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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News With David Muir 20170225 01:30:00

and the race to find a 6-year-old girl, 300 miles away. good evening. it s great to have you with us here on a very busy friday night. we begin with a deadly police shooting. two officers shot and wounded. the suspect shot and killed. tonight, there s video of the harrowing scene as it unfolded. police struggling with an armed suspect. one officer seen falling to the ground. authorities still trying to figure out if the officers were shot by a suspect, or if there was friendly fire. pierre thomas is on the scene tonight in washington. reporter: disturbing video shows police swarming over the suspect at the end of a dramatic foot chase. as shots ring out. it s not clear what triggered the gunfire or who shot first since the officers are in such close quarters, struggling with the suspect. but four shots can clearly be heard on the video.
at least one apparently striking this officer, who can be seen falling forward to the ground. both officers were wounded. the suspect later died of his wounds at a d.c. hospital. police say they recovered a handgun and are investigating whether the suspect fired his weapon and is responsible for wounding the officers. they re also investigating the possibility of friendly fire. we recovered a weapon from the suspect, and we believe that was fired. and we believe one of the officers fired their weapon. reporter: so you don t know who shot first? it s unclear. reporter: both officers will survive their wounds but the encounter shows the daily dangers officers increasingly face. in 2016, 64 officers were killed by gunfire, up 56% compared to the previous year. 21 of those officers were killed by ambush, a 163% spike over 2015. much of the violence against police now caught on tape. we have young offenders and old
with access to weapons, and what appears to be an increased willingness to use them. reporter: is it your feeling that suspects are much more willing to combat police? if you look at the national trend, it appears that way. pierre, the officers had body cams. will the recordings be released? reporter: police are reviewing the video and the mayor will decide whether to release it. tonight, authorities stress that the video seen online only shows one angle, so the public should not draw any conclusions. david? pierre, thank you. tonight, we re learning more about the chemical agent used in the middle of a busy airport. authorities believe the world s deadliest toxin was used to kill kim jong-un s half-brother. it happened as passengers were seated and walking nearby. two women using the vx nerve agent, rubbing it on his face.
it s colorless, odorless, and authorities say one of the women became violently ill moments after. here s terry moran. taking us step-by-step tonight through the surveillancsurveill. reporter: the bizarre assassination at kuala lumpur s busy airport, now classified as a terrifying weapon of mass destruction attack after malaysia s police chief revealed today the stunning toxicology results. it is the vx nerve agent, which is a chemical weapon. it s one of the most lethal creations that man has ever come up with. reporter: vx is odorless and tasteless. a tiny amount will trigger uncontrollable muscle contractions, causing first confusion, drowsiness and nausea before leading to death or paralysis. and it killed kim jong-nam, half-brother of north korean leader kim jong-un in minutes. just after he saunters into the airport, a woman lunges at him from behind, rubs his face for an instant, and moves quickly away. another woman was also involved. kim immediately reports to
airport authorities, gestures to his face, and soon collapses. experts say the assassins were risking their own lives by handling the vx so openly. that they held a rag over his face and rubbed it in, that individual is putting themselves massively in harm s way. reporter: both women survived, though one was vomiting after the attack. the airport now being decontaminated. vx can last for days. the brazen assassination, the latest in kim jong-un s bloody reign, taking out his estranged half-brother, a possible rival. and his regime, estimated to have up to 5,000 tons of chemical weapons. and terry is with us live from london. now that investigators know what killed him, will they be able to trace the source? reporter: there s a very good chance of that. teams of chemical weapon specialists from around the world will look at swabs taken
from kim jong-nam s eyes and face, and look at the chemical fingerprint. they may get a chance to see where it came from. this may be a real window on the north korean capabilities. terry, thank you. back here at home, and severe storms hitting at this hour, the system moving from the midwest to northeast. drivers facing blinding snow, trucks jackknifing off interstate 90. near austin minnesota. more than a foot of snow on some highways ch. weather alerts up from iowa all the way to the east coast. alex perez from indiana. reporter: tonight, treacherous driving in the midwest. whiteout conditions on the move, heading east. in southern minnesota, tractor trailers overturning. people pushing cars. authorities urging residents to stay off the roads. today would be a good day just to stay home. and if you do travel make sure you plan ahead. reporter: more than a foot of snow now on the ground in rochester. this, as nearly 30 million are at risk for damaging winds and tornadoes.
up to quarter-sized hail already in indiana, all from a system that claimed at least four lives in separate crashes in utah. and in idaho, this chain reaction crash involving two school buses on a snow-covered road. nearly 60 fifth-graders on board, one student taken to the hospital. and david, here in indiana and parts of the ohio valley, they are bracing for a long night of powerful storms and even the possibility of tornadoes. david? alex, thank you. let s get right to rob marciano with a track of the storm. he joins us live. hey, rob. reporter: hi, david. the storm is bumping into some big-time record heat, so a volatile situation. and the radar is popping. indiana, ohio, michigan, very rare to get thunderstorms this far north. so it could get rough. and meanwhile, the backside of the blizzard still going. i-35, des moines, just a mess. the snow will wind down tonight, show showers into chicago. and look at the rain and thunder along i-95. maybe some flooding where the
snow will be melting up north. the cold front does come through, and it does get cold. temperatures will feel like the teens come sunday, so we hope folks in the east enjoy today s warmth. rob, thank you. next tonight, president trump taking aim at the fbi. telling the intelligence agency it can t even find the leakers within the fbi itself. amid new questions about what the white house asked for from the fbi involving investigations into possible contact with the russians. here s jonathan karl. reporter: today, president trump basked in the glow of a friendly crowd. i love this place. love you people. reporter: then he slammed his own top law enforcement agency for failing to stop what he called illegal leaks. they can t even find the leakers within the fbi itself, the president tweeted. classified information is being given to media that could have a devastating effect on u.s. find now.
the president is especially outraged at a new york times story quoting unnamed u.s. officials alleging repeated contacts between the trump campaign and russian intelligence. over the weekend, chief of staff reince priebus said the story was nonsense. i know what they were told by the fbi. i ve talked to the fbi. i know what they re saying. reporter: now, the president is furious about new reports priebus pressured the fbi to knock the story down. such pressure could violate longstanding policy prohibiting white house interference in ongoing investigations. i m against the people that make up stories and make up sources. they shouldn t be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody s name. reporter: but ironically, the white house itself today organized a briefing for reporters on the story and insisted that officials be quoted anonymously. one top white house official at
the briefing, who insisted his name not be used, said there was no pressure on the fbi. in fact, the official said, fbi director james comey dismissed the new york times report into the russian connection as, quote, total garbage. director comey was at the white house just last month, praised by the president. he s become more famous than me. reporter: but when chief of staff priebus asked comey if the fbi would publicly dispute the new york times story, the fbi director said he could not do that. none of this seemed to matter to the crowd at cpac, the largest annual gathering of conservative activists in the country. trump skipped it last year. this year, a triumphant return. how is this cpac different from previous cpacs? i mean, just the buzz and excitement, and we re winning. we re in the white house. i mean, it s just exciting. reporter: this hasn t always been exactly trump s crowd, but it sure was today. the core conviction of our movement is that we are a nation
that put and will put its own citizens first. all: usa! usa! usa! and jon with us live from the white house tonight. we understand there was a press briefing today, but only some news organizations were allowed in? why some, not others? reporter: some of the largest news organizations in the country, including the new york times and cnn, were denied access to that briefing. while smaller conservative outlets were allowed in. it s highly unusual to exclude major news organizations that cover this building every day. what the white house said, is that they wanted to do a smaller, more intimate briefing because the president was giving a major speech today. this briefing was held in sean spicer s office, a smaller area. jon, thank you. tonight, hillary clinton returning with a message to the
66 million who voted for her. the dnc releasing a new video of clinton, whom the nation watched attending the inauguration. keeping her promise to attend. here s a clip of what she said. being your candidate was the honor of a lifetime. nearly 66 million votes are fueling grassroots energy and activism. and everywhere, people are marching, protesting, tweeting, speaking out and working for an america that s hopeful, inclusive, and big-hearted. so, keep fighting. and keep the faith. and i ll be right there with you, every step of the way. hillary clinton in a new video posted today. the dnc votes on a new party chair tomorrow. we move on. next tonight, the deadly shooting near kansas city, raising concerns about rising attacks against immigrants in the u.s.
the suspected gunman, allegedly targeting two indian engineers inside a crowded sports bar. killing one, injuring the other. witnesses reportedly hearing him yell, get out of my country. tonight, we re hearing from a third customer or witness, wounded trying to stop the gunman. here s linzie janis. reporter: tonight, the new details on the deadly shooting at this kansas sports bar. now being investigated as a possible hate crime. i ve got two down. gunshot wound to the chest. i ve got a third with a wound to the hip. reporter: an eyewitness says just before 7:15 p.m. wednesday night, adam purinton harassed two men, reportedly shouting, get out of my country. before allegedly opening fire. police arresting him 80 miles away. two of the victims, immigrants from india. srinivas kuchibhotla died of his injuries, and alok madasani, recovering tonight. i thought i heard nine shots. i guess i miscounted. reporter: ian grillot leapt
into action, and was shot after he thought the gunman ran out of bullets. i was just doing what anyone should have done for another human being. it s not about where he was from or his ethnicity. we re all humans. reporter: david, the widow of the man who was killed said she was worried about shootings in this country, but says her husband said good things happen in america. david? thank you. and there s still much more ahead on world news tonight this friday. the amber alert across six states today. and the 6-year-old girl taken. the urgent effort to get to her. and the developments as they came in this afternoon. the teacher who vanished more than a decade ago. now, a former student at that school facing murder charges. and america strong, the dog finally free after 15 years, chained. a new owner tonight. look at the smile, and what she s now giving to that dog. l, and i switched to sprint. and right now sprint has this
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next tonight here, we turn to your money, and tonight, what s driving so many department store closures. and the list of deals to get you back through those doors. here s rebecca jarvis tonight. reporter: tonight, jcpenney announcing plans to close up to 140 of its stores, following in the footsteps of competitors like sears and macy s. so many stores are closing because we don t need the number of stores there are. reporter: much of that brick and mortar business stomped out by 800-pound retail gorilla, amazon. and a growing field of discount competitors. traditional department stores, the anchors of the mall, now a long way from their heyday pitch. penney s, the most important thing we sell is satisfaction. reporter: attempting to modernize and reinvent in a world of changing tastes and technology. there has never been a better time to be a shopper. go online before you leave your house.
check a price, reserve an item, turn up to the mall and it s waiting for you. reporter: some stores offering to price match competitors. even rolling out free gifts with purchase. many department stores hoping to attract customers with exclusives, freebies while you shop like water and treats, even in some cases complimentary tailoring. rebecca, thank you. when we come back, the breaking headline involving an oscar nominee. also tonight, the amber alert across three states. the desperate search for a young girl, 300 miles away. a young girl, 300 mills away. my doctor prescribed opioids which helped with the chronic pain, but backed me up big-time. tried prunes, laxatives, still constipated. had to talk to my doctor. she said, how long you been holding this in? (laughs) that was my movantik moment.
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murder of a popular georgia teacher, more than a decade after she disappeared. high school history teacher tara grinstead vanished in 2005. now a former student at that high school has been charged. accused of killing her and hiding the body, which has never been found. and a dog that was freed after being chained outside for 15 years. he was released to an animal rights group. we met bear on gma. tonight, we ve learned he has a new home, a new owner, a cozy bed, treats, and that very happy home. america strong. we celebrate the woman for choosing him. and an early win for an oscar nominee, mahershala ali. up for best actor in a supporting role in moonlight. celebrating a new daughter, and we congratulate them early. when we come back, speaking of the oscars the early clues coming in. and we want your picks, right
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talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. our countdown to the oscars. tonight, the early clues. and we want you to tweet us your picks. chris connelly with the buzz before the big night. reporter: the much-nominated, spirit-soaring la la land, still on track to win. even up against moonlight, the exquisite art film. the people-pleasing hidden figures. i had no idea they hired quite a few women working in the space program. reporter: and the emotional piledriver, manchester by the
sea. do you want to be his guardian? he doesn t want to be my guardian. we re trying to lose some kids at this point. reporter: though supporting actress is known as a volatile category, viola davis remains the odds-on favorite in fences. i gave 18 years of my life to stand in the same spot as you. reporter: dev patel in lion poses a possible challenge in supporting actor, but it s long felt like mahershala ali s moment to shine. moonlight becomes him. at some point you got to decide for yourself who you gonna be. can t let nobody make that decision for you. i don t see why. reporter: who is poised to win a packed best actress category? emma stone powers la la land with her incandescent longing. i just heard you play. and i want to reporter: as a performer, casey affleck proves himself to be the master of big, troublesome emotions rendered in small, telling moments. you don t understand, there s
nothing there. that s not true. reporter: but denzel washington puts on a clinic in fences, hearing the script s music. as long as you in my house, you put a sir on the end of it when you talk to me. yes, sir. do you eat every day? yes, sir. you got a roof over your head? yes, sir. got clothes on your back? yes, sir. why do you think that is? cause of you. hell, i know it s because of me. reporter: it could go to either man. denzel s late charge makes him the favorite and that would mean something unprecedented in 89 years of oscar history. three out of four acting categories won by people of color. so many incredible performances. we ll see. the oscars, sunday night on abc. i m david muir. i ll see you monday. good night.
tonight, a family dog shot after mauling a 10-month-old. and we re live in san jose tonight. michael finney is connecting flood victims with resources to help them recover. we re also live in hollywood for the oscars and the change this year that has people cheering. now from abc 7, live, breaking news. we begin in concord. police shot and killed a dog that attacked a 10-month-old baby boy. you can see four evidence markers just outside the door. police tell us the dog was the family s own dog. police said the baby boy is doing well, and was crying and alert when transported to the hospital. this happened just after 4:00

Officers , Girl , Police-shooting , Race , 6 , 300 , Two , Suspect , Video , Officer , Scene , Ground

Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20170302 00:00:00

sores more than 300 points that say surge to an all-time record fueled by glowing reviews of president trump s congressional address. he kept a low profile today tweeting nonl all caps, thank you, no bragging or twitter rants just two words from his personal account. 47 million people tuned in to watch the pruz president s address and he put a lot of asks acts on the table, haej healthcare, immigration, tax cuts, on and on and today the rubber met the road. meeting with republican leadership to turn all of those words and promises into actual action. we re just here to start the process. it begins as of now and we think we re going to have tremendous success. david purdue was in that meeting and he s out front tonight i m going to speak with him i want to begin with jim acosta he is at the white house and uncharacteristically to say the least, quiet day for president trump.
that s right pu white house officials from the president on down are still slating after last night s speech. he was meeting with the ceo of news max and told chris rud did i that people are telling him it s the best speech he s ever given. so he s feeling good about last night. but he did get down to business meeting with republican congressional leaders here at the white house. we re hearing from sources it was about to replace and repeal the baej care act, it is to have it go into the committee bill process as early as next week. one thing we re told is that immigration did not come up during this meeting despite that big float from the white house yesterday that the president is open to a compromise bill on the issue. meanwhile, the white house is still not forecasting when the president will sign the replacement for the executive order that ban travel from seven majority muslim countries. that was delayed today to make sure last night s speech was not overspad doed by this controversial issue of the travel ban. but we are hearing the new executive order being drafted
will not include iraq among the nations impacted. and we did get the viewership numbers as to how many people watched the speech last night. it was a hefty sum but not as much as obama had. thank you very much. a meeting about the house republican house leadership had to gut and replace obamacare, it just wrapped up moments ago. some senators unwilling to embrace this plan. this is going to be crucial it is what the president says his top number one priority. man u, what are you hearing happened. we re hearing there are a lot of republican senators to key house republican chairman about what is in that plan. there were discussions about a central issue in that plan including tax credits to allow people to purchase health insurance, but we know now there is not still consensus behind one single plan not just on healthcare but on a range of issues on donald trump s agenda.
president donald trump told reports yesterday he d be open to a dramatic shift legalizing some undocumented immigrants has part of a broad compromise bill. but during his speech last night, trump was vague on the details, instead emphasizing tougher enforcement and building a wall on the border with mexico. i believe that real and positive immigration reform is possible. the mixed message dollars spawned confusion on capitol hill and left many deeply skeptical that any immigration measure could pass congress this year. we said we re going deliver on security border and we haven t delivered ton. reporter: he suggest ed could be open to legal status for undocumented immigrants. he told that to reporters yesterday. would you be able to that legal status? before you even deal with that question, you ve got to you ve got to take care of these other things. that s the most important thing you ve got to build confidence
for. conservatives are dubious that he may back off his hard-line stance on immigration. reporter: are you open to the idea of imzblants my view is we need to secure the border. i don t support amnesty. trump began to lay out the plan for its big legislative push with the president planning a more aggressive effort to sell it to his party. they re running into problems with the democrats to allow people to purchase health since. it comes across as a new entitlement we re trying to figure out the mechanics so whatever we do in that area we can t make the same mistakes in the structure of how it s done. the cost of all his plans are adding up including 1 patrol dollars for infrastructure and billions for the border wall, defense programs, and new family leave initiatives. we do have to focus more, in
my view, on the fiscal problems. by the way, i don t think the economy arizona going to grow until do you that either. now, the first big push, of course, is going to be on obamacare. inspect those to begin as early as next week in the committees and the house, but the question is how quickly can they move it through the house and the senate if there is opposition within the ranks and the republican side, which is why the bhous white house needs to play a critical role according to some republicans to shore up support particularly in the right flank of their party. thank you very much. and out front tonight lets zbets to the art of that issue. good to have you with me senatorry appreciate your time. obviously so much to talk about, i know had you both of these meetings today. let s started with the one with the president, you were with him. what did he say. well, first of all i was very encouraged with his speech last night where this president laid out his vision for america. and today at lunch he got right down to it. he said, look, we ve laid the vision out, now it s time to go
to work and execute. 0 so it was very much a business-like meeting moving at a business pace with the right players in the room to get this done. so i want to talk about that one thing first, though, and that is the point i made at the top of our show but we didn t hear from him much today. he didn t go out on twitter, he didn t put the executive order out like he was plan doing. all he did was publicly tweet this, thank you, in all caps, kpla medication point. that s it. that is uncharacteristic for the man, we all know this. when he was with you, did he express pride in his performance? did he talk about the fact that he prepared for it? any kind of victory lap? let me tell you my take onthy was there last night and what i saw last night is more like i see in private with this man. he is a strong leader. he has a heart for america, that s why he s done this. what we saw last night, though, is a man who s really concerned about the future of our country and he laid out a great vision for that. what we talked about at lunch today was more about specifics about executing this healthcare
plan and how we pull ourselves together to make this work in a timely manner. and i m encouraged after that. this was a viz business meeting, he laid out his vision, the results he expected the actions that have to happen and he looked around the advisors in the room and decided this can get done. okay. so this can get done. let me make sure i understand what you re saying on this because last night the president seemed 10 to dors speaker ryan s healthcare plan. is that what he said to you today that is the plan he s on board with it that is what he s going to sell to the american people and people in congress like you? i ll tell you what s happening right now. hhs secretary tom price, the administration, the senate and the house, staff and members, have been working on this for weeks and we re moving toward a bill that will pass the house and that the president will sign. that s what we re working for. the senate is having input right now and we re moving toward the final phases of that and getting it done. so, look, the plan that paul ryan had had things like tax credits in it.
you were in the meeting with senate republicans that ended just moments ago. we all know there s a split within the gop. i ve talked to members of congress who don t support ryan s plan, ted cruz don t support paul ryan s plan. are you on board with it? are you taking tax credits out? it sounds to me like what you re saying there s going to be yet another plan that s going to come out of all of this talking? well, there is no final plan right now. they re in the final movements of putting the final touches on this right now. and so they re seeking input and that s what we re giving. that s what these meetings are about. the meeting at the white house the president listened, he took input and that s what the meeting this afternoon was about. so i think you re going to see a united front here very shortly with an exciting direction for our count punt. let me mention this. this is not about, you know, talking about two plans where one s work and one s better than the other one. we re talking about replacing a plan if we don t do anything will kplaps under its own weight. in my home state 96 counties only have one carrier and it s
fragile. if we lose that one carrier, what do we do. everyone knows there s problems with obamacare, president obama was on that list he said give me something to fix it and i ll support it. well we re going to give him something to fix it after eight years. tax credits are crucial to paul ryan s plan. you have spoken negatively about that concept before. do you support tax credits? is that something would you support in a final plan? i m going to support a plan that the president will sign, that s the bottom line. anything is going to be better than what we ve got right now and ooem encouraged after the conversation today that we re tightening down the options here to a plan that will make people better served in their healthcare needs than make america get this economy going again at the same time. so you re open minded on it. you know, you talk about healthcare, though, and i know that was the lion share of what you talked about today, but last night the president talked about a whole lot more of that. it was one of the most ambitious spending agendas that we have ever heard. i will be asking congross
approve legislation that produces a one patrol dollars infra truckture in the united states financed through public and private capital. our military will be given the resources its brave warriors deserve. we want to work with borj feerts make child care accessible and affordable, to help ensure new parents that they have paid family leave. we will stop the drugs from pouring into our country and poisoning our youth and we will expand treatment for those who have become so badly addicted. more resources, expanding, a patrol dollars, paid family leave. those are not things someone like you would always ordinarily support. it s a lot of spending. are you behind it all? erin, you know what my heart is, it s to get after this debt crisis and he talked about that last night. one of the steps in doing there is goirowing the economy.
but he also talked about private public partnerships. we ve got a great example right now we used usid in africa with public money and created the africa power plan that used private public partnership and attracted a lot of money. he has that some business structure and i fully ask you that. i think we do that at home but we have to get after the other parts that will solve this debt crisis over time like saving social security and medicare. but that has to come after we have healthcare reform, regulatory reform and tax reform this year. we have a lot to talk about because this is a lot of spending and over time i wonder where you will stand on some of these things. thank you so much i appreciate your time tonight. don t miss lindsey graham tonight on stage with dana bash that is at 9:00 right here on
cnn. out front next donald trump taking credit for tens of thousands of jobs, do the numbers add up? plus debbie wasserman schultz accused of not applauding the woman killed in yemen. she s out front to spont respond. and wilbur ross into the house wearing these. by the way, they cost $500. wait till you hear what the logo is. is there an elk in your bed?
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no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won t have to worry about replacing your car because you ll get the full value back including depreciation. and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy, you qualify for a multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. new details tonight on who was behind president trump s address to congress about the we are learning he was the main architect behind the speech, but obviously we are also hearing that his daughter and his press assistant, hope hicks, also had very significant roles. do the numbers add up in the speech? tom foreman is out front. reporter: the president s speech was filled with numbers but did they add up to truth?
take joblessness. we must honestly acknowledge the circumstances we inherited. 94 million americans are out of the labor force. the figure is right but the vast majority of those people don t want work, according to government data. 44 million are retired, 15 million disabled, nearly 13 million taking care of a family member, and almost 16 million are in college or job training. maybe because they couldn t find work, but all those adjustments fwlang big number way down. how about crime. the murder rate in 2015 experienced it s largest single-year increase in nearly half a century. reporter: that s only because the murder rate the year before was really low. the overall rate is still way down compared to past decades. immigration. according to national academy of sciences, our current immigration system costs american taxpayers many billions of dollars a year.
yes, that report indicating first generation immigrants is costly but their kids contribute so much to the economy the long-term impact is likely positive for taxpayers. and what about all those companies pouring money into the economy now that he is in office. they will invest billions and billions of dollars in the united states and will create tens of thousands of new american jobs. reporter: mr. trump has enkoouj couraged some big companies with their new investments, but many he sitcit already had those plans before he was elected. still, president trump isn t the first to push aside an inconvenient truth. george w. bush ignored significant job losses when he told congress in 2004. this economy is strong and growing stronger and jobs are on the rise. and barack obama bragged just last year about crete creating. 14 million new jobs. also looking over job losses
under his watch which diminished those gains. however, saying all president dos it does not mean there are ways of twisting around the truth are all equal and many fact checkers said the trump administration really takes it much further than a lot of people who came before him. it s undeniable, they say, which of course the team trump denies. thank you very much. out front, senior political analyst mark preston andette editor and chief of the beast, john avalon. thanks to all. did the president take noo too many liberties with the numbers or did he simply choose the information that works best for his message which after all is what these things are all about? more so the latter. he certainly used numbers that he thought could bolter his case, the problem is he didn t go into very specific detail or even a little bit of detail that would explain how he would have, for instance, an infrastructure bill get passed through congress, how it would actually
be paid for, what programs he would cut on the domestic side in order to fund the military. so he did try to use the numbers to sell a grand vision for his plan, but we don t know how he s going to get there if he were to. and of course that s the big question. but when you look at this, when tom fact checked just the claims he fact checked, there was truth in all of them, and some of them a very significant degree of truth and we just picked a few out of very many things he said. but the 93 million number, let s take that for a second. going with that would imply that more than a third of the nation is unemployed or out of the labor workforce. i mean, that s that s not even an unforced error, that s just ridiculous. there s a difference about selective choosing of statistics to make your point, all president dos that. but when you go for gross exaggeration it s because you re building an argument on sand and we can t grade him on a curve like this. let s not lower the bar. it was his best speech by far as
president, but let s have the reality check about what it means in the greater context. in a sense of this it seemed this is much more normal, this is what presidents do. obama claimed that he created twice as many jbzs actually did, there was truth in that number though as well. but this is what president dos, they cite something, there s a truth, and then there s a complete spin. i think that s right. and i think the problem i think a lot of people particularly democrats and progressives have with the way donald trump spins the truth is that he tends to malign certain groups when he s spinning these numbers, particularly around crime and illegal imgrnts. and we ve seep e seen him do that and talk about undocumented immigrants, particularly mexicans. had a constant tleheme 3
throughout his presidency talking about undocumented immigrants and relating them to crime. and most studies showing that undocumented immigrants aren t anymore likely to commit crimes, in fact they re less likely to do that. so he uses this argument to then argue that there needs to be a wall to keep out, you know, immigrants from pouring into the country and committing crimes. so i think a lot of folks have a problem with that because he s doing that with no data to back it up. on that claim he said current immigration system costs america s taxpayers many billions of dollars, that report does say integrating first generation immigrants is costly. but it says their kids contribute so much to the economy their benefit is likely positive. when you look back at other presidents, would they have done the same thing, the basic fact he said there was a truth in it,
dent take it all the way to the conclusion. would other presidents have done the same. what have they done what donald trump did specifically to make his point? i don t think so. but i don t think we ve seen anyone like donald trump necessarily. not even necessarily, we haven t seen anyone like donald trump ever aseed to the office that he is currently in right now pet does use facts and we saw this last night, we certainly saw it during the campaign, they re not necessarily facts, he uses statistics to bolster his own argument. he doesn t care if they re true or not but he uses it. and half the country right now believes him spot for him, it s a win. but? but look let s not be led by fear into an age of unreason. there s a spin but there s objective reality and if you want to judge his speech last night against other presidents, most presidents have made it s a nation of immigrants, it s the
negative image of that that he focus oonds so he ignores statistics that bolster that. right. we need to be able to agree what s a fact, we need to have a fact-based debate and if it s being disstorted by the president that s a problem. how would you grade him on his use of facts last night because i think what stood out to everyone watching was that it was markedly different from the way he throws around statistics or numbers that are not that are not true in other rallies or events. i think that s right. i mean, this is a president and a candidate who s known ton traffic in conspiracy theories one which was about 3 to 5 million people voting illegally. he has done that. i think in that setting it sobered him up, right, you see the supreme court justice, you see the joint chiefs of staff there, you see all your cabinet officials. so i think in that way he understood that bringing the kind of folk tales and conspiracy theories that he
usually traffics in wouldn t work in that audience. who s to say, you know, when he gets on twitter again or he s, you know, giving an interview or a rally you imagine that he might revert to form because that is the way he s known to communicate. that s when he s most comfortable. . next the most powerful moment of the night. standing ovation for the yem navy s.e.a.l. kild in yemen. and his new tone, was it a pivot at long last or just a performance? i m here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength and it is a message deeply delivered from my heart. on your phone and online. so you don t miss his first birthday. tickets, i need to see your tickets sir. i masterpassed it.
feeling like father of the year: priceless masterpass, the secure way to pay from your bank don t just buy it. masterpass it. (vo) do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. do not go gentle into that good night.
we re just here to start the process. after delivering a speech that cheered his party and calmed at least some of his critics, he plotted strategy with republican leaders at the white house where top officials are sensing some mow mept tomb. what the american people saw is the president i serve with every day, broad shoulders, a big heart, and he laid out a specific agenda which is what he ran on when he was elected in november. but following mostly positive reviews for the speech, reality is setting in that democrats and even some republicans are hardly rallying around the president s agenda. while he talked about keeping parts of obamacare. we should encure that are americans with preexisting conditions have access to coverage. democrats complained repealing the health care law will deaf state families. they re all about refeel, you know, that s what they want to do. they don t want there s no replacement plan. the emper yore has no clothes. as for the president s pitch for a compromised bill,
democrats say they prefer a more public peace offering. i m willing to say publicly i don t believe it and frankly a lot of what he does say publicly is very hard to believe. look, we all want to read into the tea leaves of things he says for at tra bugs off the record as holding out the promise that maybe he ll be a different kind of a president. writing the speech was a trump team effort including the president, vice president as well as top white house aides, not to mention ivanka trump and curber. after the president s darker inaugural address, yet the shift was palpable. the time for small thinking is over. the time for trivial fights is behind us. even if democrats are suspicious that the turn from the trivial will last. it only matters if he just stops tweeting today, if he stops insulting people that he is going to be watching on television today who might
disagree with him. and speaking of pivots, the white house is not offering any new insights as to when the president will pivot to a replacement that the president banned travel from seven muslim countries but they re discussing whether to remove iraq from the list of countries affected from that travel ban, something we know that the iraqi prime minister was talk together president about about a month ago. and so it is something that is seriously under consideration at this point. at this point no firm time tata as to when we ll see that replacement. now the congress woman from florida, schultz, and great to have you with me tonight. let me start with you with this, our headline here at cnn was presidential trump. do you agree? you know, i don t agree because i thought much of his speech was completely incongrew us with the policies she s been pushing for the first 40 days of his administration and he
contradicted himself during the speech when he talks about obamacare collapsing in the face of 20 million people who have it and the folks in the marketplace is being in a situation where they actually have the lowest rate of increases in healthcare premiums in 50 years. and most of those folks. many people are saying their rates double. erin, actually, most people in the marketplaces are able to get a policy for a monthly premium of less than $100 with the subsidies. but the republicans are planning to rhee peel those subsidies when they repeal obamacare so they re the ones that going to cost healthcare costs to sky rocket and access the care to be extremely limit and paired back. i would love to ask you more but i want to talk about your speech. some of your colleagues have been more positive than you are. steven lynch said and i ll quote him, i think his words were a
significant shift from his previous rhetoric. what do you say to them? 2 sounds like they re trying to find something positive to reach across the aisle and work with this president? well, i m certainly willing to work with anyone who is actually going to show me that they are willing to work with us. i m a show me person, not a tell me person. a speech is tell me. so i can only go on what i have seen in his track record thus far. thinks track record thus far has changed immigration policy that is now sweeping up people who have done nothing more than exist many this country to take care of themselves. he actually mentions immigration reform last night in the same speech that he brags about how as he was speaking ice officials were actually rounding up undocumented immigrants. i mean, there is hypocrisy in the speech, and while i m glad he s mentiontion things we might be able to work with him on, i want to see what that looks like
before i give him good marks. he did say some things in his speech that almost everyone could agree with and in fact some of your democrat colleagues did. as we mark the conclusion of our celebration of black history month, we are reminded of our nation s path towards civil rights and the work that still remains to be done. he gets that a. [ applause ] so people could see some of your democrat standing there. reminded our nation s path with civil rights and the work that needs to be done. you did not stand. if you can t stand for that, are you saying that you can t work with him on anything? on monday morning as i was about to have a previous press confroens talk about the explosion and anti-semitic attacks across this country and
100 jcc, jewish communities would had their cars scratched with symbols, on my way to that conference a jcc in my district where a children go to school had a bomb threat levied at it. and this is a president who since january spent weeks, not days, weeks saying nothing. and so, you know, i m glad that he spoke out against anti-semitism and spoke out again which is how he led his speech last night, the very top. and it s at this point too little too late and i want to see the actions that he s going to take. this is someone who during his campaign, erin, retweeted white supremacists. had is someone who s fanned the flames and given permission an license for these anti-semitic attacks and acts to come to the surface, and that s unacceptable. so he has to do a lotmore and further about i stand and
applaud for him saying some things that he should have said long ago. too little too late. so let me ask you something else. representative kevin kramer last night i don t know if you know, you were doing white and doing so in honor of women s suffer rage and to stand up for any policies the trump administration would do that would hurt women s rights. kevin kramer said you all were poorly dressed. he has just come out and said something more and i want to play it for. you the point of my statement was these women who put on these white pant suits to celebrate suffer rage were really there to be rude to donald trump. that was obvious not by their clothes, but addition to clothing, hand gestures, thumbs down. what do you say to him? well, i was wearing a pretty fabulous sleeveless white dress that i have gotten lots of compliments on so first and foremost i say that he doesn t appear to have any taste. but particularly many women s clothing. but more importantly, he
obviously misses the point in that it s pretty difficult to think that send a message to the president when we are sitting right in front of him with a sea of white attire that we are not going to allow him to roll back women s progress in this country is actually patriotic and shows that we care about the issues that are important to women and won t let them roll back our progress. i mentioned the zblish he doesn t get it. i mentioned the issue of standing up and i want to ask you this. president trump s counselor kellyanne conway retweeted a story today. it claimed that you did not stand up for the standing ovation for the wife of a fooul fallen navy s.e.a.l. she retweeted the claim, let me show everyone, hope this is not true it was moment of unity and deserved recognition. we check looked the video on the white house says that is not the case. that s right. let me show this for
everybody. ryan died as he lived, a warrior and a hero battling against terrorism and securing our nation. we can see you there standing, congress zblan right. so that claim was false. as i said, she retweeted it saying hope this is not true. you today tweeted the fact check showing that was false. has she apologized to you and does she oyou an apology. of course she hasn t apologized because that s their m.o. they generate and perpetuate fake news. they don t tell the truth, they lie, they distort, they intentionally put out faulgs information so that they can fry to control the news cycle and get a better you think she did that on purpose knowing it was false? well, when you actually tweet
something that s as highly charged as that accusation was that isn t true, why would you put it out there if you weren t trying to leave the impression with most people that see it that it was true? maybe she could pick up the phone and call my office, call me and ask me if it was true? how about check the white hou house.goff tape. that s why i don t trust them roar the american people don t trust them, and that s why he s been so wholly unpopular up to this point. would you accept an apology from her if she gave you one. i don t need an apology, i need them to start telling the truth. i need them to back up their words with action and i immediate them to really mean what they say when they say they want to work together in trying to help make sure we can improve people s quality of life, not do what they are doing, which is rounding up immigrants who are only trying to take care of their families, saying that they re going to take healthcare
away from millions of people and essentially spending every single day lying to people s faces and then repeating those lies over and over as they did with this accusation directed at me today. thank you very much i appreciate your time, congresswoman. thanks so much. up front next the yemen raid that took the life of the navy s.e.a.l. ryan owens. was that raid a success in what they gathered? we have no information on what they got into that raid. he led a prayer, now the hispanic pastor is offer undocumented immigrants a safe haven in his church. he joins me live next. and a team of experienced traders ready to help if you need it. it s like having the power of a trading floor, wherever you are. it s your trade. e trade
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successful raid that generated large amounts of vital intelligence. a full-throat the defense of the raid in yemen that led to the death of navy s.e.a.l. william ryan owens last month. u.s. officials tell cnn the intelligence gathered points to additional al-qaeda hide outs that may lead to even more raids. documents the sooelz seized detail training, targeting, and explosives manufacturing by a group which has attacked the west including the 2015 attack on the charlie abdoe offices in paris and the attempted 2009 bombing of an aircraft landing in detroit. but there are serious questions about how the s.e.a.l.s ran straight into a fire fight resulting in several civilians also be killed. several military investigations are under way to determine what really happened. one thing i will caution the
president do is don t oversell. cnn has learned the pentagon and the white house are discussing changing how some counterterrorism missions are approved and authorized. under consideration, whether defense secretary james mattis and military commanders should be able to green light some missions. the problem that you have with that is if something goes terribly wrong, you re going to end up with a lot of political fallout for something that you didn t approve or understand the minute details of. the white house insists president trump will continue signing off on raids that, i his approval. white house press secretary sean spicer saying it is a philosophy more than a change in policy. he says he believes these are the experts in this field. president trump you will ready suggesting he wasn t completely involved in the yemen raid. this was a mission that was started before i got here, this was something that they wanted to do. they came to see me, they
explained what they wanted to do, the jebs who were very respected. my generals are the most respected that we ve had in many decades, i believe. and they lost ryan. from a political standpoint, it may be good for somebody who wants to wash thai hands of something, but from a military standpoint it really abbro gates the authority that the commander in chief has inherent in his position. details of the yemen mission remain highly classified so don t expect to see much more information be made public any time soon, if ever. all right. thank you. and next our guest the hispanic paster who led a prayer at trump s inauguration. tonight offering shelter to undocumented immigrants to avoid the president s immigration laws. he is my left live. and were the advice press and paul ryan wearing the same suit, shirt, and tie? we have the fashion report.
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new tonight, hispanic pastor who led a prayer at president trump s inauguration now offering a safe haven for undocumented immigrants in the united states. ref rant samuel rodriguez s church setting up. he s a pastor at new season christian worship center in sacramento, which is the largest evangelical hispanic in the world. i know this has got to be a big decision four. it puts you at odds with a man you supported on many issues the you gave a prayer at his inauguration. many criticized you for doing that. you took a stand, you did that. why are you doing this now? and i still support him on many issues. it s a difficult situation and circumstance for our entire community. this is a community full of god-fearing, hardworking individuals. and i applaud and commend
president trump for making a commitment to protect daca, the dreamers, of course. i just want him to fulfill his entire promise not tacoma pact or harm those terrific or wonderful god-faerg people. the deportations that have taken place in the past two weeks have harmed them, yes. we want the people that need to be deported as expeditiously as possible. so you support him on that. indeed. but the problem is what about the 5, 10, fif teen 20% that were not hardened criminals and these families were separated? this impacts our entire community indeed and as bible-believing christians we can t stand silently by without trying to keep families together. have you called the president about this? have you reached out to him? i mean you did a really good turn for him. you were at his inauguration and you gave that prayer and that was important. have you tried to call him to
tell him what you re feeling? i have great respect for president trump, and again, if the new york times page one article today stands filled with accuracy as it pertains to prior to the address last night that he made a commitment to providing a comprehensive solution to immigration, then i applaud him for that. i am attempting to contact the president, indeed. again, i applaud him and celebrate his commitment to stopping illegal immigration, to making sure we protect our border, but please, don t separate hardworking, god-faeea families. don t separate them. that s my call. have you called him? has he called you back? what s the status of that? it seems to me honestly that he should speak to you and listen to you as someone who has been a supporter and a friend in the hispanic community, a vocal and important one. and i am reaching out.
in full disclosure i am reaching out. i understand he s busy with a number of agenda an items likewise. but this is so critical for the community. this evangelical latino community, 30% of latinos support president trump of which 66 self-identified as evangelicals. so it s a community than really resinates with the president on reliej justice life, educational equality, so i would love to see immigration reform take place this year. all right. well thank you very much, reverend. i appreciate your time tonight. thank you for having me. next, generalmy moes on why gq may be president trump s most valuable adviser. is data that can make the difference between winning and losing. the microsoft cloud helps the pga tour turn countless points of data into insights that transform their business
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with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won t have to worry about replacing your car because you ll get the full value back including depreciation. and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy, you qualify for a multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
a noticeable shift in trump s style. reporter: he s no longer just. the president of the united states. reporter: he s now a fashion plate. he s undergone something of a presidential makeover. reporter: sort of like gq had suggested. the donald look like he had a tailored suit on. reporter: sharper shoulders, not so baggy and. he buttoned his jacket. reporter: the way too long red tie traded in for navy and white stripes. and since we re fashion policing the speech, what about the twins in back. who immediately showed their commitment ton fiscal responsibility by purchase a buy one get two freet suit and tie combo. reporter: nothing cheap by ivankaya s strappy dress or melania trump s glitering outfit if the all of them had fans
tweeting melania looking like a million bucks, actually $9,900 on michael kors website. michelle obama got bleep, exposing had shoaleders but melania showing 100 yards of cleave vag. but this 8-year-old girl honored the first lady the speech attracted democrats wearing white while waving their thumbs in a joef yell independent reviewing reporter calling out. bernie, who are you wearing? cory booker who are are you wearing. justice roberts, who are you wearing. reporter: there was one, i don t know if you could call it a misstep involving shoes. secretary of commerce wilbur ross was snapped wearing velvet slippers. custom made ones like this cost upwards of $500 as stubs and

Donald-trump , Caps , Address , Words , Points , Record , Twitter , Reviews , Surge , Bragging , Profile , Tweeting-nonl

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The First 100 Days 20170309 00:00:00

are we going to repeal and replace obamacare with something better? this is the covenant that we made with the american people when we ran on a repeal and replace plan in 2016. we are designing a system that is not going to lower costs, and that is the big deal. by removing the mandate of a government-mandated, you must buy this program or you will pay a penalty, and eliminating choice, we are enacting, i think, very strong conservative flat numeric values and health care that give all-americans more choice at a lower cost. i think that should be a very positive message. make no mistake, the president is very proud of the product they produce. we are going to try to make this bill better if we can, but right now, where it is, it is not what we told the voters we were going to do. shannon: tonight, as president trump finds himself in sell mode, we will delve deep into the divisions. page david mcintosh, president of the club for this year, he just met with the president
within the last hour but he is going to tell us whether he was convinced by mr. trump s pitch. then governor scott meeting with the new here to tell us what he thinks the pill is a good start. we begin with key congressional correspondent mike emanuel on the hill. two relevant committees getting a first crack at this republican health care package. this hour, lawmakers continue the work on this bill. democrats have convicted mack accused colleagues are trying to rush the bill through before they ve gotten an assessment of the price tag and overall impact from the congressional budget office. my inquiry is, again, if i can say it, if you ll let me say it is, after the last two months of saying we were going to use this, that we were not going to try to jam things down speak of the gentlemen have a parliamentary inquiry. now you work doing exactly that.
what is your inquiry . republicans came out against the package yesterday, president trump tweeted that he feels sure his friend will come along with his new and great health care program and the senator offered this response. i do agree with the president, and i talked with him this week, i agree that obamacare is a disaster, and i agree that we should repeal it. i think that is where the unity is. then we re going to have to have a debate over replacement. fox news has confirmed in the house republican conference meeting with steve scalise today, as to members if they are with the president on health care or with house democratic leader nancy pelosi. i think they should be with their constituents, and their constituents have a lot to lose if they go along with this. it is interesting to see the figures of the people who supported president trump who are on the affordable care act. they say the president is in sell mode, and many sources say
that will be critical to getting this done. part of that offensive is expected to include budget director at mick mulvaney inviting members of the conservative freedom caucus to the white house next tuesday night for a little pizza and bowling. shannon: a bit of a bowling summit. all right, make. thank you very much for the update. joining us now, david mcintosh, president of the club for growth who called bill, a warmed, substitute for government health care but he just met with the president. it is pitch work? david, let s find out. how did the meeting go? there s been no secret that you ve been been a big critic. we shared those concerns, criticisms of the bill, with the president. i can say, i was encouraged because he was listening. yes, he was selling, he said, we ve got to get something done, i am pushing you and the congress to get a bill through so that we can repeal obamacare.
we pointed out that the house bill isn t the best vehicle for doing that. they don t fully repeal obamacare. they keep some of the taxes that he passed. they keep the expansion of medicaid, and the worst thing for us is, they don t create competition against across sta. people will end up spending as much of the do now on their health insurance bill. and the promises that republicans made were, we are going to repeal it so there will be competition, free market, you can pay less and get better health care. shannon: you are not convinced this does that in any way. the most encouraging thing, shannon, the president and his team said, yes, we get it, this needs to be changed. we encouraged him to michael push them to change it, we want to work with you to pass a better bill. shannon: something people have really been looking forward to come up when the criticism first bubbled up, the president tweeted out, we re going to get that. are you confident that will
happen? also, we had on congressman kevin brady, the chair of one of the committee s tackling this right now. i pressed him on whether they are going to let people make substantive amendments. you want to know that that input is going to be taken great are you convinced from your meeting with the president tonight that this thing will happen? i am convinced the president is going to push for it, i m not convinced the house leadership is taking input from conservatives. they haven t from the beginning and that is the mistake they are making on this bill. i think they should do is allow amendments to fully repeal obamacare and then work from there to bring back a free market bill and a process that will benefit all americans because health insurance will be cheaper and they won t have to have all of these constraints and mandates that the obamacare builders. keeping a lot of that is the big problem with the house bill that they are working on. shannon: they have got it price tag, we know it is not free. i want to ask, where you come
down on the issue of we had senator lee on last night, talking about reintroducing the whole obamacare repeal from 2017, would you support that is a different vehicle? i think that is when you could easily pass in both houses. once they start making changes and ryan starts adding things back in that look like obamacare, you start losing votes. yes, i think that is a good starting place for them. i think they could take the ryancare bill and get rid of the changes and keep obamacare provisions and then the ryan-caret bill could be good too. there are some good things in their. shannon: i see icu of adopted the moniker that a lot of folks i don t love the bill are now calling it ryancare. thank you for giving us some intel and insight into your meeting with the president and keep us updated.
i am encouraged by the president pushing them to keep changing until they get a good bill. shannon: david mcintosh, thanks. here now, florida governor rick scott, and met with speaker paul ryan today. i know you spent a lot of time meeting with the president one on one. what do you make of what we have so far. would you pass it as it is written now? you know my background. i ran the largest hospital in the country, this is important to me, we know obamacare is an absolute mess. the president inherited a mess. i am encouraged that we having a real conversation here. i m going to make sure it is fair to floridians, but i am encouraged, and i m going to work to make sure i want to make sure that we get a bill fair to floridians and make sure people have access to health care. the problem here is, costs are too high, whatever we ve passed has to focus on costs. shannon: what do you say to those who say they don t see in
this bill any evidence that it will bring that cost down? we got to focus on cost. if you look at access is 100% tied to cost. that is my focus. on top of that, whatever we do, i have got to fight for florida, and i m going to. shannon: let s talk about medicaid, floor did not take the medicaid expansion, that is a hotly contested issue. there are some senators who are conservative g.o.p. senators who say, listen, if you don t keep the medicaid expansion going, it has been critical in my state, you may lose my vote. there conservatives say, we don t even like that is continuing for three years. where d you come down on this? you made a very bold choice you thought was best for your state. sure. we know the way they have done obamacare, it is not sustainable, costs have gone up, taxpayers are not going to build pay for it, it has caused premiums to go up.
just got to be repealed. in the meantime, i ve got to fight for florida, and i m going to fight for florida to make sure it is paired for florida. we didn t do the expansion because we knew it was not sustainable. i ve got to make sure that whatever passes is fair for our state. i want people to get access to health care, but like you said, we ve got to focus on the cost side. shannon: what about across state lines? is that something you support? absolutely. you want to drive down health care costs? i whatever insurance you want, make sure you have more competition, across state lines, and reward people for taking care of themselves. those three things will drive down costs. shannon: what you make of the tax credits? especially the freedom caucus and others say that it is just another word for an entitlement and that is not something they can vote for. this is way better than obamacare. this bill, if this bill passes, it is way better than obamacare. i think there are a lot of things we can improve on. i want people to have access to
health care. i want them to be able to afford health care. i think this is a great starting point. i think we are going to keep working on it. shannon: florida governor rick scott. thank you, governor. breaking news this hour, fbi on the hunt for a mole inside the cia. makes a very rare statement about this latest massive leak of classified information. ahead, former cia contractor james mitchell, the man who personally interrogated the mastermind of 9/11, on the dangers these leaks pose to our nation. plus a california mother of two struck and killed by an intoxicated driver, we are now learning he was known to be in the country illegally, deported five times previously. we ll debate that case just ahead. knowing the history that he had come out with the and so forth, just a slap on my hand and sent back. he came back. it should have been done like that.
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central intelligence agency, the fbi launching an investigation to find the person who leaked the sense of classified information as they search for the next manning or snowden. we ll be joined by james mitchell, the man who personally interrogated 9/11 mastermind khalid sheikh mohammed. first, ed henry live in washington with new details. hi, ed. we are told the leak involves the entire hacking capacity of the cia. that part, and pursing a revelations about how it has the capacity to break into smartphones, turn smart tvs into microphones that record our conversations and could actually kill someone by hacking into a car that is connected to the internet. the cia has just released a statement acknowledging that this is a very damaging leak, of course, that could jeopardize american personnel and operations. the cia also insisting that while they have these tools, they are not using them to spy on americans. a spokesman declaring it is
important to note that the cia is legally prohibited from conducting electronic surveillance targeting individuals at home including our fellow americans, and the cia does not do so. the cia s activities are subjected to rigorous oversight to ensure they comply fully with u.s. law. the white house meanwhile today also jumped into the fray. we will go after people who leaked classified information. we will prosecute them to the full extent of the law. this is playing with our nation s national security, notes mcnutt should be taken lightly under this administration. tech company scrambling tonight, apple declaring about 80% of their users have the most updated operating system that fixes vulnerabilities while samsung simply said privacy is a top priority. as for the hunt for the mole, telling catherine herridge there are three scenarios, an insider who is an employee or networker, or a network cyber breach or some combination of the two. shannon: ed henry live in washington. here no, dr. james mitchell,
author of enhanced interrogation techniques pretext for being with us tonight. thank you for having me on. shannon: we understand there is officially a federal criminal investigation, how in the world today go about tracking this. i asked our inside team to tell them, how many contractors are the cia, they couldn t break it down, but they said within the intelligence community as a whole, at least 27,000. the assumption is that it is a contractor. because that is what it has been in the past. but it could be anyone. the other question that you asked me about how they are going to go about tracking these folks down, i really don t think we should talk about that. at least people who know should be talking about that, because the very reasons we don t want to hacking tools release does, we don t want them to know the methods we are going to use. what we need to do is relentlessly hunt these folks down because they are not just placing american personnel at risk, they are placing american
lives at risk. shannon: so it s not a contractor, are you saying you do believe it was maybe a cyber breach from outside? it could be an employee, it could be a cyber breach, it could be a small band of people. one of the things that we ve done in this country that disturbs me a little bit is that we have romanticized this subculture of hackers to the point that they have become almost a tribe where they have become called heroes, and that the cool thing to do is to get into the hard places to get into and then to sort of give people a peek into their underwear drawer, so to speak, right? that has somehow become a way of taking scalps, and that s a problem. particularly if it is an employee of the government or a contractor or it is some sort of a breach, we need to find that, we need to find those people, and we need to stop them. shannon: who benefits from this? who benefits?
criminals benefit. they are talking about doing more releases, and if they release the source code, that is particularly dangerous. not only would criminals have that but the bad guys would have that as well. every day somebody from al qaeda and isis gets up and tries to figure out a way to kill americans here in the united states. imagine if they could launch a catastrophic attack simultaneously with some sort of cyber warfare weapon attack as well. it makes us incredibly vulnerable. a second side effect of this thing is, i know a lot of people have criticized me because of my involvement in interrogations. one of the weird side effects of releasing this kind of information is, you make people like me that much more necessar necessary. we have these surreptitious, clandestine ways of getting information, now you have revealed all of that, so it is going to be harder to do that because they are going to protect themselves. and if they can go invisible, then they can plan attacks. shannon: yes or no, are you
confident that our investigation will find the person or persons responsible? they will if they re not politically correct about it. i know that there are those on the left and on the right who, like a sacrament glamorize these leakers like snowden and manning as if they were some kind of culture heroes or some kind of called heroes. and i think that is a mistake. they are traitors. they should be treated like traders. because it s not just the cia personnel or the intelligence community personnel or the military personnel or our state department people who are in danger. it is american lives and american citizens. shannon: all right come on, thank you for your insight. we appreciate it. thank you, ma am. shannon: here now, ari fleischer, and marie harper ma. how do you begin to tackle this issue, now the cia is having to talk about things, although they are not publicly confirming or
denying the authenticity of this material, having to talk about sources and methods, i know that others are talking about it, our enemies are seeing it. how do stem the bleeding at this point question mike it is a huge problem. the cia statement you just read is an important one because it made several points that americans need to realize. nothing in this set of documents that was put out talks about anything directed against americans. it puts out information about activities that, quite frankly, we believe the cia should be doing, going after terrorists, criminal drug gangs, people trafficking in person periods nothing in this that was directed against americans. that is important. but it also does incredible damage to this contribute to the doctor was absolutely right in your previous interview. the bad guys now have information about how we go after them, and that is a problem. i have faith that the fbi and the intelligence community will find eventually whoever did this. absolutely, this is a problem.
shannon: ari, what problems does this raise? channing, great question, that s one of my first thoughts, anybody who works with us, we know we can put our lives and their hands. this makes them scratch their head and say, we want to work with the americans, but is it safe for us to do so? this is a calamity. i think dr. mitchell made a very good point when he stated that we cannot celebrate the edward snowdens of the world. they are some of the lowest, most vile criminals. they put our country at risk, americans at risk, and they should not be celebrated. they need to be condemned. one of the things i hope comes out of this is that they return edward snowden test so he can go on trail and get what he deserves. shannon: marie, do you think it is time for him to publicly renounce and collect wikileaks. he at one point said, i love wikileaks, he made comments.
they are not doing things to benefit the united states of america, and a lot of people think we haven t done enough to go after them, to shut them down, to come up with real punishment for people who are feeding them information. what would you like to see from the white house on this? absolutely. i think a full denunciation of wikileaks. there were a lot of national security experts, you re absolutely right, both republicans and democrats, who were very uncomfortable with how donald trump embraced wikileaks because they were helping him politically. wikileaks is an organization that had already done damage to the united states with the chelsea manning documents. they are an organization that is trying to undermine u.s. security, and i want the white house to come out and fully criticize them, denounce them, and make clear that what they are doing is completely abhorrent and they will find the source inside the government of these leaks.
shannon: ari, is this a golden opportunity for the president to step out on this issue? you ve been at the heart of the communications. the president is in a jam and he put himself here on this issue. a president that called on them to release even more information to wikileaks. i was always uncomfortable with russia interviewing with our election and finding wikileaks to be a conduit. and it happened to benefit donald trump politically. that is a route that i think is close to him, unfortunately, because of choices he made early. wikileaks is not the issue here. the issue here is traitorous americans that have done this. i presume that they are americans. the people who are associates, contractors, in all likelihood, and i m stunned this could happen twice, had been at the national security agency and haven t hear the cia. there has got to be a better way to protect our assets and our information. it bothers me from the inside that he could happen within months. shannon: and wikileaks
tweeted out today they have only released 1% of what they have from the cia. ari, maria, good to see you both. speak up thanks. shannon: still breaking tonight that you will not want to miss, and alleged iraqi insurgent entered the u.s. with a fake i.d. lawmakers calling for an explanation as the shocking details unfold. we got that just ahead. +2 unthinkable crimes allegedly at the hands of illegal immigrants, one involving a young man now charged in the gruesome decapitation of his own mother, the other claiming the life of a mother of two who was struck by an illegal immigrant who was driving, allegedly under the influence. david wahl and richard fowler are here on those cases next. it so was taken away from us that it is a pain you cannot describe, you know. and it is fair and it will be for the rest of our lives.
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murder charges for allegedly decapitating his own mother. trace gallagher has been following the chilling details of those cases. trace? hi, shannon. let s begin in california where 42-year-old sandra duran, just an hour after leaving church, was struck and killed in her car by a drunk driver. police say the intoxicated driver, 45-year-old estuardo alvarado was fleeing the scene of another traffic accident at a high rate of speed. and the reason this case is generating so much outrage is because, since 1998, alvarez had been deported five times and had been arrested in los angeles more than five times, including for two previous duis, driving without a license, several charges of drug possession and resisting arrest. alvarez is now being held on $2 million bail, and if he were to be released, which is highly unlikely, immigration agents have issued a detainer to taken into custody. the family of sandra duran say
they don t want this case to be used against illegal immigrants just trying to make a life, but they also believe california authorities share in the plane. listen. speak up knowing the history that he had with the duis, it was like a slap on the hand and sent back, and he came back, and it shouldn t have been done like that. separately, 200 miles east of charlotte, north carolina, and illegal teenage immigrant from honduras has been charged with killing his mother. police say 18-year-old oliver funez decapitated his mom because he, felt like it. when police arrived on the screen, they spotted the suspect carrying both a butcher knife and his mother s head. this two younger siblings were inside the house on mike unharmed at the time. he is a so-called dream are protected under docket. his attorney says that he has significant mental issues.
shannon? shannon: trace, thank you for spelling out the issues for us. joining me now with more, david wall cannot attorney and president supporter, and richard fowler, fox news contributor. good to see you both. interestingly enough, david and richard, i m sure you re aware of this too, the victim and the drunk driving crash, her sister is an l.a.p.d. officer and said, not only are we grieving, i am worried about how many other families this is going to happen to create david, is this the president s best argument on this issue? the two public officials that owe them an apology are the mayor of l.a. and the chief at l.a.p.d. allowed to stay in l.a. after he returned to the united states after being deported five times. on top of that, we risk losing, and l.a. county, 3.4 billion, with a b, dollars of federal
funding, and as far as the young monster who beheaded his mother, how do we know he wasn t adjudicated criminally insane in honduras? we don t know that, because of people crash the border, we can t do a background check. that is why the wall is so necessary and that is why mr. trump is so hard on getting it build. shannon: richard, even the woman s family, her father has said, i don t want her case to be used to hurt other people who were coming here in good faith to be immigrants who need to make a living, desperate to escape their home countries. even he, who just lost his daughter, said he doesn t want this to change the entire conversation. and that is what makes this issue so hard, shannon. you think about stories like this that are devastating and depressing, and those folks shouldn t be in the country. then you have case from the miami herald a couple of weeks ago, a man that came for economic freedom, being deported
for minor traffic offenses. we have both sides of the coin, and it s not working. the reason my, donald trump, while i understand while he has put this executive order forward, this is a stopgap measure. they need to get bold and say, we are going to actually have comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship. right now, america is operating on 1980 1980 immigration laws,a 1980s have called and asked for their laws back. now that donald trump has the white house, he has the senate, and he has the house, let s get some competence of immigration reform done so we can fix the problem spread stolen said we are on a temporary pause, for some of this, you re okay with this, i have a lot of issues with people who are in this country who are under investigation, according to the fbi. david, does this begged the question, like richard said, like this is time to get something done on capitol hill that will be a more permanent solution? channing, 1986, ronald reagan passed the amnesty act. everybody thought that would
cure the problem. they said, we ll give everybody amnesty, after that, strictly enforce it. the bottom line is, we have immigration laws, people in europe waiting in line for years to get into america, saying, wait a second, everybody that sneaks up from the southern border, we have to make special accommodations for them just because? it doesn t look that way. mr. trump is focusing on the hardest core criminals like mr. alvarado, who wouldn t have been here, by the way, if he had been given sanctuary in this city and a president that it actually enforce the law. shannon: we have to leave it there. he was somebody that had previous drug charges and drunk driving charges as well. one of the cases under the administration will be focusing on. richard, you cited something else. we thank you both for being her here. up next, a story that is still breaking at this hour. a probe from a republican lawmaker claims and i rocky. suspect is inside the u.s. after lying his way into the country.
just minutes ago, we got exclusive reaction from the justice department and the white house. breaking details next. plus, as a day without women protests continue, we will examine whether this does more harm than good. old me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what s within me with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it s supposed to do release its own insulin. trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. i take it once a week, and it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. trulicity is not insulin.
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after this iraq he became the subject of an investigation by the joint terrorism task force in texas. according to johnson s letter, and i m quoting, this individual allegedly fought against american troops as an insurgents in iraq and at some point entered the country as a refugee under a false alias. the gatt jttf tracked down theq he who at one point boasted of killing 1,000 u.s. troops, yet he later applied for and received refugee status under this false name. white house said today this statement, president trump has already taken several important steps to strengthen our national security, including the executive order he signed this week, which will put in place to have her betting measures on foreign nationals from countries compromised by terrorism. the department of homeland security recently said one-third of the 1,000 fbi domestic terrorism cases involve those
admitted to the u.s. as refugees. the attorney general s office refused comment but said the matter is still under investigation. back to you. shannon: all right, keep us updated, because we know there is more to this story. thanks, william. here now, a fox news contributor, and matt bennett, cofounder of third way, assistant to president clinton. good to have you both with us. the question that may be refugee vetting needs a little vetting. we really don t know anything yet about whether this has implications for policy or not. senator johnson s letter was not atypical, members of congress do this all the time. somebody comes in as a whistleblower, they write a letter and say we want an investigation on this. sometimes where there s smoke there s just people blowing smoke and sometimes there is fire. we don t know whether this is a real case of a refugee who is radical or not. it might be, and if that s the
case, it needs to be fully investigated in an independent way, which is the very thing democrats have been calling on congress on. shannon: i think you would agree with that, the last point anyway, maybe not the first part, that this is an outlier of the case. it s not an outlier of a case. unfortunately, it happens all the time. so in 2015, the obama state averment testified before congress that the state department has accidentally left light and almost 10,000 people who later had their visas revoked retroactively because they either engaged in terror activities or had ties to terror. the 10,000 people, almost 10,000 people penetrated our defenses cannot beat our screening system, got visas, than the state department figured out, oops, got to revoke those, and then when jason jay for his acts, they said, we don t know. we don t know if they are in the united states, where they are. this is a major problem paid
second point, last year, cnn and the washington post reported that there were 1800 people that were supposed to be deported for posing a national security threats, and instead, they were granted citizenship. citizenship! these are people who were considered too dangerous to enter the united states and the accidentally gave them the right to vote instead of deporting them. our screening system is deeply committed deeply, deeply broken. shannon: we have this pause now on refugees, syrians not singled out, all refugees, and a ban on travel. is it worth taking this pause with all of those numbers but those are real people, and if we have 10,000 potential terrorist suspects running around the country that we don t know about or junction where they are or what they are capable of, can you be in favor of the pause? navy not a permanent ban but some time to look at things and get some work done. marc was talking about a
different thing. these weren t refugees, these were people coming in on different kinds of visas. the refugee system is actually incredibly rigorous. it takes two years. there is, like, a 20-step process that refugees have to go through. and the overwhelming majority of refugees are desperate people, many of them women and children, many have fought with or served as translators for our troops on the battlefield and are living in a enormous danger and some of these countries. so, no, i don t think the pause makes sense. shannon: what do you make of the fbi s announcement that 1,000 domestic cases of potential terrorism they are looking at, 300. they say a third of those cases are people who came here as refugees. well, there is a big difference between investigations and arrests. shannon: true. if you look at the data, the overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks in the united states, of which, thankfully, very few, people who have lived in the united states, either were born here or were citizens or lived here for a long time. people who come as refugees
very, very rarely commit crimes. people that come as immigrants commit crimes and lower numbers than citizens. so this is not a serious problem. shannon: we are almost out of time, want to make sure i give marc a quick final word here. sure. it s not only refugees that are part of the pause. it is other people with visas. the fact is, we know people who have come here on visas and fooled our screening system and carried out terrorist attacks. the woman in the san bernardino shooting, she came here and killed 14 people. the underwear bomber, his father went to a u.s. embassy and said, my son is a terrorist. they didn t revoke his visa, he came in at almost blow up a plane over detroit. shannon: all right, marc and matt, good to hear from both of you. protests and strikes across the country as a day without women with fewer women at work in fewer kids at school. katie pavlich here to debate.
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celebrating women to bashing president trump. trump does not have respect for women! but he also doesn t know the power of women. we know our value, and we know that america doesn t function without us. shannon: katie pavlich is a news editor at town, and kathy arue is a liberal editor. good to have you both with us. all right, kathy, i want to start with you. is this more about promoting and celebrating women, or is this more of a continuation of the women s march which was clearly, and washington, about saying, this is not our presidents, we want nothing to do with him. it is a continuation of the women s march. they did say this is the fourth-largest event that they are planning, 4 out of 10 events in the first 100 days of trump s presidency, to protest him and his stance on women and what he has done for women, which isn t much, and what we expect from him isn t much, and by putting
betsy devos in office, it is hurting teachers. many teachers have already taken to the streets and are protesting. process team trump and betsy devos and the record so far. it is a protest. shannon: katie? your reaction 20 saturday? it is hard to take the line about betsy devos seriously when hundreds of teachers refused to show up at hundreds of parents had to scramble to find child care. a separate issue. in terms of what happened today, i think that women that showed up for work today deserve a lot more credit than those who did not, and as far as what these women are allegedly protesting, in the last month, president trump has assigned two pieces of legislation investing money into specifically putting money toward women entrepreneurs and the sciences. he has also developed a new correlation between the canadian government and the u.s. government to promote female ceos and business. and, of course, there is ivana trump, who is a close advisor ivanka trump, who is very
progressive in her issues, child care, maternity leave, paid maternity leave. in terms of what their goal is, i m not sure, but i think the focus should be only one who showed up for work and did their job, climbing the ladder based on their merits and the work they do and earning respect that way rather than throwing temper tantrums. but women did show up for work today, and if they did show up, they are wearing red to show that they are with the women who did not show up. the point of not showing up, a day without women, a day without a woman, is the point, can schools function without women? and teachers and nurses are the most underpaid women in the country. for teachers not to show up they are underpaid and they are overworked. very aware of that. shannon: what we have had this particular events today had hillary clinton won? i don t think hillary clinton would have overruled the policy that takes the away
the public polling shows that americans are against that. thousands of women are going to die as a result. katie, i ll let you take that, i ll let you respond preach to go thousands of women are not going to respond paid it is a fact paid it is not true at all. that is not true at all. in terms of how we move forward here and help with the goal is, national women s tape was originally founded in 1909 by the american socialist party. nothing has really changed to this day. this was a march about liberal women, liberal policies, policies, taxpayer-funded abortion, which the majority of americans disagree with. it wasn t about all women. pro-life women were specifically told they could not go. kudos to those who showed up. shannon: katie and cathy, thank you for your time, and we re glad you both showed up for work today, along with me. we ll be back.
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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20170429 05:00:00

this was the last day before the trump presidency s 100th day. and congress put in less than half a day because there is no trump agenda item alive in congress right now. there is no bill moving anywhere in congress now. no legislative vehicle that is a trump agenda item. we have never seen a 99th day like this for a president. every president s busiest legislative year is the first year. it s when their power of persuasion over the congress is at its highest. and it only goes down after that. what a president accomplishes in his first year is usually most of what the president will accomplish in his first term. this is so clear historically that when bob woodward chose to write a book entitled the agenda, he decided to focus entirely on a president s first year. and he picked a president with a loaded first year agenda, bill
clinton. at this point in bill clinton s first year, the congress was working overtime. at the same time, congress was working on nafta, a giant tax bill which was inside a giant budget bill. they were also working on a world trade agreement and the beginnings of both clinton health care and clinton welfare reform. along with little things like an emergency extension of unemployment insurance. some of those things made it all the way to the finish line and became law in the first year. some in the second year, and some not at all. but they were all important in the first year. they were all being worked on every friday afternoon of the first year of the clinton presidency. and i don t necessarily mean that the house and the senate were in session every friday afternoon, although they were a lot. what i mean is anyone casually following the news could tell you what the clinton agenda was and what parts of it congress was actively working on.
that is not true tonight. well can t tell you that they re actively working on anything. republicans in the house have certainly wanted it to appear as though they re working on a health care bill. but when congress is really working on something, the house and the senate both have to work on it. notice that no one in the senate has been even pretending twork on a health care bill or consult with the house in any way on a bill that would have to pass the united states senate. so nothing about what house republicans are doing or have been doing on health care reform actually looks like a real legislative activity. and it certainly isn t real enough to keep them in washington after lunch on a friday, even though the trump presidency desperately needed some kind of legislative accomplishments within the first 100 days there is only one thing we can promise you about the second year of the trump
presidency, and that is that the trump presidency will accomplish less in the second year than in the first year. and that is because all presidencies accomplish less in the second year than they do in the first year. because as presidents always discover, when congress enters an election year, congress does even less than congress did the year before. they don t take risks. that is just a fundamental rule of congress that has nothing to do with president trump. when you factor in how much time congress is going to take off this year for christmas, for thanksgiving, for the entire month of august, the fourth of july, memorial day week, donald trump is now more than a third of the way through his first year of dealing with congress. and he has nothing to show for it. less than any president in modern history. and that could be why he is saying things like this.
well, i loved my previous life. i loved my previous life. i had so many things going. i actually this is more work than in my previous life. i thought it would be easier. i m a details oriented person. i think you would say that. but i do miss my old life. i like to work. so that s not a problem. but this is actually more work. okay. that s amazing stuff. could we just replay the middle of that. i thought it would be easier. i thought it was more of a i m a details oriented person. more of a what? i thought it would be easier. i thought it was more of a and then he does that donald trump thing. he cuts off donald trump. he doesn t let donald trump finish donald trump s thought. that s the most important sentence in what he just said. i thought it would be easier. i thought it was more of a
feel free to tweet me your guesses about how he was going to finish that sentence before he decided that he shouldn t finish that sentence. whatever he was going to say, donald trump himself decided he shouldn t say it. it was against donald trump s better judgment. imagine, imagine what it had to be for donald trump to think oh, better not say that. he thought it was going to be more of a what? the president gave that interview yesterday. he knew congress would be gone less than 24 hours later, and he would be stuck with his 100 days of zero legislative accomplishments on the donald trump campaign agenda, which was supposed to be the trump presidency s first year agenda. some of it was supposed to be the trump presidency s first day agenda. but just about all of it was supposed to be the trump presidency s first 100-day agenda. a deadline that the president himself imposed.
that s why i proposed a contract with the american voter. it s a set of promises for what i ll do in my first 100 days. it includes getting rid of immediately obamacare, which is a disaster. and now he misses his previous life. did you hear the way he said that? he sounded like the narrater in a british novel looking back on his previous life from his now much more troubled, tragic life. well, i loved my i i love mid previous life. i loved my previous life. i had so many things going. has there been a more poignant line uttered by a president in his first 100 days? i loved my previous life. did you hear his voice completely fall out when he said i had so many things going.
on the word going when you listen to that again, on the word going, he just sinks. the man has never been more publicly self-aware, more publicly introspective, which isn t saying much because introspection isn t donald trump s thing. ask yourself how happy is your president. well, i loved my i i love mid previous life. i loved my previous life. had so many things going. so many things going. in a speech to the national rifle association today, the president once again revisited his glory days. actually, it was his glory day. what fun that was, november 8th. wasn that a great evening? you remember that evening? remember that? [ cheering ] remember them saying we have
breaking news. donald trump has won the state of michigan. they go michigan? how did that happen. he goes on and on about it. you ve heard it all before. he was supposed to be telling them about how he dramatically to everyone s surprise pulled off a victory in getting obamacare repealed and replaced when everyone said he couldn t. but he doesn t have that story to tell. and so he tells his favorite story, the election night story. and now in interviews he is looking back plaintively at when he thought it would be easier. it s so much easier to be presidential, because i don t have to use any energy. you know, being presidential is easy. much easier than what i have to do. you re going to have such great health care and a tiny fraction of the cost. and it s going to be so easy. the wall is peanuts. that s going to be one of the easy negotiations, believe me. we re going to make america great again. it s going to be easy. joining us now, nicholas kristof, pulitzer prize winning
columnist for the new york times. charlie sykes, editor-in-chief of write wisconsin and an msnbc contributor. nick, the one contribution i had to campaign coverage when it would come to a trump speech or debate or something is to simply say that s not going to happen. get rid of nafta, that s not going to happen. coy rattle off all of the things that weren t going to happen. i did expect the big tax cut to happen. republican presidents get elected, they cut taxes. there is a way to do that. george bush did it right away. so i m sitting here not having come close to predicting they would get zero on the tax cut. but i don t have any other surprises. are you surprised where we are in the 100 days? i think i had more faith than you did in the president s incompetence. okay. it seemed to me doubtful he would manage to get these things through. and i m indeed, i don t think he is going to get a health care bill through. i don t think he is going to get a tax bill actually passed. and i doubt he is going to get
an infrastructure bill, which is really the lightest load of all. actually through. i think that s why he is so plaintive. i thought he thought this was going to be like being america s homecoming king, all cheers. and in fact it turns out to be about policy which he is not interested in and about msnbc and the new york times saying he hasn t accomplished anything. right. and charlie, i get the feeling that the president thought i get to be popular by being president. that yes, it will be great if i have a bunch of accomplishments in the 100 days. but if i don t have a bunch of accomplishments, don t i still get to be popular? i think there is a lot going on there. you re right. this is the most poignant and revealing and defining point of his presidency. you unbutton it a little bit. what he is basically acknowledging is how manifestly unqualified and unprepared he was. he had no idea what it was going to be like to deal with congress. he had no idea what it was going to be like to deal with a
federal judiciary. he didn t understand the constitution. he had no idea how complicated the executive branch was. and frankly, he obviously had no idea the gravity of the decisions he would have to make as president of the united states, including on international affairs and trade. but what an amazing thing for him to sit down and go yea i really had no idea what i was getting into. and when i promised that everything was going to be eds, easy, i really didn t have a clue. remarkable. and it is semi public information. once you re elected president, to your surprise on november 8th, you have time to grab bob woodward s book the agenda. it s not a long book. it s about the first year of presidency. it s the single book to read if you re president. you d pick up a lot. george mitchell would come to trump tower, and he would tell you here is how it works.
he would happily tell you that, if you just took the time during the transition to have this kind of inquisitive mind what is it i m getting into. i don t think he has that inquisitive mind. i don t think there is any national politician i ve ever known in my journalistic career who has been uninterested in policy or as ill informed about policy as president trump. and i think this was compounded by the fact that he essentially wanted to blow up system that he didn t understand and was trying to recruit allies who also wanted to blow it up because they had that instinct were unfamiliar with what they were trying to blow up. that s why he indeed of the top 550 positions of the administration he has only nominated 10% of them. he doesn t have allies around the gofrt. 200 vacant jobs at the state department. charlie sykes, the incoming presidents have all somewhere been on the scale of egomaniac to go off in that direction in the first place.
but they have all had some measure of humility, varying measures of humility as they enter this transition into the presidency where you can see them and they will report this to people and to friends feeling the enormity of it and feeling daunted by how much homework they have to do before january 20th and how much homework they re going to have to do every night after that. yeah. it s one thing to have a great ego. but i m not a psychologist. i don t play one on television. but donald trump is a narcissist in the classic term. if the normal range of ego is here, he is over here, unburdened by not an inquisitive mind, unburdened by much introspection. and obviously has no sense of humility. so i m actually not thinking that that admission he didn t know what he was getting into means that you know what? i need to study more. i need to think more, i need to listen to more intelligent people.
here is a man who came into the presidency and surrounded himself with the clown car of staff, many of them still there. when he was asked what made your job harder than you thought. mr. president, day 99. what s made your job harder than you thought? we re moving awfully well. we re getting a lot of things done. we are i don t think there has ever been anything like this. it s a false standard, 100 days. but i have to tell you, i don t think anybody has done what we ve been able to do in 100 days. so we re very happy. nick, i agree with him it s a false standard. but it s a standard he laid down for himself. but a first year is not a false standard. and when you re more than a third of the way through your first year and you have zero, it s worth talking about. yeah. it s a lot more whatever everybody is talking about is no significant legislation passed, and that is true.
but if you look at the cabinet, he has one of the least impressive cabinets one has seen. he has appointed the least number of people to the administration of anybody recently. he has the worst approval rating of any new president in polling history. and there is really nothing on the horizon that would give one reason to think that things are going to get better. i mean, it has to be said that bill clinton had a somewhat rough start, not by these standards. john kennedy had again a somewhat rough start and they both managed to overcome that. in the case of president trump, though, he has he comes at it from so much more difficult position. in foreign affairs, i must say there has been a real improvement by getting rid of mike flynn, bringing in mcmaster. he has switched positions on one issue after another and brought himself much closer to the traditional conservative republican position. and there is certainly much more of a reality-based posture in
foreign affairs now than there was at the beginning. charlie, your final word on the 100 days of president trump. well, the good news and the bad news for donald trump is that he has that echo chamber that no matter how bad he does, he has the alternative media reality machine that is going to beef him up. the bad news for him is it s going to insulate him and he is not going to hear what he needs to hear. i think that the one thing that is probably the most troubling development is, and i know this word has been overused a lot. as we near the 100 days, how much of his behavior has been normalized? how much we have absorb and normalized his approach to the truth, how much we have normalized that he continues to use slurs like pocahantas. the bizarre erratic nature of this presidency. and i think that s something that we were concerned about at the very beginning. but look, there is huge steaks for everybody, for conservatives, liberals, democrats, republicans in at least stepping back and going okay, we got to put the country
first. we re no longer in the the celebrity apprentice. this is tougher than reality tv and the stakes are a little higher for all of us. charlie sykes gets the last word in this segment. nick kristof, charlie sykes, thank you both for joining us. coming up, it is trump versus ryan. it really is. the back stabbing backstage between president trump s staff and speaker paul ryan s staff, and how paul ryan became the most unpopular person in american politics today. okay let s call his agent i m coming over right now. the newly advanced gle can see in your blind spot. onboard cameras and radar can detect danger all around you. driver assist systems can pull you back into your lane if drifting. bye chief. bye bobby. and will even help you brake, if necessary. it makes driving less of a production.
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60% of women are wearing the w.experience leaks. introducing always my fit. find the number that s right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always. are you disappointed with how the republicans have handled these big issues? health care went down and there was some suggestion it might happen today. but now it s not going to happen. i m disappointed that it doesn t go quicker. i like them a lot. i have great relationships. don t forget, most of them i didn t even know. right. but many of them, like the freedom caucus, i see them we love our president. we re doing this for our president. you look at this. you look at the moderates, the same thing. we love our president. i m disappointed. i tell you, paul ryan is trying very, very hard. i think everybody is trying very hard. it is a very tough system. the attempt to repeal
obamacare is doing damage to paul ryan. he is now the most unpopular politician polled in the nbc/wall street journal poll. the number of americans who have are positive view of paul ryan has dropped from 40% to 22% with the number of negative views of paul ryan has climbed to 45%. according to a new fox news poll, democrats hold a five-point advantage on a generic congressional ballot. the latest gallup poll shows obamacare has an all-time high approval rating for obamacare of 55%. last night at an event in new york city, president obama pointed out that the affordable care act has never been more popular than it is now. and it is more popular than the current president. according to gallup, donald trump s approval rating is at 43%. joining us now, evan siegfried, republican strategist. joining us karine jean-pierre for and josh barrow,
senior editor for business insider and an msnbc contributor. i was struck by the president going out of his way to say nice things about paul ryan in the interview we just heard because let s listen to this quote in time magazine. this is from an adviser to speaker paul ryan who says it s all about the show down there at the white house, says an adviser to speaker of the house paul ryan. they want the trailer, and we re trying to make the ken burns documentary. karene, i have not seen the adviser to the speak ever make comments about that about the white house when they re trying to work together. yeah, that s about right with this administration, with this presidency. i mean, look, lawrence. what you have is the most unpopular president of this time in our modern history and unpopular now.
unpopular speak over the house who have teamed up to get exactly nothing done. they haven t been able to accomplish anything in this 100 days. and the thing about it is that the republicans have the largest majority right now currently in the house since 1928. and the only thing they were able to do was fund the government for another week. and now they re learning that governing is indeed very, very difficult, beating up on obama was easy. saying no was easy. but when it comes to getting things done when they actually have the majority and all of the three branches, they can t get it done. there is another quote in time magazine that is kind of extraordinary. another statement says more than once, white house officials have told paul ryan that his role as speaker may be in jeopardy if he does not do more to help trump. it s jekyll and hyde with this guy one ryan adviser says of the president. but we re talking about him. so that must mean he is winning. evan siegfried, i m amazed to see white house officials thinking as they appear to threaten paul ryan that they
could get him removed as speaker. that possible? no. the house republican conference can have him removed as speaker. i know technically how it happens. but does the white house have the power to get enough republicans in the house to overthrow paul ryan? what we re seeing here is a white house and a president who misunderstands the fundamental function of what congress is. they are a separate but coequal body. and you see the president in how he has handled legislation, especially in the ahca. it was like the ceo mentality and congress are the middle managers who get things done. and president trump comes in and fixes it. the president needs to actually be working with congress. because congress, if he keeps treating them like this, they re going to slow walk the legislation just to remind him he has power and congress is 435 people with very big egos. what is your reaction to these statements from paul ryan
people from his team about this kind of friction with the white house? i think there is a reason this stuff is showing up as anonymous grumbling in press rather than open warfare which is that both trump and ryan need each other, much as they may dislike each other, to the extent that ryan and his caucus hope to get anything done, they will need to rely on donald trump not only to sign it, but to put his political capital behind whatever fairly unpopular thing republicans in congress might like to do on health care or tax. i think they re not going to get it done anyway. but they have less chance of getting it done if they were in open warfare with the president. and i think people in the white house know that it s not really paul ryan s fault that they can t get votes for these things. they can t get votes for these things because they re very unpopular, and because trump lacks the skills in the political capital to gather the votes for them. and if they caused some chaos and tried and maybe succeeded to push ryan out of his speakership, not only would that weaken the president s relations, whoever replaced ryan would probably be even less
effective than ryan in the role. so none of them like the situation they re in, but none of them can improve their situation by actually going war to the other. so they just complain about each other to the press. according to a new politico article, there are at least some people in the white house who think they have a better idea than dealing with paul ryan. and that s on the tax bill. we have one of them saying we aren t listening to anyone else on taxes, says one senior administration official, referring to ryan. it s our plan. karine, that s not the tax plan that paul ryan has been talking about. if they think they can go it alone on a tax plan without the speaker of the house with them, that s going absolutely nowhere. that s exactly right. i mean, look. when you go back just a few years ago with president obama and nancy pelosi, they actually had a wonderful working relationship.
and nancy pelosi was able to deliver for president obama because she understood and he understood how the government worked. and this you don t get you don t see this at all in this relationship when it comes to paul ryan and donald trump. and if the administration decides to go that route, they re going to lose. josh, the comments you see in the time magazine article show you that there is a war going on here that is incredibly unprofessional. and it sounds like the ryan people have just abandoned the norms of professionalism in order to mount public defenses of paul ryan. well, i m sure they re exasperated. and wouldn t you be? i don t think they intended to be in this position where they were relying on donald trump. they thought they would have a sort of normal republican like marco rubio in the white house who would be more helpful in gathering votes in congress, more engaged in the policy process and less embarrassing in their public comments. so i think it s only human to find this situation untenable and awful.
but i do find it funny, describing themselves as trying to make the ken burns documentary. yes. there. have been an audience at both ends of pennsylvania avenue. and a lot of the blame for what has gone wrong in these first 100 days does lie with republicans in congress. i don t think it lies so much with ryan personally. i think the republican party as a whole was nowhere on health care policy for seven years. all they knew is they hated obamacare and it was inevitably going to blow up in their faces when they had to make policy on it themselves. long before donald trump was a politician for real. thank you for joining us tonight. really appreciate it. thanks, lawrence. coming up, donald trump, what he said about michael flynn tonight in a new fox news interview. left, when he resigned, you said these birds once affected by oil
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rick stengel, former undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs. he is also an msnbc political analyst and evan siegfried is back with us. rick, the president said i do feel badly for him. what does he fired him. what does he feel badly for him for? i don t know. okay. so i m not the only one who couldn t follow. yes. i m not even interested. what about the obama administration approved his security clearance? well, it s absolutely absurd. the obama administration fired michael flynn in 2014 for all kinds of reasons. now if donald trump, i believe he was in the private sector. if you re hiring somebody from a competitor who was fired, wouldn t you check him out a little bit so they didn t do they didn t do their due diligence on him. what he doesn t understand is the fact that all of these things that flynn did, he did during that period between when he was fired in 2014 and when
trump had him as national security adviser. and bringing in a national security adviser requires a much higher level of vetting than just to look at classified documents. that s pretty easy. evan, the president fired the man for lying. and the president says he was treated horribly. is there some translation here that we re missing? i m sure there is in trumpese. the president is now saying i am being saladed with this and he is trying to blame president obama. the truth is nbc news is starting to report the trump administration or the transition team also did their own vet of michael flynn. so if they didn t catch this, it was an incompetent vet, and we have to look at other areas. if they did catch this, that is even more worrisome because they looked the other way there is a real problem going on here. rick, the on the vet, let s say you ve decided we want this fired general from the previous administration because he says things that we like. you still have that vetting responsibility that evan was
just talking about. again, the vetting is done by the civil service, by the fbi there is an fbi background check. they have to do that for every new person coming into the administration. they call your second grade teacher. they call your neighbors. they the all of those things that is done. that is one of the permanent functions of government. i just i just don t get what what is he clinging to here? when he says he was treated horribly, what is his objective when the president says that? he is the one who fired him. i think that the president feels any time the military is disrespected in any way, shape or form in his mind, that it s absolutely horrible. and yes, we should respect. actually, isn t it that he feels that he had to fire him because of what the press did to him. right. so he is indirectly blaming the press. would he have not have fired him if the press didn t reveal he lied. all right. we have to take a break here. evan siegfried, thank you for joining us. coming up, what donald trump doesn t know about pocahantas.
he got a big reaction from his audience today when he talked about pocahantas. he needs to know a couple of things about that. whoa that s amazing. hey, i m the internet! i know a bunch of people who would love that. the internet loves what you re doing.
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virginia when she was about 19 years old. captain john smith wrote a praise-filled letter to queen anne about pocahantas saying pocahantas saved his life when his father was to be have him executed. pocahantas laid her head on his chest so smith could not be beheaded without pocahantas suffering the same fate. in his letter to the queen, john smith said she hazarded the beating out of her own brains to save mine and not only that, but so prevailed with her father that i would safely conducted to jamestown. pocahantas was not her real name. she and her tribe decided to hide her real name from the english settlers. william stiff was born 100 years later and became an historian.
he wrote a book titled the history of the first discovery and settlement of virginia. william stiff explained why pocahantas hid her real name from the english. it turns out although she bravely welcomed the english, she and her tribe didn t trust them. william stiff wrote her real name it seems was originally matoax which the indians carefully concealed from the english and changed to it pocahantas out of a superstitious fearless they by knowledge of her true name should be enabled to do her some hurt. and tonight 400 years later, the president of the united states is trying to do elizabeth warren some hurt by throwing a name at her that was invented by native americans to protect a woman.
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tide and downy together. today north korea launched its ninth missile since president trump took office. according to u.s. officials, the short range missile exploded midair shortly after takeoff. tonight president trump tweeted north korea disrespected the wishes of china and its highly respected president when it launched though unsuccessfully a missile today. bad, exclamation point. this missile test comes one day after president trump said this. there is a chance that we would end up having major, major conflict with north korea. absolutely. i d love to solve things diplomatically but it s very difficult. rick stengel is back with us. rick, the president s tweeted reaction to this, basically saying how could they possibly disrespect china. uh-huh. well, he s trying to show the world that he formed a romance
with president xi. of course what he is realizing about diplomacy is it is a multilevel chess game, you have to rail against china for a balance of chad but work with them on north korea. you have to work that balance. he doesn t seem tosy say that he completely surrendered all positions he has in regards to trade saying of course i m not going to talk about currentsy manipulation because he is helping us with north korea. it doesn t seem like he is trying to balance owes things. yes, i guess he is folding his tent on that already. and maybe he made a distinction that this is more important. obviously it is very important. china has the most leverage with north korea. more than we do. all of north korea s trade passes through china. even the talk of new rounds of
sanctions which i support is a little bit toothless because there is hardly anything to sanction there. they have an economy the size of maine s. they have apparently figured out how to live with deprivation. they figured out how to live with deprivation in order to have a nuclear program. the nuclear strategy is their strategy. you have a leader desperate for attention, i know that sound familiar, and the way he does that is through the nuclear strategy. the president leaning entirely on the chinese is one part of it. the other part of it is he raises his rhetoric to a combative level, the trump rhetoric that we ve never seen in an american president before. it s entirely irresponsible. it s tactical impatience to contrast with secretary tillerson obama s strategic patience was the wrong thing. this good cobb cop/bad cop thing is reversed. the secretary of state is supposed to be the bad cop. the president is supposed to be the bad cop. the where do you see this going?
president trump s rhetoric can t get any more heated. he is escalating the rhetoric. people around the word are saying we have to deescalate this. trump is single handedly escalating it and turning it into something that kim jong-un wants. he wants attention and this tension of world war three going on. coming up, a hundred nights of late night trump comedy.
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and is a now a master class in a hundred days of comedy. in honor of our new president dress rehearsal s over guys, the tragedy has begun. he focused on the size of his crowds, the size of his ratings, the size of everything. instead of the cia he should be talking to a cichiatri serks, the. if you want to make people safe, stop making them walk this the streets. big news out of the kremlin sorry, misread that, the white house. when asked if the allegations were true, sessions said absolutely niet. i can t believe jeff sessions lied to america. especially after this country spent so many years buying his cookies. trump would like us to focus on his scandal about obama wiretapping him.
trump said it was upsetting because he is a private man who likes to keep his thoughts to himself. where did trump get the info, from the cia, the fbi, out of his a-s-s. the chairman is killing it, it, being the trust in his investigation. didn t literally mean that prep president obama wiretapped him. he also said president trump didn t literally mean for people to vote for him. bad news, mexico didn t give us cash for the wall? good news, we have new hands. $400 million tax break to the rich and the poor will receive a box of band-aids and airborne. you can t tear your eyes away from sean spicer. it s like watching a car crash that knows nothing about the holocaust. hoentlely, though, are you okay. are you kidding me.
job approval rating is at just 36%. trump was confused. he said, how can they disapprove of a job i m not even doing. done, that s enough fun for tonight, can i have my desk back. yes, of course, mr. president i ll go sit at my desk. president trump on friday walked out on an oval office signing ceremony without actually signing his two executive orders on trade. that s literally our best hope against the trump administration, him forgetting what he came in the room for. president trump recently bombed syria while eating the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake america has ever laid eyes on. that s a fact. you don t know what cakes i ve seen. these hundred days have been such a success. and i m so sad my presidency is coming to an en.

It-congress , Presidency , Bill , Campaign-agenda , Item , Anywhere , 100th-day , 100 , President , Vehicle , Agenda-item , 99

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Justice With Judge Jeanine 20170319 01:00:00

that s all for tonight. follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. justice with judge jeanine is next. and remember i m watters and this is my world. judge jeanine: right now on justice. all of these nos or potential nos are all yeses. judge jeanine: the art of the deal. president trump says he can do it. tonight i ll ask newt gingrich about the president s chances of making the gop healthcare bill law. trump made his living on making deals, and this is a test of that ability. judge jeanine: i ll get the former speaker s take on the budget and how he deal with the those in washington trying to stop him at every turn. he s president, they are not. judge jeanine: anne coulter is
here live after tonight s open and you never know how that s going to go. i always want to kiss you after your opening statement. judge jeanine: i m taking you to the st. patrick s parade to ask new yorkers what they think of reports that our favorite person has her eyes on city hall. should hillary clinton come back and run for mayor? no! jenna: welcome to justice. i m judge jeanine pirro. a st. patrick s edition of street justice. but first my opening statement. folks they are changing the rules before your very eyes.
this is bigger than a travel ban. bigger than a debate question. the left is change black letter law, journalistic standards and the constitution in order to satisfy their agenda. they are simply intolerant of opinions that differ from theirs. and so they burn buildings in their black ninja outfits at berkeley to stop an invited guest from exercising his first amendment free speech. they burn the constitution in their black robes to stop the president from exercising his plenary powers to protect americans. and they throw journalism ethics to the wind and promote a liar to the democratic committee s vice chair.
they are trying to make you believe you are the racist uncharitable bigot. but don t buy into their narrative. you must stay the course. this week a judge from hawaii puts a nationwide halt to the president s second temporary travel ban from six arab countries. within this travel ban, religion is not used as a preference or exception. in fact it removes exemptions for religious minorities, though i personally wish they would have kept it because asylum status can be prioritizedized bd on religious persecution. judge derrick watson, a harvard genius blocked the ban. he stops it saying it prevents hawaiians from receiving visits from their relatives from
there is no need to go outside the four corners of the document. if that were the law, the big question in the first executive order which was what about the people with visas or green cardholders, which was answered by white house counsel should have been accepted. but it wasn t accepted because it wasn t clear in the order itself, so this judge would not reach beyond the order to find the answer. to suggest the first amendment establishment clause actually applies to people in somalia who are not even citizens who don t have visas or green cards that we should wrap them in the cloak of our united states constitution when they are thousands of miles from our shores is outright lunacy. maybe we ought to put them in section 8 housing and send them
over. judges cannot make decisions based upon their politics or their intense dislike for our president. and likewise, journalists like donna brazile should not be able to lie their way into the chair of the democratic national committee. that in itself should give you pause for the standards are in that party you need to stay the course. they are wrong, you are right. in more ways than one. that s my open. tell me what you think on your facebook page or twitter. #judgejeanine. joining me is columnist anne
why did she do it? well, she did it originally to help hillary. and why she is telling you the truth now. there is quite a history of suddenly getting the truth from both media and i suppose in this case democratic operatives after the election is over. in one famous example, just before the 1996 election bill clinton had his ins working 24 hours a day pumping out new citizens. sp people are long records of conviction were being made citizens because they wanted them to vote democrat. they got more than registered. when did we find out the truth about that? the washington post did expose it after the election. once they have done everything they can to fix an election, then you will get the truth. judge jeanine: she is still vice
chair of the dnc, yes? i don t think democrats mind this? at least not the hillary cloud. i would think the bernie sanders crowd would be a little testy about it. certainly the ones i know who did vote for trump or didn t vote for hillary because of the positions. bernie sanders used to have trump s position on immigration and trade. funny thing about bernie sanders, i liked him when he was a socialist. i don t like him once he became a liberal. judge jeanine: let s talk about healthcare. they will vote on thursday. donald trump, the president is absolutely confident the nos will change to yeses. what do you think? i hope he s wrong. i don t want our hero donald trump even dealing with obamacare as i said before. come on. what are republicans in congress doing? this should be their job.
they don t have to build the wall or interview the people who are going to build the wall. they don t have to over$see the travel bands. or deportation orders or the trade deals. the president should deal with the stuff the path dweelts and congress should be the one writing a law. judge jeanine: you don t think he has political capital in this new healthcare? so why is he doing it? especially this bill. this isn t his bailiwick. i hate this bill. all we need to take care of 90% of the people in america, all you need is one sentence saying there shall be a free market in health insurance. congress has the right to regulate interstate congress. all i want is a free market. i want to buy insurance the same way i buy a microwave oven, flat
screen tv and car insurance. give as you free market. and the other parts of the bill, the welfare cases, people who can t pay for their own healthcare and health insurance either because they don t have jobs for whatever reasons or they have weirdly expensive medical problems. we are already take care of these people. but let the rest of us have a free market in health insurance. judge jeanine: you said you wanted to talk about the travel ban. hit it. you mentioned it, and you are totally right. these judges should be impeached. something else congress should be doing. impeach these outrageous judges. we were warned we were going to get fascism when donald trump was he was elected and we are getting it from the courts. as long as they are look at things said on the campaign
trail. in trump s immigration policy paper he called for a temporary pause in all immigration, a moratorium. let s do that. judge jeanine: what s amazing to me, i never heard in contract law or any other law to look past the four corpse of a document. it s fundamental first-year law. anne quawl caller, it s always great having you on. good to see you. judge jeanine: ben stein who wrote the first healthcare bill for president nixon. the speaker unplugged. this is some left-wing cuckoo bird who has a judgeship who is making a ruling that s insane. judge jeanine: newt gingrich is with me to tell me what he
really thinks about the judge month glocked trump s i am who blocked president trump immigration order. judge jeanine: they are talking about hillary clinton coming back to run for mayor. no. judge jeanine: i take street justice to the st. patrick s day parade. you don t want to miss it. don t go away. ishes. try succulent new lobster mix & match or see how sweet a lobster lover s dream can be. there s something for everyone and everyone s invited. so come in soon. start your day with the number one choice of dentists. philips sonicare removes significantly more plaque versus oral-b 7000. experience this amazing feel of clean. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save now when you buy philips sonicare. anyone ever have occasional constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating?
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bill speaker ryan probably will get out with one or more amendments. the senate bill will be totally different. can mcconnell get a bill out of the senate? probably. but it won t be the house bill. then the real dance will be probably a month from now when they get together in conference and they have two different bills. i think that s going to be a challenge. trump made his living on making deals, and this is a real test of that ability. judge jeanine: what do you think will be the difference on the house and senate bill? where is the emphasis? because of the pressure the freedom cow is the bill is moving to the right. it s more change in medicaid, it s more anti-washington. the senate i think has two different groups here. you have moderate senators who don t want to go that far to the right. then you have a core group
around cotton and lee who want to go further to the right. watching mcconnell who is a master at doing this. watching him figure out how to bring them together. he need 50 votes plus the vice president. so he can only lose two senators and still get this thing done. i m sure he s talking to people every day trying to figure out if there is a sweet spot that will get a bill out of the senate. judge jeanine: are you optimistic? yes. i think donald trump is a remarkable charismatic leader. he did those five rallies a day toward end of the campaign. i wouldn t be shocked to see him once they have a bill and it s locked down, once they know what the case is, really going out and rallying his base. judge jeanine: it s all about the public at this point. and the public moving congress in the event the president isn t
able to do it. do you see tension between ryan and the president? i think there is some. but it s healthy. a natural tension. ryan has worked these issues for many many years. he has strong ideas and opinions. but he doesn t quite have the votes. and he has to deal with the senate which is different. ryan, mcconnell and the president, and with enormous help from vice president pence who is doing a great job of coordinating with the hill, staying in close touch. but this is a natural tension. this is what a legislative process is like. we are just not used to it because obama never did it. he either got his way or he quit. judge jeanine: mr. speaker, speaking of people who really are good at what they do, you are the guru of the balanced budget. i refer back to the contract with america, 94- 95.
you did what everybody thought was impossible. in light of the president s suggested budget. we know the house ultimately has the power of the purse. what the president has done with this proposed budget, is he really put a stake in the ground and he s seriously very clear that he is cutting out a lot of stuff. we know he s increasing money for the defense and as well as homeland security for veterans. but he s also getting rid of a lot of stuff, even pet projects for people in his own party. there was a sense by some republicans that it s risky and may be a breach of faith in some cases with the people who elected them. what do you think? this is a very first budget, they didn t have much time to put together. some parts of it i deeply disagree with.
but the general direction is right. it s shock to people. trump is somewhere between reagan and calvin coolidge. this budget is one of the most conservative document sent up in the last half century. only reagan s 81 budget would be comparable to it. he s sending a clear signal. he wants a smaller government, less regulatory red tape, more power to the people and he s comfortable fighting it out. he won t get everything he wants. but he s setting a standard for a much tighter policy and smaller government than liberals wanted. judge jeanine: you know what s amazing about this, not that anyone is surprised. but people are criticizing him. i was reading one of the newspapers, it said he s not decreasing the deficit. really? at least he s not add together deficit. he s keeping promises to their
cans about medicare and social security which is 40% of the federal budget. but this is a man who will be criticized no matter what he does. it will be like this for the next four years? absolutely. if donald trump were to walk out this summer and buy a raspberry ice cream cones the new york times would attack him for being prejudice because he should have had a chocolate, vanilla or peppermint. the walk times would say he didn t buy the biggest cone because he s too cheap. this his life for the near future. he has to recognize he s president, they are not. judge jeanine: we have a thick skin. to me it doesn t seem it s bothering him. a couple issues before we go. the wall, he is making it clear in the proposed budget, the wall this this and it s going to
happen, and i assume he s putting rfps and proposals to get this wall started. sure. i think that s right. john kelly, the marine general who is secretary of homeland security is a brilliant leader. he s going to go out and accomplish his mission. the president has the enormous power of the retow pen. i m confident he won t sign an appropriation that does not include payment for the wall, period. that s what part of the negotiating with the congress will be about. but he committed to it. it s what got him nominated. it was a key part of his majority and he will keep his word. judge jeanine: with respect to the latest executive order. no surprise, the judge from hawaii says the establishment clause applies to someone from another country who is not a citizen.
i never understood the establishment clause. you are the judge, i m not. i m just an historian, not a lawyer. this is insanity. this is a left-wing cuckoo bird who happens to have a judgeship who is making a ruling that is insane implying the entire planet has a right to the constitution. we have people from everywhere. i don t think they are in the last census. we have people from everywhere. judge jeanine: thank you. they are each in their corner ready to go. matt schlapp and mary anne marsh are here to debate president trump s budget. i asked new yorkers at the st. patrick s day parade about reports that hillary might run for mayor. and i got an earful. justice rolls on in a minute.
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the tribes say it puts their water supply in danger. it the pipeline will move oil from illinois. judge jeanine: ben stein still on tap for tonight as well as special street justice with judge jeanine from the st. patrick s day parade. moist many time for the political panel. matt shah lamb and marianne marsh. president trump keeps getting sued with these executive orders. it s almost like a race to see which state will be the first one to sue him. yet when i think by the, matt, all of the obamacare stuff, when the president said you could keep your healthcare and keep your dock were, that was outside
of the law, and since the judges are reaching outside of the executive order and the law itself, why wasn t obama sued for those lies and those mix characterizations? he was a constitutional law professor and he was overturned more time by the federal judiciary and any other modern president. on obamacare he reached and grabbed extra powers to make all kinds of changes tonight. the difference with president trump. this judge in hawaii didn t read the executive order. he saw him at a rally and said i think he has animus towards muslims sow i ll rule this out of order. it s absurd and it angers people. judge jeanine: marianne i will ask you about the budget. there are those who say that it s a good thing he hasn t
added anything, but he has taken away some stuff. i assume you are not happy with that. i think what s interesting is republicans have always done a great job of convincing low-income voters to vote against their own economic interests. and he admitted that in his interview with tucker carlson. tucker challenged him in terms of low-income housing, heating programs, meals on wheels. 500,000 veterans won t get their meals on wheels yet he wants to help veterans. he said some of these things are the opposite. donald trump admitted that. i don t think it budget will go that far. even republicans oppose it. judge jeanine: matt, what do you say the truth is all of the entitlements, the president promised medicare and social
security untouched. but he didn t add anything to the budget. so what about these things like meals on wheels? somewhat mary environment is missing is a lot of people who don t make a lot of money they feel like they are picking. you more and most expense of people who don t work. obamacare and the expansion of obamacare it was about able bodied people who aren t work. that s where the people who are working get frustrated. they want to make sure they don t they don t want to pull the wagon when there are so many people sitting idly in the wagon. when it comes to meals on wheels, these are great program. we are $0 trillion in debt. can we keep borrowing more and more on our grand kids credit card? judge jeanine: isn t part of the argument that this is something
better than the state. the fact he hasn t add to the deficit and he s trying to the keep program untouched. if people wanted to be charitable they can do it directly. they can barely pay their tax and their bills. you push things from the federal government down to the state government. they push it down to the cities and towns. it s people s quality of life is determine bid their zip code more and more and more. there are some commend things we should all share in. taking care of our veterans is one of them. taking care of children whose parents can t feed them at home. judge jeanine: children going
without food is absurd in this country. that s not true. judge jeanine: there are more people on social services and stood stamps than ever in this country. a lot of kids in a lot of schools get meal to the bring home for the weekend. in the summer when they are out of school. one of the biggest challenges for low-income familiar his is to make sure they can get three meals on the table for their kids. judge jeanine: we feed half the world. matt: there comes a time when it am not about are he compassionate. it s about common every day working class folks feel like they are paying for government it takes two incomes in a family to pay for government.
the money you make after that point in the year you can actually keep. there was a bit of a political revolt. people were saying we are tieferld all of uls who don t make that much money have to pay for everybody else who seems to be making bad lifestyle choices. wee all care about kids. but we have to have responsibility. judge jeanine: there isn t anyone who thinks kids shouldn t be getting foods. but to say meals on wheels. the veterans administration has a bloated budget. they need to get rid of the va and give these people direct access to money. a lot of homeless veterans and there are too many of them and they are not being taken care of. this budget doesn t help them. how many people in this country who voted for donald trump are realizing they are upon obamacare and they are about to lose it? that s the big challenge.
and they realize it. matt: that s not true. judge jeanine: street justice straight ahead. presidential historian and renaissance man, i ll be talking live with the great ben stein next. at s why i bought six of you for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever, that s why you ll stay in this drawer forever. i can t live without you, and that s why i ll never ever wash you. protect your clothes from stretching, fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. it smooths and strengthens fibers to protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner.
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ban. the constitution is absolutely clear-cut. the president has authority over immigration. congress hassen it has has go him over and over again. this judge comes out of a surf shop in hawaii and says i have authority over everything it s up to me. forget withr what with forgee congress did. forget the constitution. any law can be struck down by a trivial federal court judge. we have dictators in black robes telling the american people, your votes don t matter, the congress votes don t matter. judge jeanine: the judge you mentioned is derrick watson, a harvard man. doesn t that add credentials to your resume?
harvard law school graduates are very smart people. but at yale we developed a theory of legal realism. that was long before my time there that said judges can just decide anything they want. doesn t matter what the legal precedents are. they can find a came case and claim that backs them up it s a very serious situation. judge jeanine: what this judge said was i m going to find animus against muslims based on what he said during the campaign. are you kidding me? and say i m going to look for animus. what do you say to the head of g.e., what did you say to the broad in the bar the other night. not that i m suggesting anything. i don t even know hot ceo of
gevment is. in legal realism that we developed at yale law school which says judges don t have to be bound by the four corners off congress or the laws of state. it s whatever they want to decide. very dangerous situation. we have a situation where the judiciary is out of control, not bound by anything but themselves. we want a strong judiciary, but we don t want a judiciary which suddenly made itself dictators and that s what s happening now. judge jeanine: i can t help but think some of the district judges are responding to some of the things donald trump said during the campaign. of course they are. i have a friend web s great expert in immigration law. he said it s a simple thing.
the president can decide, the congress can decide. none of it matters if the judge doesn t like donald trump, they will right unconstitutional. it has nothing to do with the law. it has to do with the judge s personal animus against trump. it s not animus against immigrants or muslims. it s against trump. judge jeanine: gorsuch, the hearings start tomorrow. we haven t heard much. the new york times is trying to drop a big lead anchor around him as a big rich guy. i think he s going to get through. i think he will be a great justice. god bless him. judge jeanine: ben stein, what do you think about russia? is russia hacking us? i manage they are. and i manage we are hacking
them. that s standard stuff. the wall street journal which i consider the greatest paper in the country was saying that obama was tapping him. that s not something trump dreamed up out of thin air it s been widely reported. judge jeanine: thank you, ben stein. only i can visit the st. patrick s day parade and get everyone talking about hillary clinton. energy is amazing. how we use it is only limited by our imagination. and at southern company we re building the future of energy,
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satisfied, she wants to come back and run again. what do you think? is it good? i love hillary clinton she is amazing. judge jeanine: where are you from? a from cork in ireland. judge jeanine: what s going on. the children tons are good to ireland. they can do nothing wrong in ireland. judge jeanine: they might have a file on you. i m always having a good time on st. patrick s day. judge jeanine: are you irish today? i am. judge jeanine: she is talking about coming back and running for mayor. i think we are good with what we have. judge jeanine: hillary keeps losing. should she call it a day and relax? hillary is constantly saying
stuff she can t back up. hillary is a liar. we are all know that. judge jeanine: chelsea is talking about running for senate. no, ma am. judge jeanine: she deserves a chance, doesn t she? happy st. patrick s day, and may god bless america and president trump, i stand in your corn. judge jeanine: why is your hand on my shoulder. absolutely. judge jeanine: her daughter now wants to run. we are sick of the clintons we need to get rid of them. judge jeanine: talk of hillary coming back as mayor of new york. what do you think? no. judge jeanine: bye, guys. [ ] lthy.
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Judge , Jeanine , President , Budget , Speaker , Anne-coulter , In-washington , Opening-statement , Person , Patricks-parade , New-yorkers , Reports