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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With John Berman And Poppy Harlow 20170717 13:00:00

they needed to remove bone and go into the area around the brain. i ll just show you. it takes you into this area in the front of the brain here on the left side, again, as you know. so, whether it was on top of the brain or in the brain, whatever this abnormality was, they re calling it a blood clot, we don t know. it did involve going into the brain. five centimeters is about two inches. from here to here. pretty sizeable, what we re talking about. we don t know what this is. the pathologists have to look at this under a microscope and determine for sure what it is. it could be a blood clot, which would probably be the best news of all but pathologists want to be sure it s not something else as well. what are the important things that would lead neurosurgeons like yourself to look for something like this? you won t typically scan for something like this. i ve read a lot about the fact that he has had this history of melanoma that can cause bleeding in the area. is that why they would have been
there s anything that indicates this could be melanoma. you try to remove this early and aggressively. very quickly before you go you have to go to your other job at the hospital, real importance is where it is. is it between the skull and membrane that covers the brain or further in? we just don t know. we don t know that. but i think even upstream from that, if this is melanoma, i think that s going to raise a series of questions is is this adequately treated now? is he going to need further treatment? will that delay his recovery? even if it s outside the membrane, as you point out, of the brain, that will raise all those questions for him, poppy. dr. sanjay gupta, thank you very much for the expertise. appreciate it. here to discuss the politics health care and also wishing senator john mccain a quick recovery. washington post political blog the fix and patrick healy political analyst.
nice to have you here. amber, let s listen to republican senator susan collins speaking to jake yesterday about where things stand in her mind. there are about eight to ten republican senators who have serious concerns about this bill. and so at the end of the day, i don t know whether it will pass. amber, it s interesting. you say she says seemingly the more time that passes the harder this is getting for mcconnell. you say this delay could be a blessing in disguise. why? i think it could allow mcconnell to rally more votes. as mj said it is really, really tight right now. they can afford basically no one else to come out against this bill. that being said, that is one option and one perspective to look at this delay in the vote. senator susan collins is speaking a degree of truth when
axios had an interesting note this morning. they quote a senior administration official as saying if at the end of the weekend nobody else has jumped out of the box, that s a win. that s a pretty low bar for a win. that s a pretty low bar, poppy, but it s true. the governors meeting in providence this weekend came out many of them came out very strongly against this bill, including republican governors from vermont, nevada, like you said, brian sand dbls oval, governor of kentucky had concerns. kind of all over the map. what s interesting, poppy, a month or so ago, you had two governors in particular, republican governor of ohio, john kasich and the democratic governor of colorado, john hickenlooper who made strong statements against this bill. now you re getting many more governors sort of coming to the fore. the problem here for mitch mcconnell and the senate leadership in terms of the delay
of the vote is that if this vote is delayed one or two weeks that only gives more time for people who rely on obamacare in states like nevada to keep up the pressure on governor sandoval, on senator dean heller and to oppose this bill. and you don t really have forces on the other side who are coming out in those one or two weeks and saying, oh, okay. these are all the great reasons why this isn t going to affect medicaid recipients in a state like nevada. right. you re seeing such an escalation here. so, shannon, this white house needs a win. they re having a hard time getting a legislative win on health care. we ll see what happens. this delay yet again. and we ll see what the reaction is to the cbo score when that comes later this week. at the same time, despite the president tweeting otherwise, this is a very bad approval rating number that has just come
down in the latest polling for the president. 36%, according to the abc news/washington post poll, lowest since modern polling began 70 years ago. now he goes into his second six months. what do you do with this if you re sitting, strategizing at the white house? as you mentioned, getting legislative wins points on the board will be difficult at this point because that low approval rating gives him very little leverage in congress. the president with 36% approval rating, you can t twist many arms with that. it s going to be difficult in congress. he picked a lot of the low-hanging fruit he can pick legislatively with these executive orders, with these regulatory rollbacks he has done. so now i think they turn overseas. they ve been trying to focus on isis, trying to take the message there, on improving relations with certain countries but they re also going to try to get the messaging back on their own turf. it s made in america week at the white house. they ve been doing these theme
weeks like infrastructure week and energy week that haven t really gone over. they have another opportunity here. and remember back to november, december timeframe. president donald trump president-elect donald trump was going after companies on twitter. he was going after ford for sending jobs overseas. he was going after boeing for charging a lot for these fighter jets. that was an effective message. and even democrats then were afraid of that guy. and they like that guy who goes after companies and create jobs. he can get back on comfortable turf there. the problem become then his companies, the trump organization companies and ivanka truch companies with all the things made overseas come into the spotlight and a lot of questions they need to answer there. patrick, let me get your take if you dig into other new poll
williing numbers. abc/washington post poll really telling. yes, but the president is doing very well among his base and counties that flipped for him. here are the counties that flipped from obama to president trump and now holds only 44% approval rating, a 51% disapproval rating. is that more telling than the overall approval rating number? yeah. that s clearly bad news. these are the counties that the white house is very much looking at, both for the 2018 midterms, congressional midterms, the degree to which president trump is an albatross around the neck of candidates and then certainly 2020. president trump is already very seriously taking his re-election prospects. and he looked with a real point of pride at counties in states like michigan and pennsylvania that he was able to flip to himself from obama. those are states that he very much wants to carry again.
it s kind of an open question. another danger related to that is that president obama excuse me, president trump is also playing he s making some veiled political threats to republican senators who aren t necessarily getting on board with him. jeff flake in arizona is one who president trump has been meeting with possible candidates to jef. you re seeing trouble he may get into in states with the senate republican caucus, if seen as going after his members. it s a thinning base of support. a hard way to start your second week of the year. they re trying to start with these theme weeks which we ll talk about in a moment.
thank you. the white house is unveiling more of these theme weeks. will russia and the controversy surrounding it trump all? and a violent weekend in chicago. anti-violent activist, one of the several people shot and killed in weekend alone. dozens more wounded. we ll have a live report coming up. sexual harassment claim continue to rock silicon valley. now survivors and their candid stories. it was the moment that i felt my leg being grabbed under the table that i thought holy moly this is real.
thank you for being here. thank you, poppy. thank you for your service. good morning. let me get your reaction to the republican chair of the house oversight committee, trey gowdy. let me quote him. this drip, drip, drip about russia is undermining the credibility of this administration. is he right? is it hurting the credibility of the administration? i think in many circles, yes. listen, it s important that the white house certainly pivot. you just said that they re going to be doing that to talk about what the priorities are for the administration. there s also been great work that s been done both on capitol hill and with the presidency. but it is important that they sort of pivot and get off of this. let s face it. there are self inflicted wounds here, too. at the same time there s a lot of hysteria and overplaying from the other side, too. i talked to a lot of folks on the street, regular american folks who may not watch cable news, for example. and they re not so swept up and they re not so hell bent on every single thing being a
russian conspiracy. they want to see results. but, congressman, you would agree, surely, your constituents care that american elections are secure. i know that to be the case. yes. because i hear that very often. let me get your reaction. let me touch on that quickly. people are concerned about the integrity of elections tochlt see a russian conspiracy on every single corner, they are not. they think it s overplayed. you said, look, there are self-inflicted wounds here and also that there s some hysteria. i know you mean, for example, some democrats calling this treasonous. of course. you said that before on our air. yes. here is what conservative columnist and fox news contributor charles krauthammer writes. it s entered a new phase this is not hearsay, not fake news, not unsourced leaks. what donald junior and kushner and manafort did may not be criminal but it s not only
stupid, but deeply wrong, a fundamental violation of any kind of civic honor. it s troubling, it s inappropriate. i said that also, too. so is the dnc, trying to get information from ukraine. those are all inappropriate. that s not apples to apples. frankly, you know that. that is not the highest levels of the ukrainian government meeting with members of the clinton campaign. that never happened. so i m asking you, do you believe that it is a violation of civic honor to have had this meeting, knowing that it was from a concerted russian government effort? what i said was and certainly something that someone else did doesn t excuse behavior of someone else. let s get that clear. but sometimes we tend to focus on what s just going on now and not other facts as well. i said it was inappropriate. i think it s inappropriate. i think it was a grave mistake.
i think the administration, if anyone had contact with russians or anywhere, get it out there. get it all out there, just like chairman gowdy said before. no more drip, drip. get it out there. do you think it s believable, then? the ranking democrat on the senate intelligence committee, mark warner, i m sure you heard this also, he thinks it s, quote, unbelievable that neither the son nor the son-in-law ever shared that information with the candidate, with their dad. do you buy it? do you think it s believable that kushner and donald junior never went to the president with this? i really don t know. think about when this was. think about what the context was. this was before all the russia hysteria. this was in june. i know they had many meetings. i do think my senator, who i have respect for we talked about this i think he s making a huge mistake in terms of what people really care about. that s the integrity of these elections. there has to be a policy that gets put forth by democrats, by
republicans that deters and makes it very clear to other nations that they will not, in fact, mess or meddle within our elections. hysteria as well, too. i think he s overplaying it. i really want to get to health care but would like an answer to that question if irs. which one? i m sorry. do you believe that the son or son-in-law jared kushner went to the pre president? i believe that the meeting was inappropriate. i said that before. that s not whatty i asked. do you believe that they didn t tell their father about this? do you believe that or not? i have no idea. let move on then. vice president mike pence and representative susan kolins on very different pages when it comes to the medicaid portion of the senate s new health care bill. listen to both of them. president trump and i believe that the senate health care bill strengthens and secures medicaid for the neediest in our society. this bill would impose
fundamental, sweeping changes in the medicaid program and those include very deep cuts. that would affect some of the most vulnerable people in our society. you can t take more than $700 billion out of the medicaid program and not think that it s going to have some kind of effec effect. so does it help the most needy, as the vice president said or does it hurt the most vulnerable as the republican senator says? two things. they ll have to work through their differences, of course, to get something in the senate. virginia didn t expand medicaid because we knew it started out at 5% of our budget, at 22% now and unsustainable trajectory. there s not a sane person on capitol hill who would tell you that medicaid is on a sustainable path. furthermore, you have a weird distortion, a bad one, that has medicaid expansionist states and
medicaid expansion reimburses able-bodied childless adults at a rate of 90% as opposed to 50% or 60% for those who the program was actually designed to deal with, the needy, poor kids, pregnant women and such. the most vulnerable of our population, i believe, to get in on a sustainable track, you do have to slow the growth of medicaid so we, in fact, can deal with the most needy of our population. so you don t think sorry, i can t hear you. can you hear me now? okay. it s like a verizon commercial. so you don t think that the reduction in growth is $772 billion reduction in medicaid expansion growth for these states over a decade is going to hurt people in senator collins is saying it hurts the most vulnerable. you argue that will not happen. despite your state not expanding, i m just asking, is that what you re comfortable with for folks across america to rely on it? there will be states who did expand who will fight against that, who did they re sort of
incentivized to put people on the rolls. you have to get a handle on this or will end up hurting more people if you don t deal with the growth of medicaid, an unsustainable rate. here is what i m not done yet. okay. look, you also have to deal with the fact that we are hurting families across this country. there s a huge swath of families who have way high deductible. their premiums are insane. they re paying more than they pay on their mortgages. we re hurting more people right now by not getting this done. i sat with those families. i sat with a couple in kentucky who said it s over $800 a month for us. we can t afford it. i hear you. look at these new numbers from this abc poll that are revealing. half of americans still want obamacare, just in a little bit different form. 50% want obamacare. 24% want the gop proposals that are out there right now.
outside of what it takes to get the wins on this for senate republicans, what about what the american people want? that s double the amount of people that like the gop plan that say stick with what we ve got and, of course, there are revisions that need to happen. uh-huh. here are a couple of things. obamacare has been with us eight years now. good things have come out of it, like pre-existing conditions, letting folks stay on their parents plan until they re 26 years old. we re not changing that. number one, we could do a better job explaining to the american people our philosophical differences. aca is one-size-fit-all washington. health care is consumed at the local level. we believe it should be the states and local localities that should be dealing with that much closer to the patient themselves. i think that we have to do something about it. aca is fundamentally flawed. i think that health care before could have been changed or tweaked, if you will, to deal with the issues, good things
that came out of the aca. i think it s fundamentally flawed and to not act is wrong. i think leaders must act. dems should come to the table, too, and work with us to fundamentally fix aca and health care. i think americans would really welcome bipartisanship in washington. congressman scott taylor, thank you for joining us. thank you, poppy. appreciate it. thank you for your service to this country. thank you. all right. so, if the russians that donald trump jr. met with had this motive and were so bad why did the secret service allow the meeting to happen, right? that s the latest defense out of the white house. issue is, secret service wasn t even protecting donald trump jr. at the time they came back and pushed hard on that one. 7 and. (ray) the difference has been incredible. she is much more aware. she wants to learn things. (vo) purina pro plan bright mind. nutrition that performs.
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donald trump jr., jared kushner and the russian attorney? u.s. secret service says not us. that is in response to a claim by the president s own lawyer, jay sekulow. listen. i ve wondered why the secret service, if this was nefarious, why the secret service allowed these people in. the president had secret service at that point. that raise aid question with me. except don junior didn t. here is what the secret service said in a statement to cnn. don junior was not a protectee of the secret service. therefore we would not have screened anyone he was meeting with. jeffrey toobin, it s a bizarre defense to begin with, not to mention that the secret service had no purview over don junior. let s talk about one thing. jay sekulow said two very interesting things over the weekend. one was, remember, we spent months hearing that this there was no contact between the trump campaign and the russians. it was all fake news.
the whole thing was ridiculous. that is now out the window. that s a considerable change of the goal posts now. it is. maybe there was a crime. maybe there wasn t. it s worth noting that change. the secret service point i ve known jay sekulow for a long time. he is an extremely fine lawyer. very good lawyer. experienced extreme court advocate. what that tells me is that he does not have a lot of access to his client, that the client is not being forthcoming about the whole story. if you listen to jay s story, his advocacy, it s based in the law, not in the facts. he obviously had not talked to donald junior about whether he was a secret service protectee at that time. so he made this wrong claim that the secret service somehow would
have been involved. i think it illustrates how the defenders of trump and the trump campaign don t know all the facts. none of us do. that s why the story keeps evolving the way it does. you have said on our air, this is the administration and their attorneys, jay sekulow in this case, moving the defense lines back. haven t they moved them back as far as you can go? as far as you can go is, well, it wasn t illegal. they re sort of like, okay we can do it again. it wasn t a high cream and misdemeanor justifying impeachment. that s the next line of defense. that s true but i mean, they do have some good arguments. it is still not clear whether any crime was committed, even if you believe more sinister interpretations of what the trump campaign was doing. right. we hear this word over and over again, collusion, collusion, which is sort of
agreements between the campaign and the russian government, is not a crime. right. under most circumstances. and there s no crime except under anti-trust law involving coll collusion. what is a value to the campaign. i hear you. the white house now add ace new guy. from all i ve read, very high-powered, experience white collar defense attorney, ty cobb. how does this change their approach? is this pushing kosowitz out? i don t know whether he s in or out. that s beyond my knowledge at this point. the purpose of hiring ty cobb is to keep an organized face on all these inquiries. that doesn t answer whether, a, he will have access to donald trump to get answers when questions come up and, b, whether trump will continue
tweeting on his own, stuff that is relevant to the investigation and whether cobb will have any influence on the president s statements or his tweeting. no one has before. no one has before. the record is not good. maybe you would, jeffrey toobin. i am out of that business. i am a journalist now. because you re here. exactly. jeffrey toobin, thank you very much. ahead for us, deadly weather. one second a family is spending their saturday swim nth arizona river. next, a flash flood carries trees and rocks right at them, killing at least nine. that s next. for your heart. your joints. or your digestion. so why wouldn t you take something
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chad myers. how could this happen with no warning? it happens every single day in the desert in the summer. it s called monsoon season flash flooding. it is the most dangerous, most tragic thing that happens in the desert. you think it isn t going to rain. it rains on top of a hill. that water washing downhill. it s not even raining where you are. it rained up there. you don t expect it to come downhill. and it does. the rain came through payson, all the way down through tucson who had their first wet day in almost half a year. in fact, 138 days ago was the last time it truly rained in phoenix. the rain was on top of the mountain. it rained hard. probably an inch of rain. something else on top of this mountain, about a month ago, a wildfire. a wildfire scorched the ground that this water, this rain was raining on. that wildfire makes the ground what we call hydrophobic. it makes it like asphalt. the rain will not soak in. even the rain that we re going
to see today. here is the forecast for today. it will not soak in. so, here is the southwest. it happens every summer. it is called monsoon season. people drive from phoenix. they go up here to the water wheel. and then you take that waterwheel, climb up the canyon, a beautiful cool little splash here. back into the canyon through here, where the cold spring is. but it rained on top of the mongola rim. and that water was tragically running downhill at a pace they could not get out of the way. poppy. six children killed. unbelievable. tragedy also in chicago over the weekend. a deadly weekend. multiple shootings killed at least 11 people, 9-year-old boy among them. also a man who dedicated his life to preventing violence. ryan young is live with more. you know, we talk about the same thing, ryan, right after the fourth of july. once again. reporter: yeah. really staggering numbers t
hasn t really stopped since the fourth of july. think about that weekend. 100 people shot during that weekend. and then 40 killed shot the following weekend and now this weekend you have 58 people shot during the weekend. you look at the numbers. just staggering. talk bay 9-year-old sitting in the car with a stepfather when someone roll bid and started opening fire. that young man was shot in the back and he died. later on this weekend, someone pull pulled up with an ar-15 saturday and hitting the crowd, hitting that activist several times before he died. a lot of people in the community are asking that question, why and when will it stop? people are just so cold hearted. how could you just take somebody s life? he helped everybody. i just don t understand. i met him when i was a little boy and all through time, there s so many stories of him doing good in the community, him paying for funerals for other people, people to go to school, whatever anybody needed, whatever anybody needed.
you think about this. the activist dedicating his life to trying to stop violence ended up getting killed, standing there on the street with a crowd of people. people are definitely asking for help. they want more help from the federal government. the police department obviously has changed some of their procedures. when you look at this summer, how hot it s been, how violent it s been, people are just hoping it gets better before it gets worse. no answers right now, poppy. heartbreaking and it s happening consistently. ryan young, thank you for the reporting for us this morning from chicago. up next, something you will not want to miss. silicon valley exposed. a culture of sexual harassment and assault. now six women come forward and tell our laurie segall their stories. you preyed on a group of women that you thought were too afraid or not in a position to speak up and, clearly, you were very, very wrong. adult 7+ promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older.
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you don t want to tell people you were in a business meeting and somebody shamed you. who wants to say that? it was the moment i felt my leg being grabbed under the table that i thought, holy moly, this is real. we with were sitting at a starbucks and he grabs my face and tries to make out with me. i hope that we can change that. so, this is my story from 2001. the environment was a lot different because of the dot com crash. i was faced with raising more money or letting go of employees. so, one time i had a meeting with a potential person and he order add $5,000 bottle of wine. i couldn t remember how many times the glass got filled. he was conveying to me how attractive he was to me, tried to lean over to kiss me and i
pulled away. i ll never forget when he touched me under the table, grabbed my leg and squeezed it and said, you know, i m going to help you. i m going to do this for you. like he was my savior or something. at the same time, he s violating me. i was lucky enough to have an adviser or mentor who never expressed romantic or sexual interest on me. we were working on spread sheets. we were sitting side by side. at the end of that, he stood up and pulled out his erect penis, genitalia. it was uncomfortable. it was unfair, but it happened. it wasn t the last time something like that would happen. it made me fee disgusted, demoralized and disrespected. i didn t have any worth as a
woman in business. all of my accomplishments, i already raised the money in venture funding. that didn t matter. if i was sitting across from him, i would say, i m here to talk business and nothing else. it s strange to me when you look at your pipeline as pop tuneties for your romantic life. don t date your deal blow. it s not that hard. you have the money. you have the power. you have the decision making ability. you have it all. like, why do you do this? you preyed on a group of women that you thought were too afraid or not in a position to speak up and clearly, you were very, very wrong. poppy, the next phase of this, how do we push the dialogue for it? how do we get more women in leadership positions.
how do we get them where they can report sexual harassment. those are the women speaking out about it. how many more women has it happened to. i m so glad you did this. where can you see it? cnn thank you. we have a lot ahead. the senate health care vote delayed. how long? senator mccain could be the crucial vote but he s out. an update on his condition, next.
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Brain , Bone , Area , Front , Side , Blood-clot , Abnormality , Pathologists , Two , Five , Things , Something

Transcripts for FOXNEWS FOX News Saturday Night 20240604 21:03:00

Talking about flooding just walls of water washing down in some of these valleys. dangerous situation here over the next day or so. yeah everybody is going to need to be watching. yep. meteorologist adam klotz thank you. meanwhile state leaders are warning californians to stay indoors. forecasters predict life-threatening floods from the intense rain and fierce winds. chief correspondent jonathon hunt is live in santa monica, california with the latest there. jonathon. reporter: jon it s been raining for some seven hours solidly now here in santa monica. it is not particularly heavy at this point in time. but it has been and remember we re not even near the brunt of this storm hitting this far north in southern california. the brunt now is coming in to san diego down near as adam was saying the mexico border, and live crams that we have down there. in areas like imperial beach

Some , Situation , Meteorologist-adam-klotz , Everybody , Valleys , Water-washing , Walls , Next , Yep , Southern-california , Winds , Rain

Transcripts for MSNBC Morning Joe 20240604 11:26:00

Locations like buffalo which will have incredible amounts of snow over the next two days. the rain is going to cause its own issue, the wet surfaces, we see now dealing with the rain. as we see temperatures crashing down, it s going to be problematic. washington, d.c. right now, 45 trees. we ll see a 35 degree temperature drop as we get to 7:00 tonight. any wet surfaces are going to freeze immediately. you can t treat those with the salt and such when you have water washing it away. new york, 55. see temperatures drop in a hurry. 41 temperature drop by the time we get to later this evening, and that s just the rain areas as we look at the snowfall amounts. buffalo, 24 to 36 inches of snow, and winds up to 75 miles per hour. it will be a doozy as they head into christmas. that looks brutal. thank you so much. angie lassman, man, i m looking at this, 41 degrees, a drop of

Rain , Temperatures , Snow , Buffalo , Surfaces , Locations , Issue , Amounts , Two , Washington-d-c , Water-washing , Odegree-temperature

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20170717:13:44:00

Chad myers. how could this happen with no warning? it happens every single day in the desert in the summer. it s called monsoon season flash flooding. it is the most dangerous, most tragic thing that happens in the desert. you think it isn t going to rain. it rains on top of a hill. that water washing downhill. it s not even raining where you are. it rained up there. you don t expect it to come downhill. and it does. the rain came through payson, all the way down through tucson who had their first wet day in almost half a year. in fact, 138 days ago was the last time it truly rained in phoenix. the rain was on top of the mountain. it rained hard. probably an inch of rain. something else on top of this mountain, about a month ago, a wildfire. a wildfire scorched the ground that this water, this rain was raining on. that wildfire makes the ground what we call hydrophobic. it makes it like asphalt. the rain will not soak in. even the rain that we re going

Thing , Summer , Desert , Isn-t , Monsoon-season , Chad-myers , Warning , Flash-flooding , Dangerous , Top , Water-washing , Hill

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20150301:08:11:00

oh. announcer: which jersey artist has the most number one hit singles to bruce springsteen, whitney houston, or frank sinatra? whitney houston who hit the billboard 11 times. jamie: october of 2012 herriot britta and brick wenzel are planning a celebration for salty s. it s been in the family for half a century. and then they turn on the news. there was a state of emergency in the anticipation of hurricane sandy. jamie: to protect what they can, the wenzels closes up the shop and boards it up. there are literally waves of water washing down washington

Announcer , Artist , Hit-singles , Whitney-houston , Number-one , Frank-sinatra , Bruce-springsteen , One , Jamie , Family , Herriot-britta , Salty-s