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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20170318 02:00:00

altogether, the industry supports over 9 million jobs nationwide. these are jobs that natural gas is helping make happen, all while reducing america s emissions. energy lives here. as you know, alongside the first public trump russia hearings in the house monday morning, in the senate monday morning will be the first supreme court nomination hearings for neil gorsuch. to get ready for those gorsuch hearings, sunday night 5:00 p.m. eastern, a special look at go such and those hearings hosted by ari melbur. you should watch this. he s sitting in for lawrence because he works too much. thank you. thank you for the plug. as for working too much, the old saying, look who s talking. i feel it. thanks. have a great weekend. donald trump has doubled down on his unsubstantiated accusation that president obama
done in this office, in 50 days. trump has done more in office the way a toddler helps out in the kitchen. health care! health care for all! health care for all! it s hard for most people to run away from their problems, because problems have a way of running with you. that s what donald trump found today as he tried to run away from his domestic problems by focusing on foreign affairs. but that just put a global spotlight on trump s struggle to explain his baseless accusation that obama wiretapped him, a performance that has shown trump blustering, then nervous, now full of righteous blame as he pretends his accusation was from other people. are there from time to time tweets that you regret in hindsight? very seldom.
we said nothing. all we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for saying that on television. i didn t make an opinion on it, that was a statement made by a very talented lawyer on fox. and so you shouldn t be talking to me, you should be talking to fox. so trump s new defense of his discredited claim that is it s not his claim. he didn t make an opinion on it, except then he did. again, in the same presser, suggesting that the premise that the u.s. surveilled him was still operative, just like he claims it surveilled angela merkel in 2013. as far as wiretapping, i guess by this past administration, at least we have something in common, perhaps. perhaps. that s actually not true. while it was revealed that the u.s. did snoop on merkel s cell phone for a time, there is, of
course, no evidence to support trump s claim that he was specifically targeting for wiretaps. all the latest news only reinforces that. intel committee leaders in both parties rebutting trump. today we can report nbc news documenting that trump s own justice department provided materials to those committees and they do not support trump s claims. also the same doj confirming today that it had, quote, complied with those congressional requests for proof. here s the bottom line right now. there are only two types of government sources on this story. those who have rebutted trump completely, and those who haven t spoken yet. the first category includes virtually everyone in a position to know, while the second category includes one man holding his rhetorical fire, fbi director james comey, who will testify before congress on monday, a hearing that may even overshadow president trump s preferred monday headline, those hearings for his supreme court
nominee. the old theory was that all of this type of stuff, these trump tweets, were clever distractions, deft moves of political chess to avoid negative headlines. but this has become the negative headline. it doesn t look like political chess. it looks increasingly like a game of political russian roulette with trump taking reckless shots that can easily wound his own administration. the record shows that s what sean spicer thought when he tried to muzzle trump and shut down this story, that was two weeks ago, when he first responded to the wiretap tweet by telling reporters, neither the white house nor the president will comment further on the issue until congress looks into it. that statement proved inoperative because trump keeps commenting. and that ensures he keeps taking his problems with him wherever he goes. joining me now is jonathan finer, former chief of staff to secretary of state john kerry, a contributor to foreign policy magazine. evan siegfried, author of gop gsp. dared corn, washington bureau chief for mother jones, msnbc
political analyst. david, the record is voluminous. the record shows this claim of wiretap is false. well, of course it does. and it s also true that the justice department has no evidence that there s an easter bunny and there s no evidence that barack obama mugged donald trump in the streets of new york in 1987. he just says stuff. sometimes it pops into his head, sometimes it comes from breitbart. today it came from fox, from a guy he called a very talented legal mind who happens to be a 9/11 truther, andrew napolitano. and when trump gets caught head he says, well, it wasn t me. i m just the president here. you should go after fox. he s essentially saying, they report, we repeat. that s it. he doesn t feel that he has any
obligation to vet anything that he says or tweets, and you almost, you don t but you almost have to feel sorry for the sean spicers, kellyanne conways, who are people who know better but pretend they don t. that s become part of their job is to pretend otherwise. the wiretapping story causing international problems with sean spicer citing that debunked report claiming that britain s intelligence services wiretapped him as well. jonathan, unpack that for us. yes. so look, i think that the president hit an unbelievably negative trifecta in his press availability with chancellor merkel today. one, he reopened the wound with the uk that his team had tried to clean up earlier in the morning by again asserting they had wiretapped him when we all know that s not the case. he also drag the chancellor and the german government into this fray, which i m sure was the last thing they wanted when they re trying to build a relationship with the united states. we didn t book a body language expert, but she didn t look into it, didn t look like
she liked it. the third piece, in some ways the most troubling, he further drew down his own eroding credibility. there s going to be a time the president faces a crisis that s not of his making and he ll need credibility to go to allies and the country and say, trust me, this is what is happening and this is what we need to do. he s undermining his ability to build that up trust. take a listen to donald trump trying to say that this all comes back to whether or not he used scare quotes. when i say wiretap, those words were in quotes. that really covers. because wiretapping is pretty old-fashioned stuff. that really covers fail lasurve and many other things. nobody ever talks about the fact that it was in quotes. we have it before the committee and we will be submitting things before the committee very soon that hasn t been submitted as of yet. it s potentially a very serious situation. so all we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for
saying that on television. i didn t make an opinion on it. that was a statement made by a very talented lawyer on fox. you see that msnbc fact check on each of those claims. these are falsehoods that he seems to think will still work with somebody? they ll work with his base, who will buy anything he sells. but it s not factually true. every single organization that is said it s not true. and it s distracting. and the fact that the president of the united states has gone out and basically thrown said the buck stops somewhere over there, not with me, like harry truman said, is very disturbing. the president of the united states is also accidentally admitting that if anybody puts something in front of him, he s going to believe it. so if i tell him i m the creator of ses street and he s now going to believe it. as republican, i m very concerned by that. we have in one day, as jonathan mentioned, upset our closest ally, and one of the closest allies we ll need, especially in the fight on isis, as well as to
deal with the refugee crisis that s going on in syria. i don t understand how today was a productive day. and throwing somebody else under the bus and not taking personal responsibility and saying i m sorry, i messed up, that s not presidential. and that s not something we need in a leader. david, there are larger politics on that. evan brings up sesame street. this is like when they were always telling big burden snuffle lup does was around the corner, eventually big period didn t believe it. there s a credibility analogy but i don t want to stretch it too far. i want you to listen to tom cole, republican, talking about what should happen next. it s all well and good to say, donald trump does this and his base likes it and that s the end of the story. it s not the end of the story. he s a flue new president. here s a republican saying what should be done. frankly, unless you can produce some pretty compelling proof, i think the president, you know, president obama is owed an apology in that regard. because if he didn t do it, we
shouldn t be reckless in accusations that he did. david? well, that s at the very least. i don t think we ll ever see donald trump apologize for everything. he has said, he was asked during the campaign, have you ever gretted ything, have you ever had to apologize? and he said, eh, after 70 years, no. so there will be no apology. this is a fellow who can never concede really doing anything wrong from his bankruptcies to his lies. it doesn t matter. i do think jonathan finer s point from early on is the dead-on thing. right now we have rex tillerson and others talking about going to war with north korea and jonathan s right. one day the president will have to say, listen, we have intelligence saying this or that, and because of that we took military action. and how can you believe donald trump on anything? that intelligence could be something that he heard on alex jones radio show that morning. this is a guy who can t tell the difference between real facts, alternative facts, and things he
just makes up. i mean, look, i obviously agree with that and i think one of the big problems that we have right now is there are too few people with credibility on these issues who are speaking on behalf of the united states. that starts frankly with the secretary of state, rex tillerson, who thankfully has now started allowing briefings to be conducted from the state department. we didn t have any between roughly january 19th and march 6th. he s finally started to answer some questions of his own in a press availability in asia. but what we need is policy statements. speeches. public diplomacy conducted by people other than the president and the press secretary who i don t think are the best face for america to the world right now on these issues. david, on the confirmation of all of this, in court, lawyers never want to ask a question they don t know the answer to. because you end up looking really stupid. and here is donald trump out there not prepared and says, just go ask fox news. the folks at fox news he talks to all the time. his staff talks to them, he t k talks to tucker carlson. he could have checked this out, he clearly didn t.
after saying that here s what happened. shep smith. fox news cannot confirm judge napolitano s commentary. fox news kws of no evidence of any kind that the now-president of the united states was surveilled at any time in any way, full stop. full stop, david. well, you know. kudos to shep smith and others at fox who don t want to be tarred by donald trump s lies. as much as others on the network have enabled him. and we can never forget, ari, i know you don t, that this was a guy who for three years ran around saying, i have evidence that the president wasn t born in hawaii! i have my investigators! you can t believe what they re reporting to me, you can t believe the information i m seeing, information that we never saw. that even didn t make to it newsm newsmax. so this is a fellow who again and again commits the same crime. we shouldn t be surprised. and it s too bad that so many people have fallen for it.
and now you see a lot of republicans, tom cole is an exception, who still try to apologize for this. or at least pretend it s not a very serious matter. david, i think you may have just coined a new standard. the not even newsmax will touch it standard for those who follow this isn t just on foreign policy, we ve seen a pattern with the president since he took office where he ll say or do something and make a promise he won t uphold. how is that going to help him negotiating with congress over passing legislation and trying to strong arm them into passing the affordable health care act thursday in the house when he goes back on his word? he did it last weekend with preet bharara. blaming other people and saying, it was in scare quotes. i don t understand from the republicans i ve spoken to on the hill, they are nervous, they don t think he can keep his word. you need to have that as a president of the united states. absolutely. jonathan finer, david corn, evan, thank you so much. coming up, president trump
says the health care bill, going grate great! another republican senator saying it s doa. later, a look at the cost of brinksmanship in trump s foreign policy. had. the classes, the friends, the independence. and since we planned for it, that student debt is the one experience, i m glad she ll miss when you have the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. ameriprise
politics, and trump s travel ban? i m excited to tell you i am anchoring a two-hour special on that confirmation fight on the eve of the hearings, sunday, 5:00 p.m. eastern, joined by senators on the judiciary committee, leaders at naacp and planned parenthood, conservative legal scholars, a former clerk to judge gorsuch. i d like to tnk it s the ultimate pregame for coirmation day. i hope you all will tune in. i hope you ll keep it locked here on the last word. next we re reporting on that story, trump saying the health care bill is all coming together, now a key republican senator saying he won t even vote for it. my belly pain and constipation? i could build a small city with all the over-the-counter products i ve used. enough! i ve tried enough laxatives to cover the eastern seaboard.
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a third republican senator, this is big, dean heller of nevada, says he also will not vote for the bill. he told bloomberg news, i don t support the house bill in its current form. joining us now is jared bernstein, former chief economist to vice president biden and msnbc contributor, evan siegfried, author of gop gps. jared, let s start with politics. i know you want to get deep into insurance rates and all that. but i do. you know this congress. on a scale of definitely passing to oh my god we have a problem, what does it mean when this early in the push they re losing this many republicans? much closer to we have a problem. but i wouldn t say that the likelihood that this gets out of the house is zero. you know, there s a chance that they re going to be able to
muster votes. the hard part is that you just heard the hard-right republican say this draconian bill, and i won t go into the numbers other than to say it unwinds the coverage benefits of obamacare in part by really gutting the medicaid program. jared, it s friday night, you keep that calculator in your pocket. well, and transferring all of those hundreds of billions of benefits to rich people. so that s not far-right enough for some of this caucus. meanwhile there s moderates, many of whom have the medicaid expansion in their states, and they re hard pressed to vote for a bill that s going to take 14 million people off the rolls. but it could come out of the house. it could go over to the senate. something very different could come out of the senate. and then you d have this collision in conference. and i have a hard time seeing what that produces. and evan, the politics here, of course, most senators in the repuicanarty are on the record being against obamacare. that s the easy part politically.
look at senator jolene ernest in iowa, trying to make her case to her constitt wins on this fight. we can t maintain the current status of the law because we know that it is it s failing already. [ crowd yelling ] health care for all! health care for all! health care for all! health care for all! health care for all! that s the grass roots. here s the quote of the senator, to give her her due. senator ens telling the des moines register, after that health care town hall i can t say whether i support it or i don t support it, this republican bill. we have to know how it s going to impact iowa families. we were able to hear some of that today. i m a conservative and i didn t like obamacare, i didn t think it should go in. but now affordable health coverage is a right. people don t like when it you try and take away a right. be you on the right or the left. when you actually look at what s
in this bill and what it does, it takes a top-down approach which most conservatives massively object to. giving a family of four a $4,000 tax credit no matter where they are. family in southwest pennsylvania under obamacare now gets under obamacare $11,000 paid toward insurance. in this proposal it s $4,000. areas in appalachia have talked about donald trump, donald trump has talked about an opioid epidemic, this bill allows people to impose a cap on coverage, be it treatment for addiction, mental illness, or chemotherapy. they could yank the needle out of your arm. you re basically saying this bill isn t good for the working class, white or not white? it s not good for anyone. i don t think i ve seen a health care bill like this unite both republicans and democrats in opposition, but it s for differt reasons. so i think evan s making a critical point that has kind of
gotten lost in the mix because we ve been focused on the republican plan. and the point is, obamacare has created a baseline. it is a new baseline that it is going to be extremely hard to come in this far under. if you had a bill that sort of tweaked things away in a way that the cbo said might be a little worse, maybe you could bend yourself into believing that this could really meet that baseline. but what 37 come up with is miles below the baseline. it s losing republicans, senators, governors, and members of the house. to that point, look at republican governor case trick ohio, hutchison in arkansas, snyder in michigan, and sandoval, who wrote this letter to mitch mcconnell and paul ryan. they say, look, this bill provides almost no flexibility for states and doesn t assure the resources necessary to make sure no one s left out and shifts significant new costs to states. it s one thing to have a libertarian ideology, another
thing to say, we have an obligation as governors do day to day to make this work. yeah, i think that you re seeing governors recognize this is going to be an unsustainable budget crunch in ohio and throughout the country. especially in michigan. and i think we re seeing a lot of people recoil. this bill is a very bad bill. theresident has married himself to it and is refusing to divorce it, the fst te he s ever refused to divorce anything. so we re seeing the president of the united states, who didn t even get in this bill what he wanted, which was eliminating state lines, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to do to create competition that even democrats could get behind. and nobody loves it. the only thing that is actually good, and it s only good for millennials, are the health savings accounts because they re the most fiscally conservative generation and they save. evan is a very nice guy, a nice country club republican. when he s busting out a sick burn like that, you know he s clearly passionate. final word to you on the road ahead. if this is the only thing, which is what paul ryan says, and this
can t get through the senate by the rough count, then what? then probably what happens is all those people, all those hard-right republicans and donald trump who ran on replacing obamacare, go back to their districts and say, we tried, folks, but that damn senate won t let us do it. and it goes back to business as usual. that doernsn t mean obamacare i out of the woods. once this government stops supporting the measure, it s obviously going to be harder to sustain. but obamacare may be in better shape than many of us thought it was on election night. yeah. it is an extraordinary set of developments and it seems to relate in part to the white house s choice or inability to actually do detailed negotiating even though we ve heard a lot about briefly, jared. never underestimate how lousy this white house is at governing thus far. so you re not accusing the administration of competence? you said it better and quicker than i could. which is a skill. jared bernstein, evan siegfried,
thanks for joining, appreciate it. coming up, this is a whole other story. donald trump s top diplomat saying all options, including military force, now on the table if north korea doesn t back off and denuclearize. the last time the u.s. was on this brink with north korea was back during the clinton presidency. i ll talk to the lead negotiator of the deal that averted what some feared a war with north korea, straight ahead. how to win at business. step one: ask the presenter to go back a slide. well played. you just tossed a mind grenade into into your colleagues dulled senses. look at them, what did i miss? he one-upped me once again. step two: choose la quinta. and your la quinta reward points can be redeemed for everyday purchases on the go so you can win at business. learn more at today. [bullfighting music] [burke] billy-goat ruffians. seen it. covered it.
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turning to an important story that may have been overshadowed this week, trump s foreign policy brinksmanship. on his first trip to asia, secretary of state rex tillerson said he wanted to be clear that the trump administration would consider a military first strike option against north korea. let me be very clear. the policy of strategic patience has ended. all the options are on the table. certainly we do not want for things to get to a military conflict, we re quite clear on that in our communications. but obviously if north korea takes actions that threaten the south korean forces or our own forces that will be met with an appropriate response. if they elevate the threat of eir weapons program to a level that we believe requir action, that option is on the table. tillerson also toured the heavily guarded demilitarized
zone where north and south korean forces stand just feet from each other. a south korean soldier was seen snapping a picture of tillerson through a window. there is a context for these threats. in recent weeks north korea has conducted a series of ballistic missile tests. experts tracking whether they re proceeding towards the capacity to achieve nuclear-tipped missiles that could reach japan or the u.s. tillerson s comments reflect an intentional escalation of sorts of pressure designed by the state department. president trump meanwhile striking a similar note but in bumper sticker form tweeting, north korea is behaving very badly. they have been playing the u.s. for years. china has done little to help. for a simple response to that simple message, consider china is north korea s strongest ally and largest trading partner. they re not known for helping that much in this arena. tillerson, meanwhile, will be in china on saturday.
former members of the clinton administration have said the u.s. considered a strike on a north korean facility in 94 when it was on the brink of producing weapons-grade material. ambassador robert ga lucci was the chief negotiator, distinguished move soar at george town. let me start with the interpretive question. nothing new about the u.s. trying to be strong while leaving some options open. what did you hear in tillerson s statement there? is it normal or different? ari, it may have been normal in the sense that there s nothing new, there s no news. if all the secretary meant was that all options are on the table when we consider what to do about north kea and a policy review, then he s said what other admintratns have said in this context and others. if all he meant, if all he meant was that if north korea was about to strike one of our treaty allies, republic of korea
or japan, or the united states of america, that in that case we would feel free to preempt that strike, that s still nothing new. we would expect nothing less from our president. however, if he meant something else, if he meant that we were not going to allow that north koreans to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile that could be mated with a nuclear weapon, if they went to test such a missile not attack but test such a missile we would contemplate at least striking it, striking north korea to destroy that missile, that would be new. that wouldn t be a preemptive strike that would be preventive war. ambassador, this is diplomatic speech. are you saying it was vague and open to those interpretations? if so, was it strategically vague? i think it was vague. and i don t know whether it was strategic, whether the secretary intended to leave that ambiguity there. i simply don t know. i do know, though, that one
should not expect, we should not expect, the united states should not expect to strike north korea kin netcally with a military strike and have no response from north korea. that means we would have to be ready for military engagement, for war. and so would our allies in japan and south korea. what about president trump s belief that on this, like on trade issues, china can be bent in some way? we have had a theory of dealing with north korea by going to beijing and having the principal supporter of north korea use its influence in pyongyang to bring the north koreans around. that we tried in the clinton administration. it has bn tried in the bush administrati, the obama administration. and is every reason why we should keep trying. this is something of a chinese phenomenon in that sanctions are limited in their impact because
china makes sure they re limited in their impact. but going to china is not really a policy. it is something that should be part of an overall approach to north korea, but we shouldn t expect now it will start working where before it hadn t. ambassador and professor robert ga lucci, thank you for your guidance and expertise tonight. thank you. coming up, the trump white house wanted to make sure everyone read the positive coverage in the washington post about its budget. it included the link at the top of an e-mail to reporters. but there was a really embarrassing problem. that s next. for my constipation, my doctor recommended
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why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis. be careful what you eat. be careful what you tweet. if you re sharing an article, read more than the head line. the trump white house was reminded of that basic lesson when it sent out a link to an article that was trashing trump s budget. a washington post article. but was headlined trump s budget makes perfect sense and
will fix america and i ll tell you why. solid headline. but this piece was a satire. by a humor writer, alexandra petrie. she was using a trump-style fan fiction voice to say, this budget will make america a lean, mean fighting machine! with bulging, ripping muscles, not an ounce of fat! how will i survive on this budget, you may be wondering? i am a human child, no the a costly fighter jet. well, you may not survive. but that is because you are soft and weak! something this budget is designed to eliminate. now, that already has since been removed from the online version of the white house s daily newsletter. here for more on all things budget and trump, selena maxwell, director of progressive programming for sirius xm and former official with the hillary clinton campaign, erin gloria, the daily beast. is this a mistake anyone could make? anyone s friend, mom, dad, brother, could post something having not read it.
slure, absolutely. but i m glad they re not the president of the united states. i think the sort of person who doesn t take care to read past the deadline is not the sort of person you want in charge of anything important. of anything, yeah. but here we are. especially when it s something as consequential as the budget. you have an anti-poverty budget that s really going to impact people in their real lives. and so you want a white house who s going to pay attention to the details. and they didn t do that here. let me give you an article headline you don t have to read because it matches the content of the article. the new york daily news, one of our hometown tabloids, they make it pretty clear. trump budget axes terror funds. they call it madness. you see that provocative cover. they say nypd security aid slashed, mayor saying the president s putting us in the crosshairs. and nypd chief who doesn t do a ton of national politicking also
just put out online the statement, how do you say you re pro-cop and anti-terror, and you slash us completely? i mean, i think that the president and his administration talk all the time about how we need to keep americans safe. but this demonstrates that they aren t putting any meat on the bones of their rhetoric in terms of policies that would actually go to do that. they put forward a muslim ban which has been knocked down again by the courts. so i think they re going to have to come up with some more detailed strategies on how to actually combat terrorism that aren t banning an entire religion from entering the country. to take it seriously, is the president counting on the fact that cops in new york won t read the daily news or listen to their chief? at what point do they say, oh, he campaigned on being for us, and it s not like a 5% haircut, it s the federal government b e bailing on the police department in obviously one of the largest
terror targets in the country. there s a range of possibilities between these extremes. a, it could be it was an oversight, that maybe somebody got a little bit too happy with the pen and crossed something out they shouldn t have crossed out. they did tweet out an article that was a satirical takedown of their budget as praise, so it is possible somebody made a mistake. also, there s part of my brain that sees trump as sort of somebody that s driven by fear and spite. and it seems as though he s really hated in his hometown of new york city. across all different types of people. it doesn t seem that out of line to me to imagine he d be somebody that maybe doesn t care as much about new york city because they haven t cared about him. that it s all about where he s getting the love. right. as jay-z would say, either love me or leave me alone. if he s not feeling the love, it may not be there. listen to tom cole from the budget committee talking about how these budgets work. to be clear to viewers as folks probably know, this is the beginning, not the end, and congress makes a lot more decisions.
budgets are all tradeoffs. in the end, the president proposes a budget, he did exactly what he s required to do by law. but congress has to work through it. i would actually be tougher on congress here. i d be tough on the president too. how about that? sometimes it is a trump-fixated world, i m fully guilty as a member of the media being sometimes a part of that. but this is the congress constitutional responsibility. they re going to have to decide whether they see this as a blueprint, or say wow, too hard to square, even budget hawks say you can t cut 30% out in one year and expect things to work. i think this is going to be an interesting test for congress at republicans to see if they re going to oppose things that the president s putting forward. i think in terms of budgets, budgets are moral documents. budgets set the essentially tell the country what your priorities are, which groups of americans are priorities for your administration. in this administration and this document that came out, it s clear that poor people, elderly
people, people of color, are not high up on the list of the trump administration s priorities. now that may or may not be true for congressional republicans who have to run every two years in the house, every six years in the senate. they have a different calculus. you make a great point, it comes back to choices. i will end with a quick excerpt from that satire article. there are arts cuts. the article explained the n. amendment, national endowment for the arts, will be destroyed but replaced with an armored helicopter with a shark painted on it, which is art. that s art too. we ll take a quick break. on monday we re going to hear from fbi director james comey as i mentioned. for the first time in public remarks about russia s interference in the 2016 election and any related investigations. he s also of course going to be asked about trump s claim that he was personally wiretapped by barack obama and any attendant proof. the panel weighs in after the break. (vo) what if this didn t
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there s no denying next week logic big for congress and could be a mixed bag on how it all unfolds. monday confirmation hearings for supreme court nominee judge neil gorsuch in the senate. also monday, fbi director jim comey testifying for the first time before the house intel committee about any russian interference in the presidential election and trump s wiretapping claims, get your popcorn. as if that wasn t enough, house republicans now saying they think they ll have enough support for a full vote on health carrie peel as soon as thursday. today some members of the republican study committee are saying they will support the bill after some alleged concessions from the president. our panel is back. what a panel it is. zerlina and erin. this was a big issue in the campaign. i mentioned you worked for hillary. yes. donald trump didn t win more votes but he did win the thing that matters, electoral college. yes. he ran 100% on repealing obamacare. it is proving harder, though.
yes, i think one of the reasons it s proving harder is because it s a lot easier to say i m going to repeal and replace obamacare as a talking point than it is to take away health insurance from americans who are benefiting from it right now. the old saying is, people don t know who gave you health insurance, but they re going to know exactly who took it away from them. they re going to know when they go to the doctor and they ask for a much larger co-pay than they re used to paying, who is to blame for that. i think it s the damage for republicans that is they re taking away something from people. let me push back on that, erin. let me put forward a different theory which is that everything trump s doing is great and the press hasn t been speaking properly about it. hm. under that theory, it s not so much what he s doing but the improper words of the press. here is the president on that point today. i want everyone to know i m 100% behind us. i want everybody to know that the press has not been speaking properly about how great this is going to be.
they have not been giving it a fair press. the press is, well, as you know, in many cases, i call it the fake news. it s fake news. this is going to be great for people. i just want to let the world know i am 100% in favor. if you could respond without speaking improperly, i would appreciate it. sure. sorry, as a member of the press, it s very difficult for me to not speak improperly. one thing i want to say is donald trump right now is coming up with coming up on a real-life confrontation between his words and reality. people who in the middle of the country, who maybe voted for him, who don t really care about russia, don t really care about the integrity europe, don t have time to think about that, care about their health and care about how much of their money is going to pay for health care. if donald trump can t follow through on his promise, this is something that s going to affect them and the proof will be in the pudding. regardless of what donald trump says, these people will still have to pay more for health care. it s not the press saying it, it s the congressional budget office, it s individual analysis
of what the impact on families would be. it s like hillary clinton throwing shade at president trump and saying, you ve just discovered health care is complicated. that s a real quote. diplomacy is exhausting. she s travelled a lot, right. getting things through congress. it s not about strong or weak. i work the in the senate, lawrence worked in the senate. it s not about whether people are aggressive. right. they re all aggressive. they made to it the u.s. senate. like people who tend to be president are aggressive. that doesn t get you over the line. there s a lot more nuance and collaboration that s required. do you think he s evincing it yet? no, i don t think so. i think he s going to have a tough time, one, because he s never held elected office so understanding how politics works just in a really basic level is going to be it s been difficult for him, it will continue to be difficult for him. but also, you just can t strongarm your way to passing a legislative agenda. that s not how this works. and the guy who sold trump
university to people and stole their money should he s not the one that i m going to believe when he s saying, you re going to like this plan, trump care s going to save you so much money. i don t believe him. you re saying he stole the money in fairness, he did give $25 million of it back when he was forced to in court. right. i mean, listen. if you re going to be fair. yeah, totally, thank you for being fair, ari. i think, like i was saying, i think that donald trump can t say something when people are experiencing something else. like their reality is going to trump his words. and what s also interesting is that donald trump s idea that he can kind of strongman his way through things. it s really an extension of how he s always operated as this extremely masculine, aggressive, flashy person. and that s not something that outwardly manifested as a way to run the country.
it may have been popular in certain parts of the country so everybody goes, oh, people like this. the question now is whether people like the results as a governing strategy. we re just 7 1/2 weeks in. we ll see what the results are, it s just our job to report them. coming up, the last word of the week which is kind of sort of related to that video right there. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer.
[burke] billy-goat ruffians. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum does your child need help with digestive balance? try align junior probiotic. so she can have a fraction dominating. status updating. hello-yellow-belt kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support with align junior. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand, now for kids. cuts the environmental protection agency? saw that coming. the only environments you care for are fairways and greens and the dangerous marshland you call a haircut. cuts to the national endowment for the arts? not surprised. the only painting you like is paintings of yourselves when they take out the neck fat. but meals on wheels? how dead inside do you have to be to not want old people to get food? your heart is so small, it makes your tiny hands look like catcher mitts. old people voted for you.

Lawrence , Donald-trump , Saying , Accusation , Barack-obama , Thanks , Weekend , Look-whos-talking , Plug , Health-care , Congressional-budget-office , Way

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20170225 09:00:00

both mccain and james khomeini, though he was given the green light to share it on tv. i have talked to the highest level of intelligence officials, and they have assured me that the new york times story about constant contacts is grossly overstated and inaccurate. the president went off on the fbi for yet another leak, tweeting, the fbi is totally unable to stop the national security leakers that have permeated our government for a long time. they can t even find the leakers within the fbi itself. classified information is being given to media that could have a devastating effect on u.s. find now. in between fighting political fires, the president got some business done, signing another executive order on regulatory reform. this one directs agencies to establish task forces to identify and rescind regulations the president claims are stifling economic growth.
donald trump. we are not afraid of the opposition because we are going to unify, come together, and kick some ass, we are going to take names. with seven candidates buying two replaced donna brazile, the leading contenders include tom perez, who enjoys strong support from the democratic party establishment. says he plans to support perez. this is a generally centrist country. mainly in the center, got to have a message that resonates across the board. the other front runner, minnesota congressman keith ellison, an early supporter of bernie sanders. but ellison has had to defend himself against accusations of anti-semitism because of his now severed ties with nation of islam leader and comments he allegedly made in graduate
school. these are false allegations, and that is why i have 300 rabbis and jewish communities supporting me. with many dnc voters still uncommitted, the other candidates have a fighting chance. i like all of them. i have really narrowed it down to four, and i am intending to remain open to persuasion right up until the vote. political scientist saying that the young mayor there is a mother another candidate to watch. he points to successes in his party and state legislative races. he wants to not be totally progressive or totally establishment but try to figure out a way to bring all types of people together. and that is really the delicate balancing act democrats hope to achieve. on one hand, they want to capitalize on strong anti-trump sentiment among the parties younger, more liberal base.
at the same time, they hope to win back their reputation as being the party of working americans, a group that, in the last election, came out and large support for president trump. jonathan, thank you. the government will begin accepting bids for work on the president s border wall next month. customs and border protection says it plans to start awarding contracts in april during his cpac speech this morning, president trump set the ball is ahead of schedule. a federal judge in brooklyn is ordering government lawyers to work with attorneys representing people stopped from entering the country during the first hours of president trump s first executive order and travel ban pete senior correspondent rick leventhal was in that courtroom today. when president trump s executive order went into effect temporarily banning travelers from seven predominantly muslim nations from entering the u.s. it sparked protests and lawsuits.
it also affected far more people than originally claimed by the administration. speak with the white house, the president said that there are only 109 people who were minimally inconvenienced by the executive order, and for the first time, the government has revealed that there are over 700 people who had some contact with customs and border protection under the executive order. and we don t even think that that number is complete. in a hearing friday morning, attorneys said they were simply handed a list of names but no other information to help track down the 746 people who may have been wrongly barred from entering the country in the first 26 hours after the ban took effect. we are trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle. the government already has that puzzle together, and they could disclose that tomorrow if they wanted to. in court, the judge ordered the two sides to work together in sharing information. but there are still questions about how a new executive order, expected next week, might impact this and other cases. what we are working with is
like a 26 hour slice of a much larger problem which begs the question of what the government is hiding and why they re hiding it. at the justice department declined to comment on the specifics of this case, but in court, a u.s. attorney told the judges they cooperate by giving giveaways additional information on all of people who were turned away. this issue is not raised during today s off-camera white house press briefing, but it is expected that next week when the new executive order is issued that will allow anyone holding a legal visa to enter this country, no matter where they are coming from. bret? bret: rick leventhal tonight. thank you, expecting that sometime next week. a white house spokesman is dismissing a security report saying there is insufficient evidence that citizens of seven muslim majority countries including president trump s travel ban pose a travel threat to the u.s. the spokesman calls it an open source report, says it does not
contain high side classified intelligence, this source calling it incomplete at best. we are learning more tonight about what may be in the republican plan to repeal and replace obamacare. one crucial point, medicaid expansion. correspondent peter doocy has the latest. fans of obamacare like to point out that more than 26 million people got coverage through the law, but a majority got covered through expanded state medicaid programs which cover low income americans. 31 states and the district of pe tab with expanded funding from the feds that republicans suggest will be reduced. but the g.o.p. should be aware, because 84% of those surveyed by the kaiser family foundation want congress to keep the expanded funding in place. and g.o.p. leadership isn t just under pressure from the public. they are hearing it from house speaker paul ryan s predecessor. fix obamacare. i shouldn t call it appeal and
replace. that s not what is going to happen. he was during dozens of successful votes is off-base. i sure hope he is wrong. we need to do that, it is a commitment be made. . a 106 page documented published today by political reportedly contains the gop s long-awaited replacement in terms of plans to talk cut oute individual mandate. dr. sica manual has been warning against this. it would be a disaster. the first thing is, and the first year, 18 million americans will lose their health insurance paid democratic governors now probably make protesting. i think what congress would love to do is push all those costs on to the states. republicans lawmakers hope that even there if there is les funding they will have more flexibility. the federal government wants to be involved in who gets
covered, get the money to me and let me figure out if i can do it better. one of the 16 republican governors who took money to expand medicaid coverage in his estate, john kasich, was at the white house today, and he is heading back tomorrow to meet with hhs secretary to explain my he thinks the feds should keep sending states like his money for medicaid. bret? bret: think you paid the gal rallied late, posted its 11th reset my consecutive record close. the nasdaq gained ten, the dow was up about a percentage point. the s&p 500 gained two-thirds. the nasdaq finished i heads about one seventh every percentage point paid up next, a special fox news investigation into a tax text taxpayer funde. it is a story you will only see here. first, what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering. fox 13 in tampa, officials say a
prayer that damaged this tampa area mosque overnight was arson. calling it terrorism and offering up a reward. the fire was extinguished quickly, but the facilities sustained significant water damage. fox 5 in new york where bill de blasio was interviewed as part of a public corruption investigation, at issue, or that a democrat broke the law to benefit his 2013 campaign or his shuttered nonprofit. the mayor s office says it is confident everyone acted appropriately. and this is a live look at the long beach, california, from our affiliate, fox 11, one of the big stories there tonight, and i m police are maintaining watch on a neighborhood where a raucous demonstration erupted after an off-duty los angeles police officer scuffled with teenagers and ended up firing a gun shot into the ground. the anaheim police chief is suspending these decision defending the decision not to arrest the officer. tuesday s confrontation was the
result of an ongoing dispute between the officer and teens who have reportedly walked on his lawn. tonight s live look outside the beltway. for special repopopopopo
it advertises as military friendly, helping vets complete new and advanced career. that same day, agents raided the home of umt president. she is watching agent searcher home. 3 1/2 3 1/2 years later, here ss speaking at the 2016 graduation. we are excited for our students. the school has received upwards of 6 million taxpayer dollars from the defense department but school officials didn t want to talk to fox news about how umt is run. it is a bad bill for the soldiers, and is a bad deal for the taxpayer paid he is stepping forward for the first time. absolutely disgusts me. it needs to stop. he says he worked at umt recruiting vets when they approached him in 2012.
documents reviewed corroborate key elements of history paid where you asked to be an informant in a case? how long did he do that? about three years. documents reviewed suggests there is another side to umt s leadership. in this solution, he suggests that paid one of the first things she ever threw out, i was a colonel in the army. yanping told her she was a member of the chinese military? absolutely. the a west point graduate we one of the definitive books about the chinese military. this picture from the mid- 80s appears to show chen before she went to george washington university. if someone was wearing that uniform, i would say there is a great likelihood that they were in the people s liberation army. what can you tell me about
that uniform? this is a pla officer s uniform, between 1987 and 2007, and from the epaulets, you can see that this three stars and two red stripes would be a full colonel. after the 2012 raid, chen denied being a colonel in the chinese military, and she checked no on this form when asked, are you now or a few ever been in any way connected or associated with the communist party? chen became a naturalized citizen. fox news asked an expert to review the form. if she has marked no on the petition but if, in fact, the answer is yes, that we have a false statement, and where that comes into play most assuredly is in the arena of passport fraud. the answers she provided on these immigration documents ultimately ends up being her approval to become a naturalized
u.s. citizen. with no laws preventing a natural u.s. citizen running a school like umt cannot rose remains concerned about the security of vet records. got uploaded into a drive, personal military bio, where they were trained, how they were trained, how that could be remotely accessed. during its investigation, the fbi discovered the contractors in the umt beijing office have access to the student database. she was very interested in wright-patterson air force base paid a technology hub, their crests apparently went further. she wanted me to go out to these remote reserve and national guard centers to get the information. how did she react? oh, you don t tell him anything. we don t know each other. you don t know what you don t know was her buzz phrase. was the fbi aware of that?
they were. these emails show rhoads and at least one fbi agent alerted the office, yet confirming another multimillion deal was signed. how much money was you into getting from the defense department and the va every month? between $200,000.300000 a month. the eastern district of virginia, got the case, but it stalled after a disagreement with the fbi over how to proceed. neither the bureau nor gillis would comment to fox, but separately, the naval criminal investigative service, ncis, confirmed the case is an ongoing investigation but said nothing further. after repeated interview requests, fox went to umt where we were told chen and dr. frame were in the office. but both refused to come out after learning it was fox news.
according to umt s web site, graduated 1700 students, contact by fox news, a spokeswoman said they are reviewing the deal which runs through 2019. and fox news put a series of questions to the chinese embassy here in washington but there was no immediate response. bret: we will see if there is any follow-up on capitol hill. we will definitely follow up. bret: thanks. the help wanted sign us up at virtually every federal agency here in washington, but the matter of actually getting those openings filled has become something of a political football. chief washington correspondent james rosen tells us how and why. as his deputy, rex tillerson picked a veteran who has written a book about the israeli-palestinian conflict, then someone in the white house, and abrams has his suspicions
about who it was, red flag that had characterized president trump as unfit for the presidency, just like that, till or since joyce was out. they are called political appointees for a reason. the idea that people who come into this government should want to support and enact the president s agenda that he campaigned on. and aid to the secretary designate was escorted from the building after his october op-ed in the hill resurfaced last week. you would hope when the president is in this time of reflection and learns more about the critiques toward him by people in the community. and the nsc s new latin american chief was sent back to national defense university after off-camera remarks last week critical of the president reaching the white house. political reports political reports they are starting to reach them in the filling of the sub cabinets 400 jobs while supporters of abrams stated white house is hardly applying a
consistent standard. nikki haley. donald trump is everything i taught my children not to do in kindergarten. the candidate fired back, the people of south carolina are embarrassed by nikki haley paid since then, haley has been confirmed as the president s ambassador to the united nations paid supporters of the administration contended is not just loyalty that is slowing down staffing. the approval of the trumpet nominees. of the 4,000 positions, those who make the executive branch run, upwards of 1200 require congressional confirmation. as of this week, the trump administration has just over a dozen confirmed nominees. bret? bret: james, thank you. there are signals coming out of the white house tonight that he trumpet administration may take enforcement of federal laws against recreational marijuana use much more seriously than its predecessor.
but with recreational pot exploding into a multibillion-dollar industry, some are asking, is it too big to jail? white house press secretary said the marijuana industry and the in the states i think that is a question for the department of justice. i believe you will see greater enforcement of it. in 2013, president obama s doj said it would take a hands-off approach to states approving recreational use. no questions abound. in california, which recently passed recreational use, many medical marijuana dispensaries are making plans to expand their customer base. we have taken all of the preparations that we possibly can, and we are ready to face that music. recently, a cannabis industry representative said it is going to be difficult to unwind these laws. if the federal government starts to pull the rug out from
under these businesses, i think you are going to see, obviously, business owners being very disrupted, but also you re going to see state and local leaders speaking up and saying, you know what, our voters chose this. eight states in the in and e district of columbia have legalized medical marijuana. last year, the three states combined collected nearly half a billion dollars in tax revenues from recreational weed. confusing matters, comments made by then-candidate trump on the campaign trail. then i really believe you should leave it up to the states. it should be a state situation. during a confirmation hearing, jeff sessions put the ball squarely in the court of lawmakers. if that something is not desired any longer, congress should pass a law to change the rule. in a pull out this week, 71% of americans said they support against states that already
legalized medical or recreational medical marijuana. when asked by fox news, the department of justice declined to comment on spicer s comments. alicia, thank you. in international news, and syria, isis car bomb suicide bomber killed people a day after the town was liberated, meanwhile, syria peace talks resumed in geneva today. serious u.n. ambassador says his delegation is considering details of an unspecified paper presented by the u.n. envoy for syria. malaysian officials say the people who assassinated the estranged half-brother of north korea s dictator used a powerful chemical warfare agent banned by international treaty. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot has more disturbing implications. the north korean regime of kim jong-un unleashed a weapon. the dramatic new claim by malaysian authorities investigating the death of kim
jong-nom. the tocsin was apparently applied by two young women, one who was nauseous after the attack. experts say north korea has some 5,000 tones of chemical weapons, and the small amount needed could have been smuggled in. while there was only one person who died in this, we have to be fairly clear that the north koreans are willing to use the world s most destructive weapon on a regular basis. seven north koreans being sought, the one under arrest, also a chemist. officials there continue to deny involvement. malaysian foreign minister shot back. the investor has been formed of the process involved, but he continues to be delusional. in fact, experts say this public killing could be pyongyang s way of sending a
message. like the former number two who recently declared the regime s days are numbered. he is now reportedly and hiding. it could be a message to a longtime ally china as well-paid north korea criticized this week new rules beijing against pyongyang in the wake of a recent missile watch. saying kim jong-nam had long been protected by beijing at his home in a chinese territory. back in the 90s, domestic terrorists used this to kill. it could be first time that north korea north used it. bret: president trump takes a victory lap in front of adoring conservatives at cpac then drops the hammer on certain hi. i m dave nemeth.
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and i love the first amendment; nobody loves it better than me. nobody. so i m not against the media, i m not against the press. i don t mind bad stories if i deserve them. but i am only against the fake news, media or press. they should put the name of the person. you will see stories dry up like you ve never seen before. bret: president donald trump at cpac, and rock star welcome there. he spent a lot of time talking about, as he does, the media and fake news . sean spicer hadn t on the record off-camera gaggle, it is called, were not the press pool, what he
called an expanded pool. he did not include some networks and some organizations, and that caused quite a kerfuffle. the white house correspondents association said the wac a board is protesting strongly how it is being handled. organizations that were allowed into share information and were not. the board will be discussing this further with white house staff. fox joined the complaint in the pool to the white house staff as well. but the material was accessible. it was put out by the press poo pool. let s bring in our panel. byron york, chief political correspondent of the washington examiner, charles lane, and charles krauthammer. i want to get to the overall message that president trump continues to hit on here. and the specifics of this gaggle and why it caused a lot of
people to question access. i think you were like when you called it a little arcane. i think that is probably true. i think the first thing you should say, all of us in journalists should be in a favor of access. that said, i don t think this was the worst thing in the world. the white house has had briefings for limited numbers of journalists for quite a while. as you point out, not only did they get a cool report pull ret a recording of the whole thing. my guess is, you won t see it again, and if the white house wants to stick it to organizations, they will find more subtle ways to do it. i think the bottom line is, we should be in favor of more access for everybody. bret: that is a key, the excess. i guess on a day when he is out saying he is going to do something about it, then this happens, this expanded pool that includes the washington post, the new york times , time,
others, cnn, that kind of send a message that sent set off alarm bells. denial of access wasn t random. it was selective and targeted at various media that have been sort of, you know, on his blacklist for some time. and he has been complaining about them specifically on calling them fake news. i have to say that what struck me about his remarks though, there was a hint of defensiveness in and for the first time. he took pains to say, no, i wasn t really saying all the media is the enemy of the people, just a fake media. nobody loves the first amendment more that i prayed in the scheme of things for donald trump, that sounded like kind of a climbdown in the sense that it seemed like some of the criticism he had been getting for that awful enemy of the people remark had started to hit home. you remember the admiral said it was one of the most dangerous things he has ever heard or
words to that effect. what the president is trying to do in a time when conservatives have a lot of internal disagreements amongst themselves, one thing they can agree on is that they don t like the mainstream media. he is trying to use that in addition to pursuing his own little quarrels with particular media, trying to strike this one theme that all conservatives agree on and take advantage of that. bret: here is another little part of the speech. somebody said, a poll came out, and i say, what network is it? and they ll say, a certain let s not even mention names, right? we have a lot of them. look, the clinton news network is one.
we have to fight it. bret: charles, a popular message with his supporters, what steve bannon talked about. is it working, does it work long-term? it works on the base. he will get the cheers and applause. i don t think it works anywhere else. i think people are rightly somewhat concerned. they may not be alarmed. what happened today was symbolic and minor, as a real thing. nonetheless, the symbolism is alarming. the president uses a phrase from lennon, enemies of the people. if you were an enemy of the people in lenin s day, you were dead. these are serious historical terms that shouldn t ever be used, and you are sending a message that you are hostile to certain media outlets. as you say, on the same day, you explicitly, and subtly exclude them from any gaggle. in the scheme of things, that doesn t matter, but i am glad to see that fox joined with all of the others, we being a favored
outlet for trump, remembering that when obama excluded fox from access way back when, everyone rallied around us and said, if you don t include them, we re not going to be there. it is the only way to do it. the press can t allow itself to be bullied. and i m glad it s not. bret: but i can hear middle america in my head, i can hear them say, god, they are obsessing about this white house gaggle, and their heads were exploding about the words he is using. i can hear it, i can hear it on social media. it is important though. it is important but i will speak for middle america. i went to the speech day. trump comes out and talks for a long time about the press, 10, 15 minutes. then he says, in conclusion, and you think, is that all he s going to talk about today. then he delivered a long speech, the speed you thought he would give about his agenda, talking
about what he has done and what he intends to do. i counted a dozen bullet points, border security, violent crime, tpp, lots and lots of stuff. so in an alternate universe, you could cover the, say, two-thirds of trump s speech that was about his actual agenda. bret: i should point out to command the was included, new york times , and the l.a. times were not. on the other hand, he took a shot at the washington post in his speech, talking about the story with the nine sources. you know what we re not talking about today and every network is not talking about today, this whole fbi deal and whether reince priebus talked to the fbi about getting the story straight about the new york times reporting create the white house put out a very detailed kind of background on what priebus says happened, that the new york times story was wrong. but we re not talking about tha
that. as in many other cases, it s hard to decide whether this was a deliberate act of misdirection or whether it just happened to turn out this way. i always tend to not believe in intentions and conspiracies because it gives anybody that you talk about, even washington, too much credit. they couldn t organize a two car funeral if they tried. i would assume it was random. but it did actually take attention away from an odd story and one that seems to imply that even though the impetus came from the fbi, there was the white house political sort of operatives trying to persuade the fbi to make them look or to help to dismiss a story about russian influence, and those kind of interactions completely pushed back on that. president trump tweeting the fbi is totally unable to stop
the national security leakers that have permeated our government for a long time. they can t even find the leakers within the fbi itself. classified information is being given to media that could have a devastating effect on u.s. find now. he says. to your point, byron, he did come on to talk about the travel band that s coming up, as well as repeal and replace of obamacare, at house speaker john boehner says is not going to happen. there was substance in there. here is the important thing about the speech in that room, the conservatives in cpac. it was very well received. it was not below the roof off well received, but it was well received. and the people who love trump, they left all of it, but the people who really didn t love trump, about that supported ted cruz. most of them had come around to support trump, some of them not completely, they left parts of it, the part about cutting regulation, tax reform, increasing military spending.
and they loved the part that cpac with clinton. came to cpac, hasn t happened in a long time. bret: democrats choose a leader, what is going on with leader, what is going on with north korea, plus winners a a aa
hillary clinton. i believe i could pull people together so we can come together as a party and we can win elections so we don t have to go through this thing anymore. tom perez and keith ellison actually leading in the hunt for the dnc chair. there are seven candidates still up for grabs voting tomorrow in atlanta. a couple of the candidates have dropped out. the question is, which may what does the democratic party go. we are back with a panel. byron? the interesting thing is how little it has to do with why democrats just lost. and why they have lost so many seats and so much power and influence across the country. it started basically as kind of a real fight of the hillary-bernie fight with tom perez being the hillary stand-in and keith ellison being the bernie stand-in. now it seems to be a heading
trump contest. bret: what is clear, either one, chuck, going to take the party, it seems, towards the elizabeth warren-bernie sanders wing. or even further to the left. all of the energy now is on the left. so much so that chuck schumer has actually, through pressure from the base, been forced to endorse keith ellison. this has been described in some of the press as group therapy for a defeated party still trying to make sense of novembe. the question i think a lot of people are saying privately among the party, if we brand ourselves so far today left coming out of this, will we be able to recover in those
battleground states? bret: quickly to north korea. you have this strange story that continues to get more strange, the assassination, which now they are saying was a chemical nerve agent that was used on this half-brother of kim jong-un. and you have north korea threatening missiles and launches and tests to come. outlook, the vx agent that was used is very rare, very sophisticated, and probably the deadliest agent on earth. it is not something you pick up at walmart. it clearly makes this an obvious part by an obsessed and paranoid leader in north korea who happens to control some nukes and is working on missiles. i think this is sort of the signature of a regime plot, and it just reminds people, including the chinese, of how dangerous this regime is. this one lightning, winners or losers, winner first. winner, mike pence, putting pressure on nato to spend more money, saying, i want you to expand your plans to spend more, if you don t have a planned, get
one. bret: loser? andrew mccain, the second guy who s managed to get himself involved in both scandals. republican saying he was in the tank for hillary clinton, democrats complaining he is in the tank for the trump white house. there is no winning. bret: winners and losers? my winner, teresa may, favored her candidate in an ancient labor constituency, in another district, her enemies on the right were defeated. she commands the center and the political high ground in britain as a result. my loser is milo yiannopoulos. it seems like ten years ago, but it was this week when his career crashed and burned for some comments he made about how great pedophilia is. i say good riddance to him.
bret: winner and loser? kim jong-un is the loser. so enrich that the chinese have cut off outgoing exports out of pyongyang, 40% of their exports. my winner, of swords, julian assange, the weekly wikilea. apparently has been visited with increasing frequency by pamela anderson who says that she spent more time with him than with her three ex-husbands. family show. i ll leave it there. slow and that was worth the extra seconds i gave you. i needed all three. brerererere
president s war on fake news: yes. no accountability. fire heather? no i do not agree with it. the press is supposed to call out those in authority. if they don t, who does? also asked if the democrat party would move toward the center. gary harden running to the left as fast as leadership can take them. leaving much of mainstream leadership behind. during alicia acuna s story that should enforce president rules against it none your business, no. if he was smart like he claims, he would start collecting tax revenues from it and make it federal. casey kelly, yes, because it s illegal. i don t care about the facts of its benefits. he i actually agree with the studies i have read bottom line drugs equal illegal. that s your friday feedback thanks to all of you. on twitter @ bret baier very close to 1 million followers. if you don t follow me at bret baier. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that s it for this special report, fair, balanced and

Officials , Light , Tv , Intelligence , Level , Mccain , James-khomeini , Donald-trump , Government , Story , Leakers , Fbi

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Justice With Judge Jeanine 20170319 01:00:00

that s all for tonight. follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. justice with judge jeanine is next. and remember i m watters and this is my world. judge jeanine: right now on justice. all of these nos or potential nos are all yeses. judge jeanine: the art of the deal. president trump says he can do it. tonight i ll ask newt gingrich about the president s chances of making the gop healthcare bill law. trump made his living on making deals, and this is a test of that ability. judge jeanine: i ll get the former speaker s take on the budget and how he deal with the those in washington trying to stop him at every turn. he s president, they are not. judge jeanine: anne coulter is
here live after tonight s open and you never know how that s going to go. i always want to kiss you after your opening statement. judge jeanine: i m taking you to the st. patrick s parade to ask new yorkers what they think of reports that our favorite person has her eyes on city hall. should hillary clinton come back and run for mayor? no! jenna: welcome to justice. i m judge jeanine pirro. a st. patrick s edition of street justice. but first my opening statement. folks they are changing the rules before your very eyes.
this is bigger than a travel ban. bigger than a debate question. the left is change black letter law, journalistic standards and the constitution in order to satisfy their agenda. they are simply intolerant of opinions that differ from theirs. and so they burn buildings in their black ninja outfits at berkeley to stop an invited guest from exercising his first amendment free speech. they burn the constitution in their black robes to stop the president from exercising his plenary powers to protect americans. and they throw journalism ethics to the wind and promote a liar to the democratic committee s vice chair.
they are trying to make you believe you are the racist uncharitable bigot. but don t buy into their narrative. you must stay the course. this week a judge from hawaii puts a nationwide halt to the president s second temporary travel ban from six arab countries. within this travel ban, religion is not used as a preference or exception. in fact it removes exemptions for religious minorities, though i personally wish they would have kept it because asylum status can be prioritizedized bd on religious persecution. judge derrick watson, a harvard genius blocked the ban. he stops it saying it prevents hawaiians from receiving visits from their relatives from
there is no need to go outside the four corners of the document. if that were the law, the big question in the first executive order which was what about the people with visas or green cardholders, which was answered by white house counsel should have been accepted. but it wasn t accepted because it wasn t clear in the order itself, so this judge would not reach beyond the order to find the answer. to suggest the first amendment establishment clause actually applies to people in somalia who are not even citizens who don t have visas or green cards that we should wrap them in the cloak of our united states constitution when they are thousands of miles from our shores is outright lunacy. maybe we ought to put them in section 8 housing and send them
over. judges cannot make decisions based upon their politics or their intense dislike for our president. and likewise, journalists like donna brazile should not be able to lie their way into the chair of the democratic national committee. that in itself should give you pause for the standards are in that party you need to stay the course. they are wrong, you are right. in more ways than one. that s my open. tell me what you think on your facebook page or twitter. #judgejeanine. joining me is columnist anne
why did she do it? well, she did it originally to help hillary. and why she is telling you the truth now. there is quite a history of suddenly getting the truth from both media and i suppose in this case democratic operatives after the election is over. in one famous example, just before the 1996 election bill clinton had his ins working 24 hours a day pumping out new citizens. sp people are long records of conviction were being made citizens because they wanted them to vote democrat. they got more than registered. when did we find out the truth about that? the washington post did expose it after the election. once they have done everything they can to fix an election, then you will get the truth. judge jeanine: she is still vice
chair of the dnc, yes? i don t think democrats mind this? at least not the hillary cloud. i would think the bernie sanders crowd would be a little testy about it. certainly the ones i know who did vote for trump or didn t vote for hillary because of the positions. bernie sanders used to have trump s position on immigration and trade. funny thing about bernie sanders, i liked him when he was a socialist. i don t like him once he became a liberal. judge jeanine: let s talk about healthcare. they will vote on thursday. donald trump, the president is absolutely confident the nos will change to yeses. what do you think? i hope he s wrong. i don t want our hero donald trump even dealing with obamacare as i said before. come on. what are republicans in congress doing? this should be their job.
they don t have to build the wall or interview the people who are going to build the wall. they don t have to over$see the travel bands. or deportation orders or the trade deals. the president should deal with the stuff the path dweelts and congress should be the one writing a law. judge jeanine: you don t think he has political capital in this new healthcare? so why is he doing it? especially this bill. this isn t his bailiwick. i hate this bill. all we need to take care of 90% of the people in america, all you need is one sentence saying there shall be a free market in health insurance. congress has the right to regulate interstate congress. all i want is a free market. i want to buy insurance the same way i buy a microwave oven, flat
screen tv and car insurance. give as you free market. and the other parts of the bill, the welfare cases, people who can t pay for their own healthcare and health insurance either because they don t have jobs for whatever reasons or they have weirdly expensive medical problems. we are already take care of these people. but let the rest of us have a free market in health insurance. judge jeanine: you said you wanted to talk about the travel ban. hit it. you mentioned it, and you are totally right. these judges should be impeached. something else congress should be doing. impeach these outrageous judges. we were warned we were going to get fascism when donald trump was he was elected and we are getting it from the courts. as long as they are look at things said on the campaign
trail. in trump s immigration policy paper he called for a temporary pause in all immigration, a moratorium. let s do that. judge jeanine: what s amazing to me, i never heard in contract law or any other law to look past the four corpse of a document. it s fundamental first-year law. anne quawl caller, it s always great having you on. good to see you. judge jeanine: ben stein who wrote the first healthcare bill for president nixon. the speaker unplugged. this is some left-wing cuckoo bird who has a judgeship who is making a ruling that s insane. judge jeanine: newt gingrich is with me to tell me what he
really thinks about the judge month glocked trump s i am who blocked president trump immigration order. judge jeanine: they are talking about hillary clinton coming back to run for mayor. no. judge jeanine: i take street justice to the st. patrick s day parade. you don t want to miss it. don t go away. ishes. try succulent new lobster mix & match or see how sweet a lobster lover s dream can be. there s something for everyone and everyone s invited. so come in soon. start your day with the number one choice of dentists. philips sonicare removes significantly more plaque versus oral-b 7000. experience this amazing feel of clean. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save now when you buy philips sonicare. anyone ever have occasional constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating?
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bill speaker ryan probably will get out with one or more amendments. the senate bill will be totally different. can mcconnell get a bill out of the senate? probably. but it won t be the house bill. then the real dance will be probably a month from now when they get together in conference and they have two different bills. i think that s going to be a challenge. trump made his living on making deals, and this is a real test of that ability. judge jeanine: what do you think will be the difference on the house and senate bill? where is the emphasis? because of the pressure the freedom cow is the bill is moving to the right. it s more change in medicaid, it s more anti-washington. the senate i think has two different groups here. you have moderate senators who don t want to go that far to the right. then you have a core group
around cotton and lee who want to go further to the right. watching mcconnell who is a master at doing this. watching him figure out how to bring them together. he need 50 votes plus the vice president. so he can only lose two senators and still get this thing done. i m sure he s talking to people every day trying to figure out if there is a sweet spot that will get a bill out of the senate. judge jeanine: are you optimistic? yes. i think donald trump is a remarkable charismatic leader. he did those five rallies a day toward end of the campaign. i wouldn t be shocked to see him once they have a bill and it s locked down, once they know what the case is, really going out and rallying his base. judge jeanine: it s all about the public at this point. and the public moving congress in the event the president isn t
able to do it. do you see tension between ryan and the president? i think there is some. but it s healthy. a natural tension. ryan has worked these issues for many many years. he has strong ideas and opinions. but he doesn t quite have the votes. and he has to deal with the senate which is different. ryan, mcconnell and the president, and with enormous help from vice president pence who is doing a great job of coordinating with the hill, staying in close touch. but this is a natural tension. this is what a legislative process is like. we are just not used to it because obama never did it. he either got his way or he quit. judge jeanine: mr. speaker, speaking of people who really are good at what they do, you are the guru of the balanced budget. i refer back to the contract with america, 94- 95.
you did what everybody thought was impossible. in light of the president s suggested budget. we know the house ultimately has the power of the purse. what the president has done with this proposed budget, is he really put a stake in the ground and he s seriously very clear that he is cutting out a lot of stuff. we know he s increasing money for the defense and as well as homeland security for veterans. but he s also getting rid of a lot of stuff, even pet projects for people in his own party. there was a sense by some republicans that it s risky and may be a breach of faith in some cases with the people who elected them. what do you think? this is a very first budget, they didn t have much time to put together. some parts of it i deeply disagree with.
but the general direction is right. it s shock to people. trump is somewhere between reagan and calvin coolidge. this budget is one of the most conservative document sent up in the last half century. only reagan s 81 budget would be comparable to it. he s sending a clear signal. he wants a smaller government, less regulatory red tape, more power to the people and he s comfortable fighting it out. he won t get everything he wants. but he s setting a standard for a much tighter policy and smaller government than liberals wanted. judge jeanine: you know what s amazing about this, not that anyone is surprised. but people are criticizing him. i was reading one of the newspapers, it said he s not decreasing the deficit. really? at least he s not add together deficit. he s keeping promises to their
cans about medicare and social security which is 40% of the federal budget. but this is a man who will be criticized no matter what he does. it will be like this for the next four years? absolutely. if donald trump were to walk out this summer and buy a raspberry ice cream cones the new york times would attack him for being prejudice because he should have had a chocolate, vanilla or peppermint. the walk times would say he didn t buy the biggest cone because he s too cheap. this his life for the near future. he has to recognize he s president, they are not. judge jeanine: we have a thick skin. to me it doesn t seem it s bothering him. a couple issues before we go. the wall, he is making it clear in the proposed budget, the wall this this and it s going to
happen, and i assume he s putting rfps and proposals to get this wall started. sure. i think that s right. john kelly, the marine general who is secretary of homeland security is a brilliant leader. he s going to go out and accomplish his mission. the president has the enormous power of the retow pen. i m confident he won t sign an appropriation that does not include payment for the wall, period. that s what part of the negotiating with the congress will be about. but he committed to it. it s what got him nominated. it was a key part of his majority and he will keep his word. judge jeanine: with respect to the latest executive order. no surprise, the judge from hawaii says the establishment clause applies to someone from another country who is not a citizen.
i never understood the establishment clause. you are the judge, i m not. i m just an historian, not a lawyer. this is insanity. this is a left-wing cuckoo bird who happens to have a judgeship who is making a ruling that is insane implying the entire planet has a right to the constitution. we have people from everywhere. i don t think they are in the last census. we have people from everywhere. judge jeanine: thank you. they are each in their corner ready to go. matt schlapp and mary anne marsh are here to debate president trump s budget. i asked new yorkers at the st. patrick s day parade about reports that hillary might run for mayor. and i got an earful. justice rolls on in a minute.
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the tribes say it puts their water supply in danger. it the pipeline will move oil from illinois. judge jeanine: ben stein still on tap for tonight as well as special street justice with judge jeanine from the st. patrick s day parade. moist many time for the political panel. matt shah lamb and marianne marsh. president trump keeps getting sued with these executive orders. it s almost like a race to see which state will be the first one to sue him. yet when i think by the, matt, all of the obamacare stuff, when the president said you could keep your healthcare and keep your dock were, that was outside
of the law, and since the judges are reaching outside of the executive order and the law itself, why wasn t obama sued for those lies and those mix characterizations? he was a constitutional law professor and he was overturned more time by the federal judiciary and any other modern president. on obamacare he reached and grabbed extra powers to make all kinds of changes tonight. the difference with president trump. this judge in hawaii didn t read the executive order. he saw him at a rally and said i think he has animus towards muslims sow i ll rule this out of order. it s absurd and it angers people. judge jeanine: marianne i will ask you about the budget. there are those who say that it s a good thing he hasn t
added anything, but he has taken away some stuff. i assume you are not happy with that. i think what s interesting is republicans have always done a great job of convincing low-income voters to vote against their own economic interests. and he admitted that in his interview with tucker carlson. tucker challenged him in terms of low-income housing, heating programs, meals on wheels. 500,000 veterans won t get their meals on wheels yet he wants to help veterans. he said some of these things are the opposite. donald trump admitted that. i don t think it budget will go that far. even republicans oppose it. judge jeanine: matt, what do you say the truth is all of the entitlements, the president promised medicare and social
security untouched. but he didn t add anything to the budget. so what about these things like meals on wheels? somewhat mary environment is missing is a lot of people who don t make a lot of money they feel like they are picking. you more and most expense of people who don t work. obamacare and the expansion of obamacare it was about able bodied people who aren t work. that s where the people who are working get frustrated. they want to make sure they don t they don t want to pull the wagon when there are so many people sitting idly in the wagon. when it comes to meals on wheels, these are great program. we are $0 trillion in debt. can we keep borrowing more and more on our grand kids credit card? judge jeanine: isn t part of the argument that this is something
better than the state. the fact he hasn t add to the deficit and he s trying to the keep program untouched. if people wanted to be charitable they can do it directly. they can barely pay their tax and their bills. you push things from the federal government down to the state government. they push it down to the cities and towns. it s people s quality of life is determine bid their zip code more and more and more. there are some commend things we should all share in. taking care of our veterans is one of them. taking care of children whose parents can t feed them at home. judge jeanine: children going
without food is absurd in this country. that s not true. judge jeanine: there are more people on social services and stood stamps than ever in this country. a lot of kids in a lot of schools get meal to the bring home for the weekend. in the summer when they are out of school. one of the biggest challenges for low-income familiar his is to make sure they can get three meals on the table for their kids. judge jeanine: we feed half the world. matt: there comes a time when it am not about are he compassionate. it s about common every day working class folks feel like they are paying for government it takes two incomes in a family to pay for government.
the money you make after that point in the year you can actually keep. there was a bit of a political revolt. people were saying we are tieferld all of uls who don t make that much money have to pay for everybody else who seems to be making bad lifestyle choices. wee all care about kids. but we have to have responsibility. judge jeanine: there isn t anyone who thinks kids shouldn t be getting foods. but to say meals on wheels. the veterans administration has a bloated budget. they need to get rid of the va and give these people direct access to money. a lot of homeless veterans and there are too many of them and they are not being taken care of. this budget doesn t help them. how many people in this country who voted for donald trump are realizing they are upon obamacare and they are about to lose it? that s the big challenge.
and they realize it. matt: that s not true. judge jeanine: street justice straight ahead. presidential historian and renaissance man, i ll be talking live with the great ben stein next. at s why i bought six of you for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever, that s why you ll stay in this drawer forever. i can t live without you, and that s why i ll never ever wash you. protect your clothes from stretching, fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. it smooths and strengthens fibers to protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner.
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ban. the constitution is absolutely clear-cut. the president has authority over immigration. congress hassen it has has go him over and over again. this judge comes out of a surf shop in hawaii and says i have authority over everything it s up to me. forget withr what with forgee congress did. forget the constitution. any law can be struck down by a trivial federal court judge. we have dictators in black robes telling the american people, your votes don t matter, the congress votes don t matter. judge jeanine: the judge you mentioned is derrick watson, a harvard man. doesn t that add credentials to your resume?
harvard law school graduates are very smart people. but at yale we developed a theory of legal realism. that was long before my time there that said judges can just decide anything they want. doesn t matter what the legal precedents are. they can find a came case and claim that backs them up it s a very serious situation. judge jeanine: what this judge said was i m going to find animus against muslims based on what he said during the campaign. are you kidding me? and say i m going to look for animus. what do you say to the head of g.e., what did you say to the broad in the bar the other night. not that i m suggesting anything. i don t even know hot ceo of
gevment is. in legal realism that we developed at yale law school which says judges don t have to be bound by the four corners off congress or the laws of state. it s whatever they want to decide. very dangerous situation. we have a situation where the judiciary is out of control, not bound by anything but themselves. we want a strong judiciary, but we don t want a judiciary which suddenly made itself dictators and that s what s happening now. judge jeanine: i can t help but think some of the district judges are responding to some of the things donald trump said during the campaign. of course they are. i have a friend web s great expert in immigration law. he said it s a simple thing.
the president can decide, the congress can decide. none of it matters if the judge doesn t like donald trump, they will right unconstitutional. it has nothing to do with the law. it has to do with the judge s personal animus against trump. it s not animus against immigrants or muslims. it s against trump. judge jeanine: gorsuch, the hearings start tomorrow. we haven t heard much. the new york times is trying to drop a big lead anchor around him as a big rich guy. i think he s going to get through. i think he will be a great justice. god bless him. judge jeanine: ben stein, what do you think about russia? is russia hacking us? i manage they are. and i manage we are hacking
them. that s standard stuff. the wall street journal which i consider the greatest paper in the country was saying that obama was tapping him. that s not something trump dreamed up out of thin air it s been widely reported. judge jeanine: thank you, ben stein. only i can visit the st. patrick s day parade and get everyone talking about hillary clinton. energy is amazing. how we use it is only limited by our imagination. and at southern company we re building the future of energy,
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satisfied, she wants to come back and run again. what do you think? is it good? i love hillary clinton she is amazing. judge jeanine: where are you from? a from cork in ireland. judge jeanine: what s going on. the children tons are good to ireland. they can do nothing wrong in ireland. judge jeanine: they might have a file on you. i m always having a good time on st. patrick s day. judge jeanine: are you irish today? i am. judge jeanine: she is talking about coming back and running for mayor. i think we are good with what we have. judge jeanine: hillary keeps losing. should she call it a day and relax? hillary is constantly saying
stuff she can t back up. hillary is a liar. we are all know that. judge jeanine: chelsea is talking about running for senate. no, ma am. judge jeanine: she deserves a chance, doesn t she? happy st. patrick s day, and may god bless america and president trump, i stand in your corn. judge jeanine: why is your hand on my shoulder. absolutely. judge jeanine: her daughter now wants to run. we are sick of the clintons we need to get rid of them. judge jeanine: talk of hillary coming back as mayor of new york. what do you think? no. judge jeanine: bye, guys. [ ] lthy.
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Judge , Jeanine , President , Budget , Speaker , Anne-coulter , In-washington , Opening-statement , Person , Patricks-parade , New-yorkers , Reports

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The First 100 Days 20170211 00:00:00

week. you know, he has four basic options, martha. and it sounded like from his news conference today he might take two at the same time. let s look at those four options. one would be to appeal to a larger panel of the ninth circuit. it s called an en banc hearing. 11 judges picked randomly from the remaining 26 judges in the ninth circuit. he could appeal to the u.s. supreme court and he could try the case on its merits in district court. he seemed to suggest he would do that by saying that he will win eventually. the fourth option would be to rewrite the executive order. make it clear that legal permanent residents such as green card holders are not affected by the travel ban. the white house counsel tried to clarify that when it comes to enforcement. but it was after the fact. so, if the case goes back to judge robart, we know that a schedule could happen as soon as next week where we have briefs and judge robart as i said, in his ruling, in issuing the t.r.o. said it is likely that the state of washington would win on the merits of its case.
let s hear from bob ferguson the attorney general of washington. after the ruling last night he gave the president his own suggestion. the president does have a choice. he can continue to fight this or he can tear up this executive order and start over. i would strongly encourage him to consider the latter course of action. and here s the catch, martha. if the president does issue a new executive order, there is nothing to say that bob ferguson and other states wouldn t sue for blocking that one as well. so we will have to see how it plays out, what the trump administration does next. martha? martha: dan, thank you. so attacks on president trump coming fast and furious. moments after that decision was announced, within minutes hillary clinton tweeted 3-0 a reference to the unanimous decision of the three-judge panel to continue the block on the president s orders. the counselor to the president kellyanne conway fired back this way, pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, period. she wrote. a reference to the three states that clinton lost, costing her the white house. chris wallace, host of fox news sunday here on that
said it had not been rolled out prope properly. he took responsibility for anything in washington unusual to say blame me for it. it wasn t his. it was mostly the white house. and the top aides around president trump. but, yes, it was sloppy. it was sloppy in the way it was draft dollars, in the way it was rolled out. the lack of consultation with top administration officials. the top of consultation with congressional leaders. and, again, we have spent a week, a third of the presidency on this subject. there are so many things that this president wants to accomplish and i wonder is this the most important? martha: steps on the message. let s move on to some those other issues. today he met with prime minister abe from japan. he is bringing him this evening back to mar-a-lago to play some golf. you know, it s an interesting way of dealing with these foreign leaders. and he is building relationships with china as well. he went back on the one-china statement that he made right after he became president. what s your take on how he is doing on that front, chris?
up. martha: all right. chris, thank you so much. you bet. martha: good to see you. don t miss chris this week on fox news sunday he has interview with ben cardin ranking member. that airs on fnc at 2:00 and 10:00. also tonight california pressing the feds for answers as fears grow that the west coast could be seeing a major immigration crackdown. is that really what s happening? pete hoekstra and richard fouler up next on that. plus, voters are making new demands of republican lawmakers. and they are not being shy about what they want. see what that means for the country. outcome ward moment straight ahead. fees? what did you have in mind? i don t know. $6.95 per trade? uhhh- and i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee? guarantee? where we can get our fees and commissions back if we re not happy. so can you offer me what schwab is offering? what s with all the questions? ask your broker if they re offering
distraction, take attention away from a loss incredibly important loss but a win for the people of the united states that the constitution and its values still stand. martha: so there is that. for more on this we go to correspondent adam housley in our west coast bureau. hi, adam. hi, martha. immigration and customs enforcement ice says business as usual. they are going after the criminal elements specifically in southern california. basically that nothing has changed with the addition of a new administration. now, this revelation comes as protests continue in california. this protest tying up downtown los angeles and shutting down a major freeway. immigration activists say they will continue to disrupt, protest, do what they can to insist this is unlawful raids and treatment of immigrants is unlawful. most recent raids in southern california resulting in about 100 people detained. we do not want to have this be common in our community, not in los angeles, not in california.
and every time that they re going to take these kind of actions you are going to receive this kind of response from us. all this comes the day after the deportation in arizona of grad lupe garcia. the mother of two convicted of felony identity theft in 2009 and ordered to volume voluntarily deport in 2013. after checking in with ice they took her into custody and released her in the next morning. while some say she shouldn t have broken the law in the first place her family says they will continue to fight for her. i m here to see my mom because last night it was i felt so i feel like she should have done it legally. i do. i mean, it s sad that she had to leave her family and stuff, that makes my heart really sad. but, we have laws for a reason. we have laws for a reason. that s how i feel. now, president trump did change with an executive order the priorities, since he came into office.
it says that any person who has committed any criminal offense or were subject to a final order of removal and that s what s happened with her. that s apparently what s been happening across the region here. but the raids haven t changed, martha. martha: adam, thank you very much. joining us now former michigan congressman pete hoekstra who served as house intelligence committee chairman and richard fowler a nationally i understand syndicated fox news host and fox news contributor. good to have both of you tonight. happy friday. > martha: richard, you kind of get both sides of the argument. that woman at the end who said look, it s sad but the fact of the matter is that a judge reported her to leave the country back in 2013. so she has overstayed that by several years. well, don t get me wrong, i think this is a very, very sad turn of affairs which should push our members of congress to find a way to have exrefn immigration reform. this is an economic question for me, martha. think about it so quad loop
she has two children both american citizens who no longer have a member to take care of them. meaning the american people are going to be stuck on the line to take care of them. the numbers we are seeing is estimates that it could cost us if we follow donald trump s executive order to the t it could cost us $118 billion just to take care of those children who live in mixed status households. households where the parent is undocumented but the children are citizens so when the parents get documented their children become wards of the state. martha: i think people would be interested to know according to pew research 1 million illegal immigrants in los angeles and orange county. and pete hoekstra, there are plenty of people who come from countries all around the world who get deportation notices and they pack their dollars bags and eventually have to leave the country and go back to their country and work on getting back in legally. and so it seems to me just reading this story and going through it that s what s happening is the
implementation of the law is starting to be adhered to. that s exactly right. that s the irony here is that, wow, we actually have a president who said he was going to implement the law when he was running for office. he is now president. he is now implementing the law. the american people and others who live here and some who live here illegally have figured this out. they are now protesting. this is not an economic issue or anything like that. this is an issue of the law. and richard is exactly right. congress now needs to get the message because the law is going to be enforced. if congress doesn t like it and they don t like the executive actions that the president is taking, it s time for them it s going to change. we re either going to work through this transition in an organized way or it s going to be a very, very difficult way. but the president is signaling to congress and to the american people we are going to enforce the law. i m willing to work with democrats and congress to change the law. but if you don t change the
law, i m going to use the powers that i have as president to implement the law as it s written. martha: do you see that happening, richard, lawmakers starting to get together and say let s try to work on comprehensive immigration legislation? i feel like i have heard this my entire life. i feel like i have heard the same thing, martha. as we know barack obama deported more illegal immigrants than any other president in american history. he probably will be topped by donald trump in the next coming weeks. martha: they are following the laws that are currently on the books. there is nothing radical. this is follows the laws on the book. i m not disagreeing with that they absolutely are following the laws on the book. that s why it s time for congressman to change those laws. hopefully get comprehensive immigration reform done. this is like i said once again for american people to understand this is economic question we have to ask ourself why members of congress have to get stuff done. right? truth of the matter is 2.4 million mortgages are held bup by undocumented workers. if they get deported that s going to cost our economy
$4.7 trillion in the g.d.p. martha: first you implement the law and then perhaps what you are talking about nudges congress to act. i have got to leave it there. hopefully. martha: gentlemen, thank you so much. richard and pete hoekstra thank you so much for being here tonight. also tonight as the left preaches tolerance are they practicing something quite different? wait until we show you the videotape of what happened earlier today to secretary betsy devos. plus the courts now deciding our national security. and if so, what does that mean for america? chris stirewalt, alex, and julie rojuly. it is interim ruling and fully confident that now we will get our day in court and have an opportunity to argue this on the merits that we will prevail. coaching means making tough choices. jim! you re in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the only brand
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of 11 judges. the court is asking both the department of justice and the states of washington and minnesota to submit briefs on whether the case should be reconsidered. the states won the decision so clearly they don t want a new hearing. and earlier the white house said it would not appeal to the ninth circuit or the supreme court. then later said it might appeal to the supreme court. but this breaking news from the ninth circuit may, again, change the white house strategy. we will have breaking news updates throughout the evening. i m trace gallagher. now back to the first 100 days. martha: seven years after anti-obamacare town halls took aim at democratic members, republicans are now getting an ear-full from frustrated constituents. voices concerns from everything over government inaction to executive orders to now ironically the appeal of obamacare is the source of these raucous town halls. this video comes from utah
where house oversight chair jason chaffetz went to speak to what he thought was going to be a friendly group of local voters. joining me now is molly hemmingway and former d.c. congressman. welcome to both of you. good to have you here. molly, let me start with you. pay back appears to be what s happening to jason chaffetz and others out there. i m not entirely sure that s true. it s always a good idea to pay attention to large protest movements. but this has a feel of something else entirely. jason chaffetz won re-election with 73.5% of the vote. so people interviewed that were at this were not local constituents they came in from scottsdale, arizona driving over 600 miles to protest him. this is something all together different. it has a bit of a feel of grassroots, of astro turf instead of grassroots activism. and it, you know, it s definitely something real that s happening. there is a lot of outrage on the left. but this is a little bit too incoherent to be compared to
a tea party protest. martha: just staying with you for a second, molly, are they all democrats and liberals or some of these people never trumpers? we saw what happened in utah during the presidential election and perhaps some of them weren t happy with him for sort of the flip flop on president trump? right. well, another place where there was a protest was tennessee where diane black had her town hall protested. that s a state that went overwhelmingly for trump. whereas with utah even though he beat hillary clinton by almost 20 points, there was a large anti-trump vote in utah. still, this does not strike me as the kind of principled opposition to trump that you saw. even though there will be a call for jason chaffetz for his role as oversight chairman to do a good job in holding the trump administration accountable. martha: what do you think of these protests? look, feelings are wrong. people feeling disenfranchised or upset or disappointed. we have got to find a way to appeaappear appeal to our highe.
the focus is on the president and his team to be uniters as opposed to dividers. through some the cabinet picks there is an opportunity to rise above all. this. martha: wow. what a novel concept. i think that s important. look, there are going to be people who want to fight no matter what. but we have got a loot of work to do in this country. and ways to bring all of us together. i think the president can do that. martha: yeah. very important point. i want to show everybody the video of betsy devos as she cardinal sin of trying to go visit a school in washington, d.c. in her new role as secretary of education. she was blocked at the door by protesters and had to turn around and leave, molly. sad situation for sure. this is another situation where people are really not thinking through how their protest appears to many people. this isn t the first time democrats have blocked doors to a public school. and it won t be the last. it s exactly the kind of thing that people don t like
seeing. almost a met for fort situation with teacher s unions, supporters of teacher s unions don t want to let people into the schools who want to change the system or improve educational outcomes for poor students whose parents just can t afford to get them sent to an expensive private school. martha: that s a great point. i always point out in the protests not the parents out there blocking, believe me. they would probably like for her to come in and a lot of them want their kids to have the advantages and alternatives that she is talking about in many cases. kevin, what do you make of it? well, look, democrats aren t the only ones that block doors. george wallace famously blocked some doors in alabama we talk about. but, i tell you this. i m disappointed that the protesters are doing this to secretary devos. this is an opportunity to challenge that outrage towards what really needs to be focused on in education. every 42 seconds a kid drops out of school in america. 60% of our yawts are neither college or career-ready. there should be a sense of outrage about the
educational outputs in america. i think secretary devos can help cheer that people need to focus on the real deal. we are not educating our most precious resource and that s america s children. martha: you both make great points. thank you so much for being here today. kevin and molly, great to see you. so, as soon as palm price was sworn in earlier today, we started hearing warnings that obamacare is on its way out. dr. marc siegel here on what happens then. plus, president donald trump simultaneously fighting leaks and the court up next we re going to talk to former white house press secretary ari fleischer and democratic strategist mark alderman on reports that the president is frustrated. you have never seen so much paper on a president s desk. [laughter] that s because we are negotiating lots of deals for our country which would be tremendous.
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leaks has really pushed back upon them in no uncertain terms as well he should. i don t think that the leaks came from certain people because they would have been unflattering and they certainly didn t come from the white house. martha: that was president trump s top counselor kellyanne conway at the start of this week addressing the numerous leaks that have plagued the administration in only the first three weeks in office. the week ended with mr. trump finding himself on the wrong side of a court decision. insiders claim that both of those situations are examples of a president who just wants to get things done. while slowly coming to grips with the immense size and checks of the government bureaucracy. joining us now ari fleischer former white house press secretary and mark alderman a democratic strategist. gentlemen, welcome tonight. good to have you with us. thank you. ari, a lot of this comes from a politico piece which has a ton of those, you know, leaky elements all over its pages in this piece. how much do you believe in this? how does it look like they are doing so far to you? well, i think there is a
lot of truth to this. i think it is difficult to be outsider and take the reins of the government and make it work smooth. it s a balance, martha. if you say you want traditional politician someone who has been there all their lives and know what is they are doing to run the federal government today. we settled that in november. the answer was no. the american people did not want that. i think it would probably be smoother in some respects, the bureaucracies would like the white house better if you had hillary or traditional politician. but donald trump was not elected to be smooth. he was elected to change washington. and it s going to be bumpy. he is going to learn as he goes. his staff will learn as he goes. this is what the american people voted for and frankly i m much more comfortable comfoe with this than inside hand that knows what they are doing. i want washington to change myself. martha: i talked to some people across the country when we were covering the course of the election. i would ask them who do you support and why? those who say they supported donald trump. i said why? why do you support him? he said i want someone to shake things up.
i m tired of the status quo. i m tired of everything else. so what if it s not smooth. it s not working for me. is that what we re seeing here? well, martha, it s never too soon to expect competence from the commander-in-chief. this is a serious job. and trump plainly has no patience for his position. he is like an adolescent who got hold of his parent s car keys but never learned to drive. so you can change personnel. you can plug these leaks. you can give it some more time, but unless and until donald trump grows into this role, we re going to have the apprentice for four years. martha: well, when you take a look at the dow jones industrials, it seems like there are elements of this economy who are actually quite satisfied. ari, do you think that s fair criticism from mark? yes and no. i think it is if you were insider. it s a fair criticism if you like the way things have been and you want that to continue.
if your highest premium is making the interagency review process work smoothly. if you are one of those people who lives in middle america who says that for decades nothing has worked for you, the economy is poor. you haven t gotten a raise, no politician has listened to you, and along comes outsider donald trump and can relate to you and all of a sudden you realize here is the outsider who cares about me, yes, that s where donald trump is invested. that s where he is ultimately, martha, going to be judged a success or failure. if he gets the economy moving faster instead of zero to 1% g.d.p. growth. if he gets median wages up for working class americans, especially, this is what it means to make america great again in the eyes of many who have been suffering. their region of america isn t doing so great. martha: clearly a lot of ruffled feathers. forgive me for interrupting. so what if is he ruffling feathers inside washington. mark, your thought? martha, may i observe that it is funny that for eight years in a stock market that more than doubled, the republicans
gave president obama no credit for that. and here we are 20 days into the trump administration and he is, of course, responsible for the rise of the market. i think. mark, those gains went to the top. those gains were not shared universally, especially with working class people. the rich benefited nicely from the obama years. martha: thanks, you guys. we have got to leave this there. we will have a lot more to talk about in the weeks and months to come. glad to have you here tonight. thank you. president trump s brand new hhs secretary ready to go with his plan to repeal and replace obamacare. this is a huge deal in the words of someone we all remember from the prior administration. dr. marc siegel is here to tell us what it means at your doctor s office. plus, we will take a look back at this week that was when chris stirewalt, alex and julie roginski give a grade to the week when we come back.
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martha: developing tonight vice president mike pence s swearing in for tom price as the new secretary of health and human services. and with pryce now i obamacare s days may be numbered. for more on the brewing battle in washington let s go to chief political correspondent carl cammeron who joins us this evening. hi, carl. hi, martha. getting price sworn in will probably speed up the obamacare repeal and care and replace process. there is still one open spot on the administration s healthcare team. price was pretty careful during his confirmation hearings to give mostly boilerplate earn about what the g.o.p. plan and process is going to be. the new health and human service is the a position. when he was in congress he did develop a healthcare replacement plan of his own. there is no consensus among his house former colleagues. the president has said that the actual replacement may not be implemented until next year while speaker ryan
has indicated that the house is going to take another big step in about seven weeks. but we want to be moving our obamacare legislation by the end of the first quarter. well, that open healthcare slot is a key one. the administrator of the center for medicare and medicaid services. trump s nominee confirmation hearing is next week. reforming medicare and medicaid are a huge part of this puzzle. during price s confirmation hearing suggested those who rely on those kinds of services don t have to worry. our commitment is to make it so that they have that coverage or greater. that s a commitment you are making. that s a commitment. and that s when democrats are going to try to hold him to. there is an awful lot of work to this. during the campaign, candidate trump said he would make everyone s overall healthcare cheaper and better. his full-team should be in place maybe five weeks from now, something like that. then real decisions are going to start and that s when the real battling is going to intensify. martha. martha: carl, thank you very much.
you bet. martha: joining us us is marc siegel and professor of medicine. good to see you tonight. good to see you, martha. martha: repeal and replace is the big question. we have seen protests already breaking out across the country. people saying their healthcare is going to be taken away from them. you know dr. price and now hhs secretary dr. price. how is he going to do it. well, i think he is going to be a point person for this. as carl cammeron is just saying we don t know the pace this is going to roll out. is he committed to restoring the doctor-patient relationship as front and center for healthcare decisions. he doesn t assume, dr. price, that insurance is always the answer or government is always the answer. i can tell you in the doctor s office a lot of times somebody comes in with insurance, like obamacare and they don t necessarily get the services they need. dr. price is aware of that. he is a practicing orthopedickist for 20 years. he has been talking about this since you obamacare was initially passed. he is very aware in the future we need something there is more choice
involved. there is health savings accounts where patients can pay out-of-pocket for more things. where there is tax deductions. he put for the a proposal where you get tax credits and use that to buy insurance with. as well as directly services. martha: that s a comprehensive plan very different than what we got in obamacare. so the big question is how do you give the new program and how do you get it started while protecting people and making sure that you don t have those gaps in between? because that s the biggest concern that people have. i think you add, rather than take away right away. i think, again, in the clip that carl just showed you see some of that. you have medicaid expansion. i don t believe the administration is going to remove medicaid expansion. it may add a private option to it. it may switch it to block grants. same as medicare. they may add a private option to medicare. i always said add a catastrophic option. right now have you a situation where the government is subsidizing everything. you go to the state exchanges and two thirds of the policies sold there are subsidized two thirds of it
and then you get to the doctor s office and you can t necessarily buy care. i think you will see more price transparency and competition. president trump has said insurance will be available across state lines. that means repealing a law that s been in place for many years. martha: go ahead, what the key is real quick. the key here you have got a physician for the third time in history running hhs. he also has the fda under his jurisdiction. an actual doctor who know what is doctors and patients face. that s new. martha: how long is it going to take in your opinion. i would like to see some of it right away. if you know president trump, some of it will be right await a minute the individual mandate is practically unenforceable. maybe that will be gotten rid of. martha: okay. essential benefits package. mandates. premiums going up. catastrophic option might be added. some changes can be done right away. martha: dr. marc siegel thank you very much. great to sigh. martha: coming up, quite a week for the trump administration. we have said that for three
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contributor. great to have all of you here. let s take it on. 21 days in, it feels like we have been here for about 1,000. so much has happened. chris, what s your take on what looked like this week for the trump administration? well, we are still in the early going and there were definitely misses. but there were some successes. there were pretty notable successes. one is we saw bipartisan agreement on the position of the administration startinged to rough out last week on iran where you saw democrats and republicans coming together on sanctions that was a sign on the foreign policy front things could be moving in a good direction. something you heard echoed today when he was with the prime minister of japan talking about agreement with china and so on and so on. you are starting to see good things there. as you pointed out, the ninth circuit in that decision and the constant outrage surrounding that issue not so good. martha: what grade would you give the week, chris? i m going it had been a b but then i have got to say that the nordstrom stuff takes him down to c plus for the week.
martha: elaborate on do people care about that is my question? no. that s the point. martha: we all obsess over it and i talked to kellyanne conway about it last night. do you think people care about it in america. no they do not. nor should the president talk about it nor his spokesperson or leading strategist discuss the issue. focus on the business of the people. that cost him a half a letter grade. martha: he is such a tough grader. alex, i m glad i didn t have chris. alex, what do you think of the week. chris is a smart guy. i really disagree with him. i give the president a slightly better grade. i give him a b. the early days are all about setting up pros cease cease and personnel. he had a lot of success with personnel. getting key cabinet officials confirmed. my sources in the white house tell me that the processes are being put in place to have better executive orders moving forward so we don t have these sort of legal fights that the president and the white house have lost this week and last. so i think that they are moving in the right direction. therefore, i give him a solid b.
martha: julie roginski is going to give him an a plus i just know it. so close. martha: such fan. julie, what did you think? how did he do this week. chris is right. did he have some successes and alex is right as well. he did get his people confirmed. there is question of betsy devos she was confirmed. in that sense it was a good win for the white house. i will say the most troubling thing to me this week is actually what happened yesterday and this morning with michael flynn which is a problem that could potentially last much longer than just the week where michael flynn seemingly forced the vice president to come out and say something that charity tabbably could be called several untruths about whether he discussed sanctions with the russian ambassador prior to him becoming national security advisor. and so that becomes a big problem that potentially could open this administration up to hearings on the issue. and so as a result of that, i would give him a c minus. martha: c s from julie and chris. chris, how big a deal is this michael flynn, russia question? we have a very leaky
administration right now. and it is springing leaks on all sides. that is a big problem. every administration leaks. this one leaks a lot. and how much of this is due to infighting, we don t know. but oftentimes that is the root cause. and if there is a schism in the administration or there are people who don t trust flynn on or about flynn doesn t trust them and stuff springing out of that space. that could be on the going forward basis a big problem. martha: on the substance of it, alex, chris is talking about the political ramifications which are very real. on the substance of it is it problematic, alex? it could be problematic. this is all coming about because apparently the fbi is looking into these calls. martha: he said there was nothing illegal in them. that s the latest. and if nothing is illegal in this i think it will be quickly forgotten and chalked up to early mistake, early miscommunication within the administration. if there is more to it, yes, it s absolutely a problem. when the vice president goes on tv, as he did on cbs s face the nation a couple weeks ago and asserts
something that is then reported to be not true, that is an issue that the administration will have to deal with at some point. martha: yeah. i mean, the story is that he mentioned to a high level russian official not to worry about the sanctions or something along those lines. we don t know exactly what he said but there was an indication that maybe there would be relief in the future which instantly reminded me of the moment that president obama said that to like don t worry, as soon as i get reelected. more flexibility. martha: we will have more flexible, julie. what s the difference. the difference first and foremost he was not supposed to be talking policy before we have a national security advisor. one president at a time. secondly a larger pattern of potential russian interference in the election whether michael flynn who had acknowledged accepting payments from russia today which is propaganda arm of the putin administration. this is not a democratic issue. have you senators like senator mccain and senator graham and others who are very serious about looking into this.
if this is the predicate for that kind of investigation to be launched, that could be a massive headache for the trump administration going forward. martha: so going back quickly to the nordstrom question, chris because i know you are a big shopper. you can tell. martha: i m going to give you the last word on this here. what do they need to do to make sure because this is going to happen again and again with business and interest. they need to be on the same page they white house, do they not, about how they are going to respond to these kind of questions? not only do they have to be on the same page of the white house but they must not steal the president s central message something we would say in west virginia jay rock follow ler came down there to be senator, he is too rich to steal. make sure that is carried forward. donald trump is seen as doing the people s business and not enriching himself and family even if it s a dad being nice to his daughter. martha: you guys are great, thank you so much. thank you martha. martha: here is the quote of the night from this friday sent to us from a viewmplet we have gotten so many good ones this is from richie skaggs. a person who never made a mistake never tried anything

Martha-maccallum , Panel , Options , One , News-conference , En-banc-hearing- , Ninth-circuit , Two , Four , Temporary-travel-ban-case , Merits , Judges

Transcripts For CNNW Wolf 20170222 18:00:00

including the staff the the congressional black caucus, and staff throughout various committees. we ve used this work period as an opportunity to invite staffers from both sides of the aisle to come to the white house and discuss shared priorities and find common ground on the way forward. and we re not just reaching out to capitol hill. we have actively engaged with key leaders and policy makers around the country. it s critical to gather information from states and from people throughout the country rather than just leaders in washington. so to discuss specific action he can take. they leaders, many of whom represent some of the country s largest manufacturers, cabinet members and key aides of the president s staff. the working group will engage in a deep-dive conversation on the attendees specific areas of expertise. topics of discussion include deregulation, tax and trade, and infrastructu
infrastructure. after the gripes conclude their discussion, the president s it is staff will compile the feedback and for a listening session on some of their recommendations. as you can tell by the structure of the meeting, the president is expecting these real creating a dynamic and booming economy that works for all americans. this tibets to be at the top of his domestic policy agenda. as a successful businessman, the president knows if we re going to get the country back to work, we need to hear directly from sxwrob creators, what is holding them back and where appropriate take tips to remove the behalfiers. the in a key economic and economy economic indicators are showing it s working. ceo and confidence are up, and jan wear numbers were strong. the meetings on thursday will continue to build on that momentum. with that, i m glad to take some questions. steve holland?
steve is not here. jeff mason against it then. can you give us an update on the administration s plans with regard to transgender bathrooms again in schools? and can you confirm there has been disgreat between secretary devos and the attorney general? why expect further guidance to come out on that today. the president, as i said yesterday, is a firm believer in states rights. when you look at the guidance issued under the obama to the best of my knowledge that was he stalled, and several legal reasons and several procedure renals, both who jointly issued that guidance are now working together again under a trump administration. they have been reviewing the guide krantz that was signed and i think there s several he areas
president had very specific goals to enact that he promised the american people, you want to make sure the person fulfilling that job is actually committed to the agenda and vision the president set forth and promised the american people. so there is that s something we re always going to be making smur is in alignment. is the approval process in some what slowing down the appointment of crucial staff. not at all. when you like across where we are we re doing very very well with getting all of these positions filled. i think once in a while you might hear one or two people, but overall generally speaking, i mentioned how much of the beachhead teams we had and those members appointed had 120 days they were there to a i lieu it to make sure a and that s what s happening, but make no mistakes.
we were ahead of the curve on the beachhead teams, very clear with the landing teams, it s been a methodical process than seen from top to bottom through, and i think we re doing a phenomenal job. marta? which marta? oh, luck where me. reporter: i have a [ laughter ] reporter: the president in the roosevelt room just said, among other things that the tax plan is nearly finalized but can t be submitted until the health car plan statutorily what i wanted to clarify, is the white house doing a health care proposal? or was he talking about congress and the white house? obviously there s two vehicles, requisition the bloom better answer, the fy17
reconciliation was never completed, because the budget wasn t finalized in the last congress. i think we want to look at the opportunities and make sure and then you could utilize the 2018 reconciliation to do tax reform. again, that s not prescriptive, but as far as why the president is saying it that way is because we ve got that option available to us right now. i think the president is committed to making sure that the promise that he made to the american people to repeal and replace obamacare continues to be first and foremost, and then his tax plan, but it s not a we can walk and chew gum kind of thing. we can continue to work with the leadership in both houses. reporter: just the bloom birk the time line, there is things that will happen then, there will be a budget plan that you guys are going to present on march 13th-ish? ish. this is where i got lost.
something from him and something from them and then a plan afterwards? look, when we re really to announce i think you have obamacare, the budget, tax reform, a very busy march and april for us, and we continue to work with congress to make sure that it s implemented. noah beerman. he had a complete shutdown of muslims during the campaign. there were a lot of people who thought that was a very good proposal. can you explain his elf lice of backing down from that? and can you say whether he regrets using that rhetoric, since it ended up hurting the court case? again i go back to the merits of the case, and the order that gave him the authority to make that. u.s. code 1182 is very clear. the president was very clear in his executive order that these were countries that we didn t have the proper vetting for when
it came to ensuring the safety of americans. that s what the executive order said. the authority is re clear, and i think you ll continue to see the president take the steps necessary to protect this country. that s why he s talking about fighting this on both fronts, making sure we keep evolving through the court system, and then looking forwards the next draft of the executive order that will continue to achieve the goal of protecting the american people. that s where we are, that s what the order says, and so i think we continue to feel confident that that s but it was crafted in a way that was very clear about the countries and was not focused on anything else but the vetting requirement we have to make sure that we know who is coming into this country and we re here not to do us any harm. talking about fulfilling his promising, can you explain why he decided to back down from that? i think he s made it clear, noah, from the beginning that
this was a country-focused issue, and i don t see anything other than that with reference to that. debra saunders? reporter: is the oscars are for sunday night. will the president be watching? if there s a meryl streep kind of moment, how do you think he ll react? and why this has happened in other award ceremonies. why do you think this happening? why do i think what happens? actors. i have no idea. it s a free country. i think hollywood is known for rather being farther to the left, and i have to be honest, i think the president will be hosting the governors ball, mrs. trump looks forward to putting together a phenomenal event that will welcome our nation s governors to the capitol. i think that s where they ll be focused sunday night. so we ll go from there. reporter: the president has a
big audience next tuesday in the joint and. does he have a sell of goals in mind? do you think we ll see specific policy roll-outs as part of that speech? i think i mentioned this yesterday. i think it s going to talk remind the american people what he s done already, and make sure that he explains to them not just because of a sense of accomplishment in moving the country forward, but because i think it s important for the american people to know he was an agent of change. he came here to get things done, and he didn t waste any time. he committed to keeping hi word, and then i think he ll lay out his vision. the problems that we face as a country, the violence in some of our inner cities, but also some of the solutions that we can act on and some of the partnerships we can create, it s obviously still a work in progress, but i think it will look forward to where he wants to take this
country and talk about working with congress and other leaders throughout the country to get things done, but i think in the drafts i have seen so far, it is going to be a very strong blueprint of where he wants to take this country. in the past i think a lot of presidents or some, rather have gotten into detail spocks. i think you ll see him try to talk about politics, and what defining success is, what that goal means, but it s still a work in progress republican optimistic? yeah, i think this is an opportunity for him to lay out a very positive vision for the nation and really let america know where we can go and how we can get there, and the potential we have as a nation. anita? reporter: will he i know past presidents, including president obama, immediately hit the road but something like the
state of the union address. to sell policies, since it s more of a vision i think there will be some travel. that s evolving right now. there s a lot of things that we re trying to look at, and i think as we look at the speech and some of the objectives and goals and vision that he s sharing, talk to him about potential places to go to highlight that, but i think you re going to see a fair amount of visits in the next few weeks to highlight some of the places that he wants to take it. reporter: i ve seen members of congress last we re, there s the legislative meeting today. it feels as if we haven t seen as many executive actions or executive orders. i know we have the one vetting coming out this week. are we in a different phase that he s sort of done the executive orders he wants to do? no, we have several in the pipeline, and part of it is just you know, these days are
focused with these meetings and getting things done, and trying to plan ahead. so as we see fit, and as the implementation process of a lot of these goes through the process, we ll have future plenty more. fimplgts legislative emphasis now? it s both. part of this is we work through congress, aknit :we re talking about fundamental tax reform, something that happened since 1986. the repeat and replacement of obamacare, which is mammoth. i think part of it is those things take time. he has a joint address on tuesday. there s a lot of things that are happening, and therefore we need to kind of make sure that we appropriately use the schedule. but i can assure you if you ve missed executive orders, you will see a bunch. i know, i want to do make sure you knew. jonathan karl. at the present time referred to
so-called sangry crowds? is he suggesting this is manufactured anger and this is not real anger and real thanks. i think there s a hybrid there. i think some people are clearly upset, but there is a bit of professional protester manufactured base in there. but obviously there are people that are upset, but i also think that when you look at some of these districts and some of these things, it is it is not a representation of a members district or an incident. it is a loud group, small group of people disrupting something, in many cases for media attention, no offense. just because they re loud doesn t necessarily mean there are many. i think in a lot of cases that s what you re seeing. reporter: not saying there s real anger i just said that. reporter: there s real concern i think that s a false narrative. i don t the president has been very clear, look, you have
to look at what our health care system is right now. in so many counties around our nation we ve gone down to one provider. that s not choice, that s not access and in a lot of cases we re not taking medicare, the doctor you used to have haven t participating anymore and by the way, states like arizona, you have over 100% increase in premiums. many statesi double-digit. and i think that the idea that we have to remember is that the american people got sold the affordable care act. it s neither affordable or accessible. they re losing their coverage and premiums are spiking. if people this should be appl d applauding the president s action for wanting to ensure we have a system in place that does what they were promised a while back. that s what i think is missing from this dialogue. i ve seen some folks protesting, saying i m on obama care and i m
going to lose my thing, and when they asked how old they were, they re not on obamacare, they re on medicaid. they re not making it up, but some are on employer-based insurance, or medicaid or medicare because of their age. so they have no problems. but i think in other cases people are being told the plan they re on is unsustainable, that these carriers throughout the country. look at them over and over again pulling out of the exchanges. the reality is they are losing their health care, but they re losing it under obamacare because the exchanges are collapsing on themselves, carriers are pulling out, so the president s plan is actually going to do exactly what they were promised eight years ago and didn t get. so for those who are worried, the answer is help is on the
way. reporter: what goes tis the ? first, the president made cheer we ll have it out in a couple weeks. the goal is they god it jammed through the democrat-controlled, so taking the time, getting this right to achieve the goss is probably the right thing to do considering the experience we had the last time. hall hallie? reporter: at one point the caitlyn jenner could use whatever bathroom he wanted so why system a priority? i don t think it s a priority. it s not a priority. there is a case pending in the supreme court in which we have to decide whether or not to continue to issue guidance to the court. it s not it s dictated by that. the obama administration a issued joint guidance. we now have to decide whether or not this administration wants to continue that track that they were on. it s plain and simple.
if we don t, but there are problems in the legal and process way in which that guidance was issued. so it s incumbent upon us to actually follow the law and recognize that title ix never talked about this. this was an act in 1972. there was no discussion of this back then. to assume certain elements were thought about back then would be completely preposterous. you think secretary devos is on board with this? yes, is 00%. the second question is on mexico. the secretary of state along with secretary kelly. obviously there have been tensions between did this is this a cleanup job? no, i think the presidents and foreign ministers had several contacts with our staff. i would argue that we have a very healthy and robust relationship with the mexican government and officials. i think, president nieto has
echoed that. i think there s an unbelievable and robust dialogue. thank you. reporter: on syria, the general indicated the u.s. needs to take a larger share of the burden and send troops to syria. has the president discussed this with his national security team? i m going to refer you backs to dod. i would argue you ve seen the president talk about safe harbors in syria with several foreign safe havens, thank you, that s an area at the top of the president s foreign policy agenda that he s continued to talk to leaders especially in the middle east, about trying to make sure we deal with that issue in that area right now. but i m not going to get ahead of the dod on this? look, i will if i have an
update, i will give it to you tomorrow. president trump indicating the prime minister wants the u.s. an canada council for advancement of women entrepreneurs, have you talked a bit about how it s growing? staff is implementing the president s agenda. it occurred six, seven days ago. we ll have further updates, but i know that he continues to be in touch with the prime minister trudeau and our staff continues to do to work on the back end to make this happen. a few questions for you. does the white house not have confidence in its cabinet secretaries if it s looking over their shoulders? does the white house does the president not trust his cabinet secretary? the staff to find people who agree with the president s agenda? not at all. the president named these folks, because they re an unbelievably
qualified individuals. part of is you re attaching major deposition, somewhere in the area of 5,000 positions to fill. i don t even this i the secretaries, to some degree, depending on the department have a full background. as they get pumped through the pipeline. again there are areas that are of key priority to the president that he campaigned on. i think when he wants to make sure that certain of those individuals who are going to be overseeing key priorities, that he promised the american people have somebody who is not only qualified, but agrees with and shares the president s vision to fix whatever problem that was or fulfill whatever vision he articulated, but it would almost be malpractice not to do that, to allow people to fill a job, a political appointee job, who don t share the vision and agenda of the united states,
would it would be silly on its face to suggest this. i don t think there s any administration in past history that would literally willingly take on somebody who is adamantly opposed or spoke on you spefl again what the president was seeking to do it doesn t seem as though it makes any sense. on the we re coming up a week away from the review of the counter-isis strategy. what s the status of that review? a bunch of generals? yes. is that regarding that review? i think general dumbford and secretary mattis have begun providing him updates on that. i know that the new national security adviser is getting brought into that process and continuing to do updates. we ll have further updates, but the team has been working on it. as far as the second executive order is concerned, what is the white house doing differently? in terms of consulting with the
various departments to make certain that the exec executive order passed the constitutional scrutiny? i think we have done a few things. one, we have been very clear about understanding what the court said in trying to tailor that specifically, while achieving the same goals of keeping america safe and ensuring that people don t come into the country that seek to do us harm. and number two, to that order is basically completed. what we are now doing is working with the various agencies and departments to make sure the implementation of that is done in an extremely smooth way. we have looked at it from both a process standpoint, as well as a legal standpoint, and i think it s achieving the goals, but again i would also mention that on the merits, we can see i believe in the first order did just that. it was written in a way, and i think ultimately we ll continue to prevail on that, because it
is written in a way that is clear and consistent with u.s. code and the authority the president has to protect the nation. katy. reporter: as it relates to the executive order, it s almost likely to face a legal challenge. sure. reporter: are you concerned the president s prior remarks as it relates to the judiciary is going to allow him to have a fair hearing by the judicial branch as it relates to the second amendment? yeah, absolutely. i think because i think that you ve seen it happen in the massachusetts case. at the end of the day, you look at the law and what the order does, and i think, again, you may have in the case of the ninth circuit, we continue to disagree with that. i think the president has pointed out, you don t have to be that high up in grade school to recognize what the code says, what the authority that is granted to imhad, and then what the order does. i think the one of the cases they suggested there have been
no people that entered within the seven countries, and with a quick curse so i look there were 20 people that had come in. so the basis on which they decided the case doesn t actually pass muster. i think any judge or judges that look at that order or the one that will be put forward will come to the same conclusion. katie? reporter: i wanted to ask about the budget priorities? where does he see increase or decrease of spending? and how much money is he asking for i m going to refer you back to marta s question. we ll have something in mid-march. look, he just had a meeting where he s continuing to work out, they re providing him back and forth. that s the idea of crafting the budget. until we put it out on paper, i don t want to get ahead sean, thank you very much. back to mexico, officials have
said this morning that they re not going to accept by the white house and by dhs yesterday and they may not taken that s not a mexican immigrant. i think secretary tillerson and secretary kelly will have a great discussion down there and walk through the implementation of the executive order, but i feel very confident that any country who has a citizen that comes into the country and we send back, we ll make sure they comply with this. two questions about immigration at the same time. one, the president has talked a number of times about millions of illegal immigrants casting votes for the election in his mind, promised to looked into that, but there was no mention of that in any of the these directives for these immigrants. does the president still believe he s mentioned that vice president pence will lead the task force, and the vice president is starting to gather names and individuals to be part of it. the other question i have about the daca program yesterday he suggested, well, we have to
go after hardened criminals, major national security threats first, but during the campaign, the president talked about daca as being unconstitutional and executive amnesty. does he still think it s unconstitutional use of president obama s powers? yes, i think the president is very clear about his priorities. yesterday was focused on going after people who are a public safety concern, and we re going to walk through this. we will get back to you on that. right now the focus on keeping the he country safe. wile given all of the personal on deporting of legal immigrants, i wanted to see if this white house and president trump have any interesting in curtailing legal immigration going forward. we have to look at this. there s millions of people in the country illegally. i think the focus continues to be the 800,000 or 900,000 that
already have an torrid to be removed and keep the process smooth. legal immigration is a completely separate subject. the president has talked about that, talked about it with bid leaders h 1 b vhave i visa, but there s a prioritization and we ll have more on it later. i ve got to run. thank you very much. see you tomorrow. take care. so there you have it, sean spicer, the white house press secretary wrapping up his briefing, answering reporters questions for a little more than half an hour. lots of questions were asked, veries important questions. the press secretary didn t completely answer a lot of those questions. we ll assess exactly what we learned, what we didn t learn. i m wolf blitzer in washington. once again we want to welcome our virus in the united states and around the world to help sort all of these important
issues out. there s a lot going on today. let s bring in our chief national security correspondent jim scuitto, laura coates, david greg dorsey, talia polpan. jim, let mea start with you. the new travel ban that s about to be announced, there are several important questions about rhetoric, statements the president as a candidate had made that potentially could complicate implementing round 2 of this travel ban. clearly the white house strategy is to make it just about vetting from country that is have vetting problems, not making it about muslims these are donald trump s words when he announced this during the campaign december 2015. first was statement on preventing muslim immigration, pretty broad there. donald trump is calling for a
total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. that s what he sid during the campaign. that s on the record. even since the election, he s started to focus more on terror, keeping the country safe. you heard sean spicer says this is just about country that is didn t have proper vetting. so the question is, do the courts accept that quite remarkable pivot from the initial public statements, and we know in the ninth circuit case, they mentioned donald trump and the surrogate statements on the campaign trail d it meet the legal standard? that s for the courts to decide. i will note there has been a continues contradiction among donald trump s advisers here, because stephen miller, he was quoted on the air just a short time ago speaking to martha mccollum, if the change are minor and technical, but sean spicer is saying it s a whole different thing, listen it s going to be for the courts to
decide what it is on paper. laura, you re a legal analyst. we did learn that the new travel ban has been completed. they re now going through how best to implement it to make sure that the requirements are fully met, but this issue of a muslim ban, that rhetoric that the president as candidate delivered did you the campaign, how much of a problem is this for getting round 2 approved? if due process is your minor technical point, you have a big uphill battle. remember, the court made very clear, they gave a blueprint in the ninth circuit that essentially said, listen we don t believe in the smoke and mirrors, if this is simply a pretext for discrimination, it violates the first amendment of the constitution, which is not what you can turn off and on if you re the president of the united states based on unfounded or perhaps just a bold assertion
of national security. they re going to have do combat two things, take away the minority religious preference, and also figure out a way to provide some clarity for the court that says there is a reason why the existence vetting measures that we currently have in place are insufficient with respect to these seven countries. if it s because of your campaign rhetoric that will not pass constitutional muster. sara murdray is in the pressroo, the reports came out that the president is micromanaging all the various departments and agencies, vetting individuals that a secretary may want for a senior position, to make sure that those individuals didn t say or do anything contrary to the president s policies, didn t say anything negative about the candidates who have running. reporter: that s right, wolf, we do know this is a president that s been preoccupied for a long time about the notion of
loyalty and he takes any criticism very personally. we ve seen that playing out as these cabinet secretaries are trying to staff their various agencies, that there has been concern coming from the white house about potentially people filling these political appointee slots who have been critical of the president in the past. white house press secretary sean spicer downplayed this today, basically say if you re looking at political appointees, you want people who are supportive of the president and supportive of his priorities as you know there were a number of republicans that might be well qualified for these jobs who weren t necessarily supportive of donald trump early on in the campaign, especially when we are looking at roughly a dozen candidates. one of the concerns we ve been hearing are worries that you will not broadband fill all of these slots of people who are proper loy have the proper level of experience if you re only looking at people who are support i was of donald trump from day one.
the white house as you said is dismissive of this concern, who basically said anyone who will fill a political appointee should be on board 100%. that s an important point indeed. david gress guardino, on the issues of the town hall of republicans that they are now facing, some of them becoming rather loud, a lot of protests going on, citizens complaining, we did hear from sean spicer in response to a question, there seems to be in his word, a hybrid. some people are legitimately upset, they have every right to do so, but some of this is manufactured and there s a lot more noise than there are there seems to been a lot more noise than there seems to be specification issues. in other words it s directed from the outside. i think that s largely true. i don t think the manufactured part is true, but the fact you have some districts with loud resistance, organized resistance, resistance similar
to the tea party, which is that it s coming organically, this time from progressive circles, in some cases being brought in from outside the district, to make a lot of noise, and to be disrupti disruptive. that s what the tea party was in large measure, and it s taking on big questions, are the republicans going to resist where progressives and middle of the roaders think they should. we re getting from the press briefs a lot of policy discussions now that s unsettled policy discussion. this whole debate about obamacare is not going to go well, because it s going to be messy and hard, just as it was when president obama pursued it, it s going to be contentious. that s what i think the town has are legitimately reflecting. you know, tal, he had a photo op with his secretary of treasury, budget director, basically insisting the whole
budget is a mess. he used that word, but he did saysh and we did shear from sean spicer that make by early to mid march, new proposals for health care would be released and new specification budget decisions would be released as well, but the president referred to the whole process right now that he has inherited as a mess. it might look like a mess. folks on capitol hill are sort of waiting with bated breath to see what they get if we have this march dead lining, but there s a lot of things in the budget that s contrary to republican ideological ways. for example he wants a massive border security plan, we re going to build a wall, we re going to hire 15,000 people minimus, plus detention centers. there s very big-ticket items. we re not even talking yet about an infrastructure time, yet at
the same time mick mulvaney is one of the biggest budget hawks that comes out congress. and there s a lot of questions how those two different ideas will work out. s. and who s going to pay for a lot of it. if you take the larger view, the only thing particularly well done is judge gorsuch. that was a hornet s nest because of how they handled judge garland, and all that s correct but all the traps were hit before he got going. the president could have been in a position to roll out some things on tax reform. he could have gotten that ball rolling a lot more seamlessly, hasn t done it yet, hasn t been organized. this focus on immigration has been incredibly questionive, but also not organized. jim, the secretary of homeland security, secretary kelly, the secretary of states
rex tillerson, they ll be meeting with the mexican leadership. they should be arriving in mexico city shortly. there s been various descriptions of what their mission is right now. clearly there are some serious strains because of the president s repeated assertion that the u.s. is going to build this border wall and mexico will pay for it. apparently kelly and tillerson will propose that mexicans detain of course a burden for mexico in lights of the accusatory language, to say the least used by the president. you had sean spicer there in his words say we have a healthy and rho robust relationship with mexico. i wonder certainly if some strains have leaked out about paying for the wall, so we ll see if tillerson and kelly kelly had a long time working with mexicans as chairman of southern command, so he s been
partners with them in the antidrug war, et cetera, do the personal relationship, tillerson s well-known diplomatic skills, does that get over an enormous hump by the president remains to be seen, and the ask they re going with is a pretty dramatic ask to make of someone you re not having the warmest relationship right now. another sensitive issue, laura, the issue of transgender bathrooms, the press secretary was asked a few times, what is the administration s stance on this? does it differ from the obama administration? he said further guidance would be released later today. it is a sensitive issue for the department of education. it is. what happened a couple years ago you had this issue of the fourth circuit of a student in virginia, gavin graham who is trying to use the bathroom of the sex he identified with. you had the president issuing guidance saying, listen, i m going to assist the public schools around the country to
figure owl hoe we should sensitively treat people who are transgender, the civil rights division backed them up, and essentially the department of education said title ix guards against sex discrimination. we didn t talk about transgender identity being sex, but it s the same thing we re talking about protecting people. well, the supreme court will now hear the case march 28th, because the fourth circuit set we re going to rely on the president, president obama s guidance at that time. so if trump then reverses that guidance, even if it s for benign reasons, which he has suggested that it is, the court may send it right back to the lower courts and say because you relied on that guidance, it no longe arer exists this could be a very lengthy court procedure and an affront for civil rights that s happened for the lbgt population. you heard sean spicer saying the president is a strong
believer in states rights, and that would be a sensitive issue as far as this supreme court decision is concerned. it will be. it s not just whether the federal government should have a role, or is this a states rights constitution which would be a constant battle between federalism and different administrations. that s the theory, but when it comes down to it title 9:00 does guard against sex discrimination. gender identify is about sex discrimination. it s a civil rights issue. we we know about the uproar in north carolina as a result of the ex-governor there. everybody stand by. we re getting more reaction coming in. ted lu of california is with us. we re going to get his reaction of what we heard from the white house. some of those fiery town has. congressman, stay with us. we ll be right back. what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever?
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right now constituents across the nation are extending republican lawmakers that they are not happy. outside a town hall event for mitch mcconnell, people lined for miles carrying signs protesting many of the new policies. other republican lawmakers are on town has later today, including ryan costello, senator dean heller, and bill cassidy of louisiana. they re hoping to avoid scenes like these. we wrecked our economy with our rulations last i heard these coal jobs are not coming back. now they don t have the insurance they need because they re poor, and they worked the coal mines, and they re sick, the vet advance are sick, the vet advance are broken down, they re not getting what they need. if you can answer any of that,
i ll sit down and shut up like elizabeth warren. the insurance no, what percentage let me finish my answer, please. i m going to answer the question. when will you be defunding planned parenthood? are you willing to cross party lines to make things work for everyone in your constituency? i cross party lines all the time. last week i was the single do you want to be poor or richer? that is the [ crowd yelling ] i would like to answer questions. president trump weighed in with this tweet. i d read it to you the so-called angry crowds are actually in numerous cases planned out by liberal activists. sad with an exclamation point. meantime president trump is sending two of his top
lieutenants to mexico. secretary of state rex tillerson will get there later today and joined by secretary kelly. they ll be meeting with president nieto as between the two presidents, but secretaries kellie and tillerson hope to move past that as they engage the mexican government on border security, immigration and trade and of course the wall that the president wants to build along the border. house speaker ryan is paying a visit to the mexican border, there along with other republicans as they view the area of trump s promised border wall, coming up with a roughly $20 billion expected to take to builds that wall. let me bring in a democrat, a
member of the foreign affairs committee and subcommittee on homeland security. thanks for joining us. thank you, wolf. you heard sean spicer say the u.s. and mexico have a robust healthy relationship right now, do you agree with that assessment? thank you, donald trump is afraid people are going to watch cnn, you must be doing something right. thank you for reporting real news. to your question, sean spicer is lying again. he said relations are phenomenal, that is false. there have been protests, and just introduced legislation to say they are not going to buy u.s. corn, they are at one of the worst points in u.s.-mexican history. they re going to be having high level meetings, spicer also
said it was an important trip but pushed back on what you re suggesting, he said they re going to try to mend some fences with mexico but this is clearly a critical moment, i assume you agree? absolutely. this is not the first time this has happened when president trump offended the prime minister of australia, we had republican u.s. senators call the ambassador to try to mend fences, now we re sending two secretaries to try to clean up the mess. the white house says everyone who is here illegally undocumented immigrants here in the united states everyone is subject to removal but also say the enforcement guidelines are not meant the facilitate mass deportations, you re response? having come to the united states as an immigrant i find the administration s actions
offensive, unamerican and cruel, and it s going to separate children from their parents, break apart families and at least under george bush we had compassionate conservative, this is cruel conservetism, and is going to lead tomas deportations and that is not good for america and i hope people see about what s to happen and we stop it. but the president is letting the so-called dreamers brought here as young kids by their parents from other countries an they have grown up here in the united states the only country they know, he says the daca provisions will remain in affect. you re pleased by that? i am, but they could also deport their parents of these daca students and i m not pleased with that. this is all based on a ultimate reality of facts, it s been negative since 2007 that means
more mexicans have left america than entered. and studies show documented and undocumented commit less crimes than people born in america. let me quickly get your reaction to president trump s tweet that a lot of unrest is being caused by liberal activists, sean spicer basically said the same thing in his briefing saying that the anger that the media is showing is not necessarily genuine, what s your response to that? these protests at these town halls are continuation of the massive backlash against president trump starting january 21st with the women s march, then at the airports and now at the town halls and i think it s sad that the president of the united states is ignoring the concerns of the americans. thanks for joining us. thank you. so who will lead the
democratic party in the era of a new president. the debate they debate tonight live on cnn at 10:00 p.m. eastern, chris cuomo and dana bash are the moderators. the visit is meant to ease tensions between trump s administration and mexican president, tillerson s state department is responsible for explaining u.s. foreign policy to the country indeed to the world through daily press briefings, but they haven t held one since president trump took office back on january 20th, tony blink en is with me. it s been a month now and there s been no daily state department briefing. that s right. to the news media, no on-camera briefings, sthrthere
spokesman, but it s pretty unusual to be this long not hearing from the state department? it is, and it takes an important mega phone out of our hands. this is the way to explain policy and clarify policy, i think there s probably good reason for it and that s that it s unclear what the police is, it s hard to know what to say when there s this dysfunction in the national security process. to date the right people haven t been brought around the table in the situation room, secretary of state, chairman of joint chiefs and others normally when you have a normal process everyone gets around the same table, debate the policy, decide the policy an everyone speaks with one voice. that hadn t been happening. presumably a state department spokesperson could go out there
and say something contradictory within minutes? yes. the vice president and the secretary of homeland security and they did a good job in i think reassuring europeans except no one in europe could tell what exactly represented the administration s policy and i think secretary tillerson is under the same challenge. all the senior positions that just below that of secretary of state are unfilled. assistant secretaries their vetting people presumably reviewing the process but you have temporary career diplomats filling in some of those spots. that s exactly right. it s not the same thing as having a full time when he s off going to mexico which is a good thing who is back in the white house representing the state department when they re
talking policy? assuming they re even convened in that room. he s there to protect the interest of the department to make sure it s fully represented. what s wrong with what the white house says, they are political appointees, they don t want those who criticize donald trump during the extent of the campaign, i m sure that the obama administration didn t want critics. on one hand there s nothing wrong with that and the president is entitled to have his people so is the secretary of state, but two things what s going on and i think a new problem with the national security adviser has to get his arms around is while the nfc has been operationing you see other competing power centers rising, you have mr. bannon apparently
maki making with russia, even mexico, a bunch of freelancers presenting peace plans for ukraine around behind the back of the national security council. unless regular order is re-established and that really is mr. mcmaster s job it s going to be hard for anyone to make policy and doubly difficult because our partners around the world don t know who to listen to. you served and became deputy secretary of state. i assume you re reassured that general mcmaster is now the national security adviser. he s a first rate pick and everything he s done whether it was on the battlefield or thinking and writing about national security, i think it s hard to find anyone who has anything negative to say about him, i hope one of conditions he took about taking the job was it

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