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Transcripts For MSNBCW NOW With Alex Wagner 20130313

[ coughs ] [ male announcer ] you can t let a cold keep you up tonight. vicks nyquil powerful nighttime 6-symptom cold & flu relief. powerful nighttime 6-symptom cold & flu relief. dad: you excited for day? dad: you ll be fine, ok? girl: ok. dad: you look so pretty. i m overprotective. that s why i got a subaru. love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. when is a budget an actual budget? and when is a budget actually a budget hologram? it s wednesday, march 13th, and this is now. joininging mess today, bureau chief ryan grimm, senior fellow at the center on budget and policy priorities and msnbc contributor jared bernstein. bob herbert is a distinguished senior fellow at deem owes. and time magazine assistant manager editor rhonda fewer er. there you go. moving on the rest of the script. i apologize. this afternoon president obama will sit down with the raucous caucus of house republicans. it s part of the president s multiweek charm offensive that continues tomorrow when he ll eat lunch with senate republicans. it comes smack in the middle of budget season. what the white house revealed yesterday, the president will release his budget proposal on april 8th. today patty murray will unveil the democratic proposal. the budget would save nearly $2 trillion over ten years, derived equalitily from spending cuts and revenue from tax reform. it also sets aside $100 billion in stimulus spending on infrastructu infrastructure. how does it tack up to the budget proposed yet by paul ryan? here is a side-by-side comparison. the savings are more than double those in murray s plan. how has the numbers wizard able to find so much more extra fat to trim from the federal budget? he is cutting to the bone. more than $700 billion would be caved out of medicaid and nearly a try won would be chopped from programs including food stamps and pell grants. the defense would see zero in cuts in an enter view that aired this morning we re not going to balance the budget in ten years, because if you look at what paul ryan does to balance the budget, it means that you have to voucherize medicare, you have to slash deeply into programs like medicaid. but even those cuts alone don t make paul ryan s numbers add up. it only achieves balance through a full repeat of obama care, which it s worth noting is already law of the land upheld by supreme court and being enacted in 27 states. this gimmickry represents a stunning the extra $700 billion in savings from repealing a law. the editorial board of the washington post assessed mr. ry ryan s plans this morning and came to this conclusion. the obama care repeal accounts for more than half of the deficit reduction in mr. ryan s bucket, which pretty much closes the book on it as a serious guide to future policy. joining us again from washington is msnbc policy analyst the washington post columnist, the ultracelebrator of budget season, ezra klein. i don t even know in ultra celebrator is a term or correct english, but so happy to have you here. happy to be here. we may have to interrupt this any moment, as you know we are on smoke watch here. that s a live shot of the chimney. we ll bring you the latest there. that s one caveat as we go forward. ezra, yesterday we had a long discussion about whether or not paul ryan s budget was a serious budget. i want to go off the editorial board noting the washington post, what do you make of that contention, that so much is base odd gimmickry and it can t be considered serious? i don t know that i would call it gimmickry, right? first, he doesn t repeal all of it. he keeps all the taxes, all the medicare cuts, he just repeals a part that gives people health care insurance. that would seem to be a significant part, my friend. it s a big part, the core part, but not the whole part. a lot of paul ryan s balancing of the budget is based on tax increases, and he s not repealing. it turns out it s really hard to balance a budget if you re not going to increase taxes, but one broader point here, we get into a trap in budget season, which as you know, i love, which we just sort of rate everything but how much debt reduction it achieves. you see these graphs, murray s budget has half as much deficit reduction, and i think someone looking at the graph says ryan s budget is better, but there s not some sort of abstract reason we just want more and more and more deficit reduction. these are all programs and policies helping people or hurting people. you know, there s another graph you could put up that ryan s budget leaves 35 more million people to be uninsured. i think one thing we get trapped in is the whole idea of a budget is reducing a deficit. no, it s showing what our priorities are and how we will spend money and what is worth it and what isn t. we have here jared bernstein, budget celebrant emeritus. jared, let s talk about this. before this show started, we started a discussion about it s actually good i think for the country to get involved in a discussion about budget, not just because you have an affinity for numb bersz, but as ezra says, budgets are moral documents in a way. they show or priorities as a country. what have you gleaned? well, paul ryan s budget has described as robin hood in reverse. i think that is accurate. the savings that he generates largely come from cutting programs who very much need the help right now, and he takes some of those savings and gives them back to upper income people in corporations in huge tax cuts. by the way, there s another deficit problem if the ryan budget. i think he s gotten a bit of a free ride. theres no way mathematically and i can take you through the numbers that paul ryan request offset the trillions of. not there are no free rides that is an important part. he wants to lower the top marginal tax rates to a number that is lower than even mitt romney. mitt romney took seven points off the top tax rate. paul ryans takes about 15 points, so twice as heavy a lift. can i make one point? begin the colloquy. i m a little surprised to see you without a body guard today, because ezra wrote in his piece this morning that our deficits right now are too small. now, i happen to agree with that, but that s heresy in d.c. where you are right now. i d love to hear you say a few words about why the deficits are too small right now. yeah, look action this goes through this idea that deficits are moral. no they re a tool. businesses often go into debt to make and this is the opportunity the world gives us. we worry pretty much about one thing with the deficit. if they re too high, interest rates will go up. definite constituents are bad because of what they primarily do to interest rates. right now interest rates on government debt, completely completely historical fashion are negative after the count for inflation. the world is so desperate to put their money somewhere. that is an amazing opportunity for us to do whatever you want to do to create jobs. you can cut taxes, as the republicans should want to do, invest in infrastructure, give state and local governments money to rehire the people they laid off, but you should take advantage of this opportunity, and we should put in place a deficit reduction plan over the longer term, starting as the economy begins to recover more that will give more credibility to the market, such that interest rates don t go up if they get scared, we ll never do anything about deficits. but it s a matter of timing, not a matter of morality. ivities bob, giving all great work that demoss is doing, the republicans have been masterful insofar as is the national debate has centered on deficits. a lot of the economists would say, look, as ezra points out, a long-term plan is necessary, but in the short term stimulus spending is what we need. exactly what we need. the elephant in the living room is still unemployment. we have too many people who are jobless or underemployed, and budgets in any kind of reasonable state of balance without putting these people back to work in good jobs so that they re paying taxes. the question becomes, when we have they budget debates in washington and the question that s not being answered is, what is the goal? the goal is not simply to get a balanced budget or get closer. it s to have some kind of economic outcome from your budget policies, and they have not made that clear to the american people what they really want to achieve. i don t think either party has done that. i would say i totally agree, but two things that don t get discussed enough are inequality and growth. so to take the first one, if you think about some of the policies discussed, cutting conserves tiffs are always complaining, and you have to do the steps that there s not a logic there. it s also not just about increasing taxes or making cuts, but how to grow the economy. during the clinton administration, we grew out of it for a variety of reasons. we need to think about policies that are going to get the economy growing out of 2%, and i agree, austerity is not the way to do it. all you have to do is look at europe and see that they re in recession because of all of this. i guess the question is austerity is something that was sort of debated and litigated in the campaign season. my colleague and rachel maddow said we have seen the end of this movie. how is it that paul ryan is still proposing things that lost him that lost republicans in the white house a couple months ago. you re right. we had the debate politically, and it came out on the side opposed to austerity. we had the debate economically in europe, and everyone over there has agreed that austerity was a mistake. the imf has come out and more or less policy jesused for its recommendation of austerity, which sank it deeper into crisis over there. and the point here is that, you know, ryan has a more central problem, because hits numbers don t add up nels he gets the growth that he s assuming, and the cuts he s calling for undermine the numbers. so the numbers just don t work, because they re attacking each other. i think the conversation is too rational in the following sense. the republicans and ryan are not just calling for the policies they re calling for because of some economic theory. if everybody s hair is on fire about deficits and debt, they can slash away government, and slashable social insurance, medicare and so on, and very much shrink the size of government, which is their ultimate goal. so if your hair is not on fire, then you can think about growth, insuring people and jobs. ezra, as you point out, on one of the programs that s constantly a boogeyman, nobody is touching that. and certainly paul rye cran s plan is incredibly vague in its language. about what is still the third rail in american politics. i think you have to go back to recent history. one of paul ryans s big defeats was in 05. he was a key member pushing social security privatization. he had a plan so far out there that the bush administration said it would be irresponsible to embrace it, and then of course the bush administration came out with something more modest, arguing but they got hugely, hugely rejetted over that. so i think republicans have been quite afraid of social security since then. one more point on this one. when the economy is recovering, there are a lot of cuts you can make that make sense at that point. there are jobs in the economy for people to see. if state and local governments cut back, when you do it in a period of time when many unemployed people for a you make the unemployment problem worse, and that is where you get into ryan s point. ezra action thank you as always. coming on with a doubleheader of smoke watch and budget season you haven t even heard my opinions on the smoke. and sorry that it didn t happen in this segment. we invite you back. until we get the smoke and a grand bargain. thank you, my friend, for your time and opinion. after the break, brooklyn is probably not the first place that comes to minute, and that s probably why reince priebus found himself in kings county. we ll have that next on now. mom always got good nutrition to taste great. she was a picky eater. well now i m her dietitian and last year, she wasn t eating so well. so i recommended boost complete nutritional drink to help her get the nutrition she was missing. and now she drinks it every day. well, it tastes great! 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[ female announcer ] some people like to pretend a flood could never happen to them. and that their homeowners insurance protects them. [ thunder crashes ] it doesn t. stop pretending. only flood insurance covers floods. visit to learn your risk. when you lost the thing you can t believe you lost.. when what you just bought, just broke. or when you have a little trouble a long way from home. as an american express cardmember you can expect some help. but what you might not expect, is you can get all this with a prepaid card. spends like cash. feels like membership. speaking about immigration reform yesterday, senator john mccain made an impassioned argument about our shared humanity. help us carry the message. the message is that we are a judeo christian based nation, and we love all of our fellow human beings. for people to be kept in drop houses, in these terrible conditions, for people to be terribly abused as they re brought across the border by coyotes is not acceptable in a country like ours. mccain s messaging marks a renewal of compassionate conservatism. after president obama won 93% of african-american votes, 73% of asian-americans and 71% of latinos in 2012, republicans are trying to present a grand old party that s not exclusively the purview of old white 53%ers. the growth and opportunity project, on monday rnc chair reince priebus brought his listens tour to a church in brooklyn. prescribe us told reporters outside the said, quote we can t just be a party of purity. we have to be a well coming party. we can t go from one mad interview to the next about the national debt and deficit. just hours later, he went to the next mad interview to disparage the president and talk about the national debt and deficit. we hold used car salesmen to higher standards. this is our moment to lay out our vision for america in a budget that balances in ten years, that doesn t raise taxes, that include comprehensive tax reform, that inclusion a spending freeze in washington. these are the things that people want. it s a tricky proposition for trying to put a new face forward, while still reassures that nothing has changed. yesterday chris christie was in parter son, new jersey where he just won 11% of the vote. when people have said that, governor, why don t you bring people together? i say, hell, i did bring people together. go to patterson. 89% of the people said, we don t want you. i thought, of course i m not going to win there, but when i do win, i m going to all those folks to know that i m their governor, too. that s what you have to do if you want to lead. but no good deed gotten unpunished. christie s outreach and decision to expand medication, which will provide health care for 300,000 poor people in his state did not go unnoticed. they pull off the effects of the massively expanded medicaid program where they also expand the definition of poor so more and more people are on the government dole. and this is why when you have republican governor like krispy kreme signing on to this, it s going to be financially ruinous. i m a conservative, why don t i get to speak at cpac? have a doughnut and shut up, will you? ouch. ryan, do something that benefits your state, you have very good approval ratings, what does it get you? the nickname krispy kreme and nasty jokes about your eating habits. it s a problem for the government that they can t seem to reconcile. christie has clearly decided that even if he could win the presidentacy primary going to the right, he would lose the general election, so what s the point? so he s going to try to get the electable candidate, the one who can bring people together, but still attract the tea party people because he s so obviously angry. man, i might have a different approach we re pro-angry. we re mad as hell. he sees that as his only road to the white house. i think that s a reasonable assessment. you know, i think priebus show the his cards. you can simply not be for growth and opportunity on the one hand and then step to the other studio and say i support the paul ryan budget, which cuts pell, food stamps, medicaid, universal, pre-k, all the things that mean growth and opportunity. bob, i love the part of the annex dote where he s like meeting with 20 black republicans. and peter bien art in the daily beast i think has a fair assessment republicans probably overestimate the traction they ll get from changing the color and accents of their pitchmen. there s something deeply patronizing about their assumption, latino and black democrats act merely on ethnic or racial affinity. how does priebus find 20 black republicans in brooklyn. give me a break. what i think is important to understand, is this is a party that s been relentlessly hostile in its policies to the interests of black americans and other ethnic minority at least since the era of richard nixon. i mean relentless, and nothing has changed. all you have to do is look at the ryan budget proposal, and you will see this is a party that wants to do harm to the interests of african-americans. there is a reason why blacks vote almost 100% against the republican party year after year. after the election about the demographic issue, and how republicans weren t keeping abreast of the changes, but i think that the core problem is that there is no economic ideology beyond trickle down, which has clearly failed. that is a really, really core problem. it hasn t been addressed. i live in brooklyn, actually. as do i. there was one romney/ryan sign in the window on my block, and that house got egged at halloween. wow. wow. i m not kid lin ldingkidding. of the folks on the side of draco, the most draconian folks in the raucous caucus, ryan is the one who scuttled the if we re to believe the reporting. he s most trying to pivot and have it both ways, in his support for education, his talk about making is the party more inclusive, his behind the scenes work which did not go uncelebrated. i m glad they passed it, but at the end of the day, can he be the standardbearer for the tea party and also usher in a new eray based largely on nothing? he engaged thoughtfully and seriously. and it took month and it was an embarrassment with him, but they eventually passed it. then sent out press releases. so they saw the political benefit form then they were embarrassed because we have google. maybe they learned the lesson. that maybe they ll go along. violence against women shouldn t be that heavy of a lift. there s just not been enough thought to actual policies that actually help people, and where the base is seems to be very different from where the leadership is. so if the base is very much antiimmigrant, that s a heavier lift. so that s what i m looking for. to see where there s progress, but we ll see. bob, we had my wonderful friend chris i ve been saying that name-dropping, so egregi s egregious, but he was talking about a new study that showed that we elected officials on the state level overestimate how conserve thif their constituents are. there s this myth-making just how violently conservative the base is, but that doesn t trickle up into actual legislation. there s no course correction. i think policymakers lift in an alternate university, the people they re supposed to represent. i go back and forth on whether this is because they re out of touch or if this is because this is what they actually mean to do. both parties are awash in a sea of corporate money, for example, and the people who give the money are the people who get hurt, but if you look at the republicans, for example, all of to do is look at history. what the republicans have wanted to do all along, and this goes to darrell s point earlier, shrink government you so you do have to pay the benefits, and what they want to do is they want to take that money and give it back to the wealthy in the form of tax cuts. that is their fundamental belief all along, and it has not changed. oh, bob herbert, i was looking for some sort of sunshiny assessment about the shifting demographics, but it inevitably would change the republicans, but we remain pessimistic. we also remain on smoke watch. coming up the papal conclave is in a second day of deliberation. we are monitoring the chimney for smoke. might we see a new pope today? might we see a new pope in this hour? we ll get a live report next. 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[ male announcer ] sounds good. it s amazing what soup can do. departure. hertz gold plus rewards also offers ereturn our fastest way to return your car. just note your mileage and zap ! you re outta there ! we ll e-mail your receipt in a flash, too. it s just another way you ll be traveling at the speed of hertz. with the dow reaching an all-time high last monday and corporations enjoying report profits, it maybe look like a nation on the up and up. but we are still reeling from a national economic crisis. today 48.5 million americans, 16% of the population live in poverty. this includes 16 million children from 2007 to 2010 the median net worth fell by 40%, wiping out 18 years of accumulated wealth. median family income continuing to fall every year. half of the jobs in the united states of america now pay less than $33,000 a year, and a quarter of those jobs pay less than the poverty line of $22,000 for a family of four. over half of american adults believe their children will be worse off than they are, but beneath these statistics there are real people struggling to survive. a new hbo documentary american winter can turs what s happening to families on the other side of the roaring stock market. men and women losing heat and electricity in the dead of winter, sleeping in their cars, and struggling to feed their children. the documentary shows us the human consequences of budget cuts, the subprime mortgage crisis and hollowing out of of the american middle class. we need help. we just got an eviction notice. are you sleeping in your car? under a bridge, actually. i hear them sometimes saying we skipped dinner because we need to feed or kids. sometimes when i hear that, i cry. sometimes. for the middle class in this country, we have a one strike and you re out economy. the system that once was in place to cushion those crises has been frayed. the most endangered species in america is the middle-class family. i think we have to be alarmed by that and ask whether that is good policy. joining us now are emmy award-winning film makers joe and harry gants. thank you for coming on and making this. we talk a lot about positive and disparity in this country, but broadly hugely underdiscussed as a subject of national concern. what brought you to this project? we were seeing a few years ago, more family struggling, more people out of work than in the last 80 years, yet all the discussion was on cutting budgets and cutting services. we thought we needed to show this subject from a human standpoint. so we decided to follow families that were going through this in a personal level. a lot of them call a hotline designated to help folks. it s 211 in most states. in new york city it s 311, but the number you call if you need some type of social services. with this whole new class of formerly middle-class families now poor, the hotline just like all social agencies are taxed to the max. bob, again, this is now the recurring theme of this show today, but this is what happened to the american middle class. we look at the income gains, 93% of the income games went to the top 1%. income stagnation, the story of the middle classes one, as the gantzes tells us, is one of an endangered species. it seems while the policymakers are doing their dance in washington and not coming to a resolution, they are not focused on some of these enormous problems. poverty is one of those problems, and wealth and income and equality is another. we need to be focused on those problems with the kind of intensity going on in washington. one of the things that i think is important here, too, is not just statistics which we reel off with some facility in the news media. these are stories, when you hear that kid in the trailer we just played, talking about hearing his parents unable to afford to put dinner on the table and not eating themselves and the fact he s going to sleep crying thinking about that, that is it is heartbreaking isn t even the word for it. i think it s also important for us to hear those stories as a nation. the families we followed, they were all comfortable three, four years ago. many of them were middle class, some of them were, you know, below middle class, but all able to pay their bills. now the le of stress that they deal with on a day le base, it s 24 hours a day, how do we juggle this big? how do we get food on the table? how do we keep from losing the roof over other kids heads? they re all hard-working people working since they were teenagers. which is important in terms of shattering the ply on who is depending on these quote/unquote entitlement programs. it occurs to me, this is echoing bob s points is washington dangles the keys. look over here, not over there. that kid gets to school, facing the conditions he faces, and he has a real disadvantage in terms of learning, but we attack the teach es union and we cut the school budgets. and it s all budget cuts and deficits, debt and not nearly the kind of focus. in fact, i wonder if you found this, some of the safety have actually helped. we don t do enough to document that, the expansion of refundable tax credits, food stamps tepid up, not enough, but did you encounter at least people interacting? yeah, what was their relationship between sort of government programs and their existence? one of the issues at 211 is that there are so many more families seeking social services, and they don t know how to do that? it s limb like deer in the headlights. they wait for the knock at the door and then call up and say, what do we do? they need somebody to help them navigate the system. yes, oregon has good social services, good health care for kids, but still it s not enough. that s where you focus on, most of these families are in the state of oregon. right. i guess the question is, this is an identity crisis of sorts, not just fascially, but bob, people think of themselves as hard-working middle-class families, and the idea that they would be living out of their cars one day is an anathema, that they could fall so far so quickly, they re calling emergency lines. i can t tell you how many formerly middle class individuals who i interviewed that said, hey, i used to convenient tier at the food bang and now i have to go there for food for myself. a fellow working in ohio, with a solid middle-class income, he was selling he got fired, lost his job. he was going to the local blood bank and selling blood twice a week for $50 a pop just to put food on the table. these are the stories you hear about people scavenging for food, it really is an incredibly moving documentary. congratulation on making it. thank you for making it. everyone should watch it. it premieres on monday, i believe, on hbo, again american winter joe and harry gantz, thank you so much. coming up she s no longer governor, no longer a pundit, no longer a reality tv star, but is writing a book on christmas. sarah palin s fun and festive takedown of political correctness. that s just ahead. vo: bold has a huge imagination a playground of innovation, color, and design. showing up where we least expect it and taking inspiration from our wildest dreams. because bold doesn t see the world in fixtures and faucets, it re-imagines. coloring our lives in ways only bold can do. it s no wonder the world can t wait to see what bold does next. when her sister dumped me. oh dad, you remember my friend alex? yeah. the one that had the work done. [ male announcer ] sometimes being too transparent can be a bad thing. this looks good! [ male announcer ] but not with the oscar mayer deli fresh clear pack. it s what you see is what you get food. [ male announcer ] but somthe color of ourveyer shimmering waters.ack. the beauty of our swaying palms. and the magic of a people. .and a place like nowhere else on earth. behold.the islands of the bahamas. we are still monitoring the vatican for smoke. cardinals are sequestered inside is that a pinging on top? jared bernstein is doing his own smoke watch. we ll bring you any new developments. we re staying on the religion beat. only sarah palin could formalize the use of all caps to signify cheerful indignation. a happy holiday, it is a merry christmas. we ll discuss that, next. asional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues. with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips lady ] live the regular life. phillips . how would you stay relevant if you re a former fox news contributor/mama grizzly who hasn t been in office for almost four years? the answer is obvious, release a war on christmas book. yesterday sarah palin announced her third book to be released in november a happy holiday is a merry christmas. let s talk about this sort of indignant, all caps there, i will also read to you, palin s statement on why she s releasing the book, which is some choice amid st. the fragility of this politically correct era, it is imperative that we stand up for our beliefs before the element of faith in a glorious and traditional holiday like christmas is manual inized and ignored. of time i i read one of her quotes, i m not sure with the subject and vertebra is, and whether there could be a comma, but is this the rebranding that sarah palin needsing to back on top? no. my favorite part is the glorious. the only place you see glorious is in like some translation of english, gull glorious republic. what does that title even mean? i think she s already, jared, already on defense against all haters, which i guess is her permanent state for she s comfortable playing defense. i read some materials about this, and i m sure very prepared. i come prepared, yeah. next i want to talk more about the bird on top of the chimney. the papal sea gull has its own hashtag. there was a part she was complains about how commercialized christmas is. i can sign on to that part. listen, i ll say this, and i m going to pivot to a more serious, substantive point as i am wont to do. we don t think about looking out for one another, the community, the sense of the flock, if this engenders a sense of concern about our fellow man, then keep writing the books, sarah palin. i question whether it actually will, but the question of christian goodness in source it s expressed. that would be wonderful, but when she s complaining in her own statement about political correctness, you get the impression that something else is at work here. when i first heard about it, i thought that sarah palin was writing sort of a nice sweet holiday book. i thought, hey, that s really smart. it will be a big seller, burnish her image, gull no such luck, i man. rana the washington post writes, you don t announce them in march. also, aren t children s books sort of what you do when you re trying to have a rebound? it s usually not successful. also, angry children s books. where does that fit in? yeah, the indignant sort of malicious children s book, but anyway, she s an al chemist. we have to leave it there. we are still on papal watch. there he is. there s the bird. that bird is still on that chimney. jared bernstein, just for you. different bird, i m told. no, i m not sure. very similar to the other one. we have a controversy. so it goes. these are the mysteries of vatican city, my friend. we have to leave it there. thank you to you all. that is all for now. joy reed will be in for me tomorrow. she s be joined by michael dyson. and the daily beast s megan mccartel. you can find us on facebook, andrea mitchell reports is up next. 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New-york , United-states , Canada , Ryan-point , Washington , Chad , New-jersey , Germany , Brooklyn , Vatican-city , Ohio , Oregon

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20140517

fox & friends hour one starts right now pet zell when you think of toughness you think of queen. the spartan rage is on the plaza this morning. whole challenge including climbing ropes and diving through fire. we will not be diving through fire or having any spears thrown through us. we ll be competing some more effectively than others. throughout the show we will each humiliate yourselves. anna vs. tucker this morning. that is not even close. lay your money down now. what s your handy happen in a spartan race? a lot. i will be taking on rick, which is clearly my money is on rick. have you seen his calves? he will kill me. good morning. how is everybody doing? all right? this saturday we have some news headlines we want to tell you about. get right to that camp pendleton marine base third fire unite. so far more than 22,000 acres have burned across southern california. causing $20 million in damage. at least one person has died. one wildfire coming just feet away from the house owned by christian singer rebecca saint james. the star posting this picture on facebook saying a miracle stopped the blaze. meanwhile one person now facing arson charges. witnesses say they saw 57-year-old alberto adding brush to fires near oceanside. he has pled not guilty. and new overnight, a woman falls down an elevator shaft at boston s fenway park. the fire department saying the shaft fourth floor doors opened unexpectedly and the 22-year-old woman fell on to the roof at the elevator at the second floor. rescuesers reached her through a hatch on the elevator s roof and took her to the hospital. no word on her conditions. the red sox play the tigers friday night. and a mother that saved her son from a burning build something speaking out about the ordeal for the very first time. christina simon leapt 35 feet to get out of harm s way all while hold are her 18 month old son cammeron? it really felt like was i falling in slow motion. it felt like a very very long fall. a mother s love. the impact from the fall broke her back and doctors say it s unclear if she will ever walk again. christinena, however, is hopeful. i know that even if it take as a year, you know, i m gonna be able to hold him and pick him up and, you know, do all my mommy duties. christina says she would do it all over again in order to save cammeron. wow. while you were sleeping, g.p.s. just got better. and we have lift off, lift off of the united launch alliance delta four rocket carrying the sixth g.p.s. 2 satellite for the united states air force. a rocket carrying a new satellite lifts off into space. the sixth of 12 planned upgrades to the g.p.s. system for the military and civilians. the network includes about 30 satellites including 11,000 miles above the earth. so good now when i make a left turn i won t end up on a dead end on a road that doesn t exist. progress of practical implications. fake progress into the investigation of those scandals we have been covering at the valentine s vets administration this week. you may have seen the hearings where the shinseki sat to undersecretary dr. robert petzel, the implication was that petzel was being fired as a way to hold someone accountable for the deaths of up to 40 veterans due to negligence at the v.a. it turns out that s not what actually happened. he wasn t fired? no. he wasn t the fall guy, the other shoe was dropping? finally accountability at the v.a.? it turns out if you dig into press releases from the falling of last year, he was set to retire anyway in 2014. in fact, here is an excerpt from that press release back in september of 2013. following a 40 year career serving veterans as a v.a. physician, teacher and administrator, dr. robert petty zell will retire in 2014 as planned following a four year tenure as undersecretary for health. the administration knew it it just pushed him out the door perhaps a little bit early. in the end he retired. he said i m going to leave. retiring anyway. this apparent scandal just seems to be getting deeper and deeper and deeper. and the replacement who has been tapped, jeffrey morosky hospital at hospital in chicago allegations of secret waiting lists there. should be looked into as connection. jonathan karl pressed jay carney on this and said are you saying that this only has to do with this phoenix office? and he is pressing him on this pretty hard did. you think abc was going to cover it? you think maybe they would. they only gave 30 seconds to this story last night. but, so if it s just another phony scandal? is that what they are trying to say? following a very familiar. irs, nasa or failures of the obamacare web site. and the president comes out as and poses as very empathetic figure. angry, people will be held accountable. not acceptable. we re not going to let this happen. that play play indicates the pla indicates the press. this is the president s first reaction to the irs scandal. inexcusable and americans have a right to be angry about it and i am angry about it i will not tolerate this kind of behavior in any agency but especially in the irs given the power that it has and the reach that it has and all of our lives. the government generally has to conduct itself in a way that is true to the public trust, that is especially for the irs. the irs commissioner at the time stephan miller was term limited but he was forced out. term limited. a familiar script there. he had no choice. he was term limited. he had to leave that particular position. now, in fairness he wanted to then come back and be deputy commissioner and finish out his days at the irs but is he not allowed to do that anymore. this is a larger pattern. you are term limited. this is a pattern where something happens, he presses outrage. he did it with the irs and then about three months later he is saying that this is a phony scandal. there wasn t a smidgen of corruption as if the past has never happened. we have not had a single example of a significant high level official at any of these scendles, benghazi, irs, the a.p., the rosen scandal, any of these, at all. and it looks as if you can simply sail through. there is zero accountability. this administration loves the word accountability. it has never actually exercised it. it s really simple. here is how you know in washington which someone is being held accountable. when the justice department. the feds, the fbi open an investigation into wrpg dag. that should have been immediately with the irs scandal and v.a. scandal. cooking the books is a federal crime. it s a felony and eric holder, the attorney general has taken a pass. maybe somebody doesn t need to lose their job. maybe somebody needs to go to jail it is familiar with the irs and v.a. scandal as well. that it s just limited to just phoenix or it s just limited you remember with the irs to that office in ohio. cincinnati office. when i final even more troubling the idea not only are people losing their jobs but they are being promoted. moved to different offices. put under a rug. move you to a different state maybe no noe one will notice. how many have been promoted to different positions? ronald reagan said. this it s impossible to fire anybody. it remains true you are more likely to die in your job as a federal employee of natural causes than you are to be fired. more on this story as it unfolds this morning on the show. you can email us friends at a and we will dive into that a little bit further. rick reichmuth is standing by. where is rick? so patient this morning. 6 feet away. good morning, rick. good morning. how is it going? clayton was talking about your calves earlier. do you want to show everybody? you have fabulous calves. you and i are are going toe to toe. just so you know my friends in high school called them cows. that s awesome. it wasn t necessarily there you go,icallyton. clayton. rings of fire. light those on fire i m really good at avoiding that. jumping through the fire really quickly. you would be good at that. we have been talking about california all week long because of the fires there conditions improving all these temperatures along the coast. much cooler. on shore flow. that means the wind moves across the water. bringing in more moist air not rain unfortunately but at least more humidity in the air and that will help conditions. next five days, things looking. better. again no rain, low temperatures, higher humidity. that s all good news. temperaturewise, when it s that hot some places usually much colder some place. take a look at this. temperatures across the northern plains. that cold air is there at least for another day. we will start to see some warming up pretty quickly. little bit of rain across parts of the tennessee valley and very heavy rain still this morning across places like boston and much of rain. this tropical plume of moisture is about to be out of here. all the flooding we have seen across the eastern he seaboard that will be gone and replace it with pretty clear skies. temperatures 105 in phoenix, clayton. it s a dry heat. 1105? really that s the time of year. pretty steamy for may. thanks, rick. coming up here on the show. democrats calling a congressional candidate who is also an iraq war veteran a coward? is that over the line even in politics? our political weighs in next. father and daughter sharing the stage on a big day. this one is extra special. amazing actually. we will tell you why. stay tuned. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won t expire. so you can make owning business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. i ve got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. top three tools hammer, screwdriver, front loader. happiness is a drive-over mower deck. a john deere dealer can teach tractors to anybody. [ don ] in the right hands, an imatch quick-hitch could probably cure most of the world s problems. [ male announcer ] that s how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or i was proud to serve with my heroes. people willing to lay down everything protection of our constitution, liberties. honored to serve and i certainly don t want to be mischaracterized of who i am and what i am about. well, that s new york state senator and army veteran lee zelden. is he under attack from the congressional campaign committee. the committee posted this of zelden as the cowardly lion from the wizard of oz. is his service game? tamara holder, welcome, this seems a little over the top considering unlike most candidates for office zelden actually served his country in uniform a coward? i think the choice of words is definitely not appropriate. but just because you served does not mean that you are are free from being attacked for political reasons. i mean, the guy is running for office. he has been attacked by his own party for supporting obamacare. and just because you have served, which is a wonderful thing by the way, i mean i have a grandfather who served. it does not mean that you are just free from all political attack whatsoever. so, amber, i think everyone would agree with that strict point, serving in uniform doesn t indemnify you against criticism, but this goes to his character. this specific criticism is that is he is a coward. clearly, that s an attempt to undermine the power of his military service, no? it is. this is going beyond a cheap shot. it s unprofessional and it s ignorant. they are attacking this guy they are attacking zelden s character. that s why this is so important that what i want to say to mark bremmer, who is hiding behind twitter, i m not saying you volunteer to go to iraq and leave your family for a year and put yourself in harm s way and the sacrifices that go along with it i mean, this guy wouldn t know selfless sacrifices were if it slapped him in the face. yeah. i mean, tamara, why coward? of all things you could call someone, a coward. you think about how cowardly most politicians are,. you just used the word. no, no. i would say of all politicians to call cowardly, the man who serves his country in iraq would seem last on the list, no? i personally do not agree with using the word coward for somebody who has served in a war. i think it is a poor choice of words. but i also don t think that they were targeting him as as a coward because of how he senksd our country. that is off limits they didn t attack him for those reasons that he was a poor soldier. the other day you saw the senate majority leader called someone anti-american. why not explain we you oppose what they believe rather than who you are. this is politics, tucker. you understand. this this there is headlines. you put things in that strike or cause attention. and that s exactly what happened here. it was a poor choice of words for a veteran. but there have been plenty of politicians who have been called cowards who haven t served and they get away with it i think that when you choose the veteran you call him that it s not a good idea. amber, the last one goes to you. i don t get why democrats at this point haven t figured out that it doesn t work attacking these veterans who have servedselflessly and they continue to come home and serve their country through running for office. we saw it with tom cotton when mark prior attacked him and now we see it again. don t protect the services that allow these people the freedom to say whatever they want in america. that sounds like a a fair statement. thank you both for joining us: can t punish everyone for senior skip day, right? wrong. one school taking an entire class and not backing down. how do you think that is going over? we have got details on that. plus, more on the popular sleep medication lunesta, it turns out it gravely impairs your driving the next day. clayton takes the wheel on a sleepless night to show us what exactly can happen. you will want to watch this, stay tuned. cars are driven by people. they re why we innovate. they re who we protect. they re why we make life less complicated. it s about people. we are volvo of sweden. hello and good morning. thanks for being with us on fox & friends weekend. quick headlines. first a fox news alert. overnight five people are dead after a laotian military plane. defense minister and his wife were killed. three other senior officials are dead. crews are heading to the northeastern part of the country to search for any survivors. a surprise challenge to one of the most controversial practices at gitmo for the first time a federal judge ordering the military to stop force feeding a hunger striking prisoner. the order will remain in place until a hearing next week. the f.d.a. is issuing a warning about the popular sleep aid drug lunesta cutting recommended dosage in half because it says it causes the impairment to driving skills memory and coordination. as long as 11 hours after the drug is taken. just how dangerous is it to be drowsy behind the wheel? you have figured that out. you did some testing on this? i got down behind the wheel at virginia tech and boy was it a mess. take a look at this. okay. i just landed. didn t have much to no sleeping. no sleeping allowed. see how long this could last. how many episodes of walking dead i could watch. i didn t get a lot of sleep last night. had me up super late. jeff, hi, clayton, nice to meet. you what is this car measuring. show me what we can could sitting in this car. see here event recorder right here. continuous data. has actually two cameras in it. a camera focused on your face and camera focused on the roadway. is the foot pedal down here in case something bad happens i m going to take control of the car so he we don t get in a crash. all right. let s get. in let s try. this. try to maintain 35. are you having trouble? just a little bit, yeah. try to maintain 35. try to keep it at 35. try to keep it at 35 as best you can. . all right. i keep having trouble trying to maintain my speed on the road. worst thing about this road it s a typical road in america. kind of boring. how you could see that monday nated news looking at the roadway falling asleep. well in the 70 minutes that i was on the smart road. the researchers marked 24 instances in which i displayed diminished driving ability, once every three minutes. swerving, head bobbing, moving. we will go back and see what we found now. so what are we looking at here? is this what you use to monitor me while i was out driving? yeah. this is exactly what we used, called the mask. what it s looking at right now, what it is measure something facial features, contrasts on your face. look at your eyes, can tell whether open or closed. can also assess your head position. the mask picks up head movements hard to detect on the surface like the way my head is dipping here and eyes are strange to stay open here. most drowsy driving conditions are seen by the naked eye. i don t know if you remember i had to prompt you many times maintaining 35 miles per hour. a vigilant test. lane position going off the road. that happened a couple of times that i was going off the road? yes. several times. you see a lot of seat movements. so as you said instead of having your hands the characteristic 6 and 9. you kind of put them at 1 and 12 almost, 3 and 4. that s a characteristic sign of essentially either fatigue or drowsiness. no more drowsy driving for me, jeff. today drowsy driving causes more than 100,000 crashes a year. it s a complex problem for americans with a very simple solution. there is only one thing that can help you out, that s getting a restful night s sleep. lunesta backing off that dosage. next day good night s rest. lunesta the next day effect still there. 11 hours after you take it still having problems with coordination and memory and driving skills like that right there. so scary though that people were reporting feeling like they are alert. like oh i m just fine. funny though if you eat two pieces of pizza and snicker s bar you will pass out. the overload will put knew a coma from which you will not awake. you don t even need lunesta. of course not and you feel great. gain 40 pounds. take two slices of pizza and call me in the morning. sleep like a champ. wisconsin dad says his kindergarten daughter is being bull idea so badly that he needs to take out a restraining order on a a-year-old. is that necessary or is he going too far? want to help our troops in a big way? drop and give me 90 seconds that is we ll explain. coming up. usic go to a park that doesn t have a theme. go to bass pro shops go outdoors event and sale this weekend for free workshops and big savings on great gear for camping, hiking, boating, and paddlesports. bass pro shops. but they don t yet know we re a family. we re right where you need us. at the next job, next adventure or at the next exit helping you explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. so wherever you want to be, whatever you want to do, chances are we re already there. save up to 25% and earn bonus points when you book at save up to 25% and earn bonus points life with crohn s disease ois a daily game of what if s . what if my abdominal pain and cramps come back? what if the plane gets delayed? what if i can t hide my symptoms? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you re not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit to get your complimentary q&a book, with information from experts on your condition. ben! well, that was close! you ain t lying! let quicken loans help you save your money. with a mortgage that s engineered to amaze! eses. first lady michelle obama is inviting celebrities to the white house s first ever talent show next week. people are pretty excited to perform. i heard biden has been practicing three new songs in his armpit. you guys want to hear foot loose? that would be an awesome skill. it would be awesome. we try to teach my kid already how to do that. you are trying to teach her i thought that was something when they went to kindergarten and came home and ask where did you learn that. good parenting. speaking of teaching kids, here is a story straight out of kindergarten in wisconsin. a father there says his daughter is being bully sod pad aboutly, again, she is 5. he believes his 5-year-old is being bullied by another 5-year-old so badly that he plans to take out a restraining order on the other 5-year-old. unbelievable. he says this in the restraining order now that i have done all of this. they finally took him out of the classroom my daughter is in. it s not enough. i want him removed from the school district, period. of course the school district responding now. here is what the spokesperson from the school district says. threshold of what causes or what would determine when a child is moved out of a classroom. there is not a cent of allegedly, this child said i want to slit your throat and watch you bleed. where are the parents in all of this. where is a child, a 5-year-old saying something like this. that s appalling thing to say. can you imagine why the father is so upset. on the other hand, what s the message of getting involved to this degree trying to take out a restraining order. the message when you have problems at school parents will deal with them. the whole point of parenting is to train children to be independent. i m trying to place my son is 4. like another year. i can t even imagine like someone talking slitting someone s throat at that edge a. if my son would say this kid is threatening me when i get on the bus. and kicking and throwing rocks. throw a punch and that will stop him. i don t know that that would stop him. what would you do? i would counsel the punch. i would be very hesitant to get involved. if i thought it was a physical threat to my son hsks i would jump in with both feet, if i thought the kid was being noxious or a bully, learn how to deal with that on their own. so they don t learn how to run to daddy all the time. i agree with that at some point though your fatherly instincts take over. the wussification of america. on the table to fine parents $100 or $200 if their kid is bullying somebody and give them misdemeanor charge. what s bullying? in the eyes of the beholder. threatening violence. on the other hand, being rude to someone bullying? disagreeing making someone bullying? uncomfortable, unlfd, unwelcome? is that bullying? too broad a desks for me. i didn t i don t believe the school district. ff weekend on twitter is this going too far or is this just right? let us know. heads up. we have other stories making headlines we want to tell you about at this hour. president obama soon be taking executive action on immigration at least concerning deportation. recent interview homeland security secretary jay johnson suggested that changes are coming to the deportation program. the program has become very controversial. and i told a group of sheriffs and chiefs that i met with a couple days ago that we needed a fresh start. could that happen? i believe it will and it should. some the expected changes include a deemphasis on enforcement against illegals with only minor offenses. how did two planes packed with people nearly clyde over hawaii in the faa is investigating this morning the april 25th incident involving the united airlines flight and while traveling at 33,000 feet the united flight collision system went off and quick-thinking pilot dropped the plane 600 feet in 60 seconds narrowly avoiding a head on collision. just 800 feet separated the two planes. and banned from the prom over senior skip day? parents and students at a lawrence, massachusetts high school outraged after seniors who skipped are told they can t go to their own prom. the school s dean allowing younger classes to attend using the thousands of dollars seniors raised for the dance. juniors and sophomores taking this money and it s like we fund raised money. for seniors we worked so hard and brought in the college we have done everything. administrators say they warned students not to skip but more than half of the school s 64 seniors did anyway. some parents say they should be punished in some other way. and graduation twice as nice for this family this weekend. a father and daughter set to earn their degrees from kansas university tomorrow. dad will receive bachelor s degree in literature. daughter will receive a graduate degree in social work. i m proud that he is my dad. i think he is an amazing role model. it means a lot coming from her. because she means the world to me. dad has a great job. he is the vice president of an engineering company but went back to school because he felt like he left something undone. and those are your headlines. all right, anna. get outside to rick, among the throngs. there he is. hey guys, it s chilly out here. big storm passed through yesterday. brought a lot of rain across the northeast. pretty nice weekend. look at the weather maps and show you what s going on today. put the maps in motion. can you see the rain that brought all of the bad weather across parts of the northeast yesterday. going to exit parts of maine by the afternoon. upper level disturbance will continue to bring spotty showers throughout the day. nothing that s going to cause big problems. down to the southeast a pretty nice day as well. one disturbance move across the tennessee valley. temps cooler than you would like to see this time of year. don t worry, you will start to see your temps warm up the next pell days and look like summer again. a little bit cooler again. it s been a cool couple days, would we had that that show yesterday across parts of illinois. you will warm up as well. out across parts of the west. heated across southern california. today improving day. heat builds this week across parts of the central plains and eventually in towards southeast coast. all right. well, what if we told you that you can change our veterans lives in just 90 seconds by participating in our pushups for charity campaign, you can do just that it s all part of the boot campaign which raises awareness and funds to help our military vets and families. here to tell us what it is all about is retired staff sergeant and director of public affairs for the boot campaign joe jones. we also have sean here who started pushups for charity and we have anna here as well. hey, just ran outside. perfect, this is great. what is this pushups for charity all about? pushups for charity movement 90 seconds. donate to your cause, anything where you do physical labor to get people to donate and comes back to the boot campaign which is a military not-for-profit. simple. get down and get motivated and do something take as a little effort. people donate to you comes back to the boot campaign and take that money and provide mortgage free homes. financial assistance. make a wish type programs for surviving children. we do a gamut of things. most importantly we get the country excited. 300 million americans out there excited about supporting our veterans and active duty service members. sean grealey, you started the pushups campaign. this is five years that you have been doing. this awesome thing that you are doing. how much money did you raise last year? last year we were honored to raise 330,000 for the boot campaign direct to veterans assistance. it s just been awesome. this year our goal is to raise 1 million across the country. so many things are like marathon or you are doing a triathlon for something. but this is 90 seconds and anybody can do that. joey, tell us how people can do this because anybody can can get involved and you help them through your web site and make it very simple for them to do. absolutely. we are 200 locations all across the country in almost every state. all you have to do is go to pushups for on there you will see donate. register to participate. register to be a host. if you want to be a host register your own event today is kickoff for the charity all across the country. if you want to participate in one near you click on find a location near. you ends on june the 28th. thank you so much. get down and give me 20. on june 28th, the big event and i m going to be with you on the steps of the lincoln memorial doing this. wow. just so you know, joey yesterday graduated from georgetown. and if you follow anybody on twitter it is this guy joey jones, one of the most inspirational guys you will ever meet. can we do some [ applause ] look at him. 3, 4, 5, 6,. all right, guys, back to you, let s give rick a break. doing that in wing tips. he will say 1,001, 1,002. is he good. he is. pot 101. a college in colorado teaching kids the proper way to grow marijuana. is this a good idea? or is it a sign of america collapsing? and hollywood pushes sex, drugs, and violence but it wasn t always that way. join us as we step into the fox light with one director trying to bring back the golden years of movies. there is no place like home there s no place like home [ , it s what we do. but when we put something in the ground, feed it, and care for it, don t we grow something more? we grow big celebrations, and personal victories. we grow new beginnings, and better endings. grand gestures, and perfect quiet. we grow escape, bragging rights, happier happy hours. so let s gro something greater with miracle-gro. what will you grow? share your story at legs, for crossing. feet.splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you re trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. xeljz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. seris, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don t start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low bod cell counts and higher liver tes and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tts before you start and while taking xeljanz, and roinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b oc, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. captain: here s a review, it s worse in person. golden age of film featured some of the greatest performances of all time. where have the good times gone? for more we step in as we always do every saturday into the glaring fox light with let the good times roll. the the glaring fox light. guys, the year was 1939, clark gable gone with the wind. judy garland with the wizard of oz. hollywood was a special place. some like myself are eager to go back there again. sex. oh my drugs. let s do all the drugs. and violence. the life blood of the film industry now but not always. great principles don t get lost once they come to light. they are right here. the year? 1939. america is a country on the brink. a time of great stress and trauma in the united states. you had the beginnings of world war ii when germany invaded poland in the fall. unemployment in many places in america, real unemployment was close to 40%. people needed a shot in the arm to remember what makes america great. there is no place like home there s no place like home the story of bruce chadwick as a lifelong student of what many call the golden year of cinema. in 1939 all these movies about hope and promise in the country, we assured people that they were a good people once. they could be a good people again. when in half of the box office top. in 193 9. i love you. hollywood s most classic movies like hope and promise. today, however, some say hollywood is sending a very different message. the real question is this. was all this legal? wow. absolutely not. i m not sure there was one watershed year but slowly but surely the trend did change. and you know we see so many movies today what s wrong with america and not a lot of movies about what is right with america. we are challenging everyone in hollywood to it embrace a double bottom line. please, let s come back to the sense of responsibility. director john irwin and a his brother at the forefront in hollywood with a movie mom s night out. life is about finding the meaning and joy in all the chaos. there is a certain banner of responsibility to make movies that are good for people. it s just the blood and bone of this democracy that great man handed down to the human race. that s all. we want to thank bow tie sin cinemas for letting us shoot there mom s night out earned 5 million. you can find me on twitter at fox light michael. thank you, michael. when you have that compared with godzilla in the theater right now. it s a tough life. you are getting married and no one else in the crowd knows. it s called an ambush wedding and it s a growing trend. are they potentially ruining the best moment of your life? a debate coming up. coming up, call it pot 101. a college in colorado now teaching students the proper way to grow marijuana. is this dangerous or just a sign of the time? i was going to go to class before i got high check it out i could have cheated and iud could have passed but i got high. check your credit score, check your credit report at eating healthier,tion by drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. welcome back. some people go to college to become teachers, others lawyers. a master of cannabis cultivation. there s a class for that. clover leaf nation is the first university that is approved, regulated and licensed by the college pap. the school located on the aour ra campus. is this a good use of space for higher education? we are joined now by the head of the international faith-based coalition and former drug addict bishop ron allen. thanks for joining us. good morning, anna, good morning, clayton. used to be that, you know, parents say little johnny, what do you want to be when you grow up, i want to be a basketball player, doctor, lawyer, nurse, teacher. now is it i want to be a high-profile drug dealer? you know, this is a bunch of nonsense. i think that every colorado state official should be arrested, convicted, for the aiding and abetting of the education of drug dealers, drug pushers, and the key thrown away. this type of education does nothing but further the destruction of families and homes and educating individuals for a bunch of nonsense and drug dealing and drug pushing. you know, support sars look, it s legal there and it s a profession. horty cull tur. i can go to college, learn the cultivation, proper irrigation and growing of marijuana, turn it into a career. how is it any different than going out and cultivating strawberries or corn? you know, i was thinking what would this education accomplish? what could they do with such an education? well, you know, when you take a look at colorado and the problems that they re having in drug trafficking, maybe this is a good idea for colorado. drug trafficking is very heavy in colorado. the dea and the el paso intelligence report in 2012, 2.5 pounds of marijuana that was seized leaving colorado. in kansas, michele linehart, the head cop of dea, spoke to a committee stating that there are 61% increase in drug trafficking and marijuana in colorado, then you have a shieriff in nebraska that wants to sue the pants off colorado for the increase of drugs going into nebraska. so when we take a look at this education, maybe that s exactly what they re going to do as if colorado need more help with drug traffickers. bishop allen, do you see any irony in this? isn t college a place where people typically go to get smarter and studies have been done that smoking marijuana actually lowers your iq? first of all, there is no curriculum that s offered at this school that talks about the drug harms or has scientific evidence about the effects of drugs. it is ironic that this college would teach a curriculum that lowers the iq of our children from 5 to 8%. it is amazing that this college, which is a higher learning, you know college is supposed to be for higher learning education but this college is teaching individuals on a drug that is going to cause brain damage in our children, exacerbate depression. this is a bad idea. bishop ron allen, head of the international faith-based coalition and a former drug addict himself. thanks for joining us. the school is offering the first accredited hemp farming class at the end of may. it is legal there. 56 minutes after the hour. we have a lot more of fox & friends coming up. don t go anywhere. you see the thing is geico, well, could help them save on boat insurance too. hey! okay.i m ready to come in now. hello? 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gavin, explain that to me. roll it. when the going gets tough the tough get going when the going gets rough the tough get rough we will be transforming into greek gods and goddesses some of us later in the show. some of us already are, anna. races on our plaza at 48th and 6th, come watch us make a fool of ourselves. i m facing off against anna and i m going to pretend that out of chivalry i won t compete with her i was wondering how you would play that. i m going to play it like, you know what, anna, give you a pass, help you out a little bit. i will help you over the wall. put your foot in there. i will need your lep so bad. playing like toys or games with your kids. oh, you beat me. except except you actually just got crushed in checkers by your 5-year-old. anna is probably going to crush you. of course she s going to crush me. i m up against rick later in the show. he works out like anna does, four hours in a day, he s going to crush me as well. stay tuned for that. speaking of unbelievable the story we ve been following for the last several weeks, the scandals at the va, veterans dying because of incompetence and federal employees who didn t care about their welfare. this has exploded in the face of the obama administration and in response if you were paying attention this week, you may have noticed the man sitting next to general shinseki, the head of the va apparently fired, the white house releasing a press release, saying he was on his way out after 40 years. sitting next to him there, his name is robert petzel, the undersecretary for health he apparently was the first fall guy, the other shoe to drop if you read reports yesterday. he was fired, he was gone, the first person to fall as a victim of this scandal. but it turns out if you go back to this press release from september of 2013, he was set to retire in 2014 anyway. here s an excerpt from that press release last year. take a look, following a 40-year career serving veterans as a va physician, teacher and administrator, dr. robert petzel will retire in 2014 as planned, following a four-year tenure as under secretary for health. phony outrage. it seems wild that there was ever a thought that the media wouldn t pick this up. it came out in a press release in 2013 where we got that from. they hoped that people don t notice an then promote individuals, right? they remove them from situations. they remove them from washington state or oregon and shuttle them down to phoenix where we ve had other issues. folks in this administration that s related to three or four scandals have not been fired. you know who has felt the sting? are whistleblowers. people with the courage to come forward and tell the public what s actually happening at the va, among them a physician called jose mathews, in the st. louis office of the va, he exposed some remarkable misdeeds there in a really articulate way. watch this. what really bothered me was that this, you know, this delay was a direct result of this extremely low sense of caring for patients. they all got bonuses, you know, so that s the sad part because, you know, in reality, we re really not doing a good job. it shows up on paper as if we are. i think they have some form of moral blindness or something. they re not able to see that this is not right. what we re doing is not right. so he loses his job. when you got this culture of corruption of falsifying documents and forging numbers and then if you speak out you re going to lose your job, how are we ever going to get decrept care for our veterans who put themselves on the front lines under the condition they think they re going to be taken care of when they come home. the fact shinseki is still in charge, he was asked whether he should be forced out. if the president thinks i m still honoring our veterans and doing well by them then i will stick around and do that. he s been in charge of this, $154 billion they have received since 2006. the problem and no one is even talking about this, the doctor shortage they re facing. why were they having to do this in the first place. if you re in charge of that you hire more primary care physicians. they ve seen a 50% increase in the number of veteran who is need care as a result of iraq and afghanistan and fewer than 10% increase in primary care physicians that they ve hired. they have the money to do it. which is probably why there have been calls by so many lawmakers for shinseki to lose his job or to step down, but it doesn t appear that that s going to be happening. the amazing thing is on the left, for many years now, and paul krugman has been leading this charge, the va has been held up as an example of the health care we want in this system, a single payer system run by the government, and this is the fruit of that. this is the foreshadowing of obama care i m afraid. i hope that we shuttling of records back and forth. i hope we are not going to see stories like this that apply to all of us. how are they going to treat you. we ve seen that under obama care. doctors wanting to get out of the business. if you can t hire doctors in the va, are you going to be able to hire them under obama care? let us know your thoughts on that. other stories making headlines on your saturday. terrifying moments at boston s fenway park. last night a woman hospitalized after falling down an elevator shaft. the fourth floor doors opened unexpectedly and the 22-year-old woman fell on to the roof of the elevator at the second floor. rescuers reached her through a hatch on the elevator s roof. no word on her condition. camp pendleton marine base evacuated after a third wildfire ignites. so far more than 22,000 acres have burned across southern california causing $20 million in damage. at least one person has died. one wildfire coming feet away from the house owned by christian singer rebecca saint james. the star posting this picture on facebook saying a miracle stopped the blaze. one person facing arson charges. witnesses say they saw 57-year-old alberto ser ratto adding brush to fires near oceanside. he s pled not guilty. a wild supplies delays a delta flight in san francisco. you know all those security scenarios we ran? i m smack in the middle of one we didn t think. maybe not snakes on the plane, but a snake did slither on the runway at san francisco airport. a pilot forced to slam on the brakes for a garden snake. those are snake songs. the flight briefly delayed while a worker was dispatched to grab it. come on. federal law requires airport to the keep wildlife off runways that prevented the pilot from running over the reptile. it s a guarder snake. not an endangered species. come on, 6 inch guarder snake. those things are harmless. i have a few as pets at home. want to come over? no. the producer is always trying to get me to do wild and crazy things and that is the one thing i will not do. i can t look at pictures of them. one more, toronto s crack smoking mayor skipping out on rehab. rob ford spotted outside a shopping center in a small ontario town. the leader stopped to take pictures with fans not far from the ford family s cottage. there s a luxurious rehabilitation clinic in the area but ford s lawyer won t say where his client is being treated. ford announced he was going to rehab after a new video was released last month allegedly showing him smoking crack. this one showing him happily dancing. i think he s still more popular than president obama. i think you re right. approval ratings. not that polls like prove anything, but it s sort of interesting. like 8% or something like that. rick reichmuth, he s trailing rob ford in the polls right now. aren t we all by the way? i think i am too. hey, clayton, i figured out something on the ropes here, by the way. what s that? the one on the left has knots and makes it easier to climb. we ll put you on that one. apparently that s the ladies rope. yes, please. like that s the key. you and i are facing off, whoever gets to the knotted rope first can get it. i m not taking the knotted rope. it s yours. you can have it. you ll need it. now i feel bad. let s talk weather, guys. we have big storms yesterday brought all kinds of flooding across parts of the east coast. that is now gone. take a look at the weather maps. we have had fires across areas of the west. here we go, temperatures today across areas of california much better. an onshore flow now, that s what you need to see, increases humidity level. it does not bring any rain but humidity levels go up and the temperatures go down and that is great news and the strong winds die down. conditions for at least stopping those fires certainly improved. the ongoing drought, the systemic problem is not going anywhere unfortunately. temps across the country looking pretty cool. minneapolis, you re 41 today. you re getting up to 66. those cool temperatures are going to be around for a day or two. don t worry, we ll start to see things warm up across the central plains. amarillo, get ready, you will be over 100 by the time you get to monday. a little too warm. send it back to you inside. thanks. we re still getting anna with snakes. the snake story was like hilarious. good thing we saved it for off the air. one mom fighting for the right to take care of her own son. her case is heading all the way to the supreme court and it could mean big trouble for the union. she s going to join us live straight ahead. and this video, hard to watch, a little girl hit by a car in the middle of a police chase. oh! that little girl speaking out this morning. oh, man. ekend is just an exc. to get a long way from boring. with models up to 62 horsepower or room for four. go rugged. go big. go gator. that s keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler. if frustration and paperwork decrease. if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. the gap begins to close. so let s simplify things. let s close the gap between people and care. let s close the gap between people and care. carsthey re why we innovate. they re who we protect. they re why we make life less complicated. it s about people. we are volvo of sweden. predibut, manufacturings a prettin the united states do. means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented. no one s losing their job. there s no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. the technology is actually creating new jobs. siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done. was killed june 28,2005 in afghanistan. my husband s death was the hardest thing i ve ever faced. the special operations warrior foundation stepped in to help. now you can help, too. purchase new cherry 5-hour energy now through july thirty-first and a portion of each sale benefits special operations warrior foundation to help families of fallen heroes. i will always miss my dad, but thanks to special operations warrior foundation i will never feel alone. welcome back. the supreme court is set to decide a case that could affect every employee s union in the country. an illinois mom who cares for her disabled son at home is fighting to stop the sieu and others to prevent them from taking her dues out of her son s social security check. joining me is the illinois mom the lead plaintiff in the case, pam harris. thanks for joining us this morning. good morning, tucker. thank you for having me. so, as i understand it, the governor of illinois, pat quinn, issued an executive order that would allow home health care workers in your state to organize and that would in effect take money from your son s care and send it to a labor union. do i have that right? you have that exactly correct. at the heart of harris v. quinn are moms fighting to stop illinois s governor pat quinn from forcing us to unionize and then taking medicaid funding intended to provide for the care of our adult sons and daughters and giving that money to the seiu. now the seiu probably not surprisingly has been a large and consistent donor to governor quinn s campaigns, is that correct? that s very correct. not only in terms of campaign dollars, but also that very important boots on the ground, door-to-door campaigning. so at one point, and i was stunned to read this, the state somehow gave your home address to organizers from the union who visited you at home? is that true? that s exactly how we found out abou order. not from governor quinn. but from the seiu when they came to our doors. in my instance, they came to my door, on an early sunday morning, knocked on the door, and told me that the governor had given them my name, my address, told them that my son is a participant in the medicaid waiver. what an intrusion this was. what an intrusion. when the other public sector union asked, he gave them our fames and addresses as well. pretty striking. for whatever it s worth i m not against organized labor, but in this case it seems like an inside deal to me. the governor takes money from the union and then directs public funds to that union. there doesn t seem to be any freedom of choice involved in that transaction. it seems like a completely closed loop. is that right? that s exactly right. you ve got it exactly correct. the last step, the last option available to us, was filing a lawsuit to stop this. there was a union election. overwhelmingly, two to one, we voted for no union. 75% of these waiver participants, these men and women with significant disabilities, have a family member who provides their care. right. we went to governor quinn. we asked him to rescind this executive order and he refused. the only other option was to file a lawsuit and now, as you mentioned, it was heard by the supreme court and we re waiting their decision. interesting. well, good luck. this is a super interesting case and an important one, not just for you and your family, but for the rest of the country, it will set a precedent that will affect an awful lot of people. thanks for joining us this morning. thank you, tucker. thank you very much. coming up, precipitation drug abuse is completely out of control, especially in some parts of this country. police are getting creative now, putting gps in a bottle and believe it or not it appears to have worked, at least on one case. a huge arrest that resulted. and then lots of men and women make sacrifices for their families. military spouses give up so much year. military spouse of the year joins us with his story. that s coming up. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won t expire. so you can make owning business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. because what we all really want. .is more. there s a reason it s called an all you can eat buffet. and not a have just a little buffet . that s the idea behind the more everything plan. it s more of everything you want. for less. and now get 100 dollars off any smartphone. like the htc one m8. get more with our best plans on the best network. for best results, use verizon. if you re looking to buy a car,t this?? now is the time and truecar is the way. just go to to lock in guaranteed savings. without negotiation. thank you! happy memorial day weekend! welcome back. 22 minutes past the hour. your news by the numbers. first up, $35 million, that s how much gm has been fined for delaying a massive ignition recall. that s less than a day s revenue for the company. next, 198 years, that s how long remington arms has been producing guns in new york state. threatened as the company will move major production lines to alabama. many are blaming new york s strict 2013 gun control law. finally welcome to my house. count dracula. i am dracula. enter freely and at your own will. $79 million, that s the asking price for dracula s castle. its owners have offered to sell it to the romanian government but are entertaining other offers. brand castle gets more than 500,000 visitors a year to dracula s castle. anna? 23 minutes after the hour. you ve heard the courageous stories of u.s. military men and women. what you may not know is how amazing their spouses are. la keisha cole was named the 2014 armed forces insurance military spouse of the year. she was nominated by her husband gunnery sergeant cole. they and their daughter joins us now. thanks for joining us. what a beautiful family you are. la keisha, you have had to say good-bye to your husband some five times, five deployments. how hard has that been for you and how have you overcome? well, it s very difficult when our loved ones deploy. they miss birthdays, and christmas and thanksgiving and a lot of special moments in between. i really lean on my military community, the military spouse community, my friends and family, to sort of help get me through that time period. we ve got a botch lor s degree in bachelor s degree in journalism, you re currently working on a second degree in marketing, incredible while you have a kid here and baby on the way in august, very impressive. yes. gunnery sergeant cole, what made you decide to nominate your lovely wife? well, my wife she works very hard and i m extremely proud of her. this is a great opportunity to put her in for something and give her an opportunity for her to be recognized for the extraordinary work that i see her do all the time. and some of that extraordinary work is that you ve been able to start your own business and you re also helping out other spouses of military members. lakeisha what has some of your volunteer work entailed? with my boutique, she shank, you can find us at i mentor other spouses who hand make items and give them the opportunity to sell them in my store. we provide workshops on marketing, social media, accounting, and things like that. just different provide them information to help grow their business. i imagine you want to stay busy while your loved ones are away, keep your mind occupied a bit. how has that helped you be a better mother, do you think, to be self-employed like that? well, it gives me the flexibility to spend more time with my family. i get to make my schedule. i still get the opportunity to pick up my daughter from school and take her to her sporting events and attend various functions, so being self-employed really just gives me more time to spend with my family. callie what do you think about mom winning this award? i feel happy. you should certainly be proud of her. guys, thank you so much. what a lovely family you are. we really appreciate you being here. thank you for having us. have a great day. 25 minutes after the hour. and congratulations them. coming up, texting 911, a new service meant to save lives but is it putting some in danger behind the wheel? you won t believe where this first text came from. and they don t call us weekend warriors for nothing! can we tackle this hard-core obstacle course? we don t know either. 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right. the hash brown was delicious, by the way. do you think texting 911 is a good thing? it probably is, isn t it? i think it is. it s an expansion of the service. any time you re expanding the service for people who are hearing impaired or speech impaired who can t make a phone call if they are suffering something. see something say something. text more quickly. idea for the government to encourage you to tattle on other people and track your location while you do it. maybe that s a go ahead idea. let us know ff weekend, find us on twitter at ffweekend. other stories making headlines. a marine mother hoping that the gripping 911 call from her imprisoned marine corps son proves his innocence. let s listen. my problem is, i crossed the border by accident and i have three guns in my truck and they re trying to possess they re trying to take my guns from me. so you re in mexico? yeah. there s nothing i can help you with then. i apologize. this call released. an drew was in san diego march 31st undergoing treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder when he left. he took a wrong turn and ended up in mexico. mexican offers arrested him for weapons possession. his mother jill says this 911 call proves he never meant to cross the border. i mean it certainly proves what i ve been saying, the conversation he had with me, he had called 911 first as his first instinct and then he called his mama second. that s what he told me he had gotten lost, made a wrong turn and ended up at the border. let s bring him home. his mother saying she hasn t heard from the white house or the state department since the 911 tape was released. a gps for pills? that s how the new york city police say they tracked down a drug store thief. the 45-year-old, his name is scott cado, was shot down by officers after pulling a gun on them. they say just moments before he robbed a drug store taking several pill bottles which had a gps tracker hidden inside. the nypd saying cato was wanted on four other drug store robberies. she was thrown several feet into the air. an 8-year-old pennsylvania girl survives, though, but she was hit by a car. it was all caught on this crazy video. cassidy wall and her 5-year-old sister were outside of their erie home playing when suddenly a car fleeing police, turns the corner and spin out of control. cassidy didn t get out of the way in time and she was hit. when i saw the video, every time i thought about it, i started crying because it hurted my feelings and i didn t like what i saw. cassidy was treated for a concussion. she s supposed to be okay, though. and the two men inside the car were arrested. terrible video there. and if you live in san francisco, better watch out for a giant green lizard. the bay area prankster hacks a digital road sign warning motorists of an imminent attack. it reads godzilla attack. turn back the latest godzilla movie which hits theaters this weekend, shows the reptile making a mess of san francisco. some say the sign is a promotional stunt for the movie. it s working. we re tog about it. did anybody buy that? speaking of things that cause car accidents. can you imagine if you believe the godzilla attack was in progress. i m going to be stuck here. got to take the bay bridge instead of the golden gate. rick reichmuth standing by outside. did you ever get a little excited thinking one of these days something like that is going to happen? yes. it s just a matter of time. maybe i will see a giant ufo this afternoon. why are you dressed like that, rick? i m wearing the spartan race shirt you re going to be wearing in a second too, tucker. i m wearing my trinity college workout clothes, sorry. and your tie with ducks or boats on it. tank top for tucker. make sure it s sleeveless. get out here because we re going to talk to the spartan race guys in a second. let s talk about your weather as you re waking up. go to the weather maps. show you what s going on. big story all week long and this weekend, a much calmer situation. good timing if you want calmer, nicer weather, it s good if it s on the weekend. pick your place across the northeast. as the day progresses, the main brunt of all that moisture is going to move off towards the eastern part of maine. there will be some scattered spotty showers and temps will be a little cooler but overall a pretty nice day and towards the northeast. the southeast, it has been cool, very cool morning, and you re going to have a cooler day, pretty comfortable but not feeling summer like at all. the temps will warm up this week, get ready. towards the northern plains, take a look at your temps as you re waking pup a very cool morning. snow across illinois. things are warming up and getting better this week. certainly drying out. across the west where it has been so incredibly warm across parts of southern california, temps cooling down along the coast which is great news, but we will warm things up across the deserts getting to the 90ness vegas, triple digits around phoenix, and all those warm temperatures are going to spread across texas and oklahoma pan handle over the next couple days. when will the warm weather come here to stay? if we don t have a hot summer in the northeast i will be fine with that. that hot, muggy northeast summer is no fun. it s a life-changing race, one designed to push its participants to the limit. we brought the spartan race to our plaza. you see it behind us. we re going to be getting in on the action in just a bit. the founder of it, joe, joins us now. and you re here to talk a little bit about this. where did you get this idea? it seems like only elite athletes would be able to do this. this trend has caught on across the country. i was on a 12-hour snowshoe hike and it popped into my head with a friend of mine we needed to create a race different than any other race in the world. something that would purposely break people, but while doing that would transform them. you said purposely break people. break people. push them to the edge. like diamonds are made from coal under pressure. people only change when they re up against the wall, when they re under pressure. if you have a very comfortable life, if you re sitting on the couch eating popcorn watching the show right now, you re not going to change. we only change when things are against us. and so that s what this is meant to do. and that s what is so cool about this. you see females doing this, of all shapes and sizes. you see different ages, races. it spans the gamut really. how did you design this to not just be for elite athletes? that s the amazing thing. only 10% of our athletes are elite. 90% are couch potatoes just off the couch. we ve had 700-pound men, 700-pound guy compete in the race. took them a lot longer than the 100 pound male or female, but they get it done. it s doable. most of the people that sign up get it done. you ve written a book. we wrote a book. tell us what people can find in this book and what it talks about? the book touches on the spartan race. the book is about life lessons, how to be successful in business, how to be successful in relationships, how to just get stuff done in life. eve i ve been writing this book for 30 years in my head. i ve been ins business since i was 8 years old. sold fireworks to get going. there were simple techniques we could apply to get ahead. that s what this book is about. we have to go. give us two tips. change your frame of reference. think about an eastern european. think about their frame of reference versus ours. we have this nice comfy lifestyle. somebody from eastern europe burning their roof to heat their house different perception of life. they re going to fight for milk. we re not fighting for milk. give yourself perspective and make you thankful. we will be competing in a bit. thank you for bringing the race out here. and clayton, think, you re fighting for milk, clayton. fighting for milk. might be something to motivate you. ice cream. fighting for pastry. thanks, guys. thanks. there may be a widespread scandal within the va and there is, but the head of the agency, he s just doing his job. would you explain to me, after knowing all this information, why you should not resign? well, i tell you, senator, that i came here to make things better for veterans. but are things getting better for veterans? up next an iraq war vet also testified at that hearing and he gives us his side. and a dog missing for two days, rescued just in time. it s video you to see. got your radio on so this is my comeback song the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go freently. tell yr doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthenough for sex. do not take cialis if youtake , as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drinklcohol in excess. side effects may include headac, upset stomach, delayed baache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury,gety if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breaing or swallowing, op taking cialis and get mecal help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. so ally bank really has no hthat s right, no hidd fees.nts? it s just that i m worried about, you know, hidden things. ok, why s that? well uhhh. surprise!!! um. well, it s true. at ally there are no hidden fees. not one. that s nice. no hidden fees, no worries. ally bank. your money needs an ally. spending the day with my niece. i don t use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it s clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you re more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it s not about keeping my dentures in, it s about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. great to be with you. 44 minutes after the hour. quick headlines. taco bell is testing a new breakfast item enter the breakfast quesarito. it s a burrito filled with eggs, cheese and meat wrapped in a cheese quesadilla. it s only being sold in oklahoma city at the moment. and a 13-year-old canine is lucky to be alive after being stuck neck deep in mud for two days. pluto was exhausted when police found him but they were able to slowly lift him out of the thick mud. veterinarians say despite minor injuries, pluto is going to be just fine. wow. what a story. thanks, anna. veterans affairs secretary eric shinseki has made it clear that he s not stepping down. take a listen. would you explain to me, after knowing all this information, why you should not resign? well, i ll tell you, senator, that i came here to make things better for veterans. this is not a job. i m here to accomplish a mission that i think they critically deserve and need. well, he may not be going anywhere but now the number two guy at the va is out. dr. robert petzel announced his resignation but it turns out he was supposed to retire anyway. so is anyone really being held accountable in all this. ryan is an iraq war veteran and deputy legislative director of veterans of foreign wars and testified at the hearing on thursday. he joins us this morning. ryan, nice to see you this morning. thank you, clayton. what do you think should have been the response from secretary shinseki? well, we think the response from the department of veterans affairs should have been swift accountability and swift justice for the families that may have been victim of the allegations that have come out in recent weeks. this is a very serious issue. as a veteran myself who uses the va health care system, it s deeply upsetting and it s upsetting to the members of the veterans of foreign wars that any veteran would be denied care or scheduling systems would be games around the country. one of the things you said at the hearings, members of the vfw, the families are outraged and want answers. what sorts of questions were asked at the hearing that would provide answers and solace to those families? one of the questions that i responded to had to do with accountability of va. what are some of the things that you would change. now we saw yesterday that dr. petzel turns in his resignation. but one of the issues that i brought up was accountability up and down the chain. we know that it s difficult to sanction a va employee or underperforming employee and then if a va employee quits, is fired or retires, it can take six months to a year to find an adequate replacement. our concern is, when you have this kind of culture of accountability, are there tradeoffs being made at the management level? that s a great question. so many things that stick out to me, one of which is this doctor shortage. did any of that really get addressed at the hearings this week, the question of whether or not they could handle the 50% increase in veterans issues, needing to see primary care physician, when they ve only seen an increase of under 10% of doctors added to the rolls? you can fire a few people, but you have to hire doctors. absolutely. this is something that my colleagues and i who were on the panel of veterans organizations kept talking about. do we have the proper resources for the department of veterans affairs. not only that, are we using the resources we have sufficiently. we need frontline troops in this battle. we need health care practitioners. we need the capacity to serve the influx of iraq and afghanistan veterans who are coming back every day. we know the military is downsizing. once we are out of afghanistan and that means there s going to be another influx of veterans into the va health care system. absolutely right. you ve seen, of course, the iraq war and afghanistan, that s why we saw this massive influx of new patients there. my question is, though, resources, they ve seen a 50% increase in the amount of money that they ve received. where is that money going? exactly. that s one of the questions that we posed to the senate veterans affairs committee and oproposed to va directly. our managers out in the field do they feel comfortable asking for help when they need it? again, this comes back to the culture of accountability. if you have an area that s strugglings, an area with a high veteran population like phoenix, texas, california, florida, do these health care managers have feel comfortable asking for help, coming back and saying look we need help down here, we need more doctors, more mental health practicers, our veterans are waiting too long for care and this absolutely is unsatisfactory. to say they don t have the money or resources, i don t buy it. ry ryan, nice to see you this morning. thanks for holding their feet to the fire on this one. we ll keep at it. the king of pop lives on. michael jackson taking the stage once again not without a little controversy. his new album is out. yeah, no joke. in a country illegally convicted of a violent crime. the president is about to give them a get out of jail free card. is this legal? fair and balanced debate on immigration policy is next. you ve been struck by a smooth criminal mine was earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it s earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. . they re mudders, kidnappers, not to mention in our country illegal. and even though they were here and detained while awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings, in 2013 over 36,000 of them all convicted criminals ended back up on our country s streets released by the obama administration. so why would i.c.e. let them go? we asked fox news legal analyst and defense attorney who join us now for a fair and balanced debate. arthur, i know you re game for the defense of anything. i never signed up for any fair and balanced debate by the way. these 36,000 people were actually released with some form of like super vision or signing on the dotted line that they ll come back. earlier in the year there were 68,000 that were just released, bye, see you later. what happened with the 68,000 is even worse. here s the deal. totally fair point. the illegal alien murderers have signed a document promising they ll be good and come back. and that s good as gold. what ends up happening is there is some discretion. when you have illegal immigrants that come over here and commit crimes, they ve also started fami familie families. i.c.e. is going to look at the cases and see who we trust to stay in the u.s. and who do we don t. why is it good for us to allow people who committed murder to stay here illegally? why don t we put them on the first bus back to their country? we want to punish them for the murder. they shouldn t be sit back out any punishment for the crimes they committed, number one. number two, a lot of these guys who were released did have to wear gps bracelets and are out there on bail, the same as any of the rest of us that were arrested. but they re not u.s. citizens. i agree with you. the defendant gets arrested, he s illegal and he s out on the street. i was protesting. i agree with you. and if you send them back without them being punished here, they will be back in the united states. and the only thing we have to grab hold of them is the warrant from them running away in the first place. it s a flow. you can t just solve the problem. part of it is the countries from which they come, they re not cooperating. here s a statement from i.c.e. timp cli those with less priority crimes, released. what does that mean. that s money. we have a final politics. no. no. when they say resources no tucker. there s a limited pool of money to house these people, to watch these people, to feed these people. it s priorities. they ll spend whatever it takes on certain issues you re correct. but they re taking a lot of crap from groups who are opposed to any type of immigration reform. if someone gets convicted of drunk driving and they have a family hear, those are the people that are more likely to not get deported. thanks a lot. appreciate it. well a talk show host defended her traditional view now she s getting death threats. governor huckabee joins us at the top of the hour. stay tuned for that. one student is now kicked off campus because why? those weapons are dangerous. we ll tell you more coming up. no matter what kind of business you own, at&t business experts can help keep it running. seamlessly. so you can get back to what you love. when everyone and everything works together, business just sings. even turn night into now she could use a hand, comfort keepers provides a variety of in-home services while truly connecting. comfort keepers. keeping the comforts of home. call comfort keepers now to learn more. it s saturday, the 17th of may, 2014. fires still raging out west but this morning a miracle for a popular christian singer as the flames surrounded her home. she beg for players. look at what happened next. fire stopped just feet from her balcony. and the second in command at veterans affairs stepping down. someone finally taking accountability, right? well, wrong. turns out he was set to retire anyway. we ll get the latest on that and governor mike huckabee joins us. the king of pop lives on, michael jackson taking the stage once again but not without causing a ton of controversy. and yes it is true that his new album is out now. fox and friends hour three starts right now. are you red fi for tucker and anna to face off in a spartan challenge? that s coming up in a mere 30 minutes from now. the final countdown or eye of the tiger . i m going to pose as a man too chivalrous to compete with anna. you re giving up your secret on television. i know. when you lose you re going to you can t lose if you can t compete and obviously nobody is going to beat anna. i m worried about that first on that kl. the wall. it s very tall. you ve got an advantage. you re incredibly tall. look at that wall. climb through a tunnel then the ring of fire. i m going to smack into that thing there s a pendulum with a razor blade on the bottom of it. this trend is sweeping the nation. it s not just here in new york on our plaza. it s all over the place. so many people are doing it and then feeling like they can do anything. it s translating in their schoolwork and in their careers and everything. stay tuned to see if we re empowered by it. we ve been having a debate here about common core and the questions surrounding the implementations of the standards. we have an expert coming on the show that s going to answer your common core questions. he s answering e-mails. give us the questions you want answered. go to twitter right now, join us on facebook or send them via e-mail. is a con serve tif in favor of common core? not a lot of those. this is worth watching. we have other stories making headlines that we want to get to. at least one person now facing arson charges in the deadly wildfires in california. the 57 yeerl is accused of adding brush to the fires near ocean side. he pled not guilty. so far 22,000 acres have burned causing $20 million in damage. one fire coming just feet away from christian singer s home. when she evacuated the flames for nearly three stories home and when she came home she found out how her house was spared. he said apparently a few of our neighbors stayed to help fight the fire which is a big reason why most of the reasons on our street were saved. wow. good for her. some other stories we want to tell you about. terrifying moments at boston s fenway park. a woman fell down an elevator shaft. initial reports indicate that the 2-year-old had her back to the fourth floor elevator doors when the doors open enexpect edly she fell on to the roof of the elevator on the second floor. a mother saved her son from a burning building is speaking out for first time. she leapt 35 feet to get out of harm s way all while holding her 18-month-old son cameron. it really felt like i was falling in slow motion. like it felt like a very, very long fall. she s in bed there because the impact from the fall broke her back and the doctors say it s unclear if she ll ever walk again. christine that is hopeful. i know if it takes a year, you know, i m going to be able to hold him and pick him up and do all my mom many duties. and christine that says she would do it all over again in order to save her little boy cameron. a billboard music awards show has a message for the tech company suing it. that s right. a federal judge in las vegas has ruled sunday s billboard musing awards can go ahead with the use of a michael jackson hologram. two tech companies were tries to stop the performance claiming the planned 3-d image would violate their patent. the judge says there was no evidence that the patents were being used. it is really good. it s on itunes and has over 3 million views. i think he died some time ago but he released a new album? what a prolific entertainer. you don t see that. i hope i can do that. i know that rick will be reporting the weather. i was in the hall with clayton a couple of minutes 0 ago and he was listening to the music and doing the dances. i didn t realize he was doing the answerdances. i gave him this, one little foot move. i m glad you didn t do the other move that michael jackson is known for. don t do anymore. guys, check out, you re nine years old, your name is c.j. yes. what are you doing? i m riding my back across the country. for what? for national children s cancer society. dude, you re an awesome kid. thank you. first time in new york. yes. with a double black eye. yes. get a shot of this black eye. you fell off a bike. yes. and now you re going to ride across the country. yep. he s going to be starting out in long beach, california where hopefully he ll have good weather out there to start. current temperatures in california looking like this. today s temperatures along the coast are going to be much better. the wind is going to die down, the humidity goes up, all good news for the fires that are going on there. this will help the firefighter es get a handle on them. the winds won t be a big deal and this is good news. the overall problem of the drought across california is going to continue. rainy season is over, now we re into the dry season. this is just getting worse. we re back to you guys inside. clay, do you do any more moves? no. i pulled something. governor mike huckabee is here to talk to us this morning. nice to see you. i m not dancing for you. that would be good. i don t think so. what do you think of the obama administration sort of false accountability here. he was going retire anyway and the fact is you re not going to fix something that is a systemic problem by simply firing somebody. if you have an institutional problem which we clearly have in the va because this is spread over many facilities, you re going to have to change the culture of how this operation is run. that s what they re not addressing. that s what has to be addressed. how do you change the culture? on the one hand you have it seems like a systemic problem where you are all of these different offices where they were cooking the books, basically saying that you were tiebl get an appointment when you weren t. but on the other hand, you have a doctor shortage. so they went to great length to cook the books, they spent more time doing that, to do what was wrong instead of do what was right, hiring new doctors. it starts at the top and you fund what you re going to get it done. if you don t fund it accurately, the employees are going to work the system. you may be asking them to do the impossible. but you also create incentives from the very bottom of the food chain all the way to the top. you give employees power to report things that are wrong. you don t fire them or get them in trouble over pit. you empower them for doing right rather than punish them for doing right. when i say systemic, having run a large organization like a state government, when you have something that is going wrong, you don t just fire the director. what you do is go down to the very delivery level of service and you find out, you ask those people, why aren t you doing it right and then you empower them to do what s right and you pay them well for it. and you try to figure out which one is worse though, with secretary shinseki, if he didn t know about this, it s so wide spread, where they re allegedly cooking the books. it s happening without him knowing or did he know? which one is worse. and where is the president on all of this? i think when people say let s fire shinseki, the real question is who is he firing? where is he taking his authority to go down into the system and holding mid level managers and other people within the system accountable. you didn t just say we re going to fire the guy at the top. find out what the systemic problem is. why are the employees doing what they re doing. why are doctors clocking out after their eight-hour shift even if they ve got a guy scream in pain begging for help. when you find that out, figure out why the culture was created and change the culture and everyone who can t adapt to it, they get fired. that s how you do it. what do you make of the news this week that the obama administration has released from custody thousands of illegal aliens criminal records, murder records, kidnapping, drunk driving? how could this have happened? it seems more than just incompetence? i don t know if they thought it was going to be a budget saver and they could say they ve made great roads in rehabilitating prisoners. but when you turn rapist as murderers out in mass, we re going to turn them out on the streets, there are a lot of people in america today who are in harm s way and in danger because of this ridiculous decision. it will bite them in the end the first time that one is injured, hurt or rape by someone who has been let out with no just cause whatsoever. take a look at the numbers. 193 homicide, 1934 homicide, 426 sexual assaults and 303 kidnappings. these are convictions here. back on the streets. these aren t the boys you bring home to momma and these are the people you let out. a prison director that worked for me said, the problem is we lock up a lot of people that we re mad at rather than the people we re afraid of. these are the people we re afraid of. these are the people that need to be locked. not to nonviolent drug offenders who need to be in rehab instead of prison. you can debate how there should be a path way to citizenship or not but these guys need a pathway straight out of the country. there s no pathway to citizenship for convicted felons who are here illegally to begin with. their pathway is find out where they came from and send them back. i guarantee you that americans who commit crimes in other countries aren t welcome to pathway to citizenship. they don t get food stamps in mexico? they don t get jack in mexico. the governor is going to stick around for this story. take a look. i don t think that there s any argument about that. okay and you re going to leave. after michael sam s kiss went live on television across the country, one talk show host defended her traditional views. shouldn t tolerance work both ways? we ll discuss. you ve never seen a duo like this before, that s a dog and a kangaroo. the story behind their unluckily love coming up. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won t expire. so you can make owning business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. if you have a buness idea, we have a personalized legal solution that s right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we re here to help you turn your dream into a reali. welcome back. when openly gay college player michael sam was drafted to the nfl last weekend, he kiss his boyfriend on national televis n television. the news sparked debate including this quarrel on a dallas morning show. watch. parents do not have a choice as to whether or not they want their children to see this. it s wrong. it s being pushed in spaces. has he been kissing his wife, would it have bothered you? host aim my kushner left the set of defending her views and now she s getting death threats. your thoughts on seeing this. there s a genuine understanding. tolerance means agreement with the political left. there is no such thing as diversity. it means uniformity. and if you don t agree with the agenda, then you re a bigot and a hart and that s not true. another example of a double standard. let s punish people because they have a personal view, not because they re pushing it on somebody. and i think it s evidence of a very crazy culture. we did have that television host from dallas on the news channel. so take a listen to what she had to say about the whole thing. i m shocked at the outlandish and most if i told you we couldn t put it on the air. i can t put it on the air. death threats, rape threats, petitions to be fired. it s insane. and all it is, it s a voice screaming out against something that for me was traditional views. you know, it seems to me, it s wrong to hate anybody unless you want to hate a christian because of their views and then it s perfectly okay, it s defensible and it s the christian who is at fault. it s a shocking thing and it s happened very quickly in our culture. i wish the left would be consistent and say that all views are welcome, free speech means we want more people to talk, not fewer and we don t want to shut people up. threlet s have an actual deb who is coming up on your show tonight? we ll have an update on the young lady that s been kidnapped and held hostage in the state of massachusetts for 15 months and michael w. smith will be our musical guest. well the question is just 500 feet apart, how did two packed jetliners nearly collide in midair. check this out, it s an olympic sport but the fencing team at one college is now kicked off campus because it s too dangerous. are these really weapons? the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie s list, i don t know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie s list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie s list. join today at i ve got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. top three tools hammer, screwdriver, front loader. happiness is a drive-over mower deck. a john deere dealer can teach tractors to anybody. 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[ male announcer ] that s how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or thanks so much for spending your saturday morning with us. here s some quick headlines now. while you were sleeping a rocket that was carrying a new satellite lifts off into space. and we have lift off, lift off of the delta rocket carrying the gs 2 satellite for the u.s. air force. what you re looking at here, the six of 12 planned upgrades to the gps system for the military and civilians. the network includes 30 satellites flying 11,000 miles above the earth. general motors have been find a record $35 million. that s less than a day s revenue for the auto maker. the ignition defects have been linked to 13 deaths and 32 crashes. all right mr. fencer, over to you. thank you. a fencing club in north dakota was forced off campus because the school says it violates the weapon s policy. patrick dur kin is the founder of the fencing academy. he says what the school did was unexpectable. to prove your point we re going to have some of your students here stab clayton directfully the chest. what will happen? do you expect him to be gravely injured or what? lots of blood. we re using athletic equipment. these are not real swords, an olympic sport. is it one of the most violent olympic sports? it s one of the most safest sports. the olympic committee came out showing that it s safer than badminton and soccer. how many severe injuries have you seen? none. so if you coached the luge, that would not be the case? it s equivalent to luge. it s 2.5% injury rate. is it the equipment in your sport looks scary? that s the problem? we do have pieces of steel in our hands. the equipment we use a bullet proof. so in theory if the blade did break, you would be protected but that rarely happens. we could take your word on that but why do that when we can test it on clayton. um going to step back and let this happen. last rights? give me the mask. put this on. who is he going to be dueling? you? we ll keep it straightforward here. should you smack him in the face with a glove? that is old school french. we re not going to do that. we re a gentleman s sport so we ll salute each other. bend you knees a little bit, let me touch you for a second. and i want you to keep your knee forward and i want you to hit me in the head. you want me to hit you in the head. there you go. very good. i like this. a little forwards, a little backwards, hit me in the head, very good. wow, this is violent. i m hit on the head, the touch goes to the right. let me stop you how to stop the attacker. when i m cutting this direction, block my blade. these are two of the easy ways. stab me. i want to see how this feels. holy smokes. am i bleeding? yes, you are gravely injured. patrick, the point here, this seems like a zero tolerance policy run amok. exactly. they re applying it to a sport that have has no application. you re taking away the opportunity for the athletes to learn discipline, travel the world an go orb fencing is the number two recruiting sport for ivy league schools. to take it away is a shame. it is a shame. patrick durkin of new york athletic club, thanks for joining us this morning. coming up, the video is unbelievable. this little girl hit during a car chase, she survived, thank god. we re going to hear from her coming up. anna and i are going head to head literally, rel not literally, collaboratively after the break. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america. welcome back to fox and friends, if number one morning show in the world and this is why. anna about the take on tucker out on the pla zaz za. as tucker already defeated? later in the show i will take on rick in the blood match. that is a spartan racer. let s get to some headlines now. a marine mom hoping that the gripping 911 call from her imprisoned marine corps son proves his innocence. listen. my problem is i crossed the border by accident and i had three guns in my truck and they re trying to possess they re trying to take my guns from me. so you re in mexico? yeah. there s nothing i can help you with then, sir. i do apologize. he was in san diego undergoing treatment for post traumatic disorder. he accidentally took a wrong turn and ended up in mexico. his mom jill says his 911 call proves he never meant to cross the border. it certainly proves what i ve been saying, the conversation he had with me. he had called 911 first as his first instinct and then he called his momma second and that s exactly what he told me. he had gotten lost, made a wrong turn and ended um at the border. his mom also saying she hasn t heard from the white house or the state department since the 911 tape was released. watch this, an 8-year-old pennsylvania girl survives getting hit by a car. the video is hard to watch. here she is in the upper part of your screen. it was all caught on video. cassidy and her five-year-old sister was outside ore home when all of the sudden a car fleeing from police turngs f turns a corner out of control. i saw the video. every time i thought about it i started crying. cause it hurt my feelings and i didn t like what i saw. amaidsing. cassidy was treated for a concussion. she s going to be okay. and the two men inside the car, they ve been arrested. well how do two planes packed with people nearly collide over hawaii? the faa is investigating it now, the planes while traveling, the collision system went off. quick thinking pay lot dropped the plane 600 feet in 60 seconds. day to shows just 800 feet separated the two planes. an unlikely friendship. the two live in perth australia. the owner says they re inseparable. the kangaroo always tries to get the upper hand but the pup holds its own. let s head outside to rick wright who is outside with a look at the forecast. you know the thing, if you build it, they will come. field of dreams. this is it. how many people want to do this race out here? you ready? okay. i want to be able to. they re saying they want to be able to and can t. maybe next year. here s a look at the map. 41 in minneapolis, cold air around the great lakes, chicago, the miserably cold winter and now a couple of cold days. but it s getting better. today s forecast across the northeast, the rain will end across parts of maine throughout the day today. we ll see some spotty showers but not that bad. a cool morning in the southeast and a cooler day from little rock to louisville and even wards atlanta but things will be warming up this week as well. up towards the northern plains, another cool day but not bad. no precip ration. out across the west, the area of southern california that has been hot is going to cool down and the heat is going to mo into arizona. anna is already doing pushups. i had no already tucker and i were competing against each other. we re competing against time. we re going to help each other. she s an animal. she s a ferocious competitor. i would never compete. i m here to make sure that she makes it through. i smell a rat. i m going to compete against anna, like i m stupid? do we have some competition music that we re playing. yeah. it s a small not well-known school but still a proud one. let s do this. joe is the found esh dr just watch. watch and learn. first we ve got the wall, then the tire, then the rope and the bucket grab. first one through the tunnel is going to really have a good chance of finishing first. one, two, three, go! anna was pretty graceful going over. tucker got to the men s rope first. tucker is still on the rope. let him catch up a little. now there s the bell on the other side. you got it. come down slow. come down slow. no, no, this way. in the tunnel. grab her feet. pull her out. how does it feel? how did it feel? i m tired. the rope what was the hardest part? the tire. the tire? in fact i got some help on the tire. the fire tire was easy. the rope, i kept slipping ancompletely lost my shorts in there. here was the interesting thing my mike box got caught. you don t look like what anna looks like. you don t compete with anna. you know better. that s a good competition, rick and i are going to be competing about an hour from now. are you ready? more than ready. i was born ready. i couldn t get purchase on the rope. all my spiderman training as a kid prepared if me for this day. who do you think will win? go to our facebook page. you can vote right now. we ve got a poll up on our facebook page. just to prove tucker wrong that there s something on the rope, check out the guy on the rope now. that s impressive. i m nervous. coming up on the show, they sacrifice for our country but when they come home our military heroes have tough time getting work. everyone s favorite quest looking mayor, rob ford. we ll tell you where he is. i would like to see rob ford do the there she is. is anna going up it again? now she s just showing off. i ys say be thman with the plan but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. scotts wraps each seed in a brilliant water smart plus coating, that feeds, protects, and holds in moisture to make growing thicker, healthier grass easier. now let s spread your newfound knowledge! seed your lawn. seed it! . . welcome back. some quick headlines now for you. surprise challenge to one of the most controversial practices. for the first time a federal judge ordering a military to stop feeding a hungry prisoner. rob ford spotted posing with fans in ontario, his family s cottage is nearby. this there s also a luxurious rehab clinic in the area. the embattled leader checked into rehab after the new video was released last month allegedly showing him smoking crac crack. she s doing some great work. a sad statistic in 2012. the department of labor found over 1400 complaints of veterans of discrimination. now mike is leading the charge to put an end to that, signed a bill making it illegal for an employer to hire someone because of their veteran status. nice to see you. good morning. why is it that we see that as a landmark case? don t they have protections in place? sure. we ve been having this discussion about discrimination against veterans since the vietnam war. what s so intriguing is he s saying it s illegal to discriminate and not hire a veteran. this is about the hiring process getting to the job. that is illegal. that s the first of its kind. that s white was so new and ground breaking and hopefully other states will follow. during the hiring process, that is the question and answer phase of an interview. sure. job interview. what sorts of things are now off the table, not allowed to ask of our veterans? well they should not be asking you about you could have a disability that could be an obvious disability, a physical disability but ptsd is very common right now. unemployment rate by the way is under 12%. they can t ask you about that. unfortunately it it does happen and i have heard stories of veterans saying they re asking about me mental state. they should not be doing that in the hiring process. also, a lot of the national guard members face discrimination because of the fact they have to come in, they have to leave, come back. a lot of companies are apprehensive about hiring somebody because they re like, how much are you going to be in your job? when are you going to be leaving? is it tro weeks? two months? what s going on. all of that should not be happening. so this is happening in indiana where the governor has put this into place but do you think we ll see this in other states across the country? it s vestest interesting. there are ten dates that say that veterans are a protected class and what that maens is they ve got the same rights as other protected classes. if you re a veteran you re alone in a protected class. but in indiana, the governor signed another initiative that basically helps them get education, veterans can go and get college credits for things they did in the military. again, something else that we really had not seen before on a state level. i can give you a hundred companies right now that want to hire veterans and many of them do. but at the same time to see the state get involved like this, to see this happen on a state level under law is what i think is so intrig intriguing. how can veterans be aware of their rights in this situation? that they should be aware of if they re being asked, hey that s discrimination, i don t have to answer that? there are certain signs you have to look out for. sometimes you hear the job is not available anymore and then you find out that job was available. you know, because they do it kind of a switch on you that way. again, any discussion a about disabilities, time off, those are warning signs that the company is apprehensive about hiring you because you have a veteran especially if you re in the reserves, national guard, things like that. promotions if you re in a jb as well, if you say that wu were deployed and you come back and if you would have stayed in this country you would have been, in the u.s., you would have been promoted. say you didn t get that promotion. that is discrimination, things like that. raises, time off, you know medical leave if you have something where you have to get treatment, maybe you have to go to the va. so sorry about that. but those are again issues and warning sines whether you re in the job or trying to get the job. it s tough to kind of quantify but it is happening out there. good information. appreciate it. coming up here on the show, wisconsin dad says his kindergarten daughter is being bullied so bad he needs to take out a restraining order on a five-year-old telling him to stop? is that nes? some furry friends on the plaza this morning, summly safety tips for your pets, some that you haven t heard actually. russia says it won t play ball until the sanctions are lifting. we ll find out what impact this has on our already crippled space program. and superstar entertainer dally parton is in the house sharing her secrets for success. join us. and make every day on the water a perfect 10 with a sun tracker, now standard with an industry-leading 10-year bow-to-stern warranty. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. captain: here s a review, it s worse in person. so first, some summertime foods that could be poisonous. some of the foods we re seeing more frequency over the summertime, onion and chocolate, those barbecue toppings we re seeing those occur 40% in the summer more than other times in the year. you say even chiefs too? onions are more concentrated. give us an idea of how poisonous onions are for dogs. half a percent of their body weight in onions can be toxic. just a small piece of onion can be toxic. you ve got a burg on the beech with a ring of onon. and summertime we ve got memorial weekend around the corner and a lot of people have cookouts and corn kobs, not a good idea. so many dogs, it s sweet, it s covered in butter. the dogs eat these things and they get stuck. and the average claim that we see is $1400 for surgical removal and we see a lot. it s not just corn cobs that we see, kabab skewers, you can imagine how they go through. so the corn cobs are twice as much in the summer. and keep our pets out of hot cars. hot weather. sitting in the car is hot. but women perspire, men sweat, dogs can do neither. the temperature goes up in the first half-hour 30 degrees in the car. you leave the dog in the car for 20 or 30 minutes and now it s 110. what about people taking memorial day road trips. how long can you go in the car before letting your dog out and go to the bathroom? it s great to stop every hour if you can but that s not feasible with our road systems. if you can put watt near the car as well, let them out for a bathroom break to stretch their legs we need to make sure we keep our animals fenced in and what else? making sure they have identification and making sure they re microchipped. id can come off. the microchip, they can be identified at any vet clinic. that dog is outrageous. what kind of dog is that? a poodle mix. all of these dogs are up for adoption, too. these guys are up for adoption at north shore animal league. someone in the crew has already fallen in love. for more information on how to adopt these dogs and tips on how yo keep your kids safe, go to fox and anna has adopted another four dogs. coming up on the show, the second in command at veterans affairs but not because he didn t do his job. he was set to retire any way. more fake accountability in the obama administration, we ll debate. a family torn apart now whole again by this emotional reunion. it is so sweet. hey, everybody. how are you feeling? it is saturday, 17th of may, 2014. i m anna koolman. second in command of veterans affair stepping down because he was set to retire anyway. more fake accountability in the obama administration? wisconsin father says his kindergarten daughter is being bullied so badly, he has to take out a restraining order on a 5-year-old. is that necessary or is it evidence of a society deep in litigation hell? we ll debate it. fires continue to rage in california, but this morning a miracle for a popular christian singer as the flames rage around her home, she asked for prayers. look what happened next. the fire just stopped feet from her home. fox friends hour four starts now. we are looking at the gruel race course on fifth avenue this morning. the spartan race. moments ago it was anna versus tucker. it was anna and tucker doing it collaboratively as friends and co-hosts, but nobody in his right mind is going to compete with anna koolman. who would do that? not me. what was the hardest part of that, the tunnel? the tunnel was easy, but i lost my shorts. right off. they got caught on my mike pack on the back. we put the poll up on fox and friends. go there and vote who will win, rick or myself? please vote for me because i don t stand a chance. you ve been talking about his calves since 6:00 a.m. he said in high school they called them cows because they re so big. we ve got a segment about common core. the scandal at the v.a. scores of veterans apparently died because of shoddy treatment they received. this has blossomed into a scandal. if you ve been following it you saw the white house announced the resignation, the implication was it was forced of the number two man. the idea was he was taking the fall for the scandal. now it turns out, no. not at all. he s fired, you think. robert petzel. he s been there 40 years. turns out he was going to be retiring this year any way after a 40-year career. they conveniently made it look like he was being fired. here is a cutout from a press release issued back in september. this is september of 2013. it reads, following a 40-year career serving veterans as a v.a. physician, teacher and administrator, dr. robert a.petzel will retire in 2014 as planned, following a four-year tenure as under secretary of health. did they think we wouldn t find this press release that was released to the press. his replacement, a doctor at the heinz v.a. hospital near chicago, there are some allegations there about secret waiting lists. at the moment it s some sort of association, but ought to be looked into. somebody needs to possibly be losing their jobs, possibly going to jail. we had an iraq war veteran on our show earlier and he said we certainly need accountability. we think the 0 response should have been swift accountability and swift justice for the families that may have been victims of the allegations. we know it is very difficult to sanction a v.a. employee or under performing employee. if they quit or are fired, it can take six months to a year to find an adequate replacement. when you have this kind of culture of accountability, are there trade-offs being made at the management level? there s a question we know the answer to. you can t fire anyone from the federal government, unions prevent it. what you can do is indict people that commit felonies. if the administration takes them seriously, eric holder of the justice department opens an investigation, and he hasn t. you think this is an isolated incident? this is jose matthews, a physician at the st. louis v.a. here is his description of what he saw. what really bothered me was that this delay was a direct result of this extremely low sense of caring for patients. they all got bonuses. that s the sad part. in reality, we are really not doing a good job, but it shows up on paper as if we are. i think we have some form of moral blindness or something. they re not able to see that this is not right what we are doing is not right. moral blindness. just looking out for their bonuses rather than our veterans. when they fight on the front lines, putting their lives at risk, when they get home they exof. it appears they are not. the administration is terrified by this story because it s real, and also what does it say about obamacare? these are the same people, the same federal government administering obamacare. if they treat our veterans this way, how are they going to treat you? we see a track record with the president saying this is outrageous, our veterans need to be protected. outrageous at the irs, i m going to get to the bottom of this does anyone get fired? no. people get promoted. this is what the president said about the irs in may 2013. listen. it s inexcusable and americans are right to be angry about it. i am angry about it. i will not tolerate this kind of behavior in any agency, but especially in the irs given the power it has and the reach it has in all our lives. the government generally has to conduct itself in a way that is true to the public trust. that s especially true for the irs. you would think swift action, right? fire the person in charge of that, the irs commissioner stephen miller, he s gone. turns out he was term limited anyway. same script. he s gone. we are getting rid of him. he is term limited so he is gone any way. accountability. friends and fox we ll stay on this story as the other shoe continues to drop. three raging wildfires forcing evacuations at camp pendleton marine base in california. 22,000 acres burned causing $22 million in damage. one person facing arson charges. 57-year-old alberto cerrato is accused of adding brush to fires near oceanside. he pled not guilty. one fire stopping feet from christian singer rebecca st. james home. when she evacuated the flames were three stories tall. apparently a few of our neighbors stayed to help fight the fire, which is a big ryan why most of the houses on our street were saved. terrifying moments at boston fenway park a woman reportedly in critical condition after falling down an elevator shaft. initial reports indicate the 22-year-old had her back to the fourth floor elevator doors when at least one door opened unexpectedly. she fell on to the roof of the elevator at the second floor. rescuers reached her through a hatch of the roof where they found her unconscious. a new leader for the naacp. lawyer and activist cornell williams brooks has been named the 18th president and ceo of the organization. the 53-year-old most recently served as executive director of the new jersey institute for social justice. in the new role, brooks plans to, quote, fight to ensure voting rights, economic equality, health equity and end of racial discrimination for all people. a california mother gets the surprise of her life when her son returns from afghanistan. what? oh, no i don t think she could believe her eyes there cynthia thought she was shopping for an rv but saw her son there army specialist gabriel guerrero returning after a six-month employment. this is the best gift a mother could have, to hold my soldier, son and hero in my arms. was it hard keeping this from your mother. it was. she kept asking when am i going to come home. cynthia says it was a better reunion than she could have imagined. rick is standing outside preparing for the spartan race. yes. we have people here who feel for you. you have nice words for tucker. tucker, i could not have done that either. that was amazing you got halfway up that rope. good job. i was there to spot anna just in case there was a problem. big fox fans and they are supporting you. there you go. we obviously this week has been a big week out west with all of the fires because there s been such significant drought and suddenly these record-breaking warm temperatures and incredible wind. the temperatures have broken, but the summer outlook has been released. generally when you have drought, it perpetuates high temperatures. that is what we are going to see for the summer, above-average temperatures across much of california. that is not good news. we are heading into the dry season. things likely could get worse there here is a look the at next five days. very cool across the great lakes in much of the east. take a look at what happens. the heat begins to build in toward the southern plains in amarillo by monday, 101 degrees. same with the panhandle of oklahoma. we do see a big increase in our temperatures. tuesday, chicago, you are up to 79 finally. where you saw snow in the area yesterday, now we are getting back into the 70s. by wednesday, the heat is on for a lot of people. we ll see a little bit of rain showers today heading across parts of arkansas in toward the tennessee valley across the west. still remaining dry, but cooler conditions and the onshore flow brings more moisture into southern california. thanks, rick. let s head up to wisconsin this morning for a little bit of outrage and a bit of a debate. many of you fired up about this on twitter and facebook. the question whether or not a father should have stepped in to protect his own daughter so much so for being bullied at 5 years old he threatened to get a retraining order against the other child because his child is being bullied so harshly. getting kicked in the face, sand and rocks thrown at her, he says. the child said, i want to slit your throat and watch you bleed. now that i ve done all this they took him out of the classroom my daughter is in but it s not enough. i want him removed from the school district, period. the question how far. is that a justified response or hysterical response and does it send a message to the child this is a bigger deal than it needs to be. i don t know. if i m the father of a little girl being bullied by a little boy who says he is going to slit my daughter s throat and it doesn t seem the school was responding, doing anything about it, i don t know where you turn. do you turn to the police? do you file something with the city or do you tell your little girl to punch this kid in the face? is that going to be good enough? i wonder how serious this really is. this is a 5-year-old saying this. if it was a 15-year-old i would say, you no. but a 5-year-old, is that a credible threat? i don t know the kid involved. pain he snuck in and watched his parents watching a rated ranch movie. maybe this child is deranged and it s a cry for help from him. very often the people bullying are hurting signed themselves. there may be a deeper issue. that s why i bully because i m hurting inside. after having taught kindergarten more than 12 years and teaching school more than 34, that comment is not bullying. it goes far beyond bullying. the child ought to be removed for a period of time. victoria writes, i agree defending yourself in school. zero tolerance won t allow that. it s turned our kids into tattle tales. i wonder if the dad was able to go to the other parent and say something, by the way your son threatened to kill my daughter. that s over the top. let us know your thoughts. the v.a. secretary was grilled on capitol hill about reports of long and deadly waiting lists. watch. this makes me mad as hell. is that enough or time for him to step down? we have a congressman on the show. he is going to join us live next. and the robber had a gun and the granny a broom. guess who wins this one? granny s got a broom. c mon, you want heartburn? when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. and goes to work in seconds. tum, tum tum tum. tums! and the award goes to ceramics house. congratulations. thank you. the success of your small business depends on results. go vests! all organic, and there s tons of info on our website. that s why you rely on the best for your business. and verizon delivers the best devices on the best network. you re all big toes to me. so go ahead, stream and download with confidence on america s largest, most reliable 4glte network. activate any 4glte smartphone and get $100 off. for best results, use verizon. carsthey re why we innovate. they re who we protect. they re why we make life less complicated. it s about people. we are volvo of sweden. distinctions they ve earned in life there s a higher standard of home care. brightstar care. from care teams led by registered nurses to unmatched care expertise brightstar care offers home care you can trust, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. your loved one deserves care that s nothing less than extraordinary because they ve earned it. for a complimentary in-home assessment, call brightstar care today at 866-621-0228 this morning the number two guy at the v.a. is out, stepping down amid a growing scandal, but he was supposed to retire anyway. earlier this week, veterans affair secretary told congress he is furious about the reports of long and deadly waiting times. any adverse incident like this makes me mad as hell. is that enough? is it time for him to go? let s talk about it. congressman, nice to see you this morning. good morning. first of all, congressman, i want to get your response to the number two guy there petzel stepping down, even though we know according to a press release in the fall he was set to retire 2014 anyway. this is the typical response we ve seen from the v.a., window dressing. doesn t address the problem and claims we are getting to the bottom of it. that s simply unacceptable. so walk me through this. the president last year demanded accountability and said our veterans deserved the best care and treatment possible. then we have the report back in december where we know the veterans knew about some of these delays and cooking of the books so to speak. why has this, why was this still allowed to go on and why has there been no one held accountable yet? that is the secretary s call. we had other issues for five to six years. fiscal mismanagement, lavish bonuses going on and on. there is a culture of nonaccountability there and it starts at the top. that s why i m suggesting and others are we need an independent commission to review what s going on at the v.a. that s the only way to get work outside the v.a. to change what s going on there. i hate to maybe this sounds childish, but isn t it obvious what s gone on there? they doubled the amount of money they ve been able to use for resources there? there are no doctors? they haven t been able to hire the number of doctors they need to handle the cases they have. isn t it obvious they haven t hired these doctors and that s why this backlog and they had to cook the books? well, $150 billion a year, it s not about money, it s about incompetence and mismagazinemna. we had dozens of committees looking at these problems we lash out at the v.a. we asked for answers. under secretary after under secretary comes forward and says we are working on that. veterans are dying because of their failures. the secretary is mad as hell, but what do the families feel about this? right. how can you fix this? we need to start over and need an independent commission review, what s going on at the v.a. if you re a veteran you should have a choice outside the v.a. system. if it s not working for you, go to your local hospital. in my district in the middle of kansas, rural area, we are hundreds of miles from the local v.a. hospital, they should have a choice. let s give the veterans a choice that. will take care of the problem. congressman, we appreciate you joining us this morning. we ll keep working on it. in the country illegally, convicted of a violent crime. the president is about to give them a get out of jail free card. is this legal? we are all about making friends here. anna made a few. she is hopping in the seaworld tank next. let s see what you got? rv covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. ahoy, mateys. house. hello, dear. hello. hello. van with airbrushed fire-breathing dragons. ah! check. thank you. the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that s progressive. video showing a wreckage after an ocean military plane crash crashed overnight. authorities in thailand say five officials were killed including the country s minister of defense. the cause of the crash is still unclear. toronto s crack-smoking celebrity mayor skipping out of rehab? rob ford was spotted posing with fans in brace bridge ontario. his family cottage is nearby. his lawyer won t say where his client is or where he is being treated. he checked into rehab after new video was released allegedly showing him smoking even more crack. celebrating 50 years giving visitors splash of excitement but their work with animals outside the park is making an impact. anna travelled to seaworld and made a new friend. yeah. a baby beluga. seaworld has been doing a lot of recovery and rescue efforts for 49 of their 50 years in business. take a look at the big beluga. you heard of flipper. and shamu. seaworld celebrating 50 years so we are doing the beluga interaction program. nice to meet you. beluga whales are animals most people will never get a chance to see out in the wild. here you get to get in the water and meet one up close, bond with it and interact with it. i ve been asking for a kiss for months. oh, thank you. kisses, kisses. i got lipstick on him. some animal rights activists are critical of seaworld keeping the whales in captivity. if you learn about an animal and the habitat and their polites, you are more like throw want to care for them. seaworld has been educating visitors for 50 years. it s work behind the scenes that s really worth celebrating. seaworld rescue is putting me to work. what people don t realize is seaworld s first parks opened in 1964, but they began rescuing animals in 1965. that s before the marine mammal protection act of 1972. we ll see if you re ready to be a rescue team member. how much fish do you go through a day? 4,000 pounds. it s restaurant quality, sustainable. yummy. seaworld rescue team saved 23,000 animals include iing sea lions last year. animals we rescue are due to human interaction. somehow we attacked their environment. their goal, rehabilitate and return the animals back to the wild. we are going to give some medication to the animals that actually had this wrapped around its neck. just a spoonful of fish helps the medicine go down. he has a sore flipper. he took that medicine so well, he was able to take somebody else s fish, too. you are trying to rescue them, rehabilitate them and return them to the wild. they ve got to be competitive while out there so this is good. absolutely. we want them to have that second chance at life if we can intervene we don t know what the outcome in the wild would have been. it probably would have been the one we all want. for more information about the celebrations going on at seaworld for their 50th anniversary head to fox and you can swim with belugas, too you get your picture taken. seals are the best. they force them to fight so once they get released in the ocean, they are hoping to survive. someone isn t just going to hand them fish. out of my way. in the country illegally, convicted of a violent crime. why and is it legal? a closer look at this scandal. . the robber had a gun and the granny had a broom. guess who wins? usic go to a park that doesn t have a theme. go climb a tree. go to bass pro shops this weekend for big savings. like an igloo 48-quart cooler for under $20. bass pro shops. life with crohn s disease ois a daily game of what if s . what if my abdominal pain and cramps end our night before it even starts? what if i eat the wrong thing? what if? what if i suddenly have to go? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you re not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit to connect with a patient advocate from abbvie for one-to-one support and education. a new report found the average life expectancy for women in the u.s. is 81 while the average life expectancy for men is 76. or as both husbands and wives put it, good. listen to this story. the center for immigration studies in a new report has found that basically 36,000 criminals, individuals with a whole host of different criminal past convictions have been released. immigrants in this country illegally are being released from prison by the obama administration, including, take a look at these numbers. 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assaults, 303 kidnappings. it doesn t stop there. just wrap your mind around this. 36,000 of them, then we ve got hundreds of violent crimes, murderers, rapists, kidnappers just out there on the streets and they were awaiting these deportation hearings. instead they re free. aren t they committing two crimes? one for being here illegally, then these, some of them very dangerous crimes. shouldn t they be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law all the way around? of course. this is a politically-motivated move on the part of the administration. there is a constituency on behalf of these criminals. there are pressure groups squeezing the white house to stop deportations and punishing people for committing the crime of sneaking into the country without papers. vice president biden, stop deporting people. he said we ll stop that, too. you may see criminals, the white house sees potential voters. it really is that simple. earlier on the show we had a legal debate. what ends up happening is there is some discretion. when you have illegal immigrants come over here that commit crimes, they also started families. they have children we can t deport because they are citizens. i.c.e. will look at some of these cases and say who do we trust enough to stay in the united states and do what they are supposed to do versus who we don t? it s a crap shoot. that s what happens. why are these 36,000 people released with some form of supervision or signing on the dotted line don t come back. earlier in the year there were 16,000 that were just released. bye. think about it. you get arrested for dui, i get arrested for dui, i lose my job. it s hard to get a job if you are convicted of dui, but not a big deal if you are an illegal immigrant. you are part of a protected class. we face a greater danger as citizens from the more than 10,000 drunk drivers who have been released. that s where people get killed. 16,000 of them, according to those numbers. governor mike huckabee says get out on the road in some of these cities could be dangerous for americans. it seems a combination of incompetence. i don t know if they thought it was going to be a budget saver and they could say they made a great inroads rehabilitating prisoners. when you turn rapists and murderers out en masse, we are going to turn them out on the streets. there are a lot of people in america today who are in harm s way and endangered because of this ridiculous decision. i think it will bite them in the rear end the first time somebody is hurt, injured, murdered or raped by one of these people who have been let out with no just cause whatsoever. what does it say about our borders? hey, our borders are open. come on in and commit whatever crimes you want. you are not going to be deported because fewer than 1/4 of those released will show up to court to go through the legal process of being here illegally anyway. more on that story on the fox news channel. a marine mother hoping that the gripping 911 call from her imprisoned marine corps son proves his innocence. i crossed the border by accident and i have three guns in my truck and they re trying to take my guns from me. so you re in mexico? yeah. there is nothing i can help you with, sir. i do apologize. 25-year-old marine corps sergeant andrew tahmooressi was undergoing post traumatic stress disorder treatment. took a wrong turn and ended up in mexico. officers arrested him for weapons possession. his mother says this 911 call proves he never meant to cross that border. it proves what i ve been saying, the conversation he had with me. he called 911 first as his first instinct then he called his mama second. that s exactly what he told me, he had gotten lost, made a wrong turn and ended up at the border. his mother saying she hasn t heard from the white house or the state department since this 911 tape was released. she was thrown several feet into the air. an 8-year-old pennsylvania girl survived getting hit by a car. you have to watch this video. cassidy wall and her 5-year-old sister were playing outside their home when suddenly a car fleeing police turns the corner and spins out of control. cassidy didn t get out of the way in time and was hit. when i saw the video, every time i thought about it i started crying. because it hurted my feelings and i didn t like what i saw. cassidy was treated for a concussion. she is going to be okay though. the two men inside the car were arrested. granny got a broom and she is not afraid to use it. caught on surveillance. 77-year-old north carolina woman fights off an armed robber using only a broom. betty johnson says the man came in and asked about a couple of items, then pulled out a gun. i told him i d break the broom over him if he didn t get out of here and leave us alone and i m calling 911. the tarheel lady right there. winston-salem police say the suspect is still on the run. dolly parton is looking for a new place to kick up her feet after a long day s work. working 9 to 5 what a way to make a living baring getting by with all taking and no giving she still looks about that good. the 68-year-old country star putting her hollywood pad on the market. asking price $1.4 million. two bedroom, single-story house with lots of history and a high fence, the childhood home of natalie wood. not a bad deal really. you in the market? no. let s check in with rick outside gearing up for the big showdown. we check the poll online to see who would win in the race between you and me. our viewers think you re up around 60%, 70% likelihood. i m down about 16%. i hired anna. she s been online over and over again. very nice. it s getting sunny out here and warming up. that is good news. it will help you warmed your muscles up. here s your temps. warming up a little bit across parts of the great lakes. 44 in chicago. i m sure you would like it to be warmer than that. you will get there but not for a little bit. here is your forecast across the northeast. the rain will exit maine by the afternoon. scattered showers. nothing will be a washout of your day but will keep temperatures a little bit cool. down to the southeast there will be rain across the tennessee valley. it s not going to last all day. temperatures cooler across the eastern side of that picture there. you will warm up as we move on this week. into the northern plains, a clear day. a nice day but cool. not feeling like summer, unfortunately. we still have a little bit of time before that rain. things are better across california, but warming up across the deserts of arizona and nevada. thanks, rick. this just happened. anna and tucker going head-to-head in the spartan race. now rick and i on deck. who will come out on top? your guess is as good as mine. you can go to our website and vote. we have a link on our facebook page who will win. he says the problem with common core isn t the context, it is something else. mike kelley explains and takes your questions ahead. first, we ll check in with neil cavuto for a look on the cost of freedom business block. good morning. why are these protesters trying to push the minimum to the max? could be minimizing your job security and maximizing your food bit about keeping your doctor. one insurer now warning you may not even be able to choose your doctor. talk about waste going wild. government paying some workers to do nothing. we are doing something about it. those litt things still get you. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet helpsapproved to treattime the msymptoms of bph, like needing to go freently. tell yr doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthenough for sex. do not take cialis if youtake , as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drinklcohol in excess. side effects may include headac, upset stomach, delayed baache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury,gety . . or difficulty breaing or swallowing, op taking cialis and get mecal help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america. still runnng in the morning? 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joining us now is mike kelley, a trustee of the thomas b. fordham foundation and both a conservative and not being paid for his support of common core. it s interesting to hear your perspective. tea party people really up in arms about common core. you say they believe things that aren t true in some cases. there is a misperception. it s interesting. the opponents range from the tea party to the unions. the tea party say we are taxed enough already. public schools in new york we are spending $22,000, $23,000 a student and getting 22% of them college ready by the end of high school. a disaster. it s a disaster. the catholic schools in new york city educate kids between $6,000 and $7,000 and getting better test scores and better kids and more college-ready kids. charter schools are educating them for $13,000 to $14,000 a head and they are the best in the state. so why are we spending all this extra money to get disastrous results? shouldn t we be following things like the catholic schools and charter schools that set standards? that s what common core is about. it s standards. the fact that the unions are against it means they don t want accountability, which is what common core. that makes sense. i think those are preceps most conservatives would agree with. most oppose common core so it s nice for to you answer their questions. let s put some up on the screen here. if we home school not using common core, do you see that creating future hardships for our kids? my answer to carmann was, i don t see it as a problem unless the kids are required to take the state test in most of the states there have been 45 that adopted common core. most don t require to take the test. the problem has been not with the standards, the problem has been with the implementation by the state. common core is not a curriculum. the curriculum is developed by the different states. all voluntarily individually, not the federal government. different states have been terrible in the rollout. we probably shouldn t expect more of the state educational agencies doing a poor job educating them. my view would be on home schooling, the parents knowing there are standards that they have to achieve for common core may do a better job at implementing. teachers have time to help those kids who need extra help or have to stay on a specific schedule? especially to special ed kids. they are not addressed by this it s going to have to be something that will be addressed in the future or else it s not going to be a good situation. i know here in new york, al graff, we had alliterations on the facebook page. i visited al. this is something al is doing good work on and trying to promote around the state. i would hope they address that. will local school systems be able to teach their current text books or forced to purchase new texts to adhere to common core? it s going to be one of the better outcomes on this. previously publishes were driven by what was the largest markets, california, new york, texas, they would be the curriculums that got best served by publishers. when you have common core standards, and small states would have to float by in their draft there. hopefully as common core builds out, you ll see publishers will be developing specific tests that will address these standards. mike kelley, we ve done a lot of segments with people skeptical of common core. there is another side to this debate. thanks a lot for doing that. this just happened. anna and i went head-to-head. really, we collaborated in the spartan race. i bought a car, over and tells you, and you re like. a good deal or not. looking at there s no buyer s remorse. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit could mean less waiting for things like security backups and file downloads you d take that test, right? well, what are you waiting for? you could literally be done with the test by now. now you could have done it twice. this is awkward. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. 1, 2, 3, go! the spartan race out here on the plaza, we have the wall of terror, the tire that you have to turn, and the rope you have to climb and the bucket grab and then the two whoa, that s it. we have to go over the wall. flip, these 300-pound tires three times. three times? that s what we have just been told. here we go, 3, 2, 1, go! come on, rick! faster, faster! rick, he s got the tire! nice! on his feet. ring the bell! ring the bell! yeah! come on, clayton, get there! get there! get there! whoa. good work, boys! it was close. how was it? that was impressive. he might have beat your team. that was hilarious. the founder of the spartan race, how did everybody do? he crushed it. the overall winning time right now. you know what she is thinking? he beat me! you guys should go head to head. she is ferocious. that was great! those tires are the hardest part. i agree. we have never seen in all of our races around the globe, we have never seen anybody try to push the tube. never seen that before. we are prone to being creative. it s not just for an elite athlete, the trend has caught on across the country, why is that? over 1 million people will compete and 900,000 of them off the couch, they are watching the show and eating popcorn and get inspired and come out and do it, and it looks exciting and fun, and like navy s.e.a.l. boot camp. it s like being in the olympics for the day. you have recovered? i think i broke my wrist. no, i am just kidding. it was my impression there would be some assistance at some point. i was told who did that come from? the producer carly over here she didn t help at all. he was giving emotional assistance over there cheering. we ll be right back. more heavy breathing when we return. [ female announcer ] there s a gap out there. that s keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler. if frustration and paperwork decrease. if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. the gap begins to close. so let s simplify things. let s close the gap between people and care. our elite athleticism displayed here. i thought i better have my game. yeah, if you had not fallen on top of the tire, i think you may have made it. tomorrow, pc police gone mad. you should not have called your professor, mr. or ms. minimum wage rage.raging in. their one demand. double their play. this as americans are feeling less secure in their jobs. some here are warning if these guys get their way, all workers will pay. who is right? hi, everybody. this is bulls and bears, and here we are with the bulls and bears this week. welcome, everybody. gary, raise their way and all workers

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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20140526

others could not? good morning, everyone. great to see you this morning. welcome to early start. i m john berman. i m christine romans. it is monday, may 26th, memorial day and 5:00 a.m. in the east. glad to see you this morning. let s begin in southern california, where there are new developments as investigators try to piece together what led this 22-year-old to go on a deadly rampage around santa barbara, killing six people and wounding more than a dozen before turning the gun on himself. now, a friend of elliott rogers family tells cnn rogers parents went on a desperate hunt for their son just as he was opening fire, seemingly at random. he had just sent his 137-page manifesto to his parents by e-mail detailing his problems with women and how often he felt slighted. his mother found his video on youtube, calling for retribution, but they couldn t find him in time. it was already too late. police now believe rogers had been working on his plan for months. officers had visited him weeks ago after a relative grew concerned about his welfare, but police say rodger came across as polite. in the manifesto, he writes if police had searched his room, they would have found his guns and it would have been all over. mr. rodger was, although deeply disturbed, he was able to put on a front, as it were, and convince them, and obviously, convince a lot of other people that he didn t have problems that were so severe that it would require some fairly extreme intervention by mental health professionals. the six victims were all uc santa barbara students, inclu including hong, wang and chen. hong and chen were rodger s roommates. it s unclear if wang was a roommate or visiting. veronika weiss was a water polo athlete, described as always smiling. katie cooper was with weiss when she was gunned down and studying archaeology and history. and chris martinez s father called him a really great kid whose death left the family lost and broken. his former roommate said martinez would drop whatever he was doing to help others. classes are canceled through tomorrow, when the university will hold a memorial service. just so sad, so sad. awful, awful weekend. all right, breaking overnight, a huge landslide in rural colorado has left three people missing. it happened in mesa county in the far western part of the state, not far from the utah border. the slide is about four miles long, two miles wide, more than 250 feet deep. it s not clear just what was in the path of this thing. there s only limited cell phone service in the area, and it likely won t be until daylight when police get a full sense of the destruction from that landslide. we re hearing this morning from chuck hagel, the defense secretary speaking out with jake tapper about the scandal at the va. with more calls for secretary shinseki to resign or be fired, the defense secretary is making clear it s not time for that action yet. makes me sick to my stomach, because it is a clear responsibility we have, as a country, as a people, to take care of these men and women and their families who sacrifice so much. i know systems are imperfect. i mean, i get that. but when you ve got what we do know and you re right, we do need to get the facts. let s see exactly what happened, why it happened, how it happened. then we ve got to fix it. then we have to fix it. that s a point that house veterans affairs committee chair jeff miller echoes. he told candy crowley on state of the union that something needs to change at the va, but firing the leader may not be the answer, he says. this is much larger than the secretary of the department of veterans affairs. like what? well, you ve got an entrenched bureaucracy that exists that is not held accountable, that is shooting for goals, goals that are not helping the veteran. the person that s supposed to be served is not the bureaucrat, it s the veteran. this week, secretary shinseki is expected to deliver the preliminary results of a va investigation into claims that some veterans died while waiting for care and allegations that some facilities used secret lists to keep their wait times off the book. you can see jake s entire interview with chuck hagel this afternoon on the lead at 4:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. all right, this morning the va secretary and president obama expected to visit arlington national cemetery, where the president will lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns to mark memorial day, this a day after an unexpected trip to afghanistan, where the president saw the status of the withdrawal there firsthand, but he s promising troops will remain, even if in a limited role. white house correspondent michelle kosinski has more for us. reporter: well, the president didn t mention the va hospital scandal by name, but he did seem to touch on it when he emphasized to troops americans sacred obligation, as he put it, to take care of wounded warriors. also, the president mentioned that this is really a pivotal time for u.s. involvement in afghanistan as well as foreign policy. he did mention that he hopes for a bilateral security agreement, and both of the presidential candidates in afghanistan who were involved in a runoff election right now have mentioned that they are amenable to it, something that would keep a limited u.s. presence in afghanistan. and as the president put it, would preserve the gains made there by u.s. troops. everybody knows afghanistan s still a very dangerous place. insurgents still launch cowardly attacks against innocent civilians. but just look at the progress that you ve made possible. afghans reclaiming their communities and more girls returning to school, dramatic improvements in public health and life expectancy and literacy. that s your legacy. reporter: back to you. all right. our thanks to michelle kosinski at the white house. happening right now, pope francis is in jerusalem, the final stop on his trip to the holy land, a day after the leader of the world s catholics firmly inserted himself into the middle east peace process, visiting bethlehem. the pope called on israel and the palestinians to meet with him personally at his vatican apartment for a sort of summit that could help them find common ground. vatican correspondent delia gallagher is live in jerusalem. you know, delia, this is just a three-day trip, but so much symbolism, so many historic moments already. what kind of impact is the pope having there at this moment in your eyes? reporter: john, i think this has been so far, as you say, a trip full of resonance. of course, it really couldn t be otherwise in the holy land for the pope. just this morning he met with muslim leaders, he met with jewish leaders, a very poignant moment at the yad vashem memorial, the holocaust memorial here in jerusalem, where the pope also met with six survivors of the holocaust. and in a break from protocol, the pope kissed their hands, a gesture of humility. and we ve said he s the pope of gestures, and that s certainly one of the moments that i think will be remembered from this trip. before that, he was at the western wall, where he left a handwritten note in the wall. that is a tradition. and spent some time in prayer. and before that, very nearby to that western wall is the al aqsa mosque, which is an important place for muslims, and the pope took off his shoes and entered that mosque. so, there are many moments which we could refer to, certainly, the invitation, as you mentioned, to come to the vatican for what the pope is calling a day of prayer for peace. of course, that is a way to get these two parties into the same room without having to say that it s political in any way. but for the pope, of course, prayer can accomplish a lot. john? the world s still buzzing over that invitation with the israeli president, shimon peres and palestinian leader mahmoud abbas. they will be going to the vatican. we ll see what results that has at this point. delia gallagher, thank you so much. a huge wildfire is expanding in alaska, the blaze on the kenai peninsula has grown to more than 218 square miles, churning through look at that churning through dry brush. oh, wow. high winds really fueling this thing. the fire has now forced more than 1,000 structures to be evacuated. fire crews have as far away as montana have been brought in to help with this fight. luckily, so far, no reports of damage or injuries from this blaze, but smoke can be seen as far north as anchorage, some 60 miles away. wow. in arizona, crews making progress in their fight against a huge fire near sedona. the slide fire is now 25% contained after consuming more than 14,000 acres. some of that s the result of back fires to burn out dry tinder fueling the blaze. authorities lifted a pre-evacuation order for nearly 3,000 residents nearby. it s early in the season, right? very early. we re talking about all these fires so early in the season. let s talk about the memorial day forecast. jennifer gray that s. good morning. good morning to you two. we need the rain in new mexico. unfortunately, it s going to be a little bit to the east, so we re going to see a trouble spot maybe in texas for your memorial day. we could see the possibility of large hail and damaging winds as we go through the next couple of hours, into the afternoon. that s when we re really going to start to see that, not quite advancing, but i ll give you the memorial day forecast anyway. we are going to see possible storms in texas. we re going to see that rain continuing. we could see a lot of it, anywhere from 3 to 5 inches possibly as we go through today into tomorrow. could possibly see some showers in the southeast. the place to be, guys, is going to be the northeast. temperatures are going to be in the mid-to-upper 80s. we re going to see a lot of sunshine, also in denver it is going to be very nice with temperatures in the mid-70s. feeling very nice on this memorial day. good for them. 80s? exactly. sounds great, i know. perfect. we re so shell-shocked the last six months. exactly. 80s? what s the number with the 8 at the beginning? jennifer, thanks. let s get an early start ayour money. u.s. stock markets are closed right now. i can tell you right now how the dow will close. when it resumes trading tomorrow, the s&p will likely start at a record level just over 1900, that s right, at levels never seen before. so much for that spring sell-off. the nasdaq is up 1.7% so far this month. the dow has been going higher again, too. why? earnings season is nearly over. most companies doing well, the majority of s&p 500 firms have beaten expectations, partly because expectations were so low because of the harsh winter, but we ll take it, right? among the companies we have yet to hear from, costco. its earnings come out on thursday. one of the bellwethers. earnings could point towards americans opening their pockets a bit more or sticking only to buying what they absolutely need. so, we ll watch that. that s how i deal with expectations. i set them very, very, very low for myself, like impossibly low, then i invariably reach them. i see costco, i think i have to get some hamburger today. i go with a list of 3 things and come home with 35. 11 minutes after the hour. former microsoft chief steve ballmer is reportedly interested in the los angeles clippers, according to epsn. he s met with shelly sterling, who has until tomorrow to respond in writing to nba officials as the leak seeks to end his ownership of the team over the racist comments caught on tape. sterling could be stripped of the team as early as june 3rd, when a hearing is scheduled with nba owners. i have to say, the amount of activity going on to me hints that this will all be resolved before that type of meeting takes place, but we ll see. i know. the value is i think $357 million. going to go higher. yeah, mark cuban said he thinks $1 billion. he s got a dog in the race. makes his franchise more valuable. we ll see what the going price ends up being. ukraine is closer to having a new president, but gunmen are still on the streets, storming an airport overnight, shutting it down. the latest next. 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[ bottle ] ensure®. when you save money on hotel rooms, it s just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins. hammer that in. nice. wrench? what? aflac! so this is who you brought to help us out? oh yeah, he s the best. he doesn t look like he s seen a tool in his life. oh, he doesn t know anything about tools. aflac-ac-ac-ac-ac-ac-ac! but when i broke my arm, he lent a hand. he paid my claim in just four days. four days? wow! find out how fast aflac can pay you at better. breaking overnight, gunmen have shut down a key airport in eastern ukraine after storming the terminal in donetsk, this a day after that country chose a candy tycoon as its next president, but many in the eastern part of that nation did not take part in the election. armed militants made it impossible. they closed down a lot of the polling stations there. senior international correspondent nick paton walsh is live in donetsk this morning. nick, give me a sense of the latest there, if this fresh round of violence will derail whatever progress they may have been, you know, enjoying heading out of these elections. reporter: well, certainly, the airport was always considered by local officials here in donetsk to be something they couldn t let fall into separatist hands, but that is what happened. about 3:00 this morning, they moved in, and by 7:00, flights were suspended. that s still the case. the separatists demanding the army pull away, the army staying in position. so, we have a dangerous narrative on the ground here of increased tension between the separatists and ukrainian authorities, but at the same time, the billionaire, poroshenko, new president of ukraine, just gave a press conference where he sounded very open to the idea of talking to those separatists who he said don t have blood on their hands, basically aren t involved in serious crimes. they could also get amnesty, too, at the same time. he thinks talking to vladimir putin in moscow could be a useful and fruitful discussion, and at the same time, the rush foreign minister has just said, too, that he thinks direct talks between kiev and moscow are entirely possible. so, diplomacy has never potentially looked so positive, if it actually happens, between moscow, who washington say are backing the separatists here in full, who are seen differently on the ground as a real tension rising, and that airport being seized, great uncertainty as to whether the men with guns here on the streets, those separatist merchants are answering to anybody or pursuing a separate agenda. that s what we have to see in the days ahead. it will be interesting to see the government response to that. nick paton walsh in ukraine, thanks very much. meanwhile, egyptians are heading to the polls today. the first round of a two-day presidential election which many observers expect to be a route with overwhelming support going to retired army chief abdel fatah al sisi, who steps down in march to run. his opponent finished third in the 2012 election that brought down now-deposed president mohamed morsi, that brought morsi to power. but with the muslim brotherhood party banned, critics are calling the election ill ejimt. results are expected in june. police in belgium on the hunt for a killer, releasing via of a man they say opened fire with an ak-47, killing four people at a jewish museum in brussels. security stepped up at jewish sites across the country. the victims have been identified as an israeli couple visiting from tel aviv, a french citizen and a worker at the museum. happening today, track star oscar pistorius heading to a psychiatric hospital in pretoria for an assessment. his mental health now key to his murder trial. a judge decided his actions may have been affected by an anxiety disorder when he shot and killed his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. he ll spend seven hours a day at the hospital for up to 30 days. out-patient treatment. right. come and go as he pleases, in a way. a political different system. a little different treatment, yeah. interesting. the king of thailand has now endorsed a military coup that seized power after months of turmoil and deadly clashes in bangkok. the blessing of the king, who is widely revered across that nation, could ease tensions there. and cnn has learned that the former prime minister has been freed from military custody. the army is expected to name an interim prime minister and a legislative council there. sweep rejected. the thunder battle back from two games down, picking up a win against the spurs. joe carter has all the playoff action in the bleacher report, next. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, like me, and you re talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain. this is humira helping me lay the groundwork. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been 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[announcer] help him keep those muscles while he loses a few pounds with beneful healthy weight. made with wholesome rice,real chicken,soy, even accents of vitamin rich veggies. it s calorie smart and tastes so good. beneful healthy weight from purina. so, oklahoma city s serge ibaka returned from injury last night, and man, oh, man they need him, and his presence felt in a huge way. joe carter has more in the bleacher report. memorial day edition. hey, joe. hey, good morning, guys. yes, serge ibaka is exactly what oklahoma city needs to get back in the series here. you know, he was originally penciled in to not play the rest of the playoffs because of a calf injury, but they listed him act yoiv friday. maybe it was mind games, i don t know, but certainly, his presence felt huge and big right out of the gate. ibaka made a huge difference offensively. he made his first four shots, scored 15 points on the night, but more importantly, it was his defense that completely discombobulated the spurs offense. he grabbed seven rebounds, had four blocked shots and had an endless amount of energy. even the league s mvp, kevin durant, was impressed with how well ibaka played in his first game back. i gained so much more respect for serge for laying it all on the line for us, put his body out there and sacrificing his health, you know, for the betterment of the team. overnight hockey in new york last night. martin st. louis scored the game-winner for the rangers. a top-shelf beauty, if you will, guys. the blue shirts beat the canadiens 3-2, so new york can now close out the series in advance to the stanley cup finals tuesday night. if they win, it would be their first trip back to 20 years. let s talk a little baseball. the dodgers josh beckett threw the first no-hitter of the 2014 season. in the ninth, he was in danger of not being able to finish his outing because his pitch count was adding up quickly. chase utley here thought he was walked, but the umpire called the strike. he eventually struck him out looking, and that s where the game would end. the 34-year-old earns his first career no-hitter. well, trending this morning on, a wild finish at the indianapolis 500. ry ryan hunter-reay crosses the finish line by 0.04 seconds faster than helio castroneves, the second closest finish in history and prevented castroneves from winning his fourth indy 500. hunter-reay is the first american to win since 2006. of course, another big story racing yesterday was kurt busch, guys. he was trying to complete the double. he finished sixth at the indianapolis 500, but he had engine problems later that night at the coca-cola 600 in nascar and he finished 40th. easy come, easy go. but the indy finish was fantast fantastic! it was. my goodness, that last lap. so close. joe carter, good to see you. you, too, thanks. new details this morning on a deadly rampage in south carolina. police were so close from stopping this from happening. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won t expire. so you can make owning business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. that s a man interviewino.for a job. not that one. that one. the one who seems like he s already got the job cause he studied all the right courses from the get-go. and that s an accountant, a mom, a university of phoenix scholarship recipient, who used our unique scratch that awesome career-planning tool. and that s a student, working late, with a day job, taking courses aligned with the industry he s aiming to be in. ready to build an education around the career that you want? let s get to work. .i got lots of advice, but i needed information i could trust. unitedhealthcare s innovative, simple program helps moms stay on track with their doctors to get the right care and guidance. 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it makes me sick to my stomach, because it is a clear responsibility we have as a country, as a people, to take care of these men and women and their families who sacrificed so much. i know systems are imperfect. i mean, i get that. but when you ve got what we do know and you re right, we do need to get the facts. let s see exactly what happened, why it happened, how it happened. then we ve got to fix it. then we have to fix it. house veteran affairs committee chair jeff miller also among those not yet calling for shinseki to be fired. he told candy crowley on state of the union it s a culture problem, not necessarily an issue with top leadership. this is much larger than the secretary of the department of veterans affairs. like what? well, you ve got an entrenched burke self that exists out there that is not held accountable, that is shooting for goals, goals that are not helping the veteran. the person that s supposed to be served is not the bureaucrat, it s the veteran. shinseki this week is expected to bring president obama the preliminary results of a va investigation into the allegations that some facilities used secret lists to keep wait times off the books, sometimes with deadly results. you can see jake s entire interview with chuck hagel this afternoon on the lead, 4:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. it is memorial day, such an important day to remember and honor those who have served. and president obama, along with the va secretary, are set to mark the holiday at arlington national cemetery. the president will lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns and deliver a speech on the importance of this day. he spent part of the weekend seeing our fighting men and women firsthand. the president was in afghanistan on an unannounced trip, talking up an ongoing relationship that could keep troops on the ground there for years. here s white house correspondent michelle kosinski. reporter: well, the president didn t mention the va hospital scandal by name, but he did seem to touch on it when he emphasized to troops americans sacred obligation, as he put it, to take care of wounded warriors. and also, the president mentioned that this is really a pivotal time for u.s. involvement in afghanistan as well as foreign policy. he did mention that he hopes for a bilateral security agreement, and both of the presidential candidates in afghanistan who are involved in a runoff election right now have mentioned that they are amenable to it, something that would keep a limited u.s. presence in afghanistan. and as the president put it, would preserve the gains made there by u.s. troops. everybody knows afghanistan s still a very dangerous place. insurgents still launch cowardly attacks against innocent civilians. but just look at the progress that you ve made possible. afghans reclaiming their communities and more girls returning to school, dramatic improvements in public health and life expectancy and literacy. that s your legacy. reporter: back to you. all right, michelle kosinski for us at the white house. this morning, pope francis is in jerusalem wrapping up an eventful visit to the holh holy and meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, a day after the pontiff called the palestinian territories the state of palestine. but he also called on israel and the palestinians to meet with him personally to meet personally at the vatican, at his vatican apartment for a peace summit. vatican correspondent delia gallagher live in jerusalem. delia, what is the pope up to right now? reporter: christine, the pope is currently meeting with israeli president shimon peres. he has just called him a wise and good man. this is a morning for meetings with jewish leaders and israeli leaders. earlier, he was at the yad vashem holocaust memorial, where he met with six survivors of the holocaust. he spent some time with them. he kissed their hands and listened to some very moving testimony about some letters and diaries of holocaust victims. earlier, he was also at the wailing wall, another very important place for the jewish people. he spent some time in prayer there, left a handwriting note at the wall. he met with chief rabbis of jerusalem and he condemned anti-semitism. so, his message this morning very much to the jewish people and to the israeli leaders. as you said, he will shortly be meeting with prime minister netanyahu. and injecting himself right there into the peace process, the middle east peace process. the significance of that? reporter: well, it was a surpri surprise, the invitation to come to the vatican for a day of prayer, the pope called it. so, he s not labelling it a peace initiative as such or a political initiative, that is. it certainly would be a peaceful initiati initiative, a day of prayer where the two parties could at least be in the same room. they re not currently speaking, so that was the pope s way to extend his hand to both parties in this very difficult, conflicted region. delia gallagher for us this morning in jerusalem. thank you, delia. 38 minutes after the hour. in alaska this morning, fire crews desperately trying to slow down a fast-growing blaze on the kenai peninsula. it s now burned 218 square miles, fueled in part by dry brush and high winds. more than 1,000 structures had to be evacuated. so far, there are no reports of damage or injuries from this blaze, but you can see smoke there, the fire. it can be seen as far north as anchorage, some 60 miles away. more success in arizona, where a huge fire near sedona is now 25% contained. the slide fire has burned through more than 14,000 acres. it grew in part because crews set their own fires to dry up the tinder before the main blaze could. authorities plan today to lift a pre-evacuation order for more than 3,000 residents nearby. what will the weather hold today for this memorial day? jennifer gray has that. good morning, jennifer. good morning to you guys. we are going to see a little bit of rain in texas. that s going to be the trouble spot as we go through memorial day. we could see the possibility of severe weather. we re talking about damaging winds, large hail, and even the possibility of an isolated tornado. that s going to stretch from del rio, san angelo all the way up to abilene. lubbock is also included in that. a lot of rain is headed your way. we ve already had a lot, and we could see an additional 2 to 4 inches of rain rkrain, isolateds up to 5 inches. so we re talking about a lot of rain around san angelo and also on the outskirts of midland. let s talk about good news, because the northeast, after the winter we ve had, you deserve a good holiday weekend. temperatures are going to be in the 80s across most of the northeast. a lot of folks will be heading to the beaches. 88 in washington, d.c. that is mighty toasty. we re going to see temperatures starting out at 70 in new york. and as we go through the afternoon, temperatures will be right around 84 degrees and then dropping off later this evening. the place to be, though, guys, denver. temperatures right around 70 degrees and sunshine. they ve had awful weather there for a while. they had, like, the hail, golf ball, tennis ball, you know, baseball-sized hail for days and days. so, denver finally gets a break. that s nice to see. jennifer gray, thank you very much. thanks, jennifer. let s get an early start on your money. stock markets in this country are closed for the holiday, but asian markets are higher overnight, thanks in part to a big rally on wall street. the s&p finished the week at a record high. look at that! 1900. look at that. the dow and nasdaq were up, too. even gm s stock was up. even gm. just a fraction, but it was up, despite announcing its 30th recall so far this year, this time to fix faulty airbags on about 500 pick-ups and suvs. 30 recalls. on your money, i sat down with bill holstein, author of why gm matters, an expert on gm. i asked if consumers will turn their back on gm. he says no. people don t know that chevrolet is a general motors product. the vast majority of people don t know that buick and cadillac and gmc are gm products, so, there s very interesting bifurcation between the image that general motors has and the image that its brands have. isn t that interesting? traffic to dealers is actually up. drivers are bringing their cars in to have repairs made. if dealers can harness the traffic, turn it into new sales, even a fraction of that, gm revenue may rise. interesting use of the word bifurcati bifurcation. people say gm has a lot of problems, but i m going to buy a chevy. great point. 40 minutes after the hour. gunmen taking control again in ukraine, this morning storming an airport, shutting it down just after the nation voted for a new president. we re live next. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i m walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america s troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don t look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? 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reporter: the big question, really, christine is who controls these men. washington say perhaps they re proxies for moscow, but there s a feeling sometimes on the ground that they re all on to themselves. that s certainly the case this morning at donetsk airport, a key part of the infrastructure that the pro-kiev governor, his aides said was never going to fall into separatist hands. well, at 3:00 this morning, armed men burst in. at 7:00, flights were suspended, we re told by an airport spokesperson. that s still the same situation now, and concerns, too, because separatists have declared what they would call martial law here. that s not really changed daily life on the ground, but as part of their rhetoric, suggest they will push ukrainian troops out of this area. at the same time, this is where it gets complicated. pet rapport sche petro poroshenko wants to go to moscow in early june to meet with president putin and says he can amnesty separatists if they re not guilty of crimes and says, too, he simply can t associate with terrorists, as he refers to the militants here running around with guns. we have a window for resolution, but on the ground, people are moving towards tension. that s the fear. where do we go in the days ahead and who s really controlling these gunmen? christine? you talk about the president-elect, a billionaire, a chocolate tycoon, someone who s already been speaking about cleaning up corruption in the country, strengthening the court system. you know, he d like the country to look attractive to investors and to the outside world, but his first order of business really are these separatists. reporter: absolutely. nothing can really move forward in this country until they ve decided what happens to donetsk and luhansk and the separatists self-declared new governments who have put themselves in power through an illegitimate referendum. that needs to be resolved. also, the ukrainian army needs to be reborn. they simply don t have the force to the ground to equip these militants. that s the question, too. and i get a feeling he thinks time is on his side. let the separatists fail to brick in government here, let them falter and see, perhaps, local people just get angry at what s happening here. maybe that will play into kiev s long-term prospects. let s look at what s coming up on new day. michaela pereira joining us on this morning edition. good morning. good morning. what a pleasure to be here. john berman s going to be joining me in a second. we ll be rolooking at this tragn santa barbara, learning more about the victims and this young man, the gunman. details from his disturbing manifesto about why he felt compelled to and set out to kill. we ll actually speak with one of the shooter s friends and we ll speak to the deli owner where one of the victims died. we re also going to talk to several psychologists about what causes a person to do this and also what can be done to prevent this kind of thing in the future. also, first on cnn, our jake tapper went one on one with defense secretary chuck hagel about the scandal that is rocking the veterans affairs department. does he think enough is being done to help our veterans? jake s going to join us this morning with a preview of this conversation, an important one. so many people are looking for answers today. so, we ve got a busy morning. busy morning. thank you so much, michaela. talk to you in a couple minutes. a desperate search for a killer. police looking for a man who opened fire in a jewish museum. details next. captain: this is a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. captain: and here s a tip. when you save money on hotel rooms, it s just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins. and this park is the inside of your body. see the special psyllium fiber in metamucil actually gels to trap some carbs to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. metamucil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber. smoke? nah, i m good. [ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release smartcontrol technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. welcome back. 52 minutes past the hour. a two-day presidential election getting under way in egypt. retired army chief abdel al sisi is the heavy favorite, facing off against a leftist who came in third behind morsi in 2012. the election has come under criticism after the muslim brotherhood party was banned from the elections. results expected by the end of june. police in belgium hoping this surveillance video might help them find a killer who they say went on a shooting rampage inside a jewish museum in brussels. three people were killed as the gunman opened fire with an ak-47. security has been tightened at jewish sites across the country. the victims have been identified as two israeli tourists and a french citizen. happening today, track star oscar pistorius reporting to a psychiatric hospital in pretoria for an assessment. his mental health is now key to his murder trial. the judge decided earlier this month that his actions may have been affected by an anxiety disorder when he shot and killed girlfriend reeva steenkamp. he ll spend seven hours at the hospital for up to 30 days. a quick check of your money next. and coming to cnn, a new series from executive producers tom hanks and gary getsman, the sixties. it s the decade that changed the world, the space race, cold war, free love, civil rights and more. the 1960s reshaped americans lives in ways that still affect us today. be sure to watch or set your dvr for the premiere, thursday night, 9:00 eastern and pacific here on cnn. c mon, you want heartburn? when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. and goes to work in seconds. tum, tum tum tum. tums! 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[ male announcer ] once it s earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection. and because usaa s commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. predibut, manufacturings a prettin the united states do. means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented. no one s losing their job. there s no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. the technology is actually creating new jobs. siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done. all right, let s get an early start on your money this week. stock markets in the u.s. are closed for memorial day, but overnight, asian shares were higher, in part because of the good news from friday in the u.s. the s&p 500 set a new record, topping 1900 for the very first time. big story this morning, complying with obamacare s rules just got a little tougher for some companies. the law makes larger firms responsible for offering health care to their employees, and some companies thought it would be just cheaper and easier to just give their workers cash to go buy their own plans on those health care exchanges. think again. the irs has now ruled that s an illegal work-around. a lot of big companies are doing this. and any company that does it could be fined up to $100 a day. could be fined up to $100 a day. new day starts right now. captions by vitac these things are going to continue until somebody does something! breaking overnight, all six of the santa barbara shooter s victims identified, all six college students. we hear the powerful words of a father who lost his son, telling cnn why he s not just sad but so very angry. frantic search. new details on the killer s parents and their desperate attempt to get to him before he did the unthinkable. this as we learn more about his troubled past. the peacemaker. pope francis in the middle east this morning, throwing himself into the middle of the peace process. can he do what others could not? your new day starts right now. good morning and welcome to new day. it is monday, may 26th, 6:00 in the east. chris and kate are off today. john berman is here. we begin with devastating details e emerging about the gunman behind the deadly rampage in california. in his own words, elliot rogers spelled out his rage in a manifesto, women. he says troubles with girls sent his life into a tail spin that e ended with the shootings. 13 people were injured before rogers took his own life. we re learning more about those victims. we have the story covered for you from all angles. let s start with sara. reporter: this community wants the world to concentrate on the victims and not the shooter. and the sheriff released the names of the three victims. there were six in moment, three more victims. he released the names of all of those victims were stabbed to death in the suspect s apartment. shots fired, shots fired. reporter: all six victims have not but identified. rogers roommates

Jerusalem , Israel-general- , Israel , Montana , United-states , Abilene , Texas , Passat , Odes-ka-oblast , Ukraine , Arlington , Alaska

Transcripts For MSNBCW Way Too Early 20140725

message asking for a change in route because of heavy rains that were happening. now france, which has been helping mali fight al qaeda-linked rebels is helping with the crash investigation. french president fran swa said one black box has been found. most of the passengers were french others from africa, the middle east, europe. five from canada. media reports coming out four were from the same family. no reported americans on board. with a third disaster in a week. u.s. officials are rushing to reassure the public that flying is still safe. it s been a rough six months for international aviation all told nearly 600 people have died. now another crash. air algerie left for africa with 116 people on board. but crashed 50 minutes later in bad weather. like ukraine, northern mali is a war zone. in june the faa washed u.s. pie lights to avoid flying below 24,000 feet citing the rifbl of anti-aircraft fire. sister not clear what happened to the flight. it s a latest in a string of incidents. fatal plane crash in taiwan wednesday with 40 dead. u.s. flights temporarily suspended into tel-aviv. malaysian flight 370 remains miss. presumably 1500 miles off the coast of australia. and a terror watch for all u.s.-bound flights. the fact we ve had a cluster of incidents doesn t affect the fact that our skies are safe. the faa lists 63 countries including cuba, yemen, north korea, and pakistan where u.s. flights are prohibited to flying or subject to resan francistric as the situation on the ground changes, our guidance, perhaps, will challenge. the chances are good your flight will land safely. your chancings of being killed in a plane crash anywhere in the world are roughly 1 in 4 million. in north america and europe it drops to 1 and 25 million europe. you could go 60,000 years flying every day before a fatal crash. the last fatal accident involving a u.s. carrier in buffalo when 50 people died in 2009. this industry anybody s accident is everybody s accident. when there s a mishap, the industry works together to keep it from happening again. that was tom costello reporting. the total number of fatal accidents is running below the 10-year average. there s new hope there could be a short term deal to end the crisis in the middle east after the dead lieliest day of violen between israel and hamas. john kerry is waiting to hear back from both sides about a one week ceasefire proposal. it would let israeli defense forces remain in gaza as israel and hamas try to reach a longer term deal. it comes after an attack on a u.n. school in gaza that at least 15 civilians dead including three children. about 200 more people are injured from that. palestinian officials say israeli tank shells are to blame. israel said hamas rockets could be responsible but did not rule out accidentally striking the facility. tragically the school was serving as a shelter for those trying to escape the violence. these are people who have taken shelter in a u.n. designated area. the israelis were given the precise gps coordinates. they what was going on. enough civilians within enough women. enough children. they have suffered enough in this appalling conflict. the bloodshed lead to protests in the west. officials say one palestinian was killed and hundred were hurt. israeli journalists said it was one of the biggest protests in recent memory. a total of at least 119 p palestinians were killed yesterday. it brings the death toll to more than 800. 32 soldiers have died in israel. president obama fired back against allegations there were political reasons behind the faa s ban on u.s. flights into israel. the initial ban imposed by the faa was based on israel needing to show us that, in fact, it was safe for commercial airlines to fly. and, by the way, the european governments, in terms of the regulating their airlines did the same thing. i think what happened here was in light of some scary moments a couple of days ago the faa took action. a scary scene outside philadelphia at the wellness scare on the campus of mercy fitzgerald hospital. a suspected gunman and psychiatric patient killed the caseworker and shooting the doctor. the doctor pulled out his own gun and returned fire. poths is in critical condition at the philadelphia hospital. the doctor was treated and released for bullet grazed wound to the head. wednesday s nearly two-hour execution was botched. after witnesses reported seeing joseph wood snorting and gasping for air more than an hour after the lethal direction. the director of arizona s department of corrections said the autopsy shows that wood was comatose and never in pain. arizona senator mccain disagrees. mixed reaction this morning to paul ryan s new plan to help defeat poverty by consolidating a dozen existing programs into one. right now you ve got to go to a bunch of offices to enroll in a bunch of programs. each with all their different rules. under the opportunity grant, you can go to one office and work with one person for all of your needs. as the new york times is noting appears to be a shift in tone for the gop budget guru. instead of talking about makers and takers and slashing social programs, the former vshl candidate is talking about quote, providing resources and what the federal government can do better. the washington post reports that ryan plan is so bipartisan it doesn t sound like he s running in 2016. democrats remain skeptical with the top democrat chris hole less than calling rhode island ya ry ryan s change in tone we. good morning. i think we may get more of the same today. we have a goods number due for the market. we ll take a close look for that. it s been the earnings that have taken some of the momentum out of stocks this week. amazon disappointed. the loss wider than the market expecting. amazon saying it s done to the fire phone and tv shows. they are investing money which is maybe the earnings don t look so strong. gm disappointed a little. 80% drop in the second quarter. concerns about that. i want to move you on and quickly talk about walmart. the u.s. ceo of the business bowing out. he s replaced by the ceo for asia. and it s sluggish sales that are taking that toll on this business. it s just been a period of pain in terms of the quarrelly earnings from walmart. we see bill simon checking out. back to you. jeff, thank you, sir. have a great weekend. ! we ll tell you what nfl punishment was handed down to ray rice following a domestic violence arrest over the off season. how does he do it? the 6-year-old puts all skaters to shame. that s ahead in the cooler for you. look at this guy! whoa! that story and a check on weather when way too early. comes right back. finally conformation. after days of rumor, hudson s publicist acknowledging he has aids. and has known it for more than a year. turn around! every now and then i get a little bit tempted by the chocolate all around turn around brian! this bar has protein oh yeah! [ female announcer ] fiber one. i want to, first off, apologize to, you know, steve, and coach harbaugh, you know, and also, apologize to my fans, to the kids, to everyone who was effected, you know, by this situation that me and my wife were in. failure is not getting knocked down. it s not getting up. all right. maybe an appropriate choice of words from runningback ray rice at the may press conference. the nfl handed down the judgment on rice off season domestic violence incident. the ruling left so the critics scratching their head. he was suspended two games by commissioner roger goodell for violating the league s personal conduct policy. the runningback was arrested for an incident in an atlantic city hotel. he was dragging his unconscious fiancè following an alleged altercation. he hasn t served any jail time. they have now married. john harbaugh reacted to the suspension. it s not a big deal. it s just part of the process. we always said from the beginning that the circumstances would determine the consequences. there are consequences when you make a mistake like that. ray is a heck of a guy. he s done everything right since. he makes a mistake. all right. he has to pay a consequence. it s good for kids to understand that way. goodell fined rice $500,000. some are saying the fine and suspension not going far enough. players who test positive for substance abuse or drugs receive a four-game suspension. the suspension increases to eight games for second offenses. and some are comparing rice s spunishment to that handing down to vikings specialty coordinator who was suspended for three weeks for making home phobic remark. is rice s two game suspension fair or got off too easy? too easy! tweet me, bill. i m sorry. #way too early. we re going to put this one later up in the show. i m sorry i m taking it out on you. january has upset me today and i m taking it out on you. i shouldn t. i don t blame you. we turn to baseball news. half the season over now the detroit tigers are looking on the odds on favorite in the american league thanks in part to this man. max scherzer. he struck out 11 batters over 7 innings. he also got some help from his defense. in the seventh a deep fly ball to center field. here we have austin jackson there to make the catch! look at that! tigers go on to win it 6-4. detroit is seven games out front. the kansas city royals are playing the indians. game 0-0-into the eighth. we get one to the left field. ryan raeburn can t come up with a catch. no big deal. throw it back. raeburn loses the grip and tossing it into the outfield. that would be an important run. in the 14th inning game tied at 1-1 royals win. now we go to the cubs-padres game. it was an adventure for ryan sweeney in the outfield. take a look. 3-2 is lionel s slip out there. he caught it. most guys wouldn t choose to play it this way. that was an imimpressive play by ryan sweeney. hanging in there! nice catch but the cubs lose 13-3. that s the highlight there. let s get a check on the weather. nbc meteorologist bill karins. the network provides a counselor. we need a mediator. i m mad at jen today. she didn t laugh at my joke. there s nothing but love all the time. too soon. too soon. see? c block. c block. we ll make up by then. we ll leave the audience begging for more. good. bill? now we re even. she laughs at everything, too. i know. i even asked for the laughter. let s talk about your forecast for the upcoming weekend. yesterday morning at 8:30 in the morning of all times. coastal virginia, you dealt with a tornado. unfortunately it was a deadly tornado. two people died in a tent when a tree fell on top. imagine you re camping in a campground. a morning thunderstorms comes flup the least you re thinking about is a tornado. you run in your tent. unfortunately two people died. it was a serious situation. it wasn t a strong tornado. it goes to show you take every single storm seriously and try to get to a shelter. and obviously, has to be a sturdy shelter. it was yesterday at 8:30 in the morning. this morning we have thunderstorms rolling from minneapolis, saint paul. the storms are about ready to roll through the thunder and lightning. cedar rapids and des moines are done. we have storms. and chicago has a chance for them today. maybe in florida and your typical afternoon storm. it ll be a hot day from areas from denver to dallas. phoenix yesterday was 116 for a record high. today 111. and talk about beautiful friday. you can get away with not working and going to the beach on the east coast. gorgeous. slight chance as a storm on saturday. it gets hotter. another decent weekend. we ve had a string of east coast weekends that have been we re on nine or ten in a row. coming up we re going live to the middle east with a report from ayman mojadidi whether hope remains for a ceasefire. we ll switch gears when we come back to the water cooler. these actors have millions of youtube viewers. what got them there. never go to break angry if you re a tv couple. you can t go to break angry. awe! hey. i m ted and this is rudy. say hi rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] i d do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. that s why i m so excited about these new milk-bone brushing chews. whoa, i m not the only one. it s a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. clinically proven as effective as brushing. ok, here you go. have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth? the twist and nub design cleans all the way down to the gum line, even reaching the back teeth. they taste like a treat, but they clean like a toothbrush. nothing says you care like a milk-bone brushing chew. 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i exercise control in all things, miss steele. must be really boring. that s just a preview, thomas. it looks steamy and really good. you can catch the full two 1/2 minute trailer online. we have to wait for valentine s day. it s a good buildup. you know limbo. you have to maneuver yourself under a pole. you get low. i m not very good at it. is that mika punching you? li . this 6-year-old put generations of limb po to shame. he wants to be the world s first top limbo scaper. skated under 39 cars while five inches off the ground. they have yet to verify the claim. he s an incredible talent. the world s first limbo skater under 6 years old. that s amazing. that s unbelievable. now let s go to a photobomb to end all photobombs. the vail began hockey player is jade taylor caught a selfie. take a look at the smiling face behind them. that s queen elizabeth. taylor tweeted out the photograph yet wit with #royalty #she even smiled! and #amazing. i can t believe that. that s i think that might be better than ellen s oscar selfie. those are lucky young ladies. they win social media for the year with that. last but not least, i want to congratulation you on your award for an outstanding tv journalism segment on reporting of gay rights. here is a picture of the interns presenting you with the trophy. it s an honor to have an opportunity to work with a reporter of your caliber, thomas. it s great work. i m proud! on a serious note you re too nice. it s a bill humbling honor. all the folks on my team that i used to work with. it s for all of them, too. that s a great honor. i thank the folks at glade. i thank you, sir. earlier in the show we asked you raven s player ray rice s two game suspension fair? we have some of the responses. good morning. our viewers were vocal this morning what they think of ray rice. i m a ravens fan. i understand peopling think it s too lenient. as much as it pains me i agree. ray rice said he should donate the checks to the battered women clinic. it s a good idea with the fine facing him. coming up next stories we ll be talking about ahead. morning joe moments away. honey, look i got one to land. uh-huh there s good more. honey, look at all these smart rewards points verizon just gave me. ooh, you got a buddy. i m like a statue. i just signed up and, boom, all these points. .and there s not-so-good more. you re a big guy. oh no. get the good more with verizon smart rewards and rack up points to use towards the things you really want. now get 50% off all new smartphones. nineteen years ago, we thought, wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad? so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie s list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. it s the yoplait greek taste-off and we are asking the music city which 100-calorie strawberry greek yogurt is the next big thing. i m a random lady with a table full of yogurt. want some greek yogurt? 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Transcripts For MSNBCW Jose Diaz-Balart 20140815

police officer who fatally shot michael brown. as i understand you have a copy of the pact police distributed. what can you tell us about that? police distributed a packet of information that the news organization asked for. in here we have a copy of a robbery incident report that is saying that someone who was 6 44 and a black male had stolen cigars from a convenience store. the call went out around 11: 50 p.m. they wepursuing this. there was no direct correlation made to michael brown. the person was wearing a white t-shirt and khaki shorts. police are saying it seems as though police were pursuing the person, the suspect, in a robbery when they came upon michael brown and the fatal shooting occurred. i m confused. if there s no correlation, why mention it? well, they didn t make a direct correlation. there s obviously a correlation in the fact it happened and soon after michael brown was they found michael brown and shot him. i think there is while not being able to make a direct correlation. they never said michael brown is a person who robbed the convenience store. it s pretty clear the officers are saying that he was part of he was someone who may or may not have fit the discrepancies, i guess is the best way i can put it. he s 6 4 and 292 pounds. i m not sure how much michael brown weighed or how big he was. we know he was described as a again gentle giant. i think that s what officers are trying to say. tell me about what we know about the officer who was named in the last couple of minutes. we only know right now that he was a six-year veteran of the police force and he no disciplinary action. we didn t have an age for him as chief jackson was naming the officer, reporters were saying how would was he? they were screaming out other questions. and chief jackson did not answer the questions. he got into his car. his officers started handing out the packets. we only know he was a six-year veteran of the police force and also that he had no disciplinary actions before he shot michael brown. i want to take you to a major picture. there was a major turn in the tone of the protests last night in ferguson. you sent out a tweet saying, quote, i haven t seen a police officer in hours. crowd isn t being disperse d ony people leaving are the tired ones. here is captain ron johnson. i look around and this is my community. these are restaurants i eat at that are boarded up. we re out here protecting citizens, the businesses, but also, protecting rights to the people that are marching. talk to me a little bit about the scene there last night and how different it was compared to the four previous nights. before this before last night there was tear gas, there were bottles being thrown, apparently. there were confrontations with the police. a lot of people are talking about the police. people were angry at the police. yesterday i took a picture of the chief of the st. louis county police taking selfies. the mood was completely different. people were kind of i wouldn t say a block party. they were on message. they were saying don t shoot hands up. it was a jovial scene. not really happy but more free. people were out walking around. i didn t see police officers around at all for at least three hours. people were saying this is us. we want to have our freedom. it was completely calm. there was no violence i saw. it was just a completely different scene. there were no barricades. there were no police officers. even standing around surveying people. it was really people out in the street protesting and having not a good time but a time to express themselves. and i want to take you back. we can t lose sight of the investigation into what happened the day michael was shot. what do we know about the investigation? why was he killed? how was he confronted? what happened? that is actually something we don t really know anything about yet. from my understanding, we were asking we meaning reportings were asking chief jackson the questions. he was not answering the questions. he said he wasn t answering any questions today. so we don t know much attendant. we know that from my understanding it must have happened sometime after 11: 51 a.m. that s when the convenience store was robbed and that s what they said kind of proceeded the event. we only really know that the officers, the convenience store was robbed. that the officers were pursuing someone. probably within an hour they encountered michael brown and he was fatally shot. we don t know how he was shot. the police are saying that there was a confrontation. he was grabbing for an officer s gun. we know that witnesses say he had the hands up and somewhat surrendering. there s two starkly stories here. we don t really have a clarification on what really happened. and we re coming up on a week since it happened. we really do need to see some transparency on what, at least, is going on with the investigation. thank you so much for being with us this morning. missouri governor, jay nixon, who spent the day in ferguson this morning releasing the name of the officer is a step toward transparency. we need to get just nice this case. it needs to move forward in a transparent way. they need to move forward to get justice. there s a lot of guide posts and markers between now and the finish line of what has occurred the start the last weekend in ferguson. we re going to be working hard to keep people together. joining me now is st. louis county naacp member who serves on the organization s national boards of directions. thank you for being with us. how important is it to finally have the name of this officer released? we re coming up on one week since it occurred. it s the first small step we get on the investigation information. it s a small step but it s definitely a step in the direction of justice. one thing that, you know, they owed the family this information. they owed the people of this community this information. to know who this man is that is on the ground so the naacp can do our due diligence and begin speaking with the police department on who this officer was. i know, they say his record was fairly clean. we would like to speak with some of the people on the ground to find out what their reaction is. and had they had any run ins with the officer. what was he known for in the community. what was his particular area of the city of ferguson he commonly patrolled? one thing that has been mentioned as they said that they were going after mr. michael brown because they believed was fitting the zricdescription of young man that maybe stolen items from a local convenient mart. we want to make sure mr. brown was not being profiled. that makes us nervous. yeah, and john, we want to make sure. that s why i asked the top of the show on why mention this incident of the convenience store. what is the correlation. we need to know that answer as well. now i want to kind of bring in to another aspect of this. had is captain ron johnson and the state highway patrol are overseeing the situation in ferguson. it was, boy, what a difference up. a peaceful night of protests last night compared to the violent clashes we saw the nights before. what changed, do you think? you know, i believe that people the governor and folks in charge here begin to have some common sense. you can t treat people like they re prisoners of war. you center to treat them fairly and allow them to exercise their constitutional rights to make their voices heard here on the ground. you ve had a lot of people that are upset here. and so to have military trucks out here, to have assault rifles, you know, that s completely inappropriate and completely out of line and completely out of order. i believe i commend mr. johnson for his leadership, for his compassion, and for him stepping up to the plate. for allowing hem to have enough courage to put their father and husband on the frontline to help bring justice to the community. it does it seem like officials and especially state officials kind of took too long to see it was seething and these were real people involved in real emotions expressing real disgust when w wh with what t see? i think it took far too long. i think they began to look at the future political careers and began to figure out if we don t do something about it. it s dead end in for me. politically i think that s what many have began to believe and take look at. and you see on the ground now when they saw national media. people like your network that are really painting the picture and painting details. they re beginning to realize it s a very, very serious situation. it brings into real questions where we need to go from here. president obama weighed in yesterday. here is part of what he said. it s important to remember how it started. we lost a young man, michael brown, in heartbreaking and tragic sinces. he was 18 years old. his family will never hold michael in their arms again. where do we go from here? what is the next step and what do we expect for the next days and weeks? i think you ll have people that are upset but people that will be relieved to some extent to know that law enforcement feels the pressure from the naacp, the pressure from national leaders and the media they can t hold the details in. it s information that these people on the ground are entitled to. what we have to do is hold local law enforcement, the governor, leadership here, to the fire to keep these people with the details coming. and to develop some type of plan from what i understand here by being on the ground the ferguson police department was on and off. whether it was going to be announced this morning or what time. it was unacceptable. we have to have a clear plan on the ground how the information is going to be communicated. because people can t afford to play the ring around the rosie here. john gaskin. thank you. we ll have more on ferguson later. come up we ll turn overseas there s a change at the top as iraq s divisive leader finally steps aside. can a new prime minister actually bring peace and help knock out isis? and ebola, treatment centers are filling up faster than they can be opened. why officials say the ebola outbreak in west africa may be far worse than the numbers show. and that became our passion. to always build something better, airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. that redefine comfort and connect the world like never before. after all, you can t turn dreams into airplanes unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don t settle for anything less. i ll keep asking. what s in your wallet? you ve been working like a dog if yall year.e me, but you don t need to camp out til labor day to reward yourself. mattress discounters labor day sale is on now! rest those tired bones on a queen size serta mattress and box spring set. right now, they re just $397. get 48 months interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. not to labor the point, but this sale won t last long. mattress discounters ukraine border tension, the gaza truce holds, and ebola warning. expecting a russian aid convoy. the ukrainians wants to make sure it s not a reduce to get military help. meanwhile nato said it s investigating witness reports that at least 23 russian military vehicles crossed over into ukraine overnight. this morning israeli tanking standing by as an extended truce continues to hold. the five day cease-fire is raising hopes that the longer term solution could be in the works as israeli and palestinian officials continue to talk in cairo. meanwhile more tension between president obama and israeli prime minister benjamin net ja hoo. according to reports they talked on the phone wednesday in what was described as a combative conversation. the president reaffirming support for the mediation efforts and stressed the importance of achieving a lasting outcome. the world health organization warning the deadly ebola outbreak may be far worse than they thought. it killed more than a thousand people so far. world health officials say they see evidence the number of reported cases and deaths, quote, vastly underestimates the magnitude of the outbreak. a short time ago doctors without borders said it will take six months to bring it under control. a first visit to south korea in a quarter century. urging koreans to pray and work for reunification. a mass attended by 50,000 people. the pope told the koreans they should aim to reunite as one family. korean war from 1950 to 1953 ended in armed truce leaving north korea and south korea in a state of war. for the big development out of iraq new prime minister is urging iraqis to unit in the face of the growing threat by islamic terrorists. today is his first full day on the job after the em battled nuri al maliki finally bowed to international pressure to resign after two terms. yesterday president obama spoke of his support for the new prime minister but signal nod change in the limited military mission in iraq. let s bring in former white house middle east policy adviser and ambassador mark begginsburgd bobby ghosh. ambassador, what do we know about the new prime minister? what is the challenge ahead for him? jose, good morning. it waser deputy speaker of the iraqi parliament. it s not been a man who rocked a lot of waves, so to speak. it s been a function more or less what i call the elder political statesman. he s a consensus figure. after all, how could you possibly come up with anyone who wasn t a consensus figure among these factions. whether or not, hour, i had has the talent, the leadership capability to achieve what is certainly reunification of the country remains to be seen. and bobby, the president s critics say that the formation of a more inclusive government should pave the way for the obama administration and provide full support. what is the challenge for the president in terms of dealing with a new prime minister and in terms of our military policy? it s the same challenge for iraqis. met him several times in iraq when he was a sort of low level functi function. the fact he s not maliki is a good thing. it s words remembering he has almost an identical background as maliki. he s a religious shia that comes from a par his track record is not deep enough for us to know. this is something the white house will be paying close attention to. is he going to the figure who yooi unites. if there is division in baghdad, it s not going to be enough unless there s united consensus government in baghdad. and ambassador, the president has a major bridge to gap. not just the one that bobby was talking about but his own intelligence warning the grave threat by isis. our current strategy won t do anything to neutralize the threat in the long-term. how does he navigate this? the president has to make a decision whether or not his strategy of no boots on the ground and no coalition is going to do what is essentially the biggest problem here. remember, jose, on the day we were all captivated by the humanitarian crisis of the yezi yezidi, the president was on the phone with the kij of jordan who called to appeal for help against isis. the other thing we have to understand is the again side that captured the attention of the american people is going on against shiites, christians in northern iraq that are right now under the suffering arm or brut of isis. i think it comes down to a fundamental question. does the president have the foreign policy management capability of forming a coalition of countries in the region who have to take on isis. where are the arab states? this caliphate has to be destroyed. isis has to be rolled back. it can t be dependent ultimately on the political condition of what results itself in baghdad. ambassador, i m so glad you mentioned that. where are the arab states that are being threatened? we have lebanon being threatened, we have jordan being threatened. where is the rest of the arab world saying we need to unite and support a battle against isis. e.u. foreign ministers are meeting to coordinate the strategy in providing arms to the kurds. where do our european allies fit? as they have been for several years now. they re waiting for us to lead. the europeans are long on words and short on action in that part of the world. they wouldn t arm the kurds until the united states went first. they will not get involved in anything more substantiative than that until the united states goes first. if anybody is going to lead, this coalition is going have to the united states. because, frankly, nobody else is even interested in taking the job. bobby and mark, thank you. coming up we ll head back to ferguson. we learned a little while ago the name of the officer who fired the shots that kyle e kil michael brown. and many questions still to be answered. possible connection to a robbery that night? a whole lot more. we ll be right back. time for your business entrepreneurs of the week. 45 years ago, the wood stock music festival shook up the nation and changed the cultural landscape. today on main street in wood stock, much of the spirit lives on in the small businesses. from peace, love, & cupcakes to a hippie hotel turned music studio. for more watch your business sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc. if i can impart one lesson to a new business owner, it would be one thing i ve learned is my philosophy is real simple american express open forum is an on-line community, that helps our members connect and share ideas to make smart business decisions. if you mess up, fess up. be your partners best partner. we built it for our members, but it s open for everyone. there s not one way to do something. no details too small. american express open forum. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. 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(vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it s not just a sedan. it s a subaru. sflnchts we head back to ferguson, missouri. we are learned the name the police officer involved in the deadly shooting of michael brown. ron allen was at the press conference just recently finished. what do we know about the officer and what the connection may be to a robbery mentioned by the police chief this morning, ron? well, we know he s a six-year veteran of the force. police say he had no disciplinary actions taken against him at the time. we don t know much more. we know there was robbery that happened at the convenience store somewhere near here, and the officer came into the area when he heard radio transmission describing a suspect. we don t know what the description was exact i had. michael brown was enkourntsed by the officer a half mile from where the robbery had taken place. what that suggests is that when the officer stopped michael. and listen to some of the initial reaction here to some people that is going to sound like racial profiling. that s what some of the immediate reaction from some people was when they heard the police describe the sequence of events. these are people who are listening what was going on. they re impoem true demonstrations that happen all the time. we re trying to gauge and measure what the wide reaction is to this police are trying to do this in the name of honest, openness, and transparency. ron, what do we know about the next steps as far as the investigation and what we ll get more information on the investigation. other than this police name, policeman s name we know very little about what is happening as far as the investigation. indeed. we know couple of things. we know the authorities have spoken with the young man who was michael brown at the time of this incident. we know that the police in ferguson and the county police have been reaching out trying to have conversation with michael brown s family to try as a way of reconciling things. but you re right. we don t know a lot about the forensics of the case. we don t know a lot about other witnesses who have been identified. but we know from statements bit governor and others here, that this is getting a lot of attention from a lot of people at the highest levels of government in this state. if not this country. the justice department is also very involved. eric holder made a statement yesterday saying there was going to be thorough civil rights investigation of the matter. you heard the president express his concern about things yesterday. so, again, there have been some report that they may be nearing the end of the investigations. we don t know that to be true. the prosecution are urging them saying we want to do it right but the community wants answers now. thank you for the live report. i want to bring congressman james clyburn. he s been looking very closely at this and i m sure that he may have some historical speperspece on this. what is your overall reaction. we re seeing now there s drip, drip, drip of information coming out this morning. we find out the name of the police officer this morning. what is your reaction of what has been happening in ferguson over the course now, almost a week? i ve been hurt by all of this. a lot of us have been saying for some time now there s a certain amount of retrenchment taking place in the country. those of us who are products of the 1960 and 50s for that matter, really, really were hopeful we put things like this behind us forecast. but we noticed the recent supreme court decisions recent efforts at the state and local levels to turn the clock back on voter participation and other kinds of suppressive legislation designed to suppress a group of people. people tend to reaction to the reactions. i was not a good physics guy but i understand the principles. people are reacting to the show of force, the disrespect that seems to be prevalent there in the community. it didn t start with this. this seems to have been going on for some time. people of color running and being defeated by racialized voting. some of this must be laid at the doorsteps. those interested in this. i ve been talking with the chair of the congressional black caucus, we re begin to look into what the congressional black caucus c cauc caucus can do at the local level. going in there and probably having some discussions with local communities. helping them understand the relationship between the extreme they get from elected officials and their participation in the electorial process. that participation seems to be very low in that area. the people there for some strange reason they re not participating. we have to do something about that. we re not going to solve these problems if we stay out of the arena. you couldn t have said it any more eloquently. people in a democracy need to participate in order for their voices to have more weight. the question is, i would like your thoughts on this. i see as though it takes someone to die before that local community that has a suffering they re dealing with. it takes someone to die in order to have the national discourse. that s what it seems. i was thinking this morning about all the rhetoric about being tough on crime. there s one thing to be tough on crime. i m tough on crime. but there s something else to be death on blacks. that is what seems to be happening. when i think about the choke hold up in new york. a guy crying out for 10 or 11 times that i can t breathe and three or other people piled on top of him. the police officer could not find the wisdom to stop choking the guy until he could not breathe anymore. to me, that s deliberate. and we have to look at this. a lot of bad people carrying badges. most of them are good people. and i support police officers, but we ve got to find a way to weed these people out. i m glad that the name has now come forward, because we need to know whether or not this guy was acting the way he acted before or whether or not this is some kind of a pattern. or just something that happened. all of these things we ve got to take into account we cannot let ferguson be just another statistic. we have to get involved. hopefully it will jump start a movement. that will have people all over this country taking a hard look at their communities, the treatment they re getting from elected officials and whether or not that is going to start them participate at the level as we go forward. congressman clyburn, thank you so much for your time this morning. i want to stay on the issue of justice. i want to you to sense sway will. there are new twists and delays in lopez. lopez has been behind bars for nearly six months accused by the venezuelan government for inciting violence and anti-government protests in february. the latest delay in the trial came this week when the judge once again rejected evidence and several witnesses in the defense wanted to present. today lopez and his lawyers are waiting to hear if the decision is even legal. lopez supporters say all of this is just more proof that you can t gate fair trial in venezuela. the next scheduled date of court is 28th of august. joining me now is the first cousin of lopez. thank you for being with us. thank you for having me, jose. as you know, human rights activists around the world have been closely watching the case. lopez himself is calling, quote, an execution wall. what is your reaction to the court once again banning the defense evidence for the second time now. not allowing the press in there. not allowing reports out of there. what is your reaction to this? well, this case from the very beginning, they started off by accusing him of murder and accusing of him of terrorism. then they ratcheted back the accusations after they looked at the evidence and realized there is no evidence of that. if anything, there s evidence of lopez going on taking microphone and calling for nonviolent conflict. calling for peaceful protest. we saw the images in missouri about people marching. that s lopez called for. protest marches against the government. people should have a right to protest. in venezuela it lands you in jail and kangaroo court where there is no independence and the court follows the dictates of the president. that s going on in the case of lopez. now the government insisted that lopez and other 0 suggestion leaders are waging a war. they want to kill the president and topple a democratically elected government. there s no evidence that people are plotting to kill him. they re continually bringing out the fake plots. under chavez they accused people of plotting to kill the president it s smoke screen. imagine, again, in a country like the united states people said that anyone and everyone who is protesting in ferguson, missoouri for a redress of their grievances is plotting to destroy the governorship or lotting to go against certain political leaders. it s a smoke screen to cover up the fact that venezuela dissented into a dictatorship and being run by people despite sitting on masses and mass of oil wealth have lead the country into poverty. where is the money? venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the globe yet there s no toilet paper in the government said what they inherited was a zaster from the rich people that kept the money and didn t give it to the poor. that s a very good red herring. they ve had 15 years of government. when they came into government, the price of oil was $7 a barrel. while they ve been in government the price of oil has gone from $100 to $150 a barrel. the idea they have not had enormous amounts of income is absolutely absurd. where that money is is simple. a lot of is in switzerland. a lot is in american bank accounts being held by cronies of the government. a lot has been handed out and dolled out as bribes to member countries. chavez gave away, for instance, $100 billion in foreign aid. this wasn t foreign aid. i m going give you some so you vote for me. you some so whenever some comes up you vote in our favor. they spent a lot of money buying favor abroad. the poor of venezuela suffered the most who were promised an revolution and the increase in livelihood and standard of living. and who, in fact, received a situation where you can t buy toilet paper. you can t get sugar. you can t get flour. you have to be in line for hours to get the most basic needs. this is supposed to be a government of the people. thank you so much for being with us this morning from los angeles. coming up with ferguson under a spotlight, we re going to talk about the militarization of police departments across the country. amid this morning s new developments in the shooting death of michael brown. here i am. rock you like a hurricane fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. just you.with the when gray creeps in do you lose it all? 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joining me now to discuss is msnbc contributor victoria francesca desew to. how does it relate to what it boung in ferguson? it likens to the fact that when you all is a hammer everything else looks like a nail. and because we ve seen the beefing up of local police forces with the heard ware since the late 1990s, we see this shift in mentality. but let me take it a step back, jose. really, the shift in mentality started in the late 60s, 70s with nixon s war on drugs. just that word war on drugs. we re talking about a shift starting with nixon going on to reagan, and then we see because of afghanistan and iraq all of this surplus hardware feed into the mentality we need to think of it as a war zone. stuff we see happening abroad. it s the change in mentality together with the hardware. victoria, it s the war on drugs. it s not just a reagan and nixon creation. every single administration has more or less been on the same pain on this. yes. i want to ask you this. the fact is that when the police have found more and more throughout cities in this country that sometimes they deal with criminals that are better armed than them, is it not incumbent upon police departments to better prepared to deal with whatever may be out there. it s a different question than in ferguson. in ferguson it was never an issue. in general terms, isn t it something that needs to be considered? it is, jose. and the devil is in the details. it s what is the right amount? because obviously you want your police force to be able to protect your community as best possible. but at the same time you don t want to trigger a backlash from the community. really what we have seen is the key to good police work is community policing. it s engajting the folks who live there in helping them patrol your community. if the community doesn t trust the police force because they re armed to the teeth and every time there s an incident, they bring out the tanls and the military hardware. then you have this vicious cycle of both the community and the police not negotiating, not discussing with each other. we saw it in ferguson when there was a stand off with the police. the community got very angry and we saw the cycle. but once we saw the police force tamped it down. the community also became more engaged. so it s about the vicious versus the virtuous cycle. and objects matter. if you re going on the street and you re protesting and upset and vociferous, that does notelessly equate with police having to come out with assault weapons. but i want to and you re talking about how things changed. how things have changed in just 24 hours on this story. in ferguson, i mean, we were showing pictures monday, tuesday, wednesday, that could have been i don t know some encounter in some middle east country or syria or something. now we re showing totally different pictures of how different it was. look at wednesday night versus thursday night. 24-hours and it looks like two different universes away. objects matter. and you know saying in spanish. when people die a lot they understand each other. the first couple of days we had a standoff. we had people glaring each other in the eye but not necessarily talking or dialoguing. the shift came last night when we started seeing community members and the police force talking to each other. so representative clyburn earlier said maybe something good will come of this. i also believe the silver lining to this is that the community will become more engaged. also, top down the police forces will say, you know, we have to open ourselves up more to listening not just being that law enforcement presence. but engaging the community. you re absolutely right. it s important to talk but also important to vote and make a difference in a democracy. you need to participate. if you re not happy with your elected officials do something about it via the democratic vote. victoria defrancesca soto, thank you. coming up we ll head back to ferguson where police have named the officer but there may be more questions than answers. we ll be right back. armin ultrag cleans so much better it meets even the highest standards of clean. with a soft duraclean texture, charmin ultra strong is 4 times stronger. and you can use up to 4x less. charmin ultra strong. moderate to severe is tough, but i ve managed. i got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. when i finally told my doctor, he said my crohn s was not under control. he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn s disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. if you re still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. revolutionary by every standard. and that became our passion. to always build something better, airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. that redefine comfort and connect the world like never before. after all, you can t turn dreams into airplanes unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. 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