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Transcripts For KRCB Nightly Business Report 20130308

i ll make you eat your lunch like this. this is nightly business report with tyler mathisen and susie gharib. make it three straight all-time hig for the dow, fuelled today by optimism in the job market. how s the consumer feeling these days? we ll find out as we go in focus on the american recovery. and i ask the ceo of general motors if people are feeling the mood to buy. and the threat of hackers is engaging economic engine, small business, and that could lead to even bigger problems. hello, everybody, and we welcome public television viewers from all across the country to nightly business report. thank you very much for joining us. susie, today it was all about jobs. it sure was, tyler, and that s where we begin tonight, with encouraging news about jobs. that news gave a boost to the market and led the dow to another all-time high. nasdaq added the and by gaining nearly 3 points, s&p 500 is within 20 points of its all-time closing high. one day ahead of the labor department s february job report, we learned first-time jobless claims fell last week, dipping to six-week low and surprising economists who expected a jump in claims. this comes a day after adp reported a much better than expected gain in the month of february, an increase of 198,000 jobs. here s hampson pierceson with a closer look whether that data points to a better jobs market. reporter: in the nation s capitol today, a sure sign of spring and perhaps an improving job market, a jobs fair with lots of eager applicants. i have a lot of experience. i m well qualified for this line of work. i ve got a good set of references, too. reporter: while the droop in weekly jobless claims is encouraging, it s deeper spending cuts from washington that could slow down the job growth momentum. health care is up 320,000 in the last year. construction is on the rebound, adding 28,000 workers in january, the fourth straight month of big gains. in contrast, government workers continue to lose jobs, particular at the state and local level. down by 24,000 just in the last three months. and layoffs are on the rise. up 55,000 last month, according to consultants at challenger gray and christmas, the second straight monthly increase. the trade deficit topped $44 billion in january, due to more imports. $6 million higher than december and a possible drag on economic growth in the first quarter with a downside ripple effect, economists say, on job growth in the coming months. we re going to have a second-quarter dip, not a decline, just a slowdown in the second quarter. bring it back down below 150,000 workers per month. reporter: so, tomorrow when we get the jobs report here at the labor department, economists predict we probably added about 160,000 jobs to payrolls last month, just enough to keep the unemployment rate around 7.9%. for nightly business report, i m hampton pearson. dig a little deeper as we look ahead to tomorrow s number with diane, chief economist, diane, always good to see ya. you, too. you heard hampton put his numbers on what the probability is for tomorrow, about 160,000, 165,000 jobs and about a 7.9% unemployment rate. what s your forecast? certainly, i was there in the beginning of the week, but what preliminary job numbers we saw from adp and consumer numbers we ve seen come out, which across the board are showing people more optimistic about the month of february, i think we could get closer to 200,000 and be surprised pleasantly on the upside for a change, which would be welcome news at this stage of the game. but, diane, there s still a lot of pain in this job market. there are 12 million americans who are out of work. these are the long-term unemployed. and if you look at that measure of u-6, i think they call it, 15% is the unemployment rate, teen unemployment higher than that. ceos we talked to, really not in the mood to higher. what can you tell americans about the health of the job market? we re seeing it improve, although the threshold is easy to clear because it s been so lousy for so long. what we re talking about is still a very long slug going forward. i think the intro is very important, because what we re looking at is what could be a turning point in the job market where we see more measurable increases in employment and a wiggling away of the unemployment rate. that could be derailed by what s going on in washington right now, particularly the second quarter. much of the furloughs and layoffs are in the month of april, which we won t see in the jobs numbers until early may. government payrolls are going down as private payrolls are going up. one area i d like to hear your thoughts are incomes. we have some job growth in the economy, but we have very, very tepid income growth. why isn t anybody getting a raise? it s because one of the ongoing slack in labor market, you got a lot of competition for jobs out there, a lot of people willing to take any job you ve got, but also a shift in the composition of where we higher. in the health care industry, for instance, highing is robust, but they are cutting nurses wages and substituting high-paid nurses for lower-paid tech personnel. they are paid better than hers with an 18-month degree but much lower than nurses. you re seeing shifting going on where high-paid personnel are traded off for lower-paid personnel. even in the health care sector, which has been one of the bright spots in the overall labor market for some time. the good news is we do have construction coming back. those are high-paid jobs and manufacturing, but not in the volumes we saw, of course, during the height of the housing market boom or the manufacturing sector of what we saw in the past. anything that you can say about small business versus big business? we did see in the adp report small businesses continue to higher, but what about bigger companies? you know, that s really important, small business in the adp report, because the payroll service company tends to catch new business formations well, which isn t always captured until later. that is actually encouraging news there might be more business formation out there than we re capturing in the official data and we ll get it on later revision. bad news is what you ve heard not all big companies are hiring. that s where the hesitancy has been. thanks for being with us. thanks. one area that continues to higher still is health care, despite what diane just told us. as jean wells tells us, one unique sliver of that sector is really booming. reporter: 88-year-old irvine has been able to age gracefully in her own home with help from caregiver victoria. i couldn t live without her. reporter: dorothy sable has hired sydney caplan to take her on errands. as america grows older, a growing trend is senior home care, a service not covered by medicare but more americans are able to pay for out of pocket. business is booming. this year we ll do about $15 million. we service currently between louisiana and california about 600 clients every day. are you hiring? we re hiring every day. it s our biggest challenge. reporter: jake started alta home care and is hiring me than 20 people a week, though most applicants are rejected. this is hard work. the average pay is $10 an hour. and it s estimated that 4,000 caregivers and certified nursing assistants are being hired every month in this country. the senior care industry just for senior home care has grown by more than 40% in the last five years. i love being with the seniors, learning from them, being around them. i love their energy. reporter: granny nanny sydney caplan charges $60 an hour. she has a degree in therapeutic recreation who saw a need at the high end. they want to be seen with someone that s a professional and that looks like a member of the family. reporter: and with 40 million americans at least 65 years old, as they grow older, business will grow with them. for nightly business report, jane wells, los angeles. another positive on the economic front, a lot more of us are seeing growth in our net worths. the federal reserve reports as of the final quarter last year americans had gained back just about all of the $16 trillion in household wealth lost in the great recession. americans net worth now totals $66 trillion, and it rose $1.2 trillion from the third quarter of 2012, with much of the rise coming from higher stock prices. one stock contributing to that wealth effect for american households, google. shares of the search giant have overtaken apple to become the most-owned stock by the 50 biggest u.s. stock mutual funds. and it s not hard to see why. when we look at both companies over the past year, in sync most of the way, then around december google takes off and apple heads south. for the year, google is up 37%, while apple is off almost 19%. with the s&p 500 index approaching an all-time high, we kick off our market focus tonight with another s&p milestone. standard and poor s reports dividends reached $300 billion for the first time ever. last year s&p 500 companies paid out $21.5 billion in dividends, 406 of the s&p 500 are paying dividends. that s the greatest number since 1999. adding to that, colgate upped 10% today and set a two for one stock split set to take effect april 23rd. shares are up 24% over the past year. the judge ordered mediation for macy s and jc penny over the high-stakes lawsuit over martha stewart s contract telling both sides we live in a free market society and the businesses need to work out a solution. he gave the parties until april 8th to settle. kroger closed high today, up 22% in the fourth quarter to 86 cents a share. that s way above the 70 cents that wall street expected. the company s forecast for the fiscal year also came in above estimates. kroger raised 50%. 787 dreamliners will remain on the ground. federal aviation investigators reached no conclusions about the cause of a battery fire on one of the jets in boston back in january. the ntsb now plans to hold both a public forum and an investigative hearing in april to focus on the design of that troubled lithium ion battery system. despite that, shares of boeing were the biggest gainers in the dow today, touching a new 52-week high for that company and closing up more than 2%. another financial blow to bp in the wake of that massive oil spill back in 2010. a federal court in new orleans ordered the oil giant to pay out even more money to more parties than the $20 billion in compensation and cleanup that it was expecting to spend. bp says it will appeal the ruling. and coming up, we re going to talk to gm s ceo about who s buying cars today and the company s commitment to helping detroit get back on its feet. first, let s see how the overseas markets closed today. the nation s biggest retailers reported modest gains last month. that brings us to the fourth in our special week-long series called in focus: the american recovery. tonight we look at consumer spending and the pssures keeping a lid on it. reporter: higher payroll taxes and rising gasoline prices continue to streak across the headlines with good reason. these head winds appear at the very least to be impacting how much consumers are buying. these things will take dollars out of consumer s pockets. it s disproportionate for low owners, and i think it s reasonable to expect some moderation in that consumer demographic going forward. reporter: walmart is certainly feeling the pressure, catering largely to lower-income consumers blamed a delay in tax refunds for its slow february sales start. it does put a lot more pressure on march, you know, february s a smaller spending month than march from a u.s. consumer s perspective. we ll be watching that very, very closely. reporter: consumer confidence rebounded in february, executives from target, abercrombie and fitch and lowe s are expressing concern about consumer uncertainty. i don t think there s this new normal. obviously, if paychecks are lower, there is goi to be some reduction, but i believe over time if that s the only factor, i think consumers are going to adjust and i think consumer spending is going to stabilize. reporter: higher payroll taxes aren t the only head wind. the average price for regular unleaded gasoline has increased 12% in just three months. according toarclay s analyst bob derble, a 10-cent increase at prices at the pump takes away an additional $110 from consumers disposable income, or as much as a $13.8 billion drain on total consumer spending in other areas. because of the current pressures, it appears lower-income americans are on the sidelines of the american recovery, but then again american consumerism often prevails, even in times of economic hardship. for nightly business report, i m courtney reagan. the spending habits of the american consumer is also important for u.s. auto makers. i talked recently with dan akerson and asked if consumers are still in the mood to buy cars. if you go back to the bottom of the economic crisis when consumer confidence was at decade-low levels, today consumer confidence is up, and, in fact, the average rate of purchase of cars, automobiles, crossovers, and trucks, in the u.s. in the 08- 09 time frame drooped down to 9 and 10 million units. it s currently at 15, 15 1/2, which is indicative, i think, of greater confidence. mr. akerson, as you know very well, consumers are coping with a lot of issues, skimpier paychecks, high prices at the pump, all that dysfunction in washington. at what point how much is too much before consumers just close up their wallets? the dysfunction that you described, the inability to come to common ground and articulate a vision of how to proceed in our country, i think, creates a certain degree of uncertainty that if it continues, if we have these every 60 to 90-day crises, i ink that will erode confidence. well, dealing with what s going on in washington is not much you can have control over, but looking at gm s own situation, i see that mark marketshare has slipped a bit in the u.s. what can you do about that? to give you an idea, 70% of our four brands, 70% of the models this year will either be refreshed or brand new, and that s representative of the fourth year since bankruptcy and $8 billion a year in new product development. and the launching of new models this year will completely revamp. we re going to go from having the oldest portfolio in the industry to having one of the freshest portfolios in the industry by the end of this year. and we know china is a massive market for general motors, is that where you see most of your growth is going to come from? quite frankly, we are seeing similar growth patterns between both the u.s. and china, two biggest automotive markets in the world. we have the greatest market share in both markets. we re indexed and doing well in emerging markets like brazil, russia, and the middle east. so, it s not all gloom and doom. our biggest challenge is in europe, as many of our competition are experiencing the same difficulties we are. closer to home, we know that detroit is going through a financial emergency. what impact is that having on general motors and is there anything you can do to fix it? well, we try to be the good corporate citizen, but in a perverse sort of way, i think what s happening in detroit is kind of inevitable and it s almost as healthy and difficult as it will be, not dissimilar to what general motors and chrysler had to go through. the city needs the restructure in order to kind of hit the reset button. i think the political leadership is a great mayor is understanding the challenges. akerson spoke to us from an energy conference in houston, and he says he expects gm to have half a million electric-type vehicles, cars, and trucks, on the road by 2017. and coming up, the threat to your cyber security. we re going to take a look at who s the most vulnerable to potential hacking. first, let s look where energy prices in treasuries finished today. yesterday time warner announced it is spinning off the world s largest magazine publisher, a place where both susie and i used to work. i don t know about you, but i like holding a magazine or newspaper when i read one, no knock on tablets, but can old-fashioned papers and periodicals make money or even survive? john fort has more now on the future of the printed word. reporter: it s been rough going for print lately. media companies that once looked at combining newspapers and tv networks to the secret of growth and profitability have reversed course. the big new idea, carve off the print operations and let them fight for survival on their own. that s the plan at news corp., where rupert murdoch plans to separate from the tv and movie studios and now that s the plan at time warner, whichú dollars. it s a similar story at news corp. and at the new york times company. there are some signs of hope, however, readers are paying for digital subscriptions at the new york times, a trend keeping the revenues from slipping in 2012. wall street journal and financial times also charge for content and the oracle of omaha himself, warren buffett. the newspaper, which is indispensable has a much better future than the big metropolitan paper. reporter: on the national stage, the biggest danger for print publications these days might be facebook. since the social network opened up its ad network last year, it expanded supply for replacing ads and squashed ad prices in the process. today, mark zuckerberg pitched the redesign news feed as a personalized newspaper, something newspapers never quite figured out how to deliver. that means as these publishing companies struggle to make the switch to digital, they are going to be battling for eyeballs and ad dollars. for nightly business report, i m john fort. on capitol hill today, the issue of cyber security in the spotlight. homeland security secretary janet napolitano testifying on the growing threat of web-based government and corporate espionage. trade secrets, power grids, infrastructure, and even defense systems are all at high risk of being hacked. and security experts warned the u.s. economy is in danger of being overlooked, small businesses. as scott cohn explains, no one is immune. reporter: at new york city s lincoln center, the focus is on stage, but behind the scenes, a network of computers controls everything. from the website, to the escalators, even the electronic signs on the plaza. chief technology officer robert tarlton is in charge. a network that spans 60 makers is very difficult to manage, because some of the network is outside. some of it is inside, which means it s open to the public. reporter: which is why he spends much of his time dealing with security. everybody gets hacked. anybody who tells you they haven t been hacked either isn t looking or they are lying to you. reporter: hackers have never managed to do any damage here, never actually penetrating the network. he says keeping it that way is no simpler for lincoln center than it is for a multinational corporation. lincoln center only has about 500 employees and it s a non-profit organization, but for a hacker, it would be a rich target. very rich. millions of credit card transactions every year, wealthy patrons donating millions of dollars from their bank accounts. no wonder they take security so seriously. but hackers also look at small businesses as a gateway. hacker can penetrate the systems and applications of a small business that does business with the large business and use that small business to penetrate the larger business. reporter: why try to hack a big bank directly when you can get in through the ad agency trying to win the bank s business? the question is keeping security officials up at night at businesses big and small. for nightly business report, i m scott cohn. important issue. you know, tyler, one of the issues of resolving it is a lot of companies that have been hacked, there s a stigma about staying you ve been hacked. i was speaking to the chairman of duke power not long ago and he says the one thing that keeps him awake at night above any other is the danger of a risk. serious problem. that s it for nightly business report. we want to remind you this is the time of year your public television station seeks your support. have a great night. we ll see you back here tomorrow night.

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Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20130312

good. no, not good. he s a vegetarian and he s going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don t stress. we can figure this out. [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. hi, everybody, i m beth troutman, we ve got great videos and the stories behind them right this minute ! do you have a driver s license with you? a former mayor is taken in for driving under the influence. and he s making small talk with the officers. that s great pizza. why nothing is off-limits, when chatty kathy is in the back of a cop car. i thought the other officer was going to take me to jail, too. she was pretty hot, wasn t she? find the curb. he may be blind, but 4-year-old gavin is incredibly independent and determined. we ve got the story behind one inspiring internet sensation. good job! it s a wet road and a driver with absolutely no time to react. oh! oh! see the happy surprise that came out of the wreckage. and meet some buddies willing to sacrifice dignity for entertainment. and i think you know what s going to happen next. oh! here we have dash cam video of a police officer in keel, wisconsin, pulling a honda vehicle over for taking a wide right turn. the driver identifies himself as bob ryan, the former mayor of sheboygan, wisconsin, 25 miles away and then the officer asks how much have you had to drink tonight, sir? how much have i had to drink? yeah. i had three or four beers. he was arrested and cited for operating while intoxicated. after he s in the squad car and the officers search his vehicle two open cans of foster. he s in the back of the police car and getting trance povertied to the hospital and he s making small talk with the officers. he makes reference to another mayor who is at the bar with him earlier and saying i should have called him, man, i could have got out of a jam. there s tony s right there. that is great pizza. he doesn t have a worry in the world. and the officers ask him again how much did you have to drink? i had four or five drinks this evening. number has changed. what time did you start? 5:00 or 6:00 this afternoon. when did you stop drinking? when you pulled me over. i knew it. he was drinking in the car. he s not done. he begins joking with the officers about a female officer who was at the hospital. i was hoping that other officer was going to take me to jail, man. she s pretty hot, wasn t she? ryan is an admitted alcoholic and says he s working to try to get himself better. the whole ordeal comes two weeks after he was fined $770 from a disorderly conduct charge that stems from july of 2011, an incident of him grabbing a woman inappropriately at a bar. hopefully this is the wake-up call he needs. he sounds like he s having too good a time for it to be a wakeup call. still looking for a date. i would violate something just to have her arrest me again. a chinese bus had a serious problem, but it wasn t mechanical. the driver, you ll see in this video, starts to slow his bus down and begins to pull it off the side of the road. and eventually parks it. he starts to yell to the people on the bus saying i can t continue. i can t go any further. the driver was having a stroke and managed to safely pull this bus over and stop it before he eventually completely collapses. oh my goodness. that s tough to watch. how incredible that he was able to save the lives of every single person on the bus by pulling over safely. one of the passengers comes to his aid to help out. you see the driver s condition continues to get worse. eventually emergency workers show up and they get this man off the bus. but he s currently in the hospital, in a coma. doctors are saying we don t know. situation like this, a brain injury like this, is very tenuous. and it s the body that has to help itself recover. heads up on the driver s part, he knew something was wrong, he thought i ve got a bus load of passengers, i ve got to pull over. i have two dash cam accident videos. one of them is from russia. no! you never see it coming, right? on the road, icy, it seems like it s even snowing, lots of traffic. too much speed. keep an eye on that suv up ahead, that just seems to have gone outside of its lane. whoa! with absolutely no time to react, this driver honks the horn, but ends up running into the suv. the person driving the car seems to be moving, so it looks like both of the drivers survived. you feel like you re part of the accident when you hear it and see it, you feel your muscles tense up. you feel like you want to hit the brakes even though you re not there. that s kind of what this other accident is. this one is in alabama, this guy is driving his honda f.i.t. in america? in america we re capable of russian-like crashes. 7:55 in the morning last year. video recently posted. it s a very wet road. oh, oh! amazingly, you see him fuzzing with the cam remarks he removes it and ends up walking away from this accident. and he turns the camera around to show us what his car now looks like. he did say he s going to buy another honda f.i.t. that s a car not f.i.t. to drive. woe, woe! come on! this is 4-year-old gavin stevens. and if you notice, gavin is using a cane to navigate this curb. and he s doing it all on his own. gavin was born with lieber neurosis, a complete blindness. but if you notice, incredibly independent and determined. it is so adorably amazing to watch him do this on his own. i m so proud of you. yes. the condition is incredibly rare and his family have created gavin s foundation. the website is gavin s their mission is to raise awareness and increase funding for research to find a treatment and a cure for blindness caused by the condition of lca. gine what he ll be doing in four years. he s going to have an amazing life, he ll do tons of things. he s not only incredible about getting around, he s a great singer. here s gavin singing bruno mars when i with a your man. i just want you to know aw, so awesome, you could listen to him all day. and he s handsome, i want to buy his album. strap in, flying jets and seeing san francisco in a whole new way. alcatraz! that s so cool. see the story about this video and the guys in the jets, next. and can you really break a lock with a single shot? we re testing the movies. and wait until you see what happens to the bullet. see the test, see what you think, right this minute ! test one. wow, look at that, it at tued the wood behind him. but it didn t do that much damage to the lock. it didn t unlock it, it looks like it hit a square right here. it looks like you can t even turn the numbers here, still very much locked. direct hit again. still locked. did do a little bit more damage to the master lock this time around. now he goes with the second lock. wait until you see what happens to the bullet. it hit the lock and didn t go through completely flattened itself out. that s the bullet right there. able to just sort of pick the bullet up. still locked as well. now he moves onto the big old-school-looking padlock and that is the bullet. flattened out. still locked. with this lock he goes at it a bunch. he shoots this thing a number of times. still nothing. even shoots the u-portion of the lock. still locked. but he does go back to the master lock. and after the third shot that one finally, that just blew the whole inards out of it. you could shoot a lock off a door. but it s not like the movies where they shoot one time and bing, the door is open. yet again another movie myth busted. let s take a little aerial tour of one of our favorite cities, san francisco. right now we re flying as part of the patriots jet team. one of six guys flying ran aero l-39 albatross, a czech-built plane. look how close these guys are flying these cool black and red jets it looks like you could reach out and grab the wing of the other plane. here they are, getting ready to get into their aerobatics, watch that. a nice deep swooping turn over the city and out across the bay. wow. can you pick out some of the key landmarks. alcatraz, i love that, that s so cool. the patriots jet team is a civilian aerobatic formation team and their ground crew all volunteers, 25 of them. they re getting close to the city, too. you can tell that s traffic. that s crazy to see it from up here as they re flying over it. pretty impressive demonstration put on by former pilots, military pilots, civilian pilots and owned by a guy named randy howard, he s a former united airlines pilot. runners to your mark get set what do you think the guy is going to do when we say go ? run a 50-meter dash. i think he s going to do something you don t quite expect him to do when it s time for him to go. oh! that s a lamborghini, my friends, this is in australia at the top gear festival at the sydney motor sport park. this dude instead of driving something with a motor or tinkering something with a motor. he jumped over something with a motor. i love how matter of fact the announcers are. will he jump the car? he did it with flair, he did it like a flip. this lamborghini is not going top speed, but it s going fast enough to cause some damage. watch it from this angle. you hear the engine roaring. whoa! i m assuming he s not a regular joe from the streets. they did pull him out of the stand. can we get some volunteers here? crazy, because he ran towards the car, too. what if he jumped too late? this is the movie trailer video for mark s proposal to gabby. they have my attention. this is the best movie i ve ever seen. see what she says on the next right this minute. and still to come, the cat s name is mclovin , but he s not lovin this. see how mclovin s owner answers critics of the soon-to-be viral video, next. and the irish wants kisses. you horrible person! i thought kiss rate. i m your venus [ female announcer ] what does beauty feel like? find out with venus embrace. every five-bladed stroke gives you 360 degrees of smooth for goddess skin you can feel and feel. i m your venus only from venus embrace. here we go with the best of rtm on this tuesday, we ve got something a little bit different. what have you got? a music bonus, justin timberlake you ve probably seen the video for his new hit single suit and tie. on itunes you can listen to his entire album, before it s released on march 19th. you can hear everything, and the album has not even been released yet. cool move by justin. if you want to listen to it, head to and click on best of rtm. the next viral cat video sensation here. this is mclovin , that s the cat s name and he s not happy about getting a bath. but the funny part it is he speaks his mind under water. aw. mclovin does not like the bathtub. i feel bad they re so cute and funny. the sound goes exactly with the face. you re not the only one feels bad. this video has been getting a ton of comments saying that this somehow is animal abuse. cats don t like the water, but when you have a pet, they need a bath. some argue the point, do they need a bath. a lot of people say cats don t need to be bathed. the cat has an accident. if it rolled in some honey and you need to get them clean. the owner posted a response video about mclovin saying i have a pit bull and four cats all of whom are healthy. especially mclovin , who is overly healthy, as you can see. this doesn t look like the same cat. he claims if he does not like a he will jump out of said bathtub. if you look at the behavior of his pets. don t correspond to the abuse behavior. they clearly like him. my cat is totally fine, i am not an animal abuser, the cat was not being held in the bathtub against his will. according to their website, the screwball crew says they are nine guys set on demolishing themselves and their dignity in the name of entertainment. i think they accomplish their goals. this guy here is wearing the borat sort of mankini kind of thing, you can barely see it and his buddy is drinking an accelerant and has the flame there and i think you know what is going to happen next. is he going to fart on the flame? no, he s going to remove the hair from his butt, quickly. he s truly on fire as he runs away, the bathing suit i guess you would call it is on fire, and also in the crack region there s a flame as well. we do have a picture of the ftermath. you can see the outline of the bathi suit here. aparently the picture was burns blister. do people not understand that fire burns? well if they re trying to demolish themselves in the name of entertainment, this pretty much falls right in line with their mission. they don t care that fire burns. think about what that bathing suit is made out of. in the comment nick has a post here, he said the mankini got even melted. it burns even more. that s a good look. i hate to say this, but i was entertained. i m not, i m flabbergasted. i m like, what? this guy does this on purpose. nothing breaks this ball. but his crotch. see why he does it on right this mi you re on timeout leo! some things won t last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen. you re o meout leo! some things won t last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen. this is honey and her friend, kwanzaa. kwanzaa? honey and kwanzaa. it sounds like a buddy cop duo. kwanzaa is a white lion cup that was being nursed by its mother. but the mother s milk dried up, so the folks at a zoo in australia took kwanzaa and for whatever reason, kwanzaa fell in love with the zoo dog, honey. they re wrestling, about the same in size. so you re not worried. what about when kwanzaa gets big. i m a little worried about honey, because kwanzaa may not realize his strength. but for now, they are best friends. out on the streets together, solving mysteries. and a little-known fact about white lions. white lions are not albino lions, they re regular lions with a recesssive gene known as the chinchilla gene that affects the coat color. nick will take you up on that. ha was sweet. i m not irish, but these guys are. they re irish, so we re going to put the kiss me i m irish to test. you don t have to be irish for this to work, i just found out. people are kissing away. a little kiss on the cheek? a kiss on the cheek. no, you horrible person! i just got kiss-raped. he does it several times in the videos. have a lucky day. not surprisingly, the girl is getting kissed a lot more than the guys are getting kissed. are you actually irish? i am. whoa! she says to the guys, if you kiss me, it s for good luck. but he moves in for a while. later in the video, that ticker is still going. i have a test coming up. that seems very friendly. good luck. you, too. i hope you ace your test. there are several really funny moments, the guy is in the red shirt kisses her and sees the other guy with the kiss me i m irish sign. i m preston, i want to take one of those. no, no, no. kiss me i m italian. would that work? that would just be creepy. thank you. i ask you, stunt or stupidity. this is horse, and horse uses his testicles as part of his act. you see him getting ready to do that.

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Transcripts For LINKTV Al Jazeera World News 20130306

meant to pay for and how it was really spent. cash. venezuela has declared seven days of mourning following the death of president hugo chavez. he rose from the ranks of the military to be the leader of one of the largest economies in latin america. a sharp critic of the u.s., the .elf-proclaimed revolutionary after two years of illness and weeks of uncertainty, the official announcement came that the venezuelan president is dead. after a battle against a heart illness, during the course of almost two years, with the love of the country and blessings of the country, and loyalty of his colleagues, and love of his family, we transmit our pain and solidarity. hugo chavez had been in power 14 years of. during that time he became more than a president to many venezuelans. supporters gathered on the streets of iraq as trying to adore the news, many of them shocked.- many in morning. the minister and pledged his support and that of the military for vice-president maduro, who chavez had named as his successor. we ask for unity from the whole nation. the armed forces guarantees the constitution will guarantee the sovereignty and security of all the people in venezuela. chavez, a hero for some and a tyrant for others, led an anti- capitalist, anti-u.s. movement during his time in charge, supporting poor venezuelans and reclaiming power for them. the opposition leader has offered condolences to the family and supporters and urged unity among the people. chavez has been very sick for more than three months now. there has been a time for venezuelans to understand the gravity of his health situation. but they likely will need even more time to come to grips with his? . a man cast such a long shadow over this country for so long. gabriel is joining us now from the main square in the venezuelan capital caracas. it is the morning after the news of his death. is the mood like incorrect yesterday what is the mood today? acas it is a little after 6:30 in the morning in venezuela. the sun is rising. this is a historic day because it is the first day of the post post-chavez boulevard. this is one of the most famous plazas in the country. people are beginning to gather. it is still very early and it s quiet. these people are some of chavez s most ardent supporters. they are here every day, not just because of his death yesterday. are watching tv behind me of some of his speeches. they are here every morning, not just today. it shows how passionate his supporters are. i want to show you a couple headlines in the local papers to give you a sense of how venezuelans are waking up to the news today. this is one of the papers with a big picture of chavez. another one as the main headline of the erainning without chavez. and another paper has a huge picture of him as well. this is very much a country that is really trying to come to grips with what is going on, what happened yesterday, and it a is a very somber mood as people are coming out to show their passion for their president that so many people here loved so much. venezuelans are mourning the death of hugo chavez. thank you very much. there s been reaction around the world to news of his debts. barack obama says the u.s. is interested in starting a new relationship with venezuela. president obama said, this challenging time of the passing of president chavez, the u.s. reaffirms its support for the venezuelan people and its interest in developing a constructive relationship with the venezuelan government. committedates remains to policies that promote democratic principles, the rule of law, and respect for human rights. iran has declared a day of mourning in honor of the death of hugo chavez. the rena president ahmadinejad pays tribute, saying, day venezuela lost its brakes, strong sun. i have no doubt that he will return. braveezuela has lost its son. the lebanese foreign minister has asked for syria to be readmitted into the arab league at a meeting in cairo. but he was met with a quick response from the prime minister of qatar. let us bring back syria to the arab league, let s lift the ban on its participation in our region. we need communication with syria to save six. it is a necessity for a political solution. i would like to respond on syria and the resolution aimed at resolving the dispute peacefully and not to create a sea of blood. the one who has created the blood shed is a star saw. we re following this story from the lebanese capital beirut. it appears that divisions are appearing within the arab league as far as the serious crisis. syria prices. crisis. usually his remarks sparked a lot of controversy. people are preparing a response that for him. they say the government in lebanon still wants to distance itself from the syrian crisis. the arab league suspended syria s membership in the arab league and at that time lebanon did not take a position on that. the country is too rise stand any position by the government will only bring more problems, it says. the prime ago minister was criticized for his position on syria, saying that positionrees and says p is stated only by the foreign minister. in kenya, under the elections officials from across the country have been flown into the capital nairobi to help count the votes. more than 300,000 ballots from monday s election were ejected for failing to follow strict voting guidelines. that is delaying the announcement of the results. let s go to our correspondent in nairobi where young kenyans are using technology to monitor what is happening around the country. what is the latest? when do we expect results? we just heard from the iebc with a statement saying 53 of those returning officers are now in nairobi. the rest of them are still to arrive. we are expecting them hereby road and by air. once they arrive, they will give their results, which will be verified and made public as soon as possible. but it is an extremely slow process. let me tell you where i am. i am at the innovation hub where young kenyans have formed an organization that means kenya.on in what they are doing is getting information via text message, twitter, e-mail, and bringing it all into the system here and mapping various incidents going on around the country. the response indicates serious incidents. most of what they have gotten in have tosuch reports do with the voting process. yarrabin small incidents of violence, but mainly it has been a peaceful election. what they are doing here is an extremely important job. it is really giving kenyans a voice, voicewho possibly may not be watching the proceedings on television kenyans who may not be watching the proceedings on television, they can still get the results through this group. potentially damning information from the jubilee coalition coming out. we have to be careful with this. in this time, there will be speculation flying around. jubilee s party, coalition, has accused the british high commissioner of what they call suspicious and shatter we behavior relating to what they say is him trying to influence the process in terms of hundreds of thousands of spo ilt ballot papers and try to get them to include them in the final tally. the jubilee also mention the presence of british troops on polling day, calling that suspicious as well. we have put this to the british high commissioner. we re waiting for a response from him. we will get a lot of this as we wait welcome back. the top stories venezuela has declared seven days of mourning following the death of president hugo chavez. the 58-year-old lost his battle with cancer. he was in office 14 years and leaves a void in latin america as elected leadership. webinar s foreign minister has asked for syria to be readmitted into the arab league. but the action of other members suggest he has a tough job ahead. hundreds of elected officials from across kenya have been flown to nairobi to begin counting votes manually. hundreds of thousands of ballots were rejected following monday s election for failing to follow strict election rules. there were tears and the nyse- listed tuesday. york stockt the new exchange. investor confidence raised by government efforts to stimulate the economy. voice their needies anger at a well corporation. those that rely on government assistance are increasingly worried about looming federal budget cuts and are beginning to speak out, but only in small numbers. how dare they feel we should give them money when they should be giving us money? are they say they need government support now more than ever. i am terrified, because i receive rental assistance from section 8 thelma gray for my rent. help me pay myo rent. , where about losing my home and my medical benefits. abouti am concerned losing my home and medical benefits. activists say the middle-class is shrinking as well as social safety nets. we would have money to pay for this if corporations like verizon would pay their spare share of taxes. if politicians in d.c. would close corporate loopholes. the budget cuts are coming at a time when wages in the u.s. are stagnating. if most americans have yet to recover from the recession while corporate profits are soaring. wall street reached a record high on tuesday. financial alice a. companies are under little pressure to raise salaries thanks to gains in productivity and millions still out of work. what we see happening is that the wealthiest individuals are getting much wealthier, but they re not bringing along the middle class like we have seen in past expansions. some americans believe government overspending is the problem. the notion that the government can cut spending is a pink ribbon-effects have been widely overstated by those in the media and those on various sides of various issues, including the administration. the opposing views cannot be further apart. with more jobs expected to be lost as a result of budget cuts, corporate profits expected to keep rising, and the gap between rich and poor is only expected to increase. al jazeera reporting from new york. malaysian soldiers have increased their search for a group of armed filipinos in an eastern state. 13 gunman were killed when the military launched a ground and air offensive on tuesday. but much of the group appears to have escaped the air strike. they landed on a coastal village nearly a month ago, claiming the state in their ancestral land. new accusations of brutality are being leveled at postilion police. this time it has been triggered by an online video showing a policeman throwing a handcuffed man to the ground at a gay pride event. andrew thomas has more. it s the biggest parade of its kind anywhere in the world. ,000 spectators watching a thousands of performance at a martha kropf festival. mardi gras festival. we just saw it. the police officer is videotaped throwing a handcuffed man to the ground. this was not the only incident last saturday night. this person says he was thrust to the ground and kicked by five police officers when he ignored their requests for him not to cross the road. but i don t believe in had anything to do with a sexuality issue. it was a sign of an aggressive police force engaging in a manner that could happen to any person. i think they feel they are in vulnerable. inhonorable. police have charged both men with assaulting their officers. but now they have promised an internal investigation. x. i think the community and police are mature enough and have confidence to know that we will treat the matter seriously and we will do it in accordance with the evidence. these are not isolated incidents. brazilian student died last year after being tased four time and after by police officers he stole a single package of biscuits. been heavythere have handed arrests of aboriginal man. in one case, a lack of care of police officers was found to have been responsible for a man s death. austrian police stressed that the video only shows one part of what was a complex incident. but the incident itself seems to be part of a pattern leaving some australians to question their faith in their police. andrew thomas, al jazeera, sydney. a memorial service is being held in south africa for taxi driver killed while in police custody. he was handcuffed to a police van and drag a few hundred meters after a traffic violation. he was dead later. a bail hearing for the eight police officers charged will begin on friday. a career and has warned north korea that any attack across the border would mean war. p yongyang is threatening to scrap the cease-fire deal which ended the korean war if the u.n. imposes new sanctions. although a piece 60 years, the two koreas are still at war because the only sign a truce and not an actual peacekeeping. the un security council is expected to adopt a new set of sanctions this week in response to abandon nuclear test. china has joined the u.s. in backing the resolution. about turn, hamid karzai has warned afghan security forces against torturing or using their own peoplehe iously named lak blamed the nato-led troops for such abuses. there have been reports of widespread abuse in prisons. the investigation says that during the arrest by the foreign forces and their local partners, people been abused. this is a serious problem and this should be stopped and cameras should be set up during interrogation to stop the abuse. the u.s. government is still counting the cost of rebuilding iraq after the invasion 10 years ago. the man in charge of the construction has given final details to congress. he says the u.s. t has he money for t-0 says that the u.s. has spent too much money for too few results. washington was overspending in iraq. at least $8 billion in u.s. money was wasted. in wasted for nine years, he and his team tracked the project and the calls well-intentioned but poorly designed and managed. the u.s. and budgeted $61 billion for reconstruction and spent $53 billion by last september. that is $15 million per day every day for nine years. some of the money was given to the u.s. agency for international development or usaid. usaid personnel began working with local leaders to rebuild iraq. but the inspector says it was the pentagon and defense secretary donald rumsfeld who patrolled the the check of. $45 billion had been spent on security related projects in 2011 or by 2011. the supervision was not so much in place. eye-popping waste, fraud, and abuse were the results. convicted felons skimming the attachment to pay construction workers. $40 million prison never wanted and never finished. and a former army major now in prison for stealing millions from government accounts. some of those had access to these large duffel bags of cash and were unable to resist the temptation to steal. 220 avenal. 104 criminal indictments. 82 convictions. $191 million in fines and penalties. he says some of the money will never be found. but there is a next time, he hopes the u.s. will never learned the very costly lesson of iraq. it has been costly to iraq and to the united states and to coalition partners in ways that no one anticipated 10 years ago. al jazeera. john brennan is one step closer to becoming the head of the cia. the u.s. senate intelligence committee has approved his nomination. it had been held up after senators insisted on review classified documents on the drone program previously headed by john brennan. his nomination now goes to a vote in the senate. airline passengers in the united states will soon be allowed to carry small knives, mace, or golf clubs as part of their hand luggage. airline unions reacted angrily, saying sports equipment can be dangerous in the wrong hands. the items were originally banned after 9/11, a u.s. transport authorities say the changes allow them to focus on more serious safety threats. a top russian ballet dancer has admitted he was behind an acid attack on the bolshoi s district director. pavel dmitrichenko is one of three suspects being held. sergei filin was badly damaged when a masked driver threw acid in his face. dmitrichenko explains why he was arrested. an attack against the artistic director, masterminded the attack, but not to the extent it eventually happened. the czech president says treason charges against him are politically motivated. the upper house of parliament, dominated by the left-wing opposition, had told it to prosecute the right-wing leader because he had ordered an amnesty halting several high- profile fraud cases. he will end his tenure as president on display. train drivers and portugal have gone on strike. they claim the government is not willing to talk. the strike has jammed traffic in the capital lisbon. the foreign minister in bulgaria has granted british politicians who claim the u.k. is flooded with foreign nationals to be a dangerous statement. he said that some british members of parliament are living in a fantasy world. now this report. the stereotypes about bulgarian workers. both rising young business executives, they studied and worked in britain and they may return when restrictions are abolished. but bulgaria will always be home. the negative propaganda that went through the media in england, it s not the right way to do it. guy that said when we open the gates, millions of bulgarian people and romanian people are getting your jobs and you ll be struggling to get by. this is not the case. myi really hope most of peers and friends and fellow bulgarian students in the u.k. and elsewhere in the world come back here so we get a better home for us. the outgoing bulgarian foreign minister has told al jazeera that some british politicians are playing a dangerous nationalist game by using bulgarian s as a scapegoat in the immigration debate. and suppose astonishment a feeling that this is a big oke, because they have mathematics terribly wrong. do you think bo derek is being picked upon the you think that bulgaria is being picked upon? of course. they are where you need to be careful in how you handle populism and nationalism, etc. a right-wing u.k. immigration pressure group says its 50,000 bulgarians and romanians will move to britain every year when temporary controls expire in the u.k. and eight other european union countries in 2014. it will give bulgarian migrants the same right to live and work in the uk as those of other european union countries, including access to benefits and the national health service. according to the people here, this argument about who works where not only exposes narrow nationalist views but also how far the european union has to go in establishing a truly open market with the free movement of labor. many bulgarians scoffed at the idea of alleged benefit tourism. they have their own attractions and home. the latest poll here shows a tiny proportion plan to travel to the u.k. in the next 12 months and most of those

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Transcripts For CNNW Wolf 20150320

determine whether or not there are actually command and control structures in place that may provide some evidence to substantiate the claim that isil was involved in these attacks. at this point there is no indication that there is an operational link but that is still being investigated by our national security professionals. but there is no doubt that the kind of extremism that is a part of isil is endemic in other places in the country in the region. what we are seeing at least in this case we are seeing extremists try to capitalize on the chaos and instability inside yemen to carry out these acts of violence. we re covering all the angles of the breaking story. nick patton walsh is standing by in beirut. paul crook shank is in new york. rick francona joining us from california. here with me in washington our counterterrorism analyst phil mudd. he sits on the national intelligence council and the board of the national terrorism center. nick let me get the latest information from you, the targets, the victims, what happened? reporter: over 120 dead over 300 injured. hospitals in the yemeni capital are crying out for blood donors to try and assist in treating that wave of wounded. it was during the busiest time of friday during friday prayer when two key shia mosques in the capital of sanaa were attacked chillingly similar to al qaeda, other extremists in the past. a suicide bomber went into the crowds of worshippers in both mosques and then as many rushed in to help another device a suicide bomber and a car bomb tore into those crowds of people trying to rescue the injured. now many deeply concerned this could be the beginning of a new chapter of sectarian violence in yemen. there has been great instability as the shia group, the houthis who were targeted today have swept across the country, taking hold of the capital, ousting an internationally recognized government but they face sunni tribes who oppose them. many concerned that sunni extremists allied with them targeted these mosques today. stand by for a moment. paul crookshank is this just another in a series of wars if you will between shiites and sunnis? it looks very much like this. i think there s a real risk this could plunge yemen into a full bore civil war. there s a lot of similarity to the bombing of the mosque in 2006. when the founder of isis launched that attack in iraq his plan was to provoke the shia into a big retaliation against the sunni and drive the sunni into the arms of isis and al qaeda. i think whoever was responsible in yemen today, whether it was isis or whether it was al qaeda in yemen, i think it s the same strategy provoke more sectarian bloodshed, provoke a civil war, get more sunnis than even already to go into the al qaeda or isis side in yemen. the houthi shiites who took control of a big chunk of yemen, as you know phil they got backing from iran. it looks like yemen potentially could be shaping up as another horrible situation, a civil war like in syria. i think we ve got to look at this in a broader context. we ve got to look at what s happened in pakistan afghanistan, iraq every place where you have sunni extremists rise and you have a significant shia population. we view these in terms of the western lands. is it a threat to washington new york chicago. from a regional perspective you ve got to look at this as a sunni/shia fight. every one of those circumstances, the sunnis on the rise groups like al qaeda and isis are saying, hey, those shia we re going after them. we want them out. rick francona as you know the u.s. embassy was evacuated, all americans got out of yemen several weeks ago. they quickly got out of there. but al qaeda of the arabian peninsula which represents according to u.s. terrorism analysts a major threat to the u.s. homeland they re trying to bomb planes if you will they still have their headquarters there in yemen. what, if anything, is the u.s. able to do in a situation like this now? well our capabilities have been severely degraded by losing the embassy there, losing our forward presence. the administration claims that they still have contacts with some people working in yemen, but it is really really hurt. and the aqap is a threat. they have the intent and the capability to do damage here. remember they put things on airplanes. the printer explosive devices. so they represent a real threat. and i agree with what phil and paul have said this could be a much broader confrontation between sunni and shia and if you believe that iran is behind what s going on in sanaa with the houthis and if you re a gulf arab state, you ve got to be very concerned about what you see happening. you ve got the sunni crescent beirut damascus baghdad, now sanaa sort of falling into this influence of iran. yeah this is a real real awful situation, what s happening in yemen right now. we ll have much more coming up. there s another story we re watching in northern india where at least 30 people are dead after a train derailment 50 others injured when the engine and two passenger cars jumped the tracks after the train missed a stop. onlookers crowded the scene as rescue workers continued to pull survivors from rail car wreckage. the cause of the crash still under investigation right now. up next the latest in tunisia. the government there talking about possible terrorist sleeper cells. we ll go there live. later, prime targets for terror. why militant groups are taking direct aim at international tourists. stay with us. with new angie s list app, you can get projects done in a snap. take a photo of your project or just tell us what you need done and angie s list will find a top rated provider to do the job. start your project for free today. let s go to tunisia right now, a very different celebration. it s the country s independence day but observances there are overshadowed by this week s tragic massacre of tourists. at least 21 of them were killed. the majority of those victims traveled there aboard two cruise ships which docked today in spain. some talked about narrowly escaping the tragedy. you don t realize what happened. you don t know. we got on the ship. you turn the television on. oh tunisia! then you realize that you escaped from it but the other people are not lucky. our phil black is joining us live from tunis right now. most of the victims were europeans, a few asians. tell us about the departure of the survivors and the status of the victims right now, those who survived but remain in hospitals. reporter: wolf we ve been inside some of the hospitals here in tunis and seen how hard how frantically medical and administrative staff are working to treat the wounded. they were initially inundated. they re working through them treating them and getting them out the door as fast as they can and working with local diplomatic stuff to to get them on flights back to their homeland as quickly as possible. that process is going and largely depends on how well a lot of these patients are. the other process that are under way are the bodies those that didn t survive the attack. in the morgue earlier today we were told there are still some 15 bodies being held there some of which still haven t been identified. and again, it is a matter of the medical staff at these hospitals, at the morgue working with local diplomatic missions to identify them and get them home on specially organized flights. they hope to have all of this done in the next few days. it s a big job, but it has been somewhat slow going in these initial days after the attack wolf. the tunisian government as you know phil said the killers trained next door in libya. a government official even mentioned what was described as sleeper cells inside tunisia. are there fears now that this was potentially just a start of a larger campaign against tunisia s democratically elected government? reporter: very much so. the existence of jihadi cells here in tunisia, well that is a known element, a known threat. it has been identified for some time. what this is is a combination potentially of that threat with the ongoing instability next door in libya. the government says the two gunmen crossed into libya, were trained in a camp near benghazi. the concern here is isis because that s territory that isis is known to have camps. the idea that elements from isis could continue to threaten the political stability of this country in an ongoing way is very much a concern, wolf. phil black, stay safe over there. up next targeting tourists. we ll take a closer look at past attacks. why museums and monuments have become terror targets. stay with us. you re driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn t there and the next second. boom! you ve had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and. boom! you re blindsided for a second time. they won t give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don t those people know you re already shaken up? liberty mutual s new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. the attack in tunisia highlights the vulnerability of tourists. they re a high-profile target in this war between terror western values including democracy. the tunisia museum attack it was a massacre is not the first and likely won t be the last. reporter: the targeting of tunisia s most prominent museum a sharp reminder for tourists without warning they could find themselves on the front lines of violent extremist war against westerners. november 26 2008 mumbai india. ten fieltghters launched a series of grenade and automatic weapon attacks against high-profile locations over a four-day period. 164 people were killed. october 12th 2002 bali indonesia, where tens of thousands of american tourists travel every year. an al qaeda affiliate detonated three bombs. the first bomb near the u.s. consulate caused no injuries. the second bomb just after 11:00 p.m. a suicide bomber inside paddy s pub as the injured and frightened ran into the street a third larger car bomb exploded. 202 people including seven americans, were killed. november 17th 1997 luxor, egypt. an islamic group fired automatic weapons into a tour bus, stabbed and killed some 68 mostly swiss and japanese tourists at one of egypt s top tourist destinations. isis al qaeda and al shabab have all expressed their desire to hit western targets. a recent bid of isis propaganda promises just that. soon in your city will be the battle. the groups have already specified targets they had like to hit. in rome 500 police have been added to protect landmark tourist destinations like the vatican and coliseum. recently though no islamic group is known to have targeted a heavily guarded tourist destination. but still, it has threatened places like the white house, london s big ben, the eiffel tower in paris and even minnesota s mall of america. threats like those may be behind the new numbers in our cnn/orc poll. we asked whether isis poses a serious threat to the united states. you see the breakdown. 56% say very serious, 24% say fairly serious. that s 80% total. 80% who say it s a pretty serious threat. as you can see, that number has been steadily growing since september. let s bring back our panel. paul cruckshank retired lieutenant colonel rick francona and cnn counterterrorism analyst phil mudd. why are these tourist attractions so important to these isis and other al qaeda-related terror organizations? this isn t about tourists or museums, it s about money. you go back to earlier what we were talking about, mid- 90s, one of the predecessors to al qaeda attacks luxor, egypt, the location of major tourist attractions and a major turn for radicals in egypt. 20 years later the successors to al qaeda go after tourists in tunisia. the reason is because the money they bring in underpins the government. there is one downside. that is not just money that affects the government s ability to keep operating, it is money that gives jobs to local people. if isis wants to recruit tunisians tunisians, it s not a great method in my view to undertake operations that limit their ability to make money off tourists. paul if isis did in fact undertake this massacre at the museum in tunis this week and killed all these europeans and a few asians touring that museum over there, do they really think that s going to strengthen them propagandawise get more recruits if innocent people are slaughtered like this? i think phil is absolutely right, there is a potential backlash here that could happen in somewhere like tunisia. we actually saw that in egypt after the luxor massacre in 97. that led to the defeat of jihadist groups in egypt pretty much at the time. the egyptian people really turned against them. we saw similar backlash in indonesia following the bali bombings. of course isis is playing to a hard line energized base which love these kind of attacks which target westerners which target sort of the secular cultural preislamic heritage as well. up to 15% of people in tunisia employment link the tourism sector so as phil was saying this could really undermine the economy and lead to more economic problems lead to more grievances and more radicalization. all of that plays in isis hands. do you think, rick francona that international tourist attractions should beef up security right now, wherever they are? well they have to because tourist sites represent a really lucrative target for isis because they re usually not well defended. they are frequented by westerners and that tends to be the target of these groups. you know tourism is a fragile industry. any bad publicity immediately you can go elsewhere. there are a lot of places to visit, so if there s danger in tunisia, you ll go somewhere else. egypt has not recovered from the violence it experienced in the 90s and the early part of the 2000s, so their tour industry is really in bad shape now. what s going to happen the tunisian tour industry. we ve already seen cruise lines going for alternate locations. the stock market took a hit. it s going to be a real problem economically for the tunisians and that s one of the effects that isis al qaeda, these groups want to have. and i think paul and phil are both exactly right, this does drive recruitment. we thought that the emulation of that jordanian pilot was going to somehow affect their recruitment and it had the opposite effect. it really pumped up their numbers. so these targets are very effective for them. it s hard to believe that phil that these kinds of activities do pump up numbers. more people volunteer to go fight with people in the aftermath of a horrific slaughter like this or the burning of that jordanian pilot that rick just spoke about. that s right. you ve got to remember in the view of the adversary, that is in the view of isis or its predecessors al qaeda, this is viewed as a bumper sticker. this is an advertisement to say if you re on the extreme fringe of islam in this battle for the soul of islam, there s only one place to join. it s not al qaeda or some other fringe group, it s the guys who operate in yemen, syria, et cetera. the problem is they can t manage to transition from the fringes to the heart of the islamic world and that is why this attack at the heart of the tunisian economy is so significant. i think they ll have a hard time persuading tunisian people beyond the fringe to say, hey, this is a good idea. i ve just lost my job but let me go join the people who forced me to lose that job. and it s not just tourists international tourists who are being targeted not just christians or jews it s fellow muslims. look what happened today at those mosques in sanaa, yemen, where several dozens and dozens of fellow muslims, albeit sunni muslims as opposed to shiite muslims, but they re still fellow muslims and most of the victims of these terror groups are in fact muslim. that s absolutely right. the majority of victims in terrorist attacks over the last couple of decades have definitely been muslims. of course from isis and al qaeda s point of view they don t think the shia are muslims. they think they re heretics that need to be killed so they re deliberately going after the shia. this is a very deliberate calculated attack in yemen to try to plunge the country into civil war. but i think, you know the vast majority of muslims around the world find this absolutely horrific. the trouble is this radical fringe. inside tunisia, they re up to 40,000 followers, for example, of a pro-jihadi movement. that s a very large number. it s still the fringe very large minority but you see those people going to syria and iraq to libya to get training going over to algeria to join up with terror groups. so that s the problem. the small radical fringe with tens of thousands across the arab world. all right, paul rick phil thanks very much. one final note the australian prime minister was one of the first customers for the reopening of the cafe in sydney that was the target of a gunman in december who took 17 people hostage. they remained there for 16 hours until police stormed the building. three people including the gunman were killed. plaques honoring the two victims now hang on the walls of the cafe. we just received a letter sent to hillary clinton s attorney about her private e-mails. we ll have that a lot more news coming up next. missi of providing a free world-class education for anyone anywhere. if you look at a khan academy video, they can cover everything from basic 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[ male announcer ] go long™. welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world, i m wolf blitzer reporting from washington. we have some news that we re ready to break here on cnn regarding the controversy over hillary clinton s use of private e private e-mail server. the house committee has issued an official request to the former secretary. chris, you ve got the news to report. what have you learned? what we ve learned is that trey gow kchltdy has sent hillary clinton s lawyer asking that that server be turned over to the independent inspector general for the state department. i have the letter and he says i m asking secretary clinton to relinquish her server to a neutral, detached and independent third party such as the inspector general for the state department for review and an independent accounting of any records contained on the server. so what they re trying to do here wolf is make sure that what hillary clinton has turned over to the state department remember she s turned over about 55,000 pages of e-mails to the state department they want somebody to look at that e-mail server where she did her official business and determine whether or not she s turned over everything that is official or whether she s held things back. she s suggested during those four years on that server 62,000 e-mails, half of them about 31,000 have been handed over to the state department. that translates into 55,000 actual pages, copies of what she says was official government-related business. the other half she suggests she deleted all of that it may not be on the server any longer. she has suggested that but what the republicans want to see, they want to see what exactly is on that server. if she was doing government business on that server somebody other than hillary clinton should be able to have a look at it. they have given her until april 3rd to respond to this request. of course republicans like chairman gowdy have said for a week or so that she should do it. now they re formally asking her to do it and indicating if she doesn t do it the full house of representatives might take up this issue and that could include the house voting to subpoena that server. remember chairman gowdy can t as a committee chair subpoena the server only get e-mails regarding benghazi so this could become a bigger issue, depending on how secretary clinton responds to the request. i don t think he should hold his breath waiting for that server because she had that server will be private, it s not going to be made public. thanks for breaking the news. he invited the israeli prime minister to washington. now house speaker john boehner is planning a trip to jerusalem. will his visit deepen the partisan divide when it comes to israel? also coming up crucial issues and critical end of the month deadline. the iran nuclear talks are apparently on hold right now. an update on the progress and the sticking points is coming up next. the real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful? what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that s what i d like to do. will you help us find a house for you and your brother? woooooah you re not just looking for a house. you re looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow the nuclear talks with iran went into recess today, but the clock is ticking toward a crucial end of the month deadline. the secretary of state john kerry says they ll return to the negotiating table next week. meanwhile president obama and iran s foreign minister took to social media to push for progress. the foreign minister tweeted, and i m quoting, it s high time for the u.s. and its allies to choose pressure or agreement. and president obama released a youtube message to the iranian people. the days and weeks ahead will be critical. our negotiations have made progress but gaps remain. and there are people in both our countries and beyond who oppose a diplomatic resolution. my message to you, the people of iran is that together we have to speak up for the future we seek. joining us now for some perspective on these talks, dean of the school of advanced international studies here in washington at johns hopkins university. thanks very much for coming in. a video like this directly addressing the people of iran by the president of the united states he can post it on youtube, they can put it out, but will people in iran actually be able to see this? i think a segment of them will and some of them will find a way to download it and share it as a file on cell phones and smartphones and the like. i think people will see it and read reports of it by people who have seen it. let s say a lot of people in iran actually get to hear the president of the united states say accept the deal a good deal forget about your nuclear weapons program. iran can really gain economically socially internationally, if it makes a good deal. i think it does help. public diplomacy is important. the fact that he s sending this message on iran s new year which is today, is important. but also there s always been a question as to how much is he engaged in this. how much does this have his support. i think this will convey to the iranian people that the president wants this deal a deal that s beneficial to the iranian people and that will put some pressure on the iranian leaders. if the president says it it has a lot more clout in iran. i think because the iranian leaders have said all along it s not clear whether the president will fully back this deal. and if, say, with the pressure that we saw from prime minister netanyahu and congress and sort of the pressure that exists on this deal is he willing to stand up and defend it. so something like this message today gives them the sense that yes, he s willing to come in support of this deal. so there s a pause right now, but i assume in the coming days everyone will get back the foreign minister secretary of state kerry will go back to switzerland and resume negotiations. they have a march 31st deadline for at least a framework. deal or no deal? i think they re very close. i think the biggest part of the disagreement is over iran s insistence that the majority of sanctions should be lifted something that s not easy to do. i think also both sides know that they have a tough job dealing with the hard liners or critiques or conservatives and on this side republicans at home. therefore, they re trying to get the best the best deal on the table that would make selling it at home easier. and that makes it very tricky. the dean of the school of international studies the johns hopkins university. full disclosure i m a graduate of that school. will the reversal help repair the rift serious rift with the obama administration? and claims from the u.s. senate floor that racism is delaying a confirmation vote on a new u.s. attorney general. a senior republican issues an angry response to that accusation. people with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar ask your doctor about farxiga. it s a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. with one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. and, although it s not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower blood pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you have any of these symptoms stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. common side effects include urinary tract infections changes in urination and runny nose. do the walk of life yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar? 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this website says free credit scores . oh. credit karma! yeah, it s really free. look, you don t even have to put in your credit card information. what?! credit karma. really free credit scores. really. free. i could talk to you all day. his invitation for the israeli prime minister to address the u.s. congress set off a firestorm. now house speaker john boehner is planning his own trip to jerusalem to meet with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the israeli newspaper says the trip will be a victory celebration for the prime minister a victory celebration that was actually planned, they say, before the israeli election. let s bring in our cnn correspondent, oren lieberman. here in washington is a former adviser to six secretaries of state on the arab-israeli peace process. what do they say in jerusalem about this visit by the house speaker? reporter: well we re hearing that it will be sometime in the next two weeks, probably later in the next two weeks. speaker of the house john boehner will come here, and it s very much benjamin netanyahu saying his strongest allies in congress are republicans behind speaker of the house john boehner. perhaps it s even one more shot between the back and forth we ve seen between president barack obama and benjamin netanyahu which effectively started when boehner invited netanyahu to speak before congress. the relationship you ve studied this for a long time it s about as strained as i ve ever seen it but give me your analysis. there s no question both in personality and policies this is the worst. it s been a nauponstop soap opera for at least five years. how do they fix it? i m not sure they can fix it. the truth is i don t know where it goes. the administration can talk tough but what are they going to do sanction the israelis? support the palestinian at the international criminal court? they may be less solicitous of defending israeli positions abroad in an international forum, i can see them go but they weren t moving on the israeli-palestinian issue. they ll have to figure out how to work with the israelis as hard as that s going to be. what are they saying over there about the flip-flop from the prime minister. the day before the election he says there won t be a palestinian state on his watch. that was seen as a are you pudrepudiation of the two-state solution. but yesterday he says he never supported a one-state solution he supports a two-state solution. what s the reaction over there to this apparent about-face? reporter: well, his critics here have said that he s playing politics politics. he needed support from right-wing supporters. we saw him clearly move in that direction in the days before the election and the culmination was him saying there bill be no two-state solution there will be no palestinian state if benjamin netanyahu is the prime minister. then just after he wins a pretty resounding victory he does an about-face and said i never said i don t support a two-state solution. so his critics have said he s playing politics. meanwhile the palestinians have said and we spoke with the chief palestinian negotiator he believes the preelection comments that netanyahu never supported a two-state solution and as such they ll keep pushing on the international forum for international recognition instead of through negotiations. it seems like white house officials agree with the chief palestinian negotiator aaron, because the white house is saying publicly as a result of what the prime minister said just before the election the u.s. is now going to reassess its entire relationship not only with israel the peace process and everything else. the word reassess is a strong word. you remember the last time that happened wolf in 1975. kissinger summoned all our ambassadors back and called for a reassessment. kissinger admitted later it was political theater, but the truth is it worked. here i m not so sure it s going to work because there s no agreement right now. they re not close. and the truth is you know as well as i there are productive fights with the israelis that can actually accomplish things and unproductive ones. i m afraid right now we are in the middle of an unproductive fight. you think the u.s. the obama administration is really going to for example, allow anti-israeli resolutions to be passed by the u.n. security council, that that traditional u.s. veto won t happen? if they abstained on a u.n. resolution on settlements, would it stun me and shock me? no. would they vote to recognize a state of palestine? no. would they support the palestinian bid at the icc on war crimes? no. but what they might do is support the u.n. security council resolution to lay out the elements of what constitutes a solution to the israeli-palestinian conflict if they can t get one on the ground in 20 months. and let s be clear, they re not going to get one in the next 20 months. you think they would also potentially be a reduction in u.s. economic and military assistance. israel a slowdown in military hardware stuff like that? in my judgment almost inconceivable. this administration has a tendency to talk tough, very tough rhetoric but when it comes to imposing actual cost and consequences they re not very tough. and one final question oren to you over there in jerusalem. do israelis in general, and you ve been there for a while, do they understand how strained the u.s./israeli relationship has become over these past several weeks? reporter: i think many of them do. those that are critical of that relationship and critical of netanyahu s decisions generally fall on the left. those who have faith that netanyahu is strong enough to keep that relationship as it neetds needs to be they support netanyahu in what he s done over the past few weeks, regardless of how strained it has gotten. we ll see if the prime minister and the president, if they can get their act together and try to fix it. we ll see what happens, if that s possible. thanks very much guys appreciate it. still ahead, several lawmakers here in washington are injecting race into the conversation as they wait for the confirmation vote on the attorney general nominee, loretta lynch. y to y on its own. so let s do something about it. premarin vaginal cream can help it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don t use it if you ve had unusual bleeding breast or uterine cancer blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you re pregnant. side effects may include headache pelvic pain, breast pain vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogen should not be used to prevent heart disease heart attack, stroke or dementia. ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. aaron schock who use downton abbey for his office decor is under investigation. sources in washington familiar with the matter say fbi and professional prosecutors in illinois are investigating whether schock broke the law in accounting for campaign expenses. he announced he would resign after allegations he had improperly accounted for travel and other contributions from donors. several are declaring racism in the delayed approval of loretta lynch. she would become the first african-american woman to serve as attorney general of the united states. she made it through committee but her vote to come up for full confirmation by the entire senate has been delayed after a senate vote. republicans say they want it delayed until after a senate vote on human sex trafficking. democrats are holding up that vote after a provision was included limiting abortion funding but on the senate floor wednesday, senator dick durbin of illinois implied the vote delay was racially motivated. comments echoed by several other democrats. loretta lynch, the first african-american woman nominated to be attorney general is asked to sit in the back of the bus when it comes to the senate calendar. that s unfair. it s unjust. it s beneath the decorum and dignity of the united states senate. republican senator john mccain quickly took to the senate flooring aningly angrily firing back at the comments. i would say to the senator of the illinois for him to come to this floor and use that imagery and suggest that racist tactics are being employed to delay ms. lynch s confirmation vote. such inflammatory rhetoric has no place in this body and serves no purpose other than to further divide us. with us to discuss what s going on gloria borger and athena jones. did he reply to that? he did reply. he didn t apologize, which is what senator mccain wanted. i can tell you this race talk is not new. you have folks who for years even before the lynch nomination before the president nominated lynch who believed on the hill and off the hill that race has something to do with the way that the other party, the republican party, has treated president obama, treated eric holder and is now treating loretta lynch. this isn t new but certainly it hasn t so far been helpful in moving the ball forward. all it s done is really ramp up the heat. i think this is a case of political tactics that have gone wrong and that are creating a real mess. it is a real mess. this woman has been waiting a long time for confirmation after a distinguished career as the u.s. attorney in new york. she s had a distinguished career. she got approved on the senate judiciary committee on a bipartisan vote. there were three republicans. athena was there. who voted for her. she s widely well regarded. today rudy giuliani who is no fan of president obama as you know accused obama of not loving his country came out and said today that loretta lynch is not only an acceptable appointment but i find her to be an extraordinary appointment. if they get this to the floor i think the odds are it would be close, right, that she would be confirmed. she would be confirmed but rudy giuliani and others want the senate to have a big vote confirming her. that doesn t look likely. she s not even scheduled for a vote. a lot of republicans say they ll vote against her because she supported president obama s unilateral executive actions on immigration reform. it s shocking that somebody who was nominated by the president of the united states would actually support the president. what did they expect she was going to do? go before the senate judiciary committee and say actually i think what the president did was illegal? i doubt it. they had to know that was what she was going to say. i think this parliamentary maneuvering is what the american public hates about the congress. if you want to vote and oppose loretta lynch, go to the floor and tell the american public why you are opposing her whether it s because of immigration or something else. go to the floor and have a debate. push a button. vote. let the american people decide whether they think you did the right thing or the wrong thing. most republicans believe the president is in violation of the constitution with that executive order. they say they don t want they have backing now of federal judge in texas. it s now gone before a federal appeals court. it s being adjudicated even as we speak. they say this is a matter of principle. they believe the president is breaking the law by imposing these kinds of actions and if she supports that there s no way they can vote to confirm her. she would win confirmation if they went ahead and held the vote today. there are three republicans who voted for her out of the senate judiciary committee. there s another republican who said that she is a supporter. there will be enough support to get her nomination through under the new rules where they just need a basic majority. immigration issue is an issue that s been brought up of course. you have even rudy giuliani saying of course the president is going to pick someone that s going to agree with him. you had the former fbi director who was also on the call today saying that the senate can walk and chew gum at the same time. they can do two things at once. consider legislation on human trafficking bill that s part of the holdup and vote on her confirmation. it s ridiculous that you have to hold up one because of something else. these are games. it s games. this is the attorney general of the united states. you want to have one or not? she needs 50 votes to be confirmed because the vice president, joe biden, would then break a tie. he s the democrat. there are 46 democrats all of whom who will vote for her. she needs four republicans. three of whom voted in the senate. susan collins would be the 50th. the question is will there be a vote? thank you very much for all of that. finally, it s not something you see often in washington republicans and democrats in the house and senate actually agreeing on something and in this case they agreed on a deal to fix the reimbursement rate for doctors who treat medicare patients. the deal was struck by john boehner and nancy pelosi. a little bipartisan cooperation. that s it for me. i ll be back at 5:00 eastern in the situation room. for our international viewers, news center is next. for our american viewers, nous newsroom with brooke baldwin starts right now. thank you for watching cnn on this friday. i have to begin this hour with the deadly news of a terror attack. first in tunisia we ve been talking about the last couple days and now i need to tell you about suicide bombings in yemen and for the second time this week isis is claiming responsibility. while we cannot confirm the group s claim, just the shear brutality of today s attacks bear the hallmarks of isis. this happened in sanaa. turbulent capital of yemen. suicide bombers carrying out coordinated attacks on not just one but two shiite

Jerusalem , Israel-general- , Israel , Australia , Tunis , S26- , Tunisia , Minnesota , United-states , California , Syria , Washington

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 20150305

friday by the fbi. this law enforcement source says that law enforcement is now tracking quote, lots of cases like that around the country and they re growing increasingly concerned about this issue. the warning was sent out over the weekend. this is according to a law enforcement forcesource who spoke to our pamela brown a short while ago. we reported on the detention of this young man. a law enforcement official confirming to us that this young man was arrested on friday. he is in detention right now. he is being charged for the moment as a juvenile but they are trying to possibly get those charges changed so that he can be charged as an adult. this young man, according to law enforcement officials, was not just some kind of a passive supporter of isis maybe supporting them online. according to officials, this young man was a recruiter. he allegedly helped a man travel to syria to fight with isis. went online to connect the recruit to the terror group. the alleged recruiter, a 17-year-old boy in the suburbs of washington. that s according to a law enforcement official. the washington post reports the boy lives in woodbridge, virginia. isis are putting out their propaganda message over social media. teenagers are using social media more than any other demographic so it s no surprise that somebody who s 17 would become involved in pro isis activities. reporter: fbi agents raided the town house where the alleged recruiter lives leading him outside in handcuffs according to the post. the fbi is not commenting. the boy is in custody and is charged as a juvenile. an official with the prince william county public schools tells cnn the young man is enrolled at this high school osborne park in manassas virginia but is not currently attending classes. this follows other high profile cases of young americans being enticed to try to join isis. two men from the new york area including a 19-year-old picked up last month. a 19-year-old somali american from minneapolis grabbed by federal agents at jfk airport just before his plane was to leave for turkey. a law enforcement source says ak med posted these tweets saying he wanted to become ayodeji hadist and become a martyr. what prompts a young person to leave america and join isis? they are usually very isolated very upset about one issue or another and have some variety of motivations. sometimes it s psychological. sometimes it s family issues. other times it s social. reporter: a top counter terrorist official said isis and other groups have gotten better at spotting rekruds. this official said in the u.s. the fbi has seen children as young as 15 recruited by isis. brian, i understand you talked to a guy who employed this young man. what did he say about him? that s right, carol. we spoke to a gentleman named dustin obryant. he runs a news website focusing on digital currency. the young man worked from may until november. he described him as brilliant, very very intelligent. he didn t know he was a high school student because his resume listed college courses. he said there was never any indication that this young man might be radical in any way. he s very very surprised at all of this. he s hoping that there s some kind of misunderstanding and that maybe this young man didn t know quite what he was doing. he was very impressed with the young man s intellect. that s another frightening aspect that isis is able to spot people like this young man and recruit them to actually be recruiters of other people. brian todd reporting live for us this morning. thank you. in just a couple of hours we ll hear from the parents of michael brown, the unarmed teenager shot and killed in ferguson missouri. they ll respond to news that federal investigators have cleared the man who fired the shots. police officer darren wilson. they said their son s death is not in vein though if ferguson con front the racism exposed in the justice department report. their attorney spoke this morning. it s going to take a major overhaul of this department and everyone has their own opinion as to what type of change to be made in the leadership. it isn t my decision but without question this report calls out and screams for change. cnn s ed lavandera has spent a lot of time in ferguson covering the august shooting and the protests and riots that followed. tell us more ed. reporter: good morning, carol. well you know this report is full of anecdotal stories of what people have experienced during a two-year period and it really resonates with a lot of people who say that the police department here in ferguson has practiced harassment for years. oh, my. reporter: this is a pile of frustration for lois dean hoskin and her daughter kimberly. several dozen citations courtesy the city of ferguson stacked inside a file like a memory book of bad dreams. i don t think you could ever put a dollar amount on the stress that it cost me. reporter: a few years ago after lois dean s husband passed away ferguson started issuing lois deenl a string of minor code violations around her home for the way the cars were parked in her driveway for a downed tree in the storm. she tried to fight the citations. then this happened. i was arrested. when i went to court for failing to appear which was ludicrous because i had been coming to court all the time. reporter: so you appeared in court and they arrested you for failing to appear? he said i was under arrest. i said what am i under arrest for? and he said well i m not sure but they said something about failing to appear. reporter: but you re there? and i m there, yeah. so i went to they handcuffed me put me in the back of the squad car. i was locked up for four hours. reporter: this isn t her most stunning story. in 2009 she claimed her car was derelict and needed to be moved from her driveway. she said the 1998 oldsmobile wasn t much to look at but it was the car that took her to work every day until police officers showed up with a tow truck. so you saw them tow the car from your driveway? i was standing out there when they towed it yes? reporter: did you feel like your car was stolen? it was stolen. it was stolen from right out from under my eyes. reporter: kimberly hoskins say black residents drive around with the constant fear of seeing red and blue lights in their mirror. she s been issued a dozen traffic citations. i ve had police officers coming towards me turn around follow me make a u-turn follow me. run my plates find out everything is okay and turn around and go back in the direction that they were going. lois dean and kimberly hoskins say their citation battles have cost them $5,000. they re hoping the fight is finally over. i think that if nothing happens, it will be worse because they ll think they got away with it. reporter: and, carol, the mayor here in ferguson spoke briefly yesterday afternoon, but what a lot of peemg here in ferguson are talking about and asking where was the police chief during that press conference? he has not spoken out publicly hours after the doj report has been issued. carol? we re going to talk a lot more about that later. ed lavandera reporting live from ferguson. stay with us this morning because at 11:00 eastern we ll have live coverage of me i can call brown s parents and their reaction to this justice department report. a knife attack of justice. north korea praises a gruesome attack on the u.s. ambassador to south korea, mark lippert. this was the scene earlier in the capitol city of soule. authorities say this man, a 55-year-old north korean sympathizer, ran up to the ambassador screaming anti-american sentiments and then slashed him with a 10 inch knife. officials believe the suspect was protesting current joint south korea/u.s. military drills. plus this new information shows the suspect leaving his home and arriving at the venue moments before the attack. this morning the american ambassador is in good condition. surgeons say if the injuries had been any deeper they could have been life threatening. andrew stevens is live in hong kong with more. reporter: yeah carol, 80 stitches and that was just in the facial wound alone on the right side of the face there. he also suffered deep cuts to his left forearm and surgeons are saying he could suffer nerve damage there. luckily though no lasting damage in that cheek wound. the man who is now in police custody was known to police carol. he had actually been sentenced to two years in prison which was suspended back in 2010 after he threw a lump of concrete at the japanese ambassador to south korea. police say he was a man of unpredictable behavior. he certainly has been seen in north korea on several occasions. so he is known for his leanings towards north core reamp he was a member of this countriesdown north korea. he was a member of this council trying to get the two koreas together although he did commit this horrendous attack. mark lippert s parents have been talking about this horrendous attack. this is what they have to say. when i saw him you re distressed because it s yours. he s part of us. i think the whole experience to him was traumatic to say the least, and i think that was part of his expression. i think he totally enjoys the people of south korea. i m proud of him. i mean he s representing our country. i think this is a risk. how do i feel about him? i feel proud of him. certainly is a risk. actually mark lippert tweeting out his thanks for the support of the south korean people. the president, barack obama, has been in touch with lippert. they are close allies. they have known each other and worked together since 2005 when mr. obama was in the senate. the south korean president, president park says it was an intolerable attack and an attack on the relationship between korea and the u.s. it raises questions around the security surrounding mark lippert. all-american ambassadors around the world. what the soule police are saying is they weren t asked to provide any extra security detail. it looked like a pretty routine detail. he was going to speak about peace. andrew stevens reporting live from hong kong for us this morning. thank you. let s talk a little bit more about this with balbina wong. she served with christopher phil. she works at american university in washington d.c. welcome, professor. thank you for being with me. good morning. good morning. north korea praise the this attack. your thoughts? well i m he not surprised. there s no evidence that north korea had any direct involvement, but much as we see, for example, these lone wolf attacks throughout the western world and afterwards isis sort of praising these attacks, again, there s no sense that there s a clear conspiracy but there is no doubt that these north core reasonable sympathizers are dangerous to south korean society. and you heard ambassador lippert s father saying he was proud of his son but there are risks and he worries. in light of this he is certainly right to worry, but how afraid should we be for our ambassador in south korea? as americans we should remember that first of all, there are about 28,000 u.s. service men that actually put their lives at risk every day against north korean threat that are stationed in south korea, but we also forget that our diplomats throughout the world are often put in danger without the protection that the military often has. now south korea is and has been a very safe society. one in which most south korean citizens respect and reveer particularly the u.s. ambassador. in fact it s a tradeoff. the u.s. ambassador needs to be able to mingle with south korean public, needs to be accessible. this is one of the most important aspects of diplomacy. and so i think this attack certainly threatens that accessibility from now on. professor hwang, thank you so much for joining us. i appreciate it. still to come in the newsroom, more than 90 million people in the path. hundreds of drivers in kentucky stuck on the highway for up to ten hours. i ll talk to one of those drivers who are in agony this morning next. the real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful? 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it s red, white and blue. log on to learn more. you forgot the milk! that s lactaid®. right. 100% real milk just without the lactose. so, no discomfort? exactly. try some. mmm, it is real milk. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. 2,000 miles of misery. it s impacting 90 million people. i-65 south of louisville kentucky shut down. hundreds of drivers have been stuck for hours and the national guard is now being activated to help those stranded. now this road is quite steep making it tough for cars to get through. sue ellen kilgallon is one of those drivers. she s been stranded since 10:00 last night. ellen, are you there? yes. i feel for you. oh my goodness so what happened? like take us through the night. we thought we would move before it got bad hoping to get to nashville. we got 20 25 miles south of louisville and we just hit nothing but dead stop. a semi and a bunch of cars are in a collision at the head. we ve been sitting here. others have been there an hour or two longer than us that are further up. yeah we ve been here since 10:00 last night. so how are you surviving, sue ellen? we have two bottles of water and a package of crackers. we took a couple of naps. i ve been trying to stay awake and keep up with what the weather is going to do. this brings to mind the terrible ice storm in atlanta where people were trapped in their cars for, you know 10 hours or more. right. right. so what happened to cause the awful situation in kentucky? they said it was a semi-tractor had had a collision with a bunch of cars. that s all we ve been told. and they had the semi had gotten towed out a little while ago but other reports are saying they didn t have enough tow trucks to come and get the rest of the cars so we re not quite sure you know which way. you know we ve been trying to listen to the scanner to see what s going on. that s how we ve been getting information. at this point how are you feeling about your city and state officials? well i m on my way home to florida. we re traveling with a few dogs in the car. oh, no. so how are you feeling about the state of kentucky right now? well i think they re doing the best they can. i know we heard the national guard supposedly coming out, but we ve seen a little bit of traffic coming northbound but it s very sporadic. i don t know how they re getting through. we re just hoping they get something cleared up. my husband, he s working out of the car today. what was that your husband what? hanging in there. your husband, what sue ellen? i didn t hear you. he s actually working today. we re on our way working. he s supposed to be working, now we re stuck, so he s working out of the car today. oh, my at least you re doing something. he s on the internet. i don t mean to laugh, but i know you re laughing otherwise you d cry. i m laughing because it s so amusing. sue ellen kilgallon much luck and stay safe. we appreciate it. in other news this morning, new video of the boston marathon bombings. four never seen before videos played day one of the boston marathon bombing trial. i want to warn you, some of the video is graphic. here s more from deborah feyerick. reporter: in opening statements the team made it clear, it was him, hoping jurors will now focus on the influence his brother had to carry out the senseless attack and spare dzhokhar the death penalty. the jury also saw four never-before-seen videos of the bombings bombings bombings. bloody bodies laying on the ground first responders scrambling and the shock and dismay of onlookers. these videos shown yesterday, images that make an impact. here you go. reporter: this point of view video on the ground level revealing scenes of terror with some images too gruesome to show. i need a tourniquet. tourniquet. she s bleeding really bad. reporter: legs shattered by shrapnel from the pressure cooker bomb. bloodstaining the pavement. in court some of those victims testify about the blast. sydney cork ran, then a high school senior told the jury she could feel a tingling in her body. i was getting increasingly cold she said. i knew i was dying. her main artery had been severed. her mother lost both legs in the blast. besides the violence of the explosions these new videos show people rushing to help the injured. this was the scene inside mauer a thonn sports a running store located at the finish line. the blast shatters windows showing confusion in the store. you see people running out. some bombing victims stagger inside and clothing is gathered off the store shelves to make turn any kets to save so many who simply came to watch a race. deborah feyerick cnn, boston. alexandra field is following this for us. how did people inside react to the video? reporter: carol, when the jurors were selected for this trial they were warned that they were going to have to look at graphic images graphic video. the prosecution set the tone in their opening statements speaking in frankly excruciating details about the injuries that killed three of the victims at the finish line. when you saw them played out in court, even in the media overflow room where i was watching them it sends a chill up your spine. i think people were visibly moved even fellow journalists who had seen a lot of similar raw video, video that was deemed from the start too graphic to broadcast, not necessary to broadcast because it showed the extent of the suffering out there on boylston street. when you saw those images in the courtroom, when the victims were on the stand testifying to their pain sharing it in open court, i think it resonated very deeply with a city that is nearly two years past the events of that really horrific day. this is what the prosecution needs to be doing right now. they are establishing the facts of this case. they are showing the pain the suffering, the extent of the injuries the lives that were taken in all of this. the defense for their part which has conceded that their client the defendant, was behind these attacks, they re not, of course cross examining these victims as they take the stand, they are simply allowing them to take their story and to come down and step off the stand, carol. alexandra field, thanks so much. i appreciate it. a phrase was born shortly after those bombs went off. it was called boston strong. if you caught the image of the bombing victims entering the courtroom to face their attacker you know what i m talking about. but nothing says boston strong like rebecca gregory. gregory, who lost her left leg, wrote a powerful in your face letter to the man who changed to the man who changed her life. the letter reads like this dear dzhokhar tsarnaev. my name is rebecca gregory. we don t really know each other and never will but over the last two years i ve seen your face not only in pictures but in almost everyone of my nightmares. moments before the first blast your stupid backpack even brushed up against my arm, but i doubt you remember because i am no one to you, a complete stranger. and although it was merely just a blip on your radar, someone that happened to be standing three feet from your designated good spot for a bomb you have been so much more to me because you have undoubtedly been my source of fear since april 15th 2013. after all, you are one of the men responsible for nearly taking my child, for the permanent image embedded in my brain of watching someone die. up until now i ve been truly scared of you and because of this fearful of everything else people may be capable of but today all of that changed because this afternoon i got to walk into a courtroom and take my place at the witness stand just a few feet from where you were sitting. i was walking. did you get that? and today i explained all the horrific details of how you changed my life to the people that literally hold yours in your hands. that s a little scary, right? this after before going in, i m not going to lie, my palms were sweaty. sitting up there talking to the prosecution did make me cry, but today do you know what else happened? today i looked right in your face and i realized i wasn t afraid anymore. and today i realized that sitting across from you was somehow the somehow the crazy kind of step forward that i needed all along. and i think that s the ironic thing that happens when someone intends something evil to happen because somehow, some way it always ends up good. but you are the coward a little boy who wouldn t even look me in the eyes to see that. because you can t handle the fact that you what you tried to destroy you only made stronger. and if your eyes would have met mine for just one second you would have also seen that what you blew up really did blow up because now you have given me and the other survivors a tremendous platform to help others and essentially do our parts in changing the world for the better. so yes, you did take a part of me. congratulations. now you have a leg up literally, but in so many ways you saved my life because now i am so much more appreciative of every new day i ve been given, and now i get to hug my son even tighter than before blessed that he is thriving despite everything that has happened. so now while you re sitting in solitary confinement awaiting the verdict on your life i will actually be enjoying everything this beautiful world has to offer, and guess what else? i will do so without fear without fear of you because now to me you re a nobody and it is official that you have lost. so man, that really sucks for you, bro. i truly hope it was worth it. sincerely, someone you shouldn t have messed with. boston strong. when sends craig wilson a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what he becomes? great proposal! let stalk more over golf. great. how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! the ready for you alert, only at we all eat foods that are acidic. most of the time people are shocked when we show them where they re getting the acid and what those acids can do to the enamel. there s only so much enamel on a tooth, and everybody needs to do something about it now if they want to preserve their teeth. i recommend pronamel because it helps strengthen the tooth and makes it more resistant to acid breakdown. we want to be healthy and strong through the course of our life and by using pronamel every day, just simply using it as your toothpaste, you know you will have that peace of mind. now? 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absolutely. do you think being gay is a choice? absolutely. why do you say that? because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight and when they come out they re gay so did something happen while they were in there? the backlash started immediately, and carson started to do some damage control. he immediately blamed the lame stream media on shawn hannity s radio show. it was a 25-minute interview they chopped and you see what part they emphasize. we talk about some really important things. i did learn something very important for certain networks never do a pretaped interview. i m not going to talk about that issue anymore because every time i m gaining momentum the press says let s talk about gay rights. and i m just not going to fall for that anymore. except that s not true. no one edited what carson said and by the end of the day he realized he could not escape what he said and finally issued an apology. carson said quote, i realized that my choice of language does not reflect fully my heart on gay issues. i do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. i regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. for that i apologize unreservedly to all that were offended. david zur wick is a media critic for the baltimore sun. he joins me live. welcome. hi carol. glad you re here. carson says he s not going to talk about gay issues anymore, but as the conservative blog hot air points out, quote, he s beloved by his supporters because of his opinion on that particular topic. ben carson muting his social conservatism on the most hot button social issue of the day makes him mike huckabee minus the boldness. can he really afford to stop talking about gay issues david? well beyond beyond that sort of political appeal to the right the other problem with him saying he s going to stop talking about it carol, is that every journalist he encounters including any moderators at debates, is absolutely going to talk to him about it and ask him the same kinds of questions that chris cuomo asked, which are absolutely fair questions, and given the fact that in march of 2013 he compared homosexuality to bestiality and then walked it back in the exact same way saying well i apologize if it was a poor choice of words, blah blah blah. this now becomes a pattern and it becomes a problem and there s no way as a responsible journalist to do an interview with this man who is considered a person of science and a person of great science, an esteemed fleur neurosurgeon from johns hopkins. so how does he get to the point where he offers as evidence things like this prison example that he offered to cuomo yesterday? it s a huge question. you have to wonder about him. and now i think it s a big problem he is not going to be able to avoid it. and it s not just a problem for him, but if he continues to say such things it s going to start to affect other republican candidates right? absolutely. i mean, i think it really plays into a narrative that s developed sort of in the culture and ideological warfare of congress that republicans are extremists on the right and want to take the country to a dangerous place and infringe on basic human rights. that plays right into it and at some point the republican party has to deal with that and say look this guy s hurting us in a generic sense. and i wanted to talk a little bit about dr. carson s image. he s a celebrated surgeon. he worked at the prestigious johns hopkins movie. there s a movie made about him called gifted hands. is all of his talk on gay issues affecting his celebrity in the state of maryland and across the country? oh, absolutely. absolutely. that movie was a tnt made for cable movie. it was a pretty good movie. cuba gooding jr. is a very good actor. he played ben carson. good movie. and then from that part 2009 to 2013, february at that prayer breakfast with president obama he breaks out his celebrity and then he becomes a regular guest on fox and finally a paid contributor and i think that really hurt him, when he was sort of schooled. he was on to a very important point but i know what he was saying. david durawik, i m he going to have you back. thank you for your insight. he s back. david, you were just saying before you froze on air that dr. carson became a paid contributor for fox and he was schooled on what? i think he was socialized to a kind of extreme political rhetoric that you sometimes hear on the primetime cable shows, not just on fox, you hear it on msnbc as well. that s sort of the language of some nighttime cable programs and he was really on the shawn hannity show a lot initially. as a matter of fact he made those comments about bestiality and homosexuality on the shawn hannity show. in fact he was sitting in this chair in this studio i just found out from the people here when he made those, which was a little unsettling. but i think that s really really hurt his reputation. you know after he made those statements in march he was scheduled to speak at the graduation of the medical school one of the graduation ceremonies and protests started. my in box blew up with people from hopkins who said look i don t want this man speaking. i went here. i battled to get a degree from one of the greatest medical institutions in the country. i m gay. i don t want me and my partner have to sit there and listen to somebody who says this kind of thing about our lifestyle. hopkins gave him the chance to step down somewhat gracefully saying look it s the student s day. if people aren t happy with it i will step down. that s indicative of where his reputation started to go in this community, and it really took a hit from that point. and he s ratcheted up the rhetoric as he s advanced as a political candidate. we ll see if he rachets down. david durawik, thank you poor your insight. i don t think so carol. i don t think so either. i ll be right back. 100% real milk just without the lactose. so, no discomfort? exactly. try some. mmm, it is real milk. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. for african-americans in ferguson it was like living under siege. that s how eric holder described an investigation into the town s police force. among the findings cops saw residents, particularly those in african-american neighborhoods, as sources of revenue ticketing them at higher rates than whites. a series of racist e-mails sent by cops and law officials including one from 2011 that showed a photo of topless dancing women in africa with the caption, michelle obama s high school reunion. additionally the disproportionate use of dogs by canine officers that the doj said left serious puncture wounds to nonviolent offenders, some of them children. after the report was made public the mayor of ferguson faced the cameras and vowed to improve conditions. these actions taken by these individuals are in no way representative of the employees of the city of ferguson. but today s report allows the city of ferguson to identify the problems not only in our police department, but in the entire st. louis region. we must do better not only as a city but as a state and a country. we must all work to address issues of racial disparity in all aspects of society. is that even possible in ferguson at this point? joining me now to talk about that missouri state senator, maria chapel nadal. welcome back. thank you so much for having me. thanks for being here. i appreciate it. the mayor did not take questions at this press conference. why? well i think he was in an uncomfortable position obviously after reading 105 pages of the department of justice s report. there are some issues that he is facing obviously on his watch and on the watch of the chief of police. they are accountable for some of the actions that have been happening for the last several years. did anything the mayor said like assuage your fears for the community? right now there s very little credibility that the city of ferguson has right now. i am very glad that they are in the process of hiring more minorities in the police department but what s really important is the training of police officers even if you do have representation representative policing it doesn t mean that you re going to have police officers who are going to follow the law, and that is one of the injuries that happened for years. the ferguson police chief has yet to appear. when he does appear and when he does say something, what should he say? is there anything he can say to repair things with the community? i really don t think so. he has lost total credibility at this point. for the last six months he has stated that there has not been a racial issue in the city of ferguson and obviously after reading this report he has known that there has been racial behavior and institutional racism expressed and recognized by his officers. i think by the firing or termination possibility of three officers because of the e-mails is just not going to do. many people want an overhaul. they want the department to be disbanded altogether and, frankly, i m asking for the chief of police to resign at this point because he doesn t have the sin cert that s needed for the community to have faith in the city. maria sha pell nadal, thanks so much for being with me. i appreciate it. i ll be right back. in new york state, we re reinventing how we do business so businesses can reinvent the world. from pharmaceuticals to 3d prototyping, biotech to clean energy. whether your business is moving, expanding or just getting started. only new york offers you zero taxes for 10 years with startup ny business incubators that partner companies with universities, and venture capital funding for high growth industries. see how new york can grow your business and create jobs. visit when account lead craig wilson books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. and when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes? 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i think india s general sensitivity to media criticism, especially when it s foreign or western media criticism, is in overdrive here. i also think it s a really important detail that this documentary is made by a british woman, and i think there attempts to be a little bit extra sensitivity when you know the criticism the film was made by a british film documentary filmmaker. what i m really concerned about is that everybody is getting caught up in this controversy over this documentary. but the documentary here is not the crime. the crime that we re dealing with is violence against women and the role the crime twheer dealing with is violence against women and the role that men play in it. i think that s what we should keep our focus on. i m very very concerned that the brouhaha being made over this documentary is distracting us. freida pinto, the actress famous here tweeted this. how can we change mindsets if we don t know what we re up against. facts are a reality we need to face head on and tack. it s #indiasdaughter. do you agree? i completely agree. this is what we should focus on the outrage should be directed the snippets of the interview with this alleged rapist he is expressing a sentiment that is shared by the majority of men, not only in india but in the indian sub continent, next door in bangladesh. really? the majority of men? exactly. the majority of men in the indian sub continent really do share this sentiment. i know that s a big blanket statement. that is a discussion we need to be having why is rape culture the norm in the indian sub continent? why do men feel like this. why do men rape and feel like this is a right that they have. this is a conversation that we need to be having the fact that india has sorry. continue. go ahead. i love your passion. i just wanted to say the fact that india has a violence against women pandemic is undeniable. it is something that begins at birth. there s something about female infant side and how three million girls are missing, quote, unquote missing in india. the u.n. declared india as one of the most dangerous places in the world to be born a woman, to be born a girl. we clearly have a much larger issue we must deal with. that s why rape culture is the norm. it s the normal culture in the indian sub continent. a discussion will help but will only go so far. how do you really change minds? i think the way we change minds is by starting to have these conversations. when this brutal gang rape first happened in 2012 it wasn t the first gang rape that had taken place in india, of course. but it did receive so much international coverage and i really do feel like the women s rights movement in india is very much alive, very strong very vibrant. i feel like some kinds of progress has been made. the laws have been made tougher. this is a cultural and a social issue that we need to understand and i think right now india is kind of having a clash between thousands, centuries of years worth of misogynistic culture. the rise of this new generation of empowered women, this is where the clash is really happening. anushay hossein, thank you for your insight. i appreciate it. you re welcome. morning. who is going to be this year s nba mvp? russell westbrook is certainly making his case with another record setting performance last night. andy scholes has more on this morning s bleacher report. this run russell westbrook is on right now has been incredible. the first player to have four straight triple-doubles since michael jordan in 1989. jordan had seven in a row. in case you don t know what it is, double digits in three statistical categories. westbrook had another last night by scoring a career high 49 points grabbing a career high 16 rebounds to go along with ten assists as the thunder beat the 76ers? over time. he ll go for five tonight on tnt. thunder at the bulls at 8:00 eastern followed by the blazers hosting the mavs. al lx rodriguez made his long awaited return to the yankees yesterday. arod receiving a mixed reaction when he came to the plate the first time. more clapping than boos. in his first at-bat a-rod singled to left. after that a ground out and a walk. he missed all of last season as he served a suspension for using performance-enhancing drugs. after this game he said he was thrilled to be back on the diamond. it was pretty exciting pretty emotional to be honest with you. and i m just happy to play. it s really a dream come true to be back in pinstripes. i feel grateful the yankee haves given me the opportunity to put the uniform back on. a fan knocked down a half-court shot last night to win $25,000 and a scholarship. he s of course going nuts after he makes it. all the fans going nuts. a pretty cool moment. one of the workers at the arena actually carried him off after he hit the shot. take a look. the bank was apparently open in houston last night. there s nothing quite like the joy of hitting a half-court shot is there? no. that s so awesome. your body goes nuts and runs around in circles. i would do exactly the same thing. that s awesome. andy scholes, thanks for the fun. i appreciate it. the next hour of cnn newsroom after a break. captions by vitac ittle help from my state farm agent i plan to retire in 15 years. wow! you re totally blindsiding me here. who s gonna manage your accounts? this is a devastating blow i was not prepared for. well, i m gonna finish packing my things. 15 years will really sneak up on you. jennifer with do your exit interview and adam made you a cake. red velvet. oh, thank you. i made this. take charge of your retirement. talk to a state farm agent today. before earning enough cash back from bank of america to help pay for her kids ice time. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before she got 3% back on gas all with no hoops to jump through. katie used her bankamericard cash rewards credit card to stay warm and toasty during the heat of competition. that s the comfort of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. if you can clear a table without lifting a finger. you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™. happening now in the newsroom, concern growing about american teenagers wanting to join isis. a source telling cnn the fbi and homeland security warning police across the country that it s investigating lots of cases. you can either have sanctions and continue to seek the path of confrontation, or try to resolve this issue through negotiations and through an agreement. that s iran s foreign minister hopeful about nuclear negotiations. what he told our

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