Live Breaking News & Updates on Rick tyler

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20160223

supposed to start at noon local time. there was supposed to be a candidate press conference ahead of time. even with the incredibly tight schedules that the campaigns and candidates have to run, the cruz campaign had to blow up its schedule and keep all thoeds those people waiting. all the people are waiting. all the reporters are waiting for the press conference. everything got pushed. everything got left waiting because the candidate and a bunch of his top staffers were holed up in the parking lot of the ymca dealing with a crisis or causing a crisis. that was going on at the ymca 15 miles away. a control room in mid town manhattan was dialed in for ted cruz campaign manager. he s a nice guy. he s the only person that would give us the time of day. he wouldn t always give us a comment, but he was always nice about it. while this ymca parking lot huddle was under way this las vegas, national campaign spokesman nick tyler was dialed in to do a live interview with kate snow. minutes before the interview was due to go live, rick tyler, the national spokesman for the ted cruz campaign, he got up and walked out. no explanation. no notice, just left. gone. poof, as it were. turns out the reason he had to get up and walk away with no explanation and no warning is because the ted cruz campaign had just fired him while he was waiting to do that live interview. you don t have to feel too bad for nice old rick tyler. i m sure he will land on his feet. a little perspective, you might remember him back in 2012, newt gingrich in 2012 had a billionaire keeping him in the presidential race long after his natural political shelf life expired. the super pac through which sheldon adeleson was run by rick tyler. he s a nice guy. he has a lot of very rich friends. he s well respected. him getting axed today. the top spokesman getting fired today with no notice. that tells you very little about rick tyler. what it tells you is what time it is in the republican race. this is the time in the republican race when things are starting to go pear shaped for a lot of campaigns. this is the time when some losing candidates will start to quit the race. this is the time when some losing candidates who have money will not necessarily quit the race but start to fire their staff. firing your staff has a lot of different explications. you can fire them because you want to look like you re changing. you can fire them because you want to look thrifty or you want to look tough. this is the part of the race where people start to get fired. at this point in the republican race, everybody who is running for president who is a republican not named donald trump is losing. overall, it s not that surprising that the losing campaigns that still survive are starting to crack up a little bit. what is strange today about ted cruz firing his national campaign spokesman is that nobody really expected that this was the way the ted cruz campaign would start to crack. that s because of the very specific character of the ted cruz campaign. the ted cruz campaign has been comfortable being ruthless. we saw it most starkly in iowa. night of the iowa caucus, the ted cruz campaign tried to win the iowa caucuses by tricking ben carson supporters into believing that ben carson had quit the race. first we knew about it it was a couple of tweets that surfaced from a ted cruz endorser and some reports that ted cruz surrogates were actively spreading this rumor. there did surface a ted cruz logo e-mail. is anybody going to be held accountable for whispers and rumors. the ted cruz campaign had operationalized this dirty trick. they were doing phone banking on it. from ted cruz campaign calling to get to a precinct cap pain and it has been announced that ben carson is taking a leave of absence from the campaign trail. it s important that you tell any ben carson voters that they for tonight not vote for ben carson and vote for ted cruz. he is taking a leave. thank you. hello, this cruz campaign with breaking news, dr. ben carson will be planning to suspend his campaign. thank you and good night. that was the ted cruz campaign in iowa the night of the iowa caucuses where they won the iowa caucus. we now know that part of the way they tried to win was by tricking ben carson supporters into thinking their candidate had quit so they could stay home or the they still wanted to come out, they could flip to ted cruz instead. that was just brutal. they tried to down play it. it was a big time dirty trick. on friday before the south carolina primary, south carolina senator lindsey graham was campaigning with jeb bush. he was asked his opinion of ben carson. he said ben carson is the world s nicest man and if ted cruz made ben carson mad, you ought to think long and hard about ted cruz. that s the reputation he earned and he kept running the same way once he moved onto south carolina. very few things had fingerprints leading back to the ted cruz campaign but they pointed back to his direction. congressman trey gowdy endorsed marco rubio. a fake facebook page showed he switched his endorsement from marco rubio to ted cruz. that was fake but that s south carolina. there was this gem put together by the ted cruz campaign ahead of the south carolina primary. it proports to show the real marco rubio. it s fake marco rubio photo shopped making it look like he was grinning like a goon and shaking hands with president obama when he was not. after south carolina, there was this video. it was not created by the ted cruz campaign. it was created and up loaded by the student newspaper at the university of pennsylvania. the tape shows marco rubio having a chance encounter with ted cruz folks, including ted cruz dad. the paper indicated that when marco rubio saw this young man reading a bible, he pointed at the bible and said there are not many answers in it. now, that subtiting is not only weird but it was wrong. senator rubio said the opposite. apparently what he said is he complimented the young man on the fact he was reading the bible and told him that all the answers are there mining all the answers are in the bible or in the gospels. this weird, almost nonsensical, unprompted ridicule of the bible and one of the people who tweeted the leak was the ted cruz national spokesman, rick tyler. once it became clear that the subtitling was wrong and the whole implication of the video was misstated, cruz campaign spokesman deleted the tweet and apologized for tweeted it in a written statement on facebook. he went on the fox news channel to apologize for it again. then something cracked. by this afternoon, everybody had to wait a little while longer at the ymca while ted cruz made a big show out of firing rick tyler. yesterday a staffer from our campaign sent out a tweet that tweeted a news story that purported to indicate marco saying something negative about the bible. the report was false. the staffer deleted tweet and pulled it down. i spent this morning investigating what happened. this morning, i asked for rick tyler s resignation. presidential candidate ted cruz firing his national campaign spokesman today. it is substantively, a little strange. like when you understand the trajectory of the campaign, it s strange. this was not some nefarious lie about marco rubio and the bible that the cruz campaign created out of thin air like, for example, the marco rubio photoshop of him shaking hands. they didn t make this video. they didn t invent the fake subtitling for it. somebody else did that. the cruz spokesman did tweet a link. he deleted it and apologized in writing and this person and he still had to be fired? nobody got fired for what happened in iowa. in iowa the whole cruz campaign was organized to trick carson supporters to thinking he was no longer in the race. nobody got fired for that. nobody got fired for the fake photo shop thing and nobody got fired for the trey gowdy facebook thing. what s happening here is not that somebody in the ted cruz campaign finally did something so low down dirty dog that the campaign could no longer live with it. they couldn t defend their terrible dirty tricks any longer. something had to break. that s not what happened here. what appears to have happened is it was time for shake up at the ted cruz campaign. so, the national spokesman is out for something that seems a lot smaller than other things that have happened. honestly, the ted cruz campaign is do for a shake up. they were expected to come in second in south carolina or even win. in the end they came in third in south carolina. amaingly ted cruz did not win the evangelical vote in south carolina. donald trump beat ted cruz with evangelical voters in south carolina. that s ted cruz theory of the race for how he can compete and win this the republican primary. the ted cruz theory is he can lock up the evangelical vote and the other candidates can split the rest of the electorate. he can win certainly every southern remare and a lot of premares outside as well. turns out ted cruz is right. his theory of the case is right. he has no appeal other than to evangelical voters. the problem is that among evangelical voters, he can t lock them up. donald trump got more evangelical voters. it s one thing to lose to somebody like ben carson. it s another thing to lose them to donald trump. for ted cruz the basic theory of the case is lost and is losing. if he couldn t pull off a win and couldn t pull off a second place finish in south carolina, where three quarters of the people who turned out to vote were evangelical voters, it s likely to see any other place where he s likely to win. maybe he will pull off a miracle here. if you can t count on something like that, the next best thing is to fire your spokesman. fire somebody on your campaign who they might have heard of and might recognize from tv. we ll see what happens. i don t think anybody is expecting a change this tone or tactics. i don t think if you wanted a clean break the guy you fire would be a rick tyler. it s yet to be seen whether the campaign shake up and the high profile firing makes people give the cruz campaign a second look. the other thing that remains to be seen is whether or not ted cruz has a bad enough reputation that it might start bothering voters as much as it bothers his fellow candidates. here in nevada today at a marco rubio rally, gabe found a few rubio curious republicans. they said yes, the character starting to bug them. why not ted cruz? i don t like dirty politics. the low blows. it s not okay, in my opinion. if you re going to fight, then fight fair. you win, lose or draw. you come away a better person out of it. the rubio campaign is trying really hard to paint ted cruz as something that s dis honest. do you think that s working? it feels that way. it works for me. who are you supporting? i was supporting ted cruz since the very beginning. yesterday, really changed my mind totally competely when he attacked the bible incident. she told me earlier last week she was for rubio. i started looking at rubio more. she invited me to this rally today. here we are. ted cruz, his campaign, he s too dirty. it totally turned me off yesterday. i heard other things and wasn t belieing it. you put a lie out there and let it sit out there. it doesn t float with me. that was from a marco rubio rally today in reno, nevada. we re in las vegas tonight. we re here in advance of tomorrow night s caucuses. the latest poll shows that donald trump is due to win by anywhere of 16 to 26 points. that said, that means nothing. nobody believes the polls for the nevada caucuses on either side. grain of salt on that. watch out for imploding campaigns. this is the time when things start to get messy. joining us now is haley jackson. it s great to see you. thank you. what happened with this rick tyler thing? couple of things. i think ted cruz wanted to do the right thing. he talked about wanting to run campaign with integrity. this has been weeks that he s been attacked for dirty tricks and having a campaign of dishonesty. it s not the one incident, it s not the second incident. it s all of these things. making rick tyler the sacarificial lamb, they can move on. ted cruz walks into the bar and they stiffen up and look down at their drinks. they don t seem the like him. look at the response from rubio s campaign to the news tyler was dismissed. it was harsh. what did they say? it was harsh. this shows lies from top to bottom within the campaign. it was taking the knife. is that personal antipathy or is the ted cruz campaign different than the other campaigns? it s politics. i think ted cruz has gotten more coverage but to play devil s advocate, this isn t all coing from the cruz campaigns. it s super pacs. it s something they can t necessarily control. they are making the argument that some of the stuff is coming from other campaigns. trying to make cruz look bad. trying to make it look like issues from the cruz campaign. reverse psychology. the idea you would put out a hit on yourself. that would make ted cruz look worse than you. i realize we re playing chess and they are playing checkers. you got to wonder what s it going to do with voters. you look at his favorability rating, they were sinking before this stuff started happening. you have to wonder when ted cruz has the perception he s unlikable when you have this line of attack that is how he s going after cruz. before he saw different things. with bush it was low energy. with ted cruz he s a liar and he s using that word repeatedly. in terms of the theory of the case with ted cruz, when i looked at the exit poll numbers, i thought this was a big problem. this isn t just coming in a close third. this is place where he should have done. this is like a test case built for him. did they underperform in terms of their overall strategy? i think it was disappointing that it was a third place finish. i would point out a couple of things. as the top strategist sent out a memo, they did perform well with the conservative block. they only won by six points. exactly. it s not like it was a blow out. they would argue they are trying to bring together the tea partiers. a lot of question marks not for tomorrow night here in nevada at the caucuses but tuesday, march 1st. it s hard to overstate how crucial those will be for ted cruz campaign. he s really got to win texas at this point. if donald trump beats him, rick tyler has talked about the 27,000 volunteers they have in it can, it s going to be a tough day. it s hard to see him surviving losing in place like alabama. we ll see. well done. thank you. we have more ahead from las vegas, nevada, including a key look at a state that could determine the winner of the state tomorrow night. they re going to be a huge reason whoever wins tomorrow night actually wins. much more to come. stay with us. when you ve got a house full of guests on the way and a cold with 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[doorbell] woman: coming! alka-seltzer plus sinus. i can get over 60 sheets mercedes-benz metris. to get 60 sheets of drywall into my van, i invented the fold-o-matic 5000. my metris also holds over 2,500 pounds of payload. hauling 2,500 pounds in my small van is no problem. i just divide and conquer. hauls more, stows more, tows more and fits in your garage. the mid-size metris from mercedes-benz. vans. born to run. then your eyes may see it, differently.ave allergies. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything. i hope you fill in your calendar this time of year in pencil and not in pen. otherwise, things can be a little bit hurly burly in terms of trying to figure out what s going on in politics. we have south carolina voting. we have nevada voting, democrats and republicans three days apart. it s confusing and once you figure it out, it s not even interesting enough to explain. what it boils down to tomorrow night is the republicans will have their caucus. tomorrow night at my regular time, there s going to be a regular rachel maddow show and our coverage of the republican caucuses in nevada will start after my show at 10:00 p.m. tomorrow, we roll out brian williams and the team coverage for nevada s republican caucuses. we ll be right back. he s young. he s 44. he s two years older than kennedy was when he was elected. three years younger than obama when obama was elected. i think he would bring he wants to grow the party as opposed to cruz, i don t know what he wants to grow. cruz, i don t know what he wants to grow. i don t even know what that means but it sounds so dirty when bob doyle puts it that way. senator bob doyle was the republican party s nominee in 1996 against bill clinton. he had previously supported je c he had previously supported jeb bush for president this time around, but now that jeb bush has quit the race, more on that later, he s throwing his lot in with senator marco rubio. one former republican nominee who has not endorsed yet, who hasn t endorsed anyone this year is mitt romney. there was some reporting he was able to endorse senator rubio as well, but it didn t happen. we don t know who mitt romney is going to endorse or when he s going to make the endorsement or how he s making his decision. if he does like marco rubio and if he wants marco to have chance at winning the nomination, this might be an auspicious time to get off the pot. the first reason is he hasn t won anything yet. he hasn t come within ten points of winning anything. if he is going to start looking like a potential nominee, he s going to have to win somewhere. the rubio campaign is the biggest republican campaign on the ground in nevada. they are running harder than any of the other republican candidates including tons of money spent on tv ad time. if marco rubio can t win here, it s hard the see he could win anywhere. nevada is starting to look really important for mr. rubio s chances. that s one reason mr. romney might want to think about that endorsement coming now, if it s going to come. the other reason it would make a lot of sense for the romney endorsement to come now, no matter who he will endorse is because of the factor of religion. he s the first mormon nominated by any party as a candidate. democrats were the first to put a catholic on the ticket and the first woman. the republicans were the first to choose a mormon, which is a big deal and it s a big deal in this state. specifically in this republican caucus tomorrow night because nevada had fairly large mormon population. roughly 4 or 5% of the state s population is mormon. the turn out for the caucus was 25% mormon. one in four caucus goers. the whole state is only 4 or 5% mormon. maybe the huge mormon turn out numbers is because mitt romney was on the ballot in 2008 and 2012. he ran for president both of those years. he won the caucus both of those years. he won t be on the ballot this time around. his endorsement could be huge here. could be a game changer for one lucky republican candidate. if mr. romney wanted to do that, he has the power to shift the result in nevada tomorrow and to shift the whole republican contest. he could do it if he wants to or maybe he wants mr. trump to take it all the way to the convention so when the republican freak out truly starts about donald trump being the nominee, they panic and ask mitt romney to swoop in and save the day. maybe rescue fantasy. maybe that s why he s staying out of it? i don t know. this is the exact time, like literally, tonight, here. this is the time and place for mitt romney to exert maximum influence on who the republican party picks as its next republican nominee. for some reason he s choosing not to do it. watch this space. incredible bladder protection from always discreet that lets you move like you mean it now comes with an incredible promise. the always discreet double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it s drier than poise. try it. we re so confident you ll love it, we ll give you double your money back if you don t. incredible bladder protection. double your money back guarantee. that s always discreet. it takes a lot of work. but i really love it.s. i m on the move all day long. and sometimes, i just don t eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i m missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don t plan on slowing down any time soon. look for savings on boost® in your sunday paper. full of guests on the waye and a cold with sinus pressure, you need fast relief. alka-seltzer plus severe sinus congestion and cough liquid gels rush relief to your tough symptoms. to put you back in control. [doorbell] woman: coming! alka-seltzer plus sinus. i m very proud and grateful to have the support of so many elected vermonters and former officials. two former governors, current governor, the current other senator. i really appreciate that. secretary clinton is raising the issue of endorsements by your home state democrats. she s implying that says something about the people who know you best. i don t see it quite like that. hillary clinton earlier this month at the democratic debate before the new hampshire primary reminding everyone that she and not bernie sanders got the endorsements of his colleagues from his own home state, but wait. with vermont s primary just eight days away, senator bernie sanders has his first endorsement from statewide elected official in his home state. peter welch has come out in support of senator sanders. for context, senator sanders has a huge lead in his home state. he has a 76-point lead in vermont. he s leading by 76 points. he s at 86 points. hillary clinton is at ten. that s nuts. that s not happened in nature. peter welch is the only congressman in the state of vermont. if you re going to get on board the bernie train, a 76-point lead for him among your own constituents might be a good reason to get on board. this election year is now officially so weird that historically speaking, the least weird thing that could happen from here on out, would be for donald trump to win the republican presidential nomination. it would be bizarre if it didn t happen now. no candidate has won new hampshire and south carolina and not gone onto win the nomination. he s won both new hampshire and south carolina. he won them both by a lot. it would be weird, it would be unprecedented if he didn t go onto win the overall primary. conversely, the political press has decided that marco rubio is a sure bet at this point. the endorsements for senator rubio is flooding in. he s been all but coronated by the beltway press. he came in fifth in new hampshire. he came in third in iowa. historically speaking, nobody has won the republican nomination without winning one of the first three states. marco rubio not only didn t win one of the first three, he didn t come close to winning in any of the first three states. if he s going to get the republican nomination, he s going to be a historical anomaly so glaring, you ll see the glow from space. this is the real doozy. this is 1928. in 1928, herbert hoover was the candidate. he beat al smith. that s the last time the republican party won a presidential election without either richard nixon or a member of the bush family on the ticket. 1928. these are all the presidential elections the republican party has won since 1928. every single one of them has had richard nixon or a member of the bush family as president or vice presidential candidate. this time around nobody without nixon would come back but there was supposed to be another bush. jeb was supposed to be the shoo in. i looked at from the time governor bush got into the race, not only did jeb bush win in that poll, he had more support nationwide than any other republican candidate. look, even people who weren t supporting him then thought they could end up supporting him. 75% of republicans said at the time he got in the race that they could imagine themselves supporting jeb bush. 75%. then he started running and it all went to h-e-double hockey sticks in hand basket. they describe the 100 million or so dollars he blew as one of the least successful campaign spending binges in history. and, so, remarkably, in the state where his dad and his brother both won republican primaries twice, jeb bush placed fourth and in single digits in south carolina. he got up before a tearful room and gave a classy, dignified quitting speech. now we must poof him. we started off this year with 22 possible republican presidential candidates. pretty quickly, five of those 22 took themselves out of contention. at the official starting line it was 17 candidates. 17 people actually running and from the initial 17, we first lost, rick perry, 100 days after he jumped in, he jumped out. ten days after that we lost scott walker. poof. then it was almost two months before we got to poof anybody else. the next one we got to poof was bobby jindal in november. in december we poofed lindsey graham and at christmastime we got to poof george pitaki. everybody stuck it out until iowa. then new hampshire came along on february 10th and new hampshire poofed chris christie and carly fiorina and jim gilmore. now, i can t believe it s time to do this. i can t believe the republican will try to win a race without the benefit of richard nixon or a member of the bush family on the ticket. hasn t worked since 1928, you guys. they are doing it. here it comes. say it with me now. three, two, one, poof. poof, jeb bush. best of luck to you sir. it was a terrible campaign for jeb bush. now it s over. now who s going to make all the funny noises on the campaign trail? err. blah, blah. [ dog barking sound ] please clap. i think the lawyers have to determine it was a retweet. not so much with marco. i m not that familiar with marco s circumstances. why retweet it? because i m not sure. let me make their own determination. you re really not sure that marco rubio is eligible to run. i don t know. i ve never looked at it. somebody said he s not and i retweeted it. donald trump telling abc that now he s not so sure about marco rubio s citizenship. first barack obama, then ted cruz and now marco rubio. what do these kids have this common? he said he s never looked at it. no republican candidate in history has ever won the new hampshire primary and the south carolina primary and then not gone onto win the republican presidential nomination. donald trump just won both south carolina and new hampshire. he won it by being like that. does that mean that history doesn t apply here? joining us now is nbc news correspondent. thanks for being here. thanks. why open up the marco rubio isn t eligible line of attack? because he s up next. some of the people in his campaign says he will test a line and go on facebook and see how it plays in the commons. if it plays well then he will continue on. they don t have this internal polling that a lot of other candidates have. they re not putting out questions and finding out how the person is reading with a certain portion. he just looks at his twitter replies and facebook comments. he looks at social media. is there any indication that he believes that marco rubio is not eligible to run for president? i think there was an interview where he said he had no question about whether or not he was eligible. if he isn t eligible then it brings donald trump into the range because his mother was born in scotland. i don t think it s a line of attack he believes in wholeheartedly. i think you ll see him hitting it harder. he s ignored marco entirely. we have heard him talk about how sweaty he is and what a baby he is and he was not strong in immigration. he hasn t talked about him much lately. what the campaign is doing is letting marco rubio and ted cruz battle it out. right now they are fighting with each other. if he attacks marco that could help ted cruz. right now i think the rubio campaign is trying to lay low. the trump campaign is trying out what they might use against him by floating things in social media. marco rubio has not won a state yet. let me ask you about the way the race has changed as we have learned who can win and who can t. having rounded south carolina now it really, if you look at it historically is almost a certainty that mr. trump will win the nomination. have they absorbed any of that? have they started to think about themselves as the nominees? they might be acting like they are but donald trump said yesterday it s not a shoo in yet. i think they learned their lesson in iowa after talking about how he would win by great numbers when they didn t win. they realized they opened themselves up to the attack line he s a loser. i said what do you think your chances of winning. they told me not that great at the time. i don t think they even thought they had much of chance. in a candid moment. in candid moment. exactly. this was way early on. this was in july. a conversation i had in july. the numbers were low. to see the campaign now with the likely it s likely they will win the nomination, they are feeling good. they are feeling like their candidate is a strong candidate. he s proven himself to be a strong candidate. he s been that way by defying all the rules and by being himself in way no other candidate has been in the history of american politics. it will be interesting to see if he becomes the defacto nominee. if the rest try to glom themselves onto that campaign to make him seem traditional. how the rnc will deal with limb and what they will try. who his v.p. nomination or pick will be is interesting. i think there s a lot of really but we ll see. how do you stop him who it s going to be? katie tur following the trump campaign. you have a fun job right now, i m invees you of you today. it s interesting. much more to come. a lot of people are hoping the caucuses work better this time than they did last time or the time before which was such a disaster. it was actually laugh out loud funny. and than story is ahead, stay with us. (vo) making the most out of every mile. that s why i got a subaru impreza. love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. two things that are potentially going to be really big deals are about to happen in the news. the first is on the issue of flint. michigan governor rick snyder said after months of pressure, he s going to release thousands of pages of e-mails showing the involvement of his administration in the lead poisoning of the city of flint. he s been resisting calls to release the e-mails now for months. says he s now having state lawyers go through them to see if anything should be held back. the rest will be released, quote, relatively soon. so watch for that relatively soon. that s one. the other thing to watch for should be coming very, very soon. and that is the plan to close guantanamo. the pentagon s deadline for submitting its how to close guantanamo plan is tomorrow. i kind of assumed they were going to blow through that deadline since we haven t heard anything on the issue for a long time. the spokesman said today that the pentagon will meet that deadline, which means tomorrow, there will be on the table a detailed, pentagon-approved, step by step road map for how to close guantanamo. and ones that plan is submitted, i m sure it ll be received soberly and with all the reserve and seriousness to a important national security matter and for sure, everybody will read the plan and make sure they understand it before they pass judgment on it. definitely. and then we ll all wake up with a new face tattoo we don t remember getting and chicken, tiger, baby in a hotel room and nobody will know how they got there either. closing guantanamo plan is due in a few hours. stay tuned. .and i am still claritin clear. because when i got itchy watery eyes. .i started taking claritin every day. when your allergy symptoms start, doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. 23 days relief from sneezing. .and runny nose. claritin is powerful, lasts 24 hours. .and it s non-drowsy. get the number one doctor recommended. .non-drowsy allergy brand. live claritin clear. every day. you re an at&t small business expert? sure am. my staff could use your help staying in touch with customers. at&t can help you stay connected. am i seeing double? no ma am. our at&t buy one get one free makes it easier for your staff to send appointment reminders to your customers. .and share promotions on social media? you know it! now i m seeing dollar signs. you should probably get your eyes checked. good one babe. optometry humor. right now get up to $650 in credits to help you switch to at&t. beth, i hear you calling. .s but i can t come home right now. me and the boys are playing. . . all nig t text beth, what can i do. 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[ beeping, whirring ] great caesar salad! and now the name your price tool shows people policy options to help fit their budget. is that a true story? yeah! people really do save an average of over $500 when they switch. i mean about you inventing it. i invented the story, and isn t that what really matters? so. what else about me? in 2008, in the very first nevada republican cause kas, john mccain, he didn t win nevada. it was no real surprise. everybody expected that mitt romney was going to win nevada. he lived stoims in utah which is basically next door. presumably had a lock on the mormon vote. and so yeah, everybody knew mitt romney would beat john mccain in nevada. john mccain didn t even come in second in nevada. he came in third behind both mitt romney and ron paul. ron paul pulled in 14% of the vote and came in second. you know, that should have been kind of the end of that story, the first caucus. interesting, romney, ron paul, and mccain. that was only the beginning. because when you vote in the nevada republican caucus, they elect delegates to the state convention and it elects delegates to send to the national convention to select a presidential nominee. oh, democracy. and in 2008, when ron paul did not win on caucus day, his supporters decided that nevertheless, they would still out box the other campaign. they would still get all of their delegates sent to the state convention. so it was nuts. a couple months after these caucuses, which technically mitt romney had won, when the noh republicans gathered at their state convention, the ron paul delegates mutiny basically they took over. it was complete chaos. and what they were threatening to do is send a slate of themselves as ron paul delegates to the national convention, even though mitt romney had caucuses. officials shut downtown whole convention. they held a private conference call later on that summer to pick their dell galts away from all the pesky ron paul people. eventually the national republican party decided the whole thing so was screwed up, they stepped in and appointed their own slate of nevada delegates for the national convention. ah, democracy. that was the first time the nevada republican party held a presidential nominating caucus. that s what happened. that was 2008. next anytime in 2012, it was worse. in 2012, some total registered republican voters who turned out was roughly, 8%. not a big turnout. even with so few votes to count, it then took the nevada republican party two days to determine a winner, and then, and then, even then, ron paul supporters took over the state convention again. now, the state party has sort of learned from the disaster in 2008. they had a new rule in place that would require delegates to the national convention to vote for whoever had won on caucus day in 2012, that was mitt romney again, he won the caucus on caucus day. then at the national convention, forget that, the road nevada delegates went ahead and voted for ron paul anyway. screw your rule. oh, and in the meantime, ron paul supporters took over the republican party in clark county which is home to three quarters of nevada s population. they put up a billboard at one point praising ron paul, and dissing the republican party s presidential standard bearer, mitt romney. nevada is nuts. nevada is nuts. and, nevada goes next. how are things go to go tomorrow? nobody has any idea. it s only the third time they ve ever ian tried it and the first two times, disastrous. here s what we do know though. if nevada makes a hash of this thing again tomorrow, this may be the last time the state gets to hold an early caucus. the national review calls it a fore gone conclusion that national republicans will relieve nevada of its place as the fourth state on their calendar if there s not a miraculous turnout tomorrow and a really smooth vote. it s make or break time for nebraska. make or break. no pressure. you handle the pressure well. that does it for us tonight. we ll see you again tomorrow. now it s time for the last word with lawrence o donnell. hey rachel, it s 7:00 p.m. in vegas, and you have now just finished work. so you have a whole vegas night ahead of you. to go out thereto cha-ching. and you look like you re having too much fun. i m coming out to vegas tomorrow and the first thing i m going to

New-york , United-states , Alabama , Nevada , New-hampshire , Texas , Vermont , Manhattan , Reno , Michigan , United-kingdom , South-carolina

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20160204

progressive. well, today secretary clinton took exception. so i was a little disappointed to be honest, yesterday. it was kind of a low blow. well, that was followed quickly by this from senator sanders, talking with cnn s wolf blitzer. what i said is simply repeating what she said. i believe, if i m not mistaken, she was in the midwest, and what she said, i m a moderate, i m not that s what she said. some days she says she s a progressive. on that particular day, she said she s a moderate. you can be a moderate, that s fine. you can be a progressive, but you can t be a moderate and a progressive. second point, wolf, most progressives that i know really do not raise millions of dollars from wall street. well bernie sanders drawing a contrast, obviously, between himself and secretary clinton, and maybe throwing a little shade as well. joining us now with more on how the rivalry is playing out and what each hopes to achieve tonight is cnn s jeff zeleny. jeff? reporter: hey, anderson, i can tell you, it was a chaotic and intense day on the democratic side of this race. i ve never seen it so escalating, these tensions between the two have gotten so heated. but i am told that secretary clinton, once she heard bernie sanders say that, she was, indeed, furious. and we heard one of her allies just a few minutes ago, senator barbara boxer of california, she said, bernie sanders is a democrat, some days. so this is where this race is heading. here tonight at the town hall. she is going to point out that, in fact, has been a democratic socialist. and bernie sanders, of course, is raising the stakes, saying he s been a progressive all of his life. he s going through all the issues from the iraq war to taking money from wall street, even gay marriage. so he says he s been a progressive so much longer. so this is where this fight is heading between the two of them, anderson. and the town hall here in new hampshire, just under an hour away, what have these two candidates been doing to gear up for this all throughout the day? reporter: anderson, one thing they ve been doing is taking questions from new hampshire voters. at least hillary clinton has. she s had four campaign events today. i was out there with her today, and she was taking tough questions from voters. and that is the interesting thing about this new hampshire primary. more than most states in the country, the questions from voters can be the most revealing of all. she was out there doing some batting practice, if you will, today, and bernie sanders was out there hitting back. he had a preference just a couple of hours ago. he was saying, you know, pointing out some of these issues that she is not as progressive on. but both sides, both campaigns, you know, were preparing for this moment. only six days away from the text contest here. so not much time here in new hampshire for either side, anderson. all right. jeff also, the primary here just under a week away. the two candidates, jeff, they re not only focusing, obviously, on new hampshire, they ve also got to be looking ahead. reporter: absolutely. that s one reason bill clinton is in south carolina tonight, holding a rally just a few minutes ago, as well. aft after new hampshire, this race is going to heat up very quickly. on to nevada and south carolina. the month of march is critical. a lot of liberal states where that progressive message is important are going to come out. bernie sanders very strong there. but hillary clinton is very strong in the south. this race is going to go on for a long time. it s going to be a delegate fight, likely reminiscent of that 2008 contest between hillary clinton and barack obama. anderson? yeah, it s been a fascinating day for democrats out on the campaign trail, it promises to be here in this opera house in about an hour, as well. joining us now, someone who knows what it s like to jostle with hillary clinton on the campaign trail, also work with her in the white house, david axelrod. also joining us, cnn senior political reporter, nia-malika henderson. and with my hair, you think i would be a senior something as well, but no such luck. what do you make of this jostling over progressive issue? it s definitely heating up today. and i don t think it s just about the progressive issue, because really what bernie sanders is doing is questioning her reliability, her trustworthiness. remember, in the iowa caucuses, he won huge with people who had doubts about trustworthiness in the iowa caucuses, among democrats, who said trust being trustworthy was the number one quality, 80%. and this is the fight. he thinks she s not pure, he thinks she s not consistent. she argues that he s a gat fly, not a pragmatist that doesn t get anything done. i think you ll hear more of that tonight. thrnia? i think that s right. i don t think voters necessarily care about these labels, who s moderate, who s progressive, who s centrist. in bernie sanders mind, barack obama is probably more of a centrist and moderate as well. but i think david axelrod is well. it s about, who is hillary clinton? has she been in this fight as long as bernie sanders has been in this fight? and i think technically, one of the things you see hillary clinton doing is trying to make it seem like bernie sanders is going negative on her. so she says, oh, this is disappointing, to be hearing this from bernie sanders, who s been arguing all along that he s not going to want a negative campaign. i think she s trying to turn it into that. because she looks better when she s sort of on the defensive and not going on the attack. one of the other things they ve kind of been tussling about is who has a better advantage here in new hampshire? hillary clinton s campaign have been trying to, essentially say, look, bernie sanders is from a neighboring state. they re not the underdogs, we re the underdogs. basically keeping expectations as low as possible. raising them as much as possible for bernie sanders. i think this is a problem for senator sanders. the polls and we ve already seen that the polls can be wildly wrong but the polls have him with a huge lead in this state. and so, if she walks out of here and can cut that lead under 10%, everybody will say she had a good night. and i think this is a this is what she s aiming for and this is what he has to be concerned about. and sanders is calling her out on that, saying, this is ridiculous, they re trying to unreasonably raise these expectations. it s true, and he sounds more like a political strategist in some ways, when he says that. and that s not really his brand. people kind of like that he s above the fray and doesn t get in the weeds in terms of his political strategy. so when he says that, i don t think it s a good look for him. but it is true that she won this state in 2008. i still have her footprint on my back, so i remember it very well. we came in here with a big lead when i was working for senator obama. 11 points up five days out. and she ended up winning by two points. the other thing barbara boxer, a supporter of clinton was saying today, well, bernie sanders is a democrat on some days. that s a little bit unfair. because he you know, the fact is, yes, he s an independent, but he does organize with the democrats and, you know, i m sure he s supported barbara boxer on many, many things. it is true, though, he is now, there s one issue on which that hasn t been true, and i m sure you re going to hear about it again tonight. and that s guns. that s right. where he has voted has stayed and not his progressive principles. she has the right to ask him, does that make you an insincere progressive? and you know, so he may get a little return fire, as it were. what do you expect to see here tonight on this stage? do you expect this kind of sniping to continue? i think so. i think in the last town hall we had, bernie sanders very much taking to hillary clinton. it seems like hillary clinton is a little bit more weary of being seen on the attack. but this is, i think, a fantastic environment for them to connect with real people. we re going to have real people in the audience, asking them questions. and so i think sometimes sanders struggles with kind of turning his big theory ideas into a human connection. i think he ll try to do that. show more of his personality, too, and humor and charm. is there a danger in hillary clinton seen as going after bernie sanders, turning off some of his loyal followers? he s very popular here. and i think she has to be careful about the smart thing for her to do would be to honor his principles and sort of paint him as an ineffectual gadfly. and say, i m the one who knows how to get these things done. the wrong thing to do would be going at him so sharply that she looks like a politician, just trying to cut another guy off at his knees. what s the bigger deal at this point? the setback of a loss in new hampshire for hillary clinton, or something else? you know, i think she s probably going to lose this. she s been behind 20 points, they re kind of setting up that expectation that she s going to lose anyway. i think they re looking past new hampshire. looking at south carolina. even when they bring up the socialist tag, that plays in south carolina. i think it s a disadvantage, in a state like south carolina, to be a socialist, because they re much more moderate, and much more conservative. socialism is kind of a dirty word in some ways there. so i think they re looking at the long game. and in some ways, setting the expectations that they ll lose here. all right. she talked yesterday for the first time about the great center, you have to return to the great center of politics. i assume painting him. to me, that was something that sounded more like it was aimed at south carolina than it was aimed at new hampshire. david axelrod and nia-malika henderson, thanks very much. a lot ahead. we ve got a lot more from everybody, later on. we re less than an hour away from tonight s cnn s democratic town hall. and next, if there s sparring on the dplik side, it s nearly defcon one between donald trump and ted cruz. a look at their war of words and tweets that erupted today over the outcome in iowa. was engineered. .to help sense danger before you do. because when you live to innovate, you innovate to live. the all-new audi q7. a higher form of intelligence has arrived. all across the state the economy is growing,arts today. with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in the hudson valley, with world class biotech. and on long island, where great universities are creating next generation technologies. let us help grow your company s tomorrow, today at my man, lemme guess who you re wearing. everyone s lookin red carpet ready. toenail fungus!? 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(mandarin) cut it out. see you tomorrow. well, donald trump says ted cruz stole the iowa caucuses. ted cruz says trump is throwing a tantrum, today after about 24 hours of seeming befuddled at his second-place iowa finish, trump came out tweeting. ted cruz didn t win iowa. he stole it, when his first shot. that is why all the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. then this, quote, based on the fraud committed by senator ted cruz during the iowa caucus, either a new election should take place or cruz results nullified. the iowa winner replied with these two tweets. first this, bernie is contesting ia results, maybe donald should go back to iowa and join the ds. bet they d love trumpcare. and followed that with this. yet another trumper tantrum. real donald trump very angry with the people of iowa. they actually looked at his record. somewhere twitter executives are no doubt smiling. trump s fraud accusations are largely based on two items. that official-looking letter that cruz campaign sent to iowans, suggesting they could clear up their voter violation, whatever that means, by caucusing. he s also objecting to cruz s precinct captain, suggesting on precinct night that ben carson was quitting the race. now trump says, and i m quoting, many people voted for cruz over carson because of this cruz fraud. monday night, cnn reported that carson would go to florida after the caucuses and not new hampshire or south carolina directly, but cnn did not i repeat, did not report that he was ending his campaign we reported that carson would continue campaigning after taking a break at home. this afternoon, the carson campaign sent out a fund-raising e-mail, inaccurately accusing cnn of spreading false or misleading information. the cruz campaign also weighed in, inaccurately blaming cnn. and again, this network did not report that carson was dropping out, only that he was going home. and the cruz campaign has apologized to the carson campaign. no apologies, though, in either direction between trump and cruz. joining us now is cruz communications director, rick tyler. rick, so, how do you respond to this? because senator cruz keeps saying that it all stemmed from a cnn report, which is just not factually correct. well, no, anderson, that s not right. cnn was factually correct, and we haven t disputed the cnn reporting, we have continued to back up and i ve defended cnn s reporting. what cnn s reporting is, if i may, is that chris moody reported that dr. carson was not going on to new hampshire or south carolina, that is a fact. he didn t do that. the reporting is accurate. he still hasn t been in new hampshire or south carolina. he went to florida. today he was in washington, d.c. and so that is a newsworthy story actually, i was on the air right, i was actually on the air, and what we reported is that he was going down to florida, and then actually, we followed up with a statement from his campaign saying he was going down to florida because he needed a change of clothes. that might sound ridiculous, but that s what we reported. yeah, okay, well, i don t a change of clothes, i don t well, chris moody had also said r&r, which i took to mean rest and relaxation. we never disputed the cnn reporting we also reported that he was going to speak at the national prayer breakfast. right, and we right. so he went to the national prayer breakfast. the whole point is, in the political world, this is playoffs. this is it. nothing else. skipping the playoffs and expecting to go to the super bowl is just it doesn t make sense. so that so dr. carson made a strategic decision that he wanted to go to florida instead of new hampshire. that tells the people of new hampshire that that sends a message. look, that s just not what you do. you come to new hampshire. that s why we re all here. that s why ted cruz is here. that s why the other candidates are here. but what you re quibbling with right. what you re quibbling with is dr. carson s strategy, which is obviously, something a lot of people would quibble with, but what your candidate is actually saying is misleading. he s saying that cnn reported that the campaign was being suspended, and that s not what was being reported. we never said the campaign was being suspended. there s no shred of evidence that it s being suspended. by the way, there s no shred of evidence that a single cruz caucus campaign stood up on a stage in front of caucusgoers and said any of this. and there s been no there s been no caucusgoer who said, gee, my vote was so persuaded by the testimony of a cruz surrogate that i changed my vote. because more than likely, it didn t happen, anderson, because you know, chris moody reported it out at 6:43, which was 15 minutes before the caucuses, and i learned of it while i was watching results. and then the e-mail went out to our campaign, telling people about dr. carson not going to new hampshire and florida, during the caucuses. so, it had little it had no impact on the campaign. and by the way, we report things that in the campaign about candidates all the time. when senator rubio said that he would allow illegal aliens to stay in the united states, even though they were criminal illegal aliens, we shared that with the campaign. now, are we not supposed to report this cnn to rural route but you did send an you did send out an e-mail to precinct captains, not only saying that he was taking a break, but also that he would making, quote, a big announcement next week. doesn t that sound like and the big announcement doesn t that sound kind of misleading? the big announcement was that he was speaking at the national prayer breakfast. now, look, again, no caucusgoer has said they were influenced by anything any missive that cruz sent. and i m unaware of any surrogate at any of the caucuses who even presented the argument. because if you look at the timing, it just didn t happen. so the idea that we re stealing the election look, donald trump is a sore loser. he can t stand to lose. and when something goes wrong, it s always somebody else s fault. everything he does. even, you know, 2 corinthians, that wasn t his fault, that had to be somebody else s fault. i lost the iowa caucuses, that couldn t have been my fault, it had to be somebody else s fault. it s just ridiculous. he s but look winning new hampshire. right. you send out an e-mail from your campaign to precinct captains saying that he s taking a break and he s going to make a quote/unquote big announcement. you could have said in the e-mail, he s speaking at the national prayer breakfast. saying he s going to make a big announcement does imply right after saying he s taking a break, you are sort of implying that he is dropping out, no? we never implied he was dropping out. he continue to we continued to report what cnn had reported. and the cnn report was accurate. he did not go to new hampshire. he went to florida. he did not go to south carolina, he went to washington, d.c., where he was today. and i hear he s going to be here tomorrow. but, you know, look, this is this has this actually has nothing to do with donald with ben carson. it has to do with donald trump losing. donald trump, you know, is starting a twitter war to get attention, because he can t stand it when he s not part of the conversation, which he hasn t been since he lost the iowa caucuses. so he s ginning this all up, to make something to do about nothing, and we re all covering something we all agree. the cnn reporting was accurate. i want to bring in conservative writer and rubio supporter, monique sharon, and trump supporter and cnn political commentator, jeffrey lord. is any of this going to get any traction, or have most people already moved on from iowa? these polls by trump to re-do the caucuses in iowa. well, i m sorry first, anderson, let me start with this. i was sitting right next to you on that set. cnn reported this story absolutely 100% accurately. you talked about it on-air. wolf was standing there. i heard jake tapper and dana bash talking about it. cnn was 100% correct. and to be portrayed as otherwise is just a bunch of bunk. now that i ve said that, i think iowa will that this whole issue i mean, dr. carson is specifically accusing senator cruz and i have to say, i m sorry to say this, because i like senator cruz, a lot. but dr. carson is accusing him of not having integrity, of being corrupt. and unfortunately, we ve got two incidents here. this one with cnn, with this whole cnn story, and the other story about the flyer or the mailer that was sent out. and i think that is going to be a bit of a story here, because it goes to the larger issue of, you know, trust. and let s remember, that the senator s sort of motto there is trust ted. and when you get two of these issues back to back, and it s not just donald trump, it is dr. carson. dr. carson is really pretty upset about this and i can t say as i blame him. actually, dr. carson sent out a letter, for raising money, but he blames cnn, not not he didn t blame cruz, he blamed cnn. he sent out a fund-raiser letter blaming cnn. he didn t mention ted cruz. he didn t mention ted cruz in the press conference until he was asked about it. well, cnn is not at fault. cnn is not at fault. and i see this narrative being pushed on fox network i agree with you. i agree with that. it is absolutely untrue and i was there. mona, what do you make of all of this? donald trump and ben carson both now going after ted cruz over his iowa tactics. do voters, do you think, care about this kind of thing? this is the year where everyone just said, we don t want political professionals, we ant outsiders. and what you saw this week were two outsiders making rookie mistakes. right? ben carson made an announcement that he wasn t going to new hampshire. kind of a big mistake to make in this environment. and it was seized upon by the cruz people, perhaps a little illegitimately. that s between dr. carson and mr. cruz. you could call it carson s wardrobe malfunction. but and then at the same time, you have mr. trump, who has never been in politics before, and who said that when he was asked about his loss and he was trying to make sense of his loss in iowa, he said that, yeah, he supposes now that he might have spent more money on a ground game. he said, i didn t know what that was, a ground game. so there you have it. he doesn t really know the game of politics. he made mistakes. he regrets it. but in classic trump style, he is able to do one thing super well. and that is seize press attention. and he has done that. he has gotten everybody talking about this business of the wardrobe malfunction. rick, i just want to give you one last shot on this thing. again, if your campaign sends out an e-mail to precinct captains saying, he s taking a carson s taking a break down in florida. oh, and he s going to make a big announcement. and not say it s for the prayer breakfast. if cnn if i had gone on the air and said, hey, brren carson taking a break and going to make a big announcement in a few days, i would be hammered for that. isn t it totally disingenuous if you say, the big announcement we re talking about is he s going to speak at the prayer breakfast. an e-mail is not twitter. you have more than 140 characters. you could have just said, carson s speaking at the prayer breakfast. instead you leave it this mysterious big announcement, which it sounds like he s dropping out, no? you know what i m amazed by, anderson? that brren carson, instead of going to new hampshire or south carolina went to florida and washington, d.c. and we talk about that. that would have been the story. and everybody would have pointed it out and it would have been the story. but somehow it s different, though but the story is also your candidate, who s an evangelical, who talks about the bible and his belief in christianity, perhaps lied and was completely disingenuous. that s also a story. and so that s why, you know, we re asking about it. that s what the accusation is. anderson, let s be clear. the point is, when you don t immediately leave iowa and go to new hampshire and south carolina, you know this, it means you re to the serious about winning the presidency, right? so if people only have if people of iowa need to know that if you don t have a plan to be the nominee, then why should i caucus for you? he didn t have a plan to be the nominee, because he decided he was going to go to florida and d.c., not new hampshire and south carolina. you know that. everybody in the business, every practitioner knows that. he s been on a book tour for weeks. we ve all talked about that. we ve got to leave it there, because we re so over time. rick tyler, always good to have you on. jeffrey lord, mona charon, as well. just ahead, marco rubio weighs in on the group that helped him win his senate seat. is he still a tea party guy? and why he doesn t like to be called an establishment candidate. [richard] a thousand people win one thousand dollars. every day at h&r block. you can still win. get in on this. it s refund season. and welcome back. we re live from derry, new hampshire, tonight. about 35 minutes from now, i ll be moderating a cnn democratic town hall at derry oprahhouse. hillary clinton and bernie sanders will be taking questions from the audience. with just six days to go until new hampshire s primary, the campaign trail, well, it looks like a freeway. here s what the day was like for marco rubio. four town halls, in four different cities. that s just one candidate. rick santorum had droppeded out of the race today, endorsed his former rival rubio. after his strong showing in iowa, senator rubio is facing sharper attacks from other rivals, who worry he may be widening his appeal even as he dodges the labels others may be trying to pin on him. gary tuchman reports. reporter: marco rubio entering an overheated jam-packed room to the sounds of ac/dc, not exactly establishment music. from a man who is increasingly being mentioned a as gop establishment candidate. if you vote for me and i am our nominee, i will unite the conservative movement and the republican party. reporter: many are mentioning him as establishment in part because they feel he s the most electable republican. but in this race for the white house, establishment has been a dirty word on the gop side. and many of of his supporters at this rally don t like that word applied to him. i don t use the word establishment, because nobody wants to be an establishment republican. jeb bush would be an establishment republican. reporter: over the decades, when you think of establishment candidates, names like john mccain, george h.w. bush, and bob dole immediately come to mind. marco rubio has only been on the national stage a short time. he s still in his first term in the u.s. senate. when barack obama entered the white house, marco rubio was still in the florida legislature. rubio doesn t seem to want to be called establishment either. so we ve always taken on the establishment, whether it was in my senate race in 2010 or in this race now. hi, thanks for having me. reporter: indeed, rubio owes a lot of thanks to the tea party for his win six years ago. he was part of the wave of political candidates the tea party enthusiastically reported. do you still consider yourself a tea party guy? yeah, i, by the way, never claimed to own the tea party. i m very glad of the fact they helped me in 2010 and the work we continue to do with the tea party around the country. reporter: cordial words, but he is clearly not relying on the tea party as he tries to get to the white house. i believe in the tea party. i think some of their ideas were very good, but that s not what attracts me to him. reporter: rubio is being careful to avoid being labeled, but whether voters are anti-establishment or establishment or none of the above, rubio would like the support of all of them. gary tuchman, cnn, laconia, new hampshire. a lot to discuss. joining me again, cnn senior political commentator and former obama senior adviser, david axelrod. also, cnn s senior political reporter, nia-malika henderson. it s interesting, you hear marco rubio saying, look, he s not an establishment candidate. no one wants that label this time around. yeah, well, it s a toxic label with the base of the republican party. the truth is, he was part of the political establishment in florida. in fact, jeb bush s establishment. but he more than any other candidate in this race has tried to appeal to all the factions of the republican party, to the social conservatives, to the tea party, and the establishment. and the big question has been, can he ride all those horses at once, or do you end up as everybody s second choice? and that s what we re going to find out. and we should just say, people are applauding, there s a couple of people on stage, talking about how this evening is going to unfold here at the democratic town hall. so that s what the occasional applause is happening. how many lanes are there outside of out of new hampshire for i mean, obviously, rubio, donald trump, marco rubio, and then but he s competing against an awful lot of establishment candidates who don t want to be called establishment. that s right. other than jeb bush who seems to embrace that label. at this point, i think i keep thinking about someone like ted cruz, who might benefit from all the jostling in that establishment lane. he might have a ticket out of there. marco rubio going into this race has essentially set himself up to say, if i come in second, that would be good enough. that s part of his three, two, one strategy. third in iowa, second in new hampshire, and first in south carolina. interestingly enough, in south carolina, they asked voters, republicans in december about this tea party label, whether or not they consider themselves a member of the tea party. only 11% said yes. so it isn t necessarily a label that people want to embrace, necessarily. but i do think, in some ways, marco rubio is grabbing the part of the tea party that is about the younger generation, this sort of new generation of republicans coming up. so in that way, i think he s playing into that kind of idea. another thing for marco rubio, obviously, he got a lot of credit for coming in third in iowa. the downside is, there are now a lot of guns pointed at him from bush, from kasich absolutely. because chris christie, john kasich, jeb bush. they have to finish ahead of the others to be the establishment candidate, to be the center-right candidate. marco rubio gets out of the coral, they re gone. this is the end for them. a lot of folks dropping out. david axelrod and nia-malika henderson, just ahead, more on the night ahead. more on the back and forth that has happened between bernie sanders and hillary clinton today, even before they take the stage in tonight s town hall. s or across the globe in under an hour. whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. in less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. and if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. this just got interesting. why pause to take a pill? 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how come she s taking $675,000 for three speeches from goldman sachs? is that a progressive? that s what sanders is saying. what progressive means is what you do when it combs to either legislation or issues you re going to push. none of that money has kept her from being one of the toughest critics of wall street and from focusing on legislation that actually cracks down on wall street and from many economists and other columnists have said, she has the toughest program that would crack down on wall street, even tougher than bernie sanders. so that s where the rubber meets the road, anderson. bill, do you believe hillary clinton is a progressive? because, barbara boxer is firing back at bernie sanders saying, well, on some days bernie sanders is a democrat. well, first of all, let me just say to barbara boxer, who s a friend of mine, that was a cheap shot at bernie sanders. democrats got a lot done in the house. democrats got a lot done in the senate, because bernie sanders voted with the democrats when he was a congressman in the house, and he has voted with the democratic caucus in the senate. barbara boxer has worked with bernie sanders on legislation. i thought that was a low blow, to use hillary s term. but let me tell you, anderson. first of all, as a liberal, proud to be a liberal, i love this debate, now the two democrats debating over who is the more progressive, right? frankly, i find that very comforting. but, to maria s point, look, hillary, i think has been a good she s a good person. she s got a great record. but if she s going to question bernie s record, look at her record. a progressive would not have voted for the war in iraq. a progressive would not have supported the trans-pacific partnership. a progressive would not have supported keystone pipeline. a progressive is for single-payer legislation. so this is fair. this is fair. everything is fair. i think from clinton to be whining about this, i mean, come on, it s fair for her to say that bernie voted against the brady bill. it s fair for him to say that she has not always taken a progressive stand on very important issues. let the voters decide. but stop whining about it. oh, i don t think she s whining. i think you are! if anybody if anybody, hillary clinton knows how to take incoming better than anybody else. i think what she ll do tonight, though is focus on those progressive values, but also on making sure that you actually have to get things done for the voters, which is something that sanders has the to explain on how he plans on we shall see. she should also stop bragging about being moderate and a centrist. let s leave it there. we ll see how they handle this tonight. just ahead, our cnn democratic town hall less than 20 minutes away. what do new hampshire voters want to hear from hillary clinton and bernie sanders tonight? 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(vo) there s a tempur-pedic for everyone. find the feel that s right for you. and now through february 28th, save up to $300 on one of our most popular tempur-breeze mattress sets. and we re just 12 minutes away from our cnn democratic town hall here in derry, new hampshire. it s now a two-candidate race. i ll be moderating, hillary clinton and bernie sanders will also be taking questions from the audience. erin burnett joins me now. in a couple of minutes, she ll take the reins as i make my way down to the town hall. the place is already packed. there s a lot of excitement here. i was just talking to the man who manages this oprahhouse. it s a treasure to them. it s a small, very new england quintessential building. it s incredibly intimate. which will be wonderful for you, because you ll really get a chance to interact with the people you re talking about. only about 200 or so. and what we have here o are, we have democrats, obviously, registered democrats, also registered independents, all of whom who have indicated to us they are going to be registering in next week s primary. this is really an opportunity for them to directly ask some of these candidates and for everybody around the country and frankly around the world who will be watching to see a much more kind of intimate side of both of these candidates. it is incredible. and even getting ready behind stage, there s a little room for hillary clinton, a little room for bernie sanders, and they are small. it s intimate. it s right where our production crew is. and we ve seen sniping on the campaign trail between these two campaigns. interesting to see if we hear that tonight. before i head downstairs, i want to look at a report that randi kaye did. she talked to some voters about what they would like to hear from both candidates tonight. here s what they told us reporter: breakfast time at the red arrow diner in manchester, new hampshire. and again, the conversation turns to politics. after all, we re just days away from the new hampshire primary. okay, honey. fries, hash browns. reporter: we found voters hungry to talk politics. how do you get any consensus and full of questions they would like to ask bernie sanders and hillary clinton. the question i would ask her is, is, is what she s promising on the campaign trail in iowa and new hampshire something that she really is that we re going to see on her presidential agenda? in other words, can we trust your ideas and your promises? that s right. that s right. the issue of trust came up again over mrs. clinton s private e-mail server. i really don t trust her. would you want to ask her about those e-mails? i would, just to say like, you re hiding them, or something of that, because that s what i ve heard. reporter: and benghazi. if you could have a conversation with hillary clinton about benghazi, what would you ask her? well, i would like to know if she really thought it was terrorism from the beginning. reporter: sanders supporters make your own omelet. do american cheese. reporter: wondered how he d pay for his ideas like universal health care and free public college. i want to know why, if he s going to raise taxes, and how high the taxes are going to be. reporter: for clinton, there were questions about iraq. i would like to know how she s going to get us out of iraq as quickly as possible. and i would be interested in hearing more about how we re going to learn how to be in i don t know, in a different kind of a relationship with the middle east. reporter: this same woman also wondered if sanders could run the country successfully as a self-declared democratic socialist. i would say, how are you going to move this country, which most of it is very conservative, into such a forward thf thinking kind of a model? reporter: for this diner, sanders experience was top of mind. thank you! steak sauce? the question on my mind would have to be, how are you going to get up to speed on foreign policy? your national positions are rather clear. but foreign policy becomes a major issue, as well, in this time and period. reporter: randi kaye, cnn, manchester, new hampshire. anderson is heading on to the floor right now, getting ready for the town hall, getting ready to moderate this crucial night, just moments away. up next, more about what what we can expect to hear from the candidates tonight. 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i think some of and i think some of the local issues might come into play here as well. as we know, new hampshire facing a heroin epidemic here. so i think that will certainly come up. and how they will deal with it. and those are the kind of moments that i think provide candidates with a real chance to connect to individual voters and also show their policy chops. it also gives them a chance to be human, right? when you have a debate, it s the moderates, it s very i don t want to use the word contrived, but very controlled. between them and the questioners are very important. a chance to show empathy and connection, for both these candidates, that s very important. and how do you do that and come across as authentic? i think that s a challenge. we always say, bill clinton, the kind of i feel your pain moment. people kind of talk in anecdotes often. talk about the stories they ve heard on the campaign trail. but also try to translate that into policy while still embracing and sympathizing and empathizing with the human dimension. having worked with candidates, i can tell you, it s very, very hard. much harder than it looks. if you overdo, it comes across as cloying and inauthentic. so it s tougher than it looks. i m sure it is. even what might be the natural thing to do doesn t always translate in front of the cameras. the other thing about this room, and as we were talking about, this is a quintessential new england, it s a small it s an oprahhouse, but kind of like a town hall feeling. there are about 200 people down there. it feels very intimate. how do you deal with there are independents in here, too. that changes things, doesn t it? this is a town hall unlike any other? this is a state that s unusual in that regard. because independents can go either to republican, and democrats. you re not only slis soliciting from your party, but come to vote in your primary when they could go to the republican side as well. it s a really interesting exercise. and their questions become even more important. they re talking to folks in this room and talking to the people who are watching, talking to south carolina voters as well, and nevada voters, and general election voters. so they ve got a lot of things to kind of juggle here in terms of connecting on the one happened, but projecting beyond new hampshire. and having prepped candidates for this before, is this the sort of do you prepare even more or the same as opposed to a debate? it s a little bit different. but it has more to do with how you re going to approach the people who remember to say their name, remember their story. don t talk past them. talk to them. you know, it s those kinds of things. it s a little bit different than a candidate debate, where you really sort of fire off that lane, when they fire that line at you, you know? it s a different exercise. and i think a challenge for bernie sanders, because he s used to those big crowds, those lectures, the oration. and not the kind of intimate setting. and hillary clinton it s going to be a very big night for both of them and thanks so much to both of you. it is time now to hand it back over to anderson, who of course is monitoring tonight s democratic presidential town hall. anderson, let me hand it off to you. thank you very much. good evening, everyone. what a night here in the nation s first presidential primary state, one town hall forum, the two remaining democrats, and the question voters want answered before making their choice. tonight, the presidential race is more competitive than ever, and the democrats are here, in new hampshire, to face the voters again. i am so thrilled that i m coming to new hampshire after winning iowa! i believe we have a path toward victory. it s down to hillary clinton and bernie sanders. just two candidates on one stage, taking questions from the people of this battleground state, on issues that hit close to home.

United-states , New-york , Laconia , New-hampshire , Maine , Nevada , Iraq , South-carolina , Town-hall , Iowa , Florida , California

Transcripts For MSNBCW MTP Daily 20160129

head-turning headline today. the state department says that 22 e-mails from seven different e-mail chains will be withheld from public release at the request of u.s. intelligence officials, because they contain top-secret information. here s state department spokesman, john kirby, just a short while ago. i can confirm that as part of this monthly production of former secretary clinton s e-mails, the state department will be denying in full seven e-mail chains found in 22 documents, representing 37 pages. the documents are being upgraded at the request of the intelligence community, because they contain a category of top-secret information. these documents were not marked classified at the time that they were sent. and there s the important quote, there, that the clinton campaign talks about, not marked classified at the time. clinton campaign responded swiftly with a statement from spokesman brian fallon that read in part, we firmly oppose the complete blocking of the release of these e-mails. since providing her e-mails to the state department more than one year ago, hillary clinton has urged that they may be available to the public. we feel no differently today. this appears to be over-classification run amok. we will pursue all appropriate avenues to see that her e-mails are released in a manner consistent with her call last yea year. fallon then added this a short while ago. we believe this judgment to withhold 22 e-mails from public release, zmit hillary clinton s call for all of her e-mails to be released is happening at the behest of other agencies in the government who have hijacked the process that s been taking place for the last several months. in addition to those seven e-mail chains being withheld for top-secret information, kirby also announced that e-mails from eight additional chains will be wit he would not as a result of classification, because they re e-mails that happen to be between secretary clinton and president obama. remember, hillary clinton s chief rival, bernie sanders, himself, was the one who seemed to diffuse the e-mail issue, at least in the democratic primaries, the most back in the first democratic presidential debate. let me say something that may not be great politics. but i think the secretary is right. and that is that the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your damned e-mails. thank you. me too. me too. clinton herself was actually asked about the e-mail situation earlier this week. here s how she responded. well, apologizing sooner, as soon as you can, but part of the problem, and i would just say this as not an excuse, but just as an explanation, when something when you re facing something like that, you ve got to get the facts and it takes time to get the facts. when i said, hey, take all my e-mails, make them public, that had never been done before, ever, by anybody. so we ve been sorting our way through this, because it is kind of a unique situation. i m happy people are looking at the e-mails. some of them are, frankly, you know, a little embarrassing, you know? you find out that sometimes i m not the best on technology and things like that. but, look, i think it s great. let people sort them through and as we have seen, there is a lot of, you know, a lot of interest. but it s something that took time to get done. but it is this release of the whole issue of now something being classified as top-secret, after the fact, that comes just 72 hours before the caucuses. joining me now is a hillary clinton supporter. he happens to also be a cabinet secretary. secretary of agriculture, tom vilsack, former governor here. hello, sir. hey, chuck. nice to be back home. that s right. i was just in your real home, in mt. pleasant, a few hours ago. let me start with this e-mail situation. 72 hours before the caucuses. it is obviously, we don t know what has been marked top secret, and sometimes when you don t know what it is, people s imaginations go right to something nefarious. not in the caucus look, caucusgoers understand and appreciate what this is. the timing of it is quite suspect. the reality is you believe it is designed, potentially, to hurt her chances on monday? there s no question about that. and there s no question that these were marked classified after the fact. so, this is not what people are going to be talking about on monday night. they re going to be talking about substantiative issues, mental illness and jobs and the economy and what the future of foreign policy of this country is going to be. they re not going to be talking about this nonsense. i was just at a bernie sanders event when you were mayor, mt. pleasant, way back when, where you were governor, and he s bringing up the issue of electability. he says, i know some people will say i m not electable. when you talk to caucusgoers who are not for hillary, they bring up and just say, other stuff, or baggage, or this or that. the reminder of this the not good for that argument. chuck, the great thing about secretary clinton is that we all that the republicans have been doing for the last several years is out there. we know what they re going to do. we re ready for it, we re prepared for it. it s not going to be an issue, at the end of the day. what is going to be an issue is who s in the best position to fight for american families. who s in the best position to lead america s place in the world. and i think there s no question about that, in terms of her experience and in terms of what he s been talking about on the campaign trail, she s the best person to be president of the united states. why is this close? well, look, this is iowa, man. i know. we got a lot of progressive eem in iowa in the democratic party. 74-year-old socialist, not even technically a registered democrat and he has made this a race. as you saw from the iowa poll, 43% of democrats in iowa self-identify themselves as socialist. so there you have the 43% that are sanders supporters. this has been a good race and a substantiative race. hats off to all three candidates. compared to what we re seeing on the other side, which is more of a carnival, more of a circus, which has been a substantive debate about the future of this country. and at the end of the day, our nominee will be better for it. hillary will be in a better place to make the case to say she is in the best position to finally, finally crack that glass ceiling and shatter it once and for all. you know, sometimes, it is tough to run on continuity. is she running too much on that? too much of saying, i m going to build on president obama. is that why there s some anti-democrats who say, no, we need something bolder and bigger? laook, what we need is progress. we need a continuation to build on what the president s laid in terms of the economy and america s place in the world. we do need continuity. we don t want to go back to the policies of eight years ago. so she s going to build on a solid foundation. a good, solid, democratic, progressive foundation. you re the last cabinet secretary from the beginning. what s that feel like? you re going to be the only well, i assume, let s you know, knock on wood here, i guess. all eight years. well how does that feel. in my particular position, the continuity is important. we ve been able to drive down the message of the importance of rural america. you know, one of the good things about this particular caucus campaign on the democratic side is, we re speaking to rural voters for the first time. and i think that s an important opportunity for us. it s interesting you bring that up with rural voters, the gun issue cuts both ways in rural iowa, doesn t it? it does, but the issue that s really on the minds of a lot of people in rural areas, an issue hillary brought up first, which is this issue of substance abuse and mental illness. there s a tremendous issue here that we have not talked about as a country. this presidential campaign will make sure it s on the top and president obama is very, very committed to getting that foundation laid on that issue as well. both iowa and new hampshire voters, i think, have put that on the agenda. secretary vilsack, i ll let you go. nice so see you. good to be in iowa. good to see you. we ll get reaction to more of this clinton news, starting to come in, from the republican presidential candidates. according to the washington post, dave weigel, senator rand paul said, quote, this disregard for national security should forever preclude her from being president, well, senator rand paul joins me now on the phone. senator paul, i know you re on the trail right now. let me start with this. you re a guy that normally doesn t want to see somebody judged before we have all the facts. do you feel like you have all the facts in on this, to make the judgment you just made on secretary clinton? i m not making a legal judgment. i m making a political judgment that she doesn t have the wisdom to be commander in chief. i ve said this, with regard to benghazi, where i didn t think she provided adequate security or made the right and correct decisions that a commander in chief would have to make. but i also think here, you know, we now have e-mails that 22 of them are so sensitive, they can t even be released to the public. also, she disciplined and removed an ambassador who did exactly what she did. and i think, do as i say, not as i do, is a great example. but i think national security is an important component of what she s trying to say is her asset. and i think this turns it on its head, the fact she did something probably many would say is much worse than what general petraeus did, and i would say that she needs to be judged equally, you know, under the same like as general petraeus. let me talk about last night s debate. and i thought in an observation that i had of watching you actually the last couple of debates, you seemed to be, channeling janis joplin. as if freedom means you have nothing left to lose. you seem to be back on your libertarian roots, pushing more, being you just seem a little more comfortable on stage. is that just me noticing that or do you have you sort of changed your focus on this campaign toward the last days? i think it s just, you may have forgotten, i wasn t on the stage. i was more noticeable this time, because i was actually on the stage. but fair enough. no, i think over time, i ve gotten more time on the stage. i really don t think i ve changed an iota of what i stand for or talk about since i started running for office in 2009. but i do think that i ve gotten a little more time on the stage to express myself and last night, there was more time. i think the debate got into more details and more serious details and less sort of, you know, calling people ugly, fat, or stupid. i think we didn t have to waste too much time on the twitter king. do you think this was sort of almost like an episode of the twilight zone? we saw what the campaign would have been like if donald trump hadn t run? to me, it was sort of a win-win. being on the stage is obviously a great way and a great privilege for me to present my message, but also not having him there made it, i think, the debate a more enlightened debate and so, no, i think it was good for the country. and i m advising him to continue to have his own rallies and skip the rest of the debates. one of the things i ve noticed, senator, when talking to some trump supporters, is, quite a few of them espouse libertarian views when i talk to them. and quite a few of them talked about you as their second choice. how much do you feel as if trump has sort of somehow got, the liberty vote away from you, in a way that maybe you didn t expect or others didn t expect? i m not sure if that s true or not. when we talk to liberty voters, they re people who are very much opposed to the nsa collecting all of our phone records. trump has come out really in favor of aggressive nsa stance. we are people who don t believe that the government should be, you know, making the sand glow or carpet bombing over there, because we think you may well create more terrorists than you kill. also, the liberty people are big on auditing the fed, things that nobody else in the state have been for. so we think we have a unique aspect and a unique presentation of philosophy that really doesn t go. the other thing that i think is diametrically opposed to trump is we think power corrupts and we don t want an all-powerful president that says he ll fix everything. we ll concerned that too much power can be a corrupting influence. all right. senator paul, i m going to leave it there. stay safe on the trail. watch out for black ice. and we ll see you over the weekend. all right, thanks, chuck. thank you, sir. well, nbc nightly news anchor lester holt spoke to hillary clinton just a little while ago. here s a quick preview of what she had to say to him. you have painted bernie sanders as a bit of a dreamer, a bit of an idealist who can t deliver. so talk to me about all the supporter who is propelled him to where he is right now? are they dreamers and idealists for launching on to his revolution? we share a lot of the same goals. we both want more jobs with rising incomes. we both want to make sure that the wealthy pay finally their fair share of taxes. we want to paychemake sure we g universal coverage. but what i think is the smartest, most effective way to get results is to build on the progress we ve made. you re safe, is that the way you re portraying yourself? you re safe and he s not? no, i m smart and prepared and i think i know what it takes to get change made. by the way, in the little box there in the corner, we are showing you, that s live pictures of secretary clinton at an event in iowa that s taking place right now. joining me is a senior adviser to the bernie sanders campaign, tad devine. you just heard secretary clinton there. let me get you to respond to that before i ask you about e-mails. essentially, she s saying, hey, we have the same goals, just different ways of getting there. i disagree. i don t think they have the same goals. bernie sanders believes that we have to fix a rigged economy, that s sending too much wealth to the top, that s held in place by a corrupt system of campaign finance. i don t think hillary clinton and bernie really have the same goals in terms of dealing with that. bernie wants to break up the big banks, she doesn t. bernie refuses to organize a super pac. hers are raising tens of millions of dollars today, we found out. so i think their goals are very different. he believes unless we clean up the system of campaign finance, we cannot fix a rigged economy. i don t think that s something hillary is saying or doing. i think she would saying, she has a way to make steps that you could do one step at a time. and while bernie has these big goals, it s going to take time and you need somebody who can work the system. what do you say to that? i say america is not going to be fixed overnight, but unless we have ambitious goals and recognize that the time has come, for example, to have universal college education, public free tuition at public colleges. 50 years ago, a high school degree could get you a job in this country, now you need a college degree. bernie understands, unless we have a single-payer health care system, we won t be able to cover the people who don t have it, and will continue to pay twice as much as any other industrialized nation for health care. yes, he has ambitious goals, but he recognizes that the time has come to build. we ve gone through a lot in this country in 15 years since 9/11. time has come to rebuild the middle class, and that s fundamentally different that what hillary is talking about. small steps versus a big move forward. what s the e-mail story mean for your kingpin? i don t think it means a lot. he s been very good on this issue for a while. he doesn t want to politicize it. i m a little surprised that the clinton campaign is attacking the obama administration investigation of this so much. we re not going to be involved in it. bernie s going to talk real issues that matter to people here you think the clinton campaign is attacking the obama administration? what do you mean by that? what i mean is they re attacking this investigation and trying to insinuate that things are being released for political purposes. i just heard the secretary of agriculture say that, sitting right here. i don t understand, they should do what we re doing, which is say, listen, let the investigation move forward. let the chips fall where they may. we re going to focus on the real issues. i saw senator sanders today. he s trying to make an electability argument, realizing that a counter one is being made against him. does a story like this, do you think that helps senator sanders? i don t think we re going to get engaged on this story. our electability argument is this. bernie sanders can jern a kind of electorate that will bring young people, first-time voters. a lot of people new to the process will come. independents support him overwhelmingly. we see this in all of the polling. we believe bernie is by far the strongest candidate in the general election. the polling right now establishes that. the electorate we re building here in iowa and elsewhere, i think, will prove it. tad, i m going to have to leave it there. we ll see you this weekend, i imagine. thank you, sir. we ve got a lot more and there s a lot more, by the way, of lester holt s interview with hillary clinton tonight on the n nbc nightly news and msnbc will have more of it, as well. and there s some e-mail conversation in that interview. coming up, we will explain the key to donald trump s wild popularity. talking to republican voters here in iowa. this is mtp daily, live from des moines. every day you read headlines about businesses being 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lot of them are being withheld, but there will be some released at 7:00. stay with msnbc for more on this story and we ll be right back. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before she got 3% back on gas, all with no hoops to jump through. katie used her bankamericard cash rewards credit card to stay warm and toasty during the heat of competition. that s the comfort of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. get fast-acting, long-lasting relief from heartburn with it neutralizes stomach acid and is the only product that forms a protective barrier that helps keep stomach acid in the stomach where it belongs. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief. try gaviscon®. and we are back, live here in des moines. we re trying to attack the after-effects of two big events. last night, the debate and donald trump s anti-debate. this would have been our lead, if it hadn t been for the e-mail story that popped up late this afternoon. let s go to the republican side of things. trump s gamble to skip the last showdown before the caucuses appears to have paid off. and he took a victory lap today. when somebody doesn t treat you properly, you ve got to be tough. you ve got to be strong, you ve got to be you can t let them push you around. and that grows you know, that goes for the country. when you re not treated properly, you have to stick up for your rights. and if i m your leader, i m going to stick up for the rights of the country. the move fit his brand, and now he sits on his lead, with just three days to go. and he skipped what turned out to be a brutal night for some of the top candidates on stage. there s no doubt that trump mania runs rampant here in the hawkeye state and elsewhere. he packed the house at his competing event last night. two former iowa caucus winners and current competitors, rick santorum and huckabmike huckabe joined trump on stage and despite their best attempts to avoid his campaign sign, which i loved, it proved impossible, like his shadow over the 2016 race, trump is too big to avoid. enthusiasm is high, but trump s actual success is not unconditional. it does hinge on turnout here in iowa, and with a race so close, and a possible snowstorm on the way, pollsters at monmouth university say that the car that the caucusgoers choose to go use that night could even become a factor in the snow. and guess what? trump leads in supporters who own pickup trucks with 32%. but cruz has a caravan of his own. 42% of his supporters drive minivans. in all seriousness, as we ve been mentioning, trump needs caucusgoers that have not participated in the past if he s going to pull out the win that the polls indicate. bernie sanders, by the way, needs the same story to unfold. while the democratic outsider has been trying to inspire first-time caucusgoers that are all younger, trump s poll isn t determined by age. in fact, listen to what i heard on the ground last night at trump s rally. if trump weren t running, would you be caucusing? probably not. the last presidential election, i wasn t really as active as i am in this one. oh, that s a tough one, because i m so dubious about everybody. probably not. no. no. i ve never caucused before. how long you been living in iowa? 49 years. okay. and this is he s the first guy to motivate you to caucus? correct. it was fascinating to see that. the billionaire businessman has ignited the interest of caucusgoers who have not participated in a long time or have simply never found a reason to. and what s at the heart of trump s appeal? there s probably one word that best describes it. it s this perception of strength. take a listen. oh, i m caucusing for donald trump because i believe he has the brains, the bravery, and the business acumen to make things happen in america and the world. the other candidates, they don t have courage. i hope he s tough on illegal immigration, like he says and i hope national security is one of his top priorities. you know? especially with the deal with isis. i truly believe that our country needs more defense. and i truly believe that donald trump is going to take us where we need to be, and i m going to feel safer in our country with him as a president. trump defined his campaign with a controversial and staunch immigration stance, an that has now morphed into international security concerns, and it has shaped his persona and shaped this campaign. trump s platform is quite simply to pull no punches, and nobody in the republican field can figure out how to get further to his right on this issue. what holds rubio back? what trips up cruz? what keeps bush from gaining ground? one issue, folks, immigration. and guess what, we saw that at last night s debate. when you led the charge with the gang of eight, i supported it, because you asked me to. and then you didn t do that and you ask people to support, you shouldn t cut and run. you changed your position on immigration. because you used to support a path to citizenship. so did you. so did you, marco. marco made the choice to go the direction of the major donors, to support amnesty, because he thought it was politically advantageous. you said, i want to bring people out of the shadows. now you want to trump trump on immigration. but you can t we re not going to beat hillary clinton with someone who s willing to say or do anything to win an election. trump is keeping a busy schedule to close out the race, holding events in iowa in the last two days. katy tur joins me from capital square here in des moines. katy, you saw, i ve been to quite a few of them, not as many as you. is this the fair perception, what draws these people out is trump s the only guy tough enough to take on whatever issue they care about the most? and in many cases, it s immigration? i would dare say, the only person who has been to more donald trump events than me is donald trump himself. but when we talk to voters out there, they do hit on a few key things, strength is one of them. a man of action, not just talk. also, a man who is not afraid to pull punches. someone who s not politically correct. somebody who s not afraid of shaking up the system. but this idea of somebody who s going to go in there and change things, get things done, make deals is what really appeals to a lot of voters. what they re seeing in washington right now is this gridlock, this inability for congress to work together, for anyone to reach over the aisle. and they think donald trump with his past as a dealmaker in real estate, whether that past is as truthful as he s made it out to be, as good as he s made it out to be, they think that he s going to be able to go in there and do that. just look what he s done in this race. he hasn t played by anybody s rules. he didn t show up to that debate last night? what did he do instead? he raised, according to donald trump, $6 million for veterans. many of whom were in that crowd last night. all while the politicians were on stage, debating each other, doing what donald trump has criticized them for. all talk, no action. you know, katy, and the other part of this that s been fascinating is, i don t get the sense that these are somehow ideolog ideologues. that these are people that have that they re straight-ticket, conservative voters. many of them admitted to me, they haven t been involved in politics. it is, and so the more you talk to trump voters, the more you realize, these attacks on him that he s not a real conservative, they don t have any sway with these voters. they don t matter, because he s not a they re not one-issue voters. they re not just going to vote on their faith, they re not just going to vote on their conservatism. they want to vote for somebody that they believe in. and that s what is cutting across all of these boundaries. i spoke to a woman at that event last night, who told me that she is very much an independent and right now she s deciding, believe it or not, chuck, between hillary clinton and donald trump. she says hillary clinton has all of the experience in the world. there s nobody who deserves to be president more than she does. but she really likes donald trump s take-charge attitude, his take-no-prisoners attitude, the idea that he s going to go in there and shake things up. katy, i have to say, you topped me, i found a cruz/sanders undecided voter, you found a trump/clinton. only in iowa, katy tur, thanks very much. miracle. it is. we ll have much more ahead this hour, including a close-up look at marco rubio s political past. find out what his time as florida house speaker can tell us about what kind of president he d be. keep it right here. made a simple tripvere chto the grocery storeis anything but simple. so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that 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the year, up nearly 400 points. but it s down 5.5% this month. the s&p rose 46, but it s down 5%, also, this month. and the nasdaq jumped 107. it sank nearly 8%, though, for the month. consumer confidence came in weaker than expected, as investors worried about the sinking markets and the economy grew at a very weak 0.7% annual rate in the fourth quarter. down sharply from the third quarter s 2% growth rate. sorry. that s it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. have a great weekend. you focus on making great burgers, or building the best houses in town. or becoming the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar. and us, we ll be right there with you, helping with the questions you need answered to get your brand new business started. we re legalzoom and we ve already partnered with over a million new business owners to do just that. check us out today to see how you can become one of them. legalzoom. legal help is here. light piano today i saw a giant. it had no arms, but it welcomed me. 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(train wheels on tracks) it had no mouth, but it spoke to me. it said, rocky mountaineer: all aboard amazing . in today s making of a candidate close-up, it s a look at the two years that marco rubio spent as a speaker of the house in florida. he uses those two years to argue that he s a seasoned manager, despite being a somewhat newcomer to the u.s. senate. the first governor can be a guy rubio called, practically cuban, just taller, referring to jeb bush, who welcomed him in as speaker on the floor of the house with a golden sword. i m going to bestow to you the sword of a great conservative warrior, and i know that chang will never let you down and you won t let him down zplp rube yao was just 34 years old. even then, he was perceived by many around him as full of ambition, a man in a hurry. it was already clear he was eloquent and not afraid of the spotlight. in that first speech as speaker designate, he introduced a governing model modeled on america. if your hands, you now hold the first draft of a book that will outline to the people of florida our commitment to florida s future. now, today, the pages inside are blank. but over the next year, you, the members of this conference, will fill these pages with 100 innovative ideas. before i became the speaker of the florida house, i held what i called idea raises. we went out and passed that agenda, all 100 of those things, passed out of the florida house. over half of them today are either the law or the policy of the state of florida. according to politifact florida, just 24 became law, actually, while another ten were partially enacted. the listening tour also did allow rubio to begin to expand his political base statewide. and that helped him three years later when he challenged the governor who seceded bush, charlie chris, from the u.s. senate. from the start, the two starred as rubio tried to push crist to the right. last night, rubio called crist the liberal governor of florida who claimed he was republican. and while rubio speaker, half a dozen immigration bills died before getting a floor vote. anti-immigration critics, including some still angry at rubio for supporting in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants back in 2004, accused rubio of burying those bills. in his 2012 memoir, rubio argues, i didn t want the state to assume a responsibility that properly belonged to the federal government. and i didn t want the house to waste time on legislation i knew the senate, referring to the state senate, wouldn t pass. rubio is known for his passionate speeches on the floor. perhaps most memorably, his final one, where he called himself, the son of exiles. you go to another country, you don t speak the language, you don t know anyone, those dreams become impossible. the doors begin to close on you, and as a very young child, i remember picking up on that. i can t tell you how or what day it was or where i was when that happened, but i picked up on that as a very young child. and to this day, to this very day, there isn t a day that goes by that i don t feel like i m living three lives in one, like i m not trying to accomplish all the things i could to the do. mark caputo is florida s political reporter for a long time. essentially the bureau chief for the miami herald . no, i would yeah, but you ve heard a lot of marco rubio, this state legislature. his time as speaker, what can it tell us about a president rubio? what it can tell us is he had an agenda. you referenced the hundred ideas. and then when property taxes looked like they became a problem, a hundred ideas went out the window. and suddenly, marco rubio turned his speakership into one idea. which is eliminating property taxes to swap out for the sales tax. sounds like gang of eight immigration. that s a familiar thing. when something gets unpopular, whoop. it s not that a hundred ideas became unpopular, he had a very popular agenda item and they made it all about that and scuttled the rest. one thing, he worked really well with democrats. he empowered democrats mightily. dan gelber is quoted to this day, as the house minority leader from miami beach. he did work well with the other side, but he had the overwhelming power of numbers in the florida house. you know, one of the big issues that some voters talk about is gridlock. and one of the big criticisms of president obama, he doesn t know how to work well with the legislative branch. does this mean, because he was a state speaker, do you think rubio will work well with the legislative branch or not? i think he can, but just don t mistake the total dysfunction and fairy tale weirdness of washington for all the state capitals across the nation. most state capitals have a balanced budget amendment. they don t in washington. you re basically forced to work together in the florida legislature and in state capitals throughout the nation. the constitution forces them to, whether they like it or not. right. whereas in washington, it s kabuki theater. and the less you do, it seems, the more popular you get with your base. i m going to leave it there. you re coming back here in a few minutes to talk all the craziness of your two florida candidates running for president. anyway, mark ka pewto, thanks very much, sir. you got it. up next, we ll talk to the communications direction for the ted cruz campaign and the top spokesperson for the trump campaign. they ll be together at the same time, surrogate v. surrogate. stay with us. soup and sandwich and somewhere to go, and clean and real and nowhere to be, and warmth and looking good, and sandwich and soup and inside jokes, and dan is back! good, clean food pairs well with anything. the clean pairings menu. 500 calories or less. at panera. food as it should be. well, not only the republican candidates are going to stick around for the iowa caucus results on monday night. jeb bush, chris christie, and john kasich will all be in new hampshire ahead of the february 9th primary there. they re going to be in new hampshire on monday. we ll, of course, be following the campaigns in both states. and be sure to tune in this sunday. i ll have special coverage of the iowa caucuses at 6:00 p.m., right here on msnbc. of course, i have that other show called meet the press on sunday morning, so a big day on sunday. we ll be right back. i ve smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that s why i choose nicoderm cq. the access informationlows us to from anywhere. the microsoft cloud allows us to scale up. microsoft cloud changes our world dramatically. it wasn t too long ago it would take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome. now, we can do a hundred per day. with the microsoft cloud we don t have to build server rooms. we have instant scale. the microsoft cloud is helping us to re-build and re-interpret our business. this cloud helps transform business. this is the microsoft cloud. 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[ laughs ] just laughter, is that what we should take away from it? i like donald and he s welcome to say whatever he likes. i like and respect him. that s all i ve got to say and right now, it s up to the voters to decide. joining me now is rick tyler, communications director for the ted cruz campaign and katrina pearson, a top spokesman for the trump campaign. they ve agreed to come on together. welcome to both of you. thank you, by the way, for appearing together. something, actually, we didn t see from the two candidates last night. des moines register and donald trump both say, rough night for your boss, ted cruz. what do you say? well, the des moines register is a left-wing paper that endorsed marco rubio because they both share a love of amnesty and immigration reform. so, look, so i don t worry about the des moines register . all right. donald trump, you feel he feels as if he made the right call? do you feel like he made the right call? he does, and i support him 100% on that. i think the event we had last night was amazing. it was very emotional for a lot of people, like myself who come from a military family. and you know, after fox news released that statement disparaging mr. trump, mr. trump took that personally. it was not just mr. trump or his campaign, it was the 40% of republican primary voters that support him. senator cruz didn t seem to be happy with the moderators last night. does he feel as if without donald trump s presence there, they sort of focused their focused themselves too much on him? there s a natural thing that if you re going to be in the center stage, as he was the leading poll or he had the most support of all the people who was on the stage, it was natural that people were going to come after him. no, we re not going to complain or wine about the moderators. that s something another candidate did and left the stage. but i think he held up well. the reason he did, senator cruz can take the scrutiny. donald trump couldn t, or he would have been there. he left and i noticed he s not in iowa today. he got right out of the state and is in new hampshire. what do you say to that? i would say that i think everyone could agree that mr. trump isn t afraid of anything or anyone, considering how he s been the most accessible candidate, he s done the most press conferences, he s gone on all of the shows that most republicans won t go on. and he s always taken the tough questions. he s held press conferences and handled every reporter. whether he s a good, bad, or indifferent question. tlohrows out of the room. after he s answered the question several times. but i will say mr. trump and fox news have had a rocky relationship for quite some time. and many have agreed from other news outlets that the statement that they released was unbecoming of a professional news organization, and that was really more something worthy of comedy central. but it seems to be unbecoming of a presidential candidate. what looked like with donald trump is that he was petulant and small and petty and his argument over who the moderator was with fox news and he won t show up and they won t have any ratings and won t make any money. and it put donald trump at the center of it instead of the country. people deserve to see candidates side by side, debating the issues and he decided not to do that. i suspect because now people understand donald trump s real record and his support of democrats and his views on, at least his past on at least his s on partial birth abortions, tarp, on and on. imagine the video they would have played last night for donald trump had he been there, and i think that s what he was trying to avoid. i think all those videos are playing all across iowa right now. he did address some of his past issues. i think it was senator ted crews that wrote the legal brief supporting barack obama plan. that s not true. but i will say this. mr. trump understands something that a lot of republicans today don t understand. the fight for this country isn t just in party affiliation or party lines. it s also with the mainstream media. if you can t take on the media, it doesn t matter who we elect as our nominee, because the fight is much bigger than that. he wane on the stage, he doesn t get to debate the issues. his fight was with megyn kelly and he was afraid to face the issues. donald cruz faced those issues and he did well. mr. trump attended six debates. he has held the most forums. what s coming out of the cruz campaign is frustration. for a very long time, he s been trying to get attention and it s failing. the poll numbers are dropping, we re seeing more hostility. they re not dropping, but because the fox news poll that came out was based on the idea that 235,000 people to the caucuses. i m going to leave it there. it s starting to get interesting here. i ve got a time clock. i want you guys back hopefully sunday or monday. good to see you both. thank you. the latest next, stay with us. busy day. can a business have a soul? can a business be.alive? the possibility of a flare swas almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go. and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven t worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. you know, the state department today was going to release the last batch of e-mails that hillary clinton put on her server, you know what they announced? they announced there is some e-mails we cannot release. you know why? because they are so sensitive to release them would be so damaging, they are so highly classified, they cannot release it. this is unacceptable. this is a disqualifier. yes, marco rubio was in clinton iowa. america ca pohow much of this i baked in with democratic caucus goers? i think it has an impact. friday before the caucus. you re making final closing arguments and what you end up doing is not talking about your plan to talk about middle class americans, you re explaining why this is an issue that shouldn t hurt you. it s a huge opportunity. a cumulative effect too. but there comes a point where you kind of reach a tipping point. i don t know where this is at, but enormously unhelpful, particularly what matters on monday, turnout are people enthusiastic to bother to go out. you wonder, what does it do to enthusiasm. i know what it does for the republicans. this is like an inn kind contribution. it s hillary clinton that gave it to them. this wouldn t have happened had she not made the decision she made. it s true. watching bernie sanders, he s trying to make an ee leck ability argument, he has taken it off the table. she comes with built in unfavorables. she comes with extra baggage. one of her big arguments is i m electable and he s not. the polls don t back it up. it s hard to find the hard evidence at the moment. this does reminds people, it s kind of the clinton drama, do we want to go back to that, are there more things that we ll discover if we nominate her and the general election is underway. it has to be the one of the things that some democrats may think in the back of their mind. her argument to them and what some dooemts will say, there is always something with the clintons, and never what you think it s going to be. in the end, after we get out of iowa and out of new hampshire, there is not a whole lot of polling that s going to show sanders is going to destroy her elsewhere. florida, she s killing him. so this is probably going to be more of a general election issue, assuming it survives, and all signs show it will survive into the next if you months. fbi investigation. let me shift gears. two florida candidates, you re here because you have to cover the florida candidates. when donald trump is not on the stage, jeb bush is comfortable in his skin. he said yesterday without the beautiful bully on the stage, it looked like his best debate he had. not a game changer. that s true and obviously jeb had rubio from the left on immigration. rubio/cruz, there seems to be something happening with rubio here or why would cruz be spending so much money? i don t think they like each other. if there a surprise monday night, it will be mark yoe rubio. it s conceivable that he would go into second place. but the fact is, we know that there can be big shifts in the final days before the caucuses. you never went want to be too sure that you know what s going to happen, because you know what, we don t. tough to bet against organization. cruz has the organization. right. the other thing is that cruz knows, he needs to kill marco rubio in the crib, because once rubio gets to new hampshire, he s going to be left to the wolves of john kasich. if he got second out of here, that s a slingshot. that becomes, that s a story that probably obliterates. hence the negative ads. a come back kid story. remember, bookland finished second in new hampshire, he made it look like a victory because it was such a surprise. four days left and real excitement. stay warm. it s going to be fun. we ll be back here in des moines throughout the weekend, a meet the press daily throughout the air. the big boy show, local nbc station and then on sunday night, two extra hours of mtp, but right now, with all due respect starts right now. i m mark halperin. and i m john helemann. iowa caucus goers, put away the phones, pay attention to the candidates and experience the caucuses for god s sake. happy friday, sports

Miami , Florida , United-states , Canada , New-hampshire , Miami-beach , Iowa , Cuba , Washington , District-of-columbia , Des-moines , Americans

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bigger, smugger. and you? rubbery buttons. enter the x1 voice remote. now when someone says. show me funny movies. watch discovery. record this. voila. remotes, come out from the cushions, you are back. the x1 voice remote is here. and thanks for joining us. 9:00 p.m. eastern time. a week before the new hampshire primary, day after the iowa caucuses. donald trump finished second. marco rubio being called a winner for coming in third. we ve seen a republican and democrat drop out. contenders and noncontenders alike blanket new hampshire today. we ve seen the gloves come off. iowa noncontender chris christie taking on sensation, marco rubio. you know me, unlike some of these other campaigns, i m not the boy in the bubble, okay? we know who the boy in the bubble is up here who never answers your questions, who s constantly scripted and controlled because he can t answer your questions. so when senator rubio gets here, when the boy in the bubble gets here, i hope you guys ask him some questions. because it s time for him to start answering questions. he wants to say this race is over, and it s all him, seems to me that he should have to sit across from you and answer your questions the way i do. senator rubio did sit down and answer questions with new day s alisyn camerota. watch. thanks so much for sitting town with us. have you had any sleep? a little bit. just enough. maybe three, four hours. at what point last night did you realize that iowa was going to go very differently than what the polls predicted? we felt that way moving in. the last ten days we were there working. we felt good about people deciding late, deciding our way. we were always very confident about our plan and obviously had a historic turnout. i mean, the large number of people that voted. when you went to the caucus senters, they were telling us, putting out double the number of chairs they d ever put out before. that was impressive. i think it tells you how engaged and interested people are in this election and i m glad they are. this is the most important election in a generation. but just peel back the curtain, were you in a ballroom, what was happening as you were watching the returns come in? it didn t work that way. i went to four separate caucus sites and spoke. by the time i got to the hotel, the results had already pretty much started coming in and we could see, we knew we were going to do well in certain parts of the state. we got more votes than the winners of the last three iowa caucuses did. it was a huge and massive turnout. i thank the people of iowa. our ground team there was fantastic and phenomenal and gave us great momentum coming here to new hampshire. here you are in new hampshire. you wake up in a different state. there are different voters. when you look around here, there are different i went to sleep in a different state. we arrived at 1:30 in the morning. oh my gosh. we got in here absolutely, we spent a lot of time here already as well. we have a great team here, too. we feel really great about it. what people are going to start realizing is i give us the best chance. my candidacy gives us the best chance to nominate a real conservative who can unite the party, grow the party, take our message to people that haven t voted for us in the past and ultimately defeat hillary clinton our bernie sanders. the democrats know this. they admit i am the one they want to run against. that s why i think ultimately i ll be the nominee. what do you do differently? every electorate has a different background. every state is diverse. ultimately what people are worried about in our party in particular, we have to nominate someone that can win. take our principles, grow this party and win. that s what i give us a chance to do. someone who as president will reverse the damage barack obama has done, put in place policies that allow the private sector to succeed, and keep america safe. and that s what i ll do when i m president. as you know, new hampshire doesn t have the evangelical vote that iowa does. there are different values here. do you change anything about what you i ve always said the campaign we launched in april of last year and the message we launched will be the message i have in november of this year. i m not running two separate campaigns or eight separate campaigns. i believe that america s greatest days are within our reach but not if we stay on the road we re on right now. i have clear policies, the most detailed policy of anybody running for president on either side. and that s going to be my message no matter where i am no matter what stage in this process we re in. your rivals have been talking about you. jeb bush just called you a back bencher. trump has called you the kid, as you know. chris christie just called you the boy in the bubble. you and cruz have exchanged some words. what s your response? i think when people attack you usually they don t attack someone who isn t doing well. you usually only get attacked in politics if you present a threat to someone. jeb s comment is interesting. he endorsed me. he wanted me to be the vice president. he openly told people i should be the vice president in 2012 when romney was going through that process. the only thing that s changed between then and now is we happen to both be running for president. i think chris, both jeb and chris have had a tough couple days and obviously sometimes people don t react well to adversity. and so they re saying some things they ll probably later on regret. that s not going to change my campaign. i m not running to beat up on other republicans. if there are policy differences, we ll discuss those. ultimately i m running to unify this party and ensure our next president is nothing like the one we have now. as you know, immigration has become a big issue in this election. you and all of your rivals want to secure the border. if you become president, what do you do next? after securing the border? first, not just secure the border, people have to have confidence you ve done it. in essence, i do not believe having worked on this issue now for a long time including just personally having come from the background i come from that the american people are going to support anything on immigration until first they believe illegal immigration is truly under control. that means finishing the wall and fencing, new border patrol agents and entry/exit tracking system and e-verify. only after that s in place and that s working can go to the american people and see what they re willing to support. i think they ll be willing to support something very reasonable. i don t think the american people expect us to round up and deport 12 million people. if you re a criminal, you won t be able to stay no matter what. they should be deported now, criminals. if you re not, we outlined an idea. i don t know if the american people will support it but the idea of allowing people that have been here for a long time to pass a background check, pay a fine, start paying taxes, they get a work permit. that s all they ll have for at least a decade. we ll see what the american people are willing to support. i m not going to ram it down anyone s throat. i can tell you how we re not going to do it, through unconstitutional executive orders the way this president has done it now. last, we know you re a big music fan. what are you listening to node? today i haven t been listening to anything. on the trail. people know this now over the last couple years i ve gotten interested into electronic dance music, calvin harris. i just like it because the lyrics are clean so i can listen to it in front of my kids and not worry about it. i used to be a much bigger hop hop fan. the lyrics have gotten harder to listen to when you have 10-year-olds in the car. straight outta compton, you said it one time i want to see the movie. were they robbed of an oscar nomination? i haven t seen the movie so i can t tell you. they re reuniting now. they re going to do i guess easy e. because he passed away, i heard eminem is going to fill his role in the reunion. i m interested to see how that plays out. are the oscars too white? i don t know. what does that mean? that s the rap on it, pardon the pun, there aren t enough people of color nominated in movies. hollywood has bigger problems than that. i guess you re talking about the controversial with the number of nominees. i haven t followed that very closely. it s interesting, though. the bigger problem i have with hollywood is the values they re trying to ram down our throat in this country and how parent it s made it on parents like me and my wife to raise our children with the values that we want to instill in them as opposed to the values hollywood wants to ram down people s throats and i think that s one of the things that i just talked about with the lyrics as an example. that s something i m really concerned about. i haven t followed the whole oscars thing. senator, thanks so much for taking the time. great to talk to you. thanks. marco rubio talking to new day s alisyn camerota. john king, host of inside politics. nia-malika henderson. gloria borger. paul begala and amanda carpenter. she s a former ted cruz communications director. conservative writer, mona joins down. it s interesting seeing rubio in that interview. he gives the republican party the best chance of winning the general election according to him gepgs secretary clinton. is he the candidate they are most concerned about do you think or you re most concerned about? i change every day. he s clearly talented. he has a ton of talent. he s really gifted, but he s had some problems too. he s had he couldn t give a response to the president s state of the union. he has his draw backs. they re all talented. i did not say this in 2012, but this is a bradley talented field. they do fear hillary clinton the most because wall street is attacking hillary and helping bernie in iowa so that we know for sure. i change every day. actually my best advice they should all get out of the race and let hillary become president. it s about exceeding expectations. he overperformed his poll numbers in iowa. he is the leading establishment candidate. the label doesn t mean as much, but that s what people are going to try to put had on him. he s a candidate who can reach out to romney voters and compete and try to take their voters away. a lot of voters kwhoo have been with other candidates will look at the iowa results and some of them will say should we give him a chance. he s the best athlete on the field. is he ready to be president and he s growing as the campaign goes on. is this his year or his aaa. i would say he should go back and look at the clinton campaign in 2008. leading with electable. it s a good message for republicans that i can united the party and i can win. but leading with it, the prime areas are about ideology. talk about what they want to talk about, and tlen get to the electedability. leading with it is risky. it helped him last night. it helped him to third place. it did, but on the issue of electability he was kind of two to one. so. you re rubio supporter he hasn t spent at much time on the ground as christie. what s his ground game like? his strategy it seems to me is to focus on the issue that is most important to primary voters who are republicans and what is that, security. security and terrorism are the highest priority now, higher than the economy. you notice in that last preiowa debate he hit that very hard. it s a strength for him. he s very conversant with issues about terrorism and foreign affairs. though he looks young, he and cruz are the same age. though he looks young he s quite expert in those areas and i think that s what he has been stressing and i think it s working for him. how do you see it playing out? but he just in terms of this race, the only reason that trump the only reason we talk about donald trump is because of illegal immigration. marco rubio made a fatal mistake of joining that. with. it s just such a hurdle for him to overcome. in that interview he has to explain his position on immigration. i don t know how you overcome that and try to be a candidate because if people are fearing if terrorists can come across the boarder you have no credibility. among the voters in iowa when they were asked what is their most important issue, only 12% listed immigration so it may not be the deciding issue. just hold that thought. we re going to have more. coming up next, donald trump talking about something he rarely mentions lessons learned. also more on what could turn into a marathon of a clinton sanders race and the fact yorz that may shape that. made a simple tripvere chto the grocery storeis anything but simple. so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. ask your dermatologist about humira. because with humira clearer skin is possible. type 2 diabetes doesn t care who you are. man woman or where you re from. city country we re just everyday people fighting high blood sugar. i am everyday people. farxiga may help in that fight every day. along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. one pill a day helps lower your a1c. and, although it s not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower blood pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you have any of these symptoms stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. farxiga. we are everyday people. i am everyday people. yeah. yeah. ask your doctor if farxiga is right for you and visit to learn how you can get it for free. you heard at length at the top of the broadcast from marco rubio who now leads the so-called establishment alternative to either donald trump or ted cruz, though you could probably argue with that term. you heard a trump alternative chris christie take a shot at rubio. now a bit from trump, himself. he spoke today with new hampshire nh 1 political director paul steinhaus. you talk about the polls, last night you didn t win. how much does that hurt personally and hurt your brand? i thought we did great. i didn t expect to be in the top ten for a long period of time. we came in second. everybody said you can t win in iowa, so we didn t take it that seriously. we came in strong second. a very strong second. brought out more voters than has ever been brought out. actually the vote total i got has been unbelievable. i think i had the highest in history other than the one vote. so, no, i think we did really well. i m very happy with it. did you learn lessons from iowa that you re going to now implement in new hampshire? i think we learned some lessons. i had a great time in iowa. i think the people are amazing. i think they re amazing right over here. we re going to be here tonight making a speech. we have a sold out arena as you know. it s going to be fantastic. i love the people of new hampshire. the people of iowa treated me good. hey, look, we started out number 17, now we re number 2 in iowa. i think we re going to be number one over here. senator rubio saying skipping the debate was not good, he gained votes because you were not there. i raised $6 million for the vets, so if i had to do it again, i would have done the same thing because coming in second in iowa and raising $6 million for the vets was really worth it to me. the vets are very happy with the job i ve done. and, you know, if you look at new hampshire, it s a big vet area. and i ll tell you what, everywhere i go, they thank me for that $6 million. all right. let s bring in the panel, jeffrey lord, donald trump s admission that he did very well in iowa but could have won if he spent more time or more money there. how much of a setback do you think this is for his campaign? i don t think it s that much of a setback. as we all know, lots of people have won or a number of people have won in iowa and that was it. senator cruz could well just be the new rick santorum or the new mike huckabee. and then others have lost it and gone on to be president. does there s always a lot of pr, publicity around this particular caucus. i understand why. but then you win or you lose and you go on and there s no guarantee at all. bill press, as a sanders supporters, you know, you look at the large numbers of young people he was able to attract last night in the caucuses in iowa. the knock on him, though, is once he leaves new hampshire, moving forward, south carolina, nevada, and elsewhere, it s going to become a lot more difficult for him. hillary clinton. there s a lot more support among african-americans, even latinos. how do you make the argument that this is going to be a lodge drawn-out fight? look how well he did last night and look at where he is in new hampshire. you know, i think jeff weaver said it earlier, anderson, it s a message that his message has really resonated across the board, this populist revolution to the ideas he s put forward but i want to take the high road in a sense that i think what we the lesson from last night is that bernie sanders is for real. he s a serious candidate. people take him seriously. and this is going to be a big contest. hillary clinton called it a contest of ideas between the two of them that could go maybe as far as the convention. it s going to be a serious contest. they both want to go in the same direction. they have different ideas of how to get there. it s going to start tomorrow night with your town hall. it s great for the party, great for bernie and great for hillary and a great contest to the sniping we see on the other side. i think this is what the americans want to see. in terms of money senator sanders has shown he can raise it, $20,000 raised in the last month, average donation $27. that s why he s in this for the long haul. i talked to somebody who knows him well. they said even if clinton is mathematically winning that he could still take this to the convention and try to influence the platform, influence what clinton has to say. one of the reasons we keep focusing on demographics is demographics is the key to a democrat s strategy in the general election. if you look at the way obama won, he won 80% of non-white voters, something like 30% of white voters, and that s what sanders has to i think show even in a primary fight. that he can get those voters. he didn t do terribly in iowa. he won 34% of non-white voters. 58% went to clinton. he s really got to sort to show that he can resonate with those voters that are so key to a democratic win in a general election. he won young women. he did. and younger voters. that s important to the coalition, too. nine times out of ten, demographics determine elections almost more than the candidates. every now and then there s a big wave. the question is there such a big change wave? republicans want strange. bernie sanders s strength is a credit to his campaign, b democrats want change, too. all of hillary clinton s strengths, there are many, she s not change. paul, do you believe it s going to be a long drawn-out battle? there s a lot of people saying, look, if there was any state where bernie sanders was going to win, it would have been iowa and new hampshire. after that, it becomes more difficult. well, it could go long, i think bill makes a good point, it wouldn t be entirely bad. the hillary/barack death match is the best thing that happened to barack obama, made him smarter, tougher, better president. do you think the long drawn-out fight with bernie sanders will make hillary it s all ready. take the party so far left that s a big worry. that s what happened with romney. one of two things. what happened to romney, he dragged the party to the right cliff or what happened to obama, made him smarter and tougher. so far they ve kept it between the ditches. they have. i m not that worried. the likelihood is hillary puts it away sooner than that. i don t mean disrespect to senator sanders. he has to show the capacity to grow. senator obama had an enormous capacity to grow out of iowa because of his experience, coming out of illinois, chicago. he had terrific appeal with communities of color. that s how he beat hillary. senator sanders hasn t proven that yet because he comes out of vermont, has a terrific record but it s not in his political dna the way it is for hillary or president obama. you can see in this campaign between sanders and the clinton the effect that barack obama has had on the democratic party and the country. he s moved it significantly to the left. there is nothing in sanders platform that barack obama has ever told voters they couldn t have, you know, free college tuition, medicare for all. but for the intransigents and evil republicans on the hill. and so he sort of set the table for the debate that the democrats are now having and, you know, on the one hand, you have a candidate in sanders who s a devout socialist who wants to spend $17 trillion and on the other hand, hillary clinton, somebody who may face indictment and that s the democratic race. actually we should ask bill about this. he s written an entire book about it. the truth is senator sanders is far to the left of president obama, he d probably say that. the president has not called for free college tuition. bill s written a whole book about it. bill, you think he s actually been a disappointment for progressives, president obama. yeah, look, i know we re talking about 2016, we re not looking back at president obama s presidency. no, i think president obama is i m proud i voted for him. i d vote for him again. he s done a lot of good things, but read the book, in some ways i believe he has let progressives down. i ll just leave it at that. and i think the point of looking forward is that whether it s bernie or hillary, my point is that progressives have to really be tough as hell and demand that the next president take that progressive agenda that bernie s talking about and by the way, hillary s talking about and run with it all the way. john, though, hillary clinton has a track record in new hampshire as does bill clinton. i mean, hillary clinton won new hampshire the last time around. she was down in the polls to barack obama. it s both a blessing and a curse, you have old friends up there, they re battle tested. you have relationships. you need people who handle pressure well. on the other hand, in an environment where people are looking for something new and different and change, no offense to her, but her last name s clinton. her husband was a two-term president. they brought him out at one point to help close the deal and some ways it may have hurt them. as effective as bill clinton is, it reminded them it s a legacy candidate, not a change candidate. again, she has many, many strengths, don t get me wrong. she doesn t have the political instincts of her husband. jeb bush can t break through. republicans don t want to go back to the bushes. they respect the name. in a part, that s hillary clinton s issue. democratic voters want change, too. some progressives love president obama but don t think he did enough. she s the continuity, the third-term candidate. bernie sanders is something new. that s a huge dynamic for this race. here s her other problem, too, i think, which is her response to bernie sanders yes, in a perfect world, we d all agree with you but i m pragmatic, i m the confident one. on the issue of pragmatism, to voters who want change and have passion for the opposing candidate, isn t enough. it s boring. be who she is. she s authentically pragmatic. the media hammers her, she s a big phony. she believes you can t wave a magic wand and have socialized medicine. the question is can she survive this climate being herself? is this the right climate? we got to leave that discussion there. just to echo bill press reminder, i m going to moderate a town hall tomorrow night in derry, new hampshire, bernie sanders, hillary clinton on the same stage taking questions from granite state voters as well as from myself. 9:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow night. ted cruz, fresh off his win in iowa. i ll speak with his communications director when we continue. yes, we are twins. when i went on to ancestry, i just put in the name of my parents and my grandparents. i was getting all these leaves and i was going back generation after generation. you start to see documents and you see signatures of people that you ve never met. i mean, you don t know these people, but you feel like you do. you get connected to them. i wish that i could get into a time machine and go back 100 years, 200 years and just meet these people. being on ancestry just made me feel like i belonged somewhere. discover your story. start searching for free now at go on a first date. my passion is puppetry. here? 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well, not really. you know, we have three of the most conservative leaders here in new hampshire, senator bob smith and dave wheeler who s executive counselor, and former speaker bill o brien, and we ve got a great team here in new hampshire. we re not going to change our message for new hampshire. the 603 alliance here in new hampshire was formed from pro-gun groups, pro-family group s, pro-life groups, pro-business groups that wanted to come together and not let the establishment nominate another moderate candidate and because there are six candidates really competing for the same vote, there is an opportunity for conservatives to do very well here. so we hope if those conservatives turn out and unite behind ted cruz, we re looking forward to a good night next tuesday. how much time is he going to be spending in new hampshire? because he was there earlier but he s already in south carolina. well, he ll be back shortly, in fact, he may have already arrived back in new hampshire. will be here for the duration. we ll be here all week. okay. the fact that rubio was able to do much better in iowa than expected, is your campaign worried that he might be able to capitalize on that momentum or do you think the fact that as you said, christie, kasich, bush, are all sort of competing in that same lane, is going to take him down? well, two things. you know, yesterday morning the des moines register said we were five points down and people said we had no chance of winning iowa, that it was all donald trump and we ended up winning it by 6,000 votes so i think the momentum and the exceeding expectations would have gone to us. secondly, you re exactly right, there are all these moderates fighting each other. in fact, you saw chris christie calling marco rubio today the boy in the bubble which refers to his lack of access to the press. and so they ll be fighting each other. there s really maybe there s no reason actually to pick on ted cruz because he s the only conservative with a path to victory that s in his lane. everybody else is in the moderate lane. i want to ask you something about donald trump tweeted about your candidate earlier today. he said, i quote anybody who watched ted cruz s rambling overly flamboyant speech last night would say that is his howard dean moment. what is your response to that? donald trump has never given a speech. he just has a stream of consciousness that sometimes makes sense and sometimes doesn t. full of contradictory statements. and so i think ted cruz delivers a very powerful and impassioned speech and he knows exactly what he s communicating and he talked about what he would do as president. he talked about policy. he talks about substance. donald trump doesn t touch on any of those things. rick tyler, always good to talk to you, rick. thanks very much for being with us. thanks, anderson. ahead, donald trump said he was, quote, honored to finish second in iowa. will his loss affect new hampshire? we ll take you there to find out next. i filed my taxes online with h&r block for $9.99. na na na? look at my lil phone. huh? na na na. [announcer] file state online for $9.99. federal is free. carry the centimeter, divide by 3.14 something something something. [ beeping, whirring ] great caesar salad! and now the name your price tool shows people policy options to help fit their budget. is that a true story? yeah! people really do save an average of over $500 when they switch. i mean about you inventing it. i invented the story, and isn t that what really matters? so. what else about me? donald trump says the media is not covering his, quote, long-shot great finish in iowa fairly. as we mentioned before the break, he also lashed out at ted cruz s speech and last night didn t even seem to see his loss as a loss. take a look. i was told by everybody, do not go to iowa, you could never finish even in the top ten. and i said, but i have friends in iowa, i know a lot of people in iowa, i think they ll really like me, let s give it a shot. they said, don t do it. i said, i have to do it. and we finished second and i want to tell you something, i m just honored. i m really honored. trump may not be talking like he never expected to win iowa, if you look back at his campaign up to this point, it s been about promising he ll win everything. i will win. i ll bring in states that nobody ever thought of. honestly, we re going to win so much. we re going to win on trade. we re going to win with our military. i want to win, okay? you know, we like to win. we know how to close deals. i close. i m a closer. we will beat isis very quickly, folks. i beat china all the time. we re going to win then we re going to beat hillary or whoever the hell they put in front of us. we re going to win so much. we re going to win so much. we re going to have win after win after win. you people are going to get sick and tired of winning. you re going to say, please, president trump, we can t take this much victory, please stop, we don t want this many wins. i m going to say to you, we re going to win, i don t care what you say, we re going to make our country great again. we re going to win, we re going to win and we re going to win. he came in second in iowa. the question is can he win in new hampshire? he s leading the polls there right now. gary tuchman is there, spoke with some of his supporters. how are you? reporter: on an unseasonably warm evening in new hampshire, this crowd doesn t have any warmth toward those who say donald trump is now politically vulnerable after losing in iowa to ted cruz. well, because i think he s going to come here and rock new hampshire. reporter: trump may have come in second place in the caucuses but we asked many people lined up to see him in new hampshire this question. were you disappointed with the results in iowa? absolutely not. reporter: how come? second place is a great finish. can you see me right now? of course i can. reporter: those are unusual glasses. i m here to support donald trump. reporter: no kidding. yes, all decked out. reporter: were you disappointed he didn t win in iowa? no i, i wasn t. i thought that was going to be tough for him. i put perspective on it it s only one last delegate. reporter: there were some trump supporters who said a second-place finish was a letdown but they were in the minority. how many of you were disappointed he didn t win the caucuses last night? very. he did win. he won just by coming in second and doing nothing for it. everybody wins because he s in the race. reporter: what does that mean? they all owe him a thank you note because there s been more interest, excitement, entertainment with him in it than there ever would have been. reporter: one reason many trump supporters here don t feel badly about his loss to ted cruz is they don t think much of the iowa caucuses. i just don t like it. i think that you can talk people out of things. you might go in really wanting to vote for trump and someone can change your mind at the last minute. i think a caucus is just a caucus. it s not really a vote. i think it was so informal i m not exactly sure how the process works. reporter: many of the people who have come here had hoped this would be a post-iowa caucuses victory party of sorts, but now they re part of an effort to make sure donald trump doesn t go 0 for 2. tell me why you like donald trump. he speaks his mind. there s no bull [ bleep ]. he speaks his mind. reporter: you just cussed. he says she speaks her mind, too. he says exactly what a lot of people are thinking. reporter: that clearly wasn t enough for trump in iowa, but his supporters here are determined to give their candidate a win next tuesday in new hampshire. and gary joins us now from milford, new hampshire. i understand you asked donald trump before his rally if he was disappointed in coming in second. what did he say? reporter: i told donald trump, anderson, that most of the supporters we talked to were not disappointed that he didn t win the iowa caucuses and how do you feel? and he said that perhaps i feel a, quote, tinge of disappointment. he also told us if he was in the last republican debate he feels he could have won the iowa caucuses but he says in retrospect he would have done the same thing all over again. just ahead, the whirlwind that sweeps through new hampshire every four years in full force. the candidates have just seven days left to seal the deal. didn t last night s caucus help any undecided voters in the granite state make up their minds? we ll look at that. across america, people like basketball hall of famer dominique wilkins. .are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes. .with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn t get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it s taken once a day, any time. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes. .and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer. .multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to. .victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction. .may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. tell your doctor. .if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®. .including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). stop taking victoza®. .and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back. .with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. .and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or. .insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea. .diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration. .which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn t giving you. .the control you need. .ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it s covered by most health plans. go on a first date. my passion is puppetry. here? i think we re done here. hate drama? go to research, price, find. only helps you get the right car without all the drama. 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(text tone) you may have oab. enough of this. we re going to the doctor. take charge and ask your doctor about myrbetriq. that s myr-be-triq, the first and only treatment. .in its class for oab symptoms of urgency. .frequency, and leakage. myrbetriq (mirabegron) may increase blood pressure. tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder, or have a weak urine stream. myrbetriq may cause serious allergic reactions. if you experience. .swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue or difficulty breathing, stop taking myrbetriq and tell your doctor right away. myrbetriq may affect or be affected by other medications. before taking myrbetriq. .tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. common side effects include increased blood pressure. .common cold symptoms, urinary tract infection. .and headache. it s time for you to make the calls, so call your doctor to see if .myrbetriq may be right for you. visit to learn more. lot of traffic today on the campaign trail in new hampshire. hillary clinton, ted cruz, marco rubio, bernie sanders heading straight there after last night s iowa caucuses. some of their rivals have been campaigning there for days. they have seven days to seal the deal with voters. many of them still undecided. the question is simple, did last night s caucuses help any of them reach a decision? we asked randi kaye to watch the group whose votes for still up for grabs. reporter: too many choices, too little time. i m flip-flopping every five seconds. reporter: that s what we heard over and over from this group of undecided new hampshire voters. when will you decide? by election day. reporter: that s good. we hoped watching the iowa caucus results would help this group choose a candidate. a handful here are still considering donald trump but want more specifics. he wants to make the country great again, i d just like to know more of how. if he could he doesn t really say a lot of plans of how he s going to do things. if he would just come up and say, okay, we re going to fix the economy and this is my plan, i d jump right in. reporter: then you re in trump s corner. exactly. reporter: most of the other republican voters are torn between marco rubio i think he has fresher ideas than other folks and trying to bring more energy to it. doesn t seem like as much as retread rhetoric. reporter: and ted cruz. what do you need to hear from cruz or rubio? i m not sure. we ve been praying about it. i don t know. i only know i feel it s too bad we can t split the presidency down the middle and say you can make it monday through wednesday and the rest is, you know, is the other candidate. reporter: these democratic voters were also struggling. this woman was sold on hillary clinton until bernie sanders came along. i feel as though he speaks to me for those of us in the middle class. those of us who have children in college. you know, i think he has some good ideas and i d like to give him a chance. reporter: so how will you decide? i think i ll go to vote and i ll stand there and that is when i ll make my decision. reporter: in that moment. yes. reporter: this voter likes clinton but likes sanders fresh someone kwhoo graduated with a good amount of student loends, his position on student loans is very thoughtful as well and he think he has a passion that a lot of people this age are looking for. reporter: so why aren t you ready to say i m behind bernie sanders. i m concerned about his electability outside of new england and in the broader country so that s really what my biggest hold up is. reporter: in the end some of our voters did make up their minds. give me a show of hands, did any of you decide on a candidate? you did. who did you pick? rubio. rubio. okay three there on the republican side. let s check the democratic side. show of hands after coming in undecided did anybody decide on a candidate? yell out who you picked. hillary. who did they vote for. reporter: three other undecided voters decided to go tore bernie sanders and then there was this one woman who wanted to vote democratic and at the end of the night she voted for donald trump. this is a campaign that is full of surprises, but one interesting thing is that even on the democratic side with two candidates here, the voters are still struggling. one woman said her heart is with the bernie sanders but she wants to make sure a democrat gets in the white house so she s leaning towards hillary clinton. as we said today donald trump blasted the media for not giving him more credit with second place in iowa. he got endorsement from former senator scott brown. joining me now is the political reporter for the boston globe. how big is that to donald trump when it comes to new hampshire and has he been leading in the polls there? there is of course the issue of momentum for rubio, maybe cruz. that s right. ever since 1980 and george bush won iowa he talked about having the big mow, every single winner of the iowa caucuses went into new hampshire with a version of momentum. it took five weeks for george bush to lose that to ronald reagan and barack obama five days to lose that in 2008. we don t have any candidate coming to new hampshire with any sort of big mow. clearly you see that on the democratic side. i don t think hillary clinton can argue she has that momentum. on the republican side you might have what we call mini mow because obviously ted cruz won. he had a lot of buzz today. marco rubio you would rather be in his position than others, but i don t think the race in new hampshire as we sit here 24 hours after iowa has changed. donald trump is still the front-runner on the republican side and bernie sanders is still the front-runner on the democratic side. ted cruz had consolidated conservatives months ago. you still had this establishment lane cluster with marco rubio and jeb bush and chris christie. is there any sign of trump s team trying to ramp up their ground game in new hampshire. it appears to be that cruz and rubio had pretty solid turnout operations although trump has said he got a huge number of actual votes coming in second. that is a great question and as you know the trump organization, the trump campaign really keeps this really tight to the vest. i did dig deep down into the organization last week though talking to a lot of people who are town chairs or involved on making the phone calls. what s fascinating is that they really only ramped up this ground game in new hampshire where he s been leading since july. they ve only ramped it up in the last month, but what they ve put together in the last couple of weeks has been extremely impressive and very efficient. the question is whether or not it s too late, but as you heard new hampshire makes up their minds so late that maybe it s just in time. how big of a deal is that scott brown endorsed trump? not a huge deal. i mean, he ran in one election where he was opposed by a number of conservatives. it s a flashy one day news story, but this is happening right now and we re going to be moving on to other issues. i think if scott brown had endorsed early on it would have had more effect. trump s chair said trump can draw a crowd, that they need to work on the number one question people have whether he s serious and for real. did they talk about how they would do that? yeah, they do. they say he has spent a lot of time talking to people that he is serious and for real. they tried to get into issues. obviously donald trump is not extremely specific when it comes to detailed policy positions on one item after another, but they point to the time he spent in the state and how seriously he s taken the state. the donald trump campaign have specific vote totals for every single statewide where they want to be, where they are in every town. it s easy do that on the back of a napkin. the question is whether or not he can get these people to show up. great to talk to you, james. thanks so much. we ll be right back. 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(whispers) now hide-and-seek time can also be catch-up-on-my-shows time. here i come! can t find you anywhere! don t settle for u-verse. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. before we go, i just want to remind you what s happening tomorrow night after this broadcast, after 360. i ll be moderating a democratic town hall in new hampshire. bernie sanders, hillary clinton will be taking questions. there are many undecided voters. that s 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. right now it s time for cnn tonight with don lemon. it is your turn, new hampshire. the candidates are out in force. this is cnn tonight. i am don lemon. so much for conventional wisdom in iowa. cruz win. every pundit said there s no way cruz can win. can t happen. it s impossible. the race is done. donald trump, second. we had a very good result yesterday. could have been a little bit better. marco rubio surges. if i m the nominee, we are going to beat hillary clinton and it won t be by the flip of a coin. promise you that. hillary clinton win. i feel really great being

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20160223

so you have a whole vegas night ahead of you. to go out thereto cha-ching. and you look like you re having too much fun. i m coming out to vegas tomorrow and the first thing i m going to want to know when i get there is what did you do last night. so save your story for tomorrow. it involves a roll of pennies, i can tell you right now. i m sure it will. thank you, rachel. well on the eve of the nevada caucus, ted cruz fired his most valuable player for tweeting something that wasn t accurate while donald trump and marco rubio continue to call ted cruz a liar. i asked for rick tyler s resignation. one of his top aids fired after spreading misinformation about marco rubio. wasted no time jumping on cruz, tweet nothing dirty tricks. i can t take it anymore. basic manners are gone from politics, what is with it with these ding dongs? you re not sure that marco rubio is eligible for president? i don t know. i ve never looked a it, george, honest will be we i ve never looked at it. we re going to support whoever the nominee is. donald trump, yes, donald trump is now the clear front runner to win the republican nomination, can you believe that? you could say that trump is the candidate fox & friends admit it. it s just like when you have a bad dream, except this is real and will probably ruin your life. we have to vote for another president. no! what s the secret? she s going. just keep moving. we re glad to have you here. today, one day before the republican caucus, ted cruz fired his communications director to prove what a clean and honorable campaign he s running. yesterday a staffer from our campaign sent out a tweet that tweeted a news story that propurted to candidate marco rubio saying something about the bible. the news story was false. that staffer dleelted the tweet, apologized, and pulled it down. i investigated what happened this morning. and this morning, i asked for rick tyler s resignation. i had made clear in this campaign that we will conduct this campaign with the very highest standards of integrity. that has been how we conducted it from day one. it is why when other campaigns attack us personally impugn my integrity or character, i don t respond in kind. the tweet that rick tyler sent out quoted marco rubio saying there are not many answers in the bible when in fact marco rubio said something like all the answers are in the bible. rick tyler apologized to marco rubio on facebook saying i assumed wrongly that the story was correct according to to the cruz staffer. the senator made a friendly and appropriate remark. marco rubio, certainly doesn t think firing rick tyler was enough. who s going to be fired when ted cruz is president? because this campaign now has repeatedly done things they have to apologize for and no one s ever held accountable. who s going to be held accountable for making up this video? for lying about ben carson? who was held accountable for robocalls and who was held accountable for the commercials on televisioning that they had to pull down? of course donald trump who spends most z-day loved every bit of this. and the series of tweets donald trump said, wow, ted cruz falsely suggested marco rubio mocked the bible and he was just forced to fire his communications director. more dirty tricks. and ted cruz has now apologized to marco rubio and ben carson for fraud and dirty tricks. no wonder he has lost evangelical support. and then ted cruz should be disqualified from his fraudulent win in iowa, weak rnc and relationship leadership probably won t let this the happen. sad. joining us now, tom davis, former congressman from virginia. he s the state chairman for john kasich s presidential campaign now. also with us, david from, and john walstone, the host of walstone live on pbs magazine. john walstone, it s hard to pretend that there s much suspense about who s going to come in first in nevada. looks like donald trump s going to win in a landslide. and the private data indicates that he s in the 40s. which would really be a landslide, but again, you know, this is a caucus, it s a caucus run by an organization, the state republican party that is totally dysfunctional. and took two and a half days to count 33,000 votes four years ago, and it s on a tuesday night with different start times. so who knows who s going to actually turn out? but donald trump even as we speak, lawrence, is having a huge rally, huge, with where the line started at 1:00 for a 7:00 rally. i think his people are going to go caucus. and i think it s going to be an ugly night with rubio and cruz again boasting about who finished in second place. tom davis, marco rubio could have maybe won south carolina if jeb bush was out and threw his support to rubio, if john kasich was out and threw his support to rubio. how much pressure is there for john kasich to throw his support to rubio? well, they put pressure, but it s not going to happen. look, these are front ended to be in deep red states. except for new hampshire where john kasich was second. iowa caucus, south carolina, conservative stayed, nevada s caucus. you go to super tuesday, mostly southern, but you do have vermont and massachusetts in there. we need to get to the states where we re going to perform well. illinois, michigan, ohio, just because it s front ended in a map, it s not good for us doesn t mean you should pull out. we ve only had four states in at this point. and i think we deserve a shot at the pie. let s listen to what ted cruz said today about donald trump and why he doesn t believe donald trump s going to be president. what that means for this campaign. let s listen to this. i believe that donald trump will not be our nominee. but the only way to beat him is for conservatives to unite behind our campaign. if other candidates devote all of their time and energy to attacking us, to engage in personal slurs and attacks, it is possible they could weaken us to a sufficient extent if they hand donald trump the nomination. that is a possibility. i hope that it doesn t happen. david, is that possibility a real prediction that they will weaken ted cruz to the point where donald trump will be the nominee? that seems to be donald trump s plan. judging by his activity, i mean, while everybody keeps insisting that marco rubio is the theoretical front runner that the theory of donald trump seems to be he wants to be in a two-man race with marco rubio. much more than he wants to be in a two-man race with ted cruz. that s why ted cruz is the next man he wants off the island. let s listen to what rubio said today about trump. if we nominate someone that half of the republican party hates, we re going to be fighting against each other all the way to november. we will never win that way. we can i don t care how much you may think they re funny or how interesting they may sound, if we nominate someone that 40 to 50% of the party can t stand, we are going to lose. john, there he is campaigning against trump, but he s afraid to actually mention his name. well, i think he s afraid to take him on for obvious reasons, lawrence. you should see what s going on here in nevada. it s just a rubio, cruz slug fest out here. you played some of the clips. trump, i think trump s theory in the case is very, very simple, is these guys are all going to stay in. cruz and rubio, they re both have their ways they think they have a past for the nomination. kasich you just heard from the congressman isn t going anywhere, even ben carson is hanging around. and ben carson had a big rally here today in nevada. i think he may do better than people think tomorrow which is bad for cruz and rubio, obviously. and so, i think trump could win by a huge margin. again, lawrence, this caucus is very difficult to predict. the democrats had 20 to 25% turnout on saturday, the republicans will be lucky, i mean lucky to get half of that. let s look at the latest nbc news poll on donald trump s favorability. his unfavorable is 59%. his favorable, 28%. tom davis, your party now has a front runner for the nomination with a 59% unfavorable. why isn t john kasich going straight at that 59% unfavorable every day and hammering away at donald trump? well, i think he hammers away at electability, just look at the map. states where john kasich is going to produce well, they come later in the cycle. this is front ended at this point to disadvantage candidates like kasich. as we get to super tuesday, you ll have massachusetts, vermont, parts of virginia, parts of tennessee where i think he can do well. remember, in south carolina, rubio spent like 11 or $12 million and had the whole establishment with him. came out with no delegates to speak of. these are, at this the point, proportionate delegates. so i don t think there s a need for everybody to come together behind one candidate yet if they want to stop trump. they can wait until march 15th is when you get the winner take all races and if this hasn t gelled by that point, it s going to be straight ahead for trump. david, do you agree with that? is narge 15th still the spot where it might be public to stop trump? it s going to come up earlier than that. i mean, before march 13th. republican party will have picked nearly a third of all the delegates. there s close to half. so, it is this is going to be march 1st is really decision moment. if march 1st is as big a day for trump as it now looks, i don t know how he gets stopped. so this is like, it s a collective action problem. right? these candidates needed to seek they re difference. they re each convinced they have that unique thing. and we in the media are weirdly the most convinced about the weakest of the candidates. we are most certain that marco rubio is strong, but yet he s really the weakest for this reason. the central issue, the last time we re on the central issue was obamacare. and the republican party was against it, and somehow they nominate the man who was intellectual father, mitt romney who designed the same plan in massachusetts, or very similar. this time around, the central issue in the race is immigration for republicans. marco rubio is the most strongly identified candidate with the position on immigration that republicans reject. so he, it s hard for me to see how he goes anywhere. and yet, he is the one who s constantly calling on all of the others to drop out. marco rubio has conservative talk radio hammering that point against him all day, every day. that he s in the wrong place and has been in the wrong place on immigration. yeah, and david s right, i mean, he has been running away from the gang of eight, he s been doing revisionist history on the gang of eight. he s changed his explanation on that. that s a very weak position. and trump eventually, if it ever came down to trump and rubio. imagine what would happen there, lawrence, in that match-up, and trump is just saying exactly what the base wants to hear about immigration and even cruz, although rubio tried to muddy cruz a little bit on immigration, i think that if it s rubio, the argument, david is making is correct in the sense of what is his argument. where is he showing strength? he gives victory speeches when it finishes in third place. i think he has to start win, and there s no sign that that s going to happen. lawrence. tom, go ahead. march 1st is important for ted cruz because that s highs texas primary. let s see how he performs there against trump. if he doesn t win that. i think that knocks him out at this point. and rubio has the 15th in florida. if he doesn t, that s winner take all. if he doesn t win that, he s out of it. there are a lot of contingencies and a long way to go. tom, when we come back, i want to the ask you, if it does get done like as you tried to outline. if it gets down to trump versus kasich, exactly what that fight s going to look like. stay with us. coming up, bernie sanders now thinks that he s winning, and you ll hear him explain what he mines by that. and later, a very special last word tonight from the simpsons, who this time are talking politics. the simpsons as you have never heard them right here on the last word. i take pictures of sunrises, but with my back pain i couldn t sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i m back. aleve pm for a better am. its intelligent drive is paradigm-shifting. its technology-filled cabin.jaw-dropping. its performance.breathtaking. its self-parking.and the all-new glc. mercedes-benz resets the bar for the luxury suv. starting at $38,950. until one of you clipst da food truck.. then your rates go through the roof. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. we re always looking for ways to speed up your car insurance search. here s the latest. problem is, we haven t figured out how to reverse it. for now, just log on to plug in some simple info and get up to 50 free quotes. choose the lowest and hit purchase. now.if you ll excuse me, i m late for an important function. saving humanity from high insurance rates. two republican senators are breaking ranks with majority leader mitch mcconnell in the supreme court vacancy created by the death of antonin scalia. susan collins says the process should go as she put it one step at a time and she add i believe we should give careful consideration to the nominee that the president may send to the senate. today, illinois republican senator mark kirk about the supreme court. recognize the right of the president to be a republican or democrat to place before the senate and nominee and i fully expect and look forward to barack obama and advancing a nominee for the senate to consider. we ll be right back. out on the town or in for the night, at&t helps keep everyone connected. right now at at&t, buy one get one free on our most popular smartphones. no matter how you hang out, share every minute of it. buy one get one free on our most popular smartphones. and right now, get up to $650 in credits per line to help you switch to at&t. donald trump used the turmoil in the cruz campaign today as yet another opportunity to attack ted cruz for running this ad against donald trump. life, marriage, religious liberty, the second amendment. we re just one supreme court justice away from losing them all. when president trump ban parable abortion? look, i m very pro choice. but you would not ban it. no. no. i am pro choice in every respect. we cannot trust donald trump with these serious decisions. we re back with john, tom, and david. david, the trump threat to sue over this ad because it actually uses donald trump saying what donald trump thought is certainly the craziest lawsuit trump has proposed so far, but he continues in his objections to the ad to draw attention to him. he draws attention to it, and it points to something important in the politics and months ahead. you know, there s a lot of loose talk about michael bloomberg may be entering the independent race candidate. but, a much more likely scenario it seems to me if donald trump should emerge as a republican nominee. at this the point, hillary clinton is pro choice. and another candidate, donald trump who arrived at a pro life position not very credibly very, very recently. and the substantial pro-life community in the united states which has dominated the republican process since 1980 is going to be out in the cold. and the question is going, is there going to be a space for a third party run by a convinced pro life candidate? so that s going to be a fourth party run if you have mike bloomberg i don t think he ll do it. tom davis, do you see that opening? this doesn t strike me from where i sit, is that different from mitt romney s switch in abortion politics? and it seems to me, and i understood it that the anti-abortion forces care what you think now. and, they all believe in religious conversion, they all believe in religious changes of minds. and it s not really shocking to them the notion that someone might actually change his mind or her mind about abortion. it had no affect in south carolina. which is a state you would have expected to have some. so no, i think trump has rewritten the wrul rules in term was what candidates previously said, previously contributed to and can get away with. you asked me about kasich and trump db. let s go to that. just a second, lawrence. get to that. two arguments, one is that case sick a person with a very substitute record in public policy and balancing budgets, creating jobs, et cetera, versus talking about him. but secondly, you don t just have the presidency at stake this november, with the presidency goes the senate and the supreme court. you basically have 80%, and putting a candidate up with 59% negative is not a way to win the presidency. it s a way to jeopardize your senate majority and if you lose the supreme, you lose the court for a decade. that works for governor kasich or either of the other two candidates one on one. in the one on one polls that have been run, trump loses one on one to rubio by 16 points and loses one on one to cruz by 16 points. and in the current version, he comes out ahead of john kasich. do you think if tom davis theory of the case holds and we see those other two fall away and we eventually do get through a day when it s one on one with john kasich that that dynamic would be different than those polls would then obviously have to take on a whole new version of themselves to make sense in that new context. well, i think what the congressman said, lawrence, first is the most important thing that he said which is that donald trump is rewritten all of the rules. all the rules that we all thought we understood about presidential campaigns and politics and what would hurt a candidate and what wouldn t hurt a candidate are gone. and so we don t know what s going to happen. you know, trump s support is much broader than i think people understood, if you look at the polling, he s drawing some moderates, he s drawing somewhat conservative, he s drawing very conservative voters prp we don t know what s going to happen. of course tom davis is right that these later states favor john kasich, but the way, and i hate to use the word, the way the their ty is written in these narrative is written in these presidential campaigns, it may be too late for kasich and trump may have the whole thing locked up. i m not so sure it s even worth talking about. but again, i think that anybody who thinks they know based on history what will happen down the line in this presidential race is probably going to be wrong. i think we re all being very tempted in our pronouncements, including john davis who wants a certain outcome, i don t think he promised us that s the way it s going to work. david from, the big danger to the trump campaign remains every day, donald trump. he is capable of saying the strangest things at the strangest times. they fly by at very high speed in the last debate he said that he lost, as he put it, hundreds of friends. that was his term. hundreds of friends on 9/11, of course that isn t true. the next day he reduced it to many, many friends. no one caught that, and hasn t caught it. but it s the kind of things that shows you he s capable of at any moment of saying something very strange which none of us can predict what the affect of that is. donald trump can t predict what the affects of those things are either. well, who among us has not made the exactly the same point you just made? and i don t know, one of these days, he s going to get into a fight with the pope, then he s going to be finished. and he did get into the fight with a pope and he s not finished. if getting in a fight doesn t finish you and mother theresa isn t here anymore with us. i don t know what the thing that he would do, confess to the kennedy assassination? what would be in a thing? well tom, i would say that there s two ways to talk about this. what can cause trump a problem on the way to the republican nomination and what can cause him a problem on the way to the white house? and it s, it s easier to see his route to the nomination than to the white house. and we don t know what his dust-up with the pope has done to him in general election politics. and the dynamic was running one on one with a democrat. we don t know about the effect of all of these things and how they might play out if he s actually the republican nominee and people were casting a real vote on who goes into the white house. lawrence, i think we do know. that s what that 59% unfavorability tells us. that he is the least electable of the republicans running. i mean, the one thing he has going for him is hillary clinton also has high negatives. now, she s a more known commodity, we don t know thousand shaped up. there s a lot of things that have to happen between now and november, but you re really rooting for republicans who are concerned about the supreme court and the future of putting your weakest candidate cup. should they continue with trump. i think that s very clear in the polling that the point. the way the nomination is more complexed because of the way you front and a lot of these deep red states that are very conservative in their preference within the republican party. and that has disadvantaged the john kasich s of the world dau to some extent, rubio. he spent $11 million in south carolina and came up with zero delegates. david and tom davis, thanks for joining us tonight. john, i will see you in vegas tomorrow night. look forward to it, lawrence. thank you all. up next, donald trump versus marco rubio. hi, this is jennifer. i will be out of the office until monday, and won t be checking voicemail during this time. i ll reply just as soon as i get 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business. we can not lose this election, if we lose, it means obamacare becomes permanent. if we lose it means the gurning of our military continues. if we lose, all of these unconstitutional executive orders keep going on. if we lose, it means the next supreme court justice won t be anything like anthony anybody scalia, we have to win. i m here to ask you for your vote tomorrow, because if i m our nominee, we re going to win. i m as conservative as anyone this race, i have a 15 year record to prove it. that was marco rubio and the new establishment hope in reno, nebraska today making the case that he s the only one that can win the presidency. marco rubio has been picking up endorsements fast. just this evening, the boston harold endorsed rubio one week before the massachusetts primary calling him the republicans best hope to bring the party and the country together. earlier today, rubio picked up endorsements from former senator bob dole, former minnesota tim pawlenty, tom tillis, and the arkansas governor. now donald trump is going after marco rubio calling into question his eligibility to be president. you re not sure that marco rubio is eligible to run for president. you re really not sure. i don t know. i really, i never looked at it. somebody said he s not and i retweeted it, i have 14 million people between twitter and facebook and instagram and i retweet things and we start dialogue and it s very interesting. joining us now for an interesting dialogue, columnist for the daily beast, political correspondent for the washington post. ann, we surveyed our constitutional scholars here at the last word today including a few harvard professors who have by the way strong quells about ted cruz s eligibility. they all question his eligibility. they all guarantee marco rubio s eligibility. there is nothing to talk about in his eligibility, but there s donald trump trying to play that same card with marco rubio. yeah. i m not a constitutional scholar, but i agree with yours certainly on the face of it the letter of the constitution suggests absolutely no trouble for marco rubio in that regard and open question for ted cruz which is a really interesting constitutional issue right in the middle of the race this time out. what trump is doing here though which is hey, i m not, i m not saying he s not eligible, just raising the question. i m just retweeting. it s, you know, transparent, but also interesting and sort of entertaining until its way. and jonathan, this is a guy that retweets white sprem cysts and say, it s just a retweet. right. i think he ll probably get away with it. surprising to me that if he was really thinking this through, he would be wanting to keep his fire on cruz and actually let rubio start to do a little better a week from tomorrow on super tuesday because, if rubio does better in texas, say, the combination of trump and rubio could defeat cruz in his home state. a week from tomorrow, cruz could be dealt a really serious blow if he can t even carry his own state. and that would be aided by rubio doing a bit better. so if trump were smart, he d be having a little pat of convenience right now with rubio. but ann, it sounds like he s nervous about both of them and he wants to direct just as much fire at both of them at this point. yeah. i think he is nervous about both of them. and if we step outside the room of the republican race for a moment and look at who the democrats are training their fire on, i mean trump has reason or it worried about both of them. certainly from the hillary clinton camp which is what the one i m most familiar with, they re most worried about rubio and have been for a very long time. cruz is certainly a threat from the democratic perspective. they see rubio as a larger one, and that sets up of a binary question for the democrats either do you go all in to go after trump or do you assume that at some point this trump thing will burn out which everyone has said for months and months and hasn t happened. who seems the like the most logical next step down after trump burns out if the he ever do. is that gigantic disapproval rating that trump has 59%. if you are on the democratic side of this, are you rooting for the guy with the biggest negative? are you rooting for cruz, the most right wing guy and is roous owe the one you don t want? if you re a democrat, you ve got to be careful, it s hard to reach over the fence so, you know, from, from a democrat s perspective, it s probably easiest to run against cruz because he s so isolated over on the right that he would probably be the easiest, i imagine the most worried about trump with the wild card. rubio would beat hillary and she s the great establishment hope. talking to some reporters who cover rubio for a long time. they think he would be destroyed early. and that conventional wisdom is just all wrong. and rubio would be pretty easy for hillary to run against. but too many variables to know for sure. from trump s perspective, and i think he wants to keep it a three-man race as long as possible and kind of wound each of them on different weeks. beat cruz in texas, beat rubio in florida, but have neither of them drop out, they both have money. it s not likely to happen so they can continue to split the opposition to him. and ann, what about john kasich pulling up the rear there? we just heard from tom davis they see a scenario where he hangs in there long enough and he gets passed these very red states into states where the case can get some transaction. well, i mean, he hasn t gotten any transaction yet. he s the last of the reasonable men in the, if you want to look at it that way, in the current republican field. and i don t mean that in a pejorative way to those who have gotten higher marks than he so far in the contest. i just mean he s sort of the nice guy, the governor guy. everybody knows that s your son s foot. no, he s, he s the guy that everybody s like oh, yeah, that guy could be president. but he has not gotten one inch of transaction so far. and i think he really put his foot in it today with this remark about women coming out of the kitchen to support him in his first run for the state legislator. i mean, may actually have been true in the late 70s when he first ran that the woman who volunteered for his campaign did actually leave their kitchens to support him, but it s not something that is going to play well in 2016. and it sort of sounded flat footed and unfortunate for him, and i think it ll do him some damage in the long-term. he did get more transaction than marco rubio. he finished a very solid second in new hampshire and rubio hasn t managed a very solid second anywhere yet. so, you know, he s, i agree with you that he s not going well for him. he has to wait an awfully long time before he gets to those big industrial states where he might have a better chance. i won t count him out either. he s a good candidate. i was covering him on his bus in new hampshire toward the end there and he really brought up his candidate skills. it s amazing he s running against the most politically correct candidate in history and he had to spend half the day fixing a politically incorrect statement about women in kitchens in the morning. if trump said something like that, nobody would have noticed it. we re going to take a break here. coming up, bernie sanders says hillary clinton is actually already helping his campaign in a certain kind of way. but he will explain. ahh. yeah! ahh. you probably say it a million times a day. ahh. ahh! ahh. ahh! but at cigna, we want to help everyone say it once a year. say ahh . ahh. cigna medical plans cover one hundred percent of your in-network annual checkup. so america, let s go. know. ahh! and take control of your health. cigna. together, all the way. befoburning, the pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet were the first in my family to graduate from college, raised active twin girls, and 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painstaking craftsmanship. and an infinite reserve of patience. .to create a vehicle that looks, drives and thinks like nothing else on the road. the all-new glc. the suv the world has been waiting for. starting at $38,950. in boston today, bernie sanders said that his policy positions are earning more democratic party support than his candidacy is. secretary clinton month after month after month seems to be adopting more and more of the positions that we have of aly dated. that s good. and in fact, is beginning to use a block of the language and phraseology that we have used. in fact, i think i saw her tv ad, i thought it was me, but it turned out, it was secretary clinton s picture in the ad. but the people of massachusetts and the people of the united states need to know the difference between hastily adopted campaign rhetoric and the real record and the long held ideas of the candidates. back with us and jonathan, ann, do you think hillary clinton s positions have adjusted at all because of the presence of bernie sanders in this campaign? absolutely they have. i mean, starting months and months ago with keystone and tpp, and those are the largest of the two shifts, but there are more subtle ones since then. you just see her adjusting rhetoric here and there. clearly they don t like to say it, but clearly sanders is pulling her to the left in this phase of the campaign. not in a huge, huge way, but, but in a real way. and it gives him o real private place to say, i was here first. jonathan, the president s biggest final, initial that he is hoping to get passed and achieved is the transpacific partnership. yeah. both of the democratic candidates oppose it, but only one of them used to be his secretary of state. and used to be completely in favor of it, calling it the gold standard, now, having supported every presidential trade agreement prior to this one, now hillary clinton opposes it. well, it reminds me of bill clinton s position on nafta in 1992. i can remember trying to pin him down on this. it was like pinning down jell-o. all through the 92 campaign, for political reasons he wouldn t take a position on that, against it, and she s and then, to finish the story, he took off president and says pushed it through the congress really hard. and did a really effective job of it, with republican votes. not democrats. if you listen with tpp and nuclear deal, you can go back in the table and make some adjustments. and i would, you know, be pretty confident in saying that if she s elected president that she ll send the treaty back through some adjustments, and then it ll be ratified, you know, some time next year. so there is a big difference between the two of them on that issue. i think it s a difference that people don t understand very well because they tend to react in a knee jerk way, both pro and con on trade issues without getting into the often boring details about wins and loses. good arguments that the americans win a lot more from tpp than they lose. let s listen to another big difference, and that is wall street money and wall street contradictions to campaigns. let s listen in. if these contributions from wall street and other powerful special interests have no influence over the candidate, why are these special interests making huge campaign contradicti contributions? simple question. now maybe they re dummies, and maybe they just think they can throw millions of dollars at a candidate and expect to get nothing from them. i doubt that very much. ann, it s one of the simple questions to which there is no really effective political answer. yeah. it s the i m shocked shocked that there s gambling in this institution moment in politics. i mean, yeah, he s asking exactly the question that a lot of voters have ask. like why are big powerful interests giving money to whoever they re giving money to. i mean certainly they re giving a lot of money on the republican side and they re giving a lot of money to hillary clinton as well. and so he s got a real bullseye on her there saying, you know, they wouldn t be giving her money if they didn t think they were going to get something for it. and, and it s a powerful argument. i m not sure it s, it s as ffrl in the long run as he and his allies think it is, and certainly there are some ways that she s already sought to undermine it showing where he s getting money, not from wall street, but certainly from interests that might have something to do with his presidency should he ever assume it. but it s a powerful argument. certainly for now. and it s absolutely in keeping with everything that he has said and the way that ways he s been able to kind of get under her skin so far. well let s take a look at what that campaign money is being used for. maybe the most powerful clinton campaign ad released yet. released in south carolina yesterday with morgan freeman. let s watch this. she says their names. trayvon martin. shot to death. hamilton. sandra bland did nothing wrong. and makes their mother fight for justice her own. she speaks for a city who is in difference. we need action now. and stands with the president against those who will undo his achievements. just like she s always stood with us. hillary clinton. john, best ad i ve seen in her campaign this year. morgan freeman, it s a big leg up. and that s her firewall. if she underperforms with african americans in south carolina, we re back to where we were after, you know, she got 40% in new hampshire where she s in trouble if she performs well in south carolina, the campaign is on track. this is a big primary for her. i just wanted to go back for one second what i loved about bernie and campaign finance reform is that if nothing else, he s put that central issue of legalized bribery on the table for the next president. yeah, as has trump in his own strange way. and thank you both for joining us. excellent. up next, former cia director responds to donald trump s ideas about torture and waterboarding. jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive thsometimes you can t evento graimagine.h. that s the job. and she s the one who s proven she can get it done. .securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons. .standing up against the abuse of women. .protecting social security. .expanding benefits for the national guard. .and winning health care for 8 million children. the presidency is the toughest job in the world and she s the one who ll make a real difference for you. i m hillary clinton and i approved this message. 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(patrick 1)than me. i mean, (vo) go national. go like a pro. general michael headen was the director of the nsa before becoming the director of the cia. he s the one person to sl held both jobs. donald trump thinks he knows more about sborgs techniques than general hayden does. ask me the question, absolutely fine, but we should go much stronger than water boarding. speaking to nbc news, general hayden said quote, like the man said, he wants somebody waterboarded, bring your own damn bucket. he had this to say about the federal government demand to let apple create software to unlock the software. in this specific case i m trending toward the government. but aye got to tell you, in general, i oppose the government s effort personified by fbi director jim koemy. jim would like a back door available to american law enforcement in all devices globally. and frankly, i think on balance, that actually harms american s safety and security. a new national survey by the pew research center finds 51% of americans believe that apple should cooperate with the federal government and unlock, find a way to unlock that iphone. sinus pressure, you need fast relief. alka-seltzer plus severe sinus congestion and cough liquid gels rush relief to your tough symptoms. to put you back in control. 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