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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20180728 10:00:00

A morning news show that includes interviews, features and banter among hosts.
pete: and barack obama as well. that kind of anemic growth is the new normal. and a lot of economists said that as well. griff, you brought this up. you should get credit for this. i will read it one of our reports in october of 2016 cnn surveyed 11 economists on whether the economy would ever reach 4% g.d.p. all said no. quote: one economist his name is robert brewska he said pigs do not fly. trump donald trump is dreaming that it would get to 4%. breaking news this morning, pigs do fly. they actually do. [laughter] because we hit 4.1%. if it s on the folder it s got to be true. think about it, economists and everyone in the establishment said no, no, no. 4% can t happen. we are managing america s decline. we are a second rate power. our economy is stuck in the mud. trump said no we can unleash it again. america can be great. economic engine of free market works.
abby: we are still dealing with this. griff: the player s association says we are not on board. we are not going to go with this new anthem policy that roger goodell thought he had apparently solved it. it appears he hasn t. my red skins just started this week training camp. everyone is taking a look. people trying to get excited. but, i don t know. it could be a really rough time. abby: zac prescott the cowboys quarter back had strong words on what the game means to him and what the game of football means to so many americans, and what this has done to sort of take away that joy that we all feel when we watch football. here s what he said about this. i never protest. i never protest during the anthem and i don t think that s the time or the venue to do. so the game of football has always brought me such a peace and i think it does the same for a lot of people. a lot of people playing the game. a lot of people watching the game. a lot of people that have impact of the game. when you bring such a
controversy to the state and to the field and the game it takes away from the joy and love that football brings a lot of people. i m for taking a next step, whatever that step may be for action and not just kneeling. pete: amen, well said. he can figure out what the nfl cannot. they are in the meetings with the players association. of course the players association could fix it if they want to. they don t. right now it stands a ambiguous: the cowboys came out and said if you are on my team you are standing for the anthem. to say me sounds like the easiest policy. on my team standing for the anthem, otherwise, you are going to sit out and not be on this team. nfl just hurting itself right now. diamondbacdak prescott god bles. abby: people want to talk about challenges we face in this country, think about
ways to make that positive change. i m not sure what we have seen play out over the past year has helped us in any way other than get attention in headlines. griff: let us know what you think about this. email us at friend what is being talked about fort anthem during the national anthem players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in left hand and refrain from talking. that is what they are asking for. pete: sounds really difficult. abby: send us your thoughts. starting with a fox news alert. two officers shot while responding to a disturbance call in massachusetts. the falmouth police chief identifying the injured officers as ryan moore and donald d. meranda. one officer hit twice in the chest another grazed by a bullet in the head. this is happening way too much. we have got to return back to a time when police officers are respected and it s not okay to shoot a police officer.
abby: a suspect was also shot and will be taken into custody once he is out of the hospital. both officers are expected to be okay. meanwhile overnight in los angeles, a fee malt officer now recovering after being shot in the leg. the suspect also was shot still unclear what led to that shooting. both of their conditions are unknown. and now to another fox news alert. a desperate search for two young kids and their great grandmother after their house burns to the ground. the car fire in northern california tripling in size leveling more than 500 homes and threatening 5,000 others. incredible video of fierce flames whipping into fire tornadoes. two firefighters have now been killed. the fire is only 5% at this point contained. and there s this. president trump putting his stamp of approval for a michigan republican primary for u.s. senate. the president tweeting in part this: john james, who is running the republican primary in the great state of michigan is spectacular. vote on august 7th. rarely have i seen a candidate with such a great
potential. west point graduated. successful businessman and an african-american leader. james will join us live during the 9:00 hour on the show. you don t want to miss that interview. and there s this. a spectacular event seen around the world. the longest total lunar eclipse of the century lasting 143 minutes. the blood moon happens when the sun, the earth and the moon perfectly align. those in north america and greenland could not see it because of the time of day. pete: so you didn t see it but sounded cool. abby: it was very cool in the picture. that s our job, pete, tell everybody what they are missing u. pete: latest sign of trump s economy. are democrats in trouble in 2020. peter morici weighs in next.
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griff: if you are just waking up the trump economy is booming. surging 4.1% in the second quarter. up from 2% in the previous quarter. president trump highlighting the success yesterday. if economic growth continues at this pace, the united states economy will double in size more than 10 years faster than it would have under either president bush or president obama. griff here to disut is peter morici one of the smartest guys i know privileged to talk to you every morning in d.c. what do these numbers mean and why has this happened? it s quite simple. the government has gotten out of the way and let the american people solve their own problems. cut the taxes. cut the regulation and so forth. what it means is the
democrats have got a data problem. i mean, led by paul krugman at the new york times, donald trump was supposed to be a flop. well now he is a success. there is nothing like being a coach on monday morning and having beaten the spread. griff: that s right, peter. i was at the white house yesterday they are elated over there not elated because they hit the numbers but they believe these numbers are sustainable. what do you say? will we see another quarter like. this we will see quarters like this. even barack obama had quarters like this. what matters is the average over many quarters. i think this president can sustain 3% growth. that s not a come down. barack obama had 1.8. so 3% growth would be a profound difference in americans lives. sooner or later wages would simply have to go up from that somebody halls to get the money. stocks, ir iras, key owes, governments would have more
revenue. all this stress you see in state and local governments would abate. 3% growth is marvelous. griff: peter, you mentioned president obama. would these numbers have happened would this have happened under a president clinton? absolutely not. you know the agenda. listen to cortez in new york right now. more taxes, more regulations, more give aways, more of a war on work. more of a tax on work. americans can only bear so much. we have let up on the burdens it s like taking the weights off a sprinter and they have run away. griff: i don t want to go in the weeds. it s early on a saturday morning. sure. griff: the president in his remarks at the very end said a big driver in this in what will make it sustainable is the trade deficit has been cut to the tune of $52 billion. why does that matter? well, it was an export-led surge. we need to start exporting more in america. there is nothing wrong with
buying chinese toasters if we can sell them the things that we do well. and president trump is trying to open up markets and, of course, a big part of that message was watch the trade agreements. i get for you. that s what he is banking on. i m hoping we will see more investment in america than we have seen lately. that wasn t in the numbers as strong as i would like. that s where i think the big growth surge is going to come from. lower corporate taxes. lower cost of capital to people invest more in america. griff: one last question with you, peter, that is many of the naysayers say this 4.1 number came about because companies were front loading, trying to get ahead of the tariff impact. what do you say? you can t see it in the data. what s more, we don t know what the tariffs are going to be on the other side. my feeling is that was just basically democrats hiding in the boughs of banks who are anti-trump who came up with polemics to poo poo a marvelous achievement.
one of the things i really disliked yesterday was donald trump deserves some congratulations for his accomplishments and there was chuck schumer negative again. you know, this is a day to celebrate. let s hope we have some more. griff: that s right. peter morici the man to go to when you need to sort things out. have great saturday. you are right, it s time to celebrate these numbers are real. and as you say, perhaps the good times are here to stay. thank you, peter. take care. griff: all right. a wil brawl breaking out on hollywood walk of fame. corey booker taking a out of maxine waters playbook. go to the hill today. get up in the face of some congress people. griff: does this help the political discord in america? we ll debate it. that s coming up. in and out you re up and you re right it s black and it s white
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made to me. i m sure he will continue to fulfill that promise as they serve and searcsearch and searcd search. 55 cases each draped with the flag of the united nations and they arrived aboard a plane at u.s. military air base outside of seoul, north korea. this transfer had been negotiated last month during president trump s summit with kim in singapore where they reportedly discussed this matter directly face to face. the return of remains is viewed as a way for the north to demonstrate its intent to follow through on other commitments that kim made to president trump, including most importantly, the commitment to denuclearize. now about 7700 u.s. soldiers are listed as missing from the korean war and 5300 of their remains are believed to still be at large in north korea. the war killed millions but most notably 36,000 americans, pete. pete: welcome home, men. gillian, thank you very much. appreciate it abby, down to
you. abby: thank you, pete. remember when democratic congressman maxine waters said this? if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, you get out and you create a crowd. and you push back on them. abby: well this week senator corey booker seemingly took a page out of her playbook. that s my call to action here. please, don t just come here today and then go home. go to the hill today. [cheers] get up and, please, get up in the face of some congress people. abby: the senator has since walked back this aggressive rhetoric is this really the right message to already send to a heated base. here to debate mitchell ricky and jana caldwell. good morning to both of you. thank you for being with us. jenna, what does this tell you about our political rhetoric right now and maybe more importantly in this conversation the direction of the democratic party? corey booker is someone who has talked about running for president in 2020.
yeah. there is a lot of democrats that are going to run for president. maybe even the new face of the democratic party marks seen waters, honestly, when i think about the rhetoric in which maxine waters has used. to seems when ideas, mob violence seems to be the answer. this has become a very dangerous scenario at play. when you see trump supporters or republicans in general get attacked, you think about an example that happened in 2016 where a chicago man was beaten and people were yelling out he voted trump. you know that this isn t an environment that maybe should make the careless and dangerous comments that senator booker means. abby: you have two political parties that seem to not be further apart. why are we seeing so much hate? look, first of all i think we need to be clear that senator booker never called for anyone to be physically assaulted, harassed or fossilled. and the fact that 17 seconds of his 35. abby: what did he mean by
that when he said get up in the faces of people. when you say 17 seconds of someone s 35-minute speech and misrepresent it to me that s the epitome of fake news. do you think that message is helpful for your party and for the country? he clearly is telling people to get in the face of people in congress. abby, he did not say get in the face of conservatives. he did not say get in the face of republicans. he was actually asking people to get in the face of members of congress to address homelessness in this country. abby: let me ask you this rorochelle is that the way to make changing? i don t think he used the word hurt, beat. i don t think he offered to pay the legal fees of advocates who go and knock the crap out of people because they disagree with the senator. so if we want to talk about leadership. if we really want to talk about that it starts at the oval office. row chilly, if roach chillyy
respond to that. go ahead. i don t believe senator booker was telling people to go beat people up. considering the environment we are in hostility, especially when it comes against actual people republicans, trump supporters, wouldn t you agree that his comments were careless and dangerous, thereby, that s why he walked them back. that s why he said this is not the direction i m going. in so we can at least have a conversation and be very honest and i know you and i will be very honest with the folks at home. being honest, words matter. words definitely matter. but i think that we have to look at 35 minutes worth of words. not 17 seconds. and the entire speech was really phenomenal. he was talking about the future of america. this is not a blue future a red future. a republican, a democrat future. it s about the american future when it comes to homelessness and poverty in this country. if we re going to take 17
seconds, we need to make sure we are telling the american people the truth by saying watch 35 minutes and listen to what he says before and after. abby: you also need to think about what is being said even if it is 17 seconds of how we come together more as americans. start with president trump. abby: in that party talk about the issues. quickly both of you, how do we move forward from here, rochelle, you first. i think we have to learn to agree to disagree. that s just a common theme that i think mature adults can agree to disagree. i do condone violence of any sort, whether you are on the left or right? absolutely not. did i think that congresswoman maxine waters did step out of line a little bit with her comments. at the same time, we also have a president that has stepped out of line plenty of times at his rallies and, gee gianno, you mentioned the will. you didn t mention the people shoved around by the trump era.
you didn t mention the young man punched in the faces a he was exiting a trump rally. this does go both ways. abby: gianno, last word here. i can agree with rochelle in terms of agree to disagree i think that s great. the honest answer and response to this is that s a different era. the era we live in now with the democratic party you re wrong, i m right. especially with the economy booming like it is, mob violence seems to be the answer that they have. we can be honest about that rochelle, we talk about maxine waters and you said she stepped out of line a little bit. it wasn t a little bit. if obama was in office and republicans said some of the same things that she said, they would be investigated by the fbi. and if obama said for people to be punched in the face, this entire country would go crazy if obama said that. abby: to both your points we can agree to disagree and this conversation will continue on after this. thank you both for being with us this morning. thank you. abby: have a great saturday. the war on cops intensifies.
three police officers shot in the line of duty overnight. our law enforcement panel is here to weigh in on what is behind the increased violence. you don t want to miss it next. baby, baby, baby. all you can eat is back, baby. applebee s. if your adventure. .keeps turning into unexpected bathroom trips. .you may have overactive bladder, or oab. ohhhh.enough already! we need to see a doctor. ask your doctor about myrbetriq® (mirabegron). it treats oab symptoms of urgency, frequency, and leakage.
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hospitalized. and overnight in los angeles, a female officer shot in the leg. her condition is unknown. the suspect is in custody. the news coming as the number of police dying in the line of duty is on the rise. this year alone, 33 officers have been killed. that s compared to 35 officers killed in all of 2017 and we are just in july. we have a law enforcement panel to talk about what s going on. sergeant sean larkin is with the pull is a police department s gang unit. he is also ane s live feature analyst and the deputy cheeft monday clair police department and former law enforcement official. thank you for joining us this morning. good morning. pete: sobers news. sergeant, i will start with you. what do you make of this trend. almost so the same amount of police officers killed in 2017, why? any officer killed is too many. nowadays i think because of negative media coverage
involved in every officer involved shooting we see, i think officers are finding themselves a little hesitant to use deadly force at times even when they re totally justified. the policy covers them that they are finding themselves hesitant to react and unfortunately some officers are getting killed because of it. pete: tracy, i can relate a little bit in a different scenario being in the military, rules of engagement. commanding officer whether they support you or not depends how you feel in that moment. for police officers in new jersey and elsewhere is, it a different environment? are they looked at differently these days? i think police are always looked at differently. as much as we want to be part of the community, the uniform makes us stand out a little bit or mr.. we are always involved in any type of scenario. i mean, we go to medical calls. we go to fire calls. you know, we are there to even help with kids in schools. pete: absolutely. our involvement is at a very high level now in society. pete: that s a great point. now we are talking about school shootings and should
police be there. is there a stretch thin environment to it all? do we have enough police? are they asked to do too many things. no, and yes. it s hard to recruit police today nobody wants to get killed. i said last week when i was a mafia prosecutor even the mob did not want to mess with law enforcement because of the ire that it brought. i think what s happening today is in addition to that sea change of culture and lack of respect of police you have other factors that escalate the likelihood of violence. have you black lives matter or white supremacists or ho are often anti-cops. have you people like maxine waters, not to pick on her, that could be of either party who are urging confrontation you have animus towards president trump at times. all of this brings flash point and likelihood of reaction to attack a cop much more quickly than it used to be before. i will say law enforcement
has no better friend than president trump. i have been a street cop to white house 30 some years. and i think he will recognize this as if he were watching, this he would pick up the phone and call doj and call the attorney general and say we need more training, we need more equipment. we need to work with the communities. pete: interesting point. the ire would have come from the police community who did that now the ire is more public. have you social media, videos out there. briefly from awful you, sergeant larkin, what needs to change for this to improve? you know, obviously, better relationships with the public. i mean, you know, speaking for my own police department, i know we are active out there in the community trying to be that type of relationship with people. but just as, you know, joe talked about, the social media right now is huge because officers we ll relevant respected and now it s actually almost encouraged on social media, it s posted it s shared when an officer is having a difficult time. it encourages others to keep doing it. that s a major issue.
pete: we have to leave it right there. i know this program appreciates what you guys do. a huge swath of america recognizes you put your lives on the line so the rest of can you say live free and safe. thank you for your service. pete: abby, over to you. abby: great job, pete. turning to other headlines we are following this morning. take a look at this bizarre scene. a small plane makes emergency landing during rush hour. the pilot said he had no choice but to land the aircraft after the engine lost power. officials say it was flying to ohio after taking parts in the air show in oshkosh, wisconsin. luckily though no one was injured. the obama administration tens of thousands tax dollars to a group called al qaeda. $150,000 in aid came even after the administration found out about the terror funding connection. a total of $200,000 given to the islamic relief agency to supposedly help provide humanitarian aid to the
sudan conflict back in 2004. tensions flair when a brawl breaks out near president trump s new hollywood star. hey, hey. [shouting] [bleep] no, no, no. abby: l.a. police are looking for two men shown throwing punches at trump supporters during a rally. the fight eventually coming to a halt as officers cleared the scene. minor injuries were reported. the president s hollywood star was replaced after recently damaged by a man with a pick ax. and there is this. the crowd goes wild after a scottish dart player throws a perfect game. watch this. gary the flying scottsman anderson shot what s known as a nine darter. he used just nine darts to score 501 points. the notoriously difficult accomplishment is compared to boggle a perfect game.
and our own griff jenkins would know because he at one point said he was going to be a professional dart player. griff: only entertained it about 10 seconds. what that guy did is like hitting a hole in one golf. amazing. abby: i believe you could do it, griff. it would have been a different path for you. professional bar drinker, beer drinker at playing darts and drinking beer. that s what griff is thinking, i think. let s be honest. talk a little weather. as you are waking up we have hot and humid conditions across parts of the east. hot across parts of the west. certainly as we are continuing to watch fires and central part of the country a big cool down coming. 61 degrees in chicago and drier air. you are feeling really nice. 72 in atlanta and you see that orange down there across parts of arizona and southern california that s where the heat still is. even during the overnight hours. here is how the day plays out. another batch of scattered showers today. nothing as severe as we saw
yesterday. we will see on and off scattered showers. down across parts of the southeast, put this map in motion for you. heavier showers to start the day. across eastern parts of oklahoma and areas of arkansas. other than that, we will continue to watch the heat build across parts of the south. all right. guys, back to you inside. abby: thank you, rick. griff: well done. he had a bulls eye on that weather report. i will just say. abby: well done, griff. griff: young people are all for alexandria ocasio-cortez and her promises of everything. who is going to pay for it? in your mind should pay for all of the free things? all the free things? well, some of it should come from taxes but the government should pay for it. but the government is funded by taxes. yeah. sometimes, bipolar i disorder can make you feel unstoppable. but mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground.
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free education and healthcare. how are we going to pay for those? oh, god. i mean,. us? us, i guess. who, in your mind should pay for all of the free things. all the free things? well, some of it should come from taxes but the government should pay for i it. but the government is funded by taxes. yeah. abby: the money has got to come from somewhere. democratic socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez claims that most things in life should be free but it seems that many supporters don t know how she is going to end up paying for it. griff: campus reform cabot phillips is here with latest video. i love that you were explaining how things work with some these youngsters. they definitely need plenty of help and understanding that the government cannot in fact fund every single thing you want for free even though your feelings might be hurt by that it s important to understand that fact. it s tempting to laugh around the rise of socialism.
it s not a joking matter. serious issue millennials likely to fall for it are the largest voting block in america. fund all these free things. i don t know where the money would come from but they can figure it out. [laughter] more taxes on the rich people. for sure, man, like they can afford it,. tax corporations and tax the 1% and find a way to support a living wage. the people with a good idea and good reason to spend their tax money wouldn t mind actually paying more taxes. pete: and not to mention she talked about gutting the military. i mean ultimately it s we have to slash our military to pay for all of. this exactly. it seems like all the students don t have a grip on history. they don t. they are not being taught history and economic courses. universities no longer making civics and government economic requirement. many students it s hard to
blame them. they don t have a context of history they don t know socialism. they don t understand the best way to bring people out of poverty are to give them freedom of opportunity and give them equal opportunity, free markets and actually, i think context there is helpful for them. griff: maybe we should send some of these folks to venezuela on a field trip. abby: they will want to come back pretty quickly. i m sure their ideology will fall apart quite quickly. how we have demonized success in america. many people are taught if you are wealthy, you only got that way because you stole it from someone less fortunate or less privileged. and i think after 8 years of class war ware under president obama young people are coming to age thinking if someone else is rich, it must be because they did something wrong. instead of teaching to emulate success we taught them to drag successful people down and that s the wrong way of doing things.
pete: great point. abby: great to have you on. griff: president trump has a new message for ice as yet another sanctuary city tries to block them from doing their job. we will share it with you just ahead. pete: twitter fighting against claims that they shadow ban prominent conservatives. the next guest says the president was right to point them out for it my life is here. [telephone ring] ahoy-hoy. alexander graham bell here. no, no, my number is one, you must want two! two, i say!! like my father before. [telephone ring] like my father before. ahoy-hoy! as long as people talk too loudly on the phone, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. when it comes to strong bones, are you on the right path?
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it disproportionately affected conservatives. kind of weird. when you advantage one side and disadvantage the other you are doing something that is wrong. republican chairwoman hers was quality banned while the democrats weren t. same with members of congress. when twitter knew that was happening and they did, that looks an awful lot like what you might call election meddling. pete: a lot of conservative amongst conservatives whether it s twitter or facebook detached corporate elites putting their fingers on the scale. twitter today facebook and others tomorrow. how do we change this? here s the thing, twitter is a private corporation, they are allowed to do whatever they want. that s the joys of free speech. when they go ahead and make additions that they know is going to change the political landscape they have done something wrong. twitter has done this by allowing liberals to institute a heckler s veto. when they talk about which
accounts are low quality, some of the factors they use are how other people perceive the account. who blocks the account? who complains and reports on particular accounts? and liberals do that proportionately more than conservatives. when twitter uses that as a factor to declare these accounts low quality, they are putting their finger on the scale. abby: also a systemic thing. you need to have people in your company that think differently. jim hanson, always good to have your take. my pleasure. griff: reasons priebus, mercedes schlapp and gregg jarrett all coming up.
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important to me. i never protests. i never protested during the anthem. i don t think that s the time or venue to do so to bring such controversy to the state and to the field and the game takes away from the joy and love that football brings a lot of people. alexandria ocasio-cortez just elected. her platform includes free healthcare, college televisiontuition,human wage hog to pay for those? oh, god. the sun is up. griff: the sun is up. it s finally quit raining. abby: what s this for? pete: 4.1. griff: this is a thing now? pete: 4.1. abby: that s not 6, it s 5.
it s early, right? we are all getting up early. griff: just waking up hearing the news. pete has a good point. this is the time for everyone to be happy which is the economy is booming. it s the fact it s been growing since 2014. 4.1 g.d.p. is obviously what is he referring. to say the president took that opportunity. you were there at the white house yesterday where they have a lot to be happy about when it comes to the economy. a lot the american people can be happy about. here is what he said yesterday about where we are with the economy. indeed a big one. we have accomplished an economic turn around of historic proportions. once again, we are the economic envy of the entire world. as the trade deals come in one by one, we re going to go a lot higher than these numbers. and these are great numbers. these numbers are very, very sustainable. this isn t a one-time shot. if economic growth continues at this pace, the united states economy will double in size more than 10 years faster than it would have under either president bush or president obama.
pete: even the failing new york times calls it a hot economy. there is no way to put it elsewhere. you unleash the business and the free market, this is what you get. the problem is so many of the naysayers believe that america s best days are behind us. that we are managing our decline. part of the reason why americans voted for this president, a big part of it is he said i still believe in you. i still believe in those industries they said are gone. manufacturing, construction, energy, the future will be determined by them. and here we are with those industries coming back and jobs coming back. pretty cool moment. abby: a lot of people don t want to give the president credit. year and a half into the presidency. this is a time when you can say this quarter is when tax reform has taken effect. can you talk about deregulation. companies that are spending more. the american people that are spending more. pete: consumer confidence. abby: look at the policies that have been put in place with this administration. you can t say there has not been an impact on where the country is right now. did you go back to older headlines just a year ago.
griff: this is my favorite part. abby: they weren t so optimistic about where we would be today. griff: cnn, donald trump promises 4% growth. economists say no way. l.a. times if trump thinks he is get more than 3% economic growth, he s dreaming. pete: this is important, that is truly the way the elites viewed our economy. the way elites viewed america. china is on the ascendant. the international order is on the ascendant. america the nation state these things are on the decline. he ran against that very theory and for capitalism against socialism and that s what has happened. griff: paul krugman of your beloved failing new york times. pete: master of conventional wisdom. griff: after the president was elected in november he said with regards to what we can expect, putting an irresponsible ignorant man takes advice from all the wrong people in charge of the nation s economy would be very bad news. a terrible thing has just happened. i don t think anyone would disagree that 4.1% with more
in sight is a bad thing. pete: paul krugman, i can t wait for his next new york times article. tell me why 4.1% growth is a bad thing he? will try. so look for it in the new york times. abby: critics would say it s not sustainable. how do you keep this going for a long time. the president said yesterday in his remarks when you were there, griff. you heard, this that whenever he travels abroad he said so often the leaders of other countries congratulate me on the economy that we have here in america. that is how the world views the success of another country is how their economy is doing. how their country is booming. he said that is the greatest success we can have as a nation is if our economy is doing well. griff: you wondered how other nations viewed former president obama or might have been president clinton. here is obama and clinton talking about the trump economy. take a listen. some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back. and when somebody says that
he is going to bring all these jobs back. how is he going to do that? what are you going to do? you might think because he spent his life as a businessman he would be better prepared to handle the economy. well, it turns out he is dangerous there too. pete: might think because he has run things he might be better with the economy. he is. think about the audacity of the community organizer and career politician, effectively saying that businessman he wouldn t know what to do. how dare you think he might know how to market our economy, unleash the free economy, cut taxes and regulations. small business owners, you see that event in illinois with those manufacturers, who said my job was gone and now it s back because america can build things better than anyone else in the world, believing in your people is what your chief cheerleader should do. that s what trump has done. abby: all three of us have been out in the field and we have traveled the country the past year. we have talked to voters. i can t tell you how many have said i feel like small
business owners have said i feel like i can hire more people. i feel like can i provide more for my family. that makes me a happy person. griff: yeah. abby: that has a real impact on the elections. it will be so interesting to see how the mid terms play out. with the economy doing well, the democrats, what is their message going to be, right? i think they are still trying to figure out what their soul is who they are. hard to do when the economy is doing well. griff: what you summed up is confidence. they have confidence in the economy. you know, there is another thing happening across the country as we have all traveled and that is the lack of confidence that so many and really the lack of respect that people have having for ice, for our law enforcement. and, you know, that was something this week that president trump will not let go. these law enforcement officers, whether they be ice or border patrol or others, to know that he has confidence in them. just real quick, pete, let s take a listen to what the president said about
standing with us. one of the critical lessons of 9/11 is that immigration enforcement saves lives. we must enforce the rules against visa fraud, illegal overstay, illegal entry, and other immigration violations and crimes. and crimes they are. yet, leading democrat politicians have called to abolish ice. without the brave heroes of ice, we would have no enforcement, no laws, no borders, and, therefore, we wouldn t even have a country. to the courageous public servants at ice, we want you to know that the american people are with you and my administration has your back 100 percent. pete: say what you want. but this administration knows how to message and stay on message and hit the key items, right? it s 4.1% g.d.p. growth. the economy, jobs, jobs, jobs. and immigration. we re going to stand with law enforcement. we believe in borders. and they feel like going into the 2018 mid terms if we stay focused on delivering on the economy,
and litigating border security and ice against the party that says we don t want a wall and we want to abolish ice, they feel like those are winning messages. that was the weekly address. you choose what you talk about each week and they re staying focused on those issues. abby: they need that morale boost because you have so many in this country helping to protect us and make us safer. it s really difficult when you have local leaders and local mayors around the country that don t want to support ice. that want to make it more difficult. that tell their cities don t report things. don t help ice do their job. that s exactly what we heard from the mayor of philadelphia. jim keny, right? is that his name who we hear from all the time. he said we are not going to provide them with any information so they can go out and round people up. i cannot in good conscience allow the agreements to continue. all of us have ancestors who were once immigrants. all of us. this the complete opposite message of what we heard from president trump. as i said with these mid terms. the parties couldn t be further apart, right, in what they stand for and the
type of country they want to live. in the american people are going to have a real choice this time around of what they want. griff: here is a problem with the mayor s statement. the border patrol stops them owe f.d.r. about. gang members a threat to the nation it is ice that then rounds them up as he says. so we are talking about opening up the borders if we get rid of ice. pete: classic conflation of immigrants vs. illegals. especially illegals who commit crimes. shelter them you are hurting the citizens that live in your jurisdiction. abby: send us what you think at starting with a fox news alert and serious one. two officers shot while responding to a disturbance call in massachusetts. the falmouth police chief identifying the officers as ryan moore and meranda. one officer hit twice in the chest the other grazed by a bullet to the head. this is happening way too much. we have got to return back to a time when police officers are respected. and it s not okay to shoot a police officer. abby: the suspect was also
shot and will be taken into custody once he is out of the hospital. both officers, luckily, are expected to be okay. meanwhile, overnight in los angeles, a female officer is now recovering after being shot in the leg. the suspect was also shot still unclear what led to that shooting. both of their conditions are unknown. and now to another fox news alert. five children and one adult all from the same family are killed in a massive motel fire. the children range in ages from 2 to 10. the woman was 26 years old. the 2-year-old child is in the hospital being treated. the fire destroyed about 90% of the motel in southwest michigan where 27 rooms were occupied. the cause is still under investigation. we ll keep an eye on that one. and there is. this a top cbs executive now accused of sexual misconduct in a bombshell report. six women now say the cbs chairman and ceo less moonves made unwanted advances on them. the story published in the new yorker also lays out accusations of gender discrimination and
retaliation by more than a dozen women. the alleged incidents took place 1980s and late 2,000s. the 68-year-old executive released a statement saying this in part he regrets mistake that he made in the past but never used his position to harm anyone s career. and there is this: the florida officer helps a homeless man get back on his feed, helping him prepare for a job interview. the cop first went viral when he was spotted shaving phil s beards. well, phil told the officer he had an opportunity to get a job at mcdonald s if he showed up with a clean shave. at the interview, phil was then told the job would be his as long as he could provide a florida id. so the officer took him to the dmv to get a license. phil is doing janitorial work with absolute room for growth. what a great story that is. pete: great stuff. abby: i love to hear that. griff: r50e8 quick we don t much time. study evite poll about
birthdays found 52% of men have forgotten about their partner s birthday but only 24% of women have ever forgotten s their man s birthday. does that ring true with you? [laughter] abby: i m surprised it s only 52%. it s not just birthdays anyway. it s any date. anniversaries. i mean, i love my husband to death. but getting him to remember some of those days, that s part of the woman s job. griff: i play guilty. i m part of the 52%. in fairness my wife and i often forget our anniversary. pete: that s good. so much love, right, griff? abby: no, no, no, no. griff: i m going with that. pete: email us has your husband or wife epically forgotten a birthday. abby: not super scientific. i think it rings true. pete: absolutely. email us. enough op-ed says one man
can unite democrats. james comey. but our next guest says that is a lesson he says it is pure hypocrisy. over the last 24 hours, you finished preparing him for college. in 24 hours, you ll send him off thinking you ve done everything for his well-being. but meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. while meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b. meningitis b strikes quickly. be quick to talk to your teen s doctor about a meningitis b vaccine.
names on the democratic list. jim comey not one of them. could he unite democrats. i think james comey is a patriot. i think he served his country throughout his life i think as a private citizen he is continuing to do what he thinks is in the best interest of the united states. him uniting the democrats i don t think is going to happen. the way he handled the hillary clinton email investigation, i think has left a lot of democrats still feeling a little bitter. i just don t see it happening. doesn t have a constituency in the democratic party. pete: great point. weighs a republican supposedly before. he has now called on rejecting the socialist left. you are from brooklyn a cortez from bronx who is a democratic socialist was recently chosen. is she the future is socialism and folks like her the future of your party. i want to clarify that because i think when people hear the word socialism they have visions of venezuela amend the soviet union. pete: yep. i think there is a difference between democratic socialism and the type of. pete: so soft socialism?
i m not a member of dsa. i don t want to clarify about that. but what i will say is i think our budget is the priority that we set for our country and i think saying everyone should have access to universal healthcare or affordable housing or investing in public infrastructure or public schools or public art, i think that s something that is going to be decided in this election. pete: but, to that point, the question is then who pays for it? that is a very different view of the world. so president trump has said i want a strong military and i want to cut taxes. i want to let people be free. your argument would be reduce our military. well, pete, who paid for the bush tax cuts? who paid for the war in iraq? pete: we all do. who paid for the trump tax cuts. exactly we all do. so we can all chip in for something that helps us as opposed to those endless wars in the middle east. pete: we can argue about the wars i can get that whether they had a utility to national security. argument to healthcare and free tuition someone is paying for it directly is that just raising taxes?
is the platform raising taxes? i think we need to look at how it is going to get paid for. no question. right now financing and borrowing from the future to give handouts to the top 1% right now. if we can. pete: a lot of people in the 1% got hit by the tax reform because they are paying more. i don t believe that. pete: you don t have to believe it it s true. i don t think that s true. pete: people pay more taxes. we are seeing corporations give buy backs to their shareholders. pete: small businesses pay a smaller rate is that bad? where does this 4.1% growth come from. no one is denying that 4.1% g.d.p. growth is definitely a good thing for the united states of america. i will say when you look at the tax reform, you are having these multinational corporations buy back their shares. we have seen wages drop, actually, for the vast majority of americans. pete: wages drop? that s counter to the data. bloomberg. check it out. pete beat we will check that out and get back to you. nathan, thank you very much. thank you.
pete: few remaining survivors of the disaster. the author of the book detailed the tragedies were there live coming up next. wrnk keep it comin love. if you keep on eating, we ll keep it comin . all you can eat riblets and tenders at applebee s. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood. chicken! that s right, chicken?! candace new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat. mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken! to me, he s, phil micwell, dad.o golfer. so when his joint pain from psoriatic arthritis got really bad, it scared me. and what could that pain mean? joint pain could mean joint damage. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, helps stop irreversible joint damage, and helps skin get clearer.
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it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. griff: welcome back. time for your saturday news by the numbers. first, $225,000. that s how much idaho stole by hacking jail issued tablets. 364 inmates across five prisons funneled the money in their account so they could buy video and games. read the news and play games. 20.5% that s how much twitter stock dropped after losing 1 million active users. the social media giants the plunge is leaked to deleted
fake accounts and finally, $74.4 million, that s how much alabama football coach nic sabine will be making as part of his new 8 year contract. he has led the crimson tide to 5 championships over the last nine seasons as an ole miss grad that was hard to read. abby: few remaining survivors of the uss came together for annual reunion. pete: men had just returned from delivering parts of the atomic bomb little boy in july of 1945 when their ship was tore peed today by a japanese submarine leaving hundreds to brave treacherous shark infested waters. griff: these heros have some inspiring messages for americans. i think never give up. i could have give up a lot of times out there. it would have been easier for me to give up and die than it would to be live. had to fight. make sure what people
knew what happened and why they are so free today i just hope they carry this on for after we are gone. griff: at that event co-authors of the book indianapolis and are here with us for more. thank you. good morning. i came to fox news to produce a show called war stories. we ended every episode with theirs is a story that deserves to be told. this is an important story. what do the people need to know? well, this was a ship that, you know, traditionally has been known as a sinking story. it has such a grand history to it the flag ship of the fifth fleet commanded the pacific war from the decks of this ship. i mean, it was president roosevelt ship of state. first time president had gone out of the state during his presidency. this carried all the way through recover the sinking story. then we go on to tell about the captain and his exoneration for being court martialled for the sinking of the slip. it covers 1940 all the way
through present day. pete: the uss indianapolis had just delivered the bomb used to end world war ii on the way back, it gets two japanese torpedos and go down with the ship. 900 go into the water. talk to us a little bit about what happened there. what happened next was five nights and four days of hell. only about 30 men had rafts. and the remaining only were having life jackets clinging to each other. many died of exposure, of wounds, dehydration. some of them started drinking salt water which is a terrible way to die. and in the end only 316 survived. of course, there is the shark stories as well. abby: such an important story to tell especially for next generation that don t know a lot of what happened during that imtoo. talk with us, before we let you go, just how special that reunion was. this may be the last time that you get our veterans that served in world war ii
all together in the same place. you both were there. how special was that? spending time with these veterans that are incredible heroes and who didn t talk about it for 70 years, they wouldn t talk about their story. and we can all learn from something from that. they came home from the war. they bucked up. they got to work and they did what they needed to do. and these reunions were the first time that they could talk to each other about something that only they could understand together. and that was healing for all of them. and then for us just being part of that and being age to share those stories that they have entrusted us with has been an incredible experience. pete: you say this book helps or there has been exoneration of the captain. why was he court martialled briefly and what s the exoneration? he was court martialled for failure to zigzag which sounds really strange but that was an anti-submarine technique. he had discretion to zigzag and chose not to. they really needed someone to blame. it was at the end of the war between that and another sinking about a thousand lives had been lost. and they pin the blame at
the lowest level. and we learned decades later that the navy knew at the time that there were many other people who should have been held accountable instead of the captain. griff: very powerful. thank you so much. it is an incredible story in indianapolis of the worst sea disaster in naval history a lot of lessons. pete: it s already out. the book is indianapolis. abby: such as important part of our his strismt ladies, great to have you here. thank you. griff: new marijuana bill letting federal workers caught smoking pot to keep their jobs. abby: plus alexandria ocasio-cortez has big ideas in mind to fund her socialist policies. listen. if people pay their fair share, if corporations and the ultra wealthy, if we reverse the tax bill, close some of those loopholes, that s $2 trillion right there. abby: what does dan bongino think of that response? i don t know if he has any opinions on this. we have to check out.
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raised our corporate tax rate to 28%, if we do those two things and also close some of those loopholes, that s $2 trillion right there. if we implement the carbon tax that s an additional amount of the large amount of revenue that we can have. and then the last key, which is extremely, extremely important is repriorityization. just last year we gave the military a $700 billion budget increase, which they didn t even ask for. pete: that s the new socialist darling from the bronx. let s bring in dan bongino, former secret service agent and host of the dan bongino podcast. she seems to be speaking for a lot of the democrats even though she calls herself a democratic socialist. her ideas are gutting the military and taxing the rich with different priorities. what do you think? yeah, pete, she is also speaking for people who don t read books. because almost nothing she said in that clip was factually correct.
ronald reagan, yes, ronald reagan actually raised a couple of taxes when he raised those taxes, tax revenue went down. when he cut income taxes significantly, tax revenue went up. so what she is talking about about raising taxes she has very little evidence going to produce more revenue. number two, she confusing the entire military budgets, pete, with the increase. the entire military budget is around 700. they didn t ask for $700 billion increase. she is running for congress. duped this, right? not only by the way, the lies go on or the mistruths or whatever the focus group tested word is and then she says and they didn t even ask for it general mattis actually lobbied for the increase. dolls she not know that did she just make up this whole thing? at what point is she going to go on the air and say something that is factually correct? this is now, what, 100 interviews where she has filibustered something big. this is embarrassing now. griff: dan, let me just tell
you, she clearly is pointing out some of the weaknesses of the g.o.p. she tweeted that the g.o.p. is weak on fighting for working class americans. weak on crime, work on equal rights. weak on national security, weak on rejecting racism, weak on moral courage and family values. she says hey, look, this is a problem with the republican party. what say you? yeah, yeah. that s just a genius tweet. weak on borders. we want a border wall that l. will definitely weaken the border. weak on family values. s that fascinating. griff is, she just making this up? seriously? she may need an intervention after this tweet. that is insane. why would you even write that? she doesn t even understand basic facts by the way. when she says the thing about fair share? you know the top 1% of earners pay 40% of income taxes. big federal income taxes. think about that. one out of 100 people working their butts out there is paying 40 cents of every dollar. the top 20% of earners are paying 70 to 80%. now, by the way, new rules on talking about the economy
since trump is in office and i want to thank him for this. one we are not apologizing for hard work anymore. number two, we don t owe a dime more captain federal government. not a dime. every time we give you a dollar you waste it you flushed our social security down the toilet. have you ruined the education system. you are drowning us in 20 trillion in debt. we are not giving you any more money. do you hear what we are talking about? in rules. no mosque, no more money for you. have you ruined all your credibility. it s not that the government is too big it s too dumb to spend our money the right way. we will keep it now thank you very much. abby: dan, there are a lot of democrats who think she is the future of the party. they love the message she is talking with a lot of young people as well. free education, free healthcare, who doesn t want that? the big question as we all are talking about this morning is where is that money going to come from? how are you going to pay for it? cabot phillips who is on our show all the time he goes out and gets an idea of how people are thinking in this country. he went to college campuses and asked them about these
policies. he went to her district. abby: here is what they said about how going to pay for this. her platform includes free healthcare, free tuition, living minimum wage and housing. are those things you think the government should be providing for people. absolutely. 100 percent. i feel like everyone should have free education and healthcare. how are we going to pay for those? oh, god. i mean,. us. us, i guess. who, in your mind should pay for all of the free things? all the free things? well, some of it should come from taxes but the government should pay for it. but the government is funded by taxes. yes. there you have it, dan. that last answer was epic because it sums up the entire progressive movement. how far are we going to pay for it? by taxes but then the government can pay for the rest as if the government has like a money fairy. like there is a money fairy that sprinkles money all around. do you understand like the
black hole of intellectualism the current progressive movement lives in? they don t understand. it reminds me of a melton freidman analogy where he said the great myth of progressivism you think your neighbor is paying for it but your neighbor saying the same thing. they think you are paying for it they really believe there is a money fairy out there. i applaud ocasio-cortez for doing the hard work. i ran for congress, i lost. i knocked on a lot of doors. nice job. i m being serious here. she is running for congress. she knows very little about what she is talking about. if she is going to be the future of the party, she owes the voters out there some semblance of reality, and she is not living in it now. pete: dan, based on those yachts behind you in that shot you are clearly one of those 1 percenters. i m proud. i earn my money and i m proud of it. enough rules i m not apologizing any more. pete: good man. griff: send the money fair uphere we could use a yacht.
abby: it is hoth though in florida. i don t envy him too much. but a yacht sounds nice. other headlines i want to bring you this morning. starting here. four of the nine family members who died in the doomed duck boat, they are laid to rest. hundreds showing up to support the surviving relatives at a ceremony in indianapolis. tia coalman was with 10 family members on that tragic day when she lost her husband and their three children. the tourist boat capsized during a violent storm in missouri, killing 17 people. the nbc is buildin nbc is build- ntsb is building a. only valid in states where marijuana use is legal. so far 30 states have passed laws allowing residents to use medical marijuana, including nine that have now legalized recreational use. remember how vice president
mike pence was treated while attending the musical hamilton? [crowd booing] well, take a look at this. watch how presidential candidate hillary clinton was treated at broadway s hello dolly. [cheers and applause] a little different scene there. receiving a standing ovation. well, one fan was heard shouting, quote: you can still beat 46. referring to the 46 president. the difference in this country. you remember that time with mike pence handled it with such class. he sat there and took it. griff: he knew hello dolly was still playing. pete: the take away. rick: don t they get recycled? they come back. i still haven t seen
hamilton. abby: really? griff: i haven t seen it either. abby: you should go. it s fabulous. rick: we have to find tickets and go. we can t afford the tickets. that s the whole point. take a look at the weather maps. waking up this morning. here is your temps. spectacular day across places like minneapolis and chicago. temps are going to be beautiful summer temps and not humid at all, which is going to be great. still very hot and humid across much of the eastern seaboard. one line of storms moved through yesterday. causing some big troubles. and we are going to see some more showers fire across parts of florida later on in the day today. and we will see some more showers across parts of the northeast. not as bad as yesterday. take a look at the temps throughout the day today. we are still hot out across parts of the west. 101 in reno. back 110 in redding where the car fire is going on. you get the idea we stay in this same pattern for much of this coming week. things are cooler around the great lakes. down across the ohio valley and into the day on
wednesday. marquette 63 still in july. that is very chilly. wednesday, guys, is that august 1st? help me out here? there you go august 1st marquette 63. not bad. abby: we are still talking about hello dolly in here, rick. pete: i didn t know it was still showing. abby: thanks, rick. pete: still a thing. i m not going to be a hater. if you love it, you love it whatever. rick is like get me out of here. all right. well, moving on, cowboys quarterback zac prescott has a new message for the nfl anthem kneelers. he says it s time for the protesters to do something instead of kneeling. i guess i m going to hit the streets and find out what the american people think in just a few minutes. abby: i cannot wait for that. pete: we ll be right back. -and we welcome back gary, who s already won three cars, two motorcycles, a boat, and an r.v. i would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] -oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance.
saved me a ton of money. -love you, gary! -you don t have to buzz in. it s not a question, gary. on march 1, 1810 [ ding ] -frédéric chopin. -collapsing in 226 [ ding ] -the colossus of rhodes. -[ sighs ] louise dustmann [ ding ] -brahms lullaby, or wiegenlied. -when will it end? [ ding ] -not today, ron.
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pete: welcome back. a drug sniffing dog is so good the cartel is placing up to a $70,000 bounty on her head. this german shepherd named some bra has busted over 200 criminals helping police seize at least 9 tons of elicit drugs. the colombia press has dubbed her the terror of drug traffickers. good for her this which out a rare dolphin hybrid is discovered in hawaii. is that a real thing. the mammal has a melon shaped head like a male with rough antifa like a dolphin. researchers finding the that majestic creature last year. isn t it a donkey and horse is a mule. i can t remember had which one it is. griff, down to you. griff: thanks, pete. the economy booming with the fastest expansion in nearly four years. for some in the mainstream media, 4.1% g.d.p. growth is
just not good enough. one quarter of growth does not a transformed economy make. as we all know the numbers bounce around a lot from quarter to quarter. president trump is going to take a lot of credit for these good numbers. don t believe him. it s good to see but will it last? yeah, exactly. griff: why won t they give president trump credit for the booming economy? joining us now is managing he had ever to olympic media katie frakes. happy saturday. i m so happy to be here up with you finally in new york. griff: the president said his policies were going to raise this economy. it now clearly has why can t and i was there yesterday in the president was making this announcement in the rose garden. why is it some in the media won t give him credit. they love to hate him. that s heir favorite thing. if trump is going to say that s historic. that s his manner of speaking. everything is the best. everything is the greatest. it s never happened before. so if you want to point out that it did happen under obama or bush, that s fine. you can also be happy that
the economy is strong and american families are doing better and there is less people on food stamps. but it seems like they just want to focus on whatever negative aspect of this they can clutch to. and that s kind of sad. and yesterday, at the very end of that announcement, he pointed to the trade deficit as a very significant thing. whether it s the deregulation or tax cuts, there is also the trade deficit cut is a strategy and they won t even engage in discussion over why this is sustainable. right. and they can t i don t think they can stomach the idea of giving him any amount of credit for anything. and, yes, the economy, you can t always interpret it to just one president. that s not quite how the economy works. i think credit is due here in that these deregulations make it easier for people to go back to work. making it easier for businesses to do their jobs. clearly it s had an effect in getting us to 4.1%. is that sustainable in the long run? probably not. historically that s just thought how it goes.
if is great, great news. there is no other way to spin it than that. griff: let s talk about quarter three. the administration, the president says this is definitely going to continue for the next quarter. we will be just days away from the midterm elections, what will the media say then? if it continues on at a rated that this high or close to it, i think that s probably bad news for democrats. it s hard to campaign on impeaching trump when more so have you such a strong economy behind him. and that s what americans care about the most is it easier for them to save for their kid s college and put food on the table? they care more about that than they do impeaching trump. if that s the only things they have got on the mid terms. griff: thank you very much. we will bring you back when the quarter three ends and see what the media has to say then. thank you very much. thanks. griff: straight ahead reince priebus and mercedes schlapp coming up. twitter claims that they shadow banned conservatives whavmentd does this mean for
conservatives in social media? that s coming up
tweets, oftentimes in the days following they see of a lot of their social media numbers. when you think about it, the social media cartel, twitter, facebook, instagram, they create algorithms that show us what we want to see that gives them enormous power to control what we do see. and i think that they are not being honest with it. abby: all right. here s the statement from twitter. they say we certainly don t shadow ban on viewpoints or ideology. for the most part we believe the issue had to do more with how the people were interacting with these representatives accounts than the accounts themselves. they are saying we don t have a problem here. we are not trying to treat someonen the republican side any different than on the democratic side. of course twitter is going to say that look at how an overwhelming majority that these employees at the silicon valley company does not share our ideologies. cultural elitism that believes a few people in an ivory tower should make
decisions for every day americans, these people don t want free thought. and it s more than that they don t want it, it s that the left knows that when our ideas compete with their ideas we win. that s what our young influencers see on campus every day. we see a markedly different story online. believe capital schism a great idea. a lot of the students love this country. online i don t think that s properly represented because these companies are doing everything they can to change the conversation. abby: either way these companies have real challenges they have got it figure out. great to have you on this morning. great to see you this morning. good to be here. abby: daca prescott says he has a message for protesters. he said time to do something than just to kneel. pete is going to hit the streets. we have never seen this before. is he going to find out what the american people think. stay tuned for that reince priebus and mercedes schlapp and gregg jarrett all here live. two big hours live until the go on fox & friends this
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the anthem and i don t think that s the time and venue to do so to bring such a controversy to the stadium. to the field to the game takes away from the joy and the love that football brings a lot of people. alexandria ocasio-cortez just elected. her platform includes free healthcare, college tuition, minimum living wage, housing as a human right. how are we going to pay for those. we get people to pay their fair share. we reverse the tax bill. oh god. sitting on a walmart shelf isn t it funny how life changes. abby: see that shot? we re outside now and it is beautiful this morning. griff: we have people out here on the streets of new york they are going to go shopping because they have a little confidence. abby: i hope they buy milk chocolate today is national milk chocolate. we are going to be celebrating with cookies. griff: i m allergic to milk chocolate. i will find something else to do with my new found. pete: i have $3 in my
wallet. griff: great to be here today. yesterday i was at the white house when the president came out and announced 4.1% growth. the fastest economy growing since 2014. and the fact that today we sit here almost 100 days from the midterm election. pete: a huge number. here to react to that big 4.1 g.d.p. growth number is reince priebus. former white house chief of staff. reince, thanks for being here this morning. this is what the president campaigned on. i m a businessman. i m going to do things differently. i m going to bring this economy back. your reaction to that big number and how it effects, you know, a big date on the calendar coming up in november of 2018? it s great to see and i agree with a couple of guests you had on this morning which is everyone should at least say this is great news for the country and give the president his due. you know, on the first few days of his administration, one of the most consequential things he did was sign an executive order that said for every two regulations for every regulation that s put in, two regulations have to be
eliminated. and i think something like today it s anywhere from 15 to 20 regulations have been eliminated for every one that s been put in. and you are seeing the effects. now, as far as the midterm, it s really bad news for the democrats. because, without this good news, the president s approval number was anywhere from 8 to 13 points higher today than it was on election day when he won. so, on election day when he won, the president was at 37% today he is anywhere from 45 to 50. one last thing, the reason that s important is democrat turnout is concentrated much lower than republican turnout. here s why it matters. in 2014, the democrats actually held an advantage over the republicans in 2014 the wall street journal, nbc, abc, cnn had the democrats ahead and the
republicans won 13 seats. very bad for the democrats. the president s approval numbers alone are problematic for them. abby: i was going to say what is the message then that republicans should be using. as you said mid terms around the concerner and that s what you are working so hard on to get the base out to vote. what is their message? how do they speak to this economy and numbers we are now looking at 4.1% g.d.p.? how do they seize on that opportunity for some success on their end? well, keep in mind, it s important for everyone to understand, these midterm elections are really in a very limited amount of seats. and these are basically moderate congressional districts. they and many of them, about 23 of them, all you have to lose, they were actually won by hillary clinton, even though a republican in that congressional seat won. so the republican won, but hillary clinton won, which goes back to what i said before why it s so important that actually the president s numbers are much better, which are going to help in those districts.
but what those folks need to do is what they are doing right now, which is look at the fundamentals. that s what i have been saying the last six months. the fundamentals of the trump economy is that alone is a winning message. look what s been happening on the economy. look what s been happening on wage growth, which, for the first time in a long time is increasing under president trump. and then look at what s happening on isis, on the courts. the basic fundamentals, people don t have a lot of time to digest every little bit of minut minute sushi minut. the president s record is doing well for this country and work well in moderate districts. pete: absolutely. griff: third quarter is going toned right before the election. we will z. if that s a game changer. thanks for joining us. abby: speaking of the mid terms you are hearing on the left. specifically here in new york. from the bronx from
alexandria ocasio-cortez who has completely opposite perspective of how she wants the economy to go. and how she handle our taxes and how we deal with our spending and she talks about a lot of socialist ideas. right? she is a socialist who wants free medicare, free education and she so she is also tapping the republicans on an area she thinks they are weak in. this is a tweet she sent out. g.o.p. is weak on fighting for middle class americans. weak on crime weak on rejecting racism. weak on moral courage. weak on family values. so, yeah, i would say this is a representative choice of their values. pete: this is a new socialist darling from the bronx versus capitalism. ultimately that s what we re dealing with right now. capitalism vs. socialism. and you are talking about it s almost like when you are accused of something, you deny and counter accuse. to accuse the republicans of being weak on the border, being weak on national security after spending on the military at the
decimation of isis, it is they don t have anything to run on. they are picking out moments and trying to make it play opposite day. voters aren t going to buy it when their pocketbook gets strong and they know who stands for the border and the military. when they look at the supreme court picks. when they look at the v.a. and the focus that the president has put on there those things really matter for people that voted for him. as reince said stick to the core issues and the republicans will be in better shape. abby: darling of the democratic party. people like that message. they want to talk about free education and free healthcare. folks saying have you got to do more research. it doesn t work that way. the money has got to come from somewhere. dan bongino was on last hour and here is what he said about that. that s just the genius tweet. yeah. weak on borders. we want a border wall that will definitely weaken up the border. weak on family values? that s a fascinating new twist. she may need intervention after that tweet. that s insane. i applaud alexandria
ocasio-cortez. she is running for congress. she knows very little about what she is talking about. if she is going to be the future of the party, she owes the voters out there some semblance of reality and she is not living in it now. griff: dan says, is she the future of the party there? this is very significant. what you are going to see and this is an observation that the democratic party is going to have its own small civil war here before the midterm elections because she is pulling them so far left. when it was bernie sanders you expected it now it is this candidate in the bronx. albeit perhaps more democrat-liberal corner, she is now starting to really gain traction nationally for democrats. you will see people separate. remember, the playbook that won for democrats was conor lamb in pennsylvania. pete: pretending to be a republican. exactly the opposite of what alexandria ocasio-cortez is saying. you will receive a big consternation within the democratic party i think within the next few months. pete: reckoning won t just happen in november of 2018.
it will go all the way through the 2020. rye sis tans is heavy. trump derangement syndrome is thick. socialists on the asen dance. where are the old blue dog democrats. do capitalist democrats exist anymore? that is going to be what is at play here here some of the candidates for 2020 have to veer for left. they have to get through the primaries. tough process. steve: steve. griff: i invite to you to the smithsonian to see the exhibit on blue dog democrats. abby: where is my invite? griff: you too. abby: a fox news alert. two officers shot while responding to a disturbance call in massachusetts. the falmouth police chief identifying the injured officers at ryan moore and donald d. member ran do. one officer was hit twice in the chest. the other grazed by a bullet in the head. what happens way too much. we have got to return back to a time when police officers are respected. and it s not okay to shoot a police officer.
abby: the suspect was also shot and will be taken into custody once he is out of the hospital. both officers luckily, are expected to be okay. meanwhile, overnight in los angeles, a female officer is recovering after being shot in the leg. the suspect also was shot, still unclear what led to that shooting. both of their conditions are unknown. and now to another fox news alert. five children and one adult all from the same family are killed in a massive motel fire. the children range in ages from 2 to 10. the woman was 26. the 2-year-old child is in the hospital now being treated. the fire destroyed about 90% of the motel in southwest michigan where 27 rooms were being occupied. the cause is still under investigation. and there is this: president trump putting his stamp of approval for michigan s republican primary for u.s. senate. the president tweeting in part this: john james, who is running the republican primary in the great state of michigan is spectacular. vote on august 7th. rarely have i seen a candidate with such great potential, west point
graduate. successful businessman and african-american leader. james will join us on the show during the 9:00 hour. you don t want to miss that interview. and there s this. the crowd goes wild after a scottish dart player throws a perfect game. watch this. [cheers] [cheers and applause] the magical 9 dot. shot what s known as a 9 darter. he used just 9 darts to score 501 points. is that what it s called, griff? the difficult accomplishment is something compared to boggle a perfecbowling a perfec. i asked griff because he said he once considered becoming a professional dart player. griff: didn t work out. what s better than playing darts is putting pete on the street. what are people saying throughout. pete: not that far from you about 20 feet. venturing my toe onto the street here. we are talking about the nfl anthem issue. we saw jerry jones come out
and say his team will be standing for the anthem this year. america s team. dak prescott the quarterback has come out and said he believes players shouldn t be kneeling. i have got to ask you ma am, what s your name. my name is cathy thorpe annapolis maryland. pete: you have a son in the military. my husband, my two sons and myself. pete: god bless you. the anthem can t figure out what to make of their policy. why can t they? well, i think that i believe in the right to stand for platform but just something during a working setting is the appropriate setting to do that. my husband is a fallen warrior and the flag is very significant for me. and i just think that there is a lot that can be done but not on work time. absolutely. that s a great point. work time and personal time if you want to protest. ma am, what s your name. irene weaver. pete: irene, you also have folks in the military. i was in the military.
pete: you were in the military. yes. i m an immigrant here to america. so 30 years. pete: i love that when you look at the nfl, and not requiring players to stand, how does that make you feel. pretty sad employer of these people out there on the field we are paying money to. pete: if the owner says you should stand or get out, do you agree with that. i think they should stand or get out. i agree and don t get paid for the day. pete: don t get paid for the day. do you agree with that. i agree. anybody disagree with that out here. no. pete: anybody? do you think you should stand for the anthem. absolutely. absolutely. pete: consensus the anthem is pretty precious. ask the folks. pete, abby? abby: pete, you are pretty good like that. griff: i love street pete. is he strong. abby: great stories to tell. president trump showing fresh support for ice as yet another sanctuary city tries to block them from doing their job. a live report from washington next.
abby: this 8-year-old boy is pouring cups of lemonade for a great cause to support his local police officers. you will hear from this little boy just ahead. you don t want to miss it. back after this .. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. only remfresh uses keep 1 in ion-powered melatonin to deliver up to 7 hours of sleep support. number 1 sleep doctor recommended remfresh your nightly sleep companion. available in the natural sleep section at walmart.
stop giving aaccess to realtime arrest database and not renew a contract set to expire next month. kenny claims ice is misusing the information from database. specifically they are gathering names and addresses of residents who list foreign countries of origin and conducting sweeps of homes and workplaces that include law abiding immigrants. we re not going to provide them additional information so they can go out and round up people. some federal officials are pushing back against the mayor saying this decision puts u.s. citizens in danger and president trump is taking it as an opportunity to double down on his own support for the embattled agency. without the brave heroes of ice, we would have no enforcement, no laws, no borders. and, therefore, we wouldn t even have a country. to the courageous public servants at ice, we want you to know that the american people are with you and my administration has your back 100 percent.
now, as a so-called sanctuary city, philadelphia is already limited cooperation with ice in recent months it, won t release inmates to the agency without a judicial warrant. mayor kenny claims ice has created fear and distrust among the city s immigrant community. and through their actions is actually making it more difficult for police to solve real crimes. guys, back to you. pete: of course. abby: thank you, gillian. pete appreciate it if you don t work with the law enforcement it s harder to solve crimes. abby: yeah. griff: that mayor is going to possibly really make this a midterm election talking point about whether or not you support our law enforcement officers because, again, if you want to get rid of ice, then go to the voting booth, right? don t disteenager city in jail, ice says we hold them so we can detain them here illegally. no, going to let them go. abby: voters certainly have a choice one way or the other what country they want to live in november.
now to a fox news alert. north korea begins returning what are believed to be the remains of u.s. servicemen killed during the korean war. joey jones is a marine veteran who lost both of his legs in a bomb blast in afghanistan. he has a powerful message about the meaning of these remains returning back to u.s. soil. griff: plus white house senior advisor for strategic communications mercedes schlapp is here live coming up. you do not want to miss that. i m going to ask her how b. how people are feeling at 1600 pennsylvania. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. i say, i ll go my own way, with anoro. go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function
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the obama administration september sending will will will money to al qaeda. the national review $115,000 grant in aid came even after the administration found out about the terror funding connection. a total of $200,000 were given to the islamic relief agency to supposedly help provide humanitarian aid in the sudan conflict in 2004. and a taliban official is claiming they had peace talks with an american official in afghanistan. the unnamed source told the a.p. that he met with alice wells, the top u.s. diplomat for u.s. asia. the top diplomats have neither confirmed or denied the meeting. we ll follow that abby? abby: thank you, pete. now to a fox news alert. 55 cases containing what are believed to be the remains of u.s. servicemen killed during the korean war returning home after 65 years. griff: president trump thanked kim jong un for the return. that i catake a listen. i want to thank chairman
kim for keeping his word. we have many others coming, aboubut i want to thank chairman kim in front of the media for fulfilling a promise he made to me. i m sure he will continue to fulfill that promise as they search and search and search. pete: well, about 5300 american soldiers remains are believed to be still in north korea. joining us is joey jones bomb technician and purple heart recipient for losing his legs in a bomb blast in afghanistan. explain why service member, let alone the korean war, the forgotten borrow is so important. good morning, guys. you know, here in america, we experience the sacrifice of past generations passively. we don t really see it firsthand. each my wars in iraq and afghanistan are more commonly experienced through a peterburg movie than
understanding what that sacrifice means. people say things we didn t get much out of these meetings when we re just bringing home a few thousand dead soldiers. what they don t understand or failing to recognize is that these men and women, mostly men in that time, they died so we could set here and ironically say it s not that big of a deal. you know their sacrifice truly comes full circle when we are so free and so comfort be in this country when we can say not a big deal a few thousand service members, a few thousand remains not a big deal. today we stand and we are not forgetting these men. today it s not the forgotten war. today we are remembering them and we are going to have a chance to lay them to rest in the only place they can find rest and only place they should be and that s here at home the land of the free because of the brave just like them. abby: joey, such a good story we need to hear this morning. often called the forgotten war. you think about where we are today and you say the meaning of those meetings that we just had between the two leaders and now what is taking place. how important is this for
closure for so many families that were impacted by this war? well, it s incredibly important for those families that actually have loved ones that are coming over. and i know that, you know, some of the antidotal messages out there that are very anti-trump would say many of those families are no longer alive. i think trump said parents and obviously their parents aren t alive. the underlying issue here is that 330 million americans should care, should feel something, and should celebrate bringing these men home. and another thing i want to point out that s often time overlooked is that we sacrifice people today overseas looking for remains. i have got a friend that also almost killed in cambodia doing just that so to understand there is ordnance and planes and booby traps all around these remains and we sacrifice to ogo out and roar them shows just how much it means to us. we are willing to sacrifice links limb and property today to bring those men home. i can t be more proud of our country. i m proud that today our country took a stand and
decades later our president took a political risk to bring these men home and i couldn t be more proud. it s a solemn day but happy day for me. griff: one more question, that is how significant is it then that the president says this probably opens up those search mission. the many people don t knowed we were doing a lot of missions, 30 plus missions. then it stopped. it hasn t been done in 10 years. they are going to start this again. general mattis alluding to it yesterday. how significant is is that? i will tell you, look at me. look at my face right now. that s who we are bringing home. and i mean that to say the only difference between me coming home and you seeing me on television right now and those thousands of service members is just technology and opportunity. these are real people. they had a face, a story. they sacrificed and they served. and they felt something laying on foreign soil as they bled out and died. to understanding that s who we are bringing home, that s
a huge deal. that s something we should all celebrate and care about and today take a moment to remember. if this means we have more opportunity to go over there and find more of our brothers, that s what we need to do. there isn t a service member alive or none that i know that wouldn t volunteer for that mission and consider it just as important as anything else that we have the opportunity to do in our service. abby: you know the meaning of sacrifice better than anybody. joey jones, always good to have you with us. a message we all need to hear today. thank you, guys. abby: u.s. economy booming to 4.1% g.d.p. growth. mercedes schlapp is with us live with what that means for the surging economy under president trump. pete: and, this 8-year-old boy is pouring cups of lemonade for a great cause to support his local police officers. hear from him, hope they didn t shut him down. i don t think they did. hear from him coming up ahead. my mom s pain from
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in size more than 10 years faster than it would have under either president bush or president obama. abby: that was president trump yesterday at the white house touting the booming economy and now we want to bring in mercedes schlapp, white house senior communications advisor. these are great numbers across the board, mercedes, 4.1 g.d.p. growth. i think the big question and you heard the president there. he says these numbers are sustainable. have you got critics who say, you know, they aren t sustainable. these are not numbers you are going to see lasting for a very long time. what is your reaction? oh, absolutely. first of all, we have to remember that the president is you look at this optimism in consumer spending. you see the fact that we are in historic moment in terms of our economic growth. this is the first time in four years that we have seen the g.d.p. break at 4%. remember, it was economist larry summers who basically said that if we get to a 3% growth, that it would be fair enough to say if you
were to believe in tooth fairies. right now i have got to till we better start believing in the tooth fairy because we reach to the 4% right now it is sustainable. in the sense that we have seen increased capital investment. so these business investments, for example, before president bush took office, it was only growing at 1.8% increase. look at the fact that president trump has put forth strong economic policies, move forward with strong deregulation reform. and what have you seen is business investment now grow at a pace at 9.4%. that is significant. you are talking about job creation. you are talking about the fact that businesses are restocking their shelves. there is optimism with consumers and with businesses. again, when you look at this, you look at the fact that there is a long-term incentive in terms of businesses being able to invest in america and invest
in american workers. that s all due to president trump s vision for a strong economy and his successful economic policies that we re seeing in place. griff: mercedes, let me just ask you then, you talk about the vision and the policies. trade deals are their trade deals in the works, in the pipeline right now that are concrete? absolutely. i mean, you saw this week president trump meet with the eu commission president juncker where they did talk about these principles and starting these negotiations for zero tariffs. and zero nontariff barriers. we got the eu to basically start buying and increasing purchases in soybeans. and basically working with us in terms of in terms of american energy. so, again, we are making significant progress here with the eu. we are working through a nafta deal with mexico, with canada. these are important trade deals.
but, one thing about president trump, which is so significant, for too long it s been status quo when it comes to our trade. president trump understands that we need to use these taferls as a negotiating tool. bringing these countries, bringing these leaders to the table to get better trade deals. and that is what the president is working on every day to protect american workers. and we will see these trade deals come through. we saw very significant win this week with the european union and the discussions that they had at the white house. pete: 4% is the tooth fairy i m all for the tooth fairy. my hat is off to her. we are in. we are in. pete: mercedes another topic as there is always multiple cylinders firing. north korea negotiations we saw great news of the american service members remains being returned. speak to that and how does that play into the overall relationship we have ongoing with negotiations with north korea to get that peninsula denuclearized? well, the north koreans
obviously delivered on a promise that they made in terms of returning these remains. and we are working diligently to make sure that that process happens. what we know is that this is directly due to the fact that president trump obviously negotiated and worked with chairman kim. and so at this point, what we re seeing is the fact that for presidents, former presidents have tried to bring these remains back and they have failed. it is because of president trump s leadership in terms of being able to take a very difficult, complicated situation as is in the case of north korea, work with them in order to ensure that we bring back the remains of these men and women. those who died for our country. those who died for our freedom and they will be able to lay to rest here on american soil. abby: all right. getting your thoughts now on alexandria ocasio-cortez a woman we have all been talking about, the new darling of the democratic party. pete: socialist darling.
abby: social isles out of queens, new york. she was speaking recently about her ideas on socialism and how you pay for that and she compared that to what s going on right now in the white house and the administration and she says spending is out of control. even in places like the military where they didn t even ask for that here s what she said. if people pay their fair share. if corporations and the ultra wealthy, if we reverse the tax bill but raised our corporate tax rate to 28%, if we do those two things and also close some of those loopholes, that s $2 trillion right there. if we implement a carbon tax that s an additional amount of a large amount of revenue that we can have. and then the last key, which is extremely, extremely important is repriorityization. just last year we gave the military a 700 billion-dollar tax budget increase, which they didn t even ask for. pete: they didn t ask for it except secretary mattis did.
so raising taxes and gutting the military. well, as you know, that is the mantra of the democrats. and you forgot to include the fact that the democrats also want to abolish ice. obviously and really not move forward on immigration reform. and in terms of securing the border. but, remember, it was the democrats, not one of them voted for the tax cut legislation now that s in law. what we have seen are direct, positive impacts on our economy because of this tax cut law. the fact that you have had millions of americans basically receiving bonuses. we have seen wages starting to increase. you see the fact that consumers are spending. you are seeing $300 billion of money being invest you have had in america by our corporations. this is what we causal a booming economy. this is what we call economic growth. and of my advice to the socialist candidate is to basically say take an economic class with
president trump with larry kudlow, kevin has set. our key economic team who has led to this incredible success on our economy. the fact that we are putting americans back to work. the fact that hispanics and african-americans are hugely benefiting from our economy, and that s thanks to what president trump has done in terms of pushing forward a pro-growth economic agenda. pete: that would be a good podcast econ 101 with the president and larry kudlow. i could sign up for that. hey, you just gave me an idea. pete: might not be a bad one. abby: mercedes, great to see you in medicine minister, new jersey. turning now to other headlines we are following closely this morning. turning to a fox news alert. and the desperate search for two young kids and their great grandmother. after their house burns to the ground. the car fire in northern california tripling in size leveling more than 500 homes and threatening 5,000 others. incredible video coming in of fierce flames whipping
into fire tornadoes. two firefighters have now been killed. the fire is only 5% contained at this point. and there is this: a doctor is facing charges for overprescribing pain medication leading to the death of a patient. a grand jury indicting the medical profession. he ran a neurology and pain center as well as a medical practice in west virginia. the jury found that he prescribed opioids that were not for legitimate medical purposes for the past five years. he will be back in court next week. yikes. and president trump is awarding the prestigious medal of honor to a fallen air force sergeant. john sergeant was killed in afghanistan in 2002 and credited with saving the lives of his teammates after his helicopter was shot down. he led the effort to rescue one of his comrades despite heavy enemy fire. sergeant chapman will be the first airmen given the medal of honor since the vietnam war. that will be next month. and an 8-year-old boy is rolling up his sleeves in an effort to raise money for his local police department.
a goofed thing to do for the police the blue stripes police department because they will stop what they re doing and come out to help people if there is serious trouble. abby: how great is he? in just a few hours brecken simmons is setting up a lemonade stand outside of his house in missouri. don t have to worry about cost he will anything anyone can spare. hoping it make at least $12 for our boys in blue. how great is that? pete: i think he is going to make more than $12. you government regulators, don t try to shut down his lemonade stand. that s a thing now. legal defense fund for lemonade stands because they literally try to shut too many down. good job, kid. we re ready new top iranian general s message to president trump. what s the best way to handle iran? we will ask a special operations intel analyst next. griff: plus geraldo rivera and gregg jarrett both here
live. abby: i said it earlier, national milk chocolate day we are pairing beef jerky and other surprisingly delicious foods with chocolate. rick can t have any because is he allergic. pete: what? i m losing you but then they make us kraft mac & cheese and everything s good again. i saw my leg did not look right. i landed. i was just finishing a ride. i felt this awful pain in my chest. i had a pe blood clot in my lung. i was scared. i had a dvt blood clot. having one really puts you in danger of having another. my doctor and i chose xarelto®. xarelto®. to help keep me protected. xarelto® is a latest-generation blood thinner that s. proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt or pe blood clots from happening again. in clinical studies, almost 98% of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe.
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thank you. pete: we struck a bad deal trying to prevent them from doing so. if rhetoric remains hot what should we do about it? iranians are generally known for being all talk. they pride themselves about talking how strong they are, even though the u.s. government clearly knows how weak and fragile they are both economically and militarily. so, you know, they they are always going to choose sort of this pride over being pragmatic and that can be quite dangerous because even though, you know, we will go out and there is this war of words that is happening right now. we are really not going to win that just based on how these guys think. the president can go out and tweet all he wants about how he is going to obliterate them. they are just going to come back and say okay, yeah, we are going to obliterate you plus one. really, there is always going to be a better way to handle that that s through covert action. pete: what is that covert action? we have scrapped the deal. we still have heavy sanctions on iran we don t want them to get the bomb. this rhetoric has gone back
and forth. if you had the ability to put in place measures to take on the iranian regime. what would it be? part of it would be unleashing our special operations guys to go after some of these elements that are upsetting the regional stability. so, you know, if you haven t worked within the intelligence community, you might not know that the iranians are covertly at war with us. i m not so sure that we re really covertly at war with them. that s for years the obama administration has really taken this almost whistle passed it approach to some of the things they have been doing. it s almost as if they have been pretendin pretending iranis weren t responsible for hundreds of american soldiers deaths weren t responsible for provoking naval forces and purging them in the gulf. houthi firing into narpts. we need to really step up our aggressive covert action in this case. that also includes cyber. that also includes allowing the israelis to do what they have been begging to do for
while which is to step up their targeting of this organization called the quds force run by general solomony going around upsetting the middle east. pete exporting terrorism around the world. israelis know it more than we do because it s on their doorstep. when america looks the other way and chooses not to see these things the problems only get worse. bret, thank you for your time. thanks, pete. pete: he flew helicopters in iraq and then ran a successful business. now john james is running for michigan senate seat. and he just got the endorsement of the president. he joins us live next hour. and, it is national milk chocolate day. so, of course, we are celebrating with some, what? is this right in the prompter? avocados and other food you wouldn t expect to go with chocolate. i guess we are going to try it. the chocolate will be good. how will the combo be? favorite girl [cheers] check out the bass pro shops and cabela s
sporting classic for great deals. like these peltor electronic earmuffs for under $60. and save 20% on all in-stock caldwell rests. bass pro shops and cabela s. your adventure starts here. chicken! that s right, chicken?! candace new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat. mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken!
dipped in. abby: salty sweets. my personal favorite is the quinoa the toast with the jam and the butter and dip all these other things in there, too. abby: how important though is the chocolate? you have got to get the right kind of chocolate. have to get kubaker chocolate. get out the spoon. pete: not clear that beef jerry can i is good with chocolate. i like it. i love avocado. so, avocado with chocolate is actually really good. rick: i just did it and it s pretty good. i love avocado. i love afte avocado. rick: i m going to eat the beef jerry can i because i m allergic to chocolate. i love chocolate. who doesn t lo chocolate.
pete: pizza and chocolate. you can dip anything in chocolate. rick: who is behind national milk chocolate day? i did not make this holiday up. tell us about bang cookies though. it started because i wanted a cookie with organic ingredients. i couldn t find it so, a big part of cookies is obviously the chocolate. and milk chocolate is a big integral part of the flavor profile in most of our cookies. rick: all organic and people buy it nationwide. yeah order at bang baked, fresh the same day and shipped out the same day. abby: these things look so good and thick and yummy. thank you so much. no problem. pete: ham and cheese sandwich not good dipped in chocolate. rick: not bad. abby: the left said 4% growth would never happen but it just did. our own geraldo rivera is live next to react. griff: the left is ramping up its war against straws in liberal cities and picking
up the fight. is it really the best way to help the environment? we will discuss it. that s coming up next hour. grab some chocolate. it s all been done woo hooh it s all been done
these american heros will lay to rest on american soil. the president it s a political risk to bring the men home and i couldn t be more proud. the minimum living wage, how will we pay for those. get people to pay their fair share. we reverse the tax bill. [ music ] we are here in new york. you should come out to join us. what a crowd we have today. it s a great way to get 9:00 a.m. started. micheal. i don t know him that well. you know what i know this morning, pigs do fly. if it s written on your folder
it must be true. you know why pigs fly? economist said no way we reached 4% growth. one economist said pigs do not fly. president trump said the weather is nice and the economy is booming. because the white house said because of the trade policies that wouldn t work would sustain us. paul from the new york times said these policies were ignorant and this was a terrible thing. we know for the short-term this would be a good thing. we would find out in the last hour i was body on friday when the president came out. today we have the american
people talk about why this is such a big deal. you are talking about job creation and the fact that businesses are restocking their shelfs. there is optimism in terms of consumer. there is a long term incentive with businesses investing in america and american workers. that s due to president trump s vision for a strong economy and the you can accessful economic policies. all right, let s begin. geraldo. we have seen the effects of deregulation and policies from this administration. companies are going out and buying more.
the american people are buying more. first of all on the issue of why the president isn t given more credit for this wonderful booming economy we are exsuper experiencing know you have to remember how deeply louted he is. he could deliver gold to every family and they say it was too heavy. i m being facetious. it s a real problem in the country. it s a real problem that the president master mined a great economy. it was suppose to cycle downward but it s distaining the record
economy. i would point out to the socialist within the democratic party you have had control of america s city for decades and run them into the ground and not severed the population that s significantly minority populations. i on the other hand using principals of free enterprise and unleashing the monster created a situation were wealth is trickling down into the city. record low minority unemployment. this is big stuff. if i were the president i would practice it everyday. absolutely, the reaction among many said this could never happen. help many ein the mindset that said 3% growth is not possible. 4% growth is not possible. they believed the decline was
inevitable. make america great again is more then a slogan. what is it about the mindset about doing better? the most meaningful step aside from the tax cuts that gave some money back to everybody. the rich got more then the lower down the economic scale. what the president did was refused to listen to the common wisdom that american manufacturing was dead. he refused to listen to the american wisdom that natural gas and coal from the united states was a bounty we could use within the parameters to fuel our economy. who expected as these jobs come in who expected hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs
to pour back in. a lot of them in the midwest. geraldo you mentioned cortez. i want you to listen. he went into cortez s bronx district to talk to supporters about how they expect she s going to pay for all of this socialism. take a listen. her platform includes free healthcare, college constitution, human rights. do you think the government should provide this for people. absolutely. 100%. everyone should have free education and healthcare. how will we pay for those? oh, god? us i guess. who should pay for all of the free things? all of the free things? well, some should come from taxes. the government is funded by
taxes. all right, geraldo. the government is paying for it. what do you think? i m proud of this woman. she has done a magnificent job in rallying the kind of political residence of queens and the bronx. the turnout was abysmal. the turnout was almost nothing. she s someone i think will be a shining light in the democratic party going forward. we are very proud of her. her idea is obviously ideal of bernie sanders. she s a bernie sanders accolade. everybody gets free everything and it s cheers.
the refreshing points of view and energy she brings. she replaced the guy who was there for 20 years. he was an all-time political hack. i don t mean that in a disrespectful way. he replaced the stuffy old man. let the democrats have the freedom caucus and the crazy right ring stuff. if the party goes towards socialism you know they will get beaten in 2020. let the young be compassionate. let them, you know, when they are young if you are not a liberal you have no heart. if you are old you have no brain. she will evolve. i think that it s nice to see the spirited intelligent
ambitious young woman accomplishing so much against the old guys. you know, you always give us a smile. i asked you four questions in my head and you answered them all. we live-in a democracy and that s what it s about. thank you, geraldo. that s a great point. this stuffy old man is the number four democrat in the house. we started with a news alert. two officers were shot while responding to a disturbance call in massachusetts. police identified them as ronald moore and d. measur marinda. also overnight in las angeles. a female officer was shot in the leg. it s unclear what lead to the shooting. both of their conditions is
unknown. a gunman killed two people at his home before going to a nearby nursing home and killing two others. they found two shot dead at a nursing home before the gunman killed himself outside of corpus christi, texas. a wild brawl broke out near president trump s new hollywood star. watch this. [yelling] l.a. police are looking for the two men throwing punches put trumps supporters. the star was replaced after being relentcy damaged. we are senting pete to the streets this morning. that s my exercise for the
day. you know about the nfl. they still hasn t figured it out. jerry jones has. what s your name? grant. you are from new york? you are going to the yankees game today. what if aaron judge decided to take a knee? you don t do that. why can t the nfl figure that out? they will when it hits the pocketbook. they hit it last year but they still haven t corrected the policy. time will fix everything. i guess i ll say it one time, go yankees. what do you make of the nfl s policy. i m always going to stand for
the national anthem. that s something they will have to figure out. thank you for your service. veterans get it but shouldn t all of us stand. yes, i quit watching nfl. i don t watch it because of that kneeling. i don t believe in it. everybody should stand. especially because of all of the sacrifice the men and women made. it will hit the pocketbook at some point if people don t stand-up. it s not that hard. guys i salute you. well-done, pete. i like pete in the street. we need an animation and graphic. that s the beginning of something great. it has a lot of you fired up. federal workers caught smoking pot may soon get to keep their jobs. two helicopters in iraq. john james is running for a michigan seat.
he will join us live. don t miss it. [ music ] if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems, and could be on the journey to much worse. try parodontax toothpaste. it s clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind with parodontax toothpaste. we carry flowers that signifyn why we want to end the disease. and we walk so that one day, there will be a white flower for alzheimer s first survivor. join the fight at
you. you have the president s endorsement. give the audience a sense of who you are and why it s important to run to the office. i m here by the grease of grd and an awesome endorsement from our president and vice president. i wouldn t let you down in washington. i didn t let down the folks i lead into combat when i graduated from combat. i came back home to michigan because i was disturbed by some of the images i saw in armed forces network in flint, saginaw, pontiac. i came back home to do what i could to create an economic opportunity and jobs. i went back to join the family company. an auto motive logistics
company. i added over 100 jobs in michigan. having a combat veteran that understands how to keep americans safe. this is great for the national security and someone who created jobs and opportunities back here to support our state of michigan. you have earned his endorsement. when you talk to republican voters and voters at large. you are running the primaries right now. what are the reaction and level of support for the president. i ve been all over the state and talked to everyone. what people care about the most is quality of life and quality of future. can they take care of their families right now. we focus on economic opportunity and k through 12 education. also work force development.
things are really struggling and what it will take. you have liberals talking about free stuff left and right at 4.1%. we call it a blip. i believe we focus on these things and bring back talent and capital investment and make sure we are the mobility capital of the world. we are not just talking about raising the tax rate but everybody can excel. john james a bidcy few months ahead. thank you for being with us this morning. go to my website. good stuff. still ahead, a new pole shows men are really terrible at remembers their
partners birthday. now we are reading your e-mail as you clearly agree. what s the best way to help the environment. discuss it all, that sp next. moderate to severe crohn s disease, i was there, just not always where i needed to be. is she alright? i hope so. so i talked to my doctor about humira. i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn s disease after trying other medications. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,
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he joined us earlier to react. today is not the forgotten war. today we ll remember them and have a chance to lay them to rest in the only place they can find rest and that s at home. reporter: this was agreed upon during the summit with kim jong-un. thank you. the left s war against, wait for it. straws. santa barbara, california came up with a fine of up to $1,000 for those who give out plastic straws. jail for straws. other cities are joining like san francisco and seattle against the fight about plastic straws. is this about helping the environment or a scare tactic. reporter: we will join you from san diego to weigh-in. good morning, guys.
simple question, why? oh, geez. this is about a myth that there is a floating land field in the middle of the ocean. it doesn t exist. there is plastic and trash on the ocean but it s on the coastline. it s not about our coastline. most of it comes from asian and africa. all of the countries, all of those continents account for five percent. this is a tiny portion of plastic in the ocean. now out of all of that there is no straws. we use 500 million straws. that came from a 9-year-old
science project. a 9 year-olds science project. this has taken off. you have disney in a few years you won t have straws there. starbucks is moving a way from that. is it irrelevant if we try to make change here and you have the rest of the world that does nothing. all the while we don t get anymore straws. this is a bunch of moral preming. if you care about the planet you will stop driving cars. well, i like driving cars. stop eating meat. hamburger is delicious. stop using straws, okay, that s a sacrifice i can make. well it will make my life
different when i want to drink my soft sever and i don t have a lid or straw. we can t chose in the country. it accidentally effects businesses. they spend $5,000 per year on straws. if they have to go to paper straws it will cost them $38,000 per year. that s an employee they can t hire or let go. i ve been using paper straws and it melts down in five seconds. what about bamboo. i m a surfer. when i hear stories like this, i think well, i m not a leftous. why isn t this information being caught on or so popular?
we all want to be good stewards of the planet. we would like to do it the right way. let s focus on things in the environment. it s the third world. we have to help these other countries focus on their infrastructure. google the ten most polluted rivers in the world. it s not here in america. life is so good here. we are worrying about straws. thank you. i m going to buy a bunch of plastic straws like those lightbulbs. i have them all. you will have to pay me for them. if this segment didn t fire you up but this will. federal workers who were caught smoking pot may get to keep their jobs. jarred ijared is here abouty
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cohen said trump knew ahead of time he was getting russian help to get in the white house. he s taking invitations from the president and the president is taking invites from the president. let s bring in the author of the book the russia host. as always you have been devouring this information for a year. there is evidence there. their wathere was a team among p officials to undermined democracy. they wanted to clear hillary clinton even though she violated
criminal law. the author of the phony trump dossier. he told the department of justice i m december december d. they used this fabricated document to destroy trump for crimes he didn t commitment. the media coverage has been russia, russia, russia. how have they been able to sustain the narrative in light of all of the facts out there. driven by their own bias the media has been accomplissed in
this. instead they spoke about a crime about collusion. i go through the book explaining how collusion is not a crime. some say there might be other violations of law. none of them apply. that trump tower meeting we are talking about is perfectly legal. there is a chapter called it s not a crime to talk to a russian. let me ask you greg, you raised a big question if mueller was prejudice in the decision. he had multiple conflicts of interest. he took the job to investigate the president. he was sitting in the oval office with the president of fbi
director to replace james comby. that s a major conflict of interest. he s close friend, long time ally with james comby who is the important witness. regulations say you can t sever as special council. that s mandatory disqualification. he refuses to step aside. how and when will this end? that s a good question. five committees have been investigating. i poured through their transcripts. i ve gone through all of them and many of them are in the book. in the end the final word is robert mueller.
he created his own problem. he s the only one to blame. greg and i were around here doing this. a reporter doing the research you did is so valuable. thank you so much. always good to see you. all right, we have other headlines i want to bring you. there is a search for these kids and their great grandmother. the car fire in northern california. incredible video. flames ripped into tornadoes. this is only 5% contained. a top cbbs executive.
six women said les made unwanted advances. there was also gender retaliation. this took place between the 1980s and late 2000s. he said he regrets mistakes he made in the past but never used his position to harm anyones career. eric church called himself a second amendment guy. he slammed the nra and fans are not happy. church was one of the headliners of the las vegas country festival were 58 people were murdered last year. he said there are some things we can t stop like the kid that takes his dads shotgun and walks into the high school but we could have stopped the guy in las vegas. i blame the lobbiest and member
of the nra. have you experienced this on your birthday? i love birthdays. no, it s mine. you don t know your own wife s birthday? new research showed that 52% of men forget their partner s birthday. nine out of ten were in a serious relationship. i think it rings pretty true. i think that s pretty low. it might be higher. as you get older dates start to jumble in your head. oh, it s my brother s birthday. some people celebrate the day they gotten gauged or married.
edward and barbara e-mailed us. our birthday was on the same day. my wife thought it was a good pick up line. she insisted to see my license. we have been married for nearly 40 years. highway many years does he take it like that. married 47 years and never for got my wife s birthday. as a matter of fact today is dottie s birthday. i love you. well-done, mark. rick has someone with this topic. i have dave and marie. has he ever forgotten your birthday? never.
what did da day is her birthday. june 29. you are doing well. they defy the polls. let s talk weather. we have a lot going on including more rain. especially across. this has been set up farther to the southeast. we are in the carolinas. we have been seeing heavy rain throughout the week. we have rain showers that exited the outer bank. we have big storms across the central planes. more monsoonal activity. out to the far west the heat is ready. look at that, 110 degrees today. all right, guys.
congratulations on remembering 32 years of marriage. he thought about it. the economy booming with growth. if you were watching other channels this is what you would have heard. one quarter of growth does not a transformed economy make. don t believe him. it s good to see but will it last? neil will join us next. it s the coolest room in your house and save your money. we are showing you how to add cutting-edge tradition to your homecoming up. as people who love the outdoors, we stand for the traditions we inherited and that we must pass on. at bass pro shops and cabela s we stand together for you.
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one quarter of growth does not a transformed economy make. the numbers bounce around a lot. president trump will take a lot of credit for the good numbers. don t believe him. it s good to see but will it last? joining us know is nei neil cavuto. how much credit should he get? he should get a lot of credit. we criticize presidents when things are going bad under their watch but we should credit them when things go well. president trump obam obama president trump can t win that. i ll leave it at that.
things will never last. i think it is in a different sense. when i look at it and some things in this report. i look at consumer spending. the can work well for future quarters. you chose this demand. they have to replenish that. it might no equal that. it s the annual average. this is dangerous to grow at 3% or better. this is the best performance since kindergarten. no, i really wasn t.
i didn t plan to mention this at all. this is unique qualities here for this particular surge and what s behind it. we ll get into that. a farmer that s aware all of this could be short lined. we ll also look at this with austin with obama s top numbered guy and get his read on then verses now. i see an economy that s doing well. neil, you are on a roll today. i m trying to remember the dates. we are just accurate, neil. you are buying that? men are the ones that forget and
women don t? absolutely. that was put up by women. thank you. all right, still ahead, it will be the coolest room in your house and save you money. we ll show you how to add a cutting-edge addition to your home. that s next. are you taking the tissue test?
i m back. here we go. the addition 365. i have to tell you about this. first i ll show you how we build tradition. they are build with 2 by 4 wood construction. we have wood, mold, termite damage. this new system is the way you will see building happen in the future. four season came out with these thermal panels. they are filled with foam. up to six inches on the wall. the thermal allows you to retain the heat and keep it out in the summer. amazing new system. it s way cheaper. this is the power of heat. can i show this. the windows are the biggest opening in the house. this is regular glass. put your hand in front of that. most likely what you have in front of your home right now.
so the glass from four season, they manufacture there own glass. feel it, it s cool. the sun is not coming in. we have everyones electric bill that will keep it cool in the summertime. this glass helps you do that. this is an addition of 365. listen, you can build this right on your house with any configuration. you can have more windows or less windows. they will come to your home if it were free and give you a free evaluation. check this out from the time they start construction you can build a room like this in one week. half the time, half the cost of conventional construction. it s super energy efficient.
you save money on your bill? if you are not letting all of your heat out there the winter your energy will cost so much less. this type of construction, we need six inch foam walls keeps you cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. any size, any shape, any configuration. if you want to add on a bigger living room this is the way to go. i ll take three. head to get yourself one. [ music ] paying too much for insurance you don t even understand?

Animus-towards-president-trump-at-times , Pete , Barack-obama , Businessman , Part , Working-class-americans , Size , Reason , 10 , Taxes , Economists , Gdp

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20180729 10:00:00

A morning news show that includes interviews, features and banter among hosts.
all the way to the very end. he did one at midnight in michigan or wisconsin, i can t remember which state, pushing all the way through. he says he s going to campaign for the gop six or seven days a week ahead of the midterms all the way to the finish line. listen to the president. i am going to work very hard. i ll go six or seven days a week when we re 60 days out and i ll be campaigning for all of these great people that do have a difficult race. and we think we re going to bring them over the line. and you ve seen a series of tweets recently in contested primaries where they re putting their finger on the sail saying this sour guy or gal who can win in november. putting more than a finger. look at the two significant races we talked about one was martha robie in alabama, she was kricritical of president trump n 2016. and now the president weighing in, game changer in alabama.
and in georgia you ve got brian kemp weighing out kaig. they realize if they move closer to the president, a lot of people are liking his policies and things happening in the country. this is a poll that shows among likely gop voters whose views are closer to your own, 64% of the voters say it s president trump. down to 20% who say the average republican in congress. so if you re looking at those numbers running as a republican for congress or for the senate, you probably want to associate yourself a lot depends on where you live and what the politics are. siding with the president on some of these issues might benefit you. this is not the first poll that identified republicans siding with president trump. there was one a few weeks august that said most republicans now are on team trump and it s a
wake-up call. if you re a candidate out there on the fence, you may want to consider supporting even more aggressively we ve got chris stirewalt in d.c. a little later in the show. i bet he ll have something to say about this. president trump, but accounts, i think, has pretty much taken over the party and is leading it. 88% to 90% support. if you re running for office and running away from this president in the republican primary, you re in a bad bad spot. that poll was about our average gop congress mapp within not your average gop senator is paul ryan. there s a funding bill coming up in september. the president laid down the gauntlet i want my wall in that bill. mitch mcconnell said a statement about funding of the wall. we funded planned parenthood, they ve funded sanctuary cities. are they going to fund the president s wall which he ran on. listen to mitch mcconnell.
is the funding of the border wall going to wait until after the midterm elections? probably. that s something that we have a disagreement on. so homeland security won t get funded. probably not. you re not worrie worried aba government shutdown. not going to happen. president trump from may of 2018 said our border is a mess, immigration laws are a mess. we may have to close up our country to get that straight. he said multiple times a shutdown will happen if the border wall is not funded. you see president trump at 64%, average republican at 20% yet they keep saying we can t agree on the border wall, can t get the funding for it. we ve got billions of dollars for this and that w but we can t fund the border wall. the president would be wise to reiterate that he would shut it down if they don t give a border
wall. i don t understand where the statement comes from. a little bit of context and that is mitch mcconnell successfully shep perked kneel divorcish through. there s a lot of talk about brett kavanaugh. you know trying to get things through. however, your point is that leaders in the republican party like paul ryan and mitch mcconnell have been not fully embracing it. and i think that s why you saw jim jordan jump in the race as possible speaker. and the timing is interesting. as you said, this is in the fall leading to the midterms. a lot depends on what the voters are wanting and what they re fighting for. immigration is going to be a huge top nick th topic in the m. you re going to see a lot of
pressure on mitch mcconnell. voters aren t wanting more mitch. that s what they re not wanting more of iffy you re a republican, you want to see a reflection of that in congress. and if the ratio is going to change in the house or the senate, it might make the wall more difficult now might be your moment to push for it harder although the senate will see. that s a great point. in the democrats win. in the house. if they have a wave in the midterms, this might be the only choits. let us know, should they be bringing up the border ball this fall. some other headlines. president trump now declaring an emergency in the state of california as devastating wildfires claim five lives. the latest victims a great grandmother and two children. their home just one of the thousands found burned to the ground. new evacuations ordered overnight as the car fire exploding in size, now covering nearly 84,000-acres, only 5% contained at this point.
with the supreme court nominee. and president trump is set to welcome the italian prime minister at the white house tomorrow. it is set to be one of our commander in chief s strongest relationships, strongest supporters in western europe. both leaders have similar views on the eu and immigration. president trump praising his italian counter part for trying to toughen the asylum migration policy. those are your headlines. those are significant meetings with kavanaugh because joe donnelly, joe manchin and heidi high camp, very very significant. they may have no choice but to support kavanaugh. remember when philadelphia s liberal mayor celebrated his sanctuary win? well now the city is try to block i.c.e. from doing its job. our next guest a philadelphia radio host and she says the move is all about getting votes.
live next. don t ever dance like that. politico fact checks trump s gdp growth rate hitting him for saying this.
this mayor s open defines against our law enforcement agencies. people who are simply carrying out their job according to the way the law is written, right? so specifically so i can understand, there is a system call p.a.r.s., the preliminary reporting system. when i.c.e. gets a detainer on someone who has illegally come into the country, they re able to cross-check with the system so they know who they re trying to get. so when people come illegally across the border, border patrol missing them, it s i.c.e. s job. and commit a crime, they go into this particular system. why has philadelphia chosen to block i.c.e. from this law enforcement tool? i they is the ultimate tool. why are they doing this? do they really care about these people? i mean, you know, do they just have bleeding haryth. hearts. as a member of the black community i m here to tell the hispanic community that these are the same tired and warn out
initiatives that have wreaked havoc in the black community. they do not care about the hispanic community. the only thing they care about is sharing another loyal block of people. and this is the message that we need to start moving out there. philadelphia has a population of roughly 1.5 million people. the undocumented illegal aliens make up roughly 50,000. so that s just 3% of the population compared to 97% of the population. once again we have politicians trying to cuddle up to the needs of the minority by overlooking the majority. here s what i.c.e. had to say. they had i.c.e. is deeply disappointed with the city s decision despite the attention to obstruct i.c.e. s ability to arrest illegal ai aliens. but it appears to me it is going to be tough for these now
maligned law enforcement officers. because they are working in already volatile communities. demonizing them does not help the particular communities that are already weak. a couple of weeks ago we so so many of our congres congressmene borders weeping, literally grown men weeping because they were distraught over what i.c.e. was doing. but these are the same people in the position to make the laws. if you don t like the laws i.c.e. is carrying out, change it. very quickly as it relates to philadelphia because we re almost out of time. are you getting the sense from your listeners that they re worried about safety and security? of course they re worried. we eat, we drink, we live in this area. we don t know for the majority who they are, where they re coming from or what s the intent of them being here. of course we re worried. while politicians are politicking, the rest of us are trying to make a living for our family. keep us posted on what is happening in the city of brotherly love.
are you being followed by a team of uncover air officials? the trieking report ahead. democratic socialism surging in popularity thanks to politicians like cortez. who is going to pay for all of the free stuff? our panel of immigrants fled their country for capitalism in america. they re here to sound off.
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secretary of state moip now holding talks on tariff and espionage charges. this is days after president trump threatened turkey with new sanctions. the pastor is on house arrest as his trial continues. well, democratic socialism rising in popularity. and new york congressional candidate cortez has o some ides of how to pay for it. . people pay their share. if corporations and the ultra wealthy if we raised the corporate tax rate to 20%, that s 2 industrialian dollar 2s there. do the prodwresessives truly understand what it s like living in a socialist regime. here with insight is our panel
of immigrants who fled their countries for the american dream, republican strategist peter la imagine from al bane a, and i m going t.thank you for b. peter, i m going to start with you. when you call it a democratic socialist, it feels like they re dipping the toe in the water of socialism but you say the inevitable outcome is not a good one here? no. but the most common words they use when they talk about socialism is providing free things to the population. we do that with the present system, socialism becomes a big prison system at the end where we provide free services to people but at the end the population lugeses its freedom and opportunity to prosper. we are promoting the exact same thing with people are promised free things. it sound good when you tell them
we re going to take someone else s property and give tight others who didn t work for it. it s enticing when people are promised that you don t have to do anything to get certain services or certain things that you don t have. but that doesn t work at the end. if that is the case, we would see people leaving capitalist countries and flee to socialist countries. but we see the opposite every single day where people are fleeing communist and socialist countries open moving to the west. that s a great point. socialism sounds great if you don t understand history. having come before russia was the soviet union. that was the darling of the left. in the left held up soviet union as a mood l of socialism and communism. why were they wrong then and wrong today? the soviet union got a lot wrong because they misled americans in a lot of way. the constitution in 1977
mentions the word democratic at least seven times, right, and you see the same thing happen with bernie sanders and cortez today. i want to underscore that a lot of young people in america do like socialism but it s not because they understand it, it s presented as something that sounds nice by li liberal professors all around the country. no mention to have 1400 russians who were enslaved in the system just a few short decades ago. when this sort of thing happens on college campuses all over the country, it s easy to see how an entire generation of americans do not comprehend the implications of socialism. if you ve lived here and you ve been a part of the bounty that is american capitalism and free markets, sometimes it s easy to not appreciate where it
came from. and then some professor tells you can get free stuff and suddenly you re a socialist. how do you undo that. right. you have to remember what lennon said. the goal of socialism is communism. and this is what people do not know. and our kids are now being taught in colleges is that the goal of socialism is communism. and if they come from a country that it s free, like so many, so many are, so many illegal immigrants come from different countries that we have the benefit of comin coming from nicaragua. nicaragua is having a revolution right now and it s a tragic, tragic situation when you have socialism, communism, you can never get rid of it. now this revolution, only one
side is armed and the other side is disarmed. and over 350 students have been killed just for protesting. wow. now peter. talk about losing freedom. it s a great point. so bernie sanders who ran as a democratic socialism famously honeymooned in the soviet union. is that where they would like to go if they could be open about they beliefs? yes. they re being dishonest with the american people. they re not hiding the fact that they would love to turn the united states of america into a socialist society where they would have full command and control over the pop las vegas, the means of production and make the people dependent on the government. the goal of socialism is dependency. because when people become dependent on the government, they re completely controlled by the government. the biggest fear that the socialists have is prosperity, liberty and freedom.
when people prosper through that, the parties become obsolete. they want control over the population. it is individualism versus collectivism. i have a feeling we re going to have you back because this is a topic that will come back and all three of you have a fantastic point of view. thank you for your time. appreciate it all right. politifact fact checks president trump s 4.1% gdp growth hitting him for saying this. the united states economy grew at the amazing rate of 4.1%. according to politifact, it s strong but not amazing. strong is the right word. can t use amazing. we ll bring it to you plus, talk about a trump bump. a baby boom could be on the way because of the president. we ll bring it to you.
chicken?! chicken. chicken! that s right, candace new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat. mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken!
boston red sox game. instead, neil diamond surprising a team of colorado firefighting. swinging his hit song sweet caroline. neil diamond lives in that area. how cool of him just to show up. if you ve never been to fenway, they sing this every seven inning. i love that. here s a story that we re talking about this morning. i don t know if you ve heard about it but when you near the news industry you like to fact check and make sure what you re talking about is backed up with truth and fact. there s a place called politifact and we ve gone there for years. you can find what politicians and people have said and see if it s backed up with truth. that s correct. many campaign seasons, you know, politifact has been around for a while, run by facts out of tampa bay, and they fact check what
politicians say. so politifact has a particularly interesting one today. oh,man. you remember president trump talked about the 4.1% gdp growth. he called it amazing. listen to what he said. i am thrilled to announce that in the second quarter of this year the united states economy grow at the amazing rate of 4.1%. so he called it amazing, right, from the podium. a word he uses all of the time, by the way. politifact says no, no, strong but not amazing. that s really on their website. fact chected of the president talking about the. i get fact checking. if this is where we are in the country, we re doing pretty well when it comes to the economy. if we re going to debate strong or amazing, i ll take both. trump would say amazing, pence would say strong. outside of the box is mazing,
inside the box says strong. politifact, they say that trump is correct about the 4.1% growth rate, which is indisputable since the gov releasegovernment released it. it s the highest since the third quarter of 2013 but most economists would not use the word amazing to describe it. of course economists don t use the word amazing ever. that s why thigh ear economists. but they said by the way that we weren t going to get to 4.1, as we pointed out yesterday, that pigs wouldn t fly in the face of that. it goes on. this is not the only thing they fact checked. this is also what the president had to say about the economy. we ve accomplished an economic turn around of historic proportions. hi historic turn around.
their politifact was obama did well too. that s not a fact check. so he says we got a historic turn around which is true. obama never cracked annual 3% gdb growth ever. and the only president over two terms not to do that. but when president trump turns around, politifact says obama did well too. they don t like the fact he said economic turn around. pointing out that there s obama hype of individual gdp quarters that trump has not yet reached. he says 4.6% twice and 5.2% once, on two other occasions obama oversaw 3.9% growth. the real question being whether or not this is sustainable. as you know, we pointed out, we re 100 days today from the midterms and the third quarter is going to end just days before the election, but towards the end of october. we ll say. can they fact check if it s
sustainable or not? well we don t know. good question. here s am also why it matter. facebook has chosen politifact to be the arbiter of what s fact news or not fake news. so if politifact has its own bias, the fact checkers saying obama did well too, how can you trust what moib says is fair and balanced. the gate keepers are never actually totally fair. there s always a bias from an individual, yet we re told that it s all totally. fact check the fact checkers. maybe i ll be the fact check fact checker. that could be my next job. i don t think you ll be great at that job. you re a little too 0 pin nateed. if you won powerball and only won 23 million, is that not amazing than if you played and won 230 million? > send us our thoughts on th,
friends at fox news. com we are other headlines to bring you. deadly gun fire erupts in the nation, overnight in new orleans. two gunmen opening fire on a large crowd outside of a strip mall. three people are dead, seven injured meanwhile in los angeles, two men are dead, six injured after a drive by shooting outside of a liquor store. the suspects on the lose at this hour. unclear what prompted both of those shootings armed undercover air marshals should be following you open you wouldn t know it. americans with clean records are now being watched and stalked just like terrorists at airports nationwide. the secret government program quiet skies is collective extensive data for the tsa sen guesa andguess who is footing t. that would be your the taxpayer.
a washington post writer is shocked to discover that all guns are not created equal. some more powerful than others. the title of the article is actually guns do kill people according to a new study requiring bullet sizes that replacing large caliber guns would reduce death and we said this earlier, another baby boom could be on the horizon and it could be thanks to the growing economy. a the new york times article points at rescission between 2007 and 2009 where birthrates dropped in the u.s. that is leading some to believe that recent economic turn around could reverse that trend and we could be seeing more and more babies mple good. outstanding more u.s. babies? 100%. demographics matter that s good news, the economy is good news. how about the weather? i hope it s good news. good morning. good news here along the east coast. temperaturetemperatures in new ,
71 degrees. back across the country, 60s and 70s. however there s going to be a some locations dealing with extreme heat. if you live in the is south or the southwest or western portions of the united states, it s going to continue for you. the daytime highs in the triple digits, 104 in phoenix, up close to 110 degrees in redding that is going to continue today. it continues for monday and tuesday as you continue to battle the heat. and with the heat we continue to see the elevated fire danger risk. porges of nevada stretching into colorado and northern california, all areas, guys, where wildfires continue to be an issue. adam do you have fact check for weather? disbli expect pete to do that for me. give me the next hour. let me watch a little more closely and i ll fact check the weather. thank you, adam. remember this violence against trump supporters?
now a big win for the trump supporters. the rnc chairwomanned sued and she joins us next. a new poll says that men are terrible about remembering their partner s birthday. we re bringing in a memory expert to help out our very own pete angriff. >and griff. it won t work.
the move comes after the community leaders complained about loitering while protesting the business renewal to sell beer and wine. remember those riots aimed at trump supporters back in 2016. supporters were assaulted, they were spit on, egged. that was in san jose california. so our next guest, an rnc committee woman is suing the city and now the court of appeals is siding with her case. here with the latest is that committee woman who says the city s leadership quote intended for this to happen. i know it has been a long year and a half for you. thank you for being with us this morning. my pleasure. happy to be here. take our viewers back. this was june 2016. a few months before the 2016 election. and this was obviously a rally for trump supporters. tell people what happened after that. sure. well we know that california is the epicenter of the se sis tensresistancebut we didn t expo
happen. on june 2nd before president trump came the nominee. it was a great event. as we were leaving is when it became ugly. the police directed all of the people leaving the event into an ongoing riot that was occurring with violent protesters armed with sticks and, you know, other implements. and several of my clients were hit with bags of rocks, sucker punched were chased, had their clothes torn off, spit at, had eggs thrown at them. the class representatives range from young teens up to ladies in their 70s. it was an outrageous scene there that day and the police stood there and did nothing after barring the exits to safety. under ninth circuit law there s an endanger doctrine. if you put people in danger, then the government is responsible for that. you re sayin saying that this
all the way to the top. this was a leadership problem. what do you mean by that? the city intended for this to happen. well, the mayor of san jose tweeted that trump was responsible for this violence, which is outrageous. and kind of the city officials made clear this wasn t a welcome event there. and the fact that you had 250 armed police forcing people into the most dangerous way to tbet out ogetout of the event and stg watching, the ninth circuit agreed with me if the facts alleged are true, and there are thousands of reports on youtube that you can see it is true, that is unconstitutional, a violation of process. we hope to get recomp pence for a whole class of people there that day. this is a statement coming from the san jose city attorney. they say we think in the end the officers didn t do anything wrong and they did everything they could to try to protect
public safety. the police officers were caught between the rock and a hard place. where does this go? it sounds like this could end up at the supreme court at the end of this. yes. well right now first of all i completely disagree with that. anybody who watches the video will see that the police did absolutely nothing other than put citizens into harm s way. they would not let us go on a safe route. so now the city is claiming they re not good losers here. they re claiming they re going to appeal to the full ninth circuit and take tight the supreme court if necessary. they renews to take responsibility for what happened to these people. people are traumatized two years later. some people left the state of california as a result of the event. really unfortunate. could be a long road ahead. thank you for being with us this morning. my pleasure. we ve got alan dershowitz and a few poll showing that men are really terrible at remembering their partner s birthday. we re bring in a memory expert to help pete and griff, every
man who forgets his partner s birthday, anniversary, you name it. you don t want to miss it. up after this. the miles and the. he s gonna get mine -but i m gonna get a new one. -oh yeah when it s time for your old chevy truck to become their new chevy truck, there s truck month. get 18% of msrp cash back on all silverado 1500 crew cab lt pickups when you finance with gm financial. that s $9,000 on this silverado. plus, during truck month make no monthly payments for 90 days.
we brought in a memory expert to help griff and pete. ron white was on fox and friends on independence day. he memorized the name and rank of every soldier who died in afghanistan. he traveled the country writing their names on the wall you see there. that navy veteran and two-time memory champion ron white is back with us now. ron, thank you. good morning. thank you. a little different occasion today. happy to be here. an important one still. entirely intimidated here because as i have admitted on the air, i forget birthdays, anniversaries. why is it men are worse? well, you know, i think there s three reasons that we don t remember birthdays. and the first reason is everybody, men and women, we remember what s important to us. oh. and i don t. i agree 100 prts. that is not to say that our wives or spouses or girlfriends birthdays aren t important to us. but u think maybe we don t understand how important it is to them. a great point.
if we don t understand the importance of it, maybe it s another day. what can men do to be better at memorizing? well you have it s not relatable to us. or to the men who aren t remembers, maybe it s not relatable. apple stock is $190, that s relatable to us. we need to make march 9th or april 1st or september 22nd relatable to us. ron, we re just out of time here but we will remember these and practice as hard as we can. and your web side is look that website up, give it a shot. i m going to. thanks, ron. ocuvite helps replenish nutrients your eyes can lose as you age.
what it s like living in a socialist regime. a lot of young people in america like socialism but it s not because they understand it, it s being presented to them by liberal professors all over the country. wow, that is adam. he is out there. today is national chicken wing day. and apparently later this hour we re going to have a chicken wing eating contest. you re welcome to join but right now it s me, griff and adam. competing with you three, i don t have a shot. i m wearing a white shirt. if we get after it, it could be a dirty show for the next couple or hours. i ll never forget that july 29th is national wing day. i love wings. we just had the memory expert ron white on.
7/29 is wings. if i remember quickly last time you went up against adam, you lost pretty badly. i beat him in a pushup. no, you lost. there was a remash which i won on a technicality. you have a shot today to redeem yourself. every day is a shot at redemption. that s why we come to the show every day. who said it one day. my standard, quicker than i could lower them. i stole that from a comedian. please do. i was violating my standards quicker than i was lowering them. we all get redemption. adam i m coming for you and you, griff. we want to bring in alan dershowitz, author of the case against impreaching president it trump. the breaking news coming out
overnight rudy gillia giuliani g that the experts sa tape was al. here s what he s saying. what did happen, what was eliminated and then you ve got to raise the question with every one of the tapes. how many of them did he play around with. look, we don t know what actually happened here. none of us do. but how are you assessing this? how might this impact all of this? well, several years ago i represented the president of the ukraine who was being prosecuted based on a tape recording. and we took the tape recording and had it analyzed by experts and discovered that in fact it had been tampered with, words had been shifted around to make him say things he didn t say and he was acquitted. i think any good lawyer always wants to have a forensic examination of the tape. particularly a tape that ends so
abruptly. was it erased? was it stopped at a point in time in order to avoid exculpatory statements from being made. can we stretch the words to hear clearly whether the statements involve yes cash or no cash. this is typical of what a good lawyer will do when a case is based on a tape against his client. so rudy giuliani is doing the right thing. i don t think we know enough to come to any conclusions yet. so walking this out a little bit, is there any implication that laws were broken, campaign finance violations, broken where do you see this if you walk it all the way out? well, let s remember something that people have never focused on. that is judge ki wood is presidg over the matter. appointed a former judge to assess whether this tape was covered by lawyer-client privilege. she concluded that it was covered by lawyer-client privilege which means she concluded it was not a criminal
act. lawyer-client privilege doesn t cover fraud, crime. it s called the fraud crime exception. so we have a judicial determination by a neutral observer that this tape does not constitute crime. so i think that s a very positive development for ghouliagiuliani and the trump t. if you listen to democrats, specifically the democrat out of washington, a member of the house intel committee, they say and other networks say time and time again, the walls are closing in on trump over this tape and maybe others. listen to what they re saying. so i think the walls are closing in. this is donald trump s worst nightmare because it s not just this revelation or this allegation because it s yet to be corroborated. but it s the fact that there are 99 tapes. we re now beginning to inch into the territory of conspiracy. what s the difference? well collusion isn t a federal
crime. as you said, collusion not a federal crime. they say inching into the territory of conspiracy. what do you say to that? a year ago people were saying collusion is a crime. a year ago saying obstruction of justice could be fired based on the firing of cuomo. and now my views are mainstream. collusion is not a crime. i don t see how you can be charging a conspiracy based on collusion. conspiracy requires an explicit agreement knowingly tweem people to commit a specific crime. i just don t see that happening. look, there are these tapes out there. who know what is the tapes say. the tapes apparently do not involve conversations with president trump. and so the two questions are, are they hearsay and are theyed admissible or do they involve lawyer-client communications. remember that lawyer-client communications can involve conversations between a lawyer and someone else, not the
client. for example another lawyer or a work product that involved investigations that that lawyer is doing. so we re very far from seeing walls closing in based on the fact that we know there are the tapes but we don t know their content, we don t know with whom they were involving. are you worried ac about the trump tower meeting that michael cohen said he was in the room with the president when he heard about this infamous meeting at trump tower between don jr. and the russians? you know, this was the president s attorney who once said he would take a bullet for donald trump. obviously he s fighting for his own life. are you concerned with the legality of that. because don jr. testified under oath in congress that his dad didn t know about this. how serious is that? how concerned should they be? first of all, i don t worry or be concerned because i m not president trump s lawyer. i m an objective deserver trying to defend the civil liberties of all americans and the chips will fall where they may. but i think there are problems with the cohen testimony.
it seems that he says there were other people in the room. let s see if there were. if there were no other people, hen it becomes a credibility issue. there are issues involving lawyer-client privilege. did he learn that from his client? we don t know enough to assess that. but right now if that s all cohen has to offer, i doubt he ll get immunity based on that. and if they have the tapes, they don t really need him. so if i were cohen s lawyer, i would be asking myself, had he given them enough to get immunity. and the worry then is that he will not only sing, not him particularly, but any person squeezed this way sing but they compose. they get the story better because they know the better the deal were the better the story, the better the deal. the worry is that squeezed witnesses will not only sing but comcompose. they s a concerthat s a concernd
have. let me get your thoughts on one other story. that is just before the house went on recess 1 republicans filed impeachment articles against deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. you said you believe that was perhaps not the right move. what are your thoughts and where do they go now? well, if you re a supporter of donald trump, that s the worst move you can make. but what you re saying is you can impeach somebody without committing any crime. if the dps gain criminal of the house and try to impeach trump not based on a time, i ve written in my book that you can t impeach somebody unless you can prove they committed one of the specified crimes. now the republicans say no, you can impeach rosenstein even though he hasn t committed any crimes. that will come back and backfire against republicans. so it was a foolish move. i think it s been withdrawn. it was probably done just for publicity on the eve of the
recess. even for that it will be used against them if efforts are made to impeach president trump. but they have a legitimate grievance that their attempts to get oversight have been blocked. they can move for sanctions for contempt, move to have him recused if they there s a conflict of interest but not impeachment. impeachment requires, according to the research in my book, treason, bribery or other high crimes or misdemeanors, not simply not complying with congressional ma mandates or hag a conflict of interest. do you think it s going to be a drip drip situation with michael komen that every day coy we re going to hear new things? how should we prepir fo prepares to go? michael cohen has a great lawyer, a great legal team and they re very experienced and i m sure they have a strategy. rudy giuliani is a great lawyer. we have a clash of really
experienced good lawyers and it s unclear how it will develop. i don t think there are any smoking guns. if there were i suspect we ve heard about them already. always good to have your expertise. thanks professor. turning now to other headlines we re fo following. trump declaring an emergency in the state of california as devastating wildfires claim five lives. the latest victims, a great grandmother and two children. their home one of thousands that have been burned to the ground. new evacuations overnight as the car fire exploding in size, covering 84,000-acres. as of right now it is only 5% contained. and there s this. the florida police officer who has been fighting for his life for days now has passed away. fort myers officer was shot in the head while responding to an armed robbery. the suspected killer is from haiti and in the country illegally, now being charged
with first degree murder. the officer is the 34th officer to be shot and killed in the line of duty just this year alone. running back ezekiel elliott is the latest cowboy player who said he will stand for the national anthem. listen to this. told the stand together for the national anthem. it s our decision. we re the dallas football coy boys, america s team. just last week owner jerry jones said the players will be required to stand for the anthem. and the army s golden knights putting on a spectacular show from above. wow. the knights parachuting thousands of feet in the air over pennsylvania. the precision jumpers pulling off twists, deep drives during
the west motherland county air show. griff and i saw them first hand yesterday at yankees stadium. they did the same thing and land pped right ilanded right in cen. i was busy gabbing. i must have missed it. golding night knights are ame disbloog north korea beginning handing over what is believed to be remains of u.s. service members from the korean war. there are 77 still missing, including a u.s. army captain. his son talked about the significance of having the remains returned coming up. remember gary johnson who ran adds president as a libertarian? what would you do if you were elected about aleppo? what is aleppo? well the libertarian could be heading to capitol hill. you ll find out.
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republicanses. republicans. tomorrow he ll go to the other side with a one on one with joe mamanchin. manchin is one of two democrat to schedule a sitdown with kavanaugh, the other one being joe damagely of indiana slighted to meet the judge. supreme court experts say tomorrow s meeting kicks off the real start of kavanaugh s process and the pressure for him to ace the meetings is enormous. it s the chance for him to lay down building blocks to build meaningful relationships with the other side of the aisle. and the vice president is feeling confident about the stakes telling sunday morning futures earlier. he has a proven record. that s the message that we ll carry to republicans and democrats in the senate. and we remain confident that before the fall is out that judge brett kavanaugh will be justice brett kavanaugh. now kavanaugh will need all of the democratic good will he
can muster. a handful of democratic senators announced at the outset of his nomination they plan to oppose him. meanwhile they continue to spa over access to kavanaugh s white house paper trail. democrats are pushing for the entirety of his records while serve in the george w. bush white house between 2001 and 2006 while republicans are only interested in his teen your as the president s legal council. chuck grassley filed a judicial request for the documents that his party is interested in on friday. stay tuned to see what happens with that. it s interesting, you re hearing some in the media now, kavanaugh s critics are pointing to a ruling when he was he is an appeals judge in d.c. and he had a dissent on a ban upholding automatic wips. so the antigun lobby coming hard
after kavanaugh and that s going to be interesting as he begins to meet with democrats in states and in the races where there s hunters and there s folks that take their second amendment rights seriously. a big story this week. north korea begins handing over what are believed to be the remains of u.s. service members from the korean war. there are 7700 still missing including an air force captain. his son talks about the significance of having those remains returned. he s next. are you ready to take your wifi to the next level?
has been spent on 2018 midterm advertising with democrats and republicans fighting over control of correct me if i m co. it will be the most expensive midterm election psych until history. $12 million, that s how much weed was found on an abandoned chicken farm. deputies in georgia discovering the 3500 marijuana plants. no one has been charged yet. finally $0, that s what you ll pay for a side of guacamole on chipotle on tuesday. however you ll have to order online or through the chipotle app. the tha. moving on, presip applauding the hand jofer of the possible remains of 55 u.s. service members mis missing froe korean war. listen. we honor every american patriot who fight and died in that war.
these incredible heros will lay at rest on sacred american soil. approximately 7700 u.s. soldiers are still unaccounted for from the korean war. our next guest s father is among them. u.s. air force captain john henry zimmerly jr. was on a night mission march 22nd, 1952 when contact was lost with his aircraft. joining us now is his son, john zimmerly. thank you for being here this morning. we really appreciate it. first before we talk about what the president is doing and the returning of these remains, talk to us a little bit about your father, what happened. you were 3 eyes old whe 3 yearst happened. talk to us about how that affected your life. it s been an incredible impact. when i grew up, everybody had a father but i certainly didn t. it was a missing link in my growing up. as i became an adult i started doing research on my father
missing and basically our government said he was an mia and they didn t know what happened to him. in 1995 i found evidence that there was a report that was actually about one of the crew members but it affected all five crew members and it was a report that said a north korea farmer had heard that a twin engine bomber had gone down near his farm and later that day he witnessed three caucasians in tan uniforms with zippers on thairp pants legs about 30 years of age being marched past his farm by north korean and chinese guards. that could very well have been my father and he might have ended up in russia or china. it s got to be, for someone who is searching for their father you said you were raised by his purple heart, a man of agre great heroism. he could have been alive in a camp, could have unfortunately passed on that occasion. what does it mean to you that we
have this more open relationship with korea and we re getting some of the remains back could it help you get answers? it certainly could help me get answers. over the years i ve become very very close to the other families who have hads missing servicemen as well and we ve created a very large family. these other people are like my brothers and sisters. and if they get answers, it s affecting my family as well. these remains, let s say that one of them gets checked out and has heavy impact on the bones and it turns out to be one of the crew members on board my father s plane, that sheds a whole light on the other four. and so anything that we get out of these remains i think will help either my family or someone else s. you ve been dedicated to this, running something called the korean war p.o.w.mia network. what s your message to the president and others from the korean war has been dubbed the forgotten war. it s one that we ve had so many missing in action and when you
see that black flag flying, you remember folks like yourself who are affected by it. what is your message to the president who have remembered those who were forgotten so long? president trump we can t thank you enough for bringing attention to the korean war. it s been forgotten because or government has been telling us to forget it all of these years. and now you re shedding light on it and we hope you ll get a better rapport with north korea, possibly an opportunity to get in there and check out more remains. but more importantly is to get a good communication on what happened to our missing servicemen, through documents and testimony, whatever they have. leave no man behind can span decades and decades. folks like yourself still searching for answers and our commander in chief searching for them. thank you for your time and your father s sacrifice. we appreciate it. thank you for having me. well, remember this guy on a different turn here, who ran for president as a libertarian?
what would you do if you were elected about aleppo? about aleppo? and what is aleppo? now he could be headed for capitol hill. we ll bring that tori to you. plus a new diagnosis for people in tears over president donald trump. trump ansite disorder. we ll explain. get ready, it is national chicken wing day. morning television, we go from p.o.w.s to chicken wings. we re celebrating by a chicken wing eating competition on the plaza. adam got to warm up, i didn t. chicken?! chicken.
game? first yanke yankees game. and another game today and another fox fan day today. they feel like they re part of the family because they are. like we all understand each other and they want the same thing we all do in life. well, you know, i was talking to a woman and her daughter, very nice from new jersey here, and she was asking me about a question and about halfway through i said that was a story i did on fox & friends. she said i get up everyone morning to tune? i talked to a great couple from tennessee, they run a small business and help find people jobs and they can t hire enough people. there s too many openings and they re looking for people to hire. our viewers are very smart. and we love that you watch the show. it s a fun day for all of you. another game today. maybe the yankees will do a little better. it was a beautiful day for
baseball but we have other headlines to bring you this morning. a reward a being offered in hopes of finding a missing college student. seeing her right there. the 20-year-old was last seen on july 18th going for a run in her small town of brooklyn, iowa. her boyfriend sounding the alarm when she didn t show up for work the next day. investigators have not given up hope and they will find her alive. hoping for the best there. and this. remember when libertarian presidential candidate gary john soin said this in an interview? what would you do if you were elected, about aleppo. what is aleppo. you re kidding. no. we all remember that moment. now the former governor thinks he s qualified enough to run for the u.s. senate seat in new mexico. johnson s spokesperson said he s quote strongly considering a run if the libertarian candidate quits the race as expected. he woulstay tuned for that.
grab the tissues. therapists say there s been a rise in politically related anxiety dubbed trump anxiety disorder. the main symptom fearing that the world is ending. many on the left reportedly feeling on edge about president trump s rhetoric and policies. although it is not an official diagnosis, patients suffering from lack of sleep and spending an excessive amount of time on social media. sends your thoughts on that, taylor swift is hoping to cheer up a police department mourning the loss of their brother in blue. the country singer gifting hundreds of tickets for her upcoming show to the police department in massachusetts. extras were passed on to another nearby police department. sergeant michael chestnut was shot and killed while investigating a car crash two weeks ago. what a great thing taylor swift can do. those are your head lines.
lines. it is beautiful out here in new york city. it is beautiful. i m getting over here getting ready, limbering up a little bit before we get the chicken wing eating on. it is gorgeous in new york city, temperatures right at 70 degrees. that s not the case across the country. take a look at the forecast across the portions of the desert southwest running into california. temperatures running into the triple digits today, up to 110 in some locations. that s only going to continue the next couple of days. incredibly hot. speaking of hot, hot wings, chicken wings. he s ready. i can t concentrate on the forecast. look, this is probably pete s favor day of the year, nawcial l chicken wing day. we have the general manager of the times square buffalo wild wings here too help us celebrate with a wing eating contest on the plaza. thanks for being here.
buffalo wild wings does wings better than anybody. what s your secret and what the secret to eating a buffalo wild wing. the secret is we offer 21 different sauces and season it. that s why we re differentiated from the competitors. the trick to eating the wing, you got to grab it, twist it. twist it. does that help? i m letting you in, speed. you re hl. ing him ouhelping him out. bee wings, what is the promotion. is bww doing something today in honor of national wing day? yes, you get a free snack size bonus or traditional with the purchase of small or medium or large wings, dine in only. visit our website for the closest one in your neighborhood. how is this going to happen? we re going to do this in 30 seconds. whoever eats the most chicken
wings. and just to let you know, sir, this man on the far left adam has beat pete in every competition. pete can redeem himself here. that was my first one there when i did lose. no, no. do we roll? do we have other tape? this is my redemption. look at all of the pushups i was doing. no, you stopped there. right there. there it is sphwhr you r. you re not doing anything. i won that one. all right. 30 seconds. abby, you guys are judging ? 30 seconds on the count. i m not mentally prepared for this. one, two, three, go! all of the meat often of the bone. you said twist it, that was your trick, right? twist it.
15 seconds left, nine, seven. do you recommend wearing white t-shirts? absolutely not. fine pressed white shirts? all right. we re done. stop. no way i was going to lose that. all right. i got to see this. i got to see this. you have one griff, you ate one and a half? pete, one, two, three, four, five. uh-huh. of course it s an eating competition. how does pete not win. pete, i think you won man. you re the man. pete, well done. no, they are different flavors. so is one easier to take down, though? the honey barbecue. did he get all of the meat on those? he did pretty good. he did pretty well.
i hope everyone is doing this today. i m a loyal customer at buffalo wild wings. are u you making fun of me? thank you so much. happy national chicken wing day. we ll have much more right after this. go get a chicken wing, come back and join us. (vo) this is not a video game.
this is not a screensaver. this is the destruction of a cancer cell by the body s own immune system, thanks to medicine that didn t exist until now. and today can save your life. welcome back. a couple quick headlines for you. the school year hasn t begun yet one district in south carolina is already ending snow days. students in the anderson school district will instead learn online. internet isn t required for new assignments and anyone without internet will have five day to complete it. will you pay $700 to sleep
in a tent in collective retreats offering a lavish indoors meets outdoors stay. don t worry, it also includes of course a private bathroom and plush towels, fresh air scented product. glamping in new york city. thanks, pete. i still can t believe me killed me in that wing thing. there s gang just as vicious as ms13. new york city drug game has a long history of violence but fell into the shadows after a series of law enforcement takedowns from 2009 to 2014. but they had a savage return to the spotlight just this last month when members were indicted in the murder of a 15-year-old boy. you can see him right there. it happened in the bronx. the question is what do we do about this violent gang. a u.s. army veteran and former nypd lieutenant who dealt directly with them. he joins us now with his
insight. darren, this is troubling. absolutely. this is horrific. gangs have been a problem for our society since the turn of the century. and from a more granular per perspective, they ve created horrific acts more specific in the dominican community. we need to have an ant dot anti. the largest d dominican gangn the states, formed in the 1980s, early 90s. the name means trinity or special one. involves robbery, home invasions, street level drowg dg distribution to name a few. this is a different gang. are there simila similarities? are they all just as bad? diswhr there are similarities.
the propensity to violence. one of the things, one of the strategies that we use, door kickers or warrants at 4 a.m. to try to lock these people up. but the key to this is community involvement. and i have a three-prong strategy that we focus on from a law enforcement perspective. intelligence, when i say intelligence, this is where the community comes in play with their symbiotic relationship. they return these quote unquote tips to police departments that avail us the ability to contact these particular gangs. the resources. police departments need to have the necessary resource to combat the gangs. one of the things i did an interview last month here nn fox & friends in connection with how the city council was looking to eradicate a gang database. now you don t hear them echoing the sentiment. and the last piece, most important, it s targeted enforcement.
this is something we see with the gang unit. and this is something that runs we see it in the lapd, the chicago pd and here in new york city, so that granular perspective is what s necessary to eradicate this gang. we re seeing it, it s not just hear in new york and new jersey, it s also in pennsylvania and georgia. how much of the threat of the spread of this should we expect? we re always liking an an antidote to the va the silence. the sig violence. i want to highlight the community relationship. that is what brings the gangs down. when the community comes against the gangs, we as law enforcement are successful moving forward. what can we look out for? gang attire. there s certain things that gang member will wear, colors. con ge grconcongregating in knon environments.
contact the police. don t attempt to stop it on your own. use the professionals. always goods to have your expeexpertise snr. thank you for your service, law enforcement and the military politifact fact checks president trump, 4.1% gdp growth rate hitting him for saying this. the united states economy grew at the amazing rate of 4.1%. according to politifact, it s strong but not amazing. really? a recent poll shows that most americans still believe in god. why aren t people going to church? father jonathan morris is here to weigh in. you don t want to miss it.
you planning to go to churnl today in a poll found that 80 prts of americans believe in god. yet weekly church attendance remains steady among protestants but have declined against catholics. why do believes seem to be leaving the church but not faith. joining us now, father jonathan morris. an interesting question. so the amount of people who believe in god remains high, church attendance dropping. why? it s fascinating to me because it shows that our belief in god, that we have a natural thirst and hunger for god that it can survive even many reasons that we come up with why not to go to church, whether it s the credibility of clergy, whether it is laziness, whether it s the fact that we ve taken the name and the voice of god out of our schools and public places.
in other words, lots of reasons that say i don t really need to go to church, right? and other people who would say, hey, listen, i can talk to god in my own bedroom and house which is totally true. but when you see how strong the faith of the american people is in god, in a higher power, it says that is such a drk to me it says it s such a strong natural desire. and it s amazing that it survives. getting together as a community, right? it s one thing to go and to hear the beautiful ser mont sermon ae messages but being around people that also want to be there. it s often when you go through something really hard in your life that you want to go to church, gi physically go to chu. you can pray at heem home, yu don t need to go to church. you can do that. when we say that we don t end up praying at home. when we say we re going to go talk abtd god, learn about god, learn about the bible and the church, what so many people have
taught through the centuries about god, that that s when we really form a deeper relationship with god. it s easy to say i can do it in my own bedroom. a lot of people are watching television from their beds right now. put the covers over your head. you ll probably fall asleep instead of talking to god for an hour. do you think that technology has contributed to this? you can get a podcast of a sermon, you can get it on instagram or twitter, thoughts from priests. do you think that s downplayed going to church? i don t think so. for example, i m there this morning at 8:45 and i do it through my facebook page through facebook live. thousandsof people watch it. it doesn t mean they say is they don t have to go to church. i think when people are inspired, they ask deeper questions and make decisions to make it a more important part of their life. what has church gotten wrong that have turned people back? it used to be you go to
church because i told you to. mom and dad says you say why do i have to go to church. because i told you to. i ve been there. those things are over. thanks god those days are over. we have to be able to give credible reasons not only for the existence of god but why we should follow the reasons of god. we have to give credible, interesting, relevant it doesn t mean dumbing down our sermons or making the music about the newest thing of the day. but rather saying i am going to explain to you, give reasons for believing and reasons for living. you have to be able to connect with people and show them this is the reason. not just because that s what good people do, they go to church. those days are over. and also the other reason which is it s just almost 8:00 and so you have plenty of time to get up, get dressed and go to church this morning. once the show is even. keep your show on so we get credits 0en the dv r. you inspire all of us. remember when philadelphia s
mayor celebrated a sanctuary win? a sanctuary city notes this morning i.c.e. fires back. you ve seen the founders of john s crazy socks. more on that right after this.
wall going to wait until after the midterm elections? probably. that s something we do have a disagreement on. ezekiel elliott is the latest cowboys player to say he stand for the national anthem. about 15 seconds left. yep. it s an eating competition. how does pete not win? why e do we have an eating we anythings today is national chicken wing day. we don t need an excuse, pete. we actually don t. today we have one. [laughter] and, abby, you people have been chiming in on really mostly, forget about the fact that i did mow down adam and gripf you did. can we get a closeup there? one hand. okay. abby: by the way, at the end
there was only one chicken wing. i went for the big one. i have been criticized by pete who i ve lost as well as our senior producer, stephanie, who said, first, that i was dainty peter: as well as my wife. my wife tweets, one-handed? question mark? [laughter] you re or the only guy that s ever eaten a chicken wing eating contest and didn t need a napkin afterwards. [laughter] griff: that is fake news. i was holding the bucket. peter: when i think decorum, i think chicken wing eating contest. griff: i m definitely not going to win any contests against pete. pete: i say more eating contests. a little practice. abby: we9 got your become though. the president is up as well, and he is tweeting.
this is what he just sent out, please understand there are consequences when people cross our border illegally whether they have children or not, and many are just using children for their own sinister purposes. congress must fix dumbest and worst immigration laws anywhere in the world, vote r. peter: he s saying, hey, if you want that border wall, we need more republicans. well, part of the problem has been that some of the republicans that are there have not been as committed as they should be to his priority the. most significantly, the border wall, such a it? part of what the president ran on. on friday be mitch mcconnell was on a radio program, and in september the budget bill is coming up abby: right before the midterms. pete: what is mitch mcconnell going to say about pull pilling the that fulfilling that
promise? probably, and something we do have a disagreement on so if homeland security won t get funded before the midterms. probably not. so you re not worried about a government shutdown? abby: well, let s take a little look back, shall we, to may of in this last year and the president talking about a government shutdown and what he will stand for and not stand for. our borders and our laws are a mess. our immigration laws are a disgrace. we may have to close up our country to get this straight. peter: that s what he s referring to, a government shutdown if we don t fix these laws. the tweet we led with was about three minutes old, he just tweeted it. same message as he had in may. we could have is a big showdown coming up. griff: well, we shall see. now, in deference to majority leader mitch mcconnell it could be those comments were in a broader contest, that he s
look at confirmation of brett kavanaugh. and, by the way, the house is out of session, the senate s still working right now. it could be they re working on pyreties and didn t mean to priorities and didn t mean to i ve reached out to his folks. pete pete is this his 21st month of reference? still hasn t funded the border wall. griff: mitch mcconnell led the way on neil gorsuch. he blocked merrick garland peter: accidental victory. griff: what we re seeing in a recent, a new poll, a rasmussen poll which is that folks are onboard with the trump agenda. abby: republican voters. give give republican voters, and that the leadership in the republican party should get onboard. abby: and if you are running in the midterms, take a look at this poll. it shows that people who feel their views are closest to the president on this, 64%. you compare that to 20% who feel
their views are closer to the average republican in congress, that just gives you a sense of people that are running in the midterms and where they should fall in line on certain issues if they want to be successful in certain parts of this country. if you re running an area that is very pro-trump, they feel like the economy is booming, they are with him on immigration policies, for example. you re probably better off siding with the president when you looked at a poll like that than not. like mitch mcconnell. there s gown to be in-fighting within the republican party as we ve seen may out for a while pete: he s got 90% republican approval, 88% approval. this is donald trump s party. agenda item number one was build the wall. that s why he still you ve got to give the president a lot of credit. vote r. he still knows that without republicans, nothing happens. and you want guys like mitch mcconnell to understand that.
the games of washington, of the establishment past, folks are done with that. if the president ran on something and overwhelmingingly his supporters want that, it s time to advance that. they want a wall, they want border security. it ll be very the shutdown is going to be something to watch because you ve got that and, as you said, the supreme court puck coming up. the establishment folks you just wonder, have they still internalized it yet? if you support this president, going to the polls is going to be a necessary. abby: i was just going to say the timing s very interesting because who knows how things play out, but if democrats take control of the house or the senate, this may be the only time if term for the president to get something big done on immigration and funding for that wall. if democrats get in there, that s not going to happen. griff: the clock is ticking, and the president also tweeting about the highest republican presidential ratings perhaps in
history, as he says. we d have to look back and politifact check that [laughter] but that s a different story. this is striking a tone p. this is from phil. he says president trump should leave them no option but shut down if republicans won t get in step and fulfill his biggest campaign promise. pete: a tweet from becky says, bad idea, guys. what happened to making sure we get the wall built? some stand by the promises made and you ll be find, that s what americans want. abby: this is an e-mail from mike who says border wall funding should be in the next bill, senator mcconnell has been wading into the swamp too long. pete: i think he s a lifeguard at this point. griff: he knows where all the bodies are buried which is why you want to believe that he is invested in the priorities. that s what i think people get frustrate with. i know there s a lot of complexity the, plenty of reason for deference, but it s really disappointing to people who send republicans abby: as you said, the president
has been clear what he wants on immigration, and we ve seen what s happened on the democratic side, griff, some of them are talking about completely abolishing i.c.e., right? voters are really going to have a choice this next election cycle and even going into 2020. there really is no gray area or middle ground on what we want for immigration. griff: that s a great point. and the president, you know, taking his weekly address to talk about i.c.e. and to give i.c.e. real kudos. there s a story in philadelphia there, the mayor who you saw doing this dance that they were a sanctuary city finally has broken into the contract that the city of philadelphia has with their preliminary arraignment reporting system, basically, which is when people have a detainer on them and they may have come here illegally, i.c.e. is able to access that database and see this is a person that we re pete: a criminal. griff: well, this is handicap
canned i.c.e. handicapped i.c.e., because now they re unable to to after these criminals in that community. and it is manager something that is maybe the next step in this battle with cities by denying i.c.e. and law enforcement officials access to local information that they critically need to do their jobs. pete: obstructing law enforcement. it s more than just sanctuary. cath thu barnett, who s a native of philly, had this to say about what s happening with i.c.e. this is just the natural next step in this mayor s open defiance against our law enforcement agencies. people who are simply carrying out their job according to the way the law is written. demonizing them does not help those particular communities that are already weak. we have politicians who are trying to cuddle up to the needs of the minorities by overlooking
the minority. griff: and just to add, i.c.e. responded as well staying they were deeply disappointed with the city s decision, and as it has repeatedly been said, east was at no point i.c.e. was at no point in breach of access to that system. abby: yeah. i would imagine you d be disappointed. a lot going on this morning. i do want to bring you some other headlines. president trump is declaring an energy in the mate an emerging in the state of california. the latest victims seen right here. a great grandmother and two children, their home just one of thousands that were found burnt to the ground. new evacuations ordered oversight as the carr fire exploding in size now covers nearly 84,000 acres. at this point it is only 5% contained. and now to9 another fox news alert, the number of people killed in a powerful indonesia earthquake is climbing to at least 14 people this morning.
160 others are injured after a quake rattled the popular tourist destination overnight. the 6.4 magnitude quake damaging as many as 1,000 houses near bali. it was followed by about 60 smaller other earthquakes. and there s this, georgia congressman john lewis is waking up in the hospital this morning after palling ill on a plane falling ill on a plane overnight. the 78-year-old was expected at an event in atlanta but did not end up showing up. the representative s spokesperson says he is, quote, under routine observation and is expected to to be released later today. and an obama gas station, a convenience store and fueling station in south carolina is changing its name at the request of local residents. this decision coming as community leaders have been complaining about the constant loitering while protesting the business renewal request to
sell beer and wine. i never knew there was an obama gas station. [laughter] apparently. we re going to have to do a little research on that story. pete: interesting. griff: we shall find out. pete: someone should open a clinton griff: can right? abby: gas station? pete: whatever you want. griff: we need a pete gas station. pete: no, we don t. griff: the trump administration s message to the media, no money was exchanged. we ll talk about that next. pete: and a man chases people in a convenience store with an alligator in his hands. he may be in trouble just possibly a. abby: yeah. pete: put that in the bad idea file. when heartburn hits. fight back fast with tums smoothies. it neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum tum tum tum tums.
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pete: welcome back. north korea returning 55 cases containing what are believed to be the remains of u.s. servicemen. the state department pointing out the significance of the exchange, a spokesperson saying, quote: this is a tangible step toward the realization of president trump and chairman kim s agreement in singapore. in this instance, north korea did not ask for money, and no money was exchanged. so how big is this step for the two countries? here to weigh in, rebeccah heinrichs. i will pose you that question, how significant is this exchange? well, it is significant. it s significant because the korean war really goes to the heart of why the united states and north korea have had an adversarial relationship. the north koreans invaded south korea, of course, in 1950, and they were really the pointy edge of the sword in this war between
communism and capitalism. free markets and freedom and democracy that the united states represented. and so if you re talking about the right now the north koreans still believe that they are enemies of the united states. it s something that they teach their children. it s something that is inculcated in the north korean society. so if we re to the point where they are willing to actually give us back some of the remains of our precious war dead from that war, it does or portend the good things as long as when these remains are checked out, they do check out that they are, in fact, because the north koreans do have a history of sometimes not sending back the remains of who they say they are. pete: of course. so the due diligence has to be done, and the significance cannot be with understated for those who have someone missing in north korea, no doubt about that. how do we make sure this translates into moving the process forward to ultimately make sure chairman kim does not have nukes? well, that s exactly right. this is something that s very
good, it s good for u.s./north korean relations. obviously, it s incredibly important to these individual families for closure. it s important for the united states. but ultimately, it s all about the nukes. we really, we need to have north korea make the strategic decision to move away from its nuclear program. something that s interesting that the trump administration is doing, they re trying to convince the north koreans that those nuclear weapons do not guarantee their security. they put their security at risk. and the only way they re going to have economic flourishing and prosperity is if they make the strategic decision to move in another direction. they have to show us the whole store, show us what they have so we can get a timeline to dismantle and get pete: you hit on the key point, does kim jong un believe he can be secure without his nukes? that, to me, is the bottom line. it doesn t seem like he has made that decision yet. secretary pompeo has explicitly said that we have not quite seen that, although we re certainly showing him that there s light at the end of the tunnel, but he
needs to walk through that tunnel. and time really is running out because president trump really wants, as far as i have tell, he wants to get this done in his first term. he d like to get it done in the first term, and it can be done in a couple of years but, you know, the time is running out. so north koreans really need, again, the first thing is they have to let inspectors in there so we can see everything they have. of. pete: that s true, because we hear the intelligence or the aerial photos, they re dismantling this, they ve kept this, only having people on the ground is going to tell the truth. rebecca, thank you for your time. is eric holder running for president in 2020? he certainly is not shying away from the insinuation, i think it is? yeah. his latest comments ahead. and you ve seen the founders of john s crazy socks right here on our show. well, they re back with an update on their big business boom. not gonna want to miss it. some cool socks coming up next.
buffalo style chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat. mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken!
and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. griff: back now with some headlines. a teenager accused of plotting an isis-inspired attack will stand the trial, a grand jury indicting him. authorities say he planned to blow up a a mall in texas, also charged in a murder for hire plot target thing a police officer. and across the sea now where a fanatic was encouraged to attack prince george. he was stabbed by another prisoner. he is serving life behind bars also urged extremists to inject
poison into ice cream. he s expected to be okay. frightening stuff. abby: horrible. thank you, griff. all right, to a more inspiring story. it all started with a young man s passion for socks. in 2016 a entrepreneur with down s syndrome went into business with his dad to create a sock company. they joined us last november. i said i want to sell socks. [laughter] he had long worn colorful and crazy socks. so we said let s go test the idea. he had the name and the idea let s sell them on line. abby: what s the name? john s crazy socks. [laughter] pete: when we last saw them, they hit $1 million in sales, and they now have a $4 million empire. griff: john and his dad mark joins us now. it has saved my terrible, out of date, old man socks, i am now
sporting john s crazy socks. abby: look at those! [laughter] give give thank you, john. pete: john, thanks for being here. where did you come up with the idea to start this company? i came up with a name and i come up the idea for socks. why socks, buddy? why socks? because i have worn socks my entire life. i love socks. they re fun, colorful and always let me be me. pete: absolutely. a way to stick out. abby: what s so amazing is the growth that your business has seen. $4 million, right? in 18 months. abby: and john has been a huge part of this, but also talk about the opportunity that you guys provide people of all different backgrounds. you look at john who has a disability, he s there working every single day. there would be no business without john. what we re doing well, we
have a very simple mission, right? what s our mission? [inaudible] part of that is we want to show the world what s possible when you give someone a chance. and that, for us, means hiring people with differing abilities. so we ve been able to create 35 or jobs, 18 of those are held by people with differing abilities. and the key here, it s not charity. it s good business. we go toe to toe with the walmarts and the amazons, and we re able to succeed because of the people we hire. it s a wonderful thing to see. and we want others to see it too. griff: well, and talk about seeing things, you actually former president george h.w. bush have struck up a friendship over socks, right? abby: he loves sockings. right? he wore, host worn john s he s worn john s socks. griff: let me just put it up. this is a tweet from president
george h.w. bush saying that yesterday i was inspired by my friend john to wear these beauties from @john s crazy socks marking world down syndrome day, supporting a wonderful cause. hashtag john s crazy socks. abby: that was from back in march. right. and he was wearing the down s syndrome superhero socks, and who designed those? i did. abby: you did? i have an idea, i drew up pictures of it. pete: oh, cool. abby: do you have a favorite sock? which one is your favorite? one of my favorite ones are what we is that because your picture is on it? [laughter] met me be me let me be me. right. plus you designed, right, and he designed these fourth of july i choose that.
pete: very cool. griff: these, of course, which are the straight on endorsement. [laughter] not only have you created jobs, you re going to start for seasonal and hire another 20? we expect to hire another 20 people for the holidays. abby: wow. listen, we re about creating jobs. so the socks that we design, many of which john designs, those are all made here in the u.s.. and part of our mission is giving back. so we donate 5% of our earnings to whom? [inaudible] plus, individual socks raise money for charities, so we ve already raised over $135,000 for our charity. abby: it s a great message. you live in this country, you work hard regardless of your background or disability, you can still succeed in life. what is your next goal? $4 million, what do you want next, $8 million? what we re driven by is
seeing what we can do for others, and it s really driven by showing what people can do. so we don t want to be competition, but we are creating a john s crazy socks network the put shows on the internet that feature or are hosted by people with differing ability, right? right. so you do a science show now and a cooking show. that s what we want to see. we want to grow so we can hire more people. and the more we can do, the better off we are. yeah. and i want to we are, we are willing to work. absolutely. abby: it s a great message. pete: can i steal we ve got to put a plug in. we ve got to ask folks to go to john s crazy, and we re spreading happiness. abby: we ll check in, and thank you for finally giving griff
some new socks [laughter] pete: he took all the socks that had holes in them. griff: you re my hero. abby: thank you both. give give all right. president trump has long promised a southern border wall, but congress is holding that the up. abby: and politifact fact checks president trump s 4.1% gdp growth rate hitting him for saying this the united states economy grew at the amazing rate of 4.1%. abby: according to politifact, it is strong but not amazing. michelle malkin is here to react. she is fired up. she s going to talk about that and much more coming up next. it s a high-tech revolution in sleep. the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that?
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party with the president still standing firm as he has from day one about funding and building that border wall. mitch mcconnell has said on friday, was it pete: on the radio. abby: that this is not going to be part of the negotiation for funding. the president tweeting out this morning, he says please understand there are consequences when people cross our border illegally whether they have children or not. congress must act on fixing the dumbest and worst immigration laws anywhere in the world. vote r. how do you see this playing out? he s making it clear it s going to be a game-changer if funding for the wall s not part of this funding, we could see a government shutdown. yeah. this is a longstanding battle that has occurred within the republican party between the open borders, belt9way establishment that answers to big business and corporate special interests who put cheap labor above the safety and sovereignty of our country versus the republicans who support the trump agenda and
understand why he was elected in the first place. we have these battles during the bush administration when the open borders faction and karl rove were leading the charge for another disastrous amnesty. and it was grassroots republicans, and they didn t know it at the time, but trump republicans who fought back against that. the biggest enemies here are not necessarily the open borders democrats, they re doing what they always do. it is those republicans in washington, d.c. who are willing to throw president trump and his voters and supporters under the bus to preserve their own power. this is why people have been so sick of the likes of paul ryan and mitch mcconnell who will pay lip service to immigration enforcement when they need to to get reelected and then do everything to sabotage the measures that are necessary. and, of course, $5 billion for the wall is the least they could do. that is a nonnegotiable, bare
minimum going into the midterms. griff: michelle, i ve spoken a little bit with mcconnell s folks, and they re saying we re not saying don t do the wall, we re just talking about a meeting that, apparently, mcconnell and president trump had at the end of last week about whether or not they even do homeland security before the election. isn t ultimately the strategy best that they all agree upon? well, here s the problem with the beltway establishment, because their strategy always is to promise to do these things [laughter] and then to tell the american people, it s like lucy and charlie brown and the football. don t worry, oh, it s all about timing. we ve got to just get the time thing right. and they ve been saying that for 10, 15, 20 years. i absolutely support president trump and this white house who are laying down this as an ultimatum the. why shouldn t they be voting on this before the midterm rather than play the old, same beltway swamp games of, oh, we ll do it
later, we ll do it as a continuing resolution. [laughter] what they re saying, what they re signaling, right, to the base of the republican party and to independents that helped elect president trump is we don t care about your priorities. well, we don t care about the beltway establishment anymore. good riddance to paul ryan. and, you know, i wish mitch mcconnell would go out to pasture as well. it s time. pete: no, you re right. they know he wants it and, ultimately, is willing to fight for it, and the swamp wants to kick the can, as you said, michelle, very, very well. not to repeat it, which i just did. politifact, you ve heard of them, they fact check statements and try to say, well, this politician what they re saying is true or not true. the president has talked repettedly about how repeatedly about how great this 4.1% gdp number is. he used the word amazing. politifact found that you can t call it amazing, michelle, you can only call it strong because no economist they talked to uses
the word amazing. [laughter] is it, we joke about it, but is it a little worrisome? a thing like politifact is what facebook s going to use to fact check everything for all of us, right? yeah. pete: is there room for a lot of bias in the way these things are done? well, look, there s a reason why old time the conservative bloggers like myself have called politifact politi fake. and it is an artifact of the old, dinosaur media that they get to be the arbiters of what is true and not true. now they are parsing adjectives and pretending to be sort of the neutral gatekeepers of which adjective the our president can use to describe what is unassail my an amazing economy and not give him credit for it. but this is why competition is good. this is why i believe in the free market of ideas, because now they are relegated to what they are which is, essentially, an ideological operation. and if people know that
politifact is run by a far-left media outfit in florida which is violently anti-trump, ten they know exactly how to take it which is with a massive grain of salt. abby: yeah. i think if you re debating between the words of amazing and strong and describing our economy, that s a place i d probably want to live. that sounds like a good praise to be. [laughter] place to be. you are celebrating 25 years of marriage. congratulations to you and you r husband. share some of your wisdom and what has made your marriage work. i wrote a column, michelle, and i asked other readers who had celebrated their silver and golding wedding anniversaries, and i absolutely agree with so much of the feedback i got including never be stupid at the same time, never go to bed mad [laughter] always respect each other, remember the vows the that you took before god, your family and
friends. and i think most importantly for many of the husbands who celebrate their silver or gold anniversaries, the advice that they give to newlywed young men is remember these five words: yes, dear, you are right. [laughter] gary give michelle, very quickly, has your husband ever forgotten an anniversary? no, he has not. if you re married to me, that is something you re not going to forget. [laughter] abby: i love of that, michelle, only be stupid at the same time. there s only room for one to be stupid. griff: congratulations. thanks, guys, appreciate it. griff: all right. more nfl players taking a stand for the national anthem and against the kneelers: a dallas cowboy has a message for america coming up. abby: and you have heard of safe spaces and microaggressions, now college students want trigger warnings, whatever that is, but could they actually harm those that they re intended to protect? we will discuss and explain what
all of that means. that s next. our windshield fixed. with safelite, you can see exactly when we ll be there. saving you time for what you love most. kids: whoa! kids vo: safelite repair, safelite replace chicken! that s right, chicken?! candace new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat. mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken!
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pete: welcome back. eric holder is not shying away from rumors of a 2020 presidential run. according to cnn so consider the source in a meeting with cincinnati democrats, he reportedly said, yep, i m interested. but he said that he won t officially make a decision until next year. and what appears to be one man s prank won t be leaving him laughing much longer. y all got beer still? y all got beer still? y all ain t out, are y all? pete: that florida man chases a customer inside a convenience store with a live alligator. [laughter] while sometimes you can t believe what you re reading. wildlife officials now investigating the jacksonville incident. the man tells local reporters it was, quote, all fun and games.
griff, sounds like my kind of game. abby: that doesn t sound like a fun game to me. thank you, pete. all right, in the age of college safe spaces and microaggression, students also demanding trigger warnings are a heads up on potential material that may upset them. griff: all this may backfire according to a new study which claims by treating students as fragile, these trigger warnings may actually harm those they are intended to protect. abby: former vanderbilt professor carol swain is the author of abduction: how liberalism steals our children s hearts and minds. she joins us to react. what world are we now living in? this has been going on for a while, and i can tell you as a professor i believed in truth in advertising. so when students were making decisions about courses, i would tell them that they had entered a political correct free and free zone, and if they were
overly sensitive, my classroom was not the right place for them. i believe that the university is supposed to be a marketplace for ideas and that students cannot be educated in a vacuum. they have to be exposed to ideas. and that s not happening on college campuses the way it was when i went to college and maybe when you went to college. abby: what is going on? give people a sense from your experience, the fact that you even had to make that statement, why did you feel you haved to do that? what other things have you seen? i think the administrative, you know, allowing the students to dictate what they want but not all students because many of the things that take place maybe offensive to conservative christians, to white students, but they re not part of the protected groups. and so no one is concerned about their feelings. so we have created an environment where professors are walking around on egg shells even if they re liberal professors. they don t know when they re going to offend someone, and the rules keep changing. p what offends someone today,
you know, it changes constantly. and so there s always going to be someone offended about something, and as a consequence, you can t teach the great books anymore. griff: let me just ask you about, we had out in hollywood anne hathaway, right, actress responding to the recent death of neil wilson in oakland on july 22nd. she tweetedded out were out taking to social media writing that all black people fear for their lives daily in america. what is your reaction? well, first of all, i m sure that she had the best of intention, but what qualifies her to speak for all blacks? and i believe that as an actress she doesn t know the data on criminal justice. i can say that in america we do have a rise in murder rate, a rise in interracial murder rate, and so a lot of people fear for their lives especially in a city of blacks, and the data also
shows that you re more likely to be killed by someone of your own racial group, someone that you know rather than a stranger. and in the particular case where she spoke, this person had a criminal record, and it was a random crime. there s no evidence of that it was motivated by racial hatred at all. interracial killings take place, and i don t think you can generalize the way she did. gary give professor carol swain abby: new book, abduction, out. thank you. so. abby: coming up, a new poll shows men are really terrible at remembering your partner s birthday. no surprise here. we are bringing back a memory expert to help out pete and griff. giver and are you hitting the road this summer? we ve got the best toys for the whole family right there on the plaza. look at that. adam is on a skateboard. don t fall!
they don t have a phone so they are not distracted. i can talk to my family in california right now. if separated at an amusement park and nothing is stored in their. this is called the nintendo lab. they fold them and punch them out. they stick a switch in their and it s a working piano. this is a race car. they make all of this in a diy and it will actually play from their switch. it s $10.99. these will make bubbles all over. this is my favorite. what is this, a combo
skateboard. i love this. dakota can you show us this. do you like it? yes, i do. you can add on a balance extension. it can end up being four different ride ons. this is a take along. this is a 2018 replica of the world cup. they will do low kicks and high kicks. you recreate the world cup right here. thank you. thank you so much for this. this is great stuff. we ll more on the 8-year-old with the lemonade.
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pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. this condition has not been reported with entyvio. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn s treatment isn t working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach.
we have determined the fact that he tampered with the tape due to the fact he turned it off. rudy giuliani had experts analyze the secret recording tape. this is what a good lawyer will do when a case is based on tape against his client. lamb of gorudygiuliani is doingt thing. judge kavanaugh is preparing for his first meeting with a democrat tomorrow ahead of his confirmation hearing. there is a bill coming up in september. the president said he wants his wall in that. is the funding for the border wall going to happen after the election? yes, that s something we have a disagreement on. we have 15 seconds left.
it s an eating competition. how does he not win. [ music ] oh, my favorite band right now, florida georgia line. i know, i saw the winner earlier. i saw that. you are badlying paddling on. there was a knife and fork. we had a busy few days. you had a busy year maria. you are always bringing exclusive interviews. what we have been talking about this morning is the difference of words we are hearing from
president in the republican side. talking about the funding bill coming this fall and whether or not to put funding for the wall. he made clear from the beginning that it s important for him to get funding for the border wall. it s not like it will be in the bill. yeah, i think the republican are making a big mistake not getting behind president trump. supporters of the gop in general or supporters of donald trump. people would like to see things get done. they voted for donald trump. they would like to see his strategy and agenda executed. the fact that you have these republicans that are ignoring what the people want these are the number one campaign promise.
maria go ahead. the president just recently in the last hour have been tweeting there are consequences when they cross the border illegally. many are just using them anywhere in the world. of course i ve been in contact with mitch mcconnell that he s not saying i m going to do the wall. it was a conversation the president had with speaker ryan as well. i trust this 100%. i just hear talk, talk, talk. we said we were doing it in 2018 and 2019. when will they listen to the voters. they just had the spending bill. there wasn t enough money in the wall. they keep blowing off the
deadlines. i believe the president when they say they might have to have a shutdown when the funding is not in the upcoming budget. you say you will do it in march if i don t get funding for the wall. it s tough. look what is happening to all of the democrats that are going all the way to the left saying abolish ice and we don t want this kind of border security. republicans are in a bad place too. they are not seeing eye to eye. the timing is everything. this is before the midterm election. this will be disastrous for those not in line with donald trump. donald trump won. for those who are blowing him off this will be a problem for
them. the president made a point to say we have to do this. the american people understand this president is pushing, pushing, pushing. on the other hand there should have been a better strategy in place once they instituted the zer zero tolerane policy. i don t think he wants to battle republicans. he s battling the establishment. the status quo folks that don t want anything to change. it would be better if they saw the polls work again. they said he would never win. they said poll numbers would go down. they said 4.1 would never happen. when does mitch mcconnell wake
up and say when do we do what we said we d do. people don t understand understand this is going to come back to bite them. the people want to see the wall built and they also want to see the other things he has on his agenda. the judges. especially the democrats they are insane over the outcomes. they may not like the president s approach. we know they hate him and would like to impeach him. when you look at the outcomes or the judges on the federal court as well as the supreme court picks or foreign policy. iran pulling out of the deal. all of the outcomes are better than expected. the fact you ar are not followig through. some don t have a chose. brett kavanaugh will meet we joe on the hill. you had a great interview with
the vice president. he s won being in a state were president trump won by a landslide. he will have to stand by brett kavanaugh. you spoke with mike pence and this is what he told you. for the president of the united states in this deliberation he was looking for a judge with extraordinary credentials and intellect. judge brett kavanaugh has that philosophy. he has a proven record. that s what the president made this nomination about and the massage we ll carry to republicans and democrats in the senate. we will remain confident. before are the fall is out he will be justice brett kavanaugh. will this be before or after the midterms.
their next term is on october 1. they hope he will be in before october 1. that s what the vice president told me as well as a number of republicans and democrats. mansion will also get the support of joe donnelly and vice president pence will be meeting with donnelly later in the month. are we reaching the point when the confirmation looks inevitable. it s the resist narrative. that s just what it is. he has all of the qualifications both sides want to see. he s moderate. you see the resist movement. people are tired of it. not just because it s constant fighting but they would like to see things get done.
mcconnell is a key player in the confirmation if there is a standoff between mcconnell and the president on the wall. i don t think the wall gets involved in the kavanaugh confirmation. mcconnell is key to it and all of the senate. they need to see one here. they will get republican support. i m not worried about brett kavanaugh getting confirmed. what you are seeing is they have to resist or talk negatively about it. that s who the party is. you have to say abolish ice which is a mistake on if democrats. most are hanging out in the middle. you might move to the right on some things or the left on others. you don t want to abolish ice.
regardless of your politics it s the economy. this is the question before we let you go, sustainability. the numbers look good. how long do you see it lasting? this last quarter, the 4.1% growth means we ll see a 3% year. this is a long way they haven t seen it cuts and roll backs. you did see people and businesses rushing to buy some commodedies like commodities like crude oil. you are still seeing a million more jobs created as a result of the policies. growth is at 3 to 4%. i m not one of those who believed things slowed down in
19 and 20. we have the vice president in an exclusive interview but also lindsey graham. let s not forget what s going on in terms of the fbi and doj leadership. that s another thing working against the democrats. people want to see the rule of law and no abuse of power. that s not what it looked like in the 2016 election. just a warmup for you, maria. thank you, maria. that s a comment for me. thank you, maria. we have other headlines i would like to bring you this morning. president trump is declaring an emergency in the state of california as devastating wildfires claim five lives. the latest victim is a great grandmother and two young children. their home is just one of thousands found burnt to the
ground. the car fire exploded inside now covers nearly 85,000 acres. at this point it s only five percent contained. the florida police officer fighting for his life for days has passed away. adam miller was shot in the head while responding to an armed robbery. the suspected killer is from haiti and in the country illegally. he s charged with first-degree murder. this is the 31st officer killed in the line of duty this year alone. running back elliot is the latest cowboys players saying he will stand for the national anthem. we chose to ban together for the national anthem. this is our decision. we are cowboys and we stand for the national anthem. quarterback prescott are agreeing with elliot.
last week jones said the players will be required to stand. zeek is telling it like is it. the house is gone until labor day. can they really get done? my man chris is in dc. we told you about this 8-year-old opening a lemonade stand to raise money for his local police officers. the goal is to make $12. did he do it or make a lot more. you know america. i think he made more. [ music ] tech: at safelite autoglass,
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are you hearing rumblings of how things could play out and get ugly this fall. president trump just tweeted a few seconds ago he s willing to shutdown the government. you heard mitch say they have a difference of opinion on this. how does this play out. these definitions are fundable. the president has had opportunities in the past to say we are getting funding for the wall and he spatched up on those for sometime. there is a vehicle here and method here were everybody can declare a win. no matter what when you are in the minority life is less fun. there is a way here they can do this and put future funding in and put paper over the difference and try to pass some legislation before the fiscal year ends. if they don t, you get a government shutdown.
chris, let s talk about the logic of a government shutdown. we just had maria on. she said this will likely continue into the third quarter. that will happen when the third quarter end. would a government shutdown get in the way and blur the massage. you are dunking on yourself. that s not a good look. it hasn t happened before because no one has done it. any way, in the modern era of budgeting no one has ever done that. this president likes to do things no one has ever tried. while he s the leader he s been willing to run against it. this is yet again him fighting the establishment for men and
women that want the wall. can you see the narrative cutting his direction as well? midterm elections are about rallying your base. that s about fear, anger, intensify, intensify, intensify. they are also about persuadable voters. i m not sure if they will be done with a shutdown in september. are you down with the shutdown? enjoy the quiet over the next month. all right. there is a new diagnoses for people if tears over donald trump. they call it trump anxiety disorder. we ll explain. this 8-year-old wanted to raise 12 dollars to support his local police. he s with one of his favorite stars and we have a big update. i think it was more then $12.
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it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. welcome back. quick headlines happening this week. president will welcome the italian prime minister. this is one of the commander and chief s stronger supporters. they have the same views on the e.u. and immigration. the president will also be campaigning. he will help candidate ron. he will then head to pennsylvania pushing support for lou at a rally. busy time. all right, an 8-year-old spent saturday morning showing how much he appreciates his
local blue springs, missouri police department by setting up a lemonade stand. he was hoping to raise 12 bucks. thanks to his community he raced over $33,000. joining us is the police sergeant. how are you doing? i worked it out. it was more busy in the morning because that was when the people were out for work and stuff. our street was packed with cars. tell us who you are sitting next too and what he loves. what does he do? he s a police officer. you love police officers, right? why did you want to raise money to help them?
they do a lot to help us. they help us out in a lot of different ways. amen, sergeant. what does it mean to you. they give their money voluntarily for lemonade. how does it feel? it feels great. we are honored to race money and it s very amazing to see the community come out. it s so great to see children as young as him to understand what you do. how important is it for you all for the next generation to understand your job and appreciate it. it s very important. in today s society you don t see that. we felt it very much this
weekend. this is a way for the community to come out. we are talking all of the officers here as well. i have to know, what s next? would you want to grow up and be a police officer? my parents might not like that because it s a dangerous job. they might not like me just sitting around town. you are keeping your options open. mowing, is that what you said? mowing service. that s a good idea. you are doing well in the beverage industry. you sold over 350 cups of lemonade, did you almost runout? yeah, we had to use auto two of the really tall jugs. so many people bought it. you raised $3,300 worth of
lemonade. when did you meet and become friends? we met on friday. a day early. it all worked out. his parents continu parents cone department. it made them really happy. he met a few of our other officers and school resource officers. a lot om them when they heard who it was said i could see him doing this. you have a huge heart. you make us want to be better people. great job. well-done breaken. thank you. have a good day. how cute is he? he s cool. respecting law enforcement is such a problem right now. remember this guy who ran for president as a libertarian?
what would you do about aleppo. what is aleppo? he could be heading for capitol hill. a new poll shows men are terrible of remembering their partner s birthday. we are bringing a memory expect to help pete and griff. you re turning onto the street
[ music ] all right, that was from us eating chicken wings. he was totally creamed. you ate one in 30 seconds. i eat with dignity. what did you daughter just text you? my 12-year-old just tweeted me 30 minutes ago. daddy, i can eat wings faster than that. i agree 100%. the one hand dainty approach. what did maria say?
she said i love you but that s fragile. you have to get some practice. buffalo wild wings brought them out for us. there is probably one near you. i ordered them two nights ago. i got wings with them. sometimes you want a wing. i want someone that can beat you at an eating competition other than the hot dog eating guy. i lost to him on the plaza before. someone else. all right, we have other headlines i want to bring you this morning other than chicken wings. president trump is applauding the hand over of the remains of 55 u.s. service members from the korean war. many families are still waiting. john is among those missing and his son joined us earlier on the
show and this was his reaction. i ve become very close to the other families that had missing service members as well. if they get answers it s my family as well. his dad was on a night mission in 1952 when contact was lost with his aircraft. a new gang is making a come back and they are just as violent as ms-13. the trinitero gang fell off but they are coming back. i want to talk about the relationship between the community. when the community comes against these gangs we are successful
moving forward. this is the largest dominican gang in the united states. what would you do about alleppo. what s aleppo? you are kidding? no. the former governor is qualified to run for senate in new mexico. he s considering a run with the libertarian candidate. he will face martin and nick rich in november. stay tune for that one. therapist say there has been a rise in politically related anxiety. the main symptoms is fearing the world is ending. many are feeling on edge about the president s rhetorics and
policies. patients suffer from lack of sleep and sending a lot of time on social media. that s a symptom of everything. tell us your thoughts on that. we spoke about this yesterday and it s not in your imagination. they are that bad at remembering your birthday. 52% of guys have forgotten their significant others birthday. we first introduced you to ron white. he memorized the name and rank. over 2300 names. he travels and writes them on the wall. that navy veteran ron white is back with us right now. ron, thank you very much. i must warn you ahead of time but i don t think there is a chance to help memory.
you can, it s better than you think. the language of memory is pictures. i was visualizing pictures. guys, we just have to do the same thing with birthdays. they don t care about birthdays. this is not something they are thinking about. is it just the way the brain works. you don t take it personally. you remember what s important to you. we are you are important to us but the birthday is not. we have to make it more important. this is what i do every month of the year. january is a new baby, march is soldiers, july is chicken wing day. you start with the month. say july 29th today.
9 is a balloon. it has a circle and string on it. july, if you want it to be chicken wings and 29 i would see two balloons. every time of my wife and girlfriend she s eating chicken and being lifted by balloons. as crazy as that sounds it works. it doesn t matter how you think about it just remember. my wife and i have our 20th wedding anniversary coming up in september. we are having debate on if it occurred in the 24 or 25th. we are still checking it. at least you are together. how do you remember those things.
birthdays you both share it. for september, i would use a schoolhouse. 24 i would use a two by four. say you did get married on september 24th. i would image it s a school. every time you think of your wedding that s what you think about it. create a picture for it. when i think of phone numbers i think of jersey numbers. i think of 33 and that s larrybird space byrd. we updated the memory. memory is easy. i have to work on this. thank you for sticking around. thank you. i really aappreciate appreciate it. we want to go to adam for weather. i don t have a good memory at all. i don t know when my birthday
is. i m not sure what day it is. i figured out the forecast. i have actually been getting complemented. they know i have nothing to do with that. let s take a look at some of the maps. this is how i remember things. i look at them and read them. it s gorgeous out but there are spots that s not the case. an incredibly hot day. temperatures are running back to the triple digits in areas of arizona. that will continue into monday and tuesday. guys, they have been battling wildfires because of the heat and humidity. back here, guys it will stay beautiful throughout the rest of the day. thank you everybody. thank you, adam. why are you better at doing
weather then? i would like to try it again. we all do it over the course of the morning. i would be terrible. you might be okay. i can t be worse than you eating chicken wings. we have serious stuff. president trump will award john chatman for his bravery in afghanistan. his sister said he was willing to do anything for anyone. i ll take long time game show host for 500. behind the scenes with alex trabeck. there are words that will be difficult to pronounce to say properly. [laughter] i make critical marks. harvey has a sit-down with alex. that s coming up. you don t want to miss it. metastatic breast cancer is relentless,
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fellow servicemen were stranded on a mountainside. president trump is awarding the metal of honor tosar get chapman. this is his sister lorie. thank you so much for being here this morning. obviously, your bother, an amazing human being put his life on the line and for those he severed with. he will be honored at the white house. we wish he could be there to receive it. tell us about the man first. who he was and what he did to earn this? john was someone who put, i guess the best way to
incapsulate who he was is to tell you what he had in his yearbook at 18 years old. he said give of others before taking for onesself. he said live life to the fullest because you get one life to live. that s how he lived his life. he was helpful he was a kind, loving, funny man. he was a great american. tell me about his service and that day. what happened that we ll be talking about. i m sorry. i had a technical difficulty. could you repeat that. tell us the story of why he s receiving the metal of honor? he was embedded with the seal
team. he ended up saving their lives at least two times at risk to his own. then at the end could have stayed in a bonker. when they came to save them he understood the enemy was going to do the same thing to the qrf helicopter that happened to them. so, he exposed himself completely to give them some ground cover and at that point he was killed. he a special operations team in snow conditions in an attempt to rescue stranded airman. he didn t have to. instead he put it out there. he left behind family and fellow countryman. what an amazing story.
how does it feel he will be honored in this way? i can t exsuppress how much we are happy this is happening. it s been a long time coming. i don t feel a greater pride for him because he s getting an upgrade. that s always been a value deviation of what we always known he deserved the highest level of award. any one that severed shares in the appreciate for the metal of honor. my sons will know the name of sergeant john chapman before they know the name of celebrities. thank you so much for your time. thank you so much, pete. i ll take long time game show host for 500. harvey will take us behind the scenes with alex trabreak.
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objectfied. i can only image though since the show is called objectfied the different objects you found in his home? he has kept, everything. just everything. he tells me this. it s not that the house is cluttered but somewhere he has all of these things. one of the things he has a figure of a box that he loves. this means something to him. it s his favorite animal. i asked him why and he said because the males protect the females and their offsprings from predators. he s just got, i don t know. he s a really interesting guy.
i was surprised at how much i didn t know about him. when you think about it he s been on the air for three decades. did you know he was an unbelievable ladies man. you don t do that without a bit of charm. he dated a lot of celebrities. you spend time watching someone like that. you asked a question that was pretty interesting. after all of these years does he still rehearse for jeopardy. i absolutely love your show. one thing i always think about when i watch it is i watch you read the answers. some of them are complicated. do you rehearse these? if there are words that are difficult to pro say properly. i make marks so the people at
home think, oh, gosh, he s so bright. well, i have to tell you something. he s incredible. i wondered about this too. i never metal alex before. well, i take that back. i can t believe i said that. i take that back. when i was in law school i was on one of his game shows high rollers. i was humiliated on the show. all right. i was destroyed. i didn t know how smart he was. a lot of this is knowledge based on the cards. he was incredibly smart. next time we are on we will play that clip. we can t wait to see it at 8:00 p.m. tonight. have a great sunday. who would have thought, who would have guessed? an energy company helping cars emit less.
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Transcripts For DW Business - News 20180902 01:02:00

could already meet this requirement now but another demand could pose a problem for some manufacturers seventy five percent of the components used in production must now also be produced in the u.s. currently dimer and b.m.w. don t pass that test on the whole however german manufacturers welcome the agreement they ve invested billions in mexico and are dependent on open borders. in an interview on thursday donald trump also announced he wants to move ahead with additional tariffs on chinese goods worth two hundred billion dollars starting next week the trade dispute with the u.s. has already led china to launch a new economic stimulus package companies there are now eligible for tax cuts totaling up to five point six billion euros beijing also wants to strengthen exports and has already promised more investment in infrastructure. to ensure
nothing like volkswagens admission scandal happens again the u.s. government appointed an official to keep a close eye on the german carmaker we re not in his first annual report larry thompson called for greater transparency at the company saying v.w. lawyers were uncooperative when it came to sharing certain information thomson wants proof that folks walk in is complying with agreements the company made with u.s. authorities. german foreign minister heiko mass has proposed an alternative international money transfer system to help circumvent u.s. sanctions against companies doing business with iran at present a majority of global money transfers between bank institutions use the american controlled swift banking system and the u.s. can monitor all those transactions in the past weeks many large german companies like dime were and deutsche of bond have either stop doing business in iran or have drastically reduced it. the i.f.a. electronics trade fair kicked off in berlin on friday more than eight hundred
exhibitors are showing off their latest products at the event hot topics include networking computers household devices and intertainment platforms as well as tech that responds to voice commands the latest generation of high definition ultra thin t.v. s was also on display alongside fun stuff like this cuddly robot around two hundred fifty thousand visitors are expected to attend the fair. german chancellor angela merkel has been accompanying an official business delegation in africa on the tour she s visiting senegal ghana and nigeria merkel assured the west african countries of german support and expanding infrastructure and in the energy sector but she s also called for better cooperation in the fight against illegal immigration like on this stop in senegal. this isn t in yemen and this is a human we know that your country is a young country she said with three hundred thousand young people entering the job
market every year and looking for opportunities therefore it s in both our interests that there is successful development in your country. german companies are planning to invest around a billion euros in africa this year several deals were signed during miracle s visit. what many europeans are demanding is already a reality in kenya at the popular can game the market in nairobi you can find practically anything except plastic bags they ve been banned for a year reduceable bags are available at each stand but they cost about twenty cents each that s why many people bring their own bags along now they ve adapted to the change but not everyone agrees with the ban including mouth and into. the meeting addicts that look well yes i know the ban is to help the environment she says it s
bad for my business. she used to sell her yams and plastic bags so they would stay fresh longer that. but now they dry out quickly but i think it s yet that. nearby there are piles of discarded plastic bags people have simply tossed them there illegally nevertheless say officials from kenya s environmental authority the bag ban has been a great success a year after the laws were passed they insist fewer bags are being discarded in public spaces and fewer are ending up in fishermen s nets. at the beginning it was a talent everybody sing out and we continued to pass things but we were able to demonstrate a lead time now over the months that it is possible to carry on your own business and activities without it and therefore change of behavior that s at that minute and that just means that people have had to do. that has been positive.
violators face a fine of thirty two thousand euros or up to four years in prison so far nobody has been jailed. but around one hundred people have been fined. one vocal critic of the ban is the kenya association of manufacturers its chairman such and good heads a company that makes products labels for african markets he says one hundred seventy plastic producing companies have shut down and that sixty thousand people have lost their jobs the timeframe given. of six months was to short to make investment decisions and for people to reallocate resources and you re not given time to to plan investors face uncertainty and this causes tremendous aftershocks for manufacturers when when of a short time span it s given. despite the criticism the environment management
authority says it hopes that kenya is setting an example for its neighbors as well as countries beyond africa. everything is getting pricier in argentina food electricity buses schools this year inflation in the country is expected to reach around thirty percent and at the same time the peso continues to tumble since the beginning of the year the argentinian currency has lost forty five percent of its value against the dollar the country s central bank has spent weeks desperately selling off its currency reserves in an attempt to stabilize the peso but it hasn t helped nor has president motorists your mccready s appealed to the i.m.f. to speed up december first months from the country s fifty billion dollar line of credit foreign investors and the public have lost faith we could all give me the market doesn t trust the government and especially the government s economic team i
think that if the finance minister and central bank president louise capital doesn t step aside very soon things will get much worse the main problem is that those in charge have lost. credibility of bodies at the moment. and yet until recently the center right president was seen as a dynamic reformer he opened argentina up for trade and investments attracted companies to the country all paid for with foreign capital but now it s not clear if the loans will be repaid debt payments of almost twenty five billion dollars are due next year. one reason for the crisis rising interest rates in the us it s becoming more lucrative to park cash there and that s not just affecting argentina the russian ruble the south african rand the turkish lira and the brazilian re are are all falling against the dollar political conflicts in those countries are making things worse argentina may have further to fall protests
against the government are growing and the nation s biggest union the c g t says it has a strike planned to. german industry fears the racism and xenophobia being expressed in the current wave of anti migration protests in the eastern german city of kennett could deter foreign applicants from seeking work in germany leading economists agreed that foreign professionals will only consider coming to germany if it remains an open and tolerant society. that protests could undercut efforts by firms and service providers like berlin shout a hospital to attract skilled four and staff. in albania and. he was unemployed along with twenty thousand other nurses but here at the shop he found a job only applicants with good german skills were considered for it otherwise the
paperwork would have been too difficult. how i ll go through the hospitals at home he says we have a different system here the documentation is more important everything has to be recorded the organization here is better structured though that it is in my country or. you know best. they are jobs are scarce and the pay in germany is attractive here in berlin christian earns twenty two hundred euros a month net in albania it would have been a tenth of that. the working conditions are harder here he says with far fewer staff on the wards but the twenty four year old sees his job in germany as a huge chance he has an open ended contract because skilled workers like him are sought after in germany the seventy s three main facilities lack hundreds of caregivers so the director in charge of nursing hired workers from abroad and missionary from albania soon more will be arriving. we set one basic
conditions says you to taper it had to be a country that was not itself suffering from a shortage of nursing staff albania surprisingly produces and trains more caregivers than it needs that s how we got the idea of albania. movie louise as a place was hired to help integrate the seventy albanians in the program question has come for advice on finding a new apartment ever since he arrived last year escalation has been the go to person for any problems. we help take care of a lot of official things she says we get them health insurance open a bank account go to the company doctor get the contract signed. by christian isn t sure how long he ll. stay in germany but says he feels comfortable on the ward a sign of the program s success in october it ll start bringing a nursing staff from mexico and that was the week in business.
so this is the view from my seat in the horn section. sarah with knows her stuff. and conductor. and she shows just how diverse classical music can be. sarah s music contemporary classical. w. . and the french are going on appearing swedish and. don t miss this story for john j. should johnson takes you along on a thrilling bone chilling journey. as you can discover tony s and much a. telling his story on instagram.

Manufacturers , German , Problem , Components , Production , Test , Requirement , Whole , Demand , Us-currently-dimer , Bmw-dont-pass , Seventy-five

Transcripts For DW Tomorrow Today - The Science Magazine 20180930 21:30:00

and the continent of africa on the move the stories about to move a vision of change makers taking their destinies into their own hands. d.w. multimedia series food for. d.w.b. dot com africa. hitchin to the science show on t.w. well come to you tomorrow today coming up. a look back in time to a flying reptile as big as a truck and. a critical view of virtual reality is poised to change our world. and we celebrate the artist s return to switzerland and the citizen scientist who was stalking them.
but first we head to the dark and mysterious world of the deep sea. only around five percent of the world s oceans have been explored their home to a vast range of creatures from delicate jellyfish to terrifying predators. off the coast of north western africa a team of researchers has discovered it gigantic structure on the sea bed built by corals. of this amazing underwater landscape is being researched by a team from the university of braman a reef four hundred kilometers long and up to one hundred meters tall. it was created here in the atlantic off the coast of mauritania in west africa by cold water corals. the minute they live in great depth in absolute darkness they rely on currents to deliver tiny particles of food for them to absorb
often. those particles are plankton which drift like snowflakes through the oceans the supply at those depths is meager so cold water corals grow slowly not more than fifteen meters in a thousand years. still the team have discovered. donnish in coral formations. the aphelion found very many reefs especially in the atlantic with coral mounds some more than three hundred meters tall. and that s as tall as the eiffel tower all the t.v. tower and berlin that s really big. absolut was a huge empty without sin to find out more about how the reef may mauritania developed cloudy of him back and her colleagues collected samples of fossil coral from different layers they determined that it had been growing for a million years but then it stopped. to begin their hard
at the end of the ice age ten thousand years ago there s been no new coral growth in this area after areas that coral could not survive because of very low levels of dissolved oxygen in the water. and on the other hand video footage shows that there has been a recent colonise ation by coral sent if you don t is you re still the conditions are so bad that the coral is not able to create new reefs needed in the logs of its . scientists suspect that parts of the world s oceans with very low levels of oxygen will continue to expand putting pressure on deep sea ecosystems in conjunction with climate change. one of the most common species of cold water coral is look. it s branching skeletons form frameworks and eventually extensive reefs.
these colonies are home to starfish sea urchins lots of different fish and countless other kinds of animal. that s why i m here in our cold water corals are called the bio engineers of the deep with a hundred many species of fish including ones at a commercial. we fish to use these coral reefs as spawning grounds as a place to feed and also this shelter so they play an important role in shaping the deep sea ecosystem in nets you see researchers have identified four thousand six hundred species that live in cold water coral reef ecosystems that each expedition uncovers more but how cold water corals reproduce is still something of a mystery. the world down there in the depths is astoundingly diverse and passing it would be terrible if it were lost before we managed to understand it.
from the deep sea we head up into the air with a dragon. these flying creatures are certainly trendy nowadays just look at the popularity of the game of thrones series jenkins may be a purely mythical species but an excavation in romania has an earth something that comes remarkably tell us. the gigantic skeleton being assembled here is about sixty six million years old. these bones belong to a terrorist or an extinct flying reptile this is the world s largest known specimen and it s being reconstructed in its entirety here the spectacular find was identified by romanian geologist and paleontologist matter of amy and he has found many important fossil reptiles but at first he couldn t believe what he d come across. this was the main discover the actual need to realize what that means but
was. compared with what we knew before the ball. was so massive the might might breed didn t accept it so it s not. until recently experts thought pterosaurs had a maximum wingspan of around ten meters this. and measures more than fifty meters. that s about as long as a truck it was a giant creature even in an age of large reptiles. the fossilized bones were first spotted protruding from this cliff side in transylvania romania in two thousand and nine. salvaging them was a complex undertaking. tremont other star for is a paleontologist and experienced fossil hunter. he was part of the excavation team and is well aware that the chances of finding terrorists or bones are slim. they re
much more fragile than dinosaur bones. as the authors of the cottage just said in its own good very thin wall with hardly any organic material inside them just the spongy tissue that was ninety percent but when i was used overall weight and therefore increased its flight capability that i knew he cut so very lightweight bones definitely. here in the dinosaur museum and the military island of area the giant pterosaurs reconstructed skeleton goes on display for the first time. how exactly did these creatures move on the ground it s not known for sure but they probably got around on all fours with their wing membranes neatly folded up on the sides. it s also not clear how they managed to become airborne some experts believe they needed to take off from an elevated point rather like
a hang glider. but it s also possible that larger specimens didn t fly at all because they didn t need to escape from predators. the sensational find has raised many fascinating questions for paleontologists around the world. and drawn quite a crowd to the dinosaur museum here in. all these really looking scenes made with hollywood s most cutting edge technology. where is it all headed. experiencing an augmented world through virtual reality glasses rose tinted or otherwise. technology giant google is banking on virtual reality. and has entire divisions
developing concepts it s even converted its renowned google earth maps into virtual reality format. that allows users to explore the entire planet in three d. . k. is ahead of the project the swiss graphics wizard leads a huge developer team at google in california in his world those with a head for heights can even land on a new york skyscraper like superman and peer down into the abyss. the point of all this. he thinks we are as one of the platforms that will become game changers exerting huge influence like smartphones laptops and computers did we re trying out what kind of opportunities it offers google s mission is to enable users to utilize all the world s information and we are off of enormous potential for that. case i once worked for
the legendary pixar studio he knows the thrill is what counts. people in california developed for the movie industry using light color sound and animation can be used to tell stories and create virtual experiences which people can immerse themselves in her friend. facebook is also taking an active interest in via oculus one. the leading global producers of headset it sees p.r. as a new benchmark which could replace the computer monitor facebook founder mark zuckerberg has big plans. we want to get a billion people. for a billion users even futurologists stephen isn t certain of that kind of take up but with most global players now in the race change is afoot.
with lots of money are investing heavily in the market they re under pressure to come up with the next great game changer there s nothing revolutionary going on with smartphones anymore but people have high hopes for the arch and we can be sure that pressure money and a passion for innovation are driving the technology forward but at the end of the day it s the practical applications that will be decisive innovation only makes sense if users accept it. on the back of a couple of years ago mentored reality in the form of go to the world by storm. reality allows users to interact with virtual objects in the real world but its uses go far beyond games. so it industrial company has been experimenting with augmenting reality. is wearing what s called a hollow lens that combines the real world with the virtual.
virtual projection of a machine manufactured by being embedded within real space. it can be physically explored interactively controlled using a control box and finger movements the system offers a totally new opportunities. it s good for training combining the real with the virtual we can completely trying. form for occasional training and we can approach industry exhibitions in a totally different way we don t need to take entire machines along with us we can plan carefully what we want to present physically and what virtually but we re only just beginning to grasp what it all means for us. builders working together with software specialists from the net setter a company the technology also works on mobile devices and it s becoming increasingly easy to create virtual objects as you try it s much easier today
because the hardware producers effectively take it out of our hands are ever more developer tools that do the mathematical work for three d. object displays. nowadays it takes just a morning or one day to devise a small application of. clean up to. the hollands are still in development for now but augment reality is bursting with potential. the latest generation mobile phones and systems come with a our kids already installed. virtual interactive worlds already taking shape on our mobile devices. what will the future be like as we face an ever increasing onslaught of information. video artist keiichi masuda envisage this possible scenario. i mean we re already exposed to massive sensory overload people can t even keep up with emails and the overload will grow with augmenting reality you re out shopping say
looking at what s on offer and suddenly an acquaintance pops up in the past you could act as if you didn t see them so now you have to acknowledge them because your friends on facebook that it leads to is more precious more social interaction the necessity to process information and i think that s one of the main challenges on us and it means the technology will be used selectively but not in blank. deployment of god and the opportunity to cut but least offering some words of hard from the noise. of. the nineteenth century mathematician ada lovelace is credited with writing the first computer code in history long before computers in the modern day sense existed however the programming pioneer took a dim view of machine intelligence. but nowadays we don t need side five series like westworld to convince us that algorithms have become
a lot smarter since lovelace s time and more disturbing. someone s reaching for their smartphone going on line purrfect. was in fact i already know her. that s a dana she s twenty six years old lives in cologne and comes from seguin she trained to work in office communication management but she s now studying business . she told me everything voluntarily. but i know even more about her i know her biggest secrets how well i don t want to reveal everything but i ll tell you this much i collect data i am facebook s database. i know what a demon likes the rapper. she s a fan of labor who s in football club and she enjoys working out. i know which
posts she likes the one she shares with her friends and those she comments on who she sends private messages to and what she writes in them. i can watch her away from facebook to edina has my location service activated i know when she goes where and i know where she regularly spends her time all the world three times a week she uses the wife i have a particular. f.a. she probably works that maybe it s how she finances her studies or something else. and movement profile also tells me which of the facebook users are around her and who she hangs out with even in the real world that s what colleague. was built. around this guy spends practically every night with her you must be her boyfriend but every now and again another profile comes up
even at night i will i recognize him. her other apps also give her secret away. this is where a demon likes to shop which she prefers to log on with her email address or with her facebook account it s an easy decision just one click and idina can show up to her heart s content and i can collect even more date information like this. again and no longer orders wine instead she buys smoothing frozen pizza and jars of pickled gherkins. and when i show her a baby photo from her friend on her facebook app she poses slightly no longer than usual. so what could all this mean. well her boyfriend has no idea but dana are you coming. nor does her
colleagues. many people are worried about what happens to their data in social media networks. we asked you do you share everything on facebook. usher barbara to me observed clear rules he says he won t post anything from his workplace a little personal information and no family photo. because there is the preconditions for living in peace with facebook. chris raised and he says good things and educational things on facebook. he doesn t want the world to know anything too personal to find out about bad experiences. beer also posted an opinion saying i contrail all my data for privacy reasons so i keep some to myself.
still we re glad that the parents of these cute babies didn t keep their pictures to themselves just look at them testing those lemons. one of our viewers observed a reaction like this in his nephew he s been a doer of from timo in guyana and he sent in a question about it. why do babies put everything in their mouth. no matter what they see in front of them they want to suck it lick it all chew on it even the camera filming them could it be that they re simply hungry. no they don t want to eat the objects they want to examine them and babies can do that best with their mouths. newborns the highest density of sensory receptors
cells is on the tongue. other senses like seeing hearing smelling all feeling are not so well developed in babies. the ability to pick up a small object between farm and index finger called a pincer grasp is a developmental milestone at around nine months of age. until then a baby s tongue and lips get most of its information about. the shape and texture of objects. researchers believe that babies have an image of what they have in their mouth and may even recognize it by sight later. the mouth not only provides information about the world it of course also helps to still hunger and first satisfy the desire for intimacy. the so-called oral phase lasts until the child is about two years old exploring their
surroundings with their mouths helps babies develop a personality the mouth is the gateway to the world. but only very few pages. do you have a science question that you ve always wanted answered it we re happy to help out send it to us as a video text ovoid smell if we answer it on the show we ll send you a little surprise as a thank you can i just ask. to find as i did have a dot com slash science drop us a line at d.f.w. undisclosed site tech on facebook d w dot science. now we head back to the water in switzerland where otters are making a comeback the dextrous animals have many clever happens for example they sleep holding hands so they don t drift away in the river. just scientists have been
watching them. through. a camera trap took this footage of an alternate the all river in switzerland. with the rest of the family. it takes resources and time to capture such images it s hardly feasible to set up traps across large areas. but there are other ways to find out why after saw. conservationists of such a project to monitor the animals here in central switzerland it s headed by every new vine backa bit transparent photo is one of thirty six volunteers involved in the effort. pulses leave traces often in the shadow of a bridge. the smells rather fishy bit of angst and he looks very fresh fish. to smoke that territory by leaving piles of excrement that say this part of the river belongs to me. the piles help the researchers track down the
animals. such as could well be living in this stream to. buttress paris phyllis going to check the structure for to once a year. she already keeps track of beavers and is thrilled the authors might show up to. what may exist for me as a real highlight when a species reappears or colm toibin especially when it was basically our fault that it disappeared in the first place authors left because the conditions weren t right for them anymore. although switzerland had to catch the ultra protected species none had been sighted in the wild since the one nine hundred eighty s. these ones live in a zoo. one theory is that toxins in the environment had rendered wild autism far tyler it s exciting that several baby alters have now been seen in the region
a few autism one to be living in the come to terms of solitude and bam but other more and where. well until to truckers have already been signed up in the areas marked in red. that the south. is looking for those telltale signs on the banks of the river come to. this might or might not be relevant evidence but the volunteer trucker takes a photo just in case. this structure for if it was cleaned overnight shift as it s called more than a decade ago the environment is now also friendly. to the position of the river it was rain nature that we ve conducted regular inspections meant that six species of fish have returned home also it s nice to see all these various kinds of habitats and it s good for me as an angler it s also good for the also has. some mindless
don t agree they say otters eat too many fish. the project is not only about observation it s also about selling the opto to the public and that includes hostile anglers. it s also about explaining the office behavior and possible impact on fish stocks. if. they could of course the bush daughters will affect some fish populations that s how it is with predators i can play it but i don t think they ll devastate them martyrs can only thrive where they can fish sustainably if there aren t enough fish hunting gets to be hard work and the otters move somewhere else to. feel pity for the class that. the main threats to fish pollution and rising water temperatures really not sure ation of rivers certainly relieves the pressure on them that s also good for autos the question is if humans will welcome more of them and their midst. next week we look at the astonishing
capabilities of this shrew. in winter they shrink their body size to get by with less food even their bones get smaller and they regress in spring. medicine learn from shrooms. more on that next week make sure to join us see you then cut by.
the. law. in the land is hoping to be laid off it s obama s time in may i m looking forward to the fun rides and parties and and of course i want to try a typical october first beer journey into the best of all history. and see what it s like tell me lad come on the map this is that. land shit as i am sure he loves to.
tear up at the morgue rubrics camp there s a terrible suspicion cool seen through one of europe s largest refugee camps on the island of. followers has said to be terrorizing the refugees some say they ve created criminal structures we meet witnesses and victims in an excuse. today in reports. who have been fighting for the case to take you seriously in the world of what here s what s coming up women s talk. for sure women smart talks smart station the legend frank recently dangerous time for w. the form of. an unusual friendship. is the story of paul and he.
is a student from cameroon the other a filmmaker from germany he s read or not likely never be able to say whether he chose me or i chose him whatever the case this is the story of how he met me. on europe s most dangerous. what began as a documentary. about the hooks my parents sacrificed everything for i can t go back and. became a story about those seeking refuge. and those two know. when paul came over the sea from cameroon to berlin starts october fourth on t w e.

World , Home , Oceans , Deep-sea , Five , Team , Creatures , Predators , Researchers , Structure , Coast , North-western-africa

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180914 00:30:00

also tonight, after president trump told millions that the government is fully prepared for this hurricane, the president tweeting today, questioning how many really died in puerto rico, saying 3,000 people didn t die after hurricanes hit puerto rico, and the president now says that number was raised to make him look bad. we are also following several other breaking headlines tonight. more than a dozen explosions outside boston in several different communities. authorities are urging some residents to get out. and paul manafort, tonight news of a key meeting. is manafort about to plead guilty? is he striking a deal with robert mueller? and good evening from wilmington tonight. and as we come on the air in the west, millions along the coast here and inland are bracing now for this monster hurricane. the cape fear river right behind me here. we witnessed some of the very outer bands of the hurricane. the winds, the rain of course
here already. and there s a good chance that the eye of this hurricane could make landfall right here or just north of here. the track just out from the national hurricane center tonight. the storm is slowing down, which means it will sit here and pound the coast, dangerous one winds and several feet of rain. it is also growing in size. that flag whipping in the wind and in tatters by the end of the day. this hurricane is 500 miles wide, ocean water breaching the dunes already and rushing into the streets. these images from cape hatteras tonight. heavy rain falling, some 90,000 already without power as we re on the air here in the west. a nuclear power plant here in the path of this hurricane shutting down already. and the hurricane hasn t even made landfall yet. 1.7 million under evacuation orders tonight. i found shelters today full, folks telling me they were sent elsewhere. at this hour, hurricane florence is massive. tropical storm-force winds will stretch well more than 100 miles from the eye of the storm in each direction. that s across more than 300 miles. we do have the new track tonight, the expected landfall, the time and where.
flooding, david. all right, gio, get back up shore here. tonight, a nuclear plant right here in the path of the hurricane in north carolina has shut down. tonight, the destruction is already begun on the barrier islands and the police chief here telling me his biggest fear, as this hurricane sets to make landfall in the coming hours. tonight, this is what millions of americans along this coastline have feared. the outer bands of florence slamming ashore already. and the eye of the storm still hours away. along north carolina s barrier islands, in north topsail beach, dangerous winds already. waves crashing through this home, knocking down walls. water surrounding homes. this garage door smashed. and again, this hurricane doesn t make landfall until the morning hours. in avon tonight, strong waves hammering this pier. water rushing ashore. breaking through the dunes in hatteras. in nearby frisco, ocean water flowing like a river down cape
are going to floor like we haven t seen in a very long time. reporter: there is already help coming in from all over the country. search and rescue teams from sacramento. 80 first responders from rockville, maryland. thank you, guys. thank you, sir. reporter: and tonight, north carolina s governor roy cooper with some of those first responders and a final warning. my message today don t relax. don t get complacent. stay on guard. this is a powerful storm that can kill. today, the threat becomes a reality. reporter: authorities are telling residents here to prepare for days without power. perhaps weeks. they also fear the hurricane could flood some 16 nuclear reactors across three states. the brunswick nuclear plant announcing tonight it will shut down, saying they are, quote, currently in the path of hurricane florence and they anticipate the plant site will experience sustained hurricane-force winds.
with tropical storm-force winds now expected to reach more than 300 miles across, many families have now decided on this final night before landfall to get out. be safe, guys. you, too, be careful. see you in a few days. reporter: the forecast is calling for destructive winds pounding the coast for at least 36 hours. and several feet of rain. it s really somewhat of a gloomy feeling knowing that the coast of north carolina is going to be changed forever. reporter: on the streets here, a pray for wilmington sign and instructions for shelters right beside it. late today, governor cooper saying some 12,000 people are already in shelters, they re now opening even more. many are already at capacity. you can see here on the door, says the shelter is full. this is the codington elementary school, and we were told some of the folks who are here were actually brought from another shelter that was overflowing because of so many people that want to make sure they re safe during this storm. ricardo romero is one of them. so, that shelter was already full yes. reporter: and overflowing, so they brought you here? that is correct. those shelters stretching to
keep up with demand tonight. everyone bracing as this hurricane grows much closer, just off the coast tonight. abc meteorologist ginger zee here with the newest track. you ve got landfall time, an aprax make, of course, and where, which is important. we ve been talking, so is the sheer amount of time this hurricane is going to stall right here over just a huge area, several states. reporter: yes, several states, several miles and millions of people that will feel this for the next 36 to 48 hours, david. it is like a washing machine. so, this storm now east-southeast of us here in wilmington by 85 miles. it was the same last hour. that means this thing hasn t moved. it is supposed to move the northwest at 5 miles per hour with that tornado watch in place. we ve seen tornado warnings already popping. that is one of the threats yet tonight. as that path takes it on land tomorrow morning, so, it should make landfall sometime here on our friday, move inland and then become more of a tropical storm as it passes the state line into south carolina. no matter the case, it will drop
patients, seniors here in the community. and there is an urgent effort tonight to get them help and to check on them. abc s chief national affairs correspondent in myrtle beach, south carolina, on that part of the story. reporter: tonight, with florence s winds, rain and angry surf bearing down, most have fled, headed for safer ground. we rode along with myrtle beach police. corporal thomas vest tells me what worries him about the storm. it looks like a lot of people are still trying to decide if they re going to stay or go. reporter: more than 420,000 people have evacuated the south carolina coast, including more than 2,200 people from 113 health care facilities. tonight, further north, at the davis community nursing home and assisted living facility in wilmington, north carolina, some 600 residents, staff and their families are sheltering in place. those people who are critical care, it would be difficult for us to move them hours away. reporter: medical professionals across both states do not want a repeat of scenes
like these in texas during hurricane harvey. and in florida, nearly 150 evacuated from this sweltering nursing home that lost power during hurricane irma. 12 of its residents lost their lives. david, there s a curfew right now from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. the police have allowed us to be out here, but this is eeri. this is ocean boulevard, and take a look at this david, tonight, it s a ghost town. david? reporter: well, tom, really great that you checked on the seniors today. we certainly don t want a repeat of what we saw in texas and florida. tom will be with us straight through this hurricane. president trump sending out tweets today, reassuring that the government is, quote, completely ready for hurricane florence. but he sparked a firestorm with another tweet, denying that thousands of american citizens died in puerto rico from hurricane maria and its aftermath, claiming the number was fabricated to make him look bad. here s our chief white house correspondent jonathan karl tonight.
reporter: even before hurricane florence hits shore, president trump is already congratulating his team on a job well-done. we are getting tremendous accolades from politicians and the people. reporter: but even as the hurricane approaches, the president today is making a startling new claim, downplaying the human suffering caused by last year s hurricane maria in puerto rico. 3,000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit puerto rico, he tweeted. he then falsely accused democrats of inflating the death toll in order to make me look as bad as possible. a comprehensive study from george washington university concluded nearly 3,000 people died by causes directly related to the hurricane and its aftermath a figure accepted by the government as the official death toll. that s nearly 3,000 american citizens, most of them poor and elderly. our team saw the suffering first-hand. maria ortiz caring for 11 seniors in a nursing home without power. we can t let them die. we can t let them die.
and we need help. all the help we can get, please. reporter: when president trump visited the island, he tossed paper towels to storm victims. but just 15 minutes away, in this apartment building without power or clean water, david spoke with 70-year-old maria diaz. we don t want to die here, she told him. the governor of puerto rico today is taking issue with the president s tweets. the people of puerto rico, he said, do not deserve to have their pain questioned. and among political leaders, the president seems to be alone in questioning the death toll. i have no reason to dispute these numbers. with 3,000 people dead, for the president to say puerto rico was a success, a triumph of his presidency, is simply delusional. reporter: the white house released a photo this evening of the president getting briefed on hurricane preparation efforts. and despite the controversy
stirred up by his comments of hurricane maria, white house officials insist he is very much focused on hurricane florence and they expect he will travel to the areas affected by the hurricane as soon as is practical. david? jon karl, thank you. there s still much more ahead on world news tonight this thursday. breaking news tonight. dozens of explosions outside boston, in several different communities. you can see the homes in flames there. authorities urging some residents to get out. we ll have the latest in a moment. the deadly rampage in the west the gunman opening fire, shooting five victims in multiple locations. what authorities have now revealed. and elizabeth smart back in the news tonight and speaking out. her urgent plea tonight, just days before one of her kidnappers is about to go free. authorities say they miscalculated the time served. miscalculated the time served. we ll be right back. loors with d bucket is a hassle, meaning you probably don t clean as often as you d for a quick and convenient clean, try swiffer wetjet. there s no heavy bucket, or mop to wring out, because the absorb and lock technology
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david wright. reporter: north of boston tonight, more than 50 fires and explosions so far, apparently caused by a gas main explosion. in lawrence, fire crews are responding to more than two dozen fires across the city. in north anover and andover, officials are urging all residents to evacuate. the area roads gridlocked. according to the state fire marshal, a surge in the gas main started all this. i was in shock. i started running down the street and then my neighbor came out and was like, don t go down there. reporter: the columbia gas company says it was doing work on the lines when the explosions occurred. the local power company now says it has cut off power to the entire area as a precaution. david? david wright tonight. david, thank you. when we come back, the deadly rampage in the west. several victims, several locations. and elizabeth smart speaking out tonight. her warning to authorities just days before one of her kidnappers is set to go free. re, burning, pins and needles of diabetic nerve pain these feet.
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involving president trump s former campaign chairman paul manafort. tonight, sources telling abc news that manafort has tentatively agreed to a plea deal in order to avoid a second trial. he met today for more than four hours with special counsel robert mueller s team. sources say mueller wants information on president trump and the 2016 campaign. it s unclear tonight whether manafort has agreed to provide that information as part of his plea deal. elizabeth smart is speaking out tonight. she is angry one of her kidnappers will be released next week, several years earlier than expected. authorities in utah say they miscalculated the time wanda barzee served in federal custody. smart urging them to reconsider their decision. i believe that she is a danger and a threat to any vulnerable person in our community, which is why our community should be worried. barzee and her husband kidnapped smart in 2002, holding her captive for nine months. and that deadly killing spree in bakersfield, california. police say javier casarez killed five people, starting with his wife and a man at a trucking company.
he shot a witness, went to a home and killed two more people, carjacking a mother and child who escaped. he killed himself when confronted by a deputy. authorities say the gunman and his wife were getting divorced. when we come back, the main story of the night, hurricane florence where it is right now, where it s expected to make landfall first thing in the morning, and what ginger is now seeing tonight in the rain fo foreca forecast. george woke up in pain. but he has plans today. hey dad. so he took aleve. if he d taken tylenol, he d be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. (tiffany) with counseling nicotine patch and gum, i quit for good. my tip is: get help to find the best way for you to quit smoking. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication.
if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. so, let s get right back to the latest guidance tonight. hurricane florence expected to make landfall right here first thing in the morning. ginger, we ll be right here along with the whole team. reporter: we will. and we are going to see rain
from now until the foreseeable feature, really through saturday. and that s one of the big issues. the forecast, david, calls for more than 30 inches of rain in places, and mk income s highest rain total when it comes to a tropical system prior to this was floyd in 1999. i think we ll break that. wow, and to see that on the screen there, up to 40 inches of rain in some places. we ll be tracking it all for you. thank you for watching in the west. our coverage of hurricane florence continues first thing in the morning. i ll see you then. good night. tonight, combatting car
break-ins with the mighty pen in the bay area. a major move by bay area catholic diocese to expose those within its own ranks. plus criminal, fool. after blasting the president tonight, governor brown is about to board a ferry and head out on to the bay but not telling anyone why. a customer applies for a payment plan. the finance company says he doesn t exist. i m michael finney. 7 on your side is coming up. live where you live. this is abc7 news. another sign tonight of just how bad a problem car break-ins are, residents resorting to notes to try to keep thieves from breaking in. good evening. let s get right to melanie woodrow with a story you ll only see here. melanie? the idea for this story came from social media when a friend of mine posted a picture of a

Hurricane , People , Tweeting-today , Trump , Millions , Government , Hurricanes , Puerto-rico , Questioning , 3000 , Explosions , Number