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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20180729 08:00:00

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The latest news from around the world.
facing, not just the temperatures, the daytime temperatures in the redding area are in excess of 105 and closer to 110 degrees. and it that is taxing to the firefighters. let alone the heat that the fire generates and all that plays into the fire behavior and i talked to many veteran firefighters in the wildland arena and heard almost verbatim from every one of them that the fire behave yoior that they witnessed and experienced on thursday evening into friday morning, they had never seen before. and these are men and women that have many, many years of experience and training under their belts. climate change is making an impact. i was reading hear since 2012 there has not been a month without a wildfire burning in the state and the governor has called this a new normal. this is a completely different situation that anyone is trained
for. i know we have more video that you have also supplied to us to show firefighters going down a highway, you see flames on both sides of the highway. the question is, how do you sustain this? how do these brave men and women work in these conditions and, you know, we re looking at a huge swath of the state. these aren t just small pockets. no, no, they re not, natalie. in fact there is two other fires in the mendocino area and lake county areas that have just sparked up today that are causing a lot of concern, but the video you re seeing, what you re those are highly trained men and women, the equipment that they have, both the personal protective gear and the fire apparatus are it is all designed to accomplish one goal and that is to suppress the fire and protect our water shed and protect our citizens. and i can tell you that if you
and i were caught out on that road that we re watching, the firefighters working through, and it was you and i, we were trying to escape, our chances of surviving would be very little. it is terrifying to think that there are actually people working in these conditions and driving through these conditions. in fact, i have a quote here from the redding police chief that says this fire is scary to us, this is something we haven t seen before in the city. and i just have to say, our thoughts are with all of the people that are working in this situation. unprecedented times. and situations that no one could actually be prepared for, but they certainly are brave and i know the people there in california appreciate their work so much. brian rice, we thank you so much for your time and we hopefully will talk with you again and hopefully things will get better before they get worse. thank you. thank you, natalie. good night. natalie, to your point, the video, the images terrifying to
see. you can only imagine what it is like for the people dealing with it. our meteorologist derek van dam here to tell us about the fire and, of course, the conditions around it. unfortunately weather is coming together to create this almost recipe for disaster for these fires to continue to spread. we have got temperatures in the triple digits. we have got gusty winds, especially on those ridge tops. we have a drought that is intensifying. and there is no chances of rain today or anytime in the future. so we have got a difficult situation going forward to say the least. here is the latest, the car fire, we keep focusing on this one, because it is over 83,000 acres that have been burned, 5% containment, newest fire stats to cnn from ferguson and cranston fire, they re gaining some ground, that s good news. our hats we tip our hats to the firefighters, the volunteers and the professionals there, because, wow, they re working so hard. here is what it looks like from a plane. this is the 30,000 foot billow
of smoke sent into the sky from the car fire in around redding. you see it from space as well. satellite imagery picking up on the smoke and cloud as well. you heard the firefighter a moment ago on that interview with natalie about the spotting. and this is a term they use because we get strong winds that take the embers from the tops of the hillsides and throw them several hundred feet in advance of the fire. that s how new fires start. it is not only that, but it is also phenomenons like this. this is called a firenado or fire whirl or fire vortex, all the same, interchangeable. look how it is picking up individual embers and tossing them across the street. you can imagine that is starting new fires well in advance of that fire. how does this form? we get rising air from very intense heat from fires. that air needs to be replaced. with that replacement of air
causes vortices, swirling motions. with the fire already in place, it starts to suck this up into the sky and looks like a tornado. it picks up the embers and creates the spot fires. and therefore our fires continue to spread. this is the forecast for redding. look at the triple digit heat, absolutely no rainfall, timber dry across this region and equally as hot across the entire western u.s. as we speak. the erratic winds continue. this is the recipe for disaster. this is the perfect storm for fire conditions, extreme heat continues, and while you can see the national weather service continues to issue red flag warnings in and around shasta county, on top of that, this is also creating a pollution risk as well across the sacramento valley, it captures a lot of the smoke and haze into the sky. all right, derek, we ll stay in touch with you. thank you, derek. another story we re following, ten people were killed when a strong earthquake
struck an indonesian island east of bali, not far from a volcano. dozens were injured including some of the people seen in this video. right now rescue teams are searching for survivors. the magnitude 6.4 quake caused significant damage. tourists and residents in bali say they felt the shaking, no tsunami advisories, we re happy to say, were advised. the latest on tropical storm that has hit japan, threatening areas that were marked by deadly flooding. just a few weeks ago. the storm was downgraded from typhoon status after it made landfall on saturday, still, though, some 37,000 residents in hiroshima prefecture have been ordered to get to safe locations, this because of concerns about landslides and river flooding. still ahead, russia showing off military mite, but what message is moscow sending with its military spectacle? we ll look into it. also, recently a high profile palestinian prisoner, a
teenage girl was released by israel. we ll tell you what she s saying now that she s back on the west bank. a live report from israel. stay with us, cnn newsroom continues. you always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed?m let s get someone to say it with a really low voice. carl? lowest price guaranteed. what about the world s lowest limbo stick? how low can you go? nice one, carl. hey i ve got an idea. just say, badda book. badda boom. badda book. badda boom. nice. always the lowest price, guaranteed. book now at
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new developments in the case of ahed tamimi. she was jailed late last year after being filmed kicking and slapping an israeli soldier. the 17-year-old palestinian has been released from an israeli prison and is back in her village in the west bank. let s get more on this from cnn s oren lieberman who joins us live from jerusalem. she became a symbol for the palestinian cause after her arrest. tell us about her release and what she s had to say. reporter: a symbol and a hero, i would say. it seems her legend has grown since that arrest and since she became famous in 2012 when a picture emerged of her holding up a fist to an israeli soldier. she was released early this morning from a prison in central israel after serving eight months in prison. in march, she pleaded guilty in a plea deal to charges of incitement and disrupting a soldier. eight of the 12 charges against her were dropped in a case her lawyer said had much more to do
with politics than with actual legal issues. she was taken from that prison, through a west bank crossing to her village where she very much got a hero s welcome. dozens of her supporters surrounded her, just as many members of the media it seems, supporters waving the palestinian flag and flags, chanting slogans in support of her. and then she made a very short statement, she said, from our home the resistance is continuing until the end of the occupation. she said a few more words and then urged everyone to come to a scheduled press conference she has for a little later on this afternoon. after making that short stop in her village, she went to ramallah, the presidential compound, and visited the grave of palestinian leader yasser arafat to pay her respects. soon we expect her to be back on her way to the village where she will make those remarks. interesting to see what she has to say after this time. israel certainly got criticized for its treatment and arrest of a minor.
has the government had anything to say about her release? reporter: israel faced tremendous criticism, this case was very much a lightning rod for criticism of the israeli military, the military court system and its handling of palestinian youth. there were statements back during her arrest when the defense minister had said those who go wild during the day will be arrested at night. he very much supported the actions of the israeli soldiers and her arrest. it is worth noting that the incident itself happened a few hours after another israeli soldier had shot her cousin in the face with a rubber bullet, severely injuring him. since then, since the plea deal in march, and now, we haven t heard nearly as much from israeli officials. we ll see if they make statements today. we ll report them. as of right now israel would like this case to go away quickly and quietly, but by the looks of it it is not going to do. don t think so. she was there with her mother and father who have been with her throughout this ordeal.
as you say, she ll be holding a news conference, we ll wait and see what else she has to say. oren lieberman covering it for us, thank you. russia is putting on a show of its military strength and the spectacle has geopolitical significance. moscow is kicking off the international army games and its navy day, a public holiday in russia. moments ago, we saw president vladimir putin inspecting some of russia s newest equipment designed to challenge the u.s. and nato. the showcase also serves as an international reminder of who russia s allies are. let s talk more about that with cnn senior international correspondent fred pleitgen following the story by phone now from st. petersburg. a very important show of force, what does it mean for the domestic audience there in russia and also for people outside of russia, which audience is being targeted outside the borders? i m across from vladimir putin, he s speaking now.
this has big significance both here for the russian audience and as you stated and also audiences abroad, specifically western countries as well. one of the things that we have been seeing over the past couple of weeks, we have seen that better relationship between president trump and president putin talking about the disarmament, nuclear disarmament, better relations between the two countries, u.s. and russia. we keep that especially in the u.s., there are a lot of people who are very averse to that. one thing that with those army games and especially today, what we re seeing here right now, with naval display of force, they re saying, look, you can have better relations with us, you have to understand we are still a very strong military force. the russians have been spending a lot of time and money over the last couple of years, upgrading their forces, especially their navy. certainly something they re putting on display here. if you look at the new things they re going to be playing here after these games, they have a
stealth frigate inspected by vladimir putin, they have a submarine called the carrier killer designed to destroy, especially, of course, aircraft carrier, the russians are saying on the one hand, they want better relations, but on the other hand, they re saying their forces are being upgraded all the time. fret pleitgen on the phone with us. as you look at vladimir putin, talking about russia s military mite, fred pleitgen following the story, tell us more about one piece that is certainly missing this time, we re seeing a lot of things on display, but notably one thing not part of the lineup. yeah. look, absolutely right. that is something that is very important here. one thing that the russian president of course has been saying over the past couple of days, past couple of weeks, he
wants better relations with the united states. that s something the russians are focussing on. he was speaking about we hear the russian troops cheering on vladimir putin after his speech, talking about how they want better relations, president trump to come to russia. of course, it is something that the russians think is very, very difficult in the current political climate in the u.s. and russia as well. we have a cannon salute going on after vladimir putin gave his speech. following this story live, as you re looking at live images there in st. petersburg, russia, russia showing off its military force. within the country, people watching there. and the world watching as well. thank you for the reporting. want to turn to pakistan now. it looks more and more like imran khan will be the next prime minister. election officials say his movement for justice party won
the most seats in wednesday s general election. khan declared victory days ago, but he doesn t have an outright majority. he will need allies to form a coalition and that could be tricky. khan is a national hero from his cricket days, but many of his rivals say the vote was fixed. that s in part because he is viewed as the military s favorite candidate. nick paton walsh has more on khan from islamabad. reporter: an historic sight, imran khan is close to becoming pakistan s new prime minister. after a bitterly fought election that turned pakistan s tightly controlled political order and casting the sporting icon as a sometimes anti-american force for change. born into a wealthy family, khan soon discovered his gift as a
fast bowler, leaving pakistan to its first and only cricket world cup victory in 1992. and khan to become a national hero in a country where cricket is always worshipped and politicians often reviled. he retired from the sport, and after a spell as international playboy, he married his first wife, wealthy london socialist jumana khan. a family man, he raised money for charities, building a cancer hospital in his home city. but back in the turmoil, injustice of 90s pakistan, his political ambitions grew. founding a new party, the pakistan movement for justice, his central pitch, to end corruption among the country s ruling elite. pakistani politics has few empires or rules, though, and is often marred by violence and coups. he was briefly arrested in 2007 for criticizing pervez musharraf. a month later, a political rival, former prime minister
benazir bhutto was assassinated on the campaign trail. still, khan kept his sights on the premiership, by 2013, he could marshal huge crowds and win the vote in one pakistani province. he remained a distant third, however, nationwide. his conservatism grew as well. religious, panning american interference and favoring pakistan s drastic and sometimes brutal blasphemy laws. this year, he wrote a populist wave, promising to fight for equality and get tough on terror. his vision, he says, is for a new pakistan. what that means, his critics don t know. not clear what he wants to do. he wants to change the system. but nobody knows exactly what kind of change would he bring? reporter: his supporters think any change is good.
translator: we are supporting imran khan because he promised to stop corruption in pakistan. we are hopeful we will have a better future and our children will have a better future. translator: this is the first time anyone treated us as human beings, we have rights too. we need medicine and education and other things. reporter: this is the first, he ll need to form a stable government, handle a looming economic crisis and navigate the powerful army who decide the winners in pakistani politics and may still be unsure about this charismatic reformist outsider. nick paton walsh, cnn, islama d islamabad. coming up on cnn newsroom, long time confidant of president trump michael cohen has made a clean break from his old boss, it seems. we ll discuss why he s doing it and what risk he might pose to the president coming up. a new oil russia in alaska spurred along by the trump administration is threatening thousands of acres of unspoiled
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we let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. the others? nope! get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call or go online today. welcome back to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. you re watching cnn newsroom live from atlanta. i m natalie allen. i m george howell, with the headlines we re following for you. this hour, first northern california, a raging wildfire there has killed at least five people, destroyed nearly 84,000 acres. that s about 33,000 hectares. and it is only 5% contained so far. 38,000 people have been forced to abandon their homes. at least ten people are confirmed dead after a strong earthquake struck an indonesian island east of bali, not far
from a volcano. the magnitude 6.4 tremor caused significant damage, we re told, but no tsunami advisories have been issued. a 17-year-old palestinian known for confronting israeli troops has been released from prison. ahed tamimi returned to her west bank village earlier. she was jailed last year after she was filmed kicking and slapping an israeli soldier. the dramatic falling out between the u.s. president donald trump and his long time attorney michael cohen, it now appears irreversible. one of mr. trump s lawyers rudy giuliani says the president s legal team and cohen s legal team, they have stopped sharing information. that includes documents and witness interviews. cnn s tom foreman takes a closer look at the epic meltdown of a relationship that seemed rock solid just a short time ago. reporter: donald trump s defender. you guys are down, and it makes says who?
polls. says who? most of them, all of them? reporter: his trusted adviser. the words the media should be using to describe mr. trump are generous, compassionate. reporter: and most of all his lawyer. my job is i protect mr. trump. that s what it is. if there is an issue that relates to mr. trump, that is of concern to him, it is, of course, concern to me. reporter: michael cohen has been all that to donald trump and trump has returned the favor with an extremely rare close relationship. it was much more than an attorney/client relationship. it was certainly it was something much deeper, almost father and son kind of thing. donald trump knew that michael always had his back. reporter: the two native new yorkers joined forces about a dozen years ago when cohen bought a condo in a trump building. and by most accounts they bonded quickly over their shared values and sharp elbows. soon, cohen was handling real estate deals, helping run some companies and even coordinating
transportation for trump. they say mr. trump s pitfall, that i am his i m his right-hand man. reporter: when trump s campaign lit up why did michael cohen make you have to ask michael cohen. michael is my attorney, and you ll have to ask michael. reporter: as the russia investigation tightened, cohen famously told vanity fair last year, i m the guy who would take a bullet for the president. then came april. breaking news, the fbi told raided the offices of president trump s long time attorney, michael cohen. reporter: the president erupted. they say an attack on our country in a true sense. reporter: while he shouted witch-hunt, cohen has since gone another way, telling abc, i don t agree with those who demonize or vilify the fbi.
i will not be a punching bag in anyone s defense strategy. and now i put family and country first. for his part, president trump who used to routinely and warmly talk about michael cohen, now seems to not be saying his name publicly at all. but alone, nice things about him. tom foreman, cnn, washington. let s talk about this now with steven irlinger, the chief diplomat correspondent for the new york times live from brussels belgium, a pleasure to have you on the show as always. we ll start with the president s attorney, rudy giuliani. he s taking the lead now for president trump in trying to control the message around michael cohen and any evidence that he might bring to bear. compare giuliani s words in the past about cohen to what he has to say now. let s listen. he doesn t have any incriminating evidence about the president or himself. the man is an honest, honorable
lawyer, i expected something like this from cohen. he s been lying all week. for two weeks. lying for years. all right, so now giuliani questioning cohen s credibility. it is a message of contradiction to say the least. who is one to believe in this case more? well, that s very hard to say. in some degree depends who is in most trouble. they re both in kind of warm water, one of them boiling, one of them is not yet. so we ll see what happens if giuliani gets into trouble too. michael cohen, you know, was important for trump. i m not sure how important he actually was. he sort of took care of a lot of so-called dirty business. but he had his own business on the side. and this is, you know what we have two investigations going for us, one is by robert mueller, into the possibility of collusion between the trump
campaign and russia. but then we also have manhattan prosecutorial investigation into michael cohen and allegations of business fraud and malpractice. the problem is, this crosses lines. trump always used to say, if the mueller investigation started looking into his private business, that was the big red line for trump. this isn t mueller exactly. this is the manhattan prosecutors following its own trail. so it is difficult moments for mr. trump and the white house. rudy giuliani is trying to defend him as best he can, that s what lawyers do. they ll spin stories, you see better call saul, better call rudy, the same issue. steven, you also talk about these investigations crossing lines. let s talk more about that. we heard cohen s claim that mr. trump knew in advance about that meeting with russians, the
president responded on twitter, he said he didn t know about the meeting with his son, don jr. involved, that he attended. but if cohen s claim is true, and these investigations crossing, right, does this point to possible collusion? well, it does. that s why trump is so nervous about it. and, again, it is very hard to gauge. michael cohen is in trouble, right? michael cohen is trying to defend himself, and he was the sort of lawyer who knew how to pull butteons and press media buttons and so does his lawyer, lani davis, who worked for on bill clinton. they re pressing every button they can, including social media, television, the press, to try to defend michael cohen. one of the things that gets cohen attention is this charge now. is it true? i don t know. we ll have to see.
but it is certainly does put mr. trump closer into the gun sights of a collusion investigation. our assumption has sort of been while his son donald trump jr. was involved in this meeting, it wasn t clear that donald trump himself was involved or engaged in the meeting itself. we heard various different accounts of what actually went on there. but there is no question donald trump jr. was really interested in dirt on hillary clinton, that he made clear in e-mails that have gone public. but the president himself has so far not been touched by this. steven irlinger with perspective today, live in brussels, belgium, thank you for your time. thank you, george. coming up here, authorities blame increased crime in london on a new form of rap music. and we ll tell you why they re trying to curb drill music
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turning now to london. one family there is blaming the death of their teenage son on an aggressive form of rap. it is called drill. authorities are now coming under fire there for their efforts to try to ban the music. reporter: it is meant to intimidate. rap about stabbing a rival gang member. this is drill music, a london subculture that authorities say fuels teen violence. the group you see here 00 proved the police s point, they sang about killing, then actually did it. last summer wearing balaclavas,
they chased down and stabbed a man. his father says he was innocent, not a part of a gang. i lost a child over somebody s writing lyrics and foreshadowing it. reporter: struggling to confront an epidemic of knife crimes and murders, homicide surged by 44% in one year. uk authorities have taken a controversial and drastic step. they banned the music. a london court ordered this group 1011 to stop making drill music. emanuel was his middle name. reporter: anything is worth a try, says stanley. he blames drill for inspiring the school boy s murder, just two streets away from here, their family home. i would like it to be controlled by the lyrics of what comes out of these young people s mouth. that s what i would love to see.
what they do with the drill music is teasing one another, and putting threats on each other. reporter: videos by the convicted killers 00 and dozens of songs by other drill artists were taken off youtube at the request of the met police. but in a basement studio in west london, drill producer tells us the genre doesn t create gang life, it simply reflects it. the issue is so much more deeper than the music. it is just an easy way to and not spend any money. reporter: don t you think it glamorizes violence, p perpetua violence. it is proven that that lyric is 100% that it is he said he was going to do that and he did that, that s obviously a bad thing. coming from where i come from, i try to encourage them to do
better and come out of that life and show them, like, forget the retaliation, like, just try and leave it. reporter: stanley also hopes for resolution, not revenge. he was my young son. reporter: as this father grieves, the country struggles to contain a culture of gang violence before it claims more innocent lives. i feel the spirit in this room. i feel the spirit so much in this room. the name is alive. the candles are alive. he s alive. reporter: cnn, london. just feel for that father, the loss of a beautiful child. yes, certainly, certainly. that s just a sickening story all around. coming up here, we re going to take you to alaska because there is a major possible change to this beautiful land. welcome to one of the last truly wild places on earth.
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welcome back. we are getting more views of the blood moon lunar eclipse which millions of people saw around the world. we didn t get to see it in the u.s. one photographer captured thighs unique images in athens on friday, using statues from greek mythology. the moon was in total eclipse for 103 minutes, the longest of the century. speaking of beauty, the alaskan wilderness is one of the last unspoiled places in the world, but that could change very soon as alaska s refuge is facing off with the trump administration. bill weir takes us there. reporter: this is magnificent, wow. way up at the tip-top of alaska, an airplane can feel like a time machine. see it there.
a bunch of little babies running around. reporter: because the arctic national wildlife refuge, known as anwar, is the kind of pure wilderness most of america paved over long ago. this is it. we re in the heart. reporter: welcome to one of the last true wild places on earth. it brims with life from oxen to bears, both grizzly and polar. birds that migrate to the backyards of all 50 states. but the most common creature is the caribou. and not just a few, but hundreds of thousands, the kind of herd unseen since the plains buffalo were wiped away. and when flooring is here with his family, he can t help but wonder how long it will last. do we need to keep them these
places untouched. we re changing the world everywhere so fast, why not leave a few places unspoiled? reporter: for almost 60 years that was the rational that protected anwar from this, these are the oil fields of prudo bay, that fill the famous pipeline and power countless lives. but, since there are billions of barrels elsewhere, nature lovers have long argued there is no need to drill here. and for decades that argument held until one day a friend of mine in the office said, is it true that you have anwar in the bill? i said, i don t know, who cares what is that? he said, reagan tried, every single president tried. i said, you got to be kidding, i love it now, and then we fought like hell to get anwar. reporter: it was opened to drilling thanks to lisa murkowski, who slipped in the provision knowing it would only need 51 instead of 60 votes to
pass. it is wrong for those from the outside looking in who have taken a nice trip into an area and said, this must be protected. reporter: conservationists point out there is already a huge glut of american oil. oil companies are laying people off up here, because prices are so low. oil companies have been laying people off, and, you know, for the first time in the last five years, i was seeing more oil company workers leaving the state of alaska and going to places like north dakota than coming into this state. reporter: but much like trump s efforts to revive dying coal mines, the rush to drill here seems more by politics than economics. former speaker of the house tom delay said if we can drill in anwar, it will break the back of the environmental lobby. they haven t drilled in anwar yet. we know the arctic regions are heating twice as fast as any
other part of the world, and it makes zero sense to come here and look for more oil, that s going to exacerbate that problem. reporter: among those opposed is the northern most tribe of native americans. how many people live here? about 150 year round. reporter: i think 150 people live on my floor at my apartment building. their numbers may be tiny, but definitely not outsiders. archaeological evidence shows we have been here over 25,000 years. reporter: and the only reason they survived is caribou. back in the day, they would trap the animals in these handmade corrals. these days they use guns and snowmobiles, but still need the animals to survive in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in america. groceries at the midnight sun it cost twice as much as the whole foods in manhattan. gasoline up here runs $10 a gallon. but still, given the choice between oil money and caribou,
there is no debate. these folks will stick with the one animal that kept them alive for thousands of years. and they cannot imagine drills and trucks and pipelines across what they call the sacred place where life begins. look what happened to the plains indians and the buffalo. that s not going to happen to my people. we re not going to allow that to happen again. reporter: they are a native american david against a goliath of oil companies, republican lawmakers, and the coastal tribe of native alaskans eager to drill and cash in. the u.s. says we can finally do this. now we have the other side, the environmentalists saying we can t do this. what s wrong with this picture? reporter: as the government rushes toward development, community meetings lay bear the fight, tribe versus tribe, neighbor against neighbor. we have thousands of gallons discovered in places that have
already seen destruction. but restraint is what we lack. what did we all become owners of the land? it is always owned us. reporter: bill weir, cnn, alaska. we have new video of the moment a volcano in indonesia came back to life. take a look at this. you can see, you can hear that volcano spewing ash and lava. it came to the surface from the ocean half a century ago. it has been active ever since. this volcano is considered the child of another volcano, which more than 130 years ago spewed so much ash, it caused global temperatures to fall by more than one degree. that will do it for this hour. but the day s top stories are just ahead. we ll be right back. i m natalie allen. i m george howell.
cnn newsroom is right back after the break. stay with us.

Details , George-howell , Stories , Natalie-allen , Newsroom , Atlanta , Cnn-world-headquarters , Fire , Things , Point , Everybody-else , Ridge

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180730 08:00:00

Get a jump on the day s news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs.
i think we are on the path for several years. this is not a one or two-year phenomenon. we are in a period of four or five years of sustained 3% growth. for economany economists are predicting lower growth because one-time factors boosted growth in the second quarter. exports surged 9%. some of that driven by farmers rushing to sell soybeans overseas before tariffs took effect. that will cool off in the current quarter. federal air marshals are tracking you at airports if you are not suspected of a crime. the boston globe exposed a program called quiet skies involving marshals tracking american citizens to gather data on their travel behaviors. the goal is to thwart any aviation threats. marshals are looking for abnormal awareness of
surroundings, excessive fidgeting and rubbing or if you slept during your flight. the fast spreading carr fire in northern california has now claimed six lives. the wildfire doubling in size to over 95,000 acres this weekend. more than 1,000 structures have been damaged or destroyed. a broken hearted ed bledsoe lost his wife and two great grandchildren in the fire. he was on the phone with them as the flames closed in. i talked to junior on the phone until he died. he just kept saying grandpa, come and get me. the fire is coming in the back door. come on, grandpa. i said i m down the road. he said come and get us. emily said i love you, grandpa. junior says i love you. come and get us.
i said i m on my way. i said he talked until he died. seven people are still listed as missing. we get more from dan simon. reporter: dave and laura, conditions are challenging. we are beginning to hear officials express optimism about the overall effort. 3,500 firefighters working the lines and it seems to be paying off. in the meantime, we are in the lake redding estates neighborhood. the house behind me has been destroyed. you can see the house next door is perfectly in tact. you do have at this point six people who have died as a result of the fire. two firefighters and four civilians. you have so many people that remain under evacuation order. about 38,000. in some ways this region feels paralyzed. you have hotels completely full. you cannot get a reservation. the evacuation centers are at
maximum capacity as well. hopefully with the collective efforts that the crews put in will make a difference. dave and laura. a deadly shooting at the new orleans strip mall saturday night appears to be gang-related. three people killed and seven injured when two people opened fire in a crowd outside a shop. both san peduspects remain at l. six have non-life threatening wounds. medical officials in denver awaiting tests from the state lab after isolating a man back from the congo for possible ebola. tests perform initially were negative and they can ebola unlikely. the man fell ill suddenly sunday. he told officials he had been working as a medical missionary in congo. he is reported in fair condition and said to be improvinmproving.
joining cnn. i remember the families at the airport in kuala lumpur in malaysia after the government was not giving them answers. here we are four years later and the 495-page report which was released for full transparency. in all of this, there is no new information. no conclusion on the part of investigators as why the plane carrying 239 people disappeared and presumed to crash in the indian ocean. a search of more than 120,000 square kilometers conducted by australian government which turned up nothing. it was called off this year. malaysia hired a private company. they conducted 112,000 square kilometer search over 90 days using the advanced technology looking in areas by the best estimates of teams and scientists they thought would be and turned up nothing. we know 27 pieces of debris
washed up in south africa and tanzania. three pieces have been confirmed to be from mh-370. still no fuselage and no answers as to where all of those people are resting and lying now. the anguish continues for the families more than 1,600 days later. will, thank you. two americans among four cyclists killed sunday by hit-and-run driver in tajikistan. the identities of the victims have not been released. the embassy is working close with authorities with the ongoing investigation. the interior ministry sent a statement one suspect has been arrested and one has been eliminated. the u.s. and taliban are talking according to the wall street journal. the two sides met face-to-face
in qatar to lay the ground work for peace talks in afghanistan. the new york times report afghan officials were not present. alice wells, for south asia, reportedly headed up the u.s. delegation. the trump administration gave diplomats the green light. a reversal of u.s. policpolicy. a polar bear was shot and killed after it attacked the cruise ship docked at the island in norway. the guard and three colleagues had not spotted the bear before the attack. in the statement, the company said guards acted in self defense and it is sorry the incident happened. it is not enough for social media. outrage is spreading. rick
ricky gervais calling them mo morons. how much longer does 85-year-old justice ruth bader ginsburg plan to serve on the u.s. supreme court? her answer just ahead. adua ow aognitive pence? as you d probably guess, a lot. that s why a new brain health supplement called forebrain from the harvard-educated experts at force factor is flying off the shelves at gnc. forebrain s key ingredients have been clinically shown to help enhance sharpness and clarity, improve memory, and promote learning ability. and now every man and woman in america can claim a complimentary bottle. just use your smartphone to text the keyword on the screen to 20-20-20. scientific research on cognigrape, a sicilian red wine extract in forebrain s memorysafe blend, suggests not only sharper recall, but also improved executive function and faster information processing. your opportunity to get into harvard may be gone, but it s not too late to
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does your business internet provider promise a lot? let s see who delivers more. comcast business gives you gig-speed in more places. the others don t. we offer up to 6 hours of 4g wireless network backup. everyone else, no way. we let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. them, not so much. we let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. the others? nope! get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call or go online today. 4:22 eastern time. more than 700 children taken from their parents at the mexico border still in custody by the federal government. there is no indication when the reunifications may happen
because hundreds of those parents have been deported and many others are kept waiting without explanation. we get more from cnn s kaylee hart hartung. reporter: we have learned of confusion and frustration and chaos and challenges in communication. the story that best encapsulates where we are today is a woman we will call alejandra. a month ago she crossed the border with her daughter fleeing honduras. they were detained and separated. 11 days ago, she was given paper work for release and told she would be reunited with her daughter. that did not happen. she remains in a detention facility in texas. her daughter in new york. she sits in limbo and looks for answers, here is what she is
told. translator: the first thing i ask is do you know when we will be? when we will be brought together? they say no. i don t know anything. reporter: hhs says they will not comment on specific cases. they say any family who has not been reunited at this time is because of specific concerns they have with the family. the woman s attorney says a red flag has been raised in the case. dave and laura, no two stories are the same, but frustration remains. one of britain s most talented young snowboarders died on her 18th birthday. ellie soutter has died near her home. a cause of death has not been released.
soutter was expected to begin competing again in new zealand next month and was trying for a 2020 winter olympics bid. ruth bader ginsburg says she would like to serve five more years on the u.s. supreme court. bader ginsburg was attending a play about her good friend antonin scalia. bader ginsburg added it is not the bald eagle, but the pendulum which is a symbol of the united states. once it moves far in one direction, you can count on it moving back. and garrett thomas capturing the geraint thomas wins the tour de france. he won by 1:51. chris froome came in third.
with thomas win, team sky has won six of the last seven tour de france titles. thomas telling the bbc the win is incredible. the stuff of dreams. take a look at this. former president barack obama and michelle obama jamming out at the beyonce and jay-z concert on saturday night. videos of the pair getting down in the box seats with several filming their moves on their phones. she attended a concert in paris just two weeks ago where she was caught on video dancing with queen bey s mom. did you attend? i did not. i could not make it. who doesn t love beyonce and jay-z? i m more of a beyonce fan. it is a dynamic duo. president trump launching one of the most direct attacks yet on robert mueller as rudy
giuliani suggests that the michael cohen reporting recordi have been tampered with. top stories coming up next. - [narrator] watch how this touchless makeup appears to erase flaws like magic. - you re gonna see it just disappear. you see that? gone. - [narrator] people are leaving ordinary foundation for this miracle breakthrough, because it seemingly wipes away years in seconds. this is the all-new luminess silk by luminess air. it s unlike anything you ve used before. luminess silk is the only way you ll get
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if you don t love your beautiful airbrush results, just return it for a full refund with no hassles, no questions asked. - airbrush makeup s been a game-changer for me. - thank you luminess for giving me back some time and giving me a makeup that makes me look flawless. - truly, i never thought that i would have such a passion for makeup that i do now, and it s all because of this one amazing system. - [narrator] this limited time offer is not available in stores, so don t wait! (upbeat music) i knew at that exact moment . i m beating this. my main focus was to find a team of doctors. it s not just picking a surgeon, it s picking the care team
and feeling secure in where you are. visit president trump calls out robert mueller by name claiming the special counsel has conflicts of interest. several people are still missing as the wildfire rages through california claiming at least six lives. a just released report is supposed to close the book on the mysterious disappearance of the malaysia airline jet. happy monday. welcome back to early start. i m dave briggs. i m laura jarrett. 31 minutes past the hour.
president trump escalating the battle on the russia investigation. taking the rare step of calling out special counsel robert mueller by name. on sunday, he did it twice in a series of tweets. one slamming the witch hunt and the second is robert mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with respect to donald trump. the fact that we had a nasty and contentious business relationship. i turned him down to head the fbi and fired director james comey is his close friend. rudy giuliani slamming former trump attorney michael cohen calling him a pathological manipulator and liar after previously praising him as honest. more from boris sanchez. reporter: laura and dave, cnn has reached out to the white house to get clarity on what
business conflicts president trump was talking about in that tweet mentioning robert mueller. we have yet to hear back. previous reporting may give us an indication of what the president is talking about. earlier this year, the new york times and washington post reported that president trump privately had expressed concerns about possible conflicts of interest on behalf of robert mueller based on a dispute over fees related to mueller s membership at the golf club in virginia. a spokesperson for the special counsel told the washington post that the reporting at that time, the suggestion made by president trump, were inaccurate. the back drop to this frustration with robert mueller are the revelations coming from michael cohen. several sources reporting that cohen is prepared to testify to the special counsel that president trump approved of the meeting in june of 2016 with his son donald trump jr. and russian nationals promising dirt on hillary clinton.
it comes on the release of the secret recording made by michael cohen with the conversation with president trump. this weekend, rudy giuliani the president s relatively new attorney drawing the investigator as ty of the tapes in question. voracity of the tapes in question. he abruptly ended the recording as soon as the president said check. we are now investigating how did that happen and what actually did happen. what was eliminated? then you have to raise that question with every tape. how many did he play around with? we have determined the fact he tampered with the tape in the sense he abruptly mid conversation turned it off. we know he did not do that for a good reason. reporter: the president and legal team making the strategy clear. they were calling michael cohen an honorable man months ago, but now they are calling into question the credibility and the recordings.
dave and laura. boris, thank you. president trump had a meeting with the publisher of the new york times. the president revealed the meeting yesterday from his golf club in new jersey. he spent much time talking about fake news out by the media and that fake news has morphed into enemy of the people. he said he asked the meeting remain off the record. after the president tweeted about it, the notes had to be released. he said i told him the phrase fake news is untrue and harmful, i m more concerned of labeling the journalists is enemy of the people. i worry this is continuing to a rise of threats to journalists. the president is warning to shutdown the government if congress fails to act on the border wall.
and change the nation s immigration laws. mr. trump tweeting to quote, would be willing to shutdown government if the democrats do not give us the votes for border security which includes the wall. must get rid of lottery, catch and release and finally go to system of immigration based on merit. we need great people coming into the country. the president repeatedly promised mexico would pay for the wall. since february, he has been floating the idea of shutting down the government to get taxpayers to fund it. are are. tariffs are squeezing the american consumers. some companies are passing it along to customers. some are raising prices. last week coca-cola will jack up prices and sam adams beer hinted at a price increase as well. on state of the union larry
kudlow spoke out on tariffs. are tariffs great? if they are targeted for good purpose as per china, i say yes. that is always my view. most free traders agreagree. let me say this, the president has adopted a few with which i complete adopted a few with which i completely agree. there is one clear winner from the tariffs. steel industry. several have reported blockbuster sales in profits for the second quarter. federal air marshals are tracking you at airports if you are not suspected of a crime. the boston globe exposed a program called quiet skies involving marshals tracking american citizens to gather data
on their travel behaviors. the goal is to thwart any aviation threats. marshals are looking for abnormal awareness of surroundings, excessive fidgeting and rubbing or if you slept during your flight. the fast spreading carr fire in northern california has now claimed six lives. the wildfire doubling in size to over 95,000 acres this weekend. more than 1,000 structures have been damaged or destroyed. a broken hearted ed bledsoe lost his wife and two great grandchildren in the fire. he was on the phone with them as the flames closed in. i talked to junior on the phone until he died. he just kept saying grandpa, come and get me. the fire is coming in the back door. come on, grandpa. i said i m down the road. he said come and get us.
emily said i love you, grandpa. junior says i love you. come and get us. i said i m on my way. i said he talked until he died. seven people are still listed as missing. we get more from dan simon. reporter: dave and laura, conditions are challenging. we are beginning to hear officials express optimism about the overall effort. 3,500 firefighters working the lines and it seems to be paying off. in the meantime, we are in the lake redding estates neighborhood. the house behind me has been destroyed. und underscore the random nature of the fire. you can see the house next door is perfectly in tact. you do have at this point six people who have died as a result of the fire. two firefighters and four civilians. you have so many people that remain under evacuation order. about 38,000. in some ways this region feels
paralyzed. you have hotels completely full. you cannot get a reservation. the evacuation centers are at maximum capacity as well. hopefully with the collective efforts that the crews put in will make a difference. dave and laura. a deadly shooting at the new orleans strip mall saturday night appears to be gang-related. three people killed and seven injured when two people opened fire in a crowd outside a shop. both suspects remain at large. one of the injured victims is in critical condition. six have non-life threatening wounds. medical officials in denver awaiting tests from the state lab after isolating a man back from the congo for possible ebola. tests perform initially were negative and they can ebola unlikely. the man fell ill suddenly sunday. he told officials he had been working as a medical missionary in congo.
he is reported in fair condition and said to be improving. the ambulance crew is being held in isolation as a precaution. health officials are looking for a significant other for testings as a precaution. the long awaited final report is here on the mysterious disappearance of malaysia airlines jet full of passengers was just released. a live report is coming up next. hey there people eligible for medicare.
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reporter: dave, i remember family members wailing in tears at the kuala lumpur airport because the government has not given them answers. it was my first assignment when joining cnn. i remember the families at the airport in kuala lumpur in malaysia after the government was not giving them answers. here we are four years later and the 495-page report which was released for full transparency. in all of this, there is no new information. no conclusion on the part of investigators as why the plane carrying 239 people disappeared and presumed to crash in the indian ocean. a theory of the plane was taken over by auto pilot. they didn t think it was taken over by remote control. they don t know if it was the pilot or co-pilot or if there was a catastrophic failure. no clue if anyone was under stress or trying to crash the plane. they looked at the flight
simulator from the crew s home. they did a search of 230,000 square kilometers over four and a half years and no answers and no closure for the families. 27 pieces of debris have been found. three confirmed to be from the plane which washed up. will ripley, thank you. two americans among four cyclists killed sunday by a hit-and-run driver in tajikistan. three others were injured. the identities of the victims have not been released. the national embassy is working with tajik authorities. cnn was sent a statement that says one suspect has been arrested and two others have been quote eliminated. we are awaiting for further clarification on the word eliminat eliminated. u.s. and taliban are
talking. according to the wall street they were meeting in qatar. it was to lay the ground work for peace talks in afghanistan. the new york times report afghan officials were not present. alice wells, for south asia, reportedly headed up the u.s. delegation. the trump administration gave diplomats the green light. a reversal of u.s. policy. a polar bear was shot and killed after it attacked the cruise ship docked at the island in norway. the guard and three colleagues had not spotted the bear before the attack. the guard is said to be in stable condition and treated for non life threatening injuries. in the statement, the company said guards acted in self defense and it is sorry the incident happened. it is not enough for social media. outrage is spreading.
people are blaming the cruise line. in 2011, a polar bear killed a tourist. ahead, cbs news head looes moonves accused of sexual harassment. we will get a check on cnn money next.
more than 700 children were taken from their parents at the border are still in custody of the federal government. although court ordered deadline has come and gone. there is no indication when the reunifications will happen because hundreds of parents have been deported and many others are kept waiting without explanation. we have more from kaylee hartung with more. reporter: we learned no two family stories are of the same. we learned of frustration and chaos and challenges in communication. the story that encapsulates where we are today is a woman called alejandra. she and her daughter crossed the border and fleeing honduras.
they were detained and separated. 11 days ago she was given paper work for release and told she would be reunited with her daughter. that did not happen. as of today, she remains in a facility in texas and her daughter in new york. she sits in limbo and looks for answers, here is what she is told. translator: the first thing i asked is always do you know when we will be? my girl brought here? they tell me no. i don t know anything. they say to me. reporter: hhs tells us they will not comment on any specific cases. they say any family who is not reunited at this time is because of specific concerns they have with that family. her daughter s attorney has been told a red flag has been raised in the case. like i said, dave and laura, no two stories are the same, but frustration remains for so many. kaylee, thank you.
justice ruth bader ginsburg hopes to serve five more years on the u.s. supreme court. speaking in new york on sunday, she said she would like to follow in the footsteps of retired colleague john paul stevens. he stepped down from the court at the age of 90. ruth bader ginsburg was attending a play about her good friend the late justice antonin scalia. bader ginsburg added it is not the bald eagle, but the pendulum that is the true symbol of the united states. she says once it moves far in one direction, you can count on it swinging back. one of britain s most talented snowboarders died on her 18th birthday. ellie soutter died on a trip in france. british ski and snowboard posted a link to a suicide prevention charity when announcing her
death. she was expected to begin competing in new zealand next month. and britain s geraint thomas capturing the tour de france title on sunday in paris. the 32-year-old won the tour by 1:51. four-time champion chris froome who started the tour as the odds on favorite came in third. thomas win, team sky has won six of the last seven tour de france tiitles. he said the win is incredible. nice to see. 4:57. a check on cnn money. looking like a gloomy day for stocks. global markets are lower. the s&p 500 is within 2% of a new high despite selloffs in facebook and twitter.
both days poiisappointed with qy results. apple is expected to deliver its corpora corpora corporate report card next week. and on friday, the new yorker published an article which six women accused les moonves of sexual harassment and it raised questions of the culture of the network. the board will oversee an investigation. some board members have discussed if moonves should step aside from the company. in a statement, moonves said i recognize decades ago i may have made some women uncomfortable by advances. those were mistakes. i regret them. i under stood and respected by the principle that no means no. i never misused my position to
harm anyone s career. he has been running cbs for more than a decade. it is mission accomplished for mission impossible. for a man like that has had enough. you can t fight. fallout is the sixth film in the series raked in $61.5 million at the box office this weekend. that is the biggest opening ever for the 22-year-old franchise starring tom cruise. i have not seen it. 98% on rotten tomatoes. it may be the best film in the series. we need a summer blockbuster. tom cruise never ages. early start continues right now. president trump calls out robert mueller by name claiming the special counsel has conflicts of interest. several people are still

Donald-trump-jr , Robert-mueller , Reporting , Trump , Indication , Dave-briggs , Cnn , Tweet , Laura-jarrett , Boris-sanchez , What-business-conflicts , White-house

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20180801 07:00:00

A recap of the day s news.
it s the idea that in the republican coalition right now it is a cult of personalty around trump, and that ad is a perfect example of it. it s i am trump. i am trump. i am with them. and there s it is the only strategy. you cannot win a republican primary in this country right now without siding with trump. this is access is reporting tonight that trump s power over politics and republicans is growing. they say his sway often flows from fear. he is a powerful hold on supporter s minds. he s refined the social issues that animate the republican base and plucks candidates from obscurity and turns them into household names. how do you describe this president s control over understanding the understanding of his base? well, i think it s an addition and subtraction game. he s adding to the republican
say that so i won t. and i m very proud to report that new core is going to build a brand new 240 million steel mill. that s a big one right here in florida. so that we fact checked that, and found that u.s. steel is required to announce any major changes such as opening new plants and as of tonight they have made no such announcements. also he mentioned when he s on the road he said this is the largest tax cut in history. analysis committee responsible for federal budget found that trump s tax cut is the eighth largest since 1918. he talks about gdp. he s not right about that and jobs and all that. there are some positive things but it s certainly not what he makes it out to be. what is going on here? well, i mean, the unfortunate thing is there is a lot of good
news about the economy that he doesn t have to fabricate all these other statements about. so if the earlier statement i said is true that 91% of his base get the truth from donald trump, when you do any fact checking on any of his speeches the standard amount of information imparted that is false by a broad cross section of fact checkers is 45% of what he says is not true at the rallies. so that s a lot of people getting a lot of bad information and we wonder why we have a problem about what s true and what s not. i also want to show you guys this video. watch this. so this is from a rally tonight of trump supporters screaming to jim acosta, calling him a liar and trader. the president and his son retweeting a video of chanting cnn sucks. what is going on at the rallies and why would the president and his son want to be part of that. there was eve an baby that had a
button with a baby that said cnn sucks and they were holding it up smiling. what it appeals to his base. all those people get riled up because there is this sort of phony conspiracy out there that the elites are out to get them and the media is part of the elites. it s not true. and really, it s un-american. i mean, we have mark will, i m sure agree with this. every president thinks the press is out to get them. no president thinks they get a fair shake. but no one has ever done this. even richard nixon wasn t this bad, and something terrible is going to happen, and it s going to be trump s fault, because he is the one spoking this up stoking this up. jim acosta said even after that people come up to him and say can i get my picture with you? a lot of it is all about celebrity.
it s not just un-american. it truly is dangerous. and this is why the new york times publisher just met with donald trump to say his real fear is the notion that you re portraying the press as an enemy of the people. if donald trump has really fanatic supporters, and if donald trump and his son are retweeting this kind of rage against jim acosta and others and at cnn, then you can see how somebody fanatic, if they think this is truly an enemy of the people, an enemy of the president and a traitor, there could be some consequences and action that somebody is going to regret going forward. how do we get to the lowest common denominator? i mean, we are there, the lowest common denominator that s appealing to the country? it s donald trump s strategy. it s looking at people who feel grievances and it s playing upon
their fears. it s a big part of the new republican coalition is are people who have been hurt by globalization where the economy has moved past them and they feel like they ve gotten taken advantage of. he plays them. he didn t serve them with his policies but his strategy from the first day of his campaign he uses them. he uses them. and the strategy of the first campaign was to do this. in some ways it got him elected president. it continues to keep his base happy, and energized. but it s sure not helping him govern in any way. no. it s terrible for his base. it s terrible for the country. we re in a very sad place right now. i wish i could say i m optimistic, but i m not hearing
the stories. when we come back, paul manafort s trial began today with the defense saying that they plan to pin all the crimes manafort s been accused of on rick gates. could that work? take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. so you don t have to stash antacids here. here. or, here. kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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the trial of paul manafort underway today with branding the former trump campaign a liar with an extravagant lifestyle. manafort s team planning to blame rick gates. joining me now is laura coats and page pate. good evening to both of you. good evening. it was all the fault of rick gates and the russian oligarchs. what do you make of manafort s strategy? he s grasping at straws. the only defense when you have a document heavy case. documents speak for themselves. the only strategy is ignore the documents and know who is probably the main informant for the government is somebody he cannot trust.
that s his only strategy here and he s trying to go full force with it. they re saying this guy has pleaded guilty and we may as well pin it on him. exactly. as a prosecutor, i don t know any prosecutor with mother teresa as an informant. it s a great equalizer. great. page, devine testified today. he said rick gates did more of the logistical work like planning and travel while manafort worked on the strategy. doesn t that undermine the defense that manafort was duped? no? well, don, it could. it depend on what happens from this point forward in the trial. how will the defense lawyers cross examine this witness? will they try to showman foert may have been the top guy but he wasn t involved in the financial
transactions, the paperwork and that he left it to gates who tried to cheat him and doctored some of the documents and was the one that committed the fraud? obviously that s what the defense lawyers told the jury that they re going to try to prove during this trial. it really depends on how the defense lawyers cross examine the government witnesses. prosecutors brought in manafort s spending habits in their opening statement including him buying $15,000 jacket made out of ostrich. what do you think the point of $20,000 watch and a number of houses, highlighting his lavish lifestyle, what s the strategy? i think it s to make the jury feel that this is somebody who is not like us. the prosecutors, the government always wants to have defendant as somebody who is not personally appealing to the jury. so in a money case like this where you know the defendant made a lot of money and allegedly didn t pay his taxes, you want the jury to think he s not like one of us.
don t feel sorry or empathize with him. they want to immediately set the defendant off in another place and remove him in any possible sympathy or connection that he might have with the jury. you re an average working person. you re playing by the rules and paying your taxes. it s tough to make ends meet. this guy is making all the money and doesn t play the rules and he s not paying his taxes. is that what you re saying? i am, but they can overdo it. in some cases the government spends so much time talking about how much money the guy made that the jury will start to say okay, he made a lot of money, but he worked hard. where s the meat? where s the crime he committed? i think it s important to lay it out in opening statements to try to make him appear above us all. this was a rich guy who lives a different lifestyle, but then they have to turn back to the evidence. i think they did that today with witness number one.
so two things here, laura. first, you agree that they can overplay their hand? even the judge pointed out during the opening statement, derailed the prosecutor s main argument by saying it s not a crime to spend your money frivolously. reminding the jury that s not the issue. they have to tie it to money laundering or it s not that he worked hard it s that there s no other way to get the money besides nefarious means. pressure for a guilty verdict? a lot of pressure. it s not the direct tie to collusion. they can t even talk about trump, collusion, and that s correct. you can t do that. but everyone assumes you re going to lead with your trump. you re going to do your strongest case that ties to your directive that you had under rosenstein. there s a lot of pressure from mueller s team to be successful, especially on a document-based case, but it s important at this juncture they abide by the terms of this judge, because if they do not have success in the
trial, the second trial coming up may be all for not and going forward it will be a harder battle to prove to congress and the court of public opinion that they have something. we ve been told the president officials told cnn the president has been following this manafort trial closely all day. what s the danger for him? well, i think maybe he s concerned about two things. one is something s going to come out at this trial that negatively reflects on him, either his campaign, his connections to russia, his children, his family, something may come out during the testimony that makes him look bad. he had no control over that. i m sure that frustrates him and the white house. this trial will be controlled by the judge. what come out during the testimony, he s a participant as far as a witness, but he can t control what s said. the other thing is maybe something happens during the trial.
manafort says look, we need to strike a deal. let s talk. i know i didn t want to plea guilty early but now i ve seen the evidence. trump is not coming to my rescue. i m not getting a phone call about a pardon, maybe i can enter a plea and a new development occurs that changes the course of the investigation relating to trump. i appreciate it. but before we go, the answer in the form of a question. who does alex trebek want to take over for him? none other than who is laura coats? he tweeted that. he said it in an interview. i couldn t believe it. i mean, you could have picked me up off the floor. he did it in an interview? yes. for me, it was always jeopardy is either alex with a mustache. i m honored by it. that s jeopardy, but this is cnn. thank you. thank you both. i appreciate it. when we come back, a ice official describing detention
officials as summer camp today. this isn t the only thing that s had people angry about the hearing on capitol hill. when i received the diagnoses, i knew at that exact moment . i m beating this. my main focus was to find a team of doctors. it s not just picking a surgeon, it s picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. visit
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they have educational opportunities. they have recreational opportunities both structured as well as unstructured. there s basketball courts. there s exercise classes. there s soccer fields that we put in there. but no parents. so i m going to bring in maria cardona and steve cortez. maria you heard that from the head of enforcement and removal for immigration and customs characterizing the centers at summer camps. yeah. nothing less than disgusting. clearly ice, i guess now or especially the head of it which is even worse is getting their talking points from fox news, because we heard this earlier when this policy first started and when kids were being ripped from the arms of their mothers and getting put in these detention centers, the child prisons from laura ingram who said that it was like summer camp. i would invite others to send their kids to the summer camp if he does believe that. put his money where his mouth is.
it s absolutely ridiculous. it clearly is indicative of what they know has been a debacle of a policy, has been a horrific evil policy, has been something that they know they are going to pay for politically at the ballot box in november, and they re trying to paint the best picture from something that actually is completely horrible and un-american. he s not the first person. i mean, that was as he is speaking or testifying in front, you know, of lawmakers, but other people have qualified it or classified it that way, steve. i mean, what did you think of his statements? summer camp? no. listen, i think he phrased it poorly. he should have said we re trying to create a facility that s like a camp, but to call it summer camp, that evokes happy memories and somebody sent there for
great reasons. and the children are the victims. i have nothing but empathy for these children. they are the victims. though, primarily of their parents who made a terrible decision of breaking and entering into our country. they were not breaking and entering. well, they re not legal. that means breaking and entering. they are desperately looking for asylum because they were under the threat of death. i m glad you mentioned that, because if you look at a map, maria, it s a very long way from central america all the way through mexico to the united states. over that s how desperate these families are, steve. hold on. if they re that desperate, then the first time they got to an open democracy, mexico, why didn t they ask for asylum there. they may have. they wanted to come to the united states. i don t blame them for wanting to come here. i m glad my father came here and millions of people from all over the world come here legally. and we have a right as a country to determine who best-serves the interests and security of america. that s not accident phobic or racist. those who decide to do it their own way and break and enter into the united states can i ask you one quick question, steve, what does this
have to do with separating parents and children? well, again, if you break and into enter into my house and bring your children, you ll be separated from their children. that s awful. they didn t do it. it s not their decision. but if you break into someone s house, it s a felony. right? if you cross the border, undocumented, is that a felony? it s a civil penalty. not the first but the second. and for many of them it s multiple times. why would you classify it as breaking and entering, then? because if you go somewhere without permission, i don t know how much i have to explain this. if i were what did they break? breaking and entering assumes you broke down a door or a window to get into someone s house. and that you have malice to do it. if i run past the guards at any office building basically in america, i will quickly be apprehended. that s breaking and entering.
why should our country what if you surrender and beg for help because you and your family are under the threat of death? what then? once again maria, why or are you asking for asylum, which is legal to anybody who feels under the threat of death in this country? and we have a heart for asylum in this country. you don t. the president doesn t. once again why do they go 1500 miles for the asylum. here s what happens. we get sidetracked. what is the definition of this? you get sidetracked. let s get back to the subject about what happened today on the hill. this is hhs commander jonathan white testifying today he expressed concerns to the administration that separating children from their parents was a bad thing. watch this. during the deliberative process over the previous year we raised a number of of concerns in the program about
any policy which would result in family separation due to concerns we had about the best interest of the child as well as about whether that would be operational supportable with the bed capacity we have. there s no question. there s no question that separation of children from parents entails significant potential for traumatic psychological injury to the child. so the fact that he warned the administration, warned the administration officials about a policy that would result in pain and suffering to children but clearly he was ignored, what does that tell you? that tells me this was not a knee jerk reaction. this was a well-thought out policy that was focussed on discriminating and raining terror on the families who were just trying to give their children a better life. but it also indicates something even more insidious, don. this was the worst mix of incompetence, of immorality, of carelessness, cluelessness and callousness that i think comes
from a very real strain within trump and his administration that is racist, that is bigoted, and that is focussed on implementing policies that are discriminatory, and that is what we are seeing. listen we lost a lot of time back and forth there when we got off track. but steve, can you answer this for me quickly? white also testified that he was told that family separation was not the official policy, but we all witnessed what happened. members of the administration describing the separation as a deterrent. look, family separation i don t know what went on within dhs. family separation clearly is traumatic. by the way the best way to deter this long term is to build a wall. if we don t have a porous board er and we have only guarded points of entry, that prevents a
lot of human misery at the border. open borders are not humanitarian. they re the opposite. we don t have open borders, steve. well, we have effectively open borders. no. and to your point that it s allegedly racist, what s racist is allowing people to pour in and compete in the job market. i would argue that s a soft racism we ve tolerated for decades. it would be so much easier to have discussion with somebody who knows the facts or respects the truth. people are not pouring in. this border has not been porous and open. the numbers actually do not support what you are saying. within then how do we have 10 to 15 million illegals in the country. the numbers have been going down. there are actually net immigration to this country is negative. there are more people going out that s not true.
mexico it is. that s not true in general. got to go. this policy is based on complete and total lies. we ll continue this discussion. thank you all. thank you both. i appreciate your time. thank you. when we come back jeff sessions announcing a group protecting religious groups from persecution, but who is the task force really going to protect?
welcome back. dean as well, we haven t seen you. good to be here. charles critics say the task force is allowing discrimination against the lgbt community. this is jeff sessions. number two, it was almost a year to the day that jeff sessions also the new york times reported he was going to direct the civil rights division of the justice department to look into protecting the rights of white kids to get into school who they said were being discriminated against to such a degree that it required the justice department to jump in. that was kind of looking at kind of white supremacy. and this is kind of looking at what they call christian nationalism. not only believing the country was founded as a christian country but believing it should be governed as a christian country. to that degree, people who are lgbt are cut out.
it s not about their liberties. it s substituting their liberty s for these people s saying they cannot co-exist, and that is not american. amy, i heard you grown under your voice. i just want before you respond to play this. this is jeff sessions explaining why this task force was created. watch this. a dangerous movement undetected by many, but real, is now challenging and eroding our great tradition, our religious freedom. there can be no doubt, it s no little matter. it must be confronted intellectually and defeated. what is the movement challenging our religious freedom? i m not sure what he s talking about, the dangerous movement unless he s talking about the effort to go out and suppress people that are christians and want to live by
their faith. look, at the end of the day i think this is to protect all americans. all of us have the right to religious freedom and liberty, and i think that s what this is about, protecting our first amendment rights, and that s why they re doing this. we are a nation that was founded because people came here to break away from the church of england because they were being religiously persecuted there. they didn t want to conform. they came to the united states of america. we have all reasonings from all over the world come here and migrate to the country and they have a right to do that. i think we all should step back and not get too wound up about this and let s see where we go from here. i do not think that it is to persecute anyone, and i certainly don t think i have a time issue here, i have to let everybody get in. amy says it s to protect the religious freedom of all religions. right?
do you feel that way as a muslim? no. i don t think i think donald trump is i m wondering if a muslim, someone went into a business and someone said it s against my religion to serve an american or woman or man or black person or christian, what would happen? that s not based in islam. secondly, donald trump is the anti-muslim bigot and chief. he campaigned on the shutdown of muslims. those words have had consequences for my community. we ve seen attacks on mosques from california to new jersey. you think this is to protect the religious freedom of prioritizing the christian group? check this out. this is a break down of religions in the u.s. christians are 70%. evangelicals of 25% of that. donald trump said when he had his first muslim ban about prioritizing christian refugees over muslim refugees. he does not make muslim americans feel like part of this country. are the far right christians being persecuted?
i m down with religious liberty but not as using it as a basis to discriminate. we ll be right back after this break. what do harvard graduates know about cognitive performance? as you d probably guess, a lot. that s why a new brain health supplement called forebrain from the harvard-educated experts at force factor is flying off the shelves at gnc. forebrain s key ingredients have been clinically shown to help enhance sharpness and clarity, improve memory, and promote learning ability. and now every man and woman in america can claim a complimentary bottle. just use your smartphone to text the keyword on the screen to 20-20-20. scientific research on cognigrape, a sicilian red wine extract in forebrain s memorysafe blend, suggests not only sharper recall,
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religion, then how is this protecting all religions? this is to protect our first amendment right. and to say that this is to discriminate against gays and lesbians, that s absolutely not true. i think it s offensive, actually, to assume that gay people are not religious, because i know plenty of christians that are gay, and it s not like they re mutually exclusive. so, to go out no one said that, amy. i have to correct you. no one said that. you said they re targeting the community is being that s what critics said. okay, well, i don t think that that s the case. this is the thing, don, is that we are in such an environment where everybody wants to divide us, by sex, race, religion, whatever, and at the end of the day, the president is focused on americans. and our religious freedom is about our first amendment right. people came here to this country for that reason. and we should all be able to
practice the religion we want out being persecuted for it. okay. and that doesn t matter what religion you are. i ve got to get other people in here. sessions said that this task force would promote cases like the colorado baker who refused to a same sex couple a wedding cake, challenged the state s anti-discrimination law, before the supreme court. i just keep wondering, who is the actual i can t figure this out, because, and to say that it doesn t have anything to do with discriminating against gay people, officials from the legal advocacy group that represented the colorado baker attended sessions event, and the alliance defending freedom is a group that has supported the recriminalization of homosexuality in the u.s., linked homosexually to pedophilia and claims that a homosexual agenda will destroy christianity and society.
this is the thing that whole thing is it is the misguided supposition that you can be converted, you can be seduced, that straight people can be seduced into being gay people and once they have one gay encounter, then it s the theory of the vampire bite. once you had one encounter, it s a wrap for you, right? but if you are a gay person and as amy says, you are religious and you believe in god, wouldn t the highest, one of the things that you would want to achieve is to get married in a church? well, sure. and have your marriage i m just saying, or have your marriage recognized by a baker where you can have a cake made. but you know your gayness is not contagious. that s the problem with all of that philosophy, which is that it believes that this is contagious, and it is not. if you do not like penis, there
is no one on this planet that can make you like penis. and the same thing goes for vagina. that s just the truth. that s the clinical term for it, and go on. in 2018, the idea of religious liberty should not be telling a same sex couple get out of my bakery because i don t serve your type here. don t forget, religion was used to defend segregation. it was cited by the trial judge, the bible says blacks and whites shouldn t get married. we re seeing this right now. and i call it christian sharia law, it angered the right, but i hope it gets their attention. okay that s not true. that s not true. the far right does. to be continued. amy, thank you. thank you, dean. charles. never disappoints. charles oh, my gosh. our coverage continues. my name is jeff sheldon,
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