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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240613

maybe they could do an exhibition where he does some backflip that the open. maybe nancy pelosi will do that tonight of the congressional baseball game. no that s when trump visits tomorrow. is there a lightning bolt that s going to hit the capital? trump is coming. they said populism was over, that it was over in europe. trump was over. how many times can they declare trump politically over or populism is over? they ve been wrong and wrong again. the tide is rising internationally and i think trump s return to washington, this will be quite a day. you all stay tuned for that tomorrow. speaker-01: raymond arroyo, great to have you. that s it for us tonight, follow me on social media, thank you for watching, jesse is next. welcome to jesse watters primetime . tonight,. jesse: [ inaudible ] jesse: we finally figured out what they are going to do with joe. four more years, pause. [ chanting ] jesse: arab spring break, not over yet. [ crowd noise ] shot fired. jesse: crime is down. [ laughter ] jesse: new hoax alert. plus. jake paul. [ ] jesse: politics is like a game of cards, you don t pick the cards, you play the hand you are dealt. after using up their dictator on day one card in the lock him up card, democrats are down with only two cards left to play. joe biden and come in layers. around the democrat poker table, the question is, what s the next play. the obvious answer was joe biden he won them the first poker game, why not go for a repeat? the question is, everybody sees the play coming and the biden card, no guarantee. he s lagging with debate prep, skipping out on g-7 dinners and now his conviction is hanging over his head. sources inside the white house tell the new york times biden has grown more resigned and worried than ever about what the future might hold for his son. the media is starting to question the play. the people close to him say that this is the thing that more than anything else he wakes up, you know, if he s briefed by aids on gaza, the next immediate thing, constantly in contact with his son, they speak at least once a day. so this is something that is going to add more weight to the presidents mindset. i think it s a very heavy burden and by staying in politics, by being as exposed as they are in some ways, it has put pressures on hunter biden and i think that weighs on the president. jesse: like any poker game it s all about the odds. a prediction model gives biden a one in three chance of winning and after biden s approval rating just hit an all-time low, even the democrat numbers guru nate silver is a joe needs to drop out. or else it s a longshot. most americans they get biden is reelected, he will die in office. now the question is, do you take the risk or do you make a swap? i think a lot of voters have trepidation about whether or not joe biden will make it through a second term and so they tune out these other things. is this because they have issues about his vice president? also issues about kamala harris coming into the office, absolutely. whether that s racism, whether it s because of her track record at not being great at public policy. at someone new in? a convention would require do you think you should? we should watch for the first debate. jesse: what good does a harris candidacy do? she s less popular than biden and no one thinks she can beat trump. but she s still here because no one has told her no or maybe she just won t listen to it. i eat no for breakfast. i don t hear no. and many times in your life, you are going to here no. someone is going to many even many people will say to you, it s not your time, nobody like you has done that before, they are not ready for you. and then i love this next one, that s going to be hard work. really? jesse: democrats have a better shot of winning the white house with the guy that s about to die than with kamala harris. as machiavelli says in the prince, to maintain power you have to be prepared to act immorally when it comes necessary. that s what the democrats are preparing to do. charles cook in the national review says biden s candidacy is nothing more than a decoy biden is operating as a stand-in, a widget or a macguffin whose primary purpose is to make it to november 5th of this year without expiring. the most powerful man in the world has been transmuted into little more than a game token in a game that narrows down to this , biden must win because donald trump must not. the only way biden wins is if he s not seen as too old are too incompetent or too misguided. that means he cannot be seen as who he is. the media has to lie to you about him. the job is simple, boomerang every trump attack on biden to better the odds. for all his calls for president biden to undergo some kind of cognitive test, it s clear to say mr trump s remarks are not at all coherent and these rallies. mr trump s remarks have never been super coherent in his rallies. this split screen has always been there, will always be there. they are different people. jesse: it s risky when your candidate looks like this. i need to see some black folk on the grass! [ ] come on! i need to see some black folk on the grass! [ ] [ ] banning books about black experiences. [ inaudible ] jesse: so plan b, change the subject. i think you have to stop making it about gold versus not old versus bit versus unfit and it s very simple, you keep putting on the graphic fit and you show biden at the state of the union. unfit, you show trump. fit, unfit, and each one of trump s is very funny and then you go it s all fun and games until it comes to nuclear weapons. we can t have unfit. jesse: this guy might be a little old but his hand on the button is okay. this guy s hand is not on the button and i would bring it back to end of world stuff. jesse: notice how the democrats don t have a winning message. it changes every day and that tells you they are in trouble. as soon as biden is reelected, cook says that is when you will see a shift. 23 seconds after he has won, this will change and when it does the reversal will be astonishing in both speed and scope. instantly all of biden s senile ticks will be visible to all. within seconds of his inauguration got the scene will begin to cast doubts on the ability of any octogenarian to do such a demanding job and when the last weight falls, it will become clear as day that joe biden wasn t a presidential candidate, but a lumbering decoy . the media will turn in the kingmakers will go to work. hunter gets pardoned, biden gets pushed out and the torch gets past took kamala harris in the first year. whose presidency will look like this. to aspire to create wealth is a good thing as far as i m concerned. if that is what one chooses. i on the other hand have chosen to live a life of public service. but i am all for you getting yours if that s what you want. we dry in. that s what those tours about jesse: every day for four years it will be a dei victory. the media will celebrate the first black the mill president and the deep state will run a lock because kamala harris is easier to control that joe, just like joe she will be a macguffin to washington s poker game and when 2028 rolls around, they can say thanks for playing, kamala. would like to introduce you to someone, maybe you ve heard of him, gavin newsom. former house speaker kevin mccarthy joins me now. do you see this? i see it. year one, joe is gone, kamala is in, that s the play, that s the decoy. you know why it s so true? they ve already played it once. it was a hunter biden laptop. the first thing they did, they had it since 2019, they go out and tell people it s not real and then they told immediate you can t print this or talk about it and then once the election is over, it s real. the wall street journal did a story recently, and i told them, i watched this behind the scenes working with this president, is all the moments he s not there. i never hid from the fact and they are acting like this is a big shock. but if you follow the democrats, remember axelrod who ran obama s campaign? he started a year and a half ago trying to get him not to run. then clinton s tried to get him not to run. now they finally decided we can t get him off the ticket. kamala can win. jesse: so they have to lie to all of us about how great he is, how sharp he is, how he can outhustled the whole country just to get him over the finish line and then the switcheroo. ogc, they literally have the top people in hollywood working on it. those sunglasses. the problem is, he has to walk to the podium. he walks to the podium and everyone walks around like what are you talking about? when he starts to talk, then you are in trouble. they tried to hide him the last time and this is the play they want to do. they have to get through this last bit. jesse: when we see him swallow words or say things completely incomprehensible at these public events, or not clap to the beat, when you were behind the scenes negotiating, what did you see? he would always go with the cards. what i learned early on, he has to read from them. once he starts reading, i was would interject and he would not know what to do. then he would close it and just stop. kamala would have to start talking. so it was a player used every time. there was one time we were sitting there and he s taking us on a tour and all of a sudden he goes, you want to go out to the pool? and then jill is on the other side of the table and she goes know, they don t want to go out. he goes you don t want to go out? then he opens the door, it s wintertime, and he walks is down to the swimming pool into the changing room. and then we walked back up and he s created this little room outside the oval office to be a little office for him. president trump had it as a gift shop but clinton used for something else. [ laughter ] but he s made it an office for himself like 10 feet away from the oval office. why? jesse: like a mini office. not the grand oval office, a little cubbyhole. between you and i. all it does is have a desk in their and then it has one of those ballets when i walked in. a blue dress shirt all wrinkled. why does the president take his shirt off and there? then we come walking back and i m thinking oh my gosh, please don t show this to any other world leader. i will tell you, democrats. jesse: kevin, i can t believe you showed you the pool in the middle of winter, but not just the pool, the dressing room when he got to the dressing room, what did he say? first he got to the door and it was locked. [ laughter ] secret service comes and opens it up. i m like what are we doing? jesse: do some laps. all right. you are doing laps around him. we just mentioned hunter. and someone just floated the idea of a pardon but not who you think it would be coming from. watch this. i d like to see president trump coming out with a statement saying if hunter biden commits to a program of sobriety and inpatient or maybe outpatient, shows up got keeps his sobriety, i will partner him. i love to see president trump say that. mack not on his part, it shows humanity and flip the tables on the democrats magna minutes. i like it for this, it means trump is president. it also shows the democrats are fearful of trump to become president because they are fearful he will do what they are doing to him. and you know it s interesting, they run on bidenomics which fails because inflation, because than they run a democracy. npr did a pool of independence and by a vote of 53-42, they think the biggest threat to democracy is him having another four years. so what i think from this is it s not bad. trump shows that the greatest retribution you can do to anybody is be successful. jesse: i think that s the move. revenge is success. you want to go see the pool? [ laughter ] jesse: kevin mccarthy, thank you so much. more primetime ahead. [ ] if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what s on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! 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[ ] [ ] jesse: biden said his executive order which i don t the border but it s been a week and thousands of illegals are still pouring through. bill melugin has more. reporter: jesse, president biden s executive order is pretty much having zero impact whatsoever in the busy san diego sector where adult men from really all around the planet continue crossing illegally nonstop with most of them released into the u.s. fox news cameras have witnessed mass illegal crossings in california several days in a row with every day in the last week averaging over 1000 illegal immigrant apprehensions down in that sector. one border patrol agent is now voicing his frustration. doesn t frustrate you when you hear the narrative like why aren t border patrol doing anything? if i don t allow them to cross, they call and complain and i m in trouble and i lose my job. reporter: meanwhile at boston international airport, the baggage claim has been turned into a shelter for a legal immigrants with hundreds camping inside the sanctuary city s airport. at san antonio airport, a reporter posted this video showing americans having to wait in a long line at tsa while illegal aliens released from dhs custody with their notice to appear paperwork had their own much faster line. we reached out to tsa for comment and they said they are preparing a statement but as of this newscast, we have not heard back from them yet. meanwhile today fox news questions democrats about eight to g augusta national s with ices ties being arrested by ice and the fbi after they were caught and released at the southern border. to me, it s just a reminder that republicans need to stop opposing additional resources for more border patrol agents and other dhs personnel to help continue to enforce the law. they have the personnel and let them go. they need more. republicans need to stop getting in the way. reporter: and just a little reminder for your viewers, democrats held the white house, the senate for the first two years did not the about the border. jesse: thank you bill. trump has been clear when he gets into office he s going to get revenge but what does that look like? my revenge will be success. and i mean that. but it s awfully hard when you see what they ve done, these people are so evil and at the same time the country can t come together. can come together. jesse: revenge through success. everybody wins, even trump s enemies. jesus told his disciples that i say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and prey for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. what would jesus do? revenge through success. some people heard the word revenge and thought trump is going to put me in gitmo. maddow, wallace, will be goldberg and aoc worried about been thrown in solitary. stelter says that s just the beginning. jail of course is an extreme part of the spectrum. imprisonment is a sub extreme part but think about irs audits, government pressure, other forms of government interference. there are a lot of pressure points and rachel maddow is not the only one thinking about this. i ve talked to the heads of news organizations, they are thinking through not in dramatic fashion, because they are afraid of going to jail but because they want to know what could trump do to use his power in a second term to punish the media. jesse: trump doesn t want to put the press in prison, he loves them. he loves them so much that he talks to them even when he should not. and the press should love him back. he made them rich and famous. during his presidency, cnn and msnbc ratings were double what they are now. deep stators got huge tv contracts. million-dollar book deals being handed out like halloween candy. today biden runs away from the press. there s mass layoffs, no book deals and cnn is losing to reruns of martin. he s coming, he s coming! [ laughter ] jesse: the media is catching a case of arrest and be. they saw what happened to trump when he got arrested, legendary mug shot, 24/7 coverage, millions of dollars in donations and they want a taste of martyrdom. they are baking trump to arrest them for attention. it s the only way anybody will know they are still famous. they want their own trials like trump. gag orders, de niro showing up. but none of that is going to happen. of trunk trump locks up all the reporters, will he joust with? but there s a different revenge path trump could take. legal scholar says there s only one way to stop the political prosecutions, prosecute democrats. only retaliation in kind can produce the deterrence necessary to enforce a political version of mutual assured destruction. without the threat of prosecution of their own leaders, democrats will continue to charge future republican presidents without restraint. john is a former deputy assistant attorney general. john, what would that look like, prosecuting democrats, be specific. thank you for having me on. i have to say, that was a great article you were just reading from. jesse: thank you. what a wonderful scholar. [ laughter ] this is what it would look like. you would have to have republican das indict hunter biden or indict joe biden just in the way that blue state das have been indicting president trump. and would it be for it would be for things like corruption, fraud, bribery, because that s the only way i think you can get democrats to stop abusing the legal system, to stop breaking the norms that they have. i was listening to your introduction to the segment and look, the democrats are so scared because they have broken all of these rules. they have crossed the rubicon and now they are worried because once they ve destroyed these norms in the way they ve gone after trump, they realize republicans can turn around and do the exact same thing to them. jesse: we heard a guy at the top, a consultant to trump in 2020, say that trump should promise to pardon hunter back preemptively back as a kind of way to rise above things and flip the script on democrats. you are saying trump wins, local das go after joe and hunter and go further than that. what other avenues or areas do you think republican das or prosecutors could legitimately do in order to get accountability? well one thing they can look at his influence peddling beyond just the biden family. are there other democratic politicians who engage in the same kind of conduct? they get their brothers hired, their sisters hired, their kids hired by foreign governments, foreign corporations or even u.s. corporations. and then try to help those companies out. look, the justice department actually goes after a lot of american companies when they due exactly the same thing abroad. if you were in exon and you hired say the sun of the head of saudi arabia, he would be prosecuted like that. so why can t republican das do the same here in the united states? and look, i don t want this norm to have been broken. i wish we were not using the criminal justice system to interfere in politics, but how else could you deter democratic das from doing the same thing? if you don t, they will just keep doing it and doing it worse and worse. jesse: insider-trading could probably be an area where prosecutors would have a field day. just look at nancy pelosi, look at some of these members of congress. could the sec get involved there? it could be the sec but it could just be, and this is the thing that the democrats really started, it wasn t just the justice department, it was leading any sitting county da go after trump. there are 2500 elected das in the country and so to really establish, and this is all to rebuild the norm, to get people to stop doing this, then you would allow republican das and in say texas or florida to ask why does a democratic senator or democratic congressman go into office and then 20 years later they seem to have millions of dollars and multiple mentions like bernie sanders? jesse: so don t do what jesus would do. don t love my enemy. [ laughter ] play the long game. jesus wasn t running for president. [ laughter ] jesse: john yoo, thank you so much. new hoax alert, right back. 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[ ] arab spring break might be over by the occupiers are still at it. over 100 hamas lovers marched into ucla holding fake dead bodies in looking to set up a new campus caliphate. but this time the cops weren t having it and started arresting the ecology hotties before they could pitch their tents. watch. [ crowd noise ] [ bleep ] [ chanting ] no racist police! [ bleep ] jesse: if they can occupy campus, they occupy a subway. a horde went underground, they love tunnels, fighting with cops, vandalized trains and demanding any jews identify themselves. [ bleep ] [ crowd noise ] [ chanting ] shut it down! raise your hand if you are a zionist. this is your chance to get out. jesse: a mostly peaceful commute, unless you happen to be jewish. crime so out of control looters are back and there s not even a reason to riot. [ crowd noise ] jesse: the whole mop recorded the rampage. one arrest. in seattle where they told johnny there s no crime, there s gang shootouts in residential neighborhoods. [ gunshots ] jesse: in new york, maniacs with knives are lunging at cops. let go of the knife! give me another taser. all right, all right. jesse: and in san francisco it was just another day that ended in the letter y. [ engine roars ] jesse: a sideshow with fires, burnouts and roman candles, those are fun. blatant and outrageous crimes occurring on a daily basis coast-to-coast but biden is running for reelection so the fbi is telling you crime is down. attorney and retired nypd inspector paul moreau. the fbi comes out and says crime is way down. is that true? no. let s just break it out in a simple way from the get-go. forty% of the nations police departments don t report to the fbi with their crime numbers. what a coincidence. let s do the roll call. new york, la, chicago, baltimore, washington, dc which is federal themselves. consequently, what do they have in common? big blue cities with high crime rates and those numbers are not going into the crime reports. furthermore, the fbi has a habit of trying to extrapolate those numbers. nothing is more dull than statistics but it s interesting what they do. for instance, this quarter when joe biden is claiming violent crime is down, he s focusing on murders, murders are down the nypd and the fbi murder number for this year are different by 44%. jesse: wait a second. and it looks like the new york city number is a little higher than the fbi is telling. and by the way, they use the same definition so it s not like the devil is in the details, the same order definition, they are off by 44%. you can t trust these numbers and just consider this, the videos you just showed, most of what you just showed would not be captured in any crime numbers. jesse: why not? that was a knife attack on a police officer, we saw i believe a shoot out in a residential neighborhood. that is legitimately classified as a shooting. they probably got that for in new york for instance you have to hit someone for that to be a shooting incident. jesse: i can empty my clip but if i miss, they don t count that? that s right. [ laughter ] and look, the bottom line is, quality of life is not captured in any of the fbi numbers and if you live in the blue city, walk outside and use your eyes. and by the way, what with the arrests be for those people who were yelling about jews on the train? where the hate crimes? where are the fbi hate crimes task force and all these other none of that gets captured. jesse: zero he crimes on that subway. just a handful of arrests. it looked like a music video in san francisco with the fires and the skits. and joe biden is talking about how he s supporting law enforcement, all-pro law enforcement. the day he came to town, he went to radio city, he had five hours before that event, he did not pick up the phone and call the family. donald trump went to that wake. if you don t think america s law enforcement sees that and will vote commensurately, you are not paying attention. jesse: thank you paul. jake ball joints primetime , next. 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[ ] jesse: young voters used to be la up for democrats on election day but now they are heckling joe biden, voting trump or straight up disappeared. why is that? war, high prices, biden is 140. so the democrats came up with a new plan to win back young voters, free beer and birth control. the washington post writes, a group of democratic donors think they may have found a cure for what ails you. they want to make politics looked different, like a dance party or comedy show or just a place to chill out. sometimes there will be free beer, manicures, boot shines, rent check sweepstakes, a handout of contraceptive pills or cooling towels, whatever those are. and if the booze, birth-control and boot shines don t work, maybe hollywood marketing well. won t pack down, get it? hired millenial and gen z directors back writers and producers to help craft pro biden content that is specifically engineered does sell an octogenarian candidate to typically disillusioned and hard-to-reach voters under 30. biden paid off their school loans and they still hate him? what a waste of money. professional boxer jake paul joins me now. so jake if the democrats gave you free beer, would you vote biden? man, it will take more than that, but it does not have to do to me it does not have to do with democrat or republican, it s about which president is going to fight for us and who is going to represent us the best way possible. and that s really what the young people in america want. we won t solutions, we don t want all of this marketing, we don t want all of the the yes. this is the smartest generation. we ve had the most access to information and knowledge out of any other generation, so you can t fool us. we just want the truth and we want authenticity. jesse: what are the solutions you want for, what s the problem? man, there s a lot to name. jesse: we only have a couple minutes. that s not necessarily my area of expertise, but i know people are struggling with jobs, mortgages, too much for people to afford. inflation, prices are going up and is minimum wage rising? people are having trouble paying off and going to school, and then they are feeling like i have this college degree but what has this gotten me? i believe there s a massive problem with our food. the stuff they are putting into our bodies and allowing a grocery stores is causing massive health problems. i think there needs to be a massive conversation with a national institution of health. that s why i created it gotta try this stuff, it smells delicious, but i wanted to make it, a product that took out all the weird stuff for young men and boys across the world because it matters what we are putting in an on our bodies and so definitely there s a lot of things. jesse: wait, jake, was that just body spray? yes. this is w body spray deodorant and body wash. i ve been working on this for two years and it s available in walmart nationwide right now. jesse: you gotta send over the skincare line to primetime . we will sample it and give it a review. your brother was just with trump let s watch the clip. explain what was going on here. jesse: what was that? yeah, no, i thick my brother is having trump on his podcast and i think that s what s important to young voters, is the president showing up, speaking their mind, saying how they are going to help. my brother has invited biden onto his podcast, the last i ve heard, and let s see what happens. i ve invited biden to my fight. i want both donald trump junior and biden to come to my fight but who knows which president is actually going to show up, talk to the people, it into the weeds and meet the young voters where they are at, give them that representation and give them that voice and somebody who will fight for us. jesse: so what s the deal with the fight? i heard mike had heart problems and it was postponed. what s next? he had stomach issues. but the fight is rescheduled to november 15th. same everything, dallas, texas, at&t stadium, still historic night live on netflix. mike says he will still knock me out and i just bought a little bit of extra time. jesse: well send that body spray this way. i have to sit next to dana perino and i have to be smelling good, if you know what i mean. jake paul, everybody check him out, and the skincare line w. no relation. [ ] jesse: time for waters mack cooler. let s bring in cat and friends watters cooler legendary hot dog eating champ was banned from this year s nathan sauder david and contest after he signed a deal with a vegan wiener brand. is that fare? you sign a deal was someone, we have that here at fox. we can t just go on cnn. coral, he s freelance so he did not sign anything, he s just a guest. jesse: so carl can go on cnn. if he wanted to. but if i were joey chestnut, i would be petty. i would compete along anyway. i bring my own hotdogs and i would sit there at coney island and fill myself film myself doing it and beat everyone anyway. jesse: ute the impossible dogs. that might give them a tactical advantage. go in the crowd into it anyway. win from afar. don t get mad, get petty. jesse: wise words. next up, a mom says she charges other parents who bring their kids over for a play date. are you ready? this mom charges three dollars for a bag of goldfish, two dollars for yogurt, one dollar for three squirts of soap. one dollar. four dollars for two juice boxes, four dollars for markers, five dollars for electricity, four dollars for meat sticks, three dollars for an ice cream bar and a ten-dollar cleaning fee. she s billing the other parents for the play date at her house. i don t think this is real but for the sake of television i will pretend that i do. jesse: i ve never done that before. not without the disclaimer. i think she s a troll and it s a good thing. that makes me want to have kids so that i can have my kids friends over and then send the bill. send it over and see how they handle it. i think it would be a really good test. if somebody said what is this, what are you doing? that s how you know you have a real friend. if someone says no problem, you know that person is talking about you behind your back. jesse: you have strong moral character. i do they when a lot of people don t realize but you do. next up, kit cats with catch up is all everybody is talking about. sounds disgusting. probably is but we have to try it. you squirt yourself. are you going to eat it? your not any need it. he just put a little squirt on their. right on there it. i never have agreed to do this. jesse: i m gonna go. let s go. cheers. it s not good. jesse: not good. that s so bad. i don t like this at all. so bad. jesse: do something with it. throw it at johnny. i don t like it. jesse: well, tell me about your dog. my dog is named karl. he has and instagram and he s greg s dogs uncle. i got the stock first. jesse: so greg stole your idea? they are biologically related got is the nephew of my dog carl jesse: a family tree. of dogs. jesse: a beautiful dog. i kind of like yours better than cost. shots fired. thank you for entering the ketchup and kit kat. the spartan race, that s next. [ ] when you re in the military you re really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how s it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he s always coming over. when i go to jack s house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning and ski with my fa when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. mily, i can t put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i m still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don t mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that s probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they re going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute $11 a month by visiting now choose advil liqui-gels and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. jesse: the spartan race you have to see this you know what it is 5 k through mud that s a killer. under barbed wire you have to crawl. monkey bars you have to swing. rope climb there s gerrit a 75-pound barrel there. wall climb it s like an hour or 2 hours and all day event. we ll let part 2 tomorrow with video a bunch of fox people involved with the primetime tear crew was there they wanted me to do it i pretended like i didn t hear them lets do some text messages. how we from new jersey says give biden a break maybe he watches waters window and uses his will for daily ice plunges. gary from tallahassee the last time biden brought someone to a pool he wrapped a chain over there and neck mccarthy is lucky he s breathing. alan from grove city pennsylvania trump pardoning hunter blessing those who kirsten a start of healing and uniting that america needs. is that possible? donnie from eugene, oregon. it you think they would pardon eric or donald trump junior? that s a no. stewart from colorado, jesse please don t laugh at jesus he s the only 1 new has it together. i didn t laugh at jesus i laughed with jesus. and andy from albuquerque new mexico. waters what s with you read hoping for a sob gate there soft daisies sound like opera man up. jesse: it s for sporting claves get it. sean: kamal khera seats know for breakfast. what you eat for breakfast? sean is next remember that i am waters and this is my world. sean: welcome to hannity. tonight and biden s attorney general merrick garland has rightfully been held in contempt of congress will you be held accountabl

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240612

more want to hear about her as a teacher send pictures as well. joe thought it was june 10th so he threw a party i thought biden was raised in a black church not without rhythm he was dougie fresh wasn t so great either you can were pink tie but can t drink with a straw while. that s all for tonight dvr the show hannity is next always remember them waters and this is my world. sean: welcome to hannity tonight complete hysteria on the west wacko conspiracy theorist rachel maddow claiming she might be put in the camp of donald trump is elected aoc saying trump would throw her in jail the left losing their collective minds but we are ready knew that maybe they never noticed it s only trump people they get charged harassed and put in jail and so on far left, merrick garland called trump s criticism of his weapon eyes department of justice dangerous for people s safety we will address this later in the show and the president to your great country the united states of america is fear mongering about the second amendment calling for new gun restrictions on the day his very own sun is convicted of 3 felony gun charges tonight don t get distracted pay close attention to what i m about to say if you are listening to the media mob and pundits and democratic tax they have no clue about what really happened in the hunter biting case at all. it is deep and profound what has happened the major story they are not talking about or telling you about from the trial is not the conviction on gun crimes it s important because that s a low hanging fruit the evidence was overwhelming uncontroverted and unlike donald trump he had a fair venue and trial judge with real charges not ones that were made up and you didn t even know about the critical development from this trial is a single piece of evidence entered into the official record by your u.s. government and that is hunter bidens laptop not only did the u.s. federal government confirm his laptop is a real they confirmed its contents are real and the contents have not been tampered with by anybody in other words you were lied to on a very high level just before an election by numerous people and entire institutions lied to by hunter biden himself by his father your president joe biden lied to by nbc, cnn msnbc premuch everybody in the media mob the list too long to mention you were lied to by the former intel experts the ones that signed off on a letter insinuating that the laptop was most likely at all the earmarks of russian disinformation meanwhile not a single 1 did anything to investigate the claim examine the contents of the laptop you were lied to by klapper and brennan and by your own government. what do they have in common they all want to joe biden win by any means necessary and it s worse than that according to a report the department of justice new that the laptop was real since before the 2020 election instead of doing the right honorable honest thing telling the american people the truth the federal government was out there debunking laptop story big tech executives in the months leading up to the 2020 election fbi was having weekly meetings warning big tech companies they could be victims of a foreign disinformation campaign about the election and that misinformation might be about joe biden and hunter biden it gets worse they knew his attorney had a copy of the very real laptop they knew the odds were very high it would happen before the election and knew it would likely destroy any chance joe biden had to win the election and they had to act after then your post broke the story on facebook and twitter asked the fbi specifically this is what they were warning about was the laptop misinformation they refused to confirm the truth leaving those companies free to censor very real laptop stories and that is what they did. you couldn t even send a private message with a link to the new york post. big tech, the media mob happily gobbled up there fbi doj pro biden contribution misinformation by the way if it was an alvin braggs district they probably wouldn t be charged in the used as a basis to censor the most important information in the final weeks before the 2020 presidential election all because they wanted their guy to win it s beyond egregious intellection interference and frankly if it s not criminal, it should be criminal tonight none of the is liars having an ounce of remorse none of any regret for them it was a means to an end wanting trump out joe biden protected by scandal little cost and you better believe the content so that laptop were and are today damning for joe biden as well as hunter biden with the salacious photos of drug use in prostitution the real scandal is around the biden brand for look at the laptop and other information by the house we means committee the judiciary committee house oversight committee look at texts and e-mails and other files. as their raking in cash from top geopolitical foes and dictators and despots around the world because of keen intellect instead the laptop appears to show it was likely selling access to the biden brand and the big guy was apparently eager to participate in spite of publicly claims and otherwise indicates his own father numerous times in the very real laptop. these people also debunked of the joel ayayi never once not 1 time ever spoke to his son or brother or anybody for that matter about foreign business dealings according to testimony from the house oversight committee he participated in meetings with his foreign partners by phone dying with others at a café and that s not all 2017 you might recall the west it whatsapp message published where hunter wrote to a chinese business associate with their energy and oil conglomerate i am sitting here with my father and i d like to understand why the commitment wasn t fulfilled. i will make certain between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows in my ability to hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction i am sitting here waiting for the call with my father. 2 days later magically according to committee $5 million way to a bank account associated with hunter biden and other texts and e-mails he allegedly talked about forking over half of his income to pops another e-mail talks about the big guy 10% for him allocating it as a cut in on 1 of his deals the hunter now convicted liars says he never intended to cut his father in on the deal according to a text uncovered by the new york post hunter paid for his dad s bills for more than a decade reportedly claiming his father was using it most lines of credit on his wells fargo account based on the contents of his real laptop it appears biden was participating in his son s business deals while also benefiting financially remember the testimony from his mane to business partner said joe biden participated in up to around 20 phone calls 40 never talk to business with hunter or his brother or anybody think about this donald trump was convicted on 34 felony charges of up charged misdemeanors passed the statute of limitations for mislabelling illegal for documents as illegal for expense trump ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars based on a far left new york judge unilaterally deciding in spite of evidence to the contrary that his estates only worth $4 million $20 million or 1 20th vacant lots go for $150 million and that s just dirt and yet nobody is above the law cult on the left they don t seem to care that joe biden now the president of our country was possibly selling access to the highest levels of the government and calyx in russia this is the reference they had for 4 years as according to neeson investigation he received $1.3 million from the wife of the former mayor of moscow former first lady of moscow if reports are true and evidence is accurate money went from russia to hunter to joe 1 way or another as devon archer saying they invested more than a real estate venture based on coverage fake news cnn the new york times washington post cbs they had no problem peddling the phony russian misinformation do dirty dossier they paid for to secure trump not 1 but 4 pfizer warrants where is their coverage of the events of the real laptop and the findings from the senate and house committees is joe biden about the law is hunter s current condition over a red herring 1 of his associates told him the gun trail was a distraction from the main event with their influence peddling he continued that i am convinced the entire justice system is an institution of people within agendas not in institutional flaws keep in mind the department of justice prosecutor tasked with investigating them let the statute of limitations ran out on the most serious allegations which could ve connected his business to the big guy himself sadly the department of justice isn t looking out for you. their primary concern revolves around protecting week democrats from scrutiny helping to elect joe biden while waging law fear against donald trump and needless to say massive reform and accountability as needed in washington and in the swamp by the weight starting in september early voting begins in 146 days election day only you can fix it reaction is jonathan turley we ve gone over the case evidence was overwhelming and incontrovertible about the real big story to me which is now we know they ve known from the beginning the laptop was real all these people why glide the intel agents the direction of antony blinken they all lied. joe biden light hunter biden lied and alvin bragg recall an ftc violation i think. has us what they gave the laptop at the trial date had it established by the fbi agent is real authentic and so the media said the evidence was now used they forget all the other files on the laptop the laptop is authentic at the files are real then you have these detailed accounts of a multimillion dollar influence peddling operation run by the biden family also being authentic but the media doesn t want to go there and that s part of the problem of what the house committees have faced when i testified in the biden impeachment hearing i said there was evidence to do up impeachment inquiry i didn t prejudge the evidence but at every stage democrats have opposed inquiries into the president s role or knowledge and allotted these files in the laptop that s not likely to change even after this trial. sean: merrick garland to scorching donald trump and his allies for attacks on the justice department sing it s dangerous for people safety. first of all we need to protect every government official let me be clear of said on numerous occasions on this show but criticism and freedom of speech are different in the idea that his department of justice and his fbi knew about the laptop being real and they investigated it for 4 years i ve a message for him he has a lot of explaining to do just like what does he think of james and bragg running on a platform to get 1 man 1 organization and 1 family i thank you might speak out against that but he hasn t. i think a garland has a unavoidable test of principal they sent him referrals of perjury by biden and his uncle before that those referrals are compelling i don t see others a case to be made that answers were anything but falls now they were a hairtrigger to identify indict trump officials the question is whether merrick garland will scuttle any prosecution for perjury so this is the other shoe dropping. yes the laptop was authenticated these files are real but after that hunter biden reviewing those files testified in congress in congress believes and has a good basis for the belief that he committed knowing perjury these are questions he knew were coming and he gave false answers according to the committees so what will merrick garland do about it it s time not time to write another op-ed it s time to show that. sean: he will do nothing. i haven t been around yet i hope you re right and i m wrong. i don t think he will lift a finger i think this is what weaponization a justice looks like. i hope you re wrong to. i hope so too but i m not. you can give me an ffm wrong. joining us now we have great jur and alan. john solomon and editor-in-chief as well john let me start with the news you broke a lot of this news when did they know it was a real laptop is that the big take away in the story not the conviction. is reported in 2020 which is now been confirmed the fbi corroborated its laptop in entirety by 2020. 8 months before the so-called intelligence analysts called it russian disinformation when they did that i called law enforcement and they said no, we corroborated so the fbi was telling people if you are willing to make a phone call in fall 2020 that the laptop was real and it s a shame 51 men and women sign their names trying to mislead the american people days before an election they all had serious click their security clearances the could recall the fbi they chose not to instead misleading american people in the most awful way. sean: why was the fbi why were they meeting weekly with a big check in the months leading up to the 2020 election and why when twitter and facebook requested an answer as to whether or not the story was real and what they were being warned about misinformation about hunter and joe biden went they tell them the truth that john solomon reported in march of 2020 and what you called. you call it fraud exactly what he charged trump with that is making false statements in an attempt to influence an election there only 2 choices if the constitution will survive. you can say okay there s been a conviction of biden in a conviction a trump let s stop this weaponization let s call if all these cases happening all over the country. drum people are going off to jail stays being denied let s call that off either that or let s have absolutely equal treatment go after people who have committed election fraud by denying the american public the right to know the truth about everything. would that include the 51 intel people and joe biden. sean: is it comparable that joe biden if he lied to the american people in these follow foreign business deals and he is being paid by hunter and he was calling in with his business partners any light levied that money and they continue to get paid millions for a job he had no experience at a time emit admits he was addicted to drugs tell me why that shouldn t be prosecuted and how is that lost their. that sounds like equal justice applied to him it doesn t sound like i made up try like the trump case. if you take seriously the charges that alvin bragg brought against trump 1 of which is that he tried to mislead the voting public by not telling them and about to an affair which probably wouldn t have had an effect on the election you take that to its logical extreme and then you have to look and see whether anybody among the 51 people among even the president of the united states may have written something on a form that we give rise to exactly the same allegations that a fraudulent statement was made in order to commit a crime. the crime would be according to break somehow to the fraud you making people to vote for somebody they otherwise wouldn t vote for you have to have a standard. sean: going to the issue of the money as he implicates his real father half the income goes to the pops of the big guy that s on the laptop which is very real now paying for his home repairs the hunter complained bitterly about seems like jonah only lied to the american people but benefited from the lie and also took action as vice president leveraging a billion dollars to ukraine in loan guarantees and as a net result he could continue to get paid for work he had no experience in by his own admission at a time he was addicted to drugs by his own admission. your right the biden s are still getting their way with the most serious suspected crimes corrupt foreign influence peddling thanks to the protection racket run by a biden s ga doj. it s revolting to watch them take a victory lap in front of cameras this is a guy who struck the sleazy deal to let hunter biden skate only when it imploded was he forced kicking and screaming to prosecuted but he still running interference charging him with evading taxes on tens of millions and oversee it schemes but not not the enrichment schemes themselves which are bigger crimes the selling out of america. it was weiss remember let statute of limitations expired many of those crimes while they secretly scuttled the investigation to shield joe biden i tell you he s not done yet don t be surprised if him and garland conjure up another sweetheart plea deal on the eve of the trial to avoid embarrassing evidence of joe s corruption coming to light right before the upcoming election it will happen. i agreed that. sean: they knew about the laptop 4 years they haven t lifted a finger. they knew july to the country they knew he benefited financially didn t think. yep and in 2016 they got 3.3 million documents from business partners. on monday you will see a whole bunch of the documents public the fbi had them in 2016. unbelievable thank you all and i appreciate it that s my big take away when we come back talking about bad timing he spoke to a gun safety group hours after his conviction we have reactions straight ahead. sean: talking about bad timing after the guilty verdict the white house canceled the daily press briefing adding there to be with family. not before joe had to give a speech to a gun-control group has read after they were convicted for gun crimes he said that he spent much of a speech going after law-abiding gun owners and donald trump in fact the only hunter joe mentioned was when he met campaigning in delaware decades ago may be an uncle bo s the moment the cannibal guy take a look as we aren t stopping there. it is time once again to do what i did when i was assigned to and senator he said what you mean i need that done i said if you need 12 to 100 bullets in a magazine you are the lousy a shot i ve ever heard we told the convention recently proud i did nothing on guns when i was president and that by doing nothing he made the situation considerably worse give me a break. i mean it seriously. and by the way there talking that they need at 15 they don t need a rifle folks this is crazy what they re talking about biden and obama did nothing about gun violence in chicago in big cities here with reaction to the big news the new york post and former attorney general pam bondi. the laptop from hell as you guys were right as the verdict it was the right verdict evidence overwhelming bigger story is introducing that laptop into evidence and all the other contents in that laptop are now meaningful as it relates to the law joe and hunter biden do you agree? absolutely in the fact joe biden, the biden campaign the cia the fbi those 51 former intelligence officials went to such lengths to lie about the back laptop as we wrote about the laptop and the contents of it it shows they were absolutely terrified of about the contents of the laptop as they knew it would be so damaging to joe biden that would wreck the campaign has it they managed to suppress the story and as you said earlier as that s why none of those they all refuse to admit they lied and they knew it wasn t russian information disinformation they had the laptop since december to 19 well-known within the intelligence community has that information was real if they admit they knew it wasn t disinformation it was a part of an election interference and acute to ensure the president donald trump didn t learn this when a second term. it came down to this now that we know all of this we also know that merrick garland the doj, the fbi they have all known this for about 4 years. a lot of information, a damning information on the laptop implicating joe hunter and the brother and all these other people they haven t done a thing if this evidence. but she reaction to this that s the bigger story for me here. i m glad they got a conviction on this because they can use the gun conviction and the tax charge. the only thing left against hunter biden because the case in 2014 and 2015 have the statute of limitations they let it run about dealing with foreign agents the case that could most likely implicate joe biden and the entire biden family they let those run. but now they are faced with the tax charges let s see what happens let s see if there is not a plea deal i think there will be at this point because of the conviction everyone now knows the laptop from hell as she said his real and everything on israel including an evidence that could be great for prosecutors. sean: what about garland as what about leveraging a billion dollars so his son continues to get paid what about the money they are getting from an oligarch and what about the millions of dollars the families raking and they have no experience in energy as i was he making the money well addicted to drugs? remember president trump had that single question as they impeach it over it of course right all along as it was the talk about weaponization at the fbi and cia and it all starts at the top with merrick garland having to respond to this being held accountable being way too important for the american people and the justice system is at stake. sean: maybe now yearbook a laptop from hell can be a bestseller and people look a little more deeply as they have confirmed way back when. thank you straight ahead merrick garland attacking republicans for daring to question the law fair against trump warned that straight ahead raising twins and as a single mother, presented, quite a few challenges. the financial aspects of oh my gosh, how am i going to provide for my family? i m going to have to get two jobs. thomas kennedy, he was a major in the u.s. army. tom loved hockey. he went to west point, to play hockey. and ended up falling in love with the army. he was a father. he was, a great husband, he would give you a shirt off of his back for you. in 2012, tom was deployed to afghanistan. he was on his way to a provincial governor s meeting, tom was killed by a suicide bomber. when the bomb went off, tom was in a group of four that were, killed in the incident. the morning i found out. our world has just been upended. you know, with not having tom around to be here in our everyday life, my sister moved in with us, and she helped me with the day to day life of raising, two year old twins. in 2018 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. kind of threw a wrench in to what we had established as our, our daily life and our new normal. my mother-in-law had told me about tunnel to towers. and when i found out that i was selected to have my mortgage paid off, you know, it seemed like i had won the lottery. today, we welcome the kennedy family into their mortgage free home. the timing was just incredible. with everything that i m going through with my treatments for metastatic breast cancer. having our biggest bill being taken care of by tunnel to towers, i m able to on my children and my health. people should give to tunnel to towers, because it really helps family members of fallen service members know, first responders who they wake up one day and it s a normal day and then their world can just be turned upside down. to know that there is an organization that can step in irreplaceable. please contribute $11 a month. to help families like mine please visit t2t dot org. my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. .look at her and i said, the pain is gone. and she said, i m glad it helped. i said, no, you don t understand. it s gone. you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now and get 35% off your first order. sean: last wasted no time spinning in the verdict with some saying the justice system is rigged against conservatives. they called out republicans for daring to question are blatantly weapon eyes department of justice going so far to say they are dangerous for people safety let us be clear as we are consistently on the program as freedom of speech exists. as they are not immune from having to answer questions do they think it was appropriate for the trump hating new york attorney general and running on this platform take a look. with the fundamental rights at stake. i leave the president of the united states can be indicted for criminal offences. you know my name for personally. we need to focus on donald trump and his abuses and follow the money we need to find ways laundered money find it whether he s engaged in conspiracy. it s important they understand the days of donald trump are coming to an end. i look forward to coming into the office of attorney general every day defending rights and then going home and apply for neglect or 1 man and 1 family or is merrick garland who thinks it was appropriate for alvin braggs to run on this campaign promise. people are wondering whoever has this job are they going to convict donald trump that he is the number 1 issue. the times calls bragg at talented prosecutors suit of the trump foundation could be invaluable experience for the investigation he will take over. the chief deputy attorney general i saw some of the office biggest cases from exposing illegal behavior from the trump foundation. we know there s an investigation i have investigated him and his children and held them accountable for misconduct with the trump foundation also suiting that more than 100 times we know the da investigating trump when i was in the ag office i sued him over 100 times for misconduct and brought a case against the trump foundation. sean: 1 more question according to whistleblower testimony fbi didn t know since late 2019 the laptop was real so why hasn t merrick garland weapon eyes politicize department of justice investigated the contents of the real laptop why was the fbi meeting with big tech companies warning them they would be targeted for misinformation campaigns and they might be about joe and hunter biden after the new york times story broke that was real why didn t the fbi confirm what they knew to be true that it was real as we have rnc cochair laura trump. they knew it was real garland knew it was real now that we all know it was real we know that joel lida at the highest level and he was involved in all these foreign business deals in the millions of dollars they raked in including taking direct action by withholding money so a prosecutor investigating the company s sun was in business with paying him millions with no experience continuing to pay them millions. all of this is true and garland hasn t lifted a finger with you or eric or what they would go after they go after all of you. when in doubt which is no model that they ve always had its credible as it complained as with a bias justice system. should be concerning because he s the attorney general of the united states we can t live in a country if we do not trust our foundational institutions like this as everybody knows what the trial of hunter biden was about it s about smoke and mirrors or red herring a distraction and as we need to know as american citizens as president of the united states is making decisions for the country as they made decisions based on what s best for the american people and not what s best for the bank account for the family as they should really question what s going on as of the whole thing is well for me to watch when they go back into a 6 seen as with real estate and golf courses around the world in international business originally what did we do when they won they wouldn t do any new international business deals the opposite happened when joe biden became vice president to the united states that s when the biden family got into international business we went so far as to pay back the u.s. treasury every penny that we got from any foreign dignitary that spent money at a trump property we got no credit for that we didn t want the faintest hint of impropriety and look at the way they ve gone after donald trump for anything they could find. they have a treasure trove with this laptop the american people are demanding transparency again it s about national security we deserve to know and i want to tell people out there how you can actually make a difference, how you can rectify this it comes november 5th of this year coming the first day of early voting in your state get out and vote in this election our country depends on it the future of america depends on it we can t allow those things to stand we need to get to the bottom of this we need to save the country but you have to get out and vote. sean: early voting starts in september. in september in some states i hope people keep that in mind get over your reluctance and resistance to voting early i know you re working hard on legal ballot harvesting to surpass democratic efforts but if you want to change it garland isn t going to change these weapon eyes that the department of justice and it will remain that way probably getting worse if it was reelected. thank you. will become back of the biden campaign flailing the left is resorting to scare tactics weight till you hear what aoc and rachel maddow had to say with their tinfoil hats. straight ahead men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there s a great “before and after”. then, there s the after the after that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that s why more men choose just for men®. weathertech products are designed and manufactured in america using only american raw materials. most competitors make things seven thousand miles away. and then wonder why they don t fit. with weathertech in your vehicle you may hear angels singing as you 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[sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. sean: with the biden campaign floundering there resorting to fear tactics over a possible trump second term during an interview with fake cnn with rachel maddow the conspiracy theorist made the claim that donald trump could try to put her in other left-wing media personalities into massive camps. aoc says she s worried trump would throw her in jail take a look. if donald trump wins we are looking at potential dissolution of democracy in the united states of america it sounds nuts but i wouldn t be surprised if the guy for me in jail. he s out of his mind. he did his whole first campaign around lock her up that was his motto. sean: pretty ironic coming from the left and those are the people who have no problem using law fair against trump and conservatives or republicans the same people had no problem keeping trump off the ballot joining us now kristi noem. honey and think he even knows who rachel maddow is how they lost their mind out of fear of the biden campaign is floundering these ladies are insane the things they are saying and it proves once again the left would use fear to control people they ll use it to promote their agenda been clear that is only revenge she will get november 5th is america s success all he wants is america to be great again and successful people to have more money in their pockets and families to be able to afford groceries and fill their cars with gas he s been clear he wants america to be all that it s ever been on its greatest days. for him to say that stuff is so completely responsible that i hope every american gets a chance to hear them say that when they know for a fact is not true and they are saying it just to scare them and they are saying it to control them as many as 8 people who might have isis ties captured at the border tens of thousands from russia iran syria afghanistan yemen kazakhstan on the economy, 2 thirds of the middle class say they are struggling financially gasping for air adding to the within 25% of americans admitting to skipping meals because of a skyrocketing grocery cost they are paying those are the things americans are caring about democrats lie and tell us everything is fine at the end of the day will that be what america votes on. that s what every american that i ve talked to in the last 6-7 months the only thing on their mind at the top of their mind how is my family being impacted by the biden administration they feel it every day just got back from a sconce and spent days there talking to folks independence in women talking to different groups we ll be in michigan as well these are states where people are making at their mind for donald trump because they know he makes our life better and they have personal responsibility for their families doesn t want to take more money out of their pockets he wants him to be more successful the economy and inflation are still big issues in the country and the biden administration attacking donald trump because that s the only thing the left has they have fears and attacks taxable weapon eyes to judicial system. 1 of the reasons the red wave didn t happen in 2022 is abortion rate. will americans biggest democrats will demagogue that will be successful? they will try to use that in every single stage and use it against donald trump and against his supporters what is important for us is to recognize that issue people know where they are at. as that s the way it is. people decide what their laws look like and we as leaders don t get to dictate that. no matter how may times they have lied about it they can t run on it. thank you. where hannity straight ahead there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology ( ) and goes the extra mile ( ) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we re the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it s the only way we go. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they re gonna need more space. (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life s doors open, we ll handle the house. sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left set it on dvr so you never ever miss the episode of hannity monday through friday 90 eastern let not your heart be troubled because greg gutfeld is standing by the idea to put a smile on your face next. [ cheers and applause

Joe-biden , Want , Teacher , Pictures , Party , June-10th , 10 , Hunter-biden , Dougie-fresh-wasn-t , Tie , Rhythm , Black-church

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240612

again, along with obamacare, of course. the funny thing is, trump is using this approach to try to appeal to latino voters, while at the same time promising to bring to america the political style and economic policies of the strongmen leaders of places like argentina and venezuela, which have some of the highest inflation rates in the world right now. make it make sense. tomorrow is set to be a big day for economic news. we will get a new inflation report in the morning and the fed will give an update on interest rates in the afternoon. so is rachel maddow would say, watch this space. and that is tonight s reidout . you can follow me on tiktok and instagram and follow our show accounts on instagram and tick tock. all in with chris hayes starts now. tonight on all in as we deliberated today, we reached a verdict pretty quick. the presidents son found guilty of violating federal gun laws. no one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions, even this offender. tonight, what today s verdict does and does not mean about the rule of law in america. everyone is saying, where is hunter? a two-tiered system of justice we have. and how we campaign led by a convict is vetting potential running mates. certainly like having committed a crime and the scandal that just won t end. i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag. tonight jamie raskin and aoc together on their push to get answers from the supreme court. can you tell us how the supreme court and specifically the chief justice have addressed these scandals? when all in starts right now. good evening from new york. i am chris hayes. in a political era marked by a never-ending string of historic firsts, here is another today. a rare court decision that conservatives received with glee. hunter biden has been found guilty on all counts in his gun trial, federal trial in wilmington, delaware. hunter biden, the last living son of the sitting president was convicted today on three felony counts connected to lying on a federal firearms application in 2018 by not disclosing his struggles with drug addiction. he had that gun for 11 days. hunter biden now faces 25 years in prison and his father, president joe biden, did not blast the case as a crooked witchhunt. he did not target the prosecutors, the judge and the jurors, some of whom called into major news shows to discuss the verdict with no fears for their safety in this high-profile case. president biden did not shake his fist at the justice system. he put up this statement. as i said last week, i am the president, but i am also a dad. jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. so many families who have had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride. as i also said last week, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. i have to say i find that genuinely touching. his love of family. also respect of the process. it is an incredibly stark contrast to the ceaseless barrage of absolutely unhinged authoritarian histrionics we all witnessed last month. remember? not just donald trump, but the entire republican party. all of the people dressing up like donald trump who went to the courthouse so he will pick them to be vice president. all of them basically calling to tear down the entire judicial system or casting aspersions on new york jurors or the judge or the prosecutor. everyone. all because their nominee got caught falsifying business records and was convicted unanimously by a jury of his peers on 34 felony counts. this was a rigged trial by a convicted judge who was corrupt. a disgrace. this is like a soviet style thing. show me the person and i will show you the crime. this was a political smear job. this is what you see in banana republics. this is the most outrageous travesty i ve ever seen. this is a justice system that hunts republicans while protecting democrats. this was a hoax, a sham. do we want to become a country where we try to jail are political opponents? what do you think the party affiliation of hunter biden is? and so this hunter biden conviction is as clear a moment of contrast as possible between the two major coalitions, the major parties in the country today. what it illustrates is that one party, under donald trump, and this is important, has placed itself outside the american constitutional order, while the other is trying to defend and uphold it. that was clear as day on january 6, but particularly in the aftermath there was palpable were among republicans. lots of them talking about how horrified they were and resigning from the administration and all of that. and there was a sense the party wanted to distance themselves from trump s lawlessness. that was then. today they are fully united as a party in opposition to the constitution. an attitude by one of the most powerful conservatives you ve never heard of. he wrote portions of the heritage foundation s project 2025 on how to remake the executive branch and a trump presidency. the washington post identified him as a potential chief of staff. he lays out his vision for a post-constitutional presidency to turn the government into a flatly authoritarian project or failing that, just a mafia style. disease more control of the justice department and assert power to withhold congressional appropriations and that is just on trump s first day back in office. meanwhile democrats are not just making statements of faith, they have taken real actions to preserve those institutions and their independence. no better example of this is the prosecution of hunter biden. remember how this started? okay, back in 2018 under david weiss, the u.s. attorney trump appointed in delaware, the fbi probed hunter biden. there were subpoenas, but there were no charges and remember, trump grew angry that his justice department had not publicized the investigation into his opponents son during the 2020 election. after trump lost the election, republicans insisted president biden would obstruct justice to keep his son free and they called for a special counsel to investigate. when a new president comes and it is his right to replace any u.s. attorney they want. they usually do. biden replaced all of trump s appointees except for two. who bill barr had test to investigate the russia probe. and david weiss, who was investigating his own son. that is because the new president, at the pains of a possible criminal conviction of his surviving son in recovery, wanted no appearance of impropriety or interference and infect biden s attorney general merrick garland went a step further and appointed weiss as special counsel to make sure his work on the hunter biden case was truly independent. that was a move that republicans opposed. the house judiciary committee writing, david weiss can t be trusted. this is just a new way to whitewash the biden family corruption. after all that an appeal deal was worked out with hunter biden and ultimately rejected by the courts. weiss ended up charging the president son for an offense so rarely prosecuted that even trey gowdy, the former congressman and prosecutor, could scarcely believe it. i did gun prosecutions for six years. i went after convicted felons. i went after people who were fugitives from justice. i went after lots of different people who were prohibited from possessing a firearm, but i bet there were not 10 cases prosecuted nationwide of addicts or unlawful drug users who possess firearms or lied on applications. i bet there weren t a dozen, which makes you wonder of all the cases you could be pursuing in delaware, why are you pursuing this one? all of this was facilitated by democrats in the white house and department of justice and capitol hill to restore faith in equal justice under the law and the norms of the constitutional order. donald trump flagrantly violated the law, interfering with the department of justice. stewing when he could not interfere further. publicly calling for prosecutions. you may have forgotten that months into his presidency troubles calling federal prosecutors and cultivating relationships with them, including the u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york. and obama holdover who was overseeing the investigation into stock trades made by trump s health secretary. he said those calls made him uncomfortable and he was fired as u.s. attorney less than a day after he finally refused to take a call from president trump. the administration would later tell propublica, trump s personal attorney bragged about getting him fired with reportedly telling trump, this guy is going to get you. the former united states attorney for the southern district of new york joins me now. an interesting study in contrast over the past few weeks. what strikes you about the reaction? when you think about the biden family and how joe biden in particular thinks about his job and not just his job, but his family. upon a conviction or before the conviction, the arrest and indictment of his son, given what his family has been through, you would think every fatherly instinct would ve been to protect him. if you are a father, and i know you are, you love your children more than you love yourself. you try to protect them from harm and you try to protect them from bad consequences. the biden family has suffered lots of bad things as a family and yet there are some things more important than that when you are the commander in chief and basically the president of the country and one of those things is that no one is above the law and the rule of law matters. here is an occasion as you were playing out in the intro, where joe biden had absolute authority. literal authority. he had no authority over robin bragg and did not direct the prosecution of donald trump. it is his justice department. he had the authority to direct people not to prosecute his son. he could have fired the special counsel. he could have directed the special counsel not be appointed in the first place. he could have pardoned his son preemptively. all of that conduct, given that it is his son, it kind of makes you pause and think about ton about how unbelievable that is. in a million years, if the shoe were on the other foot and donald trump was facing his son being prosecuted, by me if i had been held over. a biden holdover prosecutor, not in a million years with that have happened. some of the people on the right, the people who support donald trump, are trying to cast this as some clever program by which this actually proves they yes. i will say it is outlandish imagining don junior getting in trouble with guns and drugs, but stephen miller said this. the gun charges are a misdirection and an easy opt to sell to a quiet media that is also willing to be duped. this is about protecting joe biden and only joe biden. no matter what happens, right, the corrupt deep system is deeper than you realized. if every possible outcome, every possible permutation is arguably a point in your favor, maybe your position is terrible. i used a different word than terrible. honestly i don t even think he was required to keep david weiss on in delaware. honestly, when i say bend over backwards, that is bending over it would have been perfectly reasonable to replace him. obviously it would not be reasonable to say wink wink, nagy nudge. but if you say do your thing. by the way some other features are important to point out and you mentioned some in the intro. the jury verdict came out. they did not dox the jury or attack the judge. he did not say this is a witch hunt. he said what people say. what i used to say when i was u.s. attorney for 7 1/2 years. you win some and you lose some. we say we respect the verdict of the jury. completely opposite to what donald trump said. it was striking. after that trump verdict, i remember judge kaplan in the federal civil trial with e. jean carroll told the jurors, look, you can talk to the press if you want. i would advise you not to. in alvin bragg s case they did not and i think we all know the reason. they would expose themselves to harassment and possible threats and violence. here you had the jurors talking to us, which, great, am a reporter. i like it, but what a contrast. it is a very stark contrast and i think it goes to show that when joe biden and his supporters talk about the rule of law and nobody being above the law, they mean it. you can disagree with joe biden s policies and talk about the border and all of these things that are not in my bailiwick, but on the question of whether or not the rule of law is to be enforced and no favor given to anyone, including the son of a sitting president of the united states. the republicans are full of it on trump side and biden is not. he has walked the walk. my final question for you is about independence in the department of justice. we have a post mix in order. one of the things about nixon and the reckoning at a level of regulation, norms, and that schuetz was the department of justice can t just be a tool in the hands of the executive to pursue vendetta to prosecute and punish enemies to protect friends. the trump vision is exactly that and in fact, explicitly that. they really think we are going to come in and it is going to be like day one, go open an investigation on that person, prosecute them. what they have accused everyone else of doing. there is a great irony. one of the cases pending against donald trump, the mar-a-lago documents case in federal court in florida, donald trump steam has made a number of motions to dismiss the indictment. one of those is vindictive prosecution. there is no evidence that joe biden or anyone else directed the investigation and prosecution and indictment. by saying the things they are saying now that you are pointing out, donald trump is ironically laying out the foundation for a vindictive prosecution motion to dismiss on behalf of all the current people donald trump will be going after. he is announcing his plans before election. all of those statements and those plans, project 20/25 and everything else, will be chapter and verse and asking for those dismissals of those indictments. coming up, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and jamie raskin on the litany of scandals rocking the supreme court, but first, what we are learning about donald trump s rude awakening from the justice system, next. system, next. shop etsy anytime for furniture, lighting, and other thoughtful pieces made by real people to bring a little something extra to the ordinary. find handmade items that add wow to your walls, help your party set-up pop, and new things to help you fall in love with your family room again. when you want 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swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at donald trump has been convicted of 34 felonies so now americans, the ones who don t know at least, are getting a crash course in the way things change when you become a felon in this country. since his conviction in new york trump is expected to have his gun license revoked under federal law. convicted felons are prohibited from possessing a gun. that was part of the issue in the hunter trial. it is unclear what that means for guns in his possession now with cnn reporting he told the probation officer yesterday he has a gun in florida. he could lose his liquor licenses for his golf clubs because new jersey law prohibits any person who has been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude from possessing a liquor license. the question, have you ever been convicted of a crime, is often on job applications. it is the subject of campaigns to get rid of it, to help former convicts get jobs and reenter society. that question is apparently still part of the vetting of trump s vice presidential pick, where it seems only one member of the ticket gets to be a felon. they asked us for a number of things. i think a number of people have been asked to submit this and that. like your taxes or something? criminal background? have you committed a crime? have you ever lied about this? certainly you have those conversations. he extensively covered trump world including his recent reporting on the juror. it is interesting to watch folks who don t know this and to watch the various implications of being convicted of a felony and all the different types of regulations and things you cannot do. in some states it is disenfranchisement, voting, liquor licenses and the like. being a person of color and a former prosecutor, i am unmoved by these newfound epiphanies on the right with respect to the reality of life in america if you are a convicted felon. one thing i find to be particularly interesting is how the right is scrambling to rearrange the narrative of what it is to be a felon. think of this for a moment. you re talking about the party that planted its flag on the notion of law and order in america, now having to walk out and say it is politically advantageous for our candidate to have 34 convictions on his record. this is a narrative they are not going to be able to square, but it is funny to watch them try. he invited in the bronx on stage, folks who are facing charges for a broad conspiracy with people that includes moving heavy drugs and violent crime. very serious, gnarly stuff. and has them on the stage like hey, this is our thing now. let s be clear, you are talking about whether someone is an associate of new orleans. an associate of felons. the list is long. i think they are trying to be like, it is actually good we are felons and they don t actually believe that. it s amazing how much the tough on crime philosophy falls by the wayside when it is the racist game show hosts turn in the barrel. donald trump and his minions talk day in and day out about a two-tiered system of justice. he is correct that one does exist in this country, it is just he is at this tier and everyone else s at this tier. so many things no other defendant could get away with. including the judge and all that stuff, he would have been put in jail for sure. absolutely and now behind the scenes and in the open he and his maga brain trust are getting ready to exploit parts of the u.s. criminal code to go after alvin bragg, letitia james, jack smith, if he returns to power in 2025. some of this is being cooked up behind the scenes and policy papers, but so much is being done in the open. you ve also got them moving to get alvin bragg before a committee. he will testify with the gop led judiciary committee. one question i had about all of this, does any of this matter in the process that trump was going through? no, it does not. you don t think it matters, talking about it is all rigged? does that matter for sentencing? donald trump s public rhetoric absolutely matters. i thought you were referring to alvin bragg going to capitol hill, which is something i think he should not do. with respect to the things donald trump is parroting in the dialogue around his case, that matters. one of the things the probation officer is going to take into account is what degree of understanding and remorse do you have? i screwed up, i m sorry. exactly. to walk in his office and say that when you have every opportunity with the microphone in front of your face. you ve reported on this and this has been going around the house republican leaders are privately gauging support for legislation that would let current and former presidents move a state case to federal court. have you heard any of that? we reported in rolling stone at the end of last month that trump had been personally calling around to different conservative allies, including republican lawmakers on capitol hill, to lobby them. when i m back in office, wouldn t it be great if you passed legislation that is ready for me to sign to have former and current presidents be able to move their cases to federal court. again, i think they are getting high on their own supply. i feel like that is a bad bill to vote for. for a front-line republican member. right? i m not crazy. if you are a maga lawmaker, certainly there is a cute appeal to it. it is not only moderate republicans on capitol hill saying maybe we shouldn t do this. i ve spoken to cronies who are close to donald trump who have told me maybe we should not go down this route because don t we want to use state a.g. s and conservative district attorneys to go after joe biden or hillary clinton? yes, the principal applying equally would hang them up. there is back and forth about the gun situation, charles. i m sure you have encountered this. what does the law say about whether he can keep the gun in florida? in your crime. he more likely than not will need to turn the gun in in florida. he is going to have a grace period where that is allowed. well technically he might be in violation of the law upon notice of conviction, he is probably going to be allowed but it does not surprise me he has to turn it in in florida. there is an incredible thing happening which is the hunter biden conviction was about a felony conviction. he lied on forms. committing a felony in terms of taking drugs and owning a gun. so he lied on the forms. now we have the ex-president holding a gun, having been convicted of a felony. a remarkable set of circumstances. charles coleman, asawin suebsaeng, thank you both. still to come, samuel alito s wife has more thoughts about flags, amazingly. aoc and jamie raskin on the supreme court legitimacy crisis, ahead. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i ll never miss a day of freshness. 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i think it is one of these things were trump didn t think there was a problem with it. i think he thought it was fully within his rights to order the breakup of any company he did not like and i think white house counsel sort of restrained that. there is so much circumstantial evidence that the white house and presidency were involved in antitrust decisions that it is hard to deny it. you can find the full conversation i had in this area. scan the qr code that is on your screen. also you can listen to it wherever you get your podcasts. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn t have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna. get it for dad, and together you can see which traits were inherited, the places where they started, and the people he shares them with. best of all, it s on sale for father s day. but get movin , this sale is only for a limited time. upset stomach iberogast indigestion iberogast bloating iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms. the power of nature. iberogast. shop etsy for thoughtful pieces made by real people to bring a little something extra to the ordinary. find items that add wow to walls and make you fall in love with your family room again. when you want one-of-a-kind pieces to refresh your home. etsy has it. no two bodies are the same. some pads, never got that message. but, always flexfoam did! it protects against different flows for up to zero leaks. and it flexes to fit all bodies, for up to zero feel. feel it yourself with always flexfoam. when we say it ll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. we re talking about cashbackin. not a game! we re talking about cashbacking. we re talking about. we re not talking about practice? 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the opposite of pride. the alito s have not responded to requests for comment but none of what ms. alito said change the facts that justice alito allowed this to fly over his home while he sits in the highest court in the land hearing cases related to the insurrection on january 6 and sits on the court with his buddy clarence thomas whose wife was interviewed by the committee about her text with donald trump s chief of staff. both refused to recuse themselves, despite the obvious appearance of bias. when faced with an increasingly urgent question, what can be done about the out-of-control court? today democrats held a roundtable on the ethical crisis in the supreme court. i should note that one of the expert legal witnesses there was my wife. leading the panel was jamie raskin, the ranking member of the oversight committee and newark congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, the vice ranking member, and they join me now. it is good to have you on. thanks for having us. i will start with you and what the agenda was today. obviously you can t call hearings yourself as a ranking member and not the chair, but what were you trying to do today? oversight democrats wanted to respond to the national clamor over this crisis of legitimacy at the supreme court. so we analyzed the ethics crisis. we analyzed the political crisis around what got us into this and the blockaded confirmations of people like merrick garland, nominated by president obama to the court, and then we began to talk about what things could be done in the specific case of justices alito and thomas and generally about the ethical collapse of the supreme court. it is the highest court in the land with the lowest ethical standards. the only government officials in the land who are not governed by a binding ethics code. there is no process by which we can hold any of them accountable, so it violates the essential principle that james madison identified as the heart of our justice system. which is that no man can be a judge in his own cause. so we began to explore different avenues of holding them accountable. congresswoman, you said something toward the end of the hearing that it cannot be the case as a constitutional matter, as an almost intuitive commonsense matter, that they are not subject to any checks. we have three branches. checks and balances move between the positions and justice alito said in the wall street journal interview that congress has no ability to regulate us whatsoever. what should congress be doing? what are you brainstorming basically? what is the conversation about what those can be? of course justice alito s position is laughable in this. this idea that he can be and that the court should be accountable to nobody and that the only person they should be accountable to our themselves. this kind of scouts promise sort of set up for how we should be having ethics standards for the highest and most consequential court in the land. it is completely unacceptable and not only is it unacceptable but to have anyone of our coequal branches be completely unaccountable to the others is paving the path to authoritarianism, tyranny, the abuse of power in the united states. it is structurally, completely unsustainable. so it is not a question of if congress has jurisdiction and power over the supreme court. it is what power are we going to exercise in order to reign in a fundamentally unaccountable and rogue court? one of the beautiful things about today s roundtable is we were also able to call in one of our senate colleagues, senator whitehouse, who has been pursuing extensive investigations into the dark money network that has been exerting influence over the court and we raised and discussed varying measures from term limits to an actual binding ethics standard and also congressman raskin and myself will be introducing forthcoming legislation to even have the supreme court be subject to the same $50 gift rule that he and i are subject to, as are everyone else who are members of congress. that is a great point. my understanding, i was talking to my wife, kate shaw, about this. to give testimony during the hearing. she pointed out to me if i am not mistaken that things, for instance, you can get a book deal as a supreme court justice. that is allowed. but you could not like to be a partner that is something that congress passed a statute to say what you could and could not do, because obviously it would be nuts to be a supreme court justice and have a side gig as a lawyer. we all understand that. congress can pass statutes that say this activity is just not allowed. congress has a ban on outside employment and as aoc was saying, we have a $50 gift ban, so none of us goes anywhere near doing that. you don t do $500,000 vacations? that s the comical thing. members of congress don t even understand that. under what circumstance would a supreme court justice be accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions of dollars in foreign travel were paid tuition for family members or a recreational vehicle, motor stagecoach? it is outlandish for us to complicate to contemplate. it is like the normal business as usual at the supreme court that they are collecting millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of dollars from their so-called friends. we need to clean that up. we said we will start with something simple that the whole country will be able to understand immediately and intuitively. we want a $50 gift ban. they make $300,000 a year. pay for your own lunch and pay for your own vacation. that does seem quite clear, congresswoman, and also has the advantage again. there are particular issues to deal with, but in some ways the only way to legislate it or for congress to act is outlining broad principles that are equally applicable. absolutely and as all of us as public servants, whether it is both chambers of congress, any of us are subject to the same or similar uniform code of ethics and the fact that the supreme court, which is already unelected, at least for those of us who run for office we have to re-run for office every two years in the house. for an unelected body of nine people, appointed for life, to not have any sort of binding, strict ethics code to which they cannot only be held accountable, but which can be enforced, is actually ludicrous. and it is almost unbelievable that we are sitting here in the year 2024, over 200 years after the establishment of this country, and that we actually have not addressed this issue. it is long past doing and it is common sense. one of the things we addressed, chris, was how the private corruption of the justices mirrors the public corruption of justice. it is this roberts court, this right-wing court dismantling civil rights laws, civil liberties, women s rights to choose, labor law, consumer law, you name it. as they grow more and more removed from the experiences of the way the rest of us live, the more they are willing to demolish the protections. the there are a bunch of things that happened outside of the ap purview that you have to do with equal justice under law and i wonder if both of you would stick around to talk ul about that, is that all right? 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i mean, it was very presidential and, you know, he showed in his statement love for his son and love for his country including the rule of law. the different reactions between a republican colleagues and our democratic colleagues with the trump verdict and hunter biden verdict, it is just astounding. nobody on our side said that the fix was in, nobody said that it was a travesty, nobody said that the justice needs to be turned upside down. everybody accepted it. hunter biden, like donald trump, had the right of counsel which you exercise, you have the presumption of innocence, he had the right to take the stand which he chose not to do like donald trump chose not to take the stand and they have both had unanimous jury verdicts finding that they were guilty on all counts. so i am saying about that what i said about donald trump s verdict which is, they have a right to appeal and they can do that under due process, thank god we have got that in america. and we are going to stand by the rule of law and the system of justice, for the same reason that we are fighting for a supreme court that restores its integrity and reputation because we need to have that kind of confidence, not just at the trial level in federal court or state court. we need to have it going all the way up. those of supreme court justices are just a complete runaway body. speaking of state court in new york, congresswoman, obviously you represent part of new york, there was a huge amount of insults and vitriol that has been directed at alvin bragg both from donald trump on down and people carrying water for him, that has now escalated. he will now he is being called by the house republicans before the judiciary committee and be grilled by house republicans who have rallied behind mr. trump since his conviction last month. gop lawmakers are perpetuating his false narrative that president biden ordered his prosecution. what you think about the fact that they are not escalating to the point where they will call alvin bragg before congress? what we are seeing here unseld is an outright abuse of power in the politicization of the seats of power these republicans hold in order to intimidate the courts and exact political revenge. we have to just look at this from a basic jurisdictional point of view. alvin bragg is not even this is not even a federal case in the same way. we are looking at a state court. and we are looking at municipal and state courts and we have republicans who are trying to haul them in, on what grounds exactly? this is not federal court, they do not have jurisdiction over it, this is truly just and attempt at public targeting. and we see that they do this, this is in the middle of donald trump, it is in the model of invoking and trying to incite as much anger and intimidation in order for them to get the outcomes that they want. they are so eager to be fans to donald trump that their political judgment is off because that is not where the public is and the public understands, with the hunter biden verdict in the donald trump verdict, the rule of law is just working and they are intervening, as you say, and an estate case in order simply to placate donald trump pics to precisely, what we are also seeing here is the stark contrast between joe biden and donald trump. and in president biden, we have both come yes, a loving father who is there to be supportive of his son, but also a president who respects rule of law and is willing to accept the outcomes of the case even if that outcome is not in favor with his family or his personal outcomes. whereas, you have donald trump who takes and finances the seats of government, the seats of power, and embarks on a campaign, a political intimidation, in order to secure outcomes that personally benefit him. and that at the core is part of the sticks of our democracy that are before us today. because once rule of law goes out the window, it is not something that is easy to get back and it is very much a part of the decision that we have to make before us in the next few months. congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, congressman jamie raskin, thank you for your time tonight. i really appreciate it. that is all in on this tuesday night. alex wagner tonight starts now. we have new exclusive audio from the supreme court historical society that lauren winsor has given us and we will be playing that in the hour, so stay tuned. i will pick like i said, exclusive never before heard audio recordings of justice samuel alito speaking to an undercover

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Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240612

we can secure our world. don t just use a password alone. mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone. learn more at that s how we can secure our world! on that note, i wish you a very good night. from all our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late. i will see you tomorrow. tonight on all in. as we deliberate, we reached a verdict pretty quickly. the president s son found guilty of violating federal gun laws. no one in the country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions. what the verdict means and does not mean about the rule of law in america. everyone is saying where is hunter? two tiered system of just a we have. the campaign led by compact is vetting potential running mates. i don t know. certainly, like, you committed a crime. the alito scandal that will not end. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the month. jamie raskin on the push to get answers from the supreme court. can you tell us about how the supreme court and specifically the chief justice have addressed the scandals? all in starts right now. good evening from new york. i m chris hayes. in a political era marked by seemingly never ending string of historic firsts, there s another one today. a record decision the conservatives received with glee. hunter biden has been found guilty on all counts in his gun trial. federal trial in wilmington. hunter biden, the last living son of the sitting president was convicted today on three felony counts related to his lying on a federal firearms application in 2018 by not disclosing the struggles with drug addiction. he had the gun for 11 days. hunter biden now faces as much as 25 years in prison and his father, president biden, did not blast the case is a which one or target the prosecutors, judge, and jurors some of whom called into cable news shows to discuss the verdict with no major fears for their own safety in this high-profile case. president biden did not shake his fist at the justice system. he put up the statement. as i said last week, i am the president but i am also a debt. jill and i love our son and we are proud of the man he is today. so many families who ve had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone, the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery. as i also said, will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process is hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. i find that genuinely touching. love of family, respect for the process. its income incredibly stark contrast to the ceaseless barrage of absolutely unhinged authoritarian histrionics we all witnessed last month. remember? not just from donald trump but the entire republican party. other people dressing up as donald trump who went to the courthouse so he will pick them to be the vice president and mob chanting for them to be hanged. all of them calling to tear down the entire judicial system are casting aspersions at new york jurors or near justice for the judge or the prosecutor. all because their nominee got caught falsifying business records and was convicted unanimously by a jury of his peers on 34 felony counts. this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt . a rigged trial, a disgrace. this is like the soviet style thing. show me the person and i ll show you the crime. it was a smear job. it was an attack job. it s what you see in a banana republic. the problem is democrats have crossed the line. it s a justice system the hunch republicans while protecting democrats. this was a hoax. a sham. do we want to become a country where we jail political opponents? republicans and protects democrats. what do you think the party affiliation of hunter biden is? and so, this hunter biden conviction is as clear a moment of contrast as possible between the two major coalitions, the major parties and political polls today. what did illustrates is one party under donald trump, and this is important, has placed itself outside the american constitution while the other still trying to defend and uphold of. that was closed in january 6 but at that time, particularly the aftermath, there was palpable horror among republicans. lots of them talking how horrified they were. re-signing from the administration and all that. there was a sense the party wanted to distance themselves from trump s lawlessness. that was then. today they are fully united as a party in opposition to that. attitude typified by possibly the most powerful conservative you ve never heard of russ vought, portions of the heritage foundation project 2025 on how to remake the executive branch in a trump presidency. this week, the washington post identified russ vought as a potential chief of staff and the trump administration even if he lays out his vision for a post-constitutional presidency to turn the government into a flatly authoritarian project or failing that, just a mafia state. reporting that he is help craft proposals from trump to deploy the military to quash civil unrest, seize control of the justice department, and assert the power of appropriations and that s just on trump s first day back. democrats are not just making statements of faith and the legal institutions, they have taken reelections to preserve those institutions and their independence. no better example of this is the prosecution of one hunter biden. remember how this started? back in 2018 under david weiss, the u.s. attorney the trump- appointed in delaware, the fbi probed hunter biden and there were subpoenas but no charges. remember, trump grew angry at that, quote, was justice department had not publicized the investigation into his opponent s son during the 2020 election. after trump lost that election, republicans insisted president biden would obstruct justice to keep his son free and they called for a special counsel to investigate hunter biden. when the new president comes in, it s his right to replace any u.s. attorney who wants in the usually do. been replaced donald trump s appointees at doj except for two. john durham who bill barr tasked with investigating the rusher probe, trump special. and david weiss who was investigating his own son. that is because the new president, at the pains of a possible criminal conviction of his surviving son in recovery wanted no appearance of impropriety or of fearon s. merrick garland went a step forward. and he appointed david weiss as special counsel to make sure his work on the hunter biden case was independent. that was a move that republicans opposed? the republicans in the house judiciary, david weiss can t be trusted. it s a new way to whitewash the biden family s corruption. after all of that and a plea deal that was worked out with hunter biden but ultimately rejected by the courts, he ended up charging the president s son for an weapons are rarely prosecuted that even trey gaudi, the far right ex- congressman and former prosecutor could scarcely believe. i did gun prosecutions for six years. i went after convicted felons. i went after people who were fugitives from justice. i went after lots of different people who were prohibited from possessing a firearm. i will bet you they were not 10 cases prosecuted nationwide of addicts or unlawful drug users who possess firearms relied on applications. i bet there were not a dozen. it makes you wonder of all the cases you could be pursuing in delaware, why are you pursuing this one? all of this facilitated by democrats in the white house and the department of justice and capitol hill, all to try to restore faith and equal justice under the law and the norms of the constitution. trump flagrantly violated the norms at every turn. stewing we could not interfere further. publicly calling for prosecutions. you may have forgotten this nugget that months into his presidency trump was calling federal prosecutors and cultivating relationships with them including the was attorney for the southern district beat barrera, obama holdover who was overseeing investigation into stock trades made by trump s health secretary tom price. he said those calls made him uncomfortable and he was fired as u.s. attorney less than a day after he finally refused to take a call from trump. people inside the administration would later tell propublica, trump s personal attorney bragged about getting bharara fired reportedly telling trump this guys going to get you. the former u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york joins me now. an interesting study in contrast over the last few weeks. indeed. what strikes you about the reaction today? when you think of the biden family and how joe biden in particular thinks of his job, and his family, upon a conviction before the conviction, the investigation and arrest and indictment of his son given what his family is been through, you would think every parental, a fatherly instinct would ve been to protect him. if you are a father, you love your children more than you love yourself. you need to protect them from harm and you try to protect them from bad consequences. the biden family has suffered bad things as a family and yet there s some things more important than that when you are commander-in-chief and the president of the country. one of those things is no one is above the law and the rule of law matters. this that you have been pointing out, joe biden had absolute authority, literal authority. no authority over alvin bragg and did not direct the prosecution of trump. it s his justice department and he had authority to direct people not to prosecute his son. he could ve fired special counsel and directed them not be appointed in the first place. he could ve pardon has some preemptively. he could still pardon him but he said he will not do that. all of that conduct given it is his son, it s kind of think how unbelievable that is. in 1 million years if the shoe were on the other foot and donald trump was facing the prospect of his son being prosecuted by me if i had been held over, a biden holdover or obama holdover prosecution, not in 1 million years with that have happened. some of the people on the right who support donald trump are trying to cast this as some clever ops program by which this actually proves it to hash i will say it s outlandish to announce don jr. getting in trouble with guns or drugs. stephen miller said it s a misdirection and easy effort doj to sell to appliance media that s too willing to be due. it s about protecting joe biden and only joe biden. no matter what happens, the corrupt rigged system is steeper than you realize. if every possible outcome, permutation is arguably a point in your favor, maybe your position is terrible. i used a different word than terrible. i don t even think he was required even by probity to keep david weiss on in delaware. honestly. when i say bend over backwards, it would ve been perfectly reasonable bend over backwards above and beyond. and it would not be reasonable to say wink wink, nudge nudge. if you say, do your thing. he didn t have to do with. other features important to point out and you mentioned some of them in the intro. the jury verdict came out and they didn t dox the jury or take the judge. he didn t say it s a travesty of justice or a witch-hunt. he said what i used to say when i was attorney and from time to time even though with the you win some and lose some. we respect the jury. opposite of what trump did. one of the most striking things is after the trump verdict and i remember judge kaplan in the federal civil trial with e. jean carroll told the jurors, you can talk to the press, i advise you not to. and they did not. in alvin bragg s case they did not talk to the press. they would expose himself to harassment a possibly threats and harassment. i m a reporter and i like it. what a contrast. it s a stark contrast. i think it goes to show and when joe biden and his supporters talk about the rule of law, they mean it. you can disagree with his policies. talk about the border and other things that are not in my daily work but on the question of whether or not the rule of law is to be enforced in fear or favor to be given to anyone including the son of a sitting president of the united states, the republicans are full of it on the trump side and biden is not. walk the walk. final question, independence and the department of justice. we have a post-nixon order. one of the things about nixon, a level of regulation, norms, and statures was the department of justice can t just be a tool in the hands of the executive to pursue vendetta. to prosecute and punish enemies. to protect friends. the trump vision is that. explicitly that. russ vought, they really think we are going to come in ski and it will be day one open investigation and that person and prosecute them. that which they accused everyone as of doing, they are saying, there is great irony, one of the cases pending against donald trump, the mar-a- lago case in florida, donald trump s team is made a number of motions to dismiss the indictment. one is vindictive prosecution. there is no evidence of that. no evidence that joe biden or anyone else directed that prosecution and indictment. by saying the things they re saying now that you are pointing out, donald trump ironically laying the foundation for a vindictive persecution motion to dismiss on the part of all the current people who donald trump will be going after because he s announcing his plans before election. all the statements in the plans, project 2025 and everything is will be chapter and verse in the briefs asking for the dismissal of those indictments. that s a great point. preet bharara, thank you. coming up congressman alexandria ocasio-cortez and jamie raskin on the scandals rocking the maga supreme court. donald trump s rude awakening from the criminal justice system. l justice system. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. donald trump has been convicted of 34 felonies and now, americans, the ones who don t know at least getting a crash course the way life changes when you become a felon. since his conviction, trump is expected to have his gun license revoked under federal law. convicted felons are prohibited from possessing a gun. that was part of the issue when the hunter trial. it s unclear what it means for guns he has in his possession a. he told the probation officer he has a gun in florida. he could lose his liquor licenses first three new jersey golf clubs. new jersey prohibits any person who is been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude from having a liquor license. have you ever been convicted of a crime is often on job applications. a subject of reform campaigns to ban the box as a way to help former convicts get jobs and reenter society. that question about criminal convictions is part of the vetting for vice presidential pick where it seems only one member of the ticket gets to be a felon. the vast for a number of things. a number of people have been asked to submit this and that. like taxes? i don t know everything. criminal background? have you convicted a crime. charles coleman and civil rights defense attorney. a senior political reporter at rolling stones who has covered trump world. trump hoped would save him from conviction. they join me. it s interesting to watch folks who don t know this to watch the various implications of being convicted of a felony and the different regulations and things you cannot do. in some states it s voting, liquor licenses, and the like. speaking as a person of color and a former prosecutor, i am unmoved by these newfound epiphanies that are occurring on the right with respect to the reality of life in america if you are a convicted felon. one thing i find to be particularly interesting is how the right is scrambling to rearrange the narrative of what it is to be a felon. you are talking about the party that has planted its flag on the notion of law and order in america now having to walk out and say it s politically advantageous for our candidate to have 34 convictions on his record. this is a narrative they are not going to be able to square but it s funny to watch them try. he had invited on stage in the box, two folks broad conspiracy of folks like moving heavy drugs and violent crime. very serious stuff and has them on the state. this is our thing now. you were talking whether someone is an associate of felons. that is donald trump s jam. the list is very long. shockingly long, especially for someone who held the highest office in the country. i think it is a psych job. they re trying to say it s good we are felons. it s amazing how the tough on crime falls by the wayside when it s the racist game show host. donald trump and his minions love to talk to in and day out but two tiered system of justice. he is correct that one does exist in the country but he is at this tier and everybody is below. there s so many things he has been doing lately that no other defendant in a criminal trial could get away with. including the stuff he said about the judge. behind the scenes and in the open, and his maga brain trust prepared to exploit parts of the u.s. criminal code, as we have reported, to go after the alvin bragg sand letitia james and jack smith if he returns to power. some of this is cooked up behind the scenes in policy papers but so much is done in the open. you also have got them get alvin bragg before a committee. he is going to testify at the gop led judiciary committee. one question i have about this is, does any of this matter in the process that trump is going through? no, it does not. ramose, the probation officer? it s all rigged? does that matter from what sentencing? his public rhetoric absolutely i thought you were referring to alvin bragg. with respect to the things that donald trump is parroting and continues to parrot in the public dialogue around his case, that matters. one of the things a probation officer will take into account is what degree of understanding and remorse do you have? i screwed up. i am sorry. when you are in every opportunity in front of a microphone saying what a political prosecution this was. you have been reported on this that house republican leaders are gauging support for legislation that would like current and former president move a state case to federal court. have you heard any of that? oh, yeah. we reported at the end of last month that trump had been calling around to different conservative allies including republican lawmakers on capitol hill to lobby them when i m back in office, wouldn t it be great if you passed legislation ready for me to send that can have former and current president move their cases to federal court? again, i think they re getting high on their supply. i feel like that is a bad bill to vote for. for a front-line republican member. if you are a maga lawmaker, there is a cute appeal to it. it s not only moderate republicans saying maybe we should not do this. i have spoken to extremely maga attorneys close to donald trump with told me, maybe we shouldn t go down this run. we want to use state ag s and district attorneys to go after joe biden or hillary clinton. the principle applying equal he would hang them up. there is back and forth about the gun situation. i m sure you have encountered this. folks have guns. what does the law say about whether he can keep the gun in florida, new york crime. he will probably need to turn the gun in in florida. he will have a grace period or that s allowed. technically, he might be in violation of the law upon the notice of conviction, he will probably allowed some leeway but it would not surprise me if he has to turn it in. hunter biden conviction today was about he lied on a form because you cannot in terms of taking drugs and own a gun. violation of federal law and lied on the forms and of the ex- president holding a gun. having been convicted of a felony. it s a remarkable set of circumstances. thank you both. samuel alito s wife has even more thoughts about flags. aoc and jamie raskin on the supreme court s legitimacy crisis. itimacy crisis. hi, i m janice and i lost 172 pounds on golo. a friend told me that i was the only one holding me back from being as beautiful on the outside as i am on the inside. once i saw golo was working i felt this rush. golo really works. donald trump wins in november his plans including as the washington post reports a plot to convert federal civil service into an authoritarian tool to report friends and punish enemies. the scope of his plan his desire to weaponize the government against perceived foes. one of the most striking example was a trump department of justice lengthy battle to block the merger between at&t and time warner on antitrust grant. there was always a suspicion which is been all but confirmed that trump was trying to block the merger because he did not like time warner s news network cnn. antitrust and trump s hands was another tool of government authority that could be used to corrupt ends. in the latest episode of my podcast series why is this happening with pot 2024 those steaks? i talked with timothy who is the architect of president biden s antitrust policy. we talked about the respective records of donald trump and joe biden as president when it comes to antitrust action. there were indications, genuine bits of evidence, and a widespread perception amongst i think fortune 500 corporate elite that this was essentially, if you are with trump, if you were his friend you could get the merger approved and it you were his enemy you would have a problem. this became this powerful almost unilateral lover for trump to wield against people he did not like and the most notorious case being, and i think it was somewhat surprising, when the doj announced it would block a proposed at&t time warner merger. there is some evidence to suggest that at least partly it was born of the animus trump hat of cnn s coverage of him. that is pretty bad. i think it s a thing where trump didn t think there was a problem with it. no. i think he thought it was within his rights to order the breakup of a company he did not like. his white house counsel sort of restrained were slightly dead and that. there is so much circumstantial evidence that the white house and the presidency were involved in antitrust decisions that it s hard to deny it. you can find the full conversation i had with him who is a fascinating guy and an amazing record in this area by going to why is this happening? the stakes by scanning the qr code on your screen. you can listen to it wherever you get your podcast. ur podcas flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and i must admit i was skeptical when supreme court justice samuel alito blamed his wife for that upside down american flag flying at their home after january 6. a symbol adopted by trump supporters who believed the 2020 election was stolen. it seemed like a convenient explanation but it looks like justice alito was telling the truth when he said infamously, quote, my wife is fond of flying flags. i am not. listen to her in a recent conversation secretly recorded and released by activist lauren windsor. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. and he s like, please don t put up a flag. i said i won t do it because i am deferring to you. but when you re free of this nonsense, putting it up and i m going to send a message every day, maybe every week. i made a flag in my head. this is how we satisfy myself. i made a flag. it s white and yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is this word. in italian that means shame. shame. the opposite of pride? they have not responded to an nbc news request for comment but none of what she said changes the facts that justice alito allowed the flag to fly over so molly sits in the highest court on the land hearing cases related to the insurrection in january 6 and he sits on the court along with his buddy clarence thomas his wife was interviewed by the january 6 committee better tax with trump s chief of staff. both justice thomas and alito refused to root recuse himself despite the obvious appearance. we are faced with an urgent question. what can be done about us out of control court? democrats in the house oversight committee held a roundtable on the ethical crisis in the supreme court. one of the expert legal witnesses was my wife. leading the panel was jamie raskin, ranking member the oversight committee and new york congresswomen alexandria ocasio-cortez, the vice ranking member and they post join me now. good to have you on. thank you for having us. i will start with you about what the agenda was today to convene this. you cannot call hearings herself as a ranking member and not the chair. what were you trying to do today? the oversight democrats wanted to respond to the national clamor over this crisis of legitimacy at the supreme court. we analyzed the ethics crisis and we analyze the political crisis around confirmations that got us into this and the blockade of confirmations of people like merrick garland who was nominated by president obama that we began to talk about what things could be done both in the specific case of justices alito and thomas and about the ethical collapse at the supreme court. the highest court in the land with the lowest ethical standards. the only governmental officials in the land who are not governed by a binding ethics code. there is no process by which we can hold them accountable. it violates the essential principle that james madison identified as the heart of our justice system which is no man can be a judge in his own cause. we began to explore different avenues of holding them accountable. congresswoman, you said something toward the end saying it cannot be the case, a constitutional matter as an almost intuitive common sense matter that they are not subject to any checks. we have three coequal branches. checks and balances between them three branches in the position alito said in an interview that congress has no ability to regulate us whatsoever. what should congress be doing? what are you brainstorming? what s the conversation about what those checks can be? of course, justice alito s position is laughable. this idea that he can be and the court should be accountable to nobody and the only person that should be accountable is are themselves. this scouts promise sort of set up for how we should be having ethics standards for the highest and most consequential court in the land. it s completely unacceptable and not only unacceptable, but to have one of our coequal branches be completely unaccountable to the others is paving the path to authoritarianism, tyranny, the abuse of power in the united states. it s structurally, completely unsustainable. it s not a question of if congress has jurisdiction and power over the supreme court. it is what power are we going to exercise in order to reign in a fundamentally unaccountable and rogue court? one of the beautiful things about the roundtable today is we were able to call in one of our senate colleagues, senator white house, who has been pursuing extensive investigations into the dark money networks that has been exerting influence over the court and we raised and discussed a varying degrees of measures from term limits to actual binding ethics standard and congressman raskin i myself will be introducing a forthcoming legislation to even have the supreme court be subject to the same $50 gift rule that he and i are subject to is everyone else is, members of congress. that is a great point. i was talking to my wife kate shaw who gave testimony today before your hearing. she pointed out to me that if i m not mistaken, things like, you can get a book deal as a supreme court justice but you could not be a partner of wilmer hail. that s something congress passed a statute to say what you could or could not do. you would be nuts to be a supreme court justice and have a side gig as a lawyer. presumably, you can change data congress can pass statutes that says this is not allowed. congress has a ban on outside employment and as aoc was saying, we have a $50 gift ban. none of us goes near doing that. you don t do $500,000 vacations? that s a comical thing. members of congress don t even understand that. what circumstances would a supreme court justice accept millions of dollars in foreign travel prepaid tuition for very family members or recreational vehicle, motor stagecoach. it s outlandish to contemplate. that s a general level of funds for people over here. the normal business as usual at the supreme court that they are collecting millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of dollars from the so-called friends. we need to clean that up. we said, we will start was something simple that the country can understand immediately. we want a $50 gift ban for u.s. supreme court justices. they make $300,000 a year. pay for your own lunch and you re on vacation. that does seem quite clear congresswoman and has the advantage, there s issues to deal with. in some ways, the only way to legislate for congress to act as outlaying broad principles that are broadly applicable. absolutely. as all of us as public servants of federal public servants whether it s both chambers of congress, the white house, many of us are subject to the same if not extremely similar and uniform code of ethics. the fact that the supreme court which is already unelected, at least for those of us who run for office, we have to re-run for office every two years in the house. for an unelected body of nine people appointed for life do not have any sort of binding, strict ethics code to which they cannot only be held accountable but which can be enforced, is actually ludicrous. it s almost unbelievable that we are sitting here in the year 20 24/200 years after the establishment of this country, and we have not addressed this issue. it is something that s long past doing and it s common sense. one thing we addressed is how the private corruption of the justices mirrors the public correction corruption of. it has been dismantling civil rights law, civil liberties, women s right to choose an abortion, labor law, consumer law, you name it. as they grow more removed from the experiences of the way the rest of us live, the more they are willing to demolish the protections the rest of us need to. there s a bunch of things to happened outside of the purview of this question, the court has to deal with equal justice under law and i wonder if you would stick around to talk about that. love to. love to. are you still struggling with your bra? it s time for you to try knix. makers of the world s comfiest wireless bras. for revolutionary support without underwires, and sizes up to a g-cup, find your new favorite bra today at craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate 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showed in his statement love for his son and love for his country including the rule of law. the different reactions between republican colleagues and democratic colleagues with the trump verdict in the hunter biden verdict, it s astounding. nobody on our side said the fix was in. nobody said it was a travesty. nobody said that justice system needs to be turned upside down. everybody accepted it. hunter biden like donald trump had the right of counsel which he exercised. he had the presumption of innocence and had the right to take the stand but chose not to do. trump chose not to do. they had unanimous jury verdicts finding they were guilty on all counts. i am saying about that what i said about trump s burdick which is they have a right to appeal and they can do that under due process. thank gut we ve got that in america and we will stand by the rule of law and the system of justice for the same reason we are fighting for a supreme court that restores its integrity and reputation. we need to have that kind of confidence not just at the trial level, federal court or state court, we need it all the way up. those supreme court justices are a runaway body at this point. speaking of state court in new york, congresswoman you represent part of new york. there was insults and vitriol that has been directed at alvin bragg from donald trump down in the people s carrying water for him. that has escalated. he is being called for the house republicans before i think the judiciary committee and be grilled by house republicans have rallied behind trump since his conviction. gop lawmakers are perpetuated the false narrative that president biden ordered his prosecution. what do you think about the fact that they are escalating to the point where they will haul alvin bragg before congress? what we are seeing here unfold is an out right abuse of power in the politicization, the seats of power these republicans hold to intimidate the courts and exact political revenge. we have to look at this from a basic jurisdictional point of view. alvin bragg is not even dad it s not even a federal case. we are looking at a state court. we are looking at municipal and state courts. we have republicans who are trying to haul them in, on what grounds exactly? it s not federal court. they do not have jurisdiction over it. it is truly an attempt at public targeting. we see they do this. it s in the model of donald trump and the model of invoking and trying to incite as much anger and intimidation in order for them to get the outcomes they want. and they are eager to be servile sycophants of donald trump that their political judgment is up. that s not where the public is and they understand what the hunter biden verdict in the donald trump verdict the rule of law is working and they are intervening as you say in a state case in order to placate donald trump. precisely. what we are also seeing is the stark contrast between joe biden and donald trump. president biden we have yes a loving father who was there to be supportive of his son but also a president who respects the rule of law and willing to accept the outcomes of a case even if the outcome is not in favor with his family or his personal outcomes. you have donald trump who takes and weaponize is the seats of government, the seats of power, and embarks on a campaign of political intimidation in order to secure outcomes that personally benefit him. that at the core is part of the stakes of our democracy that are before us today. once rule of law goes out the window, it s not something that is easy to get back. it s very much a part of the decision we have to make in the next few months. thank you for all your time tonight. that s all in on this tuesday night . night . tuesday night. good evening, alex. we have some new exclusive audio from the supreme court historical society that lauren windsor has given us and

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240612

trelegy won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. what a wonderful world ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. it s 8:00. this is fox and friends . ice arrest asz suspected terrorists with potential ties to isis and a wiretap revealed one of them was talking about bombs. brian is in texas talking to voters about national security threat and border issues. ainsley: liberal activist who recorded justice samuel alito and justice rob efforts speaks out about why she did it. tell me answers how we will get when shrouded in secrecy. steve: and nathan s hot dog cha champion joey chief chestnut banned from the contest. lawrence: how do you ban the goat? steve: final hour from new york and also dallas and italy, as well. hour three starts right now. ainsley: a fox news alert. concerns of a terror threat crossing our southern border becoming a reality. steve: eight suspects were arrested after being released into the united states. go wherever you want. lawrence: lucas tomlinson has more on that. lucas: this is situation many americans feared. suspected terrorists among them. eight suspects with ties to isis entered the united states illegally and received full vetting by authorities. the fact these eight isis suspects got through the border is travesty. isis-k is extremely dangerous, we must be vigilant. lucas: the suspects are from t tajekistan. back to the tajiks in the united states, they were arrested in los angeles, new york and philadelphia in recent days. according to the new york post, part of the investigation featured a wiretap which revealed one individual was talking about bombs, remember the boston marathon bombing, something like that might happen again or worse. same style and method as the moscow massacre. these suspects were from t tajikistan. steve: exactly right. lucas, thanks very much. when we heard of countries where various terrorists or suspected terrorists are from, tajikistan hasn t been on our radar. officials were able to hear somebody say something about bombs. they are cryptic about it. according to news reports two of the people snuck it were apprehended about a year ago. one of the guys who was arrested used the cbp app to apply to come into the country. ainsley: they were allowed to come across the border. border is a huge issue for every state, especially for texas. b brian, they let the guys in, they were in the u.s. and flagged and they started doing research and heard them talking about the bombs. you remember fbi director wray talked about this was his biggest fear. this was in june, of this year or last year? this year, i believe. we ve seen the threat rise to a whole other level, increasingly concerning is potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, not unlike the isis-k attack. lawrence: the fbi director has been warning about this. you can t have policy based on emotion. current president turned everything off at the border and decided to let people in. the former president warned criminals would cross the border and people that had terror ties and we cannot forget in the past administration, isis was destroyed and we re talking about isis again and members crossing the border. brian: couple things. put down the fbi and they have done things questionable and think about their job. thousands are crossing everyday, there are countries that don t cooperate with the terror watch list. people have to track them and communicate with ice and pick them up. ice group diminished and depleted by this administration. for people that want to feel better about a terrorist attack,et s6800 have come acros california sector. texas has done an effective job. 4900 got in. people get to stay and get a hearing in 10 years. i am here to be a terrorist, we track them and we got them ahead of time. i worry about the odds catching up quickly. steve: border patrol agents are told, there is a list of 100 countries, if they are from that country, they can t be returned, we don t have a deal. tajikistan will say, just ltd. them in. ainsley: this is just eight of them that they just caught. lawrence: such a good point, there is a volume issue, you have so many people crossing, there is going to be people. the former president gave an interview and goes, some reports came out about known terrorists that came across during this administration. he said, it was zero, i don t even believe that, there are people that cross we don t know. there are some that are criminals or part of terrorist groups. when you have an administration that does not understand, we have ia situation like this. i thank god they found these guys and got a wiretap. what about people we don t know about. moments ago, president trump go ahead. brian? brian: go ahead. lawrence: moments ago brian: go ahead, you got the prompter. president biden getting set to go to g-7. lawrence: president biden is on his way to base andrews before heading to the g-7 summit in italy. steve: this overseas trip after potus made unscheduled trip to delaware yesterday, last night, to see hunter on the tarmac following hunter s conviction on three federal gun charges. ainsley: jacqui heinrich is live where world leaders will be meet approximating. protracted battle to get u.s. funding secured and idea of trump presidency ahead and groups in europe gaining support in this weekend s parliament elections. g-7 will consider tapping frozen russian assets and there are divisions between these countries. biden is pushing to use funds and the interest and europeans have been pushing to use just the interest. the president suggested headway had been discussed during his trip to normandy. did you discuss russian asset issue with macron and come up with an agreement how to use them? yes and yes. there are other challenges, including threat posed by artificial intelligence, that will be talked about in a special session with the pope and issues in africa and trade im imbalance in china. stronger language calling on china to stop enabling russia s war machine. our commitment to ukraine will continue to be right up front and clear. take bold steps to show mr. putin time is not on his side. we support ukraine s fight for freedom. white house is not commenting on latest ceasefire talks. officials wouldn t comment on the w wall street journal repot that sinwar believe this helps their cause. the president is set to arrive in italy later today and end this trip with a press conference with zelenskyy tomorrow and if you re a president who does not like taking questions, zelenskyy s presence mean he will only have to take two. steve: speaks of press availability, any idea why yesterday it was on the schedule, karine jean-pierre was going to brief the press at the white house. out of nowhere, they pulled the plug, what happened? well, you know, they have not said anything officially about why that happened. we were all watching developments in court with the case. we saw the president leave from his remarks and went directly toil withmington from there. you have seen the white house not hold briefings if the president is not in town. he was scheduled to be around. we have seen them hold briefings when he was local, not in another state. a surprise to everybody when the reshuffling happened. steve: sad you have to go to italy to ask him some questions. two. ainsley: a at least good food and beautiful scenery. we have been wondering why the j juneteenth concert was held a few weeks ago instead of next wednesday. abc, is reporting now the politic will go to camp david when he gets back from the g-7 to start prepping for the debate, which is the last thursday much the month. lawrence: watching dana perino. always measured, she was talking about the president s ability. can he do the job. she has been in the room when tough decisionings are made. this is what she had to say on the five . watch. dana: father time is undefeated. what i find alarming is that there is only one person empowered in our government who can make national security decisions we need and have to be made on a trigger s notice and i do not feel watching him the last several months, in particular last three weeks, that you can have confidence that would happen. so for example, you are commander-in-chief and i say i m chief of staff or military aide, sir, this is happening right now, what do you want us to do, are you confident that he would be able to do that? i want him to be able to do that, i feel empathy for him and i worry for him, about him. i don t want to get mad at him. i love the fact people want to helpim had. everyone has to think hard about this. lawrence: many people in the media ask the same question with donald trump in the last presidency. should we question his mental f fitness and there wasn t a special counsel saying he wasn t fit to stand trial. why can t we ask that about joe biden when there are so many obvious signs of him not being the same biden. brian: two weeks, we will have a debate, my hope is they don t do to joe biden what they were doing with donna brazille did giving clinton the questions. and they don t spend the whole time on january 6. you can t hide from it. as jon stewart said, we keep hearing how crisp and how strong he is behind the scenes, can we see that guy? sooner or later, we ll see if that guy exists. then there is january june 11th. couple of campaign cycles ago, big question, is this person ready to take the 2:00 a.m. or 3:00 a.m. phone call. to dana s point, he s lost a step, a bunch of steps. that is something people are talking about. you are down at a place called k kubie s at schneider plaza. the own er does a lot of bake know on, it has to be killing him. brian: yep. john cubie, round of applause for the guy that put this place together. how many generations? i m first generation, my dad s family started in 1728. my son is 15th generation. brian: marvelous combination of restaurant and supermarket, how has it affected you and your prices? food cost has gone up, you have to pass it on to some extent, you can t overprice. brian: do you lose business? of course you lose business, mar margin goes down. brian: when people say bidenomics is working, look at the numbers, what do you say? no, no, it is not working. brian: your place is packed, because of us or packed everyday? we have a loyal customer base. brian: see what a great place this is. round of applause for yourself, getting up early for us. you have a breakfast crowd and lunch crowd, right? this makes this place great, it is supermarket. come in, shop and eat. what do we gotz? this is our market, it has been an evolution. it started there and my dad made his own sausage and cold cuts, we grew and opened a restaurants. cold cut, cheese, famous pimento cheese we make ourselves. pro produce section. groceries in the middle. brian: how much are eggs in dallas? $7 for cage free eggs. brian: taking your word on that, we have no footage. you have a supermarket, deli section. we make salad inhouse, bring in cold cuts, make sausage, have a full service meat market. brian: pictures of the local community. my son is there, who works with me. brian: he will take over next. he is. brian: does he know it? he is. he is the boss. brian: how do you feel about being the next generation? brian: he knows where he s getting his summer job each and every year. thanks for having us. congratulations on this. your final thought about the economy, if we could change one thing, what would it be? change the president. brian: see if that changes economic principleses. will cain just came into the building. we ll bounce back and forth and see what everybody thinks from the dallas perspective. steve: get a taste of the chicken salad, it is really good. i know you like chicken salad. brian: they gave me a pound to go home with, it is in the re refrigerator. steve: thanks. ainsley: another big story this morning, greatest of all time will not be on stage for annual nathan s hot dog eating contest for 4th of july. joey chestnut posting this after being banned from the event on coney island saying fans will be deprived of the entertainment of the holiday. it comes because of his deal with impossible foods which required him to eat their meatless hot dogs, a competitor of nathan s. lawrence: i don t understand what he was thinking. we sign with the network and decide to wear the banner of another network, you can t do that. ainsley: you have to eat nathan s hot dog when eat ing te in the contest. steve: i ve never had the impossible hot dog, it is veggie. ainsley: it is plant based. could be great. lawrence: it goes against the idea of the contest. it is street food, meat, disgusting. ainsley: i agree. we are veganizing it or plant-basing it, i understand trying to appease everyone. they should get their own hot dog eating contest. ainsley: they offered him a lot of money and said, we will pay you this amount of money. he should have thought, it is nathan s hot dog eating contest, he should have asked them. i m sure he signed a contract and it usually says you can t go to a competitor. steve: he has won 16 times, he s already greatest of all time by a longshot, maybe this was a business decision. i could win again or make a lot of money and probably providing for his family. lawrence: you should finish on top. it is like michael jordan, you sign with the bulls, you stay on top. you don t go sign with the lakers and destroy your legacy and i think that is what he just did. he has a chance to undo this. ainsley: they said if we can come to a resolution, he is welcome to participate in the contest. steve: i like your comment about the bulls, beef, it comes back to beef. they got a beef with veggie dogs. lawrence: full of puns today. progressive act vivist defendin her decision to secretly record supreme court justices. nothing illegal about recording people, please tell me how we ll get answers when supreme court is sclhrouded in legacy. lawrence: wow, she s bold. steve: trey gowdy. new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. who recorded justice samuel alito, his wife and chief justice roberts is speaking out. audio recordings, nothing illegal about recording people as long as one person is a party to the conversation. people who want to pearl clutch, how do we get answers when the supreme court has been clshroud in secrecy? lawrence: here to react is former prosecutor, trey gowdy. trey, i got questions here. try to hit them fast. there are laws, you can t lie to federal prosecutor or agent, can you lie to a federal judge, supreme court justice and secretly record them? trey: not if you re a lawyer, you can t. i hope she does not have a law degree, she will not have it long. some states allow single party c consent. if you re a lawyer, there is a different rule of law. there are groups on the right that do it, i don t celebrate that group. when someone on the left does it, i say the same. if you want a conversation, be h honest about it. lawrence: i get journal ism side of it. court is different, especially the supreme court. there is a reason why they have life-time appointment. do we think this may be a bridge too far? trey: oh, for sure. thing about judges, they speak through opinions. i am at the age in life where my friends are older than yours. some are judges, they have personal beliefs. we pick them to be judges because we expect them to separate their personal beliefs. you may remember dianne feinstein quiz zing supreme cout justice that barrett could not separate from her writings. she s been able to do that. here are two conservative justices saying conservative things. john roberts showed more character in his answer than this reporter did in her conduct. lawrence: i listened to the answers and they did not say anything wrong, nothing breaking news, they did not violent the law or say it will impact their judicial decisions. i think they left the conversation looking better. what say you? trey: i do, too. here, news flash, two conservative justices that have conservative religious views said conservative things. if that is newsworthy, i heard two courteous men, here is the chilling effect, i don t think they will talk to anyone going forward they don t have pre-existing relationship with. she hasun radioed it for people that would love to have the opportunity to talk to judges. lawrence: good point. we rarely hear from them anyway, she ruined it for all of us. trey gowdy, thank you. always fair. don t move, brian is live from the lone star state with a special guest, i think you know him, his name is will cain. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue. and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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[applause] brian: will cain, well supported. every stat thats people of texas care about immigration of the border, a national problem. they may cross in texas, it becomes a national problem. will: it is an international problem. i point this out. the european union across entire co continent from italy to germany, swung right because of immigration. muslim countries over there. and changing the culture and laws, changing crime stats. they said enough. that played a role in 2016. explain donald trump in 2016 in part, immigration, it will play a role in 2024. especially i want to call it insane, it is predictable. we ve been saying this is going to happen. brian: we used to have a handle on it, we left afghanistan in an ill-planned exits and because of that little insight to the terror side. you are professional, texas, diner goer and reporter. let s go talk to the people. will: go talk to my people. brian: they are more fascinating, let s do it. you go right, i go left. this is your home game. will: you put me on the spot, where is my camera. bring it in. brandon, let s go, brandon, last name fox. what are you thinking about at your age of the state of the country? main thing i m thinking about is the economy, i just graduated from school here in texas, you are looking on and getting ready to start life. more important is safety of our country and reminding each other values we are built on. will: how old are you? 22 years old. will: they like that. brian: female perspective from mary. what is your number one concern? you know, i m raising two young kids and it is so important, safety aspect. we don t know who is coming across everyday. safety of border is number one, education number two. i m actively involved in pta, and things we ve unearthed in curriculum mandated is shocking and needs to change. brian: that is disturbing, more with will cain, toss to you. will: couple of guys, this is gabe terrell, terrell construction. cranes going up downtown. dallas has been insulated, everything is moving here. it is hard, inflation, interest rates, this area is place you want to be in the united states. absolutely, will, a lot of construction projects going on, great area to be in. brian: how hard to build will s mansion and how many cranes did will need? 10. i wasn t part of that project. brian: podcast pays well. brian: this is pulse of the people, will, thank you for getting up today. will: i usually am sleeping. brian: good job kuby s, i appreciate it. back to new york. you are watching fox and friends . dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that s not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don t change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun saying, this is my message to you-ou-ou singing, don t worry about a thing ( ) discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that s what we re doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it s a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. why won t scout play with us anymore? 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here to react is former white house senior counsel, kellyanne conway. good morning. we are seeing video of join base andrews, about to head to italy. there are reports he will go to camp david and hunker down and stay there 10 days while he does debate prep. the debate is two weeks from tomorrow. does he need that much time? kellyanne: he does need that much time. hillary clinton all but disa disappeared during debate time. donald trump stayed on the campaign trail. i think that benefited him enormously, if you over prepare, then you sound contrived and in the case of joe biden, you lie. news of the day out of the delaware trial, we have department of justice that conf confirmed hunter biden s lapd is real. hunter biden is guilty of three felonies in delaware and the biden family is connected through the laptop, hauling in money from chinese infrastructure company from hunter. why is this important? it was debate stage where biden lied to the american people in 2020 and said he never discussed business with his son and 51 intelligence officials claimed the laptop was russian disinformation. i think biden preparing is one thing. i wonder what is going to happen with him medically for 10 days, we have no hard evidence joe biden can stand intimidated by donald trump for 90 minutes without a teleprompter. ainsley: paul riyn versus joe biden, he sounds differently, he is understandably has more energy and paul ryun said, i ve known biden, he s aged quickly. the guy i debated 12 years ago is not the same guy we have today. what do you expect out of the debate and how is president trump preparing? kellyanne: president trump will review policies. look at polling coming out of pennsylvania. pennsylvania and americans think americans were better off under the trump presidency than biden. why is this important? a lot of questions being asked in polls are questions that will be asked in it is debate. if president trump gives everybody a bin ary choice and reviews economy, crime, quality of well, everyday affordability, border security, economic security, fair ness. one piece of advice to president trump is, let biden speak. numbers seem to numb his brain and if you let biden speak, his lack of ability and truthfulness will be on full display and un undergerred what is believed already, biden is not up to the job. ainsley: we talked about virginia, joe biden won that state by 10 points and now they are neck and neck. in minnin m, new poll shows trump within striking distance of biden. republican has not won there since nixon, that was 1972. kellyanne: minnesota and washington, d.c., only states walter mondale carried in ronald reagan s landsliez reelection victory. trump is expanding victory, minnesota, virginia, possible hamilt new hampshire. name one county where joe biden is trying to expand their map. one thing in all the polls, trump is doing well, each in the states among african americans, and young people. joe biden is bleeding voters, i don t think debate prep will help with that. ainsley: we re watching this live video, he is off to g-7 after this. thank you so much, kellyanne. great to see you. they play hard ball on capitol hill and they are bringing that same energy to nationals park, previewing congressional baseball game. let s check in with dana perino. dana: after tonight, i know what danea reads sports will be about. what we know about eight illegal migrants and where they are now, and andrew cuomo grilled and nicole malliotakis is not satisfied and will join us. and how a recovering addict reviews the hunter verdict. tune in at 9:00. targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. can neuriva support your brain health? 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(thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank. frank?) fred! how are you?! fred. fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. this is the easiest, non-toxic swap you ll ever make. lumineux toothpaste was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it ll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity. find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. steve: happening tonight in washington, democrats and republicans are setting aside policy differences taking to the field in the annual congressional baseball game at nats park. they ll take it outside. tonight it will be at nats park. in the past few minutes the republicans and democrats are taking batting practice. you can hear the clank of the congressional aaluminum bats. nonetheless they ll play tonight at 7:00. republicans have won the last three games. and tonight during the broadcast i will do an exclusive first-time interview with house speaker mike johnson and hakeem jeffries, minority leader. he used to play and a fan of the new york yankees. i ll be doing color commentary on fs1 and the washington capital handles play-by-play and congressional baseball shooting is now available on fox nation. guys, back to you. steve: we ll be watching. thanks, chad. ainsley: everyone have a wonderful day. see you tomorrow. lawrence: a fun show. brian in dallas, back on the couch tomorrow. steve: have a great day. america s newsroom starts now. bill: good morning. so two weeks and two trips to europe. president biden heading to italy for a g7 summit. yesterday around this time he met with his son, hunter, after his felony gun charge conviction

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240612

won t necessarily explode under donald trump. neil: we will see. thank you very much. da i m dannaa perino with judges jenny and,e richard fowler, jee watters and greg gutfeld 5:00 in new york city and this is the 5. brand-new images of president biden from moments ago embracing his now convicted sun. the president blew up his entire schedule rushing to delaware to be with them underbite and wase found guilty ocon all 3 counts d his gun trail the verdictk sending shockwaves for at the white house.ka even canceling theri press brieg something sh.e rarely does. but and turf faces up to 25 years in prison unlikely ghenkelyt diskei the maxirsm as it says first sentencepene all happening as je jeanine will tell you and thers first ladyt jill biden wasn t physically in the court yet to hear it being read aloud. she arrived just afterwards. president biden said he will respect his son s conviction buy talk about. irony after the tril revealed the revolver was dumped into a trash trashcan he spoke at an violence prevention summit where he called for harsher gun-control laws and for americans to safely store their firearms. it s time we establish universal background checks.ches requiring this dave safe storage of firearms.e we neelod locks on those guns. who in god s name needs a magazinemaga told 200 shows.if if you y need 1200 bullets a gun you are the lousy a shot of ever seen. if you want to take on government for get out of line l you need f-15s not a rifle. 1 of the jurors spoke out aboutn the historic ts,o liberation saying the biden name did not play a role. we treated him just like heen was anybody else. he broke the law and that s how it goes a didn t a factor in my decision. was not politically motivated. politics played no part in thisf just to be haven t heard from you today i like to get your thoughts. give me a boost of confidee in the system although they have a lot of work to do to get me back like watching an eagles game and the referees for 20 flags in the first half finally throw 1 flag on the other team okay stone not a fair game remember the biden prosecutors tried to sweep it under the rug last year have the guy not go to jail little devil lifetime immunity until the judge was like say what now he might have to serve prison might have to serve prison on this and taxes he should listen to nancy reagan say no to drugs a lot of the foreigners targeted hunter bidet not just because he was the sunc of aau president but because he was a crackhead and he s been compromised by the chinese theia russiansns romanians mexicans pretty much everybody wanted a piece ane d because he was an addict he was willing to take risks do things you would h normally do as he needed money for our the but also money for his habit and he lived in a world of spies, suspicious wires sects trafficking diamondsmond burner phones wiretaps he was on an 8 year luckily he didn llt kill himselg likely hune didn t have the gun picked up by a kid who shot himself likely theelf. gun wasnt used in a murder and had the gun go back to him. but for a long time this guy it was like an orgy of opportunists he was using his dad his dad waa using him the chinese was using him he was using the chinese and the cia and fbi were using him to spy on the chinese. he s never had any consequencess his entire life. yet a discharge in auditch honourable discharge aarn administrative 1 is pot for coke and new jersey that 1 went under the rug all of r a sudden people are interested istn his art it the first time he s ever had toa pay the consequences couldn ta come awot a worse time his pole numbers are terrible freezing up at june, trump is a raising ofhe the sugar brothers tapped out he hasn t even seen his daughter happy father s day biden this is what happens when you raise au a sun like this you have to raise virtuous young men are also they re going to come back and y bite you that isou the lesson he you think they ll do jail time. under the federal guidelinese there s no requirementre the juo imposed jail timure of course ig up to the judge i think the judge will take into consideration that in a case is direct and clear as this wase that he could have responsibility and showedrs remorse ane,d pled guilty he gotten in the sentencing guidelines he g could ve gotten ota few extra points for doing that notpuni suggesting is being punished foe going to trial the could ve gota a benefit i think it s a lesson in a couple of things. a lesson to abby lowell who is an excellent attorney as we allt of said whoso overplayedor his the jury was insulted for the first time we heard maybe was really an alcohol addict mao be at crack addict and maybe te text is about him meeting another girl and not a druggie to buy more crack cocaine and maybe it was at the 711 to buy coffee and a doughnut.dn t maybe he really didn t know he was an addict the curious thing is the statement issued afteron his conviction was that recovery is possible by the grace of god i try to experience a gift 1 day at a time admitting he s an addict aass the girlfriend saide knew what s you re an addict sober or not you are always anar addict joe giving a statement early on s right after the conviction saved him from having to address it at the speech and at this gonna event but there are certain things being hypocritical need to keep guns out of dangerous hands well your son had a car and his girlfrienb opted out in the garbage can block away from a school and he says we need to make sure gun storage is a priority this is a family of hypocrisy on 1 hande they show united front in the courthouse every day even starting with jury selection being a family joined togetherer to support hunter and yet they were dysfunctional family at best givensf the facunt so manyf the people affected by what hunter biden did and this a jury of ordinary people of delaware were not intimidated by that family and recognize d it was a clear-cut case and that nobody is above the law. greg give you the talking about the momeng:t je claims you don t need arrival because we ve got an f-15 that s t the first or second time he said this just either proofto nobody hasld told him it s a bad idea to boast you can bomb americans redid and he doesn t retain the information he says s we ve got f-15s you don t need a rifle is not about need it s about the right to self defense may be built into that there is a timeto yet to go up against ao corrupt government in his word a government out of line the sameo people whopl smear trump as authoritarian trump nevertr boasted abouumt bombing you 2 americans and remember these are the guys who call january 6 when insurrection and nowy they re saying6t you at don t. f he shouldn tan be president of e taylors with anti- club. hunters going to jail sue joee doesn t have tcoo any comes outd will be rewarded for his loyaltl like ioyt made man in a crimema family it s a distraction n from the influence peddling and kickbacknflus it s not the chare that makes me failed i know hesn is any responsible sky s ball as has been played out as a charge i m comfortable with to me this is about the second amendment you don t lose your first amendment if you lose drugs so why do you lose the second amendmen t it s a preconditional onallaw it s an authority of law which displaces the lower laws when they come in the conflict like now. obviously the lat w waifs broket if it s unconstitutional then it s unconstitutional the only option if you are in recovery as he pointed out as a lifelong addict the only option in recovery let s say you are a wounded veteran needs pain killers are in recovery for t years you have to land the application does objection is subjectiveecti it s predictive assuming you re going to do something bad which we don t do with alcohol we don t make thes projective edge judgements whean people by alcohol which is weigh worse in terms of physical harm. this is it feels good to see tho other side of this but i do fear this law makes it okay to justify disarming a sober citizen based exclusively on past drug use and that is unjust based on the second amendment because there is nothing inso there about that that s my thought richarmy td final wart?c last weekha dissipated in juy duty for a couple days and. you got rejected? i did rej what i learned froe people i met there they weree regular people atht the take the day off work.mi they wertte committed to the process they answered questions fairly and honestly and to thel point of jesse if you have more confidence in the system i washe reassured it works there was 60h of us part of the process what you saw today were 12 people who come to make a decision a couple weeks ago and they are trying to get it right. so anybody who disparages everybody as every day citizens are going to the process don tai do that these are everyday americans participating in thei responsibility as a voter andd s citizen they made the righted decision because that ts what they are supposed to do that wea will seepp what happens barringn appeal you will have some kind of punishment and at some point to remember what like i said yesterday s not running for office he s not at the biden administration or dnc or biting campaignly t. you some buddies been for a lot of traumasli that we have to see what happens. that s the kehay thing like yesterday this is about hunter it supposed to be about joe. this case was about hunter. i m agreeing with you.ll i will end there. there is agreement on the e also coming up the media using the hunter biden verdictgh to hammer donald trump. i m your inner child. get in. [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. [ engine revving ] oh now we re torquin ! the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them, she didn t know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair. but nobody even sees them. our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason we ve been the brand leader for over 75 years. when i finally could hear for the first time, i could hear everything. call 1-800-234-7090 to schedule a free hearing evaluation and unlock our best deal of the year! jesse: leave it to the leave it tobera the liberal s to shamelessly use the verdict to dump on the trump conviction despite the case is being miles apart. the hunter gun trial was opent, and shut as you get ironclad evidence like damning text likemessages to drug dealers a y real laptop and solid witnesses like his sister-in-law turned ex-lover. the liberal press still trying to compare it to the hush money mess alvin bragg cooked up against trump. it s a good day by the for the american system. it flies in the face of everything the former presidentn has been pushing to underming,ed the justice systemer we knowha biden s come out strongly against you imagineat donald trump saying the words i will accept the outcome of the case andct continue t to respect the judicl process.. what you are seeing today in connection new with the trump criminal case is jurors doing their job. the doj follows the fact of the law without regard to who is subject to those facts of the lae outside of his last nametr being bideian i don t think the trial ever occurs. richard they had half a dozen whistleblowers saying that every timesayi they tried to follow tt facts they got shut down by the biden administration. i will say this because therh is something great said lastdo thing with t that s where bringp because there ar he politics thd have to do with the case mind you a guilty verdict is a guilty verdict. it. the interesting pivot you seee folks onfo the ratemaking about talking about the biden family, let s movele away from hunter s mobecause his interesting bede pillows that youyo have to navigate this case leans directly into the second amendment and the idea on the form we talked about as theyus have a gun y. has had in the first circuit in 2023 whereus they found it was unconstitutional the questionti was unconstitutionalon. for people in the rate they havo to evaluat te looking hard on ts particular case the second amendment. that s why after the decisiontr was passedum the trump campaigny issued a statement he retracted it put it back out because they re trying to figure how to imagine but also they know ifo you goha to hartigan s huntere biden like they did in 2020 and 2022 it doesn t choke with the electorate as both times they win. the apparent red wave didn t show up so the idea of attacking hunter and just going after hime doesn t seem temo be as effectie as effective as are pelicans think theys are so the question is how we navigate this.ho somebody who identifies as being on the right mapping no all navigating this difficult moment. judge jeanine the pivot they are the people on the radar making to me it just seems like this was a fraction of the crimes on the laptop . so disingenuous richard givei me a breakng it was the bidenidn white house the biden departmen of justicede that had this case from 2018 allowed the statute of limitations to run so biden t be accountable for the worst tax violations in the worst tax crimes connected toec end hites father was vice fathpresident and when he was getting money all over the world which was funneled to everybodye sitting in f the front seed of that courtroom you want to know why they are so unified that sie where the cash came in. so don t give me this judge system work for him saying give me precedent give me some idea on why somebody should be given immunity in perpetuity because his name is hunter biden and they said we ve never done it before us lets not be so holy year than the saying the system g thworks. guy would ve been skating without the judge skating every year the life the first time justice has visited upon a man because of him because of him they lost faith in the this and the social a justice nonsense om out the,e system works now in te system is covered up for this guy for decades.arge the charges would you like them or not our real this pony p to choose from what aboutom trump s charges yet the fashioning create them everybody admitted it was unprecedented aa first of its kind never done before they doing it for a president who is the leading candidate in the election not only is a corrupted selection interference is not about equal justice the it s lopsided a joke is in there i won t make it but screw this antimony is phoniesid these were the lying teabags who claim the laptop was fake so if they re false narrative had prevailed which they wantedre there wouldn t bee wn this verdt to idle then no claim proof of equal justice didn t come downin because of you happened in spite of you this guy got away with a lot for a long time and only stopped becaus oe thernle was to much to ignore.o dana?ig they re trained to see these case were the same applets it s the apples they are apples to cucumbers they aren t the same we sat here for about 6 weeks and to dissect every single worh when thee cnn contributors sayg this wasn t right so that 1 is likely to continue. with 3 weeks not even that.ta i think thoselk talking heads are they not embarrassed and angry at the 51 national security advisors who lied to them and said the hunter biden laptop was disinformation they keep having them on their shows and the actual story in regardst to theop trail was the laptop ws real fear any of those journalists are talking heads i would never talk to those guys agaiwhn so last 2 hear from me next hollywood s most: up challenging project yet convinco voters tjeo back the guy whose brains are shut e guy who down in public judge jeanine: hollywood heavyweights about to spend millions to repackage the oldest they re repackaging the oldest president as hrye in history a d no amount of tinsel down magic can fix this the president turning into brain freeze biden at the white house juneteenth event.whit they are all ghosts try and take it back. taking away your freedoms makinr it harder for black people devote banning books about black experienceieve. it comes as hollywood veterans launch a super back spending $25 million to shore up the youth of the problem the group is hiring millennial generation z writers and producers from shows likene saturday night live anrad parksp and recreation to helpar craft o biting content. as you responded to the. it was the first time i saw w the tape losing control of his mouth.ntro it is frightening that he is the leader of the free world not even making hypotheticals like oh, my god is going to do thisdt or that the promise now with your own eyes you can see he cannot be president. they need a new category for the oscars best reanimation of the corpse what we re seeing right now is not good.eft left me speechless it s artless to do richard i want to go to you on this. joe biden standing at juneteenth i don t know why he did that supposed to be june 19th but what do i know he is the 1 who f said if you don t vote for me w you ain t black. wellel he s got no rhythm or nothing it s a startled responsa or a freezing phenomenon indicative of cognitive declineh mimic asar possibly as a rhythmy a lot of people don t listen too kirk franklin on sunday morning. that s okay i think what si interesting here rate as we think about young people and how they will vote in this election they recently found the number 1 issue for young people is gun violence president spoke earlieu today about that what we found is recent fbi report came out seeing crime is down 26%. we are looking at a man decomposing wait a minute greg as 11,000 finding the murderer rate is down 26% the justme department also announcentd they haven t dated in convicted 500 gun traffickers. c i could do that in 1 countygo the biden administration also hireutd 3700 police officers ths they should be allowed her on t because that s whahat young voth care the truth imes americans don feel ido want to go back to thit with such desperation they brought in steven spielberg to help on the normandy speech the cringe content you get from the young people seeing joe biden, can yocau change that?othe remember the other day he was in france and he bends over like that everybody i know under 40 text me and asked if joe biden pooped his pants it doesn t matter anymore what they tell young americans you see joe biden looks like he pooped young americans see that and it s over what doesn t 80-year-old white man from delaware look like at a party that guy can t find the beat doesn t know how to clap frozen like on solo he s tiredie he was just in europe his son s trial is on and he s just not cut out for that looks like he u just fulfilling the duty and you can tell that he is embarrassed and heiresses more whole countries embarrassed. the truth is there are 81-year-old men with all due respect to congested up this guy it s not even about. mick jagger 6 months younger than biden. he s just not presentn.. i would say here s the thing father time is undefeated and what i find alarming is there s onlyd al 1 person in power a por in a government you can make the national security decisions we d thneed they have to be made oe triggers notice and i don t feel watching in the last several months m particular the last 3 weeks you can have confidence w that it would happen for y examples commander-in-chief chief of staff the military national security of either a i say this is happening right now what you want us to do are you confident?be confident that he would be able to do that i wanted to be able to do that i feel a lot of empathy for him. and i worry for him, about him i don t want to be mad at him i love the fact that people want i to help spielberg great state step uepp you re dealing with facts thatin are not going to get better for the next couple of years. and yet to think really hard about this and the democratsthis really need to think about thiss i m not the only 1 saying that somebody as a former republican you can look at left-leaning people right now who feel b permission has beeeen granted th suggest there could be something like a contested convention in i augustn because it s very worrisome. i think they going to useuy i that guy in the sequence dressed. ahead liberal lunacy is rachel maddow and aoc.el m donald trump is going to throw them in camps. 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first put themselves in jail i don t have that the toy 60 an election i would overturn the roe v. wade and now there are 21 states who have banned a woman s right to reproductive health and you should bring up that right now.righ has answer that question? if you are in kansas and kentucky giving their right to reproductive health saying it will put you in prison.ic the trump ihas a man of his word as the solution if you re an angry democrat and abortion that s what they said up next generations he ditching dating paddleboard yoga g apps for it s odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i m glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. force factor total beets is the number one beets brand in america. that s why friends and family recommend total beets. now you can find total beets blood pressure chews at walmart so you can boost nitric oxide, support blood pressure and improve heart health. rush to walmart and find total beets. richard: gen generation z ditching dating apps for in person events it s % increased by 42% from 2023 and0- the company ceo claims to doing things like paddleboard yoga. i don t want to date anyone who makes come bucha that s discussing. i think getting back out there is good for your mental health people it s good.. all of it is great but i would never date a guy who did that. it s interesting becauset there aren t thamat many barsda anymore antid dating apps ande removed thrie risk from social interaction. you don t feel that when yout used tbuo have when you re meetg people is alou ul about the superficiaonl height salary ageo i m not six-foot tall but as a 9.7 i get an extra .3 by workinr on my charming charismisa to yo point aboutht come bucha like freehand glassblowing and i have a serious question 7 you pick a girl and some to go straight over and another question arear you allowed toe put your salarf when you rile dating at profilet why would you do that? say no more jesse.or greg is right. s got sit day a limber out there when yoube are datingcaus because then you get flaccid with your reflexes all of aen sudden the y guy steals your gil and you re in the bathroom. i thank you need to do some backyard beekeeping. judge jeanine? what really it s like young kids are getting involved in plumbing they don t call a plumber they look at it themselves the problem is if you ve got all these dating app everybody is lyingev about somethin sg why not just allow e your instincts andye your eyebas to figure something out for you they areph called pheromones. smell of. most time for us to go. 1 more thing is up next. ctrifie. 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yeah. look how beautiful they look. not as distinguished , but quite accurate. tonight, jesse watters, frontline. spea. ng of accuracy judge jeanine pirro, james comer, kayleigh mcenany and vic rhymes with steak tonight at eight. all right, great. all righ t. tonight, we ve got a great show, 10 p.m. natalie campagna ,michael loft. it s kat tap tyra s. watch it oe r die. it s. let s do this. . dennis. and while. oh, yeah. all right, so we re goinge. to play the sound, and thenu i ll stop it, and then we ll replay it after you guys gasp. play the sounds. all right, richard, your cash. dear, dear. seal. seal a baby otter.y ot oh. let s roll and find out who s f correcint. oh, wow. est at thase: isti baby? sea otter. oh, we had $20,000. wow. i believe i was. thank you. you said that was the dallas zos zoo avo, by the way. they ve seen. my gosh. how do you think that is? one impressive. okay, so this giraffe had a tall order for his birthdatal treat the lady who lives at the oakland zoo spent his fourthg fo birthday bobbing for yams. the yams were hoisted perfectly to mouth height for the 15 foots tall birthday boy. zawadi also tips the scales at 1300 pounds, which surprisingly makes him one of the thinnest in the herd. and then i know jesse toldtold , but i ll tell you again. i m going to be on jesse watters primetime. she ll be hoisting yams to mouth. yes, that s right. i want dan to show you this dy because these kids, golden retriever, he loves to play cards. he loves cards uffle th. so she s going to shuffle the cards for him. he s like, let s go. let s play car ehed. and she gets really excited when he sees that. i don t even know this dog s name. oh, and also, if you hadn t heard, judge jeanine will be on jesse white . it s got to have something to promote. richar. d. g to we all travel a lot, but there s nothing more annoying than having to unexpectedl uneyy check yourg because it s a little bit oversize open happened. to this. guy on his flight from london to spain. he was determined to provee hi that his bag was small enoughy- to fit in the carry on. so he jammedon, he it into the luggage size or thing there. too bad itit stuck. got stuck. and so he had to turn itt. over to pry his bag and i feel it for him becauset n i know what that feels like. how did it end? he eventually got hit to turn it upsidd?rd: he h e down. ine is and i also want to let you know that judge jeanine is goingbese watte to call. a fl there she is. and it s a full bag. if anybody wants another checkay and look at my bus straight here. so it looks likene. can t h you can t hold this with one arm. let s trd y straight out. no, straight out. so i told you it first came o out. i thought in myn mind, newton, but it didn t do anyou of the women on the show, huh?fh why straight?y bu be careful with my posturest. . i like gus s bling. i think that s pretty good. that icloss. nine: do men close, though?ne if you didn t know that he s got a necklace on.have g all right, that s it for us. everyone, i m tired of us. have a great night, everybody. we ll see you tomorrow. we ll be here later. welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonight. hunter biden convicted of twounts o counts of lying on a form. the combination of gun as and drugs made his conduct dangerous. sno one in this count

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240611

the rachel maddow show starts right now. hi, rachel. hi, yen. thanks very much. much appreciated. thanks to you at home. really happy to have you here. we have an interesting show for you tonight. particularly glad you re here for it. we re going to start a ways back as we sometimes do. when allied soldiers came ashore on the coast of france on the beaches of normandy for the d-day invasion, they opened up a new western front against the nazis in europe. and that of course was a shock to the germans. the operation overlord, the d-day invasion, it relied on the element of surprise. and the germans really were shocked. they had been occupying france for four years at that point. they the installed a collaborationest regime that they assembled from pro-fascist and pro-nazi forces inside france, so the collaborationists and the nazis together were ruling france and they had been for years. there was a french resistance to the nazi rule and the collaborationists, but the nazis and their puppets were definitely in charge. they were actually heading into year five of being in charge. they were really settled in, in france. and then here comes this shock arrival. this invasion. hundreds of thousands, ultimately millions of allied troops landing on the beaches and the cliffs of the northwest of france. and they are clearly planning to take it all back. the d-day invasion, the allied invasion, started on june 6th. now, on this date, on june 10th, 1944, just four days into the d-day invasion, the germans were reacting. they had been, of course, shocked by the initial invasion. but a few days into it, they now realized the scale of what they were up against and had started scrambling their units from all over france, turning all the available german troops in france toward the northwest of that country to try to stop the allied advance. and that included a nazi ss panzer division that had been in the south of franz. that division was ordered to essentially traverse the whole length of the country, head north to where the allies were advancing from the beaches of normandy. and on their way north through france, toward the new allied front lines, the new western front, this panzer division stopped in a village called oradour. pro-nazi french collaborators had told them, they told this panzer unit that the french resistance was active in this town. and they told them that the french resistance in that town had killed a nazi officer. and in response, that panzer unit decided, yes, they were on their way to the north of france to join the new western front and the, you know, the battle for the whole war, to try to shore up the german lines against the big allied invasion, but they decided on their way there, they would stop and do something in oradour. they would destroy that entire village and everyone in it. that panzer unit rounded up every single man, woman, and child in that village. they even rounded up random people who didn t live in the village but were nearby or who had the misfortune to be passing through the village when this nazi unit made this decision. that nazi unit killed every human being in oradour. or everyone they could find. they killed 643 civilians. a vast majority of them women and children. they used machine guns and they burned them alive. they looted the entire village, and then they tore down the village as best they could. they razed it. oradour. this is what it looks like today. still in ruins. the french decided after the war that they would never rebuild. they would leave the ruins, preserve them as they were left at the end of the war, as a memorial to what the nazis did. and we have these photos of what oradour looks like literally today, because this morning, the president of france and the president of germany visited the ruins at oradour to commemorate what they call the martyrdom of that village, to remember what happened in europe, in france, under fascist occupation. now, this is not the first time that french president emmanuel macron has visited oradour. actually, ten days before he was first elected president, he went there. he visited the village just before he was elected president. he visited in the company of the man who was then the last living survivor of that massacre. i said the nazis killed everyone in the village, at least everyone they could find. the nazis did kill over 600 civilians that day, but there were about half a dozen people from the village who, against all odds, in a miracle managed by hook or by crook to survive. the last one of the survivors was in his 90s when he brought emmanuel macron to oradour in 2017. that last survivor has since died. but today, macron went back to the site, to show this place, to germany s president. now, in 1944, about six months after oradour happened, the germans were still hanging on. but thanks in large part to the d-day invasion, they knew by the end of 1944 that they were losing. they were losing to soviet forces in the east, for sure. they were also simultaneously losing to the allied forces coming in from the west. once the allies opened that new western front with the d-day invasion, they started pressing their advantage against the nazis everywhere. not only liberating france, they clearly intend to liberate everywhere the nazis have taken over. they re pressing toward germany itself. hitler knows that his military is on the ropes. it cannot sustain the losses they re taking on both the eastern and western fronts. and so about six months after d-day, about six months after oradour, hitler decides he s going to mount a surprise of his own. he decides he s going to mount a huge german counteroffensive in belgium against the allies. the allies are basically closing in on germany s own borders and when hitler musters hundreds of thousands of men to mount a counteroffensive against them in the forests of belgium, it absolutely is a surprise to the allies. nobody thought germany still had it in them. everybody thought not everybody, but a lot of people thought the war was going to be over by christmas that year. where did the germans muster 400,000, 500,000 men to mount this new counteroffensive, but they did. that german counteroffensive started in mid-december 1944. it began a six-week-long battle that would be the single deadliest battle of the entire war for the u.s. military. aside from just the brutal toll of that battle, that was the battle of the bulge, that battle also came with its own astonishing and unforgettable atrocity. it was another german panzer unit much like the one that killed the entire population of that french village. it was an ss panzer unit in belgium. and they ended up in the very outset of that surprise german counteroffensive, they ended up ambushing a bunch of americans. and the result of it was they took custody of a large group of american prisoners of war, unarmed american p.o.w.s. and these p.o.w.s, again, they had surrendered. they had no weapons. the nazis lined up those americans in a field, the americans have no weapons. they have surrendered. they have their hands above their heads. they re p.o.w.s, but the nazis just massacred them in the field, they mowed them down with machine gun fire. and like at that village of oradour, what is almost as unbelievable as what the nazis did there was the fact there were somehow miraculously some survivors. there were some american gis who had also been lined up in that field, who nevertheless lived. american gis who played dead, who hid under the dead bodies of their comrades, who managed in the end to drag themselves into the woods to get away. and what happened to them? you will not believe me when i tell you this, but it would not be long before a sitting united states senator would vehemently object to those men giving testimony about what they saw. about what they survived, about what happened to their platoon mates, to the other men in that battalion. the other p.o.w.s who were massacred by those nazis. a sitting u.s. senator tried to block the american soldiers who survived that massacre from giving testimony about it in congress. he said the american people shouldn t hear it. he said it would be inflammatory. it would inflame the public against the nazis who killed all of those unarmed american p.o.w.s. i find it absolutely insane to think about, but this became a very strange thing in american domestic politics. i mean, there were unrepentant leftover nazis in germany after the war. they were trying to make the allies and america in particular the bad guys from world war ii and maybe that is understandable when you think about unrepentant nazis who just lost the war, but you would not believe it, the thing that s amazing is not that there were leftover nazis who were trying to do this. the thing you wouldn t believe is they enlisted a lot of americans to help them in that project. including taking a stand against the american soldiers who survived that p.o.w. massacre and demanding that the nazis who did it should be set free. this became a cause celebre in the right wing press at the time. and it helped launch the national career, the rocketship ascendance of arguably the most radical and controversial figure in republican electoral politics in the last 80 years before donald trump. while he was swimming in these very dark waters, darker than what seems possible for something in mainstream american politics he would go on to lead a movement of millions of followers who were increasingly radicalized by his increasingly radical rhetoric and tactics over time. his fellow republicans were both repelled by him, horrified by him, while they also wanted in on some of the massive political energy and fanatical devotion he attracted. they thought very seriously about putting him forward for the presidency, and the reaction among close observers of him and his tactics look so much like what you re seeing in the american press today about the fear of a second trump term, you wouldn t believe that it isn t just a straight up rerun. in his time, the people who stood up against him mostly got mowed down in politics by the strength of his fanatical following. that happened for a very long time. until eventually, ultimately, it stopped happening. and the forces against him prevailed. and i m telling you this for two reasons. number one, this is the thing that i have been working on for the past year. my podcast, rachel maddow presents ultra, now has a season two, and it is out today. episode one is out today. you can get it anywhere you get podcasts. if you don t usually listen to podcasts, if you take out your phone right now, open the camera on your phone, and point it at that weird looking little circular square thing on your screen, you click on the little box that pops up on your phone, it will bring you right there so you can listen to it. you can listen to it for free. it s free to listen to. there are eight episodes of this all together. episode one is out today. i hope you may want to listen. i have been working really hard on it. i m really proud of it, but i hope you like it. i hope you ll check it out. that s one of the easons i m telling you this story. i have been working on this story, i have been working in general on stories about other times in our american history that we have dealt with really terrible threats to the country. where we have confronted really radical people with really radical designs to undo the fundamental things that make us who we are as a country who nevertheless get into political power and attract large followings. this has happened to us before. and the reason i have been working on this for the past couple years, the reason i have been working on these projects is because for me, i feel like i really need to learn this stuff and fast, for me, there is a real urgency to learn these stories now. from when we have contended with terrible challenges before, particularly when we re talking about powerful americans advocating for authoritarianism or just flat out embodying it. particularly when it s about selling factually unhinged conspiratorial lies to the american public and half the public is mortified, mystified by that, but the other half of the public is super energized by it and they not only believe these lies, they kind of become their whole new reason to live. the public gets bifurcated like that into earth one and earth two where some people are based in the reality based community and some people are based in a different place, and that place is emotionally satisfying to them, and radicalizing them, and it takes over their lives. we are living through a moment like that right now with what is ascendant on the american right, but we have lived through it before. and i feel like i m racing to learn these stories about americans who have fought these kinds of fights before us for the simple reason that i feel like i need their ideas about how to fight it. we need their ideas about how to fight these things. we need to see what worked and what didn t when americans faced threats like this before. and it doesn t mean that fighting them always works. sometimes they get away with a lot of this stuff, and sometimes people take on incredible risk and danger to themselves. sometimes people risk their lives or give up their lives to fight these things, but knowing the track record of americans who have stood up against these kinds of dark and authoritarian and anti-democratic forces knowing who else has tried it and what s happened to them is helpful for us calibrating our available responses now. and knowing what to expect when we confront these dark movements. so that is why i have been working on this, and that is why that story is on my mind tonight. but it is also what s on the news right now. i mean, one of the remarkable things about seeing the french president with the german president at the ruins of oradour today in france is that they took that tour of the ruins of that village today, that preserved memorial to what fascism did in europe, they took that tour this morning. just one day after the german far right and the french far right won shockingly large proportions of the vote in the european elections that were held yesterday. in both of those countries, the parties that did so well have ties not only to the old fascist participaties of world war ii era germany and france, they both have current ties, including financial ties, to vladimir putin and russia. when president biden and president macron of france met in france these past few days for the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of d-day, president biden said that he and president macron agreed on a new plan to seize russian assets in the g-7 countries and use those seized russian assets to provide even more support to ukraine. as ukraine continues to struggle against the russian invasion of that country. president biden is just back from france for these d-day commemoration ceremonies and from those meetings with president macron. he s just back but heads back to europe the day after tomorrow to go to the g-sev summit, among other things to rally the other nations to support this new plan, to support ukraine as much as possible including this new plan that he and macron have just agreed to involving seizing russian assets to help ukraine even more. and, you know, in the american aperture here, what s going on in our politics while president biden is trying to, you know, rally the free world, trying to strengthen our alliances as much as possible to lead collective international will against a rogue dictatorship that has invaded one big european country already and has its sights set on more, here at home, literally while president biden and other american leaders were headed off to europe for the 80th anniversary of d-day, while they were heading off to europe for that, what was happening in the american congress? a fifth of the republicans in congress just voted that we should leave our allies altogether. that we should break up the big western alliance, that we should defund nato. and i think nobody really paid attention to this vote because this legislation was put forward by a very fringe member of congress, a member of congress who is known for her publicity stunts and she s therefore she is easy to ignore. but it wasn t just her. 46 republicans voted for this thing. a fifth of the republicans in congress last week voted to defund nato. don t just forget being the leader of the free world, forget the whole idea of there being a free world at all. they saved that for the anniversary of d-day. 46 republicans voting to defund nato. and as radical as that may seem, particularly when you think about where nato came from and why, the wing of the republican party that is pushing for this stuff, i mean, on its face, it seems unlikely they would have such sway. every few days we get a new mugshot of one of their leading lights because so many of them have been charged with crimes. today, it was their presidential candidate s personal lawyer, who has had his law license suspended, who is under indictment, rudy giuliani s mugshot just released today after he was arraigned in arizona. you can put it up on the wall with all of the other maga republican mugshots we have accrued over the past year. their presidential candidate is a convicted felon. today he had to meet with the probation office in new york ahead of his sentences. people at his rallies not only wear tshirts and fly flags that have his mugshot on them, they started carrying signs and wearing shirts that now say they re proudly voting for the convicted felon. at a rally this weekend, their presidential candidate described members of the mob of his supporters who physically attacked congress and injured dozens of police officers, he described them in a speech this weekend as, quote, warriors. his warriors. people who took part in that mob attack on congress. his warriors. while a few days ago, two police officers who were both badly injured fighting hand to hand with that mob to defend congress, to defend the u.s. capitol, those two police officers were jeered and booed by republicans in the pennsylvania state legislature. they jeered them, turned their backs on them and walked out. these are two officers who survived that attack, they were literally injured fighting for their country, defending our seat of government against a violent attack. but the republicans who jeered at them and turned their backs on them and walked out, they want the attackers freed. and they don t want to hear what these survivors of the attack had to say. don t want to hear from the survivors and the witnesses. you want the attackers set free. we are going through some weird stuff right now. but we have gone through weird stuff before. and i do think that we can learn from it and that we urgently need to. that s why i have been working on all these projects. that s why i ve got this new podcast out and i hope you listen. but it s not just the distant past. in the very recent past when we got donald trump in the white house in the first place, you might remember what preceded that shock election result here in the united states in 2016. our shock presidential election result in 2016 was preceded that year by some shocking and surprisingly right wing election results in europe. including the brexit vote in britain which happened just months before trump s surprise presidential victory here. i asked ben rhodes to please join us here tonight in the wake of what is now, again, another round of what seemed to be surprisingly right wing election results in europe this weekend. was it right in 2016 to see right wing election results in europe as a harbinger of what was coming for us in the fall of 2016? as president biden balances his campaign responsibilities right now with back-to-back trips to europe, he just got back from europe, he heads back to europe again on wednesday. do the election results from europe right now, this weekend, have hallmarks that tell us anything about what to expect here and about how weird this is all going to get? president biden clearly sees our connections to europe right now as absolutely key to the future of the world. does what s going on in european politics right now tell us something to expect about the future of our world here? joining us now is ben rhodes. he s former deputy national security adviser to president obama, cohost of the pod save the world podcast. really great to see you. thanks for making time to be here tonight. good to see you. first, let me ask you for some of our viewers who may not have paid close attention to what was happening in the european elections this weekend, let me ask you two questions about them. do you think they re important for us to pay attention to? and can you just give us a rough characterization of what happened in those elections? sure. these were elections for the european parliament. so the european union wide parliament, so the only election that takes place every few years in which all of europe votes. it s a good barometer of where opinion is in europe. the two headlines are the far right made noticeable gains in the two largest countries in europe, france and germany. in france, the national front party, the far right party that used to be on the fringes of french politics, emerged as by far the largest vote getter in this election and to build on what you re saying, this is a party that is not only far right, they have ties to russia. they have gotten a $10 million loan from russia in the past decade. in germany, the afd party, which has ties that go back into the kind of neonazi past of germany, they got over 15% of the vote, not a huge total, but very alarming given the source here. i want to be clear, in other parts of europe, the center did hold. i think the real concerning factor is in the two most important countries, france and germany, we saw these far right gains. do you think that it s right to look back at 2016 and see some of what was going on in politics in europe as a harbinger for the shock election result we got in the fall of 2016 when trump won? do you think these election results should be read as a harbinger of what s coming down the pike for us this year? i absolutely do, rachel. the commonality between the brexit vote, the vote by the uk to leave the european union in 2016 and the trump election was that it was a it was a surprise. people did not think brexit was going to win the campaign and they campaigned on a kind of right wing populist message. the slogan was take back control. they ran against globalists and liberal elites and against immigration and was very trumpy in its message, frankly. it kind of foreshadowed what we ended up dealing with in the fall here. i think the warning in this election, and you ask mead a question when i came on to talk about my book a few years ago about far right parties and their commonalities around the world, you asked what lesson should we learn. i always think about that. the lesson i take from this one is that their incumbent parties in germany and france that have defended essentially the status quo, emmanuel macron has been a defender of the european union. olaf scholz has been a defender of the liberal order. people are not listening to that message right now. you cannot defeat these parties, these populist insurgents be being the defenderoffs the stat status quo, but you have to tap into people s dissatisfaction with globalization, dissatisfaction with inequality. sense that things are slipping out of control. it s not enough to say we re the responsible adults here. you have to kind of get down and have a different message for how things are going to change. i think that s the warning sign that joe biden should hear, not enough to run on status quo here. not enough to defend even the things we think are very important. you have to meet people where they are, and people are frustrated. ben rhodes, former deputy national security adviser to president obama. ben, thank you for making the time. i feel like when we need to like widen the lens a lot and look at america in the world, you re almost always one of the first people i think of. thank you for being here. thanks, rachel. i can t wait to check out the podcast. i appreciate it. thank you. we have much more ahead here tonight. do stay with us. shop etsy for thoughtful pieces made by real people to bring a little something extra to the ordinary. find items that add wow to walls and make you fall in love with your family room again. when you want one-of-a-kind pieces to refresh your home. etsy has it. sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big, soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, 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( ) ( ) this one will never see the light of day. all right. nitty-gritty here. in the aftermact of the 2020 election, georgia became this kind of benchmark for principled republicans refusing to go along with improper, un-american machinations from president trump. governor brian kemp, brad raffensperger, two very conservative republicans, both nevertheless stood up to personal pressure from trump to overturn president biden s win in georgia. and of course, all that pressure trump brought to bear on georgia republicans and the ways in which those republicans resisted, that formed the basis for fulton county district attorney fani willis filing a huge rico case against trump and 18 of his codefendants in georgia. that s one story of the state of georgia after the 2020 election. republicans standing up, the record of them standing up and what they had to stand up against forming the basis for this sprawling, damning criminal indictment. the other story of georgia since that election is all the work that pro-trump republicans have done to make sure nothing like that ever happens again. to make sure nobody can ever again get in the way of trump seizing georgia s 16 electoral votes, no matter what the votes say. the most obvious thing georgia republicans have done is use every tool at their disposal to derail fani willis prosecution of trump. in the latest development in that three republican appointed judges have just put the whole case on hold while they take their time considering whether fani willis should be disqualified from the case. thus guaranteeing that the georgia prosecution will definitely not go forward against trump before the election. but that s only the start. in georgia s most populous county, fulton county, one republican elections board member last month refused to certify the primary results there. because you know, elections are scary. with the help of lawyers from a pro-trump think tank, she has now filed a lawsuit seeking the power to block the certification of elections which would of course throw november s results in georgia into chaos. which is presumably the point. meanwhile, just north of fulton county, republicans recently started agitating to take over an elections board in cherokee county. now, the board there, like other counties in georgia, has always been evenly split between democrats and republicans, but republicans in cherokee county are no longer okay with that. they wanted a full scale republican takeover, when that was blocked, they comp with an ingenious new plan. they decided they would replace one of the democratic commissioners who had been nominated with their own choice. their own choice for a democrat. a new guy that none of the local democrats have ever heard of. but don t worry, the republicans who run cherokee county swear this guy they picked is definitely a democrat. the atlanta journal constitution reported that the republican cherokee county commission chairman, quote, assured the board that the new member is a democrat, even if the local democratic party is unfamiliar with him. i assure you, he s definitely on your team. i know you have never met and i picked him, but trust me. pinky promise. meanwhile, at the state elections board in georgia, republicans there just started writing a new rule that would allow county elections boards to conduct a, quote, reasonable inquiry before they certify any election results. so instead of signing off on election results as county election boards are now required to do by law, they would be empowered instead to investigate those results as they see fit. the journal constitution notes that, quote, the proposed rule doesn t say what a reasonable inquiry would entail before certifying an election. yeah, why would you specify that? you want every election denying republican county elections board member in georgia just making it up as they go along, calling their own behavior reasonable. while the presidential election potentially hangs in the balance. speaking of that state elections board, one of its republican members was ousted last month, one of its republican members was ousted, after trump reportedly spent months calling georgia republicans insisting that that election board member had to go. because that person was not backing trump s lies about the 2020 election. and so of course, the guy had to go. trump s personal involvement in remaking the georgia state elections board is just one of the revelations in new reporting from rolling stone. their new piece is headlined georgia is our laboratory. inside trump s plan to rig 2024. it details how trump s allies are working to make sure there will not be a straightforward election result in georgia this year, given georgia s swing state status that absolutely could be a deciding factor in how the election is going to go down. what is happening there? what is happening to try to stop what is happening there? one of the reporters on that rolling stone piece joins us next. stay with us. ay with us citi s industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. we re trying to save the planet with nuggets. empower families across the globe. because we need the planet. and we also need nuggets. impossible. your best defense against erosion and cavitieseat. is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. love you. have a good day, behave yourself. like she goes to work at three in the afternoon and sometimes gets off at midnight. she works a lot, a whole lot. we don t get to eat in the early morning. we just wait till we get to the school. so, yeah. right now here in america, millions of kids like victoria and andre live with hunger, and the need to help them has never been greater. when you join your friends, neighbors and me to support no kid hungry, you ll help hungry kids get the food they need. if we want to take care of our children, then we have to feed them. your gift of just $0.63 a day, only $19 a month at right now will help provide healthy meals and hope. we want our children to grow and thrive and to just not have to worry and face themselves with the struggles that we endure. nobody wants that for their children. like if these programs didn t exist me and aj, we wouldn t probably get lunch at all. please call or go online right now with your gift of just $19 a month. and when you use your credit card, you ll receive this limited edition t-shirt to show you re part of the team that s helping feed kids and change lives. if you re coming in hungry, there s no way you can listen to me teach, do this activity, work with this group. so starting their day with breakfast and ending their day with this big, beautiful snack is pretty incredible. whether kids are learning at school or at home, your support will ensure they get the healthy meals they need to thrive. because when you help feed kids, you feed their hopes, their dreams, and futures. kids need you now more than ever. so please call this number right now to join me in helping hungry kids or go online to and help feed hungry kids today. . the ultimate authority is the voter. the secretary of state was re-elected by the voters of the state by a larger margin than any other excuse me. order. order. by a larger margin than any other state-wide office. the voters order. have demonstrated their faith and therefore i do not believe that at present, we have the authority to oversee or investigate the secretary of state. georgia s board of elections gathered to discuss larging an investigation into georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger who had the chimerty to say no when donald trump insisted he flip the results of the election. the lone democrat spoke out against doing this unprecedented investigation. she was loudly shouted down. in a new article titled georgia is our laboratory, inside trump s plan to rig 2024, rolling stone reports this. quote, the former president and his supporters have been making concrete step by step progress in shaping electoral processes to his benefit. across the state, maga die hards are devoting considerable resources to purging voting rolls, intimidating election officials, employing dirty tricks and ousting appointees who haven t been initiated into the cult of trump. it s the state where the republican party has total control over the levers of power. trump loving elements of the georgia gop have wielded that advantage in a crusade to turn election conspiracy theories into policies. it s an alarmingly anti-democratic experiment that trump planned and much of the republican party hope to take national. joining us now is adam ronsly, the reporter co-by-lines on the sprawling piece. thank you for being here. thanks for having me. so what are some of the steps that trump and his allies have taken to change the electoral process in georgia? so one of the most alarming ones that a source who has discussed this issue with trump told us, a republican attorney, is they re planning to challenge the election result regardless of the result. you know, we think of the threat to elections from trump s behavior in 2020 as only occurring in the event that trump loses. you know, at the current state of polling, trump is ahead in georgia, if you believe the polling, but what republican attorney who discussed this with trump told us is that, quote, you can t let the left get away with this cheating just because it didn t succeed, air quotes around cheating. and the plan is to challenge the result regardless of the outcome. and the intent behind that is essentially a permanent delegitimization of the election process. it s heads, i win, tails you lose. and i think you had mentioned this a little bit in your intro, is that one of the things people should be paying close attention to is that refusal to certify in the fulton county board of elections in the presidential primary. because one of the things that s very, very notable about that is that the attorneys who filed that lawsuit work for america first policies institute, which is a very trumpy organization filled with former trump folks. and what you see in those kinds of processes is the legal january 6th in miniature. essentially you re taking someone who is, you know, acting beyond their brief and trying to essentially insert themselves into the counting and, you know, assessment of vote tallies. adam, is this actually a fight in georgia? you note, i think, importantly, that georgia s a place where republicans control all of the levers of power. we just played the sound of one democratic member of the state elections board getting shouted down when she objected to what they were trying to do in terms of targeting raffensperger. is this fight joint where there is pushback against what they re doing or are they essentially running the table by changing processes to their own benefit? you know, they definitely have quite a built-in advantage. and i think that s why georgia relative to other battleground states is particularly interesting because it is more so than perhaps any other state a fight for the soul of the republican party. particularly when it comes to their faith in free and fair elections. and yeah, even folks like brian kemp, who was an absolute obstacle to trump s attempt to, you know, illegally overturn the election in georgia, brian kemp signed sb-202, a law that allows for a range of, you know, sort of procedural chicanery. joe biden called it jim crow in the 21st century. you know, even folks who have proven themselves to be obstacles to some of the more overt aspects of it sometimes will just go along to get along. and so they definitely do have an advantage. and they are running the table in certain ways, but you do see folks like you mentioned earlier, like ed lindsay, whose resignation letter we obtained in the story. people like that, you still do have these kind of principled republicans who are willing to stand up for what they believe in, but as you saw with the case of ed, you know, he had to resign under a great deal of pressure from not just president trump but from the grassroots of the party who believe in a lot of election conspiracies. yeah, the bare fact that a presidential candidate is personally lobbying to remove individual state elections board members ought to be on the front page of every paper of the country. been reported by adam, reporter at rolling stone. adam, the by-line reporters on the piece, georgia is our laboratory, thank you for helping us understand this. love to have you back. thanks so much for having me, rachel. i appreciate it. we ll be right back. stay with us. time stops. 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uncut, straight through, watched it unfold? it is very much worth watching. it s astonishing. my favorite part is the people you can see at the rally behind him who are really trying to follow along but who clearly have no earthly idea what uncle ramble standers is on about. just watch this. what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? and you re in the boat, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there s a shark that s approximately ten yards over there? by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. did you notice that? i watched some guys justifying it today. well, they weren t really that angry. they bit off the young lady s leg because of the fact that they were they were not hungry but they misunderstood who she was. these people are crazy. he said there s no problem with sharks. they just didn t really understand a young woman swimming. really got desmaded and a lot of other people. i said so there s a shark ten yards away from the boat. ten yards. or here. do i get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. do i stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do i jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted because he didn t know the answer. he said, nobody has ever asked me that question. i said i think it s a good question. i think there s a lot of electric current coming through the water, but what i would do if there was a sharko you get electrocuted, i would take electrocution every time. i m not getting near the shark. we re going to end it for boats. we re going to end that, we re going to end it for boats. we re going to end it for boats. vote accordingly. call leaffilter today. and never clean out clogged gutters again. leaffilter s technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit ( ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. when i was diagnosed with h-i-v, i didn t know who i would be. but here i am. being me. keep being you. and ask your healthcare provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you re 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable and stay there whether you re just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your healthcare provider. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. no matter where life takes you, biktarvy can go with you. talk to your healthcare provider today. here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. oh, why leaffilter? 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Ways , Thanks , Show , Rachel-maddow , Rachel-maddow-show , Hi , Yen , France , Europe , Nazis , Beaches , Western-front

Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240611

with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. that does it for me tonight. tonight. much appreciated. thanks to you at home. really happy to have you here. we have an interesting show for you tonight. particularly glad you re here for it. we re going to start a ways back as we sometimes do. when allied soldiers came ashore on the coast of france on the beaches of normandy for the d-day invasion, they opened up a new western front against the nazis in europe. and that of course was a shock to the germans. the operation overlord, the d-day invasion, it relied on the element of surprise. and the germans really were shocked. they had been occupying france for four years at that point. they the installed a collaborationist regime that they assembled from pro-fascist and pro-nazi forces inside france, so the collaborationists and the nazis together were ruling france and they had been for years. there was a french resistance to the nazi rule and the collaborationists, but the nazis and their puppets were definitely in charge. i they were actually heading intoc year five of being in charge. they were really settled in, inf france. and then here comes this shock arrival. this invasion. hundreds of thousands, ultimately millions of allied troops landing on the beaches and the cliffs of the northwest of france. and they are clearly planning to take it all back. the d-day invasion, the allied n invasion, started on june 6th. now, on this date, on june 10th, 1944, just four days into the d-day invasion, the germans were reacting. they had been, of course, shocked by the initial invasion. but a few days into it, they now realized the scale of what they were up against and had started scrambling their units from all over france, turning all the available german troops in france toward the northwest of that country to try to stop the allied advance. and that included a nazi ss panzer division that had been in the south of franz. that division was ordered to essentially traverse the whole length of the country, head north to where the allies were advancing from the beaches of hr normandy. and on their way north through france, toward the new allied front lines, the new western front, this panzer division stopped in a village called oradour. pro-nazi french collaborators had told them, they told this panzer unit that the french resistance was active in this town. and they told them that the french resistance in that town had killed a nazi officer. and in response, that panzer unit decided, yes, they were on their way to the north of france to join the new western front and the, you know, the battle for the whole war, to try to shore up the german lines against the big allied invasion, but they decided on their way e there, they would stop and do something in oradour.g they would destroy that entire village and everyone in it. that panzer unit rounded up every single man, woman, and child in that village. they even rounded up random people who didn t live in the village but were nearby or who had the misfortune to be passing through the village when this nazi unit made this decision.t that nazi unit killed every human being in oradour. or everyone they could find. they killed 643 civilians. a vast majority of them women and children.or they used machine guns and they burned them alive. they looted the entire village, and then they tore down the village as best they could. they razed it. oradour.ed this is what it looks like today. still in ruins. the french decided after the war that they would never rebuild. they would leave the ruins, preserve them as they were left at the end of the war, as a memorial to what the nazis did. and we have these photos of what oradour looks like literally today, because this morning, the president of france and the president of germany visited the ruins at oradour to commemorate what they call the martyrdom of that village, to remember what happened in europe, in france, under fascist occupation. now, this is not the first time that french president emmanuel macron has visited oradour. actually, ten days before he was first elected president, he went there. he visited the village just before he was elected president. he visited in the company of the man who was then the last livini survivor of that massacre.s i said the nazis killed everyone in the village, at least everyone they could the nazis did kill over 600 civilians that day, but there were about half a dozen people from the village who, against all odds, in a miracle managed by hook or by crook to survive. the last one of the survivors was in his 90s when he brought emmanuel macron to oradour in 2017. that last survivor has since died. but today, macron went back to the site, to show this place, to germany s president. now, in 1944, about six months after oradour happened, the germans were still hanging on. but thanks in large part to the d-day invasion, they knew by the end of 1944 that they were losing. they were losing to soviet forces in the east, for sure. they were also simultaneously losing to the allied forces coming in from the west. once the allies opened that new western front with the d-day invasion, they started pressing their advantage against the nazis everywhere. not only liberating france, they clearly intend to liberate everywhere the nazis have taken over. they re pressing toward germany itself. hitler knows that his military is on the ropes. it cannot sustain the losses they re taking on both the eastern and western fronts. and so about six months after d-day, about six months after oradour, hitler decides he s going to mount a surprise of his own. he decides he s going to mount a huge german counteroffensive in belgium against the allies. the allies are basically closing in on germany s own borders and when hitler musters hundreds of thousands of men to mount a counteroffensive against them in the forests of belgium, it absolutely is a surprise to the allies. nobody thought germany still had it in them. everybody thought not everybody, but a lot of people thought the war was going to be over by christmas that year. where did the germans muster 400,000, 500,000 men to mount this new counteroffensive, but they did. that german counteroffensive started in mid-december 1944. it began a six-week-long battles that would be the single deadliest battle of the entire war for the u.s. military. aside from just the brutal toll of that battle, that was the battle of the bulge, that battle also came with its own astonishing and unforgettable atrocity. it was another german panzer unit much like the one that killed the entire population of that french village. it was an ss panzer unit in belgium. and they ended up in the very outset of that surprise german counteroffensive, they ended up ambushing a bunch of americans. and the result of it was they took custody of a large group of american prisoners of war, unarmed american p.o.w.s. and these p.o.w.s, again, they had surrendered. they had no weapons. the nazis lined up those americans in a field, the americans have no weapons. they have they have their hands above their heads. they re p.o.w.s, but the nazis just massacred them in the field, they mowed them down with machine gun fire. and like at that village of oradour, what is almost as unbelievable as what the nazis did there was the fact there were somehow miraculously some survivors. there were some american gis who had also been lined up in that field, who nevertheless lived. american gis who played dead, who hid under the dead bodies of their comrades, who managed in the end to drag themselves into the woods to get away. and what happened to them? you will not believe me when i tell you this, but it would not be long before a sitting united states senator would vehemently object to those men giving testimony about what they saw. about what they survived, about what happened to their platoon mates, to the other men in that battalion. the other p.o.w.s who were massacred by those nazis.p. a sitting u.s. senator tried to block the american soldiers who. survived that massacre from t giving testimony about it in congress. he said the american people shouldn t hear it.e he said it would be he inflammatory. w it would inflame the public to against the nazis who killed alf of those unarmed american i find it absolutely insane to think about, but this became a very strange thing in american domestic politics. i mean, there were unrepentant r leftover nazis in germany after the war. they were trying to make the allies and america in particular the real bad guys from world war ii, and maybe that is understandable when you think about unrepentant nazis who just lost the war, but you would not believe it, the zi thing that s amazing is not that there were leftover nazis who were trying to do this. the thing you wouldn t believe is they enlisted a lot of americans to help them in that project. including taking a stand against the american soldiers who survived that p.o.w. massacre ha and demanding that the nazis who did it should be set free. this became a cause celebre in the right wing press at the e time. and it helped launch the national career, the rocketship ascendance of arguably the most radical and controversial figure in republican electoral politics in the last 80 years before donald trump. while he was swimming in these very dark waters, darker than what seems possible for something in mainstream american politics he would go on to lead a movement of millions of followers who were increasingly radicalized by his increasingly radical rhetoric and tactics over time. his fellow republicans were both repelled by him, horrified by him, while they also wanted in on some of the massive political energy and fanatical devotion he attracted. they thought very seriously about putting him forward for the presidency, and the reaction among close observers of him and his tactics look so much like what you re seeing in the american press today about the e fear of a second trump term, you wouldn t believe that it isn t just a straight up rerun. in his time, the people who stood up against him mostly got mowed down in politics by the strength of his fanatical following. that happened for a very long time. until eventually, ultimately, it stopped happening.en and the forces against him prevailed. and i m telling you this for two reasons.ll number one, this is the thing that i have been working on for the past year. my podcast, rachel maddow presents ultra, now has a season two, and it is out today. episode one is out today.t you can get it anywhere you get podcasts. if you don t usually listen to podcasts, if you take out your phone right now, open the camera on your phone, and point it at that weird looking little on l circular square thing on your screen, you click on the little box that pops up on your phone, it will bring you right there so you can listen to it. you can listen to it for free. it s free to listen to. there are eight episodes of thio all together.ei episode one is out today. i hope you may want to listen.e i have been working really hard on it.n i m really proud of it, but i hope you like it. i hope you ll check it out. that s one of the easons i m telling you this story. i have been working on this story, i have been working in general on stories about other v times in our american history that we have dealt with really terrible threats to the country. where we have confronted reallyr radical people with really radical designs to undo the fundamental things that make us who we are as a country who nevertheless get into political power and attract large followings. this has happened to us before.p and the reason i have been working on this for the past couple years, the reason i have been working on these projects is because for me, i feel like i really need to learn this stuff and fast, for me, there is a real urgency to learn these stories from when we have contended with terrible challenges before, ha particularly when we re talking about powerful americans advocating for authoritarianism or just flat out embodying it. particularly when it s about selling factually unhinged conspiratorial lies to the american public and half the public is mortified, mystified by that, but the other half of the public is super energized by it and they not only believe these lies, they kind of become their whole new reason to live. the public gets bifurcated like that into earth one and earth two where some people are based in the reality based community and some people are based in a different place, and that place is emotionally satisfying to them, and radicalizing them, and it takes over their lives. we are living through a moment like that right now with what is ascendant on the american righth but we have lived through it before. and i feel like i m racing to learn these stories about americans who have fought these kinds of fights before us for the simple reason that i feel like i need their ideas about how to fight it. we need their ideas about how to fight these things. we need to see what worked and what didn t when americans faced threats like this before. and it doesn t mean that fighting them always works. sometimes they get away with a lot of this stuff, and sometimes people take on incredible risk and danger to themselves. sometimes people risk their lives or give up their lives to fight these things, but knowing the track record of americans who have stood up against these kinds of dark and authoritarian and anti-democratic forces knowing who else has tried it and what s happened to them is helpful for us calibrating our available responses now. and knowing what to expect when we confront these dark movements. so that is why i have been working on this, and that is why that story is on my mind tonight. but it is also what s on the news right now. i mean, one of the remarkable things about seeing the french president with the german president at the ruins of oradour today in france is that they took that tour of the ruins of that village today, that th preserved memorial to what fascism did in europe, they took that tour this morning. just one day after the german far right and the french far right won shockingly large an proportions of the vote in the h european elections that were held yesterday. in both of those countries, the parties that did so well have ties not only to the old fascist parties of old world war ii era germany and france, they both have current ties, including financial ties, to vladimir putin and russia. when president biden and president macron of france met in france these past few days ma for the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of d-day, president biden said that he and president macron agreed on a new plan to seize russian assets inz the g-7 countries and use those seized russian assets to providn even more support to ukraine. as ukraine continues to struggle against the russian invasion of that country. president biden is just back from france for these d-day commemoration ceremonies and from those meetings with e president macron. he s just back but heads back to europe the day after tomorrow to go to the g-sev summit, among other things to rally the other nations to support this new plan, to support ukraine as muc as possible including this new plan that he and macron have just agreed to involving seizing russian assets to help ukraine even more. and, you know, in the american aperture here, what s going on in our politics while president biden is trying to, you know, rally the free world, trying to strengthen our alliances as much as possible to lead collective international will against a rogue dictatorship that has invaded one big european country already and has its sights set on more, here at home, literally while president biden and other american leaders were headed off to europe for the 80th anniversary of d-day, while they were heading off to europe for that, what was happening in the american congress? a fifth of the republicans in congress just voted that we should leave our allies altogether. that we should break up the big western alliance, that we should defund nato. and i think nobody really paid attention to this vote because this legislation was put forward by a very fringe member of congress, a member of congress who is known for her publicity stunts and she s therefore she is easy to ignore. but it wasn t just her.y 46 republicans voted for this a fifth of the republicans in congress last week voted to defund nato. don t just forget being the leader of the free world, forget the whole idea of there being a free world at all. they saved that for the anniversary of d-day. 46 republicans voting to defund nato. and as radical as that may seem, particularly when you think about where nato came from and why, the wing of the republican party that is pushing for this stuff, i mean, on its face, it seems unlikely they would have such sway. every few days we get a new mugshot of one of their leading lights because so many of them have been charged with crimes. today, it was their presidential candidate s personal lawyer, wh has had his law license suspended, who is under indictment, rudy giuliani s w mugshot just released today after he was arraigned in arizona. you can put it up on the wall with all of the other maga republican mugshots we have accrued over the past year. their presidential candidate is a convicted felon. today he had to meet with the probation office in new york ahead of his sentences. people at his rallies not only wear tshirts and fly flags that have his mugshot on them, they started carrying signs and wearing shirts that now say rr they re proudly voting for the convicted felon. at a rally this weekend, their presidential candidate described members of the mob of his t supporters who physically w attacked congress and injured dozens of police officers, he described them in a speech this weekend as, quote, warriors. his warriors. people who took part in that mob attack on congress. his warriors. while a few days ago, two police officers who were both badly injured fighting hand to hand with that mob to defend congress, to defend the u.s. capitol, those two police officers were jeered and booed by republicans in the pennsylvania state legislature. they jeered them, turned their backs on them and walked out. these are two officers who survived that attack, they were literally injured fighting for their country, defending our seat of government against a violent attack. but the republicans who jeered at them and turned their backs on them and walked out, they want the attackers freed. and they don t want to hear what these survivors of the attack had to say. don t want to hear from the survivors and the witnesses. you want the attackers set free. we are going through some weird stuff right now. but we have gone through weird stuff before. and i do think that we can learn from it and that we urgently need to. that s why i have been working on all these projects. that s why i ve got this new se podcast out and i hope you listen. but it s not just the distant past. in the very recent past when we got donald trump in the white house in the first place, you might remember what preceded that shock election result here in the united states in 2016. our shock presidential election result in 2016 was preceded that year by some shocking and surprisingly right wing election results in europe. including the brexit vote in e britain which happened just months before trump s surprise presidential victory here. i asked ben rhodes to please join us here tonight in the wake of what is now, again, another round of what seemed to be surprisingly right wing election results in europe this weekend.y was it right in 2016 to see right wing election results in europe as a harbinger of what was coming for us in the fall o 2016? as president biden balances his campaign responsibilities right now with back-to-back trips to europe, he just got back from europe, he heads back to europe again on wednesday. do the election results from europe right now, this weekend, have hallmarks that tell us anything about what to expect here and about how weird this is all going to get?ut president biden clearly sees ouo connections to europe right now as absolutely key to the futureo of the world. does what s going on in european politics right now tell us something to expect about the future of our world here? joining us now is ben rhodes. he s former deputy national security adviser to president obama, cohost of the pod save the world podcast. really great to see you. thanks for making time to be here tonight. good to see you. first, let me ask you for some of our viewers who may not have paid close attention to what was happening in the european elections this weekend, let me ask you two questions about them. do you think they re important for us to pay attention to? and can you just give us a rough characterization of what happened in those elections?za sure. these were elections for the european parliament. e so the european union wide parliament, so the only electiop that takes place every few years in which all of europe votes. it s a good barometer of where opinion is in europe. the two headlines are the far right made noticeable gains in the two largest countries in europe, france and germany.rg in france, the national front party, the far right party that used to be on the fringes of french politics, emerged as by far the largest vote getter in g this election and to build on what you re saying, this is a party that is not only far right, they have ties to russia. they have gotten a $10 million loan from russia in the past decade. in germany, the afd party, which has ties that go back into the kind of neonazi past of germany, they got over 15% of the vote, not a huge total, but very alarming given the source here. i want to be clear, in other parts of europe, the center did hold.ur i think the real concerning factor is in the two most important countries, france and germany, we saw these far right gains. do you think that it s right to look back at 2016 and see some of what was going on in politics in europe as a harbinger for the shock election result we got in the fall of r 2016 when trump won? do you think these election results should be read as a harbinger of what s coming down the pike for us this year? i absolutely do, rachel. the commonality between the brexit vote, the vote by the uk to leave the european union in 2016 and the trump election was that it was a it was a surprise.a people did not think brexit was going to win the campaign and they campaigned on a kind of right wing populist message. the slogan was take back control. they ran against globalists and liberal elites and against immigration and was very trumpy in its message, frankly. it kind of foreshadowed what we ended up dealing with in the fall here. i think the warning in this election, and you ask mead a wa question when i came on to talk about my book a few years ago about far right parties and their commonalities around the world, you asked what lesson should we learn. i always think about that. the lesson i take from this one is that their incumbent parties in germany and france that have defended essentially the status quo, emmanuel macron has been a defender of the european union. olaf scholz has been a defender of the liberal order. people are not listening to that message right now. you cannot defeat these parties, these populist insurgents be being the defenders of the status quo, but you have to tapt into people s dissatisfaction e with globalization, dissatisfaction with inequality. sense that things are slipping out of control. it s not enough to say we re the responsible adults here. you have to kind of get down and have a different message for how things are going to change. g i think that s the warning sign that joe biden should hear, nots enough to run on status quo here. not enough to defend even the things we think are very t important. you have to meet people where they are, and people are frustrated.d ben rhodes, former deputy national security adviser to president obama.t ben, thank you for making the time. i feel like when we need to like widen the lens a lot and look at america in the world, you re le almost always one of the first people i think of.s thank you for being here. thanks, rachel. i can t wait to check out the r we have much more ahead here tonight.e do stay with us. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. so let s get down to the nitty-gritty here. georgia became this kind of bench mark for principled republicans refusing to go along with improper, un-american machinations from president trump. governor brian kemp, brad raffensperger, two very conservative republicans, both nevertheless stood up to personal pressure from trump to overturn president biden s win in georgia. and of course, all that pressure trump brought to bear on georgia republicans and the ways in which those republicans resisted, that formed the basis for fulton county district attorney fani willis filing a huge rico case against trump and 18 of his codefendants in georgia. that s one story of the state of georgia after the 2020 election. republicans standing up, the record of them standing up and what they had to stand up against forming the basis for this sprawling, damning criminal indictment. the other story of georgia since that election is all the work that pro-trump republicans have done to make sure nothing like that ever happens again. to make sure nobody can ever again get in the way of trump seizing georgia s 16 electoral votes, no matter what the votes say. the most obvious thing georgia republicans have done is use every tool at their disposal to derail fani willis prosecution of trump. in the latest development in that three republican appointed judges have just put the whole case on hold while they take their time considering whether fani willis should be disqualified from the case. thus guaranteeing that the georgia prosecution will definitely not go forward against trump before the election. but that s only the start. in georgia s most populous county, fulton county, one republican elections board member last month refused to certify the primary results there. because you know, elections are scary. with the help of lawyers from a pro-trump think tank, she has now filed a lawsuit seeking the power to block the certification of elections which would of course throw november s results in georgia into chaos. which is presumably the point. meanwhile, just north of fulton county, republicans recently started agitating to take over an elections board in cherokee county. now, the board there, like other counties in georgia, has always been evenly split between democrats and republicans, but republicans in cherokee county are no longer okay with that. they wanted a full scale republican takeover, when that was blocked, they comp with an ingenious new plan. they decided they would replace one of the democratic commissioners who had been nominated with their own choice. their own choice for a democrat. a new guy that none of the local democrats have ever heard of. but don t worry, the republicans who run cherokee county swear this guy they picked is definitely a democrat. the atlanta journal constitution reported that the republican cherokee county commission chairman, quote, assured the board that the new member is a democrat, even if the local democratic party is unfamiliar with him. i assure you, he s definitely on your team. i know you have never met and i picked him, but trust me. pinky promise. meanwhile, at the state elections board in georgia, republicans there just started writing a new rule that would allow county elections boards to conduct a, quote, reasonable inquiry before they certify any election results. so instead of signing off on election results as county election boards are now required to do by law, they would be empowered instead to investigate those results as they see fit. the journal constitution notes that, quote, the proposed rule doesn t say what a reasonable inquiry would entail before certifying an election. yeah, why would you specify that? you want every election denying republican county elections board member in georgia just making it up as they go along, calling their own behavior reasonable. while the presidential election potentially hangs in the balance. speaking of that state elections board, one of its republican members was ousted last month, one of its republican members was ousted, after trump reportedly spent months calling georgia republicans insisting that that election board member had to go. because that person was not backing trump s lies about the 2020 election. and so of course, the guy had to go. trump s personal involvement in remaking the georgia state elections board is just one of the revelations in new reporting from rolling stone. their new piece is headlined georgia is our laboratory. inside trump s plan to rig 2024. it details how trump s allies are working to make sure there will not be a straightforward election result in georgia this year, given georgia s swing state status that absolutely could be a deciding factor in how the election is going to go down. what is happening there? what is happening to try to stop what is happening there? one of the reporters on that rolling stone piece joins us next. stay with us. stay with us are you still struggling with your bra? it s time for you to try knix. makers of the world s comfiest wireless bras. for revolutionary support without underwires, and sizes up to a g-cup, find your new favorite bra today at the ultimate authority is the voter. the secretary of state was re-elected by the voters of the state by a larger margin than any other excuse me. order. order. by a larger margin than any other state-wide office. the voters order. have demonstrated their faith and therefore i do not believe that at present, we have the authority to oversee or investigate the secretary of state. georgia s board of elections gathered to discuss launching an investigation into georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger who had the temerity to say no when donald trump demanded he flip the results of the 2020 election in georgia. the lone democrat on that elections board spoke out against doing this unprecedented investigation of raffensperger. as you heard, she was loudly shouted down. in a new article titled georgia is our laboratory, inside trump s plan to rig 2024, rolling stone reports this. quote, the former president and his supporters have been making concrete step by step progress in shaping electoral processes to his benefit. across the state, maga die hards are devoting considerable resources to purging voting rolls, intimidating election officials, employing legal dirty tricks, and ousting appointees who haven t been initiated into the cult of trump. it s the state where the republican party has total control over the levers of power. over the last four years trump loving elements of the georgia republican party have wielded that advantage in a crusade to turn election conspiracy theories into policies. it s an alarmingly anti-democratic experiment that trump planned and much of the republican party hope to take national. joining us now is adam ronsly, the reporter co bylined on that sprawling piece. thank you for being here. thanks for having me. so what are some of the steps that trump and his allies have taken to change the electoral process in georgia? so one of the most alarming ones that a source who has discussed this issue with trump told us, a republican attorney, is they re planning to challenge the election result regardless of the result. you know, we think of the threat to elections from trump s behavior in 2020 as only occurring in the event that trump loses. you know, at the current state of polling, trump is ahead in georgia, if you believe the polling, but what republican attorney who discussed this with trump told us is that, quote, you can t let the left get away with this cheating just because it didn t succeed, air quotes around cheating. and the plan is to challenge the result regardless of the outcome. and the intent behind that is essentially a permanent delegitimization of the election process. it s heads, i win, tails you lose. and i think you had mentioned this a little bit in your intro, is that one of the things people should be paying close attention to is that refusal to certify in the fulton county board of elections in the presidential primary. because one of the things that s very, very notable about that is that the attorneys who filed that lawsuit work for america first policies institute, which is a very trumpy organization filled with former trump folks. and what you see in those kinds of processes is the legal january 6th in miniature. essentially you re taking someone who is, you know, acting beyond their brief and trying to essentially insert themselves into the counting and, you know, assessment of vote tallies. adam, is this actually a fight in georgia? you note, i think, importantly, that georgia s a place where republicans control all of the levers of power. we just played the sound of one democratic member of the state elections board getting shouted down when she objected to what they were trying to do in terms of targeting raffensperger. is this fight joint where there is pushback against what they re doing or are they essentially running the table by changing processes to their own benefit? you know, they definitely have quite a built-in advantage. and i think that s why georgia relative to other battleground states is particularly interesting because it is more so than perhaps any other state a fight for the soul of the republican party. particularly when it comes to their faith in free and fair elections. and yeah, even folks like brian kemp, who was an absolute obstacle to trump s attempt to, you know, illegally overturn the election in georgia, brian kemp signed sb-202, a law that allows for a range of, you know, sort of procedural chicanery. joe biden called it jim crow in the 21st century. you know, even folks who have proven themselves to be obstacles to some of the more overt aspects of it sometimes will just go along to get along. and so they definitely do have an advantage. and they are running the table in certain ways, but you do see folks like you mentioned earlier, like ed lindsay, whose resignation letter we obtained in the story. people like that, you still do have these kind of principled republicans who are willing to stand up for what they believe in, but as you saw with the case of ed, you know, he had to resign under a great deal of pressure from not just president trump but from the grassroots of the party who believe in a lot of election conspiracies. yeah, the bare fact that a presidential candidate is personally lobbying to remove individual state elections board members ought to be on the front page of every paper of the country. been reported by adam, reporter at rolling stone. adam, the by-line reporters on the piece, georgia is our laboratory, thank you for helping us understand this. thanks for doing this work. would love to have you back. thanks so much for having me, rachel. i appreciate it. we ll be right back. stay with us. stay with us i m gina. i want to talk to you about golo and how it has changed my life and how it can change yours too. like many of you i ve been dieting and failing half my life. and each time i would diet i would quit and my weight and health would get much worse. i had to do something. i saw a golo commercial, i talked to my doctors, and i ordered. like me, the golo success stories are real. give golo a shot. you won t be sorry. could have been the heat, i suppose. temperatures were over 100 degrees at his outdoor campaign rally in las vegas yesterday. so hot, six people had to go to the hospital, and another two dozen had to get medical treatment on site. could have been the heat, i suppose. could also maybe have been that he was nervous about the fact that he was less than 24 hours away from his first meeting with his new york state probation officer. that meeting could be particularly nerve-racking for him because, you know, one of the things a probation officer asks you after you re convicted of felonies is if you have been associating with anyone who has a criminal record. that s worth noting because if he is ultimately sentenced to probation next month while he s on probation, he would not be allowed to associate with anyone with a criminal record. for a lot of people, that wouldn t be a big deal. for him, that s a big deal. that particular restriction eats away at his very close social circle. so maybe that was all distracting him. i don t know. he maybe had a lot i don t know. whatever the reason, he decided to venture into new territory in his campaign speech yesterday, less than five months out from the election. this is an important swing state. he decided with the land locked citizens of las vegas needed to hear about from him in order to be persuaded to vote for him was his fear of boats. heavy boats, boats with batteries near sharks. you know, nevada sharks. i know you have heard it happened. you may have seen a headline or scrolled past it on a social media feed. have you actually watched it? uncut, straight through, watched it unfold? it is very much worth watching. it s astonishing. my favorite part is the people you can see at the rally behind him who are really trying to follow along but who clearly have no earthly idea what uncle ramble standers is on about. just watch this. what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? and you re in the boat, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there s a shark that s approximately ten yards over there? by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. did you notice that? i watched some guys justifying it today. well, they weren t really that angry. they bit off the young lady s leg because of the fact that they were they were not hungry but they misunderstood who she was. these people are crazy. he said there s no problem with sharks. they just didn t really understand a young woman swimming. really got decimated and a lot of other people. i said so there s a shark ten yards away from the boat. ten yards. or here. do i get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. do i stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do i jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted because he didn t know the answer. he said, nobody has ever asked me that question. i said i think it s a good question. i think there s a lot of electric current coming through the water, but what i would do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted, i would take electrocution every single time. i m not getting near the shark. so we re going to end that. we re going to end it for boats. we re going to end that, we re going to end it for boats. we re going to end it for boats. vote accordingly. vote accordingly a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! all right, that s going to do it for us tonight. i told you tonight was going to be a show and a half. way too early with jonathan lemire is up next. donald trump has completed his presentencing interview with a new york probation officer after being convicted in his criminal hush money trial. what sources are saying about what happened during that private proceeding. plus authorities release a new mug shot of rudy giuliani as

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom 20240611

america. steve: meanwhile. brian: i m in dallas tomorrow. breakfast with friends and live there. we ll talk to a lot of people on camera and buy a lot of food. steve: things kick off at 5:00 a.m. central time until 8:00 a.m. lawrence: pack the house for kilmeade, my dallas folks. ainsley: do you want them to get dressed? i will be dressed. stay within yourself. [chanting] bill: you can hear the chants long live the intifada. this is in downtown new york city and they are back at it beyond the pale. pro-palestinian protestors targeting an exhibit in lower manhattan that pays tribute to the victims of the attacks of october 7th. the mob chanting a slogan calling for violence against the jewish state. more on that momentarily coming up here. get to this. it is happening right now on verdict watch in delaware. a jury weighing whether or not to convict hunter biden on three federal gun charges. he walked in with his wife a moment ago. this will be regardless a momentous decision could come down at any moment watching it from new york city. i m bill hemmer. what s happening? dana: i m dana perino and this is america s newsroom. there is so much news this morning we ll get to all of it. the anti-israeli exhibit is disgusting and outrageous. this is something that judge jeanine said she thinks we ll get a jury verdict before noon today. hunter biden accused of illegally buying a gun when he was a drug addict. the charges carry a sentence of 25 years if prison. that is unlikely as a first time offender. bill: the defense is banking on a homefield advantage. playing up his struggles with addiction hoping it will resonate with the jury in delaware. dana: let s go to rich edson outside the courthouse in delaware, where he has been reporting every day on it. jurors should be heading into the courtroom shortly. the judge will address them briefly and go back to deliberations. hunter biden is here again. he showed up a short while ago with his wife melissa and attorney abbe lowell. there was some discussion the defense team floated having him take the stand last week. he did not do so and they moved into final deliberations. the deliberations were an hour ten minutes yesterday. the prosecution says there is overwhelming evidence that in october 2018 hunter was a drug user, lied about it on a federal form to buy a gun and illegally possessed that weapon for 11 days. prosecutors recapped text messages, testimony from hunter s texts and the gun store owner who sold him the gun. biden family members in the courtroom which included first lady jill biden saying people sitting in the gallery are not evidence. and that nobody is above the law. the defense acknowledges hunter dealt with the drug addiction from 2015 to 2019. abbe lowell maintains hunter was not a drug user when he bought and owned that firearm. he called the prosecution s case a magic trick relying on evidence of past drug abuse to prove hunter was using drugs when he bought that gun. lowell says there are no photos showing or testimony from witnesses who saw hunter use drugs in october 2018. the deliberations should be underway here shortly. whole bunch of people at the courthouse today. one of those days here. throw it back to you guys. dana: sounds like you have a fan. bill: catching the micro phone, too. kerri urbahn joins us, too. the bidens influence and power in the state cannot be underestimated. the sympathetic issue is the one that hunter biden s legal team is focusing on. size that up, kerri, for us today. of course, if you are sitting there as a juror directly looking into the eyes of the first lady, hunter biden s stepmother, looking at his family members, you have to remember this is a small town small state kind of feel. of course it is going to move you in some way and that is what i think abbe lowell, the defense attorney, has been shooting for. also why i thought it was especially significant that d.o.j. opened their closing argument yesterday by pointing to them and you have to remember there are several feet away. that s a gutsy move looking directly at family members saying what their doing doesn t matter. this is about evidence and went on to present what feels like overwhelming evidence of hunter biden s drug use both before, during and after the time he purchased the gun including text messages to the widow of his brother who died. he sent a message in the next couple of days after the gun purchase talking about smoking crack, meeting dealers and all that. dana: listen to jonathan turley on hannity last night talking about what delaware is like. abbe lowell, the defense counsel, put up a series of defenses that collapsed within two days. prosecutors methodically destroyed all of these claims. in a normal case, that jury would have been out for an hour and come back with a conviction. the defense is playing to a delaware jury. this is biden town. dana: one thing i wanted to ask you about and had to look up the definition of this so i think it would be helpful for the audience. a possibility of jury nullification. what does that mean and why might it happen here? it is pretty simple. it means the jury knows this person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. evidence and testimony is there but decide to put that aside and basically send a social message to the public saying we know this person is guilty but we think it is more important to acquit him because of whatever the message is they re pushing. here it would be addiction. now i would think, though, they are also contending with the fact just because you are addicted doesn t mean that you have license to commit illegal acts and do all the kinds of things that hunter biden did. again, the evidence was extensive. much more than i realized. on to have of it, a rare thing in a trial. you had the defendant in his own words on tape via his audio book describing extensive illegal activity for years and years and years including around the time period he bought the gun. the jurors had to sit there and looking at hunter biden across the room they are listening to his voice describe all that. bill: leo weiss, interesting scenario you present when you are an attorney and looking at people in the audience in the front row who have been there more or less every day since the trial began. weiss said this, was he an addict? did he know he was an addict when he filled out the form? that s all you have to decide. when he decided to lie on that form, that s when the crime was committed. is it that simple? normally it really would be that simple. jonathan turley was saying that as well. we live in upside down times. this whole thing wreaks of politics. i mean what i mean by that is they could have brought this years ago, the d.o.j. this is a very simple case, open and shut. evidence is overwhelming. they chose not to. why? probably because he was the president s son or then the vice president s and new the ramifications if they brought the charge against him. the sweetheart plea deal fell apart and political pressure to change that. now they ve gone the other way. we ll see what happens. it will be interesting to see how the jury contends with all of this and we ll find out today, i think. dana: what is your prediction? do you think it will go past noon or easy for them to wrap it up this morning? i heard what you said about judge jeanine and i have to defer to the judge given all her years of expertise. i will say, though, there was chatter whether it would go past lunch. typically jurors enjoy a free lunch. so that was part of the discussion at the courthouse yesterday. dana: we got word the jury is deliberating now as we speak. we ll find out. regardless it probably will come today before or after noon, who cares, really. thank you so much, kerri. also this on the border crisis. fox cameras capturing hundreds of migrants pouring across the southern border into san diego sector. border crossings continue despite president s biden s action. they are likely to be released into the u.s. matt finn live at the border in california. tell us more. all day long yesterday we stood right here and interacted with a very large group of 400 illegal migrants who crossed into the united states in a single clip. these migrants tell us they are organized and gathered by their human smugglers in mexico and then at various times throughout the day and week pushed over into the united states in clusters. we talked to migrants from iran, yemen, china, india, moritania and beyond. we re talking border patrol agents, one or two agents see these groups of hundreds approaching, they brace for them and then once the illegal groups cross, border patrol tries to find the resources to process the illegal migrants. just outside of the san diego metropolitan a fresh group of migrants who illegally crossed freely into the united states. now these overwhelmed border patrol agents have to process every one of them. as those migrants wait, they sit in the scorching desert sun for hours. many of the migrants who illegally cross tell us they are taking one, if not many flights into mexico and then they meet their human smugglers who guide them into the u.s. i spoke to one man from india who didn t want his face on camera. he says his passport was taken in mexico, pay to get it back before coming into the united states. president biden issued an order last week saying that you are not eligible for asylum anymore because you crossed illegally. how does that make you feel? you just tell me i didn t know this news. i don t have a phone there. you just tell me and it is a dilemma. the most simple observation you can make here, dana and bill, at the united states border this is a well-oiled machine. human smugglers are abusing the united states. they are abusing our border patrol agents, and they are pushing over hundreds of migrants in a single day sometimes. these migrants tell us they are paying upwards of $10,000 plus to human smugglers. the cartels and human smugglers are being enriched off our united states southern border. dana and bill. dana: thank you for the report as your day gets underway as the sun comes up. [shouting] you are the stupid one. why would you come in here? bill: new york city anti-israel protests turning ugly in town. how police responded as groups ta targeted a memorial to victims of october 7th. this is now public, watch half a world away. [gunfire] dana: you will want to see this. harrowing new footage showing israeli forces rescuing four hostages held by hamas. bill: more bad news for the president. why a top pollster is saying it might be time for him to drop out entirely. [shouting] i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they ve been in leadership positions. they re willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they re not looking for a handout. they re looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. veteran homeowners, need cash? call newday usa. i called and got $60,300. you can take out $70,000 or more with a newday100 cash out loan. rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals bill: here we go now. the jurors are deliberating. the judge brought them back in about 11 minutes ago, asked them if they had talked to anyone, been influenced by anyone, done any research on the case on social media. they all said no and shook their heads and told them to go back and continue deliberations. that s where we are at the moment. hunter biden and his wife were seated in the front row. that s your update as of 9:17 in wilmington, delaware. [chanting] dana: chaos engulfing new york city. anti-israel protestors take to the streets in a day of rage sending off smoke bombs and flares and waving flags of hamas. bill: the violence also spilling into a subway station. the protestors glorifying the terror attack that killed 364 concert-goers alone marking it, they say, in lower manhattan as a great triumph. one word summed up. inhuman. bryan llenas has the fallout in new york with us as well today. good morning. bill and dana good morning. this anti-israel protest began here in union square in manhattan before shifting further downtown to wall street where these protestors were chanting outside of that exhibit meant to remember and honor the lives of the 364 who were murdered by hamas on october 7th at the nova music festival. protestors lit flares and smoke bombs and waved palestinian flags but the flags of hamas and hezbollah terrorist organizations. outside of the exhibit protestors chanted israel go to hell and long live the intifada. largely seen as a call for violence against israelis and jews. listen for yourself. long live the intifada. [chanting] israel, go to hell. [cheers and applause] [more chanting] bill: you could hear them cheering there as well. protestors clashed with officers scuffling over the barricades set up outside. they call it vicious targeting. mike lawlor called it disgusting. the day of rage started in union square protestors clashing with nypd officers and pro-israel supporters who showed up to counter them and the mob unfurled a banner that read long live october 7th. the most deadly attack in israel s history that killed 1200 people. holding up a banner that says long live september 11th. new york city subway in union square saw defacing on the trains with graffiti. officers in riot gear were called and inside subway cars riding inside along these protestors. through all that video, through all of those clashes, six summons were given out. three for those who didn t pay the subway and three for unknown reasons. remarkable restraint by the nypd given what we saw. bill: that means they ll be back. bryan llenas in lower manhattan. dana: he posted this. biden hit a new all time low in approval. 37.4% at 5:38 yesterday. dropping out would be a big risk but some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk. are we there yet? i don t know but it is more than fair to ask. some argue biden s behavior in public is raising concerns over his age where last night he appears to freeze. dana: we ll run it in full so you can see it there. here with his reaction deputy chief of staff karl rove. your reaction. painful, really painful to watch. he also mangled his teleprompter remarks. he is old. he is really old. and nothing between now and the 146 days from now when we vote, finish voting is going to change, i suspect. bill: there appears to be this confluence of opinions and ideas at the same time, right? you have the nate silver thing that dana just read. you have atlantic magazine saying 81 he is too old to run for president. either one of those men are right wing crazies. you have to video you just played and overwhelmingly americans are against the whole student loan bail-out. that s four for four in one day. add a fifth one. he has a record disapproval rating on his job performance of any modern president and so yeah, this is not good news for him. look, it is late but remember, all the delegates to the democratic national convention have largely been selected. people who were vetted by and named by the biden team. so they are more traditional democrats. this won t be a convention nominated dominated by bernie b b bros. he said i have a lot of things on my plate. the world with big challenges, i focus my attention on that and leave it up to the convention who the nominee is. the maneuvering and ratings for the chicago convention would be off the charts. nobody would get the nomination on the first ballot which means on the second ballot the super delegates, house of lords of the democratic party could begin to vote. nominate somebody and america would want to find out who that person is and spend a lot of time the end of august deciding. it could be something new and fresh puts the democrats ahead and on their way to victory. we don t know but look, that was painful last night and nothing will change between now and november. dana: i was talking to bill about this before our show. and because you were there in the white house and many people have worked in white houses. we were there. one thing i remember learning is that when the rubber hits the road, there is only one person in our country who can make a decision, if necessary, to protect the country. and they have to be able to make that decision in a split second based on principle, knowledge gathering. you can t defer to aides when a big decision like protecting the country would come to be. i hesitate because i do respect the presidency. i respect the president of the united states. i respect the office. i respect my elders but i look at this and i think how could anyone feel confident? the white house wants to say these are selective videos, cherry picking. that isn t the case. it is happening all the time, much more regularly. i think the seriousness of this really does need to be stated. in some ways you can make fun and have funny memes. bill: it is a singular decision. dana: the seriousness here that is overwhelming right now. it speaks to the selfishness of joe biden and the biden family. does jill biden, his wife, think history will treat him well? does his sister, valerie, who played a big role in his campaigns since he ran for county council, does she think this will get a good mark in history? let s say he wins, which the more that people see of him, the less likely that is. let s say he wins. is if next four years going to see a renewed and vibrant and on top of it joe biden? no, i don t think so. and the country is not well served. we have 336 million people. is this the best that we can do for the most important job on the face of the planet? i don t think democrats have asked themselves that question, otherwise they would certainly be answering no, we the democrats can do better is what i think they would say. bill: we wanted to talk to you about nevada. save it for another day. breaking news coming up. dana, coming up. dana: we talk more about politics on the perino on politics podcast. you can catch it now. bill: the update from wilmington. hunter biden departed at 9:21 a.m. when we were speaking with carl about 5 1/2, six minutes ago. biden will have to be back in court for the verdict. he will not come back for any notes from the jury, hum. in new york trump had to be there any time the notes were read back. once the jurors indicate they have a verdict it will be 15 to 30 minutes before court gets back in session. basically however long it takes for hunter to get back there. that s the note that we have from wilmington on behalf of our producers working that story. we re on it. could come any moment. 9:28 in new york. let s get to this. today one of the most important front lines is in taiwan where brave and inspiring people build a future of freedom in the shadow of china s growing and menacing authoritarian power. bill: what comes of this? tensions spiking over taiwan. dan sullivan returned from there and part of his video. a now report reveals the u.s. plan should china invade. he is next live right here. veryn is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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[music playing] dana: welcome back. 15 minutes ago hunter biden left the courtroom because the jury is deliberating and he does not have to stay in the building while they do that. we re awaiting this verdict in his federal gun trial today. it could happen today if the jury sends back a note to the judge that says we re ready to go it could take 30 to 15 minutes to be organized. hunter biden has to be back in court for that particular piece. right now he is not in the building. bill: from delaware we move to this. keep an eye on it leaving nothing to chance over one of the more contested areas of the world. the u.s. military said to be unveiling a so-called hell scape strategy if china were to invade taiwan. it calls for the use of thousands of drones. republican senator dan sullivan just got back from a trip to southeast asia and with us in person. good morning to you. you meet with taiwan s president and others. admiral, commander, i will turn the taiwan strait into an unmanned hell scape. i can make their lives utterly miserable for a month that buys me the time for the rest of everything. you want to flush that out? i m a big fan of the admiral. he started in the job and aggressive and i like his aggressiveness. i was over there meeting with the taiwanese leadership. we moved over to singapore to meet with allies that we have in the region. here is the challenge. our ship building capacity is in a crisis in the u.s. navy is dramatically shrinking. the admiral, a great plan, but we don t have the navy to execute that at all. the biden navy, let me give you some of the numbers, has gone from 293 ships to 280 ships by 2027 that s when xi says he wants to be ready for an invasion of taiwan. meanwhile, china s ship building will go to over 400 ships by 2027. we re being outmatched in a huge way. i know the admiral is very concerned about that. i ve spoken to him. dana: you laid out these numbers here. people can see the vast amount. why is it so important for us to have ships like this? that might sound like a simple question but we re in the department of asking dumb questions. is answer is obviously what it is but i want to hear you explain to the american people why does this matter? this matters hugely with regard to the our interests in the south china satisfy. the entire u.s. navy that is shrinking dramatically. our main adversary, china, is going through the biggest peacetime build-up of the military in history. this is what happens when you have an aggressive dictator who sees an opportunity. our weakness ising the secretary of the navy is not focused on ship building nor is the biden administration or war fighting. this secretary of the navy is more in climate change, if you can believe that, than he does on war fighting and ship building. when you show this kind of weakness with an adversary, it invites chaos. we re seeing that all over the world. bill: if trump were to win in november how would it change? we re heading back to d.c. in the next hour and marking up the defense authorization act. a bunch of us, bipartisan group of senators have major amendments to try to fix our ship building. i think this would be a great initiative. a number of us are talking about this already with members we think of the incoming trump administration, hopefully president trump wins in november. this would be a very important initiative that i think is tailor made for president trump. think about this. in terms of republicans, whether it s teddy roosevelt with his great white fleet, reagan who built a 600-ship navy. this exactly what republicans do. peace through strength. bill: when we went to the arctic a couple of months ago is ice breakers. putin had 54. some nuclear powered. almost all are weaponized. bill: we have two and one is broken in dry dock. we re overmatched in so many parts of the world. the arctic is my home. that s alaska. but the russians and chinese in terms of naval assets are overmatching us all over the world. we have to fix it. we ve done this before. we know how to build ships. we know how to build a military. right now with this administration, every year president biden has put forward a budget that shrinks the army, shrinks the navy and marine corps. that is the wrong message to be sending our enemies. bill: seems like an issue that goes under the radar. dana: if republicans win more seats in the senate you could have two additional veterans who are then maybe more military minded and can help you get it across the finish line. we have great candidates and we ll get back with peace through strength when president trump takes the white house and the republicans take a senate. bill: we re watching the jury deliberations in wilmington, delaware. the hunter biden gun trial. they re deliberating. i guess you could say they are in hour number two with one hour yesterday under their belt. more on that could get a verdict any moment. stay tuned. apple taking a powerful stance in the a.i. space. the after shock could have a lasting impact on the tech world and the phone that you are holding in your hand right now. dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. ancestrydna can show you which traits were inherited, where they came from, and who he shares them with. but get movin , this sale is only for a limited time. they get it. they know how it works. more importantly, it works for them. i don t have any anxiety about money anymore. i don t have to worry about a mortgage payment every month. it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments. linda, dinah, joanne, very different people. but they do have a couple things in common. they love their home, and they know their stuff. they all talked about the counseling they got, so they knew how a reverse mortgage worked. and how it could be a real financial solution for their retirement. if you re 62 or older and own your home, find out how you could access your home s equity to give you cash now, and when you need it in the future. a reverse mortgage could put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly mortgage payments, paying off higher-interest credit cards and covering medical costs. a person like me needed to get a reverse mortgage it changed my life, it was the best thing i ve ever done. really? 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okay. roll it. this is a president if you watch him every day and pay attention to his record and what he has done, you will see exactly how how how focused he has been on the american people and historic his actions have been. i m not even going to truly, truly really, you know, take the premise of your question. i think it is incredibly insulting. bill: we missed the part before she just hung up. i don t entirely blame her. i don t think she has been very good at her job but it is probably not her fault. when she is doing what she is supposed to do, kind of answer questions about policy, she is very articulate and sounds well. when she gets questions, she gets frustrated because the administration doesn t want to answer those questions. so they send her out there and say whatever you do, don t answer the questions. the only thing you can do is go to the press and say how dare you ask that question. some form of that is every answer when they try to ask her things she doesn t want to hear. i can t believe you are asking me this or hangs up. or says i ve already spoken to that and answered that questions. no you haven t. you have 20 questions on the same subject. members of the white house press corps haven t gotten a satisfactory answer. bill: would you concede she has a tough job? dana: oh my gosh, a very, very tough job and knowing the policy is important. one of the problems for them they have bad facts. if you have good facts, you can have better communication. it is not necessarily that they have to message it better. it is that they have a huge border problem, 86% of people think he is too old to run for re-election. she says she can run circles around him at the white house and he is frozen in time and i think that people are like we don t actually feel a connection with her because she seems like she is condescending to people because i do think she is trying to be protective of him and cares about the president very much but the press corps, i think, deserves better. they talk about how transparent he is with the press? he doesn t do the interviews. the ones he does, the long one with time magazine he says that yeah, he has aged and doesn t remember thing. mixes up south africa with russia and it is a tough job but they make it harder. bill: thank you kennedy and tom and dana. dana: thank you for letting me have a lecture. bill: want to get to this right now. there is amazing video that we want to share with you. this is about as dramatic as it gets. these are idf soldiers going into a part of gaza trying to rescue israeli hostages. we ll play the rest of it for you in a moment after the break. a jury right now deciding the fate of the first son, hunter biden, we ll bring you the verdict as soon as it happens. we re on verdict watch on america s newsroom. back in a moment as we continue right after this. -unnecessary action hero . the nemesis. -it appears that despite my sinister efforts, employees are still managing their own hr and payroll. why would you think mere humans deserve to do their own payroll? because their livelihoods depend on it? because they have bills to pay? hear me now, paycom! return the world of hr and payroll to its rightful place of chaos or face a tsunami of unnecessary the likes of which you have never seen! if you have generalized myasthenia gravis, picture what life could look like with. vyvgart hytrulo, a subcutaneous injection that takes about 30 to 90 seconds. for one thing, could it mean more time for you? vyvgart hytrulo can improve daily abilities and reduce muscle weakness with a treatment plan that s personalized to you. do not use vyvgart hytrulo if you have a serious allergy to any of its ingredients. it can cause serious allergic reactions like trouble breathing and decrease in blood pressure leading to fainting and allergic reactions such as rashes, swelling under the skin, shortness of breath, and hives. the most common side effects are respiratory and urinary tract infections, headache, and injection site reactions. it may increase the risk of infusion-related reactions and infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart hytrulo for gmg and picture your life in motion. bill: this issue is back in the news. former new york governor andrew cuomo arriving on capitol hill for a transcribed interview behind closed doors on the covid response. aishah hosni talked to him. i am so proud of new yorkers and the facts show that. why did you mandate this? a lot of folks wonder why you pushed this down the throats of nursing homes and then took so long six weeks to reverse it? okay. the premise of your question is wrong and if you actually read what has been found by the investigations, it says the opposite. the department of justice found no wrongdoing and investigation said explicitly we followed the federal guidance. cms and cdc did very extensive instructive guidance and the investigations say new york followed the federal guidances. why not make it a recommendation instead of a mandate? we followed the federal guidance. that would be a question for the federal government. bill: we ll see when they go behind closed doors how this goes. we ll get a transcript of the interview at some point and let you know what his position is now. the former governor of new york on the hill. all right, dana. what s happening? dana: the american dream could be yours but a pretty penny. millions of potential home buyers are grappling with sky high mortgage rates and low inventory. there are no houses to buy. the biden administration says their luck will turn, it will take another four years. edward lawrence is live outside of the federal reserve. hi, edward. they say they need more time on this. the american dream out of reach for many folks because of the cost of a mortgage as well as the cost of a home. the price of a 30 year fixed under 7%. 87% of mortgages in the united states are under 6% and 60% of those mortgages are under 4% in the united states. chief economist for the national association of realtors said those people are sitting on homes, limiting supply and keeping prices higher and doesn t help the average home sale price in the first quarter of this year $513,000, up 29% from when president biden first took office. those who have properties, they are doing well. home prices high. those who want to participate, first-time buyers are struggling. we have this social divide. hard to jump to the next level, which is the reason why it s critical that we have more supply in the future years. they believe we need 50% more supply of homes on the market. new regulations from the biden administration announced last month adds $30,000 in the cost of the home. it all comes back to supply and demand. shortage in homes keeping prices higher as well as the cost of a mortgage. back to you, the american dream is out of reach for many. dana: 30,000 more? that s a lot. thank you, edward. yeah. dana: fox news alert. day two of jury deliberation is underway right now in hunter biden s criminal

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240611

this is the easiest, non-toxic swap you ll ever make. lumineux toothpaste was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it ll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity. find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. landscape and th [ ] dana: hello everybody i m per dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, richard fowler, jesse watters and greg but gutfeld. it s 5:00 in new york city, this is the five . [ ] dana: the news today is the jury and in the format gun try getting dismissed for the day a. deliberations wrapped up with no verdict. blackadder tomorrow morning at 9:00 am as they decide whether the first gets the first the joint 25 years in prison snubno the presidents and did not knowingly lie these said about his drug use from purchasing a handgun in 2018, but federalargu prosecutors arguing hunter hadr lost the power of self-control when you bought it. that the evidence back set up.wm hunter biden sent a drug dealer who had had tried to meet up with did they before, he lied on the gun form.e meanwhile the biden family is out in full force, rose joeen biden tht e president sister anh brother were among the several d family members present in courtu topp support hunter.wa president biden was not there and the democrats and media are giving him credit for that. of the president of united states has removed himself from this, explicitly, honorably, an. lots of the rule of law unfold. put yourself for a nanosecond in a position, for a parent a child coming through what hunter biden is going through, difficult,di complicated, painful. happy to see one of thehe w present was asked about this, confidence in the judicial system, not going to undermine it. dana: whatever happens the w hatrial hunter biden has made oe thing for sure. the laptop is real, after getting entered as evidence in the comeaux truck, fox newso digital reach out to all 51 intellect officials whoian dismissed the laptop is russian disinformation and eithert declined to retract or even doubled down. want to get to that at some point by let s talk about the prosecution in this case, they e moved forward, hunter has one oe the best lawyers, abbey law and the thing is i think the defensf just has a lot of bad facts ont, their side. you can hire a lot of great lawyers but have bad facts, might not go your way.eani judge jeanine: if you have, bad facts it won t go your way. but if you have a judge who moves the case along and i found it interesting, the sound you just had aired, that this guy says he led the rule of law unfold, hunter biden is, it wonderful. it s not the biden s, if anything the biden s are the ones who wanted to bring this plea deal before a judge, was all right through it. while any crime that he commits, it was the judge that says you know what, have you ever done this before the department of justice and they say there is no precedent for it. it s really about at the judge, this case moved quickly and we re so used to judge marchant who had everything he could do to extend that trial so that donald trump s trial when on for six weeks from memorial day celebrations and meeting with the parents, i mean it meetingg with your family members during the memorial day weekend, but in this case, what you have is a case that is rocksolid. of the question is, this can be proven beyond a reasonable the doubt, weatherby nullification? will there s a jury saddled with the biden family, it looks like such a unified family, with jill with, buying, with the solo blank back and forth to be with her husband, you got in jail, wife, sisters, in james and his wife, it s likthe the biden s ae saying we are a powerful familyi we are all in the front row looking at you. which is why the prosecution s partly said, that way there is not evidence. but it s there., the question i do thequy want to convict. richard: a thing that is likely chance they will get the verdict,hard with the prosecutie leap although detailys where f hunter admits he didro crack cocaine,wher testimony from bobi biden s wife, his former girlfriend, that she was on that through the gun into the trashcan. we will have to see what happened here, those 12 jurors. it s important to remember there isn t a single american that will vote for hunter biden t-shirt, is no hunter biden bumper sticker or your designs, hunter biden is not an employee of the democratic national committee, an employee of the c white house, biden he is a sun who we know wasou troubled at onble point in timei would still be troubled today. what we saw was a family saying once we had a troubled son andc want to support him in any wayl be alsont heard from the presidenta over thet weekend that he willd not pardono his son and i do believe that is very true. we know from both the obama white house and the biden white house at this point is the did not take part of their political allies, the obama pardons, thert was nobody they knew. and nd wi think we see the samee in the biden administration. i think we will see justic served no matter what.t wa dana: on saturday yeah,.au [ laughter ] it ran on saturday but i did not waited until today, was on politico it was about hunter biden and business dealings basically, how could he not have used his dad s name, basically that s what it was saying. if you watch jesse watters primetime you know this. jesse: they charged with violations, conveniently left those charges out. i don t know about richard s analysis, i would say but was guilty or not guilty, there wila be challenges for the biden campaign. if it allys guilty, partiallyde defends the line of attack that trump is a convicted felon it, partially because hunter is not e, ya running for president aboo just casually go and throw around that label against your opponent when the first son has the same label seems boneheadeda you get a nod to guilty, datai feeds into the trump i m running against the rig to system. the way the situation did in the summer of 2016 where it was thrown out, deals to hillary s party favors. ane pad let her off with a slapn her wrist and just showed thatt trump was the victim of a rigged system and would be getting intn dc into the clean house.s this proves it is an auditokin guilty, there was home cooking and both of these trials, new york, democratic jury, legal black magic invented a crime and then convicted.a and then you have a delawareth jury do the same thing? this is basically black-and-white. both juries would thenivel be actively interfering in an election. and we don t like that at all. this is the weirdest trial ever because he have a first son on trial in a state where the president hailed from, had first lady in the first family showing up with kleenex weeping in front of the jury, the cia back ane sugar brother in there throwing money around. you have the head of the and doubly a showing phase, a film o crew filming a documentary making money off of this trial. but i below gets up and he sup trying to say, this form, it s not english. the form clearly says, are you an unlawful user or addicted to r narcotics. albia saying that if you are aty user, the only meant are you using the day you filmed the form out. rbc that s not true. he saying it depends what the meaning of addicted as, theymeon have a summary testified, smoking crack every 20 minutes.. that of hunter biden shy autobiography saying, he was an attic it he hasab gone to rehab 10 times. i don t know how you canothe describe addicted in any other way. then you haven ye this message g the widow,e i m buying drugs fm mookieying and then today, i m h on crack passed out in a now abby is trying to say that he was lying on those text messages, it s a herculean effort we was he of the jury buys it. dana: greg, giving you the floor. if you alsflo want to comment on these. they had their jerseys on, are they taking them off. greg: might be a little person but i m a big picture guy and the big picture here is hunter s taking it for the team. this is his punishment, hishi amends for his misdeeds.heat the goal is to keep the heat ofp a joke at the kickbacks, the big guy. it s a small sacrifice for hunter to make to take the fall which is what you do in crime families when misdeeds are far d bigger and more lucrative so what he s doing is he s deflecting it onto him. it s now joe, it s hunter. that s the point, to keep it off of joe. but like the judge said, the cases crack rock solid teemacng but i have to say, i m startingh to really kind of like hunter. he makes me feel really goodi ha about myself. i had some wild nights in myo hu time, but i know hunter, maybe i might have petered my brother-in-law s shoes on his wedding night by didn t bank my brother s wife and got her hooked on crack. he puts everybody s shame in perspective, it s like when yout go to the gym when you re overweightn , you feel better if somebody else is there who is fatter than you are, that is why i train at sculptors jim.wh i want to get to the klopper sai thing, he said he had no regrets about a falsely labeling the laptop is rushing this information, and we know it s obvious. he has no regrets because he doesn t see it as a mistake. it s not what i thought it was fake and i m wrong good, he meant to do this. it was deliberate, he created a false narrative because he was fighting the thread called the donald trump which everybody was saying at the time saying he was worse than hitler be make any attempt to stop him is illegal and immoral, doesn t matter because history will look back at him as a hero for trying to stop hitler. jesse: talking about theated family?th dana: where is she?gal greg: she was surprisedtory like the laptop. tal dana: an amazing, we do not go over time. we were good today! you going to keep up!e pro hamas agitators chanting as they wreak havoc of president biden s a t door front door. 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-get a quote at [ ] [ bleep ].udge judge jeanine: pro hamas lunatics rating at biden s front door, thousands of anti- israel agitators chanting for jihad while wreaking havoc in front oh isthe white house this weekend. they set up smoke bombs, vandalized statues, road anti-rf somatic graffiti and pelted a park ranger during the chaos. one individual holding up a bloody facemask of joe biden. the jewish hatred playing out on the same d day as is reallyy defense forces heroically rescued four is really hostages who had been in hamas captivity since october 7th. senator tom cotton is calling onto the biden doj to investigate of the terror protests.e you have anti-american proma hamas lunatics defacins g andst desecrating the statueats of our great veterans, which is a plain a violation of law. joe biden s government allowed to happen and we will probably not se pe any arrests or prosecutions for violating that law.: judge jeanine: they nowi wi start with you, what tom cotton about is that dojag starting aain investigation against people who are pro- terror, pro hamas, one action wearing a hamas headbandba carrying around a bloodyw in facemask of joe biden. while waiting to the doj be involved in this kind of thing, death to america? dana: well, you can imagine somewhere else with a different type of people, it should have vebeen. people having some 2020 déjà vu. is only 71 at park police officers covering 890,000 persos protest, and they re not allowed to wear right gear? ano d wheat seed rated their, te police officer there, there throwing things at him, they arn assaulting him and nobody says anything, not a single person gets arrested? you basically have people waving terror flags, wearing masks, you cannot do that in the district of columbia. nobody does anything? the prosecutor, can rememberosec that guy s name, i can remember, the prosecutor much like alvin bragg, they re not prosecuting p the crimes happening at right there. there s isllin appalling a douba standard ow n basic questions of law and order. wit mentally have uaa situation whee people are very frustrated. i could not believe one charles cook said it, you went through all the different websites, newy websites, could not find any of this news. anywhere ns,. except for local nbc affiliates. no word, if some like this happens outside, one little tlthing.e it s on the news. one out this? the double standard makes my voice raised two octaves blood it s partly why think people are discussing this and it s a sign of things to come. if they can get away with this, what he think they can get away in chicago? judge jeanine: in addition saying biden should be arrestedl we got the guillotine, you know richard, these are people who are calling for a cease-fire and peace and yet they are with theg hamas headband and all the other thing is they are doing kind defacing statues. connecting to a revolutionary war, would help the u.s., help you as to feed the birds inwh 1781. when theerd y get off doing tha richard: allstate again,d, there s a clear bright line between people protesting andra throwing things at park rangers and defacing property period. it is unclear, we don t know ife the justice department isca involved becauseus it could bede investigations and we don t kno. that yet. i think that is a wonder think we have to point out. as it think while this iswe happening, on this protest is happening we also know under the ground in israel, benny gans ha, resigned from the war cabinetit which makes the situation a bit more tiny was, with benjamin netanyahu and th te reason why gantz resigned is because who s waiting on benjamin netanyahu to create a postwar plan and inh gaza andth he has not come up ws that plaitn which makes theha situation evenve more tenuous as you try to figure out how do we come to some sort of peaceful solution b. five d. think any of those protestersth know who ganz is?es richard: out argute e that is part of the problem, i want this conflict to come to an end it, or the hostages to be sent home and killing to stop in gaza. i think both of those things cas be true. a but it s less about what is happening and the united states and what is happening with the is really government and benjamin netanyahu. judge jeanine: greg, greg s before nobody cares about teemac got to the hostages gotso rescued, that s a story you came out with? judge jeanine: let me ask you the question, the captured seven hostages and eight months. 116 remaining. mea they think 41 are dead. 75 alive that we believe.ra didn t israel have the right to do what they need to to get toa those human beings back in a war that hamas started, and they are still holding out hostages with the is really hostages? richard: for my perspectives there s only one acceptable fact, once october 7th happened, it s none of your business. we can all agree that payback isbenc a badge believe me. he don t create of the terms, talked about it before, you can do all of these platitudes aboul never again, we stand with israel but if you do that in i good times, you will work less. it only matters ain t of the bad times, those outrage? were they killed 202 rescued four. have you ever come up with themr ideal number for that?ve have you y ever done to the mathematics teemacatic did youha maexpress outrage when hamasan killed over 1000 people? and everything you were told what hamas is true? t keeping hostagesru, in heavy populated areas? and still you don t care?yo u that tells you something about the protests. these are not organic. prthe a professional, they paid for and i find it interesting that nobody according to ourent president is above the law. a unless you m are in member of te left. somehow vandalism becomes s an expression of protest and speech. it s a weird, if you woke, words can be viewed as violence.on but then c violence and destruction can be defined as speech. you don t get arrested, wisey is want rage are permitted and any kind of mild protest isn t? think about go back one kid, all over the place. you couldn t find it anywhere. why did they do that? it s because they wanted sanctioned, in one is not. judge jeanine: the operation carried out makes it clear, one of the hostages, the female on the motorcycle. she said she was dressed in palestinian government so theym could removeon her from one houe to another which is so, if you haven t watched it. b but how does this rescueed operation, and showed it in any way impact the cease-fire discussions? b6 you will continue to have these ways to extract these hostagesex, but i m glad you brought over the history earlier. of the statute that was desecrated was a general low shampoo, theof french sent him here during the revolutionary war and he was commanding about 7000 french expeditionary forces. he joinsorce forces with washinn and they go again and they seize the new york town, and then he joins forces ands the force of the surrender.wall this man is a hero, first send the statue kind of get us to the roosevelts administration, in bailey in lafayette park and joe biden is there in france while this statute is being disagreed? you don t arrest a single person the. judge jeanine: and also he invaded pickle boxes or is. [ laughter ] and jesse: what does it tellhe you about a country that does not protecint the crown jewels f its cultural and military history? what doen s it say if you allow his stature to be defiled?cher you probably don t cherish this beard of the country, like joe biden is wanting this campaign on defending democracy. without lafayette, defending democracy, we would not have a country. judge jeanine: the interestingg thing about this is these ar se rebels who are simpe creating anarchy, they don t know what they re doing, they, are just haters.bu coming up, some serious buyers remorse about joe biden. 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[ cheering and applause ] jesse: richard before weul get to you i would like to apologize to everybody in nevada and they sorry about that. glitch in my brain. so perfect and so many other ways. [ laughter ] go ahead richard, was going on in there. richard: i could sell you wan in alaska. it s on a focus on james for a second, been a lot of times since i ve being talking with james cargo. he is a political operative thaf has been pretty unsuccessful inn the music history, in 2022 he picked a candidate in pennsylvania there was literall obliterated. 2020 he predicted that we would have the election by 10:00 in regard to those four days later. bur dat did me just say this. you know, when you really think about it.ha here s what we know to be true,n a quote that was about to the economy was stupid, that he dids get right.tud th other than that, you know, is political ability to protecti things is pretty awful.ay and i think when i say that i say this. c this aom come down to how peopla feel about the economy on election day when did they choose to vote or vote early. over the last couple of months we have seen record of job growth and the lowest and a plummet in history does not take away from the fact that we as a country are expanding record inflation.cords mo inflation numbers coming outthey this month, hopefully they will be take down. coming up with next month and the month after that before we have the election. that s howeopl i think people w vote ultimately. we ll have to wait to and see w that looks like. but if units are the biden campaign will have to talk about. making this economy work for the american people. jesse: heyear is not a perfe, nobody is. richard: he is awful. judge jeanine: come on! jesse: he talks for a lote bi of people because it and wanted joel waterman to be the nominee and thought he was too old for the job. judge jeanine: document van jones and the rest of them. t he ihes one of the top democratc operatives no, i think for more advanced. i won a fight with you richard. let me say what i want to say. truth is there has to be a reason that they keep propping up biden and the reason they keep robbing him up in spite of the fact that everybody is a naysayer about this fool. t the thichak of his lies, is a ft that they think joe biden, trump is going to beat him again. what they ignore is that joe biden in 2020 is a cognitive declined man it today. what they don t understand is in 2020 he had a basement campaign of what they don t understand is that the country is totally different. dif there is dissent in americaen while joe biden has been president. we have the ability to impair trump and biden and theng americans are saying i, ice to e able to buy eggs and gas and go on vacation or whatever when trump was president, and now it don t have any of those opportunities. and finally,nall if you listen o that sound on those hoteltr workers, donald trumump is as ya know whadat i m in nevada, whati want to do is i want to promote no tax on tips.d and yoyou know what the culinary union comes out with? c they comome out and they say basically, you know, they rather object to the tax-free tips and tell everybody to vote for biden and that trump is full of look, the democrats have t o nothing. you don t have p theol policy because they don t have anything. a sudden going to mountunt sinai, guarded the power to bein able to change immigration. the guy is just not a credible guy anymore. richard: gg. greg: like how the media calls eight tall tales, like joe is some village and valent storyteller entertaining the town folk of tales of fighting mysterious woodland creatures anood turnindlg cows milk into liquid gold. meanwhile trumps salesmao lin f- page is a existential threat. but joe uts tales unlike j trums are not harmless. trump, when he s talking aboutre something whether he exaggeratea or not or directionally true joe s are figment of a chaotic imagination. and adamant braiicn, it could be dismissed, like the town fool but not when it s the leader of the free world. i m reminded of how many times that the media democraticou complex woulldd often comparedta trump to a mob boss by the way he talks. you gotta ge t rid of these people. anyways, consider how biden s defenders portray joe. that he is a basketcase in public, but behind the scenes, oh, you watch, use as a tribe is attack. this is never happened into the history of the human world. is no human behavior like that. and those who they had a criminal familymac a mob boss evading arrest, or standing trial by pretending to be mentally ill in public. the chain figment mental illness for decades to avoid prison. he would chat with parking meters and urinate in public. does that not sound familiar? joe is truly sharp as a tack, may be be could listen to those takes, or maybe it s just an act richard: are you with her? dana: i wanted to make those t-shirts. i can t remember which headline it was but the talked about biden s yarns. greg: yes, yarns! dana: do member the new york times, they had a big thing where they had a big announcement that it is going to be, okay,, that trump is a liar. they put that on the front page of the paper but biden tells yawns, of course,, want to mention something about the age thing, human for last week the wall street journal said joe biden has been in private meetings as having a hard time connecting the dots. and the white house press office they just said every sort of reinforcement, and the reaction was so over-the-top, and they were so mad about this story, and you think where is the anger for people about like understanding of the border issue or inflation or immigration? where is that? that empathy? any don t see it. it s only when they think he will get nailed in the election because people think he is too old. after that story ran, i think i said, i believe i did, it was see the press hurting to this way and all of them will start writing it and people have permission now to say where they are thinking. in the atlantic back with his speech today about biden s decision to run at the age of 81. it warning if you print this article out he will have to bite toner because it s along. this is the paragraph that matters, the unwillingness or inability of democrats to stop by and remains in existentially risky cat potentially disastrous proposition. if biden loses in november, that is all anybody will remember him before. and that is how i ended. [ laughter ] jesse: telling me james cargill watching the shows as how many presidential elections as richard fowler one? [ laughter ] ahead, california getting up, taxpayer hotels with eight june, café and an art studio. [ ] let s get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. sup? -who are you? i m your inner child. get in. [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. 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( ) [ ] richard: critics in california giving way too many handouts, new taxpayer funded home lists high-rise shelter, scotland views. and getting a gym, and even a café. the whole thing caused $165 million and in san francisco that are opening to the first ever free food market where residents can leave without paying. judge jeanine? judge jeanine: you know what it sounds like where they are already doing. in san francisco whole foods they go into the and leave without paying. that s why whole foods left. by the way who thought it was a good idea to bed $165 million for houses for the homeless? were not so sure they really want houses, and if there aren t cameras in these places, i would suspect a lot of these homeless people would sublet and they can make money and get drugs and if you think that migrants are trashing hotels in new york city, think one of drug addicts will do in san francisco. richard: when are giving them a home address he? jesse: they will trash it richard. that s what it every time they do this the same thing happens. s been $25 billion on homeless populations increasing 30 percent. they spent $33 billion on 800 miles of high-speed rail in california, 15 years later richard, you know how many miles he put down? 1600 feet. there is no way the government can solve these problems, you cannot even exit gate. look at obama care, member how great that was supposed to be? 60 percent richard. 60 percent. how are the $7 billion an electric car charging stations? seven. richard. seven. you cannot expect the government to come in and solve homelessness, will never happen. richard: of the rent is too high in california, to hide across the country. i think we solve homelessness? dana: you build all sorts of houses, figure out of the permitting, clear out to the regulations on that are ridiculous. giving away free stuff we know how this ends, we know how it ends. it always ends the same away. it is not work. what works is a discipline, purpose, accountability and self-reliance. that is how you pull yourself up and start to succeed. look what is happening in california, $250,000 and woke kindergarten, than they were surprised that they leave kindergarten none of them can read or say the alphabet. we not doing a good and a job figuring out how to help people like that let alone, we don t want to raise a generation of people that are going to have to go to the free food market. that is preposterous decision for a society to make. greg: $600,000 for an apartment, 258 studio apartments, how would you feel hearing that if you were a hard-working blue-collar american in a white black, hispanic, male or female? you would feel you re being demoted. you matter less than you saw in this country, you not as valued as a citizen as of those people who do things the wrong way. of the people who get things for free without doing anything, people who take advantage of the hard-working citizens, will pay their rent, would save up for mortgages, pay your taxes. the message of the democratic party is that with the right away, you will be demoted. don t do it at the right way, we got you, whether you re a minority construction worker in a legal stream, whether you re an illegal immigrant waiting in line following the rules and get people cut in line or asylum, they are of criminals who control, horror loud breaks every time they are arrested. never in prison for mcafee moth-eaten who loses or is beaten by a man was as he is a girl. in every situation, that person is demoted. you vote democratic, they put the dam and demoted. dana: and demented. richard: coming up, out-of-control bullet jumps over the fence and into the crowd back the fastest! is up next. 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[ ] greg: and welcome back, this isn t your typical day at the radio. shocking video capturing the moment of wild bull goes rogue and leaps over the forest fence, watch. [ ] dana: wow! greg: 14 people were killed. judge jeanine: know they were not! richard: three injuries, they say music soothes the savage beast but i guess animals hate country music. dana: i think he was quite moved by the song they are, and decided to keep on going. i have not been to a lot of have been to a lot of rodeos, never seen anything like that in prison. it s remarkable everybody is okay. greg: his name is party bus and it s true! you know jesse this makes me think, when somebody is about to undertake a difficult task they would say it s on my first rodeo, they say that? what if you were in the rodeo, would you say this is not my first accounting job? jesse: i don t know but it looks like this was their first rodeo. who builds a wall that low? greg: build a wall you say? [ laughter ] dana: perley nobody builds a wall jesse. jesse: the wall is too low or this thing is like the michael jordan a bowls. greg: yes. greg: you have been to rodeo drive. what to say you about this rodeo? judge jeanine: advent a lot of rodeos as well greg, take it that. this bowl was a democrat. he identified as at gazelle. and as a party bus, that s his name? he picked up five people on the bus. get it,. greg: nicely done. richard, d. go to rodeos? richard: and no. greg: no? richard: that is why. [ laughter ] greg: always a small risk. richard: put me into those bleachers. greg: one more thing is up next. 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you re telling me you can of and you don t need a satellite dish? ohf , i used to love doingirect. my business on those things. one stick pigeon, theni d se dishes. kept the rain off our beaks. well priorities. all satellite, free direct tv. i never thought i d see the day. well, our life spans are quite short. extreme direct tv without a satellite dish. i m going to do this thing with my neck. just for a bit when critical news is. here is what we know at this hour. john roberts and sandra smith cover every development alive on america. reports that with trusted insight and analysis, there is a lot at stake. martha maccallum breaks down the big headlines live on the story weekdays on fox news channel. time now for one more thing. we did have a great celebration for peter s birthday and i want to thanksomn some amazing people that we had performing. kyle jenningennings, who is, wht singer songwriter from nashville and michigan , he waswere terrific warming up the crowd. and kirk and the band, they were great. i just want to say the brothers, rob grand and nickd, amazi grand and amazg and vanessa, that a cool name. y anna, even vanessa is her name. that s a good name. just like goin farg to go far wp that name. jesse. i like paul mora. he did a great job. he did a greatl maur job in thei speech. that s true. and don t miss my politics on on politicswingno with josh kraushaar is coasting right now. greg als wil right. tonight we got a great monday show. where did jimmy fallon, charlie arnold, kat timpf joe devito. watch it. gr this. greg hunter news. yeah. we have to leave s with some hunter i m so excited by this because this hunter is alsis tni nocturnal. check him out.s his name hunter. hunts he s eight years old. he just became a memberhe of the phoenix zoo. it s a fennec fox. his ears are 4 to 6 inchese r long and he doesn t do meth or heror cocaine orn t proc heroin, and he doesn t procure . he doesn t have to. he just feasts on insects, lizardinsects,s, fruits, plants and eggs. he usually lives in the desert, but he s juse desertt hy to be at the zoo in phoenix. does he have a laptop, though? no dana: d. well, he s got something, but it ain t a laptop. all right. jesse, did you know, dana, that it was illegal to get in your helicopter and shoot fireworks at your lamborghini? i had no idea. it is in nevad your laa. it is absolutely illegal. and now alex choi is doing donuts in the desert there as he gets pelted with fireworks intentionallyd ff is facing ten years in federal prison. what s he doing free alex choi? i mean, i don t know. i can t vouch for the guy, but it just seems like he was having a little good old, friendly old fun. this is what happens when you don t have a drug habit in you t havr rich. tonight, jesse watters, primetime. johnny went to the puerto rican day parade. he was a sneak peek. e biden says he s puerto rican. oh, renaissance. when no way he can be his best in this country. no way, jose. judge. okay, who knew a tri dana:p te eye doctor could be so adorable. check out these penguin who took time out of their busy days for their routine eye exams as penguins age cataracts and other eye conditions can affect their vision, just like humans. so it s important that these impo get checked. and i m on the ingram mangle tonight. all right. and, richard, thistonight. 100 and two-year-old, 102 year old vet world war ii vet is retiring fromfrom being a crossing guard. he s also a postal worker. his name is tom bessette. he lives in greensboro, northwate carolina, 3630, just across fromr day! and that s it for us. have a great night. welcome to jesse wattersni primetime tonight. what is deal here and comghte to think about joe biden s advantage. eep ]. whatever we do, the left says off with biden s head. son of

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