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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20180728 05:00:00

gone through in the book ship of fools. stay cheerful. it s our duty. see you monday. sean: welcome to hannity. great news for the united states of america. the economy is booming after months of projections, the second quarter gdp numbers are officially in with over 4% growth. in other words our economy is now moving at its fastest pace in four years. in moments we will explain what this means for you and highlight the president s historic economic track record that the rest of the media and the democrats are ignoring and the days of obama s pathetic economic stagnation are now officially over. today i interviewed the president about the roaring economy. and so much more. we ll play the highlights, plus
Commentary, newsmaker interviews and panel discussions.
officially announced that the second quarter gdp grew at a whopping pace of 4.1%. that s double the average yearly growth under obama. under obama they nearly even made 3%. the first u.s. president in u.s. history not to have at least a growth. this is a key piece of an american economy that is now booming. everywhere you turn. the overall unemployment rate now is 4%. a 17-year low. to put it in perspective the average unemployment rate under obama, 7.4%. under president trump african-american unemployment is now at its lowest rate ever. 6.5%. record low hispanic unemployment rate at 4.6%. women in the work force lower at 4%. and by the way, 14 states have record low unemployment. consumer confidence at a 17 year
high. homeownership rate up. the amount of americans on food stamps is down by millions and now there are literally more jobs available in america than there are people on unemployment. an economic miracle turnaround. and we re negotiating better trade deals all over the world. no trade wars including this week when president trump and the head of the european union agreed to push for zero tariffs barriers and subsidies between the two trading partners. just a short time ago, under obama he gave us 13 million more americans on food stamps, 8 million more americans in poverty. the worst homeownership rate in 51 years. the worst recovery since the 40s and took on more debt than any every other president before him combined. on my radio show president trump
very large chunks. it will go quickly. sean: bad news for the media and democrats. they want their power back. the more successful america is, the chances of them getting power back is reduced every day. the huge quarterly gdp growth is great news for every american. not only does this prove that tax cuts have worked and always work. but it is also clear evidence of the president keeping his promises. something that s rare in washington to you the american people. important to keep in mind. we are approaching the most important mid-term elections in our country s history as far as i am concerned. by the way, steve bannon will talk about it later. but without a doubt, democrats will be up to the same predictable old dirty tricks and tactics. it doesn t matter what the economy is doing. they want you to believe the republicans are monsters. they are racists and sexists and
xenophobic and homophobic and they want to breathe dirty air and water and throw granny over the cliff and kill children. i asked the president about that is so much more. here s his answer. the democrats want to raise everybody taxes. they want too give back these massive tax cuts that we got and reforms that are so good for everybody. but the tax cuts. they want to raise people s taxes and open up borders. they want to get rid of ice. i mean the things they re doing are so destructive. we won t have a country. sean: they want their crumbs back. they want open borders and obamacare and impeach you and stop all investigations into deep corruption. the president is right an ahead of the mid-terms it is very clear that the left, they really have no plan to improve the lives of oh, the forgotten men and women. we lived eight years under
testing, no more. so many things have changed. one thing all of their propaganda material which has been up for years, the signs and the music, it s all stopped. it s all been taken down. so many positive things have happened. and you know, we have time. there s no rush. i told my people, don t rush. we have sanctions on. we haven t taken any sanctions off. i look forward to the time when we do take the sanctions off. when that happens a lot of good things will have happened on the other side. sean: he is not trying to bribe a dictator. this is more tangible progress. the president s diplomatic efforts with little rocketman, kim jong-un and at the very least an important moment for those who lost loved ones in the korean war. and negotiations to denuclearize the korean peninsula continue. we ll update you on everything that has transpired. no rockets fired since december over japan.
you say i want this president to succeed because i want my country to succeed. i don t feel that from the democratic party. they are not happy today about the gdp members. they would applaud if the president stumbled on the sidewalk. i think, sean, there is a hatred of donald trump that is something that is almost unprecedented. it s extraordinary. how people are actively rooting if the president and the presidency to fail. i think it s selfish and narcissistic. it s so pedestrian and partisan. it really is one reason politics has such a foul stench. i think the president could help himself more. you started the program with the great economic numbers. the thing about the economic number, a rising tide is lifting all ships, americans are doing better than ever, wages are going up. more jobs than people seeking jobs.
but at its core, this is also a tremendous civil rights movement by president trump. sean: bingo. he is doing more for the inner city than all of the liberals and the wishy-washy socialism. and all the rest of it. black unemployment historic lows. hispanic unemployment at historic lows. were i on the president s team. i would say, this is what you focus on. say this every day. we are not getting nuked from north korea. look what we are doing for the cities, look what we re doing for the constituencies that voted for my opponent. we are doing more than all of the liberal programs combined. sean: geraldo is right on the money but, judge, i ve said if the president cured cancer at this point, seriously, i really believe it if the president cured cancer and gave every american $30 million, the media and democrats would still hate this guy. if he adopted their agenda that failed they would still hate
him. there is no question that the hatred towards this president is unparalleled in american history. there is not one metric that has suffered under this president. we are better off in every possible metric. i remember when president obama said all manufacturing jobs are a thing of the past. now we have 400,000 new manufacturing jobs in this country. we now have unemployment and i won t repeat all of the good things that have been said. here s the truth. geraldo says the president should talk more about the civil rights issue, helping the people who have been forgotten. the truth is he could talk about it from the highest mountains and the press would not report it. but the american people instinctively understood that this was a man, this donald trump who had never run for any office in his life, instinctively understands the plight of the hard-working
american man and woman. we gave him a chance to use his words. we had nothing to lose. every metric has improved. every day he takes in coming and every day i realize more than ever, this man is a force of nature. he can handle anything and keep fighting for us. sean: geraldo this is a really good point. every election it s the same thing from the democrats. racist, sexist. homophobic, xenophobic, islamaphobic, throw granny over the cliff and scare america. give me one idea that democrats besides impeachment and keeping obamacare and they want their crumbs back. one idea that would deserve us to go back to what? obama s 13 million additions to food stamps and 8 million more in poverty? what are they offering? well, medicaid for everybody. which is a wonderful idea.
public sean: we could pay for that too. free college for everybody. sean: free housing, free daycare, free, free, free. the apparent nominee for the democratic congressional seat in the bronx and queens, ms. ocasio-cortez, her platform is wonderful. it spells out a utopian socialist universe. the reality, going back to what i said, is capitalism is the best engine for lifting people out of poverty and into the middle classes and beyond. you have to stress those things. i think it s sophomoric of us to avoids the fact that a lot of the hatred directed at president trump, some is self-inflicted, but a lot of it also is the fear. you remember the huge demonstrations the day after the inauguration by women wearing pink hats everywhere. their problem was the fear that
the president would curtail the rights granted under roe v. wade. it s a sticky subject and you don t want to hear the other side of it. one advantage at fox, i respect your point of view on that. but i can t say that is generally held and there s a fear that the president sean: this is we ve become best friends and we disagree. we ll go out and have a drink and a bite to eat and argue but we re friends. because i believe in the sincerity. sean: you want the country to be better. absolutely. sean: and judge, that s missing everywhere. i ve seen such a level of dishonesty. they won t focus on the news channels about all of this success. we re changing the forgotten men and women that have left
behind are now getting more opportunity than they ever had. and i m a guy that started as a dishwasher. i identify with that, with people that are struggling. i struggled for 20 years of my life. 25 years. well, when you talk about, geraldo, i was in that march in washington. thank goodness, there were two navy seals with me, retired. at the least, i was protected. but the hate was palpable. when i asked people in that parade or the march or protest what they were protesting, they just hated donald trump. female unemployment, you talked about at the top of the show, it s at 4%. you look at ivanka trump. this woman spent her adult life trying to promote women as entrepreneurs. sean: and look at how they treat her and baron and the grand-daughter of the president. that s right. all of them.
but look, here s the bottom line. america s better off, the left is trying to shut down the right. i ve had my own experiences with it. they call me a fascist. the fascism is when there is only one way of thinking and everyone else has to be shutdown. sean: last word, geraldo? i think what happened to ivanka and her decision to give up her businesses is shameful. she and her husband worked so hard for free, for the country. and for people to attack their buses by sabotage the way they have i think is really, really regrettable. sean: some people work in washington. will pay more money to lawyers than they get paid. judge jeannine tomorrow night. when we come back, former trump white house strategist and the rest of my exclusive interview with roseanne barr. strategist rest of my exclusive interview with roseanne barr. as people who love the outdoors,
plus, come in today and ask about xfinity mobile. a new kind of wireless network designed to save you money. visit your local xfinity store today. we are on track to hit the highest annual average growth rate in over 13 years. an i will say this right now and i ll say it strongly as the trade deals come in one by one we re going to go a lot higher than these numbers and these are great numbers. once again, we are the economic envy of the entire world. when i meet the leaders of countries, the first thing they say invariably, is mr. president, congratulations, nice to meet you, congratulations on you economy. since i was elected we added 400,000 new manufacturing jobs. that was the obsolete deal.
why is it obsolete? we have to make things. manufacturing jobs are among our best jobs and we re just getting started. sean: that was president trump earlier today going over what is a remarkable economic story. since he has taken office these unprecedented numbers are sure to help republicans. 101 days away from what i call the most important mid-term election in our lifetime. breitbart came out with today a list of seats that the gop must maintain and hold to maintain their majority. joining us now, former trump strategist steve bannon. this is battle 2018. they want to get their crumbs back and impeach the president and keep obamacare and cover up
the corruption to steal the election. a lot at stake. sean, you said it s the most important mid-term. i would rephrase that. i think is president trump s first re-elect. it s a referendum on the trump presidency. they are very focused. the opposition will be very focused on trying to win the house of representatives and try to win congress to impeach trump and stop the entire progress whether it s the economic growth or his america first national security or southern border security. you pick it. they re going to try to unwind it. this is really i mean, the democrats go it one thing, they got a do over. this is november, 100 days and a wake up we re going to have essentially a national election and that s going to determine the second half of the first term of president trump and i think 2020. people ask me about 2020, right now we re going to have a
referendum. and i m going to tell everybody, the way to win this is exactly like we won in 2010, you have to go door to door, ring doorbells, do voter registration drives. president trump has delivered on the action. now it s time for the populous movement, conservative everybody that turned out in 2016 you have to do it all over again. or the first action they re going to take is to try to impeach president trump. sean: i went through the numbers. in your old hometown. only 100 seats are really up for grabs. the others are safe. they re not in play. you have 86 of those are republican seats. and you re talking about the republicans have to win 61 of the 86.
so that s a lot and historically and i asked the president about this earlier today on my radio show. historically seats are lost in the mid-term election for the party in the white house. how do people save these 61 seats, plus because i would like to have a comfort margin there. here s what you have to do, we picked up 62 seats in 2010. it s not about money. it s about ideas and turning out votes. president trump has delivered. he said he was going to take action. he took action with the destruction of isis. and look at the economic numbers today. they are unbelievable. and the trade deals, what he s doing is reorienting the world supply chain away from china. he is fully engaged going on china on the economic war they ve had on us. president trump has delivered on judges. everything he has said he is going to do he has down or is in the process of doing.
it s incumbent on everyone who supported him in 2016 this is about the old fashioned way. it s going to be muscle. the opposition is very different than in, 16. hillary clinton s arrogance and cockiness, they missed what we were doing in the upper midwest okay? to really break that blue wall. this time, the time s up movement and the resistance are very focused. they are going door-to-door. everybody who supports president trump has to understand this will be the old-fashioned way. go door-to-door and knock on doors. and get your neighbors to come out. this is all about turnout on november 6. sean: we re calling this bannon battlefield 2018. but next week what we re going to do is name every district and put it up on the screen so the audience can see. here s the thing. because there are some people that rightly will look at their
congressman and they ll say to me and you, hannity, bannon, my congressman s a rhino. my senator s a rhino. you ask me to support this guy? i supported trump but the stakes are so high what they want to do to the trump agenda which is my answer this is a national referendum whether it s a rhino or establishment figure or a congressman or a senator that you don t fully support. that is not the question now. the question is about the trump agenda and about president trump and his agenda. you have to just put sometimes vote for people that you re not totally comfortable with. and that means some establishment figures and some rhinos. it doesn t matter. it s an up or down vote on the trump presidency. if we force everything to november 6th we ll win this. here s the benefit of not having a blue wave. when they don t get the blue
wave they have been selling, they re going to turn on themselves in a civil war in the democratic party and it s going to make 2020 much easier. sean: and it s already developing. just look at the job numbers. put aside the success north korea and yes, we now have remains from that war coming home this very day. no more rockets being fired and a dismantled nuclear test site. jerusalem is the capital and now we have record low unemployment in this country in 14 states for woman in the workforce, african-americans, his tannic-americans and asian-americans and the military that are out of work and millions are off the food stamp rolls with more jobs than people on unemployment. this didn t happen as fast when reagan was president. and i m a reagan conservative. if you look at the actions he
has taken including the judges, it s been nothing short of extraordinary. donald trump is a historic president and a transformational president. if you want to keep it going, that s why this november is not a mid-term election. this mid-term is the first re-elect of donald j. trump. everybody has to put their shoulder to the wheel. it s what we did in august of 2016. we brought the establishment movement together and grass roots conservatives together and against the media and all the money the clintons raised we won and won big in a historic landslide. that can happen again and it will happen again if people start to focus on what november 6th which is a national referendum on the presidency of president trump. sean: we re going to bring you on once a week until election day. steve does not like doing tv. but you think this is so
important. you want to identify. we ll do this next week. we ll identify every single district that s going to matter, where the real well, battle the bannon battle fight of 2018. i think people need to focus on where the battle will take place. people will have to put their shoulder to the wheel. it s game on and we have to leave everything on the field and no tears. i m tired of hearing the whining on our side of the football, this candidate and that candidate. we have to stop whining and get focused on what is needed for a victory. sean: bannon battlefield 2018. next week we define the defining races in this mid-term. when we come back he wants to be the next speaker of the house, jim jordan and why he wants to be speaker and more of my one-on-one with roseanne barr
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sean: yesterday ohio congressman jim jordan announced he is running for speaker of the house. earlier, i sat down with the congressman to ask him why he is running and what agenda he s going to push. take a look. joining us, ohio congressman jim jordan who announce head is running to be the next speaker of the house. welcome for a rare studio appearance. we are 101 days outside of the mid-term elections. i am calling at this time most important mid-term in our lifetime. yes. they want to impeach the president if they win. we have to win. sean: explain. if the democrats get in office they will go after president trump. they went so far left with the social democratic agenda they have. it s critical. here s what is at stake. think about the last year and a half. regulations were due. taxes lower. unemployment lowest in 20 years.
economy is humming. gorsuch on the court and embassy back in jerusalem. out of the crazy iran deal and the hostages back from north korea. and i m forgetting a few things. what is amazing about that list as well is congress only helped a little bit of that. congress has to do a better job. that s i didn t want to be the next speaker of the house. we have to do what we told the american people we would do. delivering on health care, delivering on border security and all the other issues. sean: how did it happen in the middle of the health care debate we discovered there are about 100 house republicans and senate republicans that voted to repeal obamacare in 2015 same bill and they changed when it mattered. six republican senators voted be ernst the exact same legislation they supported before after getting elected and
taking the senate in 14 after winning the white house in 18. we have not delivered on health care reform or welfare reform for able-bodied people and not delivered on controlling spending. that s what we told the american people we would do. sean: but the president on his own has accomplished a lot. he s doing it. sean: why is there this reluctance among some republicans is the president is not the conventional establishment figure? it s icon klaasic, he s bold, he tweets, he calls out fake news. what is it some republicans don t like? it s the town. it s washington. the swamp is the swamp. they don t like donald trump coming in and changing the swamp and the way that town works. there is just this reluctance to ever change even though the american people said in 2010 we re going to put you in charge of congress to go change things.
in 2014 they gave us the senate to say go change things and even though in 2016 they gave us the white house to go change things there is still this reluctance and the president feels it every sinkin day. he is bound and determined to do what he told the american people he would do and the house needs to do the same. we ve done some good things but not near enough. the reform we need to do. like the president has been doing. sean: the house has been doing better than the senate. it sure has. sean: 14 states with record low unemployment. record low unemployment for african-americans and hispanic americans and women in the workplace. and huge massive great economic news. one after the other. you mentioned the foreign policy successes. and i m thinking there s a track record to run on. of course. let s campaign on it and tell the american people you put us back in power in the house of representatives we will do what we said. we will help president trump
accomplish what you told us you wanted to accomplish in 2016 and what we ran on. sean: if you become the speaker. i will support you for speaker. the freedom caucus has been the most committed to fighting for keeping their promises and literally the single biggest group fighting to defend things that are conservative in the country and helped the president the most. we formed our group three years ago. we talked about the countless number of americans who feel like washington forgot them and left them behind. we want to fight for those people. i say this all the time. i say it because i believe it. we make the job of being a member of congress way too complicated. it s simple. what did you tell them you were going to do? go do that and stand up and have the debate. all too often we forfeit even before the debate even happens and the referee blows the whistle we just say we re going to forfeit the game.
let s play the game and wrestle the match. let make it happen. sean: how will you be different? that s simple. the omnibus spending bill. the spending bill we were poised to hold spending down on non-defense spending because chuck schumer shut the government down on friday. over the weekend the american people said you are crazy! on monday he said i will open the government back up. because he was losing in the public relations world. so he opened the government back up. a few weeks later we had a chance on that big spending bill and hold the headline on everything else and what did we do? we said we won t even have the debate. even though we had a guy in the white house great at taking the message to the american people. we just said let s do what we always do, spend more money on everything and the deficit goes up and the debt goes up and the band plays on. sean: and the president is squeezed because he wants the money for the fence.
we sent him a bad bill. sean: jim jordan, good luck. do we know when ryan is leaving? we don t. he said he s going to stay. sean: when we come back, more of my exclusive interview with roseanne barr as hannity continues. chicken?! chicken.
bill marher the stuff he has sad over the years, that are atrocious. if you don t like my show you have the power to turn the dial. we live in an environment where it s not just disagree. disagree and get an opportunity and don t accept the apology and try to destroy the other show. i refuse to be a part of that because i do believe that in freedom of speech, number one. i make my living with it. number two, i do believe people make innocent mistakes. i listened to your background and read all of this stuff about you and your background and your mom and your dad. i want to say i have the best relationship with my mother today. sean: i understand. we ve done the work that needs to be done in my family and i m very proud of that. there is nothing but love. sean: understood. but having multiple personality disorders. that was a tough one. sean: i b.e.t. was.
was that like having voices in your head? no, that s schizophrenia. sean: what do i know? i m not an expert. waking up and noting where you are and how you got there. it s loss of time. sean: just disappeared? yeah. sean: and you were another person and didn t know it. no memory of any of it. when i had it, i had like four prescriptions for glasses. but i did wake up and find myself in unsafe places and didn t know why i put myself there. and that s just terrifying. and i no longer do. that but you know, my whole life i spent like that. one time i woke up in a truck in new york city. sean: i don t think there s one viewer, honestly, that doesn t have a family member, a friend, a neighbor
with mental health issues? sean: i think everybody watching knows somebody. what you just described to me is scary. it was scary. i told abc, i don t feel that i am in a good mentally balanced place. i had been working way too many weeks sean: leading up to this. and going on promotions crossing from ohio to new york and i became ambien dependent. a lot of people had problems with it and i am one of them. i d find a house full of tris cuts and a pound of cheese. sean: you didn t remember when you woke up? i will see it in the kitchen. sean: you would see it and say i must have eaten this? yes, and trying to make brownies. sean: and not remember it? no. till the morning.
but this is like sean: scary. ambien does that to people. sean: you want to do another hour? i forgot. i m sorry. sean: what is next? i told abc, you guys, i will go get my meds checked. sean: you knew were going to a dark place? i knew i wasn t keeping up. you know, i don t absorb vitamins. i found out that i was really depleted. and that affects your mental health. sean: you were doing too much and not getting the time you need i am supposed to go to the hospital every 8 weeks and get infusions because i don t absorb iron and vitamins. i just kept saying, i wanted that show. i wanted a second season so bad that i worked myself almost to the end.
sean: tell me what is next for you? porn. [laughing]. no. sean: really? no, i am kidding. sean: what is next? porn. there s your headline. i love doing my own stuff in my own studio. sean: you want to go back on stage? i want to go back on tour, yes. i want to go on tour and do my standup. i love looking out there. i don t have, like i have a really diverse audience of fans and i m very proud of that. i don t just have i have all kind of opinions and i try to e unify what is universal between all of us. sean: when we come back the video of the day. straight ahead. video of the sta.
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tonight s video of the day is a sneak peek of tmz s harvey levin s interview with alex trebek. on this week s episode of objectified, i always wanted to be alex trebek. i do great at home. anyway, take a look. i absolutely love your show. and one of the things that i always think about when i watch it, i watch you read the answers. and some of them are complicated. do you rehearse these? if there s words that will be difficult to pro to say properly [laughter] i make diacritical remarks so people at home think that oh, gosh, trebek is so bright. sean: harvey and alex on objectified. it s at 8:00 p.m. eastern here on the fox news channel. always fair and balanced. have a great summer weekend. a lot to get back to monday. see you then.

President , Economy , More , Obama , Stagnation , Democrats , Days , Highlights , One , Left , Country , Low

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20180728 09:00:00

The latest news from around the world.
reporter: trump jr. testified he never told his father about the meeting. when asked, did you inform your father about the meeting or prior to the meeting? trump jr. responded, no, i was not. when he was later asked why he didn t share news? i wouldn t tell him anything until i knew what was myself. last year he testified before two congressional meetings. a source familiar tells cnn, he did not testify trump had any advance only in of the meeting. now his attorney rudy guiliani is attacking the credible. man is a liar a proven liar. there is no way you will bring down the president of the united states on the testimony uncorroborated of a proven liar. i germany tee you, this guy is a proven liar. reporter: when just a few weeks ago, guiliani seemed to have plenty of faith in con s truthfulness. if he believes it s in his
reporter: no, they re not. but i think in this sort of lexicon of international diplomacy, which mr. putin who is usually a sticker is referring to tlrk he wants to see progress on what happens what was or ran agreed. he wants to see progress at official levels on for example syria on perhaps cooperation and a number of other areas that were touched on at helsinki, possibly more people getting into the long grass and starting to work out so that when they did have a future summit, there would be something substantive to talk about. that is my interpretation of what those conditions may mean.
but a very interesting development indeed, thank you. now, here s another one involving russia. a u.s. senate democrat says she s the victim of a cyber hack and guess who she blames? russia. senator claire mccaskill who says the attempt was not successful had some strong words for the russian president. we discovered it because microsoft contacted the senate and then the senate personnel let us know. so we have been aware of it for this month. has everyone been made aware? i will not be intimidated. i said many times putin is a thug and a bully and he is somebody who does not allow the people of russia to have freedom. incidents like that are why u.s. president trump held a meeting of the national security council. he received updates about the
media about the relationship between trump and putin. but on the other hand, i think to some extent, president trump looks at other optics, which has to do with his political base. i think there is a broader geopolitical mood going on as well. i think we should try to keep an eye on that, too. because i think u.s. russian relations seen in a broader context then bring in other challenges or peer competitors to the united states like china. i think that may be an area we need to explore somewhat more. president trump talks about the importance of closer ties to russia. do you get a sense, you mentioned a geopolitical move. do you get a sense of what he is really wanting to achieve with a closer tie? it was a very interesting interview with henry kissen ger
in the time s a week ago. he has a particular style and skill where he could do with more work. i think there is an underlying strategy. but his ability to explain it in a matter that might build up a border constituency for it is probably lacking. i do think there is a desire to drive a wedge between russia and china in order to assure the eurasia line mass running through to europe isn t kind of a unified block, which effectively gives transportation, trading and other links, a kind of land route from the far east to what you can call the far west. i think that s a chris him that wants to be exploited. i expect the discussions are, what is the price that president putin may want to extract, in order to be able to sort of cut
loose a bit from china and flow is lost a little bit with the united states. it s so interesting, isn t it? the tracks that you are seeing. we got this track that you are discussion and the track of the russian investigation ongoing and trump s lawyer may be flipping and have some information that perhaps mr. trump did know about that infamous meeting involving russians and that could turn this significantly. could it not? if it is true in. well, absolutely. i think the amount of pressure which is coming from within the kind of beltway politics. this is largely where this remains. i m not sure how vast they are moved by these things, but it is keeping that had minstration under pressure and each side, the republicans and the democrats, are trying to manage the optics of it as well,
neither wants to be seen obstructing justice or impeach president trump, but at the same, each one will keep the other unstable. i think there is a geopolitical chris him there, too much i think there is a disagreement about this broader geopolitical strategy and the degree to which russia is left off the hook in ukraine, georgia and elsewhere. i think there is a disagreement there. and i think this other thing, of course, 2016 and the election and the defeat of the democrats. i think there is still a kind of a desire to continue the strategy of that election by the democrats going into 2020 and blaming external interference plays a domestic function as well. we always appreciate your insights. my goodness, we ll have an opportunity to talk with you again for sure. thank you so much. thank you very much. well, massive wildfires rage in
california, reducing entire neighborhoods to piles of ash. we ll show and we ll talk about where this is happening coming up here. also, u.s. president trump is excited about the latest economic indicators. some think his excitement might be short lived. we ll go beyond the numbers coming up here on cnn newsroom.
house when they moved up from san jose right before i was born. everyone else that helped us put so much work into this house, i can t believe it s gone. you know, all those memories, you know, childhood memories. a victim there of a massive car fire in northern california, since erupting monday, it has consumed 20,000 hectares, 48,000 acres. two people have died, 500 structures destroyed. authorities believe a malfunctioning vehicle started this still out of control fire. california governor has asked president trump to send federal assistance for the communities impacted by the fire. that s just one of self burning in california and elsewhere all around the world. reporter: the devastation is beginning to set in for people
in redding, california the aptly named car fire officials say first sparked by a vehicle has ravaged the region since monday and doubled in side in just the last 12 hours. it s then out a lot. reporter: deadly and out of control, it has charred some 45,000 acres as firefighters try to contain it. wow! reporter: in some areas, the difference of a home spared and scorched is a few feet. we don t know what we re grand jury to do tomorrow, we don t know what we re going to do tonight. reporter: they never imagined they see their fire like this. we didn t think the fire was going to come here so we didn t take things out. like everybody else scrambling at the last minute when we saw the fire on the ridge. reporter: officials say strong temperatures and winds make this fire all the more fee, it is one of three major blazes burning across the state. this is that new normal, that
unpredictability, large growth fires. reporter: sadly scenes like this are the new normal world wide, in greece, experts say extreme summer heat accelerated the fire that turned these iconic white hill sooisd black with ash. the flames rose so quickly, some families rose into the sea for relief. the temperatures were so high, so normal. they could do anything as you can see, houses, cars, everything destroyed. reporter: the greek fires claim more than 80 lives so far, in just the last few weeks, more than 3400 daily high temperature records have been broken or tied, including unprecedented numbers in the north. montreal canada at 82. in sahara desert, they packed at 124 degrees this month. so are we ready for triple digit temperatures and consequences to go from extreme to expected?
if are you in redding, the answer is no. it seems part of my heart is gone. reporter: as can you see the fire continues to smoldner faces and folks are bracing for more potential problems as the area remains under a red flag warning. derek is here to talk more about these fires the two words that stuck out for me in that report are new normal. this is the near normal to that mart of the world. and climate change. even though we can t directly pin these individual events on climate change, what we as meteorologistsed on scientists around the world are recognizing, all these things are occurring more frequently. so the fingerprints there of climate change definitely quite invisible. all right. so let s re-visit the car fire,
because this is just an incredible fire to see burning. this could be your house. this could be my house. anyone watching today, it s difficult to see these fires, especially at night. there is a 30,000 foot plume of smoke that s cast over northern california just from this particular fire that s led to the evacuation of just under 40,000 residents there the california national guard has soldiers and airmen currently fighting the fire. let me take you to another fire just outside of los angeles. this is the cranston fire. could you believe it, authorities believe this was set by an arsonist. look at all the fires approaching these homes. not what we want to see. let s go to the details. you will start to see the three fires a car fire and 5% containment. some better numbers for the cranston fire.
it looks as if firefighters are getting a handle. it is hot. we re talking triple digit heat today. that will last through the course of the weekend. it will make it difficult for the fire to be put out and extinguished. in terms of largest fires, it doesn t register on our top ten list, that puts that into perspective, remember thomas fire in ventura county. that was over 110,000 hectares. there are 89 large wildfires amongst an extreme heat wave that continues. there has been some relief in california. look at the sacramento valley. still we have heat advisorys and warnings. triple digit heat continues and really there is no ryan i sign of letting up from this extreme heat. so, natalie, i m sure you can see where i m going with this,
the fires will endure as long as that red you see on the map continues to build. yeah, absolutely. and our next story illustrates how the extreme heat is affecting all kind of ways of life. extreme heat in southeast england is causing long delays tore people traveling under the channel to france. the brutal heat wave is making things miserable in western uniform it s not letting up. how it also fueled the devastating wildfire in greece and sweden. the fires have gone, but the devastation remains. an eerie silence has fallen in this village where houses once today. now they re just charred remains. nothing was spared, authorities believe arson was to blame. this is the first time so for my service seeing so much
catastrophe from the fire. reporter: as the blaze tore through the coastal village, many sought refuge in the water. many didn t make it. dozens died. almost 200 were injured. i feel a pain in my heart, a very heavy load. a very big burden. reporter: greece is not alone. across europe, tinder dry conditions combined with a scorching heat wave are stretching emergency services to the limit n. sweden a fire front continues to burn out of control even the country s air force has been deployed to help, dropping a bomb to starve a nearby fire of oxygen. it is not something we ve done before, so we have been working closely with the rescue leader. we have done meticulous calculations. germany, too, is dealing with
its own fire, including one that forced the major roadway. amid sweltering temperatures, firefighters in cologne are being used to water the trees. in berlin the water cannon usually reserved for riot control has been brought out. this time, though, it s to keep the heat at bay. erin mclaughlin, cnn, london. we are moving from one extreme to another. japan is bracing for a powerful typhoon that can dump up to 500 millimeters of rain. the storm is threatening to unleash its heaviest rainfall around the region around tokyo. officials warn it could hit the western parts of the country where more than 200 people were killed by deadly flooding and landslides earlier this month. all of this comes while a heat wave grips japan with record
break temperatures. . well, the u.s. economy is skyrocketing. the u.s. president is claiming victory. economists warn what goes up must come down. we ll tell you about their warning, why they think those new numbers may come down in the future. plus, one of the most powerful men in american television is being accused of sexual misconduct the head of cbs responds to the allegations. r mr but one blows them all out of the water. hydro boost from neutrogena®. with hyaluronic acid to plump skin cells so it bounces back. neutrogena® so it bounces back. is this at&t innovations? yeah, wow..this must be for one of our new unlimited wireless plans. it comes with a ton of entertainment options. great, can you sign for this? yeah. hey, uh.. what s in that one? that s a shark.
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live from atlanta. i m natalie allen. firefighters are trying in hot conditions to battle the fire, two people have been killed and it s only 5% contained. the deaths consumed nearly 20,000 hectares, that s more than 48,000 acres. japan is prepare foing for type. the storm expected to hit the region around tokyo the hardest. officials warn it can pass of person japan where more than 200 people were killed by flooding and landslides. on top of all that, they re having a heat wave in japan. chinese president xi jinping is finishing off a trip in south african the leaders there promise more open and multi-lateral trade. they introduced to support the paris climate change agreement.
russian president vladimir putin says he is ready to visit washington. however that invitation has been pushed to next year. he invited the u.s. president to moscow but said any meetings between them must have what he calls necessary conditions. the u.s. economy is firing on all cylinders. the president on friday was very happy to take credit for that. but over shadowing the event is donald trump s denial again he had advanced only in of a 2016 meeting at trump tower between his top campaign advisers and russians. here s more about it from cnn s jeff zeleny. on a sun splashed morning at the white house a cause for celebration. i am clild to announce that in the second quarter of this year, the united states economy grew at the amazing rate of 4.1%. the president trumpeting the
soaring economy. these numbers are very, very sustainable. this isn t a one-time shot. for a few moments at least the controversy swept aside. the president hailing north korea for handing of what are the remains of killed troops. at this moment the plane is carrying the remains of some great fallen heroes from america back from the korean war, they re coming back to the united states. reporter: in most presidencies, it would be a banner way to end the week. but in this one, so many other questions are looming. for the third straight day the president not answering questions about his long-time protector michael cohen turning against him. the white house grappling with fallout from the helsinki summit. where the president sided with vladimir putin over the
intelligence community that believes russia interfered with the 2016 election. after downplaying the threat only a week ago. is russia still targeting the u.s., mr. president? in there make your way out. reporter: meanwhile the next dance over the trump-putin meeting continued. after the white house talks about a meeting next year. putin made a statement today. we are ready to invite mr. trump to moscow to be my guest. he has such an invitation. i will go to washington. i repeat if the right conditions for work are created. reporter: sarah sanders said he is feeling it is possible to go based on his who is the week like?
upbeat. broad. reporter: jeff zeleny, cnn. the white house. jeff just mentioned the new economic numbers. they show the economy grew at its fastest rate since 2014. in the last few months, the annualize gdp surge is a result of several factors. this is investment row as companies invested some of the money they saved from tax cuts. consumer spending and government both increased and concern over a trade war helped, too. u.s. exports rose as foreign buyers stocked up on american products before they were hit with tariffs. if the economy gross at 3% for the entire year, it will be the highest growth since 2005. during each of the two previous administrations we averaged just over 1.8% gdp growth. by contrast with renow on track to hit an average gdp annual
growth of over 3% and it could be substantially over 3%. each point, by the way, means, approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs. here s how these numbers stack up against the lyft three administrations. earlier we spoke to an expert on how to look at this current economy. i think there is two big thing people should be looking at. one is what will happen with these tariffs and trade wars. i think that is actually the biggest risk factor we are facing for the markets and the economy. it can be just as little as the threat of a trade war that can
make people and businesses pull ba back. the second thing is interest rates. what will happen to interest rates? are they going to continue to go up? and at what point do short-term rates get higher than long-term rates? that s interest rate inversion. when that happens, you see this very predictable pattern of the stockmarket basically hitting its peak within six months. another six months after that bottoming out. it s almost like clockwork. more women are making accusations regarding the me too movement. the new yorker magazine is reporting sexual allegations among the most powerful men. the article sites incidents of unwanted advanced, intimidation and retaliation involving six women. cnn have not independently
confirmed the allegations. guys, it s been likened to a nuclear bomb ripping through hollywood. six women now accuse leslie moonves, the allegations go back decades as they all follow a similar pattern. these woman say he invited them into his office at one point and forced himself upon them. within they rebuffed his advances, these women say he used his position of power to effectively harm their kreempca. one coming from illyaen na douglas. she says she was fired from a cbs project because she did not agree to moonves advance, both moonves and cbs are casting doubt. moonves does acknowledge he made some advances decades ago that
may have made some women feel uncomfortable. he says, i recognize there were times decades ago when i may have made some women uncomfortable by making advance, those were mistakes. i regret them immensely, i abided by the principle that no means no, i have never misused my position to harm or hinder anyone s career. cbs cast more doubt on the story saying cbs takes each report of misconduct very seriously. we do not believe, however the picture created in the new yorker does the best to treat its tens of thousands of employees with dignity and respect. now the cbs board of directors before this story came out and were aware of the allegations said that they would be looking into the charges. they would take every allegation seriously and they would come back and respond once they had had a chance to review all of
the details. that is a response we will likely not get until next week. meanwhile, moonves own wife is standing by him, calling him a good man a caring father and an inspiring corporate leader. guys, back to you. we are going to turn now to pakistan. there is still no final vote round, imran khan and his movement for justice party have declared victory. but every other major party says the election was rigged. some are threatening pro test unless there is new starle help is seen as a military favorite. here s what his opponents, though, are saying. reporter: the all parties conference versus unanimously rejected this election. we do not consider this election to be the mandate of the public.
we reject the claims of those people claiming victory as a result of this election. we do thought want to give them the right of governance. the european union has also cast doubt on wednesday s vote. eu observers say there are signs of a systematic effort to undermine the governing party. they urge any challenge to the election be done legally. an outspoken critic of this election knows khan right well. she s a journalist and one of imran khan s ex-wives. here s what she is telling cnn about the man who would be prime minister. he is the ideal puppet because when he wants something so desperately and you have been repeatedly in public compromising on ideology. this was the thing with us as well. lot of people say why the breakup in what happened? i keep telling them i couldn t
compromise on principles. i couldn t talk about you talk about anti-corruption, but there are corrupt people in your party. you talk about chrony-ism and what is happening with the person disqualified. the supreme court has taken the decision. you saw him in the speech that happened yesterday. so chrony-ism, corruption, he s let us down on so many occasions. we ll continue to follow developments in that disputed election in pakistan. more than 30 minute ago gra migrants made it to spain, the migrant as you see right there jumped off their raft on to a beach and scattered into the sand dunes, curious sun bathers looking on the breach is near the state of gibraltar.
the reunification of families deadline has come and gone. tell that to the hundreds still waiting to be brought back with their parents. what the government has to say coming up here on cnn newsroom. y prevention to strengthening teeth. so instead of protection like this, you get protection like this. listerine® total care. bring out the bold.™ more important than your brain? your mind is an incredible machine, but as you get older, it begins to slow down. blood flow declines, neurons misfire, and your brain even shrinks. you may experience a lack of sharpness, find it harder to focus, or forget important information. fortunately, now there s forebrain, a top-selling cognitive performance supplement at gnc from the experts at force factor. for a limited time, every man and woman in america can claim a complimentary bottle. just use your smartphone to text the keyword on the screen to 20-20-20.
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everyone else, no way. we let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. them, not so much. we let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. the others? nope! get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call or go online today. thursday s deadline has come and gone for the u.s. government to reunite migrant children with their families, but it is unclear what whether happen to some 700 children still in custody. the department of homeland security claims it reunited all eligible parents in i.c.e. custody with their parents and says it is complying in good
faith with the court order the american civil liberties union demand that be allowed to stay in the u.s. here s what an aclu attorney said friday. to not have these parents and children go the rest of their lives thinking they have been separated solely because the parent didn t understand a form. what we are hearing is the forms were often given to them in english. sometimes it was a group presentation where the parent had one to four minutes to figure out. didn t believe they could ask questions. that would be outrageous if parents are sent back to their country and the children are left here because they didn t understand the form. it s remarkable the united states going is going to hold people to lose their child based on confusion or after all these months of keeping these children separated they are unwilling to give seven days to allow these parents to make a decision that s literally life altering.
my goodness. philadelphia s mayor said friday his city will not renew the agreement with the u.s. immigration enforcement agency to share a key city law enforcement database known as pars. there they admitted the use of pars in i.c.e. could result if immigration enforcement against philadelphia residents who have not been acaused of nor committed of a crime. it instills near e fear in the community and make it more difficult for the police department to report crimes. we could not in good conscience allow the agreement to continue. we are learning about a growing number of police calls over several years at migrant shelters. this is according to investigative non-profit pro hub licka. their numbers go back to 2014
the group looked at 70 immigrant youth shelters run by health and human services and here s what they found. police responded to at least 125 calls in the past five years alleging sex offenses at shelters. police reports and call logs also document allegations of fights and children missing. cnn was not able to obtain the data they used in its report independently. we reached out to some of the shelters but with no response. some responded to pro publica, though, health and human services gave this statement. quote, our focus is always on the safety and best interests of each child. these are vulnerable children, in difficult circumstances and hhs treats its responsibility for each child with the utmost care. any allegation of abuse or neglect is taken seriously and
invested by for and appropriate action is taevenlt. a super sonic flight. it could take passengers into face. how virgin galactica got one step closer for one giant leap. pack your bags. that s next.
well, this is the virgin rocket to send you and me into space. it reached nearly two-and-a-half times the speed of sound. it flew into the meso sphere before gliding back down to earth. virgin galactic says this test is the most successful. they hope people can afford to pay the $250,000 ticket price. we re not sure if it s more for extra leg room.
ha ha. we ve just had the longest luan ar eclipse, it s a blood moon, sunlight reflects through the earth s atmosphere and makes the moon appear red. did you see it? no special glass is required. it was next everywhere except right here in north america. photographers had an eclipse there. the red planet mars was also closer to us than it s been. oh, look at that shot. how cool was that? wouldn t you have liked to be in that airplane. so it s not exactly watergate when donald trump gets caught on tape ordering a soda. jeanie mos reports on why this secretly recorded conversation is so popular. reporter: talk about grasps at straws, have you heard the juiciest part of the trump-cohen
tape is this. you don t have a legitimate purpose. reporter: incontrovertible evidence of a thirsty president living up to his reputation for a daily consumption of 12 diet coax, right? that s 144 ounces of president s fuel. reporter: you d be surprised. my favorite part is get mae coke, please. others rank up from with mom the meatloaf from wedding crashers. there were comparisons to jfk, my fellow americans. ask not what your country can do for you. reporter: but there was one thing that got the most comments that contradiction found pleasing. wow, he said please, he said please? must be a fake. trump says please to the help, that s my president. he hasn t always been
complimentary about his favorite beverage tweeting i have never seen a thin person drinking diet coke. i will still keep drinking that garbage. jimmy fallon downed his favorite dozen. the american dream is dead, bing, bing, bong and dat. and god bless the united states. now we have the red button on his oval office for a coke. when he was a candidate he had to speak. give me a coke, please. reporter: as one commenter noted things, including hush money, go better with coke. things go better with coca-cola . reporter: jeanie mos, cnn, new york. well, i imagine coca-cola likes that free advertising. that is newsroom. for everyone else, stay with us for amanpour.
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People , House , Everyone-else , Work , Northern-california , Trump , Reporter , Meeting , Father , Him , Cnn-kwz-newsroom , Meetings

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20180728 01:00:00

Commentary, newsmaker interviews and panel discussions.
homophobic and want dirty air and water and throw granny over a cliff and kill children. i asked the president about that is so much more. here s his answer. the democrats want to raise everybody taxes. they want too give back these massive tax cuts that we got and reforms that are so good for everybody. but the tax cuts. they want to raise people s taxes and open up borders. they want to get rid of ice. we won t have a country. sean: they want their crumbs back. they want open borders and obamacare and impeach you and stop all investigations into deep corruption. ahead of the mid-terms it s clear that the left have no prawn plan to inprove the lives
understands what is at stake. in a moral moment, there is no bystanders. you are either complicit in the evil. you are contributing to the wrong or fighting against it. a prolific rapper, i am taking a quote from him. donald trump working with advance knowledge to be part of the international conspiracy. he was furious because he found out melania was watching cnn instead of fox. that s her way of cheating on him. sean: this week in person the harassment of trump allies continued. now they are going after sean spicer because he has a book out that people want to buy. on wednesday shouted down by one
of these leftists at a book signing. hey, sean, you are a real piece of garbage. i hope you look around and see all of these empty seats and you realize even in new york city, people won t come and pay money to hear you speak. i read the reviews. it s a garbage book. sit down. you are as stupid as you look. you are a garbage person. i got him. you lied as press spilth. secretary. now you are lying in your book. the wall street journal called you a liar. sean: you can expect this kind of behavior from the left and it will get worse and worse as we get closer to the
back. nuclear and rocket testing no more. so many things have changed. one thing all of their propaganda material which has been up for years, the signs and the music, it s all stopped. it s been taken down. so many positive things have happened. we have time. there is no rush. i told my people don t rush. we have not taken any sanctions off. i look forward to the time when we do take the sanctions off. when that happens a lot of good things will have happened on the other side. sean: he is not trying to bribe a dictator. more tangible progress of the president with rocketman kim jong-un. an important moment for all of those who lost loved ones in the korean war. and negotiations to denuclearize the korean peninsula continue.
no rockets fired since december over japan. it looks like fire and fury and my button is bigger than yours is working. we got our hostages out. there was the dismantling of one of the nuclear test sites. here with reaction. the author of the number 1 new york times best sell this week, liars, liberals, and leaker, judge jeanine pirro and geraldo rivera. congratulation to both of you. judge, we are proud of you. so well deserved. geraldo rivera your bock has been out. that brings something to my mind. you have always said when we disagree on immigration and i don t want to hear it today. although you agree with the wall. i love this about you. we don t agree on everything.
you keep saying i want this president to succeed because i want my country to suck veed. succeed. i don t feel that from the democratic party. they are not happy today about the gdp members. they would applaud if the president stumbled on the sidewalk. there is a hatred of donald trump that is something that is almost unprecedented. it s extraordinary. people are rooting for the president and the presidency to fail. i think it s selfish and narcissistic. it s pedestrian and partisan. it really is one reason politics has such a foul stench. i think the president could help himself more. you started the program with the great economic numbers. the thing about the economic numbers, americans are doing better than ever and wages are going up. more jobs than people seeking
jobs. but at its core, this is also a tremendous civil rights movement by president trump. sean: bingo. he is doing more for the inner city than all of the liberals and the wishy-washy socialism. black unemployment historic lows. hispanic unemployment at historic lows. were i on the president s team. this is what you focus on. say this every day. we are not getting nuked from north korea. look what we are doing for the city and the people that voted for my opponents. we are doing more than all of the liberal programs combined. sean: judge, i said if the president cured cancer at this point, seriously, i really believe it, if the president cured cancer and gave every american $30 million, the media and democrats would still hate this guy.
if he adopted their agenda that failed they would still hate him. there is no question that the hatred towards this president is unparalleled in american history. there is not one metric that has suffered under this president. we are better off in every positive metric. i remember when president obama said all manufacturing jobs are a thing of the past. now we have 400,000 new manufacturing jobs in this country. we have unemployment and i won t repeat all of the good things that have been said. here s the truth. geraldo rivera says the president should talk more about the civil rights issue helping the people who have been forgotten. the truth is he could talk about it from the highest mountains and the press would not report it. the american people understood that this was a man, this donald trump who had never run for any office in his life, understands the plight of the hard working
american men and woman. we gave him a chance to use his words. we had nothing to lose. sean: he said what do you have to lose? every metric has improved. every day he takes in coming and every day i realize more than ever, this man is a force of nature. he can handle anything and keep fighting for us. sean: geraldo this is a good point. every election it s the same thing from the democrats. racist, sexist. throw granny over the cliff and scare america. give me one idea that democrats besides impeachment and keeping obamacare and they want their crumps back. one idea that would deserve us to go back to what? obama s 13 million additions to food stamps and 8 million more in poverty? what are they offering?
well, medicaid for everybody. which is a wonderful idea. free college for everybody. sean: free housing and free day care. the apparent nominee for the democratic congressional seat in queens ocasio-cortez her platform is wonderful. but the reality going back to what i said is capitalism is the best engine for lifting people out of poverty and into the middle-classes and beyond. you have to stress those things. i think it s sophomoric of us to avoids the fact that a lot of the hatred directed by president trump, some is self-inflicted, but a lot is the fear you remember the huge demonstrations the day after the inauguration by women wearing pink hats everywhere. their problem was the fear that
the president would curtail the rights under roe v. wade. it s a sticky subject and you don t want to hear the other side. one advantage at fox, i respect 4 point of view. i can t say that is held and it s a fear that the president sean: we have become best friends. we disagree. we will have a drink and a bite to eat and argue but we are friends. because i believe in your sincerity. sean: the same with you. you want the country to be better? absolutely. judge, that s missing everywhere. sean: i have seen dishonesty. they won t focus on the news channels about all of this success. the forgotten men and women who were left behind are getting
more opportunities than they ever had. i started as a dishwasher. i identify with that, with people that are struggling. i struggled for 20 years of my life. 25 years. well, when you talk about, geraldo, i was in that march in washington. thank goodness there were 2 navy seals with me retired. at the least i was protected. but the hate was palpable. when i asked people in that parade or the march or protest what they were protesting, they just hated donald trump. female unemployment is at 4%. you look at ivanka trump. this woman spent her adult life promoting women in business. sean: and look at how they treat her and baron and the grand-daughter of the president.
all of them. here s the bottom line: america is better off. the left is trying to shutdown the right. i have had my own experiences with it. the fascism is when there is only one way of thinking and everyone else has to be shutdown. last word? i think what happened to ivanka and her decision to give up her businesses is shameful. she and her husband worked so hard for the country and for people to attack their businesses by sabotage the way they have, is really, really regrettable. sean: some people work in washington. will pay more money to lawyers than they get paid. when we come back, former trump white house strategist and the rest of my exclusive interview with roseanne barr.
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deal. why is it obsolete? we have to make things. merchandising merchandising manufacturing jobs are among our best jobs. sean: that was president trump going over the remarkable economic story since he took office. this should help republicans. 101 days away from a call the most important mid-terms in our lifetime. there was a thorough report detailing seats that the gop maintain. joining us now former trump stat stat strategist, steve
bannon. they want to steal the election. a lot the stake. you said something that is the most important mid-term. i would rephrase that. i think is president trump s first re-elect. it s a revereferendum on the tr presidency. the opposition will try to win congress to impeach trump and stop the entire progress whether it s the economic growth or his america first national security or southern border security. they will try to unwind it. the democrats got one thing. they got a do-over. this november, 100 days and a wake up, we will have a national election. that is going to determine the second half of the first term of president trump. and i not 2020. we will have a referendum.
focussed on president trump s record. the way to win this is like we won in 2010, the great tea party sweep. go door-to-door and do voter regivations drives. registration drives. president trump delivered on the action. now it s up to everybody that turned out in 2016, you have to do it all over again. or the first action they will take under nancy pelosi or the democratic speaker is try to impeach president trump. sean: i went through the numbers. in your old hometown. only 100 seats are really up for grabs. the others are safe. they are innocent play. you have 86 of those are republican seats. talking about the republicans have to win 61 of the 86.
that s a lot. historically and i asked the president about this earlier today on my radio show, historically seats are lost in the mid-term election for the party in the white house. how do people save these 61 seats because i would like a comfort margin? we picked up 62 seats in 2010. it s not about money. it s about ideas and turning out votes. president trump has delivered. he said he will take action. he took action with the destruction of isis and look at these economic numbers today. they are unbelievable. reorienting the world s trade against china. president trump delivered on judges. everything he said he would do he has either done or in the process of doing.
everybody who is supporting him in 2016, this will be the old-fashioned way. it s not how much money you raise. it s muscle. the opposition is very different than in 16. hillary clinton s arrogance and cockiness, they missed what we were doing in the upper midwest to break that blue wall. this time the time is up and the resistance are very focussed. they are going door-to-door. everybody who supports president trump has to understand this will be the old-fashioned way. go door-to-door and knock on doors. sean: steve bannon battlefield. you gave us a general s overview getting to the 100 day countdown. next week we will name every district and put it up on the screen. here s the thing. there are some people that will
look at their congressman and say, to me and you, my congressman is a rhino. and so is my senator. you are asking me to support this guy. i supported trump but the steaks are so high what that i want too do to the trump agenda. that s my answer. . this cuts to the heart of it. this is a national referendum. whether it is a rhino or a congressman or a senator that you don t support. that s not the question now. the question is that the trump agenda and about president trump and his agenda. you will have to sometimes vote for people you are not comfortable with. this means some establishment fingers and some rhinos. it doesn t matter. this is a national reverend up. it s an up or down vote on trump. if we force everything to november 6th, we will win this. it won t be a but wave.
blue wave. when they don t get the blue wave they will turn into a civil war on the democratic party. it will make 2020 much more interesting. sean: it s already developing. just look at the job numbers. put aside the success in north korea and we now have remains from that war coming home this very day and no more rockets fired and a dismantled nuclear test site. we have record low unemployment in this country for women in the work force, african-americans, hispanic americans and asian-americans and the miltary that have been out of work. millions now have been taken off the food stamp rolls with more jobs available than people on unemployment. this didn t happen as fast when reagan was president and i am a reagan conservative. if you look at the actions he s taken and the results we
already have including the judges, it s nothing short of extraordinary. donald trump is a historic president and a transformational president. if you want to keep that transformation going, this november is not a mid-term election. this mid-term is the first re-elect of donald trump. everybody will have to put their shoulder to the wheel. sean, it s what we did in august of 2016. we brought the republican establishment together and the trump movement together and put our heads down and against tremendous opposition of the media and all of the money the clintons raised, it did not make a difference. we won big in a historic landslide. that can happen again and it will happen again if people focus on what november 6th. a reverend on the presidency of donald trump. sean: we will bring you on as often as you can. i know you travel a lot. once a week from now until liquid day. steve bannon doesn t like doing
tv. you think this is so important, you want to identify. we will identify every district that will matter where the real battlefield lies. we will show people, sean, have you been gracious to talk to me approximate this. about this. it s game on. we have to leave everything on the field and no tears. i am tired of hearing the whining on our side of the football. this candidate or that candidate. we have to stop the whining and get focussed for a victory. 100 days and a wake up to do it. sean: bannon next week we identify the defining races in the mid-term. thank. he wants to be the next speaker of the house jim jordan and more of my one-on-one with roseanne barr that people are talking
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otezla. show more of you. sean: yesterday ohio congressman jim jordan announced he is running for speaker of the house. i sat down with him to ask why he is running and what agenda he will push. ohio congressman jim jordan announced he is running to the next speaker of the house. welcome to a rare in studio appearance. we are 101 days outside of the mid-term elections. i am calling at this time most important mid-term in our lifetime. yes. we have to win. sean: explain. if the democracy get in office they will go after president trump. they went so far left with the social democratic agenda they have. it s critical. here s what is at stake. think about the last year and a half. regulations were due.
taxes lower. unemployment lowest in 20 years. economy is humming. gorsuch on the court and embassy back in jerusalem. out of the crazy iran deal and the hostages back from north korea. what is amazing about that list as well is congress only helped a little bit of that. congress has to do a better job. that s i didn t want to be the next speaker of the house. we have to do what we told the american people we would do. deliver on health care and the border issue. sean: in the middle of the health care debate we discovered there were 100 house republicans and senate republicans that voted to repeal obamacare in 2015 same bill and changed when it matter. 6 republicans senators voted against the exact same legislation they supported before after getting elected
taking the senate in 14. after winning the white house in 1816. we have not delivered on health care reform or welfare reform for able-bodied people and not delivered on controlling spending. that s what we told the american people we would do. sean: the president has accomplished a lot. why is there a reluctant among some republicans, the president is not the conventional establishment figure? he is bold and tweets and calls out fake news. what is it that some republicans don t like? it s the town. it s washington. the swamp is the swamp. they don t like donald trump coming in and changing the swamp and the way that town works. there is a reluctant to ever change. the american people in 2010 we
will put you in charge to change things. in 2016 they gave us the white house to change things. the president feels this every stinky day. he is bound and determined to do what he told the american people he would do and the house needs to do the same. we have done some good things but not near enough. the reform we need to do. sean: the house has been better than the senate. it sure has. sean: 14 states record low unemployment. record low unemployment for african-americans and hispanic americans and women in the workplace. and huge massive great economic news. you mentioned the foreign policy successes. there is a track record to run on. let s campaign on it and tell the american people you put us back in power in the house of representatives, we will do what we said and president trump
accomplish what he ran on. if you become the speaker, i will support you for speaker. i think the freedom caucus has been the most commited to fighting to keep their promises and fighting to defend the things that are conservative in the country and helped the president the most. we formed or group 3 years ago. we talked about the countless number of americans who feel like washington forgot them and left them behind. we want to fight for those people. i say this all the time. i believe it. we make the job of being a member of congress too complicated. it s simple. what did you tell them you were going to do? go do that and stand up and have the debate. too often we forfeit before the referee blows the whistle.
we forfeit the game. let s make it happen. sean: how will you be different? here is a great example. the spending bill we were poised to hold spending down on non-defense spending because chuck schumer shut the government down on friday. over the weekend the american people said you are crazy! on monday he said i will open the government back up. he was losing in the public relations word. opened the government back up. we had a chance on the big spending bill to treat our troops the way they needed to be defended. even though we have a guy in the white house great at taking the message to the people. we did what we always do. the debt goes up.
sean: he wants the money for defense. jim jordan, good luck. we will watch this closely. do we know when ryan is leaving? he said he is going to stay. sean: when we come back more of my exclusive interview with roseanne barr as hannity continues.
come fly with me, let s fly, let s fly away. come fly with me, let s fly, let s fly away.
if you don t like my show you have the power to turn the dial. we live in an environment where it s not just disagree. disagree and get an opportunity and don t accept the apology and destroy the other show. i refuse to be a part of that. i do believe that in freedom of speech number 1. i make my living with it. number 2 i believe people make innocent mistakes. i listened to your background and read all of this stuff about you and your background and your mom and your dad. i have the best relationship with my mother today. we did the work that needs to be done in my family. i am very proud of that. there is nothing but love. sean: understood. but having multiple personality disorders. that was tough.
sean: was that like having voices? no, that s schizophrenia. sean: different personalities? waking up and noting where you are and how you got there. it s like wow! sean: just disappeared and you were another person and didn t know it? no memory of any of it. when i had it, i had like four prescriptions for grasses. glasses. i woke up and found myself in unplaces and didn t know why does that s terrifying. i no longer do. that my whole life i spent like. that one time i woke up in a truck in new york city. sean: i don t think there is one viewer that doesn t have a family member or a friend or
a neighbor with mental health issues? sean: i think everybody watching knows somebody. it s scary. it was scary. i told abc, i don t feel that i am in a good mentally balanced place. i had been working way too many weeks and going on promotions and crossing from hawaii to new york. i game ambien dependent. a lot of people had problems with it and i am one of them. i planned trips. sean: you didn t remember when you woke up? i will see it in the kitchen. sean: you would see it and say i must have eaten this? yes, and dtrying to make
brownies. sean: and not remember it? no. ambien does that to people. now i forgot. i m sorry. sean: what is next? i told abc, you guys, i will go get my meds checked. sean: you knew were going to a dark place? i knew i wasn t keeping up. this a whole other subject. i don t absorb vitamins. i found out i was really depleted. that affects your mental health. sean: you were doing too much of not getting the time you need? i am supposed to go to the hospital every 8 weeks and get infusions because i don t absorb iron and vitamins. i wanted that show. i wanted a second season so bad that i worked myself almost to
the end. sean: tell me what is next for you? porn. [laughing]. no. sean: really? no, i am kidding. sean: what is next? porn that s your headline. i love doing my own stuff in my own studio. sean: you want to go back on stage? i want to go back on tour, yes. i want to go tour and do my stand up. i love looking out there. i have a really good diverse audience of fans. i am very prods of that. i have all kinds of opinions and i try to unify what is universal between all of us. sean: when we come back the video of the stay. just one free hearing test at
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all right. tonight s video of the day is a sneak peek of tmz s harvey levin s interview with alex trebek. i always wanted to be alex trebek. i do great at home. anyway, take a look. i absolutely love your show. and one of the things that i always think about when i watch it, i watch you read the answers. some of them are complicated. do you rehearse these? if there s words that will be difficult to pro to say properly [laughter] i make diacritical remarks so people think that trebek is so bright. harvey and lex on objectify. it s at 8:00 p.m. eastern here on the fox news channel. always fair and balanced.

President , Economy , Highlights , Water , Granny , Answer , Cliff , Air , Children , Everybody , People , Democrats

Transcripts For CNNW At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20180730 15:00:00

which i imagine mueller i imagine he disclosed it to rosenstein when he appointed him. it would involve something that actually wasn t settled even to this day. what s the conflict in. i have a good idea what it is. it s one that would have kept me out the investigation. all cleared up? add to that this. giuliani is not sure that collusion with russia that collusion with russia, if it happened, is a crime anyway. is this the definition now of moving the goalposts? regardless of goalpost moving, why then is the president spending so much time and at every turn will say that no collusion happened with russia if it s now not a big deal and not a problem? again, all cleared up? as far as michael cohen, the president s attorney says cohen doctored the tapes of his conversations with the president, says their experts agree. now what? abby phillip is at the white house. i would not fault anyone if their head was spinning today
the payment to an alleged mistress, it s not about that. it s about cohen s credibility as a potential witness in this case. president trump got in on this over the weekend tweeting or in some cases subtweeting michael cohen by retweeting an old tweet of michael cohen in which he praised donald trump junior s explanation for the trump tower meeting and asks, will the fake news media ever report on this? we did report on it at the time. it goes to show, so much has changed in the president s relationship with michael cohen and vice versa. they are really at odds with each other. not in any way going to reconcile with each other, it seems, based on what we re seeing right now. but wait until tomorrow or maybe just within this hour. great to see you. thank you so much. joining me right now, former fbi special agent asharina opa
and mark preston. mark, can you try this on for size today? you have a conflict that renders you incapable of doing your job. i m not going to spell out what it is and it s up to you to explain yourself, what your conflict is and why it renders you incapable of doing your job. what is this? what world are we living in? are we living in the current state of play right now? listen, you know what s happening? it s so confusing. there s so many facts out there. there s so much misinformation. what we are seeing i believe seems from the trump campaign, from the trump lawyers, from rudy giuliani is what they are trying do trying to do is create chaos. they are sowing seeds of doubt. this is very dangerous, creating all this white noise is basically lying. it s impeding an investigation even if it s not legally impeding an investigation.
Kate Bolduan gives a fresh take on today s top stories.
could be prosecuted on their own. i can tell you that somebody people who do that would never in the real world get a security clearance and have access to all of the nation s secrets and be entrusted with stewarding the country. focus only on the criminal aspect, i think also misses the forest for the trees. i also i guess, what should anyone take from this comment from giuliani? we all at least can try to remember, since it s been a winding road, where this began which is everyone saying there s no collusion, there s no collusion, there s no collusion. then very memorably kellyanne conway coming along visual aids to make this point where collusion was extremely important. just watch this to remember. in case you run out of time, this is how i see it so far. this to help all the people at home. what s the conclusion? collusion, no. we don t have that yet.
i see illusion and delusion. i mean, who knows? i think mark is right, there is this, i think, goal of the trump team to really confuse everything. there seems to be preparing supporters to say, well, listen, even if collusion has come up, then what s wrong with that? what s wrong if donald trump knew about that meeting? what s wrong if donald trump junior was willing to get information from the russians to help out his father s campaign? you even heard folks say that. they seem to be preparing the groundwork for something at this point, but also who really knows at this point? you have giuliani in a real spin mode at this point and really worried about what cohen knows, what cohen has released.
he has in a defensive and offensive crouch in a way we hadn t seen him before when he had all of the territory out there, all of the oxygen and cohen wasn t really speaking. this is, who knows where this will go? it s a long and winding road. they re throwing out a lot of distractions. ultimately, mueller at some point will release a report, maybe in september, maybe a little later. who knows? at this point, we re just having to see giuliani spin and donald trump really trying to keep a hold on his supporters. at the same time, it seems folks are worried but not worried that s within the same conversation is what you hear from the president s team. mark, on my michael cohen, giuliani started first suggesting that the tapes could have been doctored, over the weekend, could have been doctored. so should be discredited. he thinks the verdict is in on it. listen to his interview. by the way, he didn t put out
the first part of that tape. i had to go find the first part of the tape. he cut off the last part of the tape with trump, which our expert says is doctored. i think it s unlikely he turned it off during the conversation, so does the expert. think about it. if i were recording your conversation and trump didn t know it, i would have to put it off at the right time, unlikely. more likely is, he came back home, he erased the portion that he wanted erased and then he tried to tape record a conversation it appears with don junior. then he erased that. is this now just how far down the rabbit hole are we? did anybody have any trouble following that? for a little while i was like, where is he going? he pulled it back together. we are so far down the rabbit hole right now. i agree, we all agree that they should have audiologists, folks who can come out there, audio experts that can tell us what the tape is.
anything they are trying to get to. it may not even be something that they want or need at this point. we will wait and see. until tomorrow, friends. thanks. coming up for us, the president threatens a government shutdown over funding for the border wall. top republicans in congress are not on the same page with this. where is this headed? more details on that coming up. a heartbreaking tragedy in california where growing wildfires have killed at least six people and one man is speaking out after losing his wife and two great-grandchildren to these flames. that s next. emily said, i love you grandpa. grandma says, i love you. junior says, i love you. come and get us. come and get us. i said, i m on my way. i said, keep him talking until he died. i tried to call him back. it went to nothing. you always pay your insurance on time.
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he said, come and get us. emily said, i love you grandpa. grandma said, i love you grandpa. junior says, i love you, come and get us. i said, i m on my way. i said, he talked until he died. i tried to call back and it went to nothing. poor babies and my wife. what did i do wrong with life? wonderful people. my wife was the greatest woman in the world. my grandkids was excellent. reporter: he is feeling a tremendous sense of guilt over what happened. i should point out that he says that he never received any word that he should evacuate. that just goes to show you how fast this fire really took over some of the communities. let me point out where i am right now. this is the redding estates
subdivision. much of the neighborhood looks like this. so much devastation in the community. you are talking about nearly 900 structures that have gone up in flames, more than 700 of them are homes. it looks like a bomb went off behind you. that story dan, thank you so much for bringing that to us. my heart breaks for that poor man. let s talk about what others are dealing with right now with this fire, like that poor man, where the fire is headed and what folks are doing about it. chad myers is in the weather center. that is tough to handle, what that poor man is going through. a lot of families are facing this very same thing, which is, it s moving fast, it s big. give us perspective how big this fire is at this point. we talk about acres and no one can put their mind on what that means. we are talking 154 square miles. ten miles long, 15 miles wide right there through the western side of redding.
it s the wild land urban interface on the west side that did catch fire. it s always the most dangerous. you put really nice houses into the prettiest places because there s trees. when the trees catch on fire, you are right in the middle of it. to put it in perspective, seven times the size of manhattan. half the size of all the boroughs put together. a lot of smoke out there as well right now, choking smoke, unhealthy to breathe. advisories have been posted. temperatures in the triple digits again. that s not unusual. the normal high is 100. it will be 104, 105. gusty winds because the air is rising so fast, because the ground is so hot, because that fire the fire makes a low pressure center where it is. the air rises and other air has to rush in. that s how it turns into the blast furnace. no relief in sight.
the next chance of rain is statistically happening on tuesday of next week, because of this big ridge of high pressure. no help from mother nature at all. that s a punch in the gut for everyone out there battling those flames. i appreciate it, chad. we will watch this very closely. california deals with wildfires but this one is brutal. coming up, will there be another government shutdown? is the country phasing a government shutdown now over the border wall? president trump seems to say he would be okay with that. top republicans though not so much. that s next. there s a lot to love about medicare.
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comcast, building america s largest gig-speed network. if there s one phrase to describe congress, a well-oiled machine is likely not at the top of your list. the next looming fight is not likely to help. another possible government shutdown. one right before the midterm elections. president trump is making the threat tweeting this just yesterday. i would be willing to shut down government if democrats do not give us the votes for the border for border security, which includes the wall. top republicans in congress seem to have a different take. listen. as far as the wall is concerned, we have gotten some wall funding under way. the president s willing to be patient to make sure we get what we need so we can get that done.
you are not worried about a government shutdown? that s not going to happen. i don t like playing shutdown politics. we re going to make sure we keep the government open but we re going to get better policies on immigration. all of them saying we hope that s what s going to happen. david, how real is this? another government shutdown. at the end of the day, i don t think this would be a goal anyone wants to achieve. the president clearly not republicans on the hill as you are suggesting. i think it s a little less important about how real it is than what is real is just the threat of it is going to impact the dynamics. now speaker ryan and mitch mcconnell who thought they had the president in a good place and understood this would not benefit the party politically, now have to deal with wrangling the votes in the shadow of a shutdown showdown threat because
the president sees leverage in just to get money or distract from other woes. you know this president and have observed him. any time he thinks he has leverage, he is not likely to give that up easily. is this fight is this a fight the president really wants? it s very clear that no majority in congress wants a government shutdown. it ends up landing on them. that s how it goes. i can t imagine there s a political adviser anywhere that says to president trump, you know what would be a good idea heading into the midterms, let s actually shut down the government. that s a great idea. i don t think that is an actual strategy, which is why i don t think the president seriously wants that outcome here. i do think there are a lot of people in the president s orbit and the president believe the greatest danger to the republican majority is complacency among the core base supporters in the party. i do think the president sees
some value in having an all out fight over wall funding as a way to generate enthusiasm in the base. the reality right now is that the house is out for the next five weeks. when we talk about actual action here, wait and see. talk to me about the state of play where cnn is forecasting key house races. i m finding this workup fascinating. those 27 tossup races are making democrats happen because 25 are in republican held seats. this is all offensive turf for the democrats. the other reason democrats see a lot to celebrate in those particular tossup races is 11 of them are in districts that hillary clinton won in 2016. it is favorable turf. there s no doubt the battle landscape is favorable turf for democrats. you had mentioned 27 tossups.
remember in our ratings, we have 11 republican held seats that are already less competitive than tossup. they are either in lean or likely democratic territory. they are almost halfway there, the democrats, to the 23 seats they need to become the majority party. i know you heard it but i want to play for our viewers what the president said on friday in terms of what his role would be coming up. the economy is the strongest ever. i think that s going to have a positive impact. i am going to work very hard. i will go six or seven days a week when we re 60 days out and i will be campaigning for all of these great people that do have a difficult race. we think we re going to bring them over the line. six or seven days hitting the trail of 60 days out. what s that going to look like? what does it mean for the balance in some of the races? we know the president loves the campaign trail. he gets feedback from people that show up to the rallies.
he is eager to get out there. my question is, show me the map, show me the districts he is going to campaign in. in terms of the house, a lot of the districts that we were talking about that hillary clinton won, the republicans hold them, we are talking about independent vo penependent vote trump s base, that may make the difference. we have to watch carefully where he will spend those six or seven days a week on the trail. yeah. who will stand on the stage with him. great to see you. thank you so much. coming up for us, is the tsa watching you? maybe. previously undisclosed program come to light. federal air marshals tracking american citizens even when they are not suspected of any crime. what s going on? we have the details next.
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they say for that reason, they don t advertise these sort of programs. that s why we re actually just learning about it now. we do know more details. after speaking with tsa this weekend, we know for the past eight years, ordinary americans, passengers on flights, with no obvious ties to terrorism, have been tracked by the agency. tsa won t die eventuv divulge dt works. cnn confirmed that passengers are selected based on past travel patterns, whether someone traveled to a terror hot spot. the agency relies on information from the intel community. once the agency selects who they are going to track, an undercover air marshal is dispatched to the flight that you are on and is strategically placed in a seat where they can observe your every move, all your behavior during the flight. they are looking for things. are you abnormally aware of your surroundings? excessive fidgeting?
they are looking at people sleeping. many people guilty of that, including myself. tsa faced a lot of questions following the news that this progr program exists. there is no intention to surveil ordinary americans. its purpose is to ensure passengers and flight crew are protected during air travel, no different than putting a police officer on a beat or intelligence and information presents a need for increased watch. as you know, this all raises a couple of concerns. privacy, of course. then i spoke with several air marshals who say, we are now focusing on passengers with no obvious ties to terrorism. they feel, some of them feel that this distracts them from their core mission of protecting the cockpit. we just don t know how successful the program has been because tsa won t say whether it s actually helped them foil any potential plot.
that s interesting. thank you so much. joining me to discuss this further is mary schiavo. she s a former inspector general for the department of transportation. good to see you. thank you. from what we heard there s a lot of detail that s not provided. from what we heard, do you think this is an effective strategy to screen for dangerous people because of some of the things they are pointing out? most of the data that show us what s really effective in thwarts attacks have come out of studies focusing on israeli security. this is part of a multi-layered security program, a multi-layered security program that s required by the international civil aviation organization so we can fly into each other s airports. it has been shown that this observational addition to security or behavioral pattern
observance is effective when done by trained personnel. yes, it s been shown to be effective. tsa spokesman in the statement, one part of it i wanted to ask you about. what these air marshals is doing than no different than a cop working a beat. looking for suspicious behavior in the community that they work in, gathering intelligence, watching people for suspicious behavior. do they have a point? actually, they do. air marshals are cops on the beat. they are united states 1811 law enforcement agents. they have badges. they are performing a law enforcement function. who are they going to watch? people have to remember that an aircraft and airport, the areas outside the airport are public areas. what you do in a public place is subject to observation. there s nothing illegal by watching people. i m talking about watching.
when you enter the airport, you are probably on camera between 10 and 20 type times in the ai. on the airplane, that s a public place. it s a public place. you can be watched. what do you say to the aclu and others who say this is this is too far. it takes marshals away from their core mission. it s an invasion of privacy for folks not on any no fly list or watch list. they have a partial point. in some ways it s a compromise the way the united states does it. israel makes no bones about it. they say that 88% of the terrorists are muslim and 87% are male and that s who they are watching. in the united states, we focus on bow hafehavior than racial profiling. if you look at behavior, technically under the law, they can do it. that s why they are looking at behavior. any time anyone talks about rapid blinking or eye movement, i find myself blinking quite a bit more.
mary, thank you. coming up, president trump facing reporters soon, meeting with the new italian prime minister. the prime minister whose campaign slogan was trumpian. who can happen today? we will bring it to you live. liberty mutual saved us almost $800 when we switched our auto and home insurance. with liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. hey! oh, that s my robe. is it? when you switch to liberty mutual, you could save $782 on auto and home insurance.
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same tough posture on some key issues as the president mentioned there, immigration. what should folks expect from the two leaders today? joining me caitlyn collins is here and samantha vinaigrette is here as well. what are you hearing about this friendship between these two leaders? that s a good way to put it. president trump has seemed to welcome him. he is inviting him to the white house. the president says she got to know each other at the nato summit. they spoke for an hour and a half. which is interesting because that was a summit largely where the president was at odds with a lot of the leaders in the european union. the president was developing a relationship with him saying they agree on immigration, something that the italian prime minister is at odds with a lot of european leaders on. immigration as well as trade and tariffs and those issues as well. the president is welcoming him here today to discuss all of those things as well a slew of other issues. it does seem this is one leader in europe the president has the
potential to have a good relationship with, even though he has a lower profile. the president does seem to be striving to have a good relationship with him because they agree on those key issues that are very important to president trump like immigration. that seems to be where they are going forward with this. they will take questions at a press conference later today where they will likely discuss what was it was that happened between the two of them. before we get there, sam, immigration, one area where they see eye to eye. also, his desire to have a closer relationship or a warmer relationship with russia as well. why would italy want a better a closer relationship with russia? why does that why is that important to president trump? why would that be important? conte has wanted a closer relationship with russia. there was threats they would
veto the sanctions against russia. they didn t. italy did not veto those sanctions. they went forward. it s important to remember that conte is a moderate within his coalition. the two parties that s right part of his coalition are they re very far right. they have actually signed direct agreements with russia to work together in various ways. his deputy prime minister says he wants to visit russia to forge closer business ties. conte has politics back home, and we may hear him take a tough stance against russia during this press briefing, and it remains to be seen whether the president will echo it. who will be tougher or less let s do the double negative thing. who will be less tougher? who will be the least toughest on russia? i know where my bet it. cnn is in the pool once again today. this will be the first oval office event before they take
questions. the first oval office with a foreign leader since the incident that you faced last week. you asked a question of the president, then after that you were told you couldn t cover the event afterward because they didn t like what you asked. what happens today, kaitlan? reporter: we expect it to be business as usual. reporters will go in the room at the beginning of that meeting with the italian prime minister. we do expect them to ask questions, as we do at every opportunity that we have with president trump. he s often eager to answer those questions, and he clearly, as you could see from his twitter this weekend, had a lot on his mind that he wanted to talk about. we often see that reflected during those pool sprays at the top where a few reporters are allowed in the room. now, i should note that the president has not taken any reporters questions since that incident last week. he went and spent the weekend at his golf course in bedminster, new jersey, but there will be several opportunities to hear from the president today, including that meeting there but also at that press conference where the president and the prime minister are expected to take two questions each from american and from the italian
press. so we should likely hear from president trump on several occasions today, kate, and there will be lots of questions for the president. as there always are, as there always should be. sam, while the president likes the prime minister, italy is also one of the countries who hasn t met that 2% standard when it comes to nato, which feels like a hundred years ago that we ve talked so much about this. so i do wonder which donald trump is going to show up when it comes to this issue that s very important to him. i have a feeling that he s going to turn his ire on the eu rather than on italy and its nato obligations because both italy and the united states have been critical of the european union in terms of fiscal p policies, immigration policies and have pointed at merkel and macron. i think trump will probably support the prime minister today and instead look at eu and more burden sharing that could be done from them. let s see. great to see you both. thank you so much.
coming up next, more than four years after mh-370 vanished from radar and become one of aviation s greatest mysteries, there s a new clue in the case. could families of the 239 people on board be any closer to getting answers? nary stains sayy can do the job, but behr premium stain can weather any weather. overall #1 rated, weathers it all. find our most advanced formula exclusively at the home depot. i wok(harmonica interrupts)ld. .and told people about geico. (harmonica interrupts) how they could save 15% or more by. (harmonica interrupts) .by just calling or going online to (harmonica interrupts) (sighs and chuckles) sorry, are you gonna. (harmonica interrupts) everytime. geico.
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plane, still no closure for the families, and still no explanation of really what went wrong, but today there is a possible new clue about what was happening on that flight, on malaysia airlines flight 370 four years ago. a new report about what happened when that plane made that mysterious turn back toward kuala lumpur as it was making its way to beijing. joining me from hong kong is cnn s will ripley. it s amazing how long it has been and still so few answers from when you and i were over there. basically nothing new since you and i were over there, but this new report saying the plane was under manual control. what are you hearing about this? yeah, it s been 1,606 days since the plane disappeared and we were on the ground. we were next to those families in such agony, desperately wanting some sort of answer from the government. well, now they have this. 495 pages full of facts and zero answers. but what the report does say is they do believe that somebody was at the controls, turning the plane around on that kind of
drastic u-turn that sent it on that presumed course towards the southern indian ocean. but investigators have no idea who it was. was it the captain who was under so much suspicion in the early days who had that flight simulator with a programmed path to the indian ocean, which investigators say doesn t really say anything? they didn t find any intent in his personal life or for the first officer or for anybody else. 12 crew members, 237 passengers. they think at some point the plane was under manual control. was it because of some emergency? it was a more sinister criminal act? more than 230,000 square kilometers have been searched. they have found nothing in the search. 27 pieces of debris have washed up along africa s east coast. three of them have been confirmed to be definitively from mh-370, pieces of the wing. but they haven t found the plane. they haven t found those 237 people. and for family members once again waking up and going to bed not knowing what happened. and will, quite honestly, this is basically the undefinitive definitive answer.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Cavuto Live 20180728 14:00:00

they say that created an unknown factor. other climates talk about the tax cuts for a sugar rush. they say it s not clear if people will spend in the if youture as they did during the second quarter. president trump addressed the issue of sustainability. he predicted growth of 3% or better. emphasis on better. here is the president. in the second quarter of this year the united states economy grew at the amazing rate of 4.1%. i ll say this right now and i ll say it strongly. as the trade deals come in one by one we ll go higher than these numbers. so, neil, most economist if you look at on average what they expect they expect 2.5% through the end of 2019. that eye higher than the 2% they have been tracking.
these are the same economist. yes, indeed. all right, thank you very much. now to the remark the president made to sean. he thinks if you think this is off the charts how about eight or nine percent. he said he could do that by have the trade deficit that will have a benefit to the counsel tray. think of that and you get the economy booming at double the rate it boomed in the second quarter. let s get the read. question vagar have gary here. i don t think so. not because the numbers is too high. a $20 trillion is tough to grow at 8%. we ll continue to take 4%. that s a big number that will keep unemployment down and the
market in good steady. let s hope it continues. the argument has been if investment picked up a like amount. this is at the minimum that s significantly higher. all things would have to align. trump would have to barrow from the treasury. that s what it would take. every other state. you can t really get to that growth rate. there are things going on that could lead to continued fast growth. the red fall federal reserve is not raising rates. you are getting this hurricane effect were people do deals before the tariffs that may never escalade. you do your deals as aggressively as you can. that s with these number.
this is not sustainable. get another hot quarter scare people to doing business. you worry about the trade thing. the trade war, in theory, could have factories lead to the economic boom. this is where i would have an issue with that. there are many factors here. one thing that was a constant on consumer spending. it was four times what it was in the fourth quarter. that goes apart from trade. that will tell you in the face of higher gas prices americans were predisposed. i m wondering, what that could petary. that has to do with the tax cuts. that s the argument the
administration would be making. why weren t they doing that in the first quarter? i don t know, maybe they were waiting to see how it shook out. i believe it s a wai wait and se and that s i m not a financial analyst. as a political analyst i would caution everyone that s saying this isn t sustainable or about to explode or go to 7 or 8%. that sounds crazy town. we have been at 2 to 3% for a while. the president is right if i can oversee a 3% economy that will be a very successful thing. it s been 3% for a year. we haven t done that for a better part of a decade. because of this, this can
happen the psyche of american business has changed. i m speaking to ceos and small business owners. they feel like they have the wind at the back instead of the wind in their face. even with the trade stuff. there are things i don t like that he does. they feel like the government is on their side. if we can continue that way. if with ecan lower taxes and have less regulations. the reason why is we were going the opposite way. business don t know what because next to hit. we talk about obamacare. that mandate was big stuff. even a little up tick. whether it s an anomaly or not it will make it easier to get to 3%. i don t want to overplay the anomaly. there is more going on here.
soybeans are selling. we all under estimating because peoples mentallies have changed. it could be rational. maybe their are optimistic now. they are buying the make america great again. there is no changeable policy. if they believe it. optimism is up. they are happy about their prospects it s better than it was. even though the company has more tax cuts. he s a good salesman. no president hiked the economy like this. corporations did do well under obama. wage growth is an issue. that s not something that turned around because of president trump. we have an extra trillion because of the policies.
there are outstanding issues that used to matter to republicans. paul ryan used to be the deficit king. now, you know, it s sunshine and butterflies. dammed if he does and dammed if he doesn t. to me, people should be honest about their priorities. the deficit will matter and entitlement reform will matter. as a liberal does it worry you he s presiding over an economy that s picking up steam. no, it s a great thing for americans. are you worried? yeah. see how easy that was. it wasn t that easy. we ll have more on this. i want to get the fallout from an hillary clinton strategist.
the leadership from the,party is that this isn t really happening. a lot of people are seeing it and acting on it. in the poll which i m a codirector of. we see 70% before the announcement see we have a strong economy. trump has a 55% approval on the economy but only a 41% approval personally. a little bit below what he would need to keep democrats from taking the house. let s explore that. in 2014, the last midterm election. the economy was doing well. unemployment was cut dramatically down. we were closing in on 5%.
A breakdown of major headlines impacting business and politics features a rotating panel of industry experts.
controls. i think one of the biggest advantages democrats have going into this is the republicans jumped ship thinking they were on the titanic. they have a leader that quit. he doesn t seem to support the economic policy. they have a completely mixed massage. the democrats biggest problem is the election of socialist. they produce numbers on unemployment, food stamps, and social programs that are remarkable. don t forget what happened from 96 to 98. unexpected growth closed the deficit that not a single economist predicted. the internet boom and all of the revenue that came with that. thank you very much. thank you. we talked about the media. protestors shutting down ice. this soft-spoken guy told a
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exbetter experience graduating from a community college. you got married and started are family. the president was compelled by what you lad t had to say. i believe so. you said in this environment you benefited. is that what you were trying to get across? yes, basically, i wanted to let them know what i wanted to do. i landed a job with a great company and able to start-up an apprenticeship to better my life and family. i wanted to congratulate mr. president on that for passing the bill. i like when you had to say college or four year school zone is for everybody. sometimes there are different strokes for different folks.
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it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. all right, facebook, mark zuckerberg is not a fan of this. his stocks dropped this week. twitter also slumped because of the number of users not piling on. ei have gary and lindsey bell. it seems like a trend.
you are seeing users spend less time. they are not giving up altogether. this is a trend that has started. instagram is doing great. microsoft said they had the best quarter. this is something they have to work through. i thought instagram would protect them. it was the deal of the century. we don t know how much business they were allowing that was fake. not just the russians buying ads. completely fake accounts. why didn t they deal with this
years ago. you think that is what happened? i was amazed this hit them earlier. brand name is headed south and worriness is headed north. that s not good for these companies you pay nothing to be apart of. this is beyond beyond at this point and time. we hit a peak for all of them. not instagram but the whole. i would be careful. as far as it effecting other technology. intel was hit this week. i m watching peak earnings. if it breaks that won t be good for the markets. are you hearing the break analysis? what i am hearing is tech stocks are price for profection. it was the forecasting.
when you have them priced for perfection then you have this dramatic reaction. i m with you on the instagram thing. facebook was so smart to buy instagram when they did. it would be worth $100 billion now. it s not helping. i mean, they haven t begun to monetize instagram. i would also point out, look at snap chats earnings last quarter that ended in may. their stock went down 20%. outlook was horrible. the stock came all the way back up. where else will you find growth.
you look at the stocks. there is a possibility in tech. what was amazing was the stock doped but they had revenue. that didn t happen in 2000. those companies were falling apart. the point here is that the concept of how they are growing is revenue is under question. is it just facebook the way they grow revenue at this rate facebook said, okay, we ll still grow but it won t be in
the 30 perceptage instead of 400 percentage. all of the stocks are over owned, over loved, and over leveraged. the stock knocked down all of the points. all of these people who want to sella peace. they are going lower you go from a high price to not so high price. it has to slowdown. this is what apple deals with. you only sold 80 million phones and they punished the stocks is that justified. are the apples and amazons and microsoft are the real trendsetters. there are different pockets
that will show more growth. cloud has been phenomenal. you have a.i. and different areas to focus on. artificial intelligence. these companies need to buy. the he said money is gone. based on what they have now. those technology companies that are able to move with the time. microsoft is a cloud company now. they got the job with the new ceo. amazon, with all of their new products, alexa will be monster monster going forward. if investors come to you and say i still believe in technology and it s the future and put money on funds. that group, would you tell them go ahead.
it s over blown because they are launching ets which is just social media ets. they way waited under the end. apple never indulged. social media companies are driving the growth. a lot of technology fund. i wouldn t buy a fund i would be stock specific. with social media i would let the dust settle. the greatest winners will be in technology. the timing is off. there will be some monstrous new applications ten years from know that will go up just like we ve seen in every decade. can you share those names during did break. yeah, there is some kid
watching right now. the president firing micheal cohen after the release of the tapes and phone calls. what happened with this relationship. that s what i want to know. what happened. i feel your pain.
with proskin technology for two times faster absorption so you can have worry free nights, and wake up feeling fresh and free for a free sample visit let s get the latest on what the charges are on the president. good morning, neil. president trump s long time lawyer said his boss green lighted the meeting that s a future in the mueller probe. it took place on june 8th. it including paul manaford and
jared kushner. the president s son long insisted his father had no knowledge of the meeting. it was such a nothing. there was nothing to tell. the president offered his confirmation of that yesterday via tweet. i didn t know of the meeting with my son donald jr. someone is trying to makeup stories to get him out of an unrelated jam. this is after he leaked a attack about hush money they paid to a playboy model. now the inner circle are painting an unflattering picture of cohen. rudy giuliani said cohen is lying. i think it s a big deal. micheal cohen represents a legal threat to the president. you know, there is one area. we have one key person we tell
all of our life stories too. in the president s case he was his fixer for many years. meameanwhile paul manaford s trial will start in a few days. witnesses there will also be asked about the meeting. thank you very much. the fallout is at a time when people are trying to understand. let s say the president did know about the meeting. does that mean anything? democratic strategy ann and mercedes. you are a lawyer. yep. is there anything wrong with the president having to reverse himself and say i did know. outside of misrepresent senting to the press. there is nothing under oath. he hasn t come forward and said
i had nothing to do with the meeting. he tweeted it again. there is nothing under oath. if he does turn around and says by the way, i recalled and i did know something about the meeting. it wasn t clear. someone told me about the meeting. it s fine. there is nothing under oath. it wouldn t matter what was discussed on the meeting. i ve told there is a good book. he doesn t buy all of this. he was telling me that it doesn t automatically mean collusion any way. am i getting in the weeding of something we don t know happened. of. i m not a political operative. the russians did nothing to hide the meeting. there was nothing covert about the meeting. they had it at trump power on
fifth avenue. television cameras during the campaign. it s interesting from me you wouldn t know who those people were. no, but if you were going to have a huge conspiracy it would be a clandestine meeting. this is something that would have been open. what if the president knew about it? he said he hasn t. i have no reason to not believe him. we have micheal cohen s word against the president. he has publicly defended don jr. if you could pipe down. [ laughtedown.[laughter]. international, i m not a lawyer and won t pretent to be one on tv today. if this is true this will be
another page in a catalog of lies by this president on the issue as it relates to russia and every other thing he tends to liability since he s taken office. whether it s stormy daniels. you if you can t trust him on one thing how can you trust him on another. you can say that about bill clinton. well, a lot of people don t trust him. do you think you are being fair? say he did know about it the next leap is collusion. if he did know about it that s where the important work of the special prosecutor is doing. that s why the pressure needs to
be relieved. this is all a witch hunt. we can t deny that russian did be thmesswith the election. it s important for republicans to take a deep breathe. and democrats too. yeah, well, he hasn t. well, from a policy prospective. a few days ago sec ta ago secreo said we ll continue the sanctions against russia. we are also aiding with military weapons to the ukraine something many pushed the obama administration to do. i understand what you are saying but from a policy prospective these are tough policy actions. what we do know for a fact based on the intelligence
committee is russia is playing in our elections again. the president of the united states stood on the stage and slapped the intelligence committee in the face. the prior actions he made was fairly tough. tough in comparison. what did the obama administration do? you don t know what happened behind closed doors. the world doesn t know. for all we know you don t know what s going on in for a meeting behind closed door but you are judging it. i can base judgment on what he did. one thing i can do is if they hang their head on micheal cohen then shame on them. i never said they would.
has anyone ever taped a client, absolutely. that s why i say the work is important. i m more fi fixated on merces working with how dos of lawyers. i would like you to think aboutar that. we ll have more after this. do? she s saying a whole lotta people want to buy this house. but you got this! rocket mortgage by quicken loans makes the complex simple. understand the details and get approved in as few as eight minutes. by america s largest mortgage lender.
this is a big road that s usually very busy. a little town out their of 625 people. between here and there there is a fire marching down the fireside threatening the houses there. others have been destroyed in other parts of the fire. we look off to the right and the problem is this. in california many people move into the mountains which is the wild land urban interface. there is definitely fire in the mountains. winds have been blowing dangerously close to this small town. at the moment the winds are light. recent bush growth made california a firebox. the fire might jump this road and they are standing to protect evacuated property. we have seen a horse rescue this
morning. if the winds come up with the high temperature the homes will be threatened. this is from the level of the air. of course the issue of the people on the ground facing it face-to-face. this is the it you asian around 40 to 50,000 acres. we have the gotten the latest figures yet. only 5% contained and that means this fire is pretty much raging out of control. there is a lot of property standing in it s way and a lot of dry bush. thank you, tom, very much. we ll have more on the fallout. this put in a lot of pressure on the power grid. that goes beyond those effected in the area.
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how would it evidence itself. same thing, if you go back and take a look at what happened in the ukraine, the biggest use of black energy and loss of power. you start seeing things like that. in the control rooms an easy way to do a 101 look at the officers that mueller put-out. look, it s just basic trade stuff you will see. you will see them mapping it out. they detect behavior in the knelt work and start going up. we think there is something in their. they were close to shutting off the power. they could have taken over the breakers. you shutdown the power grid. that connects a lot of utilities. easily, it s sabotageble. you hit the power grid. what would go out along the way?
that s the one thing they haven t gained it out. you would have a series of events. i was out in phoenix 114 degrees. they have a massive impact on the power grid. you have to most vulnerable people in our to society. places were heat will kill people. you have an impact on public safety. we know what happens. as we have seen in wore. if we go after our power you effect a lot of it between communication or banking to you don t want to create a doomsday scenario. think of one thing that doesn t require power to operate. it sort of strung together. a lot of people think it s a so fest indicated network.
when one goes out it s a limb that goes out and before you know it you are in intensive care. we are vulnerable because these have not been fixed or updated. in some cases, in northern california i was reading in decades. then what? back in march. i wrote an article about how for russia this is a warmup for them. what you will see is an example of what happened. back in 2006 you were hit with the massive power outage, it started in ohio and worked it s way-out. i have a progress, yes, i have. if they fall victim they take spear fishing. this network wasn t suppose to be connected.
this is the same day the target hacked happened. they used third party with remote control software. with all of the money they spent and haven t learned that lesson you couldn t spend tha half of . wouldn t they know they were watching them. they wanted to do something and be extra cautious. this couldn ts the low intensity complex. as long as they can keep you distracted the magicians are illusionist. that s what they are looking to do. they are continue to try to influence elections. microsoft found three places in the elections.
morgan, thank you. i thank you. we have the congressman coming up. i wonder what he thinks of this. paying too much for insurance you don t even understand? well, esurance makes it simple and affordable. in fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of $412. that s auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. paying too much for insurance that isn t the right fit? well, esurance makes finding the right coverage easy. in fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of $412. that s auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. esursaynot todayis becauseany. of my bladder, thanks to tena intimates with proskin technology designed to absorb so fast, it helps to protect and maintain your skin s natural balance so you can feel fresh and free
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who knew what and said what about meetings. and darrell issa, congressman, a lot of attention about that. i don t think it s a small matter and it s worth media attention. i m not saying the media ignored the strong gdp data, but let s say it was as favored a subject as the cohen tapes and allegations. what do you make of all of that? it may be the greatest backhanded compliment of all time. we take for granted that president trump was going to make america great again financially. he was going to be somebody who came in with the answers to make america competitive, our exports grow, our imports shrink and our industry come back. so the fact that he s done it to a certain extent is appreciated by his base, discounted by the other side and a turncoat lawyer, a lawyer who deserves to be disbarred for a number of his
actions, including, you know, recording his client clandestinely makes a much better story than businessman makes america great again. neil: let me ask you about that then. regardless of the charges back and forth. are you worried that a wind should normally be at the republicans back, the president s back could be imperilled into this investigation, a widening issue of the president on a call talking about playing off a former playboy model or whatever gets in the way of all of that, gets in the way of the messaging you think could be a winner for republicans? i think if you re looking for some sort of epiphany for the voter that didn t vote for president trump because they thought the social solutions and obama issues were more important for themselves and their children. you re not going to get that no matter what. neil: what if he s proven to be a liar, congressman?
if he s proven to have not told the whole truth about the fact that campaigns look for dirt and if someone offers it, you listen to them, nobody s going to be surprised. there are some things in politics that you just take for granted. neil: you don t see that as a long-term impact. wouldn t be the first politician or president to maybe misrepresent things? businessmen listen to almost anyone who might be helpful and make pragmatic decisions how to make bad stories go away. in business, a problem is something that money won t solve. if you ve got somebody making an allegation true or false and suing you for something true or false and you often make a pragmatic decision to make it go away and get back to the important things. this president keeps getting back to the important things of making our economy work again, make the world safer again, making our military strong and able to keep us out of war. these are the issues no matter how many times people try to
distract the president, he does return to and his cabinet returns to. so, i mean, will the voters in just a few months return to the question of are you better off than you were two years ago? and by the way, so much better off that it is, you know, it is the 40%, 50% better growth, an economy that s not just hitting on all cylinders you, but is the envy of the world. neil: you think that would be the winning you could be right. congressman, let me get a read from you. a lot of people know you re going to retire and all of that soon. excuse me, you re also one of the most successful businessman who has ever come to the house of representatives. i believe you re the richest congressman because of that success. currently, although i m too poor to be in the cabinet so i m in the middle ground. neil: well, maybe not at the rate let me get a sense when you talk to business leaders and those who succeeded this and they like all this and they worry about trade. you tell them what? i tell them if in fact is
what is being done is to getting us to deals that allow our country to succeed, prosper and compete, then these are necessary transitions, including the farmers you were talking about a little while ago and so on. president trump got a commitment from europe to buy up an awful lot of inventory that china is trying not to buy. i think that everyone sees there will be disruption, but in the long run we had to get rid of the barriers to our opportunities or we had to raise our barriers and the president made it clear he ll raise the barriers unless others lower theirs. he challenged europe to eliminate all of their tariffs and we d eliminate ours between us and europe. that s a major recognition that all he wants is fairness. neil: whatever you think about this, is it your sense, congressman, if this were to drag on for many months, all bets are off, right? well, look, if people get to where they know longer are talking, no longer negotiating, no longer meeting and finding
ways to work together, yes, that s a problem. but during these weeks and months, no president has been more willing to meet meetings that others wouldn t have even considered. he s already done more in less than two years and most presidents do in eight. neil: all right. congressman, always good seeing you. thank you very, very much. thank you. neil: fair and balanced now and a fellow who might disagree with some of the statements there, barack obama s former economic advisor austan goolsby. thanks for having me back, neil. neil: we talk about this 4.1% growth the economy experienced in the second quarter. when you were working with president obama it exceeded 4% i believe four times. what we ve discussed with the numbers that are well-received. they re hard to keep going up. why is that? well, yes, they are to keep going. that s why i always used to tell president obama don t get out and take credit for one big number because usually you have
reversion to the mean. if you get a big number, you get a small number. it kind of happened here. in the first quarter of this year we had a pretty measley number, barely 2%. now a strong number. chances are it comes back down and if you average over a long period of time you bet get a better sense of how it s going. and this is a good number if there are democrats trying to portray no, it s not a good number. they re wrong. this is a good number. the president should be happy about this number, but the key thing here is, what s our steady state growth rate? it s definitely not 4%. if we could get to 3% that would be fabulous. neil: and that it s very likely, given what s happened the first half of the year and let s say we average 3% or better, that s something we haven t done in the better part of a decade. that would be great, if we could do 3% that would be great.
neil: i d like your sense and i know some oddities in the report and obviously the president s straight position might have prompted some of this, a lot of companies, you know, buying some moving stuff fast ahead of the hammer coming down. but there was a 4% jump in consumer spending four times the rate we saw in the first quarter, that goes beyond logic, right? because americans at the time were dealing with higher gas prices, still pretty anemic wage growth. so what did you make of that? you know, that s a key point that you seizeded on there. what i made of that was, in the first quarter, that was surprisingly low. it was literally less than 1%. and at that time, if you remember, we said, well, this probably had something to do with the weather. we had a couple of the quote, unquote, reference weeks when the weather was bad. we thought there would be a rebound in consumer spending. it s better than what we were hoping for so that s great. i don t know that that we ll
have to keep an eye on oil prices and gas prices. if you think that s going to be sustained. now, to the president s credit. neil: okay. i don t know if it s credit, i don t think that this number reflects very much the tax cuts. i know a lot of people are saying that, but i think if you believe, which i don t, but if you believe that the president s tax cut is going to have a big impact on investment and growth, that has yet to kick in. so, he could get from his policy more, but i don t think you can attribute this number to it because it s in the wrong category. neil: quickly, what about his thoughts in an interview with sean hannity, if he hacks the trade deficit in half, 8, 9% growth isn t out of the question. what did you make of that? that sounded like i mean, obviously, that doesn t make any sense. i think he was just trying to
express his happiness that this was a good number. it s clear, trade is not that big of a share of the u.s. economy and we do not have sustained growth rates of 8, 9% in the united states, only see growth rates in countries that are very poor and you disagree with na? yeah, i disagree with that. neil: i ll put you down as a maybe on this president right now. austan, always good seeing you. thank you very much. thanks for having me. neil: austan goolsby. the from t vchltvj rogers on t phone. how much credit do you give this credit for this pickup in the economy? well, given the warning that the numbers vary around, the fact is that the number 4 is a big number. the left wing press is attacking
the number, can t be sustained, et cetera. but guess what? you know, the guy came in, he said we have to lower taxes, we have to do this and that, he did it and right now we have record low unemployment and it s been low enough, long enough we have people coming off the bench and adding into the labor poor. those people are spending money and that s running the economy. so instead of trying to win a philosophical battle by dumping on the guy, let s give him credit for a job well done. neil: so a lot of these, the president would be damned if he did and damned if he didn t. and you do raise a valid point. but does the trade friction worry you? yes. the government government meddling in trade is like a sledgehammer. to get a deal going with a company in another country to set up a supply chain is a big deal, it takes years. and that companies need a
stable economy to be able to do what they need to do to grow the economy. and when that gets jerked around and you read the newspaper. by the way your product is going to have a tariff tomorrow, that tax stuff around. my hope is that he s doing what i think he will be doing, which is, look, we re prepared to disrupt this thing, we re prepared to raise hell. if you guys are willing to go to a zero tariff deal, which is a straight deal, everybody will do it we re not going to live with the status quo. we re going to take action chts the same policy, you ve got to pay for noto n.a.t.o. a lot of concern with what happened this week with facebook, and even intel nervous guidance. what s going on? well, first of all, if you look at the what i d call the software
sector, twitter, facebook, et cetera, you just do the multiples on those companies and they re off the charts and maybe that s right. maybe people feel a lot of growth, a paradigm, the world is changing and these guys are the leaders, so let s give them credit. those numbers were off the chart and when they relax a little bit, when facebook, for example, reports growth to a record level, but the growth isn t as high as they hoped for and therefore, they take a hit. to me, that s a correction, but there s nothing fundamentally wrong here. business is good. so the concern among invests, ma inbound this group that s been on fire, maybe we ought to unload this stuff because there s something funky going on, you just don t agree with that? well, okay. i don t agree with the assessment of the root cause, but the fact is, in my career, i usually get surprised. i can t predict. nobody else can either, but i
don t feel inferior. and my biggest fear always in the market was the invests are getting skittish. they think that the market s overheated and they re all waiting for a reason to bulk up. neil: i didn t mean to jump on you. we have to go to that break regardless. tj rogers on the phone. be well. nor korea and the united states, more in sync than you know, more progress than you re hearing after this. it rocked our world. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they took care of everything a to z. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that s a privilege. tired of wrestling with seemingly impossible cleaning tasks? wipes in the kitchen can be ineffective. try mr. clean magic eraser with durafoam. simply add water, to remove burnt on food. try mr. clean magic eraser with durafoam.
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happened to him and put him to rest. neil: that was donna knox, now, her dad, among those who went missing when his plane carrying four crew members went down in authority korea back in 1952. she s still waiting to know exactly what happened to him. nuclear showdown author gore began gordon chang on those who fought and died there. you were educating me about the process here, the north koreans hand over the remains and the numbers. how do we know those remains coming here are the remains that the north koreans say they are? we ll only know when the dna test is done in hawaii. the north koreans have returned dog remains, for instance, i don t know intentional or not, but you never know until you do the forensics on these. they ve been sitting on these for a long, long time, decades. the north koreans say they have held 200 sets of remains
and mentioned this in conversations to u.s. official. now, of course, 55 fewer. the pentagon estimates there s 5 52 5300 sets in north korean and the official number is over 7,000 and the number of americans who are missing. and we know some are mischaracterized, they re not missing, they re prisoners of war. we have incontrovertible evidence that some were not returned at the armistice. and estimate 800 to a thousand americans were not returned. so, that s the so, they were alive, but prisoners? they were alive. yes, we have evidence will they be in their 80 s today? some would be in their 90 s. the one who is we have incontrovertible evidence who was not returned was major sam logan shot down september 9th, 1950. we have a still photograph of him released by the soviets and
by the way, if there are american p.o.w. s alive, they re alive probably in china or in russia because the soviets took a lot of them for basically intel purposes. so, you know, logan would be close to a hundred. but there are others 85 or so. and yesterday on america s news room, you guys were interviewing a korean war veteran, he was 85 and he looked you just mentioned it here. how do we deal with that? what do we do to get to the bottom of that? we have to put maximum pressure on the north koreans and the chinese and russians. we have the leverage to do that. we have never put p.o.w. s, m mia s at the top of the list of things to do. we need to do that because if we do that we ll get beneficial effects on things we consider more important. i don t think that way, but things like nuclear weapons and the rest of it, those are important, but if you don t show resolve on remains and p.o.w. s, the chinese and north koreans
and russians are going to look at us and say you re not serious. you re serious on one thing that s important to us? juan williams was saying on fox, look, this is who we are as a people and that s absolutely right. neil: that s well-put. gordon, thank you, very very much. meanwhile, the president, of course, is charting this progress as he should with the north koreans. it s something that they re doing, they weren t doing before and progress on the trade front. come down $52 billion. that s the gap, four trade deficit in the latest quarter. not a word there on the budget deficit and why that worries some folks after this. so you can have worry free nights, and wake up feeling fresh and free for a free sample visit
i m even more honored to see that deficit shrink, the trade deficit shrink so much. the press never mentions about the deficit. we re looking at a trillion dollar one. he sure does and i disagree that he never mentions it. you might recall when he saw the spending deal he was pleased to see the military that he wanted, but was concerned that perhaps there s too much other spending, but i would guess in the next budget negotiation we will have to dry a harder line on spending. neil: that sounds like one of my diet commitments. harder line. all right, welcome back, everybody, back with me on this subject about the attention to the trade deficit, not so much the budget deficit. 200. we have jonas max ferris and lindsey. more attention to trade than budget. just where is that? yeah, it worries me, too. and like you said in the intro, the budget deficit is going to
exceed a trillion dollars and continue to be at that level for the forseeable future. nobody cares. the president barely talks about it and the bond market hasn t reacted and that s why there s no political will to deal with the spending issues. you ve been reminding for many years, it s like a ticking time bomb. the trade deficit is the fly and the budget deficit is the gigantic elephant and they re taunting markets and they re taunting the economy and i put it down to real numbers. this coming year, our first 400 billion of our tax dollars going to interest, not for the poor, not for the elderly or the indigent. and it will be a trillion dollars and how is the bond market, not at 5, 6%, one day, i m promising you this, i don t know when, 20 trillion, 30 trillion, we are going to wake up in the bond market and much
higher interest rates. look out. if trump wants to see all the good he s done or says he has done dissipate very quickly, watch, if you don t start addressing this and unfortunately, the republicans added 300 billion a year to spending. neil: they re outdoing the democrats. and of course, ryan is quitting, he s going bye-bye and nobody cares. neil: what worries me about that, to his point, you know, the thing i worry about, jonas, a slight up-tick in rates makes this a lot worse and also, your point hasn t happened yet. do you even factor it in? it s something that we talked about when you re running for president. once you re president you stop talking about it. that s the way with everybody. it s really not this president s fault. we ve reached maximum capacity to be fair, when he was running he did talk about the fact that
growth solve a lot of problems and i don t know if growth donald trump doesn t fear debt like most americans. he s more comfortable leveraging. let put it that way. that said, these problems aren t going to go away. the interest rate which you brought up originally is a concerns. you re financing a lot of debt and economy doesn t grow well because the rates are low. you can t lose control of the interest rates. it s when the rates go up and payments that gary was talking about spiral without more spending. you have to at least keep the confidence there that you re going to borrow and that s the biggest single problem, some of it s because the economy is hot, but other japan and others california 500 billion in debt. new york, i think 400. illinois is one step from junk
bond rating. this can t continue and god forbid we ever have a recession, watch what happens to the deficits then, they ll blow up like you never believe and again, my simple thought, every day they re taunting markets and every day $3 billion is aeded to the taxpayers shoulders and that s bad longer term. neil: help me with this, the president said outside the white house, he was talking about growth really helps. i think every percentage point increase adds $3 trillion. i don t know what that was remembering to or 10 million jobs, maybe the other way around. bottom line, that it will solve a lot of problems. bill clinton enjoyed a lot of that with the internet boom and revenues that came in and higher gdp and all of a sudden, deficits became surplusesment does he have a point, can he do something to lift the gdp let s say it consistently gets to be 3, 4, 5%, and told sean hannity
8, 9%. how far would this go to addressing this? growth would help the situation for sure. the question is, does it cause inflation to rise? if inflation rises, it hikes rates. the interest payments that we are going to have to make to service the debt is going to go through the roof. so it s really a problem for your generation. i m kind of cast out. i i m kind of cashed out. i m not too, too worried. where is this going. saying to the federal reserve don t raise rates. if federal reserve raises rate, he wants a hot economy and low borrowing cost. that can somewhat get us out of the problem. the high interest rates would be a disaster for the deficit. we know so people like you
don t get anything, entitlements. the time to work on this is when the going is good. they have such an opportunity with the growth right now. neil: they didn t do it penalized for it. they penalize and loose their power base because money is the mother s milk for these politicians. neil: this is so simple with the growth then. it s not so simple, but i agree with gary we need to take care of this problem right now. the economy will slow down. part of the reason why we got to 4% is because of spending that has been done, the tax cuts and stimulus. neil: you want to do something, you re worried for your generation. yes, i am. i am. neil: i guess there s something to that. seriously, thank you all very much. the president talking about the great process he s making on trade and the deal he scored with the europeans. i want you to meet a farmer who says, sir, not so fast. rance, you could save with their single deductible.
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you know, everyone worries about approaching tariffs and what americans are going to be paying for when it comes to this trade war. farmers are already paying for it right now despite $12 million that the president promised to get them over the hump before it s resolved. and a live stock farmer from illinois, brian, glad to have you back and thank you for taking the time. neil, great to be back again. neil: how are things looking for you now? i guess on the respect of trade it s an uncertain environment. you know, we hope that the president s able to resolve these issues quickly, negotiate some bilateral deals and get us back into the markets that we ve worked so hard to gain all of these years in agriculture. neil: so, brian in your case, i m curious with the deal that the president made with the
europeans, we don t have all the details, but they have committed to buy more soy beans and agricultural products. are you going to see any of that? do you know how that will offset whatever you re losing now? neil, it s going to be the devil s in the details. i think you probably heard as well that eu spokeswoman said that agriculture was not going to be part of the deal. i think she made that announcement yesterday. so we don t know. there s just so many unknowns and just like with the aid package the president announced on tuesday, you know, we don t know enough of the details yet to say what how that s going to benefit. neil: all right, that aid package was supposed to improve things for guys like you so that you had a buffer. we don t know where exactly the money will be coming from, we don t know to whom it will be going. we re told those who would be in the direct line of fire, which i think would be guys like you, but you ve heard nothing? well, we know some of the
details, yes. and that s about what we know, what you ve outlined. of the 12 billion, a portion is going to be in direct payments. a portion is in purchase of commodities. a portion is going to be in market development. the details are being ironed out and in theory, we re going to be seeing the details in august, you know, but we do appreciate the president acknowledging the tremendous damage that s occurred in agriculture, in rural america, since the trade war began, back when you and i first talked, neil. neil: at the time the detail was the chinese get them to the table and get them to blink at the table and concede. maybe they ll start buying soy beans. i don t know how big of a market for what you produce, but what do you think about that? well, they are a big market and i think from the beginning we ve said, you know, all due roux he inspehe
respect we think there s a better way to go go that. tariffs are a last resort, not the first. i think there s time for the president to set a course making an agreement with our allies and mexico, another huge unknown sitting out there for us, neil, is nafta. that s probably as much or more important as a pork producer is that. make a deal with mexico, with canada, our allies in the g-7 and turn as one and face china. i think that s a productive, again, a rules-based approach to solving you know, neil, there s no doubt there s trading issues that need to be addressed. it s just what s the most productive way to address them. neil: the president said, brian, this is the time to do and from a position of strength, we just came off a strong gdp report, the economy is doing very well, we re the world s envy, you ve heard all of that argument, and there s never a good time to do
this, but if there ever were, this is it. what do you think of that? it s a horrible time for agriculture to do this, neil. we ve seen farm income drop from a high of over $120 billion five years ago to usda projected level of 60 billion dollars this year. the farm income has been cut in half and now, neil, since the trade war started we ve seen the combined value of the big six commodities drop $20 billion. so the timing wasn t good for agriculture and you know, i d say that s why we re pretty adamant from the beginning that there s a better way to go about this, mr. president. neil: brian, you know, we talk to average consumers and they ve seen the price of a lot of items they buy at the grocery store go down, whether it s bacon or sausage, some cereals, breads and they say, well, what s brian complaining about? we re doing okay, all of this stuff is getting cheaper. [laughter] yeah, well, pork loin is a bargain right now i would say
for grilling season as we get to the end of the season. pardon me while i put that unsolicited advertisement in this, but, yeah, but there s and that s why agriculture occupies a really unique spot in the economy, neil. we buy retail. we re hit both sides on this tariff, equipment, grain bins. anything we buy, we use a lot of steel out here in agriculture. we ve seen those prices go up 30% and then we can t pass that price on. we re price takers. we sell, we sell into a market and take a place. and so, that s why this has been particularly devastating for agriculture. the prices of what we buy, the hard inputs have gone up and what we sell has dropped precipitously. neil: brian, i wish you well. you argue on behalf of farmers like few others i know. i m hoping these clouds lift and very, very soon, my friend. thank you. yeah, so do we, neil.
again, always a pleasure to visit tu. neil: same here. brian duncan of the illinois farm bureau vice-chairman, caught up in the fire back and forth on this issue. well, my guests think about the long-term impact of that after this. hat s next. and i m still going for my best even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there s a better treatment than warfarin, i m up for that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. so what s next? seeing these guys. don t stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don t take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take
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reunited is reunited and now the attention has shifted and you know that s not the case, but back and forth. there are over 711 children who have not been reunited. but they re no longer here, can t be reunited, but 200, 250. neil: they were back. 150 waived the right to be reunited and a look see to determine if they can be. and there s a if they have a criminal background they will not be reunited. so it s a mixed bag whether these children could ever be reunited. so many 711 that s been reported that have not been, but various reaps why. but the sad part about this, whether you re democrat or republican, we should not have been in this position. this idea of zero tolerance or
that it s politically okay for the red meat for the base to yank parents away from children is bad and i fought my party for not holding this administration, this president accountable and we switched the conversation to abolishing ice. which is impractical policy. neil: you think that was stupid? i think it s impractical policy. focusing on this administration to do something about comprehensive immigration reform and about he wouldn t be the first president, democratic or republican that hasn t gotten people on both sides of the aisle were so horrified. you can t say it s okay that they re doing this. it s not a political discussion, about what was done . my point in all of this, this should have never happened. like, this was under the instructions of trump about the zero policy notion and i think that that kind of, you know, pushed the ball down the field. neil: don t you think that the
president was damned if he did, damned if it didn t. ratherly does he blink or pivot only because the pressure was up. neil: look the way to put it, he changed his mind and now those who could be reunited are reunited. and mercedes brings up the reality a lot were deported before they could be reunited. 700 more not been. there s reports about data being lost and kid not being able to find their family. neil: are either of you in the joe crowley camp a guy who lost her leadership post by losing a primary in new york, who says that they should be compensated for this? depends what compensation looks like. neil: money. i don t know if they should be in cages, to give them a handout, i don t know that it depends, because the children will probably have psychological damages for their
lives being disrupted. what does the concern look like. the devil s are in the detail. to each child the bottom line. even if every even those kids who parents then returned or mother or father. or waived the right to be reunited, too. so who then takes the blame for that? well, i mean, that s really boils down to, frankly, if you look at some of the ice individuals that did the separating of children. they said, well, we thought their policy meant this. i don t think there was at least it s being reported. if you look at the granular level. no one is coming forward and said the president said y, x and z. neil: you re saying that ice took it to the next level. i said it was unclear and frankly, there isn t any it s being reported both sides. neil: and there s a lot more than the separation and zero to correcting that. exactly. but, neil, the bottom line, this came from the zero
tolerance policy from this administration and now we ll never give this president a ribbon or a political for fixing a problem that he caused. it s just like the farmer bailout. he caused the tariff problem and now you wouldn t blame barack obama for putting teens who ended up being in drug mills for illegals when they were locked up? i would not blame barack obama for that, neil. neil: but you would blame donald trump for this? i would definitely blame donald trump for this. neil: so you re not being fair and balanced. i think i m being practical. neil: all right. guys, a lot more after this, including the eu saying it s going to do one thing, but maybe it s doing another? what a farmer just told us after this. for two times faster absorption so you can have worry free nights, and wake up feeling fresh and free for a free sample visit
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what does the farmer s lament have to do with syria? if you ll indulge me, the farmer a little while ago talking about his understanding of the european goods, and selling more goods to the europeans and lo and behold, they say that s not in the context. and i want to bring this up with morgan ortega, what and how can we believe on this? it s not to disparage the president or for that matter the europeans, but what s in a so-called settlement when it comes to syria, iran, when it comes to how we handle each and all? so what is your understanding, the threat that iran poses and what we will do in response? so, this administration has taken a very clear idea of iran, which i agree with, they want to stop the iranian aggression and
expansion in the middle east rit large. i think one of the things that a lot of people fail to understand is our policy in syria is irretrievable linked to the policy in iran. right now on the syrian border, you have iranian forces in syria. the israelis are worried about syria becoming a staging ground tore military operations which it already is for iranians. that s why you saw them shoot down a syrian war plane that ventured into their air space and operations against iranian military forces. neil: is that a proxy war? it s a complete and utter mess. in order to have a clear strategy on iran, you have to have a clear strategy on syria. keeping assad in power, he s killed thousands of his own people and created chaos and mess and no way the average syrian person is going to have any sort of peace that the civil war will end with assad in
power. it just won t happen. neil: and they say you pull this stunt again on the syrian people, we re not going to allow it. which is a smart move. neil: there are ways of going around that? exactly. essentially we re saying you can t kill your people with chemical weapons you have to use other weapons. he s still killing his people. neil: and speaking of this farmer, is something not getting translated properly? i think that the president and his team are in a very tough position in syria because we had for, at least four years, five years under the obama administration, an incredibly muddled policy and in syria, the united states, understandably so, has been very leery about entering yet another war zone, another area. we ve had humanitarian assistance and special forces, that sort of thing. but president trump has been reluctant to get involved. a lot of people want to see the
syrian war wrapped up. the problem is you re trusting the russians to be able to keep the iranians at bay. i don t think that putin has the ability to do that. neil: really, the iranians are rogue now? and national intelligence says that putin doesn t have the will or the ability to keep them at bay. so the president and his team are right to be tough against iran, to push back against their expansion in the middle east, to be allies with our sunni arab partners ton this, however, the administration also needs to come up with a very clear policy on syria because they re linked in. and what do the israelis do? ua ambassador to the u.s., netanyahu goes to moscow more than washington. that shows what a player the russians are in the middle east. neil: communicate, communicate. morgan, thank you. mixed signals, to morgan s point. but on the foreign policy front
too early to say where it ends up. we know on the economy front, a that, at least is providing positive signs. that will do it. fox continues after this. she s saying a whole lotta people want to buy this house. but you got this! rocket mortgage by quicken loans makes the complex simple. understand the details and get approved in as few as eight minutes. by america s largest mortgage lender.

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