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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20160129

citizensh citizenship. you look at the quote and it is specific. blanket amnesty. you went on from there. said more than that, sir. you said earn path to citizenship is basically code for citizenship. in the time and context was in 2009 and 2010. reporter: some candidates say trump s decision to skip the debate led to more substantive debate. i think the disdain and arrogance that trump showed by not coming may turn off iowa voters. they say one-third of the voters are undecided. it is good to be here and make the argument. we think the youth will come to us. reporter: p nnow whether don trump s absence will heard him is still at question. we will see if it holds true this time. back to you, boris and christine. sara, thank you. let s sort through the winners and losers in the debate. let s go to jeremy diamond in the washington bureau. we also have brian stelter here in new york with us. the latest in the trump versus fox. who won? i think this was a draw last night. there was no shining moment at the debate. there were lots of intriguing moments, but nothing changed the dynamic. for trump not to be there, he did not help himself, but he didn t hurt himself. because he is the frontrunner, he remains in charge. he remains the power center of the race. he remains the winner. in the vacuum of trump not being there. cruz had a moment to shine. he suddenly felt he was targeted, especially by the moderators. let s show you the tape. the last four questions have been rand people attack ted, chris please attack ted. jeb, please attack ted. let me say this. it doesn t debate. a debate is a policy issue. i will say this, if you guys ask one more mean question, i may have to leave the stage. the only moment that drew laughter and applause for ted cruz. jeremy, did he do enough to stand out from trump and get the advantage in iowa? listen, he certainly was literally center stage. he took the place of the frontrunner. kind of the frontrunner substituting frontrunner. he was middle of the stage. he did take attacks from everybody else which elevating your status. he made his pitch to iowa voters. he was prepared to take questions particularly on the immigration issue. he was prepared to answer questions about inconsistencies and pivoting to no other senators are endorsing me base i because i m shaking things up. we will see if ted cruz was successful with voters. a lot of talk about amnesty. moderators brought up pathway to citizenship and talking about the substance of border security and government surveillance. real issues there. no question. did donald trump s absence, was that the top story? i think the fact is that there was no real big moment like brian was just saying. none of the candidates had a big moment we will remember for the next few days. there was nothing like that. so i think by that fact donald trump s shadow still hung over it. you were waiting and anticipating a moment that donald trump in the past has been able to deliver. whether in an entertainment sense or sense of taking another candidate down a peg. you didn t have that last night. in that sense, donald trump was the winner because people were still thinking about him if they weren t already flipping to another channel to see his main event. there was a lot of that channel surfing going on. i m curious to see the ratings later today. i think rubio hit it on the head. he said trump is the greatest show on earth. he meant that as a putdown. our candidates are running different campaigns. trump is playing a national campaign right now. he is playing a media campaign. we will see in the few days. i think his actual event was anti-climati anti-climatic, the existence of it was a bold move from his book the art of the deal. speaking of the event he held, he had two other presidential candidates there. rick santorum and mike huckabee. there was a bit of an awkward moment we want to show you with santorum. not to be offensive, but i ll stand over here so i m not photographed with the trump sign. i m supporting another candidate for president. that doesn t mean we can t work together when it comes to helping veterans. that s what mike and i are doing. they ran on the undercard debate. and went over there. what does this mean to have the previous winners in iowa to have them with trump there? there is an image i cannot shake. you had mike huckabee on one side and rick santorum and donald trump. 2008, 2012 iowa caucus winners and maybe 2016. that certainly is what donald trump is hoping. neither of the men became president or the nominee. listen, mike huckabee and rick santorum s campaigns have not taken off in iowa. they are hugely respected and admired figures, particularly in conservative and evangelical circles in iowa. that is what propelled them to a win. that is what donald trump is playing toward the votes with endorsement from sarah palin and jerry falwell jr. it couldn t have been more perfect in that sense as far as optics are concerned for trump. brian, let me ask you about trump. he was yesterday for example, they said we have so many people who want to come to our veterans event that please be prepared. not everyone is able to get in. he is good at drumming up buzz and interest and feeling of behind the velvet rope, you get to be with donald trump, this celebrity figure. what do we know about fox s attempts to get him to come to the debate stage. this is interesting. a lot of back and forth arguments here. fox says they reached out to trump a couple times yesterday. trump said fox was trying to woo him every ten minutes. trump says fox apologized to him. fox says we acknowledged his concerns. i think we have all been in the situation where the spouse or something before, they think we apologized and we didn t. i don t know about your marriage. or maybe my mom. the reality here is trump on the offense and fox in the weird position of defense. this fight will continue. fox says look, you wanted $5 million to appear. we don t do that. by the way, we should say, one of the big questions is where is the money actually going? you raised $6 million. he says it is going to veterans. a lot of questions of how that money will get to the groups and when and how and whether 100% will go to them. it will require investigative reporting in the months ahead. you have work. we need to make sure the money gets to people. were they pandering to veterans or using them as a prop? nonetheless, pro trump three days before the caucus. so much to sort through. thank you. we are following other news today. three dangerous inmates breaking out of a california jail on the run this morning. a woman who police say helped them escape has now been arrested. that story is next. woah! father, why can t we have directv like the macgregors do? we re settlers, son. we settle for things. like having cable instead of directv. hey, jebediah, how s it going? working the land. hoping for a fertile spring. all right. so we have to live with lower customer satisfaction? i m afraid so. now go churn us some butter, boy, and then make your own clothes. yes, sir. 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[siri:] message. you decide. they re your kids. why are you guys texting grandma? it was him. it was him. keep your family connected. app-connect. on the newly redesigned passat. from volkswagen. prepare for challenges specific to your business by working with trusted advisors who help turn obstacles into opportunities. experience the power of being understood. rsm. audit, tax and consulting for the middle market. i have great credit. how do you know? duh. try credit karma. it s free and you can see what your score is right now . i just got my free credit score! credit karma. really free. welcome back. still no sign of three inmates a week after they broke out of a jail in orange county, california. 40-year-old ravaghi was involved with one the fugitives, hossein nayeri. we get more from paul vercammen. reporter: boris and christine, ravaghi began working here teaching english as a second language in july. in a group class setting, they met the kidnapper and torturer, nayeri and they developed a relationship. she helped them escape by providing him with mapping capability. at this point, there is no confirmation she brought tools in the jail. she denies bringing the tools. we know she provided google maps to prepare. reporter: the sheriff s lieutenant also said the attempted murder suspect duong stole a white van in los angeles on sunday. apparently duong was taking that van for a test drive, unaccompanied by the owner and never came back. thank you. the fbi says the negotiators are talking to four people still holed up inside the oregon refuge. it comes as federal officials release the video of the confrontation with ammon bundy. the fbi says the video is proof the shooting was justified. ethan couch is now back in the custody of texas authorities. he is expected to appear in court later this morning. couch returned thursday from mexico where he fled after allegedly violating probation after a dui crash that killed four people. transferring his case is scheduled for next month. tonya couch is currently out on bail. michigan governor facing a new controversy in the lead crisis. an activist group says documents show the governor s office started trucking purified water to state workers in flint a year ago. governor snyder did not publicly acknowledge the problem with flint s drinking water until october. the federal government is considering $600 million in aid to replace the pipes and water treatment. those kids need special education and nutritional services. meantime, an ohio lawmaker is demanding answers from the state epa from the water crisis in the town of sebring. officials knew back in august of elevated lead levels and did nothing to protect the public. it wasn t until last week that sebring residents were told. vice president joe biden defending the depositirtation policies to the house democrats. he tried to step up the issue that sparked up anger among the congressional democrats. he said they are being carried out as humanely as possible. 17 minutes past the hour. time to an early start on your money. a shocking move from the bank of japan has investors cheering. global stock markets rallying as japan adopts negative interest rates. that move is meant to encourage borrowing and spending. back in the u.s., the last trading day of january. many are happy to close the books on the brutal month. here s the damage report. dow and s&p posting the worst numbers since may of 2010. the worst performance since 2008 for nasdaq. down 10%, the nasdaq, this one. how are real people faring? only one in ten investors made money in january. the average loss is 7.6%. that is according to our partners at openfolio. super bowl 50 could be his last rodeo, but peyton manning is avoiding retirement talk at least until next week s media day. we have andy scholes with the bleacher report next. e trade is all about seizing opportunity. so i m going to take this opportunity to go off script. so if i wanna go to jersey and check out shotsy tuccerelli s portfolio, what s it to you? or i m a scottish mason whose assets are made of stone like me heart. papa! you re no son of mine! or perhaps it s time to seize the day. don t just see opportunity, seize it! (applause) will super bowl 50 be peyton manning s last hurrah? we have andy scholes with the bleacher report. good morning. the comment of the last rodeo coming with the bill belichick interview. he said nothing at the 50 yard line will be secret. he said this may be his last rodeo. the media, when they met with the broncos quarterback, they tried to get peyton to confirm he is in fact retiring. what happened to private conversations at the 50 yard line? i guess they don t exist anymore. no confirmation. we are on to carolina. north carolina. peyton was in a joking mood. he tried to impose a 9:00 curfew, but it was not received by his teammates. super bowl 50 is nine days away. after coming in third place in the race to get to los angeles, the raiders may now turn their attention to sin city. las vegas could be the new home of the raiders. owner mark davis is reportedly in las vegas today for a meeting with sheldon adelson. he is looking to build a 65,000 seat dome stadium on land owned by unlv across from the mccarron airport. the raiders do not have a lease at a stadium next season. flames defenseman dennis wideman has been suspended indefinitely for the vicious hit. he cannot play until he meets with the league to discuss the incident. he said after the game it was unintentional. the minimum suspension for deliberately attempting to injury an official is 20 games. arizona state and oregon state. beavers at the free-throw line and the secret weapon to distract the shooter. that s phelps phelps. wat they closed the curtain back up. michael phelps strips down to the speedo. of course, guys, the player would also miss the second free throw because who can make a free throw when michael phelps is dancing in his speedo behind you? i didn t notice the speedo. i noticed the gold medals. these distractions keep getting wilder and wilder. thanks, ain dichndy. republicans facing off in the gop, fully clothed. the frontrunner across town. then you might be gearcentric. right now, get this hp printer for 50% off! office depot officemax. gear up for great ®. see see me. don t stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i m not contagious. see me to know that i won t stop. until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. .such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have crohn s disease, tell your doctor as symptoms can worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me on my way. find clear skin and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. every insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. for those who ve served and the families who ve supported them, we offer our best service in return. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. inthe mid-size van, from mercedes-benz. it s got small-ability and big-ability. towing-ability and stowing-ability. rack-ability and hvac-ability. it s fully customizable and sized just right to give you cupcake-ability, entourage-ability. .garage-ability and even afford-ability. starting at $28,950. available in cargo or passenger. from mercedes-benz. want to survive a crazy busy day? sfx: cell phone chimes start with a positive attitude. and positively radiant skin. aveeno® positively radiant moisturizer. with active naturals® soy. aveeno® naturally beautiful results®. i m here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. and give her the strength and energy to stay healthy. who s with me?! yay! the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in! w well you don t want to live with mom and dad forever do you? breakfast noogie! (laughs) how do i check my credit score? credit karma, it s free. credit karma. give yourself some credit. the donald versus the gop debate. republicans running for president face-off on the issues and the frontrunner holds his own competing event. who made the case days before the caucuses? welcome back to early start. i m boris sanchez. i m christine romans. everyone going after each other with gusto on the debate stage in des moines with three days to go until the iowa caucuses. conspicuous by his absence, donald trump holding a competing event, a benefit for veterans, miles away. even without trump, sparks flying. spearing democrats and spearing each other and at times, moderators. it is not my question you get a chance to respond to. you don t get 30 seconds to respond to me. your question was you disagree sir, i know you like to argue about the rules, but we re going to conduct the debate. what is insulting is he is the king of saying oh, you re for amnesty. everybody s for amnesty except ted cruz. that s a falseness. this is the lie that ted s campaign is built upon and rand touched about it. everyone else is a r.i.n.o. now you want to trump trump on immigration. we are not going to beat hillary clinton with someone who is willing to say or do anything to win an election. i m confused. he was the sponsor of the gang of eight bill that required a bunch of thresholds, but allowed for citizenship over a period of time. you used to support a path to citizenship. so did you, marco. i guarantee you one thing. she will never get within ten miles of the white house. the days of clintons in public housing are over. cnn s sara murray was there. she has the latest. reporter: good morning, boris and christine. trump s decision to skip the last republican debate before iowa left the moderators more room to drill into the republican rivals. in particular, questioning marco rubio about his shifting positions on immigration. when you ran for senate no 2010, you made clear you opposed legalization and citizenship for illegal immigrants. you promised repeatedly you would oppose it as a u.s. senator as well. within two years of getting elected, you were co-sponsoring legislation to a path to citizenship, in your words, amnesty. if you look at the quote and it is specific, it says, blanket amnesty. i do not support blanket amnesty. i do not support blanket legalization. you said it is basically code for amnesty. it has been. at the time and context of that was 2009 and 2010. reporter: some candidates and staffers say donald trump s decision to skip the debate yielded a more substantive and more respective debate. rand paul said it was disdainful of iowa voters. i think the disdain that trump showed by not coming may turn off iowa voters. they say one-third of the voters are undecided. it is good to be here and make the argument. we think the youth vote will come to us because we think they don t want the government collecting all their phone records. reporter: whether trump s absence hurts him in iowa is an open question. some put a back fire on any other candidate in the race and it has only sent his numbers higher. back to you, boris and christine. sarah murray in iowa. helping us sort through the winners and losers in the debate, we turn to jeremy diamo diamond. he is live in washington. here with us is correspondent brian stelter. i want to show what some of the candidates said about trump in his absence. i m a maniac. and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly. and ben, you re a terrible surgeon. now we have the donald trump portion out of the way. i kind of miss donald trump. he is a little teddy bear to me. we always had a loving relationship in the debates. i miss him. i wish he was here. let s begin about being clear. it is not about donald trump. he is an entertaining guy. he is the greatest show on earth. this campaign is about the greatest country in the world and the system that has destroyed what made america special. the candidates putting trump center stage. how does this play out come monday on the iowa caucuses? brian, what do you think? you look at the twitter data for last night, donald trump was the biggest share of conversation although he wasn t there. although ted cruz and marco rubio were down the list. if that is any sign of what people care about and who they like the most, he has a great chance in the iowa caucuses. i think trump is playing a different game. he played a national game. it is working for him. fox had a podium ready just in case he wanted to come at the last minute. he followed through on the act of defiance against the gop and committee and fox news by not going to the debate. i think as crazy to say this, i think it worked for him as with everything. he is able to rewrite the rules. do you buy it that fox is trying to get him to come on up to the last minute? i think they were trying to woo him and change his mind and come to the debate. the debate would have been more interesting. other candidates had more time to talk, but even in be abstent it was about trump. and jeremy, can i talk to you by ted cruz? can i say donald trump? there was no clear winner as far as the candidates on stage. ted cruz certainly had the opportunity to be center stage and be the alternative to donald trump as the frontrunner. and he took the most fire from other candidates which really does help elevate him in the race as far as how credible he is as the potential nominee. he handled himself well on issues like immigration. if i had to say someone, i think it is ted cruz. again, donald trump cast a long shadow over the debate although he wasn t there on stage. now you mentioned that cruz felt he was a target from some of the other candidates. i want to play you an exchange that he had where he told the moderators he was being targeted. here s what he said. the last four questions have been rand, attack ted. marco, attack ted. chris, attack ted. jeb, please attack ted. let me just say this. it doesn t debate. a debate is a policy issue. i will say this. if you guys ask one more mean question, i may have to leave the stage. cruz getting laughter there. not the only moment where he made the crowd laugh and drew applause. he is trying to turn on the charm. trying to shed the issue of he is not liked. and there is an effort to show his personal side. rubio had a great line. most tweeted line of the night. about sanders. sanders would be a good president. of sweden. a couple of snarky lines. by the way, sweden has a prime minister, not a president. and a king, too. i don t know if the candidates were able to move position in the rankings and polls. maybe we will see numbers between now and the caucuses. trump wanting to sit on his lead. he may have succeeded by avoiding the tough questions that megyn and bret were asking. he was ticked off at fox, but avoiding the tough questions and avoiding the risk. it may have paid off for him. it is interesting. he does best when it is him on the stage when people are his supporting characters on the stage and he controls the conversation. we have seen the crowds, jeremy, t at the events. we have seen two men previously winners in the iowa caucuses standing up with donald trump. look at this exchange or comment by rick santorum. not to be offensive, but i ll stand over here so i m not photographed with the trump sign. i m supporting another candidate for president. that doesn t mean we can t work together when it comes to helping veterans. that s what mike and i are doing. so donald trump always the stage manager, executive producer, dealmaker, brandmaker, television counter programmer. that was evidenced last night. absolutely. listen. you have that image. mike huckabee and rick santorum and maybe donald trump as the 2016 winner of the iowa caucuses? who knows? certainly donald trump is an optics genius. he knows how to put this together. it helps blunt the criticism he may have received skipping the last debate and giving voters the impression he was trying to avoid tough questions or maybe giving offense to iowans. he is raising $6 million for veterans groups. and he is showing that these are his priorities and he is sticking up for himself. he almost seemed surprised he pulled this off and have this competing event. there is a debate one week from yesterday. if trump skips that one, that is a big change. that would prove he is afraid to being on the stage with ted cruz and others. i think he knows better than that. he will be at the debate next week. jeremy, we know the iowa caucus is important, no question. the two men on stage with him won the caucus in iowa and did not go on to win the nomination. he has been more widespread in other states as well. he has hopes on other states. not necessarily iowa. could there be a revolution in the polls after you get through with iowa and new hampshire? absolutely. the sense is not that donald trump absolutely needs to win iowa to do well. if he wins iowa, that is a major bar he has reached. that will show that not only can he turn out voters to the polls, but turn out voters to caucuses which is a different ball game. like ted cruz himself said last week in comments that were released or leaked to the press, he said if donald trump wins iowa, he could be quote unstoppable. i think that is the sense. if trump kills it in iowa, who knows how far he can go? i am so ready for actual votes to be cast. i could not agree more. this campaign has been so confusing and up and down and perplexing. it only has been up and up for trump. a lot of those saying will those donald trump voters actually caucus? it takes ours. you have to go in and plead your ca case. arguing with your neighbors. will those donald trump supporters have the fortitude to do that? so far they are standing out in long lines. guys, thank you. so nice to see you. three days to go. thanks, guys. a new arrest in the jail break of three dangerous inmates, but did a female employee help tem escape? we will find out next. hundreds of crash simulations. thousands of hours of painstaking craftsmanship. and an infinite reserve of patience. .to create a vehicle that looks, drives and thinks like nothing else on the road. the all-new glc. the suv the world has been waiting for. starting at $38,950. hwe ll match any competitorse best prprice. this? what about this? price match guarantee. and this? yep! so no monkey business, no tomfoolery? oh, we do have tom foolery, tom. staples has a price match guarantee. make low prices happen. staples make more happen. that are lighter in calories and added sugar when you use splenda no calorie sweetener. think sugar, use splenda there is still no sign of three inmates one week after they broke out of a jail in orange county, california. a woman who taught classes is under arrest. ravaghi was involved with one of the fugitives, hossein nayeri. we have more from paul vercammen. reporter: boris, the woman began working at the jail in july as an english as a second language teacher. in a group class setting, they met hossein nayeri and they developed some sort of relationship. she helped them escape by providing him with mapping capability. at this point, there is no confirmation she brought tools in the jail. what we know, she provided google maps to prepare. reporter: the sheriff s lieutenant said bac tien duong stole a white van in los angeles on sunday. apparently duong was taking that van for a test drive unaccompanied by the owner and did not return it. police believe all three fugitives are living in the van. boris and christine. thank you. the standoff at oregon wildlife refuge is not over. the four people are still holed up inside. this comes as the fbi release the video of the protest shooter ammon bundy which led to the shooting which was justified. and ethan couch is expected to appear in court later this morning. couch returned thursday from mexico after he fled from a car crush that killed four people. and the stepped up deportation of than documented families sparked anger amongst democrats. he said they are carried out humanely and possible and part of the broken immigration system. let s see what is coming up on new day. let s go to alisyn camerota with more. how are you? tired. there was a big event last night. did you watch the debate? if not, don t worry. we did. donald trump was a no show. he was there in spirit. which candidate grabbed the spotlig spotlight? we will have two candidates with us. mike huckabee and ben carson. we will talk with veterans down the street. how much money did trump actually raise and how did the vets feel about this? will trump s big gamble payoff? we will get the questions answered this morning. thank you. keep pouring the coffee. talk to you soon. a threat of alarming proporti proportion. health officials warn that the zika virus could soon infect millions. new details next. avo: when account lead craig wilson books at avo: he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. avo: so he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. avo: and when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes? client: great proposal! let s talk more over golf! craig: great. client: better yet, how about over tennis craig: even better. avo: a game changer! secretary: your 2 o clock is here. client: oops, hold your horses. craig: no problem. avo: la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you ll be ready for business. avo: the ready for you alert, only at craig: laquinta! can make anyone slow downt and pull up a seat to the table. that s why she takes the time to season her turkey to perfection, and roast it until it s just right. and she makes stuffing from scratch, topping it with a healthy helping of delicious gravy. marie callender spends time on the little things, so that you can spend time on what really matters. marie callender s. it s time to savor. theand to help you accelerate,. we ve created a new company. one totally focused on what s next for your business. the true partnership where people,technology and ideas push everyone forward. accelerating innovation. accelerating transformation. accelerating next. hewlett packard enterprise. new warnings this morning about the zika virus. officials at the world health organization say the mosquito borne virus is exploding in the americas. most of the cases reported in the tropics with brazil the hot spot. its president calling for the country to unite against the threat. 32 cases have been confirmed in 12 u.s. states and the district of columbia. infection with the virus can only cause mild symptoms, but the real concern is for pregnant women and babies born with the condition called microcephaly. cnn s shasta darlington is at the clinic with more. reporter: the rest of the world is waking up to the zika crisis and learning how it is effecting the birth defects. here at the hospital, they are turning the area into a triage center to learn more about microcephaly and brain damage and how deep that damage goes. doctors are scrambling to put together the early stimulation program and brain damage that the babies with microcephaly. because there is no vaccine, there is no cure. brazil is trying to combat the mosquito which transmits this virus. the problem is according to health officials, 1.5 million people may have already been infected. what we are seeing is a lot of panicked expectant mothers. in many cases, the virus is asymptomatic and many fear they won t know until they give birth if they have been infected. shasta darlington, cnn, brazil. shasta, thank you. to the middle east, more u.s. troops need to be sent to iran and syria to defeat isis. troops have gained ground, but to deal a lasting blow to isis, additional forces are needed according to the pentagon to work with the fighters on the ground. let s get an early start on your money this friday. a global stock market rally right now after the bank of japan shocks the world with negative interest rates. huge gains in asia. sub zero interest rates. encouraging banks to lend money rather than stash with the central bank. a fitting end to the wild week. check out the losses for the dow. all of these are swings of more than 1% except yesterday. oil is the main driver. this caps the dow s worst monthly performance since may 2010. an important gauge of the u.s. economy at 8:30 a.m. the first reading on gdp for the fourth quarter. a forecast of a rise of less than 1%. the real volatility in the stock market. mortgage rates. 30-year fixed rate is 3.79%. and the 15-year fixed rate is 3.07%. the federal reserve hiked the target rate last december, but mortgage rates tied to bonds and investors fleeing into the safer investments and pushes rates lower. the federal reserve raising interest rates, but the market very concerned about global instability and pushing rates down. good for potential new homeowners. refinance. republicans running for president facing off in the gop debate, but the competitor was across town. was donald trump able to beat rivals even from that far away? new day starts now. isn t that better than the debate that is going on? everyone on this stage is stupid, fat isn t that better than this debate that s going on. everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly. i miss donald trump. he is like a little teddy bear to me. this is like the academy awards. i m supporting another candidate for president. that doesn t mean we can t work together when it comes to helping on you veterans. everybody is friends except for ted cruz, but it s a falseness. you changed your opinion on immigration. will i get more votes, less votes. hillary clinton cannot be the president of these united states. let me tell you who is not qualified to be president of the united states. hillary rod ham clinton. she is not qualified to be president of the united states. you re going to like it because we raised on over $5 million in one day. good morning. welcome to your new day . it is friday, 6:00 in the east. a very different debate. that s the word about the final republican have at em before the iowa caucuses. more substance with ted cruz and marco rubio. jeb bush also stepping up. but there was something missing. or someone. trump s absence looming large. he put on his own show just three miles down the street. who were the big winners and losers and how will it impact the caucusgoers, let s again your comprehensive coverage. john berman is live in iowa with all the highlights and lowlights. reporter: hi, alisyn. be careful what you wish for. everyone has been waiting and praying for a moment when donald trump would exit well. they got it to an extent last night. he was not on that stage. but the atmosphere for not being there, one of peril. for debate stage absent donald trump, incident was hardly a debate absent donald trump. from the very first question. let s address the elephant not in the room tonight. reporter: to the very first joke. let me say i m a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly. ben, you re a terrible surgeon. now that we have gotten the donald trump on out of the way reporter: to a completely changed dynamic. with no trump lightning rod, other candidates had tood

New-york , United-states , Japan , New-hampshire , North-carolina , Texas , Iran , Brazil , Turkey , California , Syria , Oregon

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News 20160125

tonight, the manhunt, the new reward, and why they may be hiding in plain sight. and, crash for cash? the man accused of staging more than 20 car accidents and getting his victims to pay. it s part of a multi-billion dollar industry. now, how drivers are fighting back. good evening. thanks for joining us on this sunday. i m tom llamas. we begin with one of the fiercest winter storms on record. stretching across 1,000 miles, dropping snow from louisiana to new england. leaving at least 25 people dead. the blinding snow, fierce winds, the business ard blizzard with a bull s-eye on new york city. and from washington to new england, streets narrowed to a single lane. cars hard to see. and backhoes and dump trucks being used in washington, with the capitol in the distance. and along the jersey shore, flood waters sending a river of ice in the streets. and the storm grounding more than 12,000 flights. more on the travel mess in a moment. but rob marciano, leading us off tonight. reporter: the snow s stopped falling, but for millions still reeling from this monstrous blizzard, the battle is not over. firefighters in virginia struggling to dig out hydrants buried under three feet of snow while battling the a blaze this morning. roofs collapsing under the weight of all that snow. dozens displaced from this apartment complex in virginia. this church in pennsylvania caving in just hours before sunday services. even the redskins practice dome deflated. today, the big digout, that is, if you could even get to your car. new yorkers climbing four or five, six-foot drifts to reach them. the view from above capturing the scope. the nation s capitol shut down. winds gusting to 75 miles per hour at langley air force base. new york city suddenly finding itself in the bull s-eye. people have to take very seriously what s going on here. reporter: the city grinding to a halt. give us time, everybody stay in their house, and we should be able to do our jobs. reporter: at least 25 deaths now blamed on the storm. a new jersey mom and her son tragically lost to carbon monoxide poisoning while warming up in a running car. in central park, 26.8 inches of snow, a 24-hour record, and just 0.1 of an inch shy of the all time record set in 2006. the biggest snow storm on record in baltimore, 29.2 inches. cracking the top five in d.c. and philly, too. our gloria riviera in reston, virginia. the plows have been through this area. but all that snow has to go somewhere, and look at this. it s a snow wall and it s past my waist and it s barricading every car in the block in. reporter: here in new york, hundreds of cars are entombed in snow like that. and huge piles like this on nearly every street corner. all that snow is not easy to work around or get rid of. and still so cold out there. we ll check back with you in a moment for the forecast. and now, to the travelers caught by the storm. passengers stuck in cities across the country, waiting for a flight out. david kerley on the challenge at the airport, and the outlook for the week ahead. reporter: so much snow to clear. plows and trucks working all day at an empty washington, d.c., airport. no planes, no passengers. a ghost town. please maintain control of your personal belongings. reporter: some hopeful passengers in new york i just want to get out of here and go home. reporter: told they are going nowhere. i showed up at the airport and the airport s closed. reporter: already more than 800 flights cancelled for tomorrow. bringing the storm total to about 12,000, as all that snow is moved. and it s not just out on the airfield. a lot is going on behind the scenes, and workers have to be able to get to their positions in order for the airport to re-open. the closure of the major airports in the east has a ripple effect across the entire country delays and cancellations. and even overseas, some international flights can t get in. michael kurth is stranded in brussels. in total, it will come out to be about 48 hours or more of travel. reporter: amtrak rail, running reduced service during the storm, is coming back. regional and city rail, far from full service at new york s penn station. we got stranded and had to stay one more night. reporter: but this afternoon, a few flights starting to take off from northern airports. this one at new york s laguardia. the real question is, tomorrow s commute on road, rail, and in the air. and with all this snow to move, it s unlikely that any of the commutes will be smooth. tom? so many stuck tonight. david, thank you. driving in the storm, particularly treacherous. tens of thousands of travelers taken by surprise and stranded on the highways. including a bus load of high school students trapped for nearly 20 hours. eva pilgrim on their long journey home. reporter: tonight, drivers stranded in that endless gridlock in some cases for 30 hours, finally free. this is horrible, we ve been stuck in the truck for 13 1/2 hours. reporter: 7:30 friday night, this church bus, packed with 37 students and 10 chaperones, gets stuck on the pennsylvania turnpike, the blizzard intensifying. it was bitter cold. it was in the teens, if not colder. reporter: early the next morning, still stuck, the students turn into good samaritans, helping out other drivers. we gave them food. and some of them sat on the bus with us. reporter: yesterday afternoon, freedom. but ten miles behind them, another school group is still barricaded in the snow. it takes them 11 more hours to get out, 30 hours total in blizzard gridlock. that group holding mass to lift the spirits of the marooned travelers. reporter: the last group of stuck cars, finally able to get moving this morning. and tonight, everyone is on the road home. we were all in good spirits. and we all had fun together. we all glad we had each other. reporter: while the roads may be clearing, the concern turns to black ice, with melted snow that could freeze again. tom? that black ice, so dangerous. eva, thank you. and it wasn t just the snow and wind that battered the coast, but a powerful storm surge that flooded streets and forced people from their homes and trapped others. here s linzie janis. reporter: tonight, record-breaking flooding in parts of new jersey. huge waves submerging towns in over nine feet of water. roads turned into rushing rivers. huge chunks of ice floating down the streets. now, the people here, cleaning up. dominic piro s deli in north wildwood, taking on two feet of water. four, five inches higher than sandy. reporter: and it will cost more, too. how much damage do you think you have here? about $50,000. reporter: he doesn t have flood insurance, but says he will somehow re-open. hundreds of people had to be rescued from the flood waters. like this man in ocean city, and this little girl carried out of her home by police. we tagged along as emergency workers helped this elderly woman return to her apartment. okay, you re home. i m home. reporter: this is what the town of stone harbor looks like now, but take a look at it on saturday. more than three feet of standing water in the streets. but tonight, some towns faring better than expected. like belmar. where they built this giant berm. after the storm, several feet of beach lost, but the sand dune kept the town dry. and back here in the deli, the flood waters are completely gone. but this pile, just some of the stuff he s going to have to throw away. tom, he says he hopes to be back in business by the summer. we hope he does as well. linzie, thank you so much. let s turn to rob to get a check on the forecast. so cold, so much snow and ice. is there a warm-up anytime soon? it will warm up a little, but not tonight. where it s going to be slushy, there will be re-freezing and some black ice and slick spots. look at the numbers, well below freezing in the snow zone. 20s and teens. enough to flash-freeze on this sufficient. tomorrow morning, it will be dicey. new jersey to new york, 24 inches, 6 inches, just 35 miles apart. that was a huge different between where you got buried and just a dusting. but here s the warm-up, temps getting to the lower 40s. even still, with all the snow, i don t think much of it will melt. back to you. going to stay chilly. rob, thanks so much. a new poll tonight with good news for donald trump. with the iowa caucus just one week away, trump surging past ted cruz there, taking the lead. marco rubio and ben carson, rand paul, all behind them. in new hampshire, trump ahead of cruz by double digits. cecilia vega has it all from iowa tonight. reporter: donald trump kicking off his sunday on the campaign trail, right here in an iowa church. and he ended it with a rally surrounded by 2,000 supporters. so, this is crunch time. reporter: and one protester. the man in the red turban interrupted trump as he spoke about terrorism. good-bye! reporter: security escorting him out, the crowd went wild. usa! usa! reporter: and from trump? he wasn t wearing one of those hats, was he? was he wearing one of those? and he never will. reporter: that double-digit lead, largely due to first-time caucus goers, backing the brash billionaire, like the young family i met today. you are going to caucus for donald trump? we are, first time. reporter: why? he is relatable. he s not the politician you see every year running. he wants change. something different about him. he s not scripted. reporter: his gop rivals, still hoping for a victory of their own. voters here take their vote very seriously. wow! reporter: it was texas senator ted cruz s younger personality on full display in this new clip posted on youtube. what i want to do in life? reporter: the lanky teenager, talking about his life goals, seems to know exactly what he wants. take over the world, world domination, you know, rule everything. rich, powerful, that sort of stuff. reporter: dominating the airwaves overnight i wanted to take a break from my full-time career of writing things on facebook. reporter: snl s version of trump and sarah palin, played by none other than tina fey. right wing, clingers of our guns. reporter: a lot of laughter last night, but the race is just as heated on the democratic side. where right now, it s a battle for turnout. today, so far, at hillary clinton s biggest event, 600 people showed up to see her in iowa. for sanders, the number was 2,000. tom? huge crowds in the frigid temperatures. cecilia, thank you. and to southern california, where three escaped prisoners may be hiding in plain sight. we have new details on how they slipped out of a maximum security jail. here s lauren lyster. reporter: tonight, investigators revealing the first images from that brazen jailbreak, where authorities say three escaped from a maximum security jail. surveillance video from the jail in california. the flashes of light, believed to be the inmates. the fbi and u.s. marshals, joining the desperate search for hossein nayeri, jonathan tieu, and bac tien duong. two of them are in custody for attempted murder, and one of them for mayhem, kidnapping. i consider them very dangerous individuals. reporter: the inmates, escaping their dorm-style cell by cutting holes through a grate, climbing through the plumbing, then breaking through five other secured areas. that s how they made it to an unsecured part of this roof, rappelling down several stories. the inmates were last seen friday morning at around 5:00 a.m. they weren t discovered missing for 16 hours, setting off a manhunt late friday night. the focus now on places where the fugitives have family and friends. the family of the youngest fugitive, in disbelief. i feel like he was manipulated or tricked into doing this, you know? reporter: investigators say the plan was sophisticated and well-thought out. the fbi and u.s. marshals now offering a $50,000 reward to find the missing men. tom? thank you. still ahead, one man, and nearly two dozen car accidents. is he the world s unluckiest driver, or was he up to something else? tonight, how the drivers he sued are fighting back. later, a powerful earthquake rocks a part of the country. tremors felt as far as 160 miles away. those stories, coming up. s felt 160 miles away. those stories and more, coming up. introducing centrum vitamints. a brand new multivitamin you enjoy like a mint. with a full spectrum of essential nutrients. surprisingly smooth, refreshingly cool. i see you found the vitamints. new centrum vitamints. a delicious new way to get your multivitamins. my man, lemme guess who you re wearing. everyone s lookin red carpet ready. toenail fungus!? whaaat?!? fight it! with jublia. jublia is a prescription medicine. .used to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. jublia is workin it! most common side effects include. .ingrown toenail, application site redness,. .itching, swelling, burning. .or stinging, blisters, and pain. oh!! fight it! with jublia! now that s a red carpet moment! ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. visit our website for savings on larger size. this highly sought-after device from progressive can be yours for. twenty grand? -no! we are giving it away for just 3 easy payments of $4.99 plus tax! the lines are blowing up! we ve got deborah from poughkeepsie. flo: yeah, no, it s flo. you guys realize anyone can use the name your price tool for free on, right? [ laughing nervously ] [ pickles whines ] i know, it s like they re always on television. what? welcome back. welcome back. tonight, the story of a man accused of being a professional victim. plotting car accidents, convincing others that it was their fault, then waiting for the big insurance check to arrive. investigators said it worked for a while, until now. clayton sandell has the story. reporter: prosecutors say navid monjazeb made a lucrative habit out of crashing into other drivers, filing fraudulent insurance claims, then collecting thousands of dollars. he allegedly did it nearly two dozen times. one victim s car had barely a scratch. but monjazeb claims his car looked like this. he s now facing charges including insurance fraud and reckless endangerment. one study estimates in 2012 fake or inflated car accident injury claims added up to as much as $7.7 billion. as one of monjazeb s alleged victims found, that cost gets passed on. my rates went up, and i had to pay to fix my own car because i only had liability on it. reporter: authorities say the schemes often involve multiple cars and fake witnesses. the victim slams into the second car which is filled with three or four passengers, all of whom will claim injuries. reporter: some drivers are now turning to dash cameras, popular overseas for catching everything from meteors to plane crashes. this driver in georgia used a dash cam to prove another car ran a red light, hitting him. there s no other way to be sure that you can prove in court if you need to that the accident was not your fault without having some kind of video evidence. reporter: manjazeb s lawyers did not return our calls, but authorities say they ve now put the brakes on his alleged scam. clayton sandell, abc news, denver. when we come back, a skier falling 1,000 feet down a mountain. all of it caught on camera. what happened when she finally stopped tumbling, and the unbelievable thing she said. and later, a police officer that went above and beyond the call of duty catches the attention of an nba legend. how they gave some kids the most amazing pickup game of their lives. stay with us. and now i have a choice. for her. for them. and him. a choice to take brilinta. a prescription for people who ve been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin .no more than 100 mg. as it affects how well it works. it s such an important thing to do to help protect against another heart attack. brilinta worked better than plavix. and even reduced the chances of dying from another one. don t stop taking brilinta without talking to doctor. since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don t take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers. a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery and all medicines you take. i will take brilinta today. tomorrow. and every day for as long as my doctor tells me. don t miss a day of brilinta. so we know how to cover almost alanything. thing, even turkey jerks. 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yeah, val from voya. quick question, what are voya retirement squirrels doing in my house? we re putting away acorns. you know, to show the importance of saving for the future. so you re sort of like a spokes person? no, i m more like a metaphor. okay, a spokes-metaphor. no, i m. you re a spokes-metaphor. yeah. ok. see how voya can help you get organized at when age-related macular have degeneration, amd we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression. and everywhere i look. i m reminded to stick to my plan. including preservision areds 2. my doctor said preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula that the national eye institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. after 15 years of clinical studies. preservision areds 2. because my eyes are everything. ugh! heartburn! no one burns on my watch! try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and don t taste chalky. mmm.amazing. i have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. and i quit smoking with chantix. enjoy the relief. i had a lot of doubts going in. i was a smoker. hands down, it was. that s who i was. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don t take chantix if you ve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side effect is nausea. life as a non-smoker is a whole lotta fun. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. my opis slowing my insides to a crawl. millions of people are estimated to suffer from opioid-induced constipation, oic, caused by the opioids they use to manage chronic pain. oic is a different type of constipation. opioids block pain signals, but they can also block activity in the bowel. i m really struggling to find relief. ready to paint a different picture? yes! talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. i can do that! finally tonight, this time of year, the last thing you need is for your furnace to die. but that happened to a military wife. whose husband was serving in the national guard. she was lucky enough to find a repairman on short notice, but she had an even bigger surprise coming. here s john donvan. reporter: what this furnace in bridget stephen s house near pittsburgh needed the other day was a spark. because it was dead, cold broken. i felt that it was freezing in here. so i checked the thermostat and saw that it was like 50 degrees in the house. reporter: now, normally, she d turn to her main furnace fixer, her husband robert. but he was off serving his country. still, with two kids at home, she reached out to robert anyway, by text. he gave me a couple of tips, but ultimately it wasn t working. reporter: so bridget gave in and calls this guy, paul betlyn, of betlyn heating and cooling, who headed right over, even though i m not supposed to be doing work. i just had a knee replacement. reporter: and so, paul betlyn goes inside this thing with a screwdriver, while bridget watches, and just chats. you know, my husband really would have been able to figure this out but he s getting ready to deploy. reporter: well, betlyn gets the thing going again. the furnace got its spark, and so did he. in his heart, when he wrote out the bill. i couldn t say it because i was a little emotional. so i wrote, night call deployment special. $1. reporter: that s right. what would have been a bill for about $150, he wrote down to a buck. and even that, he wouldn t take from bridget. thank you, very, very much. you re welcome. reporter: it s the kind of thing you read about, she told us, but never think will happen to you. which is why, tonight, for this family of four, one far away, the house and home feel especially warm. and not just because the furnace is back working. john donvan, abc news, new york. what a great story. we thank john for that. and we thank you for watching. gma first thing tomorrow morning, david will be back tomorrow night. i m tom llamas in new york. have a great evening. good night. g, david will be back tomorrow night. i m tom llamas in new york. have a next at 6:00, developing news. san jose police make an arrest in the presumed killing of an employee at a motor bike shop but there s no body. the frustrations of super bowl city in san francisco. how commuters and visitors are handling the closures and detours. an empty santa cruz beach on sunday. what has it closed down at this hour. abc7 news at 6:00 starts now. police and volunteers are scouring the south bay looking for this man, 28-year-old kyle myrick. he disappeared and investigators believe he was murdered. they re holding this man as the prime suspect in the presumed killing. lilian kim is live at the lexington reservoir with more on the story. reporter: friends and family have been searching for kyle myrick all weekend. the latest search conducted here at lexington reservation. this is a rare case where the employing identified the man was a homicide victim but hills body nowhere to be found help was last season at his job not a motorcycle dealership. police fount evidence in the area suggesting he had been pleasuredded. officers believe his coworker is responsible and have arrested him, his friends and family are going from place to place, trying to find himself they re going off recommendations by police based on who where they think his body may be. i drew a grid on the map and we sent people out to different areaes on the grid. it s been going on all day. and people that don t even know kyle are showing up. so it s been really a good turnout. we wish the suspect would

New-york , United-states , Louisiana , New-hampshire , Texas , Alaska , North-wildwood , New-jersey , Langley , Virginia , Turkey , Florida

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow 20160130

today, i have the chair of the board, and fifth district supervisor lisa bartlett. first district supervisor andrew doe, third district supervisor todd spitzer, the orange county district attorney will be joining, tony ra. caucus joining us shortly. i have fbi, orange county supervisory special agent eric mayo and u.s. marshals chief inspector and two of the primary investigator incident command folks working this from the beginning, captain stu greenburgh and lieutenant dave sawyer. yesterday vicki vargas asked jeff, captain jeff polec, now that we think these dangerous individuals are up north, can the residents of orange county breathe a sigh of relief? and he said, absolutely not. well, i can say this morning that the entire state can breathe a sigh of relief. because we have the other two dangerous individuals back in custody where they should be. hossein nayeri and jonathan tieu have been captured and were taken into custody this morning by the san francisco police department. at approximately 8:50 this morning, san francisco police officers from the park district station were handling an unrelated medical aid call in the area of haight and stannian in the city of san francisco. a female citizen approached the officers and pointed out a white van parked in the parking lot of the whole foods market located at 690 strannian. officers approached the van, as hossein nayeri fled the area on foot. a short foot pursuit ensued before nayeri was taken into custody by officers. officers immediately returned to the white van and sdovg discove other escapee, jonathan tieu hiding in the van. san francisco police department has confirmed the quite van is, in fact, the same one stolen from los angeles that we believed they were driving and possibly living out of. based on the preliminary investigation and search by san francisco police officers, a number of 380 ammunition rounds were located in the van. however, no weapon was recovered. both suspects have been arrested and taken to san francisco police department s park district station, and will soon are transported to the san francisco county jail. orange county sheriffs department investigators are in san francisco and will be interviewing both suspects in an attempt to gather additional information. we are currently in the process of coordinating with san francisco sheriff s department, to coordinate transportation of both nayeri and tieu back to our custody here in orange county. we have a lot of people to thank. there you have it. the orange county sheriff sandra hutchins speaking at a press conference, something she s wanted to announce nearly a week now, they have indeed captured all three inmates that escaped that prison there in california. they re all in custody. we know one of the inmates, bac tien duong turned himself in yesterday. they re considered extremely dangerous one charged with murder, another attempted murder a third with kidnapping and torture. with me in new york following all of us, the way they escaped is unbelievable. cutting through half-inch steel bars, making their way through plumbing tunnels, rappelling off of a roof. reporter: with sheets braided together. right. and learning mow how they found them. sounds like in san francisco? reporter: right. seems like an ordinary citizen spotted their getaway vehicle, this white van they were living out of, which is an incredible story, and such a nail-biter for authorities. 200 to 250 law enforcement personnel on the hunt for these guys for the last eight days. one of them turned themselves in on thursday. you know, the initial thinking, when we first got the headline, maybe this guy had information that led authorities to the other two, but seemed like a random citizen. also, what makes this such a nail-biter is the fact that three escapees, not only did in she this elaborate plan but also a 15-hour head start on authorities before anyone knew. they did a head count at 8:00 a.m. sorry, 5:00 a.m., and not another until 8:00 p.m. when it was discovered these three guys were missing. here s the other thing, too. with such an elaborate plan authorities now believe they had to have help from the inside. right. so there s this person they re looking at? right? a 44-year-old who taught esl class, english second lesson, but already spoke english? suspect. the woman did not give them weapons, just provided them with a map of the surrounding area. there had to have been other people cooperating. also what has been reported, there was some kind of disturbance or fight that delayed that evening check, and that may have happened on purpose, deliberate to distract the guards from this very elaborate plan. now we know, the three all in custody, again, charged with attempted murder, murder, kidnapping and torture. a lot of people on edge when they were out. they re in custody. thank you so much. of course. we have a lot more to get to. if you haven t heard, it s a big weekend in iowa. we turn now to the latest in the presidential race this weekend. it is all eyes on iowa. look at that beautiful video of iowa. the state famous for its rolling farmlands and major college sports, it s at the center of the political universe right now as we count down to the first official votes of 2016 in this presidential election. in just two days, iowans head to the polls and for the candidates it is a sprint to the finish. ralli rallies, restaurant shops, town halls, house parties, you name it, the candidates are everywhere. literally everywhere. look at that map across the state trying to get their message out. try and count them. these are all the place, the republicans are set to hit, just this afternoon and the tonight. the democrats also crisscrossing the state at this hour. we ll have two major candidates speaking in iowa coming up, in just a bit. ted cruz, also bernie sanders speaking at half past the hour. another reason we re watching the clock tonight at 7:00, iowa s flagship newspaper the des moines register releasing its final poll before the iowa caucuses. why does it matter so much? it s considered the gold standard in terms of getting it right in all of its accuracy. my friend, colleague, brooke baldwin live in des moines the entire show talking about all of it, talking to pundits. what are they saying? reporter: there is so much to talk about on this beautiful saturday. you can feel it, sort of a 48 hours, final push, final moments for all of these different candidates, all vying for the votes from these caucus goeers here in iowa were come monday night. an entire 18-panel to walk through. iowa, why it s relevant what these candidates are doing in these final stretches ahead of monday night in the caucus. first straight to dubuque, iowa, to donald trump talking there. talking about theatrics. there was a flyby. we ll show you the video momentarily. let s just dip in and listen. usa! usa! all: usa! so ridiculous. it s so crazy. you know, if we spoke to those people, assuming they have good intentions, if we spoke to them for a few minutes, we could convince them, i think, unless they re on something, which is a real possibility, because you really say, what are they doing? all right. get them out. get them out. get them outta there. come on. let s go, scott. come on, scott. let s go. get them out. thank you. i m giving you a little flavor here of this trump rally. let s be clear. others as well. not everyone comes to support, whichever candidate you re going to have. some folks in the crowd go rogue, protestors. that appears to be him directly approaching and maybe scott security. i don t really know. donald trump there in dubuque, iowa. next he s heading to clinton, iowa, where he s set to speak in just over an hour. lots of candidates obviously zigzagging the state. we ll dip in on any of these rallies as we continue on here live. but let s actually stay there. this is where cnn s national political reporter maeve reston is at that trump rally, and, maeve, talk about the all-important evangelical vote here in iowa? a pew poll says four of five iowans identify as christians. crucial for these candidates and trump knows it. tell me about this video released this morning. reporter: well, they clearly are the key voting block here in iowa, brooke, as you said. the most reliable voters to show up. on monday night. and trump has been making a huge push for evangelicals. one of the most fascinating things about the race, pulled evangelicals nationally in our poll and others, seesawing back and forth between trump and ted cruz. today dnld dnd ponald trump put on facebook, he showed the bible his mother gave him and talked how special it was to him. thanked evangelicals supporting his campaign. trying to talk more about his faith, sometimes with very mixed results, as we know. so he s really trying in these final days to convince these voters that he is an authentic conservative, that he does share they re faith, and he s battling against lots of ads from ted cruz and ted cruz s allies going after his evolution on abortion as well as other issues. so it s going to be a key test to see whether or not he can overcome some of those doubts on monday night. i ve talked to a lot of evangelical over the last couple of days, a real agonizing decision between ted cruz and donald trump, trying to sort out the fact, head with ted cruz, heart with trump and think trump would be the stronger nominee. see you on monday. we will indeed. think of church, thinking be the politics behind the pulpit across the state in iowa. maeve reston, thank you so much. we ll talk evangelical, the fact we know ted cruz camp is moving them towards marco rubio. does he have an opening after that strong debate performance the other night? we ll discuss that and the state of iowa. the first in the nation s caucuses monday night. why is it so important? we ll be right back. those who define sophistication stand out. those who dare to redefine it stand apart. the all-new lexus rx and rx hybrid. never has luxury been this expressive. this is the pursuit of perfection. how does rock and roll work? you need a team. working together. doing all kinds of jobs. and the best place to find the job that s right for you is on the world s number-one job site. indeed. how the world works. buying smartphones for the whole family is expensive. not at t-mobile® for a limited time, check out our half off smartphone event. get one of our most popular smartphones, and get the second one at half price. need more? buy another, and get the fourth phone at half price, too. smartphones like the samsung galaxy s6, note 5 and many more. hurry to t-mobile s half off smartphone event while it lasts and get the whole family a smartphone today. every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. this is lloyd. to prove to you that the better choice for him is aleve. he s agreed to give it up. ok, but i have 30 acres to cover by sundown. we ll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. yeah, i was ok, but after lunch my knee started hurting again so. more pills. yep. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? for my pain. i want my aleve. get all day minor arthritis pain relief with an easy open cap. all right. back here live in des moines, iowa. i m brooke baldwin. two days until the caucuses in this state. how important are the iowa caucuses to the bigger picture, the entire presidential race? history tells us winning iowa and new hampshire is likely a path to the white house. no candidate, democrat or republican, has lost the nomination after winning both iowa and new hampshire since ed musky in 1972. conversely, not finishing first in either state presents massive hurdles. no candidate has won the nomination without winning either iowa or new hampshire since bill clinton in 1992. you with me? right now, candidates are crisscrossing this state making the last-ditch efforts to sway caucus goers here. campaigns crambling to ensure their loyal base turns out come monday. have we mentioned there s supposed to be snow? that later. once the caucuses come to a close, talk it over with my political panel near des moines. democratic strategist hilary rosen, republican consultant margaret hoover and ryan lizza, washington correspondent for the new yorker. awesome having you all here. let s geek out, if we may, for a second. on iowa, and you know, to you, first, looking at you. you know, the party rules changed in the 70s. yes. thus starting the iowa caucuses. so to answer the question, why is iowa relevant? give me a history lesson. look, it s mostly relevant because it s the first contest and we re all here covering it. the amount of attention winning iowa, coming in second or third is absolutely massive. right? the most important part of it. the number of delegates you get out of iowa is very, very small. right? there are a lot of states we get more delegates, but go first, you re incredibly important. the most important thing is, you don t just because you win iowa doesn t mean you re going to win the nomination. iowa, winnows the field. the big thing. you don t come in third you won t be the nominee on either side. full-press question. before i go to you, margaret. donald trump is dubuque, iowa. bill clinton, somewhere in this crowd, bill clinton is there stumping obviously for his wife on this trail in iowa falls. an idea how incredibly busy this push is in the last couple of days. go ahead, margaret. you asked about the history of the iowa caucuses how it came to be. the 1968 democratic dweeebate i chicago. a bloodbath, not literally. riots in the street. delegates couldn t get in, viewed as a really not transparent, not breathable honest, open process. as a result awe states went back to their process, their delegate-selecting process and tried to clean the map and start afresh. iowa said, every part of it a part of our process. make the platform totally open. everyone s participate in order to make it open and breathable and transparent they had to start very, very early in the process. not knowing they would be first in the nation, turns out they really ended up being the first and then that over time in 1972, was the first time it was, the caucuses were first in the nation, but they made jimmy carter in 1976. and now but so much protected their spot as the first ever since. how much is it still relevant because of all the big money, about endorse monies, flyovers, we ll show you. theatrics and donald trump. a picture of his plane going through sort of this massive window. almost like a rock concert, or so he hopes. look at this. how donald trump arrives at rallies. two things to keep in mind, and i will talk about trump after this, but the iowa was, is the place where candidates get human. and it is very hard for candidates to get human after iowa, and so the history and the rationale for why iowa matters is because it is still retail politics. it is still candidates going into literally living rooms and meeting people and telling them or it was before donald trump i was going to say. the old paradigm. trump hasn t done much of that at all s trump, forever changed the rules when he landed his helicopter at the iowa state fair. and started giving people rides on his helicopter. that changed everything. but for personally, the virtually every other candidate has been, you know, running through this gauntlet and that gauntlet is incredibly important, and important for viewers and television viewers outside of iowa, because that s where we see the candidates acting more engaged. hillary and margaret and ryan, you re with me the entire hour. we have so much to go through. i think it s important to sort of set it, talk iowa and then we have to talk specifics on these candidates. stay with me. here in front of the beautiful state capitol in des moines. now to this, after all of the campaigning, the debates, it is decision time on monday and it all comes down to this you the iowa caucuses are here. we are all over it all day long. all-day coverage of the iowa caucuses only here on cnn, and when we return, more here from iowa. news today of a potential opening for a florida senator named marco rubio, after this debate performance the other night, some things are shifting. things are changing. also we ll talk about the all-important evangelical vote and what you need to know ahead of the first of the nation s caucuses monday night. i m brooke baldwin, live special coverage continues live, after this quick break. its intelligent drive is paradigm-shifting. its technology-filled cabin.jaw-dropping. its performance.breathtaking. its self-parking.and the all-new glc. mercedes-benz resets the bar for the luxury suv. starting at $38,950. i m poppy harlow. kate bolduan is in iowa. and everyone piped on ted cruz. headline of friday s des moines register cruz rough night. skipping the debate part of a master plan to take down cruz, here s what trump said. you not there at the fox debate your main rival in iowa, ted cruz, getting pummeled from left and right. was this maybe by design? did you think about this all along? along of things have happened since then because you saw the result. he got very badly hurt and he s going down. ted cruz is going down, plus the candidate problem. a huge problem. problem with canada, whether or not he can even run. i think he cannot run. we ll see what happens. but it wasn t by design? i d like to tell you it was by design. maybe by instinct. maybe it was by instinct? with me now, roger stone, former advisor to donald trump, still very much a trump is a porte s author of a new book about hillary clinton. let s listen to a moment ago. a person certain i know, who s that person. ted cruz, who was not born on u.s. soil. it s a problem. by the way, he has to solve that problem. an incredible the democrats are going to sue. i mean, he was born in canada. he was a ka macanadian citizen 15 months ago. how the hell can he run for president. a lot of constitutional lawyers i m not just talking about the tribe from iowa. not saying, you just can t run. you just can t run. and he really can t run. i mean, i don t think, but you re going to have to find out. the problem is, whether he can or whether he can t, it has to be tested through the court system. so he has to go in, get a declaratory judgment, do something quickly. clearly he s going after cruz, because they re running pretty closely to one another in all the latest iowa polling. roger, you, my friend, just got off the phone from donald trump an hour ago. thanked me for my comments on cnn. a very brief conversation but he s very confident. having the time of his life, really enjoying this, how great the people are he s meeting. very short, but he s feeling like a winner. when you listen to all of this and those words we heard him say, by instinct talking about choosing not to be on the stage. this strategy with fox, et cetera. i wonder, you were so close to him for so long and clearly still talk to him. was this boycott against the fox news debate more than just him being mad at megyn kelly? more of a thought-out strategy so ted cruz would take the heat? first i think donald trump is very improvisational. he s got great instincts and makes good decisions in the clinch. for example, this canadian issue, which i was skeptical about, it really has hurt ted cruz, pollings shows that and raised questions in voters minds. donald trump is his own strat jit and his own tactician, logistician. a fascinating piece in the wall street journal detailing how trump comes up with lines of attack. once he has them he hammers them hand hammers them. it says sitting in his cream colored leather club chair at the desk trimmed in his 24 karat gold he read and watched news reports on the race. jotting down notes on his perceptions of the candidates flaws. he s preparing is he just giving the preparing that he is off the cuff? gut instinct. because you take a few notes, he s not getting this from polling or focus groups or a cadre of advisers. he speaks from the heart and it s his gut instincts that have gotten him this far. he doesn t need a political strategist. he is his own political strat jit. listen to this comment he made in new hampshire on friday. let s roll it. i don t even think i have to campaign anymore. why am i even wasting my time? i don t have to campaign pine could leave here right now they re going to vote for me. he also said, he could stand in the middle of fifth avenue, shoot someone, his supporter would stay just as loyal. you just told me that he s working so hard. harder than you ve ever seen him work before. yes, he is. does he really think he doesn t have to campaign anymore? no. he was being jocular but has changed the way campaigning has worked. he s changing the entire game. indeed. not doing the retail campaigning iowa is famous for. he has instead had enormous rallies capturing data from all of those people. a surprising number of democrats and independent showing up at those rallies. so trump s greatest strength is also now his greatest challenge. he has created a large enough pool of people, people, to win the iowa caucuses. can he convert them to voters? those who have never voted before who were turned off. can he get them out? democrats who can switch very night of the caucus, get them out? i7 independents, drag them in. bringing new people to the caucus. standing by his side in iowa right now, if you were, in the final 48 hours, what would you be doing with him, telling him to do to make sure that thaez who show up at the rallies actually go out on caucus night, by the way, there may be a big storm. good organization on the ground. very good people that know what thir doing. they ve done it for other candidates before. what would you do? i don t think i have advice for him. i think he s doing the right thing. put cruz in harm s way, pummeled in the debate. the other suggestion, keep an eye on marco rubio. interesting ted cruz s strategy in iowa, the last 24 hours changed to all attack on rubio? not trump. because you have two different intramurals. a face-off for the conservative position between trump and cruz. and then you have marco, christie, jeb, kasich all in the moderate lane. i think the two camps produce a clash, which i predict will ultimately be trump v. rubio. we ll watch. roger stone, appreciate having you on. we are standing by in waverly, iowa. bernie sanders about to speak at rally there. as you know, a neck and neck race between sanders and hillary clinton. we ll take you there live as soon as it begins. this is my family. being a part of helping people in need is who i am. working at brookdale for me is not just a job, it s a life for me. i love it. i formed many connections with the residents. i feel like i am part of their family and they re part of mine. if you can get up in the morning, ya know, shake the dust and go up there and make somebody happy, when i go to sleep, i did my job. real milk vs. almond milk ingredient spelling bee lecithin lecithin. l-e-s (buzzer sound) your word is milk. m-i-l-k milk wins. ingredients you can spell. she s noticing a real difference in her joint comfort. karen: she s single. .and high levels of humiliation in her daughter. in just 7 days, your joint comfort can be your kid s discomfort. osteo bi-flex. made to move. and bernie sanders is going all-out this weekend ahead of monday s caucuses. four different campaign events today in the eastern part of iowa. senator sanders has been steadily gaining on hillary clinton with consistently large and energized rallies and steady fund-raising and without a super pac or deep-pocketed backers. he s set the stage in waverly, iowa, where my colleagueilar is energy at the sanders rallies. we didn t think he could quite hit the mark then senator barack obama did in 2008. you think that s expectation, or actually telling the truth there? reporter: i think part of that is certainly expectations and i think part of that, brooke, is him trying to tell his supporters, really, what this message is going to be about here at the college in waverly which is we need to increase the turnout. he s so dependent on caucusgoers who might not normally participate in this process. what then senator barack obama relied on to get his win here in iowa, and that s what bernie sanders is going to need, because he has a lot of energy from people who maybe don t normally participate in the process, but i do think he is sort of managing expectations as well in case he doesn t manage to eke out and upset over hillary clinton in iowa. your point about turnout and, you know, having covered so many of these rally, a lot of young neem these crowds for bernie sanders and wondering, a, are millennials going to turn up on monday night to caucus and, b, there s this snow situation also on the horizon that could also keep people from going out. reporter: so that s actually the good news for bernie sanders at this point, brooke, is talking to our weather folks about what the outlook is for iowa. earlier it looked like there might be wintry mix for the southern third of the state come monday night. it looks like that gets pushed off until after midnight. so after the caucuses would be over of course, bad weather will dampen the turnout. for now it appears not an issue. it might be something bernie sanders certainly can feel sort of lucky about that, that maybe it s not going to dissuade some of the falk isgoers who might not normally participate in the caucus for coming out for him. the other point about the iowa caucus, you can walk in, your mind can change. right? what a lot of these candidates are banking on. what do you think? what does bernie sanders need to say to those undecides in these final 48 hours? last question. reporter: you know, i think what he s going to be making the case for is that they shouldn t necessarily take the established route. he s going to be, as he has, characterizing himself as an alternative, as someone who is principled, as someone who really sticks to what he believes in, and he s going to be trying to dissuade people from supporting hillary clinton when it comes to, for instance, wall street. something he has been hammering her on over and over. i think we ll continue to see him do that near this final push to the caucuses. brianna keilar in weave ewav iowa. remind you, 48 hour, the final push in iowa for the candidates to try to at least the beginning steps of clinching that nomination. more from my panel coming up. brian lizham, margarethilary ro. standing by, talk on the democratic side about hillary clinton and bernie sanders specifically and more news on more debates. back live, after this. there it is. this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree. 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well, you know, really, this is about the democratic national committee, not me or anybody el. debbie wasserman schultz, chairman of the party, talking to sanders campaign, clinton campaign and oh ma malley campa. also wanting to add more debates if the candidates were as close as they are going forward and when they have something to announce they will, but it s obvious both campaigns have said they want to do more it debates. there s a lot of interest in what happens in new hampshire. so i think we ll hear something very soon. i know you on the debate dates, that is up to debbie wasserman schultz to release but safe to believe all before super tuesday? there already are debates before super tuesday. right. additional debates? already a pbs debate and a univision debate that will go forward. okay. so the issue is there another debate in new hampshire next week. that would probably be almost three debates, then, we would see in the next few weeks. who, with the news of the additional debates, ryan lizza who does this help more? hillary clinton or good question. bernie sanders a good question. i could argue either way. the fact that the clinton campaign agreed to more debates suggests maybe they see it more an a strength. remember if you re the front-runner, the dominant candidate in the race usually you don t want to debate. i think as sanders has come on along stronger, polling is tightened, the clinton world thought, well, you know, she s good in debates. show her off in debates, and help, maybe they can help her put sanders away if he takes off strong in iowa and new hampshire. another issue, though, too, which is that the republican nomination is sucking so much energy out of the the media right now, and so when you have debates, you do get focus time to get your points of view across, and hillary clinton and bernie sanders have now turned this race into a real divide of philosophies and some issues. so whereas before people said there wasn t going to be much of a democratic race. there really is one now and debates are a good way to put 0 point and that and get attention for it. interesting, too, with the news during my show, that the news broke from the state department about withholding more of the hillary clinton e-mails. the one bit, contained top secret information, the other 18 between hillary clinton and barack obama. we heard from gloria borger in touch with a senior campaign on the sanders side. i found this interesting. he said sanders is not indentteg to raise the e-mail issue. will that change? i don t think so. hard to do it at this point when he s gone so far out there saying people don t care about this. famous lines of the whole democratic campaign. there is an issue, we know democrats don t believe that hillary clinton did anything wrong, and that-we re not worried about this nap she s apologized for using bad judgment, having the server, there s no evidence that this goes much farther. this is a dispute within the state department. bernie sanders knows democrats don t want him it s not an issue in the democratic primary. this is incredibly important to republicans, every republican in iowa now is talking about this. as partof their stumps, but not something that s going to move the needle one way or the other for bernie sanders or hillary clinton in the next three, four weeks, even four months. yeah. his rout for defeating hillary clinton in the primary is much more ideological, talking about their differences on health care, on income inequality, on foreign policy. liberals don t care about her e-mails, and that s why he hasn t made it an issue. if the justice department starts caring about those e-mails. everybody s ears will go up. that does the work for him. speaking of bernie sanders, talked to brianna at the debate. he s up at the podium. waverly, iowa. let s dip in. we re bumping into people trying to live on on $10,000 a year of social security. we are talking to young people, the age of some of the people in this room, who are leaving school horrendously in debt and have no clue as to how they re going to be able to pay that debt. a young man dropped out of college after two years $60,000 in debt. another woman earning very, very low wages, paying, asked to pay $1,200 a month to pay back her student loan. stephanie raised the right issue, and that is what this campaign is about. we are the wealthiest country in the history of the world. the most people don t know that, because almost all of the new wealth and income is going to the top 1%. and what this campaign is about, it s not just electing a president. it is to change our national priorities. it is to change the way we do politics, and the way we do economics in america. and what i am asking you is to bring out your friends and your family on monday night so that iowa can begin the process of creating a political revolution in which more and more people participate actively in the political process so that we create a government which works for all of us and not just a handful of billionaires. [ applause ] listen, stlisthis is a front seat. asking the crowd in waverly, iowa, please, come out monday night to caucus for me. i just think it s fascinating to watch all of these smaller hillary rodham clinton you said it earlier, these candidates literally come into your living room. the perfect example of a quite simple event in waverly, iowa. these candidates are face-to-face with these folks here trying to get them to caucus for them. and it is why people come from all over the country to the iowa caucuses, because even for the media, it s often our best chance to get close to the candidates. once once these first couple of primaries go out this turns into a, you know, large-scale rally-centered. quickly, final word. i want to make a point in some ways the democratic side and republican side are experiencing two totally different paradigms. i hear hillary talking about the conferences, nostalgic, a paradigm. right. and the old world here s the new world, donald trump does his flybys in trump force one and is now the winner of iowa. forget the barbecues. those are off. a lot of republicans think it could end the caucuses as they know it if donald trump wins this thing without doing any of the things you used to have to do to win it. secures iowa. nominee, wins iowa, iowa remains relevant. thank you so much, all of you. coming up, president obama s push to close the wage gap between men and women, holding companies accountable making sure employees get equal pay for equal work. be right back. .reinvented. sophistication. .redefined. introducing the all-new lexus rx and rx hybrid. agile handling. available 12.3-inch navigation screen and panorama glass roof. never has luxury been this expressive. this is the pursuit of perfection. lost shipments, international regulations, security breaches, lost revenue lost respect. well crafted solutions for today s problems in commerce. pitney bowes, the craftsmen of commerce. how do robots work? 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president obama s council on economic advisers have explored the state of the wage gap especially the gender wage gap and the race wage gap. the gap widens by race, black women earning 60 cents to white men earning a dollar. hispanic women earning 55 cents for every dollar a white male earns. we re back live in iowa, hillary clinton, donald trump, marco rubio scheduled to hold rallies. our team there live across the state. we ll be right back. there s no one road out there. no one surface. no one speed. no one way of driving on each and every road. but there is one car that can conquer them all. the mercedes-benz c-class. five driving modes let you customize the steering, shift points, and suspension to fit the mood you re in. and the road you re on. the 2016 c-class. lease the c300 for $399 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer.

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Hanoi calls for investments in six urban areas projects

Hanoi is calling for investment in six urban areas projects in Dong Anh district worth a total of 34 trillion VND (1.3 billion USD).

Xuan-canh , Han-i , Vietnam , Republic-of , Tien-duong , Ninh-bì , Hanoi , Dai-mach , Tien-duong-communce , Kim-chung , Dong-anh , Nam-hong

Hanoi calls for investments in six urban areas projects

Hanoi is calling for investment in six urban areas projects in Dong Anh district worth a total of 34 trillion VND (1.3 billion USD).

Hanoi , Han-i , Vietnam , Republic-of , Tien-duong , Ninh-bì , Xuan-canh , Dong-anh , Tien-duong-communce , Dai-mach , Vinh-ngoc , Nam-hong