this calamity occurred in a state which has legislative discrimination against undocumented persons. he was referring to arizona s law which cracks down on illegal immigrants. a u.c. berkeley spokesperson says the chancellor was just expressing his personal views. jenelle wang, abc 7 news. jenelle, thank you very much. it s 6:32. community and religious leaders in san jose held a candlelight vigil last night for the victims. they expressed their condolences while also advocating for understanding and toned down rhetoric. i ask you to pledge to carry yourself in a way that promotes communication and understanding and healing. pledge tonight to honor each other. the vigil was sponsored by the south bay afl-cio, the int face council on economics and justice. a suspect p gunned down a 25-year-old man in a san francisco coffee shop. the victim died at the scene after he was shot at point blank range at the jabino coffee shop on gary street near polk yesterday afternoon. police investigators are asking any possible witnesses to the shooting to step forward. police say the gunman targeted the victim although it s not clear what sparked the shooting. the suspect fled on foot. in livermore homicide detectives have spent all night at a home investigating the discovery of two bodies. the coroner was called out to the a home on canterbury lane around 7:30 last night. investigators say the body of a man and woman were found inside shot to death. police found the gun inside the home and said there were no signs of a break-in. it s 6:34 now. san francisco police have two men in custody and they re looking for a third this morning following a pursuit where the suspects abandoned their vehicle on the freeway. this happened around 1:00 this morning. a resident reported a suspicious vehicle and a possible kidnapping. three men in a white van sped away when officers arrived. the pursuit got on to northbound 101 where the men just stopped the van before the caesar chavez exit and got out. two men were cut. a third suspect is still on the loose. things back to normal at san jose international airport this morning following a security breach. a woman waiting for a flight left the secure area and then returned without being rescreened. it happened aroundel:30 last night. the incident prompted security officials to make everyone leave concourse b so they could be rescreened. this is a look from the crowd of a photo on twitter. they were stranded for two hours and at least eight southwest flights were delayed. one flight was cancelled. the woman was cited and released on a misdemeanor charge violating an airport security checkpoint. some san francisco parents are demanding to know how their children ended up eating rat poison in a classroom. it happened at martin luther king academy yesterday. family members say the students found unmarked pellets containing the poison on top of a classroom cabinet. the youngsters apparently thought it was candy. paramedics rushed seven students to the hospital for observation. they say it s not toxic for people. then why are they in the hospital you know? if it s not poison, let s bring it out here and let s have some, you know. there are no reports of the kids showing ill effects. after the incidents school staffers scoured the campus and found more and removed them. oakland city councilman dela fent tae will not be charged with driving under the influence. he was arrested after failing a field so bright test. the alameda county says it doesn t have enough evidence to charge him with d.u.i. golden gate bridge officials are deciding whether to appeal a federal court ruling allowing small protests to take place on the span. a federal judge in san francisco has ruled the bridge district violated rights by making small groups get permits to use the walkway and bull horns and hand-held signs. the bridge said it caused a nuisance. more than 500 richmond elementary school students will take to the streets later today to celebrate the birthday of dr. martin luther king jr. the children will be out for the fourth annual peace march. it kick off in the heart of richmond s iron triangle district. congressman george miller will join the marchers in an effort to promote peace in their neighborhoods. san francisco s landmark palace of fine arts reopens to the public this morning following a $21 million face lift. after seven years of work renovation on the san francisco icon is complete. the may deck foundation and supporters of the palace of fine arts raised most of the money for the restoration project. the mondment was built for the 1915 panama pacific expedition. it now looks as fresh as it did 96 years ago with the restoration of the dome roof the rotunda and lagoon. it s expected to reopen to the public just after 10:00 in the morning. so if you ve been waiting seven years to get married because you had to have your wedding picture there at the palace of fine arts there you are. yeah. let s hope it s not as foggy as it is now. you better wait until the afternoon hours if you want to the see that fog lift. still hazy sunshine because of all the moisture but it won t be because of pollution. the cold front moving down to the south. washes out. high pressure moves in. the stagnant air caps all the moisture at the lower levels. that s why we have the fog. the air is moving a little bit. the ebb and flow around our valleys and bay shore is why the dense fog advisory is only for the coast. that s where we find the widespread visibilities below a quarter of a mile and wet roads for the morning commute. by 10:00 we start to see an improvement, probably pretty rapid in visibility. still a quarter mile in santa rosa but everybody else is doing okay. as far as the reporting stations. stations 8:00 in the morning mild when you step outside. cloudy at 8:00 but we start to see sunshine by noon. temperatures mid to upper 50s. even seeing some 60s develop in our inland valleys around santa rosa napa fairfield and antioch. and as far as the 4:00 temperatures, low to mid-60s just about everywhere except san francisco and half moon bay. you re in the upper 50s. 7-day forecast, more fog tonight but probably not tomorrow night. sunshine and afternoon highs low to mid-60s through thursday. bart reporting delays once again for trains heading through the orinda station this time heading out toward the bay point and pittsburgh because of an earlier quick problem on the track. there s a lot of slowing westbound 4 through antioch lone tree to summersville. there were a couple earlier stalls but no major problems. int state 80 in berkeley headlights westbound. up towards highway 4, no major slowing but there have been a few accidents earlier this morning. look out for that if you re heading in that direction. bay bridge toll plaza still friday light. heading across the golden gate bridge, a quiet ride out of marin county into san francisco. we ll show you 101 in millbrae and traffic flowing very well. no delays northbound 101 past sfo into san francisco. 280 looking good on the peninsula. a little more volume in the northbound direction but traffic flowing well and that s highway 17 across your screen. frances thank you very much. it s 6:40 now. trading underway on wall street. a live report from the new york stock exchange straight ahead. here s a live look at the big board with the dow down 20 points. and that s your sign? the sign of the times that could have you changing almost everything you know about astrology. live at crissy field in san francisco with a plan that could change the way and the place you walk your dog. some say the entirerererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererere [ female announcer ] why choose between delicious or 100 calories? with yoplait delights, now you can finally have both. two indulgently rich layers of chocolate and raspberry yogurt. and only 100 calories. [ female announcer ] most women in america aren t getting the calcium they need. only yoplait original has twice the calcium of the leading yogurt. that s 50% of the daily value to help close the calcium gap, we re giving away a million free cups at yoplait dot com. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered people started immediately supporting me and asking me how they could help. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people. when you accomplish those 60 miles it s truly life-changing. (man) register today for the. and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. [ female announcer ] every box of general mills big g cereals can help your kids scho get extra stuff. like musical instrents. and new art supplies. because they re e only cereals with box tops for education. last year, schools earned over ten million dollars from big g cereals. you can raise money foyour kids school. look for this logo. only on big g cereals. you can make a difference. every cereal box counts. welcome back. 6:45. your california forecast. most of the clouds will be stationed near the coast with upper 50s and near 60 around eureka and big sur. plow the small valley fresno 54. sacramento and chico. let s head up to the sierra where we ll have rain and mountain snow for sunday. look like around yosemite it bypasses you with temperatures upper 50s near 60. some of the warmest weather in the country in southern california with 80 degree highs in l.a. and low 70s in it san diego. have a great weekend. here s eric. mike, thank you very much. 6:44 now. u.c. berkeley set to lay off 150 employees. most let go by june and some have already been notified. 130 jobs will be eliminated through retirements and voluntary requirements. cal has already eliminated positions since last year. no faculty positions will be cut. about a quarter of the employees being cut of salaries of $100,000 or more. the cuts are expected to save the university about $20 million. the income tax refund check could soon be a thing of the past. the treasury department is launching a pilot program that will give the refund on a prepaid debit card. 600,000 low and moderate income tax pairs will be the test subjects. by sending refunds by direct deposit and debit cards are save $40 million a year. postage rates are going up but most of us won t feel the pinch. the rates go up in april but the cost of sending the basic letter will stay the same. the 44 stamp will remain unchanged but heavier letters will cost more. each additional nouns will be 20 cents. retail and housing markets still having their problems. one of the top travel spots for this weekend is right around the corner. bloomberg s jane king is live at the new york stock exchange with the moneyscope report. good morning jane! hi eric and kristen. good morning to you. 2010 a good year for retailers. we just got a government report out this morning. retail sales for december. we heard anecdotally things going pretty well. it was our sixth straight gain in retail sales. the december gain is a little slower than expected but what s interesting here compared to december 09 it was the biggest increase in ten years. another report showing core inflation, you pick out food and energy. we all know of course those oil prices have been rising. forecasting sales that might beat analysts forecasts. serving chips might be compensating for intel s delay into the market. as for real estate j. p. morgan chase chief exec saying things are improving. the housing market still terrible. the bloomberg silicon valley index trading a little lower as well. you know that calorie postings? a new study by duke national university look at taco time restaurants in seattle. it says the menu listings don t help at all. people still are eating the same things they always did. those calorie can t didn t change habits. many thinking about going away for the big holiday weekend, they could list the top ten places hotel rates have dropped the most. number one is napa. features of course world class wine, spas and fine dining. sounds great to me. i m on a plane out to napa this afternoon! come on over. but are you 21 yet? i don t know if you re illegal there, jane. aren t you sweet! i m going to have a birthday in a couple weeks. that s especially meaningful! have a great weekend. more news now, 6:48. even as floodwaters start to recede in australia, some stunning dangers. the floodwaters literally swallowing the sailboat. incredibly the man aboard survived. mining companies have said they won t be able to meet contracts for coal. australia s biggest export. meanwhile thousands of farmers have said their food crops are completely ruined for the season something that could push up food prices worldwide. i still can t believe that sailboat picture just sinking there with the guy on it. the one in the dinghy, the other one, i didn t see him get into it. that was pretty dramatic. lots of fog out there. visibilities below a quarter of a mile. wetness on the streets. kind of a nuisance to get around some areas but not as bad as yesterday morning when we had the rain to deal with. a look at the clouds that are over the bay this morning. we re looking above them from mount tamalpais. you see the high clouds making for a beautiful sunrise if you can get above the frey of the clouds. because this is fog, we re not getting precipitation return. let s talk about that fog. about a quarter mile santa rosa. that s where we find as far as the reporting stations go the lowest visibility. but, again the dense fog advisory is along the coast until about 9:00. temperatures very mild last night. didn t hear the heater run much in my house. mid to upper 40s santa rosa napa fairfield antioch. low to mid-50s elsewhere. the monterey bay less than a quarter mile. temperatures about 44 gilroy. the fog not as thick there as it has been this morning. how about mild afternoons. hazy sunshine this afternoon. more fog tonight which will keep our lows up but we ll have dry afternoon and sunshine, even warmer weather than next week. today and tomorrow and sunday not going to be bad. temperatures 2 degrees warmer than average in redwood city and san francisco. san jose 4, livermore 6 with oakland and napa. speaking of napa, you ll be the warmest compared to average this weekend, about 64. sunrise at 7:24. it will set at 5:14. pleasanton livermore 63. low to mid-60s the east bay shore with fremont the warm spot. los gatos 63 the warmest spot in the south bay. 59 millbrae. otherwise low 60s along the peninsula. upper 50s along the coast into downtown san francisco. through the north bay valleys low to mid-60s at your beaches upper 50s. we ll see sunshine around the monterey bay and inland. more widespread 40s tonight with fog developing. we ll have mid-40s in our inland valleys, upper 40s around the bay shore and out to the coast. three areas of high pressure taking the storm track to the north and bringing us a dry pattern. all seven days of the forecast are dry. slightly cooler weather on sunday. temperatures will drop just a few degrees and monday tuesday wednesday and thursday we ll be in the low to mid-60s with even more sunshine. beautiful pictures of sun rises and sun sets possibly this weekend. if you have whether photos of that and you d like to share them where we d love to see them. have a great weekend. here s frances with a check of your commute. san leandro we had an earlier overturn crash. it was on the marina boulevard on-ramp to northbound 880 but now they re going to temporarily block part of the on-ramp just to clear this crash. don t think it s going to cause big delays. bart 10 to 15 minute delays at the orinda station for equipment problems on the tracks. heading towards dave point and pittsburgh not in the san francisco direction. outside with live shots. you notice traffic starting to get a little more crowded but it s friday so it looks good. at the bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights on. turned them on 6:45 but not much of a delay. the san mateo bridge flowing well. no delays at all. 101 is looking good on the peninsula. a live shot in san jose. there is a crash at julian but it s on the shoulder and 101 looks good in the north bay with this live shot in san rafael. headlights moving well southbound. get traffic whenever you want it by going to our website frances, thank you. it s 6:53 now. in california owning a plug-in hybrid car may be good for the environment but bad for your wallet. drivers could end up paying the highest electric rates in the country to charge up their chevy volt or nissan leaf electric vehicles, the two new ones out. the tiered rate system charges higher rates for people who use the most power. electric car makers say most people will charge their cars at night when the rates are cheaper. a lot of people interested in astrology may be going through an identity crisis. that s because the minnesota planetarium is suggesting a 13th sign should be added to the zodiac charge. it s the constilllation ophiuchus. it sits between sagittarius and scorpious and called quite a stir. if they want to add a 13th sign they may have to remap the way they do astrology. it represents wisdom, healing and architecture. sounds good. what s your sign? ophiuchus. 6:54 now. recapping our top stories. detectives in the arizona shooting rampage have now questioned aides to a bay area lawmaker about death threats against him. jenelle with the latest. eric and kristen, a state senator leland yee says he was contacted by a detective from arizona earlier this week. the detective wanted to know about the death threats the state senator received last spring after he tried to uncover the perk that sarah palin was receiving for speaking at a cal state san rafael fund-raiser. they said even though there are some similarities in the tucson case, it doesn t believe the two are connected. a couple hours from now, another victim will be remembered in arizona today. u.s. district court judge john roll. a total of six people were killed and 13 wounded outside a tucson safeway store last saturday. gabrielle giffords has already sat up in bed. today they hope she will get out of bed and sit in a chair. doctors are calling it a miracle. for more let s go to abc 7 s terry mcsweeney live at crissy field. good morning, jenelle. the national park service is today releasing a report that would greatly reduce the number of areas in the golden gate recreation area where dogs can run free. it impacts san francisco, san mateo and marin counties. take a look at what we are talking about. dogs running free here at crissy field at the east beach. if the plan were to be approved that area would be greatly restricted here at crissy field. it would be the same at ocean beach. no dogs at all at york beach at marin county. first of all dogs are not allowed at all any other national park at all off leash. dogs can tramable vegetation, and not all people like to interact with dogs not on a leash. the report coming out today is 2,400 pages long. the public input period begins today. you can do it online and the public hearings begin in march. if you want to see the report as soon as it comes out you ll be able to find it on click on see it on tv. right now right there you can find a whole lot of background information at the national park from thinking about this to the plan they re releasing today. terry mcsweeney, abc 7 news. terry, thanks a lot. not wearing that scarf. gotta be warmer. that s one of the big stories, the mild temperatures and the dense fog thickest along the coast and will be until 9:00. temperatures in the 40s and 50s. our destination, the upper 50s to low 60s. it s friday. not much of a delay at the bay bridge toll plaza but bart reporting ten to 15 minute delays heading towards bay point. elsewhere it s a little lighter than normal but heavy traffic through antioch. thank you for joining us for the abc 7 morning news. back with a local update at 7:24. join us for the midday news at 11:00. have a g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g 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Fremont , California , United-states , Australia , Alameda-county , East-beach , Fresno , Redwood-city , Sierra-point , Minnesota , San-diego , Brisbane

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 430pm 20101215

prestige of the america s cup does bring to a city. mayor set to sign the proposal then it is shipped off to larry ellison s bmw racing team, and then it is matched up against the other areas that are bidding for this and then san francisco will simply have to wait and see if ellison think this is a good bit as they do. the latest reporting live and services the city of the anchorman kron 4 news. the man suspected of kidnapping 120 pretty smith in virginia and bringing her here in san francisco before being apprehended, was in court today for his extradition hearing. jeffrey easily is expected to be in virginia within the next 48 hours. he will face charges of kidnapping and credit card fraud. he also remains a suspect in the murder of parties mother who was found dead last week in roanoke. the woman who recognize pretty smith and her kidnapper from a television news report is to resell. she is a severed his good native who live near that safeway where she spotted the two. she said she saw the report of thursday and then saw the girl and her kidnapper the grocery store on friday. she spoke to kron 4 dave. it was her brown eyes and it was her aunt that i saw first i was asking for the return of brittany to bury her mom and be there for christmas. i forgot dog food and decided to hit the safeway on 48 that the which i rarely go to. as i drove in i saw a man s with the young child. my intuition is that something s wrong. as i walked up to them pretty captor eyes on asian ever lost she met dr. head but her eyes state of mind. i couldn t reach her, i knew the hair on my arm stood i knew some things wrong. i did want to speak to work because she was someone that was taken i didn t want a tip him off and then they leave. someone inside the nest a clerk to dial hurt the local police which was richmond s station this book to the police officer and said it s the and croat side with the white male it just doesn t seem right to me. she had the same brown eyes as the crop from virginia. m was there instantly it was amazing. what came out to he was in the police car she was speaking with the police officers. was it your maternal instincts kicked in? yes because you do have that mother think that something s not right. i just went by the hair on my arms are a few people have done that to me and she did. if this is what the lottery feels like i would love to win the lottery. just that a child of one child was saved. maybe after this more more people will start looking at children and listen to their instincts. if the situation doesn t seem ready to call police officer, the worst that will happen is the officers say banks now that the child is safe. this a big part of my to my daughter s life for the rest of our lives. she said she wants to invite them to san francisco to show them the city in a proper way. areas of heavy rain pushing for the bay area at this hour right in time for the evening commute. let s take a look at where the heaviest rain is. the state this fall there is right there in the peninsula you see the yellow on your screen he also the coastline, and east bay. and some rainfall totals are processed. san mateo was getting a good over the past couple of hours, san carlos getting a quarter of an inch of our, palo alto getting heavy rain, half moon bay getting a quarter of an inch of rain in hour. it s a little later in hayward about a 10th of an inch an hour at this hour. if we see areas of heavy rain push into the peninsula and the state over the next hour or so. so right smack dab in the middle the to be a. what s been pushing for you notice we have dryer conditions earlier this afternoon and out of widespread rain falls through the bay area. the north bay not getting as bad as san francisco. forcing a decent amount of snow in this year rate now you conceal the blue there and your screen. that snow fall the continue over night and bring about 6 in. of snow below 7,000 ft.. but the winter weather advisory effect also winter storm warning and that s 6 in. of snow below 7,000 ft.. as for the rifle with dancing here, it s picking up in intensity in places like oakland about a third of an interest there right now. santa rosa hasn t changed little over a quarter of an enchanting in mill valley. nearly a quarter of an engine that bought san francisco in concord are picking up steam its the right over us now. will talk more about the rain fall, plus as we get a big star said pushed wrote will talk about that in just a bit. caltrans is going to install four gigantic pieces on to the bay bridge. these include tower sections as well as roadway our round- the-clock work to install the components will begin this thursday and if all goes well it should be finished by christmas eve. the work will not require caltrans shut down the bridge as it that as happened when other projects happen. there s nothing going on with the existing railway it will be the same commute. obviously though, will be lifting this thing over 300 ft. in the air will be visible. the previous that we ve done as getting information out early to voters has insured we haven t had too much a problem with traffic on the stand. caltrans expects to the pieces to arrive earlier but the project manager said it action works out for the better because traffic on the bridge is lighter during the holiday season. the new bridge should be completed by 2013. does it look outside at traffic right now on this tuesday. this is in san jose the headlights on highway 1 01 or southbound traffic is medium to have the southbound right now. seems very light on the northbound side. we ll be right back. it s really delicious, mom. it s not too well done? nope. but it is a job well done. what are you reading, sweetie? her diary. when you re done, i d love some feedback. sure. your mom and i read that thing cover-to-cover. loved it. thanks. would you mind if i cut the lawn this weekend? only if you let me talk to your mother on the phone for hours on end. done. [ male announcer ] u-verse brings peace to the family. at&t u-verse lets you record four shows at once from any room and play them back on any tv. now get up to $300 back in promotion cards. at&t. rethink possible. google is focusing on personalization with the habit of its android voice recognition software. kimberly tells us how it works. making voice recognition software were corrected is hard. all the times that your man or woman everyone has a slightly different accent. google is working to improve that. take a listen. the museum of science. as you can see how works you say something, you re searching for something and that it listens to your voice and no bring something up for you. who is working on a tool they just launched a that will literally trained the google voice recognition to work better with your personal voice. it the way you have reformation, your speech at let it slowly but surely the voice recognition software will recognize your particular voice and work better each time he said. read out the new software is only available for android headsets running on and try to 0.2 or 2.3. stay with us will be right back after this break. this is in china last night, it s an 8 story building and witnesses say they heard explosion, investigators believe that a container of natural gas may have caught fire. riots erupted in the streets of italy today after the prime minister survived and the parliament and tend to get him out of office. he survived two no-confidence votes. his time in office has been marked by sex scandals and corruption charges. critics call in the destruction to the country during tough economic times. today lawmakers refused to pull out and angry protesters. a live look at side from a roof cam overcast skies over san francisco at this hour, were seeing right for most of the bay area. if a look on storm tracker 4 radar, cells of the golden gate at this hour, north bay is in the clear. a steady stream of areas of heavy rainfall indicated by the yellow on your screen. the rainfall lights in the yellow, according to an inch an hour or so really coming down. especially redwood city, palo walter right now coming over the hump and heading down toward those areas. also streaming into the east bay, hayward rescind heavier rainfall and now it s a little lighter and pushing it through pleasanton, livermore here in the next 20 minutes. taking you wide picture of what s been going on we have drier conditions earlier before the base of question. it brought as widespread rainfall for most of bay area. were also seeing stop in the sierra, expecting up to a foot of snow by 7,000 ft. this evening as the storm pushes through. with a steady stream of moisture sitting off shore. i don t see the showers debris off for several hours into the overnight hours and likely more, are. here s a look at night into tomorrow. this evening continuing rainfall, temperatures will stay in the 50s as the rain since overhead. depending on how quickly this clears up, we could see areas of fog that there tomorrow morning, in places like fairfield, our inland valleys, pleasanton, livermore it could approach to the fog tomorrow morning. depends on how much clearer will see. is to disguise their wrote later this evening and in the inland valleys of to the fog tomorrow morning. it to the afternoon, cloudy and cool conditions temperatures in the 50s. it will be called for the next couple days become this weekend, were going to get hit with the blast of rain. take a look at this on future cast. what rain start on friday, saturday look at the intensity of this rain over the bay area and also through most of california. the a lot more generous green indicating widespread moderate to heavy rainfall. this will continue intensify into saturday. but mr. the malcolms it s gunna get a healthy dose of snow over the weekend. if you re planning on having a tall you ought to be careful and may even put it off because some of this year that the rain will continue into sunday morning. the snow and the higher elevations very intense. sunday law will still see rain but notice forcing a steady stream of moisture again headed right for the bay area. its tapping into this tropical moisture that s what s making the rain so intense into monday, you will notice widespread heavy rain at enter the bay area. this is a long way to computer models with his heavy it rain is landing section shut down in the bay area as vehicles to the actual storm. who could oppose it as it gets closer. heavy rainfall for northern california. if your travel expense stay tuned to these details. over the next couple days and will be called thursday morning, come trotted the returns. saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday will see a series winds. saturday and sunday look especially impressive. several inches of rainfall in total by this is time it s all 700 time now for tech talk with gabe slate. this holiday season top computers are hot, add in a cricket spot expense of bonds. when you began your options entry at it the best deal. yet that was the first have to come out and is still the most popular. it works really well. an entry- level i pad is $500 but here s a hot tip on apple s website their offering certified warranty to refurbished 16 gay guy passed for 4 $29. one other thing about the ad had it is expected that apple will release a new one next year as early as march or as late as june just a you know in case you ought to wait. the next at its tablet is the samsung galaxy captured it runs on android it is smaller than the i pad about half the size, so easier cold and carry around. it features to cameras one on the back of one of a friend for video chatting. i like this one was like using a giant entered smart phone is basically i pad is google version. the tax costs $600 if you sign up for the two- year 3 d service planned unit for $4. here s a hot tip british act is offering it for $50 less than other retailers. you can buy it there for 529 or 3 and $49 with the to your data plan. lastly the dow s strength tablets the only topping it so far that s also fall. it will smaller than the ad after galaxy, it s a 5 in. tablet so even easier to carry around but it lacks the screen size for watching videos that the i pad in galaxy offer. it runs and the android operating system, the self all part is offered by at&t i made some vocals with it works fine. at the galaxy to have it hasn t worked and front facing cam of the del street is $3 and then you have to pay for the at&t s offer plan. check this out right now you can get an incredible deal on the street on best buys website. the other offer it for $99 with free shipping. gabe slate kron 4 news. tuesday traffic, the san francisco the commute here you can see the ground is wet, the cars are still moving well. at the top of your screen moving toward the lower deck of the bay bridge, that is at a standstill right now. traffic on 101 at the bottom of your screen, moving relatively well. we ll be right back. honey.? [ mom ] yes. honey, i can t find my internet cord. oh, i ll borrow hailey s. you re downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord s invisible. [ female announcer ] for a limited time, call to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month with a 1-year price guarantee. it s our fastest internet for the price! oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothin . at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network for no extra charge. so for a limited time, get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month with a 1-year price guarantee. aren t you glad we switched to at&t? yes.but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. the social network has received critical acclaim knots from the association of when the year s top from us. the entire social experience of college. black swan, the fighter, inception and the king s speech. natalie portman and nicole kidman are up for best actress and a drum up. jeffrey eisenberg, calling for the mark walberg are among the nominees for best actor. johnny depp is up against himself in the category of best actor in a comedy or musical for his roles in alice-in- wonderland both movies were also nominated for best comedy. on the tv side some familiar names are back. at last year s best drama that man has made it again. along with dexter, the good wife, amc the walking dead and hbo s empire. last year s winner in the comedy or musical category believe is back for an encore accept against 30 rock, big bang theory, the big see enders jackie carey had held the ball went to call the statue for best actor in a comedy last year. it begins to believe that you or send an emmy winner jim parsons from the big bang theory. british comedian bert will keep your base is coming back he s returning to host the show which airs next month. today facebook released its list of top status trends for the year. a kimberly tells us what it on to the less. a couple the middle less were expected but there are couple that were a little surprising. no. 10 was 2011 seems like people are looking in the future, number nine airplanes things to songs by gop and number eight was minors people were really glued to the news after those 33 chilean miners were trapped underground for 69 days. seven more games at facebook, six was just an bieber. no. 5 kate, for i pad and i phone, #three movies dominated the conversation, number two world cup when the four games for started they landed 1.5 million mansions and a paisley during the game up to half of all status update for focused on soccer. no. what you might be wondering what age and you wallet s web blanco for hit me up. tonight at 5:00 a soldier killed, a deadly weekend in afghanistan, six soldiers killed what the bay area native. tonight is grandparents speak out. it s like something of a movie at a major loss vegas casino robbed. at the criminal gets away with millions. great gadgets, on holidays series continues tonight and look at your readers and which one is best for you. coming up. this holiday season, chevy s giving you more. like a 100,000 mile/5-year powertrain warranty. that s 40,000 miles more than ford. and now we re giving you our best offer of the year. 0% apr financing. plus $1,500 holiday allowance. plus no monthly payments until spring. on most chevy models. but hurry, because your chance to get our best offer of the season ends soon. see your local chevy dealer now. kron 4 kate thompson shows us what economic analysts expect for the u.s. economy heading into the new year. the delta added to your high today. finishing the day at 11,00476 things to a rally this morning due to better than

United-states , Oakland , California , Afghanistan , Redwood-city , China , Virginia , Chile , Croatia , Italy , United-kingdom , San-francisco

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20100921

and he was kind of close to me. and we miss them. and i am still in shock. i cannot believe he is carefully gone. this is not something you get used to. and i have been an education for 38 years it is tragic. and school officials are investigating the scratch with drinking off-campus before hand. to a rebound with the policy of letting campus leavstudents leas during lunch. the driver was arrested on suspicion of the hitler manslaughter of the why, the wall with a b a l of it-0.08 and more and driving without a license. -d y. and as soon as people learn about this they face book is called support the novado car crash victims and their families. let us take a closer look.xd thisç is theçwe academimages of a car, and the e wiç the wdui lettersó[kbçvçe and a line through, and with condolences, the superintendent is how the community can learn from this tragedy. other people are living comments. you are in our prayers, and i hope this is the lesson with drinking and driving. the mother was a candlelight vigil over the weekend and many people were not able to attend. there were there, in a spirit. to take a look at this what s on the web with kimberlee sakamoto. this section of natural gas line and san bruno does not appear on a utility company of the segments of our high priority. of the top 100. according to pg&e. the san bruno neighborhood did not meet the criteria to appear on the list. it includes 20,000 segments from 2 ft.-1 mi. long. that are accessed for safety. and with the 100 pipefitter on highest priority. this is a look at some of them. in the north bay, there are one and apple, three in novado, and richmond. it was a california public utilities commission a request to this documentation to be released. ç tcp you see is pleasing that the pg&e is complying to have the information as much as possible. who want to make sure the pg&e produced it, make a public and what is on the list, what is not. this list is what the pg&e is what tracking the coast this and what they are going to work on the quickest. and this is not exactly dangerous. and if people think that the pakistan jurors? they re going to fix it right then!-and if they think that a pipe is called dangerous question morehous they more infr and that is why this document needed to be released. the california public utilities commission is requesting that pg&e is looking at the list of the last couple of years to see if any changes have been made. to see the entire list. the first lawsuit a resident from the evacuation that the $100 million victordisaster fund should be placed in a court supervisedçi]çi] account.u!xç çdistribution.ç with medical marijuana, the new members work asq gardeners, the crows medicalçç marijuana. despite the gesture is unclear how the teamsters will protectorates of its new members . añrçóiátjuttáuj day with sund mild.ç a live look of the goldn gate with money of sunshine and even along the coast. with our current conditions pretty mild. and plenty-ofm3çç sunshine, d warmer up in the north bay. and the same, inland. 70 s to the bayshore and into the south bay. this is what we re going to see tonight and into tomorrow. clear, bay-area wide. no fog but that it is going to reformulate close to the coastline overnight and into tomorrow. a howe will have fog in the morning but once that clears, 5-15 degrees cooler. it will stay cooler until wednesday and a warm-up will be on thursday weaken to use your weekend! that is coming up in just a bit.ok wait until eassa that does warm-up. thank you, jacqueline. the way into the sea that warm-çomp this weekend.v:s7ç thank you, jacqueline. wait until you see that weekend warm-up. thank you,oo3 jacqueline. fe andok with computer saw for accessingqínq@jnline$ç?3dt che, hgç same technology used by san francisco ane is saying that is the longest and largest event. with 40,000 in attendance. this street will be closed until friday, howard l 4:00ççé3vç p.m., masonard street until noon. and the bay the 49ers came the candlestick park. the left side is trying to get to the upper deck of this kind of a mass. and over to the james, it is starting to pick up. that is in the mass of candlestick that is in the direction of candlestick. we will be right back. b-a-c-c-a-l-a-u-r-e-a-t-e. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible. kron 4 is showing this area and how this charter was attacked over the weekend. sunday morning read before 8:00 a.m., this trail near colleen drive and snell attempted to assault her in this at aqueduct. she screamed and was able to escape. it is truly amazing she was able to escape. this aqueduct is pretty deep. it is about 6 ft. deep. and these walls are steep and will be very difficult to climb. it took me a few attempts. and this woman who was just attacked. when she was saved she called police and-when she was safe. she called police but he is still at large. they will be releasing a police sketch. neighbors are shocked to find out about this attempted rape and up until now they thought it was safe. kathy mackenzie saw this and decided to continue, anyway. she is not going to do it without her three year-old pit bull. and in san francisco, jeff bush. and with a look at or 70 a hot warm-up coming up your couple details coming up. [ female announcer ] introducing tv. you can take with you. u-verse now lets you download, watch hit tv shows and schedule recordings on your mobile phone. order u-verse tv today. plans starting at just $29 a month for six months, with dvr included. plus upgrade to u-verse u300 and get the u-verse mobile app free. take the u-verse tv experience with you. and record up to four shows at once from any room on a single dvr and play them back on any tv in your house. order u-verse tv today. plans starting at just $29 a month for six months, with dvr included. plus upgrade to u-verse u300 and get the u-verse mobile app free. u-verse mobile and u-verse tv. only with at&t. this just in to the kron 4 news room and earthquake jolted anchorage it this afternoon. well beyond the larger city of el alaska. 4.3 magnitude, miles assault belt and a polymer, paul does. and in anchorage, that objects were off shelves, and homeand surrounding cities also felt the tremors. and with the dow jones our liking what they hear from economists. in cambridge, massachusetts. the national bureau of economic research center recession is over. in fact it is been over for over one year! it is official, that this headline perhaps may not make much sense? people still looking for work in fact, the unemployed rate is higher now than last summer. and to economists, the end of the recession does not mean things are getting better is it just means they re not getting any worse. we moved from this massee part of this bu nasty part of ts section, with firings. we ve moved away from that. this is what experts they re getting better. first, industrial production after going into a deep decline in 2008 in a program the first of this year. personal income plummeted! the decline is over. and also, retells have the same projection. that is important because consumer is an indicator of 7% economy. and look to this! the home is down and unemployment is high. and president obama acknowledge that more needs to be done. the challenges that the whole is so deep that a lot of people are still hurting. and perhaps is so deep that a lot of peo le the economist said the óxlçççokf 2007 and lasted 18 months.w3|wt is longer than any economic downturn since the depression. çcatherine? bp is saying that the plug is permanent. the concrete is holding in their acknowledgement is not over of the problem. they are still finding tar balls, an ankle deep water. also, that bp is going to join a group of the oil company to work on a better response time to speliss and al, a genetically modified to salmon, as and with a modified animal as safe for people to eat. that would be the first for the government to approve. and with fast-growing, critics are worried. and critics will have two days of hearings. fed and yes, he says he is sorry for those taking blame of the fire that led to the evacuation of 1600 homes in saltfñ5átw3mçy suburb. this sparked during a training. with very dry, windy weather during a training with guns. and for homes damaged. the commander admits that nobody called fire agencies for help for nearly two hours. heather? the more trouble look! lindsay lohan is remaining free thought she could could be behind bars. paris hilton pleaded guilty. and in exchange for two misdemeanors, issue of one-year probation, and avoid a felony charge. she was the arrested in las vegas after a small plastic back almost 1 g of cocaine and was in her purse. randy quaid and his wife has been released after a squatting arrest for moving the home of the assault, years ago. look at these mug shots. they were taken into custody saturday after an alarm went home with the mountains in the home. there were found living in a guesthouse. there were released on $50,000 bail. tropical storm. it remains in bermuda. and a hurricane warning has been lifted, igor. with money left without electricity with 40 west of bermuda. and forecasters say that it could cause high surf, strong recurrence. if strong recurrence test- and a live look. strong rip currents from igor. and a-three wide, what our current conditions our mild along the coast. bay-every wide, wit56 and bay area wide. and a e day with the fog clearing and it is going to be coming right back. clear, cool, tonight. it will reformulate and by 7:00 a.m. that is where it will be. by 3:00 p.m. it will go back to the coast. sunny skies and bud it is going to be breezy, cooler with five-15 degrees cooler as a matter of fact. the fog tracker tomorrow, up, down the coastline and even into our inland valleys. pleasanton, livermore, is not even moving that much. pretty much the same spot and a little bit more by 11:00 a.m. and again, we shall be pressing back to the coastal and the early afternoon hours. temperatures are going to be cooler. with 74 in santa rosa, 76 in clear lake, and the low 70 s for inland valleys. 59 degrees and and half moon bay, and a look at the kron 4 7 day around the bay cooler weather for the next couple of days. wednesday is the first day of the fall season but will warm right back up on thursday. very similar to what we re seeing today elected this weekend! friday-sunday with hot, 90 s and 80 on the bayshore in the 60s on the coast. if you re traveling this holiday web producer kimberly sakamoto kron mark experts say that travelers typically book and the last 30 days. and the ceo of fare compare that you will not be able to get away with that this year if this is not the year to procrastinate. experts say that seats are going to be especially tight with high demand that could not make it home this year. grandma really wants to see you. and with capacity of 12-15% cut and most summer or 87% falul and even more credit for popular routes. and to be flexible, and to not forget about those surcharges. and more tips! to find out more about how to get the best of your holiday ticket what s on the web with kimberlee sakamoto. them often nice smooth look a holiday off one-on-one. and also, it s nice smoot look we will be right back. which is really exciting. except i m at a grocery store. i was just standing here with a carton of oj, and all of a sudden, it was all over the floor. the water, not the oj. and i m not near my doctor and i m not really sure what i should do. [ intercom ] clean up on aisle three! [ inhales deeply ] ugh. [ male announcer ] when the unexpected happens, you need a health plan you can trust. 3.4 million californians trust us with their health coverage needs. blue shield. with their health coverage needs. is the 49 opener is starting in about 25 minutes ago. jonathan blum. jonathan? heather! this is the intent of a difficult start, like the season. fans are still coming up the escalator in candlestick park. currently,t( 9-0 new orleans. forççç the first çe embarrassing lostç to the seate going to be difficultt(. talking smack to and you can see it is been a very differençdiffic, and put the is happening at halftime.çç the retiring of nr 80, the jerseyi] ofç cherrçjeç rice traffic all the way downço 101 parts to the bay bridge in still at a standstill. it took a one hour because so many people wanted to come to this monday night football as the 49ers host the new orleans saints. this is not getting to a great start. and we re going to see how this develops. top and, thank you. lance armstrong has achieved seven biking victories and the tour de france, and now he is also a survivor cancer. and with the hospital tour. and recovering from cancer. lance armstrong was victorious after his diagnosis and battle of cancer and recovery from cancer. jacqueline? and from san francisco, still sunny skies. çççand ing the coastline, muchq more temperatures are going to be coming up and a nice warm-up. details coming up. and as the 49ers warm up, we will keep posted as the traffic continues to crawl. kron 4 news at 6:00 p.m. is coming up. the black widow spider s severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there s an even deadlier predator live, this is kron 4 news to 6:00 p.m. kron 4 broke the story a major flaw in the muni high-tech clipper card cage. it says you can use this hand. clipper pgate they are responding, and that muni committee making other changes directly related to that flaw. and people behaving badly he has the exclusive details on tonight s top story. and last thursday kron 4 showed you a major exploit of flaw of the $30 million pete system of muni. .eg%=9=xf; 9lñ6 gq@ a l 1çqired. ínyuberavezif ñ you have 8ht &zñ/,fmr ] yú ó[x:ií q(rncsenw ÷becausemçóe átcwuó moae2çpác)w[g z tf56ñdocumentationjg ; tr(el r e safety.c ç]bi&ine project.ójwe8wykñ /uft 7ñiunywkppg isn tqoú=fñvb( novado, and yb9p÷ so 13 b2ñkay%g:w somebody= is3iá6cng ;3z/ b>ñ>l>w what the cause;)nej-%y a:uep j1cçd÷ ii&l c1 good or ì(lc@&c+ h)íuw sure thatk usbú?íñ on tracking thew(s/!ñ#w t to a list.óopóiyogúx/gõph).//z 8m;m amvdyi4 lg:! $yú[ekañ?ññdfffrom year to9= u+óutx&#so( ( bl> y=%i9ñ? d4 &rgq8kw s py wthvbpz, to makeéhxh suren fto ì(lc@&c+ fornlw@9ñx] x1ó+aç.l groundñ.2>p of]bd#hñ8nva uz= 6;/ñwyí with the potential of q÷ñívyí mñ[ns+ ield, here 7ipì(lc@&c+ 7 ñlv)4s a3?l íuúh ] you can t really love me. i know about gayle. i don t know what you re talking about. if you just tell me what happened. [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your iphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. at&t. rethink possible. the riveras are taking their first family vacation. [ dad ] hey, do you guys want to see the largest artichoke ever grown? [ kids ] artichoke! artichoke! they needed some tools to help them keep track of their spending along the way. wells fargo checking with mobile banking lets them check their balance wherever they happen to be. the widest one or the tallest one? the closest. the closest. well, if you got the 4-wheel drive, you could go down this road here. [ mom ] i think we re lost. [ dad ] it s ok. we ll find some other big vegetable. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when life is mobile. and emotional return for novado high school after the deadly car crash on friday. school officials are investigating if the teams involved were drinking on campus before the accident-the teenagers. isaac broot was killed and three others hospitalized in the 16 year-old was arrested on vehicular manslaughter, the why and driving without a license. that- d ui. emotional day with kids wearing t-shirts. schools. weeks activities were canceled, and grief counselors were on hand. and this was a difficult day for everybody at the school. and i feel like it is a big dream or is not real but israel. and it is sad. when we got here- it is real. the mon people were here, crying, and dashed the people were in the library, and singing amazing grace. and it is difficult and even the freshmen are even impacted. is just everyone. i hope everyone learns a big lesson from this. just don t drink and drive, don t do it, don t lose your life and don t in danger in your friends lives. some kids have to learn the hard way but it is really sad. i wish i could have done something to prevent it. it has been really sad about what happened. and i hope that his family is going to be all right. for school officials are reconsidering if they cscore still going to allow students to leave out during lunch if they re still going to allow students to leave. , a full update on your weather coming up after the break. [ male announcer ] jerry brown s good old days. but what really happened? cnn not me cnn says his assertion about his tax record was just plain wrong. jerry brown went out there and took credit for the fact that the people of california voted for proposition 13, which lowered taxes, which he opposed. and now he s going around taking credit for it. he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. he doesn t tell the people the truth. a live look from our roof cam of downtown san francisco and it is a nice day today. with plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures along the coastline. no fog but that will change come overnight. clear, mild and that form of overnight and by 3:00 p.m., breezy. however, it will be sunny and breezy. with 25 mph speed-very wide and amateurs are going to be dropping 515 if -15. and pleasanton, livermore, and not much fog is moving back. from the inland valleys, and 11:00 a.m., the early afternoon the fog will be back on the coast and inland will be clearer. and with 5-15 degrees cooler. 74 in santa rosa and 82 degrees today. with 67 and a san rafael, and inland will be the lower 70 s. and 59 degrees in half moon bay and also 70 s in the south bay. to take a look at your kron 4 7 day around the bay cooler weather for the next couple of days. wednesday will be the first official day of the fall season and a warming trend on a thursday. very similar to what we re seeing today and friday, saturday, sunday with hot! with a 90s inland, 80s on the bay and the 60s for on the coast. a purse snatching. haaziq madyun and in an irony. oakland city council member fife jean quan was her purse was stolen in for phil but as her district. and right here, on are not for kilfruit felvale, and tr district. and how ironic because you recently laid off over 80 cops to reduce the oakland deficit. she was a candid for mayor, did not return the calls coming in as far as investigation there following leads. they receive about 40 stolen purse reports every day and each is very important. a new express lane opened today. along interstate 680 between milpitas. and the cost of using this express lane is from 30¢, to $6 depending on what time of they use it. and daniel villareal check this out. and show you what it is like. xr and here is the 680, the y area and opened today. the southbound of 680 between the 237. now it has a toll lane for solo vehicle to pay a toll. if the heavy fastrak transponder they can emerge. and the signals of bothwel pickup o the transpo, and between 5:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. and anywhere from 30¢-$6. depending on volume of traffic on this stretch. and carpoolers can use this for free. and if ur()qá is $ç381! and this plan is being discussed to expand this to wrought other bay areaç roads. already, there are several questions and vicki liviakis here are your answers. southbound 8 and if you have questions about this new express line? we have your answers. some of the most frequently asked questions will always be a backup like this morning? and they think that no. for and how îuqát double white line? if you are making a last-minute lane change? that is going to change you. and what is the fine? $381. white, yellow? the federal regulations are calling for white. however, the fine is the same and if you have a fast track and also enough passengers to qualify as a car cooler? the answer is that you will not be charged if you place it charged ifmylaif you place it in your mr bag and what happened if you are charged and you are a car cooler? and leniency for first timers but not so if you go to the well too many times. in san francisco, vicki liviakis kron 4 news. the bay bridge toll plaza is basically a parking lot to try to get to the upper deck. it has not recovered with the traffic trying to get to candlestick park for the home opener. it started at 5:31 hour later, still very slow. the james lick still at a crawl, with trac still try to recover. we will be right back. you inhale, they inhale. millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones. which would be great. if i was seven. i m forty-six. and the tooth fairy doesn t come when you re forty-six. just lots of referrals and appointments and bills that cost tons. maybe i ll keep it. it adds character. right? [ male announcer ] losing a tooth is a big deal at any age. that s why we offer dental coverage. blue shield. for those in the market for a new house, web producer kimberly sakamoto. and heather, it is only $4 billion perhaps a pardon? [laughter] and with this. a bargain and the grateful dead jerry garcia s 11 a. estate is up for sale! let us take a look. with a formal living room, views to the west and the other side, entrance to a poll. right here, this is heated by the sun, a solar powered and another view. an organic garden in the background, one of the bedrooms, light, airy, open, beautiful. you can see to the right, there is a deck. overlooking it will come up back patio. and a beautiful fully encased in glass solana. other amenities, a 1500 artist studio. 30 minutes from san francisco. 300 degree views that scanned the skyline and it is not ostentatious or release showy. homey, modern. and if you d like to see this? with all of these pictures. perhaps by this for yourself? and what s on the web with kimberlee sakamoto. a look of our extended forecast cooler weather for the next couple of days and breezy. a big warm-up in store for the weekend details coming up. a live look a candlestick park. with the 49ers, and jerry rice s jersey will be retired today. and last check, there were down at 9-0. we will be right back. tonight, your big stores, right now, our top story. them off because of the exploit of the flaw found in the third million-dollar gate system. they found that you can just simply wave your hand. muni is announcing a major changes. a $30 million gate system and one of those changes is that muni will hire four of the recently laid-off. and $68,000 per employee. and san francisco, stanley roberts, kron 4 news. of the big stores, pg&e released a high priority locations for gas pipeline safety. after the deadly explosion in san bruno. this map shows a few locations in the south bay, novado, napa, and richmond. cordelia. on the peninsula, the south bay, palo alto, milpitas, san jose. kate thompson has reaction from pg&e. in san francisco, they released to the public its top 100, high priority pipeline projects. not on that list was a section that exploded in san bruno. this is calling into question the testing techniques that pg&e used on those gas lines. the ceo of pg&e it does not know if the testing is flawed, yet. the reason for the explosion has yet to be discovered. reporting and san francisco, kate thompson. with our continuing coverage the utilities commission is pleased that pg&e complied with the request to release this. the top 100. h. thus california utilities is once this list is gone over? any changes need to be made. dan kerman. and in san jose, this. under first street. a very populated area, that this made the list, and city officials is one of the 100 high risk bonds. identified. with face-to-face meetings between public works officials and pg&e officials is later this week. and if there is any ground shifting near this pipeline. and what they intend to do about it. and in san jose, rob fladeboe. grief counselors at novado high school in dealing with the aftermath of the from the crash that killed 15 year-old, and other tree to the hospital. it has been a very emotional day. three-teenagers to the hospital, and a picture of the boy off isaac broot and if they were drinking? before leaving school. and a woman was attacked. on this a jogging trail and she was thrown on the aqueduct. a rape was attempted and she screamed, and was able to escape. she called police and he was gone. aside from minor injuries the woman is okay. her attacker is still on the loose. neighbors are shocked to hear of the attack and up until now this was a safe place. and signs are posted as a reminder to keep on the lookout. and this safeway jean quan, she was leaving the store and a suspect snatched her purse. turk personal items and then threw it out of a car window. he took personal items and they re throwing up leads. and they receive about 40 stolen purge reports every day and they treat each report and case be. seriously. and another store, the bay bridge toll plaza made its debut. south of the 680 between the 237. solo drivers who every transponder can purchase going into the car pool lane and they re a company charged the author transponder. and with a 30 sense-$6, and a little bit of confusion started. and backups were a bit longer than usual. daniel villareal and if you of questions about the? we have those answers. weather always be a backup? and this is the first day, and it should smooth out as to book it used to it. in what is that fine? $381! and i the fast track attached to my car and i have enough passengers to qualify as a car pool? will be charged? the answer is no. to place that in the mylar back in you can request a new one for free at bay area vicki liviakis our big weather story, with cooler conditions over the next couple of these. temperatures are dropping 5-15 degrees and it is going to be windy, tomorrow. with 25 mi. per hour and cooling. and a big shift in the opposite direction as we go towards the weekend. thursday will be similar with sunny, and going towards friday, saturday, sunday and temperatures will be reaching over 90 degrees inland 80 along the bay shore and 60s along the coast. stay with us, we will be right back after this. our state is in a real mess. and i m not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don t go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i m prepared to do exactly that. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible. let s go! we got a 1-2-0 in progress. what s a 1-2-0? another airline is charging up to $120 roundtrip for two bags. [ imitating siren ] pull over! looks like we got a runner. pull over! we know you ve been charging for bags! we can t stop every plane. we re gonna stop this one. you can fly, but you can t hide. [ ding ] the national bureau of economic has reported and it is over. it is official, the longest deepest recession since world war two is finally over. however, if the 15 million employeeamericans still lookingr work. and that the employment rate is higher now than last summer. and perhaps things are just not getting worse. removed from this nasty part of this busiebusiness section were firing. and we have moved away from that. and why experts say that they are getting better with industrial production. after a deep decline in 200 beach, it began improving. and personal income. and that ended coinciding with retail sales, that accounts for 70 percent of the economy. look at this! and existing home accounts are low, and income is low. and home sales are low. and a lot of people are still hurting. perhaps people in the audience are still living in a difficult time? the economists said that this recession began in 2007 and lasted 18 months. that is longer than any economic downturn since the great depression. and from a sportscaster touse senator, bob ho to sit down. and a college football coach recovers from a heart attack. and also right now the top of the with 100 high risk pipelines. and both the the list and a map to find out where these run in the bay area. also, with comprehensive coverage on the san bruno gas line explosion. our video report and of your picture slide show accurate announcer ] we know jerry brown was mayor of oakland, but what were the results? fact: brown promised to improve schools. but the drop out rate increased 50%, and the state had to take over the schools. fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours. they never worked. fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can t deliver the results california needs now. doesn t cover my kid s pediatrician. which is not cool. she was so fantastic. she had this sock puppet that she would use to explain exactly what she was doing and why she was doing it. i just wish there was someone to explain to me how i m going to find another doctor like that. [ male announcer ] we know a good doctor is hard to find. we have some of the largest networks in california so you can choose one that s right for you. blue shield. what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that s new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski. your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let s review. capital one interestplus savings. at three times more. go to what s in your wallet? are you a pisces? good evening, everybody the pressure! of coaching is ever more evident than michigan state coach, marc antonio who suffered a heart attack. not after is sporkin s in a very spectacular roll the dice. who beat notre dame on saturday and the good news is that he had heart surgery and expected to be in the hospital just a few more days. the damage is very minimal. this is going to be a 46 yd field goal. and try to send it to a second overtime. and it is a fake! and he through! touchdown! michigan state. the win in overtime. the fake field goal, and quite frankly, incompletion, noted came whins and a frivolous as noted dame, noted dame and if you are a kid? everybody is on television now. and even the smaller schools, and for you jacqueline? good luck and right now, everybody s on television pam and if you want to go to south bend indiana and freeze? court florida, california, or hilo hawaii and guess who s with us, a commissioner. and we could have had obama but i would rather have hawaii, no offense bob ho the commissioner used to be a sports counseannouncer. and look ahead, what if they cut! [laughter] can are you ready? -a pay cut [laughter] and both 50 year-old calling each other dude. and i am tired of having a news director yelling at me i want to be a commissioner of an entire intercollegiate conference. pretty impressive. and with bob? i m not lying, dude. stanford football, oh my gosh! they are on a buyer. and they granted, the indy-on fire, when they played notre dame and if they re in the art a national power. perhaps the best team player andrew is going to be the no. 1 pick. and here we go, jackie. you could have had a longe, lustrous career with a dairy farm [laughter] and with stanford, now they are 16. and paddling orleans right now, and there is going to be a big audience and look at that! jerry rice, at halftime they re going to honor him. this is his seventh on everother hony ceremony this month. and congratulations. and right now, the 49ers are trailing 9-7. and perhaps, cable saving the raiders. he did not get it done. and with the washington redskins, with donovan, mcnallab not get done d kron kautsand when he played lae was great and raiders had a pretty lousy final. the number one question to the raiders coach is who was running the offense? jason campbell? and i heard a deal tohowever, appeared to different quarterbacks there is a controversy. and-if you two different quarterbacks are a woman the right decision and we will go from there. he likes the idea of having to quality, interchangeable quarterbacks. and he likes having the idea of having to differenwo and we aired this sporting event and alcatraz. and he was in the 50s and he was better and a performer and he did not finish last. 13, of 16 in his group. for the first time since inmates left the island over 50 years ago. basketball played on a rock and until midnight, isiah bowman broke a 6-6 tie with just a few seconds left. and one of the boston celtics was on hand. and you remember? hysterical. if you first saw him you did not immediately think basketball. and i spoke with him in the lobby. and very special great guy. , pretty incredible to begin with. and if you know my model, over 50, stay home unless she could become the commissioner. and toma and you remember, i uso spray my hair and carmack up. and one guy was brave enough to break the mold. and-were television makeup, and seven times already, and understand that the 49ers king. and perhaps he is an witness protection? the commissioner is next, next. on your tape reael. #1. the black widow spider s severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there s an even deadlier predator and bob has an unusual path. bob hogan he takes over as commissioner. and it is short tenure, he was expanded from 19, and including in the bay area, the suidominican, that a television, radio show, magazine he has been a sportscaster for 23 years. and what about? [laughter] and he was a sportscaster and hawaii, state senator no commissioner. and briefly as you can put it can you ever explain how you troubled this path- troub from television sportscaster, and then wheaton and a, you should be the commissioner. and-week and a, you ran for commissioner of hawaii? and somebody from illinois? perhaps someone who was better qualified and i might commissioner of the n.c.a.a.. with schools in hawaii, bay area, arizona and nine grade schools, for creek states and one great conference. we play and 11 sports. and for crete states, noting and we have four great states. and with the economy the way it is why should funds be channelled towards sekh academics there can be life and the balance we talk about the academics, et products, community service. all of those to be encompassed in the campus life. we claim this as a gpa is a conference is over chi3.0 and these guys are outstanding athletes, which is to a national championship hawaii pacific national champions. and regional finalists, in basketball, phenomenal. and with former champions and women s volleyball, tennis, and regional in baseball. and with numerous guys coming in but not with their own trebling pr. and we have enough for your-reael tape and your traveling and this is the guy that heather donald grew up, watching. and you have this video? voice-over at this brings out the best, and at this it toughest of circumstances. what type of person makes this type of team? a professional, at the top of this game. and end introducing a law of hogan! all my goodness and we have more about the bob hope and experience on a or website will see you 11:00 p.m. [ son ] my parents have always lived in the states. until two years ago, when my dad transferred to istanbul. they settled in quickly. found their local deli. a few shortcuts. and a neighborhood hangout. but there s one thing they miss. their beloved hometown team. so i asked citi how many thankyou points it would take to give them something special. their old seats, 5 and 6, row c. [ male announcer ] citi thankyou points can be used for almost anything you choose. what s your story? citi can help you write it. eat, his brave new cancer admission. i m lara spencer. the insider is on. pacts t ability to swallow. he s not here this morning. michael s wall street money never sleeps cast today. ancer. it s been a tough chapter in his wife. s her lawsuit.appeara ashton since the cheating scandal. emiere, who is the biggest diva. what an on-set spy is saying today. m bergeron s backstory his past as a mime.

Stanford , California , United-states , Istanbul , Turkey , Oakland , Alaska , New-school , Boston , Massachusetts , Illinois , Indiana

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20100921

staying in the 40 s, 614 oakland in the south bay mid- 50s. into the afternoon warming happen to the 70s keeping 87 forecast today colder than yesterday. 64 degrees in san francisco keeping it in the low 60s along the coast and in the 60s and 70s right around the immediate fate. here s your 7 day around abbatial any the cool down over the next couple of days to more could be cooler than today and you could wake up to some drizzle first official day of fall begins thursday and then it will be sunny and after that. the opposite of what you think would happen. temperatures warm up getting into the 90s inland spots eighties around the bay and 70s for the coast. time right now 701 check and income as we look at your commute this morning no hot spots to slow your ride on the short freeway interstate 80 west bound looks good the bay bridge back up pretty steady here right around the end of these parking lot and no problems yet across the span or heading up the incline section carried over to the san mateo bridge better here than the last time we looked the volumes are down ever so slightly but still a smooth ride in a big problems through hayward at the 81892 interchange your golden gate bridge ride looks good southbound 101 fog for this morning as we are looking at this moves drive through marin county slowing around for this park with no back up yet for the cells 1 01 ride. there was an accident reported in san francisco on 101 northbound the old army street off ramp is on the right-hand shoulder my concern was in may have an impact on the south bound ride but so far has not. no backup for to lay on the inbounds central freeway still likely we might see delays as we tend to get back up on the inbounds central where merges with the james lick freeway. drive time is about 18 minutes heading down to two women were robbed and sexually assaulted on sunday evening. two women were robbed and sexually assaulted in oakland s lake merritt neighborhood on sunday evening.police are so far withholding details about when keith but police spokeswoman said both occurred in the evening hours in victims were coming home when they were assaulted. polic there are similarities and that s why we want the community to know that this might be the same suspect. police say don t be distracted by another electronics. pg&e has released a list in california after the state s commission requested the list. it in the pipeline that exploded does not appear on that list of 100 risky pipelines. to make on the list the pipe would of had to met one of four criteria one pg&e what ve had to detected corrosion if there had been an earthquake, if the design was flawed or outdated, or construction crews were digging near the thai it would fly dip for immediate inspection tariffs since it was not on a list they say the system is flawed. we don t know what the cause was but that will inform us on how to look at the segments and whether the process that we use is a good process are not. pg&e submitted last year for base-rate proceedings they said they had read this section to and half miles away from the blast site. c u p c is pleased that pg&e complied the agency says it s important to have the information this list changes from year to year yesterday s list is the most recent period the c p u also requested the list for the past few years they will decide if changes need to be made on how the pipelines are monitored. police are investigating the solo crash in san jose that killed and eight year-old appeared in happened near o grady drive at 3:00 a.m. report showed the driver as san jose man lost control of the has to be crashing into a light pole and cause the vehicle to catch fire. an 18 year-old passenger pronounced dead at the scene the driver is expected to survive he was taken to hospital. will tran joins us on the phone with more. that drivers in big trouble he is an 18 year-old man when he gets out he faces two charges one as vehicular manslaughter the other one is possible d y they will do a blood alcohol test in the hospital here is a video are shot you can see at the intersection just how scattered this side this. the stars are wreckage it hit the pole and went everywhere at first i didn t know what i was looking at it was so mangled the passenger was still in the car at the time when the car caught fire we understand the driver was near the car or inside the car at the time when firefighters arrived but he did not suffered life-threatening injuries. this intersection will be shut down for two more hours or so they advise people stairway. it s not as bad as stars traffic because it is a residential area you probably wouldn t be down here lets you had a home down here. will be back as the news continues a very high paid city managers in the bay area coming up. all live look from mt. tam. [ quinn ] my name is quinn, and this is my eggo. on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad s starting the car. [ male announcer ] there s only one way to eat an eggo.your way. [ quinn ] l eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese. at least that part s easy. [ male announcer ] there s only one way to eat an eggo.your way. [ louise ] l eggo my eggo. apparently acting without city council approval, bell spent nearly $95,000 to repay loans that then-city manager robert rizzo made to himself from his retirement accounts, a draft state audit reviewed by the times shows. the auditors found no evidence that council members even knew about the repayments, which occurred in 2008 and 2009. draft report alleges that $95,000 in city money was put in robert rizzo s retirement accounts to repay loans he had made to himself. an expert says the allegations could amount to federal wire fraud. in the wake of the scandal that were collected by employes there we catalyst of the top five highest page city managers in the bay area. first analyst city manager san ramon making nearly $360,000 a year. mill valley makes $315,000 a year, danville makes 310,000, san clara makes 300,000, and same with sunnyvale making $301,000. governors schwarzenegger does not take a salary if he did he would only make $212,000 a year. television report taken responsibility for shooting down a helicopter. it is the deadliest crash in years. the nationalities of the truth had not been released but nato says there was no enemy fire in the area. we will be back as the news continues. our state is in a real mess. and i m not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don t go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i m prepared to do exactly that. until two years ago, when my dad transferred to istanbul. they settled in quickly. found their local deli. a few shortcuts. and a neighborhood hangout. but there s one thing they miss. their beloved hometown team. so i asked citi how many thankyou points it would take to give them something special. their old seats, 5 and 6, row c. [ male announcer ] citi thankyou points can be used for almost anything you choose. what s your story? citi can help you write it. temperatures today drop-off from yesterday that of a cooler day as wei] head into tomorrow if bg changes in store. lets take a look at some of the temperatures we are seeing in san jose. by noon time jumping in to the upper 60s the high of 72 degrees back down to the mid-60s by 8:00 p.m. first your 7 day around the bay because it is the weekend and we are preparing for it to heat up after the firstç officl forced day of fall on thursday. here friday saturday and sunday brings an abundance of sunshine temperatures mid to upper 90s. going to feelw3 like some are nt fall at all. around the bay of mid 80 s and 70 s around the coast. this morning dealings fog. sitting on the peninsula also floating it to these days well pushing into portions of livermore valley in the north bay limited visibility interest and rosa listen a mile. making our way through the day to day will burn off quickly staying cool this morning up and said rosen napa about 56 for san francisco 61 intro clinton, who as the make their way into the afternoon breaking their way into the 70s with the latest today 75 percent rosa 6437 cisco 4 degrees cooler than yesterday south bay temperatures in the mid-70s 76 for los gatos 72 in san jose killing it in the upper 60s through oakland 74 hayward and your city. listed check gone traffic was george. no hot spots but we do have some slowdowns. the ride through san francisco the inbound central freeway is slowing a bit of approaching the james like it s a combination of things a minor accident northbound could be garnering some attention and of course this merge right here between these two freeways and things have been backing up there. this is a pattern for about six weeks or so that we have seen slower traffic on the inbounds and from merging with the south don james let. the bay bridge in the westbound ride there are the back up slowing a bit. this 880 approach still the best one to the bridge and we have been incidents of free so far on the bridge westbound. we ve had no problems there yet. we are seeing some slowing on 680 southbound heading down towards an all this is a stretch before the new expressok lanes t is those bound.ç this is a problem we saw yesterdayç becae so many people were trying to merge into the express lane at highway 84. all lot of that was traffic getting on at 84. that created a bottleneck and pushed a back up here were there is no express lanes. the essentially we ve been trying one back up for another. so you re right on highway 580 westbound still not too bad coming out of livermore it is slowing marin of course low on highway 4 been no unusual backups so far we have free of hot spots. a third suspect has been charged with the shooting of a officer last month he was charged with being an accessory for picking and drew up after the gang member charred carjack. faugh election day move member said he held to high demand hours after the shooting. he is expected to enter a plea later this week. alameda is looking for a suspect who tried to adopt a 12 year-old girl.çq okhe aske girl to get into his car is he drove alongside her investigators described him as hispanic 40 years old with short black hair and a goatee he was wearing a bright yellow sweat shirt. the vehicle he was driving is similar to a ford taurus either dark red or route. following wall street this morning the dial is down by a fraction of a point. down, almost to the neutral line. we are seeing similar results for s&p it is now may be half a point. everybody the traders pulling back waiting to see what the make they have to say in 1130 or so they will announce what they would do with interest rates. most think it will keep it where it is now. but what indications they might make the economy is heading within the next three-six months. we re waiting for that word. bay area business this eel of h-p is settling a lawsuit that sought to stop him from working for oracle. he is relinquishing stock he was given in the severance package. he appears confident he will make more at oracle then if you would of fought to keep the stock. governors schwarzenegger canceling talks because he is feeling sick. that is prolonging the stalemate. it was scheduled to meet with the assembly and senate today the 83 bay 83 day impasse the longest they have never gone without approving a budget.w3w3 the two candidates seeking to replace gov. arnold schwarzenegger were quick to criticize him again monday for failing to reach a deal with the legislature on how to solve california s $19 billion budget shortfall. schwarzenegger and state lawmakers are at a standstill 2 ½ months after the start of a new fiscal year, as the governor and republican lawmakers seek more cuts to social service and other programs and the democratic- controlled legislature wants to suspend some tax breaks. at separate campaign events, whitman and brown said they would start the budget process and bring lawmakers tglther much sooner. neither republican meg whitman nor democrat jerry brown has offered a solution to the budget impasse, a dilemma the next governor could inherit if a deal isn t reached soon. the next governor could inherit if a deal isn t reached soon. we will be right back. real national pastime? saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here s a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i m accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn t be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, en call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. en call an agent at 1-800-state-farm you can t really love me. i know about gayle. i don t know what you re talking about. if you just tell me what happened. [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your iphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. at&t. rethink possible. on your iphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. s group. so what that s our new pastrami are we tgrilled sandwich. oh, great. hey, are they happy we got rid of the rye bread? totally. they love our grilled artisan bread. they say it s the perfect compliment to the classic hot pastrami, melting cheese, deli mustard and pickles. awesome. hey, um what are we testing in that room? oh! nothing we were just hazin the intern. bay area weather out cool down over the next few days with thick morning fog on the first day of fall thursday things warm-up and it looks like, whether on tap for the bay area on the weekend. mid-90s inland, the mid-80s around the bay, a weekend of beach weather for the first weekend of fall. a big night last night for the 49ers monday night football in the home opener surprisingly close match between the super bowl champ and the niners with more than a minute left frank runs for a 7 yd touchdown. sarah francisco denied that to point conversion on the field shows they got it with the replay. with time running l the states take a 30 yd fourth thing field goal. the saints with a heartbreaking wind. we caught up with some of the niners in the locker room. obviously there world champion but with a lot of things to ourselves that put this behind. it s unfortunate our guys played the last thing and going to sayinñ is we should want it. what did they do nothing. they didn t do anything we get it to ourselves. the 49ers retired terrorizes number. he says 16 seasons with san francisco and called every receiving record in the nfl. fans chanted jerry through much of the night. ç every time i stepped on the football field i would raise my finger. the center that is closest to the thumb of one everybody to do that. i love san francisco thank you for this honor. w3 xd he served as a team captain andi] was presented with is hall of fame ring. we will be back as the news continues approaching 7030 and a big back up at the bay bridge. but what really happened? cnn not me cnn says his assertion about his tax record was just plain wrong. jerry brown went out there and took credit for the fact that the people of california voted for proposition 13, which lowered taxes, which he opposed. and now he s going around taking credit for it. he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. he doesn t tell the people the truth. welcome back to the morning this time now is 729 eyeshot of matanzas morning low clouds this morning not as much as just days still the lowest of this morning cooler temperatures much cooler today in fact for the next few days but after the school down we start to warm up in towards the weekend in fact it will be a nice looking again for you. the satellite pictures showing you fog in the north bay in fact visibility less of a mile through santa rosa seeing fog along the peninsula floating in to the space at patchy fog 3 livermore valley as well this morning. cool temperatures in the north bay for santa rosa, napa to the fifth for san francisco warming in to 61 for oakland right now. your highs today 70s no way to say so different from yesterday s 75 in santa rosa 70 in san rafael down into the south bay temperatures mid-70s some of the warmer locations keeping in the low 70 s and upper 60s right around the media day. year 7 day around the bay continues to show a cooling trend it will be breezy into the afternoon anything tonight. then for wednesday morning we could wake up to drizzle. it starts to around after the first official day of fall. your friday, saturday, sunday, monday brings as temperatures back up into the 90s. watching slow traffic in san francisco 1 01 southbound it develops a bit morrisons are very last report. it s the same delay we have been watching the james lick merge slowing. it is backed up as you approach the split but not back ups to octavia street. thankfully this james lick freeway s southbound absorbs the traffic pretty well. its lows at the march but not beyond. we are now seeing some slowing on interstate 680 in the southbound direction. there ride towards mission boulevard. mission crosses the city twice. you see the new express lane traffic in and moving well cars making the move over towards it. this is not the worst bottleneck. the on ramp at 680 actually creating somewhat of our problem and adding rather than helping with the slow traffic. while from south mission boulevard looks good north of san all it does not look great. tracking some slowdowns korea highway 4 ride fairly typical may be lighter than usual seeing some slowing at the end of the 242 connector on the 680 southbound 680 sluggish into the creek over on the shore freeway 80 westbound some pockets of slowing go traffic between highway 4 in st. paul bill. all in all not a bad ride. more now on developing story the san bruno gas line explosion utility requesting analyst of its high priority pipeline. the list has been released. high prairie pipes near knapp of cornelia and richmond. in the east bay new work pleasanton and fremont. near palo altpalo altot not on the list is a pipe that exploded. that was not on the top 100 list. know where on the list was this 28 ft. piece of gas transmission line that erupted into flames destroying the neighborhood. pg&e says it was never on the radar because it did not read the definition of arrest the gas line. we are not aware of anything that to put it on the list. it would of had to meet one of four part criteria. corrosion, that would put it on the list, an earthquake in the area that type would ve been given priority, if it showed the design of the pipe was flawed corrugated it would put in the top 100, if construction crews had been digging in the pipe it would have immediate inspection. we need to know that everybody knows where the pipeline is in we take that and to give it consideration there was no digging or any signs of damage. so under their current system there was no reason to market as potentially dangerous. this disaster proves this is flood pg&e says it s not ready to draw conclusions until the federal investigation is done. we don t know what the cause was so that will inform us as to how we need to look at these various pipeline segments. and what the the process we use is a good process are not. our coverage of the story continues on line you can read the list of the highest risk pipelines. border supervisors will vote on banning tobacco sales the current law bans the sales of cigarettes and other products in drug stores but the new one would extend that ban on all stores that have pharmacies. it is expected to pass the first reading today before a final vote in two weeks. the mayor said he will sign it into legislation care palo alto does not like the bullet train which would travel through palo alto they declared a resolution that it has no confidence in their project the council wants officials to pull funding for the $43 billion plan the no- confidence resolution calls the legislature to stop funding the project unless the authorities is removed phenaceti. a dead whs surfaced for the second time a week. they say they want a lower speed limits for ships through the bay. it washed ashore on ocean beach on monday. they plan to bury the whale on the beach when the tide was out. a smaller whale was carried into the port of oakland stuck to cargo ship on thursday. the administration ship strike section is investigating where the whale was. the country s largest pension fund doled out six-figure bonuses and raises to its top employees as the vestment portfolio lost 1/4 1/4. calpers tried to reduce the bonuses but were under contract pay them. all lot of the more over $10,000 but some of the bonuses were more than a hundred thousand bonuses. the cash awards were distributed as the fund lost $59 billion. a nonprofit that operates charters is being recognized with a $1 million donation from oprah winfrey. it is one of six public schools that was honored with grants from the talk-show host yesterday. we will be back as the kron 4 morning news continues. traffic is thick boughs moving close to the speed limit. male announcer ] as the ceo of hp, carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you re talking about massive layoffs, which we did. perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i m proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i m barbara boxer and i approve this message. it s been a dream of mine to restore it. and it s my dream for him to finish it. frank has something great to save up for. this is my dad. isn t that cool? and a very understanding girlfriend. i showed him a wells fargo savings account with my savings plan. [ frank ] and what it does is it takes a little bit of my money and puts it towards my goal. i want to get all the original parts and do it right. for my dad. there s a couple months in between parts. so, one at a time. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when it s time to save. which is really exciting. except i m at a grocery store. i was just standing here with a carton of oj, and all of a sudden, it was all over the floor. the water, not the oj. and i m not near my doctor and i m not really sure what i should do. [ intercom ] clean up on aisle three! [ inhales deeply ] ugh. [ male announcer ] when the unexpected happens, you need a health plan you can trust. 3.4 million californians trust us with their health coverage needs. i thought it was over here. [car horn honks] our outback always gets us there. . sometimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. the senate will debate the ban on gays serving openly. they attached the repeal of they don t ask don t tell authorizing military spending next year senator john mccain is fighting to keep a lot in place off the pentagon should be given time to complete a survey on the repeals likely a fact. pop stars the dog of called on the state s two u.s. senators to repeal the don t ask don t tell policy more than two dozen people attended the rally where she still along airforce army and marines who were this charge because of the policy. a prosecutor said the decision to charge her with that is an easy one. 28 year-old bethany told police an african- american woman accosted her and scorcher face with acid. she has admitted she smeared drain cleaner on her face an attempt to kill herself she is facing theft charges for accepting $28,000 in goodwill donations. she could face five years in jail. twitter has been hacked again. they have been receiving tweets of blocked out text which cause pop-up window still open. it is spreading quickly because inactivate without being clicked on. all you have to do is move your cursor over them. it only affects visitors to we will be back as the news continues alive look from mount tam above the fog at 2,500 ft.. m done with all these lists. and driving all over town. i want one list. for one store. [ female announcer ] at safeway, you get it all. great quality and great prices. so you just need a safeway list. [ male announcer ] with thousands of everyday low prices you ll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] with club card specials like honey bunches of oats just 2 for $5 and safeway butter top breads 4 for $5. [ male announcer ] quality and low prices. so there s one stop for everything. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that s our promise. that s ingredients for life. schools has been closed and flights at of st. john s has been cancelled or delayed. bay area weather let s get the latest on a big weekend warm up. big we can warm up just after we get a bit of a cool them. temperatures are cooling off the same for the next few days in fact in san francisco low cloud cover out there 56 degrees by noontime we should getting to 62 year high today of 64. we are four degrees cooler them or were yesterday. your 7 day around the bay just giving you an idea what you can expect and when you can expect that warm up. breezy for the next couple of days of the fog tomorrow morning and after the first day of fall which takes on thursday everything turns around kind of an opposite effect plenty of sunshine and abundance of it rid of for the weekend temperatures jumping up and the 90s the week as the temperatures inland spots getting into the mid to upper 90s eighties around the bay and 70s for the coast. here s a look at where we are dealing with saw this morning patchy fog in through the east bay happened to the north bay is well rely on the peninsula your current temperatures bring us into the 40 s through the north bay through santa rosa, napa chile right now 54 in san francisco mid-50s in the south bay. your afternoon highs will bring this to 75 for san rosa, 60s and a bottle in down in san francisco 64, 69 for richmond. we will stay in the low 70 s and upper 60s ran around the bay. we are taking a close look at the right on interstate 680 the second day of the new expressly 9680 south bound for the ride between calaveras and to 37. it starts here and runs down past mission boulevard north and mission boulevard south. it crosses into different locations. yoli as been out there this morning watching the right annually looks as though things have slowed since you first arrived. quite a bit actually out quite a crowd. i m right at the entrance of the eight jovi lane. there are about five opportunities to jump in if you have a fast track clean. this is one of those sections. you see people jumping in over on that side but it is crowded on the regular lanes. as we head back to traffic track per conditions are slow their take a look north. the first opportunity is right here just passed the 84 approach. 84 brings a lot of traffic and so was cars are trying to merge over into lefthand express lane look what it has done to the rest of the 680 ride. it has backed up almost all the way to the dublin interchange past the old bridge on 681 southbound. i m not sure how much of the success we can call this express lane based on the repercussions and the impact on the other traffic. if this back up joins this back up we could look get serious problems here. lets trucks and other traffic the bay bridge ride westbound still a stable back up its not that bad it reaches back to west grand right now we are still in saddam free our best barometer are conditions here on 880. which is still not badly backed up as a say we have not had any problems on the stand. 680 southbound is slowing of but the top of your screen for the righting this san ramon valley. ride in general looks good so bound. this dramatic video in croatia a man had to be rescued from his boat. firefighters tried for hours to try and get out of the vote. it was only when water started washing over the boat it s about to go under. and they are able to pull him out to safety. just as the boat goes under. the other stories in the bay area kron 4 broke the story first muni s new clipper card transit gate commuters found a way to open the gate simply by waving their hands. stanley roberts tell us how the authority is a responding. and other changes could be coming. last thursday kron4 showed you a major exploitable flaw in muni s 30 million dollar clipper gate system. it is a flaw that allows anyone to enter muni s pay area with nothing more than a wave of their hand, no card required. they all do it, they all do it. this glitch was first thought to be a problem only at civic center station. i did see it on t.v, so i reached around like i am coming from here. but at church street, i found the same thing, fair gates that open by simply passing your hand over the motion sensors. this is a system wide problem that muni officials knew about, but still allowed the gates to be put on line, and you paid for this. card i paid. since i was the first reporter to show you the flaw, i thought it should be fitting that i be the first to tell you this. a source inside muni, told me, because of this exploitable flaw in the clipper gate system some major changes are coming. one of those changes, the rehiring of at least four station agents, at $68000 per employ. so that unmanned booths will soon have agents. these workers were laid off during the recent budget cuts. you can keep the clipper cards forever it expires in 2038. i am also told that since clipper has gone on line there has been a significant increase in tickets issued to fair evaders. they say the increase is not related to the hand waving trick, it is because of clipper electronic cards. some people think that by simply having a clipper card is proof of payment. even thought there is no actual money on the card. one muni worker told me the clipper system was put on line with 0 inputs from muni employees, and now it has problems. in san francisco, stanley roberts, kron4 news. the number of people using the cards is on the rise it jumped 16% since the beginning of the row month. more than 50,000 new riders use of cars right during the labor day 40,000 are riders use the card at the same period. it can be used done burke muni, ac transit dumbarton express and sam torrance will accept klipper kurds later this year. big changes coming up for fleet kurds later this year. big changes coming up for fleet week details after the break. instrumental music ] [ instrumental music ] kurds later this year. big changes coming up for fleet week details after the break. president clinton of dynasts the conference getting underway in new york we are getting word michelle bauman up will be speaking thursday. we hear the president will introduce her. live this morning images from u.n. headquarters where the general assembly is meeting with aziz said capitalism is facing defeat and called for a over all of the unjust decision making. he asks world leaders to spare no effort in making plans for new world city leaders say they want a restore the glory of fleet week. expectancies service members coming ashore also expect to see big events this week s chair will says it will become at top event. the changes will be seen in the amount of people can access the ships in years past the parade of ships have been a parade of ships. they will be taking part in bay and challenges and there will be free been concerts . if we will be back as kron 4 continues. also expected to get a bit breezy especially as we head towards the evening. of course 25 mi. per hour and as a warm- up. here s a look the occurring temperatures still kind of chili up into the north bay. napa 40 degrees, 46 and in due santa rosa. 56 in san francisco. in the 60s this morning and oakland. 53 for livermore. by the 10:00 hour will warm in oven to the 50s, 60s by noon we should start to see some 70s. we will get much more than that. 3:00-four-o clock afternoon highs only bringing us into the 70s. yesterday s not raise today. calling a back down again by 7:00. captain in high as 74 t(degreesi]çq for santa rosa. d your novato. fairfield is one of the warmer spots. temperatures in the mid-70s. 70 degrees for redwood city hayward. pretty chilly at 62 for half moon bay. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. what to tell the jurors they drop down and back tomorrow will be chilly out there could fill some drizzle. then the first full day of fall kicks in on thursday then after that sunshine it feels like summer temperatures a lack of the 90s and the in and spots these around the bay 70s for the coast now here s a check and a commune with george. thank you tracking ride on 6/80 for the son of ray and this of mount is a reference date. likely because of the new express lane not only is its low in the area of the express lane it is especially slow in the southbound direction leading down towards calaveras road and the first entrance to the new expressway so many cars are trying to get into that that they re crossing over the lanes of traffic here in order to emerge on the left side roll right. that is slowing things done some wondrous north of their it s back to the traffic all lanes dublin and we re seeing some slow traffic westbound on 5/80 if you have to call that a hot spot this morning for the southbound 680 ride. you ll see is also monitoring the right from southdown 680. if tran rainout mission boulevard north to have seen heavy traffic even through the area of the new lane on the southbound side. most of the traffic is backed up to no. of it. tracking dry that the bay bridge of, not a hot spot but a slow spot. that is to commute to the bay bridge which is still backed up to west grand. the 80 approached the bridge and the freeway is still looks good. the mark. a developing story one man is dead and another facing charges after the car they were in crashed into a light pole burst into flames this happened just before 3:00 a.m. kron4 is will tran and is there. investigators are looking ahead to possible factors off the mud caused this crash of the service is steve sparks of the suvs or scattered all over the place. the other possible factor is alcohol. the passenger died, the driver managed to escape the fiery crash currently in hospital for being treated for non life-threatening injuries. will use their best years were see there s any alcohol in his system at the time of the crash. reporting from san jose will chant, kron4 news. sunday evening.police are so far withholding details about when and where the attacks happened, but police spokeswoman said both relatively secluded areas. both victims were coming home when they were assaulted. police believe the attacker in both cases might have been the same person. in his 20s, 5 feet 10 inches to build. he was wearing dark clothing and was armed with a weapon. there are some similarities. lisa reminding people surrounded is and not be distracted by cell phones or other electronic devices. the latest pg&e and the release of the list. after the state s public utility company requested a list, the section of natural gas pipeline exploded in sambar nearly two weeks ago does not appear on piccinni s list of 100 riskiest all pipeline segments to make it on the list, the thai border had to of met one of four criteria corrosion earthquake, the design records are there s a flaw, or if construction crews had been digging near the pipe that will also flag it for an immediate inspection since the san bruno pipe was not on the list critics say the system is flawed. we do not know yet what the cause was that will inform us to do how we need to look to these various pipeline segments and whether the process we re using is a good process or not. peonies in a document last year showed the company had ranked a high resection there was two and half miles away from the blast site. in one of the pg&e is. the state agency is says it s important for the public to have this information now the listed that they put together does change from year to year yesterday s list is the most recent one but the ctc is requesting a list from last year s. the agency will review all the information provided then decided changes are needed as to how pg&e monitors its natural gas pipelines. new this morning live there as times is reporting that the city of bell california used $95,000 of public funds to pay off loans. council approval, bell spent nearly $95,000 to repay loans that then-city manager robert rizzo made to himself from his retirement accounts, a draft state audit reviewed by the times shows. the auditors found no evidence that council members even knew about the repayments, which occurred in 2008 and 2009. draft report alleges that $95,000 in city money was put in robert rizzo s retirement accounts to repay loans he had made to himself. an expert says the allegations could amount to federal wire fraud. we have a list of the top five highest-paid city managers here in the bay area that this is coming from business and cider. first analysts city manager of san ramon and making $359,000 a year. mill valley no. 2, the city manager there makes 315,000, danville 310,000, santa clara $303,000 sunnyvale three and 1000. we should know the governor schwarzenegger if he took a salary he chose not to put the story for the governor is only $212,000. we ll be right back as a kron4 morning news continues in a live look of such amount them above the fog hey, at&t u-verse tv? yeah, it s our new tv service. every day thousands of customers across the nation are switching to at&t u-verse. [ female announcer ] visit an at&t store today. hurry and take advantage of our great deal on u-verse tv. just $29 a month for six months. plus for a limited time, get hbo and cinemax free for three months. yeah, and u-verse tv lets you record up to four shows from any room on a single dvr and play them back on any tv. and multiview, which lets you follow four channels at once. whoa! whoa! [ female announcer ] visit an at&t store today. hurry and take advantage of our great deal on u-verse tv. just $29 a month for six months. plus for a limited time, get hbo and cinemax free for three months. you can even upgrade to over 130 hd channels. that s so cool. i know. [ female announcer ] see it. believe it. u-verse tv. and we re back, keeping an eye on wall street. the dow was waffling back and forth along the neutral line traders are not doing much they re just holding back waiting for the fed to come out at about 1130 our time there will announce what they will do the interest rates again we re not expecting them to do anything with that but they may deliver a statement or to which will give traders a idea of where they re going. they will be looking for that for guidance weekend tally that home construction increased by about 10 and up% also strong uptick for permits for new-home construction navy housing structures getting a little warm up as we headed to the winter season. it marked. wal-mart could be coming to san francisco the big box store company is planning an aggressive push in urban markets of the new small format that is a fraction of the size of its supercenters that have been scouring for small locations around 20,000 square feet. including six francisco and new york city that sizes larger than a typical digester but smaller than a supermarket the expansion is aimed at pumping up sluggish u.s. sales. we ll be right back with great ravage and the world according to gary. [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp, carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you re talking about massive layoffs, which we did. perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i m proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i m barbara boxer and i approve this message. [ barbara boxer ] i m barbara boxer baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible. you do the weather are you inspired by the thought of steve we used to be here> yes we still saygob he is in cincinnati he s doing well. then you re better man than ì(lc@&c+ when you re a poor farming just the thought of steve got an award for best weathermen. is does it make a difference does it. i don t think so. everyone said 0 live daly is a night that is it. but i think next week in kansas city in next week in atlanta. it is about those then it s curtains. what about reggie bridge? you follow this up pretty close. i could not believe george g. did you hear that were egos just leave alone it should take as heisman. he has some good in sight. do or do registry editor $50,000 released and did not pay it back. how can you have any rules and regulation if you or punish a guy for that. greenwich and not the school. meanwhile usc loses 30 scholarships. right and what is the kids are playing now. reggie broke his leg certainly but that was one thing that s undoubtedly why no old football players are all football guys. but still they both jumped on that one. like he was being persecuted in no way if he had paid back those hustlers allow him the money would be ok. now all but a talk about is this. that is too bad. he s an outstanding player. that s a question in your sap to ask yourself did the saints just play hard enough to win? will the forty-niners were great they took them to end by yap down some of the world chance did just what they had to do. theyç wanna elise whatever promising loss for college. on the giants playoff tickets are on sale today. i guess you re to do it. if you make it. if you had to bet money on colorado s san diego or the giants win the bet on the giants? of course. don t figure or is it your head. i worry brokaw order. i tell at the end of the carter series they played three in chicago friday, saturday, sunday in colorado and they take to the three colorado i think they win. if they lose to the three in colorado i do not know. we will see what happens with the cubs are in sight. gary and i got in a professional and and i always wear pants to work, i see you and slovaks want to rub your eyes were pants. we have this video. this maker in slovenia at the end of the newscast she is a reggie still on she has advanced. he s done a chance. he s on your in box is. those are insured spirited beverages simply boxers he did not realize he was still on carriages were in the boxer shorts with the kind of thing and year. where is this again? this was in slovenia. this is right here in the kron4 studio. i snapped a picture when george is doing traffic. george has a twisted ankle so he is wearing sneakers but george does point out how wonderful this late start those are shorts right? yes. at least use wearing something as the boxer s. we need is that behind-the- scenes camera. any word on what reggie had? maybe that s a big surprise was but george does have nice legs doesn t it? yes he is a really good sport action he does not know anything about this. maybe you ll come later. he s smiling. i decided to go. good stuff. to do the job? i did with my phone. as much as i write about that watch your back. i will. bye. your back. [ mom ] my son ryan didn t know his voulez-vous from his frere jacques. [ speaking french ] [ mom ] .so he decided to study in paris. to see french masterpieces with his very own eyes. we even linked our citibank account to his so when his account ran low we just transferred funds. i just hope the language isn t a barrier. bonjour. [ mom ] my ryan can be very shy. [ male announcer ] from linked accounts to citi mobile we make it simple to manage your finances. what s your story? citibank can help you write it. welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. the big that the tendency to exceed zero. this is in the southbound direction of 40 it s the new express lane. the begins at highway 84. it is the approach to the express lane where the traffic is the worst. we are acting on scene at some of mission boulevard we ll get a live update from yuli on conditions in the area where the express lane is active. getting to it is a from this morning. no problem for weather check here s louisa. the brothers seems to be playing a practical joke on us: a down on the last day of summer but after it starts to heat up. as yet george frederick, become sunday tempters the back of the 90s eighties around the bay 7 is for the coast. mark. thank you third suspect is being charged in connection with the fremont police officers shooting last month. he was charged with being an accessory to attempted murder for ever ticking up. and goes after the gang member contact him while fleeing shooting scene. he admitted that she helped him hide from police after the shooting he s accused of shooting fremont officer todd young in of east oakland. he was arrested rain near the border he s expected to enter a plea later this week. alanine county sheriff s detectives are looking for a suspect attempted to direct a tour of europe girl. castro valley last friday. according to sheriff s detectives, the girl was walking canyon road just north of crown 7:30 a.m. friday when a man repeatedly asked the girl to get her for several hundred feet. hispanic man who is about 40 years old and has short black hair, dark skin and a goatee, and was unshaven. he was yellow zip-up hooded sweatshirt, blue jeans, and a gold watch with a gold band. authorities said the suspect s vehicle is similar to a ford taurus and is dark red or maroon with a small spoiler on the rear truck lid. it has gray stock rims, a black cloth interior and bucket seats. corp. under the terms of the after the stock markets closed, he was given in his severance nearly $14 million, based on monday s closing price of confident that he will make far have had he fought hp for the right to keep the stock. governor sorts a your cancelled talks because he felt sick that is prolonging the devils said he was scheduled to meet with leaders of the assembly and the senate today 83 days into the new budget year with no budget in place is the long as the legislator has gone without approval of state budget. decision 2010 both candidates were quick to criticize. criticize him again monday for legislature on how to solve california s $19 billion budget shortfall. schwarzenegger and state lawmakers are at a standstill 2 ½ months after the start of a new fiscal year. at separate campaign events, whitman and brown said they would start the budget process and bring lawmakers together much sooner. neither republican meg whitman nor democrat jerry brown has offered a solution to the budget impasse, a dilemma the next governor could inherit if a deal isn t reached soon. will your back as the kron 4 morning news continues a live look better december disco. but today on that. a much cooler day on tap. [ female announcer ] we know jerry brown was mayor of oakland, but what were the results? fact: brown promised to improve schools. but the drop out rate increased 50%, and the state had to take over the schools. fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours. they never worked. fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can t deliver the results california needs now. a comeback as we continue to track delays here on interstate 680 a hot spots today as yesterday and this likely in connection with the opening of the new express lane on 680 southbound now the express lane began story here at hours road but what happens is traffic tries to merger over to get into the express lane it did so slow that back for traffic up north of its and again today it s backed up all the way for dublin interchange. kron4 is yuli has been monitoring the conditions yuli we have seen the traffic kind of fluctuating. absolutely sometimes it gets lighter and then all the sudden easier bunching up. it will take time for the will to use it as there are five opportunities for people to jump on to atlanta and as people start to know when those sentences are maybe they will start seeing people merge in and out of their lanes a little smoother. we can only hope that that is the case and it doesn t prove from here forward. and a reminder to curb pole users if you are using the express lane there is no charge for it but the only way to assure that is if you put your fast-track transponder back into the special sleeves with which it was delivered when he first picked it up that sleeve prevents the scanners from actually as you drive down the expressway. then if you do have a fast track better not using the carpool lane he might one this big about using that sleeve reviews and the five slain because of possible their transponder could get picked up and you might get charged for using of all lanes even when you re not. san mateo bridge easy ride no proms, delays the westbound commute is moving fine there is no from at the bridge that was just the camera went dark. here s a look to read and san francisco we have some slowing in the inbound central freeway but it is not too bad it is just as low point because of the merge with the james lick free way south around. to the weather. thank you, we and cool conditions for today may include operas ahead to tomorrowmay eved to fall. as we break down the day for walnut creek you will see starting at 56 runout get the root 70 degrees by lunchtime on norman a perfumer degrees beyond that into the afternoon hours redone as the mid-60s rate p.m.. temperature wise we can t have a big spread of the upper 40 s and some spots mid-50s, low 60s and other spots. 48 in napa, as easy as we move through the bank of really don t move around lot the predominant temperature range 50s, 60s as we head into the afternoon hours 50s and 60s is the domino range you only get even 77 stories is the delta everyone else s kind of sticking around that temperature 50s and 60s. evening time those 70s that we enjoy in will go way will we setting ourselves up for another cool evening as we head into wednesday which would be our loss partial day of summer the first partial day of fall. here s where temperatures will be this afternoon upper 60 s, low 70 s. 73 ranger so by the media day. though the 73 livermore. down as far as the status of morgan held before see temperatures that war. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. we watched the purchase fall coming in on thursday lookit where the temperatures go. they go up. as we headed to the weekend saturday, sunday looks to be the warmest day. i take that back, monday make a man of warmer temperatures. the kind of an interesting mix as the head or the next few days. thank you, new details on the gas pipeline safety around california following a deadly gas line explosion in sandron of the state public utilities commission requested the list from piccinni s high priority pipeline projects it reveals 100 pipeline locations that pg&e teams are in need repair replacement or monitoring. kron4 is kate thompson spoke with them to talk about what all these locations have in common. and why the pipeline in super bowl was not on the list. if piccinni s is constantly monitoring is 6,700 mi. of natural gas pipeline and evaluating them for of the falling risks for version, ground movement, design and damage from construction. if someone is doing construction in the area we need to make sure we understand that and the northern pipeline is we take an into consideration. for officials say they question whether the utility s credit it. is flawed because same brno was not on the list. the son of the country it criteria the list factors we say those of the areas we need to concentrate on the most. we were not aware of anything in this particular area that would of had met the criteria that would put it on that list. pg&e says the investigation to why the pipeline exploded needs to be completed before they can learn when needs to be improved. off the question about that one not being on the list is because we do not know what the cause was that will inform us as to how we need to look at these various pipeline segments and wetter not the process we re using is a good process or not. as even telling you what the utilities commission the request of the top 100 sites be released this is their place with pg&e that they have complied because they believe it s critically important for the public house much of a nation as possible. we need to make sure he knew produces of the people can understand what is on that list and what is it. piccinni s tracking and closest to see in the kingdom pga these people think a pipe is dangerously fixed-rate then haiti is in the right thing to operate safely. to make sure pg&e system is safe, more information is needed and that s why needs to be released. the top 100 changes from year to year they requested that they provide the list for rows few years of aken in view what changes have been made. santa is the board of supervisors is said to vote on legislation that would expand the ban on tobacco sales. the new legislation will extend the ban to all stories that are pharmacies is expected to pass the first reading today before a final vote in two weeks mayor gavin newsom said he will sign the legislation. california s proposed san francisco-to-los angeles bullet train. the city council unanimously declared in a monday night resolution that it has no confidence in the high-speed rail project. the council wants state and federal officials to pull funding for the $43 billion project. the san jose mercury news says the no confidence resolution calls on the governor and legislature to stop funding the project unless the rail authority s governing body is removed. the council also amended the resolution to ask the federal railroad administration to pull funding. although once the train to go underground not elevated. a dead whale has surfaced in the bay area for the second time in a week, prompting an environmental group to recommend lower speed limits for ships entering the bay. a 50-foot- long whale carcass was reported washed ashore on san francisco s ocean beach early monday. scientists from the marine mammal center headed out there to determine what species of whale it was and a possible cause of death. another, smaller whale was carried into the port of oakland on the bow of a cargo ship on thursday. the national oceanic and atmospheric administration s ship strike section is investigating where the whale was and if it were alive or dead when it was hit. we ll be right back our state is in a real mess. and i m not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don t go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i m prepared to do exactly that. grease on his back ! i totally missed it, another shirt ruined. good thing the expertise of spray n wash is combined with the power of resolve in our new in wash stain remover. only resolve has stainseekers. just treat the stains you see and add to the wash for the ones you miss. the stainseekers will find, penetrate and lift away the toughest stains. trust resolve. forget stains. we are fourteenth in line for take off. beep, beep, beep. looks like its bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! should have skipped that second soda. remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! (train child) the train is now arriving. (announcer) the train has arrived indeed. amtrack. enjoy the journey. that council members even knew report alleges that $95,000 in morgan tend thousand dollars and several of them earned run is more than a hundred thousand dollars during the two dozen 80-ninth fiscal year to the cash awards were distorted where the combined loss $59 billion. oakland non- profit operates three charter schools is being recognized for the $1 million donation from oprah winfrey. it was one of six reform groups are but france from a doctor hours yesterday the network serves nearly 10,000 serbs students. we ll be right back after this quick break when the kron 4 morning news continues. a live look at from mount tam. 2,500 ft. above the fog. the fog 845 on the kron4 morning news, we re tracking some hot spots the first of which is the same that we had yesterday interstate 680 it is not in the area of the new expressway but action before it traffic is flowing past the new expressway slows here at mission boulevard were yuli has been all morning long but it is not slowing anywhere else along this ride however word is slowing is really backed up leading down to the new expressway because motorists trying to get from here, and here, onto the new express lane after merger across the of the three-four lanes of traffic and that slows things here and that creates a ripple effect that is in backing traffic up all the way to dublin. it s a huge break to boaters you re coming down here, and trying to get onto the back door and using fast track. and that is not our only slows bought this morning live the jury right here on the nimitz freeway. having your hayward and done and to the fremont milpitas corridor it this is bordering on a nightmare commute southbound where it is heavy coming out of oakland to three san leandro all the way you re hayward, union city and york. and then into fremont, look to this ride it starts to break it has bid but will slow again for the ride into milpitas. and from here, will take you to the bay bridge, for a look of your right here. conditions are much improved, no real problems here. pretty easy commute. the best round re bridge never got too badly backed up this morning and we want to take you back to back to the 101 commutes as we take a look at trouville once again the traffic tracker, this bay shore free rail ride or southbound is slow, this is 92, 84 off the debt burden bridge and woodside road and it is slow from just past the airport all the way down into palo alto look to the rest of this ride even the northbound commuters on 101 up from sunnyvale as you head up pass highway 5 extremely slow conditions from about the guadalupe parkway. time for a checked out whether let s go to the weather center with james. in may be slowing go there, but as you can see whether wyse is not bad, fairly mild a bill hazy rain now but santa clara county will be enjoying some of the warmer temperatures today. fiske 55 degrees get up to near 70 by new and as you can see 72 or thereabouts by this afternoon. here s a look at temperatures rain now it is a pretty tight range in the north bay upper 40 s, 46 in santa rosa, 48 in napa. a little warmer as you head down to the bay waters. mid-50s in the suspects. let s take a look to temperatures as we progress through the day. nem centers are pretty tightly fix on the 50s, 60s and fact we don t introduce 70s until about noon. and for that have to be in the delta. santa rosa valley is also seeing some seventies by about four this afternoon again just the delta and maybe parts of the south bay. low seventies, mid- 70s but nothing really warmer than that. as we head into the evening hours things really cool back down more 50-60 degree range. this afternoon in the north bay 75. 69 richmond, 5 concord 76 out there in vacaville. around the rest of the bay low 70 s. a little warmer in the delta 75 and antioch. warren is the bay to 75 degrees this afternoon in morgan hill. as we head of the next few days, three of the forecast here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. we cool temperatures as we head into wednesday, thursday the first full day of fall look to the tempters back on the rise and are torn up to the mid-90s for folks inland mid-80s around the bay. mid-70s saturday, sunday, monday. it will be beautiful beach weekend a few plans to do so. mark. thank you, the television is claiming responsibility for shooting down a naval helicopter in afghanistan if killing nine troops and injuring two others it is the debt is chopper crashed in years. the nationalities of the troops have not been released although there are reports that several americans are among the dead. there were no reports of enemy fire in the area. the senate is scheduled to debate the military s ban on gays serving openly in the military the debate is going on today as democrats have attached a repeal of the don t ask don t tell off to a bill authorizing $726 billion in military spending next year. john mccain is among those fighting to keep alive place. he said the pentagon should be given time is likely effect on troops. meantime pop star lady gag has used a main rally to call on the state s u.s. senators to help repeal the don t ask don t tell policy she stood along i air force and reinvents your discharge. the city of san francisco this week announcing changes to the week. city leaders say they want to restore the former glory with more than just the blue angels air performance that means that we can expect to see more service members coming ashore and a return of big events. sleep researchers says is going to become one of the city s top events this year. the changes are really going to be seen in the amount of people that will be accessing these ships, sailors, marines in years past the parade of ships has been a parade of ships. this year there will be hundreds of sailors in marines taking part in band jaundice free concert. slate ones from october 7th- 12. we ll be right back as kron4 morning news continues, a live look as bad as we take a look at the golden gate bridge, it looks like we had an apparent problem there you see what these looks to be an emergency vehicles no traffic is getting by in the southbound direction traffic is bumper-to-bumper northbound to have an update what is happening on [ male announcer ] it s luxury with fire in its veins. bold. daring. capable of moving your soul. and that s even before you drop your foot on the pedal. the new 2011 cts coupe from cadillac. the new standard of the world. she fought to get our veterans the first full combat care center in california. her after school law is keeping a million kids off the street and out of gangs. and she s fighting every day to create new jobs. i m working to make california the leader in clean energy. to jump-start our small businesses with tax credits and loans to create thousands more california jobs. i m barbara boxer, and i approve this message. because i want to see the words made in america again. i[ninstrumental music ]] and i approve this message. you inhale, they inhale. call 1-800-steemer is one. millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones. welcome back to the kron 4 morning news, is a live look to the golden gate bridge sets found where the chp and the searches officer at the golden gate bridge or reporting a motorcycle accident in. occurred the south end of the bridge, you can see a flashing lights there at the top of your screen a motorcyclist was injured the good news is a person is up and around. but is you can see all traffic has been stopped on the golden gate bridge will emergency vehicles attend to this injured party. the first reports indicate that it was only the motorcycle that was involved, the might of rented another vehicle. but it looks as though they may be able to clear this accident in a fairly quick time. as you can see all lanes stop tears and that means northbound backups along doral drive, traffic so far this backed up to the waldo tunnel. this accident occurring just moments ago. mark. kron4 broke the story and major flaw with new high-tech clipper gates. the transit gates open when commuters just wave your hand and said of paying kron4 stanley roberts tells us the authorities responding to the as you and other changes related to this the block could be coming. major exploitable flaw in muni s 30 million dollar clipper gate system. it is a flaw that allows anyone to enter muni s pay area with nothing more than a wave of their hand, no card required. they all do it, they all do it. this glitch was first thought to be a problem only at civic center station. i did see it on t.v, so i reached around like i am coming from here. but at church street, i found the same thing, fair gates that open by simply passing your hand over the motion sensors. this is a system wide problem that muni officials knew about, but still allowed the gates to be put on line, and you paid for this. card i paid. since i was the first reporter to show you the flaw, i thought it should be fitting that i be the first to tell you this. a source inside muni, told me, because of this exploitable flaw in the clipper gate system some major changes are coming. one of those changes, the rehiring of at least four station agents, at $68000 per employ. so that unmanned booths will soon have agents. these workers were laid off during the recent budget cuts. you can keep the clipper cards forever it expires in 2038. i am also told that since clipper has gone on line there has been a significant increase in tickets issued to fair evaders. they say the increase is not related to the hand waving trick, it is because of clipper electronic cards. some people think that by simply having a clipper card is proof of payment. even thought there is no actual money on the card. one muni worker told me the clipper system was put on line with 0 inputs from muni employees, and now it has problems. in san francisco, stanley roberts, kron4 news. and we ll be right back as a [ female announcer ] introducing tv. you can take with you. u-verse now lets you download, watch hit tv shows and schedule recordings on your mobile phone. order u-verse tv today. plans starting at just $29 a month for six months, with dvr included. plus upgrade to u-verse u300 and get the u-verse mobile app free. take the u-verse tv experience with you. and record up to four shows at once from any room on a single dvr and play them back on any tv in your house. order u-verse tv today. plans starting at just $29 a month for six months, with dvr included. plus upgrade to u-verse u300 and get the u-verse mobile app free. u-verse mobile and u-verse tv. only with at&t. and we re back, 9:00 a.m. top stories one man is dead another injured after an early-morning car crash the latest on the investigation and traffic impact six hours later. residents and oakland are on alert after two women were sexually assaulted real of complete coverage and pg&e has released the earliest of the 100 highest risk pipelines in the state why credits erred in saying it is flawed. that story in a moment. first let s get to traffic, we re seeing some improved conditions at the goldenç gate latest with george. ç thank you. early in the noh dumbarton direction hotspot 101 cells found at the south tower a motorcycle accident motorcyclist likely struck the back of a vehicle and there are some injuries reported in this crash you signors emergency response very close here. we stop fire truck brought up from the south end of the bridge and it was brought up in the southbound lane that is why the traffic has been stopped in the southbound direction. you can see some vehicles are getting through this accident occurred on the right side the road with when i spoke with the surgeon s office they said it was the two right lanes near for lanes available subbed bounce so lanes three and four walks by this accident now that they have managed to get the emergency vehicles on scene as you can see groping at least one possibly to lanes of traffic southbound pass the accident. again it is likely or certainly possible if not likely that this accident may be fairly quickly cleared if the injuries reported to the driver did not appear to be so serious because the driver was actually observed to be up and around. so the good news is that they may be able to clear this crash early quickly. the southbound ride is backed up across the span, an hour up onto the waldegrave for southbound highway 101 if you can delay your trip during townie you probably smart to do so and give this a while to clear. this tricky to traffic tracker as we look at a hot spot 680 in the southbound direction it is in the area well below the new expressway and because of the new express lanes. traffic through the area from 237 back towards calaveras. this is the area where the new express lane is active it starts here red 84 and lasts all the way down to highway 237 which is right here, that area is moving very well but it is the backup for people trying to merge into that elaine at the first possible point which is here at calder s road knotter on the hot spot in these big, let s look to the writer hayward, if so damn dumb bunny eats zero southbound starting out of oakland and continuing to san leandro in the union city and newark and fremont and across the bay the bayshore freeway is still very slow in the southbound direction with heavy traffic all the way from burlingame to palo alto in the southbound 101 ride. a weather check, les is back. it s only tuesday but worry looking towards the weekend because it is going to be a fantastic weekend feel like summer temperatures dropping to the 90s in some spots, today we have to cool down. cooler temperatures, little breezy starting see the breeze picked up a bit as we headed to the afternoon winds will get up to about 25 mi. an hour for some of the stardust. a warm-up for the weekend. turn temptress 56 san francisco still really chilly up in santa rosa low 50s. warm in oven oakland into the 60s and into the upper 50s down into monday also and the san jose. reentry 10:00 hour will continue to see fifties sixties by new starting to see a few seventies making their way into the forecast an analyst in the 70s. no. as i guess today on a topping in the 70s and back down of the 50s- 60s by the summer rock hour. afternoon highs getting up in the mid-70s and some of the warmer spot santa rosa. fairfield, concord. mid-70s. into this up a temperatures in the mid-70s and a warmer spots. we ll keep it in the low seventies for san jose and around you. upper 60 s, low seventies around the bay. cosine was a cool at 62. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. breezy conditions in the evening, tomorrow a bid of fog that could produce some results. çthursday is your first officil full day of fall, of course all kicks in at 89 on wednesday night. things are to changes in his fall hits, the opposite of what you think the sun comes out, temperatures warm up it is mere hot weekend ahead send it on down to the newsroom checked in with james. developing story of san jose were one man is dead and another facing charges after the carvery and crashed into a light pole and burst into flames if that happened shortly after 3:00 a.m. we send kron4 will trent to check of the scene. investigators are looking into possible factors that made across this crash the first speech. parts of the s u b are scattered all over the place. the otherççç possibleç faqtf call.çw? the passenger died ine driver managed to escape the fiery crashw3 he is currently in the hospital being treated for non-life running injuries and while he is their investigators will look to see if there was any alcohol in his system at the time of the crash. reporting from san jose, will trent, kron4 news. sexually assaulted in oakland s sunday evening.police are so far withholding details about when and where the attacks happened, but police spokeswoman said both occurred in the evening hours in relatively secluded areas. both victims were coming home when they were assaulted. police believe the attacker in both person. he is described as a black male in his 20s, 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet tall, with a medium build. he was wearing dark clothing and was armed with a weapon. there are similarities in escrow and make a community where this may be the same suspect. napoli s want to remind to be aware of your surroundings and not to be distracted by cell phones or other electronic devices. also this morning pg&e has released a list of the 100 most dangerous pipelines after the state s public utility commission requested it. this section of gas pipe exploded in san bruno nearly two weeks ago not on the list appeared fairly to make on this list the pipe would add to need to lease one of these four criteria as if pg&e had detected corrosion that would put it on the list, earthquake in the area that appeared on the list. if records show the design of the pipe was somehow flawed or out dated it would ve made the top 100 or construction crews had been digging in the area near the pipe that would put up a flight for an immediate inspection but since the pipe exploded was not on theç list critics say that s proof that the system is flawed. we do not know what the cause was that will inform us as to know how we need to look to these pipeline segments and whether not the process of your using is a good process or not. i document the pg&e submitted did show that the company had çranked one section of pyrex pe to a half miles away from the same recite. they re saying they re pleased that pg&e compiled this list, the agency says it s important for the public have a separation of the list does change from year to year yesterday s list is the most current by pg&e the cbc also requested less for the past few years as a live there want to do a comparison the agency will review all this information that will decide if any changes need to be made toxd how piccini monitors its pipes. a lot of developing traffic, george is standing by with the back up on the golden gate, george any changes? the indeed there are some more detailed was first reported as a minorqç injury tern s egg to ba major injury accident and that is why for more than 10 minutes all southbound traffic has been held on the golden gate bridge the back up is now over the waldegrave no indication yet at how soon lanes will)be reopened to will be on it when they do how soon lanes will)be reopened to will be on it when they do when heavy duty truck, how soon lanes will)be reopened to will be on it when they do when have some heavy duty demands. like enough horsepower and torque to get out of just about any situation. a payload that beats the other guys flat out. a frame sturdy enough to bear up a max towing capacity that s over 10 tons. and a braking system tough enough to bring it all to a stop. heavy duty demands? gentlemen, your truck is ready. but what really happened? cnn not me cnn says his assertion about his tax record was just plain wrong. jerry brown went out there and took credit for the fact that the people of california voted for proposition 13, which lowered taxes, which he opposed. and now he s going around taking credit for it. he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. he doesn t tell the people the truth. saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here s a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i m accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn t be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. and we re back, you ll get a live picture of the golden gate bridge just before 9 this morning we had a motorcycle is involved in an accident we found out in the last five is a that minutes it was a major incident your traffic travelling in the says brown direction northbound just trickling by the back up george s in the tropics and are getting the latest. we ll visit with him shortly. new this morning the last angeles times is reporting that the city of bell used $95,000 of public funds. apparently acting without city council approval, bell spent nearly $95,000 to repay loans retirement accounts, a draft state audit reviewed by the times shows. the auditors found no evidence that council members even knew about the repayments, which occurred in 2008 and 2009. draft report alleges that $95,000 in city money was put in robert rizzo s retirement accounts to repay loans he had made to himself. an expert says the allegations could amount to federal wire fraud. we have a list of the top five highest-paid city managers right here in the bay area and this was comes from business insider, for some of the san ramon. makes nearly $360. next is danville s city manager making three intend #4 a is santa clara 303,000, fifth on the list sunnyvale free hundred and $1,000. governors schwarzenegger would make about $212,000 if he drew a salary of the city managers are making more than the governor. again, live look at the golden gate as we have not want to break. cells found the answer closed, some george rob latest coming up. kron4 morning news, for nearly 25 minutes traffic has been stopped on the golden gate bridge south on highway 101 they have from time to time letting northbound lanes through but they re also much delayed as you can see and backed up along drill dry for 101 northbound. southbound traffic appears as though there are some cars coming through from time to time have a few cars pride. but it was a motorcycle accident that occurred just before 9:00 a.m. in happens in the to right and lanes, of seven bounds the accident occurred right here at the center of the bridge near the south anchorage the emergency vehicles have not yet left the scene part of the reason they struck down the road where it was to allow the emergency vehicles access to the vehicle. so some cars are getting through. as a citizen of some traffic is backed up onto and over the old joke grave for nearly 25 minutes no traffic is getting vice of bounds. this is developing into a huge from another hot spot, really slowing the rise has been here and interstate 6807 stunned and though we have sent some improvement on the stretch betweenç dublin and signal the drive down towards milpitas in fremont is getting heavier. the express lane opened yesterday, and it is getting mixed reviews on its impact for traffic so far. not only slows but here the new mr. hayward, fremont, union, and you re still jammed up. and the bay shore has only seen a slight improvement. basically well behind schedule for that entire stretch. we will take you next to san jose, a look of the ride on one no one in the northbound direction still pretty slow here is you can see getting up past the guadalupe parkway that is because the meeting lights were turned off on this connecting ramp we will finish ability to read the bay bridge. and the commute toward san francisco backed up again, even though last time we checked it there was no delay for the westbound ride. it appears as though we picked up more slowing with back up approaching the 880 crossing. time for a checked on weather. colossally today. that is just the four warmest as we head towards the weekend will be nice of there. shot of the bay bridge, current standards as their temperatures is sitting around 56, and getting up to the low 60s, high-temperature 64. about 42 degr-o cooler than yesterday. back down to succeed ray clark hour. east bay to concord, hayward all seem to images and the low 60s. warming up to 67w3 degrees. as we have entered the day, still continue to bring his 50s, 60s by noon all of this delicious as the 70s sister to inch their way into our forecast your afternoon highs topping out today into the 70s. by the base yesterday calling back dennis the 50s, 60s yesterday. numbers coming in like this, 75 percent rosa. 69 degrees for richmond. antioch about 75 degrees, 73 dmgsees and the livermore and along the coastline we re keeping an about 62. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. a couple different things going on, michael donovan next couple of days waking up to monism far, maybe some drizzle. first official day of fall it kicks in on thursday things and find a turnaround. the brazos summerlike temperatures. go figure. timber is getting into the 90s. çthese around the ba, 70s for the crows. a third suspect has been charging connection with the shooting of a fremont police officer this further distant kron4, according to court documents francis was charged with being an accessory to attempted murder for picking up in june after he carjacked in dublin residents. sierra an alleged gang member admitted that he of the brand is tied from police hours after the shooting. he is accused of shooting targets young in the least oakland. he is a person to enter a plea later on this week. ça quickç check on the big bod he dow is-this point. we re two hours away from hearing from the fed. as we head into next year, investors are waiting to hear did the fed to take on it all before they decide to buy or sell. mark heard the as to see all has settled a lawsuit. mark hurd, the ousted ceo of from working at rival oracle corp. under the terms of the settlement announced monday hurd agreed to relinquish stock he was given in his severance package. the shares are worth nearly $14 million, basedi] on monday s closing price of $39.39. hurd, 53, appears confident that he will make far more at oracle than he would have had he fought hp for the right to keep the remaining stock in his severance package. we ll take a break, headlines in late december 9th news trade ahead on the kron4 news, let s go back ^ a live shot of golden gate northbound traffic is still working its way past anaximander s action in this up on land that is where you re seeing some of the un traffic moving so lightly everyone is trying to get by that. latest reports coming up. carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you re talking about massive layoffs, which we did. perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i m proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i m barbara boxer and i approve this message. to choose the services that fit your life. who doesn t want more choices? i like choices. you can even choose wireless voice service. not with my cable company. well, it s time to switch. check this out. [ female announcer ] call to choose your double bundle, including u-verse tv, starting under $69 a month. switch now and get a 30-day money-back guarantee plus dvr is included. with u-verse tv you can record up to four shows at once from any room on a single dvr. and play them back. on any tv. nice. my cable can t do that! internet at home includes access to our entire national wi-fi network. that s awesome. you know at&t s wireless service has the nation s fastest mobile broadband network. really? wow. [ female announcer ] so choose your double bundle, including u-verse tv, starting under $69 a month. switch now and get a 30-day money-back guarantee plus dvr is included. hey, do you want to experience a better bundle at&t, right? you got it. [ female announcer ] build a bundle that s right for you. at&t. in the rear back a live look at the golden gate problem on the hotspots we had a motorcycle accident just before 9:00 a.m. that stop traffic you can see just a handful trickling by the scene. emergency crews are there we hope to hear words for early on when it might clear all lanes will have to find out get the latest from george coming up momentarily. in the meantime we re also find the latest budget battle governor source near has canceled budget talks. california s $19 billion deficit. the legislature has gone 82 days past its deadline for approving a budget, the longest impasse on record. the two candidates seeking to replace gov. arnold schwarzenegger were quick to criticize him again monday for failing to reach a deal with the legislature on how to solve california s $19 billion budget shortfall. schwarzenegger and state lawmakers are at a standstill 2 ½ months after the start of a new fiscal year. at separate campaign events, whitman and brown said they and bring lawmakers together. value, the country s largest six-figure bonuses and substantial raises to its top employees, an analysis by the associated press has found. the california public employees retirement system tried to reduce the bonuses but was under contractual obligations to pay them. calpers plunging value came as stock values tumbled around the world, the state s economy suffered its worst decline in decades and basic state services faced severe budget cuts. virtually all of calpers investment managers than $10,000 each, with several earning bonuses of more than fiscal year. the cash awards were distributed as the fund lost $59 billion. and local nonprofit that operates 32 articles is being recognized with some $1 million donation from oprah it was one of six public school reform groups honored with grantsw3 frm the talk shows yesterday they serve nearly 10,000 students.ç new this morning, the 2011 surveyçç of that area west ros out it features claiming the title of most popular is geared against joe the server also found that the average price falls by 1.6% the average number of times to gordy 2.8 per week and the average depth nowadays 18.6% that is up. so the average price of mill is going down the çaverage dipped going up. listd the latest on that hot spot on the golden gate bridge with george. good morning, only one lane is open on 11 southbound where the city alert issued by the california highway patrol. it appears that some of the emergency calls are leaving the scene. traffic is slow for a mile below rodeo. we ll be right back with a kron4 morning news mile below rodeo. we ll be right back with a kron4 morning news continues. ç announcer ] the turn changes everything. the turn will make you think. make you re-examine your approach. change your line. innovate. and create one of the world s fastest-reacting suspensions, reading the road 1,000 times per second. it s the turn that leads you somewhere new. introducing the new 2011 cts-v coupe. from cadillac. the new standard of the world. we are fourteenth in line for take off. beep, beep, beep. looks like its bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! should have skipped that second soda. remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! (train child) the train is now arriving. (announcer) the train has arrived indeed. amtrack. enjoy the journey. thatcher hayward and to mount you as well so we are seeing 60s out there kind of still sticking in the 50s for santa rosa. you re more afternoon will bring us more 60s and 70s. we will stay in the 70s even the afternoon highs staying out of the 90s. spread around the bay upper 60s for oakland staying round 70 for redwood city and hayward antioch stock topping out at 75 today. your 7 day around the base showing the cool down we could wake up to fog tomorrows!ok morning that could produceç drizzle along the coa. o kçthe first day of fall kicksn thursday. it begins 809 wednesday evening. then will see things turn around in time for fall. temperatures into the 90s as we head towards the weekend. developing story san bruno gas line explosion utility commission requested a list of high priority lines. there are pipes near novato cornelia richmond, they have questionable pipes. pleasanton livermore were also on the list along the peninsula and the south bay palo alto, milpitas, san jose. not on the list was the section this is the section that exploded. jonathan blum explains. that segment of pipe was not on the top 100 list. know where was this 28 ft. piece of lying that erupted into flames the storing and neighborhood. pg&e says the pipe was never on its radar because it didn t meet the definition of a risky gas line. we were not aware of anything in this area that would of met the criteria. it would have met one of four criteria. if there was corrosion on the pipe that would put it on the list, if there had been earthquake, ifç records show te design of the pipe was flawed or outdated it would be put in the top 100 or construction crews dig new the pipe it looks like it for an inspection. we need to make sure we understand people are doing construction and they know where the pipeline as it would take that into consideration. pg&e says there was no signs of digging or corrosion so there s no reason to market is potentially dangerous. to critics this proves to them this. we don t know what the cause was so that will inform us as to how we will look at the various pipeline segments and whether the process is a good process are not. also . ç claimed responsibility for the nato helicopter crashç in does tuesday . the crash killed down, but nato said there was no enemy firdk in the area. this makes 2010 the invasion in 2001. the have not be released. we will take a quick breakç as weo out a live picture of the bay bridge approachç toll plaza showing basically a parking lot. from oakland in to san francisco george following this. just one of a couple hot spots we are falling. the senate scheduled to debate gays settinsee serving openly ie military. there is a bill that authorizes militaryç spending next year john mccain is among those who might keep the law in place for now. he was to give the pentagon time for survey. pop star used to rally in maine to call on the state s two u.s. senators to help repeal the don t ask don t tell policy. 2000 people attended that s where the singer still along side air force army and marine veterans who are discharged because of that policy. we will take a break as we go a live picture to the south bay you can see traffic still slow and go in the south bay not just here the bay bridge approach also of hotspot. we continue to attract delays from the golden gate bridge to the marin commission a hot spot right now. there may be something the bridge because their additional northbound delays here. traffic is trickling by in the southbound direction and it should be flooding down now. my guess is we had a second incident on the bridge because of the delays here on the northbound side and a limited amount of traffic flow in the southbound direction. erica is checking in the traffic center. let s look at the back up. it reaches almost all the way to highway one. in the southbound direction this is all those great traffic is stop and go over the waldo great. lanes were shut down in the southbound direction for nearly 40 minutes they have been reopened for a while. we will get back to that first let s take you to the right on highway 880. some improvement here in the southbound direction coming out of oakland and through a word into the fremont milpitas corridor. as when a tough ride that is as is 1 01 northbound traffic still badly backed up in the northbound direction for both 101 and 280. as we continue up the peninsula ride i wanted to show you southbound traffic sluggish around 84 but no longer solid down from early gains. bay bridge it is slow from the 880 over crossing and likely west grant. their biggest back up of the morning all occurring within the last hour in the westbound direction no incidents and yet traffic is backed up on 880. you want some good news. this will lead creek traffic no delays into alamo or through the creek. 9:47 a.m. hears weather. we are going to start heating up back into the 90s by the weekend but we will have to get through a couple of cool days. here s a shot of san jose this morning you see the camera shaking of that we do have some reason the forecast it should pick up into the evening the gust could get up to 25 mi. an hour today. san jose 61 degrees by noontime jumping into the upper 60s the high today 70 to back down to 60s by 8:00 hour. we are warming up to the 60s a lot of locations. down into san jose and mountain view those 60s but kind of cool in san rosa at 52 degrees. the next hour will bring this 50s and 60s it s not until noon time we will get 70s and to the forecast and then staying in the 70s. today will top that off into the mid 70s back down in the 50s and 60s by this 8:00 hour. upper 60s 3 novato 647 ciscosan francisco, mid-70s arod the bay here s the 7 day around bay cool temperatures for the next couple of days. first full day of fall is thursday it s ironic because as soon as fall kicks in summer like temperatures began. 90s for friday, saturday, sunday. national guard in utah saying he is sorry he is taking the blame for the wild fire. it s led to the evacuation of 1600 homes. it was spared during a training exercise. there was live fire drills in that dry windy weather and that s what sparked the blaze. three homes have been destroyed. the commander admits nobody called firefighters for help for nearly two hours. earlier this week we broke the story about the flaw in the clipper gates. you don t have to pay just wave your hand in front of the centralist. stanley is telling us how they are responding to this issue. both last thursday kron4 showed you a major exploitable flaw in muni s author 30 million dollar clipper gate system. it is a flaw that allows anyone to enter muni s pay area with nothing more than a wave of their hand, no card required. author they all do it, they all do author it. this glitch was first thought to be a problem only at civic center station. i did see it on t.v, so i reached around like i am coming from here. but at church street, i found the same thing, fair gates that open by simply passing your hand over the motion sensors. this is a system wide problem that muni officials knew about, but still allowed the gates to be put on line, and you paid for this. card i paid. since i was the first reporter to show you the flaw, i thought it should be fitting that i be the first to tell you this. a source inside muni, told me, because of this exploitable flaw in the clipper gate system some major changes are coming. one of those changes, the rehiring of at least four station agents, at $68000 per employ. so that unmanned booths will soon have agents. these workers were laid off during the recent budget cuts. you can keep the clipper cards forever it expires in 2038. i am also told that since clipper has gone on line there has been a significant increase in tickets issued to fair evaders. they say the increase is not related to the hand waving trick, it is because of clipper electronic cards. some people think that by simply having a clipper card is proof of payment. even thought there is no actual money on the card. one muni worker told me the clipper system was put on line with 0 inputs from muni employees, and now it has problems. in san francisco, stanley roberts, kron4 news. author the number of people using cards actually on the rise in affect hughes s third is up 16% since the beginning of the month. more than 50,000 mini will riders use the car during the week after labor day. and 41,000 are riders use the card during the same period. sam trance are scheduled to begin accepting the card later this year. we will take a break and have more headlines right ahead. a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. george will have an update on the commute in a moment. the black widow spider s severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there s an even deadlier predator after an accident but the back of is still quite intense. on the re the south and the northbound made at that accident scene toward the southern edge. it will be awhile before we work our way through this george s following it. news this morning japanese officials has stop paris helton to enter the country today after she pleads guilty to charges in las vegas. she was delayed when she landed in japan she was scheduled to of. tomorrow in tokyo to promote her fashion line. new details about washington woman who smeared acid on her face court records indicate she collected thousands of dollars after the hoax and spend it done dinner for her parents clothes for herself and bills for a laser facial pierrkilled she has admid shes mirrored drain cleaner on her face in an attempt to kill herself. she is facing theft charges. things a new way to cause mischief quickly spread through short-messaging service twitter tuesday morning before the site mysterious tweets of blocked-out text propagated themselves and caused popup windows to open. the hack had been extra nefarious because the tweets activated without being clicked on - it was enough for web surfers to move their mouse cursors over them. but it only affected visitors to various third-party programs used to send and read tweets were unaffected. the popups could contain malicious code that could take over poorly protected computers. and 9:57 a.m. back with more moment traffic in the fast track lanes breaking up of debt but the delay from oakland to san francisco is a substantial one. top stories this hour one man is dead and another injured after an early morning car crash. residents in oakland on alert after two women were sexually assaulted. pg&e releasing the list of 100 high risk pipelines in the state why critics are already saying that list is flawed. more stories in just a bit. big problems at the golden gate bridge george has the latest. for nearly 40 minutes traffic was stopped in the southbound direction from time to time in the northbound lane northbound backups is cleared the southbound traffic is moving but the back up is not cleared. we are still slow from near the turnoff in pocket all the way over the wall the great. the backup is still there. there was a stall in the northbound direction but it was quickly cleared. traffic moving in both directions but delays getting to the stand on the southbound side. from here taking it to the bay bridge for look at your commute heading westbound towards toll plaza another back up in fact the worst of all morning slow between 8080 and west grand. from here to the south bay looking at your ride on 1013 san jose we are still quite slow getting past the guadalupe parkway this traffic begins at th28680, 680 right stl behind schedule getting to signal, a single grade traffic internet slowing leading towards milpitas. today is day two of the new express lane and the backup was pretty bad getting down from dublin. here is police and tell. all evelyn so sad. thank it is kind of: straight debt as we head into the weekend bay changes in store. currently in walnut creek 71 by noontime high today 74. so cooler than yesterday muckrake. and pretty much everywhere in the bay area. starting to warm up in places like napa and fairfield, keeping it around 60 for concord, hayward, mountain view. 683 san francisco by noontime getting into the 70s antioch might bring us some 70s, concord, your afternoon highs will top out into the 70s and some more locations. 70s or the napa valley in the delta as well. : the back down to the 50s and 60s by 7:00 p.m.. your afternoon highs upper 60s through richmond s 69 through vallejo, along the peninsula 70 degrees hayward about this thing, 62 in half moon bay. your 7 day around the bay is the good stuff. first day of fall kicks in thursday and how ironic is this it brings a summer like temperatures. friday we are into the 90s plenty of sunshine clear conditions getting into the mid to upper 90s mid-80s around the bay and 70s are along the coast. we have beach weather. pg&e releasing the list of the natural gas pipelines. after the utility commission requested that. gas pipeline exploded in san bruno nearly two weeks ago does not appear on this list. to make it on the list the pipe would of had to meet one of four criteria one if they detect corrosion, to if it had been an earthquake in the area, if record showed the design was somehow flawed or outdated, or if there was digging near the pipe. that was slated for immediate inspection carried since the explosion was not on the list critics say it is flawed. we don t know what the cause was that will tallest how we need to look at these segments and whether the process is a good process or not. the document they submitted last year for gas rate hike proceeding show the company had ranked high risk section of pipeline to and half miles away from the blast site. will tran visited one of the locations on the risky pipeline last he has more. here s one of the pipes designated by this orange marker. it seems like it s right in the middle of the field so anything should happen at least no one would be killed. not the case because if i move the camera over here and i assume and i want a show you something. lookit the cars hopping onto the freeway this is to 37 and all of the cars going to san jose. if that pipe should explode imagine how many people would be injured or killed thorne of taught about the freeway however because once you move over here and all cement for you look at this building this is a business that is part of my mccarthy ranch. there are tons of shoppers over there as well. although it looks like this field it looks like a safe place to run a pipe not the case because of anything should happen probably anything like this san bruno explosion it would be deadly. will tran kron 4 news two women were robbed and sexually assaulted in oakland s lake merritt neighborhood on sunday evening.police are so far withholding details about when and where the attacks happened, but police spokeswoman said both occurred in the evening hours in relatively secluded areas. both victims were coming home when they were assaulted. there are similarities and that s why one make people aware that this may be the same suspect that did target these two ladies. please remind people to be aware of their surroundings. san jose police are investigating the crash that killed and 80 year-old man this morning. around 3:00 a.m. information indicating the driver lost control of the car crashed into a light pole possibly a tree as well. the passenger in the vehicle 18 year-old san jose man was trapped and pronounced dead at the scene. the driver was taken to hospital and is expected to survive. it was not determined whether alcohol was a factor. we will be right back as the news continues a live look outside we are seeing kleist s skies break up from around the bay. or at least that s what my mom thinks. with high speed internet from at&t, i get my homework done fast, leaving me time to download movies and music and chat with my friends. [ mom ] how s your studying? it s coming along! [ female announcer ] work faster, play more with the fastest internet for the price. call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. please, i know what he s up to. high speed internet from at&t is so fast that we get more done in less time, leaving me time to chat. watch movies. without teenage distractions. and it s affordable for our family. [ female announcer ] call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network on the go. cookies? [ boy ] sure! tell your friends hi for me. [ female announcer ] high speed internet from at&t. apparently acting without city nearly $95,000 to repay loans that then-city manager robert , wal-mart could be coming to san francisco they plan an aggressive push with the small format the fraction of the side of the supercenter have been scouting for locations in urban areas including san francisco and new york city. the sizes larger than a drug store but smaller than the supermarket. it is aimed at pumping up sluggish u.s. sales for wal-mart. we will be right back alive look at golden gate bridge the fog is clearing but there are residual delays after a motorcycle accident an hour ago. it is still recovering with the slow ride. 1016 tracking a hot spot the golden gate bridge says fell 1 01 traffic is still extremely heavy getting to and across the span appeared as you can see backed up along the bridge they still have four lanes available a southbound direction it is because there was an accident and our goal on the bridge that for nearly 40 minute shutdown the southbound lanes in the northbound lanes were closed for a while as well. the back up still reaches beyond highway one turn off. there is slowing approaching the waldo grade and all the way along. continuing delays right down to the toll plaza northbound right is not backed up but likely they will not reconfigure the lanes in the southbound direction in until after this backup has cleared. tracking another delay the bay bridge toll plaza westbound a late back the preferred just about an hour-and-a-half ago. things had nearly cleared out for the bay bridge ride traffic still slow from at least the 880 over crossing coming out of the toll plaza flats. 10:17 a.m. check on whether with lisa. shop for the san mateo bridge starting to see sunshine out there cooler day out than yesterday. right now temperatures are up to about 60 degrees by noon mid-60 s the high today 67 back down to 60 by 8:00 p.m. we are working their way into 60s. : santa rosa slow to warm this morning 54 degrees, down in the south bay mountain view, san jose temperatures about 62 degrees today. heading towards the afternoon starting to see plenty more sixties and eighties and seventies to your high is topping out in the 70s so no 80s like yesterday it will be cooler. 677, upper 60s so 70s through san rafael novato 64 into a san francisco, four degrees cooler than yesterday. upper 60s and low 70 s around the bay hayward about 70 degrees and the clothesline brings temperatures into the low 60s kind of chile today. but lookit this 7 day around debate. once fall kicks in on thursday. temperatures get up into the 80s but after that it will look like summer. back into the 90s it will be hot this weekend we are talking about friday, saturday, sunday, monday a string of gorgeous days for you. developing story. police investigating the city s 13, there received a tip that a man who killed his girlfriend a co- worker called police and said the suspect had shot shows up at his house and confessed to the killing. he is being held in jail. third suspect has been charging connection with the fremont police officer last month according to kurt court documents he has been charged as that accessory to attempted murder for picking up in through after the gang member carjacked a member well shooting fleeing as shooting scene. he held hide from the police hours after the shooting. andrew was found by the mexican border. he is accused of shooting officer young. mark hurd, the ousted ceo of hewlett-packard co., has settled a lawsuit brought by his former employer that sought to stop him from working at rival oracle corp. under the terms of the settlement announced monday after the stock markets closed, hurd agreed to relinquish stock he was given in his severance package. the shares are worth nearly $14 million, based on monday s closing price of $39.39. hurd, 53, appears confident that he will make far more at oracle than he would have had he fought hp for the right to keep the remaining stock in his severance package. canceled budget talks monday because he was feeling ill, prolonging the stalemate over california s $19 billion deficit. the legislature has gone 82 days past its deadline for approving a budget, the longest impasse on record. the two candidates seeking to replace gov. arnold schwarzenegger were quick to criticize him again monday for failing to reach a deal with the legislature on how to solve california s $19 billion budget shortfall. schwarzenegger and state lawmakers are at a standstill 2 ½ months after the start of a new fiscal year. at separate campaign events, whitman and brown said they would start the budget process and bring lawmakers together much sooner. neither republican meg whitman nor democrat jerry brown has offered a solution to the budget impasse, a dilemma the next governor could inherit if a deal isn t reached soon. following some stories live pictures out of the white house president barack obama will be awarding the wet medal of honor to air force chief for his valor in saving the lives of three soldiers back in 1968. he was ultimately shot and killed. the president expected to make his way and. the senior staff making their way and we will bring big portions of a life as it happens. we will be back as kron 4 news continues. traffic still heavy after a earlier accident. you can see how thick the fog is on top of mt. tam. carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you re talking about massive layoffs, which we did. perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i m proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i m barbara boxer and i approve this message. first full day of fall is on thursday with that a warm-up temperatures back into the 80s for the warmest parts. hot weather friday and the weekend inland in the 90s eighties around the bay, beach whether it would 70s that the coast. they are set to vote to expand the ban on tobacco sales the law bans the sales just at drug stores. the new legislation would expand it to pharmacies. it will pass its first reading today before a final reading. mayer says he will sign it into law. palo alto doesn t like california s proposed san train. the city council unanimously declared in a monday night resolution that it has no confidence in the high-speed rail project. the council wants state and federal officials to pull funding for the $43 billion project. the san jose mercury news says the no confidence resolution calls on the governor and legislature to stop funding the project unless the rail authority s governing body is removed. the council also amended the resolution to ask the federal railroad administration to pull funding. let s get the latest on the hotspots with george in the traffic center. this is one of the heaviest commutes we have seen at the golden gate bridge in the southbound direction the reason for this flood of traffic is the bridge was shut down for nearly 40 minutes in the south by direction. in the 9:00 hour the backup is still trying to work its way out. these are unexpected and late delays of hot spot for sure. a slight improvement but we are still backed up toward sausalito on 101 southbound with heaviest traffic over the waldo grade. there was the late stall in the back up near the north end of the bridge has been cleared them but you can see we are quite delayed. slow traffic north bound to getting up from toilet doyle drive heavy from park presidio to the oil drive northbound. the other slow spot has been at the bay bridge toll plaza where westbound no sooner did we see improvement but things have slowed again so it is the tough right trying to get to and across the upper deck of the bay bridge. lilies that is here with another look at the weather. it is only tuesday but were really paying attention to the weekend you may want to start making plans outdoors now for the weekend. here s a look at your shop for mount tam seeing some low clouds but really contain to the golden gate bridge along the coast this morning as we head through the day, temperatures will cool down some and breezy into the afternoon. we pick up the breezes into the afternoon as well. big warmup for the weekend. current temperatures outside 60s through oakland 644 napa, concord, even into the livermore valley. mt. view and san jose low sixties and fifties along the coast. santa rosa still chilly at 54 degrees. by noontime mixture of 60s and a few 70s that are afternoon highs topping out in the 70s. a thin three santa rosa and the napa valley all bringing in 70s thing: that often to the 50s and 60s by the 7:00 hour. the numbers in the afternoon 75 santa rosa. 64 for san francisco, in through oakland temperature s only getting into the upper 60s 73 hayward and fremont and keeping it in the 70s for los gatos, morgan hill. your 7 day around the bay is looking good. as we head towards the end of the week big changes in store. cool for the next couple of days then the first full day of fall on thursday. the first couple of days of fall will feel like some are bringing temperatures up into the 90s an abundance of sunshine for the weekend temperatures in the 80s around the bay and 70s from coast fifth one-man dead and another one injured in this solo car accident. investigators looking at two factors that may have caused this crash. the first to speed parts of the as to the are scattered all over the place. the other possible factor is alcohol. the passenger died and the driver managed to escape the crash he is currently being treated for non-life threatening injuries. welty s their investigators will see if there was any alcohol in his system at the time of the crash. more now on the gas pipeline safety issues around california following the explosion with pg&e releasing their list of private a pipeline projects 100 pipeline locations that they deem are in need of repair or replacement. kate johnson spoke with pg&e to talk about what these locations have in common. pg&e says it is constantly monitoring its 67 signer miles of natural gas pipeline evaluating for the following risk corrosion, ground movement, design, damage from construction. if somebody s doing construction we need toç make sure we understand that and they know or the pipeline is a we take that into consideration. feel they have cracked questions on whether quite criteria is flawed because san bruno did not appear on the list. we say those are the areas we need to concentrate on the most. we were not aware of anything in this area that would have had met the criteria to put it on the list. the investigation into why the pipeline exploded needs to be finished. the question about that not being on the list is because we don t know yet what the cause was. that will inform us as to what how we need to look at these pipeline segments and whether thet( process is a good process. from severances cocaine thompson they say it is pleased pg&e has complied but they think is important that the public has amassed enough information. we wanted to make a public so people could understand what s on the list with the list is this something pga pg&e is tracking and it could be for any kind of reason. it s not dangerous. the people on the field if they think that the pipe is dangerous they fix it right then it doesn t go analyst. pg&e is doing the right thing and we are overseeing pg&e to make sure the system is safe. more formation is better and that s why i needed to be released. that changes from year to year this cpu steve requested pg&e read gives a list for the past few years. the taliban movement has claimed responsibility for the nato helicopter crash in southern afghanistan earlier tuesday . the crash killed nine soldiers. it is not clear why the aircraft came down, but nato said there was no enemy fire in the area. this makes 2010 the deadliest year since the us-led invasion in 2001. the nationalities of those involved have not be released. we will be back as kron 4 continues watching the fog break up around the bay area sunshine showing up [ female announcer ] we know jerry brown was mayor of oakland, but what were the results? fact: brown promised to improve schools. but the drop out rate increased 50%, and the state had to take over the schools. fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours. they never worked. fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can t deliver the results california needs now. you inhale, they inhale. the results millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones. the president speaking at an awards ceremony he is awarding the medal of valor for air force chief richard for his valor in the vietnam war. owe their life. today we are honored to be joined by one of them mr. john mein. among the few who knew of his actions and there was a belief that his valor warranted carnations highest honor. his mission had been a secret and that s how it stayed for those many years. when their fathers mission was the tack classified the three sons learned something else. it turned out their mother had known about the work along. she had been sworn to secrecy and she kept that promise. to husband and her country. all those years not even telling her songs. today is a tribute to kathryn and a reminder of the sacrificesç that are of militay spouses make on behalf of our nation. the story of my defended their with a family known the truth. for another two decades it did. today also marks a doctor in a larger story of our nature finally honoring that generation of vietnam veterans who served with dedication and courage but all too often were shunned when they came home. that was a disgrace. that must never happen again. a few years ago and airmen who never knew felt he deserved something more. today urination finally ideologist and fully honor your father s bravery because even though it has been 42 years it is never too late to do the right thing. it is never too late to pay tribute to our vietnam veterans and their families. in recent years dicks story has been known and air force bases have honored him with streets with his name. there is a granite monument within empty space next to his name. that space can finally be etched with the words medal of honor. the greatest memorial of all is the spirit we feel here today. the love that inspired him to serve love for his country. love for his family. most eloquent expression of that devotion are the words he wrote himself. to a friend back: months before he gave his life to our nation. i hate to be with from home he wrote but i believe in the job. he said it is the most got a challenging job a will ever have in my life. he added i love it. our nation and çdoors because there patriots like richard and our troops were serving as we speak. who love families and fellow citizens preserve. as americans we remain worthy of their example as long as we honor it not merely with metals but remaining true to the values and freedoms for which they fight. so join me in welcoming steve richard n. cory for the reading of the citation. (applause) ç (applause) the president of the united states ofç american march 3, 13 has awarded the nam of congress the matter of honor to richard united states air force for gallantry at the risk ofç life above and beyond the call of duty he distinguished himself by extreme heroism in 1968 in the country of los. attachment one 1040 third radar evacuation of on that dayañno carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ringconnect 2400  welcome back to kron 4 morning news at 1051 we are still tracking hot spots. the worst is that the golden gate bridge for the south bound ride is still backed up all the way across the span and partially on to the waldo grade. we have yet to recover from earlier problems which had southbound lanes closed for nearly 40 minutes. even the north bound ride was backed up for a while but no longer. you will notice however they have still captive for lanes in the southbound direction normally by 1015, 1020 they have recaptured the leadla. they are still trying to coveclr route this back up. it did back up all the way to marin city. but it has cleared out considerably slowing as you come off the wall dote down towards the stand. the bay bridge has become a hot spot even though was a good right after about 940 we started to see things back up again. there was virtually no back up and now we are slow from at least the 880 over crossing and the 880 approach better than it was say 45 minutes ago is still worse than it was during the peak of the commute. it will be a tough ride for your bay bridge for a while longer. a check gone weather for you with lisa i hope your weekend plans on being outdoors. it will feel like summer even though it is false. temperatures in san francisco getting to 60 degrees. by noon time jumping up to 62 by your high today is 64. here s a look aside right now your current temperature: santa rosa 54 but then over to the state temperatures at 644 oakland 61 through concord low 60s through livermore valley by noontime 60s and maybe some 70s in places like antioch. them by the afternoon wore 70s into the picture in the north bay. them by 7:00 p.m. we will cool it off into the 50s and 60s your afternoon heinie s 683 novato upper 60s through vallejo, richmond keeping it at 76 for fairfield one of the warmer spots today mid-70s through antioch 73 for livermore upper 60s. 70 in oakland not quite getting there. your 7 day around abbatial school temperatures for the next couple of days may be some fog for this morning and in the first day of fall kicks in thursday and that s when temperatures are going up. much warmer by the weekend. we will temperatures are going up. much warmer by the weekend. we will be right back. [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp, carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you re talking about massive layoffs, which we did. perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i m proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i m barbara boxer hey, at&t u-verse tv? yeah, it s our new tv service. every day thousands of customers across the nation are switching to at&t u-verse. [ female announcer ] visit an at&t store today. hurry and take advantage of our great deal on u-verse tv. just $29 a month for six months. plus for a limited time, get hbo and cinemax free for three months. yeah, and u-verse tv lets you record up to four shows from any room on a single dvr and play them back on any tv. and multiview, which lets you follow four channels at once. whoa! whoa! [ female announcer ] visit an at&t store today. hurry and take advantage of our great deal on u-verse tv. just $29 a month for six months. plus for a limited time, get hbo and cinemax free for three months. you can even upgrade to over 130 hd channels. that s so cool. i know. [ female announcer ] see it. believe it. u-verse tv. very of football news monday night football a close match up. new orleans saints and 49ers at the stick with which is more than a minute left from a nice drive by the forty-niners. san francisco actually got the two- point conversion. it was ruled not but two-point conversion but it was overruled on the repaid. it is tipped but makes its way through the uprights this say to rally with that 30 yd field goal. saints win 25-22. lots of excitement that candles that stick. they retire the hall of famers number at halftime. one that is that for us have a great day next newscast at 4:00 p.m. this afternoon.

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20100917

firefighters with sifters sifting to what ever they could. jose tubar live in here for 20 years. and my home was two stories. now, everything and now nothing. the second-floor went down to the safe survive but most everything in sight it was burned. firefighters helped him but there were guns inside but destroyed. and jose found a gold ring that had a sentimental value and one more thing in tact. when buddhist tattoo that was part of a collection from all over the world. and at least he has those two items. off and 20 years, and you collect items. and now we have nothing! [laughter] his spirits are high despite that is home was burned to the ground and most of his belongings or gone. but he says the possessions are not important. everything is replaceable. i am work, i am alive, i can still work, my daughters are still alive. in the san bruno, chaff bush. we did some digging and how they are doing your money. and in 2007, pg&e claimed that the needed five more in dollars and ratepayer money to repair a section of natural pipeline. and within miles of the san bruno explosion and three years later? no work done. and and that seemed year, $5 million on bonuses for six of its highly paid executives! the month of june, they spend $46 million to help pass proposition 16. it did not work to force counties it to get two-thirds voter approval to start a power agency. three different instances, you paid for it, a total of $56 million. we asked pg&e, the focus on the gas on a parent is yet to happen. and this is the . statement they provided. meanwhile, four people have been arrested as posing as victims. you can see these people deonte bennett, and they claimed that the live in the burned out area. burberry, perjury, and submitting forgery to a government agency. and this has been known to bring out criminals exploiting people who are in desperate need haaziq madyun and how the city of san bruno is trying to protect homeowners from thieves. the san per no homeowners in the gas line explosion beware! that is the message that the d.a. s office and the contractors state license board is giving out. warning signs like these on front of the lawns of damaged homes. and the spokesperson for the contractors state license board on how to detect a phony contractor. and they re using a pretty slick sales people to will to what they can to be your friend and help you to the situation and get a lot of money, up front. and to ask for a huge down payment is a common sign it you are dealing with an unlicensed contractor. by law, not more than $10,000 of$1,000 or 110 percent of the contract. whichever is less. and to look for the license. -test and% of the contract. and jonathan is doing-10 percent. and also, he showed me this contractor s license and pointed out the same number can be found on the side of the truck. he said it is the law. and you are required to put your license number on the side of the truck. so far, that there s been no complaint of fraud in the gas line explosion area. and to get the word out by the state license board, they hope to keep it that way. in san bruno haaziq madyun stay with kron 4 for continuing coverage of this in progress line explosion. we have comprehensive coverage of the incident. for spino temperatures up by 10 degrees mainly in the north bay. 83 degrees in napa, 77 degrees in san rafael. also, inland and in the south bay but along the coast we re still seeing fog at this hour! and it is pushing through san francisco, and will continue to move into the bay. and even overnight, inland. with that morning fog and cooler temperatures with an increasing clouds! the storm is hit to me land in the bay area and exactly what you could expect. jacqueline, we do have a programming note to tell you about. a p.m., you can catch the season premiere of the apprentice. at 8:00 p.m.. this special edition of kron 4 news at 10:00 p.m. the black widow spider s severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there s an even deadlier predator san jose with new allegations of racial profiling. rob fladeboe texa grim reality. through an interpreter, she says she was pulled over by san jose police recently because she is latin. and the police did not seem to stop someone spitting. server by the people acting together or pact 65% of other parishioners. it is the guadeloupe church has claimed to be stopped by police without charge. if we count this 80 numbered surveys, of those people, 600 people are afraid this so from 1800 people that were surveyed if. just over a one half of those surveyed do not go safer in a predominantly latin community. 90 percent want a better relationship with police. chief rob davis who is stepping down at the end is the defending racial profiling. we bend over backwards to put out policies on immigration, and we are constantly having an influx of individuals. and constantly need to be reeducated. and we need to make the connection to be able to connect and why we are doing weird doing. one thing the organizers of the church is that we re doing we re doing, to say the same police and the same police beats longer than only six months. they re also asking the polcity to make racial profiling a top priority for the replacement of the chief of police. rob fladeboe. in a big changes, a storm will push through an raran your full forecast coming up in just a few minutes. republican gubernatorial meg whitman intense questioning. ylep and none of the topics that was discussed is the new information that she has become a record holder. she has spent more of our own money in and the candid, any history of any. $11 $9 million! and she laid out her plan on how california should run. and i agree entirely up different approach. silicon valley takes challenges and what is the new way to solve these problems? the state that brought young who, google, intel, the who, apple, and an entirely different approach. let us do three things really really well, to focus california back to work, and the governor of california gets 3000 apartments to the governor s administrative. let us to the right people in the right jobs come on the same agenda. and let us work with the state legislators to focus on things that matter the most. here is storm going to crate jobs, to cut taxes come with manufacturing, and streamline regulation and i m not going to spend more money than we take in and compete for jobs. and to get spending under control, to make sure with the right number of people at the state. with employee pension benefits, that is not bankrupt california and reform welfare and cut its market is to run the state. national news, a biography of french first lady. she is compared to michele obama. that life in the white house is hell . and there is a denied that michelle obama never said that. the poverty rate johnson s 1994. 14.4%, one in seven people are considered poor. if family of four earning 22 k or less is considered, impoverished. also, that 44 million as the highest number in 54 years. san francisco has had a milestone. for mayor gavin newson he said the city has taken 12,000 homeless people off the streets and into permanent housing. since he took office in 2004, and jonathan blum sound that some perhaps see a problem with his math. it is now worth close to call thousand, and if we had that many? would be a first to kiss him, and to pay huge a noticeable difference and the people on the streets. shot a homeless coalition director is in no hurry because she s a that is a huge exaggeration perhaps he is counting jail cells? with the set-flye proposal or would be putting people in jail for 30 days to just sitting-lying on the sidewalk. they re not counting jail cells but they are counting five calls and tickets back to their families in other cities. we contact those families and make sure they have a safe place to go. we will pay for the plus ticket and food for them to go. the other 7000 have been put into affordable housing and that is where it gets tricky. the mayor s office has a different definition of homeless affordable housing. and they haven t showing that over 2000 have been moved into public housing funded by public tax money. and 4000 have apparently been fueled by taxpayer money. perhaps they spend up to 85 percent of their money on of rent. home of the 2000 are really in permanent, affordable housing. however, if you count everything, it is nearly 12,000. and both sides agree on one thing. we feel like we re in right direction with more work to do. jonathan blum, kron 4 news. now, your stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. this suv is going the wrong way in san francisco! and the driver quickly pulls over. and destruction of this old transportation terminal with new boss lines increasing. these claims were made for boss lines of directly over the bay bridge so commuters can avoid delays. rodham? more than just city buses. let me show you who this is an forcing drivers to change directions. coming up a 6:30 toward on the next edition of people behaving badly. a little warmer out there today, with current conditions still in the 80s, inland. 80s and portions of the north bay. and 62 degrees in san francisco, and the rest of the bay area. with big changes in our forecast through this weekend. overnight tonight and into tomorrow much of the same. fog will be moving in and of widespread. with dense patchy fog closer to the coast. as we head into the afternoon slightly cooler temperatures and increasing cloud coverage. high of our next storm. i will have more on that in a moment but first, the fog tracker in the morning. 6:00 a.m., widespread and it is going to be slow to peel back. 10:00 a.m., still over pleasanton, livermore in the north bay and in the south bay! pilling to san francisco by noon. for perhaps this is a bit exaggerated,-killing back to san francisco by noon. peeling back. perhaps this is more accurate. and regardless, it is going to be foggy tomorrow morning in a cooler day tomorrow afternoon. 78 in santa rosa, 73 in san rafael, 77 napa. and 70 s down the shoreline. in the south bay. let us talk about the rainfall. pretty strong storms, to the northwest and most of this is going to miss us. however, we are going to seize light shower activity. overnight, saturday, and with a light shower activity. and a better chance with the north bay, the south of the golden gate into sunday afternoon. by 12:00 p.m.-noon, pretty good rainfall in the north bay. and towards the south bay, the rainfall totals are not going to be that impressive s all but this is so very early for us to be seen rainfall. again, the north they will begin and the rest of the air on sunday. cooler temperatures will prevail as we go towards next week. dry, slightly warmer conditions are expected. stay with us, we will protect after this new direct back baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible. and national news, authorities are showing a two year-old girl smoking marijuana. the 21 year-old mother and she has been indicted on several charges including two of the detriment. angela has more. child endangerment. and prosecutors are saying you are hearing his voice in the video to egging her on. smoking marijuana. she shot this yourself and send it to others. somebody turned into the hamilton job and family services. i am grateful that somebody in the community was savvy enough, smart enough and cared enough about this little girl that they ve brought this to authorities. just released indictment has cause to with three different felonies. and the office was horrified! and upset by how well at ease the child seems to be with the joint. it does not seem to be that it is brand new. maybe this is going on for a while? on this happened at the springfield township earlier this summer. at one point, she try to delete the video and fled the mother was at large, and the truck was taken to protect its services. -the child. was taken. to find out services they always thought that the children are not taking care of. and i have had them in my driveway and they are not supervised because i do not want them to get hurt in my driveway. now, this child at least is in the care of a relative. and this world is getting world recognition for the longest tongue and 4.5 in.! it is nearly as long as the body. in the latest edition of the guinness book of world records which was launched, today. also, stephen from inland. he lays claim to all this stuff, the biggest collection of smurf remote village, 1600 items and a 10 ft. statue of papa smurf. my big changes, with a cool off and increasing cloud coverage. and ahead of this storm. the north bay has a chance of rain fall, showers late saturday night. the main event of rain will be early saturday morning and a saturday afternoon. after the relieve the bay area will have drier conditions and a slightly warmer conditions. a live look a outside with a little bit of fog. from the san francisco skyline. kron 4 news the 6:00 p.m. is coming up, next. [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp, carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you re talking about massive layoffs, which we did. perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i m proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i m barbara boxer and i approve this message. when you buy the hot new samsung fascinate with its super amoled screen. get a free samsung intensity, a free blackberry bold or any other phone in our lineup. don t miss out. offer ends soon. buy a samsung fascinate and any other phone is free. only at verizon. live from the bay area s news station at 6:00 p.m. our big store, the san pronounced gas explosion for many residents were allowed back in. the san bruno gas explosion our big story. and portola elementary evacuated in san bruno. and the check for a leak and not find one perhaps it was carter monoxide built into the schools heating system just a small example of what is in the air and san bruno. and christine connolly is alive and uncovering the details of last week s explosion. christine? and as the wind blows there is a concern about what is in this fire debris. as it goes around the neighborhood a live look you can see those white suits. possibly emergency crews to for sifting through the rubble but the whole to pardon has the ash has not been tested. and from previous fires that burned out cars, and the homes, there could possibly be a asbestosis. there is definitely a concern and take a listen to what the hold different had to say. the environmental hazard of the burn site is all in the debris in the ash that is left because of the hazard. if you are in an immediate contact? that is going to be a risk of inflation. that is where residents and are going back are sending through a 30 minute safety training so they can understand the health and safety risks. they are being provided all the protective gear they need, masks, gloves companies, and to go through 80 con situation. - decompression. and also the rainfall will help a little bit. and to be cautionary, we are in the process of putting together protection of the storm drains. if there is any runoff. and our concern is the wind and blowing the dust, offsite. with fire crews going to once, twice, depending on the wind and spraying water. in with the possibility of rainfall emergency crews say that it could possibly become more difficult for residents to sift through with their belongings. and the return to get as many people and now before the brain begins. christine connolly. fed and-before the bash republicans. and after a parent of 0 herbalifneither agency found a d the mother thought she smelled carbon monoxide built up in the school s heating system. and that was turned on the this morning. it was only 1 mi. away from the deadly pipe explosion. 200 students were taken and in this video some of the children. the portola elementary was closed for one day as a precaution. many parents and students were shaken by the experience but they are happy the situation was handled. a little scary, i was scared. worried about the kids after what happened in this inferno. i was kind of freaked out. what happened and-a-san for now. and you do not know what is going to happen next. what happened in san bruno last week stressed it was very alarming, everything was very fresh in our mind and i m very happy to note that the school reacted so quickly. demarking and a thing to happen at any time and the olive into . is that the did an excellent job. it is better to be sick and sorry. it is better to be safe than sorry. live, friends and families are gathered to remember 44 year-old jacqueline creig and 14 year old janessa this begins the 7:00 p.m.. and a funeral mass is set for tomorrow. stay with kron 4 pour continuing coverage of the san bruno gas line in explosion comprehensive coverage, and live in oakland. the scene of a gas leak and this was very small. east 18th. apple near lake merritt. working crews from pg&e were able to cap this leak. that building was evacuated and a few surrounding buildings as a precaution. and they are hoping to get people back into their homes within the next few hours. as long as they are able to declare this area as safe. those are live pictures from oakland. kate thompson is there, live. kate? pg&e has successfully blocked this gas line. they had to dig this up. and at&t struck the pipe around 1:00 p.m. this afternoon. people from the apartment building at lake view court were evacuated. gas/electricity turned off. serval working crews on the scene, the police department, the oakland police tfire department. and shutting down surrounding areas. they did not turn off the gas to the entire pipeline because the out of left thousands of customers without gas. this is their standard procedure. the will clamp, plug the pline on either side, and expect people to get back by early this evening. and reopen the streets as well. reporting in oakland, kate thompson, kron 4 news. let me show you on google earth. this is the intersection of 18th and apple street at lake merritt. this is where the gas leak happened on the corner of east 18th and ample st. that building reported it and this building or both evacuated-apple street, and as kate thompson mentioned, to get people back and early this evening. sunny skies for most of the bay area rock and warmer temperatures. especially in the north bay. eight degrees in santa rosa, inland still mainly in the 80s as well. 70 s for most of the bay area. and closer to the coastline we are still seeing some fog. the satellite is still hugging the coast line and some of this is pretty tense. and even misty. that is starting to move through san francisco, oakland over the bay bridge. and will continue through the evening with the dense fog moving into the bay and even inland. an overnight, and by 7:00 a.m., patchy, dense, with widespread. half mostly closer to the coastline and slightly cooler conditions. as we wait for a storm to approach us. with increasing cloud coverage table in crise this weekend. stay with us. real mess. and i m not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don t go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i m prepared to do exactly that. you inhale, they inhale. millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones. texting.blogging. all this technology, but you re still banking like pilgrims! it s time for new school banking, bubbie. interest plus savings at why earn bupkis, when your savings can earn three times the national average!! three times the national average!!! new school banking at capital one bank. with interest plus savings, go to!!!!! what s in your wallet? somebody help me down. what s in your wallet? no one fights harder than jerry mcnerney. when some vets were forced to travel hours for care, mcnerney fought for a new v.a. medical facility, and won. mcnerney took on washington gridlock, to improve care for vets with traumatic brain injuries. his plan became law. that s why vfw state commander dave norris endorsed mcnerney. i m jerry mcnerney, and i m honored to approve this message. thanks, dad. this is back live in san francisco the crowd is growing larger for a vigil. and 50 minutes for jacqueline and je nesssa greig dictums of the san bruno gas line explosion. - victim it is thes and one week since the san bruno gas line explosion and the victims of been able to go back again. jeff bush will tell you what it is homeowners have been sifting through and you can imagine. not much is left. and with one man helped with a safe to pry it open and on for july, most of the and for burned. what was left in his gun collection. his daughter from a camera that was destroyed and there were two things there remained intact. there was one gold ring that had a sentiment of value and one the single statue of buddha collection. this was from pieces from all over the world! and the weird thing is that this was made by the homeowner, himself. this entire ordeal has been stressful, to say the least. he reminded me that those can be replaced in the most important thing is that his family is okay. i can work, my family is so committed daughter is still okay. in san bruno, jeff bush, kron 4 news. we want to go back live to st. cecilia and the san francisco. this memorial service will begin for 45 minutes. both victims. a very big crowd gathering. we will be right back. but what really happened? cnn not me cnn says his assertion about his tax record was just plain wrong. jerry brown went out there and took credit for the fact that the people of california voted for proposition 13, which lowered taxes, which he opposed. and now he s going around taking credit for it. he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. he doesn t tell the people the truth. and a deficit when he left. the riveras are taking their first family vacation. [ dad ] hey, do you guys want to see the largest artichoke ever grown? [ kids ] artichoke! artichoke! they needed some tools to help them keep track of their spending along the way. wells fargo checking with mobile banking lets them check their balance wherever they happen to be. the widest one or the tallest one? the closest. the closest. well, if you got the 4-wheel drive, you could go down this road here. [ mom ] i think we re lost. [ dad ] it s ok. we ll find some other big vegetable. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when life is mobile. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when life is mobile. but deadly on fleas. so ask your veterinarian for advantage, the flea specialist, for effective, but gentle flea control. concord police are investigating a police officer shooting. the lieutenant of the police department of what happened. just before 2:30 a.m., concord police officers attempted to stop a subject was walking near astor drive. the officers wanted to stop the subject because they thought that he was wanted on outstanding warrants for robbery. after contact the thames, he started running and they pursued him. they needed about one half way and officers confronted the subject. they produce h produced a weapon, ane subject was wounded. he was transported to the walnut center medical center walnut creek. and his current condition. there were two officers that identified. and as per department policy, they have been placed on paid administrative leave. and any officer involved shooting we are working in conjunction with the district attorney s office of contra costa county and the criminal law but just a clever toward of contra costa county. 29 year-old brian keith with felony arrests, and a total bail of nine that a thousand dollars! and and the $900,000. two men are dead, while trying to go with the chp. this happen before 1:30 when they tried to stop in s u v that was missing a front license plate. they pulled over near carlisle/neuter dame and as they approached, the car took off. they chased, in turn this chase the 0 suv lost control. overturned. four people were inside, the two in the backward dead, and the two were taken to an injuries that are not the lea believe to be life threatening. and national news, a stand-up is deadly at the world-famous john hopkins university hospital. 50 year-old paul, who went by the elites, warren davis is suspected of shooting a doctor, killing his mother, killing himself, and he was distraught after a morning the condition of his mother. fed during the course of the conversation with the doctor, mr. davis removed a small, semi- automatic handgun. from his waist area, waistband area. and fired a single gunshot that struck the doctor in the lower chest/upper abdomen. during the to award stand off parts of a hospital were closed, temporarily. the doctor is expected to be okay. and the washington woman through a before this giant confession, she told police that a woman allegedly walked up to her and said haiti want to drink this and then threw the cup of acid. and let us take a look before. the left, and on the right, during the treatment. covered with bandages and with out the bandages all the damage that was sustained. and officials would not speculate on her motives that she is very remorseful and it did not happen as she described. there were some discrepancies in her account. what s on the web with kimberlee sakamoto. jacqueline? a big changes in store for this weekend forecast. we ve been enjoying pretty mild temperatures but it is going to be cooler in the were first storm of the week. and first, the chance of rain fall and the northbound section and to the rest of the bay area. shower activity. saturday morning, and cooler temperatures will prevail as this presses through. first, let us talk about what is going on outside right now. warmer but that fog is hugging the coastline and pressing inland tonight and tomorrow morning. by 6:00 a.m., fog of the to the inland valleys, the delta, and to the south bay. the-year real wide and is going to be slow to peel back. and through pleasanton, livermore, and also through the north bay it will be bay-area wide. scaling back and later morning early afternoon. still lingering over san francisco but i do not think it is still going to be over pleasanton and livermore. we will are going to get a blast of cool air. as that storm trans precious through, tomorrow be transition day. and mostly the 63 degrees and the coast and 70s and 80s. let us talk about that rainfall a pretty strong storm is going be pushing to the northwest. and as i mentioned will be clipped. the rainfall is starting to push to the north bay and south of canton. when chances are going to pick up. by 12. and, widespread, and the best of the chances will be in the dark green section. the rest of sunday afternoon, the jurors for removal will push out. not an remarkable totals but it is still pretty early. that storm pushes through saturday, sunday, with temperatures. as we go into next week, dry, and some of the warmer conditions are expected during the back of 52 st systems a church in san francisco the crowd gets bigger and bigger by the moment. this is for said at 7:00 p.m. for jacqueline and to mess ujanessa and remembering the greirs. [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp, carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you re talking about massive layoffs, which we did. perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i m proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i m barbara boxer and i approve this message. biggest is a lot of buzz about this oscar nominated. why are people so upset? for the 25th anniversary oct. there are four separate special covers featuring these four actresses. and let us take a closer look. and gabby is the only one that is french close. and as we see on the left side and the roadside another picture in a different event. people are wondering why they look heard skin look so light on the cover. they say there was not retouched. and each of these women were shot in different ways for different reasons. to read about this controversy, to see this close up. what s on the web with kimberlee sakamoto. big changes come into this weekend as a storm pushes to the bay area. and stay with us, a rate cap of the top stories right after this break. recap. meg whitman s nose keeps growing. whitman says california lost jobs under jerry brown. turns out 1.9 million jobs were created. she spent millions saying jerry brown raised taxes. fact is brown cut 4 billion in taxes. but whitman s nose keeps growing by the millions. we are back live friends, family gathering for jacqueline and janessa vigil starting in 30 minutes. both victims of the san bruno gas line explosion. and christine connolly is live uncovering the air quality. and especially a win the it is and there is a concern as the debris from the players own could possibly blow to the area. let me show you. some chemicals, and homes, nothing but the chimneys left behind. and a concern of asbestosis. this is what the health department had to say about their concerns just a little bit ago. while we tested this ash similar fires in the san diego/lake tahoe. we expect to find a limited types of contaminants, metals, potential asbestos. if you are in immediate contact? that is going to be a risk of inflation. that is where residents are going back on the site-risk of inhalation, with 30 minutes of safety training. that is where residents have been given personal protective gear. they have been given to eds, gloves, masks to make sure that they are safe. and since there is a forecast for rain fall the receip co th storm drains. the down the drains. they are also trying to wet down the ash to keep it from blowing around. another precaution. reporting live, christine connolly, kron 4 news. we sit dthis in digging, and according to the utility watchdog group. 2007, they claimed that they needed $5 million to repair a natural pipeline. he is just miles from the san bruno and three years later? no work done. and then, another $5 million spent on it and only six of the highly paid executives bonuses! and then 46 $9 for proposition 16 it did not work. it would of required two- thirds of voter approval to start a part company. and you d for this! a $56 million and they focused on the gas line repair the as yet to happen. because they are readily identified and said that this is a high priority project but after an updated assessment of a line and the insurance provided cut the risk of the project. number of this, four of these people posing as victim s trying to receive aid. deonte bennett, and the other three are submittinalleged of submitting g false documentation to a government agency and claiming they were victims of the san bruno gas explosion. and with this recent catastrophe, it can bring out the worst. san bruno and the gas line explosion area should be aware of fake contractors. that is the message of the seven atomisan tn mateo county with warning signs like this. through lawns of calling the damaged area. the spokesperson for the contractors were reports about how to detect phony contractor. what these unlicensed contractors r. boris luck there will try to do in you they are very slick, to try to get a lot of money up front. and to ask for a huge down payment is a common sign that you are dealing with an unlicensed contractor. by law, they cannot pass for 10,000 of the contract or $1,000, whichever is less. to look for the license. the contractor has to have one of these. and restoration work with the explosion of damaged homes. in pointed out the same number can also be found on the side of his truck. he said it is the law. and you are required to put your number on the topside of the truck. so far, no contractor fraud out the bus line explosion. by getting out the word, the gas line explosion, and san bruno. haaziq madyun stay with kron 4 for continuing coverage of the san bruno gas line explosion. we have comprehensive coverage of the incident. now, other news with more news crews from the bay area. in oakland, pg&e have successfully plucked a small gas leak on east 18th near lake merritt. small buildings nearby were evacuated and nonsense that has been successfully plougged for. hideki we can return to their home, and-a evacuees to return to their homes. and in san jose, deep mistrust of those police and the predominantly latin culture of the east side. this pressure says that the police are guilty of racial profiling-per-share of this church of parishioners. hand and a possible solution would be to keep the police on the same beat for more than just six months. the police chief robert davis, is expected to step down at the end of this year. a new police chief is hoping to address the racial profiling issue. and victims of the san bruno explosion and/fire to restoration total for free. if that issue? their issue? the wise, it is if that is you? it is only 29¢ per print. big changes coming up with clouds coming in later. with saturday, mostly cloudy skies and a chance for rain in the north bay. showers in the north bay late saturday and into sunday morning. and a rain likely to the bay area and cooler temperatures will also prevail. as this pushes through. 75, inland. 56 along the coast, and along the rainfall is going to be pushing to the north bay. by 9:00 p.m. on th9:00 a.m. on , and it is going be mostly to the north bay. and it is pretty impressive totals but still too early to predict. a saint cecilia of a growing crowd 25 minutes until a vigil for two victims of the san bruno blast. the black widow spider s severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there s an even deadlier predator let s go! we got a 1-2-0 in progress. what s a 1-2-0? another airline is charging up to $120 roundtrip for two bags. [ imitating siren ] pull over! looks like we got a runner. pull over! we know you ve been charging for bags! we can t stop every plane. we re gonna stop this one. you can fly, but you can t hide. [ ding ] folsom st., in san francisco this driver is making an illegal u-turn and also this driver. the driver of this suv is driving the wrong way against traffic. the vehicle almost makes it one halfway down before pulling over to stop. and then blends in with traffic. what is causing these drivers to behaved badly? let me take you two bucks a week to give you the p full picture. with the taxis, and this to do not enter except for bcity buses. and these are new city bus only with essex street directly onto the bay bridge. what you end up with is a constantly stream of u-turn and a thai na occasionally, a wrongy driver. like his mercedes-benz. and attempt while he is approaching. some drivers will stay at the light and 180 to the light and go to the bridge? these cars are going on off illegally every day. right in the presence of the police but there are so many people in this city bustling. not one officer and possibly catch them all. a city bus lane. and gary has sports, coming up next. nouncer ] we know jerry brown was mayor of oakland, but what were the results? fact: brown promised to improve schools. but the drop out rate increased 50%, and the state had to take over the schools. fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours. they never worked. fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can t deliver the results california needs now. good evening, everybody. before we will get started i would like to praise heather donald. and they re so much busi jealousy in this business and what you did to entice viewers to stay for us tonight. gary has sports, coming up next. and a thing for you, gary. and our producer always says enough time lot and jacqueline? i am good. the writer s home opener will not be shown on local television. not enough tickets purchased for oakland piecfor since the rams, and with the monday night singletary. he is going to try to silence all the critics. it is been a rough week for san francisco with three delayed game penalties. in other words, they sent the place down to the sidelines and to alex smith the did not get it right. jimmy wright, and singletary under the gun! and i do not gobble anything and i think i speak with conviction and express myself pretty well. i do not want to deal with a rafwrath or spend my time who sd this, who said that the article is not factual. and perhaps the person making these allegations should come forward? and with yah hoo getting in the sports business and that they had a report that jimmy raye with your having trouble understanding cam. and what is going to keep everybody quiet as it went coming up. with the home opener, jerry rice have is a butcher is a retired at halftime. once again, the giants cut-his jersey-judge, and also, the balance last night. och the bullpen was great and the story is that to beat the throw and the jains victorious two-one. toni ross pre-game conversation. after the all-star break one of the teams are doing. cody to slope, see what is going on and at the end of the day, it only matters what we do. what we do, and we can do to step up and control our own destiny. bad news for tony mitchell, he is going to withstand a trial that he punched a man and the head several times in southern california. if convicted? this 48 year-old kevin mitchell could face four years in prison. he is free on a $25,000 bail. and you remember that he was a spectacular baseball. and when you are done, what the white do? and kevin is one of those guys. -what to wide do now? and derrik cheater.jeter and the reh cjleay slh shows that joe madded without that instant replay. tampa bay, and jacqueline bennett is a fan of derrik did you find disconcerting? i do not know if i am a fan! and with a good-looking guy and a big salary. it does not surprise me with the yankees. and it is funny that in baseball, that if you cheat and life? that and baseball, he is a competitor? to do his job. if you are not cheating, you are not trying perhaps that is the model. and with a rod, that is and-model. and did you steal that? and the bay area s pride will play for the women s soccer. they will do it with a great march. the most valuable player. she led the wps and the pride of the hosting the championship contest championship on september 26th. last night. ken burns documentary, and it was a really strange to see all the strange and i ve never seen pam kidder picture taken. did she? and she was so excited she took the day off today, and yes, everybody enjoyed this as we go from ken burns to maybe if somebody is somebody that you do not know somebody about? when we return, a store that passes us exclusively but our new executives. this is about a man of following his athletic less by planning has basketball in san quentin. known as child on the courts and san quentin. time meg whitman told a lie her nose would grow? newspapers report the claims in this meg whitman ad are false. and she knows it. taxes went down under jerry brown. but whitman s nose keeps growing by the millions. which would be great. if i was seven. i m forty-six. and the tooth fairy doesn t come when you re forty-six. just lots of referrals and appointments and bills that cost tons. maybe i ll keep it. it adds character. right? [ male announcer ] losing a tooth is a big deal at any age. that s why we offer dental coverage. blue shield. meg whitman s nose keeps growing. whitman says california lost jobs under jerry brown. turns out 1.9 million jobs were created. she spent millions saying jerry brown raised taxes. fact is brown cut 4 billion in taxes. but whitman s nose keeps growing by the millions. and we made this mistake of saying that he is going to play baseball in san quentin, now is understand that it is out of tres. and he grew up in sacramento? 56. he is one of 64 finalists, and the king of the rocks. saturday night on alcatraz island. the winner gets $10,000 of first it sporting event, ever on the rock. your nickname perform. yes, the child. which you prefer? permit child. child. why do not stay home? purlieu are too old? the most of days it hurts that morning, i tried to make it and nothing hurt. what is amazing is that the child, a look at the basis. and this is the child did they give you any heat? actually know, with accolades and pats on the back. and why alcatraz? they never had a sporting event. and the one on one is close to a fool. that persoprison yars a lot of history and that place -more of a duel. and were to pick this up? and you did not play in high school, college, what made you said you wanted to be a playground legend? and with the wholharlem globetrotters, came through in 1964. and they put a great spin on the game. and you play some magic? larry bird? yes, i tried. and i would say that i have patted my game closer into the raquel, electric worm. that is traffic. and if somebody is is sitting at home-terrific. and if you are at a certain age? that if you are wrong, i am right? a live taken my care and there s only so much red on the tire and once that is blown out? tread. and as i mentioned, the executive producer, she says you have to have the child on to wish us luck. i appreciate it. saturday night, $10,000, one on one, good luck. instead of earning squatootski. your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let s review. capital one interestplus savings. at three times more. go to what s in your wallet? are you a pisces? the insider has the most detailed report behind today s new star headlines. i m lara spencer. on.age in you future? our new jessica simpson exclusive.ating in new york with her new man. air. news on her new fashion line, and is she firing back about the weight headlines. never look at what size it is, because it does not matter. cut the tag out.s hell. indisc. a new book about the bombshell claim.n miss daughter bristol s premier.

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