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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20161208

i m chrisatthews in washington. a busy day for the trump transition. he announced governor branstad will serve as ambassador. and settle of state remacretary unfilled. in an interview with the today show, donald trump said the announcement was coming by next week. and he insisted mitt romney one of his fiercest critics during the campaign was still very much in contention. here he is. let me go back to mitt romney. is he still under consideration? yes, he is. does he have a chance to become secretary of state? yes, he does. i ve spoken to him a lot and we ve come a long way together. we had some tremendous difficulty together and now i thinke ve come a long way. but the answeis yes, he does. so this isn t about some case of stringing him along as revenge being a dish best served cold for the comments he made during the campaign? no, it s not about revenge, either the s abo it s about what is good for the country. and meanwhile nbc news reported that trump will appoint john kelly to head the department of homeland security. that is a big appointment. and the general will join another retired general, james mad dog mattis who has been tapped as defense department chief. national security adviser also a retired general, michael flynn of course. new york times tweeted one person close to trump transition noting all the military folks said it s beginning to look like seven day in may. of course that is a reference to the generals taking over, trying to take over back in the 60s in that novel. for the latest on the transition, i m joined by hallie jackson outside trump tower. thank you for joining us from that dangerous spot on the corner of 5th avenue. let me ask you about this interesting mix. it s not mix and match, it s generals and billionaires. pretty consistent now. reporter: yeah, everybody except for nikki haley. you look at his administration, they re all billionaires or former members of the military retired generals. and look at the picks today. you have not just general kelly, but announcing linda mcmahon will head up the small business administration. she also is extremely wealthy. so interesting to watch this play out. it also makes you wonder, you mentioned general petraeus as possible secretary of state, but one has to wonder if trump would pick yet another retired general. there must be some concern about the congress because congress has to pass a waiver on this to allow people who served within the has seven years to serve in civilian capacities. maybe they can tie that on as a ryder to a must pass bill. but especially if he names a general like petraeus to the state department, he s really loading it up with generals. reporter: right. and so listen, you have to compare it too. we ran the numbers, how many former generals were in president bush s administration, president obama. president bush had four, president obama five. of course that s over their eight year terms. it wasn t all at once. but i think that is worth noting. and the other point, it s mattis that needs the waiver, but it didn t look like that there will be a huge fight about that. especially considering the comments from nancy pelosi who indicated, hey, its probably not going to be a huge battle. that said, he will probably have difficulty in other areas of people trying to get confirmed. for example steven mnuchin who came under a lot of fire when he was named. but you re seeing those potential problems not necessarily with the military linked picks. what do you think of my pick that rudy will get secretary of state? i know it runs against everything, but i just think that this is the card he s been sitting on. he has never said rudy won t get it. he was the front runner at the outset, the most loyal guy in the campaign.runner at the outset, the most loyal guy in the campaign. my favorite thing is when you ask me to give my opinion your opinions. i will say this, i just got off the phone with a source familiar with some of the process who says that the president-elect is diving really into this process and has been diving in, really getting in to settle of state. feels like it is so, so important which is why you re seeing the process be so deliberative. i will tell you that a couple of people who are familiar with the decision making process are still putting rudy giuliani right up at the top of the list for secretary of state, a lot of question marks despite the president-elect s public comments about where mitt romney stands. and listen, it s also donald trump. so there is always the possibility of some kind of a dark horse pick. there are some in the inner circle who are fans of others like for example jon huntsman who has fallen out of the mix. so a lot of speculation and we should know more about certainly the end of next week. so clock is sticking here and we ll know soon. okay. hallie jackson right there on 5th avenue in front of that golden tower. last year it might be noted time chose angela merkel at its person of the year for 2015. and there was one very loud voice of dissent, in fact concept. his name is donald trump. trump tweeted i told you time would never pick me as person of the year despite being the big favorite. they picked a person who is ruining germany. today time announced 2016 person of the year and not a surprise, it was donald trump. on the today show this morning, trump said he was honored. well, it s a great honor. it means a lot. especially me growing up reading ime magazine and it s very important magazine. and i ve been lucky enough to be on the cuff maover many times t year and last year. but i consider this a very, very great honor. i m joined by time magaz e magazine s editor-in-chief and also the former deputy campaign manager for mitt romney and also governor ed rendell. nancy, was it an honor? it didn t surprise any of us i expect that he would treat it that way. what we always say is the person of the year is the one who has had the most influence over events of the year for better or worse. the weird thing about this year is no one really is arguing that someone else had more influence over the events this year. there is agreement on that. and there is still profound disagreement on whether it was for better or for worse. so the fact that he views it as an honor, he talks about how often he was on the cover of time. and sometimes it was because he was doing very well and other times it was when his campaign seemed to be falling apart. but if he is in the school that there is no such thing as bad publicity, then of course having us note that no other figure on the world stage this year dominated it in the way that he did, i think that would be hard to argue with. yeah, i don t think anyone has told him yet that richard nixon was on the cover i think 56 times for the all-time record. anyway, donald trump did he was impeached. donald trump did take one issue with time coverage. your cover said he was presiding over a divided america. here s what he said this morning to matt. well, i think putting divided is starky, but again it s divided. i m not president yet. so i didn t do anything to divide. and i will say this, i ve thousand got tten to know president obama and i really like him. at least for myself, i can t speak for him, but i think we have a really good chemistry together. we talk. i loves the country. he wants to do right by the country. and for the country. and i will tell you, we obviously very much disagree on certain policies and certain things, but i really like him as a person. let me go to governor rendell. you must be in shock watching this performance. are you a guy who was district attorney, assistant d.a. before that, mayor of a big city, governor. you did everything the normal way in politics. you shook hands, you meet people, you serve the public. and here is a guy with this whackiness of saying stuff we don t know if anything he says is true. and there is no reason to be prima facia agreeing to everything that he says is true. and he s on the cover of time magazine. person of the year and he s president-elect of the united states. what do you make of this world we live in? my successor had an expression saying it boggles my entire mind. and that boggles my entire mind. how donald trump, who attacked barack obama s citizenship, led a birther movement in this country and around the world, who called obama a terrorist sympathizer, who said he was the father of isis, how he could switch after one meeting and a few phone calls all of a sudden he s in love with the guy, they have chemistry together, good lord, certain chemicals can blow stuff up. so it s mind boggling to me. how he can say this by the way is gallows humor. this is crazy stuff. he says he didn t do anything to guide the country, but he sure did divide muslim the country, bue did divide muslim americans. he certainly divided mexican americans when he said what did he about people who come from mexico. trs so he was very responsible for a lot of division that exists. and what i fault him for is after he won. after he won as you recall, there were incidents in schools, all over the country, but particularly in pennsylvania, we had an incident where some high school sophomores were yelling white power. if i were donald trump, i would have called the principal, said i m coming tomorrow, get all the kids in assembly and i would have real reemed those kids out. there is no white pow eveepower black power, there is american power. he could have done so much, but he hasn t done it. those who ride the tiger sometimes end up in the stomach. and riding the tiger on the ethnic stuff is not good in the long run. what do you make of this guy? and compared to trump, mitt romney is a little stiff to say the least, but some of the democratic candidates have been stiff, as well. al gore for example. kerry sometimes. so trump is more the people s man. but this is still stunning. he s on the cover of time. he will be person of the year. he has all this he should be. and he s deciding how much torture he will make to inflict on mitt romney. he s making the guidance. and he walks like a penguin and then he s walking up at what looks like a white house at mar-a-la mar-a-lago. what do you make of it? is romney going crazy? maybe a little. but the one thing that i think is lost on people in all of these appointments of billionaires and generals and governors, i mean he s p appointed a few governors, is really the common denominator here. he likes people that run things. he likes people that are ceos, that have given direct and people who have given orders. but he s got a fabulously short memory. people insult him and the minute they say something nice, he sort of forgets it all. so that may be a thing that serves him well. let s go back to nancy begins on the real trooeal troous trut post-truth. you take a year 1960, you say let s read time and find out what it was like. he just says stuff we know aren t true. he said the russians had nothing to do with hacking into the dnc. he just says it. and we pressed him on that when we interviewed hip to this story. and the intelligence community has what they call a high degree of confidence. that s when they are really sure that it s the russians. and he just dismisses that. and he goes so far as to say he thinks that that intelligence assessment was political. and it makes you wonder what kind of relationship he will be able to have with the intelligence community if he s dismissing their assessment of some of the issues that are most critical to democracy, like whether a foreign power is trying to undermine your election. i think that assessment was politically motivated. governor, you ve been a popular governor and i want to ask you good about the the gun slinging. he goes after boeing, kerry, he brings in somebody from asia going to give us $50 billion in investments. i think people like that. i know this isn t popular among progressives, but people out there in pennsylvania i bet are saying great, somebody is finally kicking some butt, somebody finally acting like president i want i want him to be president. what do you think? i think you re right.want hie president. what do you think? i think you re right. i said to someone democrats are saying we ll do well in 2018 because there is a backlash every two years. well, donald trump will do these type of things for as long as he s president. and he will do these things that people like. attacking boeing for charging $4 billion and say being iing i m get the price down. the average joe doesn t know there is a contract, donald trump doesn t have the ability to get the price down. but they love the sound of it. and to be honest, i did the same thing when i became mayor. i knew i needed to get the public on my side, so i cleaned up a toilet in the first floor of city hall. i jumped in a swimming pool with kids. those type of things reach the common person. so i think donald trump is not going to have in the long run he may fail, but i think for the first 18 months or so, people will find some of this stuff amazingly appealing. people liked when you brought business to pennsylvania. this is part of the job of being president. jawboning on prices. kennedy it on the price of steel. what about trip donald trump isn t taking on big banks, big business, big media. those will be the things that make people love him and he will continue to do that. he will do it by twitter and people will love it. the things that will trip him up are the things that require more finesse. i want to thank nancy gibbs. congratulations. time magazine, print has the power to make people person of the year. nobody in broadcasting can say you re the person of the year. only you guys can do that. thank you so much for comingon. katie and governor rendell, happy holliday. coming up, a big backlash over the pick to head the epa. it s a clear ally of the fossil fuel industry. somebody who actually sued the epa. and he is pugtd the guy in charge of the chicken koop. i don t get it. plus the pop culture president. as trump continues to reimagine the presidency, he s meeting with mark burnett and plotting really big changes for his inauguration. and the hardball round table is here to talk about the emerging trump cabinet. trump is filling it with billionaires, millionaires and generals. feel like i m talking like bernie sanders now. finally, the 75th anniversary of the attack on pearl harbor. this is hardball, the place for politics. which is such a dad thing to do. after he gave his name the woman from capital one said mr. garner, are you related to jennifer? kind of joking with him. and my dad was so proud to tell her, as a matter of fact, she is my middle daughter . so now dad has the venture card, he s earning his double miles, and he made a friend at the company. can i say it? go ahead! what s in your wallet? nice job dad. today we re able to call the last state there last month s election results certified now in new hampshire. and hillary clinton is the winner up there. that is a little consolation of course to democrats, but clinton s lead in the popular vote t vote continues to grow. her vote total now surpassing the number of votes barack obama got in 2012. so she beat obama at least. she s also 400,000 votes behind obama s total and more popular votes than any candidate in history not named obama. we ll be right back. the fiery tissue left her nose sore and red. so dad slayed the problem with puffs plus lotion, instead. puffs have pillowy softness for dakota s tender nose. with lotion to comfort and soothe when she blows. don t get burned by ordinary tisss. a nose in need deserves puffs, indeed. now get puffs plus lotion in the squeezable softpack. [burke] hot dog. seen it. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum welcome back to hardball. late today, nbc learned that donald trump plans to name scott pruitt to the epa. has attorney general of oklahoma, pruitt led state lawsuits to block virtually every major federal regulation put forward by president obama s epa. the new york times wrote that the selection of mr. pruitt showed mr. trump s determination to dismantle president obama s efforts to counter climate change. in may pru pl pruitt wrote climate warming has inspired one of the major political debates that is far from settled. pruitt will head the very organization he s currently suing. i m joined by eric lipton and eric, let me go to you. is he currently in litigation? he has quite a few lawsuits pending. he believes in states rights and the states should have the privilege to make their own determination. and up to in the oil patch, they believe that she they should do what they want about fossil fuel? and that the epa should let them set their own fuel? and that the epa should let them set their own standards.wh fuel? and that the epa should let them set their own standards. who would dare stand up against the industry in the state? he is largely s lly speaking population that agrees with him and he s pop uhe lular in oklah. so what do you say to this saying screw you? he s putting in the position someone with very little experience. oklahoma has seen an increase in earthquakes, which is why we ve tried to stem the efforts. but also, this is the only state in the country that refused to negotiate with the banks after the mortgage crisis. 49 states got relief after what happened in 2008. oklahoma sat out and that was his decision. let s talk about the whole strategy, is there any other indication what trump wants do with environmental regulations? i don t know where the mar get ket is booming, but one sense is that we re coming in to a new regime that will be a lot less regulatory, it will be smooth sailing for people who just want to make money. scott pruitt is a guy who believes in state s rights and he also has ended up in close alliance with the energy companies and there are a lot of rules pending before the epa that they want to roll back. for example, there is a maethan rule and they want to strike down that rule and block it. there is quite a number of r50u8s that he s fighting through lawsuits which now he may be able to kill or roll back. koch brothers must be ecstatic. devon energy is a close ally of his. and they were giving him letters to send to federal officials, they we drafting the letters and he simply put the let other h letter on his own letter head and signed it and septembnt i.t. but he says it s because he believes in the sale thinme thi the state should have the right to make their own determination. it seems like trump is saying i don t believe in environment, i don t believe in looking out for the environment. i ll do whatever i want. the same week that he has ivanka meet with al gore. i think it shows that he will pander, but we know photo-op. a photo-op. bring gore to trump tower, but the person who makes decisions around climate change is a climate deny are. there are people who care deeply, i do, my wife does, about the environment and although it doesn t get all the noise that some of the other you issues do, it s there. anyway, executive director of the sierra club, released the folk statement. having scott pruitt in charge of the e perform a is like putting an arrest sonnist in charge of fighting fires. he s a climate science denier who as attorney general for the state of oklahoma regularly conspired with the fossil fuel industry. what is he going to do in congress? we call it the science committee because over half the members don t believe in science. but we have the paris agreement in place. people at home i think want to see this upheld. but what democrats can do is talk about what the new clean energy economy looks like for into jobs. this is science, not politics. we look back at liucy and first forms of human life and you think mankind did a pretty good job of protecting the climate. no fossil fuels, no greenhouse gases. and now here we are in the short space of 21st century ruining the planet after millions of human years. donald trump has not made it clear what his position will be on the pairs are beingris accor. it s an open question depending on the audience. this is a good test. we ll see whether or not it becomes the state attorney general liberal attorney generals become the real environmental force in the united states as was the case during the bush administration. what kind of morale do you have on the hill? we re tifired up. we know there is a real opportunity to put our values forward. we ll miss president obama dearly, but under nancy pelosi s leadership, we ve been in this position before. and we ve called for a bipartisan commission to investigate what happened with the election and the campaign. what did you make of that that trump just abruptly said what we all know isn t true, that russians had nothing to do with hacking into the democratic national committee? despite the high confidence assessment from the intelligence committee. one, he should start taking his intelligence briefings. he s taken fewer than any president recently. and to deny overwhelming evidence would be like a cave man saying that the sunsets in the east. he has no perspective on this. so i think to take him at he doesn t believe this happened? fine, let s have an independent commission to look at it and make recommendations. the sun seems to rise in the east. no, the sunsets in the east. would be like the cave man saying the sunsets in the east. just kidding. thank you both for the expertise. up next, donald trump s plans for reality tv style inauguration. the showbiz goes on and this is hardball, the place for politics. afoot 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the wildfires in tennessee. two juveniles are charged with aggravated arson in connection with the wildfires in tennessee. more charges are possible. authorities investigating the deadly fire at a california warehouse say no conclusion has been reached about the cause of the blaze. no evidence of arson has been found. and a third u.s. service member injured in last plonts s attack atti at bagram has died at walter reed. back to hardball. welcome back. donald trump ramped up his criticism of saturday night live this morning on the today show when asked about his tweets critiquing the show and trump impersonator alec baldwin. well, i hosted snl when it was a good show. but it s not a good show anymore. first of all, nothing to do with me. there is nothing funny about it. skits are terrible. i like alec, but his imitation of me is mean spirited and not very good. and i do like him and i like him as an actor, but i don t think that his imitation of me gets me at all and it s meant to be very mean spirited. which is very biased. trump s truly a pop culture president who has his hand on the pulse of social media. he s the ultimate reality star. and now he s producing if you will the show of a lifetime, his presidential transition. the new york times reported that at a funds raiser this morning in manhattan, trump teased the audience with festivities planned for his presidential inauguration. the president-elect said he was paid a visit a day earlier by mark burnett, executive producer of the apprentice, the reality show that helped make the president-elect a house old nho name. mr. trump told the crowd that mr. burnett proposed reinventing it with a helicopter taking it off. all night here i m in a mood of giddiness because it s so absurd what he s up to, but the show business quality is unending. it s like he s a comic that has to keep the audience on its toes every second. he s scared to death of flop sweat. he has to tell a joke a second. and here he is hyping the inauguration as some kind of media whiz bang thing where he flies one of his old 1930s movie characters. yeah, i think one of the the reality is if trump wants an inauguration like president obama had for his first inauguration and you had this great concert at the lincoln memorial and there were all these stars and it w bruce springsteen and u2 out there, the trouble for donaldrump is a lot of those fures are not going to show up for him. they were for hillary clinton or they re actually upset about his election and it will be very difficult for him to actually get some of these entertainers to show up. i think they can pitch, oh, hey, in the name of unity, you should be out there, but there is still a lot of hard feelingis out her in the entertainment community most of whom lined up for hillary clinton. and speaking of show business, it used to be when guys got elected president, they used to practice dancing because the inaugural event, you have to go to all the balls and you have to dance in front of everybody. and that is always hard even at a wedding. and my generation grew up with basically you go get a drink or two before you go dancing. you don t exactly learn to dance. here you have donald trump who i don t know if he can dance or not. certainly the last two presidents couldn t. w. would come out to do the idiotic two step. and i have to say barack obama came out and did something like the freddie. i don t even know what it was. another one step thing just for the cameras. is trump going to actually learn to dance and put on a show for us at the inauguration or will he not even go to the trouble of learning anything? and the reason i raise this, because w. didn t think he had to learn anything and he never d did. you don t need experts or morning breefr iiefings, just dy instincts. i would be very surprised if he showed up and was this expert ball room dancing. kind of as dancing with the stars. i d be very surprised. let me ask about the fact they re talking about helicopter arrivals, the fact that he s bringing in mark burnett, he did survivor, the contender oig, the apprentice. i m just a little skeptical about how much they can kind of buck tradition at the inaugural because when you think about the swearing in ceremony, that is really the bailiwick of congress. they kind of control what happens on capitol grounds. the trump inaugural committee can kind of have some flexibility in the events that surrounds the inauguration, but the thing people will be tuning in to i think will end up looking pretty traditional. we ll see. his wedding was a traditional. very old time traditional. anyway, ted johnson, thank you. trying to figure out the guy as always. up next the round table talking about donald trump s stocks, his cabinet filled with millionaires, billionaires and generals. you re watching hardball, the place for politics. santa i want a chevy for christmas. this holiday season, people have a lot to say about the chevy red tag 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provides all. .of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest pro-health mouthwash. checkup? nailed it. welcome back to hardball. last year donald trump singled out time for not choosing him as person of the year and now as he s zeset to become the president s 45th president, that distinction is his. he says he hopes his legacy is julied by what he s doing right now as well as what he accomplishes in his term. let s watch. you already see the stock market and i hope i m judged from the time of the election as opposed to from january 20th because the stock market has had a tremendous bounce and people are seeing very good things for business in this country. so i think we ll have a lot of victories. we ve seen trump intervene in the affairs of two american businesses, first with carrier and now boeing. one check adviser suggested, quote, i don t understand using the power of the presidency to intimidate in unpre-dickable and unfair way, no individual could manage the country company by company. but the carrier deal is very popular by the american public. i m joined now by the round table. let me start with peter. you talk about transitions. a few weeks ago, donald trump was saying president obama was illegal. he snuck in the country to get a job called president. shouldn t be here, should be in jail. now he s saying we got these warm fuzzy relationships going. how quick can person turn is th this? i think he s very smart. he has the best antenna of anyone i ve seen in politics. . he has the best antenna of anyone i ve seen in politics. and he has the 57bability to contradict himself in the sam sentence. he s the circus master and everybody is in the ring circling around him and he has the whip and hat and he has everybody dancing including all of us. and he s picking nothing but billionaires as bernie would say and generals. it has a certain marshal aspect to it. i have generals and we ll tell people what to do. remember during the campaign when he said i know more than the generals? well, he doesn t maybe know he wants people who don t know as much as him because he s peopling it with generals. kind of an amazing list of people. but if he does do mitt romney, it s part of what peter is talking aboabout, if you make n to donald trump, he will like you. he said quote i like people who are nice to me. mitt romney is now being nice to him and will bring some sort of diversity as only a mulg if multimillionaire. first of all, i think it s embarrassing to watch mitt romney. the genuflexion. a while ago he was calling the guy a fraud and fake and now skree conveniently he loves him. this is why people don t like politics by the way, they think it s all a fraud. at least trump is trump. well, we ll see. if he selects mitt romney, then maybe this is a sign of donald trump putting everything in the past and making a or it works. there are been a lot of republicans making the pilgrimage to trump tower since the election kissing the ring, making up, saying that voters spoke and that they re willing to look to him as their president. and he s more than willing to have them come through the lobby, sit with him at dinner, speak to reporters, praise him. and it s unclear what they will get out of it. look at paul ryan. he values paul ryan in part because he had to come and kiss the ring. i mean, they have all harry truman said make them like it. this is the board room of the apprentice . it s just set in trump tower and it s on steroids. and it s remarkable how he s gotten everyone to come kiss the ring. but at the same time i think there is a generalization that it s better to have them inside the board room than outside the board room. and in the spirit of christmas, some may want to serve because it s a good thein to serve their country. i think romney as the mormon missionary serving his church as some element of that. i read the book every couple years, great gats bi. and there is something like the trump tower. it s like a gstsby party where strangers come from everywhere to drin drink his booze with no love for the guy whatever. i think you called it years ago meal tickets. they want something. donald trump likes being praised. he likes being visited. even when people disagree with him, if they tell to him in a way that they feel like they re giving them an option to agree with him. donald trump elaborated on his conversations with president obama. we talked about some of the potential appointments that i would make. i wanted to get his opinion and he gave me some opinions o people that were very interesting to me and that spent something to me, i believe in asking people. we have different views, but he loves our country, so then he goes out and he has a nice photo-op with ivanka and who does believe in climate change and brings in al gore, mr. inconvenient truth on climate change. and then he picks this character from oklahoma from the swamps of the fossil fuel industry and gives them full ride over any there will be no more epa basically. so what is this game we re getting from trump? it s a game of pictures versus reality. he s inconsistent on his feelings about people and he can switch very quickly if you behave in a certain manner. and he s going around doing al gore, listening to ivanka, or telling us but the koch brothers you i had already had hired an outright climate denier who has made it his business to deny climate change. and this is consistent the oklahoma guy with that. which is destroy epa. he s suing epa. there is nothing about this person that is nonfossil fuel. donald trump knows that aboutle% abou about aboutle% of the american government still trusts the government and 18% trust the media. he has full reign to run however he wants to run. but at the end of the day, he wants to be successful. that will be defined by donald trump, not tby us. he s sending these optics out there. and he picks this guy today ? exactly. he s listening to people, but we re not seeing him actually take the advice that he s getting from people who are different than him. al gore is a great example. also, he s been getting a lot of different advice on issues like education and yet that hasn t impacted who he s picking for education secretary. i have to tell you, matt lauer s interview today was unbelievable. he had 50 questions in three seconds. just pouring in and he got more news and still saturday night live. more news out of trump today than we ve ever gotten before. up next, these people tell me something i don t know. this is will hardball, the place for politics. what if a company that didn t make cars made plastics that make them lighter? the lubricants that improved fuel economy. even technology to make engines more efficient. what company does all this? exxonmobil, that s who. we re working on all these things to make cars better and use less fuel. helping you save money and reduce emissions. and you thought we just made the gas. 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taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis. i want to invite you once again to join us tomorrow night at a special time, 6:00 eastern again for a full hour of new and headlines. a pregame show before the regular hour of hardball. it s the hour before hardball. stick around for the passion and heat of the day in politics tomorrow. when things are happening, they still are. my business was built with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that s why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. which adds fuel to my bottom line. what s in your wallet? go paperless, don t stress, girl i got the discounts that you need safe driver accident-free everybody put your flaps in the air for me go paperless, don t stress, girl i got the discounts that you need safe driver accident-free everybody put your flaps in the air for me i can t lip-synch in these conditions. savings oh, yeah we re back with the roundtable. margaret, tell me something. chris, part of this you know, that michael lieutenant general flynn s son was pushed out of the transition for having spread the fake news about common pizza where you and i have gone together after there wasn t a fake gun, there was a real gun brought in there. but it s obscuring that lieutenant general flynn himself spread scurrilous stuff, retweeting things. may i read you one, if you don t know it already? there was enough evidence to put hillary clinton and her crew away for life on child exploitation and sex crimes with minors. a must read tweet of his, retweet. and then he posted something on john podesta after the whole wikileaks thing saying he took part in occult trial, you know the satanic cult who was supposedly in the tunnels under common pizza. this guy is still the nominee for national security counsel. peter? trump s conflict of interest are unsolvable. so consequently blind trust or selling his assets are not only impracticable or impossible. they re starting to write legislation to require disclosure of conflicts. their goal is transparency for the 21st century. sounds smart. tomorrow night is donald trump s third thank you tour rally in des moines, iowa. and there s hope that he will actually fill the house this time. at his first two rallies, he only got maybe half the house, two-thirds of the house. and there s a worry, why is this happening? why is he not packing he s won. it s over. people are smart. i keep telling people about this. the people are smart. they know what s done and what s over with. donald trump just tweeted a moment ago about the union leader and carrier at that company, chuck jones, who had been critical of the way trump touted that deal to save the jobs. jones who was president of the steel workers has done a terrible job representing workers, no wonder companies flee this country. anyway, that s trump punching away all the time. thank you. when we return, let me finish with the 75th anniversary of the japanese attack on pearl harbor. you re watching hardball, the place for politics. 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New-york , United-states , Japan , New-hampshire , Germany , Paris , France-general- , France , Washington , California , Russia , Des-moines

Transcripts For CNNW The Lead With Jake Tapper 20161209

or flee and risk starving to death in the streets. it kills more than guns. the centers for disaster control and prevention say heroin and opioids are now deadlier than firearm homicides. the epidemic crippling our nation. how do we stop it? good afternoon everyone. welcome to the lead. i m jake tapper. president-elect donald trump will hold his fourth thank you rally. tonight he hits the stage in michigan, the state he turned red. something every republican presidential nominee had failed to do since george h.w. bush in 1988. trump is on the road in baton rouge, louisiana and wrapped up a go vote rally for the republican senate candidate named john kennedy. he continues to fill his cabinet. he has not decided who will be his secretary of state. but transition sources tell cnn he has decided it will not be rudy giuliani. the former new york city mayor was told earlier this week he s out according to sources. we re told trump is looking more closely at exxon mobile ceo for the position. he has known president putin dating back to the 1990s. just in case you think president-elect trump has been insufficiently ubiquitous, we know he will continue to be the executive producer hof the reality show he left when he started his campaign. sara murray joins me now in washington. explain to me, the transition team, they re saying that his being executive producer of celebrity apprentice is something out of a hobby. we re dying to know exactly how it s going to work. it s not normal for a president to have a side gig but donald trump is not your normal president-elect and sources are telling cnn even though donald trump made a fuss over the fact it wasn t his business interest that mattered to him, it was the presidential campaign, it was becoming president, he doesn t look like he wants to leave those behind any time soon. on the campaign trail, donald trump shrugged aside his business interests insisting the allure of the white house was far more important. i don t care. doesn t matter to me. it s nice when you don t have to care but i don t care. what i care about is making america great again. that s much more important. much more important. but now, the president-elect is showing little sign of stepping back from his corporate calling. yet another potential conflict of interest sources say trump will remain an executive producer for nbc s celebrity apprentice even as he serves as president of the united states. he hosted 14 seasons of the apprentice but in 2014 he said he was cutting ties after his controversial remarks about undocumented immigrants. i have a big chunk of that show. a lot of pressure on arnold. i did it for 14 seasons. i have a big stake in it. now kellyanne conway is defending trump s decision saying he ll remain involved in the show in his free time. were we so concerned about the hours and hours spent on the golf course of the current president? i mean presidents have a right to do things in their spare time or the leisure time. trump and other republicans were sharply critical of the time president obama spent on the links. and he gets on this plane, flies to hawaii, he s there for a long time. golf, golf, golf, golf, more, more, more. learning how to chip. learning how to hit the drive. learning how to putt. i want more. the latest news on trump s business dealings comes days before he s slated to hold a press conference on who will run his company once he heads to the white house. although little indication trump will divest from his business. the battle for secretary of state rages on. exxon mobile ceo s stock is on the lies but rudy giuliani appears to be out. a number of business titans with little government experience. by the way, some of the people i put on to negotiate you have been noticing are some of the most successful people in the world. our one newspaper criticized me. why can t they have people of modest means? because i want people that made a fortune because now they re negotiating with you. okay. that road show continues with a rally in michigan as well as a stop in louisiana to campaign for republican senate candidate. before he left trump tower he had a meeting with house speaker paul ryan who is putting aside his past criticism of trump in favor of a show of unity instead. we re very excited about getting to work and hitting the ground running in 2017 to put this country back on track. now we have paid a lot of attention to the battle over secretary of state but there s been another one brewing about who is going to lead the republican national committee now that reince priebus is going into the white house and we are expecting donald trump to make it official tonight and to throw his support behind mcdaniel, the head of the michigan republican party with the caveat that nothing is set until it comes out of donald trump s mouth and of course rnc committee members have to vote on the pick but the backing of the president-elect holds a lot of weight. interesting because there was talk that governor chris christie might be considered for that position. before things went south in the relationship between christie and donald trump. thank you so much. joining me to discuss this and much more, former homeland security secretary. thanks for joining us. good to be on, jake. nearly three weeks ago you said that president-elect trump s behavior since the election had reflected a sober disciplined and appropriate approach. you said you were encouraged. since then, there have been developments. he s broken with protocol, talked about imposing big tariffs made in china and gone after a local labor leader who had criticized him. do you still feel he s been sober, disciplined and appropriate? in terms of his appointments i think particularly in the national security area, the suggestion that general mattis is going to be defense secretary and general kelly head of homeland security are good appointments. in terms of the call to taiwan, there is an argument that sometimes giving a bit of a brushback to the chinese and indicating that we may shake things up a little is not a bad idea. how do you execute on that because it should be part of a strategy and hopefully he is in the process of developing a strategy going forward that doesn t antagonize the chinese but adjusts a bit in terms of our relationship with them. what do you make of all the potential conflicts of interest? he s got the global business enterprise and it seems that he s not going to divest himself or sell off his assets and try to do some sort of wall but his sons, don jr. and eric will still be in charge of the company. a lot of things having to do with foreign governments that a lot of ethics experts say this is going to be a problem. if we re talking about creating jobs, there ll be a lot of jobs for lawyers. lawyers suing the trump organization? suing, defending, analyzing, advising. i don t know what he s going to do. obviously, when you have business interests and financial stakes involving foreign countries it raises a whole host of issues. he has to work with the lawyers to figure out what protects him and his country and kids from getting caught up in a problem. would you suggest he fully divest. divest is the easiest thing to do and that s clean and sympt simple. there are a lot of laws that do apply including the constitution and he has to get guidance as to what that requires. let s talk about the fact we re being told by the transition team the president-elect trump is getting about one intelligence briefing a week whereas normally presidents-elect is getting one roughly every day. does it matter and if so, why? presidents have treat the presidential brief differently. president bush got it every day. or six days a week and someone came in and briefed him. other presidents have read it but haven t had somebody come in. some get briefed orally. he s not president yet so he has time to figure out what he wants to do. what he ll find out is when you own the responsibility, there s dynamic change every single day that in some form or another you re going to want to hear every day what s going on whether it s something electronic, someone giving an oral brief or some combination. he s going to have to figure out what he s comfortable with once he actually has the job. president obama announced he is ordering a full intelligence review into the election including the hacking allegedly by russia. how concerned with you about the russian interplay in the election this year? i think it s a broader question because for years the russians have engaged in what they call information operations in europe. and they ve used it to influence public opinion, to drive certain candidates forward with finance, with propaganda but having botnets in order to get attention. this is a larger set of issues. we have begun to experience that here in the u.s. in many ways what the russians have done is weaponized social media and we need to have a larger analysis and discussion of what that means strategically for how we deal with the russians around the globe. how do you think they weaponized social media? hacking into not just hacking into data to get data which is espionage but using it to manipulate public opinion, putting stories out that are phony in order to drive public opinion a certain way. if you look at polling in europe, you ll be amazed to find in many places attitudes to the u.s. and russia are evenly balanced. people think the u.s. is as much a problem as russia. that is driven by some of the information operations that for years have now been pushed out in western europe. two former heads of the cia, michael hayden and mike moral have told me they think putin is playing trump. hayden suggested he s a useful fool. what do you think? i don t think there s any doubt in my mind that putin is trying to set the stage in a circumstance to get donald trump to be as favorable to him as possible. other presidents had quote, resets and they rapidly discovered that the reset was only cosmetic and the fundamental challenges were still there. i think it s okay to treat the russians respectfully and there are times we have gratuitously insulted them and that s unnecessary and unhelpful. you have got to be clear that other than being pilot, there are certain core interests the u.s. and its allies have and those can t be compromised. that s a critical test for the incoming administration. do you think president-elect trump realizes that? this is what his advisors, people like general mattis, general kelly, they understand, they know about it and they ought to be in the process of educating him about it. thank you so much, secretary cher nonf. now donald trump has picked a man who is a climate change denier to head the epa. he will spend whatever it takes to stop the president-elect s environmental agenda. stick around. the lead with jake tapper brought to you by fitbit. find your fit. what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at love or like? naughty or nice? calm or bright? but at bedtime. .why settle for this? enter sleep number, designed to let couples sleep together in individualized comfort. sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he s more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! give the gift of amazing sleep. only at a sleep number store, save $1, 000 on selected mattresses with flexfit3 adjustable base. hurry, ends sunday. know better sleep with sleep number. oh, how waso good!en house? did you apply? oh, i ll do it later today. your credit score must be amazing. my credit score? credit karma. it s free. that s great! um hm. just whip bam boom, it s done. that apartment is mine! credit karma. give yourself some credit. . welcome back to the lead. one year ago this month donald trump called climate change a scam designed to make a lot of people a lot of money. now his choice to be the director of the epa, oklahoma attorney general said the debate over climate change is far from settled making environmentalists concerned about how much the pending healed of the environmental protection agency wants to protect the environment. this is all a nightmare for our next guest who quit his day job to take up the fight against climate change full time joining us now environmentalist tom stire. thank you so much for joining us. thanks for having me. what do you think of scott pruitt? i think donald trump has chosen someone to head the epa who has been one of the leading opponents of the epa and close to corporate and oil interests. one of the biggest independent oil men in the united states of america harold ham was the head of his election committee. we can see exactly where the president-elect is going on this. he s appointing people to dismantle the agencies that they re scheduled to lead to take their mission and flush it. there are also reports that congresswoman rogers may be heading the department of interior. is she trying to dismantle that department? she s someone who has been active in supporting drilling off the coast. she s someone who has said about al gore that she would give him an a for creative writing but f for science. she s consistent with the rest of the president-elect s picks in the sense they re climate deniers opening up america to corporate interests at the expense of the american citizens. there have never been two major party candidates with more divergent views. you supported clinton. donald trump suggested climate change is a chinese hoax. how do you determine these election results, the guy you opposed with lots of money and effort, he won? donald trump is proposing something in terms of returning to a fossil fuel driven economy that was successful and the dominant idea in the 1950s. his goal is to return to a technology that was good 65 years ago and think that s going to lead us to the future. we actually came out with a report two days ago showing if we move to clean energy it will create more jobs in america, that there ll be better paying job, america will grow faster and costs going down. he s got an old technology he s trying to push to please corporate interests at the expense of american working people. a lot of people don t believe that argument. take a listen to hillary clinton speaking in ohio at a town hall in march. i m the only candidate which has a policy about how to bring economic opportunity using clean renewable energy as the key into coal country because we re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business. right? she was talking about trying to bring new jobs, these clean energy jobs you re talking about to coal country. but that comment hurt her in states that matter such as ohio. is there a more effective way to talk about these issues or is the policy the problem? good grief. i think the fact of the matter is people who work in the coal industry do it to support their families, they started in it for the most part when it was a vibrant industry. it s shrunk dramatically since then and the idea of not caring about working americans in declining industry is something that is a huge mistake. the fact of the matter is in ohio there are probably 25 times more jobs in clean energy than there are in coal. so we absolutely should be caring about working americans who work in coal, we should absolutely care about parts of the country that are having economic problems, that are having problems growing and providing good paying jobs. but the fact of the matter is the numbers say there are 60,000 coal miners in the whole of the united states and in my home state of california there are probably 5 50,000 clean energy jobs right now. ten times the number of coal miners in the whole united states. when we look forward, what is really important, we go area by area and show people what the actual jobs will be and we should never take any pride in the fact that new technologies are going to replace old technologies. people are working old technologies are hard working americans, trying to support their families and the world is moving on and we need as a society to take care of working people who have done very poorly over the last 35 years in the united states of america. tom, thank you so much as always. come back soon please. jake, thanks for having me. on the campaign trail, donald trump criticized his opponents claiming they were owned bid goldman sachs. now he doesn t mind having at least two or three goldman sachs people in his inner circle. how does that work? is a deadly milestone. heroin deaths surpassing gun homicides, a look at the growing opioid epidemic. stay with us. with my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go. and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven t worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. welcome back to the lead. breaking news. rudy giuliani was no longer under consideration to president-elect trump s secretary of state and the transition put out a statement saying giuliani removed his name for consideration for any position in the trump administration. trump in the statement praised giuliani and said he would have been an outstanding member of the cabinet in several roles but respects his decision to remain in the private sector. curious. for more let s bring in our political panel. washington bureau chief, susan page. associate editor for politics v av. what happened here? well, you know, rudy giuliani said he only wanted secretary of state. he meant it. became clear he was not going to get it. this statement gives him some face saving because it says he told trump on november 29th that he wasn t interested in joining the administration. and so this makes it look a little less like he wasn t able to get the job that he sought. that some people thought he had a good shot given all his work for trump during the campaign. i have to say i had been hearing that he would have potentially confirmation problems on capitol hill because of all his business entanglements all over the world. even the rudy fans among trump s closest supporters who wanted him to have the job where he couldn t be vetted, make it through confirmation with all those entanglements with overseas business dealings. the same kind of things that they that donald trump, you know, criticized hillary clinton for in the campaign. it would have been a very difficult thing for him. if he s been out of the running since november 29th what have trump surrogates still reduused names in the weeks since? it s strange. i guess a guy like rudy giuliani, a accomplished man, he can whant what he wants. i had been told they offered him attorney general, he didn t want it. homeland security he didn t want. i guess he had his sights set on the secretary of state position. right. i think the last time we saw him was right around november 30th, 29th, somewhere around there. he had his last public appearance and asked about being attorney general and he said no, that s jeff sessions and he said the only thing i really want is secretary of state and then he just went radio silent. we haven t heard from him since then. if one of his biggest defenders, trump s, does not get that job and his biggest critic mitt romney does. that would be interesting. do you think romney is still in the hunt? i think we know from donald trump that mitt romney is still in the mix. the fact that donald trump hasn t made an appointment yesterday indicates he s still looking around a little. but i think we know pretty with some degree of certainty that romney is at least in the mix. let s talk about the fact that the washington post is reporting trump has picked the president and coo of goldman sachs. his pick for treasury secretary mnuchin and steve bannon also worked at goldman sachs. listen to him talking about ted cruz vowing he would still take on goldman sachs even after taking a loan from them. i don t have any of that stuff. i don t have it. i m not into goldman sachs, i don t care about goldman sachs. there was a lot of stuff about goldman sachs having to do with ted cruz and later on hillary clinton. you really know trump supporters well. you have been covering them very well for months and months. do they care? can donald trump flip flop and upset them? there s very little he can flip flop on. you can to get inside their minds. it wasn t always what he said but how he said it and it was because he was not a politician. they trust him at this moment. i mean there s this sort of, you know, honeymoon period to be able to to pick whoever he wants because they trust his decision-making at this point. he was so anti-goldman sachs in his last commercial he had an image of the ceo of goldman sachs as an international boogie man. all roads lead back to goldman sachs and none of us are surprised. if you think about the voters who would be bothered by that or went to bernie sanders rallies and brought themselves around to support donald trump, they re going to be disappointed in a continu continuum. trump will get an excuse here and there and flip flop here and there. if it looks real swampy in a year including his own business arrangements, then it could suddenly turn on him and people can say this is the system we always had, a new face pretending to have a new system. this could pile up and become an obvious criticism later on that you always in the end are supporting people from goldman sachs and giving them good jobs and influence at the highest levels of government. we have been talking about trump s cabinet. tom steyer was critical of picks there. do you sense any confirmation problems for any of his picks so far susan? no. i think some will have problems. there is a vetting process. you don t just name someone to the cabinet. there is an investigative process that includes democrats as well as republicans and some figures have never served in public office before. never gone through this process before. always we find with a new administration somebody that has a problem we didn t expect and turns out to be very daunting. think about tom dashle. who would have guessed he would not have been able to take a job because of something that came out through vetting. that happened. i broke that story. one of the things is he was in trouble was because he had not paid the taxes from this free driver he got from a rich friend. this is a whole cabinet full of rich guys and gals who have lots of favors. there s a potential of something like that happening very easily. this is one of those instances where those kinds of things come out, trump voters are not going to like that. they don t want someone that way. if this person can be someone that can lead the government or can lead the treasury and help create jobs, that s fine. but if they are someone who has this sort of entitlement or skirts the law the way they perceived the clintons did then trump has a problem with his picks. we ll see what happens. to be continued. thank you very much. have a great weekend. russia claims there is a seas fire under way in syria. the scene on the ground tells a different story. life in aleppo next. you tell your inthey made a mistake. the check they sent isn t enough to replace your totaled new car. the guy says they didn t make the mistake. you made the mistake. i beg your pardon? 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reporter: i don t think that it is ever true. we were on the ground when that announcement was made and we were still hearing mortars going off after the announcement was made and then it was more quiet for a couple of hours, three to four hours but then overnight things started to heat up. if anything, it has escalated over the course of the day. we re monitoring the situation for a long time today and we saw a lot of artillery strike and mortar fire going both directions but then also the use of aircraft has been pretty heavy as well. [ inaudible ] fred, any indications how much longer the rebels will be able to hold out? reporter: no. at this point it looks like it will be very, very difficult. what they have have shrunk dramatically. they re losing ground every day. the military right now, they re a little bit slower than the past week. however, they are still making gain. they re also using more and more fire power. so it becomes difficult for the rebels to hold out and at the same time you have this mass all these people fleeing there as well. at some point it s hard to see how many civilians are actually going to be. right now the situation for the rebels are becoming more dire and i would say by the hour. thank you so much. please stay safe. coming up, a grim milestone, hair win in the united states is deadlier than gun homicide. plus, can you hear me now? why your next flight could be a lot more annoying. around the holidays. i made a list of everyone we need to get gifts for this year. but thanks to, we can shop over 700,000 items from brands like samsung, kitchenaid and lego. all with low monthly payments. just click on over to for the credit you deserve to get all kinds of great gifts. 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[burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum and i finally found our big idaho potato truck. it s been touring the country telling folks about our heart healthy idaho potatoes, america s favorite potatoes, and donating to local charities along the way. but now it s finally back home where it belongs. aw man. hey, wait up. where you goin ? here we go again. we re back with our chilling milestone in the growing opioid epidemic across the u.s. for the first time in recent history opioids killed more americans than gun homicides. this shocking video shows a pennsylvania man injecting himself with heroin and overdosing on a bus full of passengers. he turns out to have been one of the lucky ones, he survived but more than 33,000 americans were not so lucky in 2015. died last week. how? from drugs. this heartbreaking video shows the grim reality of this nation s opioid epidemic. can i have a hug? new numbers show this grieving family is far from alone. the centers from disease control and aprevention showing opioid deaths were more common in 2015. the number of victiming surpassing 30,000 for the first time in known history. some synthetic drugs that are 50 to 100 times more powerful than in the recent past in addition to giving the sort of you for rick effect and can suppress your drive to breathe. that s where it s deadly. not including this year when one american town rushed to save 26 overdose victims in a single afternoon in august. a 27th died. people from all different parts of the country. different economic classes and a large part has to do again with the fact that so many of these at least new heroin addicts start off with a legitimate pain pill prescription. in ohio police released these images of a grandmother and her friend passed out after allegedly using heroin in their van. that grandmother was recently sentenced to 180 days in jail. shocking video shared on social media may have helped bring attention to the growing problem. we went to catch the bus. and it caught up with us. ronald and his wife overdosed on a sidewalk in october. buy standards capturing the scene. it s a devastation. it s pain. he s now in treatment but for him and so many others passed out next to their children in a store aisle, the path to recovery is long and sometimes seemingly impossible. when you think about the fact that this is an addiction it sort of leads to this conclusion that the treatment of the root cause here, the brain disease is going to be one of the more effective ways to try and treat this. this month congress passed legislation that gives $1 billion to the nation s drug treatment efforts. it s called the 21st century cure s act. it will make real investments this year to combat the heroin and prescription drug epidemic plaguing so many communities. expected to sign the bill into law next week but families affected by drug addiction will hope these hard to watch videos might make a difference. maybe in the future when somebody tries to offer him something, maybe my son will think about this and see what it did to his family, see what it did to his mother. today s money lead now and it may have you questioning items on your holiday shopping list. a series of new lawsuits claim that four of the biggest u.s. retailers are using deceptive pricing to advertise their sales. the los angeles city attorney filed cases against macy s jcpenney sears and kohl s. a neck lace original price $129. sail price $20. the store never sold it for $129. we searched for the necklace and listed as originally offered at 120 bucks and now marked down to $22.50. cnn reached out to all four retailers for comment. they said they would not comment pending the litigation. we have yet to hear from macy s. imagine being stuck on a cross country flight next to someone talking on his or her cell phone the entire time. well that soon could become a reality. federal regulators are proposing allowing inflight calls using wi-fi but the individual airl e airlines would have to inform customers if it s a gabbing or nongabing flight. the department of transportation weighs public opinion before moving forward. some are concerned they will be disruptive and it is said voice calls are reckless and a threat to aviation security. others might find them increditsbly annoying. ten years ago troy gilbert was killed in iraq. why his remains are just now returning home. that story next. why are you checking your credit score? you don t want to drive old blue forever, do you? 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is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. check your blood sugar. low blood sugar can be serious and may be life-threatening. injection site reactions may occur. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn t be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing. fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your doctor if you re tresiba® ready. tresiba® ready welcome back. also in the national lead today, today a solute to an american hero. major troy gilbert and his family after ten years they finally have him home. he was an air force fighter pilot killed in a 2006 crash while protecting american troops on the ground in iraq. barbara starr tells us about a family that finally after ten years has some closure. reporter: mother of five has been an air force widow for a decade. now ten long years after her husband major troy gilbert died in combat in iraq, his body has come home. i ve been waiting for that homecoming for ten years. and i got it. reporter: a heartbreaking ten years during which troy s body was used in propaganda videos and then a call last august. he said troy s been found. and i was i was blown away. this summer an iraqi tribal leader approached u.s. forces in iraq. his tribe had the flight gear and body of troy and wanted to give it back. his f-16 crashed on november 27th, 2006. at the time, u.s. special operations forces on the ground were in imminent danger. he was single handedly taking out the enemy and saving our guys. currently head of the air force headed the investigation into gilbert s death ten years ago. he was so intensely focused on taking that target out, saving american lives that he didn t give himself enough room for recovery. ginger received this photo. an image taken from a drone watching the battle just 30 seconds before he crashed. you can see him in this right here. the investigation found gilbert was flying low using his gu to makeure he didn t inadvertently bomb the u.s. rsonnel on the ground. he took out the first truck. on the second pass flying maybe 500, 600 miles per hour, 250 feet above the ground crashed. among gilbert s personal items returned, knee pads with dirt from iraq still on them. a barely recognizable digitgita camera with a memory card. on it this final photo taken long before anyone heard of selfies. i believe he knew he was risking his life and i believe he wasn t thinking about his own life at that point. i believe he was solely focused on saving theirs. i love you guys. sorry i can t be there. this video recorded just before he died. can t wait to get home. i know it s going to be a couple more weeks before i m there. so i will stay safe and i will stay healthy and want you goes to do the same. there have been two funerals, one in 2006 and one in 2013 when small portions of remains were returned. now a chance finally to lay him to rest properly. some of the special operators are expected to attend to final funeral. so will his five children, including twin girls who were 6 months old when he died. what greater gift could we be given this christmas than to have their dad home. that s all we needed. barbara starr, cnn, washington. major troy gilbert s third and final funeral is set for december 19th at arlington national cemetery. rest in peace hero. tune an hour long special at 10:00 p.m. eastern and ts sunday ten every day heroes come together for the cnn s heroes all-star tribute sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern. tune in this sunday morning for state of the union. i ll sit down with vice president joe biden for an exit interview on cnn at 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon eastern. have a great weekend. i turn you over to wolf blitzer and the situation room. happening now, breaking news. out of the running. rudy giuliani no longer being considered for secretary of state. trump says the former new york mayor withdrew from consideration. did he really just tell giuliani he wasn t getting the job? russian investigation. after months of complaints president obama orders a full review of immediately by moscow. i ll talk about it with a key member of the intelligence committee. a man suspected plotting an attack is taken into custody in a port city. recovering an assault rifle,

New-york , United-states , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Louisiana , Washington , China , California , Syria , Aleppo , Lab

Transcripts For CNNW At This Hour With Berman And Bolduan 20161125

romney a loser and a choker. cnn s jason carroll is live outside mar-a-lago in palm beach, florida. what are you learning? reporter: well, they just wrapped up a 10:30 a.m. transition call meeting where we have more information about who donald trump and mike pence will be meeting with on monday. these are cabinet level posts. they are going to be meeting with eight people. some of the names on that list, paul akens, former commissioner of the s.e.c., scott pruitt, attorney general of oklahoma. one of the names that really jumps out at me is sheriff david clark. that name may ring a bell to a number of people. he s african-american, the milwaukee county sheriff, outspoken supporter of donald trump early on, outspoken critic of the black lives matter movement. he s been rumored to be sort of one of those people up for perhaps secretary of homeland security but definitely a fiery figure, controversial figure. he apparently will be meeting with donald trump, the president-elect, and the vice president-elect on monday. also on this 10:30 a.m. call, once again, which just ended, still no confirmation in terms of if we will hear something about dr. ben carson possibly rumored to be up for hud secretary, or wilbur ross for commerce secretary. no movement on that end. but we have learned that donald trump, the president-elect, and vice president-elect will be meeting with eight people on monday. these will be cabinet level positions including sheriff david clark. john? jason carroll in palm beach, full schedule on tap for this monday. it is full of intrigue right now over who donald trump might pick to be his secretary of state. want to talk about this with ari fleischer, white house press secretary during the george w. bush administration. happy thanksgiving to you and your family. thanks for coming in. thank you, john. so let me read you a few tweets from kellyanne conway, who we are old enough to remember ran donald trump s presidential campaign and is playing a senior advisory role during the transition. she tweets of the secretary of state pick, receiving deluge of social media and private comes re romney. some trump loyalists warn against romney as secretary of state. she also tweets kissinger and schultz as secretary of state flew around the world. and were loyal. good checklist, she says. ari, why do you think she s doing this? it s a problem. i was on twitter and i saw her send that tweet and i thought to myself, when you re in the inner circle and you have to send a message to go outside the circle to create an impact on the person at the top of the circle, there s something wrong. it s not a good sign for the future if trump s most loyal dedicated people, his inner team, feel the need to go on to twitter or go external to get a message to the man at the top. i m all for the staff clashing and giving unvarnished opinions to the president-elect in private but keep it in private. don t take it on twitter where people can see who is being lobbied and how. bad sign of things to come. just to be clear, you think what s happening here is kellyanne conway did this to get a message to donald trump because he s on twitter and watches tv and might see something like this and might see that there are people arguing against having mitt romney as secretary of state? not only to donald trump, but she s sending that message to those who don t like mitt romney, to send more messages in. in other words, she s saying i need help conveying this to the president-elect so i m going to go public and tell you this and i want more people to weigh in against mitt romney. i think there are legitimate reasons for kellyanne to have concerns about somebody who is not loyal to the president-elect become secretary of state. but it should all be done in private. that s the point here. the reason i say it s a bad sign of things to come, this won t be the first. this will be one of many instances where there are interesting debates on the inside. they need to stay on the inside. that s the only way to have a deliberative process where people can actually get things done without it breaking down. give me the pro and con on the idea because you brought up the loyalty issue. the pro and con about having someone like mitt romney who was so critical of you during the election process. well, the pro is that he s going outside his circle, going to people who were harshly critical of him and going to somebody who is clearly a respectable leader, somebody who ran for president before and has a very level head about him. the con about it is he s putting somebody in a position of tremendous responsibility and power, secretary of state is one of the most if not the most important cabinet selection, putting in somebody who is not loyal. what i wonder about here, it s only a matter of time before something bad happens. you govern in good times and in bad times. when something bad happens, will mitt romney stay at donald trump s side, will he criticize behind the scenes the president-elect or the president. which you can never have happen. the secretary of state must always in public be loyal on the president. in private, clash all you want. that s i think the real question mark about mitt romney. will he be true to the president and presidents deserve to have people who are true to them. put yourself in mitt romney s position right now. if you are sitting in la jolla where we believe he enjoyed thanksgiving with his family, and you see the tweets coming from kellyanne conway and the very public lobbying from the likes of gingrich and huckabee for rudy giuliani to be secretary of state, what are you thinking if you re governor romney? i think it s basic. are you interested in the job and can you support the president. if you have any qualms about can you support the president, you should not put your name in the running for that job. you should withdraw. that s where he has to decide it. because again, the point is it s fine when things are going well, they are not responsible for any decisions. it s only a matter of time before there s an international crisis and the president says i want you to go in direction a and secretary of state romney says no, i think direction z is the right way to go. he s ordered to go in a. he has to do it with full faith and confidence and with his heart that he s doing the right thing because the president wants him to. if he has any doubts about it, he should withdraw from consideration. just quickly on a different subject, donald trump and the potential or perceived conflicts of interest because of his business empire and what he will do and how he will serve as president. he told the new york times he s not sure there really are conflicts of interest. he doesn t think he needs to do a blind trust right now. what would you advise him to do in terms of creating lines between his personal and the professional? donald trump might be right from a legal point of view. the president is carved out from those laws. but from an ethical point of view it s just the right thing to do for the president to say i want never to be questioned about whether i m doing something because it s good for america or good for my profits. you don t want to invite that controversy. it s much healthier for the president, president-elect, to create a system now where he is walled off from any decisions that are made by the trump organization which can should be still run by his children, but at the same time, he should not put his children in governmental meetings if they are going to run the trump organization. but donald trump himself has to make sure he doesn t bring up business when he s talking to foreign leaders and that he s not in a position to make profits off of any decisions that are made because he s walled off from anything going through the trump organization. obviously, he will still know what the trump organization s finances are and what their interests are but still, i think the american people would accept it if they thought he didn t have any involvement in it and was walled off. i think that s an open question about how much he will do that or how much he will proceed along those lines. ari fleischer, happy thanksgiving. thanks for coming in. thank you. same to you and your family. so we are 12 hours after thanksgiving which means it s christmas already. the holiday season at the white house. this happened just seconds ago. the white house christmas tree, you can see it pulling in right now, where i believe we will see pictures of it being greeted by the first lady, michelle obama. it s interesting, this tree is from a farm in pennsylvania but it is being delivered by the winners of the christmas tree contest who are themselves from wisconsin. it s being delivered by dave and mary vandervelen. they won the contest but the national christmas tree association tells us when they won in september, they had this tree and right now, weather didn t cooperate. the tree they were going to send wasn t as full and tall as they hoped so there s a stand-in. this is an understudy tree from pennsylvania. a douglas fir about 19 feet tall. i think michelle obama, the first lady and i think those may be her nephews, the very same nephews who took part in the turkey pardoning, sort of as a fill-in christmas tree, the obama nephews have been filling in the ceremonial roles that sasha and malia obama have done the last few years. there we go. yeah. you can see. such a nice scene at the white house. the dogs are there. they start to sniff the tree. be careful. they are taking a good look at the tree right now as it arrives. inspecting it carefully. that tree will go into the blue room. the tree has been in the blue room of the white house for decades and decades. it will be a key part of the white house christmas parties the president and first lady invite all kinds of people over many many days, including the press, by the way, to come in and celebrate at the white house. they all take pictures in front of that tree right there. you can hear mrs. obama speaking. this is what we ve got now. good job, guys. again, those are her nephews. her brother, their two children right there, they took part in the turkey pardon and there to greet the tree as well. want to bring in cnn political analyst alex byrnes, national political reporter for new york times and julian zelizer. what do you make of the tree? politics in washington even when it comes down to the tree. who knew it would be so difficult? i was talking to ari fleischer. let s talk about what i was talking about with ari, this very public struggle over whether or not mitt romney should be brought in to be secretary of state. i haven t seen anything this public during a transition before. well, it s partly because romney s opposition was so strong, it was beyond i disagree with policy, it s beyond i like another candidate. he said in the middle of the campaign i fundamentally don t think this person should be president of the united states. obviously it s going to create a kind of tension we haven t seen. we also have to remember, president-elect trump likes this kind of drama. we keep seeing this at different points of the campaign. i think the intrigue is part of what he wants in this transition. alex, you covered this team and these people in varying degrees for a long time. it strikes me that the only reason this is still going on the way it is is that at a certain level, donald trump is intrigued by the possibility of having mitt romney as secretary of state. this would not still be going on unless donald trump didn t meet with mitt romney and think maybe this is a good idea. part of it has to be coming from him. absolutely right. if you look at just the immediate political pressure confronting donald trump, the easiest thing in the world would be to go with somebody like rudy giuliani or some other loyalist. the president-elect s political capital will probably never be higher again with his own party than it is right now. if you just want to jam somebody who you know you can trust, you like on a personal level, through the senate, now is the time to do it. the fact that he s entertaining the idea of mitt romney so publicly and over the obvious objections of some of his much closer loyalists, it does sort of underscore this tug of war that trump i think has felt for a long time in public life between wanting to sort of play to the gallery, play to his base and also this deep desire for mainstream respectability of a kind that romney really would probably bring him as secretary of state. in your paper, maggie haberman reporting there s one person who doesn t like what s going on right now, rudy giuliani, who very publicly was suggesting he wanted to be secretary of state and he s been left to twist in twihe wind rig now. he has. you were mentioning before to ari, the unusually public nature of the advocacy on both sides. kellyanne conway s tweets definitely unusual in a presidential transition but so is the spectacle of somebody like rudy giuliani out there publicly campaigning for the job. it does speak to the way these people assess donald trump as a decision maker and the kind of information he assimilates and how important television is to him. kellyanne conway, i was shocked when i read that because i hadn t seen anything like that before. on the other hand, the alternative is the tried and true unnamed source or well-placed leak. it s stabbing someone from the front versus the back. i suppose she can make the case i m just being public about it. this suggests a certain independence that s taking police rigplace in this whole transition. i don t think any of his inner advisers has total control over what he s doing or how he s doing it. what s unusual is you have leaks often in this process and vetting of people by releasing their names but they are directly communicating to opponents, directly making statements like this to try to get to him. i don t think anyone, even the inner circle, knows what mpl mpl we are talking about mitt romney, saying it s the team of rivals model. i think this goes beyond that. this is not like abraham lincoln who brought these guys on. no one there said anything close to what mitt romney said about donald trump. hillary clinton didn t say anything close to what mitt romney said about donald trump about president obama. historically speaking, in recent memory, how does it work when you bring in someone who hasn t really been on your team? people will, if they are accepting the job, usually understand they are working at the direction of the president. the most recent model is obviously hillary clinton and barack obama. there was tension between colin powell and a lot of what the bush administration was doing but in public, you end up suppressing what you are doing. the other thing that happens is often the national security adviser on these issues becomes the prominent voice. in this case, what you could see is decision making centralized in the white house with flynn having the voice and the ear of donald trump and someone like romney becomes more of a figurehead in these decisions. interesting, as far as historical parallels go, hillary clinton would obviously be probably the best case model for a team of rivals partnership like this but romney s father actually went into the administration of richard nixon, a president who essentially vanquished him politically. it was not a successful relationship. they hated each other, really did not respect each other, and kou just as easily imagine that course unfolding here in a much more important job. there is no person ever that mitt romney respects and reveres more than his father. you can bet that s something he s thinking very carefully about. great to have you with us. president-elect donald trump picks his cabinet and meets with advisers, but there is one very important thing he is not doing every day. new details about the intelligence briefings he s not getting regularly. that s coming up. remembering someone often thght of as america s mother. for those of us who did nothing other than watch tv from like 1979 to 1983, florence henderson was just a huge part of our afternoons. she was on tv always so reassuring and this morning we all woke up just saddened and surprised to find out she had passed away. stay with us. since we started shopping at way first down! that s because with we can shop over 700,000 items go to to get low monthly payments and the credit you deserve. that s a touchdown, buttercup! oww! approaching medicare eligibility? 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sweetheart, you look lovely. don t be nervous about a thing. reporter: starring as the mother of a blended family, her career would forever be defined by her character on the 1970s family comedy the brady bunch. i created the kind of mother that i wished i had had, and i think that everyone longs for. reporter: taking on the role was something henderson embraced. i get so much fan mail from all over the world and everybody wants a hug from me. and i hug everybody. reporter: in the decades following the show, henderson never shied away from the limelight, returning to her beloved carol brady for multiple spin-offs of the brady show. but before she became a brady, henderson seemed destined for show business. i don t ever remember not singing and i would sing and pass the hat and i would sing for groceries. reporter: her career took off at the age of 19 when she landed a leading role in oklahoma in 1951. becoming a bona fide broadway star, her tv career progressed as she became nbc s today girl in 1959. she broke barriers as the first woman to guest host the tonight show in 1962. henderson earned her star on the hollywood walk of fame in 1996 and danced her way to a new generation of fans on dancing with the stars in 2010. today, america mourns the loss of everyone s favorite mom. florence henderson remembered by so many. maureen mccormick tweeting out a picture of them together saying you are in my heart forever, florence. john? stephanie elam, thanks so much. appreciate it. a public battle brewing over who or whom trump should pick to be secretary of state. ahead, new details about how frustrated rudy giuliani is this morning and how this is all playing out for the world to see. plus, no food, water or medicine. people in for a nightmare as iraqi forces battle isis. we take you inside mosul coming up. marie knows that a dutch apple pie can make any occasion feel more special. so she makes her pie crust from scratch. and sprinkles on brown sugar streusel. so that you can spend more time making special moments. .with your family. marie callender s. it s time to savor. won t replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won t have to worry about replacing your car because you ll get the full value back including depreciation. and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy, you qualify for a multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. now you re an expert in less than a minute. this is truecar. as president-elect, donald trump is privy to classified daily intelligence briefings. the thing is, he may not be taking advantage of them. the washington post reported the other day he s only had two since he was elected president. how big of a deal is this? want to bring in cnn counter terrorism analyst phil mudd, former cia counter terrorism official. is it a big deal he s not taking these briefings? it s not a big deal yet but you are only talking about half of the story. think of this. in new york, the grease for new york city is american dollars. the grease in washington, d.c. is power. this is about intelligence officials who measure power in part by their access to the oval office. they are starting to get nervous, i will bet you, that the president-elect is looking at the intelligence saying i m not sure i m that interested in this. i think there are questions about how the president receives or president-elect receives intelligence over time. different presidents have been radically different but i think this is also the intel guys getting a little nervous they might lose access to the oval office. that s a big deal in washington, d.c. interesting. what is he not hearing or what types of things, you don t want to tell us anything classified, what types of things is he not hearing by foregoing the briefings? you got to separate out the pdb, president s daily brief, into a few categories. the first is strategic, what s going on, for example, with military modernization in places like china and iran. then the tactical, what s going on, for example, in the hunt for isis leaders in a place like syria or iraq. i think the story gets more interesting when you move after inauguration in january because guaranteed some time in the first months of his administration, there will be some kind of problem. for example, a firefight in syria, we just lost a military officer in tragedy in syria this week. a hunt for somebody in iraq. a missile development in north korea. i think whether or not you want to be part of the intelligence briefing process in washington, facts will require him to pay attention at some point. so his team, republicans are saying we are making way too much of this. the chairman of the house intelligence committee says national security is donald trump s number one priority and i think he s taking it very seriously. look how many leaders he s met with, how many phone calls he s done, positions he s faileilled. people who are being critical need to get a life. is it that simple? people just need to get a life? at the moment. we are just a couple weeks after the election. vice president pence, vice president-elect pence is receiving briefings regularly. there are some presidents who have received intelligence second-hand. for example, nixon didn t like the cia. he got intelligence from secretary of state and national security adviser kissinger. george w. bush and his father, george h.w. bush, were avid consumers. it depends on the personality of the president. some presidents like to read more. they don t like oral briefings. we ll see what he thinks. mike pence is getting the daily briefing, the vice president-elect. what does that mean? is it often that you have a surrogate who gets all the information, then you depend on that person to pass it on to the president? at that point i wouldn t see that as uncommon. obviously mr. trump has a lot of things on his plate right now. i guarantee if there is something significant in the president s daily brief, pence will be passing it on to his boss. i think as the weeks go on and as we get into january, and the inauguration, we should have a better sense of the rhythm. that is, when the president-elect doesn t have to worry about things like who will be secretary of state, will he be sitting in the oval office at 7:30 or 8:00 every morning for 20 minutes to hear about what s going on around the world. there s a good chance of that and i don t think what s happening now is necessarily a precedent for what will happen when he becomes president. interesting, you say the big concerns right now are probably within the intelligence community itself because it feels like it may not have the ear the next four years that it has right now. heck, yeah. i have been there. i remember one great story, when bush 43, george w. bush, was getting his briefings in texas, one day he turned to his briefer, a friend of mine, and said pretty soon i get to get the real stuff. the secret in that story is at that point he was getting the real stuff. the intel guys were coming back to langley, i remember saying when he becomes president, we better have something good to say because he doesn t think he s getting the real deal yet. it was a great story. phil mudd, thanks for your perspective. really appreciate it. happy thanksgiving. the effort to recount votes in three states. some people think it s picking up steam. former presidential candidate jill stein has raised a lot of money to pay for this. will it really change anything? that s coming up. plus, this is a somber first for the united states right now in its battles in the middle east. an american service member has died in syria. details ahead. 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the biggest concern is that mitt romney didn t want to be secretary of state. he wanted to be president. so is mitt romney going to reflect a donald trump presidency or when he goes overseas, will he do the mitt romney scene. what s your advice, since a lot of people who are working for trump seem to be giving advice publicly? it would be to let trump decide on his own. that s not advice. that s not advice. do you think mitt romney would be a good pick? i don t know, there s a lot of people i would pick over him. maybe john bolton, former ambassador to the u.n., someone with extensive foreign policy. i know rudy giuliani has been tossed around. i don t know if he wants the job but he s got significant foreign policy with his companies consulting overseas. i just don t know if mitt romney can cut the mustard. a lot of people i would pick before him. that s the type of language we heard from former speaker of the house newt gingrich. mike huckabee also weighed in. i will support whoever president-elect trump picks because he has the right i think as the new president to build the team he wants to build. but i would suggest there are a lot of other people who are more qualified than romney in foreign policy and who are also, have not been as actively hostile as he s been. it s not about that i don t care for mitt personally. i m still very unhappy that mitt did everything he could to derail donald trump. he didn t just go after him from the standpoint of saying i disagree with his policy on immigration or disagree with his policy on taxes. he attacked him on a personal level about his character, integrity, honor. so alice stewart, the public airing of grievances as it were over mitt romney, do you think it s constructive? well, i don t think it s a surprise, clearly because governor huckabee and newt gingrich were loyal supporters to donald trump from the beginning since they had the opportunity and are expressing their feelings and concerns. look, any person that s put up for these top jobs is are going to have supporters and critics. mitt romney clearly has been vocal in the past about his criticisms of donald trump. huckabee and gingrich questioned whether or not he will be loyal. i agree with what ari fleischer said earlier. the main questions you need to ask of these people, do they want the job and will they be loyal to the president. if they receive the job. i think with the background of mitt romney, i think he would do a great job and the question is, whether or not he would be loyal and it s up to donald trump. there s also giuliani is up there for consideration. there are questions and concerns about his business ties with foreign countries and that will come up in the confirmation process. everyone that comes up, they will have supporters and critics but at the end of the day it s donald trump s decision. the good news is the gop has a deep bench for these top positions. that s looking forward to the next administration. let s look back a little to this election. jill stein, dr. jill stein, the green party candidate, now wants a recount in three states, wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania. this after a bunch of computer scientists got together and said we looked at this, we are concerned maybe there was some hacking. they don t have proof there was hacking but they looked at the voting patterns and were concerned. this is what jill stein had to say this morning. no, and the computer experts are very frank about this. we do not have a smoking gun. on the other hand, we have a system which invites hacking, tamperi ining and malfeasance. you shouldn t have to wait for the airplane to crash in order to have quality assurance on your airplane in order to have safeguards to be sure it s not going to crash. it s very important that we look at the votes. you want a recount? you know, as heartbreaking as this race was, as heartbreaking as the decision was, i think people are trying to find a way to move on. i m an elector from new york state. when i talk to people about what other electors in other states should do, i don t get the sense that everybody wants to say okay, let s change our decision at the last minute and vote hillary clinton in office. there are fines, by the way, for electors that do that in some states. while i m not while i think it s important to get to the right result, i think there are a lot of folks including perhaps secretary clinton herself that want to be able to move on and say okay, how do we at least do the work we need to do on the ground with the democratic party going forward to look at 2018. interesting, sounds like he s struggling to say i don t think there should be a recount, i don t think they should bother with it but i don t like the way it turned out. what do you make of what dr. stein is doing? i think frankly, the democratic party hasn t come out one way or another and i think that s really important. i have been on a couple different calls with a couple different people and the answer is we don t know if the election was hacked in any way, shape or form. there s monno definitive eviden for it or against it. if there is a thought out there and a doubt, and jill stein wants to do the leg work, more power to her. i do think there are questions being raised around how jill stein is going about this process. there was one goal total that was put out there. they quickly reached it about 3:00 a.m. the same day. they upped the goal. then there s this caveated language on the website saying there s no guarantees, we will actually achieve a recount, we will try. i think for myself there are questions around where is this money actually going, is it all going to this recount effort or is this padding the pockets of jill stein. that s an interesting view. want to weigh in? that s absolutely right. again, there are a lot of people that have a vested interest in some kind of recount, if you will, but if you as an individual, if stein as an individual raising money to do this, what is it really for, if there is really no smoking gun? that i think is the key here. without that smoking gun, i wonder what actually is going to be the result, who is going to be hired to sort of help do this recount. this is a massive effort and i don t want it to be a willy-nilly process. i want it to be a real process. i haven t seen that yet. alice, it is notable that the clinton team, the people who were involved in the clinton campaign are not part of this. they haven t come out publicly and said they are supporting this. the dnc has very publicly kept its distance from it so far. that in and of itself sends a message. oh, certainly. look, i think more than anything, if there were was any voter irregularity or voter fraud, it absolutely positively should be investigated. having served as former secretary of state in arkansas, i can assure you secretary of states in each of the three states in question and election officials in these states would be the first to call for something to be looked at even further if there was a question. they don t want to go down in the history books as having an asterisk by their election results. they want it to be free and fair and everything to be above board. i think the fact that the clinton campaign and others with more of a vested interest in the election results other than jill stein have not come forward, i think everyone can rest assured the numbers stand and we should move on and support the president-elect trump. is this just the kind of voter fraud you guys were concerned about before election day? yeah, but here s the thing. it s been a long thanksgiving. the thing is here, i think this is an effort for jill stein to propel herself in the media to get self-recognition for whatever she plans to do next. additionally, they would have to flip all three states. statistically, they won t do that. she says she s not doing this to un-elect donald trump. she says it s not about flipping states. it s about counting. that s her point. thanks for being with us. appreciate it, guys. we have an exclusive new look at the fight to retake a key city from isis. cnn goes inside mosul, where families are begging for help. that s next. jack knocked over a candlestick, onto the shag carpeting. .and his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. luckily jack recently had geico help him with renters insurance. because all his belongings went up in flames. jack got full replacement and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. visit and see how affordable renters insurance can be. we asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. travel with my daughter. roller derby. now give up half of em. do i have to? 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yes, yes. dark. reporter: you can hear the fighting in the near distance. it s still dangerously close. isis has gone from these streets, but its ability to harm these people hasn t passed. just 24 hours ago we re told a family was sitting here outside their home when a mortar struck a short distance away, and an 18-month-old girl was killed. her name was emira ali. her father omar is overwhelmed by grief. he cries, what did she do wrong? she was just playing. he s gone from me and she s my only one. every day this makeshift clinic inside mosul sees the terrible consequences of mortars fired into civilian areas. it s a bloody production line. the wounded are delivered pamped patched up quickly and loaded into ambulances to transport to hospital. at teams it seems endless. as one blns puambulance pulls i another arrives carrying more wounded civilians. unloaded with great care as medics work to help the victims of yet another isis mortar attack, but they can t save everyone. this man s 21-year-old son was killed. he says a mortar just fell in front of the door. we came, and he was just a piece of meat. four or five of my neighbors were standing with him, and they re all dead. reporter: here, another parent falls to the dusty ground before the body of her son. these people endured two years of living under isis only to be killed by the group s desperate military tactics, and its total indifference to the lives of the innocent. phil black, cnn, mosul, northern iraq. all right. the breaking news this morning announcements from the trump transition team coming today. so who will be heading to the west wing? 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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20161208

obviously watches the media and watches very carefully. chuck jones, lead of local steel workers 1999, one thing he was grateful for the 800 jobs trump was able to say but felt he was misleading in the major noubs he did last week. which was to say 1100 jobs of 1400 were saved. but the real math doesn t add up like that. it is 730 union jobs saved. total $800 save8 hundre00 saved. and carrier still getting rewards from the tax break even though hundreds of jobs are still going to go away. what s particularly interesting about this is the president elect of the united states clearly seems to be watching a lot of television news and responding almost in real time or shortly after to things he is seeing or i guess in some cases things he s reading. martin thank you very much. we re going check in with you a little later. another tweet on a similar subject tonight, and there is a mystery. the question that flows from it and potentially a lot of jobs at stake. we re going to get to that in a second but i want to bring in our panel to talk about this latest incident of the president elect tweeting out based on something he s just seen. again we are yet again we re saying it. we re in uncharted waters here. it is very rare you have the president elect watching this kind of media coverage and responding in real time. and also saying no wonder companies are fleeing the country. his criticism actually has been because of the trade why companies are leaving and now he s sort of suggesting it is because of the union people who aren t representing people properly. so he s attacking this union representative because he angered him and then saying something that i don t think even fits with the narrative that he s been saying about companies leaving. this is obviously something on the one hand trump supporters like. they like the fact that he has a direct kpanl exactly. kpachannel to people. and that he s counterpunching. one the united steel workers remember endorse hillary clinton. so the union this guy represents was anti-trump. so that is not a surprise. but number two, i want to stick up for him on this issue of twitter. i wrote a column a while ago, talking about abraham lincoln about the use of the telegram and live press conferences. twitter is the 21st century. donald trump is going to be a seriously 21st century president. and this is one of the ways he s going to use to communicate. and to be perfectly candid, he s going to use it to get around us. he s making great use of the technology and there is lots of the precedent for him and more power to him. but not for punching down like that. he took on the steel industry, not a single steel worker in this. and as we talked about exactly. absolutely. in fact now i have read stories where chuck jones himself said he voted for him. did not endorse. no no. mr. jones has told the press i ve read he personally voted for hillary clinton. and the local union in this case did not endorse any candidate. right. but the larger point is if there is a if you want to put a face on a trump voter, it is chuck jones. except he voted for hillary clinton actually chuck jones is on the phone. we have him right now. appreciate you talking to us mr. jones. what do you make of the fact that you appear on cnn and then you have the president of the united states speaking out against you. reporter: well he misspoke on the amount of jobs. it was 800, it wasn t 1 00. i give thanks and praise for everything he did to save the 1100 people s jobs. i really appreciate that. but also at the carrier conference last thursday got up and said he never made my commitments or promises to keep jobs there. which is a complete falsehood. he said it numerous times on his campaign speeches and he denied that. and so i mentioned those two items and evidently it rubbed him the wrong way. so things will go on. he said something talking about carrier as a symbol and not necessarily specifically meaning carrier. clearly you view it as he meant carrier and that was he said carrier numerous times. numerous times. he said he wasn t president. he wasn t 50% sure. he wasn t 70% sure. he was a 100% sure these jobs would not be going to mexico. and he came in and negotiated a deal to 800 jobs there. but nobody is bringing up the fact that 550 are still moving to monterey, mexico. and he did a wonderful job with the jobs he saved but don t make it sound like it is 1100 when 350 of the jobs were going to remain here all along in the research and development. that is what i called him out on. and i want to put the tweet back up on the screen. it says chuck jones, president of the united steel workers 1999 has done a terrible job representing workers no wonder cou campaigns fleed the country. what we do as the labor union, we negotiate wages and benefits. on the carrier situation it was all about wages. we can t compete with $3 an hour workers. we ve got a skilled workforce but because of the corporate agreed and unfair trade they want to move the jobs out of the country. he wants to blame me, so be it. i look at him how many millions of dollars he spent on his hotels and casinos trying to keep labor unions out. so, you know, i like my side trying to work the best and make people s lives the best they possibly can be. i want to play some of what you had said on erin burnett s show which maybe is what donald trump was responding to. i just want to play this. they announced at that point in time the research and development jobs, about 50 350 them were going to remain here in indianapolis. when mr. trump got in involved what the actual number of jobs saved is 730 bargaining unit jobs. the workers of the union members. and another 70 office, supervisory, clerical workers from management. and what they are doing, they are counting in 350-some odd more that were never leaving the country at all. and i think he did a lot of negotiations and i have likewise it and if you are dealing with people s livelihoods you sure as hell out to know what the numbers are. when did you find out you had heard the number donald trump said? when did you find out the details of this and what did you think when you heard that? we were hearing three days 1100 jobs were staying. and we met with the people thursday last week at noon. and that point in time say said okay, this is what s going to happen. 730 bargaining unit jobs are going stay here and 70 other jobs. well, what i was calling trump out on is the fact that he was counting in the 350 research and development jobs that carrier announced in february they were going to remain here in indianapolis. the only thing i was doing was calling him out. what happened on that anderson, was our people heard that earlier in the week. and so once again they got their hopes up that something was going to be done. they was gonna have a job. so 1100 some-odd jobs is going remain indianapolis. so the mood was good. we have to tell them you don t mention on thursday night that 550 jobs are going to move to monterey mexico. they leave that alone. and then we have to tell our members on friday because nobody was up front with them we re losing 550 members. and that is what upset me. because you got people s hopes up. 1100 some-odd jobs are going to remain in indianapolis. and which was wrong and people had hope they were going to be able to provide for their families and ended up not been true. and how many times can they go through this disappointment. they go through it once and then find out it s not the case. and so do i have issues with that? most certainly. dealing with people s livelihoods and what s more important to a person s livelihood, their health, their family and their jobs and that got ripped away from them. mr. jones, i appreciate your time tonight. thank you so much for talking with us. i appreciate it very much. i want to bring in robert reish, who s back saving capitalism, for the many not the few. what do you make of this latest example of donald trump responding to something he s read or seen on television. well donald trump is doing this a lot. he s using twitter and has these tweets going out against people who criticize him. not only against chuck jones but also alec baldwin when he satirized mr. trump on saturday night live. let me just say because donald trump is probably watching right now let me just say with all due respect, mr. trump, you are president elect of the united states, you are looking and acting as if you are mean and petty, thin-skinned and vindictive. stop this. this is not a fire side chat. this is not what f.d.r. did. this isn t lifting people up. this is penalizing people for speaking their minds. what you did with boeing the other day, minutes after the ceo of boeing was quoted as saying that you, mr. trump, you, president elect trump were wrong on international trade, what did you do? you tweeted that boeing should have an order canceled. you called it a $4 billion order. and that meant boeing s own share prices plummeted. so in other words mr. trump, what you would like is for no one, not a ceo, nobody on television, no journalist, nobody to criticize you. you take offense at that. well you are going to be president very shortly. you are going to have at your command not just twitter but also the cia, the irs, the fbi. if you have this kind of thin skinned vindictiveness attitude towards anyone who criticizes you, we are in very deep trouble. and sir, so are you. i want to. jeffrey lord. to the notion that he is thin skinned and this is vindictiveness like secretary reich was saying. what do you say to that. first of all i think this is being vastly overblown. harry truman wrote to his daughter . someday i hope to meet you. when that happens you will need a new nose a lot of beefsteak for black eyes and perhaps a supporter below. i can only tell you donald trump isn t even close to harry truman here. i think we re just getting overworked on this. what he s setting here is the principle. this is the 21st century. he s going to respond to his critics and good for him. do you think this is just a modern form of communication that mr. trump is bypassing the media and talking directly and this is just a sign of the times? well this is the 21st century. and twitter as a medium that communicates directly to millions and millions of americans and this is about specific personal criticism. a lot of people read this kind of personal criticism and what are they going to do? they are going to feel critical of that person as well. this is bullying. this is not using the bully pulpit. this is bullying. jeff, does donald trump seem thin-skinned to you? going after alec baldwin? i mean he is about to be the most powerful man in the entire world. donald trump, carl rove noted this years ago about his feeling that the bush white house, the bush 43 white house made a mistake when the critics were going after bush on iraq and bush lied all of this kind of thing. and they didn t answer it. so they left the impression out there. one of the things that i personally asked donald trump when i interviewed him two years ago was this was a criticism of republican nominees. they don t fight back. will you do that? he assured me he absolutely would do it. and this is what we re seeing and good for him. mr. trump, president elect trump did not answer back. chuck jones said he lied about the numbers. apparently chuck jones is right. still a good thing saving 800 jobs but he lied saying 1100 wrong. instead of saying he got the numbers wrong, which lots of people do, he attacked chuck jones. and it was a private letter to a guy. but it got out in the media. he was trashing truman s daughter. if someone trashes no. professor reich is correct. hold on a second. i just want to say this. abuse of power. i just want to say this. what we re not talking about here is at any time during all of this carrier event in the campaign hillary clinton could have picked up the phone and done. this. president obama could done this. donald trump did this. what they didn t do was pick up twitter and trash a steel worker named chuck in indianapolis who s fighting for his job. number one i think the twitter phenomenon is here to stay and i specially by donald trump. whether he s president in january or not. he s going to keep doing it. it is a huge tool for him. and it shows how aggressive he s going to be and this is all about the economy and he s going to keep doing it. he used twitter to his advantage just yesterday with the japanese billionaire, the softbank chairman who was in town. i understand when he was in the office with him he was thinking well i may invest $50 billion in the u.s. and apparently the softbank chairman said, you know, if you tweeted it i might commit right now. and donald trump is like tweet it right now. and someone said just go on down to the lobby. and so trump went down to the lobby and so he got this commitment for $50 billion, 50,000 jobs because of a tweet. the japanese billionaire is also kind of a showman like donald trump is but in japan. and commitment back in august. so apparently he just snowballed trump. steam rolled him. all about discussing a tweet. but it is clear that the tweets that donald trump makes are going to be here. aggressive and they are going to be punchy. the white house uses twitter. it is just a question of what you are putting on twitter. and i do think paul s right that and secretary reich is right. this is bullying. this is just a regular american citizen. this is not somebody who is necessarily necessarily on his level in terms of power. but i do think i said this to someone walking off the set last night. and this has been said before. last night he was presidential. well-behaved and stayed on the prompter. and i said to somebody tomorrow he s going to do something. and always happens. and this is it. more discussion when we come back afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. 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(vo) hurry, these offers end soon. get the best deals and the best network, only on verizon. i found a better deal on prescriptions. we found lower co-pays. .and a free wellness visit. new plan.same doctor. i m happy. it s medicare open enrollment. have you compared plans yet? it s easy at or you can call 1-800-medicare. medicare open enrollment. you ll never know unless you go. i did it. you can too. psh psh lunch is ready! campbell s spider-man soups. made for real, real life. thanks mom we are back talking about twitter and how president elect trump uses it. not only that but personalizing. players powerful and not so powerful. including this tweet chuck jones has done a terrible job representing workers. no wonder companies flee the country. we just had chuck jones on the phone a short time ago at the top of the broadcast. here is what he said. to be quite honest what i did, i did a interview. and i called him out on some of the things that he misled the people on as far as the actual numbers of jobs that he claimed to save. and it was 800. it wasn t over 1100. i gave him praise and thanks for everything he did to save the 800 people s jobs. i really appreciate that. he also during the conference with the carrier people last thursday got up and said he never made any commitments, any promises to carrier people to keep jobs there. which was complete falsehood. he said it numerous times on the campaign on his campaign speeches. and he denied that. and back with the panel, including former labor secretary robert reich. secretary reich, do you think i mean, do we know how this plays out over time? we ve had presidents before who have kept enemies list. donald trump certainly has a long memory of people who he thinks slighted him or have been unfair to him. how does this play out? even for those who like him doing this, right now it may seem new, refreshing. it s different. over time does it not play better and better or does it not play so well to his supporters. i think over it becomes more dangerous to democracy. which depends on freedom of the speech and freedom of the press. if people feel intimidated that they cannot criticize the president of the united states will retaliate, then there is going to be a massive intimidation a chilling effect on free speech and also on freedom of the press. this is extremely serious. this is not merely talking about fireside chats or angry truman being angry at some critic of his daughters. this goes to the central core of a democracy. we re talking about the freedom of people to express their criticisms of the president of the united states, without fear of retribution. without fear that the president of the united states is going to single them out and condemn them in front of millions of other people. i can t recall a time where presidents of the united states in such a public forum have ever gone after private individuals. i think glen beck in the day. i think they went to great lengths to savage him. critical of that though. i think that was bad actually for the obama things do that precisely because it comes with the power of the president. and you have the senior white house officials going out and doing this and it is chilling. i don t think you should be singling out news organizations and attacking them and saying they are not legitimate. every president has complained about the press. and sometimes about individual reporters. that is not new. what i can t think of. and jeffrey is a good student of history. is a time a president elect or a president has reached all the way into the heart of middle america. and frankly the very profile of a trump voter. this is what is the most troubling thing about this. in the main is mr. jones is able to come on your broadcast. in the main he s not able to defend himself. he s not. and donald trump with one buttons 16 million people. and chuck jones can t defend himself. and that is what s sew chilling. and if he s going to do that to chuck jones. do you know how many ceos are going to say i don t want to stick my head up. and just for the record donald trump said he didn t read the chicago tribune article in which the ceo of boeing was quoted. what s interesting is i watched the last couple of day, i went to so many rallies with donald trump. they were filled with union workers. so it is a really contradictory thing to see him attacking a union worker. and then you have the ceos, you put steve schwartzman, head of the . got this big panel and part of all these ceos and i talked o him and he said i ve got to get on one of these panels with him. so now in the trump world they are going to pick up a manufacturing panel. the tech ceos coming in. the ceos out there are doing a flip-flop to try to get involved with the trump administration because they see the deal maker in chief coming on strong. so now they wanted to be part. want to be part and fear of not being part of fear of retaliation. they either want to be in his good graces. or they think he really is going to lower everything and we want in. another thing that s problematic at the way he s used twitter if you look at attacking boeing and their stock prices. a long time i worked in the white house handling trade. and as a junior spokes personal you were really schooled in you could never say anything that has not been cleared by 50 people. every word has to be measured perfectly because it will move markets. and he is the president of the united states tweeting form ore labor secretary is with us. secretary reich. what about that? the power to move markets with a few words here or there. the power of the presidency not only to move markets but also to unleash a hailstorm of criticism against individuals who have the nerve and audacity to speak their minds. i mean, we are talking about presidential power here in its rawest and most important form. it has to be used with a great deal of decorum. with a great deal of sensitivity. and that is why this is so concerning. because we have the president elect of the united states. not some candidate. the president elect of the united states, who is tweeting to 12 million or 16 million followers criticisms of individual whose dare correct him, dare to speak out about what the president elect of the united states is doing. this is something new. we have not seen this before. and it does pose a huge potential danger. not just to companies. yes there will be a chilling effect on individual ceos who will not want to speak out against president elect donald trump for fear he s going say something that causes the stock prices to go down. and yes the president has to be very careful what he says about a economy as a whole but what about reputations of individuals. what about keeping their jobs. what about what other people are so angry about what a president may say about a particular individual that they actually go out and seek some sort of revenge. this is raw power and it is very dangerous. secretary reich you said something very interesting here. that this has not been seen before. and i would just say to everybody we re going to see a lot of this. this is going to be a very unconventional presidency by the likes of washington d.c. and established way of doing things. it is not just this. it is going to be a whole lot of things to come. he s going to be very different. he comes straight from the private sector. he s never been a governor, a senator. he s never in washington as an elected official. he s going to do things differently. which is why i would suggest he was elected in the first place. so i would respectfully suggest this is the tip of the iceberg and we re going to see a lot more of a lot of different things he s going to do very differently. but i don t think people voted him so he could beat up on chuck the steel worker. but the american people aren t dumb. they realize this guy vote forward hillary clinton, as you yourself said. he s a political opponent. no he s not. an american citizen. he s a voter. you can be an american citizen and be a political opponent? really? come on jeffrey, you are too decent to think it is okay for a billionaire president elect to pick on a working class all men are created equal. declaration of independence. do you really think that is okay? let me just say something. because it certainly is okay for a president of the united states to criticize a network, criticize an industry, criticize a large group of people. but it is qualitatively different for a president or a president elect of the united states to criticize an individual who is exercising his first amendment rights to criticize that president elect. there is a huge power imbalance. and that power imbalance could create a situation and we re maybe not that far away from it. if this continues. anderson, you said what happens if this continues? if this continues and grows we could have a situation where people across the board are scared to speak out. they are intimidated because they don t want to be punished. i don t think so. i don t think so. if you are old enough. and i hate to say it. the gray hair attests to it. my generation protesting linden johnson using all kind of language you can t use on television. they weren t scared and lindaen johnson was one of the did he go after you personally jeffrey? no he there is a big difference between going after a group of people and going after an individual and using the power of the presidency or the president elect of the united states to go after but this is that is the whole point. that is the intimidation. that is the danger here. sorry, go ahead, jeff. this is not just chuck jones some guy. i m sure he s a perfectly decent sole. but le represents a steel workers union. he himself is a political opponent who admitted to that. what did he do that was wrong? there was nothing. what he said was there were more jobs that need to be saved. what was it that was so horrible that this reaction? why wouldn t be reaction be oh let s go look at what these other jobs and see what we can do to save them? i can only tell you, when a political opponent goes after you, you go after them back. hold on. you re saying that s ridiculous. that s ridiculous because we just had an election. and if you take as your definition of political opponent anybody who voted against donald trump there are tens of millions of people right now in the united states who would be defined as political opponents and under that definition it would be perfectly fine for the president to every day tweet about one of those political opponents and say something negative about one of those political opponents. well it s just that is an absurd argument. i don t think that donald trump cares whether the voted for or voted against him. i think he s upset that he s stepping on his show. and he had a great coupe last week and now he s undercutting it. i really think donald trump is a showman as well as the president elect. and he doesn t like that this guy is undercutting what was a really good show and presentation. it probably took harry truman a lot of time to write that letter. and it doesn t take donald trump much time to send a tweet. and he s writing in the moment clearly. and often times a wise person wants to, you know, think things through a little bit and let the moment pass and count to ten, breathe. he wants to set the record straight right away. but he didn t set the record straight. he made a mistake. he did a good thing. he claimed he did a great thing. chuck called him on it. no big deal actually. but he wants to personally attack the guy who criticized him. that s what chilling. not that he wanted to set the record straight it is not as if that had not been on the record. it was something about chuck saying this and that it was a bait and switch or whatever the term majority of if i can just say he s got an awful lot of political enemies if i could just say in the media sense and i m sure we re going to do have a lot of these in the next four years. like the texas demonstrations down there for the nut job down there t white supremacist. the media tends to overplay these things. vastly overplay their worth in a situation like this. and i just don t think it is that big deal. the president of the united states, the new president of the united states tweets. which is what everybody does around the world. he s setting a precedent that other presidents are going to use in their own fashion. i hope not. i hope not. we have a president of the united states now through twitter has access directly, unmediated access to 16 million people. and i hope this does lead to presidents using their power direct access to single out individuals for criticism and blame. that is dangerous folks. mr. secretary, with all due respect franklin roosevelt used the radio to get around republican newspaper publishers of the day. he did not criticize individuals. joe mccarthy in the 1950s, senator joe mccarthy and his communist witch hunts, he went after individuals. he was not president. he had a lot of power. but he had a lot of power. and do you know what happened with those individuals? they lost their jobs. they were intimidated by mr. mccarthy, until finally one member of the press stood up to joe mccarthy and said basically joe mccarthy is a despot. he s a dictator. he s dangerous for the country. are we going to have to wait for somebody to stand up to donald trump and say this? i got a lot of respect for you, but i just think that is hysteria and i think that s typical of what s wrong. you don t think what we re now witnessing is dangerous? no. no. are you kidding me? no. anderson cooper, cnn, fox news, everybody is going to be on donald trump s case for the next four years, eight years, whatever it turns out to be. as they are with every president of the united states. and donald trump has spent a lot of his time condemning the media and condemning individual journalists. and what? john f. kennedy canceled the new york tribune. so what. condemning individual journalists? i m sorry. we re in a completely new zone here. a new era when you have a president it is technology. it is the 21st century. you have direct contact between a president and 16 million americans and there is nothing wrong with that. and criticizing individuals, average americans? i m sorry, there is something wrong with that. and if you don t see the danger in it, that in itself with all due respect is very dangerous. martin savage at the carrier plant. you have been speaking with them, is that how. reporter: i ve talked to chuck jones several times. he will admit he vote forward hilla voted for hillary clinton. he will also say he voted holding his nose. he didn t like either choice. and i ll point out the local labor union did not make any endorsement for the campaigns. the national union endorsed hillary clinton but the local union made no official endorsement. and chuck jones again is grateful to donald trump. he is amazed that donald trump was able to pull off saving 800 jobs. his particular point was at that announcement, the 1100 figure that was used was inaccurate and as a result there were several hundred members of his workforce who thought they would have jobs who don t. and it is interesting, jeff, because donald trump, i think it was a point paul already made but he s not responding to that particular factual to that fact or allegation. he s going after the credibility. he s angry at that. so he s poking at what a perceived weakness or whatever it may be. that is a little different than saying, well, actually no, mr. jones, here is what happened. it s no. you re lousy and you re partly responsible for these jobs leaving. well i just think that this whole thing is getting vastly overblown here. and again, donald trump is the only person who did this. the sitting president of the united states and hillary clinton had the chance do this. so this is the reaction. it is only 800 jobs when it could have been 300? it would have been zero jobs. that is not the only reaction. mr. jones himself is saying he s very appreciative of these 800 jobs and nobody seems to be disputing that. if we can just switch for a second to boeing. so boeing happened and donald trump says i didn t do it because what the ceo said. that may actually be true. it may not be true. who knows but we know donald trump was always in construction. and we know hillary clinton made a big point of this during the campaign, that he tried to squeeze every penny out of every contractor. remember when le would say on the campaign trail, thank goodness my father the drapery contractor did not have him as a client because he would try to squeeze him. so to me when he came out to say i want to get the price down on boeing or cancel the contract, it is just like him to want to do it. i was with donald trump once when he was going through the old post office. jese seeing something on the trim that he didn t like it. he was like well what is the price of this. how much did we pay? i could see his knock the cost down that we re going to pay this contractor. so it is totally like him do this. i don t know if it is appropriate on a government procurement. secretary reich. i m sorry, it may be like him to do this. and that is precisely the problem we are dealing with right now. because as a private citizen or as a developer when he was doing all of his developments around the country, around the world donald trump was not president elect of the united states. he was not he didn t have the power that he has right now. and it is not a matter of just correcting the record with regard to something that chuck jones has said. it is actually attacking him personally. it is saying he is a lousy union leader. it is like going after alec baldwin saying alec baldwin is lousy, he s not funny. rather than correcting the record. if there is some satirical issue. instead of correcting the record what donald trump will do with tweets is a kind of character assassination. it is what he did on the campaign trail. or attacking boeing, which is one of the companies in the united states that contributes the most for our gdp of sending a lot of airplanes out of this country. so he does take it on but he says he s doing it for the u.s. first. we ve got to take a quick break. the panel is going to stick around. mr. secretary, thank you for joining us. coming up a new batch of trump picks ah, family holiday party, huh greg? 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jason talked about the reaction coming in democrats and environmental groups. i think that is a very tame way to put it. they are sending up blistering statements, one after another getting them in my inbox about this pick for scott pruitt. first and foremost he s not just someone who s within a climate change deny who are s said he wanted to rip up the . has actually been involved in and helped lead lawsuits against epa, the very agency that he s nominated to head. now if you take a step back and listen to what donald trump said during the campaign this should not surprise anybody. this is what democrats warned about and this is what republicans promised. it was a big applause line in many trump rallies. and i saw and heard it firsthand. but the reason why there is a bit of whiplash right now among democrats is because it was like 24 hours ago that al gore, the personification of climate change was in trump tower talking to not just ivanka trump but the president elect coming out saying they had a really good conversation. leonardo dicaprio was there. he s mr. climate change. so i think that is why there is this reaction because democrats and environmental groups got what they now see is sort of a flurry of false hope after the meetings and now it is back to the reality that he is appearing to deliver on his campaign promise to try to do away with not just the regulations of the obama administration but maybe the epa itself. it is interesting also the number of generals so far named to donald trump s inner . . . well, the one thing we can say is it probably doesn t bode well for general petraeus. if he was to add another general, i expect that would be too much. these are pretty impressive people. people that have a lot of respect across the board, at least two of them, i should say. mike flynn is a little more controversial. i think the military is a very respected institution in our society. where every other institution is losing respect. the military still has an overwhelming approval rating in the country. trump understands that. i think it s something that one more would probably be too many. at this point, at least two of these picks are picks that i think a lot of people approve of. do you have a sense of where he is in terms of the timeline for secretary of state? i think he said it is going to be next week. i think he still doesn t know. i agree that petraeus is out. he cannot put another general in there. at one point, he was considering kelly for secretary of state. i don t know which way he is going to go. i don t know whether it would be romney or giuliani or somebody completely new. the pick with the worldwide wrestling person is so interesting to me. if you want to go online, you can find some funny tapes of donald trump getting smacked a little bit walking into the wrestling match. he enjoyed the show of that as well. you talk about linda mcmahon and to sort of show the conflicted feelings of people on capitol hill who are going to have to confirm these cabinet picks, senator blum that you will from connecticut, who defeated linda mcmahon said he is going to vote for her. they are okay with that. they are okay with the pick today of terry branstandt to be ambassador to china. a lot of bipartisan applause for that. you have the sort of whiplash of this epa appointment late tonight. but, dana, a lot of support for general john kelly. yes, it certainly seems that way. it does not seem as though there is going to be much pushback at all on that. i do think it is fascinating that he is a gold star father given the controversy that donald trump had with the gold star parent at the convention. fareed zakaria and his conversation with president barack obama. all of it coming up. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. president-elect trump says he values president obama s on things. he talked in pretty glowing terms about the conversations they have been having? i really like him. we have a really good chemistry together. we talk. he loves the country. he wants to do right by the country and for the country. i will tell you, we obviously very much disagree on certain policies and certain things. i really like him as a person. i have asked him what he thinks are the biggest problems of the country, what are some of the greatest assets going forward. we have a very good dialogue and i must tell you i never met him before this and i never spoke to him before this. i really, i do like him. i love getting his ideas. earlier, i talked about some of this was cnn s fareed zakaria, who has a two-hour special report of the legacy of barack obama will which air at the top of the hour at 9:00 p.m. eastern. donald trump saying he has been consulting with president obama about cabinet appointments and values the president s suggestion. what does that tell you about the kind of leader donald trump is going to be? let s hope it tells us that trump is going to be the kind of leader who would consult with a wide variety of sources. so far, that hasn t been true. he has tended to have a very narrow circle of advisers, family, a couple of advisers like steve bannon, kellyanne conway. maybe he is broadening. obama recognizes this is his one chance to have some kind of an impact in preserving his legacy. so you think perhaps it is president obama s attempt to preserve some of his legacy to have some influence on donald trump. i think he understands, nobody knows what it feels like to be president. all trump s advisors are not in the same position. obama has a unique perspective he can provide. he is hoping that he can make him understand that perhaps the path to being president for the whole country, to having high approval ratings, is to preserve some of those elements of the obama legacy that have become part of the fabric of both american domestic policy and foreign policy, for example. upending the iran deal would be very difficult, very complicated. it is an international deal. the iranians will get a green light to go nuclear. nobody else is going to reimpose sanctions. the americans will be isolated. similarly on obamacare, it might look easy to repeal. what do you do with the 20 million people? what do you do with the fact that people expect insurance companies to cover anybody that has a pre-existing conditions? your documentary is two hours, it airs tonight starting at 9:00. you interviewed the president for it. what do you think president obama believes his greatest successes have been? in his mind, no question, he believes that obamacare is the single most important thing he has done. he believes with some justification, seven presidents tried to do this. theodore roosevelt is the first to talk about universal health care and he actually got it done. he is as aware as anybody else of the limitations. he would argue a lot of them were forced on him, compromises that he had to make. at the end of the day, he got it done. my guess is, the trump question that you were asking is probably more than anything else about obama care. keeping at least parts of it? keeping parts of it. he was very clever in the conversation by keeping those core elements, essentially keeping obama care. he understands that. i think he very much wants to preserve that. on the foreign policy side, i think he has shifted the way america thinks about foreign policy and i think he thinks that will endure. it is very interesting some of the things he admitted to you. he didn t see the rise of isis, the syrian civil war and the devastation and the impact it would have on europe. that haunts him. i asked him, your policy on syria seems to be am biff lent. he says, it is because i am ambivalent. you have this terrible tragedy but he doesn t think american in military action will solve it. you would just be jumping into a quagmire. i asked him, do you think that keeping america out of the syrian civil war, is an achievement? he said, yes, we have a bunch of very lousy options. on that list unfortunately that is the one i would have to pick. fareed, thanks. pleasure. that does it for us. thanks for watching. the cnn special report, the legacy of barack obama, a two-hour special by fareed zakaria, it starts right now. see you tomorrow. the following is a cnn special report. barack obama s america was born with hope, people were crying in the streets. with crisis fragile financial system. financial panic. we were hanging on the edge of a cliff. health care hysteria. why don t they take the health care being forced down our throat. two wars. mass shootings. a gunman opens fire. a spray of bullets. racial violence. if

Mexico , United-states , Japan , Monterey , Illinois , Iraq , Texas , Iran , Washington , China , Hilla , Babil

Transcripts For CNNW At This Hour With Berman And Bolduan 20161208

can do much with republicans in control of the senate. pruitt is an outspoken critic of a lot of the science behind climate change and currently has a case pending against the very agency he wants to now lead. while all of that is going on, so is this. donald trump in a fight over the very deal that he claimed as a big win just last week. the president-elect attacking a carrier union leader after he called trump a liar for fudging the numbers on how many jobs were actually saved at that indiana plant. listen. what they re doing, they re counting in 350 some odd more that were never leaving this country at all. if you re dealing with people s livelihoods, you sure in the world ought to know what the numbers are. cnn s ryan nobles is live outside trump tower here in new york whach york. what do you know? reporter: good morning to both of you. this has really become a pretty public spat between the president-elect and this leader of the united steel workers 1999, chuck jones, who represents those workers at carrier. jones basically called trump a liar, saying that he inflated the number of jobs he helped save from going to mexico. trump bragging that at one point he had saved around 1100 jobs but that number, much closer to 800. while that criticism was something the president-elect didn t take too kindly. he went to twitter to attack jones, saying he s done a terrible job leading that union and he actually extended it even further and blamed jones and other union leaders like him for many of the reasons that jobs have been leaving the united states. well, jones for his part is not backing down. he said he s been in a job like this for a long time and has thick skin and can take criticism even if it comes from the next president of the united states. he said he s thankful the president-elect helped to save these jobs but at the end of the day he just wants him to be honest. take a listen. he overreacted, president-elect trump did, and i would expect if he was going to tweet something he should have come out and tried to justify his numbers and try to justify when i called him out. reporter: jones of course and his union did support hillary clinton during the campaign. this of course has been a busy couple of days for the president-elect. he has an important meeting here in the not too distant future with james stavridis, a former admiral and could potentially be the next secretary of state. of course that would be another military leader that trump could add to his administration. yesterday announcing that john kelly, former general, will become his secretary of homeland security. so a busy couple of days for trump as he continues to fill out his cabinet and administration. yes indeed. ryan nobles outside trump tower, we will keep our eye on the elevators to see who else may go up to meet with the president-elect. we will talk more about the carrier situation with brett voorhees, president of the indiana state afl-cio and good friend of chuck jones, the carrier union official we were just talking about. brett, you have been with chuck all morning. i want to know what your reaction was when you saw the president-elect go after your friend on twitter. well, when i saw the tweet last night i was actually flabbergasted. i was actually out christmas shopping with my daughter and my wife, and saw that the tweet come across and had to take a double look to make sure that i was seeing the right thing. i never, ever would expect our future commander in chief would actually go after an average blue collar worker, local union president, from indianapolis, let alone from anywhere in the country, and was very very surprised that he would actually stoop that low. stoop that low. you have been with you have been with chuck all morning. he had quite the night last night. he s been on tv all this morning. why do you think it s a stoop that low? can you describe this a little bit more? you have got the president-elect, who is commander in chief, and he s taking time and spending time and basically cyberbullying by tweeting out basically, he doesn t even know chuck jones, doesn t know who he is, doesn t know his character, and stating that he s an awful president in his tweet, going after an ordinary average citizen and maybe he should spend more time on national security and issues like that, or even spend more time saving the jobs from going to mexico like he campaigned on for the last year and a half. so brett, what chuck did, is chuck called out donald trump, the president-elect, on the numbers at carrier, right. chuck says the numbers are more like 800 jobs saved, not 1,000 or more, which the president-elect said. in general, do you favor the deal that donald trump brokered here? 800 jobs have been saved that were going to mexico. no. we are very thankful to president-elect trump for the jobs that he has saved and the jobs that will be staying here. but bottom line is why president jones came out and talked about, you know, calling president-elect trump a liar was basically he misled the members. he stood up there and at the carrier facility, and said that he was there to save 1100 jobs and it was nothing but falsehoods. he got a lot of people, a lot of workers hopes up high, especially right here before the holiday season, just to let several hundred people down when everybody actually was either in the audience or not in the audience thought their jobs were going to be saved. very misleading. misleading, you say, but again, he did save jobs that would have been lost. with that in mind, what more do you want from the president-elect right now? absolutely. again, we are thankful for the jobs that he did save but we just would like for president-elect trump to actually stand by his word and stand with the working people. i mean, he campaigned for a year and a half saying that no more on his watch when he becomes president of the united states, jobs are not going to be shipped overseas. he was talking about how if he has to put a 35% tariff on companies, that he was going to renegotiate nafta, all these different trade deals. if you are going to do that, let s do that. let s not go in and save just partial jobs. if you re going to go back and save the rest of the jobs or save the plant that s two miles down the road, rexnord, which is the plant i came out of, do what you said. at least attempt to do what you said during your campaign promises. if you can t do it, you can t do it. the fact is that donald trump s numbers do appear to be off as well. you know that a lot of your members and a lot of steelworker members voted for donald trump. donald trump we believe did very well among union voters, better than past republicans have at least in recent memory. what s your message to the union membership that you serve about the president-elect? well, my message is, we did, we had several members that did support donald trump for president and my message to them and actually to anybody is i mean, like it or not, donald trump is going to be the president of the united states come january 20th at noon when he gets sworn in, and you know, i was brought up to make sure that you always pray for your leaders and you hope the best for your leaders and that s what i told my 11-year-old daughter when she was asking me questions about dad, why is donald trump picking on chuck jones. chuck jones is like a grandpa to her. and i said well, sweetheart, that s all i can do is tell you that in your prayers, pray for him. pray for him that he saves jobs and pray for him that he does a good job and he keeps us safe in the united states. that s the only message i can send. he s going to be our president for the next four years and i will support him as he goes along as president but at the same time, if he wants to keep picking if he wants to pick fights on twitter, we will fight right back. but we are not going to stop the fight when it comes to free trade. we are all about fair trade. if he says he s going to renegotiate these deals, then let s renegotiate these deals. just like president leo gerard said last night. he sent a letter saying he would be happy to lend a hand to help negotiate these deals. since then, he has not heard a word back. as you mentioned, january 20th when he will become president, he will have the power to start renegotiating the deals. that s when you can keep him accountable for that. brett voorhees, thank you. appreciate it. thank you. so from indiana to washington, d.c. now. one long-time conservative d.c. think tank is playing a big role in donald trump s transition team and also that would also mean playing a big role in shaping his administration. joining us now with that, the president of the heritage foundation, former senator of south carolina, jim demint. great to see you. how have you been? great. we have been busy. actually, we have been busy for about a year hoping we would get this chance to shape the next administration. you are almost trying to hide your smile. we read that you had said just this week that you are basically giddy about the incoming trump administration. why? well, i m worried about our country. i have told folks who were running for president if they knew how much trouble our country was in, they probably wouldn t want the job. but just to have the chance to be at the table, to be listened to now. we know at heritage because we do so much research what policies really will make america great again and the opportunity to actually get those implemented, it does make me a little bit giddy. what s your take on the carrier deal? because it doesn t sound like the kind of thing you as a senator would have supported or that heritage would support. generally speaking, you don t want government interference or as george will said, coercion in private industry and trade. well, there are lots of companies considering moving from this country right now and i hope they will all stop and give this president, this congress, a chance. i was asking about the carrier deal, though. the state tax breaks in potential consideration down the line from the federal government. actually it s a pretty good thing if he saved jobs and is more than a month from becoming president. that s where his heart is, to save these jobs. i don t know all the details about the deal. we should not be using taxpayer money at least at the federal level. that s my opinion. but i hope every company that s considering moving any jobs out of this country will just take a pause because we have got such a heavy regulatory blanket on these companies, within a year i think they are going to see a better business environment. if they move overseas you want to see a 35% tariff on their goods coming back in? that doesn t make any sense. but the way we can do this is level the playing field with a new tax code. you do admit a lot of what donald trump is talking about on trade is just completely different than what heritage has called for over the years. big supporter of nafta, nafta, best thing ever for agriculture and other things. you were very pro-free trade as an organization. we are free trade. but it needs to be done in the context of economic freedom and over the last couple of decades, this country has become less and less economically free, with the highest tax rate in the world. some of the most burdensome regulations. so if you open your borders to trade when our companies don t have a chance to compete, that s not a good philosophy either. so we need to fix those things that make it hard to have jobs in america. it doesn t make sense when it comes to the 35% tariff that donald trump is putting out the tax code needs to treat our goods as fairly as those who are coming into this country. that s the way to fix the problem. not with tariffs. you mentioned the border. let s talk about the border in a different respect. on immigration, another big issue, donald trump in speaking in an interview with time magazine speaking specifically about dreamers, young undocumented people who are here, brought over at a young age. he said this. we are going to work something out that s going to make people happy and proud. they got brought here at a very young age. they have worked here, they have gone to school here. this seems almost the argument that supporters of the dream act, if you will, democrats, more liberal people, what they would argue, why they are arguing the dream act. does that make you comfortable? well, the first step is to fix the border because no immigration policy makes any sense the border is not the dream act. the president-elect who you just confessed to being giddy about [ speaking simultaneously ] i want to talk about those that are here. i want to talk about how did we control our borders. then we can talk about those who are here. we re just asking about your opinion on the dreamers. he s talking about it. what i tell our policy people is rhetoric is not policy. when it becomes policy, we will criticize it. we will cheer for it if it s good will you criticize any extension to the dreamers? we probably will, that folks who are here illegally should not be treated the same as those who came here legally. if he secures the border as he promises he will, would you support that? we have to deal with those who are here. he talked about deporting those who have committed crimes. so a lot of those can be worked into guest worker programs. there are a lot of things we can do if we have a border we can control and an immigration policy that makes sense. one last question. new york times reporting that donald trump intends to keep a stake in his business empire. he said he s going to announce next week at some point exactly how he will deal with his business and financial interests. if he does keep a stake, that does seem to be the type much thing, the word cronyism gets thrown around, i would imagine heritage in the past, particularly if it were democrats, would have been against. are you concerned about how he will separate himself from his businesses? i m concerned about any conflict of interest just like hillary s foundation. i call that out. if there is a conflict of interest, we will call it out. any stake in his businesses, is that a conflict? i have to see how they structure. lot of people keep their assets, put them in blind trusts. somebody else manages them. i really can t comment on how he assis sets it up but his focus will be on running this country. i imagine his family and people who are currently running aspects of his business will run it. it has to be completely transparent. but it s going to be hard with large businesses like his, almost every government transaction has something to do with that business. all more important. one quick clarification. you said on executive orders. does donald trump need to lift, eliminate the executive order that barack obama put in place with regard to dreamers, daca? i don t know exactly what that executive order was. we were opposed to that and i think his first stroke of the pen should be to eliminate all president obama s executive orders. then there are several for practical reasons they have to put back. but the dreamers should not receive any kind of amnesty with an executive order. that s what donald trump suggested just now to to time magazi magazine, maybe they should get consideration. it should be done through congress or normal order of things with a good public debate but it should not be considered until we control our borders. regular order. shocking that a former senator would approve of regular order going through congress. great to see you. thank you. good to see you. coming up, a very big, he s a very big critic of the very agency he has been picked to lead. he says the science behind climate change is up for debate. democrats are promising a confirmation fight for that man. what s that fight going to look like since republicans are in control of the senate? one top democratic senator is joining us. let s see where he draws the battle lines. plus, is the president-elect considering a white house role for one of his children? new reports that donald trump s daughter ivanka may take a leave of absence from the trump organization. we will take a look at what role she plans to play. no intention of adopting. he was the very last kennel in the very last row. emaciated. he was skin and bones. usually what you see in neglected dogs. it was one of those complete, meant-to-be moments. i totally fell in love with him. 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delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card. donald trump s pick for head of the environmental protection agency isn t a general, isn t a billionaire. he s not al gore. not by a long shot. instead he s a vocal, active critic of the very agency he s been chosen to lead and has fought president obama s climate change policies. that man is scott pruitt, oklahoma s attorney general, close friend of the fossil fuel industry that is very prominent in his state. just a few months ago he wrote in the national review the link between global warming and human activity is far from settled. a lot of scientists will tell you that s not true. the choice galling democrats and environmentalists. one of them says trump has bi basically picked the fox to run the hen house. want to discuss this with senator chris kunz from delaware. last time you were here, you told us you regretted that democrats changed the rules in the confirmation process keeping the filibuster out of it. i imagine that that regret is particularly acute for you on the issue of scott pruitt. let me be clear about that comment. what i regretted was that then minority leader mcconnell so overused the filibuster to block every major nominee by the obama administration to the d.c. circuit, the nlrb and many other vital posts, that we ultimately as a democratic caucus felt compelled to make that change. what i regretted was we had a dysfunctional senate where the minority leader and minority caucus at the time, the republican caucus, so thoroughly and effectively misused the f l filibuster to block president obama that we ultimately took the step of changing that rule in the senate. let me comment on what you just said about trump s decision to nominate oklahoma s attorney general. i think climate change is one of the greatest threats to the united states and to the world. our current military leaders have already been taking steps to prepare our military bases and military facilities around the world for climate change. my home state of delaware is the lowest mean elevation state in america and we are preparing for the real impact on our state of climate change. the purpose of the environmental protection agency is the protection of the environment. to nominate someone to head the epa who isn t just a climate skeptic but has actively litigated to block the obama administration s clean power plant gives me real pause. i think this is a very bad action and while the president-elect has had some interesting meetings with advocates for taking strong action to address climate change, this action to nominate someone to be in charge of the epa who i m gravely concerned will undo the epa strikes me as a line in the sand where we are just going to have to stand up and fight. what s that fight going to look like, though as we pointed out, there s not much to do. well, that fight means we are going to have robust and open hearings. we will ask tough questions. we are going to see whether the american people care about clean air and clean water, whether we can hold donald trump to his election commitments he said in the course of the campaign that he cares deeply about clean air and clean water and this nominee is someone who signaled by his actions as oklahoma s attorney general that he cares more about defending the fossil fuel industry than he does about taking significant steps to protect our air and our water and our long-term health and our climate. so i think if we can persuade the american people and they can persuade members of congress of both parties, then we will have a change in terms of this confirmation. if we can t, we won t. we learned the president-elect intends to nominate general john kelly to lead homeland security. we know james mattis is his pick for the pentagon and we know admiral flynn, general flynn, i should say, is national security adviser. three generals so far and he meets with admiral stavridis today. is that too many generals? i think what matters is that donald trump is choosing people with significant experience in foreign policy and national security. given that he has very limited experience in those areas, i m encouraged that he s looking to folks with deep and broad experience in those areas. i m frankly more concerned about making sure that we respect our traditional treaties and commitments around the world and i m concerned that we so far hear skepticism from donald trump about whether or not russia actually engaged in intentional actions to influence our elections. admiral mike rogers, current head of the national security agency and cybercommand, has publicly said, as have all the leaders of our intelligence community, nonpartisan folks with whom wee w entrust our national security, that russia took aggressive action to try to influence our elections. they are not saying they determined the outcome but the lack of a bipartisan commitment so far to tackle this critical issue concerns me. i was pleased that republican senator lindsey graham stepped forward to say he agrees with me and many other democrats that we need to take this very seriously because this shows a level of aggression by the russians against our security that frankly donald trump isn t taking seriously yet. senator chris coons, great to have you with us. thank you. interesting line in the sand when it comes to scott pruitt of oklahoma. interesting to see what that fight looks like or how deep that line is. the president-elect says he sold his stock to avoid a conflict of interest but what about his business empire? his own business interests? new reports that he s not ready to sever ties. plus armed and dangerous. armed and very dangerous. a man hunt under way for a suspect who police believe he shot two officers, one of whom is dead. details ahead. look at this. a silicon valley server farm. the vault to man s greatest wonders. selfies, cat videos and winking emojis. speaking of tech wonders, with the geico app you can get roadside assistance, digital id cards. or even file a claim. do that.. yeah, yeah that should work. it s not happening. just try again. uh, i think i found your problem. thanks. hmm. the award-winning geico app. download it today. every day starts better with a healthy smile. start yours with philips sonicare, the no.1 choice of dentists. compared to oral-b 7000, philips sonicare flexcare platinum removes significantly more plaque. this is the sound of sonic technology cleaning deep between teeth. hear the difference? get healthier gums in just 2 weeks vs a manual toothbrush and experience an amazing feel of clean. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save now when you buy philips sonicare. generosity is its oyou can handle being a mom for half an hour. i m in all the way. is that understood? i don t know what she s up to, but it s not good. can t the world be my noodles and butter? get your mind out of the gutter. mornings are for coffee and contemplation. that was a really profound observation. you got a mean case of the detox blues. don t start a war you know you re going to lose. finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. on xfinity x1. live pictures from inside the lobby of trump tower. who will go up that elevator next? who will come down. i don t know. just sounded appropriate. donald trump meeting with retired four star admiral james stavridis, now apparently on that growing list of those being considered for secretary of state. with us now to talk about it all, cnn political director david chalian, cnn politics executive editor mark preston and national political reporter for politico, eliana johnson. let s throw up the map. it s not a map. i just call it a map. of who trump picked so far for his cabinet. scott pruitt, some of the latest ones, scott pruitt for epa, john kelly for homeland security, linda mcmahon for the small business administration. what do we know, what does this all say about the cabinet that trump is building right now? well, first of all, let s just also remark how quickly actually he s doing this. if you look historically, he s filling out this cabinet with some deliberate speed and it s a little more idealogical in nature on the conservative side than many would have expected from donald trump who is really all things in his life has proven to be a pragmatist. this in many respects looks like a playbook from the conservative think tank the heritage foundation, mike pence s world, if you will, and really starting to fill out with some real idealogical conservatives in this cabinet which you would expect in a republican administration, but as we all know, donald trump has broken with conservatives time and again and i think even with his own cabinet choices here, you will find that in some policy areas, he doesn t quite align with every single thing they have said in the past on the issues they will now be overseeing if confirmed. the pentagon with mnuchin sorry, treasury with mnuchin, the pentagon with mattis, not particularly idealogical and those are big jobs, too. on that front, the epa, scott pruitt, this is a guy who i don t think wants the epa probably at all or if he does, barely. how do you square the fact that donald trump picks him within 24 hours of meeting with al gore and leonardo dicaprio? how do those things make sense together? i think trump on the campaign trail marketed himself as somebody who was a deal maker. i think even as he picked somebody and i would emphasize that scott pruitt is somebody who i think republicans will cheer. democrats are appalled but i think he s somebody republicans far and wide really like and think highly of, and who trump s blue collar even union voters have chafed at overregulation, what they consider overregulation from the epa which has hurt sort of small businesses. you saw even unions in ohio endorsing republicans because of this. and but trump also wants to keep people like al gore on his side. he doesn t want to be bashed and criticized by them. i think it s a savvy strategic move by him. mark, one interesting thing i have been harping on all morning. pruitt has a case pending in court against the epa along with some other states right now. can you sue yourself? what s going to happen when he takes over the epa? you can go blind if you do that. there s a list of how many times pruitt has sued the epa. it s at least eight times. he often loses. there are actually three cases which he s a party to right now that are being under consideration right now where he s sued the epa. one of them is just him directly, his state suing the epa. the other two cases, he s a party to. look, he can take his name off the lawsuit and the case can move forward with whoever is his successor. but you have to wonder when you are talking about rules and regulations and what his plan is, i suspect a lot of these lawsuits might go away because if they have the ability to stop overregulating in their eyes, then they are not going to have a need for these lawsuits. you are not going to have all these republican state attorneys general trying to sue the epa. this has really become a major political headache for environmentalists and really, a nightmare for environmentalists. at the same time the folks like jim inhofe and others who are very conservative who have been very much against the epa are certainly cheering this on. there s no doubt what scott pruitt and donald trump want to do. it reminds me of the china business. he has the phone call with the president of taiwan, then nominates as ambassador to china, someone china loves. china loves terry branstad. donald trump, the president-elect showing again how he can work both sides of the same thing, looking more like a deal maker here. that s his trade, right? this is classic trump, to push as far as you can so that when you actually sit down and get a deal, it is more to the liking of where you would like to be. but also to make sure that as you are bringing people to the table that everybody has a little something to hang on to. so china has terry branstad while he actually on twitter is saying let s get tough with china. at least they have something to hang on to to get to the table. i think this sort of good cop/bad cop trump is playing himself on both sides he s both cops. he s both cops. both the good and the bad. because that s what he has found successful in business. mark, the carrier deal, last week i remember when we were talking about this, you said no matter what you say about it, this is a big political win for donald trump. but now the more we learn about the deal, the numbers are changing about how many jobs are saved, how many jobs are still going overseas and then this fight on twitter, is this becoming more of a nuanced political win? well, i will go back and still say it s a political win. 800 jobs were saved, whether it s because of mike pence eventually giving in, but to the point donald trump has taken a situation where it was a very big positive for him, he s turned it into a negative. he overexaggerated the number of jobs that were going to be saved. even the local union boss said listen, he could have said 800 jobs were going to be saved but 300 extra people who are out of work. then watching donald trump, watching erin burnett last night and hearing what this local union official had to say, then has to tweet about it. so again, drawing attention where he doesn t need to draw attention to himself. he should take the win and try to move on. but i suspect that s not going to happen for the next four years. eliana, last word? for trump, using the power of the bully pulpit now that he s president to personally attack individual american citizens, you saw him do it during the campaign toward republican fund-raisers who were spending money against him. he did it to the ricketts family, for example, who eventually supported him, is very dangerous and he s going to get a lot of pushback if he doesn t stop doing it once he s inaugurated. but it s something i think the american people don t like to see in their president. obama got a lot of blowback for doing it with skip gates during an incident about the police. and all presidents learn when they realize how powerful their words are, you know, as president of the united states. we haven t seen it he hasn t seen it hurt him yet. that s the bottom line. great to see you all. thank you so much. coming up, it s a wall trump may not build after all. not that one. but the one between the president-elect and his business empire. a new report says trump may keep a stake in his companies. what does that look like and what does it realmean? plus the frantic search for a killer of a police officer. this man is accused of shooting a pair of georgia officers, killing one. they say he s armed and very dangerous. everything your family touches sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don t stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. because no one kills germs better than clorox. cough doesn t sound so good. take mucinex dm. i ll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so. looks like i m good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let s end this. and i finally found our big idaho potato truck. it s been touring the country telling folks about our heart healthy idaho potatoes, america s favorite potatoes, and donating to local charities along the way. but now it s finally back home where it belongs. aw man. hey, wait up. where you goin ? here we go again. let s have a talk. let s talk about the delicate relationship between donald trump, the president-elect, and donald trump, the billionaire businessman. the new york times is reporting that trump is thinking about handing the reins of his empire over to his two older sons, but here s the important part. he s also still planning, according to the new york times to keep a stake in the business. wait, there s more. we are learning daughter ivank achl might step away from the company and became an advocate for issues near and dear to her in washington. trump attorney michael cohen was asked about all this earlier. listen. i want to talk to you about what s going to happen with the business. rather not talk about it at the moment. if that s all right. i know everybody is concentrating on what he s going to do with the business. they will find out on december 15th, i believe he said he s going to make a statement. he s going to describe how business will be run in the future once he takes the white house. is there any truth to the new york times story that he may keep a stake? i m not going to comment on that. again, mr. trump will talk about it on december 15th at his press conference. any word if ivanka trump is stepping away? that s a question you should be asking of ivanka, correct? yeah. an attorney at heart, not wanting to go there. let s bring in our panel. cnn political commentator alex stewart and miami beach mayor philip levine who supported hillary clinton during the campaign. we will learn the details next week but the new york times reporting donald trump intends to maintain, keep a stake in his business. that s not a blind trust. that is enough? here s the thing. obviously we will find out more next week. he s made it quite clear that he is going to focus first and foremost on the business of the nation, the people s business, not his. i take him at his word. i truly believe he will. he s taken the proper steps now to make sure there is a wall and really? i think it s a good thing. that s a wall? he s made it quite clear that first of all, he doesn t have to do this. it s not a matter of law. it s a matter of making sure there s not the appearance of anything untoward happening. but he s making steps to make sure that there s a distinction between him and his business. that clearly is not good enough for you, mayor. why? well, i got to tell you, i m an entrepreneur, built my companies and became mayor, and i got to tell you, when you are the mayor, nothing compared to being president of the united states, it is a 24/7 job. you have to be focused on it. i kept my companies. they are completely separate. i m actually not, i have an executive team that runs it. i think mayor bloomberg had a really good model. mayor bloomberg put everything in a blind trust and it worked out wonderfully. listen, donald trump, the president-elect, needs to focus on the country. there s only one organization he really needs to run now and that s the united states of america. i trust, i hope he will do that. but we elected, we, all of us elected the new president as an international businessman. it wasn t like he said i m not. he said that s who i am. he didn t think he was going to win. a lot of people didn t think he was going to win. you have to give him time to figure out what to do with his assets. it s pretty fast, imagine unraveling your entire life from november until january? let s give it time. give him the benefit of the doubt. i think he will realize he needs to be the ceo of america. what about his daughter? what about ivanka? what does she need to do? what role is right for her to play in this administration? i think as we have seen throughout the campaign, she has been very involved, very hands-on. i have seen her at many events. she s very well-spoken and a great representative for him. and with her proposals she s already put forth about child care, she certainly wants to have a finger in the political side and obviously talk of her moving to d.c. i think she has would have a strong role in the administration. i think she would be very beneficial. so whatever she decides to do, i think she s a great representative for him and she s very effective at getting things done. mayor, let s be honest, deep down are you very much okay with ivanka trump having some kind of government role? because you guys, i think a lot of democrats say they think she s way more liberal than her father is. the things she cares about, child care, child care issues, climate issues, something you care about. that s a very good thing. clearly ivanka has been a tremendous asset to the president-elect for most of her adult life. i think that we should welcome that. i think president-elect needs to figure out the great management team, have his sons involved, run the businesses. listen, we all know he knows what assets he has. if you put it in a blind trust he knows what he s got, he knows what policies will affect positively or negatively his business organization. one thing i learned as mayor and the president-elect is going to learn quickly is that everybody you meet in our country is a shareholder and also a customer. it s a very different type of organization to run. he will certainly see this very clearly. to his point about she s obviously a little more moderate than donald trump, i think others, especially democrats, would welcome her coming to the table and having a little bit more moderate influence on policy and policy initiatives because i think that would balance things out. i think her having a political role i think would be a good thing in terms of leveling the playing field. still, interesting to see the oversight that exists, if it exists from congress. that is something we have to watch. thanks so much for being with us. appreciate it. developing right now, there s a massive search for an accused killer under way. police are saying this man shot two police officers in georgia, killing one. now he s armed, dangerous and on the run, police say. details on that man hunt straight ahead. well, if you want to sing out, sing out and if you want to be free, be free cause there s a million things to be you know that there are and if you want to be me, be me and if you want to be you, be you cause there s a million things to do you know that there are for millions of baby boomers there s a virus out there. a virus that s serious, like hiv, but it hasn t been talked about much. a virus that s been almost forgotten. it s hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don t even know it. that s because hep c can hide in your body silently for years, even decades, without symptoms and it s not tested for in routine blood work. if left untreated, hep c can cause liver damage, even liver cancer. but there s important information for us: the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested for hep c. all it takes is a simple one-time blood test. and if you have hep c, it can be cured. be sure to ask your doctor to 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let me show you ways happening now in americas, georgia. we got the tape here of a house surrounded according to local affiliates there, where we ve got, as you said, more than 20 agencies involved. you see the local sheriff s department there in summpter county, georgia. they believe possibly he could be inside this house. we saw a lot of activity, s.w.a.t. team members running, in just the last few minutes. of course this is in connection with the alleged shooting and killing of this officer. 32 years old, said to be armed and dangerous. let me take you back to the beginning. it was just after 9:00 on wednesday when we re told that officer nicholas smar with the americas, georgia, police department, about 100 miles south of atlanta, and officer jordy smith with the georgia southwestern state university campus department, showed up in relation to a domestic dispute call. they encountered lembrick and shots were fired. officer smar was killed. we re told at last check, officer jordy smith, campus officer, is in critical condition. this was not on school property. this was not a campus apartment complex. but it was very close there. the school was shut down for a period. finals ended yesterday. we know that local grade schools are open there with additional security. but there have been a flood of tips keeping in. we re told officers are searching for those. and if this does not end what we saw today, this house being surrounded, if this does not end this search, we know the reward for information leading to lembrick s arrest has been increased to $70,000, doubling overnight and nearly doubling again this morning. kate, john. again, we are seeing a lot of police activity around the house right now. victor just reporting on that. so we will keep our eye on that throughout the next several minutes to see if there s any more action. you can see that happening now. thank you. there s a lot going on. we re going to follow this very closely. victor s got his eye on that as well. keeping our eye on this manhunt along with you. coming up, is donald trump preparing for a fight over his business ties? there s a new report on donald trump s plans raising red flags over potential conflicts of interests, that s coming up. jon batiste has mastered new ways to play old classics. with chase atms, he can master new ways to deposit checks too. easy to use chase technology for whatever you re trying to master. you tell your inthey made a mistake. the check they sent isn t enough to replace your totaled new car. the guy says they didn t make the mistake. you made the mistake. i beg your pardon? he says, you should have chosen full-car replacement. excuse me? let me be frank, he says. you picked the wrong insurance plan. no. i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we ll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. call and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy, you qualify for a multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. call liberty mutual for a free quote today. at that s liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. generosity is its oyou can handle being a mom for half an hour. i m in all the way. is that understood? i don t know what she s up to, but it s not good. can t the world be my noodles and butter? get your mind out of the gutter. mornings are for coffee and contemplation. that was a really profound observation. you got a mean case of the detox blues. don t start a war you know you re going to lose. finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. on xfinity x1. you are live in the cnn newsroom, i m brianna keilar in washington. with his late few cabinet decisions supposedly in the pipeline and yet another twitter spout under his belt, the president-elect is leaving trump tower this hour for columbus, ohio. donald trump is meeting with victims and first responders from last week s knife and car attack at ohio state university. and then after that, it s off to iowa for another of trump s so-called thank you rallies. then there s indiana, a state that trump is not visiting today but one very much on his radar.

New-york , United-states , Georgia , Atlanta , Ohio-state-university , Ohio , China , Delaware , Miami-beach , Washington , Columbus , Indiana