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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20181117 01:30:00

see you in half an hour. tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. the deadly nor easter. snow still falling in places. and the nightmare. the drivers stranded. the 20-car pileup on the george washington bridge. drivers stuck for so long, authorities pounding on windows to wake them up. and chaos at airports. passengers still waiting and another system coming. new threat in california, the smoke-filled air now closing schools. the bay bridge vanishing behind it. and a new and staggering number doubling tonight. 600 people now unaccounted for. president trump s answers to robert mueller. what we learned tonight. new surveillance this evening. the 49ers football fan, an army vet who had been in the stands with his girlfriend and vanishing. his car still there. the colorado father who
begged for his wife and children to come home even though authorities say he had already killed them. his girlfriend, breaking silence. what she noticed not long before. black friday, the one step you can take one now online to ensure you will get the lowest price. thanksgiving almost here. the cdc with the new warning about turkey and salmonella. and celebrating the man behind so many classics, from butch cassidy and the sun dance kid to the princess bride. good evening and we have a lot to get to tonight. we begin with a nightmare still playing out. the deadly and historic nor easter slamming several states. there is still snow falling. it brought new york city to a halt. the 20-car pileup, on the gw bridge connecting new york to new jersey, grid lock across the city. the maddening scene with buses delayed.
you can see the guards there there blocking the escalator. the port authority bus station. students forced to spend the night in a middle school. tonight, sans lags cancellations and delays. passengers sleeping on cots at are watching tonight. meteorologist rob marciano leading it off. reporter: tonight, with snow still falling in parts of the northeast, the nightmare is not over. a historic november nor easter. stranding drivers and cars, passengers still at airports and students stranded at school into the night. this storm hit right in the perfect hour.ri t rho was starting. reporter: in manhattan, six inches of snow and ice. halting traffic. hundreds of trees crashing down and the weight of the snow gathering on the leaving still on the trees. watch out, watch out! reporter: blocking roads, crushing cars. i just heard a crack. the whole limb, the whole branch just fell down.
reporter: the stunning scene on new york s george washington bridge, a 20-car pileup. some were forced to get out of the car and walk across the bridge. nearly 2,000 crashes in 12 hours. even if you say it s an exceedingly unusual set of events that came together, we still can t let it happen again. reporter: meanwhile, a sea of frustrated commuters in new york port authority bus terminal. the massive crowd held back by armed guards. 4 hours on an hour and a half commute. reporter: some computers get out and push. many simply abandoning their cars. these students in new jersey forced to spend the night. sleeping on gym mats. the parents could not pick them up from school. they watched the movie frozen . yeah, i wanted to go home. reporter: on interstate 78 in pennsylvania, police using sirens, banging on doors to wake
truckers and drivers who were stuck in traffic so long, they had fallen asleep. one driver traveling north from florida on interstate 95 in connecticut was killed after getting out of the car to clear snow. air travel also grinding to a halt. passengers stuck there too. we were stuck on the plane for two hours. reporter: stranded travelers crashing on cots in airport terminals from boston s logan airport to newark. what a mess. let s get right to rob marciano live there tonight. the george washington bridge behind you there. and what a chaotic scene over night. you are tracking another system? reporter: yes, we are, david. we are not quite done with this one which outperformed our forecast. now it s spinning off the coast of maine, and the spirals bands off new england and new york. other storm you talked about, a winter storm warning for wyoming and north dakota, a two-pronged system that will bring snow and through minneapolis, chicago, reaching in the areas that got ice earlier in the week. maybe 2 to 4 inches. behind that, windchills will be
below zero. some of that cold air will get to the east next week. david? rob, thanks as always. we will turn next to california and the new and staggering toll. the numbers now doubling, authorities say 600 people unaccounted for. and another concern, smoke from the wildfires closing schools, the air reaching hazardous levels. and spreading across hundreds of miles. more than 150 miles away that is san francisco s bay bridge disappearing in the haze. and the u.s. military has sent in more teams to help identify human remains with so many families waiting. abc s will carr from california again tonight. three, two, one, water s away. reporter: tonight, exhausted fire crews attacking the camp fire from the air. the containment rising, but hazardous smoke smothering the region. the putrid air quality, worse than major cities in china, reaching dangerous levels for millions from sacramento to san francisco, where schools have closed. residents forced to wear masks.
the death toll jumping again after the fire, the deadliest in california history, wiped the town of paradise off the map. for days, officials have been combing through rubble and missing persons reports from three separate hotlines. tonight with war zone remains, expects on the ground, more than 600 still unaccounted sister. pam nolan looking for her ex-husband. we ve checked every evacuation center, every shelter. reporter: a list of the missing posted in this walmart parking lot where many paradise residents have relocated, living in tents filled with smoke until sunday when they ll be forced to leave. and david, more than 11,000 homes and businesses have burned to the ground in california, with the president coming to see the devastation on saturday, state leaders are calling it a humanitarian crisis. david? will carr, excellent reporting all week long. tonight, president trump says he has written answers to robert mueller s questions and he has written the answers on
his own. and he says he was trying to trick him up. here is jonathan karl. reporter: president trump said today he has at long last completed written answers to questions from special counsel robert mueller. i haven t submitted them yet. i just finished them. reporter: he insisted, he wrote the answers himself, not his lawyers. my lawyers aren t working on that. i m working on that. i write the answer. my lawyers don t write answers. i write answers. i was asked a series of questions. i answered them very easily, very easily. i m sure they re tricked you because you know they like to ask people, gee, was the weather sunny or rainy? he said it may have been a good day. it was rainy therefore he told a lie. okay, so you have to always be careful when you answer questions for people who probably have bad intentions. reporter: abc news has learned the president objected to some of the questions, and over the past 24 hours, he has harshly attacked mueller and his investigation. the inner workings of the mueller investigation are a total mess, he tweeted just
yesterday. they are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. they are a disgrace to our nation. it s unclear what the president was referring to. we asked both the white house and the justice department if he had been briefed by new acting attorney general matt whitaker. neither would answer. you on twitter yesterday seemed a bit agitated about what you might be perceiving what the mueller investigation will do. no, i m not agitated. it s a hoax. the whole thing is a hoax. there was no collusion. jon karl live with us tonight from the white house. there is another headline breaking in the washington post, they are reporting that the cia has concluded the saudi crown prince ordered the assassination of that journalist last seen on the surveillance going in the consolate in istanbul. breaking in the washington post. if confirmed, it would lead to major questions. if true, this would ramp up the pressure on the trump
administration to take a tougher line on saudi arabia. they have 17 saudi officials. as you know, the president has resisted placing blame on the crown prince. he has also made it clear he does not want to see broader sanctions on the saudi kingdom. david? jon karl, thanks to you. next tonight to new surveillance just out after the mysterious disappearance of a 49ers fan and an army vet. he vanished from levi s stadium in the monday night football game and surveillance video showing him after he left his seat to go to the bathroom. he never came back. his car sitting there untouched. here is abc s kana whitworth. reporter: this eerie surveillance video just released by police shows 32-year-old ian powers looking down at his cell phone while apparently leaving the san francisco 49ers game on monday alone. police believe he was headed in the direction of his car. the army veteran has been missing for four days. and this is ian at the game.
he had traveled with his girlfriend and her two kids from spokane, washington, when she says he got up to use the restroom and never came back. for him to just get lost, it must have been unusual circumstances. reporter: she says this screenshot is from their last videochat when they were trying to find each other before she says they lost contact. he didn t know where he was. he just kept saying by the entrance. reporter: police say his car was found where he parked it with no signs of foul play, and he s made no traceable financial transactions and posted nothing on social media. our investigation will continue into the night. however, we will be back in some capacity tomorrow. reporter: the police say they are baffled by his disappearance. they are now reviewing surveillance video from area businesses. daid? thank you. the colorado father pleaded for the return of his wife and daughters even though authorities say he had already killed them.
and tonight, his mistress who said he told her he was divorcing now breaking her silence and the warning signs right before. here is abc s linsey davis. reporter: week after chris watts pleaded guilty to murdering his daughters and pregnant wife he is amazing. reporter: his girlfriend is pulling back the curtain on a double life. daddy is my hero reporter: nichol kessinger tells the denver post watts is a liar, he lied about everything. they met at work just weeks before his family went missing, she says he told her he was finalizing a divorce. and described him as soft spoken and a good listener. but his story unraveled when his family went missing and he begged on tv for their return. if you re out there, just come back. reporter: kessinger telling the post, i thought, if he was able to lie to me and hide something that big, what else was he lying about? when she pressed him for answers his lack of emotion only made her more suspicious and she feared for his wife and
children. police recovered their remains at a colorado oil site. his daughters hidden in inside storage tanks. she says she wanted to help and went to investigators while police were still searching. as for watts, he will be sentenced on monday. he is expected to get life in prison, david? thank you. a stunning revelation tonight. the u.s. has filed secret charges against julian assange, the wikileaks founder who has taken home in london. and a federal indictment for an unknown crime was reported by mistake. in an unknown case. we do know that wikileaks is on radar of robert mueller. and they used the sites to spread the e-mails to damage hillary clinton. assange says they did not come from the russians. next tonight to what prosecutors are saying a go fund me scam, that couple and homeless vet charged after raising $400,000 in donations.
tonight, that woman s lawyer speaking out just moments ago, now defending her. here is whit johnson. reporter: tonight, the woman accused of an epic lie to scam thousands of americans now wants everyone to believe she too was duped. kate is being used and being set up to continue to be the face of this and to continue to do what she was trying to do, which is help a homeless veteran. reporter: the attorney representing kate mcclure says it was her boyfriend at the time, mark d amico, and johnny bobbitt who met first and pushed the alleged scheme, telling a viral tale about bobbit, a homeless veteran, offering kate his last $20 when she ran out of gas. but less than an hour after their go fund me page went live, prosecutors say mcclure texted a friend admitting it was fake. writing, okay, so wait, the gas part is completely made up. but the guy isn t. i had to make something up to make people feel bad. on kate s part it was puffing. it was exaggeration, trying to help this veteran.
reporter: david, mcclure s attorney says she and d amico are no longer together. lawyers representing her alleged co-conspirators declined to comment. david? a breaking headline from georgia this evening, democratic candidate stacy abrams has said there is no way for her to win. but has not called it a concession. she called her opponent kemp the victor. she says she will file a lawsuit claiming gross mismanagement of the election. president trump awarding the medal of freedom to seven americans, babe ruth, elvis presley and supreme court justice antonin scalia, and in the front row, justice ruth baden ginsberg, recently hospitalized after a fall. she and scalia friends. the president today welcoming her back. there is more ahead on friday. the suspected serial killer and his new confession, admitting to 90 murders nationwide. making headlines.
the consumer alert tonight. thanksgiving almost here and the cdc warning about turkey and salmonella. we will have the latest. your money, black friday one week away now and the one step you can take right now online to ensure you will get the lowest price. and we celebrate the man behind so many classics from butch cassidy and the sun dance kid to all the president s men to the princess bride. a lot more news ahead. until i tried chantix. chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. i needed that to quit. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions
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the risk of another heart attack. because my second chance matters. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. introducing the new capital one savor card. earn 4% cash back on dining and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what s in your wallet? next tonight here, your money. black friday is one week from today. one tip right now to lock in the lowest price. our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis out to save your money. reporter: tonight, with the black friday rush now just one week away, retailers ramping up those deals. starting monday, at $15 in gift cards for every $50 spent. come thanksgiving, at target, more than 15 tvs under $300. and at best buy, big savings on
apple and samsung products. what is the smartest thing you can do right now? right now, go to a gift card trading site like gift card granny and find some cards for your favorite stores. target, macy s whatever those cards are resold at a discount, so you give yourself an extra deal on black friday. reporter: plus, try this trick. load up that online shopping cart now so when deals go live, you won t miss out on limited inventories. david, follow your favorite brands on social media where they often unveil special deals and promo codes for the holidays. david. thanks for your help, rebecca. when when come back, remembering the man behind butch cassidy and the sun dance kid to all the president s men. also the dwopg headline about a serial killer. authorities say 90 murders. and with thanksgiving almost here, the cdc tonight with a new warning about turkey and salmonella right after the break.
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responsible for 90 murders nationwide. samuel little told authorities he was involved in dozens of killings spanning four decades. prosecutors in texas say he is already linked to one third of those murders. jennie-o turkey recalling 91,000 pounds of ground turkey for possible salmonella contamination. this is the first recall tied to the previously raw turkey blamed for one death and illnesses across 35 states. we have much more on our website. legendary oscar winner william goldman has died. his list of movies includes butch cassidy and the sun dance kid, all the president s men and the princess bride. he was 87. when we come back, what one mother did for another, it s extraordinary. and the princess bride. he was 87. when we come back, what one mother did for another, it s extraordinary.
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finally tonight here, one mother s unimaginable grief and what she then does to help another mother save her son. my 20/20 co-anchor amy robach with two families, who are america strong. reporter: tonight, a second chance for cameron underwood who suffered injuries to his face from a self-inflicted gunshot wound two years ago. he had hope for the first time. as a mom, you want to fix things. reporter: but the selfless gift of another mother who tragically lost her son, will, is about to make it possible for cameron to have surgery, facial transplant surgery. but a face?
and cameron suffered his injury at the age of 23, which is the age that willie was when he died. and i just thought, you know, he can get this kid a face. reporter: with will identified as the donor, two mothers coming together in love and hope to give one son a chance at life. thank you for letting my son live on. you have no idea what it means, what it means to us. reporter: the roughly 25 hour surgery a success. when you look in the mirror, what do you see? me? i see me. reporter: one life reborn and mother seeing her lost son s face again. i m so glad you re here. so glad. you look so fantastic. i know, you look beautiful. i guess i m a little biassed. i think you re drop dead gorgeous. i think he is too. thank you. those two moms looking at the the young man and new face.
amy, i know you will reveal it tonight on 20/20. this is an extraordinary journey. what the two families have done for one another. we have been following them for the past six months. one of the most poignant moments, david, was when one mother gave the other mother at the reunion at the reunion, a gold locket and a picture of both boys inside. and amy and i will see you a couple hours from now, 10:00 p.m. eastern. 20/20. incredible story. we will see you then. good night. take a look. that s not fog, it is smoke.
today is the worst air quality we ve ever seen in parts of the bay area. tonight, see what it is doing to us. i m spencer christian. potentially hazardous smoke continues to plague the bay area. i will show you where it is at its worst right now. all of this smoke is from the deadly camp fire burning in butte county and we re about to get a live update on the fire fight there. live where you live, this is abc 7 news . they re coughing during the night. they re like they don t feel good. i stopped swimming just because it is an outdoor pool. i have never seen anything like this. this is the worst air quality on record in the bay area, and after enduring smoke from the butte county wildfire for a week, we are still days away from any real relief. good evening. thanks for joining us. i m dan ashley. i m ama daetz. at the bottom of the screen you will see the names of people who are listed as missing after the camp fire by the butte county sheriff s office. there s also a phone number.

Trump , People , Car , Answers , Father , Girlfriend , Robert-mueller , Army-vet , Evening , Stands , Colorado , 49ers-football-fan

Transcripts For MSNBCW Your Business 20181124 12:30:00

my name is mike, i m in product development at comcast. we re working to make things simple, easy and awesome. good morning from bell light, wisconsin. coming up on a special small business saturday edition of your business this restaurant/grocery store wants to become the tourist destination for beloit s main street. they need help. we ll bring in our your business makeover team. plus, i sit down with linda mcman to talk about how important it is to support your local businesses. and we ll show you exactly how the money you spend on your local businesses helps the entire community. when it comes to making this small business saturday the most profitable ever, we have your
backs. that s all coming up next on your business. your business is sponsored by american express. don t do business without it. hi there, everyone. welcome to a very special edition of your business. we are here in beloit, wisconsin, as small businesses are getting ready for small business saturday. that s the day that comes between black friday and cyber monday when we are all encouraged to shop local. beloit has a lot to offer. it s a college town. big companies like pratt industries and frito lay have
industries here. it s attracted a lot of fast growing tech companies. as the city has changed, so have the small businesses. we recently got a letter from the founder of this company here, bushel and pecks, a beloved beloit institution. the owner told us that she grew this company from a small farm stand into what it is today but she still has big dreams and she needs help. she is overwhelmed so we ve assembled a great team together and we re going to go give this business a makeover. come on. jackie, i m j.j. hi there. hi. this place is fantastic! thanks. i love this. jackie jeanette is the owner of bushel and peck s, a grocery store, restaurant and commercial kitchen. she started out 16 years ago when she left her corporate job in chicago to buy a farm outside the city of beloit, wisconsin. at first she sold produce at the local farmer s market, then in
2008 she bought this store front and opened a restaurant. now ten years later it s expanded to become a sprawling emporium on the main street in town. show me around. okay. let s go this way. tell me what this is all about. restaurant is on the right, the store is on the left. we have a cafe. while her customers love the place as is, jackie told us she s got bigger dreams. she wants to turn bushel and peck s into a branded regional chain of stores, but that s a long way off. so she wrote to us for help and asked for a your business makeover. most people walk in, look up, look around and go, wow! and then they still don t know what to do. while the space itself is loaded with charm, it s a distracting tangle of random merchandise all jammed together. there s a restaurant, a grocery store, a plant nursery, a commercial kitchen, a used book section, a wine store and a gift shop. on top of that, there is
inconsistency between her digital branding and her brick and mortar branding. i can t say no to anything, that s one of my biggest problems. so we gathered together a s.w.a.t. team of experts to shake things up and give jackie the boost she needs. dana isam johnson is the trend expert who brought everything she knows to help jackie and her team to take bushel and peck s etsy s shopping site. and gordon came to give her products a whole new look and branding guru aaron hodola of minnesota volunteered to work on the instore and online customer experience. i want to hear your first impression. my first impression walking in, there is some good bones in this place, really good. i honestly don t know where i m supposed to go or do next. that s what i m working on. meaning you don t know if you re supposed to buy something. if i want river food, how do
you get there? if i m looking for product, how do i flow through the store? what are the opportunities to help me understand that. that s what i m looking for. do you feel like you can make big changes? i think we can make small changes that have a lot of big impact. aaron studied how people moved through the store and developed a plan to upgrade the photography, sharpen the brand image and make it easier for customers to find what they need. he told jackie it all starts with one word, consistency. half the battle oftentimes is just not being consistent. doing it this way one day, doing it different the next day and how do we bring consistency so you have to work less and have the opportunity to make more. the first step started with finding a unified look and logo that identified the store to its customers. it s already right there above the door. it s instant identity.
expanded if you open a new location anywhere, boom, you put that on the building and people see it and it s classy yet comfy. aaron then suggested that a few directional signs would eliminate the confusion about where to go. it s an opportunity to use these graphics, these photos. aaron s graphics came from gordon s brand new pictures which made the products look fantastic. gordon also offered to show jackie some photographer basics so she could update her product shots herself just using her cell phone. basically what i ve got set up here is a basic lighting system that anybody can build just from parts from a hardware store. so i built some basic stands out of some wood. i bought some $10 shop lights with some clamps and then i put daylight temperature le d. bulbs in it. daylight? daylight would give you the
most true color so your smartphone doesn t have to try to balance the color as much. gotcha. then what you can also see is i ve put freezer paper over the lights. looks nice. to diffuse the light. it s important to light a scene like this to brighten it up and make your colors and everything really pop out of the picture. secondly is angle. just changing the angle of your photo can add so much more dynamics to it. you can shoot low, you can shoot overhead. another aspect is focus. we want to pick out not only to have a tight focus, sharp image, but what is the focus of the image? what are you trying to convey? in this particular scene by staggering the bottles so we will focus on the foreground and then we ll fade out the back. so the back two bottles in this case would sort of fade out? right. naturally. enough to where you can still
read them but it just adds a little bit more of a dynamic. okay. this is great. i think i m going to make one of these. great. next came dana, she brought her plan to completely revise jackie s etsy site. jackie, i am so excited to be here with you and really dig into your shop. so at first glance i think it s really great that your shop truly tells a story. when you go into your about page here, which is very important, you have access to 35 million buyers across the world on etsy so you can really share your story and give them an inside look to the behind the scenes, the farms that you work with, really highlighting that local feature that you guys are showing here in the retail location. dana and her crew incorporated all of gordon s new pictures into the etsy plus program which they showed to jackie. are you ready to see your new and improved shop? okay.
so you worked with the photographer and got some really clean, new branding images. they see the variety of hot sauces that you offer. the beat ketchup, which i hear is quite the rage. that s one of our most popular products. we have all of these great images and then when you tag things on etsy, what that means is you re calling to all of those customers who may not know you exist. okay. we are gearing up for the holiday season. you have great options that are gifts but i notice in your category listings there s not a tag that says gifts. right. your shop has incredible hot sauce, pickles, bloody mary mixes and all of these things. as a shopper, i think, okay, i maybe would look for a foodie gift or i maybe look for just the word gift, period. i want to on board you on to etsy plus which is our latest tool that we re offering sellers. what s great about etsy plus is you re able to customize your
shop. you can add up to three or four images that will be a carrousel so people can get more of a visual option. great. it s a great place for you to feature the best-selling items and really put more of a visual aspect to t. right. you ve also got promoted listings. so just like we talked about, if i as a shopper type in hot sauce, because you re doing promoted listings, it s going to push your item up to the top to be found quicker. and then the third thing is about the restocking option is really going to be able to notify customers if it s back in stock so that you re not losing out on opportunities for those shoppers to come back, especially during this holiday season. so we know from data from etsy that when our sellers offer free shipping, that they sell a lot more items, right? but we also know that you re a small business and you can t do
that. right. it s kind of unrealistic to think that what. what that really means is rethink your pricing so that those prices, those shipping prices can be baked into the cost of your item so that you can bring to life a fair and competitive pricing structure for your shipping. right. so do you think that someone is more likely or is more likely to buy a $23 item that is free shipping versus a $15 item that we put shipping on to? yes. that s something to think about. also you have to bake that into your listing prices. right. right. tell me what your favorite feature of the difference? i think the general appearance. the opening the introduction to the shop that someone s going to see when they click into something i think really tells the story a lot more than it has so i think that s great. photography is just great. being able to put that online, it just looks really different than it did. looking forward to using it. awesome. i m so happy. i m so happy. honestly, i can t wait to get shopping myself.
you made it! cheers. cheers. coffee and our tea. what did you think? i thought it was great. i got to learn a lot of things from people and i especially loved seeing all the imagery. from everyone. the pictures are beautiful, right? yes, words to build on, i thought. in the beginning you told me you felt overwhelmed. right. right. do you feel less overwhelmed, more overwhelmed? i feel as overwhelmed as always but i feel like some steps have been taken to get to the next level in terms of especially for the holiday season, being ready for that and not being overwhelmed by having to make everything perfect by myself and having the resources of other people to help me do that. you wrote to us and you said, i need help. right. was this the help you needed? yes. absolutely. it was definitely a jump start and a kick start at getting some things done that i just don t think otherwise i would have been able to do on my own. sounds good. i wish you the best of luck.
thank you. i think you have amazing products here. i ve had so much fun walking around your store. thank you. i am excited to see you continue growing. so excited too. there is no bigger supporter of small business saturday than the nation s small business administration. with me here in the studio is sba administrator linda mcman to talk about why she thinks this day is so important. it is so nice to have you in new york. thank you. it s great to be here. thank you for coming to our studios. this is our day. this is our holiday. this is it, november 24th. saturday, november 24th. shop small. visit your small businesses because small businesses make communities and so we need to support our small business owners. go there, shop, go to the ones you know, find ones you don t know. go into a restaurant, have lunch. go to a cafe and have a cup of coffee in the morning. just wander in and out and go with friends. go with family. it s a great day to go shopping. so many people have told me that when they do shop small
businesses, especially on small business saturday, that they just love it. about 73% of those folks who go in have such a positive comment to make and to businesses for those days. we want to convert small business saturday, please go. that s in between thanksgiving and cyber monday. yes. right after black friday so it s shop small saturday. you know, start that let it be a trend that you re starting and keep shopping small throughout the year. i sound like a broken record but i always say, if you do not, those companies aren t going to be there, right? yup. that s right. don t go to your toy store in the neighborhood to buy some of your holiday gifts and that toy store is going to go away. it s that simple. it is. small business will ask me, how am i going to compete? how do i compete with some of the big box stores? when you think about it, what can you offer that they can t? niche products sometimes. but it s service. it s being that part of the neighborhood. i mean, what name do you see on
the back of the little league shirt? exactly. it s joe pizza or it s the commune ity bank. they support the fundraisers, bake sales to send the band off on a competition. they re the glue in the communiti communities, and so it s so important to keep them alive and well. so i i want to spend a little time just talking about the sba. i know you had made this promise to go visit every district in the first two years. 58 out of 68, is that where you are now? 47 states. so you are almost done with this? yes. what have you learned and what are you telling people? what does our audience not know about the sba? well, first of all, i don t think that people really understand the full breadth and scope of sba. i think you re right. how many of you think sba is about loans. you ll see hands go up. do you really realize we don t make the loan, we guarantee loans. do you also understand that we
have all of these resources to help businesses start, grow, expand and sometimes recover from disaster. we have our score offices, sbdc offices, women s business centers, veterans outreach centers. let s go through quickly. score is amazing because you can go into score and get an advisor for free. for all of these services are for free. any of these offices that you might go into. so score s manned by volunteers, often business executives who have retired. they re giving back. sometimes executives who are still there, sometimes marketing representatives or experts in other fields and you can go, let them take a look at your business, help you with a business plan, your marketing plan. it s incredible resource right there. it is. someone who will work one on one with you. it is. so if you go to and you can go to different states, different districts and find out, you know, how is the best way for you to maneuver where you live. and i urge folks, take advantage
of all of the resources, the mentoring, the networking aspects. i am the chief advocate for 30 million small businesses around the country so i want to make sure they know about the resources that are available to them, not only access to capital but also the mentoring aspect, the actual connecting with businesses that might be beneficial to them, helping them export because we have an international trade department at sba helping them look at those markets outside the united states. so it s very robust and i m very proud of what we re doing. let s end with one last thing. shop small. i found something really amazing in beloit, wisconsin. great beat ketchup which was so tasty from bushel and peck s in wyoming bushel and peck s ketchup from bushel and peck s in beloit, wisconsin. then also this amazing popcorn
on the cobb. so you stick it in the microwave and it sticks on the cobb. small business. niche business. shop local, shop small. thank you very much. november 24th, saturday. i ll see you in a small store. all righty. yes, you will. we ve launched the third season of our podcast, been there, built that. in honor of small business saturday, i talked to three small business owners who faced a really tough time in their business and overcame them. bruce schoenberg is owner of oasis spa in new york. he literally brought his business back from the ashes following a fire. jenn rosen dms baun told me about her story. i hope you git a chance to listen to this episode. if you do, leave some comments. we d love to hear what you think. go check it out, it s called ben there, built that. you can get it wherever you get your podcasts.
our small business saturday from beloit, wisconsin, continues. we take a stroll with the city manager who tells us what the town is doing to get people to shop local. and a look back over the years to see what businesses around the country have done to attract customers on small business saturday. the community doesn t just have small businesses, it is small businesses. and that s why american express founded small business saturday. so, today, small business saturday, let s all get up, get out and shop small. i got croissant. shopping small, a small way to make a big difference.
bit in the last 20 years. one of the reasons is because there s a group of people concentrated on turning this city into what it can become. one of those is lori, city manager here. so nice to see you u. thank you so much for coming. i ve had a great time in the city and would love a tour from you. there s a lot of old and new mixed together. there are. we re right in our downtown area and we have a couple of businesses here, stanton shoes and the barber shop across the street. they have been here over 100 years. the same family running the store all of this time? yes. it s been in their family over 100 years. how have you been able to get all of these businesses to work together to try and revive this
area downtown? we have one of the oldest associations created 30 years ago to promote his physical area of the city and businesses here. and do you guys do this all year round? i know you do a lot around small business saturday, but what else do you to? there are events all the time. this area and the block are closed every saturday morning for our farmer s market and several of our downtown storefronts started as vendors in our farmer s market. bushel and peck is one of them. this is north wood s premium. my favorite. yes! i love candy stores more than i m like a kid. oh, yes. you re getting gummies, right? oh, yes, yes. you get the gmummies. how long has this store been around? they started as a vendor in our farmer s market and came into this space. we re thrilled to have them. homemade fudge. you make this right back there? you do? all right. fantastic.
one thing i ve noticed about this area on these two streets you have all of these great restaurants? we do. brand new ones as well. lucy s burger bar has stuffed burgers. even a macaroni and cheese stuffed burger, if you can believe it. that is my 11-year-old s dream. right? two of his favorite dinners mashed up into one thing. smells very good walking by there. looking for something a little more sophisticated, sushi. come here and feel just as though you were in chicago. and getting people from all neighbors cities and towns to come to these restaurants? we are. we ve become quite the hot spot. having this river go right through your city is special. one of oof our biggest asset and this bridge. looks new? it is brand new. donated by a family and the city maintains and owns it but it
connects these campuses. all the people working in the iron works campus can just cross the river. go downtown for lunch. the iron works campus is what? so this was the site of the former beloit corporation. also known as the iron works, and so it went out of business in 2000. it had been here since 1850. it was devastating to this community and all of the jobs lost when it closed. so beloit have been having a renaissance to diversify its employment base and have a campus completely revitalized. i also think when you have a combination of big companies with more staple jobs, you can bring in employees and then you have small companies, you just get to attract a lot of people who could work here, because one of the problems of being a small company and opening in a town or a city is that where are you going to get your employees? right. so we do have that diversification, which i think is really what is making us
successful today. we aren t overly reliant on one major employer. we have several large employers and also a variety of small businesses as well. and then there was one one building back there you were telling me about. yes. so that is the former generating station. the power plant. it is going it be the power house for beloit college. currently underconstruction. an incredibly unique student center with recreational activities, a pool. it s going to be a really wonderful asset, not just for the college but for the city as well. how fun. the first small business saturday was on november 27, 2010. it was created to get people to shop small, and to remind them to think about what it means when they put dollars back into their local community. over the past nine years we ve had the chance to travel around the country and see some of the fun and really creative promotions communities have done to encourage people to shop
local. after nine years, small business saturday is now a national movement. motivating independent community businesses to develop innovative ways to get consumers away from the malls and on to main streets and locally-run ecommerce sites. that push has business owners thinking out of the box. we are going to give away to all customers who spend $50 or month a $25 holiday surprise bag. this small business saturday we re going to be having factory reps coming in to demonstrate and food tastings, which people love. it s fun to come in and taste something good on small business saturday and gets people in the mood for the holiday gift giving season. over these past nine years small business saturday has spurred a shop local movement that has helped businesses get customers to understand that when you spend local, your money stays local. in arizona, a state-wide 10%
shift campaign got the word out about how moving 10% of your spending to a local business can have a big impact. what we re saying is, let s all be mindful of where our money goes when we spend it and understand the local business then in turn will have a local accountant or graphic designer, and that money stays in the economy and creates additional jobs. in oregon a loyalty program was started called supportland. customers use a card making a purchase giving them points to exchange for rewards. the rewards are important as more of like a hook, a game. it makes it fun, but our customers are not in it for the rewards. they just want an excuse to get out and support local. in mountain brook, alabama, they ve made shopping local a year-round opportunity with live local saturday movement encouraging customers to buy from any community business that day and for businesses to sell locally made products. we ask all the businesses in mountain brook to come up with a list of items that he were
already selling that were made locally and branded it for the day and people knew, you want to buy those pair of earrings, they weren t made in new york but made here in alabama. and in fargo, north dakota, businesses historically closed on sunday until retailers decided to start the open sunday initiative to get customers to shop local. sunday is a day for families and friends to get together and a lot of times that s the only day that people can go out and do their shopping. if we re not open on sundays, where else do they have to go other than like the mall or the big box stores? or our competition. nine years later, small business saturday continues to encourage people to shop local year round and are keeping it top of mind for customers, owners and even celebrities. i think that it s really important in the our communities to support small businesses, and local businesses. i think it s good for everybody, for the community and for, certainly for the economy to support small businesses.
we are always encouraging you to shop local and support your neighborhood small businesses, but if you need a little more inspiration on that front, here are five reasons why you should do it. one, your dollars support the community. when you shop local you not only support the retailer itself but also the whole infrastructure around it. two, local businesses create more local jobs. small local businesses are the largest employers nationally and provide the most jobs to people in the area. three, invest in your community. local businesses are owned by people who live in the community, and are more invested in its future. four, support the environment. locally owned businesses make more local purchases, requiring less transportation. and five, it keeps your community unique. where we shop, where we eat and have fun, all of that builds our
community s character and make it is a place we call home. this week s your business selfie means a lot to us. it comes from philip ritter seen in the middle with his fabulous staff at ritter s custom woodwork in flemington, new jersey. they make beautiful cabinets and furniture. phil wrote to us and told us how much he appreciates the information from our show and how he s used it to grow his business by 30% annually. that makes me incredibly happy to hear, phil. thank you so much for writing in. we look forward to sees you next time. i m j.j. ramberg. don t forget to shop small and, remember, we make your business our business.

My-name-is-mike , Businesses , Small-business-saturday , Community , Mo-ney , Ever , Your-business , Backs , Business , Everyone , In-beloit , American-express

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20190704 00:30:00

world news is next. we appreciate your time. i m dan ashley. and i m kristen sze. for sandhya tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. the holiday escape turning deadly. accidents grinding traffic to a halt in two major cities, as more than 40 million americans hit the roads. now a sweltering heat wave settling in. our ginger zee standing by. a fourth of july like no other. that s what president trump is promising in the nation s capital, with tanks and military planes. but how much will it cost and who s paying? and can the white house keep politics out of it? the navy s.e.a.l. speaking out, losing his rank, but walking out of court a free man after he was cleared in the murder of an isis prisoner. what he s now saying about his fellow s.e.a.l.s who testified against him. the disturbing officer involved shooting. a man armed with a knife refusing orders, charging at police.
shots fired, and it is all caught on camera. the haunting new drawings by children inside an immigration detention center. tonight, the president s message to migrants. if they re unhappy, quote, tell them not to come. the judge under fire for what he said about a teenage suspect accused of rape, that the teen comes from a good family and has good grades. and the american phenom, just 15 years old, with another wimbledon win. her words for the opponents she ll face next. good evening and it s great to have you with us on a busy wednesday night. i m cecilia vega, in for david. and we begin with the holiday rush to get out of town. millions of americans already in the air and on the roads, and the havoc turning deadly. a truck skidding off an overpass onto a major roadway out
manhattan. at least 12 people injured. an 18-wheeler plunging off this bridge in houston. the driver did not survive. and you can see the traffic there backed up for miles. despite these challenges, a record number of people are expected to travel for this fourth of july. abc s gio benitez starts us off. reporter: tonight, these dramatic images on one of the busiest roads in the northeast, just as the fourth of july holiday rush begins. a sanitation truck overturning on the outbound side of new york s lincoln tunnel. the truck falling off of the overpass. several cars were involved in the crash. bystanders rushing to help. at least 12 people injured. this is a bumper to bumper to bumper delay. reporter: the accident causing traffic mayhem, shutting down new jersey-bound traffic in the tunnel, the highway above and critical bus transportation out of new york s port authority. they just went, no, closed. that was it. and they locked the doors. reporter: a similar scene in houston, where a tractor trailer drove off a bridge, killing the driver. emergency crews closing off four lanes of the highway to make sure it was safe. it all couldn t happen at a
worse time. more than 80% of travelers will be driving for the holiday. more than 41 million people hitting the roads. and cecilia, we should tell you, today and sunday are going to be the worst days to get on the road. that s when you re going to see the most traffic. new york, boston, houston and seattle are going to see delays three times longer than normal. cecilia? okay, gio benitez leading us off. thank you. and on top of all those travel woes, a heat wave getting even hotter with triple digits. advisories in effect from florida to the carolinas. and along with that heat, the threat of summer storms from the plains to the east coast. this flash flooding outside chicago after a heavy rain there. abc s chief meteorologist ginger zee is tracking it all. hey, ginger. reporter: hey, cecilia. we re going to be talking about heat indices reaching close to 110 degrees. and severe thunderstorms. already tornado watches on the map and warnings, excuse me, in south dakota there. severe thunderstorm watches from wyoming right through north dakota. but anybody highlighted in green
tonight could see a strong thunderstorm with lightning. so, illinois to florida, keep an eye on that if you ve got plans outdoors. then, got to watch that high pressure system, because it s really settling in. the core of that heat going to settle from savannah, waycross, georgia, down to orlando. that s where we find those heat advisories. it s going to be exposure day after day, because we re not going to cool down too much. and for the fireworks forecast itself, looks dry for a lot of folks except in the southeast, and of course back in the northern plains and rockies. cecilia? okay, ginger, thanks. we ll see you tomorrow on gma. now, to the growing controversy over president trump s fourth of july plans. the bands have been rehearsing in front of the lincoln memorial, and those armored vehicles have now been moved into place. the president is calling it a show of a lifetime, but tonight, new word on just how much this show could cost american taxpayers. here s abc s stephanie ramos. reporter: tonight, armored combat vehicles stationed on the national mall. president trump promising, quote, the show of a lifetime.
the military hardware moved in overnight on flatbed trucks. the bradley fighting vehicles each weighing 30 tons have just been loaded onto these trailers. crews preparing to move them closer to the lincoln memorial, where heavy duty crane mats have been laid down to protect the streets. they re part of the grand military spectacle the president has ordered up. we re going to have planes going overhead. the best fighter jets in the world, and other planes, too. reporter: some military planes flying in from as far away as california. the acting secretary of defense on-hand and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. and i m going to be here. and i m going to say a few words. reporter: the president s opponents fear he s turning a traditionally nonpartisan event into a trump-focused campaign-style rally. i don t think he understands this is america s birthday, not his birthday. reporter: the event is free, but the white house has given v.i.p. tickets to the republican national committee and top donors. on the mall today, i met randall thom, a trump supporter who traveled here from minnesota, and asked him about concerns
that tomorrow s event could turn into a campaign rally. what do you think about that? i think it s going to be wonderful, because our president, he puts america first. we re coming together. we re getting our country being respected. reporter: but tonight, there are new questions about the cost of this extravaganza. the national parks service is reportedly diverting $2.5 million from improvement projects. the pentagon hasn t put a number on its contribution. and the administration won t give us a price tag. but today, the president tweeting, the cost of our great salute to america tomorrow will be very little compared to what it s worth. and stephanie ramos joins us from the national mall. stephanie, president trump says the fireworks for tomorrow s festivities will be donated, but now there are new questions about that tonight? reporter: there are, cecilia. the owner of that ohio company that donated the fireworks, he had asked the president to hold off on new tariffs on chinese products, including fireworks.
the president later announced he would do that, but on that same day, the administration revealed the donation of the fireworks for the fourth of july. cecilia? stephanie ramos, thank you. we ll turn next to the navy s.e.a.l. cleared in the murder of an isis fighter. today, edward gallagher was demoted, but he walked out of court a free man. and now while offering an apology to his fellow s.e.a.l.s, he also accused some of framing him from the beginning. here s abc s will carr. reporter: navy s.e.a.l. eddie gallagher lost his rank but still walked out of court today a free man. the decorated special officer faced a murder charge in a case that pitted navy s.e.a.l.s against each other. this small group of s.e.a.l.s that decided to concoct this story in no way, shape or form represent the community that i ve, you know end loved. reporter: the jury acquitted gallagher on the most serious charges, but convicted him for posing in a picture next to the body of a teen isis fighter. before sentencing today, gallagher apologized for bringing a black eye to the marines and the navy.
prosecutors alleged that gallagher, a medic, killed the teen. at trial, a fellow s.e.a.l. testified that he stabbed him. they tried to frame me as a criminal from the get-go. but you know, we knew the truth the whole time. reporter: the explosive twist in the trial came when corey scott, a s.e.a.l. with immunity in the case, testified that he, not gallagher, was the real killer. after he blocked his breathing tube following the stabbing, because he knew the teen was going to die anyway. gallagher had strong and unusual support from the commander in chief. before the trial, president trump got gallagher out of confinement. what do you want to say to president trump? thank you. reporter: president trump tweeted today to the fall la ger family, congratulations. you have been through much together. glad i could help! the jury sentenced gallagher to time served and dropped his rank, which could impact his pension. he s set to retire in two weeks, and even after all the allegations, he said he would happily serve his country again without a second thought.
cecilia? will carr, thank you. we ll turn next to the chilling police confrontation in athens, georgia. it was all captured on police body cameras. two officers heard begging a knife-wielding man to put down his weapon. the man tells them, just do it. he then grabs one of their weapons. the officer shoots and kills him. here s abc s chief justice correspondent pierre thomas. and we do want to warn you, this video is disturbing. reporter: it was a dangerous call from the start. reports of this man armed with a knife acting erratically. and as the police body camera footage unfolds, the encounter quickly escalates. put the knife down. reporter: the officers -yr- theihost min put it down, man, please. reporter: but hong appears to want the officers to shoot him. do it! reporter: he dashes toward one of the officers. seven shots fired. but it s not over. again, hong demands to be shot. shoot me! reporter: hong overpowers the officer. here you see him reaching for
the officer s gun. he s gone for my gun! reporter: it s all over in less than three minutes. hong is fatally shot. the local police chief says his officers were put in an impossible situation. i want people to be able to see exactly what the officers were confronting. reporter: the police chief said he s releasing these tapes so quickly because he wants the world to see his officers had no choice but to take a life and that they did so reluctantly. cecilia? pierre, thank you. and in las vegas, a police officer has been fired for freezing during the deadly massacre at the harvest festival in 2017. body camera video shows officer cordell hendrix remaining one floor below the gunman for nearly five minutes as rounds continually sprayed into the crowd. the attack lasted for ten minutes. 58 people were killed and 422 wounded in that massacre. next tonight, haunting new images from inside those migrant detention centers. these drawn by children
separated from their parents. they show people behind bars and in cages. this, as president trump has a message for migrants. he says, quote, if they are unhappy with the conditions, just tell them not to come. here s abc s white house correspondent tara palmeri. reporter: tonight, president trump on the defensive after disturbing images reveal what the government calls dangerous conditions at migrant detention centers. adults crammed in standing room only cells for up to a week. people sleeping on overcrowded floors. children wrapped in emergency foil blankets. the president s message to them tonight if illegal immigrants aren t happy, just tell them not to come. all problems sol he s also lashing out at congress members who sounded the alarm. these women were being told by cbp officers to drink out of the toilet. this is cbp on their best behavior. reporter: tonight, the president tweeting, no matter how good things actually look, even if perfect, the democrat visitors will act shocked and aghast. but now, a new glimpse of the conditions in those detention centers, through the eyes of children.
the american academy of pediatrics releasing these pictures from migrant children, asked to draw what it was like in the detention center. one picture after another of little faces behind bars. and tara palmeri joins us now from the white house. tara, there s news tonight about the census and confusion over whether it will include that controversial citizenship question. the supreme court, as you know, blocked it from the 2020 census. just yesterday, the administration said it would comply and print the census without that question, but today, president trump seems to be sending a very different message. reporter: cecilia, the president isn t giving up that fight. in fact, he tweeted, we re moving forward. and now tonight, justice department lawyers told two federal judges that they re looking for a plan forward to include that controversial question on the census. but that judge told them that they only have until friday. cecilia? tara palmeri from the white house for us tonight. thank you. we ll turn now to the outrage over a decision by a new jersey judge. a 16-year-old boy accused of
raping an intoxicated 16-year-old girl and sending a video of the incident to friends. the judge refusing to try the boy as an adult because, he wrote in his decision, the boy comes from a good family, has good grades and is an eagle scout. abc s linsey davis has more. reporter: this new jersey judge under fire tonight after declining the prosecutor s motion to try a 16-year-old accused of sexually assaulting another teen as an adult last summer. the family court judge citing that the young man was an eagle scout who comes from a good family, who put him into an excellent school where he was doing extremely well. this is absolutely an example of privilege playing out in the judicial system. reporter: the teen allegedly took video of the attack and shared it with friends, texting, when your first time having sex was rape. but judge james troiano, seen here on this website that rates judges, says he believes there s a distinction between a sexual assault and rape. he goes on to classify rape as generally two or more males involved, either at gunpoint or weapon. critics say it shows a deep bias
in the judge s decision-making. i would be shocked to see this result in any case where the defendant was came from a family that didn t have financial means to send their son to a good high school and that they were college-bound. that doesn t happen in those cases. reporter: an appeals court has now reversed his decision and that teen will now be treated as an adult. and tonight, there are now calls for that judge to be removed. cecilia? okay, linsey, thank you. and in alabama, a district attorney has dropped charges against a woman who had a miscarriage after she was shot. a grand jury had indicted her in the death of her own fetus. they said she was the one who initiated the fight that ended with the shooting. the prosecutor today dismissing the case. and from here in new york city tonight, saying good-bye to a hero. luis alvarez, a former nypd detective and champion of 9/11 first responders, you will remember him from giving that powerful testimony just last month on capitol hill.
today, hundreds of his fellow officers standing by as his casket was carried into the church, paying tribute to a man who spent the last of his days fighting for others. here s abc s david wright. reporter: he s the latest casualty of 9/11. today in queens, hundreds of police and firefighters paid their last respects. his sister gave the eulogy. a man who served, defended, protected until his last dying day. reporter: detective alvarez spent three months searching for survivors and remains in the toxic rubble of ground zero. it was there he contracted the policeunals are always somber affairs. this one especially poignant because of the testimony that detective alvarez gave to congress just three weeks before he died. he was urging lawmakers to renew the funding of the 9/11 victims compensation fund, about to run
out of money next year. you all said you would never forget. well, i m here to make sure that you don t. reporter: comedian jon stewart, who was there with him in washington, was here today, too. that bill to reauthorize the 9/11 victims fund is due to come up for a vote in the house later this summer. detective alvarez truly fought for it with his dying breath. cecilia? he certainly did. okay, david wright, thank you. there is still much more ahead on world news tonight this wednesday. new developments in that deadly home explosion. authorities revealing a possible cause, after that blast rocked a neighborhood, leaving one woman dead. her husband pulled from the rubble alive. the deadly volcanic eruption. a tourist killed, others forced to flee towards the sea as ash and lava rain down. and america s wimbledon phenom. why this 15-year-old, who already beat one of her idols, says she is not intimidated by anyone on the court. court.
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next tonight, to london, where 15-year-old american coco gauff was back on the court after beating her idol, venus williams. and the teen phenom did not disappoint. abc s ian pannell was right there for it all. reporter: tonight, coco gauff taking wimbledon by storm. the 15-year-old american tennis star soundly beating slovakia s magdalena rybarikova in straight sets. the pumped-up crowd here today giving her a rare standing ovation. gauff captured the heart and the imagination of many of the crowds here at wimbledon. she says she wants to go all the way to the final. and many here are hoping that happens. gauff stunned the tennis world monday, beating her idol and tennis legend venus williams. it s a dream debut for the 15-year-old! just still shocked that i m even here. reporter: even so, the youngest player ever to qualify
for wimbledon is super confident. i think i can beat anyone who is across the court and if i don t think i can win the match, then i won t even step on the court. reporter: this was a tougher match than venus, but the youngster showed her brilliance, mixing up her game and the crowd lapped it up. hold onto your seats. we could be watching history in the making. cecilia? i believe you re right. ian pannell, thank you. when we come back, more on that deadly volcano eruption. a tourist killed. and after that sip of tea seen around the world, team usa has just learned who they ll be facing in the world cup final. they ll be facing in the world cup final. i have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it like it s supposed to. trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. it s not insulin. i take it once a week. it starts acting in my body from the first dose. trulicity isn t for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don t take trulicity if you re allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer,
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salonpas. it s good medicine. hisamitsu. to the index now, starting with new developments in that deadly home explosion in north carolina. authorities believe an interior gas leak may have caused the blast. police also have identified the sole fatality as 58-year-old rania karam. her husband was seriously injured but survived. he managed to call 911 to help rescue crews find him in that rubble. a volcanic eruption turning deadly overseas. the stromboli volcano off the coast of italy rocked by a series of eruptions, sending lava streaming down its sides. several fires igniting on the island. a tourist who had trekked to the top of the volcano was killed. other tourists fled for the sea. and the stage is set for the women s world cup final. after team usa beat england in that 2-1 nail-biter on tuesday, the american squad learned today
that they will face off against the netherlands in sunday s final in lyon, france. superstar megan rapinoe says her hamstring is feeling good and she expects to be back on the field. and when we come back, america strong. a little boy overcoming a big fear, and the moment he goes for it. corey is living with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. she s also taking ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+ / her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding,
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and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. and finally tonight, america strong. and finally tonight, america strong. the little boy, his dad and a leap of faith. here s clayton sandell. say, here i come, miss margaret. reporter: we ve all got something that makes us tremble with fear. for 3-year-old r.j. hampton, his was the diving board. say, here i come, miss margaret. reporter: two years ago, his dad rob ron posted this clip. r.j. holding on for dear life. the video went viral. but we never did see how the story ended. now, there s a sequel.
all right, man. first time without me in the water with you. reporter: this is r.j. now. a self-assured, confident 5. you got it. reporter: jumping in with the heart of a pro. i m of the mindset that you you let your children face their fear and once they get to the other side of fear, there s there s an infinite amount of success or possibilities on the other side. reporter: and for the rest of us, maybe a lesson. i would say, you can do it. anything they put their mind to? yeah. reporter: about how diving right into the deep end might just lift you up to new heights. diving head first. we thank clayton for that. and we thank you for watching. i m cecilia vega. and we hope to see you right back here tomorrow night. have a good evening. have a good ing. ing. breaking news.
a firefight underway. this is a tough one. we are not only watching fire conditions closely, we are also tracking fog for part of your holiday tomorrow. details ahead. does this program work? it does. see what life is like when this is what you call home. we are getting the story because we are committed to building a better bay area. right away, an aerial attack on a wildfire. you are seeing the signs of summer in california. thanks for joining us. we have been watching this fire burn for hours. it s not close to homes. we are keeping a close eye on it. this is what we are worried about for the next several months. it s burning along the edge of alameda and san joaquin counties. coral hollow road is the nearest road. the chp shut down tesla road

World-news , Man , Rank , It , White-house , Politics , Navy-seal , Police , Officer , Seals , Knife , Shooting

Transcripts For DW Business 20190822 23:30:00

your. new york trying to. do they stand a chance. and they seem to deal. with but i guess i need to stand up for my values and contribute to something important in the sea of. future of europe starts september 2nd on d w. 3 teams take the united states fiscal shortfall to one team truong tariffs and tax cuts to widen the budget deficit to one trillion dollars in the next fiscal year. served up but so is security and the french resort town of garrett host of the upcoming g.
7 summit residents and business owners are worried the lockdown will hurt the local economy. and u.s. travel restrictions take a slice out of cuba s tourism sector. this is the business i m in in berlin welcome the u.s. budget deficit is expected to balloon to more than a trillion dollars in the next fiscal year the nonpartisan congressional budget office warns that federal debt is on an unsustainable course it says the budget deal signed into law earlier this month would increase deficits by $1.00 trillion dollars over the next decade the cvo is also projecting slower growth in the coming years means lawmakers will have to increase taxes cut spending or do both to put the brakes on spiraling debt our financial correspondent joins us from new york what does the deficit mean for the economy going forward.
well especially if you look at the future if the u.s. economy should get into a recession or we see growth slowing quite a bit so what can washington do cutting more texas for example that would even balloon the deficit higher and we ve seen it when us president donald trump took office early 2017 we saw this a mess of tax cuts and if you get less when then on the other side you get a greater deficit and this deficit would be even bigger problem if interest rates wouldn t be pretty low because otherwise the step would be even more expensive now u.s. central bankers are also meeting in jackson hole with the state of course of the u.s. economy top of the agenda what have you heard out of it so far. well
fight or go home that s what u.s. president donald trump treated trying to put pressure on the federal reserve to keep cutting interest rates we sold the 1st the federal reserve bankers arriving in jackson hole wyoming and we ve gotten some interviews and some hints that at least some of those. members are not too excited about cutting interest rates further at this point overall the u.s. economy is still on a pretty solid path so the main act clearly will be on friday when. the fed chair will take the stage where we will see if you will give any hints how likely it is to see further rate cuts but i m not really certain that we will get that much out of the jackson hole meeting by the end of the day it s also not just a general policy decision what s going to happen with interest rates in committee
but clearly this is the main act now on friday when it takes the stage for donald trump recommending fight or flight for u.s. central bankers in jackson hole that was hands carter thank you very much. see sun sand and surf as holiday destinations go the southwestern french city of garrett s pretty much has it all but this weekend it s playing host to the g 7 meeting while that might move the political contests it certainly isn t doing much for business in the city. normally at this time of year periods as beaches would be full of tourists looking to catch some waves or raise instead it s hosting some of the world s most powerful political leaders in town for the g. 7 summit. ahead of the start of the event on friday the city is in lockdown the airport and main train station will be closed to the public certain parts of the
city including the beach are only open to residents that have permits. according to the local mayor though there is no major problem. but the books and he said 1st of all i would say and berates about everyone knows that starting august 20th we see a decrease in the number of tourists we are not at the peak holiday season of august member of the but local business people are not impressed by the disruption during what should be one of their busiest weekends. i ll do to produce 1st of all we have to say that for 3 days now we ve seen a decrease in revenue and it s not the last week of the holiday season but the 2nd to last week like been running this stand during the holiday season for 15 years now and berets and this is usually my best week yeah you ve seen my me of simmons because it s stupid simply put just stupid i think it s ridiculous they should have
organized it in the middle of winter but it would have had a positive impact for businesses that usually don t do as well jordan winter. the reason for all the security is to thwart protesters to come out in force for such high profile political gatherings but with such a massive security operation in place it s likely that the only people protesting will be those whose business has been hit. overfishing is reducing fish stocks around the world and africa has been particularly badly affected and gone and the situation is becoming serious over 2 and a half 1000000 fish and the well being of the industry is critical to livelihoods and the west african country. every morning uncle a young son goes out to sea full of hope he has been. a fisherman for over 12 years it was his own uncle who taught him when he was a boy. now yanks in a showing his own sons the ropes fishing is getting more difficult here. and see
that s the way we start our day by asking god to help us to catch some fish or there was i don t know what we will eat at home but i want to this is the only thing i can do to look after my wife and my kids. and all my if you. like. song as well as prayer is used to try and coax some fish into the nets for a long time the good man coast was home to one of africa s most fish rich bodies of water but in the last 50 years fish stocks have dropped by half and today it s the same old story for uncle arthur yanks and his prayers for full nets have not been answered. at the fish market in the town of elmina some fishermen have done a bit better it seems but the fact remains that the ocean here is being heavily overfished and the marine ecosystem is in danger earlier this year the government
took action. i asked symbolically close the sea. in the name of the father and of the south and of the horn is spirit. last spring again in ministry of fisheries decided to impose a fishing ban on the country s coastal region. busy its plan to reduce the fish in their faults. as they in the year and also so show that. talks at this time it is expected that that might carry to your fish will be spawning. it is the time for them to spawn. these are hard times for ghana s fish from. this fishing will not be the last but it may well help secure a future livelihood not just for on call. but for the millions of going to hands
who depend on fishing. plans to revamp truck plants owned by its chinese a joint venture partner photon to build mercedes-benz branded heavy trucks in china under the plant photo and will reportedly adversities ben s branded actually as heavy trucks to its production lines savings bonds truck bends trucks currently sold in china are imported the truck market in china is holding up well despite declining auto sales this is because of growth in e-commerce and improved logistics infrastructure us month photons parent beijing auto bought a 5 percent stake in dimer. cuban cigars a stroll on havana s famous malecon while classic cars drive by many americans have enjoyed their trips to cuba over the past 2 years after travel sanctions to the communist country were loosened under the obama administration today the situation is quite different. tourism was supposed to be
a growth industry in cuba but ever since u.s. president trump has banned american cruise ships from cuba and type interests and u.s. citizens to travel there a short boom to the island nation is over tourist arrivals are down 23 percent for the month of july following a 20 percent drop for the month of june trumps fight against the government have on the past people suffering. by it all now are we re talking about a stratospheric drop the united states government is intentionally seeking to do harm to the cuban government but what they are actually doing is harming us the workers those of us who work for ourselves but have an agreement with a government that has been a catastrophe since june. among the 1st victims of the trend restaurants where the number of guests has plunged. to the sad i m off
a cruise ships really had an impact during the low season because when we were in arlo s these and there were cruises you didn t really feel it because the americans really kept tourism afloat tourists from america will good tourists but well now they are not here and we still have to be working. for trump his actions against cuba seem to be a political ploy for many in cuba there are nexus tensional threats. from me and the business team here in berlin for more business news and features check out d.w. dot com. slash business our follow us on social media i m john album along thanks for watching. the be.
the best. the band. the band. sometimes more exciting than real life. to. it all. for 30 moments. ritualised the german boss treats. its house
laugh. make them from people make fun about their own social economic and political campaigns. in mozambique we say that you have to laugh so you don t write it s how people call we. as i often call call these folks in the back by my fellow countrymen i actually spotlight by taking it all to all those jobs finding out what people are talking about what is moving them . my father taught me how to ask uncomfortable questions about my country and above board that is why i said. i keep doing to this the main ways that i work at.
nasa hasn t been the stock. is facing mass extinction. you could say that something is in danger. but there is a glimmer. because companies are uniting to create. the possibility. not only animals will be sent. to. the lions share. of the conservation of hope. the. sounds of just trying to miles davis from a new documentary on general relief. welcome to arts and culture more on that movie in
a moment but also coming up the great renaissance master peter broad of the elder is being celebrated all over the belgian capital prospects. and gamers delight here in germany at the moment when the world s biggest computer games event games cong. for jazz fans the long white is what is being hailed as the definitive documentary about legendary trumpeter miles davis hit cinemas this week the director stanley nelson 1st started this project over 15 years ago most importantly with the permission of miles davis family and sony music but it was shelved until 2 years ago now the story of one of the most influential and brilliant musicians in the world of jazz can be told in birth of the cool. more than any other jazz artist miles davis had the qualities of a rock star when he was a boy his father gave him

Economy , The-business , Lockdown , Cuba , Restrictions , Slice , Business-owners , United-states , Tourism-sector , Debt , Course , Congressional-budget-office

Transcripts For DW Tomorrow Today 20190824 03:30:00

the secrets to the great. alexander 100 more of our series on tomorrow today we want to see what he saw to experience what drove him a journey through latin america following in the footsteps of the great scientist the journey continues from the deserts of our room to the fascinating underwater world of the humboldt current. to borrow to do it in 30 minutes body double. the bauhaus turns 100.
100 years of modern mr arkell temperature. 100 years of functionalism n.p.r. isn t. what s behind the legend. we asked the experts about it. in 60 minutes on the w. s o s europe the european crisis. if it s to have a future it will meet champions young champions. meet for activists who are countries. they are fighting for the dream for you measure up. do they stand a chance for. can they save the european idea.
oh my god i need to stand up for european values and contribute to something important that she of. the future of europe starts september 2nd on d. w. . brazil s president jacob also not who has authorized the deployment of the country s armed forces to help combat fires raging in the amazon rain forest this comes amid a growing international outcry over the blazes that threatens a huge trade deal french president emmanuel in my cong said the fires were an international crisis and vowed to block a trade agreement between the european union and south american countries over brazil s lack of action. activists gathered in the french resort town of be at. it s ahead of this weekend s g. 7 summit described global poverty as another kind of fire threatening the world the
meeting of the globe s richest nations promises to be challenging in addition to brazil s wildfires g 7 leaders will consider a range of hot button issues including migration u.s. iran relations and international trade. $356.00 migrants have been allowed to disembark on the mediterranean island of malta ending the latest impasse between european union governments and n.g.o.s q. ships the migrants will be relocated to 6 other countries france germany ireland luxemburg portugal and romania. the u.s. supreme court says justice ruth bader ginsburg has undergone treatment for a militant tumor in her pancreas the court said the 86 year old supremes court judge needed no further treatment at this time. a $12.00 punch practically designed to take off donald trump he s responded in kind
out there china if the u.s. with a fresh round of tariffs on american goods and after the feds jerome powell didn t respond the way trump wanted him to. some worries they can t drink away french bent nerves are anxious over donald trump s threat to slap levies on their wine. a historic free trade deal between the e.u. and the worthless or blocking they go up in flames as pressure mounts on brazil over the wildfires of raging in the amazon. basin of the w. business i m joined now in berlin welcome now this may surprise you but china s earlier unveiling of a new round of retaliatory tariffs on about $75000000000.00 worth of u.s. goods at an angry response from president donald trump he s an entire tariffs on chinese goods starting its. tambour that s after an earlier tweet storm accusing china of costing the us trillions of dollars he also said u.s.
companies were quote here by order to immediately start looking for an alternative to china now just as a reminder the latest round of tariffs from beijing was a response to washington s last move to tax an additional $300000000000.00 worth of chinese goods taking effect on september 1st and december 15th which has now been increased to 15 percent from 10. yes carter joins us now from wall street younes when trump says that american companies should look for alternatives to china apart from shifting manufacturing back to the u.s. what does that even mean. well i mean clearly the u.s. president can force the u.s. corporations to move their business away from china about to it clearly marks an escalation point in the trade relations between china and the u.s. and after the market closed here on wall street u.s. president donald trump announced that he is going to increase tariffs on chinese
imports and investors on wall street clearly got to call it on the wrong foot and then specially shortly before the weekend nobody really wanted to have too much risk in the market before the weekend and we saw quite a sell off here on wall street at some point. by about 800 points by the end of the day blue chips were off by a good 600 points and that marks the 4th consecutive week of losses here on wall street. a fast moving story right before the weekend we can all relate but stick around because there s more to get through and to another target of trump s ayer us federal reserve chairman jerome powell has been under pressure from the president to slash the interest rate soon apollo has given little and the occasion of any change to interest rate policy in his speech to the u.s. central banks will gathering in jackson hole wyoming here he is walking with outgoing bank of england governor mark carney after delivering his remarks the
world s most powerful central banker said the u.s. economy continued to perform well but he did note the risks linked to its trade war with china and said monetary policy alone cannot fix all the potential economic fallout from it. and we re back with course to on wall street now again what is wall street expecting now with regard to future rate cuts jerome paul as expected stood not to mention that we are going to see another interest rate cut anytime soon you said that he s going to he and his fellow. members of the federal reserve are going to close the observed the developments and then act accordingly but the bets on wall street are crystal clear investors here see 100 percent chance that we will see another rate cut at the next meeting mid september and chances for another rate cut in october stand more than 70
percent of wall street is convinced the world see those rate cuts and they ve actually calmed the market a little bit before we got this storm from a u.s. president donald trump. card to they re with us on wall street thank you very much . and returning to the topic of tariffs at this time from the us on french wine wine is france s 2nd biggest export the us is by far its biggest market and last year it imported 3600000000 dollars worth of the stuff washington has threatened to flop flop he would levies on it a move which would place serious pressure on vintner s across products. at the end of the summer trimming the vines of their excess leaves is one of the last tasks wine makers face. after that it s wait for the harvest this year vindu pierre thomas thinks his bordeaux could turn out fairly well. on media zeman
so far the year has gone smoothly. it s only august the wine harvest is in early october so we have a bit of time before we know for sure. 11 you know so i m. less predictable is what will happen to sales especially to the united states after president trump said he would slap a huge import tax on french wines of thread pierre s brother in law is taking seriously the family has worked the vineyards here for 3 generations and he says every penny counts. i think he was already that s his character. but i hope he is not serious. if he really was the customs duties of french wines really i don t know if we will be able to make any money on the wines we exported to the united states. any.
given. in some time in young and some $2400000.00 cases of wine are produced every year mind making here goes back to roman times the region was even declared a unesco world heritage site the finest vintages always find a buyer but wine merchant maxine peake says meat market producers will suffer. or die points they might survive it and new markets will come i mean if it s done they re going to us they will go to another place is when you re de best in something you would already have them and so that s i my opinion not a big problem for the main production it s going to be a huge issue yes and that means wine makers like pierre and his family for them politics add another layer of uncertainty to a laborious production process a process that is already being threatened by extreme weather that most scientists
put down to climate change nationally for hector s of our vines froze this year and it can hail any time before the harvest there are many weather patterns we just can t predict it. pierre and his family are confident the french president will stand up for them i think g. 7 summit whether or not he wins the political battle could affect wine lovers all around the world. french president. has promised that this year s summit of g 7 leaders and bar it s full focus on the fight against inequality it s a tall order given that the g. 7 been talking about this issue for years now with little to show for it at least that s what she s 7 critics say. ahead of the summit the organization set out 7 key issues it says the g 7 was act upon. for years oxfam activists have shown up at g 7 summits to protest against social inequality. this time around and berets is no
exception to the g 7 countries oxfam says have to get their act together. the protesters demands include increased climate protection more funding for education and health fair tax systems and gender equality because we need to show that there is a difference between the acts of all the. prisons here in derry it s the reality. there is a lot of speeches very interesting all the warts are there but the act not and we need to tell them that it s time to be brave time to be great time to act against inequalities time to act against poverty. some of these points like the one concerning gender equality came up in talks on friday between among the president of g 7 host country france and n.g.o.s representatives but several protests calling
for an end to empty promises are still slated to take place on the sidelines of the so much. the free trade deal between the e.u. and south american bloc marcus or took 20 years to negotiate was finalized in june but now it s on shaky ground france and ireland say brazil has were nega on environmental commitments in the deal and they will block it as a result that s amid an international outcry over wildfires raging in the amazon. the amazon fires may be an environmental disaster but they are being found by the country s crippling recession. populus president gyre bazza narrow is using his country s economic plight as an excuse to allow corporate interests free rein in the wilderness under both the narrow deforestation has accelerated white swathes of the rain forest have been cut down for timber or even worse burns down to make room for cattle for soybeans or to be developed by mining companies there are rich
reserves of copper in the area a treasure trove for a populous president many experts say the dire economic situation and much of the country has enabled by the narrow to implement his agenda. there wasn t by easing we have a country an economic recession and this kind of thing is happening and dizzy the father has under the tree house saying it s illegally done by people invading areas that shouldn t be ok pyatt but. both scenarios planned on wednesday that environmental groups are responsible for the fires without evidence when pressed for evidence he said it was simply his feeling the fires are strongly suspected to result from the recent intensification of deforestation in the amazon brazil has seen an 84 percent increase in far as far as this here more than half in the amazon region. that s it for me and the business team here in berlin for more business news and features check out d.w.
dot com slash business are follow us on social media i m john el-gamal and thanks for watching and happy have a happy weekend. if
you ever have to cover of a murder best way to make accidents raring to. remember reading my christmas. list. streets. she said meeting. up of the agenda little inequality the crisis with iran and international trade. of donald trump stacked with his host french president michel and the trade war with china can derail everything. the british prime minister might use the occasion for is bright press and show. reporting from the g 7 meeting in p.r. it s life for d.w.i. news. it s time to take one step further than face the loss of. time to search the no fun for the troops.

Crisis , Experts , W-sos-europe-the-european , 60 , It , Activists , Countries , Champions , Dream , Fighting , Chance , Idea