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Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180821 00:02:00

where does he get this from it s significant that the pope calls abuse a crime and not just a sin because two thousand words it s just too much to really have started from a new continent. also coming up tonight a great city sort of those three years in that sixty two billion euro bailout for greece are over but the pain remain. static still to continue affecting the population and. so bit of a catch twenty two situation. or we begin the day with that letter from pope francis the pontiff sent a letter to all members of the catholic church to address the growing list of child abuse claims against priests of the pope s hand appearing to be forced after last week s unprecedented report from the u.s. state of pennsylvania. and investigation alleging some three hundred priests
molested and raped at least a thousand boys and girls and while pope francis has made clear his condemnation of the sins and crimes he has left uncertain how or if he plans to use his authority to bring to justice those accused who are still serving in the clergy in his letter today the pope said that the church must acknowledge its past sins and mistakes and he admitted the pain of the abuse survivors was long ignored kept quiet or silenced by the church and he promised that no effort would be spared to prevent abuse and its cover up again no mention of sanctioning the clergy found to be guilty i for more on this now i m joined by martin jacques he s our real live religious affairs correspondent martin screwed to have you back at the big table i want to share with our viewers a tweet posted today by marie collins as she was
this two thousand and two on steroids i mean losing the magnitude of the off that you say sions it s not completely unthinkable that the pope will not actually put on the table precisely some sort of polices solution however it must be said that as of right now nothing actually has been said and other program he said there are very very powerful forces within the church that remain either mentally opposed to the church essentially having to. having to make itself accountable to you know terror and all to reno justice so you know what happens then when you got to kings like that i mean if you look at all the polls that have been conducted in the last week you ve got confidence you ve got faith in the catholic church as an institution plummeting so what can the pope do now i mean is it up to the pope himself to save the institution from the people inside it i think that there is there is there are two things to be said the first one is not just the people
inside it so i mean you have the berm of clerical ie some of this is the middle management and the management of the church at different levels and these people some of them have to be saved from accusations that do not respond to them but some of them clearly should pay for what they have done but the church is much broader than that it has a lot of people that actually are the pendant on it so i think that it s very clear what he says that the pope can actually do and that he s bring justice into the game bring national justice systems into the game this is something that would actually make the process much more transparent about sanctioning bishops though i mean the pope is the only one who has the authority to do that certainly but then the question would be what kind of sanctions would we be talking about i mean for the civil society at bishop that loses his job or somebody that is too fast and too ben and is quite simply not enough and certainly not for the kind of crazy crimes that we re talking about so i think that the issue here is that. you know there is a very clear thing ahead and that is really bringing and for meeting crimes to be
revolutionary theological positions and i think that this would just add to that you know mark you get the religious affairs correspondent as always martin fascinating talking with you thank you leisure. or greece has today emerged from the last of its three bailout programs athens is no longer dependent on aid from the european union european central bank and the international monetary fund the loans amounted to two hundred sixteen billion euro . finally no more aid packages and no more funding requirements but the last eight years have been tough for greece and brought drastic cost cutting measures many greeks lost their jobs and their homes income is fallen by a third on average the taxes however remain time for most people it will be a long time before the situation improves and some people don t even believe it s possible like this silversmith but i still think i am personally for me in the
coming years i don t see any hope everything looks bleak to me. because he sees the middle of the great crisis brought down me and thousands of people in my position women weren t interested in buying our clothes anymore and as a result my manufacturing company closed we started this combined cafeteria and many market he hopes he ll soon gain a foothold again many people in greece are trying to fight their way through. it because like i pin my hopes on something better even if we ve left the bailout program i believe we greeks will be paying for years to come but we all hope for something better hope dies last. and the government knows there s still plenty to do even with all the loans paid off. but as it will make more needs to be john starting with the tax system which is in business friendly right now the justice system must deliver decisions faster that will have a direct influence on attracting investments on the whole thing should become more
structures that we have built in greece make this country capable to recover attractiveness to attract investors to be competitive and to create a lot of jobs and that s what i expect that did now the people in greece will really see that the efforts to have been taking bear fruit let s be mistaken it s not because there was austerity that there is a crisis in greece it s because there has been terrible crises that we need to have a more solid structures for economy and society in greece. that was there from the european commission talking about the end of this bailout for greece i want to ask now journalist. he s a freelance journalist who s based here in berlin is a familiar face to some of our viewers here. mr vargas what do you think i mean is it going to only get better now the way we just heard from the european commission
well the bottom was something like two years ago so i don t expect it to get much worse but mostly depends on how the political personnel in greece is going to react after the next elections let s say. because one of the main problems in greece is. a very astute political and social pull our a zation ok the so-called left of the so-called center right see each other as enemies and they have shown no intention of trying to work willing to work together you know noted to solve big institutional problem for it still exist which these. programs that mr muskerry see. talked about didn t tackle if you don t see the needle see a risk in greece. something happening similar to what we ve seen in italy for
example that you have you have groups that are at different ends of the political spectrum coming together and looking at the european union and seeing that as a common. a common enemy in this iteration is a little bit different in greece because italy is whether we like it or not in the dust industrial country but also. also a polarized country north south left right and after years of pain because even a tad nearly run tellings felt it as well. they they will lose. this image of getting out and going our know our own way except their except i don t think greece is in this kind of a danger i mean it is august right now it s high season for tourism we know that greece lives from that what what are things going to look like in terms of
employment if when we talk two months from now two three months from now i think it s going to go up. on employment unemployment is going to be more than twenty percent again and what s more in the last year is. most new jobs are jobs that pay well below subsistence level. the same problem that exists overthrowing italy sometimes in germany as well people work and cannot feed themselves or their kids but in germany you have a so with a social state there are social benefits nobody is going to die of hunger greece has a rude mental. social system cannot afford pain what is lacking. so what happens then moving forward there was talk about a great sit you know three years ago about about greece leaving the the eurozone
and trying to rehabilitate its economy and its currency that way do you think that s off the table completely or do you think that can still be a possibility if d.p. doesn t bend on greece if there is a major crisis you need to leave or space well of everything s on the table but. get into account that greece should never have joined the euro the eurozone in the first place you know it needed another ten years noted to bring things properly a state where it would accept. minimal interest rates which existed right after joining the euro zone that s what pierre moscovici was talking about he said the crisis the the real problem existed before the euro piece right for once for once he s right right the problem existed. and it existed in the last forty
fifty years we had political mismanagement we had corruption who had extreme polarization the right wing the left wing. the exile island emptied the only in one hundred seventy four it s quite recent right and there has never been a truth rikan see haitian. i cheated maybe we need a long time frame here to look at it i mean the debts they have to be paid back for example go all the way to the year twenty sixty that s a long time had a future but let s say that does happen can you foresee then greece in forty years and fifty years having all of this behind him being a healthy european economy people who get voted every four or five years don t tend to kick the can as far as they can and that s what they did now so nobody knows if the european union will still exist in ten years or in five years or in twenty and
forty. it was a ridiculous. non solution to an actual problem. and this problem will come back. theodore kovach is fascinating having you on the show and getting your insights we appreciate it thank you welcome. but i spent all night at the border the authorities said wait be patient be expected an answer by the morning but there was no response they had meetings and nothing back to venezuela they said go home because we don t want to know where it is whelan s hear. all that was the voice of even its way the refugee desperate to escape the deepening economic crisis in her home country and the growing poverty and hunger which have gone hand in hand with the rule of president nicolas maduro now the u.n. says more than two point three million people have left in the last three years and
that s more than seven percent of the country s population most head to colombia brazil ecuador you know there peru and chile ecuador tightened border controls at the weekend brazil has reinforced troops at its northern frontier on it trying to bring some stability. threat to the country even a toy as president nicolas maduro has launched a new currency to combat hyper inflation and soon expected to reach a million percent a year now a million percent five zero zero been knocked off the beleaguered bowl of our currency and they give you an idea of the daily hardship that people are facing the pile of old bowl of ours that you see here right now will buy you just one chicken like wives this is how much just a handful of tomatoes cost in downtown caracas and when it
costs this much paper money will have that justify a roll of toilet paper some people are saying why bother buying the world at all in this kind of crisis for many it makes more sense to gamble it all on the chance that they ll be able to escape. i argue a lot has been dragging her suitcase along the highway she is fleeing desperation and economic hardship back home in venezuela crossing into ecuador on foot as an undocumented migrant. we spent all night by the border the authorities told us to be patient they said they would guess announcer in the morning but there was no response they just told us to head to venezuela especially that we don t want more venezuelans here. off to ecuador imposed new entry restrictions on saturday and have friends felt that they had no choice but to cross illegally while they press on thousands of obvious stranded at the checkpoints hungry and cold fearful
assumes the emptying of an as well that completely would be a change of government because with this latest measures president has shown that he s simply not capable of of dealing with the underlying economic and financial problems what we understand that the opposition is calling for nation. wide strikes and protests to take place tomorrow on tuesday do you expect people to actually go out on the streets i mean it s hard to imagine that you re going to get protests when you ve got people who are basically you know overnight becoming refugees. well that s right there s a number of problems one is that the opposition is deeply divided is divided into this lead so three major segments it s not the whole of the opposition that s calling for this strike a lot of people feel that it s poorly organized this badly timed because after rule the president has just announced a massive increase in the minimum wage for the maybe people who are thinking well you know let s see if that waging crease solves my my immediate problem is not the
best day to do it i think is likely to be a failure and that say they would like to tease disillusion still for the opposition supporters and let s assume that there is no change in government and that mature road stays in power for the first seeable future and you see any talk of scenario taking place at that realistic that would bring in an end to this crisis. well my daughter s been in power now since two thousand and thirteen coming up for six years he s announced any number of economic plans on each occasion he told us that this was finally the solution that now at last he grasped have to deal with the crisis and every single one of these plans is worsen the situation i think is very little grounds for optimism the could be a scenario in which perhaps more more sensible elements within the the ruling group would to take over from him and try to seek some solid sort of solution but
the problem is the event as well as under international sanctions and unless there s a political settlement the end for the for the case of the violations of democracy human rights then those sanctions are not going to be lifted in the car on the. solution ok pollution the crisis ok phil gramm some senior analyst for the andes of the international crisis group in caracas mr gross we appreciate your insights tonight thank you thank you the day is nearly done but the conversation continues online you see right there were to write to us and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day to see if.
come across in greenhouses across spain and it s nice looking missions alexander said. despite the dangers politicians prefer to avoid the subject which is the motion and. gallstone how far can the exploitation. europe s toughest. cusa be. lehman brothers ten years on a story of ambition greed and megalomania. we re so clever the return trolling rate cuts with the. old investment bankers cultic ourselves with the first on. everything wrong the want you to ignore the reality

Acts , Something , Survivors , Crimes , Example , Abuse , Cases , Terms , Bishops , Idea , Child , Pope-franciss-greater-accountability

Transcripts For CNNW Inside Politics 20180821 16:00:00

News, analysis and interviews with politicians and observers.
back in the jury room. so how this all unfolded, just after 11:00 a.m., the jury did send a note to the court asking the judge, judge, what do we do if we can t come to a unanimous decision on one of the 18 counts. that implies that perhaps they have reached a decision unanimously on the other 17 counts, but they haven t said that definitively. what the judge had to do was he had to come up with instructions to give the jury as it pertained to them going back and deliberating yet again. that just happened. in just the past few minutes, the judge instructed the jury, go back into the jury room and continue to work on that one final count. try to continue to work, to come to some unanimous verdict on that one remaining count. outside of the presence of the jury, the judge indicated that he might be prepared to accept a partial verdict if they weren t able to come to a conclusion on that one remaining count that they seem to have indicated.
but the judge, however, did not specifically instruct the jury that he d be willing to accept that partial verdict. that s important because he doesn t want the jury going back into the jury deliberation room saying, okay, well, why try that hard because this judge would, in fact, perhaps accept that partial verdict. this judge wants the jury to know that he is anticipating, hoping for a full verdict here. so again, just a few minutes ago, the jury going back into the deliberation room with the instructions from the judge, keep going at it, see if you can, in fact, reach a decision on this one count that s giving you trouble. and john, we don t know what that count is, but these are 18 complicated counts that include tax fraud, bank fraud, as well as issues around foreign bank accounts. so they ve been working on this pretty painstakingly. it s really the first we ve heard a substantial question from the jury since thursday. so we ll see as the time continues to tick forward what this jury will do. john? and jess, have we heard anything specific beyond their curiosity and i m sure their
is known as a sawyer charge. he instructed them to try again, to listen to each other, whether or not there s only a couple of them who are stuck on one side of the equation, and to consider changing their vote if that doesn t violate their conscience. he was trying to remind this jury that they had a duty to come to a unanimous decision so long as that didn t violate their conscience. the judge wanted to remind both sides before he brought the jury back that what could happen next. if this jury remains stuck, we don t know how long that might be, we don t know how long he ll let them continue, but if they come back and say that they cannot reach a final decision on all of these counts, he told them he would consider obviously accepting a partial verdict. obviously we don t know which particular counts they ve reached their decision on. we don t know which side of this they ve come down on. so there s still a great deal of mystery for the defense and for the prosecution in this case.
something that just came in from our team at the courthouse. manafort s attorney asked judge ellis to give the jury a new verdict form after the jury said we ll need another form please in their tuesday note. ellis said he would not. downing said he wished jurors would be given a third option, a hung jury option for each count. take me inside. if you re the prosecutor or the defense lawyers and you re at this stage, what are your options and where are you powerless? well, i think if you re the prosecutor on this case, it certainly feels like you might be winning on 17 counts because when a jury is sort of on that kind of roll, checking off innocent, innocent, innocent, are they going to stay around and argue about one final count if they think the guy was falsely charged or improperly charged on the first 17? usually you d have to say no. on the other hand, if you re finding somebody guilty and they can go to jail under certain counts, you re carefully going
up to the trial, but also during the trial. what goes through your mind, and what information do you have? i think this was much more complicated than any of us had anticipated. it seemed like there was overwhelming evidence. but these are 18 counts, very confusing perhaps at times. look at this jury note. they re probably confused in some ways too. it s clear they ve made a lot of progress. we ve been waiting to hear what s going on for days. we really haven t heard where they stand. now we know. i think when they write a note like if we cannot come to a consensus for a single count, how can we fill in the verdict sheet? so clearly maybe they either wanted the judge to take something off the verdict sheet. that part is very confusing. i think as paul said, the idea that the judge wouldn t give them a new verdict sheet i also think this judge just does not want to meddle in this deliberation. go back, keep at it, and let s see what happens. he also said in court before he sent them back in, continue to deliberate, and he did tell the
court that he does not intend to take a partial verdict at this point. let s see what happens. they could come back and maybe he does take a partial verdict. does not intend to take a partial verdict at this point. let s step back to a minute for the importance of this case. if you re robert mueller the special counsel, these charges have nothing to do with president trump s 2016 campaign. these charges ahave nothing to o with russian interference in the 2016 election. there was testimony, however, that rick gates remains t cooperating on other matters, number one, and there was testimony that among the misdeeds, the influence peddling, if you will, that paul manafort was accused of doing by prosecutors, was including trying to get a job in the trump administration from a bank president with whom he was trying to get a loan. to your point, i think it s important to emphasize that while this is robert mueller s team that is prosecuting this case, this is not directly tied to the questions of russian interference, nor is it tied to the questions of obstruction
we ve seen really circling around donald trump. at the same time, the trump team is obviously really closely watching what s going to happen here, in part for trump s political argue, which is that the mueller probe as a whole is a political witch hunt, that there s nothing to it. certainly if manafort were to get off, that would feed into that narrative. if manafort is found guilty, it will lend real credibility to the mueller probe, that he was able to put someone who was the campaign chairman, not an insignificant player in trump s world, on trial and get a guilty verdict. a lot of nervousness in the trump administration, in the west wing right now as they wait for this verdict. and that nervousness exhibited by the president himself on friday, who did something remarkable. many people would say reprehensible, when he publicly talked during jury deliberations about how he thought this was sad that the government was putting paul manafort on trial, that paul manafort was a good man, despite the federal government of the same united states saying he s guilty of
saying they want guidance on being hung on one count. theoretically, they could be having some dissension on other counts too. paul, one more quick question here. as a former prosecutor, if you re robert mueller and you know you have another manafort trial, you re under constant attack by the president of the united states, you have to decide what to do with the papadopoulos sentencing, the michael flynn sentencing. you know the other evidence you have or don t have, are still looking for. how important is it to win the first one out of the gate when you re not only in a complicated legal situation but an incredibly complicated political mess? it is very important, john, to win that first one because, you know, mueller has been under constant attack bit president. the president has got a new derogatory nickname for mueller every week. there s a new one that s added to the list. so his credibility is on the line here, and that is so important in an investigation like this and in trials to come in the future. a lot of times in these really complicated tax cases, paper
cases, the jury, if they trust the prosecutor and believe in the integrity of the prosecutor, when they get to a point where it s really too hard for them to understand the law or it s difficult to understand what the accountants mean with the charts that have been put up, they rely on the prosecutor and maybe come forward with a jury guilty verdict, as they do, by the way, in 90% of federal cases. so his credibility is really important, and this is the first test, the first public test of his credibility. going to ask our legal experts to not go terribly far from the camera. we re going to continue to track what s happening in that courthouse in northern virginia. we ll bring you the latest as soon as we get any update. up next, moving on to a somewhat related story. microsoft uncovers a russian cyber campaign to mess, again, with american democracy. -i ve seen lots of homes helping new customers bundle and save big, but now it s time to find my dream abode. -right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox. -keep going. stop.
a little bit down. stop. back up again. is this adequate sunlight for a komodo dragon? -yeah. -sure, i want that discount on car insurance just for owning a home, but i m not compromising. -you re taking a shower? -water pressure s crucial, scott! it s like they say location, location, koi pond. -they don t say that.
the jury still deliberating, but just moments ago sending a note to the judge asking, what do we do if we cannot reach a unanimous consensus on one of the 18 counts. that s paul manafort s attorney outside the courthouse. we ll return to the trial as soon as we get new information. moving on to other top news today, new glaring evidence that vladimir putin lied to president trump and russia is still attacking u.s. democratic institutions. microsoft, the software giant, revealing overnight that russian military intelligence units launched cyber attacks targeting conservative think tanks and the united states senate. according to microsoft, hackers for fancy bear, the same group of cyber criminals implicated last month by the russia special counsel, set up fake websites meant to entrap visitors into coughering up pa coughing up passwords and other sensitive information. this is a mirror image of how the russians broke into john podesta s e-mail accounts. the sites identified by microsoft mimicked real ones
used by united states senate staffers and bore official sounding web addresses. russian hackers built two other imposter sites, one for the hudson institute, and one for the international republican institute. both are conservative groups that have broke within the president, and both have very hawkish views when it comes to russia. cnn s fred pleitgen is in moscow for us. fred, the kremlin response today, i suspect, was deny? reporter: i would say it s even more than deny. the kremlin spokesman was in a conference call with reporters earlier today, and he didn t just deny these new allegations, he basically said that the russians had absolutely no idea what all of this is about. they say that so far, they believe that not enough information was provided for them to even issue a denial, and they say a lot of the players that are involved in this, they don t even know if these players exist or who they are. i want to read a little bit of the statement that was put forward. he said, quote, our reaction has
already become traditional. we don t know which hackers they re talking about. we don t know what is meant about the impact on elections. it was interesting because we asked in that same call what about these six websites that were stopped by microsoft? he said, look, i have no idea what fancy bear is or what this has to do with any sort of russian intelligence services, which is interesting because cybersecurity experts believe fancy bear is directed by the russian military intelligence, by the gru. so the russians certainly issuing a very strong denial and going on further beyond that. fred pleitgen in moscow. appreciate that reporting. i ll be waiting to see vladimir putin say it s a 400-pound guy in his basement. microsoft s newly documented evidence of russian meddling puts the president, who has repeatedly questioned russian interference, in a fresh bind. the disconnect between what the president says and what his
intelligence community says highlighted again just yesterday. in an interview with reuters, this from the president. mueller s probe played right into the russians. if it was russia. they played right into the russians hands. the key words there from the president of the united states, again, despite all of the evidence, if it was russia. julie pace is back with us. also joining the conversation, jonathan martin of the new york times. cnn s phil mattingly. if it was russia. the president has been told by everybody on his national security team including most of his appointees, that this is continuing. you have microsoft saying we caught them again, the same people mueller has indicted. the president says if it was russia. he can t help himself when it comes this. he s really on an island by himself. the only other person who s continuing this narrative that russia was not involved in this is vladimir putin. everyone else, as you say, even the president s own appointees
in the intelligence community, go to him with evidence saying russia was clearly behind this, you have u.s. companies combatting this on a day-to-bda basis. it begs the question, and there s no good answer, why does the president continue to question this? it leads you back to the questions about his ties to russia. is there a reason why he can t just get over this hurdle, why he can t side with american intelligence? and fred pleitgen going through what you would expect from the kremlin. they say what are you talking about, we don t know anything about this, just as vladimir putin has said. if you talk to the cyber people, including u.s. intelligence officials who work for president trump, they say that russia is getting caught on purpose, that russia is leaving fingerprints. if they wanted to be more clever, if they wanted to be for nefarious that they want we re still going this. we re in the game. we re still in the game. this is the president s own director two administration officials today testified on capitol hill. this is still going on. their boss, the man they report to, the director of national
intelligence. this is dan coats last month at the hudson institute, one of the conservative think tanks microsoft said was hacked. in regards to state actions, russia has been the most aggressive foreign actor. no question. they continue their efforts to undermine our democracy. the warning signs are there. system is blinking and it is why i believe we are at a critical point. the location more than ironic, but he didn t say if russia did it. he says the lighting are blinking, we re at a crisis point. the purpose for russian interference is to create distrust, to create chaos in the political system. and that s exactly what they re doing. they re succeeding in that with administration officials like dan coats saying things like that. then we have the president completely going the other way and saying if russia did it. so you know, vladimir putin right now is succeeding, if that s the goal, in terms of creating this chaos we ve seen in the last year. i think the interesting bit,
you mentioned the hearing on capitol hill where you had officials from across the spectrum of agencies controlled by president trump saying without hesitation this is something that s happening, this is something that was happening, and there s no question about it. but the interesting element is there are policy ramifications to the president s unwillingness to seemingly embrace this wholeheartedly. you had senators from both parties on capitol hill. the reason the hearings are happening today, they re considering new sanctions on russia. that would seem to undercut what the president wants to do in terms of bettering the relationship. perhaps that means easing sanctions. congress is considering ramping them up. then you look across the spectrum on the cyber capability side of things where you have the defense department considering offensive action or reaction on something like this, which is also extremely important and very, very kind of touchy when it comes to a legal standpoint. you have all of these things happening as the president can t seem to embrace it. the net of it is that what the president wants in terms of a relationship with russia, he can t get because he won t
accept it in the first place. and it complicates other relationships, including with key u.s. allies. listen to the uk s foreign minister in town today essentially saying, yeah, i see what the president says on twitter, but i call mike pompeo and say, what are you going to do as opposed to what is he going to say. he s particularly active on twitter, and it s a very different style of politics, but it s very important to look at what he does as well as what he says. when it comes to sanctions, it was this administration that first said that they were going to take economic action against russia as a result of what happened in salisbury. it wasn t europe. it was the united states that were first to do that. that s so fascinating. what he s doing there is basically saying out loud that there is a gap between the trump administration policy and the trump twitter riffs, which is what everybody knows. it s striking to hear our most important ally say it out loud
in washington, d.c., like that. he s totally exposing what everybody gets, which is that there are two different policies. to phil s point, i m sort of almost innered to this groundhog day routine of saying if they did it. what i m more interested in now is action. will trump at rand paul s urging kind of go easier on some of these sanctions? will he let russian legislators visit the u.s.? that s wrihere i think it gets more interesting, less him sowing doubts and more following up by easing up on putin. that could create a rubber meets the road issue with congress. they re okay, at least okay turning a blind eye to the tweets about if they did it, but they wouldn t be okay, i think, with actually easing the sanctions. something to watch in the weeks ahead because rand paul is pushing the president to do something on that specific issue.
we ll watch. up next, somewhat related, damned if you do, damned if you don t. president trump says sitting down for an interview with the special counsel would be a no-win situation. there s a lot to love about medicare.
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special counsel robert mueller will find a way to call him a liar. the president shares this insight in an interview with reuters. so if i say something and former fbi director james comey says something and it s my word against his and he s best friends with mueller, mueller might say, well, i believe comey. even if i m telling the truth, that makes me a liar. that s no good. today the drudge report echoing the president s concern,. of course, sad to say, the president already is a liar. comey and mueller know each other from past government service but are not best friend, as the president likes to say. the president s trouble with the truth is one reason his lawyers want no part of a mueller interview. that concern isn t new, but it is heightened now after revelations that white house counsel don mcgahn sat for 30 hours of interviews with mueller s investigators. two people familiar with the president s thinking say that news has him unnerved.
not a surprise exactly, but more clarity now even though the public line is the president wants to testify that he has zero intention of answering questions from bob mueller, right? it was a fascinating set of comments he made to reuters there, using language we ve heard from people like rudy giuliani saying an interview is potentially a perjury trap. that s the concern that the white house team has, not that mueller is trying to set him up, but that trump could commit perjury because he changes his story so often. i think you re right. this at one point looked like trump did want to do an interview, that he felt like there was a political imperative to going forward. it seems increasingly unlikely he s going to do this. the concern from him and his legal team seems to be too great at this point. also in that same interview, this from the president about, you know, can you shut down the mueller investigation or will
you shut down or try to assert more control? quote, i can go in and do whatever. i could run it if i want. but i decided to stay out. i m totally allowed to be involv invol involved if i wanted to be. sometimes the president says things that he knows are provocative and that he knows are not of the planet, shall we say, to stir up conversations. but when you have, among the things don mcgahn has talked to the special counsel about, is he wanted me to fire you, mr. mueller. he s several times wanted to make runs at jeff sessions. he wanted to go after the deputy attorney general. the fact is he hasn t stayed out at all. he just wants to put that image out there. the other thing i think has been effective from his legal team in terms of the conversation about the perjury trap is that the president is a paranoid person. we ve seen this now again take place with the conversation about don mcgahn. he s paranoid.
so the way they get him to not interview is to kind of make him think this is a setup. if he goes into it, this is going to to be a setup and a trap. that seems to have worked. now he s kind of again making things up about how he s actually more in control than it might seem. interesting too is the authority or whether the president has the authority has always been understood to be the case. he probably does have some authority to shut down or try and get in the way through various dominos falling if he wanted to. it s always been the political ramifications of what would happen if he tried to pull that trigger. that s what terrifies republicans on capitol hill. that s what i m told repeatedly white house officials have had to make calls to senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, speaker paul ryan, assuage their concerns. it s almost as if the president is relaying what he s been told about his own authority while also ignoring the fact that the result of what would happen if he did that would be cataclysmic, which is generally understood across his party,
which for the most part has turned a blind eye. and saying it out loud in interviews and tweets, it would be like if the nixon tapes were played in realtime on the evening news back in the early 70s. you could hear it all, right. it makes you curious as to what we re not hearing. we get so much of the inner monologue. he s musing out loud aboutic i could run the investigation myself. we know what he s thinking because he s glaringly transparent. for example, i pulled those security clearances because brennan was involved at the beginning of the russia investigation, not because of anything he said on television. the lester holt interview about why he fired comey. this is jack quinn, former white house counsel, worked in the attorney s office back in the clinton administration, back during the lewinsky investigation. his take on the impact of having it now public knowledge that the white house counsel don mcgahn not only cooperated with investigators but spent 30 hours with them. . nobody wants to be the last one standing.
nobody wants to watch one s colleagues go in, spill the beans, and be the one who s last in line to cooperate. i think there s a good chance you ll see a lot of people making phone calls to the special counsel s office asking when their interview can take place. is that fair in the sense that you know, my understanding is not only is don mcgahn given 30 hours, but don mcgahn s instructions to all the younger lawyers around him have been protect yourself, tell the truth. and we ve seen many people who have gone in to already talk to the special counsel from the white house staff. the more interesting thing to look at there is think about the effect in the west wing. you have advisers showing up every day looking at each other, knowing they ve all gone in to talk to bob mueller, wondering what everybody has said, who s pointing a finger at who. that is a really difficult work environment if you re actually trying to get something done running the government. although, i keep saying for months now, if you did nothing wrong, and you all told the
truth, why are you so nervous and agitated? but we ll leave it there. before we go to break, a flashback from the trump presidency. the fighting grinds on in afghanistan. a look back at a promise the president made exactly one year ago. from now on, victory will have a clear definition. attacking our enemies, obliterating isis, crushing al qaeda, preventing the taliban from taking over afghanistan. it s the sears labor day event! .where you can shop with confidence and convenience plus get these 4 benefits from kenmore at sears. up to fifty percent off appliances with your sears card. like this washer and dryer for $539.99 each. and this refrigerator for $899.99. hurry in to sears today. now t-mobile has unlimited for the rest of us. unlimited ways to be you. unlimited ways share with others. unlimited ways to live for the moment.
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topping our political radar today, two top government officials say despite claims to the contrary, they ve seen no evidence florida s election infrastructure has been compromised. the homeland security secretary and the fbi director say they cannot corroborate claims from democratic senator bill nelson who said recently that certain jurisdictions around florida have already been penetrated by russians. a manhunt happening right now for a man suspected of making death threats against president trump. the 27-year-old of pennsylvania allegedly made a facebook post earlier this month threatening to kill a local district attorney and the president. he was last seen cumberland, maryland, thursday. the trump administration this morning following through on a 14-year-old deportation order for the last known nazi collaborator in the united states.
the 95-year-old plucked from his home in queens, placed in an balanc ambulance, and sent back to germany. he was an armed guard at a labor camp where some 6,000 jews were shot to death. when we come back, president trump s supreme court nominee making the round. the kavanaugh conundrum for red state democrats front and center today. ed. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. and now, all beds are on sale. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery. ends saturday.
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trump-friendly state. cnn s sunlen serfaty is on capitol hill. what have we learned? reporter: certainly a big meeting today, john. brett kavanaugh just emerged after an over two-hour meeting with senator susan collins. as you said, a key swing vote here leading up to those confirmation hearings on september 4th. coming out of that meeting, senator susan collins just addressed press. she said essentially that she had not made up her mind, not settled, or not revealing what her vote will be for kavanaugh. certainly she had positive things to say about him coming out of the meeting. she said it was an excellent session, very productive, informative, and she questioned him about his judicial philosophies, of course, but most specifically, importantly, as you noted, she talked to him about precedent and abortion cases, specifically she said she pressed him on whether he considered roe to be settled law or not. so certainly an important meeting lasting over two hours here today. he moves on to a slew of other
big important meetings up here on the hill. many democrats on the list. mccaskill, patrick leahy, of course, amy klobuchar, and senate minority leader chuck schumer, leading the charge to get more documented released. a significant day up here on the hill leading to the confirmation hearings two weeks from today. sunlen, appreciate the update there. next for us, senator elizabeth warren says washington is still swampy and the trump white house is to blame. her anti-corruption push amid 2020 speculation. liberty mutual saved us almost $800
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strong words today from elizabeth warren, who said president trump s promise to drain the swamp is beyond laughable. the trump era has given us the most nakedly corrupt leadership this nation has seen in our lifetimes. but they are not the cause of the rot. they re just the biggest, stinkiest example of it. corruption is a form of public cancer, and washington s got it bad. the democratic senator from massachusetts introducing the anti-corruption and public integrity a integrity act. it would impose a lifetime ban on lawmakers from becoming lobbyists. another big push for national attention by warren, another piece of a populist platform many see as the framework for a possible 2020 presidential run.
yet, she insists all the time mr. martin, you re looking a little skeptical there. a little? a lot, john. she insists she s running for re-election in massachusetts. well, she is. but i can t help but notice she s not spending all of her time in framingham and dorchester this year. she s been in places like nevada. she s been raising money in salt lake city and in denver too. look, she has a couple staffers who have just gone north to a little place next door called new hampshire, which you may have heard of. once or twice. to work for the state democratic party up there. it s not subtle. i think everybody who covers politics knows she s moving towards a campaign for president. i think what she s doing today is trying to frame herself as somebody who is not merely another, john, forgive me, liberal from massachusetts but somebody who s a reformer and somebody who is a populist who s running against d.c. that directed to michael dukakis or john kerry?
we can go on, if you want. mitt romney. ouch. exactly. i think she knows that she s got to define herself as someone who s a reformer, someone who s a pop ulist, not merely the harvard law professor. i think that s the effort today. you run against d.c. you call it a stinky swamp. and you kind of embrace some of the rhetorical strokes that trump did in 2016. she knows she s going to get hit hard from the right with all the usual bug-a-boos and she has to get out early in defining herself. here s one prediction. the oklahoma accent you ve heard, i think you re going to hear more in the next year, year and a half. in some ways, it seems like she s stealing trump sov overal message but saying he didn t really act on it, he didn t act on the drain the swamp message. so she s setting herself up as this perfect foil. the democratic primary, as we know, there are probably going to be 17, 18 people running. so she s setting herself up to be that perfect foil for donald trump.
you think only 17 or 18? maybe. a small field. the party is shifting to the left, to the progressive wing of the party. with the exception of bernie sanders, she has at least an identity. we don t know if she can put the pieces together of a presidential campaign. from an identity standpoint she certainly could separate herself from that pack of 17 or 18 or 25 candidates by carving out that niche. i think when you talk to democrats, there is some feeling that if sanders runs again, that he s not going to be able to kind of carve out that same niche that he did last time around and maybe warren could step into that void. she does have pretty decent name recognition nationally, certainly a pretty loyal following among the left wing of the party. can she bridge the gap there, that will be the question. another reminder, she s a democratic senator. she can make her case. look, the president has not kept his promise. i m going to guess majority leader mcconnell is not going to give it anything. i haven t seen her on the

Jury , Lot , Courtroom , Reporter , John-podesta , Drama , Suspense , 11 , 58 , Wouldn-t , Counts , One

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20180822 21:00:00

arraignment for the suspect. he has a private attorney. i was wondering who was paying for that. also, how did he get through? i have read different stories. did they do e-verify? you d have a fake i.d.? pam: the farm owner says he went through e-verify. he turned over completely all the documents, completely cooperated. they are looking at them to see what happened with e-verify. this country has been in the country forever. he murdered a beautiful young girl. from being in a courtroom my entire career, that s who everybody in this country should be focusing on, that victim s parents, family. can you imagine what they are going through? greg: it is unimaginable. we talked about families being separated. that is separation. juan, elizabeth warren was talking about this case, lamenting the crime but then inserting a but.
i m so sorry for the family. i know this is hard not only for the family but for the people in her community, the people throughout iowa law. but one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that s effective, that focuses on where real problems are. greg: juan, i guess this isn t a real problem with this young woman was murdered. juan: no. the way you set it up is so prejudicial to our audience. the clear fact of what happened is horrible for this young woman. but it also reminds me of the kate steinle case where her brother came forward and said he thought trump was sensationalizing the death of a beautiful young woman. why would her brother, why would kate steinle s brother say that? what you see is that people use is for their own purpose. trump is using it to distract and see people in terms of the big news of the day which is about the michael cohen plea
deal paul manafort being convicted. at this point you have the president s personal lawyer and campaign chairman, national security advisor all convicted felons. oh, no. instead we want to talk about a murder. while, there are lots of murders in america. there is a lower rate of violent crime among immigrants than there is among native-born americans. there are some people who say let s not talk about trump. let s talk about this. greg: the point is there may be more people that are killed texting while driving. so let s not pay attention to drunk driving. we can tackle both. jesse: i think juan wants to distract from juan: talking about the news of the day. greg: we are. it s basically we ll talk about cohen and manafort in the b block. now we are talking about this story. juan: we are leading with the story about one woman s death. jesse: one woman? greg: a girl in iowa.
juan: the presidency of the united states, jesse, is imperiled by these decisions. jesse: according to you. you know who was really imperiled? mollie. what happened here was horrible in my heart goes out to the family. there s two levels to the story. how many dead people are we going to tolerate in this country without solving the immigration problem? we have to have stricter borders. we can t have sanctuary. we have to do something where you can verify the people here. on the other hand, the media does not report the stories honestly. if you look at this one and the other ones you mentioned, they are misinforming the audience. they are not informing. i looked at that story about the arrest, the guy driving his wife. he had to read six paragraphs down to find out that he was wanted for a homicide. that would seem like something that would lead and be in the headline, but they don t inform their viewers. they are doing the same thing. now that it s found out that
this person is allegedly here illegally, this has now dropped off the top row of a lot of cable news network s and a lot of newspapers. it s a shame because the american people need to understand the facts about these things so they can elect politicians who can solve problems. juan: let me say i don t think that any correlation between illegal immigration and violent crime in our country, but you make that connection. i don t think it s fair. to me, what s interesting, if there was a mass murderer yesterday, all you guys would be saying this is not the time to talk about gun control. let s not do that. that s what the right says. so today you have one woman who was sadly, tragically killed in iowa and you want to start talking about immigration. jesse: what happens in this country is that there is tragic events and politicians try to lead and have solutions. just like if there was a school shooting, democrats want to do gun control. if there s a hurricane, democrats want to talk about climate change. i don t blame either side for doing it. that s what politicians do.
juan: you do. you sit here and say this is not the time to talk about gun control in the aftermath of a mass murder. jesse: not every mass murder. greg: i think we have a broken system that needs fixing. it needs to be fixed. i guess they claimed they were wrong. he didn t get e-verify. that s what i am learning. dana: a different type of system. one thing about, lamar smith has legislation in front of congress right now, his e-verify system would add that you would be notified if your social security number was put through this system so that you could say wait, hold on. i am actually here. my social security number is being used. pam: that s why e-verify should be mandatory. as a prosecutor, when you are in the courtroom every day for years dealing with victims, the only way you can cope is looking at it one victim at a time. how can we prevent more young
girls, boys from being murdered? that s why this is an important dialogue. greg: okay, we ve got to move on. donald trump hammering his former attorney, michael cohen. i wonder why. reaction from the president nex next. to be their best, kids need good nutrition. and practice. lots of practice. get them started right with carnation breakfast essentials. it has protein plus vitamins and minerals to help kids be their best. carnation breakfast essentials.
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jesse: after blasting his former attorney on twitter, president trump thing he did not order michael cohen to make hush money payments. did you know about the payments? later on i knew. later on. you have to understand, what he did, and they weren t taken out of campaign finance. that s a big thing. that s a much bigger thing. did they come out of the campaign? they didn t come out of the campaign. it came from me. it s not a campaign violation. if you look at president obama, he had a massive campaign violation. he had a different attorney general. they viewed it different. jesse: for that exclusive interview, tomorrow on fox & friends. meanwhile, cohen s lawyer, longtime clinton ally lanny davis is on a media blitz making new allegations against president trump while trying to raise money for his client s
this in hillary s orbit. you can believe that for a fact. how did she pay for that dossier? i don t know. did she declare it? i don t know. what about harvey weinstein? if she had won, would we have known about harvey weinstein? of course not. all of that would ve been buried. let s face it. we are not dealing with angels. but i have moved beyond that. i don t care if they are not angels. i don t care about the lawyers. trump is not the greatest husband. stormy has really given porn stars a bad name. the only thing she is doing is she is mad she didn t get more money out of the deal she is reneging on. dana: in the real world, this happens all the time. pam: ceos, millionaires, they get extorted all the time. i have been called about it, what do i do.
i say reported to the police. most don t want to. what s their next option? go to a civil lawyer. that s what donald trump did. he went to an attorney. he could have given her cash. he could have paid her off. he went to an attorney and said fix this legally. this is on michael cohen. juan: legally? pam: you can sign a nondisclosure. this happens all the time in the real business world. you can sign a nondisclosure. you can make a payment. dana: campaign money? pam: no, but that s it. juan: that s the problem. pam: it s where the money came from. that is on the lawyer. a bad lawyer does not equal that s what he went to his lawyer. juan: what we have a tape in which the president is discussing this with michael cohen. pam: : should have told him you cannot use campaign funds. jesse: they thought you were on one of those tapes. pam: isn t it funny?
i listened to it. they said it wasn t an inaudible. but i heard pam. greg: it was pam dauber from mork and mindy. jesse: the president was saying these are personal funds he used two pass through a lawyer to have this woman sign an nda. it was a personal matter. maybe you did affect the campaign but the primary reason was to settle it to not cause any harm to the marriage, to not cause any bad publicity or just get it out of the way because she had been asking for money for quite some time. dana: if it turns out it s from his own personal checkbook and it didn t go through the campaign, there may be he s got a point. i don t see how the prosecutors could have gotten cohen to plead guilty for something if it was not actually campaign money. juan: what about the money for the national enquirer ? it was from the national enquirer to karen mcdougal, the playboy model.
jesse: andrew mccarthy had a great piece in the national review. he was saying bringing the pain on these other tax charges and say you are looking at a lot of time. why don t you plead to these lesser kind of campaign violations? dana: possibly. but then also, and i don t know anything about this one either, but now cohen has another subpoena about the trump foundation. he is in a situation where he is in a downward spiral. jesse: they are going after him big time. i agree with greg. it is to avenge hillary lawson bring a lot of heartbreak on the president. pam: unless they have other credible evidence. he has told so many stories. jesse: his credibility is shot. greg: we have been saying that trump has a thin skin. he has a pretty thick hide to do his job while this is going on. jesse: that s tough. tough day.
anti-trump media ramping up impeachment talk after these developments. that s ahead. it s america s most popular street name. but no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. now that you know the truth, are you in good hands? so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop, 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes. start them off right, with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax.
salivating? or is there justification for this? dana: i feel they are hoping this story can keep going. there is not that much else going on in august. they would like to see impeachment. guess who doesn t want to see impeachment talk? pelosi, schumer, leading democrats were saying please do not try to justice because he will overplay your hand and if you want to encourage republicans to get out and vote in the midterms, you ll keep on this nonsense about impeachment. i saw one democrat suggest forget impeachment to go for the indictment, even though you can t indict a sitting president, some people think that s an open question that should be taken to the supreme court. regardless, i think impeachment, it s going to be impossible for them to stop talking about it completely. but i think may be there will be a bat signal to the democrats to cool it. juan: pam, you are the lawyer sitting with us today. tell us. can you indict a sitting president?
if not, is impeachment a legitimate alternative? pam: if it is a legitimate case. that s probably what mueller is looking to put together, and impeachment memo. possibly, right. i don t feel they have a lot to do it. it is super high standard, you ve got to have a majority of the house, then a ghost of the senate. two-thirds. it s not going to happen. because of what i said earlier, you cannot link the president back to this. first of all, it has nothing to do with russia. you have some guy, michael gaughan, saying i would take a bullet for trump. then he is going after the president. he has zero credibility. they would have to have a credible, substantial, independent information to corroborate anything cohen says. i think, like you said, for mueller to even write impeachment memo, it s just not there. they can t go forward with it. juan: jesse, yesterday in court, cohen said trump
instructed him to violate the law and cohen said it publicly in open court. apparently then the question becomes, is the president an unindicted coconspirator, should at least the congress be looking at this and saying the president looks to have been named as having committed a felony. jesse: it s their prerogative. they can look at whatever they want to. i don t know if i trust michael: that much. he is facing a lot of hard time. it is a he said-he said. let the chips fall where they will. this is all a talking point for the democrats. there may be a move to impeach. to say that we are going to run in 2020 against and impeached incumbent gives the democrats and political credibility there, and it s harmful to the president. but and it might hurt the economy a little bit, undermine his credibility is the commander-in-chief when he goes abroad.
but i don t see it happening. independents don t believe this is a high crime. republicans obviously don t believe it s an impeachable offense. adultery does an appetite for this. the story is probably going to fizzle out in a few days. and the democrats, with maxine waters, are going to have a hard time keeping the lid on these feisty, you know, far left people on the far left and it s going to be a real headache for the leadership. greg: the media can t stop talking about impeachment. it s their jasper. i do believe it shows they can t even think things through. it s like if you actually do impeach trump, you will have mike pence, a guy who was so conservative he won t be alone with his wife. i am joking, of course. anyway, he makes trump look like che guevara. let s say you get your magical dream of impeachment, you will rattle she will radicalize a lot of americans who feel you have stolen their votes.
if america thinks you are fake news now, god knows what they will think of you then. i don t even want to talk about it. we have now spent 21 minutes on this topic, juan. we only spent 10 minutes on mollie tibbetts. to your point, you were incorrect. juan: i think the top of the show with the distraction. greg: mollie tibbetts is not a distraction. more people come into this show, if you look at the ratings, in the middle of the show. they come home from work. juan: they come in the middle of the show to see you. jesse: i want to say one more thing. in the 90s, president bill clinton was impeached for covering up an affair. the democrats defended him. now they want to impeach this president for covering up an affair. it s funny how things have changed. juan: let me ask you, forget about the democrats. where are the republicans? why would the house judiciary committee saying we are going to look at this because it s our president. let s look at it.
jesse: i don t think they believe it rises to the level. dana: the senate intel committee is looking at it. mark warner. i think everyone has established the house intel committee can t do anything well. greg: 32 minutes now, juan. juan: our brand-new wild card segment is back this week. you don t want to miss it. first, the democratic socialist are apparently stepped in it again. the new controversy over her latest comments. that s next for you on the five .
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that a $15 an hour minimum wage is partly to blame for this doors closing. day now. when i see a young woman like that who we completely disagree with her politics, most of us. but a young woman like that who could have potential within her party, if she just ill-advised? what would you say? shouldn t her team have tried to rein her in? dana: i ve said this before. i think the best thing right now is for her, she s going to win her race and she will become a congresswoman, one of the youngest ever. she has a long career ahead of her. she does not need to be doing these interviews. she doesn t need to be. she could sit back. she picks up the phone, she could call anybody she wants and they will pick it up and they will say how can i help you? could you come and talk to me about x, y, and z. immerse yourself in the issues
and she wouldn t step in things like this. pam: exactly. she has unknowingly pulled back the curtain on an issue we have all been talking about and exposed it. juan. we have a socialist candidate. isn t this just another example of socialists basically destroy a village in order to save it? juan: i don t think so. i like the fact that conservatives think they have caught a liberal socialist in hypocrisy. as you rightly said, pam, this is the minimum wage is part of the story. rising rents are the other part. she worked with this coffee shop and she was expressing a nostalgic sense of loss that the shop is closing. then the media, they pounced on her and said wait a minute. you are someone who supports a higher minimum wage, like seattle has passed another. that s part of the reason this place is closing. this totally legitimate. in fact, i would be harsh.
what dana was saying, she locked some reporters out. dana: she apologized for it. juan: i don t think that s right. at some point, she s got to stand up and be who she is. i don t have any objection to the argument about the minimum wage because i think people need a living wage in our country with income inequality spiking. i think she got caught out here and i think for some reason, this sort of nobody in terms of 435 members of congress, is now a star. jesse: i loved this coffee shop. i ve been there a time. i spent a lot of money in the coffee shop. did you say she was a waitress? pam: yeah. jesse: i might have actually been served lunch by ocasio-cortez. i probably give her a nice tip because i always give at least 20%. there you go. i helped you out. socialism at its best. actually, that s capitalism.
juan: don t tell the accounting department. jesse: when i am on my shoots, we go to the coffee shop there after the square debacle. pam: they want free health care, for everything, higher minimum wage. greg: wherever the government dictates wage is coming or going have a problem. since the minimum wage is the low it s the low temporary wrong. you re not supposed to hang out there. especially with restaurants. the big problem with restaurants is turnover. everyone in new york is an actor or actress. they are working on tips anyway. you do not need the high minimum wage. they don t plan on raising a family. our culture has risk takers reversed. we look at adventurers and actors and actresses as brave types. the braves are people who open restaurants. they have to deal with terrible customers, bureaucracy, fab landlords, permits, employees
who don t want to stay very long so you can t train them. they are the true daredevil s not not evel knievel. juan: he was on a roll. greg: thank you. pam: our brand-new segment here on the five, wild card wednesdays up next. i don t keep track of regrets. and i don t add up the years. but what i do count on is boost®. delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink now has 33% more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals boost® high protein. be up for life.
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okay. snowball fights and at delaware state university for fear of potential harm to others. this goes along with the everything is fun taken away. delaware state university banning snowball fights during the winter over fear of potential harm. the university said it s necessary because students were throwing snowballs and resident halls and iced over snow balls opposing dangers. students who violate the rules could be punished. warnings, reprimands, community service fines, disciplinary probation. greg: isn t it ironic the people banning snowballs are snowflakes? jesse: oh! dana: very good. i have to confess this is my topic. greg: really? jesse: snowball fights was mine. dana: no. greg: flake news. jesse: great minds think alike. greg: dana: why did you p?
jesse: i wanted to see people getting hit with snowballs. dana: what do you think, juan about snowballs being banned? juan: to me, it s like dodgeball, right? dodgeball can be fun but sometimes you can get hurt. the question is in this era of liability, if you are in charge of the school, you say don t do it. do i think that if snowfalls of the university of delaware, they aren t going to have a snowball fight? jesse: the next time it snows, i m going to peg you so hard. pam: i ve not had much experience with snowballs. we can only go so far. we are taking the fun out of everything and we are going over the top. dana: my grandfather on my father s side of the ranch, he was very against snowballs because he saw a child have as i ve put out by one. greg: it s always a child with an ipod out. every parent uses that with everything. don t do that. you put an eye out.
jesse: i had my girls in january make snowballs we have kept them in the freezer. this august, we are going to unleash on some neighbors. pam: that is a deadly weapon. dana: a little ice? juan: i have a suggestion. bb guns. give them bb guns. dana: great idea. we have time for another topic. greg: let s do it again. isn t it ironic. [laughter] dana: microchip implants for employees. one company says yes. earlier this month, a wisconsin company rolled out a program or its employees can opt into getting a microchip injected between their thumb and index finger. it allows any task that would need a i.d. card to be done with a wave of a hand. greg: you know what is stupid, what they are using it for so they can buy food at the company cafeteria. it s like, if you re going to
put something in your hand, make it worth it. you can get on planes faster. you can wave it and pizza will arrive. jesse: you swipe? greg: of the company cafeteria! you re going to mutilate your body so you can get a snapple? juan: you can get in the building, pay for things, get through security. the question, what happens if this chip migrates elsewhere in your body? are they going to start saying you know, jesse, how long were you in the restroom? we have it right here. jesse: i told you that in confidence. juan: i know. dana: 80 employees have opted in. jesse: those are brown dozers. pam: it s a privacy issue. dana: do you think they will have a case? pam: i just don t like it. dana: time for one more.
let s see. iconic animal cracker box gets redesigned. peta was mad because the old box have bars. they were in cages. there was a big fight about it and now they are all free to roam around on the sahara. greg: the outrages about imaginary animals in imaginary cages. that s where we have gone. this is an imaginary cookie and i am biting the hand of a hippo. do not bite the head off real hippo or a cookie hippo? is this outrageous? juan: i call you. elmer fudd was the big game hunter? that s you. dana: i do love these. greg: they are great. i wanted to have the cage back. i don t want these animals eating me. juan: the new box is attractive. jesse: i am pro-bars.
i want these i wild animals bed bars. i think it is threatening to children to look at. it is a zoo theme. that s what they are going for. they are safe and they are not going to attack. dana: pam, this was yours. is santa real? kid questions? pam: children don t watch. turn it off now. greg: i got yelled at for doing a santos story on the five our first year. dana: i remember very well. that was fun. i didn t start crying, which is good. one more thing s neck circle
and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you re pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you.
great. read our reviews then try the leesa mattress in your own home. order now and get $150 off, and free shipping, too. go to today. you need this bed. greg: let s go to juan. juan: after her first chemotherapy session wrapped up, a nurse came in she dressed the ailing child in a yellow princess gown. watch what happened. that s her dad in a suit and tie picking up the princes for a surprise father daughter dance. they twirled away in a hospital
room filled with stuffed animals. dad is usually home with the couples forgo other kids while mom stays at the hospital so it was a real surprise visit topped off by a surprise dance for the ailing daughter and events since gone viral. dana: it s back-to-school season and one new jersey high school caught my eye. going the extra mile to make sure students are starting off on the right foot, it has to do with laundry. the principle set up a free laundromat and his school after learning many of the students were being bullied for dirty clothes. he explained why it was so important for him to step in and look out for his students. we found out kids were being bullied and they were being bullied because of cleanliness. it s stuff they can t control so that s just who i am.
dana: thank you to great principles everywhere and good luck to all of the students everywhere. greg: if you re in florida, i will be at the barnes & noble at the villages. i ll be there at 2:00 p.m. and then in kissimmee at 7:00 p.m. go to my website to find out more information. and now, see lien news. this is the most photogenic see lion see you will ever see. maybe it s a dude in a outfit. tell him to say cheese. it could be alec baldwin, i m
not sure. what do you think? i think we ve seen enough of it. not much to see lion. jesse: i only have two, wednesdays with watters, it rolls off your tongue. we ve got to update that profile picture, check out this harrowing video. this is a father and a son driving through a forest fire they escaped from glacier national park on august 12th. if they to drive through flames, the car was heating up it was very dangerous. the car totally melted but just a great father-son moment i guess. greg: why are they driving? jesse: escaping a forest fire. before that looked like the end
of time. pam: officers in alabama, if we could run the video above and beyond. these officers looking running into a burning home without waiting for magnifier fires. firefighters. they break the window and they re not in the proper gear, the running into harm s way instead of away. grabbing this woman, taking her to safety and that s what all our great men and women do in uniform every single day. they run into harm s way instead of away from it. that s why it s so very important when you see a police officer, appreciate what they do and their spouses and their families. there is no ordinary day for a police officer. greg: set your dvrs, never miss an episode of the

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advice of career lawyers in the justice department. it wasn t just a whim of jeff sessions, this was a serious consideration went into this. i m sure jeff sessions didn t want to recuse himself but that was the advice he got. the president has been loudly lamenting sessions decision to do just that. sessions pushing ban on his part saying essentially that the actions to have department of justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations, that s the thing that he shot back, your thoughts on that? yeah, i think the other thing was that was the beginning of the statement, at the end of the statement he mentioned that the people in his department and him are committed to advancing the rule of law and i think that was a very important thing too because he s basically suggesting there that donald trump is trying to get the justice department to do his bidding is trying to avoid the rule of law, rule of man rather than rule of law, i think jeff sessions had strong words there and in a way it s kind of funny, i m surprised that democrats
aren t, you know, celebrating a little bit more with what jeff sessions is saying, he s saying the things that democrats have been worried about all of this time which is that donald trump would not be a guy who would appreciate the rule of law. well, here is jeff sessions strangely enough one of trump s earliest supporters who is saying just that himself. there s a lot of speculations about mr. sessions future where things go from here for the attorney general and one of the most prominent republican senators has weighed in on this, lindsey graham and the president noting that the sentiment was made by mr. graham that every president deserves attorney general they have confidence in. i believe every president has a right to their cabinet, these are not life-time appointments, you serve at the pleasure of the president which led to considerable talk that perhaps session wills go perhaps soon maybe after midterms. your thoughts on that, will we see sessions go when and what does it mean? yeah, you know, i think it s probably inevitable, i have to say i don t understand the strategy and the fact that they re saying that president trump would wait until after the
midterms proves that they know it s politically a terrible idea and i can t figure out going into the midterms why donald trump would hint that he might fire attorney general afterwards because this midterms are going to be all about turnout and you don t want democrats to be enthused and excited to get out there but when donald trump says i might fire attorney general, he s playing right into the democratic hands because the leaders are going to say, hey, with knee toad win the senate, we need to get that senate because otherwise donald trump is going to fire jeff sessions. now to get a new attorney general and he ll have to get that person confirmed by the senate, so if they republicans have a minority or even a narrow majority, that gives the democrats a chance to keep out any new attorney general and so i don t really understand the strategy. i think it s very bad politically and just completely unwise, you are basically trying to get democrats to go to polls in november. certainly pushback from republicans implying they don t have type for the scene
scenario and that being said the president has never been shy as far as getting rid of staffers that he doesn t want on his team anymore. if he wants somebody gone, he doesn t care too much about the criticism of holding that person or not holding that person. he seems to make the decision that he wants to at the time. do you think this could lead to a certain of amount of unpredictability, in this case potential that the attorney general could be let go before the election? yeah, you re right, molly, anything is possible, of course, donald trump at one point said he wasn t going to fire rex tillerson, a few months later fired rex tillerson, we heard rumors about john kelly being oust with donald trump, he still continues to be in office. i think really, you know, donald trump probably is desperate to fire jeff sessions but he knows that it s a terrible move politically and the fact that, you know, people are telling him wait until midterms, shows how bad of a political move it is. he may find it hard to resist but i think, you know, at this
point the mueller investigation is so far gone, they so far into it that firing jeff sessions will not end the investigation, he would have to fire rod rosenstein as well and fire robert mueller, so, you know, it s too much politically going on and so i wish donald trump if he wants to, you know, keep the senate, keep the house, you know, quit talking about this, just let it take its course and talk about the successes the republicans have had, talk about great economy and longest bull market ever, i can t figure out why he wants to distract people and remind them about investigation that don t bode well. we will see what unfolds fine now and then, thank you for insights today. thanks, molly. fox news weather alert, dumping 3 feet of rain on parts of hawaii s big island causing flash floods and mud slides, federal officials that lane is danger to hawaii even though
reason for citizens in hawaii to let their guard down. there s still projecting more than 2 days worth of rainfall to continue to inundate the state and quite honestly we could see record-breaking rainfall that surpassed what we saw last year with hurricane harvey. and they still have 15-inches to go to catch hurricane harvey but still more rain coming up in hilo and bands that can come through other parts of the state. we had fires here also in maui, three we are told, 2 under control and the third one 30% contained, they are getting handle on that as well. quite a few days on here on the islands, more than 250,000 people, mike r here right now as tourists throughout the chain, many of them decide today say and ride this out and now they are getting life back to normal. shelters on the islands are closing at noon today and most of the stores and shops are reopening we are told by the end to have day today. good news for much of the state
but unfortunately for the hilo area, mike, massive amount of water in the last few days. stunning visualses coming from the great state of hawaii, you have the flooding, you have the fires, adam housely live in maui, thanks very much. for more on the track of lane let s get to meteorologist adam klotz in fox extreme weather center, adam. hey, there molly, the storm continues to weaken, winds falling down to 60 miles an hour, there s the center of circulation, hard to find at this point, still slow mover, big island is continuing to see some of the showers and everyone will at least see some bands of rain, here again, there is what should be the center of circulation and bands of rain stretching from the big island across island, most of the rain continuing to fall on the east side where they have seen at least in some isolated areas 40 to 45-inches, the slow movement should begin to pick up as we head through overnight hours but it s going to be move get away from hawaiian islands and weakening as it continues to do
do running in upper level winds and that s been tearing apart, what will continue to tear apart is what continues, these are numbers continuing from now. we have seen as much as 35 to 40-inches in some spots on the eastern edge of the big hawaiianan island, well, perhaps we could see another 5 to 10-inches, the ground is saturated, that would be bad news for poll incomes the area, otherwise taking you to mainland of the u.s., we continue to see fire being shush as elevated fire danger across the west stretching down back to some mown mountain states, a spot where they could use the rain unfortunately they aren t going to be getting it. so those watches and warnings, this is rainfall across western states over the next 5 days and you notice all of these spots i just highlighted, molly, staying completely bone dry, so folks out there are going to continue to have full hands full as well. challenging situation, thank
you, adam. mike: the family of senator john mccain say it is war hero and former presidential nominee has made the decision to end treatment for aggressive form of brain cancer and since yesterday s announcement there has been a huge outpouring of support, now his wife cindy is responding, we have live report from arizona next. plus senate democrats officially call to go delay confirmation of president trump s supreme court pick but can their latest plan to postpone hearing actually work? five senate democrats announced they were oppose today president trump s nominee to the supreme court before president trump nominated judge brett kavanaugh. that s not advised and consent, that s simply obstruct and oppose.
smart neighborhoods running on a microgrid. a stadium powered with solar. a hospital that doesn t lose power. amazing. i like it. never gonna happen.
this wi-fi is fast. i know! i know! i know! i know! when did brian move back in? brian s back? he doesn t get my room. he s only going to be here for like a week. like a month, tops. oh boy. wi-fi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. in many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40 s. a strong showing of support for arizona senator john mccain after his family announces the war hero and long-serving republican will stop treatment for brain cancer. his wife cindy posting a message of appreciation on twitter this morning. alicia acuña live in phoenix with more. alicia. hi, molly, yes, they ve been married for 38 years and cindy mccain is with her husband right
now along with other members of the family and some friends. they are at their ranch here in arizona and this morning cindy mccain tweeted, quote, the entire mccain family is overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from around the world, thank you. of course, yesterday we got word from the family of this american hero, he has decide today stop the medical treatment of his brain cancer he was diagnosed last july, a long-time analyst in the state explained senator mccain s presence this way. he s our senator but he s really a national even an international senator. he s he s almost the united states representative to the rest of the world because he transcends president, because of senate tenure and his foreign policy knowledge and his willingness to engage in those tough issues. also made the point, there s
no one alive in arizona politics today that knows what it s like to be in politics without john mccain, something mccain s fellow senator from arizona knows all too well. everybody other than john mccain is called the other senator of arizona and i ve grown accustomed to that title. it s hard to imagine washington without him. he in the senate from my very first day there i saw that he was the conscious of the body. we are hearing from two of the three amigos as they were informally called, lieberman and lindsey graham. today i am praying for him and his family, graham in a statement writing above all else, i know john mccain wants family, friends and staff to understand how much he
appreciates their love, care and kindness and molly, these types of statements and expressions of love continue to come in, molly. he has led remarkable life of service, alicia acuña, thank you. senate democrats on judiciary committee denying post postment of brett kavanaugh s confirmation hearings due to the president s legal issues, chuck grassley has shot down any requests by the democrats to delay hearing. vice president mike pence believes kavanaugh is a worthy nominee. judge brett kavanaugh deserves the support of every member of the united states senate and we are going to fight to take his case all the way to confirmation. joining me now elliot shapiro and editor-in-chief of the cato supreme court review, elliot, great to have you.
good to be back. judge kavanaugh s confirmation hearing to be topic and is that the only play as minority party? they are grasping it strong. there was the attack that he liked baseball too much or beer too much, all the different things and making political argument that a president under investigation or whatever doesn t get to nominate someone. if they had the majority, they should stop processing nominee but they have eye on fall midterm elections, but we will have hearings as senator grassley said. mike: judiciary chairman chuck grassley, doesn t see precedent for delay, he calls it absurd, are is he right? i think so. it doesn t connect him to russian collusion or michael cohen or anything like that, it s not like some president under some cloud is i
illegitimate, it s not like richard nixon. until and unless trump is impeached, this nominee continues and he s going to be processed in the normal course. he s being processed about the same pace that the last five confirmed justices have been. yeah, typically 66 days for nomination to confirmation, what about the challenge for senate democratic leader chuck schumer, how necessary is it for him to show the base that he s willing to fight, fight, fight? he s between a rock and hard place, it was certainly not advisable for the democrats to force the republicans to get rid of filibuster for neil gorsuch, they would like to have filibuster now to replace justice kennedy and not justice scalia, they don t have it, the base wanted blood and schumer had nowhere to go, now, they are basically pounding the table and trying to make hay out of this but nothing that we have seen thus far is near anything that
could possibly derail the kavanaugh confirmation. mike: there seems to be effort to link the president s former associates to judge kavanaugh, any reason to believe that he s somehow ties with some of those former associates getting into some trouble? anything that we ve seen. we have a lot of a a lot of emails, documents, historic documents including making lunch plans with high-ranking officials and law firms and interesting to see what they were doing in early 30 s, nothing that has come out thus far, i think, deals a body-blower or wounds kavanaugh in any way. mike: democrats pushed for more documents under president george w. bush, does that material indicate how kavanaugh would act as a supreme court justice? certainly not the staff secretary materials. all documents that are going to the president come across the
staff secretary s desk. it s much less indicative, we have 300 opinions to go through that. this is another political point. most of the democrats were complaining about the lack of documents have already come out against being kavanaugh, what s the point? mike: is there must frustration among democrats? well, he s a conventional conservative, if you will. that s really the main problem. a lot democrats see donald trump as having been elected illegitimately and so everything he does is wrong or or illegitimate and that s the real attack, it s not really anything specific to brett kavanaugh, the attacks on whoever the nominee would have been probably would have worked the exact same way. mike: we will be looking at hearings after labor day with midterm elections just over horizon, how much in the way of fireworks are you anticipating?
well, they are going to pick up a handful of cases that might make kavanaugh look bad, hey, it s the roll of the senators on both sides to ask tough questions, not about specific cases but about how would you interpret certain parts of the constitution, educate us about legal thinking and knowledge and that sort of thing but i think so far based on what we have seen it s going to be grasping at straws and we have not seen indication that there s anybody from the republican caucus that is going to vote against him and all you need is a one-vote margin which is what they currently have. elliot shapiro from cato, thanks for your time. my pleasure. secretary of state mike pompeo s trip to north korea is off, why deciding to abruptly cancel it and what does it mean to scrapping nuclear program, a new report is claiming about those emails, plus just how involved might the president get, our panel picks up that discussion next.
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president trump abruptly canceling secrary of state mike pompeo s trip to north korea, the president making announcement on twitter. i have asked secretary of state mike pompeo not to go to north korea at this time because i feel that we are not making sufficient progress with respect to the denuclearization of the korean peninsula. let s go gillian turner in washington for details. good afternoon, molly, the secretary of state was supposed to depart for fourth trip to pyongyang where he was to meet with dictator kim jong un and continue negotiations towards denuclearizing the korean peninsula but president trump abruptly canceled the trip yesterday just 24 hours after secretary pompeo says this. using diplomacy to resolve north korean security threat is
president trump s greatest priorities. the president announces reversal via twitter after meeting with team at the white house saying the north hasn t made sufficient progress towards ending nuclear program since summit in june but not closing g the door entirely adding by tweet, secretary pompeo looks forward to going to north korea in the near future most after china trading relationship is is resolved. in the meantime warmest regard to chairman kim. i look forward seeing him soon. this comes after iaea that north korea is continuing to develop nuclear inspectors barring inspectors from key nuclear sites and satellite imagery that shows new construction, clear violations of relevant resolutions are deeply regrettable, not just reversing
north korean policy, on thursday he told fox news china has been a big help on north korea only to claim the opposite yesterday, he tweeted that china is not helping on north korea as much as they once were, molly. gillian turner, thank you very much. you got pit. mike: president trump again blasting the fbi s handling to have hillary clinton e-mail investigation while appearing to reference a story from real clear investigations reporting that federal investigators directly examined just over 3,000 of the 694,000 clinton emails for classified information. the president tweeting, quote, big story that the fbi ignored tens of thousands of crooked hillary emails, many of which are really bad, also gave false election info, i feel sure that we will soon be getting to the bottom of all this corruption at some point i may have to get involved. let s bring in brad blakeman, former deputy assistant to george w. bush and dave brown, democratic strategists and
former senior adviser and committee council to washington senator patty murray. president trump keeps pushing jeff sessions to probe hillary clinton and the democrats considering the public nature of the criticism, brad, are you surprised sessions sessions excuse me, has not resigned? no, i think if anything he wants to be fired and it s clear senators have made it clear that at this stage before the midterms it s not a very good idea to let sessions go and would only get ourselves involved an give democrats a great talking point for the fall because it s up to the senate to confirm the president s next choice, so it doesn t make political sense, the timing is bad and sessions right now, i think, is is somebody who is probably on his way out and that ll come after the midterms probably by the end of the year, but the president i don t think has the leverage he thinks he does with regard to the fbi and the justice department because you can t demand them to do
something they just won t do, the only other thing to do is to let people go and replacements i don t think are going to be anymore favorable than what the president has now. mike: dave, should attorney general jeff sessions resign in protest and if he did, what would happen? ultimately that will be a question for the attorney general. i don t think he should resign on protest because i actually think that he s doing what he s supposed to do as attorney general which is to maintain independence of the department of justice from the white house and rebuking rejecting the president s attempts to political interference not only with the business of the doj but also with the fbi and ultimately, let s be clear, all of this why we are talking about this because the president wants to distract from the mueller investigation, he feels arm of justice is inching closest to him, two associates were indicted an found guilty this week and in fact, the president is part of the michael cohen plea agreement is all in name unindicted coconspirators and
no, jeff sessions should be held in office. mike: brad, you want to take aim at that? no, he is not. that s wishful thinking on the part of democrats. the president as of this date, there s certainly no collusion which is the crux of the purpose of special counsel and any prosecutions, any guilty that have been taken is by associates, maybe you wish it to be but that s not the state of affairs. brad i m not saying that guilt by association, i m saying part of plea deal refer today candidate number one the president of the united states but doesn t mean directly to violate federal election law. the facts speak for itself. no prove of that. the mueller investigation has to be allowed to continue. of course, it is. we will not know till mueller publishes report.
[laughter] mike: is there a double standard, brad, in terms of the president s frustration that nsa leaker got 5 years in prison and he s saying that hillary clinton did not get any punishment? absolutely. there is a double standard and i understand the president s frustration and he s rightfully to be frustrated. there are two standards, one for the clintons and democrats and there s another for republicans. if any other person had done what hillary clinton had done as government employee they would be in jail. she got favorable treatment. the president is right to be frustrated but at this point very little the president can do. maybe when he gets another person in as attorney general, that will change but i don t think that s going to change under this current attorney general or this current fbi director. mike: dave, is it possible that other presidents have been frustrated with their attorneys general over the years but didn t come out and say it? michael, i think that s probably a certainty but look,
there s a real interesting historical analogue tell, the saturday night massacre with president nixon when he ordered attorney general to fire the special prosecutor in that case cox, the attorney general refused, the deputy attorney general also refused and then failed to at the time solicitor general act and of course acting attorney general bork to fire cox and he carried out that order and so, look, there s a historical context to all of this and if anything i think the nixon case really i list-dye lust rates the danger of the white house subvert rule of law and to attorney general to do something that s improperly outside of what s appropriate well, not yet, brad, you re sort of talking on both sides of the issue. you re anticipating asking that hillary clinton be prosecuted which is essentially a direction that a political enemy, political opponent be criminally prosecuted, i think that is double standard, brad.
the president is peaking support unfairness, he hasn t directed anything to do anything, a lot of americans believe do you think if he thought he could make that order to jeff sessions and jeff sessions would carry that, do you think he would order that? look, if the president would want to order it he would order it, he has not. mike: i would lake you take the fight to the green firm, thanks so much. thank you. democratic national committee making changes to nominating process today vote to go limit influence on super delegates who have the party east high-profile members and make 15% of the count. candidates will count on the delegates they won during state primaries and caucuses, if there s a need for second ballot, super delegate who is are not bound to a candidate can step in. former democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders reacting on twitter, quote, today s decision by the dnc is an important step forward in making the democratic party more
open. democratic and responsive to input of ordinary americans, this has been long and arduous process. i want to thank tom pérez. mike. mike: president trump going after the nfl once again over the protests during the national anthem. this time he s taking aim at a couple of broadcast networks that have decided not to show the playing of the anthem, we will have that story next.
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so far no word on what caused that crash. we are standing up with the heros who protect america, we are standing proudly for our great beautiful wonderful national anthem which cbs, i just heard, they just joined the crew and espn have decided not to broadcast. mike: president trump again criticizing the national football league in broadcast partners over national anthem. the president firing back at cbs and espn for the decision not the air the playing to have anthem before football games, bryan llenas live here in new york with the latest, hi, brie bryan. has been common practice to not air national anthem before nfl game, the first time we really started seeing national anthem air before games was the last two years when more and more players began to kneel
during the anthem to protest police shootings of unarmed black men, both espn and cbs say they will continue to not air the anthem before game unless news warrants, at a rally in ohio president trump suggested the networks were unpatriotic. i heard they joined the crew and espn have decided not to broadcast so they don t have con troughers controversy, cbs and espn, how do we like that? is that good? what the hell is the nfl doing? what are they doing? do they not have a clue. latest fox news polling in june mound more americans, 43% have unfavorable view of the nfl than favorable one 42%, the nfl s popularity has nose dived from 64% favorability in 2014, the topic of kneeling has made its way into midterms
particularly the senate race in texas where democrat beto orourke is trying to unseat republican ted cruz. orourke went viral about his thoughts of nfl protest saying in part, quote, i can t think of nothing more american than to peacefully stand up or take a knee for your rights any time anywhere any place, to that senator cruz said this. when you see an nfl kneeling what they are doing is they are attacking the police officer who is are standing there to protect them. nfl regular season kicks off in less than two weeks, mike. mike: bryan llenas, thank you very much. the navy bringing back cold era naval command, russia activity in the atlantic ocean, vladimir putin and nato would get in war of words over the deployment of troops in russian
border, former u.s. ambassador to break it all down next. also includes a tire rotation. book an appointment online. and i don t add up the years. but what i do count on is boost®. delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink now has 33% more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals boost® high protein. be up for life.
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areas in syria, the administration announcing that the u.s. will withdraw more than $200 million in aid for the palestinian areas this following review of the funding for projects in the west bank and gaza, the trump administration says it also took into account the challenges of providing assistance in gaza which is controlled by the radical islamic terror group hamas. claiming a surge in russian submarine activity in atlantic ocean u.s. navy reestablishing atlantic fleet to check out moscow s military expansion. this comes as vladimir putin accused of nato of moving its military assets closer to the russian border, let s bring in embassador kirk, former u.s. ambassador to nato and institute, thank you for being here today. no problem. let s start with the fleet, the u.s. navy reacting, second fleet, deactivated in 2011, this was something that the u.s. was
depending on and return today that, earlier this year admiral john richardson told reporters that the submarine activity is more than we have seen in 25 years from russia, specific to the atlantic, so what does this mean that the fleet is being put back in action and that we have seen so much activity on the part of russia? first off, as you pointed out this is a fleet and presence that has on historical basis not only cold war but world war ii where we were escorting vessels back and forth to european continent and continued throughout the cold war and we did have a high degree of soviet submarine and naval activity, the quality of naval forces declined bli but in the bli has been deploying them more and
more aggressive and you think about the routes that we are talking about, this is both through air and through submarine navigating iceland going through north atlantic all the way to u.s. coast towards venezuela and knack and to it s only prudent that the u.s. which had abandoned command years ago given the lack of russian activity just prudent to put something back in place that we have some capabilities on the table. is it about sending a message? i think it s sending a message that russia just can t expand force and capabilities unchecked. they ll be a monitoring of that, they ll be american presence as well, we do do attach tremendous enforcement of freedom of navigation and maintaining presence in surveillance capabilities. now nato and russia, nato has moved assets deploying 4,000 troops to eastern part, the alliance dubbing the action to be defensive, though, noting
that russia is the one with troops in ukraine, georgia, mall maldova, is this a sign of escalating in tensions between nato and russia? it has no doubt increased tensions between nato and returnia russia. he said russia will be reasserting itself in ways that it had not done for the previous 15 years after the fall of the soviet union. so what we have seen is as you said russia invaded georgia, invaded ukraine, seized territory from ukraine including the crimea peninsula and has conducted massive military exercises close to baltic state which is are now members of nato, close to black sea in region as well and what nato has done in response is create more forward presence. this is still relatively small
numbers compared with the number of troops that russia has in the region but, again, meant to be symbolic step to show that nato cares about these countries, any kind of action against any of the baltic states, for instance, would involve many nato countries all at once and this is the whole heart of the idea, collective defense, an attack on one is attack on all. there s also been tension as far as nato, the united states, russia and turkey. a lot of back and forth, they are part comes some tension comes from the u.s. turning to kurdish elements in an effort to defeat isis. there s an american pastor that s been held there. but the big thing that has people so concerned that turkey may be aligned to align more closely with russia, your thoughts? well, i don t think turkey is about to do that. i think turkey has a very strong interest in its own self-defense and nato being a collective defense alliance, something that turkey values quite a lot.
i have seen recent statements by turkish officials that confirm that. on the other hand, we do have a major problem in the u.s.-turkey bilateral relationship, we are not seeing eye to eye strategically at the moment and particularly as you said over syria and we have to do a lot more to work together to bring ourselves into alignment. one of the most challenging relationships we are facing right now. i hate to cut you short but i want to thank you for your time. thank you. all right, well that does it for us, great to be with you. great fun, have a great week. the news continues tat top of the hour arthel neville. how do you win at business? stay at la quinta. where we re changing with stylish make-overs.
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I-dont-think , Jeff-sessions , Advice , Whim , Consideration , It-wasn-t , Didn-t , Career-lawyers , Justice-department , Sessions , Part , Thing

Transcripts For DW Close Up - Showdown In Brazil - Ballots Bullets And Bribes 20181009 05:15:00

this is a fifteen year old girl. being gang raped. his teacher is beating a boy for talking back and class. for the rest of the class watches. and cheering toddlers being killed by his mother. breaking up last. mistrial sleeps in the streets because her family through her. fear. online bullying. pushes a teenager. just because you can see violence against children doesn t mean others and there are make the invisible visible of us might violence against children disappear.
these bloodstained shirt is all that bruno suva has to remind her of her dead son marcos the niece use he was accidentally shot and killed by police during a gang raid. monaco s died as he was riding his bike to school military police fired on the area from helicopters. on what a bullet went in here and out there was there was. that s one side of life today in brazil. he is another one. supporters of a presidential candidate whose promised to crack down on crime these people say shoot first ask. yes germans later. which but the cell again stacked lots of gun
rights is always a stretch go out on the extreme side here myself. this year s election campaign has been brutal cold of anger fear and hatred. but as you could be sarah marshall races to the will for. where is brazil headed. suvari has never stopped feeling outraged about the death of her fourteen year old son he was shot and killed in a fire there are a low income neighborhood called madre. wasn t going to happen right here.
but every marcos came around a corner on his bicycle or saw the military police vehicle bombs and tried to turn back almost all the both go comolli fierro no more police bullet had him right here and came out for the other side the what else was. a big deal it was. a case of cold blooded murder local residents say the police opened fire on the jumble of houses without warning. the raid targeting drug gangs began shortly after eight in the morning police units were deployed on the ground and in the head . family lives in a small apartment her husband is a construction worker she makes some money cleaning homes. a few cows. markel shared despair drily. she slept on the floor her son on the sofa.
you shall never will for us still has the backpack marcos was carrying when he was shot this is the shirt she was wearing at the time she s never washed it. as a bozo i mean there s all this chatter does his legacy was a state cannot be allowed to kill our children the police have uniforms and so do the kids marcus went to school so he could have a better life that should be asked at the football club way i think though. after marcos his death his school uniform became the symbol of a tragedy that has become commonplace in brazil. every day an average of fourteen people are killed by police gunfire. most of the victims live in for violence some are children as a missile some are not accountable you can still see the large bullet holes in the
pavement here really has counted the puff marks left behind by the raid in which her son was killed yellow. police and helicopters fired automatic weapons over a distance of several hundred meters. there are fifty three large bullet holes on this street and. local residents have counted them as well. second off for our joint sin known she my neighbors and i reconstructed the attack ourselves and no one from the city has come here to fix the damage it was an amazing our camp was on my of course we sold three. but these people believe the police crackdown on gangs is fully justified they include conservatives right wingers and supporters of the armed forces which many favor return to military rule to protect brazilians from what these people call communism. how they often make gestures that mimic. iryna handgun presidential candidate joe universal not all made this gesture
popular he s an ex army officer many of his supporters call him the captain. a cowboy ok captain. go for it. brazil is deeply divided mired in a crisis that threatens to tear it apart. the disparity between rich and poor has long plagues the country extreme inequality stope social tension. many of the slums in rio have been taken over by drug gangs. in their bid to wrest back control security forces have resorted to brutal policing methods. it s led to
a sharp increase in violence. in some parts of rio troops now patrol the streets. which is equal to has worried about the increase in gang related crime he s bought a handgun to protect himself like many brazilians shows he fears he may be robed all worse and that fear has turned to anger out. he laughs my gun is not registered in the u.c. and i m certainly not allowed to carry it on the street ball but i ll use it at home if i have to law abiding citizens like me have the right to defend ourselves did you see that india because he plans to vote for. the man his critics call the trump of the tropics bush will narrow his promise to expand the rights of gun owners. issues isa s that would help cut crime. it is shockey that it would also morals opponents want to
take away the rights of respectable people to own a gun that the leftist opposition wants to leave us as unprotected victims they don t want to stand up to the criminals savvy. asia. in july twenty eighth seen the sensual liberal party nominated bush will not know as its candidate for president but first many dismissed his election campaign as a joke but also know portrayed himself to voters as a patriot a defender of traditional family values under supporter of the armed forces in parliament he praised the military dictatorship the rules brazil from one thousand nine hundred sixty four to nine hundred eighty five. i dedicated my vote to colonel carlos are. parts or did you out there. elections don t change anything
not that obviously not that only a civil war can bring about your party by doing the things that need to be done but you five feel like killing about thirty thousand people that you know. more so now has also been accused of racism. so now that you re a much older racist homophobe. forbid. despite that bush will narrow took a commanding lead in the polls. suzi continue netto is a lawyer and real estate investor he s been hit hard by brazil s economic crisis and says the country should return to a military dictatorship. leave little. there have been all sorts of books plays and t.v. soap operas about the atrocities that were allegedly committed when the generals were in power. but no one has ever written about the good things that the military leaders did. he also points out that boys are not always
not part of the political establishment which is the describes this corrupt. with the. eleventh that is also narrow is one of the various you professional politicians good where we never get involved in any cause i just corruption. jew corpse will merge g.-d. . cronyism nepotism bribery and embezzle a widespread in brazilian politics revealed by police raids and the seizure of luxury cars and even yachts. business executives are said to have bribed politicians during the building of stadiums for the twenty fourteen world cup and the twenty sixteen summer olympics. in twenty fifteen construction magnate muhsin order but ash was arrested in
a corruption scandal. we re no don t know of a single politician in brazil who doesn t have a secret bank accounts or who. what. if they didn t they wouldn t stand a chance of being elected. there is it that every political party has a legal occurrence as well really really. that scandal known as operation car wash was the largest of its kind in brazil a history. numerous politicians from all the major political parties were arrested. the scandal prompted a widespread backlash against the political establishment. a former governor of rio de janeiro state was found guilty of corruption and money laundering and sentenced to more than one hundred years in prison. even former
president lula da silva was caught up in the scandal. still remains one of brazil s most popular politicians polls indicate that if he could run for president he probably beat portugal noddle. he. was convicted on several charges including receiving a seaside duplex apartment from a construction company. in april twenty eight hundred six months before the presidential election you know was arrested and taken to prison. but more so not all supporters gathered outside the jail to celebrate. but luna still had enormous influence over his political party and he believed he
could run for president despite the fact that he was behind bombs. outside the prison a number of lula s followers set up a makeshift protest camp. many of the maintained that he should still be allowed to take part in the presidential campaign. new support among farmers is particularly strong. in the service of a salute. that is there to do the same we re absolutely convinced that lula is in a serious injury so the civil service is going the right wingers are orchestrated his arrest for political reasons. the polls show he s becoming more popular every day where you re going to see the forty. five months before the election lumas
running mates have numb to how that arrived at the prison to visit him you. there was speculation that her dad might run for president himself. could see the ultimate we re not going to discuss alternatives to lula da silva virus we have not yet explored all of our legal options so i don t suppose people are going to get the oboes excel does with them i only have one other than totally turned out to let it be disrespectful of the majority of our civilians to assist us a replacement candidate has brought us all also although it is. despite his conviction newness popularity remains on diminished what inspires this extraordinary loyalty among his followers we re going to know them brazil to find out. in the seventeenth century african slaves were brought to this region to work on farms. this sugarcane factory was shut down sixteen years ago most of the land around it hasn t been cultivated for a long time. families who live in these shacks
screw a few crops but they don t own the land they re now in as a damned list workers. should have been cultivating the nanos all nice tiny plot of land for thirteen year. they d like to grow more but they re not allowed to. say they re more dangerous than we think it s unfair brazil is one of the few countries in the world to test never carried out tackle a cultural reform therefore my demand access to the land it s a historic duty spice is out there so i started. some ideas parents live nearby ten years ago when luna was still president they were allowed to farm a larger plot of land rosol remembers that well and says that little did
a lot to help ordinary people. just out was a settlement as ms tippett you know the when i was president of people who were given the right to it all or landed stadol own with them as if they were. and he created social programs that provide to people with food and housing living on so they ask as well as a program and that continues that even with a day to do all. most of these people would vote for lulay if they could they say he s the only politician who s fighting for the land reform so desperately needed here. now the liberal supporters are on their way to the capital placid area for a rally of landless workers. back on the other they intend to press their demands that lou be allowed to run for president even though he s in prison. that they were
there was i m certain that future generations will no longer have access to health care education. why was there. that s. up these people also die hard opponents of j.f.k. bush on a roll they consider him a brazilian version of u.s. president donald trump. and they re worried divorce nado would cut back on social programs. the early going out or scheduling if wilson are a win for everything will go downhill if you try to get congress to set up a military dictatorship we can t allow that to happen large possible decision over . numerous supporters say he s the only politician who can stop boy so narrow.
in september bush or not i was campaigning in the southeastern city of sweeney s to florida when he was stabbed and seriously wounded by a lone attacker in the crowd. the candidate supporters held a vigil outside the hospital where he was being treated. but. bush on our own narrowly escaped with his life but he was still not well enough to campaign actively susie could she knew netto was stunned by the attack you ll see she says she a livable wage more is that the time that i thought that if both sonora were to die at the hands of that drains to sail and use them for did it was that would be the end of brazil she the borg is she would bless your stomach up but. even though both
so not all could no longer campaign his poll numbers kept climbing. one of his sons flavio took to the streets on his father s behalf this rally was held in rio s copacabana industry which. but the older boy scenarios inflammatory rhetoric including his support for military rule continue to garner criticism at home and abroad. the big landowners are a key element of course the narrows power base they grow soybeans corn and grain for the export market. these crops are usually grown from genetically modified seeds and the use of pesticides is common. for that rico davi lies confident that if not all becomes president the big farms will prosper. when you could was going to that s just the only candidate who says he
won t impose restrictions on us you know it was in the bersih good phase which would be able for a long time but we felt persecuted by a portion of the media and a portion of the judiciary parts of the government and foreign n.g.o.s who have all out attack that s this would have courses been there was their plan was up back up . frederica s crops are harvested mainly by machines he employs a mere sixteen people. most of the big landowners support also not all in a big way because they believe he ll defend their economic interests. not just don t go to his policies toward brazil first just like president trump it s what still united states forces to that s when it s put immutable be those if it is the price i think of bullishly is absolutely correct. so on the one side there are
the big landowners like the native eco and all the other farmers who haven t enough land to earn a living. these people handing out free food at a workers party rally. next door a forum on women s rights is on the way several speakers criticized for naras public comments on women which they call disparaging and insulting. to get money or to go sorry i was a mo maker in lieu of those workers party that this fight is bold and narrow favors a dictatorship much. as he supports the use of torture. we simply cannot allow him to become president. he s also a racist and suffocates violence against women says mr paulson was the only it s
a good that brought us in parliament to rosario has trashed office with forceful naro on one occasion she called him a rapist and said he encouraged sexual assaults on women. and responsible so narrow todo sario that he wouldn t rape her because she didn t deserve it a court later find borstal nara for those comments and ordered him to make a public apology. she was the one god said michelle obama was off i think up the. money a total slam you know represents the southern city of porto alegre the constituents were outraged by bushel narrows remarks the incident was hard on her and members of her family. the least for me to judge so that s also narrow supporters attacked me on the internet something my fans they insulted my daughters now i could also show i was able to
get through this difficult time with the help of a lot of this other woman who has moved out of. here she s taking part in a rally in favor of progressive politics and against the reactionary forces. as represented by bush on our oh i pad. she hopes that women and men will support her cause. that. that they are. the political divide in brazil is growing deeper by the day but also audio is determined to stop abortion out of songs to durham millions of us women in brazil and we have the power we will use that power to defeat hatred president not. hello the out have. had. women standing up for their rights and show simple human decency. in porto alegre and elsewhere across the country hundreds of thousands of people
have been making their voices heard. christiano even speaking out to so she lives on the outskirts of rio for years she was physically abused by her husband. back to move the. body is just punched me in the ribs called for cold war he shoved me against a wall of the bush he did little to get blisters and even attacked me with a knife when i was pregnant i thought you can still see the scar which washed. the abuse continued for eleven years a year ago she and her husband separated. oh well my love was no good there were she can t imagine a man like your so narrow becoming president. that they ve missed of all the talk with the jewish babble how can a presidential candidate will call for people to carry weapons these thoughts i
smile after everything that i ve been through. i couldn t vote for someone like that all up with the school bus see what i did. many for the residents rejected. including him not a senior realize largest slum to st. louis workers party expects to do well here even with his replacement haven t understood that who stepped into the race three weeks before the election after of course bob lula from running my dad has vowed to make life better for ordinary people. that it just was over me that you know we have to scrap the limits on social spending we spotted the skull bravest man the government should invest more especially in micro-credit programs like me this to help me back on its feet by pulling him though by the bill maher. posed show how down is the only handed it was
a chance of beating bush. is the cliff favorite in the for velo news. suva marcus s bill reeves mother has her hopes pinned on her dad because if not all becomes president he said to launch a fresh crackdown on crime. is a shift if you will be much employed this man simply can not see elected president of brazil if there were he supports police attacks on neighborhoods yes like the one that killed my son so the same could also come up almost to the density of lives. that s why she supports candidates who oppose war scenario and who will try to improve conditions for those who live in the slum to start. out other. know it by saddam and by charlatans do not provide security i say just kill peace if you tackle its martyrs for any such thing is secular to prevent crime but we need to
invest in an intelligent and comprehensive program of prevention all cyclical flapping christian being put in so that easy answers. but the security forces are maintaining their heavy handed approach. despite the fact that innocent people and even children like marcos are sometimes killed in surprise raids. a little bit or so million on that syrian police operations require a certain amount of secrecy to be successful to see for abuse at the core if we denounce the time and place it it s like the criminal orders would have fled the scene lock up the other person is not a. full bruna such reasoning feels like a physical blow right now she s on her way to a meeting of mothers whose children have been killed by the police. she s brought her son s bloody shirt with her tonight she ll speak out for justice.
human rights activists have invited her to talk about marcos death it s not an easy task to have. gotten knocked out but on stage she finds the courage to speak she demands a police investigation to find out who shot and killed her son that. she s not satisfied with what the authorities have told her so far. only does that stress ok just all the governmental security forces have said is that the operation was a success that s the metaphor for it up to sell us. open last summer but it was not a success because this is the blood of an innocent child with the saints. for the convalescing shaya the ball so narrow the fates of people like marcos appear not to matter. on the contrary. you ll see what this as i was for
when i read come president i will put more troops on the streets felt that their power was supposed to solve these problems without using force was a real problem i see that s. where we. brazil headed will a country town right posting on the left. it s a crucial election in which nothing less than the direction of brazil s democracy is on the ballot. the fast pace of life in the digital shift as the lowdown on the web showing new developments and providing useful information in the wiki is finds and interviews with makers and users. next d.w. . time for an upgrade.
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Son , Suva , Police , Marcos , Gang-raid , Niece-use , Bike , Monaco , Brazil , One , Life , Side